#hello ..... can you tell me the date so i know when to start going insane for the anime đŸ™đŸ» please
koumeowkami · 9 months
isn't it crazy that the paralive anime premieres next month and we still don't have an actual DATE
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aezuria · 2 months
*ੈ✎ xoxo, gossip girl!
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content: leo valdez x reader, percy jackson x reader, jason grace x reader
╰┈▾ back cover: how would gossip sessions with them go?
warnings: cursing, rude humor??
librarian's annotations: doing this instead of requests um
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god hes probably talking shit more than u
"oh her? yeah she was such a bitch like no way she looked at you like that when i said i was so obviously taken!"
"and her hair? has she ever heard of a brush? like, if you're gonna come at my girlfriend, at least make yourself look better so you don't embarrass yourself. oh wait, you can't!"
probably laying on you as he does this, and starts squeezing you tightly
"because my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world!"
awww that's cute right?
WRONG this man is so quick with his comebacks its actually insane
does NOT think before he speaks
doesnt hold back, even against you (booo why did ur gf privileges not apply to that)
"leo! can you like, move your fat ass off me?" you groan under him as he lays down with his dead weight on top of you.
"like the fat ass you don't have?"
were you silent or SILENCED
everytime you think he wouldnt take it that far?? oh he will go THERE (but he always makes sure u know hes joking)
doesnt want to invoke your wrath so he apologizes IMMEDIATELY
"fix your hair-"
"fix your face- IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-"
guys. we cant forget abt the OG SASSY MAN
also talking shit a whole lot more than he should
"uh, she needs to get her act together before she can start coming at others; like-" rolls his eyes for EMPHASIS "who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"
damn, who taught this man sass?
bro was BORN with it or smth
even outsasses you sometimes
if you tell him to get like a snack or something and hes in the mood to just lay down with you, he will huff SO loudly
"ugh, fine!"
gets you extra snacks anyway in case you want more (and drinks obviously)
SO SO INVESTED like he has the WHOLE story down
but sometimes mixes up the ppl if its been a while
"wait wait, so the library girl and the jock are dating?"
"the nerd and the library girl are dating, but the jock wanted library girl."
"that makes a lot of sense, actually."
has tea of his OWN because the sea knows everything apparently
"tobias told me-" percy started.
"who the fuck is tobias?"
"the turtle, duh. anyway, he said that this guy always takes girls to the beach on their first date, to make them fall in love with him or something. like, every single girl he's dated."
"...does that count as a manipulation tactic?"
will be on your side no matter what
like if you end it with an "it is what it is"
um??? it is NOT what it is hello?
doesnt look like hes listening but hes paying attention to EVERYTHING
like hes "reading" a book but hes been on the same page for the entire time youve been talking
tries not to laugh at your rather creative insults, but sometimes you get a soft chuckle out of him
you take that as a win
once, you caught him listening through the door as you gossiped with piper over the phone
he was SO embarrassed omg
after that, you made sure to tell him all the tea as soon as you have it
"—and he cheated on her with her SISTER. who's like, three years younger than him! like, what the fuck? that's not even all he did!" you sit up, hands playing with the blanket. you think you see him lean a bit closer, as if wanting to hear more. "she fucked his brother in his room, like, her ex boyfriend's room for revenge! okay, that was a bitch move, but was it deserved?"
jason shrugged. "i'd say no one deserves to be cheated on, but he kinda did deserve it."
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morganski-19 · 1 month
The One With Lamenting
Eddie walks up to the apartment completely fine. Cause why wouldn’t he be fine. It’s not like he’s done anything to move this situation further. If there’s a situation at all. Steve isn’t required to like Eddie back just because Eddie likes him. And so what if he walked past him going on a date with a guy that has a shocking resemblance to Eddie. That was perfectly fine. Normal. Allowed.
Eddie is perfectly ok with the fact that Steve has a dating life. Totally really ok with it.
It’s not like Eddie hasn’t been seeing people casually. In dark night club bathrooms and badly light apartments. Not on dates though. He can’t bring himself to go on an actual date, even if it’s been a year since his last relationship ended. Probably more than that now. But every time he sees a guy he’s somewhat interested in, he just can’t get it to the dating part. Always ghosting the people on dating apps or suggesting a quick hookup.
He lets out a dramatic sigh when he opens up his apartment door. Hoping to find some sympathy. Even though he knows he will just be met by sarcastic remarks on how he just needs to go ask the guy out. Like it’s that easy.
But this time, his sigh is covered by the sound of a blender.
“Dude,” Argyle’s voice booms through the apartment. “You made it just in time for fajitas.”
“I could use a fajita right now,” Eddie says as he pushes himself off the door. “What’s in there?” He points to the blender.
“Margaritas,” Nancy answers as she’s pouring it into glasses.
“Give me that.” Eddie grabs the blender out of Nancy’s hand as she finishes pouring the second margarita, finding a straw and sticking it in the blender. Claiming whatever is left as his.
Nancy huffs. “Hello, that was meant for all of us.”
“I just walked past Steve meeting someone for a date.” Eddie explains, now pacing around the kitchen.
“Here we go again,” Argyle whispers to Nancy as he plates up the fajitas.
Eddie continues to pace, trying to get as much alcohol in his mouth as possible. “It’s the same guy he was talking to last week. I know because he showed me his picture. This guy is so similar to me it’s insane. I’ve been spiraling trying to figure out what it means, or to tell him about it, but now they’re on a date and I can’t do anything about it.”
“Well, you could,” Nancy interrupts his spiraling tangent. “You just have to ask him out.”
“But what if he says no? What if he never wants to see me again and then I’ve ruined our entire friendship. And then it’s weird between us, meaning it’s weird between you guys because we live together, and it’s weird between me and Robin because she lives with Steve. And it would be weird between you and Robin because of it being weird with us and now it’s weird between us because I made it weird between you and Robin. Then it’s weird between all six of us because it’s weird between the four of us and it’s all because of me. So not only have I ruined one relationship, but I’ve ruined five.”
“Don’t you mean six,” Argyle asks, trying to keep up. He and Nancy share the same confused expression, not quite sure who Eddie’s talking to or about half the time.
Eddie just brushes him off. “No, I wouldn’t ruin whatever the thing is between you and Jonathan. That can’t be touched by me directly and I have never been more thankful for that.”
Argyle shrugs. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that.”
“Has something changed between you two?” Nancy asks, sipping her drink, and taking a seat at the table.
“Not really,” Argyle sighs. “It was just all of a sudden something shifted between us. He started to be more distant than he normally is, and I don’t know what to think about it.”
Argyle finally makes himself a fajita and shoves it into his mouth. Eddie sits down, a good portion of the leftover margarita in the blender now gone.
“And there was nothing to cause it?”
Eddie groans, mouthful of food. “This is so good man.”
“Thanks. The only thing I can think of is his mom called a few days ago. But she calls all the time, so I don’t know what happened. He’s just been weird ever since.”
“Is that why he’s not here?”
Argyle shrugs. “I guess. Just said he wasn’t up for it tonight, I didn’t want to push.”
“Did something happen with Will, that sometimes makes him distant?”
Eddie perks up. “Who’s Will?”
“Jon’s younger brother,” Argyle explains. “Some stuff happened back when Will was in middle school after their parents got divorced so Jon’s really protective over him. But he’s been doing fine now. I don’t think anything would have changed recently.”
The apartment door opens before Eddie can ask any further questions.
“Nancy,” Robin interrupts their conversation. “You have got to see this guy Steve is going on a date with, it looks so much like-,” she notices Eddie. “Oh, hey Eddie.”
“I already know about this guy,” Eddie mocks while shoving more food in his face.
Robin glares at him. “So you’re drowning yourself with food and alcohol. Great. Also, how dare you guys have fajita night without me.”
Nancy shrugs. “You said you were going to go out, you knew it was fajita night.”
“Yeah, that’s on me,” she pulls out a chair. “I need someone to convince me not to cancel my date.”
Eddie and Argyle share a side glance.
“Why would you cancel it?” Nancy asks.
“Cause I haven’t had a decent date in months. Every time it just doesn’t click, and we never see each other again. Which is fine, I just want something to stick for longer than a night. Is that so wrong?”
Argyle shakes his head. “I don’t think that’s wrong. You’re looking for something more serious, that’s normal.”
“I guess. I just can’t help but feel like something’s wrong with me, that’s why no one ever wants to stick around that long.”
“No,” Nancy assures. “There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You just haven’t met the right person yet, and that’s ok.”
Robin’s phone dings. “Oh, she’s here. I’ll see you guys later. Save me some fajitas.”
When Robin closes the door behind her, she opens up her chat with Steve.
Robin: You’re plan of making Eddie jealous is working, he’s currently drinking a blender full of margaritas and stuffing his face with Argyle’s fajitas
Steve: :0
Steve: Their having fajitas without us, how rude
Robin: That’s what I said
Steve: But also, good cause this date is not going well
Robin: You’ve been out for twenty minutes how can it have gone south that fast
Steve: He hasn’t asked me a single question about myself and keep calling me Spence
Steve: Like that’s not even close
Robin: Ew
Robin: You should leave
Steve: Can you give me a fake 911 call
Robin: I would but I’m about to go on my date
Robin: You know who you should call
Robin: Eddie
Steve: That actually might be fun
Eddie’s phone pings. “Shit, Steve needs a fake 911 call to get out of his date. What should I say?”
“That you’re drunk and desperate and he should come back so you guys can finally break the weird tension you have,” Nancy teases.
Argyle snaps his fingers. “Tell him I got so high and ate an entire fried chicken then went into a food coma so bad someone thought I was dead again.”
“Again, that’s happened before?” Eddie stares at Argyle confused.
“I get a really bad case of the munchies. Especially after I visit back home in Cali.”
Nancy winces. “Yeah, I remember that trip. You were out for over eighteen hours.”
Eddie calls Steve.
“Eddie, I’m kind of busy right now.” Steve says through the line. Eddie can hear the voice of his date continuing to talk while Steve’s on the phone.
“Yeah, yeah I know,” Eddie acts. “It’s just, Argyle got this real strong strain of weed and he’s pretty high. He ate an entire fried chicken by himself and then fell asleep. I’m kind of scared, he’s breathing weird and shit, I just need someone else to come sit with me to make sure he’s ok.” 
“Oh, that’s sounds bad. I’ll come over. Be over in a bit.” Steve hangs up the phone.
The next morning, Eddie is taking out the trash as Steve is on his way to work.
“Oh Eddie, I just wanted to thank you for getting me out of that date yesterday. Really appreciate it.”
Eddie shrugs. “It’s no problem. Lord knows I’ve been on plenty of bad dates. What was it?”
Steve sighs. “Just kept talking about himself and called me by the wrong name. Like, my name isn’t even that hard. Shows that he just didn’t try.”
“Ugh,” Eddie winces. “That’s the worst. I’m sure you’ll find someone that actually gives enough of a shit to learn your name. Oh wait, hold on.” Eddie quickly drops the trash down the shoot before running back into his apartment. He comes out with a plastic container in his hands. “I sectioned off some of Argyle’s fajitas from last night. Robin wanted us to save her some, but I made sure there was enough for you too. Thought you could have it for lunch or something.”
Steve takes the container with a smile. “Thanks. I love it when Argyle cooks.”
“They were so good, can’t believe I’ve never had them before. Apparently next month are enchiladas.”
“Remind me not to make any plans for that night.”
“Will do.” They stand there in an awkward silence for a minute, just staring at each other. “Well, I don’t want to keep you. Have a good day at work.”
Steve gives him a smile again, one that makes Eddie’s breath catch in his throat. “I will. Thanks to you.” He holds up the container still in his hand. “See you later.”
Eddie nods before heading back into his apartment. Tempted to just open the door again and ask Steve on a date. Do something about this. But can’t. Not yet.
friends au tag list
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady, @apomaro-mellow,
@dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic, @fearieshadow,
@eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging, @potato-of-the-lord,
@autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1
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tootiecakes234 · 7 months
Warnings: cheating Katsuki (not on you tho, but with you, eventual smut next part)
Bakugo’s POV
I hate her. I hate her, yet she’s always around. She’s raccoon eyes’ best friend so that means she at every party, every hang out, and every sleepover. I can’t fucking escape her.
She’s so goddamn annoying. Always starting up conversations with me about shit I don’t care about. She laughs at the shit I say, but I’m not being funny, I’m being deadass serious. And don’t get me started on the way she laughs. She does it with her entire body and it’s loud too. Pisses me off so bad.
She’s a problem for me because the more I hang out with her, the more I can’t stop thinking about her.
I have a girlfriend. A great fucking girlfriend. She’s sweet, too sweet to be dating me, and kind. Probably the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met, so explain to me why when I’m with her and I’m thinking about Y/N. She’s literally invading my waking thoughts as well as my dreams.
I’ve tried distancing myself from her and being more of a jackass hoping she’d get fed up and just leave me the hell alone but nothing works and I’m running out of options.
We were having a movie night at Kaminari’s apartment tonight. I was in the kitchen cooking dinner, by myself, the way I prefer it.
“Heeey. How’s it going Kit Kat”, she was all cheeks and smiles
“I told you to stop fucking calling me that you idiot.”
“But it’s the cutest nickname I can think of. You have any other suggestions??”, she looked at me like she was being serious.
I turned to her, giving her my full attention so she knew I was being serious, “Bakugo. You can call me Bakugo like everybody else.
“Your friends don’t call you Bakugo, they all call you Katsuki.”, the insane woman still had a warm smile sitting on her lips. There was also a really shiny lipgloss on them too. Did it have sparkles in it? Why did her lips look so-
“Hello?? Are you ok?” She started walking towards me.
“I’m fucking fine. I’d be better if you got the hell outta here.”, why the hell was she even in here. “ and yea my friends call me Katsuki, you’re not MY friend. You’re Mina’s friend. Speaking of which don’t you need to get back to her.” The last part came out more grumbled than firm the way I meant it to.
“No, she’s flirting with Eiji rn and I don’t wanna be a third wheel. Well I guess a fourth wheel cuz Denki is third wheeling.” Apparently she thought that was funny because she started chuckling to herself.
Her hair was all wild, framing her face and her cheeks
 fuck me I don’t know what it is about her cheeks plumping up when she smiles or laughs.
“Well then go be a fourth wheel or whatever the hell. I’m cooking and I don’t like other people in my kitchen.”
“Your gf usually sits with you in here. Speaking of where is she? I haven’t seen her in forever and we need to catch up . She always gives the best gossip on you.”
“She had other shit to do and what kind of gossip does she tell about me???!”
“ oh nothing really”, she leaned over on the counter and her fucking tits were smooshed in between her arms.
“For the love of god can you please just get the fuck away from me?! How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t like you. I don’t wanna be your shitty friend or listen to whatever the hell it is you constitute as jokes. Just get the fuck out!”, that last part was a hell of a lot louder than I expected it to be.
That’s when the tear fell. What the hell had I done?
She reached up quickly and wiped it away.
“Hey, why are you yelling at her like that you jackass? Y/N are you ok?”, Mina was the first one in the kitchen. And the rest of them followed suit. All asking question I didn’t have answers to.
“You guys I’m fine. Really. We all know how he gets when he’s cooking. Let’s just go back in the living room and let him finish.”, she smiled again but it didn’t reach her eyes. Damn it all to hell I felt like worst person to ever exist.
“Are you sure you’re ok?”, Mina asked her again as everyone started retreating the the living room.
I wasn’t able to hear her answer. I tried to put the whole thing outta my head and finish what I was doing but I couldn’t. It kept replaying in my head.
My phone brought be back to the present. Who the heel was calling me? When I looked down at the contact my girlfriend’s name was sitting there. Perfect fucking timing.
“Hey baby. What are you up to”, she sounded giddy.
“Im finishing up dinner, where are you?”
“On the way back my friends house. We are having a slumber party.”, he words were a little slurred.
“So I guess you guys have already started drinkin.”
“Haha yep.”, I heard someone in the background telling her to get off the phone. No boy calls at girls night. “Well I gotta go doll. My friends are getting upset with me. Love you!”
She hung up before I could even say it back. Women.
I had everything ready to go now, so I went out to tell the idiots it was time to eat.
She was gone.
“Is Y/N in the bathroom or something??”
Mina looked at me like she was ready to murder me, “ no she left. You yelled at her and hurt her feelings and she didn’t wanna stay. We tried to convince her.”
“Yea bro I think she was about to start crying. Why’d you yell at her like that?”, Eijirou said.
“She’s so cool. I don’t know why you don’t like her. You’ve been mean to her since she started hanging out with us.”, Denki chimed in
“Mina send me her address.” I grabbed my keys and started heading for the door.
“Why would I do that when she’s upset with you? You gonna go over there and yell at her some more cuz let me tell you-“
“I’m going to fucking apologize, so just send me the goddamn address.”
I got in my car and started driving. What the hell was I doing? Why am I going over here? I could give a rats ass about hurting someone’s feelings but here I am with my GPS on looking for her apartment building.
I got up to her door and paused because I knew that I should turn around. I knew I should just let the whole thing blow over but like the idiot I am, my hand starts banging on her front door.
I hear muffled through the door, “coming”
She opened the door and looked at my face. Had my foot not been in the door, she would’ve slammed it close.
“Move your foot before I stomp the shit out of it.”
I could feel the smirk pulling at my lips, “these are steal toe boots. I’d like to see you try.”, I told her.
“What do you want Bakugo? Why are you paying unwanted visits to my house? How did you even get my goddamn address?”, she looked disgusted with me. That’s fair. Also didn’t miss that she was calling me by my last name.
“Mina gave me your address. I’m coming to bring your back.”,
Part 2
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athena-writes-i-guess · 1 year
what abt a oneshot where reader is in public and calls eddie (they’re dating) and asks him to pretend to be her bf cause she completely forgot they were actly dating cause the relationship was new and she was drunk and he’s like girl what? i am ur bf!!
A/N: Hello friend! Thank you so much for this request! Sorry it took a little bit! Work has been actually insane for the last few weeks. I really had fun writing this little thing, I really hope you like it!!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x f!reader
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“So, do you want to maybe go get food with me sometime?” You were asked as the boy, who’s name you couldn’t remember, leaned on the counter in front of you.
You were at a party, roped into going by your friend Robin. She practically begged you to go so she wouldn’t be alone when Steve got busy, and you had nothing to do that night anyways so you decided to go. You had been drinking, probably a little too much at this point, and you were already a little wobbly and confused when you started this conversation. Hell, you didn’t even know what had been said that led to this question.
“I’m sorry, I really can’t.” You slurred out, taking another sip of the mystery drink Steve had made you.
“Awe, really? We’ve been having such a nice time talking.” He asked, shooting you a friendly smile.
Shit. You hated confrontation so much. And letting people down always made you uncomfortable. You usually made your best friend, Eddie, do it for you. Too bad he wasn’t here right now to help.
Then you had a thought, something Eddie had told you to say if you were uncomfortable with a guy hitting on you, “Sorry, I have a boyfriend. Think he’d be pretty mad if I went out with another guy.” You lied, adding a small chuckle for effect.
“Oh, really? I didn’t know that, I haven’t seen you with anyone. Who’s the lucky guy if I can ask? See who I lost to.” He chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink as he looked around, seemingly to look for your supposed boyfriend.
“Oh -uh- he’s not here yet. Had something to do before the party.” You said quickly, taking another sip as you avoided his eyes.
“Well, introduce me later. It’d be cool to meet him.” He said with a nod, “I’m gonna go get another drink! See you later!”
Shit. You hadn’t thought he’d actually ask to meet your boyfriend. What to do now? Who could you even ask to pretend?
You looked around the kitchen that you were standing in at the teens around you, trying to see a friendly face, when suddenly it hit you.
You could ask Eddie! He wouldn’t mind pretending to be your boyfriend. He had always told you that he could if you needed. You had always felt a little awkward about asking him, since you had been basically in love with him since you met. But now you need him.
You decided to look for a phone upstairs where it was a little quieter, passing by tipsy teens as you made your way through the house. You nudged passed couples chatting and making out as you walked up the stairs until you finally found an empty room. You quickly locked the door behind you and rushed over to the phone, dialing the number you had memorized from daily use.
It rang and rang and you were worried that he wasn’t home. You knew he had band practice today. You almost gave up when you finally heard a hurried, “Hello?”
“Eds! Thank god you’re home!” You said, slightly relieved.
“Hey sweetheart! I wasn’t expecting to hear from you until later. Is everything okay?” He asked, concern laced through his words.
“Yeah, everything is fine. It’s just- do you remember how you said that I should tell creeps that I have a boyfriend if they ask me out?” You questioned.
“Yeah?” Eddie responded, slightly confused.
“Well this guy- I don’t even know his name- asked me out and I said I have a boyfriend and now he wants to meet him and I don’t have anyone! Can you please come and pretend to be my boyfriend?” You pleaded, twirling the phone cord around your finger anxiously.
“Sweetheart-” He started, now Eddie really was confused.
“Please Eddie? Pretty please?” You interrupted.
You heard Eddie laugh and you felt the frown pull at your lips, now he was going to tease you about this.
“Sweetheart, I can’t pretend to be your boyfriend.” He said, you could hear the smile through the phone.
“Okay, sorry Eddie.” You couldn’t stop from pouting.
“Wait, babe, it’s because I’m already your boyfriend.” He laughed. “I can’t pretend to be something I already am.”
You felt your eyes go wide and your mouth dropped open in surprise. How could you forget? How could you forget that the guy that you had loved for years had asked you to be his girlfriend just last week?
Alcohol. That’s how.
“Sweetheart? You still there?” He chuckled.
“Oh.” Is all you could say.
“How much have you been drinking, sweet thing?” Eddie asked.
“I don’t know, Steve’s been giving me these drinks and I don’t know what’s in them.” You chuckled, smiling even more at the little “Great” he let out at that. “I’m sorry Eds. I can’t believe I forgot! I think that means I should cut myself off, only water now.”
“It’s alright baby. How about I come over, walk around with you for a bit and get you a little sober- make sure that creep stays away from my girl- and then I’ll take you home for the night. Then tomorrow, for our date, I’ll make sure you won’t be able to forget that I’m your boyfriend, hmm?” He teased lightly, you could practically hear the shit-eating grin on his face.
“That sounds good babe.” You smiled, “Thank you. I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me neither, sweet thing. Be there soon pretty girl!”
Taglist: @srapalestina @yvonneeeee @cityofidek @anaisweird @mrslovesmayahawke @harrys-tittie @becca-alexa @catacina (couldnt tag earlier so sorry)
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gamerbunny1996 · 14 days
Jschlatt x Innocent reader
First off before we start I will be posting soon a request bored for anyone who wants me to write something. Next is I'm not very good at writing I have dyslexia so it's hard for me sometimes so sorry if something doesn't make sense but yeah.
“Hello guys welcome back. Today I'm going to be playing Minecraft. I'm hoping to finally finish my cherry blossom house. It's so close to being done.” You said to the camera. Chat talking about things to add to your house. Launching up the game you get a dono. Any new stuff animals you bought. “Yes actually” soon you're pulling up a new teddy bear that says My princess on it. “My friend sent me this isn't he cute I haven't decided what to call him yet” putting the bear down you continue on playing Minecraft.
Later on another dono came through. Which friend gave you the bear laughing at the message you look at the camera dead on. “It's a secret he would kill me if I told” you purposely said he so the chat could go wild. “I don't know why the bear says my princess though because I'm a queen but eh what can you do” you commented out on the chat still going crazy at the fact the bear says my princess. “Also I see you guys spamming bunny ears no not today guys I only wear them when you get the goal and you haven't done that yet.” Soon you see a call come in from discord. Rolling your eyes, you answered it. “What” you say. “Hello to you,” Schlatt responded. “Anyway what's up” you replied. “Well I seen you streaming and decided to come ruin it”
“Of course that's what you do best” rolling your eyes at the camera to show the annoyed expression you had towards schlatt. “You know it sweetheart” he winked at you. Blushing hard at that you try to play it off. “So your not a princess huh I couldn't find a queen one but I don't think it fits you anyway” schlatt points out that he was the one that got the bear for you” chat went crazy with different responses like omg schlatt and Y/n are together or ew gross would rather have schlatt single.
“Look what you did now, chat is going crazy” he laughed out loud amused at what he did. “Well I didn't care if people knew that I gave you a stuffed bear. What was wrong with that? Don't you like stuffed animals you always beg me to buy you one” he was right but you didn't want you fans or even his fans to know he buys you things. “Guys we're not dating, calm down” you said to chat. You could hear Schlatt laughing. “I just wanted a calm stream playing Minecraft'' you flip you screen to show just your face.
“I think I'm done with Tonight guys. I know it wasn't long but someone had to come and ruin it” you look at the screen where Schlatt's facecam was.”
“That's what I do best, toots. Well maybe now we can have alone time” Schlatt wiggled his eyebrows.
“We have alone time all the time. What makes this different?” you asked clueless to what he said. Chat going crazy trying not to have schlatt ruin your innocents.
“Oh sweetheart we do now? I don't ever remember us having a special time alone” he smiled an evil smile.
“I'm confused now” you said reading chat hoping they would tell you what he means. All your reading is most everyone saying nooo.
“Maybe I should show you but you'll have to turn off the live stream. I don't want anyone hearing or seeing” now at this point you're so confused. “Okay?” You go to turn off the live stream when you hear Schlatt start laughing so hard. “Someone please explain what's going on” once Schlatt catches his breath he replied to you. “I was messing around with you. Damn you're so innocent it drives me insane” you puff out your cheeks mad. “I'm not innocent”
“Okay prove it say something perverted”
.” You start to blush crazy. “No that's not appropriate” you try to defend. “You're so innocent” crossing your arms. “What ever I'm ending the live for real this time” you go and click end live and now it's just you and schlatt.
“So like can I come over”
“For what”
“To show you what I mean” you look at him confused. “I guess” he jumped up so fast off his chair it fell. “On my way” and soon the screen went off. You look at your husky who was laying on the floor by your desk. “That man will be the death of me” you turned off your whole set up and went to the living room waiting for schlatt.
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lomltrentarnold · 1 year
❛ alleged girlfriend. ❜ — trent alexander-arnold
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âȘ part one / part two ❫
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‣ warning : fem!reader, somewhat fake relationship au but not really, trent and reader aren’t really dating but there are rumours 👀 and they are not denying anything sigh, flirting, i think they like each other idk đŸ€·â€â™€ïž
‣ hana’s notes : i really liked writing this concept idk why 😭 it was making me smiling and shit 😭 maybe i’ll do more fake relationship au with trent!! hope yall enjoy this mwah đŸ«¶
trent never really liked parties. sometimes its way too loud, way too stuffy, and way too many people. if it was his teammates or friends he was fine. but sometimes it was strangers that just loves to ask too many questions that he feels like he’s in an interview more than a conversation. some just wanted to hear the drama about the transfers and relationships rumours.
“so trent, the fans want to know if you’re seeing someone or not.”
speaking of relationship rumours.
trent involuntary scrunched his face. if he hears that question one more time or anything related to that he is going to go crazy. the amount of times he has to dodge answering that question this night alone was insane.
it all started with a viral tweet recently that went out on how trent was always “seen” with this one person, a girl specifically, over these past weeks. everyone went haywire with assumptions. articles were posted, people were flooding his dms and his ig posts are full of comments about this mysterious girl.
who? when? how?!
“hello, pardon, i’m so sorry to interrupt, but can i steal him for a bit.”
timing couldn’t have been anymore perfect.
he snapped his head towards you so fast, you can positively hear his neck crack. with the sound of your voice, he could suddenly feel the clouds clearing, the room felt less stuffy, the birds were chirping and everything seemed fine.
your hands wrapped around trent’s forearm, moving to stand close to him, as you smiled politely at the person in front of him.
in all honesty you have been keeping your eyes on him ever since you saw an interviewer that you recognised speaking to him. with trent’s body language, anyone could tell that he wanted to get out of that conversation. so you excuse yourself from your friends and made your way to trent, a strategy already in mind.
the person nodded their head quickly, “yes, yes of course miss.” before they cheekily added, “wouldn’t want to keep you away from your man.”
trent internally cringed, he doesn’t want you to be embarrassed but instead he heard you giggle, your hands squeezing his bicep tighter. but trent knows you, he knows that was not your real laugh.
but when he turned to look at you, he can see that your eyes were sparkling, you were wearing an adorable smile that pulls on his heartstrings, the lights of the room making your skin all glowy and he thinks he might pass out.
as you both bid your goodbyes, trent immediately rested his warm hand at your back, guiding you through the room. you both ended up in a secluded area, hoping that it was out of the eyes of other people. but that proved wrong because you could feel every pair of eyes on you and trent as you both walked together.
leaning against a wall, you turned to look into his brown eyes that you have become fond of. you smiled at him, eyes involuntary dropping down to his rose tinted lips as he licked them, before it curls into one of his pretty grin that never fails to make you swoon.
suddenly you look over trent’s shoulder, you saw a group of people taking picture of both of you.
you can already see the tweets.
trent alexander-arnold seen with the same girl at a party last night!
trent alexander-arnold getting cozy with someone?
is trent alexander-arnold in a relationship? or is it just casual?
is trent alexander-arnold no longer single?
you smile dropped, and trent grew concerned, “what is it?”
you looked at him, an apology ready in your mind. “i’m so sorry. you just looked uncomfortable and i thought i’d came in and save you. but i am so sorry if that was crossing a line. because with the way it looked we aren’t beating the rumours anytime soon.” you rambled.
trent shook his head, a chuckle leaving his lips. “nah, it’s fine. thank you for savin’ me.” he smirked, at your relief face before a teasing look appeared on his face, “but, ya didn’t say anything when the guy said i was ‘your man’.”
you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how your heart was beating like crazy, —this gorgeous man was standing right in front of you. you could smell his cologne, you needed to calm down— “you’re very welcome by the way.”
with the smirk never leaving his face, he took a step forward towards you, closing in on your space. you could see his dimples better like this.
“aren’t worried that people are going take our pictures together? with the rumours?” you voiced out, concern plastered on your face.
he shrugged, “nah, not really. reporters say a lot of things, doesn’t really bother me.”
you slowly nodded your head in understanding, lips pursed as a second of silence passed. “so
” trent coughed out, he moved between the balls of his feet, “wanna get out of here?” he whispered, scrunching his nose in a way that has you smiling like a lovesick fool.
your nervously looked to the crowd, seeing if anybody was still staring. when you were positive no one was, you looked at trent, nodding with a smile, “yeah, okay.” you took his hand in yours, missing the way his eyes went wide and a shy smile appeared on his lips.
he interlock your fingers together, “let’s go, then.”
you don’t think you’re going to beat the allegations anytime soon.
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tell me what you think babes <3 also part 2 ?? update : i posted pt2
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victoriously-wicked · 5 months
Fanfiction.net links: blue Wattpad links: orange Ao3 links: red
Just a Stage Kiss: There's a fine line between love and hate. What happens when Jade and Tori are partnered together for another class at Hollywood Arts, only this time it's not stage fighting, it's stage kissing. Will that line be crossed, or redrawn thicker than before? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
I Have No Sister: Oneshot. Trina had done the worst thing on the day of her sister's wedding. Disgraced, she starts a new life in NYC. But a blast from the past has a bone to pick with Trina Vega. Fanfic
They Say a Bad Girl Will Shatter Your World, Drive You Insane: Tori needs to seem more mature for an audition and decides it's time to take a real risk. And what is more dangerous than dating the girl who used to hate your guts? Based on the episode 'The Gorilla Club'. Fanfic Ao3
Let’s Show the World That Science is On Our Side: Sequel to "they say a bad girl". Their relationship is the best and the strangest thing that's ever happened to Tori. You can't really blame her if she's still trying to figure it out. Fanfic Ao3
I Think You Know Me: Oneshot. Beck plots to get Jade and Tori back together. Andre just wants to stay in one piece. Twist from 'Tori Fixes Beck and Jade.' Fanfic
Shock Value: In one of Sikowitz's classroom exercises, Tori needs to Shock the class. Jade doesn't think Tori's capable of shocking anyone. What does Tori do? Fanfic
Start from Scratch: It's been 3 years since Hollywood Arts and Jade's life hasn't worked out like she wanted it too. Fleeing her past, she must start over from stratch and finds her only refuge is with a person with her own personal demons, Tori Vega. Can the pair rebuild their lives and perhaps even find love along the way. Fanfic Wattpad
Our Story: Jade's deadly secret caused Beck to leave her, but Tori came into her life and made everything better. Now, Jade's life is done hanging in the balance, right? She's been told she's safe, so why does it feel like everything is about to come crashing on her and her friends? Fanfic
Behind Enemy Lines: How Yerba changed everything. Wattpad Fanfic
You Don’t Know Me: Jade and Tori are forced to work together on a group project for school. And when Tori visits Jade's house one day and her father is drunk, Tori realizes that Jade may not be the person she always thought she was. Fanfic
Replay: I never thought I'd be where I am now when I took my sister's place in that showcase. It definitely brought changes I didn't expect. But now that I'm here, I wouldn't change it for the world. Ao3 Fanfic
You’re Worth It: Tori's determined to get Jade to become friends with her no matter how many times Jade's threatened her and screamed at her. What happens when Jade starts to hang out with Tori more and realises that she doesn't seem to be feeling as much of a strong connection with Beck as she used to. Will Jade tell Tori her deepest secrets? Will Tori confess her love? They must endure a long, bumpy road together, but will it be worth it? Wattpad
A Dangerous Friend: Everyone needs at least one crazy friend, and it looks like Tori's found hers. Ao3 Wattpad
My Best Friend’s Girlfriend: Hello there...my name is Tori. Tori Vega. I'm a little nervous at the moment...so bear with me? Well I have a confession to make...it's a hard one at that. I um...well I moved here to Hollywood just a little while back and am now going to school with my childhood best friend. Then something happened... I never planned it to happen. I just... well... I accidentally fell absolutely and uncontrollably in love, with his girlfriend. Wattpad
Violated: Tori Vega, good girl, straight A student, musical master. No one would have expected her to be forced with a life changing trauma. But she did. She had many to turn to but who was her choice? Jade West, bad girl, possible straight A student, Musical, acting and producing master. She hates Tori with a passion, yet no one knows why, Jade herself doesn't know. But what happens when her enemy appears at her doorstep crying and in need of someone to help her? Fanfic Wattpad
Where’s Tori: 9 years ago, Jade's life was shattered, when her girlfriend Tori, vanished. After many years, Jade has long since given up hope of seeing Tori again.  But what happens when the Impossible happens? Fanfic Wattpad
Twist of Fate: Tori is paralysed and Jade is blind. Two lives drastically affected by fate. Two people who don't realize, how much each needs the other. But fate can be kind as well as cruel, which they soon come to realize. Slight AU. Wattpad Fanfic
The Lock-In: Locked in a building for 48 hours with 238 other high schoolers isn't exactly the greatest weekend. And nobody knows that more than André Harris, Beck Oliver, Cat Valentine, Trina Vega, Robbie Shapiro, Tori Vega, and Jade West . . . especially Tori Vega and Jade West. The lock-in begins. 48 hours to go. (Jori friendship.) Wattpad Fanfic
The Last Resort: Jade has become completely catatonic since the death of her fiancé in a tragic accident. Not responding to any treatment or words from family and friends, they turn to the one person who hasn't tried, to try and bring her back. A person who once broke Jade's heart. Her ex girlfriend, Tori Vega. Wattpad Fanfic
The Impossible: A certain student at Hollywood Arts that no one’s noticed before is suddenly involved with the gang for her Kickback performance. But she has also revealed that she is a 'great fan' of Jade West and Tori Vega and decides to let the two girls approach to help her. Who is this girl? Will she reveal who she is when Victoria Vega and Jadelyn West, one of the most talented [and hottest] students at Hollywood Arts, approach her based on curiosity and interest? Ao3 Wattpad
#GrandFinale: Caterina Valentine is just weeks away from graduation. She understands things are about to change for her and her closest friends at Hollywood Arts. But her feelings for her best friend and roommate, Sam, have already been changing...and Cat realizes it might be time to be honest about them. Sam Puckett doesn't like people or connections. People always leave. Connections always hurt. Then she met Cat and her entire world changed. But with graduation weeks away, Sam fears she's going to get left behind again. Maybe it would be better if this time, she did the leaving. Past and present collide as Sam and Cat face the uncertainty of the future. But will they face it together, or alone? It's been a long time coming. Welcome to the #GrandFinale! Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
The Untold Jori: Sequel to “#GrandFinale”. With graduation in her rearview mirror, Jade West finds herself on the cusp of a fantastic opportunity: the chance to direct a short film. It's not her style or genre, but a successful film will lead to funding for her own feature film, a story so important to her she might be willing to take the deal. Much to Jade's frustration, the best person for the lead role to ensure its success is none other than Victoria Vega. But Tori is long gone, and Jade resents the idea of asking her to be in the film. It's the reunion neither of them wanted, with a result neither of them expected. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Song: Sequel to “The Untold Jori”. Victoria Vega: successful actress, prominent scream woman, married to the love of her life for nearly a decade...and, as she approaches age thirty, a woman wondering what happened to the dreams of her youth. A mysterious call from an old flame may just awaken those dreams once more, but at what cost? Jade West: one of the most celebrated masters of horror and thrillers in Hollywood. But when the social media mob descends on Jade for an innocent remark, her future in the industry is suddenly on shaky ground...and the one she depends on the most, her rock, Tori, seems to be more distant than ever. Jade fears her dream may be coming to an end...and what she will wake up to when it's over. After a string of successful broadway shows, Cat Valentine has spent years at the top of the pop charts as the sensational "Caterina". She and her longtime love, Samantha Puckett, have settled down in Sam's hometown of Seattle, where Cat records her music. But one morning, Cat wakes up to find Sam gone without a trace; not even her beloved motorcycle remains. In a panic, Cat hunts down her best friends, Tori and Jade, to help her find out where Sam went, and why? All three women stand at the brink of their most difficult challenges. Can the girls and their friends endure, or will all three be torn apart forever? Join Tori, Jade, Cat, Sam, Carly, and more for one last adventure...and one last song. Ao3 Fanfic Wattpad
One Last Time: Jade and Tori had always felt some unspoken thing between them, but never acted on it. On Tori's last night in LA, a certain song by their friend brings Jade to do just that, but is it already too late for them to be anything more than friends? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
Postgrad Partners: Sequel to “One Last Time”. As Tori is about to leave LA for a record deal in Miami, she and Jade hastily decide to move in together and explore their relationship and postgraduate lives. What challenges await to test this newfound couple? Ao3 Wattpad Fanfic
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peterpparkrr · 1 year
Banter (Ch. 3)
Series: Banter
Pairing: Roy Kent x f!Reader
Summary: You break the ice with Roy and befriend Rebecca. Keeley lays down the facts with Roy.
A/N: I started a new job today!! Getting this up and out before the insanity of all of that begins.
(Ch. 1) (Ch. 2) // (Ch. 4) (Ch. 5)
series masterlist
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Shutterbug: Hey
Shutterbug: Can we talk?
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You messaged Roy two days ago and still hadn’t gotten a response.
Maybe he’d deleted the app. You’d certainly been tempted to after your failed date.
But Keeley was right. You needed to talk to him. To properly communicate now that you weren’t dealing with heightened emotions. 
That’s what a real adult did. And God above did you want to behave like an adult. 
But you were also dreading it. Keeley had made you second guess your assumptions about that night. You’d barely had time to dissect your own feelings about discovering it had been Roy that you’d been talking to for weeks. How that affected your feelings about him. It made sense that perhaps you’d been a bit too hasty in deciphering his own feelings about it based on his unreliable facial expressions. 
But maybe Keeley was just giving you false hope. After two days with no answer, it was hard to read into that anything other than disinterest. Or maybe even some outright disdain. 
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“Roy!” You shouted. 
You were back at AFC Richmond today to meet with Keeley and Rebecca. You had proofs to show them from the shoots and even though you had initially wished this meeting could have been virtual – or better yet – an email. 
But now that you could see Roy Kent’s all-black form heading down the hallway ahead of you this presented a unique opportunity for you to put on your big girl pants and attempt a conversation. 
Though, even with your ear-piercing shout that had caused every other person walking through the halls to turn and stare at you, Roy seemed to be intentionally ignoring you.
“Roy!” You tried again. Now walking at a near pace just below a jog to catch up to him.
You heard a grunt in response this time.
When you reach him he finally turns around and you try to remind yourself that the glare on his face is a permanent resident so as to not deter you from saying what you need to say.
“I just wanted to clear the air,” You tell him as he stares back at you. 
“After last week and the whole
 y’know,” You add to fill the silence.
“Mhmm,” Roy grunts.
“I just wanted to apologize if I came across rudely that night,” You continue. “I think we were both just surprised and obviously you wouldn’t have even shown up if you knew it was me so I’m sorry.”
You catch Roy’s bushy eyebrows furrow slightly and he parts his lips as if he wants to interject but he doesn’t say anything.
“We’re going to have to see each other around,” You continue. “Keeley keeps adding shoot days to this project.”
“Can we just
 I don’t know, be friends?” You ask. “Colleagues?” 
“Colleagues it is,” Roy replies with a nod.
“Great!” You reply with a relieved smile. 
“See you around, Roy,” You tell him as you head up the stairs to Rebecca Welton’s office.
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“You’ll be very proud of me, Keels, I just spoke to Roy in the hallway and neither of us yelled or insulted the other,” You announce as you walk through the open door leading into Rebecca’s office to see Keeley sitting in one of the chairs in front of her desk, her legs hooked over the armrest.
Keeley simply grins at you and you hear a small chuckle from the side of the room and see Rebecca Welton in all her glory fixing herself a cup of tea while she glances over her shoulder at you in clear amusement. 
“Oh! Hi, Rebecca!” You exclaim as you try to figure out how to backtrack out of the personal information you just shared about yourself with the women signing your paychecks for this gig.
“Hello,” She greets you with a smile as she gestures for you to take a seat next to Keeley while she makes her way to sit behind her desk. 
“Is that an impressive feat for you and Roy? Not arguing?” Rebecca asks.
“Um, yes,” You tell her. “This is the first time we’ve managed that.”
“Ah,” Rebecca replies with a nod.
“They matched on Bantr and their first date didn’t exactly go to plan,” Keeley adds.
“Keeley!” You hiss as you reach out to swat your friend and her oversharing. 
“Oh, don’t worry about it, it happens to the best of us,” Rebecca reassures you. “I’m happy to share any number of my dating horror stories if it will make you feel better. But seeing as the most glaring one is plastered all over the tabloids every week I’m guessing you have some idea.”
“Rupert Manion’s a dick,” You reply without even thinking about it, causing Rebecca to choke on the sip of tea she’d just taken. 
“That’s what I always tell her!” Keeley emphatically agreed. 
“I can see why you two are friends now,” Rebecca replies with a small shake of her head. 
“Should we look at the proofs before we end up tracking down a feminist rally and burning all our bras?” You offer as you pull your iPad out of your bag.
“Yes, plenty of time for all that after the meeting,” Rebecca replies, shooting you a look.
You grin back. Now you understand why Keeley likes Rebecca so much, you’re already bordering on obsessed with this woman. 
You spend the next hour showing them your work and discussing how it can be used for the team’s marketing and communications before you work on coming up with a plan for what else they still need.
By the end of the meeting, you’ve made great headway on your plan and you’re also already ready for a drink. 
“There’s a great little cocktail bar a few blocks down, should we toast to your amazing work and our success?” Rebecca asks as your trio walks down the hallway out to the car park.
“I’m always down for a drink or three,” You reply with a grin.
“Keels?” You ask as you turn to see if Keeley is down to come out too. You can’t imagine Keeley ever turning down the option to go out, but you never know. But when you glance at her she’s glancing back down the hallway at something.
“Yes! Totally!” Keeley replies after a moment. I just need to grab something from my office real quick, but I’ll meet you two there, kay?”
“Okay,” Rebecca replies. “Shall we?”
“Yeah, we’ll order your first glass,” You tell Keeley before heading out the door behind Rebecca.
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Keeley turns on her heels once the door closes behind you and Rebecca and makes a beeline down the hallway to where Roy is in his office playing with lineups on a whiteboard.
“Roy,” Keeley calls softly as she pokes her head through the door.
“Keeley,” Roy greets her as he glances up at her briefly.
“I heard about what happened,” She tells him. 
“Fucking hell,” Roy replies with a sigh. Trying not to let his irritation at anyone knowing about his vulnerability show. Even if that person is only Keeley. One of the nicest people he knows. But the sympathy or pity or whatever you want to call it in her voice is grating.
“And when you just walked past us you looked like a grumpy little kitty so I wanted to check on you,” Keeley says.
“I didn’t-” Roy hisses before he catches himself and takes a deep breath. “I don’t need your fucking pity, Keeley.”
“I know, but I’m also (Y/N)’s best friend, and I know how hard it is for her to be vulnerable. Frankly, I’m surprised that the two of you ending up on a date didn’t go worse. You two are some of the worst communicators I’ve ever met.” 
“What I’m trying to say,” Keeley says as she tries to get herself back on track. “Is that you both suck at being vulnerable. And a blind date with someone you already have some tension with was bound to blow up in your faces. And that’s no one’s fault! But she really liked you, Roy, the version of you that she met on the app. And she likes Roy Kent too, as much as she would hate to admit it.”
“If you both want to, I think you two should try again,” She tells Roy.
“She told me earlier that she just wanted to be friends,” Roy replies as he shakes his head at Keeley. “She doesn’t like me. I’d have to be a fucking idiot not to understand that.”
“Because she thinks that’s what you want,” Keeley argues. “She thinks that you’re the one that doesn’t like her and you obviously think the opposite.”
“The two of you need to be honest about your feelings and figure this out,” She tells her. 
“I’m going to bring her to Sam’s restaurant opening,” Keeley adds. “Talk to her.”
Roy watches Keeley turn to leave and stares at the now-closed door to the office as he tries to process everything she just told him.
Could you really like him back but have rejected him in some strange self-defense mechanism? Roy would hate the idea of someone doing that to him if I didn’t know in the back of his mind that he had done the same thing. 
How is he supposed to set the lineup for the Manchester United game with all of this shit in his head?
“FUCK!” He hisses as he turns back to the board in front of him. 
“Oh!” a small voice squeaks and Roy whips around to see Will standing at the door with a box of cleats. “I just- I’ll just um, I’m going to-”
“Spit it out!” Roy huffs. “I’ll just leave these here,” Will whispers as he sets the box down and essentially runs out of the room. 
Now what was Roy supposed to do?
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
pop quiz (lessons in the bedroom pt. 2) - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x female reader
summary: after your date cancelled on you, you’re annoyed that you didn’t score your first orgasm. so eddie gives you a new lesson plan on masturbation.
warnings: smut (minors, you know what to do): masturbation (female), allusion to male masturbation; swearing, more stupid jokes
author’s note: here’s part 2, hope it satisfies as much as the first one enjoy
pt. 1 ; pt. 3
word count: 2k
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You almost broke the door to Eddie’s trailer, storming inside to the poor boy’s bedroom. You shoved it open, and Eddie practically jumped at the sudden arrival.
“This HAS to be a joke,” you threw your hands in the air before crossing your arms.
“Um, hello?” Eddie eyes were frantic, but he softened once he saw that it was you.
“You know how I blew that guy last night?” you snarled.
“Uh, yeah?” Eddie didn’t really want to hear about it, but he let you rant anyway.
“Well then joke’s on both of us because I actually didn’t blow him. In fact, I didn’t even see him. He cancelled on me. So what the hell am I supposed to do now?” your words were quick and you were talking with your hands.
“I don’t know,” Eddie eyes darted around the room. “Were you itching to give him head or something?”
“No, I don’t give a shit about that,” you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “I just really wanted him to come over.”
“What, is he your match made in heaven?” Eddie’s voice was sarcastic, but there was a twinge of distaste in his tone.
You snapped your fingers at him. “I don’t care if he lives forever or dies tomorrow. I needed some pure, x-rated, not safe for work filth.”
“I really did not need to know that.” he snapped back.
“Well sorry I can’t be you, a boy, someone who can just jerk off whenever they want and cum with no help,” you said sarcastically.
“Hm, well, girls can do that too, so don’t even hit me with that.”
“I think I would know what girls can and can’t do.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Eddie spoke slowly and leaned towards you. “Wait, you’ve never cum?”
“Literally how could I?” you sneered. “It requires two people.”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Eddie laughed the hardest he had in a while. “Are you insane? Literally anyone conjure themselves an orgasm.”
“Oh really? Then show me.”
“Why would I just whip out my dick and start jacking off in front of you?”
“Munson? Hey, yeah, get your head out of your ass and tell me how to make myself, a girl, cum.” You were fuming.
“Make yourself? Have you never even rubbed one out?” he was so confused.
“Do not call it that,” you shivered. “And of course I have, it just doesn’t really do anything.”
“Then you’re not doing it right,” he was nonchalant and he leaned back on his hands.
“Thank you for stating ridiculously obvious information!” you clapped your hands. He rolled his eyes, and you looked at him flatly. “So? Give me the rundown. Unless you can’t because you’ve never made anyone-”
“You don’t know shit about fuck, so let’s stop with the false accusations,” Eddie put his hand up at you. “Besides, it’s different for everyone. How am I supposed to know what you like if I don’t even know how you react to each thing?” A smirk crept onto your face, and Eddie immediately started shaking his head. “Nope. Nope.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” you offered.
“Oh really? So you weren’t going to ask me to tell you what to do while you were actually touching yourself?”
“Not that exact wording,” you said slowly. Eddie laughed lightly before rolling his eyes and standing up.
“You might need to call that guy up, maybe he can teach you,” he was walking towards the door, but you grabbed his wrist.
“Eddie, come on,” you begged. “You owe me this.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah, yeah! I blew you, now you have to do this for me.”
Eddie laughed heartily, his wrist still in your hand. He looked back to you, and when he saw your serious face he almost laughed harder. “You didn’t even give me head because you wanted to. You were literally practicing for someone else.”
“It was still free head!” you countered. Eddie sighed, and yanked his wrist from your grasp.
“Fine. Get on the bed. But your shirt stays on and my eyes stay closed,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, and you gave him a big smile. You spun around, hopping on the bed and kicking your feet as you looked up at him. He gave you the most annoyed face in the entire world, but he got onto the other side of the bed. “Well? Lay down and take off what you need to.”
You did as you were told, and stared at the ceiling. Eddie took a deep breath, covering his eyes with his hand. “Okay, now what?”
“Well, put your dominant hand down there, genius,” he said, and you smacked him on the arm. “You want my help or not?”
“Fine, done. What’s next,” you groaned.
“Find your clit, it’s like a little bud in between the middle and the top of your, you know,” he instructed. It took a minute, but you found it soon. You flinched at the contact with your fingers, but it wasn’t from pain or discomfort. It was like a warm feeling was sent up your body. “Find it?”
“Pretty sure,” you said, hovering your fingers over the area.
“Okay, now don’t press too hard but some put some pressure on there, and then start rubbing, like, little circles on it,” he sighed. You did what he was telling you, but something wasn’t clicking.
“Yeah, this is not working,” you huffed.
“Well are you doing it right?” he asked.
“How am I supposed to know?”
“It’s your vagina.”
“Well maybe if you just helped me out manually then I would actually get somewhere.”
“Would that get you to shut the hell up?”
“Yes it would. Now do it.”
Eddie let out an exasperated sigh, and he took your hand in his, bringing it back down in between your thighs. When the two of you reached your destination, Eddie took your finger and dragged it up halfway up your folds.
“Why are you already a waterpark?” he still had his hands over his eyes.
“Uh,” you were trying to find words to get yourself out of the confrontation. “I don’t know.”
“Okay,” he said slowly. For a fleeting moment he thought that he could be the reason you were already aroused. But he pushed the thought out of his mind, chalking it up to wishful thinking. He restarted his path up to your clit, and when he heard your breath hitch he knew he found it. “Circles like this.” He started slow, taking his time to get you warmed up. It felt better than when you had done it, and even though you got the rhythm you still let Eddie’s hand guide you. “How’s that, hm?”
“G-good,” you were strangled in warmth, the feeling of little jolts of electricity running up your body with each flick of your clit. Eddie allowed his hand to drop from his face, but he only moved his head to let his gaze drop to your face. Your eyes were closed, and there were hints of red on your cheeks. Your breathing was unstable, but you still looked like you were in heaven. He took in all your features, savoring the moment as best he could.
“Alright, route two,” he said, and your eyes opened. You turned to look at him, confusion on your face.
“What the hell else is there?” you breathed.
“Just trust me,” he said, giving you a smile. You felt safe, comfortable with him working your hand. You smiled back at him, and he slowly took your two middle fingers down to your entrance. He rimmed them once, before taking one of them and gently inserting it into you. He watched as your mouth opened and your eyes rolled back into your head, obsessed with the feeling of your finger inside of you. “That good?”
“H-holy shit,” you were breathless, and your head went back to facing the ceiling. Eddie refused to look down your body, but he gauged his help based on your facial expressions. Your eyes were now screwed shut, images of Eddie running through your mind as his hand was over yours.
“You want another?” he whispered to you. You nodded quickly, and he helped you insert another one. You squirmed as he slowly slid it into you, and you fell in love with the feeling. “Alright, now move them in and out.” You followed, and you were instantly falling. You took it very slow, and only picked up the pace slightly after a minute. Eddie took his hand off of yours and let you take the reins, scanning your now completely red and hot face. You were letting out small sighs and moans, but you were trying to keep the sounds to a minimum.
“You can be louder,” he purred. “Don’t be shy, baby.” At the pet name you moaned exponentially louder than you had been before. He smiled as he watched your open mouth make such pretty sounds, and he was more and more enamored with the sight of you. He took your other hand in his and moved it down, pressing on your clit. “Now the circles again, just like I taught you.” You picked them up, and suddenly you were a writhing mess next to Eddie. “Good girl,” he said to himself. But you heard him, and it had a new feeling rising in your stomach.
“Ed-Eddie,” you got out. “My s-stomach.”
“There it is,” he cooed. “You’re so close.”
“C-can’t stop it,” you managed. You were being thrown off the edge and you didn’t know when the end was.
“You can do it, baby, just a little more,” he said, taking his hand off of yours. Your actions only got faster, and soon enough you hit the peak. You felt your walls pulsing and contracting as a wave of pleasure washed over your entire body. You made high-pitched sounds as you came, Eddie listening to and loving every whimper that left your lips. You pulled your hands away only after you hit a state of overstimulation, and you were trying your hardest to catch your breath. Eddie moved his stare from you back up to the ceiling. “Voila. Orgasm.”
“Holy God,” you sighed. “I could’ve been doing that this whole time?”
“Yep,” Eddie laughed. You smiled loosely as your breathing began to slow.
“Well now that guy means jack shit,” you said. Eddie smiled to himself, and he tapped your hip to get you to pull your jeans back up. You took his signal, sitting up completely when you were done. Eddie sat up too, running his hand through his hair. You sighed and looked over at him, but his eyes were on the floor as he dissociated. You looked down a little bit, seeing a sort of tent in his sweatpants. “Uh, do you have something you need to take care of?” Eddie looked up at you confused, but when he saw where your vision was trained he widened his eyes and pulled a pillow over his groin.
“You cannot blame me in the slightest,” he almost yelled. You smirked but said nothing, leaving Eddie blushing from embarrassment. You cleared your throat, scooting to the side of the bed and standing up. Eddie scratched his neck before getting up and leading you to the front door. He opened it, and you turned back around slowly to face him.
“This was very
“Leave before it gets awkward.”
“Yeah, okay.”
You basically sprinted down the steps, speed walking to your car before turning back around to see if Eddie was still in the doorway. When you saw that he was, you stood up straight and gave him the same salute you did the first time, and he rolled his eyes, giving you a fake salute back. You hopped into your car, but you sat there for a minute before starting the engine. You kept thinking about how it felt to not only touch yourself, but how it felt to have Eddie’s hand controlling your own. You would never admit to him that your arousal came from him alone, but you also had no idea that when it came to what he needed to “take care of,” he was thinking of you too.
these people asked for a part 2 so i thought i’d tag them? here y’all go
@fandomfoodiedancer @indiffrents @apolloapricot @boomhauer @cutiecusp @mcotton740 @chopper-witch @marlenecollins @sushiell​
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outerbankspov · 1 year
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- thank you love for your passionates ❀ @giannadrichardson-blog
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You and Drew have been dating since outer banks season one and you adore one another more than anything. The way you both met was a story you both say “We will tell our kids about this one day”
 you needed a job asap in order to get recognized by the public for your future singing career so you signed up to play the love interest of a character name “Rafe Cameron’ WHO happens to be played by Drew Starkey. You for sure saw his face around in your favorite movie “Love Simon” and since then you’ve been together and laughed about him in that film.
- Present day.
“Drew!!” You squeal as you run into your shared bedroom before you jump up and down in excitement. “What’s up, baby?” He smiles while asking you. “My agent just called
 and they gave me a green light to tour my album!!’ He jumps off the bed to catch you in his arms. “BABY?? WHAT THE FUCK THIS IS GOOD!” he kisses your lips as you smile up at him nervously. “What’s that Face about?” He asked as he Brough you down with him on the bed. “Thing is it starts in 3 weeks..” You closed your eyes shut. “Well, that’s good news. What with the face?” He asks again, You bit your lip and shook your head “Can you come with?” Knowing this the worse idea to ask is because you know Drew has to stay just in case he gets a call back from his agent about the new movie he was offered that will be filming in ITALY. “Baby.. you know I would to go with you but I can’t” You nod and looks down, pushing your hair behind both ears and smiling weekly as you plaid with your nails. GOD you know you can’t do this without him, you would be a wreck you know that for sure. “What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” “I just really wish you could come, what if I fuck up?? I will never forgive myself” A tear slipped passed your eyes and Drew brushed it away.
“My love you are gonna be so good I promise you” you sniffle and nod. “You’re just saying that because your my boyfriend-” , “No I’m saying that because I believe you can. Baby of course you can” he kisses your forehead and you finally accept it.
Tour has been a real fun
 scary experience. Going out on stage and seeing a huge crowd every two days and seeing them actually enjoy your music made you feel like you’re doing something right. But apart of you still wishes Drew was there, you go to sleep every night after a FaceTime with him and talk about your day and how nervous you were. This time when calling Drew, he didn’t answer. You started to get worried but soon after got a text saying “a bit busy. Talk later” confused you just decided to go to sleep.
“Y/N YOU ARE ON IN- 3,2,1 GO” your manager tells you. You put the biggest smile on your face and runs out on stage greeting everyone. “Hello NEW YORK CITY!! As you might know I’m dedicating this night to my love Drew Starkey, we actually met on this day 4 years ago
 kinda insane! All I’m asking for you all is to enjoy this night like I’m gonna be and yell loud !!” The group cheered and smiled. You started singing and you Just felt so free until a gut feeling and the feeling in the air made you want to shut down. God you hate this, it’s a big night and your stupid mind wants to shut down now ???. You finish the song and runs off of stage.
“Y/n? What’s up?” Your manager ask calmly.
“Stacy. I can’t do this- it’s like my hearts being pul-“ you was interrupted by a call she picked up. She nodded and said okay to the person and hung up. “Wiped those tears baby! Go back on stage !! You got this” she encouraged, and like the person you was you walked out again and started singing. At this part of the song no one sings because they know it’s a slow part that you enjoy so much. Nope not today- you start to sing and it seems like you got 6 sense because all of a sudden you felt better, it’s like their was this light telling you to continue. Once you was done you made your way back stage ready to run to your manager put stop in your tracks, turning around you see him, them.
“DREW??” You squeal as you jump into his arms. “You’re here? You’re really here!” You kisses his lips and he chuckles. “ m’course I’m here. Wouldn’t want to miss this day ever. Or any other” he looks at you with a knowing look at you jump in excitement. “You’re staying ?” He nods and you kiss him again. So beyond excited and your heart felt completed. “How about we get something to eat baby?” You smile up at him and nod. “I will like that”. You couldn’t believe it, you look at your other friend and runs into their arms. “You guys are amazing”. The day was spent like any other, Drew by your side constantly kissing you and your best of friends next to you.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 8 months
*knocks on your door* Hi!!
24: Marriage of Convenience for Maxiel please! <3
I had to knock this down because I got ambitious!
Car accident mentions with minor peril but everything is fine!
Daniel is the one who suggests it, quiet and behind the motor home while Max takes deep gulping breaths, tears still on his face.
“We could, uh-“ he stumbles through it, “if you wanted, I could be the one to handle that if you ever-“
Max’s sharp teenage eyes pin him down and flay him open, like he can see the filthy idiotic thoughts Daniel had in the shower this morning.
“I just mean that,” Daniel coughs into his fist, “people have done it before, ya know. You don’t have to rely on him. I’d be happy to be the one on call, Maximus.”
“It is okay,” Max insists in that stubborn way he does, “I will not crash again. I will not have to go to the hospital again.”
Daniel doesn’t try and tell him differently. He doesn’t think Max would hear him anyway, so he lets it go, continues to stand with him while he gets his breathing under control.
Max doesn’t bring it up ever again so Daniel doesn’t either.
Not until they’re not even teammates anymore and Danny is asking about him in the media pin, feeling lightheaded and frantic.
Everything has shifted between them these days. They’re more colleagues than friends, but Max is in the wall and Daniel knows what’s to come for him - he still has friends in the Red Bull garage. He gets the gossip.
So, he asks because he needs to know, thinking about that offer from years ago. We could get married. If you didn’t want him to be the one to get that call.
And then he runs into Christian looking pale and unlike himself and he sighs, long and heavy. “I want to stay and chat, Daniel, but Jos is with Max and I’ve got to go.”
Christian is too smart and he never says anything without reason and so Daniel gets a little insane about it and that’s how he ends up at Max’s apartment in Monaco with marriage papers in his hand.
“You will sign these.” Daniel says as soon as the door is open. “Because I cannot stand what happened this weekend.”
Max is half naked - bare chested and blinking at him in confusion. He looks like he’s just woken up and Daniel knows he looks insane, but he doesn’t care.
“Sign.” He demands, thrusting them out to Max.
“I will sign them, of course, Daniel.” Max says, taking them from Daniel’s trembling hands, “but I will tell you that we must be friends again. You cannot do this to me, where you ignore me on the phone and just say hello to me in front of other people.”
Max is walking into his apartment so Daniel follows him, taking note of everything that has changed since he was last here, specifically so he doesn’t look at Max’s broad back like
“Daniel?” Max asks, slapping the papers down on the counter. “You will come over for dinner?”
“Dinner. Drinks. Parties. Whatever, Maxy, just sign those.”
Max’s smile is blinding and
he’s not a teenager anymore. He’s -
“Would you like some coffee?” Max offers. “I have those pods you like.”
Daniel doesn’t linger on it. He doesn’t. Max is just
But maybe he should have.
Because the guy he’s legally married to is like
way considerate.
He googles how to tell if your fake husband likes you likes you, realizes just how far he’s strayed from the plot and then closes that tab on his phone before opening it back up and looking up that porn video. The one he likes with the guy and the -
Fuck. Daniel realizes with a start, he looks like Max.
He goes for a run instead.
He’s got it under control.
He and Max are friends. They have dinner. Max kind of maybe dates this model for a bit and Daniel never asks for details but she stays over at his place sometimes and Daniel convinces himself that if Max were to ask him for a divorce it wouldn’t devastate him.
Because Max is kind of keeping his head above water.
The car is shit. McLaren is shit and the only thing he looks forward to are the four uninterrupted hours of Max he gets every race weekend.
Their debrief, Max calls it.
They eat together or play video games together or talk and they’re allowed because they’re married or whatever and things are FINE.
Daniel is in Australia.
He and Max have barely spoken in weeks - not since Daniel turned down the Haas offer. Even though he signs the third driver role with RBR and he’s going to literally be able to talk Max through all their shared data now, Max is furious at him over it.
“You will have to sit out races,” he had shouted. “Stuck in the simulator in England.”
Daniel didn’t get it, was just happy to be happy. Happy to have a break, a soft place to land, time to figure it out.
But Max had taken something personally and he was mad and Daniel was
trying not to think about it. In Australia. Drinking cheap beer and eating too much and exercising kind of half assed and riding dirt bikes.
He was LIVING.
And he’s in Australia when his phone rings - or Blake’s phone rings because Daniel’s is switched off and he can tell by Blake’s face that it’s bad.
“It’s dad, isn’t it.” Daniel demands as soon as Blake confirms that yeah, he and Daniel are coming.
Blake continues to gather things, ignoring Daniel and the dread grows. He’s dead. He’s dead.
“We’re getting on a plane.” Blake says, stuffing Daniel’s iPad in beside his own. “Christian set it up.”
And as soon as he’s said the name, Daniel know. “Max.”
Blake nods. “Yeah, he uh. He’s probably fine-“
“Probably?” Daniel’s voice isn’t even coming from his own body. He doesn’t know-
“Hey,” Blake grabs his arm. “Christian said he’s awake and he’s okay, but he has to have surgery and -“
“Fuck.” Daniel says, grabbing his keys, “fuck, I haven’t -“
He can’t finish that sentence. He hasn’t been around. He hasn’t done anything he’s supposed to do. He’s not even in fucking Monaco.
Blake rides beside him silently emailing or texting or doing whatever he’s doing and Daniel seethes all the way to the airstrip where there is a private plane waiting for them.
Daniel knows they’re in for a hell of a time traveling last minute, but it’s okay.
What did you do he texts Max before feeling guilty and sending I’m coming okay? Please don’t bite the nurses.
Max reads the messages but doesn’t respond.
He’s well out of surgery by the time Daniel arrives to the tiny hospital. He’s glaring at him standing in the door, arm casted to hell.
“You did not have to -“
“Shut up,” Daniel bites. “I want to be here.”
“You are just my husband on paper, Daniel.” Max accuses. “You have made it clear that you do not care about what I have to think, so why do you care that I have -“
Daniel is exhausted and he’s mad as shit and he smells like airplane. “What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t care what you think?”
“You are not racing this year even though you could have been! So we will never see each other!” Max looks young again. Young and scared and like that kid Daniel first made that offer to. “You have been gone since the season ended and you have not called even though you said we would be friends,” Max opens his mouth to probably say more, but Daniel slumps down in the chair beside his bed and Max shuts him mouth. “I did not say you could sit. This room is for friends and family.”
“I’m you husband!” Daniel shouts, forgetting to point out that like, Max is in a hospital bed and absolutely not racing this year and he’s still mad at Daniel.
“Then act like it!” Max shouts back and Daniel puts his face in his hands and groans, feeling sorry for himself. “You should go,” Max says in that voice that Daniel hates. “I do not want you here.”
“Tough shit, Maxy.” Daniel whispers without looking up. “You signed the papers. I’m here. Pissed as hell at you, but I’m here and now you’ve got to deal with me for however long you will heal-“
“I will hire a nurse,” Max says, but Daniel ignores him.
“Because I’m not letting you injure yourself on your fucking iracing -“
“Because you’re too stubborn to heal properly-“
“You are not a nurse, you are not qualified -“
“I cannot believe you even agreed to this!” Daniel shouts, “when clearly you do not care about my opinion in the slightest!”
“I agreed to this!” Max shouts back, “because I am in love with you!”
Daniel is too shocked to move, just to stare at Max’s beautiful face and try and process
that he loves him too. That Max loves him -
“Well, I hate that we had to sacrifice our entire season,” Christian says from the doorway, “with Max out of commission, but thank god the two of you have finally admitted to that.”
“What?” Max and Daniel say at the same time before Geri steps around Christian, carrying a bouquet of flowers almost as big as she is.
Daniel stands up on instinct.
“A real wedding this time, none of that paperwork nonsense. Christian has already agreed to drive the getaway car.” And then she blinks at Daniel, handing him the flowers.
Max is still gaping at everyone, “Daniel does not-“
“Oh come off it,” Daniel says, “of course I do.”
“Oh,” is all Max says, suddenly looking pleased and smug. “Well in that case I think we should stay at your apartment while I recover. Your living room is better for physical therapy.”
Christian chuckles, clapping Daniel on the back. “We will get you back in no time. With your dedicated nurse here.”
Everyone laughs except for Daniel, he’s too busy staring at Max’s lips. Lips he’s never even kissed.
“Oh, Geri, my darling.” Christian says, “let’s give the kids a moment.”
Daniel forgets to even be annoyed or to make a joke, he just sinks down on the edge of the bed next to Max. “I’m going to kiss you.”
“Yes,” is all Max can say before Daniel is. Lips on his, eyes closed, frozen in time.
“I now pronounce you husband and husband.” Daniel says stupidly, but Max giggles anyway and Daniel is happy he asked him that day behind the motorhomes.
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americas1suiteheart · 9 months
hello! i hope youre okay!! because you've already done tan as a partner, i wondered if you've done ladybug x reader headcannons, if you have any?? we as a community are really lacking in ladybug rep.. </33
Alright alright alright, now. Just as I said before, ask and you shall receive. I hope you enjoy this because I watched the whole movie again to get a gist of his character and personality again.đŸ€­ [sorry for not writing for so long btw, I'm really busy and am struggling to find time to write😭]
Dating Ladybug Would Include...
[Ladybug (Bullet Train) x GN! Reader]
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[Notes; The reader is a bit more outgoing and such, I have no clue why I made them like that butđŸ€·â€â™‚ïž]
[Warnings; Some mentions of blood is all
I feel like he met you at a coffee shop, maybe even a library? Nothing insane or too crazy though.
He would definitely be a regular at a small coffee shop that you go to quite often, so running into eachother every once in a while there would be a given.
Now, I know I said coffee shop but he definitely isn't a caffeine person and doesn't like the taste of coffee. He probably gets jasmine tea or something of the sort and like a scone maybe.
He eventually goes up to you and makes some small talk after a while of shared glances and such.
I just feel like the first times recognising eachother would be catching glances at eachother and sending small waves or little smiles. (Seems cute I dunno).
When he first talks to you, he starts off really strong in terms of confidence, then proceeds to get more shy and awkward as the conversation goes on.
"Hey, I see you around here a lot. Would you mind if I sat with you?" A male voice says from beside you.
You look up to see the man with black framed glasses you see often right behind you.
"Oh, hello! Yeah you can go right on ahead," You say, motioning for him to take the seat right across you, putting your book down.
The man sits across from you and places his drink onto the table.
"What are you reading?"
"Oh, well.. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen," You look down to your book, slightly embarrassed.
"Good book," He replies.
You awkwardly hum in acknowledgement, drumming your fingers on the table to the rhythm of a song stuck in your head.
"Frankie Valli?" The man says.
You look up and stop drumming your fingers, looking at him in confusion.
"Sorry, but it uh, it sounded like you were drumming the rhythm of Sherry by Frankie Valli,"
"Oh! Yes I was, sorry I was just confused, you like Frankie Valli?" You say, a little too excitedly.
"I do! My name's Ladybug by the way, its a bit weird I know but," The man introduces himself, trailing off slightly.
"I'm Y/n, its nice to officially meet you, Ladybug,"
Ladybug smiles.
After a couple of times seeing you there and interacting with you, he might ask you subtly of your single; of course checking for a wedding or engagement ring first.
He gives off awkwardly confident autistic vibes, I'm right and I know it.
"Hey, uh, I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but I was wondering if uh, maybe you we're single and if so would you be willing to, I dunno maybe have dinner with me sometime? And you totally don't have to if you don't want to if by chance you are single but uh, yeah.."
He's so cute.
He would take you to a nice little restaurant, and he waits for you at the door with a bouquet of flowers, (which we all know would be something like peonies,) he pushes your seat in for you, lets you order first and everything, he would be such a gentleman.
After the date before you get into your car and leave (Which he very nicely escorted you to,) he asks you very nicely if you would like to go on another with him sometime, to which you say yes to.
Say a couple dates later, you guys are now a thing.
When you go to his house he cooks for you.
This man would be such a good cook but it being Ladybug, he would definitely burn something on accident.
After a while of being together, he finally tells you about his job.
You love this man so much and he's so sweet that you find it impossible for him to be an assassin. But you try to be as accepting of it as you can be.
You're more worried than anything now, to be honest.
After the whole entire bullet train mission when he gets back with all these cuts and bruises, you patch him up and such, obviously upset he came back so hurt.
You were currently sitting on the couch of your apartment, reading a book.
You hadn't seen Ladybug in a while as he was on a mission in Japan. It was only supposed to be for a couple of days, but you were very worried being that it was so far away.
He would text you updates and such regularly, but for the past day you had gotten nothing from him which worried you even more.
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. You get up from your spot and place your book on the coffee table, face down as to not loose your page.
You look through the peephole to see its a teenage boy in a Domino's uniform with a box of pizza.
You open the door, telling the boy to give you a second as you rush to the kitchen island and pull a 5 dollar bill out of your wallet, walking back and handing it to him, getting the box as well and closing the door.
You walk back to your spot, placing the box down and opening it, the savory smell filling the area.
You take a slice, and bring it to your face, taking a bite as the mix of the gooey cheese, tangy sauce, and crispy crust mix together perfectly on your taste buds.
Another knock on your door rudly interrupts your joy in eating, you walk back, not even bothering to check who it is.
You open the door to see a bruised and bloodied up Ladybug at your door sheepishly smiling, a tired look evident on his face.
"Oh my god, sweetheart are you okay? Come in here," You say, gently pushing Ladybug into your apartment, sitting him on the couch where you were.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, don't worry. Just a few cuts and bruises is all," Ladybug replies, a soft smile on his face as to reassure you he really is alright.
"Let me clean you up, stay right here." You go to your restroom and look under the sink for your first aid kit, taking a bottle of rubbing alcohol as well.
You go back to the living room and begin to clean up the cuts on his face.
Ladybug was looking at you lovingly as you did so.
"I love you," Ladybug blurts out.
You stop what you were doing and look at him, your face growing warmer by the second.
That was the first time either of you had said "I love you," so you were processing it still.
"Sorry, it just kinda slipped ou-" Ladybug turns his face away, a slight blush spreading across his face.
"I love you, too." You say, finally replying and giving him a kiss on his cheek.
He loves you to pieces, so he would never yell at you during arguments of any sort, but with his anger issues that he's been trying oh so hard to get controlled, he slips up sometimes.
Hes profusely apologising, after he realises the mistake he made.
This poor guy is just kicking himself for it.
You assure him that its quite alright and that you understand.
He still gets you something nice as an apology. Such as flowers, maybe even sweets.
Such a sweetheart.
I didn't really know how to end this, and this took so long to finally put out, but it got done! I'm very happy with myself, sorry if its a little sloppy as well. I do hope you enjoyed it though.
[Tags to beloved Ladybug enjoyer followersđŸ€­đŸ€­] @horrormusicals @loosebonez
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avianyuh · 7 months
Hello 👋👋 can I pls request BTS members unrequited love headcanons where they are in love with reader who is their friend. But reader is oblivious to their feelings and doesn't reciprocate because she is not a celebrity and she never thought that they will ever like her romantically. One day they get jealous when reader starts liking someone or maybe another member starts liking her?Thank you ❀ ❀
BTS getting jealous and confessing to reader
word count; 3,058
Seokjin had met you through a friend. 
You two had instantly clicked and Seokjin had fallen for you after a few months of knowing you. 
If he was being completely honest, he didn’t know why he had never come clean about his feelings. 
He had thought about it a lot and had come to the conclusion that you most likely just viewed him as a friend. 
So to him, he’d reather be in your life as a friend than lose you if you didn’t feel the same way. 
And for awhile, that all worked 
Until one day you had come over to his apartment to have dinner with him 
The night was going well
Seokjin had cooked dinner for you 
But then you broke his heart
“Seokjin! You’ll never guess what happened at the office today. You know that new guy who kept sitting with me at lunch? He asked me out’, you sighed clasping your hands together, all wide-eyed and red in the face. 
Seokjin felt his heart sink 
He wouldn’t be able to be around you if you started dating this guy
It’d be too painful for him to watch you
The woman who loved, with another guy
So unintentionally, he couldn’t help but blurt out, “I don’t think you should go out with him”
You’re smile disappeared as you looked at him, confused. 
“Why not?”, you asked him. 
His heart started racing. Quick, what should I say?, he thought to himself. 
He knew he had to come clean.
“Because, I like you.”
You’re eyes went wide again, but for a different reason this time. 
You were surprised. You never thought Seokjin had viewed you as anything more than a friend. 
“You like me?”, you asked staring at him. 
All he could do was keep his head down and nod his head up and down.
You stood up and walked over to him
Seokjin looked up as you pulled him into a hug. 
“Is this you telling me you feel the same way?”, he asked. 
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Though you and Yoongi work in the same profession, you led very different lives.
You were a producer. 
You didn’t have any social media. 
No one really knew who you were. 
You absolutely loved what you did
Which is what brought you to Yoongi.
You worked at Bighit and had been assigned to work on a song with him for his next album. 
The two of you bonded and Yoongi developed not only a friendship with you, but also a bit of a crush too. 
But, one night in the studio you had told Yoongi something that made him rethink his need and want to confess his attraction towards you. 
For reference; 
The two of you had been talking all night in the studio. The project had been finished for the day
Yoongi had been telling you about how he wished he could do some of the things he used to do before he had gotten famous. 
He felt like he couldn’t really go anywhere without the need of a bodyguard or a manager 
He missed his independence 
So when you had told him how you’d hate to give up your freedom and be famous. 
It had really gotten him thinking. 
If he were to confess his feelings for you, would you reject him because he was famous? 
Though he understood your feelings, it kind of crushed him 
He felt like you’d never want to date him because of your feelings toward being famous
And obviously, if you dated him, your privacy would be gone. 
he put his feelings on the backburner and tried to forget about it.
But, because you never knew he liked you 
And technically, you were not only co-workers, but also friends
His feelings were hard to get rid of because he had to see you all of the time
But one day when you mentioned off handely that you had gone on a date the night before
Yoongi had felt insanely jealous 
And he acidentally snapped at you
“I don’t want to hear about your stupid date okay Y/n?”
You looked at him, scrunched eyebrows, confusion and hurt evident on your face. 
“What’s wrong with you?”, you asked hesitantly. 
“I just don’t understand why you have to tell me about your dating life when I never even asked in the first place, that’s all”, he responded back angrily. 
By that point you felt uncomfortable, so you stood up from your seat in the studio and started gathering up your stuff to leave. Murmuring that you had somewhere to be and should get going. 
For a few seconds, Yoongi was actually going to let you go.
He thought that maybe this was all for the best.
You being in a relationship would help him get over you faster. 
But there was this tiny  voice inside his head that told him he’d regret letting you go without even trying to express his feelings. 
He sighed before calling your name. 
You turned around bracing for more hurtful words from one of your favorite people.
But unexpectedly, he walked over to you, saying a quick ‘sorry’, before pulling you into him and kissing you.
Yoongi braced himself for a slap, or a shove, but instead he felt you sink into his embrace. 
You broke the kiss first, looking up at him, “We have some things to talk about, but why exactly did you make things so hard for yourself?”, you asked, which received a laugh from him
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Hoseok had met you through his sister. 
She had a business event and the two of you had accidentaly bumped into each other
Which you both frantically apoligized to each other 
Which made you both start hysterically laugh 
And hence, a new friendship blossomed
Probelm was
Hobi caught feelings for you
But you had actually made it clear to him a few times that you didn’t want to be in picture with him or anything 
Mainly because you wanted to keep your privacy
So the two of you didn’t get to see each other often
It wasn’t out of character to not speak for a few weeks at a time
But you always invited in over to sit and chat about your recent whereabouts 
And considering how interesting Hoseok’s life is 
And just how infatuated he was with you
You both looked forward to these meet-ups
except for this one
You had been chatting for an hour or two
When in the middle of your story about work, your phone went off 
You looked down at it
And Hobi couldn’t hepp but peak 
You sighed as you picked it up, unlocked it and started texting 
You put it back down and quickly apologized to Hosoek
Who waved you off, “Don’t worry about it”, he had said
You nodded in agreement and looked back down at your phone again, reading the response 
“Who is it?”, Hoseok asked. 
“This guy I’ve been seeing”, you said nonchalantly. 
Hoseok sat up straight at the sound of that
He tried to play it cool, “You were
seeing someone? Anyone I know?”, he asked you. 
“Uhh, no. Just some guy my friend  introduced me to a few weeks ago. It was actually right after you had come over that week. I just don’t know if I like him all that much, he’s kind of boring.”, you explained. 
Hobi would be lying if he didn’t admit that he was happy to hear that you weren’t interested in this guy. 
“What is your type Y/n?”, Hoseok asked, resting his head in the palm of his right hand, looking up at you almost like he was conducting an interview. 
“I don’t know, I guess I’m looking for someone funny. Someone who obviously isn’t boring
”, you said.
“Someone like me?”, Hoseok asked hesitantly. 
You looked up at him, squinting, “Yeah
I guess I’m looking for someone that reminds me of you.”, you couldn’t believe you were admitting that to him. 
“Then why not just date me? Isn’t that easier”, he asked, his smile slowly overtaking his serious interviewer expression. 
“I had no idea you were into me Hobi”, you said, also developing a smile. 
“Well now you do”, he said.
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You had met Namjoon randomly during an outing. 
You had been at the same museum, looking at the same exhibit. 
Namjoon had noticed you first, as you were trying to get a picture of yourself and the artwork displayed on the wall. 
He watched you for a few seconds, looking around to see if anyone had come with you to help you take the photo but he didn’t notice anyone 
At first he was going to walk away, but decided to approach you and ask if you needed someone to take the picture for you. 
“Excuse me, I noticed you were trying to take a picture. Um, if you need help I wouldn’t mind taking it for you?”, he asked kindly. 
You looked at him, responding with gratitude, “Oh, thank you so much! That would be great.”
You handed him your phone and walked backwards. Asking him if you should move over or readjust your position. 
You spent the next few minutes being redirected by Namjoon. 
After he took a few photos for you, you asked him if he had come to the museum alone, to which he responded that he had. 
You asked him if he wanted to walk through the rest of it with you, and possibly help you take more pictures
He agreed and boom, that was how you met
By the end of the museum tour, you had exchanged phone numbers and had became good friends. 
As you walked through the museum that day, you had asked him about what he does for a living, and thai took Namjoon back. 
Not because he was stuck up or offended that someone didn’t know he was in BTS
But it was actually because he found it cool that he had coincidentally met someone who didn’t know who he was
So when he told you, and watched as you gasped and covered your face in embarrassment, apologizing for not knowing. 
He immediately reassured you that you had no need to apologize to him
After that over the course of a few months of knowing each other, Namjoon had gotten to know your true feelings on a few different topics
One of those topics being your opinion on fame. 
More accurately, your opinion on how you could never imagine yourself as famous
You had told him how you thought it was too constricting and how ou didn’t know how he handled it so well.
Though he found it endearing how you obviously weren’t friends with him for fame
He kind of realized that you’d probably never want to be anything more than friends due to his job
But that changed when he had introduced you to his members one day
You two had made plans to go get coffee
You would come by the company building after his dance practice and then go to the cafe
But when you came inside and greeted everyone, Jimin took a likin to you very fast
He was cracking jokes with you and of course you were laughing because lets be honest Park Jimin is very charismatic. 
And Namjoon was starting to get angry
He became very jealous really fast
So, he quickly approached you and asked if he could speak to you outside. 
You agreed and followed him out of the practice room and into the hallway. 
He sighed and looked up at the ceiling
You asked him what was wrong
So he started with a question, “Are you interested in him?”
“Who?’, you asked, “Jimin? I just met him”, you explained look up at Namjoon. 
“I mean
it’s okay if you are I guess but
uh, I don’t know, I think you’d get along better with me.”, He shrugged, avoiding eye-contact with you. 
“Do you like me?”, you asked him. 
I wasn’t sure if you knew”, Namjoon said. 
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Jimin had known you for over a year. 
He had never really viewed you as a friend and has always wanted to confess. 
But he knew you had no interest in fame so he decided to just try and keep his feelings to himself. 
He frequently introduced you to his other million friends (lol I had to)
And one of which was Jungkook. 
One of his closest friends and his group mate
He hadn’t expected anything to happen 
But when you told him a few weeks after the introduction that you had a date with Jungkook
He was very, very confused
In fact he actually stood up really fast and was like, “WHAT, WHEN, HOW, WHY”, and you side-eyed him 
“Don’t be so dramatic, he gave me his number after you introduced us.”, he had explained. 
And to be fair to JK, he had no idea that Jimin was into you since you had known each other for over a year and he made no moves. 
“I thought you didn’t want to be involved in anything that could get you linked to fame?”, Jimin asked you, trying to think of a plan to stop this *dreadful* date from happening. 
“I mean, I’m friends with you and nothing’s happened yet. I’m sure It’ll be okay”, you had said. 
Jimin got up from his seat and started pacing back and forth, still thinking of some excuse to give you as to why you shouldn’t go out with Jungkook. 
You had noticed his erratic behavior and asked him what was wrong. 
He looked at you and all he could say was, “I don’t want you to go out with Jungkook”, you looked at him ,puzzled as to why he cared so much. He noticed your expression and just decided to come clean. “I don’t want him to go out with you because
I like you. Ever since I met you, I’ve had a thing for you, I just never thought you’d be interested because you told me you didn’t want to be famous.”, you looked at him, then down at your phone.
You texted Jungkook explaining you had to cancel, and that was the day you started dating Park Jimin. 
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Similar to Jimin
You had been friends for over a year. 
Except you had met at a clothing store (I’m sorry IK this is predictable, I’m running out of ideas for where you meet. It’s tough writing 7 unique stories lol)
You had been working there and he came in one day and blah blah blah, you became friends over your shared love of fashion.
And honestly, Taehyung really valued your friendship and input on a lot of different things. 
He didn’t have any feelings for you as far as he could remember. 
But when one day over the phone you told him about how some guy had asked you out at a coffee shop that day while getting a drink with friends
He felt this weird feeling
Like he wasn’t happy for you 
That weird feeling he was feeling?
Yep, you guessed it; JEALOUSYYYYYYY
So he was kind of silent for a minute. And then he made up some excuse to hang up the phone because now he had to think about all of this.
Was he into you? He never viewed you in a romantic way, you were a close friend, nothing more, right? But the why would he be jealous, why would he not be happy for you?
So there he was. Laying on his bed looking up at the ceiling, utterly confused. 
But then he realized it, he’s obviously jealous BECAUSE he likes you. 
Who’s the person he calls first when he hears about good news? You
Who’s the person he goes to for advice on anything and everything under the sun? You
Who’s the person he stays up late talking to on the phone? You
Who’s the person he wants to be with? YOU

He immediately dialed your number
Yes, he knows it by heart 
And voila, confession.
Spoiler, you felt the same way. 
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I’ve made it to the last member
Okay, he actually met you through his friend Eunwoo (why Eunwoo? Idk, I know they’re friends and I don’t know where JK meets people lmao so yeah
Cha Eunwoo everyone
Okay anyways, you met JK through him. 
How you were friends with Eunwoo, idk, but you weren’t famous, that’s what matters. 
Jungkook instantly liked you, but he actually thought that you liked Eunwoo, not him. 
But he actually ‘causlaly’, totally not casual btw, he asked Eunwoo if like
and I quote, “Knew if Y/n asked about me”, and Eunwoo was like, “Why? You like her?”, and Jungkook got all embarrassed 
But Jungkook begged him not to say anything and Eunwoo kept is word. But Jungkook still thought that it wasn’t worth asking you out because he genuinely thought he’d get rejected. 
But one day, the two of you were hanging out and you mentioned how you had been out with Eunwoo the other day. 
This made Jungkook mad.
And he got all huffy and puffy and you were really confused. 
“Did I do something wrong? You’re acting weird”, you asked him. 
“No”, is all he said in response. 
“Okay, anyways, I went to this restaurant with Eunwoo, it was so-”, Jungkook cut you off before you could finish. 
“I don’t care about Eunwoo. Why didn’t you ask me if I wanted to go. You know I love spending time with you”, he said angrily. 
You were shook
Like, jaw dropped, you never expected him to snap at you like that. 
are you jealous”, you asked. 
“Do I really have to answer that?”, he responded. 
“You know there’s nothing between Eunwoo and I, right?”
now I do.”, he said. 
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{A/N; Helloooooo, I wasn’t sure if you wanted this to have a happy ending so I decided to end it with a confession (aka a happy ending) I hope this was good! Ty anon! Also I feel like when it comes to BTS, I write better for the hyung line. Idk why, but sorry lol if you read this and notice that the hyung line gets longer parts than the maknae line. Again, I’m not really sure why I have such a problem writing for them, especially Jimin and Taehyung} 
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lyssak09 · 2 months
hello love!! could i please request yandere headcanons for Q from star trek: tng? thank youu so much!!! <3
Yandere Q hcs
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! Q is a basically canonically Yandere for Captain Janeway in Voyager. Also please enjoy my friend! 💙
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Q is a manipulative, narcissistic, obsessive, and possessive yandere.
He first met you on one of his many adventures to f*ck with Picard and everyone on Enterprise. You were covering for one of your friends on the bridge.
When he saw you he froze, and he never freezes because of a puny human. You were just so breath taking.
Maybe you're different from humans. Or you're using some weird power over him, but thats highly unlikely.
Q continues his antics but he harasses you a bit. To the point Picard notices it.
Picard finds it annoying how often he harasses you during his time messing with the enterprise, and how often he forces you to be involved.
If Q doesn't see you while screwing with the Enterprise then he will force you to become a part of it some how, including threatening the captain and enterprise.
"Oh Picard, where is that little Lieutenant of yours? Its almost like you're hiding her from me. Don't tell me I have to shake the ship down till I find her?"
Q loves telling you how lucky you are to have caught the eye of an all powerful being like him. He also loves showing off how powerful he is.
He basically uses his powers as pallor tricks to impress show you how truly amazing he is.
Q periodically comes on the Enterprise to see you, and to piss of Picard.
He gets really mad if you're living your life avoidng him when he comes to visit. How dare you go on a lunch date! He is right here.
“Oh, darling!” You hear a familiar voice say. ‘Oh god.’ you think. You duck your head down and look toward your date, “Don’t do anything to draw his attention please!”. Your date looks at you extremely confused, “Why are you hiding from Q?”, they whisper. You shake your head, saying you’ll explain later. All while Q is scanning the room for you, he starts to get more frustrated the longer he can’t find you. But then unfortunately for you, your server has come with your food, drawing Q’s attention to you. “Ahha! There you are my little-” Q starts to say as he nears you but then he notices you’re not sitting alone. His smile drops and his face tightens. “Who are you?” he hissed. Your date is about to introduce themselves when Q interrupts them, “Actually, I don’t care. I already know you’re an insignificant speck of matter, who has no right to be associating yourself with Y/N.”. You try to defend your date but Q snaps his fingers and sends your date to god knows where. He turns his attention back towards you, arms folded and nostrils flaring. “You should know better than to associate yourself with people like them” Q sneers. He gives you a hard stare before his personality takes a flip. “Why don’t we go eat somewhere new, hm? If you’re good I might bring your ‘friend’ back to the ship. Key word, might.”
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Q loves to give you little tests, to see how you’ll respond and react. He says it's to gain more information on you humans for the continuum but that's a lie. 
He’ll try giving you powers just like he did to Riker, but whatever your answer is it doesn’t matter, he’ll find it fascinating either way. 
Because that's what you are to him, you’re a fascinating incredible human. Not that he’ll admit that to you. 
“Your race is so fascinating, you do realize how lucky you are to have caught my eye right?”
Q will eventually take you, one way or another. He already has a special dimension just for the two of you. 
The bridge crew will do whatever they can to protect you though. But it won’t be enough against him. Not unless they’re willing to start a war against an omnipotent being. 
“Just give her to me and I’ll send you and your ship on your way Picard.” Q offered. Picard looks at him like he’s insane. “In case you haven’t noticed Q, but our civilization has evolved past selling humans.”, Picard spat. Q rolls his eyes which ticks Riker off. “Look Q, we’re not giving her to you. She’s a human being with rights, including the right to not give herself to a narcissistic lunatic.” Riker sneers at Q. Picard gives him a scolding look before continuing to argue with Q, “You’re not getting her Q. Now leave before this gets serious.”. Q chuckles darkly before giving Picard a pointed look. “I’m giving you one last chance Picard. Just bring her to me and nothing bad will happen.”. “That's not going to happen Q.” He glowered. Q let out a big sigh before giving Picard a wicked grin. “Well, that's too bad.” Q laughs as the ship starts to shake.
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He can give you everything you could ever want, all you have to do is give in to him. Just give in and there won’t be a problem, no one will have to get hurt. Just give in
Q is willing to do and give you everything. He’ll show you the multiple universes to your heart's content, he’ll shower you with presents. But he’ll say it's because of how lucky you are to have him, not because he desperately wants to shower you with affection. 
He’ll also manipulate you to love on him. This man is desperate for your touch. Even just accidentally brushing your hand against him will do something to him.
Q can change his appearance, but he thinks the human form he’s chosen is amazing. He will change his appearance for you, but only slightly. And he won’t admit he did it because he overheard your dream guy has blue or green eyes. No, he didn’t add freckles to himself because he heard you talking about them with a coworker. He just felt like changing things up! That's why, no other reason. 
He’ll be willing to change certain things in the bedroom though, but that's for another day another headcanons. 
After a while of beating around the bush and acting subtly, he’ll just start being straightforward. (If you can call how he was acting that.)
He’ll start showing up in your quarters when you come from duty, he has changed how they looked to appear like a wedding venue and he’ll be wearing a suit and tie.
“There’s my dear little human! Are you ready for our wedding? I made it look just as amazing and spectacular as we are together.”
As time goes on his straightforwardness will get worse. Like, extremely.
“Oh my god!” You yell after coming from duty and finding a naked Q on your bed. He had just barely covered himself in rose petals. “Salut mon chĂ©ri,” Q purs with a rose in his mouth. You look around and notice all the lit candles, dimmed lights, and wine glasses. Before he knows it you’ve started throwing things at him, screaming for him to get out. He reluctantly leaves before you try attacking him.
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I hope you understand how lucky you are that he hasn’t truly used his powers on you. He’s an omnipotent being for universes’ sake! With a snap of his fingers, he could have you in another universe with just you and him. Q could force you to agree to marry him. He could even force yourself on him if he gets that desperate. 
But, just because he hasn’t really used his powers yet doesn’t mean he won’t. Hopefully, you won’t push him that far.
I told you he’s utterly devoted to you right?
Like to an unhealthy amount, (who am I kidding, isn’t that part of the yandere criteria?)
Just the mere look of another human could set him off.
“Who do you think I am you harlot?! How dare you look into my eyes! I’m taken!”
The same goes if someone even glances at you. You’ll need to hold him back or something.
“HOW DARE YOU TRY TO GET INTO HER PANTS YOU WHORE!” He screeches and tries to lunge and attack the poor ensign who accidentally touched your arm. While you’re struggling to hold him back by his arm.
I’ve already mentioned that he’s manipulative but I didn’t explain how good he is at it. Of course, his powers help him manipulate people, but even without them, he’s still got a nack for it. He’s especially good at manipulating you with your own emotions. 
Q will use fear, guilt, anger, sadness, and any emotion of yours against yourself. 
Have a stalker (who he totally didn’t create) who won’t leave you be? He’ll send him away! Only if you kiss him though.
Your friend has an unexplainable incurable disease and is dying? Q will fix them up even better than before! Just agree to a date with him.
Your favorite commander (whom you were better than friends with) sacrificed themselves to save you and now you have not only grief but survivor’s guilt? He’ll bring him back with a flick of his wrist! You have to marry him and stay by his side forever though.
Just agree to be his forever and everything will be fine. Sure you might not see your family or friends again. But you’ll see every dimension and universe imaginable! And, no one gets hurt.
So unless you’re willing to sacrifice your friends’ lives, hell even the whole ship, just so he might have difficulty getting you, then by all means! Go ahead.
Just remember how much the crew cares for you, and how little Q cares for them.
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xoxoavenger · 9 months
How You Get The Girl
pairing: Pope Heyward x Fem!Reader
summary: Broke your heart, I'll put it back together I would wait for ever and ever And that's how it works That's how you get the girl
word count: 1752
warnings: none
1989 masterlist main masterlist
"Are you insane?" She asks, blinking at him. He's shaking, freezing from having run to her house in the rain. But this couldn't wait. He risked getting grounded forever for sneaking out just to see her.
Y/N cannot believe Pope Hayward is at her door.
"Can I come in?" He asks. Besides the fact that it's freezing, he also knows he needs to talk to her before the police release the actual story of where he was, or even before the town gets word of the Pouges being back. He knows it'll be worse if she finds out he's back before he can see her.
"Where the fuck did you go?" She yells. Instead of letting him in, she walks out and pushes him. He stumbles back a few steps, and she follows. She's starting to get wet from the rain, but by the look on her face he guesses she can't tell. They're standing so close; every nerve in his body can feel her proximity.
"I didn't mean to leave, I swear, especially after everything that happened," He tells her quickly, but she's already talking over him.
"Everything that happened? Really? You mean how you finally asked me to be your girlfriend after months of dates and cuddles and kisses and me waiting for you to make a move, just to fuck off to God knows where without telling me?" She's rightfully pissed, and now they're both getting soaked from the rain that will not let up. There must be a hurricane incoming.
"I know, I should have said something before I left, but I didn't think I'd be gone that long. But we got stuck on an island, and then kidnapped, and I swear I would have been here earlier except my parents are freaking out and didn't want me to leave." She's shocked into silence as he talks, because she had never thought that Pope was actually stuck on an island while he was gone. "But I wanted to tell you that I'm back. Before word gets around." They're silent for a moment, both staring at each other and blinking the rain away.
"What the fuck?" She finally says, and before Pope could defend himself any further she walks forward and hugs him tightly. He's confused, because a second ago he was sure she was going to slap him, but he wraps his arms around her and takes it in.
"I missed you." He whispers, pulling her as close as he can. Their bodies are wet and they're both colder than shit, but it feels too good to be with each other.
"I missed you too." She says, pulling back. She's glad for the water running down her face, making the tears blend in. "But I can't be with you."
Her words break Pope's heart.
He watches wordlessly as she walks away, back into her house without looking over her shoulder.
"What are you doing here?" She asks as she opens the door to Pope only a day later. It's not raining today, just gloomy and humid. It made his hair more frizzy than usual, sticking out widely.
Pope is glued to the spot, only able to blink at her.
"Hello? Pope, are you okay?" She asks, waving a hand in front of his face. He shakes his head before focusing.
"I'm not just giving up on us." He blurts out, causing Y/N's eyes to widen.
"I thought I made it pretty clear yesterday that I couldn't do that again." She frowns, because it hurts her too. She doesn't want to end things with him, but she doesn't have much of a choice. He doesn't know what she had to go through, how worried her friends were when she stayed home from everything, even school for a couple days. She had been so worried about Pope, until someone brought to her attention that they probably ran away.
And it broke her heart.
"I also wanted to bring you this picture. I framed it." He passes a picture of them at the beach, one Y/N took on the day he had officially asked her to be his girlfriend. She had taken it from a high angle, Pope's arms around her waist visible, his lips pressed to her cheek. She had her hand holding his chin, her face frozen between a smile and a laugh.
It was the picture she had cried over, the one stuck on her phone while it was pressed to her chest. It was the first one she deleted when she had the thought that he had to of run away. And here it was, in Pope's hands, framed.
She didn't know what to say.
"I just, I wanted to explain myself." He tells her, and she finally looks up at him.
"I thought you did that yesterday." Her heart is racing. She wants it to stop, wants him to stop, because she can't take this anymore.
"I did, but I wanted to give you the full story." She turns to let him into her house, trying to take a deep breath when his arm brushes past her.
"This doesn't mean that we're getting back together." She says as she shuts the door, not looking at him. In the back of her mind, she can feel the doubt, but she can't bring herself to question it too hard. She doesn't want to know what it means if she doesn't fully believe herself, the same way she doesn't want to think about what it would mean for her and Pope if she kept her word.
"That's okay." He says, and her heart flies a little higher because he sounds like he's actually okay with it, despite saying that he wasn't going to give up on them. Maybe, for him, the two aren't mutually exclusive.
After a couple weeks of Pope coming over, Y/N knows she's losing the battle with herself.
Pope hasn't even confessed to anything. He hasn't said anything about them being together since he came over with the picture, hasn't asked her how she would feel about the two of them getting back together. They've simply just been themselves, a pair of feelings that stay in the dark. It all comes to a head when Pope spends the night accidentally and she wakes up in his arms, head on his chest and feeling the most relaxed she's felt since the day on the beach when they fell asleep in the sun, warm and at peace.
She can't take it, the feeling she knows all too well that makes her heart race. She rolls over and pretends that it didn't happen, hoping that Pope isn't awake. He doesn't even have the decency to pretend like he was asleep when she leaves his arms, instead sitting up on an elbow. It's quiet as she ignores him, eyes squeezed shut in a silent prayer that he'll think she rolled over in her sleep.
"I can't do this." He says it softly, as if by not yelling it the words won't break her heart. It's enough to get her to turn back and look at him.
"What are you talking about?" She asks, her voice in an equal whisper. She knows what he's saying, but can't bring herself to let him go.
"You told me you didn't want to be with me, and I respect that. But I can't do this; I can't hold you in my arms and then watch you turn away. I know you're afraid of getting hurt again, and I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but I promise I will never leave again. I would never put you through that again." He sounds so sincere, she can't even begin to think about how much it took him to get the words out.
He knows about what she went though when he left. During a late night, she had confessed how much she had struggled, how much she had hurt when she learned he was missing. He apologized endlessly, and she knew by the look on his face she had broken his heart.
"Pope," She doesn't know what to say, which is fine because she's pretty sure she would cry if she did try to get anything out.
"I want you, Y/N. And not just in a friend way. I want to be the one you fall asleep with at night, the one you wake up to. I want to put your heart back together and hold it so tight that no one will ever be able to break it again." He can see her face, see the hesitancy, so he continues before she can cut him off. "I'll wait. If you don't want to jump into anything, I'll wait. I'll be here as long as it takes. But if you give me the word, if you could just tell me that you want me too, or will want me in the future," He doesn't know how to read her now, and he's worried he's gone too far.
It scares her, what he's saying. It scares her to fall for him again, to somehow fall even deeper this time. She doesn't know if her heart is capable of it, doesn't know how she can trust him.
But then she thinks back to the beach day, thinks back to the feeling of being in the clouds when he had finally asked her to be his. She thinks back to him recounting his days on the island, how he told her that he had thought of her so often the Pouges banned him from saying her name. How hard it was to fall asleep, how he would pretend he was with her just to get through the night. And sure, she could reject these words. She could say she doesn't care, that she thinks he's lying. But she knows he's not. She knows he's telling the truth. And she does care. She cares about him so much it hurts.
"Okay," It's so quiet that she thinks Pope may have missed it, but the way his eyes widen makes her smile so big she's sure her jaw will be sore. "I want you too, Pope." The words aren't even out of her mouth before he's tackling her, squishing her against the bed as their laughs create a perfect harmony in the air.
And then he's kissing her, and she wonders why she had ever doubted him in the first place when he kisses her like she's the only thing in the whole world that matters. 
tags: @avada-kedavra-bitch-187  @one-sweet-gubler
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