#hey this is so your colour. hey this would really suit you. hey i wanna see you in this
the-casbah-way · 5 months
for some reason i keep thinking about jed seeing one of those argyle sweater vests in a shop and buying it for octavius on a whim because he’s obsessed with how cute he would look in it and then i kept thinking about jed just buying clothes for octavius every time he sees something he wants him to wear because octavius is so indifferent about clothes he just lets jed put him in whatever he likes as if he’s his personal dress up doll
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toomuchracket · 3 months
if you're too shy, part 2 (office nerd!matty x reader fluff)
remember those gigs you and matty got scheduled to cover in part 1? yeah. this is them. enjoy <3
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matty's curls bounce as he looks up at you quickly. a mild sense of guilt gnaws at your ribs when you realise you've spooked him, but it dissipates when he smiles, visibly relaxing when he realises it's you breaking him from his concentration. “oh, hi. you alright?”
you nod, gesturing to the vacant desk next to his. “am i ok to sit here?”
“yeah, of course. no need to ask. here, let me,” matty slides his notebook out of your way; as you lay your laptop down and sit, you can see him biting back a beam from the corner of your eye, and your heart flutters. “was there anything you needed, or…? not that there has to be, you know,” he sits up straight, apology settling itself on that gorgeous face of his. “i didn't mean it like that, i just meant-”
“no, i know, matty,” you smile softly. “there is, incidentally, but also i just wanted to sit next to you.”
there he goes with the blushing again - honestly, you reckon you could make a fortune if you bottled and sold the colour of matty's cheeks when you fluster him. although, you suppose, maybe the colour is only appealing because of whose face it's on.
said face is grinning at you again. “well, feel free, anytime.”
“i'll take you up on that,” matty's smile gets impossibly wider, before he catches himself and controls it a little. “so, what is it that you need from me?”
the sloppiest kiss known to man. “advice, actually,” you put your glasses on, preening internally at the way matty's breath catches in his throat as you do, and open spotify on your laptop. “where should i start with this band we're going to see twice this weekend?”
matty's face brightens even more - impossible, you'd have thought. “oh. well, do you know any of their stuff already?”
you shake your head. “very bad of me as a music journo, but no,” you smile cheekily. “this is my first time. need you to talk me through it.”
the way matty coughs and tries to pass it off as him clearing his throat at your words is delicious. to be fair to him, he recovers quickly, the only sign of him being flustered the way his cheeks periodically twitch into a smile and back down again. “alright, so… i think i’d probably start with their second album - can i?” at your approval, he slides your laptop closer to him and scrolls down the band’s spotify profile to find the album in question. “their first is good, yeah, but the second one is where they really start to define their musical identity…” he trails off, covering his mouth. 
you blink in concern, leaning into him. “you okay, matty?”
“yeah, i just,” he sighs, then giggles into his hand. it’s maybe the best thing you’ve ever heard. “i realised i was starting to sound a bit like patrick bateman.”
“oh my god,” you snort, covering your own mouth as you laugh. “christ, you were. was this band’s early work too new-wave for your tastes and all?”
“little bit. i think their undisputed masterpiece is album two - literally a personal statement about the band itself,” matty smiles, then winces. “that was embarrassing.”
you shrug. “nah, i like that film. and not just because i think christian bale’s fit in it.”
“i was gonna go as him for halloween this year, actually,” matty says, nonchalantly scrolling through spotify again. “would that be weird?”
fuck. matty in a suit? potentially covered in blood? you have to readjust the way you’re sitting at the mere thought. so, naturally - “i think you should do it.”
“yeah,” you smile, matching matty’s. “i’d enjoy it, at least.”
“that’s all the convincing i need,” he smiles sweetly at you, then gestures to the laptop. “so, d’you wanna know a bit about their influences before you listen?”
“go on, then.”
“alright,” matty shuffles his chair closer to you; you sit up slightly straighter as goosebumps pass over your body, increasing tenfold when he looks directly into your eyes. from this close, his are warmer than you initially realised, and you have to work extremely hard to focus on what he's saying instead of drowning in them. “to be fair, you weren't totally far-off with the new-wave joke - their music is rooted in post-punk subculture, but more along the melodic, jangly-guitar, early eighties type. you know aztec camera, yeah? convinced i saw you wear a high land, hard rain shirt to work once.”
the butterflies nesting in your stomach flutter at his recollection. “yeah, that's right. same vibe as them?”
“kinda. similar to a lot of scottish and northern bands of that era. which is weird, considering they're all about thirty and from fucking newark.”
“i see,” you nod, smiling at the way matty's twirling one of his curls. “any springsteen influence, then? not to stereotype, but… eighties-inspired music by people from new jersey? seems like there could be connection.”
matty nods enthusiastically. “yeah, great question. i mean,” he puffs air through his lips quite adorably. “lyrically, yeah, and they have quite prominent sax parts in some of the songs that are quite e street band. but the inspiration seems to be mostly melodic post-punk. does that all make sense?”
you smile, leaning on your elbow. “yeah. you're very good at explaining things. i like that about you.”
“really?” matty blushes again. “sometimes i worry that i'm just talking shite, to be honest. i know i've got a tendency to ramble a bit, always have. it annoys people, i think.”
“not me. you're always talking about something interesting. makes me feel good to talk to you.”
he clutches his hands into sweater paws again, smiling. “same. you're a sweet one, i think. m'excited that we're working a bit closer now.”
“nobody else i'd do this with, matty,” you hold out your hand, and squeeze his when he lays it atop yours; a perfect fit, you note. “you're my favourite.”
he genuinely looks like he could cry, softly rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand and speaking even softer than that. “likewise, darling.”
for a second, you do nothing but beam at each other, still tentatively holding hands; it's only when your laptop pings with an incoming email that you break out of your reverie and apart. matty clears his throat. “would you like to know which order i recommend listening to the albums in?”
he nods. “the second, then the most recent - which is the fifth, by the way. after that, i think i'd probably say… first, third, and fourth last. that one got a bit experimental, i doubt they'll play anything from it at either of the shows. d'you want me to just make a playlist of that order for you, while we're here?”
“oh, yes please,” you watch him do just that, a slight sense of longing settling itself in your bones when you think of a playlist so sorely him settled amidst all your favourite songs; actually, it gives you an idea. “i've got a final question for you, if that's okay, matty. well, technically two.”
“yeah?” he turns to look at you again, eyes disarmingly caring and focused on you.
“what's your absolute favourite song by the band? doesn't have to be the objectively best one, and you don't have to tell me why. m'just curious.”
matty smiles, the sun breaking through clouds. “that's easy,” he scrolls down the new playlist. “this one. that's my favourite.”
“alright,” you drag it to the top of the song list. “then that's the one i'll start with. and then i'll go onto the matty-approved listening order,” pushing your glasses up the bridge of your nose, you turn to face him. “that sound alright?”
“mhmm,” matty nods vigorously again, wild hair bouncing all over the place; a curl falls over his eye, and he brushes it away before peering up at you through his enviously-long lashes. “meant what i said earlier, you know. i really do think you're incredibly sweet.”
“thank you,” you all but whisper, doing your best to cover your own blushing. “um - what was i saying?”
he smiles. “you had another question, i think?”
“right, yeah. um,” your throat goes dry with sudden nerves, and you try to swallow as inconspicuous as you can to make it better. twisting your fingers together, you look down at them as you speak. “i've still got a restaurant review to do this weekend, and i was wondering if you, like, wanted to go for dinner before saturday’s show? that italian, near camden road station? and you can say no, of course, no hard feelings, but,” you can feel your cheeks burning as you tentatively look up at him. “i'd just like to hang out with you a little bit longer this weekend. i like spending time with you.”
“oh,” matty breathes, blinking as if he can’t quite believe he isn’t dreaming - you hope that’s the reason, at least. he bites his lip, cheeks rosy as he looks up at you with a smile, and nods. “yeah, i’d love that. thank you.”
“thank you, for agreeing,” you exhale, nerves replaced by tingling excitement. “is half four too early? that would give us time to eat, and walk to the roundhouse before doors, yeah?”
“that works for me,” matty nods. he twirls his hair again. “d’you want to just meet at the restaurant? cos that’s the station i’d get off at, camden road. but i don’t mind meeting you off the tube, if you like.”
“no, no, it’s alright. i’ll just get you there - i’m not gonna make you brave the high street when you don’t need to,” you giggle. “especially on a saturday afternoon, christ.”
he huffs out a laugh, but his eyes are tender - so is his voice, when he replies. “alright. i’d do it for you, though, no complaints.”
you believe him. you aren’t sure if you’ve ever seen someone look so sweetly sincere, and it’s fucking your brain up. big-time.
still, you hold it together long enough to reply. “you’re cute, healy, even if i think you’re a bit mad for offering to walk through camden just to get me,” you giggle at the way his jaw drops at the compliment. “you can get me at angel on friday, though, if you fancy? makes sense, if you’re already walking down from highbury.”
“i’ll be there at six,” matty smiles. “i’m excited to hear what you think of the band, you know. i think you’ll like them.”
“well, if you do, then i’m sure i will. you’ve got good taste,” you gather up your laptop and stand, turning to matty with a flirty grin. “speaking of - i like that jumper. you look hot in red, matty. really hot. anyway,” you bite back a grin at the little gasp he lets out. “thanks for all your help, lovely.”
“anytime!” he calls after you when you turn to walk away, deliberately swinging your hips slightly more than usual - you’re convinced you hear a muffled “fuck” before he speaks properly. “and, um, thanks for, y’know, liking my jumper.”
you look over your shoulder and wink, happiness bubbling through your body when you notice matty shifting his gaze from your ass to your face so hastily it’s a wonder his neck didn’t snap. “friday at six, yeah? don’t be late.”
“i won’t!”
and he’s true to his word - when you come up the escalators at angel station at five minutes to six on friday, matty’s leaning against the wall opposite you. he grins, a big toothy eye-crinkling smile that has your heart doing backflips, and waves as you walk over to him. “hi! i like your jacket.”
“oh, thank you,” you self-consciously touch the fluffy collar. “have you been waiting long?”
“not really. ten minutes?”
“that’s not too bad. shall we?” you wander out into the chilly evening air, matty matching pace beside you. “you ever been to a show here before?”
“yeah. what a fucking weird venue,” matty steps closer to you to avoid being run over by a bike, and your heart flutters; you’re actually sad when he moves away. “i like it inside, but-”
“the fact it’s literally in the middle of a shopping centre is insane?”
“completely mental.”
“a really strange bit of urban planning,” you smile, turning to him as you wait at a set of traffic lights. “i listened to the playlist you made me, by the way. even learned some of the words.”
matty laughs. “you like them, then? that’s good. knew you would, though.”
you nod, fighting the urge to grab his hand as you cross the road. “played your favourite song about ten times on loop. i had no idea it was going to end up being a love song, by the way…”
“yeah, the title’s a bit misleading.”
“...but it really works. i can see why it’s your favourite,” you gently nudge your shoulder into his arm. “like i said the other day, you’ve got good taste.”
he looks down at the pavement, smiling, then at you. fuck, he’s so cute. “so do you, darling,” he says, voice so soft you can hardly hear it over the bustle around you. “i really like your outfit.”
the hour spent upending your entire wardrobe onto your bed to pick it out was absolutely worth it. “thank you. i figured, y’know, since i’m technically not working,” you smirk at him. “i’d make the effort for going out. tomorrow, though, when i’m on-shift? not a chance.”
“you’ll still look great, i reckon,” matty says, easy as breathing; ironically, the ease of his words practically stops your own breath. “and yeah, i s’pose you really aren’t working tonight. when was the last time you went to a gig just for fun?”
“it’s been a while,” you admit. “and i miss it, actually, getting to just experience new artists without having to analyse and critique them. that’s part of the reason i’m excited to be going tonight.”
“i get that,” matty nods as you turn into the venue entrance. “and what’s the other part?”
you grin. “the fact i’m going with you.”
once again, matty blushes. “if you keep throwing me off with compliments the whole night, i literally won’t get any work done. but thank you. m’glad you agreed to come with me tonight.”
“i’m glad you asked,” you turn to him once you join the line to get in. “and you’ll get your work done, don’t worry. i promise to be good.”
for the most part, you actually succeed at that, and it’s largely due to how bloody good the band are. for all the venue is in a weird place, it really is a decent one - it’s so intimate that even you, who only started listening to the artists onstage this week, feel like a proper part of it. and, free of note-taking responsibilities, you can allow yourself to be made giddy by the coloured lights and loud melodies, to dance as best you can on the sticky floor, to sing along to the scraps of lyrics you recognise and join in the backing vocals with the rest of the crowd. that was always your favourite part of a concert, the moments where hundreds of voices just worked as one, identities dropping and merging to prioritise the music; it’s nice to be in it, for once, rather than doing your best to observe and capture and convey it in words. you leave that to matty, and mostly leave him be aside from the odd smile and laugh, always responded to warmly by him.
that is, until they play his favourite song, and the boy beside you becomes impossible to ignore.
the singer says something about this being the last song of the night, before beginning the now-familiar melody on his guitar. matty’s head snaps up at the first few notes, and his notebook snaps shut; you turn to him at the noise, smiling at the excitement on his face, even more radiant than usual under the pink lighting. he looks at you with a matching smile, curls bouncing as he nods along to the music, before turning back rapt towards the stage. you follow suit, soaking up the lyrics about wanting and yearning and falling fast for someone - hearing those words with that person beside you sends goosebumps shooting across your skin and sparks through your nervous system, the same kind of kinetic energy crackling in the space between you and matty. it’s so strong you have to uncross your arms, stretching your fingers out by your side. mortifyingly, they brush against the back of matty’s hand, and the sparks become shockwaves; not so much born out of fear, but of the same kind of longing the singer is musing about. he doesn’t seem to mind the contact, hand staying put despite it, and something in your brain just says fuck it and snaps.
tentatively, more so than you think you’ve ever been before, you loop your fingers around matty’s, and you hold his hand. and, quite honestly, nothing has ever felt quite so right as this. the shockwaves in your nervous system fade to a gentle hum, kinda like the reverb from the speakers, with only a tiny jolt when matty gently squeezes your hand in response.that’s how you stay for the rest of the song, hand-in-hand facing the stage, both of you - unbeknownst to the other - smiling contentedly and mouthing the lyrics to the song you relate to.
it lasts a sickeningly short amount of time, though - as soon as the song ends, you and matty are all but pulled apart by a group of kids running towards the stage, shouting about setlists and drumsticks and god knows what else. matty chuckles, walking backwards towards the exit so he can talk to you. "that was good.”
“yeah,” you agree, although you’re not sure what he’s specifically referring to. “liked it a lot.”
“me too.”
there’s comfortable silence as you weave your way out of the venue and onto the street. you turn to say a reluctant goodbye to matty, but he beats you to it. “i’ll walk you to the station.”
“are you sure? you’ve got a bit of a walk in the other direction, matty.”
he shrugs. “it’s a nice night. i don’t mind.”
“cool,” you do your best to keep from smiling at the thought of an extra five minutes with him. “thank you.”
“s'alright,” matty smiles, leading the way down the street. “i've had a lot of fun tonight.”
“yeah, same here. they're really good!”
“aren't they? i'm excited to see their set tomorrow, see how it compares,” he hums happily. “i think this is gonna turn out to be a really good article, you know.”
“so do i,” you beam at him. “and i must say, i'm enjoying the process for this one much more than i have in a while.”
he giggles, and you have to fight the urge to hold his hand again. “well, if you think about it,” matty rubs his thumb over his bottom lip quite attractively. “it makes a lot more sense for us to do gig reviews together. music is something to be shared, after all, and live music especially, and so are our reviews - we probably get a better sense of it all if we're not by ourselves, don't you think?”
you don't even bother trying to hide how enamoured you are when you look at him. “i love the way your brain works, matty.”
“oh, shush,” he clutches the sleeves of his jacket over his hands, but beams anyway; it drops from his face when he notices the tube station sign up ahead. “well, i suppose this is where i leave you.”
the melancholia in his voice makes your heart sink. “yeah, i guess,” you sigh. “but not for long, though.”
“true,” matty's face brightens, and he reaches to take your hand and squeeze it gently. “thanks for coming, darling. i had a lot of fun.”
“thank you for having me,” you squeeze his hand in return, smiling at the way he looks down at your connected fingers in wonder. “text me when you get home?”
“of course. you too, please.”
“i will,” you let go of matty, pausing before you turn to walk away; quicker than your brain can convince you otherwise, you lean up to press a kiss to his soft cheek, before winking at his dazed expression and turning towards the station. “see you tomorrow, lovely.”
“bye,” comes the soft, delayed reply. you turn back to wave once you reach the escalator, then smile giddily to yourself the whole way home.
in fact, you don't think you stop smiling giddily for the rest of the night, or the next day; just the knowledge that you're going to see matty again keeps you in a state of sunniness, has you dancing around the flat and serenading your dog, who just looks at you like you're insane. a tiny part of your brain agrees with her, but how can you be expected to help it? you haven't been this excited to go on a date with someone in a long, long time.
well, it's not a date, officially. but walking into a dimly-lit italian restaurant with matty in tow, him taking your jacket and pulling your chair out for you like a perfect gentleman? it fucking feels like it. you wish it was.
even more so when he takes his own jacket off, revealing A) a short-sleeved shirt in the same colour of red you told him he looked hot in the other day, worn slightly open over a white tank; B) almost-unbelievably muscular arms; C) tattoos littered up said arms, and one on his chest just peeking out suggestively.
jesus fucking christ.
you can’t help but stare at matty, mouth agape, as he sits down. he giggles nervously when he notices. “what?”
the words leave your mouth before you can even think about stopping them. “matty… do you know how hot you are?”
he does the adorable blinking thing again. “you think i’m hot? me?”
“um, yeah, i have eyes,” you giggle, cheeks burning. keep it together, you stupid slut. “i didn’t know you had all those tattoos, actually. why don’t you show them off more?”
matty shrugs. “sometimes, people think if you have lots of tattoos, you’re like, i don’t know… scary, or unapproachable,” he opens the drinks menu. “that’s not the impression i wanna give off, you know? especially at work. like, you know me, i’m quite soft and quiet. i just think the tattoos look sick.”
god, you want to eat him alive.
“i understand,” you nod, leaning on your elbows. “and i also think they look sick. kinda sexy, i’d say, to be honest. anyway,” you bite back a smirk at matty’s flustered expression. “what sort of drink are you in the mood for?”
“oh, well… i don’t know, actually,” matty scans the menu, then meets your eyes. “i’m new to this sort of reviewing. what do you usually do first? talk me through it,” he must mistake your wide eyes after his last statement for horror, instead of slight arousal. “please.”
“okay. can i see the menu, please? right, fab, thanks,” you hold it open so you can both see the drinks list. “shit, this is extensive… reasonably priced, would you say?”
“for this part of london? yeah.”
“i agree. right,” you look at him, and the concentration with which he looks back almost throws you off. “because we haven’t picked out food and don’t know about flavour palettes yet, i’d avoid wine for the time being. anything too flavoured, actually - i reckon our best bets are either some sort of fairly neutral cocktail, or a spirit and clear mixer. you know, vodka soda, a g&t, that kind of thing.”
matty nods. “makes sense.”
“yeah. the exception to all of that, in my opinion, is champagne,” you smile. “but if i start drinking it, i won’t want to stop, and if i kick the arse out of this meal on the work credit card then marianne will kick mine, so…”
he laughs, and the warmth of it goes straight to your stomach. “classy girl,” he smiles, laughing even harder when you make a face. “well, i think you are. and,” he points at the menu. “i also think we should have negronis.”
“nice. alright, let’s move on to food,” you open another menu. “oh, thank god we came here so early - this decision might take me a while. sorry.”
matty smiles, the tenderness in his eyes only exacerbated by the flickering candlelight. “that’s alright, darling. we’ll take all the time you need. well,” he winces. “maybe keep it within the two and a half hours we’ve got until we need to leave for the gig. although i s’pose we could stay here another fifteen minutes if we got a taxi.”
you wave insouciantly. “we’ll be on time. and you’ll have fun, too. promise.”
“oh, i don’t doubt that.”
and you really do have fun, despite having to constantly remind yourself that you’re not on a date and are in fact at work. the two negronis you each have over the course of the meal continue to coax matty out of his shell - and thus, get you to fall even harder for him than you already have, which to be honest you didn’t think was possible after seeing his tattoos - to the point where he’s affectionately taking the piss out of you for stealing forkfuls of his dinner “for journalistic purposes”. but, all in all, he’s completely fascinated by the process of forming your review, taking interest in the subtleties of what makes somewhere good versus great, and marvelling at the breadth of your culinary knowledge (which you’re actually very proud of, being self-taught and all); he’s still raving about it as you walk - with plenty of time to spare, mind you - along chalk farm road towards the roundhouse. “i actually don’t know what i’m more impressed with, you or the food. genuinely. you’re incredible. and to think i was going to make you soup!”
you frown. “past tense? why?”
“you know too much about food. i won’t be able to impress you.”
“matty,” you turn to look at him, wide-eyed and crestfallen. “that’s not true at all!”
he scoffs, but not harshly. “come on, babe,” the nickname does something funny to your stomach. “i’m not upset about it, just thinking realistically. how is my nana’s carrot and coriander recipe gonna stack up against michelin-starred minestrone, or whatever? not at all, that’s how. and that’s alright!”
“matty. matty - alright, fine,” you clear your throat, stopping and standing with your hands on your hips. “matthew. listen to me, and listen good, yeah? right,” when he nods, blinking those pretty eyes, you continue. “soup is a whole different thing - in fact, all domestic cooking is, especially if you’re making something for someone you care about. i don’t want to be impressed by the technique, i want to be nourished. cared for. dare i say, healed. and, in that regard, i have no doubt that your nana’s recipe would fucking decimate any posh restaurant soup. alright?”
he nods, shyly peeking through his eyelashes. “alright.”
“thank you.”
the walk continues, silent for a few minutes until matty talks again. “you know,” he says, smile audible in his voice. “i didn’t think i’d find being lectured about soup sexy. and yet…”
“oh my god, stop it,” you giggle, although you’re simultaneously fighting the urge to skip along the path and secretly filing that piece of matty information away in your mind. just in case. “thanks, though.”
he shrugs, smirking. you’re into it. “just telling the truth. it’s my job, after all.”
“and here i thought you were flirting with me,” you smirk back. “shame,” you wink, speeding up slightly towards the venue; you drop into serious mode when you see several different door queues. “shit. where do we go, with the press passes?”
matty hums, looking around. suddenly, he takes your hand, gently leading you to a side door; you’re quite content with this, a sort-of fuzzy feeling overcoming you, so much so that you barely register him talking. “here we are. you ready, darling?”
you nod happily at him. “round two. let’s go.”
the night, at first, progresses a lot like the previous one - you spend the opening set dancing, singing along to the songs you know pretty well by now, leaning in to talk to matty about any discrepancies you see in performance between both nights while he diligently takes notes. when they close with his favourite song, again, you’re slightly dismayed that he continues to write, and you can’t repeat the hand-holding; pretty much as soon as you’ve thought that, though, matty leans into you to rest his head on yours and sing along to the lyrics, and the room seems to get brighter. out of both desire and necessity (you know how clumsy he is), you wrap an arm around matty’s waist, and you swear you can hear him smile. it’s warm, sweet, intimate without being weird, and you really don’t want to let go of him. ever.
eventually, once the song ends and the house lights come up in the break between sets, you do, pulling your notebook from your jacket pocket with a sigh. matty straightens up, stretches with a groan that should not be as attractive as it was to you, and smiles. “pasta tiredness hitting you too?”
“little bit,” you wince. “maybe dinner then dancing was a bad idea.”
he shakes his head. “nah. it’s been fun. i’ve really enjoyed it.”
“i’m glad to hear that,” you smile at him. “wouldn’t mind making a habit of it, actually.”
“really?” matty beams. “neither would i. maybe we can pitch it to marianne as an actual segment. like, restaurant pairings with gigs, potentially highlight local places near the venues we go to. yeah?”
it’s a fucking great idea. he goes all bashful when you tell him as much. “cool. we can maybe see her about it on monday, if she’s in.”
you nod. “of course. come and find me on monday morning, and we can come up with a proper pitch while we get this piece done, alright?”
“‘course,” matty nods, smiling when the lights drop and the audience scream. “right, i’ll leave you to your notes.”
“cheers,” you reply, reluctantly turning towards the stage. it isn’t that the gig is bad, at all - as you wrote in your notes, the band are talented, charismatic, well-rehearsed. it’s just extremely difficult to focus on them and your notebook when you have the boy of your dreams beside you, close enough to touch and kiss and dance with, singing along happily and doing a dorky little two-step that makes his hair bounce quite beautifully. every so often, the urge to turn and smile at him becomes too much to resist, and matty goes visibly - adorably - pink under the stark white lighting every single time he makes eye contact with you.
by the time the gig ends, you’re dead certain: you are down so incredibly deeply bad for matty healy, and you need to tell him as soon as possible.
as it turns out, the opportunity for that happens extremely quickly once you’re both out of the venue, talking and laughing and dissecting the show even further than you did in your respective notebooks as you leave, and it’s so romance-media smooth that you genuinely think a higher power might be involved. perhaps an apology from the universe by having a group of teenagers push you and matty apart at yesterday’s gig, this time a group of them push you closer together, bolting past you and screaming about catching the bus home - matty tugs you into him to stop you being completely bowled over, and turns so the two of you are right next to the building instead of in the firing line out in the open. his hands are warm against your waist and lower back, and so is his neck under your clasped hands; you have no recollection of putting them there, but you sure as shit aren’t going to move them anytime soon. if you did that, you’d further the distance between you, and why on earth would you want to do that, when you’re so close you can’t tell whose breath cloud is whose and the little flecks of gold in his dark eyes are visible to you for the first time?
no. you’ll stay as you are, thank you very much.
“you know that thing we were going to pitch to marianne at work on monday?” you whisper, heart pounding as you notice matty’s eyes flick to your lips. “the thing we want to make a habit of?”
“yeah,” matty breathes, the words so close to your lips you can practically taste them. “what about it?”
your lips part, and you take a shaky breath before you reply. “well, the thing is,” you bite your lip, and his pupils dilate. “i don’t think i want it to be a work thing, matty.”
a beat passes before he responds. “neither do i.”
thank fuck.
your eyes close in contentment. “matty?”
“yeah, darling?”
you reopen them, looking up at him - for the probably millionth time in two days, you don’t bother trying to hide the feeling in your gaze. “kiss me.”
that gorgeous face above yours cracks into a smile. “alright.”
and he does.
it’s exactly how you imagined he would be - a little bit sloppy, tentative with tongue, but so eager and giggly and just so caring that it doesn’t matter. on instinct, your hand roots itself in matty’s curls, and the little whine he lets out is probably enough to fuel your bedtime fantasies for a fortnight by itself. you smile into him, tracing your tongue around his lips before sucking on the bottom one and releasing it slowly. your head is spinning, from matty more than lack of oxygen, and you honestly don’t think you’ve ever been happier post-kiss in your life.
there’s a happy silence for a minute, save the two of you gasping for breath, broken by matty kissing you quickly again and grinning. “hi. and, also, wow.”
“indeed,” you beam up at him, gently twisting those pretty curls around your fingers. “you might’ve figured it out by now, but… i like you, in a more-than-platonic sense.”
“the kiss gave it away, yeah,” he giggles breathily. “i take it there’s no policy at work about making out with your colleagues? or, y’know, taking them out on actual, unrelated-to-work dates?”
“no such thing.”
matty smiles, pulling you in for another kiss. “well, thank christ for that.”
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lover-lyn · 23 days
i wanna request sum lemme be ur first request OKAY HERE ME
This took so long and FOR WHAT, not very proud of this tbh, first time writing a one-shot so, hope you like it :)
Fem reader implied (reader wears a dress) but no pronouns used, Teen!Ace, modern AU, reader is called "pretty" and "sweetheart"
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Stupid in love
Let's get married in Vegas
We don't need guest list
I don't wanna think too much
Let's get matching tattoos
I don't wanna think it through
Baby, I'm so stupid in love
MAX HUH YUNJIN↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
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During his short life, Ace had been in many situations that he never thought he'd find himself in
But this won the number one spot for most surprising and nerve wracking
He had been given detention for months on end, he had been grounded by Dadan for an entire year, he had even been arrested before, yet he didn't doubt that he'd be in even more chaotic situations in the future.
Here he was, Portgas D Ace, certified trouble maker and self-proclaimed womaniser stood in front of your porch wearing a suit and holding a flower bouquet
Currently, he was glaringly the door as if it had wronged him. In truth, he was nervous, and incredibly so.
a couple days ago, Ace had been standing on this very porsh, holding a single Hibiscus flower, waiting for you to open the door so he could know the answer to the question hed spent weeks trying to work up the courage to ask, needless to say that he'd been overjoyed upon hearing that you were only waiting for him to ask.
yet for some reason, he feels even more nervous now.
a couple minutes pass until Sce finally felt calm enought to knock, the door opened almost instantly
"there you are, i was starting to think you stood me up"
and there you were, in a ruby red dress, a Hibiscuss flower pinned to the neckline of the garment
"sorry, hi sweetheart" Ace`s blushing only increased as he heard your quiet giggle "hi" you you replied
"you look pretty, really pretty"
seems as though it was your turn to blush "thank, you don`t look half bad yourself" that was truly a understatment, if anything, Ace looked like a prince straight out of a royal ball with a blood-red three piece suit, his hair was slicked back with just a couple strands falling out of place and onto his face
"can i give you your flowers or would you like to keep checking me out?"
"oh i'm the one checking you out? didn't you forget how to talk as soon as as i opened the door?"
Ace's smirk only widened "come on now, you wear my signature color and expect me not to stare? that's so unfair"
"your color? whoever said red was your colour?"
"me, now take your flowers and let's go"
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"hey good lookin'"
"Sabo i swear to God if you don't shut the fuck up i'm going to castrate you"
as expected, the night had turned out a disaster, how could it not? all of the 'ASL' brothers were attending, granted the youngest had snuck in thru the vents after hearing that their would be a buffet
so while everyone was still inside dancing the night away, both you and Ace sat soaked head to toe in the water foutain, Sabo was relentlessly teasing you while Koala filmed the whole thing for blackmail material
it seemed as tho everyone had forgotten about Luffy, who was curently hiden under the buffet table exitedly stuffing his face full of food he'd nicked from plates the second the security turned his head the other way
yet, looking out onto the scene, you and Ace shared the same thought
there was nowhere else you'd rather be and no one else you'd rather experience this moment with
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crabonfire · 1 year
Oh no! The [merc class] has been captured! An enemy team member is preparing for torture/interrogation... Right?
Maybe not!
"You know, I've told them dozens of times to give me clear orders. But today I've been ordered to, and I quote, "take good care of [class]". So that's exactly what I'm going to do."
And then they give the captive a massage/mani-pedi/tea party idk.
So yeah, mercs of TF2 being "taken good care of", except it's literal care (with exception of restraints, probably, since malicious compliance can only go so far and outright letting a captive go would be too much).
HAHAHAHAHAHHA I love this!!! s/o just like me fr!!!
Mercs who's..being taken care of by the enemy s/o.
warnings: this is silly!!! beware of the goof
characters: all mercs
note: this can be seen as platonic or romantic!!😎😎
•...what? what the hell?
• "is this some kinda joke or sum?" He says as you pour him a cup of tea, still tied up.
"Are you questioning my tea pouring abilities? I'm pretty good okay! I've been practicing you know?"
"Oh were you not...talking about the tea?"
"fuck no??"
• he's not really complaining? Just?? Angrily confused and pleasantly surprised at the same time???
• he saw how tough you can be on the battlefield so when you just sit him down on a tiny table with an authentic Chinese tea set, with plates of cookies and cake he's...what?
He honestly thinks it's kinda nice how your actually not gonna torture him (again why would he complain) but...goddamn. okay.
• "do you want more tea?"
"MmMPH!! mmmph mmhhuhhd mmhhh :)" ( yes!! more sugar please :) )
"got it."
• You both get along great. Trust that he will openly get himself kidnapped if it meant that you'd be his friend.
"Hey wait-they get back in 4 hours...you...wanna paint each others nails?"
"MMMMHHH!?!?!?! mmh mmhhy mmhd." (YESSS?!?! oh my god.)
• painting each others nails (on his gloves because he wants his gloves to be pretty) and just gossiping about each others teams. it's nice. he got a new person to ramble to!!
"Dude oh my god our scout is so ANNOYINGGGG"
"mmhmm mmhhhd mmh mmhds...mmhhs mh mmmhd." (You should see ours...he's a dick.)
• he feels embarrassed and disappointed. (if you read the comics you know why)
• he's just quiet the entire time, angry and confused on why he's not being roughly tortured now. (he's definitely masochistic or something...not surprising!!! he loves the fight)
• "why aren't you drinking your tea?"
"Suit yourself."
a couple minutes pass by, and he gives in and takes a sip. he does not like tea. you laugh and give him something else, and he ends up just accepting his fate.
• "what colour do you want your nails to be?"
"Like the American flag?"
He calms down after a while and just rambles about his "war" stories to you.
Once he gets back to base completely unharmed with a newfound appreciation for the enemy team's [YOUR CLASS] and...American themed nails? He gets stared at by his co workers.
"ACK-FUCK- no no-nothin...geez solly what happened to ya?"
He glares daggers at him through his helmet, and moves on with his day.
• oh. okay.
• all his worry just washes away as he sits down with you, getting his nails painted purple.
"Oh, you don't like tea? What do you like?"
"Ya got any scrumpy?"
"Huh, yeah actually. A ton, I'll get you a bottle."
"Thanks love, yer an angel."
• you really think he's gonna complain about it? Nah...free alcohol AND he gets his nails done? bro. he might take you out for dinner to repay your generosity tbh.
• you two just joke around and have some fun, he really likes you now. he will talk to you in the middle of battle and just casually flirt. (If your not interested he'll back off.)
• thinks it's a trick but once he senses there is no ill intentions from you he's caved in.
• thinks it's pretty sweet, such a determined spirit in battle is so sweet and silly within closed doors.
• you two will exchange stories on each others personal lives, he will gladly ramble on about his family if you let him.
• has a newfound interest in you, you two don't fight much now during battles and just pass each other by, you two are like friends!!
• OK lmao
• yeah sure, has to do this with pyro daily so it's no different coming from the enemy team.
• "Sorry to bother you sugar, but my restrains are gettin' a little tight. Mind loosening them up a bit?"
"Oh totally, sorry man."
"S' alright, thank you for your hospitality."
• you two just sorta gossip about your teams, he has an insane amount of dirt on each of the mercenaries...
"No way, actually?"
"Yeah. You shoulda' seen the poor guys face when Soldier did that to him. Scout and Demoman were laughin' so hard I thought they were gonna choke!"
• you two probably spend too much time together that you've both forgotten that you were supposed to hold him captive, now his arm is around your shoulder, the two of you, slightly drunk and laughing crying to hilarious stories.
• he respects you as a person, and enjoys your company. Wouldn't mind being kidnapped again if it meant he'd spent it with you.
• he's laughing. Okay, sure, fine, better than torture.
• I genuinely don't know what to say other than the fact I think the whole time he's just laughing due to how silly it is.
• comes back and rambles to heavy about how his kidnapping was literally just a free spa day, with white painted nails and the smell of tea radiated from him.
• is this some kind of sick, fucked up joke?
• he'll actually be kinda mad, like all this trouble just for you to drink tea with him? Fuck off
• "Mate, when I get outta these restraints I'm gonna show you why you shouldn't fuck with me."
"...dude what? chillax dawg I'm literally making us tea."
"Bloody hell."
• he gives in...after an hour or so.
• sighing, "just pick a random color, don't make it bright." He says, as your pulling our your nail polish. "You got it boss." You smile, taking out a muddy green color that fits him quite well.
• he's just ranting the entire time honestly it's like a therapy session
• finds this amusing and will play along.
• "Your tea set has quite an exquisite color, it's one I have yet seen on any tea sets."
"Yeah! Got this off of a bidding, she's a real beauty."
He snickers, "Indeed she is. May I have another cup?"
"Of course my good man."
• it's like he's role-playing with somebody he finds it cute!!
• he will not say much, but he will listen. He will not let you do his nails, but he will do them for you instead. flirting, trying to woo you.
"You have the prettiest hands, I cannot believe these are the hands that have stolen my lives, time and time again. You are full of surprises, aren't you?"
"Aw man, you charmer. Your just saying that."
"No, I am simply stating the truth. You are quite the interesting character."
• bro got that victim rizz (he got kidnapped so technically)
Hi...I'm back...sortve. um. Yeah. Sup brooo
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selfloverrrrrr · 2 months
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Warning: smut, heavy smut, unprotected sex, teasing, nipple play, jealousy.....
( All characters are aged up/18+)
Minors Do Not Interact
Read the warnings carefully....if you don't like my stories block me not report
Gojo Satoru. My biggest enemy. If anyone ask him what's his favourite thing to do... he'll definitely answer getting on my nerves. Like more I hate him that isn't enough....he makes me hate him more. There's not a single day he haven't got on my nerves!
It was a normal day. I was just about to enter the college when someone called my name "heyyyy....y/n???". I turn around and saw Yuta. Yuta is my childhood friend. A large smile appeared on my face. "Yuta??? OMG.... after a very long time!!! How are you???" I asked and went infront of him. "I'm fine...wbu???" He asked. "I'm fine too... but you here suddenly?" I asked. "I newly joined this college actually " he replied. "Oh really? That's great " I said and suddenly felt a slap on my ass. "Why are you talking to another man after we did that last night???" A voice said. I looked at him. The devil himself. Gojo Satoru. Standing there and smirking at me.
Me : that's not any guy.... that's my childhood friend! And-
Gojo: why don't you introduce me to him???
Me: why would I introduce you to him???? And we did not fucked last night!!!
Gojo: I didn't use the fuck word.... you wanna do that?~
Yuta: hey y/n.... I have to go now...see you later! Bye.
Yuta went inside the college. And Satoru did the same with whistling. 'this mf is getting on my nerves!!!!!' I thought. The things made me hate him more is his fucking flirting!
Another day. I run towards Geto. "Hey Geto??? Where's Gojo????" I asked agressively. "He went out.. coming here soon.... but why are you asking like that?" He asked. "I just can't take your dumb annoying ass bestfriend anymore!!!" I said. "Yeah...but what happened now?" Geto asked and at that moment Gojo entered. He walked towards us. That annoying smirk still on his face.
Me: what the fuck do you think you are doing???!!!
Gojo: what?~
Me: stop being annoying shit!!! Geto, do you know what he did???? He said the junior girls that me and Gojo fucked each other and we do it so often!
Geto: Satoru... again?
Gojo: what?... that was for defence....they weren't leaving me alone.... and they keep giving me proposals every day.... that's I said that!
Me: Why fucking me?!
Gojo: don't act like you won't be pleased if we do that really ~
Me: NEVER! I rather die than let you put your fucking dick inside me!
I said and leave the place.
Shoko gave a party at her place. I got ready and went to her place. I was wearing a red wine short bodycon dress.
When I entered there first I saw Geto and Shoko. Shoko hugged me and took me inside. Then I saw Yuta. " you came too?... that's good" I said with a smile. " Yes I did" he replied me. Then I turned to Geto again. " You're looking hot... tonight" Geto said. " Oh... thank you for the compliment" I replied with a small smirk. Then I went to the drinks counter.
I ordered a drink. I was looking around when I saw Gojo. He didn't saw me yet. Then my went to the girl infront of him. That girl was a well-known whore of our college. There isn't a guy in our college she haven't tried to shove her breasts in their faces. Now GOJO was flirting with that bitch and he didn't even noticed me at all!? I don't why but I felt jealous which I should not be feeling!
When I turned around for my drink there was someone beside me. Ryomen Sukuna. He was the biggest rival of Gojo. I looked at him. He was smirking at me. "Hello ~" he said. "Hey" I replied. "You're looking sexy" he said and his eyes trailed over my body. "Oh?" I replied. "Yeah... that colour suits you so much" he said leaning against the counter. "Well....Thank you" I replied. "So? What plans do you have for tonight?" He asked with a smirk. I was about to reply when I heard someone's voice from my behind. "Heyyy.." the voice said. I turned my head to see Gojo standing behind me. "What are you doing?" He asked. He was standing so close to me. I could feel his breath on my shoulder. "Can't you see??? I'm talking with someone" I replied rudely and turned my head towards sukuna. Gojo's eyes drifted to sukuna. Sukuna smirked at him.
Me: "What were you asking?"
Gojo: "can we talk?"
Me: "I'm busy now"
Sukuna: " I was asking What plans do you have for tonight?"
Gojo glared at sukuna and clenched his jaw.
Gojo: "we need to talk "
Me: "I said no!"
Me: (to Sukuna) I don't have any plans just waiting for a handsome guy to pick me~"
Gojo grabbed my arm and dragged me to a corner and pinned me against a wall. "What the fuck do you think you are doing???" He said with venom in his eyes. " What do YOU think I am doing???" I replied. "Why the are you ignoring me and giving attention to that fucker???" He said with grinded teeth. "Maybe cause he noticed me, came to me and complemented me inside of flirting with the biggest whore of our college who tries to spread her legs infront of every guy!" I replied. Gojo glared at me. "I was not flirting with her! She was trying to get in my pants so I was trying to get off her " he said seriously. "I don't care.... I liked Sukuna's complement and I'm going to him!" I said and he pushed me harder against the wall. "Don't test my fucking limits " he said with grinded teeth and glared at me. "Or what?" I replied. "Or???" He said. And the next thing I felt was his lips on mine. He was kissing me roughly as if he was suck my out with the kiss. I kissed him back roughly grabbing his hair.
*cough* *cough* we heard a voice beside us and pulled away and looked beside us. Geto and Shoko standing there crossing their arm. They smirked at us. "It's not-" me and Gojo spoke together but they cut us off. "Yeah we know... continue we're leaving" they said and leave. I was about to leave when Gojo grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. "Did I told you to leave?" He spoke. "What were you talking about??? Complement? You dress doesn't need complement...it needs to be on my bedroom floor" he said and picked me up. He carried me outside to his car and drive to his house.
Reaching his house he rushed into his bedroom and threw on his bed. Gojo started crawling towards me. He was now on top of me. He crashed his lips on mine once again. Kissing me roughly. Making me breathless.
He started undressing me. He was undressing me like a wild animal. He almost took off my clothes. I was just left in my panties. Gojo started licking my nipple. He was being such a tease. I moaned. He continued his teasing licking and sucking on my nipple. With his one hand he grabbed my other boob and squeezed it roughly. I moaned so loudly.
When he was done playing with my nipples and boobs he got up and started taking off my panties. "You're dripping, darling~" he said with his smirk. He bring his face close to my pussy and licked it. "Ummmmmmm..... heaven~" he whispered to himself and I moaned .
He now took off his clothes. His huge length was out now. My eyes widened at his length. It was too long and too thick. He grabbed his dick stroked it two or three times then line it with my entrence. I was panicking a bit at the size. Gojo pushed his whole length in one slide and I scremed with pain and pleasure. "Weren't you the one who once told 'I rather die than let you put your fucking dick inside me'...huh?" He asked with a smirk. My face become so red at his words. He smirked at my reaction and started thursting in and out roughly. I was screming loudly. His huge dick was giving me too much pleasure. He started giving me hickeys on my neck and chest. His thursting getting faster and harder. "Now tell me can that fucking Sukuna make you feel like this???" He said while thrusting harder. "N-no...." I moaned loudly. "Don't hide those hickeys tomorrow.... I want that fucker to see these " he whispered and I just nooded eagerly. My whole body was shaking. He was moaning too. The way his dick was touching my g-spot make my back arch. It didn't take much time and I came. As I came that smirk again played on his lips.
I felt his dick started throbbing inside me. I didn't have the power to speak. It was too much for me. When my warm walls clenched around him he moaned loudly. In a few minutes he came inside me. He slowly pull out and threw him beside me. I was already fainted. He bring his face closer to mine and whispered....
"Don't worry,baby. I'm not that bad... I'm gonna buy you pills tomorrow"
Give me your requests guys 💗
I love when you give me your requests 💗💖
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jensensfanfic · 1 year
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pairing: modern!ellie x camgirl!reader
a/n: so nervous to post this. i didn't want to write a full fic, so this hc kinda thing happened. anyways, lmk what you think...
warnings: smut. mdni. -> sex work via live cam/stream. onlyfans/patreon/etc - no site is stated specifically, stripping, toys, masturbation (reader & ellie), exhibitionism, toys, toy riding (reader), strap-on use, dirty talk, hints of dom!reader, even smaller hints of dom!ellie
[dialogue = purple for ellie, blue for reader]
thinking about ellie dating a girl who cams...
"ellie, i wanna be really clear with you about what i do before we... you know?" "date?" "yeah. i just don't want any secrets where my job is concerned."
imagine her reaction when you first tell her. the way her eyes were half intrigue, half envy. on one hand, she thought it was incredible; the confidence you had in your own body and what to do with it. on the other hand, the confession from you caused her to grow more possessive. she felt almost sick, knowing that people all over the world were logging in to their profiles with only you in mind.
but that was at the beginning. after several months, pride swelled within her. you were making a lot of money through your sessions online, made clear by the fancy clothing, lingerie, even the apartment you'd bought for yourself. she could also tell that you enjoyed what you did. it made you feel confident and beautiful, and those feelings bled through to your sex life with ellie.
"fuck, i love your tits so much. love seein'm all beg to touch." "but only you can, els. c'mere and get them all wet with your pretty mouth."
"mm, babe, you like watching my ass when i fuck my toys, don't you?"
sometimes she worried about 'trolls', but you reassured her that you had a few moderators who would bat away any unsavoury comments before you could see them.
"see? if anyone says anything overly disgusting or offensive, it gets removed." "ever had to report or block anyone?" "mm, only a handful of creeps have made my blacklist."
then it was a couple of years into your relationship, and nine out of ten times when you were cam-ing, ellie would come over, either by yours or her own invitation.
"i'm live in 20, you can come over if you're quiet." "and what happens if i'm not?" "you wanna find out?"
"hey, i'm bored, you live? can i watch;)"
she loved to watch you, and you absolutely revelled in it. even your regular viewers had started noticing how you seemed to be even more enthusiastic than before. you wanted to impress ellie, despite already knowing how much she desired you.
when ellie came over during a cam session, you would make sure to put in the most effort with your look for the night. you would wear ellie's favourite colours, slap on a little extra makeup, and put on your best show.
"you were on fire tonight, princess."
"do you have glitter in your cleavage!?"
"you should do the war paint more often. it's hot."
"fake tattoos tonight?" "yeah, it was a request from a my best tipper... you like?" "hurry up and i'll show you how much i do."
ellie would be just out of shot, laying back against the pillows on your bed, one leg crossed over the other. she could never take her eyes off of you. she adored how you changed your voice just slightly on camera; still confident, but with an edge of shyness.
"y'all like the lace tonight, hm? i'm not quite sure if it suits me... tell me what you think, should i keep it or..."
her eyes travelled all over your body as you danced along to the beat of whatever song was playing gently in the background. and then, when it had been a few minutes into your show, and dollar signs started popping up on your screen, you reached for whatever item of clothing you were going to slowly, torturously remove. from that moment on, she was locked on you, following every glide of your fingertips over the straps of you bra, the soft material of your panties, or the thin lace stockings.
ellie always praised you for a good show when it was over. and whenever toys were used, she'd clean them for you, and on the occasion that you actually came for real after using said toys, she would offer to clean you up too. she'd bring you warm pyjamas and a hot drink and mentally congratulate herself for pushing away the urge to jump you after what felt like hours of teasing.
"god, that was so hot."
"you need water? your favourite snacks are on the side over there, too."
"els, help me up out of this mess, please. ugh, the fake spunk is so sticky." "wanna take a shower? maybe create some real mess?"
sometimes, she couldn't hold back, though. on most cam nights, she would be clenching her thighs and biting her lip, watching you with a wetness forming on her boxers. but she couldn't always hold back from touching herself. she'd watch you lifting your tits into full view of the camera, squeezing them and giggling at the comments that followed. then you'd push them together, wait a moment for more tips and then start to pinch at your hard nipples.
"mm, yeah, feels so good. should i pinch harder? want me to lick them for you darlings?"
eventually, inevitably, she'd end up sliding one hand into her underwear, the other fisting the sheets. as you bounced up and down on one of your silicone cocks, moaning out appreciations for the tips that flooded in on the screen, she'd reach her throbbing clit. her gaze would be glued to your slick hole that wept around the toy as you moved, and she'd match your rhythm on the toy with the circles she traced on herself.
when you first saw her doing this, you weren't surprised at all. in fact, it made you that much more smug and turned on, resulting in less of a need to fake your arousal for the people watching. you'd pretended to the camera that you were turning your head to bite your own shoulder, but in fact you were mouthing encouragements for her to fuck herself faster over a wink and a smirk.
"faster, babe. just like that."
"edge yourself, el. better not come until i'm done here."
then there was this one particular night. ellie had two of her fingers deep in her cunt, while you rode a thick, veiny fake cock that took several pumps of lube to sink down onto.
you'd bought it with only your girlfriend in mind. though, of course your viewers were impressed with it, too.
"ooh-oh-oh, i need it f-faster. you want me to go faster... huh loves? gonna need your help then."
it was her favourite colour, and you'd made sure it attached pefectly onto your shared strap harness. it also came with a companion toy that was a little smaller, but could also attach to the harness, so that ellie could have her own pussy stuffed as she - hopefully, if your little scenario panned out - pounded into you once the camera was off.
of course, this is exactly what happened. you couldn't stop trying to get a look at ellie as you heard her little pants. she was trying to stay as quiet as possible, and watching her slap a hand over her own mouth, muffling her pleasure as she got off to you, only made things worse. you sped up your movements for a few seconds, opening your mouth and letting out an exaggarated moan. you then licked your lips, smiling at the camera as floods of tips came in, a bunch of water emojis flickering on and off. you bid everyone goodnight, promising to be back again the night after next, then ended the session.
"fuuuuuuck yes! mmmm!"
"fucked me so good. thank you, sweethearts. go grab yourselves some water and i'll see you next time. buh-bye, huns. mm."
then you turned to ellie, her hand stilled in her boxers. you slowly pulled out the toy and then pushed it all the way back in with a groan. you watched ellie's eyes flash at the obscene wet sounds your pussy made. once more you pull the glistening toy out, so slowly that it draws out impatient whines from the both of you. you rub the head of the toy around your folds, spreading the glistening wetness all around your waiting entrance.
"did you come, babe?" "uh uh, saving it all for you tonight, love."
"want you to fuck me so hard that i won't be able to move." "fuckin' hell. come here, now!" "need one more thing."
you reach down to your 'cam box' and take out two things. you first toss ellie the harness, which has the smaller cock attached, something you'd gotten ready earlier. then, you crawl between her already spread legs, and make a show of attaching the still-wet toy, your pussy clenching at the sight, greedy for it to be back inside you.
"put it on."
"was thinking about you filling me up the whole time tonight. need it now." "gonna do it. gonna make it so you can't stand."
several times after that night, you'd jokingly discussed ellie joining you on your site.
"if you made me gush like that on live, we'd make so much, d'yuh know that?" "maybe, but i don't want anyone else seeing you like that. all fucked out and dribbling from you gorgeous little pussy. no, baby. that's a show only i get to watch."
if you're after more modern!ellie x cam girl!reader ->
CAM GIRL DRABBLE (ellie helps you film)
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ryuichirou · 3 months
can you pretty pretty please with extra sprinkles on top drop the speedpaint for your most recent rookvil art? i wanna see how you did vils pretty dress and everything else cause its all so beautiful
I am so happy you like how it looks!! I would love to make a speedpaint, but unfortunately, I didn’t record it + the base for the drawing was actually done traditionally with a pencil. A lot of my drawings are done this way, actually…
Even though I can’t drop the speedpaint, I’ll do the next best thing and explain my process for this specific drawing step-by-step. It’s actually not that complicated!
Here is how the sketch looked initially. As you can see, I shaded the dress very crudely; in fact I was kind of upset with how the dress looked at this stage. Ironically, I ended up not doing much to the pencil shading, and it still turned out okay somehow?? Anyways, the first thing I did was to prep the sketch for the colouring stage: I adjusted the contrast, fixed Vil’s face, and erased some dirt and imperfections.
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Then I create a new layer, set it to Multiply (this way I can colour the sketch without disturbing it, as if I was just colouring a digitally done lineart) and do a base colour layer. There is a gradient in Vil’s hair and Rook’s belt buckle, but other than that, all the colours are flat at this stage.
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Before doing all the shading needed for this sketch, I add details such as makeup and tights. If you want to know how I did these, let me know, but I basically looked at a tutorial once and then simplified it lol
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Now, the dress.
To be completely honest, there isn’t any proper technique to what I did, everything is always just trial and error and an hour of me going “does that look good? NO IT DOESN’T >:(“ until both Katsu and I are satisfied. This time I was lucky, because it didn’t take very long, and the “solution” was pretty simple.
Starting with the base colour. I turned off the sketch layer to show that it is indeed completely purple. And it looks kind of bright at this point, almost too bright even, especially considering that the dress is supposed to be mostly black, or at least dark purple. But bear with me.
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Next I added some highlights (new layer, set on Overlay or Screen, depending on what looks best). Usually I would add the shades first, but I wanted to make the fabric look more “shiny”, you know, the type of fabric that would reflect the floor and make this highlight under the boob lol.
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And after that I just went ahead and added black gradient (on a new Layer) from the bottom of the dress to make it look darker, silkier and a little bit more interesting for the eye. I erased some parts of the gradients as you can see, because it looked too dark on the highlighted parts… could’ve just placed the black gradient layer under the highlights layer and saved myself a headache, but hey, where is the adventure in that.
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Finally, it turned out looking like this. It looks better than it used to look like initially, but there is one more thing to do. We don’t get to do this one too often, so it always excited both Katsu and me: THE SPARKLES!! Somehow, making the dress sparkly makes everything much better.
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How do I do the sparkles: I use the star brush… or was it a snow brush? I use this brush when I draw both of these things lol + when I draw anything sparkly. I would’ve given you this specific one, but I don’t really remember where I got it from, and I honestly think that any starry or snowy brush would work wonderfully as long as the specs are small enough.
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After that is done, I just shade the rest of the drawing. Nnew layer set on Multiply, the shading is done with darker purple/red + darker blue, whatever looks better on any particular material: the skin really likes warmer colours, but Rook’s suit looked bad with red shades, so I adjusted it to blue.
And here is the post where I talk about how I colour hair! Good thing I already wrote that one, this post is getting long lol
And the last step is to add details. The original sketch was done in a rather small (smaller than A6) sketchbook, so I couldn’t draw all the details like Vil’s earrings and stuff properly. Basically I just paint on a separate layer on top of everything.
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And there you have it! I hope it makes sense, please let me know if you have questions.
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 11 months
William Rex Chapter 19
William: "....I remember wiping the blood of your cheeks the night we met."
Blood-red fingertips gently caress Kate's cheeks.
Meanwhile, an increasingly pervasive red invades her white clothing.
----Like a flower that knows when to bloom and change colour.
William: "I've been thinking about it ever since."
William: "Red really suits you."
Wiiliam: "You may want to be with me, but you won't want a tragic end. Unless you have a strong desire to do so."
William: "If you stay with me, you must accept my destiny and that will trouble, sadden, and distress you...as you work on your heart."
William: "Helplessness and guilt kill desire. It is a fetter that robs us of our freedom....You know this all too well."
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William: "...So this is your answer to my destiny."
The red coloring on Kate's body indicate a clear rejection of William's desired destruction.
Whether William wants to ruin himself or reject Kate's love.
"I will not allow that to happen"
"It is my way of living freely that I do not kill that desire"
William: "........"
Suddenly, a faint smile appeared on William's lips.
A little troubled color on the lovingly relaxed eyes.
William: "The possibility of living with me, huh?"
William: "....I never thought it would be proved this way."
William: "For sure, now you're free and...."
William: "It's the most beautiful thing I've even seen."
Immediately afterwards, an insidious, angry voice tore the silence apart.
Inspector: "What's going on here?...Hey you! I gave you that knife!"
Inspector: "Why is Rex still alive? Who is this woman?"
Female prisoner: "I...I saw her at the tea party...maybe his lover....?"
Inspector: "If she is his lover then she's a bad guy too. Don't hesitate now! Prove your innocence!"
Young prisoner: "Nn....Ngh....!"
A young man holds up the blood-soaked knife as if he is being driven by the Inspector.
Liam: "....I won't let you."
Young prisoner: "Agh!!? Who is that...!?"
Immediately afterwards, the young man's arm stopped moving, as if something had grabbed him.
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Liam: "Stay still...I won't do anything to you."
Liam: "Forgive me Katie, Will...I'll do better now. I...I won't make any mistakes...."
Younger prisoner: "Wh-Where the hell...is this voice coming from!?"
The young man was frightened by a maniacal voice coming from the void.
Brian: "Wait...!"
An out-of-breath Brian tumbles between the young man and William and the others, dragging his leg.
Brian: "I promised! But for now, I'm going to tell you...!"
Brian: "Don't hurt them...!"
William: "....."
Young prisoner: "....Wh-What's going on....what's happening here? What's happening!?"
The knife slips from the upset young man's hand and rolls to the floor.
Pressured by Brian's pleas, the other prisoners fell silent.
William: "Thanks Brian. And also...my cat, who can't be seen by others."
William: "But the dedication to advocacy is too much to bear. Just relax and take it easy."
William: "Now, Inspector."
Inspector: "Ugh...I don't care anymore! Get him!"
William: "Hahaha! Don't be so frightened. I just wanna talk. 'Tell me the name of the man who is in charge of this case."
Inspector: "...Ngh...D-Deputy general! Shit!"
William: "I see. But you also have collaborators outside the police force, don't you? 'Answer me."
Inspector: "....I don't know....!"
William: "Hmm....indeed. He's not so stupid as to reveal information to the field?"
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William: "Thank you for your cooperation, Inspector. It was very helpful. Now, 'Keep your mouth shut and don't move from the spot."
HeI watched as the Inspector became as still as a stone.
William: "........"
William lovingly placed Kate's arm, which hung weakly, on her abdomen.
Then he picked her up again, gently so as not to shock her.
William: "I need to ask my cat for a favor, if you don't mind."
Liam: "....Mm, yes?"
William: "I...I need you to take her to 'our' doctor."
Liam: "Yes. I'll make sure she's safe. ....But what about you, Will?"
William: "I've got a few more things left to do here."
William stared at Kate in the arms of the transparent Liam for a few seconds.
William: "....Not right away, but I'll come home."
Liam: ".....Mm, I understand."
As Kate disappears into the darkness of the tower in Liam's arms.
William turned to the stunned prisoners and smiled graciously.
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William: "Now...for all the good and bad people who pointed knives at 'my' robin."
William: "Unfortunately, you are all going to be manipulated by me, once again."
Prisoner: "Ngh....?"
Brian: "Sir Rex, what are you...!?"
William: "All of you form a single line and follow me."
Brian: ".....Nn....!"
The moment he stood up on command, Brian's face contorted in pain.
William: "Ah, is your leg injured? Are there other prisoners who are injured severely?"
Brian: "Y-Yes..."
William: "It looks like they need to be handled differently. ......'The injured will remain here until they are picked up."
William: "It is not necessary for everyone to be present at the parade. It's the formality and the impression that counts."
William: "Come on, let's go. It's gonna be a busy night."
Before dawn.
The city of London was supposed to be shrouded in fog and silence, but that day there was a strange buzz in the air.
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Citizen of London: "What's going on...? Is this a parade?"
Citizen of London: "I didn't hear anything about this."
The diligent workers who have work early in the morning,
The night watchman rushes in on the sound of murmurs as he wakes up from the sound of footsteps.
Male prisoner: "Please help me! My legs...they're moving on their own.....!"
Female prisoner: "My leg hurts....please stop...please...."
The line of people obediently moving their feet, with tired, disheveled faces, asked for help.
It was a bizarre sight, as if they had just knocked a corpse out of the grave and formed it into a line.
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William: "Morning bells are ringing, morning bells are ringing...."
Only William, at the head of the line, sings in a good mood.
The joyful singing stopped with the sound of the prisoners' footsteps as they reached the square.
William: "Coachmen, shoe shiner, janitor, the policemen, the gossiping baker...."
William: "Ah...and the postmen, of course. That's about enough witnesses."
Counting the gazes of fearful and curious onlookers, William muttered.
Seeing this, the young man opened his mouth as if he couldn't stand it.
Younger prisoner: ".....Hey...Mr....William. What are thinking....?"
William: "I don't understand your question. Could you be more clear?"
Young prisoner: "Is that article about you, true? I don't....know what to believe in anymore....."
Young prisoner: "Why did you come to the tower? Why did you bring us all the way down here....!?"
William: "Well of course---"
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William: "I'm going to execute you all."
Young prisoner: "Ngh.....!?"
William: "Especially you. You pointed a knife at me, right?"
William: "And you even hurt my robin."
Young prisoner: "Ah..Ahh...I...."
William: "....Now, how should I do it?"
William walked up to the immobile young man and touched his throat.
William: "If I give you an order right now, you won't resist."
William: "I didn't get to see much blood in the Tower of London, so...I'm starving."
William: "Should I have your throat slit? or...ask you to gouge out your heart?"
The moment a fingertip came down his throat and poked him in the chest with a thud.
Young prisoner: "Ha..Haa....! Please no, please no! Help me....someone please help me!!"
The young prisoner's drawn-out cry for help brought the witnesses back to themselves, who were unable to process the situation.
Policemen: "What are you doing!?"
Policemen: "It's William Rex! Seize him!"
William: "Ahahaha! Nice scream."
William laughed in a high-pitched laugh when he quickly moved away from the young man.
William: "The countermeasure to the cover-up is the uncontrollable testimony of an unspecified number of witnesses and the market is set."
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William: "Thanks for the best reaction, Charlie."
Charlie: "........Eh."
William: "From now on 'be your own master."
William: "From now on 'be your own master."
At William's words, the prisoners who had been manipulated slumped to the ground.
Charlie: "....My name..."
Policemen: "Ah!? Hey, are you all okay!?"
Policemen: "Wait...what did you do to them!?"
William: "Don't come after me."
Policemen: "Nn!?"
William: "Take my message to the senior ranking officers of the London police...especially to the Deputy commissioner."
William: "If you don't want to be subjected to the same abuse, don't even think about incriminating them again."
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William: "Well then, have a good day."
William said that with a single order as he would shut down the tracker.
The only thing that remained was a smile, and then he disappeared into the morning mist.
(.....Is this a dream?)
I found myself standing at the entrance to the Great Hall of Crown Castle.
(What happened....)
I am dazed and cannot recall the situation well.
William can be seen at the far end of the hall.
William has his back turned, though he won't look back.
For some reason, I felt like..... he is waiting for me.
(I can't move my body....but I want to talk to you)
I'm coming to you.
Don't go far.
Until I'm with you.
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Kate: "Until I'm with you...."
Kate: "....Please stay safe."
I had to shout for him to hear, but my voice shook unreliably.
But William, whose back was still turned, seemed to get the message.
William: ".....Don't worry, Kate."
When I looked down to move my feet, I saw bottomless darkness.
Before I knew it, my consciousness had been sucked back into darkness----
Liam: "Katie is going to be alright, right? She not going to die, right? Roger?"
Roger: "I stitched up the wound and it wasn't very deep. I guess the guy who stabbed...was hesitating a little bit."
Roger: "But she has lost a fair amount of blood. It's up to this young lady to wake up now."
Liam's eyes were shifting unsteadily in front of Kate's prone body.
The day after the disturbances at the Tower of London and the Dawn Parade.
Kate was carried to the Crown Castle and has yet to wake up,
William's whereabouts were also unknown.
Roger: "Is he ever coming back?"
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Roger: "That bastard who is responsible for putting this young lady in such a state and not to mention, not coming to check on her."
Liam: "It's too late for that. Will is a bad man who will never belong to anyone, no matter how much he tries to mislead people."
Liam: "....Or he used to be."
Liam looked Kate's sleeping face.
Liam: "When we parted, I looked at Kate and she was making a face I'd never seen before."
Liam: ".....'I'll come back, I promise.' is what her face said."
Roger: "Well, whatever it is...Kate would probably be more comfortable on a bed in her room than on a hard bed like this one."
Roger: "Let's bring her to her room then, shall we?"
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Elbert: "...............I will carry her."
Roger: "Whoa! El, there you are... Hm? And what did you just say?"
Elbert: "I will carry her."
Elbert slowly laid Kate on the bed.
Elbert: "......."
She remains asleep, breathing shallowly.
Elbert: "...............Once you wake up, I want to ask you something."
Elbert: "....Depending on your answer, I....might want you." (wait for your route :/)
Elbert sat down on the bedside chair and did not touch or speak.
He simply stared at her with his ocean-blue eyes.
All the way to...daylight, as if hoping that those eyelids will open and give him the answers he wanted.
-----That night. One journalist ran into the post office.
Post master: "Mr. Brian....!?"
Brian, looking exhausted and emaciated, crowded into the director's office.
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Brian: "I need you to deliver these."
Brian: "If you take it to the newspapers, I'm sure they'll cover it up...I want you to tell them. Tell them my confession."
----In the muddy darkness, a silent lullaby can be heard.
'Who killed cock robin....who killed cock robin.....'
It's very calm, gentle and inviting.
(I need to wake up....)
(He is waiting)
The singing brings the body back to its senses.
Consciousness emerges from the depths of darkness.
(I want to see you now)
???: "....Oh my darling robin. Please answer my curtain call."
When I woke up, what I felt before the pain was the scent of roses he was wearing.
Kate: "....William....?"
William: "Good morning, Kate."
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He's here by my side.
It meant that there was a continuation to our relationship, in which we pushed each other to be selfish.
Kate: "Who killed the robin?' Wha...Why are you singing such a unlucky lullaby?"
I was being sarcastic, but my voice sounded too happy.
The red-eyed evil king laughed in amusement.
Teneramente: Lovingly - Normal story
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jaslan4f1 · 1 year
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Trick me once, Trick me twice C.L Part 4
Notes: english is not my native language so this may contain consistency errors, i would really appreciate the corrections but please, be kind. feedback is also appreciated ♡
Summary: Charles is the best friend of your brother Max. You both hate each other…that’s what you thought but then something happened.
Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I have many final exams going on and it was really stressing the last weeks. But here is the new chapter and I hope you will like it.
You said in your bed and scrolled through instagram. You looked at some stories in your feed till you reached Charles story. He posted a video in which he played piano. You knew that he played piano but you have never actually heard him play. You didn’t even think about your reaction and clicked on the heart in the corner. You liked Charles story for the first time. After the moment in the bathroom two weeks ago you haven’t seen Charles at your brothers apartment. You didn’t rethink his action because he was busy and you were not interested in seeing him. Or so you thought…fact was that you thought about your moment a lot. It was like a cat and mouse game and you knew that Charles never was interested in something serious. But why were you even think this way when you hated him? You could think about Charles and his behaviour towards you when you heard your door being opened. “Hey sorry I just wanted to check if you’re still alive“ Max said and walked to the end of your bed. “Morning yeah sorry I just wanted to get my beauty sleep“ you both laughed. “What do you think if we take my boot and have lunch there?“ You smiled at his idea but imminently asked him “I’m in but who do you exactly mean with we?“. He laughed at your question “Oh just you, Kelly, me and probably some drivers. I have asked Lando and Charles to join us“ he answered you. “So you are in for it, right?“ He asked again. You just nodded. Was is a good idea to see the Ferrari driver on the boot the first time after your moment? “I am sure that Kelly can help you figure out what you can wear“ Max said and his cooky grin made you roll your eyes at him. “How did you even…“ , “I am your brother Y/N“ he said and walked out of your room.
An hour later you and Kelly stood in front of your dresser trying to figure out what to wear. “So do you wanna wear his colour?“ She shyly asked. First you didn’t understood what she meant but then it clicked. “You mean…“ you stared “Red yes“ she finished. You looked in your dresser and saw a beautiful red summer dress hanging next to a bright orange dress. You liked teasing him so you decided against the red dress. “Really you’re going looking like a McLaren fan today“ Kelly said aas she saw you coming out of your bathroom moments later. “Yeah but I wear this underneath it“ you said and showed her the red bikini you had on. She looked at you a smirk forming on her lips “you naughty girl“. 30 minutes later you stood on Maxs boot waiting for the McLaren and Ferrari diver. You looked up from your phone when you heard Landos voice. “Hey little Verstappen“ Lando said as he hugged you. “Hey were the same age so don’t little me“ you responded. Then you saw the person standing behind him. Charles fucking Leclerc. His eyes were already on you. You had the feeling that you forgot how to breath. “Orange suits you, you should wear it more often and join the McLaren crew“ Lando said and you looked at him and gave him a fast smile. “I’ll think about it“ was your only respond. Sure Lando was handsome and you did flirted with him a few times at races but it came never to your mind to date him or anything. Your attention was now again on the driver in front of you. His eyes scanned your outfit. Of course he thought you looked beautiful in anything but seeing you in a other drivers colour made his blood boil. “Hello to you too“ you said. He didn’t respond but gave you a hug. His lips reached your ear “Sure orange suits you but I would prefer you in my colour“ he said as he kissed your ear. With that he left you speechless. 20 minutes later you all sat at the table waiting for your food. The boys stared to talk about the upcoming races and you and Kelly discussed your planes for the upcoming weekend. “What about on Saturday we go to that new Mall I told you about“ Kelly said. “On Saturday she can’t we have planes there“ Charles voice interrupted both of you. “We have?“ You said quickly followed by Maxs, Kellys and Landos “You have what?“. “Hmm yeah Y/N wanted me to show her how to play piano. We started talking about it after my story yesterday and I offered her my help“ Charles said and gave you a smile. You decided to play along. “But I thought you didn’t like to play instruments“ Max said and looked at you with his sceptical look. “People can change“ was the only thing you could respond before the food arrived.
a/n; Hi guys, I hope you like this post. If you have any ideas, share them please.
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claire-elvisgirl · 6 months
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Summary: You and your big sister Emily have become Elvis’ friends and now you’re on tour with him and the guys. But suddenly he realizes he sees you as something more than just a friend.
Warnings: 18+, smut, Age gap (f 18/m 35), flirting, Elvis is facing an ending marriage (not Priscilla), cheating, sex
Word cunt: 4451
Las Vegas, Elvis’ dressing room
“What do ya think y/n?” he asked looking at himself in the mirror. You went close to him and stared from his hair to his feet. He wore a two-pieces suit, black pants and a gold jacket with black boots, his hair perfectly combed. Sometimes you forgot how perfect he was. “I think you look wonderful!” you answered gently.
He smiled and pinched your cheek: “Thanks y/n. This suit is really great, but…don’t ya think the jacket it’s too flashy?”
You made him turn around for you and you waltzed around him like a vulture on a prey: “Well, the stage is dark, you need something to enhance your figure!”
“That’s a very good point baby, I knew I didn’t waste my time keepin’ ya around…ehehe!”  he joked.
“Hey!” you slapped him on his shoulder “Don’t you dare, you know? You’d be lost without me!”
You two loved to play; you pranked each other and laughed together, even for the littlest thing. You shared thoughts, memories, bad and good moments and lately you got closer and closer to each other. You were attracted to him, but he was a married man and even if his marriage wasn’t going too well, you didn’t want to be pointed as the one who broke it definitely. You held your feelings in your heart, hoping that maybe someday, things would have changed. You were still drowning in your thoughts, when he took you back to earth.
“Maybe if it was of another colour…” he mumbled.
“I think you’re perfect! And besides, it’s not what you wear that makes the show, it’s your voice!” you reassured him patting his arm.
“Well thank ya y/n, you’re always so sweet…I’m very grateful that ya are close with my family. Aaand if it wasn’t for my wife, I swear I could have a lil’ crush on ya…” he laughed and slapped gently your butt, making you gasp.
“I…I think I better go now…” you blushed.
“Sure baby…I understand. Well, if ya ever wanna hang out, sometimes, just lemme know!” he smiled and winked, then he came close to you and kissed your cheek: “See ya around!”
You ran out of his dressing room and took a deep breath. His words took you by surprise. He put on his jacket and started to get ready for the show. He looked one last time at himself in the mirror and he mumbled: “I hope she ain’t taking it seriously…I mean, I said that I would have a crush on her if I wasn’t married, but…God, I was only kiddin’…” he laughed and practiced some karate moves, then he walked up to the stage.
You ran back to your sister Emily and you told her what happened with Elvis. She widened her eyes and couldn’t believe her ears: “Wow, it seems he has a crush on you, sis. I didn’t imagine Elvis liked you, now I’m getting’ a bit jealous! I might have to take him away from you!”
You both laughed together talking about him. You agree with Emily that he could be a little hard to handle sometimes, but he was also incredibly kind and a good friend.
“He sure is cute and I like him a lot, but you know he’s married!” you sighed.
“Yeah sis, it’s the only problem here, and it’s quite a big deal, but let me tell you something, he has a bit of a reputation with girls…if you know what I mean!”
“A good or a bad one?” you laughed; but at the same time Emily’s words made you think that he could make a move on you.
“Well, you know he’s very charismatic and handsome. Maybe he won’t do anything to embarrass you, but I would be cautious sis!”
He showed up, walking through the hallway.
“Shh, he’s coming…” she hushed you.
He came up behind you and Emily: “How’s my favourite lil’ girls? Why are y’all whisperin’?”
You smiled at him: “Oh nothing, we were just tattling about you!” you and Emily looked at each other and laugh. He looked at you both with a questioning look: “Oh really? What did ya find so funny? Tell me!” he asked squeezing your arms. He seemed interested in what you said and he laughed at himself a bit.
“Don’t worry, nothing serious…now go, or you’ll be late for your show!”
Alright, alright…” he gave you and Emily a quick kiss on the cheek for good luck “Love ya both!”
He smiled and walked away getting ready for the show.
“We’ll be in the first row!” you yelled. He laughed and after a while he was on stage, performing for his fans, doing what he loved the most. He made sure everything was set up, the band prepared and the audience was all sitting He went on stage and got an amazing response from the crowd. They cheered and screamed as he walked out. He gave them a quick wave before standing in front of the microphone. Your eyes didn’t lose him for a second while he was singing and you thought he was really handsome, more than you’ve ever noticed before. He sang his first song and he noticed you watching at him almost hypnotized. He smiled and winked at you. At the end of the show, he went back in his dressing room and you followed him. You knocked on his door: “Elvis!? It’s y/n!”
He opened the door and smiled: “Y/n, come in honey!” he let you in gladly surprised “Ya need something?”
“Well, I…just wanted to congratulate I guess…it’s been an amazing show and…” you stuttered.
“Aw thank ya honey, it means a lot that ya came back just for that!” he grabbed you and gave you a quick hug “But I hope ya didn’t come just to tell me this…” he lifted your face gently. He kept hugging you as you admired his handsome face so close to you: “I…no…me and Emily were leaving and…”
He stopped you: “You’re leavin’ already? I was hopin’ ya would stay and hang out with us, but…okay…I’ll see ya tomorrow!”
He gave you a sweet kiss on your cheek as he ran his fingers through your hair. You felt his hand running down your back and down to your hips. You pulled back from him: “Well…thank you again…bye!”
As you left his dressing room you felt strange, he never made you feel that way. You found Emily and came back to your room with her. After an hour you were almost asleep and you felt someone knocking softly on your door. “What the…who could that…”
You got up from the bed and opened the door. Your jaw dropped on the floor and you covered yourself as you were wearing just a very small shirt and panties: “Elvis!? What are you doing here? Are you crazy?”
“Shh baby…I know it’s really late, but I just wanted to say goodnight and lettin’ ya know how much I appreciate our talk today. You’re really a wonderful girl…you’re really not a baby anymore…and…”
You stood there waiting for him to finish: “I…I wanted to know if ya wanted to…to hang out with me sometimes…I-I mean…just we two…without the guys…what do ya say?”
You were about to say no, without thinking too much, but his request left you speechless. You didn’t want to admit it, but you were very attracted to him, even if he was much older than you: “Look Elvis…I was going to sleep, can we…can we talk tomorrow?”
He seemed upset and disappointed: “Why tomorrow baby? Ya can’t talk right now? What the hell…sure I can wait tomorrow, sure I’m not that important, am I?! You don’t wanna go out with me, then why don’t ya just say it!?”
“Sshh…look I didn’t say no, it’s just…this is not the right moment, I don’t wanna wake Emily up…and I’m tired too…please…” you answered whispering.
“Oh yeah, right…sorry…forget about it. I mean, I have so many women to talk to…I thought we might have been a thing, but forget it, really…” he walked away pissed.
You ran after him: “No no no…wait…wait…”
He stopped and yelled: “What do ya mean ‘no wait’? Ya think I’m playin’ games? Ya know what…I ain’t got time to waste!”
He left you there in the hallway and walked away. You felt suddenly sad, as something broke inside you. Emily got up from her bed and came close to you: “Honey what’s going on? Why was he so upset?”
You got back in the room: “Forget it, you were right about him…he’s an asshole!”
You slammed the door behind you, you buried your face in your pillow and cried all your tears out.
Three days after…
You avoided him for the following three days and even when you met by chance, he ignored you completely. Then you decided to try to talk to him. You went to his room and you found him relaxing in his armchair. The sunlight was peeking through the window, kissing his hair, making him look incredibly beautiful; he looked like a god. You stood in front of him: “Hi…”
He didn’t even raise his eyes and you tried to talk to him again: “Please, say something…”
Silence again. A silence as heavy as a rock. You kneeled down, almost between his legs, trying to catch his eyes. You moved a hand on his knee, but you gasped as he grabbed and squeezed your wrist and looked at you with a cold stare: “You’re in a dangerous position baby!”
You jumped back scared, but he didn’t let you go: “What do ya want y/n?”
“Look…I’m sorry for how I treated you! I just wanted to say I’m sorry, I really am!”
You knew his pride would have never let him lose, not at first at least, but you had to try. He meant too much to you to lose his friendship. He didn’t say a thing, he kept looking at you with his deep blue eyes: “First ya treat me like a piece of trash and then ya came crawlin’ back?!”
“It’s not like that…I knew you were angry and I didn’t want to disturb you. You had concerts to do and you surely didn’t have time to spend with me…after all, you said so yourself, didn’t you?!”
He jumped from the chair and towered you: “Don’t ya dare to talk to me like that, girl!!!” he whispered in gritted teeth. You swallowed hard. You never saw him that angry.
“Look baby, I’m havin’ a lil’ trouble forgivin’ ya for what ya did last night, but…” his voice softened, he took you closer to him and hugged you tight: “…I’m glad ya came back!”
He held you for a very long time, as he was afraid of letting you go. You could feel the strength of his arms keeping you safe and you felt like nothing in the world could harm you. You lift your arms and hugged him back whispering: “I’m sorry…” while a tear fell from your eyes. Without breaking the hug, he caressed your hair gently and moved his lips on your neck: “It’s okay baby…the only thing that matters is that you’re here with me…I thought I’d lost ya!”
You heard him sighing deeply, almost like he was crying, but you didn’t have the courage to check if it was true. You just enjoyed the most wonderful hug of your life, while his lips explored your neck, leaving a trace of sweet little kisses all over. Then you whispered in his ear: “I’m here!”
The morning after, Emily got up before you and came to wake you up. You yawned and stretched in your bed and slowly you woke up, thinking again about that sweet moment with him just a day earlier. Emily shook you gently: “Rise and shine sis, I got something to show you!”
“Oh God Emily…what could be more important than breakfast now?” you answered tired.
“Check your phone princess!” she answered throwing it at you. You grabbed the phone and found a message from him. Emily smiled and teased you: “What you’re hiding? Why now he writes you in private?”
You looked at her, unsure to tell her or not what happened. But then you thought that she was your only sister and you shared everything with her, so, why not?
“Okay can you keep a secret?” you asked her “I saw him yesterday and…he’s gonna take me out…tonight!”
Emily widened her eyes: “What???”
You shut her mouth: “Sshh…I told you…it’s a secret. Please, don’t ruin everything!”
Emily stood there in disbelief: “Are you gonna go? You never know what might happen…I mean, we know him pretty well, I’m just prayin’ he doesn’t want to take advantage of you…”
You sat on the bed: “Actually I was planning to go, but…I can’t help but think he’s married…I mean, if he’s ready to cheat on his wife with me, what could stop him to cheat on me with someone else?”
Emily listened very carefully, then she headed for the door: “You only live once, sis! You would be crazy to turn him down, besides you think all these men are all that loyal? So just put on your sexy dress and heels and go make me proud! Just be careful!”
You jumped out of bed and hugged her: “Thank you! I’ll tell you all about that tomorrow. And remember, don’t let anything out of your tongue!”
“I got your back, cross my heart!” she laughed as she left the room.
You went to fix your hair and you picked up your favourite dress, the one he loved so much. You still couldn’t believe what was about to happen.
When you met him that night, he smiled. “I couldn’t wait to see ya baby, ya look so beautiful tonight!” and he kissed you, with a gentle touch. You were very excited, but still you wondered if you were doing the right things.
“Thank you, Elvis…you look great too!” you answered blushing. You were excited and nervous at the same time and you didn’t know how to handle all these new feelings. “You did ask me out so gently and I treated you really bad, but now I’m happy we settled everything!”
You got in his car and as he drove away, you looked at him; he was really beautiful. You felt your heart beating faster than ever and you realized that, maybe, what you felt wasn’t just a simple friendship, but you couldn’t let yourself go with him: “Look I wanna make one thing clear…before we go any further…I hope you don’t think this is a romantic date…I mean…we’re…friends, right?!”
 He smiled mischievously staring at the road ahead: “Sure…friends…”
His answer left you speechless and you kept talking: “I mean, I’m not ready for a relationship and I think I’m way too young for you!”
“Well, you’re young, but you’re not a child…and ya make me feel things I’ve never felt before. I just can’t explain it…” he smiled with passion.
“Oh please…you’re married!”
He frowns: “Oh baby…I think it’s time I tell ya something…my marriage isn’t the same anymore…and I think we both know what is happening! Please, give me a chance!”
“Oh God, this is so weird…”
You looked out of the window and your mind raced away in a thousand thoughts. You never imagined he was going through such a pain. He never showed his feelings to anybody, but in that moment, he was opening his heart to you and you saw him extremely human and vulnerable.
He spoke again: “Please…give me a chance…ya don’t have to answer now, but I want ya to know it. This isn’t a normal date, let me show ya the way I feel and then ya decide what to do!”
“I don’t know what to say…”
“Baby I know you’re confused, I know it’s a lot to handle, but I promise ya won’t regret it!” he caressed your hand. The last thing you wanted was to ruin him and his career, but he was pressing on you so much and deep inside your heart you knew you loved him: “I don’t know…what if someone finds out?” you asked.
“Look, gimme one night…just one night and then ya can decide if ya want me or not. I promise ya won’t regret a thing, please!? Will ya do this f’me?” he asked sadly.
“Just one night?” you asked.
“Yeah y/n, just one night…and if ya should find out ya don’t love me…I’ll understand, or at least I’ll try to!”
You looked away from him. His eyes were pleading you, and you wanted to resist, but you couldn’t. If something would have gone wrong, it would have been very hard not to see each other again, as you were practically always together. After a while, you both realized ya didn’t have a choice, because the feelings that bonded you was too strong and you accepted his offer. One night. Just one night with him to really understand your feelings. You grabbed your phone and you texted Emily:
“I’m officially in trouble! He wants to spend the night together…I couldn’t say no!”
She took her phone and as she read your message, she widened her eyes. She texted back:
“What’s going through your mind? It was supposed to be just a dinner, why did you say yes?”
“I don’t know…I’ll go and then I’ll see what happens…I’ll text you later. Love u!”
Emily was worried about you. Things were starting to slip out of hand and she didn’t want you to get hurt or heartbroken. She tried to call you, but you didn’t answer. She couldn’t help but think that he was twice your age and she was scared to see you suffer. But you were so excited about what was happening, that she decided to give him a chance with you. She texted again:
“Okay, enjoy your night, but if he breaks your heart or if he tries something wrong, I swear I’m gonna kick his ass!”
After dinner, you drove back to the hotel and he walked you to his suite. He looked around to check no one was watching and then he locked the door. He got close to you and he hugged you: “Don’t be scared baby…I’m not gonna hurt ya! Now that you’re here I’m never lettin’ ya go, but first I wanna show ya a good time. I wanna make ya feel good. Can I have a kiss for a start? Pretty please?!” he asked you with puppy eyes.
You were scared to death, but your lips met after a while and the kiss became longer and deeper. You seemed to melt as he pulled you closer to him and you kept kissing until you fell on the bed. You kissed him passionately and you took it slow at first, but then you became more eager and he returned your kiss with passion. He pulled you on top of him and you moaned a little. You seemed to be losing yourselves into each other and your lips were moving faster.
“That’s it baby…let it go!” he whispered. He moaned and breathed heavily. He pulled you even closer and you felt your heart pounding like a drum. You became more intimate as he started to making you experience what real love really was. You kept kissing him on his neck making him moan louder. In that moment you felt the urge to touch him and you moved your hand underneath his shirt, caressing his chest. He was turned on and he enjoyed every second and every little touch you gave him. He wanted more, he wanted to take it further. While he breathed heavily, he touched your body too, feeling your waist, your thighs and your chest as he moved his hands all over you.
“Baby, I’m goin’ crazy…come a lil’ closer, move your hand down baby, make me feel like a real man, show me what ya can do!”
You obeyed and you moved your hand down, caressing him in his most intimate parts. You were nervous and you started very soft, but after a while, the sensation of feeling his member pulsing for you, gave you courage and you slid a hand in his pants, touching it, feeling it, hard as rock under your touch.
“Oh baby...ya can do anything ya want with me, I’m all yours…touch him, play with him…yeah…that’s it…”
After a while he grabbed your hand and removed it from his pants. He took you and he rolled you over, pinning you down on the bed: “Baby I can’t wait anymore, I love ya so much…” he whispered as he caressed your hair. He kissed you desperately on your neck and as you felt his body on you, you moaned more and more. You were enjoying his body and suddenly you felt him fully on you. You hugged him, pulling you closer to you and you whispered in his ear: “Elvis…I…I never thought I would feel this way, but…I love you…that’s what I need…that’s what I want…I need this, right now…”
He breathed loudly and groaned: “Yeah baby, I don’t know how much longer I can hold back…I wanna feel ya, kiss ya…I…I wanna take ya…now!”
He looked at you deeply and passionately with love and desire in his eyes. You looked back at him and you both knew what you want from each other now. The fire inside of you both was burning strongly and you didn’t want to control it anymore. He lifted up your shirt and you felt his hand on your skin, but it only turned you on more than ever. Then he started to kiss your chest making you gasp: “D’ya like that darlin’? Does that feel nice?”
You gulped, trying to think, but your mind was blown away. He got back to your lips and as he kissed you, his tongue slipped in your mouth. You let your hand moving over his body as you kissed him, your body pressing up against his. He pulled away for a moment and whispered: “Keep it up baby, that’s what I was talkin’ about…” he nodded in pleasure as you moaned and kissed him more passionately.
“So damn sweet…so good…keep goin’ baby…that’s it…God, you’re getting’ me so hot…” he was turned on as never before and with every second passing, he wanted you more and more. Suddenly he moved his hand down and touched you right between your legs, without taking off your clothes.
“Oh God…” you felt his hand caressing you, gently, sending shivers down your spine. It was just a matter of seconds and you were slowly undressing each other, enjoying the touch of your bodies one against the other.
He looked at you with love: “Oh God, just look at ya, you’re so perfect…” he sighed and put his hand back into your hair, looking down at you. He smiled at you and his hands moved down to play with the fabric of your panties. He moved them aside and his hands reached your core, but this time he was touching it directly, his fingers playing gently with your sensitive flesh. You moaned louder as he kept caressing you. He was gentle and delicate and you enjoyed every second of it, but suddenly he paced up and you felt two fingers sliding inside of you. His thumb started to play on your clit, gently pressing on it in circular motion. You were over the moon. You didn’t think you could ever experience such a pleasure.
“Elvis...please…don’t stop!” you begged him arching your back and moaning. He kept moving, but after a while he stopped and looked at you. He didn’t say a thing, but you knew what he wanted. Without answering, you nodded, giving him your consent to reach the next step. He took off your pants slowly and stood there for a while, staring at your white panties. You felt you heart beating faster and faster, but you were not afraid. It was excitement, pure love for him. He looked at you, almost as if he was afraid of hurting you, but when he saw your total surrender to him, his hands grabbed your panties and took them off. He took off his clothes too and he spread your legs apart. The sight of your trembling pussy, made him turned on even more and he leaned down, kissing your clit with passion and as he breathed and moaned on you, your excitement grew stronger. He climbed on top of you and as he did, you felt the tip of his hard cock pressing gently at your entrance. He stood there for a while, looking at you with eyes full of love.
“Baby, are ya…”
You hushed him with your finger on his lips. He perfectly knew it was the first time for you, but he knew you wanted it and so he did. He moved slowly, pushing himself inside of you, making you gasp as you felt his member stretching you.
“Oh God…”
“Sshh baby…I won’t hurt ya…don’t worry…”
He pulled back a bit, before shoving it in a second time. As he kept moving in and out, his pace increased, making you almost cry. You grabbed his shoulders, piercing his skin with your nails. The pain soon turned into pleasure and as he caressed your hair he whispered sweetly: “My lil’ baby…all mine…”
His words made you trembling. Just the thought of being completely his, sent you right on your edge. He thrusted again inside of you and every time he reached your g-spot, you let out a loud moan.
“I wanna make ya mine baby…mine forever…can I…?” he didn’t finish his phrase, as he felt a long wave of pleasure hurting him and before he could say something he came hard into you, filling you up. Feeling his cock releasing inside your body was the highest pleasure you ever felt in your life and after a while, the same wave hit you too, making your walls clenching around him. He enjoyed your orgasm groaning and then he fell on you exhausted, with his head resting on your chest. The room was suddenly silent. Your bodies were still wrapped around each other and the only sound that echoed around was your breaths slowing down. He kissed you with passion as he tried to catch his breath and then he held you tight.
“Well, I used to pull your pigtails
and pinch your turned-up nose,
but you’ve been a-growin’
and baby it’s been showin’
from your head down to your toes”
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secretkittywolf · 5 months
High Life
Chapter 2
Martyn made a mad dash towards the penthouse on his left. As soon as he entered the building, he was greeted to a club. "Oh wow. Grian definately went all out on this" He walked around the ground floor, taking in everything. "Okay. So we own a penthouse, have one life, a backstory and a motive to kill another player. This is a lot" he ponders out loud. He makes his way into the club area and its lit up with chandelier's and some small colourful lights to add to the ambience and atmosphere. "Damn. All this for me? Aren't I a lucky guy?" Martyn smirks, looking around some more. He makes his way to the penthouse and his jaw hit the floor when he opened the doors. "Holy shit! Wh- What is this?!" He was in awe at the size of the room. Martyn walks aimlessly around, taking in everything. He ends up hitting his back on the vanity table where he spies a book. "My backstory, I assume?"
"You and Impulse are childhood friends. The two of you grew up together and have formed such an amazing friendship. But after a bad fight a week ago, you're bitter and your trust for Impulse has diminished Your motive? Kill your once best friend"
"Oh damn. That's- That's intense. So... We had a fight and now I must kill him? Why can't we make up and I kill someone else?" Martyn says frowning. He soon begins to feel a sharp pain in his head as whispers began to flood it. "Must kill..... Do not disobey...... Do not fail us...... Like last time"  "Alright, alright!" I hear ya! Jeez" The whispers fade and the pain disappears. Martyn sighs. Because he lost in Secret Life, the Watchers decided to take out their anger on him, especially for teaming up with the canary, Jimmy. He stared at the book with anger. Killing Impulse because they had a fight?! Isn't that extreme? And what was the fight about? Martyn shakes his head. He'll worry about them at a later date. He heads to the wardrobe and finds a classy suit as well as a dress. "Nice suit. Definitely wanna feel fancy" After he changes, he heads back down and heard some voices. "Oh, hey Martyn!" Calls Scott, waving at him from across the room. "What are you guys doing here?" "It's a club, ain't it? Can't we have fun?" Asks Scar. "True. But it is a club in my building so" he walks over to the bar, hops over the counter and smirks. "Can I serve you some drinks?" Cleo walks up to the bar. "So what drinks so you have, Martyn?" He looks behind him. "No alcohol... sadly. Fuck you, Grian" he mutters the last part under his breath.
"I can either give you: water, milk or mix you a potion and you can all pretend it's an alcoholic drink" "The third one, please" "Coming right up!" He finds that Grian has given him fancy cocktail glasses. Martyn groans but begins to mix up a healing option and pours it into the glass. "Here you go" he slides the pink drink across the counter as others came over to order. "Seriously, Grian? You give me fancy glasses, an exquisite bar but no alcohol?! Really?" Grian chuckles. "Do you really want to complete your motive whilst flat out drunk?" "Would make it interesting" The avian laughs and orders a regeneration drink. As Martyn begins to mix it up, Skizz walk in. Skizz waves to Scott and heads over to him. Martyn watches from behind the bar and due to his good hearing, he eavesdrops in on their conversation. "Hey Scott" "Skizz..." "Hey. What's wrong handsome?" He sees Skizz place a hand on Scott's arm. "Nothing. Everything's fine" snaps Scott. Skizz removes his hand from the other. "You know whatever it is, you can talk to me. I'm here for you" "I don't fancy talking right now so could you leave me be. Please?" Skizz doesn't say anything and walks away.
Skizz/Scott drama is starting!
Grian's being a lil shit with the no alcohol rule and can Martyn kill Impulse or will he have to be punished again by The Watchers?
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Comes in Waves (The Clinic AU)
Pairing: Shane x Reader
Word Count: 990
Warning: Strong language, needles
a/n: NEW CHARACTER ALERT! It took me a while to bring you guys someone new, but here he is. Keeping my promise to write for all of Rob's characters at least once, here's Shane who stole our hearts in only a little over 6 minutes.
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"Hey, do you have zinc left?" A voice behind you called.
"Yeah, pick a colour," you chuckled, pointing at your backpack while you carefully waxed your board.
Shane wasn't a stranger, but he also wasn't exactly your friend. He was more like an acquaintance, you bumped into each other sometimes at the Aileens and maybe talked for a minute or two, but so far that was it.
He was a nice guy, weirdly strong for how skinny he looked, and although his hair was definitely influenced by 2000s emo boy bands, he wasn't bad looking. In fact, you caught yourself looking forward to seeing him at times, not that you ever said anything.
"Oh shit…" Shane muttered, seeing the time on your phone when he tried to find the zinc.
"Everything okay?" You asked, suddenly worried he saw something you didn't even know you had in your bag. Your mind went through the endless possibilities from used condoms to dead rat, from bloody pads to human remains, maybe drugs or a copy of Fifty Shades of Grey.
"I forgot to take my insulin," he sighed, grabbing his own backpack to check if he even brought it.
"You're diabetic?" You mused. You felt stupid for not knowing, but it's not like the subject would've come up in conversation between you two.
"Mmhm," he nodded, taking the pen injector out and smiling. "Oh thank God I don't have to go all the way back home."
Although he seemed relieved to have found the medication, his face also clearly let his worry show. Even after a couple years of his diagnosis, Shane still wasn't so good at injecting himself and he was still quite scared of needles, which left him embarrassed whenever he had to do it in public.
He scrunched up his nose and looked at the applicator as if considering if that was a good idea or if he should just go home and ask for his mother's help again. On a good day, it took him about fifteen minutes just to get the nerve to do it, but he was already past his time and truly didn't wanna seem like a wimp in front of you.
"What is it?" You finally asked.
"Um… nothing."
"Are you scared?"
"I'm just not a fan of needles, that's all," Shane chuckled nervously, trying to sound as chill as possible.
You wanted to smile, it was adorable the way his voice faltered a little and how he tried to seem so nonchalant about the whole thing when he was clearly shaking like a leaf.
"You know, my little sister is diabetic, I've done this for her a few times, do you want me to try?" You offered without even thinking first. You were not that intimate, but somehow you just couldn't watch him struggle and do nothing about it.
"Really? Would you?" His face lit up.
"Yeah, no problem," you assured.
When he turned around for you to unzip his suit though, then you realized what you were doing and all the blood rushed to your face. You reached for the zipper and slowly pulled it down, exposing his back and his (quite nice) shoulders.
He pulled the suit off and you were able to see the lean muscles on his arms, the discreet treasure trail that started on his navel, and the adorable mole he had near his collarbone.
"Everything alright?" He asked this time noticing how you were paralyzed just staring.
"S-sure, sorry, I was just trying to remember if I locked the door when I left," you spewed the first bullshit excuse that popped into your head. "Can I do it?"
"Please," he set the right dosage and handed you the injector along with the little disinfectant tissue to clean the area before.
"Alright, look at me, don't focus on that," you instructed as you carefully wiped a spot on the side of his stomach. "When did you start surfing, Shane?"
"Well, I-" he flinched when he felt the needle approaching his skin, pulling away from you and almost making you laugh. "Sorry, I'll stay still."
"It's okay, just focus on the story," you encouraged, moving as fast as you could while still trying to do things swiftly enough for him not to notice.
"I started when I was ten, I saw Green Iguana and really wanted to do it myself," Shane started, not even realizing as you punctured his skin and pressed the top. "I didn't have lessons or anything, I just borrowed my mate's board and watched lots of videos for beginners, he helped me a little too…"
"All done," you put the cover back on the pen and gave it back to him. "But I'd love to hear more about how you started."
"Jesus, you really are good at that!" He gasped, looking down at his stomach in awe. "How did you do it so fast?"
"A magician never reveals their tricks," you teased. "Besides, if I tell you, you'll never ask me to do it again."
"Do it again?" Shane repeated, a little puzzled by the suggestion.
"Come on, the waves are looking great right now," you took your board before he could think more about the implications of what you just said.
"Wait! Wait, you really don't mind doing this for me?" Shane asked, taking his board as well and following you to the ocean.
You shook your head, involuntarily letting your eyes linger a little too long on his naked chest, which certainly made you blush once again.
"How about I thank you?" He finally seemed to understand why you were so flustered every time you two met and he had to admit he also felt that way. "We can grab something to eat on the way back, my treat."
"I'll think about it," you smirked before taking off and jumping in the water. "But you'll have to catch me first!"
Tag List: @elliethesuperfruitlover @salvador-daley @seanfalco @firstpersonnarrator
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Okay, so for the prompts: I’ve been thinking recently it could be really fun to write a NSFW one-shot which plays entirely on a single train ride. One character comes up to the other (they don’t know each other) and goes “Ever had sex on a train?”
Could also work for airplanes, and it would just be “Hey, wanna join the mile high club with me?” or something?
Either way, if it sparks your imagination: this but monarch. I’ll let you pick who comes up to the other, and whether or not they’ll exchange contacts after :D ❤️
You, my friend, are a bad influence...but I love it.
This one got loooooooong, but I hope you enjoy it! This was very very fun to write and hopefully it's also fun to read and doesn't get me into too much trouble on here...
-----Explicit under the cut ----- Additional stuff you should be aware of: Semi(?)Public sex, top Yami, Atem has a little bit of an existential crisis but he's okay I promise.
He sighed as he boarded the same train he did every night after work, thankful that it was a little quieter than usual. He found himself a seat with extra legroom and where people were less likely to want to sit, not feeling like making idle conversation this evening. 
Atem placed his bag on the seat next to him and relaxed, feeling the tiredness seeping into his bones from the work day. Thankfully it was Friday, it would be the weekend tomorrow and he could sleep. 
The train doors closed and the seats facing him stayed blessedly empty. He pulled his book out of his bag and settled in for his long ride home. 
When the train stopped at the next station he looked up briefly as some more passengers boarded. He was about to look back to his book when he saw someone much more interesting than the usual people in suits he saw on this train. 
The mess of red hair on his head was the first thing Atem noticed, looking down as the man walked away from where he was sitting he saw a light red leather jacket, tight black jeans and heeled boots. 
This guy was very much his type, the clothes, the coloured hair… the man turned around and took a seat in full view from where he was sitting… the face. 
Oh, this man was gorgeous.
As the train moved off again he tried to focus on the words on the page but couldn’t help looking back toward where the handsome stranger was sitting. He just …wanted to look at him. 
The first few times he looked up the man was looking down at his phone and Atem managed to not look up from his book again for a full five minutes. 
He re-read the first sentence of the page he was on several times but couldn't shake the feeling that someone was looking at him. He glanced up, automatically looking in the direction of the handsome stranger and saw him look back down at his phone quickly. 
Atem frowned and returned to his book. A few seconds later he felt that stare again and looked up faster, this time catching the  eye for a moment before the other looked away. 
He smiled to himself and looked back down at his book. His stomach filled with butterflies and he allowed himself a moment to collect his thoughts before he looked back up again. 
This time the man was looking back at him, a small smile on his face. He didn't know what to do but he really wanted to do something… 
The man looked away from him shyly for a moment and Atem couldn't help but smile as their eyes met again. His smile was returned along with a small wave. 
Atem laughed quietly and waved back, the man laughed too then winked at him and Atem blushed, looking back down at his book with a huge smile on his face. 
He wondered if he should get up and walk over there, speak to this man who had captured his attention. 
The train slowed to a stop again and the man he’d been admiring from afar stood up, hanging his jacket over his arm and bag on his shoulder and Atem felt his heart drop into his stomach. 
He was leaving, and he hadn’t asked him for his number or his name or even said a single word to him and now he wouldn’t have the chance. 
The man was looking at him as he walked up the carriage though and he considered jumping up and asking him right then for some way to contact him…any way to contact him… but he didn’t. 
Instead of stopping at the doors and getting off the train, the man continued walking down the carriage, toward where he was sitting and he wasn’t sure whether to look away or keep staring at this gorgeous stranger. 
The man gave him a warm smile as he slid effortlessly into the seat opposite Atem and his heart was starting to beat faster, he took a deep breath and tried to return the smile in a natural way. 
“I thought we’d both be able to get a better look at each other like this.” The man said, a confident edge to his voice which Atem would give anything to hear more of. 
“Oh?” Atem laughed and tilted his head to the side curiously. “And what do you think now you’re here?” 
The man hummed, leaning back in the seat and looking Atem up and down slowly, a smirk on his face. 
“I think you look even more gorgeous close up.” The man said smoothly. 
The soft smirk on his lips combined with the confident way the man spoke and the words themselves had him all but melting into the seat under him. 
“A compliment coming from someone as lovely as you.” Atem said quietly. 
The man laughed and stretched his legs out, letting them rest against the side of Atems' own. 
“My name’s Yami.” The man told him. “What should I call you, other than beautiful?” 
“Atem.” He said, “Although I wouldn’t mind you calling me beautiful at all as long as I get to compliment you in return.” 
“I like you Atem.” Yami said with a smile, his legs moving to brush against Atems again. “Long train rides are usually boring, but this one is turning out to be quite interesting.” 
He was thankful that he had managed to hold it together so well even when Yami was being so…attractive. He couldn’t quite believe that he was sitting there opposite him and calling him beautiful, warm leg pressed to his, giving him looks which only made him feel even hotter in the already stifling train carriage and work clothes. 
“I couldn’t agree more.” He said, moving to brush his foot against the back of Yamis leg. He smiled when Yami laughed. 
Yami was looking down at his body so casually again and he knew he was blushing. He shifted forward so he could slide off his jacket. 
“I don’t often have that effect on people.” Yami said. 
“I just thought you’d like a better view.” Atem shrugged as he folded his jacket over his bag. “Plus, it’s getting kind of hot in here.” 
“It could be hotter.” Yami said quietly, biting his lip as he shifted again. Atem felt one of his boots brush against the back of his thigh and he laughed. 
“I bet it could be.” He said. 
Common sense made a brief appearance and he looked around the carriage, thankful to see it was empty and no one would have to bear witness to the way Yami was trying to turn him into a puddle. 
“You look so cute when you’re flustered.” Yami’s voice was light and teasing. He looked back to him to find an amused smile on that gorgeous face, eyes full of mischief staring back at him. “I wonder how much more I could make you blush…” 
He laughed breathlessly. It was so warm in that damn carriage now, he felt like his face was on fire, his chest felt the same and his heart had to be close to breaking his ribs. 
Yami stood up, stretching his arms above his head and Atem appreciated the way the shirt he was wearing rode up over his stomach, and he wanted to touch him so badly. 
“These seats are so uncomfortable.” Yami said as he arched his back, stretching a little more. Atem bit his lip to stop himself saying something too inappropriate. 
The train slowed down suddenly and Yami fell forward toward him. Atem instinctively brought his hands up to catch him, they landed on Yami’s waist and the other man laughed as he looked down at him. 
One of Yamis knees was on the seat next to him, his hands against Atems' shoulders and he was almost sitting in his lap. With a confident smirk Yami shifted to bring his other knee up onto the seat so he was now straddling Atems lap. 
“Hmm,” Yami bit his lip as he moved his hands down Atems arms. “Not how I expected this to happen, but I’m not complaining.” 
Atem laughed softly, looking back into those gorgeous eyes, their faces were so close together and he so badly wanted to lean a little closer, to kiss Yami. 
“You expected this?” Atem teased. 
He felt Yami grip his wrists, pushing his hands slowly down his body to his hips and then they slid back up his arms and came to rest against his face. 
“Sooner or later.” Yami said, a confident smirk on those kissable lips. 
Atem laughed again, sliding his hands around to Yamis back and daring to pull him closer. Yami responded by sitting fully in his lap, biting his lip as he moved closer. Atem met him halfway. 
The kiss was desperate, and he hadn’t expected it to be that way at all, but it set his body on fire all the same. Yamis hands were in his hair, pulling harshly to force him further back against the seat he was occupying. 
When Yami moved away Atem took a shaky breath, mind still reeling from the harsh kiss. His hands were gripping the back of Yamis shirt like a lifeline, an attempt to ground himself and hope his body got the message to calm down. 
Yami smiled at him, brushing their lips together as he sighed softly, the hands in his hair tightened and tilted his head to the side. 
“So.” Yami said quietly, his lips brushing lightly over the skin of his neck and coming to top against his ear. “Ever had sex on a train?”
Those words produced an audible gasp, he hadn’t expected that question, and really he had no idea if Yami was actually offering that or simply asking him a strange question. 
“No.” He said, a breathless gasp leaving his lips as Yami placed soft kisses along his neck, his hands moving to the bottom of Yamis shirt, fingers slipping under the fabric to brush against hot skin. 
“Wanna find out what it’s like?” Yami asked, grinding his hips down against his slowly. 
He had to bite back a moan but he still pulled Yami closer, trying to form a response to that through the lust quickly clouding his mind. 
“What…here?” He asked. 
Yami laughed and moved his lips slowly down his neck, back toward his jaw where teeth playfully nipped at his skin. 
“I was thinking the bathroom would be safer…” Yami said. 
That made much more sense. 
"Oh yeah." He laughed and then sighed when Yami slid off his lap and stood up, holding a hand out to him. 
"Join me?" Yami asked playfully. 
Yami pressed him back against the door of the bathroom, their lips met in fast clumsy kisses but he didn’t care for finesse right now. He just wanted Yami closer. 
He pulled at Yamis clothes, quickly tugging open his belt and starting on his pants. He’d never done this in his life, the most adventurous place he’d had sex was on a kitchen table, but this… 
This was thrilling. 
Atem felt dizzy with how quickly his body was reacting to this complete stranger, but he wanted more. 
“I usually top.” Yami said between harsh kisses as he pulled Atems pants open. 
“Fine by me.” He breathed out, hands finally finding their way inside Yamis pants. He pressed his palm against Yami’s hardening cock, pleased with himself when he earned a soft moan in response. 
Yami met his movements with his own, deft fingers tugging open his belt and pants, wrapping loosely around his cock and forcing a moan from his lips. Atem didn’t know what words were anymore. 
He was so lost in the feeling of Yamis lips on his and the hand on him that he didn’t fully register where they were anymore, that this was very much not an appropriate place for a quick fuck, but he also couldn’t find it in him to care. 
Yami’s lips moved away from his, down to his neck, soft kisses and bites trailed down to the collar of his shirt which was pulled roughly out of the way for better access. He gasped as Yami stepped away from him, giving him a much needed moment to catch his breath. 
The confident smirk was back on Yami’s face as he reached into his pocket, pulling out a bright red packet and holding it up in front of him. 
“This is okay right?” Yami asked. 
Atem nodded, thoughts racing through his mind and fueling the desperation he was already feeling. Yami raised an eyebrow at him, still not touching him and not moving closer like Atem wanted him to and he took another deep breath. 
“Yes.” He whispered. Then Yami’s hands were on him again, turning him and pressing him back against the door, shoving his pants further out of the way and teasingly running over his ass. 
He had no patience for this right now, and neither did Yami it seemed because before his brain could catch up with what was about to happen the first finger was pressing into him slowly. 
“Is this…” Yami’s voice was soft beside his ear as another finger stretched him out  and he sighed in irritation. 
“Fuck, yes, keep going.” He gasped. 
Yami moved his fingers faster and he moaned, letting his head fall against the door he was pressed against. 
“Yami.” He gasped, moving his hips back to meet each thrust of Yamis fingers into him. He was sure he’d never been this turned on, this desperate but he loved it. 
Atem moaned when Yamis fingers were removed and replaced with his cock quickly. When Yami pressed inside him it took his breath away for a moment. His brain was struggling to catch up with what was happening and all he could do was try to keep himself standing. 
Luckily Yami was there to help, a firm grip on his hips helped keep him upright. This was so much different to what he was used to. 
"Atem." Yami breathed out his name against the skin of his neck as he pressed closer, his chest against Atems back, no space left between them. "Are you-" 
"Don't you dare ask if I'm okay. Move…just…" He paused, a short desperate moan leaving his lips when Yami pressed his hips impossibly closer. "Fuck me." 
Yami laughed breathlessly and did exactly as he asked. The hands on his hips held him tight, pushing and pulling to meet each hard thrust and Atem was happy to let him control the pace. 
Each time Yamis hips snapped into him a moan was forced from his throat and if he could think clearly maybe he'd care to try and be quiet, but he wasn't thinking clearly at all. 
Neither was Yami. 
They both moaned with each thrust, gasps filled the space in between and it was so hot in that small space Atem felt sweat against his back where Yamis warm chest was pressed tight against him. 
This was so far from romantic, it was dirty, rough and quick but it made him feel so much more than any other encounter had. 
"Fuck, Atem, I'm-" Yami moaned loudly, his hands tightening even more on Atems hips. 
He was so close, but his arms were trapped between his chest and the door and he didn't want Yami to stop, didn't want to change the angle to move. 
"I can't…" He said, moaning as Yami thrust into him harder. "I need…" 
Words weren't his friend at the moment so he just had to hope Yami knew what he meant. Thankfully he did. 
A hand released his hip and slid around to his front, wrapping around his cock and stroking quickly and that was everything he needed to push him over the edge he'd been hanging on. 
"Yami-" He gasped, pressing his hips back against Yami's, his body arching toward him as he came. 
He barely had time to gather himself again before Yami was back to tightly holding his hips, driving into him hard and fast. 
Atem breathed out a moan when Yami wrapped his arms around his chest, pulling him closer as he pressed impossibly deeper and moaned Atems name against his ear. 
His body shook against Yamis as the other tensed against him, gasping out his name breathlessly and fuck he wanted to hear that more often.
Preferably on a bed next time where his arms wouldn't ache from being trapped against an unforgiving surface and the surroundings didn't smell like artificial flowers and bleach. 
Next time. 
He took a breath and tried to talk some sense into himself. Yamis hands slowly sliding up his chest distracted him though and he sighed happily. 
Soft kisses were placed to the side of his neck and jaw, he closed his eyes and laughed softly. 
Yami moved away from him after another moment of stillness and despite himself Atem missed him. 
He cleared his throat awkwardly and pulled his pants back up, turning to Yami who was doing the same. 
"What do you think then?" He asked with a smile. 
"Of sex on a train or sex with you?" Yami smirked at him, smoothing his shirt back out. 
"Surprise me." He laughed as he tucked his shirt back into his pants. 
Yami smiled at him then stepped closer, a gentle hand against his cheek. Atem held his breath for a moment then sighed happily when Yami pressed their lips together. 
The softness of this kiss was such a sharp contrast to those they'd shared before that it left him breathless. 
"Best I've ever had." Yami said quietly as he moved away. 
Atem wasn’t sure he knew how to respond to that, so he just laughed, grinning like an idiot before Yami reached past him to open the door and they had to walk back to their seats. At least the train was quiet and no one saw them enter or leave the bathroom together.
He fell back into his seat heavily, a satisfied sigh leaving his lips. For some reason he assumed Yami would sit opposite him again but he was pleasantly surprised when he took the seat next to him instead. 
He felt ready to explode with happiness when Yami leaned against his side, hugging his arm and settling against him. He was in new territory here… did they talk? Pretend that had never happened? Exchange numbers? 
He had no idea. His stop was next though and although they had a few minutes before the train would reach it, he felt like everything was about to end too soon. Maybe this was all just some strange dream and he’d wake up in his bed in his apartment alone as always. 
The train slowed again and he sighed sadly, nudging Yami away from him reluctantly. 
“This is my stop.” He said by way of explanation. Yami looked out of the window and laughed. 
“It’s mine too actually.” Yami told him as he stood up and grabbed his things. 
Atem smiled, maybe he still had a chance to ask Yami for his number, to say something to him and make everything make sense…but how?
He followed Yami off the train, they walked up the stairs together and out of the exit and then they both just…stopped. 
They both spoke at the same time and then laughed. Yami shook his head. “You first.” He said. 
“Oh…well I was wondering, if you live around here too…would you like to get coffee sometime?” Atem asked awkwardly, convinced Yami was going to tell him he was being stupid and that what happened on the train was just that and nothing more. 
Instead though, Yami smiled at him, stepped forward and leaned into him. A soft kiss was placed on his cheek and Yami stepped back. 
“I’d love to.” He said.
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OOH for the oc asks 💪, 🧸, 💐, 💌 for Lillian and Liam >:)
[ask game]
Eyy Hawke time >>:) Ty for the ask Max! <33
💪 : What is your OC’s most physically attractive attribute? 
Liam - mmm i wanna say his eyes? They are very warm and earnest. And tbh i always imagine that his appearance as a whole is attractive, but kind of.. in a way where you can't put your finger on it? Cos he really is not built in any way that is remarkable, and his outfits are p generic too, but The Whole Picture just. fits. Also it's become a running gag with me and my friend that his arms are his sluttiest feature lmao (bc he rolls up his sleeves a lot)
Lilian - dem guns 💪. fhsfgfh no but really, she is well toned and she knows it, and i'd lie if i said she doesn't keep fit at least partially for looks. She has sharp features, which suits her well, and probably counts as p attractive. Personally i'd also say eyes again, because they're a curious colour somewhere between dirty yellow and warm amber, and they're intense, but much softer than you'd expect if you care to look closely.
🧸 : Into public displays of affection or are they more reserved?
Liam - is very reserved about any grander sort of PDA, but does smaller gestures like holding hands or sharing glances all the time. Smh he manages to be more obnoxious this way than if he simply made out in public (all his friends hate it <3)
Lilian - is pretty much the other way around - has no qualms being raunchy in public, but anything more tender or romantic happens behind closed doors; that's reserved for her and her loved ones only
They are both very chill about platonic PDA tho!
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Liam - dunno if i'd call it courting per se, but he puts a lot of effort into showing that he pays attention to their needs and wants as best as he can But it's also a lot of just.. hanging out, getting to know each other, building trust. Liam is quick to admit interest but very slow about actually establishing a relationship, cos it's important to him that they actually Work Out
Lilian - she is Very Demiromantic and the first time this was relevant would have been with Isabela, however in that case it was practically the opposite of courting lmao. Lots of I Pretend I Do Not See from both sides, but hey, in the long run, it worked! xD
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
Liam - has learned the hard way that meticulous planning will never turn out how you want anyway, so it's basically just a plan of an activity or two that they can do together. Honestly most planning goes into making sure that they can Actually Do It, so, trying to gauge when the weather plays along, making sure that the place is free and that they have a means of getting there, and, in their dad era, that Addie is taken care of for the evening, stuff like that.
Lilian - will be sooooo sneaky about scouting out a cool place or thing to do, instigate a ""random"" trip/walk/date/whatever, and then """accidentally""" stumble upon it on the way. Omg can you believe there is a secluded grotto with lots of pretty fish right here? Oh look i think that is the fabled tavern with the best brandy on the coast! She is Very Bad at being subtle about it; it's something they both know but neither ever addresses, because Bela is charmed by it and they are both having a good time with it <3
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
I just read the little ballerina and boxer one and wanted to ask you if you can continue it. Maybe Gil showing up to one of her shows and invites her to dinner afterwards. And of course, he brought a single flower, because one flower says more than a thousand.
Hugs and much love! 🖤✨
"Bye Miss Thena!"
"Goodnight, girls," Thena bid her little goslings goodbye, the young women flitting out of the dressing room and already laughing about the cast party about to take place. Everyone was on their way for it, and as the newest troupe of performers making their debut, they would be the toast of things.
Thena was just looking forward to going home and getting some hard earned rest. Then, she could finally wake up to her normal life again. No more rehearsals, no more gruelling days of endless practise. She could go to the studio again.
She could see Gilgamesh again.
She hated to admit it, but she had missed even just seeing him in the hallway deeply over the past two weeks. The most intensive rehearsals required full commitment and attention, and that meant leaving classes to Sersi while she was chained up in the Eternal Theatre all day and most of the night.
She never used to think of it that way before.
But she missed the less pressured atmosphere of teaching classes with Sersi. She liked keeping a more normal schedule. She liked getting to see Gil's big, bright smile and his cute little wave in the mornings.
Thena groaned, running her fingers through her hair and throwing her scarf around her neck. She could torture herself more with those thoughts when she was home, preferably sinking into a hot bubble bath.
"Uh, sorry," he poked his head in with a sheepish smile, "door was open, so..."
Thena blinked as he walked in, one hand behind his back and the other in his brushed back hair. He looked rather dashing in a suit. "Gil?"
"Hey," he smiled at her, and the ache in her feet faded from her mind. "You were...wow."
Thena gulped, feeling her cheeks flood with warmth. She looked down, not-so-accidentally burying her nose in her scarf. "You're sweet."
"Well, you were, though," he shrugged, stepping in a little closer. He looked around him, seeing the many, many bouquets of flowers set around the counters. "But I guess you knew that."
Thena looked at the bundles of mostly red roses and arranged bouquets, shrugging at them. "It's a standard practise on the last night. Not all of them are for me, mind you."
"So a good number of them are?" he raised a brow, and she offered a more sheepish smile. He blushed, rocking back on his heels as he pulled out his hidden hand. "It's no bouquet, but-"
Thena gasped. It was a rose - singular - white in colour, clipped of thorns and leaves, bare stemmed save for a shimmering green ribbon tied in a bow around it.
Gil handed it over to her delicately accepting hands, his shyness showing through as he looked everywhere but at her. "I figured you'd get plenty, so maybe this would stand out...or something. And they offered me a white ribbon to match it. But I saw the green one and i-it matched the colour of your eyes, so I chose that one instead."
Thena's eyes were wide, bouncing between the flower in her hands and the beautiful man presenting it to her.
"I don't-"
"It's perfect!"
It wasn't the first time their words overlapped, and once again, Thena felt as if she was saying far too much within the two word sentence. But she pulled the flower as close to her as she dared, not wanting to rustle a single petal. It really was perfect, just like the gifter.
Gil flushed red to his ears, his laugh bubbling out of him. "O-Oh, good! I, well, uh-"
Thena looked up at him again from sniffing the rose gently. It was sweeter than any of the nameless, faceless bouquets around her from nameless, faceless people. "Gil?"
He tugged at his tie, clearly unused to it. "I was wondering...if - maybe - you'd, uh, wanna get dinner--sometime! Doesn't have to be tonight--you probably have a party, or something, with-"
"I'm free."
It was quieter than she thought it would be, but somehow she just couldn't get the air to stay in her lungs.
Gil looked surprised by her interruption, but he clearly didn't mind at all. He smiled, a sureness - a confidence - falling over him as he stepped closer still. He reached out, pulling her hair out of her scarf and fanning it out behind her. "I never get to see you with your hair loose."
Thena's eyes fluttered closed as he used the proximity as an excuse to kiss her forehead.
Then the flirtatious smirk faded against the brightness of his usual megawatt smile. "It's cute!"
Thena reached for her purse hung over the back of one of the chairs, hoping that maybe her blushing would subside a little (somehow, in the three seconds it took her to do it). "Well, where were you thinking of going?"
"I guess wherever you want to go," he shrugged, happily claiming her hand in his as they started to walk out of the dressing room. "I don't know if you want a big, huge meal or if something lighter would be better."
Thena laughed faintly, feeling his fingers squeezing tighter around hers. "If I had another show tomorrow I'd suggest something quite light. But I'm free as of tonight, so maybe something richer than usual wouldn't be the end of the world."
"If that's the case, I know this great Korean barbecue place."
"Sounds-" Thena startled as the backstage door slammed open.
"Miss Thena, are you coming to--oh!"
"Don't interrupt, didn't you see her boyfriend looking for her earlier?"
"Yeah, they probably have a date planned!"
The door closed again but the damage was done. Thena sighed; she was going to kill her little goslings for this.
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bwoahtastic · 2 years
Hey look its the runaways au.
Hey look, its angsty!
I’m sorry. Tw miscarriage. Promise I’ll make it up to you asap.
Lando had been quiet all afternoon, and no matter how much he tried to put a smile on his face, Michael could see right through it. He could see the pain in his eyes, the way he looked spaced out, eyes glazed over, stuck in his head with his thoughts again. Besides, Lando was terrible at hiding his feelings - no matter how much he kept insisting he was fine, even little Noah could smell that his scent was sombre and sad. The little one had spent the afternoon curled on his uncle’s lap, arms wrapped around Lando as he rambled about he would always be there to look out for Uncle Lanno because Lanno always took care of him.
That night Michael stepped out of their en suite, fresh from the shower to the sight of Lando curled in on himself in their nest. He looked so small like that, curled up in a tiny ball wrapped in a blanket, eyes red and teary and he clutched a little blanket in his hands. Michael sighed deep, trying to rumble soothingly as he slipped into the nest behind his mate, pulling Lando back into his chest.
“Wanna talk about it?” He asked softly, stroking a hand over Lando’s curls and pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder. Lando shook his head firmly, tiny blanket still clutched in his hands. It was a little cream coloured comforter, sized for a newborn, with a soft bunny holding onto the corner. They’d bought it the day Lando finally had a positive pregnancy test after almost 18 months of trying, because it was too cute to resist and they had just wanted something to allow them to be excited for their future.
And then Max had pulled Lando aside in a panic, saying he was pregnant too, and they hadn’t been trying and it was an accident and would Daniel even want this? Lando reassured him he would, and smiled that they’d get through it together. They’d even had their ultrasounds the same day - Max was shocked with two wriggling pups on screen, but Daniel hadn’t stopped smiling and rumbling since.
Lando, on the other hand, had been told his pup had no heartbeat. Michael had held him whilst he cried, and whispered they’d get a second opinion, maybe it was wrong, don’t lose hope yet. But then a doctor had come in and confirmed it, and Michael had no words of reassurance left in him. He told himself he couldn’t cry, he needed to be strong for his Omega who was hurting. And to make it all worse, Lando had to go and have surgery to remove what had been his pup, whilst Max got to go home and show everyone the photos of his twins.
Lando had put on a brave face, but it had been a couple of weeks now, and he couldn’t hide it anymore.
“Its going to be okay,” Michael murmured softly, a lame promise but he had to say something to try and reassure his Mate.
“Is it? It took us months, Michael, months,” Lando snapped in reply. “Months of nothing and finally we get one positive and I failed them, they died, I failed the pup.”
“You didn’t fail darling,” Michael promised. “I don’t know why this happened but I promise it wasn’t your fault…”
Lando stayed silent for a long moment, bottom lip trembling as he bit back tears. “Why do they get two pups by accident when we don’t even get one? They didn’t even want this and we’ve been trying for so long, I took all the vitamins, followed all the advice and we get nothing.”
Michael didn’t really have a response to that, so he just held Lando tighter in his arms. He’d had that thought too, but life never promised to be fair, and he had to be happy for his friends.
“We’ll be okay, Lando,” he promised sincerely. “I’m not letting you go, no matter what. When you’re ready, we’ll try again. We’ll do IVF, we’ll adopt, whatever it takes. I promise you we’ll have a pup and you’ll smile again.”
There was silence for a long moment, interrupted by only both of their shaky breaths filled with tears.
“Promise you’re not mad at me?” Lando eventually asked in a whisper, and Michael nosed into the Mating Bite on his neck in response.
“Richer, poorer, sickness, health, I promised you, didn’t I? I’m here until you get sick of me.”
Lando responded with a soft coo, still clutching the pup blanket tight but finally sighing and managing to even his breathing out. “We’ll be okay,” he murmured too, pulling Michael’s hand around him and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. “Thank you, for holding me up.”
Lando losing th3 pup he wanted so bad while Max accidentally gets pregnant with twins i- 😭😭😭 both most be so scared about their own situation and they can't really interact cos irs very painful for Lando!
And nnngg Noah wanting Lando to be happy again and gently consoling him the best he can I love my cute squishy baby!
I love Michael being such a good mate bur GOD this was painfullllll
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