#help its sad bitch hours I need fluff
ivymarquis · 1 year
AhhhHHHHHH my brain gave me a new idea this is cursed lmao it’s also sad so Imma put it under a cut. CW Character death (implied? 👀👀👀) + miscarriage
Today’s mood is sad as hell lmao
Price is wounded. Evac isn’t going to be able to get to him in time, and he’s separated from the rest of the 141 + anyone who would be able to help him. He is certain that he is about to die.
Even though it breaks all sorts of regulations, he calls his girlfriend. He knows he’s a bastard for doing this, he’s selfish and he’s going to traumatize her but he just wants to talk to her one last time.
His girlfriend is not having a good day. Been sick the last few weeks, goes to the doctor to see what’s going on. The lab results come back and she was pregnant but a drop in some of her hormone levels indicate that she is in the middle of miscarrying.
While trying to deal with the whirlwind of emotions of processing losing a child she didn’t even know she was having, and what the hell she’s going to tell John (does she even tell him?), she gets the phone call.
He’s apologetic and they’re both sobbing the entire time. He tells her there’s a ring for her in his sock drawer and he wants her to know he had it and was going to give it to her when he got back. He tells her about his proposal and how he was going go do it, and apologizes for the fact that he’s going to be leaving her all alone.
She panics and lies by omission. He’s bleeding to death hundreds of miles away. She tells him she’s pregnant (still technically true), that he’s not leaving her alone. That she loves him and it’s okay. She knows he did his best.
She stays on the line with him until he doesn’t answer anymore, and stays on the line still. She can’t bring herself to end the call.
And this is too fucking sad most likely there’d be a dues ex machina type shit where he survives by the skin of his teeth and then the fallout resulting from that because GOOD GOD this is heavy even for me lmfao
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bittwitchy · 2 months
see the reality is i post on my rps usually when nobodys been there a bit and nobody is probably online, but the mental illness in me keeps saying its bc everyone secretly hates me and i dont deserve love, and when i tell a gov doctor that, they basically just say ‘take your antidepressant’s and shut up’ which is also funny when said gov doctor wont refill my fucking antidepressants in the first place
#what i need is smthn for my anxiety and PROBABLY the obviously worsening ocd#but anxiety meds and antidepressants dont mix well#just like adhd meds and anything else dont mix well#which is why i just have a redbull if i need to focus bx it works for a few hours and then i pass out#which isnt healthy but its better than going through the diagnosis process AGAIN bc they dont have my info anymore#its early sad times rn w brina who hasnt gotten an ounce of treatment at all hi#see the other thing is#if i talk about my mental health at all#people will either hate me for being annoying which is what my brain will pinpoint#or feel sorry for me which i also dont want#all i rly wanna do is vent but thats never really an option at all#like yes i know its not normal to want to have a breakdown and cry bc your fucking pillow isnt the correct fluff and wont dluff#i know its not normal to feel like you should die because something wasnt in fhe spot you put it in and was moved slightly#im aware. and the reality is nobody who can do anything about it cares#i have to get an authorization to see a therapist or get meds at all even tho the card claims i dont have to#and the doc tbey gave me wont give me one#they dont allow email so i cant leave a paper trail when bitching at them and my calls go ignored#im losing my mind steadily#and thats not even onto the physical problems#but also the sheer fucking audacity of the website being all ‘oh just go to ERs and UC snd we’ll cover it’ vs hospitals specifically saying#‘we will refuse you if you have Gov Ins unless you have the money to pay out of pocket#if youre on gov insurance you dont have fucking money thats the entire fucking point. you creedy fucknuts go shove tour nepotism in your#fucking eyes and die if anyone doesnt deserve to fuck its you fuckfaces#sometimes i just want to scream esp when this doesnt seem to be most other ppls issues#but then i talk to other women and it is#it just doesnt make sense and i hate it#but i never rly got help on private insurance either so#tbd#depression cw
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randomperson3736 · 1 year
It's all my fault
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Paring(s): Lo'ak x twin! Reader, Neteyam x sister! Reader, Neytiri x daughter! Reader, Jake sully x daughter! Reader, Tuk x sister! Reader, Kiri x sister! Reader, the sully's x reader
Genre: angst, kinda fluff
Warning(s): Character death, wounds, blood, crying, sad, fighting, get punched, swearing
Word bank: Y/N- your name, Ewya- great Mother
Notes: I am so sorry that this has taken so long for me to write/post and the reason for it is because I've been having some trouble finding ideas on how this part 2 is gonna go but thankfully I found some and I really hope u enjoy. Also I put a link to part 1 if Ur new to this mini series. P.S it was kinda rushed so it may suck.
(Listen to this while reading)👇👇👇
Part 1
TAG LIST: @sully-stick-together , @users09, @bobojojoba69 ---- I am so sorry I couldn't add some of the people who asked to be added 🙏
Y/N ran for what felt like forever, even though in reality it was just a few minutes. Tears stained her face but she didn't care about that since more kept rolling down from her yellow eyes. Her heart was pumping in chest, shallow breaths could be heard. She tripped on a fallen tree branch, her body trembling to the floor. Y/N didn't bother getting up, so she just curled up into a ball and sobbed. She thought back to the earlier event with Lo'ak. Never in her whole life had she seen him so angry, and never has he ever snapped at her once not even when she was annoying.
She felt like she had pushed too hard on him but deep deep down she knew it wasn't his fault, it was his. Soon her red, puffy eyes started to close as sleep took very quickly. Y/N could hear the soft breeze flowing though the trees and brushes, it also tickled her skin as her neck hairs stood up. But little did the young girl knew a massive Strom was coming and it wasn't just any ordinary Strom, this Strom started long before any one of her siblings were born this Strom has been going on for a long time. And it was ready for its revenge.
Lo'ak didn't know where his twin was, no one did. His mother and Neteyam had been looking for her for atleast 2 hours and there has been no sign of her anywhere. Worry and guilt started to fill his stomach as his mind conjured up the worst case scenario. Her dead. Non-breathing Unmoving. Her blood everywhere. He tried to shake that thought off but it was still there lingering around the back of his mind.
In the background, he could hear Tuk crying as Kiri tried to comfort her but he knew she needed to be comfort juts as much. He knew it was his fault. He knew what he did was wrong and that he shouldn't have done it. He knew he needed to find her cause somewhere deep down in his stomach he knew where he was. So he slipped away making sure no one saw him as he ran off into the forest to find his twin.
~back to Y/N~
When she woke up again, she hadn't realised how long she had been asleep. Y/N didn't even know where she was. Suddenly large hands grabbed her, pulling her roughly up on her feet. She tried to scream but before she could cold metal touched her skin.
"You so much as scream or yell out for help... I'll blow your brains out" his voice was deep, sounded like he had no soul. Y/N just nodded not wanting to provoking him and possibly getting killed. She looked up to see atleast a glimpse of her so called kidnapper. She noticed the human like clothing he was wearing. He was an avatar. Probably from her father's past. She just hoped her father and mother or someone would find her before it becomes too late. But she knew that if someone didn't find her in time the worse will happen. So, she did the most stupid thing she has ever done. She bit down on his arm, hard. Very hard. The guy yelled out in pain before he turned around to face her. "You fucking bitch!"
The next thing she knew a loud bang could be heard and then everything went black.
~back to Lo'ak~
He could hear someone yelling in the distance, sounded human? He been in contact with fake Na'vi before and he definitely didn't like them. Lo'ak pulled at his knife, grip tight around it. He prayed to Ewya that Y/N was okay, she had to be, she needed to be. He couldn't lose her. She was the only one who understood him and never thought of him as a fake.
His head moved towards the direction of the loud bang, his briads covering his eye. His heart was beating so fast and so hard against his chest he thought it was going to pop out. He started to run towards the danger not caring about the out come he just needed to know that his twin, his ride or die wasn't at the end of that bullet.
A body soon came in view, it seemed to be covered in blood. As he got closer he finally saw who that body belong to. It was Y/N. His twin. His best friend. Tears started to form in his eyes as he pushed his legs faster. Faster to get to her. Faster to make sure she's live and not dead.
"Y/N!" Lo'ak's voice was shaking, fear feeling his stomach. He dropped om to his knees hard. Probably gonna leave a couple cuts on it but he didn't care all he cared about is her. "L-lo'ak?" Her was so quite, also like a whisper. He carefully moved her head onto his lap, making sure to put pressure on the gun shot wound on her lower abdomen. She let out a pained sob as more pain shot through her body. "Sorry, sorry. I know it hurts but I have to put pressure on it"
Y/N just started up at him still trying to process what happened just a few minutes ago. Her eyes slowly started to feel heavy but she tried to fight it just for a little longer. "Keep your eyes open" he spoke sternly, panting as he desperately spoke to her. Fixing his hand on her bleeding wound to try and stop the blood from leaving her body. Not once had she seen him look so vulnerable, so desperate. "Stay with me, don't-don't close your eyes" his voice was laced with something unfamiliar, a tone which Y/N had never from him before. Desperation was it? No, it was something more, something more painful.
"Y/N damn it" he cursed under his breath, holding her limp body now on his lap. His voice now filled with panic, "Please" that one word. That very word seemed to be so much more painful than the wound on her stomach, was it his tone? Was it the way he said it? Or was it the way his eyes looked, the way his eyes stained with tears.
Y/N could barely think, but everything looked clear despite the tears that clouded her eyes. The pain in her heart was greater than the pain from her stomach. Y/N wasn't ready, she wasn't ready to leave him, not ready to leave her family, not when she still had so much to live for. "Lo'ak" her weak voice called out for him. Perhaps his mind was playing a trick on him but he saw that same old smile om her face, a weak smile but it was still the same. "No" he cuts Y/N off, he couldn't hear what she was about to say, he refused to. Lo'ak knew exactly what she was planning in saying and he's far from accepting it. "Save your energy, don't-"
"I'm sorry, L-lo'ak"
"Y/N you can't, I can't" tears started to fall faster down his face now. "I'm the one who should be sorry, you have nothing-" Y/N cut him off by placing her hand on his cheek, wiping the tears that slipped away. "No. You don't have to apologise, Lo'ak" he cried quietly, but he felt everything all at once at that moment. Nuzzling his face into her now cold hand, weeping uncontrollably, no caring about who saw. "I can't do this without you. I-i'm so sorry about yelling at you, I d-didn't mean too just please don't leave me"
"Y/N please" he pleads, but he knew she was growing more weak by the clock. "Lo'ak. Y-you have to let me go" her hand slipped from his face as her eyes relaxed as her pupils widened, the blood stopped gushing out from the wound on her stomach and her heart stopped just as her chest went flat with her very last breath. "Y/N?" He looked down at her now limp body. "Y/N?! NO, NO, NO! PLEASE!" Lo'ak let out a pained scream, a scream that could be heard from the village. That scream got the attention of his family, making them run off into a sprint trying to find the source of the pained scream.
Neteyam and Jake were the first ones on scene and the site in front of them made their whole worlds come crashing down in one blow. Jake's body went numb, his expressen was emotionless, but his eyes told another story as tears rolled down his face. He started at his daughter, he couldn't except the fact that his babygirl was gone for good. He could hear his family's sobs from beside him, as he watched Lo'ak pulled his twin closer to his chest begging for some sort of sign that she was still alive but he knew that she was with Ewya now. "Y/N NO PELASE! OH, GREAT MOTHER PLEASE!" Lo'ak's voice was scratchy, shouting Y/N's name over and over again. His sobs were loud and controllable, he cried out for their great Mother begging her to bring his twin back. But deep down he knew she was never coming back. Neytiri moved closer to their son and fallen daughter, taking her limp hand into her own trying to find that familiar warmth that was always there but it cold.
Neteyam moved to sit next to Lo'ak with Y/N's unmoving body still in his lap. Neteyam knew that he and thier father had to move her body but he was frozen in place. He couldn't process it, no one could. He watched his father moved slowly towards Lo'ak to try and get their sister out of his grip. But surprisingly Lo'ak let go without trying to fight it. He looked so empty, almost like a shell you find at beach. It broke Neteyam's heart to see his brother like it but he knew he couldn't do anything to help with the pain Lo'ak was feeling m.
Neteyam watches as his mother sobs and screams over their loss as his tears fall onto his little sister's thigh. He places his hand on lo'ak's shoulder trying to comfort him in some way, but he knew that even himself couldn't stop the feeling of emptiness in his heart cause he too had that exact same hole in his. Lo'ak started at his shaking hands that were covered in his twin's blood. His head tilts back as he realised he just lost his twin sister, the one person who was always there for him when he had a nightmare or when their father would yell at him. She was the one soul that never thought of him as a freak or as an outcast and now she was gone. All beacuse of him. She was died because of his stupid mistake.
~sad bonus~
(Set four weeks after Y/N's death)
Lo'ak barely slept or ate, and even if he did he would just wake up screaming or throw up the food he actully ate. Neteyam and Kiri had tried over and over again to try and get him to atleast sleep for a few hours or eat something even if it was small. But everything they tried didn't work. Lo'ak just stayed in the same stop, staring out at the ocean, not moving an inch. This concerned the whole family but they knew in time that he would heal.
After everyone had left Lo'ak tried to get some sleep knowing that Y/N wouldn't want him to do this. He smiled for the first time in weeks at the thought first her yelling at him about this is unhealthy and that he could die too young. His eyes soon fall as sleep took over his mind. When he woke up he was in a dark room with only one bit of light and under that light was a young women just around his age or maybe Neteyam's.
"Hello?" He called out to the mysterious lady but only to get ignored. Until she turned around. Lo'ak's eyes widened in shock as tears started to form. His legs started to move on their own as they walked towards her. Y/N. His beloved twin.
"It's not your fault, Lo'ak"
"..." lo'ak looked down at his feet and stared to play with his finger, a trent he had picked up from her when she died. "You have to let me go"
"I can't- I won't hear you out"
"Lo'ak, please"
"Just- just a little bit longer. Let me hold onto you for just for little bit longer. Please" the tears he had been holding onto finally fall, rolling down his cheeks. He didn't want to let her go cause if he let her go he wouldn't be able to see her smile or hear a laugh again. "Lo'ak I'm dead. Let me go"
"No, no, no please- please don't let me leave. I need to be here with you" his voice held so much pain as his spoke. Y/N just turned her body to the face the other way and started to walk away. "Wait-" before he could get the words out a strong wing started to blow him away, pulling him back into reality once again.
Neteyam had just came back from the beach to check on Lo'ak and see if he had moved from his spot. He was just about to walk in when he heard a loud sob from inside. Without thinking Neteyam ran inside to find lo'ak gripping his chest, his breath heavy, tears rolling down his face. Neteyam felt his heart break even more from the site infront of him. He couldn't stand to see his little brother like this. None of them could.
Without thinking he moved towards Lo'ak and pulled him into his chest, hugging him tight. He shushed his brother and whispered sweet things in his ear trying to calm him down. Lo'ak just held onto his brother as he cried out for his twin to come back. But he knew she was never coming back.
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xsaiya · 7 months
"everything's alright."
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-tags: comforting! obanai x vitiligo! insecure! reader, angst fluff (mostly angst), hugs, re-assurance, suicidal thoughts (reader), mentions of sh, traumatizing flashback, reader has permanent scars on their face, platonic sanemi catches you trying to harm yourself, reader is known as the emotion hashira, daydreaming. (warning for triggers!)
-future work: uppermoon hc's + muzan (I PROMISE <3)
-plot: iguru had found you saying some bad shit abt yourself so he went to go talk with and comfort you. <3
-a/n: pls do not think bad abt yourself, or harm yourself. your perfect the way you are, there's no need to feel like shit abt yourself. <3 (pls do not steal my work as it is based on my own life)
-recommended song: cigarettes out the window - tv girl
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life was hard, hard as fuck. you felt like everybody around your atmosphere hated you and wishes you'd just, well, die. thoughts ran through your head as you were balled up in a corner, grabbing fistful sizes of hair on the sides of your head, crying and sobbing, muttering bad shit abt yourself, like 'does he hate me? does he want me to die? should i even be alive right now?'. those thoughts ran through your head every single day and second, just no body noticed.
note being a hashira, that shit just adds another difficulty to your already fucked up life. your mind also had racing thoughts of your past, and what those bastards did.
huddled up in a corner while gripping the sides of your head, crying & trembling in fear as the tall, abusive figure stood right in front of you while kicking and hitting your already abused body. the man, also known as your dad, kept yelling things in your ears like 'your not my daughter! my daughter isn't a useless, annoying, ugly ass bitch!' as he continued to abuse you over and over again. and all you could do was tremble and cry in fear.
you just dug your head into your legs as you cried and cried, you had nobody, nobody at all, except for one person, the love of your life, obanai. he genuinely cared about you, checked to see if you were eating enough, drinking enough water, sleeping enough. all he did was worry & care abt you, which made you feel guilty, why did he care so much about you? aren't you supposed to be a worthless toy to throw around? not in his eyes.
but, from the corner of your eyes, you saw a blade, you just stared at it for continuous minutes and seconds before thoughts ran through your head. your heart told you 'don't do it, you'll regret it!' while your brain just said 'do it, fuck up your wrists, your worthless anyways.'
you reached out for the blade, grabbed it with a harsh grip, and pointed its sharp tip to your wrist while smiling and crying, still looking down. but before you could even think about doing such an act towards yourself, someone harshly grabbed your wrist, and threw the blade away from your intense grip.
"don't fucking do that shit." said sanemi, he was genuinely worried that you'd do such an act towards yourself if he didn't arrive in time.
"i-" you just stared at him, as if a staring contest occurred, but no, he was giving you that intense look of 'tell someone, talk to someone, get help.'
"you gotta get some help, yk what? i'm telling iguru, you need to get some help." those words replayed in your mind as if it were a track tape, you just sat on a couch near you, waiting for them to return, and they eventually did.
sanemi returned with a worried as fuck obanai. obanai rushed towards you, grabbed your wrist and inspected it thoroughly, asking questions, his anxiety boosted right through heaven's gates as he looked at you with a look of so much love & worry. this just made you cry, cried in appreciation & sadness, you actually for once felt like you could let it all loose around someone.
"hey, hey. it's alright, let it all out love," he hugged you so so tight
you sobbed and sobbed for hours and all he did was mutter sweet re-assurances in your ear as you berried your crying face into his welcoming shoulder.
"..everything's alright."
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hollowwrites · 1 year
Part 5 or Standalone
Ominis x MC
Summary - This is how I would’ve wanted Sebastians’ story to unfold. Very angsty because it’s Sebastian but much less heartbreaking than what we actually got.
Warnings - Mentions of death, cussing, Crucio, angst, sad, I promise it’s back to fluff after this 😓
Word Count - 2974
This was it.
This is how she was going to die.
The Sorting Hat was certainly correct when it placed her in Slytherin. Pride was going to be her downfall.
After Sebastian had called her ignorant she refused to speak to him outright. Even when she desperately needed his help, like now, for example.
She sat back against a desk she had upturned in desperation for cover, flinching every time a spell ricocheted off the flimsy wood, sending splinters flying everywhere. Grimly, she thought how long it would take for them to find her body or if she’d attended the school long enough to become one of its ghostly residents. Everything went quiet when one the Ashwinders’ had rounded the desk, wand drawn.
“Thought you could outsmart us with a desk did ya?” He shoved the tip of his wand sharply to her forehead.
“Worked for a while” she laughed humourlessly before throwing a basic cast at his face. Her hand fell limply to her side, clutching at the gash caused by a Diffindo earlier in their fight
“Oh you bitch…Crucio”
Hot white pain ripped through her chest and radiated all of her body. The ringing in her ears was indistinguishable from reality and she couldn’t tell if it was actually happening or if it was part of the torture.
Oh this was different than when Sebastian had cast it.
This was unrelenting.
She tried to blink through it but her eyes remained unfocused. Shallow and unfulfilling breathes failed to fill her lungs as she gasped for air. How long had she been screaming for? Was that why her throat stung or was that also the curse? Her fingernails filled with dirt as she grasped for her wand.
Merlin, she wished Sebastian was here.
Or Ominis.
He’d been so tender with her after Sebastian had cast it on her. She could really use those reassuring words right about now. Or a second wand in this fight. She squeezed her eyes shut hoping to assuage some of the pain. An unpleasant pressure surrounded her. Not painful just, odd. But when it ceased so did some of the pain. Not completely, the Cruciatus Curse still emanated from her chest where the spell had struck. She gulped at air for the first time in what felt like hours, gasping at the sensation of air scraping down her throat.
“What on earth are you playing at?!” Ominis’ harsh tone shot at her “Oh…”
“Ominis?” She cried flailing outwardly, unable to focus her eyes on her surroundings. She crawled toward his voice, padding at the floor.
“I’m here, what has happened?”
She didn’t reply.
She grasped at his robes as he got closer, pulling his body down to hers, a soothing hand circling her back.
“We need to…get out of here” she grabbed at his forearms insisting he to listen to her.
“Don’t speak. Just relax it’ll be over soon”
“No…Ominis…dangerous, can’t…be here anymore”
“Evelyn…” he took her face in his hands willing her to look at him “You’re in Hogwarts. I don’t know how you apparated here but you’re safe. We can talk soon just…relax”
“….Crucio….” She whimpered
“I know” he pulled her back to his chest rocking her slightly back and forth, mumbling into her hair “I know”
It took a few minutes for the pain to alleviate enough for her to collect her thoughts. Her breathing now returning to something of normality, she heaved herself up and off Ominis. He remained kneeling on the floor next to her, hands outstretched still in case she needed the support.
Finally being able to take in her environment she struggled against what it told her.
“How did I get here?” She said voice ragged still. Her eyes settling on the bed she leaned against, it’s bright green sheets indicating she’d found herself in the boys dorm of the Slytherin Common Room. “I remember thinking …you were kind the last time…I wanted to see you”
“I don’t know, you must have apparated. Gave me quite the fright” he breathed humourlessly “But people can’t apparate into, or out of, Hogwarts. It has defensive charms stopping that sort of thing.” His mouth hung open as though he were going to continue. His eyebrows practically fused together in worry “Forget all that for a moment. How are you feeling?”
“Better” is all she managed. She watched his face shift ever so slightly. His brow still hard and knitted together, his eyes darkened in their deep sockets.
“Who?” He murmured through clenched teeth “Who cast that on you…again?”
“Some Ashwinder, but that…Ominis it felt different to when Sebastian cast it on me…” her eyes filled with tears imagining the pain once again. As though he could see the tears threatening to overflow, he pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to her. Once she took it, his hand found it’s way to her shoulder, rubbing small circles with his thumb comfortingly across her collarbone.
“Intent matters with The Unforgivables. Though it is true you have to mean them you can do so in different ways. Sebastian’s was a means to an end this…Ashwinder…wanted to hurt you” his jaw was tight “What were doing out there alone?!” He chastised her, failing to hide the pain in his voice.
She felt the anger from Sebastian once again, followed by the dawning horror that she hadn’t told Ominis a thing. Because Sebastian and Ominis were a package deal, she had inadvertently ignored Ominis this whole time.
It was about time he knew everything anyway. Sebastian was doing some stupid things and she’d promised him that after collecting that relic it would be the end of it all. But Sebastian was falling harder and faster than anticipated even on matters unrelated to Anne. She told Ominis everything. Her abilities with Ancient Magic, the Keepers, the Triptych, everything Fig and Sebastian would rather she not spread around. At some point during her confession he’d guided her to sit on his bed. He held her hand the entire time, reassuringly, nodding sagely and just, listening. Every other time she’d told people about this they, rather unfairly challenged her on everything, like she had any answers. She knew they meant well, but having someone just listen to her for once, really shone a light on just how overwhelmed everyone else had made her feel. When she stopped speaking for a while, finished with her monologue, Ominis squeezed her hand.
“Thank you for keeping your word and telling me about Sebastian. I’m really sorry if I seem selfish, Truly I am interested in your Ancient Magic and whatnot…”
“But you’re worried about Sebastian”
“…Yes” he sighed
“It’s fine. It’s why I told you. I’ve wanted to tell you all of this it’s just very overwhelming. This time last year I didn’t even know magic existed and now-“
“It’s okay” his hand giving hers another squeeze
“I’m scared for him, Ominis” her voice barely a whisper
“I…have an idea”
That night they found themselves at the Sallow residence. Solomon was away finding work so it was just Anne, Ominis and Evelyn. They told Anne everything unsure of how much she was actually aware of. She didn’t even seem upset, just tired. And considering this was all for her, she seemed done with it all.
“Why is he doing this, Ominis” she said flatly, her curled eyebrows betraying her sadness.
“He loves you. He just has a…ludicrous way of showing it” Ominis patted Annes shoulder.
The plan was to just outright confront Sebastian and make him see Anne wanted none of this. Anne had wrote to Sebastian asking them to meet and to bring all of his research. If push came to shove, they were going to destroy it all. If he hated them, he hated them. It’s the risk they all agreed to take. A few days were spent at the Sallow Household before Sebastian finally arrived.
“Sorry I took so long, I had to-“ he stopped briefly when he saw Ominis and Evelyn sat at the dinner table with Anne “-make some arrangements. What’s going on?” He continued, eyes narrowing and tone becoming sharper. Anne stood, shakily at first, but she knew what was at stake. She smiled at her brother sweetly before outstretching her hands.
“Can I see the research?” She asked plastering on a dainty smile
“Why are they here?” He barked
“Research. Now. Sebastian” she barked back, her charade now completely gone. Ominis stood, wand in hand. Not unusual for the blind boy but something about the way his hand wrapped around it’s handle made Evelyn uneasy. He shifted slightly around the table positioning himself in front of Eve.
Sebastian reluctantly handed over Salazar Slytherins Spell-book and the relic recently recovered. She took them both and pottered back to the table, her breath slightly laboured as she sat back down next to Eve.
Annes eyes darted over the pages quickly, a trait both her and her brother shared, more than likely inherited from their parents. She rubbed at her forehead taking in the words on the pages in front of her.
“This is-“
“Incredible isn’t it?” Sebastian chimed in almost giddy. Ominis shifted once again between Sebastian and the girls. Eves’ eyes flashed between the two boys. Sebastian didn’t seem to notice Ominis at all.
“Disgusting, Sebastian” Anne finished “I want no part of this” he looked really hurt.
“But Anne…this could save you” he pleaded
“I don’t need saving!” She raised her voice “I’m sick of being treated like a victim. Damn it Sebastian, you’re supposed to love me unconditionally”
“But this isn’t you”
“It is now” her chest heaved from the heartbreak in her words mixed with the pain she was almost flawlessly masking
Something shifted in Sebastians face. Any trace of hurt melted away and was replaced with something dark. Eve recognised the look from when he’d cast the Imperious Curse on that goblin. He stood up straight, shoulders squared off and jaw clenched.
“Give me back the book” he demanded. This prompted Ominis to not-so-subtly shift once more. He raised his wand, pointing it towards Sebastian, and took a step forward
“No” Anne replied closing the book and clutching it to her chest. Evelyn picked up the Relic off the table and pocketed it, in case Sebastian tried to make a move for it. Sebastian chuckled darkly, looking around at his ‘friends’.
“You know, I could just take it from you. Give. It. Back” Each word he took a step towards Anne, not taking his eyes off her.
That worked to their advantage.
He didn’t noticed Ominis, seething beside him and approaching, hand outstretched, to find Sebastian’s neck. He pushed him against the wall by his throat, angrily pressing his wand deep into the skin at his temple.
“Sorry Sebastian. I have the monopoly on family trauma so I suggest you apologise to your sister” Ominis spoke through his teeth causing his words to come out as a hiss. Sebastian grunted as he struggled against his best friend. He reached for his wand but was halted in his tracks.
“Arresto Momentum” Evelyn snapped now standing, hand over Anne willing her to stay out of it. A deep irritated growl rumbled from Sebastian, struggling more. “Remember who you’re doing this for”
“Stay out of this” Sebastian shouted back at her. Ominis scoffed, flexing his fingers against Sebastian’s neck.
“Do you have any idea what you’re risking here?” Ominis spat twisting his wand deeper into his flesh “This is it now. This is the family you have left and you’re jeopardising it for some imaginary life you don’t know you can obtain.”
Anne gasped suddenly clutching her chest. The pain from the curse rearing it’s ugly head. Sebastian’s face softened as he watched his sister double over in pain. He squeezed his eyes shut unwilling to watch anymore.
“This is ending tonight, Sebastian. One way or another” Evelyn spoke not looking at him. She was attending to Anne holding her up as she screamed into her chest. Ominis felt Sebastian swallow thickly under his hand.
“Take…the book a-and the relic far from me. Let me go to my sister” all fight left him in an instant. His shoulders slumped and head rested back on the wall Ominis still held him against.
“Evelyn, grab them” Ominis instructed. Dispite not seeing, his eyes wouldn’t leave Sebastian.
“I don’t want to leave her al-“
“I’m okay” Anne’s words ripped straight from her chest, a deep guttural groan following her words “I’ve had worse” she smiled. With her permission, Evelyn took the book from the floor where it fell and patted her pocket to ensure the relic was still in there from earlier. She shuffled to Ominiss’ side, who only now released Sebastian, a deep indentation marking his temple. He instantly bolted for Anne, throwing his arms around her and sobbing.
“Let’s go, now!” Ominis barked taking Evelyn’s hand and dragging her out of the house. With his wand directing him he headed straight for the Feldcroft Floo Flame.
“Do you think we did the right thing?” Evelyn asked panting, a light jog forming as she tried to keep up with Ominis
“I…don’t know…”
Evelyn gasped bolting straight up in bed. Her breathlessness quickly turning to ragged sobs as she looked around the Slytherin Dorm. As always, whenever Evelyn had a nightmare, Imelda was at her side. She appeared to have slipped into her bed before she awoke, obviously disturbed by Evelyns cries in her sleep. She pulled at Eves shoulders willing her back against her pillows as she flipped them to the cooler and drier side.
“Shhhhhh I’m here” Imelda whispered smoothing Eves hair back down. “You’re okay” she spoke at a more level tone, not worrying about waking anyone else. Since her nightmares began almost two years ago the Slytherin dorm accommodated for her night terrors by creating a secondary dorm for Imelda and herself. She’d heard Violet and Nerida complaining to a professor once about not getting any sleep over the fact and clearly the castle itself agreed, creating the space for the Slytherins girls seemingly overnight.
“I wish you’d tell me what these dreams are about” Imelda asked, worry clear in her voice “maybe I could help”
“They’re just…bad memories” Eve said sitting up in bed. “I’m going to sit by the fire” she swung her legs off the bed, pulled on some socks and trudged across to the door.
“Do you want company?” Imelda knew by now the answer was always no but on the off chance it was a yes, she asked anyway.
“I’m okay, thank you” Eve smiled kissing Imelda on the forehead.
“As always, you tell anyone I was nice to you, I’ll beat you to death” She smiled sweetly, eyebrows still knitted together with concern
As Evelyn descended the stairs of the Seventh Year Dorms she heard the very same creaking of the stairwell from the opposite side of the room. She looked up to see Ominis in much the same state as herself, his wand casting eerie red under glow to his features. When they both reached the bottom of the stairs, standing in front of the statue of Salazar Slytherin, they said nothing. It wasn’t the first time they’d met in the common room after a particularly shaky night. It happened frequently at the end of fifth year and though Ominiss’ nightmares had stopped for the majority of sixth year, he still found himself comforting Evelyn on occasion. He reached out to her face, feeling her swollen eyes and damp cheeks.
“You still have my handkerchief?” He asked
“Always” She dabbed at her face as he reached his arm around her shoulders.
“Come let’s take our usual spot” his voice was monotone, as it always was when he had also had a nightmare. Once Ominis had settled down on the sofa for what seemed like the millionth time, Evelyn slumped next to him, cradling her legs and tucking her feet under his thigh.
“So what was yours about?” She asked breath hitching on the echo of an old sob.
“Same old. People under the effects of Crucio” he sounded so bored…How had this gotten so mundane? “You?”
“When we hid the spell book from Sebastian” she stared deep into the flames of the roaring fire. “I still dont know if we did the right thing”
“We did. Merlin knows what he would have done if he’d continued down that path”
“I think we should have obliviated him. And destroyed all of it” she pulled her legs up to her chest and slowly began rocking to and fro. Clearly, this had been playing on her mind for quite some time. Ominis just shook his head.
“He needed to learn from his mistakes or he would have simply made them again later in life. And maybe we wouldn’t be there to catch it. As for the Spellbook and Relic, as much as I despise the dark arts…it was a relic of a Founder of Hogwarts and a powerful artifact. It wasn’t our place to destroy it…if we even could have. Have you seen it since?”
“No” she shook her head “The moment we walked out of that wing in The Room of Requirement, it’s door sealed over and it hasn’t appeared since”
“But what if it could have helped Anne” she turned to Ominis now clutching at his hands
“Hurt doesn’t help hurt, Eve. You know this better than most” he caressed her cheek catching a tear that had just fell
“I’m just…overthinking. Everything. I’m worried about seeing Anne tomorrow. It’s been weeks”
“We’ll be there too. And remember we’re going so we can connect your house to the Floo Network. We’ll be able to see her more often then. Tomorrow will be fine just you wait”
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Nobody Left Behind
Prompt: So I don't know if you're taking requests? But I just watched Lilo and Stitch for the first time since I got into TSS and I've adopted the headcanon that it is Remus's *favorite* movie (and he's memorized the script) and I love your writing and I'd love to see something angsty involving Remus feeling lonely/unloved by his brother, and maybe Lilo and Stitch is involved somehow. IDK, go wild. (and feel free to ignore this if you aren't taking requests) <3 - anon
it is Le Fluff™ hours my good bitches
Read on Ao3
Warnings: Remus has some abandonment issues, but it’s not too much
Pairings: it is platonic all the way down, babes
Word Count:  2935
Ohana means family.
 What a weird word.
Sometimes it’s the people you’re born with. Well, not ‘with,’ not necessarily, but the people you are born to. A mother, a father, a sister, a brother. Sometimes two mothers, sometimes two fathers, sometimes a different parent. Sometimes two sisters, sometimes two brothers, sometimes a different sibling. Sometimes a mess of assorted people that all share the same blood. A family.
 Remus wasn’t born.
 He was made though, crafted and shaped and born out of the swirling chaos of a child’s mind that didn’t understand the world well enough without other people to help. He remembers getting cobbled together from scraps of thoughts and feelings and morphing them into limbs, into features, into something that vaguely resembled the body of the child he was made to fit. Not the ‘fitting’ was ever his job.
 Just his brother’s.
 Is his brother his family?
 By all accounts he should be, right? A brother is one of those people that are traditionally part of the ‘family’ group, right, someone to laugh with, cry with, fight with, live with. But is Roman really his…brother?
 That’s what they decided to call themselves because nothing else worked. They weren’t really brothers, they were halves. But they weren’t really halves because there was never a whole to begin with.
 The King wasn’t a ‘whole,’ he was…well, he was the King. Half of a king is not a prince. Half of a king is not a duke.
 Half of a king is a mess of blood and bones and viscera dripping off of the end of a Morningstar in the middle of the night when only a destroyed facsimile makes the insanity bleed away just enough to breathe again.
 The closest thing to twins, is what they decided on eventually. They’re twins. One light, one dark. One that marches boldly into danger to confront the wickedness of the world, one that dwells in the shadows and cackles with the demons nipping at his heels. One that loves, one that isn’t loved.
 Sure, they had some things in common. They both loved to fight, hence the scars and the bruises and the wounds that would never, ever heal, the distrust that would never be fixed ever, because the urge to sink their teeth into each other’s necks and rip never went away. They both loved to make, Roman the peaceful lies he tells himself to make up for the gaping wounds Remus leaves as he carves his perfectly tailored destruction. They both love Disney.
 Roman’s made it part of his whole deal as the Prince, he loves Disney. He bursts into song every chance he gets, drags the others in until the Mindscape rings with joyful song and there’s nowhere left for any sadness or darkness. He takes his lessons from it, models himself using the traits of the characters he admires most. Cultivates his art of storytelling, perfect to a tee.
 Remus loves Disney too. Loves how easy it is to twist the lens to distort the image just enough to let the darker parts of the Imagination run wild. What is the real implication of never growing old, never understanding what it means to die? What kind of person curses a ten-year-old boy for being cautious about who he answers the door to? What could the story have been if the prince never comes to save the day?
 When they were smaller it was fine. When they were still getting used to the fact that they weren’t King anymore, they used to sit and watch so many Disney movies. Roman’s favorite was always changing, one week it was Beauty and the Beast, then it was Mulan, then it was Cinderella, it never stayed the same.
 Remus’s was always Lilo and Stitch.
 Roman never understood it, said it was boring, there wasn’t a prince, there wasn’t anything exciting. Remus said that aliens were plenty exciting, thank you very much.
 But they would always watch it. The King wasn’t there anymore, but the prince and the Duke were.
 …when they were smaller, there was one time where the prince wasn’t there at all.
 Remus remembers waking up one day and feeling like he was being Split all over again. The maggots in his bones reached their awful little mouths into his heart and pulled, yanking him all the way across the bed and to the door, howling and screaming for his twin.
 Only to be met with a blank wall.
 He remembers howling at the top of his lungs until Janus had rushed to his side, kneeling down next to him and telling him shh, be quiet, hush now, you’re alright, you’re not hurt. And when he couldn’t explain that he was hurt, half of him was missing, Remus needed to go find him, Janus’s mouth had hardened into a thin line and told him that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
 He remembers thinking that was a lie.
 But it wasn’t. It wasn’t a lie.
 Roman was fine.
 Roman was more than fine, because Roman had a family.
 Roman had Patton, who is the actual manifestation of sunshine and rainbows and loved so much it almost burns. The darkness that wrapped around Remus’s corner of the Imagination screeched and hissed at the very idea of being loved that much, even as part of him strained with all its might to get to it. But Patton would never set foot near this side of the Mindscape.
 Roman had Logan, who represents everything true about the Mindscape, about Thomas, about the world. The reality of things that would never let anything Remus created make it anywhere close to anything important because it was dangerous, it was hurtful, and it was wrong. Logan wouldn’t want anything to do with something so useless.
 And that was okay. Because Roman may have been gone but Remus wasn’t alone. Remus had Virgil, who lived with fear soaking every fiber of his being. Remus had Janus, who wrapped himself in darkness and obscurity and laughed.
 But then Virgil left. And now Roman had Virgil, who used Thomas’s anxieties to keep him safe, to help Roman and the others figure out what to do, how to take care of everybody, and how to make the darkness go away. And Virgil would never willingly sink himself back into the darkness when he’d spent so long clawing himself out of it.
 But that was okay, because Remus had Janus. Janus, who plotted and schemed and smirked at how easily the others were pulled along by his strings, luring them deeper and deeper as Remus readied his Morningstar for the trap to be sprung.
 But then they sprung the trap and everything went wrong.
 Roman didn’t want to fight. He just…he let Remus knock him out and didn’t show up again except to scoff and say he didn’t like him.
 And that was…wrong.
 Because Roman wasn’t supposed to like him but he was never only supposed to not like him. Roman was supposed to declare that he wasn’t welcome and try and slash him with his sword. Roman was supposed to try and banish him from the Mindscape and spit insults at him until he left, cackling all the while. Roman was supposed to hate him.
 But Roman didn’t hate him, he just…he just said he didn’t like him.
 But that was okay, because Janus could just come up with a better plan with him this time. They could do it properly, and Roman would hate him again and it would be back to normal.
 But then Janus left. And now Roman has Janus, who keeps his eyes where the prince’s aren’t, when he can’t see what’s happening or he can’t bear to look, to help Roman figure out what to do when what seems to be happening isn’t anything that the prince is used to dealing with. And Janus would never willingly step away from a place that finally accepted him.
 Roman has them now. Roman has people that chose him. Roman’s family chose him. He chose them. They chose each other.
 Remus’s grip on his Morningstar slackens and the thing falls to the ground with a heavy clunk. He moves numbly through his room until he can fall to his knees on his bed.
 He just came from the living room. They were all there. Roman was talking with Logan, ranting about some new show they were both watching. Janus was in the kitchen with Patton, making something for dinner that everyone—well, almost everyone—could eat. Virgil was on the back of the couch, reaching out for Roman’s shoulder every once in a while.
Remus had waited behind the couch. For someone to sit down, for someone to see him and shriek, or even maybe—just maybe—for someone to ask where he was.
 But no.
 Patton had come over and gently ruffled Virgil’s hair, saying that dinner was ready. Logan and Roman had moved into the kitchen, demanding Janus’s attention and pulling him into their conversation. Virgil had murmured a quiet thank you and Roman had asked him for what?
 “Y’know,” Virgil had said, “for…this.”
 “Of course,” Roman had laughed, the soft rustle of fabric as he probably pulled the emo in for a hug—what did those feel like?— “I should be thanking you?”
 “What for, kiddo?”
 “I dunno, it just…feels like it’s been forever since we’ve all sat down for dinner together.”
 Remus’s chest had started to hurt.
 “The whole family.”
 The whole family.
 Remus’s eyes well up with stubborn tears and he angrily swipes them away, baring his teeth at the memory and focusing intently on the things on the bed. Each hand-stitched, each carefully kept clean.
 His family.
 He reaches out with a shaking hand and tucks the blue frog plushie into the crook of his arm, crawling into the middle of the bed and balancing the purple spider on his shoulder. His hands keep shaking as he wraps the long yellow snake securely around his neck, clutching the head under his chin and nuzzling it protectively. The dark blue cat he holds in his other hand, careful not to tear its tie as he scrunches in on himself.
 Where is it?
 No, no, no, no—
 Remus growls, placing all of his family gently on the floor before all but tearing at his sheets. Where is it, where is it, where is it—his heartbeat starts to rise as his search grows more frantic, where is it, where is it—
 The slightest little puff of red hair and he howls, lunging for it and sweeping it into his lap. He pauses to make sure the lion’s crown didn’t fall off and sighs when he sees it still in place. He sets the lion between his legs and leans over, adjusting everyone back into place and scrunching himself into a ball again. He rubs his nose against the lion’s fur and nuzzles into the soft fabric.
 He’d never be able to forgive himself if he lost them.
 Because Ohana means family.
 Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.
There’s a knock on his door.
 Why is someone knocking on his door?
 They knock again.
 Remus looks up, carefully butting the spider out of the way with his head and sitting up. The snake hangs off his shoulder and he lets it, only missing its warmth once the knock sounds again.
 The frog and the cat watch him warily as he climbs out of bed, the lion clutched in his hand.
 The door squeaks slightly as he opens it.
 “So, I’ve got popcorn, I found the weird gummy snakes, and they had this chocolate-covered bacon which we have to try—Remus?”
 Roman stands there, his arms full of snacks and blankets, his head tilted. He glances behind Remus—probably to check something or other—and then back at him.
 “Remus? Are you okay?”
 “Why are you here?” Roman doesn’t like him.
 “It’s movie night, Re, of course, I’m here.” Roman chuckles nervously before taking in his tear-stained face. “Hey, Re, what’s going on? Are you okay? Can I come in?”
 Why is Roman here? Roman has his family, what is he doing here? With Remus?
 “Remus—“ oh, right, Roman’s talking to him—why is Roman talking to him?—in a soft voice now— “Remus, hey, look at me.”
 Remus blinks. Oh. Roman looks concerned now, he’s reaching for him.
 “Hey,” he murmurs as he ruffles Remus’s hair, “what’s going on? Have you been crying?”
 Remus nods dumbly.
 “I’m sorry, Re, can I help?”
 Help? Why does Roman want to help?
 Oh, he’s waiting for an answer.
 “Thank you,” Roman says softly, “can I come in?”
 Remus steps aside wordlessly and Roman walks in, pausing when he sees the rest of Remus’s family on the bed.
 “Did you make them?”
 Something dark twists in Remus’s chest as he sees Roman reach for the spider.
Roman backs off, stepping back as Remus snatches up his family and cradles them in his lap, glaring at Roman and curling up on the bed.
 “I won’t, Re, I’m sorry,” Roman says, still speaking softly, “can I sit?”
 Roman sits on the floor, setting aside the blankets and snacks, looking up at him. He still looks concerned. Why? Roman doesn’t like him.
 “Why weren’t you at dinner,” he asks gently, “I was worried.”
 Worried? About him? Remus snorts.
 “You had your whole family there,” he spits, “why would you worry?”
 “But you weren’t there,” Roman says like that makes any difference, “so I was worried.”
 Remus shakes his head. Roman doesn’t get it. Roman doesn’t worry about him, he worries about other things. But if Roman wants to know why he wasn’t at dinner, he’ll tell him.
 “I was with my family.”
 Roman’s brow furrows as he glances around again. “…your family?”
 Remus huddles protectively around his family. “Yes. My family.”
 Roman’s eyes widen as he takes in Remus’s posture and how he reacted when Roman asked about them earlier.
 “…are they your family, Remus?”
 “Yes.” He holds them tighter. “I chose them. They won’t leave me. They won’t forget me. That’s what family means.”
 Something crosses Roman’s face and he lets out a wounded noise. Wait. Are they fighting?
 “Wait, Remus,” he murmurs, rising up to his knees, “did you—did you think we forgot you?”
 “You did forget me.”
 “I’m sorry, Remus, I would’ve come to look for you, but I thought—“ Roman shakes his head— “no, it doesn’t matter what I thought. I should’ve come got you, Re, I’m sorry, I—I didn’t mean to leave you behind.”
 “…you didn’t?”
 Roman shakes his head furiously. “No, Remus, I promise. I never meant to leave you.”
 “But everybody leaves me.”
 If possible, Roman’s eyes are now wider and he scrambles for the edge of the bed. “What do you mean, Remus, what do you mean everybody leaves you?”
 “You left. Virgil left. Janus left. Everybody left.” The lion’s mane brushes against his lips as he bows his head. “But not them. They won’t leave me.”
 “Oh, Remus—“
 Something big lunges at him and Remus whimpers, he doesn’t have his Morningstar, he doesn’t want to fight, he doesn’t—he doesn’t—
 What’s happening? He feels warm and he’s being squished and Roman is pressing himself against him and what—what—
 “What’re you doing?”
 “It’s a hug, Remus,” comes Roman’s voice, slightly muffled, from over his shoulder, “I’m hugging you.”
 “Yeah, Re, I’m here, I’m right here, I won’t forget you, I won’t leave you behind, you’re my brother, you’re my family, I choose you.” Roman’s grip tightens on him and Remus just about gasps. “I choose you and I want you and I like you.”
 Roman…Roman likes him?
 Roman chooses him?
 Roman won’t…leave?
 “No, Remus,” Roman promises as he cautiously asks, “I won’t leave. Not unless you want me to.”
 “Then I’m not going anywhere.”
 That’s it.
 Remus throws his arms around his twin and sobs, cries an entire ocean of tears into his brother’s shoulder because he’s here and he cares and he chose Remus. The darkness shudders as that small part of him surges forward, into Roman’s chest, finding a home in the prince’s heart and languishing in the warmth there.
 “I’m right here, Re,” Roman murmurs, stroking up and down his back, “right here, I’ve got you.”
 The snake drapes itself cautiously over Roman’s shoulder, the spider taking up watch on his knee. The cat and the frog stare at him, making sure he isn’t lying, that he won’t change his mind. The lion, sandwiched between them, feels the reassuring rumble from Roman’s chest and purrs.
 After a long, long time, Remus pulls back a little and scuffs a hand over his nose.
 “…did you say something about chocolate-covered bacon?”
 Roman’s smile lights up.
 “Let’s put on Lilo and Stitch and we’ll try it.”
 Ohana means family.
 Family means no one gets left behind.
 Or forgotten.
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loveanoutcast · 3 years
ok but I read games and I am ADDICTED and I just thought I could maybe request something like-
Eren meeting the reader through a simple comment and a timeskip to them being v close until they eventually end up in a fight because reader was ranting to eren about how perfect their crush (who is actually eren) is and him just exploding and them getting into a fight until the reader eventually goes "that person is you, dumbass!" Or smth like that and from there it all just turns into a lot of kisses and smut👀
only if you're comfy/in the mood of writing smth like this tho! just had this random thought last night and thought I'd request a little erenxfembodiedreader
Anyway have a nice day, night, afternoon, morning, you're amazing :D
Oh my gosh, this is my first request ever and I am so incredibly excited to write this and I really hope I did good in writing something you would want. Thank you so much for submitting this request, please feel free to send more! I love writing fanfics of any aot character and will do my absolute best to embody them in these. Sorry for the long wait, when I say the last chapter had me all the way FUCK3D up. EreMika is canon and I haven't been able to stop saying "He loved her, oh my god he loved her" in that "and they were roommates" vine way because that's my coping mechanism and it's cheaper than therapy. Anyway, I give you-
Pairing: Eren Yeager x Fem!reader
TW: nsfw, smut, angst, jealously, swearing, yelling, a bit of fluff, unprotected intercourse, breeding kink, a bit of voyeurism, a bit of sexism, eren being denser than a rock, Levi having health issues because he's old
Other: aot world if the mess of season four never happened and eren didn't fall to sad bitch hours, reader is a regular girl with family issues, all characters are over 18, Erwin never died and Floch never went insane
It wasn't that Eren hated going into town, but he wasn't exactly used to going to town alone. He always had Mikasa and Armin flanking either side of him but since the discovery of the world outside the walls and the decreased threat of titans, scouts were needed more than ever in the recovery of the lost districts. Mikasa was the second strongest soldier alive and Armin was expected to take after Erwin. Eren was useful when it came to being the one who possessed the attack and founder titan, but lately there was no big threats that required his titan abilities.
That didn't stop Hange from poking him, nor did it stop Captain Levi from keeping him busy with even the most minimalist of tasks. Today was no different and when the options were given to him and Jean, who was still asleep in his bunker, on shoveling horse shit or going into town to stock up on supplies and check to ensure all market suppliers weren't being capitalist pigs to the local vendors, Eren all but hauled ass through the door, hand swiping the grocery list off the table and yelling, "Good luck Jean-boy!"
Everything seemed to be going just fine, none of the local vendors had any troubles and most seemed happier with the drastic improvements of the living situations for Eldians. The fear of being eaten any day now or losing a loved one to war had seemed to be the driving force that had led to problems before. Some people recognized Eren, but no one seemed to want to approach him. He had had encounters with people who thought of him as a god, but he usually ignored them or kept a level-headed composure. Despite knowing that he had a power no one else had, outside of being a titan-shifter, Eren didn't really know what he had to offer. Armin was smart, Mikasa was strong, and he couldn't exactly claim titan-shifter seeing that Armin was also the colossal and Ymir had been the jaw.
He let out a sigh, kicking a rock in his path and silently yearning for something beyond his knowledge. Despite knowing that he was never really alone, he felt lonely a lot of the time. He had never given much thought to settling down, with the clock running out on him he often thought what was even the point? He wasn't sure if he wanted to keep being a soldier or if he wanted to go back home one day, he didn't really try to dwell on the future, content with being in the present and having Mikasa always on the verge of tears when she was reminded that he would one day die, didn't really give him room to think of much else.
You weren't oblivious to the tales and rumors that went around the town about the scouts and their secret weapon in the form of a shapeshifting man and how him and his comrades were able to plug the hole in the wall of a district your family had come from long ago. Your father had long since escaped the walls of Maria before it fell, he made an honest living being a construction man, and your mother was a nurse who happened to catch his eye when he had a roofing accident. They built a life for themselves within Wall Rose. You weren't the richest family, nor did you have a name that was well known. Nonetheless, you were all hard working. Your brothers worked for the respect they got, one being a weapon maker and the other being a bar keeper was enough for the part of town you were in. Even their wives did well for themselves in being a seamstress and bar waitress. As the youngest, you were loved and cared for. You weren't the most beautiful girl in town, but you turned heads nonetheless, well until one of your brothers decided to glare or promptly hit whoever doted on you too long for their liking.
The people who knew you, thought you were trouble. Mostly the elders spewed of you and your ways of thinking being a disgrace to everything Eldians stood for and bringing only shame to your gender, you were a woman ahead of her time and they couldn't stand it. Like your mother you had entered the medical field, but even when you were small you claimed you would be a doctor one day. You shadowed and worked under the supervision of the town's doctors. Many amused at your antics, some who didn't care about you being a girl and just grateful to leave such responsibility on someone who was genuine in the intent, and others not caring one way or another and not willing to hear your screeching pleads to observe what they did. Your mom had spoken with you more than once about settling with being a doctor's aide, today being no different and you let out a sigh as you looked to your mother's pained expression.
"I just don't understand why you insist on making your life so difficult? It was bad enough when you proudly exclaimed your goals in front of the entire church, but now this?"
You could only look away, looking towards the fields where you saw your third brother grooming the horses. You hadn't said anything bad, you were approached with a job offer that would give you the title and respect you had been desperately craving, and it would bring greater honor to your family...or so you thought before your mother reacted the opposite in which you hoped.
"I will not have any daughter of mine chasing dreams and fantasies off in some other place where no one can protect you. This is a suicide mission and I for one will not stand by and watch you march forward to your downfall."
Your father stood behind your mother, not really saying anything and not even looking at you. You felt especially bad for the commander and captain who stood on either side of you and were bearing witness to the absurd exchange between your family.
"Mrs. Y/L/N, you have to know that if Y/N were to accept this offer, she would never be in the front lines. We have bases located all throughout the walls and she would do what she did best and be our primary doctor." Commander Erwin spoke with such calm words, his demeanor kind and patient.
"So you expect me to let her run off with a bunch of men whose brains are broken from the wars they fought and not worry? She is not even married!"
You grit your teeth so hard upon hearing that, you were sick of the standards put forth on you since your birth. You were sick of the expectations you were in no hurry to reach and you were especially tired of the lack of faith your family had in you to be independent and strong. Your fists clenched and you felt a steady gaze on you.
"I'm not an expert or anything on parenting, nor will I act as if I am, but instead of yelling at her, why don't you try asking your daughter what she wants to do?" You didn't silence the gasp you released, looking at Captain Levi in confusion and admiration.
All eyes turned to you, your mother crossing her arms as if asking you to try and defy her. Erwin looked a bit expectedly and Levi looking indifferent to the entire conversation. It was your father who beat you to it before you could even open your mouth to answer.
"You have a choice, my daughter. If you choose to stay, you'll make your mother and brothers happy. You can continue to help people but you will never be acknowledged as a doctor...but you'll have your family. Or you can choose to leave and live your life to your own accord, but you will lose the respect of the town and your mother will never speak to you again. Are you willing to put yourself above your family?" You expected this from your father, always neutral and never judgmental, what he was saying was true after all. Were you willing to lose your family over your dreams? Would you be able to survive on your own with only the scouts to rely on?
Your head was hurting and your frustration only grew when your brothers decided to come home and after your mother wailing at them about your plans to leave, they were quick to overwhelm you with their own opinions. The commander and captain apologized but they had to leave and return to headquarters.
"Take your time on making your decision. We will come back in a few days for your answer." Commander Erwin told you, giving you a smile as he continued, "I know its a lot to ask you to choose us over your flesh and blood, but if you do. You have my promise that we will protect you, and we may never be able to fully replace your family in your heart, but the scouts will be a family on its own for you."
"Tch," Captain Levi shook his head, "Look brat, you will see and do things that you won't always like. People will die no matter how hard you try to save them, but call Erwin and Hange delusional--they see something in you. Don't walk into this half-assed, if you choose to be our doctor and you choose to take on the title and everything it carries with it, you have to dedicate your heart."
You only nodded. Two days had passed as you walked through the market, the small basket in your hands carried apples and some citrus fruits. Your mother still wasn't talking to you and your brothers seemingly assumed you wouldn't be leaving, only your father knew how frantic your mind was, and one morning he admitted that he would be delighted to have at least one of his children carry the family name on a military standing. So you had his support.
You even spoke to the animal doctor you had been shadowing for the past few weeks, his eyebrows had rose in an impressed matter and he promptly asked when you would be leaving.
"I haven't made a decision, yet." You said.
"You would be an idiot not to take it." Was all he replied before asking you to give the cattle their medicine.
Idiot, huh? You wondered. You knew deep down he was right. Your mind continued to play in endless loops of thought before you heard a commotion to your right. Turning your head you saw a group of men, their huddling seemed a bit more frantic and it was not until one of them yelled that you noticed one man in particular on his knees.
"Help! Someone call a doctor!"
The man on the floor was bleeding rather profusely and you didn't have time to question what happened before you quickly made way.
"Sir, let me see."
"Hey! Woman don't touch him!"
"Make yourself useful and go get a doctor! What the hell do you think you're doing!"
"I am a doctor." You calmly said, inspecting the gash on his side and seeing the edge of what appeared to be a broken pipe sticking out from the building behind them. The drips if bloods glistening in the sun only confirmed what you thought.
"We were-" The injured man rasped out, "Just horsing around."
"It's okay." You reassured, grabbing a roll of gauze and stack of medical napkins you always kept in your basket. You apologized before applying pressure to the wound, and you heard the patter of rushing feet.
"A doctor is on his way! A real one!" One of the men sneered, and you did your best not to roll your eyes and focus on stopping the bleeding. You asked the man to lie on his back and he surprisingly complied, he didn't seem to care about you being a girl and only seemed thankful to not be alone and scared.
"Do you hear that? Move before you kill him!" The first man hollered, the hand on your shoulder causing you to sharply inhale.
"Excuse me for one moment." You told the man, and you were quick as you hand shot up to grip the disrespectful ass by his wrist and twist it in one fluid motion, you wasted no time in using the building wall as leverage, quickly running up and using his weight to stabilize yourself before you roundhouse kicked him so hard it sent both of you flying back. You landed on one foot, balancing yourself before going back to the patient.
You couldn't deny how satisfying it was to hear the impact, or the groan of pain coming from him. Your eyes met the others.
"If any of you touch me, I'll do exactly what I did to your buddy there, but ten times worse. Now shut the hell up and let me save this man."
Eyes widely stared at you as you resumed caring for the injured, a few minutes passed by the time the doctor got there.
"Oh!" His eyebrows rose, "Hello Y/N, didn't expect to see you here. If I would have known, I wouldn't have left the hospital on its own."
"Hi Dr. Goodwin," You looked up, two fingers on the injured man's wrist and the other held up four fingers from your counting. You blushed slightly from his confidence in you and you noticed the men who bullied you all sport faces of confusion.
"His pulse is stable. I wrapped the wound tightly, but he needs stitches."
"Thank you, miss." The injured man grabbed your hand and you smiled in return.
"Don't mention it."
"Actually, it's Dr. Y/L/N." Dr. Goodwin said, seeing your eyes widen and the smile he gave only made your heart swell that much more.
The doctor nodded, thanking you before asking his helpers to load him to the small gurney they brought. He could only thank you briefly before you waved them off. The other guys had stayed back, eyes wide in disbelief that the doctor not only recognized you, but acknowledged your work.
"Are you a nurse or something?"
"Are you morons deaf? Did you not hear Dr. Goodwin? I'm a doctor too."
The leader seemed to recover from the kick you gave him earlier as his lip curled in an ugly matter, "What kind of sick joke is that? No such thing as a woman doctor."
"Obviously there is if I'm standing right in front of you. Or did my kick knock a few more scews loose?"
Eren was walking buy, noticing the commotion from afar and as a soldier, his instincts to provide help in dire situations kicked in. He elbowed his way to the front. Seeing you standing defiantly in front of five tall muscular men. He stepped forward as the main leader got in your face, but when you shifted your foot, he seemed to coil back. Eren noticed a giant welt on one side of his face and wondered how the hell he got such an ugly bruise. It didn't stop their onslaught.
"Who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think you could do whatever the fuck you want?"
"Because in this world, I'm free to do whatever the fuck I please." Eren watched as your eyes narrowed in further defiance, the smile on your face sickeningly sweet and all he could think about was how he had never seen such a woman.
You hadn't even noticed the audience that gathered, you side stepped the group of men, going as far as waving a goodbye with a breathy giggle, you picked up your basket. You had a small hop to your step and despite not caring to even spare a glance to the onlookers, your eyes met a pair of pretty green ones. The prominent bone structure made you think, "Wow."
However, the tall muscular body you did a once over on had you follow that thought with, "Oh damn."
Eren seemed dumbfounded, your obviousness in checking him out made him flush. He had never felt self-conscious over his body. He knew even before he hit puberty that he would do well to grow muscles and abs, the necessary type of figure to have if one were to be a soldier of the scouts. He knew it was also something some females found attractive in the opposite sex but it's not like he ever had time to date much less dwell on what girls liked. Seeing the way you looked at him though, he couldn't deny that he silently hoped for your approval.
When you finally met his eyes once more, you had him floored when he saw you drop a wink at him.
The crowd murmuring as they watched you go made his own eyebrows furrow in confusion. He stepped to one of the members and demanded an explanation.
"Honestly, the little lady was crazy! She came in here claiming to be a doctor and helped patch up a guy who got cut by the pipe over there. Instead of waiting for a real doctor, she made a whole fuss."
"Where's the guy?"
"Dr. Goodwin picked him up. That doctor is mad too, he also said she was a doctor, but that's ridiculous. No woman can be a doctor. That's so many levels of wrong."
Eren felt the urge to punch the man in the mouth, but one glance at the ugly bruise his friend sported reminded him,
"What happened to your face?"
The leader grumbled a bunch of profanities, "That little bitch. I tried to get her off before she messed the guy up anymore and she kicked me."
"In your face?" Eren sounded impressed, and he was when he received a nod of confirmation.
He looked to the direction which you disappeared in and said fine words to the group, "Whether you men like it or not. The world is changing, everyone is free to be who they want. If women can join the military no problem, they can be doctors too."
He saluted before rushing off, not hearing the mutters of annoyance from the men. In all honestly, Eren had no clue on what he was doing.
You were scrubbing off the blood from under your fingernails near a fountain when you hear the shuffle of feet from behind you. You silently hoped it wasn't any of those morons asking for more trouble, but you were pleasantly surprised when your eyes met a pair of green ones from before.
"I'm Eren." You smiled at him, nodding and your smile turned quirked when he stuttered in, "Yeager. Eren Yeager."
Hmm, you had thought, His name suits him. You studied his demeanor, not missing the gear strapped to either sides of his hips or the green hood covering his shoulders. You knew immediately that he was a scout and you wondered if he knew Captain Levi. Before you got the courage to ask him, he beat you to it.
"What did you mean by what you said earlier? Do you really think that? That we're all free to do anything we want here?"
You smiled as you nodded, walking towards a vendors stand and Eren fell into step beside you, you felt nervous around him, but also safe with his company. He watched you as you picked up another apple to inspect.
"We have laws and rules though...so we're not technically all the way free?"
"I'm free to be me, just as you are free to be you...Eren...Yeager."
It was the way the sun hit your face in that moment, highlighting your strong cheekbones and giving a special glint in your eyes that made Eren want to hear your thoughts more. He spent the rest of the day asking you questions, never satisfied with the small responses you gave him and he even walked you home. The mean glare from your mother confused him beyond belief and it was your father's words that made you gasp in surprise that night.
"He's the titan shifter, the one who helped plug up wall Rose."
Your face had turned red in embarrassment, you were talking so casually to a literal titan and you even flirted with him. He even held your basket the entire trip to your house and you didn't even consider how informal you acted with your skirt. You had hitched one of them up your thigh to get better footing and hadn't missed the way Eren blushed at seeing so much skin. You knew the girls in the scouts wore pants, but even then they kept covered.
You were certain Eren wanted nothing else to do with a girl who held little to no morals, but you were caught by pleasant surprise when you saw him with Erwin and Levi the next day in town.
His eyes had immediately found yours and you didn't miss the blush on his cheeks as he gave you a small wave. You couldn't but laugh when Captain Levi suddenly kicked him.
"Who's got you turning red brat?"
"Uh-it's nothing, captain."
He didn't look convinced as you gathered the courage to approach. Erwin acknowledged your presence which Eren was grateful for, but his eyebrows still came down in confusion on how the commander knew your name.
"Y/N!" Erwin gave a polite smile which you returned, "So great to see you. We were actually just about to stop by your house."
"Really? What a coincidence, I was hoping to stop by headquarters today as well." Your smile was bright, and by the way the air around you seemed cheerful, Erwin returned your energy.
"Bearing good news I hope?" He still hesitantly asked.
You nodded as you laughed, "I would love to accept the offer if it still stands."
"Of course it does," Captain Levi scoffed, his arms were folded across his chest. You noted for the first time the soft grey color of his eyes and despite the deep scowl he was currently showing, he had chubby cheeks that made you want to squish, "We wouldn't be coming all this way for nothing."
"I thought we were coming to collect a new scout, Captain Levi." Eren asked, you felt yourself blush in realization that he had no clue it was actually you they were referring to.
"We are," Levi grabbed you by your arm and yanked you towards him as he pointed at you while looking at Eren like he was an idiot, "Meet the scout's new doctor. Dr. Y/L/N meet Eren-"
"Yeager." You finished, smiling towards Eren, "We've met."
Erwin and Levi exchanged looks as they watched you and Eren smiled at each other like a pair of idiots, the realization dawning over them and Erwin couldn't fight the smirk that crossed his face. Small world, he thought.
Six months had passed since the first fateful encounter you had with Eren. You had long since moved out of your home and besides the occasional secret letter from your father, you hadn't heard nor seen the rest of your family since your decision to become a doctor for the scouts.
It was a transition to go through as you lost one family and gained a new one, but everyone was so accepting and welcoming. The girls welcomed you with open arms, most notably was Sasha whose habit of eating everything and anything brought her to the infirmary on more than one occasion, Connie usually followed right behind her with a minor injury resulting from his carelessness. You had met Floch when he brought Jean in from a sparring session gone wrong and he immediately took a liking to you. Your level-headedness was like a breath of fresh air to him as he was constantly sorrounded by people he thought were idiots. Jean liked your confidence (The fact that you were easy on the eyes, didn't hurt either), Mikasa respected the way you didn't hesitate to put people in their place, and Armin admired that despite your obvious toughness, you were a kind and patient doctor who never turned anyone away. You were diligent and hard-working, yet your smile was always able to uplift any sour mood and you always put your best foot forward. The one time he had puked all over your hospital floor from eating too much undercooked meat was embarrassing for him, he thought for sure you were going to be angry and call him an idiot. Instead, you took his temperature, put a cold cloth on his head (despite his titan status guaranteeing a speedy recovery), and started a healthier diet plan for him. Armin was scheduled a weekly checkup with you, partly to ensure he was listening and partly for you to study him a bit more. Your research on the titan's ability to regenerate and recover from even the worst injuries was fascinating for you, you hoped to isolate the genes and figure out a way to maybe trigger it in regular Eldians without setting off the titan ability, the fact that Eren made it a habit to accompany Armin didn't hurt either.
Eren had grown attached to you, whenever he wasn't busy or in need of a place to hide from Captain Levi's wrath or Hange's insistence to poke and prod him, he would be hanging out around you or in your office. At one point you had to hide him under your desk when Commander Erwin stopped by to hold a meeting with you about providing first aid training to the scouts for excursions. You were always welcomed to accompany them outside the walls, but your work was enough to make you stay. You recalled the way Eren was pressed against your legs, the feel of his hands steadying himself on your calves and when your skirt had shifted up when you reached for one of the records, you felt Eren brush his fingertips along the muscle. You had stammered the rest of the meeting through and smacked him afterwards for putting you in such a compromising position. You were blushing furiously at the way he gave such a boyish grin and even that night while he walked you to your small cottage, he had a satisfied smile in place.
You always knew you liked Eren, you were also hopeful that the feeling was mutual. The both of you had grown close over the course of your stay, as the head doctor you were given your own living quarters, not too far from headquarters but not so close to the city that you would be given a hard time. Your cottage was fair in size and with the amount of income you were receiving, you were quick to furnish and decorate it to your liking. Eren had even helped by adding his own touches to the interior. The times you would go to the city with him was always met with many curious stares. Your age and gender made many turn heads when you walked in, the fact that you were the youngest and by far prettiest doctor the scouts had ever had made people naturally gravitate to you. Your ability to make friends quickly also made it that almost every weekend you were entertaining guests at your house. Sometimes it would be dinner with Sasha, Niccolo, and Connie. Other times you would be knitting and embroidering with Mikasa and Armin, there was even game nights with everyone until Jean and Eren became too competitive with one another. Other times when the higher ups had meetings (All of which you had to attend since you technically held an officer position within the military branch) you would offer your house where you all shared cups of tea and your famous baked goods. You had even seen Captain Levi grab seconds on your sugar cookies.
It was the times when Eren would swing by alone that caused your heart to flutter, he would walk you home almost every night now. At first he would find the poorest excuses to see you like needing a bandaid for his wrist from the biting (even though by the time you gave him the gauze it would be healed over completely) or try to "casually" be around the area when you would get out at three in the morning. Eventually your amusement turned to you asking him to walk you home every night under the guise that you were afraid of being targeted or hurt, even though everyone had seen you body-slam Reiner the one time he tried to hit on you when you were stitching up his eyebrow from an ugly gash. Nonetheless, Eren accepted. You would invite him in for tea every time and he would even bring you lunch on days he failed to see you in the cafeteria. It seemed like everyone under the sun knew about you and Eren's crushes on one another, so it was also a pain in the ass that neither of you had yet to make a move on one another. Even Erwin had assumed you two were together the one morning he stopped by your house on your day off to ask for your aid for a soldier who had broken their arm from a training exercise, his eyes had grown wide upon seeing you open the door in only your nightgown, you were rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you invited him in for breakfast.
Upon walking in, he immediately saw Eren exiting your bathroom in his casual jeans, his hair was wet and sticking up from the steam of the shower. Eren wasn't wearing a shirt and before Erwin could excuse himself completely you quickly explained how you hadn't wanted him to walk outside so late so he slept on your couch. You were washing his clothes and had left them out to dry and Erwin could only nod and stop himself from suggesting for Eren to bring spare clothes to yours, remembering that it wasn't his place to push or even encourage his team's doctor and titan-shifter to date even though by the way he saw you put jelly on Eren's toast while he made your cup of tea with three sugars was enough for him to almost just order the two of you to date. Instead, he gave a long rant to Levi, wondering aloud whether Eren was either oblivious to your affections or just an idiot, Levi only replied with, "Did you happen to bring any of the toast she made?"...he did and Levi later on answered, "He's just an idiot." while licking the excess jelly off his fingers.
It was another day at headquarters, the mid-summer day was hot and since the flow of traffic had been slow inside the infirmary, you found yourself mostly in the officer's lounge. You had opted to wear a long sleeve empire waist dress, the top had ruffles along your collar and the soft pink of the dress complimented your skin tone. It fell around mid-thigh and the black shoes you wore with them completed your overall look. Eren had stared at your bare legs for a while until he noted your haircut. You had only cut off the ends but your heart did a flip as you blushed from him noticing. You had been chatting with Hange about your research while Moblit spoke to Eren about the new set of routes to be taken during their next trip beyond the walls when Captain Levi walked in. Hange waved him over and he fell easily beside you.
"Hey." His arm brushing against yours and you hummed in response, leaning a bit towards him which didn't go unnoticed by Eren.
"Levi, did you take your medicine this morning?" About two weeks ago you had caught the captain asleep at his desk for the fourth time. You knew he overworked himself and refused to sleep in his bed no matter how many therapeutic pillows you got him, but while he was out like a light you decided to check his blood pressure, only to find it alarmingly high. You figured the amount of stress and cups of caffeinated tea were to blame. Levi kept in good shape, but considering his age and the fact that he never even considers laughing, you prescribed him medications to be take every morning and cut him off from his usual tea leaves. The former was easier to push as the calcium and magnesium capsules were easy to swallow, it was getting rid of all the tins in his desk that made him a bit unbearable to the new recruits.
He let out an annoyed grunt as he nodded. Your smile was soft as you put an encouraging hand on his arm and Eren was officially not listening to Moblit anymore.
"Thanks for sticking to your diet, Captain Levi. As a token of my appreciation, I got you these." You didn't let him reply, quick to act as always as you reached into the small basket you had brought and grabbed his hand to put the gray tin of loose leaves that you took out in his palm.
As usual, the captain was unfazed by your lack of appreciation for personal space. The past few weeks had done well to teach him how despite being yelled at, threatened, and even outright ignored at times, your cheeriness was impossible to diminish and you did whatever the heck you wanted even when it was at times impulsive.
"What is it?" He looked between you and the tin, the slight sneer on his upper lip making you release a giggle before you tapped the bow you tied on it.
"It's tea leaves." He raised a slim eyebrow which made you roll your eyes, "Decaffeinated tea."
"Let me guess, it tastes like shit." His eyes flickered to the purple bow, "Or it'll make me shit."
You laughed, you upper body leaning on his as you attempted to catch your breath. The joke wasn't that funny but the face he made was. You giggled as you shook your head and Hange watched in bemusement as you elaborated,
"It's the tea I always serve and judging by the three cups you had last time, I'm positive you'll like it."
Levi let out a nod, he hadn't even noticed that the tea you served had no caffeine but the heavy notes of honey in it probably explained its sweetness. He gave a quiet thank you before his scowl returned,
"So that's why I was on the crapper all night after the last meeting."
"With a potty mouth like that, it's not wonder you don't have a girlfriend." You deadpanned.
"I feel bad for the poor bastard who falls in love with you."
You let out a small tsk, smiling at him and hoping Eren heard as you said, "Well that depends if he admits he feels the same way."
Captain Levi quirked an eyebrow at you, his eyes knowing and you blushed under his stare. Your fingers fiddling behind your back and Eren hated the way Levi suddenly chuckled at you. His smile was a rarity and to have him giving it to you only meant one thing to Eren; the captain liked you.
"So there is someone you like? Who's the poor brat?"
When you were about to make another snide remark, Hange cut in and excused herself and Moblit.
"As fascinating as this is, there's a captured titan waiting my arrival and if I don't get to use this research Dr. Y/L/N just gave me before nightfall, I will lose my mind."
"I hadn't heard of us ever finding it to begin with." Levi sighed, taking a lock of your hair between his fingers and letting the curl bounce back before he excused himself to tag along with them.
"Someone's got to make sure four eyes doesn't get killed."
"That's why Moblit is going with her." You noted.
"And who do you think will make sure Moblit doesn't get killed?" He smiled once more, "Laters doc."
You waved goodbye to the three, the door clicking behind them and you turned to see Eren with his arms crossed. He was pouting like a child and you wondered what his deal was. You figured with your earlier comment, he would be over the moon to hear you hinting at liking him. You skipped up to him, getting on the tips of your toes as you poked his cheek.
"What's the matter? You look like a scolded child."
"Nothing." He muttered, looking away as his jaw clenched and you only poked him once more.
"Liar." You called him out, "Talk to me."
"You didn't answer Captain Levi's question."
You were sure that there was a giant question mark on top of your head, the gear in your mind shifting as you tried to recall what the captain asked before your mouth opened in realization. You couldn't help but smile as you looked down at Eren's shoes and he only seemed to grow angrier as he watched you blush.
"About my crush? Oh! Well I wouldn't call him a brat, but I guess his attitude could often warrant that title. He's got this sort of this determined mentality that I guess some people can find...overbearing." You played with the cuff of your dress, "But I personally find it charming."
"So he's charming?"
You hummed as you smiled, "He's a bit rough around the edges, but he always means well. He's easy on the eyes too. Got really nice hair and pretty colored eyes that makes me swoon around him. Not to mention his body looks like Zeus could be his father." To add emphasis, your body leaned side to side as you laughed.
Eren snorted, his eyes rolling as he thought of any guy he knew that was like you described. All he could think of was Captain Levi and Erwin. He hated to think of Levi as charming, but he was rough all around. Erwin had eyes that Historia had once described as pretty, but to think of you being attracted to someone as old as him made his stomach flip.
"Want to head back to my office?" You suggested, not wanting to leave Eren's side until he figured it out but also not wanting to stick around in case other officers walked in. You got a stiff nod and wanted to giggle when Eren still opened the door for you. As the both of you walked through the large building, you added a hop to your step as you continued,
"He's also such a gentleman. He respects me, he's never intimidated by my sharp wit, always opens doors for me, waits until I'm sitting before he starts eating, and he almost seems proud of me being a doctor. He's just so understanding and sure of himself as a man that I guess the idea of having a girlfriend in my position would never make him feel inferior." You turned to look at Eren sideways and noticed his shoulders hunched, you knew it was cruel how you kept teasing him but were hopeful that it would click for him soon, so you went on.
"Wow, sounds like a real keeper." He grumbled, now thinking of Jean or even Connie. Armin was too occupied with Annie and Reiner was too obsessed with Historia to hang around you. There was no way Beruto/Borrito/Bertoto would catch your eye as you had made it a point to always get his name wrong, but Connie made you laugh and Jean was always extra nice to you.
"I'm telling you, I think he's perfect. He's dependable, strong, and we share so many of the same ideas. I could talk to him for hours and never be bored and when I'm not with him, I feel...sad. I just constantly want to be by his side and if I'm not I want him to be thinking about me because that's exactly what I do."
You both entered your office, you walked up to your desk as you spoke, turning around and leaning against it to look at Eren. He had closed your door a little harder than necessary, the wood shaking against the frame as he crossed his arms and leaned his back on the door. He looked downright irritated and you bit your lip to keep from laughing.
"So why haven't you told him?"
You shrugged, "I think I've been pretty obvious about it, I'm always smiling when he's in the room, I always want to be with him, there's never a day where we don't walk together. I even wore this dress for him today."
You waved down at your figure, Eren's eyes looked over you twice and you jumped up on your desk, your thighs parting as you let the short skirt cover your panties and barely cover the tops of your thighs.
"I'm sure he'll love it." Eren spit out.
"I don't know..." You tilted your head, "Do you?"
Eren pushed himself off the door, going to your bookcase and letting his fingers brush the spines of the books, "It doesn't matter what I think. I'm not Mr. Pretty eyes. Sounds like a simpleton to me."
You let out an actual deep sigh and Eren met you with furrowed brows.
"You're so fucking dense, Eren."
"What did I say?" He threw his hands up, "Just because I called him simple? I'm so sorry I don't care to hear you go on and on about this guy. I never thought I'd see you bend over backwards for some guy who opens doors for you. I thought you would have higher standards than that."
You let out a snort, "Keep talking Yeager, and I just might higher them."
"I mean I never thought looks would be so important to you. It's so-"
"So what?" Your tongue had a sharp edge that did not go unnoticed by Eren. He stood only a few feet from your desk, but you saw the awkward shift in his posture.
"Shallow." He spit out.
"Excuse me?" You gave him a look that said if he wouldn't apologize in the next ten seconds, he would surely live to regret it.
"What I mean is...what guy could possibly have this head over heels and you're just now telling me? I thought...I thought we-" He stopped, looking to the side and you relaxed before saying,
"We what, Eren?"
"I thought we had something special." He muttered. He looked to see your mouth opened in a small gasp and he began to turn to exit when you quietly beckoned him over.
"Eren...come here."
"No, I should g-"
"Please." You begged and the look in your eyes brought him to stand in front of you. Your hands reached for his shirt, yanking him forward and you hooked your legs around his calves. Eren gaped at you, not knowing what to do and say as you put one hand on his shoulder and the other cupped his cheek.
"You are such a dumbass." You laughed, "The person I've been going on and on about, that simpleton you bashed, is you. It's always been you, Eren."
It was like watching a light flicker on very very slowly, but once it was on you watched as embarrassment flooded Eren. His smile was sheepish and stupid as he stuttered over his words. His hands rested on your hips and you stroked his face from his temple to jaw as you asked,
"Do you maybe feel the same way?"
You didn't get a verbal answer, the sudden kiss Eren laid on you was an answer enough. His lips were soft and warm as they moved against your own, his tongue enveloped yours and you felt him lean more onto you. The moan that slipped out his mouth when you bit his bottom lip made something tighten in your stomach.
When you two finally broke apart you didn't miss the trail of saliva that connected the two of you and you whimpered for more. The second kiss was heavier, a clash of teeth and tongues as Eren feverishly wrestled to touch you everywhere his hands could reach. You felt him press against your core, the loud gasp you let out made him look at you in concern.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll stop if you want me to."
You shook your head as you met those green eyes that held you captive since day one, "More. I want more."
The smirk was something you had never seen, his eyes became half-lidded as Eren kissed your nose. Then your chin, then your neck. When he reached your collar, his finger hooked onto the top of your dress, pulling the fabric down as he kissed just above your breast.
"She wants more." He said to himself, the soft rasp in his voice made you attempt to close your legs. His hands pushed what little that had covered your legs up and Eren's fingers brushed your core.
The jump you gave made his smirk grow, "I haven't even touched you yet."
He saw the small patch of dampness on your panties, and before you could ask him what he was doing, you let out a sharp gasp when his fingers pushed the fabric to the side and he plunged two fingers into your pussy.
The moan he ripped from you was like music to his ears and as he began to slowly pump his fingers in and out he watched as your face became hot and red. It was uncomfortable as first, you could even say it hurt but that didn't stop you from rocking your hips up to meet his eager hands. You weren't entirely prepared as you felt a bit tense as Eren kissed your neck, the suckling on your flesh making small breathy whimpers leave your mouth. His other hand's fingers hovered over the buttons on the back of your dress and his eyes asked for permission as he glanced up at you.
A small tentative nod was all he received before he took out his hand from between your legs, his tongue skillfully licking the digits cleaned and you didn't think you would find such an act so erotic. You arm hooked around his neck as you brought him down to a kiss, you could taste yourself on his lips as he kissed you back eagerly, his fingers skillfully working the buttons on your dress and you wondered for a brief moment if he had ever done such an act before. You pushed the thoughts away, not wanting to lose focus or confidence while in the middle of being with Eren by letting unnecessary insecure creep into your heart. As if being able to read your mind, Eren said-
"Stop being in your head," A hard kiss against your lips, "Be here with me."
His nose rubbed sweetly against yours, fingers tilting your head up as you gave a hesitant nod. Your eyes wanted to focus anywhere but his eyes and you could felt warmth spread across your cheeks when the sleeves of your dress fell down your arms. The idea of letting Eren see all of you was as exciting as it was nerve-wrecking, the most he ever saw was your legs and back from that one time you walked out of the bath in only a towel. Seeing him shirtless was not new but you still felt your breath catch in your throat as you watched him yank the material off. Your hands explored the newly exposed skin, fingers dipping in every curve of muscle and your hand rested just above the waistband of his jeans. You noticed his breathing grow heavy, Eren's head falling forward on your exposed shoulder where you felt him nip and suck on the soft flesh. You returned the favor by kissing him on the chest, your eyes still casted downwards as you fumbled with the buckle on his belt, you let out a small curse from how hard your hands were shaking and Eren placed a gentle hand on top of yours, his eyes alight with amusement as his lips curved into a soft smile.
"Baby, relax." He murmured, he pushed your hands aside as he took over the task. You let out a deep breath as you heard the sound of his zipper being tugged down and you decided to be bold. You lowered the upper half of your dress, the cotton falling off your arms with ease and you blushed furiously once you remembered that you hardly ever wore bras and today was no different.
Your nipples were taut as you shivered from the cold air in your office and Eren stared at you in wonder his eyes raking your body as you looked to the side and brought your bottom lip in between your teeth.
"Fuck, can I touch you?" Eren blurted, his hands still near his trousers and you giggled when he added a last second, "Please."
Nodding, you figured it was time to stop feeling so shy. You had been dreaming about this moment for months, yet as the man you loved stood before you, eager to be with you, all you could think about was how scared you were that you wouldn't be enough to satisfy him.
One more glance at the way he watched you was enough for you to think, If he really didn't, he wouldn't be looking at me as if I put all the stars in the sky.
You felt the second wind of confidence hit you and you took Eren by surprise as you hooked your fingers on his belt loops and tugged the fabric down. You palmed him through the thin material of his briefs and his hips jerked from the contact before he melted against you. Lowering the elastic, your small hand wrapped itself around his shaft and you took a moment to admire his dick. It was something new and foreign to you, for a moment you wondered if all male penises looked like that but you pushed that thought aside as you found yourself not really wanting to ever know, as long as Eren's would be the only one you saw. You hand moved up and down, your thumb brushing across his tip as you swiped some of the liquid leaking out to use as lube.
You knew he was a few inches above average, the thickness was also enough to make you worry for a moment whether he would be able to fit in you as his fingers struggling to push inside of you were of any indication of how tight your body was. Either way you were determined to satisfy the both of you, the idea of him using you and watching his face come apart as he milked himself dry using only your pussy had your head feeling fuzzy with want. He rested his head on you, causing your body to lean back and you pressed one palm on your desk behind you and the other jerked him off a bit sloppily. His moans filled the space of your office, you secretly prayed to the gods that the scouts could be smart enough for once to not be injured or to be able to at least handle it themselves and your eyes flickered to the door for a moment.
"Eren," You murmured to the shell of his ear, his heavy breaths fanning across the span of your chest and you felt both your bodies getting hot. "The door, we need to lock the door."
His groan was the only response you got as he trailed kisses up your neck and shoulder, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes, he was such a guy sometimes. You began to lower yourself from the desk before his hand on your leg suddenly halted your movements and he gave you a lazy smile, his half lidded eyes softly rolling as he let out an obnoxious groan of annoyance.
"I'll do it." He didn't even bother to tuck himself back into his briefs, his dick fully erect as he made way to your door. You felt your hand falling to your side and you bit your lip as you thought about what you wanted to do twice before letting your own hand push the fabric of your underwear to the side once more. You rubbed at your clit lazily as you softly moaned, your eyes closing at the sensation and you smiled when you heard the soft, "Shit." coming from a few feet ahead of you. Eren's eyes were transfixed on you, the way your head rolled back as your moans became louder and higher pitched was making him painfully hard and he wanted-no needed to be inside of you before he was sure he would come right then and there.
Your eyes were still closed when you felt him settle between your legs once more, eyes hazy and smile lazy as you felt him tug your panties down your legs. Your ass lifted briefly to help and you giggled when he grunted in annoyance from having to shuffle backwards to slip them off completely. He laughed with you as his hand cupped you by your jaw, lips finding yours in a tender kiss and the hand that had been rubbing at your clit was used to steady yourself by his shoulder. His muscles flexed under your touch and your breaths intermingled as he stared at you with such an intensity that you felt your stomach flip. You looked down to where he rubbed his length along your folds and gulped.
"I-I'm nervous." You admitted, cheeks blushing and Eren kissed your temple.
"It's okay, I'll take care of you. Do you trust me?" You gasped at the intensity in his eyes, Eren Yeager was one who never beat around the bush and you felt tears pool around your eyes as you nodded. Everything leading up to this moment overwhelmed you suddenly, losing your family, gaining your dream job, becoming independent so quickly, and falling in love with a man who turned into what so many feared but who let you place` flower crowns on his head during tea parties. He continued to maintain eye contact with you, your lips parting and eyes partly closing as he began to push past your labia. It all felt too much, but you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in that exact moment Eren pressed his tip into your passageway. There was a bit of resistance and the guttural moan he released made your eyes widen in an audible gasp, he looked ethereal with reddened cheeks, a slacked opened jaw, eyes that looked close to tears, and thin layer of sweat making his dark brown locks stick to his forehead.
He pushed another inch in, trying his best to not act too quickly or too harshly. All he wanted to do was fucking ruin you. Mark you as his by impregnating you and watching as you took every drop of his semen. It seemed you wanted it too as your hips jerked forward and took in another inch.
"Eren, please." You had no idea what you were asking for, he was being slow and gentle and as much as you appreciated his mindfulness, it had been six long months and if you had to go through another night of humping your pillow or rubbing one out with only fantasies of Eren touching you (Sometimes even Levi, depending on how much alcohol you had consumed) you were gong to scream.
Another inch and a deep chuckle was his response. Your eyes were set ablaze as the realization that he was teasing you.
"Please what baby?"
"Give it to me." You whispered, your hand tugging at his hair harshly and the hiss of pain he released was simultaneous when he completely thrusted his entire length into you. Your thighs jerked at the sudden intrusion and the cry you let out was loud enough that if anybody were nearby, the would have assumed someone struck you. Your hand smacked against his chest, your breath ragged as you attempted to give Eren an angry glance but your pussy betrayed you as it clenched hard around him.
You both released a gasp when Eren fully bottomed out inside you. His hips flush against your parted thighs and your foreheads pressed against one another, lips brushing but not kissing yet as you two came to terms of what was being done. You and Eren were one, there was no going back from what was about to transpire and you silently prayed that he wouldn't regret it later.
"Stop being in your head," He murmured against your mouth, eyes looking into yours, "Be here..."
He gave a heavenly thrust and you felt his arms wrap themselves around your waist as he forced you to fall back onto your desk with a small uff and your hands fell onto his shoulders. Your legs locked around his waist and the new angle caused him to be deeper inside you, but he continued to stare at your with that same admiration from that day he had met you.
"With me."
You nodded slowly, kissing Eren for what felt like the first time. A bit shyly and unsure as your mouth moved against his slowly, you savored the taste of tea and something sweet from his tongue and you let one of your hands hold him by his face as the other found solace in his hair.
Eren began to thrust into you, the rhythm a bit off at first as you two tried to find what worked and when he dipped his hips a little and heard the string of filthy words leaving your mouth, he gave a knowing smirk.
"Hmm, right there princess?"
You panted, your tongue lolling out as his began to go faster. One of your hands shot out to the side to brace yourself on something when Eren began to fuck you harder and instead you turned to see you hand knocked your bottle of ink over, the deep blue liquid was spilling everywhere but before you could let your brain process the mess, Eren began to suck on the flesh of your neck that you exposed when you moved your head. You moaned as you closed your eyes at the overwhelming sensations of it all, your hands grabbing at the muscles in his back and you arched your own and pressed your chest into him.
"Oh fuck," Eren moaned out, "This pussy is so good. You're taking me so well, princess."
"Yeah?" You panted out, "Going to cum in me, baby?"
Eren picked himself up on his forearms, too preoccupied with how pretty your tits looks bouncing with each thrust to notice the your hair was sprawled all over and the upper part of his arm was touching something wet, he figured it was the sweat you two were producing with your coupling.
"I'm gonna get you pregnant, make you mine forever."
"I'm yours!" You screamed as his hips slammed particularly harder down onto your own.
"Choke me, make me a mommy, cum in me, just please don't stop fucking me." You cried out, and a new sort of excitement showed in his eyes, his hand cupped just below your jaw and the light pressure he put on you made you moan louder.
The sounds of skin smacking, panting breaths, and heavy moans filled the air. Eren coaxing you to come all over his dick as you begged him to not pull out of you echoed of the walls of your office. You went on like that for a good while and you giggled in realization that your silent wish for everyone to leave the two of you alone for a while had come true.
Unbeknownst to you two, there had almost been three interruptions. The first being Captain Levi who wanted to ask if mixing his blood pressure medicine with wine would be too dangerous, but when he heard you scream he almost barged in before the unmistakable moan that followed made him fully come to a halt. He didn't even think twice about what was transpiring, briefly remembering that Eren was in fact with you this morning before quickly turning around and hauled ass as far from the hallway as he could. He wasn't sure where he was heading before he stumbled into Erwin's office, the commander looking up to see his captain look like he just ran a marathon.
"Levi? You look like you just saw a ghost?" His eyebrows creased, "Are you okay?"
"Yeager isn't as dense as we thought."
Eren stood to his full height, grabbing at your ankles and moving your legs onto his shoulders to they were fully parallel to his body. You let out another giggle at how your ankles were now on either side of his head, but the small kiss he gave your right one made you let out a noise of adoration. He gripped your hips, smiling as he noted the streaks of something blue all over your chest and neck but decided against telling you as your pussy began to pulsate around him. There was no way in hell he was going to stop you from orgasming.
The second time was Sasha and Connie as they wanted to ask if eating candies with the wrapper still on was anything they needed to worry about, but the sounds of your desk scraping across the floor with Eren commending you for being a good girl and taking him so well made the both of them stare at each other with wide eyes. The "Huh?"'s they exchanged were amusing to anyone else and Sasha grabbed Connie by the collar before they hightailed out of there. Connie wanting to see if Eren had really been capable of pulling you and Sasha calling it bullshit and stating that the real reason was that he wanted to see you naked.
His thrusts became wild and sloppy, the slushing sounds you two were making was the hottest sounds you ever heard. You held onto his wrists, your smile wide and beautiful and Eren knew he wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer.
"I'm not gonna last long," He let you know, you nodded as you reached down to rub your clit in circles.
"Fuck, you look so hot." He blurted, his cheeks a deeper red and you gave him another soft smile.
"Thanks, baby. You too." His abs were going to be the death of you and you hoped you would get the chance to suck him off later to lick them one by one in foreplay.
You felt him begin to twitch in you and you knew you were so close, your rubbing speeding up as Eren's thrusts were becoming more sporadic. The way his eyes began to roll upwards had you chanting,
"I'm-I'm cumming!" Your moan was breathy and high as you felt your release overwhelm your senses, you felt euphoria as you moaned so loud that Jean and Floch who didn't believe Connie when he said that Eren had managed to bed you stared at each other with wide eyes and gaped mouths as they stood outside your door. Their cheeks red as they rushed down the hallway as if their asses were on fire, not even halfway down the stairs when they felt their collars yanked at so harshly they almost trampled down, Captain Levi's glare knowing as he began to reprimand them for being nosy pricks.
Eren's cock dove into you hard and you felt him pulsate as he shot long ropes of cum into you, his essence overflowing as he filled you to the brim and painted your insides white.
His moan was unbelievably loud and low, the "I love you." That followed didn't go unnoticed by you and the smile he gave, made you realize how much he meant it.
"I love you." Your answered back, he pushed your thighs to your chest when he lowered himself to kiss you. His cock softening inside you and he slowed his thrusts down and milked himself dry. He tapped his tip on your sensitive clit, making sure he was empty before tucking himself back into his boxers and jeans. The creampie in you was beginning to ooze out and he used his two fingers to push it back in, your hips bucking at the intrusion and you whined about your sensitivity.
You sat up, your hand going to fix your hair, only groaning slightly when you felt the ink on some strands already drying. You huffed before jumping down and fixing your dress. Eren was putting his shirt back on, his back slightly turned to you and your eyes widened in embarrassment at seeing the blue ink in what was obviously your finger prints streaked all over. You looked down and saw that it had well faded from your hands, transferring to your lover who put on his jacket. You shrugged, figuring no one would see it and you could wash your hands later. Your hair would be a bit tricky to explain but you would be home to shower soon anyway, which reminded you-
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" You blurted, scaring Eren as his eyes widened, you bit the inside of your cheek and fumbled with your fingers.
He smiled, walking up to you and kissing you on the lips before replying, "I would love to. I have to do some work today, and pack an overnight bag but I'll be home by dinner." His eyes looked you over, stifling a laugh when he saw the marks of blue ink on your neck, debating on telling you but not being able to deny how cute they looked on you, a gentle reminder of what happened just moments ago and an odd turn on for him to think of it as him marking you as his, the lovebite also on the side making him watch you with love.
You nodded before giving a follow-up question, "Chicken or fish?"
"Fish." He nodded, you grabbed a few papers from your desk drawer and Eren asked if you were all set before taking your hand into his as the two of you began to walk out the office, you mentioned having to speak to Erwin about the cadet recovering from a broken limb and Eren listened patiently, your hands swinging in between the two of you and you both relished at how easy it felt to transition into a life of domestication together. He walked you to Erwin's office, his knuckles knocking on the door before a loud, "One minute!" replied.
You both shared a look of confusion before shrugging and stepping to the side. You fixing his hair and Eren's hand resting on top of your hips when the office door opened. You both turned to see Jean and Floch who sported sullen faces, their arms swinging in front of them as if they were children just denied a cone of ice cream.
"Boys?" You called, your free hand interlocking with Eren who stood in place as you took a step toward the pair. "Everything alright?"
They looked between you and Eren, Jean seeing the ink marks on your neck and seeing Eren's hair haphazard was enough to make him look to the floor, his cheeks reddening and Eren could only smirk. Floch was the opposite, he couldn't take his eyes off you as his face held a permanent grimace and you wondered if he was constipated.
"Baby," Eren called, tugging you back to him and Jean scoffed, Possessive ass is already showing her off. He thought to himself.
"They just got yelled at by Erwin, whatever they did was obviously bad, just leave them be."
You nodded in understanding, giving them a comforting smile and Floch didn't miss the knowing look in Eren's eyes.
"Sorry to hear about that. If you two ever need anything, you know where my office is."
"Yeah, that's the problem." Captain Levi's voice came from the doorway. Jean and Floch mumbled a quick goodbye before scurrying away and you couldn't help but fall into deeper confusion.
The captain and Eren exchanged looks before Eren bent to kiss your cheek.
"I got to go. I'll see you later, princess." You blushed at the nickname and public display, murmuring a soft okay in reply as your boyfriend? walked away from you.
You gave Levi a smile which he didn't return, you didn't miss the small blush on his cheeks and you figured it was from seeing such intimacy from Eren. You were almost positive Levi was still a virgin. Walking into Erwin's office, you all but skipped the man's desk, falling beside him and giving him a bright smile which he returned.
"Hey Erwin, just wanted to update you on the cadet's recovery plan. He should be back in training in a few months if he listens to my instructions, think you can help me?"
"Sure what do you need?"
"Well, I'd need you to sign these release forms first." You shrugged putting the papers in front of him, you looked at his desk and grabbed the pen, "Where's your ink?"
The chuckle the two men gave you made your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
"Seems like you're wearing it, Doc." Levi's eyes flickered to your neck.
You let out a gasp and your hands slapped to cover you and the laughs that followed only made you blush furiously.
Dammit, You thought, Eren you idiot.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#5)
Summary: You suddenly feel so insecure before leaving for Japan.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: angst, smut, fluff
Word count: 5.2k
Warnings: mutual masturbation, unprotected sex,
Notes: This is set before OC leaves for Japan! Remember requests for drabble ideas are open! Lets chat:)
taglist: @seagulljk @fancycollectormoon © taestefully-in-luv
You could get used to this for the rest of your life…snuggled up in Jungkook’s arms while lying in bed on a lazy Saturday night. You listen to him as he talks about a new project he’s working on for work…he speaks so animatedly, constantly talking with his hands. You giggle to yourself as he gets so excited speaking about some new scenes he gets to edit and he drops his hands to your body.
“What?” he pouts, “Why are you laughing at me?”
“Nothing.” You sing, “You’re just too cute.”
“I’m going to miss this.” Jungkook says softly, “Just lying here with you.”
“Me too, but a year will fly by.”
“So you say to make us feel better.” Jungkook rolls his eyes. “It’s going to feel like forever and you know it.”
“Then I get two forever’s with you?”
“You’re so cheesy.” Jungkook chuckles and you hit his arm.
“You’re literally way cheesier than I am.” You turn over in his embrace and snuggle into his chest, nuzzling your face into his thiddies.
“Debatable.” He squeezes your body into his and sighs out. “I—”
You feel your phone buzzing on the nightstand and you groan at the inconvenience. Who is interrupting your precious time with your man?
“Ignore it.” Jungkook smiles, “If it’s important they’ll call again.”
“Good idea.” You nuzzle further into his chest. “It’s just you and m—”
Your phone starts going off again and you roll your eyes, releasing yourself from Jungkook’s hold as you check to see who the hell is calling.
“It’s Jimin.” You whine, “It’s always Jimin.”
“Answer it.” Jungkook chuckles.
“Hello?.......uh huh…..what?........ugh…..okay….well, what happened though?......oh damn, alright.” You speak into the phone and Jungkook is trying to listen in and he’s mouthing ‘put it on speaker’ to you, so you do.
“…And I told her! It’s your fault babe! But you know how Trina is. Anyway she needs us.” Jimin’s loud voice is heard on speaker.
“It has to be tonight?” you whine.
“Girl, she’s already at the bar. I’m on my way there now.”
“Fuck, alright. Be there in 30.” You hang up the phone and give Jungkook an apologetic look.
“Trina and Holly got into a fight and Trina is spiraling because she’s dramatic and claims she needs to get wasted tonight to forget about their fight.” You explain. “So we are going to meet her and Jimin at The Circle.”
“That places drinks are expensive though.” Jungkook looks disappointed to say the least. “Why do I have to go anyway? Why can’t you and Jimin just console her?”
“I’ll suck your dick right now if you come with me.” You offer with a wiggle of your brows.
“Okay, deal.” He says quickly with a cocky grin. “Making deals with you is so fun.”
“Wait, you’re fighting because of … those?” your eyes travel down to Trina’s chest where you can see her freshly pierced nipples through her thin t shirt.
“Personally, I love them.” Jimin shrugs with a sly smile.
“Why doesn’t Holly like them? I wouldn’t think she would have a problem?” you ask and Trina hits her head on the bar top.
“It’s because I was dressed like this all day and we were supposed to meet her parents…she doesn’t want me to meet her parents looking like this.” Trina says with an eye roll. “Which is stupid. I don’t need her parents approval. But she’s worried what they might think.”
“Isn’t that kind of…fair?” you point out and both Trina and Jimin look at you with disbelief.
“Fair?” Trina spits out, “They’re just piercings!”
“Yeah y/n!” Jimin defends too, “Come on, its 2021.”
“It just seems like a useless thing to fight about.” You admit softly, you reach for Trina’s hand, “Ever heard of compromise?”
“Where’s her compromise?” Trina asks with a raised brow.
“Okay, fair.” You say, defeated. “Let’s just get you drunk.”
“Now you are finally starting to make sense.” Jimin says with a grin. “I’ll order the first round of shots.”
Your hand goes to Jungkook’s thigh as he sits next to you just listening to all of your conversations. He looks your way and offers you a sweet smile and you squeeze his thigh. Jungkook takes this opportunity to lean over and kiss you.
“Can you not rub your relationship in my sad face right now?” Trina groans.
“Whoops sorry.” You say with a sheepish grin. “We can tone it down” and Jungkook frowns.
A couple hours pass and Trina is starting to have fun, she’s on the dance floor with Jimin as they rock their bodies to the beat of the song. She looks a lot calmer and happier and that makes you smile.
You hear a soft, feminine voice slice through the loud music, you turn your head to see a girl that looks quite familiar making her way over to your boyfriend.
“Woah, Ari!” Jungkook stands up, a bright smile on his face.
“I thought it was you!” she says, coming up to him and wrapping her arms around his neck as she goes in for a hug. You feel your chest get hit with a wave of anxiety. Who is she? Why do you recognize her?
“Yeah, it’s me.” He hugs her back and you watch as discomfort crawls all over your skin.
“You look so good, wow.” This Ari girl grabs a feel of Jungkook’s bicep and he turns pink. Is he fucking blushing? You clear your throat. And both of them look in your direction.
“This is y/n.” Jungkook smiles at you, his hands gesturing towards you and Ari raises a single brow.
“Right, you’re roommate.”
“Actually, his girl—”
“So Jungkook, we should definitely catch up. You still have my number right?” She winks at him and you want to throw hands.
“Yeah, I do.” He admits, “I—”
“I’m his girlfriend.” You cut in, “In case you didn’t know. Which I am just going to assume you didn’t, also can you take your hand off my boyfriends arm?”
Ari steps back, clearly embarrassed.
“Sorry I—”
“Also could you just leave us alone?” You chuckle bitterly and Jungkook goes red.
“y/n…” his warning tone making you shudder. “What’s—”
“Like, now.” You shoo her away with your hand and she stutters out that she’s sorry again before walking away.
You grab your drink and chug it back, staring at the dance floor with a blank expression.
“What the hell was that?” Jungkook finally asks, anger evident in his voice.
“I should be asking you the same thing.” You snap your head in his direction. “Want to tell me why she looks so familiar?”
“We…we use to sleep together.” He admits. “but why the hell were you so rude?”
“Because she was feeling you up. Which you didn’t stop her by the way. And call me crazy but it looks like you were blushing.”
“Okay, you are crazy. I wasn’t blushing. I was just embarrassed.” He says. “I was going to introduce you as my girlfriend.”
“Really? When? Before or after she tries to get in your pants again?”
Jungkook’s face falls and he’s grabbing his whiskey and throwing it back.
“She wouldn’t have the opportunity to get in my pants. You know that.”
“Do I?”
“y/n…” he says softly, “I would never cheat on you.”
“How am I supposed to believe that when you can’t even reject an old fling? Is this how it’s going to be when I’m in Japan? Every single girl you’ve previously fucked is going to make a pass at you and you’re too nice to say ‘fuck off’?”
“Every girl I’ve?” Jungkook looks at you incredulously. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
“What? It’s not my fault you’ve slept with half the city. I’ve gotta be worried about every girl who comes to talk to you? Because you’ve probably fucked them right?” you spit out, the alcohol finally starting to have its effects on you.
“Careful y/n.” Jungkook warns, “You’re saying things you don’t mean.”
“But I do mean them?” you laugh. “What’s it going to be like when I’m in Japan?”
“You shouldn’t have to worry about that because you trust me.” Jungkook says but it sounds more like a question. “You do trust me, right?”
“We have bigger problems if you don’t trust me, y/n.” he stands from his bar stool and looks at you with a pained expression. “I’m going home.”
You sit at the bar, feeling fucking bothered. You’re too angry to feel bad about Jungkook right now. You feel hot with irritation. Trina makes her way to you and notices your sour expression.
“…You literally shood her away?” Trina is trying not to laugh but can’t help it. “Damn, savage.”
“Was that too far?” You groan into your hands, “Jungkook is pissed.”
“You’re being insecure y/n.” Trina looks at you with a soft expression, she’s trying to be gentle with you. “Like, hella insecure.”
“Sure I got a little jealous….”
“Bitch, you told me you told him he slept with the whole city.” Trina points out, “You probably hurt his feelings. Making him feel like a lil slut and shit.”
“He said I don’t trust him.”
“Do you?”
“Of course I do! It’s the girls I don’t trust!”
“Weak argument.”
“Listen, you need to work this out, pronto. You leave in 10 days girl. You need to make sure you can trust your boyfriend when you’re in another country. And he needs to feel like you trust him.”
You know Trina is right. She usually is. You look at her with worry before you speak.
“I can work it out with him tomorrow, right now we are focusing on you having fun.”
“Oh girl, I didn’t tell you? Me and Holly worked it out.” She laughs. “Compromise, remember?”
“Proud of you.” You blow her a kiss and grab your phone and purse.
“I’ll text you, tell Jimin bye and love him.”
Trina nods her head and waves you off, you get up from your stool and head towards the bars exit.
“Jungkook?” you creep through the front door to find the living room lamp lit up and Jungkook’s dark figure sitting on the couch.
“Jungkook?” you walk closer to him and he sighs out heavily.
“Let’s talk.” He whispers. “Now.”
You nod your head quickly and take a seat next to him on the sofa, you leave some space though.
“Okay.” You breathe out. “Let’s talk.”
“I don’t want to fight.” He warns. “Let’s be mature.”
“What the fuck was that at the bar?” he says calmly. “You were being…”
“Don’t say crazy.”
“Well? What do you expect me to say? I’ve rarely seen that side of you.” He says, his breathing beginning to pick up. “You embarrassed me!” he admits, sighing out.
“You let her touch you.”
“It was fucking harmless.”
“Oh? That’s harmless? She was getting a feel for your muscles? And that’s harmless?” you spit out harshly. “Think of it this way,” you give him an unimpressed look. “You would absolutely not stand for it if we were in each others positions.”
Jungkook gulps. It’s true…he would be going crazy himself, he probably would have punched a dude if he was touching you too long.
“You’re a fucking hypocrite.” You snap. “You absolutely would hate this.”
“You don’t trust me…” Jungkook says softly. “You think I’ve slept with every girl I meet…”
“Haven’t you?” You ask bitterly. “Wouldn’t surprise me.”
Jungkook face falls into a deep frown, he’s hurt. He looks hurt. He is hurt.
“Stop trying to hurt me because you’re mad.” He tries to say a little more sternly but there’s hurt in his voice.
“What number am I?”
“y/n…Don’t do that.” Jungkook scrunches his face up. “Don’t start this.”
“You know all the guys I’ve slept with.” You point out, “But I have no idea how many women you’ve hooked up with. What number am I?”
“Don’t.” he scoots a little closer to you, “It doesn’t matter.” He tries, “You’re the last person I will ever sleep with.”
“Until I’m far away in Japan and there’s no one to stop you from fucking some random—”
“Enough.” Jungkook’s voice cuts in sharp, causing you to flinch. “For fucks sake, y/n.” he stands up, frustrated. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he’s turning red.
“What’s wrong with me?” you yell, “You’re the one who doesn’t know how to keep it in his pants!”
“Why the fuck are you being so insecure? Have I ever made you feel like you weren’t good enough for me? You’re all I want, y/n. But you’re being crazy.” Jungkook takes a seat again, his head falling in his hands.
“Stop calling me crazy!” You cry out, “And understand that tonight you did very little to stop a girl from hitting on you! Right in front of me! How will you be when I’m not around?” you feel your eyes burning and soon, you’re starting to cry. Only because you’re so angry.
“She wasn’t hitting on me!” he yells, “And if she was, I didn’t notice because it does not matter! I only have eyes for you!”
“We just aren’t seeing eye to eye.” You state, wiping your face.
“Clearly not.”
“There’s no point in talking then.” You stand up and head to the bedroom, slamming the door shut. Jungkook guesses he’s sleeping on the couch tonight.
An hour or so passes and Jungkook is still sitting in his spot on the sofa. Just thinking. Why are you being so insecure? He guesses you are feeling more uneasy about leaving for Japan that you’ve led on. You are worried about all the girls that will talk to him, touch him, ask to hang out. And what if…he groans into his hands. He’s just trying to see your point of view and understand you. But in his eyes this just comes down to you not trusting him and that hurts.
Jungkook stands up and walks to your bedroom, he slowly creeps open the door just to find you quietly crying in bed.
“Baby…” Jungkook calls out for you softly and you freeze.
“Leave me alone.” You mumble.
Jungkook walks closer to the bed with a frown drawn on his face, he sits on the edge of the bed and begins rubbing your back.
“I’m sorry.” He says softly.
“For what? You didn’t do anything wrong, remember?” you ask bitterly while sniffling.
“I thought a lot about it and I think I understand where you’re coming from now.” He continues to rub your back. “Will you turn around and look at me?” he asks. You shake your head over and over, denying his request.
“Why not?”
“I’ve been crying.” You admit. “I look ugly.”
“That’s impossible. You’re the prettiest person on the planet.”
“You’re saying there’s someone prettier on a different planet?” you half joke as you sit up.
“Okay, pretties person in the universe.” His hand reaches towards your face and he caresses your cheek.
“I’m sorry I was rude to her…” you finally say, “Actually, not really. But I am sorry that I embarrassed you.”
“I guess I’ll take it.” Jungkook chuckles. “please just tell me you trust me.” His voice is pleading and it makes you guilty.
“I do baby.” You grab on to his hand that caresses your cheek. “I’m sorry I made you feel like I don’t.”
“You’re just scared of being so far away from me right?”
“Yes…” you finally admit, “I do feel insecure…I just don’t know how to deal with it.”
“Have I ever made you feel like I wouldn’t be faithful to you?”
Your eyes widen at his question and you begin to frantically shake your head and he chuckles.
“Then trust me. With your whole heart and soul. Just trust me.” Jungkook smiles, “I will reassure you every day if I have to. That you’re the only one I see, the only one I want.”
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?” he asks, his brows pulled together.
“Going long distance. You know how many couples break up because of it?”
“Not us.” He says, “You’re my best friend y/n. We can literally get through everything together.” He assures you.
“You won’t have sex for months at a time…” your eyes fall to the bed, “What if you get—”
“Oh my god.” He laughs, “Do you think I am some sort of sex addict?”
“No, no. Well, maybe.” You joke. “I just don’t want you to—”
“I can handle it, Jeez.” His hand falls to your lap and takes your hand in his, “Love of my life, remember?”
“Yeah.” You whisper.
Jungkook leans forward until his lips are touching yours, but he doesn’t kiss you yet. “I love you.” He says softly then he’s putting pressure on your lips in a long kiss. Your hands immediately go to his hair, you softly tug on his locks as you kiss him back.
“We should sleep?” You whisper, pulling away.
“I don’t feel like sleeping” Jungkook goes in to kiss you again, his lips moving hotly against yours. You can feel his desperation with the way his tongue quickly finds its way in your mouth.
“I want you to touch yourself.” Jungkook says against your lips so suddenly making you gasp.
“You’ll be touching yourself a lot while you’re in Japan because I’m not there, get used to it.”
“I want to watch you touch yourself.” He says again. “I want you to take these little shorts off, and touch yourself. I want you to rub your pussy over your panties, then I want to watch you slip these pretty little fingers inside.” Jungkook breathes out heavily as he speaks. “Can you do that for me baby?”
“Good girl.” He kisses your lips again, “And I want your legs nice and spread for me, giving me the perfect view.”
“Yes.” You lean back in bed shimmying your shorts off leaving you in nothing but your underwear and a tank top. You release a long, long breath and move your hand down to your hips…you look at Jungkook like you’re seeking permission. He nods his head slowly as his dark eyes gaze into yours.
“Go ahead baby.” He breathes out, “Show me what you’re going to do when I’m not around.”
You fingers slide over the material of your cotton panties, until you’re finding the spot that is most sensitive. You start rubbing slow, slow circles over it and you tilt your head back in satisfaction. Your anger sure made you frustrated.
“Good girl….let me know when your panties start to get really damp.”
“They are.” You admit shyly. “Want to feel?”
“No baby. This is all you. But I do want you to take them off. Wanna see how wet you are with my own eyes.”
You lift yourself up and drag down your underwear, leaving your bottom half bare.
“Spread your legs. Want to see how sticky you are.”
You gulp, but you listen. You slowly begin to spread your legs apart as Jungkook watches, your wetness stringing from one side of your folds to the other. He licks his lips, god, he wants to just eat you up.
“Fuck…” he breathes out heavily. “Gather all that,” he points to your pussy, “And get your fingers soaked. Then stick two fingers inside.”
Your fingers go back to your center, gathering your juices before you’re sliding two fingers inside your desperate hole. You groan when you insert the fingers and Jungkook smiles.
“Go ahead, start fucking yourself.” Jungkook palms himself over his jeans. “And be loud.”
You start to slowly thrust your fingers in and out of your hole, the squelching noises begins to fill the room along with your whimpers.
“Jungkook…” you whine, “Please touch me.”
“Not yet baby.” He says, still rubbing his cock over his jeans. “I’m just enjoying the view.”
“Pull your cock out, let me see it.” You command and Jungkook’s eyes expand in pleasant surprise.
“My cock turn you on?”
“Fuck yes.”
“Even just seeing it?”
“Yes.” You start to move your fingers faster, curling them every few moments.
“Whatever you want, princess.” He unbuttons his jeans and pulls them down to his thighs and drags his briefs down just low enough that his cock is making an appearance. It stands tall, hard and swollen.
“Oh Jungkook.” You cry out.
“What is it baby?” he smirks.
“Just enjoying the view.” You playfully throw his words back at him and he grins at you.
“Can I touch my clit?”
“This is all you baby, of course. What would you do if I weren’t here?”
Your fingers leave your cunt and you’re quickly rubbing tight, focused circles on your bundle of nerves and you throw your head back, and moan out in pleasure. Then you lift your head and gaze at Jungkook’s painfully hard cock.
“I can’t come without you.” You whine, “I need you.”
“You can. You gotta get used to it baby.”
“I’ll give you an image to think of when you are touching yourself in Japan.” He says, he brings his hand to his mouth and spits in his palm, then he’s grabbing a hold of his member, slathering his saliva all over it, getting it nice and wet. He begins stroking his cock for you, as he screw his eyes shut and starts rubbing faster and faster.
You stare at him with eyes full of lust as you circle your clit faster and faster. You feel the tension building until it finally hits you. You release moan after moan as you come. Jungkook opens his eyes and watches you as you come undone, he smiles and nods his head in approval.
“Good girl. Good girl.”
You feel high just off his praises alone. Your fingers leave your clit and you crawl closer to him, your hand reaching for his face as you suddenly push your fingers past his pretty lips.
“Taste me.” You command and he looks up at you with big doe eyes and begins sucking your fingers clean. You make your way on to his lap and start kissing him ferociously, your tongue forcing its way into his mouth, he tangles his with yours just as quickly. His hands gripping at your hips as you grind down onto his hard length.
“ooof” he sighs out when he feels your wet folds grinding into his member. “How needy are you?”
“You just made me come by my own fingers when I have you right in front of me, that’s mean. Was this a punishment?” you breathe out and he darkly chuckles.
“I’m not trying to punish you baby.” He kisses all over your face.
“Felt like it.” You say, your tone shifting into something sad.
“Hey.” He tilts your head up with his fingers, “I’m not mad at you anymore. We worked it out.” He softly reminds you.
“But I still feel…” You look to the side and he sighs.
“Baby,” he slowly kisses your lips until he’s nibbling at your jaw. “You have nothing to worry about, I promise.” He leaves soft kisses down your neck, his lips caressing your skin tenderly. “You are the only one for me.” He promises while nibbling on your throat. “You can trust me.” He’s sucking into your skin now, no doubt marking you. “Can you trust me?”
You rotate your head as it falls backwards, giving him more access to your skin as you breathe out roughly.
“Yes.” You say breathlessly. “I trust you.”
“Good.” He’s lifting you off his body and setting you down on the bed gently, your head lightly bouncing off the pillow. He guides you by the arm to sit up, and he’s lifting your tank top off your body. He stares at you breasts and licks his lips until he’s groaning.
“Remind me one of these days to fuck your tits.”
“Why not right now?” you wink and Jungkook looks at you softly with a small smile adorning his face.
“Because right now I am going to make love to you.”
You feel your cheeks flush at his words, your stomach filling with tens of millions of butterflies. They all take off at the same time, a whole swarm of them, flying around making you feel a million things.
“M-Make love?”
“Oh baby, I am going to make you feel like the most special person in the universe.” He promises.
Jungkook stands up and removes his clothing, leaving him naked in front of you. His muscles have no doubt grown, his waist is tiny and his thighs, god, his meaty, muscular thighs…you basically drool at the sight. How the fuck did you get this lucky? You start to feel insecure again, like maybe you aren’t good enough for him? He’s so fucking hot and you’re…you.
“Why you frowning baby?” he crawls over your body, pinning you down. “I only want to see you smile.”
“You’re so hot, Jungkook.” You say more seriously, “Maybe…”
“Don’t say something stupid.”
“It’s just…”
“Nope, don’t wanna hear it.” He leans down and pecks your lips. “You’re hotter.” He says simply and you blush. “Your beautiful lips…your eyes…your cute nose…” he kisses each body part as he talks. “Your tits.” He smirks, leaning down until he’s grabbing a handful of your breast and he takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue over the hardening bud. He releases himself from your boob and leans back up to kiss your lips.
“And your cute tummy.” He slides down your body until he’s kissing the skin of your stomach. “And fuck, your hips drive me insane.” He says gripping at them until his lips find your hip bone and he’s sucking bruises.
“And this perfect, perfect pussy.” He says, lowering himself further until his face is only an inch away from your heat. “Can I have a little taste?” he asks with his big doe eyes and you nod.
“Thank you.” And he’s slipping his tongue between your folds and tasting you. You release a long moan when he does this.
“So delicious.” He says, making his way back up your body. “Think you can take my cock right now?”
“Yes.” You practically rush to get out, “Fuck, yes.”
Jungkook slides his cock between your folds before he’s slapping his cock on your pussy.
“You really think you can take this cock?”
“Yes, Jungkook. Please.”
“My perfect girl wants me to make love to her, right?” he says more softly, “Wants to feel me inside.”
“Yes.” You moan out, “Yes!”
Suddenly, the feel of Jungkook’s length entering your body causes fire to shoot through you. Maybe you should have let him stretch you out. But the burn feels incredible. He enters you very slowly, as not to hurt you. His hands find yours and once he bottoms out he’s lifting your interlocked fingers above your head.
“My perfect girl.” He breathes out heavily, “You feel so fucking good.”
“You feel even better.” You choke out. “Amazing.”
His chest is heaving against yours, his body crushing you but you don’t care, his cock inside you has you going crazy.
“You are my favorite person.” He says as he starts slowly thrusting into you, his cock sliding in and out of your wet pussy. His hips meet yours softly as he carefully grinds into you. His thrusts are so controlled it is making you lose yourself.
“And I would do anything for you.” He whispers on your lips, “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He begins kissing you, his lips moving over yours slowly.
“You’re so so gorgeous.” He whines as he starts fucking you a little faster, his hips still grinding into you deliciously. Then his lips are back on yours again, his tongue very sloppily dancing with yours.
The sound of his skin slapping yours and his loud, loud moans starts to echo in your ears. You begin to release higher pitched moans in his mouth and he swallows them down happily. Jungkook pulls away from your lips to gaze into your eyes, his lips parted as he whines in pleasure.
“Ahhh baby.” He continues to stare down at you with lust filled eyes, “Feels so good.” His eyes threaten to shut in pleasure but he manages to keep them open and on you.
“No one can compare to you…” he moans, “I am so, so”
He starts thrusting faster, “So in love with you.” He brings your hands down and detangles his fingers and his hand moves to cup your jaw and he’s kissing you again, so lovingly, so passionately. His hips slap into yours quickly as he starts to lose his control of his movements as the pleasure builds up.
You reach your hand between your bodies and start massaging his balls and he whines out loud, a loud and long moan. He starts fucking faster and harder now. His pleasure building so fucking fast.
“Can you come from my cock alone? Or do you need my fingers baby?”
“Your cock, I want to cream all over it.” You moan.
“Yeah? And you want me to come inside you, right? You want to clench around me so hard, milking me dry of my cum?”
“Yes!” You scream, “I need your cum!”
“Yeah, you need this cum of mine to survive right?”
“Yes baby!”
“You need this cum?” He lifts one of your legs up over his shoulder, and leans down close to kiss you again. This angle has his dick brushing against every fucking spot that makes your toes curl.
“Come for me my love.” You beg, “I will come with you.”
“You’re the love of my life, of course you will.” He starts fucking you deeper, making you roll your eyes to the back of your head. You fondle his balls some more and he’s losing it, absolutely losing it.
“Gonna fuck my cum so deep into your pussy baby. That’s okay right?” he’s breathless as his hips slam into you.
“Fucking please!” You beg, your orgasm right around the corner, you can feel it building and building. You feel your mind go hazy, like you’re drunker than you’ve ever been. The pleasure so intense as the band inside you snaps.
“Aaaahhh.” You scream out as your orgasm hits you, “Fuck fuck fuck fuck.”
Jungkook looks into your eyes as he continues to thrust inside you, his own orgasm approaching as you squeeze his cock through yours. His thrusts turn sloppy as he hurries to lean down to start kissing you while he finally releases his cum. He breathes heavily into your mouth as he comes into you. His hips finally stilling when he leans back from kissing you with a dopey smile on his face.
“I love you so much.” He sighs out before slipping his cock out of you, “You always feel so amazing.” He admits between heavy breaths. “I’m so glad you were made for me and me only.”
You calm your own breaths as you come down from your high, your legs still shaking. You smile up at your boyfriend and caress his cheek lovingly.
“I’m the only one for you, right?” you ask quietly and Jungkook smiles sweetly, leaning down to peck your lips.
“Yes baby.” He smiles, “The only one for me.”
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strawberryspence · 3 years
when death knocks on your door
Angst/Fluff [18+] | Spencer Reid x FEM! BAU! Reader
Summary: Some trauma tears people apart, while some brings people together. SSA Doctor Spencer Reid and SSA Doctor Y/N Y/L/N is brought together by the death of SSA Emily Prentiss.
Word Count: 3,13k 
Warnings: based on the Ian Doyle/Emily Prentiss character arc so some spoilers for s6-s7. talks about death (a lot of it), mention of drug use, allusions to depression, attempted suicide (nothing graphic), mention of cancer & car crash, a few curse words, description of smut, its very vague (one part only), mentions of therapy, HAPPY ENDING (i am not a monster)
Writer's Note: Hello! A bit of a heavier topic on today's fic! I picked apart the whole Emily arc and this is written basically in the reader's perspective. I love writing angst but I can never end it with sad endings. So I hope you enjoy this, I am very proud of how it turned out! 💛
GIF is made by yours truly. Its surprisingly hard to find "purple shirt + sweater vest spencer reid" gifs.
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Death comes in different shapes and forms.
For Spencer, he has seen it up close with Haley and Hotch, but never with someone in his family or close group of friends. He sees death in the form of abandonment, in ways when people leave him and a part of him goes with them.
For you, you were familiar with death. Death looms over you. You’re father dying when you were younger and then you’re mother in your teens. 
Death comes when your father was killed in a car accident involving a drunk driver. It was fast, in a blink, death sweeps him and takes him. All her father’s life and dreams gone in a second, with a crash.
Death comes when your mother was diagnosed with cancer. Cancer, the fucking bitch, takes her time. It was slow, like it was enjoying the pain. It takes and it takes till its taken everything and the last thing it has taken is your mother.
And death comes when it takes Emily Prentiss. This was your best friend, partner in crime and roommate. Her death wasn’t fast, it wasn’t slow, its painstakingly in the middle while you try to get her blood off your hands while sobbing in the SUV as Derek drives way past the legal speed to get to the hospital.
In her death, you find yourself being swallowed by something that you were not. Something bigger, something you can’t describe. The team sees this weeks after she has been buried. You were the same person, and you were a different person, all at once.
One night, when death was about to knock on your door as you hold a knife to your wrist, ready to meet Death, ready to tell him off, it is then when chance knocks on your apartment door.
Spencer is at your door, a sobbing mess with three bottles of dilaudid clenched in his hands. He stumbles in your new apartment avoiding the piles of boxes unopened. You just moved, not being able to sleep in the apartment you and Emily shared.
“I am sorry. I-I am sorry, Y/N. I didn’t know where to go. JJ was... busy and I am so close... so close.” Your heart softens at how desperate he looks, Spencer doesn’t know how strong he is to you, being able to ask for help when you were just about to end it all.
You take the bottles from him, setting it on the counter as you guide him to your couch. He clings to you as you both sit on the couch, crying and sobbing.
“Death is among us. Avoiding him is what makes us stronger." You whisper to him and he cries harder.
Something is so bitterly comforting when someone shares the same pain you are suffering. It hurts, but in a funny way, it hurts less when some shares it with you.
So you cling to Spencer as he does to you and you let it all go. You cry as much as he does as he holds you and as you hold him.
You both wake up the next day, with a full 8 hours of sleep, something you both have not had in weeks.
“Thank you.” Spencer whispers and you smile, stroking his hair, “Thank you.” You say it back at him.
You were sure that Emily is laughing at her grave. I had to die for you to finally make a move on your crush. You shake her voice off your head. Now is not the time for silly crushes.
It becomes a routine, finding comfort and safety in each others presence, Spencer almost lives in your apartment. His toothbrush sits on the cup besides yours in the bathroom counter, his clothes takes up half of your closet, his books scattered on the shelfs and his cups on the kitchen counter.
You tell yourself its platonic. Spencer tells himself its platonic. The team doesn’t say anything, only thankful that you were reverting back to your old self and Spencer is getting better.
You want more. It was hard to admit to yourself. But you wanted more with Spencer. Your little crush now growing into something bigger than yourself. You wanted futures full of him and what you have right now is not right. Shared trauma is not love.
Three months into the set up of him basically living in your apartment, you suggest therapy for both of you. You are a Doctor of Psychology and you know the percussions of what you’re doing.
Spencer is shocked but he understands. This was your territory, Spencer knows that this was the right thing to do so he agrees. You lay out all the options to Spencer, all the therapy and how both of you should change your routines more often.
It works. He stops sleeping on your bed every night (he still comes tho, just on the harder nights where he needs to hold you to remind himself that death has yet to take you).
You have breakfast together every morning, using it to comfort each other rather than sleeping together every night. It works.
The therapy helps you both as you both move on from Emily’s death. That is until seven months later.
Declan was missing. You’ve let the Emily case go but Derek has not, you know this and you let him. Every time you want to do something to help Derek catch Doyle, your doctorate that hangs above your couch stares back at you, like it was taunting you. You studied this, moving on was the better choice and you know it. No amount of killing Doyle would bring back Emily, no amount of it would make you feel better.
That is until Hotch gathers the team on the conference room.
“Everybody have a seat.” Hotch instructs. You all look at each other. Spencer looks at you as if asking if you knew what’s up but you only shake your head.
“Why?” Morgan asks, looking around.
“Seven months ago, I made a decision that affected this team. As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood after her fight with Doyle. But the doctors were able to stabilize her—“
“What?” You squeak out. Hotch holds his hands up, asking you to hear him out first.
“She was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a covert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know and she stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security.”
Spencer can see how your face pales. He reaches for your hand under the table and gives it a tight squeeze. You return the squeeze, finding comfort in his touch.
“She’s alive?” Penelope asks, tears now forming in her eyes.
“But... we buried her.” Spencer says, like its a fact. Like its the solid truth. Your hand clamps down harder on his.
“As I said, I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone had any issues, they should be directed to me.” Hotch says and all you can do is look at him, not able to believe anything he is saying.
“Any issues? Yeah, I got issues!” Derek’s loud voice now looming over the room.
“Oh my god.” Penelope squeaks making the whole room turn around. You turn around and you see Emily walking to the room. Your hold unto Spencer tightens, as if checking if he is real, you want any sign that this is not a dream, that this is real.
“I am so sorry. I really am. Not a day went by that I didn’t want to...” Emily explains.
Death comes and it takes, and it takes, and it takes but never has Death give someone back to you.
Emily was standing in front of you. The woman whose blood stained your hands for days, the woman you buried, the woman who’s grave you cried on for god knows how long that Derek had to physically carry you away from her grave and here she was breathing and hugging the team.
She comes in front of you and you still haven’t let go of Spencer’s hand.
“Y/N?” She says, it comes as a whisper. A whisper, coming from the ghost that has been haunting you for months. She opens her arms for a hug and you let go of Spencer to hug her.
She was real, she was solid and she’s hugging you back. So why, in the mountain of emotions you are feeling, why is happiness in the bottom of the pit? Why is anger the one screaming in your heart?
You pull away, and she hugs Spencer but as soon as she lets go, Spencer captures your hands again. Emily sees this and smiles, but doesn’t say anything.
“There’s so much I want to tell you guys, and I will. I promise. But right now I really need to know what’s going on with Declan.” The team continued to discuss Declan and Spencer holds unto your hand like its his life line. You only break apart when the team has to work again.
He gives you one look as he separates away from you, “I got you.” He says, kissing your temple before leaving to go to the interrogation room.
That was enough to calm you down.
The team gets Declan back safely and after all the trials, you finally had a moment to breathe.
“Hey, you doing good?” Spencer asks. You nod. He looks good, he looks like home in a purple shirt and sweater vest.
“Do you want to go home?” He asks you. You want to shout but you’re my home! You nod and he takes your scarf from your desk and wraps it around you.
“Let’s go?” You smile at him as he wraps it around you. It felt so domestic, so familiar.
You walk together to the elevator, leaving the BAU and all the piles of emotions that you’ve been through this past few days. As you both stand in the silver tin box, you see your reflection with him standing beside you, his arm around your waist and your head on his shoulder.
You wanted to scream how much you love him. But the voice in your head screams back, he doesn’t love you! It’s shared trauma! You shake your head and Spencer sees this.
“You okay? How are you feeling?” You smile up at him, as he looks at you with all the worries that a person can hold for another one.
“Yes, I am good, Spence. How about you?” He smiles and kisses the top of your head. “I am good. I just need time to process some of the things that has happened.”
Spencer drives you both home. Spencer doesn’t take the word hate lightly but Spencer hates driving. He still drives tho, for you. Holding your hand while he drives with the other, while you were staring out of the window, just watching the places blur by.
Death waits on your door and when the right time comes, it will knock. When it does, you can’t turn it away or send it away. When it knocks, it sweeps you off your feet, leaving no time for goodbyes or regrets. Ironically, Spencer walks you to your door, opening it for you and even taking your scarf off for you.
Your heart almost grows twice its size and you can feel yourself bursting in its seams. You find yourself closing the door, as if trying to block Death away from him. He smiles at you and something bursts inside of you.
“I love you, Spence.”
He drops your keys on the bowl on your hallway and he smiles, teasingly. “I love you, too, Dr. Y/L/N.” You smile but you shake your head.
“No Spence, I love you. With my whole heart... I mean, of what’s left of it. W-we need to stop, if this is only a shared trauma for you. I can’t be that... because... I love you and I want futures with you. Any kind of it, as long as you are there, every morning with a cup of hot coffee for me. If that’s not possible, we need to stop. Because my heart...” You hold unto the edge of the table for strength.
“My heart... is not strong enough to lose you and love you at the same time.” Spencer stares at you, confused with a certain spark in his eyes.
“W-why are you saying this now?”
“Because death is at everyone’s door. Emily is lucky. But what if it takes me tonight, or tomorrow? I don’t want to die without telling you that I love you.” You say, bracing yourself for the impact of the rejection.
Spencer walks to you, holding your waist to steady you.
“I love you, more than anything in this world. I have love you even before Emily died. This isn’t shared trauma, it’s been love way before that. If it's anything, it made my love for you grow deeper. You... helped me heal. You pushed me to go to therapy. You made me stronger, Y/N.” Spencer holds your face and brings you into his arms and you clung unto him as he hugs you.
“I love you... I love you so much.” You whisper to him and he hugs you as close as humanly possible.
Spencer lets go of you but cups your face to lift it closer to his face. Spencer kisses you like it was the last time you can ever kiss him. It felt like a fever dream you once had. The fire of the kiss fills in the cracks in your heart, slowly but surely healing it all at once.
Life, the direct opposite of death, has always been hard to describe. Death was easy to describe for you but Life? it was a struggle. But with Spencer kissing you, as he holds your hand and your face, so tenderly like you were going to break, you finally realize what life is supposed to be. It felt good being alive, it felt good to be breathing.
You and Spencer sleep together for the first time that night. It is in one word, unbelievable. It was as if the universe has planned it all along to teach you what it felt to be alive, as he pushes himself inside you, whispering nothing but sweet praises and promises of futures together in your ear. You wake up, hours after making love, tangled with him and the bed sheets, with you in his arms.
“I love you.” You whisper to him, brushing through his hair as he sighs to your touch, snuggling more to the crook of your neck.
The morning comes in a breathe. Easy and fast. You wake up earlier than Spencer, untangling yourself from him to make him his daily morning coffee.
A knock comes and it almost makes you drop his mug. Looking up at the clock, it was only 7 in the morning. The thought disappears as another knock comes. You open the door and today life offers you Emily Prentiss.
“Hey, good morning.” She says with a smile, you give it back, still not used to seeing her, alive.
“Hey.” You smile looking at her as you let her enter.
“Pen said you had my boxes.” She looks around on the apartment. “Its not here. Its on the garage downstairs. Do you want it right now?” She nods. “Oh. Uhm, the team actually helped me move it there, its a little heavy...”
“Okay... I’ll get the team to help me later.” You nod but don’t say anything and the silence is so loud, it’s deafening.
“Can we talk?” Emily asks, in a gentle voice. Almost like she’s talking to a toddler. You shake your head. “We can, but not today... I need to process some things first and I need help with it. We can talk this weekend, after my therapy.”
“Therapy?” She repeats. You nod. “Therapy.” She bites down her lips, you know Emily enough to know that she feels bad about it.
“I know it’s not your fault, Em. I understand, but I just... need time. I... buried you. I cried on your grave and for months, I had to accept the fact that you were... dead.” Emily nods, opens her arms for a hug and you gladly accept it.
“I’ll give you as much time as you need. You are my bestfriend and I love you.” You nod and hug her tightly, reminding yourself that she was alive, and that was what’s important.
The hug was cut short when Spencer comes out of your bedroom half naked.
“Spencer?!” Emily almost screams as she pulls away from the hug.
“O-oh... I-I didn’t know you were here...” He says as he slowly backs up the door and picks up a shirt to wear.
“When did this happened!?” Emily is definitely losing her mind now.
“Uh... Last night?” You said, not exactly sure as to when it started. Emily’s mouth drops in surprise and Spencer can only smile at her offering her a cup. “Coffee?” Spencer says with a smile and a shrug that makes both you and Emily laugh.
Emily doesn’t stay long after that, opting to leave the two of you to spend some time together. Spencer and you end up in the couch, huddled together in a huge blanket you both knitted together with cups of coffee in hands.
“So... Are you officially moving in with me?” Spencer looks down at you. The steam of the coffee colouring your cheeks a bright pink colour.
“Do you want me to?” He asks, smiling at you. Spencer loves you, in ways he didn’t know he possibly can and he’d give you anything you want. You could ask for the stars and Spencer would build a rocket just to get a few to give to you (even if he knows it was impossible because, well, stars are made of gas.)
“I want you everywhere. You... are my home.” You say softly, as your hands caress his cheeks.
“Then, I am moving here, love.” He says as he kisses your forehead and you lean unto him as you wrap the blanket tighter around each other.
“I love you.” He says as you lay your head on his chest and he brings you closer to him. You smile and whisper it back. “I love you more.”
Most people say that time heals pain. It, truthfully, does not. Love does, love in the corniest way possible, mends your soul in ways that are not physically possible.
When Death knocks on your door it will be in different shapes and forms, but so will love and for you, love came in the shape and form of Spencer Reid.
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patchofsunlight · 4 years
Back to You | Zuko x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Fire Lord Zuko falls in love with one of the Kyoshi Warriors sent to protect him. Thankfully, she falls in love with him too.
WORD COUNT: 5.2k I wanted it to be shorter than Pretty Eyes and succeeded... kind of
WARNINGS: okay so there’s some kissing, some swear words, some obvious mutual pining, some frustration, and that’s it. it’s pure fluff ngl
I hope you all like it! I actually had a lot of fun writing this and I think it came out pretty nice. Also requests are open! Thank you for reading and here we go.
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“Hey, Fire Lord, your date is here.”
“Y/N, we’ve talked about this. You can call me Zuko, and it is a diplomatic meeting, not a date.”
“You sure? He’s wearing such nice clothes. I can do your hair real quick if you want, get you ready and cute in like five minutes.”
“No, Y/N, thank you. You can let Ambassador Gamu in.”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be just outside the door if you need me.”
“Of course.”
Zuko tried to ignore the cheeky blink the Kyoshi Warrior sent his way before leaving his office, a teasing grin adorning her painted face. When Suki told him she would bring the most experienced and talented of her warriors alongside her to protect him and serve as his guards, he definitely did not think he would have to deal with someone like Y/N.
He knew she was, for sure, a strong and intelligent fighter, being Suki’s second in command and impressively skillful with every single one of her weapons. He had watched her spar with her companions more than once and seeing Y/N fight never failed to take his breath away until his lungs were filled with only admiration and pride. However, one could call her less than professional, and her treating of the Fire Lord troubled most of the palace’s staff. And yet, to be honest, Zuko found it really hard to pretend he didn’t absolutely adore her.
Y/N felt like a breath of fresh air, like sunshine on a cloudy day, like seabreeze. He loved the way she always teased him and tried to make him laugh, loved the way she seemed to brighten up every room she walked into. Somehow she managed to bring joy to the same place he always associated with sadness and anger — every corner of the palace was happier with her around. That’s why he chose to keep her as his closest guard, even after every single one of his advisors told him time and time again to send the disrespectful Kyoshi Warrior away. Zuko knew he probably should, but he was slowly learning how to accept and cherish the things that made him feel like smiling, and Y/N was undoubtedly on that list.
He refused to admit how in love he was with her. He had convinced himself it was nothing but a crush, some sort of appreciation for her amazing fighting skills, but a small part of him knew that was not true. He had it bad for her and would kill a man to keep a smile on her face any day of the week.
“It is very good to know the Earth Kingdom is so willing to tighten its relationships with the Fire Nation, Ambassador Gamu. I hope I can assist you in every way possible to guarantee a brilliant future for all nations.”
The Earth Kingdom official smiled politely, “thank you very much, Fire Lord Zuko. Nevertheless, it is crucial you are made aware that not all our citizens are happy with the new… Arrangements between our countries. I heard you have had a similar problem here, haven’t you? I truly hope the Kyoshi Warriors have been good servants and protectors, sir.”
Zuko couldn’t help the upwards movement of his lips as he gazed at Y/N’s silhouette through the door crack. “They certainly have,” he watched her look behind her, probably feeling his stare, and grinned when she shot out her tongue at him in an amusing manner, “I am extremely grateful for having them here with me.”
“Hey, Fire Lord, your date is here.”
He glanced up from his desk and furrowed his eyebrows at her, “it’s Zuko, and I don’t have any meetings scheduled for today.”
Y/N beamed and he was sure his heart did a somersault inside his chest, “I know! I was talking about me. I’m your date.”
He lightly blushed, “what?”
“Come on, Fire Lord, you’ve been working for hours on end. You need to take a break,” she scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment and thanked every spirit there was for the white paint hiding her reddened cheeks, “I thought we could take a walk around the palace, y’know? I’ll be beside you doing the whole protecting thing and you can rest a bit from the whole rebuilding the Fire Nation thing.”
Zuko hesitated, “I don’t know, Y/N. I really need to finish this,” he gestured to the awaiting letters and reports in front of him, “I can’t simply leave. I have obligations as Fire Lord and—”
“I’m aware of that,” she bit down on her lower lip teasingly and he couldn’t help but think about the inevitable gasps she would have earned if anyone else heard her interrupt him like that, “but you shouldn’t overwork yourself. Besides, I’m tired of standing around doing nothing. Please? It will be so fast no one will even notice you’re gone!”
He sighed, “Y/N…”
“Please, Zuko?”
It was probably the first time she had ever called him by his name. She knew how much he hated being called Fire Lord, only accepting it during important gatherings, assemblies or introductions, but insisted on calling him by that anyway. Zuko was absolutely sure she only did it to spite him and had to admit it was kind of endearing — he loved the small ways she found of constantly challenging him. However, he quickly learned he loved hearing her say his name a lot more.
He sat up suddenly, “five minutes.”
Y/N grinned so brightly he had to bit back his own smile, “fifteen!”
“This is not a negotiation. Five minutes and then I’ll come back to my duties as a leader.”
“Okay, okay. Ten minutes then.”
“What? No, I didn’t agree to that.”
“Oh? I’m sorry, Fire Lord. Fifteen it is.”
Zuko opened his mouth to oppose when he heard her chuckle in amusement before taking a hold of his arm and pulling him towards the gardens.
“We could feed the turtleducks, but I don’t really think that’s a good idea,” she chattered lightly, somewhat begrudgingly letting him walk arm in arm with her instead of keeping on dragging him around, “I already did that earlier today.”
He wrinkled his nose and stared at her with a silent question in his eyes, “why did you feed the turtleducks? We have people here to do that.”
“I know,” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, “but they are cute so I asked to feed them,” she threw him a smile, “I’m pretty sure they liked me.”
Zuko shook his head cheerfully and smiled back almost instantly, “Of course they did. How could they not?”
She turned her head to look at him so quickly he wondered how she didn’t get whiplash. The Kyoshi Warrior smirked, “are you flirting with me, Fire Lord?”
There was a tingling session going through his body as the color red creeped upon his neck, face and ears. Zuko wanted to say something smooth like “yes, I have been for a while, haven’t you noticed?” or “how could I not flirt with such a pretty lady like you?”, but he only managed to stutter, slightly panic, and then answer in a high-pitched voice, “what? No! What?”
Y/N lifted her free arm in surrender, trying not to laugh at his reaction, “alright, sorry for asking,” she smirked again before muttering, “I wouldn’t mind if you were, though.”
The Fire Lord’s eyes widened in surprise at her words, his tone now back to normal, “what do you mean?”
For some reason, his inquiry seemed to make her self-conscious of their conversation topic. Zuko wished for nothing more than to punch himself in the face. “It’s nothing. I was just joking.”
“Great. Look, it’s been five minutes already!” she stared at her wrist so confidently he almost didn’t notice the lack of anything to actually check the time there. “You must go back to your Fire Lord things, right, Fire Lord?”
“We can still go see the turtleducks if you want?”
“Don’t worry! We can do that another time, when you’re not busy.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am. Hey, that’s Suki! I need to talk to her! Bye!”
“What? Y/N—”
“Bye, Fire Lord!”
Y/N was going absolutely crazy. When Suki first brought her to the Fire Nation to protect the so-called revolutionary and strong new Fire Lord, she had been skeptical. After all her years training and helping people around the nations with the rest of the Kyoshi Warriors, she couldn’t care less about the damn Fire Lord — she had spent a long time locked up after Azula and her stupid gang captured them and no new or old Fire Lord had come to their rescue. In conclusion, the bitch could catch on fire himself and be an On-Fire Lord for all she cared (she had spent too long thinking about that joke but that definitely did not matter), even though Suki had told her she knew the guy and that he was a great person or whatever.
Now she was biting her own tongue and trying to keep from flirting with him. In her defense, though, Zuko was a thousand times more good-looking and a billion times nicer than she expected him to be. She couldn’t help but always look for ways to make him smile, loving all his little quirks and habits, and suddenly found herself by his side a lot more than she needed to. She constantly acted as a personal guard, waiting outside his door during private meetings and accompanying him on walks, assemblies and gatherings in a somewhat intimate manner. She didn’t need to be right beside him the whole time — she could protect him from afar and maintain her distance like the other Kyoshi Warriors had chosen to, but Y/N simply didn’t want that. The stupid feelings she was slowly building towards the Fire Lord were dangerous at worst and annoying at best, constantly distracting her from her duties and responsibilities as Suki’s second in command.
It was infuriating, since love and relationships had never been really the type of stuff Y/N liked to partake in. She was good at fighting and giving witty responses and making jokes, but not at liking someone. Specially not liking Fire Lord Zuko, who was one of the most powerful people in the world and would certainly end up marrying some rich Fire Nation girl to guarantee a great and honorable successor to the throne or something like that.
When she finally went back to her individual palace room after a long day of trying not to embarrass herself in front of Zuko anymore and just all-around avoiding talking with him, she sat down before the mirror and started to take her facepaint off. That part of her routine, alongside putting on the paint in the mornings, had always felt like a ritual of sorts, calming her down and enabling her to let go of any unimportant worries. 
Y/N let out a tired sigh, stared at her bare face and grinned. She might have fallen in love with the Fire Lord, but at least living in the palace allowed her to sneak into the kitchens in the middle of the night and steal some fruit tarts. She got up from her spot in front of the mirror and exited the room as quietly as possible, strongly believing that eating something would take her mind off the Fire Lord and his beautiful golden eyes. 
After another full hour of fruitlessly waiting for sleep, Zuko decided to put on an old cloak and walk around his palace. Pacing had always made wonders for helping him collect his thoughts and calm down from whatever it was that troubled him that day. It was not the first time he took on that habit and it would not be the last.
He honestly didn’t notice the person creeping up on him until he was pinned to a wall, an arm to his throat not pressing hard enough to hurt him, but enough to quicken his heartbeat. Zuko stared at the one responsible for the assault with confusion shining in his eyes, unable to recognize her without her greasepaint until she blinked and stepped back.
“Fire Lord?”
He widened his eyes, “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
“I was headed for the kitchens. What are you doing here? Did something happen?”
“No. I just couldn’t sleep.”
“I see,” she nodded and yawned, averting her eyes from him, “you shouldn’t be out and about without a guard, tho. You know that.”
“I’m pretty capable of protecting myself, Y/N.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure.”
He crossed his arms in defense, “what is that supposed to mean?”
“Do you want to go grab some snacks with me?”
“I—” he stared at her, for the first time seeing her blush under his gaze, “okay.”
“Great! Let’s go, Fire Lord.”
Zuko stayed quiet while they walked through the palace. He watched Y/N greet every single night servant they met on their way, earning big smiles and excited waves. For some reason, knowing how loved she was by his workers made his heart swell with pride. She would make an excellent Fire Queen someday. Or Fire Lady. Was there an official name for the Fire Lord’s wife? He couldn’t remember.
Zuko felt all the blood in his body drop to his feet when he noticed where his thoughts had wandered to. He shouldn’t think about Y/N as his wife — she was merely a protector, the help. He was not in love with her and therefore should not deliberate such things, not even by accident.
But he had never seen her bare faced before and he couldn’t help but take note of how alluring she was. He had always considered her pretty, but now he could really see her and she was so much more than just pretty.
“Come on, Fire Lord. I’m sure they have fruit tarts.”
He smiled as she sneaked inside the door to the kitchens, following soon after. In a matter of minutes they were sat before each other on the ground, sharing a bunch of fruit tarts Y/N had found hidden inside one of the cabinets. There was a comfortable silence surrounding them and Zuko appreciated how easy it was to be near her, without expectations or curious looks. Whenever he was next to the Kyoshi Warrior, he came close to forgetting his titles and obligations, satisfied with being simply who he was.
It felt nice.
“You look good with your hair down,” she announced suddenly, unaware of the thoughtful look on his face, “I like it.”
He felt his cheeks burn, “thank you, Y/N,” the young Fire Lord inhaled deeply to gather the courage necessary to express the response that came to mind, “you look good all the time.”
She stilled her movements with a fruit tart inches from her mouth, eyes blinking in surprise. After a tense moment, she grinned and lowered her arm, “do you really think so or are you just being nice?”
“I mean it, Y/N. You are… You are absolutely beautiful.”
The pair studied each other for a few instants, eyes sparkling with a breathtaking feeling both easily recognized but were not ready just yet to deal with. Y/N beamed at him, her face pink at the compliment. Zuko could feel his heart twist and turn inside his chest, butterflies flying in his stomach. “Why, thank you, Fire Lord. For the record, I have found you beautiful since I first saw you. I was expecting some rude and cranky old guy and there you were, with your pretty eyes and nervous smile. It was pleasant in a very surprising way.”
The Fire Lord was pretty sure she could hear his heartbeat as she leaned in almost subconsciously, her smile brightening up every small spot his eyes could see of the dark kitchen. 
He was, indeed, very much in love with her, and there was no use in denying it, not while she averted her gaze to his lips and seemed to get closer and closer until their noses touched. Zuko’s breath hitched inside his throat as her lips ghosted his, eyes fluttering close before a loud bang sent them jumping in opposite directions, searching the source of the noise.
“Y/N? Is that you?”
The Kyoshi Warrior scratched her neck shyly, adamantly avoiding Zuko’s stare, “yes, Izum. How are you?”
The servant walked up to her with crossed arms, “I told you to stop invading the kitchens at night! You’re gonna put an end to our fruit tart stock, young lady.”
The Fire Lord watched the interaction curiously. Y/N and Izum smirked at each other as if they were old friends. “Well, if you don’t want me to steal your fruit tarts, you should maybe stop making the best fruit tarts in the entire universe.”
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, honey.”
“You sure?”
“Yes! Fire Lord Zuko will be alerted about this.”
“I think he might already know.”
The young man seemed to finally notice Zuko’s presence, widening his eyes in surprise and bowing respectfully, “I’m so sorry, sir. I didn’t see you there, it’s too dark and—”
“It’s fine, Izum, don’t worry. We’ll be off your kitchens in a second. Right, Y/N?”
“Of course,” she brushed the dust off her pants and walked to stand beside the Fire Lord, ignoring her friend’s raised brows, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“You will,” Izum looked from her to Zuko and then back to her, a teasing smile on his face when he greeted them goodbye, “good night, Y/N. Good night, Fire Lord Zuko.”
“How do you know him?” the Fire Lord asked after they left the kitchen, some sort of discomfort growing inside him at the way the Kyoshi Warrior had interacted with the servant.
“Oh, Izum is a good friend. He regrets deeply telling me where they keep the fruit tarts, but it’s too late now. We met during my first week here.”
“I see.”
“Let me take you back to your room, Fire Lord. It is already very late.”
Despite his unacknowledged jealousy, he wasn’t fast enough to bit back his smirk, “shouldn’t I be the one leading you to your room?”
“I am the guard, Zuko. I am the one taking care of you, not the other way around.”
He chuckled, “right.”
“I can put you to bed if you want, I used to do that to my younger sibling sometimes.”
“Shut up, Y/N.”
She threw her had back in laughter and he grinned.
They didn’t ever talk about what happened (or more accurately didn’t happen) during that dark night in the kitchens. Zuko was progressively busier with meetings and peace treaties, slowly putting the Fire Nation back in good rails. Y/N would routinely force him to take a break every once in a while, be it by leading him outside his office or taking his attention away from work and starting conversation.
Spirits, he was so in love with her.
It was during one of those breaks that one of her fellow Kyoshi Warriors knocked on his workroom’s door and entered with a nervous look on her face, nodding at him in respect before turning her attention to her friend, “Y/N?”
The young warrior smiled, “hey, Naya. Is everything alright?”
“Suki wants to speak with you. Privately.”
Y/N’s expression was instantly filled with worry and concentration. She gripped her katana tightly, walking towards the girl, “I want three warriors guarding the Fire Lord at all times, we are not taking chances regarding his safety. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Y/N.”
“Good,” she turned to Zuko, her stone-cold face easing momentarily. She marched up to him with conviction before planting a kiss on his cheek that made his body burn with surprise and happiness. “Be careful, Fire Lord. I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“I—I… I mean… I’m—” he kept on stuttering, unable to form an entire sentence with his feelings all over the place, “You… I—”
She smirked, walking away backwards, “see you, Zuko.”
Naya looked at him with a cheeky smile after Y/N left the room, crossing her arms and staring in a teasing manner. Zuko was still rooted into place, widened eyes and reddened cheeks watching the now closed door. “Are you alright, Fire Lord Zuko?”
“I—yeah. I am. Yes,” his tone was definitely not as certain as he wanted it to be, “of course.”
The girl giggled, “sure.”
The Fire Lord would only see his favorite guard again on the following day. She came to visit him in his office and had a gravity to her eyes that he was unfamiliar with, lips pressed together in determination.
“What happened?” he immediately asked, the letter he was working on quickly forgotten. “Are you okay?”
“There have been attacks to the warriors in Kyoshi Island,” she declared, “not everyone is happy with our new arrangements. People think Earth Kingdom fighters shouldn’t be helping the Fire Nation in any way.”
“Oh,” he managed to answer, anxiety building up inside him at her hardened expression. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Zuko,” she looked away from him, “but we can’t leave our companions to fend for themselves.”
He could feel his heartbeat pick up, “I see.”
“Suki is sending me back to Kyoshi Island,” Y/N confessed, a hint of sadness to her tone, “I’m her second in command and I should be there to help our warriors through this.”
A heavy silence fell upon the room, tension sparkling between the couple. He knew what that piece of information meant, knew what it would cause.
“You’re leaving.”
She softened almost instantly, taking a step closer to him and then hesitating, “no!” he stared and she sighed, “I mean, yes, but I’ll return when it’s over,” she looked at him with some sort of desperation, eagerly searching for something she couldn’t find, “when everything’s done and dealt with, I’ll return.”
Zuko nodded, a disheartening sting running through his chest, “I understand. Leaving is your duty as a leader.”
“I’m not leaving, Zuko,” another step, “I’ll come back. I’ll—” she hesitated, taking a final step towards him and reaching for his hand uncertainly, “I’ll come back to the Fire Nation,” she interlaced their fingers carefully, “I’ll come back to you.”
It was his turn to step closer, bringing his free hand up to her face and sighing when she leaned onto it, hopeful eyes shining at him. When he finally spoke, his voice was a whisper, “will you?”
She chuckled sadly, moving to rest her forehead on his, staining his face with the white paint and rubbing circles alongside the back of his hand with her thumb, “I will. You are not getting rid of me this easily, Fire Lord.”
“Good. I didn’t want to.”
She smiled. On that exact moment, Suki opened the door and studied the scene before her with a bittersweet gaze, “Y/N, it’s time to go.”
His chest clenched in pain and distress, glancing from Suki to Y/N with anguish, “you are going now?”
The Kyoshi Warrior distanced herself from him and Zuko could’ve sworn he felt physical pain at the space between them, “I’ll come back, Zuko. I promise.”
It was like he had a constant sunshine right beside him and now it was gone. He was pretty sure every single person in the palace had noticed the liking he had taken to moping around and staring sadly at the turtleducks, missing the one he had come to love. He thought his feelings for her would subside after her departure, but, oh dear, was he wrong. The deep ache that settled in his chest was enough to constantly remind him of how much he liked her, how much he missed her. Not having her around hurt so much that it became inconvenient, making it difficult to work and complete his responsibilities when he was constantly thinking about her safety and about what could have been if she had stayed just a little longer. Zuko thought they had finally reached the start of something new but she wasn’t here anymore and he would have to wait to find out.
Suki tried to report to him what was going on at Kyoshi Island whenever she could. Y/N was working hard to calm down the conflicts while at the same time training the new and old Kyoshi Warriors as well as possible. Suki told him it would take a while until things were okay enough for Y/N to return to the Fire Nation, but it would happen eventually.
He was so desperately in love it was embarrassing. He craved her presence, her voice, her laugh, her touch. He wondered if she felt the same and concluded that no, probably not. To be honest, however, he would accept anything coming from her, even some second-hand love. He would still be happy if she decided to settle for him after being made aware of his feelings.
The Fire Lord was adamant on telling her everything he felt when she came back — and she would come back, she had promised —, because being away from Y/N made him realize how much happier he was with her and he refused to let her leave again without knowing that he just absolutely adored her.
Meanwhile, Y/N felt incredibly overwhelmed. Between helping train the Kyoshi Warriors and trying to solve any misunderstanding with the Earth Kingdom citizens in a diplomatic way, she found it hard to breathe. It was somehow good, to be honest, because it didn’t leave her with much time to think about him. And, Spirits, did she think about him when she could. She was extremely excited to finally go back to the Fire Nation and just be by his side again.
There was a part of her that worried. Even though they had had multiple moments when she truly believed he felt the same, they never really spoke about it. Zuko didn’t seem the best at communication, and Y/N generally chose to joke around and tease instead of actually voicing her emotions. 
“Miss Y/N, you must understand—”
“No, Mung, you and your so-called rebels are the ones who are not understanding. Fire Lord Zuko is trying to rebuild and strengthen the ties with Earth Kingdom in a healthy way for both nations—”
“But Miss Y/N—”
“—and the Kyoshi Warriors are collaborating with that by being a part of the official guard. How, for Spirits’ sake, is you attacking my warriors a good way of achieving anything you might want to achieve?”
The man swallowed harshly while he fidgeted. Y/N had worked hard to get a meeting with the rebels on Kyoshi Island, but was pleasantly surprised to notice how unorganized they were. “The Kyoshi Warriors shouldn’t collaborate with the Fire Nation, Miss Y/N,” a young man guarding the rebel leader’s door interrupted their staring contest, “the Fire Nation has done nothing but cause destruction and suffering. We won’t have our beloved warriors being corrupted by such a horrible mindset as the Fire Nation’s.”
“I appreciate your concern, but Zuko,” she cleared her throat in embarrassment at the verbal slip, “Fire Lord Zuko is different. He cares about people and he seeks redemption for Fire Nation’s wrongdoings. Having a good relationship with him is a great deal for the Earth Kingdom, believe me.”
The two men exchanged a look before returning their gaze to her. She tried to bit back a smile when she noticed the meaningful expression on their faces, signalizing she might finally be able to go home.
She tensed at the thought. Was that what Fire Nation was now? Home? 
Or was she ready to admit the real home she had been thinking of was a certain Fire Lord all along?
It was a hot day in the Fire Nation and Zuko was busy with his daily amount of sulking and missing his favorite girl when he heard a commotion going on somewhere near him. He confusedly followed the sound, finding the Kyoshi Warriors gathered around and talking loudly. The Fire Lord furrowed his brows.
“Is everything okay?” his voice quieted them down and he watched while the young fighters exchanged knowing looks. “Did something happen?”
“Yeah, Fire Lord, it did,” his heartbeat picked up immediately and he turned towards the voice he had fallen in love with, finding her dazzling smile. Y/N crossed her arms in a teasing manner, “told you I’d come back.”
Zuko stared at her while the other warriors scrambled towards somewhere else, aiming to leave the couple alone. He smirked, “you did tell me.”
She walked closer to him until they were chest to chest, and he wondered if she could feel his jumping heart against her, “I think I even made a promise.”
“You surely did.”
Y/N grinned, “well, then I guess—”
“I’m in love with you.”
This was not in his plans. He meant to say a lot of things about how he slowly fell for her during the months they spent together, but Zuko simply couldn’t help from blurting a confession out like a dumbass. He had craved being around her so much during these weeks apart and now she was finally there, just within reach. He couldn’t take any more dancing around each other.
She beamed, “that surely makes this less awkward.”
“Wait, what?”
Before he could wrap his head around her words, Y/N took a hold of his collar and pulled him to her, gazing at his lips as their noses touched, just like weeks ago in the kitchens. She smiled softly, eyes fluttering close, “I’m in love with you too, Fire Lord.”
“Oh, thank the fucking Spirits.”
The Kyoshi Warrior laughed against his mouth, sending a tingling sensation down his back. His hands held onto her waist, extinguishing any space between them before he kissed her deeply, relief and happiness flooding his senses all at once. His own personal sunshine was finally next to him again and he revelled from the pure warmth she provided, chasing all insecurities and fears away until only his love remained.
“I missed you,” he mumbled on her lips, so intoxicated by her presence he could have forgotten how to breathe.
He could literally feel her smile between kisses, “I missed you too, Zuko,” she moved slightly away so to be able to stare at his eyes, “but don’t you worry, Fire Lord. I’ll always come back to you.”
Zuko chuckled, “you’re so cheesy.”
“You love it. Can I be even cheesier?”
“Go ahead, pretty girl.”
“Hey, Fire Lord, your new permanent date is here, and she’s not leaving.”
“That was horrible, Y/N. But good to know.”
He attached his lips to hers again and, for the first time, Zuko didn’t have a single worry for the future or for his fate. For better or for worse, he had his favorite guard by his side, and that was enough.
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ATLA taglist: @bottledcostcowater​ @officiallydarkgeek (for some reason I can’t tag you I’m sorry??) and @beifongsss​ and @azucanela​ I know you didn’t ask to be tagged but you didn’t seem to mind last time so here I am again?? if you don’t want to be tagged anymore just lmk!!
I hope you liked it!!
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3rensgf · 3 years
rent a gf - two eren yeager x reader
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word count: 2.9k
warnings: mentions of sex, talks about "getting bitches", eren is an idiot, fuckboy!eren implied, tatbilb mention, uhh fluff idk theres not much to warn abt in here, not beta read
notes: chapter two is out! i'm really glad a lot of people are enjoying rent a gf. it really means a lot! i see some people commented on the previous chapter, and i would love to reply to them, but i'm not familiar with tumblrs commenting system D: if you wanna leave a comment for me to just read, that's fine you can still keep commenting here on tumblr. but if you would like me to reply to it, you can comment on ao3, and i will reply! happy reading :) p.s, waffles w whipped cream r so much better
[ read on ao3 ]
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In the early hours of Saturday morning, you felt a hand shaking your shoulder to wake you. Groaning and mumbling, you sleepily swatted the hand away and pulled the covers over your head. No one should be forced to wake up early on the weekends. It was Saturday, for fucks sake. Not to mention your hangover due to last nights mistakes was making your head throb.
The hand rested on your shoulder once more, shaking you gently. “(Y/N),” Mikasa said softly. “Your alarm has been going off for the past 10 minutes. Wake up. I have water and Advil.”
“Nooooo,” you moaned, snuggling deeper into your bed. “Don’ wanna.”
Mikasa stopped bothering you for a moment, and you let your guard down. Finally you could sleep. When it was time to wake up, you’d wake up.
Right as you were about to pass out again, your blanket was roughly tugged off of you. “Mikasaaa!” you whined, covering your face with your hands. “What was that for? I was trying to sleep.”
“Get up. You have to shower and get ready for lunch with Eren today. Breakfast is almost finished,” she explained, setting down the pills and water on your bedside table. “Go brush your teeth and wash your face so you can eat. Now,” she instructed sternly, moving to your window to open the curtains. The bright sunlight hit your still half-asleep face, making you hiss quietly.
She left the room moments after, probably to check up on breakfast. Honestly, you didn’t know how she could function this early in the morning despite having partied all night last night. Curse her and her inability to get hungover.
Grumbling to yourself, you adjusted your sleep clothes that had gotten disheveled overnight to make sure you looked decent. Your sleepy gaze wandered over to your nightstand to see two Advils on a napkin beside a glass of cold water. Thanking every higher power for sending Mikasa to you, you downed both pills and the glass of water. Even though you might bitch and moan to her constantly, you really weren’t lying when you said you’d die without Mikasa.
After sitting down at the edge of your bed for a few moments, you eventually shuffled into the bathroom to brush your teeth and do your morning routine. It took longer than usual thanks to your sluggish and tired movements, but you got done nevertheless.
A wonderful aroma came from the kitchen when you left, stomach grumbling in anticipation for the wonderful food you were about to scarf down. Mikasa was in the process of setting down both your breakfasts on the island, sitting down on the stools when you walked in. “Morning, Sleeping Beauty,” she greeted, resting her chin on her hands.
“Morning, sweet angel,” you replied, sitting at the stool beside her. In front of you was a plate of Funfetti pancakes with whipped cream instead of maple syrup (syrup was for pancakes only). There were a couple of cut up fruits beside them, too. “Where did you get these?” you asked, picking up your fork to take a bite of your breakfast.
Mikasa dug into her own breakfast of oatmeal as soon as you started eating. “Went grocery shopping and saw the mix in the baking aisle. I thought you’d like it,” she explained, taking a bite of her food. “Good?”
Your response was a moan, tilting your head back as you chewed. “Insanely,” you said, cutting up another bite. You stabbed the piece with your fork and guided it to Mikasa, keeping your hand under it to catch anything if it dropped.
She finished her bite and leaned in to take the bite, humming in satisfaction at the taste. “Good,” she nodded.
“They put like crack ‘n this shit,” you said through a full mouth, shoveling forkful after forkful into your mouth.
You could feel Mikasa's judging gaze for eating like a pig, but you didn’t care. All you cared about was eating these crack laced waffles as greedily as possible. “What time are you supposed to meet Eren today?” she asked to make conversation.
You remember drunkenly slurring to her that Eren was supposed to take you out for lunch today while she was trying to put you to bed. All she did was nod and dodge your flailing limbs while she tried to change you into your night clothes.
“Uhhh,” you trailed off, “I dunno actually. I think he’s gonna text me when.” The familiar notification from your phone indicated you had a text from Eren. “Right now.”
ren ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ - 9:04 AM picking u up at 12 dont be late
you - 9:04 AM k
ren ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ - 9:05 AM dont use k with me that makes me sad :(
you - 9:05 AM k
“He says 12,” you told Mikasa, setting your phone back down on the table. You went to go take another bite of your waffles, only to be met with stray bits of whipped cream and waffle crumbs. How disappointing.
“You have time to get ready then,” she said, finishing up the last bit of her own breakfast. Holding her plate, she got up to go put it in the sink, taking your plate for you as well. Literally an angel.
Suddenly, she leaned in to sniff you like the weird English professor you had your freshman year and cringed. “You’re gonna need all the time you can get. You stink.”
Never mind, not an angel.
Grumbling and cursing under your breath, you got off the stool to go take a shower. “And here I was about to offer to get you something for lunch while I was out.”
“A burger from the joint I like would be nice. So would a Coke and side of onion rings.”
“Medium for both.”
You would’ve caved in and bought her something, anyways. Might as well know what she wanted in the first place.
Showering took longer than expected. Most of your time got wasted by you standing under the shower stream and soaking in all the warmth. It wasn’t until Mikasa knocked on the door asking you not to use up all the hot water that made you actually start going through your routine.
The clock read 10:09 when you got out. You still had more time to kill until Eren came, so you elected to sit on your bed in your towel to scroll through social media. At 10:45, you started to get ready for real now.
Your makeup was just enough to cover any imperfections on your face, and your outfit cute enough for a lunch outing with your friend-fuckbuddy.
At 11:50, you stepped out into the living room with your belongings in hand to lounge around while you waited for Eren. You would’ve gone to bug Mikasa, but she had just stepped into the shower minutes prior.
12 on the dot, a rhythmic knocking was rapped on your door, meaning Eren was finally here. Skipping over to the door, you opened it to reveal him while slipping on your shoes.
“Hey,” he grinned when the door opened. He leaned in to give you a kiss on the lips after you’d straightened up from putting on your shoes.
A grin found its way on your lips during the kiss. It only lasted a couple of seconds, ending with you pulling away with a quiet smack. “Hi,” you greeted back.
“Ready to go?” he asked, one hand leaving his jacket pocket to jut his thumb down the hallway towards the elevators.
“Yup, ready,” you said. Over your shoulder, you yelled into the apartment to say goodbye to Mikasa and locking the door once you closed. “Okay, ready for real now.”
There was a new hot pot restaurant near campus, Eren told you, that he so desperately wanted to try. He overheard some people talking about the place in his Stats class, and he’s been wanting to go ever since.
“So, about what I told you last night,” he said, leaning on the table close to you after giving your orders to the waitress. “You said you would help me get Mina.”
“I said it was a bad idea,” you countered, taking a sip of your drink.
“But you said you would help me. For a price.”
“That I… did say,” you sighed. “What’s your plan?”
Smiling, he opened up his jacket and dug into the inner pockets, getting out a small notepad and a pen. Your eyebrows raised at the sight of them. “Okay,” he started, flipping through his notepad. “So I was thinking about it this morning, and this is what I have down so far.”
Sliding it towards you, he waited impatiently for you to read what he had.
Your lips pursed to prevent giggled from leaving your lips. Well, it was a plan, alright. Written in Eren’s chicken scratch of handwriting were a few very simple steps.
eren yaegers fool proof plan to get bitches get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. talk to mina to get her interested in you ✓ 2. get hot girl ((Y/N)) to pretend to be your gf and show you can be a good bf 3. get mina jealous so she wants you even more and not poopy thomas wanker 4. “break up” with (Y/N) and pretend to be sad 5. get mina to comfort you 6. get bitches make mina your gf 7. pay (Y/N) for her services 8. ta-da!
When you looked up from the notepad, you saw Eren waiting for your answer. “Well? What do you think? Is it any good?” he asked.
“Were you high when you wrote this?” was the first thing you asked him. Eren shook his head innocently. “You’re 100% serious?” He nodded.
You bit your lip, deep in thought about Eren’s supposedly fool proof plan. “What makes you think it’s gonna work?”
“I know girls and how they act. If Paradis University let me major in women -- don’t get smart with me I don’t mean Women Studies -- I would be passing all my classes with flying colors. I know it’ll work, trust me,” he said cockily, leaning back in his chair.
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. I know you. I know everything about you, (Y/N). I even know how to make you scream my name in--”
“Okay!” you cut him off, not wanting the strangers around you to know the intimate details of your sex life with Eren. “Okay.”
“I knew you were gonna do that. See, I do know women.”
A moment or two passed, both of you staring at each other. You with a deadpan expression, and him with a proud one. You were the first one to break the silence with a heavy sigh. “Okay, say I agree to this. What do I get in return?”
“Anything you want,” he said. “Within reason, of course. Please don’t ask me to like, hide a body or something.”
Ignoring his last comment, you continued speaking, “You’re not allowed to back out of whatever I ask you to, right? If this plan fails or succeeds, you still owe me whatever you promised.”
Eren nodded. “Of course. I swear on it.” He shifted a little so his elbow was on the table, holding out a pinky. Instinctively, you held out your pinky as well and intertwined the both of them. Pinky promises were something you and Eren had been doing for years now. It meant that the other was dead serious on their promise.
The waitress came back with your broth and dipping ingredients, setting them on the table for you right when your pinkes left each other. Thanking the waitress, the two of you talked some more while you waited for the broth to heat up.
“We should make it official. With a contract and set of rules,” he said. “Like that one movie you forced me to watch with you. The Boys I Loved or some shit like that.”
“To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before,” you corrected.
“Yeah, that. They’re kinda doing something like us, yeah?”
“Guess so,” you shrugged, picking up your chopsticks and a sice of pork belly when the broth started to boil. “After we eat though.”
Idle chatter was shared between the two of you as you ate. Even though you saw each other nearly every day, you never ran out of things to talk to. You could be talking about complete nonsense or how quantum physics made no sense, and you would still have the best time of your life.
By now, the broth had been drunk up and the table had been cleared out to be replaced with banana milk and ice cream. Eren brought out his notepad again to write down the set of rules for your fake relationship while enjoying your desserts.
Good progress had been written so far on the notepad. Both of you had given input and criticism on each rule made. In the end, you finally had a good set of rules written down.
(Y/N) and erens contract and rules for eren yaegers fool proof plan to get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. act normally. eren and (Y/N) act like a couple already. just double the pda a little more 2. don’t tell anyone about the deal. the more people who believe in the relationship, the more likely it is for the plan to work 3. post each other on ig a lot. maybe add names and a date to bios to make it more believable 4. date night every saturday (go out or just hang out) 5. go to parties together 6. walk each other to class if you can 7. call each other cute pet names 8. after breaking up, the couple act has to stop including the sex 9. DON’T SLIP UP
payment for (Y/N):
Eren tapped a beat on the notepad, reading “payment” over and over again. Eventually he looked up at you, deep in thought. “Have you thought of anything so far?” he asked, clicking the pen to write what you wanted.
This was a tough decision. Eren was ready to give you anything to help him get Mina. You had to be wise and pick something big to take advantage of him. Something you were sure you wouldn’t ever regret getting.
“How about,” you started, trailing off, “you do my laundry for the rest of our time at ParadisU, buy me lunch every Wednesday even after we break up, recommend that godsend of a tutor you keep gatekeeping to help me too, and…”
“And?” Eren asked, looking up from his writing, waiting for your next words.
“All the orgasms I want during our relationship,” you finished, satisfied with what you chose.
“Is that all?” he asked, writing down the last of your words. “That’s a lot.”
“How about I let you know if I wanna add more,” you said. Eren nodded in response. His head hung to look at the notepad again, writing something down. Once he was done, he plaed the pen on the pad and slid it to you.
“Sign it so it’s official,” he instructed.
There were two lines beside each other, one already with Eren’s signature. Without hesitation, you signed your name neatly on the paper, giving the items back to Eren once you were done.
(Y/N) and erens contract and rules for eren yaegers fool proof plan to get mina aka operation rent a gf by eren yaeger 1. act normally. eren and (Y/N) act like a couple already. just double the pda a little more 2. don’t tell anyone about the deal. the more people who believe in the relationship, the more likely it is for the plan to work 3. post each other on ig a lot. maybe add names and a date to bios to make it more believable 4. date night every saturday (go out or just hang out) 5. go to parties together 6. walk each other to class if you can 7. call each other cute pet names 8. after breaking up, the couple act has to stop including the sex 9. DON’T SLIP UP
payment for (Y/N): eren has to do the (Y/N)’s laundry for the rest of university, buy her lunch ever wednesday, get tutor to help her and give her as many orgasms as she wants during the course of the relationship
signed x eren yaeger x (y/n) (l/n)
The two of you shook hands when Eren put away his things, to seal the deal again. The waitress came by again to give you the bill and collect your dirty dishes. Eren set down the cash needed to pay along with a tip in the check presenter before the two of you left.
You walked hand in hand back to Erens car before you realized you missed something. “Wait. What do we tell people when they ask how we got together?” you asked, pausing in your tracks.
Eren stopped with you, turning to look at you. “Um, you can say I confessed after lunch, and that this is technically our first date,” he suggested, tugging your hand to walk back to the car.
“Huh. Okay. That works,” you nodded.
The two of you got into the car a little bit past 2:30 in the afternoon, ready to go home. “Wait,” you said again, making Eren pause. “Mikasa wanted a burger from that one joint near our apartment. Could you take me there first?”
Eren smiled and nodded, starting the car. “Of course. Burger with medium Coke and onion rings?”
“How did you know?”
“She always gets that when we go there.”
“Huh… I guess you’re right.”
“When am I not?”
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taglist - @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag , @lazalee , @countthemoons , @se-va-muriendo-mialma , @liaxxx109 , @prxttyguardian , @jeansbabycake
italic names, it wouldn't let me tag you!
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3rensgf © 2021 ; do not repost or translate my work.
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now ��🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Hurting their best friend/crush w/ Oikawa and Terushima
Request: Oikawa and Terushima the playboy squad y’know, hurting their female best friend and manager with whom they have been in love with for the longest time but are too afraid to make a move. It ends in fluff of course but like maybe their friends are like you messed up man and its a really big fight. thank you. - anonymous 
Playboy squad indeed. I feel like all three of them but mostly Oikawa got their hearts obliterated and that’s why they have adopted that fuckboy persona. These boys just need some real love even though one of them is a rat. Love ya.💖💖💖
warnings: angst to fluff, some cursing
Oikawa Tooru
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-It had  been a hard week. 
-Actually a hard year. 
-Oikawa was focused almost solely on volleyball, over doing it many times while you were studying like a maniac.
-Being their manager helped you loosen up.
-Plus it gave you the chance to be with your friend group.
-You had noticed how Oikawa seemed to brush off many of your attempts to hang out, sometimes giving you an excuse to why he couldn’t make while other times ditching you. 
-He hadn’t ditched you many times but it still hurt.
-Knowing that your best friend forgot almost completely of your existence. 
-You had drifted apart the last few months and the only one who noticed apart from you was Iwaizumi. 
-He had seen how he wouldn’t find Oikawa beside you when he came to your lunch table or how you weren’t Oikawa’s first call anymore after a game. 
-It bothered him too. 
-Seeing his two best friends separate like that.
-And Iwa knew you tried to prevent it, he gave you advice on the matter as well.
 -But Oikawa seemed oblivious to the gap that was forming and kept on ignoring you, more and more as time went on. 
-The final straw came when he wouldn’t answer your calls one Saturday evening. 
-It was one of those rare occasions when he had agreed to spend some one on one time with you and you were really excited. 
-You hadn’t seen your best friend for weeks, apart from some small conversations during practice.
-You had been waiting for an hour, the movie you had picked already had started and was now in the second act. 
-If this had happened a few months ago you would have let it slide, made a comment in your group chat and leave it at that but not this time. 
-He had ditched you one too many times and you were sick of it. 
-Making your way to the gym, you were taken aback by the lack of sound coming from inside. 
-You expected to be met with the sound of balls slamming on the opposite wall but nothing, the slamming was replaced by female giggles and a really familiar voice.
-Opening the door slightly you found your best friend being pinned to the court’s floor by one of his fans, her giggles bouncing off the walls as she kissed him. 
-Without a word you left, letting the door slam shut behind you as you walked out of school grounds and straight home. 
-It hurt like hell and you weren’t able to get that image of him pinned to the floor out of your head for the rest of the weekend. 
-He had texted you apologizing for missing your movie night, saying he was practicing late and he got carried away. 
-You answered with a simple okay and didn’t speak to him after that.
-You kept your distance at school, simultaneously avoiding Iwa who knew that Oikawa had done something.
-Volleyball practice was your neutral ground, the only place where you chatted with everyone but still gave him small curt answers. 
-Iwa had had enough of all this so he cornered Oikawa after practice as they were walking home alone, without your normal bubbly presence with them. 
“What the hell did you do to Y/N, Shittykawa?”
“What do you mean? I’m completely innocent.”
“She has been avoiding you like the plague all week and you haven’t even noticed? What the hell happened last Saturday?”
“I didn’t see her...”
“You missed it? Again?”
“It wasn’t my fault! Yui-chan found me at the gym and she kinda jumped on me.”
“You know what’s funny Oikawa? The fact that you claim you love her.”
-That’s why he’s now trying to coax you to open your bedroom door.
- “I’m studying Oikawa leave me alone.”
-His last name leaving your lips hurt, a lot. 
-He had always been Tooru to you or even Shittykawa. 
- “Y/N please, I’m sorry for Saturday I’ll make it up to you!”
-You opened that door then, rage burning in your eyes as you met Oikawa’s pleading face.
 - “Now you care? You have some fucking nerve coming here and giving me some half-assed apology after you ditched me for some chick last Saturday. I don’t need your apologies as much as you don’t need me. So do me the favor and get out of my house.”
-Tooru just stared at you, your words twisting the dagger in his heart. 
-He messed up, he messed up big time. 
- “You saw me with Yui...”
-You were fighting back tears as you looked at him, the sight of your underclassman hovering over him flashing behind your eyelids as you closed your eyes. 
- “Y/N she means nothing I swear, it was nothing, she came at me I-”
- “Why w-would I care what she meant? W-why would I-I care with w-who you make out with?”
- “I care what you think of me!”
-You were full on crying at this point, Tooru shedding his own tears as his fears started clawing their way up his throat. 
-He was losing you.
- “I care what you think of me because I love you. I care what image I create in your pretty mind because I hope that maybe at some point you will look at me in a different light. What I did last Saturday was fucked up and there are no excuses but I’m sorry, I truly am. Please Y/N. I can’t- I can’t lose you. Please....” 
-You wanted to hold onto your anger longer, wanted to truly stay mad at him for more because at the end of the day he deserved it but you couldn’t. 
-You launched yourself into his arms, burying your face in his chest as your sobs became louder. 
-He held you there until your tears ran dry, his arms tight around you as if he was afraid you would slip through his fingers at any moment. 
Terushima Yuuji
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-You knew him from middle school. 
-Before the piercings. 
-Before the dyed hair. 
-Before the douchebag attitude. 
-And before the ocean of girls coming and going in his life. 
-It affected your friendship but you managed to survive it. 
-Some girls were just too crazy and possessive, harassing you to leave him alone and that he was theirs.
-Terushima always gave them a glare and a cold “we’re done” before proceeding to hang out with you non stop for a week straight. 
-It was your bro code that no matter what, a relationship would not change who you were to each other. 
-That no one would get in between your friendship. 
-Lucky for you, your love for Yuuji pushed away any potential boyfriends that came waltzing into your life. 
-You are attractive, smart and cute plus you’re funny so many boys tried to go out with you, but you being in love with your best friend prevented you from reciprocating their feelings. 
-Yuuji however changed girlfriends every two days and you were there to witness everything. 
-He came barging in your room every Tuesday and Friday to talk about the new girl that threw herself at him or about the hook up he had during the weekend.
-It hurt you seeing him with others but his short relationships gave you hope that he hadn’t fallen in love yet and that you still had a chance. 
-Then she came. 
-She was a year younger than the two of you and she was the only one that lasted for longer than a week. 
-She knew you two were close and whenever you tagged along with them she was seething with anger. 
-She became territorial to the point that Yuuji should tell her to calm down.
-But he wouldn’t and that let to multiple fights and in the end you two stopped talking to each other. 
-The last straw was during one of his games. 
-You are the manager so you are down at the court with them. 
-Terushima hit the ground really hard after he tried to save the ball and he hurt his shoulder.
 -He was escorted to the bench where you put some ice on his slightly swollen shoulder and wiped away some sweat from his forehead.
-He may have acted like a douche to you but he was still your best friend and you loved him so you couldn’t be cold to him for too long.  
-His girl lost her shit. 
-After the game she started yelling at you and calling you a ‘home-wrecker’ and ‘man-stealer’ along with some really offensive stuff. 
-You were putting her in her place when Yuuji came out and saw the whole scene. 
-She immediately ran to him spewing nonsense and lies about how you came at her for no reason. 
-The face of pure shock and disbelief on your face was enough for Terushima to understand that she was lying. 
-All those other times his ‘girl’ said or acted like a bitch to you came crashing down he was hit by a train of realization. 
-He suddenly was aware of your fight and the possibility of losing you, so he finally acted. 
- “I don’t know what happened but don’t talk about Y/N like that.” 
-She looked so offended for a second before snapping....literally. 
- “You defend her over me? Your girlfriend? She is nothing but a sad little girl who wants to steal you away from me! And you’re encouraging her! She’ll start believing she has a chance with you!!!”
-He just let out a growl and pushed past her wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you into a hug. 
- “Maybe she does.”
-The both of you left the gym and went to blow off some steam at the water fountains.
-After your exchanged apologies you started to mess around throwing playful jabs.
- “Did you mean it? What you said to her.”
- “You mean about us? If you want it to be true than yeah if you don’t then just ignore it.”
-You leaped into his arms squeezing the life out of him as your voice came out in a muffled jumble of words “I want it to be true.”
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​ @dnarez-mangetsu​ @bemorefiction​
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theravenclawlover · 3 years
I Know What You Did Last Summer
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader; Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: +18, heavy smut, cheating, angst, fluff, descriptions of violence, guns, strong language, and gore (?).
Word Count: 3,225.
Summary: Reader and Steve have been dating for some time. One day Steve leaves for a mission. A moment between Bucky and the reader might disturb the order of things, and not for the best.
Chapter Number: 1.
Chapter Title: How It Started.
A/N: Second story I ever wrote! This is one is sad and might trigger some people due to its themes. The warnings above should pretty much cover all the things this short book will contain. Please refrain from reading this if you are not comfortable reading this type of stuff. I want to say thank you for the love 'Monster' got (especially the smutty last chapter). Show some love to the rest of the chapters if you can, I would really appreciate some feedback.
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If you would've told me a year ago that I would be in the middle of a love triangle, I would have laughed so hard. But now I wish that someone would've warned me about that mission a year ago. Before I start telling you what's wrong I'll tell you what was right…
I'm an Avenger. I was recruited at the same when Sam, The Twins, and Vision were recruited, so after the whole Ultron incident. Our superiors were Steve and Natasha. Within a couple of months, we all became a family. We all cared about each other; friendships were strong amongst those who lived at the compound. I loved every single one of those idiots, no matter how much at times I would want to strangle them. I had different kinds of fun with every single one of them.
But I got closer to one of them in particular, we got so close to the point of dating. My superior Steve Rogers. Steve was the sweetest guy in the world. We didn't start dating until I had reached six months of being an Avenger. To be honest with you almost everyone started dating each other after the sixth-month mark.
Steve and I were in a serious relationship no doubt. Everything was great, we had fun all the time, we trained together a lot, and we had many missions together. The first time we told each other ' I love you' was not until one of Tony's parties at the tower…
You and Steve were standing next to Clint, Thor, and Natasha. You were all talking about how things had gone down in the latest mission. It was the usual, tracking down any clue of HYDRA and there still lurking agents.
"I can't believe Y/N actually went for it. She was so tiny compared to that dude. He was even bigger than Cap here," said Clint with a voice of amusement, still not believing the fact that you actually ended up beating the crap out of that HYDRA brute.
"I will not lie, I was about to back out once he got closer because I don’t have a death wish like some of ya’ll,” everyone laughed as you almost glared at Steve, “but then I was like 'no can do, Cap is watching’ and also, mama ain’t raise no bitch."
Now everyone present laughed a lot harder as Steve rolled his eyes at the way you responded.
"We knew you liked danger, but damn, I would’ve gone the other way," said Clint as he down the rest of his drink.
"Lady Y/N was graceful in battle. And most importantly, she survived! Let's toast brothers and sisters!" said Thor give a loud cheer as he passed his Asgardian drink to Steve while giving you a loving smile.
"Cheers to Lady Y/N!" Everyone raised their glasses as Clint did his best Thor impersonation which only made the real Thor laugh.
"Hey, Steve, wanna dance?" you said while putting your now empty glass on the counter.
"Oh, umm, I don’t know,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I'm not a good dancer."
You looked at him with a raised eyebrow before grabbing his drink and putting it down on the counter next to your empty glass and grabbed his hand before he could give you any more excuses.
"Don’t worry, I’ll teach you,” you stopped in a little spot where you could dance without anyone bumping into you, “and besides, It’ll be fun. You’ll see.”
The music that had been good for some liberating dancing was now shifting to a more slower-paced rhythm. You looked at how Steve sported a soft blush as he realized the music had shifted.
"I guess we gotta slow dance now," you said shyly while putting your arms around his neck. He hesitated for a second before his big hands placed themselves on your hips.
"Y/N, I'm not a good dancer, I would hate to step on—" He didn’t finish his sentence as you stepped closer to him. Slowly, you and Steve found a slow rhythm. It was a little messy, but you didn’t mind that. He was trying.
"Steve, I want to dance with you, I don’t care if you don’t know how. I'll teach you what I know,” your eyes were locked with his, a soft smile gracing your lips, “You’re my boyfriend and I think I have the right to dance with the man that I love."
In an instant, you were blushing as you realized what had escaped your mouth. Steve has stopped moving and you noticed the ever-growing smile on his beautiful lips that matched the captivating glint on his blue eyes. He bent down and in seconds you were putty, legs going weak as his lips were on yours. It was a soft but passionate kiss the two of you shared that night. After the two of you had run of breath, he pulled you out of the dance floor. You left the party a lot earlier than planned.
After that night things got much better in the relationship. That is until months later when Fury called Steve, Natasha, and me for a mission. It was about where Bucky might be hiding from the world. The second Steve was told the mission was about finding his best friend, he was ready to risk his all to get him back. And the mission did go okay; Steve had to fight Bucky at first but some words from Steve and Bucky relaxed. We coaxed him into coming with us with the promise of helping him. After some months of constant care, Bucky got better. He had his memories gained most of his memories back with the help of Steve and his psychiatrist. He was well aware of the fact that the Winter Soldier could be triggered any second, and the team was constantly in the search of answers on how to remove that from his brain or whatever.
I was happy that Steve had his best friend back and I spent a lot of time with them because Steve wanted that his best friend and best gal to get along. We were a great trio, the whole team teased us with every single thing. The running joke with Tony was that we three could satisfy each other sexual fantasies. The only thing I could do was laugh as I tried to hide how embarrassing it all was. Bucky would smirk and blush, and Steve would just hide his face and call Tony an idiot. But it pained me to admit that you had thought about it before, and the guilt wouldn’t let me entertain the idea past rogue kisses and minor sexual activities. And that was where all my issues came from.
Steve, Sam, Pietro, Wanda, and Natasha were sent on a mission last minute. Timetables had moved and they needed to leave within two hours after Fury had told them everything they needed to know. The mission had them out of the country for a week. You guessed it was top classified as Steve couldn’t say anything about it except that it involved HYDRA. It had taken all your strength not to pull him back into your room as you gave him a long good-bye kiss.
That week was really something new for you. For the first time since Bucky joined the team, he wasn't training with Steve or Natasha. Which meant that the next best option was you.
"Hey, tiny, umm can I ask you a question?" Bucky’s voice came from behind you. You turned your head from your spot on the couch and smiled up at him.
"Sure, what is it?"
"Steve is gone and so is Natasha as you know. So, I was wondering if you could train with me? It's okay if you don’t want to," he quickly added as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sure, why not.” You got up from your spot on the couch as you gave him your devilish grin, “I gotta warn you though, I'm pretty good at knocking big guys down."
"If I can handle Natasha and Steve, I’m pretty sure I can take you, tiny.”
"Trust me, Barnes, I can be a little tougher than her. Just ask her.”
Bucky let out a pained grunt as he landed on the training mate once again.
"Damnit, tiny, I think you almost broke my back there," he said while he tried to stand up without showing how beat up he was.
"Nah, that’s just you grandpa," you said while you grabbed your water bottle, “are you giving up, Barnes?”
"Oh no, Doll. I'm going to put you down at least once," he said as he now stood ready for another round.
"Let’s see, Sergeant.”
With one last grin from him, he sent the first punch. I grabbed his right arm with my left hand trying to make him lose a little balance by pushing his arm out of the way. And that’s how it went for a couple of minutes, and you were getting a little cocky as he was getting messy with his punches out of his frustration. You smirked when the ‘perfect’ idea crossed your mind. You decided to do ' The choker' which is how you called Natasha's move with her legs. You managed to do it just as flawlessly as she did. But you had forgotten that he trained with Natasha more than he ever did with you, so it was no surprise he was able to get out of it. He turned you, your crotch was directly covering his face. And that kind of shocked both of you. The next thing you knew, your back hit the mat, and Bucky on top of you. If anyone were to walk in, the position you two were in would have definitely given them the wrong impression.
Bucky and you just stared at each other not making a move or saying anything. After a while of awkward silence, you tried to move your legs so Bucky could stand up. He reached forward trying to stand up at the same time you moved. You felt it: his dick was hard.
You cursed yourself at how fast the idea of him getting turned on by the position you were in had you ruining your underwear. You couldn’t help but gasp when you felt his boner touch your lower area as he tried to move again. This time he didn’t wait for you to move or anything, he detached himself from you and left you there. Before you could say anything, he had grabbed his stuff and walked out of the training room shouting a quick ‘thanking you’.
That night, you got off by the thought of having sex with Bucky. And while you finished with a shout of his name, Bucky had done the same while he came with a shout of your name.
That week that Steve was gone went extremely slow for you. The sexual tension between you and Bucky was too strong that you were afraid someone will notice how you two were acting around each other. You were feeling guilty because you had masturbated every night with the thought of your boyfriend's best friend. You were trying hard not to think of Bucky that way, but it was kind of hard when everything he did made you horny. You were dying inside and by the end of the week, you were 100% sexually frustrated.
Steve and the rest of the team got back around nine Saturday night. Steve was a little surprised not to see you waiting for him, but he shrugged it off thinking you were probably asleep. With that thought in his mind, he went to see if he could steal a kiss from you before waking you up. He got to your room to find your bed empty, but then he noticed the little note on your pillow.
Hey Cap,
In the shower.
Steve had to hold his groan when he saw you through the glass door. He could see the silhouette of you. You were naked, wet, and roaming your body with your hands more than necessary as you had no soap, just water.
"Doll," said Steve in that husky voice of his that made you weak on your knees.
You opened the glass door, finally revealing your full nakedness to him, not caring that some water was wetting the bathroom floor.
"Welcome home, Captain. Wanna take a shower with me?" you said in that sweet voice you always conjured up when you wanted something from him. Your hands slowly trailed up to your breasts as you looked at him hungrily. A week had definitely been too long for you.
Steve didn’t say anything as he almost ripped his suit off while never breaking eye contact with you. In no time you had an extremely turned-on Captain America. He stalked toward you, his body entering the compartment of the shower stall. He was right in front of you, all naked and dirty from his mission. The water was now falling on his messy blond hair, making him close his eyes for a second as the water ran down his face, down his long neck, down his broad shoulders, down his hard pecs, down his long torso, and down those abs, and finally down his hard cock that curved upward.
"You’re staring, sweetheart,” Steve’s teasing voice brought you back from your daydreaming. “Do you like what you see? Did you missed me?"
Steve got closer to you, and in a husky whisper he proceeded to ask you, “did you miss my fat cock inside of you? Did you miss me fucking you raw every night, huh, Y/N?"
Your legs were slightly shaking at his words and you knew you were dripping wet, but you weren’t going to allow the night to go with just you trembling in need.
"Well yes, Captain. I did,” your thin fingers roamed the hard arbs you loved to scratch and bite whenever you could, “I missed sucking, gagging, and riding that fat cock of yours, Captain. I missed how it stretched my tight pussy. And God knows how much I’ve missed the feeling of you spilling your cum in my mouth and inside my pussy."
You definitely broke him.
"Kneel down, I want you to suck this cock," he commanded with such hunger leaving no room for argument. He was taller than you for like a whole foot, so you kind of had to squad to reach his cock. Steve remembered this as he saw you and before you could grab a hold of his cock, he cleared the little sitting area and sat there for your benefit.
You placed yourself in between his legs, giving the tip of his cock a sweet kiss before you flatten your tongue as you dragged it from the base of his cock to the very tip.
"Fuck,” he groaned as he grabbed your wet hair and tangled it with his thick fingers.
Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock and you sucked hard. This made Steve groan your name loud enough to resonate in the bathroom. You loved his sounds, they just made you wetter as you relished in the way you were making him feel. Your right hand went to play with his balls, applying some pressure which added to his pleasure. His thighs were shaking the more you sucked and the more you played with his balls.
"Shit, Y/N. I’m going to cum." His grip on you got a lot more tighter which made you moan. This sent vibrations up his cock and just like that, he came with a whimper as he told you to swallow it all. You did without much convincing.
"Get up," he ordered in between breaths. You did and as soon as you had he pulled you in for a hard kiss. He moaned at the taste of himself on your lips and tongue. You pulled his hair as he pushed against the wall, trapping your body against his hard torso and the cold wall. Then his lips were off you and he flipped you, you back now facing him.
"Tell me what you need from me, love. Do you want me to fuck you with my tongue or with my cock?" he whispered into your ear as he sucked on your earlobe and kiss the side of your neck. He left small bites as he went.
"I want—” you moved your head giving him more room to bite and kiss, “—your cock, Captain. Please, fuck me with your cock."
He hummed in your words as one of his hands traveled down your stomach in search of your slit.
"Fuck, Doll. You are soaked," he said while teasing your entrance with his fingers. You moaned at the contact, but his fingers left not soon after. Before you could whine in complaint, you felt the tip of his dick. Both of you groaned as Steve pushed the head of his cock, but you whined his name when he pushed the rest of his dick in one swift thrust.
"Shit, Steve,” you clawed at the wall as the back of your head rested on his chest, “please, baby, move.”
"Oh fuck! I’ve missed this. I missed being inside of your tight pussy.” Steve was fucking you with deep and hard thrusts, your pussy swallowing his length greedily wanting to keep him there. You were trembling as your legs were going numb, and Steve noticing this grabbed your hips steady as he continued to praise your cunt.
"Cap, I'm going to cum! Baby, I want you to cum inside of me please!"
Steve bit your shoulder as he positioned himself better, that way he could hit your sweet spot rapidly. He was grunting as he sought out your orgasm before he let himself fill you up with his cum. A couple more thrusts and Steve had to hold you still as your legs gave out when your orgasm hit you. Your cunt spammed around his cock too tightly that Steve followed suit as you milked his cock of his cum.
After you had finally regained your breathing, Steve helped you shower as you both talked about his mission while both of you stole kisses here and there. Steve was home, and he was happy.
Once you two had finished in the shower, Steve had fallen asleep the second his head touched the pillow. You looked at his tired face, a sweet smile crossed your lips seeing him rest. But you weren’t as tired as he was, so your mind went back to your day’s musings. Before Steve had come into the bathroom, you had wondered how things would go if it had been Bucky who found the note. You hadn’t thought of him while Steve and you were together, no, but now you couldn’t help but think the way Bucky would sound, feel, and taste.
You contained a groan at your own thoughts. You needed to confront this, and you needed to do that before things got worse for you. or him. You wanted to tell Steve, he needed to know. It was only right, he never lied to you. Why would you keep this from him?
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violetarks · 3 years
Hello!! I saw you were asking for fictif requests and was wondering if you haven't already, may I have some general fluffy headcanons for Felix? I hope you have a wonderful day💕
General Fluff Headcanons
Game: Fictif
Character: Felix Iskander Escellun
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Most definitely craves physical contact
But its that kind of thing where he thinks the more he desires it and stares at you, the more of a chance the universe will tell you to walk over and hug him
It takes you a while until you turn your head, bc you feel like someone is burning holes into your head :))
But all you see is felix flipping the page of his book
Felix: "is something wrong?"
You: "do you... need something?"
Felix: "pardon? no, i dont need anything."
But you know better
He's blushing, embarrassed that you caught him or nearly did
And you can see it as he adjusts his glasses, clearing his throat
Anyway, you do hold his hand, hug and kiss him if he feels comfortable
You hold his hand through portals and in market, bc he doesnt want to be separated from you
Kissing him in public is fORBiddEN bc he'll get all flustered and not be able to function right, resulting in glaring your way and pouting
Hugging him is okay, as long as you dont see his face, so youre usually hugging from behind or digging your face into his shoulder
Speaking if which, it takes a while for him to get used to it all
The first time you grabbed his hand out of the blue, he jolted and squeezed your hand really hard, making you pull away
He apologised over and over again as anisa looked over your hand to check for any injuries (none)
Anisa only did that bc of how much felix was overreacting
He felt so bad that he avoided you for some time
After that, you walked up to him and held his hand again, just casually and this time he didnt freak out, just staring at you
Love :)))
Calls you darling or dear, bc he's old timey like that
But that only happens every once in a while
He'll be distracted or so relaxed that he doesn't notice, but everyone else does
First time, went like
Felix: "love, are you finished with my spellbook?"
You: "i... uh..."
Anisa: "what did you say, felix?"
Felix: "hm? I asked about the spellbook y/n borrowed from me."
Sage: "oh my goodness, you're so bold, felix. i supposed youre different behind closed doors, huh?"
He's so confused??
And you just hand him the book and dont talk about it until after dinner
He's blushing wildly before announcing his return to bed and hiding under the covers
His sarcasm is limited to sage and anisa, and only sometimes you
Bc he usually uses his sarcasm to show how annoyed he was
But with you, its more or a joking matter
Sage gets sad bc you get some privileges over him :((
You two do get up to some mischief tho
Like you both go ahead and make felix blush owo
But sage once convinced you to steal felix's giant coat, and you two ran around the building just playing around
Anisa and felix found you two on top of on of the highest balconies, trying to see if sage's spell for making objects levitate would work on just felix's jacket
Felix: "what do you think you two are doing???"
You, standing on top of the railing as Sage is about to push you off with only Felix's coat above your head like a blanket: "nothing"
Felix then cast a spell where sage becomes invisible to you and you cohldnt hear him at all
Anisa told felix to rake the spell away since sage was weeping in the corner
Sleepy felix :(((
He's at his desk and doing stuff when he falls asleep
You either drag him to bed or pull up a chair to sleep next to him
Although he is a night owl, he goes three days without sleeping and passes out for nine hours
Felix likes to sit next to you at dinner
Sometimes you use your magic to prank or tease felix
But it really never works since he's taught you all you know
He'll be looking for his spellbook and then sigh,, looking your way and just raising a brow
Felix: "drop it this instant, my darling."
You: "fiiiiiine..."
The book drops from the ceiling, right into his palm
Another thing
Felix feels the need to return the gestures
So he will kiss you on your forehead when you get giddy for completing your spell just right
And then look away hastily
Or he'll grab your hand and pull you away when youre about to bump into something
And he just wont let go
Sleeps next to you and once he knows youre asleep for sure, he kisses your palm or kisses your cheek
There are times when he doesnt know what to do
Like when youre upset
Maybe you felt extra sad this morning, or you were feeling homesick, or just not that great at all
Felix does not know how to deal with other people's emotions
The best you'll get is
Felix: "are you feeling well, my dear?"
You: "oh, yeah. i'm fine, felix."
Felix: "alright."
And he's screaming inside bc he cant ask you again now, he's embarrassed to
He knows for sure that something is dead wrong when you go to bed
Maybe your grip on him is too loose, or youre not holding him at all
And he's just thinking about what he can do
Sometimes you start crying and felix cant take it anymore
He turns around and digs his face into your shoulder, arms around your torso and pulling you close
He's holding you so tight that he thinks you'll break if he lets go
You slowly hug him back, crying into his hair
Felix: "... i dont know of what has happened, but you are free to tell me whatever it is that is bothering you, my darling. i... i can help, in some way..."
You: "thanks, felix. i appreciate it."
N e way :))
The most common thing to happen between you two is probably for felix to brush against you a lot
He's trying not to be suspicious so you dont see it, but its when he doesnt watch where he's going that he messed up
Felix, hitting his hip on the corner of the table in an attempt to step closer to you: "my lord, oh my goodness..."
You: "felix, you can just ask me to stand next to you."
Felix: "... i dont know what youre talking about."
Out of everyone in the group, he probably trusts anisa to take care of you the best when he's away
Sage and you almost always get into trouble and he can not handle the energy you two bring out to open
Anisa keeps you contained and helps felix feel at ease bc she can definitely beat a bitch or two
Felix likes having your head on his lap when he's reading
Its one of the only ways you can be close together like this once someone is busy
He's running fingers through your hair and up and down your arm, other hand holding his book as he reads through it
Felix: "are you already asleep, my darling?"
When you don't respond
Felix: "I love you..."
You: "I love you too, Felix"
Felix: "i knew it"
You play with his glasses sometimes
He'll be looking for another book or something and you steal his glasses from his desk and just play with them
Or if they're around his neck and you're sitting in front of him
You'll tug him from the chain of his glasses to give him a quick kiss
He burns red and then pulls his glasses on to continue reading
Wrapping your arms around his torso makes him putty in your hands
He immediately leans into you
Kiss him when he's annoyed
Just a quick smooch on his cheek
He' calm down and just dig his head into his hands
You're so warm and so kind to him
He feels like he doesnt deserve it but you assure him that he does, he deserves the world :))
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tearsofgrace · 4 years
slippery slope
written for destiel december 2020 day 4: sledding
i hate myself for writing fluff
wc: 2.1k, tags: fluff, cute shit, literally there’s like zero sad how did i do this, family bonding, christmas fluff, first kiss
also on archive
Dean blew hot air onto his hands and rubbed them together before pulling on his gloves. The sun hung heavy in the sky, its harsh rays glinting off the snow straight into his eyes. 
When he popped Baby’s trunk, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the contents. Sam and Jack really knew no end to their family Christmas activities. It wasn’t like he was really mad, of course. This was the first Christmas they were really together, the first Christmas with no Chuck, no world-ending crisis, and if they wanted to do corny shit like sledding, then he was all in. 
He grunted as he pulled the two sleds out from the trunk and handed them to Cas. When Cas’ hands wrapped around them, Dean frowned at his bare fingers. 
“Aren’t your hands cold?” 
“A little. I’m okay,” Cas said, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. 
“I told you to bring gloves.” 
Cas huffed and rolled his eyes, an action that he seemed to use at every opportunity now that he was human. “Dean-” he started. But Dean was already pulling the gloves from his fingers and holding them out to Cas. 
“You don’t need to-” Cas trailed off as Sam and Jack walked up holding two mugs of steaming hot chocolate. He took the gloves after a look from Dean and pulled them over his bright red hands. 
“Thank you.” 
“We just got two, we figured we could share,” Sam said, passing his hot chocolate to Dean. 
Dean took a sip, letting the liquid warm his core. There was almost no one here, just a couple families with smaller kids. He passed the cup to Cas, trading him for the sleds, and turned toward the hill. 
“Let’s get this over with,” he said gruffly. But when he glanced back at Jack, saw his eyes lit up as they took in the snow-covered slope, he couldn’t stop from breaking into a grin. 
“Have you been sledding before?” Jack asked as they walked across the parking lot. 
“Once,” Sam said. 
“Oh, man, I’d forgotten about that story,” Dean laughed. 
“What story?” Cas and Jack said in unison. 
Sam looked back at him and smiled, his eyes far away. “I think I was 13, or 14? Dad was on a case in,” he paused, frowning, “Where was it, Dean? Colorado, right?” 
“Right, Wyoming. So anyway, Dad was off hunting and Dean and I were holed up in this motel room with nothing to do. It was right during winter break, too, so we didn’t even have school to occupy ourselves. Dean gets me up at the ass-crack of dawn and drags me out to this car he had hotwired just so we could have a day outside the motel. We drove for like, ten hours-”
“It was an hour, max” Dean cut in. They had reached the top of the hill now, and they were standing in a circle, eyes fixed on Sam. Dean’s arms had started to ache from holding the sleds, and he let them rest on the ground. 
“Whatever.” As Sam went on, Dean let his eyes drift up to Cas. He was watching Sam with a blank expression save for the mirth dancing in his eyes. His cheeks were slightly pink from the cold, and Dean allowed himself to stare a second longer before turning his attention back to Sam. 
“We stopped at this little roadside stand and got hot chocolate. Dean tried to make me think it was magical or some shit. Then we got to this giant hill. I mean,” he gestured to the steep hill behind him, “This thing has nothing on it. It was freezing, too, so the snow was almost ice. We pull up to the hill, and Dean pops the trunk, and in it there’s just these two,” Sam starts laughing then, and after a minute, Dean joins him. There’s a sadness behind it, too though. And acknowledgement of how fucked up that situation really had been. “These two trash can lids.”
“I lifted ‘em off the motel manager. He almost caught me, too,” Dean said as Cas and Jack started to laugh. 
“So we go to the hill, the sun is finally starting to rise, but everything is still freezing. Dean sits on the lid cross-legged and since he was my idiot older brother, I followed him. He pushed us both down the hill. It was basically solid ice, and we were on metal trash can lids.”
Cas and Jack were staring at him with wide eyes, holding back laughter. 
“Yeah,” Dean cut in. “It was bad. We flew down that hill so damn fast… and when we hit the bottom we both went flying. Hurt like a son of a bitch. We were all bruised up. Dad got back and thought we’d hunted something by ourselves,” Dean snorted. “Wasn’t my best idea.” 
“I thought it was worth it,” Sam said, meeting his brother’s eyes. Unspoken words passed between them. Childhood trauma wrapped in brief moments of relief. “Man, I remembered that every single Christmas. Always wanted to go again.” 
“Well,” Jack said suddenly, and they all turned their attention to him. “I don’t want this to be like that.” 
Dean clapped him on the shoulder and passed him one of the sleds. They were huge, meant for two people. The underneath was slick, primed for speed. Sam had wanted more basic ones, but Dean had insisted. If they were doing this stupid Christmas thing, they were at least doing it right. 
“Okay, which of you is going on the winning sled?” Dean asked playfully, taking the now empty hot chocolate cup he had shared with Cas and tucking it into the bag he’d brought. Sam handed him the other one and Dean shoved it in too before looking up as Jack spoke. 
“It’s a race?” Jack said, tilting his head in a way that was so Cas it hurt.
“I’ll go with you,” Cas sighed, his eyes fixed on Dean. 
Dean gulped as their eyes met, and not for the first time today he wanted to reach out and take his hand. Instead he let his eyes turn to Sam and Jack, issuing a challenge. “You guys are going down.” 
Sam rolled his eyes but helped Jack onto the sled before getting on himself. 
“Do you want to sit in front?” Cas asked. His eyes were downcast and there was a small blush rising in his cheeks and Dean realized that holy shit his entire body was about to be pressed against Cas. 
“Yeah,” he said, trying to keep the tightness from his voice. “The front is great for me.”
Wow, Winchester, that sounded totally normal. 
Sam was smirking at him from the sled and he considered flipping him off. But that would just show there was something to be mad about. Which there wasn’t. 
Dean got on the sled and looked anywhere but at his brother and kid while Cas climbed on behind him. Cas pulled his knees to his chest, almost not touching Dean at all. 
“You’re gonna fall off if you sit like that, man.” He cleared his throat again, pointedly not looking at Sam, and reached for Cas’ legs. “You gotta wrap ‘em around up to the front like this.” 
Cas just stared at him as he moved his legs, his eyes wide. Or maybe that was just Dean’s imagination. Maybe Dean just wanted Cas’ heart to be beating as fast in his chest as his was. 
With Cas pressed up against him and his cheeks flaming red, he finally looked over at Sam and Jack. Sam’s smirk hadn’t faded, and Jack was watching them with a pleasant smile. 
“You ready to lose?” Dean said, his voice a little too high to convey any real bravado. 
“Only if you are, jerk.” 
“Bitch,” Dean said automatically. 
Jack counted them off with a ready, set, go, and before he knew it, the sled was slipping over the edge and hurtling down the hill. 
Cas made a soft sound of surprise and Dean immediately felt arms wrap around his stomach as Cas’ face pressed into his shoulder. He looked straight ahead, letting the wind whip through his face and sting his eyes. But his heart moved from frantically pounding in his chest to leaping into his throat. 
Cas’ weight was warm and steady behind him, and Dean let himself relax even as his adrenaline spiked. 
Sam and Jack were somewhere ahead of them, already sliding to a stop at the bottom of the hill. He felt like it had been minutes, sitting here with Cas wrapped around him. In reality, it couldn’t have been more than twenty seconds. 
Dean’s eyes widened as he looked ahead of them and saw a rough bump in the powdery snow, and he tried to steer away from it. It was too late. They hit it at full force and the sled was flung into the air. 
For a moment, he was weightless, then he was slamming into the hard ground flat on his back, the sled bouncing somewhere to the side and Cas… well, Cas landed right on top of him. 
He blinked away the daze and looked into Cas’ eyes, their chests pressed together by some trick of whatever gods still existed. 
Cas just stared at him, unmoving. His lips were so close, breaths falling hot against Dean’s already warm face. Cas’ whole weight was pressed against him, and it should have hurt. Hell, his head was still pounding from hitting the ground at full force. But despite all that, he just felt safe. 
“Cas,” he breathed out. 
Cas’ blank face slowly melted into a smile and he stared into Dean’s eyes, almost as though he was searching his soul. “Hello, Dean.” 
Everything was warm and safe and bright and nothing else seemed to matter. He couldn’t remember why he and Cas didn’t normally get this close. It was some distant warning voice in his head, but the voice was too far away. 
All he could see, all he could think, all he could breathe in, it was just Cas. 
And he wanted more. 
He lifted himself up slightly and let his lips brush against Cas’. Cas tensed above him, but almost immediately he relaxed into Dean, pressing them closer together and letting their lips move in sync. 
Dean sighed in content and let his hands wander up from the snow to wrap around Cas and pull him toward the ground. Why they hadn’t been doing this all along, he had no idea. Cas was everything. Cas meant everything. So why couldn’t he and Cas have everything?
It took him a second to hear the cheering, and as soon as he did, all the old fears returned. A blush rose to his face and he pulled back from Cas at the same time that he pushed off Dean and stumbled to his feet. 
Sam walked over and reached down a hand to help Dean to his feet. Dean took it, keeping his eyes down and trying to ignore how hot his face had gotten. 
“Well,” Sam started as Jack joined them. “I think technically Jack and I won the race, but this definitely tops that.” He clapped Dean on the back and Dean finally raised his eyes. 
“It does,” Jack agreed solemnly. 
Dean ignored the fear seeping through him and shrugged, hoping he looked more casual than he felt. Then he turned to Cas and took his hand before he could change his mind. The gloves he had lent Cas were rough against his hand, but underneath the weight and pressure was grounding, safe. 
He looked at Cas and grinned, his heart beating erratically when Cas smiled back. 
“Yeah, sorry, Sammy,” he gave Cas’ hand a short squeeze. “Cas and I have got you beat.” 
Sam snorted and met Dean’s eyes. Beyond the teasing, the laughter on Sam’s face, Dean saw something else. Pride. His brother looked so goddamn proud of him it hurt. Dean felt something inside him stir and he held back the tears that stung in his eyes. 
He looked back at Cas and found him staring at him with an expression of joy and confusion and wonder and just about every other emotion that was running through Dean right now. But that didn’t matter. They would have time to sort out whatever this was between them. They would have time for long talks and heart-to-hearts and whispered confessions. For now, they were good. All of them were good. 
Dean took a deep breath in of the cold air and looked around at his family with pride. 
“Anyone in for a rematch?”
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