#he's always a trooper strong baby
tojipie · 10 months
˚ ✧ content: first-time parent toji, doctor reader, fluff, brief mentions of injury
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“oh— hey! found one more for you down the hall.” a dreaded patient chart is thrust into your arms before you can tell the cheery nurse that your shift is already over. 
“great,” you mutter, tiredly scanning the stack of paperwork as you make your way down the hall. it was way too late for this. 
2-year-old male, already triaged and x-rayed. drove in by his dad about 2 hours ago. nothing too extensive, wouldn’t take more than an hour to get him sent home. 
soft cries greet you at the door to the examination room, a hushed voice— his father— attempting to console the child.
“megs, c'mon. you’re gonna be okay! these are good people.” the older man whispers, sighing as the toddler’s sobs only grow louder.
your knock silences them both, the little boy trying to put on a strong face for you despite the little sniffles wracking his chest. 
the kid is a carbon copy of his dad, donning the same shaggy black hair and big green eyes. the toddler looks up at you hesitantly, long lashes slick with tears.
“see? doctor’s here,” his dad coos, feigning fake excitement as you shut the door behind you. you can hear the quiver in his voice as he says it, anxiety eating away at his composure.
first-time parent you think, cute. always more terrified than the child. always.
“how’s our little trooper doing?” you smile, sympathetic to both their states. the younger boy says nothing, wiping the wetness from his face with his good arm. poor baby.
“fell off his trike in the driveway,” the father explains, shaking his head. he was charming, soft-spoken yet commanding respect. gnarled edges of a scar gracing the side of his mouth.
“can i see? just want to have a better look at the injury site,” you say calmly, snapping on a pair of blue gloves.
“show her where it hurts kiddo,” he asks tenderly, wincing as you take the ice pack off to expose the child’s swollen wrist.  
megumi looks up at you curiously as you examine the injury, exhausted from a mix of pain and sleep deprivation.
 “mama?” he mumbles, idly kicking his feet in his father’s lap.
“no bud not mama.” the older man laughs, clearly embarrassed. you feel your heart twinge just a bit at the adorable show of confusion.  
“no broken skin, the joint is still aligned too.” you say confidently, placing the ice pack back. “likely not a break or a dislocation but i’ll look at the x-rays just so we’re positive, sound good?”
the father nods quietly, hugging his son to his chest.
“his mom was never in the picture, s’ hard handling him alone,” the older man doesn’t follow up on his comment, leaving it at that.
you nod. “i’m sorry.”
“toji,” he mumbles.
“i’m sorry, toji.”
it doesn’t take long for you to go over the blue images. an intact bone stands out against the illuminated wall, not a break thankfully. the stranger catches on soon enough, tension leaving his body at the good news. 
“looks like it’s just a sprain,” you say, pointing to the image. 
“see that kiddo?” he whispers, turning the little boy’s head toward you. “s’ nothing.”
“nofing?” megumi mumbles, clearly too tired to pay attention anymore. shy as a bunny.
“you’re gonna want to ice and elevate for at least the next two days, you should see a full recovery by then but if not i want you to come right back, okay?” you explain.
the father nods, propping his little boy down on the floor as you type out your post-visit instructions.
“say thank you to the pretty doctor megs,” he encourages, chuckling as the little boy waddles over to hug your leg with his good arm. so incredibly tiny. 
pretty huh? you could get used to that.
“fank you.” his sweet voice latches onto your tired heart and melts you from the inside. megumi slumps down against your shoe as sleep takes over, caught under the arms and swept into his dad’s arms in an instant. 
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charliemwrites · 8 months
1fur1 Price part 2
(Sorry if this isn’t, like, spectacular. It’s been a minute since I wrote for this au)
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The house is getting an upgrade. Two wolf dogs was a cozy situation, but manageable. The addition of a third, especially one as big as Konig, was pushing it. Like, really pushing it.
Now that Skipper has adopted himself into the family…
Not that you mind, of course. Skipper has been a bit of a blessing in furry disguise. You know that “Alpha Dog” dynamics aren’t an actual Thing with wolves, but if they were, you think Skipper would be it.
He must have some sort of shepherd in his blood because he wrangles the rest of the boys masterfully. They spend too long in the yard, he’s barking and nipping and rounding them up. Johnny’s being too insistent about “sharing” your food, he’s inserting himself between you two. Ghost and Johnny get rambunctious, he’ll tolerate it for a couple minutes but then he’s breaking it up with a grumble — especially if they’re acting up inside.
You appreciate the help.
It’s not that the boys don’t listen to you. They do! With almost perfect obedience. But it can still be overwhelming to keep an eye on everyone all the time.
“Oh darling, why is it always you?” you sigh, scratching at Konig’s chin. Receive a whine in return.
Your poor sensitive guy. Stepped on a bee in the yard, it seems. The vet cooed over him, gave him some meds, and now he’s all but collapsed in an anxiety-exhausted heap by the fireplace.
Johnny is pacing behind you, making upset noises and nosing at your elbow.
“I know you’re worried, bud,” you soothe over your shoulder. “He’s alright.”
You’re working a sock over Konig’s bandages so that he doesn’t pick at them. Johnny takes that as an invitation to insert himself into the mix, bumping into your shoulder hard. Your hand pushes into konig’s paw as you catch your balance and he yelps. The noise surprises you, scares you, hands jerking back.
Skipper is on him in an instant, teeth on his scruff and yanking him away from you and Konig. For once, Johnny resists, yelping and whining crying.
“Jesus, enough!” You raise your voice a bit to be heard over all the canine yelling. Get a hand in Skipper’s scruff and give him a shake. “Release.”
He does, though not without an indignant growl, twisting around to glare at you. You didn’t even know dogs could glare with so much indignation.
“What are you gonna do, bite me?” you challenge, hand still buried in his fur. “Grow up.”
You turn to Johnny, who’s making a great show of looking pathetic, tail down and ears back.
“Got to bed,” you instruct, pointing with your other hand to the cushion Ghost is on. Those two are thick as thieves, you’re sure Johnny will feel better after some cuddles. Sure enough, Johnny drags his feet over to ghost, who grumbles as he makes room for the other dog.
You let Skipper go, who makes a big scene of shaking off. But he doesn’t go making trouble with Johnny, so you let him be. Which leaves Konig, who isn’t making eye contact with anyone.
“You alright, baby boy?” you croon. He licks your offered hand.
You manage to finish getting the sock on in peace, dropping a kiss to the scar on his forehead.
“My little trooper, good boy,” you murmur.
With him settled, you sit back with a sigh. Skipper is sitting, looking mighty offended. You groan.
“I’m sorry, honey,” you offer, extending a hand to him. “I was just stressed and all that fussing freaked me out. I know you were just trying to help.”
A long, long look at your palm. And then he sighs and sets his chin in your hand. You waste no time scritching along his jaw, coaxing him closer until you can leave kisses all over his muzzle and forehead.
“Big strong boy,” you coo, grinning into his ears when you see his tail sweeping slowly back and forth. Like he doesn’t want you to notice. “Such a good helper. Thank you, handsome.”
Peace restored, you settle onto the couch until dinner time.
So yes, four wolf-hybrids is pushing it on space.
You’re being minded.
It would be funnier if your dog wasn’t better at taking care of you than you are.
“You must have been in service dog training or something,” you muse, accepting the pill bottle from Skipper’s mouth. “Someone wanted you to work.”
And work he does.
If it’s not helping you keep the boys in line, it’s patrolling the yard with Ghost. Or nudging you to eat at mealtimes. Or putting you to bed. Hes a busy boy, hardly ever settles on the couch with the rest at night for snuggle time.
And when you do strong arm him into it, his ears are perked at every little noise, ready to protect.
There’s also this. The bringing you meds. (You try not to think about how he managed to get into the cabinet. Maybe you left them out on the counter?) Or sometimes he picks up things you’ve dropped, like pens or keys or even your phone.
It’s sweet, but you worry he’s bored. When you do buy him enrichment toys though, he gives them a perfunctory sniff, then leaves them for one of the others. (Johnny in particular loves the treat puzzles.) So you figure he’s stimulated enough, considering bored dogs usually tear into anything and everything.
“You know I’m supposed to take care of you right?” You tease, patting his big, sturdy side. “I take care of everyone here. You’re my boys.”
Skipper snorts and sits down, watching you, eyes pinging between your face and the pills. You huff, amused despite yourself.
“Alright, alright! Rude mutt.”
A little “boof” — agreement or offense? You amuse yourself with anthropomorphizing his noises while you chug water with your meds.
“See? Done. Ta-da!” You say when they’re done.
Another “boof” and then he’s trotting off. Pauses to give you a significant look. You check the time. Right, it’s lunchtime. Best to take meds with food anyway.
“I’m coming,” you groan, shuffling after him.
All the dogs are waiting for you in the kitchen, big eyes and perked ears.
“Look at you lot,” you laugh, dropping a scratch to Ghost’s head as you pass. “What is this, an intervention. I’m not giving you guys enough peanut butter?”
Skipper ignores you, taking his usual place at the entrance to the kitchen. A good vantage point to keep an eye on you and the rest of the house. He only accepts a little bit of shared food after everyone else gets a bite. You hum as you consider all of them, crammed into your kitchen because they’re a clingy lot.
“Might be time for a move, guys,” you sigh. “Or maybe another story.”
You glance at the ceiling with dread. Either way, you’re not looking forward to it.
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Main Story | Price pt.1 | Gaz
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writtenbymoonflower · 8 months
Hi lovely!! Firstly I want to say I love your works 🥰🥰 always happy to see someone keeping the poly!marauders tag alive! Could I request poly!marauders with fem!reader who just got her wisdom teeth out? Or some sort of procedure where they’re under anesthesia I’m not picky 😭😭 it’s always so cute to see reader all loopy and their bfs like “she’s so cute I want to eat her 😍”
Feel free to ignore this if you don’t vibe with it!! Love you loads 🎀
Thank you so much baby! I relate to this so much because in the two ish weeks I wasn't posting I actually got mine out! Love you loads as well! fem!reader x poly!marauders.
cw: surgery, pain meds, anesthesia
619 words
“C'mon, sweet thing. Let’s get you inside.” James coaxed, gently. He was basically holding you up as you stumbled over the threshold of your home, still spacey from the anesthesia and pain medicine. 
“W- we’re home!” You slurred, muffled by the gauze in the back of your mouth. You tried to struggle free from James’ grasp, but he held fast to your arm. He was far stronger than you in typical circumstances, but in your inebriated state it was like a bunny trying to tug on an elephant. 
“Easy, love.” Remus chided, placing the hand that wasn’t holding your prescriptions on your shoulder. 
“I can do it myself.” You pulled against your boyfriends’ hold again, missing Sirius' lovingly annoyed expression in your determination.
“I’m sure you can, baby.” Sirius placated. “But then you would be denying us the pleasure of helping you. Don’t be mean and let us help you, yeah?” He rubbed up and down your arm through your thick sweater. 
“I wasn’t trying to be mean.” You said, voice wobbling with misery. Remus avoided the strong urge to swat his boyfriend. 
“You’re never mean lovie,” James cut his eyes to Sirius before fixing you with an awfully kind look. “Pads is just being a git, yeah?” He encouraged you to lie down on the bed.
“He’s not a git!” You shot back. “I love him!” Sirius thought he could cry from fondness on the spot. 
“Aw, I love you too, baby.” He knelt down to stroke your hair and resisted the urge to kiss your swollen cheeks. James helped you under the covers while Remus set the bag of care supplies on the dresser. You made grabby hands at Sirius, trying to pull him on top of you. (sober you would die before being that blatant in wanting)
“Gentle, dovey. You’re fragile right now, don’t hurt yourself” Remus gently scolded. 
“B- but I wanna cuddle!” You whined. James wondered if your words right now were just your internal thoughts all the time, he kind of hoped they were. Sirius gently moved you over enough for him to crawl in, holding you to lie on your back while he wrapped his arms around you. Remus was still by the dresser, reading the instructions again and setting out your medications. James leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. 
“Thank you for doing this.” He whispered, stroking the taller boy's hair. 
“Don’t mention it. I just know when she wakes again she is going to feel awful.” Remus winced. 
“She’s a trooper, though.” James added. “Remember they had to wheel me to the car when I got mine taken out. I also sobbed the whole way home and had a death grip on Pads so much he had bruises.” He recalled from his operation. 
“Yeah, you were a big baby, huh?” Remus teased. 
“Exactly,” Sirius piped up, holding onto your now sleeping form. You were out cold, some of the meds still clearly in your system. “At least she’s a cute baby.” 
“Oi! You said I was cute!" James said furiously. 
“You were, love. You always are.” Remus said, cheeks flaming. James sighed, looking at you. 
“She’s so precious I could eat her.” He said, lovelorn. 
“Don’t think she’s gonna want that for a while, Prongs.” Sirius teased, still stroking your arms and hair.
“Get your mind out of the gutter!” James scolded, walking over to the bed and flopping down on your other side, Remus close on his tail. He kissed your head chastely, steering clear from any sore areas. You stirred in your sleep, not discontentedly, but rather reveling in their hold.
Your boyfriends didn’t know if they could survive this amount of fondness, but they weren’t complaining.
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sc0tters · 9 months
Sweetest Sweets - Timo Meier
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summary: when you have a day in the kitchen timo decides to give you some company.
kinkmas: day eleven (spit)
warnings: sexual themes, fingering, swearing.
word count. 1.78k
authors note: so I wrote this and in the middle of writing Timo scored! I still haven’t googled what a spit kink/spit play actually is so don’t sue me if this is very wrong… if you want to view and of the previous kinkmas days you can see the masterlist here!
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Your pregnancy had been tough on Timo.
He knew it was wrong to admit given how you couldn’t keep most things that you ate down for the first few months. You had been a trooper getting through all of that, and Timo knew it. But that didn’t mean that it was any easier for him as he watched your breasts swell and you stomach grow. What Timo didn’t expect was that sometimes you wanted to climb him like a tree but other times you wanted the Great Wall of pillows between you both.
Right now you were in the latter mood and it was killing Timo. Not only had he been on a roadie when all you wanted was him, but now you were living in spaghetti strap tops and your long flannel pants. In short it meant Timo was stuck taking in your beauty without being able to physically praise you. Usually he could put up with it, but today as you had gotten whatever craving you had. The kitchen had become your sanctuary.
Leaving you in there as you made enough gingerbread to feed a small army. It meant Timo had to hear you tasting every batch to make sure that things were perfect, your sweet little moans echoed through the apartment and he finally had enough.
So he cleared his throat as he pushed off of the couch and made his way to the kitchen “sc-“ he cut himself off as he saw you swaying your hips to the music you were listening to “hey baby!” You giggled seeing your boyfriend stood staring at you.
Your weren’t wearing a bra as neither of you expected company soon which meant that your perky nipples were on fully display as the white vest did little to cover them “you having fun?” Timo asked in a teasing tone as you walked over to him “like it more now that you’re here.” You mumbled driving your hands over his chest to rest on his shoulders.
He smiled at the gesture as you did the same “you enjoying eating all that?” The hockey player could see the tray you had set out with all of your tasters on it “think you should try some.” You offered looking at the extra icing that you had “you know I won’t say no to that.” Timo chuckled as you directed him over to the counter that you stood at.
In a quick movement Timo watched as you swirled your spoon around in the icing “open up T.” You giggled as you watched him open his mouth.
Like always Timo loved what you fed him “fuck baby that’s delicious.” He groaned finally realising what had you sounding like that. It was sweet on his tongue as it made you smile “kiss?” You mumbled puckering your lips to which your boyfriend graciously obliged.
His lips were soft against yours as you were pushed against the counter “you’re playing a dangerous game schatz.” Timo warned as he stared down into your eyes.
They were full of desire as your pupils blew “I need you please.” You whimpered letting out a squeal when Timo picked you up to place you on the counter “please tell me you aren’t screwing with me.” He mumbled hovering his lips over yours.
You watched him position himself between your legs as you nodded “want to hear you say it.” Timo hoped you were being serious because he knew no hot shower would be strong enough to cure this boner that he was currently sporting.
He watched your legs trap his sides “I want you Timo.” You nodded finally giving him the green light to carry on. His hands brushed over your stomach as he smiled “don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear you say that.” The hockey player pecked your lips letting out a grunt “need you down here so I can get you out of these.” He tugged at your pants making you nod.
It was a quick movement as you wriggled out of your pants letting them sit midway over your thighs leaving Timo to do the rest of the work “you’re so sexy.” He mumbled letting out a gasp as he saw your bare cunt stare back at him.
A small breath left your lips feeling his finger press against your clit teasing your slit as he ran his finger down through your wetness “please don’t tease me.” You begged pressing your head against his as his finger danced over your cunt just missing your hole “forgot how it was hearing you beg.” Timo smirked as he pecked your lips feeling close to leaving you for his own amusement.
But his aching cock served as the reminder of why he stayed as he found himself desperate to please you as well as him “I need you Timo.” You moaned finally giving Timo what he wanted as he thrusted his finger into your cunt “you’re so wet.” He felt his cock push against the fabric of his shorts.
You whimpered feeling him graze his thumb over your clit “I need more.” You whined as his one finger fucking felt like he was taunting you “gonna have to do better than that to earn it.” Timo’s movements were painfully slow as he used his free hand to peel your vest off of your body “let me see them pretty tits of yours.” His words were vulgar as he watched the bounce as they were freed.
He loved how they had grown with the soon arrival of your first child “please T.” As he slotted a second finger into your cunt Timo dropped his head “been thinking about these all damn day.” It was no secret how he had a thing for your breasts, even before falling pregnant it was clear that Timo was a boob guy.
His tongue was rough against your sensitive peaks as the feeling made your cunt clench around his fingers “fuck!” You groaned as Timo’s fingers began to speed up.
The palm of his hand grazed against your clit “you’re so good T.” He groaned against your nipple as he let his lips go with a pop “got to keep the other one happy.” Timo joked watching the string of saliva leave his lips that connected to your nipple before he went to the other.
Your thighs clenched around his hand trying to trap his hand between your legs “be a good girl and take it.” He shook his head straightening his fingers as they hit a further spot in your cunt “want more.” Your voice was raspy as you used all of your energy to pull his face up to yours so that you could kiss him “my greedy little girl.” Timo smirked into your kiss as he brushed his thumb over your clit.
Timo found himself getting carried away by the soft moans you let out “is my baby close?” He teased watched you nod as your hips began to writhe “don’t stop Timo.” You moaned nodding as your head dropped back resting against the cabinet.
He was always going to listen to you and you knew that it was the case “let the whole floor hear how good I make you feel.” Timo muttered giving you the green light to come “feel so full.” It was like your cunt had grown tighter with your pregnancy as Timo let out a grunt feeling you moan.
Your eyes began to flutter as you shook your head “you’re so-” you cut yourself off as you began chanting his name riding his fingers like they could have been his cock “there you go my pretty girl.” Timo’s voice was soft as he kissed your forehead continuing to thrust his fingers into your cunt as it made you squirm.
It took all of your energy to wrap your hand around his wrist “enough.” You cough feeling grateful that he listened “always so sweet.” Timo groaned placing his fingers in his mouth as he could taste your release on his tongue. What he didn’t expect was that you would roll your tongue out of your mouth angling your head back to wiggle it for him. Questions ran through his head but when he realised that you wanted to taste it yourself “my dirty girl.” Timo smirked watching spit leave his lips before it dropped to land on your tongue. It sat there for a second or two before you let your tongue recoil back into your mouth. Timo knew you were hot yes, but watching you swallow that truly made him realise that you were in all essence of the phrase, his dream girl.
You smiled up at Timo as he went to pick you up freezing as you both heard the front door to your apartment open with a swing “Hallo!” The familiar voice had you holding back a laugh.
Nico had been given a key to your apartment as Timo always lost his but you both also agreed that his teammate was probably a good guy to have if there was ever an emergency for you two. But as the door shut you both realised that Nico was still there “Timo where are you?” His voice got louder making you panic “do something!” You whisper yelled motioning to Timo to hurry up.
Panic shot there his body as his eyes went wide “don’t come in here!” Timo yelled motioning to you to hide as he didn’t want you to be seen by Nico “but I smell food!” Nico complained letting his lips form a pout.
But Timo refused to listen to him “y/n is making a surprise and we would hate to see that surprise early now would we?” Nico wasn’t buying what his teammate said “but you saw it.” The captains determination made you want to laugh as you pulled your pants up reaching for Timo’s hoodie he had left in there the week before that you were certain you asked him to put away that night.
For once you were grateful he hadn’t listened to you.
Timo wanted to hit his teammate in that moment “when you fuck her surprises are no longer surprises-“ he blurted out finally going silent as you stuck your head out of the kitchen “how are we feeling today momma?” Nico smiled handing you a thing of flowers like he always did.
For now you both actually wanted to kill Nico, but you knew that the night wasn’t over and you’d be seeing Timo in your bed later on. Then he could finally have the time with you that he had been waiting so long for.
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Last Chance
First Order Poe Dameron X f!Reader
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Not Beta Read - Requested by @steven-grants-world
Kinks - First Time + Enemies to Lovers (that's not really what happens I tried lol)
You are a member of the Resistance who has been interrogated by Commander Dameron of the First Order. He remembers you from his time in the Resistance and he still harbors some hatred for you. He's ready to show you just how eager he is to put you in your place.
NSFW, RAPE/NON-CON, forced sex, loss of virginity, minor mentions of blood, creampie, breeding kink, smut, sex, Poe is really mean, unprotected sex. DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT (this means that you should take the tags seriously! DO NOT READ if you're sensitive to some of these topics).
Word Count: 940
“Anything else you wanna say that might make me change my mind? Heard you were a damn good pilot, maybe I can convince you to serve me instead of the Resistance,” Poe brushed the back of his gloved index finger over your cheek.
Commander Poe Dameron of the First Order fleet had a dangerous glint in his eye accompanied by a malicious smirk. Your breath hitched in your throat. He was terrifying to you. You knew exactly what he was capable of, and when he made a threat…he always followed through. If he meant to kill you, then you’d be dead before the night was over.
“Out!” He shouted, forcing you to jump.
He shooed the storm troopers out of the interrogation room. They clicked away on the durasteel floor. He tutted at you and shook his head slowly before he undid your restraints. You fell to the ground on your knees and groaned. He grabbed you by the sleeve of your coat and pulled you up. His face was so close to yours.
“What’s it gonna be gorgeous?” His eyes were darting between yours rapidly. “Last chance.”
“You’re a traitor.” You spat, trying to pull free, but you weren’t strong enough. 
“Am I?” He turned you around and slammed you against the wall, pressing himself against you, “I’m not the one who nearly got the entire Resistance killed and then blamed someone who was supposed to be their friend, am I?” He said in a low growl, bringing his lips to your ear, “am I?”
You grunt, trying to get him off of you but he’s pushing too hard, and he’s far stronger than you are.
“Fuck you.”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
“No wait–!”
Poe’s gloved hand covered your mouth quickly, silencing your protests while he pulled your pants down as far as he could and then started working on his own. He was moving fast, trying to fight against you and pull himself out at the same time was proving to be difficult, but he managed.
“Stop fighting me, you were always fighting me. That’s why you ended up being Leia’s favorite isn’t it? Hm? She liked it when you would try to put me in my place.” You felt his cock prodding at your tightly pressed thighs. “Better open your legs baby or I’m gonna have to do it for you, and I won’t be nice.”
You parted your thighs ever so slightly, and squealed the moment his cock touched your entrance. He oohed and let out a dark chuckle against your cheek.
“Never been fucked before have you? No one back home broke you in huh? Guess I’ll always be doing the Resistance’s dirty work.”
There was no prep, no kind words, not even the mercy of taking it slow when Poe thrust his fat cock into your untouched hole. You felt it rip, and then you felt the warmth of blood that coated his length while he continued his assault on your tight pussy. You were crying, sobbing, and internally begging; but he didn’t care, and he wasn’t slowing down.
“Like the way your cunt feels baby, kinda wish I’d fucked you back in the day, oh you’re so warm. So damn soft.”
He was huffing into your ear, and you were crying, heavy tears streaming down your cheeks over his gloves. None of that mattered to him, he kept going; he kept rutting his fat dick into your tight and aching hole while he moaned as if he’d never felt anything better.
“You know what–oh fuck–what I’m gonna do now sweetheart? Hm?” He was breathless while he spoke, “I’m gonna fuck a baby into you, wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t you like giving birth to the next great First Order pilot?”
Your sobs continued, as did his incessant grinding into your ruined cunt. He was so big, splitting you wider and wider the more he fucked into you. It hurt so much you could hardly stand it, the burn of your torn skin, and it only felt like it was getting worse the longer it went on. You felt his lips on your neck, sucking there gently, now that did feel good. You didn’t want it to though. The last thing you wanted to do was make him think that you were enjoying any part of this, even for a second.
“Mm, you liked that didn’t you? Felt your pussy squeeze over me when I did that.” He kissed just below your earlobe, and your body reacted again. He huffed out a laugh, “I’m close, and I’m gonna do it. I’m going to give you a baby, make you big and round, fill you up with my cum. You ready for me sweetheart? Hm?” His voice was rough and wrecked as he sped up his pace.
You tried to shake your head; you tried to tell him no, but he didn’t care. He did it, he filled you so full of his cum it was spilling out around the sides and dripping onto the durasteel floor at his feet. He stayed in there too, pushing his spend back into you so he could make good on his promise to make you bear his child. He stayed inside of you until he was soft, and his breathing returned to normal.
You were still crying as he let go of you and stepped back, pulling his pants up and looping his belt closed. “I’ll send the troopers back in to get you. You’ll be staying in the med bay under twenty-four hour supervision until my child is born, and then after that…you’ll be staying with me.”
Poe Dameron Masterlist
Star Wars Masterlist
Melody's 1k Celebration Masterlist
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hello the wonderful and talented Vod'ika!
Congrats on 500 followers!!
Could I request Arc Trooper Jesse, Peridot, and a Late Summer Evening?
😍 You have sparked my adoration for Jesse.
Thank you!
And The Cicadas Sang
Summary: Everything about Jesse is strong, including his love for his cyare.
Pairing: ARC Trooper Jesse x F!Reader
Word Count: 584
Prompt: Peridot - Strong Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I'm always happy to share my love for Jesse. He's my baby. So, my idea for this story came from long summers spent listening to the cicadas scream outside my bedroom while I was a teenager. I hope you like it!
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Jesse leans back in the chair, his eyes closing as he lets the song of summer wash over him. His cyare, his perfect beautiful cyare, likes to laugh and shake her head when he calls the cicadas that.
Still, aside from a few lightly teasing remarks, she doesn’t judge him overly much for his fascination with these insects.
“I knew I’d find you out here,” There’s the familiar sound of a glass door sliding open, and Jesse opens his eyes to tilt his head back, a grin crossing his face when he sees her standing there. She’s dressed down…way down, a tank top and her panties and not much else. “How are you not melting into a puddle? There’s no Air Conditioning out here.”
“Come on, cyare. It’s not that bad.”
She makes a face at him and gestures vaguely to her hair, which is starting to frizz from the humidity, in spite of the late hour.
“You’re wrong.”
Jesse’s grin broadens, “You look beautiful.”
“Cyare~” He shifts on the chair so he’s half facing her and holds his hands out to her, “Come and sit with me.”
She sighs, “We’re going to be eaten alive by mosquitos, Jesse.” But, even so, she opens the screen door and steps onto the back porch to join him, “You’re lucky I don’t have any neighbors, or else they’d be getting a show.”
“They’d all think, ‘damn, that Jesse guy is a lucky asshole’.” Jesse replies, catching her hips when she steps around him to sit in the other chair. He tugs her onto his lap and swings her legs sideways over the arm of the chair, “There, isn’t that better?”
“It’d be better if it wasn’t so hot.” She complains, even as she tucks her head against his shoulder and lightly rubs her cheek against the thin material of his shirt.
“If it was colder, we couldn’t be outside together.” Jesse tightens his arms around her and lightly nudges her with his shoulder, “And you look stunning under the starlight.”
She averts her gaze with a shy laugh, and Jesse feels his heart swell. She’s so adorable, even with everything they’ve done together, after all the time they’ve been dating, she still gets embarrassed when he compliments her.
Maker, he loves her so much.
He nudges her one more time, and she lifts her gaze to meet his, “I love you.” Jesse murmurs, “So much.”
Her lips curl up into a small smile, “How much?”
Jesse leans in and bumps his forehead against hers, his gaze remaining locked with her own, “I love you more than there are stars in the sky. More than all of the water on Kamino. More than all of the sand on Tatooine-”
She tilts her head and catches his lips with her own, silencing his rambling. Her hands, soft and warm and gentle, come up to caress his face, and gentle fingers trace the tattoo on his face.
“I love you just as much,” She whispers against his lips, “Thank you for choosing me.”
“Thank you for allowing yourself to be chosen.” Jesse replies, before he catches her lips in another, deeper, kiss.
Sometimes, true love is finding each other after a decade apart.
Other times, true love is finding a way to stay together even if you’re from different worlds.
Sometimes, though. Sometimes true love is sitting on your lover’s lap in the muggy summer heat listening to the cicadas sing the song of summer all around you.
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itsmewillful · 9 months
Request #2
Main Masterlist:
Character Masterlist:
Requested by: @nev20
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OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT. I got held up with school and other personal matters 🤧
I turned your idea into an x reader story, I hope you don't mind!
Anyway, here is your request, and I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 2,567 words. (it's kinda long)
Warning(s): Fluffy fluff, some angst, mentions of Order 66 and death, Leia running away, not proof read, lot’s of uncanon stuff (becuz its better that way)
Reader is GN, or at least I tried to keep it that way. Let me know if I missed anything.
Outline: After Anakin defeats Darth Sidious in a gruesome fight, he leaves the Jedi Order to settle down with you. Fourteen years later, you are both blessed with a daughter and son: Luke and Leia. However, because Anakin Skywalker was a famous Jedi, the descendants of him are worth a lot of money to bounty hunters, so you and Anakin live in constant worry of your beloved children being whisked away, far from your reach.
Our Intentions Were Good, I promise
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“Anakin!” You yelled with a hoarse voice over all the chaos that was going on in the Jedi Temple. You could sense his presence nearby, but with all the Clone Troopers storming around the temple killing Jedi in their wake, you could not help but feel worried for your lover. 
You, Anakin and the rest of the Jedi Council discovered that the Sith Lord behind all the issues was none other than the Chancellor. It was a big shock to Anakin, and you knew he felt betrayed since he basically considered him as a father. But you had always had your suspicions, and the discovery only made sense to you. 
You hear your name get called through the rubble and dust flying around the temple and you spin on your heels to see where the voice originated from. You let out a shaky breath when you noticed it was Anakin, and he was okay. 
“Ani!” You whispered and ran over to him and tightly embraced him in a hug. He hugged you back and buried his head into the side of your neck and inhaled your scent.
“You’re okay, I was so worried for you,” Anakin said, biting back a sob.
“And you’re okay,” you giggled when he began to kiss you tenderly on your cheek. 
“Of course I’m okay. I am the Chosen One afterall,” he said with a hint of pride in his voice. You rolled your eyes at his banter and gently kissed his cheek. 
“Where’s the Sith Lord? Did you arrest him?” 
Anakin hummed in acknowledgement before continuing to kiss your cheek passionately. 
“Anakin–I’m trying to have a conversation with you,” you giggled in between kisses. 
He sighed heavily and stepped back a bit to look you in your eyes.
“We managed to arrest him, however, Master Windu was. . .killed in the process. Which leaves Obi-Wan as the new Head of the Council.” 
You gasped at the news and you felt your eyes burn. Master Windu was your own mentor when you were a Padawan, and basically the Father figure you never had. Even though he seemed very distant and cold-hearted, he would once in awhile have his moments that left great memories of the time when you were a Padawan under his authority.
“It’s alright, darling,” Anakin said, kissing your lips gently. “He’s in a better place now.” 
You nodded your head slowly, and buried your face into the crook of his neck. 
“Let’s go home, Ani.”
Not long after Order 66, you and Anakin officially left the Jedi Order and got married. It was a small but beautiful ceremony; with only a few people invited. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, and Anakin’s old Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.
About a year later, you brought two beautiful children into the world: Leia and Luke Skywalker. Leia looked a lot like you, but had Anakin’s strong will and personality. Meanwhile, your son looked like a spitting image of your husband, but he had more of your quiet and laid back personality. 
Now, your twins were nearing the age of thirteen, and you couldn’t believe how fast your small babies were now young adults.
One problem, however, was the constant worry of your children being abducted from you due to them being related to Anakin. You both were aware that both Luke and Leia had a bounty on their head worth thousands of credits. Anakin and Obi-Wan had both tried to investigate who was behind the order of their capture, but they never succeeded. So, you found yourself being incredibly over-protective of your children.
You homeschooled your children because you were scared of them walking by themselves to and from the public school. You didn’t allow Leia to go out with just her friends even if she was accompanied by their parents, and you never allowed Luke to be outside by himself. 
Were you taking all precautions a bit too far? Of course you were. You and 
Anakin loved your children and were too attached to risk the chances of them being taken away from you. 
“Mom, dad, can we ask you something?” 
You looked up from the holopad you were scrolling through and noticed Leia and Luke were both standing in front of you with anxious looks on their faces. You raised your brow and beckoned them to walk up closer to you.
“Yes you two?” Anakin said with a small look of concern on his face.
“Umm. . .” Luke started to say, but immediately lost his train of thought and snapped his mouth shut.
“You know how today marks the fourteenth year of peace throughout the whole galaxy, right?” Leia began.
You glanced at Anakin and noticed he was also confused as to where this conversation was going.
You nodded your head at your daughter to continue and she shakily inhaled.
“There is a parade and fair–”
“No” you and Anakin said at the same time sternly, knowing exactly where this was going.
“But why?” Leia pleaded, tears began to form in her crystal eyes. 
Luke sighed heavily, and with heavy footsteps headed to the staircase to head to his room.
You pinched the bridge of your nose in annoyance.
“Leia, we have been over this many times. I would have thought you would know by now.” You said.
Leia’s face slowly morphed into one of pure grief and frustration. 
“I HATE THIS! You and dad worrying about EVERYTHING!! This whole thing is so stupid!” And like that, she stormed out of the room and slammed her bedroom door when she reached it.
You shook your head and looked at your husband to see his reaction and noticed he was already looking at you.
“She is kind of right, you know?” You began. “Our children are basically secluded from the rest of the world, let alone other kids their age. It wouldn’t hurt to let them go out once, would it?”
Anakin hummed in thought. 
“I’ll think about it. I think you might be right.” 
“The parade doesn’t start until nightfall, so you just sit there and put your one brain-cell to work, darling.” You teased as you stood up from the couch you were previously relaxing on and began to head to the kitchen.
“At least I have a brain-cell, sweetheart.” Anakin bit back to which you turned around to smack him on the top of his head.
He chuckled and grabbed a hold of your wrist before pulling you down harshly onto his lap.
“You are such a bully, darling.” Anakin shook his head. You huffed at that.
“And you aren’t?” 
“No, I am just your teasing husband.” He said, glancing at your lips before pulling you into a long and passionate kiss. You hummed and smiled into the kiss. You reached your hand behind his head, and moved your hands into his hair, before pulling hard on it, causing Anakin to jump and disconnect your lips.
“HEY! You’ll pay for that!” He warned with a slight smile on his face. You rolled your eyes before squirming out of his tight hold. 
“Only if you can get me!” You giggled lightly before sprinting out of the room and running up to your joined bedroom. 
“Ugh, why is mom and dad so strict?” Leia complained as she dramatically plopped onto her brother's bed. Luke shrugged and continued to tinker with Lola, Leia’s small robotic companion. 
“And you are so helpful Mr. I-don’t-dare-disobey-my-parents.” Leia said with venom  laced in her voice. 
Luke sighed heavily and ignored the rest of Leia’s banter.
After a stream of censored cursing and complaining about how her life is so miserable, she decided that she was going to take matters into her own hands. 
“I am going to sneak out of the house.” Leia said with some excitement in her voice. 
Luke just about choked at his sisters ‘revelation”. 
“Umm. . .no you aren’t” He said sternly.
Leia chuckled before sliding off his bed and began to walk over to her slightly older brother. 
“You aren’t the boss of me Luke. What are you going to even do, cry and tell mommy and daddy? You’re no fun at all. In fact: you’re straight up boring. I don’t need your consent. I’m doing what I want.” 
And with that, she stormed out of the room.
Luke sat at his desk quietly, thinking hard.
“She wouldn’t actually do it, will she?” He asked Lola, who was still off and had most of her parts laid out on the table.
He sighed heavily but decided his sister didn’t have the guts to carry out such a dangerous idea.
Or, so he thought.
“Leia?! O.M.G girl, I thought your parents were gonna say no to you turning up!” Leia smiled when she recognised the face of her best friend, a Twi-Lek named Brigade, and her friend, Han Solo. 
“Yeah, they did say no. But I came anyway.” Leia said matter-of-factly.
Brigade gasped and squealed with excitement.
“About time you take control of your life! That’s so badass of you!” 
Han Solo chuckled at that and patted Leia’s head fondly. 
“And if anything happens, don’t forget I’m here.” he winked. 
Leia rolled her eyes at his playful banter and noticed that the streets of Coruscant was more packed than she expected.
“Wow, there’s a lot of people here.” She trailed off.
“Yup. But it’s normal for an event like this.” Brigade said casually. 
“Luke, what do you mean she left?” I panicked when I entered Leia’s room and found it empty with her window wide open. 
“I-I am so sorry, mother.” Luke stuttered. “I didn’t think she’d actually do it and decided against telling you. I should’ve and I am so sorry.” 
Anakin had his arms crossed and he was staring at the ceiling as if it was the most interesting thing in the room. You cleared your throat to gain his attention, to which he obliged. 
“Ani? What are we going to do?” 
“Well, we need to go find her, first of all. But this event is a planet-wide thing and I don’t even know where to start looking.” 
Luke gulped and began to burst into tears. 
“I am so sorry! It’s all my fault!” 
You reached out to your son and hugged him tightly, kissing him on the top of his head. 
“It’s all of our faults. We have been too strict with you children and this behaviour was bound to happen eventually. If anything, it’s our fault.” You said calmly, glancing at Anakin to see him nodding in agreement.
“Now, let’s go find your sister.”
“Umm. . .are you sure this is safe, Brigade?” Leia asked, gulping heavily when Brigade split up from Han Solo and was leading Leia away from the rest of the crowd to an alley-way close by.
“Yup! Totally safe. As long as you're here with me.” Brigade said carelessly. 
Leia nodded and tried to take her friend’s advice to heart, but through the force, she could sense something terrible was about to happen.
“Well, well, well. Look-y here! The Twi-Lek actually did it!” Leia heard a voice from behind her and she spun quickly on her heels and noticed there was two masked people in front of her. A man and a woman.
“What are they talking about?” Leia asked cautiously.
Brigade slowly faced Leia with an emotionless expression.
“You should’ve stayed home, Leia. Coming out here by yourself was foolish.”
“What do you mean? What are you on about, Brigade?”
“When I first found out how high the bounty was for you and your brother, I knew I had to get close to you. I’m sorry if it hurts, but my family needed the money.”
Leia felt hot tears fall down her cheek at the news. Her childhood friend had been using her this whole time? 
“What the Kriff, Brigade. You traitor. I thought we were friends!” She sobbed. 
Brigade continued to stand completely still without showing a pang of regret.
“So sad, but we have no time for theatrics! The big man wants the job to be done A-S-A-P. We have a ship to catch.” The woman said carelessly, as she dug into a satchel that was around her shoulders and pulled out a big sack of credits.
“A thousand credits, just as we promised you.” The man said.
Brigade caught the bag and opened it and looked over her newly-earned loot.
“Thank you, Leia. You just saved my father from a certain death.” Brigade said with a small smile on her face.
Leia felt strong arms grab her by the shoulders and she felt herself get yanked to the ground.
“I got you Leia!” She sat up and noticed Han had rushed into the alley and was now fighting for his life against the two masked people.
“Run! Get out of here!” He yelled at her. Leia quickly scrambled to her feet and rushed out of the alley, searching for the direction home. 
But, once again, she felt someone grab onto her, making her let out a bloody sounding scream.
“Leia, it’s okay!” 
Leia recognised the voice of her father and latched onto him tightly.
“Dad! I am so glad I found you! You and mom were right! Everything here is dangerous, please take me home!”
“Leia, what happened?” you asked with a calm voice bending over slightly to reach her eye level.
“Alley-way, and Brigade selling me or something and- O.M.G! Han is there all by himself! He needs help!” Leia exclaimed with complete terror and worry laced in her voice. She pointed at the direction she came from and her father nodded and began to rush that way.
When he was out of sight, Leia looked back up at you and could see that you were smiling and looked the complete opposite of how she expected.
“Why are you smiling? I thought you’d be so mad at me.”
“Oh, I am mad at you, Leia.” Your eye twitched in annoyance. “But I am so thankful that you are alright and nothing happened to you.”
Leia sniffled some more and buried her face into your warm body.
“I’m sorry, mum.” Leia cried.
“Shh. . .let’s talk about this when we get home.”
“So, you actually were going to take me and Luke to the event?” Leia asked with complete disbelief in her eyes.
You nodded and looked over at your husband who still was nursing a bruise he had gotten from the fight on his left cheek. 
“Yes, your father and I have decided that we can’t make you guys live in solitude for all of your childhood, so we agreed to take you out into the city some more. However, because of your behaviour, you should expect to not be going anywhere for a week.” 
Leia nodded in understanding, but she couldn’t help but smile.
“You’ve actually decided that mum?” She asked.
You chuckled and raised your arms to invite your two children into a hug. They both giggled and practically jumped into your arms, making you fall back a bit.
“I love you mom!” They both said at the same time.
“Hey! How about me? I saved your friend and got your ‘attempt captors’ put into custody!” Anakin said with a fake frown on his face.
“Yeah, thank you father.” Leia said with a genuine smile plastered across her face. Anakin also smiled and joined the group hug.
The Skywalker family was happy and safe once again.
A/N: OMG!! This x reader was different from the ones ive previously written, i hope you enjoyed it! And thank you for requesting it! I enjoyed writing it so much 
Sorry if there was any mistakes or repetitive sentences, I am a bit too lazy to try and proof read it but ill do it eventually.
Love ya all!
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freesia-writes · 1 year
For the celebration: 17 and Tup!! Thinking about that sweet soft boy today, I wanna hold him, I get so worried for him ;;; @fives-girlfriend
Oooooo baby. I was excited for this one!
#17 - "Don't ever do that again! You have no idea what it does to me…"
Tup x Reader (I think GN but correct me if I missed anything) Word Count: 3.6k Content Warnings: drinkin and kissin. Apparently all I write, LOL.
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“Come on, Tup. It’ll be awesome!” Hardcase exclaimed, clapping him on the back with enough enthusiasm to nearly knock him off his bench. 
“Yeah, they’ve never done this at 79s before!” Fives added, and even Dogma nodded vigorously through his mouthful of food. 
“I know, it’s just…” Tup began, but Jesse’s arrival, accompanied with a loud “who’s ready to party tonight?!” drowned out the rest of his reply. 
It was the talk of the mess hall -- Sy Snootles was coming to perform at 79s, and she was bringing along an infamous troupe of Twi’lek dancers, supposedly heralded throughout the galaxy as some of the most luscious and lascivious one could encounter. The clones who were lucky enough to be on Coruscant were undoubtedly excited, as they were rarely considered deserving of such luxuries. A few squads were planning to attend, the 501st being one of them, as you had heard on your lunch break. 
You worked with them frequently when they were on world, providing armor improvements, repairs, and tune-ups beyond what they would do for regular inspections. You were part of a small team that scuttled from armory to armory, equipping troopers with updated devices and outfitting new squads. The 501st boys were some of your favorites, having enough personality among them for the entire GAR. One in particular had always held a soft spot in your heart, with his unassuming demeanor and quiet insight. You’d chatted with him often while going over various armor components, and the stories he’d shared about the horrors of Umbara had broken your heart for him. He’d formed strong bonds with his brothers, especially after enduring that nightmare, and you’d felt your affection growing as you saw him grow from a fresh little rookie to a skilled negotiator, brave soldier, and man of strong convictions. 
If you were honest, he’d grown on you a lot. You found yourself daydreaming, during slow hours, of slowly freeing his hair from its neat little bun, running your fingers through it, and tracing your lips across his cheek to the little teardrop tattoo beneath his eye. But you’d also become close friends, and you were fairly certain that was the extent of his perspective and feelings toward you. There was an intimacy and familiarity between you that had been established as he’d shared some of his most vulnerable moments and harrowing experiences while you’d listened quietly, patting his hand and offering empathetic platitudes that couldn’t begin to match the magnitude of what he had been through. At some point, it had grown into more than just fondness, you’d realized, and it resulted in a simmering attraction that burned in your chest whenever you saw him. 
So when you found him at the back of the cluster of troopers waiting for the lift after lunch, and he caught sight of you as you approached him from the side, it sent a little shiver of tingles down your spine at the small smile that curved across his face. 
“CT-5385,” you said quietly, giving him a solemn salute that earned you an eyeroll as he looped his arm across your shoulders, pulling you into a warm side hug. 
“Cut it out,” he commanded, dropping his arm as you filtered into the crowded lift. “You heard all the fuss about 79s tonight?” he asked, barely audible over the rest of the chatter in the small space. 
“I did. You going?” you asked, feeling a sudden whirlwind of mixed emotions at it. 
“I’m not really feeling it, but it doesn’t sound like I have a choice,” Tup answered, shrugging and tipping his head toward his fellow blue-striped 501st brothers. 
“I can call you in for an emergency armor upgrade if you’d like,” you offered, to which he chuckled and shook his head. 
“Why don’t you just come?” he asked, looking up at you with those large honey-brown eyes. “It would make it a lot more bearable, that’s for sure.”
Your heart skipped a beat, wondering if he did have feelings for you after all, or if it was just the simple statement of one enjoying the company of a friend. You couldn’t help but smile, though, and tried to angle your face away from the light as you felt your cheeks grow slightly warm as you wondered about his affections. 
“I will if you will,” you said, resuming your light and airy attitude as the lift doors whooshed open. 
“Game on,” he declared, giving you the cheesiest finger guns you’d ever seen, promptly cringing at it, shrugging, and pulling his helmet on as he trotted off after his squad. 
“It’s a date?” you whispered under your breath as he disappeared around the corner.
* * * 
79s was packed to the brim, and clusters of troopers spilled out onto the streets all around it. The atmosphere was infectiously exciting, as though the entire world were on pause and tonight was a chance to escape it all for a few hours. There were three times as many food carts as usual, as the local vendors were quick to pick up on any chance for some extra business, and the entire block seemed like a party in itself. You started to feel anxious and out of place, as this wasn’t usually your thing. It had been something you and Tup had bonded over from the start -- a preference for more quiet, intellectual, serene spaces as opposed to the vibrant party scenes that more of the troopers opted for. 
You adjusted your outfit, feeling slightly self-conscious as it was decidedly more fitted and flattering than your simple work jumpsuit. You realized you had never really seen Tup in a more informal setting, as your interactions were primarily in the mess hall, the armory, or the barracks. All the questions and doubts began to swirl in your mind, amplified by the booming music that assaulted you as soon as you pushed your way into 79s. Heading straight for the bar and downing a double shot of liquid courage before you even looked around, you wiped your mouth on the back of your hand, returning the glass to the countertop and scanning the room for familiar faces.
“You’re off to an ambitious start,” came a smooth voice from behind you. “Lookin to stir up some trouble? Give those Twi’leks some competition?” You smirked, turning to face Fives, whose presence could be felt as much as heard. His boisterousness and joviality always brought a smile to your face, and you admired his ability to channel that even after his harrowing experiences at war. 
“Oh, you know me…” you said, shrugging as you felt the tingly burn down your throat, warming your chest. “Where are the rest of the boys?”
“Upstairs, for now. Lost a fight with the 212th for the table by the stage, but we’re plotting our revenge,” Fives said with a conspiratorial wink as he jerked his head toward the stairs, motioning you to come along. There was something different about tonight, whether it was the setting or the occasion or some strange alignment of the stars, and you just felt an apprehensive prickle down your spine, as though something were about to happen. You ordered another double shot, taking it with you as you trotted up the stairs after Fives. 
A couple whistles and hoots met you as you reached the top of the stairs, and you grinned bashfully as Hardcase and Jesse catcalled you while Fives announced your presence. It felt like being welcomed home, as cheesy as that sounded in your own head, with the kind familiarity and brotherly acceptance they always had for you. Hopefully not TOO brotherly… for all of them at least… Your eyes roved across their faces, finding the one that made your heart flutter. Tup was crushed in the corner of the booth, mercilessly squeezed between Hardcase and Dogma, arms pushed into his sides. You laughed at the sight of him, and he carefully arranged his features into sarcastic disdain when he met your eyes. 
“Our little armorer here thinks she can keep up with us,” Fives proclaimed, gesturing grandly toward you as you gave him a quizzical look, having promised no such thing. “So let’s show her a good time tonight, eh boys?” A cacophony of agreement, friendly taunts, and promises followed his words, and you shook your head, the elation of the moment sweeping you up, and downed the double shot in your hand in one gulp. 
“Ohhhhhhhh she ain’t messin around!!” Denal howled, slapping the table amid the cheers and squawks. 
“Alright, move out. I want to sit right THERE,” you demanded, pointing to the corner between Dogma and Tup, who were surprised by your sudden attention. Hardcase laughed, eternally ready to join in any sort of shenanigans and feeding off of your energy, and rose to his feet, pushing the rest of the clones right off the bench to make way for you to climb in. They filled back in, squeezing even more, and jostled each other for room until Kix toppled off the end and had to search for a chair instead. 
“Hey buddy,” you said to Tup, happily pressed against his side from shoulder to knee. His plastoid armor plates were carefully positioned to avoid digging an edge into your side, although as you snuggled in, you found yourself wondering what it would be like to slowly take each one off…
“You’re in rare form,” he noted, lifting an eyebrow at your effervescent attitude. “What was Fives on about?”
“That was all him,” you laughed, “But for some reason this just sounded really fun tonight. You excited about the dancers? Perhaps get yourself a special one?” Why were you baiting him like this? Your head felt a little bubbly, and the wild atmosphere was doing nothing to help it. Tup gave a low chuckle, dropping his eyes to the table, tracing his finger around a ring of condensation drops from his tall drink.
“Jesse threatened to buy me one, but I doubt he’ll go through with it. He’d rather spend the credits on drinks for the ladies…” 
“Well. You deserve a break. You can’t keep everything pent up inside all the time,” you affirmed, nodding confidently as you shifted to survey the rest of the crowd. Tup looked up at the side of your face, suddenly pensive and solemn, as though he yearned to speak. You felt his eyes on you and turned back curiously, eyebrows lifted and an inviting smile on your lips, but he just returned your grin with a small one of his own, shook his head a little, and followed your previous glance out to the crowd as the announcer began introducing the infamous guest stars. 
* * * 
The show seemed to go on forever, punctuated with breaks where the performers would come out and work the crowd… both literally and figuratively. The booth had emptied a bit, as the troopers scattered to the refresher, the bar, and other groups. You and Tup had been lost in conversation, heads leaned together, living through adventures and faraway thoughts, completely engrossed in each other’s company. The connection was absolutely vibrant, and you felt pulled to him more than ever before. The general raucousness of the bar got louder as the performers were making their way upstairs, scattering to dance and laugh with the clones there. You felt a sudden flare of passion, a mixture of jealousy, protectiveness, and the mounting pressure of all the feelings you had for this trooper that you’d been stifling for so long. 
Two of the dancers whirled over to the booth, purring their invitations. One slowly sat on the eager knees Jesse, who laughed and yelled, “For free?!” The other climbed onto the bench on all fours and began crawling toward Tup, who looked alarmed. In a rush of emotion, you scrambled to get up, banging your knee on the table incredibly hard as you suddenly threw yourself across Tup’s lap. As you straddled him, you turned and put a hand out toward the Twi’lek. 
“This one’s mine, honey!” you said, channeling all the sass you’d ever seen on the holovids. The performer laughed, waggling her finger at you and sidling back out of the booth, only to be quickly scooped up by a pilot trooper. You turned back to Tup, resting your hands on his shoulders and looking down at him now from your perch on his lap. He was sitting straight as an arrow, hands held up slightly out to the sides as if he didn’t know where to put them. Heat blossomed across your cheeks and throughout your chest, and you laughed, trying to seem lighthearted but also not wanting to move anytime soon.
“I’m just looking out for you,” you said teasingly, glancing over your shoulders in mock fright as though there were horrors lurking around every corner. As you came back to him, he let out a laugh that almost sounded forced, and you noticed his eyebrows were working overtime to conceal the cesspool of emotions that were funneling through his brain.
“Thank goodness,” he breathed, with another nervous chuckle, awkwardly lowering his hands to the outsides of your thighs and setting them down so precariously, you’d think you were made of glass. 
“Better make it convincing though,” you said, lifting your hands to his hair, where you gently pulled the band off of his ever-present man bun. His textured brown locks toppled down, holding their shape where they’d been twisted around each other day after day. It was comical, as it lay in messy tufts around his shoulders and one decidedly large bump in the middle, but it was also incredibly sexy, and you felt yourself literally salivating. You also felt a panic settle in all of a sudden, wondering if you were wildly crossing the line… Or perhaps you were getting a question answered that had been burning for a long time now. 
He lifted his chin, eyes fluttering shut for a full second as you slowly, painstakingly raked your fingers through his hair, now free of its tight constraint. Your hands continued across his skull, down the back of his neck, and then forward along each side of his jawline until they came together at his chin, where you finished by giving his nose a tiny boop. His eyes widened, realizing your face was within inches of his, and he suddenly shifted himself to the side, knocking you off balance and onto the bench. He scrambled out of the booth, catching one quick glimpse from Jesse, who had been oblivious to you two due to the undulating distraction in front of him.
You felt a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach, cringing so hard at the thought that you may have just ruined everything, and you flailed to get out of the booth after him. You caught sight of him disappearing out the balcony door (you didn’t know 79s had a balcony did ya? It does now!) just as it closed behind him. Pausing before following him out, you watched him lean on the railing, looking at the Coruscant underworld stretching out before him as his hair drifted across his eyes in the speeder-induced breeze. His expression was unreadable, and startled you in how foreign it looked. 
Taking a deep breath, you ventured outside, steeling yourself to try to patch things up. You pulled up next to the railing next to him and faced the city skyline, feeling too sheepish to meet him head-on. You fumbled for words, wringing your hands together in not-so-subtle anxiety. “I’m sorry…” you began.
“Don't ever do that again!,” he said suddenly, startling you into standing up straight and facing him fully. You were filled with regret, looking up at him apologetically and readying your explanations, until he continued speaking in a low growl that sent an electric shock through you. “You have no idea what it does to me…” he admitted, voice slightly hoarse at the end. He slowly stood from his lean over the railing, leaving one hand on it and turning toward you, the other hand pushing his hair out of his face. As your eyes found his, you were lost in the rich brown pools of emotion, accentuated by the wildly mess of his hair that made him look like an entirely different person. His hand clenched at his side, and he shifted his eyes off to the horizon again. 
“What does it do to you, Tup?” you asked quietly, and he closed his eyes at his name, soft on your lips, before slowly opening them and taking a step closer.The intensity of his gaze and the singular focus of his presence were electrifying, and you felt as though your insides were trembling. 
“It drives me crazy,” he whispered, some dark waves twisting across his forehead as the breeze ruffled past. He looked from eye to eye, taking in your face with an enamored stare as though he were seeing it for the first time. “I don’t want to make things awkward. I love our talks. I love getting to see you. I love your wit, your intelligence, your curiosity…” His confession had been coming out more confidently but hit an abrupt halt as his gaze dropped to the ground. “I’m sorry if it ruins our friendship,” he said with a resigned tone, and your heart took a tentative leap in your chest as you processed his words, hoping they meant what you thought they did. 
Fueled by his vulnerability and absolutely irresistible look, you reached for him, slipping your hands around the back of his neck, one slightly roving up into the roots of his hair at the base of his neck, and pulled him gently toward you. His arms were around you in a flash, and after one last meaningful, searching glance that seemed to stretch out into eternity, he closed the distance and kissed you deeply. Your tiny gasp of delight was swallowed up by his mouth pressed against yours, muscles tightening around you, pulling you against his armor. His hair gently tickled your cheeks, and you savored the taste of his lips, the scent of his shampoo, and the electrifying excitement of being in his embrace. 
He pulled back, mouth falling open as though he couldn’t believe what had just happened, and stared at you in awe. You offered a sheepish smile, giddy at the sight of him so shocked and enthralled. He lowered his hands to take yours, shaking his head at the ground, still dumbfounded. 
“I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” you admitted, and he jerked his head back up to you, mouth curving into an elated smile. “You’re my favorite, Tup. You’re brave and insightful and kind and complex… I think the world of you.” Each word you spoke seemed to inflate him more and more with an overjoyed enchantment that lit up his face in a way you hadn’t seen before. 
“I didn’t think people saw us as unique enough to be interested… for real…” he murmured, and you shook your head, surprised and sad that he’d have such a notion. You lifted a hand to his cheek, which sent his eyebrows up a little further, and touched your nose to his. 
“Well I do,” you said, leaning in to kiss him again. He eagerly reciprocated, pressing one hand against the small of your back and drawing the other up between your shoulder blades. His lips were so soft, yet firm and commanding, and his nose pressed into your cheek. There was more of a passion to it now, an intimacy and urgency that set off fireworks in your soul, and you dug your hands into his hair again, relishing the thick tufts between your fingers as you clenched it gently at the roots. A satisfied rumble came from his chest, and he tilted his head, deepening the kiss until you were seeing stars. When he finally let you go, you gasped in as much of the cold night air as you could as though it alone were tethering you to reality. He smiled, face inches away, glowing with wonder. 
“I think there might be more of those Twi’leks up here,” he said with a mischievous glint in his eye, and you laughed breathlessly. “Better make it convincing,” he murmured, turning to back you up against the side of the building, leaning in with a sudden confidence, and bringing his hands to your face. He was kissing you again, pressing against you all over, hands roving from cheek to shoulder to waist to hair. It felt as though a dam had broken, and so much that had been held at bay was crashing down in the most incredible, unbelievable way. You lifted your leg, wrapping it around him, and he immediately gripped it with a gloved hand, moving his armored thigh and hip into you for support and stability. Kissing your way down his neck as he rolled his head to the side, closing his eyes in blissful abandon, you gave the top of his turtleneck a little snap, sending both of you into a quiet giggle fit as you held yourselves together. Every inch yearned to be connected, and you slowly lowered your leg, nestling your head into his neck and shoulder, not daring to move lest you wake up from this dream. 
“I guess we did show you a decent time tonight, eh?” he whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your shoulders in a warm, protective hug.
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lee1504 · 3 months
Could you write some banner family fluff or angst? I've been eating it up recently and there isn't as much as compared to other families like the Clarks :)
Emma Banner noticed her daughter was getting quieter and quieter by day. She usually wasn't social, and mostly kept to herself, but she's been getting strangely quiet. It was almost if she was trying to seem nonexistent, as if she wasn't a part of the family anymore.
It started when Ashlyn was seven.
Emma's heart couldn't take it. It pained her to see Ashlyn sit alone, waiting for her and Mike to pick her up from school, when all the other little kids, her classmates, would run around and chat with each other. She knew Ashlyn was very introverted--even more so as a kid. She'd notice her daughter staring at her feet, which tapped against the ground, always moving, or staring to the side, her eyes blank.
More than once she'd tried getting Ashlyn to meet new people. She met their neighbors, who had a kid her age but eventually moved away, the Hernandez twins, who were in the same grade as her, but soon their father passed, making it difficult for them to be happy again.
One night, Emma opened the door to Ashlyn's room. She was still her baby, but she looked older now. A few years have passed, and now Ashlyn was fourteen. Next year, she would be attending high school.
And to be honest, Emma was scared.
"Hey, Trooper," Emma murmured. She sat down on the edge of her daughter's bed, next to Ashlyn. Mike stood at the doorway, watching, his hands tucked in his pockets as usual. Ashlyn, like always, was staring at her feet.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
"Hey, so..." How should she start this? It was summertime, and heat seeped through the windows, even though Ashlyn's fan was on. It made a low whirring sound. "Are you excited? For high school?"
Ashlyn said nothing. She never really did, unless she was asking what was for dinner and things like those.
Tap. Tap, tap.
"Baby?" Emma placed a hand on her daughter's knee.
Immediately Ashlyn flinched. Emma's eyes flashed to Mike's. "Baby, are you okay?"
Tap, tap, tap.
"Please don't touch me." Ashlyn's voice was low, barely there, a murmur.
"Trooper?" Mike spoke up, coming closer. He looked concerned. He held out a hand, placing it gently on his daughter's shoulder. "Baby, are you okay?"
"Please don't touch me!" Suddenly, Ashlyn sprang up. Her eyes were wide, and there were tears in her eyes. "I-I don't like to be touched. It doesn't feel normal. I--"
The tapping was gone.
Emma stood up too. Her brow was furrowed. "Baby, Ashlyn, please, are you okay?"
"Don't touch me!" The outburst was unexpected. Ashlyn's hands were curled into fists; she didn't know if her daughter realized it. Her breaths were quick, like she was hyperventilating. "Don't touch me! I don't like to be touched!"
Tears formed in her daughters eyes.
"Okay, Trooper, we won't touch you if you don't like it," Mike said gently. He moved forward slightly, but Ashlyn stepped back a foot. Her hands immediately clamped to her ears, covering it. She squeezed her eyes shut.
"It's too loud....Don't-Don't come near. Please--!" Without warning, Ashlyn turned and bolted, dashing towards the bathroom. Emma and Mike quickly followed her.
The door slammed shut. Emma heard the lock click.
"Please leave me alone!" her daughter called from the inside. "I don't want to be outside right now--!" Her breaths were still quick.
Emma hesitated. What was she supposed to say? "Alright," she replied. "We can wait. It's okay."
That night, when Ashlyn finally went to bed, Emma and Mike stayed up the whole night. They sat on the couch in the living room, staring at their shared computer the whole time. The screen illuminated their faces.
The results came in. Ashlyn was diagnosed. Her psychiatrist had recommended buying Ashlyn stronger, more soundproof headphones, since the ones she currently had wasn't strong enough.
One afternoon, the three of them, Emma, Mike, and Ashlyn, were sitting in the living room, watching a recap of Ashlyn's favorite concert. Her daughter's head rested against her shoulder, and her breathing was soft. Even. She was almost falling asleep. Mike sat on Emma's other side, his arm resting against the back of the couch.
"Mom? Dad?"
Emma turned down the volume slightly. Mike's eyes slowly drifted from Emma's to Ashlyn's.
"Yes, Trooper?" Mike replied.
"Am I...am I normal?" Ashlyn's voice quivered slightly.
Emma's eyes flashed to Mike's in a milisecond, then back to her daughter's. "Of course you are," she replied.
A few tears rolled down Ashlyn's face. Emma gently brushed them away.
"I don't feel normal. I feel like...I feel like I don't know what's wrong with me." Ashlyn swallowed, not looking her parents.
"There's nothing wrong with you," Mike said softly, smiling.
Ashlyn seemed to hesitate. "Are you...are you sure? That there's nothing wrong with me?"
Emma smiled. "Of course we're sure."
"But what if--what if I have another episode? Just like the Doctor said?" Her voice was still shaking. "Would you...would you guys still love me?"
"Of course we'd still love you, baby," Emma said, planting a small kiss on her daughter's forehead.
"But what if the episode lasts longer than a few minutes? What then?"
Mike smiled. "Don't worry, Trooper. If it lasts longer, we'll be patient. We'll always be patient for you."
"...Okay. I believe you"
Their daughter soon fell asleep, and summer passed by quickly.
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fruitcoops · 2 years
Hi!! I was reading that fix you wrote where Remuz was having a panic attack in the hospital. There was a part when he was remembering when his parents would calm him down when he was in the hospital with his shoulder, and I was wondering if maybe you could write a full version of that - when Remus was in the hospital and afraid, and sad, and in pain and his parents helping him through it.
Just a thought, love your work! ❤❤
Fic O'Ween Day 6: Nightmare. Honestly this is a big ol' cathartic whumpfest, ft. my endless love for Hope Lupin. Characters belong to @lumosinlove <3
TW for description of injury, trauma, hospitals, crying
The faint sound of plastic wheels on linoleum rattled through the door. There was the squeaky, bubbling laugh that only a five-year-old could muster; the wheels rattled again, returning from the end of their path to the timbre of a gentle voice. The lights inside were dim and Hope was grateful.
Julian rolled his toy across the hall floor again and Lyall chuckled, making some comment that was lost to the thick door. Voices hummed like the wings of bees in a hive, interrupted now and then by the ping of a PA system or the tchack-tchuck of crisp cart wheels going past. Remus was doing an awfully good job of pretending to sleep.
Today was hard. They had arrived early—so early, if there was a God up there she prayed she would never have to coerce a toddler into the car before sunrise again—and waited for long enough that she began to resent the asscrack-of-dawn appointment. Jules passed the time dozing in Remus’ lap; small miracles. When the doctor finally arrived, she read an Eye Spy book with him while Lyall and Remus went in for the debrief, both too tense around the shoulders. They had all been too tense lately. It made her sick to think about shoulders for too long.
Two weeks of silence had begun clotting between them and sticking to the corners of the house. Hope didn’t like hospitals much, never had, but she was just glad to be able to breathe. Dislocation and multiple muscle tears, they had said. Get to the doctor within the month, or you’ll run the risk of severe infection. Festering. Shredded. Damaged. All those words, and none of the truth.
Hope looked down at the hand laying limp in her own. Freckled. Strong. Determined. That was her son. That was the truth. The doctors always seemed to overlook his kindness, his gentle heart, his unending courage—they never wanted to just listen for two seconds. Maybe Remus would have told them what happened, then. Maybe he would finally speak up because Hope might not be a doctor but she knew for damn sure that an injury like that didn’t come from a stray hit, and not a single person cared to look further.
She would have done it herself, if she had the time. But she didn’t. She just didn’t. There wasn’t enough Hope Howell to go around.
“Remus.” Her voice stuck in her throat and she coughed lightly, giving his hand a squeeze. “Re, baby.”
He remained quiet and motionless, save for the steady rise and fall of his chest under the blankets. They only let him have pudding in the hospital, some fakey vanilla nonsense that smelled like plastic, and the antibiotics had brutalized his appetite—he was too skinny, now. Tears welled in her eyes and she bit the inside of her lip, looking to the ceiling until she was sure they wouldn’t fall.
“Come on, trooper, let’s get some water in you.” She squeezed his hand again, tighter. “You don’t have to sit up or anything. Dad and Jules are in the hallway. Just—just have a drink and then you can go back to sleep, okay?”
No response. Something warm slid down her cheek and she wiped it away on her sleeve. It wouldn’t do any good to cry right now. She had done enough of that earlier, when Remus couldn’t regulate his breathing by himself and the nurse asked her to hold his hand while they put the anesthesia mask over him. Hope didn’t plan on dying anytime soon, but she knew she would never forget the look on his face as long as she lived. Clammy and shaky, wide-eyed until the medicine kicked in and his lids slipped down into something almost restful if his brow hadn’t been creased so deep. It was the stuff of unimaginable nightmares. They told her he slept through the whole thing, all three grueling hours.
Two pins and an immeasurable number of stitches later, he still thought he could fool her.
There was no sense in wasting her energy to push down her emotions anymore. Remus had to know it was alright to feel them, and to let them go. Hope sniffled and watched one drip onto her jeans. “I know you’re awake,” she said quietly. “I know you’re probably feeling sick and awful but I am so proud of you, sweet pea.”
The blanket hitched.
“I’m so proud of you,” she repeated, voice wobbling. “You did so good. And I promise I’m not going to grill you about anything, I just want you to drink some water, if you want me to tell Dad you’re still asleep that’s fine—”
A low, broken sound cracked her somewhere deep, beyond her heart and lungs. When she leaned over in an awkward hug, Remus didn’t try to pull away like he had since that night, didn’t do anything but grip her cardigan with his good hand while half-breathless sobs wracked his body.
“I know.” She pressed a kiss to his sweaty hair. “I know, I know, I’m so sorry.”
“I can’t.” Remus sucked in air like a fish on land; she could hear it catching somewhere too shallow for it to do any good and held him closer. “Momma you don’t ��n’ I’m sorry but I can’t.”
“Why not?” She closed her eyes tight enough to ache. “Re, baby, you’ve gotta tell me or I can’t help you.”
“The hit—the hit—”
“Please don’t bullshit me.” She sounded frail to her own ears. “Don’t tell me it was the hit, Remus, your dad and I both know that’s not true—”
The next sob was louder and she winced in sympathy at the seizing of his chest. “It was, it was—”
“No.” She sat up just enough to see him, though Remus’ hold on her didn’t loosen by a bit. His face was blotchy and streaked with salt tracks, lips white at the edges from trying to keep it all in. He was Remus, age five, with a red mark on his forehead from a doorknob. He was Remus, age eight, split-lipped and bruised after going head over heels over his bike handlebars. He was Remus, age 14, roughed-up from his first hockey fight once the adrenaline faded and he was just scared and in pain.
Hope gently pried him off her sweater and held his hand in both of her own. A deep breath eased her headache by a degree, but nothing could stop the heartache watching Remus choke down his tears again, and again, and again. There was something darker in his eyes. Something more than fear and hurt. It was where his sobs kept catching and his breath couldn’t get through. Part of Remus had died that night, she knew that much, but this cesspool of abject terror was something he hadn’t let them see yet.
“I won’t ask for details.” Please, please tell me or I’m never going to sleep again. Remus watched her like a wary deer and somehow that hurt even more. “I won’t. I promise. You can tell Dad and ask him not to share with me if you want. But I need to ask you one thing, Remus, and I need you to be honest.”
His throat bobbed. He sniffed, though it didn’t do much. His left arm was bound tight to his body and it took a second for him to shift up on the pillows. He nodded.
“Did this happen during the hit?”
Remus’ lower lip wobbled and he shook his head, lashes clumping with fresh tears that spilled over and down toward his ears. Hope let out an unsteady exhale and bent to hug him again.
Sitting there in the plastic chair, back aching, holding her son who had done nothing to deserve anything but the best in life, Hope found that she couldn’t wish death on whoever did this. Death was too good for them. Too light of a punishment. She wanted their life razed and salted and burned until nothing could grow there again and when their time was finally up, she wanted them to pass on with nobody at their side.
In a sense, it was a good thing Lyall was still keeping Jules entertained for the millionth hour, bless his sweet soul. If he had been there for Remus’ confession, the person who did this to their son would be six feet underground before the day was up.
Remus had quieted, resigned to sniffling and the occasional tremor. Hope brushed his hair off his feverish forehead and wiped his tears with the corner of the blanket. “Thank you,” she said at last.
“I don’t think I can do this,” Remus rasped.
“Yes, you can.” She met his gaze, holding strong under the shattered thing staring back at her. “And you will. It’s alright if it takes time. You and me and your dad and Jules are going to get through this, Remus. Step by step. This is not the end of the world.”
Later, when she looked through the window while Jules finished his snack in her lap and saw Lyall holding Remus like his lanky body could shield them both from the world, it almost felt like a beginning.
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Ahsoka: A Return to Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano is my favorite Star Wars character, she’s Filoni’s best addition to the Star Wars cast, and as she is his baby, she's mine too. I was worried for how the new show would treat her, but having seen The Clone Wars movie, tv show, and Rebels, I trusted Dave Filoni. It was rightly placed trust. Watching this show, for me, felt like watching the prequels again. The lightsaber fights we’re fast paced, the characters held an air of mystery, and Thrawn was perfect. 
Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati are the most interesting new characters since Lady Tano herself. Introduced with little dialogue, Baylan makes it clear they are neither Jedi nor Sith. He refers to them as something more when speaking with Shin, saying “You, I trained to be more”. Baylan, once on Peridea, loses interest in the Jedi and thrown, revealing to his apprentice that he searched for something greater than what Thrawn and the Great Mothers could offer. 
He gives Shin a choice near the end of the show, to turn Sabine and Ezra over to Thrawn, take her place in the coming war, with a silent offer to stay written between the lines. Shin, of course, less trained and less trusting in the force and her master, chooses to join Thrawn. A fight ensues between her, some night troopers, and our Jedi Padawans. 
Which brings me to Sabine and Ezra. Neither had been my favorites in Rebels, I had attached to Ahsoka, Chopper, and Hera. In this new show, I love these characters. Sabine, struggles with trust, the force, her feelings towards Ezra, and finding her footing with Ahsoka. She slowly does and by the end uses the force through trust. Erza, in my opinion, was hard headed, and slightly annoying in Rebels, but in Ahsoka he’s funny, light-hearted, wiser, and much more like Kanan than I was expecting. His interactions with Huyang were wholesome, and the twin emitter to Kanan’s was a good touch.
Hera, Chopper and Jacen. My little Syndulla family hold the number two spot in my heart. Hera was snappy, strong-willed, open, and a great mother. Jacen was Adorable, and alot like his father, I would love to get to know the force sensitive, half twi-lek more. And as always Chopper was the greatest little criminal, snappy, and funny. 
Now, moving to the namesake of the show, Ahsoka. When she was introduced, she was an annoying, stuck-up, fourteen year old. She wasn’t liked much by the fandom, but Dave Filoni, as always, had a plan and slowly, with the audience, Ahsoka would mature, she gets two lightsabers, listens to Anakin more, faces hardship, and eventually left the Jedi order. As she grew after Order 66, Ahsoka became clouded and unbalanced. We watch her grow more fearful and secluded as she ages, even as she aids the rebellion, and it all comes to a head in Ahsoka.
Ahsoka fights Baylan and Shin much like Anakin fought Obi-wan, pushing forward attacking, even force-chocking and throwing Shin. Ultimately, as it had been Anakin’s, Ahsoka’s brute force is her downfall (literally). She loses the fight, and is knocked off the cliffside by Skoll, into the water. In the water, Ahsoka is pulled into the World Between Worlds where she finds Anakin, there to teach her one last lesson, live or die. Then, Hayden Christen, Anakin Skywalker himself fights his apprentice for the 3rd time.
This fight was beautifully choreographed, and executed, it was quick, fierce, charged, and all around an amazing duel between master and padawan, as is the Star Wars tradition. Just this was incredible, and I wasn’t ready when we went to the unknown regions for the first time in canon history.
Peridea was the last thing I expected, and even though we’d left our main Star Wars galaxy, everything was still so Star Wars. The Great Mothers, The Chimera, The Night Troopers, Morgan becoming a magical nightsister. I was blown away, yet everything gave me the same feeling as the 1977 classics, and the 2000’s prequels. This is how Star Wars is supposed to feel in my mind, and Ahsoka did it perfectly. 
All I can hope for now is two separate stories, Dave Filoni’s, Heir to The Empire movie to be about our regular Galaxy with Hera, Ezra, The Mandalorians, and Luke. Then a different story, on Peridea with Ahsoka, Sabine, Shin, and Baylan, in Ahsoka season 2. That would be the perfect way to continue this amazing love letter to Star Wars and the Star Wars fans. 
~Leia-Marie Jones~
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gastergrooberfan · 10 months
Reynold and Blue Laser Happy Together
Reynold and Blue Laser Commander made it back to their headquarters.
“Sorry I failed to immobilize the enemies.” Reynold sighed as he hung his head. “I'm not good at missions…”
“It's okay.” Blue Laser patted Reynold's head again. “You're still a trooper, you know that? I know you will do better tomorrow.”
“Thanks…” Reynold took a deep breath, about to confess. “Blue Laser. This is the first time I've ever felt like an equal.”
“It is?” Blue Laser questioned.
“You see…” Reynold reminisced. “The Commandos didn't always treat me this way.”
Long ago in a playground, a tiny Reynold was playing with his Strong Badman action figure, when his younger brother, who was about the same size as him, chuckled and took the figurine away from Reynold as he desperately reached to attempt to take it back.
“Let's see how the real baby of the family likes having his dolly smashed!” His brother laughed out loud, then he was about to crush the figure under his weight by jumping on it. Reynold was whimpering to himself, but then a shadow was cast over them. Three slightly older boys, one with a green vest, one with shades and a hat, and the third wearing some kind of dog tag necklace stood above them.
“Unhand that toy!” Gunhaver commanded. Reynold's brother dropped the Strong Badman toy and Reynold clumsily caught it.
“Hey there, kid.” Gunhaver put his stub hands on his hips. “You seem lost. How would you like to join an army with us when we grow up?”
“Sure.” Reynold smiled and Gunhaver then ruffled his hair.
“Good answer.” Gunhaver cooed a little. After the flashback ended. Reynold was trembling again.
“So, you join him? Just because he said so when you were kids?” Blue Laser questioned.
“Guess it started that way.” Reynold shrugged. “I then began to follow him and his crew around like some kind of lost puppy.”
Back in the past, a younger Blue Laser Commander smiled at Reynold as the two were at their desks, studying.
“May I copy your answers?” Blue Laser winked.
“I guess, just rearrange the words so nobody knows.” Reynold winked back.
“Hey, leave my little buddy alone!” Gunhaver hit Blue Laser in the face.
“Uh… Thanks?” Reynold responded confusedly.
“Any time.” Gunhaver patted Reynold's head.
“Oh yeah. I remember that.” Blue Laser crossed his arms in annoyance.
“Sorry about that. If I knew…” Reynold groaned.
“It's fine.” Blue Laser huffed.
“But in some twisted way, I kind of miss those moments.” Reynold lowered his head in shame. “No idea why, guess I just wanted others looking out for me.”
“Well, you have… Me.” Blue Laser smiled. Reynold grinned and then hugged the Commander. “Uh… Didn't ask for a hug, but there we go, I guess.”
“Sorry.” Reynold chuckled nervously.
“It's fine.” Blue Laser admitted, sneaking a nuzzle to his new friend. “Not the worst hug I ever received.”
“Aww.” Reynold giggled as he held him closer. Blue Laser then sighed to himself as Reynold was not noticing his face. Blue Laser was beginning to feel guilty about trying to take advantage of Reynold's situation for personal gain in a stupid “war”. Reynold really was a sweet guy, he was just mixed up in the chaos.
“Reynold… I think… You should quit.” Blue Laser whispered.
“Wait, what?! But this is my life's purpose now!” Reynold teared up. “You'd… Want to see me fail?”
“I want to see you have freedom. I was just trying to take advantage of the situation for my own gain. But I don't want you as a minion anymore, I want you as a fr-”
“You don't want me around anymore?!” Reynold sniffled.
“I do! I just don't feel comfortable with you being in my control! You're the only one I hate having power over!” Blue Laser waved his arms.
“When did you first desire power anyway?” Reynold asked, trying to change the subject.
“I don't wish to talk about it, I'll talk about it in the next chapter, maybe.” Blue Laser tried to shoo Reynold off.
“Next chapter!” Blue Laser repeated.
“So… Do you want me around or not?” Reynold questioned.
“I do…” Blue Laser sighed. “I just feel bad taking advantage of your… Naive nature.”
“Naive?” Reynold scowled.
“No offense, but you've lived a sheltered life, right? Because of your family and your “friends”.” Blue Laser did “air quotes” with his “hands”. “And I just took advantage of that. Usually it feels so great to do such evil things but… it seems wrong this time.”
“But, Commander, you taking me in is the best thing to ever happen to me!” Reynold beamed widely. “I've never felt so accepted before in my life! Before then I was treated unfairly, protected from the essentials of the outside world. But now you treat me as a respectable member of your team.”
“Aww, I'm glad to hear that.” Blue Laser patted Reynold's back. “But enough mushy stuff already, let's think of more evil schemes!”
“Yeah!” Reynold cheered with his arms in the air. “What kind of scheme?”
“Before we hatch our ultimate plan to take over the universe, then the world… Let's sneak into a triple R rated movie, without paying!” Blue Laser laughed evilly.
“Great idea! Hooray!” Reynold laughed, then the two high fived (or more like, high stubbed).
“We're glad to be flying together!” A narrator sang as the two drove in a blue ship. “Friendship is the most beautiful thing in the world.” The two wore fake beards and snuck into the theater. “Something about rainbows, and butterflies, and unicorns, and stuff.” It then showed both laughed at the screen, but Reynold the turned green at one of the scenes. Blue Laser frowned and decided to get Reynold out of there. “So fly with me on a unicorn, or a butterfly, or something!” The singer sang as the sick Reynold was being comforted by Blue Laser as they were continuing to fly. “Friendship.” The narrator's voice whispered and echoed.
“You're my best friend, Blue Laser Commander.” Reynold sighed happily as the camera circle closed in on them.
“I guess… You're my friend too.” Blue Laser smiled softly. “Wait, isn't this show supposed to be about the Cheat Commandos, why are we bad guys taking over?”
“We're not the only ones. Remember what website we are on?” Reynold reminded him while waving his arm a little.
“Oh right.” Blue Laser giggled sheepishly, Reynold hugged Blue Laser again. Then the black background closed in, making the background disappear.
Meanwhile back at the Cheat Commandos’ base, Gunhaver looked rather down.
“Sigh… Sigh…” Gunhaver repeated. I SAID SIGH! Ask why!!!”
“Why did you say “sigh”, are we all going to die?” Crackotage questioned in rhyme.
“I just miss Reynold all of a sudden.” Gunhaver rubbed his head sadly. “Maybe we should check up on him.”
“But we treated him so horribly, we can't exactly bounce back from that.” Silent Rip frowned.
“Shut up. We need to think of a plan to get our favorite office worker back.” Gunhaver grinned. “Soon he'll appreciate how little we appreciated him!”
He chuckled a little as the other two joined in, Silent Rip rather reluctantly, knowing how poorly it was going to go.
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battlekilt · 2 years
It is all fun and games and cutesiness when I share it on Tumblr.
Then there is when I genuinely begin to write it for AO3. That is when I take a woeful turn.
Yesterday, I wrote the scene for the AU: Our Little Troopers when Obi-Wan is reunited with Cody. It didn't go out I originally envisioned, but he left me with a face covered in tears because, of course, he did. Kenobi always has to share his misery, even if it is also a joyous misery.
What I did want to share is this moment of humanity to unravel:
However, one by one… the Littles were found, until each were accounted for.
From end to end, they filled the barracks, ran the droids and the sailors ragged. But bellies were filled, and shivering little bodies were covered in blankets. Echoes of laughter mixed with the sharp spikes of truly distressed wails or the exhausted cries that came only with endless tears. Only twenty-minutes ago, the first Red Star relief ships had docked. Exhausted sailors pushed themselves to the brink of collapse, motivated by how desperately they needed the supplies unloaded—these children needed the diapers, solid foods, formula, toys, and clothes… Worlds from near-by systems answered the call; the hails for mercy. They were babies, after all.
Because... genuinely imagine how woefully unprepared a Jedi Cruiser would be if, suddenly, their battalion-strong population of Clone Troopers turned into Clone babies. More than likely, the Negotiator wouldn't have just the 212th, though even if it did... it is 4-7 support personnel per Clone Trooper, and not all of them would be natborns. Most could be Clones of some variety. Suddenly, they are all babies at various stages.
Now they have to find them all. They have to secure them. They have to feed them. In this AU, they don't all revert to the same age, so they have some Clonelings that don't even have their teeth. How will they feed them?
What I haven't made clear in this snippet, but I will clarify as the story unravels, is at this point... it is the planets with the least that answered the hails. Worlds like Ryloth, who have so little to give, were the ones who give up the most.
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freckledjoes · 6 months
I feel a little alone in this fandom cos I really really love stancy lol 😭 but when the show was on there were soo many posts like "UGH NOONE WANTS STANCY STOP" and I was like noo pls I do!
Like I understand people's hesitance but it's been years, they're both older and very different to the naive kids were when they got together first.
Maybe i just really like the 'second chance romance' trope idk. But it also always confused me how everyone seems to think Nancy hates the idea of having a family? Like she doesn't wanna be in a loveless marriage, but most of the family anxieties come from Jonathan (understandably) I feel like people project it on to her.
Also I really hate that people interpret Steve's speech as him saying "give birth to six of my children as you are a sperm receptacle and it is your place" like. That's soo people projecting again bc Nancy is a Strong Woman TM with no other qualities (in their eyes) and marriage and kids would RUIN her!!! (Though they usually don't care if its with someone not Steve lmao...) and also Steve is not asking her that!! He's sharing a dream, and likely only chose that number so there could be a 'haha mama Steve with the six kids' joke cos there are six kids fandom likes to say he adopted. There were way too many bad faith takes on that scene imo.
Also I remember seeing a few "I'd rather him die than get back with nancy" and I can't help but think do they even like him lol???? Like come on. I respect everyone's opinion but I also wish they would respect mine yknow?
Aww I know for a fact that there are quite a few people out there who do ship stancy!! You're not alone <3 I'm a steddie trooper but considering the way canon is going I definitely think you've got a fat chance at getting your endgame.
I get the appeal of a second chance romance! Outside of my arguments that I left in the previous post about this I generally just don't see their appeal but that's a matter of taste.
Gonna add a read more thingy because... I always write essays lmao.
I think most people think that Nancy's not really feeling the family life due to her reaction to Steve's nuggets speech? That's how I took it anyway, it didn't feel like she was too keen on the idea. But for all we know that could just mean that she's aversed to it right now, or the idea of 6 (I mean it is a lot - but the pick of the number was obvious too) sounded like too much. We can only assume and we will all have our own ideas. And maybe it's also just how people interpret her character, like perhaps it's an assumption based on other things they've seen throughout the show. It's fair for you (or others) to interpret it all differently :) I suppose we will find out (unless they give it an open end) in the last season.
I also never interpreted Steve's nugget speech as him saying Nancy's some kind of baby machine at all. He was literally just sharing his dream like you say, there was no misogyny going on there. And yeah! It was just them writing that narrative in there for the sake of conversation for the viewers.
I think people who say they'd rather see him die say that because they don't believe he would be happy with Nancy in that case. It's not so much about liking him or not, rather just really not wanting to see the alternative. Which I don't judge, but I get why you feel a certain way about that.
I've never been a fan of shipping wars and they are everywhere. I do think that it's up to you (not you in particular) to consume what you want to see. There's always the option to move on and scroll if someone has an opinion that you absolutely disagree with. Sure, you can start a discussion, I get where that passion could come from too, but when both people are very passionate about their ship, or even just a character on its own, it's rarely going to end well.
Every ship has seen commentary from other shippers, hating on their ship. It's how it goes. I personally wouldn't go out of my way to destroy a ship with my mighty words 'cause I'd much rather spend it on the ships I do ship :) Like why go out of your way to explain why the ship you don't like doesn't work? It shouldn't matter then, right? Just focus on the ship you do like.
Of course I'm fine with sharing my opinion if asked, but I really try to stay out of discourse over it because that's just suuuch a waste of time in the end. Like even if I state that I'm not a fan of stancy, I'd never want a stancy shipper to think that I'm shitting on their ship. I'm happy we can all enjoy and relate to characters and ships in such different ways. It's what's supposed to make it fun. :)
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sickiebangtan · 5 years
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♡  hobi repeating a mantra in his head every time he has to get on another damn rollercoaster. hold it in, just hold it in--keep it down--at least until we finish recording. he must really love these boys, otherwise he’d just tell them hell no and sit his bottom down. 
♡  the first coaster sends his stomach in his throat with the first steep drop. this is why he hates these things. how can a human voluntarily put themselves through this? it’s a real fight and an honest miracle that he doesn’t vomit as he’s jerked left and right and pulled up and dropped down. unfortunately, he’s sure the staff member filming right next to him has caught the nausea plastered all over his face the whole time, the hard swallows and all. but the adrenaline distracts his nausea enough to keep his breakfast in his stomach where it belongs, for the time being. 
♡  hobi standing by the railing to wait for the others, looking like his soul has left him, a lot paler and unsteady on his usually light dancer feet. the other members are too wrapped up in the excitement of the next ride as they skip down the ramp, passing hobi with a clap on his back, but taehyung loops an arm around his neck and walks more his pace. hobi pats tae’s hand and tries to make it comical that he has to sit down and take a breather when really he’s praying a moment at the nearby bench will stop his world from spinning for a second. 
♡  “you don’t have to do it, hope-ah,” yoongi mutters in his ear while they wait in line for the next one. getting the ‘okay’ from yoongi is like getting the decision from the law itself. he’s concerned. he can practically hear hoseok’s mind willing himself to ignore his motion sickness, and it isn’t working, clearly. he hasn’t quite recovered from the first ride and yoongi honestly would like for hoseok not to give into the peer pressure this time around. he rubs at the back of his dongsaeng’s neck and hoseok closes his eyes, leans back against the pressure of yoongi’s fingers. “you braved your first coaster. i won’t call you a coward anymore. just sit this one out.” he says softly. but hoseok just shakes his head. he’s sat out one too many times in the past. he thinks how his actions of pushing along can inspire his fans. he gives yoongi a smile even though he’s still green in the face. “i’m fine, really.” 
♡  hoseok being particularly stubborn each time the others suggest he stay behind as they reach the queue for the next thrilling ride. his stomach is starting to gurgle audibly in a defiant state of upset, but he’s saddled himself up into 3 more rides before namjoon suggests they go find a place to eat lunch. really, he’s just looking for a reason to get hobi to rest for a while longer than ten minutes. 
♡  hobi sipping on water and trying not to gag as taehyung’s pretzel and cheese dipping sauce keeps wafting up his nostrils. jimin rubbing his back and telling him it’s okay to admit the rides are making him sick. hoseok wearily waving him off and blowing out a shaky exhale. “don’t worry about me,” his voice is thin behind his fist. the day at the theme park is almost over. he can do this. 
♡  the gentlest ride sends him over the edge. the boys had chosen it for their last one for the day, one that was more hoseok’s speed, but hoseok ends up begging for someone to stop the ride before he’s scrambling out of the contraption to heave violently over the railing. the cameras have been thankfully put away for the day. 
♡  jungkook holding hoseok still as his stomach squeezes acid and breakfast over some bushes below, because he’s so freaking dizzy. he’s been dizzy for hours, and his body’s loudly protesting through long-winded retches and vile gurgles up his throat. jin, namjoon, and yoongi shield the scene with their bodies, surrounding hoseok and jungkook while jimin and taehyung go get water bottles and paper towels to help clean hobi up. it’s horrible and embarrassing for this to be happening in public, but at least his members are worried for him, not laughing at him. he should know better--his brothers will always have his back. 
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the-marshals-wife · 3 years
Having A Child With Wrecker Would Include
|REPOST| Original was deleted accidentally. Don't scroll through your own blog on a touch-screen, kids. Thanks for the 183 notes on the original. <3
A/N: I’m doing one of these for every guy in the squad! Their interactions with Omega inspired me to imagine them with their own children! I’m starting with Wrecker because I just had a ton of inspiration for him! This is my first time doing a headcanon/preference/would-include. There’s some story (mainly the number of children + the genders that I envisioned each having), but otherwise it’s a reader | Y/N insert.
(I know clones are canonically sterile, just pretend with me that our favorite genetically modified squad is not)
Description: Wrecker x Fem!Reader | Rating: General audiences. No warnings: just indulgent, domestic fluff! | Gif credit: user kybacrystal
─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
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This man is the ultimate fun dad
He may have started out as the man-child of the squad, but helping raise Omega transformed him in responsible father figure, and he looked forward to having his own kid one day
It wasn’t long after you fell in love with him that you knew he would be a great father, and you soon longed to have a family together
Wrecker just about split the ground open in excitement when he found out you were pregnant
“I’m gonna be a dad! This…is the happiest day…of my life!”
For the first few months, he still went on missions with the squad to bring home credits “to buy toys for the baby,” but he would get on the comm with you at least three times a day while he was gone to check on you
He was extra gentle with you during your pregnancy, always giving you kisses, affectionately rubbing your shoulders, and lightly patting your stomach when you started to show
By your third trimester, he stayed by your side daylight to dark, bringing you everything you wanted and constantly making sure you were comfortable
Whenever your back was hurting, he would carry you to the bed or the couch, staying to cuddle when you asked
You didn’t need a pregnancy pillow - sleeping in his hefty, loving arms was all the support you needed
Snuggling in bed and listening to your belly
He loved talking to the baby and feeling their kicks
“You feel that?” you said, “Strong like their papa!”
Sometimes you’d fall asleep with Wrecker’s head in your lap, drifting off as he told your baby of adventures with the Bad Batch and “Aunt Omega”
You were the calm one during your first false alarm - he was ready to bring the hospital to you, roof and all
After that night, he was on edge that the baby would come at any second - you had to convince your ever-vigilante bodyguard to stay off the caff and get some sleep
A few days before the birth, Omega gave beloved Lula back to Wrecker as a present for the baby
When the day came, Tech flew you to the hospital so Wrecker could stay beside you (and so you could keep him calm)
The nurses and doctor had to work around him because he refused to let go of your hand while you pushed
After the final push, the nurse whisked away your baby a moment, and Wrecker kissed your face all over, telling you “you did such a good job”
When he laid eyes on your baby girl, he fell in love - it was the first time you’d seen him genuinely cry
He was very anxious about holding his daughter for the first time, afraid of hurting her
The worry soon vanished; he was a natural
“She’s so tiny!”
Proud Papa Bear
Just days after your baby was born, he wanted another- you had to negotiate for a “trial period” first
He was so excited to introduce his “little trooper” to the squad
“Pretty just like her momma!” he beamed. (”Thank goodness for that,” Hunter teased)
Wrecker was so excited for Omega to hold his little girl, showing her the right way to cradle her - it’s a moment you’ve cherished every day since
Teaching him to change diapers was interesting, but he eventually got the hang of it and was very proud of himself
He’s on his feet the second your little one starts to cry
You often find Wrecker passed out on the couch, your daughter curled up in on his chest with Lula snuggled in-between them
Hugs, so many hugs
When she took her first steps, he shed a tear, even though he denies it to this day
He was also misty-eyed when she spoke her first word: “Woo-wa”
He loves to toss her above his head and catch her - she squeals every time.
Piggyback rides - he is always carrying his little trooper around on his shoulders
Even as a toddler, your daughter was very strong for her size - Wrecker couldn’t be prouder
He showers his princess with presents
You had to draw the line when he tried to bring home a Kowakian monkey-lizard for her
Playdates with Omega
Mantell Mix is always involved, as well as enough ice pops to choke a Reek
Wrecker eventually gets his wish; you become pregnant again. He was much more like his stoic self during labor the second time.
You give birth to another girl, and you’re both overjoyed
Your youngest more resembles you, but the signs are there early that she will be quite strong too, though perhaps not as much as your eldest
Wrecker loves to play dolls and dress up with them - the latter you’re sworn to secrecy over
Staying up to watch holos when they can’t sleep
He had more than one stand-off with the Dianoga under their beds - “Daddy showed it who’s boss!” and the nightmares finally stopped
You have to be the disciplinarian because he can’t so much as put your kids in timeout
He bargains to let them out early, and sneaks treats to them when he thinks you aren’t looking
“Don’t tell your mother.”
He doesn’t know what ‘bedtime’’ is either
“I’m not sleepy!” all three of them reply when you tell them lights out
Wrecker is a pro-prank dad
The three of them with Omega get into so much mischief
Uncle Tech and Uncle Echo are often the unwitting victims because “Uncle Hunter can always hear us coming!” and no one wants to test the patience of Uncle Crosshair after the vibroblade incident…
When your girls are old enough, you and Wrecker make sure that they’re both properly trained with blasters and other tactical practices to keep them safe against the Empire
Your eldest inherited much of her father’s strength, and quickly becomes proficient in hand-to-hand combat sparring with Uncle Hunter
Your youngest is a natural shot, which leads Wrecker to dub her “Crosshair Jr.”
Wrecker is extremely supportive of their talents and aspirations
“No one messes with my girls!”
He imparted a love of pyrotechnics and all things explosive to them, a combination that definitely keeps you up at night sometimes
Despite his enthusiasm for violence, he is still careful to teach them about weapon safety and ways to keep themselves out of excessive danger
Sweet treats after training
Your daughters grow up wanting to be tough Bad Batchers like their parents and uncles
Watching Wrecker be such a doting father fills you with joy every day, giving you hope for the future and a free galaxy for your family
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