#hermione grnager
loveeari · 1 year
ginny: where is my dumbass husband hermione: probably with mine harry and ron decked out in full drag because they lost a bet to the twins: so who looks best teddy staring at his godfather and uncle in awe: arry!!!! the twins losing it: PFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ron pissed off: WHAT ABOUT ME
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giuls233 · 4 years
Could you please draw mini Mione with a mini Crookshanks and she’s giving him all the attention and mini Ronnie is a bit jealous cause he’s the one who should be getting Hermione’s love 🤣
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In case you can’t read the sign cause my hand writings s*it, its says “I’m her fav♥︎”
Mini Harry will always be happy to cuddle Ronnie :)
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avada-kedammit · 4 years
Sirius: I don’t cry
Sirius: My eyes just sweat coz I’m hotter than the sun
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harrypotterishome · 4 years
so guys does anyone know weird otps for umbridge??? i've been tryna think of one for SO long, but i just can't. literally nobody liked that pink toad/ old hag. help.
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xxdustnight88 · 6 years
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Bright Future (ffn) Rated T Shades Alvarez/Hermione Granger Summary: Shades has a decision to make; stay set in his ways and get sent to the Raft or take a chance on a bright future.
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lemon-stvrrr · 3 years
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nauticalparamour · 7 years
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Red Right Hand | Chapter Forty-One
March 18th, 1947
Hermione was in her office, working on the latest legislation she was proposing in the Wizengamot. It was something that she'd become very passionate about over the years, expanding the muggle studies curriculum and creating a class on wizard studies for muggleborn students. There had been so many things that had come as a total shock to her when she was just entering Hogwarts, and she'd committed many social faux pas that she could have easily avoided if she knew what to expect. She hoped that it would allow muggleborn students to better integrate into the wizarding world, and thus, prevent them from being quite so looked down upon by wizarding families.
Her continued focus on work was a frequent topic of discussion between Hermione and Radalphus, but as the months had gone by, and he'd seen how successful she could be at achieving a "work-life balance", he'd been more and more open to the arrangement. As it was, Hermione continued to do all of her research and preparation from home, unless she had to go into the library to copy sources. She was excited to begin proposing legislation again, hoping that she would be able to affect real change.
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fluffyballme · 6 years
When Harry realised he loved boys (and girls)
I put "(and girls)" on propose cuz ya know he is hisexual king, so yea
So lets put time in 3th or 4th year,because I can
Harry always knew he couldn't talk about girls like Ron or Neville, something was different
He found girls cute with their short/long hair, small/long legs and light/dark eyes; they were okay just okay
He would always listen to Ron commenting girls around Hogwarts and at one point he realized he didn't saw girls like other boys did
But when that hufflepuff boy Cedric came in game he would always smile at him as his heart would skip the beat; the smile Harry gave to Cedric was small almost unoticeable but it was bright smile
He was rised in household where u couldn't even know what beeing gay is, so he never tought he liked boys
One day our great witch Hermione Grnager sit with him and asked him "Who do u like?" And Harry froze right there at that moment not knowing what to say because he didn't actually liked someone and he just didn't know what to answer. She tried again "Harry, did u ever heard about homosexuality?" "Yes,well..er..maybe?" "Harry, that means boy can love boy and girl can love girl, and it's totally acceptable to be homosexual aka gay. U know there is even more sexualities u can explore." And that's when his eyes opened and finally everything made sense now
He always found Cho and Ginny as good friends but also something more. When he looked at Ginny or Cho he would smile just like he would smile at Cedric, and that left him confused
Eventually he would found out about bisexuality and so much more sexualities. He read magazines about it and tried to found himself; and he did "Hermione.. I'am bisexual." Soon he found himself in her tight hug with "I am so proud on u Harry."
He eventually came out to Ron too, "That's cool mate, now I finally have answers on that weird relationship with u and Malfoy." "What?"
As he came out to more and more people, more and more people told him same what Ron said to him; they weren't wrong, something was on
Malfoy never laughed,only when he had to at boring family events
But that morning was different, he woke up so fresh and happy "Weird.." and he found everything so beautiful that day
As he entered Gret hall Golden trio was already there with few students who where there(cuz it was saturday and nobody wanted to be up so early duh)
Harry looked amazed at him
His stomach flinched and his heart skip the beat,he looked at happy Malfoy
He couldn't help himself he just needed to take every moment of happy Malfoy as memory
He put his arm under his head and let his whole head weight on his arm still looking on Malfoy
And then, Malfoy laughed, true laugh came from him and Harry froze.
His breathing got heavy, his heart beats risen and he was smiling at malfoy, that stupid smile everyone have when they are in love.
He didnt even realized when Malfoy started to look back on him, but he did
Suddenly Harry came back from seventh cloud and they meet eyes to eyes
Malfoy smiled softly to Harry
Harry smiled softly to Malfoy
"Oh I'am defently bisexual boy in love."
whole point is that harry had fallen in love at end with malfoy and how he realizes that he is bisexual; and he realizes that cuz he likED Cho and ginny and now he likeS malfoy get it? lol hope u had/have great day
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spiritofcamelot · 7 years
In the spirit of female positivity, I present a list of ten favourite female characters:
I was tagged by the lovely @xxlegolistxx
These are in no particular order
Ginny Weasley (Harry Potter)
Hermione Grnager (Harry Potter)
Eve Moneypenny (James Bond)
Kahlan Amnel (Sword of Truth)
Freya (BBC Merlin)
Buffy Summers (Buffy)
Eowen (Lord of the Rings)
Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Lucy Pevensie (Narnia)
Arwen Undomiel (Lord of the Rings)
Tagging others whose answers I would like to see.
@castillon02 @dogtorbones @roseperthorns @iamanonniemouse @ao3-brihna @opalescentgold @gwylliondream @beaubete @sorion @10kiaoi @boredpsychopath-jc @skylocked @amarulasmile
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loveeari · 1 year
Harry: i'm tired Ron: go to sleep Harry:no Ron: *throws hands up in the air* can't help you there mate HERMIONEEEE Hermione: go to sleep harold Harry:that's not even- Hermione: Go.To.Sleep Harry: *gulps* k Sirus: teach me your way Remus:*furiously nods*
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harrypotterishome · 4 years
seriously, does nobody even read harry potter anymore?
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squarepeg72 · 4 years
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An example of how a one-shot turns into so much more ... The original chapter was written for an picture prompt I found in a FB group ...  Prefect Chronicles Pairing: Hermione Grnager/Gregory Goyle Rating: T to E Hermione Granger and Gregory Goyle are named Prefects in their Sixth Year at Hogwarts. Can their forced friendship grow to be something more? Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/718134 FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12414375/1/Prefect-Chronicles-originally-Prefect-Secrets
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loveeari · 1 year
little lion man reminds me of reading the little harry potter scens where he's just trying to do his best. It reminds me of how Harry has to live with the decsions he has to make as a teenager. It shows the hope hermione used to have in the wizarding world. It shows the regret painted on Ron's face when he realized Fred was truly dead.
Little lion man gives gut wrenching sadness when you realize James left the world assuaming his son would be safe and just begging silently that Peter kept his promise to keep harry safe.
Sirius ran through the woods with this song stuck on his lips while Remus watched with unflinching sadness when he realized Sirius betrayed him twice.
it shows how lily died trying to protect what she loved the most and whatever she tried she failed.
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harrypotterishome · 4 years
ok so remember how in the 7th book, there was a taboo on 'voldemort'? so i've been thinking, and i've come to the conclusion that there's NO WAY that some people didn't start calling him voldy, vold on the mould, moldy voldy, etc. i mean it would be hilarious, jk rowling should have included this lol
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