#teen wolf fic finder
sun-spark · 7 months
Alright y’all. I need Thiam fics where Hikari is no. 1 Thiam shipper.
Bonus points (not required)
-Hikari and Liam have a cute friendship
-Theo and Liam were always together post season 6 / went to college together and started dating
-Hikari and Theo friendship
-Pack mistakenly thinks Hikari and Liam are together and shenanigans ensue
-Mates Theo and Liam
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mrsspencerreidd · 3 months
Ho! I'm looking for some good fic recs! I prefer completed or regularly updating stories.. here's the fandoms/ships I read
Honestly I'll read most ships, but the main ones are drarry, harry/theo, harry/ Fred, George, Charlie, Bill.. dramione, remus/Sirius... Honestly anything as long as it's well written.
Teen wolf: stereo, theo/Liam, steter. Also I love Isaac stories
Criminal minds: I love Reid stories, so any ship with him. Also Aaron hotchner
Twilight: jasper/Bella is my favorite, but again, open to anything
Supernatural: destiel, sam/Gabriel, etc.
Twd: daryl/Beth, daryl/carol, rick/daryl, rick/negan, daryl/negan, carl/negan. Again open to anything interesting.
Sherlock: john/sherlock
Merlin: definitely merthur but open to others
I also read hunger games first! I'm good with any ship there as well
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alyseofwonderland · 4 months
Find a Fic
I'm trying to find a Teen Wolf fic that i can remember many details of but not anything that might help me find it.
Details -set in a vaugely Stargate SG-1 world
-My memory says that the world is never explicitly called Stargate nor the setting or the base
-POV stiles who is a scientist at the base/facility where the stargate is located
-Lydia is his co research or at least works in the same lab space as him
-much of the fic is framed as quick sum ups of shenanigans that have gone down in the base
-Derek is a race of space wolf shifter and is first introduced in full wolf form
-stiles is the one who notices that Derek and his pack communicate with body language in wolf form when they first show up on the base
-scene near the end of the fic is stiles going with Derek to his home world for some kind of festival
-Derek's planet has like a million moons and there's a detail that names incorporate the moon into them
Does anyone know this fic???
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pintodeans · 7 months
I am once again asking for yalls help finding a fic. I'm sure it was Sterek and stiles finds out he's a spark and can go bad/dark. He ends up having to pretend he did go bad and I remember there was a young kid who was scared. I know this is so vague lol but any help would be so appreciated!!!!
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sapphireginger · 10 months
Calling all my Teen Wolf fans!
Update: It’s been found thanks to @teenwerewoofs !!
I’ve been searching for a fic and can’t find it anywhere. I’ve asked around and no one seems to have read or can find it. If you’ve heard of this or know how to find it, please let me know?
Teen Wolf Fic: Might Be Steter or Sterek?
Cora Hale finds out that Stiles has been sleeping in a tree house that's connected to his house and he lives there. Cora & Peter help him fix it up despite his reluctance to accept their help? I think it's a Steter fic or maybe a Sterek one. I'm not 100% sure. I think it had Bad Parent Sheriff too but I'm also not sure on that.
I'm pretty sure that Stiles is waiting until he's 18 and then he'll move out on his own. I think the deputies help him and Cora uses Pinterest to make the treehouse homier.
I’ve searched for treehouse, Pinterest and other tags but nothing works.
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ficfinding · 6 months
Hi! Hope you are having a good day.
I'm looking for a teen wolf fic where the pre season 3 pack is at the Hale house training and stiles is making noises when someone gets hurt and when called out he shows them how to fight which he learned from is mom who in the story was polish black ops. It isn't a long story only a few chapters or less it is completed the ship is stiles/Peter and I know the name is what he calls his mom but I don't remember the word. Sorry if this a lot and that I don't remember the author. Have a good day and thank you for looking.
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claw-roscoe-rupture · 11 months
I’m recently downloading all my old fics (for reasons), but I noticed some are just missing (idk if I didn’t bookmark them or if they’re gone gone), right now I’m searching for the last one:
I don’t remember very much of it, just that it was a Sterek one in which Derek left and went to live in a cabin in the woods up a mountain (?) where he carved furniture from trees (I could be remembering this wrong and he was just a woodcutter) and Stiles goes and finds him after years and they tackle some incomprehensions (?)
Something like that.
I hope you all can help me and thanks anyway for any time you spend on this.
Cheers 🐺
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deeannthepan · 2 years
Hi probably a long shot but can anyone help me find an ao3 teen wolf fic where stiles has magic and somehow makes friends with Deucalion and Jackson and I think Peter and at some point they’re all in a van together and Isaac calls them a villain party bus? There was also a scene where stiles’s dad and Derek work together to chase them? Not sterek, actually I think Derek got with Jennifer Blake in this one?
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drgrlfriend · 22 days
Author Ask Meme
I was tagged by @bittercape.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
61 works
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
1,124,553 (June 2, 2024)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I am a serial OTP-er. I started with Wolverine/Rogue (X-Men), jumped to Johnlock (BBC Sherlock), to Sterek (Teen Wolf), to 00Q (James Bond), and am currently in Winterhawk (Marvel). Usually I get sucked into a new fandom by following a favorite author. I also read quite a lot in The Witcher fandom but haven't made the jump to writing (yet?).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Windows (Sterek), Layover (Sterek), Quriosity (00Q), Hide (Sterek), and I'm Game (A Very Craigslist Thanksgiving) (Sterek). Sterek is just a huge fandom, but interestingly one of my X-Men fic used to be one of the most popular fics on FFN, so that has given me perspective about how it's not necessarily all about the fic but rather some magic combination of fandom and tropes and web audience and luck as to which fics really catch fire.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but if I'm actively writing a fic I get behind because if I'm on the computer with spare time I want to be writing instead. Then it gets overwhelming. :-(
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Happy endings always! I guess the closest would be My Heart Will Be Your Home because the epilogue / last scene is less about the Winterhawk happy ending and more about Clint coming to terms with the failure of his first marriage and Phil Coulson's death. [insert "growth gif" here]
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, I really only have happy endings. Hmmm. In this time of trouble, I'll put in a plug for For Everything There Is a Season, my Four Seasons Total Landscaping fic, because it ends with the world being safe from Trum-- I mean Pierce. ;-)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
For how much I write some sensitive stuff I surprisingly don't! In particular the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fic I was worried would attract some rabid Trump fans to hate on me but so far so good. I have had people be really rude about my characterizations at times, or occasional plot decisions, but I've been getting better about deleting and forgetting (after I vent to a fandom friend or two of course).
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I write smut for sure! All kinds, kinda, except not maybe what would be considered hard kink. In particular pain or knifeplay or whatever holds no attraction.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I just wrote my first crossover! Jason Todd has crept into our hearts thanks largely to @thepartyresponsible and I just wrote two Winterhawkhood fics -- one extremely smutty (Finders Keepers) and one that's T-rated with just OTP3 implied (First Glance) so something for everyone. :-)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, although I wouldn't be surprised, especially for my one Sterek fic that's gone "viral." I did weirdly have someone reach out and ask if they could copy a whole section of my fic into theirs (I had a very well-researched series of deductions from Sherlock as to how John was injured in Afghanistan). Nice that they asked, I guess, but I was like -- "... no?"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! People have been amazing with translations. I can't imagine the dedication it takes to translate some of my longer fics. A lot of times people start and then life happens and they don't finish, so I'm not always sure which ones make it to the end, but I know I've had requests to translate into Spanish, Mandarin, Russian,
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a Winterhawk Round Robin thing {You and Me (Telepathy)} where each of us wrote our parts in a serial fashion. I wouldn't call it co-writing, though because it was deliberately kind of non-collaborative (e.g. an "exquisite corpse" exercise). Probably the closest I've come to that is when my amazing beta, @kangofu-cb bails me out with an awesome suggestion!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Whoa, ask me to pick a favorite child why doncha? ;-) I will put a plug in for 00Q, though -- I wasn't in that ship for a very long time but there is so much latitude to play with Q, who at the time I was in the fandom only had like ten minutes total of screentime, as well re-imagining some of the James Bond toxic masculinity tropes. And Quriosity is still one of my all-time favorite fics, and the first fic I think in which I really abandoned the "big bad is defeated in the third act" structure and made it purely about relationship development.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I usually write one fic at a time start-to-finish so my "WIPs" are more daydreams than actual fics-in-progress. I did write a few chapters of a fic with night-shift homicide detective Derek and magical Stiles that had more of an Enemies to Friends to Lovers structure but I don't think it will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm. I have the patience to persist with a long fic even if most of them take me a year or more each with the limited free time I have -- I don't typically lose interest or give up (please don't let me jinx myself).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably a lot, but keeping things short and evocative is definitely one of them. Sometimes I'll read a fic that seems like a longfic crammed into 2000 words and I don't know *how* people do it. I have a lot of trouble with timeskipping or skipping unnecessary actions/conversations. Getting better at it, I hope. At least I'm not making sure my characters eat three meals a day on the page anymore. ;-)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hell on earth. I have one fic where German readers are arguing endlessly in the comments about my word choice for endearments and insults and every time I changed it one way the next person would tell me to change it the other way. I finally gave up on reaching a consensus. I feel more comfortable writing ASL, because I have some background in that, as well as French, Spanish, and Italian which I learned at various points in school.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
X-Men (Wolverine/Rogue). Was sucked in by a fic that ended in a very ambivalent point and (extremely rudely) wrote my own ending to it and sent it to the author. Geez, I am so lucky they responded kindly! I was so new to fandom I had no clue.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Again like asking me to pick a child, but I'll put a plug in for Freedom's Reach. It's a Winterhawk set in the American West post-Civil War (e.g. the real American Civil War, not the Marvel one). It took a lot of research and that younger, more naive Clint (I call him Gosh!Clint Barton) holds a special place in my heart. It also let me explore something I'm realizing is a bit of a "this better not awaken anything in me" scenario, which is setting up a relationship dynamic that is inherently uneven and then making sure the person in the position of power is scrupulous about not taking advantage of that dynamic. Weirdly specific, but you learn something about yourself all the time!
Tagging -- oh, shoot, I don't remember who bitter tagged so I'll throw in @kangofu-cb, @pantstomatch, @noxnthea, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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throw-the-thesaurus · 5 months
Looking for Shifting moots. Bonus if you have horribly niche DRs.
A few of my DRs:
The Finder
Teen Wolf
HP (maybe??)
All The Young Dudes (that marauders fic 👀 minus the deaths)
Doctor Who
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cephalog0d · 4 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
tagged by @outtoshatter! Thanks!
(I'm skipping drabbles, because those aren't many sentences anyway.)
Midnight Snack (1.2k, T, Dick & Jason)
Dick had very graciously not brought it up yet, but Jason was definitely starting to flag a bit as the night went on.
Birds and Bees and Bats and Cats (0.7k, G, TimSteph)
“Seriously, Bird Wonder, you might as well get comfortable."
Walking on Air (1.4k, G, DC/Teen Wolf fusion)
A portal opened into the cave with an explosive crackling noise (and a distinct lack of any alarms going off; Derek made a mental note to look into that later).
Bells and Whistles (0.7k, G, Steph & Selina)
“The key is mystery,” Selina said from her perch on the table, gesturing dramatically with her half-eaten bagel.
Building Up and Breaking Down (WIP, 0.8k, G, Damian & Talia)
Even before he said anything, Talia knew exactly who the child standing in the middle of her home had to be.
Bower Birds (1k, G, Tim & Damian)
Really, the whole thing was Dick’s fault.
Batman and Robbin' (2.3k, T, TimSteph)
It had been a relatively quiet evening by Gotham standards, one of those nights where they were trying to track down a particular target and prevent a disaster rather than waiting for something to pop up for them to deal with.
Finders Keepers (3.3k, T, Steph & Selina)
Steph watched the chunk of concrete sail out into the darkness and hit the harbor with a tiny, silver splash.
Haunted AF (0.9k, T, Batkids)
“Has Bruce worked out Halloween patrols yet?” Steph asked as she flopped sideways into an arm chair.
Try, Try Again (2k, M, Steph & Damian)
Steph hadn’t been fast enough.
I guess I mix it up? My instinct is always to start with dialogue or someone doing an action, but I'm very aware of that so I try to consciously change it up sometimes.
No-pressure tags to play if you want to! @dangerousdan-dan @sepia-stained-sunset @dizaryswrites @bess3714 @teleportationmagic @roseandgold137 @kayrielwrites
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sun-spark · 2 years
Teen Wolf Fic Finder Help Plz
Okay, I cannot find a fic, so plz help if you can.
Some trigger warnings for mental health/suic*dal character
Theo was bipolar
Pretty sure this dude actually went to therapy - shocking, I know.
The puppy pack was hella protective of him - I think this included Corey, Mason, Liam, and Alec
The older pack was confused as hell
Pretty sure the puppy pack knew but they intentionally kept it from the older pack until this, because Theo literally showed up in an episode/post suic*de attempt.
I remember the pack (younger and older) being either at a loft or Theo’s place - maybe it was his loft, and he came in soaking wet from trying to drown himself at the bridge (Tara’s bridge) during an episode.
I also remember him saying something about trying to drive a car off a bridge while he was with the doctors.
Liam and Theo were probably together or headed that way, but I’m not sure this was a relationship focus fic.
Should have been on Ao3, since I basically live there.
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themculibrary · 1 year
Werewolf Masterlist
A Wolf in the Fold (ao3) - cakeisnotpie clint/phil, steve/bucky E, 81k
Summary: The brush rattled and Clint came to a halt, listening for any sounds from the missing teens. The normal nighttime rustles of leaves and insects were all he heard. Two more steps in the direction he was heading and the wolf slunk out of the shadows to block his way. A beautiful silver and black timberwolf, the largest Clint had seen, sat on its haunches and tilted its head as it looked Clint over with big blue eyes.
“Okay,” Clint said. He slowly stepped back, keeping careful watch on the animal. “I’m no danger to you. Just head on off on your wolfy way.”
The wolf yipped and shook its head as if disagreeing with Clint.
A growl issued from the wolf’s throat; Clint frozen as moonlight reflected off those eyes that saw everything. The wolf walked back until Clint could see the grey tips of its ears flick forward and back. With a quick bark, it turned and loped South, pausing to look back at Clint.
“I must be fucking crazy,” Clint mumbled to himself. “This isn’t an episode of Lassie; Timmy’s not down the well.”
Cat Nipped (ao3) - Akira_of_the_Twilight bucky/tony T, 71k
Summary: When cats and dogs collide there is bound to be trouble.
Collared and Bound (ao3) - antigrav_vector steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: This is utterly self-indulgent trashy supernatural romance fic with trashy smut. You've been warned.
Cut Your Wolf Loose (ao3) - AnonEhouse steve/tony T, 839
Summary: Tony and Steve take a fluffy werewolf day off in the woods.
Finders Keepers (ao3) - MarvelousMenagerie (HiddenOne) steve/tony E, 2k
Summary: Tony finds Steve's shield in the woods while on his way to their lunch date. CapWolf has taken a quick run around the forest, and he isn't prepared for the way his Little Red Riding Hood is dressed.
For the werewolf has sympathy (ao3) - putthechocolatedown steve/tony, bruce/clint E, 10k
Summary: Tony gets stuck in the Savage Land and meets a wolfman named Steve and his pack.
Into the Open Air (ao3) - SilverSlashes bucky/steve/tony E, 30k
Summary: A Stuckony story based very loosely on the myth of the faoladh, or Irish werewolves, and the song Into the Open Air, from the Brave soundtrack.
Steve is a werewolf missing his mate. Tony is a retired hunter desperate for a cause to take up. They're both looking for something out in the idyllic, Victorian Irish country-side. They both find it. But the entanglements of love and honor, the bonds of pack and family, and the capricious nature of fate and forgiveness could force three hearts together or tear them all apart.
Killing Monsters in the Rain (ao3) - snoozingkitten steve/tony M, 19k
Summary: Tony is a werewolf in name only, he’s also a genius and a playboy and the Lord of the house of Stark. When he’s forcibly reminded of his heritage by a crash landing in the East River Forest things go a bit differently than he’d expect. Fantasy AU
Man is a Wolf to Man (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony T, 4k
Summary: When Antonius is falsely accused and convicted of murdering an ambassador, he is condemned to death by the wild beasts of the arena. But the wolf sent to kill him is something rather more than he ever expected.
Sharp Teeth, Warm Heart (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony T, 952
Summary: This time it's Tony who's a wolf.
Sniff (ao3) - Shi_Toyu bucky/tony T, 19k
Summary: When Bucky's Wolf takes control and follows a tantalizing scent, it leads to a few interesting situations with a certain genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.
The Ballad of The Three Legged Werewolf (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky E, 84k
Summary: Funny how the perfect time to begin again is right after you realize everything you had is gone. After being a test subject and a weapon in the hands of the humans for fifteen years, Bucky is finally free. His first order of business is finding his own kind and maybe some answers about the holes in his memory. When he meets the pack's First Alpha, he quickly realizes there is something irresistible about him that has nothing to do with his pack standing. With mating season on the horizon, it's time to pick a partner and he knows exactly which alpha he'd like to keep his den warm. Now if only he could remember how seduction works.
The Law Runneth Forward and Back (ao3) - Sineala steve/tony T, 11k
Summary: It's been three weeks since Tony saved Steve's life at Mount Rushmore, and they're not talking about it. It's going to drive Tony insane. But they've got bigger problems, because Nightshade has turned Steve into a werewolf. Again. And all Steve seems to want is to be near Tony.
The Pack (ao3) - bondboy68 (trans_seberian) steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: The Avengers are a werewolf pack. Everything has been going great until Tony starts developing some new feelings toward their Alpha that could lead to a dangerous situation.
The Werewolf and the Hunter (ao3) - Boogs bruce/clint M, 11k
Summary: Based on a prompt on tumblr Simply stating 'Werewolf Soulmate AU'
Bruce wakes up one day after turning into a werewolf, only to learn that his best friend Clint had been a hunter for years. Thankfully he's more than willing to help him but things turn strange when everything about Clint just suddenly seems...right.
Oh, yes, and also there are a lot of trained professionals trying to kill him and other werewolves. That is also important.
Turn Around (Three Times Before Lying Down) (ao3) - kellifer_fic steve/tony, clint/phil M, 15k
Summary: Everyone knows that Tony Stark is a playboy, billionaire philanthropist, but what they don’t know is that he’s also a werewolf. When a government agency known as SHIELD finds out, they use this information to force Tony’s hand and bring him into a new elite lycan field team, codename The Avengers Initiative.
Suddenly Tony finds himself playing host to a bunch of lycans, a misplaced God of Thunder and an experimental supersoldier that isn’t as dead as everyone assumed. Can his week get any worse?
What Lies Inside (ao3) - Penumbren steve/tony E, 21k
Summary: When the Avengers discover Captain America in the Arctic sea, they find more than just a new team member: Tony Stark discovers his fated mate. The problem is, Steve Rogers is a man out of his own time and apparently straight, and Tony's not about to force anything on the man he loves--even if it means his own death. Besides, Tony's spent his entire life keeping secrets. How can he possibly tell Steve that he's really Iron Man, let alone a werewolf?
You Know Where To Find Me (ao3) - a_sparrows_fall steve/tony G, 31k
Summary: After an Avengers mission goes awry, Steve takes a leave of absence from the team, and he and Tony part on bad terms. But then Steve gets turned into a werewolf, and he finds his shapeshifting linked to his feelings about Tony, who’s had a terrible accident. If Steve never sees Tony again, will he be stuck in wolf form forever?
A closely-canon compliant 616 Capwolf story.
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So Derek hale is a deputy (I think) and stiles gets stalked by a werewolf who watches him from his yard, and leaves a dead deer/person on his doorstep as gift.Also stiles doesn’t know werewolves exist.
This is a multi chapter I think on archive of our own.
Hi! Just to let you know, this is a fic finder blog for the Linked Universe fandom, and occasionally Legend of Zelda. We don't search for fics from other fandoms!
You might want to check out Teen Wolf Fanwork Finders on Livejournal!
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sofiaottoman · 7 months
Thanksvember 2023 Masterlist!
Well, we've made it to the end - thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged any of the posts.
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The full list of my picks for this year are below the cut, I've sorted them by fandom and then by day.
All For The Game
Thanksvember Day 05: go count the cost by kathrinej | Andrew/Neil | Complete | Rated: Mature
Thanksvember Day 16: Paw and Order by exy_shmexy | Andrew/Neil | Complete | Rated: Explicit | [Archive Locked]
Thanksvember Day 27: Trying My Best by Lostintheuniverseslies | Neil/Andrew | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Thanksvember Day 01: even if it doesn't make sense by EdmundPevensiesQueen | Tim/Jason | WIP | Rated: Mature
Thanksvember Day 09: Detainment by DragonflyxParodies | Gen | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 13: Insta-Worthy by Kalinjdra | Tim/Jason | Complete | Rated: General
Thanksvember Day 14: just like a tattoo by yasmindifference | Tim/Jason | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 17: Deep Breaths by moltenmaw | Jason/Slade | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Thanksvember Day 28: Reading Him by chipmunkery | Bart Allen/Jason Todd | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 03: Dragonlord by Dragonspectre | Game of Thrones & Harry Potter | WIP | Rated: Mature
Thanksvember Day 24: Living Dangerously by Inell | Teen Wolf & MCU | Bucky/Stiles | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 26: The Blood On My Hands... It Scares Me To Death by RosemaryRabbit | Harry Potter & MCU | Gen | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 30: Finders Keepers by dr_girlfriend | MCU & Batman | Bucky/Clint/Jason | Complete | Rated: Teen
Harry Potter
Thanksvember Day 18: No More by doshu | Harry/Voldemort | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 20: Same Old, Same New by Arkodian | Gen | Complete | Rated: General | [Archive Locked]
Thanksvember Day 22: A Midsummer Night's Ritual by Saeva | Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Thanksvember Day 29: Just a Few Changes (will Keep you Safe) by Blueseabird2 | Gen | Complete | Rated: Teen
House of the Dragon
Thanksvember Day 02: Fairy Tales Should End Well by white_winter_fox | Aemond/Lucerys | Complete | Rated: Mature
Thanksvember Day 10: Ripped from the Headlines by spn1dneedit | Aemond/Lucerys | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Thanksvember Day 25: the bones of you by marmiel | Aemond/Lucerys | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Thanksvember Day 15: What Happens in Wakanda Stays in Wakanda by Marvel_Kitten | Bucky/M'Baku | Complete | Rated: Mature
Thanksvember Day 21: my spirit swims right to the hook by napricot | Bucky/M'Baku | Complete | Rated: Explicit
The Sandman
Thanksvember Day 04: When I Waked, I Cried to Dream Again by 27dragons | Dream/Hob | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 19: Can I Sleep in Your Brain Tonight, Stranger? by equus8 | Dream/Hob | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 23: In the Arms of Morpheus by Kavute | Dream/Hob | Complete | Rated: Mature
Star Trek
Thanksvember Day 12: The Family You Choose by sagesiren and seekeronthepath | Alternate Original Series | Bones/Spock, Kirk/Bones/Spock | Complete | Rated: Explicit
Teen Wolf
Thanksvember Day 06: You Should KnowWhere I’m Coming From by thegirlwhoknits | Peter/Stiles | Complete | Explicit
Vampire Chronicles
Thanksvember Day 07: An Ever-Fixed Mark by little-smartass (Linxcat) | Lestat/Louis | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 08: Objects of Devotion by Emileesaurus | Lestat/Louis | Complete | Rated: Teen
Thanksvember Day 11: The Saint by dirtygoldensoul | Lestat/Louis | Complete | Rated: Mature
Congrats for making it to the end of this long list. If you’re looking for more fics you can find my picks for Thanksvember 2022 here, my picks for Thanksvember 2021 here, and my picks from Thanksvember 2020 here.
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rafaelblackbird15 · 2 years
Hello, I would like to ask for your help with searching for a fanfiction where Stiles and Scott use some magic ritual to transfer scotts wolf into stiles so he becomes a werewolf.
Hello, yes, thank you for asking!
That sounds very very familiar to me, but I just can't quite put my finger on the story itself. I can't remember enough specifics to find it at the moment, but I'm sure @wheredidhiseyebrowsgo could probably help you, so if you wanna head on over there too that'd help, but if anyone else has the link to this fic or knows a bit more about it, could they help out please?
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