#hehe im really proud of my piece
plushievash · 9 months
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preview of my piece for the wolfwood zine on twt!! 🖤💙 it releases 10/1 and its free so dont miss out!
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moonsun2010 · 7 months
compiled the storyboards behind my dracula animatic, because why not
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some changes here and there from the actual final animatic but for the most part its quite similar? read it top to bottom, left to right; excuse the format haha these were boarded on my phone
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crebbyhermit · 1 year
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allysunny · 4 months
hiii! first of all, congratulations for 200 followers! im so proud heheee! and second, i just read your nanami's fic (patching up wounds) AND IT'S SO GOOD 😭😭🤍🤍 WE LOVE FLUFFY FLUFF NANAMI
and third! i wanna make a request hehee
15+28 with a make up prompt with nanami 🤍
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"Is it someone else?" + "Do you trust me?" / "Always" + Make up x Nanami Kento
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Words: 4.3k words
Warnings: Angst, mentions of infidelity, arguments, some angst? Some suggestive themes, but nothing downright explicit, I would say? I'm so bad at tagging omg if I missed anything!
A/N: Hey everyone! Here's another one of the entries for my 200 Follower Event!!! I missed writing for my man Nanami sm, I love this man so bad... <3<3<3
Anyway, I would ALSO like to say that my Event is now CLOSED!!!! I'll of course finish the requests I have in my inbox, but regarding this event in particular, I won't be taking any more! I feel like if they keep on coming, I'm going to panic and not be able to finish any of them.
Thank you for everyone that participated and sent in their great ideas; they're all genius and I am having a blast writing them. Thank you so much!
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this little piece!!!
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You'd long stopped waiting for Nanami to come home
Asking him to please come at a more decent hour, and letting you know whether he was going to make it to dinner or not proved to be useless, as he often did not check his phone, and even when he did, he'd give you one-worded replies that did nothing to soothe your nerves. You loved your husband; knew him inside out and loved everything about it. But sometimes, these little quirks managed to annoy you.
Were you being selfish? All you wanted was for your husband to come home to you, have some dinner, ask how your day was, maybe make love to you once or twice. But as days turned into weeks, it seemed like none of those were a possibility.
Dinnertime together became "Sorry. Won't be able to make it in time. Don't wait for me." texts, casual conversations about your jobs became "I had an exhausting day. Can we not talk about it?", asking your husband for a bit of affection became "I'm really tired. Some other day." It was starting to become unbearable.
You knew Nanami to be a hard worker. He was a very thorough man, efficient and determined, and he always gave 101% of himself in whatever he did. But lately, it seemed that he was lacking in terms of your own life. It hurt to eat by yourself, it hurt to read or watch TV on an empty couch, it hurt to go to sleep in cold sheets.
You'd tried to talk to him once, ask what was happening. Not only did he brush it off as him simply being busy, but he also failed to provide you with information as what to what kept him busy. He was never a man of many words. You knew this. But it was one thing for him to be quiet and reserved. It was another to simply refuse to tell you certain information about what he did for a living.
All he'd told you was that he worked at a high school, as a teacher. Taught something about finance. On one hand it made sense. All the books and certificates inside his study were clearly not for show, and he'd always been extremely intelligent. But on the other hand, it was weird. Nanami never expressed much interest in teaching. Hell, you didn't even know he had the qualifications for teaching. But apparently, he did, and that's what he wanted to do from now on.
He'd told you it was a high paying job. He wouldn't be as miserable as he was as a salaryman, and you two would be able to take that lovely vacation in Malaysia, the one you'd been envisioning for years now. But how did a high-school teacher earn so much? And why did he have to spend so much time at his school?
The sound of the door broke you out of your thoughts, and you looked behind you from your place in the couch. Your husband walked home, hair slightly dishevelled and jacket hung on his arm.
"I'm home," he said softly, before taking off his shoes and hanging his coat.
"Hey," Your feet instantly carried you from the couch to him, as if second nature. Your feet would carry you anywhere Nanami Kento was, that is how deep your love for him run. Because where was home, if not by his side?
"I stopped by the bakery on my way home," he mumbled, placing a white paper bag on top of the couch. "Brought you those croissants you like."
There he was, your sweet husband, remembering you even when you worried and worried. Here you were, chewing the inside of your cheek out of sheer preoccupation, and he was out there buying you croissants. You felt a little bit guilty.
"Thank you," you smiled, returning to his side, and continuing to speak, "How was work?" It was when he flexed visibly in front of you when you moved to undo the knot of his tie that you had realised, you'd asked the wrong question.
"Tiring. I don't want to talk about it," he answered, moving past you towards the kitchen.
The guilt you'd briefly felt earlier washed away, if only a little bit.
Dinner was uneventful, as usual. It was nice having his company, but it was almost as if it didn't even make any difference. He was quiet, more so than usual. You tried getting a few conversations going, talking about your day, gossiping about your coworkers, but only received one-syllabic words, or soft hums of acknowledgement. You tried to get him to talk about his work, but he wouldn't budge. You asked about his students, and he shut you down. It seemed as if there was a barrier coming up between you and your husband, and you didn't like it one bit.
He offered to do the dishes for you while you decided to go take a quick shower, and when you came back, you found him sitting on top of your bed, quietly reading a book.
"Aren't you heading to bed?" you asked.
"I came home late enough the other days. I'd like to enjoy a book for a while before I go to sleep. Is that so wrong?" There was a slight harshness to his voice that you didn't like, and you became defensive.
"I'm sorry – it's just, you've been so tired every other day, I thought you'd maybe like to get some actual sleep."
Nanami must've realised the tone he'd taken with you and took a deep breath to calm himself.
"I appreciate your concern, honey, I really do. But I'd like to relax for a bit. I promise to get enough sleep."
You nodded and grabbed the remote, turning on the TV in front of you to zap through a few channels. When you couldn't find anything that amused you, you picked up your phone and scrolled through social media, internally sighing at the photos of your friends and their respective partners on their own private vacations. It reminded you of Malaysia, and it made you frown just a bit. You had half a mind to ask your husband, but there was no way you wanted him to think you were annoying, so just kept quiet.
After a while, he put down his book and walked towards the bathroom to get ready for bed. You would've done the same, but he closed the door behind you, causing you to wait for him. When you were able to brush your teeth and go through your whole skin care routine, you returned to bed.
Nanami was already lying down, facing away from you.
It hurt. A lot. You used to sleep pressed close against each other. He would hug you close to him, and you'd fall asleep to the beating of his heart. It nearly made you cry, until you realised you were made of tougher things, and would do your best not to let it get to you.
You laid down, pulled the covers over your body, and looked at your husband's back, admiring the broad planes of his shoulders and the pale skin you so adored to touch and kiss. It had been a while since you'd done both.
You don't know what made you do this. Maybe it was curiosity. Maybe you just missed your husband too much and seeing him like this before you awakened memories in you that had your cheeks heat up and your thighs clench instinctively. But something made you press against Nanami's back and snake your arms around his chest.
He all but whispered your name, and you couldn't tell if in exasperation, or desire.
"I miss you so much," you mumbled, pulling your body up to sit beside him, and leaning down to press kisses against his neck and jaw. You felt him tense, and something inside you churned. Why was he tensing before you? Before your touch? He was your husband. Were you so unfamiliar that he would flinch away from you?
"I'm tired," he sighed, rolling so his body would stay even more out of reach.
"We don't have to do much;" you mumbled, scooting closer to him. Your hands carded through his hair. "I just miss you. Miss your touch, miss your body," each word was punctuated with a kiss on his jaw, and you heard Nanami sight. "Please, Kento. Don't you miss me?"
Why you kept going, you had no idea. He had arrived home extremely tired and had not given you any signal that he wanted this. In fact, the only thing he'd demonstrated was wanting distance, peace, and quiet.
But still, you kept going, kissing his soft skin, and playing with his golden hair.
"I have to get up early in the morning," he said, but you could tell his voice was breathy, husky. You gloated internally, happy over the fact you still had this effect over him.
"We can be quick. Can't we?" He could. You could. Nanami liked to take his time with you – and lord knew how much you liked it when he did. But you also knew he was efficient. You'd been pressed against several walls inside bathrooms or broom closets, mouth against the column of his neck to stifle your broken moans to know it. "Please? You know I'll make you feel good."
Nanami remained quiet for a few seconds, and for a while you thought he might say yes. Then, he promptly moved away from you, his voice cold as ice.
"I'm tired. I need to get up early tomorrow, I don't have the time for this."
"But Kento – "
"Can't you listen to a word I say? You've been going against my wishes all night." This time, he turned to face you, a hint of cruelty in his eyes, something that made you tear up immediately. "All I want is to get some rest. I can't do that with you all over me."
You said nothing, staring at the man before you. Is this how he felt? That you were all over him? That you'd been going against all his wishes? It's not your fault you wanted to talk to your husband, to be worthy of some of his time.
"I just wanted to spend some time with you," you replied, brows furrowing in confusion. "What's so wrong with that?"
"I've told you before, I'm tired. I got home late today; all I want to do is just get some sleep – "
"You're always getting home late now!" You raised your voice, sitting up completely and crossing your arms over your chest. "And you're always tired. What am I supposed to do?"
"Not disturb me, when I'm working so hard for us."
"At a high school? I love you, Kento, and I love how dedicated you are to your work, but what's a high school got that makes you get home at nearly 11PM?"
"It's complicated," he muttered, looking away.
"Is it now?"
"Yes! It is! And I wish you would just let it go and let me sleep. God knows I need it."
That's when you ask the question that's been plaguing your mind for a while, the one you'd never been brave enough to ask, the one you never wanted to ask, afraid of what the answer could be.
"Is it someone else?"
You could've asked anything, and yet Nanami would've never guessed what you'd just said. Why would you ever think such a thing? Did he ever give you reasons to think he loved anyone else other than you?
It seemed almost silly to ask, because as soon as he thought the question over in his head, he realised just how much he'd been neglecting you.
"It's not," he reassured you, sitting up and turning to face you, now sitting up as well. He hadn't realised you had started to cry, only noticing it when he saw small tears running down your lovely face. He'd made you cry. He had been an asshole and now you were crying because of him. Just great.
"I'm just working hard. For you. For us."
"Don't give me any of that bullshit. No high school teacher has to stay inside the school until close to 11PM. You can't even make it do dinner most nights. Just what the hell are you doing in there? Is it someone else, Kento? Fuck – just tell me if it is because I can't take this any longer! If you’re just staying with me because you can’t be bothered to get a divorce, then I don't want it!" You said, crossing your arms over your chest. You couldn't control the tears that had escaped, and once they started to fall, you feared they wouldn't stop.
"It's not someone else!" He said, running a hand through his blonde locks. "Look, darling, I only love you – "
"Then tell me why the hell you stay in there until so late."
Nanami was stunned into silence.
You'd never really asked about his job. He had told you he was a teacher and made up some believable enough financial-like class. You'd believed it, and he thought it would be the end of it. But Nanami should've known better. You were curious, and worried about him a lot. It was very endearing, and he loved you even more for it, but sometimes – like now – it could be a tad impractical.
"I'm working," he whispered.
"Bullshit. Again, with that stupid excuse – I don't believe you, Kento." It was the first time in 6 years together that you had ever doubted your husband. And it tasted foul. Doubt tasted foul, taster bitter in your mouth, and you hated how quickly its taste spread over everything you said. "Just tell me the truth already!"
"I'm telling you the truth, I'm a teacher, and I'm working!"
"I know high school teachers, Kento!" you yelled, "And they might bring some work home, but they're usually there in time for dinner. Hell, every teacher I've spoken to gets home much earlier than you, and everyone has said that your working hours are unusual. And there's of course, the matter of the bruises."
Some big, some small, but it has become more and more usual for your husband to arrive home injured. At first it was nothing. A paper cut. An accident while cutting bread. He slipped. He tripped. He fell. The excuses started getting weirder and weirder, and you’d become suspicious as hell.
"They're just accidents honey, I told you – " Nanami's words do little to soothe you, instead enraging you even further.
"No, they're not! You've never been clumsy Kento. You've never tripped, never fallen, never had accidents with knives! Just tell me what's going on? Have you gotten yourself into something dangerous, Ken? What is it?"
Nanami looked at you, at your eyes wide with worry and heartbreak, at your pouting lips and cheeks wet from the small pearly tears. And as much as the sight broke him inside, this wasn't the time nor the place to try and talk sense into you. He couldn't tell you about what he did, couldn't introduce you to the world of Sorcery and Curses. He'd only endanger you, and that was the last thing he wanted.
Nanami sighed.
"I think you should need some sleep. We should both get some sleep and continue this conversation in the morning."
That was the last straw. How dare he dismiss this conversation, as if it weren't something important and worthy of your attention? As if your whole relationship, your trust, your life wasn't on the line?
It was too much.
"Out." You uttered, pointing at the door.
"Out." You repeated. "How am I supposed to share a bed, let alone a life with a man I don't trust, with a man who insists on lying to my face like this? I can't sleep on the same bed as you."
"Honey, you can't be serious – " Nanami pleaded, but you were intent on interrupting him.
"Out! I won't share a bed with you until I trust the man sleeping beside me!"
With this, Nanami nodded silently. He got up and promptly left the room, leaving his pillow where it was on the bed next to you. He knew you – you might be upset, but you still loved him, and you couldn't fall asleep with some sort of presence from him next to you. He'd found you once or twice hugging his pillow as you slept, and it made him smile. Ever since, he’d sprayed it once or twice with his cologne or aftershave, to see which scents made you relax more. It was corny and lame as hell, yes. But it helped you a lot, and he was glad for it.
Once the door of your bedroom was closed, you simply let go.
Loud sobs erupted from you, and you hid below the blankets, hoping the small fortress of cloudy fluffiness would save you from all the anguish you were feeling, and wishing sleep would take you soon.
With Nanami's pillow hugged close to your body, you found that it did, and you were out in just a matter of minutes.
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The following morning, you woke up to the smell of pancakes and orange juice.
Weird, you thought, who the hell is making pancakes?
You got up and ready, going through with your usual morning routine before putting on some clothes and walking downstairs. You’re not used to having company on your day off, let alone wake up to some delicious as hell smells.
When you walk into the kitchen, you spot your husband in front of the stove, a spatula in his hands, whistling some tune he seems to be hearing from the radio.
It was as if last night hadn’t happened at all, as if instead of refusing your touch and walking away, he’d turned to you and reciprocated everything.
Nanami turned to you, having heard the soft thud of your fuzzy slippers against the floor. He was wearing his “Kiss the Cook” apron, the one you’d jokingly gifted to him a few years ago and hadn’t seen him wear in a long time. If you weren’t so upset at him, it’d have made you smile.
“Good morning,” he said, placing a plate of pancakes and a glass of orange juice on your usual spot at the table.
“What’s all of this?” you asked, hesitant to sit down. Was he going to pretend it was all okay?
“An apology.”
You stopped in your tracks. An apology. Huh.
“I behaved terribly last night,” Nanami sighed and placed the rest of the pancakes on a separate plate, also putting it on top of the table. “I’m sorry.”
You nodded and sat down, taking a sip from the orange juice. It was great, and it took you every bone in your body not to jump on your husband and shower him with kisses. It’d been a good while ever since he prepared you breakfast like this.
Well, since he’d gone out of his way to do something nice and apologise, you wouldn’t play games. You and Nanami had long gone past that stage.
“Surely, you understand everything I said came from a place of worry,” you told him, grabbing your favourite jam (that Nanami had so attentively put in your reach) and smearing it all over a pancake. Your voice was calm. Not too sweet; firm, but still somewhat soft. “You’re barely home nowadays, Kento. And I miss you. You come home with scratches on your face and bruises on your arms. What am I supposed to think?”
Your husband sat before you and grabbed a glass of orange juice himself, before starting to speak.
“I understand. And I can guarantee that everything I have told you is the truth.”
You stopped your arm, fork up in the air.
“The truth? Please, Kento, I’m tired of that.”
“I’m serious.”
He shifted in his seat and sighed.
“Look – I didn’t lie to you when I told you about my new job.”
“Hm. But?” you asked, taking the forkful of pancake to your lips.
“But – “ he sighed again, “I wasn’t entirely honest either.”
“I see.”
“The truth is, I can’t tell you all about my job.”
You raised an eyebrow. Is this how he was planning to get on your good graces again?
“I’m a teacher, yes. But my job, it’s… It’s hard to explain. It’s dangerous. And I don’t want you tangled up in that world.”
Your stomach twisted in an unpleasant knot. Dangerous?
“Kento, did you get involved with the wrong people?” you whispered. Surely, that couldn’t be true. The sweet man before you would never dabble in those nasty, sketchy business you always saw out there, the kind that would have him trapped for life and made a slave to their every whim.
“No! No – Christ, no,” he was quick to reassure you, reaching out to hold your free hand. You decided not to move it, allowing the warmth of his palm to spread through yours. “It’s not like that. I did not get involved with any kind of bad people. I promise you that. But my job is dangerous, and I would be putting you in danger if I told you all about it. But I can’t stand keeping you in the dark like this – it hurts to see you suffer.”
Now you were getting scared. What the hell had your husband gotten himself into? A dangerous job? That would put you in danger? What was he talking about?
“Fuck, it’s,” he released your hand, and you immediately missed his touch. Nanami rubbed his eyes with the heels of his hands and shook his head. “It’s so complicated. I don’t even know where to start. I don’t even know if you’ll believe me. I just… I just need some time. Please. If you’ll have me, if you love me. I just need some time, and I’ll explain everything to you.”
“Is this what you want to do?” You asked
“And you’re saying it’s dangerous.”
“It is.”
“Is that why you’re injured sometimes?”
“Yes. But I promise you – everything is okay. Everything is fine. I promise you darling – it’s okay.”
You looked at him, and he looked at you.
And there was something in his eyes that made you understand.
Not what he did, or how he did it or when.
But that he was having a tough time explaining it to you. You could see his internal dilemma clearly, and it made you ache a bit, because you saw just how conflicted he was. You loved reading. Books of all kinds. Long, short. Fun or emotional. But even after all these years of reading page after page after page, it wasn’t books you’d learned to read best.
It was your husband.
He reached out to hold your hand again. It was warm and it provided comfort. So much comfort – something you needed more than anything right now.
“Do you trust me?” he asked, speaking to you in that barely-a-whisper voice of his, the one he uses to murmur soft words against the skin of your shoulder, the one he used to say his vows to you on your wedding night, away from prying eyes, the one he’d used when he first told you he loved you.
You knew all of Nanami’s voices. Knew his monotone one, directed at coworkers and bosses; knew his warmer one, the one he used when thanking shop clerks, baristas, waiters, workers; knew his joyful one, the one you got to hear every once in a while, deep and rich and warm, accompanied by one or two chuckles if you were lucky; knew his husky one, saved especially for late-night lovemaking or mind-blowing quickies; knew his sugary sweet one, saved only for you.
And of all the voices you knew your husband to have, this was the one you trusted the most. It meant he was serious. It meant he wasn’t lying, it meant he was offering you the whole truth; he’d offer you the whole world with this voice, and you would take it.
“Always,” you found yourself replying, turning your palm, and giving his a soft squeeze.
Because it was true. You’d follow Nanami Kento to the ends of the earth. You trusted him, more than anything. And if he told you he had a hard time telling you, then you would believe him. If he told you everything was going to be fine, you would believe him. You trusted him to tell you what this dangerous job of his was and were ready to support him until the end.
You'd long stopped waiting for Nanami to come home.
But you’d start doing it. Again, and again, and again.
You would wait for him until he came home.
Whether he came home early or late, it didn’t matter. You would know he had been working. You’d know he hadn’t broken the promise he made to you the day you got married and would not lie with someone else. You’d patch up his wounds and kiss his injuries and shower him with love – so, so much love.
All that would matter, is that he would come home to you, and you wouldn’t worry.
Because you loved him, and he loved you.
And as long as you held on to that promise, you knew everything would be okay.
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A/N: And that's it! I hope you guys enjoyed this little piece! I love Nanami so much, he'd be the most understanding husband, and a great communicator okay.
Once again, I ask for your patience, as uni is kicking my ass real bad, and it's taking me longer to write stuff. I fear it's only going to get worse, and I may have to take a break.
But I'll keep trying until then!
I hope you're all doing well, and have an amazing day!!! <3
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
I was playing Genius Invocation yesterday, but out of nowhere this idea came to me like tge whispers of an old god.
How would the characters react to knowing they are the creator's favorite card? (Mine are Beidou and Ningguang, but if you are confortable, I would like to know yours as well)
Thank you for your patience!! Sorry this is SO FUCKING late :0 and if it’s bad! i havent rlly liked my writing the past couple pieces, so i stuck with some fun headcanons i thought of while kicking me feet and twirling my hair over this question hehehe
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Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only)
Planet: General SAGAU/Isekai Stuff :)
Orbit: Headcanons
Stars: Beidou, Ningguang, Kaeya, Cyno
Comets & Meteors: Content Warnings: Cussing & Trigger Warnings: None Known.
Every fucking port knows she’s a favored one, every goddamn pirate knows it atp, hell maybe even some abyss monsters at sea too-
(Kazuha’s happy for her, but also lowkey jealous)
literally got one of her cards framed and hung in her captain’s quarters, and insisted you sign it omfg-
Ningguang isnt surprised tbh, (she knows u like strong women lol)
…she gives one of the most smug smirks of her entire fucking life.
All of Liyue is gushing for her, not that she isn’t also excited on the inside, she’s just more proud than anything on the outside/for appearances
Literally set up a whole date meeting that felt like it was about to turn into a goddamn wedding proposal
I’m talking giving handcarved furniture, household necessities but they’re in pretty colors that all match (like a gold tea kettle, gold throw blanket, etc.)
Full nine-yards different kinds of teas, cakes, and all accustomed to your taste
so if u dislike super sweet stuff there are more savory items, the teas can be more bitter, or if u love sweets, this woman is giving you a bakery basically every day for nearly 2 weeks, u dont have enough space in the cabinet for all these teas- help-
so fucking smug on the outside, def brags about it in Angel’s Share and he’ll only just be tipsy he’s so fucking excited to talk abt it
whenever conversations end or get a lull, he just, “So anyway, our All-Powerful Guide, really likes my TCG card, maybe even above yours, Diluc…”
pls stop him he’s annoying Diluc, and slowly other patrons 😭 (there are bar rules posted on the wall, and Diluc adds one, not for the first time, specifically for Kaeya to stop talking about TCG while in the bar LMAO)
Now all Kaeya has to do is just pull out his card (cough he’s constantly got it in his pocket, the one he asked u to sign cough)
Rosaria just looks the other way like if she can’t see it it’s not real, Diluc will literally be in the middle of making a drink for one of them and just leave it halfdone and attend to somebody else, Venti’s eye twitches-
and the entire bar just groans too LMAOOO
(have a meme I made just for you <3 )
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oh no.
Look what you’ve done, you’ve seduced the General Mahamatra!!
Take responsibility, play TCG with him every time you see him now lmao, the only reason all of Sumeru knows you like his card (which makes it all that more desirable to ppl who do play, and collectors)
is bc he talked to Tighnari about it for hourssss, and then it made it’s way down the grapevine, and if they didn’t find out that way, the other was just seeing the usually stern and formidable General Mahamatra nearly vibrate out of his headpiece when you come near him every time you visit
Cyno weirdly gains like, 20x the luck when ur either playing against him, or sitting watching him play someone else, he’s struggling to find partners tbh bc “you’re my lucky charm? Of course I’m winning more.”
When you initially told him about him being one of ur fav cards, he literally looked like there was a loading sign over his head… Then proceeded to nearly break your ribs hugging you so hard, and nearly take ur eye out with the ears on his headpiece lol
Sorry if all my writings shit for these past 2 posts! Idk im just thinking its not so good rn and idk how to fix it-
anyway I’ve started playing Breath of the Wild over the past like 2-3 months I think, and it’s amazingggg
I may or may not be both getting gender envy and also a huge crush on Link help-
Safe Travels Wandering Lantern,
♡the beloveds♡
An iced coffee? For me??
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche
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flwrstqr · 2 months
mutuals appreciation messages !!
haii!! i wanted to do this so here: (mainly did moots i interact with the most!!)
@copyhanni, thank you for basically everything, hye bae. everyday im always forward to texting u on the gc. and the way you always defend me is something i really admire in you. i love you to the moon and back <3
@naespas, nae i love you sooo much. you make me laugh every time when you send silly goofy little texts and images. your personality and spirit really makes me feel like myself and in tough times, your always there for me
@wonifullove, sav im sooo happy we got closer recently cause your the sweetest moot/best friend to me ever. your posts are amazing, and your jokes are >>>>. i think your the most relatable person i ever met too.
@bywons, sru you were one of my first moots ever when i made this. you were the moot that helped watched me grow and become who i am today. our dms together make me giggle and smile. thank you and ily ><
@nishions, hiii lizzz!!! im married to your works and ur acc. ur sweet personality makes me sooo excited to be around you. literally i remember the first time we met was through asks and here we are now. sending love and hugs
@yeokii, my twin bae!!!!! im so sad we js met recently but ur so relatable + so funny + so sweet + so amazing. ur acc truly feels like a safe place to be. hope we could get closer!!!
@atrirose, my angel, seiu <33 ur the sweetest person i ever met in tumblr. ur works make me levitate and cry every time i read them (good thing). your account themes are so gorgeous???????
@isoobie, riri bae!!!!!! i get soo excited when i see you in my inbox and my homepage. your bubbly and funny personality makes me smile everyday when im on tumblr. thank u for everything and love u !!!
@okwonyo, jiah u were literally my idol back when i was a enha reader. i was obsessed with your works and now the fact im moots w u plus interacted multiple times makes me feel super proud (hehe). i hope we could get close!!!
@yenqa, ik yen ur on hiatus but thank u sooo much for enjoying all my works. i love all ur works too + ur so funny. every time i see you interact or like my work, i get sooo happy cus if your happy im happy!! (miss u sooo much TT)
@jjunae, hai kae!!!! even though we dont interact too much, i want to appreciate all your works and your effort. you work so hard and im in love with every single piece you write. sending support and love <3
@sainns, anna!!!!! thank u for enjoying my works and once again supporting me. i saw you so many times on my tl before we even became moots and here we are now. (also thank u for defending me during times when i needed the most support. love u)
@ashtxrie, ash (or sunoo's gf), thank u for being one of my first moots. u were the one who supported my works. sending luck to your exams!!! u got this!! ><
@stariekis, my uri bby. you are truly an angel from heaven. your sweet compliments make me smile everyday. even though i know you won't see this due to your hiatus, i want to let you know how much i really appreciate your words. you truly are someone that i admire up to and love. thank you <3
@neos127, hai hai ky! we don't talk often but we've talked a couple times in our inboxes. even based on our small conversations, i noticed how sweet and kind you are. you truly are a person that everyone loves and will support throughout.
@stariikis, my ash, you were one of the first ppl who dmed me and reached out to become friends. you were one of the first ppl who was my age and became a friend of mine. i want to say you truly are a good person and ill support you throughout every moment. sending kisses ^3^
@hyeinkiss, via baefy!! even though we just met yesterday, i want to note how cute and sweet u r. the way u love my works make me so proud of myself. i truly hope u get all the love and attention u deserve. i love u sm via, i hope we could become close moots!!!
@onlyjjong, lili, my love sender. your lovely messages are the truly sweetest in the world. the way you always care for others and look out for outs is the best thing about you. i really hope to see u in my inboxes soon ><
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patsvicr · 16 days
hi again
artist asks 2 & 23 :D
hi muni!
2. 5 favourites of your own work?
this is tough since i don't have a lot of finished pieces that i truly like, my art style changed a lot, so ig i'll need to include wips and i’ll make it 4 instead of 5 😭😭
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this one i’m working on. you’ve seen it on priv already hehe, for my animation. please don’t look at it for too long, still a lot to work on!! this is one of the frames
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im still proud of the skoot hoodie one! even though ik i've improved since then. helped me a lot to find my art syle. the c!gnf one because it's special to me since it was a gift for a friend
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this one means a lot to me since i drew it during a tough time and it was comforting :,)
23. Do you listen to music or watch shows while you work? If so, what’s your favourite?
tv shows no, but i do listen to music, just my regular playlist really 😭 a lot of mitski and stuff. since my animation rn is a lyric video of a song, i can't really listen to music while working on it
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
hi axe! hope you’re doing okay!
i was wondering, if you could recommend/assign one of your fics to each of your moots, which ones would you choose?
take care!
ONGOMTOMEHWOWNWKSJQKWKWKW IM WAS DOINT GOOD BUT NOW IM DOING BETTER BC ANON RHIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA WHAAAAT :((( TYSM ILY MWAH !!!!!!! i tried to do most of my moots but im so so sorry if u dont see urself here :(
@slytherinshua zanna zanzan.. you would be [6:27am] , so a huening kai timestamp! i know its short :( but its so soft and peacful, it kinda just has ur vibes?? the piano, kai himself, the sleepyness hehe.... and it was my first ever timestamp so if we wanna get philosophical,, it could also symbolise the fact i was ur 1st followed blog (ill never shut up abt this bye)
@l3visbby mother ud be......... leg day with changbin. im so biased but. but. its goofy, a lil suggestive but also the comfort of it just reminds me of u hehe
@planetkiimchi mattress testing with jisung!!! it was one of my first works w ji (so its also kinda cringey, i apologise) but its so sweet tbh, just like u hehe plus that sillyness hehehehe
@fairyhaos are we surprised i gave u a joshua fic? absolutely not. sunday morning... is so soft :") and the coffee shop au too <//3 its so joshu coded lets be real.... but kinda, so are you? all gentle and so so sweet... can be scary too but pffff rare occurence
@weird-bookworm lol kyky.... arguing about paying with bts!!! its one of the silliest things ive wrote lol so it fits ur tricky, gremlin-y personality heheheeh
@mirxzii okay i know its kinda boring since it was ur req... but its just so... you,, yknow? speaking your native language in their presence with seventeen because you love languages,, and the piece just has a special place in my heart (just like u)
@etherealyoungk again im so so biased w this one ... but! not yet, a hoshi imagine </3 its so sweet actually (pt2 too hehe), and and my first ever hoshi fic :( the mc is smart and reasonable (like u) wheres we also have a cute and lil drunk and very much whipped tiger...!!! hoshi is hoshing and thats so skye.
@ddeonudepressions them flirting with you at the game caterers2022 with enha!!! its silly goofy and filrty... like u............ also i miss u pls come home the kids miss u too
@malarign very much inspired by ur last message but LE(t's) GO with heeseung !!!!!!!!!!!! the playful vibes = you frfr!!! and its so so bf coded i think ud enjoy it!!!
@enluv sigh cocour me n ur love for father figures made me thnk ant this onme deeply so i eventually decided on old people activities with the one and only namjoon!! its my fav thing ive wrote for him, and its :( idk i had fun writing it and so do i when im talking to u teehee
@rubywonu okay this one is a lil,, more like comfort but ?? childish joy with nonu my beloved.... this fic has a special place in my heart (so do u teehee) but also,, i feel the vibes kinda fit u :")
@wheeboo rania.... rania rania rania......... i was thinking of giving u some angst (which i dont really have but lets ignore that) BUT then it clicked. soup&&confession with jeonghan! its a bit angsty,hurt2comfort, nursing, e2l.... whatt do u want more!!!! and also jeonghan himself reminds me of u ?? (mischievous but also somehow an angel pffff)
@wqnwoos okay listen i always feel amazed by hana's works so i can only recommend a fic thats good (i think) and that i actually like LMAO so that would be infinity w vamp!wonu :D its kinda dramatic lol but im proud of this one hehe
@hannieheartuu YLLI !!!! i wanted to recommend a chan fic bc, haha,, hes a maknae and u r younger than me aha,, ha,, and u also have the same vibes BUT. buut. theres a dk fic that i really love and its kinda silly but i feel like its not getting enough recognition LMAO so!! dokyeom junior the seventh teehee
@icyminghao noelle. u r getting one of my favs !!! zzz... with taehyun <3 itsSDFGHJDRFTGYHUHGFDS i love it. im so humble i know but its really great :D the soft sleepy vibes :(( i think ud like it!!
@txt-yaomi okay i kinda... struggled. but lemme explain my thought process: you remind me of yeonjun -> yeonjun is flirty -> no napkins (no problem). boom. amzaing, i know. its short but hes so...... sigh. i love him.
@eternalgyu hannie u remind me of niki so amongst my um library for this goofy guy ive chosen y/n's protection squad which is like one of the most chaotic things i wrote for him lol!! chaotic and mischievous ... like u >:)
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zeestrs · 5 months
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Happy Birthday Wanderer :3 Really Really proud of this piece suprisingly!! First art of 2024 Happy New Years Everyone! Have to remember to post here hehe Im more active on my twitter despite the algo truly bumming me down
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malka-lisitsa · 5 months
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Well look at that it's 2024, and my new years resolution is to stay an unbothered icon queen, and hope the hater's die mad. But I also thought I'd take a second to shout out to the people who make the shit show of a year 2023 bearable, and even enjoyable in some cases.
As trash as the rpc has a tendency to be there are still a lot of you that make this place more than worth it. I clearly cant shout out to all 900 something followers but I can highlight some of you. If you're not listed don't worry I still appreciate you immensely for being here, these are just the people that have really impacted my time here so far.
@unsettledspirits / @zoomingupthathill what can i say that I already haven't. There's 3 months worth of daily reasons to love you. You built the one ship that beat Steferine with me, honestly it was a surprise to everyone. Happy to see you back on Max ruling over your ST kingdom.
@hybrid-royalty-main Damon you piece of shit, I hate you the absolute most, and I'm so glad youre here with all the boys tbh. You bring such a unique quality to each one of them. Especially were-jer, it has been an absolute HOOT watching you take on the challenges of a teenaged were pup.
@baby-royalty My sired child with loyalty so unwavering you make the sire bond in the show look tame lmfao. The universe pulled us together the second I stepped foot into this hellsite again and I have enjoyed watching you grow into the person and writer that you are now. I'm proud of you.
@klaeus Kiki I adore you sm, you and your knock off brand doppelganger and scruffy mutt hybrid (affectionate) I love talking about the show and dynamics and honestly just about everything with you. You try, and thats more than most people do for me. Plus your grafics are just chefs kiss.
@multi-royalty Maddie this is like 3 years we've been besties, the caroline to my Elena. I've loved watching you branch out into new circles of friends and grow as a writer. You're absolutely killing it.
@ofcrossrcads Cribby, my darling I adore you. You are simply the sweetest, and keeping you here aggressively as my friend was one of the best things ive done in my life. I am always right here if you need me for anything &lt;3
@hargrove JT WTF. How are you so talented? Honestly youre the bees knees and I am SO HAPPY to have reached out to write with you bc I wasn't expecting Katherine and Billy but here they are and tbh im here for it. Tho everything you write is top notch, you're just flawless with every reply. And for that reason katherine said, you can go ahead and keep your halfbreed in the dog house. LMFAO. But for real I am so happy to have met you.
@petrovawitch Kenz, Katherine says fuck you for bringing her pain in the ass sister back- but im really glad you did. We adore you both even if we're spicy at times bc you know were brats hehe
@havvkinsqueen / @stanfordprepped My fellow digidestins, I am so happy to have met you. Both of you are just pure goodness spun into a little ball of sunshine. Honestly the most supportive people ever, the RPC needs you desperately. Just please remember that I have your back just as much as you have mine. We digidestin gotta stick together. &lt;3
Ok ok ok I cant shout out to literally everyone individually so these people also are super important to me and have made my experience here this year amazing, thank you for all you do-
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goldtheostrich · 6 months
Current Fandoms and Stuff I like! (will update often)
(Most favorite ones are Sailor Moon and Ojamajo Doremi, but the rest are a fight for second place! >:3)
Ed Edd N Eddy
South Park
Digital Circus
Murder Drones
Leo (2023) most recent fandom go watch it pls
Regular show
Sailor Moon
Ojamajo Doremi
The Amazing World of Gumball
Cute High Earth Defense Club
Marvel stuff (hehe)
Dragon Ball
Demon Slayer
Spooky Month
One Piece
Cardcaptor Sakura
Tokyo Mew Mew
Princess Tutu
All of Aphmau’s series! :>
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Percy Jackson
Warrior Cats
Oliver and Company
Proud Family
Adventure Time
Lucky Star
Talking Tom and Friends
The Owl House
Gravity Falls
Whatever Happened to Robot Jones
Steven Universe
101 Dalmatians the Series
1O1 Dalmatian Street
Animal Jam (Play Wild and OG)
Genshin Impact
The Amazing Digital Circus
Sims 4
Dungeons & Dragons
The Simpsons
12. oz Mouse
(still fairly new to some of these, so yeahhhh)
Now time to explain the rules in this blog and some stuff about me!
-fav animal is seals bc they so silly, also one my most fav youtubers, leamon puppy has her main as a seal, think that’s where I first started loving seals so much but idk XDDD
-I absolutely love vintage vids, just something so interesting about them to me! I love animes from the 90s-2010s most, but my most FAVORITE anime genre is magical girls!
-My first magical series was probably Glitter Force (SMILE PRECURE DUB YALL), but then Sailor Moon caught my eye and it is one my favs to this day! I finished Tokyo Mew Mew first though!
-Fav character is Pop Harukaze! She doesn’t get much of a role in Ojamajo Doremi as a Ojamajo, but something about her personality or something.. I am just living for it!
-Some other favs.. and yes I have a long list bc my autistic brain can’t choose favorites when they are so unique.. are Tsubomi/Cure Blossom, Komugi/Cure Wonderful, Gelatin (BFDI+), Flower (BFDI+), Two (BFB), Firey (BFDI+), X (BFB), (Teardrop (BFDI+), Four (BFB), Aiko (Ojamajo Doremi), Onpu (Ojamajo Doremi), Chibi Chibi/Sailor Chibi Chibi, Saki/Cure Bloom, Minako/Sailor Venus, Erika/Cure Marine, Nagisa/Cure Black, Bu-Ling/Mew Pudding, Yayoi/Cure Peace, Love/Cure Peach, Hana-chan (Ojamajo Doremi), Pollun/Porun (Precure), Jewlulu (Pripara), Tweek (you know what), Oz (Canimals), Muffin (Bluey), Zane (Mystreet/Aphmau), Garroth (Mystreet/Aphmau), Kim (Mystreet/Aphmau), Ian (Mystreet/Aphmau) and Noi (MID/Aphmau)!
-Fav color is lavender and pastel yellow
-Im scatterbrained at times, but can try remembering anything you say! Im clumsy and shy! <3
-“Do you have games on your phone” YES BUT LEAVE THEM IF ITS MY PHONE OR IPAD XDDD, especially my dear Animal Jam >:3
-I don’t really prefer to talk on email or text.. just tell me something on here or a social media platform like Youtube or Deviantart! I still use Gold the Ostrich as the user!
-Fav thing to say is “HOR HOR HOR HOR HOR” all i freaking know about fnaf is the movie with unnecessary add on lore 💀
-I don’t mind cussing, it’s just not a full on “lifestyle” for me
Now some rules! <3
-Everyone is allowed on my blog, it is mostly a tickle/random blog, but it’s quite decent so far!
-If you dislike this blog, please don’t say unnecessary stuff in your blogs, posts in any other media, etc if so. Just try ignoring this blog if possible.
-I can do commissions, especially of the following fandoms, but pls don’t get too upset if I don’t know a certain fandom, sometimes I forget to add a fandom to here.
- I am a minor, 13 in fact! So no sussy requests pleaseeee!! any other tickle requests are okay, even from fandoms I dont know, or your ocs! pls dont be mad if I don’t want to do your request! I will do anything that is sfw and accept lgbtq+ characters aswell!
-Might update this later, but this is good for now! Also this might stay as my only blog due to having no other ideas for blogs at the moment
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
I love seeing your voice claims! It's so entertaining to hear how you would envision someone's voice, even if it isn't perfect!
But now i'm curious if you have any 'themes' for the characters. Like, something that would fit while playing in the background during a scene that focuses on them.
If you don't know what im thinking about (I REALLY hope that doesn't sound condescending) Thinking of your interpenetration of Skuntank makes Groose's theme from Skyward Sword play in my head. Something like that?
Thank you so much! I catch your drift, and it wasn’t condescending at all! I have such a hard time choosing themes for characters because I have a very specific vibe for them all in my head, but its hard to find pre-existing songs out there that check all the boxes. I tried to pick songs (specifically instrumental songs because if I went into songs with lyrics we’d be here all day) that encompassed the general “feel” of the characters well enough. However, I’ll include some notes on what I’d try to include for the characters’ themes of if I were to make them from the ground up!
Also going to hide all the links and stuff under a cut because this post got big hehe
Twig's theme would be light and peppy for the most part— a fast, jaunty tune that would be difficult to play in real life. There'd be points in it where it sounds like the musicians are struggling to keep up the pace and would fail to play the same notes as previously used— giving it a desperate element, like she's struggling to keep up with her own happy appearance. I think she'd have an acoustic guitar or mandolin as a major part of her theme, and maybe one of those toy pianos that give a very chaotic, enthusiastic vibe to songs? She'd have a stretch in her personal leitmotif that would form a beautiful melody when paired with Kip's.
Kip would have a generally happy sounding song that incorporates the ukulele and maybe ocarina. He'd have a stretch in his personal leitmotif that would form a beautiful melody when paired with Twig's.
Otherworldly voices harmonizing are a must for her, as are audio glitches disrupting and changing the flow of the melody that they're harmonizing in.
Dusknoir's theme would start off proud and almost boastful sounding when he's first introduced, then turn dark and intense when he's revealed as a villain, and would finally mellow out into something mournful yet soothing to listen to. I think he'd have cellos as a major piece of it.
Celebi’s theme would be very light and peppy— almost bouncy in sound, and definitely extremely cutesy. I can see the hum of insect wings or cicadas singing being used as a kind of atypical instrument that could be used.
I'm not sure about instruments for him, but he'd have a very distinct leitmotif that would start off very aggressive and erratic sounding, then be slowed and softened in a way that makes it sound almost nostalgic later on.
His theme’s instrumentation evades me— maybe a violin or clarinet? A harp? It would need to be an instrument that isn’t typically played alone. Either way, it would have several points where it would go oddly quiet and mournful. It’d be an all around very mellow, vaguely sad tune.
Her theme would comprise of a piano— an instrument that is largely seen as a standalone in most compositions— and would layer perfectly over Ark's to make a complete song, the quiet parts of their individual themes allowing the other to stand out when they step back.
She'd have music box-esque instrumentation for sure, and twist her parents' themes on their heads in a way that they become something unique— Twig's frantically happy notes would change key in such a way that they'd sound genuine, and Ark's quieter, melancholy stretches would be filled in by a lighter accompaniment.
This was such a fun ask hehe. I’ve always loved making pretend OSTs for my projects out of pre-existing songs, complete with alternate titles that would replace the original if the soundtrack were real— I should get back into that hobby and make a full one for TPiaG!
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ickmick · 7 months
HAPPY (one day late) BIRTHDAY RANBOO !!
@ranboolivesaysstuff (is it okay to tag? i dont actually know- if theyve said not to please let me know!)
(alts, timestamp and rambling words under the cut!!)
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obligatory I dont really post ranboo content often!! I may post one or two more pieces at some point of their vtuber model, but outside of that I mainly do hermitcraft fanart!! just as a heads up!!
I also posted this to twitter!! (you guys got it first though hehe)
I started this day of, I promise I didn't forget- it just took way longer than expected LOL
Im actually so proud of this drawing, ngl... the eyes!! i love detailing eyes now its actually so fun, esp because I don't really have a certain way to do it, I just do what looks neat to me! which... might not be great art style wise but... ITS FINE XD
I also like the lettering details- not only the highlights, but all of it! because I hand lettered! it was kinda hard! but worth it! the entire drawing was worth it, I think its the happiest I've been through an entire work time... I dont think i ever got frustrated or wanted to give up, so thats really awesome!
OKAY OKAY... now for the promised alts and timestamp hehe
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anyways, thank you as always for the support!! 💜
please come back on Sunday if youre interested in reading my first Novelvember post of the year!! (pssst... it will have a drawing of some variety! i cannot promise it will be digital or refine, but it will be art! thank you!)
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sawtual · 6 months
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
bite you. HEHE WELLL <3 idk i like that shes very unapologetically herself i guess? i mean its not entireellyy true, you know the intricacies, but shes brash, not afraid to try and get what she wants, and is proud of herself.. i think its fun that she can be vain and cocky and kind of a piece of shit but still someone that you can empathize with and care about…. especially bc idk i feel like often its really looked down upon for female characters and women in general to act and think like roe does, so its nice to me that she can be this ‘unlikeable’ aggressive haughty woman but still be deeply a Person, not just ‘a bitch’ or whatever.. IDK IF THIS MAKES SENSE HEHEEE i feel like it sounds like im patting my back sooo hard idk its just a little healing TO ME to portray a female character in this way <3 sniles
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astraystayyh · 5 months
Eek more questions hehe I really like this new set
Really curious for #1, #7, #8, #10, #13, #21, #24, #28, #34, and #35!!
These were really good questions hehe
What inspired you to start writing fanfiction?
it was i think my 3rd month of being a stay? and I really loved reading ff on here even tho I had no idea how this app worked LMAO I've already told her but @rachalixie's hurt/comfort drabbles were my fav thing to read, she was one the first ppl I followed on here, and so, tmi, I was feeling so anxious and I wrote a channie helping u through an anxiety attack drabble (that I never posted AJSNJSB) and I was like hold on! this is fun! i can write what I want??? and post it for people to read...... like I was already writing some poems for a couple of years now but they were just for me yk, so i got super ambitious and i posted a long ass OT8 saying ily for the first time as my first fic akssjnjb i was so nervous like actually shaking and refreshing the notif bar every two seconds, i still rem the very first two comments i got, i think that's when it hit me that people actually READ stuff I wrote.
short answer, i've always loved writing and then stayblr -mainly anny inspired me to start writing too hehe
10. What's your favorite part about the fic writing process?
wahhhh probably coming up with lines i'm proud of?? i also loveee weaving parallels into my fics and for everything to come full circle, I love the symbolic aspects of fic writing in a way, thinking of mundane things and giving them an important significance for the characters!!! someone commented underneath Orange that they cannot believe they're crying over oranges and that rlly made me giggle!! that's the point HEHEH
13. What's the most challenging aspect of writing fanfiction for you?
for me it's descriptions ;;;; especially when it comes to sceneries or clothes or omg PLACES like decor and all,, I can't envision these things in my mind so I always worry I'm not describing them well in my fics,,, also the little transition scenes where nothing MAJOR happens but that are still pivotal to the right flow of the story ;;; yeah these mess with my head the most
21. Have you ever used fanfiction as a way to explore your own emotions or personal experiences?
hiii heyyy ofc i did ZJKNJD i think a lot of authors will relate but art cannot be completely separate from the artist, every work u read of mine has a little (or big) piece of me in it, that's why it's so vulnerable for writers to share their works on this scary place because u are perceived and judged for them and u hope that someone will find solace in ur struggles or relate to ur worries,,, and this is really helping me mend back my rp with love!!!
24. What advice would you give to someone who wants to start writing fanfiction?
JUST DO IT!!!! seriously go for it, you'll 100% cringe at ur earlier works later on but u will also improve and learn and discover things about urself that u would've never known otherwise!!! be self-indulgent and write things for urself and there will be always someone who will appreciate them
34. Are there any fic writing tips or tricks you've learned along the way that you'd like to share?
im trying to think of smtg i never mentioned before mmmm.... oh I think that trying to include bits and quirks of the member u are writing about is always so fun and makes the story more enjoyable for the reader!! ofc we don't know what these idols are like irl BUT there are some aspects of their personalities that we know of (like their interests or small habits) and it's always fun to incorporate into ur story, also helps with the characterization hehe
35. What do you enjoy most about being a fic writer?
THE FEEDBACK!!!!!!!!! nothing beats the feedback for me it's literally what makes the entire thinking, writing and editing process worth it!! the feedback is what keeps me going and fuels my motivation, it is so so important for writers I can't stress this enough,,, I'm so so grateful and lucky to have such sweet readers who leave me the most THOUGHTFUL feedback, like with just one rb u could erase SEAS OF DOUBTS in the writer's mind. i always say this but the only way for me to know if my fic is good is by reading u guys' opinions,,, so yeah the feedback is my fuel ;;;;
7. How do you handle writer's block or moments of creative stagnation? 8. Do you have any rituals or habits that help you get into the zone? 28. What's the most ambitious or challenging fic you've ever written
i answered these here and here <33
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mildcrow · 4 months
Dear user mildcrow,
Sometimes I come across your blog and art. You amaze me everytime. The lines are steady but flowy, shapes have form and function, and the feel of it all is unapologetic. Remarkable.
It reminds me of marshmallows, and tea with milk and honey in a spoon. It's a beautiful feeling, and atmosphere.
Everytime you draw a character, you nail it everytime. And I have a request. I don't believe you have such thing as "ugly" drawings, so I ask you.
Could you share some doodles or art you weren't especially proud of? I think it would be a marvelous thing.
Marcus blood-smith
oh my what a kind thing to say,, you've truly made my day. thank you :')
truthfully i struggle a lot with perfectionism in art. if something doesn't meet my own standards fast enough i become frustrated and usually end up scrapping everything... a habit/mindset im currently still healing from. so a lot of my self-deemed unsightly sketches (especially digital ones) are lost to the void unfortunately.
so instead here's a piece i never liked. it's my first d&d character! i love her to bits, though i never could get her portrait right for some reason (perhaps the rigidity of the pose? the aloof expression? idk). i was really into crosshatching at the time lol.
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hopefully this satisfies your curiosity! perhaps ill start making a habit of posting more unrefined drawings hehe
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