#heck yeah smoke hair
vihola · 1 year
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@underestimated-power drew Morok as he’s supposed to look like according to my thoughts. My crops are thriving and my heart is full
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miguelsslvt · 10 months
punk! miguel x innocent! reader
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word count: 879
TW: nsfw, smoking, hair-pulling, corruption, swearing, creampie.
request: @sukioyakio ★
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A/N: this isn't edited and is poorly made so i'm so sorry. also can i just say thank you so much for over 600 notes on my first drabble?? oh my gosh?? anyways, enjoy and welcome to the club! ^^
imagine punk! miguel being the 'bad rep' of the school. in the 3rd year of college, he took physics, chemistry and spanish language. he would smoke behind the science classrooms, refuse to wear clothes that he calls 'society norms' like a blazer or a button up, and instead wear a black leather jacket with pins like 'pink floyd', or 'anarchist' all around it. he would yell, slander and mock almost every teacher whenever he's in class (which is very rare).
most of the girls honestly adored him, apart from the odd popular girl or two finding him too 'annoying' or too 'muscly' for their liking. he didn't give two shits, he already knew his body count was probably higher then their grades.
but then there's you. sweet, innocent little y/n. where most college students spent their weekends partying, you spent it in your dorm room re-reading 'moby dick' for the 6th time. you took phsycology, english literature and spanish language. and if you were completely honest, the only reason you chose spanish language is because your boyfriend at the time (now ex) was spanish. god, did you regret picking it for him.
you noticed miguel, like every other person in the school would. but your first time was different. you were running late, extremely late for your first class of the day. damn you, alarm. that's when you noticed miguel, outside science block, groaning.
despite being late, you took a curious peek at what the man was groaning about.
'stupid fucking lighter..' he mumbled, trying to light his cigarette, but failing. you knew better then to interfere, to even speak to the most intimidating man in college. but, for some reason, you ended up giving him your lighter.
'thanks, you smoke? i can give you one for a trade.' miguel said, as you smiled so sweetly. you explained how you didn't smoke, or did anything like that, and that you only carried a lighter 'just in case of emergencies'.
that's when miguel's interest in you piqued. you were such a sweet, innocent girl, and that drove something in him. something that he didn't realise he wanted. he usually only went for girls with his taste and style, girls he'd meet at festivals or clubs and were either high as heck or sexy goths. but you, you were different.
soon enough, he realised you were only in his spanish language classes, and that you weren't the best at it. perfect. your weakness was miguel's strength.
that's how you ended up in this situation. bent over miguell's desk in his dorm, mumbling his name as hee proceeded to sbuse his way into your sweet cunt.
'you want to tutor me..? that would be so nice miguel!' you had said so excitedly, there was a spanish exam coming up and miguel so kindly offered to tutor you the friday night. and being so naive and quite desperate for the help, you happily accepted.
his room was filled with different posters and signs like his favourite bands, anarchistic posters, stickers saying things like 'fuck the government!'. his leather jacket was discarded somewhere on the messy floor, as his hands grasped your hips to push you even deeper onto his cock.
'm-miguel.. m-miguel please!' you whined, your mascara running down your face.
he just chuckled, as he pulled your hair lightly, moving you onto the bed as he laid you down on your back, as he started bullying into your pussy once again. he was so mean.
your light blue dress was somewhere on the floor, ripped to shreds. it was your favourite dress, but you had other things to think about at the moment.
'yeah.. you like that, cariño? you like being fucked like a slut? not used to being so used, are you?' miguel teased, as you just moaned in response. he hadn't realised that fucking a cute little angel could be this enticing. fuck, he could get used to this.
'i.. miguel! i-i've never-' 'shh.. i know, i know, a sweet girl like you hasn't ever been treated this way.. i'm sorry for being so rough, but i dunno.. the way you're tightening around me suggests you like the harshness..' he said, his hand wiping your mascara-smudged cheeks. your body was submitting to him in every way possible, and he felt like a starved predator being fed for the first time in years.
'i-is it normal to feel l-like this..?' you whimpered, eyes shut from the pleasure. 'yes.. yes my sweet girl it's very normal to feel like this.. let me give you all the pleasure you've missed out on.' miguel whispered in your ear, as he started thrusting faster and faster, pushing you over to the edge.
you let out a loud moan, your back arching as you came. the way you clenched onto him drove miguel over the edge too. his thrusts became erratic and sloppy, as he let out one more groan as he came deep inside you.
you were panting, your eyes still shut. he pulled out slowly, placing a sweet kiss on your temple. 'god you're so cute..' miguel whispered to you, as you just whimpered in response. he chuckled deeply.
god, he might just get addicted to such a good innocent little thing like you.
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enkvyu · 11 months
2:24am — getou suguru ;
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a cold, bitter chill sweeps the courtyard of jujutsu high, snow like dust clinging to tree branches and settling atop slopped roofs.
you shiver, the cold enough to penetrate even the thickest of your sweaters and your cigarette does little to numb your body. even the flame at the end whimpers and dies against the wind.
with a sigh, you scrap the end of your cigarette against the wall, dragging a long charcoal line. getou perks up when you take out another cigarette and chuckles when you fumble around.
you glare over at him, but ask him anyway. "do you have a lighter i can borrow?"
he raises his eyebrow at you, drinking in a deep exhale of his own cigarette. "you forgot to bring one?"
"i think i left it with shoko and who knows where she is right now."
"this is your third cigarette in a while now, you good there?"
"is this a smoke session or a therapy appointment?" you reply with a lazy smirk, just enough to show that there were no hard feelings. "if i wanted to talk about my feelings, i would be drinking until i see the bottom of a bottle, not standing outside in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of winter, with you."
getou raises his arms as if to relent, his cigarette tilting off his bottom lip. "just thought i'd check in. you needed a lighter, right?"
you point to your cigarette, also resting in your mouth. "does it look lit to you?"
your classmate takes a step forward, hand digging around in his pant pocket when an idea struck him. he makes a show of shoving his hand in his other pocket, and then peeking into his shirt, flicking his bangs to the side to get a good look, before coming back emptyhanded. "oh man, looks like i left my lighter behind as well."
"yeah? where'd you leave it?"
"with gojo."
you send him an unimpressed look. "the non-smoker of our group?"
"he wanted to see if it would light underwater. called it his hypothesis. if it's him, he'd probably make it somehow."
though it was very difficult to believe getou's terrible excuse, you don't disagree.
you scan him up and down, from his warm smile that would fool everyone but you, to his pants that dragged down on one side, something heavy causing the shift in fabric. "is that a lighter in your pocket or are you happy to see me?"
"i'm always happy to see you. hey, come here."
your body stutters at that. "what?"
getou ignores your deer-in-headlights look and steps forward, closing the distance between the two of you in one step. leaning down, he secures his cigarette with two fingers, using his other hand to balance himself on the wall beside you, and presses it against your own. you didn't see this happening, you could only infer as your eyes dances around his face instead, captivated at the proximity and the smoothness of his skin, the way his hair fluttered gently in the winter air, the slight redness of his nose and the furrow between his brow as he held his cigarette.
he peers down to ensure the two sticks meet, eyelashes casting shadows against his cheek.
when your cigarette catches on, and you don't see this from happening either, getou's eyes flicker to look at yours. your eyes meet with a spark that doesn't come from your cigarettes, and holds until you feel the smoke irritate the back of your throat.
taking a step back, you lightly clear your throat. when you take a deep breath of your cigarette, you realise you really needed it. "what the heck, getou, that was too smooth. you could make a girl swoon with that."
"well, did it work on you?"
you meet his eyes with a start. "did you want it to?"
you let the silence draw out, looking into his eyes as if they'd give you an answer, especially when he doesn't. suddenly, getou breaks the eye contact, a slight red dusting his cheeks. he chuckles humourlessly. you watch as getou inhales and exhales, leaning against the wall and looking straight ahead.
"way to turn it back on me." he says.
"it's your fault for not being prepared."
"how can i ever be prepared when you find the weirdest things to say?"
"it's been three years now, you'd think you found a way around that already."
you huff out a condensed breath of smoke and when the wind doesn't start to blow it away, you do it yourself, fanning it with an irritated wave. when your hand comes back down to rest on the wall, your pinky hits getou's hand.
you don't pull away, but you look over at him. his faux indifference isn't lost on you, his gaze pulled to the side opposite you as if there was anything interesting about the trees and rocks. even though his head is turned away, the red on the tips of his ears and the smile he tries to hide with his cigarette is unmistakeable.
you blink slowly, the tingle from the connection making your heartbeat faster even when the chemicals in your cigarette work to slow it down. finally, you intertwine your pinky with his. you hear him exhale deeply, and then shuffle to face the front once more. what he didn't expect was you, staring right at him to catch his eye.
getou's face burns. "what is it?" he asks, clearing his throat.
"if it was nothing, you wouldn't be looking at me like that."
"i was just thinking. it took you a while to finally make a move, is all."
getou splutters and it's so out of character that it makes you laugh. he groans, covering his face with his other hand, cigarette wedged in between two fingers.
“since when?” he asks behind his hand.
you hum in thought. “maybe last year. what about you?”
“first year. when we first met.”
“love at first sight? you are so cheesy.”
he huffs, the corner of his smile visible despite his efforts. “right? almost wished i didn’t fall in love right then and there.”
“fall in love?” you repeat and he looks at you alarmed. “i was just talking about a little crush, what’s this about love?”
your grin steals the words from his mouth and he sighs into his palm. he lets it drop, defeated, cigarette end crunching against the wall. “fine, you win. i should have done something sooner, whatever. you’re terrible.”
you're urged to tease him more when he interlaces with your hand, the grip warm against the snow, firm and steady like it was always meant to be there. this time, when you look up at him, getou’s already gazing right back at you. he doesn’t break his hold this time and it’s your turn to blush at his assertiveness. only then does he seem to falter, feeling conscious.
"now we're just two blushing idiots in the snow."
getou smiles at that. "talk about cheesy." his gaze falls to his cigarette, the end only smoking every now and again. it's dead, he realises, so he puts it out under his foot. "want to head back inside? it's getting cold."
"really?" you say, lifting your interconnected hand. "it's pretty warm for me."
getou gives you a lop-sided grin. "cheesy." he tugs you towards him, towards the door of the school and you have to groan at the prospect of returning to class after all the trouble you went through to get away. you let yourself be dragged off though, hand holding getou's, ready to face the rapid-fire questions you know you'll get asked when you make it back.
still, the heat of your hands makes it way up to your face and you have to tuck your chin into the collar of your shirt to hide the evidence.
the winter air whistles in your ear, its cold a faraway problem.
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the urge to make the reader die in getou's arms or irruptively after any super fluffy moment is Intense. like toji just appears with a gun and bang (sorry getou i would pray for your happiness but i'm an atheist)
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scarletwritesshit · 1 month
⭐Boothill x F!Reader ⭐ Silver Stars
You kept looking up at Penacony’s sky. You knew that none of this was real, and that your physical body was safely resting in the Reveire back in reality, but that didn’t make the experience feel any more fake.
Boothill noticed you frequently looking up at the sky. On occasion, he would have to drag you out of the way of others or nudge you away from accidentally walking directly into a lamp post. He didn’t mind it, but his kindness did not come without a few "muddle fudgers.” You couldn’t help it. Penacony’s sky was simply too marvelous for you to ignore.
"Lass, ya better watch where you’re goin’, otherwise, one of these days you’re gonna trip and fall," Boothill said. "Don’t want ya bustin’ up your pretty face."
"Oh, sorry," you said, "It’s quite difficult to simply glaze by such a view.”
"Well if ya wanted to go stargazin’, why didn’t ya tell me so? Ain’t that a lot easier than wanderin’ around like some dumb dog?"
"I guess, but where are we going to find anywhere in Penacony to stargaze in solitude?"
Boothill thought for a moment. "I mean there’s them back-alley routes that eventually lead up to some pretty quiet and wide open spots. Ain’t gonna find no one up there seein’ how everyone else is too busy indulging in their own little fantasy lands."
"Do you even know where any of these spots are?"
"That’s what a GPS is for, hun. Not like any of them are very difficult to find in the first place, just gotta do a little walkin’."
Boothill grabbed you by the arm and started dragging you down a back-alley path. He had quite the tight grip, perhaps out of negligence for how strong his artificial body was. Your feet were practically smoking from the friction as he dragged you along. Eventually, you gave up trying to keep up with his pace and allowed yourself to skid along, until he stopped at a rather high spot overlooking the dreamy metropolis of the Golden Hour.
"Told ya I knew what I was doin’," he said, with a wink.
"Next time, could you be just a little bit gentler? My shoes were practically sparking a fire back there," you said.
"Shoulda told me something, lass. Could’ve picked ya up and thrown ya over my shoulder."
"Is it too late to take you up on that offer?"
"For now, yeah, ‘cuz we’re already here. But it ain’t off the table for later. For now, take a seat, lass."
Boothill sat down on the concrete, and invited you to sit next to him by patting the ground. You sat down next to him and looked up, admiring the grand view of Penacony’s stars blanketing above your head and beyond what can be seen past the guardrail. You looked all around, even leaning backwards to take in as much as the starry sky as you possibly could. Boothill wrapped his arm around your lower back to steady you so that you did not collapse onto the concrete.
"Wouldn’t it be easier if ya laid your bum down on my lap?" Boothill suggested. "If ya can deal with my cold metal thighs, it’ll be a heck of a lot easier to look at them stars than twisting ya spine all over the dang place."
Accepting Boothill’s offer, you laid down on his thighs, positioning your head so that you could rest between them comfortably. They were rather firm and solid, but the fabric of his pants cushioned them a little. Boothill was right about the stars being far more easily viewed from laying down. The only thing that really got in your way were the tuffs of his hair visible out of the corner of your eyes, but it was a minor inconvenience that you truthfully didn’t mind. He reached down to gently stroke the side of your face, but stopped himself.
"Sorry if I ain’t that comfortable," he said.
"No, its fine. I quite like it here," you said, grabbing his hand and gently placing it onto your cheek.
The metal of Boothill's fingers were quite cold from Penacony’s everlasting nighttime air. Curiously enough, it had the strangest sense of human warmth to it.
"You don’t gotta to pretend for me, partner. I know it ain’t the same as the feeling of another human."
"But this feeling is from you. Not just any person, flesh and blood or otherwise. That’s more important.”
"This hunk 'o crud ain’t anything like the me I once was. It’s turned me into a sad excuse of a person if I’ve ever seen one."
"I don’t mind. Really"
"Well I do," he said, gently running his finger alongside your cheek, "all I got to offer as a sad excuse of comfort is a heaping pile of metal."
"I get the feeling you don’t particularly enjoy being a cyborg."
"What gave that away? It’s gotta be up there with one of the worst things that had ever happened to me. Shame that not even the sweetest dreams can grant me a sense of normalcy."
"...Boothill, if a shooting star could grant a wish, would you wish for your human body back?"
Boothill went silent for a moment, and sighed. "No. I couldn’t There’s somethin’ far more valuable than my own humanity that I wish I could bring back."
"...You’re talking about her, aren’t you?"
"Right on target, partner. Even if I could bring ‘er back, I ain’t got a father's body to provide any warmth with. It’s cruel to do a little lady so dirty like that."
"She would think you’re the coolest, honestly."
"Maybe. Still can’t help but feel like I ain’t really there for ‘er with this lump of snot for a body. Probably a father’s guilt speakin’."
Boothill speaking more softly about himself for once put your body at ease, in addition to being rested comfortably in his lap. If it were possible in this dream, you felt as if you could drift off to sleep.
"Cyborg or not, you’ll always be Boothill to me," you said.
"Thank ya kindly, lass. Your words mean a whole lot to a little ol’ bucket of scrap like me. And I do apologize for dullin’ ya mood. Ya did say you wanted to stargaze, not listen to a rusty lad yap for Aeons know how long."
"No worries. I find this kind of talk kinda soothing."
"I can tell. Ya look like you’re gonna doze off on me."
"If it were feasible in a dream, then I would."
Boothill had become comfortable enough to entrust such a deeply hidden repressed feeling to you. In turn, you too felt much more at ease in his presence, knowing he was comfortable enough for such a thing. Beneath the stars, it was as if Penacony's sky was soothing the troubles of both of your golden hearts.
Your eyes began to feel heavy.
"I ain’t gonna bug ya if ya want a lil’ bit of shut-eye," Boothill said. "Stars are meant for sleepin’ under, after all."
He gently began to run his fingers through your hair, feeling as much as his cold metallic fingers would allow him to.
No use fighting back perhaps one of the first peaceful nights you two have shared in a while.
You closed your eyes.
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whyse7vn · 8 months
[ ot7 x reader ]
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8 participants - 7 online
jimin: namjoon is having an episode rn
y/n: is it a beach one?
jin: don’t think it’s a beach one
jk: i think we’re gonna go to jail :/
yoongi: how tf did the gc even get leaked?
hobi: it was god punishing us for our sins
yoongi: what
hobi: smoked some weed and god told me himself no joke
y/n: when are you not high at this point…
jimin: did you leak it hobi?
hobi: i’ll leak ur nudes
jimin: you don’t have my nudes
hobi: that’s what you think
jimin: ??
hobi: whattttttttt
y/n: /super srs
hobi: super shy
jin: i don’t like the way he’s shouting at us
jk: wow guys did you know that namjoon smokes crack wow i never knew that joon you smoke crack??? that’s a bit crazy 😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨😨
jimin: yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!
jk kicked tae out of “EXO💜”
namjoon: ?????????????????
jk: he just called me said he has a new number
and to kick the old one idk
don’t shout at me again pls i’m sensitive
i know ur on crack pls don’t do anything crazy to me
i’m sorry
jk added (+82) 2 ******** to “EXO💜”
(+82) 2 ********: hey guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(+82) 2 ******** changed their nickname to “tae”
yoongi: telling you now it’s 110% his fault
jin: so why did u change ur number?
tae: funny story actually!
hobi: dear heavenly father
jimin: watch this story not be funny at all
tae: long story short it was leaked
jk: LOL 😭😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭🤣🤣🤣
ur right was a funny story
jin: shut up jungkook
jimin: ….
y/n: ok how was it leaked tho?
tae: so don’t be mad at me
but i was maybe at a party last night
and then i was talking to this girl (i only have eyes for u promise)
and i was SOOO sure that i knew her
so when she asked if she could use my phone to check the train times i was like ofc what the heck i’m a nice guy!
but she was like taking 7 years to find the train times she was looking for
and when i say she was taking ages she was taking AGESSS
and ofc i was at a party so i was in fact a little drunk
so naturally i needed to pee
and i was NOT about to hold it
when i need to go i need to go
so i left her with my phone to go pee
yoongi: ….
tae: and when i came back
guess what
jk: she turned into an ant???
tae: close but no
i couldn’t find her
jimin: how was that close??
tae: i was all like where did she go???
jk: maybe she needed to pee too
so i like stood there for 20 mins
and then i realised it doesn’t take girls THAT long to pee
like y/n pees in 2 seconds no joke
y/n: ?/?/!£:£,£&,&
jimin: maybe she was shitting
yoongi: why are we talking about girls going to the toilet….
then i was like that’s stupid girls don’t do that 😭
jk: yeah ur silly 😭😭
y/n: ???
hobi: hallelujah amen
tae: so then i started looking around for her
and then i asked hyungsik (was his party)
where ella was (that was the girls name so i thought)
jimin: white ass name
ella??? who is ella???
and i was like the girl who made that really good cake that one time??? with the long brown hair???
and he was like?????
and i was like????
then he was like don’t you mean d?
now i’m confused as fuck like who tf is d??
then he said the guy with the long brown hair who made us that really good cake that one time
so i was like whose ella then???
and he was like idk???
and i kid you not as soon as i started walking away from hyungsik and i saw the ella girl
with MY phone in her hands might i add
so i was like HEY WHO ARE YOU??
then she literally dropped my phone on the cold hard floor and ran away
the end
jk: wow that story was really emotional loved every second of it ❤️
tae: thank you people often tell me i have a way with words
jimin: so this ella girl leaked it then?
tae: i think so it only makes sense
namjoon: SO UR THE REASON THE GC WAS LEAKED??????????????
yoongi: told you
tae: no???
ella was the reason MY number was leaked that’s it
jk: i though her name wasn’t ella
tae: no ur right
y/n: how long did she have ur phone for?
tae: like 2 hours idk
namjoon: 2 HOURS WITH UR PHONE UNSUPERVISED?/):£:£:£,£,&,&
tae: ok she had my phone for like an hour 15 unsupervised
i was there for the first 45
namjoon: ARE YOU STUPID!/
tae: no my iq like 1500
yoongi: -1500
jimin: x 10
tae: why does namjoon keep shouting is he like getting shot at as we speak or something
hobi: oh gracious lord do you hear me?
jimin: tae go on twitter
tae: why
did yoongi unblock me omg? 🥺
yoongi: no.
jimin: just go look
hobi: save our souls oh mighty lord
makes sense tho!
how they find that out??
did you crack out in public or something?
you sniff crack or swallow?
sorry im not used to these type of drugs you gotta let me know how u consume
i’m new to this not true to this >.<
wasn’t he coked out at the airport the other day?
oh wait are coke and crack different??
i’m sorry i didn’t mean to offend u joon
crack users rise up 🙏🏼⬆️ (namjoon)
jimin: scroll down on the dispatch page
tae: omg is there a video of him or something??
y/n: even better!
OUR GC WAS LEAKED????/):)/££::&&:,&&;&;&:££:£:£;£:&;&:&:&:&:&;&;
yoongi: that’s the part that bothers you?
y/n look me in the eyes
jk: ur homophobia ones?
tae: what?
jk: hobi said
hobi: homophobia
y/n: heterochromia?
jin: hippopotamus
yoongi: wow
hobi: yoongi god hates us
yoongi: get a grip
jimin: dramatic lol
im sure people will still fuck with us even tho they know you guys kiss each other on the mouth pop percs and are a little racist
i mean look at nct!
bigbang still have fans right?
i’m pretty sure!!!
y/n: ?????????????????????????????
jk: racist
i hope
i thought jimin was sexist and fatphobic not racist oh my god 😥😥😥😰😰
it keeps getting worse
jin: idk what joons talking about actually this could be the end of HIS career
not mine
see ME personally i’ve done nothing wrong
this is like the start of my career actually
the end is nowhere is sight for kim seokjin
jimin: 12 year olds on twitter are dragging you for hating newjeans
jin: what
jk: wait yoongi broke woozi’s nose???
yoongi: no
y/n: HE DID
hobi: this is the end
jin: did woozi fight back????
personally i think woozi is a good fighter
i’ve said this before small men carry the biggest rage!!!!!
yoongi: idk a woozi
y/n: shut up
yoongi: kisses :3
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yoongi: HUH??????????
namjoon: oh my god i’m gonna shoot you all
hobi: see it starts with holly behind bars then it’s us next
jk: no 😰
hobi: everyone say sorry god
jk: i’m sorry god please forgive me and my friends
yoongi: why did they actually put my dog
behind bars
what the actual fuck did my dog do
who makes these things
why is my dog behind bars
jk: do you think i can survive jail…
tae: ofc i’ll fuck for you!
*fight for you
jimin: wtf????????
tae: i was thinking about y/n sorry
jk: you mean it 🥺
tae: is cheese on the floor?
y/n: what does that even mean
jk: yes 😭
hobi: i see the light
god is that you???
namjoon: ur pissing me off stop speaking
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jk: i’m sorry namjoon 🥺
namjoon: is that sarcasm?
jk: who?
namjoon: all of you can kill yourselves
namjoon left “exo💜”
jin: ok but i didn’t even do anything
tae: so like…. is this fr my fault?
yoongi: yes ❤️
part one HERE
sorry LMAO this is ass whyse7vn funny comeback soon i pray >:(
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @kooksmilitarywife @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @indigobsessed @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @leleluvsbts @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @yojaschill @k4ngelz @junghoseokshusband
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Firefighter Au? Our Coccam crew would be pretty much the best firefighters with their warrior skills. So, could you please write Modern Sihtric x Reader where he is a firefighter and helps her. Idk if her house was burning that's pretty brutal or something minor like a cat on a tree. Whatever you feel like. And could it be a bit longer, like a slow burn with a smut at the end. You know what I really liked your submissive Sihtric from that back to past story. So maybe something like that? I feel like I expect too much and I don't want to interrupt your creative flow. Really, it's a blessing you have an account here and write so much amazing stories. Thank you!
Note: thank you so much for your kind words and for this request! I hope it meets your expectations. Also, for the first time I tied in some songs that I was listening to when writing this, might be fun if readers check them out to get the vibe, you know? ...or not, if you don't feel like it! but uhh yeah... is it hot in here? and sorry for all the bad puns, I can't help myself.
Warnings: fluff! some angst, some spicy bits and some smut. 18+! mention of (house)fire, smoking/cigarettes.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
Summary: A hot as heck firefighter had to rescue your cat, and your heart was burning for him ever since.
Word count: 8k (woops)
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'You really want me to strip for you, huh?'
'I'm so sorry, I really am!'
'No worries, lady,' the firefighter smiled, who happened to be smoking hot and spoke with an accent. He walked over to you, holding your cat in his arms as his colleagues sat grinning in the firetruck.
'Oh, Mister Meow Meow,' you cooed when the man handed you the cat, 'why did you get up in that tree, little fuzz ball?'
'Mister Meow Meow?' the firefighter, with beautiful mismatched eyes, chuckled.
'Yeah, I… I have no excuse for that name,' you giggled and hid behind the cat. 'But, I really am sorry. I know you guys have better things to do than rescuing cats out of trees.'
'Actually… I'm glad it was a cat this time,' the man said, raking his tattooed fingers through his short, dark hair, exposing a tattoo on the side of his head, and neck, as he turned his face to the side. 'This street has a lot of fires. So when I saw the address I expected the worst, but I was happy to read it was just a cat stuck in a tree. And no need to feel bad, my cat does this all the time too,' he shrugged with a sweet smile as he petted Mister Meow Meow.
'Wait, what do you mean a lot of fires?' you asked.
The man frowned and you quickly told him you had only moved in about a month ago, and so far, you hadn't seen or heard anything about fires in your street. The pretty boy explained that some of the older houses in your street have faulty gas cylinders, used for cooking, which causes gas leaks on the regular.
'Add a candle or cigarette to that and you know…' he mimics an explosion.
'Are people not aware of that problem?' you felt a little spooked.
'Oh, no, they are. The government has sent out letters to everyone in this street, after we urged them, and some people replaced everything. But there are so many people who always think it won't happen to them. Until, you know...'
'Do I have… how do I know if my gas… cycles?'
'Yes, those things...'
'If they're safe?'
'Well,' the handsome man looked over your shoulder at your house, frowning lightly as he bit down on his lip, 'yours should be fine, really. As you just moved in, they can't sell or rent out homes anymore without renewing the cylinders here.'
'Oh,' you smiled nervously.
'But… I mean, I could take a look at it, if that makes you sleep better at night?'
'Would you?' you asked shyly.
'Of course, lady. Wouldn't want Mister Meow Meow here to burn to a crisp - Gods, I mean, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, that was inappropriate, I… I'm,' he stammered and sighed, 'firefighter humour,' he grimaced and looked down to his feet.
You chuckled as his cheeks coloured a shade of red, 'It's okay, I get it. And I indeed would not want Mister Meow Meow to burn to a… crisp.'
The man laughed softly and you told him to follow inside. You apologised for the many unpacked boxes, you have just been lazy with unpacking. The man appreciated your honesty and checked the gas cylinder. You quietly studied him as he was busy. He was wearing the full firefighter gear, but you knew his body had to be muscular by the quick glimpse of his form fitting shirt underneath his jacket. The man was handsome and lean, and you wondered how he got the scars on his face, which gave him a rough look, in a good way. After a quick inspection he said everything was perfectly safe. You thanked him and he gave Mister Meow Meow a belly rub as his colleagues became impatient.
'Oi, hot shot!' one of the firefighters shouted with a thick Irish accent, urging him to hurry.
'I had to pet the cat, okay?' the hot shot shouted back as he walked out your door. He turned to wish you a good evening and told you to keep an eye on the cat, to which you simply smiled.
'Oh, and I don't mean to be rude,' he said, 'but you really gotta unpack those boxes, you know? Clear the floor. It's a fire hazard.'
'Oh, I… yeah, I - I will.'
'You better,' he said softly and smiled, quickly looking you up and down before he turned and jogged towards the firetruck.
'Wait! What's your name?' you called after him.
'Sihtric, lady,' still smiling when he looked back at you.
'Sihtric,' you repeated softly, making sure you'd remember, 'my name is-'
'I know your name, lady,' he said with a sly smile before he climbed in the truck, 'we always see who made the call.'
Sihtric winked with a cheeky smile and saluted you with his right hand, closing the truck's door with his left, after which his colleague hit the gas. 
And just like that, a firefighter had set your heart ablaze on a warm summer evening.
Almost two weeks had passed since your cat had climbed up the tree in your frontyard. And you knew exactly what was going on when you heard a loud, out of tune meow outside. There was only one cat with that horrible sound of a meow, and you looked out the window to find your fluffy cat up in the same tree again. You ran outside and tried to 'pss pss pss' him down, but to no avail.
'Mister Meow Meow!' you groaned, 'you're an embarrassment to this family!' 
You looked around and caught the lady next door frowning at you from behind her kitchen window.
'You can not seriously make me call the fire brigade again,' you muttered and buried your face in your hands. But Mister Meow Meow insisted on being rescued by a firefighter again. 
Full of shame you sat on your porch as a fire brigade commander truck pulled up to your driveway. You were confused that it was not the ladder truck with 4 men strong, like last time, and your cheeks were on fire when you saw Sihtric stepped out of the truck, with a smirk. Once again in full gear, this time accompanied by black sunglasses, which he took off as he neared you.
'Mister Meow Meow?' he grinned.
'I feel horrible,' you admitted.
'No need,' Sihtric reassured you and walked over to the tree, being greeted by your cat, who started to hiss at him from a safe distance.
'Oh, tough boy, are we?' Sihtric chuckled at the cat, 'but not tough enough to get out of the tree yourself, huh?'
'I think he's a little disappointed that the rescue operation is not as dramatic as last time,' you laughed and nodded towards the simple truck.
'Yeah, sorry to disappoint, Mister Meow Meow, it's just me today,' Sihtric yelled up to the cat and then turned to you, 'we got the call and I recognised your name and, obviously, this street too. So I already knew what was going on when I saw the word cat in the message. And also, this tree is easy to climb, so we didn't even really need the ladder last time,' he confessed, 'we had a slow day last time. The whole thing was just for show, lady,' Sihtric winked. You smiled and found yourself twirling your hair while you had been listening to him. 
Sihtric stepped towards the tree, took off his black bunker jacket and threw it onto your lawn, revealing the tight, white tank top he wore underneath. Your jaw dropped slightly as your eyes grew big, scanning every inch of his insanely toned biceps and broad shoulders as he pulled himself up into your tree. You felt your temperature rise and wondered what he looked like without that tank top, in just those black bunker pants with his red suspenders and black boots. You contemplated arson just to find out and thought he could probably set fire to your bed.
At the same time, the lady next door looked up from her cooking book, out the kitchen window, and lowered her reading glasses at the sight of the flaming hot fireman who flexed his muscles with each pull upwards. A few moms who were pushing their strollers also stopped, curious to see what was happening when they noticed the modest firetruck. 
You all had the same hungry look on your faces and held your breath when Sihtric, with those toned, veiny, sweat glistening arms, finally reached Mister Meow Meow, who was clearly not impressed by the man's appearance, and clawed Sihtric in the face when he managed to pull the cat towards him. You all gasped, but Sihtric didn't even flinch at the cat's assault and he carefully climbed down. You all watched his movements and wished those pants he was wearing were tighter.
'Let's see how tough you are next time you're in that tree,' Sihtric hissed at the cat who was dramatically meowing as he was pressed between Sihtric's chest and his muscular arm. Sihtric took a small leap out the tree and landed with both feet on the ground, he turned around and was greeted by a scattered group of women, who looked at him as if they hadn't seen a man in years.
He rolled his eyes, quickly handed you the cat and grabbed his coat off your lawn.
'Oh my god,' you said, 'I'm so sorry, are you okay?'
'What?' Sihtric frowned.
'Your face, my cat… he scratched you. You're bleeding a little.'
'Oh,' Sihtric smiled and wiped his cheek, smudging some blood across his face as he did, and each woman there felt a shiver go down their spine. Sihtric looked at his slightly blooded palm and shrugged, 'nah, it's nothing, lady.'
'So… can I… I don't get fined at some point, right? For calling the fire brigade every time this happens?'
'No, that won't happen. Otherwise I'll fix that for you,' he smiled and wiped his hands clean on his tank top and noticed that a bunch of women were still staring at him. He sighed.
'Show's over, ladies,' he said sternly, startling the women who made haste to continue about their day.
'Sorry about that too,' you blushed.
'Nah,' Sihtric clicked his tongue, 'pros and cons of the job I suppose,' he cleared his throat, 'hey, did you make any progress unpacking those boxes?'
'Yes, most of it has been unpacked. Just some heavier stuff left still, but the floor has a path now,' you chuckled and started to walk towards your porch.
'Good to hear,' Sihtric smiled, 'do you need any help? Moving the heavier stuff I mean?'
'Oh. Ehm… well… actually, yes,' you admitted shyly.
'Want me to help you out?'
'Would you do that? I mean aren't you working right now?'
'Yeah,' he shrugged with a smirk, 'helping a pretty lady out could be considered part of the job. Besides it's a slow day again, I have a few minut-,' Sihtric got interrupted by his radio in the truck. 
He looked down with a half smile and shook his head lightly. The whole day there had been zero incidents, apart from your cat being stuck, and just when he wanted to make his move someone called in an emergency. The gods weren't on his side today, he figured.
'I'm sorry, I have to respond,' he gestured to the truck.
'No, of course,' you said, understanding. 
You watched him walk up to the truck and, as he communicated with someone through the radio, you shoved your cat back inside the house and closed the door. When you walked back out again, Sihtric walked up to you.
'I'm really sorry, I gotta go. I'd love to help you out but someone's stuck in an elevator, and apparently they don't want to wait around,' he joked.
'Oh, god,' you chuckled lightly, 'it's okay, I'll find a way to drag the heavy stuff up the stairs sometime.'
'You do that,' he smiled sweetly, reluctantly stepping back as he really had to go, 'or, you know… next time that cat of yours gets up in that tree again I might have more time.'
'Next time?' you frowned, watching Sihtric open the car door and he chuckled.
'Yeah… I'm sure I'll see you again, lady,' Sihtric winked, put his sunglasses back on and got in the car.
'Fucking idiot,' Sihtric murmured as he drove away, 'should've asked her number.'
A few days later you found yourself in the petstore, trying to lift a heavy pack of cat litter off the floor as the employees didn't bother to help. Unbeknownst to you, Sihtric had walked in the store after you, looking for something they didn't seem to have, and he recognized you as you had paid. He enjoyed watching you struggle for a moment before he walked up to you and leaned on the counter.
'Need a hand with that, doll?' he asked with a sly smile as he looked down at you.
'Sihtric?' you looked up at the stunning man and your knees trembled beneath you, 'uh… no, no, I-I got this.' you smiled painfully. 
Sihtric chuckled and grabbed the bag, threw it over his shoulder and waited for you to tell him where to go. You walked him to your car and thanked him after he closed the trunk. 
'How's that Meow Meow?' Sihtric couldn't say the name without a chuckle, 'not climbing the tree anymore?'
'No, it's been too hot outside lately, he just stays inside the house now.'
'And here I was waiting for your call,' Sihtric clicked his tongue.
'Speaking about calls, how did the elevator incident go?'
'Oh, he died.'
'No, I'm kidding. The man's fine. He accidentally pressed the emergency stop,' Sihtric sighed.
'Oh,' you snorted, 'at least he lives.'
'He does,' Sihtric smiled at you and his eyes drifted to your lips for a split second. He looked away and lit a cigarette when you looked for your car keys in your bag.
'Not enough smoke to inhale in your line of work?' you blurted out.
'Bad habit,' Sihtric winked.
'Sure is,' you agreed with a smile. You didn't smoke yourself, and you knew it was bad, but Sihtric looked so damn hot doing it, you forgave him for it.
'What's yours?' Sihtric smiled and leaned back against your car, taking a drag of his cigarette and blowing out the smoke when you answered him.
'My bad habit?' you chuckled, 'hmm… probably falling for the wrong type of men.'
'That's equally as toxic as these things,' Sihtric held his cigarette up, 'but how so?' he asked before he took another drag.
'Ehh, it's a long story really,' you scoffed lightly.
'Hm,' he hummed and flicked his cigarette away. He tilted his head slightly up, away from you, and blew out the remaining smoke, 'care to tell me over a drink sometime?'
'Oh,' flustered by his sudden question, 's-sure. When? Like, eh, t-tonight?''
Sihtric smacked his lips as he took out a small box of mints from his black flannel's chest pocket, 'I'm working a shift tonight, doll,' he shook out some mints, 'how's tomorrow evening?' he held the box out to you but you politely declined, to which he smiled and chewed down his mints.
'Oh, I can't tomorrow evening, got dragged into someone's plans already, sorry,' you said.
Sihtric pouted at you before he chuckled and stepped closer, 'how about I check my schedule at work tonight and I'll text you?'
'Yeah, works for me.'
'Yeah?' Sihtric smiled and took out his phone. And you couldn't stop smiling after you had given him your number, and he promised to contact you later that evening. And he kept his promise as he texted you around midnight.
Sihtric: sorry I'm texting you this late, just got home, hope this won't wake you up. I have monday and thursday evening off. Let me know if that suits you?
You: hey, I'm still awake don't worry. Damn, you only have two evenings off per week? But monday works for me too :) 
Sihtric: hey :) 
Sihtric: oh no, I have the other nights off too next week, but it's only monday and thursday I'm really free, the other evenings I have to be on stand-by
You: ohhh I get it now :)
Sihtric: so monday it is?
You: monday it is
Sihtric: pick you up at 8?
You: you know where to find me ;)
Sihtric: I do ;)
You: how was your shift?
Sihtric: sweet of you to ask, but it was uneventful. Your night?
You: uneventful too
Sihtric: what keeps you up this late then? 
You: right now? Clearly you…
Sihtric: smart-ass ;) but fine, I'll stop texting you. about to doze off myself anyway
Sihtric: sweet dreams x
You: awh, go get some rest. sweet dreams for you too x
Sihtric: thanks doll
Sihtric: can't wait to see you next week xx
You: can't wait to see you either, pretty boy ;) xx
Sihtric: cutie :) xx
It was Friday night when Sihtric enjoyed a drink at his favourite bar after his shift had just finished. It had been a long day and, because he couldn't see you today, he wanted to have a quick drink to unwind, before he went home again. He had almost finished his drink when he heard a loud group of women walk in. He turned at the commotion and groaned lightly when he immediately figured it was a bachelorette party, as one woman was dressed in a, rather revealing, wedding dress.
'That's my cue,' Sihtric sighed at the bartender, who grinned, knowing exactly why Sihtric was keen to leave as his expected scenario was about to happen. Sihtric was still dressed in full gear except for his jacket, which was thrown over his shoulder. As he got up to leave, the woman dressed as a bride, clearly drunk, laid eyes upon him and she squealed before she turned to her friends.
'You guys got me a stripper?!' she exclaimed. Most of her friends seemed to join in on the excitement and screamed too, thinking one of them had hired a stripper.
Sihtric rolled his eyes and politely shuffled his way towards the door when he suddenly bumped into you.
'Sihtric?' you frowned with a smile, pleasantly surprised to run into him.
'Hey, doll,' he smiled, equally as surprised, 'what brings you here?'
'That nightmare,' you grimaced and pointed at the bachelorette party.
'You're kidding?' Sihtric scoffed while he was being eyed up by the other ladies, still expecting him to be a stripper.
'Unfortunately not,' you confessed, 'I'm having a horrible time. I barely know them. The bride to be is a new colleague at work who, for some reason, thinks we're best friends but… I don't vibe with her. I'm only being nice but,' you sighed, 'I'd rather be at home right now.'
'At home?' Sihtric frowned, 'not having a drink with me?'
'Well I guess that might also be better than this,' you teased.
'You guess?' he smiled and nudged your shoulder, 'watch it, cheeky lady.'
'Or what?'
'Or I won't rescue Mister Meow Meow when he's stuck in that tree again.'
You both laughed and had actually forgotten about the other women, until the drunk future bride came up to you and slurred, 'Oh, my god! You know the stripper man? Is he single?'
'He's not a stripper,' you told her, which she probably didn't even grasp but she stumbled off to her friends. 
'Sorry,' you told Sihtric.
'No, this actually happens more often than you'd think,' Sihtric grimaced.
'That sucks.'
'It does really,' he snorted.
'If it makes you feel any better,' you grinned, 'I think you'd be a hot stripper.'
'Well,' he gave you a sly smile, 'I only strip on mondays…' he winked and brushed his warm, rough hand over your arm, 'alright, I gotta go. Enjoy your night, yeah?' he said and pecked your cheek.
'I probably won't enjoy it much,' you chuckled and held his hand briefly, 'but seeing you made it better.'
Sihtric bit down on his lip and smiled, squeezing your hand before he stepped back to leave.
'Text me?'
'I will,' you promised. 
And you did. You texted each other throughout the weekend, both clearly impatient for Monday evening to arrive.
Sihtric: doll...
Sihtric: one of my colleagues fell off a ladder and broke his knee. I have to be on stand-by tonight to fill in. but I still really want to see you… you okay with that?
You: oh is he okay? And yeah no problem 
Sihtric: he's fine, didn't even happen on the job…
You: oh
You: what a lousy firefighter?
Sihtric: I know, I said the same!
Sihtric rang your doorbell around 8. You asked him if it was a good idea to get a drink somewhere because he was on stand-by, or if you should stay close to home. He told you it doesn't happen often that he gets called away when he has the evening more or less off, so he took you for a drink at the bar he had seen you a few nights earlier.
You learned Sihtric was polite, funny, smart and a flirt, but only with you, he clearly had no eyes for any other lady who glanced at him. He did sometimes ramble on about things, which you thought was adorable, and you didn't mind it either because you could listen to his sexy accent for hours on end. You eventually told each other about some of the failed past relationships you've had. You just always fell for douchebags whereas Sihtric couldn't keep a girl because they only liked the idea of dating a firefighter and not the actual reality of it, which was something he really wanted to make clear to you. You told him you understood it's not an easy life, but also admitted you had no idea what it would actually be like.
'I think you'll find out soon,' Sihtric smiled. He said that because he felt a connection with you, and somehow knew you were serious about him. Meaning that you'd stick around and would find out overtime what it's like when he has to work. But his comment turned out to be a grim prediction of the hours that followed. 
After about an hour, Sihtric had moved to sit next to you, instead of across from you, and had put his arm around your shoulders as he showed you pictures of his cat.
'So cute!' you smiled, 'what's his name?'
'Uh,' Sihtric snorted, 'dog.'
'You named your cat Dog, and you talk shit about Mister Meow Meow?'
You both laughed at the stupidity and found yourself leaning closer to him. His eyes darted between your lips and your eyes, and just when he was about to kiss you, his phone rang.
'Ah, shit,' he muttered before he read the message and looked at you, 'probably work.'
'It's fine,' you reassured him, albeit sad you got so close to kiss him and it got ruined.
'Fuck,' Sihtric looked bewildered, 'it's your street.'
He showed you the message and asked him what this meant.
'Fire, but it doesn't show the house number for me.'
'Oh my god,' you gasped softly while Sihtric quickly rang his work.
'Uhtred? Yeah, I got the message, but they still didn't fix that bug so I only got the street name and a vague hint of what is going on,' he paused as Uhtred spoke. 'Fucking hell,' Sihtric replied and gave you a concerned look, 'yeah, I'll be there. Bring my gear, okay? I'm out with my girl now, she lives on that street. I'm bringing her home first so I'll be there anyway. Yeah, thanks.'
Sihtric hung up and you both jumped up.
'Big fire,' Sihtric simply said, holding your hand as he made haste to his car.
'Do you know the house number?'
'Fifty-two?!' you yelled.
'Doll, tell me that's not your house,' Sihtric became concerned.
'No, but… but it's my neighbours!'
Sihtric hit the gas, knowing any speeding tickets would be terminated, if he'd get any, because he was a first responder. You already saw huge black clouds before you were even near your street and your heart was pounding in your chest. Sihtric had his hand on your knee as he drove, squeezing lightly, trying to comfort you. As you neared your house, you were met with thick clouds as the wind blew them your way. Almost at the same time as you arrived, the firetrucks did too. You watched your neighbours house in horror as flames danced out of the windows upstairs. You lived in a detached house, luckily, so the chances of the fire spreading to your house, or others, was very small. But if the wind would shift, the fire could spread to the tree in which Mister Meow Meow had climbed several times before. You were relieved to see both your neighbours were outside of their house, holding each other as they cried, while being guided away from the smoke by medics.
'Stay in my car, okay?' Sihtric said as he unbuckled his seatbelt, 'there's too much smoke, and you can't go inside your house right now.'
'But my cat…'
'Is he outside?'
'I… I don't know,' you slightly panicked.
Sihtric understood your worry and cupped your cheeks, 'he will be fine, don't worry, okay? I have to run, promise you'll stay here, doll?'
You nodded and grabbed his shirt before he could open the door.
'Sihtric?' you said, and he looked at you with soft, questioning eyes, 'be… be careful.'
'Always,' he whispered and kissed your cheek before he jumped out of the car.
You watched Sihtric gear up while some firefighters already started their attempts to put out the fire. It took a while before they had the fire under control, and it felt as if you hadn't breathed the entire time you watched Sihtric do his job. You had seen him run inside the house with a few others, and when it took a while for them to come out again, you felt sick with worry, but as no one seemed alarmed, you tried to stay calm too. It seemed to take ages, and you nearly cried when you saw Sihtric had made it out again, taking off his helmet for a moment now that the smoke was not as thick anymore.
And then you looked to your right, and you saw Mister Meow Meow up in the tree. And as fate would have it, you saw how tiny flames, carried by the wind, lit up the leaves at the top of the tree. You screamed and kicked the car door open. Running, without thinking, into your garden while breaking the plastic tape which clearly said "do not cross".
'Hey!' Sihtric shouted hoarsely and was bewildered when he saw you running. He immediately dropped his helmet and chased after you.
'Darling, stop!' Sihtric probably damaged his vocal cords with the force he used, but you seemed completely deaf to your surroundings.
'Meow Meow!' you cried, yelling at your cat, who was belching his signature, annoying meow. And before you reached the slow burning tree, Sihtric pulled you back by wrapping his arms around your waist.
'No!' you screamed.
Sihtric spun you around to face him, 'what the hell is wrong with you, sweetheart!? You shouldn't be here!' he shouted, heated. You could tell he was not angry with you, but clearly worried.
'My cat!' you sobbed and pointed to the tree. Sihtric exhaled sharply and clenched his jaw when he saw the fire slowly spreading down, while your fluffy friend was halfway up the tree.
'Fuck!' he growled loudly, 'your cat is going to be the death of me one day!' but without hesitation he ran and climbed up in the tree, again.
'Finan! Get her away from here!' Sihtric shouted over his shoulder as he heard you cough, and soon his friend, and colleague, pulled you away to a safe distance.
You saw how both the fire, and Sihtric, closed in on your terrified cat, while ashes and smouldering leaves twirled down. It was almost a beautiful sight, you thought, in a macabre way. Luckily, Sihtric was faster than the fire and, this time, Mister Meow Meow couldn't wait to jump in Sihtric's arms.
You cried when Sihtric sprinted back to you with your Meow Meow in his arms, who, despite everything, seemed okay, but a vet was called in to check up on him regardless. And to make sure he was okay, they took him for the night. Sihtric had to leave you again, and it was a whirlwind of chaos until midnight. By then, most of the firetrucks and first responders had left, as the fire had been extinguished and the smoke had cleared. All neighbours were allowed back to their houses as it was deemed safe again.
You sat on your porch, face down, hands in your hair as your elbows rested on your knees, and your eyes were closed. Trying to process everything.
'Hey,' a soft voice said as a pair of heavy boots approached you. You recognised Sihtric's voice and looked up. He smiled softly as he sat down next to you and pulled you in his arms.
'You okay?'
'Yeah, I think so,' you sighed, tiredly, 'worried about my cat, but I guess he'll be fine. They called me and said he had a few minor burns. They will keep him for a day or two to treat him.'
'I'm sorry to hear that, I'm sure he will be okay,' Sihtric whispered and kissed your temple.
'What about you?' you looked up at him and noticed the scratches and black smudges on his face.
'I'm perfectly fine, lady,' he chuckled and pressed his face against yours, 'it's you I'm worried about. Don't ever run somewhere again when it clearly says you shouldn't cross.'
'I know, I'm sorry,' you shook your head with a smile, 'will I get fined for that?'
'You might actually,' Sihtric laughed. 
You took his free hand and enjoyed being so close to him for a short moment.
'I'm sorry about tonight,' Sihtric said after a few minutes, 'this was obviously not what I wanted our first date to be like. And I also have to head back to the fire station in a minute, wrap things up there, file reports, all that stuff.'
'I don't blame you for anything, it's your job,' you shrugged.
'Yeah, but… do you think you can deal with that?' Sihtric asked cautiously.
'Maybe after I've processed this all… yeah.'
Sihtric smiled and cupped your cheeks.
'I really hope so,' he whispered, and finally captured your lips in a firm, sweet kiss.
'Will you be okay on your own?' Sihtric asked. You told him you'd be fine and promised that if you needed anything you would text him. He gave you another soft kiss before he turned to leave, and glanced back over his shoulder before he got in the firetruck. You gave him a smile before you stepped inside your house, where you fell asleep on your couch only minutes later. Drained by the entire events of that day.
You had slept all through the night, and morning, as you only woke up around noon when someone rang your doorbell.
'Sihtric?' you asked, sleepy and confused when you saw him.
'Hey, eh… I tried to call you, but you didn't pick up. Wanted to check on you so…'
'Oh,' you chuckled, 'sorry, I just woke up, haven't checked my phone yet.'
'Oh, I'm sorry, doll. I don't mean to be a bother. I just wanted to know if you were okay, that's all.'
'No, please, come in,' you smiled, 'if you have time?'
'Yeah, they gave me the day off today. Not even on stand-by,' he grinned.
'Aren't you lucky,' you joked and closed the door behind him, 'but why are you still in your gear?'
'I more or less slept at the station,' he confessed, 'I was too tired to drive home safely, so I just slept there. It's not the first time. Took a shower but I had no clean clothes with me, except for the set of jeans in my locker and the rest of my spare gear, so I had to wear this. It's a habit to still wear bunker pants over regular jeans, we all do it without thinking really. I actually meant to go home first to change, but I was a little worried about you so… yeah, sorry for the outfit.'
You snorted and said you weren't complaining, to which he gave you a cheeky smile.
Sihtric finally helped you with those heavy boxes you still hadn't unpacked, and he stole a kiss every now and then as he walked past you. To thank him, for everything, and to apologise for the troubles with Mister Meow Meow, you insisted on making him dinner, which he obviously did not decline. You both felt at ease with each other, so it was hard to not get close and keep your hands to yourselves. You both tried as hard as you could to not flirt throughout the day, but shortly after dinner it all went wrong, in the right way.
'So… how about that striptease?' you eventually asked after you had cleaned up the dinner table. You gave him a cheeky smile.
'Oh, you really want me to strip for you, huh?' he smirked.
'Well… you kinda promised…'
'I did, didn't I?' Sihtric gave you a cocky smile, 'but I said only on Mondays.'
'You ruined that for me,' you pouted, jokingly.
'Hey, if you have a complaint, lady, you can call my boss.'
'I might.'
'Sure,' Sihtric smiled and looked around your living room as he put his jacket on, 'well, got some music then?'
'What kind of music do you need?' you grinned.
Sihtric was quiet for a moment as he thought about your question while you quickly connected your phone to your speakers and handed the device to him.
A mischievous smile appeared on his face as he searched spotify. Then he hit play and threw your phone on your couch. And before the song could even start, he had you picked up in his arms and carried you over to your dinner table, where he sat you down.
The first note to Closer by Nine Inch Nails blasted through your living room and you stared at him, jaw slightly dropped, before you hid a nervous giggle behind your hands and looked away.
'Hey,' Sihtric smirked as he lifted your chin with his hand, 'eyes on me.'
Sihtric bit down on his lip and took your hand, guiding you to unzip his bunker coat, slowly. Your cheeks heat up instantly and would continue to do so throughout the whole song. Once unzipped, Sihtric took a step back from you and let his jacket slide off his shoulders, to his elbows, revealing his muscles and that tight fitting tank top he was wearing. He knew exactly what effect he had on you and enjoyed it. He gave you a cheeky smile and winked before he allowed his jacket to slip off further, until it fell on the floor with a heavy thump. 
Sihtric gave you a cocky look as your eyes darted over his arms. He closed the space between you and took your hands again, leaning his forehead against yours while smoothly moving his body to the beat, bringing your hands up above your head along with his. After a few seconds, he quickly let go of your hands and grabbed your hips, pulling you flush against his body in between your thighs. You let out a gasp at his strength and the sudden move. Your hands settled on his shoulders as you enjoyed the feeling of his body moving against yours. It had to be the sexiest thing you had ever seen, the way Sihtric moved so smoothly and in tune to the beat with his muscular body and his sly smile.
It became alarmingly hot in your house, and the fire hazard was a fireman, giving you a striptease and a lapdance. You giggled and looked away, but Sihtric was quick to grab your chin again, gently forcing your eyes back on him.
'Eyes on me, doll,' he said dangerously low and his fingers brushed your cheek lightly before he flicked his tongue against your lips. He took both your hands and moved them slowly up from his waist to his shoulders, making you feel every muscle underneath that tank top of his. You took a deep breath, which hitched as you felt his toned body underneath the soft fabric. Sihtric licked his lips as he looked into your eyes while guiding your hands again, sliding the red suspenders down his shoulders. He was enjoying this just as much as you were, and he smoothly dropped his bunker pants to the floor, revealing his regular skinny jeans underneath, which showed his muscular legs and his great ass.
'Enjoying the show?' Sihtric chuckled in your ear when he pulled you in. 
'Yeah,' you couldn't bring out another sensible word and simply giggled.
Sihtric hummed as he bit down his lip, dragging his hands over your thighs, to your knees as he took a step back.
'Is it not too hot for you yet?' he teased, to which you shook your head.
Sihtric crossed his arms and pulled his tank top slowly up to his chest, 'How about now?' he grinned as your big eyes took in those abs he had been hiding underneath all his gear. You shook your head again, completely flustered, and watched him take off his sleeveless shirt as you held your breath.
'Wanna have this, doll?' Sihtric smiled and held his shirt up to you. You nodded and attempted to grab the shirt, but he pulled back.
'Earn it,' he said with a smirk, 'use your tongue.'
You pulled him closer and slowly ran your tongue up from his waist to his collarbones, which made Sihtric hiss and throw his head back slightly. That shirt was yours now.
Sihtric moved his impressive body to the beat again before he took your hands, bringing them to his thighs, moving them up over his crotch, making you gasp as you felt his hard cock, and he moved your hands up over his bare torso. Sihtric winked with a smirk as he quickly flexed his muscles for you.
'Oh, Jesus,' you couldn't help yourself from blurting out when you felt his muscles tense under your hands, making Sihtric chuckle lightly.
He let go of your hands and pulled up a chair from underneath the dinner table. Sihtric was quick to pick you up in his strong arms again and sat you down on the chair, where he sank down to his knees in front of you, moving his hands slowly up your parted legs. And whatever sense you still had left in you disappeared when Sihtric pushed your legs together and got back up, placing his hands on the chair's backrest behind you, rolling his hips smooth and slow as he lowered his body down to your lap. He chuckled in your ear, grinding his hips against yours, causing you to moan softly and he kissed your lips before he got up again. Sihtric gently kicked your feet apart, leaned back in and shoved his knee between your thighs. He continued his slow hip rolls, driving you wild with his body, which made you grind against his knee as your hands moved up his chest again.
'You're so fucking hot,' you sighed.
'Yeah?' Sihtric smirked, 'you like it when I dance for you?'
'Yeah,' you moaned as he leaned in to give you a sloppy kiss.
'I want you to wear my jacket when I fuck you,' Sihtric whispered in your ear, 'will you do that for me, doll?' 
You nodded, light-headed at his request.
'Yeah?' Sihtric whispered huskily in your ear, 'take your clothes off for me now, babydoll?'
Sihtric took your hands and pulled you up, watching you rid yourself of your clothes as fast as you could. He beckoned you over as you wore nothing but your lace bra with matching underwear. He hummed with a smile as he eyed you up before he pulled your body against his, and sank down his knees again, slowly and sensually, trailing his hands over your skin and pecking your naked flesh where he could. He looked up at you with his sly smile and licked his lips.
'You're so sexy, babe,' he said softly before he got back up. Sihtric spun you around and pulled you against his chest, making you dance with him. You smiled at the feeling of his warm skin against your back, as his hands moved from your thighs up to your waist. Sihtric was breathing heavily in your ear as he pulled your hips against his, grinding his hard cock against your ass while moving your bodies to the beat. You brought your arms up, behind his head, softly brushing your fingers through his hair as you both rolled your hips, desperate to fuck to the beat. You danced until the song ended and, to both your surprise, suddenly transitioned into Beyoncé's Partition. 
You stopped your moves and both knew the tables had turned at that exact moment, and you immediately told him to take off his jeans. And as he did, you grabbed a pack of condoms out of a drawer.
You pushed Sihtric back towards the chair, making him sit down and you quickly straddled his lap. You kissed his lips sloppily and raked your hands through his short hair, earning a few moans and hisses as you pulled his hair and sucked his lower lip before you broke the kiss.
You took his hands and moved them from your shoulders to your, still covered, breasts and down to your hips. And then you slowly leaned back, all the way, until you nearly faced the floor upside down, allowing Sihtric to see your entire body as he held your hips, keeping you in place on his lap.
'Fuck, baby,' Sihtric breathed hard as he watched you move your hands back over your breasts, all the way to your panties, teasing him by sliding your hand down in your panties and playing with yourself for a few seconds as he watched. You heard him groan and you giggled as you moved yourself back up, biting his ear softly after you asked him to take off your bra. Sihtric struggled to unhook it, which made you both chuckle, but once loose, you took it off and held it up to him.
'Wanna have this?' you grinned when he nodded. 'Then take it… with your teeth, bad boy.'
Sihtric's eyes darkened even more and did as he was told. You watched him, with a satisfied smile on your face, and he quickly sat back, with your bra strap clenched between his teeth, tilting his head slightly with a smirk, awaiting your next command. You got up and told him to take off his boxers, which he did without wasting any more time, after he threw your bra onto his pile of clothes, so he wouldn't forget to take it with him later.
You grabbed his heavy, black bunker coat off the floor and walked back to him.
'On your knees, handsome' you said, 'and take off my panties.'
He gave you a cheeky smile with questioning eyes as he looked up at you.
'With your teeth, bad boy,' you answered with a smirk and he returned the look before he, again, did what you ordered him to do. He managed to pull your panties down with his teeth rather smoothly and he kissed your legs after, to which you gave him a soft shove with your knee, which told him to behave.
'Chair,' you said curtly. Sihtric was happy to obey and sat back on the chair, after he had thrown your panties towards his own clothes; he was taking all he could tonight, including you. 
You handed him a condom as you put on his large, heavy jacket, to which Sihtric licked his lips when he looked back up at you. His smile was gone and had made place for a look of burning desire.
Beyoncé faded away through the speakers and, as you finally sank down on his hard cock, Billy Idol's Soul Standing By started playing, to which you both grinned as you adjusted to each other.
'I'm wild for you,' Sihtric whispered the lyrics in your ear along with the song, and he chuckled. You smiled and rocked your hips, slowly, enjoying his cock inside you as deep as possible.
'Treat me right, babe,' you sighed along with the lyrics, and looked down in his eyes as you were riding him.
Sihtric moaned and murmured some lyrics, 'Oh baby, pretty baby, I'll make it last all night.' Proving once again that the lyrics made for a perfect response as the song continued.
Sihtric pulled you close by tugging his jacket, and you rocked your hips harder and faster while you kissed him. His hands slipped under the warm, heavy coat, and he just couldn't get enough of you. Your hearts were pounding out of your chests when you looked at each other; hot and sweaty, with heavy-lidded eyes and slightly parted lips, curled into a faint smile, while you both moaned soft yet heavy. Your hands moved all over each other as you fucked on that simple chair, and you smiled when you realised you were wearing a firefighter's, heavy jacket, while the firefighter who it belonged to filled you up perfectly with his cock.
You rested your forehead against his, while being torn between wanting to make hard, rough love with him or taking it slow, keeping him close while you fell in love with the handsome man, who had lit a fire inside you the first time you had met. Sihtric struggled too, wanting to pick you up and bend you over that chair, making you scream out his name, while also wanting to hear your soft moans in his ear as he held you close. You both knew it all depended on whatever song would blast through your speakers next.
You let out a sigh and smiled when you heard the first few notes of Heaven Tonight by HIM. Sihtric shared your reaction, knowing the song just as well as you did.
'Come here, baby,' Sihtric moaned as he pulled you closer, his arms keeping you snug against him.
'You feel so good, babe,' you moaned softly in his ear as you wrapped your arms around his neck, making slow, sweet, pure and almost emotional love with him. Sihtric moved one hand up in your hair and kept one arm around your waist, holding you as close as possible while he buried his face in your neck, softly pecking your skin as he enjoyed the way you took him all in. You fucked, slow and deep, murmuring sweet nothings in between kisses, and you both wished this bliss would last forever, but you soon reached your highs. 
You loved the soft, deep groans you got out of him along with his ragged breath, and Sihtric could listen to your soft giggles forever, which you let him hear just after you had finished, simply feeling overwhelmed with the man in your arms.
You held each other tight for a moment, enjoying the sound of your heavy breaths as the song you had made sweet love to was fading out, only to both break out in soft laughter when AC/DC's You Shook Me All Night Long suddenly started to play.
'They got that right,' Sihtric chuckled and looked up at you, taken aback by your beauty in such a vulnerable moment.
'They do,' you smiled, looking into his eyes, not believing someone could be this breathtaking.
'Be mine, baby?' Sihtric whispered as he nuzzled your nose softly, 'will you be mine?'
'I want to…' you looked away from him, 'I'm just… your job, it…'
'Scares you?'
You nodded lightly and Sihtric sighed.
'I know,' he smiled weakly, 'it's always a problem when it comes to relationships.'
'No, I don't mean that I don't want to be yours, I just think… I-I need help to… cope?'
'You should join me for a work dinner next week, you know, meet the wives and girlfriends of my colleagues. They had the same struggle as you when they started dating, but they overcame it. And I'm sure they will like you.'
'I like that idea,' you smiled and pulled him in for a kiss.
'So…' you grinned when Sihtric got out of your bathroom later that night, freshly showered, and joined you in your bed, 'are those stripteases a regular thing?'
'Maybe,' Sihtric shrugged with a smirk, 'but I think when your Meow Meow comes back home again tomorrow it will not be the same.' 
'That is true,' you agreed, 'hey, I think our cats should meet too.'
'They should. At some point,' Sihtric smiled, 'but I am not ready for that chaos yet. I want to have you all for myself first.'
'Don't you need to go home and feed your cat?' you frowned.
'I probably should,' he chuckled, 'but I don't want to leave you. Will you come with me?'
'But it's already late.'
'Stay the night with me then?'
You pretended you had to think long and hard about his offer. But then you smiled and kissed him. And Sihtric already knew he'd make love to you again later, but this time, it would be in his bed.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world
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toomuchracket · 6 months
angsty part two hmm. well maybe it can have something to do with whatever the heck was going on at electric umbrella studios. maybe girly is there helping out bea (we can pretend maybe she’s doing stuff with jack and not matty for ease of everyone’s heart lmao) then there is that little listening party or whatever where taylor and matty are seen together but maybe girly’s heart couldnt stand to stick around for very long so she leaves early. maybe in this dream matty pulls his head out of his ass and decides he will do anything and be anything that girly wants him to be because this thing with taylor is not doing it for him either
ok! edited the request slightly. and it doesn't have a happy ending because actually i'm a messy bitch who lives for drama. please note: THIS ISN'T ACTUALLY CANON IN THE D WORD UNIVERSE IT'S JUST A COLLECTIVE NIGHTMARE. ok. lol. happy new year. enjoy <3
gone four weeks, part 2 (d word matty x reader angst)
“oh my god, hi! you came! oh, thank you so much!” taylor pulls you into a hug, which you reciprocate warmly; you've no problem with her, after all. “and you look amazing! your hair! those shoes! it's a new look for you. i like it.”
you smile. “thank you, i just fancied a bit of a change. and thank you for inviting me! i was so touched when i got your message.”
“matty said it was your favourite of my albums - i couldn't not have you here.”
what the fuck?
“oh, he did?” you try to keep your face and voice steady. “that was nice of him.”
taylor nods. “it was the first thing he said when i first wondered if anyone would even come to a 1989 listening party - you would, if you were around. thank god margaret ran into you last week and told me you were!”
you murmur a “yeah”, in response, too busy reeling from the sudden emotional pain in your heart to reply properly. blinking a couple of times, you look back towards the front door of the studio to see more people coming in. “taylor, i'll catch up with you later, yeah? let you speak to… oh my god, i'm at the same party as kendrick lamar? fucking hell.”
she laughs, squeezing your arm. “no worries, babe. i'll see you later! matty’s… somewhere, if you want to catch up with him”.
not bloody likely. “cool. see you!”
you smile politely at kendrick, who returns it (!!), before heading off into the busy room. there are people you recognise absolutely everywhere you turn, but nobody you really know, more just celebrities you'd be worried about embarrassing yourself in front of. no sign of jack, or margaret, or even matty - not that you particularly want to see him, to be honest, but a familiar face (one not from your tv screen, that is) would definitely calm you down.
of course, so would a cigarette.
pulling your cigs and lighter from your bag, you nudge the side door open with your hip and step out into the alleyway and still-warm evening air. and then, almost immediately, you wish you hadn't. because, standing with his back to you - although that makes no difference, you'd know those back muscles and that head of hair anywhere - is matty, talking to jack and margaret, all three of them smoking.
fuck. this was an awful idea. but you can't turn back to go inside now, because jack's clocked you; he’s beaming, waving at you, shouting “sprout! get over here and smoke with us!”
despite yourself, you smile, wandering over and allowing yourself to be enveloped in a hug from the man and his fiancée. “wish you'd stop bloody calling me that, jack.”
“never,” jack replies, kissing your head as he releases you into margaret's arms. “you're sprout, and he's cabbage.”
“whatever - hi, mags,” you kiss your friend's cheek as she breaks apart and settles her arm around your waist, before reluctantly meeting your ex's gaze. you're irritated to see that he looks good. like, really good, something-twinging-between-your-legs good. get a grip! “matthew.”
“alright?” matty smiles at you, but it doesn't reach his eyes. “almost didn't recognise you. hair's shorter.”
you shrug. “wanted something different.”
“sounds like you.”
the snide comment slices through you. unlike last time, though, you don't tear up; you fire right back at him. “well, i'm at an age where i can afford to experiment.”
matty frowns, while jack and margaret burst into giggles. the latter kisses the side of your head. “god, you’re funny. i can't believe you were in the city all this time and you didn't tell us! i miss hanging out with you.”
“i was busy,” you place a cigarette between your lips, shaking hands trying and failing to successfully operate the lighter. matty wordlessly steps forward and does it for you - your cheeks burn as much as the cig does. “thank you.”
“don't,” matty waves it off, taking a long drag of his own cig before looking at you again. “so. you haven't been back home?”
“not since the last time you saw me,” you ash the cig, pointedly looking down at the ground. “there hasn't been any work for me to do, so there's nothing keeping me there, really.”
matty scoffs. “typical, you prioritising your job.”
“well, it's what you pay me for. you should be happy i care so much about my career, really, matty,” you smile, saccharine as summer peaches, before turning to jack and margaret. “anyway, how's wedding planning going?”
jack breaks into an excited soliloquy that you can only half focus on, hoping you're timing the oohing and aahing and awwing at his fiancée’s enthusiastic interjections right; most of your attention, you hate to say, is focused on the man opposite you, clearly - to you, at least - upset. the familiar guilt begins to gnaw at your ribcage, and you're thankful when margaret checks her watch and begins to usher you back inside.
matty, though, has other ideas. he touches your elbow, so lightly you barely feel it, and yet your body reacts as if he's punched you. “can i talk to you alone for a minute?”
panicked, you turn towards jack, who nods. “you still have a few minutes. i just need to go in to set up. see you in there!”
once you're alone with your ex, you move to brace yourself against the wall, folding your arms. “what?”
“why didn't you tell me you were in new york?”
“why would i?”
“well,” matty's voice falters; when he speaks again, it's almost a whisper. “i don't know. maybe we could've, like, gone for a drink. or you could've come down here to hang out.”
“again, why would i?” you tilt your head. “no offence, mate, but hanging out with my ex and his new girlfriend isn't exactly my idea of a fun time. or just hanging out with my ex full stop.”
“thanks for that,” matty grimaces.
you sigh. “look, i know you well enough to be able to read your cryptic fucking subtext. i've been alright, matty, i really have. i've been with friends.”
“you don't have any friends in new york.”
“and how the fuck would you know that? honest to fucking god,” you snap. “i didn't tell you everything about me…”
“i know that well enough.”
“...but, if you must know, one of my friends from home opened an exhibition in tribeca. orla.”
matty nods. “we went to her london opening together before… us, didn't we?”
the memory feels distant, as if from another life, but it hurts all the same. “yeah.”
“i would've liked to have gone to her show here, too. she's good.”
you smile genuinely for the first time, pride for your friend stronger than the fucked up pot of feelings you have towards matty. “it was really something. i helped set it up, actually. was fun.”
“really?” matty laughs; something cracks inside you when he does. “yeah, i can see you being good at that, actually.”
you look at the ground, still smiling, but less now. “been thinking about switching to it full-time. curation and stuff.”
“oh,” matty sounds crestfallen. you peek up at him to find that he looks it, too. “well… if that's what you want to do, i s'pose you should look into it,” he checks the time on his phone, while your heart sinks impossibly deeper. “it's starting soon. i'll head in now, and then if you-”
“wait thirty seconds before i follow you? yeah, i know the drill,” you smile lifelessly. “least you won't have to worry about that if i get a new job, yeah? you'll likely never have to see me again, let alone risk being seen with me.”
“i- anyway,” matty clears his throat, turning quickly away from you. “i should go.”
“okay,” the door closes behind him before you can even get the second syllable out, and there you are, alone again, in the suddenly-cold night air. you shakily exhale your cigarette for the last time, stubbing it out on the wall and stamping the butt with your high heel for good measure; once no trace of the flame remains, you go back inside.
for the rest of the night, part of you wishes you hadn't bothered. while hearing your favourite album is truly, genuinely brilliant, the experience is marred somewhat by your ex sitting in the seat opposite yours with taylor's head on his shoulder: you can't quite lipsync along to this love or clean or you are in love without your lips beginning to tremble, the new song now that we don't talk genuinely makes you nauseous when you figure out the lyrics, and actually hearing matty's voice on a vault track is painful beyond words.
but still, you clap, you fake smiles, you cheer for taylor and jack and the work they've put into the production. it's not easy, though, and you're thankful for the distraction when your phone buzzes with an invitation while you're alone at the drinks table grabbing another champagne.
“now i know you're not about to entertain a man who sent you an i miss you, come over text,” taylor’s voice sounds scandalised from behind you.
you turn, grinning, smile dropping slightly when you see she isn’t alone. “don't worry, i'm taking the piss out of him for it as we speak…”
“...but i am gonna go and see him, in a minute,” you finish, looking down at your phone and giggling when you see a reply. “if that's alright, that is.”
matty raises his eyebrows the way he does before he opens his mouth, but taylor beats him to it. “look at you giggling at him! of course! go! but first,” she gently drags you to a nearby sofa and settles onto it, patting the seat beside her; you take it, while matty awkwardly settles himself on a footstool in front of you both. “tell me about him.”
“you really want to know?” you aren't quite sure which of them the question is directed at. taylor nods, and judging by matty's expression he's also curious, so you sigh and keep talking. “well, his name is michael. he's a playwright. we met through friends. he's lived in new york his whole life. he seems slightly obsessed with me, but in a good way - so far, at least. he's very sweet.”
“a playwright? that's cool,” taylor grins. “what does he look like?”
“a bit like andrew garfield, actually,” you laugh, looking down at your phone again. “and he's offering to meet me at a bar, so it's probably time for me to be on my way.”
“sure. have fun, stay safe,” she pulls you into a hug; you see matty wince, out of the corner of your eye. “thank you so much for coming. when do you go back home?”
“not until the end of the month. i don't know if i'm actually going on the festival run, yet,” you shrug. “but i'll go home before it, just in case.”
“it's a lot, isn't it?”
taylor, babe, you don't even know the half of it. “yeah. it won't be easy.”
she hums. “we should hang out before you go. nothing crazy, just dinner or drinks or something. like, something fun, before you have to go back to keeping a record label running,” she nudges matty, who smiles quickly but continues looking at the floor. “i'll call you, okay?”
“that sounds good,” you stretch. “right, i really should go - the bar is a twenty-minute walk from here and i said i'd meet michael in fifteen.”
matty tuts. “he's knowingly letting you walk alone to meet him at half ten at night? no. absolutely not.”
you roll your eyes. “for god's sake, i'll be fine. i'm an adult!”
“yeah, babe, but still,” taylor’s eyes are wide. “take a car! for our peace of mind, at least.”
our. you do your best not to shudder, and smile instead. “if you're sure…”
“she's sure,” matty nods. “get it to take you back to your… whatever it is you're staying in after your drink, too.”
“i mean, i'm going back to his,” you look matty dead in the eye when you say it, and the sadness that fills his is impossible to miss. christ, what is his deal? “but thanks. anyway,” you hug taylor before you stand. “thanks again for tonight. i'll see you soon,” you nod at matty. “and i'll… see you at finsbury, definitely. maybe sooner. i don't know. there'll be an email soon confirming what's happening. bye.”
much to your chagrin, matty stands too. “i'll walk you out. make sure you actually get in the car - i know what you're like.”
for fuck's sake. “alright. bye, taylor!” you wave as you move towards the door.
“bye, babe!”
you walk quickly through the corridors, trying to keep some distance between you and matty. annoyingly, though, he matches your pace, and speaks. “so… michael.”
the vitriol practically drips from his tongue. you scoff. “what about him?”
“tell me more about him. what’s he like?”
“he's my age,” you pointedly don’t look at matty when you say that, but you hear the way his breath catches in his throat. the guilt begins gnawing again; you keep talking to distract yourself from it. “he's ridiculously american, which means he doesn't get my sense of humour sometimes, but as soon as he found out i lived in london he took the piss and started calling me ‘princess’.”
the word leaves your mouth before you can stop it; as soon as it does, you bite the insides of your lips together, guilt spreading to every bone in your body. tentatively, you look round at matty, who's stopped walking in favour of looking at the ground and clasping his hands behind his neck. everything about him radiates hurt, and it only worsens when he quietly speaks. “he calls you what?”
you can't bring yourself to say it again. “you heard me, matty.”
“wish i fucking hadn't,” your ex looks up at you again, and you know he's about to verbally lash out; he looks exactly the same as he did before you split. “you really let him call you that? my name for you?”
“think you lost all rights to that the day you dumped me, to be honest, mate.”
“fucking hate it when you call me that. stop it.”
“well, i'm sure as shit not going to resort to what i used to call you, am i?”
matty laughs mirthlessly. it's the worst sound you've ever heard. “no, you've got michael for that now.”
“no, i haven't,” you're loathe to admit what you're about to say, but you really want him to feel bad. “haven't slept with him yet - or anyone, for that matter, since you broke up with me,” you glance at matty, who looks rightfully sheepish, and decide to just fuck with him even further. “but maybe i will tonight. s'about time i felt good about myself.”
“you know, you've been really fucking snide today. i don't know what i've done to deserve it.”
you stop dead in your tracks, turning to face him in total bewilderment. “well, aside from the whole, y'know, dumping me at the first sign of disagreement, you fucking started it with the arsey comments today, matty. sounds like you? fuck off.”
he shrugs. “but it does. you don't want what i want, so… why bother keeping this going?”
you huff, pushing the door to the staircase open. “i never said i didn't want to get married and have kids, by the way.”
“what? yes you-”
“no, i didn't,” you smile sadly. “all i said was that i was unsure, and because it wasn't me immediately saying yes to something for the first time in our relationship, you took it as a no.”
matty's shaking his head. “no, that-that's not-”
“yes it is, sweetheart,” the tears are beginning to prick at your eyes; matty's too, you can see. “that's what happened.”
“but you freaked out so much…”
“because you sprung it on me, out of the blue! come on, matty,” you can feel your jaw trembling. “you would've done the same, if a partner had asked you that question when you were my age.”
matty sniffles. “please stop bringing up the age gap, darling.”
the pet name enrages you; it's agonising how natural it sounds coming from his lips, and even more painful how automatically your body reacts to it. “well, i can't not, given that it's what fucked us up, in the end,” you take a deep breath, and walk out the side door onto the street. it's fairly quiet, you're relieved to see. “besides - i thought you liked it? that was my appeal, wasn't it? being young, and pretty, and naive, so fucking naive. a meek little toy, something you could play with however you wanted without fear of it rebelling against what you wanted. because that's really all that matters, isn't it, what you want? course it is, because when that was threatened, you stopped wanting me.”
hot tears are hitting your cheeks with increasing speed, but your voice somehow stays strong, unwavering, controlled; the same can't be said for matty, who's crying just as much as you. “no, no, that's not true, not at all, please don't say that.”
“but that's what it feels like,” your voice cracks into a sob. “you didn't even want to talk to me about it. you were just... fine with letting me go. i didn't think you could ever be so cruel to someone you claim to have loved, once, matty. especially not someone who loves you as much as i do,” sniffling, you wipe your eyes and open a car door, quickly telling the driver the address of the bar before turning back to matty. “i appreciate you getting taylor to invite me tonight, but i think it was a mistake; we can't be friends, you and i, we really can't. i'm sorry, it just… hurts,” you check the time. “i need to go. take care.”
it's too warm in the car. you roll the window down slightly. you can hear matty crying from halfway down the street.
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evilcokito · 2 months
This is probably not canon, but does that stop me from imagining it? Nope, unfortunately, so you’ll have to hear me out-
Crewel was a Night Raven College Student, but what if he was a rockstar back then. Like ok he has the hair for it. Bro joined the pop music club and immediately converted all the members to rock. Just him in a black skintight sweatshirt, chains dangling away on his chest… maybe a fur coat tied around his waist, fingers literally working that electric guitar like a banshee going insane….
Crewel: [ goes on stage ]
Well, as you all know, the teachers try to control what songs we play. This one is dedicated to you teachers, it's called:
" Suck my d*ck "
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anxiously waiting for someone to talk about MUSIC BECAUSE MY BRAIN SAYS RRRROOOOOCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!! Thanks Ceru! I have MILLIONS OF MUSIC HEADCANONS IN MY HEAD and had this sketch for some time ago... @k-looking-glass-house Can help us with this... British Rebel. MANY music bands are going to be named here!
Headcanons canons in our head:
+ Pomefiore student. Elegant, beautiful and with serious authority problems- At 16 his cosmic rebellion began, no one could stop him. He take over the light music club, but LIGHT?? HARD ROCK! BABY!! + Smoked at 17, don't follow his bad example bad for you. + Sanctioned in school millions of times. Trein's mortal enemy since he was young. + Started bleaching his hair around this time. + Music became the 2nd expression form. Fashion is first. + He plays the guitar INCREDIBLY WELL.
YEP! Young Crewel's playlist... what style did he play? HARD ROCK! There is also some Punk Rock and Heavy Metal (all 70s and 80s) too A little rebel with fine music taste. Youtube links just in case.
Mötley Crüe - Kickstart My Heart.
Iron Maiden - Number of the Beast.
Judas Priest - Turbo Lover.
Billy Idol - Rebel Yell (bro thinks he IS Billy Idol).
Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the Uk.
+ Currently he says "STAY! It was just a teenage stage!" But he listen W.a.s.p and WhiteSnake. + Crewel secretly entered the current Light Music Club and took the guitar. He started playing "W.a.s.p - Wild Child" and "Generation X - Dancing with Myself". + " Puppies! Do you know The Clash or Sex Pistols? (Lilia yes) You play another style of music? … what the heck are they playing here now? ". + "....are you listening to Black Sabbath - Heaven and Hell, Sam?" "Sam: *blinks* ..........yeah?" + Sam has another style of music, but Crewel finds it strange how he goes from Bauhaus to Megadeth to Pink Floyd in a second and... BARBIE GIRL???
+ " Vargas is listening Al Corney - Square rooms?". (Vargas is a romantic. Romantic ballads and Europop.) Not enough noise for Crewel.
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wayward-dreamer · 1 year
Far From Innocent - Part 4
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Female!Reader
Word count: 1,980
Summary: Y/N's life is quite simple. She's engaged to be married in a few months, she has the easiest job at Vought American, and she stays out of the drama or away from rumors she's heard around the office. An encounter with Soldier Boy, Vought's most respected hero, quickly changes all of that and she soon realizes that there's more to life than what she's settled for. (Set in the 50s)
Warnings: Swearing, degrading language, typical 1950s misogyny, cheating, drinking, smoking, drug use, smut: dirty talk, oral sex (male & female receiving), facesitting, unprotected sex, rough sex, cum swallowing
A/N: The last part! I'm so happy everyone loved this. Happy reading and enjoy! beta'd by my darling @hintsofhoney
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Y/N quietly shifted under the sheets, pulling them back and swinging her legs off the bed. She slowly stood up, turning to look back at Soldier Boy to make sure he hadn’t woken up. He snored lightly, his head turned with his flippy locks covering his eye. She walked across the floor and into the bathroom, softly shutting the door behind her. Her eyes felt heavy, her mouth dry as her mind was cloudy from the drug induced haze. She made her way to the sink, cringing at her reflection in the mirror. Her mascara was smudged, her remaining lipstick stained her lips, but her eyes wandered down to her neck, biting her lip as her fingers touched the deep red lines on her throat. She replayed his hand around her throat over in her mind, feeling her cheeks heat up at what had occurred the previous night.
Stepping back a little, she looked down at herself, her hands smoothing over the marks that had developed overnight on her skin from his hands. She turned on the tap and wet her hands, dabbing under her eyes and lips to make herself look decent. She used a wet cloth to wipe herself down and get rid of the stickiness of sweat and his spendings, before she turned the tap off. Picking up a dry towel, she wiped her hands, patting down her face and body, taking another look at herself. She looked better than before, but she hoped she would get home in time to fix herself before her parents woke up. She had to go for her dress fitting with her mom so she had to make herself presentable as quickly as possible once she got back. She walked out of the bathroom, tip-toeing across the floor as her eyes scanned around the room for her bra and panties.
“Leaving so soon?”
She turned around, the nerves that she had last night before she pushed them down slowly creeping back in as she saw Soldier Boy sitting up against the headboard, a smirk on his face as he watched her. She pulled the edge of the sheet up and covered herself, feeling oddly exposed despite the things they had done the night before.
“Yeah,” she replied, nodding as she looked away from him. “I really should.”
“Okay,” he replied, but his signature grin never left his face. “But uh, I’m not starting the day without you sitting on my face.”
Y/N pressed her lips together to keep from smiling. She supposed she could wait a little longer for the fantasy to be over.
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“What the heck are you talking about? Where is she?”
Jim pushed his hands through his hair, ruining his slicked back look but he couldn’t care less in that moment. He had gone to Y/N’s house to take her to breakfast as an apology for what happened during the commercial shoot, but when he arrived they told him she wasn’t there and hadn’t been all night.
“She told us she was meeting you,” Y/N’s father replied, glaring at him. “So maybe that’s a better question for you.”
“Look, I swear-” Jim started but stopped as he heard her mother coming down the stairs. She walked into the kitchen, a worried expression on her face as she held out her hand, Y/N’s engagement ring sparkling in her palm.
“It was left on the nightstand,” she said, her voice cracking as she looked between her husband and Jim.
Jim looked down at the ring, his jaw clenching as he tried not to get carried away with what could’ve happened to Y/N.
“I’ll call her friends, see if they know where she is…”
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Y/N’s eyes closed tightly, her knuckles clenched as she held onto the headboard, a loud whimper escaping her as her hips shifted against Soldier Boy, feeling his beard tickle her inner thighs. He held onto her as he worked his tongue over her folds, grunting as his skilled muscle circled her bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, yes,” she moaned loudly, one hand combing through his hair and gripping tight. “Feels so good…”
“You like that, doll?” he asked, his lips pulling away as he kissed along the inside of her thigh.
“Fucking love it,” she whimpered, rutting against him as a smile spread across her face. “I’m-I’m so close…”
It wasn’t long before he brought her to the edge once again, a sharp cry leaving her as she felt her release wash over her, biting her lip as she heard him groan at the wetness that coated his lips and tongue. She shifted down his body, her hands pressing into his chest as she looked down at him.
“I was right,” he said, smirking up at her. “You really do taste fucking incredible.”
She felt her cheeks heat up at his statement. The longer their eyes lingered on each other, the more she felt like she didn’t want to leave. But she knew their time was coming to end soon, and the bubble she had been in since last night was about to burst.
But not before she took him for one last ride.
“That’s why I’m asking you,” Jim stated, frustratedly. “If I knew where she was, do ya think I’d be calling?”
He sighed as he heard her friend muttering on the other end of the phone, but she wasn’t making any sense.
“You know what? Thanks for nothing, Louise,” he snapped, slamming the receiver down. He scratched Y/N’s friend’s name off the list of places she could be, throwing his pencil on the floor as he sat back.
“Damn it!”
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Soldier Boy grinned as he looked up at Y/N, his eyes glancing between her face etched with pleasure and the way her hips rocked against his. His fingers dug into her flesh as he helped her move, her own pressed into his chest, her nails leaving marks on his skin. The night had turned out to be better than he expected, Y/N surprising him in ways he didn’t think she would. He thought she’d shy away from things, but he had never been so glad to be wrong.
“You look so fucking good like this, doll,” he groaned, his hands gripping into the globes of her ass. His neck strained back as she began to thrust faster, his eyes admiring the roll of her hips. “There you go, sugar, just like that… ride my dick, make yourself cum.”
A trembling, drawn-out moan left her lips as she bounced against him, chasing the high that was quickly approaching. The rhythm of her hips faltered slightly, his hands on her the only thing keeping her from losing it completely. “Oh, fuck, I’m-”
“You’re doing so good, doll,” he rasped, nodding slowly as he gazed up at her. “Cum for me, Y/N, cum on my cock…”
Her hips rocked harder and faster, the euphoric peak hitting her quickly as she stilled, a passionate scream escaping her as she came. She breathed heavily as she looked down at him, knowing he was close too. She shifted off him, on her knees between his spread legs as she wrapped her hand around his length, pumping up and down as she sucked at the tip. A guttural moan erupted from him as he threw his head back against the pillow, her mouth enveloping his cock as she tasted herself and him as spurts of his cum coated her tongue. She took everything he had to give, licking the tip as she drew back, her eyes locked on his as she swallowed.
“Fuck,” he husked, shaking his head in disbelief as he started to chuckle. “You really are something.”
She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, her heart soaring at his words. Her eyes glanced at the clock on the nightstand, seeing the numbers flip over to 10:06am. She had well and truly missed her fitting, and she knew she was going to get an earful when she got home.
Y/N freshened up again in the bathroom, finding her bra and panties once she got out, putting them on quickly before she pulled on her stockings. She walked out into the living area and picked up her dress, stepping into it. She tried to reach back and pull the zip up, but she groaned in frustration as she couldn’t manage it. How did she do this yesterday? She flinched slightly as she felt Soldier Boy’s hands brush against the skin of her back, his fingers taking hold of the zip and slowly pulling it up. She turned around, her eyes taking in the green robe he had put on, his chest slightly exposed.
“Thank you, sir,” she said, briefly glancing at him.
He watched as she slipped her feet into her heels and picked up her purse, biting her lip as she spotted her ruined girdle on the floor, turning back to him. They stared at each other before he took her hand and pulled her towards him, kissing her roughly. She reached up and combed her fingers through his hair at the back of his head, a little breathless as he pulled away first.
“Okay, now I really have to go,” she sighed, frowning as gazed up at him.
“Back to the fiancé, huh?” he asked, raising her eyebrow.
A small, contemplative smile pulled at her lips. She knew what she needed to do once she got home. “Yeah.”
“Well, then… see you Monday,” he grinned, smacking her ass.
She squealed as she jumped back, trying not to smile as he winked at her. She bit her lip as she walked towards the door, adding a little swing to her hips as she strutted away. As she reached for the doorknob, she turned back to give him one last look. Knowing he had been staring at her as she retreated, she finally let her lips pull up. He gave her a small salute as she opened the door, turning back to his room just as she closed it.
Taking the elevator down, Y/N squinted as the sun blinded her once she walked out of the building. She opened her purse and took out her sunglasses, placing them on as a content sigh left her. She walked down the street, her mind reeling as she replayed the events of the previous night over and over in her head. She did things she never thought she’d do, and with someone who she never thought would ever look in her direction.
She wasn’t dumb, she knew nothing else would ever happen with Soldier Boy, nothing serious at least. Spending the night with him didn’t lead her to any hopes, but more revelations of what she needed in her life. He had awakened something in her that she knew Jim could never bring out, and that was why she had to find someone who could do that for her. Someone who she could see herself with, someone who drove her wild and who took pleasure in her pleasure.
After a quick bite of a bagel and coffee from the cart around the corner from the Vought building, she headed home. Jim was waiting for her, completely fuming. Words were exchanged, he yelled, and she yelled right back, before she finally called off the engagement. He left in a hurry, scowling and huffing as he slammed the door behind him.
She never told him what happened with Soldier Boy. She didn’t see the point once she made her decision to end their relationship. She didn’t know if he would’ve believed her anyway.
All she knew was that Vought’s most respected supe had freed her, and she could finally look for what she truly deserved in life.
And she could have all the fun she wanted while searching for it.
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Join my taglist(s)! If you’re crossed out I couldn’t tag you :(
Forevers: @hintsofhoney // @makeadealwithdean // @writercole // @flamencodiva // @440mxs-wife // @sexyvixen7 // @foxyjwls007 // @maliburenee // @waynes-multiverse // @weepingwillowphoenix // @kyjey // @leigh70 // @savagemickey03 // @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone // @agentorange9595 // @buckybarnes-1917 // @lunarmoon8 // @stoneyggirl2 // @hobby27 // @sweetcyanidemilkshake // @envyaurora95 // @jassackles // @ircngirl //
The Boys: @lacilou // @kazsrm67 // @smellingofpoetry // @krazykelly // @nancymcl // @quincessimus //
Soldier Boy: @emoryhemsworth // @spnwoman // @akshi8278 // @katelyn--renee // @candy-coated-misery0731 // @deans-spinster-witch // @deans-baby-momma // @mariaenchanted // @globetrotter28 // @pink-sparkly-witch // @lyarr24 // @stephv213 // @perpetualabsurdity //  @lessons-of-red // @redbarn1995 // @xlynnbbyx // @recoveringpastaaddict // @maggiegirl17 // @rebeccathefangirl // @ladysparkles78 // @sl33pylilbunny // @smolone88 // @chernayawidow // @deansbbyx // @ultimatecin73 // @solariklees // @kat-nee
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clemblog · 28 days
Caine’s Lesson - Part 20
Gummigoo and Pomni found themselves in bodies which weren’t quite their own in this next adventure.
Pomni found herself a raccoon dressed in her same old jester hat. She had dark grey and black fur, the only resemblance of her humanity being the fact she stood on her hind legs and having her same old big red and blue eyes.
Gummigoo found himself now in the form of a human. A man. A guy. He had tan skin with blonde and green hair. He still had his cow boy hat, but now had a candy themed cowboy outfit to go with it. On his jacket was a little gator brooch. The only resemblance of his former self being his white eyes.
“Uh- Pommy?” Frowned Gummigoo, looking down at the familiar raccoon beside him.
“Y-Yeah- Gummigoo, what the heck happened-“ Chirped Pomni.
“Well- You’re some kind of cute fluffy little creature- If I had to guess some variant of a candycoon- And I’m a big buff guy- Instead of a big buff gator-“
“Yeah- I uh- figured- So… How do you think we fix this? Cause I don’t really appreciate this fur-“
As soon as she asked the question a puff of smoke engulfed the pair.
The two fell into a coughing fit, a maniacal laugh cutting through the air as the smoke aired out.
“Oh devious adventurers~ I see my curse has finally activated!” Giggled a beautiful cat lady with purple fur. She wore an obvious witch costume, so the two had to guess that she was a witch-
“If you want to fix yourselves~ You’ll need this whimsical necklace of mine~” She purred smugly, holding out a necklace which had appeared in her hand, swaying it just out of reach of the two. She was very tall.
“Great.” Grumbled Gunmigoo. “And I got a hunch you ain’t gonna give it to us, right?”
“You’d be correct, Gator Boy~”
He huffed at this, rolling his eyes.
“What. Do. You. Want. Then.”
“Mmmm, I’ll be nice~ Get me fifty gold and you can have this.”
She disappeared in another puff of smoke.
“Fifty gold?!” Eeked Pomni, pulling on tufts of her fur. “How the heck are we supposed to get fifty gold nuggets?! Is there some kind of mine shaft in this adventure or something-“
“Darlin’, I think the currency in this universe if called gold, like how we use peppermints. We need to try and have people give us money.”
“Oh- Right- Let’s go do that then-“
The two continued on the path they’d arrived at and found themselves headed towards a busy looking town.
“Ugh, I can’t pickpocket in this new weird body-“ Grumbled Gummigoo, surveying the bustling road full of humans and animals alike.
“Why don’t we just ask? We can explain what’s up.” Hummed Pomni, gently.
“…Alright Poms, we’ll give it a try.” Sighed Gummigoo fondly.
The two watched over the crowd for a few more moments, eventually deciding to approach a posh looking macaw fella in a top hat and suit.
“H-Hello? Excuse me- Me and my friend here need to make fifty gold- We got cursed by this witch lady-“
“Yeah, not falling for that one again lady-“ Scoffed the man, storming off.
“Oh-“ Pouted Pomni, turning to look at Gummigoo. “Any ideas on what we can do right now?”
Gummigoo thought this over, looking down at Pomni. She looked absolutely adorable right now with her fluffy little face. With her pouty face and sweet eyes, he couldn’t help but smile softly at the site of her. He’d do anything for her any day, but in this new look she could convince him of anything in a matter of seconds. …Bingo.
“Hey Pommy~?”
“How long do ya think you can keep up that cute little face you’ve got going on?”
“…Uhm- A little bit, why?”
“You’ll see.”
“Step right up! Come see my adorable comrade! She has the rarest, most beautiful eyes you’ll ever see on a raccoon~ For only two gold, you can get a picture!”
Pomni was definitely a little flustered at hearing him describe her so gently. She wondered if he thought this about her all the time- Where her eyes really that pretty? She doubted it-
“Oh how beautiful my dear! Your eyes must be a gift given to you by god!”
“Oh- Thank you-“
“Mama! Mama! Look at the pretty raccoon lady!”
“I see her baby.”
“Oh Miss, my daughter has eyes just like yours! She’ll have to meet you one day, so you can show her how you care for yours so wonderfully!”
“Oh- Uh- Alright-!”
“Hey, you’re one cute little lady Miss~”
“Back. Off. Buddy.”
“I’m going-“
“Thanks Gummi.”
“No problem darlin’.”
“Honey, honey, you should stop by my shop sometime, your eyes are beautiful, they’ve got to have some kind of spiritual meaning~ Free of charge, I’ll get ya an examination!”
It took a long few hours of the two being out on the street, talking to people and casually mentioning their need for gold. Some people gave it. Some people where just their for a nice chat. Either way, they slowly scrapped the fifty gold together and walked back to where the witch had initially appeared.
“Ah! Well done my little gold gathering girl and gator~” She purred, watching with a giggle as Gummigoo caught the necklace with a bit of thumbling. The bag of gold was now in her hand and she was very happy with that, insisting that she needed to keep the extra the two had made as well.
In any other situation, Gummigoo would have argued with this, but they weren’t going to be staying long so she may as well have it-
She disappeared once more in a puff of smoke.
The two now spent the next twenty minutes figuring out how to use the necklace, the witch never bothering to inform them of how it worked. It took a lot of trial and error but with the necklace around both their necks and Gummigoo holding Pomni, they poofed back into their normal forms.
“There’s my darlin~”
“There’s my gator!”
The two were then whisked off to their next adventure, having completed their task for this one.
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Pre HOO Jason just casually usurping his father for the Olympian throne.
And everyone's like oh how typical of a son of Zeus... Jupiter(?) always searching for power.
Jason's just like "you think I wanted this? We've been lodging complaints for years because you guys never visit us.
If I didn't do this the 1st cohort were gonna sacrifice Steve, and no one wants that especially not Steve.
So we held a vote, and well..." He sighs like someone who's just done with everything. "Everyone voted for me, even Octavian so you know shit is fucked.
Anyway, I'm in charge because you sir are bad at it like... terrible at it. Don't worry I'll give it back, once you sort out your... Everything."
Zeus/Jupiter is pissed as all heck but Poseidon calls a vote and shockingly everyone votes in favour of Jason.
Jason is just yay my plan is working but also... Why me?!
"Why did they vote you?" Asks Annabeth.
Jason shrugs "apparently other than Reyna who said no way, I'm the only other one who has 'common sense' and won't 'fuck things up anymore than usual.'
Apparently keeping a bunch of Romans from burning down camp every other week, makes me qualified to lead. The whole lead them into battle against Krios only made it worse."
Annabeth blinks, before nodding "no yeah, makes sense. I'm Annabeth Chase."
"Jason, Jason Grace.... Erm is she okay?" He points to Thalia who is just trying to process everything.
"Oh she's fine, just a lot to take in. She's my sister, well our sister Thalia Grace." Says Annabeth, having figured it out already.
Jason grins "no way?! Really?" He frowns "hey wait Nico told me she was a tree?" Annabeth snorts "it's a long story."
That he can agree with.
"Soo... What should we do with him?" Asks Percy pointing to the very pissed off Zeus/Jupiter who's laying in a heap on the floor.
"He's going to lose his powers. He's going to become someone that even a newly turned demigod can defeat.
He will know what it means to helpless and have no one to turn to. He will have the same immortality of that of a huntress, all the while everyone he's ever messed with hunts him for sport.
His only allies will be those who choose to aid him. He will be shunned, he will be isolated and learn what it means to be mortal."
Evetuone looks at Jason in shock, probably because it was the first time they'd seen him so serious.
Suddenly an entire legion voting this guy to be Zeus/Jupiter's replacement made a lot more sense.
"And what" spits Zeus/Jupiter, getting up to glare at his spawn. "Makes you think you can do that to me?"
Jason smiles, but it isn't kind "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?" Before throwing something that engulfs his father in blue smoke.
When the smoke clears, the great king of Olympus now appears as a young man. He tries to pick up his masterbolt, enraged and it shocks him.
Hera is escatic, pulling Jason into a hug "you did it, I knew you had it in you." She says ruffling his hair "Lady Hera!" He pouts, trying to fix his hair.
She frowns "none of that, I have told you time and time again to call me mum." Jason mouths the words as she speaks, very clear they've had this conversation a lot.
"Sorry your majesty, Lady Hera, Queen of Olympus." Hera sighs but her gaze is fond.
"Mum?" Asks Annabeth. "I'm her champion but she'd watch over me as a baby and as a kid so she basically helped raise me." Explains Jason.
He totally knew about the bet Hera and Lupa had to see which he'd call mum first, and he totally wasn't messing with them both.
Nope, absolutely not.
"And er yeah, you guys can take him back to your camp when you want." Says Jason.
Hera lights up, a devious smile on her face. "I'll take care of that" Apollo raises a hand, a similar look on his face "I'll help."
The two vanish with the now fallen king.
Well that should be fine.
Jason shrugged, ah well he tried.
"Soo... Who are you anyway?" Asks Percy, curious. Jason sighed, he was gonna have to put that nap on hold.
"Well it all started when my mum left me to the wolves, pun not intended."
(@star-archivist I'm not sure it this what you meant by "needing more of this", but.. Here it is 😅)
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
ok ok so my idea is male reader x mk swk macaque and redson and the reader one day, randomly finds out he's a fox, like he does something like sneeze, or hit his head and then poof. critter. and everyone is freaking out and the reader is confused on whats going on until someone just bluntly says, mouth agap "your a fox" and now reader is freaking out with their partners freaking out. do what ever you want with this<3
This is cuteeee please enjoy!
"The Fox Says 'Oh No How Did We Get Here'"(635 w.c)
MK, SWK, Macaque, and Redson x Male!Fox?!Reader
Funny Romantic Oneshot
Pronouns: he him
CW: none I think
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As y/n was cleaning up his home, excited for his partners to all show up for movie night at his place, he had a weird feeling in his gut. It wasn’t a painful feeling, but it was almost like dizziness. As he finished sweeping, he sneezed, and then the feeling was gone. He felt triumphant about it, but then he looked down at the ground and saw how much shorter he was. He had paws, a tail, and a snout he could see if he went cross eyed. 
Oh no.
What was happening?!
“Y/n, my beloved! We have arrived! And with refreshments!” Redson called, entering through the front door. MK and the others were trailing behind, each with a bag that he could only assume was said refreshments. 
“I wouldn’t call five bags of peach chips refreshing.” Macaque commented, looking over his shoulder at Wukong. 
“Hey, it’s either this or popcorn kernels stuck in my fangs for days!”
“Do you not know about any other snacks??”
“What the heck? There’s a fox!” MK called out, pointing at y/n. 
“Oh my gods, it ate y/n!” Wukong cried. 
“No, idiot, use your gold vision.” Redson said. 
“Oh my gods, THAT’S Y/N!” 
Macaque approached y/n, head tilted and tail flitting in concern and curiosity.
“I don’t know what happened! I sneezed, and now I’m here! How do I change back?!” Y/n panicked. He could hear the pitch of his voice being much higher. Macaque picked him up and looked him over. MK and Wukong, although concerned like the others, were both clearly holding themselves back from gushing over how cute he was. 
“Well, if you sneezed to change, maybe you need to sneeze again to undo it?” Redson suggested. 
“But I don’t really need to sneeze anymore.”
“Here, how’s this?” Macaque took a hold of his own tail and brushed it back and forth under y/n’s nose. He sneezed, but he didn’t change back. 
“Okay…so maybe we should consider other solutions?” MK chuckled.
“Like what? The most obvious one just proved not to work!” Y/n was still so utterly confused as to why this even happened. 
“Calm down, sweetheart, we’ll figure it out! You’ve got,” Macaque stopped to do a head count. “Two very smart beings here to help!”
“But there’s five of us in total!” MK said.
“Make that three, since the kid finally learned to count.” 
“Either way, maybe it was something in the dust you were sweeping?” Redson interjected, kneeling down to the dustpan and looking at it. 
“Like what?”
“Well, you’ve got three mystic monkeys and a demon here on an almost regular basis. Perhaps if we dropped any hair or fur, and you breathed it in…”
“Then it would change him?” MK finished. Redson nodded. Y/n hopped out of Macaque’s arms and onto his couch, trying to stand on his hind legs to be a more active party in the conversation.
“Well how do I get it out? I can’t be stuck like this forever!!” 
“I mean, if you were, it wouldn’t be so bad! This is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen!” Wukong cooed. He scratched behind y/n’s ears and giggled at how the fox started wagging his tail. Macaque grabbed a tissue and slapped Wukong’s hand away so he could move around.
“Here, try blowing your nose. If nothing else, we’ll make you sneeze again.” He said. Y/n followed his instructions and with one harsh blow into the tissue, there was a puff of smoke. Abracadabra, he was human again! 
“Woohoo! I’m a big boy again!” He cheered. 
“Aw, and we didn’t even get any pictures before…” MK pouted. 
“Wait, yeah, y/n! Inhale it again, we need a picture!” Wukong unfortunately encouraged the boy, and thankfully Redson and Macaque distracted them with the snacks they had brought over for the original movie night plans. 
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shxllraizxr · 7 months
𝙀𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬
| 𝙉𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙬𝙖𝙩𝙘𝙝𝙚𝙧 ! 𝙍𝙖𝙥𝙝 × 𝙊𝘾 | 𝘽𝙖𝙮𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝘼𝙐 |
𝙒𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing , Violence
• possibly a part 1 if it goes well. Also mysteryyyyy ~
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𝟭𝟬 : 𝟰𝟱 𝗽𝗺...
𝟭𝟬 : 𝟰𝟱 𝗽𝗺 was the time she was suppose to be here.
“ I could have sworn she said she was gonna be here . . . ” Jackie sighed as his hands rested in his large heat insulated hoodie. New York had just started its snowy season and the streets couldn't be anymore busy. His teeth chatter and his eyes squint as the crunch of newly fallen snow is present while he walks down the small sidewalk of Times Square. He would periodically check his texts to see if the person he was talking to would ever show.
They planned to meet for some Christmas shopping and possible go out for a bite to eat. But from the text only being left on read, it told another story.
He got stood up.
“ for fucks sake.. again with this.. ” he grunts as he shoves his phone back into his pocket. His eyes glancing around the car driven roads as he makes his way down a few blocks towards a empty lot way. God he hated this. This feeling. Its the fact that he can't really be known to seeing he has been stood up until its kind of too late. April's warned him , heck even Casey knew about stuff like this happening on a dime. Jackie had that type of aura and energy to still try to make things work.
Though he wasn't sure how long he could keep that up. As well as with the Turtles. Yeah he liked them but how could he admit his feelings to them. Mainly to Raph.. He has always been like a big brother to Jackie but it kind of became more. It was the way the terrapin was. Underneath the mean and rough exterior. The was something more to him than people portrayed him to be..
Jackie thoughts wonder for a moment as he soon looks up seeing people standing around at something. Curious but cautious he follows towards the group of people crowding down an alleyway. His ears hearing the sounds of shouting and loud grunts bounce off the alleyway walls as he looks around through the thicket of people.
Only flashes and glimpses of 2 individuals duking fists and kicks wildly as a group of people banter and yell to both. Luckily Jackie managed to squeeze in between the few he could as he gets better view of the opponents. The smell of cigar smoke , spices , and rather.. questionable substances are puncturing Jackie's nose as he wines trying to get a better view. He could only make out the bare minimum of details.
A round heavy set man with black hair and clothes matching a description of a notorious gang back in the day. The purple dragons. They use to run the backstreets on new york whenever the foot was around. Luckily thier numbers began to dwindle as they were either taken out by the foot. Or by the Turtles. So it was still rare to see a person in the purple dragons during this time. But with all the crime spikes it wouldn't be put of the question.
But as for the other person , Jackie had never seen them before. At least not to his knowledge. Between the blurred movemnet and the darkness out the outside and snow.. he could barely make out the figure. They worre A large black tactical suit and a large helmet masking thier face. As well as a chain and mace like object strapped to his hips.
Jackie watched in slight awe at the fight. The banter echoes as people yell profanities and calls to both. “ 𝙏𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙩 𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙩 ?! ” the hooded stranger called out as he throws a mean right hook to the guys jaw causing them to stumble back. A sea of winced faced and " oohs " can be heard before roars and cheers are met with the hooded figure standing victorious above his now concussed opponent. A group coming around drag the victim back as the crowd continued to cheer and make noise.
The figure joining in with occasional banter and sbowboating. Jackie looks them up and down trying to figure out and process who this person could be. Could it be a male? Maybe a girl! A girl with a vlice changer and body suit on . Though he shakes the thought and grabs his phone switching to record and video tape the hooded person through the group of people.
“ 𝙒𝙝𝙤'𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙭𝙩! 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙜𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙩𝙤𝙤𝙙 𝙖 -
” silence falls from.there voice as thier helmet visor fixated on the crowd. Jackie looking at the phone slowly stepping back as he realizes they can directly see him. People began to disperse as he pockets the phone quickly turning back to appear like he didn't know nothing.
The figure doesn't move. Blocking his hands out to stop any people from making a move and to show he isn't of any harm. Jackie watching in caution and readiness just in case. The figure didn't speak now his movement slow as he tilts his head. The a siren. Flashing red and blue light lit up the alley exit as the sound of cops opening door and aiming ready to take down any criminals or people wanting to combat them.
The hooded figure crouches looking at Jackie a hand holding out to nonverbal tell him to stay still a blinking nod from Jackie as he hears the officers give orders. Shaky hands come up as the figure soon rolls something between the others legs.
A canister. It ticks. Tick. Tick. Tick.
“ 𝙎𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 ! ”
He calls as the crowd of people began to flee and the canister explodes sending large clouds of gas everywhere. Jackie takes a second before dashing towards the backend of the alley and hops over a gated fence. He knew he had to get out of thier. He coughs covering his face as he walks out of the smoke and into an bustling streetway.
He looks back down the alleyway as the smoke still spreads out from the alley. The next send he turns he sees the figure. Sitting on a larger than average motocyle like vehicle. The ominous gaze from the black helmet hiding any emotion from them. Jackie getting one last glance before a bus drives between them obstructing his view.
And before he knew it..
They were gone.
He blinks before rubbing his head. This was strange. He hadn't ever seen anyone like this before. And they didn't seem to be a threat or villainous, at least from.that small encounter but still. Jackie takes a glance at his phone once more scrolling through the pictures. " who are you..." he ponders as he begins his walk. He has to figure this out. It was another mystery of the city to solve.
And lets just say. He loves mystery.
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Kind of a weird place to stop but don't fret. This might end up a pt.1 if it is good enough 😅
Dividers belong to @animatedglittergraphics-n-more ♡
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vashslastdonut · 1 year
trigun fanfiction ~ female reader ~ kind of reader/vash but also kinda reader/nick ~ cw/tw: light violence + blood from being punched lol
He’s standing outside the door, running a hand back through his hair, feeling the back of his neck. His fingers are fast and nervous.
He raises a fist to the door and hesitates.
He can hear inside: laughter, voices; children running and playing.
His kids. His kids.
He rests his fist against the door, trying to steady his breathing.
(It’s been two years. He’s spent every night in a feverish repeat of the same dream: his children, his wife, pressed into his arms.)
He stares at the door.
Oh, she’ll hate him. She’ll hate him.
He hates himself.
You did it for her, he reminds himself, for her safety, for her and the kids.
The kids.
It had taken some time, but he finally resigned himself to the thought that he’d never actually get to see them again. That maybe, maybe, he’d bump into one of them on some city street someday, only half-recognizing the cut of their face, and that would be the last time he’d ever see any of them.
It was an impossible stroke of dumb luck that he was safe enough to be standing here now.
If you don’t knock now, he told himself, you’ll never get up the nerve, you’ll stand here forever.
He knocked.
��I’ll get it,” he heard from inside - her voice, her voice - and the footsteps come up to the door.
He stands very still. His muscles tense - his hair stands on edge -
and nothing happens. The door stays shut.
The kids go quiet.
He can hear voices now - quiet, whispering. It sounds like she’s crying.
Of course she’s crying. He flexes his fingers. He was gone for two years. He hasn’t even met their youngest child.
“I’ll get it,” a gruff voice says. He barely has time to register it before the lock clicks open and Nick slides out, keeping himself tight against the door and the doorframe.
He closes the door behind him and leans against it. Lights a cigarette.
Vash stares at him.
Nick stares past him.
“What the heck, Spikey?” he says softly, exhaling a steady cloud of smoke.
Vash spreads his hands. “I’m back.”
“Yes. Yes, you are.”
“So. How’ve you been?” he asks awkwardly.
Nick shrugs. “Pretty good. You?”
“I’ve been alright.”
They stand in silence for a moment.
“I didn’t think you were Ever coming back,” Nick says. He exhales again.
“Me neither,” says Vash, quietly.
“You really hurt her,” Nick says. His tone darkens, just a bit.
Vash’s face droops. “I know.”
“You left her with a lot of kids to take care of. All by herself.”
“I know. Yeah, I know.”
Nick takes a long inhale. Lets it out. The air clouds in front of his face.
“How are the kids?” Vash asks. His cheeks are red, his heart hammering.
Nick stares at him.
“They’re good,” he says.
Vash shuffles his feet and asks the question that’s been bugging him for the past two years. “Do they… remember me?”
Nick smirks behind his cigarette.
“No offense, Vash,” he says, “but you were gone for two years.”
Two years. Two years.
He’s never even met his youngest.
He hesitates, hovers - will Nick even let him inside? Will Nick even let him see the kids?
Well, it’s not up to Nick.
His palms sweat.
“How is she?” he asks, quietly, his head dipping down.
“She’s good,” Nick says.
They stand in silence. Nick smokes.
Vash rubs at the back of his head.
“Can I - see her? Can I see… them?"
And he shouldn’t be asking Nick that, of all people. What say does Nick have over it?
But he remembers - he entrusted his family to his friends. To Nick, Meryl, Milly. Of course Nick would be protective. Especially since he did leave like that - hurt his family like that. Of course Nick would be protective.
Nick stares at him.
“Let me check,” he says, and slips back inside.
Vash waits.
(She's just behind the door, her eyes wide, her breath ragged. Nick grabs her shaky hands.
“You good?” he whispers.
She breathes and nods. He presses her hands to his lips.
“He wants to see you,” he whispers.
She breathes and presses her face into his neck, wrapping her arms around his back. He hugs her, kisses the top of her head.
“He’ll know,” she sobs. “He’ll know.”
“Yeah. He’ll know. But - but he has to know, eventually.”
She shoves her face deeper into his neck.
“I wish he WAS dead,” she hisses, and Nick taps the back of her neck.
“No, don’t say that,” he murmurs.
She pulls her face out of his neck.
“Let him in,” she decides. “I’ll get the kids.”
Nick watches her walk towards the bedrooms, a deep sway in her heavily-laden frame.
He sighs and swings open the door.)
“Come in.”
Vash steps inside, slowly, gratefully, ducking his head at the doorway. His boots clonk on the hardwood floor. He looks out of his element.
There’s a small commotion as the children come out of their rooms. Five of them, varying heights, all with the same blonde hair.
They bounce and ripple and stare up at Vash, their eyes wide.
Vash drops to his knees.
He recognizes each of them, their names, their faces - they’re so big now, so grown - but the smallest one has an unfamiliar face. The baby he never met.
He’s on his knees.
The eldest two, the twins, are eight years old now; they were six when he last saw them. Surely they remember him? But there’s only a dim flicker of recognition in their eyes.
The others, concerned, gather around the adults’ legs: some to Nick, some to -
some to her.
He freezes. He can see her legs.
Looks up, up, his eyes traveling up to her face. She’s looking at him.
He chokes out her name, jumping to his feet. He grabs for her without even thinking, his gloves rough on her cheeks. "My love -"
Her eyes shimmer and shine, the tears big and unshed.
“Hi, Vash,” she whispers.
He folds her in his arms - tries to - and she squirms away.
She squirms away.
He stares at her, horrified, and she nods at the children.
He understands. He kneels down again.
“Hey,” he whispers. His head feels light. “Hey. Hi, do you remember me?” He can still feel their warm bodies in his arms. He can still feel them grabbing at his fingers.
The twins glance at each other - they do remember him, but the memories are hazy - but the other children press tighter against her and Nick, confused.
Nick points to him.
“Kids, look,” he says. “It’s Vash the Stampede.”
They gasp.
The braver ones move forward, fascinated; the more timid ones stay tight against the safe zone.
“Vash the Stampede?” one says, reaching out to feel his hair. “Like from the posters!”
“Yes. Like from the posters.”
He’s containing himself as best he can, feeling her little hand pat his head. He wants to scream, cry, vomit, pass out.
He glances over at Nick, who has a hand on each of the twins’ heads.
“Do you remember me?” he asks them directly, hopefully.
“A little bit,” says one of them. He picks at the hem of Nick’s jacket.
Vash gives a big smile. “Well, that’s good news! Glad to hear I’m not completely forgotten around here!”
The room is silent. The kids stare.
“Who is that?” one kid whispers.
“Your dad,” she tells them, quietly.
Their eyes go wide. “Dad? But - but Dad is right there?”
“Common misunderstanding!” Vash cuts in. “I’m actually your real dad!!”
The child’s eyes are huge. They wrap themself around her leg.
“Mommy?” they blurble. “Is Daddy -”
“Shh.” She picks them up and rocks them back and forth, gently. “Shh.”
Vash has been dreaming and dreaming and dreaming of this. Of his kids running happily into his arms. Of his wife pressing herself to him, warm and happy.
He glances to the twins again, desperately. They just stare right past him.
Vash stands up.
He leans towards Nick.
“Nick?” he says, quietly. “What have you told these kids about me?”
Nick doesn’t break his gaze.
“The truth,” he says.
“And that excludes that I’m their dad?”
“Kids,” she says, quickly. “Time for bed. Come on. Let’s go. Time for bed.”
She herds the kids into their rooms as Vash breathes hard and Nick lights another cigarette.
He’s cut back on smoking, so so much, ever since he became a dad. He must be really stressed now. She tries to catch his eye as she hurries back.
“After everything,” Vash is saying, “you try to take my kids from me? You tell them about me, but not who I am?”
“Vash,” she says, her voice finally steady, “it was for their own protection. I know you understand that. The less tied they are to Vash the Stampede, the better.”
“They’re scared of me!”
“With good reason!”
He’s open-mouthed at that, staring slack-jawed and wordless. “Excuse me?!”
Nick cuts in.
“Vash, I’m sorry. But. you did leave for two years.”
“Barely even a note,” she adds. “I thought you were never coming back. I thought you were dead or something, eventually. Obviously not wanting to be a part of their lives. So, why bother keeping your memory alive in them?”
Vash turns three shades of red and sputters for speech.
“That,” he says, finally, “is the most hateful, hurtful thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Well! It’s the TRUTH. Five kids, Vash, without a word of warning.”
“I know you read my letter - I had to. Oh, I wanted to stay more than anything, but -”
“You can’t even make excuses for this! ‘I did it all to protect you’ - we were FINE before! All you did was break my heart, Vash! All you did was leave me alone.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Five kids,” she says again.
She sways a bit, and sits down heavily. Her robe shifts a bit.
Her hands brush over the bulge in her stomach, tugging the fabric back over herself, but it's too late. Vash sees.
His forehead folds as his brain rushes -
“No,” he says.
He looks over at Nick. Nick is lighting another cigarette, his eyes on the ground.
“Two years, Spikey,” he says.
Vash is breathing hard, breathing hard - and his children are afraid of him and his wife won’t touch him and -
“How could you,” he breathes, and before he knows it, his metallic fist has made contact with Nick’s face, slamming him back against the wall.
“How could you?!” he shouts, his vision flashing red, his heartrate spiked. “How could you BETRAY me like this?! I left my family with you because I trusted you -”
“Nick!” she screams, rushing towards him and catching him as he slumps.
“I’m okay,” he tells her. “I’m okay, I’m okay -”
“What the HECK, Vash.” She turns her angry eyes towards him. “What was that for?!”
“My family!” Vash shrieks. “I leave my family with you - I ENTRUST you with my family - and this is what you do?! Knock up my wife?! Take my kids as your own?! KNOCK UP MY WIFE?!”
“My wife!” Nick screams back. “MY WIFE! MY FAMILY! You can’t abandon them out of the blue and expect that they’ll still claim you!”
“It was two years,” she is saying, quietly. Vash goes silent to listen. Nick shuts up, too. “Two years. That’s a long time. And I had four kids and one newborn and I was sick and exhausted and next thing I knew, Nick was there. Nick’s always been there for me.”
Vash is breathing hard, staring down at his shaky hands.
“But I love you,” he says to his lap. “I love you. I love our kids. I -”
“Maybe you should go,” she says. She has a handkerchief she’s pressing to Nick’s cut, bloody lip. “Please. Just let us have our house back.”
"Our" house? It didn't belong to her and Nick. It belonged to her and Vash. They’d lived in that house together for so long. Raised their babies there.
Vash stares at her.
She’s so pregnant. She’s leaning against Nick, her arm around his shoulders, his baby inside of her.
“Vash. Please. Get out.”
He takes a long, long shuddering breath. And leaves.
The door slams shut behind him and she helps Nick to the couch, really starts attending to his broken face. Vash hit him good.
“Maybe we were too harsh,” Nick mumbles as she gently cleans off the blood.
“Maybe.” She places a bandage.
He watches her hands. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you too.” She kisses the top of his head, feeling his hair sweaty under her lips.
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2knightt · 1 year
I ain't gonna tell no man's tall tale, this is my fourth attempt of shovin' this in your ask box. I've copied and pasted drafts to google docs more than I can count, and I still edited a lot through here too. Such is the life of a garrulous writer, I reckon :')
leaps in gracefully, respectfully settles beside you.
m'kay, so, this little scenario kinda built itself from the ground up in my head yesterday, and it's a little funny because I was cleaning my bathroom and utilizing bleach, so I briefly entertained the idea that the fumes got to me and had a little ballroom get-together in my brain and boom-bada-bing, this came to be.
gettin' right into it! plot being: y'know how Pony had pride in his hair? kept it real tuff, took care of it well enough, and had near half a breakdown when johnnycakes had to not only chop it off but also bleach it.
matter of' fact: I think to some extent, every Greaser has pride in their hair. Heck, it's one of their tellin' points: if it's slathered and slicked back with grease, well – it certainly don't take a genius to tell who and what ya are.
take that and imagine a Curtis Sibling!Reader (sister, brother, what have you; albeit keep in mind I was imaginin' a sister when I thought of this) who shares that same pride for their hair—and for good reason!
because they have completely lovely hair.
luscious, smooth, healthy, on the longer side and – most of all – silky to the point of disregarding the grease altogether! they're guaranteed to garner compliments when they go out and someone happens to notice just enough, especially the kids at school. it frames their pretty lil' face just right … and for a long while, it's their pride n' joy, it's their brothers' pride and joy, and their parents' when they were still gracing the earth. overall, it just so happens to be one of their most telling and sweetest features.
they just have some really nice hair, m'kay? •ᴗ• got it? ya get it. mhm, mhm, okiedokie––
now. imagine one night, curtis jr. is out. mindin' your business, per usual having a nice stroll, circling to the park to have a quick smoke, just having a peaceful moment to yourself– away from the chaos and hustle-n-bustle of everyday life.
not much happened down in tulsa honestly, but with a house full of brothers and pseudo-brothers ... yeah. you've had your fair share of escapades and adventures.
and it ain't like you weren't fine with that! you really were. but everyone needs a breather once in a while, y'know? tonight was such a beautiful night: the weather was comfy, there were puffs of indigo-blue clouds dotted with stars, there was a slight breeze, and it was times like these that made you feel infinite.
it was going good. great, even! this was the most peace you had in what felt like weeks.
then. some socs came 'round, and judging by the way they were hootin' and hollerin' up a storm, impeding on greaser territory with wild abandon, you can tell they're up to no good.
turns out you're more of a pacifist when it comes to those kinds of things — you shared in a lot of johnny's ideals (which is probably why you both get along so well outside of him bein' the gang's 'pet' and pone's best friend) of viewing rumbles and the battle of the classes as essentially useless.
but you were a true-blue and came through every time it counted. you and your trademark cherry-oak polished switchblade, rough-and-tumble mindset, and the tuffest death glare in all of tulsa.
for being more of a placid person, you sure could deal some damage; you had a kinda rep, see (a notoriety in the west, an acclamation in the east) – for your unpredictable and adaptive nature in rumbles. one defining incident? you sent a soc home post-rumble with a scar goin' all the way from his temple to his chin, and a cleft in his left shoulder. last anyone heard, he moved to a different state and you miraculously didn't get thrown into the slammer.
(it's always the quiet kids y'all jsjsjjsj)
so, you stay cool and go on to take your merry way back home, you weren't one to go lookin' for trouble no how. these guys were in your territory, they knew that. if they tried anything ... you had slipped your blade from your pocket and held it hidden against your palm.
but, luck was not on your side tonight. a twisted turn of fate, really. those stars were beautiful, but any wishes that might've been put upon them that night probably got burned right up along the way,
because one thing led to another, you got blindsided. it was brutal. six against one. what's worse is they were all drunk.
and you got messed up … real bad. you were in a daze as you stumbled— limped, more like— back to your house, the scent of tar and red iron and alcohol clogging your senses. your head was ringing, your vision was blurred over so bad it was like someone had squeezed glue right in your eyes, your scalp was on fire and felt uncharacteristically light ...
you vomited right out on the sidewalk leading up the steps, and when you finally managed to lug yourself through the door, it only took all of five seconds or five eternities before all hell broke loose.
the serenity of that evening was such a stark contrast to the tragedy that had befallen you, it nearly made ya laugh. and you did. you were a little manic. halfway out of your mind.
; darry caught and carried you to the car, probably broke several traffic laws getting you to the hospital. he had a single-track mind, tunnel vision, and is gritting his teeth as he barks at any and all incoming and outgoing traffic – he's panicking. you, his baby sibling, you were washed up real bad. the vision of your bruised and bloodied face and near-shaven head is imprinted on the back of his eyelids every time he blinks, and he's weaving between cars and lanes as he floors it to the hospital. if it weren't for soda yelling in the back seat for him to slow down and watch out, glory's sake dare! he most definitely would've ended up in a stretcher with y'all right then and there, scramblin' like a wild animal to get you some help.
; sodapop held your torso in his lap, practically cradling your entire body. but you were squirmin' and achin' and bawlin' so much, he couldn't hold all of you the way he wanted. his eyes were full of tears as he held you close, staunching the blood leaking from your temple and – the horror of it dawns on him as he's cradling your head, the miscellaneous cuts around your scalp – with an old balled-up shirt and he's holdin' your face and stroking your cheeks, pleading and shushing with your hysterics and he looks so scared.
; ponyboy held your legs in his lap, he wasn't off no better. his own eyes were practical dinner plates, all wide and shaking with horror. he held your hands real tight, trembling at how cold they felt and combating the urge to not get sick all up in the car. he's terrified, it shows, but he's your brother – that comfort couldn't go away even if it was stripped from y'all. so he holds your hands, all the way until you get strapped to the stretcher and rolled into the ICU. only then does he allow himself to book it to the bathroom and get sick in a stall. man, what had they done to you?
you got jumped by some socs. they stripped ya of all your carry-on csh, your hair, your dignity, and darn near left you for dead right there in that park.
it was a miracle you made it home. you were still high on adrenaline, and your breakdown was the consequences of it burnin' right out. but blessedly, you were out like a light (still alive dw) once they gotcha hooked up to an IV and a heavy dose of anaesthetics.
it was ironic, really. the way they had used your very own blade to chop off your hair.
*cliffhangs this* it's nearly 1am and my eyes are bouta pop right out my skull, but hold fast darlin', i'll be back with more! i'm iffy on the formatting but ah, c'est la vie. this is long nuff anyhow. 😂❣
ykw….ima have it done by tomorrow zee. DONT U WORRY FR
and you’re writings legit amazing had me feeling like i got jumped and shit???
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Oh god... Oh God Slashing, my man, I just got this thought and I NEED to put this here while it's still fresh in my mind.
Ok so you and I both write Wheezy being handsome, yeah? Especially when he cleans himself up and looks like a cologne commercial without trying?
What if Wheezy was like the groups Harper and Smartass would be Buckman pimping him out? Yeah, Greasy is already throwing himself at women, though it's safe to assume that that doesn't make women swoon XD so if for whatever reason, the group needed to seduce somebody, Smarty knows he's gotta send in Wheezy. Oh I imagine Greasy would be miffed XDD
Your thoughts?
Omg! I'm imagining that scene in Atlantis where the team is trynna 'decide' who should go schmooze Kida and Mole (Greasy) keeps popping up like 'I will do it!', 'I am your man!', 'For the good of the team, I will do it!', until Rourke (Smartass) smacks Milo (Wheezy), who could not care less, on the shoulder and goes 'Thanks for volunteering', causing Mole Greasy to start sobbing XDDD
Anyway- I love this. Here's a
Wheezy Weasel x Fem! Reader x Greasy Weasel || Drabble
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Plot: Wheezy is instructed to charm Y/N, the recently ex girlfriend of a powerful Mafia toon in town that they have had some trouble with for years, and get information out of her (Like where has he run off to?)- except Greasy has a huge Thing for Y/N and he's very insulted that he wasn't given this job, and now Wheezy has to deal with Manipulative Pervert antics.
Warnings: Greasy bring Oppertunistic (Seeing Y/N's heartbroken drunkenness as an In), and just like... being himself. Also I'm not sure if this is coherent 😅
Greasy Weasel's POV
"Alright, Wheez- "As soon as Smartass glances at the smoker he does a double take, scowling. And I dont blame him, el fumador looks like a disgraceful mess- but what else is knew really?? I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. "Fucken hell, Wheezy. Brush your hair. You're up." Here I set my jaw and repress the angry words I want to spit at them both- why does he get to have all if the fun??? I am right here-
Wheezy heaves the heaviest sigh known to man kind, like an absolute drama queen, smoke slipping out of his mouth, nostrils, and his eyeballs. Honestly you'd think that if smoke started to leak out of your eyeballs you may cut back, but no... and this is the man that the Boss thinks can charm the women. Tch. Imbéciles estúpidos. "Boss, really?... "
"Yeah, really. I'm not talking for my own amusement, am I??? Heck no. Wash your face." It is going to take more then that to make el fumador a member of society, but okay-
"I was really hopin' to like... take a back seat, on this one... "
I cant help the annoyed huff, I make at this. The boss gives me a dangerous side eye and Wheezy looks unsurely at me, as if he is some kind of victim in all this, but I refuse to look at either of them; Just merely whistle and look off to our other two comrads picking at something squishy in the gutter.
Smartass rolls his eyes at me, then returns his attention to Wheezy, his eyes hard and mean. "Wheezy. There is a pathetic, heartbroken woman in there," He points at the bar we're parked next to, where Y/N is, "with information, gettin' drunk- Get your lazy flat ass in there."
Smartass' beautiful description of her almost gets me hard (she's so vulnerable right now- if I could just get close to her- speak to her- aghhhh!) but while I'm standing stiff trying to calm myself down- Wheezy actually groans (Where I can hear him!) and hunches his shoulders (Where I can clearly see him!), before slinking in.
Grrrrrrr, this ungrateful, undeserving, selfish- "And, now, we play the waitin' game. Greasy, go down the road and get us some snacks, will ya?" Smarty suddenly thrusts a few bills in my hands. Qué? Do I look like your server?? "I'm gonna take a nap in the van. And dont forget the red vines this time, will ya?"
With that, the boss slinks into the back of our dodge and slams the doors shut behind him. I make a face after him for a few moments, insulted by his usual brash manner, before... an idea, occurs to me.
As Stupid and Psycho continue to play with gutter garbage nearby, I compose a plan.
Heheh. I can be back before Smartass wakes up.
Ahhhh, there's the bastard.
As soon as I walk in, I spot them. Y/N's hunched on her elbows by the bar, her eyes wide with delicious, innocent, vulnerable intrigue as Wheezy (A.K.A the bastard) talks to her.
I taste something terrible watching them, because admittedly el fumador is rather charming when he tries to be (And sometimes when he isn't. I think it has something to do with how relaxed~ he seems to be, all the time. I could never be like that, not even if I, too, smoked 17 packs an hour- ) and he does have nice eyes,.. but goddamnit, that old man is going down. I can do this.
I would say I'm apologetic for what I must do- but I am not.
"Y/N!" Her body jumps when I appear on her other side, turning around to look at me with pretty rounded eyes; A definite haze of intoxication behind them. A smirk slithers across my face looking down at her. "Funny to see you here!- I had no idea. And- with el fumador!.. of all people... How nice. Mind if I join you?"
Wheezy gives me a raised-eyebrow look from Y/N's other side, but I ignore him! ^^ "Grease, what're you doin'?"
My attention is only for Y/N- pathetic, pregnable, easy Y/N. She glances at Wheezy, before settling her attention on me again. "Um- sure! What are- what are you doing here?"
"Ohh, nothing much~ Gracias for allowing me to crash your night, hermosa. Very sweet of you."
Nervously, she gives a faint smile; Shrugging. "Ohh, its n- nothing... I wasn't doing much... " Oh, the adorable, heartbroken thing she is. She doesn't know we are perfectly aware of her break up from that dumb asshole she's been with, today. Or that we kind of caused it. Afterall, he didnt leave town for no reason... Of course she doesn't- I should play this subtly.
"Mmm... and where is your boyfriend, Y/N? Surely he wouldn't leave you alone in a bar looking so beautiful~... Unsavoury types may approach." At this, I do finally look at Wheezy, and he gives me a very unamused look in return. Oh, he has no sense of humour-
"More unsavoury than you?" Y/N suddenly snaps, eyes flashing knowingly at mean- oh. She's more clever than I thought. Okay. I see.
"... can I buy you another drink, Hermosa?" She's not nearly drunk enough.
"Greasy." Wheezy warns, again. But Y/N takes a deep breath and nods, and then he's looking surprised at her. "Are you sure, about that?"
She shrugs back at him as I order her another of what she was drinking. "... yeah. I um- Brick broke up with me, today. I could use a few hundred... thousand, drinks."
Aww... pathetic little thing. Just perfect. Wheezy catches me smirking as I finger through the bills Smartass gave me for red vines, having heard that delicious admition, and gives a sigh; Rolling his eyes.
"Sorry to hear that... " He lies, because he knew very well what happened with Brick today, just like I did. Looking tired as ever, though especially by me right now (I'd know that tone in his broken voice anywhere. That tone is alllllll my fault. And I'm honoured), Wheezy gestures to the bartender fetching me Y/N's drink. "I could use a drink, too."
"Don't worry Y/N," I nudge her with my elbow, settling in close to her, and give a wink. "I will be the designated driver for us. Feel free to drink all the booze you like~ "
Wheezy taps the bar. "Make that two, will ya? 'Nd put it on his tab."
2 hours later, Y/N's completely drunk and Wheezy may have dragged her bar stool ever-so-subtly further from me and closer to him, but I am the one with all of her attention. I have her exactly~ where I want her.
I just need to get rid of el fumador, somehow, then-
"YOU," That voice is unmistakably familiar, and I immediately go stiff as a plank. "GODDAMN MORONS."
Oh, infierno. This is not good.
Y/N's eyebrow raises, turning in her seat and almost slipping off of it- if it weren't for Wheezy jumping forward and steadying her. I'm busy stringing a good excuse together in my head... but nothing is coming to me... "Is that Smartass?"
"Yep, looks like the jigs up," Wheezy tells her, turning to me meaningfully. He knows she won't remember anything he says, now. "Eh, Greasy?"
I dont say a word, avoiding his eye. I'm still desperately raking my brain for a good excuse-
"The- the jig?? What- "
They sell red vines in here?? I just stepped in to go to the bathroom?? I needed a glass of water?? No, no, no-
"Eh, don't worry about it doll. How about we get you a cab and send ya home? Where are yer shoes?"
By the time Smartass reaches us Wheezy has helped Y/N to get herself together (His arm around her waist to keep her from tripping and her shoes in his other hand), my chances with her tonight are successfully diminished, he's ready to take her to the door, and I've still got nothing. Smartass looks sharply at him, and he gives a solemn shake of his head. "I got nothin' after all that. Talk to lover boy."
As Wheezy takes Y/N away, Smartass slowly does turn to 'lover boy', me; A very violent look in his eyes, and I hold up a finger. As if to 'pause' him.
... Absolutely no excuse has come to mind. My head is completely blank. Smooth, in fact, like a leaf. And that look in the bosses eye is making my bladder feel weak. "... I plead the fifth- "
"YOU PLEA- You're gonna plead for the use of your legs back when I'm done with ya!! Get in the van. Get- Go- I'm not gonna tell ya twice!"
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