blip--bloop · 1 year
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here's my first two custom paint jobs :3
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zowwy-bugmaw-medyusa · 2 months
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hot mama what a pair of legs
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modelkitportfolio · 1 year
RG Hi-Nu Gundam
Straight build with custom color scheme.
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luperpla · 2 years
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My WIP for November (or Gundamber, if you're in to that) has been the RG Hi-Nu. The Hi-Nu itself is one of my favorite Gundam designs, enough that I've built the original MG, the MG Ver. Ka, and now this little RG version.
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I did a bunch of masking on the frame, because there's a ton of detail there, lots of the frame shows through the armor and on top of it, there's a hatch open gimmick so you can see a lot of that detail when the kit is done!
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There's a lot of room to do some truly impressive inner frame detail if you wanna, but I got the idea to paint this kit similarly to the Moon Gundam commission I did for a friend last year with a little added twist.
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But with all of the frame detail underneath it, I thought it would be cool to link the Nu ver. Ka and Unicorn to the Hi-Nu by incorporating their full body psychoframe in to the frame detail. I envisioned this as a second Hi-Nu unit that was a testbed for the full psychoframe and NT-D that would go on to be used in the Unicorn.
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I think it worked out pretty good, but I've still got some tweaks to make to the fluorescent pink parts to make them match the metallic finish on the red/dark red parts of the frame.
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These parts were some of the most annoying to mask off, but the end result turned out to be well worth it.
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The yellow detail here were also tricky to mask off and paint but I hope they'll add a lot to the final build. As you can see, I did some masking so I could pain the inside of the vents grey. A reverse wash probably would have be good to do here too, but I don't really use enamel paints so masking it is.
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Stuff is split up in to two groups now- parts ready for flat coat (no decals or panel lining needed on those parts) and parts that need a gloss coat so they can be panel lined and decaled before getting their flat coat. Lately, I've been really enjoying doing a bit of preshading on my builds but in the interest of getting this one done in a somewhat timely manner, I opted to go for a clean/unshaded build for this kit. I still think it'll look great when I'm done if my Astraea R3 is any indication, especially once I finally get to work on the funnels for this kit.
Uh....that's all for now.
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da-looplord · 5 months
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Look at these lads
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ditzybat · 2 months
Jason prowled deeper into the tower, it was a struggle to get the speedy kid down, but after multiple tranquilizers (that could put a rhino into cardiac arrest) the kid finally managed to knock out.
He went over his monologue speech in his head, scanning his eyes over this, honest-to-god, pig-stye of a room (seriously, wasn't this supposed to be the meticulously organized Robin? Jason could barely see the floor before him). Finally, gazing out one of the large window panes, on the phone, was his target in his robin costume - sans the mask.
Tim mumbled a tired goodbye into the phone, seemingly exasperated by the phone call, he picked up on the words 'Bruce' and sneered from beneath his mask.
"You sleep in that thing or something Timmy? That's pathetic" Jason growls out from his place from the threshold of the room.
For his part, Tim spins around with a flutter of his ridiculous cape and a twitch of his muscles "Hood, I-"
Jason lurches forward, beginning his speech, counting the sequence of events like he used to in drama class.
"I was raised on the streets of Gotham." 1. Taking off his hood. "Trying to survive." 2. Tearing his clothes to reveal his homemade Robin getup, "Until Bruce took me in." 3. Cornering the brat, only a step or two away in arm's reach - good, "I trained -"
One thing Jason did not account for was Tim to make the first move and interupt his origin story speech, stabbing the side of his neck.
"Did you seriously just fucking stab me with a hello kitty knife?"
Tim has the gall to flush, "I told Cassie and Bart to stop tampering with my equipment, it's unprofessional! I bet Kon put them up to this!" he squaked, Jason reaches up and takes the knife from his neck, putting pressure onto the wound, and examining it.
"You could've hit an artery!" Tim gives a frog blink and sleepily grunts.
"Damn, which side is the artery on again? I don't really know my lefts and rights, I'm ambedixtrious."
"Do you mean dyslexic?"
"No I'm bisexual." Tim looks genuinely confused, a pout forming on his features as he squinted at nothing like he was trying to figure out an especially difficult puzzle.
Jason, with the pit madness slowly receding from his vision, starts to become a little more concerned.
"Kid, when was the last time you slept?"
"It's Thursday."
Jason sighs and picks up his jacket, slipping his pants over the tights and scaly shorts. "I'm going to stitch myself up, then I'm going to make you eat something - you're so itty bitty, like an 8 year old with a six pack - then you're going to take a nice long nap while I wait for B to come and I'll lecture him on the importance of keeping his Robin's alive and healthy."
Tim yawns and nods his head, sinking into his cape so he's just a bobbing head in the shadows.
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estrellium · 8 months
This tiktok was so incredibly aster core I had to redraw it
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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page of him, colored and not cus i love the lines as they are teehee
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wazzi2ya · 4 months
Alastor: Your Majesty(derogatory)!, I think I saw you and the princess doing some magic earlier?
Lucifer: Oh, yeah. We can throw some spells around. For example, I can small your dick!
Alastor: Oh? Interesting! Please go ahead!
Lucifer: ...I can small your cane!
Alastor: WAIT NO—
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fisheito · 2 months
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He's a magician
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too bad rooster teeths dead atleast they made this guy
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idk what possessed me sorry i see a green old man and go insane
also, here's oscar :3
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thats all i have 20 hi3/scp wips waiting ...sorry audience
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jazeswhbhaven · 4 months
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Same energy, except one will literally kill you 💚
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ladydraculena · 26 days
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Kaiba is already wearing most of this outfit canonically - only a sketch for now - idea @leechysmile
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gaykornography · 2 months
check it out…
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rainysorarts · 3 months
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I asked for 6 characters on tw*tter to make fanart of and I ended up with.... 24 LMAO
this was really fun! I might do another one in the future...
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sharkfinnz · 2 months
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