#health benefits of grits
ladywellcare111 · 1 year
Can i eat Grits after an Abortion for Fast Recovery
Can i eat Grits after an Abortion for Fast Recovery #Can #i #eat #Grits #after #an #Abortion #for #Fast #Recovery #grits,shrimp #and #grits,grits #recipe,how #to #make #grits,cheese #grits,easy #grits,shrimp #and #grits #recipe,how #to #cook #grits,easy
Eating grits after an abortion for fast recovery, which is easy to digest and provides carbohydrates, fiber, and essential nutrients. They can be a good source of energy during the recovery period. 1. What are Grits? Grits are a breakfast dish prepared by cooking coarsely ground cornmeal into a porridge-like consistency. They are a staple food in Southern United States cuisine, commonly enjoyed…
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
hiya, please can we also have ted talk recommendations like your book recs post? :) for the categories you mentioned ♡ thank you
Here you go angel ♡
The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed - Bill Gross
The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers - Adam Grant
The Art of Stress-Free Productivity - David Allen
How to Pitch to a VC - David S. Rose
The Future of Money - Neha Narula
Personal Development:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance - Angela Lee Duckworth
The Power of Believing That You Can Improve - Carol Dweck
How to Stop Screwing Yourself Over - Mel Robbins
Try Something New for 30 Days - Matt Cutts
Mental Health:
The Gift and Power of Emotional Courage - Susan David
Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid - Guy Winch
Depression, the Secret We Share - Andrew Solomon
All it Takes is 10 Mindful Minutes - Andy Puddicombe
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
The Secret to Desire in a Long-Term Relationship - Esther Perel
The Power of Vulnerability in Relationships - Tracy McMillan
Rethinking Infidelity... a Talk for Anyone Who Has Ever Loved - Esther Perel
The Mathematics of Love - Hannah Fry
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Happy Secret to Better Work - Shawn Achor
Embrace the Near Win - Sarah Lewis
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
Keep Your Goals to Yourself - Derek Sivers
Why You Will Fail to Have a Great Career - Larry Smith
The Power of Setting Goals - John Doerr
The Puzzle of Motivation - Dan Pink
Smash Fear, Learn Anything - Tim Ferriss
Why We Do What We Do - Tony Robbins
The Skill of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Self Love:
The Art of Being Yourself - Caroline McHugh
The Power of Vulnerability - Brené Brown
Your Elusive Creative Genius - Elizabeth Gilbert
The Psychology of Your Future Self - Dan Gilbert
The Surprising Science of Happiness - Dan Gilbert
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are - Amy Cuddy
The Art of Self-Confidence - Dr. Ivan Joseph
Dare to Lead - Brené Brown
The Hidden Influence of Social Networks - Nicholas Christakis
The Confidence Gap - Katty Kay and Claire Shipman
Health & Wellness:
The Brain-Changing Benefits of Exercise - Wendy Suzuki
How to Make Stress Your Friend - Kelly McGonigal
The Science of Cells That Never Get Old - Elizabeth Blackburn
Why Dieting Doesn't Usually Work - Sandra Aamodt
The Art of Stillness - Pico Iyer
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as someone who does not have the best genetics for gaining I grit my teeth at people who say "just eat more!!" like you think I'm *not* trying to get the body of my dreams??
honestly I think everyone would benefit from doing a little research on this stuff - it’s very difficult to gain or lose weight after a certain point and there are ultimately better health outcomes for those who listen to their bodies and eat intuitively.
lots of times people will end up gaining weight when they stop dieting because they are no longer fighting their body. there is research to suggest a set point of someone’s body weight min/max and after that point it is difficult to gain or lose weight. chronic dieting and weight fluctuation can mess with that. so when people stop dieting they can end up gaining a ton of weight but it’s most likely because they were engaging in restriction and weight suppression previously. It’s why most people gain the weight back (plus some) when dieting all the time.
That’s why the ex jock fantasies are hot, because someone who was likely required to eat and exercise a certain way to keep their body at a certain level will absolutely gain weight if they stop doing that, unless they are naturally thin. (They will lose muscle, though).
Metabolisms also slow down as we age - it’s just life.
It’s hot to assume eating a ton automatically means you’ll gain weight, but it’s just not science. I am going to try and find sources for these claims after work when I’m at a computer, but if anyone somehow has em on hand, feel free to reblog with sources. (I know they exist because I’ve done a lot of research on this myself I just don’t have research papers saved for easy access).
Obviously everyone has the freedom to do whatever they want with their body, but it’s important to understand/do research on these topics so you can approach feedism from a more informed place, and hopefully not feel as terrible if you aren’t gaining at the pace you feel you should bc of how much you’re eating.
it’s fun to do feedism and it’s hot to eat a lot and fantasize, but just remember there is science behind weight so don’t beat yourself up so much. people who are fat don’t spend their days gorging (unless it’s for fetish reasons ;)) and that’s not why they’re fat. similarly, thin people are thin because that’s the hand they were dealt. they are not thin because they have some fucked up superiority or discipline. they just got lucky.
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xomoosexo · 5 months
not to overshare but my ny resolution is to be more healthy and lose weight (genuinely bc my health and quality of life are negatively impacted by my weight not bc of aesthetics although that's a benefit) and dream's tweet made me tear up for real. as someone who is also several hundred pounds it is just so inspiring to see someone who DID it, committed, and made it to the point where his weight was stable enough to get that surgery. that takes so much fucking dedication and grit and belief in yourself and it's so so so inspiring for someone on their own journey of health and wellness. and he got that surgery and then toured like a month later??? jumping all over that gd stage?? probably felt so so freeing having that literal and mental weight off of him. king shit. sorry this is a rant but my cup is just overflowing with love for him rn
anon 💕
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lovelyhan · 1 year
hope you're comfy in the cold weather kai!!
speaking of cuddling with hao, i think he'd be the type who Seriously just wants to cuddle when it's cold out, but sadly for hao, his s/o is a tease and keeps grinding their ass against him until he isn't sleepy anymore and intentionally gets him worked up af
(can i be your ❄️ anon also? 🤭)
you are an insane person! criminally unwell! you deserve to be locked up without parole!
⟣ when it's cold outside ⟢ wc: 0.4k words minors do not interact!
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minghao doesn't see any problems when you asked him to get under the comforter with you when he visited your apartment. it was colder than usual and he could use a quick nap before heading back to the dorms.
so here he is, face resting against the crook of your neck as the heat of your bodies permeates into each other—enveloping the two of you in warmth so inviting, it nearly lulls him to sleep right away.
though you wouldn't catch him admitting it aloud, minghao enjoys these quiet afternoons with you much more than he thought he would. he adores how your body slots perfectly against his own—like two pieces of a puzzle he's been searching for his whole life. not to mention, the scent of you both in his arms and all over your sheets easily tempers his mind into a state of relaxation.
lying with you like this isn't so different from meditating.
most of the time.
"love," he groans when you push your ass back against his groin—yanking him halfway from slumber. "why are you moving around so much?"
he could give you the benefit of the doubt that you were simply moving around to get more comfortable. but minghao has been with you long enough to know when the things you do bear no ill will and when you fully intend to make him suffer a little.
"no reason," you giggle before doing it again. another tantalizing roll of your backside that grants him friction he didn't even know he craved. "you can go back to sleep if you want to, hao. i'm just getting comfortable."
though his mind attempts to distract himself from your no-good antics, his body responds in kind—slender fingers gripping your hips deliciously tight. minghao grinds his half-hard length against the valley of your ass, sucking a sharp breath through gritted teeth. he can't believe how easily you made him succumb to temptation.
but then again, he can never hold out against you for long.
"h-hao," you whine, tilting your head around to brush your lips against the corner of his mouth. "feels so good..."
minghao half-expects you to roll back into the pillows to let him climb over you like usual. but to his surprise, you put in a bit more force into your arms when you turn to push him back down on the bed—planting your thighs on either side of his hips as you stare down at him with a needy look in your eyes.
"you'll give it to me, right?" you whisper, making him groan as you gyrate your hips slowly—his aching cock straining even further against the fabric of his sweats. "you'll make me feel good. right?"
looks like he's heading back to the dorms later than usual.
besides, who was he to deny you the pleasure?
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hope you have a nice day or whatever :/// totally didn't get ME worked up when i was supposed to work on a wip :////// (also yes you can definitely be ❄️ anon! but have some mercy on my mental health next time xoxo)
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notchainedtotrauma · 8 months
I wrote this poem exclusively for my Root Beer patrons (20$). I wrote it thinking of Aida Overton Walker, the "Queen of Cakewalk", choreographer, dancer, actress, singer, who was a legendary performer and an imprint in the history of Black performance. She was a sublime artist, and she eargely championed Black women getting on the stage and exercising their skills and artistry. And so the title is a parallel of her voice.
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Archival photographs of Aida Overton Walker, The "Queen of Cakewalk", Queen of The Vaudeville Circuit, dancer, singer, choreographer, actress
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Abbey Lincoln was a jazz vocalist and songwriter.
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Bobby Humphrey is a flutist and singer. Her works have been sampled by the like of Digable Planets, Eric B & Rakim, Ludacris.
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Megan Thee Stallion is a rapper, performer, dancer, actress. In simultaneity with her artistic craft as a Black female performer, she is an entrepreneur and has an educational background in health administration.
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Missy Elliott is a songwriter, a producer, a rapper, a worldmaker, a performer, and a constant innovator.
The visual archives above best visually describe the poem. Here are some excerpts to whet your appetite:
We nod and nod and nod and nod; a sign of reluctance and wistfulness.
We're a leg lifted across a graceful back, a waste of shoulder: more oil in the voice.
Cars pace up the streets slurry with neutered teeth, a familiar grit, nobody smiling.
In every room there can be, an attempt at proper dislocation, sleepless beer.
Is she middle of the night curling, a head tense with needle marks, pointing ?
We resemble the carpeted grass of molten glass, the cake cracklings.
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echoedcrosshairs · 1 year
Those Who Fight Together - part 7.5 (Angst + Plot)
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Summary: Undescribed Jedi female nicknamed Reaper in 3rd person as Duchess as you play as Dooku’s right hand trying to keep him from unlocking the most dangerous knowledge in the universe while the Batch struggles to find you. This chapter bounces back and forth.
Warning: Spice usage, Drinking, Cannon typical violence, smut implied, Tech’s bad mental health, momentarily soft Crosshair, force violence.
Word Count: 7.5k
The service droid escorted you to a grand bedroom, he escorted you around the room showing the finery of the bath and closet already tailored for you. Your eyes trailed to the bacta tank in the corner of your room, you scowled but thankful it was a private one.
"Training with Count Dooku tends to cause injury, you have a personal healing chamber and doctor droid on standby incase of injury," the droid said noticing you looking at it.
"Yes but it will benefit you in the end."
You remained silent as the droid continued to show you about the castle and the quick discreet passage ways to get around with out being noticed, I wonder why he's showing me this, although it would be beneficial knowledge to incase of an attack. The droid took you back to your Master he was still sitting at the table but this time reading. He motioned for you to eat because you'll need your strength, you obliged him. You answered questions in between bites about your personal life but nothing conflicting, what is your favourite and least favourite planet terrains, favourite foods, simple things. It was an odd sensation but it was nice especially after the night you'd had.
"Your mind is distracted," Count Dooku said during trying watching you barely deflect his attack.
"I'm sorry, Master. I had a rough night before getting here."
"Tell me about it," he coaxed, "Use the feelings to your advantage."
Your swings got more determined letting the rage course through you, you gritted out the feelings of being betrayed and used and the rage they that couldn't be honest with you. Why, what did I do? Was it my loyalty? My strength? Was it my love for protecting those I care about? Why did Cross and Tech back stab me like that? I know I told him not to follow but why didn't they try? We're they all discarding me? Is this what they wanted to happen. You didn't realize it but you said all of it out loud, practically screaming as you swung and deflected. Soon your chest was heaving and you were bent over on your knees.
Count Dooku switch off his sabers and studying you, your conviction, your prowess with your blades, your heart, "Come, my apprentice, mediate with me."
You studied him and followed suit, it was peaceful. The rage boiled down to icy clarity, you could practically feel your blood moving through for your body, every pulse of your heart, the force surrounding you.
"Let your rage become part of you, do not hold it at arms length or you will never reach your full potential. They hurt you, don't place a temporary patch on a hearts wound or it will only take longer to heal."
"Thank you, Master," you opened your eyes and studied him, you did not like him but you were starting to see parts of who he was under all of that darkness.
"How about we up the stakes of the deal? You stay here until they get you, and I prepare you for what is to come."
A chance to better protect them? "I accept."
You pulled yourself tank out of the tank, panting at the nightmare that floated in your consciousness. Watching them fly further from you. The medical droid quickly empty the tank and opened the door and you hopped out, your service droid handing you a robe. You felt your shoulder where his saber had pierced through you all of it completed healed.
"It has been two weeks since your training has started, you are improving," the droid stated.
"Not fast enough," your tone was bitter and your head was pulsating, you felt the injector and the pain subside, "Where is Master Dooku?" you asked rubbing the spot.
"In a conference, I'll alert him that you have awoken. Get dressed," the droid said leaving you.
You stared out your bedroom window changing looking for any sign of them, nothing looked disturbed, you checked the channel and nothing. You let out a breath, sinking to the feeling of loneliness.
"You need to rest, Tech," Hunter said watching Tech still sitting at his computer after three rotations, the desk covered in empty cups of Caf and half eaten bars.
"I can't," he gritted out looking over every piece of clone intelligence about Dooku's last known location trying to correlate the next possible location and if there was any pattern to his movements.
"It's been two weeks-"
"We don't know if she is alive or not, nor do we have any leads about her location nor any conclusive evidence that suggest she even left Serrano," Tech counter with a little bit of annoyance spilling out.
"You still need sleep, I know you're worried. All of us are but she's strong, she know has to know we're coming."
"Does she, Hunter? If you remember last communication we had with her it didn't conclude well " Tech snapped getting up, "I'm going out for the evening."
Echo laid on the floor staring at the ceiling then to her bed and back up to the ceiling, "Where are you," he whispered. He looked to see Crosshair walk in and sit against the wall facing her bed, the palms of his hands digging into his eye sockets. He returned his gaze to the ceiling attempting to give him privacy to work out whatever it bugging him.  "Just be alive," he heard Crosshair mumble before hearing him leave the room. Echo's heart sank further the thought never crossed his mind, No, I would know, he said putting his hand over his heart, I would know.
"Uh- do you want me to follow him?" Wrecker said watching Tech walk off in the direction of the Cantina.
"All of us are going to blow off steam, get grumpy and homicidal," Hunter said attempting to make a joke but realizing it was more factual then a joke. Hunter's drummed against the wall of the ship watching his brother get further away, Don't do anything stupid until we get there.
"I think you are ready to complete a task," Dooku said before putting a spoonful of soup into his mouth, "Nothing that would be much of a hassle for you. There is a clone that needs to be rescued before he is executed."
"A clone?" you said raising an eyebrow taking a bite of bread.
"By the name of Slick, he is... an asset to us and I think having him around would be beneficial to you. You share many of the same ideals and morals, I think it would help you come to an understanding that I am not as bad as the republic makes me out to be."
"I do not doubt you Master, the Jedi use the clones as livestock throwing them at problems without care to their well being nor see them as people. At least what you are doing by using droids is... humane," the rage slipped out, the anger at the cannon fodder the clones were used for and the lack of care they showed them when they died, "I will be more than happy to go retrieve him without haste," you said setting the food down and standing up.
Count Dooku set down his spoon amused that the real you was beginning to show, seeing slices of himself when he was younger in you. He knew you didn't care of either side but respected you would lay down everything for a clone, "I'll send you with a small personal escort, it should be an easily slip in and out task. I'll send you coordinates while you get ready to depart."
You nodded heading towards your room, retiring your luncheon wear for your battle regalia, a body tight red suit that was heavily revealing yet still tactical with your double wrapped chain belt for your sabers. You looked at yourself in the mirror, I'm the Collector good nor evil, the sentence flashed in your mind but you wondered if that was true anymore, This is not who I am, just a role in a mission. That's all... Right? You took the discreet route to the ship finding three MagnaGuards waiting for you. You climbed into the ship sealing it, looking at the coordinates for republic space. Why would he be out there? That's near a desolate little planet. Maybe something Dooku set up.
"Slick?" asked standing on the other side of the shield with a trooper laying on the floor
"Yes?" He asked looking at you noting the sickly sweet voice with a daggers edge, reminding him of an associate of Dooku's but realizing you weren't her.
You motioned for the door to punch open the panel and the ray shield dropped, "Let's go, if you want to to live that is."
"Who might you be?" he asked following noticing the droids following you and the sabers on your belt.
"Count Dooku's assassin," you offered, "a friend."
"I know you from somewhere," he said confused looking at you, "Kenobi's padawan..."
"Former. I left the order, I have a... fondness for clones... it made me sick that they couldn't see what they were doing was wrong."
"All I want is my brother's freedom, a choice that they have been striped off," he spatted, "just numbers."
"Not to me."
He was silent the rest of the way back to the ship, "You... and Commander Wolffe..." he said even more puzzled staring at your face a little closer.
"I thought I recognized you," you laughed looking at him, "Nasty habit causing bar fights."
"Your one to talk, stunning each other for fun."
"A soldier's entertainment, although drawing mustaches on the shinys were hilarious."
"What made you give it up?" He asked.
"I don't like the Jedi nor do I align with the Sith however, I joined a small third party because I could always do what needed to be done to protect the galaxy not just my personal interest."
"Who are you protecting helping us?"
"I use to think it was the men I loved... but I don't know anymore, the future perhaps," you offered.
"Men?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
You told him about The Bad Batch eventually getting to happened the night before you met Dooku, "I am just trying to pick up the pieces."
"I would personally love to shoot them," he said rubbing his wrist after the droids removed the cuffs, "Freedom at their finger tips, a choice... and they choose the wrong fight."
"Yet here I am still at Dooku's side for them," you scoffed at yourself realizing how pathetic it sounded, "at least I feel wanted."
"Free will is a fickle thing isn't it?"
Landing back at Serrano, both of you immediately waited outside of Dooku's private study for him to be done with his conference. Both of you sat out there talking about the war and filling in the gaps of what had happened since his capture. Dooku had been listening at the door hearing your side, content that his scheme of pairing the two of you together would work in his best interest for the war.
He finally opened the door, "Ah your back," he said feigning surprise, "Ventress spoke very highly of you and your abilities," he said looking at Slick, "You shall be part of her escort while she is with us."
"Yes, Sir."
"Come on," Wrecker said picking up Tech from his position on the floor of the Cantina's refresher toilet, "Don't get sick on me," he quickly added dragging him back to the booth.
"It's pathetic," Crosshair snickered watching Wrecker sit him down.
"It's not like you even care about her," Tech said steadying his swirling head on his hand, "Wolffe was right you just wanted to get in her pants and the moment you got it, you stopped caring about her."
"And who asked me to do it," he growled.
"Both of you knock it off. It's been three weeks. What are we going to do?" Echo asked looking to Hunter.
"Keep looking, we know she is alive thanks to the video Tech recovered of her rescuing a republic traitor for who knows why," Hunter said still feeling disgusted about it and the amount of red she was wearing even if it was a flattering color on her.
"With seppie droids," Echo murmured.
"Maybe a favor for the saber?" Wrecker offered.
"Possibly," Hunter thought, "it would make sense," he said relaxing.
Tech grabbed his data pad and slide it towards him, "You should read this."
"You modeled them after them didn't you?" Slick said appearing at your side looking down the droids you requested and the anger across your face.
You looked down at them, the spike shoulder pad like Crosshair, the red band around the neck, you subconsciously brought your fingers to your neck remembering their marks and Hunter's bandana, the big build like Wrecker, the relay band across the back of their heads like Echo's and the slight yellow tint to their eyes which reminded you of Tech's goggles, "It's a reminder," your heart said ripping a little further. "A month, 31 rotations and nothing," you said putting down the pad with your messages.
"Why do you torture yourself like this Duchess?" he said taking the pad from you tossing it over onto the table.
"If you don't learn from your mistakes you will keep making them," you said walking down the stairs to take in the sight of them closer. You ran your hand down the face of the first one, resting it under it's chin before disconnecting it's head watching it slump to the ground, "Fix him," you growled at the plants service droid.
"At this point I think you just like torturing yourself," he muttered kicking the head towards the service droid.
"What's on the agenda for today?" you asked him.
"Have to go collect tribute."
"How boring," you mumbled, "Let's go, Grevs coming?" You asked noticing his ship in the landing bay.
"No, he's just here to pick up and refuel."
"Awe, he's fun to laugh at-"
"The random coughing" Slick finished chuckling.
It was a simple routine both of you fell into, Dooku had you both attached at the hip probably so you both could keep an eye on one another. At some point Wolffe is going to look and get me, he always comes for his own. When is he going to realize their not coming? Would he come after me still?
You started the ship and Slick finished the power up sequence to get the hyperdrive on and put in the coordinates. Kilan? You groaned, Everytime I think I'm catching a break from being his lackey to do something more fun.
"I hate this planet," Slick mumbled, "if it's not one thing it's another with those people." You turned the chair and stared at him, "What?"
"Want to take care of business and then have some rec time?"
"What do you got in mind?" He asked strapping in.
"Literally anything that doesn't involve water, sand, and gathering tributes."
"Count me in, if I have to step on one more dust ball-"
"Don't jinx it."
The place was quiet... to quiet, "Stay close to me," you ordered him your hand twitching at your saber.
He moved in closer taking in how dead it was, not a soul was on the street leading up to the castle nor where any of the guards at their post. He moved in closer and drew his blaster, you pulled your sabers and followed suit. Your hand touched the ground, you focused your self to feel where the people were.
"Villagers are all in there houses, but all of the guards are behind the main gate."
"Trying to ambush us 'eh? Let just cut through the rear-"
"You go up the rear" the sickly sweet rage seeped out and you could feel the rage taking over, "If it's war they want, I'll give it to them."
You walked off switching on the sabers, you raised your hand using the force ripped the door off the hinges sending it forward slicing half the guards in two, "Knock knock, I hope you don't mind me letting myself in." You watch horror spread across their faces you looked up to see the King and Queen of the planet pale staring at you, you clipped the yellow saber back to your belt using that hand to lift the door again, "Do I need to finish cleaning your mess?"
"No no, stand down," the king ordered.
You slide the bodies away from you as you walked up the center of the destruction with Slick following in tow, "Now, just for this little scandal. If you want me to keep quiet about the attempted coo you pay me double although it should be triple given this is my second time here in a week."
"I will pay you no such price."
You pulled her husband up into the air, "Now now let's be civil it's only fair you pay Count Dooku his share for your protection and I for this accident."
"I will never pay, you monster-" then she dropped to her knees hearing the sound of his neck crack.
"His death is on your hands. Pay now or it will be your death as well," you threatened releasing him.
You watched as she stood there horrified, "Get the credits and double it," she ordered the guards weakly.
"Duchess Death has a good ring to it," Slick murmured.
"Actually it does," you smiled at him watching them bring you two big crates, "I assume there won't be any further disturbances?" you asked the in shock woman shake her head, "Good. I hope we don't meet again." You grabbed one chest open and check it and Slick did the other one 'good', he mouthed.
"I don't think that's the last we've seen of Kilan," he said once arriving at the ship.
"No it is not but she will never question our resolve again."
"That was quiet impressive," he complimented.
"You should see me when I'm mad," you smiled tossing the chest down.
"You weren't?"
"Not in the slightest. Let's drop these and get going, drinks before to much fun?"
"I'd kill for a drink," he said starting the ship, "literally anything."
"There's a new drink on Coruscant that would make you regret that statement. I'm calling it The Night of Regret."
"I take it you that's what you all were drinking that night?" He inquired.
"It was," you took out the data pad and looked at the channel, nothing not even from Wolffe. Your hope continued to fade. You screamed and tossed it against the wall sitting down.
"Did you ever think the force wants you here?"
You looked at him puzzled as to why it would, "I... don't know."
"I'll fly us back, just relax."
You nodded giving him the pilot seat, the rest of the flight was silent. Are they even alive? Did something happened to them? Why don't I just take the sabers and go? What if they are alive, would I just let the galaxy burn for nothing? Have I really been reduced from guarding the galaxy from knowledge to this? Forever? Should I just resign myself to this? Slick walked behind you through the castle finding Master Dooku in the court yard meditating.
"Something troubling happened," he said not opening his eyes.
You told him what had happen and he hitched one eyebrow finally looking up while Slick out the two trunks in front of him.
"How unfortunate that she is still alive," he said standing up, "no matter, we will deal with her permanently the next time."
"You are not mad, Master?"
"Of course not my dear, to stand against one of us is a rebellion to be squashed like the ants they are," he started walking and both you followed after him to a window overlooking another town, "I had a special keep for you made for you own.. trinkets incase anything is to happen. You can leave the droids you requested there too. It is underground but it is well fortified."
"I am humbled by the reward for my loyalty and service."
"I will take you and your trunk to it tomorrow, enjoy the night. I have personal matters to attend with Lord Sidious."
You bowed motioning for Slick to follow. Who is Lord Sidious? Is he the man in my vision? You tried to calm your mind so Count Dooku couldn't sense the loudness of it, you turned your thoughts to your squad letting the rage starting to boil.
"Do you have Civvies?" you asked Slicked looking down at his black armor.
"I do."
"Get changed, you don't need armor in a bar. Wear something... fancy."
Echo kept folding and unfolding his arms it had been days since Crosshair and Tech left to go talk to some informants without any contact and he also noticed Hunter had been acting unusual since whatever was in the report that Tech had showed him. He looked at Hunter and then back at the floor.
"What is it?" Hunter asked annoyed.
"I feel like we should be doing something more other than just waiting here."
Hunter folded his arms over his chest, "I don't like just sitting here either."
Crosshair looked at Tech when he returned from the refresher, perspiration thinly cling to his skin and his eyes with dilated with a pleasant haze over them. He watched him sip a small flask and his foot bounce as they waited for her to arrive.
Crosshair squinted his eyes at him, "What did you do."
"What the fark did you do?" Crosshair said turning grabbing him by the collar pulling his face towards his, "Tech... are you high?" He said looking at his brother more closely.
Tech pulled Crosshairs vice grip on his armor away but the sluggish response more than likely gave away the answer, "Possibly."
Crosshair let go and pulled his hand back to his lap "You are a soldier of the Republic, get it together before the regs turn you in."
Tech leaned his head back and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "I can't until she's... back," I can't until she's home, "I am also aware the price for this information is high, a price I am not be able to afford."
"And if it turns into an addiction do you want her coming back and seeing it?" Crosshair countered trying to reason with him.
"I'll cross that bridge if she we ever find her," Tech removed his hand from his face and crossed his arms still staring at the ceiling, "I'm starting to wonder if she ever wants to be found."
"She'll come back for them," Crosshair said noting the mild emotion lacing Tech's voice, pain.
Tech looked up to the approaching footsteps, the informant. The way she swayed in commanded their attention. She put her hand on her hip and stared down at them, her eyes bouncing between both of them; it reminded him of her and another wave of guilt hit him. He took another drink and put the flask back in pocket, both of them standing in greeting.
"So a little birdy tells me you want information on a high profile player?" she cooed.
"Yes. Duchess Death, Count Dooku's new assassin" Tech said blankly, noting Crosshair's confused expression, "She is a former.. physical associate of ours," Tech stuck out his hand knowing she was going to probe their memories anyway, the feel of her hand felt like a ghost of a near distant memory.
She pulled back her hand and took Crosshair's for a moment before placing her hand back at her side, "I see," she paused and turned to Tech with a devilish smile, "You must give me the slice of yourself you gave her, that is the price of knowing when and where she will be," letting her eyes drop down before looking him back in the eyes, "But you already knew as much. Sacrificing part of your reserved dignity, something you hold most dear leaving you to wonder how she'll look at you once she knows especially about what's moving through your body right now. Make a deal with the devil and get the horns," she brought her hand to his face, "Do we have a deal?"
"Why does he have to pay it and why is the price that?" Crosshair gritted out, pissed.
"My species feeds off of the suffering of others and it be torment for him with how he's already punishing himself for pushing away the one he loves," she smiled, "You are suffering but you do and will make yourself the bad guy for others. You have less to lose," she said pulling Tech by his face towards the backroom, "he however has everything to lose."
Almost two months, every night the nightmares came to remind about the world to come and to remind you what you had become. Every night the sobbing would wake Slick and he could crawl on top your bed and try to comfort you back to sleep so he could go back to his room and sleep.
"Will you stay this time?" You asked weakly, the mask of your perfect flirty rage breaking.
Slick kicked off his boots, This is a horrible idea. She will never accept the fact she belongs here. "I thought these would have stopped by now," he said crawling into the bed, "It was about them again wasn't it?" he asked putting his arm around you, "They won't be free until the Republic is gone. Every day brings you a day closer to them."
"Every day I do something that will push them further away," you countered.
"Every day you make the galaxy a step towards a better place for them, no longer pawns," Slick countered, "hopefully when you see them again they'll understand that."
"I don't think I'll see them again or accept what I did... honestly I'm ready just to watch the galaxy burn to even find out if their still alive."
"If they don't accept it then the galaxy deserves to burn," Slick said holding you a little tighter, "Try to go back to sleep. If you have the dream again I'll be right here to wake you up."
"You're a good man," you mumbled turning into him and closing his eyes.
"I wish more people saw that," he mumbled. He laid awake for an hour waiting to see if you to make a peep before he finally went back to sleep, "Reaper, wake up," he said lightly stroking the sweat on your temples.
"Again..?" You mumbled feeling sweat and a warm chest.
"No, it's day light."
You pulled him a little closer feeling the muscles and groaned, "I don't want too."
"I'll make the good caff."
"Fine," you said letting go and flopping your back onto the bed, "I guess I am not above bribery."
"It's just caf," he said standing up and rolling his eyes, "Sorry I got really hot last night." He said putting his shirt back on, "I'm pretty sure I'm always cold because you got my slice of heat," he chuckled taking the conjoining door back to his room leaving it open.
You watched him retrieve the black box of the base of his closet with all of his 'smuggled' goods and what was left of his personal belongs which mostly consisted of photos of him and his brothers. You watched him hold one picture in particular, Cody and Him, your heart hurt missing Cody and for the hatred he feels towards Slick's betrayal. He's right... the Jedi were never hero's of this story. No one was. He put the picture down and grabbed the caff and the thermoses putting a perfect water to caff ratio, awkwardly he sat at the end of your bed and handed you it.
"Was it weird?" you asked grabbing the caff.
"A little. I know when you look at me you see them because I know I see them," he paused to look at his hand, the same hand all of his brothers hand, "and when you look at your commando droids all you see them. I don't think you truly see me."
"I see all of you," you said sipping the perfect hit of caffeine, "I see each of you with more then just my eyes. I do not fault you for your actions nor do I condemn them. I would go to great lengths to protect the ones I love and I know you deeply love your brothers. I don't agree with them being pawns to be slaughtered but I don't agree with the tactics of My Master and his Master either but I am also just a pawn here."
"Do you stay here out of love or out of fear?" He poked.
"I stay here out of Duty, if they are alive they've abandoned me and it is my duty to fulfill the bargain. I do not fear him or anyone else. I don't think love is an option anymore," how many transmissions had I sent asking for them to get me and have this be over, "We're soliders, we adapt to the situation at hand and move forward, that's what we were designed to do," I just happen to feel at war with every single living thing in the galaxy at the moment with no sense of belonging to anywhere anymore.
"You're right we're soldiers, that question wasn't fair. I'm sorry," you looked at him, "I'm glad your here Duchess," he added sipping his own steamy caff, "You are quite the extraordinary women."
"Are you hitting on me?" you laughed.
"Mildly. I'm going to go see what's on the agenda today. Hopefully something fun."
Fun. I miss having fun with the boys, but that's in the past and all I can do is move forward and keep going. Maybe find out what the Seppie's consider fun. You curled up on the window ledge your silk robe leaving you lightly exposed to the breaking daylight. You leaned your head back, I need to adjust to my circumstances, this view
and these faces until the end of the war. It's could be worse. Maybe I've tampered with time enough it's trying to adjust the course so what had happened will always happened or maybe this is a part I didn't see. Timeria... I wish you were here to guide me, I miss you sister. You've always been there for me, guiding me when I needed it with your talent for the dark side. Movement caught your eye and you saw Slick watching you from the door way, in awestruck.
"What?" You asked knowing the answer, smiling at him.
"I've never seen the dawn glow someone's features like that before," I could watch you sit there every morning for the rest of the war, "The day suits you."
"Why don't you fuck me on this window ledge then, enjoy my afterglow too?" You purred, he'll never have my heart but he could be useful, and it's not like their coming and I might need to find my own way out.
"Having a problem," she laughed in his ear, enjoying the torture rolling off him of barely being able to stay hard let alone focus. "Seems like only she can start your engines, I don't know if she'll love knowing that or be embarrassed for you."
"I only want her," Tech said trying to focus his attention on you, the way your lips felt against his and how warm you were to sleep next too after a long day.
"I think I've tortured you enough," she said pulling his soft member out of her but still holding it, "I'll tell you part of it for at least trying," she said looking down at it, "At least it's pretty."
Crosshair paced back and forth rolling his tooth pick side to side, This is taking longer then usual and he's not usually this quiet. The footsteps drew him out of thought, the happy smile on her face and the noticeable twinge of regret on his. "Well?" He asked.
"Let's bring her home," was all Tech said his braining reeling from the new hit of spice his heart thumping and the taste of regret. He heard her chuckle good luck before they made it out the door.
He felt Crosshair slam into him and hold him against the wall, "What did I say about pulling it together?" He hissed.
"It was wearing off, I did not enjoy it."
"You did what you had to do," he said shaking him a little, "Now get ahold of yourself," he said smacking him across the face to get his attention, "Four Eyes," he said waving his hand infront of his face with no response.
"Crosshair... I think she's right. I love her," Tech finally got out feeling like he was getting strangled by his own words, a betrayal of his mind for his heart.
Crosshair sighed putting both hands on his shoulder, "I know." He took another breath, "I didn't think I'd live to see the day to watch you fall like this."
Tech slumped against the wall and went down, "What did we do?" He said taking off his goggles letting his tears free.
Tech looked up at him, "What," he offered wiping the tears on his sleeve watching his brother sit besides him.
"You and I will find her if it's the last thing we do. I've never seen you like this, not even when I broke your favorite datapad as a kid, I... am sorry."
"You are a good brother, Crosshair," Tech stared at him for a moment, "You did the best you could to protect me."
"I failed to protect you from yourself," the realization tore threw his features, he knew what his sacrifice would cost but his brother hadn't only thinking about keeping the rest of them safe and didn't account for himself like always, "I think the reg's are smarter then you."
Tech chuckled checking in his body the rise of his core temperature, the heaviness spread throughout his body lifting and how feely he could talk, "Before I regain my sensibility," he started barely able to get himself up, "I think I should tell you what I know."
Every sentence pierced Crosshair like a blaster shot but he didn't flinch as Tech told him about the horrible things she had done and how much he blamed himself for it leaving him to wonder if they hadn't pushed her away where would they be now? "Hunter knows all of it?" Crosshair asked quietly. Tech nodded. Crosshair gritted his teeth and got them both walking towards the shuttle. It gnawed on him that Hunter knew before him and that he allowed this pining to continue. I have to do what I do best to protect him from himself and from her.
Tech put his goggles back on and adjusted them, "I know," I know you love her too.
"No you don't," no one knows.
Echo laid on the floor in her room, staring at her bed and the what was left of her scattered belongings. Echo held onto her black padawan robes, the smell of her long since faded. He clung to it feeling his chest heave, I will not cry. She'll be back we'll find her. Echo held the robes tighter steadying himself, the sensation of his mourning fading with his determination. Hunter came in and sat next to where he laid and stared at the bed too.
"I miss her," Hunter asserted.
"We all do," Wrecker said standing in the door way, "I really miss her."
Wrecker looked at Echo curled up in her robe and Hunter's defeated expression. Wrecker sighed and joined them. "They're on their way back."
Hunter grabbed the saber that was sitting in her bed and stared at it, Who are you going to be when we find you? Will you forgive us for taking so long? Will you stay this time? Wrecker grabbed it seeing how small it was in his hand, he though how small she was compared to him. He kissed the saber and put it back on the bed, "Well find her, Tech got the information."
Slick ran a finger under your chin watching you pant as you tried to catch your breath. Between the refraction of light engulfing you and the glow of the satisfied urge coating your skin he was starstruck of your beauty, "Words can't express your beauty," he smile watching the light curve around your face both lightening and darkening your features.
You grabbed his hand and brought it back to the side of your face, He's not them. He won't use me and then leave me like it was nothing but this is nothing... I won't let him get that close. You leaned into the touch more missing it, the feel someone else's flesh not the cool metal of a droid or the luke warmness of the bacta tank.
"What's bugging you?" he asked.
"How do you always know?" You asked back avoiding the question.
"Almost every soldier has the same tell. Silence."
"It's been awhile," you said closing your eyes just focusing on the touch, getting lost in the warmth and rough soothing callouses on his hand, "being touch I mean."
Slick stared at the tank and the deactivated droid, nodding in understanding. He pulled you to him and encompassed you in a tight hug letting his thumb stroke your check, "Better?" He knew there were no strings attached and didn't want them because he still believed they were coming for her because they would be stupid not too. "Count Dooku wants to show you the keep but that won't be until later today, until then we're free."
"Maybe a nap..."
"I'll stay incase the nightmare comes."
Again? The lightening in the dream got dark cuing the start of it. Your master and you were standing on the fauna covered planet of Mithril with Slick standing behind you weapons drawn. Dooku eyed you and you shook your head to indicate you didn't know him, his eyes alone gave a small nod. The scene changed to Master Zillo standing infront of Slick his saber inches from his chest and then you were before him grabbing the saber with the force and shoving it to the side. Staring down at the faint black tint to your hands confused about where it came from before clashing sabers with Zillo to keep him from cutting down Slick. Eventually his aged showed and he was on his knees before you glaring at Slick calling him a traitor and other foul things. You watched him in slow motions raise Slick from the ground choking him then in one motion your saber sliced through him before dropping the saber and dropping next to Slick. I've seen to many dead clones, Daughter please if I am still on the path please let him live. Your mind swarmed images of being on the front lines so young into adulthood, the carnage of soldiers and then changed to pictures of Cody, Wolffe and the boys then imaginative images of them dying in battle at your feet with Dooku looking at you impressed.
Strong arms shook you, "Duchess, breath it's just me. You were having a nightmare again."
You wiped the wet spots from your eyes, "Thank you."
"What are they about?" he asked softly.
"Past, Present, Future, everything that was and could be."
"I can't say I know what that's like, all we're taught to think was about being prepared for the next battle and the next and the next and that's it. We never get the chance to think about what could be just what is. I don't envy you."
"Consequences..." the nightmares maybe their consequences for trying to change the course of events just slightly.
"What?" Slick asked.
"Nothing, babble really," you said curling into him more, "Do you sleep at all?"
"I was until you punched me."
"Don't be, I thought it was an hilarious attempt," he said trying to lighten the mood even though he could feel the bruise already forming.
"We've been here for days when is she coming?" Wrecker complained putting his feet up.
"She did not give me a time estimate, I-" Tech paused another shiver shooting threw him, "could also offer her partial payment so I received partial information. I can stay here until she arrives" Tech offered, knowing he was finally through the worse part of the withdrawals.
"Not happening," Crosshair growled.
"Anything else that would useful?" Hunter asked.
"We'll know when we see several ships arrive that she is here."
"Several?" Echo choked knowing they were getting low on firepower because it took quiet the fire fight to get here.
"That would have been good to know Tech!"
"I haven't had the best frame of mind recently, my recall has been... lagging," he offered staring up at the sky.
"Between the amount you've been drinking, racing, fighting and sniffing? I'm surprised you still have a brain," Crosshair scoffed also looking up.
"It was a temporary lapse in judgement to... consolidate information and come to an understanding with unknown facts."
Crosshair rolled his eyes scowling at him. He watched Hunter's antsy fingers drum against the hull of the ship, "What is it?" Crosshair asked.
"There's a huge surge of energy on the other side of the planet."
"That part of the planet is reportedly abandoned," Tech said looking down at his data pad with all of the planetary information, "There would be no tactical advantage to holding that part of the planet."
"She's here," Echo said walking in, "I think."
"How did you know?" Wrecker asked raising an eyebrow.
"A gut feeling."
"I'll investigate that later, we should get moving," Tech said practically shoving Wrecker out of the pilot seat. We're coming, Reaper. Tech looked at the excitement on his brother's face for the firefight and how close they were this time, a tear threatened to fall and he turned his attention back to switching on the ship.
"Let's bring her home," Echo said taking the seat next to him.
"Looks like a dump," Slick said looking around, "perfect place for a base."
"Indeed," Dooku said his eyebrow twitching for a moment.
"What is it master?" You asked feeling a brief moment of unease from him.
"It's nothing of importance," Count Dooku said watching Slick moved closer to you, "I have a feeling today is the day," watching his face steel itself to that possibility.
You scoffed, "When womp rat grow wings and fly."
"You'll be ready when the time comes, I am proud of you Apprentice."
You followed after him to the abandoned building, "Your teachings have been most illuminating."
Slick grabbed your hand getting your attention and nodded in the direction of incoming ships, "Time to go home," he said with mild disappointment.
"No where is my home, duty is that matters. Shall we leave?" you suggested, squeezing Slicks hand and releasing it putting your hands behind your back, "There is always more to learn, Master."
"The book will call you when your ready to come back," he smiled showing teeth, "Slick activate the droids and let's prepare to leave."
"Yes sir. Duchess Death it's been a pleasure," he said with a small bow.
"May we never met on the battle field," you smiled watching him leave before your stomach and heart sank about the approaching ships. Are they here to rescue me? Or here for him? Or us?
You looked down at the small datapad you kept on you, “I’m coming Vencuy. The Republic is coming,” you looked down to see Wolffe’s code. “We don’t have long, shall we continue as planned until they arrive?”
“If you insist,” Dooku smiled, impressed with the loyalty in her and that Sidious was correct in sparing her. He wondered in that seed of darkness in her would finally root by the time the war ended, “I am fond of you apprentice, your presence will be missed.”
“As will yours, Master.”
Wrecker could taste victory, he saw the ship that Dooku was supposed to be in and knew she would be just behind those doors. He put his helmet on hearing the stomping of droids coming this way, he looking at everyone else getting into formation.
"We both know she's gone by now, Hunter," Crosshair whispered his finger twitching at the trigger,  "I'll take care of it," he said heading in before the rest of them. Friend or foe, Duchess or Reaper, Jedi or Sith, what difference does it make. A traitor is a traitor.
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I'm procrastinating my grimoire section on baneful magic so I wrote about salt instead
Salt is another incredibly common tool used by practitioners, second only to candles. Salt is often referred to as a pure element by practitioners due to the harvesting process. This makes salt the basis for many spells and rituals, using it to cleanse vessels, represent earth or given as offerings. Because it doesn’t go off or get mouldy it is a great tool to have in your arsenal.
Types of Salt
Black Salt: There are two types of black salt, witches black salt; a mixture made by the practitioner using their choice of salt and ash from coal or incense, this type of salt is inedible and is an option for banishment spells and baneful magic. The other type is kala namak or Himalayan black salt; a kind of rock salt with a dark red/purple hue harvested in northern India and Pakistan around the Himalayas. Kala namak is composed of sodium chloride, iron sulphide which gives the product its purple colour and hydrogen sulphide which gives it its strong smell and savoury taste. (Krishna, K. 2021) 
In cooking, kala namak can be used to replace regular table salt. The hydrogen sulphide can result in an eggy flavour so it is best used sparingly in savoury dishes. You can find it online or from Asian food or health food markets.
Pink Salt: Pink salt or Himalayan salt is a type of rock salt mined in Pakistan near the foothills of the Himalayas. It gets its pink colour from the trace minerals of potassium, magnesium and calcium. Like regular table salt, pink salt contains 98% sodium, because the additional trace minerals are so small there are no proven health benefits to using pink salt over table salt. (Leonard, J. 2018.)
In cooking, pink salt can be used in replacement for regular table salt but due to the larger surface area of the granule compared to table salt granules I recommend using slightly less than required. Pink salt typically has a stronger flavour with a slight metallic after taste. It is often used in love spells because of its pink colour. You can find it in your local supermarket in the 'continental' section. 
Red Salt: Red salt, also called Alaea salt or Hawaiian red salt, is a bright red and unrefined sea salt rich in iron oxide it gets from being rolled in alaea clay found in the Waimea mountains of Hawai'i. Alaea salt is used in traditional Hawaiian practices for blessings, purifying and healing, the religious/spiritual use of Alaea salt is exclusive to Hawaiian culture. Because Alaea salt doesn’t meet U.S food grade requirements it is not commercially sold. (University of Hawai’i)  
Rock Salt: Rock salt (not edible) is typically produced through blast or drill mining; the process is done in stages, first a cut is made in the face of the rock to allow space for drilling and blasting, the next stage, holes are drilled into the face that are then filled with explosives and fired. After the blast the resulting roof is scaled to remove any potential loose debris. The fragments of salt are then hauled on to trucks to be transported to a crushing plant. When they are crushed they’re mixed with anticaking agent to prevent the salt from recrystallizing, it is then stored and shipped. (Irish Salt Mining)  
The salt produced is not safe for consumption and is instead used to grit and de-ice surfaces in the winter, it can also be used for grounding and protective spells like sprinkling it at your front door. You can find it in your local supermarket or hardware store under rock salt, road salt or de-icing salt. 
Sea Salt: Sea salt is the name given to salt harvested from sea water via evaporation. Depending on the climate of the company’s farm, the evaporation process can either be man made or entirely solar based, sea water is collected, filtered for impurities and left under a heat source to reduce the water level and saturate the brine, the brine is then moved to be crystalised where more heat is applied, as salt crystals star forming, they’re harvest and separated, some are then processed with an anticaking agent before being packed and shipped, some are left alone. (Cornish Sea salt Co.)
Sea salt production has been around since the 5th Century BC, being mentioned in the Buddhist scripture, Vinaya Pitaka. (Prakash, O. 2005. p 479) 
The religious use of sea salt varies widely depending on the culture but in general neo-pagan practices sea salt is often given as an offering to the gods. In cooking, sea salt and table salt can be used interchangeably as they have the same nutritional value.
Table Salt: Table salt is your standard refined salt that is typically mined. Table salt production requires turning salt from chunks, to flakes and then finally to granules followed by anti-caking agent to prevent it from recrystallizing.
The standard use in cooking is to reduce the sweetness of dishes, salt also helps create a stronger flavour by decreasing the water content as you cook, concentrating the flavour.
Everything is great in moderation so take care of how much salt you consume on a regular basis. The NHS suggests adults should be eating no more than 6g (1 teaspoon) of salt per day, a diet high in salt correlates to high blood pressure and increases risks of heart disease and strokes. (NHS. 2021)
Cornish Seasalt Co. (DNA). How is Sea Salt Made?. Cornish Seasalt Co. cornishseasalt.co.uk [Webpage]
Irish Salt Mining & Exploration Company LTD. (DNA). Process. Irish Salt Mining & Exploration Company LTD. irishsaltmining.com [Webpage]
Krishna, K. (2021). Kala Namak/Black Salt: How It Is Made, Nutritional Values, Benefits for Health, Skin and Recipes. NetMeds. Netmeds.com [Webpage]
Leonard, J. Olsen, N. (2018). Does Pink Himalayan Salt Have any Health Benefits?. Medical News Today. medicalnewstoday.com [Web Article]
NHS. (2021). Salt: The Facts. nhs.co.uk [Webpage]
Prakash, O. (2005). Cultural History of India: Food and Drinks (800 B.C. to 300 B.C.). New Age International. India [Book]
University of Hawai’i. (DNA). Exploring our Fluid Earth. Teaching Science as Inquiry: Traditional ways of Knowing: Salt Harvesting. University of Hawai’i. manoa.hawaii.edu [Webpage]
45 notes · View notes
wikluk · 2 years
Play the part?? Slight twist on the movie, Mira finds out about Isabela's problems sooner, and, being Mira, she wants to help??
Going by your preemie!Mira hc, when she's sick, she's sick. So she knows in turn how to act sick and make in convincing. She does so, so all attention will be on her and Isa can go destroy her perfect image for an hour or two :D
play the part: [character] pretends to be sick – Mirabel (+ Isabela)
the secrets that you keep are ever ready
Mirabel couldn't believe it.
Her sister, her older sister, Señorita Perfecta Isabela, had a secret. She didn’t want to get married. She didn’t want to marry Mariano, yet she never told anything. Not Abuela, not their parents, not even Luisa.
Mirabel wondered if Dolores knew; after all, Dolores knew everything. 
But the youngest Madrigal sister couldn’t believe she found out about it only because the rats told Antonio, and Antonio told her, and she swore him to keep it a secret, and she planned or doing something. 
Maybe if she rescued Isabela from that awful situation she was in, their relationship would get better. Maybe it would help the Miracle, maybe it would save the magic.
Then her Papi found her in the nursery and saw the vision, and she was that close to telling him everything, but Abuela announced the dinner was ready and it meant the Guzmáns were there and there was no time.
So Mirabel decided to improvise. Always of weaker health and with a tendency to get sick quickly and easily, often pretty bad, Mirabel knew how to act when the need was. Sometimes, when she didn’t want to go to school, she’d pretend she was sick, and she felt bad for worrying her mamá so, but being born prematurely had some benefits.
As they sat down at the table, Dolores was staring at her, and Mirabel was staring back. Well, it was awkward, and as Dolores was close to breaking, Mirabel knew, she had no more time. 
She coughed.
Dolores blinked, and Camilo looked at her as well, one eyebrow raised. 
Mirabel grabbed the glass with juice and took a sip, immediately afterwards bursting into a fit of coughs. 
Now, people were looking her way, and Dolores tilted her head, still staring. 
“Are you alright, Mirabel?” Mariano asked.
It made Isabela turn her head as well. “Yes, are you alright?” she asked, though there was suspicion clear in her dark, barely narrowed eyes.
“Yeah, of course–” Mirabel wheezed, putting her hand on her chest. “It’s just–” she coughed deeply, to the point it sounded almost like a whistle. “Just a cough!”
Mamá looked at her with both eyebrows pinched together in concern. “Are you sick?”
“No, no,” Mirabel waved her hand absentmindedly. “It’s just... Something in the air...”
“Your eyes are glossy,” Dolores squeaked out quietly, the grip she had on her wine glass losening a little. 
“Yeah? I don’t feel anything...”
She started thinking about the most embarrassing things she had ever witnessed in her life. She remembered tripping over her own feet and diving head-first into the fountain in front of the villagers. She remembered walking in on her completely naked tía Pepa in the bathroom. She remembered walking in on her parents doing... Stuff... When she was twelve–
And she knew her face got dark as a beetroot.
“Mi amor, you’re flushed,” her papá touched her forehead with the back of his hand. “Ay, you’re so warm!”
Mamá was by her side in a few seconds. “Ay mi vida, not this again,” she said, cupping her face with a worried frown on her face. “I think you’re running a fever!”
Mirabel shook her head, sniffling for a better effect. “That’s nonsense, mamá, I’m–” she burst into another fit of very convincing coughs. “I’m fine!”
“No, you’re not,” her mamá said firmly. 
“I am! Oh, come on, I don’t wanna ruin Isabela’s perfect proposal dinner–”
Mirabel was almost sure she could hear Isabela gritting her teeth on her right.
Dolores squeaked again, her gaze flickering between Isabela and Mirabel, her eyebrows raised in confusion. 
Mirabel was actually shocked when she felt a hand gripping her forearm. She moved her head to stare at Isabela who pursed her lips at her before turning her head towards the matriarch.
“Abuela, I think I should take Mirabel to my room,” she said in a calm, velvety tone, though her fingers dig into Mirabel’s arm. “She needs her rest.”
Before Abuela could answer, Mariano supported her on that. “Oh yes, the family member’s health should always come first!” he said, giving Isabela a dreamy, soft smile. “You’re such a good hermana, Isabela.”
Isabela smiled at him, patting Mirabel’s hand. “She’s the baby,” she said in a sweet tone, making Mirabel scowl. “It’s my duty as her older sister to take care of my youngest hermanita.”
Señora Guzmán gushed at it. “Oh, it’s amazing to see how close and caring all the Madrigals are!” she exclaimed and clapped her hands. “I’m sure we can postpone this dinner to when Mirabel is healthy and can take a part in this beautiful event, right, Alma?”
Abuela blinked, moving her gaze from both sisters to her friend. “Oh, of course, Andrea! One week won’t make that big of a difference, will it?”
“Of course not,” señora Guzmán said with a breathy laugh. “Love is very patient, isn’t it?”
It brought some chuckles from all the married (or formerly married, in Abuela’s case) Madrigals. 
“Claro,” Abuela said with a smile, then looked at Mirabel, Isabela and mamá. “Julieta, Isabela, take Mirabel upstairs, por favor.”
And that was how all three of them found themselves in Isabela’s room, in her room full of flowers from the bottom to the top, so pink, and purple, and violet, and perfect, it was almost sickening.
Even mamá, to Mirabel’s smirk, looked a little overwhelmed by all the pastels as she glanced around. 
Soon after Mirabel was placed on the bed Isabela created for her, and mamá left them, with a promise that she would return shortly with some medication for Mirabel, to make her feel better.
She barely closed the door, when Isabela put both hands on her hips with a scowl. “What was that?!”
Mirabel smiled innocently. “What was what?” she asked, coughing weakly. “I have no–”
“You’re not sick!” Isabela accused her. “Even you wouldn’t be able to get sick this quick!”
“You know I always was prone to sicknesses!”
Isabela’s gaze hardened as she tapped her foot impatiently.
Mirabel rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I’m not,” she said, sitting up and crossing her arms over her chest. “But I think you should be grateful because I just saved your ass!”
“Grateful?! For what? For ruining my life?!”
“I didn’t ruin your life!”
“You did! Mariano was going to propose to me, and Abuela was happy, and the familia was happy, everyone was happy but–”
“–you weren’t happy. You’re not happy.”
“I know you don’t wanna marry this big dumb hunk.”
Isabela blinked rapidly, her eyes going wide. “What?”
“That!” Mirabel growled in frustration. “Antonio told me because his rats told him that they had heard you ranting to yourself last night about how you didn’t want to get married.”
“You don’t love him, do you?”
Isabela was silent.
“You don’t even like him.”
Isabela shook her head. “I do like him. We’ve been friends since we were kids but...”
“You don’t wanna to be his wife.”
Isabela avoided her gaze. “No, I don’t.”
Mirabel shifted to the edge of the bed and jumped out of it, walking closer to her sister. “Then why did you agree to court him?”
Her older sister sighed. “It was Abuela’s idea and I...”
Mirabel felt enlightened all of a sudden. “You wanted to make Abuela proud.”
Isabela nodded.
Mirabel fell on her back on the mattress. “Wow,” she muttered, staring at the ceiling. “Who would think we had so much in common?”
“Oh, do we?”
“Yeah... We’ve always done everything to make Abuela proud.”
“Yeah...” Isabela agreed, and her tone suddenly got so soft, so friendly. “Yeah, I guess we have much in common.”
Before Mirabel could answer, half of their family burst through the door. Mamá and papá hurried her way with Luisa hot on their heels. 
“Mirabel? Why aren’t you under the covers?”
Isabela groaned. “She’s not sick, mamá.”
“She’s not–” mamá repeated, clearly confused. “Please, someone tell me what’s going on because I think I don’t understand...”
Isabela opened her mouth to answer but Mirabel threw her arms in the air and looked at her parents with the most annoyed expression. "I pretended to be sick and I did it for her!”
“Mirabel don’t–”
Papá looked between them. “For her? Whatever you mean?”
Mirabel took a deep breath. “Isa doesn't want to marry Mariano."
The hell broke loose.
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semicolonsandsimiles · 8 months
angstober/whumptober day 14: what you swore to destroy (yes, I already posted one. double feature!)
Lion Hunters, Medraut & Goewin & Turunesh some time before ch. 6 of Empty Kingdom
Gedar might be the last of the salt smugglers, and if he was not he would soon give the rest up. Telemakos had said he did not need avenged for what the smugglers had done to him, and maybe he was right; where Medraut had expected to feel satisfaction, there was only a hollowness.
What had it even gotten him? It hadn't been an act, his family's need of charity. He had participated in an enterprise that risked the health of everyone in Aksum, and his own children hadn't even benefited. It had only enriched other criminals.
"Medraut," Goewin said impatiently. He turned his head towards her. "Have you spoken to Sabarat recently?"
"No more recently than you, I should think."
"The Emperor is trying to find out whether he and Sesen knew about Gedar's activities."
Goewin had interacted with them more than he had. Medraut thought about it. "I don't recall anything suspicious."
"What will happen to the little ones?" Turunesh asked softly.
"They'll stay at the palace," Goewin answered. "They didn't know anything."
Anger that had simmered for much of the last two years bubbled into the hollowness. "Are you sure?" Medraut asked through gritted teeth. "Japheth is the same age is Telemakos."
There was silence for a moment, as they all thought about the same thing. Then Turunesh wrapped her hand around his wrist, and Medraut realized he had clenched his hands into fists. "Japheth is not given to eavesdropping," Goewin said finally.
Turunesh said, "They are children, Medraut. You don't want them to be hurt as Telemakos was."
He let his fingers uncurl. "No."
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streetslost · 1 year
@boriys ( don't mind making a new thread for our thread, i didn't use beta apparently on my first post and so trim reblogs was not functioning so jUST STARTING A NEW ONE TO AVOID THE ANNOYANCE- ) cont.
               IF ONLY SCREAMING INTO THE OBLIVION was a viable way of solving problems.  of doing more than just providing a release from the energy and anger; a TEMPORARY one.  a bottle screwed tightly shut yet somehow still always filling back up, thriving and pushing and growing all the more intense with every day that passed.  it was a slow buildup, perhaps, but still an ever forming danger.  to herself, to others... the b u r s t whenever it happened was sudden and intense.  was sharp and powerful.  cat feared her own edges, not that such an addmittance would ever leave her.  she couldn't afford to nestle in concerns ( literally and figuratively ).  survival was maintained, and the forced smile, the forced bravery against every little thing would forever get yanked into place.  until she shattered and split and broke and took anyone nearby down with her.          over and over and over and over... a cycle, a repetition, a drumbeat keeping the rhythm of a song.  inescapable.  at least for now, though the street rat hadn't done much to try and alleviate herself from the routine.  just suffer and wane.  just d e c a y.  ( she deserved it, she did, no one wanted her, no one needed her, she was just a waste of space, taking up air, taking up room, wasting food, was-  wait what? )                      attention snapped back to him, and frustration etched her features at the comment provided.  her height was a sensitive subject.  it was a sign of her poor health, of her life falling into ruins.  he couldn't have known that from a glance, but cat still grated her teeth together, the huff audible through gritted teeth.  words remained trapped behind the whites, where lips carved once more into her HALF crazed grin, instead managing to distract herself with the yell he would unleash himself.  it was similar but different.  his looks mirrored as such, as well.  clearly on the road, but not for as long.  there was still something fresh about the vibe he held.  or perhaps it was simply the fact he didn't seem trodden as she.
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       "thinking tha' doesn't mean much," dry tone slipped out.  features finally eased, and apathy resumed its play.  the comment of her stature hadn't been forgotten, but brunette decided to let it slip... briefly.  it wasn't like he was stating anything WRONG, just a fact that she despised.  tongue swiped her lips, the cracks of dry flesh stinging with the sensation.  "people will hear someone in distress and do nothing unless it benefits them.  but guess i'd still rather do it out here where there's less likely t'be any sort of attention.  why you out here?"                  perhaps she knew the answer... perhaps not.  regardless, cat filled the void with her inquiry, hands still shoved deep in her pockets and tennis shoes scuffing the ground in effort to kick a rock down along the track.
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hatchzed · 1 year
The Impact of AI Accessibility on Humans
Are We Missing Something?
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If there's one thing that humanity has always strived for, it's ease and comfort. And now, with the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), it seems like we might finally get what we wanted - an easy life where work becomes effortless. But, at what cost? Is this pursuit of convenience doing more harm than good? Let's take a closer look.
The Downside of Easy Living
When work gets easier, we tend to forget how hard others had to work to achieve those results. Instead, we start taking everything for granted and expect even better performances from ourselves and those around us. This constant demand for improvement leads to chronic dissatisfaction and can result in burnout. In other words, the easier life gets, the harder it becomes to stay content.
In addition, when work becomes too easy, it starts to lose its meaning. Humans need challenges to feel fulfilled and accomplished; without that sense of purpose, many individuals may struggle with feelings of purposelessness and insignificance. Plus, easy living often means that we don't learn important skills such as resilience, adaptability, and perseverance, which can negatively impact our mental health and overall wellbeing.
Dangerous Ignorance
Some companies may overlook the potential dangers of AI automation because all they see is the bottom line - increased efficiency and reduced costs. However, ignoring the impact that AI can have on society and individual lives could lead to disastrous consequences. For example, if everyone relies solely on technology for work, then millions would suddenly find themselves unemployed, leading to social upheaval and economic chaos. Even worse, some governments might choose to exploit the power of AI for nefarious purposes, further exacerbating global issues.
Missing the Point
While it's true that AI can revolutionize industries and improve our quality of life, we mustn't forget the importance of challenge and purpose. As individuals, we yearn for significance; by making life effortless, we risk losing sight of what truly matters.
Purpose arises when we overcome adversity and struggles; without them, life turns monotonous and lacks direction. Companies and governments should understand this fact and design AI systems that support rather than replace humans. They can assist with tedious tasks or provide new job opportunities based on advanced technologies. When used correctly, AI empowers employees and organizations alike.
The Power of Challenges
So, what do we do to prevent these negative effects of AI automation? One answer lies in embracing challenges once again. By creating obstacles and pushing oneself beyond comfortable limits, individuals can develop crucial skills that bring meaning to their existence. It also teaches self-reliance, creativity, problem-solving abilities, and grit - traits essential for personal growth and success. With the right mindset, people can transform easy living into opportunities for learning, growth, and innovation.
In conclusion, while the benefits of artificial intelligence and automation are undeniable, we cannot ignore the potential drawbacks. The key lies in finding balance between ease and challenge. It falls upon every person to recognize their own strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and embrace difficult tasks that help them grow as individuals. Through this approach, both humanity and technology can coexist peacefully and create a brighter future together.
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smilesstardust · 1 year
i am so obsessed with your ballet au..... could you tell me a little bit about Ava and Connor and their Thing👀👀 and/or anything else about the au that you want to share!!!
Thanks for being so interested.
A little bit about Ava and Connor’s Thing:
They dislike each other on principle to start off with. Connor doesn’t want her there, she doesn’t particularly want to be there.
Despite Ava being pretty high profile in the dance world and her accident being big news, Connor knows next to nothing about her when she arrives. He hadn’t been involved in her hiring and only got a few days notice. He googled her name, discounted her after the first line of her Wikipedia page, and didn’t bother to do any further research.
Ava comes in and immediately exercises her full powers as choreographer. Connor fights her on every turn, but everything she does is technically under her jurisdiction so he can’t do anything about it.
Much to Connor’s dismay, Ava’s approach works. The company starts to go from decent to actually good, right in time for the documentary crew to arrive.
Connor doesn’t love the documentary crew but he does like the money it brings in for the company, which desperately needs it. Ava hates it, but she’s aware of the benefits to doing it, so she grits her teeth and bears it. They bond a little over this.
They start to have a mutual begrudging respect for each other and work more collaboratively.
Ava’s accident gave her a TBI that has some lingering effects, migraines being the most difficult to push through.
She gets a really bad migraine one morning. She calls Will, but he can’t get to her very quickly and doesn’t think she should be left alone. So he calls Connor who lives pretty close to her to stay with her until he can get there.
From there something shifts and her and Connor get really close. He becomes the person she calls for help when she needs it and he gains A LOT of respect for her ability to do what she does, especially after finding out more about her injury.
They become friends, and they’re always together.
Ava comes up with an idea for their final production of the season. It’s ambitious, but if they pull it off they could just save the company.
They both pour their whole souls into making it happen and manage to make it work.
The day after opening night Ava has a massive health scare and Connor rushes her to hospital. She ends up being okay, but they decide to move in together in case it happens again.
Throughout all of this, there is a running bet among the dancers, Will and Mouse about if they’re actually dating. The betting pool has more than $1000 in it by the time they move in together.
Bonus other information
Will was brought up on dance, and when he got homesick at college he would watch dance videos on YouTube. Ava was one of his favourite dancers, and he geeks out a little upon meeting her.
(He also has several theories about how accidental her accident actually was)
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robinrites · 2 years
Day 18: "Well it's cold, cold, cold"
Title from: Cold Cold Cold by Cage the Elephant
Happy whumptober day 18! Prompts: Break the Ice, Treading Water, "take my jacket"
Summary: Jason Todd has been captured by Dr. Freeze and is currently being held at near freezing temperatures, but when he's offered warmth in exchange for information on his family, will he take the chance?
For as long as Victor could remember, he’d always had a fascination with cold. Maybe it started when his mother fell in a frozen lake when he was young, or maybe he just liked it because it was interesting. The drop in temperature coupled with the disappearance of the sun fascinated him. The anonymity cold weather provides is always a nice bonus. No one spares a second glance if you’re wearing several layers and your face is obscured by scarves and gaiters. 
The cold had a way of slowing things down. Nowadays people will jump at the chance to sit in a sub-zero chamber for health benefits. Ha! Victor would pay money to see Batman in line for one of those. Cold had a way of being debilitating, something Victor has grown fond of as he’s gotten older. No one wants to leave the house unless they have to, streets are cleared out all because of a little blizzard. He found that if he was really careful, he could break into wherever he wanted and no one would notice until the snow began to melt. Fresh snow would cover his footprints anyways, so why’s it matter? A big blizzard paired with a couple of well timed robberies, a regular scheme that remains mostly foolproof. Occasionally the Bat will come out, try to stop him, only to fail. The snow belongs to Victor Fries. 
Victor looked at the shivering boy in front of him and couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s wrong Boy Wonder? Cold?” 
Jason gritted his teeth and shook his head, “No one calls me that anymore.” 
“Oh, where are my manners, Red Hood.” Victor circles Jason menacingly, “Don’t be so surprised, of course I figured it out. You and Robin #2 share a lot of the same moves.” His cold hands brush Jason’s face, just under his domino mask, “I could just remove this…” His fingers grip the bottom, preparing to pull it, before he removes his hands and laughs. “No, won’t do that. Then the Bat will definitely not be happy.” 
“It’s not Batman you should be worried about.” Jason spits out through gritted teeth. Cold handcuffs bind his wrists to the arms of the metal chair he’s in. His jacket, socks and shoes, and utility belt sit discarded on the floor inches away from him, just out of reach. 
“I’m quaking in my boots.” Victor watches Jason try to suppress a shiver and fail before laughing again. “See, this is why Bats and I have an agreement. Keeps you stupid sidekicks from harms way.” His hands brush Jason’s cheek before grabbing his chin, “Guess you didn’t get the memo.” Jason yanks his head out of Victor’s grasp, growling slightly. 
“Keep your cold hands off me.” He barks out, trying to disguise the chill he feels. 
Victor backs away, “Fine. Seems like you could use some time to cool off anyhow.” He leaves, but not before pausing as he closes the door. “Let’s see if you’re still feeling this way in a couple hours, hm?” 
The door slams shut and Jason instantly drops his head so it rests on his chest. In. Out. He forces himself to take several deep breaths, ignoring the puffs of cold air that appear on his exhale. After he manages that, he works to take in his surroundings. Unfortunately, the room is pretty bare, if he had to guess he’d say it’s an extra lab space, or a really big supply closet. The room is mainly empty, save for a few empty shelving units along the walls. A quick wiggle tells him that his chair is bolted to the floor, which means tipping it over to try to grab his stuff isn’t going to work. Jason hears a fan turn on, and turns his head to see cold air start to blow out of a vent. 
“Fuck.” He whispers through chattering teeth. He pulls his shoulders in and tries his best to make himself smaller, in hopes that it’ll keep him from completely freezing. 
Hours later, the fan finally drones to a stop. Jason feels like his eyes are frozen over, icicles form on his eyelashes. He hears the door begin to creak open and looks up to see icicles forming above it from the condensation. Victor Fries struts in, still in that goddamn cryosuit, looking none-too-bothered by the sight of the vigilante before him. 
“Are you having fun yet?” He sneers, smiling at the way Jason has to crane his head up to look at him while keeping his shoulders hunched. 
“Puh-please.” Jason stutters out, his teeth chattering regardless. 
“Tt, now Red Hood, I don’t have time for stuttering or incomplete sentences. I thought you were supposed to be the most well read of your bunch.” 
“That’s kind of my whole thing, in case you hadn’t noticed.” 
Jason hazily looks down at his hands, which are nearly blue. The skin has begun to split around his knuckles from being exposed to the cold. “What-what do you want from me?” 
“Are you suggesting I’ll give you warmth if you give me information?” Jason weakly nods, which brings a big smile to Victor’s face. “Then let’s start with this, you tell me your real name and I’ll do that.” 
“I- I can’t tell you that.” 
“Tch, then I guess you aren’t going to get any of that soup I just made.” 
Cold tears fall down Jason’s cheek, nearly freezing as they do so. “Please, it’-it’s so cold.” A shiver wracks his body, as if he needed help to prove his point. 
“It’s a very simple request, Red Hood.” When Jason still doesn’t reply, Victor turns to go. “Oh well, maybe you’ll be feeling a bit more chatty after a couple more hours.” 
“It’s Jason.” He answers, so faint it’s almost inaudible. “J-Jason Peter Todd.” His head falls down so it rests against his chest again. 
“Huh, guess you’re a better listener than I thought.” 
True to his word, Victor returns shortly with a hot bowl of chicken soup. Jason begs to hold it in his hands, in hopes that the warmth will somewhat transfer from the bowl to his cold hands, but Victor refuses. “Either I feed you or you don’t get it.” Is what he told Jason when he asked. After the soup is gone and Victor leaves, the warmth fills Jason’s chest for at least a little bit longer than he’d thought. 
Part of Jason hopes that Victor will return and ask him more questions, maybe he’ll even get a blanket for his efforts. The other part hopes Victor will stay away, better to not be tempted by those things. Jason wants to believe the team would understand if he gave away meaningless secrets, but he knows those aren’t the kind of questions Victor’s likely to ask. His name was an easy one, who cares about him right? But Jason knows that giving away Bruce’s identity, or anyone else, is a huge no go. He only wishes it wasn’t so damn cold. 
When the door reopens, Jason forces himself to bite back a sob. I’m not strong enough. He thinks to himself as shivers rack his body again. He’s gonna ask me for things I shouldn’t share and I’m not gonna be able to say no. I’m just so, so cold. 
Warm hands find their way around his arms, a jacket--or blanket-- appears around his shoulders. Jason wearily opens his eyes to see Batman- to see his Dad and brothers, standing in front of him. He sobs, falling forward into Bruce’s arms the minute his hands are free, allowing himself to be sucked into the warmth coming from Bruce’s suit. 
“Th-thank you for coming.” He sobs out, face still pressed into Bruce’s chest so his words come out slightly muffled. 
“I’m only sorry we didn’t find you sooner.”
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theherocomplex · 2 years
Ahrg, ask games are dangerous. Accidentally hit unfollow when trying to get the meatball menu to open up to get to the ask page.
Anyway, for the deep fic writing asks I would like to know about
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
Curse you, meatball menu!!!
10. how has writing positively impacted your mental health or overall mood?
It's helped in any number of ways, but I can't state enough how having a world -- well, worlds -- to escape to when I'm stressed or need to work something out, or just need to feel something that isn't dread or loneliness, has helped me get through some really horrible days. Unfortunately I'm at a point now where the smallest piece of grit in my gears throws the whole darn system off, so I have to be really careful to husband my energy/health in order to keep writing.
Writing is a place where I can not only find escapism, and answers, however temporary, to how I'm feeling, but it also lets me explore my not-so-great impulses in a safe way. Not that I think I write anything particularly dark or transgressive, but I can give free rein to my anger, or to exploring bleak moods, or let characters act in ugly, cathartic ways. Which I can't do in my day-to-day life, for various reasons!
And finally, it's been so lovely to connect with people through my writing, whether they're also writers or readers or just people who enjoy the same fandoms. Writing itself is mostly solitary, but sharing it creates a community, even if that community is only a handful of people. Being able to make new friends and share so much with them is the blessing underpinning being a writer!
11. Has a fic you’ve written ever caused issues/controversy?
I don't think so? I think I fly under the radar, fandom-wise, so involvement I've had in controversy has been mostly accidental. The benefits of not many people knowing who I am!
What I tend to get are comments that...hm. I guess the easiest way to describe them is to say that they're critiquing me (you would not believe how much crit some of my fics get!) or correcting me, and I choose to assume it's coming from a good place. The problem is, those critiques miss the point of what I'm trying to do, like playing with unreliable narrators or using a non-linear narrative or writing technique to get something across. So I'm not sure if I haven't done my job effectively, and that's what's causing the confusion, or if it's a disconnect on the reader's side.
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I was talking to two people today about books, and my acquaintance brought up Jordan Peterson’s books, which he’d read. He said he found it to be a contradiction when Peterson said that grit and perseverance were important, but that you also shouldn’t do things that make you miserable. Now I haven’t read any of his books, I’m just familiar with him through videos and interviews. And love him or hate him, he’s a very smart man and I err on the side of trusting him to say things that make sense, even if you’re not prepared to understand them the first time you hear them. My take is that both things can be true; you should persevere through tough or simply boring times, but you also should avoid misery if you can. 
Your vocation is a good example. If circumstances allow you to choose your path, you should of course do your best to get out of jobs that make you miserable and into jobs you’re proud of. I strongly disagree with the sentiment that “work is work” and it’s drudgery no matter what. No calling in life is going to make you happy 24/7 - even among religious clergy, who had years of training in which to reflect upon their vocation, there are moments of doubt and hardship - but you can do something that’s interesting, or exciting, or helps you build experience, or leaves you feeling like you’ve made a positive contribution to society. 
I used to do a job I hated. Really, really hated. I could barely enjoy my evenings or weekends when doing that job because I thought about it all the time. I remember very few happy days when I was doing that job - I can actually name the dates I was happy because they were so rare. It made me feel like throwing myself into the river. I would rather work at a grocery store than go back to that job. Just thinking about that job makes me feel a sense of profound relief and gratitude that I got out - still, 16 months after leaving. I can’t think of enough ways to express how much I hated it. And now I do a job that isn’t the be-all-end-all of my career. I don’t hate it. I don’t dread going into work. I don’t feel relief or excitement when leaving the office. I feel very comfortable with my team. I often directly see the product of my efforts and the positive impact on people in need. But I also want to branch out into other fields. I even want to open a solo practice. Of course, I want to move across the country. To be perfectly honest, I feel like I’m in a “lull” in my life. Nothing’s bad, but I know something better is ahead. And to get there, I have to gain more experience through my current job. I have to research where exactly it would be feasible for me to live and make plans and lay out a lot of money to move there. So I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other, day by day, until I get where I’m supposed to be. 
There’s a difference between persevering toward a worthy end goal and doing something that makes you miserable. When I was in my old job, there was no light at the end of the tunnel - I had no interest in sticking it out a few more years for some reward, all I could think about was getting the hell out. Now, I genuinely believe there are good things I’m working toward. And this applies to so many other areas of life! You might persevere in a relationship with a family member or friend because you want that person to still be in your life 20 years from now - or you might find yourself in a situation that’s exactly the opposite, where all the relationship brings you is misery and you just need to let it go. You might persevere through the drudgery of learning foundational skills in a field of knowledge or a craft because you know the benefits it will bring down the road. You might persevere on a tough hike up a mountain for the joy of the accomplishment - or with a physical activity generally because you know it will be good for your long-term health. 
A great insight, just from one five-minute conversation. 
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