#hes too enthusiastic about the food and drink lmao
quesadilla-day · 4 months
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delicious jade 😋yummy yummy 😍
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 5 months
Hey !! I've been scrolling through your blogs for days (instead of studying for my finals send help) because what you wrote is just so good please 🤌🏻
So if your open I'd like your opinion on this ! I've been wondering, who in TR do you think would be into the sensitive artsy type ? Not so much the art hoe, but the person with so much intense feelings they need to channel it, their house is covered in unfinished books and paintings, poetry, instruments, drafts and so on, the kind that can't help but let their feeling and creativity and sensitivity seep into every part of their life, the way they dress to the way they talk, wether it's noticable or not
Who would somewhat share these artistic endeavors with their partner, admire it ? I can imagine so many of them looking so very lost when they are shown modern art lmao
That's it, thank you if you decide to answer this ! Don't forget to drink lots of water and rest, thank youuu !
(PS this is my first ask ever, don't hesitate to call me out if anything was out if line !)
Well I think most of them would be cool with that but these are the first few who popped into my mind
Mitsuya- He's also a very creative guy so he gets it. Like you he also has a lot of unfinished projects and notes/ designs about future projects scattered around. He just finds you interesting and loves how your passion and creativity seeps into every part of your life. He feels inspired whenever he sees you and loves every part of you.
Ran- He has no idea what any of this means but he thinks he does. He may be a little clueless at times but he's very enthusiastic about you and your hobbies. Always supporting you and encouraging you to do more. He's also very good at making sure you take breaks too (will drag you to bed if you stay up too long and order your favourite food if you haven't eaten in a while). He just loves how unique you are and admires everything you do.
Izana- He's not entirely sure why at first but he was drawn to you, he loves people who can be themselves. Listens to everything you explain to him and offers helpful advice when you ask for it. His favourite times are when it's just the two of you and he's playing something on his guitar while you're working on a project. Something about the two of you enjoying each other's company while doing your own things relaxes him.
Chifuyu- He's just so enthusiastic about you! He doesn't really know much about art but is eager to learn about it for you. He asks a lot of questions and takes a lot of interest in your hobbies. He's also constantly showing you off and telling others about how good you are at everything.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Do you play Stardew Valley? If so, RFA and the Minor Quartet (as I once told @rfaromance , Rika gets to join the boys in their club lol) in a Stardew AU? (LOL that rhymed)
I decided to categorize them in different professions so that I wouldn't go too off course with my thoughts! Writing this just really made want to pick up my Stardew Valley save...
Shepherd. We all know that Yoosung has a major soft spot for animals. And what better way to incorporate that than to give him some friendly barn friends to take care of? His lighthearted demeanor is sure to earn the trust of every furry friend that he decides to take under his wing, and all of his animals are always in pristine condition. It's a hard work, but he enjoys it to the fullest. He knows everyone's personality and gives them goofy names (some of which are definitely suggested by Saeyoung). Yoosung also loves cooking, and that way, he always has some natural produce at his disposal! It's not just human food he focuses on, his sheep and cows get occasional treats as well. Does he maybe spoil them a bit too much? Maybe. Will he stop? Of course not!
Blacksmith. I don't know, it just fits him for some reason. I bet you he's the most popular blacksmith in town, with everyone gathering around his shop to gawk at his work and his gorgeous looks all the same. I mean, can you imagine Zen tinkering away at various geodes and tools with his hair tied in a messy bun and his muscles seen clear as day due to this job being a physical one? Yeah, that's a dangerous thought to have. There's just something about Zen wielding a sword or any metal tool that's just so flattering to me. He prides himself in his work and you don't have to worry about him messing anything up. He's ready to play the knight in shining armor for you any time!
Tapper. What can be better than a warm latte with some homemade maple syrup? That's literally the only reason why I chose this profession for her lmao. I imagine her working part time as a tapper, stocking up on all that she may need for her cafe and putting all that she foraged to good use. Still, her maple syrup latte us definitely one of her most popular drinks, simply because it is so incredibly delicious.
Mariner. Kind of an odd choice for him, but I can imagine Jumin getting really into sea life! Thing is, he won't be catching anything for profit or food. A super out-there idea, but I want him to establish an aquarium. This way, Elizabeth the 3rd can have her fun with all the fishes, all while the townsfolk gets to enjoy the beaty of marine life in a safe and educational way. I'm bending the game's rules here, but I just really like the idea of Jumin enthusiastically talking with his friends about all kinds of marine life for some reason.
Defender. Saeyoung is definitely the type who loves the thrill of discovering new areas and going out on adventures. Stocking up on items, observing new creatures, figuring out clever ways to get to his goal... That's definitely up his alley. On other days, he most certainly spends some quality time fishing. We know how much he enjoys that! I honestly see him being very multifaceted, since it eventually gets boring to repeat the same routine over and over again. So, it's not unusual for him to try out new things in order to just relax and have fun with his loved ones.
Artisan. Another odd choice of mine. There's just something about our thoughtful artist spending his time on carefully creating the best of the best wines, cheeses ect. It's an art in and of itself. He finds beauty in creating something with your own hands, and what better way to incorporate that than to pursue an artisan profession? His first tester for his products is definitely Jumin and you can find them chatting absentmindedly over glasses of wine quite often! In his free time, Jihyun focuses on his paintings, channeling his admiration for the peaceful world around him into his art.
Agriculturist. Yup, a pretty obvious choice for sure, lol. What better way for Saeran to spend his time than to grow crops and take care of his personal garden? That has 'Saeran' written all over it. His garden is always neat and tidy, and his plants are in pristine condition. They're more than just plants to him, though. He loves his flowers and crops with his whole heart, and you can find him telling them stories and caressing their leaves with an affectionate smile on his face every once in a while. Needless to say, the plants reciprocate his love wholeheartedly. His garden is flourishing, and so is our cottagecore husband.
Gemologist. Rika has a keen eye for details and beautiful things. I actually think she'd enjoy taking care of and researching about all different kinds gems and minerals quite a bit! I don't think she'd venture mining, though. Rather, she'll get her produce from second hands or Saeyoung and take over things from there on. She has a bright smile that can charm every customer that comes into her shop, and the way that she speaks about every individual gem will capture all of your attention right away. Finding beauty in even the blandest of minerals is something worth admiring Rika for. She's often giving away pretty gems to kids visiting her shop to stare at gawk at the colourful stones. Bringing a little magic into everyone's mundane life is a job she loves with all her heart.
Lumberjack. I don't know, they just seem like the type to enjoy their peaceful alone time in the woods where no one will bother them too much. It's a physical job as well, so we know they're up to the task! Vanderwood is a master at orienting the forest and finding the best places to chop down some trees. They do make sure to keep the forest clean and healthy, though. After they get enough produce, they'll leave some time to take care of the wildlife and check if anyone messed things up here or there. Just imagining them relaxing on a freshly made stump after a hard day at work, closing their eyes and listening to the quiet sounds of the forest around them... Yeah, it makes me smile for sure :)
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articskele · 1 year
Mundane Mark hcs except they're mostly about food
- He loves eggnog; he always gets that store bought non-alcoholic stuff for the holidays and he will chug that shit straight from the container
- His favorite candy is Starbursts, especially the yellow and red ones! Also he likes red licorice ouo
- Blueberry enthusiast
- Mark's good at baking and Cesar's good at cooking, so one time they tried to make a quiche bc it's like a mix of both! It did not go well lmao
- Mark initially learned to bake so he could make cookies for Sarah. He baked the cake for her 5th birthday ouo
- Absolutely ABHORRENT sleep schedule, he's always so so tired someone give him a break lmao. It doesn't help that he's been drinking coffee since he was like 10
- Pineapple on pizza's biggest hater
- His childhood comfort food is just graham crackers and milk. Like something that simple has no business being that good- Spread some nutella on a graham cracker, sandwich it, dip it in milk, and you're set for life dude
- You know when you're going up the stairs and you kinda pull on the handrail to give yourself a boost? He does that
- Sarah was a fan of MLP G1 as a kid, and the few times she got to visit her brother, she would bring some of her toys. Mark's favorite was Applejack. Now that's Sarah's favorite, too.
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darkerthanblack-666 · 2 years
About my fic "Frozen"...
One of the posts of the series "no one asked", but I just need to release my thoughts into the void. Beware, spoilers incoming. If you still want to read it, don't bother with this post. Here's the fic if you're interested.
I'm not going to explain why I chose that song as a theme (you can read it in my fic comments if you're interested), because when I talk about something personal I don't like repeating myself (I wasn't in a good emotional state when I wrote it, either... for reasons I won't explain).
The topic I want to talk about is the tarot card I used there, it was three tarot cards in particular. The Fool, The Devil, and Death. The first two are very nice cards, but I'm going to talk about the last one here, because I find its symbolic and the topic it's related to very fascinating (I think it might be my favorite card in general, because I'm the local edgelady lmao).
First, I'll share the image of the card from my deck:
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It's of course the death itself above the grave with the remains in it. There's a cat person (because the whole deck is cats) walking away from it.
The meaning of the card is transformation. Something dies, so something else has to start. The cycle of death and revival. NOT the actual death, so if you get that in your reading it rarely means something like that, usually it's the end of something. It has to die for something else to grow. It might be an intense, but beneficial change.
The zodiac sign associated with this card is Scorpio (which I have a huge mental boner for, like everyone knows already, I can never shut up about my Mars in Scorpio 😂) and its number is XIII, so it's pretty cool.
Now, on topic of my fic. The whole transformation into a vampire is literally dying and being revived as something else, something better, right? Your old, human shell has to die in order for a better being to grow out of it. First, Joel dies and Samy gets Taz (who's already a vampire) to revive him as one of his kind. He joins them, because he doesn't want to leave them (or be left alone), he's attached to his friends this much. That's one of the ways Death manifests itself in this fic.
Another one is Joel's suicide. He kills himself because of his broken heart and when he turns into a vampire, he's no more that sweet and sensitive man. He gets cold, humans are just food and sexual toys to him, he cuts himself off his emotional side. It's beneficial to him in a way, because he isn't in emotional pain anymore. Even Samy wants to keep Aleksi away from Joel, because his presence messes with his head. He wants to protect his friend from getting hurt again (especially after Aleksi says mean things about Joel... of course he has good reasons, but Samy knows Joel's past and he's protective over his friend's feelings).
One more meaning of Death is how it changes Aleksi. He's a very carefree, enthusiastic intern at a newspaper, wants to get a promotion and write something amazing that would get him the actual journalist job, so he risks a lot. He's The Fool, who plays with The Devil (Joel), which ends up in his own metaphorical Death when Joel almost kills him after biting him for the second time and drinking too much of his blood. When he wakes up, it's in his warm bed, with Joel being suddenly very soft with him and opening up about the trauma that caused him to become that emotionally "frozen" person.
In the end he promises to try to be nicer. It doesn't end with great love confessions, but with them agreeing to work on their issues together and treating each other with respect. It's a subtle, but very positive ending, because difficult relationships require work, not grand emotional displays and ignoring the issues.
So, that's basically it. I really like this fic and even if it's not popular (idk why tbh 😅), it's one of my favorites. If someone read all of my babbling until this point, thank you 💖
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fff777 · 9 months
Watched Dojaejung on vacation (Part 1) (Part 2)
Part 1
Doyoung rejected Jungwoo's hand holding TAT
Doyoung wants to get into a fight so bad. Like, in general.
Flip flops with accessories on them uwu
Immediately start playing pool/snooker.
Doyoung: Shouldn't we look around...?
Doyoung trying to get the others to pay attention while he's reading the instructions. Only Jungwoo listens.
Jungwoo and Jaehyun straight up just not listening to Doyoung while he tries to set down rules for pool/snooker.
Sir, where is your hand
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Doyoung is way more enthusiastic about this. Jungwoo and Jaehyun are just being silly lol.
Jungwoo and Jaehyun soap song?
More food puns.
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Doyoung scolding Jungwoo for cutting ingredients wrong ^^;;
Jaehyun struggling with the watermelon and Jungwoo just eating and feeding watermelon to Doyoung. I feel like the way Jaehyun is cutting watermelon is a little weird though lmao. Just not how I'd cut it.
Doyoung said Jungwoo was in the way and told him to go elsewhere to be the cheering squad.
Doyoung made 98% of the pad thai himself lol.
Jaehyun fake drinking Jungwoo's orange juice ^^;;
Doyoung telling Jungwoo to compliment Jaehyun's watermelon juice and vice versa ^^;; Older sibling duty
So Mandu game is basically like the 5-10-15-20 drinking game (I don't know the name but it's a similar concept)
Muay Thai class up next, and the winner gets a massage
Jungwoo: Teacher, do you know Ong Bak? Only the most famous Tony Jaa movie of the time lmfao
Jungwoo: How old are you? Teacher: 29 Jungwoo: 29? BROTHER!!
I feel like the room isn't quite big enough for an actual class tbh. Maybe they could have done it outside if there was space because the open air would make the space feel larger?
Yeah now that they're actually sparring this space feels way too small.
Doyoung @ Jungwoo when they were sparring: Why are you taking this so seriously ToT
How is this three-person spar going to even work
Jungwoo is enjoying this 'shop' roleplay sooooo much
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Jungwoo's just being a general nuisance during Jaehyun's foot massage lmao
I have seen the clip of Doyoung getting a massage but this is already starting on a wild ass note?!?!
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Jungwoo has been adamant all this time about using oil but the way he is forcibly rubbing it on Doyoung's back inside his shirt?!
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Part 2
We're resuming from the end of last video where Doyoung was like omgggg what are you doing
Jungwoo just lifts Doyoung's entire shirt up ToT
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I literally had to turn the sound down on my computer because I was watching this on speaker and someone walked past ToT
Doyoung's mic is all muffly, presumably because he's lying on it
Doyoung needs a good reason from Jungwoo as to why he keeps pushing his shirt up ToT
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Lol the head scratcher thing. Jungwoo was using that on Jaehyun before.
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Yeah this is just...
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Doyoung has turned into liquid bunny
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Bro why is this all so ??? the way Jungwoo got tossed on the bed ToT
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Doyoung: Sir, you don't have to take off your shirt Jungwoo: I don't tell you how to do your job
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I was NOT warned about this video okay ToT
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He's getting stretched?
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I don't even know what to think anymore
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I thought I was going to be free from these vibes as they moved on to the next segment but now they're choosing each other's swimming shorts...
Doyoung trying to paddle away as a mischievous looking Jaehyun sidles over
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Always bullied by Jungwoo and Jaehyun
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Playing in the water
Jaehyun with a vengeance
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Jaehyun just splashing everyone now that he's on a roll
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More splashing...Jaehyun really enjoys splashing :P
Never mind, vibes are still ??? Jungwoo jumped directly on top of Jaehyun
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And then Jaehyun taking a photo of Jungwoo
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Siren Jungwoo taking Doyoung hostage under the sea
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Jaehyun continuing to take photos
Sportsball time
Jungwoo and Jaehyun constantly obstructing Doyoung when he tries to shoot ToT
Wow are they actually going to drink beer on screen?
Jaehyun and Doyoung are just wearing plain white shirts and Jungwoo is wearing this.
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They've been preparing for almost a year :o
Jaehyun copying Jungwoo's hand gestures
I forgot about the highlight medley! :P I remember watching it when it came out and finding it kind of cute
They chose scents for themselves for this promotion. That feels kind of magical girl-like to me lmfao. Love that for them.
Creating a greeting as a rookie group ^^;;
The "harmonizing" one lmao
How does Jungwoo have so many of these cheesy bright sounding greetings
Doyoung: We need a leader Doyoung: *Talks about qualities of a leader* Jungwoo: You just want us to choose you.
0 notes
vvardenfellcat · 7 years
“So what all have you done so far?”
The Khajiit giggled, gently pushing Ghost’s nose away from his tankard, the mare insistent on having another drink.
“Food, drink, that’s about it. Might try a contest later, depends on how sober I am when it starts.” He took a drink from his tankard, grinning when his horse decided that nibbling on his ear was the best way to get his attention. He licked his lips.
“Y’should try some! They got really good stuff. Iunno what’s all in this, but it’s really good, and then there’s this roast pork and apples, venison, loads of pies… I don’t think my stomach is big enough to try everything, but it’s worth a shot.”
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babyboibucky · 3 years
The Match - Part 7
Pairing: CEO!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k (woops the longest part yet)
Summary: You finally decide to lower your pride and talk things out with Bucky.
Warnings: SMUT IS BACK BABIES! Oral (f receiving), edging, orgasm denial, also lots of alcohol consumption, Bucky stalking you, annoying people I guess? Uhhh y’all might want to strangle me at the end lmfaooooo
A/N: I’m gonna be honest, every single time I update this I get nervous as fuck because what if this story starts to suck lmao but okay I just hope everyone’s still enjoying this story. Thank you for the continuous support like fuck??? People actually like reading my shit so I’m really flattered. Sending y’all sloppy kisses ‘cause I’m a hoe like that
The Match Masterlist || MAIN MASTERLIST
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"Uhh you might want to slow down on the drinks."
Mark was right about the bar serving the best drinks. It was actually a Mexican-themed bar which also served Tex-Mex food. The drinks were so good that the main course hasn't even arrived yet and you were already on your third frozen margarita.
"Let me have this, Mark. It's been a pretty shitty week." you told him, finishing up your drink before asking the waiter for another round.
Mark watched you with a funny look on his face, the kind that was baffled at the way you were acting now. He probably thought you were all prim and proper, given your demeanor at the office. But with the way you were stuffing your mouth with chicken quesadillas, you were far from being the department head that everybody seemed to respect.
Stress eating. That was what you were doing, because holy shit did you get on Bucky's last nerve. With the message, no, more like warning, that he sent you earlier, you might as well have your last meal before your execution.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Mark carefully asked but there was a hint of amusement in his voice as he watched you eat.
You hummed, mouth full of food. "Totally okay. These quesadillas are the bomb, actually."
Mark laughed, "It's good that you're enjoying the food. I'll be honest, I really appreciate that you agreed to go on this date. I mean, if you even would like to call it that." he explained, much to your relief actually.
You swallowed your food and took a sip from your glass of water, "Thank you." you told him. "Well, this can be a date. A friendly one, of course." you awkwardly chuckled.
Mark nodded, "I don't want to pressure you into anything. I guess I got a little to enthusiastic earlier and I'm really sorry for that. It's just that...you're a really interesting person and you're cool." he admitted with a charming smile.
If Bucky was out of the picture, you would have actually swooned at Mark's charm. He wasn't so bad, he was tall and handsome. He oozed a certain charm, the nice guy kind of charm and any girl would really appreciate the honesty he was showing you now.
You smiled at him, "You're pretty cool too, Mark."
The friendly date was very fun, you definitely didn't expect to enjoy it to the point of forgetting about Bucky's warning. Mark was a nice guy, you realized. Bucky doesn't have to worry about him because it was never even your intention to make him jealous in the first place.
By the time the dessert was being served, you were bellowing from laughter. You literally had tears in your eyes from how hard Mark was making you laugh with his hilarious stories.
Little did you know that from someone else's point of view, you looked like you were having the time of your life with Mark. Your laughter, the ease you were exuding as the both of you talked-- it was very easy to misunderstand.
Especially if that point of view belonged to none other than Bucky, who was sitting silently inside his car that was parked right across the bar.
"Oh god, I can't breathe!" you exclaimed amid your laughter, leaning back against your seat.
Mark heaved out a shy, "That was really, really embarassing." he said timidly.
Mark's phone buzzed in the middle of the conversation, his face turning into a frown as he read the message.
"Hey, everything okay?" you worriedly asked.
"It's my younger sister. I'm needed back home." he explained with a sigh.
"Is everything okay?" you asked worriedly, holding Mark's arm to comfort him.
Mark nodded, "It's fine. It's just a little family emergency." he said before offering you an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I can drop you off on the way home--"
"Hey, it's fine. You can go. I'll be fine. Your family needs you." you reassured with a smile.
Mark sighed, "I'll make it up to you next time." he said, fishing out a couple of bills from his wallet.
You walked out of the bar with Mark and bid goodbye, giving him a friendly hug before he slipped inside his car. As soon as Mark drove off, you headed back inside the bar and ordered a couple of shots because you badly needed to get Bucky off your mind.
Your head was pounding when you stirred awake, your throat burning and vision spinning as you opened your eyes. The light that greeted you made you hiss, pulling the covers over your head you tried to get back to your slumber.
Until you realized that the bed was soft, too soft to be your own. And when did you even own a duvet?
Slowly but surely, you sat up and looked around you, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. This was definitely not your room. Shit, did you sleep with Mark? Fuck no, you remembered him going home early due to a family emergency.
You squeezed your temples and shut your eyes, trying your best to recall everything that happened after you went back to the bar. Flashes of tequila shots and glasses of mojitos made you dizzy. Jesus christ, how many did you drink?!
And then you threw up in the streets as you attempted to walk home. Shit. Someone pulled your hair back while you puked and then there was nothing but darkness.
Pulling the duvet down, you noticed that you weren't wearing anything but a white shirt and your panties. You lifted the shirt up to your nose and sniffed it.
The scent was too memorable to forget.
"I thought you wouldn't be up until the afternoon."
You stilled at the sound of Bucky's voice and you almost didn't want to look up from your lap when he walked into his bedroom. How the hell did you end up at his place?!
"Four frozen margaritas, two shots of tequila and two tall glasses of mojito. I'm surprised you're still alive." he said as he stood at the foot of the bed, his arms crossed over his broad chest.
He was wearing a tight black shirt and a pair of grey sweatpants. This was the most casual you'd ever seen Bucky, but also the most feral. You thought that the scowl he gave you at the elevator was the worst, apparently, this Bucky in front of you, seemed the most dangerous.
"Why am I here?" you asked softly.
Bucky rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed side table, fetching the glass of water and a bottle of painkillers that you failed to notice when you woke up.
"Drink." he commanded and waited for you to take the glass before moving back to stand at the foot of the bed.
Your eyes never left Bucky's when you popped a pill into your mouth. After drinking water, you carefully placed it back on the bedside table and exhaled heavily.
"What happened last night?" you asked again.
"Your date left you." Bucky said, matter of factly.
You snickered, "It wasn't a date and Mark didn't le--"
Your very own squeal cut your statement off when Bucky threw the duvet aside, grabbing your ankle and pulling you towards the edge of the bed until your legs were hanging off. He didn't waste any time to kneel in between your thighs, holding your neck in place as his nose brushed against yours.
Your lids fluttered at the closeness, his scent yet again invading your senses, making you lose all your inhibitions because fuck, it's been too fucking long.
"Let me have this, please..." Bucky whispered against your lips.
When you failed to respond, Bucky took it as his go signal to crash his lips against yours. You knew this was a bad idea because one taste of Bucky and you're gone and yet you let him take what he needed from you.
Because you needed him just as much. So you kissed him back fervently, your fingers carding through his hair as you tugged him closer, wanting to feel and taste all of him.
Bucky breathily chuckled when you whined as he pulled away, only to shower your neck with open-mouthed kisses which made your body buzz with need. Your head was still hurting and you felt like you were going to pass out from dizziness but fuck it, you couldn't care less. Especially not now when Bucky was now nipping at your inner thigh while his hands were spreading you wide open.
All your thoughts flew right out of the window the moment Bucky pushed your underwear aside, his mouth quickly latching over your clit. A needy, raspy moan escaped your lips when Bucky sucked your bud followed by his tongue flattening against your folds.
"Fuck, Bucky..." you breathed out, falling down on your back as he continued lapping up your pussy.
You'd almost forgotten how fucking good Bucky was with his mouth and tongue. You elicited another whimper when he pulled back, but only to stand up and pull down his sweatpants, revealing his cock-- already hard and weeping with pre-cum.
In one swift motion, Bucky slid into your cunt. He leaned down to kiss you, swallowing your moans as you adjusted to his size. With how your pussy was clenching down on his cock, you realized that indeed, it's been too fucking long.
Bucky moved slow at first, letting you adjust to him before he began to speed up his thrusts. His breathing was erratic, soft grunts and growls reverberating from his chest as he fucked you. You gripped his forearms when he started pistoling his hips into yours, the head of his cock kissing your cervix.
"Want you to watch me fuck you." he growled, pulling you up to lean against your elbows.
Bucky held your neck with both his hands, forcing you to look down at your pussy while his cock slides in and out of it. Your face scrunched into pleasure, your mouth open as moans and whimpers continued to escape past your lips.
"Keep your eyes on my cock, see how your pussy takes all of it." Bucky demanded as he fucked you relentlessly.
Your thighs began to tremble, your entire body thrumming from pleasure. You tried to keep your eyes open as you watched Bucky fuck you fast and hard. Clawing at his biceps, you held on for dear life when you felt yourself teeter at the edge of your climax.
"Gonna cum, Bucky..." you moaned as your eyelids fluttered.
Bucky kissed your hard, taking your bottom lip in between his teeth before tugging at it. He pressed a soft kiss beneath your ear, licking at your skin before sucking your earlobe.
"Remember this when that Marcus fails to fuck you real good." he whispered and then pulled out just before you could even cum.
You blinked, unable to process what just happened. Bucky stood up and pulled his sweatpants back up. He rubbed his chin angrily before turning to you.
"You really blew me off to be with a guy who left you at the bar." he said.
Bucky really seduced you, fucked you raw only to edge you and deny you of your fucking orgasm. And now he was reprimanding you? While your legs were spread, panties pushed aside and your wet pussy out there for the world to see. You quickly adjusted your underwear, pulled your shirt down and sat up.
"What the fuck, Bucky?" you hissed. "First of all, his name is Mark. Second, he didn't leave me at the bar!" you exclaimed before you realized something.
"Wait, how did you know?" you asked, finally realizing that Bucky seemed to know everything that took place last night. "Bucky, did you follow me at the bar? Is this why I'm here?" you asked, standing up to come face to face with him.
Bucky shrugged, "So what if I did? If I didn't, you'd wake up in the streets, in your own vomit because again, you went for a guy who couldn't even bring her girl home. You should actually thank me." he said.
"Thank you!" you yelled. "I appreciate you bringing me back to your place. I really do." you said, calmly this time. "But can you please not bring Mark into this because he's a nice guy." you explained, squeezing the bridge of your nose.
Bucky snorted, "You call that nice? He left you!" he said again.
"He didn't! There was an emergency, for fuck's sake! He needed to go home and I said I can take care of myself." you said. "I shouldn't even be explaining myself to you yet I am because you're being really irrational right now." you scolded Bucky.
Bucky shook his head, "You really expect me to believe you? I saw how you laughed with him, how carefree you looked when you talked. How you caressed his arm and you're asking me not to bring Mickey into this conversation?"
You hid your face into your palms, "It wasn't a date, Bucky. We both made it clear. And he's a good person, I enjoyed talking to him. That's it. And again, it's Mark." you said through gritted teeth.
"Not a date my ass, you were flirting with him." Bucky accused.
You scoffed, "I wasn't flirting with him! I was casually talking to him like how a friend would! How hard is that to understand, Bucky?!" you exclaimed.
"You were never like that with me!"
"It's because we did nothing but fuck each other, Bucky!"
"That's why I wanted to make it official but you said no!"
"I already told you the reason why!"
"And yet you went out with a co-worker!"
"We're not just co-workers, Bucky. You're my fucking boss! The fucking CEO! How many times do I have to...you know what, it's useless for me to even explain it again to you." you said.
Bucky chuckled bitterly, "You're going to regret this." he said with a sinister smirk.
"Why can't you understand where I'm coming from?" you asked exasperatedly.
"Maybe because you won't let me help you." he said confidently. "And you know what I hate the most about this thing we have? It's that you want me too but you're too stubborn to give in. And you know what? I'll make sure you do." Bucky said, towering over you and staring deeply in your eyes.
"What I want, I always get."
The weekend passed by like a blur-- a huge, messy blur that made your head and heart hurt. You wanted to spend the weekend to ponder on things, to forget about Bucky even for just a while and now that was impossible after everything that happened.
You caved in first, that was for sure. And the thing is, you don't even regret it but then Bucky exploded and now everything seemed to have gotten worse. You understood why he was so mad at Mark, poor guy though, but he wouldn't even listen to you when you said that the date wasn't even a legitimate one!
"What the fuck did I get myself into?" you uttered under your breath as you sat in your car in the parking.
You began to analyze the situation you were in and drew out possible solutions to your dilemma. Nothing a good conversation can't solve, right? So maybe talking things out with Bucky properly would make things right. The previous conversations you had with him were always too emotional with both your egos getting in the way.
Alright fine, you'd tone down your pride for Bucky this time around and tell him that you do want to be with him. It's just that the repercussions scared the living daylights out of you.
You can't afford to lose your job nor everyone's respect. So if you were going to do this with Bucky, he has to understand that he has to be really careful. Everything must be done in secret, for the meantime at least.
"That sounds about right." you sighed, feeling hopeful that this might actually work out.
The shift in your mood gave you a little bounce as you walked into the building. You were confident that maybe Bucky was able to calm down over the weekend. Perhaps today was a good day to have a decent talk with him.
As soon as you reached your floor, you hurriedly went to your cubicle to drop your things. The earlier you get to talk to Bucky, the better. So as soon as you were done, you jogged back to the elevator excitedly, unable to notice how everyone seemed to be preoccupied gossiping about something.
Your heart was pounding as you walked along the corridor leading to Bucky's office. Fuck, you were really going to risk it all for one Bucky Barnes. You were a few steps away from the door, ready to reach for the knob when an unfamiliar voice called your attention.
"I'm sorry?" you asked, turning around.
"Sir James said not to let anyone disturb him right now." you were met with the presence of a blonde girl who looked younger than you, an intern maybe?
You nodded but then spared another glance at Bucky's office. "Yeah, I uhh need to talk to him. It's usually not a problem for me to barge into his office." you explained with a soft chuckle.
The girl made a face, "I'm sorry, but I'm just following Sir James' orders." she explained, walking around the desk near Bucky's office.
"I don't think we've met. Are you an intern?" you asked, trying to be as nice as much as possible.
The girl giggled, straight on giggled cutely and stood up again. She excitedly extended an arm for an overly eager handshake, "I'm Beverly. I'm Sir James' secretary. It's my first job!"
You blinked, "Oh...oh uh what happened to Amelie?" you asked, curious about Bucky's previous secretary.
Beverly tilted her head, "I don't know. I just got a call over the weekend from Sir James, offering me the job so I accepted it. I mean, he is pretty cute. Right?" she said in a soft voice.
Is this Bucky's plan? To hire a younger, more bubbly secretary who'd follow his every order? Someone who was the complete opposite of you? Because if this was his plan to get you to cave, it wasn't working. At all.
Sure, Beverly was pretty and young and very chirpy. But you were sure she wasn't Bucky's type. He was never into obedient little girls, hell, your defiance turned Bucky on. This was definitely not working.
You didn't know why, but instead of relief you felt even more nervous. Because if this wasn't Bucky's threat to you, what could it be? You snapped out of your pessimism, maybe Bucky came around over the weekend too?
Only one way to find out.
"Beverly..." you carefully said. "I'm just going to go inside. And don't worry, I'll make sure that Mister Barnes won't get mad at you. This is all me, alright?" you reassured.
Beverly pouted and sighed, "I don't know, because he was very clear with his instructions. And he's talking to--"
"I got you, Bev. I'm going in now." you said, cutting her off and then going straight for Bucky's office.
Taking in a deep breath, you pushed the door open and wasted no time to talk.
"Hey, I really need to talk to you. I thought about--"
"Oh, who's this little lady?"
Your eyes widened upon seeing Bucky in the company of another woman. She looked like she was around your age, except that she was taller and had legs for days. Her brunette hair reached past her shoulders in lovely waves. She was wearing a white chiffon blouse paired with a pair of black trousers and matching stilettos.
She oozed the charm of a lady boss. The way she carried herself reminded you of someone but you just couldn't point out who it was.
"I'm sorry to interrupt." you said, straightening up and turning to look over at Bucky who lifted a brow at you.
That fucking look of mischief.
"I told Beverly not to let anyone in." he said.
"I just wanted to--"
"Oh come on now, Bucky. Don't be so grumpy this early, you were about to call everyone for a meeting anyway." the woman said, turning to you with a smile.
Did she just call him...Bucky?
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Bucky rolled his eyes and sighed, "Yeah, well you're already here might as well introduce you first."
You narrowed your eyes at Bucky in confusion, "I don't understand what's going on." you said.
Bucky stood up from his chair and walked over to the other woman, standing beside her. Seeing them side by side was making you feel things. You haven't even seen them interact that much but you were already sensing that you were going to hate their dynamics.
"This is Mackenzie. I hired her to help us out on a huge project which I will be discussing with the entire team this morning." Bucky introduced a little too proudly for your liking.
Mackenzie offered her hand, "You can just call me Kenzie. I'm a marketing consultant. And you are?" she asked.
Your blood boiled, your eye twitched and your heart ached. Because now you realized who it was that Mackenzie reminded you of when it came to her charisma.
And not only did she have a similar personality to yours-- confident and had authority-- but she also seemed to be here to take the one thing you worked so hard for.
You offered a smile, taking Mackenzie's hand in yours as you mentioned your name, your piercing eyes glancing over at Bucky.
"I'm the head of marketing."
The Match Special Tags:
@marvelslag​ @weird-mumbling​ @propertyofpoeandbucky​ @lostinthoughtsandfeelings​ @mostly-marvel-musings​ @squishybabies​ @megzdoodle​ @suchababie​ @annathesillyfriend​ @xhollycowx​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​ @5-seconds-of-mendes​ @gogolucky13​ @countonthesun​ @iloveshawnieboi​ @learisa��� @borikenlove​ @scarlet-natasha89​
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii​ @jessou893​ @stealapizzamyheart​ @bagelofthelord​ @mxnt​ @dontputyourfckingdrinkonmytable @jeeperky​ @ohladymacbeth​ @wildflowergubler​ @supraveng​ @twinerd14​ @buckysmar @bakugouswh0r3​ @sweetcoldharmony @wintersfilm​ @charminivy​ @amelia-song-pond​ @iamvalentinaconstanza​ @mcubqrnes @im-squished​ @tcc-gizmachine​ @sipsteacasually​ @prettyintopeerpressure​ @weloveyasmin​ @est19xxshit​ @bloodhon3yx​ @dressed-in-prada​ @lizette50​ @thatfangirl42​ @sunflowerbunny2​ @unmagically​ @okiegirl24​ @sugarpunch-princess​ @enlyume​ @vvipgotbb @slimeyderp​ @lyoongx​ @just-deka​ @nobody-will​ @jaziona92 @elisebuitron​ @dpaccione​ @suvikamahes98blr​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @earthtonav @x-judyjude-x​ @nani-kenobi @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @belladonnabarnes​ @iloveangstposts​ @weenersoldierr​ @asemistablehundredyearoldman​ @reidbuck​ @lizzarooni​ @girlfriday007​ @bonkywobble​ @lost-in-the-stars03​ @its-yasbxtch​ @whoth3hellisbucky​
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beyondspaceandstars · 3 years
A Simple Housewife
Relationship: Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader AU Warnings: non-graphic violence, angst Summary: Mob!AU - A new member starts getting too friendly with you one night, forcing Bucky to show a side of himself you’ve never seen before. And possibly never want to see again.  A/N: in my list of favorite AUs right under soulmate!au is mob!au........idk why i can’t explain it but I love it it’s such good content. and i realized well i can contribute to it as a genre so here I am lmao. (also, for reference, the work contains college-age peter parker - i aged him up fyi)
You liked how you two worked as a team. Bucky liked to hold meetings at your home, and you liked to host them. It was an unspoken agreement every time he’d come home and rattle off who was going to be around the next night.
These instances always sent you into a frenzy, but a good kind of frenzy. It gave you something to do. While a simple housewife per your husband’s request, these events meant you could fill your days planning menus, table settings, wine pairings, grocery shopping… It was therapeutic in some ways and even nicer knowing it would be appreciated.
His men loved to fawn over your perfectly cooked food or premium hand-picked wine and you simply adored it. While it sometimes rubbed Bucky the wrong way seeing you all giggly over compliments from other men, he typically let it slide. It was never very serious and certainly never went beyond sweet comments. You embraced your hosting duties while pretending to ignore the conversations that would go on in the next room after the meal, much to Bucky’s content.
The night had started like any other. Bucky came home the previous day and told you there was going to be a meeting tomorrow night and to expect to host ten of his men. That seemed like such a smaller crowd than he normally had over, so you inquired, curious.
"Only ten?" You asked, already rushing to grab your pen and paper for the planning.
Bucky nodded, leaning against the counter. "Yeah, we’ve got someone new coming on and I don’t want to overwhelm him."
"A new guy?" Your eyes lit up. "You mean someone who hasn’t tasted my lasagna?"
Your husband couldn’t hold back the chuckle at your innocent awe. Moments like these made him wonder how someone so warm could ever deal with someone like him. 
You weren’t totally clueless about his career, you knew at least a general description of what he did for a living, but, on the other hand, you hadn’t ever seen it. You roughly knew there were… multiple sides to him but those all seemed so distant, so pointless, at the time. In this home, with you, he was just Bucky. Your Bucky. Your husband. The one who showered you with love and appreciation.
"Yes, doll," your husband confirmed. "There’s someone who hasn’t had your famous lasagna."
"Wonderful!" You clapped and started writing out the menu. "Are there any requests? I certainly don’t want to mess anything up. God forbid the new guy thinks I’m a bad host or something."
You heard Bucky sigh as you continued making your notes. A hand came to your shoulder softly, halting your actions. You turned to face your husband, who was looking down at you with a soft smile, easing your worries nearly completely.
"Everything is going to be just fine," he said, placing a loving kiss on your forehead. You helplessly melted into the touch. "There’s nothing to worry about."
You were running around the kitchen like a mad man when Bucky came home the next night with a couple of men already following behind. He called out to greet you like some cheesy sitcom entrance. You force yourself to halt your panic, knowing it was in your best interest to go greet him and the first guests. Smoothing out your apron, you double-checked nothing would explode in flames upon your absence and made your way to the foyer.
"Hi, honey," you smiled as your eyes landed on your well-dressed, sophisticated-looking husband. For all the time spent together, he never did fail to make you swoon simply by just standing there.
"Hey, doll." Bucky matched your smile and gave you a kiss on the cheek knowing you would stress even more if he dared to smudge your lipstick.
When you two parted, your eyes wandered over your husband’s shoulder to the two men standing in front of the door. The one staring at you two exchanging welcomes you recognized right away as your husband’s right-hand-man Steve. Ever so strong and important looking.
But the boy standing next to Steve was a mystery. He was a bit smaller than them both but still had some height on you. This didn’t take away, though, from this timid look. He gazed around your home seeming so in awe of it all. He didn’t realize you were staring at him until Steve nudged him.
Bucky picked up on your curiosity and immediately jumped into introductions. Motioning towards the boy, "This is Peter. He’s the new member I was telling you about."
"Oh, of course," You smiled, outstretching your hand. Peter accepted the shake, a little on the enthusiastic side. "Very nice to meet you."
"It’s very nice to meet you too, Mrs. Barnes." The boy responded, holding slightly too much eye-contact, but you couldn’t blame him.
Your hands disconnected and you chuckled at the formalities, waving a hand in dismissal. You told him to call you by your first name. "The whole misses thing feels so serious," you insisted.
Peter just smiled, a twinkle in his eyes almost. He seemed to relax at your casualness. After the introductions, you led the men into the front room, offering up drinks and hors d’oeuvres. They helped themselves as you started to make your way back to the kitchen. For some reason, you decided to look back at the group. Your eyes met Peter’s immediately. The other men didn’t seem to notice, engrossed in some conversation as they poured their beverages. You simply smiled at the boy and headed back to the food.
It wasn’t too long after the first arrivals that the rest of the members started arriving. You didn’t have time to personally greet them all but Bucky assured you that was never necessary. You two had your own things to run, he liked to joke.
With everything places — food, silverware, centerpieces — you called the men into the dining room. They oohed and awed at the spread of lasagna, bread, veggies… All food groups were represented, you thought. As predicted, they began praising you for the meal as if it was the first time in their life that they’d ever eaten and it made you giggle. These were some of the toughest people you’d ever known and yet a simple baking dish of pasta and sauce could amaze them.
Once everyone was seated and digging in, you took your seat at the other end of the table, directly across from Bucky. As you began passing around the bread, you surprisingly found Peter sitting next to you.
"They made you sit down at this end?" You asked, handing him the breadbasket. Usually, the members dreaded sitting near the wife. While they were all so kind, in moments like these, they’d rather be at the other end looking so important.
"New guy," Peter shrugged, taking a piece of bread and moving it along.
"I thought this meeting was, like, for you," you said, cutting into the slice of lasagna one of the other men were so kind to serve you.
"No," he shook his head, beginning to eat. "At least that’s not how Mr. Barnes described it. Doesn’t matter, though. It’s just nice to be here."
You smiled, delighted by his optimism, having not seen many new members in your time with Bucky. "I hope the foods okay. I got nervous when Bucky said there’d be someone new coming around."
Peter scoffed as if finding your worry crazy which eased your mind a little. He took another bite of food. "This is easily one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time."
"Thank you, Peter," you said, taking a sip of your wine. Peter copied your motion, looking at you above the wine glass rim as he sipped.
"You did everything, yeah?" He asked, holding his wine while motioning towards the tables and surroundings. "Foods, plates, all of it?"
You nodded, probably coming off a bit more eager than you should’ve, but you couldn’t help yourself. Sure, Bucky’s guests loved to compliment your cooking but no one ever acknowledged the other pieces put into the meal.
"I try to change the table setting every season," you said, "and I like the food to be seasonal, too. There are some lovely markets around and I just adore browsing them… Oh! And the centerpieces, I got the flowers there, too…"
Your rambling died down as you caught Bucky staring at you from the other end of the table. One guy was trying to talk his ear off but he seemed interested in your conversation. Curiously, you started eying your husband back as you picked at your food. His face held an unreadable expression but, eventually, his eyes left yours and were now more focused on the one sitting next to you.
Appearing oblivious, Peter continued the conversation. "Well, I think the flowers are a nice touch," he said. "Pretty flowers picked by a pretty girl."
Your heart skipped a little at that comment. You couldn’t ignore the fact it was quite bold. While you were away of the gazes you got sometimes and the possibility you were talked about behind the scenes but to say it here? At the dinner table? With your husband just in earshot?
But at the same time, you had to consider, he was nice and probably just trying to butter you up hoping for a good word put in with the bossman. There was no doubt people thought they could get to Bucky through you but, in reality, you didn’t stick your hands in any of it. Nope, you just married into it.
Not completely sure how to respond, you simply accepted the compliment, "Well, thank you. That’s very sweet."
Peter smiled at your words, looking a bit proud of himself. You turned back to your plate and tried to eat your meal in silence.
Once everyone was finished, the group started making their way out of the dining room. You shooed them, promising to be out with coffee in a bit.
You were deep into cleaning, having finally carried all the dishes from the dining room to the kitchen when someone entered.
At first, you didn’t explicitly hear them as the faucet was running heavy from your battle of scrubbing dishes. Suddenly, you could sense a presence right behind you at the sink. Turning around, you nearly jumped out of your skin as you came face-to-face with Peter, looking almost amused at scaring you. You were surprised and also… not surprised.
"Sorry," you let out a breathy chuckle. "I didn’t hear you come in."
"That’s okay," he said and motioned towards the dirty plates lining the counter. "Do you need any help?"
"Oh," you frowned. "Shouldn’t you be in the meeting with everyone else?
He shook his head, "Mr. Barnes doesn’t want to start until he’s had coffee."
"Well, you can let him know it’s brewing away," you said, trying to keep your tone serious as you could. You turned back to the sink, praying he got the hint.
He hadn’t, you realized, as Peter came around to stand at your side, leaning against the counter. He stood, arms crossed, watching you.
It was weird — actually, this entire situation was weird. You didn’t think anyone but you or your husband had been in this kitchen before let alone actually know where it was in your home.
Despite how odd you found it, the last thing you wanted to be was rude. You didn’t want to think about what could ensue from your husband losing a guy.
"It’s kind of sad, Mrs. Barnes," Peter crossed his arms, seemingly ignoring your previous request to call you by your first name. You glanced at him, confused. "You’re so kind to do all this and none of them even offer to help you clean up."
"Oh, no, It’s okay-,"
"It’s really sad," He repeated, completely cutting off your attempt at a defense. You frowned and went back to cleaning the plates, praying your attempt to ignore him would encourage him to walk out. There was a weird feeling growing in your gut.
"Such a pretty girl shouldn’t have to do so much," Peter said, softly. "It’s not fair to you."
And that’s when you felt it. His hand slowly came up to rest on your lower back. You immediately tensed under his touch, mind spinning. What the hell had you ended up in? Should you have tried harder to get him out? Gosh, but he seemed so harmless-
His hand started inching upward and then back down, creeping a little lower each time with the motion. With your stance frozen, all you could do was focus on the soapy water in the sink, unsure of your next move. He took the hesitance as a chance to close the gap between you two. A few more shifts and he could have you fully pressed against the sink.
But before you could even ponder about his next move, the swinging kitchen door busted open. You both flinched at the sudden noise but Peter didn’t seem to move. You looked over to find it was Bucky in the doorway, gun drawn and pointed directly at Peter.
Your heart sank when you saw the weapon. Sure, you knew there was weaponry stored in the home but you had never definitely seen it. You could sometimes make out outlines of guns in suit pockets but now you were on the other end of one. While it wasn’t meant for you, with your poor positioning, a single shot and you could be taken down. And by your husband-
"What the fuck are you doing?" Bucky finally spoke, never taking his eyes off the person nearly towering over you. The gun was very steady, just like his words. But everything else about him was unlike anything you’d ever witnessed before. His eyes were dark, his features so harsh. This felt like a man you had never seen before.
"We were just talking," Peter answered. His voice was casual but you could feel a slight tremor in his hand. Or maybe that was just your body shaking uncontrollably. You couldn’t tell. "I offered to help her clean up."
Bucky cocked the gun. "Get your hands off her."
"Honey," you spoke softly, your voice slightly cracking from the tears that were beginning to form. "Please put the gun down."
"Not until he gets his hands off you, doll."
"Bucky, please." He wouldn’t look at you. He was determined to look beyond you and it scared you to death.
"You have five seconds to back away from her," Bucky took a step closer. "Or I’ll be forced to mess up my girl’s lovely kitchen."
You gasped at the sharpness in his voice, the entire darkness of it all. You started begging under your breath, hoping whoever or whatever heard the helpless prayers.
Finally, after what felt like hours to you, Peter stepped away from you. You turned to look back at the copy water where your hands were still submerged. They shook as you removed them and you let out a breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding.
Regaining some composure, you backed away from the sink and turned to your husband. Bucky still had the gun pointed at Peter, completely focused on him. Slowly, you approached him, your hands raised as if surrendering. You just needed to get the gun put away and then you could run to your room for some solitude. Fuck the other people probably oblivious, just relaxing and joking in your front room. This was typical business for them, they probably encountered your husband’s dark demeanor day in and day out, but this was going to take a toll on you.
"Honey, his hands are off of me," you whispered, slowly tiptoeing closer. "Put down the gun."
"He put his hands on you, doll," Bucky was answering you but he somehow sounded so distant, so consumed. "I let someone into this house that was going to do God knows what to you."
"No, no," you shook your head and you meant it. You didn’t think Peter was totally malicious. Just someone with a crush, high off excitement in a new place. "I really don’t think he meant harm."
"You’re too kind," Bucky scoffed. "You’re too kind, too innocent, too naive-,"
He held the gun stronger, seemingly preparing to shoot any second now. You were at the end of your rope with the realization. The waterworks were flowering uncontrollably now.
"James," you said, anger breaking through the tears. He seemed to freeze ever so slightly at your usage of his first name. "You really want to do this in front of your wife?"
Something clicked. You could feel it, you knew it. He didn’t answer and instead slowly lowered the weapon, placing it on the counter. Your husband turned to you. Seeing his opportunity, Peter sped past you two out of the kitchen. Neither of you really registered it. You were staring at one another, watching each other even begin to realize what had happened.
Now you were actually clueless. Were you meant to talk about this? Or did you just deal with it in time? The silence was killer but all your mind could focus on was the coffee machine that had gone silent, telling you it was done brewing. It was such a stupid, random thing to even focus on but you felt like your brain would explode if gave anything else the time of day.
"The coffee is ready for your meeting," you said, pulling off your apron and throwing it on the counter. Bucky watched you as stormed out of the kitchen, looking completely stunned and equally clueless.
You sat at your vanity in the bedroom. Thankfully you were able to avoid the front room, having no desire for anyone to see you in with mascara running down your cheeks.
You furiously scrubbed off your make-up despite it already almost off from the tears. Your emotions were just all over the place at this point. You didn’t know if you were angry, surprised, sad…
Mostly, you realized, you felt dumb. You could parade around being a little housewife, pretending she lived a normal life with a normal husband who had a normal job but that just wasn’t it. That wasn’t your reality in this moment. As much as you knew what his career entailed, seeing it up close like that was a whole new level. You thought you knew. You thought you knew so much.
You were just finishing changing out of your dress when the bedroom door opened. In the mirror, your angry eyes met Bucky’s worried ones. He entered slowly, shutting the door behind him. Part of you was pleased with this situation. He chose to check on you, pausing his meeting, but at the same time, you didn’t know if you could deal with anyone right now.
"How are you doing?" He finally spoke up, voice cutting through the tension.
You scoffed, "I just saw my husband pull a gun on a person in our fucking home."
Bucky shook his head and made his way over to the bed, where he sat at the edge, facing you. He wanted to get at you for swearing but much worse things had happened tonight that he didn’t know the point in it. Bucky never wanted to bring anything like that home.
He didn’t take care of that kind of "business" in this house. The meetings were routine, typically check-ins, but any deals or assignments were handled off the premises in fear of something turning ugly. He just wanted to keep you from that ugly. His sweet, soft wife who got excited over making lasagna and picking apples at the farmer’s market was never meant to be thrown into any of this. Especially not in the kind of way that just went down.
"I didn’t mean for that to happen," Bucky said. You rolled your eyes and turned quickly in your chair to face him. He ignored your attitude. "He had his hands on you. He was practically on top of you. Do you understand that? Please tell me you understand how that would make me angry."
"God, Bucky, you pulled a gun on an unarmed person!" You exclaimed. "I understand you were upset, I completely get that, but what… What was that? Who was that?"
His head tilted, confused, questioning. You shook your head in disbelief. Did he not even realize the mode he went into? The whole other person he seemed to encompass in those few minutes?
"You… you weren’t yourself," you mumbled and averted your gaze to your fingers which were fidgeting, restless. "You were scary. Disconnected. I didn’t know that person."
Bucky didn’t say anything at first. He got up from the bed and walked over to where you were seated at your vanity. He crouched down, trying to get you to look at him. Your heart pounded furiously at his close presence.
"You shouldn’t have seen that," He said. "You shouldn’t have seen any of that, doll."
His hands came to grasp yours. You wanted to pull away but you weren’t fast enough. He gripped your hands firmly as if scared you were going to vanish. Your head was swimming with even more confusion as he avoided your questioning.
"Can you even explain yourself?" You asked, finally looking up at him. Bucky’s worry seemed to have melted away and was replaced by something you once again couldn’t put your finger on.
He shook his head. The grip on your hands got tighter. "You have to understand when things come up I must act accordingly."
You didn’t understand but you had to understand. You knew you did. He was right. While jarring, that other side of Bucky did exist out there and he was probably the reason he could be so successful. And while that was something you could work on accepting, you didn’t want to see it in your home.
But for now, you didn’t want to deal with it. Emotions for you both were running high and there was no telling what could come out of your mouth anymore. You’d come back to it and work it out. There was no way you could avoid it. You didn’t think you could ever be scrubbed clean of what you saw.
"Okay," you mumbled and felt his hold on your hands loosen. "Just… Please don’t bring your work home for the time being. We can discuss this in the morning."
Bucky nodded, running his hand from your hands to your shoulder, lovingly. He mumbled okay and you sighed in relief.
For a second you wanted to just sit there, engrossed in the comfort his touch was bringing, completely and fully enjoy that you had your Bucky back, but then your brain remembered the people downstairs.
"Oh, honey," you said, "the guys are probably waiting for you."
"No," Bucky’s head shook. "I sent them home. You’re more important."
You melted at the words. Yes. Confirmed. Your Bucky was back to you. The man you loved and gave everything. He was putting you first.
"You didn’t need to do that," you mumbled, bashfully. Bucky chuckled at your reaction.
"Of course I did," he insisted. "I was worried. I never wanted you to see that. You didn’t sign up for that."
"No, Bucky, I really didn’t," you shook your head.
He sighed, "And I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you."
You looked down again, suddenly worried you were putting too much guilt on him but at the same time, that felt silly to even consider. You weren’t sure anymore. The day was overwhelming as the minutes continued.
"Could we just go to bed now?"
Bucky removed his hands from your shoulders and stood, allowing you to get out of the chair and make your way to the bed, under the fluffy comforter. Your husband watched, waiting until you were comfortable.
"I’ve got a few phone calls to make but then I’ll come to bed, okay?"
You nodded, eyes shut already halfway into your dream world. You heard Bucky chuckle as he turned out the lights and shut the door quietly.
You lulled yourself to sleep, head still spinning from the earlier acts. The whiplash your husband gave you was starting to catch up but how much more could you think about it? It’d come back and you’d have to deal but for now, you could pretend. At least while you slept, you could go back to putting that distance between yourself and any side of Bucky that wasn’t husband Bucky. For just a bit, you could pretend you didn’t know so much.
taglist note: i chose not to tag in this work b/c it is an AU and was unsure if people were comfortable with being tagged in such.
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l0ve-weenkun · 2 years
The Snow Blooms on the Forest Floor
i also did a writing trade with a homie!!!!! ofc ofc, im sure u know who im gonna write abt for da homie >:3 (Aurelius lmao) i really hope u like this!!! had a lot of fun writing this and thinking abt ideas for it :3
Spring has finally arrived in the Raine Tundra! Somewhat. As expected, there's still snow practically everywhere, but at least it's not 10 inches deep! The weather is slightly warmer, and the ferocious snowstorms that happened ever so often have died down into small snow flurries, replacing typical spring showers. Now that the temperatures are warmer, snow flowers, typically called powder flowers, are in full bloom over the forest grounds, and you couldn't think of a better time to call Aurelius and spend some time with him. You pulled out your cellphone and dialed his number, hoping he would pick up.
"Hey, Aurelius! It's y/n."
"Oh! Hi. Is something the matter?"
"No, not really. I was just wondering if you were busy right now?"
"I was just about to make some food. Do you need anything?"
"Perfect timing", you thought.
"Would you... Like to have a picnic in the woods? Spring has really melted the snow a lot, and uh, the weather has been a lot warmer lately. Figured now would be a nice time to be together and catch up a bit... And the powder flowers are in bloom now too! I'd love to pick some with you!"
"Powder flowers? I've never heard of those before. Do they only bloom in the spring?"
"They do! And they're beautiful. The petals are edible too, tea made with them is a real treat in the fall."
You heard silence from the other line, and a million thoughts raced through your head.
"Does he not want to come?"
"I'd like a picnic, it sounds nice. I just started cooking some skewers so I'll add a few more for you too."
"Oh! Ok, great! I'll meet you at the bear shaped rock in the middle path, I know a perfect picnic spot. Does that sounds good?"
"Yes. I'll meet you there in... An hour?"
"Yeah, an hour is perfect! See you there!"
"See you."
"That was way more nerve-wracking than it had to be, holy shit."
After you got a grip of your jelly legs, you gave a small, enthusiastic dance, excited for what's to come. After changing into something decent for going out, you began packing up some of your favorite drinks and snacks into a woven basket, along with cups and a purple and white checkered blanket, your preferred picnic cloth. Putting on your snow shoes, you grabbed the keys to your home and walked outside the door, but before leaving you called out to your father.
"Hey dad, I'm going out to pick powder flowers!! I'll be back later on!!"
"Stay safe, y'hear? Maybe call up that big mountain guy to keep you safe!"
"...Bye, dad!"
You shook your head and rolled your eyes in disappointment, hearing your father chuckle from the other room as you closed the door and began making your way to your meet up point with Aurelius. After you were far enough from the house you gave out a small laugh yourself.
"Oh, if only you knew, old man."
After a while of walking, you could finally see the fabled bear rock in the distance. It's a fairly big rock, in the shape of a bear standing on all fours, covered in a thick layer of moss with a thin layer of snow on top of it. Once you got close enough to the rock and examined it a bit, you could see small budding flowers on the moss, and it brought a smile to your face. This rock has been here for ages, and it's a very well known checkpoint for tundra dwellers, so much so that it's become your favorite place to meet with Aurelius when you can. In the distance you could hear walking, and you turned to face the sound, the smile on your face growing even bigger as you watched Aurelius' figure get closer.
"There are flower buds on the rock! Spring really is here, this rock almost never gets flowers."
"Is that so?"
Aurelius finally got close enough to both you and the rock, and took a good look at the rock, before looking down at you, a soft expression on his face. He silently admired your figure before mentally changing the topic.
"Oh, you're right. Hopefully they'll bloom alright, it's still cold."
"If the flowers are budding now, they'll likely bloom in the coming days, so they should be ok! Now, then, shall we?"
You gave him a smile as you led him deeper into the forest, the sunlight peaking through the tree leaves leading you both to your destination. As you continued along the path you began to see the budding powder flowers emerging from the ground, and you began to take more cautious steps, not wanting to crush the delicate beauties. You looked towards Aurelius and you watched his silent, awestruck expression as he stared at the forest floor, attently staring at the blossoms before him. It brought a smile to your face knowing that he was so interested in the spring beauties, and it filled you with joy knowing that you could spend this moment with him.
Once you approached the small pond in the center of the forest, you stopped with a content sigh, and gazed at the beautiful nature around you. Powder flowers in full bloom as far as the eye can see, the soft hues of periwinkle and baby blue enchant your vision as a gentle breeze flows, making the elegant flowers dance and sway, their sweet aroma reaching the furthest corners of the forest. Once again, you looked towards Aurelius, curious as to what he thinks, and you watched as he took in the view with you, a smile on his features as he breathes in the fresh spring air.
"You picked a beautiful spot, y/n. I never knew the forest had such a hidden beauty."
"Honestly, this is the only time of the year when the forest looks this nice. Any other time and it's all snowed over, or there's a few Miramon trying to destroy everything. Springtime is the only time when I can come to this spot and relax, the scent of the powder flowers mixed with the warm sun just melts away all my worries."
As you spoke to Aurelius, you began to set up the picnic, placing the cups down, bringing out the drinks and snacks. Aurelius soon followed your actions, finally unpacking the skewered meat he ever so kindly cooked for you, the savoury aroma mixed with the sweet aroma of the flowers and created something new, and it smelled wonderful.
You both sat down and began eating, talking about the little things in life, the nature around you accompanying you ever so dearly as you spent time with your beloved mountain man. You educated him on powder flowers and their origins as well as told him a few recipes they can be used in. You two spent the whole day simply sitting in the forest, enjoying each other's company, and for the time being, it felt like it was just the two of you in the world, sharing the same loving perception of perfection at it's finest. You watched as Aurelius picked a single powder flower from the ground, examining it closely before he opened his mouth to speak,
"The spring weather is beautiful, y/n. The sun's radiance peaking through the trees bounces off of you in such a manner that makes the snow, and my heart melt. I'm glad I got to spend this day with you."
You, just like the snow on the forest floor, melted on the spot.
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catcze · 3 years
(remember to rest yourself and drink water and eat food so dont starve and pretty please rest like dont do this req immediately pls rest dont overwork yourself like ganyu-) aye imma req the stronK wing req with other chatacters - hmm albedo, zhongli and traveller ? (aether ? your choice really !!)
-pretty boi anon ♥️ (im so proud of myself rn thats my first anon thing-)
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Reblogs are greatly appreciated !! ⠀
「 FEAT : 」Zhongli, Albedo x Male Reader
「 ### : 」 Fluff !!
「 CWS : 」 Reader has wings??? 
Aw omg thanks so much pretty boi 💞🥺  and really??! omg im so honored to be the first blog with you as their anon!! I can totally do your request! Good choice btw, i absolutely love the geo characters 💞
Note from future Catte: deleted Aether’s part, since i’m no longer going to be writing for him, and I wouldn’t want people to think that i still do!
Kaeya, Diluc & Childe ver.
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Sticking w/ the narrative that you’re an adeptus / illuminated beast, it makes sense that you’d be familiar with Zhongli! Considering how you stick around humans like Ganyu or Yanfei, it shouldn’t be too unusual to see you around Liyue harbor with the archon-turned-funeral consultant.
Zhongli being Zhongli, he probably is super learned when it comes to maintaining your wings. Every now and then, he’ll have you sit on a stool in front of him while he stands behind you, preening your wings and correcting any misaligned feathers. He probably goes on tangents and talks about anything while he does this lmao.
He would accompany you when you buy oils to care for your wings! Although he probably wouldn’t be able to pay for it for you, he’d still be able to help you choose the best ones for your feathers.
He doesn’t treat you any differently, since he isn’t surprised or shocked that you have wings (since, you know, he was / is Rex Lapis) so he’d treat you as normally as he would anyone else.
Ik this can sound anticlimactic, but in your experience, when you go to places or meet people who have never seen a winged being not trying to do any harm, they’re usually so surprised, and may distance themselves from you in caution, or they may be too chummy with you in curiosity.
Zhongli treating your wings as if they were just a regular part of you –nothing to make a fuss about, nothing to gawk over– is such a breath of fresh air.
If he has an errand to run in the wild to procure things for funerals, you usually come with him. 
One of the reasons why he invites you is because you typically make the gathering easier, and a little less risky to his mortal form. After all, with your wings, he doesn’t have to risk his own wellbeing scaling cliffs for qinxin flowers or violet grass.
Your wings and your expert control makes it all too easy for you to fly him and yourself up to wherever he needs to go, and despite the strength of each flap of your wings, you’re careful to not blow away and damage any of the flora he needs.
But a big big big reason why he’d he’d want you around is because you’re always so enthusiastic to listen to his stories, and you always remember the details he tells you, too. Its not often that this happens–– sometimes some Liyue women would try to converse with him in hopes of catching his interest, but they typically gave up whenever he would begin his long-winded explainations.
That’s why he was pleasantly surprised when he met you (who was not of the female populus!!! How rare!1!1) who was so happy to listen to him. Funny enough, it was this that actually made him interested in you. Zhongli is very glad for your presence, too, and he never fails to bring you along with him.
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⠀ 「 ALBEDO 」
Albedo would be so curious about your wings!
When he first meets you, he’s cordial and polite ofc, but its so obvious that he can’t keep his eyes off your wings. You’re probably the first adeptus / illuminated beast he’s ever met.
He probably won’t ask you if you’re willing to let him run some tests on you right off the bat tho, since he’s worried you might say no. When you two are more acquainted, then he’ll ask!
He’s a little shy and hesitant too, not wanting to intimidate you with the words ‘test’ or ‘experiments.’ Listen to his voice line where he asks the traveller if he can do some research on Paimon–– same vibe. 
He’ll be so excited if you accept, even if he doesn’t show i! DOing experiments and gathering data on you and your wings becomes his top priority, and he schedules it with you ASAP.
He’s sure to bring you somewhere where you wont be bothered and where you can fully stretch out your wings. Maybe dragonspine, or somewhere near Wolvendom.
The experiments and data Albedo wants to gather isn’t insane–– he mostly wants to know things like your maximum speed, you initial velocity, the shape of your wings + how they affect your flight, the strength behind your wings, how well you can control them and the like.
At one point when you take a small break, you offer to carry him! he accepts ofc because this can be a learning experience, but he really really enjoys it! He’s so enamored by the brids-eye view of the landscape that only you (and he, right now) could see. He’ll probably ask you to fly him up again, just so that he could sketch it!
Speaking of, he’d ask you if its okay to sketch your wings, too, so he can get an idea of how they work. If you’re alright with it, he’ll ask you to remove your shirt so he can see where the wings connect to your back. 
Albedo spends so much time sketching and asking you to pose your wings in different ways, so he can see the extent of their flexibility. He probably touches them, if you’re down, to see what the textures and hardness of the feathers are like. 
Honestly, the experience and looking back at the sketches really highlights to him how astounding your form was.
He’ll probably ask if you have any similarities in terms of behaviour with male birds of other species, and it’s up to you to discuss the similarities and differences with him.
While you two are up in Dragonspine, you get concerned about him getting cold, since you’re easily warmed by your personal cocoon of feathers, so you bring Albedo into your chest and into the blanket of your wings to warm him up. Both of you enjoy it immensely. 
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It took me too much time
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A friends to lover journey for Jiyong and Y/n. Here’s how it all began.
Warning: Smut, language, cuteness overload. Oooh, in the smut part, there is a bit of masochism (not to an extreme, it’s cute. Said in another way, she loves it when it hurts a bit), outdoor sex.  Also, a big fear of storms, the mention of a fire.
W.C. 17796 (of pure hapiness... it made me very happy to write it <3)
Personal note: This is one of my fav gif of Ji. Let’s pretend that it’s him as he’s having a good time with his best friend, okay? Okay!
Sorry for that title and description, I didn’t know how to name it until now, LMAO.
Hopefully, you will love this one. It’s cute, sexy, funny. There is angst too.
Here it is
A double date, 5 years ago.
You were not sure if it was a good idea but you couldn’t refuse to go. It was a gift on a silver plate for your friend, more likely your favorite co-worker. Jiyong had agreed to go on a date with her but at one condition: it had to be a double date. Apparently, his friend Seunghyun was head over toes for you and was too shy to ask you out. It was the perfect occasion for Jiyong, maybe he would get some and his friend would have a chance to meet the girls he was silently in love with.  Well, most precisely, to have a complete conversation instead of the formalities you exchanged when you served him at the café.
You were working in a café where the boys came to relax and eat after their practice At the time they came, the café was almost emptied from the patreons.  They were the best friends in the world, bandmates working hard to pursue their dream in the music industry. They had made their debut a while ago and the reactions were enthusiastics. The press had good reviews of their albums and the fan base grew. They were starting big.
“It will be fun,” she said, “believe me, Seunghyun is such a cutie pie, a perfect match for you. Plus, you never went on a double date before so you can’t tell me that you don’t like it”.
“Okay but I’m only doing it for you. You owe me one girl...”
This is when you had met Seunghyun and Jiyong and got to have a real conversation with them. During the date, your friend was drooling in front of Jiyong, drinking each one of his words, a slanted smile across her face. It was cutely pathetic to witness.  
Because you weren’t in a place in your life to have a boyfriend, you made it clear with Seunghyun that it would not be possible. Oh! perfect he was! He had a beautiful face, a sharp sense of humor, a deep voice and a tender smile. He was just magnificent.  It could have worked, under different circumstances. It really could have.
When it was time to split and as much as they didn’t seem to fit together, Jiyong and your friend decided that they wanted to pursue the night together. Seunghyun had dropped you to your place, you exchanged phone numbers before you left his car. You didn’t fall for him the way he wanted but at least, he was a good person and you were willing to get to know him better, as a friend.
Even though the evening turned out to be a flop on the romantic level, something wonderful came of it. Your friendship with Jiyong and somehow with Seunghyun too. Just for that, the double date was more than worth it.
Present day
“Earth to the moon! 1.2, 1.2! There’s distortion on the line” Jiyong mocked.
“Sorry, I was thinking… Do you remember the first time we met?”
"Oooh! You mean the night I had the worst sex ever with that annoying bartender?”
“Damn boy, don’t be so mean. That poor girl did her best! She was probably so stressed to be in front of you. You were already a sex symbol back then!”
“True, I was undeniably sexy already” he said, shaking his butts but realizing what he just did, his cheeks turned pink.
Both of you laughed. You have lost your friendship with her the day Jiyong broke up with her, 2 weeks after the double date. Because you continued to talk to him, she cut you off of her life, telling you that you were not “on her side”. The last time you heard about her, she had divorced from her husband and was dating an old but rich CEO. She didn’t change at all, bitch was a sucker for money and status.
“Still Ji, you got to know me that night! You won in the long run, man!” you said, proudly flipping your hair.
“Aww! You’re so cute” he cooed, “True! What would I do without that adorable friend of mine that crashes my sofa each time they announce a storm” he said piling up the plates that had dried on the kitchen counter.
“Hey, it scares me okay?”
“Oh! I know you are scared but what the fuck am I suppose to do to protect you? I can’t stop the lightning from falling over your head!”
“YAH! You’re supposed to help me calm down! Not to scare the shit out of me!”
“Girl, you are so much cuter when you don’t have that badmouth!”
“I don’t want to be cute Ji! I just don’t want to die tonight! Did you see the sky? It’s gonna be hell of a storm, I’m telling you” you pointed to the window to mark your point.
“I hope we’ll survive!” he teased. He came closer to you and kissed your temple while one of his hands rested on your shoulder in a protective way. “At least you bought sushi! If we die tonight, it will be with a filled tummy. I have a new wine that will be perfect with it, too”.
“Ji, I don’t like it at all. I’m really scared. Don’t mock me”.
“I know, love! I’m just teasing you”.
Fun fact, you were not that scared of the storm anymore. Well, you were still scared but not petrified like you used to be. But because you had that habit of crashing his sofa and getting those nights in each time there was an appearance of a storm, you neglected to specify it to your friend.
“Anyway, I hope I didn’t ruin your plans. You can go, if you have a date you didn’t tell me about or something”.
“Nah, I have nothing to do that cannot be done from here, maybe just a little work.  Plus, I have to protect you from the lightning with my super powers! What would you do without me?” he giggled.
You smiled at him tenderly. Jiyong was such a wonderful person. You were more than happy that you had the chance to call him your friend. He always had your back and you always had his. It was like that, you two against the world.  For some reasons, each time something happens to one of you, the other would automatically feel it and call right away. It was like a premonition, a soulmate thing. It made you both smile and care for the other even more. 
Of course, when one of you was in a relationship things got complicated. Your partners didn’t always understand that need you both have to call each other on a daily basis. “If she/he is so important to you, why don’t you marry her/him”? You both heard that often.
“Awww! You’re my personal superhero! I like that! By the way, before you arrived, I filled your fridge with side dishes and lunch boxes. I cooked for myself, so I brought you some”.
“You’re a bad liar, missy. You cooked for us, not for yourself only. You even bought us matching lunch boxes last month”
“True… I cooked for the both of us! And true, I bought it knowing it was matching, I couldn’t resist! Don’t make a big deal out of it, it was just too cute. Instead of a bff bracelet, we have bff matching lunch boxes” you exclaimed.
“Aaaaaw! Finally, you admit it was made to match! Thanks hun, I love the boxes and I love even more the food that you put in it”.
“My pleasure Mr Kwon! Let’s shower before it rains”
“ Why do you keep saying that?”
“It’s common sense and commun knowledge that you can’t shower or bathe when it rains in case there will be a storm, okay? I’ll go first”.
You ran to the bathroom before he had the time to argue. You knew what he was about to say anyway. He told you many times but you were still really scared of it. When you were a teenager, lightning crashed a utility pole near your house, causing an electrical fire. The strong winds had pushed the flames and your house was set on fire despite the heavy rain. It all happened while you were in the shower. That night, you were babysitting your little brother and you had to evacuate the house in a towel with him in your arms. The bad association of shower and strom had stuck in your head even though there was nothing dangerous for real. You were doing your best and you were fighting against your fear with all the courage that you had, but you still had to work more. 
You turned the water off, got out of the luxurious shower and sighted with ease when your feet landed on the fluffy bath mat. Caressing the soft fabric with your toe, you wonder if you were walking on something that was worth more than the price of your car!
“Jiiiiii! Jiyong!" when he didn’t answer the tenth time you called out his name, you went out of the bathroom. You were wrapped in his bathrobe with your hair raised in a white towel  “Where the hell are you?” you called out.
“YAH! Don’t swear love. It’s not cute” He was adding the dressing on top of a roasted veggies salad he just fixed for you. He didn’t like it but he knew it was your favorite. Therefore, he always kept the ingredients in his fridge to be able to serve you one. That and your favorite chocolate, your favorite champagne and wine, your favorite ice cream and so much more little things that you cherish. 
“I don’t need to be cute because you already are whipped for me. Plus, I’m not your girl, so cute or not, you’re not supposed to care!”
“What are you saying? You’re the cutest girl of them all, why can’t you see it? You’re my sweet but bad mouthed girl”. 
At that moment, he lifted his head and noticed how you were dressed. More likely, not dressed, in front of him. You were so cute with your concerned face, frowning with an obvious concern written on your face. He turned his head to look the other way around, covering his eyes with one hand and blushing shyly.
“I’m sorry I took your bathrobe but you were not answering me”.
“I didn’t hear you, what is it that you had to come here naked?”
“I’m not naked, relax for god’s sake! Plus a body is a body, we’re all constructed on the same pattern. So please, just calm down”.
“I can’t relax. You’re naked in front of me”
“Not naked, Sweet baby Jesus. You wanna see what naked really is?” You teased, toying with the knot of the dressing gown. Of course you would never open it and flash your naked body to him like that but he was annoying with his conservative ass and you felt a little bit provocative.
“Yah! Keep it for your man, you naughty!”
“Jesus Christ… I won’t undress, take it easy. Anyway, I’m done with the shower. I just wanted to tell you that it’s your turn. Go, before the storm starts, it’s so dark it will soon. I’ll get dressed in your room, okay?”.
Uncomfortable, he didn’t argue and ran into the shower.
He didn’t like to see you undressed, for some reasons. He was always telling you “love, can you buy longer skirts next time?”, “A bikini, are you kidding me? Why not a normal one piece swimsuit?”, “Please Y/n, don’t walk around the house in just a towel”. Jiyong had a vision of nudity that was beyond your comprehension. You never saw each other naked, that goes without saying. And of course, you never complied to his demands, telling him that you were not more or less dressed than other women of your age, which was true. You were not wearing revealing clothes anyway, he was just too old fashion.  Maybe you were pushing it with the towel thing but hey! He was even worse than you, walking in his briefs way more often than you were ‘indecent’ yourself.
When he came out of the shower, you had comfortably draped your neck with a long scarf. You were wearing a Bigbang crop top with the inscription 'V.I.P for life" and short shorts that you wore to sleep only. A long cream cardigan buttoned up to your chin covered it all. You knew you wouldn’t need more clothes to stay warm, you had a big blanket resting on the armrest of his couch. 
You finished assembling the plates with the sushi, served yourself an extra big portion of his salad and put it all on the coffee table in the living room. The wine and the bottle opener were waiting on the table with some nachos, salsa and candies for later. It was usually sitting on the floor with your back leaning against the sofa as you started the evening. Normally you weren't able to finish a movie because one or the other often fell asleep before the end. More likely, it was him that fell asleep. Then, you would always gently slide his head on a small cushion over your thighs and stroke his hair. At the end of the film, you never had the courage to wake him up, you knew that his sleep was precious and that he often suffered from insomnia. You let him in the same position and fell asleep with your head uncomfortably leaned against the couch. In the morning, he had moved and would be in a different position, on the floor. You didn’t know that he never realised the scalp and head massages. Tonight, he will notice though.
Jiyong had the bad idea to put a horror movie at night like this one, when you were already nervous. He didn’t think twice, as soon as the movie you wanted to watch for so long was out, he bought it for you. He was not a bit interested in it but he knew you would be happy.
 “Tadam,” he cutely said when the title appeared on the screen. 
“Oh, thanks Ji, you remembered”.
“Duh! Of course, you kept rambling about it for days” he teased.
“I’m happy, at least I’ll be scared for something else than the storm. It’s perfect”.
The movie had started and really soon, Jiyong knew that he wouldn’t make it through the end.
It was the thunder that awakened him. There was rain, lightning and strong winds outside. Despite the storm roaring, he felt enveloped in a big comforting bubble, cocooned under a blanket like a burrito. Above all, the familiar and comforting smell, your smell, that shielded him with security and pure happiness. He felt as if he was in a dream. He was too comfortable to open his eyes but he knew his head was on your thighs and it was your hands on his neck.
Your hands… on his neck!  
You had slipped your fingers under his nape, cupping it, your thumbs resting gently on his throat. He felt vulnerable but yet, secure at the same time. He felt raw, in the most beautiful and pure way.  He recognised your scent, your warmth, your breathing. What was he doing, lying on you like that? He wasn’t sure but he never felt like home more than right now. A little confused, he opened his eyes and analysed his surroundings.
You were concentrated on what was happening to the screen, softly murmuring advice to the characters in order to, as far as he could tell, not being murdered with a chainsaw.  
“Stupid, stupid, stupid… Girl, at this point it will be natural selection… See, I told you! You deserved it, not gonna lie”
Jiyong smiled at your cuteness. This is when he felt your hands start to move on his neck.Your fingers were making a gentle downward pressure close to the base of the skull, you were stretching his neck muscles and it was orgasmic. He said nothing, did nothing and even stopped thinking. He refrained himself from groaning with pure happiness.
“See what you did there? How could you take such a dumb decision” still talking to the television. He wouldn’t be surprised if you start to throw food at the screen!
In this position, he could see you from a new angle. A “from above’ angle that gave him dirty thoughts. In a split second, that tender moment turned into a hunger. An intense impulse that he felt quite often recently. An unbearable desire combined with an impulse of the heart. It was a strange feeling, he had never felt like that before. 
If he turned his face 90 degrees and went just a few centimeters down, he would be right at the good place to please you with his tongue and lips and fingers… Just the thought of it made blood boil.
“Woah Kwon Jiyong! Stop it!” he thought for himself. “Are you so horny that you will try to hit on your sweet best friend and ruin 5 years of a solid friendship? Damn it boy!” But also, dirty things happened between you, once. Maybe it was possible again… But was it what he wanted, a one shot deal? He was quite not sure about it. 
Before he could stop his hormones from increasing, he felt his blood run directly to his crotch. He was so hard, it was almost as if all the blood contained in his body had decided to meet there. Your fingers continued to massage his neck, stretching the muscles, putting some pressure on different spots. You were completely unaware of his state, naive little creature that you were.
It could have been a perfect blissful moment but his fucking dick had interrupt. He knew it was unfair to stay like that, to let you massage him with the effect it had on the south direction his blood was taken. So, he took one of your hands and kissed your fingers before he sat up.
“Oooh, sleepy head. You’re awake?” you smiled at him with that beautiful smile of yours. You were not wearing any makeup, your hair was messy and your clothes didn’t match but you were just perfect like that. You had the most beautiful face he never saw in his life. How come he didn’t realise it sooner?.
“Hum mmm. You love the movie?” he placed a cushion on his middle to hide his erection.
“It’s good, yes! Are you okay? You’re pale!”
“Not surprising, the blood has left my head!”
“What? You have a headache?”
“Forget it. I’ll fresh up a bit. Be right back” 
He used to good advantage the fact that your attention was again turned towards the screen.  He got up in a hurry, hiding what he had to hide. He went to the bathroom and cleaned his face to cool down. Looking inside his briefs, he sighted! 
“Fuck you Kwon Jiyong! Fuck! Fuck! What’s your problem? She’s your friend, dammit! She is just a sweet and cute girl. What’s happening to me recently? Why have I started to dream of her? Why did I start longing for her? What are those bubbly sensations that I feel when she’s coming home to me?”.
Recently, he had noticed that not only his body reactions were different but that his emotions had changed as well. That he was more and more happy to see you. That he had way more thoughts about you than he used to. To a point that he even refused a date with an interesting woman just to be able to call you on time, just because he had said “I’ll call you before 9”. He said it, he had to comply, right? What did you talk about? Sweet nothings but it was still a wonderful moment. He allowed himself a few moments for the blood gathered in his penis to turn back. He had a crazy hard time getting there. 
Having the sensation that he was not feeling good, that something was not okay, you paused the movie and walked towards the bathroom. 
“Do you need something Jiyong? You are really pale, I’m not joking. It seems like you have seen a ghost” you said as soon as he opened the door.
He was mad, but not at you. He was mad at himself for the reaction his body had. Confused too. He also knew that he couldn’t tell you what just happened because you would tease him for days. Or worse, you would exclaim a loud and clear disgusted “EEEW” to tease him. That he couldn’t support.
“Listen, I’m going to sleep early tonight. You can continue the movie, don’t wait for me”.
Without an explanation he left for his bedroom and closed the door. It was rude but it was a necessity.
You came back to the living room and sat on the couch. Your thighs were still mild with Jiyong’s warmth. 
You couldn’t concentrate on the movie. What’s got into him? You stood up and walked towards his room, concerned. You just hope that he didn’t discover your ‘secret’.
3 years ago, on Christmas eve
After you finished hanging the garlands, you stepped back and enjoyed your hard work, satisfied.  Yesterday, Jiyong announced that the band would not be able to fly to Korea for Christmas. Something happened with their schedule and unexpectedly they had to stay in Hong Kong a little longer before they would resume their world tour. 
You didn’t want Jiyong and the boys to stay in their room and alone for Christmas. You had called Daesung’s girl of moment and Seunghyn’s sister and shared your plan with them. Youngbae’s girl had already joined him a couple of days ago. You would make a little reception for your boys. After all, no one should be alone on Christmas Eve. With the girls, you prepared it all.
“Can you taste the punch? I’m scared that I didn’t put enough rhum” 
“I did taste it and it was perfect” you answered. “Seunghyun will add wine in his glass anyway, wait for it” 
She laughed, it was exactly like his brother to do that. 
“Oh, they’re coming. I’m so nervous” you told her.
In the plane for HongKong, you had decided to open up to Ji about your new feelings for him. Lately you had come to the conclusion that you were in love with him. What you thought was just a mere flirt at the beginning, soon turned out to be much more. It was love, with capital A. You had taken your time to analyse your feelings but it was kind of obvious.  You were just not accepting the fact before, even though you were facing all the proof. 
What is the first thing that comes to your mind in the morning? Jiyong.
Who do you want to hug when you feel the need to snuggle against someone? Ji.
Who’s hand do you want to hold, when you walk on the street or discover a new city? Yep! Jiyong again.
Who do you want to make love to, when you feel that need between your legs?
Who makes your heart skip a beat because of his cuteness?
Who makes you a horny mess when he smiles?
Who do you think will be the father of your children, when you imagine yourself nursing a baby?
 Ji, Ji and Ji. Always him. He was your soulmate and the guardian of your heart. You couldn’t imagine a moment without him in your life. You wanted more. You wanted to take all of him. You had no choice but to tell him, you were not able to keep it for yourself anyway. He had even questioned you about the recent changes in your attitude. Soon, you won’t be able to hide it anymore, you rather should tell him while you were still having control over yourself. You were really scared of his possible rejection though. It was petrifying. But the possibility that maybe he shared the love was stronger and it made you so happy to imagine what you could become together. How your friendship would transform into love. Into love making. Into a deeper relationship.
It was decided. You will confess tonight, in the hotel room after the party.  You’ll deal with the consequences later.
You were waiting for the boys in the suite that you had reserved. It was a simple room that the hotel rented for meetings or private events like tonight. Because it was Christmas, it was available and you didn’t have any trouble making a last minute reservation.
The door of the suite opened on Jiyong’s manager. He was aware of the little reception, you needed someone to drag the boys in. They entered the room one by one. You didn’t notice the happiness on their face when they discovered the 3 ladies waiting for them with food, alcohol and gifts, you were looking for Jiyong only. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be found. Seunghun came and closed the door for more privacy, already having a glass of punch in hands.
“Wait, Ji has not arrived yet”.
His features went grave but his voice remained soft and calm. He seemed sad. He seemed to be pitying you too, his concerned eyes looking at you the same way you imagine he will be looking at his child when he’ll say “Santa Claus doesn’t exist for real”.
“He won’t be coming. He had other plans for tonight, something that popped up. I’m really sorry”
“Is he okay? Where is he?”
“This morning, he met a woman in the restaurant of the hotel. A cute damsel in distress. Well, one thing after another, it turned out that he invited her to the concert. And well… they left together, if you know what I mean”.
Your heart started to beat really fast. You didn’t like the turn of the conversation. Seunghyun’s sister covered her mouth with a hand, shocked, as she realized what her brother was telling you. It seemed that they knew about your feelings for Ji. Were you that obvious?
“Oooh… Maybe she can come here too” you said but it was absolutely not what you wanted.
“I guess they’re having sweet fucking sex” Dae laughed as he looked as his girlfriend, implying that it’s what he will have too, later!
“Woah… okay… okay”
You sat on the couch next to you and held your head. There is no way in hell that you will let your pain show in front of Jiyong’s friends.  But there was also no way you could stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. Without a word, you left the suite for the room that you rented, in case Ji would reject you. 
You were still crying, the next day when he had knocked on your door and entered your room, all excited and agitated like a puppy. More likely, like a man who hit the jackpot recently. He seemed so happy about the night he had spent, butterflies dancing in his stomach as he was telling you how cute she was. How he had spent the night of his life. How he couldn’t wait to see her again. He was so excited and centered towards his own happiness that he didn’t notice your red and bloody eyes.  
“Ji, don’t stay with me then. Go meet her right now! I guess she feels the same way and you’ll take it where you left it!”
“But you travelled all the way here and prepared such a sweet party for me and the boys! I saw the pictures, it seemed so much fun”. 
“Yah! I’d rather stay with your friends and mine, by the way, than staying a minute longer with you while you imagine yourself having sex with another woman”
“Another? It’s not like I had that many women either”
It was not the sense of your word ‘another’ but you didn’t precise it. The word had slipped your lips anyway.
“True, I’m sorry. Go, Ji! Live up for your dreams! Wout! Wout!”  you encourage him, fist up in the air with the biggest smile that you could to hide your sadness. Your eyes were your pain untold and you wish you would tell him everything.
“Sure, hun?”
“Yes, sure thing. We’re taking the plane tomorrow. If I don’t see you by then, here’s my new year kiss” you said, planting a smack on his cheek. You needed to kiss him and hold him, just for a second. To steal him from her and keep him for yourself only, a short instant.  
“Merry Christmas Ji. I love you so much” you whispered. Of course, he didn’t catch the extra meaning you had implied “And may the new year bring you only happy moments, you deserve it”.
“Aaaw, Merry Christmas my sweet girl. May the year bring you a man that will make you happy, for once. You were unlucky lately”.
You laughed ironically.
“Nah, I’ll be okay on my own for a while. Go now”. How could he have unnoticed that you were in pure agony? That your heart had been pierced with a thousand arrows? He was always so attentive normally. That was a good thing though, you prefer him to be happy with her than unhappy with you.
“Thanks, you’re the best friend ever, so understanding. I’ll tell you everything in detail later”.
“... Have fun”
He left in a hurry without a single look back and it broke what remained strong inside of you. You crumbled on the ground, unable to support your own body weight any longer. You never thought you could be rejected by him without having a single chance to say a word. You never thought you would be broken like that. You will need a lot of courage to be able to face him again. But also, it would be worse if he disappeared from your life. There was no perfect situation here, either way you were losing a part of yourself.
“That man is so fucking stupid” you heard Seunghyun tell his sister by the door Jiyong had left open a moment ago. . “How could he do that? Is he blind?"
You closed the door, you didn’t want to hear more.  You cried all day and night, curled up in the bed. You didn’t see Jiyong afterwards, while you were in Hong Kong. He didn’t come back from his cloud, therefore he didn’t come back to you. 
He had stayed in a relationship with her for a whole year. The exact time it took you to get over him. Or did you really?
Present day
You tiptoed your way to his bed and benched in front of him. His eyes were closed, he seemed to be asleep already. In his sleeping state, he was frowning, this was unusual.
He was not but he didn’t say a word, still mad and shocked. He didn’t know how to deal with it, his sudden desire for you. He couldn’t just say “let’s fuck” and then pretend like nothing happened afterward, your friendship was on the line. The only time that something happened between you, something sexual, there was a context. And you didn’t ‘really’ do something together anyway. How can’t he forget about it? How can’t he put it aside and move on? Why was he trying to relive this with his partners afterward? But of course, it was impossible, they were just not you. He realised it now! If it was not that good with them, it’s because they were simply not the good person. They were not you.
“Ji, are you okay?” he heard you ask with worry.
No answer. 
You placed a hand on his forehead to see if he had a fever. Satisfied by his body temperature, you retracted your hand with much concern. You knew him way too much to buy his sleeping state.
“Ji, I’m scared, you didn’t seem well tonight, you were really pale. I will sleep by your side to check on you, do you mind? Like we did before, when we checked on my niece. Okay? I can’t guarantee that I’ll be as good as you were though.”
No answer. 
He clearly didn’t want to talk to you. Or was he sick and had passed away? 
“If you don’t want to, it’s okay. I’ll squat the couch or the bed in the guest room. But the couch is more comfy. Would you prefer if I leave your house? The temperature is still bad outside but I don’t want you to be uncomfortable around me”
“Y/n, can you jump on the bed and shut the hell up so I can go back to sleep”? his tone was harsh.
Shocked, not sure how to take it, you did as he said and waited there, looking at the ceiling. You were cold but didn’t want to move or even less, to slide yourself under the comforter where he seemed so comfortable and warm. He was facing the other side and you could almost hear him thinking. The cat came in the bed and sat on his master’s pillow. Jiyong sighted, chased A-Ye and turned on his back. He didn’t say a word, didn’t look at you, didn’t move a single muscle afterwards.
It’s his sweet giggle that woke you up in the middle of the night. You had fallen asleep but obviously, he didn’t. From the lamp sitting on the bedside table emanated a warm and felted light. Jiyong was eating ramyeons while watching something on his cell. Confused, you sat up and rubbed your eyes.
“You seem better, it’s a relief”.
 “I just realised something. Remember the other day when I joked about your google research?”
“YAH! How many times do I have to tell you, I did NOT search for blowjobs instructions”.
“I know now!” he laughed.
What happened was that, about 2 months ago, you made a google research on your laptop while you were waiting for him at his studio. You had written “How to give a good head massage” but the research bubble showed everything but the important last word. The word that changed the meaning of the whole sentence.
He didn’t want to believe you even when you showed him the page with explicit pictures of the head massage popping from the screen. He thought that you had just opened it fast, to save the appearances. He had teased you for days with that, mocking you gently. 
“I told you that I wanted to use a new technique when I massage your head. You didn’t believe me”.
“Because I didn’t know you were massaging my head. Now, I get it”.
“Why didn’t you believe me?”.
“Why didn’t you massage my head when I’m awake?”
“I don’t know”
“I don’t know either”
Your eyes met and you both laughed out loud. You were happy to have your friend back, at least momentary. You still didn’t know what happened earlier.
“Will you stop mocking me with the blowjob thing, now?”.
“Yes, I already stopped when I noticed that you were mad for real… Sorry hun, I mocked you. I should have known better”.
“Excuses accepted. Now, let’s forget about it… please”.
He didn’t talk for a minute, you were both lost in your thoughts. You grabbed the chopsticks he was holding and swallowed a large portion of ramyeon, hungry.
“Why were you mad at me tonight?”
“I was not mad at you at all, I was mad at myself”.
“Why though?”
“I’d rather not talk about it”.
“Okay then, but I’m here if you want to”.
“I know... Now go back to sleep and stop eating my ramyeons”.
“Nah, feed me more. I’m starving. AAAAAH” You opened your mouth for him to feed you one bite. He did and gave you his bowl and chopsticks without further discussion. He had decided to let you eat it all anyway. 
“Here, take it” 
“Mmmm, it’s delicious. Thanks Ji” 
He looked at you closing your eyes to savor the noodles, not a single bit conscious that it would break him. He was so naive. When he heard the little moan that escaped your lips after you took a bite, he remembered everything you had said when you were talking about the ‘not blowjob’ research.
“You know, I talk with my partners, it’s their ‘instructions’ that I follow, not general tips made for a general audience on the internet. I adjust with their reactions too. Nobody loves it the exact same way”.
“Ji, for god’s sake! I told you that yes, I searched for that a long time ago, when I was young. From that, I improved my technique and I didn’t feel the need to search again. I wouldn’t be shy to tell you if I would REALLY have searched for it”.
and later that night...
“Please don’t believe that I’m a pro either, I’m not that good! It’s just that I really didn’t search. You know what, now that I think about it, I should search for it. We never know, maybe I could still improve” with a blink. 
Eating your ramyeons with appetite, you were unaware of the thoughts spinning in his head. You didn’t know that your relation was about to take a complete new turn. That the image he had in his mind right was nothing but pure. You were also really naive.
2 years ago or the ocean event
Jiyong had decided to bring you to Hawaii like this, on the spur of the moment and for no actual good reason. Dae and his current conquest joined your improvised journey and the four of you had flight to the paradisiac island for a whole week of pure bliss. 
You closed the door of your room and went down to meet Ji. He texted you that he was already down there, ready for the beach like you had planned before you split last night after you took a walk in the streets with the natives. 
“Hun, were you able to sleep last night?'' he asked, rubbing his beautiful sleepy eyes when you met in the lobby. You walked outside and sat on a bench near the entrance to apply the sunscreen he handed you. Of course, he knew that you would have forgotten yours.
“Nope, there were people banging in the wall and screaming like if they were in distress or something. Did you hear that? Why did she have to yell like that? I would have shove my dick in her mouth if I was her partner, at least she would have shut the fuck up. It was so fake!”
“Woah! You’re violent! Good thing that you don’t have a dick.  Don’t judge, you were not there. It’s just her way of expressing her pleasure, chill hun! No one is hurt”.
“Her pleasure? For 4 hours straight like that, no change in the pace! Come on Ji, you know better! She yelled all night long, how could that even be possible? No rupture in the tempo… No break, no slowing down, no changes in the play, nothing. It was fake, I’m telling you.  Maybe they were filming porn…”
He laughed, you continued.
“In a way or another, she was annoying. But the bitch got fucked and not me. I guess that’s the reason why I’m so pissed” you added. Seeing his eyes widened, you smiled.
“What? I have needs too”
“I don’t want to know” he giggled, placing his hands over his ears. At this moment, Daesung arrived and sat between you and Ji. Looking at one after the other, seemingly in shock.
“Did you hear it?”
“We did” you answered, ready to complain with him.
“It was sooo hot, right? Woah! It gave me and Shirl a lot of audio stimulations. It was nice, we kind of followed their rhythm.” he seemed shocked but pleased at the same time. Without another word, he stood up and left abruptly. You watched him leave in silence.
“Ji, I hate all the couples in the world. All of them”.
“Someone is not in a good mood today. When is the last time you got laid, I can’t pinpoint it”
“Because I never tell you when I do, we don’t talk about stuff like that… but it was a long time. Maybe last year or something”
You were in a relationship with a beautiful man when you had realised that you were in love with Jiyong last year. You were still trying to forget Jiyong, compelling yourself to stop loving him. It was impossible.
“Damn… it’s been a long time. So, your last boyfriend then”.
“Yep… I won’t ask you since you were in a relationship till recently”
“True, she was the last one. 2 months is long... Wait, where are you going???”
“I’m going to calm my hormones in the ocean. I’m suddenly horny and need a distraction. Hopefully the water will be cold enough”
“I’ll go with you, I need it too”
You entered the water running and laughing like kids. You felt light, like there was nothing going wrong in your life or in the entire world. You felt detached from reality but in a good way. The flowing of the tide was languorous, the ocean was forging its own sea-song.  The freshness of the water was invigorating. For at least an hour, you and Jiyong had bickered and played around, alone in your own little universe. You threw water at each other’s face, tried to immerse the other into the water, tried to surf on a cheap plastic plank that was abandoned on the shore, falling on each attempt and laughing like you didn’t have the chance to, lately. The only time you were out of the water was to take a sip of your drink that Daesung was keeping safe for you while sunbathing with Shirlee. It wasn’t quite a good idea to drink that much alcohol when horny … not a good idea at all. 
“Y/n… It didn’t work!” Jiyong said sheepishly.
“I mean it’s water,  it’s slippery… How could it worked” you answered, knowing exactly what he meant. 
“Water turns you on?”
“Damn… not the water itself. But a wet body against another wet body… I mean… Oh, shit! I didn’t mean that you turned me on, it’s not like that. It just reminded me of, you know… things I did in the past” 
It was a big fat lie. You never had sex in the water. But you won’t tell him that his hot and wet skin against yours made you even more needy than you were before. That the water dripping from his bang was sexy. That his muscular arms, shoulders and those damn abs were giving you bad thoughts. You couldn’t tell him anything like that.
“What are we gonna do about it?”
“I won’t do anything, what do you mean?”
“Well… maybe if we turn our back on each other, we can, you know… relieve ourselves. Together, doing our own little things but not... ”
“I got it Ji, no need to say more…”
Was it alcohol? The burning sun? His cute and so sexy smirk? For a moment, you played with the idea. Jiyong had reserved the most private resort he could find in the country and the beach was almost empty. You could see some people away but no one close enough to see anything that you were doing on the beach even less in the water. Some staff members were walking around, doing their own little things. No one cared about what you were doing. Beside, the water was deep blue and it was impossible to see through it.  You could easily jerk yourself off under the depth water and no one would notice.
“But if we turn around, Daesung will get suspicious, he will think we fight and start asking questions. He’s watching over us, you know”.
“Yes… But I can’t get out of the water hun, my cock refused to calm down”.
“You have a big problem, man. I’m so sorry for you” you mocked.
“You’re not helping at all” he was almost annoyed. You understood how he felt, after all, you were horny too. You were both adults, there must be a solution. After all, he proposed something interesting.
“Ji, you know, your hands are in the water right now and I see nothing. Go a little deeper, we won’t notice your arms and shoulders. Turn the other way around, that way you won’t see me while you… you know. I won’t see anything for sure. Don’t worry. Do what you have to do, I won’t look”
“Are you serious? What about you?”
“I’ll be just fine, no worry. I can wait for when I’m in my room”.
“Sure? Ok, you’re amazing!” he smiled widely.
You didn’t know it but as soon as he turned around, he was not so into it anymore. Maybe it was the thought of doing it with someone that was so exciting. A cute and stunning lady… so sexy in her bikini.
You had turned around to let him do his thing but horny you were too. Not to mention, Jiyong, the man you loved in silence for a complete year was about to stroke himself right now, you won’t miss it so you swan towards him. He was in a deep zone, but still able to touch the ground unlike you. You arrived from behind and hugged him tightly, your arms snaked around his neck, your knees keeping balance on each side of his hips, carefully not circling him.
“Is it good?” you murmured.
“What are you doing?”
“Joining the party” You didn’t know, but there was no party so far. His penis had even softened back to its almost normal size.
Where Jiyong was standing you couldn’t reach the bottom, the water level reached your mouth, you tried and you choke on the salted water. You had to keep a hand on him.
“Hun, stay where you are, let’s do it together, but not together. Is it okay with you?”
“Oh Jiiii… I’ve already started” you purred.
“But you’re holding me…”
“Yes, I’m holding you. I won’t drown for an orgasm”.
“Fair enough… I shall get going too, then”
He was clearly not as cocky as he was 2 minutes ago. You figured that you surprised him with your initiative.
“If you prefer, I’ll leave you alone, no worry”.
“You know, I have a voyeur side inside of me, I love this idea too much to let you go”
“Good, cause I’m a tiny bit of an exhibisionnist… well, a big bit finally” you cutely added, knowing it was not an actual word.
He smiled and looked at you above his shoulder, shocked but excited to discover that spicy side of yours.
“Perfect match then” he stated.
“Turn your face around, put your hand on your dick and stroke yourself… let me do my thing…” you palmed his neck and guided his face the other way around so he would be looking at the ocean instead at you, holding onto his back like a baby koala.
“Lord, help me cause I’m a sinner”
He attentively tried to catch a hint on what was happening on his back. You were holding onto his shoulder with one hand and he didn’t see anything, didn’t feel anything. You were cautious not to make any wave. He wanted more visuals, not that he needed it. Just to add some zest to the experience.
“Are you doing it?” The tone of his voice, his signature soft voice, was the most comforting and exciting thing at the same time. He had the cutest and the sexiest tone ever.
“Ji, shut the fuck up”, you said a little short of breathe. So, you had started, he thought.
“Come on, give me something, love. Are you really masturbating?”
You stopped and this is when he noticed the difference of motion in his back, the difference of pressure your knees applied on his hips in order to stay still despite the waves. Suddenly, it was quieter, this is how he knew that indeed, you were doing it subtly.
“You want me to leave you alone?”
He turned around abruptly. Now facing you, the lust in his dark chocolate eyes was sparkling. A sight that you imagined so often, lightning up his beautiful features for your eyes only to see. Not to mention the sunlight gently caressing his skin. His eyes half closed because of the sun. His damped messy hair carelessly falling on his forehead and temples. This vision itself was enough for your heart to melt and your core to liquefy.
“Y/n, I don’t want you to leave. It’s just that I didn’t know if you were doing it for real, I want, I don’t know… I would like...”
“Don’t hold back, tell me exactly what you want, cause I’m horny here and I need to do something about it” you told him as you touched your thigh, a soft caress along your skin, looking straight into his eyes. You didn’t begin but you knew that the moment to come will be pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free.
He looked at the movement of your shoulder, he couldn’t see below that level. He wished he had chosen a turquoise and clear sea to be able to see everything that was happening under.
“I’m not sure of what I can ask in this kind of situation”
“Just if you still really want to, think of us as partners in crime.  We’re 2 needy adults that consent to masturbate side by side. We won’t touch each other, just be together while we’re both having fun with ourselves like you just suggested. Let’s say that everything that happens in the ocean, stays here in the ocean. We won’t remember it once we reach the shore and we’ll never talk about it anymore. Deal?”
“You’re wonderful. Deal”
“Now… close your eyes and touch yourself”.
Strangely, you were not uncomfortable with the situation. You knew that no matter what happened, you would be safe and respected. He would never mock you or judge you. You were free to be and act in complete harmony with your desires, without holding anything back. It was the perfect foundation for a meaningful dirty play. In that moment, your chemistry became an ever-bright flame.
He moved his hand down but refused to look anywhere but straight to your eyes. He never saw that luxurious expression on your face, never heard that carnal voice, almost too low to be heard. He needed to hear you moan. Were you the type to hold back because too shy to be heard? He doubts that, now. He wonders if you were more of a high-pitched sounds or a guttural moaner. Suddenly, it was the most important question to be answered.
“What are you doing?” This is when the now ‘face to face’ thing became more interactive. His piercing gaze was on you, it’s you that he was looking at, no one else. 
You smirked. He wanted to play that game, well you were hell of a player!
“You wanna know how I touch myself?” your voice was a low murmur, it sent shivers down his spine.
“Yes, tell me…” he gulped, unable to guess what was ‘really’ happening under the blue sea. How do you like to be caressed? What makes you cum?
“Right now, I’m taking it really slow and superficial…”
You paused to breathe. For obvious reasons, the oxygen demand in your cells has increased with all the symptoms that comes with it: fast heartbeat, short breath, your senses on red alert. 
 “I’m too excited, the second I touch my clit or slide a finger in, I will cum. I love that you’re asking me. It’s fucking hot” you miraculously were able to say.
“Your answer is hotter, believe me. You look really beautiful like that… So sexy…  tell me in detail everything that you’re doing”.
“I’m pinching my clit, I need to calm down... now squeezing it between my palms, it’s good” you moan softly. After a moment you shivered and it seemed that you stopped touching yourself, taking your hand out of the water to show him. 
“You were about to cum?” he smirked
“Fuck yes”.
“You love to touch yourself with me? You love that I look at you pleasuring yourself?”
You nodded, nothing else needed to be said. He grabbed your free hand, your right one, and nibbled every single fingertips, sucking gently. 
“It doesn’t taste anything but salt, damn it!”
His longing eyes never left yours. Just that, him desiring you, dirty talking to you, was sending you over the moon. He gently guided your hand in front of your core and his came back where it was: on your hip.
 “Jiii… now, I’m scratching it all with my nails, it hurts and it’s fun at the same time… ”
“YOU WHAT? Woah! You love when it’s painful?” he exclaimed, shocked. You were not exactly how he imagined you would be, sexually speaking. To be honest, he thought you were a sweet vanilla girl, one that prefers convenient sex more. That frosted side that he was discovering, pleased him a lot. 
“I love it when it hurts a little bit… I love when it burns… I love when it’s sucked hard. What are you doing?” you breathe slowly between each affirmation.
“Looking at you only, at the moment… I think I will cum in my pants just like that! Hands free orgasm! I bet your clit is swollen right now...”
“Let me see… oooh yes... It’s really sensitive. I’m tracing small lines up and down, it feels good. I won’t last long… I let my nail trails his way up… omph”
Your clit was indeed overflowing with blood. Knowing that Jiyong was watching made you more sensitive than you ever was before. Now that it has started, there was no way out of the game. You couldn't move away from his gaze even if you tried, like he’s eyes have short circuited your mind in the best possible way.
“So beautiful... Do you imagine your fingers to be someone else?”
“Nah! I’m right here with you, it’s already really arousing”
Of course, you won’t tell him that it’s his fingers that you imagine as you rubbed smooth circles across your clit. 
“Ji… It’s good… Now, I slide 3 fingers in… it’s so good… Jiii… I’m gonna cum… Oh lord… I knew I wouldn’t last” 
“I can see it… I feel your hips love… I bet you’re thrusting to meet your fingers, right? … you’re so hot”
You closed your eyes as you locked your hips against your hand, hitting your spot right away. With Jiyong’s obvious enjoyment, the ultimate pleasure hit you. You quivered erratically and in the process you pressed yourself against him.  His wet and slippery chest against yours was enough material for your next 5000 lonely nights. When your mouth founded his shoulder, you sank your teeth onto the trapeze muscle and took a big bite of him. You needed it to suppress your moans. He continued to encourage you, despite the pain.
“Don’t stop now, I’m sure you can surf on it a little longer… that’s it love… Softs movements this time, give yourself some tenderness, my wild flower… softer with your teeth too, please” he asked, cutely and you released some pressure on your teeth but kept your mouth there. “That’s it, moan for me… you make the hottest sounds I’ve ever heard”.
He was right, the orgasm lasted for a little while. Jiyong was holding you firmly against him, his head tilted against yours as he whispered sweet dirty words.You stopped the motion of your hand and stayed like that, holding onto him tightly. Pressing your whole self against his perfectly sculpted body. His soft skin. His melodic speaking voice. You needed time to calm your breath and heartbeat.  It was a one shot deal, you decided that you will take the best out of it for the time it lasts. Therefore, you snaked your arms around his neck, cautious not to touch his middle where his length was probably throbbing. The thought of it made you almost cum again, it certainly didn’t calm the fire that was still burning. Exhausted and feeling really brave, you’ll deal with the consequences later, your nose found the crook of his neck and you nuzzled against his watered and sun warmed skin, drops falling down on both of you from his damped and sexy hair. This intimate and loving contact was risky for your heart but his neck was so prettily offered, you couldn’t resist. It was hard not to nibble onto him. To kiss him. To taste him. To tell him that you love him.
You breathed slowly in his warmth for a moment, your body still trembling softly from the powerful orgasm you just had but mostly because of the proximity with him. The sensation of his strong arm holding your laps against his side while the other rested on the curve of your back, it was overwhelming.
“Your turn, now!” he needed his relief too, you hoped that you will be as hot for him as he was for you.
“Yes love, but can I do something first? You don’t have to say yes. I would like...”
“Don’t ask my permission, it’s our moment and I doubt that you want to do something that will harm me. Just do it”
He smirked, a fucking smirk that would have put you on your knees. A smirk that was never directed to you before. His hungry eyes were half closed but his gaze remained sharp. He was perfect. You felt his hands slide under your arms and played with the bikini top on your back.
“I want to feel you against me, may I?”
“Help yourself” you smiled, letting him play with the fabric of your top. It was so tiny, his fingers were gracing your skin and just that little contact was electrifying.
“What’s going on Ji? Is there a problem?” You teased as you joined your hands on the back of his neck, forearms on his shoulders. 
“Hun, where is the tie?” 
It was your turn to smirk. He frowned, scrutinizing your face. You were preparing something, it was obvious. 
“Remember my bikini? The knot under my boobs is what you’re looking for”.
“Oh my god! Like a bow on a gift! Isn’t easy to pull on a string and strip your boobs naked”
“Han, han!” you purred, with a tone that implied that you didn’t mind the strip tease. You teasingly stroked his calf with your foot. “So, what are you gonna do about it? If you want to feel my chest against yours, you know what you have to do”, you said, defying him.
“Are you challenging me?” he asked as his hands found your neck. His thumb traced a line down your throat and went lower to the swell of your breast. A soft and light caress, almost too soft to be felt. He wanted to tease you too, you were way too cocky and he needed to show you how he too, could be in control.
“Who’s challenging who now? You’d like me to pinch those nipples, right? To rub them between my fingers”
He said as he brought both hands in front of your boobs as if he wanted to grab them. But he never touched you. He stayed close enough for you to feel his warmth, feel a little contact here and there throughout the thin fabric, but never touching you for real.
“I’m sure you have a sensitive breast and that you are screaming from the inside right now. You would like to be touched so badly. Am I right?”
“...” excited at the idea, you could do nothing but grasp.
“Answer me, love”
“Yes, I would love your hands on my breast” you gulped.
“Well, too bad, you set the no touching rule” he winked “But I’ll free them and you’ll soon feel me, don’t worry”. It was ‘his turn’ and yet, you felt the center of the attention. The tables had to turn. 
His fingers slid down your breastbone, caressing your skin. There, he was touching you for real and it put you on fire again. He knew what he was doing, he noticed your shivers. When he found the bow, tied just under the swelling of your breasts, he had fun with the fabric before tearing the cords apart. Very slowly he pushed your bikini top to the side, his eyes on yours.
“So sensitive”
“Remember Ji, it’s no touching and no looking.” 
“You’ll be the end of me, you little brat”
He wasted no more time. With one hand, he grabbed you by the hip and dragged you closer. He turned his feet to the side to move his pelvis away from you and surrendered completely to what was to follow.
“Can I guide you?” You asked timidly.
“Yes, I’ve never tried that… Go ahead, be my hand”.
It was true. He had met willing women before but never playful the way you were. You were a mixture of sexy, dominant, cute and submissive. You loved it rough too, it seemed, even though what you were doing was quite soft. A perfect match for him.
“You’ll do exactly what I tell you to do. Okay?”
“Of course”
“Good… Let’s go… are you touching yourself right now?”
He showed you his free hand, the one not holding you.
“Let’s switch hands. I want you to hold your dick with your left…”
“YAH! Why my left? It’s not the good hand” he interrupted
“Oh, I know that” you winked “Go, now. Good!”
He sulked in annoyance but was ready to follow your lead nevertheless so he had switched arms. His right one was holding you against him, on that he won’t compromise.
“Very good Ji, let’s run your thumb on the tip slowly. Is it good?”
“Don’t apply much pressure on your shaft, keep your hand loose around it. We’re taking it slow!”
“I feel so vulnerable and so powerful at the same time, it’s ecstatic… I want more, give me more”
“ Shhhhh, one thing at the time. Don’t go too hard on it ok, gentle touch. Grab the skin between your penis and balls. Squeeze gently. Use your fingertips, it’s good, I see you love it. Palm it gently while your fingers tickle your balls… good… your face is telling me that we are doing a good job” he had closed his eyes shut. His breathing increased already.
“I need more”
“You’ll have more, shut it. Don’t hold your moans back though, ok? I want to hear your pleasure. Not too loud… that’s it, in my ear”.
“Baby can I stroke myself?”
“No, you can’t! Let go of me, I’ll stay in place no worry, look I’m rubbing myself against you… Good… Put your penis between your palms and roll your hands in opposite directions. If you like when it hurts, put more pressure, roll… roll… roll…” 
His face twisted in pleasure, moans slipping from his lips.
“Never done that to my dick, it feels good. Is this how you give a handjob?”
“I might do it, yes”
“mmmm, it feels so good baby… aaah”
You let him proceed and before you noticed a sign of impatience, you continued.
“Now, if you’ve never touched yourself like that, or never been touched like that, it might seem surprising. But obey, it will be good”
Curious, he opened his eyes and looked at you smirking.
“Take your glands between your thumb and index and squeeze very geltly. Apply this pressure all around the circumference. Don’t brush your fingers together, it will hurt. Just put pressure. Squeeze... Are you there? Keep your fingers smooth but be firm on the grip. Press firmly.”
“It feels so good… aaah”
 “Apply as much pressure as you can take. It has to be a little painful, but just a little Ji, we want it to be fun”.
The only sounds slipping from his lips were soft moans. He seemed to enjoy the touch. Maybe you surprised him. You hope you did.
“Open your eyes Ji. I want you to know that it’s with me that you are jerking off with. Keep those eyes on me”.
“Of course it’s you… you’re the only one here with me”
“I certainly hope so. Now, circle the base of your cock with your thumb and one finger, only one. Don’t put too much pressure. Are you doing it?”
“Move your hips back-and-forth. Fuck your own hand slowly, gently… Good job! It’s increasing, isn't it?”
“Yes, I could cum like that”
“Then loosen your fingers, loosen it right now!”
“I fucking hate you”  he was frustrated but he obeyed nevertheless.
“I know you do, I know… I’m so mean when you were so good for me” you took your sweetest voice, your innocent voice. One that he didn’t know you had.
“Keep your fingers loose and pump now, real slow. How does it feel?
“Way too good… but it’s not my hand”
“Ooooh, may I ask?”
“Yours” he said, looking straight into your eyes, waiting for your reaction. You blush, shy.
“Does my hand feel good, around your cock?” you were already back to the play.
“It feels better than mine...” he murmured. 
“Amazing, now, put more pressure around your cock and go just a little faster with those hips. Fuck yourself in my hand”
He moaned, sweet sounds falling from his lips. You pressed yourself against him, your hard nipples caressing him as you both breathed in and out slowly.
“You love it, when I guide you?” you whispered in his ear.
“mmm” he moaned
“Use your words”
His eyes started to roll back, aroused. It was beautiful to witness.  He was weak on his legs, holding still with a solid grip on your hip. 
“I love when you guide me”.
“I can see that you do. Let go of your cock and play with your balls a bit. Squeeze them. Feel their weight”
“Jesus Christ… I was about to cum
“Oh, I know” you teased murmured in his ear. “But I’m not ready to let you  just yet. Are you playing with your balls?”
 “Hum, hum...I never loved to play with my own balls before today…”
“Can you use both hands? Yes? okay. Grab your cock with your fist and stroke not so gently while the other hand squeeze your balls… good, you’re doing good… Stroke again slowly but with a strong grip. Ji, slow down, I see you are cheating. Good… Twist your shaft when you come up, slowly, does it feel good?” His grin told you that he really enjoyed it.
“Yes…. ah… Y/n,  you’re evilish”
His sweet sounds, his voice that you always found so soothing, was now turning you on, it lit a fire between your legs. Again.
“Faster baby, faster…. Now stop”
“What? No…I can’t stop” he continued to stroke, you could tell by the movement of his shoulder.
“Y/n… I’m… aaaah… Argh” he could barely stay on his feet while he ejaculated in a violent burst, screaming your name out loud.
“ARE YOU GUYS OKAY”? You heard Daesung asked from the beach.
“DON’T WORRY DAE, HE WALKED ON A SHELL” you answered, your eyes on Ji. 
The sight of him as he reached his orgasm was the definition of beauty and hotness. He was perfect and so was the moment. His head tilted to the side and his mouth twisted open, he was in a blissful agony.
“aaah… aaaah”
“Don’t you dare stop moving your hand, you have more juices, I’m sure of it. Feel me against you, imagine it’s my hand, mouth, core… Whatever you prefer but keep going. I want you to empty that load… Stroke yourself… continue”
One last softer moan, a great final thrill and he was done. You felt his whole body relax against yours and his face fell on your shoulder, panting. He kissed it gently as soon as his lips landed on your skin. He was breathing heavily in your ear, the most endearing melody of them all. Combined with the murmur of the waves, it couldn’t be more perfect.
You were not sure if your heart would survive this. Not sure at all that you will be okay with him, having a girlfriend later, now that you know how he sounds like when he was having sex. How he feels. How he looks. How playful he was. You don’t think that you will be able to breathe, imagining him with another woman. Making love to her… No, you don’t have the right to think like that… You were just a lost case.
You moved away from him and gave him your most reassuring smile. He cannot know what’s got into your mind right now. That suddenly, instead of letting go of him, you would do the exact contrary. You would snuggle yourself against him and stay there forever and ever, in the comfort of his arms. 
“Thank you, it was… I have no words. And we didn’t even touch!”
“I know, right?” 
“Will you be okay with it? At home, I mean”.
“Absolutely” you lied “You?”
“Okay, good then. Good. Me too.” He showed no signs that it could be otherwise.
Both amazed by what just happened, you walk away from each other. Reality was hitting you both and you didn’t seem to want that moment to end. Neither of you. But you had to go back to your reality now.
You wanted to fix your bikini top but he stopped you, grabbing your hand between his, keeping them against his chest.
“Let me do it, hun. With the non touching thing and in the middle of the ocean, the aftercare are limited. At least, let me put it back in place for you”.
You nodded, he continued.
“You’re okay? Are you always that rough with yourself?” he asked as you placed the triangle back in place, this you won’t let him do. You felt no judgement in his tone though, just curiosity.
“I was not rough today, Ji. I even showed you my vanilla side”.
“What we did was soft, I agree. But the way you caress yourself, and me indirectly, it was not the softest touch. I didn’t know you had that in you. It was nice, I loved it”.
“Agreed, it was really nice”.
He tied the knot back in place between your boobs. After one look to approve his doing, he declared that you were all good to get out of the tub.
“Do you regret it?”
“I don’t. You?”
“What happened in the water stays in the water?”
“Absolutely. Let’s forget it ever happened even though it will be rough”.
 You swam towards the shore gently, side by side, as if nothing sexual ever happened. 
“Do I have a mark on my shoulder”.
“Oooh, that? Oopsie” you answered cutely. 
“You think you’re a shark or something? Jesus, it will hurt for days”
“I’m sorry but not sorry at the same time, it’s hard to explain” you teased.
“You little brat”
“Am I?” You shrugged  “But how are you gonna hide it from Dae?”
“I won’t, I’ll say that I’ve been bitten by a fish. Even better! I’ll say that mama shark bite me”
You both laughed and you realised that he had swam behind you. Snaking his arms around your waist, he said 
“Thanks Y/n, seriously. I won’t talk about it, it’s the deal. But it will be really hard to forget”
“Agreed. Thanks to you too, it wouldn’t have been that magical without you”.
Even though you didn’t really touch each other, you felt connected to him in the most beautiful and voluptuous way. A bittersweet feeling invaded you. You didn’t regret what happened but you wish you could have more of him. All of him. His love, for example. 
Before you parted, the aching to be in his arms began anew.
Present day
When you opened your eyes later that morning, you were laid under his comforter. For some reason, at the end of the night you were agitated in your sleep and couldn’t rest comfortably.  It gave you a weird feeling of anxiety. Was it because you were in Jiyong’s bed? In 5 years of friendship, the only time that you found yourself here was when your niece got sick. More likely, pretended to be dying from a runny nose just to be taken care of by the man of her dreams, the one and only Jiyong oppa, as she called him so cutely. Jiyong was so endearing to watch as he rubbed camphre on her back with caring hands. He was taking care of the sick little princess as if she was really dying. It was touching and cute and adorable. It’s probably then that you realised that he was the man you loved. Damn, it was already 3 years ago, how can time fly that fast?
“What makes you smile like that” his voice was sleepy and soft. So soothing and familiar that you calmed down a bit. At least, felt less out of place.
“I just remembered when the little princess slept here, between us. She used all sorts of tricks to get you to take care of her. Damn, I should learn from her, she can get what she wants just clicking her little chubby fingers. She mastered the art” you joked.
“Aaaw! She was so sweet. It was fun to take care of her with you. I felt like I was a king”
You burst out laughing. 
 “Duh! I couldn’t take care of her, she only wanted you. Jiyong oppa here, Jiyong oppa there”.
You turned to face him, holding your head in your hand. It seemed that he was awake for a little while, he had filled an entire notebook with lyrics, drawings and song ideas.
“You couldn’t sleep”? you asked, reaching out to pull back a strand of hair that was falling before his eyes. 
“Nope, you snore too much,” he joked as he felt one finger grazing his skin. How could such a simple contact could feel so good? Because it was you, probably.
You knew he was teasing you. For some reasons, you felt the need to get closer to him. To cuddle up with him. To show him that whatever happened last night, you were there, by his side. But not knowing how he would react, you restrained yourself from doing it.
“Jiyong, can you believe that in 5 years, it’s the second time that I sleep in your bed? It’s so comfy, we should be doing it more often”
“You… you want to sleep in my bed?”
“Relax loverboy, I said it like that. I just realised that whenever I sleep here, it’s always on the couch… I didn’t mean anything. Anyway. I’ll get going, I have to work in the afternoon”. 
“Already? Normally you stay a little longer. Can you stay a little longer?”
“What’s gotten into you? Last night you didn’t talk to me. This morning I want to let you have your space and you want me to stay. I’m not following, Ji”.
“Well, I really want you to stay. I need to clear up my mind. I need to…” he stopped when your body crashed against his. His hands came to rest on your back, his nose on the top of your head. You felt so good against him with your scent invading him, it was endearing. He knew your intention was to comfort him. He knew you were just worried, thinking that something bad was going on. Maybe that was it, after all. Maybe it will soon be the end of your friendship because of his stupid ass. 
“I’ll stay like that for 5 minutes, then I’ll leave. I really need to get going, I have some shopping to do before my shift. If you want to talk, I’m here. Otherwise, I’ll just listen to your heartbeat and relax before the day starts. You’re so comfy, Ji.” 
You snuggled closer against him. His delicate smell was so familiar and appealing at the same time. You didn’t know where to place your hands, though. Hugging was not a habit of yours. Even less hugging in bed like that. In what situation did he put himself, he wondered. 
“I might have a question… Do you remember what happened in Jeju Island last year? Do you remember the kiss that we shared?”
You froze. You didn’t see it coming at all. Why asking you this after all this time? You coughed, sign that you were uncomfortable. Clearly, you knew what he was talking about. And your little cough won’t be unnoticed or misinterpreted by his sharp ass. He continued.
“Do you think about it, sometimes?”
“No, why would I?” you giggled, nervously. There was nothing funny with his question. “Sorry Ji, I didn’t mean to laugh, it’s not funny. You caught me by surprise”
“I do, think about it… From time to time, I do. Lately, I think about it even more often”
You moved away from him and laid on your back. You shouldn’t have come in his bed last night. You had crossed a line and it could be misinterpreted by him. What have you done?
“Why, though?" 
“Do I need a reason to remember good memories? You know, it was not a simple peck, it was so passionate and emotional. I’ve never been kissed like that before or after. Of course, I will think about it”.
“Well, yes, I do think about it too, indeed”.
Your eyes met his. He seemed sad, desperate and shocked. Something was happening in his life and he needed to remember comforting moments, you thought. Maybe he felt that raw and pure love that you had for him, when you kissed. 
“You loved it?”
“What’s that question? Ji, you’re making me feel uncomfortable. You were there, do I really have to tell you how I felt? Didn’t you feel me? See me? I have nothing to add.”
“Don’t be mad at me, please. I was just… I don’t know. But please, I beg you, don’t be mad at me today”.
“I’m not mad, I just don’t want to think about it, it won’t do any good. Listen, I have to go. I forgot that I have to give a lift to a coworker”.
“You’re running away from me” he said, grabbing your side to keep you from standing up.
“Yes. I am, I admit”.
“Please don’t leave me like that”
“Ji, I will be back, I’m not cutting ties with you. I just need to work. And when we meet again, I don’t want you to remember that kiss… or talk about it”.
“Then, what about the other thing we did, in the ocean?”
“Ji, stop. I don’t want to remember any of it….”
“Why? Do you regret what we did?” he wondered.
You tried to escape the bed but he dragged you closer to him instead. He captured you in his arms and kept you there. You still felt safe and you knew that he would let go of you the second you ask for it. Despite, you didn’t move back. 
“I promise I won’t talk about any of it… But, please. Can I please hug you a little longer. I need to… I just need it”.
He was so emotionally raw that you couldn’t refuse. After all, you will never be able to escape Jiyong for good, will never have the wish to do so anyway. You relaxed in his arms and gently leaned your head on the same pillow as him. He felt all the muscles of your body relax at the same time and you melted in his arms, cute little spoon that you were. Finally, you had let go.
“I lied. Not only do I want to talk about it, I also want to do it again. I want to do it all the time” he said. But it’s your cute little snore that answered on your behalf. You had fallen asleep, in the security of his arms.
“You chose your moment to fall asleep, you little brat” he laughed. 
It was a good thing that you didn’t hear it. It won’t risk your friendship for a dirty play. He couldn’t lose you, you were too important for him. He won’t let that happen. With a kiss on your head, he pressed his legs against the back of yours. Then, he abandoned himself to sleep, too.
Last year, sharing one hot kiss.
With a bunch of friends, you had rented a few condos units in Jeju Island to celebrate Jiyong’s birthday. He had a girlfriend at that time but it’s during this week-end that she had decided to break up with him, telling him that he was “too much to handle” for her liking.
What was supposed to be a fun week-end, turned out to be a blast for everybody except for Jiyong and you. How were you supposed to be happy when your best friend was crying alone outside in the dark.
“Leave me alone, Y/n. I just need some time”.
“I know, don’t worry, I only brought you a blanket, it’s frisky tonight!”
He noticed that indeed, you had laid a big comfy blanket on his shoulders. You knew better than him! He was cold and didn’t even notice. He sighed, heavy.
“See? I didn’t realise that it was cold. How can I notice that she was unhappy with me when I can’t even notice when the temperature drops”
“Ji, I know it hurts, believe me, I know…”
“Duh! As far as I know, you’ve always been the one to leave.Have you ever been dumped?”
“No, I haven’t but I know how a one side love feels like”.
“You never told me that you were in love with someone that doesn’t love you back…” 
He was talking very slowly, struggling with his pronunciation. He probably won’t remember any of it tomorrow.
“I don’t tell you every single thing that happened to me. Listen, I’ll leave you alone. Text me if you need me, I’ll be here in a second”.
“Nah, stay here and share that bottle of vodka with me”.
He had caught sight of the bottle you were holding with one hand. Sitting by his side, you had handed him the precious liquid. He took a long sip, making an appreciation sound when he was done.
“Aaaah! Thanks, hun. The lost cause is happy”.
Judging by his speech and his general condition, it was far from his first consommation tonight. He was wasted. Once again, you stayed silent. You knew he was having an emotional breakdown right now, you’ve been there yourself. He was so in love with that model and he didn’t see it coming at all, of course he was broken. It was breaking your heart to see him that sad.
“You must be happy, right? You never loved her!”
“You think I’m happy when I can feel your sadness with every cell of my body?”
“You heard me”
“Jiyong, don’t go there. We’ll fight and I don’t want to fight with you”.
“Pfff. I know what you are thinking”.
“You don’t know, stop being like that”.
“Or what?” 
“Or nothing. Just stop. I explained myself many times before. You know why I never loved her. But she seemed to make you happy so I was making great efforts not to get in your way”.
“Ooooh, is this why I didn’t see you the last month or so?”
“Damn, didn't you realize that I had been discreet so as not to harm your relationship with the asshole”?
“I told you, I’m too stupid to realise what’s under my nose. She is right, I didn’t take good care of her”.
“Okay, Ji, that’s enough. She was a manipulative woman, she was using you to boost her own career. You did everything to please her and yet she asked for more. I told you all that before but you didn’t believe me. Next time, trust my intuition. I’m never wrong”.
“I thought you were jealous”.
“I wasn’t jealous. I was mad because she was treating you badly and you refused to see it. But yes, you’re right too. I was jealous… I got to see you less because of her and it hurt. You didn’t even notice that I disappeared from your life, it pissed me not gonna lie”.
“Oh no! Shit. I’m gonna throw up”.
He did throw up for almost 30 minutes outside in the parking lot and even after, when he laid in bed. You couldn’t let him in that state, scared that he might vomit in his sleep and choke on it. That night, you didn’t close your eyes, looking out for him. Wiping his mouth after each puke, cleaning the floor, giving him water, meds and fresh linen for his forehead. You did it because this is how he deserves to be treated. With care and affection.
Just before going back in Seoul, as you were about to close the door of the condo that you had rented for yourself, he appeared behind you and snaked his arms around your chest, in a protective manner.
“Y/n… I want to thank you for staying by my side all this time. I know you wanted to try hitting on Jae but you couldn’t because of me.  Thanks, I really appreciate it. And I’ll invite him over for you to meet again.”
“Don’t mention it, it’s alright. And turns out that Jae is a douche, so forget it”.
“What happened?”
“Well, yesterday morning, he came out of his condo with 2 girls under his arms”.
“What’s the problem? If they all consented…” you closed the door and turned towards him. He was clearly not getting the point here.
“Problem is, he didn’t invited ME”
“Ooooh…. I see”.
“No, you cannot get it. You don’t know what it is because you have never experienced it. All the girls are at your feet. You enter a room and all eyes are on you. Women want you, men want you. Elders want you as their son-in-law. You don’t know what it’s like to feel ugly, unnoticed and unwanted. I’m sorry but you…”
You couldn’t finish your phrase. He stepped towards him and held your face in his chest, whispering soft words in your ears while you cried not so cutely. You felt good, thus wrapped in the comfort of his arms.
“We were 4 women Ji. Fucking 4. He invited 2 of them to his bed, the other one is Youngbae’s girl. You know what it means? Out of the three, I was the fucking last choice. How’s that?”
“I’m sorry hun, I really am. But maybe, he didn’t invite you because you were taking care of me. YES! That must be it. He invited them 2 to replace the only one he wanted to have sex with. See? It takes 2 to replace you!”. He wanted to cheer you up and it was working. 
“You’re silly” you smiled even though you knew he was wrong.
You had calmed down, so you stepped back from him. You were normally not cuddly with each other. Not that you didn’t like the contact, it was just like that. His arms didn’t feel uncomfortable but it was not fun either. The whole situation, the whole week-end was not.
As he looked into your sad eyes, he did the only thing that came into his mind. It was stupid to do but he didn’t had much time to think about it, he acted on an impulse.
“Well, now you will be able to say that you were kissed by the legendary G-Dragon”
And he had leaned in, lifting your chin up with his index. 
What he wanted to be a soft peck became a surprisingly hot and feverish kiss. One that normally leads directly to bed, don’t pass go, don’t claim 200 dollars. Whose tongue was inside the other’s mouth first? He couldn’t tell.  After a short moment, he had withdrawn in shock but when your finger traced the spot on your lips that he just left, he had no choice but to dive in for a second taste.  
It was delicious. He melted into you like ice-cream under the warm sun and so did you. He felt like he belonged next to you, and you next to him. It seemed that your lips were drawn to fit his. That your tongue was made to dance with his. That his hands were the perfect size to circle your waist. Not only your bodies were in perfect harmony, that kiss held the sweetness of your friendship combined with a million loving thoughts. It all condensed into a moment of burning heat.  
He had just felt your boobs pressed against him and your mouth against his neck, a delightful sensation, when you heard someone coming your way. Youngbae was coming out of his condo, he would soon turn the corner and discover you. Unfortunately, you had to split apart. To stop that fire that had ignited. That desire that consumed you. 
“Ji, we shouldn’t have crossed that line…” you pushed him away.
“I know. Let’s forget it happened” he answered in shock, not sure about what just happened and why it was not a good idea. It was so perfect, it couldn’t be a bad thing.
“Good idea” 
It seems that you were equally eager to end the conversation. Obviously, both for different reasons.
“Are you mad, Y/n?” he asked later, in the plane.
“Mad about what?”
“Duh, the kiss!”
“What kiss?” you answered, determined never to think about what had just happened.
To this day, you never said anything about it. It was almost like a faded dream. Did it ever happen? 
Present day
When you had woken up after your little nap close to lunch time, you felt reposed and relaxed. Jiyong was spooning you, his arms clutching onto your waist. His warm chest rose against your back at the rhythm of his soft breathing. On your neck was the most satisfying thing that you ever felt in your life, Jiyong’s warm breath. Smiling, you softly turned around to face him, you needed to look at his perfect face. You made sure to be as quiet and gentle as possible not to wake him up. Unnoticeable like a mouse.
When you faced him, his naked legs automatically intertwined with yours. He dragged you closer to him with one strong arm and your hands landed on his chest. Snuggling your nose against his shirt, you felt butterflies dancing in your stomach, threatening to fly away with your heart on the same occasion.  Was the mornings in his arms always perfect like that?
“Mmmmm hun, you feel good” It was not a question, it was a statement whispered with his lazy voice. One that leaves no place to doubt, hatred or anxiety. A voice that could heal a broken heart and guide another out of the darkest places. 
He knew that it was you in his arms and still, he didn’t flinch. You felt so stupidly good that you had to stand up and leave. It was too perfect. Too intimate. Too soothing. Your heart won’t survive this. For the sake of your mental health, you had to leave now. 
“I have to go Ji, I’ll be late”.
“Already? No, stay a little longer. We’re so comfy”
He hasn't opened his eyes yet, still blurred from sleep. He seemed so peaceful, it was endearing. You didn’t know what was going on with him, but one thing was certain, he hadn’t been himself since last night.  He even had shown small changes in his behavior in recent weeks. 
Brushing these thoughts on the side, you moved away from his arms. You’ll have plenty of time to fall in the downward spiral of sadness later, thinking that you will never be his. That he will never be yours. You escaped the peaceful cocoon you were wrapped in and went out of his bed. Out of his house. Out of your own mind.
Later that day, after your shift
As you arrived at your place, you opened your message app and started to read it. At the same time, you took your shoes off by shaking your feet one by one, over the rug in the hall. Right after your shower when you sat on the couch with a bowl of Japchae, you passed out exhausted.
Meanwhile, Jiyong was upside down. He had spent the day thinking of you, your relationship. He was affirmative, his feelings for you had changed, he was deeply in love with his best friend. There was no doubt in his mind. And he had no idea how you would react to it.
He didn’t want to lose you, but the feeling was so strong now that he accepted it, he had to confess. He needed to. 
Unlike your habit, and the timing couldn’t be more paradoxical, you had left him on read all day. It happened once before but it was because you were too busy with work. Why did it have to happen on a day like today, when he was already so out of his mind. Did you feel him today? Did you realize the changes taking place in him? Was that why you ignored his calls and texts? Were you angry? Maybe you found him too clingy. Maybe he made you feel uncomfortable.  He was going crazy with all these questions when he realised that it was already 2am. It was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to sleep tonight. Sighting, he wore his ‘incognito costume’, meaning jogging pants, a hoodie, a face mask and a beanie. Nothing fancy, nothing to expose his identity. Hopefully, the streets will be empty at this time of the night.
He walked around his neighbourhood, wandering. He could only think of you, what your reaction could be when he’ll open his heart to you. He didn’t want to imagine the worst, he couldn’t imagine you rejecting him, his heart felt heavy with pain just at the thought of it. With the consequences that this could bring, the changes to your relationship. We should not dwell on it. He had to go heart first and confess, hoping for the best.
He realized that he was now in front of your apartment block, that he had been walking along your street for a while now, like a stalker. What if something happened bad to you? Just thinking about it made him anxious. He needed to see you, to make sure that first you were safe and warm and second that you were not mad at him. That he didn’t lose you. But why would you be mad? It was a downward spiral of thoughts. It had to stop.
He entered the building with his key, took the elevator and then ran in the hallway impatiently. He couldn’t wait to see you. To tell you. It was a strong and invalidating feeling, he had to confess. His heart had to come back to normal, otherwise he would go crazy.
Unable to wait for you to open the apartment door, he slammed it open. What he discovered inside broke him into pieces, in the best way possible. You were wearing that same old clothes he saw you so often with. That horrible kit that made him hiss in disapproval each time he saw you dressed in. There was nothing he could do to make you stop wearing it. He had tried it all.  Somewhere along the way, he had let go. It was a really good thing, it allowed him to discover you curled up on the couch with untouched food on the table near you. Your hands were hidden in the sleeves of your sweater, joined under your chin. You were so cute, peacefully asleep in your comfort clothes, his heart melted.
He squatted down in front of you and with much tenderness, he caressed your face. He didn’t want to wake you up, he just needed to touch you. He was finally able to breathe. 
You felt his hand on your cheek and automatically, you knew it was Jiyong. You must have been dreaming, you were at your place, alone. Humming with content, you whispered his name with a satisfied smile across your lips and turned to face the other side. 
“Sleep, hun… I’ll wait tomorrow, I can wait now”.
“Ji?” you exclaimed in surprise. “What are you doing here?” you asked as you rub your eyes and opened the light that sat on the low table. When you discovered his features, you jumped off the couch and sat on the floor in front of him. “What’s going on? What happened”.
He didn’t understand what you meant, he didn’t say anything yet 
“Ji, you cried! What happened?”
“I cried? ooooh, yes” patting his face he realized that he did, indeed, have semi-dried tears on his cheeks. So he cried and didn't realize it.
“Why??? What happened?” you asked in a hurry.
“Nothing happened. I just cried…”
“Something must have, you had cried and landed in my living room at 3 am” you cupped his cheeks and started a visual inspection of him. You needed to make sure that he was okay, that nothing happened to him. That he was not sick or hurt physically at least. He found you beautiful.
“I love you”
“Yes Ji, I know… love you too” you answered mindlessly as you scritized his face, concentrating on your inspection.
He grabbed your wrists and held your hands close to his heart. He had started to talk, he couldn’t stop now. He didn’t want to. With all his courage and all the hope he could gather, he repeated.
“Y/n, I love you” 
“I love you”
You understood what he just said, the words he pronounced but not quite the meaning. You locked eyes with him, searching for an answer to your unspoken question. His beautiful eyes were not sparkling exactly the same way than before. He seemed agitated and peaceful at the same time, it was strange.
“Ji? What’s going on? Are you drunk?”
“Yah… Pabo! Let’s sit more comfortably, I’ll explain”.
You both transferred on the couch, sitting face to face with your knees up under your chin. You held your legs against your chest in a comforting manner. He couldn’t resist the temptation to touch you and he placed a hand flat on your forearm, amazed by your beauty as much as touched by your obvious concern.
“Y/n… Let me talk please”
It made you smile. If the situation would have not been that tensed, you would have laughed your ass out and mock him. 
“I didn’t place a word Ji, I’m waiting for you to explain your interruption in my living room in the middle of the night. I think it’s fair to say that I’m letting you talk”.
“Yes, sorry” he scratched his head with shyness “what I meant was let me talk before you do. But first, why didn’t you answer my calls or texts today? I was scared something happened to you”.
“I figure, sorry Ji. I was dead busy today, couldn’t find the time to eat anything or rest. I took a shower and wanted to call you but the minute I sat on the couch, I fell asleep. I didn’t mean to make you worry”
“Fair enough… and what happened at work today? You had a good day? Did you finally decide to buy yourself a cat?”
“Ji…” you cut him. He was running around the bush and you became impatient. “Ji, tell me. What is it about?”
“I promise you that if you don’t feel the same way, I’ll be okay, I’ll manage to survive. Goodness, I’m petrified”.
While he took his sweet time to say what he had to say, an image was forming in your mind. Did he mean what you think he meant? It couldn’t be possible. Febrile, hope bloomed inside of you.
“Ji… what’s going on?”
“I love you”
The mocking gaze of your best friend was gone. Instead, in his eyes you saw a loving feeling come to life. You read in it doubt and hope. Lots of hope. In his eyes, new sparks you never thought that would shine on for you.  This beautiful vision speaked louder than words.
“I realised lately that you’re the one I want to share my life with. The affection I had, it changed into love. Now, I smile like an idiot when I hear your voice. I melt when you pronounce my name. I want my hands on you all the time. I want to hug you. I want to be a better person and make you proud. I want the world a better place just for you to be more safe. I want to make you happy, just like you make me. I want to kiss you. I want to hold your hand on my way to paradise if it exists, and I want to be born with you again in our next life. Say something please…”
“That hand of mine will hold yours till the end of our life and again in the next one. I promise you that”. 
It was not what he expected to hear. He was so scared that you would reject him, he never thought you would really share his feelings. He just hoped with all his heart, unsure and nervous. Therefore, he was unable to process the words you spoke.
You didn’t repeat, instead you leaned in and kissed him, putting all your love in the kiss. The tenderness you feel for him, the passion too. You put all those intentions as your lips sealed with his. Tears went down both your cheeks and mixed together before falling on your clothes.
“You love me?” he asked between the kisses. “For real?” 
He cupped your cheeks with a tenderness that you never felt before. His hands on you was now the only thing that matters.
“Ji, I love you. I love you so much… loved you for years now”.
“Woah, really?”
“Let’s not talk about it yet, we have plenty of time ahead. But yes, I love you. I thought I was so obvious”.
“Not at all, I didn’t realize. I’m sorry love, to realize that you were mine this late”.
“It’s okay Ji, I never thought that you could love me back so I'm more than happy right now. I’m in heaven”.
“Me too”
You looked at each other, smiling shyly.
“I can’t wait to bring you out on our first date. It will be so nice to hold your hand… to show everybody that you are mine, that I’m the luckiest man who got the prettiest girl”.
“Aaaaw Ji”
Your heart was so light but it was beating fast at the same time. You were happy like you were never before. You felt fully and wonderfully alive, loved and overwhelmed. Jiyong’s features told you that he felt the exact same way about you. He had that shy loving smile of his. 
“Ji… Is this for real?”
“I could ask you the same”
“Love of my life…” you whispered as you kissed him a sweet and feverish kiss. You broke contact and plonged your eyes into his “you have no idea how you make me feel right now. I’ve been longing for you, for your kisses and touch all this time. I was loving you in silence and now I can finally touch you. I don’t mean sexually… Just to be able to cup your beautiful face like that and I’m in heaven” you said as you cupped his face and kissed the tip of his nose. 
“I doubt the ‘not sexually’ part but I know exactly how you feel. It seems like you are too far away from me. You would be sitting on my lap and you would still be too far. I’m craving for you”
“Come” you said, standing up. You took his hand in yours and as you walked backwards, you guided him towards your bedroom.  His smile grew bigger.
“Where are we going?”
“You confessed your love to me while I was wearing those clothes that you hate so much. I think it’s only fair that we take them off now… I mean, not to ruin your mood”
“You… you sure?”
“Not a bit… I’m scared that I will deceive you. I’m scared that you will not love what you see…”
“Shhhhh” he stopped you with a kiss “there is no such thing possible. You walked naked so many times before me, I already know all your curves”
“I never walked naked in front of you…”
“You do”
“all the time…”
“Wanna see what naked is? Let me show you” you took your clothes off in the speed of light, exposing your naked forms in front of him. “See? Have you ever seen me naked like that before?”
He smiled a cocky smile and pushed the clothes that were on the floor with his foot. He didn’t answer your question; instead, he held out a trembling hand, the only clue of the fire roaring in him. He put it flat on the side of your neck. His touch was delicate and full of love. You felt his raw emotion in the way he was touching you, looking at you.  He couldn't believe he was so lucky. That you were his and you felt the same.
“I love what I see. I love every inch of that body because it’s yours. I will love and cherish it until the day I die”
A single tear fell down off your eyes. There was no cloud under your sky and if ever you meet some along the way, you will certainly find a way to overcome it. Of that, you had no doubt. 
“I love you Jiyong”
“I love you Y/n”
Without another word, he lifted you from the ground and transported you to you to your bed. With all the love he had, and all the love you had too, you started your new life together in the most beautiful way possible.
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stupid-stew · 3 years
i took notes on the art stream dana did tonight in my own way, yes this is also what my school notes look like so my formal apologies
dana didn’t have many friends or anything in college (self defined recluse)
king is the hardest character to draw due to his specific skull shape
dana loves pokemon and the king resemblance is a coincidence, and she drew everyone to be RIPPED
young entrepreneur out here art queen getting that bag WHY WAS SHE MAKING SHIP ART OF HER CLASSMATES FOR MONEY AT THE AGE OF LIKE 11 IM SOBBING
king ruined the sand castle :(
the mcdonald’s coffe, it sucks apparently
insomnia dana supremacy, felt that
DANA WINS ROUND 1 (against her will)
side note i think i need to start watching more anime, that’s just for me the remember tho
“let’s get weird”- dana terrace 2021
“give us the most uncomfortable furby suggestions please”- also dana terrace 2021
hard time communicating outside of drawings (one of us 👹)
toh is script driven, sicknasty
her test was turned away SPILL THE TEA
dana proposes to furby suggestion giving chat member
8months struggling for job
turned away from power puff girls boooo
“i called up a friend and we had a drink and i cried :(“ -dana
the director had to fight to make the furby scene happen and sir we appreciate it
“androgyny is beautiful”- dana, about a furby
yes girl let jesus take the wheel on that anatomically correct furby
“fuck you! fuck you!”- not dana’s furby
$80,000 in debt for this
“shit shit fuck shit”
“as good friends, as disney would say”
dana trying not to lose her job
straight black coffee you psycho
cannot cook, girlboss, win dana with food
catchphrase? “AAAAAAAHHH”
scared of spiders
do not wake the cat
“is that a pile of garbage or is that ur self esteem after i fucking demolish you”
-dana terrace 2021
the iconic “byeeeee” was difficult
why can’t she draw shrek
“i need validation please jesus christ”
-dana terrace 2021
someone buy this woman the cat gamer headphones alex hurry up
she does not like the booth but she does it for us thank you queen
dana fainted getting a stick n poke rip
at least she’s having a good time making her own gross little fantasy land, improvise adapt overcome
dana unlocks the idea of things being done in different ways and have them all be good for the masses
“limitation breeds invention”
“wow ur really wise dana”
“….thanks dawg”
“well i didn’t have friends… no one laughed.”
i want the little comics of her pets
cat person dana
awww little stick and poke on her ankle
does not celebrate her birthday
#mood bunny
“how can we make this weird” GIRL IT IS KERMIT ON S T E R O I D S
this is literally psychological warfare
dana has not watched the muppets but she knows him drinking the tea so winning
she’s proud about her making dipper and mable fight
hooty is the owl house canon?
i wish the owl house was like a creature that would have been so funny
season 2 is outline heavy when it comes to the writing
dana knows what she wants for season 2 and we love that
execs up the wall on season 1
dana has not found the character porn! keep it up girl! stay over there!
oooh bike queen
yes get that energy out girl
ddr stan, loses to matt braly at gravity falls team bowling hang out
cat is sad :( give her a snack :(
AWW GHOST HAS ASTHMA omg kinnie moment
conspiracy theory enthusiast when intoxicated
vaccination queen
does not believe in ghosts, kill me girl i’ll haunt you don’t worry i’ll prove it
“the ow house get ready to get some boo boo”- this other guy because it made me cry
“you’re gonna have to pay me to write shit because i don’t work for free”
not a music person
dana do a flip for charity please i’ll donate like an organ or something
she can canonically do a flip and she’s not gonna show us this is homophobic
her neighbor is parking yes get it
draw left hand
while holding pen wack
do it in online version of ms paint
“MS pain”- dana not finishing her word
and stick and poke
show us the work stuff dana >:(
“he’s a strong independent dog”
“4 minutes 20 seconds 😏 h e h e h e”
not the muscle pulling girl not now
“also dog”
ghost gets rejected
“he’s not impressed with ur bullshit”
catra shrek fan girl moment
dana has probably done drugs
“i am a fan of waluigi”
note to self dana will only marry you if you look like kermit the frog
also dog comes from a land where dogs eat people at starbucks
“he’s making out with it! he’s using tongue!”
there are bouncers in cafes where also dog comes from
dana has worked the cash register
someone make real witch merchandise
hooty is he has a very he has more he has a backstory it exists it’s written out but we might not ever get it because it’s just for her dana please i am on my knees
would play dnd if she could
favorite episodes haven’t even aired but currently is echoes of the past or keeping up a fear ances because they’re personal especially a fear ances
mentally she is thriving with the show and it’s going to end well 🙏
“it’s just my voice :(“
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nanorift · 2 years
The Science of You — part 2.
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Part 1 here!
Hello :D it's nice knowing that you all liked the first part so here's the second!
Also a reason why I include songs in the beginning is because I just felt like it suited the part lmao. The song could be from anyone's perspective.
A song to listen to while reading:
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It was fun.
They were all sitting at a table in the dining hall, trays filled with food she didn't hate but didn't love either.
Jett, Raze, Phoenix and Nicole seemingly got along really well and they were having a blast of a conversation. They all seemed to have some sort of interest in sports, Raze loved volleyball, Nicole was a track enthusiast, Jett did gymnastics and Phoenix—though he mostly bragged about being the "art kid" of his family—was heavily invested in basketball and football ("It's football! Not soccer!" As he says it).
The boy who was sitting in front of her eating quietly, however, was silent. He ate his food and only talked when he was spoken too. So, in an attempt to make some actual friends in this school, she tried to spark a conversation.
"So umm, Yoru, do you like to uh- anything? I mean like- do you do sports too or something?" She manages to say, and after a short moment of silence the boy replies.
"I do combat sports," he says, taking a sip of his drink. "Mainly Judo."
"Oh! That's cool! Are you gonna join any of the martial arts clubs later?" she says, a little surprised that someone as quiet as him was into things like fighting.
"You sound like a mom," he says plainly. "And yes, maybe I will, maybe I won't. Who knows?"
"Well it could be fun, you know? And yes, I know I do sound like a mom sometimes. Raze reminds me a lot about that," she chuckles, only to earn a bored glare from the boy.
Did she say something?
Quiet (with the occasional complaints from Phoenix and the gang in the background).
"Are you going to be joining any clubs?" the boy asked, and Klara felt a wave of relief. It was just awkward silence.
"Maybe Mathletes? Chess seems fun too."
"Mathletes? That's boring."
"Hey! Mathematics, for your information, is one of the most interesting subjects out there. Turn that into a competition and you can easily start brain-cramping debates!"
"So... You're a masochist?" The boy grins, seeing Klara's face fluster as she panics a little.
"W-What?" She says, caught off guard. "What does that have anything to do with Math?"
"You like Math, therefore you like to torture yourself. Therefore, you're a masochist," he says smugly. "I'm surprised someone as smart and logical as you couldn't make the connection."
"Just because I like Math and being logical, doesn't mean I'm a masochist!" Klara says, pouting a little.
"Wait you're a masochist?" says Raze, can't help but overhear, earning a groan from the girl as she pulls her beanie down to cover half her face.
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Later that evening, Klara was on a bench with her nose stuffed in a book. She was accompanying Raze at volleyball tryouts. She watched as Raze ran across the field to catch the ball and wonders how could someone enjoy running around, getting all sweaty and hot for a ball. Then again, she was one to talk for always having a book around her wherever she went. It could be any book honestly, she would read anything, but her favourites had always been the science forward ones. Non-fiction ones filled her up with knowledge just as much as sci-fi books had coloured her imagination. Every time she reads a sci-fi book, she always wondered if she would be able to recreate the robotics in them. She always had a knack for inventing and robotics so why shouldn't she try?
"Modern Robotics: Mechanics, Planning and Control?"
A familiar voice snapped her out of her trance, making her drop the book. The owner of the voice picked it up sheepishly and scanned the cover quickly, before handing it back to the surprised girl.
"By Frank Chongwoo Park and Kevin Lynch," Yoru says, sitting down next to her. "You're much more of a nerd than I thought you were."
She rolls her eyes before dusting the invisible dust off the book, trying to appear casual and hide her almost obvious state of surprise at the arrival of the boy. "Well, I don't see why I can't study while I my friend plays volleyball."
"True, it's not a crime. I thought you wanted to join the nerd club? Why are you here? Did you wanna catch the ball when it comes flying to your face?" the boy says, smug coating his words. Klara looked up and glared at him, and only then did she have a really good look at him. He was a little sweaty, dressed in a black track suit and sports shoes. A small blue towel hanging around his neck. He had set down his water bottle next to him, which was almost empty.
"It's called Mathletes, and no, I'm not interested in playing with balls. I'm just accompanying Raze," she says, a bit disgruntled. "I see you and the martial arts team had been getting along."
"Not really, I just went for a run," he says before taking his water bottle for a sip, only for it to be empty as soon as the bottle touched his lips.
"Lucky for you, I came prepared," the girl hands over her bottle to him, which was half empty.
"Thanks, and here I thought I'd have to cripple here with nothing to quench my thirst," he says before downing almost half of the remaining water in the bottle.
"God, you're much more cockier than I thought."
"Oh come on, I'm only playing. Don't be such a killjoy," he says before stopping for a moment. "Hmm, Killjoy. It suits you."
"Because I'm boring?" she replies, unamused at the nickname.
"Because you seem like the type of person that'll remind the teacher we had homework when they clearly forgot," he laughs as he watches Klara's face becoming even more unamused. "I'm gonna call you that from now on."
"Oh yes! Because I'm such a killjoy!" She says, propping her head on her hands as she leans forward to watch Raze instead.
"Well, we all have nicknames don't we? It was bound to happen to you too, sooner or later," he says, getting up from his seat. "Well, I hope you don't get hit by a ball later, Killjoy."
Klara gives him a glare. "Thank you for your kind wishes, but I'll be fine," she replies.
Only to be hit on the head with a volleyball that Raze threw.
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Ever since that evening, the whole school seemed intent on calling her Killjoy. Jett greeted her one morning with a bright "Yo, Killjoy! Did you finish that biochem homework last night?". Even Raze thought the name suited her.
"I think it sounds cool." Raze says as she linked her phone to her speaker, blasting a loud sound that made Klara almost drop her laundry.
"It does sound kind of like a super villain, doesn't it?" she chuckled as she picked up the fallen shirt back into the basket and set it down near her bed. "I mean, you all have nicknames too, so I guess it was only sooner or later I would have one. At least it isn't some generic nerdy nickname— like- umm..."
"Like bookworm? No! Egghead!" Raze laughs, falling over on her bed.
"Is it because I have an egg-shaped face?" Klara chuckles, throwing the Brazilian girl's tank top at her.
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ifeelallwrite · 3 years
Let’s talk about Hospital Playlist. (KDRAMA REVIEW)
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note: does contain spoilers
When people ask me what is my favorite Korean drama of all time, with no doubt, IT’S HOSPITAL PLAYLIST. This drama has the comic relief, the emotional scenes, realistic characters-just to name a few. No toxic relationships and petty revenge fights. Nothing else will stop me for saying that this is the ultimate feel good drama.
SYNOPSIS: The drama shows insights into the daily lives of doctors and nurses working at Yulje Medical Hospital. It focuses on 5 doctors who have been friends since medical school, who also play together as a band.
This drama encompasses so many elements and characters so bear with me yo this might be real long 
Hospital Playlist is produced/written by the Shin-Lee PD and writer pairing, whose previous works were the renowned Reply trilogy and Prison Playbook (which are *chef’s kiss*) I really like that all their dramas really highlight humanism, and puts emphasis on creating a heartwarming and realistic series. There isn’t always a major conflict to be resolved, but instead it showcases how different people-in this case mostly those in the medical field-go on about their daily lives.  I also liked their reasoning to produce a medical drama which was that hospitals were where the most dramatic moments occurred, for example during births, deaths or sickness. And since we are still in the Covid-19 pandemic, it ties in greatly to be paying homage to all the medical personnel saving lives. Hence, props to those who were involved in this meaningful masterpiece <3
The drama is not the usual 16 episodes, but has 12 episodes for each season (SEASON 2 IS COMING SOON YAAS) Good thing is I felt that they were still able to weave a dynamic storyline in the first season even with lesser episodes. The writing was just top-notch with the witty humor bits. Additionally, the music is AMAZING. I love the concept of the main characters being a band and playing different songs every episode too.
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Okay, now onto the characters. I thought that every character in this drama was well rounded. Starting of with the main five characters, also known as The 99ers, whose distinctive personalities and natural chemistry make all of them extremely likeable. All main characters are professors of different specialties, and I find the male OB-GYN (Seokhyeong) and female neurosurgeon (Songhwa) very refreshing. Also, I like Shin-Lee dramas always have characters that might be realistic yet hardly seen in other dramas or films. For example, Professor Ahn Jeongwon. Despite being a chaebol (inheritor/heir), he isn’t depicted as a spoilt brat or a cold character, instead as a warm Pediatric doctor who uses his wealth to secretly support patients in need. However it makes him stingy to his friends LOL
To be honest, I really thought I was gonna dislike Junwan due to his cold and tsundere nature. I pretty much believed that he was going to be the party pooper type of the bunch, but with the writer being a master of character development, he turned out to be really sincere and hilarious at times. Same for Ikjun, who apart from his enthusiastic and happy go lucky exterior, cares the most about the people around him. Although Seokhyeong seemed detached and introverted, he shows a emotional side to his friends as well as his mother. Songhwa is literally a girlboss though haha she’s smart, capable and gets along with everyone well. And she’s the most sane out of the bunch. 
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With all the main characters, we have the relationships. Junwan is the first to date seriously with Iksun (the dog or Micky? jkjk) who is Ikjun’s sister. When it first happened I was like not again Jung Kyung Ho (bc he dated his best friend’s sis in prison playbook too LMAO) I think their relationship was realistic and open. It also showed a more sensitive side to Junwan who would do anything for her. I especially liked how he said he didn’t need access to her phone because he trusted her. Yet as all couples do, they have their fair share of ups and downs. Like conflicts on getting married and a long distance relationship as Iksun moves overseas for graduate studies. I don’t really know how to take the ambiguous ending for these two, as Junwan receives the returned box (that has the ring he sent) I really hope nothing bad happens to these two though.
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I’m sure we all love Wintergarden couple though, tbh they’re kinda my OTP at the moment 🤣 It was pretty much a ‘will they won’t they’ relationship with a relatively slow build. I think Gyeoul turned out to be one of my favourite characters. Shin Hyun Been did a good job at portraying her as a straightforward but innocent Resident, who is pretty much openly crushing on Jeongwon. The scenes they had together were adorably awkward (and the scene where he gives her chocopies omg) And when Jeongwon battles his inner conflict to become a priest, the final decision where they kiss was beautifully shot, with the actors both showcasing their emotions extremely well. 
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Then we have Chihong who pursues Songhwa, his professor. Midway through the drama, it is also shown that Ikjun and Songhwa might have had romantic feelings for each other. Songhwa ends up rejecting Chihong’s confession. In my opinion, Chihong was quite a interesting character but I didn’t really like him at the end. (I like the actor though) He did a real jerk move during drinking games, insisting on Ikjun to confess his feelings towards her even though he is already trying not to put Songhwa in an awkward spot. Although his character did end up making a cool exit and when I thought about his incredible story of soldier to doctor, I kinda regret disliking him that much. As for IkSong, In the final episode Ikjun confesses to her one last time, and we are left waiting for Songhwa’s reply. As much as I love this pairing, I don’t think that the ship will sail or maybe not as quickly as we think. I believe Songhwa would meticulously consider the sacrifices to their friendship or other aspects and might not be able to bring herself to it, but I hope it’s otherwise. 
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Lastly not forgetting Seokhyeong and Minha, another Professor+resident pairing. This one’s a bit ambiguous though, mainly because there hasn’t been much romantic development. To me, the most impactful scene came from Minha who had been irritated by continuous night shifts and was on the verge of a breakdown. She ended up remarkably saving a patient, starting off surgery on her own for the first time. Oh man Minha was such a lovable character, I remember feeling so bad for her but extremely proud of her for her accomplishment. Although Seokhyeong seemed a bit aloof and distant (which was intentional bc he’s an introvert) I think the backstory and all the hardships he faced with his family really made me feel for him. I hate to break it to you, but I’m not so sure if the ship will sail because of the phone call from his ex-wife and Minha’s somewhat rejected confession. But who knows, they might pull off a twist 👀
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Apart from all these characters, there are more characters HHAHAH However, I think this is the killing point of ShinLee dramas. Unlike typical dramas which usually focuses on a main character and 2-3 side characters, they like to cast a diverse range of actors (especially those from theatre/musicals and lesser known drama/movie actors) while actually give their characters personality or a reason to be there. I’ve seen many dramas where extras or side characters were kind of irrelevant thus making me feel that they weren’t needed to build the storyline, yet ShinLee dramas hit different y’all. Every role, no matter how small, holds significance to the drama. It really seemed like a collaborative work that shows off every actors skills (and not forgetting staffs) and teamwork.
Anyways because there are way too many characters and too many scenes for me to mention them all, I’ll just talk about some honourable mentions heheh
1. Sunbin and Seokmin confession scene (ahh so cute)
I kinda sensed that they liked each other at the start but I didn’t know Seokmin would ask her out on a date at the end. Even though it’s kinda awkward that they are dating and working with each other though (both are in the same department) but hey the confession was cute and awkward and just warm and fuzzy 🥰
I think we all (would) love Mama Rosa because she’s a real one ☝️ (probably the coolest mother ever) She’s feisty, hilarious and kind to others. Plus her friendship with Ju Jong Su was just adorable and super wholesome. The scenes where they were supporting one another through tough times and hanging out with each other when they felt lonely always put a smile on my face. Oh and how Mama Rosa treated Gyeoul was extremely sweet. (as well as Seokhyeong’s mother) Despite her tough exterior, she’s a likeable character for being a strong but caring woman.
3. Just Do Jae Hak
I seriously love this guy so muchhh omg he’s so funny
Do Jae Hak has a funny amd clumsy personality, though it’s clear he’s been through a lot and is strong willed person. From admitting his indecisiveness to counselling Jun Wan on his love issues, there’s literally nothing to hate about him.
4. Uju and his dadd
The father and son chemistry between these two is so good omg. The scenes with these two are so adorable and heartwarming (not to mention hilarious) It’s amazing to see how Ikjun cares so much for Uju despite his hectic workdays while going through infidelity issues with his ex-wife. Uju is matured for his age and shows his love and appreciation for his dad too, making their interaction a great portrayal of a healthy family relationship💞
5. the food stealing the show🥘
Who doesn’t love food and when a show has great food scenes? Some of the best scenes are definitely when the 99s gather to eat. It really showcases each character’s personality with the tiniest details as well as highlight warm delicious meals. Just don’t watch this when you’re hungry at 2am in the morning guys you’ll be drooling all over your screens HAHAHA
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Of course there are way more aspects, like Hongdo and Yoonbok, Ikjun and Iksun’s pigeon jokes and raps, or Jeongwon drunk crying in the chicken shop with his brother (who was his coach in Reply 1994 when he played Chilbong LOL)
Most importantly, I think it is the themes and messages that you get from the drama that really create such a lasting impression. Not only does it hit you in the feels with the hardships of hospital patients, or the hardworking doctors+nurses who are working long shifts saving lives, it also tackles topics of friendships through the possibilities of platonic and friends-to-lovers relationships. However I think the biggest lesson for me came from Seokhyeong, who learns to live his life doing what he want, with the people he treasures. Although the drama might seem slow at times (mainly because there isn’t really a main plot line/conflict occurring), but this drama would still bring you on a journey where you would laugh, cry and finish the series, begging for season 2 ✌🏻
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some-kindofgnome · 3 years
question of the night: what are your HQ faves drinks of choice? what kind of drunk are they?
omg cee this got... so out of hand lmao HERE WE GO you asked so i am gonna tell you 
literally everything there is to know about my favourite drunk HQ boys 💖 
w: drinking/intoxication, some drunk kisses and taking care of drunk people 🥺
Bokuto: okay this is multi-faceted because I FEEL LIKE bo’s favourite drink is like a strawberry daiquiri. especially if it’s the kind that you bring home in a can and blend up yourself. It’s soooo sweet and delicious and he’s also just not the type to get caught up in whether or not that’s an embarrassing thing to like drinking or not. so that’s definitely what he’ll have if, like, anything goes.
If he’s, like, out at a restaurant or at someone else’s place for a party, he’ll go for a cider. Maybe something sweet, like blackberry or cranberry cider if he can get it?? I hc that Bo has a big sweet tooth in all areas tbh.
When he gets drunk, everything that makes Bo… Bo gets amplified. He will speak louder and louder the drunker he gets, until somebody mentions it to him. Then he gets self-conscious and will whisper for the rest of the night. His body runs hot like a radiator when he’s drinking AND he needs everyone around him to know how much he loves them and how happy he is that they’re hanging out with him.
By the end of the night, he gets all needy and clingy, laying sloppy kisses on you at every possible opportunity. He definitely needs a babysitter to make sure he doesn’t get in bed with his shoes on and will keep up a consistent, low ramble about how much he loves you and how good you are to him until he passes out in the pillows and snores louder than he ever has in his entire life.
Akaashi: akaashi sits on the opposite end of the spectrum. Contrary to what many people like to write about him I think he DOES drink on the reg, even if it’s just, like, a drink here or there when he has to take work home. Either way, he definitely strikes me as a wine guy. Loves to pour a nice sweet red, definitely NOT picky about drinking it out of a wine glass or not.
Akaashi is a BIG FAT lightweight, though. It only takes him, like, two glasses of wine to start feeling really woozy. Not that you’d really be able to tell, unless you took a good long look at him. Akaashi pegs me as a really high-functioning drunk who just sort of bobs around the party with his cheeks flushed and eyes a little hazy, liking the way the wine makes his head buzz pleasant and soft.
I think he gives in a little more easily to affection that would normally make him clam up a little, if that makes any sense. Like, if you go in for a hug he’s gonna lean into it a little more than he usually would. He might actually hold onto you for a little while longer than normal, too, turned just a little clingy when the wine lowers his inhibitions.
But by the end of the night he’s definitely the one you can still rely on to put you safely to bed. he’ll be well sobered up by then and, even if he rolls his eyes, would half-drag you all the way home through the snow if it meant making sure you got home safely.
Atsumu: OKAY this is another kind of complex one. I have the feeling that when Atsumu goes to a party or like goes drinking with friends he orders beer. Beer all the way. Cheap, shitty beer, whatever they’ve got on tap, blah blah blah. And he likes it fine, it gets the job done. Maybe it bloats him a little more than he’d like and sends him to the sticky bar bathroom to piss one too many times a night, but it’s better than standing at the bar and ordering
what he’d rEALLY LIKE TO BE DRINKING which is a cocktail 👀 I think he would be into cocktails that don’t taste like they have alcohol in them honestly aldfjlskdfj I don’t think he likes the taste of most hard liquor so he would want something with like lots of peach schnapps or like fireball with apple juice, whatever weird house drink the bar served with like a thousand different mystery ingredients to mask the taste of the cheap vodka in it.
Atsumu is a MESSY drunk too, like stealing-drinks-off-the-bar, shouting across the table, laughing SO loud and slamming his hand on the bar so hard it knocks over the cocktail peanuts. he also gets like, horny and REAL flirty, but in the dorky way. Inhibitions GONE. Dumb pickup lines ENGAGED. He’ll also like, get the pickup lines wrong which make them even more nonsensical.
If he’s been wanting you in ANY capacity, if he’s so much as LOOKED TWICE at you before, you’re gonna know after sharing a couple of drinks with him. He ALREADY can’t be trusted with keeping secrets, but after a night of drinking there’s no WAY. Oh ALSO he and his brother BOTH turn beet red after exactly one (1) mL of alcohol. so you know it’s affecting them when they’re flushed from chest to forehead.
SPEAKING of Osamu, he is the one fucking respectable idiot who likes his liquor NEAT. He’s got that sophisticated palette, and I have a feeling he’s a really big wine enthusiast too (and like- know how to pair it with food really well, etcetc) but his idea of an indulgence at the end of a long day is like… a good single malt or like a fucking butterfly pea flower gin with nothing in it.
And he’ll stand there in the middle of a party drinking THAT or drinking his fucking sophisticated-as-fuck cocktail, like an Old Fashioned or a Negroni like it’s no big deal. Just don’t make the mistake of trying to make conversation by asking him what he’s drinking, because he will never stop talking.
I think that’s definitely the most distinctive feature of drunk ‘samu is that he just.. runs his mouth. Constantly. He’s not particularly boisterous or sloppy (like his brother) and he’s capable of like… having an intelligent conversation, he just never shuts up and will ramble enthusiastically about anything you can get him onto. Drunk Osamu is a lot friendlier than normal with that telltale (adorable) drunk flush about the tops of his cheeks, his nose, forehead, neck and ears.
He’s also really affectionate and loving with you if he’s had a couple. It’s still that cute sort of quiet, loving affection, but he’s not shy about PDA at all when his inhibitions are down. He’ll come up behind you at a party and put his arms around you, rest his chin quietly on your shoulder and kiss your temple. He’ll take your hand and pull it into his lap if you’re sitting next to each other, eyes trained on you with the MOST loving smile touching his lips. He’s a simp for you every day, but it shows extra hard when he’s drunk.
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