#hemp jacket
terpenes-and-thc · 2 years
How hemp Can Help us Live Healthier Lives!
How hemp Can Help us Live Healthier Lives!
How Hemp Can Help us Live Happier Healthier Lives! Did you know that hemp is an extremely powerful plant with a long history of medicinal and commercial uses? From helping reduce inflammation to providing a sustainable alternative to certain plastics, hemp is quickly becoming one of the most popular plants on the planet. In this article, explore the many benefits of hemp, and how hemp can help…
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something that only now that i have experience in that field pisses me off so much about hp is the fucking parchment use. it's been said before how annoying parchment is to use and how many animals would be needed to make that mich parchment but also a scottish castle is a high moisture environment which is at least good for the material but will also leave absolutely everything smelling like wet goat/sheep
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silveredsticks · 28 days
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Bayley wears the CRB-003 Blue Hood Crop Bomber Jacket from Fabric of the Universe ($144.50), Eco-Chic Hemp Fanny Pack from Freakmandu (on sale - $15.27) and the Techno Stretch Cargo Pants from Namilia ($160)
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trulyhblue · 8 months
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Niamh Charles x Chelsea! Canadian! Reader
Warnings: fluff, cocky! Niamhy, suggestive.
You were quite new to the team, only joining the Blue’s side in July, but it felt like you had known Niamh for a lifetime.
You were Canadian, but you grew up in Manchester with your parents, playing in the City Academy before playing professionally for them until your move to London. Because of this, you knew Jessie and Ashleigh well. You grew up playing alongside Jessie at the National Camps, debuting for the Senior team in the same year. Winning the Olympics was a dream come true, especially with girls you have known since you were little.
Manchester City was a dream worth chasing. You were friends with Lauren Hemp, Ella Toone — before and during her move to United — and all the rest. When you found Chelsea interested in you, it was undeniably difficult to say no. While you had grown up in the North, the move down was something that ignited a certain thrill within you.
You met Niamh at your first training session. Jessie had been partnered with you for drills, and you were in the middle of introducing yourself to Guro when the brunette came barrelling in. Her flyaways were barren across her face, cheeks nipped red from the cold weather. Her hands stuffed in her pockets, she nearly tripped you to the ground at the speed at which she ran towards you. You had known her from previous matches against her, both for Canada and City, but something about being on the same team with her felt distinct. Sure, you had admired her beforehand, but it was different now.
“Jeez, Charles, give her some room, will you?” Guro scoffed, playfully pushing the girl back a bit. You watched as she nipped the inside of her cheek, looking at you so intently that you struggled to keep eye contact.
Niamh held out her hand, grabbing yours and shaking it. You could hear Jessie giggling from behind you. “My name’s Niamh.” She announced, continuing to shake your hand. “I’m Niamh.”
Her nervous state was apparent, and Guro was in a fit of laughter at the interaction she was watching.
“Hi, nice to meet you.” You replied, hoping your dismissal of her apprehension would cool the flames in both your cheeks. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you.” She gulped, obviously baffled at what to say.
You couldn't help but smile, nodding. “Erm, yes, you too.”
“Fuck, let go of her hand, Charles, you're ‘gonna tear it off.” A voice called from behind. You turned to find the Australian Captain trampling over, slinging a welcoming arm over your shoulder. Her laid-back persona made it easier for introductions. Unlike Niamh, who was a worrying mess in front of you.
“Right, sorry.” The English woman muttered, tearing her hand away and shoving right back in her pocket. Her cheeks seared with an even deeper embarrassment, and you shook off the motion with a tight-lipped smile.
“You’re alright, really.” You smiled, hoping the reassurance consolidated the girl.
It must've, since Niamh gave you a wide smile back, shuffling by your side ever since.
All of the Chelsea girls were lovely. You had no problem fitting into the Grove there. After a few weeks of making scare appearances as a super sub, you became a regular starter for the Blues. Your presence on the field was noticeable, and fans reeled at how you brought more opportunities down the field and into the back of the net.
“Would you be able to give this to Niamh for me, please?” One fan said after a game, handing two matching friendship bracelets with your names on one of them each. Erin was beside you, signing off the posters, when she caught a glimpse of them. Without a second thought, she waved over Niamh, who wasted no time in sprinting towards you.
“Hello.” She spoke, trying hard to discreetly slip her arm around your waist. You leaned into her side, showing her the two bracelets.
“Look how cute.” You smiled, ignoring the way some fans had started recording. You slipped a hand into Niamh’s jacket pocket, holding out the present with your other hand.
Niamh picked up the one with your name on it, slipping it on her wrist and displaying it to the little girl who had made it. “Very cute. I wish we could wear them during games.”
Subconsciously, you put yours (Niamh’s) one on too. The two of you were pretty much hugging at this point. The wind had sent chills through you, your kit doing little to warm you up.
The two of you took a photo with the fan before calling it a day and trudging off back to the changing rooms. You shivered as the wind picked up, holding your arms over your chest tightly as you tried to fight the cold.
Without much thought, Niamh shrugged off her jacket, hauling it around your figure and zipping it up for you.
When you got back to your apartment, engulfing the comfort of your bed after a hard-fought game, you opened up your phone to find hundreds of people tagging your account. You managed to click on the video, smiling to yourself at the sight of you and Niamh huddled together, talking to the little girl with bracelets adorned on your wrists. You clicked on another image, this time a photo, of you blanketed in Niamh’s jumper, your arm wrapped around her waist with one of her’s around your shoulder. The photo was everywhere on social media, including the Chelsea Account. 
After a couple more months, you ended up extending your contract until the end of 2027 by Christmas. You loved it there. Your friendship with the team had grown all the more closer. You felt a sense of home and solidarity that you had never felt before.
Your relationship with the team was selfless. Jessie and you had never been closer. Sam and Millie had taken you under their wing, calling you the baby of the group, since you were the shortest between you, them, Guro, Niamh, Erin, and Jessie. Fans had taken a ripe liking to you all over social media. But not just you by yourself, but with a certain brunette in your wake.
You and Niamh had grown very close over the time you spent in London. She wasn't as shy as she made herself out to be when you first met. She was cunning, confident, funny, and easy to be around in any environment. All of your teammates teased the living daylights out of the two of you, especially Niamh, who didn't waste a second in making sure you were always okay.
She would check on you when you went quiet. She always ran to you for partner work during drills, after goals, and when the full-time whistle would blow. The two of you had a habit of huddling together in any setting, holding each other’s hands or waist, cuddling their side or touching you in some way.
Everything you did with each other was full of love and adoration. It was only you two that didn't see your friendship blossom into a relationship. You weren't daft, you knew the speculations surrounding what the two of you were. There was no denying the physical acclimation you had around each other. Hell, Sam sent at least two memes a day about how whenever you were seen together, you were always touching each other.
Over Christmas, Niamh asked you out. She was a nervous wreck, which reminded you all too well of when you first met her. It was after a game, in the changing rooms. She had been given a bouquet of flowers by a group of fans, who told her to ask you out with them. She was reluctant, not only because she didn't want you to feel uncomfortable or pressured by the media to say yes, but the mere fact of ruining the relationship you already had with each other made her hesitant enough.
Of course, you said yes. It was a no-brainer, and after a few more dates you were officially together. It wasn't any more public than before. Only your close friends knew, but the public was already quite content with the PDA you already showed each other before you were dating. The only thing they needed was confirmation, but Niamh and you were happy to keep in vague.
After you said yes, the two of you became inseparable, both on and off the pitch. Niamh ended up extending her contract as well, and the chemistry you built made for an unstoppable case on the field. By the time the season came back after the break, you had moved in together. The happiness both of you felt was indescribable.
Today, Chelsea was up against Manchester United, your old rival team. Ella Toone was one of your childhood friends and was who you were marking. Not only was ManU a competitive, difficult team, but it was a team you were familiar with. They were always pushing in the midfield and up against the forwards. Their chances during set pieces were worrying to any defensive back line. With the combination of Mary Earps and a sophisticated midfield variation, you knew that you were in for a ride.
When Sam did her ACL, people started to underestimate Chelsea’s shot at winning the league. Everyone was starting to wonder whether the Blues were even contestable for the semis. After a poor attempt last week against West Ham for the FA Cup, you were adamant about proving yourself to the people who were doubting your ability to win. You were a midfielder, and while you had masterclasses in the centre field, your stats didn't excel in goals. You had many assists, but never many goals.
You were tying your laces when you felt your girlfriend's arms curl around your waist. You were leaning against your cubby, back facing Niamh. You were slightly bent as your finished the knot in your shoe, feeling the women behind you grasp your hips with a slight squeeze.
“You ready to smash it today, baby?” She muttered, her lips shadowing your ear, sending shivers down your body. You held composure well enough, straightening up and letting her wrap her arms over your abdomen.
“Mh, bit nervous, but yeah.” You replied, relishing Niamh’s pattern of breath. “How ‘bout you?”
Niamh pulled your body to face in front of her, your back now flushed against the wall. You managed to make eye contact with her dilated pupils, feeling one of her hands make their to the back of your neck.
Before she spoke, your eyes filtered down to the fabric that wrapped around her arm, the word ‘Captain’ sprawled across the armband. Niamh watched the way your eyes widened, and how you bit your bottom lip at the sight. Niamh smirked in response, pressing her front into yours so that most of your body was hidden to the rest of the room.
“What's the matter, baby?” She gloated, rubbing a hand up your side. Your cheeks flushed when she refused to break eye contact, holding tranquillity at the sight of your girlfriend as captain. It was a sight you weren't used to, but it was something you couldn't get enough of.
“Nothing. I'm— we should go line up in the tunnel.” Your breath hitched. Niamh was staring down at you while groping your waist.
Neither of you said anything until you were out on the field. You could hear the crowd cheering in anticipation. You shook your opponents’ hands aimlessly, your mind sauntering on the previous sight of your girlfriend.
“Earth to Y/N, hello?” Jessie’s voice snapped you out of your trance. She must've watched you wander to your position in a haze, since she was smirking knowingly at your flushed cheeks. Erin came up behind the two of you, laughing when she caught a glimpse of your state.
“She looks like she's already played the ninety minutes.” The Scottish woman quipped, bringing her hands up to play with your cheeks. You pushed her off playfully, gushing at the ground. “Shut up, you two.”
“God, if this is your reaction to Niamh in an armband, I wonder what Niamh would do if she saw you.”
“Go away, you pricks.” You snapped, flanking them away with your hands, trying to cool your cheeks before the game.
After the team photo, you ran back to your position, jumping up and down as the whistle blew.
The game was inevitably tough, but something had ignited inside of you at the sight of your girlfriend. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you were running up and down the pitch with the one endeavour to make your girlfriend watch you.
Chelsea was controlling the game for the most part, and it didn't take long for Guro to find you inside the box.
The crowd erupted in cheers, your teammates sprinting over to where you stood starstruck. This was one of the scarce amount of goals you had scored that season.
As you were making your way back to the middle, you felt a familiar figure creep up behind you with her hands soothing the tension in your shoulders.
“Making me so proud today, aren't you, baby?” Niamh whispered, running back to her spot in defence before you could reply.
The first half ended as quickly as it started. United had sent a flyer into the back of the net just before the whistle blew. You avoided Niamh like the plague in the changing rooms, knowing you would cave to her touch as soon as she laid hands on you. In any other circumstance, it was you who would tease, but it always ended with Niamh taking over. The two of you were strict in keeping your private life and career separate, but no one seemed to mind your change of game when Niamh was Captain.
You were having an absolute masterclass of a game by the sixtieth minute, scoring your second goal on seven minutes in. Chelsea was now up two-one, and Man U were starting to bring on subs after a close set piece that almost led to a goal.
You made a break down the wing after Lauren sent a cross-over to the field. You sprinted down the line, trying to find a way into the middle. United were tight in keeping you out, and by the time you had made it down the line, attempting to pass it to one of your teammates, you felt a pair of boots collide with your own, sending you face-first fo the floor.
The ball was long forgotten by the ref, who blew the whistle immediately, medics were sent over. While your muscles started to strain at the energy of the game, you didn't feel instantaneous pain from the fall.
You were rolling onto your back, wincing as you got up, when you first heard your girlfriend’s voice boom over the hustle of the crowd.
“Are you alright there, Zelem?!” She scoffed. You watched a smug Katie Zelem trampling off from where you sat. She didn't look like she meant the tackle, but the heat of the game left her feeling less apologetic than usual.
“Oh, let it go, Charles.” Zelem clapped back, walking towards Ella and Millie, who were tense at the sight of Niamh’s uncommon anger. “She's fine.”
“I don't think you understand.” Niamh marched towards her, grabbing the girl’s jersey, and forcing Katie to face her. “You get the fuck off her and the rest of my players. Don't be salty cause we’re winning.”
Katie rolled her eyes at that. “Don't be salty cause your girlfriend can't handle a tackle.”
Erin and Jessie were surrounding Niamh moments later, dragging her away from the United mob and towards you.
The medics have already cleared you to keep playing, and you were already up and ready to go by the time your girlfriends grabbed your hand.
“Are you sure you're okay?” She asked, taking in your flustered appearance. What she didn't know was that you were overwhelmed at the way Niamh looked just then, not by the absolute mouthful of grass you just inhaled.
You could only muster a nod, squeezing your girlfriend’s hand once before slipping away from her touch. You were now hungry for not only Niamh but that third goal. You wanted to prove yourself to everyone that you could do it.
And so you did.
It was a Chelsea corner, and you made the run from outside the box near the open post, where no one had thought to mark. You jumped as high as you could, feeling the ball hit your head in the right direction. You fell to the ground before you knew where the ball was going, letting the movement and relief of the crowd pull you to your feet. You ran to the corner of the field, taking in the shouts and cheers of the crowd and letting your teammates engulf you from behind. The weight of everyone sent you down as more and more girls piled on top of you.
This was your first hat trick ever at Chelsea, and you were relishing the feeling of the euphoria for the rest of the game.
When the final whistle blew, you nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Everything you wanted to go right in the game went right. You were reeling at the win, looking across the field for a particular someone.
“Guess I know what to do to make you score some goals.” Niamh chuckled, grabbing your waist and lifting you into a spinning hug. You gripped onto her and giggled, letting her twirl you around.
“Thanks, Niamhy.” You smiled, gazing up at your girlfriend’s proud eyes. “You looked so good today, baby.”
“You think so?” She asked, though both of you knew she was just egging you on.
“Mhm. Looked so good.”
“You always look good, my stargirl.” The taller girl grinned, looking down at you slyly. Her lips met your ear, her voice sending chills down your spine. “But I guess I’ll need to reward you for doing so well. Show you how good you were for me.”
You didn't get to respond, feeling Jessie pull you away with the Player of the Match trophy shoved into your chest.
You knew you’d see her soon… you were looking forward to it.
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niamhcharles — she scores more when I am Captain.
Tagged: Yourusername
samanthakerr — yeah the girls 🙌🏼
*liked by yourusername, niamhcharles
User8 — they will never beat the dating allegations
^ user10 — at this point they are embracing it
guroreiten — she always score goals, Charles 🙄
^ niamhcharles — READ THE CAPTION
^ guroreiten — I DID
^ niamhcharles — i said she scores “more” goals
^ guroreiten — oh, okay.
^ user1 — LMAO
yourusername — always complimenting me 😍
^ erincuthburt — too much apparently… as if she didn't do it enough in the Change Rooms
^ niamhcharles — i did it more when we got home
^ erincuthburt — youre blocked.
User22 — they are so pookie together
^ user76 — omg yes
jflem_ — that armband ignited something within her
^ yourusername — EXCUSE ME?????
^ user2 — LMAO JESSIE
^ user3 — don't expose her like that 💀
^ yourusername — Ikr 😖
erincuthburt — Niamh needs to be in that armband more often 😂
^ yourusername — maybe I just had a good game?!?!
^ erincuthburt — we all have our superstitions
User78 — If you look closely I’m jumping off the bridge
^ user90 — mood.
User67 — okay but when Niamh protected Y/N at the Man U game!? 😋😋😋 wishing I was Y/N right now.
laurenhemp — where were those hat tricks at City, Y/N???
^ yourusername — you stole them all
yourusername — can a girl just score a hat-trick because shes good? 😖😖😖
^ niamhcharles — you did it all by yourself 🫶🏼
^ yoursusername — thx niamhy 🥰
^ guroreiten — suck up
^ samanthakerr — suck up
^ milliebright — suck up
^ niamhcharles — a proud suck up x
^ jflem_ — 🤢
^ niamhcharles — ok bye.
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daniswoso · 8 months
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“Do I have something to worry about?”
Katie McCabe x Reader
Summary: You exchange shirts with a National teammate and good friend, Katie gets jealous.
Warnings: Language, British reader, Chelsea reader, Jealously, Chelsea (they deserve a warning of their own x)
You and Katie McCabe had been going out for a little over 6 months and you had to say everything in your life has been better since. You were able to enjoy life more, you were able to come home to a gorgeous woman (on the off nights she used her spare key to surprise you after you had been to practice.)
That was the only flaw in your relationship, the fact you played for Chelsea and the fact she played for Arsenal. It sometimes put a strain on your relationship, as you both mostly had practice at completely different times, but you worked through it.
One night though, you came home to an irritated looking Katie sitting on your couch, clad in her Arsenal training gear still. You had just gotten back from a match against Manchester City.
"Hey, love. You okay?" You asked softly, setting your things down and sitting next to the slightly older Irish woman.
"Do I have something to worry about?" She asked suddenly, facing you. Her brighter eyes filled with jealously but also an underlying worry.
"Love, what?" You asked her, confused. She gestured to your shirt, it was Lauren Hemp's. Oh, you thought, is she jealous of Hempo? You wondered, and the thought nearly made you giggle.
"So? She's my national teammate, Katie." She scoffed.
"It's not just fucking that!" She snapped, taking you by surprise, "It's the way she looked at you! The way she had her eyes all over your body! The way that she stared at your abs when you took your shirt off to give to her! The way she couldn't keep her hands of you!" She rants, you smirk, standing and slipping your jacket off you, then pulling the shirt over your head.
"What are you doing, Y/N?" She asked, exasperated and confused, but not exactly complaining at the view she was now being given.
You grab an Arsenal shirt out your bag, one with McCabe on the back. It was the shirt she scored a hattrick in. You always kept it with you as a goodluck charm.
"Oh, so that's where that went then." She said, smirking slightly.
"Katie, you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you, Hempo's just a friend." Katie's eyes softened as she sighed and brought you into a hug.
"Good. Now never wear a City shirt around me ever again I might have a stroke."
You chuckled, feeling her grin against your neck where she had nuzzled her head into.
"I love you, you crazy Irish woman."
"I love you too, Brit."
You rolled your eyes, "I hate you."
"No you don't." She mumbles and you chuckle.
"No, I don't." You agree.
A/N: sorry it’s so short, been majorly burnt out recently, and my health is dodgy at the moment so I’ve been in and out of the ER, hence the lack of actual fics. thanks for the understanding.
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wosowrites · 1 year
-Leah Williamson
Legacy’s Daughter
International Break
I’ll Take Care Of You
Hot Tub Tease Part 1
Hot Tub Tease Part 2
Hot Tub Tease Part 3
Under the Surface
Starting a New Streak
Clothing Swap
Stop the Teasing but don’t Stop
-Jessie Fleming
I can be your New Home Part 1
I can be your New Home Part 2
I can be your New Home Part 3
Winter Olympian
All Tatted Up Part 1
All Tatted Up Part 2
Running out of Time
Are You Jealous?
Canadian Wonders
Media Day
Our Story
They’re gone now
Kissing Strangers
In Front of the Camera
In Front of the Camera part 2
In the End
Against All Odds
For Her Safety
-Jill Roord
Mama & Mommy
One Shot
The Two Roord’s
-Mapi León
The Girl in the Bleachers
New Fear Unlocked
Collision Madness
-Vivianne Miedema
Always Here
They Know
Sick for you
-Alexia Putellas
The Jacket
Award Night
Mama Putellas
One Time Won’t Hurt
-Guro Reiten
Us Always
I Had To
Into the Closet
-Jordan Nobbs
Loosing Control
Back with Her
Miles Difference
-Kristie Mewis
The Confidence she Needed
Soft for Her
-Katie Mccabe
Her Clumsy Girl
Yellow Card Madness
Kids and Katie
-Sam Kerr
Not so Champs
Even Protectors Break Down
-Ona Batlle
Comfort Spaniard
Tattoo Tour
Don’t Let Me Go
Good Girl
-Lauren Hemp
Soft for Her
-Erin Cuthbert
Saving the Game
-Niamh Charles
Smitten for you
-Caroline Graham Hansen
Going Through It
Going Through It Part 2
-Entire Teams
Cool Heart, Hot Headed (Lionesses)
Sleeper (Man United)
-Patri Guijarro
Greece and Wives
-Gio Queiroz
Little Does He Know
-Alessia Russo
Sun Through the Curtains
-Platonic fics
Pernille Harder and Magda Eriksson
Pernille Harder and Magda Eriksson
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15-lizards · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Northern fashion? You mentioned in an early post that it would be different depending on the location, can you elaborate on that? I also feel like the style changed soon after Catelyn married Ned, since she would bring styles from the Riverlands and Winterfell is the King's Landing of the North when it comes to fashion
Let’s goooo 🏃🏻‍♀️
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Starting in the Neck, they would definitely be more like the riverlanders in terms of clothing. It’s a fairly similar wet and muggy climate. Everything is mostly made of wool and hemp and linen. Thinner clothes for the muggy summers and warmer, thicker ones for when winter comes. Leather/animal skin shoes to keep the mud off. Also whenever I imagine the Crannogmen I imagine cloaks and hoods to stay dry in the swamps. So lots of those.
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To the East and a bit father to the north, that costal area around White Harbor is colder than the Neck. So theres a lot more layers, and clothing it way thicker. Also the Manderlys are dripped tf out they got that White Harbor money. Wyman has fur lined EVERYTHING his damask coats could put Cerseis to shame. Wylla and Wynafred pull up to the Sept with lace and silk and jewels eating all the other bitches up. Also since they follow the Faith and are originally southern, this area probably follows more southern customs (fabrics, headpieces, etc)
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And we finally make it to winterfell 🤸🏻‍♀️At this point everyone’s freezing their tits off, so fur lined everything. Indoors, I think they can wear lighter stuff bc of those hot springs. Even in the spring months, you can catch Cat wearing at least one shift, underdress, overdress, AND a jacket bc I feel like she never acclimated to the cold. Lots of leather and wool for everyday wear, but when Ned throws a feast or something they get to wear more fur and velvet (even Jon gets to wear a nice velvet surcoat, as a treat). Since the Starks are bordering on ascetic sometimes, there isn’t a ton of ornamentation, but Sansa likes to wear southern-ish styles as much as she can, so you can frequently find her wearing clothes from white harbor (aka I want to see Sansa in a kokoshnik)
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And then even farther north we start to see Bolton and Umber territory. The conditions are even more brutal than at Winterfell and they don’t even have hot springs :/ like Sansa and Arya could probably get away with not having to cover their ears during warmer days, but the girls of last hearth and the dreadfort have no warm days. At this point clothing becomes a bit bulky and harder to move around in. Dresses are lined stiffly and almost drag the floor, and everyone is always bundled up to the neck. However materials and fabrics are cohesive and nice atp.
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And by the time we nearly reach the wall, conditions are almost unbearable during the winter. Even during spring, all the villagers in the gift are wearing at least four layers (bc I hate hate hate how the show made the people at and around the wall just chill in a thin jacket when they were near a gargantuan frozen block of ice). Clothing is a lot less structured here, resources are getting sparse so most people stitch together a patchwork of whatever furs they can get their hands on. You will rarely see a person without a big hood or thick gloves on. And even though they aren’t wildlings, you can probably see a lot of animal head hoods, bc these people do NOT waste any part of the animal
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sassykinzonline · 6 months
i will float a theory about itachi's necklace
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the only other time we see the pattern on itachi's necklace is on kakashi's scarf, and because it was green it reminded me of this scene of madara. so the only other time we see the same pattern itachi wears is an incredibly loyal leaf ninja who ended up mentoring itachi.
keeping in mind that these textile patterns ("wagara") tend to carry a meaning derived from the material reality, are context dependent, and can be used outside of textiles/clothing, i thought of the other example we know of region-dependent patterning: the land of mist
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theirs is more obviously just a creative interpretation of "camo", where the splotches represent patches of mist themselves. the fact that not every ninja wears the pattern in battle means it isn't a required uniform (compared to say, the colour variations in flak jackets across regions). so i would say we can assume it's a regional fashion pattern.
another example of wagara is the iconic akatsuki cloak, which is actually rooted in a traditional japanese kumo pattern: symbolizing "hope", "change" and a "proximity to gods" (i think the layers of symbolism are obvious here).
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there's another traditional "leaf" ("ha" in japanese) pattern called "asanoha". it's described with this meaning: "Hemp has strong vitality and grows vigorously without the need for a lot of care, so this pattern was often used on babies' and children's kimonos with the hope that they would grow up big and strong." these are values that are communicated through hashirama (vitality), both hashirama/madara's hopes for the leaf village (growth through enduring, especially for children), and itachi's own perception of the symbolic importance of the leaf village (children being able to grow big and strong). it's interesting that the 2 instances we have of people wearing itachi's necklace pattern are children who are forced to endure and suffer through the idea of protecting the village.
since we only see itachi wear it after he leaves konoha, i think his necklace is a symbol of his desire/intention to still be connected to the leaf--assuming that the pattern is a pattern representing konoha.
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saeransangel · 2 years
I’m obsessed with dealer!ellie and was wondering if you could write some fluff with her if not then that’s also okay! 😊
Summary: After Ellie gets back from a deal the two of you relax together and share a sweet moment.
A/N: I love doing fluff! Thank you for this request I hope you enjoy:) ++I listened to Opera House by Cigarettes After Sex while writing this and had a little idea to add in. Very fluffy... dealer!ellie may be a little ooc lmk if you hate it lol
CW: swearing/drug use
WC: 1k <3
Opera House
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You took a slow inhale from your pink bowl piece while you sat in your bed waiting for Ellie to return home. She was out picking up her supply from her guys. She never let you come with her.
"Could be too dangerous." She would always say, and you would always laugh at her dramatics.
So here you sat at home, in the apartment you shared with your girlfriend. It felt like time was going so slowly, probably because you were high, but you missed Ellie. You set the bowl down on the nightstand next to you as you hear the front door open and close softly. You jumped up and rushed out into the living room to meet Ellie at the door. She sees you beaming at her and smiles. She walks over and grabs your chin, pulling you in for a kiss.
"Hey babe." She says. "Sorry I took so long, I ended up selling a few G's to some dumbass college kids." She pulls her wallet out of her back pocket. "I wayyy jacked up the price for the inconvenience of me having to stop on the way to see my girl." Reaching in her wallet, she pulls out a stack of twenties and counts out about two hundred dollars worth from the stack. She puts the rest of the money away and hands you the two hundred in cash.
She does this every fucking time. "Ellie you can't just give me two hundred dollars." You try to force her hand away but of course she stronger and wins, giving you the money.
"For your hair and your nails babe." She says as she takes off her jacket, hanging it up on the back of the door.
She was so sweet. When you were with Ellie you never had to want for a thing. If you needed food, a drink, money to get hair and nails done? She's got you. She treated you like a princess, always saying things like "My girl deserves the best." or "If I can afford it why would I not just buy it for you?"
You begrudgingly put the money in your pocket and followed Ellie back into the bedroom. She plopped herself down onto the bed, motioning for you to follow. You did and sat next to her.
"Hey did you smoke without me?" She asks, noticing the bowl piece next to the bed. She faked a betrayed stare.
You giggled and opened the nightstand drawer, putting it away and pulling out instead; a jar of pre rolls. "I rolled these up for us while you were gone too."
Her gaze softened. She threw her arm around your waist, pulling you down to sit on her lap. "God, I love you." She smiles.
She has the same reaction every time you do this and it's so cute. It's like a little routine you guys have. When she goes out to do business, you roll up for when she gets back. She acts surprised every time.
Ellie takes a joint out of the jar and purses it between her lips. "Pass me the lighter." She mumbled.
You grabbed her black lighter and lit the hemp for her. Still sitting in her lap, you leaned into her, pressing a light kiss on her cheek as she took a hit. She smiled and passed the joint to you, returning the kiss to the side of your head. Your head started to feel fuzzy yet euphoric. The effects of the plant starting to hit you. You let out a content sigh. You could stay like this forever. Just you and your favorite brown haired girl. You made small talk with her while the two of you finished off the preroll.
The feeling of the weed had you wanting to cling to Ellie. You got very clingy when you smoked and she loved it. She scooped you from her lap and laid you on the bed, shuffling to lay next to you. Your eyes bore into hers, they looked low and red. She looked good like this. At peace.
"Wanna listen to some music or something. Just for background noise." You suggested.
"Sure babe." Ellie sighs. She looked tired.
You turned on your tv and opened the Spotify app, selecting the playlist you and Ellie had made together. A while back you and her made a playlist of all the songs you two liked to listen to. The first song that came on when you shuffled it was Opera House by Cigarettes After Sex. You hummed in amusement. You loved this song.
You lied back down and gazed at Ellie who had a sleepy smile on her face. You shuffled in closer to her and got comfortable, closing your eyes, enjoying the music. Ellie places her fingertips on your arm, lightly rubbing up and down. It tickled a bit but it was relaxing. You sighed against her touch. Ellie started to hum along to the music as she rubbed your arm.
Eventually you opened your eyes when you felt her brush a piece of hair behind your ear.
She began to sing. "I was meant to love you and always keep you in my life."
You blushed as you knew she was singing this to you. She had said so many times that this song made her think of you.
"I was meant to love you, I knew I loved you at first sight."
"Ellie," You smiled, reaching over to cup her cheeks. "I love you."
She pulled you in closer to her, your face was buried in her chest. "I love you too baby."
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bloodlessbhaalbabe · 11 months
Pleading the Fifth
Rating: Explicit
Length: 10,059 Words
A modern AU romance where Halsin is the CEO of "The Grove" and Astarion is his personal lawyer. They have been pining over one another secretly for years. Finally, they get a night where they are entirely alone at The Grove headquarters.
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Posted on AO3 & Below:
With his forehead pressed against the darkened passenger window, the city lights of Fae Rûncisco were a distorted blur in the distance. The silent driver expertly navigated through the narrow, steep hills that converged on the shores of the harbor.
The passenger swirled the crystal glass in his hand, sending condensation cascading down the sides. It left a damp semi-circle on his freshly-pressed hemp trousers. The bitter liquid inside was still untouched. It was a prop, rather than a true drink; something to wrap his hands around when he didn’t know what to do with them. It also allowed him to blend in with his coworkers; and to be privy to discussions that otherwise might not occur without their guards being let down.
A soft squealing of brake pads announced their arrival at the ivy-covered tower. It loomed above him, obscuring his view of the starless night sky. The driver parked the car, flipped on the hazard lights, and unfastened his seatbelt. The passenger lifted his head from the window as the driver rounded to open his door.
“Shall I stay and wait for you, sir?” the driver asked, as the man stepped out of the car. The passenger threw his suit jacket over his shoulder and tossed his beverage into the bushes before turning to give his driver a soft smile.
“No, Rath, why don’t you head home to your wife?” he replied in a low voice, heavy with exhaustion. “I’ll catch up on some work and see you in the morning.”
“If you’re sure, sir? I don’t mind,” Rath replied.
The man bent to place the glass on the seat before patting down his pants pockets. He retrieved a small wad of bills and sifted through the first few to count, before shrugging and placing the entire stack in his driver’s hand.
“Treat her to some flowers and wine. Tell her I am sorry for pulling you away from your anniversary. It’s not your fault that I hate driving,” the passenger said. He stepped up to the curb. “The night is still young, Rath. If you need me to make accommodations for another driver in the morning, please let me know.”
“I will, sir. Nettie understands. T-Thank you, Mr. Woods. Have a good night,” the driver said with a stammer. Rath knew not to argue with his boss over any tip he was given, or at the insinuation of taking a day off. Despite it being a regular occurrence, it never ceased to surprise him that he worked for a man with so much power; let alone one who still treated every person with kindness and utmost respect.
“You as well,” replied Mr. Woods kindly, speaking over his shoulder and dismissing Rath with a wave ‘goodbye’. He pulled the retractable badge from his waist and pressed it against the scanner. The doors unlocked with a quiet click.
Mr. Woods strode past the elevator and pulled open the door to the stairwell. This was yet another dual-purpose habit of his: it was both the “greener”, energy efficient option, and it also gave him time to think. In his 10 years of owning the building, he had never run into anyone in the stairwells. He enjoyed the privacy they offered; it granted him time to run through the day ahead or get lost in his thoughts. He also enjoyed the health benefits of taking the stairs every day. He could have gotten away with indulging in the luxury of the lift, especially this late at night, but he preferred to not take the risk.
Thirty-six floors to the top. Seventy-two flights of stairs. The man, feeling the strain and heat from exertion, pulled at his bowtie and left it unraveled at his collar. He popped open the first few buttons of his powder white shirt and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, the fabric straining slightly over his muscles. His heart pounded in his ears as he continued, chest heaving with each flight.
Once he reached the top, he opened the door with a groan, kicking off his shoes and discarding his jacket on the floor. He released the elastic band that was wrapped around his hair, letting his auburn locks fall, and ran a hand through the damp strands.
As he approached his office, he noticed a light within; above a desk lamp, a dark figure leaned on his desk, both hands pressed against the top, examining something strewn over the surface. He crept closer, and leaned against the doorframe, which creaked under the pressure of the large man.
He flicked on the overhead lights. The now-illuminated figure jumped backwards, gasping, startled by the sudden company. The large man met his gaze. A smirk danced across his face as his intruder’s green eyes blinked in the sudden light. The larger man crossed his arms and bit his lip to suppress a laugh. He enjoyed seeing his typically-composed lawyer all flustered. It was an interesting change of pace from their usual friendly, sometimes flirty, professional banter.
“By the gods, Mr. Woods, you nearly sent me to an early grave,” the man cried, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “What are you even doing here? I thought you had a fundraiser tonight?”
“You know me. Last one to show up and the first to leave, but I could be asking you the same question, Astarion. You are in my office,” he replied, nodding toward the nameplate on the door.
Astarion closed the manila folder that he had been studying, and stacked the documents into an orderly pile. “Something urgent came up. I was preparing everything for next week for our meeting, but since you’re here–”
“If it wasn't urgent enough to bring up tonight, then it can wait until Monday.”
“Mr. Woods–”
“I– Halsin, please–”
Halsin smiled, his eyes glittered mischievously. They had known each other for years. Astarion knew almost everything about Halsin, but Astarion didn’t speak much about his personal life. Whenever Halsin talked about his own interests, he would only get a sneak peek into who Astarion was outside of work. He genuinely liked Astarion. He appreciated the work ethic and passion of his lawyer, but he desperately wanted to know more about him. More than just what they had in common.
“Have a drink with me, Astarion,” Halsin said, cocking his head to the side.
Astarion opened and closed his mouth. His mind reeled for any valid excuse to bring them back to the topic at hand, but he knew that Halsin didn’t work off-hours and to argue would be pointless.
Taking the man’s silence as a “yes”, Halsin pushed from the doorframe and stepped into the room, padding over to his desk. He reached beside Astarion to open his lower desk drawer. He retrieved two thin-rimmed glasses and an unlabeled bottle from the back, and nestled them in the crook of his arm. He used his foot to shut the drawer; it rattled closed with a bang.
“Follow me,” Halsin winked and nodded toward the door. He had a smile that traveled all the way up to his eyes. Astarion rolled his eyes before returning the smile.
Astarion wasn’t sure what to expect from this. It wasn’t common for clients to want to spend time with him outside of normal business hours. But he knew that Halsin was anything but common. He wasn’t like any of the other white collar folks he represented or with whom he begrudgingly associated.
Astarion had laughed more in his meetings with Halsin than any other client, or really, any other person. They often found themselves deep in an elongated tangent that stemmed from a forgotten work-related topic. Seeing Halsin every week had been something to look forward to and, despite it toeing the line of professionalism, it was nice to have a friend.
Halsin slipped by Astarion and sauntered out of the office. Astarion followed closely behind Halsin as he made his way over to the stairwell. They stepped over the remnants of Halsin’s outfit on the floor, and walked up one more flight of stairs to the roof.
The evening air was warm and comfortable; with a light breeze that tousled Astarion’s soft, white curls. The majority of the surface area of the roof was covered in a dense clover lawn. When Halsin created The Grove and bought the company tower all those years ago, he had a vision for the architectural design of the facility. He wanted a mini-oasis into which he could retreat during the hardest work days. On the roof, much like in the deserted stairwell, he found himself in solitude, and lost in thought.
The pergolas had dense, green mosquito netting on each side, with entrances that could be opened or shut for privacy. Thick vines of ivy traveled up from the side of the building itself, and trailed onto the wooden planks of the pergolas’ tops, offering protection to the plush furniture inside.
Astarion sucked in a deep breath as he observed his surroundings: the darkened street below, and then out to the harbor beyond. Living in the city was convenient for his job, but the rooftop reminded him of all the color there was in the world. He lost track of the last time he spent a day outside the dull concrete towers he frequented. He tended to forget how much he missed the simplicity of fresh air.
“So, why did you leave the party early?” Astarion prompted, turning around to push the draped netting aside and stepping into the pergola. He watched Halsin with interest as the man prepared their drinks. He waltzed over to where Halsin sat, running his elegant fingers through his white curls.
“Have a taste first, and let me know what you think,” Halsin replied, pulling an annoyed sigh from Astarion. Halsin popped open the bottle and filled the glasses with the drink from the decanter. It sparkled in the thin-rimmed glass as Halsin handed the drink to the lawyer. Astarion nodded in thanks as he gingerly plucked the glass from Hasin’s hand.The larger man clinked their glasses together and took a large sip, smacking his lips at the sweet, tart flavor.
“You really are avoidant tonight, you know,” Astarion said. He obliged regardless, pulling in a mouthful of the bubbly drink and letting it swirl around his mouth before swallowing. His eyebrows raised as he pursed his lips in pleasant surprise. He hummed with appreciation. “This is… delightful! Refreshing even.”
“Thank you,” Halsin said enthusiastically, a smile tugging at his cheeks, “I made it myself. It’s hard honey cider made from homegrown Ashmead Kernel apples. I imported seedlings from The High Forest near the village I grew up in. It took me four years to gather just thirty apples to create this single bottle of cider. Well, this and a taster jar of course.”
Astarion let out a laugh, shaking his head. He always found himself impressed with Halsin; the man’s dogged determination allowed him to succeed in nearly every field in which he’d dared to explore. “Darling, is there anything you can’t do?”
“Feign interest in the lives of the mundane elites,” he replied honestly, tossing back his glass, and leaning forward to fill it again. Halsin did not notice the raised eyebrows of his companion. He pressed his back into the couch and fidgeted with his hands, his fingernails clicking away at the rim of the glass.
Astarion pushed aside one of Halsin’s legs from the sectional and plopped down adjacent to him. His movements jostled Halsin’s arm, causing rivulets of cider to spill over the edge of his cup and drip down Halsin’s arm. Halsin shook his head and lapped up the sticky liquid with his tongue.
“It truly must be hard being the most interesting man in the room,” Astarion joked, making Halsin snort incredulously. He leaned onto his side, peering over at his boss with an open palm pressed to the side of his head.
From this high up, they could barely hear the sounds of the cars driving below. Only a gust of wind rustling the netting and ivy leaves around them disturbed the quiet air.
Tufts of Halsin’s hair fell in front of his face. Astarion’s grip on his glass tightened, as he fought the urge to tuck it behind his boss’ ear. He felt his concentration waning as he blinked up at Halsin, admiring his chiseled jaw, the scars on his forehead, his broad barreled chest, and his fitted clothes stretched to their limits. Astarion’s mind often drifted in his presence.
“That is the unfortunate side of it. The party wasn’t about what I am capable of doing, or what my passions are. No one asks about the purpose of the fundraiser. No one cares. It’s superficial. It’s only about what their money can buy them, so it can directly benefit themselves,” Halsin ranted, releasing a heavy sigh. His shoulders sagged as he finished his drink. “Societies should be judged based on how they treat their most vulnerable. And I feel foolish for even complaining because now…. I’ve become a part of the problem too.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better I care about you…and I get to reap the benefits of your passions,” Astarion replied with a warm smile, clinking his glass against Halsin’s once more. Halsin leaned closer to Astarion, dropping his voice to a low grumble. He could smell his bergamot cologne dabbed behind his ears.
“But I am paying you to be here, Astarion,” he retorted, placing his empty glass on the table.
“Not right now. I’m paid by the hour and you declined my offer to discuss business. So, I suppose…I am here as a friend,” Astarion stated matter-of-factly. His curls bounced with each word as he dramatically fluttered his hand in dismissal.
Halsin smiled and let out a soft chuckle. He deeply admired the man in front of him. He was grateful that the majority of the politics weren’t on his plate and he had someone who understood the ins and outs of legalese. Halsin was only supposed to be a climate scientist, after all.
In return for his services, Halsin paid Astarion handsomely. After a while, Astarion even declined the offer of excess funds, inspired by Halsin’s kindness and his belief that it would be best spent elsewhere. Halsin decided to place those funds in a separate account and donated it to a charitable cause under his friend’s name instead.
Halsin did not know when this fondness for him bloomed. Somewhere between the hours spent locked in one of The Grove’s meeting rooms or up on the rooftop, he found himself lost while watching Astarion. Halsin hyper-fixated on Astarion’s plump, pink lips . Or he imagined himself in the lawyer’s lap, undoing the buttons of his shirt. His inattention likely frustrated Astarion to no end, as the lawyer had to repeat himself constantly.
Halsin could brush it off as a crush… if it had only been an attraction for his beautiful face. But there was so much more to Astarion. He was the only person who genuinely made Halsin laugh. He had a subtle kindness which he demonstrated through small, significant gifts; he always procured a large, steaming cup of Halsin’s favorite tea whenever they met, or sent him articles he thought Halsin would find interesting. They shared interest in the same sorts of books, and often read them at the same time so they could have a discussion about them.
When it came to work, Astarion, outside of actual business needs, had always made his counsel available for no charge; Halsin was sure that he had other clients who would pay top-dollar for his advice. He often found his stomach in knots when thinking about what he shared with Astarion, and he battled with himself on whether to ask if his lawyer was interested in sharing more. He felt silly, like a highschool crush, wondering if Astarion had a significant other; the man had always managed to be more reserved about his personal life, despite their many years of friendship and working together. Halsin was surprised to realize how little he knew about Astarion, despite feeling like he knew the man intimately well.
Astarion downed his drink and placed it on the table. He licked his lips to taste the lingering tartness and turned back to Halsin.
“What did you mean when you said you were foolish for complaining? That you are a part of the problem,” Astarion asked, pulling Halsin back into reality. Halsin met his gaze, shaking his head to clear his thoughts.
“Am I not just another billionaire who says earnestly that ‘money can’t buy you happiness?’ I could have everything I ever wanted, and I do, yet it is still not enough. I am not doing enough. I am furthering the cycle of using money to satisfy the people who don’t deserve it…on blind faith that they will actually let me do something good with their donations.” Halsin dragged a hand through his long, auburn locks and then down his face. “I wasn’t supposed to be here, Astarion. I am so lucky to have experienced all of this, and yet I don’t want any of it. It feels wrong to live so lavishly when there are so many people still suffering.”
“You are foolish,” Astarion replied, giving in to his urge, and tucking that piece of hair behind Halsin’s ear. His hand lingered against his cheek. “ But only in the sense that you are selfless to a fault. You have lost sight of all of the good you have done in the world. When your uncle’s fracking drill blew up, which you played no part in, who paid for the entire clean up and conservation of the ocean? Who dismantled the company that made it happen? Who donates their entire paycheck each month to local shelters, foster families, and addiction clinics? Who completely rebuilt the filtration system for an entire city when their water supply was spoiled?”
Halsin rolled his eyes and looked away bashfully. A blush crept across his cheeks. He never expected praise when it came to the things he did. All he ever wanted to do was make a positive impact on the world. It seemed like he was constantly making up for the consequences of other people’s actions and it was disheartening.
Astarion cupped Halsin’s jaw, forcing him to meet his gaze. Halsin’s eyes widened and sucked in a quick breath. Astarion shook his head and smiled softly.
“Halsin, no one else cares but you. The love you have for the world and its inhabitants has impacted hundreds of thousands of people. Somehow you’re one of the rare few that hasn’t been corrupted by power and money, and even better, you despise it. You are kind and considerate. You are passionate and loving. You are thoughtful and creative. You are humble and so beautiful. You are unmatched, beyond comparison.”
Astarion paused. He was closer to Halsin than he had ever been before. His eyes trailed down from his eyes to his lips, watching as Halsin dragged his tongue over it. Halsin swallowed, his mouth watered and his chest heaved at Astarion’s proximity, his heart pounding in his ears.
Astarion glanced up to meet Halsin’s eyes only to find them cast down at his own lips.
Caught up in his whirl of emotions, he pulled Halsin into a kiss. Halsin moaned in surprise and melted into his embrace, immediately returning the kiss.
Halsin’s hand grabbed at the lawyer’s shirt to pull him closer. Astarion pulled away first, breath catching in his throat, lips red and plump. He looked at Halsin as if waiting for him to move away, but his hands stayed wrapped up in the collar of his shirt.
“Sorry, I–... I didn’t mean–” Astarion whispered.
“No, I-I want this,” Halsin panted, tightening his grip on the collar of Astarion’s shirt, “I want you.”
Astarion blinked in surprise. They flirted from time to time, but he didn’t think that Halsin had thought anything of it. He wasn’t one to question anyone’s sexuality. He was almost positive that Halsin knew about his preferences, but it amazed him to think that Halsin was interested in him too. Without a second thought, Astarion removed his glasses, set them on the table, and moved to straddle Halsin’s lap.
Halsin’s chest heaved, feeling a little lightheaded and momentarily flabbergasted that the sole object of his desire for the past few years actually wanted him too. He no longer had to imagine what it would be like to touch him. To be able to feel his muscles under his fingers and press the smaller man against him. He felt himself harden in anticipation.
Astarion reveled in the way Halsin’s strong hands slid down his back and squeezed his thighs. Halsin leaned up and pressed his lips against Astarion’s jaw, tongue and mouth working their way toward his ear and then his neck. A shiver ran down his spine as Halsin moved to the other side of his neck; it made his cock twitch and swell in his trousers.
Astarion wrapped his arms around the larger man’s neck and pulled him into another kiss, nipping at his lip. Halsin opened his mouth and let their tongues explore. Desire pooled at the base of Halsin’s stomach and settled into his groin. Halsin spread his legs and leaned further back into the couch.
His hands gripped onto the lawyer’s shirt and untucked it from his pants, letting his fingers graze across sensitive skin. Astarion pressed himself down into Halsin and rolled his hips, feeling the larger man’s excitement growing between his legs. Halsin groaned into Astarion’s mouth and pushed against him. His fingers unfastened the buttons revealing silky, pale skin. Halsin peppered kisses from his sternum down, as Astarion worked around him to unclasp his lover’s shirt.
Halsin looked up at Astarion, his pupils blown out with desire as Astarion cradled Halsin’s face in his hands smiling through his heavy breaths. “I am hesitant to admit how often I let my mind wander when it came to the possibility of being with you,” he said. “I didn’t know you thought of me that way and I never wanted to press in case I was wrong.”
“And to think we could have done this months ago,” Astarion laughed softly. He leaned back and watched as Halsin’s eyes trailed up and down his body as though he wanted to etch the image of him into his mind forever.
“If I may, Astarion, you are stunning. You are a masterpiece. Carved with delicate hands. I could write sonnets about your beauty.”
Astarion blushed a rich shade of red. He huffed out a laugh, smiling sheepishly. “Mr. Woods, with the way you’re behaving, I have a feeling you have a whole litany of poems written about me already.”
“It’s not the minutes I am writing when I am in meetings with you,” Halsin smiled and unbuckled Astarion’s belt, pulling it from the loops and tossing it on the floor. He pressed his palm up against Astarion’s clothed length, and admired Astarion’s mouth as it dropped open. The lawyer’s small gasps turned into moans, falling from his beautiful, bruised lips, as Halsin stroked him through his slacks.
Halsin’s eager fingers unbuttoned his trousers and pulled down the zipper, sliding his hand below the waistband. He wrapped his large hand around Astarion’s aching erection, pulling it free from its prison. Astarion sat up and pushed down his pants to his thighs before perching back on Halsin’s lap. Halsin rubbed a thumb over Astarion’s slit, pre-cum spreading around the sensitive head and down his shaft.
He slowly pumped his hand up and down Astarion’s length, watching as the man above him twitched and gasped with each pull. Astarion was not lacking in length in the slightest, despite Halsin’s hand nearly covering the entirety of his shaft. He felt enveloped with each tug, squeeze, and twist. Astarion captured Halsin’s mouth with his, parting his lips, tasting the sweet honey cider that lingered on his tongue. His hand gripped at the long hair on the back of Halsin’s head, his hips slowly rocking against the larger man’s calloused fingers.
Astarion’s hands relinquished their grasp and slid down Halsin’s hairy chest, stopping only for a moment to tease his taut nipples. Halsin moaned into his mouth as he continued down and unfastened Halsin’s trousers. Astarion paused for a moment as Halsin twisted his wrist on the head of his cock, sending chills down his spine, shuddering through the movements.
Astarion pulled away from his lips and pressed his knees into the couch on either side of Halsin’s thighs.
“Come on, Halsin, don’t be shy,” Astarion said feverishly. His hands gripped the waistline of Halsin’s pants.
Halsin lifted up his rear from the couch for a moment as Astarion yanked down the other man’s slacks. Halsin’s engorged cock slid from his underwear and hit him in the stomach with a slap. Halsin hissed at the contact and brought his hand up to grasp around his girth, while still squeezing Astarion with his other.
Astarion gulped at the sight. He knew Halsin was big. There’s no way a man of his stature wouldn’t be supporting something significant below the belt. But Astarion’s thoughts were not as generous as they should have been. Halsin was massive, a couple inches longer and girthier than his own, and just as tan as the rest of him. At the base, Halsin’s hair gathered, curly and unkempt.
He watched as Halsin stroked a heavy hand up his shaft, his foreskin languidly rising over his head and then pulled taut on the downstroke. He caught Halsin’s eyes trailing from their swollen arousals and up until he met his gaze. Halsin released the hand wrapped around Astarion, making him whimper in protest, and raised it to his lips.
“Spit,” he demanded. Astarion’s cock twitched at the command. His mouth was already involuntarily watering.
Astarion obediently collected his saliva and pushed it out into Halsin’s hand. Halsin’s hand fell back down and coated both of their members with Astarion’s spit, mixing in the drops of pre-cum. Astarion shifted his hips forward. Halsin wrapped both of his large hands around their lengths and pressed them together, making Astarion buck in response. Astarion slowly started to thrust within his hands, the pressure and warmth from Halsin underneath him making his head fall back. He felt the older man’s eyes on him, enjoying the beauty of his lover using him to please himself.
“Gods, Halsin,” Astarion moaned breathily. He rested his head against Halsin’s shoulder and reached underneath his lover’s hands, pulling and massaging their balls. Halsin grunted as his hips jolted, tightening his grip on their cocks. Their heads messily slid over the other as Astarion continued to rut and tug, his lips pressed against Halsin’s neck, his teeth biting down softly, sucking on his tender flesh. “H-Halsin… so close… I’m…”
“Wait,” Halsin commanded, he felt his breath catch in his throat, almost stopping himself from acting on his deepest desires. Astarion could feel the pressure building inside of him, his skin flushed with a thin sheen of sweat. “Stand up. Let me taste you.”
It took everything in Astarion to push himself away from Halsin and stand up onto his jellied legs. Halsin leaned forward to the edge of the couch and looked up at Astarion, nearly drooling at the view of his lover touching himself. His mouth fell open hungrily and Astarion stepped closer, sliding his member along the larger man’s tongue.
Astarion caressed Halsin’s cheeks with his thumb. He hadn’t expected Halsin to be so eager and submissive for him. There was a side of Astarion that still respected him as his superior and he didn’t want to overstep any boundaries. Although I think we’re long past that, Astarion mused. He was intrigued by this dynamic switch and was pleasantly surprised that there was still plenty that he didn't know about Halsin. Astarion had always imagined that he would be the one in between his thighs tasting him, but this was better. He enjoyed the power and control: to look down at Halsin, his boss, with his cock resting on his tongue. He saw only excitement and bliss; like Halsin’s entire being desired to worship him.
Halsin grabbed Astarion’s hands and placed them on either side of his head. He smiled around Astarion’s cock as the younger man grabbed a handfuls of his hair. Halsin wrapped his lips tightly around his lover’s length and bobbed his head from tip to base, gagging as it pressed against the back of his throat. He closed his eyes and reveled in the sweet, salty flavor of Astarion, moaning to himself. One hand pulled at his own leaking member; his other gripped firmly around Astarion’s hip.
“Look at me, Halsin,” Astarion growled through gritted teeth. Halsin’s eyes shot open and he gazed up in awe at Astarion. He had seen how poignant and dynamic the lawyer was in their meetings; the way he convinced and captivated any one who dared to rebuttal him.
But, he had never been on the receiving end of that power. Astarion never demanded anything from him and respected his decisions. Halsin felt his heart leap in his chest at the ferocity in his voice, desperate to please him, to be at his beck and call.
“Good boy,” Astarion said as he thrusted into Halsin’s mouth.
He watched Halsin take his entire length, enjoying every second. He enjoyed every lap of the larger man’s tongue against his cock. Halsin’s hand erratically pumped his own cock below, sending the vibrations of his moans into Astarion’s shaft as he fucked his mouth. Astarion could feel the little puffs of breaths from Halsin’s nose tickling the short hairs at the base. He could barely hold himself back as he admired Halsin’s pretty little mouth wrapped around his shaft. Astarion’s chest heaved as he felt the pressure build as he grew closer to climax.
“Fuck, Halsin… I-I… I’m…” Astarion stammered, out of breath. He leaned forward and shuddered, spilling his load down Halsin’s throat, who eagerly swallowed his thick bands of cum. Astarion could feel Halsin’s throat closing with each burst he released; Halsin’s tongue swirled around the head of his cock, savoring the taste. Astarion’s hand drifted to cup Halsin’s jaw as he slid in and out of his pliant mouth, slowly riding through his orgasm.
Moments later, Halsin made a choking noise, his hand twisting and pulling at his arousal, his eyes rolled back into his head. Halsin’s nails dug into Astarion’s hip. His shoulders shook and his seed spilled all over his hand and on the floor. Halsin huffed and groaned around Astarion’s cock, shivers rolling through him.
Astarion pulled himself out of Halsin’s mouth. Halsin let out a sigh, twitching with aftershocks, and blinking away tears that were forced out of him. He grinned up at Astarion and grabbed the pale, lean man, pulling him into his lap.
He nuzzled his face against Astarion’s and pressed kisses onto his cheeks, chin, and then lips.
“You’re amazing,” Halsin murmured into his lover’s skin, continuing to pepper kisses wherever his mouth could reach. Astarion smiled and let out a small giggle. He placed his hands on Halsin’s chest and stroked the wispy hairs. Halsin’s heart pounded against his fingers, slowing with each breath.
“And you’re sticky,” Astarion replied grimacing, feeling a huff of laughter bubble out of Halsin.
“My office bathroom has a shower, if you’re interested,” Halsin suggested. His thick eyebrows raised.
“An entire shower is hidden in your private bathroom? Really?” Astarion looked at Halsin, a crease forming between his brows.
“Just one of the many perks of being a CEO, I suppose,” Halsin shrugged, patting Astarion’s butt to have him stand up.
“You spend way too many nights in your office, Halsin,” Astarion chastised, “But a shower does sound lovely.”
Before heading back down, both men took a moment to tuck themselves back into their trousers, stretch their aching muscles, and share a knowing laugh about not being as young as they used to be.
Halsin walked into the bathroom and shimmied out of his trousers, before he glanced at himself in the mirror. He smiled as he admired all of the red markings all over his body where Astarion had pressed, bit, and rubbed. His thin lips looked a little red and raw, and his hair was still slightly sticking up from when Astarion had tightly held on.
Like reins to a mighty steed, Halsin thought to himself, chuckling at the visual. Astarion joined him in the mirror, wrapping his arms around Halsin from behind, and pressed kisses into his muscled back. The taller man smiled and leaned into his touch, taking in a deep breath, rubbing the arms that encircled him.
After several years of pining over his lawyer, he never thought this would be a possibility. He did his best to hide the way his eyes secretly slid down his lean frame whenever Astarion was turned away from him in meetings. He struggled with not sighing dreamily with his head in his hands whenever Astarion would lean over the large table heatedly speaking to whoever they had on speakerphone that day.
He found himself unable to sleep as his mind flipped through the various scenarios of his day. There had been many late evenings where he sat and fantasized what it would be like to feel Astarion’s skin against his. It always ended with his hand sneaking down under the waistline of his pants. A shameful, guilty feeling emerged in his chest at the quickly spiraling, explicit thoughts that made his hand drip with his spend. But this was better than anything he could have imagined because it was real.
Halsin brought up one of Astarion’s hands and pressed his lips into it before turning to the sleek, grey tiled shower. The glass door opened with a slight squeak as he stepped onto the dark pebbled surface and twisted the handle on the wall. Instant hot water poured out of the dual waterfall shower heads attached to the ceiling. As Halsin adjusted the temperature, plumes of steam rose above, and clouded the room in a misty fog. Halsin stepped into the spray and soaked his head, running his fingers over his face, and through his hair. He groaned at the water pressure and cracked his neck on both sides.
Astarion watched Halsin with a feral, but appreciative gaze. Throughout all of the moments they had spent together he had tried to picture what was hiding under Halsin’s button-down shirts, but his mind could not predict the statuesque nature of his rippling body. His gaze followed the water as it descended over his flesh and through the divots of the muscles. He marveled at the thick veins that pushed against the skin of Halsin’s biceps and the way they flexed with every arm gesture. Astarion’s spent cock twitched, making him flinch from sensitivity as it pushed against the fabric of his trousers. He bit at his lip and pushed his pants down his legs, clearing his mind from his sultry thoughts for the time being.
A burst of cold sent goosebumps up his arms as Astarion stepped into the shower in front of Halsin. He looked down at Astarion with a soft smile, adoring the way his white curls flattened against his head as he moved into the water stream. The water dripped from the smaller man’s eyelashes and trailed down his sharp cheekbones. Astarion sighed, slightly spent from their activities, and rolled his shoulders under the spray, adjusting to the heat and pressure of the flow.
Halsin reached over to grab a bottle of shampoo and waggled it at Astarion. Astarion nodded in approval and Halsin shook the bottle, pouring the contents into his hand. The smaller man moved closer to Halsin and rested his head on Halsin’s chest, his arms wrapping entirely around his torso, pulling himself flush against his skin. Halsin worked the shampoo into Astarion’s hair, digging his nails into his scalp.
“Mmm, do you do this with all of your lawyers?” Astarion teased, feeling Halsin's stomach shake with laughter.
“Only the cute ones,” Halsin countered, moving Astarion’s head to scrub his entire scalp. He pressed his thumbs behind his ears and moved them down his neck. Astarion slumped more into Halsin as he worked his fingers, pinching and kneading, on his neck and shoulders pulling out breathy noises of appreciation. Halsin gently turned the smaller man to have the water wash out the suds. He then placed a chaste kiss against his lips and removed Astarion’s arms from his torso to grab the conditioner, repeating the cycle of rubbing it into his curly locks. Halsin gingerly scrunched up the conditioner with expert hands and then rinsed.
Astarion stood there with a smile on his lips as he allowed Halsin to pamper and dote on him. He relished the feeling of Halsin’s rough hands and lips all over his body as he scrubbed soap into his delicate skin. Astarion couldn’t remember the last time someone spent so much time and effort on his comfort and pleasure. Between the desire to be tasted and the attention to detail Halsin showed as he scrubbed every square inch of his body, he felt his heart flutter for the man who had revealed so much of himself that night. He felt vulnerable and safe with Halsin.
He watched as Halsin squatted down and thoroughly soaped all around and in between his legs and up through his cheeks. Astarion let out a bashful giggle as he was moved back into the water and Halsin’s hands traded the place of the washcloth to remove the soap. He shivered with goosebumps rising upon his skin as Halsin stood up and pressed his lips onto his forehead.
Halsin ran his fingers through Astarion’s damp, white curls. His hand rested upon his jaw. Astarion’s eyes closed. He wrapped his fingers around Halsin’s forearm and pressed his lips onto his wrist. His thumb rubbed against the skin and he smiled. It had been a while since he felt so tenderly and affectionately cared for. Halsin pulled away and pressed his forehead into Astarion’s, smiling softly down at him.
“Okay, your turn,” Astarion murmured while leaning over to grab a washcloth.
Halsin stepped away to grab the shampoo bottle. He poured the rose scented liquid into his hand and scrubbed it into his scalp. Astarion poured the body wash onto the fabric. Astarion rubbed the cloth all over, lifting up Halsin’s arms and getting into every nook and cranny of his body, Halsin squirmed slightly. The fabric tickled his skin. Astarion pushed Halsin into the stream of the water and washed off all of the soap and suds from his body. Once Halsin was conditioned, Astarion stepped back into Halsin’s space and wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss.
Halsin ran his hands up and down Astarion’s back, moving to lean against the chilly tiled walls. They held each other close, letting the endless hot water supply pour over them while they kissed deeply, their tongues lazily overlapping and tangling together. Their bodies pressed against each other with no sexual intent, just the desire to touch and explore.
Astarion pulled away first, a simple sweet smile delicately placed on his lips as he nuzzled himself into Halsin’s chest.
“I don’t want to leave here,” Astarion sighed.
“I know, but I have enough wrinkles as is,” Halsin joked, wrapping a hand around Astarion’s neck and pulling him into one last kiss before pushing off the wall and turning off the water supply.
He opened the shower door, steam spilling out of the enclosed area, and grabbed two towels, handing one of them to Astarion. Halsin wrapped the towel around him, folding down the fabric securely against his waist. He then grabbed another towel and bent over, flipping his hair down. Halsin expertly twisted the towel around his head and stood back up, twisting the towel around and balancing it on the top of his head. Astarion couldn’t suppress his laugh at the now-turbaned Halsin. Halsin turned and raised an eyebrow.
“What? I hate when my wet hair drips down my back. It’s the easiest technique to prevent that,” Halsin said earnestly. Astarion smiled and shook his head, wrapping his own towel around his body securely.
“I just wasn’t expecting it. You look beautiful with your hair all done up like that,” Astarion teased, pulling an eye roll out of Halsin as he left the bathroom.
Astarion followed him to his desk at the back of the room and plopped into his office chair with Halsin in front of him. Halsin leaned over the desk, curiously shuffling through some of the files that Astarion placed there. Astarion’s eyes wandered down the damp skin of the man in front of him and bit his lip, getting lost in the pull of Halsin’s muscles under his skin. He swallowed dryly and looked around the office for something to drink. He moved to open the drawer that Halsin was in earlier, trying to find more hard honey cider, but his fingers came across a different glass bottle instead.
“Astarion, don’t–” Halsin cut himself off, his eyes widened as Astarion pulled out a mid-sized, half-used, glass bottle. The viscosity of the clear liquid inside meant there was no question about its nature; Halsin kept lube in his desk. Astarion’s eyes sparkled mischievously at Halsin.
“Oh, what is this?” Astarion gleamed while turning the bottle in his hand.
“I– uh…” Halsin’s cheeks formed a deep red blush, trailing all the way up to his ears. He couldn’t formulate a proper excuse this time. He’s been laid bare and exposed. All of his wildest fantasies and dreams flashing through his head as the main character of his vivid imaginations is sat there behind him. He swallowed hard at the lump in his throat, not daring to make eye contact.
“My, my, Halsin,” Astarion paused, tilting the bottle dramatically to emphasize the amount of room leftover inside the container. “You really do spend too much time here in your office. What could possibly be on your mind that couldn’t wait for you to get home to touch yourself?”
Halsin doesn’t turn to look at Astarion. He kept his eyes focused on the manila folders decorating his desk, shifting awkwardly at the playful interrogation. Astarion could see his blush warming the skin of the older man’s shoulders.
“Was it me, Halsin?” Astarion’s voice is low and alluring, closely eyeing Halsin’s sharp intake of breath, the tense muscles and fidgeting hands. “Oh, that struck a nerve. How many times have you thought about me in this room?”
Astarion bit back a cheeky smile. Still no reply from the larger man. Figuring that it might be better to stay silent than to implicate himself more. Astarion taught him well.
“You know damn well that pleading the fifth doesn’t bode well for a plea of innocence,” Astarion tutted. His hand slid up the outside of Halsin’s thigh, “What did you have me do to you, Halsin? Did I have your pretty cock in my mouth as you sat in this chair? Or did you have me bent over your desk exactly like I have you now?”
Halsin cleared his throat. “Quite the opposite actually.”
Astarion bit his lip and smirked, his eyes darkening at the revelation. He leaned back into the leather chair. “Well, darling, if that’s the case, then I’m not quite sure why you’re still standing,” he paused, a wicked idea crossing his mind. “Get on your knees.”
Halsin’s back straightened at the command, he looked over his shoulder at Astarion who was splayed out, legs spread, looking up at him through heavy eyelids and with one leg already exposed from his falling towel. He swallowed hard at the lump in his throat. His cock twitched with delight, pressing up against the fabric wrapped around his waist. Perhaps Astarion is a great lawyer because he can read minds, Halsin thought. He hid his smile and turned slowly to face Astarion, obediently dropping to his knees and placing his hands on the inside of Astarion’s thighs.
Astarion looked down at the larger man in front of him, “Look at you. Sitting there so desperately.”
Astarion brought up a hand to cup Halsin’s blushing cheek. His thumb trailed across his skin and pulled down Halsin’s plump bottom lip, and slid into his mouth. Halsin closed his mouth around Astarion’s thumb, his silky tongue sucking on it softly. Arousal swirled down into Astarion’s groin.
“Such a good listener,” Astarion bit down on his lip in focus and pushed his thumb to the back of Halsin’s throat, pulling out a gag as he forcefully opened his mouth. He relished the feeling of Halsin’s hot breath against his skin. A small smile pulled at the sides of Halsin’s lips. Astarion used his other hand to push off Halsin’s towel turban and ran his fingers through Halsin’s damp waves.
He licked his lips as he gripped all of Halsin’s hair in his hand while Halsin lowered himself in between Astarion’s legs. Halsin slid his fingers under Astarion’s towel and shoved it away revealing Astarion’s hardening arousal, twitching excitedly as Halsin leaned in and licked along underneath his shaft.
Halsin nuzzled his face into the base, his lips pulled at the skin of his balls, letting one fall into his mouth, suckling softly, while his hand gently massaged the other. Astarion’s eyes fell closed, shockwaves of pleasure pulsed through his body and back down to his cock. Drops of pre-cum had already surfaced, and Halsin lapped it up eagerly, wrapping his lips around the head, his tongue circling around and across the leaking slit. He moaned, taking the entire length into his mouth. His eyes fluttered closed in ecstasy, akin to a sommelier savoring the flavor of a wine. His enthusiasm was encouraged by the little whimpers he was pulling from his lover.
The grip on Halsin’s hair tightened as he slowly bobbed his head all the way down Astarion’s shaft, feeling it twitch and grow by the second. Halsin pulled off with wet pop. Before going back down, he wrapped his hand around the base of Astarion’s cock and pulled up until his lips met his hand. Halsin pumped his hand and twisted his wrist. He closed his eyes, kissing his tight fist around Astarion’s swollen cock. Astarion shuddered and gasped, his head falling back into the leather chair while his hips pushed forward into his pliant mouth. He could feel his desire bubbling up inside of him and pulling him closer and closer to completion.
“Halsin– Wait… Stop,” Astarion panted and pulled back his hair. Halsin immediately leaned back. His eyes darted up to Astarion’s face, wide with concern, searching for any sign of apprehension. Astarion let out a shaky breath and looked down at his partner, frowning at his confusion.
“Are you okay? Did I– did I do something wrong?” Halsin licked his lips waiting expectantly. Astarion brought a hand to his cheek. Halsin leaned into the touch and pressed his own hand against it.
“No, you are wonderful. You did such a good job,” Astarion said breathlessly. “I just– I didn’t want to finish in your mouth.”
Halsin sighed a breath of relief and pressed a kiss into Astarion’s palm. He swallowed and eagerly awaited his orders. He peered up at Astarion with wide eyes filled with desire. A small smile graced his plumped, thin lips.
“I have already admitted that I had wanted this for quite some time now,” Halsin said, his hand squeezed Astarion’s muscled thigh. “I’d give anything to have you.”
Astarion leaned forward, lifted up Halsin’s chin with the tips of his fingers, and pressed a chaste kiss against his lips.
“Then you shall,” he brushed their noses together and smirked. “Bend over your desk.”
Halsin’s eyes twinkled with delight as he nodded subserviently, “Yes, sir.”
Halsin pressed his hands into Astarion’s knees to help him stand up, groaning slightly as they popped under the strain. Astarion laughed as he tugged on Halsin’s towel and tossed it to the side. He stepped up to Halsin and placed his hands on Halsin’s hips, spinning him around. He pushed on Halsin’s back until his chest was flush against the mahogany desk. Astarion tapped the inside of Halsin’s ankles with his foot, motioning to spread his legs apart. Halsin obeyed, spreading his legs; he placed his hands on the desk to brace himself, shoving folders onto the floor.
Astarion’s hand landed against Halsin’s ass cheek, hard, pulling out a surprised yelp and leaving a matching reddened print.
“I worked for two hours compiling that information for you,” Astarion scolded.
“Sorry, Astarion,” Halsin said quietly, biting his lip to hold back a laugh.
“Oh you will be.”
Astarion spread Halsin’s cheeks and ran a teasing tongue over his lover’s hole. Halsin tensed up for just a moment, but relaxed as Astarion swirled his tongue around his entrance and lapped against the puckered skin with a heavy tongue. Halsin rested his head on the desk and brought his arms back behind him to hold open his cheeks for Astarion.
Halsin groaned, delighting in the pressure of Astarion’s tongue pushing into the tight ring of his entrance. Astarion, with his free hand, grabbed the bottle and coated his fingers with the lube. He slid his thumb up to circle Halsin’s hole, gently pressing into it. Halsin shifted back greedily.
Another slap was brought down onto Halsin’s ass cheek.
“Don’t rush me. I will go as slow as I please, understand?” Astarion said coolly. Halsin nodded in response. Astarion gently slid one finger in, a knuckle at a time, and Halsin exhaled into it. “Now, be a good boy and put one of your knees up on the desk, darling.”
Halsin released his hold on his asscheek and lifted up his leg, resting it on the cool wooden surface. He wrapped his hand around his thigh to hold it in place. Astarion pressed his hand into the abandoned cheek to spread it open once more. He then slid his finger out and pushed it back in, stretching against Halsin’s inner walls. After he felt the larger man relax, he slid in a second finger, pulling a groan from Halsin. Astarion curled his fingers and rubbed them against Halsin’s prostate.
Halsin moaned and pressed his forehead into the desk. Pre-cum dribbled out from his cock as it rubbed against the desk. His fingernails dug into his ass cheeks as he held himself open for Astarion’s pleasure - and his own. Halsin rocked slowly into Astarion’s fingers; this time Astarion allowed it and watched as Halsin fucked himself. Halsin’s eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth fell open, gasping for air.
“Is this what you wanted, Halsin?” Astarion asked, panting. His cock throbbed with need. The lawyer slid his fingers in and out of Halsin’s muscled ring, and slid a third finger inside. Astarion removed one of his hands and stroked himself while Halsin roiled against his fingers, sliding his pre-cum down his shaft. “Speak to me.”
“Yes,” Halsin replied breathily, “Yes, thank you…”
Astarion removed his fingers and Halsin whimpered in protest, biting his lip. Patiently, he stayed put, the sound of the pump on the lube bottle brought goosebumps across his skin. Astarion spread the lube all over his cock and removed Halsin’s hand from his spreading asscheek. He rubbed his length between Halsin’s crease, pushing aside his cheek, teasing the head of his cock against Halsin’s readied hole.
“Astarion, please,” Halsin begged, his mouth watered in anticipation.
“So impatient,” Astarion tutted. He lined himself up with Halsin’s entrance. Slowly, he pressed it against his tight rim.His eyes fluttered at the delicious pressure enveloping his cock. Halsin gripped the side of his desk with one hand as he stretched around Astarion’s length. He pulled out slightly before pressing himself flush against skin.
Astarion rolled his hips and thrust deep within Halsin. Halsin moved his hand down to wrap his hand around his neglected cock.
“Don’t you dare. You cleared a space for yourself on this desk. You’re going to use it.” Halsin hesitated a moment before exhaling restlessly and moved his hand back to his thigh, pulling his leg up higher. Astarion wrapped his hands around Halsin’s hips and pulled him back into him. Halsin yelped as Astarion’s cock filled him and brushed against his prostate. Small whimpers escaped his lips as he pressed his throbbing shaft onto the polished desk surface, rutting against the wood for friction. Astarion’s nails dug into the larger man’s skin as Halsin clenched tightly around him. Little jolts of pleasure run through his body as Astarion’s balls met his, slapping softly against each other.
Halsin’s mind was spiraling in bliss. He couldn’t remember the last time he was at a loss for words, thoughts, and any other feelings because of a lover. His head lolled. His mouth watered; saliva dripped from his lips as Astarion fucked him. Pressure pooled in his groin. Halsin’s hand gripped tightly on the corner of the desk and it crackled at the force. The only other noises were the sounds of the slapping of their skin and mutual moans.
Astarion stepped to the side and changed his position, pounding Halsin in quick short thrusts. Sweat dripped down his face as he felt himself get closer to release. He could feel how close Halsin was too, with the way he squeezed tighter around him and the high pitched moans that fell out of his slacked jaw.
Halsin was painfully hard. He had been edging on the cusp of an orgasm for too long. The desk barely offered any relief no matter how hard it rubbed himself against it. His prostate sent chills up and down his back every time Astarion thrusted. His mind grew hazy.
A warm hand traveled from his hips down to his thigh and in between his legs. Fingers gently explored until they found purchase on his ball sack. Halsin could have prayed to the gods. Astarion slowly massaged his sac at first, but then his pointer finger and thumb wrapped around his skin and pulled down, squeezing his testicles.
“Gah, fuck!” Halsin practically screamed, as he rocked himself into Astarion’s cock. Astarion felt Halsin’s balls tighten in his grip.
With Astarion’s name upon his lips, Halsin came in large spurts across the desk, shuddering with each pulse.
Astarion released Halsin’s sac and returned his grip to his hips, slamming himself deep into Halsin’s constricting hole, until he was fully engulfed inside of him. He pressed himself flush against his cheeks, fingernails dragging down and into Halsin’s tender flesh, losing himself in Halsin. He clenched his jaw, rolling between tensing and spasming as he climaxed. He gasped for air, not realizing he was holding his breath, and exhaled heavily before pressing his forehead onto Halsin’s back.
“You okay?” Astarion asked softly, his thumbs rubbing against Halsin’s thigh, as he pressed all of his weight into Halsin’s back exhausted.
“Mhmm,” Halsin mumbled deliriously. Astarion huffed out a laugh and pressed his lips against Halsin’s spine.
They stayed like that for a moment, panting heavily, trying to collect themselves. Their hearts pounded against their chests and Astarion softened inside of Halsin.
Once Astarion felt lucid enough to move, he pulled himself out of Halsin, both of them hissing at the stimulation. Halsin dropped his leg with a thud and shakily pushed himself up from the desk. A deep divot decorated his thigh from where it rested against the side of the surface. He blinked a few times as all of the blood came rushing back into his head as he stood upright.
Astarion leaned over and picked up one of their towels from the floor. He gently cleaned Halsin’s spent, sensitive cock, then slid the towel through his cheeks, gathering all of the oily lube. Halsin hummed with appreciation. Astarion quickly cleaned himself up, dragged the towel through the mess on the desk, and tossed it into the corner.
He looked up at Halsin who was gazing down at him so tenderly. A blush deepened upon Astarion’s already flushed skin. “What?”
Halsin leaned back against the desk and pulled Astarion against him, pressing a kiss against the smaller man’s forehead. “I like you.”
“I would hope so,” Astarion laughed softly before turning his head to rest his cheek on Halsin’s chest. Little chest hairs tickled Astarion’s nose. Halsin’s fingers gently traced the ridges and lines on Astarion’s back. Astarion sighed contently and loosely placed his arms around Halsin’s waist. “So… what now?”
Halsin mulled over the options in his head for a moment. “We can, uh… Stay here if you want? I’ve slept on this chaise plenty of nights. There’s pillows and blankets in the closet.”
Astarion tsked at Halsin in disapproval. “When do you go home, Halsin?”
“I’ll go home tomorrow,” Halsin replied, slightly evading the question. Astarion picked up on it, but didn’t want to push into it now.
There was a slight pause before Astarion spoke again. “Won’t someone be here in the morning?”
“No, it’s Friday. No one should be here on Saturday,” Halsin stopped his stroking on Astarion’s back and turned the smaller man’s head to look at him. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, Astarion. I am not forcing you to stay, or do… anything else if you’re not interested in anything beyond this.”
Astarion rolled his eyes and pressed a peck against Halsin’s lips. “Don’t be stupid, Halsin. I like you, too. I just don’t want to sleep on a glorified couch.”
Halsin smiled down at him. “It’s really not bad.”
Astarion sighed and took a step back. “Very well. It’s only for one night.”
Halsin pressed a tender hand against Astarion’s cheek and then moved to the closet to grab the bedding. Astarion followed behind and took the blankets and pillows from Halsin’s hands. He walked over to the chaise to ensure his makeshift bed was up to his standards.
Halsin closed the closet door and turned to gather the scattered files on the floor. He curiously flipped open one of the manila folders and read the documents inside.
“Astarion, what were these files for anyway?” Halsin asked while flipping through the paperwork, scanning over the highlighted lines.
Astarion stopped his motions, a half-fluffed pillow in his hands. He cleared his throat, hesitant to bring up the news.
Halsin turned around and looked at the pale man holding a pillow in his arms. Astarion huffed in annoyance and gestured toward the files. “It’s a summons. You’re getting sued by Absolute Inc for pulling out of your contract after the drill blew up. It’s being headed by Thorm, Gortash, and Bhaal.”
Halsin nodded his head and bit his lip in thought. “So, a Monday problem, yes?”
Astarion blinked at him and then laughed, “Yes, a Monday problem indeed.”
Halsin set down the file and padded over to Astarion. He pulled the pillow from his grasp and tossed it onto the chaise before crawling under the blankets and laying back into the soft cushions.
He opened his arms to Astarion who crawled up next to Halsin. His eyes were already feeling heavily with exhaustion from their evening.
They breathed in time with one another. Astarion nuzzled his face into Halsin’s chest and yawned. “I am resigning by the way.”
Halsin’s eyebrows pinch together confused. “What do you mean? I thought I was about to get sued? I need you.”
“I know, and I’ll help you get a replacement. I’ll still be here to support you the whole way through,” Astarion paused, shifting his gaze up at Halsin with a smirk, “but it’s bad practice to sleep with clients, and I’d really like to be able to do this again. If you’re interested.”
Halsin’s heart fluttered in his chest as his hand wrapped around the back of Astarion’s head and pulled him into a kiss before breaking away smiling. “I am.. very interested, Astarion.”
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wildbeautifuldamned · 8 months
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Sou Sou Kisaragi 100% Hemp Ombré Kimono Poncho Jacket Made In Japan EUC ebay daintyaf
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drksanctuary · 10 months
Hello Nicobaster household! I haven’t Nicobastered in a bit and that seems like a criminal crime. To atone for it please accept:
Chpt 2 of Titan AU: The New Golden Age
(Links to previous chapters below as well)
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Chapter 2: Out of the Cavern
The spider monster, despite its size and vocal ability, is surprisingly quiet as it moves.
Nico and Alabaster dart toward the only direction available: away.
Nico squeezes Alabaster’s hand, leading him through the tunnel. Nico leads them, even though he couldn't see all that well either, the shadows in this cave didn't seem particularly friendly to his magic. No shadow traveling, no raising the dead, no earthquakes. He did the only thing he could. The demigod's last resort.
Dad, If you’re listening I could really use some help. He prays
As he finishes a giant reptilian spider leg swats them onto the cave wall, and another leg sharply whips at Nico's leg, giving him a giant gash along his calf.
"Argh!... Thanks anyway!" He groans, as rocks crumble around him from the movements of the spider.
She screeches and the cave vibrates; rocks start to fall. She screeches again. Nico squints to see the spider scurrying away from them slowly, being pelted by falling rocks as she goes, screeching furiously as she leaves.
Nico covers his ears as the cavern continues to shake the wall behind them splits and just as when they'd entered the cave, they slid once more, like rocks in a mudslide. But instead of tumbling into a cave. This time they fell from the ceiling of a wide domed cavern.
Alabaster is sure that the distance of this fall is going to kill them. I'm sorry is all he can think as he braces for the impact with the floor.
But, like the wave of relief he soon gets, the water washes over him, as he and Nico fall into an underground lake.
Nico's never been on particularly good terms with water in general; his current unrequited crush included. First hemp , then water , Nico spits it all out and swims for shore, dragging himself to sweet, solid land. He could kiss it. Instead, he lays there and drips water and blood all over stone. Stupid monsters.
Alabaster follows Nico. It's only when he reaches the shore and flops down beside Nico that he realizes he can see.
"Wha-?" Alabaster looks back out at the water they came from. The water is black, reflecting the cavern’s dark ceiling, but in the water are billions of bright tiny little lights. Alabaster stares at it in awe, he feels as if he is watching the night sky. Such a peculiar thing, he thinks, to look down at the sky...
"Brilliant" he says.
"If you say so." Nico rasps from beside him. "personally I think this situation isn't brilliant, but to each their own." he grunts and rolls over eyes searching for something he can use to stem the bleeding.
"Not the situation, the water...look at it" Alabaster says.
Nico looks. Even he has to admit it is kind of entrancing. The little lights swirl in the moving water like stars dancing across the sky as the world turns. And for a moment he feels a wonderment with the world he’d long since forgotten. It was…Beautiful. Nico doesn't comment though and instead turns his attention to the gash on his calf.
“Well I thought it was- you’re hurt!” Alabaster exclaims
“Uh…yeah we were attacked by a monster that usually happens” Nico says with a grunt attempting wipe off the blood with strips of pant leg near the wound.
"Are you..? I can....um" Alabaster considers it. They are enemies. And healing an injury would put him at quite a disadvantage. On the other hand Nico is a demigod just like he is....his quarrel was with the Olympian gods, not their kids.
"Heal it" Alabaster finishes without fully thinking it through. He convinces himself that it is because he needs Nico to get out of the cave.
"Wait. Are you son of Apollo..." Nico looks reluctantly surprised. He thinks briefly of the bandages in his jacket pocket that are soaked through. That’s always uncomfortable. He can’t use those unless he wants to get an infection and be bedridden for days. Magical healing, if an option, is preferrable.
"Hecate" Alabaster corrects "I can do all types of magic..... even death types if I tried hard enough"
Nico doesn't know quite what to make out of that so he doesn't comment. He hates to take more help from his enemy, the thought makes him cringe, but the blood continues to pool, only just beginning to clot, and he knows he really doesn't have another option.
Nico nods and peels back the flaps of his pants, mourning another pair hell never wear again. Pity too, he’d liked these ones.
“If you could” Nico says with a sigh.
"It's gonna sting, then tickle" Alabaster warns and then places a damp rune card on the wound.
The healing feels exactly as he’s been told and Nico can't say he's surprised. Will Solace has also healed him and it felt exactly the same. Except less awkward, since Will isn’t his enemy.
"There" Alabaster says with a sigh of exhaustion shifting his weight so he can stare at the entrancing lake again. He gives into the urge and throws a small rock in. The ripples fold the stars in on themselves. Alabaster smiles despite himself.
Nico pokes at his leg, and finds it whole again. Better than he expected, actually.
The splash of the rock captures Nico’s attention, and he watches the water ripple. Dazzling as it was, he doesn’t trust the glow.
Alabaster throws another one and watches the conflicting ripples with interest.
"It doesn't look like there's a way out." Nico says, looking around.
“Doesn’t seem like it” Alabaster agrees “but…there's gotta be something. Your shadow thingy still not working?"
Nico shakes his head, his eyes still watching the lights dance in the water.
"Great" Al sighs defeatedly, he reaches out to pick up another rock and then notices that his hand has sparkles on it.
"hehe... look,” He holds his hand out to Nico “we become shiny too"
“Look at that” Nico says with a small laugh in his voice. “You are a sparkle-twig after all”
Alabaster gives him a flat look. “Hilarious.”
Nico Smirks.
“I should’ve let you keep bleeding” Alabaster says, shaking his head.
“And then you’d be trapped down here with a dead body to keep you company” Nico retorts “ at least if it were the other way around I could make use of your corpse”
“tch! Asshat.” Alabaster grumbles.
Nico chuckles and lies down. The mage is his enemy sure but he’s not really a threat to him right now. Nico shudders. The adrenaline has kept him from realizing just how cold he is. Nico notices his companion curl his legs into his chest and rub his shoulders. He must be cold too. Nico is almost tempted to scooch closer to the guy. They might both be warmer that way. But Nico stays where he is. He doesn’t like getting close to allies, no way was he going to snuggle up next to an enemy.
Alabaster looks through his cards. He finds one with his emergency blanket drawn on it. He taps twice and pulls out a thin quilt.
Nico blinks in surprise.
Alabaster wraps himself in the blanket and makes a contented noise. He glances over at Nico who is now curled in on himself instead lying down flat. Alabaster heaves a sigh. “its…a pretty big blanket if you’d like to join me…” he trails, his eyebrows knit but his arm is extended to allow Nico into the blanket should he so choose to come in “ you know, after all this time I haven’t actually caught your name”
Nico shudders again. If he gets too cold he’ll get sick. He tries to run through all the reasons that he should stubbornly stay out of the blanket but then resigns himself.
“My name is Nico.” He says as he reluctantly scoots into the blanket .
“Alabaster” Alabaster says.
“That’s a weird-ass name”
“Do you make it a habit to insult people right after they offer you help? Because I’m honestly starting to understand why I always find you alone”
Nico feels like he’s been slapped. Since he can’t let his enemy see any weakness he just glares at him.
Alabaster holds a hand up to his ear feigning a look of expectation. “thank you?” he suggests in a whisper
Nico says nothing but a yawn he can’t contain slips out.
Alabaster sighs shaking his head. “yeah, time to rest”
Nico doesn’t even have time to be surprised at how easily he falls asleep before he is unconscious. He snores softly, propped up against Alabaster’s shoulder.
Nico wakes up to find himself horizontal, Alabaster’s chest supporting his head. Alabaster’s arm is around his shoulders holding the blanket in place over him. Nico jolts up, waking Alabaster in the process.
Alabaster groans as he wakes up. “What’s wrong Mari-..oh. Right”
“Did you- why did- how dare you!” Nico says, flustered.
“What are you on about?”
“N-nothing” Nico grumbles. He feels rested, but he’s damp and sleeping on the floor was not the best for his arms and back.
Alabaster extends his arm again to let Nico back into the blanket.
Nico glares at him.
“Suit yourself” Alabaster says dropping the arm. He starts searching through his cards which are now slightly drier than before. He finds one with a granola bar sketched on it. He brings it out with a double tap and opens the wrapper. He takes a bite when he hears Nico’s stomach growl. He’d healed him, kept him warm and had somehow even let the guy use him as a pillow for goodness sake! He can’t believe the words that come out of his mouth. “Do you want some?”
Nico looks at it with hungry eyes. He had a bit of ambrosia in his pocket but no food for humans. That’s why he kept stealing it from Alabaster and company. “how about a trade” Nico says. “I’ll give you a bit of ambrosia in exchange for some of your bar”
“Sounds fair” Alabaster says with a sigh of relief. He’d been giving this enemy demigod far too much charity. He takes a small bite of the ambrosia Nico gives him and puts the rest in his pocket. He then stares out at the glittering lake as he eats his half of the granola bar.
Alabaster’s now rested mind analyzes the situation. He sees that the glittering parts are clearer closer to the shore where they are. In the distance where they’d plunged into the water there weren’t as many glittering specks. Alabaster thinks this might be because of the distance, the closer specks would outshine the farther ones. But to his left there is a dark spot among the glittering swirls. And another one a bit farther away.
“You know,” he says out loud, almost to himself. “the glittering particles stick to the shallow areas, or so it seems. Could probably walk in the parts that glow, take a look around for an exit”
Nico didn’t trust the glow. “why don’t you test that theory first” he says “you’re taller”
Alabaster gives him another flat look and then sighs. “fine”
Alabaster wades into the water slowly, heading toward the first dark spot. The water is cold and uncomfortable but he can’t very well stay in the cave. They’re already out of food. He glances back over at Nico, who he’d half expected to be rummaging through his things but the demigod is watching him. He is crouched, as if to spring to action should something happen. Doesn’t hurt to be careful, Alabaster thinks.
When Alabaster makes it to the first dark spot he prods it with his toe as he’d been doing with each step he took. His body must’ve gotten used to having land underfoot while going through the glow, because when he steps into the dark area the lack of footing still somehow shocks him and he yelps as he plunges partway into the water.
“Alabaster!” Nico calls and jumps into the lake. The cold water reaches up to his knees and sends a chill up his spine.
Alabaster spits water out as he scrambles to get his footing back on shallower ground.
“you..ok?” Nico asks, an exasperated sigh apparent in his tone. He sheathes his sword.
“yeah” alabaster coughs with a groan “ the non sparkly areas, appear to be a steep and sudden drop. Not gradual as I had once thought”
“Oh…hehe ok” Nico starts with a chuckle and then lets out a full laugh that he’d been holding back.
“Something funny?”
“You should have heard your voice” Nico says between laughs “I imagine that the noise a rat makes when you step on it”
“yes yes ha ha” Alabaster says as he splashes his way back to where Nico is.
“Also your face!”
“your face!” Alabaster retorts and the splashes water at Nico’s face
“Ah!’’ Nico yells, but he’s still laughing when he splashes Alabaster right back.
“oh you’re in for it now Olympian, I’m gonna make you the sparkliest demigod in all the land!” Alabaster yells, dealing multiple splashes.
Nico almost snorts his laugh. “that’s gotta be the dumbest sounding threat any one has said since the beginning of time!” Nico dodges some splashes and blocks others. When he has an opening he whips his hand out at the lake and lands a blade of water right at Alabasters face. “eat sparkles!”
Alabaster sputters as the water enters his mouth. “ew! You ass!” Alabaster says with a choked laugh as he pushes Nico.
Nico continues laughing triumphantly even as Alabaster’s push sends him into a dark area and he too plunges with a yelp.
“Shit!” Alabaster curses as he leaps to help him out. He grabs Nico’s hand and pulls him into the sparkle again. Nico glares at him, face pouting.
“Serves you right though” Alabaster says.
Nico narrows his eyes at the tall pretentious boy and uses his index finger to beckon him to come closer.
“so you can push me into the deep? I don’t thin-“
His speech is interrupted as Nico spits water in his face.
Alabaster flinches at first but then just stares at him ,shocked, water dripping down his face.
Nico bursts into a fit of laughter.
“Disgusting.” Alabaster manages to say as he wipes his face with his hands. But he smiles at the cackling demi-god. Alabaster can’t remember the last time he’s laughed so hard. With such unfiltered joy. They could’ve been two high schoolers in the swimming pool hanging out. They could’ve…been enjoying their time as the kids, not in a war. Laughing until their sides were sore. Laughing with laughter that is contagious. “You’re the worst” He laughs along with him.
“I bet we both have pretty sparkly tongues now huh?” Nico says when he finally allows air back into his body. He sticks it out and tries to take a look.
“Let’s just hope it’s not poisonous” Alabaster responds, shaking his head.
“Hasn’t killed us yet…not sure what I trust less though…the glow or the water”
“The water?”
“I’m a son of hades.” Nico says, “children of the big three don’t fair so well in the domains of the other two so water and sky is not safe for me”
“I see,” Alabaster says “though, Poseidon is the god of Oceans, this is fresh water, standing water…probably not ah- technically his domain”
“Still counts I think”
“There is a god of Rivers…Achelous I think…?” Alabaster says and as soon as he does there is a groan that echoes around the cavern.
Nico brings out his sword once again. And they both become silent listening for the third presence to make another sound.
Alabaster is against Nico’s back as they slowly circle around looking for movement. He sorely wishes he had his sword. He nudges Nico and nods his head toward the little island that they were on.
While Nico doesn’t want to risk making the noise that would come from them trudging back to the island in the water, he does figure they’d be safer on dry ground. And if Alabaster is armed they can both fight whatever might be-
Nico sees a ripple in the water near where they plunged at the beginning. It moves the water from side to side in ripples around it. It…slithers.
“GO!” Nico yells and the two of them follow the sparkles back to the island in a mad dash.
When Alabaster gets to the island he grabs his sword card and has it out in a second. They both watch as the figure, obscured by water and darkness, twists around the small patch of land on which they stand.
“What the-“ Nico starts when they hear humming.
The monster was humming. Singing a tune in a haunting male voice. It calms Nico a bit. He recalls how the charms of female monsters have a lesser affect on him. He’d never been subjected to the charms of a male monster before. It scares him.
“What is thisssss I see in my watersss” the thing hisses in a low, mellow baritone.
“technically not in your water anymore” Alabaster says.
Nico rolls his eyes. He takes some comfort in the fact that if Alabaster has the faculty to be rude to the monster, because it means that maybe he is not affected by the slight charming effect that the creature’s singing has. Then again, maybe being rude was just Alabaster’s way of flirting? What did that say about how he and Nico- well now really wasn’t the time to think about that!
“Lord Achelous” Alabaster says and gets down on one knee to bow.
Nico whips his head around to see that the snake like figure wrapping around the island had peaked out its head and was looking directly down at them.
Alabaster glances at Nico and nods his head, signaling for Nico to bow.
Nico instead holds his sword up at the god.
“I am not going to be some river gods lunch”
Alabaster groans.
“what issss thisss?” Achelous says and takes a few deep sniffs “a demigod? Just like that…ugh Hercules?”
“Not quite my lord” Alabaster says
Nico wants to kick the mage. Such grand show he makes about hating the gods and then all this reverence? What a hypocrite.
“No? So your not here to humiliate me? Kick me when I’m down? Take my horn!” He tilts his head to show where the other horn was cut off. “Leave me broken…”
Nico brings his sword back as though winding back for a strike. Achelous’s hiss of reproach echoes around them.
“On the contrary” Alabaster gets up and places a hand on Nico’s sword “I know exactly how you feel”
“You?...what do you know” Achelous snaps
“I know that the Olympians are arrogant bastards, none of them have a regard for anyone but themselves and they look down on minor gods like they- like you are nothing.”
Achelous regards Alabaster with interest. “mhmm” he says encouraging Alabaster to continue.
“I am a son of Hecate” Alabaster acquiesces “so not only am I aware of how the Olympians disregard my mother, I am aware of how they disregard the children of minor gods as well. We are nothing more than pawns in their grand scheme, if we are even regarded at all. And If we’re not, we’re just… fodder for monsters. They send their strongest after us and why? Do they not already have enough power they have to exert it over us like…like they’re afraid if they don’t use it they’ll lose it? That’s not power its paranoia, and perhaps rightfully placed… we can be so much more if they step aside”
Nico watches Alabaster as he speaks. He couldn’t tell if the guy was pandering or if he believed every word but either way it seemed to be working. Nico takes the queue and bows his head to the god his sword still in his hand but down at his side.
“We ask your help,” Alabaster says “to get out of this cavern, a river current can be as mighty as any ocean wave, I know what your capable of”
“Do you?”
“I’ve seen the power of river-”
“You knew what I was!...Now I am stagnant in here, I was humiliated, assaulted and left here…and I’m so…hungry”
Nico tightens his grip on the sword at that but doesn’t lift it again.
Alabaster reaches into his pocket and pulls out the small piece of ambrosia that he hadn’t eaten yet.
“It’s not much, but…I offer this” he holds it up to the god.
“food of the gods…”Achelous says in almost a whisper
“Is that not what you are my lord?” Alabaster says “a god?”
Nico sees a spark in Achelous’ eye.
Achelous lowers his head so that it is level with Alabaster’s outstretched hand. The rest of him curls in the background shrinking into nothing more than shadow until the form before them is that of a man. A tall man, that stands 2 feet above Alabaster who is by no means short, but a man nonetheless.
Alabaster lowers his hand and leans forward to place the ambrosia in the god’s newly formed hand. “no humiliation here, just humility, please...” he says softly. “please help us”
Achelous eats the ambrosia. Its no more than a small bite but it lights him up. A faint glow comes back to his form. He scans the cavern. And like Nico and Alabaster had been doing before, he raises a hand and splashes water at the cave wall. But unlike their little splashes,Achelous creates a wave so large and powerful that it breaks open the wall. The water flows out as sunlight pours in.
As the water starts to flow Achelous face shines with elation. He is once again a river, free to flow, to course. Alabaster bows again.
“Thank you, My lord”
Achelous smiles down at him before diving into the water and flowing out of sight.
“Well…” Nico says as they exit the cavern. What could he say? He wants to ask about the speech Alabaster gave, but its really self explanatory. It was the reason that he was fighting for the Titans wasn’t it?
Nico understands that Olympians aren’t the best. Heck, His dad is hardly considered one and they don’t treat him like an equal either. Kronons had even hoped to recruit Nico for that and other reasons. It might’ve worked if-if he didn’t have such an attachment to the demigods on the Olympian side. One in particular…but he’d made his decision and was firm in it. “I think-“
“Alabaster?” a voice calls.
“that’ll be my siblings” Alabaster says looking around to see they haven’t spotted him “ you should go”
Nico hesitates, looking over to where the voices are coming from.
“I-th-thank you, for everything…I didn’t say it before“
“Go” Alabaster says.
Nico doesn’t need to be told again he runs off into the trees to the side. As soon as he reaches a shadow that reaches back, he is gone.
And that’s it! Hope you enjoyed! 🤗 if you enjoyed please let me know in the tags, I always appreciate a reblog.
Also in case you missed it:
Prologue here:
Chpt 1 here:
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thekimonogallery · 1 year
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Hemp-motif Shibori Jacket Early Showa Period (1926-1940) A silk haori featuring "asanoha" motifs (hemp leaves) accomplished in shibori (tie-dye).
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solarsnapp · 2 years
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[ID: A black and white drawing of Kamado Nezuko from Demon Slayer. Nezuko is a young Japanese girl with dark leaf patterns on her limbs and long messy tangled hair. She is wearing a hemp-leaf patterned kimono, a dark haori jacket, a bamboo muzzle, and thick black cloth pieces around her legs segmented in three bunches by ribbons. She is sitting on a hill, looking towards the top. Her hair is billowing with the wind. End ID.]
raffle prize for @weeweeboy
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arrant-alternate · 2 years
our goods don’t actually have to last forever. we don’t need jackets that can be passed down for generations, we need clothing that doesn’t perpetuate ecological destruction in its creation, use, and disposal (or reuse). If a hemp blouse is made with renewable energy and recaptured water, it’s ok to need a new one after a few years, and considering how human bodies tend to change, it’s probably better that way anyway
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