#hello i just burried my own grave
xiao-forest-blog · 5 years
While you're watching Endgame, it comes to and end. Thanos is gone and the avengers saved the day. Tony retires, Steve is with his love of his love, Clint is with his family again, Natasha and Bruce are enjoying life together but... Thor, thor? What is he doing? The avengers split up, in a good way, and a new team assembled. But him? He's somewhere, on a rooftop and it's early in the morning.
Everything was reversed but he still couldn't find, the two remaining people who stayed with him. His best friend, and Loki. Everyone was happy but him? He was lonely on a rooftop and waiting, for what, you ask? The sun, he's waiting for the sun to rise.
He turned around when he heard footsteps, he saw something so unbelievable and he couldn't believe it. He stood from his spot, and faced the boy who was with him through the very start. Who he protected, and failed, and the one who protected him. He caused mischief, he caused trouble, but still loves his brother with all his heart.
And the sight of Loki, his brother, made his heart ache. Though, with all the heartbreak he still couldn't believe it. "You're just a hallucination, you wouldn't be here..." He mumbled to himself as he stared at his brother who's smirk was still on his lips. Thor reached in his pockets and grabbed whatever object he held. He looked at it, it was identical with the object he last threw at his brother before he... Died
The shell like object rest on his palm and he gripped tightly on it. "If only you were here, brother..." He said, a bit loudly for his brother to hear. He threw the object at him, just to make the figure disappear. Though, with a small hope in his heart that he wouldn't.
Loki put his hand up, and grabbed the object before it could hit him. His brother's eyes widen and was shocked to see the figure hold up the object. With a low voice, the younger whispered "I'm here" while he was on the edge of crying. Thor didn't take another moment to waste and ran to his brother, crying in his embrace.
The big oaf never cried, and his cries were louder than he had expected. His grip on his brother was tight but he didn't care. He could feel him, his presence, his body. He was there and that was the only thing that matters. Loki wanted to cry to, but he didn't and stood strong for the both of them. "I'm here brother... And I told you..." He paused for his brother to finish the sentence with him.
"The sun will shine on us again"
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flyingkiki · 4 years
Curiosity (10/11)
Hello, my loves! Sending you a #TimRae update your way. We’re this close to rounding this up. I cannot wait to focus on some of my other work. Because, as promised, my other #TimRae stories will solely focus on our #TimRae 2021 Year of Smut and Steam dreams. (Send in your Steamy requests!!!) 
All his muscles were screaming once Tim dismounted from his motorbike. An unmasked Batman was being treated by Alfred at the med bay once he walked into the cave. He quickly noted that both Bruce and Alfred were not pleased, though he assumed that was because of the demon attack tonight.
“I cannot wait to go back to my apartment and sleep for the next 48 hours,” Tim groaned and pulled his cowl back. Sinking into an empty chair, he grabbed one of the instrument tables and rolled it towards him. He could get a head start at cleaning out some of the claw marks in his arm.
“Raven is not with you?” Bruce asked, brows furrowed in concern while Alfred continued to stich up his shoulder.
Tim blinked and stopped removing his other glove. “She’s not here?” he scanned the med bay and looked over towards the main cave hall. Empty. “She said she’d teleport here,”
Alfred snipped off the thread from Bruce’s shoulder. “Miss Raven has not checked in nor has she arrived here since she left the warehouse location 30 minutes ago,” he informed. Tilting his head towards the concerned man, Alfred stared at Tim. “We thought she might have decided to catch a ride with you, given the extent of her injuries from Master Bruce’s account,”
Tim frowned as he grew increasingly worried. It wasn’t like Raven to miss a debrief or disappear without telling them. He pulled up his mini-computer on his arm and tried to call Raven through her communicator. Nothing. Tim blinked. He tried locating her. Nothing.
“Her communicator has been off for the last 30 minutes. Her last ping was from the warehouse before she turned it off just before teleporting out,” Bruce stared at Tim with a mild hint of worry in his stoic face. He watched as Tim typed a few more commands into his computer but obviously received no update when his brows drew closer in confusion. “I don’t think anything happened. She might just have wanted some time to herself, after,” he paused and tried to find the right words. “Tonight,”
Tim logged off his computer and slumped into his chair, sighing heavily. He shot Bruce a torn look as tonight’s fight, and ultimately the end of their case (finally), replayed in his mind. He saw how broken Raven looked. It made his chest tighten. It seemed about right that she might want time for herself. “Yeah,” he breathed and ran his hand over his face. What a night.
“Would you have any idea where she might be, Master Tim?” Alfred tapped the last gauze on Bruce’s arm and straightened to look at Tim. “From what heard I’d prefer that all of you are here and taken care of,” he eyed the bloodied arm of his younger charge in disdain. “Before any of you die of an infection,”
The claw marks where throbbing in acknowledgement and Tim absently watched as Alfred continued his work on Bruce’s back. Alfred was right. Leaning back into his chair, he tried to recall potential places were Raven might have gone to. Thinking of significant places from their conversations, it wasn’t like she knew a lot of places outside from their patrols. Unless –
“I’ll look for her. Though I think I know where she is,” Tim sprang out of his chair and pulled his gloves back on. Not waiting for any response from Bruce and Alfred, he pulled his cowl over his head. “We’ll be back, Alfred,” he called as he mounted his motorbike and quickly drove out of the cave.
The drive towards Gotham Cemetery was quick and Tim arrived without any interruption. After a quick scan on his computer, Tim drove through the empty cemetery and he quickly found what he was looking for.
Raven sat in front of a neglected tombstone, form hunched over and legs drawn close to her body. Hood pulled over her head, Tim approached her small form cautiously. His chest tightened at the sight of her small form, realizing just how small the Titan could be. A black raven stood on the tombstone in front of her, it curiously turned its head towards Tim’s approaching form. The raven’s beady red eyes glistened in the moonlight.
Tim paused a few steps away from her and silently debated what he should do. He could still see some cuts and cruises on her legs and the way her right arm hung at limply he knew that the shoulder was dislocated. He could barely see her face, hood drawn and face lowered at an angle. Unsure of what to do next, Tim tentatively stepped closer towards her and finally just settled down next to her on the ground. His body groaned at the movement, muscles strained and he was sure there was a bruised rib somewhere in the mix. Sighing softly into the cold evening air, he stretched his legs out in front of him for some comfort and glanced at the tombstone.
Arella Roth.
Daughter. Mother.
Silence fell on them as Tim patiently waited for Raven to say something. His throat tightened at the weathered tombstone. Recalling the evenings events and the image of Raven on the altar, an eerie image of her mother’s own sacrifice had his chest tighten. He silently wondered how this mission took a turn and became so personal from just being a simple demon hunt.
“Hey,” he whispered after he settled down next to her.
“There’s really nothing buried here,” Raven’s voice was barely audible, muffled by her thick cloak and Tim had to lean in just a fraction of an inch. “Her parents buried an empty coffin here,”
Tim swallowed as his chest constricted and he watched as the edges of her frayed cloak ruffled in the light evening wind. “I few months after I joined the Titans I came to Gotham to try to find my mother’s parents. I couldn’t find them,” Tim listened to her soft voice. He inhaled softly as she paused, seeming to gather her thoughts. Raven’s grandparents died shortly after a pregnant Arella was taken to Azarath – just a freak car accident along Gotham’s busy freeway.
“I found this grave instead. Her parents must have buried her shortly after the monks took her to Azarath,” Raven continued. With a soft sigh, she used her left her hand to push her hood back. Tim stared at her blank face, trying to catch any emotion. She looked worse to wear with a large bruise blossoming on her face and dried up blood and dirt caked on her face.
“I went to back Azarath to see if I could find anything of hers to take back to earth to burry here. But there really wasn’t anything left in Azarath. Father destroyed everything,” Dark purple-blue eyes blinked and Raven pressed her cracked lips together tightly. “Everything.” She sighed softly.
Tim watched as Raven turned her head a fraction of an inch to look in his direction. His breath caught his throat at the sight of her broken look in her eyes. “I killed everyone on Azarath because I was stupid and reckless. I didn’t listen to Azar. I killed everyone on Azarath and my mother. And I couldn’t even find a scarp of cloth in the wreckage,”
“But you didn’t kill them. Trigon did,” He read her file. He knew this story – the horrifying narrative of a child unknowingly summoning a demon and watching an entire civilization being wiped out in a blaze of fire and destruction. No child should ever be subjected to such carnage. It made his stomach churn. “Raven,” he breathed, worry seizing his chest.
Raven broke contact and her lips curled into a pained wry smile. Her gaze dropped and Tim watched her dark eyes stare at the tombstone. “I know,” she whispered, her voice strained. “But it really doesn’t wash the blood away from my hands. Or make me forget what I am,”
“Who you are,” Tim corrects immediately, a little breathlessly as he watches the Raven’s torn face. He leaned forward just a little bit, torn between reaching out and touching her or just giving her space. He watched her eyebrows draw close and blink in a pained way at his words and Tim drew back a little bit to give her space. “You’re Raven,”
“I am my father’s daughter, that doesn’t change. You saw that tonight. I felt it,” The rage and power briefly flashed in her mind. Her lips drew into a bitter smile and she turned back to her mother’s tombstone. “Tonight was just a wonderful reminder of how truly close I am of being the demon my father always wanted me to be,”
“You’re Raven,” repeated Tim turning to Raven and drawing his eyebrows together. “So you’re half-demon. Your father is Trigon. So what?” Tim watched Raven open her mouth to protest but he carried on, not giving her a chance to butt in. “This heritage shit does not define you. You define yourself. And from what I’ve heard and seen you do, you’re doing a damn excellent job being a far better human than most of us. You took down Trigon, saved the planet countless of times, and saved way too many lives we could ever count,”
Tim drew his legs closer to him and crawled a fraction of an inch closer to her. He watched as a few emotions flashed in her eyes. “I’m sorry this mission led up to what happened tonight, Raven. You of all people do not deserve all the things that happened to you in the past and tonight. You have every right to feel angry and sad, and every other emotion you are feeling right now. What happened tonight was a terrible,” he drew in a steady breath and watched Raven’s dark eyes widen. Tim smiled at her softly. “You’re one of the strongest people I know, Raven. There’s so much hope in you. You’re smart, powerful, and beautiful, Rae,” He quirked his lips just a little bit when Raven blinked and inhaled softly. “You’re pretty amazing. You are so much more than what happened in the past and you have a whole army of friends with you,” he said.
Raven seemed to stare at him for a moment longer, searching his eyes, before sighing softly and the tension in her shoulders eased slowly. He watched as her shoulders slumped and she swallowed thickly, a broken look crossing her face and she turned her gaze back to her mother’s tombstone. “I hate what happened to my mother. Tonight I felt exactly what she felt when they sacrificed her to my father. It was painful,” she said, her voice soft.
Tim’s gaze softened and he frowned. “You and your mother did not deserve that, Raven,” he said.
Raven drew her legs closer and dropped her chin to her knees. She sighed softly. “At least it’s over,” she whispered.
“Yeah,” Tim replied and slowly stretched his legs out in front of him again. They settled back into a heavy silence, allowing them to silently process tonight’s events. Tim knew she needed more time.
“How did you find me?” Raven asked after some time had passed.
“You mentioned that your mother was from Gotham when we stopped at a stoplight near the cemetery. I kind of took a guess,” Tim explained with a soft smile.
Raven returned the gesture with a smile of her own. “That seemed like a long shot,”
Tim shrugged. “I had a hunch,” he said.
Raven frowned as she finally caught sight of his torn uniform and bloody shoulder and thighs. “You’re hurt,” she said, slowly drawing her legs towards her and sitting up on her knees. “Let me heel you,” she said, bending towards him and reaching out with a soft glowing hand.
Tim caught her wrist as gently and stared into her confused eyes. “You’re worse to wear, you need to conserve your energy,” he said.
“It’s okay. It makes me feel human,” she said. Offering him a wry smile as he looked ready to disagree, Raven pressed on and slipped out of his grasp. She briefly glanced at him as she felt his jumbled emotions and pressed a glowing hand on his injured shoulder.
“I’ll heal faster than you,” she said, voice low as she concentrated on his shoulder wound and the rest of his injuries. Tim felt the subtle hum of her powers and that strange gentle tingle that came with Raven’s healing powers, something he wasn’t quite used to but still found incredibly fascinating. He stared at her face as she concentrated, brows drawn together and lips pressed into a soft frown. While entranced at the soft glow that seemed to radiate off her skin, he felt his worry gnaw viciously in his stomach.
“I can feel your worry,” Raven said, looking up at his gaze and sending him a soft bemused smile. Turning back to his wounds, her gaze softened and she watched the gashes disappear. Sighing softly at the tingle of energy spent, Raven pulled back and sat kneeled in front of him. Ignoring the press of his stare, she quickly glanced at Tim’s torn uniform making sure she did not miss anything. “All good?”
Tim sighed in resignation, knowing well that she would not yield from his worry. Tim tilted his head a little and offered a small smile, taking in her determined look. “Yeah, thanks,” he said.
He watched as she nodded, catching his stare and offered him another soft smile. Tim waited for her to collect herself and make the next move. He silently watched as her gaze dropped and she shifted slowly, inching towards him and gently settle next to him. With a soft sigh, Raven leaned into his side and laid her head onto his fully healed shoulder and sighed. “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered.
Tim felt his chest tighten as he watched her press into him and stare at her mother’s tombstone. Very carefully her curled his arm around her and held her closer. She released a soft, almost broken sigh. Tim leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to the crown of her head. “I’ll always be here,” he whispered.
They settled like that for a while, a heavy silence filling the cold evening air. Tim shifted slightly, moving his cape around her as the cold evening wind seeped slowly into their worn uniforms. Tim knew she needed her space and silently listened to her breathe. While he wished he could do more for Raven, he knew she needed her time. He could wait.
Not wanting to rush into her space, his gloved fingers pressed gently into her forearm, offering a firm grounding and support. They danced gently across her arm, tracing random patterns into her skin while they listened to each other’s breathing. A few moments later, Raven shifted her arm and gently coaxed his gloved hand into hers. Tim felt her fingers squeeze around his hand and he drew her just a fraction of an inch closer, as a familiar welcome warmth spread through his chest. Sighing softly in content, he pressed his cheek against her head and they settled comfortably against each other.
Tim lost track of the time they spent settled together. They did come to their senses as a particularly cold gust of wind pushed past them, ruffling their hair and biting their cheeks. Raven’s hair tickled his nose and he felt her press into him as she chased some warmth. Smiling fondly down at her, he squeezed her hand. She responded in kind and slowly pulled back.
Despite the bruising that blossomed on her face and the thick trail of dried blood, Tim watched transfixed as moonlight spilled over the curves of her cheeks. It offered a rather ethereal glow. Raven quirked her lips slightly as she felt his soft press of emotions.
“Better?” he asked, voice soft in the evening.
Raven nodded. “Yeah,” she mumbled. Finally, after long days of wrecked emotions, she felt some semblance of peace. Feeling Tim’s warm emotions press into her offered her some comfort. Catching Tim’s relieved smile, Raven sighed and pitched forward to press a gentle kiss into the corners of Tim’s lips. “Thank you,” she mumbled into his skin.
Catching her chin as she pulled away, Tim held her face and returned the simple gesture with a soft press of a kiss onto her cheek. Humming softly, he felt her cheeks move against his lips as she smiled softly. Sighing, he gathered her into his arms and offered a warm hug.
“Read to go home?” Tim asked, mumbling softly into her hair.
They took his motorbike back to the cave. The ride was uneventful and silent as Tim navigated them through the empty roads of Gotham. Once they made it back to the cave, Batman had thankfully already gone off to bed. Since there were still a few scrapes and bumps (and what Tim suspected to be a dislocated shoulder for Raven) to tend to, they hit the showers before taking care of some of their injuries (mostly Raven’s) and heading off to bed.
After a much needed hot shower and changing into comfortable sweatpants and one of Jason’s old t-shirts, Tim puttered around the med bay pulling out bandages and antiseptic for Raven. After a quick check in the showers, it looked like Raven had healed all of his injuries. Tim thought of the extent of Raven’s injuries and wondered if she’d still be able to heal herself fully tonight. He had no doubt in her powers but tonight was –
“I can hear you thinking all the way in the showers,”
Tim turned around and stared at a very bemused Raven. Out of her uniform and dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms and a terribly oversized Superman t-shirt, she looked tiny. Returning her smile, he watched her carefully rub her towel into her hair with one hand and walk towards the med table where he had laid out some medical supplies. “Well, it’s been quite a night,” he said as he walked over towards her.
Raven hummed in agreement and carefully hoisted herself up on the med table. Tim noted how she favored her left hand. She resumed towel drying her hair with her good hand. “So glad that’s over,” she mumbled.
“So, injuries?” Tim asked, stepping up closer to her and watching her carefully. Raven dropped the black towel onto her lap and she shrugged as she sent him a wry smile, knowing that he already knew. “Set my shoulder, please?” she asked.
They should have set her shoulder earlier, but Tim decided not to comment. Nodding, he moved to her right side. Gingerly taking her elbow with one hand and holding her shoulder with the other, he briefly glanced at Raven. “This is going to hurt,” he said. Raven shrugged. “Okay,” he breathed, concentrating on her shoulder. Extending her arm, he watched her wince at the movement, and guided the ball of her arm back into her socket. Raven inhaled sharply at the pain and a pained look crossed her face.
“Thanks,” Raven breathed and offered him a small smile.
“Anything else?” Tim gently asked, while grabbing one of their slings for Raven to use for her arm.
Raven eyed the sling in disdain. “I don’t need that,” she said while placing a soft glowing hand on her shoulder to heal her shoulder.
Tim rolled his eyes and went ahead to wrap the sling around her arm. “Humor me,” he said and threw a teasing smile over his shoulder as he proceeded to wrap her arm in the sling. “You can take it off once you’re in your room. Just allow it to rest for a little bit while you heal,” he instructed.
“Alright, doctor,” Raven retorted, mood lightly lifting. Tim was glad to see the subtle mood change. He smiled at her and picked up a cotton ball and the bottle of antiseptic.
“So, anything else?” he asked again while sitting down next to her and gently tilting her head to the left to get better access to a small gash on her head.
“I healed mostly everything while in the shower,” Raven said while allowing him to clean out the gash on her head. That explained why it took so long for her in the showers, Tim realized. “Just mostly sore and tired now,” she said.
“Well, you can get a good night’s rest tonight,” Tim said lightly as he dabbed some antiseptic on the gash on her head. He watched Raven make a face.
“I’ll probably sleep through the weekend when I get back to the tower,” she said. Tim blinked in realization, right – the mission was done. Raven was going back to the Titans now. He ignored how his stomach churned unpleasantly and Tim swallowed thickly. He dabbed the gash on her head one last time. “Right,” he breathed and pulled his hand away. “All done,” he announced slowly and pulled away.
Catching the subtle shift of his emotions, Raven offered him a small smile. With her leaving soon, there was still a lot to talk about. Feeling her chest flutter, Raven caught Tim’s gaze and grabbed his upper arm, stilling his movements. Deciding not to overthink things, she leaned into his space and kissed him on the lips. Sighing softly in content at his immediate response and the warm press of his emotions, Raven pressed into his space further and allowed Tim to deepen the kiss. Hot breath feathered over her parted lips as Tim slipped his hand below her chin and tilted her head just the right way.
The kisses were long and lingering that left her breathless and chasing for his warmth. Her fingers dug into his arm and she felt strong muscles move under her fingertips as he held onto her waist for leverage. She could feel her chest flutter and her body warm in response. Raven felt Tim shift closer, fingers dancing along the length of her neck, and he pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek before slowly pulling away with a long drawn breath.
“Hey,” Raven exhaled and offered Tim a small smile as he drew his thumb over her cheek.
“Hey,” Tim smiled, whatever tension he held earlier eased off his shoulders. Catching her amused smile and her deep gaze, Tim knew they’d figure something out. He really did not want to miss this opportunity with her. “C’mon,” he said lightly and tugged her gently off the med table. “It’s late, you need to rest after saving Gotham,”
Raven chuckled softly and allowed herself to be gently steered out of the med bay and through the cave. They walked up the stairs and out of the Batcave silently, keeping close to each other. She’d catch Tim’s curious gaze once in a while as they walked through the manor and up to the bedroom quarters. His emotions curiously pressing into her.
They stopped at her door and Raven silently wondered how long she could stay in Gotham before she’d have to return to Jump. She could feel Tim silently hover behind her, a gentle presence, as she wordlessly opened her door. Turning around, she casually leaned against her doorframe and looked up at Tim. “Thanks for tonight, Tim,” she said.
Tim chuckled lowly, chest warm as he watched the amused look that crossed Raven’s face. “For setting your shoulder? Sure, you’re welcome,” he said teasingly. He watched an amused smile blossom on Raven’s face and he wondered just much more time he could have with her.
Raven rolled her eyes at the soft banter and crossed her arms, ignoring how her sore muscles screamed in protest. Her chest fluttered at his presence, appreciating his patience and care towards her. Something achingly familiar stirred within her as she enjoyed his curious attention. “Well yeah,” she breathed. The corner of her lips twitched as Tim grinned back at her. “Among other things,”
“Anytime,” Tim breathed and smiled softly back at her. They stared at each other briefly, shadows cast over their faces from the soft glow of moonlight that filtered through the window down the hall. Tim swallowed, silently wondering what to do next. Searching her face, he felt his own face warm. It’s certainly been a while since he fumbled around like this. Sighing and release a soft chuckle, Tim took a step back. Time for bed. “Well,” he breathed. “You should rest. I’ll see you tomorrow – err, later? Good night, Rae.”
“Yeah,” Raven breathed. She watched him turn and she blinked in realization. With her heart in her throat she stepped forward and grabbed his arm. “Wait,” she whispered. Tim stopped and looked down at her hand before looking at her face in silent surprise. “Wait,” she repeated and let go of him and offered him a timid smile.
“Do you,” she tilted her head and blinked, mulling over her words. She watched him stare at her curiously, that familiar press of his emotions gently brushing against her. She smiled up at him. “Do you think we can watch a movie for that date your promised?” she asked.
Oh, the date, Tim remembered. He smiled and nodded, relieved that she would still want to do that. “Yeah, we can pick something out tomorrow,” he paused and chuckled. “Later,”
Raven shifted and the corner of her mouth twitched again, something she did when she was on the verge of asking something teasingly. “I was thinking now?” she asked and she took a step back towards her door in invitation. Tilting her head towards her room, she offered him a tentative smile, heart hammering loudly in her ears. “I’m not sleepy, and after tonight, it’d be nice to have some company,” she paused and shifted again under his curious gaze. “You did promise a date?”
Tim released a breath he was unknowingly holding and chuckled softly, running his hand through his damp hair. “Yeah, I did,” he said. Clearing his throat, he smiled and vaguely waved towards the direction of his room. “Let me just get my tablet and I’ll be back,”
“Okay,” Raven nodded and slipped into her room.
Ignoring the pleasant thrill that ran through his body, Tim quickly grabbed his tablet from his room and hurried back to Raven’s. He paused at the ajar door and knocked, unsure if he should just step in. A soft ‘come in’ came from within the room and Tim entered the dimly lit room and closed the door behind him. He smiled fondly at the sight of Raven in the middle of the ridiculously large bed, leaning against her pillows. He was reminded again of how small she was as the large bed seemed to swallow her.
“Hey,” Raven looked up from her phone. She smiled as Tim carefully walked through the room and momentarily pause at the right side of her bed. Her gaze dropped to the large tablet in his hand before turning back to him curiously. “Did you have something in mind to watch?”
Tim made an absent sound in the back of this throat and carefully joined her in bed. Crawling in next to her, with a respectable distance between them, he settled against the headboard and slipped his legs under the covers. He ignored at how his heart sped up as he became all too aware of Raven’s presence next to him. Placing the tabled in his lap, he turned it on revealing the WE lock screen wallpaper. He glanced at Raven as she eyed the tabled curiously. “I was thinking you would pick?”
Raven shrugged absently, gaze still fixed on the tablet expecting him to pull up Netflix. “I’m not sure,” she said. Tim nodded and unlocked the tablet with a few swipes and Raven chuckled as immediately a document from WE appeared on the screen. “Is that work?!” she asked, glancing at him teasingly.
“Yeah,” Tim chuckled. He made the document disappear and pulled up Netflix, absently scrolling through the selection. “Finance meeting coming up,”
“Sounds exciting,” mumbled Raven.
Tim snorted and glanced at her. “Very,”
They went through Netflix before settling with The Matrix and turned off their nightlights. As the movie began to play, Raven shifted next to Tim and settled herself next to him. Her actions were tentative and slow, before sinking into his side and place her head on his chest. Raven listened to Tim’s beating heart, as her left hand gently settled on his stomach, fingers curling into the fabric of his shirt.
“Comfortable?” Tim sounded amused and looked at Raven, he could see the outline of her face, cheeks rising as she smiled and nodded. Chuckling softly, he adjusted his arm around her, and sunk just a little lower into bed and got himself comfortable as well.
Drawing his arm around her, Raven seemed to burry herself closer to him. Smiling fondly at her, Tim gently rubbed her back to get her to relax. They watched the movie silently, save for the occasional side commentary during the fight scenes.
Halfway into the movie, Tim quickly realized that despite popular belief, Raven seemed quite the snuggler.
“Cold feet!” Tim hissed as her legs drew closer to his and her arm slung over his chest. “Shh,” Raven hissed back, eyes fixed on the screen and fingers digging into his shirt. She drew herself closer to him, pressed into his side and released a deep content sigh. Idly running his hand up and down her side and listening to Raven’s breathing, Tim again felt that tugging feeling of wanting to spend more time with Raven – in this lazy way, in an intimate way, in any way possible. His lips curled into a smile as Raven shifted into him, yawning softly and gently sagging into his side. Tim’s fingers stilled into her waist and his attention shifted from Neo and Morpheus, to the outline of Raven’s asleep form.
There was still so much they have to talk about. But as Tim silently turned off his tablet and gently placed it on his nightstand, he realized that could wait. Settling down into bed next to Raven, who immediately responded by curling into him, Tim drew her closer and sighed sleepily. Feeling happy and content, Tim realized they had all the time in the world – and as far as he was concerned, their first date got off on a pretty good start.
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(Scary nun anon from yesterday) Well since you asked, here are more spooky rumors and stories! This one focuses mostly on the Mother Mary statue we had in school. I call it a statue instead of a grotto because grotto's are more like caves if I'm correct A relatively common story is that the statue of Mother Mary just started moving one day and changed her position from one where she's praying to that one pose where her palms are out (I don't know how to describe it) There was a rumor that when one of the grades stayed at school overnight for a camping activity, the snake that she was stepping on started moving and slithering around the tents before returning back to its place The statue was big (almost life size) and had a slightly elevated platform to it. The thing about that platform is that there was a big rectangular patch of cement which was clearly different from the rest of the platform. My classmates would say that right under the patch was the grave of an a young student who passed away. Which...???? I mean okay yeah it TOTALLY makes sense to bury a child in the middle of school grounds. I think they would also talk about how that student (which was a girl btw) had a twin that was burried nearby
I don't know how else to describe it but a wall of concrete and vines surrounded half of the platform. There's a name hidden behind one of the corners of the wall. It looks like it was written with a small stick when the concrete hadn't fully dried yet. Which means it's SUPER old. Many of my schoolmates speculated that it may be the name of a ghost in the school. I think it's funny- Imagine writing something in undried concrete only for a bunch of kids to use it as proof that a place is haunted years later.
There were actually two more names written right behind the wall. If I recall correctly they were both similar to the name that was hidden in the corner. I remember my classmate showing it to me and going "wait where did the other name go" when she realized the other name disappeared from its place. Keep in mind that it wasn't written in marker or anything erasable. It was literally engraved into the wall. I don't really know what that was about or if there WAS a third name in the first place but I still kind of think about it from time to time. This ask ended up being really long. I'm not a writer so I wasn't the best at describing the things but I hope you get it. I also realized midway through writing this that all of this is specific to my old school and that someone else might recognize it. If anyone who's reading this recognizes from which school this story comes from... Hello and don't say the name of the school
ah, the mama mary statue horror stories in the ph are limitless. i don't particularly remember much mama mary stories of my own, but i remembered watching a movie when i was young where these two people tried to rob a statue of mary, only for her to begin crying blood — that's a popular horror story here isn't it?
but it's definitely terrifying, because in my school there was a mary statue in each. damn. room. i'm telling you that these are half our heights, and they are always placed on an altar next to the blackboard. in grade 2, my classmates accidentally bumped the altar and the statue came crashing down, its hand and halo cracking in the process. it's pretty coincidental that a lot of my supernatural-ish experiences occurred in grade 2– who knows if it has any relation to the statue breaking.
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slashersins · 4 years
it’s late when you’re step sister shakes you awake . she’s leaning over you , a smirk on her face as you groggily sit up . you ask what she woke you up for . she tells you that they’re going to sneak out of the house , and so are you . it takes you a moment to register the words as sleep tugs at you . sneak out ? you shake you’re head no , and too late you realize your mistake . your step sister grabs you harshly under the arm , jagged bitten short nails scratching into your skin . you’re more awake now , getting up and nodding , saying you’ll go with her . she seems happy and waits while you get dressed .
it’s cold out . and you only put on a shirt and some of your dad’s old sweatpants , you didn’t have the luxuary of actually searching for clothes as your step sister shoved you out the door . you’re rubbing your arms , trying to find warmth when a car pulls up , headlights off . inside is your step sister’s friend , looking disshelveled as she sprawls out , her slurred county accent excitedly shouting for your step sister to get into the car .
you follow in suit , barely giving anyone more than a hello to the strangers in the front seat . two boys you don’t know , but your step sister does . the entire call smells like stale booze and whatever your step sister smokes when she thinks no one is in the house . it’s uncomfortable . squeezed against the door of this small car , not able to even buckle up as the boy driving peels out of your dad’s front yard .
the drive terrifies you , every turn sharp and tight , skidding off pavement and onto grass , head lights still off , driving blind on the street until it turns country forth path . you’re tossed and jolted and you don’t want to cry so you laugh nervously while digging your nails into your legs . this isn’t safe . you don’t want to be here .
it’s not until there hasn’t been a house seen in a few minutes that finally the boy driving , taking a swig of something that looks suspicious in it’s brown bag , turns on the lights . you feel a little more relieved , focusing on watching the trees shake in the wind as you pass them . the moon half covered as thick storm clouds start rolling in . you try to count the stars , the conversation in the car making you all the more nervous . The driver isn’t supposed to be allowed out of the county due to his probation , the one in the passenger seat laughing maniacally and joking about how they both were supposed to be on house arrest . you want to go home . you want to be in your bed . you don’t want to be here . and when they pull up to an old metal gate , you know this isn’t where you want to be at all .
you’ve never been to a cemetery before . so empathetic and emotional that you’re parents always brought you home after a funeral , the sadness in the room always overwhelming you into hysterics . you might been more inclined to go to one if it were day time , and you were with someone besides the group currently trying to force their way inside . your step sister calls you over , pushing you passed the barely opened gates as the five of you look around .
it’s an old one . hidden away in a grove of rotting trees and broken rusted fences . only accessible if you take the dirt road pass . so it’s no wonder that almost every headstone is worn down , knocked over , covered in overgrowth , and broken . despite everything , you find it interesting . moving to clean off some stones , trying to find names and dates , picking up some and settling them where you think they originally were . most are too worn down for you to read names or dates , some are barely indentions but still give you numbers the ranging between the early and mid nineteen hundreds .
it’s the manic boy’s voice that pulls your attention . your step sister and friend laughing as he pisses over graves and kicks head stones . the driver takes out a knife and carves into one of the few above ground graves . and both boys try to open it while the girls cheer . you stay rooted in your spot , unsure of what to do and terrified . too many horror movies and ghost stories told you not to pull this kind of thing . and you wanted to call out but fear kept your voice locked in your throat . it’s a bright flash and a sudden roar of thunder that has them stopping what they’re doing . the drunken friend of your step sister looking over into the trees and swaying , asking if there was an elephant near by . it caused them all of laugh , and the manic one pulled her in close , heading back to the car .
you aren’t curious about how the group whispers amount themselves , but you should have been . Because one moment they seem to be lazily making their way to the car and the next they’re sprinting , shutting the gate and twisting the rusted metal enough to make it stay closed . fantic and nearly sobbing you try to tug the gate open . but you’re only thirteen , and these boys are four to five years older than you , the same as your step sister , and they’re stronger . you can hear their laughter as the load into the car . you’re step sister telling you to stay put .
panic . fear . abandonment . it courses through you as lighting illuminates the cemetery and thunder shakes the ground . the first drops of rain starting to fall . there’s no place to take shelter . no one else with you expect corpses burried deep and creaking trees . you cling , hyper entailing and sobbing against rusted iron , sinking to the ground as you try to figure out why they had left you .
it feels like days , but it’s only been two hours , and it’s been two hours two long , when he familiar car shows up . your step sister slurs for you to get in , forgetting that the gate is stuck . you try to tell her that but you’re throat is raw from crying and screaming , you’re too cold , wet and filthy with mud . finally one of the boys comes to get the gate unstuck , his breath sour and grip too tight as he slings an arm over your shoulder and tells you it wasn’t all that bad . at least nothing out here tried to hurt you , right tubby ?
the drive back to your dad’s house is the same way it was driving to the cemetery , only youre shaking and cold and trying not to cry as the girls tease you and the boys chuckle . you don’t wait for your sister , rushing into your house and into your room to shut the door . you crawl under the covers not wanting to change despite how everything would be wet and chilly soon . you just want this to have been a dream . it has to be a dream . a nightmare . but it’s not . and the cold you get is proof .
now that you’re older , you tend to laugh it off . telling friends of the time your ex-step sister abandoned you at night so she could hang out with her friends . now that you’re older you know how fucked up it was , and how much it fucked you up . maybe you tell the story because it was your own personal horror movie . maybe you tell your story because you need to talk about how it hurt you . either way , the memory lingers . and you can’t help but wonder if there was anyone else out there with you that night . wonder if you had truely been alone .
anyway , my ex step sister and her friends abandoned me in a cemetery during a thunder storm for two hours when I was thirteen . fun times .
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
August Contest Submission #5: Freaking Crocus!
Words: 900 Setting: Canon Lemon: no CW: None
  Elsa was dreaming, that much was certain. She was out on the ice with Anna as that white streak in her hair overtook Anna’s whole body. Elsa ran for her sister as Anna’s body turned to ice.
  Elsa screamed ‘Nooooooooo’ falling to her knees and throwing her hands in the air.
  The ice cracked and Anna tipped over backward, into the darkness. As she fell, the ice statue shouted ‘I never loved you.’
  Seemed unnecessarily rude.
  Elsa jolted awake, reaching her hand out beside her to where Anna usually slept. The bed was empty. Elsa jumped out of bed and pulled up the covers to look underneath.
  Anna was gone. The dream had been a prophecy.
  That could only mean one thing: 'Anna’s fucking dead. Omg.’
  It was the most painful thing to happen, Elsa thought. That her nightmare just a minute ago came true. Fate was so cruel to her.
  She opened the door and called for the closest handmaiden.
  “Call everyone,” Elsa instructed. “We’re going to burry my dear, definitely dead, sister.”
  “Oh my fucking gosh, that was the best dream I’ve ever had. Time to make it true,” Anna shouts as she jumps out of bed.
  Elsa just rolls over and continues to snore. “I was gonna wake her but she looks to peaceful.” Anna remarks as she gazes upon her ‘BELOVED’ sister ;)
  “I shall not wake thee from thy peaceful slumber,” she proclaims as she hops merrily on her way outside to bring her dream to fruition.
  Right now, in the Castle…
  “But your majesty? What is the reason for this abrupt funeral arrangement? Princess Anna was just lively the last time we saw her. Is there no wake?” the handmaiden asked, utterly confused by the situation.
  “There is no need, unnamed handmaiden, for it would be Anna’s greatest wish for people to not mourn her. She would want for us to cry for her just once and move on,” Elsa explained.
  “But your majesty, I- Th-“ the unnamed handmaiden stuttered, at a lost for word.
  “No more questions. We must prepare immediately. We are wasting time,” Elsa commanded. The unnamed handmaiden scurried away to tell everyone to prepare the funeral.
  Meanwhile, at Anna’s current whereabouts…
  “Ahh… what a fine day for picking flowers,” Anna says to no one in particular. “It’s just like in my dream, where I owned a flowershop and went outside every day to pick flowers to arrange and sell.” She arranged the flowers neatly in a pile in her basket.
  “Oh, such is a cottage and flowershop life.” Anna says again, to no one, as she picks up another crocus flower.
  Back at the castle…
  “Oh Anna, life hasn’t been kind to you,” Elsa says again as she picks up another crocus flower.
  “Get more crocus flowers here. I don’t want this to look as drab as my parents’ funeral. I actually care about Anna,” Elsa instructs some servant as she decorates the soon-to-be grave of her, absolutely for-sure dead sister.
  “Your majesty, I don’t mean to intrude but where is Princess Anna’s body?” a random castle staff asked.
“My sister followed in our parents’ footsteps and decided to die offscreen. Due to this I’m afraid we’d have to make do and proceed with the funeral without one.”
  “But your majesty,” the woodworker chipped in. “Then what was the coffin you commissioned to us for?”
  “So that I can cry and stare dramatically at it while we bury her and her legacy along with it, metaphorically,” Elsa proclaimed.
  “Hello, everyone! It’s me! Your one and only princess since my sister was coronated as queen!” Anna twirled with her basket and struck an obligatory feminine pose to showcase her dress.
  There were only cricket sounds to be heard “Wait, where is everyone?”
  “They’re in the royal garden burying you, your highness,” that one unnamed maiden earlier remarked.
  “Ahhhh!” Anna screamed. “Where did you come from?” Anna asked, confused why there’s suddenly a handmaiden.
  “To fill you in with what is happening your highness. It is simply the done thing,” the handmaiden informed her.
  “Didn’t you see me leave, earlier? Why haven’t you informed her majesty?” Anna demanded of the randomly appearing maiden.
  “I tried to, your highness, but…” the handmaiden started, hesitant to finish.
  Anna raised her eyebrow “Go on.”
  In the Royal Gardens blah blah you know the drill…
  “Oh Anna, life hasn’t been kind to you.” Elsa says as she brings out a book with the title ‘Lily Strings: Books about forbidden lily romance.’
  “Forgive me for I have been an inadequate older sister, causing you to perish right before my eyes. Please accept my peace offering. This was the books you have been gushing about…wanting to buy it.” Elsa sniffed. “I’m sorry we’re never going to be able to try the funny positions in it.”
  The door to the royal gardens suddenly opened and everyone’s eyes turned to it, including the Queen’s.
  “Elsa you…wait.” Anna paused as she saw the latest Lily Romance Book Series above what she assumed to be her casket. “Are those for me?”
  “Uhhmm…” Elsa squeaked and, panicking, tried to hide the books behind her back.
  “Wait this shouldn’t distract me!” Anna thought out loud and raised her eyebrow as she prepared to continue “As I was saying….
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ayamari-no-goshi · 4 years
Eidolon 7 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:  AU: What started off as the result of a simple act of rebellion ends up causing his life to spin out of control. How will young Danny cope with the results as well as a past that has a strange habit of coming back to haunt him.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, kidnapping, and various other things
Parings: hints of Danny/Sam much later on
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr
7. First Confrontations
It had been about two weeks since Danny had decided to visit the cemetery on his own. As he traveled the familiar paths, he constantly checked his surroundings for a sign of another's presence. Although he wasn't exactly, happy he felt that there was a need to check, it was better to play it safe. That creature had been there once after all, so who was to say that it would not appear again?
Without even realizing he had been aiming for it, he soon reached his favorite part of the grounds. A small stone terrace decorated with a couple benches sat neatly out of the way of both graves and the normal path. Since it was surrounded by trees, it was often easy to miss by visitors, assuring he would be able to think in peace for a while.
Words and images manufactured from hours of speculation kept swimming around his head. He tried to make sense of everything, but it just seemed to make his confusion worse. The puzzle of both his past and his parents' was not only vast, but complicated. It was likely it was possible to solve it; however he was pretty sure that there were several pieces that he still didn't have.
The new information about his unknown parents seemed to take precedence over any other thoughts. They had disappeared after being attacked, yet Winston had never actually said if they were still alive. Maybe his guardian withheld the information because of concern, or perhaps he didn't even know for sure. So, was it possible that they could still be out there somewhere? Wouldn't that be nice? But, he knew that it was incredibly unlikely just because of how much time had passed. Besides, he'd have absolutely no idea what he would say to them.
There was also the issue of the guy that had attacked his parents… Plasmius, or something like that. Winston seemed very hesitant to talk about him and had even danced around the subject once he had gotten a chance to ask him for details. Although he couldn't say for sure, it felt as if something big was being left out of the story, even if he had no idea what it could be. Was this Plasmius just an unorthodox researcher with some frightening ideas? Or was there more to it? Tucker had suggested that he could be some type of crazy arms dealer (though he personally didn't understand how weapons and paranormal science could mix).
Danny took a moment to both rest his mind and to attempt to figure out how to make his hand visible again. Shortly after his conversation with Winston, different parts of his body had seemingly begun to randomly disappear. The first time it happened, he had been trying to wash his face the one morning, only to realize that the wash cloth was seemingly floating in mid air. Although his hand reappeared only a few moments later, he was absolutely amazed that none of the neighbors called the police because of his regrettably very unmanly scream.
Since that initial incident, he was still no closer to understanding why it happened. It was possible that it was somehow related to the incidents where he fell through a solid object. However, he was currently unable to rationalize how that was possible. The only thing he could say was he was absolutely terrified of what it might be doing to his body, and what his friends might think if they happened to be unlucky enough to ever get to see it. That was why he had not contacted them in over a week.
He ran his hand through his hair as he sighed. No matter how much he tried to wrap his head around it, there was just too much he didn't know which prevented him from piecing everything together. Although he was definitely hesitant about contacting them, his friends, but talking to them over the phone would definitely help calm the chaotic storm in his mind, even if they couldn't contribute anything thing.
After glancing at his watch, he realized that Winston was probably going to be expecting him back home soon. As he got up off the bench, he inadvertently shuddered after a strange, almost breeze-like chill caressed his body which was almost immediately replaced by the feeling of being watched. "H-hello…?" he stammered, hoping that it was just his imagination. The last thing he needed at the moment was a repeat of what happened the last time he experienced this feeling.
"Okay… You're losing it," he told himself when nothing answered him. "There's nothing here except you and some dead people… Nothing to worry about… unless Amity Park has suddenly become Pittsburgh…"
"Zombies… How amusing. It always astounds me how the mind of a teenager can jump to such things."
Danny felt himself grow rigid as a sick sort of recognition ran through him. There was no way he could forget the sound of that voice, not after the terror he felt the last time he heard it. The chilling yet oddly sophisticated tone told him that whatever was speaking was definitely the very same creature he had encountered last time.
"W-who… what are you…?" he asked it, hoping he could possibly keep it occupied long enough for him to magically figure out a way to make an escape. The only problem was that he had this sinking suspicion it was smarter than him.
A strange and unnerving chuckle answered him. "I take it that you've heard of ghosts before, my boy?"
"So… you're telling me that you're a ghost…?" he asked slowly while he tried to figure out what was creepier: a disembodied voice talking about ghosts or it calling him 'my boy'.
"And you got it right on the first guess. I must say that I'm impressed."
His eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out where it might be. Sure he was definitely scared of it, but currently the anger at it actually questioning his intelligence was currently overriding his fear. "Are you just here to annoy me?" he snapped. "If so, you're really doing a good job."
"Oh, I assure you that I have more important things to do than to wound the pride of an adolescent," it told him with a flourish before its tone became one of hunger. "I'm here to take you away from this world."
He slowly began to back up. Its voice had originally had sounded like it was coming from terrace boundary, now seemed like it was coming from right in front of him. And, it definitely felt as if something was standing only a few feet away from him, even if he couldn't see it.
"Are you afraid?" it asked him it an amused tone. "You really shouldn't be. Daniel, you don't belong in this world. You never have."
"Wh-what do you mean?" The fear was present in his voice now, and there was nothing that he could do to attempt to hide it. He backed up until he felt tree bark pressing into his skin. Whatever this thing was, it had managed to corner him.
He glanced around desperately, hoping there was something he could do. However, his attempts stopped when he realized a figure was slowly starting to materialize out of the air. He could tell it was humanoid in shape, but the features were still too burry to make out.
Once again, the voice, which seemed to be coming from the slowly emerging figure, chuckled. "Oh come now Daniel, haven't you realized that you feel more comfortable among the dead than the living?" Apparently, it took the confused look on his face as a confirmation as it continued. "I've watched you for a while now. I know that you come here because it seems to call to you. It's the only place where you can connect with the other side, whether you realize it or not."
His focus turned away from the conversation as he noticed that the figure appeared to be reaching out for him. He batted the hand away, surprised when he felt the resistance of another person. With the realization there was something physical there, he tried to further push himself away from it, but instead of finding the resistance of the tree, it felt like he was suddenly stumbling through a wall of water. The next thing he knew, he was sitting on the ground facing the opposite side of the tree.
"Good… It looks like your powers are developing quite nicely." The creature's voice now seemed to contain a dark interest as it again moved closer, undeterred by what had happened. It's form, though still hazy, was now visible enough for Danny to clearly identify it as having more of a male build. "Though, they're still tied to your emotions, which won't do you much good at the moment."
"P-powers?" he almost choked as he tried scooting away from it, ignoring the fact that he now had a chance to run. "What are you talking about?"
"So Winston really hasn't told you anything. It's such a shame." For a moment it appeared that it would say something else, but tilted its head as if it was listening to something. "Your friends have remarkable timing," it told him in a tone that clearly expressed that it was not happy about the intrusion.
He had no idea what it meant until he heard a faint voice calling his name. "Sam?" he shouted back in a surprised terror. "Don't come closer! Get out of here!"
"DANNY?" Her voice sounded closer.
The creature chucked yet again. "Oh, don't worry, I can wait a little longer before I claim you. Just be prepared." The voice seemed to fade away along with the pale outline of whatever it really was.
As soon as he felt like the creature was truly gone, he breathed deeply in relief only to jump at the sounds of Sam finally reaching him. He had just enough time to look up at her before one of his arms decided that it no longer cared for the rigidity of the ground and sank right through it before getting stuck.
"So… where's Tucker…?" he asked in an attempt to strike up a conversation after he and Sam rather awkwardly started back towards the entrance. It was definitely a risk for him to speak as his stomach started to turn against him, which apparently was going to happen every time something weird happened. But, knowing that he had frightened one of his only friends was enough to get him to try.
She was silent for a moment before she spoke, making sure that she did not glance at him. "He's waiting near the entrance… He said that he was too frightened to go any further than that."
He bit his lip as he tried to figure out something else to say. Sam had managed to handle seeing him try to free his foot from a floor quite well, but apparently watching how it had happened was a little too much for her. He wished that there was something that he could say that would help, but what could he say when he didn't even understand what was happening?
"Um… Danny…" He glanced over at her only to realize that she had stopped a few feet behind him. She was uncharacteristically playing with the hem of her skirt before she looked up at him with blazing eyes. "What's going on? Now I'm all for the weird and freaky, but even this is starting to get too weird, even for me!"
"Sam…" Before he could really say anything, she interrupted him.
"If you want me and Tucker to continue to be your friends, you've got to start explaining things! This is the second time that I've seen some part of your body get stuck into something solid. That's not normal no matter how you look at it! What are you? What was that thing? What's going on?"
"Do you think I know?" he snapped at her, causing her to stop her rant and stare at him. "If I knew what is happening to me, don't you think I would have said something after Tucker fainted?" Getting irritated was definitely not the best idea since his stomach decided to forcefully remind him that it was already upset with him. In an attempt to keep everything under control, he sat on the ground while resting his head on his knees. This illness thing was really starting to get on his nerves.
A hesitant touch caused him to glance up. Although it was very clear that she still felt uncomfortable, Sam had decided to come over and gently run his back in a somewhat apologetic attempt to make him feel better. "I'll wait until we get out of here before I ask anything else. You need time to feel better, and Tucker'll mentally need to prepare himself. I swear he can be so cowardly sometimes."
As he watched his friend try to find ways to rationalize what he was told of what had occurred in the graveyard, he grimly decided he would rather deal with attempting to escape from that creature… or ghost, if that's what it really was, than dealing with Tucker's spastic response to his fears. After meeting up with him at the entrance of the graveyard, they had relocated to Tucker's house to talk things over.
"So, you're telling me that this thing told you that not only do you not belong in 'this world' but that it was going to take you away too?" Tucker asked as he adjusted his glasses. "What's to say that it's not going to come after you while we're around?"
"That's what I've been trying to tell you," he sighed, for what felt like the thousandth time that day. "From what I understand, it could have very easily have taken me away earlier today, but instead it decided to leave when Sam appeared. It doesn't make much sense to me either, but I guess it would rather take me when there was no one around to watch…"
"But why?" Sam's tone made it clear that she held a great deal of skepticism about the motives of the creature. "I mean… I was the only other person around earlier, and it had plenty of time to take you and run, or fly, or whatever… you know what I mean… before I even managed to get a good look at either of you. There's just something that doesn't feel right about it."
Although Danny hadn't thought about it before, she had made a very valid point. That thing could have done anything it wanted with him, yet it decided to leave him alone again. There really seemed to be no logical reason for it. Well, no logical reason that he could come up with. For some reason, it just felt like it was somehow playing a game with him.
"Wait a minute, Sam! You actually saw this thing?" Tucker demanded, completely ignoring everything else that she had said. "What did it look like?"
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow for a moment before she spoke. "Why do you want to know? I thought that you were afraid of this thing…"
"I am, but I'd like to know what my doom looks like so that I have a better chance to be prepared."
"Tucker, we're dealing with something that's calling itself a ghost, meaning that it can become invisible. How is that going to help?"
For a second, he thought that the word 'ghost' was going to cause Tucker to go into another set of hysterics, but instead he smile rather broadly. "Well, if that's the case, than I guess I don't need to worry all that much."
"Wait a minute, you've been scared of this thing for two weeks and now it's suddenly fine? What's going on?" Danny asked after he shared a very confused glance with Sam.
Tucker gave them a rather surprised look before he started to look up something on his PDA. After mere seconds, he shoved it towards them so that they could get a glance at the article he pulled up. "I'm actually surprised that you haven't heard about this Sam, especially because of how interested you are in all things dark and creepy, but if that thing really is a ghost, then it's not going to leave its haunt."
"Wait, that's right!" Sam exclaimed after handing the PDA back to Tucker. "Ghosts tend to haunt places that have some sort of significance to them, and they're never seen anywhere else. So if that thing's haunt is the cemetery, then…"
"It's going to stay there…?" Danny asked with a little bit of uncertainty.
"EXACTLY!" Tucker nodded to himself, pleased that everyone now seemed to be on the same page. "That means that I don't have to worry about it. But… just in case… what did it look like?"
He just shook his head. "I… I'm not entirely sure."
"What do you mean you're not sure?"
"Um… well, it was almost like it was slowly coming into focus the whole time it was talking to me, and I was more focused on trying to escape than anything else…."
"You had to have seen something?"
The desperation in Tucker's voice made him try to revisit the encounter to see if anything in particular decided to stick out at him. "It… was about the size of a normal man," he said slowly after a moment, "and was wearing black gloves."
"And it had a cape," Sam added.
"It had a cape?" both he and Tucker asked rather incredulously.
She nodded. "That's really the only thing that I know I saw."
"Wait, you're telling me that this thing thinks that it's some sort of demonic superhero?" Tucker practically demanded.
"How should I know what it thinks? And what makes you say that?"
After that simple question, the three of them managed to somehow get into a rather complicated debate about the various superhero universes. Although it was completely off topic, it was definitely a very welcome distraction from the earlier events of the day.
Although he kept trying to push it from his mind, there was something that nagging him about the encounter. Sure, Tucker might be convinced that the self-proclaimed-ghost would not appear anywhere else other than the cemetery, but he wasn't as sure. All of the ghost stories he had heard had taught him that ghosts were not able to hurt the living, yet he was absolutely certain that if it had wanted to, it could have easily have killed him or Sam. Assuming that it had that sort of power made him wonder if it could throw the other 'rules' out of the window too.
The only problem was that he didn't have the necessary information about it though. Hopefully, he would never get a chance to learn it, but something told him that he wouldn't be that lucky. The only thing he could do was wait and see what happened in the upcoming days.
=================================================================== Okay, there's a few notes for this chapter:
1) Story timeline rundown: Ch.1 Sat Ch.2 Sat night Ch. 3 Sun Ch. 4 Wed afternoon Ch. 5 Wed afternoon Ch. 6 Wed night Ch. 7 Sun (two weeks after chapter 3)
The story starts in the 2nd week of September (the year is rather unnecessary to know). The reason is that this is what came to mind when I first started working on this, and that I have absolutely no idea when Danny's actual birth date (if there is an official one) really is.
If you don't get the Pittsburgh reference, it's okay. Pittsburgh's often called the zombie capital of the world because of how many zombie films have been made there.
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kyloswarstars · 5 years
Tumblr media
Eric Coulter, you’re a bastard • part 5 – “Him” Divergent • Mini-Series AU
How do you say sorry when you have fucked up basically everything? Eric isn’t sure. He doesn’t know if he’ll be able to ever earn your forgiveness. On the other hand: why should you forgive him? He had made the mistake of his life.
A story about Professor Eric Coulter, Harold the chimpanzee, midnight coffees and fries in the auditorium. You and Eric, Ms. Giraffe and Mr. FBI, trying to conquer life together until Eric did what he thought would be the best for you.
Pairing • Eric x Reader
Warnings • language
Words • 1.5k
Eric Coulter, you’re a bastard • masterlist
He did not die peacefully, closing his eyes and smoothly drowning out to a deep sleep he would never wake up from. In the past years you had settled with the fact that your father would never return. He would lay in this bed, being captured and carve out a miserable existence until the moment his lungs stopped breathing. You just wished he would go peacefully. You had hoped it so bad. But he didn’t. 
He died horribly, cramping from a stroke, unable to go in dignity. His body betrayed him and let him go within a lot of pain. It was the worst thing to watch.
He had been in the hospice for a few months before his time was up. You knew it would happen. You just never knew when or how. And you especially didn’t know you would be there and had to watch him go in that way. But you would’ve never forgiven yourself if you hadn’t been there at all. By his side in his last moments.
The nurses had called your brother but he wasn’t able to make it in time. He had been working. Rafael was always working his ass off to be able to hold it all together, just like you. When he arrived in the hospice, rushing up the hallway to your dad’s room and spotting you outside of it, he instantly knew it. He didn’t walk the last steps up to you. His hands slapped on his head and the realisation of your dad being gone for good forced him to his knees. His devastated crying drew you out of your shock where you had just observed everything within. It made the pain actually hit you.
Standing here now, at your father’s funeral, right beside Rafael and holding his hand, you regretted the moment over again. Instead of kneeling down to your brother and comforting him, or even crying with him, you had left. In that moment you hadn’t been able to find any power left in your body to take care of someone. Especially not of him because everything he felt, you felt too. And you couldn’t take twice the pain in that moment. He had needed you, or someone, anyone, so bad, but you had just left.
Rafael’s hand squeezed yours and made you look up. His head nodded across the few people in front of you.
It was him.
You instantly looked away again. How did he dare come here after everything he had done. Even though it’s been years, you were still hurt, still not healed from his action and that you broke up with him. You were still not over him and that’s what made it so hard because you should be after all the mess he had caused.
For the rest of the funeral your thoughts were all over the place. As if they hadn’t been already.
There was no wake after the funeral. Just returning to the daily routine since everyone, who had attended the funeral, worked at the rescue center.
Rafael drove back with the others. You went to your own car, after standing at the open grave for quite a bit. You sensed Eric’s eyes on you through it all. When you finally got to your car and sat behind the wheel, he appeared outside the door. For a moment you contemplated just driving off and leave him stand there. But you were too exhausted for that.
„You finally learned how to drive?“, were his first words after you rolled down the window. His first words after almost half a decade. And his voice still sounded the same like back then. So soothingly intimate. 
„At some point it was necessary.“
The way he was standing there, hands in the pockets and shoulders slightly bend forward, he reminded you of the Eric from the beginning – mysterious and way more attractive than it was good for his ego. He didn’t look carefree anymore, though. He lost that along the way being together with you. That was one of the things you still felt guilty for. But maybe he got it back and it was just because of today’s event. You wouldn’t know.
„I’m sorry for your loss, Y/N.“
You looked away, through your windshield, to cover up any emotions that were seething under your surface. „Thank you.“ The grip on your steering wheel got firmer. „Eric, why are you here after all those years?“
„Isn’t that obvious?“ He knelt down outside of your car to be on eye level with you. „Because of you.“ 
The words hit. Hard. Along the sadness in your bones, you were getting back all the feelings. The bad ones you had till the end as well as the good ones of the remaining two years. It was too much in that moment. You shut your eyes. „And out of all days it had to be today?“ Today was supposed to be a sad goodbye. No unexpected hello. 
Tears were burning but you didn’t want to let them out. It would make everything worse because you wouldn’t be able to stop them anymore. „Who even told you about today?“
Eric let out a sigh he must’ve held in forever. „You won’t like the answer.“ As he said that, you instantly knew. „Rafael thought it was time for you to clear things out. Settle with the past.“
Whenever your brother had brought up the Eric topic, you tried to change it. You hadn’t found a way to erase your feelings for Eric in the last years so you had tried to silence them. You knew Rafael only wanted the best for you, but getting in contact with Eric and ask him to come here, or whatever he did, was not fair. He knew you would surrender to the situation.
„Get in the car and lets go to the pub. Have a chat.“ 
Thirty minutes in the pub, sitting at the bar, no words were spoken yet. It felt weird, being here with him again. Far back in the corner was the table you had made out more than once when both of you had had way too much to drink. You tried to avoid looking over there.
„You switched from beer to whiskey.“
„A lot has changed, Eric.“ It was a dumb idea to drive to the pub with him. You were on your fourth whiskey by now and felt your tongue slowly get looser. „Where have you been?“ On one hand you didn’t wanna hear about his life after you took yourself out of it. On the other one you were itching to know how he had evolved, how he was doing.
„Two hours east. It’s a rather small town but a good university. Made my doctor and all.“ So he was doing well. Was he?
„Do you have someone?“ The question was out faster than you could’ve held it back.
Eric was turning around to you but you kept staring ahead of you. „I did for some time. It didn’t work out.“
You shouldn’t ask. Don’t ask. „Why?“ Oh holy shit. Perfect self-control.
„She was not you.“ And that came faster out of his mouth than he could’ve held it back.
A familiar warmth was growing in your chest and you couldn’t pin down if it was the alcohol or him. When you finally turned to him, though, you had the answer. It was a confusing feeling. This day had started horrible, you had to burry your father, and now you were sitting here with Eric.
Being led by your sadness, trying to find any comfort – and you still remembered how comforting Eric’s presence was – you were leaning in to kiss him. He stopped you. „I don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret later, Y/N.“ With his hand on your cheek, though, you wanted to do something you would regret later. The touch was igniting something you didn’t think you could feel for him again. „I didn’t come to reconnect. I know that I threw away what would have been the best life I could have ever dreamed of.  But I’ve come to terms with it never being reality. I gave up on hoping.“
His words made your eyebrows furrow and your thoughts were running in circles, almost giving you a headache. But then something slowly sunk into your brain. „You know what… I didn’t.“ Carefully you placed your hand over his on your cheek and gathered some strength to accept what had been necessary in so long. You closed your eyes because without seeing him it was easier. „I’m so tired of hating what you did. I want to finally move on from it.“
„Y/N.“ He placed his free hand on your other cheek. When you opened your eyes again, the wrath over his mistake slowly faded. It didn’t subside completely, that would’ve been impossible, but it’s been too long and it had brought you absolutely nowhere. 
„I want to learn how to forgive. And still after all those years… I want you.“
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samcro-jnt · 6 years
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Alright y’all buckle yourselves in for a wild fucking ride! 😂
i’ll start off with hearing because their are less of those.
1: once when i was young my family and i where in tennessee visiting my moms side of the family. everyone was over at my aunts (she lives on the huge tobacco farm and her house is haunted as well); we were all doing various things. a big group of the older generation were watching home movies some of my cousins were in my cousins room. all of the sudden the shower kicked on. we didn’t think much of it for a while. until my aunt was finally like wtf and she did a mental head count and realized there couldn’t be anyone in there. the door was locked and everything. she had to break in to her own bathroom to turn the water off.
2: my sister and i spent the summer with my cousin (same tennessee cousin) in like.. 2015? we were sleeping at my aunts and my cousin was sleeping at his moms who lived at the end of my aunts driveway.
my sister and i would switch out one night id take the bedroom she’d take the couch, back and forth like that.
that night i was on the couch and i wasn’t sleeping because i was annoying ass teenage at the time who enjoys doing terrible things to her body. i was in her kitchen making popcorn realllll early in the morning. and someone just... told me hello? like... i was alone everyone was asleep.
3: okie dokie soo, somewhere between 2015 and 2016 i was doing bad shit to my body again and just not sleeping. and i was down in the kitchen of the biggest house i had lived in.. i wanna say this was when my grandma was between cancer diagnosis she was doing good so she was asleep in her room. everyone was, my sister had moved out by then. and again someone just told me hello... like what the fuck. (this house was next to a cemetery and i used to hang out in there so i think i took someone home with me)
Seeeeiiinnggggg dead people...
1: the first person i ever remember seeing was this man in a tall hat who used to watch my sister and i while we slept. he never really did anything except creep me out and wander around but yeah.. he was a black figure about 6’ and his had was at least 6inches tall.
2: in the same house i saw top hat man it was a normal time at night and i was standing at the stove making something. to my left in the door that leads to the living room as well as the laundry room that has a door that leads outside. okay was... as i was stander there the screen door opened, slammed shut and i watched a shadow figure of this girl run past me and back towards my bedroom. i immediately thought it was my sister but after she disappeared i heard my sister laugh in our room with her boyfriend.
3: my grandma (my moms mom) died in 2016 but during the month or so before that the ghost activity around us went up (that’s a normal thing) and again i was just.. not sleeping. i think we had a shit day with my grandma that day and i was just anxious as hell. i was coming back from the bathroom when this person just... flashed?.. at me? it was like someone was standing in front of a very bright light and i could only make out the shadow or a woman about my height and her hair was bobbed off at the shoulders. my grandma’s sister who died of cancer she she cancer forever wore wigs that were bobbed off at the shoulder.... needless to say when i told my mom and my grandma i upset her a little....
4: my first experience with death in my personal like was shockingly enough not my grandma. my ex girlfriends mom died before my grandma. and this woman has hauNTED ME SENSE SHE died! i don’t know if it’s me being sad about dating her daughter when she wasn’t okay with gay people or what but like.... i’ve seen her in dream.. i’ve seen her physical in other people like i’ll be in a restaurant and see a person who reminds me of her and it’ll fuck with my brain. i loved the woman she was like a second mom she treated me like one of her children and she was dope. but like......... no thankkkk yooouuuuuu.
5: recently on my 21st birthday i wasn’t sleeping again and i was walking to the kitchen and when i got out of the hallway and into the living room there was just this humanoid figure sitting on my couch. it wasn’t black or was like the pale orange color.
6: in the house next to the cemetery i would take my baby cousin when he was like one and could walk, he’d run around and the graves hello.
7: my mom and i and a few cousins (louisiana cousins) used to go to grave yards late at night and we were in this one i had family burried in and this lady in black followed my cousins and i around until we had to beg my mom to leave.
Hope you enjoyed this mess! hahaha. love y’all and thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hello Marya :) I would like to request a headcanon or a prompt regarding our beloved couple referencing a song...~but, there's a catch...It's in a different language so that may be a bit of a challenge. Too bad I can't give you the English translation but the title of the song is "Kathang Isip" by Ben&Ben...I don't know why it reminds me of them every time I listen! We all know Amy would never give up but I just :'( *Sobs* (doesn't really matter if its Boom! or Modern!)
This was a little tricky, not gonna lie, but the song is lovely! As I read the lyrics, I could totally see moments where this was Sonamy, a good chunk I could even say was Sonic’s feelings, so I thought that really cool.
Song: (x) Lyrics: (x)
‘Di ba nga ito ang 'yong gusto (Isn’t this what you wanted?)
Amy is packing a suitcase, placing some things in before looking behind her, seeing with her glossy eyes the picture on top of the fireplace shelf.
O, ito'y lilisan na ako (Here, I’ll be leaving now)
It’s a photo of her hugging Sonic, remembering the moment as the picture comes to life. Sonic smiles and leans his head away from her on-coming affections. She nuzzles in close before laughing as he looks back to smile towards her. It’s a friendly scene… before she turns back with no expression, eyes half cut from the shot, and closes the suitcase. She storms out of the house.
Mga alaala'y ibabaon Kalakip ang tamis ng kahapon (I’ll burry the memories Along with yesterday’s sweet)
She covers her crying face with her arm, looking clearly upset as Sonic enters the scene from the opposite side, having walked up the road and stops to see her leave. No expression, just watching… steadily following her figure at a distance.
Mga gabing di namamalayang Oras ay lumilipad (On nights when I don’t notice Time flying by)
He opens the door, before looking around and walking in. He sees a faded memory of Amy preparing dinner, welcoming him in as she dusts off her hands on her apron and jumps into his arms,. He rubs the back of his head before stumbling a little back as she tackles into him, but nods in agreement at having dinner with her.
Mga sandaling lumalayag Kung sa'n man tayo mapadpad (Moments sailing away Wherever we go)
The image fades back to a dreary, dark dinner table in the other room, before he closes the door behind him without looking away from it, and walks up the stairs.
Amy is on top of a hill, before she stops, holding her suitcase in front of her, and turns to look back at the house.
Bawat kilig na nadarama(The excitement that I feel)
Sonic sits on the bed, holding his hand with his thumb in the center of the palm, and then closes his open hand and turns away, squinting his eyes closed. Camera pans right from close up.
Sa tuwing hawak ang iyong kamay(Every time I hold your hand)
Ito'y maling akala(It was a misinterpretation)
Amy close up too, her mouth forms down and to the side of her muzzle, before tears fall and she covers her face as she cries. Another Camera pan.
Isang malaking sablay(It was one huge miscalculation)
It flashes between Sonic getting up, Amy racing sloppily down the hill. Sonic kicking the ground, gripping his head as he rests his elbows on the dresser. Amy stumbling to the ground and her things falling out.
Pasensya ka na (I’m sorry)
Split screen of them crying, faces covered, but mouths panting through sobs is revealed.
Fade to black instantly.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by)
Fade back to Amy on a bus, it rocking her back and force a bit as her eyes look soulless, void of light. Sonic walking out of the house, looking off in the distance Amy took off in.
Pagmamahal sa iyo (My love for you)
Sonic’s glossy eyes stare at the top of the hill, as her image appears instantly, dropping her bags and rushing to him before disappearing just as fast as he saw it.
Ako'y gigising na (Now I will wake up)
Sonic wakes up in trees with a startle, an arm up over his head, before his eyes slowly close in grief. Camera zoom up and away.
Sa panaginip kong ito (From this dream of mine)
Camera fades to black, then Amy setting her suitcase down in an empty apartment.
At sa wakas ay kusang (And finally, I will willingly)
There’s an image of Sonic’s hand that reaches to her own on the suitcase, holding it a moment.
Lalayo sa iyo (Walk away from you)
The image of his hand fades instantly, and she bundles her hand into a tight, grieful fist.
-Lalayo sa- (turn away from)
Her eyes are locked on her hand upon the suitcase… before swishing her head and having the camera quickly skim with another side-swipe pan to blur out until stopping on Classic Sonic and classic Amy first meeting.
Gaano kabilis nagsimula Gano'n katulin nawala (What started so quickly As it had vanished)
They both are seeing each other for the first time.. then that image vanishes into the wind.
Maaari ba tayong bumalik sa umpisa Upang 'di na mawasak ang pusong nag-iisa (Can we go back to the start So as not to break this lonely heart)
Side-wipe camera affects again to show more shadowy figures of Sonic and Amy. Amy leaning forward towards Sonic, hands behind her back, hair and dress moving in the wind. Sonic with a hand on his hip, slowly looking her way, with the wind on his quills.
Pasensya ka na (I’m sorry)
The image crumbles away.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng Pagmamahal sa iyoAko'y gigising na Sa panaginip kong ito sa wakas ay kusangLalayo sa iyo -Lalayo sa- (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by My love for you Now I will wake up From this dream of mine And finally, I will willingly Walk away from you turn away from)
Flashbacks to memorable Sonamy moments through Sonic x era and Canon games, but all in shadows. Quickly returns to Sonic and Amy at present. Amy walking down a city street, most likely Station Square, and moving her hair back as she turns to look off in the distance. Camera angles and moves up before quickly passing the sky and showing Sonic in an intense fight with Eggman. Looking like he’s taking it seriously as he blasts a robot through, dodges the explosion and missiles through the smoke, and charges back at Eggman’s laughing face before Eggman wobbles back in his Eggmobile.
Sumabay sa agos na isinulat ng tadhana Na minsan siya'y para sa ito (Going with the flow that destiny wrote That sometimes she’s the one for you)
Cuts from their to Sonic picking up a note left by Amy, opening it to see the tarot card for Destiny. He picks it up to look at how faded it is, before frowning.
Pero minsan siya'y paasa Tatakbo papalayo (But sometimes she’ll just lead you on I will run away)
Amy opens her door to find the tarot card on the ground outside it. She falls to her knees, covering her mouth as she slides against the door, overwhelmed with sorrow.
Kakalimutan ang lahat (I’ll forget it all) Ohh, Ohh, Ohh.
Sonic adjusts his gloves in the city, looking up at the big screens, seeing happy couples advertising some commercial, and walks on across the street.
Amy working, before leaving at night walking down the road and tieing her coat on. A car’s light flash on and approach her rapidly, as she turns with frightful, widened eyes to it.
Pero kahit sa'n man lumingon Nasusulyapan ang kahapon (But everywhere I look I see moments of yesterday)
Sonic stands at a grave, holding flowers, seeing images of her all around the place. Playing hopscotch on stones, spinning through open spaces, and leaning over to smile and laugh as though enjoying herself next to him before fading.
At sa aking bawat paghinga Ikaw ang nasa isip ko sinta (And with my every breath Darling it’s you who’s in my mind)
He falls to a knee, then the other, and lays the flowers down. Before leaning his head up, then crashing a fist down to the ground, crying out tears you can see for the first time. All this is on beat with the music.
Kaya pasensya ka na (So I’m sorry)
Sonic slowly breaking down for not going after her when she left. crying and prostrating himself on the ground. He opens an eye for a moment, before rubbing his head back against the ground near her grave.
Sa mga kathang isip kong ito Wari'y dala lang ng Pagmamahal sa iyoAko'y gigising na Sa panaginip kong ito sa wakas ay kusangLalayo sa iyo -Lalayo sa- (For these imaginations of mine I just got carried away by My love for you Now I will wake up From this dream of mine And finally, I will willingly Walk away from you turn away from)
A montage of Sonic going through daily things in his life, but Amy’s image always right beside him, turning ghostly and see-through, fading as he continues to live his life.
'Di ba nga ito ang 'yong gusto (Isn’t this what you wanted?)
Back at the grave sight, he’s back to crying on the ground, before looking up at the tombstone.
O, (Here,)
He drops the flowers.
ito'y lilisan na ako (I’ll be leaving now)  
He walks away from her grave, as her image is holding the flowers, watching him go off screen.
(this hurt. Actually, it hurt a lot. but the song was beautiful~)
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xiumin-on-this-shit · 7 years
Two Bosses Ch 5
I straiten my dress as stare at myself in the bathroom mirror. My dark blue dress that ends just above my knee is conservative with its high collar but I love the way it hugs my curves. Hopefully it will tease the boys enough to finally try something on me, my inner slut muses. God she needs to calm down. Xiu and I had already got a quickie in this morning; I am not some horny teenage boy! I believe that for less than a minute as I step out of the bathroom to see Kai sitting in my chair with his feet on the desk. He looks amazing in his neat dark gray suit, it makes me want to jump him here and now, and if we weren’t expecting their friends I maybe would have.
It’s finally noon, the day had passed so slowly. If I wasn’t avoiding Kai and Sehun’s hands today I probably wouldn’t find it as exhausting but they have been more touchy than usual. In both of their meetings this morning they didn’t even try to hide it, Kai had our fingers locked for the whole entire time, his thumb stroked the back of my hand affectionately. Sehun, the one I’ve always considered the more professional one of the two, had his hand latched on to my thigh, moving it up and down in a soothing motion. The other men in the meeting were staring at us with wide eyes; I stared at my Ipad the whole time to hide my blush.
Kai notices me exit the bathroom and is up by my side in seconds, latching on to my hand with both of his. “Why do you take so long?” He pouts cutely.
“What is up with you today?” I wonder.
“He’s nervous for you to meet our hyungs,” Sehun explains as he comes into the lobby.
“He thinks they’re going to steal you away.”
Kai glares at him and says, “And you’re not?” Sehun just comes over a takes my other hand and stares at it wordlessly. I laugh at my boys, their child like jealousy warming my heart.
“Don’t worry boys,” I squeeze their hands, “I love my job and my bosses.” They give me small smiles but I can’t help but tease them a little, “How attractive are your hyungs for you to be worried about that?”
“They’re actually pretty ugly.” Sehun grumbles.
“But you’re really cute, they are really going to like you.” Kai adds as he also examines my hand. I just watch them as stare at our interlocked fingers, their thumbs moving in soothing circles on the back of my hand. We stand there in sweet silence just enjoying the moment. I don’t know how long we were standing there before the elevator dings and I rip my hands away from the boys. They both glare at me for a moment before turning to glare at who ever ruined our moment. Taeyeon is standing there like a dear caught in headlights when she catches them glaring at her. I smile big and rush away from the boys to her.
“Hey Tae!” I say happily. She looks away from the guys to me and smiles nervously.
“H-hi Jimin-ah,” her voice is shaking slightly. I glance over my shoulder at the still glaring boys. I forget, after weeks of seeing past their cold CEO exterior, that they are actually very intimidating to people; especially to someone like Taeyeon.
“Mr. Oh, Mr. Kim, would you excuse us?” I say formally with a sickly sweet smile at them. I try not to laugh when they both huff and go to their own offices, leaving Taeyeon and I to ourselves. I turn back to her and give her another genuine smile, “Is this personal or professional?”
She gives me a relaxed smile back, “A little bit of both. I wanted to let you know some of their guests have arrived.”
I raise my brow at her, “You could have told me that over the phone.”
“Yes, but,” She glances at both closed doors before whispering, “I couldn’t tell you how attractive they are! Like damn!”
“They’re in the building? Where are they?”
She blushes, “I had Yoona distract them so I could take the elevator up here.”
“Please Minnie! Just see if they have a girlfriend! Not all of us have a hot best friend we can sleep with.”
“Ya!” I snap.
“Or two hot, over protective bosses!”
“How have you not jumped their bones?” I clamp my hands over her suddenly loud mouth. Just as I do the elevator door opens revealing five very attractive men, who now have wide surprised eyes at the sight of my hand over Tae’s mouth. As embarrassing this position is, it is much better than having them hear those words out of her mouth. I give my best secretary smile before releasing Tae and us both bowing deeply.
“Welcome, “ I say bowing. I look over at Tae who has a blush bright across her face. I lead her out of the way, allowing the guests to enter the lobby. Quickly, Taeyeon abandons me by jumping in the elevator, giving me an apologetic smile and a wave.
I’m going to kill her.
I turn my attention back to the men in front of me, “Hello, I’m Secretary Park.”
“Hi, I’m Baekhyun!” One steps forward that reminds me of a puppy, a rather hot puppy.
A tall elf like man step forward next, much too close for comfort and gives me a massive smile, “I’m Chanyeol,” He stares down at me until I feel a smile spread on my lips. “You’re so cute!” I’m surprised when I see him reaching out to hug me or something but thankfully he is stopped but a mature looking one. The giant pouts.
“Sorry about him,” The man says, his voice as sweet as his angel like smile. The more I stare at him the more of a manly feeling I get from him, ignoring his sweet face, he give off a very protective, or dad like vibe that I find comforting. “I’m Suho,” He says ash he drags Chanyeol away from me.
“Kyungsoo,” An owl like man says. Oh my goodness, I have never seen such an adorable man in my life, not counting Xiu. I force myself to look away when I see a blush across the poor man’s face for my staring. I look to the last one, a camel like man with high cheek bones and up turned lips. Something about him seems familiar. He must think the same thing as his eyes narrow on me.
“Jimin?” He asks.
I stare at him surprised, “Chen?”
“Do you two know each other?” Suho asks.
I shake my head hesitantly, “I don’t know. I know your name and your face but I don’t know where from.”
“Same,” Chen agrees.
“Hyungs!” Kai and Sehun say mostly happily as they get in between my and their hyungs.
“Where are the rest of them?” Sehun asks hugging each other men.
“They are coming,” Baekhyun answers, “some girl stopped us in the lobby, so I’m guessing she probably did the same to them.” I automatically look away, trying to hide my knowing smile.
“Let us grab our jackets quick,” Kai and Sehun go back into their offices for a minute, returning with their trench coats and scarfs. Sehun looks at me, “Grab your jacket.”
“Where am I going?” I say confused.
“You’re coming with us, of course.”
“Oh, well I don’t have my jacket.”
“Where is it?” Kai asks.
“At home, I was running late and forgot it.” I shrug.
“How could you forget a jacket?” Suho snaps, I’m surprised by his out burst. I thought he would be the nicest one. “It’s freezing out, you could catch a cold! And your dress, yes it is very pretty, doesn’t even cover your arms!”
I roll my eyes at him, “Sorry, dad.” I snap back. All of their eyes snap to me and my face goes red. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry! It’s just that you remind me of a dad. Not in a bad! Like a hot dad!” I’m just making it worse. I burry my face in my hands to hide the blush bright enough to be shown on my cheeks.
“You’re a hot dad,” Baekhyun repeats before he dies of laughter. Everyone else joins in on the laughter, almost falling over. I rush past the laughing boys to the elevator and begin pressing the button repeatedly. In my head I’m chanting, open, open, just please fucking open! I groan in annoyance when it finally opens with more attractive men, though these men are familiar, especially a pair of cat like eyes meet mine. Oh my fucking god! This just got so much worse. There about to be too many hot guys in one room. I try to turn and run to the stairs but don’t get very far when an arm snakes around my waist. An action that does not go unnoticed by bosses.
“Where do you think you’re going, love?” Xiu purrs in my ear as he holds my back to his chest.
“What is so funny?” Kris says as he walks off the elevator, with Tao, Lay, and Luhan behind him.
“The secretary,” Chanyeol tries to explain as he continues to giggle, “just called Suho,” more giggles, “dad.”
I glare up at Xiumin, knowing the horrible words about to come out of that smart ass mouth, “You called him dad?” Xiu teases, “I thought you only called me daddy?” Now the Chinese men are laughing, they know mine and Xiumin’s relationship, but the one’s who don’t know are staring at us with wide eyes; Sehun’s and Kai’s lack any sort of amusement.  
I feel the need to defend myself, “That was like two or three times, and I only did it cause you asked me to!” But I only end up digging myself a grave. Suddenly I’m ripped out of Xiumin’s grasp, too fast for either of us to register. Sehun is holding me tightly to chest to chest while Kai’s chest is against my back, sandwiching me between them.
“I don’t know what is going on but it needs to stop.” Sehun nearly growls. His hyungs are all surprised and so am I.
“You mean you don’t know?” Luhan pipes in as he walks over to us and strokes my head affectionately, ignoring his youngers glares.
“Know what?” Kai says this time.
“Me and Jiminie are best friends,” Xiumin smirks.
Sehun and Kai look down at me and I nod, “I’ve known Xiumin my whole life.”
“Then she meet us when Xiumin hyung was at school in China,” Luhan adds.
“So you’re friends?”
“Yes,” Kris steps up, “Now remove yourself from her so we can give her a hug.” The two boys hesitantly let me go only to be scooped up by a panda.
“Taotao!” I yell gleefully as the panda like man spins me around.
“I missed you!” He mumbles as he nuzzles his face into my neck. He looks so awkward bent down to my level.
“My turn,” Kris pulls Tao away, the younger yelps as he stumbles. “How have you been love?” He lifts my chin so I’m staring up at him. “These two haven’t been mean to you?”
“I’ve been good! They have been nothing but sweet to me.” I answer honestly, giving him a smile.
“Good,” He leans down and kisses the top of my head.
Lay comes up to me next, “Hello Angel!” He gives me a tight hug before stepping away, giving me a complete once over before frowning. “You’ve lost weight! Hyung says you’ve been working too hard. Have they been feeding you here? He also says you’ve been skipping breakfast. Are you not feeling well?”
I laugh at all of Lay’s concerned questions, “I’m fine, Oppa. The boys have been taking me out to lunch almost everyday, I’m eating plenty.”
“Are you sure? Luhan comes over and kisses the top of my head. “I will happily beat these two little boys up.” I wave their worries away, just happy to see them again. But of course, Xiumin, being the loveable bastard that he is, decides to ruin it.
“Trust me, they seem to be giving our sweet girl, too much attention,” Xiu teases. I give him a threatening glare, “What love?”
“Xiuxiu, I swear to god,” I do my best to threaten him.
“You talk about us?” Sehun asks.
“No,” Xiu responds for me,  “I talk about you and she just starts blushing and yells at me to stop.”
I pull away from Lay who still had his hands on my hips and march over to Xiumin, who is grinning like the idiot he is. I grab his tie and drag him into Sehun’s office. Before I close the door I hear Luhan yell, “Please stay off the desk and away from the windows, this is a place of business.”
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