#he's my good boy. I could totally fix him and show him that he isn't the worst person on earth. that'd be fun
running-in-the-dark · 3 months
it has to be said though, I had a lovely rest of the day after my breakdown this morning. it was very cathartic. painted for like eight hours after that, and had a good time doing it.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
morning with birthday boy - dad jeno scenario
Helllloooooo so i got this request for our birthday boy🥺🤍 extra fluffy for this very special day. Hope you like it!!!
omggg pls pls make a jeno dad scenario for his birthday, maybw surprising him or something ?? 🥹🥹🥹 imagine him having a son who looks exactly like him when he was a kid 😭😭
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(pics not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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You and your son woke up early to make birthday pancakes for the birthday boy. It's a tradition that started years ago when you and Jeno started dating, he knew you loved pancakes so he took you out for breakfast and surprised you with a tall stack of your favorite pancake with a pink candle on top.
Now years later, here you are in your kitchen cooking pancakes with your son, Geonu, about to surprise your husband.
Geonu, now two years old, is at that age where you can let him join the fun. You love cooking and baking so usually he'd be right beside you as your little helper.
"Mommy, owy" his term for chocolate, pointing at the bowl of chocolate chips
"Want to put the choco chips? Okay, you do it like this" you carry him up, showing how and where to sprinkle it. You let him get a handful before you do the same, a few got stuck between his fingers and he immediately taste it
"You silly boy, you only wanted to get the chocolate huh" you tickle him, eliciting giggles from your little boy. Geonu is a splitting imagine of Jeno, when he was born and Jeno's mom said he look3d exactly like Jeno when he was born. And as the years passed by Geonu's showing more resemblance with his father.
Your favorite one being their identical eye smile.
You finish cooking the pancakes, fixing a stack to surprise Jeno with. Carrying the plate in one hand and Geonu with your other.
Opening your bedroom door, you see your husband still fast asleep. His bare back towards the door, you set Geonu on the bed and he immediately crawls towards his dad. Climbing on his back and laying his head right on Jeno's head.
Jeno feels something on his cheek, something settles on his back too. After a few seconds he can feel something wet on his cheek, a tiny voice gurggling.
A smile appears on his face before he could even open his eyes. He peaks with one eye, turning to see you at the edge of the mattress with a plate of pancakes and his son giving him his morning kisses
"Good morning, happy birthday baby" you tell him. He carefully move Geonu from his back to his lap, sitting up to blow the candle
"Geonu, let's make a wish. Okay 1 2 3" the little boy blowing the candle with Jeno, you sit infront your boys watching them with smitten eyes
"Thank you, baby" he tells you, leaning over to give you a kiss
"So how does it feel to be a year older?"
"I'm only a few months older, this would be you soon" he teases you back
One of many birthdays you've celebrated together and now you have your little bundle of joy to celebrate with. There's really nothing Jeno would wish for, he already has everything he needs. He used to wonder if settling down was something he'd do, he didn't really see himself as a family man. He's fine being on his own until he met you.
Ever since then, there isn't a moment he wanted to be alone ever again. He knew he was going to spend the rest of his birthdays with you the moment you smiled so big at him at that breakfast diner a few years ago.
He finally knew what real contentment feels and it's this. Mornings with you and the little boy who is equal parts of him and you. Celebrating birthdays with a tradition the two of you made.
"Let's have breakfast downstairs, I made eggs and bacon and coffee" you tell him, getting Geonu from then standing up from the bed.
Jeno sets the plate down on the bedside table before giving you a hug by the waist. Your hand finds his hair, giving him a half hug.
"I love you so so so much" he mumbles, looking up at you
You lean down to kiss him again, after a few seconds you feel a hand separate the two of you making the two of you laugh
"Uhhhh what is this? She's mine before she was yours" Jeno tells his son, giving his tummy tickles.
"Okay okay let's go get breakfast, we have a full day ahead. You go get dressed" you tell Jeno, knowing full well what's underneath the sheets
He smirks at you, waving as you walk out the door
After a few seconds you peak your head by the door, "I love you too" you say then you walk away. Jeno smiles, his eyes disappearing as the familiar feelings envelops him again. Like he's falling inlove with you for the first time again.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
Fashion designer Steve, who accepts a contract to have Rockstar Eddie Munson wear his designs in the latest addition of vogue, but the thing is, he hates Eddie. Hates his cocky smile, his music, the way he called Steve 'doll' the first time they met at some celebrity's birthday party made his skin crawl. But Steve isn't stupid. Eddie's hot, popular and Steve's latest line would look amazing on him. This is the only reason he accepts the deal. If people saw Eddie wearing his designs, they would buy them. Plain and simple.
Steve spends all morning before the shoot dreading having to deal with loud, obnoxious Eddie Munson. He chain smokes on the roof of his studio and tries to remind himself of all the pros of this shoot, of how influential Eddie is. The cons are way longer than the pros.
It's barely past 8am when the studio doors open and in walks the cause of his current headache, but there's something different about this man nervously walking into his studio to the one he's so used to seeing and avoiding at parties. There's no dramatic entrance, no tight leather pants and way too much eye-liner. There's just this... guy. He's in fucking sweatpants and what looks like a pyjama shirt that's been worn way too much, and his hair is tied up in a loose bun that shows off all the earrings he isn't wearing.
"Hi, I'm Eddie." He sticks out his hand politely for a hand shake and Steve is so shocked. He may have squeezed his hand a bit too tightly. "I'm super excited for the shoot! I love your designs." He's smiling at Steve but it's soft, genuine, gentle. It lacks the severity, the cockiness of the smiles he's seen before.
"Uh, thanks." Steve says dumbly and just walks away to the rack of clothes he has picked out for Eddie. "It's just me and you today. Is that okay with you? I work better when it's just me and the model." Steve takes all of his own photos, makes all his designs, does all the make-up and set design. In this industry, he's learned that if you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.
When Steve turns back around, Eddie is standing in the middle of the studio, awkwardly twisting the fabric of his shirt while rocking back onto the balls of his feet. "Yep, that's cool. It's totally cool. Cool as." His cheeks are bright red and he keeps looking around the empty studio, looking anywhere but at Steve.
"Are you nervous?" Steve asks. Nervous and Eddie Munson don't seem like two things that go together in Steve's mind. He's seen Eddie walk out onto a stage in front of thousands of people and thrust against a microphone while singing about sex. But doing a shoot alone with Steve makes him nervous?
"Yeah, you could say I'm a little nervous." He chuckles awkwardly and twirls a loose strand of hair that has fallen from the bun. "I've kind of always wanted to do a shoot with you and I'm terrified I'm going to fuck it up."
That's.. not what Steve was expecting.
"Oh." He says simply, not quite sure what to say to something like that.
"Did I just fuck it up?" Eddie drops the piece of hair and the absolute horror on his face causes Steve to smile.
He shakes his head and hands Eddie an armful of clothes. "Go get changed, pretty boy. You haven't fucked up, if anything you've just secured a permanent spot on my roster." He looks Eddie up and down once. "I like this version of you."
Eddie laughs. "You like my pyjamas?"
"No, you. You seem more real, less, no offence, douchey."
Eddie shrugs and nods in agreement, a few more strands of brown curls fall free. Steve will have to fix that. He wants Eddie's hair up for the shoot. He wants to be able to see every facial expression when Steve tells him how good he is. At posing, that is.
"Being a regular dude isn't what sells albums, unfortunately. So, I've gotta play the part. I've gotta sell sex and make myself seem otherworldly, untouchable, so that people will want me, want my music." He says this with a shrug, acts like it's just a casual thing to say. Steve can see that it's more than that though, can see how much Eddie dislikes having to play pretend to get people to like him.
He nods over to the small dressing room. "You don't have to be anyone else today. I just want Eddie. Only wear what you're comfortable in. I'll order us some breakfast, yeah?" He tries to make Eddie feel comfortable, tries to release some of the tension that had settled in the air by being friendly, a lot friendlier than he normally is with celebrity models. He usually tries to keep a distance from them.
"Pizza?" Eddie asks hopefully.
Steve scrunches up his nose and raises an eyebrow in question. "For breakfast? Really?" That didn't surprise him at all. Eddie's a rockstar. He's probably never had a balanced meal in his life.
Steve ignores the little voice in his head that whispers I could cook for him, make sure he's eating well and looking after himself.
"Yes, really. Extra anchovies, please."
"I've changed my mind. You've fucked it up. Go home."
Steve hears Eddie cackle as he slams the dressing room door shut and it's a surprisingly nice sound. Not as grating and obnoxious as the fake laugh he'd been subjected to at a party last year, it's a warm, almost melodic sound and it makes Steve's lips twitch into a smile.
Maybe this shoot won't be as torturous as he'd thought it would be.
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twignotstick · 3 months
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
Part 3 💜 | Part 1 <- 🧡 | Part 2 <- 💙
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I wrote this as my love letter to the story and the characters. Especially April :)
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Donnie & April, April & the Turtles, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, recovery (hehehehehe), talking it out because we're adults, skating, social avoidance? idk how to tag that
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): yelling, some violent actions
Words: 2,065
Summary: April was able to figure out her first brother easily. Now, she gets three more, with a couple more issues to worry about.
One brother was already a lot. He was sweet, if a little violent. April was content with one brother.
Then she found out he had two more. Lost in their youth, taken away, never to be seen again. Suddenly, one wasn't enough. April wanted three brothers.
So she got them. One by one, she welcomed her new brothers into their home. She helped them feel safe and welcomed. And, in turn, they helped her learn her place as a big sister.
Now, four? Four whole brothers? That was pushing it.
Donnie was a wild card. Some days, he'd bounce around madly, blabbering about whatever “improvements” he'd made in the lair (always putting Splinter on edge, yet he could never find any problems with whatever Donnie did, probably because his brothers did damage control before he could catch it). Other days, he'd literally hiss at April until she left. Not just left the lair; left the sewers.
This day was supposed to be one of those days. Donnie was visibly shaking with all the pent up energy in him. The brothers had apparently had an “intervention” with Donnie after the previous night, when he had almost broken a major support beam in the lair just so he could collapse it on April. Now, he wasn't allowed to show violence to April in any form for a whole week. In exchange, he'd be allowed to take a single blood sample from each of his brothers, which was the weirdest trade April had ever heard. But Donnie really wanted it.
And boy, was it hard for him.
“Did you see that?! Did you see? I totally landed that one!” Mikey yelped, shaking on his skateboard.
“Good job, big man.” Raph stepped up beside him, lightly touching Mikey's shoulder and making his eyes widen as he tried to maintain his balance.
Mikey had been wanting to practice his skate tricks, and Raph wanted to make sure he did it in a safe environment. The skate ramp in the lair was perfect. Even if they were just practicing kickflips at the bottom, it was safe and contributed to good vibes.
While Raph and Mikey stood at the bottom, April, Leo, and Donnie sat at the top with their legs dangling beneath them. Well, April and Leo's legs were dangling. Donnie was perched up like a frog, knees thrown out to the sides and his hands curled on the edge of the ramp. Leo, of course, was between him and his self proclaimed mortal enemy, absorbing as much murderous intent as he could. It was a lot, to put it nicely.
“Do you think he'll ever actually get to use the ramp?” Leo asked, enjoying the spectacle of his youngest brother getting properly babied by his oldest.
“Four is definitely tough enough to survive a fall from this height,” Donnie responded cheerily. “His shell is the best of all of us. A human, on the other hand, would likely get severely injured if they were to be shoved off the edge.” His face grew the slightest grin at the imaginary violence.
“Watch the language.” Leo raised a brow to Donnie. “And it's Mikey, remember? Not Four.”
“R-right!” Donnie stammered, patting his hands on the side of the ramp. “Four is Mikey.”
“No, Mikey is Mikey. His name isn't Four, and it never was. Just like my name isn't Two, Raph's name isn't One, and your name isn't Three. You're our brother. Donatello.”
Leo was getting slightly agitated, and Donnie- or maybe Three- was starting to fidget and rock back and forth. It was clear that Leo wanted Donnie to just give up all this number talk and act like their childhoods hadn't happened. But that was just an impossible task. April could tell that this situation would be quick to spiral.
“Hey, uh, Leo?” April asked, getting his attention.
“Betcha can't do an ollie.”
Leo turned fully to face April. “A what?”
“I-it's a skateboard trick…” Donnie said, causing Leo's attention to whip around again. “F- Mikey showed me a couple days ago.”
“Oh.” Leo's brow ridges tightened as he whipped back to face April. “You think I can't pull some stupid skate trick? You are so on.” Leo slid down the ramp, using his carapace like a sled. “Mikey! Give me your board!”
Donnie watched him slide down with wide eyes. “Has he… ever skated before?” He asked, mildly concerned.
“Nope. Never even touched a board.” April smirked. “He's gonna be stuck down there for at least an hour.” She looked over at Donnie, who was gazing down at his brothers with a lost glaze over his eyes.
“You wanna go join them, Donnie?”
The softshell's neck popped as he snapped to glare at April. The murderous intent that had been building suddenly channeled into his face, and he growled before standing up and stomping away swiftly toward his recently decorated room.
April glanced down at the three brothers having fun, then pushed herself up to follow the one who wasn't.
“Wait, Donnie! What's wrong? I-”
“Stop.” The turtle hissed, not turning around to face her.
“Stop? Donnie, what did I-”
“I SAID STOP IT! STOP CALLING ME THAT!” He pressed the heels of his hands into the sides of his head.
“What do you mean? Just tell me what's-”
The turtle turned on his heel in the doorframe. “JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! I don't know how to put it in a way your STUPID HUMAN BRAIN WILL UNDERSTAND!” His face morphed into a manic grin. “Goodbye! So long! Sayonara! Toodaloo! GET OUT OF MY FACE!”
The door slammed shut, and April was left breathless.
April came back the next day to a much quieter lair. The boys were keeping space from each other, whether consciously or not. Raph was wandering around, trying to act like everything was okay. Leo was training in the dojo. Mikey was spending more time around Splinter than he usually did.
The final brother was still locked in his room.
April decided to join Mikey to bring him his second meal of the day. The first one, a small plate of rice, was still outside the door, now cold and dry.
Mikey knocked lightly, barely tapping the door with his knuckles. “Donnie?” He whispered. “I've got more food for you. It's your favorite- flavorless mush! I tested it myself, no taste at all. I promise!”
The offer was met with silence.
Mikey sighed and let his shoulders slump, backing away from the door. “I just don't get it,” he muttered pathetically. “He hasn't even come out to pee, April. Do you think he's just peeing in a cup? Or a corner? Does Donnie have a pee corner that we don't know about?”
“Mikey, it's okay.” April grabbed his shoulder. “First of all, yes, he probably does, and that just means we get to bond over cleaning his room when this is over. Second, you shouldn't have to worry about this.”
“I'm so sorry, April.” Mikey looked down to his feet. “I don't know why he hates you so much. Maybe if we hadn't-”
“Don't apologize,” April interrupted. “If anyone needs to apologize, it's me.”
Mikey looked back up at his big sister with wide eyes. “Why?”
She sighed. “Because I did something wrong.” April took the food from Mikey's hands. “I'll get him to eat. I'll text you if things go super wrong, but otherwise, ignore any loud noises. I have a feeling this might get… violent.”
Mikey puffed his chest. “Roger, roger!” He saluted and rushed down the hall, supposedly to find Raph and warn him of April's plan before he could start panicking.
April stood next to the door. “Hey, bud,” she started. “It's April. I've got your food, and I'm not gonna leave until you let me in to give it to you.”
After about two minutes of just standing there and getting no response, April sat down. She would say something every few minutes, just to remind him she was still there.
48 minutes later, the lock clicked.
April opened the door slowly. Glancing around the room, she could see the state of disarray it was in. Clothes carpeted the floor, as well as abandoned scrap projects. The turtle was cloaked beneath blankets on his bed, only his bright eyes glaring out at the invader.
She left the door open and stood to the side, getting just close enough. She didn't want him to feel threatened or trapped. She placed the (well cold by now) food next to the growling blanket pile and backed away. Waiting a second, just until he proved he would actually start eating, she spoke.
“Why don't you want me to call you Donnie?”
The pile shifted. “You just… you just can't.”
“Why not?”
“...because Splinter gave me that name. It's my name as his son. As Raph, Leo, and Mikey's brother. Not yours.”
April was about to pose a question, but the softshell suddenly sat up and started showing his anger. In the action, he also revealed the red marks growing on his arms from squeezing them.
“Because I don't care how much time you spend around us. I don't care how much One likes you, or how much Four draws you, or how much stupid stuff you watch with Two! You aren't related to me. It's scientifically impossible. We don't share any genetic material. You aren't my brother!”
With frazzled eyes, he turned and grabbed April's collar, bringing the two face to face.
“And you are most definitely not my sister.”
He shoved April away and sulked back in his den. The girl decided to take the violent outburst as an invitation to get closer, and sat on the edge of the bed.
“...that's okay.”
She only got a sniff in response.
“I don't need to be your sister. Or your brother. All I want is to be your friend. And if that means I call you something else, that's okay. Just tell me what you want me to call you, and I'll do it. Maybe I can call you Purple like Splints has been. Or I'll call you Three, if you really want me to.”
The turtle, Donnie to some, showed his face, keeping the blankets wrapped around his shoulders. His fingers were digging into his upper arms.
“And I know you might not like me, but I'm not going anywhere. Your brothers like me, and they'll be upset if I go away.” When she saw the softshell's grip tighten, she quickly added, “And I know that if they had to choose, they'd pick you. But they don't have to. They don't want to.”
The turtle stared aimlessly in front of him. “...I don't… I…”
“I can just not call you anything if you can't decide. Y'know, just call you ‘dude’ and stuff.”
His shoulders lifted higher, touching the sides of his chin. “That… that works…”
April smiled wide. “Great.”
The two sat there, just accepting each other's company. Donnie's tight posture slowly loosened, and April focused on making sure his breathing was even.
This poor boy had never known true family. He had never known learning to trust people and taking them in. He had never been taken in. This concept, choosing family, was so foreign. Because to him, family wasn't something you could choose.
April would never allow that. Never again.
“...sooo, do you have a pee corner?”
April held her hands up defensively. “Mikey said you haven't come out to pee! I just wanted to know if you had a pee corner!”
“No?! Why would you automatically assume I have a pee corner?”
“Because you haven't come out of your room to pee! What, do you have a pee cup instead?!”
“Then what have you been doing?!”
Donnie pointed to a spot in the room, and April looked over to see a very D.I.Y. toilet, made of scrap metal welded together. (She could recall that Donnie's welding materials had been taken from him weeks ago.) “I hooked it up to go straight into the tunnels,” Donnie boasted proudly. “I even dug the holes myself! Digged? Dug.”
“...yeeeah, we're getting rid of that,” April grimaced.
“WHAT?! WHY?!”
[In time, Donnie would let April call him by his name. And, in time, he would learn that his name was his, and his alone.]
And that's it! Totally! April has started on her long journey to fixing all of her broken brothers! She has NO OTHER BROTHERS THAT HAVE ISSUES, why would you ever think that 🟥🐢
This part gave me quite a few problems. Knowing that the "Maps" comic is probably going to explore April and Donnie's relationship, I was a little scared about making assumptions. Also, you don't realize how difficult it is to write someone who isn't all there until you're actually trying to do it. Eventually I just said "screw it, if he's out of character, its fine". So now we're here :)
ALso, no one tells you how motivating and powerful the high you get when someone you look up to praises your work is, I thought this would take me WAY LONGER to finish 🤡
aanyway, congrats to all the tmnt au comp winners, again. Can't wait to see who moves on from here :D
Part 4 -> ❤️
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adventuringblind · 7 months
I didn't know if you take requests but I have been thinking about this for a while. You are Scotty James younger sister and you meet Daniel while they are hanging out and you both like eachother and him and Chloe set you up. At first Scotty didn't agree but Chloe showed him that both of them are actually in love. I'm kinda seeing this with something with age gap, about 8 years (sorry if the grammar is not right, English is not my first language and I'm very tired because of school and stuff)
Genre: Fluff, Spice
Summary: Daniel is pining after his best friends younger sister. Drunken confessions lead to a black eye.
Warnings: drinking, sexual innuendo, and references, alluded to smut, Scotty throws hands
Notes: Sorry I haven't posted in a few days! I've been working on my master list, and I've had work and school to attend to. I can't believe I posted first daily since mid-July, and now I've finally slowed down. I'm so sorry for requests taking longer!!
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Scotty James. Professional Snowboarder and protective older brother. Well, protective isn't the word he would use. Maybe loving? A wall between his sister and men who have poor intentions?
Chloe loves his sister. She is great friends with Lance. She gets along great with Daniel, his best friend, maybe better then he would like at times, but it's whatever.
She's the one who drags Scotty to more then half of the F1 races. Given he has time. She's obsessed.
Yet, Scotty can't help but think it's because of somebody specific on the grid. He's yet to figure out who. Max? Charles? She gets along with them well enough.
She spends to much time clinging to Daniel that it is probably scaring away the boys she actually likes! Not that Daniel is intimidating or anything. The guys smile is infectious. But it probably doesn't help her at all with getting the attention of the drivers her age.
Y/N James. Professional F1 enthusiasts. Sister to Scotty James. Annoying younger siblings to him but shy to everybody else.
She would like to add girlfriend of Daniel Ricciardo in there somewhere, but the backlash from her brother keeps her from saying anything. Plus, she's probably to young for him. A nine year age gap maybe isn't his thing. But he could help her out a but and stop flirting with her.
She knows it's teasing. It's sarcastic like with all of his friends. It's not like she's special or anything.
Her reason for wallowing in her thoughts? Chloe had just made her a third drink. The two are sitting on the couch in her and Scotty’s hotel room post qualifying. Daniel had a good session, so him and Scotty are out having mocktails.
"I see the way you look at him." Chloe wiggles her eyebrows suggestivley. Her legs are crossed on the sofa and she continues to take small sips of whatever she's drinking.
"And how would that be?"
"Like you love him."
The younger James eyes her suspiciously. How could have possibly outed her by just watching? Is she really that obvious?
"So what if I do? Not like anything is gonna happen." She shrugs.
"But he likes you too? I see it. His flirting is different with you."
"What? That fact he can and will describe in detail what he would do to me?"
"Don't lie!" Chloe shouts and playfully hits the younger on the shoulder. "You totally like it."
She can feel her face heating up but the alcohol has made her filter disappear.
"He really could do whatever to me. I'd let him."
"What if he wants you to call him daddy?" Chloe starts cracking up laughing.
"... I would."
Daniel Ricciardo. Formula 1 driver. Lover of Texas. The honey badger himself. Cannot for the life of him fix this stupid crush on Scotty’s younger sister.
He personally doesn't care about what the media has to say. But he does care about her and the backlash she would get. He'd hate to see her hurt just because he couldn't keep his feelings to himself.
And it really doesn't help that Chloe has been trying to get them together for weeks now. Months even. It's driving him insane. How is he supposed to keep up his playful flirting at this rate?
She's been shoving them onto awkward scenarios and leaving them alone together (much to Scotty’s dismay). Scotty picked up on something after the fifth encounter like that.
"Do you even like her like that?" He'd said while that ate dinner. It was just the two of them and Chloe.
"He definitely does!"
"I really don't want to talk about it anymore."
"Chloe, my sister would be into guys her age."
"And if her and Daniel did get together?"
"Then I owe you a date for being right and I'd punch Daniel."
The conversation left Daniel feeling both relieved and terrified. Scotty had made a valuable point, though. She's around the same age as Max and Charles. Two good-looking and kind men who he trusts. It wouldn't shock him if she went after one of them instead.
But if that's the case, why has she spent the entire night dancing with him? The music is blaring, and their cheeks are pink from the alcohol. Yet the feeling of her hips up against hasn't left since they got here.
His impulse control is lacking, and he doesn't know he's doing it until after. Doesn't know what he's implied or how she'll respond.
"Do you wanna get out of here?"
He mentally slaps himself for asking such a thing, but it's too late now. He can't take it back.
"That sounds nice."
And oh, how he melts. Her smile is his everything. Though with her reply, his is definitely bigger.
Daniel drags her back to his hotel room. Is a flurry of pent of emotions. Hands and lips explore to the point where their driver is probably annoyed.
In the hotel room isn't any better and they are both definitely under the influence.
"Maybe we shouldn't-"
"When was your last drink?"
Daniel thinks back. Already straddled over the top "two hours ago I think?"
"Same, i stopped when you did. So please don't think to hard about this. If I only get to do this once then I want to enjoy every damn second of it."
Something between love, adoration, and confusion passes through him. "What do you mean by that?"
"This is a one night stand, no?"
"It doesn't have to be."
"Not sure my brother would like me having a friends with benefits type of deal with his best friend." Her eyebrow quirks up in the lamplight.
"Fuck that's - that's not what I mean." Curse his lack of filter for heat he's about to say. "I love you. I have for so long but I didn't want to say anything."
She freezes, likely due to the shock of the statement. "I love you too, also for awhile now."
Yeah - every ounce of restraint he had before is gone. Clothes are shed in record time. He doesn't hold not one damj thing back.
"Let me show you how much I adore you."
To say Scotty is staring at Chloe is an understatement. He's glaring at her. "I've been played."
"Do you wanna go punch him now?"
It's eight in the morning and Scotty is throwing off the covers and marching to the door of their room. Sharing a wall with Daniel definitely wasn't the best idea.
He knocks aggressively. "Daniel! Open up!"
There's a bit of shuffling then the door swings open to reveal a sleepy eyed Australian. His eyes get wide when he realizes who it is.
"Look Daniel, I know you'll take good care of her. You're a good friend and a better boyfriend. But I swear to you if you ever hurt her I will not hesitate to knock your teeth out."
Daniel's shoulders sag in relief. His body relaxs. His sister standing in the entry way also does.
Then scotty swings.
But hey! If one black eye is all it takes to convince Scotty not to stalk Daniel's every step to protect his sister, then he'll take it.
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krismasarson · 2 months
My taste in men is abysmal, absolutely disgusting, downright shameful, completely vile, just plain delusional, etc
My goofy ass could talk my friends asses off about how much I love Mammon (Helluva boss), Adam (Hazbin Hotel), Miguel (Spiderverse), Ganondorf/Ganon (LOZ), Gortash (BG3)((AND KARLACH IS LITERALLY FUCKIN WIFEY-)), Slashers, and countless others that I can't even name off the top of my head because Oh he did bad stuff? If idk bout it then it ain't my problem!
And it isn't even a "I can fix him" mindset, nah
I want him to be worse
Like yeah he's misogynistic and a huge fuckin beta boy bitch but like would he treat me good? Cause if those delusions are there I would turn my head and look the other way so fast-
Like if he loves me, cares about me, and treats me like I'm the best thing thats ever happened to him then I could give zero fucks less about what he do in his free time when he ain't looking at me with puppy dog eyes. And there is most definitely a psychological reason for this way of thinking and I could probably do extensive research on this goofy ass attraction to gross and degenerate males like I normally do with every other behavior of mine. But I am not going to-
This whole shit show of a rant was brought to you because Just a few days ago I was at a get together with friends and while all of us were bouncing our hyper fixations off of each other (you know like totally definitely neruo-typical people do, which is definitely what we are) the talk of Hazbin got brought up and my friends gave me the "Honey your taste in men is broken" and in response the quote that came out of my mouth, as a Trans FTM was
"If he's misogynistic that just makes him hotter"
I'm too far gone at this point-
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ddejavvu · 2 years
Hey I have this Eddie idea! Maybe lame but yknow how guitar players tend to have calloused fingers/hands? Let's say his gf went to watch corroded coffin perfom & it was his best yet; Eds just totally shredding on that guitar causing the calluses to bust open & bleed :( do ya think u could write something abt the reader patching his hands/fingers up after his show?? I imagine him bein totally hyped up on adrenaline like "whoa babe did you SEE THAT?!" while also bein a very needy & lovesick boy 🥺
cont: Continuing off that last part, Eddie just becomes so enthralled at the idea of someone nurturing and loving him so much while his gf patches him up. Sorry i couldn't fit the entire idea on one post but yeah. I've often thought about Eddie's possible musical injuries haha 😄
i'd literally give up my sense of taste to be able to patch him up after a concert.
Nothing pumps eddie with adrenaline more than performing. Something about the dingy bar lighting, the sticky floor beneath his boots, and the amalgamation of drunk middle aged men and his closest friends cheering him on has energy racing through him.
That's why it's so difficult to corral him so that you can fix the busted callouses on his fingers. He obviously isn't able to play with bandages on his fingers, he tells you very emphatically that they wouldn't be good for shredding, so they have to be administered after the show, when the damage has already been done.
"-you see that?! Like, that had to be the best show we've ever done. I was- man I was killing it! The guy in front of me was filming." He reminds you proudly, as if the camcorder hadn't been in your line of sight the entire time he'd been using it to record the performance, "I think he's a scout or something. He's gonna send it to a producer, 'make us big."
"I'll have to tour with you," You hum, fingers wrapping one of Eddie's own with a plain brown bandage, "You'll need a medic for after your solos."
Eddie's brows furrow, and he glances down at your hands, suddenly aware of your touch. He realizes with a start that he's bleeding, too busy rambling before to feel the sting of his cuts.
"Oh shit," He mumbles, staring at the bandage on his pointer finger. You reach for his middle, crouched by his feet to have a better view of his injuries.
"'Must've busted when I was playing," He hums, brain still whirring with excitement.
You nod, humming in agreement, "Probably. Unless you were playing with a cactus I didn't see?"
"Yeah, it's back there," He gestures to a corner of the room that you know full well does not have a cactus in it, giggling softly as you squint at his blister. You're making sure that no residual blood is left on the skin, the cotton ball in your hand stained a murky crimson, when you feel Eddie's lips against your temple, his neck craned down to reach you.
"Thanks for patching me up," He murmurs, his voice soft against your skin.
You preen under his affection, eyes scrunching in a smile as you nod, "Mhm. Can't let you drive with bloody hands."
"'Sounds kinda metal," He muses, and you know he's joking, that he won't actually smear blood over his steering wheel. Still, you jerk your head towards his guitar, the thin strings tinged red.
"I think that's just about the most metal thing you could have." You finish dabbing away at his blood, wrapping one last bandage around his cut, "You'll have to leave it all bloody and sell it when you get big."
"No way." He shakes his head, curls flying, "I'd never sell it."
"Why not?"
You're expecting a rant about his sweetheart, how he could never bear to part with the guitar that had carried him through so many shows. But he surges his head forwards, eyes narrowed in an incredulous stare, "Uh, 'cause then someone could clone me?"
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trivialbob · 20 days
On our last full day of camping Sheila and I biked to town to check out the American Legion. As we chatted with the bartender a mom with two younger boys came in. She ordered a Busch Light and two kiddie cocktails. Grand total: $3.50. One of her boys took a sip and loudly declared "Whoa, that's strong." We all laughed.
An employee was having trouble getting a baseball game to come up on Amazon Prime Video account. Someone handed Sheila the remote control and asked her to try. She wasn't able to get the game but she did try to order five shirts on someone else's account.
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After the legion we walked to a different bar. There was supposed to be a meat raffle. Unfortunately it was cancelled because there wasn't a large enough crowd. We hung out anyway for a while after we met with some people we know who were camping at another nearby site.
I love overhearing some bar conversations. So we were in the ditch, peeing, when this deer... I didn't even hear the rest of that story because everyone started laughing when the deer arrived.
Besides bicycles, some people come to town driving these:
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Others arrived in these:
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When we got home on Sunday I wanted so badly to do laundry. But my washer broke the day before we left. I like washing clothes. A vacation isn't officially over until I've washed the clothing we brought along.
A repairman was here today. I asked if I could watch him fix it because the machine's warranty ends next month. This part has already broken and been repaired once before.
The young man seemed pleased that I took an interest in it. He happily showed me, step by step, how to replace the part. It only took him five minutes. If I have to do it I'm sure it will take longer, but I'm confident I could do it now.
I can relax tonight. Feeling good. Feeling clean. Laundry is done, including sheets, and I found a $5 bill in Sheila's jeans. It's mine now.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Slytherin Scaramouche x Gryffindor reader. Harry Potter AU. SFW. Some kissing.
This is a special request for my beloved @kichikichiko I showed her an art of Scaramouche in a Slytherin robe and she requested this from me. Scara would totally be a Slytherin, wouldn't he 😌It's my favorite House. And btw, I do love Harry Potter. I always will. But I DO NOT support JK. Rowling or her views in any way. I think she is a terrible person😑
You were a Gryffindor.
Scaramouche was a Slytherin.
It was pretty much dictated that you guys wouldn't like each other.
And you didn't.
At first.
But, the more Scaramouche started to get an attitude with you and started fights with you on purpose, the more he started to like the way you sassed him back.
So, he purposely started shit with you.
This was now a constant routine, since second day of the first year at Hogwarts in fact, even though he didn't start realizing that he was in love with you until his fifth year.
And you realized you were in love with him until your fourth year.
Rinse. Repeat.
Until the seventh and final year at Hogwarts.
It was hard for Scaramouche to admit that he was falling in love with you.
And you had too much pride as Gryffindor to confess to him first. You were old fashioned. The guy needed to make the first move.
Except for recently, Scaramouche had noticed you were getting close to someone else. Another boy. And Scaramouche could tell this boy had nothing but romantic intentions towards you.
And he couldn't have that.
It was hard for him to swallow his pride, and he was tired of denying himself because he didn't think he deserved to have someone like you love him.
Like usual, Scaramouche had started a fight with you towards the end of class. He said you were probably cheating, and that explained why you were a good student. And that he was impressed that you'd gotten away with it all these years.
You snapped back at him, saying: "Oh, you wish I was cheating. Are you that insecure about how smart you really are? Or are you just that jealous of me and you feel threatened. Grow up and get over it. You'll feel a lot better when you do."
Class had ended and you'd stalked out into the hallway.
And, that boy who liked you followed right behind you. To comfort you and ask you if you were all right, no doubt.
Oh fuck no!
Scaramouche had had enough of this.
He doubly had enough when he got within ear shot of you and what's his name who should drop dead instantly for even looking at you.
"You see, y/n, I have liked you for a long time and I wanted to confess to you before our time at Hogwarts is done." What's his name said.
You started to open your mouth and say you were flattered, but there was someone else that you liked.
Said someone was putting his hand on your shoulder, tugging you a few steps away from the shithead that was determined to get in Scaramouche's way.
"Tch, she isn't interested," He said coldly, fixing what's his name into a glare that sent a cold shiver up the other boy's spine.
You grit your teeth. "Excuse me, Scaramouche, but you are being rude. And anyways, why do you think you can decide if I am interested in someone or not?" You said, raising an eyebrow at him.
"She's interested?" What's his face cut in hopefully.
"She isn't," He said coldly.
You weren't.
Again, Scaramouche didn't give you a chance to speak.
"You know, I should've expected a goody two shoes Gryffindor to fall for a simpering fool like him. Now, hurry up and turn him down," Scaramouche replied, glaring down at you again.
"I..what?" You stammered, blushing at how flustered he was making you feel.
Scaramouche scoffed. "Tch, of course I need to make myself clearer. Keep those pretty eyes on me," Curling his fingers underneath your chin, he kissed you.
You kissed him back.
"Was that clear enough?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Scara, I was going to turn him down, anyways. For you. You just never gave me a chance to tell you. How typical of you," You said, "and yes, you made yourself perfectly clear."
Scaramouche rolled his eyes. "Good, because I hate repeating myself."
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
Not Quite Famous- TDI X Reader (Chapter Five)
If You Haven’t Read: Four
"Okay, this is so-way-beyond bad. I'm out of fake tanner already." Lindsay whines, telling Gwen and I her dilemma. I looked down from my bunk bed as I was reading my book. "Whoa, that's tragic, Lindsay." Gwen sarcastically comments. "Now, I have to actually like suntan, in the sun." The blonde complains, "Do you realize how shriveled and wrinkly that can make your skin?" She sounds distressed as she gets up and goes over to Gwen, "Oh, you totally do." She frowns. My jaw slacks open in shock. Does this girl really not have common sense or is this a joke that only she's in on?
"All right, campers, enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what you're made of!" Chris announces over the P.A. after loudly blaring an alarm.
I sigh, placing my book down, jumping off my bed. I fix my clothes, turning to Gwen. "I wonder what stupid thing we're doing today." I smirk and she chuckles, agreeing. "Totally, at least we're actually rested for this one." She points out, getting up as well to change into her daily clothes.
"True, I'll see you wherever we're meeting." I nudged her gently, walking away not realizing I made her blush from the short interaction.
We all sat by this stage on bleachers, Gophers on one side, Bass on the other. "Are we gonna see a musical?" Lindsay questions what's going on with the stage. I roll my eyes. "I love musicals, especially the ones with singing and dancing." She clasps her hands together and I shake my head, sighing because of her stupidity. I look over to see Gwen making her way over to us and I wave her down. "Gwen! I saved you a spot!" I grin, she sits down. "Thanks." She blushes, Cody unfortunately comes over and sits on the opposite side of me.
Behind the three is Heather, glaring down at Gwen in annoyance.
Trent also decides to sit with us but he sits next to Gwen who doesn't know that the boy has feelings for her, and is flirting. Cody smiles at me, as usual and I awkwardly ignore him, thanking the gods when Chris starts speaking. "Welcome to our brand new, deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater." He greets us, showing off the stage.
"Okay, this weeks challenge is a summer camp favorite, a talent contest." He says and I frown at the announcement but Owen of course cheers like he does for every single thing we get told. "Yes! Awesome!" He shouts.
"Each team has 8 hours to pick their three most talented campers. These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes as long as it's legal." He makes eye contact with Duncan, also motioning to him so he knows. Duncan snaps in disappointment.
"You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former D.J V.J and rap legend Grand Master Chef who will show his approval via the Chef-O-Meter." He points up and something dings a few times. "The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." He walks away, I take a deep breath. Three people means I don't have to try out for some talent so I could really care less about who they pick.
Gwen and I stand up together, and we go back to our cabins picking spots to do the judging.
We sit on our cabin's porch, Heather in front of us wearing a whistle around her neck and holding a clipboard. Blowing into the whistle she speaks up. "Okay, I'm the team captain, so here's how it's going to work." She says with authority. "Wait, who said you were team captain?" Gwen questions, holding a book in her arms. "She did. Just now." Lindsay acts as if that was obvious. We knew Heather picked herself but the team didn't agree to it.
"Lindsay, Beth and I took a vote and I won." The mean girl smiles. "Threatening them to vote for you isn't exactly democratic." Gwen explains and Trent comes over with a muffin in hand. "Hey, snagged you an extra muffin." He whispers, Gwen smiles. "Oh, thank you but [Name] already gave me hers as an extra, sorry." She rubs the back of her head. "Oh, no problem." He takes it back, holding it to his chest.
"Trent, you're cool with me leading this project, aren't you?" Heather asks him. "Right on, go for it." He says.
"Good, Beth, Lindsay and I will be the judges." She proudly states. "Whatever." Gwen sighs and I raise a brow at the whole interaction.
Now one by one each person shows off their talent of who wants to even show it off. Owen's first, drinking a whole liter of soda. "Are you gonna audition?" Trent turns to Gwen, "Doubtful." She replies. "You should be in this, Trent, you play an instrument." I remind him and I can tell he got annoyed from me being there but oh well. "True!" Gwen nods, looking up at me. "Are you going to do anything? Didn't you say you play the drums?"
"No," I nervously laugh, "I did say that but I'm not auditioning." The only things I know how to play on the drums are from my embarrassing metal loving past. And I am far from being that person. "I'm sure it would've been awesome but I get it." She leans back on me since I'm sitting behind her on the stairs just one above hers.
Owen starts burping the ABC's, the guys all root for the guy as most of the girls look disgusted. "Yes!" Owen punches the air. "That was excellent, man." Trent high fives him, Heather scoffs. "Well, you're not going to do that in this contest. That's disgusting." She exasperates.
"Do you know how hard it is to burp the entire alphabet in one go?" Trent stands up for the bigger blond boy who ends up ruining it by bending over. "I can also toot Beethoven Fifth."
"No! No, no, no." The girls try to shield themselves. "Owen." Lindsay whines, Gwen starts to walk away.
"Where are you going?" Heather integrates her. "Anywhere that's not here." She carries on with where she was heading.
We move on from whatever that was and Heather shows us her ballet moves, wearing a light pink leotard and tu-tu. We all clap at the end. "Thank you." Everyone continues to clap and she looks over at her minions, clearing her throat. "Oh, I vote for Heather to be in the contest!" The blonde one out of the two raises her hand. "I second that." Beth agrees. "Guys, that's so sweet. Okay, so I guess I'm in. Why doesn't everyone take five?" She disbands everyone. "Except you [Name]! Wait right there!" Heather calls after me, I scrunch my nose in confusion but do as I'm told, leaning against the porch railing as she talks to Lindsay about something.
She gives the girl a walkie talkie then shoves her away.
"What did you need me for?" I quiz as she walks up to me. "I thought about what you said. I want to be friends. Real friends." She smiles, I glance around to see if this is some sort of joke since we're alone. "I'm serious." She folds her arms. "Okay." I shrug, going to head back inside the cabin. "Wait, that's it?" She exclaims loudly and I snicker. "We're friends now, what else do you want? A ceremony declaring it to everyone?" I joke, she stays silent for a moment. "I don't know, I just thought there was more to this."
I shake my head. "Nope, just acting normal. Can I go now?" I ask and she only nods in return.
I ended up joining the group by sitting on the picnic tables as Izzy did her audition. "I call this the dance!... Of the Rattlesnake!" She dances getting in Owen's face while making a noise, the bigger boy actually looks hypnotized.
Then there was Beth, Lindsay and Heather joined us in watching more of the auditions. The shorter girl is twirling fire boutons. "Are you sure this is safe?" Heather gasps and the four of us lean back when she gets too close. "It's okay, I've been practicing." She throws them in the air but she runs when it starts to fall down and we all hide behind the tables.
"I kind of missed the catching class." We all crowd the burnt hole in the ground.
"Uh, guys the bush is on fire." Trent points. Justin comes out and extinguishes the fire out wearing sunshades. Leshawna brings him a bottle of water, for some reason he rips his shirt off while drinking the water. Everyone drools over him while I stand there not understanding what's going on.
"Okay, so I think it's me, Trent and Justin. Any objections?" Heather asks, everyone shakes their head and I just walk away. What's his talent though?
I sit in the cabin on Gwen's bed and start to read my book once again. I also changed into my bathing suit since it was getting hotter outside and I thought about going to the water.
I hear talking outside the door then it opens to reveal Gwen.
"Hey, I'm going to the water, wanna join?" she smiles, turning around to change, I stare down at my now closed book. "Mmm, I might not swim but of course I'll join you."I place the book down, averting my eyes from her as she finishes changing and we leave the cabin.
"You're joining here?" Heather scoffs. "Yeah, I'll see you later, darling!" I wave her goodbye jokingly using a fake British accent. "You two are friends?" Gwen turns to me and I shrug. "Sort of." I question it, myself. "Oh so you do charity now?" She jokes and I laugh. "I've been doing Charities for ever now, I got you, remember?" I tease and she gasps, playfully pushing me and we both burst into laughter.
We sit down on the dock and calm ourselves, watching the moves of the water.
"Sometimes I just need to get away from everyone here, you know?" She sighs, "I mean it's like they're all driving me crazy." She pauses then smiles at me. "Well, almost all of them." She blushes and I mentally gasp.
Does Gwen have a thing for me? No, I could be imagining things. The sun is bright today. My thoughts are cut short when the dock starts shaking. We look behind us to see Cody and Owen running down. "Cannonball!!!" Owen shouts, the two jumping and the water splashes mainly Gwen. "Ugh! I hate this place!" She storms off.
"Nice going you idiots." I shake my head. "Yeah, nice going guy.."
I huff, leaving the place as well and going towards the bathrooms. I hear crying from inside one of the stalls so I hesitantly head over to it. "Hey, is everything okay in there?" I ask a bit loudly so the person knows it's for them. "Mm, no but-" they sniffled. "I'll be fine, I guess." From the voice it sounds like Courtney. "Want to talk about it?" I offer, backing away from the door once I hear the person unlocking it and then coming out.
"Oh, it's you." She seems disappointed so I apologize.
"What's going on, pumpkin?" I go over to the sink, washing my hands and face. "Don't call me that and you're on the other team I'm not telling you anything." She folds her arms, her tears air drying on her face. "I get that but I can still be a friend to vent to." I look at her through the mirror, smiling.
She doesn't say anything, obviously considering it. "I'm sorry-" "Don't apologize, you're thinking of what's best for your team." I turn around and go up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. Good luck with the talent contest." I close my eyes smiling before heading out of the bathroom.
I join my team in sitting on the bleachers, being next to Gwen as usual.
"It's the T.D.I. Talent Extravaganza!" Chris shouts. "Welcome to the very first camp Wawanakwa talent contest, where six campers will showcase their mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the Screaming Gophers is Justin!" Chris declares, we clap and cheer for our teammate, and as he performs it's just him posing a bunch of different ways and then ending it with him leaning back in a chair and dumping water on himself.
"There are two syllables for hot, "Jus "" and "Tin." Man, that guy is just so hot I could kiss him." Owen's eyes go wide from what he just said. "Because he's a good teammate. Dah, why'd I say that?" He beats himself up.
"I don't see why people gawk at Justin. He's a man who uses his attractiveness to get this. Plus as I said. He's a man." [Name] rolls her eyes.
"Okay, I don't know what that was, but dang you got some moves, dude." Chris puts his thumb up and the Chef score moves pretty high. Eight out of Ten."First up for the Killer Bass, make some noise for the big guy, DJ!" He calls and DJ des some ribbon dance, but gets caught on the pink ribbon a few times.
"Dainty and Masculine, let's see what Grandmaster Chef thinks." It was only two points. "Not much." DJ frowns and sadly walks off the stage.
"So, with two down and four acts to go, it's the Screaming Gophers screaming ahead. Next on deck... Trent! Take it away my bro." The boy comes on stage with his guitar, sitting down on a stool. "This one goes out to someone special here at camp." I wince, and hide my face knowing it's for Gwen who does not reciprocate the same feelings. She acts oblivious, not knowing it's for her either. I zone out through the whole song, not wanting to cringe out.
Chris runs out at the last strum, "Nice work, I'm liking your style, dude. So does the Grandmaster Chef." He got half score and for some reason waves at the camera for a really long time.
"All right, quit hogging my light, buddy." Chris shoves him and I try not to laugh. "Three down and three to go, and the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette."She doesn't come out right away and then shows up doing a handstand. Burping and then throwing up, projectile vomiting. "I'm hit! I'm hit!" Owen shouts.
She continues and hits Katie and Sadie who scream, Katie throwing up as well. And then hits most of my team with her vomit. Luckily Gwen and I didn't get hit.
The poor girl slips and falls off stage and onto tyler. "Hey, puke on your own boyfriend!" Lindsay shouts at the girl who was just sick all over the place. "On your own what, Lindsay?" Heather questions angrily, hands on her hips. "I didn't say boyfriend." The blonde back tracks.
Chris plugs his nose, coming back out on stage. "Clean up on aisle three, four, five and six. In the meantime, we'll take a short break to hose the joint down." He says.
"Going home won't be so bad. I could always work at the surf shack." Bridgette frowns, wiping a tear.
"Welcome back to the T.D.I talent Extravaganza! Okay, so in a strange turn of events, Bridgette's chunk-blowing fest registered two thumbs up by Grandmaster Chef. But it's not enough to pull ahead of the Screaming Gophers who hold the lead with Trents love song. So without further delay here she is for the leaders... Heather!" Chris announces and the girl walks out on stage, sitting on a stool.
"Originally, I was going to dance for you but instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration." She holds out a familiar book, I tilt my head. She gently shakes it a bit, staring at Gwen. "She wouldn't." Gwen whispers after gasping and I sat there in shock. "No fucking way." I shake my head. "So with words by Gwen, performance by me, enjoy." She clears her throat before reading it off.
"Okay, so I tried just being her friend, but she's just so cute. If they were trying to find the perfect person to distract me with her they got the right one, McGorgeous. We just totally connect. She's pretty much the only person I trust and relate to here and I know it's a cliche but I love how different we are but also so similar. She's so nice to everyone! Even Heather."
Gwen slides off the bleacher and runs off, I furrow my eyebrows in anger. "Thank you," Heather closes the book and makes eye contact with me. I flip her off then run after Gwen.
"People thought I was mean to Gwen. Whatever. All I needed was four votes against Justin. Lindsay and Beth were easy. Izzy's just crazy and Owen, piece of cake." She looks at her nails.
Owen's eating a piece of cake giggling. "Piece of cake." He hums.
I finally catch up with Gwen who was holding herself. "Hey-"
"Could you please save me the embarrassment for right now." She cries out, not looking at me and I frown at the sight.
"Please, we can talk later on." She pleads and walks away and I decide to listen to her, plopping down on a tree stump to think about everything that just went down.
"Kudos to you all for an incredible night of entertainment, music, drama, barfing." We all hold our marshmallows and now Gwen is avoiding me so I stand next to Leshawna, staring down at the white fluff in my hands.
"There's only one marshmallow on this plate. Justin you reminded us all that looks matter a lot. And Heather you're full of surprises, but reading another chick's diary out loud to the whole world? Man, that is whack. No kidding, that's really messed up dude." Chris talks in a serious tone which was weird to see since he likes the drama that radiates off of us but even he can admit that what Heather did was extremely wrong.
"Oh, please, just give me my marshmallow already." Heather rolls her eyes. "Justin, I personally think this is very wrong, but tonight hotness just wasn't enough. The last Marshmallow goes to Heather." Chris says with disappointment laced in his voice.
"Time to catch the boat of losers, bruh." Justin sadly walks away. "Later, bruh." Heather waves to him, eating her marshmallow.
"If that evil little cow thinks she's getting away with this she has another thing coming." Gwen states.
"Befriending Heather was the worst move I have made all summer, and it's just begun." [Name] huffs.
The camera catches Gwen knocking on the door to reveal Harold. "You mentioned you brought a red ant farm with you, correct?"
"Yes." He nods.
Next clip is Heather running out of the cabin screaming with ants all over her.
"Sweet dreams everyone." Gwen giggles, closing her eyes to go to sleep.
Links To Other Writings
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starsurface · 4 months
Mk1 Kuai Liang :-)
I thought so, so I wrote allllll of this just in case!! :D
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Regressor Kuai Liang Hcs
🔥 Regresses to about 3-6
🔥 He's usually really calm and collective, mostly to balance out Bi-Han
🔥 But small? Oh boy
🔥 He adores running around, play wrestling anyone who'll let him
🔥 (^ You might need to remind him that he's really strong sometimes because he has accidently hurt others because of this before)
🔥 He fights dirty too, bites when he's loosing >:(
🔥 Basically, play wrestling is only for people who know he fights dirty and might fight really rough and are able to overpower him
🔥 But he likes a lot of things!!
🔥 Loves coloring, giving his pretty pictures for you to put on the fridge
🔥 Main CGs are Tomas and Harumi (SHES MY MOTHER, NO HATING ON HER PLEASE!!!!)
🔥 Also Bi-Han but Kuai Liang likes testing Bi-Han and most times he accidently slips too and Kuai Liang feels bad (he'll still go to Bi-Han some times though)
🔥 I could totally see him enjoying Kung Lao as a babysitter
🔥 ^ He keeps up with his energy, going from peaceful coloring, to having to dive over the table to dodge Kuai Liang's tackle
🔥 Will try to crawl on top of things to get things, like a cup or something
🔥 But also so that you can't catch him >:3
🔥 You need to tell him that he's too small and it's too dangerous to be up there and to please get down
🔥 He doesn't like getting in trouble, so he will get down very quickly
🔥 Oh boy, his hissy fits though
🔥 Not even hissy fits, full blown tantrums
🔥 He has the powers and anger of Scorpion, although very rarely do his powers activate when he's yelling and screaming
🔥 These moments can be very scary honestly, but you need to cross your arms and stare at him while he's sitting on the ground yelling
🔥 Very quickly he'll look up at you and realize he was naughty over something like going to bed, and now he feels not only upset, but embarrassed
🔥 Will sit on the naughty step and apologize very fast when his time is up, he doesn't want you to be mad anymore, please don't be mad
🔥 He's usually very good, it's only tantrums that get him flared up and it's never actually your fault
🔥 It starts with the fact he has to go to bed, but then it's about the entire fact that he'll always be the second son and gets upset that he'll never be able to make his own decision and all the bad things that have happened these weeks will pile up all at once
🔥 ^ To fix the entire fact that he lets things build, encouraging journaling and more communication
🔥 He might ask you to help spell some words if he's journaling while small, but it does really help him in the long run
🔥 It also helps him talk about his problems a little more because now they're on paper and he knows what's really making him upset
🔥 He also really likes journaling because he he can make his personal journal all pretty and his own little design
🔥 Please get hkm stickers to help decorate it, it would mean the world to him 🥺
🔥 Again, normally he's very good unless he's having a tantrum, and his most preferred punishment is the naughty step
🔥 But you HAVE to speak with him afterwards about the situation because he does honestly feel terrible about it, especially if he burnt the floor or something
🔥 Doesn't like the naughty step if he broke a rule or something, he'd rather try to fix it
🔥 Just because he's usually good, doesn't mean he isn't chaotic
🔥 Likes to try and show off his powers while little
🔥 You gotta stop him almost immediately because he has burnt stuff in the past (no one yet though, thankfully)
🔥 Likes helping you out with things like dinner or cleaning
🔥 He can't actually do much, but he enjoys the praise you give him when he's good
🔥 Might get a big jealous if your giving another regressor attention
🔥 Wha- Your HIS CG!!! Why isn't he getting your undivided attention?? >:(
🔥 He won't say anything out loud, especially since he knows others need someone at times too, but he'll poutingly attach himself to your hip and hide in your neck
🔥 Really likes cuddles and is really happy when it's winter because he gets all the cuddles!!!
🔥 But when it's summer? It kinda sucks because he already runs warm and no one wants to hug something warm . . . 🥺
🔥 If you do, however, he'll be super thankful and draw you a pretty picture and try to make your favorite snack (or something that only needs the microwave)
🔥 Favorite little nicknames would be Firestarter, Shooting Star, Sweetie, Little One, Squirt, and Baby
🔥 He's a pretty responsible regresser most times
🔥 The littler he is, the more dependant he is
🔥 But the bigger he is, he reminds you when it's dinner time or can work the remote
🔥 Man is a wiggle worm, he's always doing something with his hands or is doing an activity
🔥 Oh my gosh arts and crafts are his favorite!!!!
🔥 Coloring, making bracelets, painting, anything he can do that he can make something
🔥 Mostly likes making things so he can give them to friends as little thank you’s or just because he wants to give them gifts
🔥 Hanzo doesn't exactly understand age regression, but he still likes hanging out with Kuai Liang and Tomas when they're small
🔥 (^ Encourages every and all bad/naughty decision they wanna make, thinks it's so funny)
🔥 . . . Until Harumi gets mad at HIM instead for ‘corrupting’ her babies, unfair 😒
🔥 But honestly, Kuai Liang is usually a very sweet little that just wants to relax and be a kid again
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Stop- He deserves to feel like a kid again after all he's been through. I love him. 🥺
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
Honestly tho the power and vulnerability of Vader. The way that even as you can hear him fucking gasping for breath and fighting for his life bc of his damaged breathing devices that are inherently connected to the way he's lost everything and been psychologically stripped for spare parts by Palps, even then he's telling Obi-Wan there is no limit, whether by morality or by might, to the evil he's done and will do.
Like "Yes, I killed Anakin Skywalker, I intentionally subverted and dismantled everything he [I] was, I profaned the memory of a good man, the man you loved, after I murdered him in cold blood, I alone ruined the most powerful Jedi of possibly any generation, and now I will destroy you, one of the people Anakin [I] loved most and one of the most powerful Jedi left, and then I will step over your corpse and slaughter a shipload of everyday heroes and the children they were protecting and continue systematically crushing everything good and gentle out of this galaxy without stopping for breakfast"
And how everybody talks about what a weakness the visible buttons and control panel on his chest could be but then hardly anyone except Obi-Wan ever manages to touch it. He loses the fight, but he still terrorizes the galaxy for another decade and hardly anyone else knows him as anything but invincible. He will rip the battlefield apart but spends all his free time crying, fixing his ship and eating soup.
When Ahsoka recognizes him in a fight he tells her to run, because he knows he's dangerous and that he won't spare her and yet part of him loves her and wants her to live. Multiple groups of sentient beings worship Darth Vader as a demigod but Anakin's heart, which is Vader's Achilles' heel, is a target the size of a star.
The cautionary tale of "Look out, you could turn out to be like Vader if you're not careful" delivered to Luke in the cave on Dagobah would be ludicrous to nearly anyone else (anyone not fuckoff powerful in the Force) because you can't become Death itself. Vader bows before a master and "He is just a boy" sounds more like "Please, not my son" yet Palps had to intentionally build vulnerabilities in bc he knows if Vader ever turns on him otherwise it's 110% over for his weaselly ass.
Being thrown down a reactor shaft was a merciful death compared to what Vader might have done if he'd not canonically turned back to the light moments beforehand and/or if he'd had more time. If you have to face off against Vader you pray for a quick and relatively painless death, but seeing Obi-Wan cry completely shuts off Horror Movie Monster.exe and lets smol Ani who just wants to fix everything run the show for a hot second.
He's a demon and a war criminal and a golden retriever puppy and an awkward teenager who misses his mom. He has nightmares. He is a nightmare.
He built Ahsoka a fucking booster seat only like, a year after killing a bunch of children on Tatooine. He cuts up Reva and leaves her to die weeping in a heap on the floor like trash, not even caring if she manages to crawl away to fight another day bc even then she isn't a threat. He all but cradles a dying clone trooper in his arms and tells him he was [is] Anakin Skywalker.
Like what the fuck. The power and vulnerability of Vader, both totally unmatched.
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aesterblaster · 1 year
Ik you said to send hot takes but what about your hot takes 👀👀
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*clears throat*
IsagiRin as a ship just doesn't work for me. Odk why just. Sorry I can NOT see your vision bestie. Half of the Blue Lock ships don't work for me especially when centered around Isagi because that boy switches side characters like they're pairs of shoes. In Blue Lock one or two sus or even sweet moments doesn't really amount to much to me because everyone has them here. That doesn't automatically mean date on a riverside resturant. On the other hand I totally could see Bachira x Isagi but I just think of them as really close friends because that's what gives me the most comfort being as some of the people who really saved my life were friends. I think it would be better if Bachira had a friend first and focused on himself before getting into any big relationship. Idk I guess that's more of a personal preferance
SPEAKING OF, I hate people who write Blue Lock smut w a burning passion. I'm not even gonna hit the whole iTS IMMorAL train it just usually sucks all the fun and personality out of the chosen character and is just trying to be as gross ans shocking as possible and twist them into somehow being pervs just bc they get all hyperactive when they play soccer. Like GET THERAPY. Half the time I go to the bllk tag im just scrolling like HE WOULD NOT FUCKING SAY THAT.
The anime gets a lot of slack but like... It's very difficult to transfer things from one medium to the other especially things as philisophical as Blue Lock
Fandom interpretations of Shidou are usually weirdly ooc because they wittle him down to like how cray cray he is or whatever and completely ignore for example, his respect for people who are also creative and out of the box or his ability to deal with lonliness and being othered by everyone
Characters that shouldn't be hated nearly as much as they are: NOA NOEL. You heard it here folks. I genuinely believe he's just trying his best and honestly most coaches would've asked to drop half the player he has to deal with by now like cmon you got an emo gymrat who was forced to become like you, you got a playee whos EYESIGHT IS FAILING but will literally start falling apart if you bench him, you got..kaiser and his lapdog ass cronie who dont listen to your plans at all, you got an entire rift between new and old players. Like how do you even fix that when you can't send people home (i think)? He gives good advice sometimes ngl and they're winning games so like...
Cont. Sure he isn't as funny or amusing to read as Lavinho or Chris and he isn't as open as Snuffy but DAMN IT he's doing his job ok? And all the dad son moments between him and Isagi are to die for.
Naruhayas little miniarc is honestly has the saddest backstory implications to me. THERE I SAID IT. Rin's is indeed tragic and heartwrenching but can be fixed, he can move on and heal if he so chooses. Bachira...ok nvm bachira's ties with it. Hiori's is an absolute tear jerker but he is still in Blue Lock. He still has some time to grow. Naruhaya? There's nothing that could be done to fix his position or bring him up or cut him from the weights dragging him down. We see so many characters in the Blue Lock universe rise from their poverty through soccer but DAMN IT NARUHAYA EXISTED TO SHOW THAT THAT IS A LUCKY AND FEW 2 PERCENT. HE PROBABLY HAD TO GIVE UP ON EVERY SINGLE ONE OF HIS DREAMS JUST TO SUPPORT THE VERY FAMILY HE LOVES SO MUCH. HIS PARENTS LITERALLY DIED. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? BACHIRA STILL HAS HIS MOM, RIN AT LEAST HAS HOPES OF RECONCILING WITH HIS BROTHER AND HIORI MIGHT ONE DAY SAFELY CUT HIS PARENTS OFF BUT HIS ARE IMPLIED TO BE GOOD PEOPLE JUST..STRAIGHT UP DEAD. AND THE WAY HE STOLE FOOD ALL THE TIME???? IM GOING INSANE.
Ok thats all for now LMAO
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katriniac · 5 months
So I find myself simping hard for Artem Wing this morning, and decide to nurse that ache by re-reading my favorite Tears of Themis card stories.
First up is Por Una Cabeza
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When I first pulled this card, all I knew was that I was getting ARTEM WEARING A FANCY MASK.
But then I read the story and was confused.
Like, really confused.
Spoilers below the cut if you haven't read this card yet.
This post has two parts. Maybe three if I decide to include the video call? So look in my reblogs for the rest of this recap!
This card's story is set BEFORE they are in an established relationship, before any love confession takes place.
So ... both Rosa and Artem are having similar nightmares at the beginning, but the reader isn't aware they are reading a dream.
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Now that I am reading it through again, I can more fully appreciate the other-worldliness of the "nightmare" and understand why everyone is acting strangely with bad memories, lol.
The bright red digital clock face glaring at Tosa in the fancy hotel lobby makes MUCH more sense more that I know it's her own bedside alarm clock she's incorporating into her dreamscape.
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Also? ALSO?!? TODAY, the day I'm reading this right now is December 24th! What are the odds! I totally forgot this story takes place on Christmas Eve, because they call the event the New Year's Ball. Idk why... 🤷‍♀️
Anyways, back to recapping my favorite moments:
🥹 @ Artem second-guessing himself, worrying about you, wondering if you're okay, and if it's his fault
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Awwwww, Artem!
His pouting face!
That's just like him to be concerned, and to jump to the conclusion that it might be his fault. He also wants to get to the bottom of any problem you have, so he can:
Discover the root cause of "Problem X"
Understand the reason for your distress
And plan for ways to fix/avoid it in the future so you never have to encounter/worry about "Problem X" ever again
Yes, this man is a 'fixer' but he does more than put a cosmetic bandage on things. He wants to make sure you never have to experience that same hurt a second time. He wants to learn from his own mistakes and others to prevent problems in the future. He wants to control the outcome by preparing for any eventuality.
The amount of energy and effort he puts into his "Rosa Long-Game" is mind-boggling.
Okay, I could go on forever about Artem's control issues, how amazing he is, and what makes him perfect husband-material.
So let's not get lost in the weeds out here. Back to the story!
There is this sublime moment where the two nightmares meld, as if the two of them are sharing the same dream!
And they meet FINALLY, after hours of panicked searching and confusion:
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So they eventually wake up, and they decide to text the other to see if they're awake, and it turns into a phone call. No biggie. Just a phone call. At 2am. Between coworkers. Talking about their dreams. 😘 Nothing peculiar about that, right?
Everyone does that with their colleagues, don't they??
😏 Sure .... sure.
We find out Artem only knows one dance.
Which isn't exactly weird... many dudes don't know any dances.
What is odd is the one dance this shy boy knows:
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The tango?
One of the most sensual and passionate dances ever?
The tango.
That's your go-to dance, Artem?
Let's keep reading:
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We get a glimpse into their month-long practices.
30 days of being caged in Artem's arms, spending every day after work in close proximity, working up a sweat.
And then once you're confident in the steps, the fun part of the "act" both partners must put on to sell the push and pull of emotions.
The haughtiness, the indignation, the desire, the attraction, the softening and relenting at last, all of that passion needed to put on a good show!
...Just what two normal work co-workers do on a daily basis.
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"Suitable tango partner"
Artem. Artem! Stop lying to yourself!!
And then there's THIS:
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LMAO @ Artem wishing for a weapon to fight off anyone else who might try to take her away from him.
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"Everyone will know"
*sucks in breath*
Possessive!Artem is a really really hawt Artem.
Just sayin'
AND they mention his adam's apple! Okay, this might not be a turn-on for other people. But it is to me.
I can point at obvious times in my life where I've decided that a certain action/attribute is attraction or sexy. But not the adam's apple. I have no explanation for why I find it mesmerizing!
But bless the writer who decided to mention that specific anatomy in this story! Shout out to you for adding to my swoon! 🫡
End of Part 1 - Check the reblogs for Part 2
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onetailedtanuki · 25 days
🎶💯💤🔱🔺🔶🚫 all the symbols. all of em. for either or both of your limbus ocs :)
hoo boy. this is going to be lots to work through. here we GO. 🎶 - i have playlists for both of them!! though it's hard to decide whether it's music that fits them, music they'd like, orrrr both. if i had to pick an artist they'd listen to then orion would be lemon demon and king would be they might be giants 💯 - jokes on you no one knows anything about them so technically EVERYTHING is random facts!
orion can tapdance (with all 4 legs).
king says he can dance but he's lying, he's terrible, he just has fun with it.
orion enjoys collecting things, and by things i mean the most eclectic collection of junk you've ever seen.
king needs reading glasses but cannot physically wear them so he just pretends he's totally fine. surely blind confidence fixes all problems.
if it wasn't for the whole box thing, orion would love to show everyone he is really good at doing a backflip. he could still try of course but it isn't the same
king is what i like to call "ambiguously divorced". no i won't elaborate
💤 - i'd consider both of them deep sleepers. orion because it's really hard to physically wake him up and king is the type of guy who sits down for a nap and IMMEDIATELY conks out. god forbid he needs to do his job because his ass is not getting up for anything short of a color fixer showing up
🔱 - orion can't swim his ass is a box!! he'd sink!! he forgets that fact. this is so sad for whoever has to drag him back out. king claims he can swim but no one has ever seen him so much as approach water
🔺 - orion has incredible skill in wielding one (1) weapon and that weapon is Box. "my body is a weapon" he says and then crashes full speed into someone. king's current combat status? undefined. he's the second coming of the red fraud
🔶 - king is surprisingly competent when it comes to first aid! however he finds it funny when people get hurt. he'll help eventually but he will laugh about it first. orion would try his best if he still had thumbs but alas. hooves
🚫 - orion wouldn't smoke. he might drink but it'll drip out of the box. meanwhile king has an enkephalin dispenser built into his mask it's better to ask when he wouldn't say yes to drinking and smoking
congrats you got to the secret pictures of the bastards. they are so very near and dear to my heart
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if it wasn't obvious, king is based on the king in yellow and orion is the sheep from the little prince (he was originally the prince. and then the canto iv post-credits scene happened and i got SO MAD)
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beevean · 1 year
Having thoughts again about N!Hector and the pathetic excluse of a plotline he was stuck in during S3.
One of the many, many ways it could be fixed is one of the simplest one: Lenore is actually believable in his quest to manipulate Hector.
In short, she'd pretend to be the Rosaly of the show.
I read many times that N!Hector isn't stupid for falling for Lenore, because poor little thing is a manchild starved for love. I say that yes, he is stupid, because Lenore doesn't do anything different from what Carmilla did one month prior. One month! That he spent being dragged through the snow! He had plenty of time to realize his mistake. Why would he trust Lenore, when she employs her same tactics of being a condescending bitch to him and also insult Dracula in the meantime - even worse, at least Carmilla waited until the end to beat the shit out of Hector; Lenore did that first thing to flex!
(this show's writing is so, so very unsubtle, and it goes past the lack of show don't tell)
So. Instead of Lenore being a smug piece of shit and spending most of her screentime in S3 treating Hector like a dog. How about actually pretending to be falling in love with him?
Actual compliments. Actual appreciation. Actual sympathy. Unconditional sympathy.
Hector being love-starved is canon. The game version and the show version went through the same thing: first, being rejected by their own parents, to the point that their own mother regretted giving birth to them; then, working for Dracula and with Isaac, which is where the two versions differ, because in the mangas Dracula appreciated Hector for his work and Isaac respected him but was also jealous of him, while in the show both of them shat on him and made clear they don't respect him one bit.
Were things more similar to the mangas, I like to think that Hector hoped that Dracula cared about him a little bit but it became obvious that he only saw him as a useful servant, while Isaac (who totally had a crush on Hector and yes I believe it's canon) always put his Lord above him.
In short, their appreciation was conditional. Be a good boy for us, Hector dear. What's that? You want to regain your agency? Well, then you'll have to die, you understand.
Then comes Rosaly who loved Hector unconditionally. She didn't care about his past or his sins: she only saw a good-hearted man and accepted him in her home despite everything. No wonder Hector declared undying loyalty to her, no wonder he cried when she said something remotely kind to him.
Imagine if Lenore did the same, but only to betray him in the end. He'd be gutted. And it would be believable! Because all the circumstances would be there for him to desperatley grasp to the one person who seems to actually respect him! I wouldn't think he's a complete dumbass for sticking his dick inside someone who said in the span of one minute "I can't betray my sisters by letting you go" and "we can run away together"!
Now, here we can go through two routes.
One, the sex scene happens and it's the same as in canon: Lenore simply uses the opportunity to slip the ring on his finger, her plan from the start. Hector is crushed. Lenore calls him her pet, and we actually see consequences of this (not necessarily other rape scenes because no thank you, but even simply the ring hurting him). During S4, Lenore starts to genuinely like Hector, but he never forgives her, betrays her in the end (you decide whether she suns herself for the guilt or he destroys her face with the hammer <3 but eh tbh in this scenario she doesn't even need to die, she can live alone in shame for all I care), and then... I don't know, I think he'd become very jaded at this point, but he could regain some hope from N!Isaac, if he doesn't act like a total patronizing dick in his final scene.
Two, the sex scene doesn't happen. Lenore actually falls for Hector, and she's torn between her loyalty to her sisters and her fondness for this poor human who maybe can understand her more than she thought. Maybe at first she chooses her sisters (she puts the ring on him but in other circumstances?), which hurts Hector, but then she changes her mind and pulls away from Carmilla's insanity - basically think of Zuko betraying the Gaang in Book 2 and regretting it in Book 3. Lenector actually looks like a viable ship and a much more organic "enemies to lovers" situation (for lack of a better word), instead of looking like rape apologism.
tl;dr: stop jerking off to vampire mommy and pay respect to the characters
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