#hes just a low level villain i think. just kinda doing his own thing. being disturbingly carnivorous
bbeelzemon · 1 year
no mom i swear im normal im sure every kid ties their hair back as tightly as physically possible and uses the feeling of their hair being pulled back as hard as possible as a sort of all-day passive/background stim and will frequently tighten it again several times an hour. im totally normal
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Vox and Velvette continuing to work with Valentino confuses me. Like, not even from a morality standpoint or "oh he treats them like shit", it's just a weird fuckin business choice. That man almost ruined one of Velvette's shows because he was throwing a tantrum, Vox regularly has to prevent him from causing scenes in public, he ACTIVELY ENCOURAGES VOX TO CAUSE A SCENE IN PUBLIC, he just seems like more trouble then he's worth, y'know? And on the surface it really does seem like he'd be pretty easy to get rid of. Since Vox could ABSOLUTELY kick his ass to kingdom come(like c'mon he can hold his own against ALASTOR-), and Vox and Velvette combine control literally all of the media in Hell(sans radio), they could kick Val out, or even straight up kill him, and then flood Hell with propaganda painting themselves as Good and Correct for this(which to be fair wouldn't be hard...). So then like. Why are they still working with him.
And then I remembered ~soul contracts~ and was like. Wait nvm that makes sense.
Right out the gate gotta make it clear that I do NOT MEAN THAT VAL OWNS THEIR SOULS OR ANYTHING that would be stupid. I mean like, social/political/whateverthefuck overlords got going on power works differently in Hazbin Hell then it does in any other setting. The Vees don't just have their reputation, they also have their soul contracts. And Valentino owns a LOT of souls. So, no matter how much propaganda the other two throw out there, no matter how low they drag him, Hell even if they kill him!, Vox and Velvette would lose a LOT of power by getting rid of Val. No matter how much damage he could do to the brand, they keep him around because he's better off as an ally then he is as an enemy, and he just. Hasn't done anything either consider egregious enough to outweigh any possible benefits of working with him, I guess. Small, fixable incidents that may damage the brand VS losing all those souls? The answers kinda obvious. There also might be a contract going on between the Vees but that's less about their souls being bound or whatever and more about like. Business. So. Not particularly dangerous for any of them I don't think.
Also there are two smaller reasons I'd like to discuss before I stop rambling: 1; Velvette probably uses Val's spit to make the love potions and 2; emotional connections with the other Vees.
The love potion thing is kinda obvious. Without Val, Velvette wouldn't be able to make her roofie juice, and since this is. Hell. Where all the sexually deviant freaks go to rot. Of course that's gonna be a popular item. And while I think the Vees would probably be fine if they took it off the market, that would still probably take a sizable chunk out of their profits, y'know? They can't really make it without Val's weird, disgusting pheramone spit.
And reason number 2: emotional connection. The Vees are a horrendous toxic polycule and we all know it. While I, personally, don't think Velvette and Valentino are dating(I still don't fucking trust that man and it's bad enough that he's involved with Vox), they do both have chemistry with Vox, and probably are at least on decent terms since they like. Sit together sometimes. WHATEVER THIS ISN'T A VEES RELATIONSHIP ANALYSIS(Im saving that for later)- basically what I'm saying is that Vox and Velvette probably, on some level, do care about and trust(?) Val, and vice versa. How much do they care? Unclear. Val's capacity for love is still TBD and Vox and Velvette's relationship seems a bit shakey at best, like they don't *fully* trust eachother, but there's still affection there!!! The Vees are exactly why we don't let villains discover the power of friendship, people!!!!!!!!! Like their part in the Finale is all the proof I need. You don't dance around like that with your business partners/fuck buddies lmfao, there's gotta be some genuine feeling there. So, at least a small part of why Val is still. Here. Is because Vox and Velvette do care about him. And, despite the fact that the three of them are entirely morally bankrupt and will probably die next season(god please don't let Vox die he's so silly :(), I can't help but find it sweet that they do kind of care about eachother. Like it's nice <3
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(Genuinely though I am still worried for Vox and Vel's safety like idc how bad those two are idc if they're on decent-ish terms with Val most of the time he is still the most realistically dangerous character in the damn show besides *maybe* Alastor's serial killer ass and anybody within a 10 foot radius of him should be considered At Risk)
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lizzylucky · 1 year
Thoughts and Observations From the Movie, Part 4/4
Back again one last time for whatever this nonsense compilation is!
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If it isn’t immediately recognizable, this is the scene when Leo goes “what you fail to understand is that I missed on purpose”, and he stabs the leg of the mech suit Krang one is in to ensure it goes with him when he teleports to the blade he threw to the other side of the portal. 
And I REALLY wanted to point out this particular shot because of the splatter. It’s kinda gory, but it further implies that the technology used by the Krang is not entirely inanimate; it’s got a biological nature entwined with the technological structure of everything. This is especially interesting to me for another sort-of theory I’ll explain later in the post.
Further content below the cut!
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More angst! Delicious. Prepare yourselves, because I have a lot to say about this part of the movie.
Watching the way each brother reacts to what they believe to be Leo’s death sentence, effectively his death, really, given they don’t think he’ll ever exist within their reality again, is… so hard, but it shows a lot about their individual thought processes.
Mikey had his hands clasped over his mouth, fear, anxiety, and disbelief radiating off him. He’s watching that portal shut down in slow motion, already teary eyed and subconsciously trying to will away what just happened. As the portal blinks out of existence, his arms drop to his side and his posture drops and stiffens in tandem with his forefront emotions mixing and making him go numb. Now, he’s just trying to process it, pushing against the reality as it trudges through the gears of his mind, still in fight or flight mode. He’s frozen between his disbelief and the latent need to do something while grief takes the place of all that anxiety he was feeling before.
I think this actually leads pretty seamlessly into his attempts to rescue Leo. It’s established right near the beginning of the movie that Mikey holds so much faith in his family and in himself, believing that your own determination can be stronger than anything that gets in your way. It’s one of his defining character traits; such a fundamental part of who he is that they use it to help introduce him in the movie.
“According to my calculations, as long as you believe in yourself, you can do anything!”
While Mikey is stuck processing what just happened to Leo, stuck in disbelief, his emotions are warring with who he is at heart, and it’s why he goes numb until that desperation to change reality by sheer force of will comes in. Until that point, he seems to struggle a little with differentiating between what he believed should have been the outcome, and what reality was telling him.
Raph, similarly to Mikey, watched the moments before the portal closed with fear and anxiety gripping his heart. He knew and understood what Leo was doing probably better than any of them because that’s what he does. You have to consider that only ten minutes prior to this, Raph had been fighting Leo with intent to kill and no control over that. 
Raph has been fighting for the entire movie, first against some low level villains, then the Foot Clan, then the Krang, then the take over of that horrible Krang biogrowth and against its mind control, and all of it, all of it, was for his brothers. This horrible thing the Krang did to him happened because he chose to protect Leo, and we all know he wouldn’t take it back for anything because his family comes first. He knows that, and he only just overcame all of it only to watch his little brother do something necessary but heartbreaking. 
I think Raph felt it was his job to protect Leo. Forget who’s leader, Raph is Leo’s older brother, and none of them, being kids, should have had to do any of this, so, naturally, it’s Raph’s job to lighten the load for them as much as possible. He thinks it should have been him up there, making sure his siblings never had to bear this particular burden again. Watching someone else do what was normally his job probably leaves him feeling out of place, leaves it all feeling utterly surreal, and when it’s done and their connection to his younger brother is cut off forever, he breaks.
Everything about this is unreal, but watching Leo make a concrete decision and watching the portal close were real, and with all those thoughts about being a protector floating around suddenly having been shut down, it’s all Raph can do to fall to his knees and grieve. Beat the earth for making the worst things a reality, slam his fists for having failed to do their job, curling in on himself because his sense of self, his sense of purpose, is crumbling and he has no other way to hold the pieces together.
He will never even have the opportunity to protect Leo again.
Then, there’s Donnie. I’ve seen a lot of really good interpretations of his reaction to Leo’s sacrifice, and though it isn’t a common one I should admit I disagree with the one where the reason he’s apparently shocked by his own tears is that he doesn’t really cry. He maybe doesn’t cry super often, but Donnie is, despite appearances and behavior, actually a very emotional person, more sentimental than all his family, in some ways. 
Notice that Donnie, at first, is facing the portal, and, for me at least, the expression on his face seems to convey a stream of thought composed entirely of the word “no”, over and over again. Like he’s mentally demanding “what are you doing?” and refusing to acknowledge that he knows exactly what Leo is doing, exactly what’s about to happen, and exactly what it means the rest of life is going to look like for him. 
Donnie, with his highly observational and overworked thought process is analyzing every part of this situation, following the logic of Leo’s decision, looking for any other possible outcome and ruling all ideas out, one by one, as every one of Leo’s words and every element of their circumstances converge on the same result. He’s so busy focusing on the analytical perspective of all the emotion that he doesn’t realize he’s panicking, doesn’t realize it isn’t an effective method against having to feel those emotions.
So, when the portal implodes and destroys every possible future with Leo in it, changes everything about how Donnie thinks and perceives his own reality, it forces every train of thought to a stop and Donnie to confront these emotions with no logical anchor to his new reality. I think that’s why he turns around, because the longer he looks at the last remaining remnants of what took his brother, the more real that all becomes, and it’s overwhelming.
It also seems to be why he’s so shocked by his own tears. He went from being engaged with countless logical trails to follow to overwhelmingly empty in several ways-- none of which he could put words to. Finding the tears on his face and realizing that the emptiness and grief and pain were all he had in that moment, and that they were getting past every failsafe he had to keep them under control, seemed to go against the nature of his own mind and further confirmed that even looking away from what happened made it no less real. 
If he was grieving already, then he couldn’t have imagined what he saw, and that’s just one more piece of logic that clears from his mind and leaves him emotionally stunned.
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Okay, that was a little intense, so. Let’s change tracks 😅
Supposedly even the shape of Raph’s and Donnie’s eyes here is a nod to the shape of Leo’s, and this is such a cool thought. Leo and Raph, earlier in the series, briefly had each other’s eyes when Ninja Mind Melding, which symbolized their intense connection to one another.
So the idea that something similar is happening here has me almost giddy. It was Mikey’s desperate attempt to save Leo that triggered the formation of the portal he creates, and Raph and Donnie are just as desperate once they realize all hope is not lost. What you see with their eyes here implies that the reason making this portal was possible is not just Mikey’s mystical prowess or his desire to open a portal to the prison dimension, but the brothers’ intense and deeply emotional attatchment to Leo. The portal worked because Mikey was looking for Leo, NOT the prison dimension. And I just think that’s neat
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That little red-ish spot in the center of this screenshot is Krang One, still in his mech suit, which is huge in comparison to the boys. Now look at the figure behind him, and think about how massive and mech-suit-like that thing is.
I don’t have screenshots from the last episodes of the show, but remember that they found the skeleton of a Krang inside the head of the crying titan? Who happens to be ENORMOUS? Yeah, I have some thoughts and concerns alike.
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And! A final, much fluffier note to end on! Subtitles don’t show it, and it was quiet enough that I missed it the first few times I watched the movie, but here on this ending scene, actually in the moment before it shows this particular image, you can hear Donnie shout, “all right, big Raphie, let’s do it!” and I just think that’s utterly adorable.
As I’m writing this I have no idea if anyone will read any of these four posts, but if you did, thank you! I like feeling heard :3 If you have any thoughts or add ons, or if you know, like, some super obscure, unknown cool/silly detail from the movie, I’d love to hear it! Additionally, if anyone wants me to expand on any of the things I said, or if you’re curious about my perspective on other theories around these things, my ask box is always open!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
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vegalocity · 1 month
Ok but like the oblivion au-
They do get into heaven. Via Nezha. Like, LBD still happens, and the sumadi fire. Mk is kinda like, “Ok, so imma put brain washing everyone on hold.” And he meets Nezha when the time comes.
Months later, when shit goes down, he brings in Nezha via Wukong, and gets him under. Using a special track for celestials. And boom. Celestial realm is his.
Ayo wtf are you spying on @unseelie-robynx and I's discord Dms or smth?
Ok but actually Nezha being involved is absolutely part of the whole thing as it goes. Admittedly- this whole thing DOES happen after LBD, the Oblivion series in its canon is post-LBD but pre-Bull Family officially calling it quits for now on the world domination thing (I mean ive always been of the mind that the quick turn around on the villains is to the show's detriment but granted how short a runtime it has they have to work with very little and i respect that)
But in the Bad end/Tyrant Prince timeline, Nezha does in fact get involved. Because- well... the Celestials aren't SO detached that they don't notice a city suddenly being ENTIRELY run by Sun Wukong's successor who's now running around calling himself a prince.
And since he has a history with Qi Xiaotian, Nezha is sent to investigate. By this point there aren't speakers lining the outside of the city streets just yet, fully pumping the air with a low level oblivion high to keep everyone placid and happy, but in most shops and public/government buildings it's being very softly played, so Nezha as he does his investigating isn't... really finding anything too odd. People seem to be going around just as normal.
And it's so... oddly tranquil... the kind of sensation that makes you just... want to not cause trouble for other people, just go about your day and be kind. (and the fact that that thought is so eloquent and dictated doesn't occur at this point) And Nezha is of course lured into such a state of 'well this is fine actually' that he doesn't see any real danger in approaching Xiaotian himself to check in.
Nezha leaves Xiaotian's new home, some old abandoned estate that he was in the middle of restoring with the help of Red Son and Long Xiaojiao, positive that this new direction the city was being taken in was for the best. In fact he was ready to immediately return to the celestial realm and leave a glowing report on the matter. Because Qi Xiaotian is truly a VERY well meaning person and he's so very aware of the issues that mortals face from his own humble beginnings so he can be trusted to look out for the people of the city.
He doesn't realize the thoughts in his head don't sound like his own internal voice until he's just beyond city limits, and the sun has set, when it was high in the sky when he had entered.
In the Tyrant Prince canon- he only notices this because it was a slip up in Xiaotian's messier Prince Days, he had forgotten to tell him to fully disregard and reason away anything like gaps in time and other such oddities. So when Nezha realizes he's missing SEVERAL hours that don't relate to the information he had- and trying to think about the particulars of the conversation he'd JUST been part of... the details become fuzzy like he's remembering something from thousands of years ago.
And it scares him.
He doesn't return to the celestial realm, he's afraid that in that missing time something was put in his head that would make him a danger-
So he just...doesn't go back. That thing you mentioned in the ask? That's like his biggest fear during all of this 'tyrant prince' stuff, that he might be used as a sleeper agent, a cataclysm that would give the child unprecedented control over the celestial realm.
He makes it to safety in canon- and in fact it's his testimony that shuts down the entire celestial realm into quarantine, nobody allowed in or out of the human realm.
and it also catches the ear of someone that might be able to do more than just watch with nervous eyes as to what may happen next. Someone with a personal stake in this as a dear friend is caught in this web.
Someone that may grow fed up with this sooner rather than later.
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beyblaiddyd · 2 years
Chainsaw Man Extended Thoughts Edition Under Cut
Denji: Just makes me sad not even on an effective emotional level it’s just a flat ah man kinda sadness that you feel when someone like trauma dumps in another person’s twitch chat and you feel bad for them but are also like dude I didn’t ask. I think theoretically speaking exploring the like Stupid, Naive, Young Shounen Protagonist and how rife that situation is for manipulation and exploitation Could be really interesting and the author’s clear personal investment in the situation could’ve primed him to do something interesting with it but the fact he hasn’t at all come to realize why these things happen in society and is just haunted by the Woman Devil or something. makes it. uhm. He’s sooo scared of the idea of a woman wanting to date him for an ulterior motive he does that plot literally 3 times. At least this final time it’s like another teenage with her own complex motivations and not just literally the USSR’s Bomb Devil Sleeper Agent (real plot point). I will say there is a certain low tier intrinsic satisfaction to seeing his development with Asa where he says he won’t just listen to what he tells him and is going to go do what he wants.
Makima: When she’s not on screen with Denji I did actually find her to be an interesting character and villain. The idea of a devil who by her very nature doesn’t hate humans and instead wants to build a perfect cage for them is like, not unexplored, but certainly less common than villains who just want to destroy shit for fun, so that was at least a little more fresh than the alternatives that could’ve been done. And the thing about her losing because in her egoism she never once recognized Denji as an individual person and only cared about him for Pochita is like a fine narrative cap even if the way that Chainsaw Man obsession was written was fucking unimaginably misogynistic. But my god her writing around Denji most of the time oh my god oh my god this writer hates women so much.
Power: I mean she’s just a joke character the writer got far too invested in. Having her around as the only teenage girl of the main cast to give Denji someone his age to bounce off of was something of a relief though the way the author framed and wrote her also made me want to kill him with a tire iron. Her plot progression ultimately felt so condensed like he realized he forgot to do a narrative for her and needed to do it all at the end. The whole “find me again and make me Power again” thing was I guess cute #besties.
Aki: Only character with an actually compelling story that was told completely. It felt a little rushed, unlike every other plot where I was begging for any kind of development or progression at all he was having progression happen to him all the time in fast forward and then he exploded and died. The snowball scene was horrifically corny but at least kind of emotionally impactful. Predictably his dynamic with Angel is the only thing I actually care about.
Kobeni: I can’t think about Kobeni for too long or I’ll get actually angry. The fact so many misogynistic men who were fetishizing her until the anime and then were like “omg she’s actually so annoying” and people were like “lol that’s the point !!! see it’s not misogynistic it’s feminist” makes me literally want to kill somebody. It’s not even like she’s that bad of a character like she’s being full force blasted by the misogyny beam but I could’ve tolerated her better without knowing the external reaction to her from every source. I think the only way they could’ve salvaged a good gag from her character is if when her car got totaled she’d flipped the fuck out and killed Santa herself like that is the only possible way Fujimoto could’ve salvaged any part of the joke of her character but that would mean letting any female character have a smidgen of agency and he couldn’t do that so. Other than that I think the only tolerable part of her character is that she became absolute besties with the Violence Devil if ONLY that had gotten explored more.
Angel: Not technically a main character but he is in my heart. The fact he was able to break out of Makima’s mind control has so many interesting implications that will never ever be explored. Is it because as a fellow devil who holds no hatred (though still holds malice) towards humans their powers are actually very close to each other? We will never know because the author doesn’t care! The scene with Aki grabbing his hand to save him is the only one that exists in my perfect mindscape.
I guess I HAVE to talk about these guys since they’re main characters now
Asa: I cannot fucking believe that this guy who clearly thinks it’s the ultimate evil to sexually exploit teenage boys is perfectly fine drawing Asa the way he draws her. Her researching fish for hours to go on a fake date with Denji is some kind of maneuver I am mildly charmed by her but the noxious radiation of how she is treated and also the fact this manga is Still Going For Some Reason makes it hard to think about her.
Hirofumi: I’m glad he’s back I found his design so cutie he is like a cat to me. Straight up thought he died in the Hell Devil/Darkness Devil encounter. We don’t know enough about him for further commentary.
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We made it to the end of Endwalker! Time for some quick thoughts.
People like to rag on ARR but even after everything that has happened, going to different dimensions, going to the end of the universe, the later ARR patches culminating in the banquet are still some of the most compelling parts of the game for me. I’m kind of a sucker for spy/mole stories. Wilred’s death still haunts me. I still hate Ilberd with the power of a thousand suns. The banquet is completely batshit and made me afraid of any suggestion of a party in the game, along with the dialog box “several cutscenes will play in sequence”. It’s too bad they took the fangs out of it in Heavensward, but I will always have my dread of NPCs handing Nyall a drink.
I’ll probably write about it more but I appreciate that the narrative went from the classic FF black and white light vs dark story to something that was more nuanced and built a conceptual foundation for Light and Dark so that it was only a preponderance of one or the other that’s bad. I especially like that Light became a force of stasis, which echoes the very many light vs dark stories in which light is the conservative force. Like restoring the rightful king, that sort of thing. Darkness became a force of change, which the villains took to extremes by creating chaos, but it’s this dynamic force which saved the planet in time immemorial. That’s neat!! Especially early on I felt that the Warrior of Light was only keeping an untenable situation barely in check. And frankly that situation was so bad and I felt awful just keeping it in check that I’m glad to not necessarily have that job in the game anymore.
For a game this long there weren’t a lot of low points but the early Stormblood patches take the cake. I like Yotsuyu well enough as a villain, she’s bracingly cruel. Giving her amnesia and making her into some weird adult child is just kinda insulting and lazy. There’s only a couple good moments in this sequence and that’s Hien musing about culpability and Nyall almost going apeshit on Asahi because I wanted to go apeshit on Asahi. But then I didn’t even get to kill him! So that’s a wash. Plus these patches have Zenos reappear after being dead, and he’s the bane of my existence.
Speaking of, he’s our most long running villain so I get why he’s the final fight in Endwalker, but personally that was a waste. Zenos is so boring!! So boring. He has no ideas of his own, the worst thing he did to Nyall was Fandaniel’s idea, not his. I only hate him for wasting our time. He has fucked up Echo powers akin to our own so power-level wise he’s really our only equal but like. Do something! Anything really. Just sitting in your weird tower dreaming about fighting the Warrior of Light does not a good villain make. He’s not even that threatening because he wants us alive 100% of the time. Dude needs his anhedonia treated and a new hobby. Leaving him at the edge of the universe is not dead enough for me, there needs to be no way whatsoever for him to bother me ever again.
Emet-Selch however, very good villain, probably my favorite in all of FF, but I think I will save that for a new post.
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truly-quirkless-a · 8 months
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Type: World Building/Plotting the Timeline
Okay, so...differences to the timeline + addition of the last two movies, and I've finally seen the Dark Hero Arc, so...ideas on that. All under the cut, bye~.
One thing that I don't need to put under the readmore: eradicating Quirkless' final two abilities, 'Selective Manifestation' and 'Total Manifestation'. The best Fin can do is the Quirkless Field, and the Quirks they have post-Kamino are unusable due to Quirkless being eternally on in their own bloodstream.
We'll segment this into areas based on what I saw, starting with the more recent, and probably ending with what I saw first.--
World Heroes Mission
First off- least favorite of the three movies, but Flec was pretty cool. I already knew a good portion of the plot thanks to MHUI, but everything involving Rody's involvement...had no clue. Y'see, I kinda- skipped- the story parts in the case files...so I could get to beating the levels.... ^^;
This movie actually solidified something for me. I've been thinking about Fin's ability to selectively manifest Quirks, and it makes no sense with Quirkless itself...so I'll be retconning that they can use the other Quirks AfO gave them after Kamino Ward. The Quirk 'Quirkless' may gain a larger radius thanks to this movie, but that'd be about it, if anything.
The only two routes I have in my head are:
Fin stays with Yagi at the command center for the whole operation against Humarise, due to 'Quirkless' not having too many effective uses. However, this wouldn't make sense since their Quirk is incredibly similar to Aizawa's.
The more likely route: Fin is also dispatched with the other Heroes. Most likely, they'd end up following Endeavor and his team- though they wouldn't follow Bakugo and Todoroki.
So- they'd just be another one of the background characters for the movie, though I may hint towards them having been contacted by Humarise before it. Might write a bit of that movie, but it wouldn't be an Event on the blog since I can't sort out any big impact Yagi and Fin would each have. They're both preeeeetty much sidelined the whole film.
Heroes Rising
This movie? FUCKING AWESOME. Fin and Yagi basically won't exist the entire time, but still. Great movie--- though they'll both be rushing the moment they hear Nabu Island is under attack...only to arrive after the dust has settled. Fin will obviously help with repairs- I assume that 'Heroes Rising' takes place between seasons three and four, which means that the second semester at U. A. hasn't started...yet.
After helping at Nabu Island, Fin's kind of pulled into working alongside other Heroes and working on upgrading U. A.'s security system- when they aren't working on getting construction crews coordinated, they're training (for reasons they don't quite understand at first) with a Hero- who quickly becomes a friend amidst their training for upcoming fights.
I'm tempted to say that Hero is Hawks, but for now...unsure. Might be Aizawa that they end up training with, since that'd make more sense due to the two having similar Quirks.
Yeah, Aizawa.
Fin will still take part in Eri's Rescue, but they're still a minor role- and they get sucked into keeping Toshinori safe when the few embers of OfA he has burns out mid-fight (he warns them and Fin forces him back). The two ultimately fight some low-level villains, jointly.
And of course, they go to the school festival (Fin took a picture of Yagi's smile before they started jamming like Hell with the rest of the crowd)...
Fin does get pulled into watching the 1-A vs. 1-B fights, mostly at the inquiring of Toshinori.
They get pulled into working alongside Endeavor's sidekicks/Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki in his agency for several months, still juggling Hero work and organizing the construction teams every day to the best of their ability.
Since Aizawa went with the team towards the hospital, Fin was sent in the opposite direction- towards the manor of the Paranormal Liberation Front. They went near the front with the other Heroes, though a berth was kept around them when they activated their Quirk.
Fin was hospitalized after the Paranormal Liberation Front attack, and was told (while in the hospital) that the security system for U. A. was finally up and running. Due to them knowing the extent of One for All at that point, they were pulled into the plan that leads into the Dark Hero Arc...
The Dark Hero Arc
For the most part, Fin and Toshinori didn't really split during this arc. They comforted Toshinori for the most part, when the two weren't rushing somewhere or trying to keep Midoriya in good health. Fin was injured by the assassins that tried to take out Yagi- and some of the blood from their injury was kept by Stain.
When Stain had his chat with All Might, he made sure to immobilize Fin before putting his blade to the Hero's neck.
By the end of the arc, they're starting to wig since the timer just got shortened from thirty days to a handful.
I assume there's more in the manga, but I have a space in my knowledge between the Dark Hero Arc and what's currently happening, so...no further ideas for the time being! I do have ideas concerning the final fight, but I'll keep from bringing those up here for the time being.
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Okay, I think I got rid of all my energy from watching those two movies back-to-back after finishing up S6 of MHA Tues-Wed.
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A self-list of the Events I'll probably open to the public on the blog when they hit... These will be open to any muse participating, so long as they have interacted with Yagi or Fin at least once. If it hasn't been discussed between me and the mun of any muse who participates, it will be assumed other's muses are not from YagiFin's world, and, as such, are doubles from other worlds (so the counterpart for YagiFin's world will also be present).
I haven't read the descriptions for the first or second case files, those may also be added. If they are, they'll be between S5 and S6.- Since (from what I can tell) all of the case files take place during the kids' work studies under Endeavor. Which, in this AU, would also pull Fin into working through the cases as well.
S1 - The USJ Incident
S2 - Evan Well's Return
Movie 1 - Two Heroes
S3 - The Summer Camp Incident/Bakugo and Fin's Kidnapping/All Might's Reveal
S4 - The Shie Hassaikai Raid
S6 - The Paranormal Liberation Front War
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talk about ur loz ocs!! what are their names. which game/era(s) do they belong to. what kinda funky characteristics do they have. and most importantly would they eat a flower (whole, unchewed)
:D anon my beloved
mostly i just have my own oc link ganon zelda trio! i don't have a really concrete era for them, but i generally place them somewhere after twilight princess- at least a few centuries.
they're like. a fairly atypical trio? i'll talk about them one at a time lol i should try to keep this at least somewhat organized. also if i'm playing fast and loose with loz lore at any point no i'm not /silly
the main funky thing about my link is that he's more of a rogue than anything! his main thing is being sneaky rather than openly fighting like a knight would, and in the hypothetical game i think i would give him a gimmick a little bit like the bracelet from albw, except instead of a painting it lets him turn into a cloud of mist, which also gives him his title (hero of mist) :D i will go into more detail about where he got that later, but it was very helpful in his adventures (altho. i will admit. i have not thought about his adventures that hard lol). he has anxiety and he doesn't really like being the center of attention very much, and most of his hero-ing was mostly just... because he kind of defaulted to doing it. he was raised in the castle with zelda because he was identified as the hero at a very young age, and there was a surprisingly low level of expectations put on them both for the whole situation but he still always knew that he was going to do the hero thing at some point. it's not that he doesn't love hyrule or see it as worth doing or anything, it's just that he's not naturally the "hero type"
zelda is kind of like a sister to him, and i have developed her regrettably less than either link or ganon but she's honestly more like, "classically heroic" than link is? i think of her as like half knight half sorcerer, except instead of being half as good at both of them she's just a wild overachiever. she is the "he asked for no pickles" to link's anxious mess and has no patience for anyone's bullshit
ganon is probably the one with the most development bc i'm attached to him lol. i made this whole trio based off of the idea of ganon being just as trapped in the cycle as link and zelda, a ganon who has no choice about what he does or becomes and the fact that he is the villain of this story. my ganon isn't demise, nor is he like the ganons from the games. he carries the remains of demise like a parasite, instead of it being part of him like the hero's spirit was for link, and he knows what it is, because he dreams about his other reincarnations (sans botw) from the time he's young. when he's like 12ish and link and zelda are ~10, before he's old enough to really Get It, he becomes friends with them, and because the three of them are all lonely kids they become really close; the only thing ganon loves more than hyrule is link and zelda.
ganon has a lot of innate magical power, and as he grows up and gets more training as a sorcerer he chooses to become a healer, one of the best hyrule has seen, and he also makes the pendant that lets link turn into mist. when he's like... 18ish and link and zelda are 16, it becomes increasingly clear that hyrule is headed towards something Bad, and it becomes equally clear to ganon that the longer he goes without fulfilling his destiny the more that the spirit of demise is going to make him into the thing he's been fighting not to be his entire life, and he doesn't want link and zelda to see him like that and he doesn't want to actually hurt them. so instead, he leaves without a word and essentially starts trying to make it look like he's genuinely aiming to conquer hyrule, even though he's still the same good person he was before, and he plays that role effectively enough to convince link and zelda he's actually betrayed them- mostly because up until the final confrontation they're still trying to tell themselves that he's not the person attacking hyrule, and when they finally see him again they're too shocked to really process it, and they're forced to defend themselves. they only find out that it was a lie and he still loves them just before he dies.
(i also have a lu au where i put this link with the chain that involves ganon coming back to life bc i got too attached to him but that's a topic for another post lol)
AND. yes they would all eat a flower without hesitation. in order from most to least likely it's zelda, ganon, link
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (v)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, ghosts, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, rats
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: why did i like this chapter sm someone explain. anyway!! y’all are so passionate about these two i love it mwah
if you have any ideas for future inventions/evil plans, lemme know! i might actually end up using them
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
He dislikes the subway. 
Other than his other valid reason to have disdain for trains, the subway is dark, it’s shady and he’s sure he’s seen rodents fight to the death here on several occasions.  
Still, he’s following you down the stairs of the station, watching as you whistle along to the song blasting through your headphones. There’s a backpack swung over your shoulders, hands stuffed into the pocket of your hoodie and converse doing a skip every now and then. There’s a bandana that’s tied across your face, acting as a mask to hide your identity. 
He realises that you’re dressed like a commuter. Were you going to dress the part every single time?
You walk along with the crowd. He follows, a few feet away.
Until you stop. He abruptly stops too, leading someone to walk right into him. 
“Watch it, dumbass,” they hiss with the courage of someone who has no idea who he is. He ignores them. 
He looks on as you dig around your backpack and pull out a roll of paper. A poster, he realises soon when you peel off a layer from the back and press it to the wall. 
Was it legal to put up posters in the subway? He wasn’t quite sure. 
He observes as you turn around and continue down the path. He waits a few seconds before trailing up to the poster.
Volunteers needed!
If you’re interested in being turned into a ghost for a couple of hours, this is your chance! Should be okay with being on camera so that we can make money off of taped paranormal sightings.
Paid opportunity. You get to pick your outfit. Randos don’t apply.
He yanks the poster of the wall before continuing down the same place you did.
He finds another poster along the way. He doesn’t hesitate in pulling it down. You were advocating to kill people. 
He knows he’s going in the right direction because more posters creep up along the wall.
The both of you are on the platform by now but to him, something changes about the placement of the posters. They were growing in frequency, the distance between them decreasing as they were situated close to each other.
He pauses in front of the next one, hand hovering over the paper.
All it reads is ‘STOP’.
He furrows his eyebrow, pulling it down before peering over at the next one.
‘TAKING’, is all that it says.
It doesn’t take him very long to make his way through all the posters in the hallway. 
The train’s arrived by now but a quick scan over the crowd and he knows that you haven’t entered. That, and he knew that you were too dramatic to leave without a trace or a small conversation with him. 
Tasteful, he thinks. 
“It took effort to make them, stop ruining it,” you whine from the end of the hallway. It’s empty, given that rush hour was over a while ago. 
Even though the mask covers half your face, it’s obvious that there is mischief etched under it. The twinkle in your eye is telling. 
“You’re literally killing people.” He holds up the poster. Not the ‘dickhead’ one. He pockets that for later. 
He knows there are a few minutes before the next train arrives and more people flood the station. The eccentricity of today lay in the lighting from the incandescent lamps and acoustics of the platform. It made his voice echo like a movie scene. 
“I very much am not,” you huff. 
“You’re turning them into ghosts. That’s what a murderer does,” he says pointedly. 
“Well, only if you keep saying it like that. You’re making me look bad.” You cross your arms across your chest. “What are you, Fox News?” 
A scurry next to him earns his attention. Two rats nibble at a piece of fallen food. He wonders when they’ll starting brawling. 
“Explain this.” He waves the poster around. He isn’t taking it too lightly he hopes. If it’s actual murder then it’s going to be an issue. 
You pull out a black cylinder, slightly bigger than a pen. He can’t really see any more details, but you hold onto it like a wand. 
“I’m turning them into ghosts. I’ll post videos of them doing stupid shit. I get famous and then boom, cash money.” You rub your index finger and thumb together. “I’ll give you a share if you volunteer.”
“You’re not explaining the death part.” 
He can feel it. You’re about to start derailing. 
“Winter Soldier, the ghost story. Literally.” You grin, yanking down the mask from your face to prove it. It pools around your neck. “That’s so funny, c’mon, it’d be amazing.”
It’s been years since he’s heard that. Never in this context. 
“No,” he says sternly, “and I’m going to have to bring you in if you’re going to kill people.”
The rats were ignoring everything that was going down like the hardened criminals that they were. They had probably seen worse. He can’t stop paying attention to them.
“I’m not killing them, bro.” You raise your hands in exclamation. “I’m just moving some molecules around, some frequency shit. They’re alive, just ghosts.”  
He’s always been one for science. Straight As throughout high school, attended science conventions as a hobby, alive even at 100 through some mad experimentation, definitely seen some weird shit during his lifetime. 
But this doesn’t make sense.
“No,” he repeats. “Give me the thing.”
“Fine, I’ll show you.” You roll your eyes. “Since you have absolutely no faith in me.”
He does a quick review of his surroundings. 
No one’s around, which is good. 
But that just leaves him in front of you, which is bad.
“Don’t you even thin-” he starts, muscles tensing as he shifts into a defensive stance.
You whip out the little pen thing from beside you but before he can react you turn around and duck. 
The click of a button releases a bright light, small but intensely stronger than the fluorescents in the station.
He reels back, feet carrying him away from where you’re crouched. His eyes quickly look down at his body. 
Nothing’s changed. 
He lifts his hand to check, runs it over his face. Still alive. He thinks.
“Behold,” you declare, “Ghost rat.”
He looks to where you’re pointing. The two rats from earlier were still nibbling on their food but something was off about them. 
He could see the faint outline of the tiles on the wall behind them, almost like they were... translucent.  
You aimed at the rats, not him. He doesn’t know whether to feel relieved or annoyed at the fake threat.
He watches as they move. They don’t look hurt or injured.
“Cool, huh?” you say smugly. 
He can’t stop staring at them. 
“Bring them back.”
“They’re fine, look how abstract it is.”
“Bring back the rats.” He can’t believe this is what his life has come to.
Bucky Barnes, Rodent Protector.
You aren’t fazed by his indifference, instead wonder filled eyes gaze at the animals. “Astral mice, sarge. Embrace the miracle of modern science.”
“You killed them.”
“They’re alive, they’re just ghosts.” You raise a finger to point. “Look, they’re still eating. Biological functions are still taking place.” 
 Which was true. But still. He doesn’t know what is going on.
“Bring them back to... non-ghost alive.” 
“You sure you don’t want one? That one kinda looks like you.” One hardened glare after you realise the answer. “Jeez, alright then.”
You dig through your bag before pulling out a matte black replica of your current invention. 
“Sexy colours, right?” You hold them up. “I modelled them after your arm.”
He looks down. Sure enough the gold and black matched his cybernetic limb. It was oddly flattering. 
“Say thank you, Y/N, for letting me be your muse-”
“Un-ghost the rats.” 
“Ungrateful,” you narrow your eyes at him. 
Still, you comply with his demands, ducking down to their level again.
A click of the button, a bright light and the rats are back to normal. Non-transparent normal.
“Okay, give me that.” He takes a step towards you. 
“Nuh uh.” You pull your arm back. His mouth twitches at your response; what are you, five?
The black one is stuffed back into your bag but you wave around the gold like a threat. 
He sighs, making a pass for it. In a second his arm is twisted and shoved against his back, forcing him to spin so that he’s facing away from you. His eyes widen.
What the fuck?
“Now we’re having a good time,” you whisper into this ear. 
He swiftly turns around, grabbing your wrist to rotate his own out of your grip. 
“Since when can you fight?” he asks.
“Are we getting to know each other now?” You raise your leg to give him a semi gentle kick in the side, using his momentary distraction in blocking it to give him a knock on the head with your free hand. “This is so romantic, sarge.”
There’s a low rumble in the distance and he knows the train would soon start pulling into the station. It was still a distance away, but his heightened senses warned him that it wouldn’t take much time. 
He groans. How much longer would he have to go at this?
He could easily win this fight and he knew it. But something in him itched, pulled him back from doing it.
He blocks another attempt at his head. “Stop that.”
You grin. “You know what’d be fun?”
He knows you’d reply even if he didn’t encourage it. The lights from the train light up the tunnel around the corner. 
“This.” You don’t give him a second to recover before you flick your wrist away from him.
The device flies out of your hand and right onto the track. The both of you watch, you in glee, he in horror, as the train runs right over it, unleashing the brightest light he had ever seen. His eyes shut instinctively before it blinds him.
He forces himself to pry open his eyelids, look at the damage caused. 
The train, sure enough, is translucent. He can see the posters on the other side of the platform through the carriage, through various people holding onto the poles for support or seated on the seats.
“Ghost train!” you cheer. He’s mortified.
“Fuck no,” he mumbles, yanking the backpack off your shoulder. He rummages through it, looking for the gold version.
“You lookin’ for this?” you ask nonchalantly, holding it up in your hand like it isn’t the solution to stopping a bunch of ghosts from wandering around New York. 
“Turn them back.” He gives you a chance. 
“Do it yourself, coward.” You grin, holding it above your head. The train is going to stop and he needs everyone to be alive and non-ghost before they leave.
He doesn’t wait this time, instead turning to you. The thing is still held in your grip above your head. He rolls his eyes, doing a quick assessment before grabbing your free hand, tugging you closer and plucking the device out of your hand before you have the opportunity to retract it.  
“Great, now figure out which button to press.” You’re dangerously close to him. He can feel your hoodie brush against his tactical jacket. “Also if you wanted to be all pressed up against me, you could have just asked.” 
He furrows his eyebrows, letting go of you as you give a loud laugh. He looks down at the device. It has several buttons, littering up and down the side. Each look the same. 
The train’s slowing down. 
“They’re both the same device; this version is not a magical solution to the other one. If you press the wrong button then both of us are going to be fucked.”
The last carriage is getting closer. 
“Say I win this round and I’ll fix it.” 
There’s a gleam in your eye. He knew this was exactly what you wanted. 
He wishes he was as stubborn as Steve, just run through each button until the right one worked.
“You win this one.” He hands it back. He wasn’t like Steve and judging by the number of items the idiot jumped out of planes without a parachute on a daily basis, Bucky was glad about it. At least Bucky did it sporadically.
“Yay, two each for the both of us, then,” you say, taking it from him and twisting, eyes running down the sides. “Close your eyes, old man, or else your cataract’s gonna get worse.”
Right as the train pulls to a stop, you press down on the button before throwing it and the blinding light that emanates from it. It lands on the top of the train right as the doors open. 
The passengers start stepping out. Some of them are looking at their hands and legs in a little disbelief, most just push through the crowd to leave.
He can’t see through them. It’s a good sign. 
He turns to look at you but you’re not there. Instead, the weight of the small device weighs down in his pocket.
The sound of a thud on glass draws his attention. 
He looks up at the train. The window of the carriage in front of him has a bit of fog on it. You trace a heart in the condensation and blow him a kiss before pulling your mask back on.
The train starts moving, leaving him alone in the platform again with your invention.
He lets out an exhale, wandering outside to grab a sandwich before waiting to catch the next train to go home. 
Later in the evening, he catches hold of a bit of tape and the ‘Dickhead’ poster finds a place on Sam’s door. 
He doesn’t appreciate it.
So now it’s tucked away in the shelf of Bucky’s bedside table along with a freeze ray, a ghost-inator, and some discount Pym Particles. 
Next part
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adrinoir · 3 years
Let’s talk about Luka
Ah, yes. The laidback blue-haired pretty boy of the show. He’s been the hot topic of the fandom lately ever since he - ahem - discovered Marinette and Adrien’s secret identities, but didn’t say a word about it.
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Even aside from just that, there are people who are still sad about the whole Lukanette breakup and that they’re just buddies now. Sooo, I kinda wanna give some background on it all plus talk about my own thoughts.
Fair warning/Disclaimer: this is going to be really long and I also DO like Luka as a character. Don’t try to tell me I’m too salty or don’t appreciate him.
Despite all the people who ship Lukanette, I’m happy their relationship ended. Rip me apart for all I care, but I have good reasons why.
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Buggachat wrote this great post that’s been living rent free in my mind, about how Luka’s whole attitude of just “being okay” with Marinette loving someone else is “good enough” for her. She’s right - it’s not good enough, and there’s still so many people who overlook that.
I’ve heard talk of Marinette not being good enough for Luka (which is true), but he’s also not good enough for Marinette. They’re not good enough for each other. Him just accepting defeat that Adrien has won Marinette’s heart is setting a very low bar for Marinette.
Think about this, too. Sure she liked him, but it’s not okay to date someone when you still have very strong feelings for someone else. Marinette shouldn’t have tried dating Luka just because she liked him a little and wanted to get over Adrien. And Luka shouldn’t have been okay with being Marinette’s back up plan. That’s such an unhealthy romantic relationship and I really don’t understand how so many people were okay with it.
May I also mention, the relationship ended because Marinette was hiding a secret from Luka and she wasn’t spending enough time with him. NOT because they settled for each other.
I’m really hoping they’ll have a solid friendship. It seems like they already do, but things could land on thin ice with Luka still being in love with Marinette and him now knowing she’s Ladybug and her love (Adrien) is Chat Noir.
Luka Finding Out Their Identities
Well, it’s kind of odd to a lot of the fandom that Luka made the choice to not inform Ladybug that he now knows both her and Chat Noir’s real identities. Like he absolutely didn’t have to do keep it to himself.
The big issue is, him knowing could easily put Ladybug and Chat Noir in danger. Like, if he gets akumatized again (mind you, he’s already been akumatized TWICE), or he gets hit by an akumatized victim, he could leak their identities. Either Bunnyx would have to step in or Ladybug would need someone to take the snake miraculous (then again, I’m not even sure how effective second chance would be in a situation like that).
It’s so incredibly risky to hold that secret. However, we could give Luka the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he doesn’t know how dangerous it is to know their identities without telling them.
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But the real question still stands: why did he not tell Ladybug? There’s some possibilities for that.
Why Luka didn’t say anything
1. He doesn’t want to put more stress on Marinette
Luka obviously loves Marinette and wouldn’t try to harm her, as far as we know. So he could just be holding it in for the sake of her own sanity at the moment. He could wait and tell her when he feels she’s doing a lot better.
2. He just wants them to keep their identities known to each other, doesn’t want to get involved
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The identity reveal is a huge thing and it’s pretty well known that Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t really reveal their identities to anyone since it’s really unsafe (although it’s somehow okay in America? make it make sense.)
But, it’s been made clear that Ladybug and Chat Noir don’t really know each other’s identities. Maybe Luka’s train of thought is telling ladybug or Chat Noir could lead to them prying to know each other’s identities. OR he simply just doesn’t want to come between them and cause any sort of commotion. It’s a big load to deal with, after all.
3. He wants Marinette back
We obviously already know he still loves Marinette. He could be holding onto the secret because he could eventually tell her he knows she’s Ladybug now, and it could somehow restore their relationship. Luka would have a leg up because he knows Marinette’s deepest secret. He could comfort her and connect with her on that level, unlike Adrien who doesn’t know her identity.
4. It could be a shock reaction
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I mean, this is the simplest one aside from “him not wanting to put more stress on Marinette.”
Just by judging the look on his face and the way he said their names, Luka was in complete shock when he saw Ladybug become Marinette and Chat Noir become Adrien. Which is a completely appropriate response to all that, also considering he got insight to their insane childhood dreams.
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Maybe there was still that factor of shock, even when Ladybug asked if he saw them unmasked. Luka may not have known how to process it and think of a good answer. So the best thing to do would be to just hide it until he figures out how to talk to her about it.
5. He could be the new Hawk Moth (or villain)
I’ve been on board with this theory for a while now for SO many reasons. With Miraculous, you never know where the plot’s gonna take us. But, I’m going to elaborate more on this theory in my last section in this post.
Why I’m suspicious of Luka (& why you should be, too)
Overall, I am very suspicious of Luka and his motives/intentions deep down. Never trust an incredibly passive man.
He’s such an aloof character and the writers really make an effort to drive that point home. He kinda just goes with the flow. Super chill, talks through his music.
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He’s also still a bit of a mystery. We don’t often see him talk about issues he’s having (one of the only ones we’ve seen is him not knowing his dad and then feeling really conflicted when he figure out it was Jagged Stone.) So, how are we even supposed to know what his internal thoughts and feelings are? He’s so quiet, so passive, and hardly shares what he’s thinking. He mainly focuses on helping other people.
Also consider, he’s been akumatized TWICE. For someone who isn’t usually up front about his inner thoughts, it’s very interesting to me he’s been akumatized twice. In order for Hawk Moth to akumatize someone, they have to be experiencing strong, negative emotions. So, Luka clearly has some negative feelings that he bottles up. I can’t even imagine what he’s hiding.
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There is easily a chance he could be the next villain, especially now that he knows who the two biggest miraculous holders are. Luka being such an aloof and likable character could be a front. So many people like him and then boom, he’s the most diabolical villain in the whole show.
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retvenkos · 3 years
“would it be terribly cheesy if i said ‘it was always you’?”
so first of all, you and ej knew each other long before you ran into each other in high school. because, you see, you went to junior high together, and in those days, both you and ej were on dance company 
(you can pry dance company! ej from my cold, dead fingers)
you were arguably the better dancer, and seventh grade ej really wanted to prove himself. a baby competition sprouted between the two of you, but it was nothing big.
you both liked to show off in order to taunt the other, and you both got a kick out of trying to one up each other.
but at the same time, you were teammates. you did everything together.
so the bond between you and ej was strong. it was a competition, yes, but it was friendly competition and you both actually hyped each other a lot. 
plus, dance company does a lot of things as a group, so it was unavoidable. you were going to end up liking each other at some point. luckily, it happened sooner rather than later, and the two of you built up a nice rapport with one another - a closeness forged in friendly competition and last minute studying parties.
but all that changed when you went to north high and ej went to east high
now, since north high is completely fictional, i get to create the dynamic between the schools, so listen up everyone!
north high clearly has the better arts department, and they also have the better tennis and softball team.
east high has the better stem department as well as a better swim team and any other swim related sports.
west high has the better sport teams overall - basketball, football, volleyball, etc.
(that's why we never see any uber jocks at east high—)
now, clearly you have your boundary school, but people get on special permit all the time, and when you say you’re going to north high ej is like ???? but why ???
“they have a better arts department, ej, you know that!”
“well, yeah, but east high is the best. we always said we were going to be wildcats!”
“ej.... they’re actually leopards.”
it wasn’t a super emotional goodbye. you promised to stay in touch, and it wasn’t like it was hard. you still saw each other around the mall, you still followed each other on instagram and what not but.... time just got between you.
you slowly stop texting, you see each other less, when you see each other in public you do that thing where you give a smile but then don’t go over to say hi, because you’re wrapped up in other people. it’s not pointed things, you just... stop talking.
and you still like each others photos on instagram but you’re just... there. 
all of that changes, however, when carlos asks you to help him choreograph hsm.
at the time, the rivalry between schools wasn’t big, it was just a low simmer, and the reason carlos approached you was because once upon a time, you, ej, and him had all been in dance company together for one (1) year (it all comes full cIRCLE) and for one of your performances, you had done something hsm related.
carlos wanted to know if you remembered the routine and could help him come up with something slightly more advanced.
and while you and carlos hadn’t really kept up with one another, he jokingly brought up a time where he did something for you, and how you always said you’d pay him back one day and maybe now it was time to cash it in??
you decided why not? you’ve done a lot of stuff for north high’s dance company, but you’ve never helped out in a musical before (and as you can imagine, north high is very competitive in their arts)
so you joined the hsm cast as co-choreographer.
now, because you had your own north high dance company stuff to deal with, you end up missing a lot of rehearsals. you mostly brainstorm with carlos and add tweaks to the choreo. carlos is the one to really ~teach~ things.
which means that while you are present for ~the drama~ that was ej-nini-ricky, you actually miss a lot of it. you feel the tension, but exactly why it’s Like That is beyond you.
you tried to ask carlos once but he said he wasn’t going to get into that, thank you.
and honestly, you have competitions to keep up with, so you’re not fixated on it. you’re just hoping that they’re not still pissed at each other on opening night, when ej has to strap ricky in for “getcha head in the game”
and while you’ve chatted with ej a couple of times, you haven’t had much time to catch up.
you actually bond a lot with gina, who is on the same level as you in terms of dance. you end up talking and mention how ej was once on dance company, and that rocks her world because ej???
and that’s when you show her all of the old videos you archived on your instagram from your junior high days. carlos, ej, and you all in dance company. they’re precious.
and when ej’s friendships are strained and he doesn’t have anyone to turn to, he sees you and gina laughing and crowding over your phone, and he comes to say hi.
and thus, the friendship begins again.
it is, of course, slow going because so much time has come between you, and gina and carlos (the two you hang with the most) are not on great terms with ej, but you guys grow really close all over again. ej is glad to have another senior to talk to about college, and you’re glad you have an old friend to talk to because it’s easy to feel out of place in this school that isn’t yours.
and on opening night, you know ej gifts you something - maybe it’s a jacket or beanie with the wildcats emblem on it.
“it’s kinda stupid, but we always said we were going to be wildcats together, and we did it.”
“huh, i guess we did.”
and for some reason, you chest is really warm, and you can feel the heat sneak up to your cheeks.
“this is really sweet, ej.”
“well, you know me.”
“yeah, i guess i do.”
and then it’s his cue to get ready to go on stage.
“oh! and there should be another surprise coming, don’t hate me for not telling you!”
and you’re ??? but it turns out to be gina.
you all clearly go to denny's afterward to celebrate, and if ej feels his heart seize in his chest everytime you laugh or steal one of gina’s fries, it’s not an unfamiliar feeling. because really, it had always been like that, with you. you never cease to amaze him.
and once you’re on the east high theatre group chat, you never get taken off of it, so you know everything that’s going on with your theatre buddies, after hsm has finished.
and this is where a conflict of interest really comes in...
because, you see, once hsm is a hit, some of the theatre kids at north high think you’re a traitor. you gave east high their secrets, and now east high is an actual contender. uncool, (y/n).
so you kind of get iced out by a lot of north high kids. like i said. competition there is  s t e e p  and you’ve been accused of fraternizing with the enemy..
but when zach roy shows up and he hears about the drama surrounding one (y/n) (l/n), he gets an idea... so he approaches you one day after dance company practice...
“he asked you to do wHAT?”
you’re texting ej, carlos, and gina in a group chat
“he asked me to co-choreograph their show.”
“are you going to do it?” - carlos
“of course they are! do you think opportunities like this just fall out of the sky?” - gina
“i don’t know, though, i feel like he’s working some angle with me. there’s something about him that doesn’t feel genuine.”
“it’s those piercing blue eyes.” - carlos
“i have piercing blue eyes!”
“and you’ve never done anything underhanded?” - gina
“we did that together!”
“what should i do?”
“accept, clearly!” - gina
“i’d be careful, if i were you. miss jenn doesn’t trust him for a reason.” - carlos
“it’s up to you, (y/n). you’ll do great, and it’s a great opportunity.”
and everyone can feel the pause - the conflict where ej doesn’t know what to say.
“but nothing! this is a HUGE opportunity! he’s dancer extraordinaire derek hough zach roy! i’d be the villain of your eventual documentary if i were to try to hold you back.”
“okay... i think i’ll do it. you know how competitive things are, here. this could really give me a boost.”
“hell yeah, (y/n)!” - gina
“spy on their production for us?” - carlos
“anything for you <3″
i imagine you clash a lot with lily, but you actually become really good friends with howie and antoine. but that’s beside the point.
and while things are on good terms at first, your bond with your wildcats stays strong, and you’re carving out a place in north high rehearsals, lily is quick to find out that you’re on the east high group chat.
and because this is hsmtmts, i get to have some fun with this premise.
lily gets some kind of tech nerd on her side, and she gets him to make it so that somehow, the text that you get from the theatre group also send to her phone, for maximum stalking of the competition. that’s how she always gets one step ahead of east high.
and as north high seemingly continues to have insider info on east high, someone suspects there’s a leak.... which leads to you. who else has access to north high? so they send a fake text and wait to see if north high takes the bait.
they do. so now east high thinks it’s you.
but at this same time, you keep noticing that suspiciously, whenever you get a text from east high theatre department, lily’s phone goes off to. literally at the same moment, you’re doing your own test to see if somehow she hacked your phone.
(you had your suspicions because lily is actually terribly bad at hiding her hand and constantly makes remarks that make you Think™.)
you confirm lily to have hacked your phone, and so you go old school and show up to east high, hoping to tell them what happened and find some fix (since east high is the mother of all tech schools in this universe.)
but when you walk into the auditorium, the cast is being really passive aggressive toward you? and you’re so confused? what happened?
of course, ricky is the only to confront you because these days, it seems like he’s always one (1) moment away from blowing up.
and you explain that you were played just as much as they were - it was never your intention to betray them. east high is your family.
“oh, yeah? i’ve never known an east high leopard to go to north high.”
and so now we’re in shambles! we’re divided! 
you leave, upset, and ej catches you in the hall. he tries to explain that ricky’s been on one, recently, that none of his anger was really meant for you, and that he believes you - truly. he knows you’re the last person to ever betray them. you’re not like that. that’s more him than it is you.
and you just give him the world’s biggest  h u g .
now you’re probably wondering why i insisted on this particular plot line, but let me tell you - ej never really understood completely what a complete breach of trust it was for him to steak nini’s phone and violate her privacy like that. now he can see how deeply it affects you - how it can really ruin people in ways you never intend. it’s about the learning curve.
anyway, it takes you a while to build up trust with east high again, but you say “hey, why don’t you guys continue to send false leads to this group chat? make another for yourselves, and continue to spread misinformation to me.
ej is like... do you really want to sabotage your own show? but you tell him something along the lines of “our show is still going to have superior choreography, lily is just going to waste her time doing pointless side missions. it has nothing to do with the quality of my work.”
and ej loves this competitive and devious side of you so much. but he’s also deathly terrified of telling you how much he cares about you, because he always manages to screw things up.
and gina finds hilariously endearing because of all people to be self conscious... ej caswell? the ej caswell? she would be his hype woman if she wasn’t so busy finding this all too Good to be true.
eventually, lily will find out, but when she confronts you and threatens to tell the cast that you’re the reason they’re so behind in their production, you tell her that to do that, she’d have to confess to stealing your phone, hacking into it, and using it to spy on you which breaks like 23 different school rules. but sure! tell everyone! you’d love to see how the principal reacts when you film it and show it to them on monday.
(this is getting really long, let me see if i can wrap it up, quick)
clearly, ej is an Idiot when he’s in love, and even though he’s deathly afraid of telling you his feelings, that doesn’t stop him from expressing them.
both of you are in your respective musicals, and your rehearsal schedules align really nicely, so a lot of the time, ej will drive up to north high afterward so he can give you a ride home. (you don’t have a car, okay?) you guys always stop to get fast food or a drink at starbucks or something, and you have little “dates” where ej parks the car and the two of you eat in his car, just chatting about your day.
or on weekends, you and ej go and drive up to the state college that ej was admitted to, and you walk around campus, trying to envision him there. and if you’re also going to a school nearby, you do the same for you. (bonus points if you’re going to the same college, so you walk around and pick out the places where you’ll chill together.)
and if these little excursions of yours are the highlight of your week, and all you want to do is hold ej’s hand forever, singing in the car with the windows down and driving into the sunset... well, you just hope that ej wants the same.
and since ej is in av club, and he’s really trying to dig in and figure out what his story is, he’s always got a camera of some kind out, and some of his best work, he swears, are pictures and videos of you.
anyway, at some point, you confess to ej that you have a crush on him (howie probably pushed you to do it because he was tired of seeing you pine).
it’s a weekend and the two of you are procrastinating on your respective school assignments (study sessions being interrupted with senioritis? sounds about right) so instead you’re just sitting on the floor, staring at the ceiling, talking about whatever. and i think it just slips out, and when you realize what you’ve said, you’re vvv embarrassed, and you don’t even want to look at see how ej reacts, but he calls your name and you turn to him, a deadly mixture of dread and hope rooted in your stomach and shaking you to your core, but ej is smiling and in his eyes is something brighter than the sun, and when he tells you he’s feels the same, it’s like that dread in your stomach blooms into pure joy and when he tells you he’s had a crush on you since you were eighth graders and you were a better dancer than him, you can’t help but laugh until all of that warmth in your stomach has escaped into the air and hangs around the two of you like low hanging stars - so close, you can reach out and touch them.
anyway, cue lots of sneaking around north high - not because it’s a secret but because it’s fun hiding in the back of the auditorium and sneaking into the empty dance room.
cue cheering for each other at the menkies and congratulating each other when east high gets best musical, and north high gets best choreography (amongst others).
cue going to denny’s to celebrate and laughing until your sides hurt, stealing each other’s fries, and holding hands under the table.
(also... ej 100% would kiss your fingers when your hands are intertwined and that’s truly a blessing)
cue going to pool parties together for no other reason than i want all of the east high kids to do an impromptu rendition of “all for one” and ej gets to hit ricky with one of those blow up beach balls “for revenge” on the basketball moment in season 1.
plus, a pool party would do wonders for destressing, don’t lie.
taglist: @maybanksslut, @theletterhart, @brokenandheadoverheels, @neelia-thedaughtherof-athena @kitsdeadwife, @amortensie // add yourself to the taglist here!
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pa-panda-heroes · 4 years
heya! how about a scenario where shiggy accidentally hurts the reader with his quirk and like, freak tf out? angsts with lots and lots of fluff, please! ty! ♥︎
Okokok imma do my best for my first angst!! Also I added Dabi because I got a request for him a while back and I’ve wanted to write him for a bit, now <3 hope that’s okay!
I think this was a bit longer for a scenario but... I enjoyed writing it so :>
Warnings: language, mentions of violence(? Eh...)
Tomura/Dabi accidentally hurt reader with their quirks!
It happened accidentally. You knew that. Right? It wasn’t his fault, but his damn quirk’s fault, the one that he never asked for and the one that never allowed anyone to get close. Rather, he never let anyone get close because of it. He’ll admit he was always proud of its destructive capability as a villain, but now that it had hurt you, he wish he’d never boasted to a soul.
Twenty-three times. He had called you twenty-three times. And twenty-three times you didn’t answer. What was he to do, now? There was no stopping the decay borne from his fingertips once it had set in, and considering you wouldn’t answer your phone... it didn’t look good. Kurogiri had whisked you away before Tomura could even utter an apology, which looked to him as though Kurogiri did so in order for him not to witness your death. Kurogiri told him something about a doctor, but Tomura figured him a liar.
He couldn’t breathe. You shouldn’t have been hurt. Literally. Tomura hadn’t so much as touched you with a single finger; if anything, he was trying to protect you from the stranger grabbing you. It happened so fast, all he remembered was his quirk activating and the stranger vanishing before he heard your cry of pain and saw the skin of your arm drying out, much like he had done to that hero at U.S.J. He couldn’t tell, but it somewhat looked as though the decay was limited to just your bicep. That could’ve been hopeful thinking, of course, and he knew it.
So he sat there, all alone and hunched over on the couch in the bar, with misery and dread coursing his veins, accelerating his blood pressure to concerning levels. He had nothing to look at but his shaking palms and red shoes as he tried to even out his breathing - to no avail. Then, he felt the weight of someone sitting next to him, and instantly recognized how far the cushion next to him sunk in. And yet, he couldn’t look at you.
“Thanks for that back there,” you say quietly, afraid to startle him, but you recieve no response. “Y’know, I’m not sure what would’ve happened if my knight in shining armor hadn’t showed up!” You knew he felt guilty. Why wouldn’t he? But he shouldn’t. You wanted to convince him of that.
“Didn’t go far, huh,” you hear him mumble, nodding his head to your bandaged left arm next to him. There was no life to his voice and before you can say anything, he speaks again. “It won’t happen again. You’re not coming around anymore.”
“Hey, wait! That’s not your-“
“I’m the leader, and I say so! You can stay in the League, but you can’t... be close to me. You’ll get hurt.”
You stand up in defiance and put your hands on your hips in defense. “I’m not leaving you! First of all, I can take care of myself. Second, look at the League. We have a bloodthirsty serial killer and a cynical pyromaniac constantly lounging about, and you’re worried about some one-in-a-million freak accident happening again?” Patience was key with Tomura, and you knew that, but he could be stubborn and unreasonable, and when it came to you, stubbornly, unreasonably protective. “Besides, with the world as it is, I could get hurt doing something as mundane as taking out the trash, like I was when I was attacked!”
He finally looked at you, the look of a whipped pup on his face and while you knew he wasn’t doing it on purpose, you felt guilty for raising your voice at him. You sigh quietly and sit back down next to him, reaching for his hand and settling for his knee when he yanked it away. You snuck your arm around his shoulders and plopped your cheek on his shoulder, knowing all too well he would welcome it despite his standoffishness - and he did. Tomura didn’t pull away or push you off. But he hid his face. Your fingers on his left shoulder rubbed at it, his clavicle prominent enough you almost cringed at how thin he was. Your other hand on his leg idly toyed with the seam of his jeans, not having anything better to do.
“I’m sorry.” It was unclear as to whether he was apologizing for hurting you, or for demanding you keep your distance from him. Either way, it was undoubtedly genuine and soft.
You sat up straight and hugged your leader and lover from the side, gliding your fingers through his hair as you gently guided it to you. He hesitated slightly before burying his head into your chest and latching onto your ribcage for dear life, muttering the weakest “Don’t go, please,” anyone has ever heard. The desperation and vulnerability in his voice elicited your arms to wrap around him in a tight, warm embrace, your chin digging into his hair when you peck it, again and again and again. You stifled a giggle at how soft and ticklish his hair felt, electing to gently shush him.
“I just told you, didn’t I? I’m not going anywhere, even if you tell me to. I love you, silly.”
Dabi let out every curse known to mankind - and then some - as he rushed over to you, the bastard thugs the two of you had been after now burning alive and falling to the street. He would have sworn on his life you were not within range of his flames, and yet here you were, on the ground clutching your burnt leg and cringing away the searing tears of pain. Maybe you didn’t see him readying the attack and charged in? Maybe one of those thugs diverted his attack? He wasn’t sure.
What little color he had in his face drains completely, and his fingertips are already trembling.
“Dabi, I’m fine,” you tried to assure him. “It’s not that bad! I’ll just need a little first aid.” It hurt like hell, a white-hot, pulsating pain, you couldn’t lie. You just weren’t going to tell him that. It stretched from just below your knee to a hand’s length above your ankle and covered only the side of your leg, thankfully. The affected area was an awfully dark pink and honestly, it was hard to look at.
He practically scoffed at you. “Y/n, you’re fucking burnt. Don’t tell me that shit.” From the look on his face, it seemed bad.
That was the most cross he’d ever been with you, despite his brash and vulgar nature, and you couldn’t help but retreat a little as he knelt down to you and pulled his phone out of his pocket to make a call. “Y/n’s hurt, get us to the bar or something.” He grabbed your leg - surprisingly gently - and seemed to examine it. He paused as if to listen to the other end. “She’s burnt, does it matter? Just get us the hell out of here.” He must’ve called Kurogiri, as the next thing you know there’s a warp tunnel summoned next to you.
You tried standing on your own to leave, but the burn decided it didn’t want you to do so, and so you dropped back to the ground and bit your lip at the shockwaves of pain crawling up your leg. Dabi said nothing and helped you up himself, grabbing your arm and side to help you walk through the warp. Once through, he set you down on the couch, still eerily quiet, and left you there. The pain was so bad at this point, you began to think you’d faint, your head feeling fuzzy as tears run down your cheeks.
The stapeled villain returns with a bucket of ice water, towels, and what looks to be a first aid kit. But he stops for a second when he sees you hunched over with a death grip on your knee and the seat beneath you, and it takes all he has to hold it the fuck together. He’s unreasonably angry, and he’s not sure why. He wants to tell and scream, maybe at you, maybe not, he’s not sure. His quirk’s only quality was destructiveness. It was damaging not only to his enemies but also to his own body - and now, you.
He hurt you. Accident or not, he hurt you. The lump in his throat was suffocating.
Dabi knelt down and soaked a towel in the cold water before wringing it wordlessly, then gently tapping it to your leg and pulling back when you hiss. He seemed to notice it but didn’t outwardly acknowledge it and contintued to use the cold towel on your burn. As more time passed, the more convinced he became that it was a second-degree burn, meaning the second layer of your skin, the dermis, was badly burnt. He had no doubt it would scar, and at the thought the breath was pulled from his lungs. Dabi muttered a curse and suddenly rested his forehead against your knee, his right hand holding the cool towel to your leg.
“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, fuck.” His voice was low, and if you looked hard enough, you could hear that it was forced out through a tense throat. He was nearly in tears, wasn’t he? He wasn’t an overly emotional person by any means, but the fact that his quirk hurt you, with its history, it hurt worse than if you would’ve left him for a hero. He hated himself. His quirk didn’t have a single redeeming quality, and he began to think the same of himself.
“Dabi, don’t, okay? I’ll be fine, really.” You can’t help how weak your voice sounds, being in so much pain, but you nonetheless plant a hand in his hair and rub his scalp.
Dabi lifts his head to look at you, and the look in his eyes isn’t something you’ve seen before. His free hand comes up to rest on your thigh, and you can feel it shaking. “It might scar, y/n. Don’t you get that?”
You huff. “So? If it does, I’d be pretty cool with that, all puns intended,” you try to giggle at your own pun and can practically feel him rolling his eyes, “Besides, I’d kinda match you, wouldn’t I? It’ll be like a couple’s tattoo sort of thing!”
He rests his chin atop your knee and a look that only be described as a pout crosses his features, but he says nothing and you can only smile. Dabi deadpans when you say nothing, forcing yourself to beam at him with bright eyes and a smile. “You’re a weird one, ya know that?” he muttered.
“You’re even weird for falling in love with me,” you teased after he began to work on your leg again.
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anime-grimmy-art · 3 years
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Told you guys I’d ramble in due time.
I absolutely adore Bravely Default 2. It came at a really bad time cos I can’t waste 70 hours on a jrpg, but well, it’s too late to be concerned about that now. And as is tradition with me obsessing over a new game / show / whatever, you’ll basically find a fullblown review disguised as ramblings right under the cut. Be aware that I’m gonna talk about EVERYTHING, so spoilers are a given. Some maybe even for the previous Bravely Default games.
Also, if you wanna talk about this game in any capacity, hit me up, I’m DESPERATE to talk more about it.
Just for reference on how long this is gonna be, I made a voice recording while driving to remember all the points I wanna make, and that recording is almost 2 hours long. I did cut it down but still, this is gonna be a lot.
I’ll start off with the things that actually bugged me about the game, since there are only 3 things that really bothered me. First of, I really don’t like that you can name Seth. He has too much personality to be a self insert and player integration is not that big of a part in the game that this decision can be justified. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it didn’t leave a bad mark on the ending. First of all, we were robbed of Gloria desperately shouting for Seth, which makes the impact work less, and it’s just so prevalent that the name can’t be said because you have all the normal sound design going. If they’d just let the credits still play I wouldn’t have batted an eye, but because every other sound comes in it’s so obvious they’re just silently shouting in this scene, which makes it look silly. Like I said, this decision is more a detriment than an addition, and it’s a shame it casts a shadow on an otherwise heartfelt ending.
Speaking about lost potential, the other thing that really bothers me is the lost potential in certain plot points and character conclusions. I mainly mean Adam and Edna here. Both of them have been built up to be these formidable foes but they just, die. If it was just Adam I’d be fine with it, since you expect Edna to backstab him and be the actual big bad of the story, but I cannot fathom why they dropped Edna this HARD. If not Edna herself, I don’t understand why we don’t get more of a reaction from the Fairies and especially Adelle. I mean, Edna was her sole reason she left for her journey in the first place, then Edna dies and that’s it? No part where she grieves for a second? No concern from the others about Adelle? Mind you, I haven’t finished all the Sidequests, so maybe there actually is one in which this is addressed, but I think even just a Party Chat after Bad End 1 would have been sufficient to show how Adelle suddenly feels about the loss of Edna. It would have made Bad End 2 / The Secret Ending even more impactful, because, yeah, of course, you kinda know Adelle isn’t going to turn her back on fairy kind, but one of the reasons she doesn’t leave is because if Enda didn’t get a happy ending, then she shouldn’t either. It would have been amazing foreshadowing if she showed this sentiment before this scene happened. Other than that, it’s a shame that we know so little about Edna, or rather, how she became “bad”. I get she’s supposed to be corrupted by the Night’s Nexus, but how did it even come to this? It can’t have been a gradual thing, after all, Adelle says Edna was always good natured and then just disappeared one day. Really would have loved seeing more of that plot point.
Ok, last gripe I have, some choices in the soundtrack and sound design. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love the OST, and I will get to that, but damn, whatever Revo used for the lead instrument in Wiswald hurts my ears. It’s a really good track, but I always have to turn down my volume because these high pitched sounds physically hurt. And for sound design. Dude, the Night’s Nexus is the least threatening, nightmare fueled abomination that ever existed. I get that its growl is kinda supposed to be layered with Edna’s or sth, but it, it just sounds silly. If they went the route of just swinging between different voices or began distorting it from phase to phase, it would have been fine. But the choice they made really made an otherwise creepy design just absolutely silly.
Ok, enough jammering, on to the good stuff. Like I said, there’s going to be a lot, so I’ll try to be brief in each aspect.
I honestly like the new battle mechanics more than the old ones. This individual, turn based system feels way more dynamic and it’s easier to strategies in battles. Because nothing made me more angry than setting up for a heal and the enemy suddenly being faster than me and killing my healer. Now it’s easier to plan ahead a bit.
I also found myself experimenting more with the jobs. Not sure what it really is, but none of the party members leaning more towards certain types of jobs and the job leveling being way faster probably helped.
And I know some people get up in arms because the boss sometimes can be a real pain in the ass (looking at you pope dude), I still found it very interesting getting around counters or even using these counters as a benefit. As an example, I made Adelle my main physical fighter and gave her lots of counter abilities to help her profit from being countered by enemies themselves. Now, she can attack enemies, get countered, automatically evade that counter and earn a BP at the same time. Made a lot of boss fights way easier and fun to exploit.
Ok, I will try my best to be really, really brief, because in my recording this part takes up almost 40 minutes. Anyways, Revo might have just become one of my absolute favorite composers ever. I don’t know what kind of magic he used, but I initially wasn’t that impressed with the OST, but every time I listened to it, I just fell in love harder and harder. Before getting into specifics, I wanna highlight the two things that made me love this OST overall. First of all, this soundtrack almost seems like a refinement of BD’s. While losing some of that fairytale vibe, it sounds even more fantasy now. And in contrast to the original, this almost sounds more balanced? Like, BD’s OST felt high energy throughout, BD2’s on the other hand manages to find a good balance between high and low energy pieces. Like, the character themes or battle themes are absolute hype, but the overworld themes are a lot calmer and easier to listen to while exploring. Second big point that makes this soundtrack amazing is that Revo is an absolute god at using emotional progression/storytelling and leitmotifs in his songs. And heck, do I love myself my leitmotifs. You’ve got some obvious ones, like the final battle theme in which all the character themes and other leitmotifs are integrated. Then you got some maybe more subtle once, just like how the overworld themes are just the main theme, just a lot calmer and using the lead instruments of the towns of the areas.
But my absolute favourites gotta be the character themes and the main theme. I love how fitting the themes for the characters are and in general, each of them is such a bop. At first I prefered Elvis’, because I sure am a sucker for jazzy vibes, but over time Adelle’s became my fav. It’s just something about the trumpets, and how the theme almost sounds a bit melancholic and bittersweet, that drew me in. And considering her story, mostly her bad end, that the bittersweet tone really fits.
Then there’s the main theme. Just like BD’s it shouts “triumphant anthem” and it definitely gives you a very familiar vibe, but I’d argue it has even better emotional progression. Heck, the first time I heard the music start up in the reveal trailer, I didn’t have to look at the screen to know this is gonna be a BD game. Also, the credit song version had me weeping at the true end. I’m someone who’s very easily affected by music (if me shouting about soundtracks on this blog wasn’t proof enough) and just hearing that ending song, getting the after credits scene, just for the second credits to start as a freaking duet. Dude, at that point I just started sobbing, I’m not gonna lie. Just this little part showed how much Revo knows how to put emotion in a song and also write it in such a way that he can elicit strong, emotional reactions from you too. 
People have been complaining how the story is too boring and kinda disappointing in comparison to the last one, but I just think the games tried to accomplish different things here. Since the BD series is a celebration of old, classic jrpgs, “cliche” storytelling is a given. Though, BD did throw a lot of meta stuff in there too. BD2 in contrast just feels like a direct execution of that initial idea. It feels familiar, it feels comfy and it feels safe. Except for the little things with the endings and then overwriting the Nexus’ “save file”, BD2 doesn’t really get that meta, which is totally fine. It doesn’t try to reinvent or innovate anything, it just wants to be a fantasy story, that might be cliche, but still fun and enjoyable in its own right.
I’d also argue that the pacing is a lot better than the old game, because with BD I sometimes found myself skipping through scenes to get on with the story. Not that this game didn’t have me rushing through stuff as well, but I found it kept my intrigue way better than the original.
Next to the music, this is the part that I absolutely love the most. While, yes, they did lose a lot of potential with some characters, mostly with the villains, the main cast is just so much fun. I love these 4 dorks so, so much.
I honestly can’t stand how much people compare them to the original cast. Yes, ofc, I’ve been doing my fair share of comparisons too, but calling these four a more boring version of BD’s party physically hurts me. Because except for some initial impressions, the Heroes of Light are completely different from our beloved Warriors of Light.
While yes, Seth and Gloria give off strong Tiz and Agnes vibes at first, they both grow into such different characters that they’re not really comparable. I think this shows with Adelle and Elvis even more. I do understand how people could compare Adelle and Edea, since they’re both the feisty girl type, but I can’t understand how people can see Ringabel and Elvis as the same character type. While those two are the “suave” party members, they act so differently from another. And that’s honestly apparent the first time you meet them. 
Anyways, I love these 4 so much.
We technically don’t know a lot about Seth at all, but they manage to pull so much out of just the fact that he’s a sailor, that it makes him really endearing, really fast.
I was kinda disinterested with Gloria at first, because again, the initial impression was Agnés2.0, but she grew on me a lot. Gloria is way more hard headed and honestly sassy in comparison to Agnés and I absolutely adore it.
Elvis. Elvis, my man. I love this fantasy scottosh wizard so, so much. He’s such a ridiculous character but so endearing at the same time. You got all this dorkiness, with him setting himself on fire as a student, him doing god knows what for a good drink or just laughing danger and prejudice in the face. But then you got his super empathetic and caring side. Mind you, most of his wise moments come from quoting Lady Emma, but still, as much as he’s hopeless with certain social situations, he’s actually still really good at reading the room and playing things smart. He’s a smart and powerful idiot, which makes him a danger to everyone and himself, and I love him for it. (I also can’t believe they called him Lesley I MEAN COME ON)
And then there’s Adelle. I liked her from the start, but I didn’t think she would stick out to me. I think now she’s my favourite character. Not even talking about all the stuff that happens in chapter 3 and onward, because these story threads are awesome in their own right, but there’s just something about her personality that’s interesting and appealing to me. Like I said, I’m not surprised people compare her to Edea, I did too at first, but while Edea walks very close to the line of a Tsundere, I was really surprised that Adelle is, well, not a Tsundere at all. Yeah, of course she’s putting Elvis down a lot, but that stems more from her preventing his ego from going to his head than her being all embarrassed. No, Adelle is actually really well adjusted when it comes to communication. While it’s hilarious that she and Elvis met with her chucking her shoes at him, the two just got along well right from the start. Adelle in general has this really open and helpful personality, but also doesn’t shy away from putting her foot down, even if that sometimes comes out as an embarrassed sputter. She’s also the mother hen of the group. She looks out for the other three and gets concerned about them real fast. 
I dunno, Adelle just really grew on me over the course of this game, and then her kinda being paired with Elvis too, as partners and as partners, makes me like her even more. Because as much as I like their personalities individually, I like their character dynamic even more. I honestly love the relationships between all four of them a lot. You really feel them grow closer as friends and all the little character sidequests just always made me really happy.
You might not believe me, but I really held back there. This could probably have been 3 times its length. As much as I love this game, it’s of course not perfect. It struggles and flails in some parts a lot and it certainly has some aspects that might turn people off. But for me, it was just a very familiar and comfy game that didn’t necessarily deliver anything new, but that told its story in such a way that it still got me excited to keep going. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing and the conclusion of the story actually got me to cry. While not groundbreaking, this game is highly enjoyable and leaves you absolutely satisfied at the end.
Also, I would like to iterate that I am desperate to get more content about this game, so if you wanna chat about it, hit me up.
Anyways, anyone else felt like having a fever dream when everybody in chapter 2 started talking fantasy scottish? Cos I sure did.
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kiwibirbs-library · 3 years
Walking In
a/n: lol not me realizing after i finished that all the songs are by the same people and are kinda old but whatever. theyre cool still prove me wrong
prompt: they come back and find you jamming in they’re dorm
characters: todoroki x fem!reader, midoria x fem!reader, kirishima x fem!reader
warning: none really, fluff, our boys being literal sweetie pies
 Shoto Todoroki
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- ugh hes so hot good lord
- ok so anyways, Shoto was just getting back from internships ok
- he had just had to listen to his father for a whole week with little to no complaint and to say he was dead is an understatement
- all he really wanted to do was see you and sleep and cuddle but ya know
- so what does he do when he gets out of the building?
- immediately texts you to wait for him in his dorm when you get back
- thats what he does
- you had your own internships but they were a closer and you would probably get back before him so you saw it and were like
- um
- so you get back and change, heading to Shoto’s room
- ready for some premium cuddles
- he had told you it was gunna take a while so you pull out your phone to play some music 
Shoto had every intention of getting back to his dorm, grabbing you, and passing out for the next few days. Between his fathers orders, the constant villains, and barely being able to talk to you this past week, he was so done. He came into the dorms, a few people waving to him. He would nod back, but no one really had the energy for anything. Well minus a couple of the girls chatting away and Sero, the hero himself, keeping Mineta away from them.
Dragging himself up the stairs he was surprised to hear music coming from the floor. Everyone on his level seemed to be downstairs. As he got closer to his room he came to the realization that it was coming from his room. And the soft music had switched to a more upbeat tune. As he walked in the music got louder as it blasted its way throughout the room. He was about to question it when his eyes landed on you.
You. His beautiful girlfriend. A girl now dancing like a madman while singing/laughing the lyrics.
“Rock my world into the sunlight’- laughing- ‘make this dream the best I’ve ever known!” you were spinning around, laughing at how bad you were saying the words. Shoto just stared.
‘How did I manage to find someone like this.’ ‘How did you find me.’ ‘I don’t care what happens anymore as long as you’re happy.’ ‘I’m going to to marry this girl.’ Thoughts went wild through his head as he say you jump around his room.
Thats when you turned around to find him at the door. He had a small smile on his face and pure adoration in his eyes as he watched you. You could feel your face warm, blaming it on all the movement. You went to your phone and paused the song, going over to Shoto. You wrapped your arms around him, peeking up at him from his chest.
“Hi,” you said sweetly.
“Can you do that again?” he asked, hugging you back and meeting your gaze.
“What?” he pulled you to his side, leaning over and grabbing your phone off the side table. Hitting play, he looked at you and smiled. Laughing you grabbed his hands, walking backwards and swaying your hips.
Ya, he could get used to this
Izuku Midoriya
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- it was the weekend and everyone was chilling in the commens, cooling down from a grueling week.
- Izuku of course was training out front a little before bed
- you went out to get him so yall could go up together but he told you he would meet you up there with a little nose kiss
- and so as you waited you thought to play some music to pass the time
Izuku stretched as he got back inside the the dorm building. There were still quite a few people downstairs even for the closely approaching curfew, all chatting away while they could. Izuku didn’t stay for long though, quickly heading up the stairs to meet you in your room. 
He could hear faint music playing down the hall and immediately knew it was yours. I mean come on you know this man has memorized your playlist to a T to show off to you. He happily jogged up to your door and went inside. He did think about knocking, but judging from how load the music was with it closed, he knew you wouldn’t hear it. When he stepped in he found you spinning around and singing the lyrics perfectly. He always loved watching you when you got into a song. 
The song in question however made him blush. You moved your arms and waist to the beat, singing to your hearts content.
“all that you got, skin on skin, oh my god, don’t just stop, boy,” you hummed out the instrumental basically burst out with the main chorus. “ Something bout youu.”
All Izuku do was watch until you noticed him walk in. You quickly pause the music and went up to him.
“hey sorry you should have said you were here,” you rubbed the back of your neck.
“I-I-I uhmm tha-that was r-really uhhh wow I-” he was red and stuttering at all of it. Has he been dating you for almost half a year now, yes. Was he still flustered as frick if you did literally anything, also yes. You laughed, reaching up to ruffle his hair.
“thank you for the complement Izu, but I now am in need of my cuddles I was promised,” you said, yanking him as you flopped onto your sheets. His face was still extremely red but he smiled.
“anything for you puppy.”
Enjiro Kirishima
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- once again OH MY GOD I LOVE HIM
- anyways he was training with Bakugou all weekend and both of you were in need of some together time
- i mean you had texted him that you wanted a hug a little bit ago 
- but he didn’t even warn you before he came
- literally you were just hanging in your room jamming and he just barged in for you but same difference
He could hear the music playing the minute he got to your floor and knew it was you. He had heard the song so many times on your playlist and not to mention everyone on your floor was down stairs. He smiled to himself and sped walk to your room.
He quickly turned the knob and slid in, smiling and watching the sight in front of him. He had walked in on your jam sessions so many times before but it never got old, watching the way you smiled and moved as if it was the only thing that would ever matter. You swung your hips around as you mouthed out the words the girl sung. His smile grew, here came the best part.
You hopped up on a chair during a short pause in the song, then started busting out rapping, never missing a word or a beat.
“its mys moscato, its friss in a bottle, its nicki full throttle, its oh oh~” you swayed along with the beat, hopping off the chair and sliding around your room. You turned around, jumping slightly when you saw your boyfriend at the door. You paused your music, walking up to him. “god babe you almost gave me a heart attack. Warn me a little next time,” you laughed a little.
“sorry I just wanted to see you during that section,” he said sweetly, wrapped his arms around your waist. You rolled your eyes as you ruffled his hair. 
“you just wanted to look at my ass,” you laughed. He put a hand on his heart and flopped down onto you dramatically. 
“oh y/n, how could you think so low of me,” he sniffled sarcastically. You laughed as he put more weight onto you. 
“E I’m gunna fall,” you whined with fake effort. He laughed into your shoulder, shuffled to push you towards your bed.
“good I came for cuddles anyways. Very manly,” he mumbled as you two fell over.
songs: todoroki- domino by jessie j
            midoriya- dangerous woman by ariana grande
            kirishima- bang bang by jessie j, ariana grande, and nicki minaj
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awsugawara · 4 years
bnha hcs with an artsy s/o [1/?]
i’m going to make this a mini series, so expect to see this AND haikyuu characters too :) i will also do the k-pop hcs too, so look forward to that !
note: your quirk will be the same all around, if implied you have one!
Quirk: AMBIENT ILLUSION - with a single touch of your hand or glance, you are able to make your opponent think that they’ve been taken to another “realm,” but in actuality their body movements mimic those in the illusion; it’s a quirk that can be used for good or for bad; your creativity isn’t limited, but the side effects are headaches, nausea, and sometimes insanity for a short period of time until your stamina runs out or unless someone knocks you out
Hero Name: Chiaroscuro or Chiasu [for short]- referring to the major contrast of light and dark in an image; in italian it is said to literally mean light-dark
enjoy :)
s. aizawa
> teacher x teacher scenario tyvm
> you were a popular teacher at U.A., teaching in some of the general studies classes as an art teacher
> students in class 1-C, D, and E would flaunt how cute/hot and talented their pro hero of an art teacher was
> midnight was gossiping about you with present mic and aizawa overheard
> he knows you have your own agency, so how you double that plus being a teacher was beyond him
> “oh midnight! i was actually looking for you :)”
> aizawa-seeing-a-cutie.exe has stopped working.
> for someone who is low energy and stoic for the most part, this was new
> got more acquainted with the other teachers, but you were really close with aizawa
> funny thing is,,,you and aizawa met up a lot after school and you eventually started dating
> the other pro heroes at the school only found out is when midnight had walked in on them kissing
> the students found out about the relationship when aizawa walked you to your next lecture class as he left class 1-A  with present mic
> aizawa glared at them and as soon as he left, your students pelted you with questions, until the teacher told them to quiet down
--- k. takami 
> keigo is like a SIMP for you
> he practically with go out of his way just to buy you new art stuff
> “babe...i don’t need anymore sketchbook paper...i have an office at the school and they supply my paper-”
> “you can never have enough, my dove”
> you work at U.A. as an art teacher and met keigo when you were walking home from the school
> you had a run in with a villain, who was on a mission to kidnap you and he swooped in to save you 
> your art was scattered all over and some destroyed and keigo caught a glimpse of them and noticed your U.A. badge
> “you’re a teach at U.A.?”
> keigo walks you home, if you chose to stay late to work on your art
> when you first started dating, he was wondering why you would stay so late, and you had to explain your quirk to him
> he wants to be your #1 source of ideas, but he gives you space when you’re truly at an artist roadblock
> when he took you flying for the first time, he vowed to take you every now and then because seeing how your eyes lit up at the city below made it worth while
--- t. shigaraki
> shiggy treats you like glass
> i see him as someone that really admires you and your quirk, let alone your ability to be able to create such fine pieces of art
> you were a lone wolf, who met dabi, who introduced you to the league
> when shigs laid his eyes on you for the first time, he was SMITTEN
> childishly rants to kurogiri when you and dabi are out patrolling
> “why do they always have to go with that burnt piece of shit”
> #getrekteddabi
> shiggy sucks at socializing and it doesn’t help that you always have a resting bitch face™
> you’re actually a softie and a sweetheart at heart, but you notice shiggs advances and are quite confused
> “uhm...hello, tomura-senpai,,,is there something i can help you with?”
> rip shiggy from the CUTENESS
> one day when you didn’t show up at the base and dabi did, shigaraki and kurogiri gave him a look
> “oh, if you’re looking for Chiasu, they’re at home sleeping...idiot stayed up painting again.”
> shiggy left after demanding dabi to reveal their location
> when he got there, he rang the doorbell and questioning why he came because this really isn’t something he does
> “hmm? tomura-senpai? what are you doing here?” **rubs sleep out of your eyes**
> he felt his heart leap
> “i came to see my s/o after being told that they stayed up working. now, are you going to let me in or am i going to have to force myself inside your house?”
--- dabi
>  you were at witz end with your life as a pro hero 
> you weren’t depressed or anything,,,just bored,,,no ideas or fighting spirit
>one day, you had happened to run into dabi committing one of his oversized fires
> he tried reading you, but all he got was just your stoic, almost sad, expression
> you hadn’t moved and he was walking toward you, stopping and moving his face down to your level
> “well, well what do we have here?”
> you hadn’t remembered much from that day, but you hadn’t run into dabi and the only time you really left your house was to get more art supplies and food
> when you were trekking home on the same path, dabi stepped from the shadows in front of you
> you just gave him a blank look and tried to side step him, but obv he didn’t let you
> what happened next was probably the most shocking,,,he embraced you
> you didn’t know what to do other than cry...for losing your fighting spirit
> after that day, dabi would check up on you frequently and eventually he convinced you to stay with him, so he can stay with you
> it took about 2 months to get you to smile and boy was that worth it
> you were grateful of dabi for sparking [pun not intended] your creativity
> “if you’re so grateful, why don’t be mine?”
--- h. toga
> innocent is how toga would describe you
> her attraction to you was much more different than the times where she’d feel the need to cut someone up
> she wanted you in one piece, unharmed
> so she dragged you to be apart of the league of villains with her
> shigaraki was skeptical letting in a quirkless civilian into the league, but he found your ability to design and draw potentially useful
> dabi likes to mess with you to rile up himi
> “you lay another burnt hand on my s/o, i WILL cut you”
> himi doesn’t like the fact you’re close with some of the LOV members, so she whisks you away to her room or somewhere that’s not the base
> if you go to school and you’re adamant in finishing, himi will kinda leave out the villainous aspects of her life so you can finish
> if you go to school and you really don’t care for it, she’ll try to convince you to become a full fledged member of the LOV rather than an associate
> the mission with the yakuza was probably super nerve-wrecking for you after you saw it on the news
> you were greeted with a toga at your door that evening and you just glomped her and expressed how concerned you were, knowing what her role in the mission was
> himi met you online and then began kinda figuring out when you went to your fav cafe and art store and what you like to buy and the such
> attentive, but psycho was how you described her at first, but just accepted that aspect of her 
k. chisaki
> for someone who looks like a plague daddy- doctor none of the members of the yakuza would have imagined him dating a cutie with a QUIRK 
> for starters, you kinda once over the media on the yakuza, more so concerned with your art
> so when you accidentally ran into kai one evening, you kinda just shrugged it off and continued to walk home
> he was so confused like didn’t you know who he was?????????
> nonetheless, he saw you again, while you were making your way home from the convenience store with your [fav. drink + snacks]
> “oh hey! i remember you!” **insert tense kai** “you’re that guy from the other day! how are you?” **cue confused kai**
> you didn’t really have much of a reaction when you FINALLY put two and two together on
> “you’re a part of that villainous yakuza, right?” **insert tense kai** “it’s okay i won’t tell, i like you too much to turn you in :)” **cue confused kai**
> he wasn’t sure whether to be more concerned about the fact you’re letting him, a villainous yakuza go, or the fact he is starting to develop feelings for you
> regardless, kai had “kidnapped” you more like you willingly agreed to stay with him, hidden away somewhere, where you were safer
> he allowed you to continue your artistry, but he made sure to stay away at least from that aspect of your life
> he wanted you to feel like you had those forms of freedom with the line of work that he was involved in because he loves you very much
> BONUS: you held a grudge on kai for keeping eri hidden away from you and for what he did to her and got a couple of hits on his ass, but you stayed with her and aizawa after kai was arrested
sorry some of these are short or kinda are,,,,idk bad? ^^; 
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
penny for your spiderman thoughts? was it good?
"was it good?" what an excellent question! i know it elicited a sense of baffling joy from me. i tried drafting a full review with like a list and everything but tbh most of what i can say about it is that it surprised me with how much effort was put in to making it more than marvel's big gimmick movie. it still is that on some fundamental level but somebody in the writers room clearly wanted to make it more than just a 2 and a half hour marketing stunt. spoilers ahead but:
there is still the usual mcu problems there that i'd be remiss not to metion:
i really don't like the portrayal of elektro in this movie as sassy black comic relief. it rubs me the wrong way- there's a lot more you could be doing with that iteration of the character that the movie barely scratches the surface of. and while i appreciate Ned getting a bit more to do plot-wise he was treated as a joke a bit too often for me AND giving the character you're pigeonholing as spiderman's asian sidekick the mystical doctor strange powers (which have their own nasty layer of Orientalism to their potrayal) is. not good! especially with so little build up.
there is...also a very complicated moral debate that lies at the centre of this movie's plot that it does NOT want to give a lot of time and thought to, and which uses some...deeply uncomfortable language to me. also the shield on the statue of liberty is dumb as shit
but there's like. 50% less billionaire bootlicking here and also some. interesting course correction w/ spiderman that i wanna talk about in a sec so put a pin in that
the main thing that stands out to me is that the characters from the old movies feel like characters and not gratuitous cameos. Andrew Garfield gets a nice little moment that wraps up some stuff in his arc and both spidermen feel like significant mentors to peter. shits low-key kinda heartwarming ngl. the villains do what good villains do, making peter a more interesting and well rounded character, with some newfound pathos to boot.
speaking of the course correction done in this movie is interesting??? some it feels like a response to people's complaints which, yeah that's technically pandering, but it doesn't make the movie worse off i think. the big one is obviously addressing the choice to leave out uncle ben by uncle ben-ing aunt may (say that 5 times fast). tbh it might constitute fridging but i don't care because it's almost an improvement on the uncle ben thing like. we knew may! we were attached to her as a character! it's honestly really impactful this way and marvel actually committed to the bit and didn't bring her back or anything. nice. on a slightly smaller note is giving an acknowledgment that peter's broke and having his status quo by the end being that he's poor and on his own was. genuinely reassuring and refreshing. also the bright, homemade costume at the end!!!
speaking of colours. THE MOVIE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE A MOVIE???? like the camera work and cinematography (THE CINEMATOGRAPHY) and production design and mise-en-scene serve the story and look good??? i mean. most of the villains got a costume downgrade (goblin and elektro...) but besides that the lighting and composition of shots didn't look like garbage?? i'm guessing some behind the scenes shifts in gear being used caused this like what happened with guardians volume two and that's why the movie actually has things like saturated colours and effective uses of rack focus. also the action was really engaging and tbh? the whole sinister six pseudo-horror sequence in the apartment buildings was like. really fucking good lmao
also, in the words of alexander j newall in the tma season 5 QnA, you really can't go wrong with a highstakes personal choice for an ending. it was a really bittersweet feel and i can imagine a lot of ppl are upset about it but. i don't care it was good character growth for peter and was very in line with spidey as a character like. not 2 drop a controversial take but uh. i think this might be like. a better version of the infamous one day more storyline in some ways??? ending wise at least.
ANYWAY. as far as movies go?? pretty alright. some wink wink nudge nudge humour, some problematic portrayals that hold me back from responsibly recommending it, some really good moments, a really well structured story, even if it felt more like a beginning than an end.
but as far as MCU movies go????? this is THEE most motion picture ever
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