#hehe ramble
zelda7999 · 1 year
Accidentally Undercover Blorbo Thoughts(tm)
Having Accidentally Undercover Eclipse blorbo thoughts, y’know how as his own lil flirt he shares fidgets/gets people their own fidgets as gifts?
Instantly that made me think; if gifts are part of his love language, then he 100% would notice specific things Y/N would do that a fidget would benefit them with. Like if they pick at their nails while doing paperwork, give them something to do with their hands! Fidget pen! 
Or maybe they’re reading a report and while doing so, they’re mindlessly chewing on their necklace (it’s metal, Y/N that’s not edible!) so Eclipse just casually gets them some Chewlery (hehe it’d be celestial themed) 
What would make it all better is that thanks to his lil personal study of them, all the fidgets given would be used 100% of the time. Hands getting restless? Eclipse already gave you a dough ball! Squish it while thinking of him  Needing to stim with something in your mouth? Chewlery!! Nom nom! Now instead of chewing on a pen and drawing you can chew on a lil Eclipse charm hehehehe
all of this sparks joy
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o0kawaii0o · 3 months
Spring's Harvest!
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expelliarmus · 20 days
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inafallsaway · 7 months
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Drawing time!
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blanketorghost · 4 months
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Octomer Baby Development: A guide for new parents (Part 1)
Parenthood can be as fulfilling as it is challenging, and for new parents, this may seem like a daunting task to make. But with the help of this handbook, you will be walked over all there is to know about the newest member of your family and how to take care of them.
0-2 months:
The egg has just been laid. Roughly about the size of a bead. Though coloring may vary, most octomer eggs look transluscent with a bright colored center, in which the embryo is located.
Unlike octopuses, octomers only lay one or two viable eggs per mating cycle. This greatly increases their life expectancy as their digestive system no longer shuts down inlieu of producing viable eggs. Octomer eggs, like most marine life eggs, are extremely fragile and squishy. Parents often create a small nest out of weaved kelp, sea cucumbers, and soft live coral. These are not only meant to cushion the egg, but the toxic tendrils of the live coral help protect their precious offspting from predators.
Another difference to Otopus eggs, is their shspes. Since Octomer eggs aren't hung on the ceiling of an underwater cave, they lack that telltale teardrop shape most octopus eggs are known for, instead taking a more spherical form.
3-5 Months:
On this stage, the egg is about the size of a ping pong ball. Eyes and a mouth start to look visible and the embryo's body starts to develop the octomer's signature 8 arms. Though poor, their sight and hearing will develop and the embryo will start reacting to sounds and light. It is recommended parents start talking to the egg to incentivize development.
It is common for octomer parents to carry their egg around in small pouches or bags so the embryo can be stimulated by outside sounds and light fluctuations at different sea levels.
5-7 months:
Most of the octomer's body is fully developed at this point and sex can be determined by the lack or prescence of a hectocotylus. The outer membrane of the egg also starts to lose color and become more fragile as the embryo absorbs more nutrients. The egg is about the size of a billiard.
At this point, it is not recommended to move the egg, as it could possibly harm the delicate shell and cause premature hatching.
7-9 months:
After absorbing all the nutrients from the egg, the octomer baby is expected to pip and hatch around this time. The outer layer is expected to be completely transluscent as all nutrients have been absorbed, and instead all coloration has been transfered to the newly hatched baby.
At this stage, their chromatophores aren't fully developed, and as such, most octomers at this stage only have light pale coloration alongside freckles or marks reminiscent of their specific species. Octomer babies have also not developed the ability to create water jets, and due to their small size— around the size of a baseball— can be swept by ocean currents. This is why, most octomer babies will be constantly in the care of their parents up until they've reached 24 inches or 61.4 cms in size.
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findafight · 1 year
Robin and Steve playing a dnd character together because Steve said the only way he'd play is literally with Robin. They take turns each session for who speaks but always planning together. It's a teenage human, gangly and uncoordinated and a bit of a loner. Everyone sort of lets the "two people playing one character" issue slide, as they want to play a game with their friends.
Robin and Steve have wildly different character voices, and sometimes announce which way they are walking before stumbling in that direction, and also mutter to themself in character. when it's Steve's sessions to talk he flits with the NPCs Eddie plays, but Robin is just a little aggressive to them. The personality changes are kinda weird but everyone is just happy they're playing.
Everything is going well until the big bad of the short campaign they're all playing knocks them into a wall. Not hard, but hard enough they're scrambling and flailing and...splitting in half. By their own description. Immediately they start, with their respective character voices (they are committing to this bit) bickering about whose fault it is. And about what they should do now their cover is blown.
The table is silent.
Robin and Steve have been conning everyone the entire time. They're playing twin halflings, who alternated who sat on each other's shoulders pretending to be a human because they were goofing off the day they joined the party and were too embarrassed by the mix up to correct anyone about it until they had to. Their voices and personality changes are brilliantly embedded as not Robin and Steve not being able to keep consistent, it's because they've been playing different characters. It's brilliant. It's horrible. Everyone fell for it and the reveal essentially pauses play because everyone starts yelling at them.
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crabsnpersimmons · 1 month
exam 5 for me... tomorrow!
honestly have been feeling really nervous for this exam since my classmates have either failed it or just barely passed. and i had less time to study this time around because i rushed to book the exam.
so i drew this little encouragement early cuz i need the reminder that no matter what happens tomorrow, i did what i could and i didn't compromise on my boundaries—and that is its own victory.
and i hope that you'll be reminded to celebrate your own big and small victories too!
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"You are nervous and that's okay! You did your best! You set boundaries! You took breaks! We're so proud of you, Starlight! Whatever happens, we'll always be here, cheering you on!"
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notdysfunk · 8 months
haha fnaf.....??? hahahahaa... did.. did you?. say fnaf.? hm.. hmhehem.... im listening... like?? fnaf freddy? five nights? yk... actually... its six nights but you wouldnt... know that haha.... youre not as big of a fan... its okay....... hm..hmhehe...
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selfrinsert · 3 months
how I feel when I remember my f/os are in love with me
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janebonbon · 8 days
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Barnaby needs more outfits... His style is so immaculate!
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bloofinntoona · 1 year
Operation Saving Sallow
Word Count: 2.4 k
Themes: fluffy fluff fluff, Sebastian Sallow x f!reader, featuring the lovely friends you made along the HL games
Summary: A girl gave Seb candies laced with love potion. You were rightfully jealous. Your friends were there to help you solve the case.
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A splash of water hit your face, small drops of water dripped down onto the sink, echoing through the empty bathroom. The old cloudy mirror in front you showed the absolute sorry state that you were currently in – hair tied up in a messy ponytail, lips chapped from the lack of hydration, the ends of your school robe muddy from being dragged through your journey around the highland. You smacked your cheeks a couple times, causing the skin to break into a rose-colored hue. It was a trick you read in a beauty book your mom owned back in London. Biting your lips, you wished it would somewhat create a red tint, hoping it would make your face appear livelier. Two students barged through the door, pulling you away from your thoughts. Shaking your head, you made your way to the Divination class.
You didn’t care about your appearance before, to be quite honest. Often times you ran around the school with gears that you found in a treasure chest somewhere deep in caves. There were nobody to impress anyway, you found prioritizing about your defensive capabilities benefited you more anyways. Things did slowly change when you took an interest to the infamous Sebastian Sallow. You thought of him as friends at first. He was an outgoing person and a notorious flirt, so you didn’t think much about the brunette. However, the constant owls you receive -- noting invitations to explore the forest and mines, Sebastian showing you the Undercroft where no one else other than Ominis knew, and going so far as introducing you to Anne, you couldn’t help but think that there were something quite special between the two of you. “I like when you put your hair up,” he said once during your study period in the library. From that point onward, you took a little bit of time in a morning to tie your hair, either in a ponytail or a bun.
Sitting down on one of the chairs in the Divination Classroom, you stared at the circular glass in front of you. A slew of students shuffled into the classroom, one of them is the popular Ravenclaw student, Emma Ainsley. Emma was probably the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen in the school, soft long blonde hair naturally swayed behind her, cute button nose, and a pair of beautiful deep-blue eyes. She was holding a boy’s hand, and it was none other than Sebastian. They were giggling about something, the students stared at them, whispering gossips and snickering to each other. You blankly stared at the orb in front of you, wishing that the glass would absorb you in and let you disappear.
“Well, that is not a sight you expect.” Natty took the seat next to you, setting her books down.
“Y/N, you look pale. Are you alright?” said Poppy, also taking her seat on the other side. Natty stared at the Hufflepuff, widening her eyes. Poppy shrugged and offered you a Chocolate Frog. “Do you want one?”
You flashed a weak smile before glancing at Sebastian again, now sitting together next to Emma. Merlin, You were convinced someone switched places with the boy overnight. The first thing that he would do before class started was to greet you, teasing you about missing assignments. You swore you never saw him talk to Emma before. It’s obvious that a boy his age most likely would develop a crush on someone, but you rightfully were taken aback when he confessed his infatuation with the Ravenclaw. Maybe, deep down, you wished you were in her position instead.
You let out a huge sigh, cueing Poppy to give you a tender pat on your back.
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Lunchtime was not particularly appetizing that day. You toyed with the food on your plate, occasionally picking the grilled chicken and popping a bite in your mouth.
“That is it, I will press even if you don’t want to talk about it.” Natty faced you, arms crossed in front of her, “I cannot stand seeing you mope around the entire day.”
“We all know it’s Sebastian, right?” Poppy chimed in, taking a swing of pumpkin juice.
You covered your face with your hands, not wanting to see your friends concerned gaze. You sighed, again. You admitted, “Yes, it is Sebastian. I am at my wit’s end, I have no idea what happened and out of nowhere he is head over heal in love with Emma!” You quickly added, “It’s not like I’m jealous or anything… I just wished he would tell me before making a move on someone. I thought I’m one of his closest friend!”
“Oh, trust me, I’m lost too.” You heard a male voice behind you. Quickly, you whipped your head around to find Ominis looming over. The point of his wand glowing red.
“Ominis!” you exclaimed, “I thought you’d know something about this!” You scootched over, guiding the blonde boy to sit down next to you.
“Honestly, he woke up and all he talks about is Emma this, Emma that. I swear I was this close from pushing him out from the window.” He huffed.
“But that doesn’t make any sense,” Natty’s eyebrows twisted in confusion, “You can’t just love someone out of nowhere.”
The group was startled when they heard footsteps closing in in front of them. It was the man of the hour, Sebastian, with Emma clutching his arm. “Hey, this a good day, isn’t it? Shall we take a walk to Hogsmead later?” He grins. “But Sebbie, you promised that we would go together!” Emma pursued her lips and clinged on him harder. You had to muster your whole strength to not cringe from the scene in front of you, while Ominis visibly gagged from the scene. “Sorry mates, we’ll hang out later, yeah? I need to accompany my dear Em-em.” He cheered as they took a spot at the far side of the room.
“I think I ought to be sick.” You banged your head to the table.
“Count me in too. Just tell me when and I will gladly smack them both with my broom.” Imelda Reyes chimed in. Imelda and Samantha Dale popped in and joined the table. Samantha added, “But I think I know what happened.”
The group hurdled together, lowering their voices.
“Poppy and Ominis, do you remember what we brew during the potion class couple days ago?” Samantha questioned, eyeing her two classmates.
You could sense a lightbulb turned on in Ominis’ mind, “Amortentia!” he shouted, immediately being shushed by Natty, “The love potion! That’s it! I remember I saw chocolate candy wrappings on his bedside table last night.”
“Ohoho, seems like our own so-called Slytherin finest is getting the poisoned!” Imelda cracked out a cheeky snicker.
You let out a relived sigh. By this point, your feelings had beaten your rational thoughts. Yes, you were beyond jealous to see another girl putting her hands all over Sebastian. And yes, you had taken a keen interest in Sebastian Sallow. You’d hate to admit it, but you can feel the whole group knew about it already – judging by the way they immediately shot you coy smiles.
“Now you don’t have to worry again, my friend.” Natty giggled, wrapping her arm around your shoulder, hugging you close.
“W-worry about what?” You blinked, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
“All right now, we’ll deal with this together.” uttered Samantha, “We got your back, Y/N.”
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“Okay team, the rundown of Operation Saving Sebastian as follows,” Imelda proudly proclaimed as Ominis groaned, earning a smack from the girl, “Ominis and I will find the candy wrapper and report it to Professor Sharp. Samantha and Poppy will distract Emma away from Sebastian. Natty and Y/N, you will ask Sebastian for a duel and knock him out.”
“Do we really need to knock him out?” you questioned.
“Well, it does say on my notes that a good night sleep is the best way to significantly reduce the potion’s effects…” Samantha shrugged, followed by the team. You felt bad, it’s like the group collectively agreed that Sebastian’s a bit of a knobhead.
You heard Samantha and Poppy were able to convince Emma that they need to tend the mooncalves after the Magical Beast Class. Poppy did earlier rambled on about how one of thee female mooncalves was pregnant and need extra care.
Both you and Natty found Sebastian sitting in front of the fountain at the Transfiguration courtyard, smiling while looking at the sun. You heard him muttering about how the sky was as bright as Emma’s eyes. “Hey there, Sebastian.” You approached the love-stricken boy, “I’d thought it’s been a while since we went on a duel. Care to indulge me and Natty?”
“Well, I was waiting for Emma, but a duel does sound enticing.” He nodded as he followed the two girls. You mentally facepalmed – even a love potion didn’t stop this boy from his obsession with duelling challenges. Natty also gave you a look, this is the boy you have a crush on?
Lucan, as usual, was elated that Sebastian, Natty, and you were up for a duel. After all, the three students were the top of the club. It didn’t take long until a small crowd of students gathered around the duelling courtyard. You stood next to Natty, as Sebastian took his stance at the opposite side.
“Too scared to face me alone, eh?” He taunted, starting the duel with a basic cast aimed to you. You rolled your eyes and casted Protego and Stupefy followed after. Sebastian dodged the spell before being lifted up by Natty’s Levioso. You casted another rounds of basic casts before he dropped down, immediately casting a Depulso to Natty, pushing her back.
“I wished Emma can see me win!” Sebastian shouted.
That was it, the nail on the coffin. You swore you would take this lightly, “Just knock him out a bit.” You heard Samantha’s voice in your head. Yet, this whole day was frustrating enough for you. Using your ancient magic prowess, you lifted a small box and hurled it to Sebastian, hitting it against his head. The crowd went oooh! as Sebastian was rendered unconscious, comically slamming his body down on the floor, limbs sprawled everywhere.
Lucan immediately rushed to the Slytherin boy, “The winners are Natty and Y/N!” he shouted, “… and somebody should bring Seb to the hospital wing!”
“We’ll do it, Lucan, thank you.” You shuffled closer to the body on the floor, hoisting him on your shoulder. Natty joined you in a jiffy, grabbing Sebastian’s other arm around her shoulders.
“You didn’t need to go that far!” Natty whispered, although you saw her fighting a smile.
“That’s what he get for breaking my heart.” You both laughed as you travelled to the hospital wing.
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You laid down Sebastian on an empty cot, explaining to the nurse that it was a duelling mishap. The nurse shook her head and mumbled about getting us a detention. You couldn’t care less, at least now the plan is almost done.
“Sebbie! What have these two brutes done to you?” You and Natty tensed as you heard Emma burst through the doors, running towards Sebastian, “Oh my dear, I am here for you!”
Emma looked at you. If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now. “Why are you here? Move aside, I’m his girlfriend!”
You stuttered, “W-well, I’m his… friend.” You felt very stupid right now.
Just before Emma could utter other word, you heard several footsteps approaching the cot. Professor Sharp stood over the cot, presenting the candy wrapper to Emma. “Care to explain what this is?” He questioned. Ominis, Imelda, Samantha, and Poppy followed after, curious about how the story unfolded, you’d wager.
“I-it’s, uh.. I-“ Emma jumbled her words, trying to salvage the situation she was in.
“Save it, Ms. Ainsley, I shall see you in detention this evening. I shall also deduct some points from Ravenclaw.” Professor Sharp shook his head, “I’m very disappointed in you.” Emma ran out of the hospital, wailing.
Suddenly, you felt a hand squeezed yours. Sebastian groaned loudly, blinking a few times in confusion. “Why is everyone here?” He looked around, “Why am I in the hospital wing? Did something happen? Ouch!” The boy yelped as he felt a tender spot on his forehead. You shrugged and gave him an apologetic look.
“Mr. Sallow, do you recognize this?” Professor Sharp placed the candy wrapper on Sebastian hands. The brunette inspected it and muttered, “Yes, Emma Ainsley gave some candies. Said she got extra from Hogsmead. I remember they tasted weird though…”
Everybody was silent as Sebastian glanced over the candy, and then to Professor Sharp. “Oh,” the wires in his head were now connected, “was it laced with Amortentia?”
“Ten points for Slytherin.” Professor Sharp said sarcastically, “ I can’t believe I should tell you fifth years to not eat candies from strangers,” he sighed, “although, I suppose getting one unconscious is the best way to minimize the effects, yet I don’t see the need to bruise the person.”
“Sorry…” you squeezed Sebastian’s hand back.
“Well, I shall leave you all to it.” said the Professor as he walked away from the room.
“You owe us!” Imelda laughed -- The group collectively nodded.
“I think the true lovebirds need some time alone, I’d say.” Natty voiced her friends’ thoughts. They giggled, leaving Sebastian and you alone. You flashed a smile to the group, making a mental note to treat them butterbeer sometime in the future.
You grabbed a hot towel next to the cot, pressing it against Sebastian’s forehead. He winced, “Care to explain this?”
“Natty and I bested you on a duel and… I accidentally used my ancient magic, hitting you with a box?” you grinned, “I’m sorry, I was taken over by my emotions.”
“Emotions?” Sebastian smirked, “What do you mean?”
Your face was as red as a tomato at this point, “Nothing, forget about it!” you were about to get up before he held onto your robes.
“You injured me, I think you owe me an explanation still.” He smiled widely, probably enjoyed seeing you flustered like this.
You bit your lower lip, murmuring, “Do you actually have special feelings for Emma?”
Sebastian faked a gasp, “Perhaps I sense a jealousy?” You glared at him, earning a laugh from the boy, “No, I do not have feelings for her.”
You looked away, lips forming a huge smile. The two sat there for a while, hands intertwined. Sebastian’s thumb stroking your fingers. “So..” he broke the silence, “I believe a compensation is in order for bruising my head.”
You sighed as you leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on the red spot. You guess Sebastian wasn’t expecting it, seeing how red his face became.
Maybe the days ahead wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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merakiui · 29 days
read the beach thoughts with step-bro leech twins and i have so many thoughts,,, i love summer w my whole heart
not into stepcest but i’m imaging just regular old jade leech and beach sex. i feel dude has got to love outdoor sex, the feeling of earth underneath him and residue of sand or dirt on various body parts. found this image and just thinking thoughts
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sooo on-the-nose swimsuit but hear me out
like him taking the reader in those grimy beach bathroom stalls, not bothering to take off the swimsuit, just pulling it aside bc he’s so greedy and insatiable, maybe sex on the beach, the sound of crashing waves such a pretty background music while fucking against the rock wall at night
anyway lmao bye
:O !!!!!! such a pretty swimsuit omg....... but you're so right. Jade loves outdoor sex on all terrains!!! Getting nasty in the dirt and sand... it doesn't even matter to him; he just loves being so close to the earth, pressed against his beloved, sweat and other fluids mixing with sand and dirt,,, leaving the imprint of your bodies in the soft soil. Omg the idea of Jade fucking you against wet earth after it's just rained and you smell like sex and rain!!!!!! Or finding a secluded strip of beach that's far from prying eyes just so you can fuck each other into the sand...... in my heart, there is nothing more romantic to Jade Leech than being wrapped up in two things he loves: you and nature. <3
Digression aside, the grimy beach bathrooms......... 👁 👁 clothed sex,,,, just moving it aside because he can't be bothered to undress the two of you completely (he's impatient and too horny; the swimsuit works miracles)!!!!!! That's so yummy AAAAAAAAA. Holding you up against the wall, your legs wrapped around his waist. And it's probably so humid in there, and you're already so sticky from the heat. Now you can be sticky in other ways. :D
Maybe it's my own delusion, but I think Jade would be interested in sailing....... Floyd doesn't understand the appeal at first because (in his words): "why would I wanna be on the waves in some boat when I could just swim and be faster than them in the water??????" But Jade thinks boats are a lovely thing, and he wants to try it at least once. Hehe Jade renting a cruiser boat for a short getaway, and the two of you spend the weekend being out at sea. Feeling the waves rock the boat while you're cuddling in the cabin... or lounging on the deck,,, jumping off the boat to swim. Jade going between human form and mer form, hunting fish for tonight's dinner while you cheer him on from the boat....... this is just me shamelessly rambling about a silly sailing fic I want to write with Jade, but the Vision is there!!! T^T
In any case, I adore the idea of Jade and beach sex. It's so very true!!!! He would love to fuck you in all manner of ways and rhythms with a pretty seascape as the background and rolling waves as the ambience........ I love him a very unhealthy amount.
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kazumist · 9 months
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neuvillette noticed that he’s been acting strange lately.
lately, his eyes have been following you more than ever. he finds himself always looking at you, even if the environment you both live in is messy. it’s like everything around him just vanishes once he lays his eyes upon you. it’s cliché to hear; he’s well aware of that, but could you blame him?
he ends up ignoring his friends and shouting out his name to get his attention—not that he cares anyway. because neuvillette is far too busy admiring you from afar to even notice them in the first place.
neuvillette ends up learning more about you, despite the fact that he has never actually talked to you. he learned that you don’t like sour candies (he noticed the way your nose scrunched when you decided to try it out with your friends), and he learned that whenever there’s a vacant period, you would also kill time by studying in the library (he noticed you sitting there, reading textbooks as you silently said the lyrics of the song you were listening to). it’s crazy how he learned so many things about you by simply admiring you from afar.
he knows he’s in deep trouble. why?
because if you were a subject at school, neuvillette would get the best grade possible.
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suburbanlegnd · 4 months
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fics-and-tricks · 7 months
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My thoughts on Plut
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lelelego · 9 months
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had a dream and drew it :o)
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