#hey look who wrote something unprompted.
freckleslikestars · 1 year
aubade noun a poem or piece of music appropriate to the dawn or early morning.
IWTB era fluffy-ish ficlet inspired by this post
565 words, read here on AO3
5:30. It was always when her alarm was set to five-fucking-thirty that he hated it most, when its insistent beeping seemed most obtrusive, rudely dragging him from the little sleep he got. Of course, she never even stirred for it. He was certain that she would sleep through the apocalypse if he let her.
‘Babe, alarm’s going,’ he muttered in her ear, voice gravely from sleep, eyes still shut tight against the impending day.
She grunted and burrowed further into her pillow, humming contently when he finally peeled his eyes open and reached over to slam his hand down on the top of the clock to get it to shut up, the little red numbers flashing angrily at him. ‘Come on, Scully. You’ve got to get up.’
‘You’ve got work.’
‘Mm. Five more minutes.’
‘No. You’ll hate yourself if you do,’ he sighed, slumping back against his pillow. He counted in his head, fifty-seven seconds before she groaned and sat up, combing her hand haphazardly through sleep-tangled hair and yawning noisily, before she swung herself out of bed, grumbling the whole time about the unfairness of him getting to lay in. He knew she didn’t mean it, knew that if he got up with her, she’d roll her eyes at him and tell him there was no point in him getting up just because she was when he might as well at least wait until the sun had crested the horizon. But still, she grumbled, and allowing his eyes to slip shut again after taking a quick moment to admire the sweet curve of her ass cheeks in the little shorts she’d taken to wearing to bed, he murmured a quiet: ‘perks of being a fugitive.’
She disappeared off into the en suite, and he rolled over, nestling into the warm gap she’d left behind, allowing the familiar sounds of her readying for the day to soothe him into a light slumber – he wasn’t going to fall back asleep properly now, but he could doze for an hour or so. Maybe, if he had the energy, he might tackle the repainting of the porch swing today, should the weather hold. Or fix the leaky roof in the mud room. If he had the energy, that was. He should probably see what he could rustle up for her dinner, too. Write a grocery list for her to get – they were running low on things he could make half-decent meals out of. He’d check the message boards first, though. There was a debate he’d been having with TruthSayer121212 that he wanted to continue if they’d responded.
‘’m off,’ she murmured, pressing a kiss to his temple and running a hand through his unruly hair. It was almost as long as her’s had been when they started sleeping together all those many moons ago. ‘Needs cutting. I can do that on the weekend for you if you want.’ He nodded and gave a non-committal grunt, and he heard her sigh quietly. ‘Mulder?’
‘Why do you always end up on my side of the bed?’
He shrugged, buried his nose deeper into the crisp white cotton of her pillowcase, ‘smells like you.’
He could feel the soft smile pulling at her mouth as she pressed one more kiss to his lips, leaving him with a minty taste and the sound of her tires on the gravel.
Tagging @today-in-fic
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Touch Me like No Man Could Ever~ Peggy Carter xFem Reader
Hey hey hey.
I was feeling a bit deprived of some female touch, so I wrote this. And yes, it doesn’t exactly follow plot line but give me some grace lol. So here it is; Peggy Carter and her milf energy.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, eating out, implied fucking, mommy kink, bit of an age gap (all legal), overall milf energy
About short to medium length… sorry I didn’t count lol.
Enjoy (;
It started out with her moving into your apartment. “Margaret Carter, Call me Peggy” she had said when you two had first met. Everything had been going smoothly. She went to work at her phone company, and you did your studies. Yes, she was a bit older than you, but that was no matter. In fact, it was quite lovely having a more responsible and caretaking roommate, who wouldn’t party all night or bring a different boy back every night like the roommates of the past. No, Peggy was civilized. And kind.
But as she was hungrily eating you out on the kitchen table, you began to rethink your previous conclusion. Civilized? No, this woman was carnal. And in the hottest way. The way she ate your pussy out, you could have sworn you saw god.
This whole thing had started because Peggy had come back from her work early clearly ticked off. She muttered something about “Thompson” as she put on the kettle. “Something the matter, Peg?” you had asked her. She had deflected your question with her usually concern for you and your well-being. “Well ok then” you had said as you continued to read your book, not wanting to pry but desperately wanting to know. And then all of a sudden Peg huffed “I just do not understand.” Understand what?” you asked, setting your book down. “Men.” she said with another heavy sigh, “Bloody Men.”
She just wouldn’t stop. You were on your third or fourth orgasm, you had simply lost count. And by now she was curling her fingers inside your walls with her lips brushing your ears. “Cum for me again, Darling. Fuck, give me one more”.
“Don’t ask me, I don’t get men either” you chuckled. She huffed as she poured herself some hot tea. She asked if you’d want some, and you politely declined as always. “What about men exactly?” you asked unprompted, but it just slipped out. She sighed heavily again and began a long winded answer to your question which you slowly started to regret as a wet spot began to pool in your undergarments. She rounded of her tangent by stating “And then there’s the way all men approach women; with the simple idea that we will just open our legs for them the second they get in our near area!” You gulped and just sat there, staring at her. Fuck, you’d open her legs for her if she came in your near vicinity…
That thought seemed highly ironic now, as she made you see stars for the fourth or fifth time in a row on the kitchen table. But this time, your voice couldn’t resist itself as you moaned “Fuuuuuck, Mommy”.
Now you got bold, “Show me what you mean, I’m not sure I understand”. Boy, would you regret that statement, as Peg walked up to you and opened your legs. In fact you immediately regretted the statement, because she instantly noticed her ever growing wet spot. And she just smirked, leaned in and whispered “Let me show you, Darling”
She looked up at you in surprise at first but immediately replaced with lust. “Say it again” she taunted. “Mommy…” you mewled, completely out of it from the fourth, fifth, or whatever numbers of climaxes she had pushed you over. “Say it again and I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t even remember your own name” she taunted with even more lust coating her voice. “Mommmmmy” you moaned in her ear, almost begging her to continue, She just chuckled darkly. And let’s just say that you got no sleep that night and could definitely not walk in the morning. Oh, and that Mommy definitely fulfilled her promise…
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lcvernat · 1 year
Smile for Me | Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Request: hello! it’s my first time requesting on your blog.. is it okay if I ask for nat with reader who hides their smile because their insecure of how it looks.
feel free to take your time writing this, I don’t mind waiting :)))
thank you, have a great day!! <3
Word Count: 1.4k
Content Warnings: fluff, talks of being insecure, like two swear words, probably bad writing cause i am a bit rusty
A/N: thank you for requesting anon! i am so, so sorry this took so long but i hope you like it <3 this might not be my best work because i am very rusty and haven't wrote anything in a bit but i hope you enjoy it either way
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Smiling was natural, everyone done it, and usually no one really thought about it whilst they were doing it. You just lived in the moment, smiling at something that had brought you joy. It was whimsical, in a way. But it wasn't like that to you, though. No, it was actually the one thing you tried to avoid the most. Even in situations when you were at your most happiest, ranging from getting top grades in your exams to the day Natasha had asked you out on a date, a smile was rarely exchanged in those moments, or it was hidden behind your hand.
It was hard when something so simple was the root of your insecurities. Every time you caught yourself smiling, you covered your smile with your hand. It was an instinct at this point. Either that, or you would just avoid smiling altogether. It wasn’t as if you were trying to keep up some mysterious persona - you just really, really hated your smile. A lot.
Tiny remarks in middle school had started it. Words said by children that shouldn’t be that serious because you were all kids instead stuck with you for your entire life. Sticks and stones do break your bones, but words will still hurt. They still cause bleeding wounds, but because you can’t see them, society deems them unimportant. Which is why you’ve not told anyone about your insecurity, you just let them poke fun, because the logical part of you knows that it’s a stupid thing to be insecure about, but you can’t help it.
Natasha, of course, had noticed. But she’s never pried, thankfully. She understands having secrets that you keep under lock and key. She has them too. It’s a bit hard not to notice when someone hardly smiles, but somehow she notices that there’s something more to it. Having a spy as a girlfriend, one who is the best spy in the world no doubt, means that any of your secrets aren’t really secrets. You simultaneously love and hate it.
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“Why do you never smile?”
“Why do you always pry into people’s business? And I do smile.”
Tony shrugs halfheartedly at your jab, a tiny smirk on his face as he takes a sip of his drink. You were thrown off guard by his unprompted question, not expecting it to happen when you were just sat eating dinner with the rest of the team. The rest of the team who had, unfortunately, went silent after the words left Tony’s mouth.
You took an awkward bite of your food, trying to focus on the taste instead of the eyes boring into your soul.
“Leave them alone,” Natasha snaps, but there’s no actual bite behind it yet.
“Hey now,” Tony raises a hand placatingly, “I’m not trying to be nosey, not at all. Well, actually, I kind of am, but for good reason. They rarely smile! Have you not noticed? And if they do, I always catch them covering their mouth! Have they ever fully smiled around you, Romanoff?” - The only response he gets is a glare - “No? Christ, they’re dating you! Don’t you think it’s a bit odd? I-”
You cut him off, “Just finish your food, Stark.”
Tony, seemingly unable to realize when you’re seriously not in the mood continues on undeterred, “Listen, I get if you’re trying to be all tough and that. But you can still smile! You’re still pretty intimidating anyway. To the newbies, obviously. Not me.”
“I just don’t smile that often, Stark. Got a problem with that?” You get out through gritted teeth, setting your knife and fork down on your half-eaten plate. You aren’t very hungry anymore. The ravaging appetite you felt before dinner had quickly dissipated, and it wasn’t because you were full.
Natasha sends you a concerned glance but you ignore it. You ignore everyone’s glances. For superheroes, they were horrifically bad at pretending they weren't staring at you.
“Oh, come on,” Tony leans back in his chair, clearly exasperated, “unless you look incredibly hideous, your teeth are falling out or you have a shit ton of cavities, which I doubt, I don’t get why you hardly smile! Just smile for us this once, and don't cover it!" He urged you on, and it was your final straw.
You abruptly stood up from the table, your chair making a harsh sound across the floor as it was pushed back. Once again ignoring Natasha's glance, you walk as fast as you can out of the room and making a beeline towards your shared room with Nat. You know she'll probably follow you soon after, but you'd take a minute alone if you could.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, you ran your hands across your face and let out a groan. You were being so stupid. Tony was right. It's not a big deal at all, you're the one making it a big deal. All over a couple comments a few kids carelessly threw your way years ago in middle school. Insecurities were so stupid, why couldn't you just stop being insecure? You were an Avenger, for Christ's sake, and the one thing that defeats you is your own goddamn smile.
After a couple of minutes had passed, there was a knock on the door. Unsurprisingly, Nat's voice filtered through, "Y/N? Can I come in?" Somehow, she managed to hear your barely coherent mumble of a response, and the door gently opened seconds later.
"Don't listen to Tony," the redhead spoke softly, "he doesn't know when to stop."
You let out a mirthless chuckle, "Yeah, I know."
Natasha didn't reply, instead slowly walking over to you and kneeling in front of you. You catch her eye before quickly glancing away.
"Look at me,"
You do, and she reaches out to take ahold of your hands that were previously lying limp in your lap, "Why do you always cover your beautiful smile?" It was a gentle question, the redhead treading lightly on what she knows is a sensitive topic for you.
"Because it's not beautiful," your voice is small. It's the first time you've ever actually spoken about your insecurity out loud.
"I bet it is. What makes you think it isn't?"
"People were saying shit 'bout it in middle school. Words hurt, you know." It sounded pathetic, you knew it did. You half expected Natasha to laugh at you, and anyone else probably would, because you were a grown adult, but of course Natasha didn't laugh. She never would.
"Well," she lets go of one of your hands to reach out and cup your cheek, her thumb brushing over your bottom lip, "those people can go fuck themselves."
A surprised giggle leaves you at the bluntness of her tone. She smirks before continuing, "My angel is gorgeous, and I know their smile is just as beautiful. Come on, you wanna let me see it? Smile for me."
Despite her words, a small part of you still didn't want to smile in front of her. Years of covering it and hiding it was obviously engrained into you, no matter how hard you wanted to try and stop it. So, you shake your head.
"Well," Natasha sighs, "I guess I'll just have to subject you to a month of Steve's cooking. Hopefully you won't die, but if you do, I'll make sure to make your funeral the best funeral ever."
That made you laugh then, and a smile made its way onto your face. The hand that Natasha wasn't holding instinctively raised to cover it, but the spy grabbed ahold of it before you could.
"See?" Natasha smiles then too, "beautiful."
That makes you smile more, and you don't move to cover it this time. You fight the insecurities that worm its way into your thoughts, you were done being insecure about your smile. You were fed up of hiding it. Natasha plants a soft kiss on your cheek then, before whispering into your ear, "If you gave me the names of those people..."
You let out a shocked laugh, hitting her arm playfully. "No. Murder is bad."
"I never said I would murder them!" She gasps, "Just a nice little talk. That's all."
Shaking your head in amusement, you pull Natasha into a hug, "I love you."
"I love you too."
God, what you would do for this woman. You would always smile for her from this day forward. No more hiding it, especially not from Natasha.
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tags: @sheneonromanoff @olicity-boo @r4nd0mgir1 @tigerlillyruiz @dj-bynum3718 @lovelyy-moonlight
dm me, send me an ask or reply to be added to my taglist!
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siriusly-rem-writes · 2 months
Where Will We End Up? (Headcanons/Context)
In honor of the resurfacing of JATP S2 rumors, here's some context set in the WWWEU? Universe.
Warnings: mentions of absent fathers, relationships with parents, implied hostile home environment, use of Y/N, Alex is Catholic, implied homophobia, female reader (Let me know if I missed something!)
Luke Patterson
Born November 25, 1977 (13 at the start of the story)
The oldest of the group
Born and raised in Canada
Moved to LA when he was 12 for his 8th-grade year
Only child
Lives with both his parents
Has a good relationship with both but struggles to communicate with his mom more
His dad plays guitar and taught him how to play
Has a slight accent 
And a stutter
Started cutting the sleeves of his shirts because too much fabric bothered him 
Was overstimulated on the first day of school 
He bumped into Alex in the cafeteria causing both of their trays to fall down
It was his last straw and he exploded
“Hey! Watch where you’re going!”
Y/N put him in his place after he yelled at Alex
He looked for them a few days later to apologize
“I uh, brought cookies?”  
He brings cookies every time he messes up
Doesn’t have physical boundaries with his friends 
It took getting smacked on the forehead by Bobby many, many times for him to understand not to hug him unprompted
Emily loves hosting 
The group used to sleep over at Luke’s a lot 
The more serious Luke got about music, the more arguments he had with his mom
It got so bad he eventually ran away from home
He actually wasn’t allowed in Alex’s room alone anymore after they got caught kissing
Every time he went over to Alex's the air was tense
He stopped showing up the way he used to, instead opting to sneak in
He picked up a job as a waiter at a local diner
The group loves to go in just to terrorize him
Firmly believes that you choose your family and he chose his
Isn’t bad at school, he just can’t focus on it for the life of him
Gets detention a lot because he gets caught not paying attention
The reason they have a zero-tolerance after 3 tardies rule 
He takes boxing lessons with Jose Camacho to release his pent-up energy 
Forgets he knows how to fight
Reggie Peters
Born May 06, 1978 (12 at the start of the story)
Third oldest of the group
Born and raised in LA
Lives by the beach 
Likes to sneak out and listen to the waves 
Can surf
Lives with both his parents 
But he doesn’t have a good relationship with either 
He doesn’t hate them nor have they directed anything at him, he just wishes they’d listen and spend more time with him
Only child
But he babysits Diego Miller, the little boy next door who he decided was his little brother
He’s not as dense as he makes himself out to be 
He just doesn’t like to think about things too much because it stirs his feelings 
Really good at Math and Science
He likes that it's logical thinking, not emotional
Doesn’t like English because it requires him to tap into emotions and he really doesn’t want to 
He doesn’t like History either because it leaves him bothered by the shitty and unfair past
Has selective mutism 
It kicked in badly during one of his parents' fights 
The longest he’s gone mute was 2 months
It kicks in every now and then but not for as long and not around everyone 
He learned ASL because of it 
Sometimes he uses it outside of an episode just because it’s easier 
Everyone else tries to pick it up, levels of proficiency vary
He found “Wright’s Domain” a comic book shop one day after he had walked out of his house
He spends most of his Summers there
He sits in the same bean bag
The more time he spent there, the more he found himself doing random things 
He’d reorganize comics, reposition figurines and when someone asked him where they could find a specific section he pointed them to it 
The couple that owns the store started to notice him
They left snacks by his bean bag chair with a note thanking him for fixing up
He wrote back a thank you with a doodle of himself holding two thumbs up and an arrow pointing out his name was Reggie 
The snacks waited for him every visit
His voice did come back, at the shop 
He spoke to the owners, Donna and Michael, quite often, they love hearing about his day 
He eventually got a job there
Ended up bringing everyone one day
He was a little nervous because the shop was his safe space but so was the group
The owners loved the group too
Donna and Michael live in THE house
Alex Mercer
Born August 23, 1978 (12 at the start of the story)
Second to last youngest
Lives with both his parents 
The eldest
He has a younger sister named Sophia 
Had a good relationship with both his parents up until he came out
Always watches out for his sister
He plays tea party and dresses up with her
His dad made a comment about it and Alex stopped doing it so frequently
Grew up Catholic 
He never really thought much of it until he noticed he looked at boys a lot for being a boy himself
He’s not the biggest fan of it anymore
Was already an anxious kid but as he got older; his religious background, his dad's expectations, and being more aware of the world's problems made his anxiety skyrocket
He fidgets by tapping his fingers on a surface or hitting his thighs with his hands 
His parents got him a drum set to help ease it
He met Y/N when they were 7 
He defended her against a bully
He got detention
She walked home with him that day and they realized they lived 3 streets down from each other
Really wants to make his dad proud 
His dad has a lot of traditional views of men which contradict with Alex 95% of the time
His first crush was on Ryan, a boy he went to church with, but he didn’t know it yet 
His stomach dropped when he saw Ryan and another girl share a quick kiss at the park
Developed a crush on Luke  
His first kiss and boyfriend was Luke 
His dad opened the door to Alex’s room and caught them kissing 
His dad stood there, closed the door and walked away
His dad didn’t speak to him at all through dinner
The next day, his dad told him he’d take him to church to repent
Alex said no and came out when he was 15
They got into an argument
His dad didn’t kick him out (to save his image) but told him that until he repented, he wasn’t his son
He was the first to meet Reggie 
They’re in the same Math class and the teacher asked Reggie to tutor him 
They met up after school twice a week
Alex wasn’t looking for a friend but Reggie being the social butterfly he is, didn’t care
The more times they saw each other, the more Alex got used to him and his antics 
He actually understood Math the way Reggie would teach him
One day Luke didn’t want to go home because he had fought with his mom and Y/N was busy, Alex found Reggie to tell him he had to stick to Luke 
Reggie told him Luke was welcome to join their session
Luke sat across from them and wrote in his journal but was still fidgety 
Reggie cut the tutoring session short and invited them out for ice cream
Alex questioned his life choices as Luke and Reggie’s loud personalities mixed
He initiated his and Luke’s first kiss 
And then immediately panicked before Luke laughed and pulled him back in
He was the one who broke up with Luke
There was an awkward air for like 2 minutes before they talked about everything and went back to being best friends
Bobby Shaw
Born March 16, 1978 (13 at the start of the story)
The second oldest of the group
Never knew his dad
Lives with his mom and grandma
Has a good relationship with both
Only child (not really but we'll get into that later)
Keeps to himself mostly
He paints, though he doesn’t like people looking at his art 
Took an art class during his freshman year 
He never did anything in class
He’d do it at home and sneak in the assignment the next day, nameless
His art teacher caught him one time and told him he’d leave the art room open for him to do his assignments so as long as he starts signing his name
He spends a lot of time in the art room
Close to the art teacher, Mr. Cervantez 
He was the first positive male influence in his life
Befriends Y/N first, she takes an art class with him
He’s actually not sure how to handle social interactions 
He’s pretty awkward 
He helped Luke on their first week of high school
Luke was being picked on and they had taken the beanie off his head 
He stopped Luke from launching himself at the other guys 
“Come on guys, give it back.” 
One of the guys looked at him questioningly 
Bobby stood his ground
The guys tossed the beanie back at Luke and Bobby walked off as soon as they left
Luke approached him weeks later and he internally panicked the whole time
Has problems with authority 
That guy that will touch something after you said not to 
His grandma hates that he does that but he can’t help it
He’s respectful to both his mom and grandma, no one else really
Lacks a filter, has accidentally hurt people’s feelings because of it
Not a big physical touch guy 
He has to be very comfortable with you to initiate touch
All talk 
Like he can’t fight
He’s gotten by on physical appearance alone 
The guys hide behind him all the time and when Y/N needs him, his tall looming presence behind her has people running for the hills
He’s punched one person and one person only
It was Alex’s dad
Born September 01, 1978
The youngest of the group
Only child
Lives with her mom
Dad walked out when she was 7
Her mom started drinking, causing the mother-daughter bond to break
Spends the night at Alex’s a lot
The first time, her bed was set up in Sophia’s room 
After everyone had gone to sleep she snuck into Alex’s room 
The next day, his parents found her sleeping at the edge of his bed with his blanket draped over the edge also to cover Alex who slept on the floor
After it happened 3 more times, they stopped trying to separate the two 
She has clothes in the bottom drawer of Alex’s dresser
Alex’s number 1 protector
They made friendship bracelets, purple yarn for her and blue for Alex 
Luke and her = sibling energy 
Likes to wear other people's clothes
Makes her feel like they’re with her and she’s not alone
Literally carrying their love with her
It started with one of the shirts her dad left behind 
She likes Alex’s hoodies, Luke’s beanies and in the Summer she’ll snag one of his sleeveless tees, Reggie’s flannels and in the Winter his leather jacket, Bobby’s t-shirts and vests
The guys knock on her door when they can’t find the item they want to wear because they know she has it
She and Alex remade their friendship bracelets to include Luke (Orange)
She made them remake them later once Bobby (Green) and Reggie (Red) became part of their little group
All 5 of them wear it no matter what
She likes to draw
Was the first to befriend Bobby in art class
She admired him from afar (because look at him) and wondered what he did, given that he always slept in the class
One time while waiting for Alex and Luke to get out of detention, she walked around school and caught Bobby in the art room
His back was to her and he wore headphones as he painted
She loved his piece and wondered why he never did anything in class
Wrote him sticky notes encouraging him to show his work
Eventually, he wrote back saying he’d reveal his work if she revealed who she was
It was a deal and they started talking more afterwards
Luke was upset when he learned she was friends with Bobby 
Mostly because he thought Bobby was a dick (a dick he tried to be friends with first but failed) 
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goodluckclove · 1 month
Hello, uh, I have a question. When you started out writing, what actually inspired you to write? And did you have to go to a writer's workshop for it?
I'm working on a fic right now that I'm planning to post on AO3. I'm currently working on its storyline, but the thing is is that I've never attended a writer's workshop before. Every little one shot and short story and essay I've written was purely self-taught and experience working together. Do I really have to take lessons in order to make a compelling story? Or can I teach myself all I need to know effectively?
Hey look, it's someone finally asking a question I've been too anxious to bring up unprompted! Lucky for you the answer is very simple, but I'm going to go ahead and make sure it's particularly visible for the sake of clarity.
So you're asking me, do you need lessons in order to write a compelling story? Well I'm not one for making any definitive answers when it comes to writing advice, but I'm just going to go ahead and
I've taken a grand total of three writing classes in my entire life, and the only use I got out of them was an excuse to write more. Any writing class that claims to give you the one true guide to writing a story people will want to read is run by little piss wizards whose only spells focus on shams and tom-fooleries.
i do not like writing classes. Writing workshops are different, as they're spaces where you bring things you've already written and discuss them with groups of other writers. They aren't always perfect depending on the workshop you attend, but it's usually a good place to get a variety of perspectives and to sort of test whether or not something might work. A writing workshop won't tell you how to write, they'll look at what you've already written and give you feedback.
So by that logic, did I teach myself how to write? Not really. I don't actually think that's possible. My writing is a culmination of every story that's ever touched me, mixed with the years and years that I spent just putting word to the proverbial paper. I read a lot of books, and I also saw a lot of plays and movies. I exposed myself to different stories and perspectives in order to give myself a sense of what spoke to me and what didn't.
And then I just wrote. A lot. I wrote a lot of things that I don't think anyone will ever read and that's fine because they were all my own personal jam-out session.
So yeah, write your story. Write it now and accept that your craft will be refined through time and practice. And remember, anyone who says you need to take a writing class to earn the write to create is a goddamned piss wizard who has no idea what they're talking about.
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isawthisangel · 2 years
Pyjamas (Steven Grant x reader)
word count -> 1.6k
plot summary -> getting home to Steven after a long day at work
a/n -> unprompted and unedited fluff which i wrote at 2am last night even though i had work at 9am because i suddenly realised i'd never written any boyfriend!steven and that had to change
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‘Are you going to answer that or what?’
Annoyance flares inside you; you close your eyes and inhale deeply through your nose in an attempt to calm yourself. It’s a good job you’re facing the wall and not Taylor, your friend and colleague, lest they see the exasperation written across your face.
‘I’m just reading over these reports a sec. It can go to answerphone,’ you reply, not deigning to turn around and face Taylor. You like them a lot, but you really don’t know if you can stand the sight of their face right now, and it might sound harsh but overtime means that you’ve been here for nearing eleven hours, and you’re done.
Instead you glance sideways at the phone which you’re ignoring, and have been for the last three calls. It stops ringing as you look at it as though it can sense the weariness in your gaze. Thank you, you acknowledge it silently.
You glare back at the reports you’d been reading over, and the phone starts ringing again.
‘Christ,’ Taylor exclaims, and before you can do anything to stop them they’re across to your desk and sitting on it, then picking up the phone and answering it.
‘Taylor,’ you hiss, dropping your pen into your lap and pressing your palms to your forehead.
‘Helloo?’ Taylor says into the phone, smiling sweetly into the middle distance over the top of your head. You lean back in your chair and accept your fate. If it’s your boss you’re both going to be in so much trouble.
‘It’s Taylor,’ Taylor says, clearly in response to whoever is on the line asking who might be speaking. They say it as though it’s perfectly normal for them to be answering your work number.
‘What? No, she’s fine. Unless you count the fact that she’s actually dying of boredom,’ Taylor jokes, smiling at you, and you find yourself marvelling at their spirit which never seems to waver, even eleven hours into a shift. You offer up a weak smile in return, letting your hands fall back into your lap.
‘Yes, I suppose so,’ Taylor says, before holding the phone out to you. ‘It’s your boyyfriendd-’
‘Hello?’ you say, snatching the phone abruptly from Taylor’s grasp. They laugh and jump off your desk, returning to their own to give you some privacy.
‘Hey love,’ Steven says, and it’s as though his voice is a sort of verbal release for all the tension you’re carrying, which, at present, is a lot of tension. Your shoulders drop and you’re forced to unclench your jaw as you smile at the sound of his voice, your chair creaking in protest as you slump into it further.
‘Hi,’ you say, your voice audibly softer than before.
‘That’s better. I could feel you frownin’ down the phone,’ he says, and you laugh through your nose.
‘Sorry,’ you apologise, bringing two fingers up to massage your right temple.
‘Don’t be. Long day? I’ve been tryin’ to call,’ he says, and your heart clenches with guilt.
‘Yeah, I’m sorry, if I’d known it was you…’
‘It’s okay, I figured you were busy. D’you know when you’ll be home?’
You look back to the report you’d been reading, and then to the stack of paperwork you’ve yet to get through, considerably smaller than it was a few hours ago but sizeable nonetheless, and sigh.
‘It’s gonna be a late one, I wouldn’t wait up,’ you tell him despondently, fiddling with one of the buttons on your shirt.
‘Oh, okay,’ he says sadly, and you picture him as he mostly probably is right now: in his apartment, alone, sat crossed legged on the sofa with the phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder, sleeves pulled down over his hands, in the middle of reading something or possibly cooking dinner. Suddenly you miss him so much that it feels as though your heart folds in on itself, and you just want to be home, with him.
‘Sorry,’ you repeat quietly, stopping yourself from calling him anything which would cause Taylor to make fake gagging noises from across the room.
‘No, I said don’t apologise! I’m fine, really. Are you okay?’ he asks you, and it’s not until this moment in the past eleven hours that you’ve stopped to consider whether you are in factalright.
As tears fill your eyes suddenly, it turns out that you’re not. Steven’s soft ‘Love?’ from the other end of the phone does nothing but make your chest contract, and you squeeze your eyes shut tight to try and stop the tears.
‘Yeah,’ you manage to whisper, hating yourself. All over some stupid paperwork.
‘Y/N,’ he says your name, and there’s so much love and concern in his voice it suddenly makes everything else seem absolutely insignificant.
‘I’m okay, I am,’ you say, but you know he knows your voice too well for him to think that you’re telling the truth for even a second.
‘Can’t you get away? You’ve been there forever, they work you too hard…’ he sounds angry now, and you have to smile. You’ve heard this speech so often you practically know it off by heart.
‘I know, I know,’ you speak over him, interrupting before he gets into it properly, because then there’ll be no stopping him and you won’t be there to stop him from ‘phoning your boss personally’. ‘I really am fine, I promise. I’m just tired.’
‘You’ll be home by midnight?’ he asks. You look at the clock, and then your remaining paperwork. Just under two hours.
‘I- yeah. Okay,’ you say, resigning yourself to a few more hours of hard work.
‘Thank you. Make sure you eat, okay? Have you eaten?’
You wipe your sleeve under your eyes and it comes away black from your smudged make up. You find it very difficult to care.
‘Yes,’ you reply, and he’s got you smiling again.
‘Good. Get home safe, yeah? Call me if-’
‘I’ll be okay, I swear,’ you cut across him. You have this conversation every time you have to get home in the dark. ‘I’ll get a cab with Taylor.’
‘Okay. I love you.’
It suddenly seems impossible that you have been away from him for so long and haven’t simply passed away. You want to tell him so, but Taylor is still within earshot, so you settle for repeating the sentiment, and hoping as you do every time you say it to him that he experiences even a fraction of the emotion which the words elicit in you.
‘I love you. See you later.’
There’s a click, and he’s gone.
‘You two are disgustingly in love,’ Taylor comments, and you sigh.
‘I know.’
‘Are you okay?’ they ask, and you realise they’d probably heard you get upset.
‘Yeah. Tired, but we all are,’ you say, and Taylor stands up.
‘Two more hours. You want more coffee?’
Caffeine, and the thought of getting home to Steven and putting your pyjamas on, gets you through the next two hours, and finally, finally, you and your colleagues are leaving the building, locking up and heading your separate ways.
You and Taylor cab share, which is a good thing because they actually stop you from physically falling asleep in the back seat, and then you’re dragging your feet up the stairs to Steven’s apartment.
The lights are off except for the fairy lights which you’d insisted on hanging from the numerous bookcases in the apartment, and the reading light behind one of the couches, from which Steven is blinking at you behind his reading glasses.
‘I told you not to wait up,’ you protest, pushing the door shut behind you with your back and letting your bag drop to the floor.
‘And I told you to be home by midnight,’ Steven says, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes.
‘It is before midnight!’ you protest before checking your phone and discovering that the time is in fact is two minutes past midnight.
‘Oh,’ you say, rolling your eyes and kicking your shoes off, which means that by the time Steven gets to you your eyes are about level with his chin.
‘Oh,’ he mimics you, sliding his hands into your jacket and around your waist, pulling you to him. You become utterly pliant in his arms, leaning into him and lifting your arms up to put them around his neck, your fingers finding their way into his hair.
He hums happily into the top of your head, and you can’t help but agree with him.
‘Missed you,’ you murmur into his shoulder, and he squeezes you, almost lifting you off of your feet.
‘Me too,’ he says, but then he’s pulling away from you which seems entirely unfair. You look up at him with a small frown and he chuckles, apparently finding your annoyance funny. He presses a kiss to your forehead, and suddenly it’s absolutely beyond you why you’d been frowning seconds previously.
‘Okay?’ he asks gently, and you nod.
‘Am now,’ you tell him, and he smiles. ‘Pyjamas?’
‘Pyjamas,’ you confirm, and soon after you’re curled against him on the sofa, tucked under his arm, your head resting against his chest in a state of what you could only describe in that moment as perfect bliss. It takes about three seconds for your eyes to fall shut.
‘Don’t fall asleep, I’ve waited all night to watch this episode with you,’ Steven says, and you open one eye as you hear the familiar sound that accompanies Netflix opening.
‘Mhm,’ you reply, and you feel and hear him sigh.
‘I’m not rewatching this with you,’ he warns.
‘M’kay,’ you murmur. He would.
‘And I’m not carrying you to bed either,’ he tells you, dropping the remote on the sofa next to him as the episode starts to play, and moving his hand to run through your hair instead.
‘Mmm,’ you hum in contentment, and feel his chest move as he laughs silently. You are absolutely not staying awake until the end of the episode, and he knows it as well as you.
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Tag list💌 : @propertyofkingvalkyrie @later-gators12
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ectonurites · 3 years
hey! how knowledgeable are you on stephanie brown? because i got in a bit of an argument with a dc fan on reddit who claims she's all these awful things, but im still relatively new to steph and i want to see what was true and what wasn't. link to screenie right here: https://ibb.co/vh6CYCJ
these may be matters of opinion, but even then, i'd like to know your take. i haven't read her firsthand often enough and i trust your judgement over this random redditor who seems to have some sort of blonde-woman related trauma left untapped.
I'm not necessarily the most knowledgable on her in the world, but I do know a decent amount because she's one of my absolute faves and I love her
But ohhhh boy that screenshot is a lot.
I will say that several of the things this person brings up are based in canon but are taken in the worst faith and framed in the way that makes her look as bad as possible, if that makes sense? It’s ripping things away from any context, because there's a very clear bias against her here.
I'll go through it point by point under the cut
First of all though before digging into this, I want to make it clear she was a 15 year old for the majority of the things this person is talking about. Like just pause for a second and remember she’s a 15 year old victim of abuse. That is something that I think factors into a lot of her behavior! Anyways, I kinda while doing this got into a ranty 'talking at you' format in response to the person who wrote all that, so don't take any of this as me yelling at you who asked the question/you anyone reading this.
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"She always acted entitled" - Saying Steph is entitled is absolutely ridiculous to me. Stephanie grew up with a very unstable childhood due to her dad frequently being in prison and her mom dealing with a drug addiction, living in a lower class part of the city. Tim is entitled. I don’t mean that as like a bad thing about him, but he is based on his living situation, she is not. She has wanted life to be better for herself and her mom, and is determined about that, but she is not and does not act entitled.
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(Secret Origins 80 Page Giant)
"and stubborn" - I will give you stubborn though, that one is true. She’s stubborn as hell! I don’t really see that as a bad thing though, pretty much every bat is stubborn?
"demanding that Batman and Robin accept her untrained ass" - Steph may have been untrained in fighting but she's shown to have exceptional gymnastics skills from the start, and at one point Bruce even says that with the right training she could be as good if not better than Tim (in Robin #88)! So like... her realizing she enjoys trying to be a hero after she tried it out to deal with her personal business, so she looks to the local experts… and is determined about it… how is that a bad thing? It’s also not like she walked up to them and said ‘im perfect as i am let me in’ what she wanted was a chance to be a hero. But she also wasn't even really looking for approval, either, not having Batman's blessing was never going to stop her. ("So excuse me if I don't jump when you bark, Batman." in Robin #16) Later when Bruce does bring her in to train (and she also gets to train with the BoP) she's excited! She’s stubborn about wanting to be in the hero business, but it’s not like she’s unwilling to work for it.
"advocating leaving criminals to die because they 'deserve it'" - She’s a 15 year old who grew up knowing firsthand how dangerous Gotham criminals can be because of her dad, of course off the bat when they’re in a dangerous situation where any of them could die (because that’s the context here, this is in Robin #35 where they’re trapped in some super dangerous snow) she thinks they shouldn’t go back for another criminal who just tried to kill them and should instead save themselves. But she also literally WITHIN THAT SAME ISSUE then says she realized she learned something after listening to Tim and trying to save the guy! In the same issue! Characters in a story aren’t supposed to be perfect from the start… they learn things along the way???
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(Robin #35)
"trying to steal from the shops they just stopped from being burglarized" - She’s 15 and doesn’t have a ton of money. She was gonna take two sodas, and when Tim said not to do it she paid with very little fuss. They stopped people who were robbing the place at gunpoint for prescription drugs. If you can’t understand the difference in severity between those things like… I do not even know where to start. (this situation is in Robin #56 btw)
"forcing physical affection onto Tim despite his visible discomfort and repeated objections (not even stopping when he told her he had a girlfriend)" - This one I will give you because she did cross boundaries with all that! But I do also want to clarify that she didn't start coming onto him until after Tim kissed her first (in Robin #5) while not telling her he had a girlfriend. That doesn’t excuse her later actions but for the first issue that she’s coming onto him from her perspective he expressed interest and she was just returning it! She even specifically says 'Maybe I should pay you back for saving my life the same way you paid me' (in Robin #16) before kissing him. That first time she kissed him unprompted was under essentially the same circumstances he kissed her unprompted, and she literally did not know about Ariana until after the fact. From that point once she knew about Ari she definitely should have backed off and she didn’t, that’s a very fair thing to criticize about her as a character. But Tim lead her on first, and I feel a lot of people like to casually forget that when talking about this situation. The way this is phrased of ‘not even stopping when he told her-‘ implies she was repeatedly doing the bad behavior before he told her, which is not the case. She still did bad things here but don’t misrepresent the situation.
"And lashing out at Tim, her mother, and her classmates in violent fits of anger" - Every comic book character lashes out at other people for the sake of drama like, I dare you to come up with a well-known superhero character who hasn’t done shit like that to a partner/family/friends in a moment of high tension/stress?
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"She treated the girls around her like they were stupid bitches" - frankly this ones a little too vague like, I'm not sure off the top of my head exactly what they're talking about? in that era right around her pregnancy and stuff I really don't recall her being mean with other girls? I could be forgetting something I guess but the closest I can think of is a bit after this period of time when she has the confrontation with Greta in Young Justice but that was Greta attacking her first, not the other way around.
"got insanely jealous if Tim so much as expressed concern about another girl" - Steph getting jealous and thinking Tim was cheating isn’t that crazy when STEPHANIE BASICALLY WAS THE OTHER GIRL DURING TIM’S LAST RELATIONSHIP? Tim has cheated a little bit before! Tim cheated on Ari with both Jubilee from Marvel (during a crossover thing where he even mentions Ari specifically so it’s not like this was out of continuity/a setting she wasn't an issue or something) and also with Steph. While most of the kissing between them was Steph coming onto Tim which I wouldn’t count as cheating on his end, he did still kiss her which I would count. Not to mention that the jealousy thing (I imagine they’re talking about the instance with Star, the girl who taught Tim to skateboard, this arc of stuff starts in Robin #80 and continues for a few issues) is happening during the time she’s dating him while she still doesn’t even know his real name. He literally has a whole other life she doesn’t know about, and is someone who has initiated romantic moments with other girls while in a relationship multiple times before! With that in mind I don’t think a 16 (she's def 16 by this point) year old girl being kinda paranoid about how he interacts with girls he might know in his civilian life is that unreasonable? The later big instance with jealousy is the Darla situation- where Steph sees Darla kiss him and gets mad about it (and doesn’t talk to him about it) and thats what prompts her to become Robin. The important thing to remember about Steph in this time frame is that DC decided she had to die and they wanted to make her Robin first to drum up more attention for that death. They were doing ooc things with her to set those pieces in motion, and that needs to be taken into account. I think her getting upset about seeing something like that isn’t even ooc, but her using it as motivation to become Robin and not even saying anything to him about it is. In the earlier instance where she’s upset/jealous about Star, she does communicate to him what’s going on at least a little bit on the rooftop after they’d saved her. She makes it clear the thing she was upset about is that she feels like she can’t trust him because she doesn’t really know him while he knows everything about her, and that’s why she thinks he’s cheating. Her reaction to the Darla thing is not in line with how earlier in canon Steph would have handled the same situation, because they wanted her to die and needed a way to explain her becoming Robin.
"and expressed that jealousy by accusing him of cheating and throwing things at him" - I just addressed the cheating stuff but the throwing things was fucking slapstick oh my god this is a comic book for kids/teens like. ah yes this is horrible abuse in this little funny montage of how Steph wants him to leave her alone because she’s mad at him and he refuses to give her space
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(Robin #82)
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I don’t think anyone at DC or even in fandom would/should try to argue she’s perfect, because she’s not! And I don’t want her to be because perfect characters are boring. Steph is flawed, Steph has been compared in canon to Robin-era Jason by Cass & Bruce
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(Detective Comics #790)
And I think these highlight some of her very real flaws that are an interesting part of her character. These plus her stubbornness and determination are part of what makes her her.
And for fuck's sake the world was mean to her, and to act like it wasn’t is just blatantly ignoring a lot. A criminal father who made her life really difficult (‘when my dad was mad at me he’d lock me in the closet!’), that time she got kidnapped for two weeks and her mom had left her (a 15 year old) alone at home so long she didn't even find out it happened (in text Steph says Crystal was visiting friends, a lot of people interpret that as her mom possibly being in rehab for her addictions again), that whole thing about how one of her dad’s friends tried to sexually assault her as a child, also just how due to her dad's work sometimes criminals would be living in their house (Literally the fucking Riddler at one point!), the fact that we as an audience watched her get tortured for several days because a plan she tried to enact to prove herself backfired since Batman didn’t trust her with important information (something Selina even calls him out on in her internal narration), like… sorry but in what way is all that not the world being mean to her?
She was Robin, she dated Robin, she likes Eggplant (because purple would've looked stupid), and makes jokes. She’s also impulsive, headstrong and determined, and wants to prove to herself and others that she can be more than just the daughter of a shitty criminal, that she can actually be a force to do good in the world.
She’s a complex character, and nobody is required to like her, but to act like she doesn’t have a single redeeming trait is ridiculous. You could write a paragraph like that with the worst moments of basically any character and make them look like shit if that's what you were setting out to do.
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huihuiheart · 3 years
Spiked - Minho
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Part of @clandestine-lixie ‘s Smutmas Collab and a great excuse to get some more Minho on my page! 
Summary: It’s pretty much tradition at this point that Changbin spikes the eggnog at the annual Christmas party. What happens though when secrets slip through drunk lips and aren’t forgotten the next morning? At least not forgotten by the very person you confessed to. 
Pairing: Minho x F! Reader
Warnings: Drinking (not drunk when having sex), drunken confessions?, cursing, some angst in the beginning, smut, lovemaking, unprotected sex (stay safe kids), oral (f! receiving), lots of petnames, moments where Minho is kinda smug, lots of praise, it’s sugary sweet, mild sir kink for a moment, fingering, some playful teasing.
I sincerely apologize but I haven’t had time to edit this yet, so...please excuse any errors and stuff I’ll be getting to those when I have some time. I wrote over half of this today with a migraine so we’re working on fumes here. Also if something seems off I apologize, I’ve never celebrated the holidays before so I honestly don’t know what Christmas is like....sorry.
Word Count: 4,992
“Awe don’t tell me you’re already finished taking bets? I haven’t even got mine in on how long before Changbin tries to get us all drunk.” You tease the rambunctious group in the living room as you remove your shoes by the door. Christopher joining you a moment later to help you with your coat, hanging it up for you as he often did. 
“Hey, don’t look so glum. Felix was just getting to the interesting wagers now anyways. Bets of any kind are in Minho’s care this evening. Gifts for tomorrow morning under the tree as always.”  Chris caught you up with where the ever excitable boys had already impatiently gotten up to, before stepping away with your coat so you could join the others.
“So what did I just miss then? You know the topic that had you all in a giggle fit?” You raise a brow as you claim a spot in their circle, between Minho and Hyunjin.
“Oh we were just discussing the last bet. Not that you’d be able to participate anyways seeing how it was about you.” Jisung smirks wickedly until you match his gaze with your own that was just as devious, making him fold in an instant, or so you think, “Just betting on whether we thought you’d stay the night or not this year.”
“That’s not interesting though, I stay practically every year cause I’m too drunk to go home alone and none of you will take me.” You chuckle shaking you head, “ A better bet would be who will get drunk the fastest, my money’s on Hyunjin.” 
Minho took your bet money counting it out before the other boys made their wagers too, writing them all down as more and more bets danced through your group. Both those typical for the Christmas party and those unique to this year for whatever reason. Debates starting up over a few of them as they always did.
“No I’m telling you Y/N will be the first one to admit it. She always gets loose lipped when she drinks.” Jisung teases despite the validity of his statement, something you’ve proven true to them at more than just the previous Christmas parties. 
“Still who she likes is the secret she guards more than anything else, she’d have to be so shitfaced for that to come out it would be ridiculous!” Changbin counters, “ My money is on Felix, he was practically giving it away unprompted last year. It wouldn’t be too hard to get it out of him if we really tried.” 
“Maybe that’s just cause Y/N doesn’t trust some of you to keep your mouths shut.” Christopher shrugs as he takes a seat, though all eyes are on him not because of the motion, but because of his words. Giving away that you had already confessed your crush to at least one person in the room. 
“Wait. So you told him, but you didn’t tell me? What do we even gossip for? Let I’m lowkey offended right now.” Hyunjin whines used to being your partner in crime when it came to exchanging secrets about your group, even the things you’d never tell anyone else. Trusting the other to lock it down tighter than even their own secrets, even if you exploited that information at times. Like when Hyunjin conveniently ended up paired with his crush for every game of the spring break party.
“In my defense I was distraught and looking for you when it slipped. Chris was just the only one around, so he’s the one who got that information.” You counter knowing there wasn’t any taking it back at this point anyways, Hyunjin barely accepting your answer with a grumble. You were somewhat glad that it was the case though, he’d surely exploit the information tonight if he had it. In this case you should be safe, or so you thought before you noticed the subtle smirk on Christopher’s face before he glanced between you and the very crush you’d revealed to him....Minho.
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“Hey, the boys sent me to see if you needed any help.” Minho steps into the kitchen watching as you moved to pull something out of the oven. Most of the food had already been prepped before you arrived so you offered to be the one to actually cook it. This being the fourth time in an hour and a half that Minho had been sent to check on you, each time he showed up besides you though he announced himself with those same words....the boys sent me. Them digging a little deeper into your heart whenever you’d hear them again. It implying that that he never actually chose to come to you of his own will, only coming to you since the boys told him to.
“I’m fine Minho. You can go back to the others.” Your words were sharper than you intended and it nearly made you wince, even if he didn’t return your feelings he was still your friend and you shouldn’t be so harsh to him. Sometimes your feelings managed to rear their ugly head before you could stop them though, something you’d feel regret for later
“Rose....your thorns are showing again.” Minho’s gentle voice says the familiar phrase as he moves to stand at your side. His nickname for you with a subtle announcement of the fact that your emotions were slipping out quicker than you often registered, something he always managed to stay calm through no matter how snappy you sometimes got, “I don’t know what riled you up, and I don’t have to. You should go take a minute to calm down though. I’ll watch the food.”
The way he spoke to you was enough to calm you down enough to regain your composure, but not wanting to be so close to him and unintentionally get worked up again you conceded. Slipping outside into the frigid air for a few moments to collect yourself before finding the others in the living room again, sitting besides Christopher now.
“The eggnog spiked yet?” You question with a soft sigh as you lean against his shoulder, causing him to chuckle and nod, “Good, cause I’m going to need a drink to make it through the night.”
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“You drunk yet Y/N?” Changbin teases as he pours you another glass. Internally cursing him out, he knew damn well he put something stronger in the eggnog this year without any warning. Knowing that you and Felix at least would try to keep up with everyone else despite being two of the light weights of the group. The others in that category smart enough to stop before they could make a fool out of themselves, even accidentally.
“Not drunk enough to lose to Felix or spill any secrets yet, if that’s what you’re asking.” You call him out, brow quirking as if to challenge him to tease you again. The alcohol buzzing through your system making you more confident in challenging them, even if it slowed your wit slightly. 
“Nah just wondering if you’re drunk enough to at least confess you’re spending the night? Well officially anyways. We thought of a way to determine who you’re going to stay with tonight.” Changbin brings his own glass to his lips, hiding his smirk knowing that Christopher had come to him and Hyunjin with a plan to rig it so that you’d end up with Minho. 
“Fine, I’ll confess to that.” You chuckle not catching onto their schemes, “So how are we figuring it out then? What’s your big, genius plan?” 
The sarcastic way you’re carrying yourself makes Hyunjin snicker, leaning towards Christopher, “Oh if only she knew...” He shakes his head slightly before shaping up, to hide any suspicious acts from you, “Simple, you’re just drawing the name out of a hat. You know the deal though, you only get to pick once and that’s who you’re stuck with.”
“Yeah, I know the deal.” You sit up further waiting for them to bring the hat over, the liquid courage running through you making you feel really good about your odds. It was only a 1 in 8 chance that you’d end up picking Minho, you were most likely safe from your crush. Well the possibility of embarrassing yourself while alone with him anyways. Or so you thought until you managed to pull his name out of the hat.
“Well.....I guess I’m rooming with Minho tonight....”
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"Alright I think that's enough for one night." Minho takes the glass from you before you can get it refilled yet again. You'd lost count three drinks ago, hoping you'd get passed out drunk instead of having to face him. Luck wasn't on your side this evening though as Minho still had his wits about him and he refused to let you do something dangerous to your health.
"But Minho, if I'm not drinking what am I going to do?" Your whine is only added to by the small subconscious pout adorning your drunk face.
"We've both had enough and are going to bed now. It's 4 fucking 37 in the morning and you know someone's gonna be waking is up too goddamn early hangover or not. So if you wanna drink something it'll be water on the way to bed." Minho insists moving to help your inebriated form up from your seat on the floor and towards his upstairs bedroom.
"You can use the bathroom, I put some clothes in their for you so you can sleep comfortably." Minho sits on th edge of his bed, pulling out his phone to scroll through seeming almost entirely disinterested as you wobble off to the bathroom. Not getting far though before you have to pull the door open with a blush, your shirt wedged half on with only one arm successfully out.
"M-Minho I got stuck, c-can you help me?" Your words held no room for any hidden implications, especially not when panicked tears started to well in your eyes.
"Hey, it'll be okay. I'm gonna help you and you'll be just fine." Minho coos trying to reassure you, not knowing your panic was partly due to having to face him like this. His warm hands gently in the way they helped untangle you from the shirt you'd somehow managed to get trapped in.
"There you go, all better. Now go get those warm clothes on and get in bed before the cold settles in too much." He insists gently wiping away the last of your tears before you returned to the bathroom.
Silence filled the space when you returned, saying nothing as you switched places with Minho. Sliding into the bed while he was in the bathroom. It wasn't like you'd never slept there before, staying with the boys frequently meant that you'd slept in all their beds at some point but never since your feelings for Minho had developed so much had you stayed in his. Never after you'd felt like you'd embarrassed yourself beyond repair in one evening either. Not realizing you were sniffling with a fresh batch of tears until Minho returned.
"Hey what's wrong rose? You've been upset all day. Please talk to me, we don't like when you're upset." Minho's brow furrows as he uses the paw of his sweater to gently wipe away the tears again.
"I-It's just so hard Minho. I don't know if I keep doing this." You feel exhausted from the alcohol, the excitement throughout the evening, and now an emotional breakdown too and yet you needed to get this off your chest or even that might not be enough to let you get rest tonight.
"What is? What's hard? What can't you do?" Minho asks feeling his heart bleed at your distress even if he was able to stay as calm as he was.
"L-Loving you...."
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You had passed out nearly the moment those words had left your lips, but Minho couldn’t, not after your confession. It had been the last thing he’d seen coming after trying not to look desperate to you all day. Yet you’d confessed to him of all people and it weighed too heavily on his mind for the next two hours to even consider getting any sleep. Only getting maybe two hours in before an excited Jeongin bound in to try and wake you both up so everyone could come downstairs for Christmas. Though Minho ensured he never got to you before he shoved him out with hushing sound. Slipping down behind him to grab some water, coffee, and pain meds for when you’d wake up. Telling the boys you’d had a rough night, probably drank too much, and should be left alone to sleep as long as you needed. Not expecting you to already be shifting awake when he returned to the room. 
“Hey, you can sleep more if you want. It’s alright.” Minho gently brushes the hair out of your face as your eyes slowly blink open, leaning into the warmth of his touch without realizing, “I brought you meds and coffee if you’re felling hungover.”
You accept his help to sit up and take the meds, willing your fuzzy mind to clear enough to recall what happened the night before, “Minho...d-did I do anything last night? I-I can’t remember.”
Minho froze debating how he should answer that, he wanted to be honest with you, but after seeing how upset you were the night before he didn’t want to embarrass you at all, “W-Well, umm....”
“I-I said something didn’t I?” You could read his face for once, the calm demeanor gone and it telling you something had happened. The way his eyes widened at your question was enough to confirm what you thought as panic bubbled up and made your throat feel tight, “W-Whatever I said I didn’t-”
Minho cut you off by pressing his lips to yours quickly, feeling his own panic, “P-Please don’t say that you didn’t mean it. I think I would die if I lost the hope that you actually loved me back.”
The panic stopped almost instantly, feeling it dissipate as you processed his words, “L-Love you back?....Y-You mean you love me too? B-But you were acting like I was such a bother yesterday.”
Minho sits on the bed, pulling you into his arms before you could cry again, “I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I-I just didn’t want to look desperate when I couldn’t think of a reason for you to love me too.” 
“You’re an idiot, I was literally like so obvious.” You whine softly and he chuckles though his focus seems to shift as his gaze falls to your lips, “You can kiss me again you know....a-after all we both just confessed so it would make sense to...”
Minho’s eyes flick back up to yours as a smirk forms on his face, but he makes no smart comment as he gives in to what both of you are wanting. Leaning in to kiss you again, less panicked this time as his lips softly meld with yours. Though the both of you were pouring too much emotion into it for it to become anything less than desperate. Now that you had each other you needed that more than air itself, it remaining sweet despite the way you both chased after each other as if afraid this would all disappear if you separated for any real stretch of time.  You feel the faintest trail as Minho’s hands move from holding you against his chest to cradling your head as he lays you back onto the bed. 
“If you want to take things slower then just say so. I-I just don’t want to let you go.” Minho’s voice comes out so light you wonder how you hear it over the beating of your own heart, especially with how it races when his lips press a fleeting trail down your jaw between his words. 
“Y-You don’t ever have to slow down Minho, I’ve wanted this.....wanted you for too long to do that now.” You insist with a low moan as his lips press a little firmer against a sweet spot on your neck.
Minho hums against your skin too caught up in you to care about words when he could show you how he felt better anyways. His hands gripping at your sides, thumbs rubbing soft circles as if he’s afraid he’ll break you by being too firm. So you decide to make a larger move, reaching to grip the hem of his sweater and pull it off him, letting your hands and eyes roam his newly exposed skin. The feel of his warm skin beneath your fingertips heating you up inside, the flame of desire flaring up faster than you would have thought possible if the person before you had been anyone other than Minho. Minho’s hands gripping yours before looking up at you for permission, hesitating even as you nod.
“You sure you won’t be too cold?” Minho’s fingers peak under the hem to rub gently at your skin beneath it.
“Well if I am then I guess you’ll just have to warm me up.” Your words seem to light the same fire in Minho as he doesn’t hesitate a second longer to his sweater off you. Hands running over your stomach to squeeze your breasts through the bra, leaning down to kiss you again.
“Guess I will.” Minho speaks against your lips, tone deepening as he lowers again moving to rid you of your bra as his lips trail towards your chest. You nipples pebbling slightly from the frigid air and his advances, but noticing the unpleasant chill that runs through you he presses against you more, letting his warmth radiate onto you. His warm mouth closing around your one nipple as his hand toys with and warms the other, switching between them with a new path of kisses to make sure they get equal attention.  Until he gets impatient to show his affections elsewhere and his mouth lowers while adding soft nips between kisses to reach the hem of the sweatpants he gave you to wear. His fingers nimble as they work on the tie, though he doesn’t do more than that until he has permission from you to pull them down and leave you in only your panties.
“Oh the thoughts I had while helping you get untangled from your shirt last night my flower, and to think now a few of them are becoming reality.” Minho places a kiss to your hip, as his hands gently spread your legs, loving the way he’s able to fluster you so easily, “I’ve been dying for a taste and you’re not making it any easier for me. May I?” 
The way he drags his thumb over the wet patch of your panties makes it hard to respond when you’re moaning and focused on that surge of pleasure, but the thought of getting something more urges you to form words, “Y-Yes please, I’ve been wanting to feel your mouth.”
“All you had to do was ask precious.” Minho gently blows against the wet patch making you squirm before kissing your thigh and slipping off your panties and lowering himself between your legs, placing the gentlest of kisses to your clit. The way you whine impatiently makes him chuckle against your core only making you squirm, his thumbs rubbing softly against your plush thighs as he grips them firmly to keep them open instead of impeding his work. He has no intent on tormenting you with teasing, not this morning anyways, but he still wants to savor the moment. The way he licks through your folds slow yet firm enough to spark delicious waves of pleasure through you, enough so that you can’t complain too much about his pace. Minho’s tongue and lips working everywhere to get every last drop of you that he can, while also focusing on your reactions to find what makes you feel the best. Knowing that his own patience will wear thin soon enough and he wants to know how to throw you over that sweet edge with more intensity than you thought possible, wanting to make all of you feel as amazing as his heart did upon hearing your confession. 
“M-Minho please, I want to feel all of you.” Desperation bleeds into your words and actions as you squirm against his grip, hips trying to roll against his mouth and it has his eyes darkening with a new surge of lust. Nearly giving into you pleas, but you’re his first priority and it has him pulling away slightly making you whimper.
“Shh pretty girl, shh.” Minho coos softly, grip loosening as he runs his hands over your thighs and hips trying to get you to relax some, “Calm down, don’t get so worked up. I’ll give you what you want, I promise. You just need to calm down so that I can get you ready for me. We’ve waited a long time I know, but you can be good and wait just a little longer can’t you?”
This time a simple nod isn’t enough for him as he’s a little firmer with you in this moment, pinching your thigh lightly as he demands your words, “Y-Yes sir, I can be good for you.”
Minho has to take a deep, shuttering breath when he hears the word sir fall from your lips so perfectly, now was not the time to lose control, not when he wanted to show you every emotion he’d had trapped inside for so long. Not when he knew there’d be plenty of time for that later. Yet, it does have him snap a little as he dives between your legs again with more purpose. Lips suckling and kissing your clit like his survival depended on it, eyes locked on your face as he feels your fingers weave into his hair. The soft tug you give has him moaning against your clit, only adding to that pleasure as he eases a finger in, though it’s not long before he’s able to add another. Curling them with each thrust in search of the spot that would have you trembling against him, thriving off the pleasure he’d able to feed you right now, nothing else in the world mattering more than your cries for him and the way you lose yourself to the sensations. He knows he’s found that spot, when you’re clenching around him, practically sucking his fingers in, thighs shaking as your edge hovers so close and yet just barely out of reach. 
“Minho, please I’m close. Please make me cum or give me your cock, I-I don’t know how much longer I can wait.” Your pleas sound magical to Minho, it being enough for him to give you what you want, speeding up his fingers as his tongue flicks against your clit as he brings it between his lips again. Willing to throw your over the edge for the first time, so that he can have you losing his own patience as your nails drag lightly over his shoulders. The was you fall apart beneath him is like a work of art, the most beautiful Minho has ever seen as he slips his fingers from your spasming core to gently lick over you and ride you through the pleasure until you come back to him. Kissing you briefly before licking his fingers clean while keeping his eyes locked on yours.
“You’re sweeter than I ever could have imagined my flower.” Minho hums in approval, his smirk almost showing more in his eyes than on his lips. You’re quick to respond though not wanting him to drag it out any longer.
“I bet we’d taste sweeter together, but there’s only one way to find that out now isn’t there?” You purr back as your fingers work to untie his sweatpants, gripping both them and his undergarments to impatiently push both down at once. Freeing his beautiful, hardened length to you finally. Not giving him to to ask for your permission before you rub his tip through your folds, leg locking around his waist to urge his hips closer. Your actions seem to be enough as he places his hands on either side of you, slowly pushing in and leaning in as he gives you a moment to adjust to him.
“You were awfully loud earlier flower, if you don’t quiet down then all the boys will know what we’ve been up to. Do you want that?” Minho’s question is somewhat serious, but it also holds a teasing to it as he’s proud of the fact that he can make you feel good enough to be so loud. You getting him back by rolling your hips against him and earning a groan from him. Hands slipping around his neck to tug him down and tease his lips with your own.
“Why don’t you shut me up then?” Your words are almost daring and they have him crashing his lips messily against yours as his own hips start to move against you. The patience between you both is gone as he finds a quick pace and yet he’s not manhandling or overly rough in his treatment, the erotic scene still one of passionate lovers. Baring their emotions to each other in the most desperate of ways despite not being able to handle a slow pace any longer. It being everything you could have asked for and more, right now you didn’t need the soft, slow lovemaking. You need this the desperate lovemaking, the kind that showed that Minho had been longing for you just as much as you’d been longing for him. The kind that showed that you were his now and that he would show you that in every way possible for as long as you would ask it of him. Where every move he made was to find what made you feel best, because you were what he most cared for in this world and where it was so much better than he could have imagined that he wasn’t sure if he could hold off. Though he was intent on your pleasure coming first as he angled himself to perfectly hit the spots he found brought you the most pleasure with each drag of his cock, thumb rubbing quick circles into your clit as his other hand tangled into your hair to keep your lips pressed against his. Taking in all of your moans as your pleasure explodes once more, the feeling of you cumming on his cock enough to send him spiraling into his own high as he moans into your mouth in response. Slowing his thrusts as he rides you both through your highs. Hands gently tracing shapes over your heated flesh, finding you glowing in the aftermath of your climax.
“Come on my flower, I’ll help you shower before we join the others.” Minho kisses your forehead softly before scooping you up to take you to the bathroom. Getting you in the steaming shower as quickly as he can so that you won’t have to face the cold while bare for too long and so that you two can be quick enough to be able to get some food in before the others ate everything. Not that he wouldn’t cook you up a good breakfast if it came down to it. Willing to shower you in all affections imaginable after what you both had just done. Though before long Minho had you both cleaned up and in warm fresh clothes, going down the stairs to join the others.
“Weren’t you wearing something different this morning?” Jisung questions Minho slyly as if they hadn’t all heard what you two had been up to earlier. Minho knew what he meant, but still didn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Yeah well I took a shower, so I put on something else.” Minho shrugs pulling out a seat for you, before taking his own so you two could eat breakfast as well.
“Oh did Y/N shower too? Her hair is all damp still.” Jisung innocently inquires taking a bite of his pancake trying to hide his smug expression. Minho gently moving your damp hair away from your bare skin so that it wouldn’t get too chilled.
“Well then you obviously know the answer.” Minho rolls his eyes adding his portion of whipped cream and other sweet toppings to your plate instead of his own.
“Hm I just find that interesting considering we only heard one shower running.” Jisung smirks at you both as the others snicker and chuckle, teasing you all through breakfast while exchanging knowing looks. 
The teasing had died down some later as you all gathered around to exchange gifts. Feeling your heart stutter as you hold Minho’s in your hands, the man seeming flustered as you go to open it. Finding a small necklace inside one that looked like a lifeline with a heart at the end, flipping it over to find his initials on the back besides yours. 
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“So if things had been different this would have been when I confessed.” He admits in a soft whisper into your ear,  a blush adorning his cheeks so beautifully as you laugh softly.
“It’s alright I liked the way things turned out much better anyways.” Minho admits before the guys pretend to gag and whine at all the pda they were witnessing.
“Alright enough of the mushy stuff, you have to open mine next.” Hyunjin dramatically insists shoving his gift in front of you, a pretty envelope sitting on top and beckoning you to open the card first. Your attention immediately drawn to a special little note at the bottom...
PS. Minho’s name was the only one in that hat.
“Well guess I ruined your little plan huh?” You tease, flustering along with him as he presses a soft kiss to your cheek in front of everyone.
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bqstqnbruin · 4 years
I hate it when you stare
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Wow here I am with another part, another fic. Ignooooree my typooos. Is this more soft smut? No one told me last time if what I wrote counts so uhhhhhhh
Read the whole series:  I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair // I hate the way you drive my car // I hate it when you stare // I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind // I hate you so much it makes me sick, it even makes me rhyme // I hate the way you’re always right // I hate it when you lie // I hate it when you make me laugh, even worse when you make me cry // I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call // But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all
I really do have work to do for my class at 2:30 tomorrow but instead I finished this, so I hope you like this!
“How is it bullshit? Everyone can tell that we’re in love with each other.”
“So, what, because other people believe it, that automatically means it’s true?”
Evelina was visiting home for the weekend for her mom’s birthday, which meant that you had the apartment to yourself. From Friday after work until Sunday night, you were free to do whatever you wanted by yourself. Or, you thought you were going to be doing whatever you wanted until your boss texted you saying that he wanted your project finished by Monday so you could present it that afternoon. That meant you were posted up on the couch, your hair tied in a bun on top of your head, a mug full of coffee, another of tea, and a cup with water all in front of you, the blanket normally on the back of your couch now draped over your shoulders. It was a full call to the hungover days you had back in undergrad when you woke up late and were struggling to finish the work you had due the next morning.
“It’s me!” you hear a familiar voice call from the door, snapping you out of what might have been the first and only roll you had been on working on the project.
You look up to see Matthew coming over the couch, plastic bags in hand to plop down on the table. “Remind me to change the locks.”
“That would mean you have to get up to let me in, though,” he sends a wink in your direction.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him, even though you felt butterflies throughout your entire body at the sight of him looking so comfortable next to you. It was just because he’s a guy, not because it’s Matthew. You let out a quiet sigh as he fiddles with the remote to your TV. “Who says I wouldn’t leave you in the hallway? Plus, I thought you were supposed to have practice today?” you ask, trying to focus more on your project than on him.
“We’re done, and we don’t have a game for three days for once, so we’re resting up. I figured, why not come see my favorite girl?” he says, resting his hand on your shin once your drape your legs over his lap. 
“Because Taryn is in St. Louis so you settled for me instead?”
He scoffs, slowly running his hand up and down your bare leg while his eyes fixate on the television screen. He had to be able to feel the goosebumps that he was causing with his touch. “Fine, my favorite girl in Calgary unless Taryn is visiting, are you happy?”
“Am I ever happy when I’m around you?” you tease, lifting only your eyes from your screen to look at him. Still staring at the TV, you can see the smile on his face, but it almost looks like his jaw is clenching, like he’s fighting saying something back.
“And how could I not be happy around you when you treat me like that?” Your eyes linger for a second on his smile before scanning the rest of his body. Even under the long-sleeved dry fit shirt he was wearing, you could see the outline of the muscles that graced his abdomen. His arms looked like they were begging to rip the seam of the shirt, and you wanted nothing more than to take it off of him and just let them free. “Do you like what you see, babe?” you hear him say, snapping you out of the thoughts you were convincing yourself meant nothing as he was looking at you out of the corner of his eye. 
“I’m trying to picture you as a more attractive guy,” you lie, “It would be so nice if Elias were here, wouldn’t it?” 
“If you’re implying that you want a threesome, then I don’t think I could do it with a teammate,” he laughs, his fingers tightening around your shin. Would Elias be better than Matthew? Any guy would be better than Matthew, you tell yourself. He’s your best friend, and nothing more. 
“What have I said about being crude?” you ask him, fixating your eyes on the way he’s biting his bottom lip. “I think I’m gonna go get my headphones so I can do this project.” You bolt from the living room to your bedroom, leaving Matthew there by himself while you search for your phone in a panic. 
“Hey, is everything ok?” Evelina says on the other end of the phone call as you try to search for your AirPods in the mess that was your room.
“No, Matthew is here.”
“And that’s bad because?” she asks, drawing out her last word.
Groaning, you drop your phone on your desk, prompting Matthew to call to you asking if you were ok. “I’m fine, don’t worry.” Turning back to Evelina, clearly in a panic that she could hear in your voice, “Matthew is here and I think I’m horny.”
“You’re always horny for him because you’re in love with him.”
“I’m not in love with him and I’m honry because I haven’t been touched by a man in like, three months. It’s starvation.”
You hear her groan on the other end, her parents voices in the background. “Hold on, I need to go into another room,” she says. “Ok, so you really told me two days when you got home that you and Matthew nearly fucked in public  in the liquor store. You have been touched by a man. He was also practically feeling you up at the bar a week ago, might I remind you.” 
“I don’t love him,” you say, unprompted, “And he never even kissed me.”
“Says that hickey that you somehow didn’t notice he gave you?” she says, you turning to your mirror to touch the mark she was talking about. You honestly didn’t know it was there until she said something to you when you walked in the door. “If you don’t love him, why don’t you just tell him to leave?”
“I want company and he’s the only thing I have when you aren’t here. Really, this is all your fault.”
“That was so sweet until you blamed me. If you don’t want him to leave then what’s the problem?”
“Horny,” you say at the same time. “Either do something about it or control yourself, babe, but I’ve gotta go. Miss you, love you,” she says, hanging up when you finally find your AirPods.
Pulling up your playlist so it’s already playing when you get to Matthew, you don’t even look at him as you take your computer back in your lap and throw your legs in his. You can feel his eyes tracing the outline of your body even under the baggy sweatshirt you had on from a college you never went to. 
You had worked for what was probably a solid half hour, Matthew mindlessly rubbing his hand on your leg like he did before, you needing to do everything in your power to stop from thinking about and wanting more. You were interrupted by Matthew reaching over and tugging on the hem of your shorts. “Are you really listening to Christmas music right now?”
“Is it that loud?” you ask, turning the volume down immediately.
“No, I can read your lips. You were mouthing ‘Feliz Navidad,’ and ‘Sleigh Ride.’”
“Oh, then, yes,” your cheeks flushed with embarrassment that you didn’t even realize you were doing that. 
“It’s March, babe.”
“Ok, but Christmas music is fine year round.”
“No?” he questions.
“So I’m going to tell you why you’re wrong,” you start, moving your computer to the table so you don’t drop it, provoking a laugh to escape from his lips, “While I don’t agree with all things in Catholic and the broader Christian doctrine, there are things I can agree with basically because they are up for interpretation, so I interpret them in the way I like. Take, for example, the ninth commandment: love thy neighbor. Some people take it as a literal ‘love thy neighbor’ as in ‘be a good neighbor,’ to the ones who live next door, but I think it’s a matter of caring for those around you, neighbor not being the person immediately next to you wherever you live, but just other people in general.”
“What is your point?” he asks, a devilish grin spread across his face.
“My point is that the Bible, which is the end all be all of Catholic doctrine according to some people, is up for interpretation and people use it the way that benefits them, no matter how wrong they normally are. In Hebrews 13:15, it says, “Through him let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name,” thereby, justifying and promoting listening to Christmas music year round. It praises Jesus, who is one of the persons that make up God, and doing year round is continuous.”
“I don’t think that’s how that works.”
“Hey, if people can be assholes and use a 2,000 year old book to try to wrongly justify their bigotry and homophobia, why can’t I use it to rightly justify my listening to christmas music all year?”
“Are you Catholic?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t learn about it and keep the things that I like with me. I’m not Jesuit but I follow their ideals like ‘care for the whole person’ and ‘be a man or woman with and for other.’ And Evelina’s parents are very religious, so we kind of put up a front whenever they visit to please them. They still think we go to Mass every Sunday.” 
“Is that why there’s sometimes a crucifix by the door?” he asks, you nodding along. “And that weird Jesus magnet where he has a chefs hat and it says ‘fish and bread are served’ underneath him?”
“Yeah, I think her dad superglued that to the fridge because no matter how many times we’ve tried to get it off it won’t budge. Plus it’s a reference to another Bible passage.” 
“I went to a Catholic high school, remember? I already knew that.” You can’t help but return the smile he was sending your way, this time your eyes flicking down to his lips, you unsure if his were doing the same. You snap out of it, biting your lip and making eye contact with Matthew, both of you breathing slightly unevenly at just thinking about what you could do with each other. Was Evelina right that you two loved each other?
No, she couldn’t be right, because you didn’t love him. You pick your computer back up to get back to work, not saying another word as Matthew turned back to the TV. You hit a deadend, finding yourself back to staring at Matthew’s perfect face while his eyes narrowed and a small smirk formed on his lips at something funny on whatever movie or show he was watching. 
“Ugh, fuck,” you groan, Matthew’s head snapping to your direction as you cover your face with your hands. “I don’t want to do this anymore.” 
He reaches over and pulls your hands from your face, intertwining his fingers in yours. “Take a break, I brought food for us.” 
“You didn’t cook it yourself, did you?” you ask. The last time he had made food for you, you were sick for a week from what you’re sure was food poisoning from something being undercooked.
He laughs, the pad of his thumb rubbing your palms. You could feel your breathing get shallow by this, trying to ignore it while he’s talking to you. “No, I got it from the store down the road, already made. Mac and Cheese!” he says, pulling it out of the bag.
You roll your eyes at his stupidity. “Matthew, we’ve been sitting here for over two hours, why would you leave that on the table instead of in the fridge?”
“It’s still warm!” he argues, opening it, “Oh and it smells so bad.” You burst out laughing as he cringes, closing it immediately. “I’ll order something else.” 
You get up to go throw out the now rancid mac and cheese in the kitchen. “Hey, where do you want to order from?” you hear Matthew call, walking into the kitchen behind you.
The list. 
It’s on the fridge.
Practically throwing yourself at it to try to tear it down in time, you rip it off the fridge and fold it up in your hand just in time for Matthew to come in. “Are you ok?” he asks you, noticing your slightly faster breathing and your hands behind your back.
“Yeah, the smell was just bad,” you lie to him, shoving the list in the band of your shorts. “And I was looking at the Jesus magnet.” 
“That thing is so creepy,” he says, both of you looking at it. Knowing Matthew, you try as discreetly as possible to move the paper to your front so he can’t feel it as he inevitably presses his front to your back, his arms draping over your shoulders. Without thinking, you reach up to touch his hands as he rests his head on yours. “It’s way too white to be Jesus.”
His arms move their way down your body, settling around your waist as he starts to nibble at your ear. “God, you are so sexy,” you hear him let out.
“You’re awfully handsy lately, aren’t you Matty?”
“Oh come on,” he says, turning you around to face him, practically pinning you against the fridge, “You know we’re always like this with each other.” 
You smile at him, cupping his face in your hands as you run the pads of your thumbs along his cheeks. “We have a weird...” you start, trying to figure out the right word to describe whatever it was you had with him, “friendship,” you settle on, not exactly liking the word yourself as your tried to hide the cringe you were sure was appearing on your face. 
He swallows hard at that word. Even relationship would have been better, even if it were more broad than ‘friendship.’ At least it wasn’t such a narrow word. It felt like even if you didn’t finish the list you didn’t know he knew about, you would never see him as more than a friend. “Well, that’s what makes it my favorite friendship.” 
The two of you stand there for a minute, holding each other and gazing into the others eyes. You could feel your breathing slow down studying Matthew’s facial features again, thinking only of how perfect they looked to you in that moment. “We should figure out where we’re getting food from,” you say, dragging your hands down his chest before dropping him all together. 
He could have stared at you like that forever. He really couldn’t think of anyone more perfect than you, anyone he would want to look at besides you. “What are you in the mood for?” he asks, moving over to the counter. Opening your fridge, you remember you still have the list folded in the band of your shorts, throwing it in before grabbing some water out. “What did you just throw in there?” Matthew asked you, having watched your every move.
“Uh, Evelina and I have this weird list that we’re putting together, it didn’t feel right to have Jesus looking over it all of a sudden,” you tell him, “But now that you had mac and cheese on my mind, I kind of want that.”
“Oh, no, you’re not changing the subject that easily,” he says, trying to reach around you to open the fridge. 
“No, come on, it’s mostly Evelina’s and I don’t know if she would want you seeing it,” you lie, batting your eyes at him and trying to contort your face to make it look like you would cry if he tried anything else. He couldn’t see the list of things you hate about it. He couldn’t find out about it. 
He sighs, knowing he wasn’t going to win this one. “I ordered you mac and cheese but I’ll pay for it if you tell me the subject of the list?” he tries to bargain. 
“Uh, it’s a list of kinks,” you lie, not knowing what else to say, and usure why that was the first thing that came to mind.
His eyes go wide, pretending to be shocked. It was the list of ten things you hate about him. It had to be. He grins anyway, trying to hide the pain he felt knowing that the list was already started, and probably nearly finished at this point, “Are any of them your kinks?” 
“Yeah,” you start to lie to him again, a grin on your face, “One of them says, ‘When Matthew leaves me alone.’”
He scrunches up his face, pretending to be hurt by your comment as he walks back to your living room. “Oh you know just how to break my heart, pretty girl.” You follow him, plopping down next to him on your couch. 
You pick up your computer, snuggling into his shoulder as he wraps his arm around you. “I have no desire to do this project.” 
“Why don’t we watch something on TV then and you can work again after we eat?” he suggests. You nod, putting the computer back down, surrendering to his pout. You feel him kiss the top of your head, scrolling through the channels. “What about Lilo and Stitch?” he asks when he finds it on one of the channels. 
“Ugh, I love this movie, but the American treatment of Hawaiians is awful, and I just can’t help but think about it every time I watch,” you say, thinking you were being annoying. “Sorry,” you apologize. Evelina was used to your rants, even if you were sure she normally tuned them out. You didn’t think Matthew wanted to listen to another rant from you. 
“Don’t get me started?” he asks, referring to the game you and the guys played at the bar.
“Don’t get me started on the American colonization of Hawaii. The Cookes’ went to Hawaii and pretty much obliterated the royal bloodline. The king of Hawaii had the Cookes build boarding schools for the royal children, with good intentions that they would be able to educate his children on royal customs to effectively rule their land. Instead, the Cookes took the Hawaiian customs and told them they were wrong, imparting their own customs on them, instead. They wanted he land for America, they wanted to eliminate the Hawaiian culture and make them as American as possible,” you say. “The Hawaiian people were a very sex positive people, but oh no, American Catholic education and their ‘no sex is the safest sex’ ideal stopped the children from living the lives they grew up expected to live. If a boy was found in a girls room doing anything in these boarding schools, they would beat the children as punishment, and probably other things that weren't even recorded. There are actually a decent number of Wikipedia pages that have had this information erased, like when you go back into the edit history. The sources, as they claimed, weren’t valid, but in reality they weren’t the Cookes’ American-centric description of these schools. They even went so far as introducing sports into the schools as ‘an antidote to the worst evil of all: sexual promiscuity,’” you comment, drawing a laugh from Matthew. “Because we all know how much athletes hate sex, right?” 
You look up at Matthew, him beaming down at you as Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride starts ironically playing in the background, “Yeah, we hate that,” he whispers. You swallow hard, trying to ignore any feelings that might be coming up at the sight of Matthew biting his bottom lip. 
“American’s always just insert themselves where they don’t belong,” you finish, settling your head back onto his shoulder as he pulls you closer to him. 
“Why do you know all of this?” he asks.
You shrug, not really sure how to answer, “I don’t know. When I’m doing work I see one word and it sends my mind into this never ending tangent and I end up looking up stuff online and reading for hours.” 
“You really are the smartest person I know,” he says with a sigh, “Why hasn’t Ev told her parents about hiding the Catholic stuff until they come?” 
You shrug, “I don’t know. I never asked, she just told me it was something she needed to do, so I did it with her. That’s her own cross to bear,” you say, taking a minute to realize the really bad pun you just made. “Ah! See what I did there!” you practically yell, Matthew groaning.
“On that note, I think I need to leave,” he jokes, getting up off the couch.
“Oh, come on, no!” you beg, taking him by the hand and trying to drag him back down to the couch. “I don’t want you to leave,” you let out as he pulls you off the couch. 
“Really?” he asks you, sitting back down on the couch, your hands still connected.
Standing over him you nod as he pulls you into his lap, straddling him. He pulls you as close to him as you can, your hands wrapped around the back of his neck. Your mind flashes back to the liquor store, the feeling that came over you as he worked his way along your body like you had a feeling he was about to do again. 
“Come on Matthew, you know this isn’t something we do,” you tease, even though you can’t help but look at his lips, the urge to kiss him creeping up on you as you tried desperately to suppress it. If any guy had taken you into his lap like Matthew just did, you would want to do the same thing. You were just desperate for a man, not desperate for Matthew. 
“We can’t do anything?” he teases, going for your neck again. You let out a moan, praying that he doesn’t leave any more marks that you’ll have to cover up later. 
“Wait,” you say to him, pulling him off of you. He looks slightly upset, not sure what to do next. ‘Ah, fuck it,’ you think to yourself, pulling his shirt off over his head, tossing it to the side and returning the favor of the hickey he gave you. You suck on his skin, listening to the moans that escaped from his lips this time, feeling him grow hard the longer you were at it. He clenches his hands on your butt, pulling you even closer to him. You work your way up his neck and to his jaw, his grip getting tighter the closer you were to his lips. You had no idea what was coming over you and causing you to want to do this, but nothing in that moment felt better. Nothing in your life had ever felt better as you kissed his face the way he did to you the other day, hearing him moan more and more with every connection you made. 
Your lips are millimeters from his, both of you practically begging the other for connection when you’re startled by the sound of Matthew’s phone ringing. You both laugh, foreheads pressed together. One more second and it would have happened. “I think that means our food is here.” 
“Perfect fucking timing,” he mutters, not loud enough for you to hear as you get up to go grab the food. He couldn’t believe you just did that. He checks his neck in his phone camera, seeing it littered with the red marks you had left for him. He reaches up to touch them, smiling for some reason. There’s no way this list would work against him, would it? 
You come back, him practically throwing his phone so you don’t see what he’s doing, settling down on the couch with each other eating the food. Your mind starts racing with thoughts about what just happened. There was no way you really wanted that, did you? Well, you wanted a man’s touch, but it didn’t necessarily have to be Matthew. It could be any guy. 
‘I have another thing for the list,’ you text Evelina, your eyes moving between your phone screen and his hands holding his food, careful not to look up at his face.
‘Good, god, what?’
‘I hate the way he stares,’ you send her, finally looking up, not taking your eyes off Matthew as the two of you can’t help but stare at each other.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Hey was wondering if I could get something for lookism characters with an older s/o, like they're 3-4 older. Please do goo, Jake kim and Scott kwon.
Good luck with the blog🤩🤩🤩
Goo Kim
When you get into the relationship, of course he knows ur age and that you’re a few years older than him, and at first he doesn’t mention it but once ur like just a little bit closer he’s probably gonna poke fun at the fact
Because there’s nothing wrong w u being older it’s just that in all the stereotypical or general movies or shows or books it’s like the older person in the relationship is usually the like stronger or more providing person ends up being the oldest in the relationship and ur not useless in the relationship at all but he’s out there like killing ppl and raking in thousands a day at like 19 😭
If ur walking around in public and someone stares at u for a little longer or one of the ten geniuses is looking at u just casually he’ll get up in their face and b like “whaaat?! Do you know who you’re staring at? That’s your elder over there!! Show some respect!!”
He definitely sends u cringy texts like “how’s my favorite 21 year old 😍😍😍😍” and it’s clearly somewhat condescending but he means it endearingly simultaneously
If u don’t know something that he asks u he’ll raise a brow and go “really? A four year head start and u can’t tell me that 🤨” and it’s all good fun but he’s always gonna say stuff like that
And this is all unprompted, if he knows ur actually kinda like insecure for whatever reason that ur older than him, maybe bc he’s already getting cash like crazy at his age, he’ll either start making fun of u relentlessly OR if ur serious about it he’ll cut it out of course and never mention it again. He might try to make u feel better by being like “don’t worry!! Physically and mentally im probably years older than you 😘” and it doesn’t really make u feel better probably but he kind of tries
It’s honestly no big deal to him what ur age is, but if he knows u don’t like him mentioning it so much he will bc he likes to be annoying LMAO and whenever u accomplish something he’ll be like “did u see what my s/o did?! My 21/22yr old s/o?! At their old age they’re still kicking it!!” And ur in NO means old but he just wants to strike a nerve in u and fight in public for fun
But when u put him joking about it aside, it really doesn’t mean anything in the relationship honestly. He doesn’t feel like there’s a certain way for things to go nd just goes about things normally, and he doesn’t really see people older than him as wiser or anytning so he’s not gonna like go to you for advice or ask you to figure things out for him just bc ur older
And honestly u don’t even need a job anymore bc ur gonna b together for a long time and he makes SOOO much money so if u hate ur job or college u have the opportunity to do what u want in life without worrying ab the pay bc he makes it all for u
And yeah he’s pretty stingy w money besides being filthy rich but when or if u need it he’ll give it to u ofc and he wants u to pursue what u like too so he’ll even go to ur job or college and just inform them “btw (y/n) isn’t gonna work here anymore” for u and gets u a job as whatever u want. He beats up ur boss so u can get promoted or something but if u ask about it he’ll deny it anyways and it’s like who else would beat tf out of my boss and he shrugs
Or if u like ur current job or college he’ll threaten the school or ur boss LMAO and have them give u more money or make u pay less or promote u
Even tho ur older than him he sees himself as the like leader of u two ?? Like he’s a really joke-y guy on the exterior but behind the scenes he is doing all the like hard stuff so u don’t have to. Like he sees it as he helps u and if u never offer much help or advice he doesn’t gaf, it’s like he helps u and in return he gets u LMAO
If u like ur job or college, don’t wanna quit and don’t want him threatening ur superiors he is like the number one customer of u guys
Like if u r working retail or as a cashier he is always going to that store nd buying stuff nd funding ur business and he gets chairman choi to do so too
Or he’ll just buy ur company or college LMFAO and suddenly sales r booming and u don’t know why r ur classes r so much easier
Yeah ur older than him and the twelve geniuses but he doesn’t let u near them 😐 he doesn’t want u to be a part of that type of business and honestly keeps u away from it besides maybe gun bc he’s always around him but that’s it
Like he doesn’t want u anywhere near his business or that type of stuff and if ur curios about it he says “u will understand when ur my age” or something LMAO so u will stop asking. It’s like the 1 time he’s suddenly rlly serious
If anyone else mentions how ur older than him in a demeaning way he’ll def be mad it’s like HE can make fun of u but no one else can, like ever. He will fight them nd win even if it’s just on the street or something
He’s threatened like two of ur friends behind ur back bc they made fun of u once and u mentioned it LMAO
He makes u do taxes (does he even do taxes ????? LMFAO) but if he does he makes u do them bc suddenly he thinks ur so much smarter and wiser
If he’s in a rut and needs ur help and it’s something dumb like he lost something he’ll b like “cmooon ur so much smarter than me 😣😩 ur like 21 u would know this for sure” to make u do it and he uses flattery
None of the ten geniuses know ur name bc he’s tryna keep u safe lol
If ur ever in a situation somehow vaguely similar to one he’s in and he needs help on it he’ll ask u what u did, and if u say something surprisingly smart or wise he’ll be kinda surprised bc I feel like he’s cocky and doesn’t think others can help him that much but u do
But overall, it means nothing to him and it doesn’t matter how much older u r he’s still gonna feel like the protector
Jake Kim
It REALLY means nothing to him. Like he honestly never mentions it and ur like does he even know??? Bc a guy like him who’s like a leader of a whole enterprise type thing gang usually seems like he’d wanna be the elder in a relationship so ur like “... u know I’m like 4yrs older than u right?”
And he’s like “...yeah? Was that important or something?” And just blinks at u so ur like ... never mind
Honestly he probably makes u a bank account and puts money in it to surprise u on ur birthday or something like a little fund thing and he has a bank account on the side for u that has like thousands of dollars
If u ever feel bad or weird that ur older than him bc he is so successful and younger than u, he wonders why it even matters??? Who gaf??? And he’ll just hug u or something and is like pls don’t even worry about that... wth
If u ever feel petty bc he’s so much more successful than u bc it’s like when u have a hobby that u love and then a kid ends up being so much better at it than u but SO much worse bc he has like millions at like 19 💀 then he’s like okay but it’s OUR little enterprise now since we r together to assure u. He’s not cocky about it at all
But he won’t offer for u to join or try and help him out in making money even if he’s got to or it’s vital bc he also doesn’t want u involved w Big Deal at ALLLLLLL either, u could literally b like the smartest person in the world but once ur his s/o he probably doesn’t want u involved in his business at all
He does assume ur kind of wiser than him bc of ur age, so he’ll ask u for help or advice more often
Tbh regardless in a relationship he probably doesn’t leave any work for u to do like he does everything the financial stuff the living stuff everything so it doesn’t matter if ur older than him or if u see it as ur responsibility bc of that he’s still gonna bring in the money for y’all
Like he’s gonna take care of everything even if ur older so there’s no pressure for u to “act ur age”
Never brings up the fact that ur older than him, but maybe once in a fight it got bad and he yelled “ffs ur 21 u should know better than this!!” And that hurt ur feelings or something so from then on he just never ever mentioned it
And when others mention it he makes a cut throat motion like “stfu😡” bc he took it as u not liking ur age being brought up rather than u not liking it being held against u but it’s still kinda sweet how he tries to preserve ur feelings sm
If ur in college or something, he tries to help u w hw and stuff and he’s rlly educationally smart I think like he might’ve gotten bad grades but he understands quickly
And eventually he’s just doing ur hw for u LMAO
One time he probably accidentally wrote “Jake Kim” on the top of ur hw and u had to explain to ur professor why that happened
If u work, he probably also bribes ur boss or something to give u a raise and promotion or if u wanna move jobs but r scared of the low pay he feels like it’s a dumb fear bc he is clearly rich af, like u probably don’t even need a job 😭😭
Ur allowed to since ur in ur 20s legally but he doesn’t like or doesn’t let u go around casinos bc he’s seen firsthand how bad gambling is and he has the money to compensate if u ever get into gambling and lose a lot but he just doesn’t want u to feel guilty or get addicted
Like if u pass a casino and wanna go in and r like hey wanna check it out he just grabs ur hand and keeps walking and is like “let’s not” and probably asks u at one point to pls not get into gambling
If ur kinda petty bc he’s so much better at fighting than u despite being younger he’s like u don’t even need to fight I can literally do that for u???? Bc he feels like the only reason U would ever need to fight is to protect urself so if u wanna do it for fun he’ll teach u but doesn’t take it that srsly
He maybe made like one joke ab ur age or sent u a meme he saw ab relationships but u left him on read and it was just a bad joke or something but yeah overall he really refrains from bringing up ur age like ever 😭😭
He thinks ur insecure bc ur getting older or something and that’s y so he might start going like “looking youthful today 😀👍” every morning to u and ur like oh hehe thanks ????????
If someone else ever voices that they think it’s weird ur older than him he’ll fight them too like first he’ll go “(y/n), is this ur friend ?” Like he did w jiho and if ur like no he’s like oh :)) and then punches them or something
Doesn’t tell u stuff ab his business and ur like I’m 20-23 I can handle it and he just refuses anyways and will leave u in the dark bc yk won’t even risk it
Someone in Big Deal might be like “use ur s/o to help us work nd get money since they’re old they seem professional” he kicked them out immediately ur not touching that shit
But generally, he doesn’t care about it at all, and honestly just cares ab u and not ur age
Scott Kwon
He definitely uses u to get into places only ppl 20+ can enter LMAOO
He’ll have u walk in first and then slip in past u and if he gets caught he grabs u and goes “THIS is my s/o!!! They’re clearly of age, and I’m their s/o so clearly I am of age too 😤😤”
Ur banned from like 50 bars because of this like there’s a little “if these two come and ask u to enter their bar DO NOT LET THEM ENTER!!” Wall for y’all
He might try and hide in ur coat or something to get in but it never works
He definitely makes fun of ur age in a cocky way like haha... an older person wanted to get with ME. Little old me. And he feels like hot stuff bc of it for sure
Brags about it a lot like will take out ur photo and goes “u see this?? My s/o?? Yeah they’re in love w me and THREE YRS OLDER... hold ur applause guys” and it boosts his ego sm
He sends u scarily recent memes or jokes on the internet ab older s/o’s if there r any, and eventually when u go on his Instagram at least 1/3rd of his feed is just ageist jokes
If it really hurts ur feelings, he won’t tell any jokes ab it and won’t mention it ever again but will continue to utilize ur age to do things he can’t at age 18-19
He feels proud that he’s making sm money and is such a good fighter despite being younger than u bc he feels like it makes u look up to him so he’ll boast about it like he’ll punch something and go see that babe????? I can do that and I’m only 19!!! And ur like omg that’s so cooollll!!!!! <3 and his heart just swells
Pays for anything u want like buys u everything u ask for or just look at tbh, and also feels like u have no responsibility just bc ur older and seees himself as like the “leader” if the relationship and has a sense of duty to helping u and everything
Steers u away from trouble ASAP too it doesn’t matter if u can hold off on ur own, if he sees guys that just look mean he and u r walking the other way and ur like bro what?? And he just lies and is like I liked the sunset this direction or smmn and he doesn’t confide in u ab scary things
Bc yeah u can probably handle scary or threatening news but he’s not gna risk it regardless
If he’s rlly stressed ab something that can’t endanger u he won’t tell u that much ab it but might vaguely describe his predicament and looks to u for help and comfort and u just listen and he feels so much better afterwards and he’s telling u all this and ur just like mhm uh-huh :) and so he starts confiding in u more
But ruins it by going like “damn old ppl r good listeners 😆” and ur like STOPPPPPPP
Everyone in God Dog knows ur name age face and occupation bc he’s always talking ab u LMAO
When he was younger and didn’t have that much leniency with the law he made u his legal guardian so he can do what he wants and he tries to use u to get him to do stuf by pointing to u and going “they’re my legal guardian and they say I can drink all this!!” And ur like “no I absolutely do not???!!!!!” And he thought by doing that he’d get anytning but u prioritize his health 🙄 and he’s annoyed but secretly loves it and loves u doting on him nd worrying ab him and his well-being lol
In general, he rlly doesn’t care that ur older than him. His only big concern I. A relationship ever is how he can keep u safe bc he’s in pretty like tough stuff, and he’ll make fun of u but in all good fun and loves u sm
Thank you for the request, and thanks for the wish of luck <3 I’ll the my best w this blog!! I’m not that good at writing for Jake Kim, btw, because his character can kinda confuse me sometimes but he seems to be popular so I hope I get more requests of him so I can get his character down and write him properly. 💘I hope this was what u wanted 😭
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alittleimagine · 4 years
just a favor pt. 1
derek hale x reader 
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Derek looked tense. You understood why- it wasn’t every day a person brought a fake significant other for a holiday dinner with their parents- but, it simply wouldn’t do. 
You had this. You were going to be the best fake girlfriend the Hales had ever seen. Hell, if Derek’s purported terrible taste in women was true then you were likely to be the best girlfriend they’d ever seen fake or otherwise. 
Now you just had to make Derek believe it. 
You jotted down ‘basketball fans’ in your notebook and tapped the pen to your lips. “We should probably discuss any pet names.” You said. Your natural inclination was to watch him until his ears turned pink again, but he already looked ready to lose it at any moment and that was the opposite of your goal this time around. Instead, you kept your eyes on your paper, even if you watched him from the periphery. 
When you’d met with him days ago to start getting details together it was obvious he had no idea what he was doing. That was fine, you had plenty of experience with fanfiction and Hallmark movies.
From the corner of your eye you could see Derek glance your way. He didn’t look alarmed, per se, but he was far from relaxed. 
“Pet names?”
“Yeah. You know- honey, babe, snookums?” There was no way in hell you would ever seriously call Derek snookums, but if calling him things like Sugar Butt or Honey Bunches made his ears turn that pretty shade of pink you would have some fun with it. “If we’re going to use any kind of nickname we want to get in the habit so it sounds normal and not weird.” 
You angled yourself toward him, dropping the pretense of reading the same five lines on your notebook. 
He furrowed his brow, looking deep in thought. “I don’t know. Jennifer hated pet names.”
Jennifer. Hated enough that even sweet Kira had ranted and raved for weeks after she dumped Derek. If this was going to work, you thought, he could not talk about her. 
“Okay. New rule number one. If you want your family to believe you are over your heinous ex, it’s best not to mention her.” You said. “As far as you’re concerned any mention of Jennifer should prompt a ‘Jennifer who?’ in your mind. New girlfriends don’t like the mention of old girlfriends.”
He winced. “You’re right.”
“Also, screw whatever Jennifer liked or didn’t like. I’m asking 
Derek Hale, what you’re comfortable with.”
For a moment he said nothing, then nodded resolutely. There was the slightest loosening of his shoulders and you smiled to yourself. 
“You can call me whatever. Except snookums.” He added in a rush. 
You snorted. 
“I don’t know what I’ll call you though. It might just be Y/N.” 
“That’s fine. Go with whatever feels normal. I’m probably going to call you babe. Or Derek. Or D- you can blame Stiles for that one. Who knows.” You shrugged. Without thinking about it, you wrote ‘babe’ onto a separate line of the notebook. 
“Are you really taking notes?” The car slowed as you pulled up to a light and Derek took the opportunity to look over at the little blue and gold journal you’d been fiddling with for most of the car ride. 
“Not quite,” you said, unsure how to properly explain it, “I’m never going to review the notes or study them. But, jotting things down just helps me organize my thoughts and remember things. We’re planning a classic fake dating holiday shenanigan here- you want me on my A-game.”
“I can’t believe you even agreed to this.” He muttered as he started driving again. 
Malia and Kira had not been surprised at all when you’d told them. Kira had spit out her apple cider when you barged into the coffee shop you’d planned to meet them at and declared that you were now dating Malia’s cousin (Kira never failed to give you a good reaction), but after hearing the rest there had only been knowing nods. 
When you’d moved to Beacon Hills Derek had been almost a year into the ill-fated relationship with Jennifer. You’d been introduced to both of them at the same time by Stiles and Jennifer had seemed like a perfectly friendly person, but the face Stiles made when they turned their backs had been plenty indication that she was not the most well-loved. 
You never spent any time with Jennifer directly. As you began to fold more and more into the close circle of friends you noted that she never went to movie night and she never joined the girls for sushi. Lydia had insisted that they’d tried to be nice and include her in the beginning, but that hadn’t lasted long.
“There was pretty much zero chance I would turn this down.” 
The truth was Derek was a babe and so much your type it was almost painful, but you’d always assumed he didn’t like you very much. When he’d asked you to fake date him you’d figured either he didn’t dislike you as much as you’d thought or he was really desperate. Either way, you couldn’t say no.
“Because you’re a little crazy?” 
You flicked his arm with your pen. “Never mind, rule number one is don’t ever call your girlfriend crazy. Don’t call any woman crazy just to be safe.” You said.
“Noted.” He looked like he was trying not to smile and that was reassuring. “But, really, why would you say yes to a Thanksgiving pretending you’re my girlfriend in front of mostly strangers?” 
You shrugged. “How often does an opportunity like that come up?” He didn’t need to know that you wanted to become friends and that it wasn’t hard to pretend to be head over heels for him. “Besides, you looked really desperate. Who was your next option? Stiles in a dress?”
The image flashed in your head the moment you said it. 
“I should have said no. That would have been hilarious.”
“If you’d said no I would have had to fake some terrible accident.” 
You snorted. “And they say I’m dramatic.” You tapped your pen to the paper and wracked your brain for anything you might have missed. “Okay, let’s walk through it.” You said as you turned in the car seat to face him.
“Kira and Malia will arrive tomorrow morning, and they are prepared with our basic story. Which is as simple as possible. The more detail you give unprompted, the easier it is to spot a lie. I got to town, thought you were way hot,” Derek flushed and you added another mark to your mental tally, “but you were with Jennifer. You guys broke up, you got over it, we were hanging out with everyone else, you realized I am also way hot, we got together. Simple.” 
Derek, blush slowly fading, nodded again. “And if they ask for details we tell them about running into each other a couple of times on our own. At the pizza place first. Then the coffee shop the next time. And talked.” He said it like he was still trying to memorize every detail.
“I kissed you first. And tada, we’ve been together since then.” 
You’d kept it all simple and common on purpose. No one questioned such an every-day story. Both of Derek’s sisters had been to Beacon Hills to visit him since you’d moved to town so there were restrictions to keep in mind as well. 
A thought struck you. “Hey, pull over into the next gas station.”
Derek glanced at you quickly. “You need something?” He asked, already flicking the turn signal on. 
“Park to the side.” You said, then waited until he’d pulled all the way into a parking spot to unbuckle your seatbelt. You looked at him very seriously. 
The crease in his brow deepened. “Is everything okay?” Hesitantly he turned his body to face you. 
“We need to kiss.” 
“What?” Forget his ears and neck, you were sure Derek was red to the tips of his toes. He gaped at you and looked around the car once as though some invisible passenger had more information. 
“Relax. Breathe.” You had discussed physical contact days ago. He knew to expect casual touching from you and cheek kisses were a given. He knew that there was a chance you’d have to kiss-kiss because, as you’d said, ‘assuming we won’t is a surefire way to have a kiss demanded’. “I’m not talking making out, heavy tongue action, getting steamy in the 7-11 parking lot.”
He ran a hand over his face. 
“But, chances are the occasion for us to kiss will come up. I don’t know about you but I don’t typically make out in front of my mom, but kissing on the lips seems pretty standard.” When he nodded you went on. “So we should probably not have the first time we kiss be at that awkward moment. No one will believe us if we can’t even find each other’s lips.” 
Derek leaned his head back against the seat and took a deep breath. “You’re right.” He said. 
“I know. I usually am.” 
He rolled his eyes but it seemed like the casual arrogance was doing something to relax him. He sat up straight and turned to you again. “Let’s do this then.”
You adjusted in the seat, folding a leg under you and leaning forward. You expected Derek to be hesitant like he’d been about every other step of the way, but he seemed resolute when he reached forward to wrap his hand around the base of your skull and pull you in.
The kiss was chaste- nothing but a warm press of his lips to yours, but the heat of his hand against your neck was extremely distracting. 
You pulled back first, schooling your expression into something you hoped read amused and not like you wanted to give that another shot. 
Derek quickly sat back into his seat. His face gave nothing away, but you thought you could see pink crawling up his neck.
The place where his hand had been only a moment ago now felt cold. Unconsciously your hand moved to cover the spot while you leaned back in your seat and buckled up. “There.” You said. Your voice was steady and casual. “Now that that’s done, we can keep going.”
Derek cleared his throat and glanced your way before he buckled his seatbelt and pulled out of the parking spot. 
There was a tension in the car that you hadn’t felt before the practice kiss. It could not be allowed to continue. 
You reached down to pick your notebook back up. You clicked the pen open and tapped it against your bottom lip. “So, let’s be honest, which of your sisters is going to want to embarass you most?”
Derek groaned. 
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hey-there-juliet · 3 years
Random Drabble Day (2/23)
Summary: First off, let me just say that this is more like a one-shot than a drabble because I'm a wordy bitch and I cannot control myself 😅
That said, I always had a hard time imagining Julie writing some of the Perfect Harmony's lyrics about herself, so I thought why not make this just another song that Luke and Julie wrote together? This is set somewhere between Finally Free and Edge of Great, in that week when Ray was stress-eating. This is supposed to fit back into the show at the end, so it might seem like a cliffhanger, but it's not.
Quick shout out to @jamestkirkish for betaing this for me! I love you and you are amazing! Any remaining mistakes are my own. And to the fabulous Sloan, for helping me out with Luke's handwriting! Enjoy 🧡
Fandom: Julie and the Phantoms
Relationship: Juke 💜
in the great scheme of life and ghosts
No matter how many times Luke insisted that she had been snooping through his things, Julie knew for a fact that she had done no such thing. In reality, she had simply been cleaning the studio when she came across it.
For three ghosts who didn't eat and could barely even touch anything most of the time, the boys sure knew how to make a mess. Every morning Julie would walk into the studio to find the chairs or coffee table rearranged, at least one of the rugs was always askew, and the clothes... the clothes were everywhere, and the worst part was: they reeked. 
And so every morning before leaving for school Julie would shoot them a stern look and tell them to pick up after themselves. Which they did - when she got back home, things were mostly in their rightful place. Still, every weekend Julie would make sure to take a moment away from homework and rehearsal to tidy the place up to perfection, just like her mom liked it. She'd dust off the furniture, water the plants, sweep the floor, and even vacuum the whole place. One Saturday when she was home alone (her dad photographing a wedding, and Carlos at a friend's house), she even went through the trouble of washing all of the guys' old clothes. 
Somehow, and she didn't even want to think about how that worked, the clothes didn't stink when they were actually wearing them, but at any other moment when they made no contact with their skin? Yeah... not good. So she washed them all (three times, using every trick and product she had). She washed them a fourth time for good measure and, by the time she was finished, any traces of twenty-five year old mold was gone, and so was the smell.
So no, she was not snooping - no matter what Luke said - when she came across the crumpled paper ball between the couch and the low cabinet, just behind a big vase her mom had gotten from tía Victoria.
Julie sighed, making a mental note to tell Luke to put his discarded ideas in the bin (again) if he didn't want them anymore, when one scribbled and wrinkled word caught her attention: Perfect Ha-
She bit her lip, staring down at the teasing word. Perfect what? Was it lyrics? Maybe half formed ideas? Doodles? Julie knew Luke liked to doodle in the margins of his notebook whenever he got stuck trying to come up with the next best piece of lyric or melody. She also knew she should probably just leave it alone, put it with his stuff to ask him later if he wanted to keep it, or put it in the garbage. Except the more she glanced down at that damn word, the stronger she felt it pull her towards uncovering whatever else the crumpled paper ball was hiding. 
In the end, the pull was too strong. She'd just take a quick look, make sure it wasn't anything important before she threw it away. And, she reasoned with herself, trying to squish the guilt that was making itself known in the pit of her stomach: Luke had gotten rid of it, so he clearly didn't care much for whatever was in there. 
Not able to resist any longer, Julie carefully unfolded the paper, slowly making her way towards the piano and using its surface as a table to help smooth the page over.
Luke's (horrendous) handwriting covered it with the bare bones of a song, random lines were scribbled in the margins with a couple of doodles for company, and even a little note from their bassist - ‘Reggie was here ;)’.
It took her a minute before the chicken scratches became words, and then Julie's breath left her in a rush, as the guilty feeling in her stomach turned into butterflies and flew away with her imagination. 
It was a song, parts of one, anyway, and - more importantly - it was a love song.
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Unprompted, her own words came back to her, "Wow, Luke! I didn't know you were such a romantic." Quickly followed by Alex's short reply, "He's not."
She knew now who Unsaid Emily was really about, but these new words were clearly about a different kind of love. The romantic kind, and Julie couldn't help letting herself believe - just for a moment - that the song might be about her.
Before she could let herself be carried away in a daydream, there was a - now familiar - shift in the air, a sound almost like static, the only thing letting her know of a ghost's appearance. Without a thought, she crumpled the page again and shoved the paper ball in her pocket for later inspection. 
"Hey, Julie!" Reggie's cheerful greeting sounded across the studio from where he had poofed in, and soon - with his "help," bless him - Julie was finished with her weekend clean up. 
As if summoned by the end of her chores, Luke poofed in, ready to rehearse. Alex soon followed; and by the time Julie retired for the night, the song had been almost forgotten where it hid inside her pocket. 
After getting ready for the night, Julie settled on her bed with the wrinkled page and her dreambox. She read over the words again and again, imagining they were about her.
Step into my world, 
Bittersweet love story about a girl 
Shook me to the core 
Voice like an angel, 
I've never heard before, 
You and me together, it's more than chemistry 
Love me as I am 
I hold your music 
Here inside my hands 
You are my brightest burning star 
We create Perfect Harmony.
And unless Luke had been singing with another girl, there didn't seem to be many options on who it could be about, right?
From the beginning, Julie had felt something connecting her to him; to all of them, in different ways. But Luke had been the one to give her a little piece of his soul right after meeting her when he let her use Bright to earn back her spot in the music program. Seeing his passion reflecting back on her, the way he treated music like she used to, made her miss it more than anything for the first time in almost a year. It made her miss the way it felt to use music to connect with her mom.
After they spent a whole weekend finishing each other's songs and working on new ones, getting to know each other's inner workings - the part of them that bled out feelings into paper to create beautiful melodies, Julie knew she was a goner. Finding out he'd been the one to write the words that shaped her taste in rock certainly didn't help. Like he'd been helping her find her way to music long before they even met.
Her crush on him had been inevitable from the start, and while falling for him was probably one of the worst things she could’ve done, it was too late to stop it. She'd been free falling for a while, and hopefully she'd land in his arms soon enough. Reading over his words again gave Julie a warm fluttering in her stomach that made her think he was more than ready to catch her once she reached the ground. 
Carefully folding the piece of paper, she put it inside her dreambox, then placed the box back on the shelf.
The following week went by without any hiccups. Every once in a while, Julie would remember Luke's song and a familiar warmth would fill her up, leaving a soft smile on her lips and glazed eyes staring off at nothing. Just as often, Flynn would have to shake her out of her daydreams.
She didn't think much would come of it until her dad decided to throw the band a party so he could film them and post their video on YouTube. Which was fine. Amazing, even. It was most certainly great! Until Luke came to the school, staring at her with his stupid, beautiful, awed eyes, and with his soft, perfect smile, saying things that made her combust and melt, all at the same time.
"I think you make me a better writer." 
    "I think we make each other better."
Calling Nick 'Luke' was bad enough, but slipping into a complete musical sequence as she danced with him? "Goner" didn't even begin to describe her. 
Like the other times they'd written together, the lyrics flowed through her, finishing the song he'd started with the same ease as one would take a breath.
Julie knew that whatever was going on between her and Luke couldn't happen or, if it did, it couldn't last. In fact, in the great scheme of life and ghosts, she didn't know much, but what she did know was that - be it in life or in death - love was constant. 
He didn't need to have a heartbeat or to be able to touch her for her to love him. He was just as real to her as the next person, and whether it would hurt in the long run or not, it didn't matter. 
She knew Flynn was only looking out for her, but that ship had sailed, and Julie was already so lost in his ocean eyes that avoiding eye contact wasn't going to bring it back. She would entertain her though, even knowing it wouldn't work. Just like the tide, eventually he'd pull her right back in.
She could love him just as he was, for however long they had together, and especially after that.
End notes: I hope you guys enjoyed it! And, if you'll notice, at the beginning it kind of gives off the impression that Luke eventually finds out about the song and Julie tells him how she found it. Which may or may not lead you to believe that they're in a relationship. I guess it all depends on interpretation though ;)
Oh, also! Shout out to the chaos squad folks that guessed right! You guys are no fun :( /j lmao
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tiredcowpoke · 4 years
TITLE: Blank Spots [8] PAIRING: (Somewhat pre-established) Arthur Morgan/Fem!Reader, could be seen as an OC. REQUEST: Unprompted. BLURB: After waking up at the base of a steep incline and nearly freezing to death, you stumble upon a group of strangers who swear up and down that they know you. WARNINGS: Some creative license for amnesia. Angst. NOTE: I’ve been struggling with writing this week, but I managed to get this chapter out and I have this story planned out for a couple chapters, so it’s coming a little easier to me than anything else. I also wanted to take a different approach to a certain topic in this chapter than what I usually see.  Still, I hope you all enjoy it! TAG LIST: @on-my-way-to-erebor / @otherthingstoreid@ireallyhonestlydontcare @elanisha @darlingsdevil@cirillamylove@bunnyreese12 @rollyjogerjones @callmemythicalminx
Your gut was twisting in knots by the time you, Arthur, and Jack had made it back to camp. 
It had been a short ride, something you could have walked if need be. However, with the weight of those men and Arthur’s vague mentioning of needing to talk to you, it didn’t feel like whatever he had to tell you was good news. Still, much as you admittedly wanted to duck out of camp and avoid the uncomfortable feelings, you remained true to your word and lingered about in camp. Arthur left Jack with Abigail after mentioning that he needed to talk with Dutch about the men who had confronted you all at the river bank. 
They had called themselves Pinkertons, and considering there was the talk of bounties…
Really, it shouldn’t have been much of a surprise to you. Dutch had said up in the mountains that they were trying to survive something, and you had overheard a number of times about the issues with Blackwater. Combined with the secrecy and even Dutch’s paranoia toward your own activities with how your memory of them currently was, it wasn’t hard to gather that they were on the run from something. No, you weren’t surprised about that. It was more about what this meant. 
Also, they had seen you with Arthur. You couldn’t very well go wandering around without some paranoia, now. 
You watched on somewhat as Arthur and Dutch talked in his tent, though you couldn’t hear what was being said. Arthur seemed as tense as he did down at the river, but Dutch seemed somewhat less so. Still, there appeared to be some concern--how could there not be? Still, you found yourself taking a step back with a slow exhale before turning and wandering back toward your bedroll. There were a number of assumptions and conclusions your mind tried to jump to--some about the current situation, some about you staying with the gang, some being more personal about your relationship with Arthur. All of them left confusing feelings in their wake, putting a bit of distance behind your gaze as you stared off into the woods that surrounded the camp. 
They had seemed safe enough before, but now? Well...they had to ask where Dutch was. If they knew, you figured there wouldn’t be a point in confronting as they did. 
The greeting caused you to jump slightly, your heart racing as you turned to cast Arthur a somewhat wide-eyed look. He raised his hands slightly at the alarm in your expression, causing you to let out a small breath as you nodded back, not quite finding your voice just yet. 
“C’mon,” Arthur continued, tilting his head toward the treeline somewhat, “Figure you might like less a chance of us havin’ an audience.” 
You stood and followed out after him into the trees. You could feel the cool air of the evening starting to settle, you and Arthur stepping toward the outskirts of camp but not too far. That was probably for the best, you figured, much as you knew you likely preferred not having to worry about curious ears and eyes. Though, you still didn’t really know what he had to talk about. It wasn’t just about the Pinkertons, but…
“So, what happened?” you asked, tilting your head, “With Dutch and those agents?”
“He’s still waitin’ on more of a solid reason to leave,” Arthur replied, sounding like he disapproved of that notion. If that were true, you couldn’t exactly blame him. You were anxious about them, too. “Says that it’s a good thing they don’t know where we are, wants to keep his eye on it.” 
“Is that a good idea?”
“I dunno,” Arthur replied with a light shrug of his shoulders, “Only one we got. Still gotta get Micah outta that jail in Strawberry and…” 
You shifted to stand beside him a moment as Arthur let out a breath, bowing his head as he crossed his arms, obscuring his eyes from view under the brim of his hat. This really was a bit of a contrast from the man down at the river who had been trying to teach you and Jack how to fish, that terrible twisting in your stomach still persisting. 
However, despite yourself, your hand reached out and squeezed his shoulder, causing him to glance up toward you for a moment. Catching the movement, you let it drop back to your side as you let out a small sigh of your own. 
“Christ, everythin’s just been pilin’ on today,” Arthur remarked as you moved to lean yourself against a tree opposite of him, “Can’t really do much about them Pinkertons without Dutch’s word, but everythin’ else…”
“Best to just get it out, I suppose,” you offered, watching him carefully. 
“There’s no way to bring ‘em up without upsettin’ you, but…” 
“The way you’ve been reminding me of them hadn’t had me believing it was good news, Arthur.” Despite the words that left you, you knew there was still a part of you that was hoping it wasn’t as bad as your head was making it out to be.
Really, you had no idea just what he had to say, but it was vague enough to plant a seed in your mind and it had been growing in a number of different ways today. 
“I...got a letter recently,” Arthur said after a moment, glancing up from where he was staring holes into the ground, “I never told you about Mary, my ex-fiancee. It’s a...long story, but it didn’t work out. We was...too different or...I dunno. She wrote me recently because she’s been stayin’ in Valentine and heard of me in town, wanted my help with her brother.” 
You listened as he talked, your expression rather even as you tried to sort that out in your head. Really, you weren’t too sure how to feel about that. You knew it would have been different, the news would have hit you differently if you had your memories still intact. Hell, even then you weren’t too sure how strongly you would have reacted. Arthur had said the two of you had only been together a couple of months at that point, but...well, you knew there was something. The memory of kissing him didn’t feel like it was empty, the lingering effects of it pulling harder at that feeling in your chest ever since you had remembered it. 
Though, regardless of that, you wouldn’t have known about her anyway. Arthur said he never told you about her. 
Yet, from how he carried that news around with him, you could tell he cares for her. Cared for her? You weren’t too sure, a following question related to that thought lingering on your tongue, but you bit it back. 
“Did you go see her?” 
“...Yeah,” he replied with a small nod, “It didn’t...feel right, leavin’ her to sort out her brother on her own. Not after all we had. Just...whole thing left me more confused than certain ‘bout anythin’. Didn’t feel right leavin’ her on her own with what was happenin’, didn’t feel right doin’ all that while everythin’ was happenin’ with you…It weren’t fair, and I--” 
“Arthur, I’m not mad,” you stated around a soft exhale, “You were willing to let me leave the gang if I was allowed, even when you still remember everything about us. I can’t be angry, I don’t know enough about it.” 
There was a twinge, though. Still...well, you couldn’t blame him for looking into that when…
“I guess I do have to ask,” you continued, furrowing your brow, “Is that gonna change what we agreed to do? Starting over? I didn’t feel anything was different at the river before all that happened, but...I mean, I don’t want to be the one to hold you back if you want to--” 
“I don’t think there’s anythin’ for me to be goin’ after,” Arthur interrupted, shaking his head, “I helped her brother and it just...I dunno, might have seemed like she wanted somethin’ but decided against it. I can’t speak for her. It just confuses the hell outta me.” 
“I don’t blame you…” 
“Though, no, I’m not lookin’ to stop...whatever this is, now,” Arthur continued, “If that’s still what you want, knowin’ that.” 
“Were you--shit,” you paused, letting out a breath as you bowed your head, “I hate to ask, but were you hoping for anything from that? Again, I...I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about all of this, but I don’t want to hold you back if you’re…” 
There was a pause that followed, causing you to glance up as Arthur met your gaze for a moment. The conflict and his lack of a direct answer was starting to speak clearer than anything as the moment went by, a confusing part of you feeling something tightening in your throat as you swallowed. Were you scared? Really, you weren’t too sure, but you knew you weren’t feeling confident in where you stood with him. 
You hadn’t since you had woken up in the snow. 
“I dunno what I was hopin’ for,” Arthur replied, his voice barely above a mutter, “Part of me...part of me still wants what we have, or what we had, but...the whole thing confuses me. Mary’s always confused me, leavin’ me feelin’ all sorts of ways.” 
“I still...I still want to see where this goes, but I can’t if it feels like I’m...some sort of option to pick because you can’t get what you actually want.” 
“It was never like that,” Arthur stated, “I started courtin’ you because I wanted to see where that would go. That this whole thing was in the past, and gettin’ this letter on top of...well, what happened with you, I just...I loved her. Maybe there’s a part of me that always will, but...I’d wanted to make room for you to see if there was a chance I could leave that behind.” 
“...I don’t really know what to say to that,” you replied around a sigh, the breath releasing some tension from your chest, “I still want to try. I just...the moment that changes for you, I need to know because I don’t think I can handle…” 
“I will,” Arthur said with a soft nod, pausing a moment before he bowed his head, “Though if this is how you’re gonna react to that, I have no idea if you’re gonna think the same when I tell you what I have to say next.” 
What would be worse than that? Well, a few things, but with how the whole ordeal seemed to weigh on him, his statement had your brows furrowing further as you waited for him to continue. Arthur raised his head up again, letting out a small sigh. 
“As I talked to you a couple times ‘bout, Strauss’ got me collectin’ his debts.” 
That...wasn’t new. You nodded lightly. You knew he had mentioned a couple of times how he hated the work Strauss had him doing, but would do it at Dutch’s word and for the needs of camp. Whatever it was that he had to do, it didn’t sound like it was anything pleasant. Really, considering the context of money being owed, it hadn’t taken you long to piece together on what may be involved in collecting those standing debts. 
“He approached me with one after Sean’s party,” Arthur continued, “He asked me to collect a debt from your uncle.” 
That had your back straightening, pushing off the tree you were leaning against somewhat as you stood in front of it fully. 
“My uncle? They don’t have anything…” you paused, narrowing your eyes, “Did you go collect it?”
“No. He asked me to. Knowin’ you have some relation to ‘em, I couldn’t do it without talkin’ to you first, much as how I handled the whole Mary situation.” 
Oh, thank god. 
“Is Strauss still in camp? He’s...he’s the older man by the medicine wagon, right?”
“Yeah, but…” Arthur started, straightening up somewhat in return as you took a glance toward camp before moving forward quickly to pass by his tree. You paused at the feeling of him catching your arm, forcing you to turn around to face him somewhat. 
“You go marchin’ in there and cause a scene in front of camp, how’s that gonna look?” 
“Dutch doesn’t trust me already, what’s the point?” you snapped, not quite feeling like you were thinking clearly. You had no idea how to process the Mary situation, now this? Well, at least you could do something about this.
You pulled your arm from his grasp, picking up your strides as you walked back into camp. The sound of Arthur trying to get your attention filtered in one ear and out the other, though you knew he was likely only a couple steps behind you as you moved beyond Pearson’s wagon toward the man sitting at a table, book open. 
“Strauss?” you called, causing the man to glance up and cast you a confused glance. 
“Ah, Miss--” 
“Are you looking to collect a debt from Thomas Downes?” you demanded, coming to stand in front of his table. 
“Well, yes, but how did you…?”
“What would it take for you to drop it?” you asked, gritting your teeth somewhat at the light scoff that escaped Strauss as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Well, the debt being repaid, preferably,” he replied, taking a glance over your shoulder, “In fact, I had sent Mr. Morgan to do so, but I suppose he hasn’t gotten around to it just yet.” 
“Forget that,” you stated, stepping a little closer to the table, “Let me pay it back.” 
“With what money?” he asked, tilting his head, “Don’t think I don’t notice how you make none and any you do have come from camp pockets for supplies.” 
“Yes, the whole $3 I spent on medicine to tend to my injury,” you returned, your tone tight, “How much is the debt?”
“A hundred dollars, surely nothing you have on hand to pay back,” Strauss replied, “Frankly, I think you are sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong and--” 
“It’s my business when it involves my family,” you stated, “You act like I am unwilling to work to pay back their debt.” 
“What is goin’ on here?”
The familiar voice from behind you washed some dread over you, making you turn back around as Dutch stepped in beside where Arthur was standing. While Arthur hadn’t said anything throughout the exchange, it wasn’t hard to miss the tight expression that sat in his features, but Dutch looked more stern and confused than tense. 
“She believes she can stick her hands in my business,” Strauss stated, “Wants to pay back a debt.” 
“I don’t see an issue with that,” you replied, glancing back toward him before meeting Dutch’s gaze, “He was going to send Arthur to collect a debt from my family, the one I told you I found in Valentine. Don’t think I don’t know what that entails.” 
“How are you plannin’ on paying back this debt?” Dutch asked, causing you to give a frustrated shrug. 
“I don’t know yet,” you replied, letting your hands come back down to your sides with a slap, “I...Well, let me go in place of Arthur right now.”
“You’re going to get them to pay back the money they aren’t otherwise?” Strauss asked from behind you, causing you to glance back toward him. 
“They know me, I’m family. I can do something other than kick someone around.” 
“If you’re so convinced…” Dutch started, casting a look at Arthur as he shrugged, almost exasperated. 
“I weren’t exactly lookin’ forward to it,” he replied, “It’s just...ain’t there another way? I mean, we really need that debt from them folk?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, Arthur, we’re in a dire situation,” Dutch returned, his tone tight. “We need money, so…” 
He paused, glancing back toward you as you crossed your arms. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as you met his gaze. The conversation you had with Dutch a couple days ago hadn’t left you, you knew there was some distrust there over your situation, but if you could get money back to camp it could help with that as well. Really, you just didn’t want your ill uncle getting knocked around by the man who you had just been talking about seeing romantically. 
“If you have a plan to get that debt from them, then I wouldn’t be against you taking that task off Arthur’s shoulders.” 
“Thank you,” you replied, catching a tight look from Strauss but otherwise the gang leader nodded his head lightly. 
“We need that money, sooner rather than later,” Dutch stated, “So, I would suggest getting that underway soon.” 
“I’ll go tonight, Dutch,” you replied, earning another nod from him before he turned away. With a sigh, you turned and pushed passed Arthur to make your way toward the horses. 
Many thoughts and feelings circled in your head as you did so. There was all that happened that day with Jack and the Pinkertons, what Arthur had told you, and know this. You just hoped...well, you knew you couldn’t hope for forgiveness when you went to go ask them to pay as much as they could from the debt. You weren’t so oblivious to think this wouldn’t be more of a betrayal to them than having Arthur, a complete stranger, show up. Still, you knew at least you wouldn’t have to have to deal with the fact that Arthur had beat them up for this money. 
Also...well, you knew you wouldn’t have been able to deal with Arthur doing that without telling you. In a way, you were appreciative that he hadn’t done so, but...Christ. 
However, you were pulled from your thoughts as a firm hand gripped at your arm again as you were going to climb into the saddle of the horse from earlier that day.
“--Slow down,” Arthur stated, pulling your mind back from the racing it had been doing, “I’m goin’ with you.” 
“No, you’re not,” you snapped, pulling your arm from his grasp, “Last thing I need right now is you, so, please. Let me go.” 
Arthur’s expression tightened, something that shifted a pit of regret and guilt right into your stomach, but at the moment you just needed to leave. To get this done before minds were changed and you couldn’t do anything about it. You climbed up onto the horse, Arthur stepping up beside your saddle. 
“We got Pinkertons watchin’ this area, they saw you--” 
“You’re gonna be able to wander free,” you pointed out, a bite to your tone. 
“I can defend myself, and you never know--” 
“--My uncle can barely get a sentence out without coughing his lungs out, he’s not going to hurt me and I’m not planning on beating him up for money,” you spat, “Just let me go.” 
Arthur looked like he was going to say something, but he had stepped back and you took the opportunity as you squeezed your legs around the sides of your horse. You could hear Arthur call your name, but you took off down toward the edge of camp, your heart beating wildly in your chest. You knew you were being reckless and hadn’t thought this through completely, but it was the better choice at the moment. 
It had to be.
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inessencedevided · 4 years
The Untamed, episode 46 - watching notes
Full disclosure: I'm not in a particularly good mood today. Have you seen that "no productivity. Only guild." Meme flying around? That's me today :|
Hopefully this will distract me (though distraction was the problem in the first place 🙈)
I apologise for any typos you'll finde in this post 😅
To recap, the last thing I learned was that apparently, Jiggy married his own sister because Jin Guangshan was a scumbag who raped more women than he could possibly remember
I was told by several people that this episode is their favourite. No pressures or anything :D
The way someone is dragging up Jiggy's secrets has a lot of poetic justice to it. Everyone is outraged and gossiping. Consensus is reached quickly. Kinda makes me feel that that someone (who probably also wrote the letter to jgy) knows exactly how to use the sect world's worst qualities as a weapon
Yao what's-his-name, resident gossip queen, at it again
Don't look at me my memory is as bad as wwx when it comes to names :D
I was about to write who is Lianfang Zum again and then I remembered that it's jiggy's honorary title. See what I mean? ^^
What does it say about me that my heart makes a leap when I simply see wwx leaning close to lwj to whisper to him? 😅 I'll probably die reading the novel, that's what that says
Oh so it was the maid who sent the letter
Come on Wei Wuxian! That was cruel
Yeah Yao what's-his-name, why would you need to know the identity of who ever is behind this? It's not like you've ever been deceived before!
What's... with that bracelet?
I love it how everyone looks positively startled when Lan Wangji says something unprompted :D
Wait ... Zwei Jun is in his hands? Shit, i don't remeber what happened there. Where did Xichen go again? 😬
I'm so confused right now 🙈 I can't watch and read the subtitles and type
Okay, watched the whole conversation again, now I'm following
I reiterate my earlier statement that whoever is pulling the strings here knows exactly what strings to pull to get the clans to act
Great, another mob 🙄
NOW you want his help? 😂
Sure, as soon as he can serve YOU with his "evil tricks", that's okay!
You can see how much wwx changed because he does not hold their hypocrisy to their faces. He mostly seemed tired of it
And Jiang Cheng just realised that wwx might indeed not be responsible for Jiang Yanli's death, didn't he? He's almost stunned 🥺
Or is BEAUTIFUL to see Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji move in such unity! 😭
Oh ... those are the graves of his foster parents, right? :(
And Yanli ... oh God I forgot about Yanli 🥺
I'm crying again. Nothing on this show will ever hit as hard to me as the Yunmeng siblings' fate
I couldn't help myself, I legitimately just stroked my laptop screen where Yanli's plate was 🥺
So many conflicting emotions
Thanks to a friendly anon, I know that these three bows together are marriage thing! 😭😭😭
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So yeah, they're married now. I dont make the rules :')
Somehow, this feels like them asking wwx's foster family's blessing
And now I'm imagining Shijie smiling back at them gently and I'm crying 🥺
And by God, I love lwj's gentle teasing :')
This whole scene, he's so soft! 😭
And it think that Wei Wuxian probably thought that he'd never get to step into Lotus Pier again. But here, he can finally say his goodbyes to his Shijie properly. He can heal! 🖤
And again, I cannot stress enough how wonderful that is! And how rare and precious in a show like this. So often character's get put through unimaginable trauma, but they either brush it off no problem or the show/movie ends immediately after the main action and you are left to imagine the number it did on the character's psyche. There are so rarely fantasy shows that really dive into the emotional fallout the plot has on their characters and then give them time to heal. Thus show does both and I'm so goddamn overjoyed my it!
Come to think of it, it reminds me of a very good hurt/comfort fic 🤷‍♀️
Jiang Cheng pleae, fir once, try not to be angry immediately when you're hurting :(
He still takes special offence that lwj is there. Makes me wonder if he still feels like wwx chooses lwj over the Jiang sect and is still hurt by it 😔 (note that at the same time, he reminds wwx that he's very much not a member of the Jiang clan anymore. God, the man has not worked through his own feelings ...)
For once, as much as I love it when lwj defends wwx (especially when it's not against any physical harm, but because he doesn't want wwx to be hurt emotionally) I think him interfering with this particular conflict does not help
Okay sorry, but no! lotus pier was not destroyed because wwx saved lwj in that cave. That was just an excuse for the Wen sect. They would have come eventually anyway
So there's my answer
He's still hurt because he feels wwx chooses anyone else over his family, which is to say him
And he probably can't understand because their positions are so different. The (future) sect leader and the son of a (dead) servant and a rogue cultivator who never felt quite like he belonged 😔
It's so goddamn tragic how much between these two was destroyed simply because they have such a different status in society and could never quite understand each other's perspective
And again, wwx just takes it 💔
Until, that is, lwj's honour gets besmirched
Don't fight in front of Shijie 🥺
Jiang Cheng's every action screams that he still loves his brother and that amidst all that pain for his lost family, is also deep betrayal and grieve for the brother he thought he could always count on 🥺💔
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Can we appreciate for a second how much this shot tells us? From Jiang Cheng's angry desperation, to Wei Wuxian's quite acceptance of his rage (which must be so confusing to Jiang Cheng and probably hurt him even more. Because fighting is always how these two resolved their issues!) to Lan Wangji who is in full on protective mode (which I find more than heartwarming,but still think probably isn't helpful rn)
He ... what?
I still don't quite understand when exactly wwx's lack of golden core shows. Why does he have a nosebleed here?
Wen Ning 😱
I get what he wants to do!
Have we ever seen him this calm and determined before?
Abd they understand 😱😱😱
The look on all of their faces! Shiiiiit
I'm crying again
Oh wangii is crying 🥺
Wen Quing 💔💔💔 I'm crying even harder just looking at her. I've MISSED her 🥺
Lan Zhan your FACE!! 😭
The way he's looking at wwx in his arms, as if he's seeing him fir the first time
And by god, I can only imagine what he must be thinking
He must be reevaluation every single interaction they had since wwx started down the path of demonic cultivation 😭
I'm a bit in awe of Wen Ning here and how much he must have been holding in. That's the steadiest and most confident he's ever been
Oh Jiang cheng 💔
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That looks like a man whose entire world has just been shaken to its core
And Lan Wangji is crying so much 🥺
God I hope he doesn't blame himself even more 🥺
Aaaaaaahhhh, so that is why he wouldn't just carry the sword for appearance sake and why he just had a nosebleed!
Jiang Cheng probably needs about a month to process all that :/
And therapy ...
Aaaaaaahhhh! The boat scene! I've seen gifs! 😍😍😍
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A penny for Lan Wangji's thoughts ...
Oh I'm so so so so glad that Wen Ning gets to say thank you to the man who raised his ... cousin (?) :')
Oh god we get to see!!!!
Oh little a Yuan 😭😭😭😭😭😭
I wonder now, did Lan Qiren know who the child was that his nephew suddenly brought back to cloud recess?
I'm glad that we all learned from this that keeping secrets from the people we love, especially secrets that concern them personally, will eventually come back to bide us in the ass. Than you for delivering that important lesson, wen Ning!
Which reminds me that I hope they eventually tell wwx that they know 😬
I swear to god, one of these days I will melt from the gentleness in lan Wangji's gaze :')
Shit. He had to be awake? 😳
You can pinpoint the moment Lan Wangji's heart breaks for all the suffering wwx endured and how close he came to loosing him even then 🥺
Waking like that in you lovers arms in the middle of a lotus pond - that's the dream *sighs* (minus the passing out bit)
It's weirdly cute that wwx thinks that it's Jiang Cheng's insults that have lwj so upset 😅
I can't
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The moment Yanli's themes started to play and she appeared I started to bawl 😭😭😭
And he's sharing the lotus pods with them ... oh please, lwj, please understand what he's saying. That's his pove language! His sister's food was how he received love and right now he passes it on to you! Please, please understand it! 🥺
Oh lwj, don't 🙈
Awwwwww ....
He's breaking the rules for you!!! Just to make you smile!!! 😭😭
And holy shit look at their expressions 😭
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By now you should know that he's willing to break the rules for you :')
And poor third wheel Wen Ning 😂
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Now there are glittering butterflies???
Do they have some kind of romantic aesthetic bingo going on in this episode???
Oh okay, messenger butterflies
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Please appreciate wwx almost climbing into lan Wangji's lab in excitement :D
Thay scene transition was pretty af!
Hey! Why do they bully wen Ning? 😤
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*shakes wwx by the shoulders* DO YOU GET THAT HE LOVES YOU NOW???
Huh, this episode was a roller coaster. you guys did NOT exaggerate! I loved it to pieces. I'm floored once more by all the actor's performances. Wen Ning revealed a lot about his character, Jiang Cheng broke my heart, Lan Wangji made it melt and Shijie is still able to make me bawl in an instant. But ... I'm not left with a bitter feeling. Sure, jiang Cheng and wei Wuxian havebt reconciled, but the truth is the first step to even have that possibility. Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji are both healing and whatever happens in the last 4 (4!!!😭) episodes, I'm not dreading it that much right now. I feel like we're climbing upwards :)
@sweetlittlevampire @fandom-glazed @elenirlachlagos @allhailthedramallama @luckymoony @kyrrahbird @i-love-him-on-purpose thank you guys for staying with me for this crazy ride 💙🖤💙
Also one last thing: please don't tell me what happens differently in the novel in any given scene. I am still reading it (about half way through rn) and I'd like to still be surprised by stuff like first kisses and love confessions 💙🖤
I should have put something like this at the end before, but I always forgot. That's on me 😅 so don't feel bad, if you've shared something before :)
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captain-aralias · 4 years
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Creators: give a “behind the scenes” look at one of your works. This could be things that got removed or changed, the origins of ideas/details, whatever you like!
oh hey - it’s trivia tuesday already (i guess it’s been a long two days back at work this week). i know everyone is still working their way through the remixes that are finished and posted - and i say, do this! some cracking stuff. i’m over half way through now, and i want to write up some thoughts about how these 26 stories approached remix - because it’s super inventive. i think people benefited from not being familiar with the format.
but i also wanted to share my thinking around why i picked the fic to remix that i did - and what else i was considering from @bazzybelle‘s ficlist, because i think the thought process around remix is interesting. AND i wanted to show you the 500 words i wrote almost immediately of a completely different remix that i definitely won’t finish. it would have been... a publishing AU, fake relationship with too-early-in-the-relationship sex. all good things in a fic, right?
so - read on for deleted scenes, and discussion of thought process. and don’t read on, if that’s not your jam. 
(in general remember - i’m keen to leave stuff in the original that’s good, rather than just thieve everything. so that’s my thought process here.) 
first idea: 
I Just Want Your Extra Time And Your .....
(texting, sex chat). i already really liked this fic, and i have IRL experience of working in publishing (which you’ll see to some extent in the fic - i worked very near people who worked on celebrity cookbooks, which is what baz works on in the fic) (the launch party is not revealed to be at the groucho club in the bit i wrote, but would have been - and i’ve been there/i know soho, so ... that was all appealing)
my idea was: the original is a text fic, mine isn’t, although they still only know each other through the sex chat set-up. so instead of simon and baz having text-sex (as in the fic), baz asks simon [who he's never met] to come and be his fake date at a publishing launch party where he sees lamb, his former boyfriend. 
the trigger for simon and baz progressing with their relationship/having sex (Because they were going to have sex but IRL) would be the same - baz seeing lamb and freaking out. and some of the texts would be literally copied and pasted in my fic as backstory. 
here were my original notes:
in the original fic there's a bit where baz sees lamb, his ex boyfriend, and then is like - hey, simon distract me and they have phone sex
my fic will essentially start there - baz is at a launch party for one of his books, lamb is there - dating the author. it is awful. baz wants to leave, but can't. also, it's time for the text slot with simon - he goes and hides in a cloakroom
and is texting simon, it's terrible - i am so drunk and it's still terrible. and i think simon offers (rather than baz asks) to come and pretend to be his boyfriend
for some sort of plausible denial reason like baz will text him a lot over hte next few days so he'll get a lot of extra money or some shit, but also because simon thinks lamb is a dick even through teh messages
simon shows up - they both drink a lot. they like each other, simon punches lamb (probably). baz asks if he can take simon to a restaurant, they talk more - they kiss. they go back to a hotel together. they discuss whether or not this means that simon is a prostitute (no). they have sex IRL
baz wakes up - and leaves immediately, obviously.
they text again the next day - it's awkward. simon thinks about how he could track baz down if he wanted to - but he feels like baz doesn't want him to, so he doesn't
simon gets out of his horrible job - baz probably tries to get in touch with him, but can't because he's gone. simon gets a message from baz ....... this is still to be determined
anyway - i will probably steal the meet cute in the elevator, it's nice.
why i stopped writing it: 
i knew it was going to take ages to write - i didn’t have the time or brainspace to write 20k of fic. i’d assumed going in that i could lean on the original fic to provide the meetcute, but realised that since it was an AU, i still needed to sell the relationship - particularly given that they were meeting in real life for the first time in my fic. 
also, it would have been my first mundane AU for the fandom, and my first thing where they weren’t enemies first. (so i was trying to think about how i could get them not to like each other a bit WHILE STILL doing fake dating - and it was throwing me off). it was all just too much.
everything i’ve written is pasted for you at the bottom.
other ideas: 
a month passed. i didn’t write any more on my original remix, but went back to greener grass instead. i sent out the month warning email to remixees and thought - i am not going to finish this fic. 
so, i went back to the list of bazzybelle’s fic and thought what can i write that i can definitely write in a month? 
1. You're F***in' Perfect to Me - daphne POV
i thought, i could write this from malcolm's POV.  in the fic daphne talks a lot about how she and malcolm are just friends, rather than true love, and it's baz she has real (motherly) feelings for, not malcolm. so i thought i could write 'the courtship of mrs grimm' where malcolm gets a wake-up call from this argument, and thinks, i actually do love daphne but she likes my son more than me. he's been hiding behind not wanting to sully natasha's memory, etc, etc. fiona would probably be in it. 
2. bat baz
i also had a bit of a naff idea where instead of baz turning into a bat, in bat baz, he would turn into bat man... 
(interestingly one of the remixes was about baz turning into a cat) 
3. If I Fell In Love With You - which i eventually chose
i took the dancing and the music, the set up, and the theme of communication - also some dialogue. pushed some of the focus onto baz’s relationship with niall, pushed the action back in time towards wayward son, added a truth spell (based on a spell in the original) to force communication.
i think this is one of the most interesting remixes i’ve ever done, btw. i’m really pleased with my take on it. 
i chose this to remix because i thought - it’s only a few scenes, rather than a whole get-together arc, and it felt achievable in the timespan. i also had a strong idea about what i could do that was different - the relationship with niall and the spell, and what i would leave for people to discover in the original (simon’s POV - including the warmth he feels when baz cooks for him, the two of the resolving the initial fight when simon comes home in a bad mood). 
the title is a combination of - another line from ‘if i fell’ but one that is about not talking to each other/not putting yourself out there... and ‘where words fail’ - which is the spell i used, and also picks up on what baz says to niall - that telling simon wasn’t enough. even if he’d had the right words, they wouldn’t have been believable. but - through the music/magic, they were able to communicate. 
i also considered using a line from ‘into my arms’ instead (I believe in some kind of path), since that was the song that the magic is cast on - but it didn’t work as well thematically. 
here’s the fic i wrote: Don’t Run and Hide (The ‘Where Words Fail’ Remix’)
and here’s the remix i didn’t write. i think i almost wanted to finish it just for the elvis gag. alas, alas.
I Just Want your Extra Time: remix, not written
I don’t smoke as much as my father thinks I do. And I don’t drink – not usually. This evening, though, I’ve already had several glasses of champagne and I’m on my fourth cigarette, the second this smoke break. Because it’s that or go back inside. And I definitely don’t want to go back inside.
I should have known he’d be here.
Not that he was invited. Not that he’s on the guest list. Not that there’s any reason at all, in fact, for him to be here, except that my life is an absolute disaster. Today definitely not an exception.
If anything, it’s worse than usual. I thought I’d already hit bottom when Dev told me I had to ring our printers – in China – and get them to promise to ship one of our new titles three weeks early, as some idiot had sent the press release out with the wrong date. That was excruciating, but things seemed to be improving.
It’s a launch party night. I’m not sure why, but I always look forward to them, even though I hate crowds. (Niall would probably say, other people in general. And he wouldn’t be far wrong.)
But I get to wear a suit. (Tonight’s is Spencer Hart. Dark grey. Green tie.) And I know Snow is going to text after the first hour. And even though no one ever remembers to thank the editor – not unprompted, anyway – I do enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that I’m responsible for turning whatever dross we’ve been told to sell into something that could loosely be called a book.
This one is a cookbook by an actor (not a chef, in other words. I had to hire someone else to write the recipes and then we just photographed him next to the result.) It should be a triumph. It is – we’ve already sold several thousand copies. I should be enjoying myself. But then I heard a voice next to my ear.
“Baz.” And someone put a hand on my waist. “Don’t you look rosy?”
Not someone. Lambert. (I never called him Francois, even when we were intimate.) As irritatingly handsome as ever. And just as confident I’ll do whatever he wants.
I haven’t seen him for months. Not since he left me Las Vegas to go off with one of the better-looking Elvis impersonators. (And if that isn’t the most humiliating break-up story you’ve ever heard, then I really don’t want to know what is. Dumped. And for Elvis.) (Not even the real Elvis - not that it makes a difference.)
“I hoped I’d see you here,” he – Lambert – told me. “It’s been far too long.”
“Since you left me.”
He gave me a hurt look. “Baz. We said Auf Wiedersehen, not goodbye.”
“Who are you really here with?”
The author, of course. I watched their eyes meet across the room and Lambert smiling, before he told me it wasn’t serious. And that he’d be interested in taking me to dinner.
“Unless you’re seeing someone?”
I raised an eyebrow – even though I know Lambert knows I only do that when I can’t think of anything to say. Which means he probably knows the truth, which is that there isn’t anyone else. Not anyone else real, anyway.  
Which reminds me …
I check my watch – it’s later than I thought.
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Hey!! Can you write the First anniversary of Reader and Punk!Jaskier, as a married couple? Just thought it would be a cute idea, especially as Jaskier spoils the reader on their special day!!
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 1,585 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: I picture their one year anniversary being the trip they couldn’t take for their honeymoon. Which means it’s long and beautiful and detailed. I wrote the start of the trip here and might do more bits and pieces over time, but here is how it began. May all of our trips go so well. Thank you! xo
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It was raining in Paris when you touched down and you knew it was going to be an even better day than you could’ve anticipated.
It was one year to the day that you and Jaskier had gotten married, six months after giving birth to your daughter, and you were finally taking the honeymoon you’d planned but hadn’t been able to go on. You’d decided to make it two weeks to make up for the lost time and to give yourselves time to roam and enjoy. You’d still found yourself struggling with the need to fit as much in as possible. It had been your dream to go to Paris since you were a child. You’d both been renewing the French you learned in school by using Duolingo and you felt confident in your ability to get around town. But there would be no getting around today.
“I’m so sorry love,” Jaskier sighed as the pair of you bundled into a taxi, soaked through despite only being outside for a few minutes. He gave the directions to the taxi driver and you took his hand, squeezing it tightly with a wide smile on your face.
“This is perfect,” you reassured him, “We can just stay in today and look out at Paris and relax.”
“That does sound nice,” he admitted, “You sure you don’t feel cheated, though? I know we were going to go to les Jardins des Tuileries.”
“I have been incandescently happy for six years,” you replied, “and then beyond incandescent as of a year ago. Frankly if I get any happier, I may die. It is medically inadvisable that you make me any happier, Pankratz. Jaskier chuckled at your faux solemn expression and pulled you in for a kiss.  
You were dropped off at the hotel and Jaskier asked you to close your eyes which made getting out of the taxi a little harder but you soon felt the door open and Jaskier’s hands as he helped you out and then he positioned you facing outward.
“Open them,” he said. The first thing you noticed was the metro line close by and thought of how convenient it was for your plans and then you looked up and gasped, hands flying to your mouth. Before you was Place de Concord. To your left was les Jardins de Tuilireies, on the other side of which stood the Louvre, and to the right you could see the Eiffel tower. Cars drop by at insane speeds sending gushes of rain water up onto the sidewalk but you were transfixed by the sudden, certain reality that you were standing in Paris, France. Jaskier watched you adoringly, loving the expression on your face. He could hear Aevryn whispering in his ear to take a picture but he was selfish and he wanted this moment all to himself. He knew he would never forget it and he knew that it, like you, were all his. He tipped the driver and an attendant from the hotel came up with a cart, loading your luggage onto it as Jaskier spoke to him, and finally you pulled yourself away to go inside and get checked in. Everything went smoothly, though you felt a little bad about tracking in water, a guilt that was eased by the signs already up saying to be careful, clearly you were no the first ones to come in out of the rain. The elevator was smaller than the ones back home but also nicer. Jaskier told you about the history of the hotel and you smiled at him in amusement.
“What is it?” he asked as he realized you weren’t smiling that way at the revelation that elevators were to this hotel.
“You’re just… such a dork,” you sighed fondly.
“Well you married me so that makes you… the… most dorky,” he retorted.
“Well you’re a dungeon master sooooo,” your voice trailed off and his mouth fell open, amused but also taken aback.
“Well,” he countered, pressing you up against the back of the elevator, eyes trailing over your face and across your lips, “You love playing D&D and you’ve already said you’re going to DM a one-shot so, ha.”
“Dork,” you murmured as you pressed your lips against his, muffling his reply. The door dinged open and you stepped out where you found the hotel attendant who had gone up with your things waiting for you. The room was gorgeous and your hands flew to your mouth again in shock.
There was a laptop set up on the desk and zoom was up. As soon as the door had opened you heard four familiar voices cry out “Happy Anniversary!”
Yennefer, Geralt, Aevryn, and Valdo sat crowded around the computer at what looked to be your office at home and in Aevryn’s lap sat Sam.
“Oh my god!” you cried, “Hi!”
“I knew you’d be wondering about her pretty soon and missing her,” Jaskier explained, joining you by the laptop after tipping the hotel attendant.
“Oh sure, all for Y/N’s sake, definitely not because you’ve been texting me every possible minute to check on her and asking for photos,” Aevryn teased.
“Oh sure, cuz you haven’t been sending me roughly a dozen photos an hour unprompted anyway,” he volleyed.
“Look! It’s your mummy! And your daddy! Can you say mummy and daddy?” Valdo asked Sam who just giggled at him in confusion, large, sky-blue eyes sparkling and her little hands grabbing at the laptop screen.
“She’s not due to speak for a bit yet,” you said, laughing.
“Oh Valdo has decided she’s a savant and that he is going to get her to say her first word,” Yennefer said with a wry smile.
“It will be Uncle Valdo and she will thank me in her Valedictorian speech at Cambridge,” Valdo replied, puffing out his chest proudly and squishing her little cheeks with one hand that she immediately seized, gnawing on one of his fingers which must have been painful but he bore it without complaint until Aevryn pulled his hand away and asked him to retrieve her teething toy.
“We should feed her but have the very best time! Eat all of the bread and cheese and pastries! I will be spamming you with photos of Sam so don’t worry for even a second,” Aevryn said reassuringly.
“Ok, thank you again so much for taking care of her. We love you! I love you pumpkin!” you called to Sam who waved, unaware of what was going on, happily chomping on her teething ring.
“Thanks you guys, take care. Love you Mitka,” Jaskier called, kissing his fingertips and then resting it against the screen where her little cheeks were. The video call closed and before Jaskier could move an inch you pulled him into a deep, long kiss that left you both a bit breathless.
“You are the sweetest, most thoughtful, sexiest man and father in the world,” you sighed.
“So you admit it,” he said, a sly smile curling up the corners of his mouth.
“What?” you asked.
“You admit that I have ascended and taken the title…” he continued, waiting for realization to dawn on you. He saw your face shift from confusion to exasperation and his smile grew wider.
“Jaskier no I will never-“
“I’m a DILF,” he said, waggling his eyebrows.
“I will never call you that. It’s gross,” you sighed, shoving him back and throwing a plush, satin covered pillow at his face.
“Oh c’mon love, that makes you a MILF you know,” he said, trying to pull you into his arms, crawling across the overly large bed to get to you.
“I don’t think that’s how that works,” you said, laughing, “I think both partners are judged separately for their attractiveness. I’d be a MILF with or without you. Except I’m not one! Cuz it’s gross!”
“Too late! No takebacks! Y/N Pankratz has finally declared herself the MILF that she is!” declared triumphantly as you slid off the bed with a “harrumph!”
He leaned over the side of the bed to peer down at you where you lay on a carpet nearly as plush and comfortable as the bedding you’d be sleeping under that night.
“Hungry?” he asked.
“I could eat,” you said, “Why – do you have a chocolate fountain stashed in the bathroom or something?”
“Tragically they could not accommodate that, an insurance thing I think. But they do have room service and I looked ahead at the menu and found that they have a number of splendid gourmet dishes including all the classics, escargot, steak frites, yadda yadda but! Most importantly! They have a grilled cheese,” he said the words in a seductive purr and your eyes lit up as he knew they would.
“Have I told you lately that you are a very good, very kind, very handsome man?” you asked.
“Would you go so far as to call me… a D-”
“Julian Alfred Pankratz I am never going to call you a DILF for as long as we both shall live. I practically wrote it into our vows,” you said.
“Fair enough!” he said lightly and rolled off the bed towards the phone to order your food.
As you sat on the balcony overlooking Paris with your perfectly toasted grilled cheese in one hand and the front man for your favorite band aka your husband’s hand in your other you were reminded yet again how bizarre life could be and how grateful you were for it.
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