#heir of isildur gifs
in-turning-divine · 2 years
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more gifs of this lil ghoul, because why not (feat. cardi c)
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
I saw you were looking for lotr requests, could you maybe do enemies to lovers with either Aragorn x reader or Legolas x reader? Thanks! :)
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aragorn x fem!reader
summary: aragorn confronts you of your reckless ways and you wonder if his anger is coming from irritation or simply a place of worry.
warnings: ranger!reader, angst(at first?), mentions of nudity(not nsfw), hurt/comfort.
a/n: since you gave me options I decide to do aragorn, hope it's to your liking<3
Aragorn hisses through his teeth as the bitter cold finally starts to affect him after three daya of patrol.
His annoyance however, wasn't just directed at the weather. You had left 5 days ago to make sure the further away forest in south of Ithillien were clear of any orcs.
And unsurprisingly, you still had not return.
He had not even see glimpses of you nor any footsteps to follow since he started his patrol. Though some would say all that was just another sign of your capabilities as a ranger, he knew better.
When dusk had finally reach, Aragorn, with a defeated sigh decided to return to the small abandoned hut deep in the woods, marked by the dunedains as a safe house whilst it being unknown to other folks.
His stomach growled but he ignored his hinger as he started attending to his horse, cleaning it and making sure it's fed first before him.
As his fingers comb through it's mane, the birds screamed along the skies, alerting him of a presence. And by the loud sound of hooves getting nearer, his heart was relieved and at once he leaves his horse and turns towards you.
The thumping of the horse came to a half when met with Aragorn. Hands folding together againts his chest, the ranger was ready to launch into a long detailed lecture, but as the sight of you slumped on the horse, hands trembling as you hold on to the reins, he could only mutter a mouthful of elvish curse before rushing to your side and easily pulling you down into his arms.
You were not passed out, of course not. For if you were, you wouldn't be struggling againts his hold, determined to attempt a walk inside the hut.
After finally getting inside with his help, you shoved him off of you, walking in large shaky steps towards dinner table.
"No dinner?" You slurred as you fell right on the chair.
You felt Aragorn's gaze burn through your back but could barely care. "Oh, I thought you would've been in charge of that, seeing you were gone for almost a week, the least you could do was steal a chicken for me, you know."
You didn't have to turn around to know he was being sarcastic, one of his weirdly attractive scowls probably plastered on his face.
"There were orcs when I got there, now there aren't. I got the job done and that's all that matters, so I'd appreciate less yelling and more cooking." You responded casually, unaffected by his anger.
Aragorn had moved from across the door to your side in a split second, fingers holding you up by your chin to meet his eyes. "That is not all that matters you impetuous rodent." He grits out, voice low yet every word felt like a shout.
You ripped his hand of you face, hating how much of a child he's making you feel, immediately turning away from him.
"That is all that matters to me. Not you nor your opinion of how I complete my tasks." You hands were still shaking, but now of anger, not from tiredness. "I hate you." You remember to add. He says nothing, eyes unwaveringly glaring at you.
"You know-" you started, feeling defensive of yourself.
"I've fought multiple group of orcs with nothing more than a sword and a bow, and for every punch to the ground I receive, I've always managed to get back up." He lets out a short humourless laugh at your prideful statement.
"And what if one day you don't? What if one day you're slammed to the ground and couldn't find it in yourself to be revived from the cold grounds of earth?" You note on the softness of his tone, even still, as stern as ever.
"Then, I'll pray for the dirts of the earth to close itself around me and let myself remain there, where I belong." Oh how he hated to hear those words. It wasn't the first time you've said something along the lines.
You were so stubborn in everything you do, was it so hard for you let someone else make the call for once.
the silence after your last sentence was almost peaceful, too long for your liking however.
Aragorn then, ended the excruciatingly long quietness with a loud and tired sigh, embarked from the deep of his chest.
"I'll start skinning the chicken, if you could start boiling some water for it before you take a bath." He concluded.
You gave him a nod before gently getting up to do as you're asked.
Once the water was ready for him to boil the chicken, you make your way to the river not far from where you're residing. Sliding into the warm water, your eyes closes at the cleansing feeling of the water against your skin. Orc blood was so hard to be removed off, but this was a start.
You flinch as you rubbed some water againts your stomach, where a terribly bandaged wound was forgotten to be there. Strengthening yourself, you ignore the sharp pain throbbing where the water hits and finish off cleansing yourself.
You ducked your head under the water for one last time, water splashing about as you rise up from it's depth.
Basking in the light of night stars, you shake off the dripping water from your hair and body before turning around to climb off of the river.
As your eyes falls to the clean clothes instead of your dirty ones by the side of the river, it does not fail to notice the shadow of strider, walking inside the hut as soon as your head turned.
The ranger says nothing as you enter the hut a few me minutes later, but the elephant in the room remained, that is of how you're currently wearing his clothes.
He gives you plate of chicken and you muttered to him a small thank you before diving in.
As good as it was for an unseasoned chicken, the urge to make jests of his cooking has arose in your chest. You never did enjoy a quiet meal time. "Perhaps some spices next time, hm?"
He glares at you.
"This isn't your mother's house, we make do with what we have." You rolled your eyes dramatically, making sure he saw it. That was your aragorn, so serious all the time, like an old tired father of ten.
"My mother is dead so I'd have to make do if I was at her house anyways." You spoke quitely, still heard in his ears. This time it was he who rolled his eyes. childish rodent. his annoyingly aggravating rat.
Finishing the rest of the meal in a more comfortable silence, the tension on his shoulder and frowning face seeming to lessen.
You helped him with the dishes before going out to attend to your horse, feeding it and brushing it's mane before leaving it with a goodnight kiss on it's nose.
Expecting Aragorn to already be asleep, instead you're met with him awaiting you on the dining table with bandages and medicine rolled on the table. You stand by the door, staring at his preparation in suprise.
"Come on then you stubborn rabbit, that wrapping is awful, it'll fall open once you start jumping around again." He chided.
His voice broke the trance you were in as you obediently walked towards him, letting his expertise to bandage your wound properly.
You'd argue you could do it yourself, but even lone rangers need a helping hand sometimes.
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aramblingjay · 3 months
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I am Aragorn son of Arathorn, and am called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnedan, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor. (insp)
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alatariiels · 8 months
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Why do you fear the past? You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself.
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letthefairyinyoufly · 6 months
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"Men like you. Not you, yourself." / "You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself."
requested by @shady-swan-jones
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autistook · 7 months
On this day in Middle-Earth, March 1st
Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Heir of Isildur, is born.
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imagines--galore · 7 months
Legolas 17 pls 🙏🙏🙏 love your work 🩷🩷
Summary: You had always been the one overlooked. The one watching from the shadows. But when he reached his hand out to you, you felt........seen. Pairing: Legolas x Reader Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance/Angst. None A/N: Alright, so I made the reader sister to Aragorn. Hope thats alright and I hope you like this!
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Contentment radiated from your very soul as you stood in the shadow of the pillar. Watching as your brother took his beloved's hand and led her in the first dance as husband and wife.
The assembled guests burst into applause as the music began, and after a few moments, couples began to take to the dance floor. They all reveled in the joy of the newly married couple.
You continued to watch, head leaning against the cool marble pillar, as you watched your brother and his wife.
Aragorn and Arwen.
King and Queen of Gondor.
Your heart hummed a song of happiness. Happiness for your brother. He deserved this. Deserved more then every moment of this night. This day. And any other that came with Arwen by his side.
Never once had you doubted their love for one another. Even when Aragorn had begun to doubt, you had stayed strong for him. Had never let him let go of that hope, of his love for Arwen.
And it had borne fruit.
They were married now.
By the Valar they were married.
A burst of pure happiness radiated form your chest, prompting you to smile.
"It seems even you cannot refrain from allowing yourself to smile on such an occasion." Came a voice from the other side of the pillar, one full of mirth and a tenderness that was only reserved for you.
Though there was a pillar between the both of you, you could still envision the smile on his lips and the gentleness in his eyes.
"No one can resist. Not tonight." You said, your voice soft as your gaze roamed around the hall where the wedding party was. "Not when they are in the presence of a love so great it shall never burn out."
A soft laugh was his response. "Is that how you see their love?" He asked, always in awe of the way you saw the world. Legolas was always fascinated when it came to looking at the world through your eyes. You always provided a unique perspective for him.
"And how do you see our love?"
The question prompted you to blink in surprise, and very nearly look in his direction. But you stopped.
A sound that was a mixture of a sigh and a giggle, fell from your lips as you spoke softly. "I see our love as something that shall transcend lifetimes." Silence followed your words, and you were sure you had surprised him with your answer.
You closed your eyes as you leaned against the pillar and continued to speak.
"I see our love as bright as the light of the Valar." You felt him move, prompting you to take a step back, so that you were half-concealed within the shadows.
"I see our love as our salvation. Even in the most dire of times, it was our light." You were now standing behind the pillar, still leaning against it, your eyes closed. But you could feel him.
Standing right in front of you.
"I see our love as an entity that saved me from myself."
Finally, you opened your eyes, only to loose breath at finding him standing so close to you. His blue eyes penetrated to the very depths of your soul.
"I see our love as the light that guided me out of the shadows." You continued, your voice barely above a whisper as he reached out to tenderly stroke your cheek with his fingers.
There was a time when even thinking of having someone be in love with you as Legolas was, would have you scorning at the thought. Love had no room in your life. Not when you had promised your mother that you would help Aragorn on his path.
As the heir of Isildur, he had much on his shoulders, and as his sister, you were there to ease the load and help him however you could.
No distractions.
But then you had met Legolas.
And for the first time in your life, you had no clue how you would navigate through the plethora of feelings that awakened within you.
Feelings that had a warmth grow inside you, one you had never felt before. One that continued to grow with each passing day. It had felt so strange, to feel that warmth glow within you, to feel it flicker whenever he would look your way. Or feel it lick along your skin when he would touch you. By accident or purpose, you did not know.
And what had you done to combat those feelings?
You had retreated into the shadows. Had retreated into yourself just because you were afraid. Afraid that these feelings would become real, too real, if either of you said anything out loud.
So you hid. You hid in your shadows, and behind your silence.
You barely spoke to him, barely acknowledged him. And though he kept his distance, Legolas was not one to give up easily. He was sure of his feelings for you long ago.
The elf was never obvious about them, however, his subtlety at conveying the depth of his affection for you were ones you had never missed over the years.
Then again there were times when even your feelings for him could no longer stay within the shadows and would come to light.
The first time you had shown signs of the deep affection you felt for the Prince was after a rather harrowing run-in with a band of orcs. You were greatly outnumbered, but still your small group of Rangers stood their ground.
You had only just felled an Orc, adrenaline racing through your body, your eyes already seeking out another opponent.
That was when you saw Legolas.
He had run out of arrows and was now fighting with his two long knives. Two Orcs at once. His entire concentration was on the creatures in front of him, leaving one of the stray Orcs to raise a wicked looking axe, aiming to strike the Prince from behind.
Amidst the chaos around you, your voice screamed his name. Your body acted without thought as you raised your sword and threw it in the direction of Legolas's would-be-killer.
The sword didn't find its mark, but it did knock the Orc off it's feet, giving Legolas time to collect himself and take care of the Orc himself.
The sight of the Orc standing behind Legolas about to strike him haunted you for days. Your sleep was plagued by night terrors, where you were not able to help him, where you watched helplessly as Legolas fell. The light in his eyes slowly dying. That was normally when you forced yourself to awaken.
Your body would tremble, your emotions on the very precipice of a cliff that had no end in sight. Valar! You were loosing your mind. A few nights after the encounter you had a particularly harrowing night terror. Not only had Legolas perished in it, but Aragorn too. As had Arwen, Elrohir, Elladen, Elrond, and so many others that you had grown to love since you knew them.
You had blindly stumbled from your sleeping roll, unaware that Legolas had been the one on watch that night. That he saw you as you stumbled away, saw the tears that ran down your cheeks as you disappeared into a cluster of trees near their camp ground. Worry gnawed at his heart and quickly waking the next person to keep watch, he followed after you.
It was rather easy to find you, since you made no effort to hide yourself. There you were, leaning against a tree, your head buried in your hands as your shoulders shook. In the stillness of the night your sobs echoed clear and the despair and utter sorrow behind those sobs caused a near physical ache to bloom in the Prince's chest.
Unable to stand by and do nothing while you suffered so, he stepped forward reaching out to gently place a hand on your shoulder.
Even before feeling his hand, you knew he was there. It was a strange ability you had. You always knew when Legolas was near. Unbeknownst to you, he shared the very same ability.
At the moment though the rawness of your emotions and the night terror still lingering in your conscious thoughts had you pivoting on your heel and throwing your arms around him in an almost desperate embrace. You clung to him, head buried in his shoulder, arms wrapped around his torso. The sobs began anew and through broken words and whispered phrases you told him of your fears and night terrors.
The moment Legolas felt your arms around him, he had not hesitated in returning the embrace. His hands traced gentle patterns against your back, fingers slowly sliding up to your hair where he began to stroke and play with the soft strands.
Once you had exhausted yourself and had spilled out the reason behind your tears, you slowly fell silent. Your sobs turned to gentle sniffles and slight tremors as you tried to calm yourself. Now that you were somewhat at peace, Legolas took the chance to reassure you with his words.
"You have said your piece Little One, now you must listen to mine."
Little One. He had called you so since he first met you. But the words were never said in a condescending manner. Sure he called you so because of how young you were compared to his elf years, but there was always something endearing about the way he said the words.
You felt a gentle hand tug at your chin. You tilted your head back in response, opening your eyes to finally meet Legolas's ever blue gaze. One that was full of compassion and affection.
"You must not allow the darkness of this world to overcome your good heart Y/n. Not only will the people who love you mourn your loss, but this world will be a much better place if you were to face it with a smile on your face, and light in your heart."
He still held your chin ever so gently, while his other hand continued to play with your hair. "Darkness will come, there is no denying, but all we can do is look past it, look towards tomorrow and hope that we have the people we love with us so that everyday is brighter then the last."
Your eyes were wide, and swimming with unshed tears. But his words, his voice, resonated within you. So much so that you decided then and there to live your life to the extent of which you had denied yourself for so many years.
As Isuldir's heir, Aragorn was the one who caught the attention of those who knew who he was. He didn't like it, he never did. But it was inevitable.
He especially hated how people seemed to forget that he had a sister who shared the same blood as he did. You were just as important, he would reassure you, but you had waved him away at that.
"The people need a King, Brother. A symbol of hope. And you are that symbol. Not I. I am merely the shadow that shall stay in the shadows watching you and protecting you."
You had spoken those words years ago, never thinking that someone else would come to stand beside you in the shadows. Someone who would take your hand and help you along your path.
An elf who would become your closest confidant.
A friend who would comfort you whenever you should need it, and whose soul you would soothe in return.
The prince who would fall in love with the princess.
Wearing the silver circlet that shared many similarities to the one he wore, you pushed yourself up to your toes, grasping his shoulders for support, to press a gentle kiss to his forehead.
"Thank you." You spoke softly, the smile upon your lips leaving him breathless as you gazed at him. His hands found yours, grasping them tightly within his as he lifted them to his lips to press a kiss to the knuckles of both your hands. "Nay." A shiver ran through your body as you felt the word whispered against your skin.
"It is I who should be thanking you Little One. For loving me and allowing me to love you."
You laughed softly, gently guiding him forward so that your bodies were all but pressed together in the most intimate of embraces. "En melda caun." My beloved Prince. "Since neither of us will accept the other's gratefulness to loving one another, let us simply celebrate it together?" You offered.
A laugh, one full of nothing but joy and happiness of what was to come fell from his lips as he gave a small nod of agreement.
Before closing the last of the distance between the both of you and sealing the promise with a kiss that would chase away the last of the darkness that lingered in your heart.
You were his, and he was yours.
Nothing could part you from one another.
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socksracoon10 · 4 months
From The Unknown
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A/N: MY LOVES I AM BACK!! Finally finished all my exams and I desperately needed some Aragorn content! It's so good to be back! Pairing: Aragorn x F!Reader Fangorn forest was never kind to trespassers, especially in late times. The Uruk-hais and Orcs had gouged out many of the Ents, and you were there to witness some of it. Currently hiding behind a shrouded bush, you meticulously sharpened your knife as you tuned into the sounds of your surroundings. A whistle of the wind, the soft rustling of the leaves, and the occasional moaning of the tree creatures as they moved from one area to the other. You almost swore they were moving on purpose to frighten you; one of them nearly placed its large foot onto you the night before when you were scavenging for food. The knife glistened in the moonlight and you twirled it between your fingers, letting it slip and fall gracefully before your thumb jerked it upwards to be caught again.
A crunch of the branches forced you to spin around; it wasn't a deep one made by the Ents, they would never step on their kind. This one was lighter, more precise. Frowning, you held out your knife and approached the sight of the noise, your eyes narrowing at the dark branches that folded around you. If it was an Orc, it would not be the first time you had to deal with one, and with the very little amount of courage that simmered in you, you leaped forward only to be caught and spun around. Your knife was quickly knocked onto the ground, and an arm wrapped around your neck.
"I wasn't expecting to see someone like you in Fangorn," The voice behind you cooed; he had a gentle voice, one that would sing lullabies to the Ents if he wanted to. You wriggled under his grasp, quickly ducking under his arm and bringing your hand onto his shoulders.
"Who are you?" You inquired, wasting no time in understanding the man before you. He cracked half a smile, nodding his head as if he knew you were not one to back down without gaining sufficient answers.
"My name is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. I am here to find-" He began but was instantly cut off by your nosiness,
"Aragorn? As in... Isildur's heir? They have spoken wonders about you, and yet... you do not match your title," You scoffed, dropping your arms. You crouched down to pick up your knife, before pocketing it carefully. Aragorn continued smiling at you, before bowing his head,
"Forgive me, I have spent the past few years disheveled as ever. I am here on a mission, though. And I require your assistance."
You never liked working with others, it was one of the main reasons you had spent so long in solitude. As a female, your opinions were often overlooked and Eru knows the amount of men that joked about your place being at home. It tightened your heart at the very remembrance; you grabbed what was left of your items and stashed them into your bag before stalking off.
Aragorn was a bit surprised at your dismissive attitude and took it upon himself to follow you, his footsteps softly trailed behind and he occasionally looked down to ensure he didn't accidentally trip over the roots. He could not deny that he was intrigued by you; why would a woman choose to stay in Fangorn, especially so close to Isengard? Were you aware of the growing dangers, or did you choose to be ignorant? And judging by your appearance, you surely were no elf or dwarf. You were a mere human, not even one of his descendants. He observed your movements; you went in zig-zags, never once staying in one path. He thought it was a good strategy if you were in danger, but of now, he wasn't sure how to gauge a response from you. Considering you hadn't complained about him following you, he figured his presence was still welcome but he had to test the waters before making another move.
"How long have you lived here?" He questioned, craning his neck to catch a glimpse of your face. You swung yourself over a fallen Ent, before turning back to face him,
"Around a few months."
"A few months, and why so? What are you trying to achieve?"
"It's not about achieving anything, I merely wish to observe. I like to keep track of things that happen around me."
"I find your response to be a blatant lie, no man would put himself in danger such as this just to keep track of things," Aragorn exclaimed, leaning closer. You eyed him, warily, unsure of whether you should tell him the truth or not. He was one of the most important figures in Middle Earth and yet you could not bear to divulge him in your revenge tale. Your parents were killed by the Uruk-hai, and you felt useless as you hid for your life. There was something so awful about the tale to you; your parents were dead, but you had done nothing to save them. Swallowing thickly, you turned away from Aragorn and decided to continue wandering around the forest. He did not deserve a full answer, at least not in your eyes. Besides, you surely could not be of much importance to him.
Aragorn's eyes flickered over to Legolas and Gimli who hid among the shadows, and he raised his hand, gesturing for them to wait patiently. They were in search of two hobbits and believed that you would know of their whereabouts, but your reluctance in helping seemed to agitate Gimli more and more.
"Why won't she jus' say it?" Gimli grumbled, shaking his head. He raised his axe to stomp it, aggressively, but Legolas quickly caught it in the air before whispering back,
"Be patient, dwarf. These are matters we should not intervene in. Aragorn will find a way, you must control yourself." He scolded and Gimli's face burned with rage; he hated being chastised like a little boy, especially by an elf of all beings. He muttered a few curses under his breath, before shifting uncomfortably next to a bush, doing everything he could to separate himself from Legolas. In the meantime, Aragorn had now started walking beside you, rather than from behind. You could sense the urgency in his stare, but his patience was what surprised you the most. Finally, after much silence, you sat on a broken log and gestured for him to sit down as well.
"I assume you are looking for the Hobbits," You exclaimed, and his eyes widened at your words.
"Yes, yes I am." He responded,
"They were taken by Treebeard, an Ent, but I did not know which direction they had gone to. Treebeard was never fond of me, anyway. I had overstayed his welcome and before I could even make note, he used his leg to forcefully shove me away." You explained, and Aragorn nodded, before thanking me. A satisfied sigh was heard behind you and your head snapped over your shoulder to find Gimli and Legolas approaching,
"At least she finally opened her mouth," The dwarf scoffed and Legolas nudged him with his elbow, sending him a quick glare before smiling at Aragorn. The man stood up, clearly happy that he had gotten the information that he needed. You sighed under your breath, realizing that your purpose for the future Elessar was fulfilled. You would have to return to foraging these woods and finding a new place closer to enact your revenge. However, as you stood up, Aragorn called out to you.
"I never got your name," He smiled, hands folded in front of him.
"My name is (Y/N) (L/N)," You responded, unsure of what use your name would be to him.
"Well, (L/N), you keep track of your surroundings. I believe we'll need your resources - I'll need your resources." Aragorn stated a twinkle in his eyes. You tilted your head to the side, processing his words. There was something about his eyes that startled you, it forced you into him whether you liked it or not. His eyes were from an unknown place that you had seen when you were a child. And now those eyes beckoned you for an adventure that you sorely needed.
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marsprincess889 · 1 year
Purva Ashadha and Shravana (monkey yonis)
As a famous movie couple.
Purva Ashadha is the last venus ruled nakshatra, meaning "the previous invincible one", its symbol is a winnowing basket, separating all things worthy from the unworthy. Its ruling deities are Apas, water creatures, and this nakshatra is strongly connected to waters and the seas. It's about gaining alliances to secure your victory.
Shravana is the last moon ruled nakshatra, meaning "hearing", its symbols are the ear and three footprints. Ruling deity is Vishnu- Hindu preserver god and consort of Lakshmi(associated with Purva Ashadha and Rohini). Its about connecting everything together.
Now, let me introduce you to the couple.
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Aragon and Arwen
from The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Liv Tyler (Purva Ashadha moon)
Viggo Mortensen (Shravana moon)
When the first movie begins Aragorn is a simple, lonely ranger, but always dedicated to doing what he thinks is right. He definitely has the makings of a king, he's also descended from Isildur, being the true heir to the throne. Despite his lineage, he's living like an average lowly man, an outcaste, wondering on on his own. Shravana is connected to wandering and also being one of men and that being the trait that makes the king. Shravana is "the savior" or "the preserver" of mankind, and that also obviously applies to Aragorn. Shravana being mleccha (outcast) caste also ties with him living like a lowlife and being apart from society.
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Arwen, on the other hand, is busy rebelling against her father and choosing a mortal life due to her love for Aragorn. She's a noble elf maiden (Purva Ashadha is in the Brahmin caste- the highest standing caste). Purva Ashadha (like all venus nakshatras) are romantics and always choose to bravely follow their heart. Also a very interesting thing to note is that Arwen is reffered to as "the evenstar" or "the evening star", which is obviously Venus.
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When she gifts Aragorn her necklace, he refuses at first, not believing himself worthy, but Arwen insists and says: "It is mine to give to whom I choose, like my heart". That pretty much sums up what this nakshatra is about.
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Eventually, Aragorn does become king and Arwen does choose a mortal life, even thought it meant seeing her love age and die before her.
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One of my favorite scenes in the whole trilogy is when Arwen is taking Frodo to Rivendell while they're being chased by the Nazgul. She bravely stands up to them and summons the waters to defeat them. Purva Ashadha's power is to invigorate and Arwen using the waters to secure her victory makes a lot of sense.
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Purva Ashadha invigorates, Shravana connects and together they become a formidable team.
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Everytime I think of Purva Ashadha and Shravana my mind immideately goes to these two. The setting, the etheral aesthetic and the otherworldliness makes me think of their yoni- Vaanar also meaning "human-like creature" or "a human-like being from other dimentions" in Sanskrit. They were said to live in forests and that's where Arwen went and lived before she passed, overcome by the grief of being separated from her love. But their story remains in the minds and hearts of people, and their love, courage, devotion and loyalty is remembered forever.
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If you're Purva Ashadha or Shravana, or if you love lotr/arwen and aragorn, let me know what you think. Please, interact with me in any way. Love you, take care 🤍
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"You are Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself; you are not bound to his fate. Your time will come. You will face the same evil, and you will defeat it."
Arwen and Aragorn
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beebobeebo · 11 days
Title: Gondor Calls for Aid
Fandom: Justified
Pairing: Raylan x Tim (Givenson)
Characters: Raylan Givens & Tim Gutterson
Summary: Seriously, the sword thing is becoming a problem.
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"I am not wearing the helmet."
"The sword can stay."
"Oh compromise, the heart of every great relationship," Tim says with a snort. "Now pull my hair and ask me about Gondor's reserves."
Raylan yanks Tim's head back. "'I, Aragorn son of Arathorn, called Elessar, the Elfstone, Dúnadan, the heir of Isildur Elendil's son of Gondor would know the state of my kingdom."
Tim groans loud enough to block out Raylan's quiet "Jesus Christ" as his eyes roll
"You actually read the goddamn book?"
"There are three fucking books, but yes," Raylan tilts the kneeling man's head. "I read the damn books for you."
"Fuck the sword. I think that's the hottest goddamn thing I've ever heard." Tim grabs Raylan by his hips so that he can drag his tongue over the jut of bone that begs to be tasted, bitten. Raylan pulls the willing mouth away from his skin with no small amount of reluctance.
"All I had to do was read for that reaction?" Raylan quirks an eyebrow and traces Tim's jawline with the fingers of his free hand. "You gonna come apart if I tell you I flicked through the appendix?"
Tim's eyes roll up to meet his. "You let me at you, you'll start tryin' to pronounce things correctly."
"Appendix E?" Raylan is unfortunately so smug at calling this play that he misses the way Tim's lips part slightly. He does catch how that too-pink tongue pulls in that soft bottom lip. "You know this is the nerdiest goddamn shit ever?"
Tim nods.
"And you're gonna thank me appropriately for all that time spent rememberin' which elf did what?" Raylan tilts his head in that way that highlights every bit of his damnedable bone structure.
Tim smiles moonily. "Enough that you'll be happy you read all those words with dots over the letters."
Raylan tilts Tim's chin up gently. "Enough that I'll know why, in this little game, Faramir is so loyal to Aragorn?"
"Enough that you'll know why Tim is so loyal to Raylan," he whispers before adding, "asshole." He grabs Raylan's hip, his thumb stroking that beloved angle of bone. His free hand, almost passive-aggressively, because is he only human, hovers near Raylan's firming cock. "Do you want me to prove my loyalty? Or do you want to hear about how being a steward works?"
Raylan shivers. The tension of proximity setting his nerves on edge. "Jesus Christ, Tim, you can tell me about castles later. I promise." Tim smiles, because the bastard actually means it. He slowly, carefully swipes his tongue along the underside of the coloring head. When Raylan groans and grips his hair just this side of painful, his lips tug up into a smug grin. It's not a game, but he's winning. Between the reading and the way a tremor runs through Raylan's thigh, he would do anything for the man, and yet he's the one winning. He closes his hand and slowly rolls his fingers up and over the head of Raylan's cock teasing out that bit of taste and that soft sound that always catches in the other man's throat.
"Fuck," Raylan says through clenched teeth. "You down there playin'?"
Tim laughs and nuzzles the base of the length straining toward him as his fingers apply pressure in a chaotic pattern that makes sense only to him and the dick at his disposal. "Checkin' the state of your kingdom. I'd make a joke about the White Tower of—"
"Minas Tirith," Raylan says through gritted teeth. He tilts his head so that one eye is focused so hard on Tim he might shatter like Narsil.
Tim leans back and opens his mouth to speak, but finds it quickly occupied with a more pleasant task. He presses forward out of both affection and spite until he can feel that sickeningly pleasant strain that dares to make him light-headed if enjoyed too long. For his own sake, he pulls back, his lips wrapping around the tip, tongue flicking over the slit to taste. Raylan's other hand lowering to cup the base of his skull causes him to look up quickly enough to appreciate one of the few times the other man's face isn't rough with tension, fury, or thought. He can't help but push forward falling into that steady rhythm that never fails to make Raylan let loose a rumble from deep in his chest. The slightest scrape of bottom teeth jerking him back to alertness in time to make sure Tim knows who is holding whom by the hair.
Fuck, he's gorgeous like this.
Tim lets his mind wander filling in the details as his tongue feels the details. Raylan with shoulder-length hair swept back at the temples would be his undoing. Pushing the doors open at Helm's Deep? That's filed away for nights when Raylan is causing trouble elsewhere.
They've both lost the plot at this point. Raylan is doing his level best to stay standing while at the mercy of someone who has tucked away the information of how to undo him next to another fact about goddamn wizards. Tim, for his part, can only think of how much he wants Raylan to sack his mouth like fucking Osgiliath. Tim digs his fingers into Raylan's ass and the man obliges his unspoken request. He groans around Raylan who is muttering Tim's name like he's cursing his dick for not coming that very, goddamn second.
When Raylan does break loose, he buries himself within Tim's mouth with the recklessness he approaches everything else. Fortunately for Tim, he is aware of this foible and gladly takes what is given before dropping to rest on his heels with a choked laugh. "Need…throat,asshole."
Raylan is down beside him in a moment suddenly the sweet Raylan that comes with post-nut clarity about his own existence. He pulls Tim into a kiss. "The best part of those damn books was thinking about you reading them." His hand is quick to the point leaving Tim loosing a gasp as the hand finds his cock.
"Fuck, sweetheart." Tim wraps his arms around Raylan's neck as the man pulls groans and curses from him with little more than a firm hand and benevolence. Raylan is all kisses and soft touches. He knows the effect that will have on Tim following even the lightest of roughness. A manipulation born of affection is still a manipulation, but he won't deny it for a moment. He's a desperate whining mess spilling himself to please Raylan as much as his own want. He tucks his face into the crook of Raylan's neck. "You did somethin' for me."
"I'd do a lot for you. Can read a damn book."
"Someone told me it's three fuckin' books," Tim whispers against Raylan's skin. When his chin is tilted and guided into a kiss he takes it willingly. "Clean up and watch the movies?"
"I could have watched the goddamn movies."
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in-turning-divine · 1 year
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take me past the edge
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aphroditesmoon · 1 year
hey so uh idk if youre like taking requests n stuff but i was wondering how you think aragorn would react to like reader snuggling up to him?
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A/N: sooo sorry i took ages😭
Being in the fellowship and cuddling up to aragorn in your sleep
- If it was out of nowhere, he'd be pretty suprised.
- Like you would lay next to him at night's rest during the journey w the fellowship and start to snuggle up to him in your sleep, and hed just freeze.
- he would probably try to remove your hand at first, not wanting you to be embarassed the next morning.
- but you had one hell of a power grip so he just relents and lets you bury your face at his back as you sleep.
- When sleep starts to overtake him, the position starts getting weird for him. So he ends up turning around to your side, letting you lay on his chest instead.
- You woke up with his arms around you instead of the other way around and would probably make fun of him for it, and he just smiles and says nothing about how you technically started it.
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gracehateseggnog · 5 months
talwynn of the fey realm ˚˖𓍢ִ໋ legolas x oc
summary: a few days out from rivendell, the fellowship meet an odd character on her way to helm's deep for a peculiar mission not so different from their own.
pairing: legolas x fey!oc
word count: 6.3k
a/n: this is the first chapter of legolas & talwynn's story. if you want more context, check out the battle of helm's deep author's note to understand a bit more.
tw: probably a lot of incorrect lore. again, fairly new fan.
gif creds: unknown
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The Fellowship of The Ring had come to fruition after little persuasion yet much gambling on Gandalf’s part. Aragorn, son of Arathorn, the heir to Isildur’s throne took the end of the group, protecting and honouring his oath to keep an eye on Frodo, to defend the Hobbit with his life until they had returned from Mordor. Legolas, son of the elven King Thranduil, was just shortly ahead of him, turning his head back to look at his dear friend to converse every once in a while, but mostly keeping vigilant in his surroundings, his right hand holding tightly to the wood of his bow. Gimli, son of Glóin, walked beside Legolas, much to the elf’s disappointment, his axe swinging across his body with every step across the grassy hills he took. Samwise’s pony, Bill, carried the group’s excess supplies, such as rations and clothing from Rivendell, through their journey in front of Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas. The four Hobbits, Frodo, Samwise, Merry, and Pippin took the lead of the group with Gandalf and Boromir their only heads.
Deep valleys became their only view ahead, sipping deep beneath the mountainous earth and revealing a large, daunting river and waterfall beneath them and blocking their path directly into Mordor. The Misty Mountains were due east of their path, towards the Gap of Rohan, which they had planned to stay, on behalf of Gimli’s quite adamant instruction. He had a sort of cousin living in the gap, a leader that held his people, made up of many dwarves, inside of the gap. Legolas wasn’t truly paying much attention to what Gimli was saying, though it quickly became a harrowing challenge to hinder the arrogant dwarf’s words from weaseling into his head. Thankfully, no wind had cursed their tenth day out from Rivendell, not even as they neared the mountains that Frodo’s uncle, Bilbo Baggins, had crossed sixty years ago in search of the ancient dragon Smaug. Frodo couldn’t help but be reminded of the story Bilbo had told him, and as he walked, it continuously felt like he was continuing what his uncle had started with the ring.
“Yur’ seem lost in thought there, Leggy. What’s on that mind o’ yur’s?” Gimli’s voice rang through the elf’s ears, his deep, broad tone making the tips of them flutter from the sheer volume the dwarf could produce. He was shorter than most on the journey, but he was most definitely the loudest of them all. 
“If you must know, Gimli, I’m thinking about how much quicker this journey would go by if you weren’t speaking.” Legolas replied shortly, his fingers flexing against the handle of his bow as he looked out towards the valley of water to the west.
“Legolas.” Aragorn sighed, yet concealed his amused expression as they walked on. He knew as well as any other in the group how much the elf despised Gimli, whether it was because of the battle of Erebor or simply because he hated the dwarf in particular, that Aragorn did not know.
Legolas just hated Gimli. “He asked the question, Aragorn. And a foolish one, at that. Why are you so keen to understand what I think about?”
“I am just curious!” Gimli defended.
“Perhaps you should stay curious. One does not need to know everything they wonder about.”
“We are surrounded by wonder! It’s not my fault I wish to have some relief from all this thinking.”
“I doubt you do much of it, Gimli, you need not worry your thoughtless head.”
Aragon heaved another sigh, yet it was no mask to cover amusement this time, it was only in the best interest of the entire group, of which most had turned their heads at Gimli’s sudden exclamation. “Legolas—”
“There is no need for interjection, Aragorn, I was done speaking.” Legolas shook his head, looking once at Gimli without so much of a revealing emotion as a huff, whilst the red-bearded dwarf crossed his arms against his chest, tucking his axe handle in between.
“You are a piece of work, elf. Like most of your kind.” Gimli scoffed.
“It is called resilience.”
“It is called stubbornness!”
“Enough. Both of you.” Aragorn’s voice was firm, but not heavy-weighted. He was not angry with his dearest friend nor the dwarf, though he had purpose and means to protect the Fellowship from gaining any excess attention than what they already had, and the loud fighting was no help. “If there were Orcs on the other side of the mountains, they would have heard you both bickering, and we would soon be dead by their black poison.”
“He started it—”
“Gimli, is this not a child’s game?” The dwarf felt as if this was a conversation worthy enough to stop in the road for, but Aragorn and Legolas kept walking forward, along with the rest of the group. “Passing the blame will get us no further than Rohan before the Fellowship is disbanded due to your differences. As much as I am sure it pains you both greatly, you can not sacrifice Frodo’s purpose.”
The back of the group fell into silence save for their harsh footsteps against soft, grassy ground. Rivendell had been nearly two weeks ago. It felt to Legolas he had parted from his people far too soon, but he knew that Bilbo’s ring had to be destroyed with as much haste as the Fellowship could offer, and that meant an equally hasty goodbye to his father and Tauriel. It was true that he had felt homesick as soon as he had departed from Mirkwood, as soon as his home had vanished behind him, and a new journey opened up in front of him. Something in him had known it would be long before he returned, but no amount of homesickness could balance the scale of what needed to be done with the ring. Gandalf had brought him to council for a reason, had accepted his help when he offered it for a reason, and he was standing alongside his oldest friend, Aragorn, for a reason. He had to push his longing for his normal life to the side, and make way for the excitement and thrill of a new adventure—
A small pressure pushed onto Legolas’ back and disappeared just as soon as it had gone, followed by a short squeak and a thumping noise against the grass beneath him. Whatever had landed so forcefully against him, a bird, a rather large insect, or perhaps even an arrow that had torn open the back of his green, elven tunic, had the sound of human shock. Legolas couldn’t trust a familiar tone of voice, though he had heard many tales of beasts that mimicked the voices of those who they killed in the past. He twisted around carefully, his hand flipping his bow into a position he could easily pull from, and his other fiddling with his quiver of arrows. In front of him, nothing but the horizon. Above, nothing but the sky. Below, nothing but grass, except for a small, moving, blob of red. His eyes adjusted, and he could see clearly what had run into his upper back so quickly. 
A fey. Small, winged with dragonfly-like glides attached to her back, fluttering off the dust that had accumulated from her tall fall to the ground. The flash of red Legolas had seen was of her outfit, which he could scarcely make out the details of from his suddenly towering height. She had ashy blonde hair, much darker than yet so similar to his own, but his was braided and straight as a boar’s, while hers was messily curled into many different patterns, wisps flying across her face and into her blue eyes. Though he could not see it from his position, the fey’s eyes matched the colour of her wings, alighting in reflection of the sun and finally ridding themselves of the rest of the dirt that had latched onto them. Legolas hadn’t seen a fey in his lifetime which was incredibly rare, considering how long he had lived. Of course, his father Thranduil had mentioned a few in his many stories, but they had disappeared into just that, folklore and legends that travelled down through generations of elves, dwarves, Hobbits, and humans.
“Legolas?” Aragorn called, now a few feet from the elven prince who had turned around.
“Just a moment.” Legolas replied.
He watched as the fey’s wings began to flutter quicker, letting her rise to meet his eye level. Here, he could see everything about her. A red outfit that reminded him of what Tauriel would wear on casual occasions, not a dress yet not pants, a mix between the two that told Legolas she was on an adventure, as well. Her darkened blonde hair glistened in the light and so did her wings, fluttering with a slight ‘bzz’-ing sound following each movement that kept her upright in the air. A brown satchel he hadn’t noticed before was strewn across her torso, the flap closed tightly with a golden buckle yet still moving through the slight breeze as it wandered through the valley, not affecting Legolas but affecting the fey greatly as she swayed back and forth. Curious, nobody had mentioned her kind in hundreds of years, not since Sauron had been banished in the Second Age, it was quite intriguing that this fey had suddenly appeared during the Fellowship’s journey to destroy the ring he had once used to return to his full power all those years ago. 
“My greatest apologies!” The fey spoke hurriedly to Legolas, and he wondered if she knew his title by the way she was acting. “I am in quite the rush, I was looking to the Misty Mountains, and was not paying attention to my direction.”
“It is quite alright.” Legolas nodded, but didn’t smile. 
“Maybe you could help my cause!”
“I am in search of Gandalf the Grey, I was told he could help me in a very important search of mine.”
Legolas was not surprised when Gandalf appeared beside him, sensing the presence of the fey in need of his help. His appearance to the back of the group had halted the Fellowship completely, and Legolas looked back to see Frodo and the other Hobbits stopped with Aragorn, Boromir, and Gimli at their sides. The ancient wizard had seen better times, his eyes scornful with age and determination, but they seemed to soften as they looked upon the fey flying in front of Legolas’ face. He knew then that Gandalf had seen this fey before, that much was clear, though Gandalf seemed to have been aware of everything that went on in Middle-Earth, whether or not it concerned him. Aragorn stepped closer to the newfound group, his eyes catching the fey and furrowing deeply. Her race had been talked about in legend for years in many families, surely including the Gondorian royal family, and most definitely not excluding the tales of Hobbits and dwarves. But that is exactly what the fey had been to them until now, legends and tall tales, now there stood, or rather flew, one in front of the Fellowship.
“I am Gandalf, Gandalf is me.” The old wizard introduced himself, a wary eye from Legolas still on the fey as he spoke. “Why do you search for me?”
“It is an honour, Gandalf the Grey.” She bowed in the air, holding one palm against her stomach as she looked back up, turning to face Gandalf instead of the blonde elf. “On behalf of my people, I am in request of your help in the search of the Hurbryn Amulet in Helm’s Deep.”
“Helm’s Deep?” Legolas wondered aloud.
“Your people have been enshrouded in darkness since the Second Age,” Gandalf stated. “Why have you emerged now?”
“There have been rumours of Sauron’s plans to enact his full potential and strength once again, to cover Middle-Earth in shadow. We have been preparing for this since our concealment all those years ago. We have an army to offer, but we are of no use unless we can find the amulet.” She replied. “We have been in contact with the dwarves of Erebor, and they have offered to melt down the amulet to supply our warriors in the Fey Realm.”
“Hmm…” Gandalf hummed, tapping at the bottom of his pipe, charring his middle and index finger with the scorched Southlinch. “And you are a warrior?”
“Yes.” She answered, turning to the side and showing a sheathed sword, though it took the size of something more comparable to a toothpick. “But I am of little use without the amulet, all of us are. The Hurbryn Amulet is our only hope to grow to human size and fight, without it, we will be forced to enshroud ourselves again.”
“We will be passing through Helm’s Deep on our way to Mordor.”
“To Mordor?!” The fey exclaimed. “Sauron’s power must be greater than we originally thought.”
“If you wish, I can offer you passage to Helm’s Deep alongside our Fellowship.” Gandalf adjusted his hold on his magical staff, crunching it further into the dirt and grass beneath. “But I can not offer safety. We are being hunted by Sauron’s Nine Riders. You will not be safe as long as you are with us.”
“I am not safe without you, either, sir Gandalf.” She replied. “Orcs have been migrating from Mordor and moving west, they mean to end the Fey Realm, I fear that Sauron is aware of our army and wishes to see it destroyed before I can return the amulet.”
“I see.”
“You must understand that I will be of little help without it, all I can bring is my sight ahead. If you will still have me despite this, I will gladly join your cause as far as Helm’s Deep.” She ended her remark with another short bow, this time addressed to the group that had gathered at the commotion; Gandalf, Legolas, Aragorn, Boromir, and Frodo. “I am Talwynn, daughter of Mabonan, honourable soldier of the Fey Realm. I thank you endlessly for your help.”
One by one, Gandalf introduced the Fellowship to Talwynn. “This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn, Isildur’s heir to Gondor.” Aragorn, his hair wet and slightly curled from the humidity, nodded respectfully to the fey.
“Oh! Your majesty,” Talwynn bowed again. 
“There is no need, Lady Talwynn.” Aragorn shook his head, dismissing her use of his proper name. “I dismissed my title long ago, Aragorn is enough.”
Talwynn nodded politely, and Gandalf continued, gesturing to the blonde elf beside him. “This is Legolas, son of King Thranduil of the Elves.” He stated.
“King Thranduil had a son?” Talwynn inquired aloud.
“Are you familiar with my father?” Legolas asked.
“My brother, Faeber, is a messenger, and he frequented Mirkwood often to keep trade and diplomatic relationships well with your father.” Talwynn answered. “They haven’t spoken in many years, not since the quest to find the Hurbryn Amulet has begun, it has taken all of our resources without reserve.”
Legolas nodded in understanding, keeping respectful of Gandalf’s time and deciding to speak to Talwynn about her knowledge of his father later on. The old wizard continued, “Boromir, son of Denethor the second, valiant warrior of Gondor.” Talwynn met each name with a polite bow of her head, strands of blonde hair falling into her eyes. “Gimli, son of Glóin, fearless dwarf fighter of the House of Durin. Our Frodo, nephew of Bilbo Baggins, leader of our journey to Mordor. And over there,” Gandalf gestured to their path onwards, where the other Hobbits were gallivanting around. “Samwise, Pippin, and Merry.”
“It is an honour to be alongside you all for this journey, truly.” Talwynn nodded.
“We shan’t waste another moment.” Gandalf remarked, looking to the sun before turning back around to face the other Hobbits. “This walk will take us forty days, I assume you do not want to make it fifty?” He scorned the shorter fellows, and they immediately straightened back into place, walking shortly behind the wizard so they could ask him questions.
Boromir and Aragorn nodded to Legolas and Talwynn before joining the pony, talking amongst themselves about Gondor as the adventure continued. Gimli stayed near Legolas, but let him keep the rear of the group and remained a few feet ahead of the elf. The fey kept alongside the archer, perhaps she felt his skills would be the most useful if she was attacked, but she also enjoyed his company, even after only knowing of him for a few moments. She hovered beside his right shoulder, keeping an eye out for any sign of danger whilst also letting her eyes gaze intently over the beautiful landscape of the outskirts of Bruinen. Talwynn had been outside of the Fey Realm plenty in comparison to many of her kin, but she rarely ever ventured outside of Cardolan, the surrounding area. She had never been so close to the Misty Mountains, and knowing she was going to climb through rich valleys and rivers and fly above forests and plains made her nearly vibrate with excitement, her wings fluttering doubly.
The blonde elf noticed the fey’s natural inclination to stay close to him, which was endearing. Legolas, alongside most of the company, had never met one of her kind before, and though he was curious, he reserved his many questions about her and her brother’s relationship to and knowledge of his father in an attempt to remain suspicious about her character. He was not one to trust easily, despite how it may seem with Frodo and the Hobbits, but he had cared about them as soon as Gandalf had entrusted their protection with Aragorn, Boromir, Gimli, and him. Talwynn had not asked for protection, but she also had not given them her story. She was looking for an amulet Legolas knew nothing about, but it was clearly enough for Gandalf to offer her sanctuary with the Fellowship, and he judged character better than anyone in the group, so there was truly no need to be wary, but Legolas kept his guard up. It was what his father had taught him to do in order to protect his people and to protect himself. But being cautious did not mean he could not be curious. “My father never spoke of the fey people.” Legolas broke the silence.
Talwynn looked to him, and he felt her gaze boring into the side of his head, even as he looked on towards the leader of the pack, Gandalf, who had gained a healthy distance. “The elves are the only race we continue to keep relations with, they are the only ones who know we were not destroyed by Sauron in the Second Age.” She replied. “We requested he never spoke about the alliance, and we would not have requested his help if we did not gravely need it, but we were lacking fundamental resources to keep our people alive.”
“You became myths and legends, only to be repeated in writing.”
“We could not allow Sauron to discover he had not burned the rest of us. Living in fear was better than not living at all, and we knew, without the amulet, we would not be able to survive a second time.”
“He destroyed your people?”
“Nearly. Thranduil, your father, warned us one month before Sauron’s attack. He gave us enough time to hide the Fey Realm completely from the outside world, his heed is why we have stayed so close to the Mirkwood elves. For that I have never gotten to thank him.”
“My father is not one for thanks in words, he must see in your people something worthwhile.”
“My brother said the same. Thranduil saw our community, our resilience, how prepared we were to fight alongside the elven army if Sauron returned to Middle-Earth, that is why he has given us protection for so many years.”
“He has changed since then.” Legolas finally turned his head to look at Talwynn, whose eyes were glistening with the reflection of the Misty Mountains ahead. “He is not so willing to give anymore, not to those who will not give anything in return.”
“My brother said that, too. When Sauron is finally defeated, the Fey Realm will open again, for the first time since the Second Age. It will be a glorious day, and the fruits and animals that grow on our soils that we have been nurturing for the last thousands of years will be open unto every Middle-Earthian trade route, and Mirkwood will have first pick.”
“Your people have thought about this moment.”
Talwynn turned her head to look at Legolas, a hint of a smile gracing her lips at his remark. “It is all we have thought about since the Fey Realm closed. We did not want to be separated from the rest of Middle-Earth, to be conjured and remembered as fables told to children before bed, but it was our only choice, we were outnumbered and outmanned in every area of war, Sauron would have extinguished our people with the flick of a finger. So, underneath the thick ivy that held us prisoner under our own defenses, we planned and we prepared for the moment that would trigger Sauron’s growth, and that day is seemingly not far.”
Legolas nodded thoughtfully, looking out onto the horizon as they bared west around stone ruins, the remnants of a castle taken by the course of time. “Gandalf is certain this will be Sauron’s last stand, but he is also skeptical that we will make it to Mordor in time.”
“And what do you believe?”
“You seem one of the more level-headed companions of your group, although that is not much to say when you are travelling with four Hobbits, a wizard, and a seemingly quite temperamental dwarf,” Talwynn smiled, amused at the travelling group she had found herself in on the way to Helm’s Deep. “You are also an elf, you have lived many years longer than the Man that walk alongside you. Do you believe you will make it to Mordor before Sauron casts his eternal Shadow across Middle-Earth?”
Though Legolas stilled, he did not stop moving, but his brows furrowed and his lips turned down into a frown. Perhaps he had not given it much pessimistic thought as he usually did, but then again, his father was the one who would give him doubts of the work he did, even all those years ago when he had departed from his king to save Lake-Town. Now this fey had asked him what seemed to be the simplest question that would surely guide his mind throughout the Fellowship’s journey, but he hadn’t thought about it in such a way before. Aragorn and Gandalf both believed they would make it, but Legolas often wondered if it was their need to have hope that spurred them onward, and his chest grew tight in envy for their passion to destroy this ring. He was glad to see it rid of the world, as well, in every way possible, but Legolas could imagine his life if they did not succeed, whereas he supposed the others could not. He remained passionate no matter his internal discourse, no matter how hard it was to ignore, and no matter how his stomach twisted in thought of what would happen if they failed, or even if they succeeded.
“For him,” Legolas gestured to Frodo, who had separated himself from his fellow Hobbits, and began to look to the valley below, their path onwards, with a troubled expression across his face. “I hope we triumph.”
Before Talwynn could reply, Gandalf’s voice boomed across the Fellowship, his staff pounding against the ground with each step he took as they began their descent down the hill they had begun on. “We must hold this course west of the Misty Mountains for forty days. If our luck holds, the Gap of Rohan will still be open to us. From there, our road turns east, to Mordor.” He instructed loudly, the rest of the group nodding and whispering affirmatively between one another.
Legolas turned to Talwynn with a wondering gaze. “Will you be able to traverse this landscape for forty days?” He inquired.
“I have not tried to before, but if I can not continue, I will not hold your people back, I can continue on my own if I must.”
Legolas nodded, and soon thereafter realized that her possibility of slowing the Fellowship down if the journey became too much was not what he was truly asking about, but he continued the path forward silently.
It hadn’t been long since Legolas had eaten a well cooked meal, though it had been a much longer stint than his usual appetite schedule, it was incomparable to those such as Frodo or Aragorn, who had come from much further than he had from Rivendell. Despite this, Legolas ate one of Samwise’s sausages as he perched atop one of the cliff edge rocks, scouting across the land for any hint of unusual movement. They had set up a temporary camp atop one of the highest ridges of the valley, before their journey would take them downwards and to the bottom of the Misty Mountains, and then eventually back upwards again. Legolas’ bow sat snugly close to him on his right side, his quiver still attached to his back as he still had unnerving thoughts about their placement. He had been an archer for his whole life, he knew the signs to look for, and even if he smiled and looked back at Boromir’s play fighting with the Hobbits, his ears were always pricked for danger.
The Eregion Hills served them well as a flat, rocky surface for the Fellowship to sit atop of, with an overhanging stone near the uphill cliffside that gave them a temporary relief from what the elements were sure to throw at them, Sauron’s will or not. Talwynn sat at a decent distance from the elf, biting down on a small piece of mashed potato that Samwise had graciously cut off the rest of the group for her, despite her telling him she had plenty of her own rations to take for herself. His cooking was something she would have never found if she had stayed in the Fey Realm. There were many cooks, sure, and many of those cooks were brilliant at their craft, but the supplies and spices Samwise had sitting in his backpack made his dish feel so much more alive. She smiled as she ate it, enjoying what she was sure to be one of the last, warm meals she would be having on this long adventure, but the appearance of company had given her much hope that her journey to Helm’s Deep would be successful.
“A Castar for your thoughts?” Gandalf’s crooked voice broke Talwynn’s own moment of silence, and he sat down next to her tiny form.
“Potatoes do not grow in the Fey Realm, neither are pigs fostered.” Talwynn replied, her wings fluttering as she finished the last of the small portion Samwise had given her. “I don’t think I’ve had something this delicious in my lifetime.”
“Samwise is quite the chef,” Gandalf nodded to the Hobbit sitting next to his friend, surely gossiping about their future as adventurers and their legacy to their Shire. “He has given the Fellowship warm, full stomachs. He is very worthy of this task.”
“I wish him well, he seems quite frightened at the prospect of leaving his home for something greater than himself.” Though Talwynn didn’t know what it was that the Fellowship had been tasked to do in Mordor, she assumed the adventure was for great reason. “Much like I.”
“You are naturally curious.”
“I am, but I do not wish to stick my head into a discussion where it does not belong. The Fellowship’s business is not my own, I only wish you the luck I can muster to make it safely into Mordor.”
“I, for one, would argue that it is plenty your business, Talwynn. If you and your people are willing to blindly follow our battle, you deserve to know what you are to fight for.” Tentatively, the fey nodded, and Gandalf continued, “Frodo Baggins,” He gestured towards the younger Hobbit that sat next to Samwise with curly, brown hair, fidgeting with a chain around his neck. “Has inherited the Ring to Rule Them All from his uncle, Bilbo Baggins. We are to take it to Mordor to destroy it once and for all, before Sauron can return and cast Middle-Earth into Shadow once more.”
“This truly is an important task, then.”
“Extremely. There are orcs and wargs at every crossroad and path we trek. You must know the danger of travelling alongside the Fellowship, their duties—” Gandalf gestured to Boromir, Legolas, and Aragorn, “Are to protect Frodo, whether it be their life at the cost. If Sauron takes the Ring, the days of light will be forever diminished, this is the last stand.”
“I am grateful, Sir Gandalf, that you have entrusted me with this information.”
“Has it changed anything?”
“I will keep my eye on Frodo, though he is quite well-protected already. You are granting me help with passage into Helm’s Deep, it is the least I can do to give you peace of mind.”
“Thank you.”
Gandalf gave Talwynn a respectful, polite nod before standing up using his staff for stability, retreating back to his original position under the protection of the overhead stone cliff. Legolas craned his head to watch the wizard’s leave, his ears having heard snippets of the conversation, but only enough to understand that Gandalf had entrusted Talwynn with the information about the Ring. He trusted Gandalf to a certain extent, but not as much as Aragorn did, his whole life revolved around Gandalf’s words and promises, whereas Legolas was still suspicious about the journey in general, especially with the appearance of Gimli throughout it all. Gandalf was a good enough judge of character, Legolas admitted to himself, and the fey didn’t seem worthy of the suspicion he had initially given her, there was no point in furrowing his brows and pondering her motives any longer, it was clear to him that she just wanted to get to Helm’s Deep, and she was no inhibitor on their progress.
“Get away from the blade, Pippin.” Boromir instructed the young Hobbit as they clashed swords together, the taller Man disarming him during every spar they completed. “On your toes… good, very good. I want you to react, not think.” Aragorn gazed upon them with a hint of a smile on his lips, tossing an apple between his palm.
Samwise, who was still sitting beside Frodo and finishing his dish of sausages and mashed potatoes, watched intently, learning from the advice Boromir gave Pippin as they fought. “Should not be too hard…” Samwise remarked to himself in a murmur.
The end of Boromir’s sword tapped on Pippin’s tunic, signifying he had lost again. “Move your feet.” He instructed, and Pippin smiled as he successfully defended himself from Boromir’s following attack.
“Quite good, Pippin!” Merry exclaimed, sitting with his back against one of the lone rocks.
Talwynn took the moment of silence, only broken by the sound of sword against sword as Boromir and Pippin continued to spar, to look around the area they had settled, more specifically on the elf, Legolas, who had separated himself from the scene to keep watch over their camp. Out of the many different characters in the group, he was the one who had managed to intrigue her the most, which was saying quite a bit, since Talwynn was of a curious kind. She knew more about him than the others, despite her curiosity, because of the stories her brother had told her about Thranduil and his wife, the tragedy that struck the nation and him when she passed, and his constant effort to obtain her jewels from The Lonely Mountain when it was under siege. A strange aspect seemed to haunt her; despite the fact that she knew more about Legolas than she had wanted to, than she felt appropriate to know having only met a few days prior, she longed to know more, to question, but perhaps that was just her fey ancestry, the race being well-known for their inquisitiveness.
Gimli’s voice cut through Talwynn’s thoughts like a well-sharpened sword, severing her tie to the back of Legolas’ head and forcing her to focus deeply on the conversation the dwarf was presently having with the old wizard, but his voice told her he was talking to everyone. “If anyone were to ask for my opinion, which I note they have not, I would say we are taking the long way around.” The dwarf shook his head, feet firmly planted on the stone beneath his body. If dwarves were one thing, they were extremely stubborn. “Gandalf, we can pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin, Balin, would give us a royal welcome.” Gimli turned to the others, but only Aragorn and Legolas turned their heads to look back at him, amused expressions on their faces. “Gandalf clearly thinks that is a bad idea.”
“No, Gimli. I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice.”
Those who were sparring didn’t seem to have a care at what Gimli and Gandalf were discussing with the group as they continued to spar, Boromir’s sword slicing against Pippin’s and thrusting forward, catching him against the hand. Talwynn assumed that Hobbits were unskilled with weaponry, considering very few pieces were made with their statues in mind, and her assumption reigned true as Pippin struggled against the Man’s attacks. So, Pippin threw his sword to the ground, Talwynn wincing at the sound of metal clashing and scraping against the rock and moss below, before running and lunging into Boromir’s torso, grappling his arms as far as they could go around his stomach and taking him to the ground in an epic takedown. In an act of near-proudness, Boromir began to laugh, and Pippin followed, and soon enough, most of the Fellowship, save for Gandalf, Gimli, and Legolas, had cracked a smile at the interaction. 
Before the sweet moment could last any longer and be called a memory, a darkness began to enshroud the blue sky many kilometers away, hovering over the Misty Mountains and its shadow telling that it was only gaining position towards the Fellowship. Talwynn flew towards Legolas, who had already spotted it, catching advantage from her height in the sky, but only enough to see that they were in fact, headed in a direct line to their cliffside. The dark presence caught the others’ eyes immediately after, and Aragorn lunged to his feet in as fast of a reaction as he could muster, the years had not been as kind to him as they had been to the long-livers such as Legolas or Gandalf. As the mass got closer and closer, it became clear that it was not just one being, it was a flock of something dangerous and dreadful, so much so that a shiver went down Talwynn’s spine as she gazed upon them from afar. Smoke in the wind was no longer a phrase she would use to describe the phenomenon.
“What is that?” Samwise inquired.
“Nothing… it’s just a wisp of cloud!” Gimli explained, using the moment to capture another sausage from Samwise’s cooking pot for himself.
Boromir’s eyebrows furrowed in worry, and he stood back up from his position on the ground, nearly pushing Pippin off of himself. “It’s moving fast against the wind.”
“I will look.” Talwynn offered, leaving Legolas’ side and shot across the sky, nearly touching the clouds as she met the eyes of whatever was targeting the group. She let out a breath at the sight of the mass of deep, black birds with brown tar dripping from their beaks. “Crebain! It is Crebain!” She cried back to the Fellowship, screaming as loud as she could muster before dipping back down and fluttering her wings to race back to the cliff.
“What?!” Aragorn exclaimed.
Legolas answered, repeating what only he could hear from Talwynn due to his elven ears; “Crebain from Dunland!”
Aragorn hurriedly pushed the Hobbits towards the rocks that gave them shelter as Talwynn barrelled into their airspace. “Hide!” He shouted, watching as Gimli took cover underneath the main rock alongside Gandalf.
Boromir pulled himself down on the opposite side of the largest rock on the cliff, his right arm resting against the ground as he looked at the smaller members of the group. “Merry, Pippin, Sam, take cover!” He commanded, and Talwynn realized why he was such a revered Captain of Gondor as she herself ducked into the area that Aragorn and Legolas had taken cover under, shoving herself in between blades of grass.
With curdling screeches and thick, black liquid oozing from their beals, a horde of at least a hundred Crebain birds flew overhead of the Fellowship, temporarily blinding the group from the sunlight as they wailed with an ear-piercing tone. Talwynn winced as a moment’s chill passed through under the shadow of the Crebain from Dunland, the ones that were surely of Sauronic origin, covered up her only sense of heat, making her wings flutter in discontent and her body to shiver in its entirety. As soon as the dark crows had come, they had disappeared into the Southern sky once again, squawking terribly and announcing their presence for all nearby to hear. They had completely turned around from whence they came, telling the Fellowship that they had seen what they needed to see, which was either nothing at all or a group of poorly-hidden Hobbits, Elves, Men, an old wizard, and a Man the size of an acorn with dragonfly wings.
Gandalf was the first to rise from his hiding position, staggering to his feet with the support of his grey staff. “Spies of Saruman.” He announced gravely as the remainder of the Fellowship stood. “The passage South is being watched.” Gandalf glanced at Aragorn for only a moment, the Gondorian heir‘s flat expression unwavering as the wizard then looked upon the mountain pass North. “We must take the pass of Caradhras.”
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steadypandaperson · 2 years
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catyo90 · 1 year
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Eternal Mourning: Elendil x F!Reader
Warnings: short snippet, angst, elf reader, reader x Elendil, prepare to have some tissues.
Sometimes being immortal was a curse, at least through your eyes. You had seen so much death, fought in too many wars, and even walked between the realms of Valar and Man. But in all that time you never thought you would find the love of your life. So suddenly did it come to you, did you also lose it.
Now here you were laying in the royal halls of Rohan alongside some of the members of the fellowship laying down in the other room. You shivered under the fur sheets as the cold northern air was not something you were used to having stayed in the realm of Lord Elrond for so long. But still, you refused to wake just yet...it was only in your dreams now that you would see him again each night harder than the last to awake from.
The waves crashed along the side of the ship as you overlooked the sight of the sun rising on the waves as the sight of Lindon was close at hand. you looked around to see many elves and men, some that had left for the grey havens, others you knew were gone for certain. It was the sight of him that made you smile to yourself in the real world. Elendil wearing his white armor of Numenor, both regal and simple, as his grey eyes fell upon you as you saw him smile at you as he spoke but no words came for only silence followed. The sight you saw was one you would never forget in all your years, even if you were to journey to the grey havens, it would never fade from your mind. You simply wouldn't allow that. You could recall the touch of his hand on yours as they were rough from years of being on the open sea along with the training of being a fighter. But he was always gentle toward you as the warmth from his hands also made you feel loved. The sound of his laugh on the roaring sea air making you smile to yourself. But the dream had all but faded at that one memory.
A memory you could never forget, yet you sometimes wished you would.
The night Isildur returned to Gondor with both his brother and his father, dead.
The skies wept for days as you screamed your heart out, feeling it break into pieces. The sight of the man that loved you and you loved in return had been killed at the hands of Sauron. The grey from his eyes had all but faded into white as the warmth from his hands was nothing but freezing. For three days you had neither slept nor ate. The sight of the royal guard bringing his body to the tomb of kings was forever in your mind. The setting around you faded to white as you saw him standing toward the gates that all men must pass through, yet no elf could pass through.
Your body shivered once more, Aragrn had noticed you were not completely covered and gently poked at the fire in front adding a log in the process before standing over your sleeping frame and gently and carefully covering your legs and shoulder.
"Elendil.." your voice whispered. Aragorn turned to look at you and sighed as he carefully let go of the blanket. But the feeling of your hand grabbing his caught his attention as he saw you had woken up staring into the fires across from you.
"It was a dream..."
"My lady...are you alright."
You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. He knew who you were, and you knew him as well. Though the two of you had never met before the venture, you had great respect for the man who carried the blood of the man you loved in his veins. Aragorn, son of Arathorn and Isildur heir...Elendil's heir.
You sat up from the lounger noticing you were still holding his hand. You gingerly let go holding your hands together in your lap.
"Forgive me, I did not realize I had done that..."
"It's quite alright my lady. I am not oblivious to who you are and your history with my family."
You smiled to yourself as you looked at him as he sat beside him. He truly looked so much like him and even to you, it was surprising. If the two of them had ever met you could have mistaken them for being brothers.
"You are like him in so many ways Aragorn. It brings back so many memories. Almost too many for me to handle."
He merely nodded in agreement as he offered you his hand. You took it feeling his thumb rub the back of your hand, giving a little support that felt very much needed.
"I would hope not all are bad memories..."
"Not all. Just the one. But there is one memory I have of him that will always stay with me no matter what."
"Might I ask what that would be?"
You smiled and nodded as you looked into the fire once more.
"It was the first time I had ever set sail from Gondor to Lindon, I was beyond excited to see the ancient city of our people. It was his ship..."
You smiled at Aragorn as he gestured to continue. Clearly, he was intrigued.
"During the voyage to Lindon, we both grew closer to one another, he helped train me to become a better fighter...while I simply helped him with his elvish speech. But in truth, he helped me with my fear of what awaited me in Lindon."
"A marriage?"
"No...My family wished to venture into the grey havens. Though I was the eldest of my family I had not wed or given my hand to another that I felt true complete love toward."
"So they wished to be sent back..."
"In case I was not able to continue our family. The night before we had arrived I had told Elendil of this. I could tell something changed in him that night yet I couldn't tell what it was until that morning...I awoke and went up to the deck to see the sun shining across the horizon of the sea, the waves shined like diamonds being lit by starlight as the vibrant morning colors danced across the sky. I heard his footsteps behind me and looked over at him and said...."
"Elendil. Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as this?"
"I can only think of one such thing," he said overlooking the sunrise as you looked over your shoulder at him with a loving grin on your face.
He smirked to himself as looked at you.
"You are."
You were silent as he balanced himself against the rocking of the ship. You remembered how you walked across the deck to him somewhat lost in thought as you saw him smile at you ever so slightly chuckling as he blushed just a tad until you reached up to his face to gently caress either side as your fingers became lost in his hair for a moment.
No words escaped your mouth only a small nod to him with almost every question you wanted to ask showing in your eyes. All it took for you was him smiling at you clasping one of your hands in his as he brought you close to kiss your lips ever so gently to know what you felt for him was real and true.
You felt tears falling from your face as you gripped Aragorn's hand a bit tighter but not enough to hurt him. You looked at him and the sight of Elendil came immediately to mind when you looked upon him. It was almost too much for you to handle but you did not say anything...you merely wiped the tears away.
"I have heard from Gandalf that you and Lady Arwen of Rivendell are to be."
"She is sailing to grey havens to be with her people...I will be nothing more than a memory to her...and our love with it."
"No...That will not come to pass...I cannot explain it completely but I know Arwen. If she is anything like Elrond...she will not give up so easily to be with you."
You stood up from the lounger only holding his hand one more time before looking down at him.
"Don't let her go...no matter what. I know what you both will face in the future but until that time comes...you both must never lose sight of your love for one another."
You released his hand as you walked outside into the dark breathing in the air once more and feeling nothing but the cold.
The third age was over and so was the time of the elves. But you did not venture into the grey havens with the others. It was never where you wanted to pass from the world. There was only one place you wished to be on your final day on man's earth. You had ventured into the deep and almost forgotten woods of Gondor seeing the white jewel of Gondor in the distance as you unsaddled your horse taking the stirs off and placing them to the ground. You bade your old friend to go and be free. The sounds of the leaves crunching underneath your feet as you followed the river to the shores of the sea, the sounds of birds cawing high above, and the sound of the waves roaring on carried your thoughts away.
Hour by hour, day by day. Soon the pain was gone and all that remained was the peace you found at last beside the man you would forever love. Your eyes opened to the vast ocean but this time you were not alone.
"You came..." you said looking to your side and seeing Elendil smiling to himself.
"I never left...I would never leave you."
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