#he's a traumatized child <3
otiksimr · 1 year
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I love my son who's literally incapable of blinking.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 79
  When Pariah was awoken from his slumber, he wasn’t exactly expecting it. One was never expecting to awaken when they were supposed to be sealed for eternity after all. He also wasn’t expecting for the reason the sarcophagus was even opened to be a pair of literal infants. A pair of very sick infants.
  One was a newborn ancient for Realms’ sake! Two years dead, if that, and the other- Where was their guardian?! Who had let an obsession get that bad?! How long had he been sealed away that no one had caught an obsession turning toxic and harmful towards a ghostling?! 
  Why was he even sealed inside this area of the zone?! Why had his Keep been moved in the center of one of the zones where ghostlings formed?! He’d never harm a ghostling, but if he’d been any madder (And he knows he had lost it near the end there, that he’d gone too far as he cracked under the weight of the Realms, he’d had an eternity to realize) it would have been a catastrophe! 
  Who has been in charge, the observants!? … What the fuck, that was supposed to be rhetorical! No! They’re good for paperwork but they seem to have failed even at that and- what do you mean they’ve sealed Clockwork away?! 
  The already traumatized Time Primordial who was in this type of area specifically to care for ghostlings, and was now being prevented?! How long has this been going on- No! He’s fixing his realms-damned kingdom before he even thinks about conquering other ones, because who the fuck let it get this bad!
   Pspsps, here little sick ghostlings, he’s trying very hard not to hurt you but you are very tiny and he has been locked away for a long time so please stop squirming…
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d1sheclectic · 1 year
Why does everyone hate skrunkly holden caulfield all he’s just a silly who has sooo much unprocessed grief and talks about how much he loves his little sister and wonders where the hell the ducks go in winter🙁💔💔
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
Koschei decides to ‘force a regeneration’ to see if it gets rid of the drums.
I’ll let you decide at which point in that process Theta finds him.
>:) (<- evil)
The first thing Koschei hears is Theta-
No, the first thing he hears is the drums. He cringes in on his new body, its limbs awkwardly long and its hair in his face. He claws at his head, and when his nails aren’t strong enough to get inside and scratch the noise out, he starts pounding at his temples. It only encourages the drums to get louder. All he can smell is bitter metal, on his skin, in his mouth, soaked through. It was supposed to be cast off a new regeneration, so why is his blood still clinging to him?
He feels the hands wrap around his wrists and force him to stop. He feels the body kneeling next to his. “You jumped,” Theta hiccups. “You jumped!”
Koschei peers up at the cliffs above. The skies look like they’re burning overhead. Good, he thinks, good, burn down with me.
Him at the edge. Theta frozen feet away. An expression on their face he’d never seen, no matter how much they’d gotten into trouble in the past.
He scared his friend.
“I- I couldn’t move,” Theta says, like they need his forgiveness. “I tried! I couldn’t move! You jumped!”
“It didn’t work,” Koschei says, unable to summon up more reaction than a statement of fact. Theta shivers and wraps around him. They’re shorter than him. He didn’t think about that—only the blessed promise of relief. It’s all that he can hold onto now, Theta’s terrified expression as he tilted over the edge and their body, too small to bundle him up in their arms anymore like they used to. They bury their tears in his hair.
“Of course it didn’t work. You can regenerate, you can’t-” Their voice shatters. Koschei tries to be gentle, but he flinches at the pounding in his head, shoving Theta’s shoulder. Stubbornly, they hold on tighter. “I won’t let you go back up there. I won’t.”
“It didn’t work,” he repeats, like it’ll make sense to them. It hits him, suddenly, what he’s done. The obviousness of it, his whole body a betrayal of a moment’s grasp at peace, how could he- He wants to hide in Theta’s arms, but he can’t, he’s too tall.
“I did this,” Theta says. “It’s my fault. I did this.”
“No,” he snaps. He won’t have it taken from him, even as he can’t look at the shame of it. It was his choice; he jumped. “You told me to get away from the edge.”
“Shut up!” Theta is trying to crush him. His ribs ache from the way their fists jam into his sides. “I pushed you, understand?” He wriggles.
“You didn’t-”
“Koschei, you jumped,” Theta says, voice gone near a whisper again, and he listens to that more readily than he does when they match his volume and fight with him. “I don’t know what they’ll do to you if you jumped.”
He understands.
“You pushed me,” he agrees.
“It was an accident,” they build.
“The wind was too strong. I lost my footing.”
“And I pushed you too hard. We shouldn’t have been this close to the edge.”
“I forgive you.” Theta’s breathing stutters.
“You have a stupid amount of hair now,” they mumble. Koschei agrees. His head hurts so much, and he can’t place what’s worse: the drop after sudden regeneration, or the fresh bruises from hitting himself, or the drums, they’re louder now, he made them louder-
“It didn’t work,” he says a final time, no longer numb to it. His vision blurs, and his breath is coming one-two, three-four, one-two, three-four, stop it, stop it, stop it!
Theta touches his face, smearing his tears over his cheeks. They jam their forehead forward, close the distance until the entire universe is the two of them, alone.
He has to escape somehow. He grasps at Theta’s mind, not calm, always whirring and humming but quiet compared to his. He sinks into them with a sob.
They’re still there, in the back of his head, beating away.
He tries to pretend it’s only the sound of Theta’s hearts.
Maybe, for a moment, he even believes it.
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uzi-x33 · 2 months
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ollieartss · 7 months
jesus whenever I rewatch dark era or fifteen parts of the anime I get reminded at how painfully childish dazai is. his little expressions. playing video games. skipping on rocks. playing arcade games. picking locks like it’s a magic trick. the entire nickname of odasaku just screams little kid energy.
and then he’ll get stabbed and viscerally traumatized in the same episode and we have become so accustomed to the port mafia’s violence that we forget how BAD that is. he’s so sad holy fuck.
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llondonfog · 4 months
In your Living Weapon AU, if we went with the AU of an AU where Silver’s family was cursed when he was an infant… is there any possibility he could age as a Fae, now that he’s cursed as a living weapon? Is there any possibility that he’s still young, still just a child when Lilia first meets him? Can you imagine how much more protective Lilia might be when the human form of his sword is so so small in his arms?
first off i just want to say thank you again for all the verse lore interest!!! <33 i've had a fun time taking these questions back to my au partner and thinking these scenarios through, you guys have given us some new fodder to agonize over haha
for context; in the verse as is, silver's age is frozen at seventeen, and he simply exists until the magestone containing his soul is shattered.
additionally, the fae, lilia included, see the living weapons as nothing more than objects, a means to an end. silver, his family, and all those humans that they ruled over were cursed by the fae queen hundreds of years ago as punishment for their kingdom's avarice, and the fae do not treat them with any sort of dignity or respect. the curse forces the humans to obey their handler without question, and it is "trained" into every weapon that they do not speak nor act without explicit direction from their handler. they are not even allowed to shift into their human form without permission.
that context given, if lilia were to meet a young, even baby aged, silver, he'd absolutely be repulsed and keep the boy in weapon form until he "grew" up lmao the entire senate is snickering seeing gen vanrouge smoldering at the war council when they know that they've given him such a useless, tiny weapon so perfectly suited for his lack of pedigree and short stature. lilia's really not so great a guy in this verse to start out with haha he's very much the epitome of his ch7 flashback self who has absolutely no interest in engaging in any pests children thank you very much!! as much as we'd love him to be protective initially, that possessive and parental nature definitely grows with time as he begrudgingly starts to bond and care for the young man cursed to be his sword.
at the same time, there's that added layer of emotional turmoil with silver since he can recall his own past prior to being cursed. not to mention the distress of becoming emotionally connected to the very fae meant to wield him as a weapon and then dealing with those complicated feelings of parental attachment to lilia, all the while believing that the fae would never see him as anything other than a lowly weapon :')
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rizaposting · 6 months
I love playing Royai Theatre with my extensive 03 timeline in my head because I can jump around to suit whatever I'm in the mood for... Do I want one-sided Riza pining..... Do I want them falling in love... Experiencing domestic bliss..... Do I want Riza the most miserable she's ever been in her entire life... Do I want her experiencing The Horrors while Roy finally pulls his weight and supports her instead of it constantly being the other way around..... Delicious... Finally some good fucking food (slop i cooked for myself)
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beetlethebug · 7 months
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so my current TAV, Quiltrinn'eyl, met Halsin as a child when he was trapped in the Underdark. He honestly thought he imagined him until they met each other again during the main story. But he never did forget all of Halsin's stories--nor did he forget the hope that he gave him that perhaps there was a life for even someone like him on the surface.
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hecksupremechips · 6 months
Honestly though I think it’s really a bad sign when I look at Shin Tsukimi and literally feel like he’s a self insert 😩
#the klock keeps ticking#yttd#i wanna replay yttd so bad but i also like Gotta play other stuff with the time i have akskks#but yeah the brainrot this specific character has given me idk if I ever really talked about it but it was BAD#i like obsessively played the game in like 3 days and it was not a good idea lol but just like shin#i had to take like a week to recover from this guy cuz i couldnt stop thinking about him and how hes just like me fr#first off just the very inconsistent personality hes got going on that is very me he has these different personalities he wears to cope with#all the traumatic shit happening hes both so helpless its comical and so manipulative its terrifying#and idk its really interesting how like good and bad he is at being manipulative like hes very smart and can analyze weaknesses and lie so#good not even he knows the truth but hes also grasping at straws he doesnt think things through at all#like the second main game he just didnt prepare at all hes fumbling his way through everything its going so bad#he just wants to go home he wants to outdo the game makers but hes being used by them so bad he wants it to STOP#and its just the way that like. it hits so hard cuz you know hes really not a bad person not at all he doesnt want any of this hes just#being horribly manipulated and doing whatever he can to survive but its also really scary how#well hes able to lie and manipulate and claw his way through but hes also weaker than a grade schooler#and you never forget that either and as much as he cheated his way through he still failed it was all just a cheap trick in the end#and all of this hits very hard like his personality is eerily similar to mine and just the way he thinks and acts#cuz im the same like im weak and a dweeb who likes funny cats but im also emotionally detached and observant and selfish#but where it hits the hardest is his relationship with midori like oooof that one was too real just like#the first person who was ever his friend was horribly abusive and treated him like a child and didnt respect any boundaries#and he just got sick pleasure out of seeing shin be upset and he was like. a groomer#and shin was fucking relieved when he died but also kept his scarf and adopted his personality to survive#and still goes by sou after ch2 and the scene that gets me the most is when shin ai is asked about his relationship with midori#and you can just SEE how horrified shin is because his deepest shame his abuse is being shared to everyone without his consent#and hes reliving it all in that moment and literally seeing who he used to be experiencing the abuse#he just curls into himself and like covers his ears and pulls his hair thats literally what i do AAAAAA#im just so grateful for the direction they took this character kokichi ouma wishes he was shin tsukimi so bad#and yeah just like damn. its scary how similar i am to shin like damn i really am going through it huh oof#I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I WILL DEFEND HIM WITH MY LIFE HE DID ALL OF THAT STUFF YOUR HONOR BUT LISTENNNN#have you considered that hes cute and smart and weird and maybe just needs friends who arent assholes
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phosphorus-noodles · 1 month
hi i’m back and i have questions about toh ren <3
is he more like the modern version of werewolves where when he turns he’s just a regular wolf with human intelligence, or is he like a traditional werewolf (anthropomorphized wolf)? i’m leaning more towards the latter since when eda transformed into the owl beast she still looked like herself somewhat. maybe when he’s transformed he can walk on four legs and two legs. like a bear
- declawed anon
definitely closer to traditional!! he's basically the wolf version of the owl beast yeah <3
not sure if he's just Like That or was cursed or turned somehow or if there's then like, the Wolf in his brain that he has to then reconcile with to manage transformations and whatnot, but he does overall manage it pretty well
that being said i think the most important thing here is that when he is in the Beast Form martyn is very much like this:
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Wait I have no idea what is going out in the gunsmoke au, all I know is nobori is wanted, I have no idea what’s going on, can you give me the stupidest summary you have?
weird kinda-alien guy forgets he's an alien and lives in denialtown for decades when the nonhuman aspects start becoming obvious
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kakusu-shipping · 5 months
Ok I remember seeing a tag on a post about your fnaf s/i being a daycare kid and I wanted to hear more about that!! Also I know you favour a bitchier Sun (positive) than most of fandom and I just wanted to hear about the vibe of your selfship!!
Anon I'm hoping your still around thankyou so much for not only asking once, but asking to make sure your ask was received and then asking again when it wasn't. You dedication to asking about this is appreciated.
Warning; This is one of Regressed Me's Self Inserts so just a general read at your own risk here, bad things happen to little me's S/Is.
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Post long, under the cut it goes
This one all starts back when the Pizzaplex was at it's peak. When Foxy, the Daycare's Mascot, when mysteriously missing the higher ups were desperate to get a replacement in fast. They eventually settled on the animatronic from the Theater, which was always just a bonus of the daycare anyway and never pulled in much profit.
The Sun personality was set to watch the kids during play, given basic instructions on how Arts and Crafts are done, a list of rules to enforce, and a very ambiguous code that makes the animatronics "Love Kids" that had also been used with the Glamrocks with apparent success. The Moon personality was originally set to be removed, but when that failed they just loaded him with the Naptime rules and called it a day.
The two were a rush job to fit the criteria of "Daycare Attendant" and had many, many flaws in their coding, caused both by the speed in which they were forced to learn these new rules and the failed attempt to remove Moon shocking their systems.
The two enforced their given rules with upmost strictness, the kind that most kids couldn't keep up with. No talking, no bathroom breaks without permission, no coloring outside the lines, no deviation from the blueprints, Playtime became unbearable. Naptime wasn't any better. Lights go off and you'd better be still and asleep, or at least look asleep. Sun was Mean but Moon was Scary.
Somehow though, the Daycare remained open. Years passed and the kids who once knew of a Red Pirate Fox who'd encourage them to run and color outside the lines aged out, and a new generation of little ones came under the new laws of the Daycare, and time continued on.
As stated, most children couldn't keep up with Sun's strict rules. Most is not all. One shining example of a Daycare Superstar was Emile, a 4 year old Autistic child who was left from open to close at the Pizzaplex Daycare every day without fail. His plethora of undiagnosed mental disabilities meant his coloring stayed within the lines and his toys were always sorted by color, size, and species, while his obvious parental neglect made him an innate people pleaser, willing follow Sun's unreasonable rules to a T in the hopes of receiving even a crumb of praise from the only Authority Figure who'd so much as look at him.
He was Sun's Golden Child, his most favoritest star in the sky, the most perfect kid to ever come to the Daycare. This isn't to say he got better treatment, of course, he still had to wait hours for a trip to the bathroom, and finish all his crafts for the day before he'd be given snack, and lay perfectly still and keep his breathing even during naptime. But he was still the clear favorite. The perfect child. Sun's absolute favorite.
So when Sun was given word the Daycare was being shut down due to complaints from parents well... He couldn't let his golden child be taken from him.
Emile wasn't the first kid to enter the Pizzaplex and not come back out, it helped that his parents barely made it in time to pick him up on time on a good day. The investigation into his disappearance was short and then promptly swept under the rug as the daycare was closed for the time being.
Sun and Moon always had their own secret room. It had old Theater things, unused Daycare objects, extra stock for the Gift Shop, an old arcade machine, broken glass... Everything a child could need!
Living in the Daycare was perfect for Emile, not only was he already use to living by Sun's perfect schedule, he now got to be the soul object of Sun's attention. This was not as great for Sun, as the isolation, just He, Moon, and Emile, finally let him start recognizing the problems in his coding, and the alternate meaning to "loving kids".
He grew anxious by the day, his previously perfect work as a Daycare Attendant crumbling around him. He wasn't perfect. There was something wrong with him. So wrong they'd shut down the daycare. He was imperfect, he was breaking rules just by THINKING like this, rule breaker rule breaker.
Emile, forever locked at 4 as he'd forgotten when his Birthday was meant to happen, became Sun's emotional support. He didn't understand the things Sun said sometimes, he didn't get why it was bad for Sun to hold him, or want to kiss him. He wanted those thing too after all, so it can't be bad! Mr. Sun's an adult, and adults make the rules, and Emile loves to follow rules made by adults.
During the events of Security Breach Emile helps Gregory find the generators, having lived in the Daycare long enough to memorize the layout even in the dark, and knowing all the places Mr. Moon can't go.
However, he still eventually gets caught and carried high into the air by Moon. Gregory runs to the last generator and flips it, the lights flick on just as Moon tosses Emile from the highest point of the Daycare. Sun, now fronting in the light, unclips himself from Moon's wire and dives after Emile. They both hit the ground with a horrible crash.
Sun is horribly damaged, but still manages to pull himself up and kick Gregory from the Daycare before returning to Emile's side. Emile, human and tiny and frail, succumbs to his wounds in the arms of The Daycare Attendant, who in the moment is neither Sun nor Moon but someone who cares not for rules but for the safety of the children in their care. Someone who has failed at their job as a Daycare Attendant, and will not do so again.
During Ruin I imagine the mildly decayed corpse of Sun's golden child can be found at a small table somewhere, with a tea set and stuffed animals in the chairs around him. Sun's coping well when he's fronting I think.
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noven-warsh · 2 years
Food for thought:
Chase said that c!Jack's in a coma -> c!Jack died -> Anti is currently in charge of his body-
-> The absolute dread that Chase has to feel knowing that there's a motherfucking demon that has taken hold of his "comatose" (dead) best-friend, and has murdered who-knows-how many people while wearing his skin.
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hopelessromanfic · 2 years
the next person who says will is dying next season is getting shunned/exiled/banished, i’m getting a broom or a lamp or anything i can pick up and im going to toss it, maybe at you maybe at the wall bc i can’t throw for shit but it will be flying with purpose and that’s all that really matters
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id never say my mom was like. objectively correct in how she raised me. she fucked up a lot. but then i look at my stepbrother booting up the ps5 at 8 am knowing he wont turn it off until bedtime. not for a new release (which im guilty of having extensive playtimes in that situation) but for roblox & hello neighbor. and suddenly i am immensely grateful that she told me not to do that and supported my other interests
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