#high value black woman
dksw0rld · 1 year
12 Things I’ve Learned In My Time Away
As I stated in my previous text post, I took an absolutely, and I mean absolutely, amazing break from Tumblr which, since I very rarely  use my Instagram and I don’t have TikTok or Twitter, is my only social media. Minus Pinterest, but I don’t count that as social media since I use it for inspiration. I can’t express to you how much my life has blossomed in my time away. 
During this time away I: 
- formed beautiful new friendships 
- have had absolutely amazing experiences (VIP concerts, PGA golf tournament in the VIP cabana, attending high tea, dancing the night away, day trips, road trips, trying new restaurants, etc.) 
- let my inner child run free, healing her in the process 
- broke my leasing cycle and financed a new car (that checked off EVERY single box on my car wish list - which I realized after the deal was done, so I wasn’t even thinking about it)
- met a soulmate who teaches me so much 
- let go of the need for control and learned to trust my intuition and God’s guidance (a work in progress but I’ve made huge progress in this)
- got crystal clear on my goals and have a clear plan laid out to achieve the rest of them 
- rediscovered my love for reading, writing and cooking 
- cleared my skin of the small fungal acne bumps I had 
- accidentally went vegetarian (don’t ask lol) and found it was the best non-decision decision I’ve ever made 
- grew my hair past my shoulder blades 
I wanted to share some things I’ve learned during this time in hopes it inspires / helps whoever needs it.
1. When you live in intense self love and trust of yourself, everything you desire seeks you or something better finds you. You won’t need to seek it.
2. You can love yourself deeply and know you have healing to do and trauma to work through.
3. Listen and observe who and what the Universe brings into your life. There is always a reason.
4. If you don’t find the beauty, love and romance within your life, you’re living in black and white when the world is full of color. Romanticize your life, find the beauty in everything. Vibrate with love and watch how much more love and beauty you attract.
5. Confidence in yourself, kindness, connections and putting yourself out there opens more doors than you know. 
6. Never pass up on an opportunity to experience something new.
7. Take pictures and videos. Keep mementos to remind you of that moment in time.
8. Do not let fear stop you. Be scared and do it anyways.
9. Move your body because you love yourself, not because you want to lose weight, tone, put on muscle, etc. Move your body to celebrate yourself and give thanks that you can. In whatever way that looks like for you. It’s not one size fits all.
10. Love yourself enough to take the best care of your body. You deserve it. Love yourself enough to take care of future you 50 years down the road. 
11. Honor and celebrate your sensual desires. Turn the lights off, light candles and move and feel your body. Stand in front of the mirror and admire yourself. Have a sexy photoshoot for your eyes only. Wear lingerie underneath your work clothes. Pleasure yourself. Your sexual desires are nothing to be ashamed of. Just honor them safely and with your best interest at the forefront. 
12. Private over public. Every time.
I encourage everyone reading this to take some time away from social media, from screens and from the noise of constantly being plugged in. Focus on you, your growth and your goals. Discover who you are outside of all the influences you’re bombarded with and watch how your life blossoms too.
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chichiscloset · 4 months
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expulence · 3 months
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svdaily · 1 year
anything i want i can get it.
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theereina · 2 years
Money Making Vision Board for 2023🤑💰
This year we making money, attracting bags, staying paid, making moves, and stacking paper!
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🏷️ @maaguie_
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mauvefiles · 1 year
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Ethereal beauty of melanin
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becomingher-era · 1 year
The more you love your own decisions the less you need others to love them.
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divinesoftlife · 2 years
Before 2023
Next year I want to focus on levelling up and growing. So before the the end of the year I want to decide on my goals and areas of focus for next year.
The next two weeks are for:
Creating vision boards - I want to make an overall vision board that I can use as my home screen to remind myself everyday of what I’m striving to accomplish, as well as vision boards for every aspect of my life: health, career, relationships, home, leisure and look
Writing down my goals - same as with vision boards, I want to create overall goals for the year, as well as goals in every aspect of my life, probably around 2-3 each to not be overwhelmed
Deciding my boundaries - I’m tired of people pleasing and putting myself last, so that’s what I want to change in the next year. I’ll decide and write down my boundaries and things I will not do anymore and stick to it
Starting a journal - I’ll buy a notebook and make it into my journal. At the end of it I’ll write down my goals, boundaries, and put my vision boards so that I can always go back to them and then check my progress at the end of the year. I’ll write a quick entry everyday to process the events and finish all of them with 1-3 things I’m grateful for each day
Let’s end this year with thoughtful, achievable goals for 2023 so that we can stick to them and level up our life.
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dksw0rld · 2 years
The CEO of the company I work for personally invited me to his and his family’s lake house this weekend and I cannot waiitt. It’s in the mountains so it’s going to be perfectly chilly , the perfect opportunity to try out my new fur boots! They also have a hot tub (and I think a sauna) in the house and I can’t wait to soak all the stress away. 
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vivaciousofficiall · 5 months
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all 2024🤍 let’s go!
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expulence · 5 months
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hautegirlave · 1 year
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theereina · 2 years
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svdaily · 1 year
Soft life soft lux soft love.
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aagneauu · 10 months
High value habits to elevate yourself 🥂✨
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When the term "high value" is mentioned, we often think of things related exclusively to economic wealth, but being a high-value person is an attitude, an attribute founded on habits and a wealthy mentality. So today I wanted to mention a few habits that I personally perceive as something a person with strong standards apply on their lives. ✨
Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language :b
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1. Long-term mentality ✦
Enjoying yourself is very important, but when we only think about the things that give us temporary pleasure, is often very likely that we forget to take care about our future stability. For example, if you want to travel, the smart thing to do would be to save the money in order to be able to afford it, but how many times we just feel the urge to waste money on unnecessary stuff just to get that brief satisfaction, that bad habit will take us far from our goals. This rule can be applied on almost every aspect, and if you're able to stick to your goals and take decisions according to them, trust me, you'll get very far.
2. Invest ✦
Stop wasting and start investing; your money, your time and your energy. In terms of money, you obviously can spend some of it on pretty stuff, but instead of wasting your whole salary on things you want, a smarter move would be to use part of that money to invest it on something that potentially can give us another income, maybe there's a valuable peace of jewelry or clothing that not only we could use, but to sell and trade in the future, or even if you have enough money saved, you can invest in a property, to not only live in it, but to rent it. Our time and energy works in the same way, we could be wasting our time and energy with people that don't give us nothing we can learn from, and you're worth way more than that. Find people and habits that not only make you feel good and appreciated, but that will leave you something interesting for your personal growth, and remember, better alone than in a bad company.
3. Details matter ✦
How we talk, how we decide to present ourselves to the world, our values, the effort we put on what we make. Every little detail says something about us. For example, something as simple as spraying perfume before we go out makes a difference, or if you study, the amount of time and effort you decide to put on certain classes. Socially, what you decide to say, and to develop the hability to stay quiet when necessary. Maybe you think that those little things don't make a huge difference at the long-term, but when you see how your life can change drastically with every little step you take, you learn to pay attention to it.
4. Patience ✦
It is a strong word, it is even harder to apply to our lives sometimes. Being patient not only with people, but with our circumstances. Sometimes things that we don't like happens, and we don't even understand why because we thought that we did everything right, but everything happens for a reason, it's like a fruit, you could take it out of the tree earlier because you're hungry, but it isn't that mature and tasty, but if you just wait, resist the hunger, the fruit will be way better. That applies to money, emotional growth and life changes. Learn to understand that sometimes, pain will be the sign to something better than your current situation.
5. Stop following the crowd ✦
Set standards and learn what is good for you, if you just rely on others to decide what is best for you, or even worse; you know something is bad for you and still do it for others, then expect low quality experiences. People time to time will call you boring or even extreme just because you decide to be loyal to your values. If something that everyone is doing seems beneficial, do it, but because it gives you something valuable, not because of the crowd. You can apply this rule to everything; friends, money, and other experiences. The amount ot peace and comfort that you can get with this transformation is a huge life upgrade.
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This were some topics that come to mind when the "high value" term is mentioned. And remember, no one is perfect and every little thing makes us unique. Life is a long journey that you can decide to upgrade with every little move.
Hope u enjoyed! ♡
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