#hehe i have so much homework to do and no motivation to do it
redmo0ninvenus · 11 months
logging off because a girl has to get her college degree and has no self control regarding this app!! might pop up occasionally but fully coming back until winter break, gonna miss the girlies who always like my silly little posts you're my friends ily. my twitter (cause no one is calling it X) is @ chosos_buns if you wanna catch me there, let's chat!!
bye tumblr people see you soon, besos <3
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simpingsavant · 5 months
Late Night
Pairing: Spencer Agnew x GN!Reader
Summary: You are the person always working when Spencer stops by to get his fix of Mountain Dew Kickstart.
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, slow-burn. A gross man flirts w you for plot purposes. Promise it's very non-major but just in case.
Word Count: 6.4k
A/N: First time posting for smosh, but not the first time posting fanfic. I made a whole side blog for this lol I'm thinking I want to post more so feel free to send me smosh requests and give lots of love so I stay motivated to write more hehe <3
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Working the graveyard shift at a 24-hour convenience store is generally not a good idea. Except this one is in a nice area of LA, you’re almost always working with someone, and it’s slow enough that you can get your grad school work done.
Four months ago, when you were first looking at the help wanted sign in the window, you decided you would give it a week to see if it was actually worth it. Now, you were contently typing away on your computer as a group of middle-aged people grabbed alcohol and snacks. They were fancily dressed but the expressions on their faces were reminiscent of college students who were partying through the night like they owned it. When they came up with a case of Pabst Blue Ribbon and enough snacks to last them weeks, you happily scanned the items.
The silver fox dressed in a deep, blue suit dropped a twenty in the tip jar.
“Thank you,” You said, handing him a receipt as his cohorts grabbed the food.
The bell jingled as they left. Your coworker was in the back taking inventory. You looked down at your laptop, rereading the last couple of sentences as you found your place in the research essay you’d been taking notes from.
You loved your job. You worked from 11 pm to 8 am and although it took you time to adjust to a new sleep schedule, it was worth it. You were paid slightly more since you were working such an atrocious shift and you never interacted with your boss. Occasionally, he would message you that he was coming in early to talk, but he often just texted about what he wanted you to get done.
Until 1 am, you were working with Michael, a young man who was in his senior year of college. At 4 am, Marie would come in, an older Latina woman who had been working this shift for over ten years now. She’d relieve you for your break and you’d come back just in time for the morning rush.
You liked the morning rush. Although you couldn’t get much homework done at the time, it was when you had your most regulars. You would see moms buying their children lunch before school, office workers buying cheap coffee, and students buying energy drinks.
Marie would man the register, and you would come to help if needed. During rests, you would be restocking shelves or cleaning.
From 1 am to 4 am, you would usually see only a few faces. You would see students who stay up extremely late or workers having to go in much too early. Since it was a nice neighborhood, they were all pleasant people and you never worried about your own safety or well-being. 
Only one regular came in consistently during these hours. He looked to be about your age with chocolate hair that curled at the nape of his neck. He came in just after 1 am and always sported dark eye circles. He purchased anywhere from 4 to 8 cans of Mountain Dew Kickstart and occasionally a bag of chips. 
Sometimes, you’d see him in the morning again before you were off. He’d buy a cheap coffee and some fruit.
For the first month, you were too concerned with doing your job well to start any conversations besides pleasantries. He was, however, the first customer you recognized as a regular. You couldn’t help but wonder why anyone would need so many energy drinks. In particular, why in God's name did he love Mountain Dew Kickstart?
Maybe you were so intrigued because he caught your eye from day one. He was dressed in combat boots and a worn jacket. You soon learned those two items were part of his daily attire. You liked the way his hair looked or the way his downturned eyes crinkled as he smiled.
In your second month of working there, you spent way too much time trying to think of a way to start a conversation.
So far, you only got:
“How’s your night going?”
“Good, and you?”
“Fine. Do you want a bag?”
“No, I have my backpack.”
“Okay. Your total is $12.53, go ahead and swipe, insert, or tap your card. Would you like your receipt?”
Sometimes he said yes, sometimes he said no. A few times, your hands would brush. He was always so warm, your cold hands lingering as he bashfully smiled and looked away.
“Have a good one.”
“You too.”
His hair was getting longer and you thought it suited him well. You wanted nothing more than a reason to hold a genuine conversation with him.
During your third month, that reason finally came.
He walked in, luscious locks replaced with a buzz cut and you couldn’t help but go “Oh wow.”
“Is it that bad?” He joked, rubbing the top of his head.
“No, no,” You immediately said, hands moving rapidly. “It just surprised me.” A beat of silence followed before you added, “You pull it off.” He really did, but you also took that as a sign you liked him a little too much. You felt like a schoolgirl with a crush.
“Thanks, it was for work,” He adds, voice monotone despite the little grin he sported at your compliment. He walks farther into the store, toward the opposite wall with the display of drinks.
“For work? Are you joining the army?” You question, stumbling over your words slightly as you realize that it’s finally happening—you are finally holding a conversation with him.
“No,” He laughs. “I work for this online entertainment company.” He fills his arms with five cans. “It was for a special.”
“Oh,” You reply, rolling on the balls of your feet as you try to think of ways to keep the conversation going. “Are you an actor?”
“More behind the scenes,” He replies, coming up to the counter and placing his drinks down. He grabs a bag of chips from the front display.
“That’s cool,” You say, picking up the first can as you begin scanning.
He shrugs, “I’m sure half the city does stuff online.”
“I doubt that,” You scoff. “Maybe half does entertainment, but definitely not exclusively online content.” Feeling a little bad for shutting him down, you look up at him for a moment, expecting to see disappointment or annoyance.
Instead, he’s smiling. It’s not a large smile, but it quells your anxiety.
“You’re probably right,” He answers, fishing out his card.
“I usually am,” You joke, giving him a quick look before clicking away on your screen. “Your total is $10.54.”
He lets out a short laugh that makes your insides flip with satisfaction. “I’m Spencer by the way,” He offers, putting away his card after the reader beeps.
“Y/N,” You say, tapping your name tag. “Do you want your receipt, Spencer?”
“Sure, Y/N,” He answers, putting his drinks into his backpack.
You rip it from the printer and hold it out. The way he said your name makes you shiver. He takes the receipt and bids you farewell.
You see him in the morning and you’re eighty percent sure he times it to check out with you instead of Marie. Today he opted for an iced coffee with lots of cream and a plastic container of chopped mango.
“Good morning, Spencer. How’d you sleep?”
“Good, but not long enough. What about you?”
You see a flash of realization on his face as soon as he says it, but you’re speaking before he can correct himself.
“Haven’t slept yet, but I get off in ten minutes and will be able to sleep till five today so that’s nice.”
“What’s at five?”
“Class. They’re in the evening since so many grad students work day jobs.” You tap away on the screen. “Would you like your receipt?”
“Nah, just toss it.” He picks up the drink and fruit. “See ya later, Y/N.”
“See you,” You reply, crumpling the receipt and throwing it in the small trash bin under your register before waving to the next customer.
Since then, Spencer has come in every night without fail and sparked a conversation with you. You learn that the company he works for is called Smosh and you think the name is vaguely familiar. He asks you what you’re studying and why you’re always on your laptop.
The next month and a half goes by quickly. You come to expect him, anticipating his nightly visits. He has recently started staying longer, leaning over the counter and smiling at you as he talks about something that happened the other day. If another person comes in, he usually takes that as his sign to leave, wishing you well and exiting before the new customer is ready to check out.
You’re unfortunately not getting as much homework done because of this, but you don’t mind one bit. You either work during your break or just take some time before class to do more. You wonder if he’s not getting as much sleep because of this, worried you’re burdening him. Despite this, you know that you’ll selfishly never be able to turn him away. Even if it is for his own benefit.
Once, he came in before Michael had left. Your conversation was curt and he left right after you gave him the receipt. Michael stared you down the whole time and Spencer was clearly thrown off by another person being there.
“Who was that?” Your coworker asked, moving toward you from his spot behind the hot food.
“Just a regular,” You answer, trying to keep your cool. You pull out a cloth and begin wiping down the counter, wanting to occupy your hands. “He usually comes later.”
“Ah,” Michael says, nodding slowly and giving you a look. “That’s it?”
The comment piques your interest and you can’t help but ask, “How so?”
Michael smirks at you, “Why do you care?”
“Bro, shut up,” You hiss, pushing him out of your face and walking over to your stash of food. Your face felt hot as you walked past, and you attempted to hide it in the collar of your shirt. It was never fun to be caught with a crush, but you wanted to know Michael’s thoughts. So far, you and Spencer always talked in privacy, with no onlookers to comment on if your feelings seemed mutual.
“Fine, fine,” He relents, holding his hands up. “It’s just that I saw him through the window before he came in and he was smiling way too big for someone coming in the pick up energy drinks.”
“You’d be surprised. He gets those every night,” You defensively argue, “He probably has a shrine at home.”
“Oh, come on,” Michael says, rolling his eyes as you pop a chip into your mouth. “That smile dropped as soon as he saw me. I bet he wishes it was just you.”
“Don’t say that stuff.”
“Why not? Don’t you like him? You definitely lit up when you saw him.”
You gawk at your coworker, absolutely astonished at how easy it was for him to notice. This was the first time anyone witnessed the two of you interact and now you were questioning every interaction. Did he like you? Or did he just like that you gave him a confidence boost because your infatuation was so obvious?
“W-what’s your major again? Investigation?” You accuse, stuttering out of pure frustration.
“Yes, actually—”
You roll your eyes, but the sound of the door brings your back to attention. You steel your expression but are grateful the conversation ended. It was a wake-up call for you and you spent the rest of your shift trying to understand your feelings more.
Could it still be called a crush? You felt like you knew so much and yet so little about him. When did you cross the line from strangers to acquaintances? How do you go from acquaintances to friends? Did you even want to be friends?
After that, Spencer always came in after Michael left, his disposition more friendly when it was just the two of you. You didn’t know if that was a good sign or a bad sign, but it was hard to think about when only a counter separated the two of you and he was radiating warmth and cracking jokes.
“Okay,” You hear Michael say and all of a sudden you are back to reality, no farther in your reading than you were 10 minutes ago.
The door to the back shuts and you look at your coworker with wide eyes.
“I finally finished with inventory.”
He looks down at his phone, prompting you to look at the time showing on your laptop.
“Sweet,” He says, tucking his phone into his back pocket. “Need anything from me before I go?” 
“No,” You answer. “Enjoy your night.”
“Thanks, I’m gonna go grab my stuff before I clock out.”
“For sure. See you tomorrow.”
“Later,” Michael says.
He opens the door to the back and you turn to your computer. The break room was through those doors as was the back entrance which almost all employees used when coming and going.
You focused on your computer, reading the most important parts of the study and taking down notes. In the back of your mind, you knew Spencer would be arriving soon. It makes you nervous, butterflies erupting in your stomach as you await his arrival.
You have been thinking lately about how to advance your relationship. Maybe get more personal with the information or invite him to hang out outside of your job. The idea makes you queasy because you worry about ruining everything by trying to get more.
You finished the reading and moved on to another class assignment. Spencer came in soon after, his lips quirked up and no jacket on. The weather was getting warmer and it was rather dry. You could absolutely walk around with only a T-shirt and jeans on despite the time.
This, however, drew your eyes to his arms immediately. They weren’t as hairy as you were expecting, his beard and how quickly his hair grew back making you think they would be. He wasn’t very muscley in any way, but your eyes shamelessly lingered on his biceps longer than you wanted.
His skin was littered with freckles and tattoos, black ink that started at his forearm and rose past his t-shirt. You could spend hours looking at them, a couple of them immediately garnering your interest.
“Hey,” You greeted, your eyes snapping up to his face. You were pretty sure he caught you, but he thankfully said nothing. Maybe he was used to his tattoos being looked at, an easy cover considering you weren’t just looking at his tattoos.
“Hey, how’s your night?” He makes his way across the store with ease, eyes staying on you.
“Fine, it’s extra slow tonight.”
“That’s nice,” He’s speaking loud enough that you can hear him from far away. “Are you getting a lot of homework done?”
“Yeah,” You replied. “Finals are coming up and I’m working on all the trivial homework now so I can study and work on the final essays in the library.”
“Is this your final year?”
“Sort of. I’ll be getting my masters after this, but I’m on an automated track for my PhD.”
There’s silence as he grabs a final can and walks up to the front. It’s almost awkward, but you aren’t sure why. It seems like he wants to ask you something, but is struggling to say it.
You start scanning his items, letting him think instead of trying to fill the space with meaningless talk.
“Are you still working here over the summer?”
“I am,” You light up, realizing why he was nervous. It sent a spark through your body to think about him missing you.
God, you wanted him so bad.
“I’m also doing some research work for a professor though,” You add. “I’m honestly too busy to have a job and it will only get worse in the upcoming year, but I need the money and this is the best option for pay and the ability to do homework.”
“Damn,” Spencer sighs. “I’m sorry about that.”
His voice is soft and sincere. It throws you off for a moment, not used to this kind of sympathy. Your social circle consists of Michael, Marie, and other students who were also going through their own shit.
“Oh, it's nothing,” You shyly reply, eyes falling to the counter and lips forming a tight line as your mind races.
“No, seriously,” Spencer insists. “It must be so difficult and yet you never seem like you’re struggling.”
With a large breath, you finally accept his compliment. “Thank you, that’s very nice of you.” You look up to see that his gaze is already on you and you hold eye contact for an absurd amount of time. You’re sure any onlookers would consider the scene intense.
The pressure of the moment builds, compressing your lungs.
“Um, anyways, your total is $9.54,” You say, breaking the silence and eye contact.
“Oh, right.”
Spencer shoves his hand into his pocket to grab his wallet and you once again admire his arms as he’s busy.
“How was work today?” You ask, wanting to dissipate the intensity of the moment.
“Long.” He answers. “This week is a filming week so I’ve been busy as hell working behind the camera and being in a few videos too. Tomorrow is Friday though and I don’t have to be in till 11 am.”
You hum in acknowledgment, “That sucks.” 
Long ago, when curiosity finally got to you, you looked up Smosh. You realized quickly that the name was familiar because it was quite popular back in OG YouTube. You spent an hour exploring their channels before growing bored and looking up videos with Spencer specifically. It was weird and you could only watch in short increments of time before needing a break. You felt like you were violating his privacy, but struggled to stop when you realized just how funny he was, his humor translating perfectly on camera. He held your attention in so many videos, quick quips making you burst out laughing.
You also note the differences in how he talks to you and how he talks to the camera. Although quiet, he cracks jokes almost every time he speaks. His coworkers seem like friends and you’re sure that helps to comfort any nerves he would have on screen. However, they were obviously trained on-camera talent whereas he simply fell into it because of how much the audience liked him. Around you, he made jokes, but he also seemed to shed the demeanor he developed for videos. Not every sentence was about entertaining.
They were real. Real discussions with real problems no matter how mundane.
“Yeah, but at least we are getting it done. Next week is all at my computer or in meetings,” He adds, tucking away his card and putting his drinks into his backpack. “Anyways, so, when is your finals week?”
“In two weeks technically, but I have a couple of major things going on next week,” You answer, taking a seat on the stool next to you.
“Like what?” Spencer inquires, a light in his eyes that sends a shiver up your spine.
“Well, I’m taking four classes. Two of them have an exam and a final essay. One has a final essay and matching presentation, and then last is a group assignment that also has a presentation and essay.”
“Oh no, not a group assignment,” Spencer interjects, empathy on the tip of his tongue.
“I know,” You agree, nerves falling away as you ease into familiar territory. “People in masters programs are not as bad but they can still be pretty clueless and unhelpful.” You shake your head in frustration, “Like this one guy in my group, he thinks he is so edgy and smart. He takes no criticism but also doesn’t put in enough work. He’s basically made me his personal target and I literally have a group chat with two other members just to rant when he says the stupidest shit.”
“Damn, sounds like an ass.”
“He is,” You groan, closing your eyes. “But we are almost done. We have the essay due next week and then presentations during the finals period.” You grin in relief, “After that, I have two weeks of break before starting my internship with the professor.”
“Are you getting paid for that?” Spencer asks.
The conversation was flowing easily, his interest in your life more evident than ever. It isn’t lost on you that he’s exhibiting every sign of attentive listening and it makes your insides twist. He’s leaning forward, fingers tapping away on the counter as he nods periodically.
“Only in experience,” You sigh. “Money would be great, but I’d rather learn from this and not get paid than not do it at all. I only have to dedicate 12 hours a week to it anyway and that’s not much considering my usual schedule is jam-packed.”
“What’s the study about?” He asks, holding your gaze more often than usual. You find it hard to reciprocate, too nervous to engage in whatever he is doing. You aren’t sure if you could call it flirting because he definitely wasn’t complimenting you, but he was acting differently enough that it was noticeable.
Before you can answer, a customer walks in, the bell ringing in your ears as you look at the brunette in front of you. You expect him to leave like every time before, but he doesn’t move. Although thrown off slightly, you recover quickly and answer his question. When the customer is ready to check out, Spencer simply steps to the side but lingers near. As soon as the man leaves, Spencer is right back where he was and asking you another question that keeps you talking.
He leaves twenty minutes later, eyes half-lidded and tired. You don’t see him that morning, likely because he doesn’t have to go into the office as early as usual. Despite logic, you still miss him.
When Spencer comes in that night, he’s later than usual. Not by much, it’s not even 2 am when he walks through the door. And yet, he’s apologetic.
“Hey, sorry,” He mumbles, coming right up to the counter.
Taken aback, your hands slip from your keyboard and you stand up straight. Fridays were always the busiest weekday and although you did wonder where Spencer was, you didn’t have much time to think about it.
“I was playing a game and totally lost track of time,” He continued, a touch more out of breath than usual. He runs a hand through his short, recently bleached hair.
“No worries,” You say, not quite sure why he’s apologizing. It’s not like you had a set time to hang out or do something together. “Need to come get a drink so you can keep going?” You ask, trying to dissipate the awkward feeling that was bubbling up. You didn’t want to let yourself assume more than was reality.
“No, no, I mean,” He stumbles, “I probably will go back to playing, I just—never mind.” He looks down, staring at the counter, specifically the display of scratchers in the built-in glass case.
God, this felt so weird. You shouldn’t have said that, maybe he actually wanted to see you but then you ruined it by making it about the drinks and not you.
“So, what game were you playing?” You ask, the air feeling stuffy.
After a relieved sigh, Spencer goes into the details. You listen intently because not only is he a good storyteller, but you also genuinely care about his interests.
As he rants about some game mechanic, your mind begins to wander. More precisely, you wonder if your affection for him is obvious. Even from the short interaction you had in front of Michael, he could tell there was something more going on. To a stranger would it be obvious? To your friends would it be obvious? Would they say you two would make a cute couple? Or would they not see the chemistry?
“Oh, that’s frustrating,” You say, picking up on the pause in his monologue.
“Eh,” He shrugs, “It’s life.” He leans over the counter, shoulders more relaxed than when he first entered. “I needed a break anyway. So, how’s your night been?”
“Well,” You begin. “I felt rather lost without you.” Sarcasm is dripping off your tongue and Spencer immediately smiles. “My internal clock is all screwed up.”
“You poor thing,” He says, playing along.
“You, sir, need to take your responsibility more seriously,” You laugh, sitting back down in your chair and leaning over to grab your water. “More than half an hour late, I’m sure your body is screaming for a Mountain Dew.”
“Not just a Mountain Dew,” He protests, “A Mountain Dew Kickstart.”
You giggle, just about to add something before the bell rings and your eyes immediately shift to the front door. The patron, dressed in black jeans, a blue hoodie, and a leather jacket, comes up to you immediately. In the fifteen-foot walk between you and the door, you notice he is at least twenty years older than you, skin wrinkling and sagging with age. His clothes are worn, fraying at the seams. When he pushes forward, Spencer immediately slinks away, stepping over to look at the opposite wall of food. The stranger places his hands on the counter and you see dirt under his nails.
When he speaks, his voice is hoarse.
“Two packs of the Marlboro Red,” He commands, his eyes dragging up and down your body. Just as you turn to grab the cigarettes, you can see a smirk forming on his lips.
You sigh, taking a moment to harden your exterior before turning around to scan the packs. These kinds of customers were uncommon for the area, but still came in enough for you to pick them out of a crowd immediately. Usually, they leave easily enough.
“Anything else?” You ask, giving him a tight-lipped smile.
“Two of those beef taquitos, hun,” He says, a dirty finger pressing against the warm glass.
You feel a wave of cold at the name but move aside to grab the hot food without any fuss. The sooner he leaves the better. When you hand them over to him, he purposefully moves his hand far enough forward that it touches yours. You are vaguely aware of Spencer in the background, but force your eyes off him.
You can deal with this on your own just fine.
The stranger's eyes linger on your hand and you snatch it away, typing on the tablet to add the taquitos to his total.
“Anything else?” You echo, voice more curt than before.
“Hmm,” He hums contemplatively, putting his finger to his chin like he’s performing. “I suppose I’ll take your number too.”
You fake a laugh, looking into his eyes for only a moment before going back to your screen. “Although I’m flattered, I don’t give my number to strangers.” A few more taps to the device, “Your total is $22.37.”
“Well,” He leans forward and reads off your name from the tag. It sounds sickly coming from his lips. “My name is Mark. Give me your number and then we won’t be strangers.” He pulls out his card to pay, shoving the cigarettes into his pockets.
You give him a forced smile, resting your hand on your heart while you try to let him down gently. “Nice to meet you, Mark, but still. I am not interested.”
“Why?” He questions, “You got a boyfriend?”
You debate telling him you’re in a relationship. Maybe it will get him to leave, maybe he’ll just suggest you cheat. It’s always difficult to tell.
“Dude,” You hear a voice speak up. “You’re holding up the line.”
Mark turns around to see Spencer a few feet behind. You have to crane your neck to see him, the brunette lining up down an aisle. He’s holding some random items, clearly having wandered around the store, paying attention but trying to look like he was merely shopping.
Just before Mark can say anything, Spencer is pushing forward and shouldering past. “Just take the L and move on,” He deadpans, his voice low and foreboding. He stares down the stranger, putting his items onto the counter without even looking away. He’s half a head shorter than the guy, but his presence alone makes up for that tenfold.
“Here’s your receipt,” You quietly interject, holding it out. Half of you was thankful for the interruption, but the other half of you was annoyed. Despite that, you choose to use this opportunity to end the conversation.
With a huff, Mark snatches the receipt from your hand.
“Whatever,” He mumbles to himself, “Bitch.”
The bell dings as he exits, leaving you and Spencer in a loud silence. You let out a shaky breath.
“Oh my god,” Spencer begins. His words draw your gaze away from the door and to him. You can see the concern on his face and the disgust in his eyes. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” You have a moment to say before he’s talking again.
“What an ass. Do you not have a panic button?”
“I do,” You answer, “But that’s for robberies.”
“Or this!” He protests, gesturing at the door where the man had exited. “You need to stay safe.”
“I was staying safe,” You defend.
“I can’t believe they have you alone at this time of night,” Spencer continues, seemingly not registering your words. “Like, anyone can just come in here!”
“Spencer,” You say, trying to grab his attention.
“You should never have to deal with that kind of–”
“Spencer,” You repeat, finally getting him to shut up.
“It’s fine, I can deal with this on my own. You didn’t need to help,” You explain, wishing the moment would simply pass so you could move on.
“Just because you can deal with it on your own doesn’t mean you have to,” He argues, his voice softer than before.
His words leave you at a loss, unsure how to respond. He breaks the silence before you can.
“How often does this happen?”
“Not often,” You say, struggling to make any eye contact. “This is a nice area and usually they just give up after a couple of tries.”
Spencer sighs, running a hand through his hair with an exasperated expression. “Sorry,” He mumbles, the word being pulled from him. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that.” You can see the regret in his eyes. “I got so heated and I should have just made sure you were okay.”
“Oh,” You say, “Thanks.” His apology was unexpected but very appreciated. “I am fine.”
Spencer nods, the moment feeling slightly awkward as the resolution comes. “When does the next person get here?” He asks.
“Four,” You answer, taking a chance to grab your phone and check the time.
“Damn, that’s a long time.”
“It’s whatever,” You shrug. “It goes pretty quickly since I’m basically just talking to you and then doing homework.”
When the words register for him, there’s a glint in his eyes and a small smile forming on his face. “That’s good,” He replies. There’s a pause before he speaks again, “But damn, that’s like an hour and a half away.”
“Yeah,” You sigh, resting back on your stool.
“Can I stay?” He asks, surprising you. “For peace of mine, I mean. I’m just thinking about me leaving and that guy coming right back in. I don’t know, it’s dumb, but I just can’t imagine leaving you right now.”
“Sure,” You reply, interrupting his word vomit once you’ve regained your barrings.
“Yeah,” You shrug, a closed-lip grin forming. “I would love for you to keep me company.”
“Cool,” He says, a smile forming for him.
The moment is awkward and foreign. From an outside perspective, you probably both look like grinning idiots.
“Well,” Spencer begins, breaking the silence, “I’m definitely going to need an energy drink to stay awake.” He looks down at the pile of snacks he brought up. “You keep working, I’m gonna put these away and come back up with stuff I actually want to buy.”
“Roger that,” You reply, giving him a look before turning back to your computer. You don’t get much work done as you wait for him to come back up. You can’t see him in the aisles, but as he moves between aisles, he always looks at you. The security camera screen is just to your right and you can’t help but watch him as he puts away the random collection of items.
You’re nervous, too distracted by his presence to focus on anything. You were somewhat excited to spend such a prolonged period of time with him. However, you were also absolutely terrified that you would make a fool of yourself or simply seem too boring.
“Okay,” You hear him say, already aware that he was making his way back to the front. “All done.” He is now holding three cans of Mountain Dew Kickstart and a chocolatey protein bar. “Can I also get a couple of taquitos?”
“What kind?” You ask, reaching forward to start scanning his items.
“Your pick, I guess."
You smile at him and see he’s already grinning at you. You can’t help it, everything he does seems to make you happy beyond logic. “I’ll give you one chicken and one fiesta. The beef is fine and the cheese is not good.”
“Sounds like a plan,” He laughs, pulling out his card to pay and then opening a can and taking a big swig.
“Did that guy getting some make you crave them?” You ask, a joking glint in your eyes as you look up at him.
“Am I a misogynist if I say yes?” He replies, making you let out a laugh that was just a little too loud.
When you hand him the taquitos, he leans back onto the counter, head turned so you can see his side profile. He has the drink in one hand and the paper bag of taquitos in another. He takes a bite, a comfortable silence falling over you both. You occupy your time by looking down at your computer and mindlessly clicking around while you try to think of things to talk about. 
“How was work?” You say, deciding on that as the least risky option.
“Good,” He shrugs. “We finished a little late and traffic meant I didn’t get home till almost 7 pm.”
“Oh jeez,” You groan. “My commute is pretty easy in the morning because I go opposite the traffic.”
“I’m jealous,” He replies, smiling at you. “Do you live far from here?”
A shock of electricity shoots through your body. “Somewhat. This isn’t my local convenience store, but I’m not that far.”
Spencer nods, “This isn’t mine either.”
He turns to look at you, eyebrows perked up like he didn’t just say something ridiculous.
“This isn’t your nearest convenience store,” You repeat slowly. When he nods, you ask, “So why do you come here?”
Spencer laughs, realizing his mistake. “The one nearest me is literally down the street, but they don’t always have these,” He answers, holding up the pineapple orange mango-flavored drink. “This store is only a few more minutes away and it always has them.”
“I’m pretty sure that’s because you buy our stock,” You joke. “I’ve literally had my boss ask about why we are selling so many more.”
“Really?” He gasps, leaning in closer. “I used to only make the walk here if the closer one was out, but four months ago I just stopped bothering.”
The fact that four months is when you started working is not lost on you. Feeling confident, you add, “What about when you get coffee? I’m sure the other one has coffee.”
“True.” He looks slightly caught off guard, eyes scanning the store before speaking, “I only come to get coffee here if I’m too lazy to make it at home and running early enough to…” He pauses for a second, the sentence closing as if it wasn’t the planned ending. Finally, he adds, “To see you.”
You hum, looking down because your face is warm and you’re at a loss for words. Luckily, he’s too nervous to look at you either. You feel tingly, knowing full well that this is a special moment that you’ll look back on if you end up dating.
“Anyways,” Spencer breaks the silence. Before he can say anything else, he yawns, mouth opening wide.
“You know you can go home, right?” You laugh. When you look down at your computer, you see it’s about half an hour later. “No one has come in and I doubt anyone will before Marie gets here.”
“No, no,” He protests. “And anyway, aren’t I making time fly?”
“I suppose,” You grin. “You are quite great company.”
Spencer flashes you a smile that makes your insides twist. You wonder if he is picking up on all this. If he can tell that you’re interested in him.
“I’m honored.”
“You should be.” You sarcastically quip. “I have high standards for the company I keep close to me.”
“Is this close?” He contemplates aloud. “I’ve never even seen you without your black polo, black pants, and nonslip shoes.”
You laugh, looking down at your clothes. “Don’t you like this fit?”
“I mean, I love it,” Spencer starts, “But I don’t know how much you’re serving day to day.”
“I serve even when I’m only going to class,” You protest. “Maybe when I’m done with finals, I’ll grace you with my out-of-work personality.”
Spencer grins, “I’d be honored.”
You’re on high alert, knowing exactly what was happening.
“You should be,” You echo, unsure of what else to say. It doesn’t matter though. You could say anything and Spencer would find you charming.
“Maybe we can go to competing stores and graffiti them,” He suggests, long since turned around so he can look at you fully.
“Pft,” You laugh. “I don’t want to get arrested with you the first time we hang out.”
“You don’t? That’s usually my go-to!”
“Well, my go-to is food. Or the arcade.”
“The arcade?” He questions. “All this time I’ve been talking about games and you’ve never mentioned that you’re also a gamer?”
“I am not!” You protest. “Definitely not compared to you. You’re a savant and I’m the fool.”
“I doubt that,” He replies, a grin never leaving his face as he leans in closer. “I say arcade so I can check out your skills.”
“Deal,” You say, leaning onto the counter so you are only a few feet away. “The arcade it is.”
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doobea · 11 months
BLLK - Relationship HCs + Songs That Describes It
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contents: gn!reader, super fluffy, sfw, established relationships characters mentioned: isagi, bachira, nagi, chigiri, reo, rin a/n: probably a bunch of these floating around but these are just my interpretations hehe
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isagi - double take by dhruv
he absolutely adores you and will take a lot of selfies, short videos, and candid photos - whether you notice or not. this is because for your anniversary he wants to surprise you with a custom physical photo album.
does the little thing where he wiggles his hand in front of you, indicating he wants to hold yours. gets super pouty if you decline.
when watching reality dating shows, isagi will roll his eyes and call out toxic behavior, claiming that he'll never treat you like that.
he's super quick to defend you if your name comes up in a conversation. doesn't matter if he gets teased as a "simp" or "whipped", he's 100% down to fight whoever.
bachira - glue song by beabadoobee
has a habit of getting into pointless debates and silly arguments. the most recent one being if cereal is a soup - the answer is yes.
you guys have a secret code for each other. three shirt tugs being 'i love you', two tugs being 'let's leave together', and four tugs being 'i want to cuddle right now'.
loves it when you match his texting style, which heavily consists of emoticons and unconventional emojis.
likes to recreate those quick one-cup mug recipes that he finds on instagram and tiktok! not all of them turn out good but he's always eager to show you the final product.
nagi - sundays by emotional oranges
he goes wild at arcades in order to win you cute plushies, not that he has to try all that hard. all the other couples within the vicinity get jealous as they see you haul around a cart filled with giant stuffed saniro characters.
he probably has a battle station, the type with RBG lighting, two monitors, and a mic set up. in his clear PC case, he keeps polaroid photos of you guys so that whenever he's playing games or doing homework he can look over for motivation.
loves planning aquarium dates with you. he spends the majority of the time in the jellyfish section, pointing to various ones and saying "that's us", and you have to physically drag him out in order to explore the rest of the building.
don't be surprised if you're spending your weekends kissing and cuddling all day long. nagi doesn't care if it doesn't go anywhere, he's simply content just having you engulfed in his arms.
chigiri - every summertime by niki
if he notices that you're playing a song often, he'll add it to his personal playlist and act surprised the next time you compliment his music tastes.
he coordinates his outfits with you as much as possible. if you're wearing a pink top with white bottoms, he'll wear a white top with pink bottoms.
he lets you take the hot showers first, although he prays that there's enough warm water for the next round, and cleans up your stray hairs knowing that sometimes you're forgetful.
he's not usually a talkative person but, if you're the type to be uncomfortable with making calls or taking orders, chigiri will step up and do it for you. don't feel like making a doctor's appointment? he's got it covered.
reo - pink + white by frank ocean
his love languages are acts of service and gift-giving. that means whenever he's on the way home, he'll try and stop by your favorite cafe for your usual drink, text you if you have any packages that arrived in the apartment's package room, and asks if you want takeout.
if you guys are walking out of the store to a heavy downpour without an umbrella, reo will advise you to go back inside as he gets the car. he'll drive to the storefront and makes sure you stay dry.
loves leaving the last bite to you - especially when you're both out at an expensive restaurant. he'll even pretend to be full just so you can savor the last bits of his food.
you put him in charge of killing the bugs in the relationship, somehow he's super bad at it and half of them end up getting away.
rin - bad by wave to earth
if a fan requests a picture with him, he'll literally pose next to them like a stick figure with a blank expression. he thinks it unnecessary to touch them or smile if it's not with you.
the most frequent thing he texts you is asking if you've drank any water and if you've eaten today. saying no to any of them and he'll gently berate you over text, stressing over whether or not you're taking care of yourself.
anytime he is texting you, he covers his phone screen if people are around because he wants your chats to remain private between the two of you.
he constantly thinks about whether he's treating you right. he struggles a lot with his forms of communication but when it comes to you he wants to make sure that nothing is mistranslated. the last thing he wants is for his ego to get the best of him.
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anzulvr · 3 months
hey there how are you doing? :3 may I request Karma and Itona (separately ofc! [I read the request page, hehe] )x reader where reader is kind of awkward in nature? Like reader will stand behind them and internally motivating herself but if they turn around before reader is ready and ask her if she wants something, reader will get flustered and walk away while throwing some mean words like,"Like what makes you think I want something from you?" And moment they are out of sight, she's like 'why I say that?' I know I how have simply mentioned a tsundere reader but they are usually violent but I really need was awkward and a flustered reader,,,, oh well hopefully it isn't confusing much. don't forget to eat your meal and stay positive<3
— Karma / Itona with Akwkard! (Fem, Tsundere) Reader
SO CUTE. So relatable. First Itona one on my page too so pretty fun thank you for the request!
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He’s the type to catch on to your feelings quickly, because he’s so perceptive (and his slight ego) you’re not hiding your feelings from him no matter how many times you deny it.
He pushes it, making fun of you every chance he gets because he knows you’ll give a reaction.
“[Name]? Focus on the board not me, this is why you don’t understand the homework.”
“No one is staring at you! And I actually do understand this one!”
(You were staring and, no you didn’t understand the lesson either.)
Being mean to him on accident is a common occurrence, as a result you get mad at yourself for the rest of the day.
During class you’re all outside practicing knife maneuvers, Karasuma demonstrated earlier but you were “having trouble.”
(You could do it just fine but you wanted an excuse to get Karma to help you)
And he does help you, he grabs your hand a mimics the slashing motion, until:
“Alright [Name]- now try it on your own!”
“I still can’t… can you teach me from the beginning?”
“You just want me to grab your hand again.”
You swung the Anti-Koro Knife at him so fast, without a second thought.
All he had to say was, “So, you can do it?”
He’s aware you can’t bring yourself to confess, but he’s not going easy on you- he finds it more entertaining to see you struggle than just telling you he likes you himself!
He’s going to tease it out of you someday, that’s why you’re his favorite target.
Itona has no idea you like him, he’s the most oblivious person ever.
Especially with the way you act around him, all jumpy and awkward- he thought people only did that when they disliked someone.
He was so blind to your advances until Terasaka and the rest of his friends spelled it out for him.
Maehara was especially encouraging, (as much as he can be in his own way!) “You’ve got a chance with [Name] so take it before I steal her away with my charms!”
(Isogai is always right behind humbling him)
“Take your time Itona, don’t worry there’s no way in hell she’s gonna go for Maehara.”
The concept of relationships always felt far to him (this is also true with Karma but they have different reasons. Itona has been programmed to see relationships as trivial and unimportant while Karma cannot stand the idea of anyone being close enough to exploit his weaknesses.)
You were talking with Terasaka of all people, he was making you laugh so hard tears started to fall from your eyes.
Going as far as to grab onto him for support because your ribs were hurting.
Itona was fighting the urge to prove himself better, but he’s not exactly the most socially conscious or extroverted person, so he shook the unfamiliar feeling off.
Usually, he can fight people to showcase his superiority or strength but this wasn’t the same. He couldn’t fight Terasaka to prove he could make you laugh harder. He was confused as to why he would even want that!
He tries to learn to be more sociable by watching how his classmates interact.
When he finally gathers his resolve to make a joke it comes out of his mouth so unnaturally stiff.
The type of delivery that’s so bad it’s funnier that the joke.
Even if it wasn’t for the reason he intended, you still laughed and in his opinion it was way more genuine than when you were with Terasaka.
Sooo he wins!
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hongcherry · 2 years
In Your Web || jjk (m)
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"Jungkook’s nightly patrol should be focused on catching criminals. Instead, he’s too occupied with his girlfriend and his webs."
🕸 Pairing: spiderman!Jungkook x girlfriend!Reader(f)
🕸 Rating/Genres/AUs: M(18+); Heavy on the fluff, smut; spiderman au, college au, SBaFL au
🕸 Warnings: dom!jk, they love kissing each other 🤷, unprotective sex (be safe everyone!), oral(m), fingering, reader is restrained at one point, rough sex, cum swallowing, light cum play, dirty talk, cocky!jk, jk's cheesy but what's new?
🕸 Word Count: 10k (yassss!!!! *pats self on back*)
🕸 Credits: [betas] @hoebii Mel babe D: thank you for staying by my side. you're a reminder that good people still exist. i love u bby 🥺 n ty for the great ideas on describing jk in his suit n for yn's contact name heh; @jeonjcngkook Jords, thank you for all your help and thought you put into beta'ing! i learned new things from you! | [banner] @missgeniality SIYAAAAA!!!!! this banner is so fun to look at!!! you took my vision and make it a reality! ty for offering your talented services to me! it looks so G O O D
���� Storyline: This fic can be read as a standalone, but it does contain specific references to events from Seeing Double, Prepare for Trouble as well as Warning Signs. However, it doesn’t affect the overall plot... It does give a few spoilers though.
🕸 Author's Note: Happpppy birthday, Jungkook! May your day be filled with laughter and smiles and love and and and an—sklgjavf 💖 u a star
They're back!!!!! Thank you everyone for being patient as I finished my semester and found my motivation again. I've had this idea for a long time, so I'm glad it's finally being brought to life! This was meant to be a short fic, but I've really been wanting to write a long one lately... which has been a struggle D: So I'm very proud of myself for actually writing so much! Anyway, enjoy!
Please reblog and share your thoughts/comments with me as they make me happy hehe 😊 I reply!
SBaFL universe  | bts masterlist
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The cold metal beneath your hands sent a shiver throughout your body. Despite the chilly material, you gripped it firmly as you ascended what you hoped was a sturdy ladder.
Maybe agreeing to meet on a rooftop at night wasn’t the wisest decision. The experience would’ve been better if the weather wasn’t so cold. Regardless, you didn’t want to back out now.
The day was uneventful. You had only attended your classes before finishing up some homework. Occasionally, you would sneak in some time to watch something on YouTube. Although that was entertaining, it was only temporary as you were brought back to reality when your eyes found your uncomplete homework.
College wasn’t as exciting as you had heard it was. You weren’t a part of any groups that frequented parties, so perhaps that was the reason... not that you needed to be in order to have fun. You were content with the group of friends you had. However, the issue was your friends were busy with their own academia too. You were rarely in the same room with all of them.
After thirty minutes of restless tossing and turning, you had sprung from your bed and rang Jungkook. You didn’t want to stare at your bedroom walls anymore. You hadn’t seen him much today either—had only seen him at lunch since he had his own classes to attend and was playing catch-up with his homework. You figured he was out doing his usual Spidey duties despite it being half past midnight. Judging by the windy feedback that came from the other end when he answered, your suspicion was confirmed.
As you neared the rooftop, you glanced up. A familiar figure stood at the top of the ladder with their hand stretched out. You grabbed it and held it tightly as you were pulled up effortlessly.
The roof was flat and belonged to a deserted commercial building. In spite of it being in the middle of construction, it was nearly finished so you weren’t too worried about it collapsing. The road beneath wasn’t any livelier—enough cars to offer the buzz of passing vehicles, but not so much to be the dominant sound in the area. From this height, they appeared to be toy cars children would play with. You could imagine kids with controllers guiding their cars through a makeshift track. Albeit a lot more organized.
The first thing you saw when your feet touched the ground were two white teardrop shapes. The familiarity brought a wave of comfort washing over you.
“I feel like I should be asking for your autograph,” you teased the hero before you.
Spider-Man chuckled, using your hand that was still grasped in his to bring you closer. He removed his mask with his other hand and shined a playful smile in your direction. His hair was tousled and unkempt due to being squashed beneath the mask. He looked cute.
“I’ll give you one,” Jungkook replied and carefully tucked his mask into the waistband of your jeans. Your arms wrapped around his waist, and you peered up at him with a faint grin.
“How much do you think I could make off of it?”
Jungkook cocked an eyebrow up, the corner of his lip twitching as he tried to suppress a smirk.
“You won’t be able to make anything off of it,” he answered and lowered his head.
“I beg to differ,” you snickered. “I saw people trying to sell pieces of your webs you leave behind for a hefty amount.”
“Gross,” he murmured before resting his forehead against yours.
“Mhm,” you hummed in agreement. Before you could change topics, Jungkook spoke again.
“What I meant was, you won’t be able to make anything off it because it won’t be tangible.”
Confused, you started to move back to look at him, but Jungkook kept you close.
“What do you-”
Without warning, Jungkook surprised you by pressing his lips upon yours. The kiss was gentle and had you relaxing in his arms. Even though being kissed by Jungkook was nothing new to you, his kisses always had your brain short-circuit.
Jungkook moved away too soon, but only to connect his lips to your neck. Your mouth fell open as your breathing intensified under his touch, his lips kissing just beneath your jaw. Despite the unexpected action, your body reacted quickly. You tangled a hand in his locks when he nipped at your cool skin. The breezes that tangled your hair caused goosebumps to rise across your arms and you cuddled closer to his body for warmth.
After a few more kisses, you felt his tongue glide across your neck. His movements were slow; he took his time to trace patterns on your skin while he gently massaged the sides of your body. 
The light motions of his hands combined with the languid glides of his tongue had you squirming. You bit your lower lip to suppress your giggles from the sensations.
Jungkook grinned against your skin at your reaction and dug his fingers into your waist to keep you from escaping his grasp. Instead of pulling away after a moment, he opted for kissing toward your ear. 
“That was a one-of-a-kind autograph. Only for you, baby,” he whispered, his breath tickling at your skin.
Your eyes opened suddenly when you realized he had spelled his name on your neck with his tongue. 
Jungkook withdrew from you and laughed at the startled expression settled on your face. His eyes lingered on the sheepish look since he found it amusing.
Though at his laugh, you hastily composed yourself again.
“T-thank you?” you said, unsure what to say, yet you were weak at the knees from his actions. It always felt good to be reminded you were his. 
Jungkook responded by pecking your cheek.
“’Course. How was your day?” he asked, hands still palming your sides absentmindedly.
“Dull,” you sighed. You reached up to tuck a strand of hair from his face that was blown by the wind. “Was yours good?”
Jungkook shrugged. “It wasn’t bad. The night’s kind of slow tonight, too.”
You stayed silent as your gaze danced across his face, admiring his soft features that were lit by the moonlight. His dark eyes bore into yours, lips tugged in a small smile. He tilted his head as he got lost in his own thoughts. Although he was looking at you, he wasn’t truly seeing you. The hand that had trailed up to his hair earlier slowly started to twist a few strands between your fingers. 
Your eyes began to trail downward. His red and blue suit stretched snuggly around his toned frame. As if hypnotized, the hand playing with his hair slid down to his chest, touching his firm muscles from over the fabric. It put you at ease from the known feeling.
His breathing became irregular when he felt your hands trace the intricate patterns of his suit. You were grateful you were able to feel the unique spandex material in comparison to the cheap counterfeits being sold.
When your hands traveled lower, he drew in a sharp breath. His kneading on your body stopped.
“Is this why you called to ask where I was?” His tone was playful though a little strained. He tried to keep his heart rate steady so as to not be affected by your wandering hands. “You knew I was on patrol.”
“I had a feeling,” you admitted softly, flickering your gaze up to meet his own but continuing your hand south.
“I’m supposed to be looking for bad guys,” Jungkook attempted to regain his sense of control. “You’ve already distracted me enough.”
“You said tonight was a slow one,” you said and stopped your hand from going past his pelvis.
“Y-yes, but I should still keep an eye out.”
You gave him a teasing smile and gradually pulled away from him, watching him closely as he released a deep breath with a faintest frown. His hands fell to his sides.
 “Are you sleepy?” Jungkook asked, changing the topic abruptly while his fingers tapped against the top of his thighs. You weren’t sure if he was anxious, excited, or nervous about something.
“No. Are you?” you replied suspiciously. His question was innocent, yet you had a feeling he asked for a reason.
Jungkook shook his head at the question then glanced around the rooftop. You followed his gaze and looked to the right to see a higher part of the building. The roof had two levels.
“Wait here for a second,” he instructed. With speed, he began to fire webs that connected from the wall to the rooftop’s floor.
You watched in puzzlement for a few seconds before you realized what he was doing.
It was odd to see your boyfriend spin his own web, yet it was fascinating nonetheless. He’s never done this in front of you. However, you figured by his deft hands, he had done this before. Watching him, you became grateful his webs didn’t shoot out of his ass. What if he farted and—?! Alright, brain. That’s enough. You weren’t sure if you really wanted to see that. Just the image made you giggle and cringe simultaneously. 
“Bet you could catch a lot of flies with that,” you mused, attention focused on him again instead of your questionable thoughts.
Jungkook glanced your way and paused, a knowing grin on his lips. “I’m planning to catch something else.”
“Yeah?” you wondered playfully.
Jungkook hummed as he finished what he was up to. The web wasn’t anything special in terms of design. It appeared to be like any other web, but larger—as if looking through a magnifying glass. You wondered if it would stick to your fingertips and collapse like the ones at home.
Jungkook walked down from the top, strangely balancing—or not so considering his powers—on the slanted material.
“Alright. Come here, baby,” he called for you. He stood near the edge of the web, hand stretched out as he waited for you to join him.
You shuffled your feet, uncertain if going on the web was the best choice. Sure, Jungkook was standing perfectly fine on it, but was it really robust enough to handle the both of you?
“Any slower and I’m going to pull you here,” he complained.
“My pace hasn’t stopped you before,” you huffed, all movements halted.
Jungkook laughed lightly and shook his hand in hopes it’d get you to come quicker, “Yeah, but I’m trying to be a gentleman this time.”
“I’m not sure I’m going to be as stable as you on that, Koo,” you said. Your steps were small and hesitant.
“Don’t worry. I got you,” he reassured.
You took a deep breath as you placed your hand in his. The first step was scary, and you held onto Jungkook’s hand with a deadly grip. The web dipped slightly at your weight but stayed taut for the most part. The strength of it surprised you. You knew Jungkook’s webs were not easy to break but relying on them for flooring and being tangled up with them were different.
“There you go,” Jungkook smiled as he led you to the center carefully. Similar to a real spider’s web, it was slightly sticky, and you had to tug your legs up a little harder than normal to walk. You wondered if you ran and jumped on the web if you would stick to it like a fly. Though, you had a gut feeling Jungkook had already tested that theory in the past.
Jungkook guided you to sit down, slinging an arm over your shoulder and resting his head against yours. The warmth from his body felt comforting in the chilly night and it reminded you how thankful you were to simply be able to snuggle against him. You wondered how long you could stay like this without interruptions.
“Is college what you expect it to be like?” Jungkook asked, voice soft and blending with the breezes.
“Sort of,” you shrugged. “Lots of studying and sorority parties I never attend.”
He chuckled, laying back against the web. One leg was bent and his arms outstretched. You followed his lead. Your head rested against his arm, and you pressed your side against his. You both stared up at the starless sky. It was a shame the city lights were concealing the twinkling stars.
“Except the one,” Jungkook argued teasingly, recalling that night’s events after the Halloween party.
A faint blush crept on your cheeks and Jungkook patted your head blithely.
“How’s Aunt May?” You tried to change the subject.
Jungkook let it slide and answered, “She had her first baking class last weekend. She said she really liked it and plans to make me her taste-tester.”
“Well, aren’t you lucky,” you replied and glanced at him. His face scrunched up briefly. “Why that face? You’re getting free desserts!”
“Did you not hear when I said it was her first class? Plus, I fear I may lose my amazing physique if she feeds me everything she tries to bake.” Jungkook’s tone was light, but you knew there was some truth behind his words.
You laughed and you sat up to look down at him. He had moved his other hand to be tucked under his head sometime during your conversation. He looked so peaceful lying on his web in the middle of the night. Even when his lips were in a tight smile, he still made your heart race. 
“Hey, don’t underestimate Aunt May’s skills. She could be a prodigy when it comes to baking. And just bring the food to class. Students love free food.”
“Ah, you’re so smart,” he said and gently tugged you back down with one hand. You tucked your body against his side, one leg draping itself over his straightened limb. Jungkook raised his head slightly to look down at you with an adoring expression. He just wanted to be close to you while he could. He was enjoying the calm night. It wasn’t every day he could have these moments with you.
“Someone has to be,” you kid.
“Yah! Jagiya,” he whined and threw his head back against the web. The wind blew some of his hair into his face, but Jungkook didn’t bother with moving the strands. He let them sway in the breeze.
“Truth hurts, huh, Koo?”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and hugged your body.
“You’re being a brat,” Jungkook huffed.
You giggled, enjoying the light bickering. “I’m sorry.”
You tilted your head with a pout, placed a hand on his chest, and tapped your fingers in a rhythm to get his attention.
“Kookie,” you said, voice slightly higher than normal when he didn’t look at you. Jungkook didn’t budge. He stubbornly kept his gaze locked on the dark sky. 
Sighing, you leaned up and squished his cheeks with your hand. His lips pursed involuntarily at the act and a whine of protest left him. He shook his head, but there wasn’t enough force to actually break away.
“Do you forgive me?” you asked.
After a few seconds of silence, you pecked his pouty lips.
“I think you’re very smart,” you complimented and gave him another quick kiss.
“And funny,” you continued, accompanied by a third kiss. “And caring. And handsome. And sexy. And cute. And the best boyfriend in the wor- Hmph!”
Jungkook had stayed still as you showered him with compliments. He tried to suppress the smile forming with each kiss you placed on his lips. His heart was beating faster the more attention you gave him.
Hearing enough, he quickly leaned up and smashed his lips against yours, hand tangling in your hair to stop you from pulling away.
Your hand on his face eased as your eyes fluttered shut when he started to move his mouth.
Jungkook pressed you flushed to his body. His legs wrapped around yours as he kept you in his tight grip.
With a gasp, you receded from the kiss.
“Is that a yes?” you questioned breathlessly.
“No,” he replied, chest heaving slightly. “I just wanted you to shut up.”
He tugged your head back down and connected your lips once more. This time, you successfully moved from him.
“Now who’s being the brat?” you huffed.
Jungkook laughed, lips a little swollen and eyes filled with love and lust. He reduced his grip on you and let his legs sprawl beneath your body. 
You adjusted yourself so you were straddling him. His hands came up to rub your thighs, eyes following you as you leaned over him. You carefully pushed all his hair out of his face as Jungkook stared at you quietly.
The quietness was tranquil and neither of you felt the need to fill it. Perhaps with someone else, it might have been awkward. You might have fidgeted under the silence or tried to ask generic questions to fill the space. Though with Jungkook it was different. Being in his presence was all you needed to feel content.
Jungkook studied you. It was harder to see your face as your back was against the sky, the moonlight not having a way to illuminate your features. Despite this, he knew your face was in its most relaxed state. Your movements were unrushed and gentle, indicating how serene you felt. Even if he couldn’t see your face clearly, your eyes sparkled in the darkness that had him mesmerized by your beauty. He couldn’t see the stars in the sky, but he only needed you to be the light in his life.
“You’re pretty,” you whispered as you slowly moved the last few strands from his face.
Jungkook was drawn from his thoughts by your comment.
“I know you are,” he said with a cheesy grin.
You opened your mouth to protest, but Jungkook gripped your thighs firmly with a shake of his head. You shut your mouth with a pout, not in the mood to disagree anymore.
Jungkook let out a small laugh at your expression and wrapped his arms around your back, pulling you on him again.
“Can’t believe you’re all mine, baby,” he whispered. His lips ghosted yours as he pushed the hair that fell into your face. He held his hand in your hair and stroked the side of your face with his thumb tenderly.
Your heartbeat quickened with each second that passed by with Jungkook staring at you. Your faces were so close, yet no one made a move.
“May I keep you out a little longer?” Jungkook asked kindly.
You nodded, a smile on your lips. Although you had class tomorrow, you didn’t want to leave Jungkook’s embrace.
“You may.”
Jungkook wasted no more time and kissed you for the umpteenth time that night. Though, you could never get enough of his kisses as they always had you feeling giddy.
He moved his lips languidly against yours, tracing your lower lip with his tongue slowly so as to soak up this moment like a sponge. He wanted to remember the taste of your lips, the feel of your skin under his hands, the weight of your body on his.
His tongue met yours and he crept his hands down your sides following the curve of your body, loving the way your legs squeezed his waist at the feel of his hands roaming your hips.
Your hair fell around his face and Jungkook could feel a few strands tickling his cheeks, but he didn’t care to move them.
Jungkook’s hands slid up to grab your ass. He gripped it roughly, which caused you to press your lower half over his.
You inhaled sharply when Jungkook did it again.
One of your hands caressed the side of his face while the other trailed up and down his torso. You could feel every bump and curve of his toned body due to the tight spandex of his suit. You pressed your body harder against his to feel more of him. There was always something so attractive when he donned his suit. You rolled your hips at the thought of having the hero beneath you all to yourself.
“You remember what you said to me that night of the party?” Jungkook questioned between breaths when you both broke away from the heated kiss.
You gave him a puzzled look, mind going blank momentarily as you lifted yourself to see him better.
Jungkook smirked and answered for you, “You said I looked sexy in my suit.”
You glanced away from him meekly. Not only did you think it now, but you also thought it then too. As if Jungkook could read your mind, he continued.
“Do you think I look sexy in it now?”
Jungkook already knew the response from the way you tucked your chin to your chest. He just wanted you to admit it verbally. Gently, he moved your face, so you were looking at him again. He waited for your answer.
Reluctantly, because you knew it was what he wanted to hear, you answered, “Yes.”
“You wanted me to fuck you with my suit on,” he recalled with a sinister smile and slid his hand back to rest on your ass. “And I sort of did then, but it didn’t really satisfy your idea, right, baby?”
You stared down at him with rapt attention, hands pressed on his chest. You remembered how his attire had been around his thighs, which only had exposed his torso. He was right in that it didn’t give the same effect as when it covered him completely. The more you thought of him fully dressed having his way with you, the more you could feel your panties dampening.
“Speak to me,” he encouraged, a hand lightly tapping your ass to get your attention.
“Yes, I remember. You’re right,” you replied hurriedly.
“What if I told you I wore a different suit today?” he wondered aloud. “You still want me to fulfill that dream of yours?”
For some reason, you were suddenly shy. You wanted it, yes, but you felt a little ashamed of the thought. You were sure Jungkook had made the suit tight so he could maneuver easily, not to be ogled at. Yet here you were. The idea of him being fully suited up and making you a moaning mess was tempting. 
“I- I don’t know,” you murmured and averted your gaze.
“Why so shy?” he asked, voice softer than before.
“I feel I shouldn’t want to,” you trailed off.
“But I want to,” Jungkook reassured and put emphasis on himself. “I want to fuck you in my suit.”
“B-but you wear this to be a hero,” you began to argue, peering at the material, “not to satisfy some fantasy of mine.”
Jungkook shook his head and moved your head to look at him. “What if you weren’t the only one with that fantasy?”
You pressed your lips together, unsure if he was just saying that. Not only were you still hesitant, you now felt bad for ruining the mood. Your shoulders slumped at the realization.
“I’m not just Spider-Man in this suit. I’m Jeon Jungkook, your boyfriend, and you helped me see that,” he continued to try to erase your doubts when he saw your shoulders sag.
You listened to him silently. 
“Plus, you’re telling me heroes can’t have a little fun?” His light tone etched away a sliver of your uncertainty. “Don’t feel guilty for how you feel. You’re not the only one who thinks I look ‘hotter than ghost peppers’ in my suit.”
Your eyes widened at his reply, not anticipating hearing such a comment. Jungkook chuckled at your reaction.
“My favorite from last week was being told I was ‘so hot even milk can't wash it down’.”
You shook your head with a smile and a small laugh–a mixture of disbelief and amusement. His words made you feel better.
“People have an interesting way with words online,” he shrugged as if he was used to it. He probably was at this point in his hero career.
“So, what do you say?” Jungkook asked and raised a hand to graze your lower lip with his thumb. His eyes dropped down briefly to watch the way your mouth parted when he rubbed your lip delicately. “Will you help your boyfriend pass some time while he’s on patrol?”
“I thought you were supposed to be looking out for criminals,” you huffed teasingly when you recalled his earlier replies. You were grateful Jungkook was there to lift your spirit back up. 
To him, he wasn’t bothered by your hesitancy. He was just happy to talk you through the little speed bump. The mood was never ruined.
“I am,” he retorted and removed his hand from your face. “I already got one.”
A gasp left your lips when a hand came down on your ass abruptly, your fingertips digging into his chest in response.
“I’m not a criminal,” you scoffed when you realized the action implied he had deemed you as one. “What crime did I commit?”
“You stole my heart. I say that’s quite a big crime.”
You blinked at him dumbfoundedly.
“You did not just-”
“You have the right to remain silent-”
“You’re not a police officer.”
Jungkook exhaled dramatically, “You gotta work on your roleplay skills, babe.”
You rolled your eyes and nudged him. Jungkook laughed, visibly proud of his comment.
“Didn’t know you were into that,” you mused.
Jungkook shrugged. “Never tried, but I’m not going to say no if you wanted to try it.”
Even though his tone was light, you could tell from the way his eyes widened out of curiosity that he was being serious.
“Maybe in the future,” you suggested and leaned down.
“I’m looking forward to it,” he said before your lips met his.
Jungkook squeezed your ass, pressing your hips to his more.
Your hips began to slowly circle as the kiss deepened, tongues tangling against each other. You suppressed the moans bubbling in your throat every time your clit caught friction. You felt the bulge underneath you growing with each swivel of your hips and it had your heart pumping quicker.
Jungkook’s hands moved from your ass to your hips, guiding their movements while pushing his own up to meet your body more. You moaned into his mouth at the rougher feeling.
Jungkook pulled away with a sharp inhale, chocolate eyes dark with lust.
“Mask on or off?” Jungkook panted.
As much as you loved seeing his handsome face, you wanted to try something different.
Jungkook smirked and plucked his mask from your jean’s waistline.
“Other people would love to be in my position,” you thought out loud as you eyed him retrieving his mask. Although you didn’t mean to gloat, a part of you did feel a little ego boost at the statement.
“Don’t wanna think of other people,” Jungkook said. “Just wanna think of you, baby. Just you. Only you. This is only for you.”
Your heart warmed at his rambling, and you captured his lips with yours tenderly, both hands cradling the sides of his face as if he was your anchor in a restless ocean.
“For us,” you corrected into the kiss.
Jungkook smiled, giving you an extra peck on the lips after you moved away.
You rubbed his chest lightly as he pushed his hair back off his forehead before tugging the mask over his head. Being unable to see his face had a strange feeling bubbling in your chest. Here was the hero you often saw on the screens. He was untouchable to many, yet he was laying beneath you.
Though this was not your first time being with him with his mask on, knowing what was to come had your heart racing for a different reason and it excited you. Maybe it was the idea that no one but you were able to have Spider-Man like this—to have Jungkook like this—or maybe you were anxious to try something new with him. Whatever the reason, you suddenly felt your body grow warmer.
“Hi, Spidey,” you teased with a smile once the mask was secured on him.
Jungkook chuckled at your casual tone and transferred his hands to your waist.
“Hi, pretty girl,” he replied whilst he kneaded your hips softly. “’M can’t wait to see you fall apart for me.”
Your cheeks heated at his comment. You leaned down, giving him a kiss through his mask. Despite not being able to directly feel his lips upon yours, the thought was there at least. Your hands traveled between his legs when you gave him a quick kiss.
Jungkook sighed at the feel of your hand on top of his hardening cock.
You palmed him above his clothing, eyes casting down to outline his hard-on. The soft touches had Jungkook tightening his grip on your hips.
Not wanting to have all the attention, Jungkook glided his hands up your chest until he cupped your breasts through your shirt. He massaged them gently, causing you to arch your back into his soothing touches.
Your hand on his crotch pressed harder against him. Jungkook shuddered at the pressure.
“Take these off for me,” Jungkook murmured and tugged on one of your belt loops.
You nodded and carefully climbed off him to remove your jeans, forgetting you were on top of the web Jungkook spun earlier.
“Is this going to, uh, hold us?” you questioned, feeling unsure how to bring up the topic without feeling a little strange. Because who would have thought you would fuck your boyfriend on top of a giant web?
“Definitely,” he said confidently and leaned up on one elbow. He patted the web as if to show its sturdiness. “We can go as wild as we want.” 
There was cockiness to his tone as he raised his eyebrows up with a crooked grin. He was definitely already prepared to have you sore tomorrow.
Another blush crept on your face at his words. “How ‘wild’ are you imagining, Koo?”
Jungkook hummed as if in thought. He gestured for you to climb back on him, and you did as he answered, “Until you’re fucked dumb and whining for my cock.”
“Jungkook,” you gasped at his choice of words. Really, you don’t know why you were taken aback. His vocabulary has always been more vulgar when he was consumed with lust. It was different from his usual easy-going, joking behavior. Perhaps it was because you hadn’t heard him speak to you like this in a while. With your schedules, you hadn’t had the chance to have an intimate moment with him.
“I’ll make you feel so good, you’ll be craving my dick for days,” he continued, just to watch you become more flustered. 
Jungkook laughed at your bashful expression. He slid a hand between your legs and began to circle your clit through your panties.
“Don’t you want that, baby?” he cooed and increased his speed. Your hips jolted at the sensation, and you placed your hands on his chest with a small moan.
“To be so needy for my cock that you can’t think of anything else?”
His words had your panties getting wetter. The thought had your heart racing, and you nodded your head at his question. 
Jungkook smiled beneath his mask and moved his finger to rub through your folds. A smirk formed when he felt your damp panties. Your hips started to grind against his fingers, needing to feel more of his sinful touches.
Jungkook kept the same pace for a little longer, watching as your hips got more frantic as you grew more desperate.
“Need more,” you whined and started to reach down to lead his fingers where you wanted him, but Jungkook grabbed your wrist instead.
“Did you miss my cock so much that you forgot your manners?” Jungkook scolded, not truly mad with you.
“Please,” you said unhesitant. “Give me more.”
“I just want you to beg until you can’t take it anymore,” Jungkook confessed, which had your eyes widening. “But I’ve already kept you out so late that I’ll have to do that another time.”
You felt your body relax at that, not having the patience to have him deny you longer. He hasn’t done much, yet you were eager to feel him for the first time in a while.
Jungkook watched you for a moment as he took in your relieved expression. “I’m just too nice to you, huh?” He chuckled lowly but didn’t let you reply.
Jungkook pushed aside your panties and eased one finger inside. You were wet enough from his previous actions that his fingers slid in with no resistance, making Jungkook groan.
He pumped his finger steadily and it wasn’t long before he quickly added another one. The slight stretch from it had your inhaling deeply. His slow motions had you wanting more, but you stayed still as you let him continue. You had missed his touch.
Jungkook slowed his pace, almost coming to a complete stop as he gently spread his fingers. You gasped at the feeling and pressed your thighs against his body. A hand came down and wrapped itself around his wrist. You didn’t adjust his hand but just gave it a squeeze to let him know how good it felt. 
Jungkook’s lip quirked in a small smile at you. He pressed his fingers together, pumped them a few times, then spread his fingers again. His actions repeated at the same unhurried pace. While it felt pleasing, it wasn’t enough to push you over the edge. However, before you could request more, Jungkook retreated. You keened at the loss of his touch.
He ignored your cry and pushed the lower half of his suit down. Normally, his attire was a one-piece, but this one was different. He had several outfits he had experimented with, all with different designs.
“Think you can take over?” Jungkook questioned as he exposed his hard cock. He wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and tightened his grip. His lips parted at the feeling. 
Your eyes glanced down, walls clenching around nothing when you saw his precum leaking from his tip.
You nodded and started to adjust your position, but Jungkook interrupted you.
“Where’s that sweet voice of yours, baby?”
“Yes,” you verbally answered; it earned you a content nod from Jungkook.
“Come on then, need to feel you around me,” he groaned, dick throbbing with need.
You obeyed and moved so you were hovering over his tip.
Jungkook rubbed his tip through your slicken folds, smearing his precum along them. His lips were parted; his eyes focused on how easy it was to do so. After a few more glides, he aligned himself and bucked his hips slightly until he pushed the head of his cock inside your soaked pussy. 
A small yelp escaped your lips at the stretch. Understanding the message, you sank down slowly, both your moans ringing out in unison at the feeling of each other.
“Fuck,” Jungkook cursed beneath you. His eyebrows were furrowed together.
Without wasting another second, you began to slide up until just his tip remained before sliding back down gradually with another moan.
Jungkook had his hands resting on your waist, trying not to force your hips down faster.
“Y-you’re big,” you gasped with your eyes closed. Your head was starting to cloud with the pleasure his cock was giving you.
“Thanks, cutie,” Jungkook said playfully through a breathy laugh. His voice sounded a little stiff as he tried to keep his moans at bay so that he could hear yours better.
His tone tore you from your haze for a moment and you hit his chest half-heartedly. Jungkook laughed and rubbed your waist, unaffected by the faux scolding.
“Love the way you fit around me,” Jungkook added and thrusted up harshly once. He told himself to let you set the pace, but he couldn’t help it. You were just so tight around him.
“Ah!” you gasped at his sudden movement. Jungkook smirked at your reaction.
At his action, you increased your speed. You sank up and down his cock faster and you threw your head back at the way he filled you so blissfully. Your arms were behind you, fingertips grazing the top of Jungkook’s thighs as you bounced with vigor.
Jungkook bent his knees slightly so you could grab his thighs better for support. Once you had a solid hold, you started to rock your hips quicker.
Jungkook reached up and dragged your shirt up until it was gathered at the top of your chest. He pushed your bra up as well, tucking your shirt under the bra’s seam so it stayed put. With your breasts exposed, Jungkook greedily stared at the way they bounced with each of your movements.
Seeing you on top with your back arched slightly from the position of your arms and breasts moving had him let out a curse. He needed to release this pent-up feeling in his chest.
Without notice, Jungkook halted your hips and flipped you over. You both bounced slightly with the action and for a moment, you worried the web was going to snap. However, the thought disappeared when Jungkook forced your hands above your head.
You stared at him above you, eyes glued to the two oval shapes in his mask.
“I would turn you over so I could see that pretty ass of yours, but I know my baby girl wants to see me. Am I right?” he crooned.
“Y-yes,” you agreed.
“Since you wanted me fully suited as I fuck you, I think it’s only right for me to do this,” he trailed off. You realized what he meant a little too late. He had already adhered your wrists to the web below.
Jungkook grabbed your ankles next, pulling your legs apart then webbing them as well. He had you sprawled on top of his web, and he couldn’t feel more proud of himself. Here you were—exposed and leaking with arousal in front of him, unable to move.
“Don’t you look divine right now,” he praised arrogantly. His eyes traveled every inch of your body, and you were incapable of shielding yourself from his greedy eyes.
Even though you couldn’t see his face, you still knew the facial expression he was sporting underneath the mask and the thought had you squirming. You had never been this restrained in such an intimate moment with him, but your trust in him didn’t make you nervous. Instead, you just felt your body heat rapidly.
“Caught in my web,” he whispered as if in wonder at the beautiful sight. One of his hands raked down your body, tweaking one of your nipples before moving to the inside of your thigh. “Just ready for me to use you.”
“Please,” you begged.
“Would you like that?” he asked, low and husky. 
“Yes, Jungkook,” you answered truthfully. “Want you to fuck me dumb.”
Jungkook smiled and positioned himself, so he was hovering over you, his tip resting at your entrance.
“That, I can do,” he chuckled. 
He eased into you again. The snug feeling around his cock had him clutching the webbing next to your head.
Jungkook didn’t stay nestled against you for long. His pace wasn’t as fast as he could go, but he’d rather use his strength than his speed at the moment.
You moaned loudly, staring up at your boyfriend with his famous red and blue mask. Although you probably had forgotten you weren’t in the privacy of four walls, Jungkook didn’t.
He felt he should’ve told you to be quieter, but he really didn’t want to. He loved the sounds you were making, knowing he was the one causing them. He pushed away the concern he had briefly and gave you a particular rough thrust which earned him a heavenly cry from your lips. It was as if he was challenging the universe for someone to hear you.
Your body was pushed up with each shove of his hips. However, since you were tied down, you didn’t actually move much.
“Look at you,” Jungkook rasped and glanced down at where you were both connected. He could feel your walls clench around him and he groaned. “Letting me take you however I want.”
The more he pondered on that, the faster his pace got. 
“Shit, you look so pretty,” he hissed. He grabbed your bouncing breasts, squeezing them as he slammed his hips against yours. The hold on your breasts was slightly painful, but the feeling between your legs was too delightful to notice for long.
“You feel s-so good, Kookie,” you stammered through gasps. Your hands were balled into fists, wanting to touch him but not having the ability to do so.
Jungkook moved his hands from your breasts so he could grip your hips. He leaned back slightly and guided your hips to his while he thrusted forward.
Your back arched, head pushing onto the web at the new feeling. You could feel him slide against the spot that had you seeing stars.
Jungkook’s eyes were gazing from your open mouth to your bouncing breasts then to where he was pounding into you. He couldn’t decide where to look as he fucked into you.
A part of him wished he could take a picture of how captivating you looked right now. The egotistical side of him wanted to show it to his friends—to brag about how well he could fuck you. How good you were to him to let him use your body for his pleasures. You were his good girl. And as much as he wanted to indulge in his own selfish pleasures longer, he remembered that you needed to be spoiled too.
Jungkook adjusted himself so he was hovering over you again. He lifted his mask just above his nose and slotted his mouth on your right nipple while a hand massaged your left breast. The feeling of his warm tongue circling the nub had you whining his name and clenching around him again.
Jungkook hummed, happy to hear how much you were enjoying his mouth on you.
You tugged on the restraints. You just wanted to rip off his mask and tangle your fingers in his locks like you usually do.
Jungkook flickered his tongue over your hardened nipple before nipping at it. The action had you gasping and pushing your chest to his face. Jungkook smiled against your skin before finding your other nipple and repeating the motions. The saliva left by Jungkook’s mouth was cooling in the chilly air, hardening your nipple. 
While he was playing with your breasts, he kept up the rocking of his hips. The feeling of his big cock rubbing against your walls combined with his tongue had you near your climax.
“Jungko- Baby I-” you babbled, trying to form a full sentence. “Close,” you ended up saying instead.
“Go on, pretty girl. Come around me,” he permitted and briskly moved away from your chest. He tugged the mask down again before getting into a stable position. Without warning, he pulled out and thrusted back in harshly.
You cried, eyebrows knitting together as your body jerked upward from his force.
Jungkook stared down at you intensely, focused on getting you to come. His force was brute, no longer slow like before. Suddenly his hands were back on your breasts again.
Each slap of his hips had you trudging closer to the edge. Your eyes were half-lidded, mouth hung open as you breathed heavily. Your mind was only focused on him—the rocking of his dick in your cunt, the pleasure of his hands on your chest, and the sound of his bated breathing.
“There’s that fucked out look I wanted,” he jested through pants, but you barely registered his words through your hazy pleasure.
“Just for me,” he said. “Only I can see that look, right, jagiya?”
You whined, the energy to reply barely there. For once, Jungkook didn’t require an answer. He knew your thoughts were too occupied just by the expressions on your face.
Jungkook felt your walls tense up, sucking him back in greedily. After a few more thrusts, you came with a loud cry of his name. Your legs seized at the force of your orgasm while his name fell off your tongue like a mantra. Jungkook loved every moment of it, hearing the way you said his name so breathlessly was music to his ears.
He basked in the glory he felt at having you unravel because of him.
“Want to see your pretty mouth filled with my cum,” he husked and pulled away from your cunt.
He straddled your face and sunk his cock between your lips hurriedly.
You eagerly hallowed your mouth, bobbing your head around his heavy cock. Jungkook moaned watching you suck him off so earnestly.
“That’s it,” he praised, breathing increasing with each glide of your mouth.
“I’m close,” he murmured and slotted his fingers in your hair.
Your eyes locked on his mask, groaning around his dick at seeing the hero above you.
Jungkook tilted his head back briefly when he felt your tongue run just beneath his head, where his tip meets his shaft.
“Oh, fuck,” he shuddered. “Should have you suck my cock more.”
You hummed in satisfaction at his words, which caused Jungkook to tighten his grip on your hair at the sensation. The vibrations from your throat pushed him closer to his release.
Soon, Jungkook was emptying his load in your mouth. His hand was fisted in your hair as he pushed his hips to your face fully. His cock slid down your throat and you gagged slightly at the sudden feeling. Jungkook found the sound arousing, letting another curse fall from his lips. 
He withdrew from you, some of his cum still spilling from his cock. You quickly inhaled a breath before sticking your tongue out again. Jungkook rested his tip on it and pumped his shaft, head lolling to the side as he panted. His cum landed on your tongue and Jungkook’s gaze was glued to the sight. He loved seeing you dripping with his cum—whether it be in your cunt or in your mouth.
Jungkook slid his tip into the cum pooling on your tongue before running his tip along your upper lip, painting it white.
When you felt Jungkook nudge your jaw, you swallowed.
His gaze lingered on his cum on your lip. However, the sight was soon gone when you swiped your tongue over it.
Jungkook wanted to stay over you as he caught his breath, but he knew you were probably uncomfortable, so he carefully moved off of you. With one hand, he yanked his mask off to reveal his face. His forehead was beaded in sweat while some of his hair stuck to his forehead.
“You still carry that pocketknife with you?” he asked. He knew you had carried one for protection after everything that happened with Kangdae and Seokjin. He wasn’t too happy about it initially since he didn’t want you to be in any fights, but after your constant refusals, he relented. After all, he rather you be able to protect yourself if he couldn’t be there to protect you.
“Back pocket,” you said and nodded to your discarded jeans.
Instead of Jungkook getting up to grab them like you thought he would, he simply shot a web and brought them to him.
“Thought the webs were sturdy,” you joked, voice a little hoarse. “How can a tiny pocketknife cut it?”
“It’s not as easy as you may think,” he replied and switched it open. He began to meticulously saw at the webs around your wrists.
“Doesn’t this mean any criminal can just cut through your webs?”
“If they have the time and strength, yes. My webs aren’t invincible,” he answered calmly, not irritated with your curiosity. “Hence, why I try to web their arms down. And normally, one swipe of the web won’t break through it. They’ll be in handcuffs before they can free themselves.”
“We’re going to be here for a while, huh?” you sighed, the euphoric feeling ebbing away at the idea of being exposed to the icy weather longer.
Jungkook glanced at your almost-naked body as if reading your mind. Sheepishly, he gently adjusted your bra and shirt to cover your torso. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do anything about your lower half since he had webbed you at the ankles.
“Maybe start there instead?” you suggested when you saw him glance at your legs.
Jungkook nodded and followed your advice.
The wait for Jungkook to free you didn’t last as long as you had expected. He had made sure to pay extra attention to where he slid the knife, and you were freed without a scratch. He then helped you put on the rest of your clothes.
“I’ve missed you,” he said softly as he sat next to you, rubbing at your wrists and ankles while you both regained some energy.
“I’ve missed you, too,” you replied and gave him a kind smile that had his heart melting.
“Have you thought about what I asked you a few weeks ago?” he wondered, hope lingering in his voice.
Jungkook had come to your dorm one day, seemingly nervous about something. You had worried it had to do with him being the masked hero or maybe even Aunt may. Your roommate had left the dorm to give you both space, sensing the uneasy atmosphere. Turns out, he had spent a few weeks looking at apartments for you both and had scribbled a few down he thought you might like. With the end of the year approaching, it was time to move out of your dorm as they were mainly for freshmen. You could move into a different dormitory, but it would be nicer not to. However, you hadn’t looked anywhere yet.
You were pleasantly surprised at Jungkook’s research. You were so touched by his efforts that he earned himself several kisses that day.
“I did,” you answered. “I like the one that has all those trees. They had a nice floor plan, and the price is doable if we split the cost.”
Jungkook’s mouth widened into a big grin as you spoke.
“I liked that one, too,” he concurred.
“Should I make an appointment to go look at it?”
“Yeah. That sounds good to me.”
Jungkook leaned forward and pressed his lips tenderly on yours. You giggled at his reaction.
“I didn’t think you’d be this excited to look at apartments,” you said and poked his cheek.
“I’m more excited to just see you more often,” he admitted. “Plus, Yoongi’s music distracts me sometimes.”
“You think I won’t distract you?” you asked playfully.
“Oh, you definitely will,” he murmured, eyes drifting to your lips momentarily. “But at least you’d be a fun distraction. Yoongi’s an old man trapped in a young body. Full of grunts and complaints.”
You laughed, nudging him to scold him.
“Imagine how hurt he’d be if he heard you say that.”
Jungkook swatted his hand in the air, pushing away the thought. “He’d probably be glad to get rid of me.”
“How so?” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Too many Code Purples,” he explained and gave you a wink.
You scoffed at him, remembering how Code Purple was what he told Yoongi when he wanted alone time with you.
“I haven’t heard you use it that often,” you said. Jungkook halted his massaging on your wrists when you interlaced your fingers together.
“That’s because I do it before you come over,” he explained, leaning closer to your face with a charming smile and a few wiggles of his eyebrows.
You giggled and squeezed his hands. “That poor man.”
“I should just be blaming you for being too irresistible,” Jungkook replied.
“Alright, Casanova,” you joked with a smile. He simply pecked your lips in response. 
After a moment of silence, you wondered out loud, “Do you know if Yoongi is staying on campus if you move?”
Jungkook rubbed small circles on the back of your thumb with his own.
“Actually, I overheard him talking with Hoseok. I think they’re going to try to room together off campus. Maybe I can get Yoongi to move into the same complex as us.”
“That would be nice,” you said happily. You liked the thought of having your privacy with Jungkook, but still being able to be near your friends.
Jungkook hummed, his mood not as cheerful as before. You tilted your head in confusion.
“What’s wrong?”
He shook his head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it,” he replied dismissively.
“Hey, you can talk to me,” you reassured and shook his hands.
“I know,” he said and offered you a small smile. However, he still didn’t give an explanation.
You searched his face, recalling what was said before he looked upset. And then it clicked.
“It’s Hobi, isn’t it?”
At the way his shoulders tensed slightly, you knew you were right.
“He isn’t bad, Koo,” you frowned.
Jungkook didn’t have a favorable opinion of Hoseok since he found he was involved in that group with you. Despite Hoseok helping you both out in the end, Jungkook couldn’t shake the dislike he felt toward the man. You, on the other hand, were still friends with him. Much to Jungkook’s disapproval.
“I just don’t trust him,” Jungkook huffed and looked away from you.
“You’re not going to trust him if you keep glaring at him every time he’s within a ten-foot radius of you.”
“It happens involuntarily,” he grumbled, shoulders slumping. You wished you didn’t find him so cute when he pouted.
“Well, maybe just start thinking of the positives about him when you see him instead? Like how he brought us those donuts one day. Wasn’t that nice?” you tried to persuade him.
“He brought lemon ones,” he said with a disgusted look. “I hate lemon.”
“He also bought chocolate,” you laughed softly at how adamant he was about disliking the cheery man.
Jungkook shrugged, not seeming to care about that addition to the truth.
“Next time, I’ll let him know not to bring lemon,��� you said. “Even though I love lemon.” You sighed dramatically as if just the thought pained you deeply.
Jungkook eyed you carefully. You knew he was torn between wanting you to be happy with your lemon treats versus wanting Hoseok to be scolded.
“I’ll bring you lemon donuts instead,” he argued.
You smiled at his childish behavior. He really was cute when he pouted.
You agreed too quickly for Jungkook to appreciate his counterattack. He now felt manipulated into buying you donuts.
“You’re a menace,” he huffed.
“Actually, I’m fairly certain Spider-Man is more of a menace than me. Didn’t you hear? He’s sticking his eight legs where he shouldn’t be,” you taunted him, recalling the ridiculous news articles you’ve read online.
Jungkook understood your reference and scoffed lightly.
“It takes a menace to know a menace,” he said.
“Is that so?”
You smiled at him.
“You’re cute,” you observed, which caused him to frown.
“I think it’s past your bedtime. You’re getting delusional,” he said and started to move away from you.
You let him go, eyes following his figure as he stood up. He stretched his arms over his head, mouthing dropping open in a yawn.
“You ready to head back?” he asked politely.
You nodded.
Jungkook held a hand out for you and helped you to your feet. You stumbled a little from the uneven surface, but Jungkook held you securely so you didn’t fall. Once you stood up, you could feel the soreness between your legs—reminding you of what occurred just minutes ago. Jungkook’s demeanor was different now than before and it emphasized there were multiple sides to him that people didn’t know… and would never know.
“Did you drive here?”
“No,” you shook your head, causing Jungkook to frown.
“Yn, I told you not-”
“It was nice out and the walk isn’t far,” you attempted to reason and stared up at him with puppy eyes. Jungkook didn’t back down from his firm stare.
“It’s too dangerous, okay? If you don’t feel like driving, I can pick you up.”
Not wanting to start an actual argument, you simply said okay. That was going to be an issue to discuss later.
Jungkook must have also not been up for an argument since he didn’t press you on the topic. He sighed and pulled his lips in a smile, trying to lighten the suddenly gloomy mood. He pressed a kiss to your head.
“Let’s go then,” he said; he tugged his mask over his head and then picked you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms tightly around his neck.
Swinging with him wasn’t as fun as people imagined it to be. It wasn’t your preferred transportation since it often left you a little dizzy and disoriented. Jungkook was aware of the effects and swung slower than he usually did.
“Are you doing okay?” he asked after a few swings.
“I’m okay,” you reassured, your body still clung to his and eyes closed.
“Almost there,” he replied and kept his focus on getting back safely.
By the time you stepped foot in your dorm, it was nearly four in the morning. Your roommate was passed out when you quietly entered your room. Jungkook had dropped you off, giving you an affectionate kiss and ensuring you felt stable before he left.
Although the late night was catching up to you, you forced yourself to do your nighttime routine. It just felt odd not to. You climbed into bed quickly after.
Out of habit, you grabbed your phone to check it. There was a notification from Jungkook.
Love Bug 4:09am i hope u sleep well. u def made my patrol a lot more fun tonight
A smile crept on your face, and you held your covers closer to your body.
Menace (loving) 4:16am I had a fun time too. Does this mean you’ll let me go on patrol with you more often? 😌
Love Bug 4:20am its tempting…but i rather we go on a date instead
Menace (loving) 4:22am Maybe soon?
Love Bug 4:25am i can make that happen
Love Bug 4:25am now go to sleep baby. talk to you tomorrow
Menace (loving) 4:26am Alright, alright. Goodnight, handsome 😊
Love Bug 4:27am good morning (;
You chuckled at his reply, remembering it was nearly 4:30 in the morning. You locked your phone, set it on your nightstand, and finally fell asleep after a long day.
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When you woke up the next day, you were greeted with a wide bunny-esque smile in your view.
Despite not getting a lot of sleep, Jungkook had woken up early to buy you lemon donuts. Your roommate was on her way to class when Jungkook visited, so she let him in.
He was bizarrely cheerful considering his lack of sleep and while you wanted to be annoyed at having been woken up early, you couldn’t be mad when he seemed so joyful.
You both had your fair share of donuts—he had almond—before snuggling on your bed and falling asleep again.
This time when you were woken, you were irritated. You just wanted to sleep but there was a loud ringing close to you. It took you a few moments to realize what that noise was.
Class was about to start soon.
Jungkook was still half asleep when he tried to keep you in bed, whining for you to skip class just this once. You did contemplate it, but in the end, you forced yourself to get ready.
Jungkook had watched you silently as you got ready and when it was time to go, he walked you to class. You took a mental note to book the apartment tour soon after he left you. The idea of living with Jungkook brought a smile to your face as you sat down in class, mind wandering to the man you could see yourself with for a lifetime.
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For those who want to share their thoughts/comments anonymously, please consider filling out my SBaFL survey c:
Also, yes, my inspo did come from this scene hehe. Thank you for reading! And special thanks to those who joined the taglist for the fic ✨ I got a lot more than I anticipated, so I'm grateful!
Again, happy birthday Jeon Jungkook! 💜
©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY. Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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thequietkid-moonie · 4 months
Can we have some sibling headcannons for juluka and Luka please 🙏 💚
Sibling headcanons
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Luka and Juleka ]
[ Miraculous Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir ]
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Hehe they are an amazing family!! I think i love both in diferent ways, is just that watching them having wholesome family interactions is so cuteeee aaaaaaahhh
thanks for requesting it 💙💜 hope you like it! I wrote it with all my heart!
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Luka, Juleka and Anarka are a really close and caring family, and you won't be the exception, everyone shows their love and care for you in their own way but never leaving you behind, no matter what
Anarka makes sure to give you your own space and freedom to do as you please (as long as you don't get hurt), but is always there for you whenever you need her, so it end up being Luka the one who is the most responsible person on your life at your early life (unless you were born before him), always looking after you and making sure you do your homework and chores, he does give you freedom but makes sure you learn to be good and responsible. Juleka may be pretty shy and introvert, but for her is a little easier to be open with you two, so she just let herself relax with you (as long as you don't mean harm to her)
If you were younger than them both will try to look after you, while Luka is more like a parent, trying to teach you a few things and being quite protective over you, Juleka is more inclined towards making you company and trying to keep you entretained, is just that Juleka isn't confident of her habilities to take care of her younger sibling and Luka is naturaly caring and protective
If the case that you were older than both or even in the middle then you three will probably just have an even closer relasionship, being so close to each other age can help to let you connect with each other and be able to spend time together (also because their protectiveness won't be trigger by you being so small and young)
Even if you are close to each other and have a really good relationship you'll never be forced to spend all the time with them or be friends with their friends, you are always free to go and do your own friends and have fun on your own, even Anarka will motivate you to go and do your life, to have time to yourself (but will actually put some limits, depending on your age)
Luka and Juleka aren't pushy with you telling them about your life, but they may ask sometimes just for being polite, besides if you are willing or actually want to tell them what you do with your friends they will be more than happy to heard them, Juleka will even share more histories of what she does with her friends too
No matter how old you are you'll always have the support and care of your family, so if you ever have a problem you can always can over to them. Luka is the best to comfort but has his own special way, he can easily read people's expressions so he knows almost immediatly when you aren't feeling at your best and waste no time before showing comfort, but is probably that he does it indirectly (specially if you prefer to don't talk much about your problems), he sometimes has problems with expressing himself by words so he tries to play some music for you. Juleka will have a little problems when trying to comfort you just because she gets nervous about it, but at the end she offers you a shoulder to cry on, just asking you if you want to talk about it or do something to distract yourself, is probably that you two end up talking about what makes you stress or upsed before reasuring each other, knowing that despite everything you have each other to relay on
Since in the Couffaine family is almost part of the dna having talent, or at least a liking for the music, is probably that you'll have talent for music too, but it won't matter much what instrument you want/know to play or what kind of music you prefer to perform everyone will support you and cheer for you (even if you were to prefer a rhythm that is the complete opposite they will still cheer for you, Anarka will find it quite funny but won't make fun of you for it). Besides, Anarka knows a lot about diferent instruments, so she can easily guide you to find the one that is for you!
Once they start Kitty Section you'll have the opportunity to not only meet Juleka's friends but also an invitation to participate, but its okay if you decline, they won't force you to anything and just let you know that you can change your choise if you want. Performing with them or not, you are going to always be welcome to their practices and you can always invite your own friends to watch too, they always insist that the more they are the more fun will be!
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 10 months
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University AU
TW: Language, Alcohol Consumption, Mildly suggestive, Drunk Fluff (Consent is sexy guys) Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fluff (lots of it) Pairing: Liu Yangyang x Reader YN Pronouns: Not Specified Word Count: 3.3K
[NCT Masterlist] | [Next] (Smut warning) [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: For all the girlies (gender neutral) who didn't get their first kisses until college, aka after they had reasoned and thought that they'd never need one (also with a bit of my own fluffy twist to it hehe) Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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You know that horrific feeling you have when your crush walks into the same room as you? When your heart beats faster, your face gets warmer, and your words start stumbling over each other? That's right now.
"So, uh... is this the Physics Three study group?" The new guy asks. You look amongst your friends and, as if your embarrassment couldn't have gotten worse, Giselle suddenly nudging you couldn't have made it more obvious.
"Yeah, that's us," Mark grins. "Take a seat wherever you'd like, to sum it up, I'm Mark, that's Giselle, and that's (Y/N)," he points to each person.
"Cool, I'm Yangyang," he closes the door behind him.
"So we're, like, five questions in, but (Y/N) can get you caught up." You never agreed to that. Mark's eyes slide to you, a knowing look behind them.
You've been set up, that's the only other way you could explain this, and when Yangyang slid into the chair next to you that pretty much confirmed it.
"Sorry, just to toss it out there, I'm shit at math," he opens his laptop in front of you and you slide yours toward his.
"It's fine," you swallowed the nervous sound down. But, as he opened the class website, your heart sank. Surely, you had to have been imagining that 24% overall grade. You shot a shaky glance toward your own laptop, a confident 97% showcased on it. Quickly, you switched tabs to the homework. "So... number 1," you look at the work you had on your paper.
"Oh, I know this one, it's a torsion question right?" He asks. You do a double take toward your paper.
"Ah... no... it's a gravity question."
"Shit," you muttered at the same time. You turned your phone over just a little to see the message come in from Giselle.
'At least he's hot.'
That was your first introduction to Liu Yangyang. It had to have been a miracle that he made it this far with how little he understood about the class, but hell you'd be damned if you left him to suffer on his own in this class. Plus, studying with him was just as beneficial for you too.
Well, that's what you told yourself. But really you knew the truth. This was the perfect chance for 'that guy with the orange backpack from physics' to become 'Liu Yangyang' proper. Your hopeless crush that motivated you to go to this god-forsaken 8 a.m. MWF class was now sitting right next to you completely fucking up the gravity equation and wow...
At least he's hot.
And that's what you kept telling yourself even after Mark and Giselle left to head home, you and Yangyang stayed behind, still working on a few problems to be sure that both of you got it down. To be honest, he was a fast learner, it was the fault of your professor, who was a shit teacher enough as is.
"You know what, (Y/N)? I really appreciate this," he says. "I owe you a big one, yeah?" The both of you had been kicked out of the library now that it was closing, and the night air on campus was just so inviting. And it's coldness did wonders for the way your face heated up, you praised the dark for hiding your expression.
"Oh, come on, it's nothing!" You waved your hand. "We're all trying our best to pass here, so I'm always happy to help," you told him. You're happy to look at him too, but you would never tell him that.
"But it's a lot to me, anything you need, let me know," he says. "I mean it! I don't go back on stuff like this!"
"Yes, yeah! I get it," you grinned.
"But, uh, wanna drop by Starbucks before we head back? You live on campus, right?"
"I do! I'm down for coffee too," you nodded. Was this a date? No, nah, no way.
"Sounds good, I'd hate for the night to end early," he says, matching your pace. Early? Sir, it's 11 o'clock. You wanted to say that, but you held it back.
Since then this study group had met up a few more times leading up to midterms. Though Yangyang was the newest addition, having joined a grand total of five sessions out of the twelve previous, it was more like he'd been what the group has been missing. Sure, he was horrendous at Physics but that explanation you'd come up with to help him was enough to help you all out as well. Plus, he balanced the group's excess workaholism well with his "let's take a break!" attitude.
And, at the end of this most recent study session, the group found themselves in Mark's apartment, four pots with different kinds of instant ramen boiling in the background, and empty cans of various seltzers around you all.
"So, as I was saying," Giselle's voice was slurred as she drank down her third can, "men ain't shit," she points at you. "Do better," she leans on your shoulder and you nodded quietly.
"Do better? What do you mean?" Mark asks.
"Oh... yeah... (Y/N) has a big crush," Giselle giggles.
"I don't!" You shook your head and Mark perked up.
"Oh, shit, wait, let me make sure the noodles aren't burning!" He shot up and walked to the kitchen.
"So... who's your crush, (Y/N)?" Yangyang probes.
"Me? I don't have one!" You defended.
"You do!" Giselle urges you.
"I..." You hesitated while Yangyang waited for your answer. You can't tell him you like him now, not while you're both semi-drunk and at the behest of the cheeky girl behind you. It was just so unromantic! If you're going to confess then you want the setting to be good! "Mark."
"What?" Giselle and Yangyang were quick to answer.
"Mark, I like him, I think he's cool," you lied.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Giselle shrugs it off. "Either way, (Y/N)'s scared because, surprise, (Y/N) is a mouth virgin."
"Ew! Oh my god, never say it like that again," you pushed her away, but she quickly finds purchase around your waist once more. "Don't listen to her, I've just never had my first kiss," you turned to Yangyang who was already getting sleepy with all the alcohol. He just nodded.
"That's fine," he mumbles.
"I mean, I'm pretty sure (Y/N) is also a virgin virgin," Giselle whispers not-so-quietly.
"Giselle! Oh my god, I am never letting you drink again," you took her seltzer and chugged it down. "I'm... I am okay I can't deny or defend it, but god don't put it out in the open like that," you playfully push her again and she laughs. "Don't tell him."
"Sure, your secret's safe with me," Yangyang rests his head on the couch cushions. "Damn, this floor is uncomfortable."
"You could move to the couch," you said.
"Wanna move with me?" He asks. You look at Giselle, who's eyes seemed to sparkle with a 'go girl go' attitude.
"Yeah, sure, I can't feel my ass," you nodded. Yangyang stood up first, stumbling back slightly in the process, but once he steadied he helped you up too and you both sat down. "Oh, shit, I left my can," you reach down to grab it, but before you could even think of going any lower you shut your eyes, feeling like cotton was being stuffed into your ears.
"Hold on, I gotcha," Yangyang grabbed it for you and you took it. Meanwhile, he rested his arm at the back of the couch, looking over at where the entrance to the kitchen was. "Yo, Mark! Where's the ramen?!"
"I fucked up, guys!"
"Oh my god, how do you fuck up instant noodles," Giselle pushes herself up. "Don't worry, Mark, I'm on my way." And she's gone. Once again leaving you with the guy from physics.
"Hey, you know, offer still stands," Yangyang says quietly. "If you need a favor, I'll help," he continues.
"And... anything can be my favor?"
"Yeah," he gives you a sideways nod. "If I can do it, that is."
"Um, actually... Nevermind. I don't know, I'm just nervous to say it."
"What? Say it! The worst I can say is no, right?" He says. You finished your can. You're going to need all the alcohol in the world to say this now.
"Do you... do you think you can teach me..." you swallowed back a nervous sound. "Nevermind, I can't say it."
"Say it!"
"You'll never look at me the same again!"
"You don't know that! It's cool, (Y/N), I gotchu, I owe you everything," he says. You shook your can, empty.
"Are you going to finish that," you pointed at the can he was holding behind you. Wait, behind you? It was now you realized the position you were in. How long were your legs close to his like this? Actually, no, not important. How long was his whole arm wrapped behind you? Hello? (Y/N)? Are you there? Again you felt your face heat up.
"Uh... do you want it?" He tilts the can toward you and you take it, chugging the rest of it down. You leaned toward him, your voice low so you knew for a fact the other two wouldn't be able to hear.
"Could you teach me how to kiss?" You asked quietly. Yangyang was also silent. But soon he leaned forward. "Of course, for when I finally confess to Mark," you insisted quickly.
"Right now?"
"No, later, when we're sober," you said. "Hopefully both of us forget about it," you say.
"I mean... yeah, I'm down to help you out," he says.
"You won't even remember this," you crossed your arms and pulled away from him.
"Wanna bet?"
"Hey, (Y/N)! Ready for your kissing lesson?" Yangyang had a wide grin on his face and you gasped and shut your front door in his face.
"Oh my god, he remembered," you suppressed the urge to bite your nails. He knocks on the door again and you take a deep breath before opening it. "I have no idea what you're talking about," you said calmly. But Yangyang just stared at you with a flat expression. "Dammit."
"I have a really good memory, you know," he still has his signature smile.
"Okay... um... just a second," you closed the door again, carefully this time. And you broke out into a run. You scrambled to grab your mints from your bag, taking a handful of them into your mouth before picking up anything that seemed out of place and shoving them into a closet, then you ran to your room, grabbing the closest chapstick to you and layering that fucker over your lips while Googling 'How to Kiss someone' and opening up the first link to a WikiHow of all things and skimming through it on your way back to the front door. And, finally, once all the mints had dissolved, you opened the door again.
"Done cleaning up?" He chuckles.
"How'd you know?" You asked him.
"I heard you running around there, (Y/N)," he answers.
"Oh... um... you should come inside now," you tried to shove your embarrassment down and you regretfully let him into your apartment.
"I'm warning you, Yangyang, I have never kissed anyone before, haven't even come close to it, so you're just wasting your time here," you tried to ward him off. Then, you sat on the couch, hopefully feigning some ignorance will push him away.
"Eh, don't worry about it, I'm patient," Yangyang fell back on the couch and bounced slightly on it. He stretched one arm over the back cushions and you groaned into your hands, begrudgingly sitting next to him all the while. He's too good.
"I mean, I know that, but I still feel bad," your voice was muffled by your palms.
"So? I knew exactly what I was signing up for getting into this," you could feel Yangyang shrug. "Hey, come on, enough of that," he knocks on the back of your hands and you moved them enough so that you could see him while keeping your hands over your mouth. "Hi," he grins.
"Hello," you responded. Yangyang leans forward.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about," he says.
"I know," you nodded curtly.
"And you know what?"
"You may be good at teaching physics, but do you know what I'm good at teaching?"
"I swear if you say something embarrassing I'm kicking you out of my apartment."
"Okay, okay!" Yangyang raises his hands in front of him and your shoulders slumped. Your hands folded on your lap and you sighed. "Hey, it's up to you, I offered to help because I owe you one, but if you're not up to it it's fine."
"No, no, I can do this," you turned to him now.
"Okay, then do it," Yangyang egged you on and you nodded after taking a deep breath.
You proceeded slowly, a little unsure of your movements, but he was patient through it all. The accursed WikiHow article appeared in your head while you leaned toward him. Okay, easy now. Hands, where do you put your hands? You swallowed nervously and shut your eyes.
Yangyang, meanwhile, shifted glances between you and your hands each time. Sure, he figured he'd let you take charge, but fuck it you really need help. He tapped your wrist and your eyes opened.
"Oh god," you cursed quietly with your embarrassment clear as day.
"Visual learner?"
"Can I kiss you?"
"Uh..." your mouth was too dry to say anything else. Instead, you looked everywhere but toward him.
"(Y/N), look at me," Yangyang says quietly. Your eyes finally settled on him. "I'll ask you one more time because I need a clear answer here, can I kiss you?" The usual joking demeanor he had was gone now, instead he was dead serious.
"I... was I supposed to ask you?"
"Christ, (Y/N), answer the question please," he says again. Never once did he look away. You took a deep breath.
"Alright, I'll only explain it once, okay?" He says. You nod. "First thing you want to do is relax, don't overthink anything, let things move naturally," he shifts so he can move toward you now. You moved back until you were pressed up against the armrest of the couch "Hands are up to you, just try not to grip the couch though, yeah? It'll stress you out," your eyes moved toward the movement of his hand pushing on the cushion next to you. "Then, lean in, wait a little, and..." he pauses. The two of you were close enough that the tips of your noses were just barely brushing against each other. You held your breath now, your hands had somehow grasped onto each other and pressed down against your chest while your lips were sealed shut.
"And then...?" You looked at either side of you, before looking back at him.
"Relax," he says quietly. Your shoulders slowly melted into the cushion.
Then, he pressed his lips to yours.
And it felt nice. You wouldn't call it perfect, you didn't have the experience to make that call, but you didn't hate it, no. Your hands bundled his hoodie while one of his held your chin. Slowly, he tilted your head up and the kiss felt all the more better. He pulled away and, embarrassingly, it seemed that you tried to chase after him. Still, he remained over you, and it was his turn to look elsewhere.
"Whoa..." he said after a short while, "sweet," he grinned, and you were at a loss for words. "Just like I thought. Is that strawberry chapstick?"
"You've been thinking of kissing me?"
"I asked first," he sang. You groaned.
"Um… yeah," you answered.
"Huh," Yangyang's tongue pokes out from between his lips for a moment. "Oh yeah, that’s definitely strawberry," he grins. "Now to answer you, I always thought you were cute then, lo and behold, guess who joins my study group," he laughs.
"Huh? Excuse you, sir, you joined my study group," you defended yourself, sitting up fast enough that he climbed off of you.
“Did I, though?” Yangyang asks. You paused. Come to think of it, you did join the group late, and Mark had always mentioned to you that there was another person who usually joined on the Fridays you couldn’t make it. You covered your mouth with your hand to hide your surprise. “Surprise~” He sang.
“Oh god… I was set up!”
“Oh, big time, baby.”
“I…” you fell back on the couch. There had to be some way out of this embarrassment, you weren’t ready to come to terms with what was going on, then, your little white lie came back to you and you composed yourself once more. “Thank you for helping me out, Yangyang, I feel much more confident in confessing to Mark now.”
“Sure, (Y/N),” his responds slyly. “That why you were wearing strawberry instead of watermelon?”
“That and you do know that Mark’s, like, my best friend, right?” Yangyang flashed a text conversation between the two of them and you squinted to read it. The gist of the conversation was that Mark had told Yangyang about your little plan and Yangyang decided to play along.
“Played like a fiddle,” you shook your head.
“Would you like me to play you like a violin then?”
“That was cheesy,” you let out a small laugh. "Leave, get out, I said I'd kick you out if you said something cheesy," you said between laughs.
"What? Whoa! Who said the lesson was done?" Yangyang says slyly. "Come on, chapter 2, it's easy," he says.
"Is it really?"
"Sure," he leans toward you again and you leaned back until he was pressing you against the couch. "I'm gonna teach you how to make out, okay?" You swallowed nervously.
"Okay," it came out as a squeak and he laughed. "Stop it!"
"I'm sorry, hold on," he tries to stop, he really does, but it just made you even more embarrassed.
"Oh man, I really thought this was going to go differently, hoo boy," he steels himself again. "I'm gonna kiss you again, is that okay?"
"Huh? Yeah, sure," you nodded and his lips connected with yours again, but this time it felt good. Good enough for you to wrap your arms around his neck to deepen it, and good enough for you to relax into his movements. Then, when a surprising moan came out of you, you felt him shift and grab your waist so suddenly that you gasped slightly, but that was more than enough for him. Yangyang pulled you closer to him, deepening the kiss in a way you didn't think possible, but, you didn't hate it. And when he pulled away you feared what snark remark he had now.
"You sure you've never kissed anyone?" He smirks.
"Oh my god," you looked away from him and all you could hear was his laughter.
"God, I like you, I like you a lot," he nudges your leg with his. "I think we'll be good for a long time, baby."
"Too much, I'm already embarrassed," you waved your hand toward him.
"So are you a coffee or tea person? I'd love to get to know you more," he teases. "And, not to be a little shit about it, but 'that guy with the orange backpack from physics,' are you serious?" He asks.
"Giselle that little backstabber!" You groaned. "Don't pretend you didn't have a code phrase for me too."
"I did, actually, with Mark."
"What was it?" You were almost afraid to find out.
"That person from physics with the black backpack."
"Oh you little-"
"Damn! I kiss you once and now you can't keep your hands off of me!"
"God, I'm so into you."
"I cannot take you seriously, oh god."
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joseefinwrites · 4 months
How to stop quitting (from a quitter) - writing advice
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Do you love writing, yet always find yourself losing motivation, inspiration, or even energy to write and create? Your wonderful ideas, characters, and worlds become forgotten when you lose interest in your work. But don’t worry, as a (former, and occasional) quitter myself, I found ways to overcome my annoying habit of abandoning stories, in which I had so much passion. And I would love to share them with you!
(Basically, these are things that helped me, when nothing else did - maybe you'll find these tips useful as well!)
Hello & Welcome! You have officially stumbled upon a fresh blog post by yours truly! I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay and tune in for future posts and events! You can check the original post on my website here, because tiny little blooger pluggin hehe.
Now, let’s get on with the tips for never quitting again! Strap in.
1) Don’t take it too seriously (at first)
When I started working on my current ongoing novel, it took me days before I actually began writing the book. Oh yes - I was working on it, the characters, worldbuilding, all the important stuff. But was it THAT important, when I was working on my first draft? When working on the first draft, you are supposed to have fun - even if you have the story plotted out. 
During the first draft, you actually get the vibe of your story, and understand the essence of each character. You will discover significant parts of the story while you are writing it. If you plan out everything before you even start writing your first draft, you might lose a lot of that spontaneity. Things won’t make sense, and you won’t allow yourself to change anything, since you’ve worked for so long on all the details.
Now - when I started working on something that is not my “main” novel, my brain probably processed not to take it too seriously (initially). I simply wanted to write a (for example) post-apocalyptic story, without it being too big of a responsibility - too big of a commitment. 
So I started writing. And of course, I had to come up with a name for the character and where they are from, but that honestly took five minutes. And I wrote and wrote and wrote, without even expecting to edit it afterwards or make more drafts of this thing. And it was so easy and, to my surprise, it wasn’t bad. I liked it. We’re so harsh on ourselves and tend to overdo our work, overwork ourselves, thinking that what’s easy isn’t good. But that is not true. After one chapter, I had the character’s motive, a simple idea of their backstory, and a basic understanding of the world they are in. Basically - everything the story needs - for now.
You see - as I mentioned already - this is normal for us humans, but we tend to make things much harder than they have to be. If you love writing, don’t make it just a responsibility. Enjoy it. Do it because you love it. Don’t overcomplicate it, or else you’ll make it an assignment - homework, which you just HAVE to postpone. Start easy and small. Don’t spend hours worrying about your story not being good; just write it. AFTER you finish your first draft, that’s when your idea of your story is actually clear. And even when working on the other drafts after that you may discover things that you didn’t even know were in there!
You feel like you can’t write because you’re stuck on a scene or a part of the plot makes no sense and you just feel like your characters don’t have enough of a reason to do what they’re doing? Just keep writing! Chances are - it will sort itself out as you go, as you create and give yourself more chances to explore the world you are writing about!
Remember, the first draft is for you (and maybe some trustworthy friends); you can always edit it later. Now just have fun and write!
2) Minimise research while working on your first draft
This might be a bit similar to the first tip, so I’ll keep it a bit shorter. Again - you WILL change a lot of things after the first draft - if you want to, that is. Research is an essential part of writing, of course, BUT, it takes too much of your time. 
One moment you have proudly written three sentences in your brand-new novel, the next moment you want to look up how much blood a person can lose without dying, and suddenly it’s hours later, and you’ve been looking up the best names for a small Elven village. Now - I am sure that information is important for you, but is it important in the first draft?
What you can do is leave out the parts where you are unsure of something. Maybe put it in brackets, make it bold, write it in all caps. And then move on. Now it’ll be easy for you to see it later when you have maybe reached your daily word goal (which is also great to keep if you want to have a specific goal to go after) and you can finally move to the research part. Unless it is 5 am and you are getting up for school or work in an hour.
3) Keep your initial goals low and simple
This one was always a bit hard for me. But it helps, even if it seems a bit “too simple” at first. If you feel like you can’t just ignore all the details before writing and all that extreme research, set yourself a goal that you have to write, for example, 200 words a day or in the upcoming hour.
“Two hundred words? Easy.” Keep this mindset. Sit down and start writing. You hit two hundred words, and now you feel like that is not enough. After two hundred words, you might also be a bit more in the mood, I mean, you’ve been at this for a bit and you just got the gist of it again, right? And so you double it. 
But the fun thing is that if you don’t feel like it, you don’t have to double it because you hit the goal that you set. You can make the word count goal higher every day or every week, as long as you keep consistent with hitting that goal AND keep writing, you’ll get deeper into your story and you get much more comfortable with writing it. And remember - when working on the first draft, the writing part is the most important! I will never shut up about that!
4) What do YOU love in stories? Put it in!
Again, my own experience as an example - I had a story that I really liked, but only because I was so proud of myself for coming up with something that I’ve never read or watched anywhere. But, to be honest, the story didn’t actually have anything for me. It wasn’t even my favourite genre. Now, that doesn’t mean that if you are in a similar situation like I was, that you have to abandon your idea. Just think of what YOU yourself enjoy when watching and reading? Mash it up! Don’t be afraid to experiment a little (ESPECIALLY WITH THE FIRST DRAFT, FRIENDS!)
Don’t worry about losing originality; your story will be unique because you’re the one creating it. If you’re writing romance and you have a favourite trope of the love triangle, but you are too afraid that it has been overdone, it hasn’t. You put that love triangle in and you write what you want!
Don’t write it because you think you should; write it because you would love to read it.
5) Don’t listen to “Clichés and what wE HATE SEEING IN BOOKS AAA!”
I’m sure most of you have had your ideas, hopes and dreams crushed by those fun websites with articles or videos like “Tropes that are overdone,” “Books we are tired of reading,” “Writing Clichés,” and such. And it can be so demotivating, especially if you're a person that tends to stay away from your writing. (I know how that feels, no worries.) The simple advice here is to just ignore those. No, there is no trope or genre in writing that has been forever overdone or overused and shall never see the light again..
Everyone is special and unique, and everyone has different views on certain motives. Yes, there are billions of various books, stories, movies, shows, and even if they have similar themes or tropes, they are all different in their own way. Don’t let your idea die with someone else’s opinion. Again - write it because you love it!
6) Daydreaming, Playlists? Daydreaming Playlists!
I love this one! Do you ever daydream about your favourite shows, characters, and books? Put your own character in scenarios from other works? Get comfortable with your characters by daydreaming about them. One of my favourites is making a playlist full of trailer music, since it usually is just so epic and I imagine little trailers for my story in my head. I don’t even care for my books becoming movies one day, but “watching” them like that in your head is pretty cool. You can even “borrow” your favourite scenes or scenarios from other works and just install your characters in there. 
It’s super easy and super fun and makes you much more interested AND invested in your story. By thinking about it daily and imagining things happening in your own special world, you get much more accustomed and used to the setting of your creation and getting into writing will become much easier.
7) Be careful with this one - Pinterest, ArtStation, InspiRation
Now, this one can get tricky. As much as I love finding inspiration in concept art on sites such as Pinterest or ArtStation, I also must admit that it’s so easy to get lost there.
 There's image after image, and they are all just so damn cool. I simply couldn’t possibly take all that inspiration from you! So set up a timer. 
You know that you’ve set a simple goal of 500 words for the day and you also planned some researching/character planning/worldbuilding (whatever you wish) for maybe an hour or so later, and so you might know that you have some free time to spend doing whatever you want. So why not spend that time on - for example - Pinterest? Just be sure to watch your time.
On the other hand - maybe you’re currently just not in the mood for writing. Maybe you feel like quitting again. Well then you can spend the whole day on Pinterest, especially if it helps you get more in the mood of your story. When I can’t get a single word of myself, while writing my fantasy/science fiction novel, a day of searching through art of fantasy and science fiction concepts will definitely get me back in the mood. 
It’s simple and if you learn how to manage your time and get inspired when you need to get inspired, not when you should be writing, it is most likely one of the many essentials in the process of creating a story. Humans are often also visual learners, so if it’s not in the words, you’ll find it in the pictures.
8) Breaks are essential, but the longer they last, the harder it is to get back
Don’t ignore your health. Whether it’s your physical health or mental health, it’s all just as important. Yeah, you need to stay consistent with your writing, but don’t overwork yourself. That will just make you disconnect from what you once loved. Don’t make writing your responsibility, take breaks. 
If the breaks are too long, it might be harder to get back, but you know yourself the best, so if you feel exhausted, or like it’s just not “it” - take a break. (This doesn’t apply to just writing, but to life in general. Don’t forget to rest up.) Take writing as a form of relaxation.
ESPECIALLY if you’re working on your first draft.
Take the first draft as the “natural soup” you used to make as a kid in a puddle. No, you couldn’t eat the rainwater with rocks, leaves, and sticks, but it was the fun of the imagination that mattered. Your first draft might not be exactly publishable, but it’s your time to just get your thoughts and ideas out. Don’t stress it too much. If you have a full-time job or school, or anything else taking your time and you worry over not having time to write and rest, write as your form of a rest (only if it helps!)
9) Watch and read whatever inspires you and don’t shy away from - yes - getting inspired 
I’ll try to keep this one a bit shorter as well, as it is similar to some of the points above. Basically - don’t be afraid to get inspired in your actual work from other actual works. Sometimes you get inspired from more works and putting them together with your original characters and places makes it something completely new. 
You can get inspired in many ways. For example, the name of one of my fictional works (not currently published), that I initially didn’t plan on taking overly seriously, came from watching an 8-BitRyan gameplay of Dying Light 2. I was just writing down some names, while having the video in the background and there was a quick scene of a wall for the remembrance of people who have died, probably protecting someone. And the way Ryan read the sign on the wall which said “Thank you, our heroes.” just somehow stuck with me. I wrote it down and because I didn’t want to spend too much time with the details of the fiction (I just wanted to write) I just went with it. Now I love it, it stands out to me.
Read books, watch movies and shows, play games, get inspired and don't be afraid of it. It is only natural to be influenced by our favourite (or not) works. As long as you are not directly copying someone else’s work, you’re fine, trust me!
10) Simple outlines, swarms of notes? Whatever suits YOU the best
This one depends entirely on you. Are you more organised or are you at peace with your mess? For me, it’s a bit of both. But something that could help with not losing track of your story is quite obviously planning. You can just quickly write down things you want to happen in a chapter or things you want to happen in the story in general, don’t let it take you more than five minutes, take it as a fun exercise, especially if you are usually not a planner.
If you don’t really like the idea of “just writing” as listed above, you can write down simple things, so that you always know where to go, what to do.
For example, you’re writing a short detective story. You might already know that you’d like for the main character to die in the end. So your simple outline could literally look like this:
Introduction, the main character is a detective who was called to a strange small town to solve a case
The detective is thrown right into the middle of the town’s mysterious ritual celebrations
Murders happening, they are happening a lot
A first lead which ends up being a fake lead by the actual killer
The detective believes the whole town is behind the murders as it might be a part of the celebrations
The stakes are high, someone important to the detective is in danger
Confrontations, it looks like the detective could win, the town is innocent, and the real killer is found
Detective tragically dies, he’s forgotten and the killer moves to a different town
Don’t dwell on the details, but if you need to have an idea of where you are going, put it down. Put down all the ideas you get, keep a notebook close to never forget anything. Sometimes just brainstorming ideas, even if you have no idea “how” to plan (even though there is no correct way to do it) will bring you the best ideas. Be spontaneous!
11) Reward yourself (EVEN if it’s hard)
Whatever goal you’ve set and accomplished deserves a reward. Even if it’s 200 words a day from the start. You are consistent. You should be proud of yourself. Find little ways to reward yourself. This could be a bit hard, it is hard for me for some reason, but it all is about developing a habit.
This might sound like puppy training, but that’s alright - if you develop a habit of making yourself happy after being just as equally happy for hitting a goal, your brain will be so much more excited to do those things, knowing that you get to write, which makes you happy, and you get to reward yourself. Simple, (once you get past that confusing explanation), yet powerful. Be the writer puppy.
12) Share your stories (EVEN if it’s hard)
If you’re not the biggest fan of sharing your works on the internet on websites such as Wattpad, AO3, etc - you don’t have to take this advice. But if you don’t, posting your works online can help you with staying consistent. And if you post chapter after chapter and see people already interested in your works it can also motivate you to write more. 
Remember that there is a story after story out there, so if your work isn’t noticed at first, don’t lose motivation. Keep writing and keep updating, and you will see progress. Trust me! There are so many people in the world who would love to read what you’re working on right now!
13) You are not alone, find writer friends, keep yourself accountable
The last advice I can give you is one that I myself am still working on. Find writer communities and friends. There is no one who will relate more to you than another author. Sharing the love for writing as well as the struggles of it can help you in so many ways!
Knowing that you are not alone and that you have someone who can support you, listen to you, while you do the same for them can really hold you above the water. A writer as a friend can inspire you, check in with you and you guys can simply make sure the other one is staying on track!
Well, we finally got to the end of this almost 3000-word article, which might be a bit too much for an article, but if I managed to inspire and help you in any way, it was definitely worth it.
Thank you for reading all the way to this point and make sure to check all the new posts coming soon. The official posting schedule is still a work in progress, unfortunately, but I hope to work on the best of posts for you and as fast and often as I can! Time management of a writer…) Share your struggles, views and personal advices as well, I alwas love to see how differently our little human brains work!
I hope to see you around again, unless you get lost in a world of your own, that is!
josEefin View this blog post on my website! <3 New posts coming soon, so while the website itself is still kinda a WIP, I hope to keep the blog frequent! https://joseefine.wixsite.com/joseefin/post/simple-writing-advice-for-quitters-from-a-quitter-tips-and-tricks
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cousticks · 8 months
Fave character and why (overall)
What type of characters do you typically enjoy? (for me i usually like dead characters because of their... idk there's just so much to work w there 😭 like so many things for interpretation/potential)
What got you into bsd
What got you into tumblr
Can you give at least one tip or advice on how to recover from a hyperfixation on something when u need to be productive?
Are you better at writing or drawing?
If you could choose, which would you be better at?
Do you like painting?
Are your friends nice?
Forgive me for the random asks. jus answer the ones you want to ty ❤️
Is it weird if I answer all of them? I think all of these are fun to answer so I'm gonna answer all of them. Tysm!!
Favorite character overall is... really difficult. I like so many different characters for so many reasons across so many different medias. Even choosing a favorite from BSD is wildly difficult. Of all characters ever, one of my favorites is Cal Trask from John Steinbeck's East of Eden (the book, not the movie, even though he is played by James Dean). East of Eden is one of my favorite books ever, and most of the incredible themes in it, all of the cycles it represents, as well as the cycles it finally breaks, are done through Cal. He struggles with being good despite a thematic predisposition to being anything but throughout his portion of the novel doomed-by-the-narrative style, until at the end the resolution is that... he doesn't have to be either, he only really has to be him. I love that book dearly and could talk about its themes for hours (and have!). As far as favorite BSD characters specifically, that's near impossible for me to say, but a rough top-group would include Kyusaku, Kouyou, Dazai but specifically mafia era, Kunikida, and Albatross. I don't have any really good reasoning for those top favorites beyond "hehe, I like them," honestly.
I usually enjoy characters that it takes a while to piece together their motivations. Morally grey. And I mean actually morally grey, not the asshole-that-does-nice-things antihero type. I like characters that make me want to think about them and piece them together and study them like bugs under a magnifying glass until they start to catch on fire. Dudes who suck but have so much potential to be more. Make me have to justify why I enjoy them in front of a board of directors. I love to be able to fill in between the lines.
A former friend group got me into BSD back in 2019 because they were all watching it and I happened to have the time and energy to. The sheer amount of media to consume & intrigue of the characters is what made me stay, though.
This is horribly embarrassing but my first stint on Tumblr ~7 or 8 years ago was sparked by learning that the Onceler fandom existed and being absolutely fascinated by it. It was already dying out by this point, so I wasn't active or anything in it, but I thought the way people interacted across blogs to make these wild stories was so fascinating. Specifically the Truffula Flu zombie arcs. I was a Camp Entre loyalist. A couple years later I accidentally deleted my blog and didn't get active on Tumblr again until a little over a year ago, though, when I wanted to start engaging with the fanbases some media I was fixating on at the time.
If I could figure out the secret for recovering from a hyperfixation in a productive way I would be a much more functional person. Sometimes I'm able to approach things with an "if you can't beat it, join it" mentality, and can come up with ways to connect my current task to whatever I'm fixating on. Here's the secret: you're allowed to be cringe with it. If you need to do the dishes and need to make it a mental competition for "oh boy I need to be less of a disaster than Dazai its fucking on" or "I need to do my math homework so Kunikida will be proud of me" or "gotta do my laundry... I gotta be dressy for my port mafia work attire..." then do it. Who cares. That doesn't work all the time, but it can work sometimes. And when it doesn't? I normally just try to clear my mind entirely by doing something that sucks so much I can't think of anything except how it sucks. For me its cardio. I hate cardio exercise. But if I go on a jog and come back I a) feel a little better and more functional because I went on a stupid exercise for my stupid mental health, b) got some of the excess fixation energy out, and c) that sucked so bad i would literally rather do Anything else i might as well be fucking productive. These are not sure-fire ways but they help me. And my most important one? You can't focus when you're stressed. Trying to force yourself to focus when you're stressed about an assignment and panicking because you can't focus will not help you, it will make the problem worse. It is okay to give yourself some grace, walk away, try to put yourself into a healthier mindset, and come back. That's another reason I like to take walks when I can't focus, even if its just a small one down the hall for a glass of water and then back. Don't force yourself. Never force yourself. You'll feel worse and more frustrated.
I'm much better at writing. I'm horrible at drawing, I just do it anyway for fun because sometimes I need to get my fixation kick out in a visual manner. Writing has always been my strong suit.
If I could choose? I think I'd still pick writing, honestly. I'm sometimes jealous of those that can make gorgeous art, but I'm happy in my world of writing because it has helped me in so many other areas of my life as well. I don't live an artists life, unfortunately, and writing has served me well.
I do like painting! I haven't in a very long time, as I don't have the time or energy much, but I used to sculpt and paint my creations. I'm not saying I was particularly good at either, but I used to, and I enjoyed it.
I didn't always have nice friends. But these days? They are. I wouldn't trade the friends I have now for the world.
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thelasttime · 10 months
hi madie! long time follower, first time asker here. bit of a heavy question for a tuesday night, so I apologize in advance.
how are you able to keep up with so much and also be good at it and also enjoy it? like what drives your incredible work ethic? of course this is the internet and ik we only see your highlight reel and not the behind the scenes stuff, to paraphrase taylor. I'm just having a bit of a rough day academically, as in being totally unproductive all day despite setting intentions this morning to be productive and get a lot of homework done today, which feels very frustrating.
I know you're studying to become a doctor which obvi takes a lot of dedication and hard work which are things I've been trying to improve recently but simply do not come easily to me.
so ig I'm just wondering if you had any advice for being a more dedicated and committed person when it comes to things like school as well as hobbies (congrats on nailing your audition btw!). I really admire your work ethic and wish you all the best in your studies and life and everything! 💓
hello anon!! thank you for being a long time follower and thank you for sending your very first ask 💕💕 welcome to my inbox hehe
thank you so much for the kind words - it's true that my blog is quite like a highlight reel so you do see a lot of the good parts and very few of the bad parts, but i do try to keep it real on this blog. the main thing is that you can't beat yourself up when you have an unproductive day because it sort of snowballs into a bigger thing if you let it weigh you down. rather than taking this unproductive day as something to be ashamed of, take it as something where you needed the break so you took it!! and then tomorrow, be as productive as possible because you had the break yesterday
it's actually encouraged to be unproductive on some days. when i was studying for the MCAT, we were specifically told to take break days and to make sure that we didn't over-extend ourselves because we would just burn out too quickly. so what i would do is study everyday of the week and give myself a nice break on sunday to do absolutely nothing !! and that was necessary !!
i think what also helps with my motivation is that i really like to keep myself organized which means i am religiously devoted to my google calendar and my to-do list. the google calendar is to make sure that i'm not losing track of the things i need to do but the to-do list is the thing that really keeps me going. it's very satisfying to cross things off of my to-do list and it makes sure that i'm doing everything i need to do before the day is done. if i don't finish what's on the to-do list, i just move it to tomorrow and so on. you don't have to finish everything on the to-do list but it keeps you motivated to cross things off and make sure you're doing what you need to do.
when i was studying for the MCAT, i essentially designed a calendar where i would do certain topics on certain days so i would do chemistry / psychology on one day and then biology / biochemistry on the other day. that way i wasn't boring myself to death with one topic and actually keeping things interesting. if you find that studying is really boring (because it truthfully is, for everyone) i find that starting the homework that you hate the most is helpful because you get the worst part over when you have the maximum amount of energy.
another thing about school studying is that you shouldn't just look at the paper and nod thoughtfully - you should be doing ~active studying~ which is what they encourage us to do during MCAT studying as well. you essentially have to engage with the material in order to learn it well so you can't just stare at the page and pretend you know it !! there's a couple techniques of active studying that you can find online but i recommend anything between flashcards to active recall
for hobbies - it's all just my own enjoyment!! i know i get really lazy and in a pit if i'm not doing my hobbies so i have to actively push myself to join orchestras and do stuff outside of work. one thing that really helped me is to focus on a hobby and see what i could do in the area to get involved. so . i really like playing in orchestras so i spent a day focusing on the different orchestras in the area and then sending them emails about their auditions. that way all of my research and dedication to that hobby is done in one day and i get to reap the rewards later (i.e. they email me back about auditions).
it's also okay to let go of hobbies and find new ones. if you don't like your current hobbies, try new ones! ask your friends if they have any hobbies that you haven't tried already. try a new instrument! try painting! art! there's a lot to do and hobbies are meant to be fulfilling rather than draining.
i hope this helps anon!!
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cynthplop · 2 years
Hhmm, if you like talking about your Robin and Tardif, pls don't hold back! What do they like about each other? What do they dislike in one another? What is their dynamic, which roles get filled by who? Will they stick together? Are there any crisises or huge arguments between the two? Maybe I'm negative, buut I personally find the abundance of pure love/sympathy-at-first-sight-till-the-grave scenario representations a bit frustrating and unrealistic as in real life that's a minority, right?
Yea I really do like talking about them :'''') been thinking of commissioning someone to draw them for me as of late bc school's really shredding me a new one it's not cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭 it makes me really happy to know that there's interest in them that's not just me, they're my everything my sugar candy apples :'D You'll have to pardon me if my descriptive skill is not entirely up to par today, been doing homework all day and now I'm gettin reddy for beddy. Join me, dear traveller, in the read more..... (again, minor DD2 spoilies)
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Now what they like in one another: abridged, Robin really loves how Tardif makes him feel very human. He likes that Tardif comes from and to him represents a normal, human world he never got to experience; life and joy and flowers and fields, marketplaces and inns, travelling by river. To Robin, Tardif is proof that a normal (as normal as it gets with DD but bear with me) life is possible and that it's not out of his reach.
Tardif likes that Robin notices the beauty in everything about the world that a lifetime of looking out for himself has blinded him to. And despite everything he's gone through, Robin is still annoyingly hopeful, patient, kind, everything that he didn't know was possible in a man anymore, no less nobility. He hated it all at first, hated it violently, but against his better judgement it grew on him :)
This kiiiinda ties in with what they dislike about one another, but I think one of the more major crises that happens between them is that Tardif repeatedly does NOT let Robin engage in any sort of violence once they start to develop feelings for one another, a reckless act of way too much protectiveness on Tardif's end. Basically the moment he notices he's catching feelings he doesn't really know how to reel it all back in after spilling. This prompts Robin to get really angry at him, obvs, because he feels like he's being treated like a child or fragile glass, a feeling which he despises. They figure it out eventually tho, lol. Tardif also hates how self-sacrificial Robin can be, regularly martyring himself because he thinks he deserves it for the crimes of his family. Tardif doesn't hate ROBIN for it, but he hates that he feels that way and that someone ultimately undeserving of suffering has to go through that when so many others who actually do deserve it live cushy lives.
In regards to them sticking together, that was the plan. Tardif promising to take Robin away from the Hamlet once everything is over and setting up a bakery somewhere nice... something he doesn't know if he can truly do after everything, but something he wants to try for the sake of someone else, for once, as he's long learned that Robin is the only exception to all of his lifelong rules. But, as per DD2, that may not have worked out, and I'm still waiting on some info before getting to work on that ;) a tragic divorce arc (literally, bc they got Actually Married in DD1) where "Robin has ulterior motives of tracking down his husband during the apocalypse" might be in the works, tho 👀
I can't lie and say I'm Not a fan of pure love kind of scenarios, I'm a romantic at heart and I like to see all sorts of different types of relationships play out. But you're right, for my dark dungeon, I like to see some drama more >:) These two can get a little bit codependent and fucked up, and be so very selfish and possessive, but that's what makes it juicy hehe
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aeoki · 1 year
Machina - Test World: Chapter 5
Location: Season Avenue (SSVRS) Characters: Mika & Shuu
< The next day. “Test World”, Mika’s shop. >
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Mika: ♪~♪~
Great, there’s another piece done ♪ I’ve been on a roll recently…♪
“SSVRS” really is my saviour. If it weren’t for this, I would’ve suffered so much…♪
…Ngh, somethin’ is ringin’. Is it my phone?
It doesn’t look like there’s anythin’ like that in-game – Is it ringin’ in the real world?
The goggles get in the way at times like this. Off they go…
Ah. Oshi-san called me! Did he want to continue our conversation from before?
Uhh, hello, Oshi-san?
Shuu: Hello? Kagehira?
Mika: “Sorry for not pickin’ up the other day. I called back right after, though.”
“I couldn’t get a hold of you since you were busy too. I’m really sorry.”
“So what did you want to talk about, Oshi-san?”
Shuu: How is your art going, Kagehira?
Mika: My art? It’s goin’ good!
I couldn’t pick up the phone yesterday ‘cause I was focused on makin’ somethin’. You must’ve been worried ‘bout me, but I think you’ll be happy to see what I’ve made ♪
Shuu: “Is that so? It must be quite an exceptional piece.”
Mika: ? Oshi-san, are you in a bad mood? You sound kinda scary…
Shuu: No. I’m not angry. I had braced myself thinking you had gone astray while I was away.
But I’ll be sure to check with my own eyes as to whether or not those words hold true. I’ve actually just landed in Japan.
It may be unexpected, but I’m here to see how you’re doing. Kagehira, where are you right now?
Mika: What!? Oshi-san, you’re back in Japan!?
I see… But I’m okay!
I’m makin’ stuff properly so I don’t mind if you come to the dressin’ room right away ♪
Shuu: Oh? That’s quite commendable.
If you’re in the dressing room, does that mean you’re working with fabrics? I shall look forward to whatever it is you’re making.
Stay where you are! I will see with my own two eyes how much you’ve grown, Kagehira!
Mika: Ngh, he hung up.
Oshi-san’s the same as always ♪
Hehe. I bet Oshi-san will be surprised when he sees this.
A little while ago, I wouldn’t have imagined that my new creation could be made in “SSVRS” ♪
Just wait, Oshi-san! I’ll show you what I’ve made…♪
< Sometime later. >
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Shuu: Pardon my intrusion.
Mika: Ah, welcome back, Oshi-san! You came right away.
I’m happy to see you were worried about me. You returned ahead of schedule and wanted to see what I’ve been up to, right?
Shuu: Stop behaving like a clingy spoiled child. Blame it on yourself as you’re a walking hazard.
Putting that aside, where is your work? It must be somewhere here in this dressing room – bring it to me now.
Mika: Hehehe, about that…
Shuu: ? Why are you beating around the bush?
Mika: Listen to this! I’ve actually got the work ready in the world beyond these goggles!
It means a new piece of art is waitin’ for you when you put ‘em on!
Shuu: …………
Don’t tell me you’re acting like a bad student who has forgotten about their homework over the long holidays and is trying to make an excuse for themselves?
Mika: Ngh, you’re doubtin’ me ‘cause it sounds so far-fetched, Oshi-san!?
It’s not that~ You’ll understand what I mean once you put on these goggles, so pretend you believe me and put them on, okay?
Shuu: Enough with your jokes. And what if I put on these goggles–
Hm. This is…
Mika: I’ve made what people call digital art.
What do you think? There must be somethin’ you like amongst all these pieces, right?
It looks like you can use virtual currency in a server (?) in “SSVRS” called the “Test World”.
Lots of people bought my art, you know? ♪
Shuu: …I see. Kagehira, I heard you feel unwell when you’re in “SSVRS”, but did you overcome your weakness and decide to create something in this VR space?
You then opened a store in said VR space and in exchange for selling your works, you gained virtual currency and things have expanded even more, correct?
Mika: Yeah. It’s really fulfillin’ for me and I feel super motivated…! It’s been really inspirin’ ♪
Ah. Right, do you wanna make somethin’, Oshi-san? I’m sure you’ll be an even more popular creator than me…♪
Shuu: Don’t be so conceited!
Mika: Huh…?
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Shuu: What did you learn from me? You’re saying this is art!?
You’ve disappointed me, Kagehira. Just when I was wondering what you were up to while I was gone – who would’ve thought you’d be complacent after earning a bit of money?
Do you enjoy the flattery of the public? Why did you make this?
None of these things here count as art in my eyes. And they never will!
Mika: O-Oshi…-san…?
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shoyoist · 1 year
Hello rekha! I hope this isn't weird or anything but you talked about planning your day in another ask and i was wondering if you could share some tips 🥺
Trying to get my shit together. But i'm very bad at sticking to a schedule no matter how i try. Since you have a day-to-day plan, how do you stick to it? 😭
hello<3 no it's not weird, dont worry! in fact another anon asked the same thing, hehe. so here you are<3 let me give you some tips that helped me stick to a schedule/organized routine best.
number one is to fix how you make your schedule.
the whole "wake up at 7" "breakfast at 8" "biology homework at 9" "chemistry assignment at 10" thing is self sabotage, imo. if i miss my alarm or something and wake up at 8 instead, it ruins the whole flow of the day and i dont have the motivation to do anything at all after failing the first step.
so the first thing i did was get rid of strict timestamps. instead, i write down a number of tasks for the day, starting from most important to least important (based on deadlines and all) and give myself the entire day to complete them. no "this at 8, this at 9" nonsense!
limiting the number of tasks in a day is also important. if you set too much work for a single day, then you'll likely get tired halfway through and leave most of your tasks undone. so instead of say, ten tasks a day, do five tasks in two days!
it's very important to stick to this for the first week or so to clear up the clutter. deep clean your room/home, finish up your homework or any important tasks, whatever. once you're done, you'll be in a much better headspace (and have more physical space too) to carry out your daily life. it'll definitely help you stick to your future to-do lists, plans and schedules.
and when you're making a schedule, give yourself as much time as possible! for example, if doing things day by day gets too tedious or crowding you can extend it to a week. list down all the things you need to do during the week, and depending on importance, complete them one by one. just finish everything by the end of the week!
if you make schedules like this though, the problem is that new things will certainly pop up through the week. so it's important to prioritize your tasks, complete them asap and to not fill up the list too much. do it in your own time, but never give yourself too much slack.
+ for long periods of work/school, try using the pomodoro method! if you haven't heard of that already, it's a system where you do your work for [set amount of time] and take a break for [set amount of time] throughout the day. for example, you do 2hrs of work and take a 30min break. and then you do 2hrs of work again, followed by another 30min break. i've found it really helpful and productive!
and well, balance and discipline is very important! it's tough at first no matter what, but consistency is key, so don't ever give up <33
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shy-forceghost · 2 years
(this is a vent post so feel free to scroll if you want)
Today really spiralized down ...
I'd already procrastinated so much yesterday that I had a ton of homework to do today, due at midnight. I managed to do a really good chunk in the morning and everything looked like it was going to be okay. I started feeling bad after lunch (because my eating has been difficult these days) and then lost a lot of motivation. I wasn't able to focus at all, the words blurred all in my mind and I couldn't manage to write my report (and my lab partner had already done all their parts so I felt pressured). THEN my laptop started to glitch and I couldn't work from (seriously) 17:30 till ~22:30
My anxiety was already bottling up not only because of my assignments, but cause it is not the first time my laptop fails and it isn't even old. I can't afford reparations right now, nor have the luxury of spending days without it because I use it for all my schoolwork + my social service (a internship-kinda thing that is requisite to graduate) (both involve lots of coding so that's why it has to be my laptop in particular).
I managed to continue writing my report on my phone and when it seems all finished (I was actually quite proud of how I'd written the analysis) I realised that the maximum of pages allowed was 5 and not 6, so I was a page over the limit and was going to get points taken off. Anyway, we didn't manage to cut it out so now we won't get full credit for it (:
And now I've handled in my report and I'm really tired, but I can't go to sleep because I HAVE ANOTHER ASSIGNMENT DUE TOMORROW and I haven't even started it. I can't think properly because my brain is just so foggy, but I can't let this assignment pass (i.e. not doing it) because it's on pairs and I'll affect my partner's grade. I could go to sleep and "try to wake up very early tomorrow" but 1. that's not going to happen, I'm not a morning person, and 2. I can't dedicate all of tomorrow's energy to that homework because I HAVE AN EXAM ON TUESDAY and I haven't studied for it. I hate the topic and I don't understand it, I simply do not have the motivation to study for it but I really really need to.
If you read all of this I'm so sorry you have to witness all of this mess (a little insight of my brain, hey), but thanks for reading hehe :(
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wayhavenots · 2 years
hiiii pd, an oc q came to mind hehe! idk if this question has been asked; since it's Halloween. What would your oc's dressed up as? Which ones of them would take it way to seriously and which one of them just thinks, meh just slap on some cat ears or something? 👀 Hehe, no pressure!
Omg you must be dressing up as an *angel* for halloween haha thank you alya!!! <3 always happy to ramble about my ocs!! :) will just do this for a ~select few~.
Avery Lin usually does not dress up; her current go-to for when she *has* to is to wear her normal clothes and go as a detective. (She could be persuaded to make more of an effort if e.g. Nate wanted to do a couples costume, or Unit Bravo (read: Farah) wanted to do a group costume.)
Rider McQueen goes all out but also does his best to show as much skin as possible. E.g. a shirtless devil with a red cape, horns, pitchfork, and his chest painted red. (Or maybe a vampire to tease his new friends lol.)
Dove Shepherd will dress up if she's going somewhere where she's expected to dress up, and in that case she will go all out (she has to win the official or unofficial costume contest). Probably something in the genre of a needlessly elaborate Disney princess.
Jenny Yang has been a cat every year for the last like 10 years. Cat ears and whiskers. She loves Halloween, she just isn't that creative lol.
Mind Blind Buttons:
Daphne Wiseman either agrees to whatever sibling costume Nick has brilliantly crafted, or she goes as a terrible pun (and bonus if she and Nick can do terrible pun costumes together). E.g. Daphne would be a pig in a blanket (a pig onesie together with a cozy blanket) and Nick would be a deviled egg (which would probably look exactly like Rider's costume above but he draws an egg on his chest lol). If she's dating Gray or Glitch she'd also be super excited about a couples costume with them.
Teddy Wiseman usually dresses as a superhero. Nick may jokingly (and! sadly!) go as her costume's arch nemesis.
Body Count/Citadel/this is just Luz lol:
Luz Solano is organizing a group costume with her friends, or she is going as something incredibly niche and inside-joke-y. E.g. in the Citadel Universe she's something like "Riley's missing motivation" (she wants to be Riley's friend so bad 😭). (I have a friend who colored on a beard and went as our mutual friend one year for Halloween, and the next year she went as "your students' homework" and stapled a bunch of papers with red ink to her costume, so I am stealing this trait for Luz haha.)
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just4koo · 5 months
best friends..? ❀ new perfume
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→ character pairing : best friend!Jungkook x fem!reader → drabble summary : in which you use a new perfume scent and jungkook is appalled. → word count : 2.2k → warnings : confusing feelings, both of them extremely flustered, jk's lisp mentioned hehe, jungkook is literally so cute in this PLEASE, unedited → genre(s) : fluff, crack → note : hii! i'm sorry i was inactive, i went through a block and couldn't find any motivation. anyways, let me know if u guys think i should do a mini series of scenarios like this :)) also if u want, lmk what you guys think of no capitalization, i tried something new → edit : this was made into a series due to requests!!
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you loved your best friend with all of your heart. you had been friends with him since birth practically, the result of having mothers who were also best friends. they had even started trying for pregnancy around the same time in hope of having children that could also grow up together. it was a miracle for them when they got pregnant within a whole month of each other, and an even bigger one when they found out that their children were opposite genders.
you both always knew what your parents wanted from the two of you. they had grown up always putting you guys together, almost never having a day where you didn't see each other. it was even easier for your parents since you lived in the same apartment building. only a single elevator ride away, and your parents were constantly sending you off together or to go outside and play together.
not that either of you minded. you both grew up to be close just like your parents wanted, but also not in the exact way that your parents wanted. you never developed a romantic relationship with each other. they were even worried at this point, the both of you 20 years old and sharing an apartment together to go to the same college. how could nothing happen between the two of you?
your parents had even been sure to raise the two of you to be affectionate to each other. hugs, cuddling, and kisses on the cheek were normal for the two of you. nobody else saw your relationship as "just friends" because of how close you were. jungkook only ever had one girlfriend in your last year of high school. they'd dated for two months before you met her. the moment jungkook greeted you with a kiss on the cheek was all she needed to flip out.
you didn't blame her, honestly. growing up, you didn't realize how unusual your physical contact was with each other for people who are only friends. it was only in middle school and shipping became a thing for you to realize. nobody did that with their best friends. they always ended up dating.
but you convinced yourself otherwise. you and jungkook hadn't dated each other in all of these years, so these people had to be wrong. even though every guy knew specifically to stay away from "jungkook's girl", and no girl could ever get through to "your man".
after that one incident with jungkook's now ex-girlfriend, the two of you seemed to come to an agreement. neither of you dated anyone, never wanted anyone to come between your friendship. they would only try to come between the two of you, and you never wanted to let each other go. it wasn't your fault after all, nobody else just understood that friends of opposite genders could be this close and not have feelings... right?
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"_____, hurry up! this is like the first free day we've had in weeks, lets go out already!" jungkook complained with a small whine. this was because you were currently in the bathroom, taking your sweet time getting ready for precisely the reason he just said. it was the first time the two of you had a day that wasn't plagued with any classes or homework. you wanted to look nice.
"i won't be much longer!" you called out through the bathroom door, hearing a dramatic groan all the way from the living room. you just chuckled as you looked back into the mirror, focusing back in on your eyeliner. you didn't usually have time to do your makeup like this, so you wanted to be precise about it. once you were finally satisfied with your makeup you leaned back, smiling at yourself.
you almost forgot that you could look this nice. wearing a flowery sundress with your favorite jewelry, even your hair done nicely which was rare for you these days. your makeup had been touched up perfectly with glitter on your eyelids and a lip color that perfectly matched your skin tone. it had been a very long time since you felt this pretty. you felt ready for the picnic now.
even though jungkook's had a rather alternative aesthetic which was compromised of only wearing dark clothes, having multiple piercings and tattoos, the rbf.... he was actually a sucker for cute things. he had actually been the one to come up with the picnic idea, excitedly sharing the idea with you once he had seen it on tiktok. there was no way you could deny the opportunity for food and taking good photos. he had even cooked all the food (save from you baking all of the baked goods) and bought a picnic basket to make it authentic.
you were subconsciously smiling to yourself as you reached for your usual signature perfume. you weren't really paying attention as your sprayed it on yourself... only to realize that nothing was coming out of it. you finally looked down and noticed that the bottle was completely empty. how had you missed that? usually you always noticed when you were getting low. you wouldn't be surprised if it slipped your mind though, exams were coming up and you were distracted.
you decided not to dwell on the empty perfume bottle - you didn't want anything to ruin the day you had planned. so instead you opened up your closet and took out a small sample perfume you had gotten in a gift basket from one of your friends. the scent was a bit different than your usual flowery, light smell. this one was sweeter, smelling more of vanilla and coconut. you didn't mind the scent, it just wasn't your thing.
you could still hear jungkook mumbling to himself about you taking too long, so you decided to just have mercy on him and not take any longer. all you had to do was put on your necklace. it was one jungkook had gotten for you on christmas the previous year. a silver necklace with a butterfly embellished with diamonds. you always told jungkook to never spend that much on you, but he was a happy spender. to be honest you were too, but his reaction was just too priceless when he unwrapped the new ps5 you bought him.
you almost forgot how impossible clipping a necklace was on when you had your nails done. you had your nails natural for so long that after getting acrylics a few days ago, you had forgotten how to operate with long nails again. luckily, you had someone who would definitely be eager to help with how much he wanted to leave.
"kook, come into the bathroom and help me put this necklace on! we can leave afterwards." you almost immediately heard footsteps slamming down the hallway, showing just how much of a rush he was in. he opened the door and you could already recognized the look of slight irritation, though you didn't mind. he would just have to wait, because you weren't going to hurry up.
"thank god, i think the food was molding while i was waiting for you." jungkook commented as he took the necklace from your hands. he was frowning as he said this but the moment you laughed, his expression melted and he was already smiling along with you. his eyes softened at the sight of the necklace he'd bought you. you wore it everyday. he thought it was adorable.
"okay, okay.. just put the damn necklace on before you grow any more gray hairs." you chuckled a little as you watched him move behind you through the mirror. he put the necklace around your neck and hooked it up almost instantly, already having his experience with helping you.
growing up with a girl as a best friend meant that he practically knew everything. how to do your hair, help you with jewelry, he even had the exact brand and size of pads you used memorized in case you ever told him you needed extras.
once he finished hooking the necklace, his eyes met yours through the mirror. his smile became even softer as he finally took the time to look at you. you looked beautiful right now, just how he thought you looked beautiful all the time. no matter how you were dressed or how you looked. he was never afraid to communicate this to you either, because it just felt normal when you two were raised to be so affectionate.
"you look so pretty. this is the new dress you ordered a couple weeks ago?" jungkook asked in a calmer tone, seeming to forget about his earlier hastiness now that he was able to look at you. you felt his hand gently brush your shoulder before it moved down your arm, and finally rested on your hip. touching you always helped him feel calm, no matter the time or place.
"mhm. i was waiting for an opportunity to wear it. i thought i wouldn't have a reason to do so, but luckily your usually stupid tiktok ideas were good." you answered, giggling when you saw the attitude return to his expression momentarily in the form of an eyeroll. jungkook leaned forward to rest his chin on your shoulder, something he had done ever since you were young.
"they aren't stupid, you clearly just don't get the... vision..." jungkook had been speaking sarcastically, but you watched as his nose twitched a bit and his speech faltered.
one thing about jungkook was that he was very keen on smells. he was very sensitive to them, and he only really loved a few scents. one of them was the smell of your perfume. so it was easy for him to realize that you weren't wearing it anymore. before you could ask what was wrong, he was already speaking again.
"you smell weird." jungkook said simply, looking up at you through the mirror with question in his eyes. why would you ever change your perfume scent when it was so heavenly? it was one of jungkook's comfort smells, his favorite aroma (other than the smell of your natural skin). not that he didn't like this scent, it just wasn't you.
you were about to reply with something witty, but you froze as jungkook practically shoved his face into your neck. you could feel him sniffing more deeply now, feeling the tip of his nose brushing against your skin. you immediately felt goosebumps rising on your arms, and it wasn't from the colder temperature of the house due to the AC.
"why did you switch perfumes?" jungkook questioned with a slightly apprehensive tone. he couldn't help it. he had always associated the flowery perfume with you. he felt slightly upset with this new scent. he couldn't just get used to you changing your scent when you had been using your old perfume since you first got gifted it at age 10.
"i uh.. i just ran out of my old perfume." you muttered, slightly rolling your eyes at how stupid you sounded. you couldn't help it when you could feel his lips brushing against your neck every time he spoke. he didn't even seem to notice this either, too busy scrutinizing this smell.
"i'll buy you a new one when we go out. i'll buy as many as you want." jungkook almost immediately replied, already formulating the plan in your head. as soon as you finished the picnic, the two of you were going to take a trip to the store and he would buy you two of the biggest bottles they had just so you never had to put a single other scent on your body. he would deal with this scent for now, but as soon as you got back he was forcing you into the shower.
"okay..." you said quietly, your voice sounding a bit strained as you spoke. jungkook was relieved to hear that, and now that his internal crisis was averted he finally noticed the state you were in.
he was about to ask why you were so stiff, but then he noticed the way you shivered a little when his lips accidentally brushed against your neck. he realized how close he was, how his hold on you had tightened and how your back was pressed into his chest.
he backed away from you as if he had gotten shocked by you, muttering out an apology immediately. he thought you were uncomfortable by what he did, but he had no idea that the real reason for your current state was anything but you being uncomfortable.
you were flustered instead. it flustered you knowing that your best friend had gotten that close to you.. and you enjoyed it. you two were obviously comfortable being physical together, but his touch had never been so intimate.
he was blushing as well, you realized as you looked at him. this time in person rather than through the mirror. he was already staring back at you but the moment you made eye contact, he averted his gaze.
"i'll uh- i'll be waiting in the car with the stuff. come out when you're ready." jungkook forced out the words, almost stumbling over them. you noticed that he was so flustered and embarrassed that his lisp was a lot more prominent. something that would make you smile fondly if it weren't for the unfamiliar warmth in your body.
he rushed out of the bathroom quickly after that, leaving you in the bathroom with nothing but the lingering feeling of his lips on your neck.
you weren't dense enough to ignore the fact that the feeling you had wasn't something you would normally feel for your best friend. but you were too dense to realize that jungkook was sitting in the car, feeling the exact same way.
end. ♥
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