#he's a guy with an eye for beautiful things. and Iz happens to be a very beautiful thing
lightbluetown · 11 months
i saw some people say ed and zheng are master strategists while stede is just some guy with ridiculous luck, but i think that's unfair. sure stede's ideas are insane, but they fit the looney tunes ass universe of ofmd perfectly. they're mostly well-thought-out, well-executed and they showcase stede's strengths and growth! so allow me to talk about them:
1- ghost of the forest - 1x02
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a fuckery™ before stede even knows what a fuckery™ is! this is amateurish and stupid in every way. he's not even threatening izzy with a real dagger-- that's a letter opener. does izzy actually believe that stede has a huge crew hiding behind the bushes? doubt it! but this weird little act is enough to establish stede as a (ridiculous) pirate figure to the legendary izzy hands and to accomplish his goal of taking a hostage back
2- lighthouse - 1x04
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imagine coming up with the exact same idea at the exact same time as the most brilliant tactician of the seven seas! we don't know who came up with which parts of the plan (honestly it was probably mostly ed) but this is still bloody impressive
3- stark revelations - 1x05
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stede's first big success! he uses his knowledge of the aristocratic world to get a shipful of rich assholes to destroy each other, but he's also showcasing what sets him apart from them: this plan only comes to fruition because stede talks to frenchie, olu and abshir as equals. as people he can learn from, as sources of inspiration
4- duel with izzy - 1x06
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this one was absolutely unhinged, but its success was far from dumb luck. only stede could think of using a brazillian cherry wood mast and ed's weird stabbing lesson to win a duel, and that's what makes this plan so undeniably stede and brilliant
5- faking his death - 1x10
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i love that he just had to "die" in the most dramatic way possible. a heroic fight (tiger), a realistic accident (carriage) and the most cartoony death in the book (piano)... not only is his triple-death able to convince everyone in barbados that he's dead for good, it also allows him to have closure with his family. it's filled with stede's ridiculous unique flair, but it's designed to be a fuckery™ through and through. ed would be SO proud
6- stealing jackie's indigo dye - 2x01
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quick little stealth mission. did ricky manipulate stede into trying this out? sure. did ricky also ruin it? absolutely. but it was working until then! the swede isn't part of stede's crew at this point, but his respect for stede is what gets him to cooperate and risk his relationship with his beautiful wife. also, it's thanks to his love for fine things that stede immediately recognizes the value of "blue dirt"
7- prison break - 2x03
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in my eyes no scene depicts stede's growth better than this one. knocking zheng's entire crew out with tea is the most stede thing out there, and this plan uses the cherry wood mast as well! this plan relies on stede's (unrealistic) tea knowledge, overly-fancy ship and ability to coordinate his crew. what makes it breathtaking is that he secretly sets this plan into motion while actively mourning the "death" of the love of his life. he's putting his life on the line to rescue ed's "killers" because he's emotionally mature enough to look at things from their perspective and forgive them
8- inciting a mutiny - 2x06
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yet another brilliant plan that could only be executed by stede. this entire episode revolves around his idea of "turning poison into positivity" and here he, well, fights poison with positivity. stede captains his pirates with respect and care (best he can) which just so happens to be the opposite of ned. he exploits this and gently gets ned's crew to turn on him. he singlehandedly saves himself and his entire crew from a notorious pirate! oh he also literally invents walking the plank right after this
9- "it's only suicide if we die" - 2x08
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okay, yes, this one didn't go that well (sorry iz). but it's not like ed, zheng or anyone else had any other ideas! stede's weird suicide mission, for the most part, worked. they needed to get through british soldiers to reach their ship and they did exactly that. if only they'd remembered to check if ricky had his gun... oh well, you live and you learn
sure, ed and zheng are legends and stede is a silly newbie with wild luck. but he's also quick-witted, creative, confident and brave! he's a damn good captain and he deserves to be recognized as a good strategist!
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nrdmssgs · 7 months
Just wanted to say I love you and your works. I'm a nikolai girly and have now started to learn Russian because of him (and my russian girlfriend). Your writing has helped me learn terms of endearment , so thank you very much <3
Hi! I live for such precious moments, thank you so much! I made a little tribute to you and your love. Happens some time after the Matters)
Nikolai maneuvered between the rare passengers wandering along the corridors of the airport waiting for their flights at such a late hour. His fifth flight in the last three days, but this one was special. First of all, he was finally just a passenger, second - he was finally flying not alone, third - this one was the last flight before...
"Excuse me? Sir, could you..." An unfamiliar voice dragged Nik out of his thoughts and he stopped abruptly, looking around.
"Could you snap a pic of us?" The young woman handed him her smartphone.
He barely managed to smile and agree on that, when she darted to a huge interior garden with the comfy leisure zone, where her friend was waiting. Nikolai couldn't help but chuckled, when the woman landed on the sit next to her girlfriend and squeezed her in the most tender and eager embrace, as if they haven't separated just a minute ago. Her friend planted a soft kiss on her forehead and turned to Nik.
"Ready?" He caught the couple in the frame and got ready to take a photo.
The woman, who asked for his help, could take her eyes off her girlfriend.
"Hey, look in the camera! You want a photo or not?"
"But you're so pretty, I want to remember you in this light!"
Nikolai just grinned and pressed the snap button to make multiple photos, as these precious souls shared such a special moment. He didn't mind standing there for a while, something kept him absolutely still. Maybe it was the beauty caught in their eyes, so obviously and helplessly in love with each other. A rare view for someone, whose line of work is rather a grim one.
He took several photos before returning to them to hand over the smartphone.
"Thank you," The other woman reached out to take the phone and froze for a moment. "Nikolai. Vy iz Rossii?*"
"Otovsyudu ponemnogu...*" Nik was touched to randomly meet someone, who could read the name on the patch of his jacket, but preferred to stay more or less evasive in his answers. "A vy letite otdihat`?*"
She nodded enthusiastically and Nikolai understood right away, that she was so happy not even because of the vacation, but because of the fact, that she will spend it with her love.
"Zaviduyu vam. Beregite drug druga.*" He waved goodbye and turned away.
The bar, Nikolai was supposed to meet Olga was opposite the garden. She was sitting right next to the glass wall and looked at the trees in the greenhouse, fighting sleep. She looked absolutely unfazed, but as soon as Nik almost sat next to her - she pushed him away with a quick and precise motion.
"Nikolai, I searched three airports to get you this gift, so don't you dare to ruin it under your ass."
"I didn't see, Nebo*, I'm sorry," he laughed and sat on another chair. "What is it? Something tasty?"
Olga checked her watch.
"You'll have to wait for an hour, birthday boy." Following the direction of his gaze, Olga moved the package with the gift away from Nikolai. "But don't await anything too special. I swear, picking a gift for someone, who can afford anything, is a challenge, this life has never prepared me for."
"Well, there are some things, I want, but not always can have." Nik caught her hand, pretending to be very interested in the dial of her watch. But his lips were on her knuckles the very next moment.
"A week ago, you debated purchasing an old sports training base."
"Well, i'm a simple guy - I like a good view..."
"Ok, 'simple guy'," Zhar chuckled. "What do you want? Beside nice views and 'something tasty'?"
Nikolais gaze returned to the garden and a pair, engrossed in an embrace and happy chatter.
"I want what these two have."
Olga fell silent for a moment, looking at the couple. Then she looked back on Nik.
"... a sparkling youth and properly functioning joints?" This time, she evaded his playful attempt to push her.
"No. Just having each other, holding each other, as if there are no worries at all, looking at each other, as if nothing around exists." Olga listened to him talking and watched two ladies stretching, then standing up and leaving the garden area, heading to their gate. There really was something about them, that made the whole airport hall brighter.
She wished they stayed there for a little bit more, shining their light all around.
"Ok, love, now you can laugh at me for becoming such a pile of tenderness at the sight of them." Nikolai was ready to return to his normal mood, but Olga didn't let it happen.
With a gentle squeeze of her hand, Zhar rose from her seat, her eyes alight with a mischievous spark. Without a word, she led Nikolai to the garden area, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the glass panes.
Standing amidst a sea of lush greenery, she turned to him, a shy smile playing on her lips. "Will you dance with me?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Nik froze. He couldn't make her dance with him for many months, no matter how much he asked. Even in his house, when there was no single soul around - just them two, Olga was too shy. "I never really danced. I don't know, how it's done properly..." And no matter how many times he repeated, her skills didn't matter - she declined.
And now she wanted to dance. Right there. In a sleepy silence, interrupted only by echoes of footsteps, reaching them from different halls.
With a nod, Nik took her hand, allowing himself to be pulled into a hesitant embrace. Their movements were awkward at first, disjointed and uncoordinated, but as they swayed together, a sense of harmony began to emerge—a silent symphony of two souls finding solace in each other's arms.
In the absence of music, the only sound that filled the air was the gentle rustle of leaves in a draft and the soft murmur of their breath mingling in the night air.
Nikolai couldn't be happier. Because despite the strangeness of the whole situation, she was nearby, and she could not take her eyes off him. Maybe his Birthday was only to come the next day, but he already got his biggest present.
"Nikolai. Vy iz Rossii?" - "Nikolai. Are you from Russia?"
"Otovsyudu ponemnogu..." - "I'm more or less from everywhere"
"A vy letite otdihat`?" - "Are you flying on vacation?"
"Zaviduyu vam. Beregite drug druga." - "I envy you. Take care of each other"
Nebo - Sky/heaven
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
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thanks to @rnmbingo for throwing together such a fun event every year <3 I had wanted to fill out the entire board but alas life happens, but I did however find a lot of wonderful fic to enjoy for the last month
F/F ship: Rivalry Series by @haloud (General Audiences, 1.6k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
A Hockey AU, where Isobel and Anatsa are on rival teams. It captures the characters competitive nature’s perfectly while showing Isobel’s more awkward side.
Include a gif/image/emoji: in a little while by @jule1122 (Teen, 1.2k, Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
An AU in which Michael and Alex are happily together, and Michael gets to reflect on what their relationship means to him (there’s a bit of angst but also a dog!!!)
A work you’ve commented on before: With These Hands by @impalachick (Explicit, 1.6k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
Au, post 3x05, what’s more to say then the three way handprint connection is still intact and Max starts a train of orgasms??? It’s a really amazing concept that’s executed perfectly, all three characters allowing themselves to indulge in fantasies of each other
PODFIC: [podfic] Stay With Me by shmaylor (Teen, 0-10 minutes, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Maria chases after Liz when she leaves for her road trip post graduation (post Rosa), and she asks her not to leave (warnings: slight Max slander but like- *whispers* he deserves it)
Mature or Explicit work: a gentleman’s guide to getting pegged by your girl by georgiehensley (Explicit, 1.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
really well structured smut, where Max agrees to try pegging (WARNING: a real trigger this time, so there’s a line in here that assumes a point of view on the act of pegging that’s derogatory towards the concept of penetration, and has undercurrents of misandry)
A WIP: Surreal Estate by @beautifulcheat (Teen, 13.3k, Rosa Ortecho/Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
AU, haunted houses (sorry stigmatized properties)! The vibes are spectacular, and the characters are beautifully conveyed in this setting. Not to mention there’s mystery and intrigue.
AU (Alternate Universe) Work: Love The Very Blood of You by soldierwitch (Teen, 13.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
an AU where Max was adopted separate of his siblings, and instead of becoming a Deputy to help him sleep at night he becomes a priest, in walks Liz Ortecho an agnostic scientist who changes his world (warning: it’s a wee bit blasphemous, but as a person who subscribes to the religion in discussion it’s not actually upsetting, like I’m very personally picky about religious themes, idk if that makes sense)
“This Work Made Me___”: Charity Case With Benefits by @maeglinthebold (Mature, 1.5k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
delightfully fun, there’s only one bed and they’re all just so perfect, every single beat is timed to perfection creating a fun and heart warming scene
Author’s First RNM Work: The Powers of Flowers by incandescentchampagneproblems (Teen, 2.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
a cute little au with a flower shop, and Liz being dead certain the last thing she’ll be doing is getting caught in a rom com (but the jokes on her cause she’s in a rom com)
A Poly Work (3+ People): The Consequences of Being a Tease by tv_obsessions (Explicit, 1.7k, Maria DeLuca/Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
pure smut, in which Max and Maria enter a friendly competition to see who can make their girl feel good (in other words Liz Ortecho deserves all the orgasms) and like Max calls Maria ma’am
“I Loved ‘Quote from Work’”: I Z Z Y by @ajna-eye-cogitations (General Audiences, 0.3k, no pairings)
this fic was amazing as always (this is an author rec too guys <3) literally every single word was beautifully constructed, and like the fire and snake symbolism, truly captured Iz’s spirit in this fic
Free Space (Any Time of Comment): [fanvid] The Way - Max/Liz by @impalachick (roughly a minute each, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Beautiful! Their 3x09 road trip to the music Max canonically selected for their highschool trip
Rare Pair of New To You Ship: I like my girls just like I like my honey by milzilla (Teen, 1k, Jenna Cameron/Maria DeLuca)
Fake dating! One bed! Must I go on? They’re also going to a fancy event, and the emotions are captured so wonderfully
Fanart: Every Night I Save You by @viaomens (Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
A stunning Echo edit, that makes me wanna cry, it’s beautiful in the way visuals are but also conceptually and emotionally
“I Loved the Scene Where__”: Vision of Love by anonymous (General Audiences, 2.8k, Maria DeLuca/Liz Ortecho)
AU, Maria and Liz have a chance meeting after Liz gets an amazing job offer, their connection is flawless and the imagery is gorgeous
>50K FIC: The Truth is Right Here by @ladynox @beautifulcheat (Mature, 377.8k, Maria DeLuca/Michael Guerin/Alex Manes)
flawless, perfection, the reason I ship malexa, the world is so great, the characters so well translated (and fleshed out in beautiful ways canon could only have dreamed of). A must read IMO, joining a short list of fic I’d rec to someone unaware of the source material
Be The First to Comment on a Work: This Smile is a Loaded Gun by Limestone_and_Hemlock (Teen, 0.6k, Liz Ortecho/Isobel Evans)
AU, they’re assassins in a Charlie’s Angels esque scenario, and the tension is gorgeous (there’s also an edit)
Gen or Teen Work: what an imbecile! what an ultramoron! by @maeglinthebold (Teen, 0.3k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho/Kyle Valenti)
hilarious! Also, just so many good little pieces of who the three of them are and how they naturally come together
Comment on a Work with <10 kudos: it’s the best thing that I’ll ever do by @thesquidkid (General Audiences, 1.1k, Isobel Evans/Anatsa Mufaro)
the seamlessness of it! It’s an anatsobel wedding full of so many feelings and history, completely incapsulating why I adore them as a ship
<1000 Word FIC: Kiss of Hope by creatureofhobbit (General Audiences, 0.4K, no pairings)
a simultaneously heartbreaking as heartwarming look at Max and Bonnie’s views of their abilities
A Comment That is 1000+ Characters: State of Love and Trust by @wunderlass (Mature, 18.1k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Canon Divergent 2x05, in which Max’s Darkness is a little more difficult to shake, it’s sexy and heartbreaking, and there’s Jones parallels galore
3+ Chapters of a Multichapter Work: Heart of Lightning: A Roswellian Tale by @suzteel (Teen, 20k, Max Evans/Liz Ortecho)
Knight Liz! King Max! Sorcerers and Seers, it’s all perfection, and the way it weaves canon flawlessly into the setting is stunning
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layzeal · 2 years
hmm, everyone knows i'm a teen wangxian enthusiast and i love coming up with AUs for them and all that, but if we're talking about actual canon, i think my unpopular opinion would be that i.... really really don't think wei wuxian liked lwj "that way" in his first life
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lost-in-the-80s · 3 years
The Wedding
Pairing: Izzy Stradlin x fem!reader
Words: 2.321k
Summary: Your brother's wedding has arrived, without having a boyfriend, you invite Izzy, your best friend, to be your date. (smut)
A/N: When I started listening to gnr, it didn’t take much time before Izzy got a place in my heart, so this is for his birthday
Song rec for the fic: Woman by John Lennon
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Sitting on an airplane for over an hour now, Izzy observed your asleep figure beside him, your head laying on his shoulder, like you had done so many times before, unaware of the warmth it caused on the brunette’s heart.
He questioned himself for a thousandth time that week. Why in the hell did I agree with this?
The idea didn’t sound like a big deal at first, accompanying you to your brother’s wedding wouldn’t cause any harm. But as the days started to go by, his mind traced every aspect of a wedding, the music, the romantic atmosphere, the dancing, and he soon started to regret having said yes so easily.
The truth is that Izzy has always loved you, ever since the day the two of you met. It all happened so naturally that he didn’t notice he was in love until you went on a date with another guy.
At first, he loved your voice, he’d call you just to hear you talking for hours about the most random things. Then it was your eyes, he found himself entranced by their color, the way they rolled when you got annoyed, and how they seemed to invade his deepest thoughts and memories every time you looked at his eyes.
The last thing was your attitude, your bluntness and forward behavior shocking him sometimes, and being his main entertainment in others. He found a true interest in watching you, it didn’t matter what you were doing, you would always be in his sight.
And even though years passed, that feeling seemed to just grow more and more, and every time he saw you going out with another guy, his heart broke into smaller and smaller pieces.
Little did he know the reason behind your maneater habits.
The truth is that, just like him, you had fallen for him since day one, you loved his nonchalant attitude and his style, the shape of his hands and fingers, and how dry his voice was after his third cigarette.
Just like him, you would secretly observe him, the two of you being too good on your game to ever get caught by each other.
But you didn’t want to risk your friendship over admitting your feelings, especially when you didn’t know if Izzy felt the same way. So you went on multiple dates, meeting guys with the most different appearances and personalities, all in hopes that one day, you’d meet someone capable of making you stop thinking about the guy from Indiana. That, obviously, never happened.
A little turbulence on the plane woke you up, you immediately looked up, meeting his brownish eyes.
“It’s just turbulence. Go back to sleep.”
You nodded slowly, before laying your head on his shoulder again, inhaling his scent of cigarettes and cologne and immediately feeling your body calm down.
You looked at yourself in the mirror of the hotel room, rolling your eyes at Niki's choice of color and design for the bridesmaids' dresses.
A soft knock on the door caught your attention and there stood him, a black blazer matching his black jeans.
He looked you up and down.
"You're gonna steal the bride's attention like that."
"It's grey, the most boring color ever! I wouldn't steal her attention, even if I wanted to."
He chuckled softly.
Well, you stole my attention. He thought to himself.
Picking up your purse and gift you exited the room, locking your arm with his for support, as you got on the elevator and then walked towards the hotel's saloon.
During the entire ceremony, Izzy found his attention caught by you, the way you stood out amongst the other bridesmaids and how impatient you seemed to grow with how long the ceremony was taking.
Your grey dress looked like pure silver, reflecting the lights. You looked so beautiful that he wished he had brought a camera to take a picture of you.
Your eyes caught his for once, and you blinked in his direction, smiling when you saw his lips turn into a small smile.
After what felt like forever the ceremony ended and he found himself sitting at a table with “Y/N and boyfriend” written down on a card.
“I think someone gave them the wrong info.” He showed you the card when you plopped down on the chair beside him.
You rolled your eyes. “Classic coming from my family.”
You lifted the tablecloth, making him look down to see what was happening.
“These heels are killing me.” You complained, removing your silver sandals and quickly massaging your feet.
“I bet they are.” He took two champagne glasses from a waiter passing by.
He knew you weren’t used to heels. Being almost his height, you never felt the need to wear them that often.
“Thanks.” You took your glass towards your nude lips.
“How much did you pay for that gift?” He pointed towards the biggest package on a pile, knowing it was yours.
“300 bucks.”
His eyes widened for a second.
You didn’t wait for him to say anything, knowing exactly what was crossing his mind.
“He’s my only brother. I might not like Niki that much, but he’s happy with her, and I’m happy for that.”
“Fair enough.” He drank from his champagne again. "Those ice statutes are quite tempting for a man who wants to take a piss,"
He chuckled to himself, but soon realized that your attention was focused on the main door.
“See that girl over there?” You pointed at the door.
“What’s with her?”
“That’s Braeden,” the name made him realize she was your sister. “She’s the only woman taller than me here….”
He looked back at you, and so you lowered your voice, keeping eye contact with him.
“When the bouquet time comes, you’re gonna block her.” You gestured aggressively with your hands, making a smile start to form on his lips.
“There’s no way my younger sister is gonna get married before me.”
He chuckled. “I didn’t know you aspired to marriage Y/N.”
Your eyes softened with his sentence and a small pain formed in your heart. If only he knew what crossed your mind when you looked at him during the ceremony.
The night seemed to go by faster than he expected and soon he found himself at the drinks table, observing as you talked to some relatives of yours on the other side of the saloon.
You sensed his eyes and looked towards him, giving him a look that said “Help me.”
He chuckled softly, but before he could do anything a woman’s voice caught his attention.
“You must be Izzy.”
He looked to his side, seeing a woman that looked just like Joey, your brother.
“Yes, and you are….” He extended his hand for her to shake.
“I’m Martha, Y/N’s mother.”
“Pleasure to meet you.”
“I didn’t know the two of you were dating.”
He choked on his drink.
“We aren’t, we’re just friends.” He looked down for a second.
She nodded slowly, before locking her eyes on your side.
“I know my daughter very well,"
Her voice made him look back at her.
“She has had many boyfriends in her life, but I’ve never seen her look at them in the way she looks at you.”
He opened his mouth, but your presence made him stop.
“Hey, mom!” You smiled, kissing her cheek.
“Hello, darling.” She touched your hair, adjusting some locks. “I promised I'd dance this one with your father.”
You nodded in understanding as she smiled before walking away.
“So… wanna dance with me?” You nudged him from the side, before taking a sip from his drink.
“With this song?” He asked, taking notice that Woman by John Lennon was playing.
“Why not?” You shrugged.
“Okay.” He placed his now empty glass on the table before taking your hand and guiding you towards the other people there dancing.
One of his hands held you delicately by your waist as you slowly swung to the song. Your eyes locked on each other as the other people around you seemed to disappear.
Your mother’s words mixed with the lyrics hitting his head like bells as he finally noticed the glow that formed in your eyes as you looked at him, making his heart race faster than ever.
You just realized another song was playing when someone bumped into you, making a disco song hit your ears.
You both looked so distracted and for a second you thought you’d sit down for the rest of the night, not being able to feel his cold fingers brush on your skin through your dress.
But those thoughts washed away when he let go of your waist just to grab both of your hands and guide you throughout the song, just like he did for the rest of the night.
That was the happiest night you have had in your life, and when your hotel room number became noticeable at the end of the corridor, you wished you could turn back time and do it all again.
“Happy with your bouquet?”
“More than happy.” You giggled, smelling the flowers one more time.
It was comic the way Izzy put himself in front of your sister, pretending not to be aware of what was happening.
“Thanks for that.”
“If that makes you happy, I can do that at the next weddings too.”
Next weddings. The thought made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“So…” he started, stopping in front of your room as you opened the door.
“Tonight was fun.”
“Yes, it really was!” You said looking down. “Thanks for coming with me, Iz.” You leaned towards him, kissing his cheek gently.
“Anytime.” He replied so lowly that you weren’t sure if he had actually said that.
You entered your room and closed the door, resting your forehead against it as you sighed.
Rushed knocks against the wood made you regain your posture and quickly open the door.
Izzy looked deep inside your eyes, his brown orbs saying everything his mouth wanted to.
Not a second after that and you wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips colliding against his.
No kiss ever had felt like that. It was warm like fire and exciting, you felt your heart start racing faster and your mind went numb.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you as close as he could while entering your room and kicking the door shut behind him.
Soon you found yourself in your bed, your legs wrapped around his hips as your tongues fought for dominance, making small moans and grunts leave your mouths. One of his hands started traveling underneath your dress's fabric, exploring every inch of your legs, making you shiver with his cold fingers.
Your lips found his neck, kissing and biting at his flesh with desire, delighted by his irregular breathing and the small moans he tried to hold.
A certain hardness was pressed against your core among what seemed like a thousand layers of clothing. The sensation making you wet as you bit harsher on his neck, loving the smirk that formed on his lips.
He pushed himself off of you, standing up and ripping his shirt open, the sound of buttons hitting the floor filling the room.
“I need your help with the dress.”
You sat on the bed, your back facing him as he found the zipper, opening it quickly while he applied wet kisses on the extension of your back, biting your flesh just like you had done with him, making a small moan leave your lips.
“So beautiful.” He whispered against your ear, making another shiver possess your body.
You stripped off of the dress as you watched him undo his pants and remove his underwear with it.
He made his way back to the bed, his calloused fingers removed your blue lace panties slowly and delicately. One of his fingers traveled in between your folds, his eyes closing for a second when he noticed your wetness for him.
Izzy cupped your face with one of his hands, kissing you tenderly before asking.
“Are you sure?”
You felt the tip of his member entering you, making you close your eyes, focusing on the sensation it caused. You felt him slowly expanding your walls until it was all the way in, making a soft and small moan leave your lips.
Izzy looked at you for confirmation and after seeing you nod, he started moving.
In the beginning, it was slow and passionate, he made it the most intimate he could, touching every inch of your skin, whispering sweet nothings on your ear, as you traced his back and arms with the tip of your fingers, allowing your nails to softly touch his skin.
After some minutes, sweat started to form on both your bodies, your moans coming out in unison filled the room as you felt your walls start to clench around him.
That’s when he sped up his pace, the tip of his member now hitting your g-spot with no mercy, he massaged one of your breasts with his hand, while the other rested on the bed for support.
“Izzy,” His name left your lips in a loud moan and you saw a proud expression consume his features.
“I know, princess, I know.”
You closed your eyes and moaned again, feeling as you and he both came at the same time. A groan leaving his throat matching your whimpers as you felt a wave of pure pleasure wash over your body. Your legs started to shake and you scratched his back, while he bit harsh enough to leave a mark on your neck.
Both sweating and trying to gain your breath again, you laid in bed, your head resting on his chest as he softly caressed your body.
“This is not a one-time thing, right?”
“No, Y/N, it is not.”
Thanks for reading <3
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anzanity · 3 years
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Why did I have to be here?
It's the main thought that plagues your mind. You can't stand parties, the mingling of emotions makes you sick. And the sight of people who are no longer alive attached to some leaves you feeling worse.
If only your friend understood when you tried explaining it to her, you wouldn't be at this Inn where someone decided to throw a little party. The Inn keeper isn't to pleased by the sudden party starting. You can feel her upset emotions above many of the others.
"Y/n! Come here and meet people!" Your friend, Izie calls out.
You sigh and walk over. She's trying to get some random guy interested in you, but your attention is drawn by the sunset. It would be a beautiful sight if there wasn't so much going on.
"What's the point. She clearly doesn't care." The guy snaps suddenly, his anger hits you in a wave.
"I'm so sorry. I had no idea Y/n would be like this... why don't I get you a drink?" Izie says desperately.
The guy sighs and nods, the two walking off.
You take that as a chance to escape. The roof would be far enough away for you to think clearly, maybe even enjoy the view. So you start climbing the tree that the Inn is built around.
You're surprised when you see a guy sitting atop the roof, he looks shocked when you make eye contact. Knowing you wouldn't want to be bothered while up here yourself, you decided to find a spot in the tree to perch on.
"You. Come here." The man calls out quietly, almost like he is worried people will hear him other than yourself.
You look back to him confused, but the tone he carries and the look he has practically forces you to comply. And he easily takes note of how you stiffly stand and leap over to the rooftop.
He frowns some as you walk over, "How are you seeing me?"
You raise a brow, "You're a spirit? Great. Of course that would top off the day. I don't do favors anymore." You groan and turn away.
"If I were a ghost, anyone could see me. But I'm not, so how do you see me?" He snaps.
You stop and look to him, "It's a long story. If you're not a ghost, what are you?"
"It's a long story." His eyes squint, "I have time. Do you?"
You laugh bitterly, something else he notes easily, "I can see the parts of people that weren't let go of or can't let go of something, they are ghosts not many can see. I can feel people's emotions as well. My sight isn't limited to just people though. It's the elements and anything tied to the elements that I can see too. No matter the situation."
He looks surprised for just a moment, blink and you'd miss it. "How is that possible?"
"Family curse from what I could figure out. Not much on it and nobody to ask." You shrug and cross your arms, "I've given the short version of the answer to you, so will you answer me now?"
"I'm one of Liyue's adepti." He answers curtly.
You look disbelieving at him, "What's with the over all negative aura? Adepti are supposed to be peaceful and bring peace."
"Tch. You'll find none of us made it out of the Archon war without regrets." He comments idly.
"The adepti I know still has a sounder consciousness than you." You comment, the gasp, "That came out a lot worse than I ment it."
He shakes his head, "It's fine. But I want to understand more of your story. You said a family curse? Who is your family?"
You shrug, "I never learned of my family name or its history. Just had a single note left with me that was an apology." You start and sit down, "Apparently my mother didn't mean to have child, didn't mean to pass on the curse. So she left me to figure everything out on my own. I may only look twenty, but that was sixty years ago..." You sigh and look at the landscape.
You were right, the view here is much better then with all those people down below.
"Why are you here?" He asks.
You sigh, "Izie. She's a sweet girl. She thinks she can solve all the problems in the world. So she forces me to come out with her. Just don't have it in me to let her travel to far places alone. Too dangerous and she's too niave."
Your mind wanders as you look to him, he didn't even question your age. Guess that happens when you open up to an immortal.
When he doesn't answer you continue, "Normally I wouldn't do this honestly. I travel, help people along the way, and become a face they forget. But she is always in trouble... I felt like it was the right thing to do... One day she'll settle down, realize I haven't aged a day, call me cursed, and tell me to leave. That's the day she won't need my protection, so I'll leave."
"Would you mind if I asked you to stay here a while? I believe I can get answers to the questions you have." He says, almost gentle but still in a commanding tone.
You find yourself unable to say no, and that confuses you. So instead you shrug, "Izie wouldn't agree to that..."
"Tell her you are staying here with an old friend." He casually offers.
You sigh. "Fine. I'll let her know after this has all settled down." Your eyes dart along the heads of those visible from where you are sitting.
The next hour is spent in silence, listening to the people below go from enjoying themselves to saying their farewells.
You stand to go down, but turn, "I've realized I never caught your name."
"Xiao." He replies.
"Xiao..." You nod. Something inside of you seems to alight as the name leaves your lips, like you should have knows it all along. "I am Y/n."
He nods, though his attention is elsewhere suddenly.
You sigh and walk to the lip of the roof, before simply jumping down onto the terrace.
Izie runs up to you, "You've been up there this whole time?"
You nod, "I have. A old friend of mine was up there, so I sat and caught up with him some. I was planning on staying here a while..."
"YES. THIS IS NOT HOW I PLANNED IT BUT YES. Good for you!" She cheers excitedly. "I'll leave you to... catch up," She winks, "While I head back to the harbor."
"Iz. It's not like that..." You sigh, exhausted by her overly happy energy already.
"Sure. I'll see you when you get back to town. Or if you don't, I'll get why." She winks, "And I promise. No crazy adventures without backup. You've taught me well!" She giggles and turns, walking away with a wave.
"She is very hyper. How did you ever keep up with her?" Xiao's voice is right behind you.
You jump some and turn, "Jeez your quiet. And I rarely ever did. Mostly just kept a few paces behind and caught up if she needed help."
He nods, "A room is prepared for you. Get some rest and we will leave tomorrow."
"Where to?" You raise a brow.
"Someone who keeps tabs on everything in Liyue." He says casually.
A third adepti is what comes to your mind, so you shrug, "Why not now?"
"You don't need rest?" He questions.
"I can go for a few days before I have to sleep, as long as I am not in too many crowds." You shrug.
He nods, "Well our visit will be with someone who's preference is to not be bothered this late at night. It's the only time he gets to himself."
A sigh leaves your lips, "One more night after sixty years won't hurt."
He nods, looking at you purposely, though you can't fathom what it is on his mind. But before you can ask, you hear a scream from a ways from the balcony. You instantly jump off, the hight not bothering you a bit, and use the wind to propel you at a safe angle to the ground.
Xiao watches this in shock before following you.
You find Izie and that guy surrounded by hilichurls, so, without hesitation, you jump into action. "Stay out of the way!" You snap at the guy (who is holding them back from hurting Izie despite how heavily outnumbered he is).
Your sword and anemo powers have you darting around the creatures and taking them out without even a scratch being made on you.
Your shocked when Xiao joins in and the two of you fall into a fast paced synced fighting, since normally others fighting with you just slows you down.
As soon as the last one drops you turn to Izie and the guy, their fear is strong though the guy is more concerned it would seem. You never did manage to differentiate fear and concern, the adrenaline and mix of emotions made them rather similar.
Izie leaps at you hugging tight, "They came out of nowhere. At first it was just a couple... Zen was handling it... then more arrived... thank you..."
The guy, Zen, sighs, "I didn't expect that..."
Xiao's eyes narrow, "It's likely due to the sudden influx of people. Avoid large gathering like that out of the cities from now on."
Izie pulls back, "Is this your friend? It must be. I thought you were a strong fighter before but it seems you'd been holding back all along. And then the two of you together was incredible!"
"Thanks... You two should get back to Liyue soon. It's dangerous to be out for too long." You shrug it off, suddenly feeling exhausted.
"Right. I'll see you later, Y/n!" She smiles greatfully and turns to Zen.
As they walk away, you rub your forehead and sigh, turning back to the Inn.
Xiao looks at you, but you can't quite sense what he's feeling.
Come to think of it, he's only seemed to have the sense of turmoil about him this whole time. Even if his facial expression slightly changes to show another emotion, you just feel the turmoil. It's familiar to how you yourself feel most days.
And then there's the way you fought. You've never felt more at ease when having someone fight along side you, nor fallen into sync with them.
"Are you alright?" Xiao asks, having moved a few paces ahead.
"Yes. I think the energy from today finally caught up with me." You wave it off and start walking.
It doesn't take long for you to reach the Inn and head to your room where you easily find yourself falling asleep, like it was calling to you for the first time in a long time. You can't remember the last time you needed to sleep. Normally you do it just to ease the tension of all the interactions you had over the days.
Xiao can't help but to wander, the way you complied to his commands, this curse you have, and the way you seem to be attuned to the world in a familiar and similar way, what does it all mean? It seems like something he should remember, but he simply cannot remember it.
Smoke and fog surround you as fight your way through crowds of powerful beings. Flashes of all the elements blurs your vision as you flow through the targets of your wrath. You see Xiao and he says something to you, then you follow him to an area that's practically empty. Something strikes fear and grief in you, suddenly you don't see anyone around you. Then you feel like something pierces you.
You wake with a shallow gasp and jolt upright. This is the first dream you've had in decades, and by far the most confusing.
Your hand goes to your waist where you felt the sharp pierce, but nothing is wrong with it. A sigh escapes your lips as you stand and head out to the balcony.
It's quiet, and the sunrise is stunning. You find yourself lost in it.
"Would you care for anything this morning?" A young woman asks.
"I'm fine. Thank you." You comment, and she leaves. She had such a neutral energy, most of the staff here does for the most part. It was only during the party they seemed annoyed. Before it and after, they were serene. It's a unusual feeling, but you could get used to it.
You feel Xiao's emotions as he approaches, but stay silently facing the sunrise.
He sighs, "Not to interrupt, but are you ready?"
You nod, "Where to?"
"We will be meeting outside of Liyue Harbor." He says casually.
You look to him and nod, "At your lead."
He stops and looks to you, "Don't say that."
You nod, "I'm not sure where that came from. Apologies."
He nods and starts walking. You follow along, enjoying the views of the hike for the first time in a while.
Within a few hours you arrive to the cliff just before the gates of Liyue Harbor. You recognize the man, Zhongli, standing there. Your eyes squint I'm scrutiny.
Zhongli smiles at you, "You have indeed seen me many times over the decades. I too am interested in your secret. However, it pains me to say I doubt I'll be of use to your search."
Xiao sighs, "You mean to say you know nothing of her or this curse?"
Zhongli sighs, "I know of the curse, but nothing of use to you both. You'll be on your own to solve this."
Xiao looks away, annoyance coming through, "Is that a command or recommendation?"
"I have nothing of gain or loss to make this a contract. It will be up to you two to decide." He smiles lightly.
You finally step in, "Hang on. You." You look to Zhongli, "Your the Geo Archon, aren't you? That's the only explanation for you being young like this still. And Madam Ping is the only Aduptus that stays in Liyue."
"And why wouldn't I be someone like you?" He questions.
Xiao sighs, "We may technically have time on our side for this conversation, but I do have things to do."
Zhongli chuckles, "Of course. I will see you both in due time."
Xiao grabs your arm and teleports back to Wangsu Inn. You can feel how angered he is at the moment, so, when he let's go of you, you find yourself grabbing his arm. "Xiao."
"Not now." He snaps at you.
You sigh and let go, your mouth feeling unable to move.
He seems to notice how your grip drops and you instantly lose whatever fight you had, which only further angers him.
He sighs and jumps, before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.
The next coming decades are long and hard. You stayed at the Inn, traveling with Xiao on occasion to try to find answers. Over time You come to the conclusion that you simply could not defy him, no matter how much you wanted to. He felt guilty when you explained it, and his commanding tone changed with you. He began asking you if you would do thing, despite it sounding unusual for him to request it rather than demand it.
When the Traveler and Pimon arrived marked the start of a whirlwind that didn't end until the night that the Jade Palace was destroyed to save Liyue.
When they arrived looking for you in specific, you were genuinely confused (not that they could tell).
"Hey! Just the immortal we were looking for!" Pimon shouts.
"What for?" You raise a brow.
"Well, I was wondering what you thought of Xiao, if you trust him and such?" The Traveler asks.
You nod, "Is that something that needs questioned?"
"But how do you really feel about him?" Pimon asks.
You sigh, "I'd do anything for him... I care about him in every way possible... but why?"
They both smirk playfully, Pimon announcing happily, "The tension between the two of you has been driving us insane."
"How would telling you... he's behind me..." You mutter out and blush.
Xiao's voice is firm yet gentle, "Is that really how you feel?"
You turn to him and nod, "What about you..?"
He silently puts a hand in your hair and gently touches his forehead to yours, "I hardly think I need to say that I care for you in every way as well."
For a moment there's dim light around you both, memories returning in a flood of emotions.
Xiao and you stand in front of a god you'd been searching for on behalf of Morax. She had broken a deal she made, so the two of you were sent to kill her.
"You dare face me without your Archon present?" She sneers at you both.
Xiao and you silently charge her, dealing blow after blow in perfect synch.
Just as she drops to her knees, Morax arrives. Xiao and you stand side by side and nod to each other, knowing you did well.
She raises a hand at you both and shouts, "Your love thus far has been bathed in bloodshed. I curse you both to forget eachother, and the mortal shall live as the Yaksha does. Should she bare child to any other she will reincarnate into that child."
A bright burst of light encompasses Xiao and you, knocking you both unconscious.
Zhongli looks at her visibly upset.
She smirks, "Should you attempt to inform them of any of this, the mortal will age at sudden and perish. The memories shall return to the yaksha and he will bare the weight of her debts as well."
Zhongli traps her, piercing a spear through her.
Xiao and you pull apart abruptly as the memory fades, both sadness and joy in your expressions.
The Traveler and Pimon look confused at you both.
"It seems we were destined after all..." You smile soft, the memories of how you two used to talk about destiny now fresh in your thoughts again.
He shakes his head and sigh, "But does this mean you are mortal again..?"
Your hand goes to his cheek, "We will discover that over time. Let us just enjoy our time now..."
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duffs-shot-glass · 3 years
I Had The Right To Do That (Izzy Stradlin)
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I Had The Right To Do That
Izzy Stradlin x Reader
WARNINGS: profanities, sexual content
Word Count: 1,134
Y/N’s POV:
I watched as the man in front of me took another swig of his beer. I hadn’t come to this party to find someone, but I guess that’s how it worked. One night stands weren’t my thing. If you knew me, you knew that. The guys are the ones that dragged me to this party in the first place, even though I didn’t want to go.
I always ended up alone at these things, but this time was different. This time I was talking to a man and he was actually a lot nicer than most. He didn’t act like he wanted to just get into my pants and leave. He acted genuinely interested in what I had to say and I couldn’t help but be impressed. “Well I’m gonna use the bathroom. I’ll be right back okay?” I smiled at the man and nodded my head. He then headed for the restroom. I stared off into the distance and thought of the man, then I felt someone sit next to me. I turned to see who it was and to my surprise, it was Izzy. “Hey Iz. What are you doing?” I looked over at Izzy to see an angered look on his face. His expression soon turned to a wolfish one though as he looked behind me. I turned my gaze behind me as well to see what he was looking at. That’s when I saw Chad, the man I was talking to, walking towards us. “Hi,” He waved shyly at Izzy. “Uh Y/N who is this?” Chad had a smile on his face, but I could tell he was at least slightly upset. “Hi. I’m her boyfriend.” Wide-eyed, I looked at Izzy. What the fuck did he just say he is?! My boyfriend? “What the fuck Y/N? Why did you tell me you’re single?!” Chad was now very visibly upset with me and I was very very upset with Izzy. “Chad, listen this isn’t-” “She felt bad for you.” I gave Izzy a death stare and ran out of the home. Once I was outside I began walking down the sidewalk. Where am I gonna go? It’s three in the morning. I can’t walk home alone. I stopped walking and decided the sidewalk would be a good place to sit. I was hugging my knees and my face was buried in my hands. I was so mad at Izzy. He was the only one I could go to, to talk about relationships and guys. Izzy knew how badly I wanted a relationship, and he knew that was my chance of getting one. My anger only built inside of me as I thought about what had happened a few minutes ago. “Y/N?” I lifted my head to see none other than Izzy Stradlin, standing there in his black skinny jeans. “What the fuck do you want asshole?” Izzy could tell I was being serious. He scratched the back of his neck and walked a bit closer to me. “Um...I had the right to do that.” I stood up immediately and walked towards Izzy. His eyes widened slightly but he stayed still. I pointed my finger at him as I spoke, “Listen to me Stradlin. You had no right to do that!” Izzy’s eyes were downcast as he spoke, “I was just being a good friend.” At this point my blood was boiling “A good friend?! Really Izzy? How many times have I told you I wanted a relationship? How many times? Do you realize I just had a chance and you took that from me?!” Izzy looked me right in my eyes. “Listen Y/N I was just trying to be a good friend. You always told me you never wanted to lose our friendship, and if you got a boyfriend we definitely wouldn’t be as close.” Did he seriously think like that? He isn’t dumb. He knows that’s not why. “Oh I see. You didn’t do it because you were trying to be a good friend. You did it because you're selfish!” I was yelling at him now and I’m sure people could probably hear us. “I’m sorry I don’t wanna lose you! I love you okay?! Seeing you with some guy would kill me Y/N. I wish you understood that.” I looked at him completely taken by surprise. He loves me? I pulled Izzy into a hug and whispered, “I love you too Izzy.” He kissed the top of my head and then he broke the embrace. I was disappointed, but then he took my hand. “Where are you taking me?” Izzy looked back at me with a sly smile on his face. That’s when I realized he was opening the door to his car’s backseat. Before I could protest Izzy brought me into the backseat with him. His lips attached to mine in a passionate kiss. He began to kiss down my neck. His kisses were intoxicating. I soon realized that I was under him. I was under Izzy fucking Stradlin. The fame Izzy had didn’t really faze me. I had been best friends with the guitarist since the band's early days. Even though I always had a close bond with Izzy, I never thought he saw me as more than a friend. In other words, I never thought this
day would come. His hot breath fanned over my neck as he spoke quietly, “I’ve been waiting so long for this.” He nibbled on my earlobe before continuing to leave hickeys on my neck. He stood on his knees and began to undress himself. I could feel the wetness begin to pool between my thighs. Slowly, I began undressing myself as well. I discarded my shirt, bra, and pants. I was about to abandon my soaked panties, but Izzy got to it first. I could feel him position his cock to come inside me. I shivered slightly. A cry of pleasure escaped my lips as Izzy gently slid his hard cock inside of me. Izzy groaned as he began thrusting in and out of me. “You’re so fucking wet, and tight.” Izzy whispered into my ear. Izzy’s car was filled with the lewd sound of me moaning his name as a feeling of euphoria washed over me. “Fuck...Shit Izzy.” I screamed. “Shit Y/N...I’m gonna cum.” I couldn’t form a coherent sentence, so I just nodded my head. I felt Izzy’s warm, sticky cum shoot into me as he groaned lowly. I didn’t mind, I was on birth control pills. Izzy’s body fell on top of mine as we tried to steady our breathing. “You’re amazing Y/N. I love you so fucking much.” Izzy buried his face in the crook of my neck. “I love you too Izzy.”
Hi! Thanks for reading this imagine! I’m not the best at smut...so hopefully this is ok lol. Have a good day/night! Remember you are beautiful! :)
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Roswell New Mexico (TV 2019) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michael Guerin/Alex Manes Characters: Alex Manes, Michael Guerin, Isobel Evans Additional Tags: Minor Isabel Evans/Gregory Manes, Canon Disabled Character, Soulmates, Handprint Summary:
"Listen, darlin’. I don’t think because I say darlin’ that’s gonna bring you your soulmate. But, maybe I’m wrong, maybe I don’t fully understand and they’re gonna find you, darlin’." - recorded by Cowboy for Airmanes
Michael used to work for an anonymous, queer-friendly sex hotline (going by the nickname Cowboy) while he was in college, and Alex commissioned him to record a message for him while he was deployed. One day, their paths cross.
Alriiiiight, happy Malex Monday! I meant to write a short ficlet, inspired by Vlamis recording a message for a fan, saying darlin’ three times. For reasons unknown, this turned into a 5.5K fic I wrote this afternoon/evening. 
This is a soulmate AU, and there’s some handprint stuff going on. And while this is mostly fluff, the fic is rated Mature (I know, *gasp*). Uhm, enjoy?
"Listen, darlin’. I don’t think because I say darlin’ that’s gonna bring you your soulmate. But, maybe I’m wrong, maybe I don’t fully understand and they’re gonna find you, darlin’." - recorded by Cowboy for Airmanes
When Alex listens to the message Cowboy has recorded for him, he has a hard time (pun intended) keeping quiet and not scream into his pillow. It's a close call. Even though the need to get off is overwhelming, he's careful to move his body into a more comfortable position without jostling the bunk bed too much. He hears Ogden in the bottom bed grumble in his sleep once, but he doesn't wake up. Small mercies.
Alex feels like an hour passes before he can finally wrap his hand around his hard cock and take care of his needs with the tiniest movements. He keeps listening to Cowboys recording over and over again, and he manages to time his orgasm with the final darlin' of the message.
Wow, Alex doesn't want to exaggerate, but he thinks he's never come harder in his life. Cowboy's voice's just doing it for Alex, always, has. But the darlin'? Surefire way to get him off in no time. It's the first night in a long time that Alex sleeps so deep, that not a single nightmare haunts his dreams.
The recording continues to bring Alex comfort and orgasms in the middle of an ongoing war, and he can't help but dream up scenarios where he meets Cowboy one day, and they realize that they are indeed soulmates. A soldier can dream, right?
Months go by and after one fateful and utterly horrible day, the war is over for Alex. He returns home to Roswell via a short stint in Landshut, Germany. Half of his right leg is missing, but they give him a purple heart as a consolation price and a thank you for his service. Not that anyone actually thanks him.
It takes Alex another couple of months until he can walk again without the help of a crutch. He celebrates this newfound mobility freedom at a local bar, the Wild Pony. He's sitting at one of the tables, nursing a beer, when two people occupy the table next to his. A tall blonde woman, and a handsome man with curly hair that spills out under the brim of a black cowboy hat. A cowboy hat. Alex tries not to be too obvious, but he keeps looking at the man every now and then.
He can't hear what they're talking about, their voices a soft murmur, but then someone feeds the jukebox with a dollar, and suddenly the couple has to raise their voices.
"Come on, Michael. Don't be such a sourpuss. I want to celebrate that you're back home. It's been a dull year without you. I've talked to Max, he's promised to be on his best behavior," the woman says.
Michael. "Nice name," Alex thinks. He's just reaching for his bottle to take another sip when Michael answers.
"Ugh, Iz, do I have to come? I'd love to spend an evening with just you, but you know Max, he won't stop nagging me." 
Alex freezes. He knows that voice. Intimately (well, in a way). But the man can't be Cowboy, can he? In Roswell of all places? Alex tries to be subtle by moving his chair a fraction of an inch to get a better view at the neighboring table.
He keeps staring and  almost jumps up when the woman (Iz)'s phone starts buzzing. She checks the display. "That's Greg, I have to take this call outside. Please don't leave, I'll be back in a minute."
Michael demonstratively takes his hat off and puts it on the chair next to him. He smiles at her. "No worries, I'll still be here. Say hi to your beau and tell him I hope to meet him soon." She grins. "Not sure I should introduce him to you. He's your type, brother dearest."
Alex can't see Michael's face properly, but his voice sounds annoyed. His voice, that Alex is fairly certain, is that of Cowboy, the man of his (sex) dreams. "As if I'd ever make a move at someone who's involved with someone else, let alone someone who's dating my sister, who also happens to be my best friend."
Iz laughs. "Good boy. Now give me a minute, I have to talk to my boyfriend." She leaves. 
Alex's hands are sweaty because now would be a good moment to approach the man, but what would he even say. "Hi, you're that guy from the queer-friendly sex hotline, and months ago you recorded a message for me I like to get off to. Nice to finally meet you in person."
Not awkward at all. But he also needs to know what the man looks like. So far, he's only seen part of his face (there seems to be stubble, which Alex approves of) and lots and lots of unruly honey-golden curls. In an unplanned move, he accidentally knocks his beer bottle over and the remaining beer spills all over his table.
"Damn," he mumbles under his breath, patting down the pockets of his jacket in search of tissues to mop up the mess.
Suddenly, there's movement at the table next to him and Michael turns around, a squarely folded piece of cloth (a bandana?) in his hand. "Here, take this."
Alex feels dizzy looking at the man. Not in his wildest dreams did he imagine that Cowboy would look like that, but now? Even if this man turns out to be not Cowboy, Alex will forever have this visual when he plays the darlin' message.
Not the moment to think about that, though. He collects himself enough to say something. "Uhm, are you sure? That looks very nice and clean, I'm sure they have paper towels at the bar."
Michael's smile is almost blinding. "Don't worry about it, it's one of my oldest bandanas, it deserves to die in the most heroic way – drowning in alcohol."
Alex snorts. "Okay, thank you." He reaches for the bandana, and for a second, their fingertips touch. Alex's vision goes blurry and he tries his best to inhale, but there doesn't seem to be enough air to fill his lungs. He gasps.
When he feels a strong, warm hand clapping down on his shoulder, he can suddenly see clear again, his lungs expand without pain, and warmth is flooding his body.
He goes almost pliant under Michael's touch (because of course it's his hand).
"Wow," Michael says, and if that isn't the perfect word to describe the situation.
Alex tries to remember how words are formed. "Do you feel it, too?" Michael just nods. "In Roswell of all places," Alex says dryly.
Michael snorts. "You wouldn't believe how apt that actually is. All things considered."
"I don't know what that means, but I'm sure I'll find out eventually. I mean, I don't want to assume, but I will find out eventually, right?"
"Yes, beautiful stranger, you will. I never expected this to happen to me, but now that it did happen, I want to know everything about you. What's your name, handsome?"
Alex can't believe that this beautiful man is his soulmate, let alone that he found him in this godforsaken town he'd never expected to return to before he lost his leg.
"Well, handsome does have a name. It's Alex. And you are—."
Alex takes a calculated breath before he says "Cowboy," at the same time Michael says "Michael."
They stare at each other. Michael's eyes are wide. "How do you—?"
Alex blushes, and he considers not answering the question for a second, but this is his soulmate asking. "I'm—I'm not just Alex, I'm also darlin'."
Michael's eyes grow impossibly wider, then he bursts out laughing. "Oh my god, that was you? I couldn't stop listening to your message either. It's been very – how can I put this – inspiring?"
"Well, in true Pavlovian fashion, I can promise you that calling me darlin' will get me hard and off in no time," Alex says, keeping his voice low. He should be beet-read, but he's beyond feeling ashamed. In fact, he feels emboldened, and if the glint in Michael's eyes is anything to go by, he's certain there's one hell of an orgasm in his near future.
Before he can put more thought into that possible scenario, Iz returns to the table. She looks at both men and raises an eyebrow.
"Michael, why are you holding hands with this man?"
Michael looks down at their clasped hands, apparently, he doesn't know either when they started holding hands. For a moment, Alex considers letting go of Michael to greet Michael's sister properly, but he can't bear the thought of losing the physical contact right now.
Michael kisses the back of Alex's hand, then he looks up at Iz. "Isobel, this is my soulmate. His name's Alex."
"He's your—Michael! I leave the table for five minutes, and I come back to you having found your soulmate? I didn't even know that we could until recently." She seems exasperated, but then her smile goes soft. 
She sits down across from them and looks at Alex. "I'm sorry, Alex, I didn't mean to be rude. This is just a lot to take in. Uhm, I've met with Michael tonight to convince him to come and visit me, and spend time with our brother Max tomorrow. And I haven't been quite honest with Michael."
She squeezes her eyes shut and takes a deep breath. "Michael, Max and I were going to tell you, that we met our soulmates this week. Max bumped into Liz who's in town to visit her dad, and I happened to meet Greg at an event I organized for his school."
Alex perks up. "Greg isn't Gregory Manes, though, right? Teacher at the elementary school up at the reservation?"
Isobel blinks. "How do you even know about him? Oh my god, you're his brother! You're Alex Manes!" Alex nods. Isobel looks at him more closely. "Now that I know, it's obvious, you look so much alike. This is wild. I think I need a drink. You in? Shots are on me."
Alex and Michael look at each other and nod. There are only so many earth- and life-shattering revelations one can handle without being at least a little bit drunk.
Isobel stands up and walks over to the bar to order. The bartender reaches for one of the top-shelf bottles. Well, they have something huge to celebrate, this definitely calls for the good tequila.
Michael nudges him. "So, I know this has already been a lot, but there's something else you need to know about me, but I'd rather tell you about it when it's just the two of us. It's nothing bad, don't worry, I'd just prefer to tell – and show – you in private."
Alex smiles. "Whatever it is, I can handle it. Just real quick before your sister comes back. Does she know about the hotline job?"
Michael shakes his head. "No, she doesn't, actually. I got my engineering degree at UNM, and I picked up the job to make a little extra money for all the things my scholarship didn't pay for, and those requested messages were paid really well. It's been a great job, I was actually quite good at it, too, but now that I have my degree, it's a thing of the past. I don't really mind anyone knowing, but I'd rather this stays our naughty little secret."
"Oh, believe me, I'm not overly eager to tell anyone that your voice has provided me with some of the best orgasms. No need to look so smug, Michael," Alex grouses, but he smiles.
Michael turns his head, his face is very close all of a sudden, and his lips look plush and moist and oh-so-kissable. They look at each other.
"Alex," Michael whispers.
Alex closes the distance between them and then they kiss. Stars align, the universe expands, and Alex knows he's finally home. Not in Roswell, they could be anywhere right now, on this planet, or in another galaxy. No, home is in Michael's arms, in the sweetness of his breath, the sound of his low moans, and the soft touch of his fingers caressing the hair at the nape of Alex's neck.
"Ah, first soulmate kiss. I remember. So intense," Isobel says, and places three shot glasses and a bottle of tequila on the table.
They don't want to stop kissing, but they do. It's the polite thing to do. But it's hard. Alex would rather be alone with Michael. As if he's been reading his mind, Michael leans closer and whispers "One shot, then we leave. She'll understand. But I need to be alone with you."
Alex closes his eyes and inhales deeply in an attempt to calm his nerves. Michael's scent is intoxicating, he smells like leather and rain. Alex wants to drown in the smell. When a cold shot glass is shoved into his hand, he blinks his eyes open again.
"Earth to Alex, are you back with us?" Isobel smirks, but her eyes are kind and understanding.
"Yeah, sorry, it's just a lot to take in, and Michael smells so good. I'm sorry, but can we get this over with? I really need to be alone with him."
Isobel nods. "You know what, why don't you take the bottle home with you, and some time this week, we all meet and celebrate."
Michael nods and picks his hat up from the chair. "Excellent idea. I knew you'd understand." He kisses Isobel on the cheek. "You told Greg though, right?"
Isobel nods. "Yes, he knows. Liz, too. And—," she whispers something into Michael's ear.
Alex thinks he hears Isobel mention a "handprint" (whatever that means) but he assumes they're referring to the thing Michael will tell him when they are alone, so he doesn't ask what they're talking about. It's comforting to know that his favorite brother knows, though. It'll be good to have someone to talk to he trusts implicitly.
They hug Isobel (who also smells like rain, Alex notices), then they head out to the parking lot. Since Michael's currently living at a motel, the decision's easy where to go. They leave Michael's old truck ("don't ask, we've been through a lot together, and I'd never give up on her") at the Pony, and take Alex's SUV instead.
He doesn't live too far from the bar, and they enter his house not ten minutes later.
There's just enough time for Alex to put down the tequila bottle on the dining table before Michael pulls him into his arms. They're still wearing their jackets, and Michael his hat. Before Michael gets close enough to kiss him, Alex nods in the direction of his bedroom.
"There's a very comfortable and very big bed behind that door. We both know where we're headed anyway, and I'd like to take the prothesis off," he says, holding his breath after the revelation. He knows that his soulmate won't reject him because of it, but it's still a very personal thing to disclose.
Michael doesn't even blink, he just smiles and leads Alex to the bedroom. He makes Alex sit on the edge of the bed and kneels down in front of him. Alex's breath catches. Michael takes off his hat and jacket and drops them on the floor to his left, then he turns back to Alex and unlaces Alex's boots. 
Alex opens the button and zipper of his jeans, and cants his hips to wriggle them down without having to stand up. He doesn't quite succeed. "Damn, I'm stuck, sorry. I have to stand up again."
Michael shakes his head. "No, you don't. Do you trust me?"
Alex stops and thinks about it for a moment. Does he trust Michael? The simple answer is, yes. He just knows that he can trust Michael. He nods. "I do."
Michael looks at him and holds his gaze, when Alex's butt slowly lifts off the mattress. He gasps, but he keeps looking at Michael. Michael smiles softly. Then he reaches for Alex's jeans and pulls them down, while Alex is floating a few inches above his bed.
Alex's thoughts are racing. He should be scared, his soldier instincts should kick in, and maybe he should fight, but he does none of that. Because he doesn't feel threatened. He feels safe. Michael won't hurt him, that he knows with absolute certainty.
As if by magic, he slowly descends, until he sits on the edge of the bed again. Michael kisses Alex's left knee, then he turns his attention to the prosthetic on his right leg. Alex is about to tell him what to do, when he feels the prosthetic coming off. He groans in relief. He'll have to pace himself and not go entire days without the crutch too often for a couple more weeks.
Michael removes the leg and pulls the liner down to reveal Alex's stump. Alex scrunches his face. Not in disgust of how the stump looks, but he knows how it probably smells. But Michael is unfazed, though. He leans forward and kisses the tender skin of Alex's stump. Alex is close to bursting into tears because of the tenderness of the gesture.
His voice sounds a little wet when he speaks. "I need to take some meds. Would you mind getting them for me from the bathroom cabinet? They are labeled 'evening'."
Michael nods and gets up from the floor. Before he leaves, he presses a soft kiss to Alex's lips. "Thanks for trusting me."
Alex wants to reach for him and tumble backwards with Michael in his arms, but he knows he'll regret not taking his medication, so he doesn't. Thankfully, Michael's back with the pill bottles in a heartbeat, and Alex uncaps the bottle of water on his nightstand and takes his pills. 
Meanwhile, Michael toes off his boots, pulls his shirt over his head, takes off his socks, and drops his pants in a heap on the floor. When he looks around the room wearing nothing more than his briefs, Alex pats the free space next to him. "Come here, sit down. I'm ready to listen to whatever you're going to tell me in a minute, I just need you close for a moment."
Michael almost trips over his jeans in his haste to sit down next to Alex. Alex immediately realizes how anxious he is, and somehow that soothes his own nerves. He reaches for Michael's hand and laces their fingers together. Michael's hand trembles, and Alex squeezes it.
"You don't have to worry, Michael. I know you're going to tell me something extraordinary, but I can handle it. I won't reject you. Relax."
Michael snickers. "Well, you could say extraordinary, extraterrestrial would be more accurate, though."
Alex swallows hard, but deep down he knows that Michael's not joking. He squeezes Michael's hand again. "The 1947 crash was real?" Michael can't do much more than nod.
"So, you're a descendent of a group of people not from this earth who crashed here some 70 odd years ago?"
Michael looks at him. "I guess you could say that, although I have to add that I was actually on board of the spaceship." 
Alex can't believe what he just heard. "Uhm, okay. You don't look like someone who's well over 70 years old, though. Does your species age at a slower rate? I this a Superman thing? Are you from Krypton? How old are you really?"
Michael laughs. "You're taking this surprisingly well. Uhm, so, depending on how you look at it, I'm either 30 years old, or I'm about 80. I don't think we're aging slower than humans, though. We were actually in stasis in our pods for half a century, and only hatched in 1997."
"You did what now?"
"Oh, sorry, uhm, our stasis pods look like glowing eggs, and we always joked that we hatched. I don't think that's how our people actually procreate, though," Michael explains.
Alex is trying his best to take it all in, but it's a lot. He takes a deep breath. "So, by 'us', you're referring to yourself, Isobel, and your other brother, Max, right? Don't you have parents? What happened to them?"
Michael's face falls, and Alex feels awful for being responsible for it. "We don't know, actually. We don't even know whether we're actual siblings. We were found together after we hatched, mute, wandering the desert. Max and Iz got lucky, they were adopted by a local family. I wasn't quite so lucky. I grew up in the system. But I've always been a bright student, so I was able to get a good education. I had to postpone my plans to go to college after high school because of Isobel for a few years, that's why I only graduated recently. But I have a good job lined up, I'll start next month. So, I'm not a complete failure."
Alex wraps an arm around Michael's shoulder and pulls him into a hug. "You could never be a failure. I don't know much about you, but you're not a failure. You hear me?" He feels Michael nod against his chest.
"Good. Now that the big secret is revealed. What did Isobel mean when she talked about a handprint earlier?"
Michael pulls back and looks at Alex. "You heard that? Well, as I demonstrated earlier, my power is telekinesis. Isobel can influence people with her brain, and Max can heal. What the three of us have in common, is that we can share memories with someone else by putting our hands on them. Skin on skin. It opens some kind of mental connection, don't ask me how it works exactly, but it leaves an iridescent glowing handprint on the other person's skin. It fades after a few days, and the connection shared during the handprint also breaks."
Alex squeezes Michael's hand. "So, you can share memories and emotions, but you won't mind-whammy me?"
"God, no, I won't. I swear. I wouldn't even know how to," Michael says.
Alex turns to Michael and they look at each other. "Okay. I'll sit down on the bed against the headboard. I don't have any medical exams scheduled in the next couple of days. Does the handprint have to be placed somewhere specific?"
Michael looks at Alex with wonder in his eyes. "How are you so fucking calm and cool about this? My entire life – well, since we hatched – I've been worried sick about revealing this secret to anyone and sicking military special forces on us. You are the first person I've ever told, and you're taking it like I told you I have a mole on my left butt cheek."
Alex raises an eyebrow. "You have a mole on your left butt cheek?"
Michael giggles. "Oh my god, I know it's probably too soon to say it not even two hours after we've met, but I love you. You're ridiculous, and hilarious, and brilliant. And I love you." He wipes at his eyes. "And no, I don't have a mole on my left butt cheek. Wanna find out where I have one?" He waggles his eyebrows at Alex. 
"You casually mention that you love me, and I'm supposed to play 'search the mole' with you? You are unbelievable. For the record, I love you, too. And I don't care that we only met two hours ago. You're about to put a spooky handprint on me that will tell me everything I need to know."
Alex lets go of Michael's hand and scrambles back on the bed until he sits comfortably, propped up by at least three cushions. He looks down at himself and pulls his shirt over his head and flings it in the general direction of the hamper. He winks at Michael. "Come here, alien boy, tell me your story."
Michael laughs and crawls across the bed until he's next to Alex. He likes what he sees. A smattering of dark chest hair, strong arms, a sculpted torso. Alex is gorgeous, head to toe.
"Is it okay when I put my hand on your chest? Low enough that the handprint won't be visible even if you open the top two buttons?"
Alex nods. "That sounds reasonable. Go ahead."
Michael places his right hand on Alex's chest. Michael takes a deep breath, and suddenly his hand starts glowing red. The palm of his hand is heating up against Alex's skin, but the heat doesn't hurt. They look at each other, and suddenly it's like a gate to another dimension opens.
Alex looks at everything Michael sends his way, he laughs, he sheds tears, he looks in horror at what some of the foster parents did to Michael. He sees Isobel, and another man, Max, most likely, he sees an old man with an eyepatch at a place that looks like a junkyard.
It's not just images Michael shares, though. There are also emotions. Alex can barely handle the loneliness radiating through the connection, the fear of someone finding out, Michael worrying about Isobel, and a million other things.
When they later look at the alarm clock on Alex's night stand, they realize the whole thing didn't take longer than maybe ten minutes, and yet Alex feels like he knows everything about Michael. Not every detail or secret, but he knows Michael now. 
It's overwhelming, and terrifyingly wonderful. Alex doesn't know how else to describe it. They lie down next to each other, knees knocking, hands exploring, their mouths almost touching.
"Wow," Alex breathes out.
Michael kisses him. "Yeah," he whispers.
Alex does what he's been dying to do since he met Michael. He runs his fingers through Michael's hair and enjoys how soft the curls feel. Like the finest silk.
"You are incredible, Michael. Thank you for sharing this with me. I'll have a million questions for you in the coming days, and I'm sure you'll also want know more about me, but I need to not talk for a while. Can we do that?"
Michael nods. Alex barely blinks an eye, when they both float up, comforter and duvet getting pulled out from under them, and soon they sink back down into the soft mattress again. "This ability of yours sure comes in handy," Alex praises.
Michael pulls the duvet over them, and Alex is grateful for the heat inside of their little cocoon. "It does. You have no idea what it means to me to being able to use it in front of you."
Alex notices the emotion in Michael's voice and sees tears glistening in his eyes. He wraps his arms around Michael as good as he can and pulls him close. Michael hugs back, and then they just hold each other for a long time. Breathing each other in and trading lazy kisses.
Once their bodies and minds relax, their kisses get heated. They are both hard, their cocks brushing against each other through the thin fabric of their underwear. Alex wriggles his hand between them to wrap it around the tips of their cocks peeking out. There's no time (or room) for finesse. Heat and friction are doing the job for them. Their kisses get more and more wet and sloppy, they pant into each other's mouths, and just moments before Alex is ready to come, Michael looks at him, his pupils blown wide. He presses his hand on the glowing mark in the middle of Alex's chest.
"I love you," he says. A short break, then he adds, "Darlin'."
Alex lets out a guttural sound, something between a scream and a moan, and he comes in hot and almost painful pulses between them. Michael follows only moments later, adding to the mess. But they don't care. 
The connection between them is blown wide open, and Michael gasps, when he's receiving memories and emotions from Alex suddenly. An abusive home, his mom leaving, loneliness, gruesome years in the military, the immeasurable pain of losing a limb, Michael feels like he's about to pass out from it, but he holds steady.
Alex took in everything he shared with him earlier, now he wants to take in everything Alex is sharing. It's a lot, though, and when the flood of impressions subsides to a mere trickle, he realizes he's panting and sweating like he just ran a marathon.
Their foreheads are touching, and they cling to each other like they're afraid to let go of the other.
Later, they won't recall exactly for how long they stay like that. At some point, Alex musters enough energy to tell Michael where he keeps a bottle of nail polish remover in his bathroom.
"How do you—,?" Michael starts, and Alex just places his hand on Michael's chest. Michael blinks. "Wow, I think this experience has fried some of my brain cells, of course you know."
Michael closes his eyes and concentrates, but he's not strong enough to make the bottle come to him with his telekinesis. Reluctantly, he lets go of Alex, who grumbles and makes grabby hands at Michael.
"Just a second, sweetheart, I'll be back in no time. Don't go anywhere."
"Har, har," Alex makes. He's slowly feeling like he's fully conscious again. He's about to call for Michael's attention, when the man in question returns from his quest in the bathroom. He's sipping from a plastic bottle he's holding with one hand, and there's a wet towel in his other hand. Bless him.
He hands the towel to Alex (who notices that Michael soaked it in warm water, bless him more!), and he quickly wipes himself down. When he's finished, Michael takes the towel and returns to the bathroom.
When he comes back, he smiles at Alex. "Pajamas, or shirts and sweatpants?" he asks, pointing at the walk-in closet.
"Door on the far left, there's both, pajamas and other comfy clothes. I'll take what you take." He only feels silly for saying something so sappy for a second, because Michael beams like the sun. "Partner look, I like it."
Michael vanishes for half a minute and returns with two pairs of blue sweat pants and plain white shirts. He dresses himself first, while Alex puts on the shirt, then Michael's there to help him put on the sweats. Without being prompted, Michael asks "Your crutches, where are they?"
Alex smiles at him softly. "In the living room, leaning against the wall next to the dining table."
Michael goes to fetch the crutches and leans them against the wall next to Alex's side of the bed when he returns. "Anything else I can get you before we sleep?"
Alex shakes his head. "Nothing I can think of right now. Come to bed, Michael."
Michael smiles, his grin almost devilish. "It'll be my pleasure, darlin'."
Alex is tempted to throw a pillow at Michael. "You're not playing fair, Michael. I'm exhausted, and you know what you saying it does to me. I don't think all the darlin's in the world will be able to make me hard again right now, though."
Michael crawls into bed and under the covers. He pulls Alex close and kisses the tip of his nose. "Don't be sad, sweetheart, there's more than enough time for that in the morning. Unless you have to be somewhere tomorrow?"
Alex shakes his head. "No, there's nothing on my schedule tomorrow. Plenty of time for us to get to know each other with more words. Don't get me wrong, what happened tonight has been the most incredible experience of my life, and I'm grateful that we already know so many things about each other, especially the bad things that are much harder to talk about. But I still want to talk to you."
Michael nods. "We'll do that. Tomorrow. But now, let's sleep. The acetone helped, but I still feel a bit like I was hit by a truck. Big spoon or little spoon?"
Alex thinks about it for a moment. "If you don't mind, little spoon. You're just so warm, and I'm freezing. I'm always up for big spoon duty, though. I want to hold you, too, you know."
Michael's smile is the sweetest, and Alex's heart almost bursts with how much he loves him. "I know," Michael says. "And now, turn around and get comfy."
Alex does, and as soon as Michael's inhuman warmth engulfs him, his eyes start to droop. A moment later the room goes dark, and Alex feels Michael's lips peppering the his neck with little kisses. He pulls Michael's arm closer around himself.
"I love you," he whispers into the dark.
"And I love you. So much, Alex. So, so much. Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Michael."
And then, they sleep.
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socialwriter · 4 years
If I Die Young
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**gif by @somebodylikeaguardianangel​**
Pairing: John B Routledge x Female! Reader
TW: Angst (duh), death, hospitals, not eating, fainting/passing out, near death experience, grief, sadness
Based off of the song If I Die Young
Series masterlist
A/n: Here it is, the first chapter of my glee song fic sereis! A huge thank you to @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ for reading this through and encouraging me to post this, ily boo <3
The sharp knife of a short life,
Well, I've had just enough time
The pain was agonizing, all encompassing. It drowned out the sounds of the rain pounding down, drowns out the sounds of Kiara and Pope’s tears, JJ’s screams. He’s gone. John b’s gone, lost at sea because some stupid cops that didn’t care about him chased him out there for no good reason. He was innocent, but because he was just a pogue and just a teenager, no one believed him when it mattered. The hurt didn’t leave you. Not when you were taken away from what was now a crime scene. Not when you arrived at the chateau, glaringly empty. Not when you went to bed, enveloping yourself in sheets that still faintly smelled like him. You were too hurt, too broken, left behind by the only boy you had ever loved. 
And I'll be wearing white when I come into your kingdom
I'm as green as the ring on my little cold finger
You all had promised each other that you wouldn’t wear black to the funeral. The color was too dark, too real. It represented too much for the four of you to handle, so you had agreed to brighter and happier colors. Which is why you were in the bathroom of the chateau, smoothing out the wrinkles in the white dress you wore. It hung loosely on your body, making you look like even more of a shell of your former self. Your eyes were sunken in and red from all the crying and lack of sleep, unable to rest without the soothing lullaby of John B’s heartbeat. You looked much thinner than you remembered, probably from the lack of food the past week. You couldn’t bring yourself to eat anything or care for yourself. You did it for him before, not wanting to worry him, but now what was the point? You fiddled with the rings on your finger, stopping when you feel the cold metal on your ring finger. You hold your hand out in front of you, smiling sadly at the small green jewel.
It had been three weeks since you had had a proper date night, or really spent any time, with your boyfriend John B and you were completely and thoroughly pissed off. He’d been avoiding your calls, texts, and barely spoke a word to you when he got home after long days out. None of the other pogues would tell you what was up and frankly you were fed up with it. So, instead of getting dressed up for the date John B had told you about earlier in the day, you sat around moping in sweats and one of his old t-shirts. 
“Hey babe are you ready to g- why aren’t you getting ready?” John B’s voice rang out through the chateau, causing you to pull your knees up to your chest, staring at the ground. John B’s shoulders fall when he sees your demeanor, approaching you slowly. “What’s wrong?”
You shrug your shoulders at him, letting out a deep sigh. “You cheating on me or somethin’?” You mumble, tears filling your eyes as soon as you say the words out loud.
“W-what? No, I’m not why would you even think something like that,” John B says instantly, sitting next to you on the couch and placing a gentle hand on your cheek, forcing you to look at him.
“Well I mean, you’ve been avoiding me the past couple of weeks and no one’s telling me anything so what else am I supposed to think?” You ask him, your voice raising slightly in irritation.
John B makes an ‘o’ with his lips, suddenly connecting all the dots. “I’ve been working a lot of overtime, for the money.” 
You scoff, pulling away from him. “Cut the crap JB, we get by fine without you working so much.”
John B sighs, fishing something out of his back pocket. “Well I mean, I was hoping that I could give this to you in a more romantic way, but here.” He hands you a small box containing a small ring with a little green gem on top. You gasp as soon as you see the present, easily the most beautiful thing anyone had ever given you. “What is this?” You ask breathlessly.
“A promise ring, like a representation of our love. It sounded a lot better when Kie explained it to me..” John B trailed off, suddenly nervous that you wouldn’t like the present or think it was stupid. 
“JB I love it,” you whisper, a small smile gracing your lips. He instantly perks up, grinning at you. “Yea?”
You nod, slipping the ring on your finger. “Thank you JB,” you say, pressing a small kiss against his lips.
“Anything for you princess.”
I've never known the lovin' of a man
But it sure felt nice when he was holding my hand
There's a boy here in town says he'll love me forever
Who would have thought forever could be severed
Your home life wasn’t the best. You were a pogue, living alone after your mother had left you for some kook. You never knew your father, never got to experience that love. The only love you experienced was what you had with John b. And now that too had been taken away from you, the world playing yet another cruel trick on you. That promise ring meant that the two of you would love each other for the rest of your lives, what felt like forever. Apparently forever isn’t very long at all. Love wasn’t as strong as you had once thought it was, because it was able to be completely shattered by life, or rather the ending of one. You had never known what love was before John B came into your life, and now that he was gone, you feared that you would never experience love again. 
So put on your best boys and I'll wear my pearls
What I never did is done
The four of you all stood looking over the marsh, grieving the one person that had kept you all together. None of you knew how to handle this, how to cope. You couldn’t look out for one another because each of you were falling apart on your own. Your mind wandered to what could have been. The kisses you never gave him, too shy or fearful of rejection. The words you never said, emotions getting in the way. It all felt silly and stupid. Why hadn’t you simply done everything you wanted with John B while you still had the chance? All the what ifs crushed you, made you feel like you couldn’t breathe and your vision blur, until eventually everything just went dark.
The ballad of a dove
Go with peace and love
Gather up your tears, keep 'em in your pocket
Save 'em for a time when your really gonna need 'em oh
Pope caught you before you hit the ground, instantly in a frenzy. “Guys she’s barely breathing.”
Both Kie and JJ turned to look at your all but lifeless form, panic in their eyes. “Shit she- what do we do?” JJ’s frantic voice echoed throughout the marsh, only increasing the tension and worry in the environment. Eventually, despite the money it would cost, the three of them were speeding off to the hospital, trying their best to keep you breathing and comfortable. As soon as Kie pulled into the hospital, JJ slammed the car door open, picking you up and running inside with your limp body in his arms, Kie and Pope not far behind him. Doctors and nurses were all over you in a matter of seconds, pushing the three pogues away whenever they tried to see what exactly was happening to their best friend. The situation felt eerily similar, the painful events that lead to John B’s death still fresh in their minds. All they could do was stand there, wondering if they were going to lose yet another friend. There were no more tears left to cry, all of them already spent on John B. 
The ringing of a phone pulls them out of their stupor. “Who’s damn phone is that?” Kie questions aloud, prompting JJ to pull the buzzing device out of his pocket. 
“Mine.” He mumbles before answering the call. His eyes widen as soon as he hears the voice on the other end, earning questioning glances from both Pope and Kie. 
“John B?”
Taglist:  @thelocalpogue​ @rae131415​ @goldenhanna​ @scandalousfemale​ @obx-direction-sos​ @rafecameron​ @paradigmax​ @anonymous0writer​ @x-lulu​ @futuretaxcheat​ @olsenholic​ @jjaybank​ @starlightstarkey​ @girlsru1eboysdroo1​ @Theyrealldruggy @pit-zuh​ @tomfreakinghollandneedsaoscar​ @simonsbluee​ @outerbongs​ @stfukie​ @yxseminx​ @ilovejjmaybank​ @abbiesthings​ @captain-molls-of-the-small-world @kikinuke2​ @maddymfperez​ @pogue-writings​ @rudths​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @strangerthanfanfiction713​ @jj-iz-bae​ @sguymon21​ @kookkyra​ @wallflowercal​ @maybanksbaby​ @jiaraendgame​ @copper-boom​ @sunwardsss​ @starksweasley​ @trashmouthpogues​ @allielozoya​ @vindictive-hearts​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @teenwaywardasgardian​ @diverrdown​ @lynniep @apoguecalledjj​ @dancer0614 @jjtheangel​ @deathcompass​ @dpaccione​  @canibeoneofthepogues​ @arianabrashierstuff​  @bolaurel​  @outerbanksbro​  @beth-winchester21​  @ifilwtmfc​
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comfy-whumpee · 4 years
Polycule 3
Taglist! @lonesome--hunter, @iaminamoodymoodtoday, @wildfaewhump, @ishouldblogmore, @lektricwhump, @that-one-thespian, @raigash, @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi, @rosesareviolentlyread, @castielamigos-whump-side-blog.
“What is this?” Nic said, crossing their legs on the carpet beside where Ellis was already settled.
Iz was setting out a green-and-black box, scrawled with yellow writing. “It’s called Betrayal at the House on the Hill. You’re gonna love it. It’s a goofy monster movie game. We’re gonna explore a house, find stuff, and then at some point one of us is going to turn out to be the bad guy.”
Nic glances at Ellis. Ellis smiles tentatively back. “Are you gonna be okay with this, d’you think?” they ask tentatively.
He nods. It’s just a board game. There will never be anything more real than moving pieces around a board and rolling dice. He wants to try it; this is Iz’s thing, like Ellis plays video games, and Nic chooses films. It’s her turn to bring a thing for their Thursday night.
Iz talks them through the rules. They move a set number of spaces each, discover rooms, and there are events to happen. Some are good, some are bad, and others are just plain creepy. That’s what she says, with a smile and a bright light in her eyes, eager to see if her friends like it as much as she does.
Ellis listens carefully, and chooses the little boy. He’s wearing a green baseball cap backwards. Nic chooses the creepy little girl with ringlets, and Iz goes for an old man. “Father Longbottom,” she says, with a snicker in her voice at the name. Nic rolls their eyes and groans.
They move around the halls of the house, discovering rooms at random. Items are found. Events happen. Iz obtains a cursed knife, and is then forced to send it forward in time through a mirror. Nic discovers a room with a collapsed floor, and gets trapped in the basement. Ellis…
Nothing much happens to Ellis, except he draws a couple of the raven cards, the ones that bring the plot twist closer. His little boy in the baseball cap wanders around, and doesn’t do much of anything.
When Nic rolls the dice and triggers the haunt – the plot twist, the reveal, the bad thing – it involves a flurry of activity. Iz has to look in the rule book what happens. Then she looks in a different rule book. Then she hands out more rule books.
She makes Nic read the introduction from the page.
“The shadowmen are coming,” Nic whispers, leaning over the board with their innate sense of drama. “They’re climbing through the windows. They’re creeping through the doors. They want to take, take, take the living away from this realm…”
Iz looks up from the other rule book. She gives Ellis the third. There are so many, he’s glad she knows what’s going on.
“You’re the traitor,” she says, looking him straight in the eye.
Ellis knows what this means; she explained it earlier. He has to leave, go upstairs where he can’t hear them, so that they can discuss strategies for defeating him. It’s nerve-wracking, to be the bad guy, to be the one against their two. But he’s in a good position, and he gets to be the monster, which is simpler, in a way…
More familiar.
He goes upstairs and sits down on their bed, tucking his knees up against his chest in the middle of the mattress. He places the booklet on his feet and looks down at the blurb that introduces his side of the scene.
You were young, when you first met the shadowman. He showed you a world you’d never dreamed of. Terrible and beautiful. He was your best friend, and he took you from your dull and normal life, through to somewhere you never… Never were able to leave.
Now, your friends are going to experience that same dreadful joy. They don’t understand, yet. But they will.
The voices of Nic and Iz downstairs are inaudible. They must be whispering. He looks back down at the booklet.
Here is what you know:
Your friends are trying to destroy the shadowmen. They need light to do this.
Okay. So far, so good. He has monster tokens, which he can move around. They appear at doors and windows and they can move between the shadows, and appear when Nic and Iz won’t expect it.
The heroes. The booklet calls them the heroes.
Your connection to the shadowman means if he is defeated, your defeat is imminent.
That… That’s okay. A way for them to win if they can’t collect the items they need. The shadowman, the main one, with the bigger token, he must be harder to defeat. Yes, there are his stats, he is. He might be able to do this. It doesn’t seem too hard or too complicated.
You win when:
All the heroes are dead.
He doesn’t want to do this.
But he said he would. He said he’d be okay. He promised, looking at Nic’s worried face and smiling and nodding just as they wanted him to. If he wasn’t okay with this, that made it a lie. He must never – he couldn’t lie.
Nic and Iz want him to do this. They want to play the game. They want to defeat him and the shadowman who corrupted him. They want to escape the big house with the endless rooms. They want to run away.
There’s a bit that he hasn’t read yet. It’s flavour text for when he wins.
Your oldest friend sits with you on the porch of the house. All the rooms inside are thick with shadow. Nobody can be seen inside, anymore. Your friend the shadowman turns to you with black eyes and smiles, and says—
Ellis’s breath stops with a small, silent lurch, and the page blurs before him, black words melding into grey.
The booklet doesn’t say well done, darling, but Ellis can hear it, as clear as day inside his mind.
We don’t need them, do we? You know you can’t go home to them. You’re a monster.
He thinks it’s a memory. He hopes it is. He bends his head, cheeks against his knees, and feels wet patches settle on the fabric of his leggings.
Not pyjamas, but close enough that maybe he wouldn’t mind.
“Ellis?” Nic’s voice sails up from downstairs, as carefully light as they always are. “We’re ready for you.”
He still can’t quite breathe. There’s something stuck in his throat, a whimper or a plea, something he can’t loosen. He’ll make a noise, then, and they’ll know what’s happening, and they’ll hear him, and he hasn’t been invited, and they’ll be so disappointed that he got so upset and he can’t play the game because he’s too used to being a monster.
“Ellis?” Nic asks again, louder. The stairs creak. It’s the third step that creaks, the one he always has to skip in the mornings when they’re still sleeping. They’re coming up.
Ellis wipes his eyes, head starting to spin. He just needs to take a breath. Take a breath, steady his voice, and tell them that he’s fine.
He doesn’t know what he’ll do after that, but he’ll try.
They’re already halfway up the stairs, turning at the little landing. A couple more steps and they’ll see him.
He still hasn’t taken a breath. Can’t. The noise. He’ll make a noise, a sob, a cry, a plea.
They appear. Wide eyes in a concerned face. Slow hand curling around the doorframe. “Hey, h… Hey. What’s wrong?”
They won’t understand. They won’t. There’s too much to explain, too many words about himself, and the game, and the words that didn’t say what he thought they said but they were so close, and the house that he can’t leave, and the shadows.
“Okay,” Nic says, and they sit on the bed beside his little ball and tip him into their lap. “Let’s just take a breath, okay? Just one breath for me, you can do it.”
He shudders, hearing the gulp in the movement, and hitches in a wisp of air.
“Yeah, there you go.” Nic’s hand begins to stroke the back of his neck, gently. One of the only places without scars. “A little more. Keep going.”
The third stair creaks again. Iz has worked out there’s no game going ahead. Ellis doesn’t look, forehead resting against Nic’s burgundy overalls, eyes stinging and chest pounding.
The air escapes him in an almost-voiced wheeze. Nic feels the exhalation against them, and hums. “Yeah, you got it. In again, like I’m doing.”
Another weight settles on the bed. Iz scoots forwards, and after a nod from Nic, comes around to his other side. Together, they enclose him in a safe nest of warm limbs.
“Sorry,” Iz murmurs gruffly, confused but apologetic regardless.
Ellis wants to tell her not to be sorry. He wants to tell her that he loves how much she tries, how she always thinks of new things to bring, how she’s always looking for the next way to engage him and help him out of his shell, how she never takes a single hit too seriously, if something doesn’t work, because she just brings the next thing and the next thing and never gives up on him even though she has every right…
He can’t make that many words. He just shakes his head against Nic’s front, and feels her hands rest on his back, careful and light.
The skin itches under her hands, but he doesn’t want them to be taken away for anything.
“Take your time,” Nic murmurs to him, and a kiss presses into his hair. “You’re safe. We love you.”
Ellis nods, and tries to calm, and keeps breathing. He’s safe, with them, and they’ll never hurt him, and he can be as sad and upset and useless as he needs and they’ll never give up. They love him.
But he knows that the shadowman loves the little boy too. And the boy loves him back. More than anyone else.
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julessworldd · 4 years
I love them Poly!Guns x reader
I seen where someone wanted more Poly!Guns, so you asked so you shall recieve. Who doesn’t love Poly!guns anyways.
Summary: The reader’s mom and sister show up unannounced, planning on taking the reader back home. Tabloids showed up her in her hometown, the family was worried about her in LA. I always wondered how Poly realtionships work when telling the parents, so here’s my take on it. 
Warnings: The boys being protective, silly with the reader. Cussing, arguing, implied smut. Think that’s all, sorry if I missed any
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I moved to L.A. the day after graduation from high school, and had been saving money since I was 13. Living in a small town Colorado, where you’ve gone to school with the same kids since Elementary school, becoming a townie scared me. Since then, I’ve not talked to my family that much.  I met the boys one night after a show, Izzy bumped into me while walking down the strip. We all became friends and then our little thing started, we dated each other. It had been a thing for two almost three years now, I loved every minute of it, and loved my boys as well. 
Duff and I were making breakfast as slowly each boy came down, pissed that they had to start their day. “Did you open that one envelope? Looked like it was from home”, Duff asked. “I’m not sure how they found me. I’ve not gave them my new address”, I laid eggs on a plate. “Why don’t you talk to them anymore?”, Duff asked again. “Just don’t. I’m the black sheep of the family, babe. I never wanted to stay in Colorado,work on the family ranch or get pregnant with a shitty high school football player. They didn’t like it so I left after graduating.”, I said. “I’m glad you left”, Izzy passed by us. “I’m not saying I’m not glad she left, but it’s weird that the envelope has stayed on the counter, unopened”, Duff said. “Fine, I’ll open it after I eat and shower”, I groaned. I know Duff was only being nice, but I didn’t like hearing from my family.  There was knock on the door, “Come in”, I said, sliding into some black skinny jeans. “Hey”, Duff said, shutting the door behind him. “You’re really determined to have me open that aren’t you, baby”, I smirked. “Yes. It could be a death in the family and you wouldn't know it”, Duff stubbed up.  “Alright”, I slides my finger under the seal and opened the envelope. 
 Jacqueline Bennett
It was my mom’s name and my childhood home’s address. “What the hell do you want?”, I groaned.  The doorbell rung, “You expecting anyone?”, I asked Duff. He shook his head no. “Y/nn!”, Slash yelled. I dropped the letter on the dresser and headed downstairs. “Think it’s you with the visitor babe”, Duff said, following suit. “Who knows”, I said. I made it downstairs, in the living. I looked up, it was my mom and older sister, Kelly standing in front of the door. “Mom. Kelly. What are you doing here?”, I swallowed. “We came to bring you home”, My mom said. “No, you’re not. I have a life here and did you forget I’m 24”, I said, crossing my arms across my chest. 
The boys stayed silent, watching me and my mom go back and forth. Kelly was checking Izzy out. “I left for fucking reason and swore I would never move back. Leave mother!”, I ran upstairs, slamming my door. 
Izzy’s pov-
 Y/n’s mom and sister stood there in shock, tension was tight. I stood up from the couch, “I’ll go check on her” I reached her door, heard crying. “Y/n. It’s me, Iz”, I said. A little ‘come in’ was said, she was crying her eyes out before I walked in. “Hey baby. Wanna talk about it?”, I said, shutting the door, her back was turned to me. Y/n jerked up, “Why does she think I need to come back home? It’s hell there, Izzy. I’m overlooked there, they forget my name, if I’m sick or not. My siblings have families and have good careers, I have five siblings, I’m just the second middle kid. Please don’t let her take me back”, She cried. “We’re not gonna let her. You’re 24, you have your own life. Screw what your siblings have, you have us, friends, free travel when we’re on tour. They’re stuck in some hick town while you get to see the world, don’t worry about them. I’m not being mean, but they really don’t care. Just worried that you’re with five guys instead of one. It’s not their business how many people you date or have kids with, you’re an adult”, I said. Here lately every magazine has been exposing our relationship with each other. Y/n has been called a groupie, whore that can’t be satisfied by one guy. Guess it made it to Colorado.
Y/n calmed down and was sitting on my lap, brading a strand of my hair. “Think I’m gonna take them on the patio, I hate that you guys were stuck between it.”, Y/n said. “Okay, I’ll have Duff take them out. Give you a little more time”, I said, walking to the door. “Thanks. Hey Izzy?”, Y/n asked. “Yeah?”, I turned back at her. “I love you”, She smiled. “I love you too, princess”, I smirked. “Hey Duff”, I said, locking eyes with the tall blonde. “She okay?”, Duff started to worry. “Y/n asked if we could take her mom and sister to the patio. She wants to talk to them in private. Can you take them out there please?”, I asked. “Of course”, Duff said. I watched as Duff brought them through the kitchen and out to the patio. Y/n’s mom gave me the stank eye.  “Izzy, are they out there?”, Y/n asked. “Yeah. You gonna be okay?”, Duff answered. “I think so. I love you, Duffy”, She kissed his cheek. “I love you too, Princess”, Duff kissed her lips. We both watched her go out there. “We’re not letting them take her back”, Duff said. “Oh hell no!” Axl and I said at the same time. “She won’t go down without a fight”, Slash said. “Okay, lets quit being peeping toms”, Duff said. We all went downstairs.  
Y/n’s Pov
“Okay tell me how wrong I am being with them?, I sat down at the table. “Why are you with them? Do they pay you?”, My mom asked. “Because I love them very much, I feel safe and loved by my boys. No, I don’t get paid to have sex or whatever crazy ass thing you’re thinking”, I giggled. “Are you together or it’s a groupie thing?”, Kelly asked. “What’s a groupie?”, my mom asked. “Someone who has sex with a couple members of a band or the whole band. No strings attached, some have girlfriends or are even married. But when on the road, they get lonely and their girl isn’t there to you know?”, I said. “And Kelly, we’re together”, I said. “Okay, huh. What made you get into a relationship with them?”, Mom asked. “I don’t know, it just kinda happened. Nobody hasn’t spoken up and said they wanted out and to be with another person.”, I said, looking at her face. Confusion and disgust was all over her face. Kelly was from my time, understood what groupies were and sure she’s married but she was passed around the offensive line and the quarterback in high school. 
“What it is called? When you go out with multiple people, honey?”, My mom asked. “Polyamorous”, I sighed. “Poly what?” “Poly means multiple”, Kelly said.  “Right. Mom, I know this isn’t something you wanted to hear that your daughter is in love with five guys. I didn’t think I would either but life put it that way. I’m happy with them, they all make me smile in their own way. I get something different from each other. You don’t have to worry, this might to be anything any longer, but let me enjoy it while it’s still a thing”, I said holding her hand. “Guess, we didn’t see that way. You do glow more, I’m sorry for never realizing how unhappy you were back home. I love you so much, Y/n. Please keep in contact with us okay?”She smiled. “Okay, you two want to stay for lunch?”, I asked. “No, thank you sweetie. We’ve been here a week trying to find you. Our plane leaves in a few hours”, My mom stood up. “Sorry, you didn’t find me sooner”, I sighed. 
“Can you at least meet them? I’ve met half of their parents”, I smiled. “After our tiny argument?”, Mom asked. “They don’t care, come on”, I giggled. They were just spooked that their girlfriend was yelling at a random lady in the living room. I would be too, if their mom came in guns blazing.
“Boys. I want you to meet my mom, Jacqueline and my sister, Kelly. Sorry about earlier”, I said. They were at the table, Duff was digging something out of the fridge.  “This is Izzy, Slash, Axl, Steven, and who is gonna hit his head is Duff”, I pointed at each of them. “I am not! Son of a-”, Duff groaned, after hitting his head on the edge of the counter. Kelly giggled. “You didn’t bust it open this time, bonehead”, I rubbed his head, for any nics or blood. “I hated having staples in my head”, Duff raised up, rubbing his head. “I know you did, I hated them too”, I giggled. Duff had pulled me into his side and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I caught my mom smiling at us. “Honey, I hate to leave but we have a plane to catch”, My mom said, tearing Duff and I apart. “Right. I’ll walk you out”, I said. “Axl, what are you doing?”, I asked as the red head followed us. “I have to get something out of my car, babe”, Axl smiled, grabbing my hips. “Not now”, I whispered, feeling his bulge poke my ass. “Not my fault you and your sister have ass”, Axl smirked, passing me to go to his car. “I’ll kill you”, I mouthed as I approached their rental car.  “It was nice seeing you, sis”, Kelly smiled. “You too. How are the kids?”, I asked. “Good, growing like a weed. Conor almost passes me”, Kelly said. “Wow, that means he towers me”, I giggled, thinking of my nephew. Kelly was 5’8, means Conor is at least 5’10, and I’m still 5’3. “Yeah. Annie starts 3rd grade next year, they miss their Auntie Y/n a lot”, Kelly gave a small smile. “Next time, if we’re close to home I’ll see what I can do to come see everyone. Tell everyone I love them.”, I said, pulling Kelly into a hug. “I love you, Kelly”, I whispered.  “Love you too, kid”, She tightened the hug. “Okay, my turn”, My mom whined.  “You’ve changed into a beautiful woman, Y/n. Your Dad would be so proud of how you’ve grown, he misses his buttercup a lot. Call him when you can, okay?”, My mom said. “I will, Momma. I love you and Dad”, I smiled. 
I watched them as they drove down to the neighbor, going to the airport. “You okay, Y/n?”, Steven asked. “Mhm, oh yeah. I’m good, Stevie”, I smiled. I walked over to Steven and smiled. “You forgot something?”, Steven smirked. “My good morning kiss”, Steven pouted. “Nobody got theirs, Stevie”,I giggled, leaning up to kiss his lips. Steven opened the door, there stood Izzy with his arms crossed,pout on his face. I pulled him down to kiss him, “There you, big baby. That better?” “Very much so”, Izzy grinned. I laughed, walking upstairs. Slash pulled me to his lips, “You’re off your routine girl” “Sorry Slashy”, I rubbed his cheek.  “Are you still gonna kill me?”, Axl asked, smirking. “No”, I kissed him. “Good girl”, Axl smirked, smacking my ass. Duff’s back was turned, I wrapped my arms from behind. “Hey Baby”, He said. “Hi. You wanna a kiss?”, I asked. “Mhm, I’ll take a makeout session instead”, I knew he was smirking.  “Put me on the counter and I’ll deliver”, I smirked as he picked me up. I kissed him. “Hey Y/n, is it weird I find your mom sorta hot?”, Axl yelled from upstairs. “Very! She’s bitcher than I am”, I yelled back, rolling my eyes. “I like your bitchyness, it’s hot”, Duff pulled me into  him more. “You’re fucking crazy”, I said. “That song is about you, you know?”, Izzy smirked. “Fuck you, Izzy”, I flipped him off before hopping down from Duff’s arms. “You did last night, hot lips”, Izzy said as he disappeared upstairs. 
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kindrednerdspirit · 4 years
Sometimes a Thing Feels so Right: Part 4
Excerpt: This revelation, however, is not without its issues, because Casey now finds herself in the tricky situation of knowing it’s best to avoid private moments with Iz, but she also wants private moments with her.
Monday, first block. Casey’s perspective.
It’s 20 minutes before track practice starts and Casey has one goal: avoid any potential private moments with Izzie. Her decision is influenced by her most recent talk with Elsa. In a bizarre turn of events, the universe decided Casey would connect with Elsa on a deeper level twice in one week. Their first talk about Casey’s grandma helped her understand Elsa’s helicopter parenting and why she gets, well, annoyingly intrusive. Their second talk was an accident. A host of Izzie feelings reached a boiling point for Casey and her Izzie issues spilled out in front of Elsa.
For context, this is how it all went down:
The smell of roast fills the Gardner house. Sam works at the kitchen table as Elsa takes dinner out of the oven. He is sketching a new piece for his art class. 
“Sam, honey, do you mind telling your sister that dinner is ready?” Elsa asks as she cuts the roast.
“I do mind. I have to finish this sketch by tomorrow.”
Elsa is not surprised by her son’s very literal answer. He had been in flow for hours, sitting in the same spot since he got home from class. This is not a battle she wants to take part in, so she walks up the stairs to get Casey. Strangely, the door is ajar by a few inches. Curious in a way that any parent is interested in their teenager’s “secret” life, Elsa peers in before announcing dinner is ready. Casey is lying on her bed, curled toward the wall and sniffling.
She acts like she hasn’t been spying, and quietly knocks. “Case, dinner is ready.”
“Uh, sure. I’ll be right down.” Casey’s voice is soft.
Don’t meddle, don’t meddle, don’t meddle. Elsa repeats the phrase over and over in her head as she walks back into the kitchen and takes dinner into the dining room. A few minutes pass before Casey makes her way downstairs.
She sees Sam drawing at the kitchen table. “Why aren’t you eating?”
“I need to finish my sketch. It’s due tomorrow.”
“So, take a 10 minute break, eat, then finish it.”
Sam avoids eye contact and looks at the table the entire time he speaks. “Professor Shinerock says you have to find your peak time to achieve flow. My peak time is in the afternoon around 2:30, so this is when I have to start working on my art, because it’s when I’ll be at my most creative and productive. Professor Shinerock says to continue working in flow state for as long as possible.” 
“You know what else helps creativity and productivity? Not starving.”
“Of course, starving ruins creativity and productivity, because you’d be dead!” Sam tilts his head and furrows his brow. “That’s a ridiculous thing to say.” Without another word, Sam puts on his headphones and returns to his sketch.
“If you’re not eating by the time I’m done dinner, I’m pretending you’re an egg.” Casey walks away with a smile, knowing that Sam did not hear her warning. She sits at the table with Elsa and starts helping herself to potatoes. The two sit in silence for a minute, save for cutlery clanging against their plates.
“Sweets, I know I shouldn’t meddle--”
“So don’t.” Casey finishes.
“--but I’m just going to say one thing, then nothing else. Promise.”
Casey rolls her eyes but let’s her mum continue. Elsa takes a deep breath to collect herself. “You just found out that UCLA is interested in you, but you seem sad. And you haven’t had Izzie over in weeks, you mope around the house, you’re unexpectedly crotchety...”
“Mum!” Casey groans. “Please, get to the point.”
“I don’t know if Izzie is jealous about UCLA scouting you, but whatever is happening between you two... it will sort itself out. Try not to fret too much.”
Casey stares at her plate and pauses to mull over her mum’s words. “How do you know?” She’s afraid to look at Elsa. Afraid that if she does, all her emotions will flood out.
“Because of how you two look at each other. It’s special.” Elsa smiles, reflecting on when she first met Doug. When they first met, they shared the same long stares and goofy smiles as Casey and Izzie. Boy, that seemed like a lifetime ago.
“Thanks.” Casey is surprised by her mum’s kind words. “I don’t know if it will, though.” Her voice cracks. She shuts her eyes, because she can feel the tears forming. Elsa practically leaps out of her seat to embrace her daughter. She kisses Casey’s head, then soothingly brushes back her hair with her fingers.
“She’s… embarrassed to be seen with me.” Casey murmurs.
Elsa nods, knowingly. “I’m sorry, love.” She tucks a strand of hair behind her daughter’s ear. “Not everyone is as confident and comfortable with themselves as you.”
Casey smiles sheepishly and swipes away the tears. Of course, Elsa feels protective of Casey. She doesn’t want anybody breaking her daughter’s heart. At the same time, Elsa also understands Izzie’s situation to a certain extent, making her feel like a protective momma bear toward her, too. They have the shared experience of growing up with an absent parent, and perhaps, similar insecurities. Not to mention that both Casey and Izzie are just beginning to understand their sexual identities, so it's not surprising that this self knowledge is leading to difficult feelings.
Elsa is suddenly very grateful for reading up on parenting tips for LGBTQ+ kids. She chooses her next words carefully, so as not to imply to Casey that she knows about Izzie’s home situation. “Give her time, hon.” 
“I think I love her.” Casey sniffles.
“I know.” 
“Love who?” Doug walks into the room looking for dinner. He just got back from work, and somehow slipped into the house without the girls noticing. The question hangs in the air a few beats too long.
“Uhm, Izzie.” Despite not wanting this conversation to happen in this moment, Casey looks her dad in the eye.
“Yeah, I love her too!” He grins and pulls out a chair, completely oblivious to what is going on. Casey is not sure what to do, so she looks at her mum. The two watch as Doug happily sticks a fork into the roast beef, then proceeds to scoop carrots. The girls stifle some laughter. Maybe it’s best to let this one slide, considering Casey and Izzie’s relationship status is currently unknown.
“What?” Doug asks after noticing the girls’ looks.
“Nothing, Dad. Girl stuff.” Casey looks at her mum as she says it, knowing it will mean something more to her. She then grabs her plate and excuses herself from the table before dropping her dishes in the sink. Sam is still in the kitchen, completely absorbed in his art.
“I warned you!” Casey shouts. “Prepare to be egged!” With that, she scrambles onto Sam’s chair and sticks her butt on his head.
“Hey, stop! What are you doing?!” Sam protests.
“Don’t blame me. You’re the one who compared me to a penguin, so now, you’re my egg.”
“Why would that make me an egg? That makes no sense! You ruined my flow!” They continue squabbling, wrestling, and yelling.
Meanwhile, Doug looks at Elsa with a bemused but impressed expression. “Girl talk? Really?”
Elsa cannot help but beam.
Needless to say, when Casey found herself stretching on the field 20 minutes early, it was a calculated move. It’s amazing how saying something out loud can make things so clear. Once she told Elsa that Izzie was embarrassed to be seen with her as her girlfriend, something clicked. Casey could never pretend to be just friends with Izzie, it would never work out. She simply wasn’t the type of person to pretend, the type to play a role, even if it meant keeping Izzie close. 
This revelation, however, is not without its issues, because Casey now finds herself in the tricky situation of knowing it’s best to avoid private moments with Iz, but she also wants private moments with her. 
While she works on her quads, Izzie jogs past and veers off to stretch on her own. She’s wearing the tight Adidas shorts that show off her beautiful curves. Casey always considered her own muscular legs to be tall and lanky, but Izzie’s… they were shapely in all the most appealing ways from her legs to her hips. The same hips she held onto whenever she pulled Izzie close. She fit so comfortably in her embrace, with her delightful warmth and faint smell of vanilla beans.
The best part was when Iz was really close and her chin would dip up. Casey would look down and see the same desire in her eyes as she felt all over her body. A shiver would go down her spine, her breathing would quicken. And everything else would just, sort of, disappear. Fade off into the background. Iz would smile, showing off her button dimples and Casey would want to devour her right then and there for being too adorable.
Oh. My. God. Casey! You have one job. Actually, two jobs. No private moments with Izzie and no getting turned on by Izzie because it’s a slippery slope, my dude. Quick, think of gross things. Zahid kissing Gretchen? Zahid in a robe? Ew, ew, ew! Too far. Poor Zahid. I love the guy for being Sam’s friend, but he’s a serious vagina mood killer.
Izzie looks up from her stretching and their eyes meet. She has the longing eyes and Casey knows exactly what she wants. Shit. It’s too hard, so she looks away. Much too hard. The rest of track practice follows a similar pattern of eyes meeting and diverting. 
After 60 minutes of failing miserably at ignoring Izzie, Casey is relieved when Coach blows the whistle. She hustles to the locker room with a few other teammates. Casey is talking to another teammate when Iz jogs over, her high ponytail bouncing with each step. She cannot help but disassociate from the conversation, because she sees the infamous Adidas shorts. And just like that, she’s done for. Blood rushes toward her southern regions. The Zahid tactic fails. Once again, Casey curses her body and heart for betraying her brain. 
“Yo, Newton! Wait up!” Iz shouts.
At the sound of her voice, Casey wavers for a millisecond. She decides to continue listening to her peers, pretending not to hear. But Iz is persistent. Casey’s words from the other night with Elsa race through her head.
She’s embarrassed to be seen with me.
The words are upsetting. There’s so many reasons why, it’s hard to pick only one, but she mostly feels frustrated. Frustrated that she cannot hold or kiss Izzie in public, that she cannot share her love with the world, despite their mutual feelings. Worst of all, she feels the immense hurt that comes with knowing she cannot pretend to be just friends. She hates that it has to be all or nothing. But to do otherwise, would be to betray herself. All these complicated emotions build up inside her until she finds herself towering over Izzie.
“I don’t know how to make this more clear. I don’t want to talk to you.”
Her cold tone surprises even her. She watches Izzie’s eyes widen, then feels her heart clench in response. Despite everything, her instant reaction is to make Iz feel better. And she easily could. Casey could slip her arms around her, up to the small of her back. Then, she could gently pull Izzie toward her and lean in. She could hover in front of her lips to tease Iz, the two sharing the same, delicious air.
“Please, don’t follow me.” Casey cuts off Iz with a firm response. She gulps--that was close. Her feet hurry toward the locker room, whisking her away as quickly as possible. She hated feeling like an overdramatic school girl or like she was in some terrible rom-com. Big deal. Just be friends, right? At the same time, though, she knew there was no other way.
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The Idiots In My Life
A Mortal Instruments fanfiction
SUMMARY: my version of the sizzy wedding!!  focuses on the brother sister bond between Jace and Izzy! I feel like their sibling bond has been seriously overlooked!
A year ago, war hero Simon Lovelace finally got the courage to get down on one knee before Isabelle Lightwood, the heartbreaker. The engagement party was as grand as it could be, after all, it was planned by none other than Magnus Bane, high warlock of Brooklyn. Now, counting down seconds, sat Izzy in a beautiful golden dress. Leave it to Izzy to make heads turn, she decided to pair the elegant gold silk dress with 7inch high combat boots. Nerves were never a thing for her, that wasn’t gonna change now. She felt a hand on her shoulder, she turned around to find both her brothers is crisp black suits. Amazing how parabatai as chaotic as them, managed to look so elegant for their baby sister. Guess everyone has a soft side…
Izzy POV “Well, look who’s finally ready”, I said while deliberately looking at Jace. Honestly! The boy takes longer than me to get ready! And I’m the one getting married!  
“Oh, excuse me for looking illegally handsome,” he says smirking, then turning to Alec, he continues “Even on her wedding day she doesn’t keep quiet!” Alec shakes his head laughing and turns to me. His eyes reflect all those years he spent being the perfect big brother. “We came to see if you’re alright, as your men of honour, I think its our duty.” Alec said smugly. “I’m fine big brother, its time isn’t it… Now or never.” I say with a huge smile. Jace and Alec fall into step to each of my side as the music begins, the curtains are drawn and the ceremony begins. I see Simon at the other end of the room in a gold suit grinning ear to ear. He’s already tearing up, that doof. ------ Jace POV My baby sister is married. Wow… realisation hits hard doesn’t it… I feel a presence behind me. I turn to find Magnus. “So, blondie, I’m assuming you’re ready for the toast?” he asks. “What toast?” I ask nonchalantly. “You better not mess this up barbie, I put way too much effort into planning this.” He warned. We both shared a casual look before we end up smiling. He’s keeping Alec so happy, so, over the months, we’ve got along. Not that I would admit it and stuff. I part ways with him and reached for a champagne glass, I tapped it lightly with my spoon to gather attention. Most people turned, but for those chatter boxes who didn’t, I had plans. I stood on the table and yelled, “You complete idiotic excuses for shadowhunters listen for god’s sake! At least the downworlders don’t treat weddings as a gossip centre !” That’s it. I had the attention I needed. Izzy looked ready to kill me. Not waiting to test that theory, I cleared my throat and started, “You guys have gathered here today to see my sister get married to that doof. Seriously Izzy, what has happened to your choice! Anyways, I wanted to say… well… Izzy, I know I haven’t always been the perfect big brother, like Alec, but I wanted to tell you, I tried. I tried to be there for you when you cried yourself to sleep after your first training, I tried to be there for you when Maryse was a little too hard on you, I tried to be there when max… when max died, I tried to be there when Simon lost his memories, I tried to be there when he got them back. I know I’m no Alec, but I’ll try all my life, till my last breath, to be the brother you deserve. Simon’s a great guy, I’ll admit it, as much as it kills me to. I may not be lightwood by blood, but we’re closer than blood could bring us. I promise you Isabelle, I will die before I let anything happen to you, it’s always been like that… I love you sister; I love you Isabelle Sophia Lightwood.”
I looked at my glass for a few moments before looking at the crowd again. I’m not quite used to the whole ‘showing emotions is okay’ thing.  Alec looked proud, Simon shocked, Magnus and Clary looked at me with identical smiles, and Iz, she got up from her seat and walked up to me. Much to everyone’s surprise, she hugged me. She’s never one to show emotions. She looked up at me with that Lightwood smirk and said, “Thank you Jace, thank you for being one of the two amazing idiots in my life. Thank you for being my big brother.”
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duffs-shot-glass · 3 years
Forget Him *PART TWO* (Izzy Stradlin)
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Forget Him Part One
Izzy Stradlin x Reader
Sad Fluff
WARNINGS: profanities, mentions of abuse and abusive relationship
Word Count: 935 Part 2 *This won’t make sense unless you read part one :)*
Y/N’s POV:
I looked over at Izzy. He had a concerned look on his face and I was still in shock at what had happened. Tears were pouring down my face and I couldn’t stop them. I sat on the couch and held my stomach. Izzy sat next to me and wiped a tear from my face. Then I heard a couple of the boys gasp quietly. “What the hell?” Axl whispered. I looked up at the boys in confusion.
“Y/N you uh..you have a black e-eye.” Duff muttered. A wave of realization flooded over me and I instantly felt sick. “Y/N are you ok?” Slash asked. I nodded my head and ran to the bathroom. I felt as if I would throw up. I felt almost ashamed of myself. Why did I feel like this? I did nothing wrong. I locked the door behind me and sat on the cold tile floor. Just as I began to calm down I heard a knock on the door. “Y/N? Can I come in? We don’t have to talk about it, I just wanna make sure you're ok.” It was Izzy. I nodded my head even though he couldn’t see. I unlocked the door and he opened it slowly. “There you are. It’s alright ok? He isn’t gonna bother you anymore.” Izzy sat next to me and took me into his arms. I felt calm in his embrace. The warmth of his body soothed me along with his heartbeat. “Iz-” He cut me off. “Listen Y/N, if it’s gonna make you feel better to talk about it then go right ahead, but if you don’t want to you don’t have to.” He stroked my hair softly. “It’s okay Iz I wanna talk about it.” I broke free of his embrace and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “Just….why? Why was he acting like that?” He said breathlessly. “It’s a long story Iz so I’m gonna tell you the basics.” He nodded his head, “Ok.” I looked down at the floor made of small white tiles. “He wanted to have sex with me but...I told him I wasn’t ready and he got mad. Some nights I had to say I would call the police just to get him to leave. Eventually he started hitting me because of it and threatening to do worse if I told someone. I was scared Iz...I didn’t wanna make anything worse than it already was.” I was starting to cry again and Izzy hugged me tightly. “I’m so sorry that happened to you Y/N. I promise it will never happen again. I don’t want you seeing him anymore. He isn’t safe and I’m sorry but I don’t think he is gonna change.” He whispered. I nodded my head and looked at him. “Is that why you have a black eye?” Izzy asked. “Oh uh yeah.” I said sheepishly. “That’s awful.”
Izzy’s POV:
“That’s awful.” I said and looked at my shoes. I’m gonna beat this guy’s ass. I couldn’t help but feel horrible about the entire thing. I grabbed a tissue off of the counter and wiped Y/N’s tears. “Let’s go tell the guys you're alright.” I helped Y/N to her feet and we walked out the door. The guys were sitting in the living room whispering about what had just happened. “I’m um..ok guys.” Y/N said. “Did that douche bag do that to you?!” Axl yelled and stood up. “Ax take it easy” Steven said. “Steven, how am I supposed to ‘take this easy’ ? Y/N got beat up by that jerk and now he is gone.” I gave Axl the ‘Don’t talk about it’ look and he sat down. The night continued on as they usually did. The boys argued over stupid shit and Y/N and I sat in the corner of the room and talked. I looked at Y/N and took in her features. To me, she looked like she could outshine even the brightest of stars. Not only was her beauty immaculate, but her personality was like something I had never seen before. She made me a different person. My typically unamused face now brightened with joy. I heard people say that everyone has a purpose in life, and I never believed that until I met her. Y/N. She was my purpose in life. “Y/N...I have to tell you this and I’m sorry if it ruins our friendship but I think you need to know.” I said calmly even though my heart was racing. She looked at me and smiled. Oh how that smile killed me. “I love you. I really, truly love you.” My palms were becoming sweaty and my heart felt as if it would jump out of my chest. “I love you too Izzy.” She smiled and before I could respond, she pressed a kiss to my lips. I was surprised at first, but I happily obliged. When we pulled away from the kiss I looked over to see all of the guys staring at us. “So….I will be the first to ask,” Duff started. “Are you guys together now?” I felt my cheeks redden and I looked over at Y/N. She looked at me, smiled, and turned her head to Duff. “Yes.” The smile on my face probably looked extremely dumb, but I didn’t care. This masterpiece of a person was mine.
Hello!~I know this is shorter than most of my other ones but I felt like it needed to end here. Also, this probably wasn’t my best writing so I just wanted to say sorry about that. I am always trying to improve! Thanks for reading! Have a great day and remember you are beautiful! :)♥︎
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carnationcreation · 4 years
Breathless (JATP Reggie x male!reader)
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, and Works in progress!
Request: (Wattpad @ Calumm_310) dont know if youll take male reader (which is fine if you dont) but can you maybe write a oneshot about Reggie and the reader dating in secret and the boys and Julie catch them being loving or like fluff? (Reader is taller than Reggie) 
Prompt/summary:  Reggie and the reader are secretly dating and trying not to get caught by their friends.
Word Count: 1,435
Authors note: I haven’t written a male reader before so please don’t bully me, but I would love constructive comments cause I really don’t like the way I wrote this one. I just don’t know how I could make it better lol.
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Never trust someone who’s smile takes your breath away. The person that can waltz into your life and suddenly you’ve truly fallen and you don’t know what happens.
Definitely never trust someone that you want so badly but can’t have.
He saw me in the crowd at one of his concerts. When they saw my instant attraction for the bassist my friends managed to get us invited to the band’s after party.The after party was small, outside on the shore of the LA beaches.
I looked out over the ocean, I’d lost track of most of my friends an hour ago so I decided to spend my time looking out towards the setting sun daydreaming to pass the time.
I felt someone sit down beside me. 
“Listen if you want someone to drive you home I’m waiting for 3 of my friends who are probably drunk off their asses now. Taxi’s are still running.”
“I can’t just sit and talk to you?” he said. 
I looked over at the boy, his black hair was slicked back and leather jacket wrapped around him. 
“I didn’t say you couldn’t, I was just telling you,” I said.
He laughed before moving to take his jacket off and laying it on the towel under us.
“So, where you from?” he asked.
“Here, you?”
“Here. What made you come tonight?” he said.
“My friends said they’d find a way to get me laid tonight if I drove them home,” I chuckled.
“Do you want that to happen?” he leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out in front of him.
I scoffed, “Doubt it will.”
“You’re attractive, I doubt there isn’t a girl here who wouldn’t be excited to sneak out back with you,” he reached over to steal a strawberry off my plate.
“Not the kind of attention I’m looking for tonight,” I smacked his hand away from my plate but he triumphantly ate his loot. 
I shook my head to look back for my friends, unfortunately I realized how late it had gotten and knew it was time to go find my friends to make sure we get back before parents noticed we were gone. I turned back to the boy that had kept me company for part of the night, “Catch you later?”
“Sure,” he handed me a slip of paper, “call me.”
I smiled and led my very drunk friends to the car.
I didn’t get to call him the next day. That was something my friends kept bugging me about.
“You’re going to regret not calling him. A hot guy gave you his number and you’re just gonna pass on it?”
“Ally, he was probably drunk. And I’m sure he’s straight.”
Ally scoffed, “You don’t know that. He was practically hanging off you when we came back over.”
“Ally you were wasted. I’m sure he was just looking for someone to take up his time and talk to.”
Ally rolled her eyes, “Whatever, you should still call him. What’s the worse that could happen?”
“Lots of things,” I laughed.
“Just do it!” she said. I rolled my eyes but I still left her house debating on if I would or not.
I ended up calling him that night after much debate with my inner thoughts. He seemed shocked when I told him we met at the after party, he assumed I wasn’t gonna call.
“We should go on a date,” he said. He sounded so confident.
“Give me your address, I’ll pick you up tomorrow. We can watch a movie then go get food,” he said.
 I smiled, “Sounds like you’ve already got all of this planned out.”
“Oh I was thinking about our marriage ceremony when I saw you at the beach.”
I laughed at his bold statement, but in the back of my mind I wondered what he would look like in a tux.
“Fine Reginald, pick me up at 7 tomorrow.”
The next night was amazing, and the next night after that was too. Before I knew it we had been dating for two weeks. Two amazing, breathtaking weeks. Running around together at night but pretending we barely knew each other during the day.
He ended up taking me back to the beach we originally met at. It had cooled off some and the tide was low. The setting sun made Reggie look like some sort of Greek god in the golden light.
‘‘You’re staring.”
I turned back to the sea, “Can’t help it.”
“I know, it’s almost impossible not to stare at my beauty when you’re with me,” he smirked.
I looked over at him laughing and shoved his shoulder, “Don’t give yourself too much credit.”
“What?” he said smoothing his hair back, “You don’t think I’m attractive?”
“Did I say that?” I giggled.
“Well- no but-”
“Then don’t make assumptions,” I laughed.
He laughed too. He paused after a while and stared deep into my eyes. My breath was caught in my throat. Before I could process what was happening he leaned forward and kissed me. It felt like the world stopped turning.
He pulled back and smiled at me. I smiled too. We walked home that night holding hands.
I never got to meet his friends.
It was something I never asked about, I knew he wasn’t out yet and I respected his wishes to keep things quiet for now until he was comfortable introducing me as his boyfriend. That didn’t mean that I didn’t feel like I was only a secret and nothing else though.
“When do I get to meet your friends?” I asked one day.
“I promise you will,” he sighed.
I bit my lip, “You’re not... embarrassed of me right?”
“What?” he said, he placed his hand gently on the side of my face, “You make me feel alive. Like I can breathe. For the first time in forever I feel normal. I could never be embarrassed of you babe.”
I smiled and placed my hand over his rubbing my thumb gently over it. He grinned and kissed my forehead.
“Hey guys- woah...”
We turned to see Julie standing in the doorway of the garage.
“Oh, uh, hey Julie... didn’t think you were gonna be back this early...” Reggie said, he stood up and placed his hands in his pocket. My hands dropped into my lap as I forced a smile through the embarrassment of getting caught like that.
“Who’s this Reg?” she asked.
“Well...” Reggie said turning to me.
“I’m his frien-” I spoke but Reggie cut me off.
“This is my boyfriend, (Y/n).”
I looked at him in shock before that quickly turned into a smile. 
Julie kept our secret. Reggie felt so much better after telling that one person, and I kept encouraging him to be comfortable and confident in himself. As time went on he did.
“We’re gonna get caught,” I giggled.
We were in the alleyway of one of the venues he was supposed to play at tonight. I trapped against him and the wall as he kissed down my neck and onto my shoulder.
He placed a kiss at the corner of my mouth, “Okay?”
I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss.
“Reggie!” Luke said as him and Alex busted out of the stage door.
We quickly pulled away from each other and stared in surprise.
“Oh, uh, we go on in five. Let’s go dude,” Luke said.
“Wait a minute,” Alex said gently, pushing Luke out of the way and holding his hand out to me, “Hi, I’m Alex. I’m sure we would’ve met sooner if Reggie bothered to tell us anything!”
Reggie threw his hands up in defense, “We were gonna tell you soon!”
I giggled as the two bickered like siblings for a few seconds.
“Guys! We gotta go!” Julie said from the door, “Oh, hey (Y/n)!”
I waved as the other boys looked at Reggie in shock.
“She knew about you two but we didn’t? So much for best friends!” Luke yelled.
“Yeah,” Alex said, “You know what? I’m taking back our friendship bracelets.”
Reggie gasped.
“Guys! Show time. Now,” Julie snapped her fingers.
 The boys finally got the idea and moved to the door. Reggie quickly turned around and stood up on his toes to give me a quick kiss, “You got your ticket?”
I patted my pocket where the ticket stub for VIP sat.
“Good, I’ll see you after the show okay?”
“Okay,” I smiled.
He gave me one last kiss that took my breath away before running off to join the others.
Taglist: @thebookwormlife​ @talksoprettyjjx​  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse​  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything​ @larrystylinson-sus​ @lovesanimals​ @aunicornmademedoit​ @thexhotmess​ @ssprayberrythings​ @peachyxdream​ @catieiscute2001​ @julieandthephantomsblogduh​ @fangirling-allday​ @ashleyleblancx​ @alltimekp​ @wcnderwoo​ @unipanda1006​ @disgustedchild​ @aberette13​ @dpaccione​ @whyworry27​ @number-0-iz​ @musicconversedance​ @owlgirl1209​ @angelxfics​ @hamdehlesmis​ @solophantoms​ @marinettepotterandplagg​ @joshy-obx​ @mochamiilk​ @caitsymichelle13​ @kiss-themoongoodbye​ @noncannonships​ @intoanothermind​ @etherealexsistence​ @schnapp-my-neck​
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bellakitse · 5 years
Lovin' you is a gift tonight (Lovin' you for all my life)
Ten years ago when Alex leaned in for a kiss, Michael panicked and with it missed his shot. He's lived with that regret for a decade. Some things are always meant to be though and fate gives him a second chance when he runs into Alex at an airport as they wait for their delayed flight.
stuck at the airport fic 13.6K
Michael Guerin has no one to blame for his current situation but himself. Well, maybe he can also blame the weather, which, if he thinks about it, was absolute shit because of global warming, which is the fault of power-hungry politicians and greedy corporations. So really, he isn't the one his sister should be yelling at, not that Isobel Evans cares to listen right now.
"What do you want me to do, Iz?" he asks for the second time when she pauses from lecturing him to take a breath. "I just spoke to one of the attendants at the gate; the flight is delayed because of the snow."
"If you had booked your flight when I asked you to," she starts, repeating herself for the millionth time. He exhales loudly in hopes it will stop her, but not the least surprised when it doesn't. "Instead of waiting till the last minute, you could have gotten a flight from Boston to Dallas to Roswell instead of having to stop in Denver. Where of course there's snow, because it's fucking Colorado, Michael."
“Yeah, well hindsight is 20/20 and all that, Isobel,” he tells her, sighing yet again as she scolds him some more. He takes a seat at the far end of the terminal where there are fewer people, most of his fellow passengers are closer to the gate door, taking their frustrations out on two flight crew members who have the unfortunate luck of being there.
There is only a small cluster of people where he is. An elderly couple who seemed satisfied in dozing off against each other to his right. A woman to his left with a small child who has his face pressed against the window watching the ground crew that is trying to clear the runways, and a man in ripped jeans and a worn leather jacket, sitting across from him. Michael can’t see his face as he roots through his backpack, but what he can see, he likes.
Dark glossy hair a little longer on the top as the fringe falls over the guy’s eyes. Michael spots a few days’ worth of stubble when the guy turns his face, which does nothing to hide sharp cheekbones and the kind of jawline Michael would like to sink his teeth into. He looks down at the guy’s hands as he sorts through his bag and catches a glimpse of chipped black nail polish and silver rings; it makes Michael’s stomach clench as it reminds him of someone else who liked that look. He’s always had a thing for the rocker vibe, and this guy is filling it to a tee. Michael really wants to see his face and see if it matches the rest of the already pretty package.
“Michael, are you even listening to me?” Isobel complains loudly over the phone, distracting him from enjoying the view in front of him.
“Not really,” he answers honestly, shifting to get comfortable on the airport’s hard plastic chairs. “I tend to tune out your bitching,” he tells her, and the guy makes a sound, indicating that he’s overheard the conversation, his head still in his backpack.
Michael smiles, oddly pleased that he’s amused him.
“You’re an asshole.”
“According to you, I’m always an asshole,” he continues, and the guy’s shoulders give a small shake as he finally looks up.
Michael spots brown eyes and full pink lips curved upward. They’re beautiful, but it’s the man’s eyes that Michael is stuck on. Eyes he’s seen before but not in ten years, eyes that haunt his dreams to this day. Eyes that are widening as they look back at him with recognition.
Alex Manes.
“Guerin?” He asks hesitantly, his voice barely above a whisper, while the disbelief is loud and clear.
He ends the call without saying goodbye to Isobel.
“Alex,” he croaks out, his voice cracking in a way it hasn’t since he was a teenager. Given that he hasn’t seen Alex since then, the irony isn’t lost on him.
Alex Manes, the guy responsible for his bisexual awakening.
He gives him another once over now that he can see his face, his gaze no longer interested in a stranger, but instead in the guy that in his private moments, he calls ‘the one that got away.’
At 17, Alex had made the angsty emo look work for him, now the eyeliner was gone, but the edginess was still there. He wasn’t in head to toe black like back in the day; there was a soft-looking green sweater peeking out under his leather jacket, and his hair wasn’t spiked up with vast amounts of gel. Instead, it looked soft, and Michael’s hand itched to touch it.
He recalls the last time they were truly alone. Alex’s kindness still, to this day, warms him from the inside out. The lack of hesitation in Alex to let Michael use his shed when he needed a warm place to stay. How he had given Michael his first guitar just because Michael liked to play, and Alex wanted to do something nice for him.
There is a flutter in Michael’s stomach as he thinks about Alex, gentle and hesitant, leaning in to kiss him. Just as quickly, his stomach drops as he remembers how he turned his face away at the last second in a moment of panic. An action that Michael instantly regretted and has continued to regret ten years later.
After their failed almost kiss, Alex kept his distance, letting him continue to stay in the shed but never coming back to spend time with him, and before he knew it, they were swept up in the excitement of graduation, and after that, Alex was just gone.
He knew enough about Alex's family life to see that he wanted to be as far away from his father as possible, and the boy had not waited for a second longer than he had to. Diploma in hand, he’d gotten a bus out of Roswell, leaving the town with Rosa Ortecho. By then, it was too late for Michael, who was only just realizing that Alex Manes was someone that mattered more to him than anyone outside of Max and Isobel. Leaving Michael with the painful realization that he’d missed his moment.
“What are you doing here?” he blurts out as he gets out of his chair and takes a step towards Alex, instantly cringing at the volume and speed with which he says it. He comes to a halt as Alex startles back in his seat. “I mean- that is-“ he stammers as he waves his hand nervously, feeling his face grow hot. Alex lifts an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to say something coherent. “Hi?”
Alex stares at him for a moment longer before he breaks out into a smile, letting out a soft laugh. “Hi, Guerin,” he says, taking a step towards him as he stands, and Michael realizes with a jolt that Alex is going in for a hug. Luckily his body isn’t stuck on stupid like his brain and mouth, and he gets it to cooperate in time. He wraps his arms around Alex’s shoulders and tries not to do something mortifying like let out a moan at the feel of Alex’s hard body against his, or worse, press his face into Alex’s neck and inhale his scent like a total creep.
“Hi, Alex,” he mumbles into his shoulder, holding on longer than it’s probably acceptable to greet an old school friend. Fortunately, Alex proves to still be kind and lets Michael hold him, not commenting on the lingering hug, even though his own hands are now loose at Michael’s waist.
Knowing he can’t prolong the embrace any longer without making it weird, he tightens his hold one more second before pulling away without stepping back. This close, he can see Alex’s stupidly attractive face and commit to memory all the ways its change. Gone is the boyishness from years ago. At 28, Alex Manes is a man, and it shows. His features are more defined; the facial hair adds a ruggedness he didn’t have in their youth. There are faint laugh lines at the corners of his eyes and mouth that makes Michael glad to see them. High school Alex didn’t laugh nearly as much as he should’ve, not when there were bullies at school and an even bigger bully at home, but as glad as it makes him to think of a happy Alex, it’s mixed with a sadness that he wasn’t the one there to make it happen. There is a small scar above his right eye, and he instantly wants to ask him about it as he touches it. He does neither and instead finally takes a step back.
“Hi,” he says once more, and he hopes his smile isn’t as lovesick as it feels, but he’s in front of his teenage crush, that he’s never completely gotten over, and his palms are sweating, his pulse racing.
Alex grins, his eyes flickering with laughter. “Hi, again,” he teases. “Long time no see, Guerin.”
Michael licks his lips nervously. “Ten years.”
Alex nods, still smiling easily at him as he takes back his seat. Michael hesitates for a moment, before deciding that sitting across Alex is too far. He grabs his carry on and rolls it to the seat next to Alex's. He says nothing, looking at him welcoming as Michael sits beside him.
"Where are you headed?" he asks as he tries to get comfortable.
Alex huffs out a laugh. "Roswell."
Michael raises an eyebrow at that. As far as he knows, Alex hasn't been back to Roswell since he left. Michael doesn't go back as often as Isobel would like, but he does go home when he has the time to get away from MIT. He always tries to ask Liz, who is dating Max these days or Maria DeLuca about him, and while he knows that they visit Alex. Alex does not come home, it's a simple fact.
"Yeah, I know," Alex laughs some more. "But you know Liz and Max Evans are together now, right?"
Michael nods, his brother managed to convince Liz to give him a chance when she moved back home over a year ago. He doesn't say that though, since as far as the world is concerned, he is just friends with the Evans twins and not related.
"Well, she's pregnant," Alex confesses, and Michael gestures once more. He knows that Max has been happy-slash-freaked-out about his future half-human, half-alien spawn. Luckily Max had told Liz their little green secret before they got pregnant, much to Isobel's displeasure. Michael’s too, even though he understood Max wanting to tell the love of his life the truth. He looks at Alex and feels a spasm; deep down, he knows that if he were ever to risk telling his secret to a human, it would always be Alex Manes.
It's not the least bit logical, but that doesn't make it any less true.
"Anyway," Alex continues, oblivious to Michael's heavy thoughts. "Liz wants Rosa there for moral support when she tells Arturo, and Rosa called me from California asking me to come for a visit because, and this is a direct quote: ‘if I have to go back to the desert punk, so do you.’" Alex rolls his eyes, but a smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. "And knowing Rosa, if I had said no, she would have flown to New York just to drag me home, so I figured I should save myself the hassle and just cave to her demands, she's scary when she’s annoyed."
Michael smirks. "Rosa Ortecho is like 5'2," he teases him.
"Is that supposed to mean something to me?" Alex looks at him, unimpressed. "Because I lived with her for six years before she got tired of the east coast winters, and decided to head to SoCal. She might be tiny, but her rage is giant."
Michael laughs, and it grows as Alex gives him the stink eye at his amusement. He's more than ready to continue to tease him when his phone starts ringing. Looking down, he cringes at the caller ID. He's surprised Isobel has waited this long to call him back and yell at him for ending their call. Alex tilts his head to sneak a peek at his phone, making a sound in his throat when he sees the contact name.
“That wouldn’t be Isobel Evans, would it?” Alex questions, making another noise like a laugh when Michael nods, his finger hovering over the answer button. “So, do you want to keep teasing me about being scared of Rosa?”
Michael looks over at him. “At least Isobel is taller,” he tells him, resisting the urge to stick his tongue out at him. Alex grins at him in a way that tells him that while he didn’t give in to his urge, Alex knows it, nonetheless. He rolls his eyes and presses the call button.
“You hang up on me!” Isobel yells into the phone. “And then you answer yeah,” she says, mocking him. She is loud enough that Alex can hear her, making him cover his mouth to keep her from hearing his laughter.
“Something important came up,” he tells her, looking at Alex. His heart ticking up when Alex raises a teasing eyebrow at him as he points at himself.
“And what’s that?” she demands, loudly.
Michael stares at Alex, locking eyes with him.
Alex holds his gaze, his lips parting as he stares at Michael, and he can only imagine what Alex sees on his face. “A beautiful boy, I used to have a crush on back in high school,” he answers, his gut clenching when Alex lets out a soft sound, his eyes wide as he looks at Michael.
Isobel takes in a sharp breath. “You don’t mean- “
“Yep,” Michael tells her, smiling when she swears. Isobel is the only person who knows about his decade-long feelings for Alex, and he appreciates that she instantly understands the depth of the situation.
“This is literally the only reason I accept you hanging up on me,” she tells him after a moment. “I want details the second you get here, which will be soon, right?”
“They still have us waiting,” he says, looking away from Alex, who is still watching him, with a considering look on his face and over to the screen where it’s again flashing that his flight to Dallas is delayed. “But they haven’t canceled the flight yet, so here's hoping we know something soon.”
Isobel makes a noise of agreement. “Okay, keep me posted.”
“I will,” he assures her.
“Okay,” she says again. “Go get your boy, is he still emo?”
Michael looks over at Alex again, deliberately checking him out. “More of a rocker vibe.”
Alex’s lip twitches.
“Hot?” Isobel asks, pleased.
Michael licks his lips, pleased when Alex tracks the movement. “He was always hot,” he tells her, smirking as Alex shakes his head even as he smiles, and there is a gorgeous blush working its way over his cheeks. Isobel laughs in delight as she says goodbye.
Michael presses end to the call and waits for Alex to say something, anything. He doesn’t look upset that Michael was blatantly talking about him. The way Alex’s brown eyes seem to have darkened, the soft press of his teeth to his bottom lip, tells Michael that Alex isn’t indifferent to him at all. That sexual tension they had as kids is still there for him too.
“So it seems we have a lot to catch up on,” Alex finally speaks, standing up. Michael does the same. “And something tells me that it will be better over drinks,” Alex continues with a glint in his eyes that makes Michael’s stomach flip. “Bar?”
Michael grabs the handle of his carry on and steps closer to Alex, his skin buzzing from being near him and the way Alex looks at him now, so similar to years ago. “Lead the way.”
 They don’t say much as they walk away from their gate, nor as they sit at the bar, waiting for his beer and Alex’s jack-n-coke. It’s only after their drinks are placed in front of them that Alex seems ready to talk.
“I have a lot of questions,” he admits as he sips his drink. “Especially after that phone call with Isobel, but I’m not sure how to start.”
Michael thinks for a moment, smiling when an idea comes to him. “20 questions?”
Alex lights up at the suggestion, nodding in agreement with a sly grin.
“I’ll go first,” he says quickly, which earns him an indulgent look from Alex. “Where did you go after high school?” he asks. He knows snippets from his friends when they mention him, but it’s never enough for Michael, who has been longing to know everything about Alex for years.
“I went to New York with Rosa,” Alex starts, turning in his stool to look at him. He tells him about arriving in the city with his friend, sharing a shitty studio apartment with her, working even shittier jobs, while taking online courses. He tells Michael about Rosa getting clean with time and pure grit.
Two Roswell outcasts against the world Alex tells him, smiling the whole time, and Michael can tell that while it obviously wasn’t easy being broke teenagers in New York, he loved every moment of it. “I would play my music in dive bars, and then one day someone heard me and asked if I wanted to write music with them, and I have been doing it ever since.”
“A songwriter,” Michael says with a smile, and Alex returns it brightly.
“I never wanted to be a rock star,” Alex tells him, chuckling as he waves at his clothes. “Despite my appearance. I just wanted to write songs and hear other people play them. I get to do what I love and keep my life private.”
“That’s amazing, Alex,” he says, happy of him. He remembers how little Alex smiled, and now in less than an hour of being in his presence, Michael thinks he’s seen him smile more than all the time he knew him.
“Thanks,” Alex says softly, looking down at his hands as he plays with his rings. He looks back at Michael from under the pieces of hair that have fallen in his eyes. “Your turn, did you go to UNM?”
Michael nods, blushing when Alex gives him a huge smile. “UNM for my undergrad, and now I’m at MIT working on my doctoral in Mechanical Engineering.”
“Dr. Guerin,” Alex teases gently, his smile beautiful. “Damn, Guerin, I always knew you would do amazing things with that big brain of yours.”
It’s Michael's turn to feel bashful as Alex looks at him proudly.
“And Cambridge,” Alex continues casually. “That’s only a few hours drive from New York, to think we’ve been so close all this time.”
Michael turns to look at him; there is a hint of a smirk on Alex’s otherwise neutral expression. “Next question, anyone special in your life?”
Alex tsks him. “You asked the first question. It’s my turn.”
Michael shakes his head. “Nope, you asked me if I went to UNM, and I answered, so it’s my turn again.”
Alex narrows his eyes at him, the hint of a smile on his face. “You sneak. Fine. Is there anyone special in my life?”
Michael nods, licking his lips as he waits in anticipation, letting out a breath when Alex shakes his head.
“New York has been a fun playground for this gay boy,” Alex grins wickedly with the confidence of a man who has discovered his hotness and uses it to his advantage; it sends a spike of heat through Michael. “Much better than Roswell, where I was the only gay kid, that was out anyway,” he says, shooting Michael a loaded look, letting him know that Alex hasn’t forgotten his talk with Isobel. “But no one serious, guess I'm still looking for a boy to love me."
Michael swallows down on the overwhelming urge to scream, 'I volunteer as tribute' like he's Katniss-fucking-Everdeen.
"Your turn to ask a question," he says instead, and instantly feels his hands sweat as Alex turns even further in his seat to thoroughly look at Michael.
Michael does the same, and their knees bump as he turns in his stool. Alex spreads his legs to accommodate him, but all it does is draw Michael’s attention to the fact that Alex's pants are tight and that his parted legs emphasize that little fact. Hiding nothing, like the fact that he's pretty sure Alex isn't wearing underwear under his jeans. Michael feels a little light-headed.
"Did you really have a crush on me back in high school?"
Michael’s head snaps up from where he'd been staring, swallowing hard around nothing. The bravery he had felt when he made the comment earlier evaporating in the face of a direct question. But as he looks at Alex, there is no playful smirk, no teasing, just an honest look on his face with a hint of hopefulness, Michael finds his bravery again and nods.
Alex lets out a breath. "That night in the shed?"
Michael makes a face at the memory. "Instant regret. The second I turned my face, I knew I was an idiot.”
Alex shakes his head. "I freaked you out," he reasons away easily.
"How much I liked you freaked me out," Michael corrects him, feeling warm from the inside out as Alex gives him a sweet smile in return. "You leaned in, and I realized ‘oh shit I like a dude,’" he grins as Alex lets out a chuckle. "Had my gay panic, which turned into my bisexual awakening in the days that followed, but by the time I realized it, you were gone."
Alex’s expression is full of understanding, soft, and kind. "Missed opportunity."
Michael nods, swallowing before he continues with his confession. "You're the one that got away,” he says with an embarrassed chuckle. “I think about it all the time, that if I could do it over again, I wouldn't turn away."
There is a glint in Alex's dark eyes that seems to make them glow; the soft smile on his face is a little amused and pleased. He looks at him for a moment, and Michael holds his breath as he seems to come to a decision. Alex places his hands on Michael's knees, leaning into his space, only stopping when he's a few inches away from Michael.
"Do-over?" he whispers, and he's close enough that Michael can feel his breath touch his face.
Michael thinks for a moment, he must be dreaming, has to be, but he doesn’t question it, because if it is a dream. It’s a dream come true. He closes the space between them, taking Alex’s bottom lip between his. The kiss isn’t tentative like a usual first kiss. There is no uncertainty from either one of them as Alex reaches up, his hands finding their way to Michael’s hair, and Michael slides out of his seat to step in between Alex’s legs. He grips Alex’s thighs and pulls him closer, relishing the sound Alex makes at the back of his throat. He wants Alex to keep making those kinds of sounds; he wants to be the reason for them. They say reality is never as good as your imagination, but the people who say that have obviously never kissed Alex Manes.
His lips are softer than his wildest dreams, and his taste is instantly addictive, he’ll never need acetone again if he gets to keep kissing Alex.
Alex licks into his mouth, and it’s Michael’s turn to let out a noise. He can feel Alex smile into the kiss, so he gives Alex’s thighs a hard squeeze for his smugness, earning a stinging bite that Alex soothes away with a swipe of his hot tongue.
Alex breaks the kiss but doesn’t pull away from him; if anything, he holds him closer, his fingers gripping in Michael’s curls. “Fuck, Guerin,” Alex gets out, his voice rough. “You kiss all the boys like that?”
Michael grins, giddy from having the boy of his dreams in his arms, looking at him with those brown eyes of his that always, always, laid Michael low. “Just you, darlin’.”
Alex gives him a growing smile. “Sweet talker,” he teases, his hands leave Michael’s hair, and he cradles Michael’s face between them. “When did you get so smooth?”
Michael laughs, happier than he’s been in a long time. He's more than ready to get back to it, nothing else matters than Alex's mouth, when a voice booms over the speakers.
‘Attention passengers of American Airlines flight 157 Denver to Dallas, has been canceled. Passengers, please report to your gate for further information.’
"That's us, isn't it?" Michael makes a face, already dreading yet another lecture from Isobel.
Alex copies him. "Yep," he says as he runs a hand through his hair, making Michael realize that he hasn't touched it yet. He wants to. He wants to see if it's as soft and silky as it looks. "Rosa is going to bitch me out. She wanted me home earlier in the week."
Michael smiles. "I have the same conversation to look forward to with Isobel."
Alex gives him a half-smile and stands, grabbing his bag and then Michael's hand. "Let's go see what the plan is before we deal with those two."
Michael nods, picking up his carry-on. They leave a tip for the bartender and head for the information desk, waiting their turn as the people before them are dealt with. The young man that greets them, does it with an apologetic smile that tells them he has been saying sorry to a lot of angry people. Given that its December 22nd, so close to Christmas, Michael can’t imagine people being happy with their flights canceled.
He tries to listen as the man tells them that the weather report is saying that the snow should stop by midnight and that their flight is rescheduled for 8:45 am the next day. He tunes out as more apologies are uttered in their direction. His focus is on the fact that Alex hasn’t let go of his hand, his thumb running back and forth over the webbing between his thumb and his index, and he tries to suppress a shiver caused by the calluses of Alex’s thumb over the thin skin. Alex turns in his direction, giving him a knowing smile. He knows Michael isn’t paying attention. But how can he pay attention when he’s actually standing next to Alex? Holding hands with him after finally kissing him like he’s dreamed about for the last ten years.
Alex is lucky he’s not plastered to his back, his arms around him, clinging to him as he presses his face to his neck the way he really wants to.
“We have a shuttle bus that will take you to the hotel,” the attendant tells them, and Michael snaps out of his frankly embarrassing fantasy of living the rest of his days like Alex’s backpack. “Again, we’re so sorry for the inconvenience, sirs.”
“Please stop apologizing, you can’t control the weather,” Alex tells the man with a sincere smile, and the attendant turns a shade of pink. Michael can almost see the heart eyes he gives Alex.
He frowns at the man even though he gets it. It’s pretty much his reaction to Alex, but that doesn’t mean he likes other people reacting the same, especially when he’s right next to him. He shifts closer to him, giving the attendant a look that silently says, ‘back the fuck off.’
The flight attendant clears his throat nervously, darting his eyes away from Alex, looking at Michael with apologetic acknowledgment.
“The van will be outside waiting for you,” he tells them quickly. “Have a good night, sirs.”
Alex tugs at his hand as he begins to walk away. “Let’s go, Guerin.”
Michael follows along quickly, more than okay with Alex pulling him along by the hand. They get into the airport van that is waiting for them, and Michael realizes that the information he missed out while busy fantasizing about Alex, is that the airport is setting them up with rooms for the night to make up for the cancellation. They get to the hotel ten minutes later, and it only takes them that long because of the snow. The hotel isn’t anything special, but they’re quick to check them in, obviously ready for the influx of stranded passengers, and they get handed their room keys, both on the fifth floor.
He walks with Alex down a narrow hallway, stopping in front of room 515. Alex opens his door before turning back to him, shifting from foot to foot.
“I need a hot shower before I get yelled at by Rosa,” he says with a wry smile, and Michael realizes with a warm fluttering feeling in his chest that Alex is as nervous as him.
It makes him smile softly, and he’s pleased by the way Alex's shoulders seem to loosen. “Same,” he tells him. “Iz will probably have a lot to say.”
Alex chuckles softly before placing his hand on Michael’s chest, curling it around his coat and reeling him in. Michael steps into his space, meeting Alex halfway, kissing him back as he presses his lips against his in a soft, gentle touch. They take their time, neither deepening the kiss, just enjoying the press of their lips against each other. “Do you want to come back when you’re done getting yelled at?” Alex asks quietly against his mouth.
He pulls back to look at Alex, flushed skin, his dark eyes that glisten with hope and desire.
The answer to the question is obvious.
 After a shower and a lengthy conversation with Isobel that jumps back and forth between lecturing him for not leaving Massachusetts sooner and demanding details about Alex, Michael is finally back at Alex’s door. He runs his hand over his damp curls and takes a deep breath before he knocks, waiting as he hears Alex move around in his room.
The door opens to reveal a freshly showered Alex in nothing but a pair of grey sweats that ride low on his hips. Michael tries hard not to swallow his tongue.
He shoots him a smile with his cell phone pressed to his ear. Rosa, he mouths, stepping away to let Michael in.
Michael walks into the room, grateful that Alex is distracted, it gives him a moment to take Alex in. His back to him, he hears Alex give a vague uh-huh to his friend, followed by a yep. He runs his eyes over Alex, lingering on the smooth skin over lean muscle, the dip of his waist, and the pair of dimples on his lower back that leaves Michael’s mouth dry. He itches to step up to Alex and press himself against the length of his back.
He doesn’t hold back on the impulse and does just that, stepping up behind Alex, relishing the gasp he lets out as his hands clench his hips, he rubs his nose against the side of Alex’s neck, making a sound at the back of his throat as he takes in the smell of soap and underneath that, a scent so uniquely Alex, a little sweet, hot and addictive.
“Time to hang up, darlin’,” he whispers against his ear, taking the lobe between his teeth, grinning around it as Alex lets out a halting goodbye to Rosa, ignoring her protests. He spins around, wrapping his arms around Michael’s neck.
“Menace,” he whispers, cutting Michael’s laugh short as he slams his mouth against his.
Michael groans, his hands tightening his hold on Alex, and he pulls him even closer, letting out another whining sound when Alex licks into his mouth. He runs his hands from Alex’s sides to his back, touching every piece of warm skin he can.
“Guerin,” Alex gasps for breath, his hands tugging at his shirt, and Michael lets go of Alex long enough to pull it over his head, dropping it on the floor. He stands still as Alex exhales a sharp breath, running his eyes over him in a way that feels like a touch. He wants more though, and when Alex’s hands hover hesitantly over his chest, he circles his wrists and gently presses them over his racing heart.
“You want this?” Alex asks, his hands caress his chest, a fingertip brushing against his hardened nipples, his body tightening at the sensation, and he swallows hard at the look Alex gives him in response.
“I have never wanted anything more,” he pauses, licking his lips nervously when Alex meets his eyes. “Then how much I have always wanted you,” he confesses, and it feels like his heart is going to leap out of his chest when Alex gives him a gentle look that reflects the hope Michael knows is on his face.
Alex goes around him, and Michael turns around to watch Alex climb into the queen size bed. Laying back on a mess of pillows, he lifts his hand out to Michael.
“Come here,” he whispers, looking like all of Michael’s dreams come to life, and Michael doesn’t need to be told twice.
 “Am I dreaming?” he whispers sometime later, his head on Alex’s chest, their legs intertwined under a sheet as they try to catch their breath. Their bodies are sweaty and sticky, but Michael doesn’t care, not when his body aches in the delightful way that only happens after a spectacular fuck.
Alex’s chest rumbles under his cheek as he laughs, his hand has been making a mess of his curls as he runs his fingers through them. “I was thinking the same thing.”
Michael grins into his skin, pressing a kiss into it, followed by a lick before he looks up at him. “Really?”
“Mmhmm,” Alex hums, wrapping his index finger around a curl, his nails scratch at Michael’s scalp softly, and he has to bite down on his lip to keep from purring. “I used to daydream about your hair.”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him. “That’s a lot more innocent than my daydreams; I’ll be real.”
Alex grins at him, tugging on a curl. “Well, I think you’ve proven by your earlier moves that you’re a dirty boy,” Alex jokes, and Michael throws him a smirk, proud as he remembers the way Alex gasped and begged when Michael rode him.
“I used to dream about it in Bio class,” Alex confesses. “You used to sit by the windows, and the light would hit your curls, making them glow. All I wanted was to sink my hands into them and play with them for hours.”
“That’s so sweet,” Michael teases to keep from melting on the spot, he’s already half in love with Alex, to know that Alex also thought of him back then, that he might feel some of what he’s feeling now, pretty much seals the deal on his feelings.
Alex gives a curl another tug, this one sharper, and Michael can't help the gasp that comes out. Alex stills his hand while Michael holds his breath.
"If we go another round, you're not going to sit comfortably on the plane in the morning," Alex warns him, heat flickering in Michael's belly from the promise in Alex's tone, and  Michael finds himself straddling Alex, feeling him harden under him.
"I couldn't care less," Michael says, grinding against Alex, a grin on his face when Alex lets out a curse and flips them over, his hand reaching for the small bottle of lube they used before.
"You asked for it,” Alex tells him. Michael would gloat about it, but as Alex touches him with wet fingers, pressing in, he finds himself without enough brain cells to be clever.
 Michael isn’t sure if it’s that the airline is trying to keep them happy because of the canceled flight, or it’s just Alex’s smile that dazzles the flight attendant, leaving her powerless to his charm. But when they arrive at the airport for their morning flight, Alex asks if Michael can be bumped up to first class with him, and the flight attendant immediately upgrades him.
“That face of yours pretty much gets you whatever you want, doesn’t it?” he questions as they sit with their seat belts on, as the flight crew finishes going through their emergency procedures.
“I don’t know,” Alex says, turning his head to look at him. There is a sleepy look on his face, and Michael feels a sense of pride to think he wore him out. Their second round had turned into a third, and though Alex was right and he finds himself shifting in his seat to get comfortable, shooting Alex a look when he smirks, he can’t say he regrets it.  “Can I get anything I want from you?” he asks with a teasing look on his face.
“Probably,” he answers honestly.
Alex makes a sound, and Michael looks up at him, there is a look of surprise that turns soft. Alex takes his hand in his, running his thumb over the thin skin between his thumb and index finger. It makes Michael tremble.
“Sorry,” Alex murmurs, even as he doesn’t stop touching Michael. “Guitar calluses.”
“I don’t mind,” he answers, turning his hand palm side up so Alex can have more to touch.
“Do you still play?” Alex asks, studying his hand.
“Not as much as I would like,” Michael admits. Between work and classes, it doesn’t leave him much time. “When I do play, I think of you.”
Alex's hand stills over his, and he looks at Michael with big brown eyes that hold so much emotion. “You really mean that don’t you,” he whispers, leaning in closer, intertwining their fingers. “You still think about me.”
Michael breathes in, his heart pounding in his ears. A part of him worries that he’s coming on too strong. He’s had ten years to come to terms with the fact that he’s probably been half in love with Alex since he was a teenager. While Alex is just now realizing the torch Michael has been carrying. The other part of him though, the part that still can’t believe that he actually has Alex with him here and now. Can’t believe the night they just spent together isn’t a dream of his. That part is telling him that this is his second chance, and he needs to lay it all on the table if he’s going to have a shot at keeping Alex in his life this time around. “I always think about you, Alex.”
Shaking his head like he can’t believe it, Alex closes his eyes for a moment, but there is a smile on his face, and it gives Michal hope.
Opening his eyes, Alex looks at him in wonder, making Michael feel warm all over. “What do you think about?”
Michael raises an eyebrow at him with a smirk, laughing when Alex scoffs at him, though he sees a hint of a blush.
“Besides that, Guerin,” Alex rolls his eyes at him even as his mouth quirks upward.
He laughs softly, trailing off as Alex looks at him, waiting. “I think about your kindness,” he says quietly. “You gave me somewhere warm because I had nowhere to go. You gave me a guitar because you knew I liked to play, and you wanted to do something nice. You were kind to me for no reason.”
“I liked you,” Alex smiles sweetly, looking so much like the boy of years ago. “That was the reason.”
Michael squeezes his hand. "That was the first time someone gave me something that meant anything. I hated leaving it behind in the shed."
“You should have taken it,” Alex tells him with a soft smile. “I wanted you to have it; instead, it’s probably still in the shed collecting dust with all my other stuff. I know my dad had my brother Greg get rid of all my things inside the house, and instead, he put them in the shed. At least that’s what Greg told me the last time we spoke, but that was years ago, so maybe it’s all gone now.”
“You don’t talk to them, do you?” he questions, though given that Alex has never bothered to come back to Roswell, he probably knows the answer.
“My father is an abusive asshole who hates me for being gay,” Alex says matter of fact, there is no hurt in his voice like he came to terms with it a long time ago. “My older brothers follow his lead. Greg, who is two years older than me, is the only one who doesn’t care. He’s not supportive exactly, but he also doesn’t give a shit about me liking guys or the family drama. He went into the military like my other brothers, but it was to get away from everyone. We have that in common.”
Michael wants to put his arm around Alex; he wants to pull him closer and hold him until he eases the pain Alex carries from years of abuse and neglect. He hesitates for a moment, they’re on the plane, there are people around them, and maybe Alex doesn’t want his attention right now. After a moment, he decides what the hell. He pops off his seat belt, noticing that the light for it is off and moves to lift the armrest between them.
“What are you doing, Guerin?” Alex questions, frowning at him.
“I’m going to hug you,” he answers, ignoring the look Alex gives him.
“I’m fine,” Alex protests, while Michael shifts in his seat. “I’ve moved past the need for my father’s approval.”
“I know you’re fine, you’re great,” Michael assures him as he throws his arm around Alex’s shoulders and pulls him close. “You’re perfect, I just like touching you and don’t know if I’ll get to do this when we get to Roswell, so I’m taking advantage now.”
Alex scoffs halfheartedly, but indulges him anyway, and wraps his arms around Michael’s waist as he holds him. “You’re a lot more affectionate than I would have thought, but I like it,” he says, his words pressed against Michael’s jaw as he tilts his head. “And for the record, you can touch me all you want when we get to Roswell.”
Michael stills at the comment, and he tells his heart to calm the fuck down as it beats loudly. “Do you mean that?”
Alex, who has gotten as comfortable as you can on an airplane, first-class seats or not, lets out a hum as he uses Michael’s shoulder as a pillow. “Well,” he starts sleepily. “I guess this could just be a one night stand for you,” he pauses, and the hand at Michael’s waist gives him a soft squeeze. “But I’m going to take a leap of faith and say that’s not the case.”
“Leap away,” Michael says quickly, his pulse still racing.
Alex makes another noise like Michael has pleased and amused him with his quick response. He doesn’t say anything else and seems to be drifting off, but Michael can’t let the conversation go just yet.
“So just so I’m clear, this wasn’t a one night stand for you either, and it would be okay with you if I…” he trails off, not knowing how to continue.
He what? Touch Alex? Kiss Alex? Proclaim his undying love?
Alex huffs, and he lifts his head to look at him, he seems tired, but he leans in anyway and kisses him softly. He takes his time with it, only pulling back when they’re both breathless.
Michael exhales. “Yeah, that.”
Alex grins, his brown eyes dancing. “You sure you’re a genius, Guerin? Because you seem really slow on the uptake.”
Michael rolls his eyes, but can’t help the smile that has taken over his face. “Go to sleep smartass. I obviously wore you out, and it’s made you crabby. I’ll wake you up when we land in Dallas.”
Alex looks like he wants to give another retort, but, in the end, seems to decide that sleep has more appeal and lays his head back on Michael’s shoulder, doing as Michael tells him.
 They land in  Roswell after a short layover in Dallas; hand in hand, they make their way to luggage claim. Alex has been quiet since the wheels of the plane touched the ground.
“Are you okay?” he asks gently.
“I think so,” Alex wrinkles his nose at him, and it’s so damn cute Michael wants to lean in and kiss it. “It’s just weird being back; that’s all.”
Michael nods, he’s already asked him if he has plans to see his family, which made Alex laugh dryly before giving him an emphatic no.
“Is anyone picking you up?” Alex asks once they both have their bags and start to make their way towards the exit.
“Isobel, what about you?”
Alex’s mouth curves. “Rosa.”
Michael nods again, feeling a trickle of worry grow the closer they make it to the outside world. The last 24 hours have felt like a magical little bubble where only he and Alex exist. Michael can’t help but worry that the magic is going to disappear the moment it’s no longer just the two of them. He thinks some of his thoughts must play out on his face because Alex, who has been watching him, stops in his tracks and turns to him.
“Hey,” he says quietly, brushing away one of Michael’s curls away from his face, his brown eyes warm as he looks at him.
“Hi,” Michael whispers back, taking a breath as Alex places his hands on his waist and tugs him forward.
Alex smiles, leaning in to rest his forehead against his.
“Tell that busy brain of yours to calm down,” Alex whispers, and Michael tries not to make a big deal out of the fact that Alex seems to be able to read him like a book. He taps his index finger against Michael’s temple. “Okay? I can hear it from here.”
Michael breathes out slowly, earning himself another smile from Alex as he nods, his forehead still pressed against his. Alex doesn't let him go, seemingly comfortable with staying there in his arms as much as Michael, and it settles his nerves some more.
As far as he's concerned, they can stay like this forever.
Isobel, though, seems to have a different plan.
"Jesus Christ, did you two really make us wait until the last minute to get here, just to stare at each other in an airport?"
Michael turns his head to find his sister and Rosa Ortecho standing side by side, watching them with various degrees of judgment and amusement on their faces.
Alex lets him go, much to Michael's displeasure, and holds out his arms for Rosa, who breaks out into a grin as she jumps into his arms.
"Hey punk," she says into Alex's shoulder as she and Alex hold each other tightly.
"Hi love," Alex greets back with a breathtaking smile on his face.
Isobel slaps his arm, drawing back his attention to her. "I haven't seen you in months. Are you going to hug me, or are you too busy staring at Alex like in high school?" Isobel asks bluntly, drawing the attention of the two friends who are still hugging.
Rosa smirks in his direction, while Alex gives him a soft look, the tiniest bit amused.
Michael can feel himself blush. It's one thing to tell Alex in private that he had feelings for him back in high school. It's another to have Isobel air his dirty laundry like this.
He glares at her but softens when he sees the happy look on her face.
"Brat," he murmurs with affection pulling her into a tight hug.
"Loser," she mocks as she returns the embrace. "Come on, we have to get back to the house. I have pies to finish."
Michael hesitates when she tugs at his sleeve. She looks back at him and then over at Alex, rolling her eyes at both of them.
"Oh for God sakes Michael, you're going to see him later. Hi, by the way, Manes," she says, finally seeming to remember her manners.
Alex shakes his head, laughing. "Hey, Evans, you haven't changed a bit, I see."
Isobel raises an eyebrow at the comment, taking it for the challenge it is. "While you seem to have finally gotten over your unfortunate emo phase, good for you."
"Ooh, fashion burn," Alex smirks, a glint in his eye.
Isobel stares at him harder, glares at him, really, but Michael can see the hint of a smile on her face. Isobel has always appreciated a worthy opponent.
She turns back to him. "If you could, please stop acting like you're saying goodbye to your beloved before sending him off to war. Max is in charge of the kitchen, so we have to go before he burns it down."
"Give me a second to say goodbye."
Isobel rolls her eyes again, but lets go of his arm.
Michael turns back to Alex, who looks like he's trying very hard to keep from laughing. He grins back, having decided to irritate Isobel some more.
"I'll wait for you, my love," he says with a dramatic sigh.
Alex bites down on his bottom lip, taking a deep breath. "Though the future is full of peril, know that I'll think of you every moment we're apart."
Rosa chuckles just as Isobel lets out a disgruntled huff, glaring at both of them. "Great, he’s just as annoying as you, Michael.”
Alex smirks, obviously pleased.
“Perfect match,” Michael says quietly, not caring that Rosa shakes her head in laughter or that Isobel makes a gagging noise like the brat she is. Alex is giving him a soft smile, and that’s all that matters in the end. “See you later?”
Alex nods, his hand grips the front of Michael’s shirt, tugging him forward for a soft kiss. “Go have dinner with your friends. We can do something for Christmas day, just the two of us, okay?”
Michael nods, pressing his mouth against Alex’s once more. “Okay.”
 Michael wakes up Christmas day to voices outside his bedroom at Max’s, sighing when he sees that it’s only eight a.m. and his siblings are already up, even though they were awake past midnight.
Grabbing his phone, he checks his messages and smiles when he sees that Alex left him a text around one a.m. saying Merry Christmas. Pocketing his phone, he makes his way towards the living room where Isobel is sitting with a cup of coffee in hand while making Max hold up a series of shirts against his body.
“What’s going on?” he asks, leaning down to kiss the top of Isobel’s head, stealing her cup in the process.
She gives him a dirty look but lets him get away with it, nodding towards a frantic Max.
“Liz dropped the baby bomb on her dad last night and text Max this morning that Arturo wants him over at the diner for breakfast and a discussion. So now he’s trying to find a shirt that says, ‘I’m sorry I knocked up your daughter out of wedlock; please don’t shoot me,” she finished explaining with a frankly evil smile on her face at their brother’s predicament.
“Max,” he says sharply, drawing his attention when it looks like he’s going to start freaking out even more than he already is. “Arturo is not going to shoot you.”
Max lets out a relieved breath while Isobel pouts at him for ruining her fun, which he answers with a wink.
“The man is a cook,” he continues, not bothering to fight the grin on his face. “He’ll poison you before he shoots you,” he finishes, smirking as Isobel lets out a loud laugh, and Max gives him an annoyed look.
“Comforting and helpful as always, Michael, thank you,” Max bitches at him, while Isobel continues to laugh.
Michael tips his head in Max’s direction, chuckling when Max walks away, mumbling under his breath about horrible siblings.
His phone buzzes, and he pulls it out, to see a message, smiling when he sees it’s from Alex.
“Good morning. Liz told Arturo about the baby, and there’s a very awkward breakfast about to happen that  I don’t want to be here for. Want to meet up? I’ll bring coffee and donuts.”
He lets out an amused sound, shooting back a quick yes. Alex answers back just as quickly with an address and a heart emoji.
“Alex?” Isobel asks, startling him. He’d forgotten he wasn’t alone.
He looks up to find her studying him. “How did you know?” he questions, getting an eye-roll in return.
“Because you’re smiling like an idiot,” she answers dryly, a smirk on her face when he glares at her. “It’s the same face you used to make when you would stare at him in high school.”
“Stop,” Michael whines, knowing where this is already going because he’s heard Isobel give Max the same lecture about Liz.
Isobel raises her hands in peace. “I’m happy that you’re happy,” she starts, and he can hear the but in her voice. “I’m happy that you’re reconnecting with him and getting the chance you missed in high school.”
“But?” he says for her, wanting to get to the point.
“But,” Isobel emphasizes, narrowing her eyes at him. “You and Max are more alike than either of you would like, and you have been carrying a torch for this guy forever, just like Max with Liz. There’s the big alien elephant in the room, and you have to be careful if you want to pursue something serious with Alex.”
Michael remains quiet for a moment knowing that she has a point. He learned how to control his powers a long time ago, and he’s never been serious about anyone to feel the need to share his secret with them. If there’s anyone on this planet that he would think about sharing it with, it would be Alex Manes, and that’s something he has to take into consideration.
“At least I can’t knock him up as Max did with Liz,” he answers jokingly, feeling a chill go down his spine when Isobel gives him a downright evil-looking smile.
“So you think.”
 Michael arrives at the address Alex gave him, realizing as he pulls up that it’s Alex’s childhood home, given what he knows about Alex’s family, he’s more than a little confused. But Alex is there, leaning against a car with a coffee in his hand, so he parks and gets out, crossing the street to join him.
“I can’t believe you still have your truck,” Alex comments as he closes the distance between them, passing him a coffee cup. “Donut?”
Michael shakes his head. “I’ll take something else that sweet though,” he says, pressing his tongue to the corner of his mouth, as Alex rolls his eyes.
“Smooth,” Alex says sarcastically, even as he leans in to kiss him.
“It worked,” Michael says, a smug grin on his face, kissing him once more before pulling back. “What are we doing here? I would think this is the last place you would visit,” he points at the house, as he downs half his coffee in one go.
“No one is here,” Alex tells him. “From what I understand, none of my brothers came home for the holidays, and when my dad heard I would be in town, he decided to stay on the base.”
“Okay,” Michael says slowly, drinking down the last bit of his coffee. “Still doesn’t explain why we’re here.”
Alex smiles, taking his now empty cup and putting it into a paper bag, throwing it back in his car. He takes Michael’s hand and starts to walk towards the house, or well, the back of it. Michael starts to get an idea where this is going as he sees the old shed come into view.
“We’re going to find your guitar,” Alex says as he pulls out a set of keys, opening an old lock that doesn’t seem like it has opened in years.
“Alex,” Michael says softly, touched by the gesture. Yet another thing he’s been sorry about all this time. Leaving that guitar behind.
“I gave it to you because I wanted you to have it,” Alex says, turning to face him. “Because I wanted to give you something that mattered to you. I want you to have it back.”
Michael looks at him and knows he’s falling in love. He realizes now that all this time, his regret and the feeling of missed opportunity with Alex has really been him being in love with him this whole time, and now, less than three days of having Alex back in his life, he’s falling in love all over again.
Isobel is right; he and Max are more alike than he thought.
Alex pushes the wooden door open, and they find that the shed is much more crowded than before.
Alex has a grim smile on his face as he looks around at all his stuff, and Michael hurts for him. It must be horrible to know that the person who is supposed to love you unconditionally is perfectly fine with getting rid or hiding everything you are away because they can’t accept you as you are.
He steps up behind Alex and wraps his arms around him, pressing his face into his neck. He can feel Alex’s tense body start to loosen the longer he holds him. Finally, after another minute or two, Alex lets out a breath, turning around in his arms to face him.
“Thank you,” he whispers, pressing his forehead against Michael’s.
Michael doesn’t say anything right away, he runs his hands up and down Alex’s back, only stopping when Alex pulls back, his expression more at peace.
“You know since we’re here,” he starts, grinning when Alex raises an eyebrow at his tone. His heart racing as he continues. “And this is the place of my greatest regret. Maybe we can recreate the moment so I can correct it.
Alex stares at him, the corners of his mouth lifting, and he leans in again, stopping halfway, his eyes sparkling with laughter and something else as he waits Michael out.
Michael exhales right before he covers Alex’s mouth with his. He’s already kissed Alex so many times, felt his body against his as they made love.
But being back in this place where it all started. It feels like what he thinks that first kiss would have felt like if he hadn’t turned his face. He pours all the feelings he had back then, all the feelings he’s had for the last ten years, and all the feelings he has now into the kiss, and hopes Alex understands how serious he is about them and just how much he wants this.
He’s so lost in the feel and taste of Alex, in this feeling that is bursting inside him, he doesn’t notice anything else and finds himself jumping when the door to the shed slams open.
Alex jerks back and Michael feels him freeze as he looks over his shoulder, his face paling at who he finds there.
Michael knows who it is without even turning but finds himself flinching when Alex speaks with fear in his voice.
“Dad…” Alex says quietly, stepping around Michael.
Michael turns around, and seeing the Master Sergeant’s face, he gets why Alex is standing protectively in front of him. The anger and disgust on the man’s face are like nothing he’s ever seen, even in all the years he spent in the foster care system, and he can admit that it sends a trickle of fear down his spine.
“How dare you,” Jesse Manes seethes, eyes full of fury locked on Alex.
Michael sees the hate there; it makes his stomach turn to think Alex grew up with this. “How dare you disrespect me with your perverted behavior-“
Alex sighs loudly, standing taller. “Here we go with your usual bullshit. This isn’t about you. We came for my guitar and then we’ll be out of your hair. Away with our perverted behavior,” Alex says mockingly, and Michael realizes too late it’s the wrong tone to take.
Faster than he thinks possible, Jesse crosses the room, his hand tight around Alex’s neck, slamming him into a beam in the middle of the shed. It’s obvious that Alex is caught off guard as much as him, his eyes wide as he tries futilely to push his father off him.
“You think you can talk to me like that!” Jesse shouts, his face red with rage. “You run away from home, from your obligations to this family, to live your disgusting lifestyle and then think you can come back and mouth off to me. I’ll teach you who is still in charge here.”
Jesse’s threat snaps him out of his shock, and he steps forward, trying to pull Jesse off Alex. Only for the man to shove him hard before going back to choke Alex, who is still trying to pull his father’s hand off his throat.
He hasn’t lost control in years, but Michael doesn’t think about it. All he sees is this monster who is hurting the person he loves, and in the next instant, Jesse is flying, slamming hard against a wall of the shed before slumping forward, knocked out from the impact.
Alex gasps for breath, hands on his knees as he coughs, his eyes wide as he stares at his motionless father. Michael is also breathing hard, a little lightheaded from the burst of energy he just used.
Still staring at his dad, Alex whispers. “Did you do that?”
Michael can feel his heart racing; it’s been so long since he’s felt this kind of fear.
“Michael?” Alex asks softly now, looking at him, and Michael feels like he could start crying because Alex doesn’t seem afraid of him. Shocked by the events of the last 10 minutes and a little apprehensive, but not scared.
“Yes,” he whispers.
Alex might not be scared, but Michael is terrified.
��How?” Alex asks with wonderment.
Michael runs a hand through his hair nervously. “Look, I know you have a lot of questions, and I swear I’ll answer them. But right now, we need to deal with your dad.”
Alex looks like he wants to argue but finally nods. “What do we do?”
Michael sighs, he knows who he has to call, and he hates that he has to involve her. Turning to Alex, he pulls out his phone. “I need you to trust me, Alex.”
“I do,” Alex says instantly, not realizing the relief his words give Michael.
Michael closes the space between them, slowly reaching for him, waiting for Alex to step back if he needs to, letting out the breath he’s been holding when he touches Alex, and he doesn’t flinch away. “Thank you.”
 To say that Isobel is furious when she arrives is an understatement, she has a glint in her eye that tells him she’s seriously considering making his brain explode as the three of them stand in Jesse Manes’ bedroom, the man still unconscious on the bed after he and Alex got him into the house.
“I am going to kill you,” Isobel hisses, ignoring the worried look Alex sends her way.
“I know,” he answers, knowing there is a real possibility his sister might make good on her threat. “But right now, I need you to go into this asshole’s mind and make him forget everything that happened in the shed.”
“And what exactly did happened in the shed?” she questions, still furious.
“Michael and I were kissing,” Alex starts, not flinching when Isobel turns her glare onto him. “My dad came in; he attacked me and probably would have killed me since he rather have a dead son than a gay one. Michael saved me, using his powers.”
Isobel turns back to Michael, eyes flashing. “You told him.”
Michael opens his mouth, but Alex beats him to the punch again.
“Not yet,” he says, his tone clear that a conversation will be had. “But my dad did go flying across the room. So I’m guessing Michael can move things with his mind?” Alex finishes looking at him to confirm, a pleased smile on his face when Michael nods.
“You’re taking this very calmly,” Isobel says suspiciously, eyes narrowed as she studies Alex.
Alex lets out a laugh that sounds a little on the hysterical side. “I’m freaking the fuck out. Michael can move things with his mind. You apparently can make people forget things? And my father tried to choke me out, but…”
“But?” Isobel asks a little calmer, her expression softening as Alex mentions his father’s actions again.
“Michael would never hurt me,” Alex answers her with conviction, and if it weren’t for the very serious mess they have to clean up, he would pull Alex in his arms and kiss him.
“Great,” Isobel murmurs. “Like it wasn’t enough to deal with one brother’s epic romance, I now have to deal with two. Fine. Alex, does your father drink?”
Alex snorts. “Yeah, he’s a functioning alcoholic.”
“Lovely,” she says, staring down at the man with disgust. “You find a bottle of something strong. I’m going to make him believe that he came home and went on a bender. He won’t remember anything about the shed.”
Alex hesitates for a moment before leaving the room. Michael watches him go before turning to his sister.
“I’m not happy with this,” she starts.
Michael nods. “I know.”
“And Max is going to lose his shit,” she continues and he nods again.
She studies him in that way that always makes him think she’s reading his mind.
“But he has no leg to stand on,” she says after a moment. “He told Liz our secret too, and I like her, but I like Alex a little more.”
Michael can’t help but smile at that.
She looks at him, and there is a soft understanding look on her face. “I would have done the same if I loved someone as much as you love him.”
Michael swallows audibly, grateful for his sister; she smiles before turning back to Jesse with a calculating look.
“Now, to deal with this piece of shit and make sure he never puts a hand on Alex again.”
 Max loses his shit and then some. Michael sits on his brother’s couch with Isobel, who is still nursing a headache from all the power she used, acetone bottle in her hand, and Liz, who has a hand on his shoulder, frowning at her boyfriend as he paces.
“How could you let this happen, Michael?” Max asks for the third time since he and Isobel got back.
Alex, much to Michael’s displeasure, had stayed behind to make sure there was no trace left of them. Michael only agreed to go since he needed to get a weak Isobel back home.
He opens his mouth to argue with Max, but it’s Liz who has slowly looked more and more irritated who jumps in.
“What exactly did you want Michael to do, Max?” she questions, her brown eyes narrowed, and Michael watches as Max looks back at her nervously. “Just stand back and let Alex’s father attack him?”
“Liz,” Max tries helplessly in the face of his girl’s anger.
“I, for one, am grateful Michael stepped in,” Liz continues, ignoring his pleading tone. “He saved Alex, who I might remind you since you seem to have forgotten, is one of my best friends.”
Michael catches Isobel’s eye, spotting a tiny smirk, as Max tries to appease an angry pregnant girlfriend.
“Liz, of course I’m happy Alex is okay,” Max tries, sighing loudly when he’s met with blank expressions from all three of them. “But now, Alex knows our secret, and we have to decide as a group what we are going to do about it.”
“You mean like when you told Liz our secret,” Isobel interrupts, shooting Liz an apologetic look that Liz waves away, she knows this argument already. “We didn’t decide that as a group, you just told her.”
“That’s different!” Max argues. “I’ve loved Liz since high school.”
Michael rolls his eyes at his brother’s cluelessness, noticing he’s not the only one, as Isobel and Liz do the same. It makes Michael blush to realize that his future sister-in-law might have been aware of his feelings all along.
“Him too,” Liz says, confirming his suspicions.
“What? What do you mean?” Max asks, confused, looking over at him, making Michael sigh yet again.
“She means that you’re not the only one that’s been pining away for ten years,” Michael tells him, shooting the women in the room a glance when they look at him proud and a little amused at his confession, but he continues. “I’ve been in love with Alex since high school. So before you even suggest it, no, we’re not wiping his memory.”
Max stares at him; after a moment, his already wide eyes get bigger as he looks past him.
Michael turns in his seat to see what has drawn his attention, understanding the look on Max’s face when he takes in Alex standing by the doorway.
“Hi,” he says hesitantly as all four of them look at him, he seems to shake off his nervousness after a moment and gives them an unimpressed look. “You should really close your front door if you’re going to talk about your magic powers.”
Everyone is quiet for a moment before Isobel starts laughing. “I like you Manes, you know how to make an entrance, and I can appreciate that,” she says toasting him with her bottle of acetone before taking a drink that has Alex raising an eyebrow.
Liz gets up from the couch and crosses the room to her friend, pulling him into a hug.
“Are you okay?” he hears her asking Alex.
Alex nods, his focus on Michael as Liz checks him over, her hands touching his neck where there are some faint marks.
“I’m fine,” he tells the room. “I’ll be even better after Michael and I have that conversation he promised,” he finishes looking at him expectantly.
Michael stands up.
“Michael, I don’t think-” Max tries, quieting down when Liz and Isobel send him a quelling look.
“It’s not up to you, Max,” Michael tells his brother softly but firmly. Max looks at him, at Alex, and then finally at the two women in the room before letting out a sigh, nodding in acceptance.
“Okay, Michael.”
Flashing him a grateful smile, he turns to Alex, walking over to him as he watches him steadily. Liz squeezes Alex’s arm in solidarity before stepping away from them.
Standing in front of him, he holds out his hand, letting out a breath when Alex doesn’t hesitate to hold it. “Let’s go for a ride.”
 They don’t speak as they drive to the desert, and Michael admires Alex’s restraint. If it were him, he knows he wouldn’t be able to hold back. It’s only when Michael has parked his truck outside the entrance of the caves that Alex finally speaks.
“I heard you tell Max that you’re not erasing my memory,” he says easily, like talking about mind control is as normal as commenting on the weather. “So, I don’t think you brought me out to the desert to get rid of me either, but let me just say this is shady as fuck.”
Michael can’t help the soft laugh that passes his lips as he takes in the quirk of Alex’s mouth as he jokes, even though he catches the hesitation in Alex’s voice.
“You heard us, huh,” he says, getting a nod from Alex.
“Among other things,” Alex says meaningfully, and Michael swallows, remembering what he said about being in love with Alex.
“I meant that,” he says quietly, watching as Alex takes in a sharp breath.
“Michael,” he breathes, but Michael holds up a hand to stop him.
“Before we get to that, I promised an explanation,” he says, opening the door. Alex follows suit and gets out of the truck too.
“And I think the easiest way to do that is to show you,” he says, pointing at the caves. “If you trust me.”
Alex answers his question by slipping his hand in his, and Michael thinks there isn’t going to be a moment where he doesn’t keep falling in love with him.
Hand in hand, Michael guides him inside the cave; he knows the moment Alex spots the pods by the gasp he lets out. His hand slips from Michael’s as he takes a step forward. Michael stays behind, letting Alex step up close to them.
“We came down in the 1947 crash,” Michael starts, pointing at the pods as Alex looks back at him, his mouth dropping. “We stayed in these pods, in stasis until 1997 when we came out. Seven years old and no idea how we got here.”
Alex continues to look at him. “The three of you were found naked on the road,” he says like he remembers the story told throughout the years.
Michael nods, confirming his words. “We were put into a group home, none of us spoke, but after a few weeks Isobel and Max learned, and soon the Evans came and adopted them. I stayed behind.”
Alex gives him a pained look but stays quiet, letting him continue.
“I bounced around from foster home to foster home until I was brought back to Roswell when I was 11, reuniting with my brother and sister.”
Alex lets out a sound. “They’re your siblings?”
“Yeah,” Michael swallows around the lump of hurt he always carries from not being able to tell people that.
“And you’re,” Alex pauses, looking back at the pods in awe. “Aliens?”
Michael looks at him, the man he loves, who isn’t running away screaming yet. “Yes.”
Alex looks back at him, his head tilted to the side as he considers him. Finally, like Michael hasn’t just told him the craziest thing anyone has ever heard, he simply nods. “Okay.”
Michael knows the look on his face is incredulous because it can’t be that easy. There is no way it’s this simple. “Okay? That’s all you have to say? You don’t have questions?” he asks, his voice getting higher and maybe even a little hysterical.
Alex bites down on his lip, and Michael gets the distinct impression that he’s trying not to laugh at him.
“I have a million questions that we’ll get to later if you answer the most important one,” Alex starts, walking back towards him until he’s right in front of Michael, so close that their bodies touch.
“And what’s that?” Michael asks, gazing into Alex’s brown eyes, lost in their depth.
“Have you really loved me all this time?” Alex asks, his voice small and low like he can’t speak the words out loud.
Michael raises his hand, cupping Alex's jaw, his thumb going over Alex’s cheekbone, and he watches as Alex leans into the touch like he’s starved for it. Michael promises himself that if Alex lets him, he’s going to touch and love him every day. “I thought it was a crush, a missed opportunity that I couldn’t let go. But being with you, having you back in my life these last few days have shown me that I have been fooling myself.”
Alex grips his hips, pulling him in closer, and with eyes opened, presses his forehead against Michael’s.
“I love you, I’ve always loved you,” Michael whispers, his heart catching when he hears the laugh-sob Alex lets out before he kisses him. The kiss is salty from their tears, but it’s okay because Michael can feel Alex’s smile against his lips.
 One year later
 “I can’t believe you assholes are doing this again,” Isobel complains over the phone. “Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. You two should be here by now.”
Michael rolls his eyes, Isobel has said the same thing three times now. He feels the top of his body shake, and he looks down at the man on top of him as he laughs silently.
Alex looks up from where he’s resting his head on Michael’s chest and grins at him, with eyes full of laughter. Michael narrows his eyes at him. He doesn’t understand why he should be the only one getting yelled at when it’s just as much Alex’s fault.
“I told you to turn off your phone like I did,” Alex says softly, smirking as he hears Isobel rant some more through the speaker about how they are going to miss Christmas and how hard she’s worked to make it special since it’s the baby’s first.
“Michael, are you even listening to me, or are you staring at your boyfriend?”
“No to the first, yes to the second,” he answers, biting down on his lip when Isobel screeches over the phone.
Alex rolls his eyes, holding out his hand for Michael to pass him the phone, which Michael gladly does, pouting when Alex presses the speaker button. So much for letting him out of the conversation.
“Isobel,” Alex starts. “They’ve cleared the snow, and we already got news from the airline that our flight is in a couple of hours, we’ll be in Roswell by tonight, which I would like to remind you is the 23rd.”
“If you hadn’t stopped in Denver again, you’d be here already,” Isobel states, not ready to give up the argument.
“We wanted to celebrate our first anniversary in the place we reconnected,” Michael argues, closing his eyes when Alex runs his hand down his side to calm him down.
Isobel makes a disgruntled noise over the phone. “I’m disgusted by your love,” she says, annoyed. “Aren’t you over the honeymoon phase already? You’ve been living together for almost ten months now since Alex moved to Boston to live with you. You’re so annoying.”
Michael opens his mouth, but Alex presses his hand against it, shaking his head at him as a wicked smile takes over his face.
“How’s the Wild Pony, Isobel?” Alex asks unexpectedly, his smile growing when Isobel makes a startled sound.
“How should I know?” Isobel shoots back quickly, and Michael raises an eyebrow at that. Alex just continues to smile like the cat that ate the canary.
“A little bird told me, you’ve been hanging around those parts,” Alex continues, every word full of innuendo. “In the bar and the apartment above.”
Michael's eyes widen as he realizes what Alex is alluding to.
“Holy shit! You and DeLuca, Iz?”
Alex's grin is so wide, Michael thinks his cheeks must hurt.
Isobel is quiet only for a moment. “I will melt your brain, Manes,” she hisses into the phone, and proving that his superpower is to be unafraid of Isobel, Alex laughs easily. “I will melt it into goo.”
“Sure you will,” Alex answers mockingly, and Michael shakes his head at the recklessness. But this is the way Alex and Isobel have been since he and Alex started dating. He’s pretty sure they’re nemesis and each other’s best friends. “Listen, I have your brother naked in the hotel room we first got together in, and three hours until we have to get to the airport. So I’m going to hang up now, and have my wicked way with his delicious body,” he finishes, chuckling as Isobel lets out a disgusted sound.
“I hate you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” Alex says, still laughing, but the sincerity is evident, and it calms Isobel down.
“Jerk,” she mutters after a moment. “Fine, text me when you're in Dallas to make sure your flight is on time.”
“Will do.”
“By the way, what you had shipped got here yesterday.”
Alex smiles. “Perfect, thanks Isobel. See you in a couple of hours,” he says, hanging up the phone.
“What did you have shipped?” Michael questions, his hands going to Alex’s hips as he throws a leg over Michael’s waist.
“Your Christmas present,” Alex answers him, leaning down for a kiss.
Michael hums into it. “Are you going to tell me what it is?”
Alex shakes his head, his lips a hair-breath away from Michael’s. “Nope.”
“Not even a hint?”
Alex gets a look on his face that promises a good time. “Tell you what, you have until we have to get to the airport to get it out of me.”
Michael feels his body respond to the challenge and knows Alex feels it against his thigh by the smirk on his face.
Rolling them over, he gets to work, smothering Alex’s laughter that later turns to moans with his kisses.
He doesn’t get it out of him, but he has fun trying.
A day later, when they’re with their family, he holds Alex’s present in his hand. A beautiful guitar, so similar to the one Alex tried to give him years ago. When Alex leans in halfway, his eyes full of love, Michael doesn’t miss his moment, and this time presses his lips against his.
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