#here we are I guess
double-zero-rei · 9 months
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"But then it moved, and I realized in a second what it actually was I was looking at. Not a pit. A mouth."
- MAG130 Meat
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backintimeforstuff · 4 months
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Did I ever tell you guys about 2nd March 2018, the day I wrote an entire txf tribute album when it was snowing in London and my commitments were cancelled? The hyperfixation was strong with this one.
(I won't post any of the audio files because you'd be subjected to my awful singing/guitar/piano chaos but - it exists. and I'm sooo proud of it. So here's some crappy concept art that I did.)
Happy 6th anniversary Washington Rain <3
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coldgoldlazarus · 1 month
💫12 Kal'tsit for the character asks?
What is a headcanon I have about this character?
Kind of a minor one, but I imagine at one point shortly before the story's start, Amiya had to organize and stage an intervention for her on account of her workaholic habits and Rhodes Island's smaller staffing at the time. One of the rules that was agreed upon was a reduction in her intake of coffee to stay awake for unhealthily long stretches of time, in the hopes that would encourage her to get more sleep. Instead, she got around that by using other stimulants, until those were also banned in a followup meeting.
Finally, she resorted to summoning and retaking Mon3tr; even if she's used to the extreme pain of her spine wrenching itself out of her body to transform into an eldritch beast, it's still intense enough to give her a shot of adrenaline to keep going for a while, even if far from an ideal solution. Between her performance noticeably slipping during this stretch, and the debatable case of intentional self-harm that can't be justified like the kind of circumstances that normally require Mon3tr's presence, Amiya finally relented and let her get back to unrestricted coffee usage.
Amiya didn't give up, though, and still instituted a curfew that took effect after 24 hours of being awake, only being pushed back if Kal'tsit is in the midst of a time-sensitive surgery or other emergency when that time expires. Kal'tsit of course does her best to exploit this loophole as well, sometimes getting to a full three or four days if she times it right, but is able to do this less frequently on the whole. She still doesn't get nearly enough sleep for how much time she spends awake, but it's a modest but respectable step up from the state she was in before, and a marked improvement from how she was during the Mon3tr-summoning adrenaline-boost era.
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yaggy031910 · 9 months
Penguin Soult 🐧
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Here is a drawing of Soult as a penguin. I hope you like it. 🤭
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sterf17 · 1 year
A quick malevolent doodle I drew (instead of studying)
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britcision · 4 months
Gang I keep telling you my writing is just me being possessed by various characters and it keeps getting more fucking true I have no idea why I’m writing Rin and Mithrun hanging out when I could be dropping werewolf dick but the scenes keep fucking coming to me
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latibvles · 6 months
having christmas soiled for me this year was not on the 2023 bingo card but. here we are I guess.
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So. I’ve… started to write a fanfiction. TMA-related, of course; I’m probably going to write more fics in the future. But can someone tell me WHY the FIRST FIC I write of Martin FUCKING Blackwood is so SAD. Why. Why does my brain do this. I want this man happy and content and home for dinner by six. So why am I doing like a case study on why his life is fucked up?
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So like there’s gotta be something with King Bradley having the Ultimate Eye while only seeing destruction for humanity, while Roy only wants to see a better future but literally can’t because he goes blind right? Maybe I’m just getting too deep into it and I haven’t watched FMAB in forever but I feel like there’s gotta be some weird irony or analysis there idk
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maddisandy · 2 years
yes i am deeply hyperfixated over the magnus archives right now no i don't want to talk i need to finish this episode and then the next and then the one after that and then
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I mean.... Is it really stealing if its from the British Museum?
What are they gonna do, be like you stole our property?
We nabbed that fair and square while enslaving and coloninising your people and country.
You can't take that back!
We're better at keeping your...I mean our stuff.
Because we still think your savages and finders keepers.
Look now everyone can see it 😊
Like how does one justify that? You can't take back the thing I stole, it's mine?
That one scene in Black Panther and I'm like... Hey yeah?!
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evanthefunky · 2 years
Its all fun and games until you're folding and putting away checks to be picked up and think about if you were a mcyt cc (or cr for creative?) and like if orionsound was in Empires and there became a civil/server war, im on whatever side hes on, regardless of morality. And then you remember oh wait im not a mcyt cr.
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trollbreak · 1 year
Sits here like. Yarrows horns are a lil scooped out at the ends from her scratching at them when she’s too aggravated but that’s very hard to convey without them just seeming hollow or flat at my current ability
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whitecloverwrites · 1 month
The spider sat in the centre of her web, looking out at the blurry foliage around her. No prey. Though she didn't know what prey looked like.
She thought of her mother, who ate her father, who snacked on a few siblings. She didn't bother to think of the siblings. If they were around, they would surely only compete for prey.
Hmmm. Maybe they were around, and were gobbling up all the prey before she could. She squinted. Hmmm.
The same green splotches. No use worrying about it.
She thought of her mother, who gnashed her teeth happily after returning from a successful hunt, and tapped them together in disinterest while her remaining children hurried away. Prey must surely be a delicacy. Her mother was a skilled and active weaver.
She surveyed the wide gaps around her. It was a serviceable web. She had tried to shape the middle like a leaf. Or what she imagined a leaf might be like. It was a good thing her mother was not here to see it.
There was nothing left to gaze at, so the spider allowed herself to close one eye. Hmmm. Sleepily, she closed the other. What could she do to escape a robin? At least it would eat well.
She wondered if she was having bad thoughts. Could a spider think bad thoughts?
Hmmm. No use worrying about any of it. She was a spider who hadn't eaten a single prey. This was surely the more important thing to focus on.
Thirty degrees to her left, the web sprang taut. The spider’s legs leapt towards the feeling-sound. She was poised above the smell-heat in an instant.
The prey was, for all intents and purposes, a fly. A fly who she wished was not looking directly at her. Its hairy body, glued to a few of the more sturdy threads, did not tremble. Instead, it reached four legs out toward her eagerly. The other two rubbed together. It could hardly contain a full-body buzz.
She drew closer, imagining the most delicious taste she could think of, in the hopes that she could make the hunt worth it. Worth the existence of one single spider in a bubble of green blobs. Her mandibles hesitantly closed around the fly's abdomen. She did not know what to do with her legs. She eased into it, bit down a touch harder. A drop of prey-juice leaked out, but she could only focus on the give of the springy shell under her mouth.
A fine, soft hair brushed up against one of her eyes. The spider couldn't help but jerk away, which unfortunately gave her another full view of the fly, whose full view was filled with her. Could a spider vomit?
It noticed something was amiss. She was sure of it. Because in the next second it began to thrash, and her poor web had not been built with thrashing in mind. The fly ripped free and flew off into the green. The taste of its juice lingered in her blood.
She wished she had gored it open. If she knew what was inside the fly, she could have lied more accurately about its deliciousness to soothe herself. If she had split it apart to wear as a beautiful furry necklace, perhaps more flies would have come. Perhaps the fly was the only prey stupid enough to be caught, and this had been her only chance. Though she hadn't made a strong enough web to hold it.
Bad thoughts are not had by spiders. Perhaps she wasn't a spider at all. This notion put her at ease, for the bad thoughts were easier to have without the worse thoughts to condemn them.
She stepped carefully back to the centre of the web. It was rather far, now that she had nothing else to do. The far threads had wobbled under her weight. The spider should fix them. The not-spider was tired.
She sat back down in her little not-leaf. She squinted out at her surroundings. Maybe there would be another.
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lazarusugar · 4 months
every time i listen to prog rock i think “rusty venture would like me” and i cannot articulate why that makes me so happy but
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
for anyone too young to know this: watching The Truman Show is a vastly different experience now, compared to how it was before youtube and social media influencers became normal
before it was like, "what a horrifying thing to do to a human being! to take away their autonomy and privacy, all for the sake of profits! to create fake scenarios for them to react to, just to retain viewership! to ruin their happiness just so some corporate entity could harvest money from their very humanity! how could anyone do something so evil?"
and now it's like, "ah, yeah. this is still deeply fucked up, but it's pretty much what every influencer has been doing to their kids for a decade now. probably bad that we've normalized this experience"
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