#hikari teen wolf
Things I Better Not See Post-Teen Wolf Movie Or Someone's Getting Severely Hurt
• Hikari hate (esp from the aggressive thiam shippers, I've got my eyes on y'all)
• Eli being shipped with any of the main cast. I haven't seen it yet but I wouldn't put it past you weirdos and he's fifteen
• Parrish slander. Derek's death was his own choice, his own sacrifice to make, and it wasn't Parrish's fault. (if you want to slander Parrish for other things, like dating a teenager back in S4/5, that's fine lol)
• Colton Haynes stanning. Idc if you like Jackson, but Colton has done black and brown face multiple times and never apologized for it so... kick that piece of shit to the curb.
• Shitting on Sprayberry for what he said about thiam. Ik he spoke about how he doesn't think their dynamic was romantic but that doesn't make him homophobic, and as the literal actor portraying this character, he's entitled to his own opinions on Liam. Don't be annoying and stay in your lane.
•DOB fans starting fights bc they're bitter they didn't get their favorite white boy back. I would've liked to see Stiles and Scott back together for a few hours but it didn't happen and that's okay, no need to take out your frustrations on other fans
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mmoosen · 1 year
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100 follower fun!
After everything with the Ghost Riders, Hayden moves with her sister into L.A. to start anew. Within her first few days at her new school, she picks up a scent similar to Kira’s coming from a pretty girl further down her lunch table. Hayden walks over and politely introduces herself. The girl introduces herself as Hikari, a brand-new kitsune. Hayden starts spending her daily study hall tucked into a dark corner of the library delving into old books as both of them desperately try to learn themselves together. Late-night research session turn into deep conversations and rosy, budding feelings
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haven-of-dusk · 2 months
If they were going to put the Kira replacement and Malia in random relationships anyway, the least they could've done would be to put them together.
Would've made as much or more sense than what we got.
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angstydiaz · 2 years
Also your local lesbian popping in to say don't hate on hikari cause you're mad at Jeff and his dumbass decisions!
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artemisresources · 2 years
amy l. workman in teen wolf: the movie gif pack
by clicking this link or the source link, you will find #51 gifs of amy l. workman as hikari in teen wolf: the movie. and here is a link to the zip file, where you can pay what you want.
trigger warnings: violence, glowing eyes, fire, dead body, jail cell, weapons, getting stabbed through the chest, smoke, tied up
birth year: 2005
ethnicity: unknown asian
use in roleplay
use in edits/fanvids/oc content
use in edits/fanvids about the celeb
tag or credit me (optional)
use in ANY roleplay as she was likely 16 or 17 during filming
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Hikari: You were in my dream, Eli. And you gave me advice that sucked! Eli: I’m not responsible for Dream Eli.
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outcastpack · 1 year
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sun-spark · 10 months
Alright y’all. I need Thiam fics where Hikari is no. 1 Thiam shipper.
Bonus points (not required)
-Hikari and Liam have a cute friendship
-Theo and Liam were always together post season 6 / went to college together and started dating
-Hikari and Theo friendship
-Pack mistakenly thinks Hikari and Liam are together and shenanigans ensue
-Mates Theo and Liam
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tracystewart · 2 years
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Hikari & Liam — Teen Wolf: The Movie
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I am LIVID for all the puppy pack enthusiasts (me and the girlies who know what’s really up).
You go to all this effort of having Liam be there in the place where the nogitsune has been theoretically kept, with a Kira stand in (Arden Cho I’m so sorry, Amy Workman ily but they screwed you over), making him kind of important to the main premise, only to side line him STRAIGHT AWAY.
And not to mention the fact that Mason, his best friend since childhood BEST FRIEND, didn’t even interact with him ONCE. The best we get is them saying lines after each other but they don’t even look at each other at that point?? At this point we assume they haven’t seen each other in who knows how long and are currently in a dangerous situation together and they don’t even show worry for each other? They don’t even hug when it’s all over?
Also Mason’s a deputy now??? nope, not the Mason I know. You could’ve at least made him something more fitting, like a teacher or something?
Also of course the main transgressions of no Theo or Corey, or even mention of them at all.
I love being forced to completely ignore canon…
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mikhardwheat · 2 years
My favorite part of the movie was when Liam and Theo decided not to participate in it and instead spent their honeymoon in Japan, where they met Hikari - a friendly ramen shop owner - and Liam went full-on history nerd mode, talking about Japanese culture, trying his best with foreign terminology. The museums? Kira's cameo? Perfect sequel, guys, we keep winning!
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lunaslogs · 17 days
My Thoughts On Teen Wolf: The Movie
This is COMPLETELY my opinion and if you disagree, that is completely fine.
Unpopular Opinion: I actually really like the movie but that's mainly because I didn't even take it that seriously. It felt more like a comedy to me than it did a drama. I found myself laughing during parts I shouldn't have been laughing at. Eli getting taken by the Oni after he says "I can do this", Lydia yelling Allison's name, Scott's little entry montage when he exits the car before saving the little girl, Mr. Harris' reveal, literally any time Peter spoke, etc.
Most people call it a dumpster fire and a completely different universe from the show but personally, I don't really care.
I HAVE WATCHED THE ENTIRE SERIES BEFORE WATCHING THE MOVIE! So, I am familiar with all of the recurring characters from the series. I will admit, I wanted to see more of Hikari. Her character seemed very interesting. We got to see a little bit of her personality pop out in the beginning of the movie in the restaurant. A little bit of googling tells me that her and Liam are "good friends" and I kinda want to see their friendship more.
I think the only parts that truly disappointed me was Derek's death and the ending. Anyone who watched the show before watching the movie obviously felt a way about Derek dying and that includes me as well. But I didn't take it all that badly. It was more so the fact that his first beta, his uncle, his niece, and his son ALL watched him die and couldn't do anything to stop it. Like, that kinda killed me inside a little bit.
The ending where the guy goes "we've heard plenty of stories about teenage werewolves, there's always a new one" disappointed the hell out of me because they make it seem like there's going to be a sequel or continuation following Eli's storyline. While that would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, everybody in the TW fandom and their mother knows that it's not happening and that's the disappointing part. It would be freaking great to see Eli become the wolf his father believed he could be but we aren't getting that and even if it DID hypothetically come to fruition, knowing how most people feel about the writing of the movie, Eli's development wouldn't be done justice.
I get what people mean when they say that the writers completely screwed with Jackson's whole character and made him "dumb." This man's whole supernatural persona and his abilities were an entire plotline for a WHOLE season of the show and he even said that he has claws that can release paralytic venom and somehow, he didn't think to use it to his advantage? Granted, the movie takes place 15 years into the future where most of the characters that had already been established thanks to the show hadn't been in Beacon Hills or dabbled into the supernatural world in over half a decade. Not to mention that the time Jackson's character had exited the show, it was only season 2. So for him, it's almost 20 years. The Nogitsune plot appeared in the second half of Season 3 when he was already gone so he didn't exactly have a clue what he was up against. As far as supernatural ability, that can be excused. However, the naivety is a little... concerning. He was still funny as hell to watch, though.
Scallison amnesia plotline was a little bit mid but the montage of their memories together after Lydia yelled out Allison's name (which I laughed at, by the way) was kinda cute and jogged my memory a bit on the earlier seasons of Teen Wolf. Season 1 Scallison was honestly my favorite era of them and I think for a lot of Scallison shippers as well so seeing that made me a wee bit happy. Personally, I did like Allison better with Isaac but that's another story for another day.
Overall: I like it. But maybe cuz I don't take it all that serious and I just watch it to watch it. Eli must be protected at all costs, I want more Hikari and Liam interactions, let Jackson embrace the kanima completely, and live laugh love Roscoe Stilinski.
This is Luna, logging off!
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unspokenstydia · 2 years
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When is a door not a door? When it's ajar.
AMY L. WORKMAN as HIKARI Teen Wolf: The Movie (2023)
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lykomeraki · 1 year
Teen Wolf: The Movie
ok, I just finished the Teen Wolf movie. My expectations weren't high, but boy was it bad.
the three redeemable parts of it were:
Eli Hale
Coach Finstock (cause he's just awesome, and the definition of chaotic good)
Allison returning (I missed her, but they also could have done it better)
Aside from that, it was just poorly done. bad writing, bad effects, and everything seemed over exaggerated. Aside from a few points, the overall story just didn't make sense, and there were too many things that changed over the last 15 years that weren't properly explained. New relationships, breakups, why they decided to keep the jar containing the Nogitsune in a restaurant rather than the Hale vault. things like that. Also Harris made no sense whatsoever.
Also they just really needed Stiles and Kira, even Ethan. I get that Allison was killed by the Nogitsune, but Stiles and Kira were the key parts of that storyline. and Aiden was killed by the Nogitsune, so he definitely had a larger stake in this fight then Jackson, Liam, or Hikari. However I totally respect the actors' decisions to stay out.
There were a few gems in there and a couple of cool shots that'll be fun to draw though
I'll leave it here, mostly because if I go any further down this rabbit hole this post will be 10 feet long :)
Sheesh, it seems that whenever I'm writing on Tumblr it's to complain about a tv show or movie. I'll post some art or something soon
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partiallypearl · 1 year
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Hikari Zhang in Teen Wolf: The Movie
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Eli: I found my frequency, crystals speak to me! Hikari: What are they saying? Eli: Buy more crystals.
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