#his glasses his face his chest…. wahhh
rodeoromeo · 1 year
Found this pic yesterday and immediately thought of how perfect it would be for this lovely Friday
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The shirt being open with the necklace and--just everything I am unwell. Happy FTOMF 🥰
ohhhhhh my god dude. oh my god! oh my god
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starglitterz · 2 years
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elysian adjective; relating to or characteristic of paradise
summary: when you lose your job out of the blue, you’re pretty sure this is the end of the road for you. at least until you reconnect with your childhood best friend aether and he offers you your ideal job and a place to stay. the only condition is that his office will be behind the store you’ll be running, and under no circumstances are you permitted to enter. that’s how you begin your new life as a florist, though you’re not sure how to focus on working when aether seems to have too many pretty boys working both for and against him. your fresh start gets a whole lot more interesting when you discover just how many secrets these men are hiding, but somehow you think you’ll still be able find the elysian ending of your dreams.
pairing: various genshin male characters x gn!reader
a/n: this chapter is so long but wahhh finally !!! requests for elysian will officially open after this ! i'm so excited to see what you all come up with omgjkskdjsk :D <3
previous. // elysian masterlist. 
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"For the last time, I don't know what you're talking about! And no, I'm not saying anything else until I get a lawyer.”
You lean back in your seat defiantly, folding your arms over your chest. Strands of white hair frame the face of the officer opposite you, offset by his red eyes boring into yours and searching for even a hint of deceit in your gaze. When he finds nothing, his stern stare doesn’t change, but he exhales slowly and leaves the room. 
The other officer in the room gets up and hands you a glass of water. He has messy gray hair and teal eyes, and because of his simple kindness you think he must be slightly friendlier than the one who was interrogating you. “Hey, can you let me out of here? I haven’t done anything wrong, I swear!” Asking one of the guys who arrested you to set you free is a definite shot in the dark, but you suppose it’s better than nothing. He doesn’t reply, but he quirks an eyebrow and you frantically scan the name on his tag, “...Al-Haitham? Listen, I seriously was just minding my own business when you stopped us. Is it even legal to randomly bring people in?!” Haitham rests against the cabinet in the back of the room and doesn’t answer your question, “Why do you want to be set free?” “Because I want to go home, dumbass. Is that so difficult to understand?” you scowl at him, and somewhere in the back of your mind you can hear a voice saying that it’s probably best if you don’t insult the officer in charge for now, but you choose to ignore it. “No.” He doesn’t elaborate or offer a reaction and you groan.
This has got to be the most idiotic conversation you have ever had, and you once argued with Aether and Lumine for an hour about whether water was wet. And you don’t even have anyone to blame, you and Kaeya were just driving around with him pointing out the sights when an officer pulled you over for a random inspection and decided to bring you over to the station without even an explanation. If you had just shut up and stayed home, by now your apartment would be unpacked and ready, but instead you’re stuck in a dreary room with tiled floors and stained walls. 
Just then, the door swings open and the officer who left earlier enters with an indecipherable expression, “You can leave. Haitham, escort them out.” Relief swells in your heart, and you jump off the chair and practically skip out, accompanied by Al-Haitham. In the main lobby of the police station, you notice a tall man with blue hair and matching eyes surveying the area with an aura so intimidating it’s as if he was the owner. A chirpier blonde man scans the room, and when his green eyes land on you, his face breaks out into a huge smile, “Sir Kamisato, Y/N’s here.” 
Kamisato? The name rings a bell, and you mentally dig around your brain until it clicks. Wait. Kamisato? As in Kamisato Ayato, the heir to Yashiro, one of the biggest corporations in Teyvat?! And more importantly, why does he seem to know you? The two of them stroll up to you, and the blonde man sticks his hand out to shake yours vigorously, “Hello! I’m Thoma, Kamisato Ayato’s bodyguard, chauffeur, retainer…” Ayato tilts his head, “It’s safe to say he is very multi-talented. And so are you, it seems.” “Pardon?” You’re not sure what he’s insinuating until his smile turns cunning, “Not everyone manages to end up getting interrogated by the Chief Officer Cyno.” You frown, irritation edging your tone, “I think we both know I would prefer that hadn’t happened. How do you even know who I am?” “I’m a friend of Aether’s,” Ayato smiles mysteriously, but before he can elaborate further, the door opens so roughly that it slams against the wall and threatens to break off its hinges as a group of guys stumble in.
“I had advised you against rushing in,” a tall man with a long ponytail sighs, “I’m not sure why you request for advice that you instantly ignore.” “For fun! Or perhaps you don’t know what that means, Zhongli,” a much shorter man with twin braids grins, “Anyway, it’s a good thing that Ragnvindr guy got fired.” “Indeed. He would have locked Y/N up without a second thought,” Zhongli agrees before adding, “But I still believe you should have followed my advice.” “I think that must be Y/N over there!” another man with artfully messy maroon hair and a mole dotting his cheek cuts in before their bickering can start again and points at you. You’re staring blankly at this whole exchange when yet another man with white hair streaked with red steps forward to introduce himself, “Kaedehara Kazuha, at your service. Aether instructed us to bring you back to the florist.” 
Now you’re really getting annoyed. “I’ve had quite enough of people claiming to know Aether, thank you very much. I’ll find my own way back.” “Unfortunately, that will not be possible,” a man with brown hair and blue eyes replies, “It’s too dangerous to let you go alone. Aether would be very worried.” “Not to mention he would have our heads!” the short man pipes up, to which the maroon hair knocks him on the top of his head, “Shut up, Venti.” “If Aether’s so worried, why can’t he come get me himself?” you glower, and all of them unconsciously take a step back at the intensity of your death stare. 
“Seeing as we were the ones who got Y/N out, perhaps it would be best if we sent her back-” Thoma starts, but is easily shut down by Zhongli, “No. That is not a feasible option considering our clear differences.” The simple sentence seems to hint at something much heavier, and Thoma groans before admitting defeat. “Just let us send you back,” Kazuha pleads, “On a samurai’s honour, you will return safely.” You jut your chin outwards, “That’s not enough. I want to know the truth as well.” “The… truth?” “Yes. I’m 100% certain it’s not normal for me to be interrogated about all the people working at some flower shop in the middle of nowhere.” “Did you say anything?” the maroon headed man’s gaze flicks sharply to yours, and Kazuha swats his arm, “Heizou, even if they did-” “Did you?” Heizou presses on and you give him a dirty look, “No. I’m not an idiot. Or a snake.” “Better than Kaeya, at least,” Venti snickers, and Heizou elbows him, “Kaeya isn’t a snake… he’s just slippery.” But even Heizou’s voice sounds doubtful.
Then he snaps himself out of it, “Regardless, we will be taking you back now. And good job for not saying anything.” Heizou turns around and starts to walk away, flanked by everyone except Kazuha, who at least gives you an apologetic shrug first. You glance at Ayato and Thoma as if seeking assistance, but all you see is an amused smile playing about Ayato’s lips and a tight smile on Thoma’s face. When he catches you looking, Ayato smirks, “Don’t worry. I suspect we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other soon. Get home safe.” 
With no other choice, you sigh, groan, and roll your eyes in quick succession before hurrying after them. Maybe taking up Aether’s offer wasn’t such a good idea after all. 
After what has to be both the longest and simultaneously most awkward car ride you have ever been in your life (it wasn’t helped by the fact that the driver was the most muscled man you have ever seen, and he wouldn’t shut up the entire time), you finally reach the florist and you’re ready to just crash into bed. But the minute you see Aether silhouetted in the doorway, your fatigue disappears, replaced by a desperate desire to know what’s really going on. From the secretive looks shared between the men in the car and the two guys at the police station, not to mention the fact that their so-called office is situated at the edge of the city, it feels like everyone is in on a secret and you’re purposely being kept out of the loop. 
“What the hell is going on, Aether? I trusted you. Why won’t you do the same for me?” That barrage of questions is the first thing that comes out of your mouth when you’re close enough to speak to him. It feels like a dam in your mind’s been broken and all your worries about jumping headfirst into a suggestion with so many unknowns combined with your stress from being fired and evicted are flooding out. “Listen, Y/N,” Aether looks pained, and the seriousness of his expression is enough to make you stop in your tracks before you can scold him even more, “I didn’t want to tell you this at first, but now I think it’s best if you know. Would you mind having a seat?”
You pull up a chair and look expectantly at him, “So, what is it?” Aether sits opposite you, seeming as if a million and one things are rushing through his mind at the speed of a bullet train, “You remember my sister, don’t you?” “Yeah, Lumine. Of course I do,” you don’t understand where he’s going with this. Obviously you remember his sister; the three of you were inseparable in university, but the two of them had always been joined at the hip, closer than any other siblings you had seen before. You often wondered just how much the two of them had been through that bound them so close together. But as uni friends often do, you all had fallen out of contact, your rare interactions stemming from mere posts on social media, and even that had trickled to an end eventually. “Right. Well, she’s gone missing,” Aether can’t meet your eyes when he admits it. “What?!” it takes you a few seconds to process, “What do you mean?” “Gone without a trace. Not even a text,” he sounds clinical, detached from the story as if he’s gone over this many times in the past.
“But… what happened? Lumine wouldn’t just up and leave like that.” “I’m not sure if you remember, but Lumi was always into journalism. She was always busy looking for ‘the next big scoop’, and she had special obsession with politics. She liked exploring, poking around in places she shouldn’t be, and…” here his voice breaks slightly, but he forces himself to continue, “I think that she saw something she wasn’t supposed to, and they took her away.” “Who did?” “The government; the Abyss Order. Or maybe the Fatui.” You shudder at the mention of the government’s special operations service; they’ve been rumoured to have murdered hundreds, if not thousands, of people globally without hesitation nor remorse – they acted purely according to instruction. 
“What does that have to do with this place? Or me?” While you’re reeling from the impact of what he’s just accused the Abyss Order of, you still want to know how this correlates to your current situation. “Well, I obviously wanted to get her back. So I started searching around, hunting for information, that kind of thing. And I found out that Lumine wasn’t the only potential victim. There were people disappearing all the time, I’d see their families posting about it online. But I didn’t want to stop at just a cry for help on some random internet forum - I wanted to go further. I wanted to find Lumine and punish those who had unjustly taken her.” Your mouth feels dry, and you’re not sure how much you want to hear what comes next, but you know it’s something that you have to listen to. 
“I found a bunch of people with similar mindsets who had the same thing happen to them, and we…” his voice trails off, but he keeps going, “We started what could be called a support group at best… but a gang at worst. And we don’t do anything bad, I promise. We just keep our ears to the ground and find out things we aren’t supposed to know, and Y/N, you won’t believe how deep this corruption runs within the system.” “So, essentially you invited me here, knowing how badly I needed a job and a place to stay, just to work as a cover for a gang,” your throat feels tight, and your heart is threatening to shatter, “Y’know, for a second there, I really thought you genuinely cared.” You move to leave, but Aether stands in your path, “But I do! I didn’t mean to involve you in this business at all, you were just supposed to live your dream and run a peaceful flower shop and stay in the apartment upstairs. You weren’t supposed to find out about any of this.” Your gaze softens – you’ve known Aether long enough to know when he’s lying and when he’s telling the truth, and you recognise that he honestly wanted to keep you in the dark about the whole thing.
“But now that I do know, what are you going to do?” “Nothing,” Aether states, a mask of calmness slipping into place, “What happens next is up to you.” “What?” “You can either go to the police and tell them everything I just told you,” he begins, “Or you can stay with us, and work, as you put it, as a cover for a gang.” You fall silent, the protests bubbling up on your lips dying in seconds as you do your best to observe the circumstances rationally and figure out what to do next. But deep down, you already know what you’re going to choose. Perhaps your decision was decided for you the second you met Aether in that coffee shop. You don’t even listen to how he’s explaining, “-if anything happens, you can claim plausible deniability-” before you say, “I’m staying. I can’t leave you now.” “Really?” Aether’s in disbelief, but he manages a grin when you nod, “I’ll be your spy florist.” 
And that’s the story of how you ended up as a florist for a gang. It wasn’t that great of a job, but the people you got to interact with daily made things much better, and if anything, that’s where the real story starts – within the elysian new life you carved out for yourself.
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© starglitterz 2023. do not repost or modify in any way – reblog & leave comments if you enjoyed !
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direwombat · 9 months
I'm intrigued by this FC5: daddy la roux lives au you have. It got me hooked when I read the first snippet of it. Do you perhaps have another snippet you could spare?
wahhh i'm so glad you like it! it really does make me happy that there's someone out there interested in the fic that is entirely catered to my own tastes (moreso than all the other ones f;lafjkd)
but yes, the daddy la roux lives au is what it says on the tin. wherein daddy la roux went to prison after murdering his wife but (for plot reasons) was released and found his way to hope county and worm his way back into syb's life (against her will). also he's part of the cult. they're protecting him from the law because he 100% broke parole to find his kids. daddy la roux was, is, and will always be a bit of a con-man.
here's some stuff from the very first scene!
“You got ten seconds to tell me why I shouldn’t call your parole officer,” Sybille seethes to the man sitting at her baby brother’s kitchen table as if he fucking belonged there. “Actually, no,” she amends, “You got ten seconds to convince me as to why I shouldn’t take you out back and shoot you.”
When Augustine had informed her that he invited someone for dinner, she assumed it was a date. It was why she’d asked if he wanted her out of the house for the night. She’d thought his insistence to the contrary odd, but if her little brother wanted her to meet his partner, then who is she to deny her potential new family. 
Instead she was met with the singular blood stain she’s never been able to scrub clean. 
“Well, I’d say that shootin’ an unarmed man is probably a good way to lose your badge, Billie,” Daddy shrugs, lifting a glass of water to his mouth.  
“It ain’t if you’re trespassing’,” she grumbles, folding her arms across her chest. Her lips curl into a disdainful sneer. “The hell you doin’ here?”
“I invited him, Syb,” Augustine says, shooting her a pleading look.
“Syb?” Daddy repeats incredulously. His face scrunches in distaste. “That really what you goin’ by?”
“I go by Sybille,” she says evenly, “The name my mama gave me.”
and then a little aside in the kitchen that syb has with augustine in the same scene
“I ain’t breakin’ bread with that man,” she says firmly.  “He says he’s changed,” Augustine counters.  “Like a snake sheddin’ its skin!” “He’s sober!” her brother exclaims. “He’s found God! He was released on good behavior! What more do you want from him?”  I want my mama back! threatens to leap off the tip of her tongue, and she barely manages to contain it. Her hands flex, balling so tight that her fingernails dig into the soft flesh of her palms. The bite of pain is just enough to rein her in and she takes a deep, steadying breath. “Y’ain’t know’im like I do, Augustine,” she says patiently. “I dunno what lies he’s been feedin’ ya, but that man ain’t got a truthful bone in his body. Whatever he’s up to, it ain’t good.”
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kariflop · 8 months
Lawrence Hazuki × Luciano
#shortstory #fluff #bl #arcade #ocs
"These are claw machines, right?" Lawrence questioned, pointing at the glass window. "Yeah! Me and my siblings would play it, but we wouldn't be able to win any of them." Luciano told, placing his head on Lawrence's shoulder.
"Wouldn't that be a waste of money?" "Kinda, but it depends on your skill and luck too!"
"Say, why don't you try it out?" Luciano suggested, intertwining his hands with Lawrence. "I'm not sure if I want to gamble my money for it..." He hesitates, his eyebrows furrowed and lips sucked in at the motionless plushies. _I really want that penguin.._
"If you don't wanna try it, then I'll do it!" Luciano volunteered, patting on his shoulder and shifted towards the token machine. "What are you aiming for?" "That penguin!"
Luciano came back with the tokens, ducked down and pushed the token inside the gap. An 8bit tune played and Luciano had sprang back up. Lawrence observed the claw sliding to the back, then latching onto the penguin's head. The penguin's face wrinkled and as the claw slid back, it had fell onto the edge of the hole.
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Lawrence looked at Luciano's reaction: he was just glaring. Lawrence quickly hid his face as he felt his lip was creeping upwards.
The second attempt; the penguin had bounced away.
The third attempt; it had plopped in a shallow hole.
And the fourth; it wouldn't pull out.
"A-aha.." Lawrence chuckled in guilt. Luciano had both his palms cupped on his face, staring back at the penguin. _I can't help but laugh.. if the penguin wasn't so cute it'd be a whole different case..._
"Zukii...~ Can't you help me..?" Luciano pleaded as he hung himself onto Lawrence. "If it makes you happy, I'll try.."
Luciano's head perked up.
"But don't be upset if I fail."
"I won't!"
Lawrence pushed the token inside and began pulling the control. He looked at the penguin stuck between and pushed down the button.
It twirled as it reached to the penguin's head. It had gripped onto it as it went back up and dropped the penguin into the hole.
"Wha—t?!" Luciano gasped. "Don't lie to me! Have you been practicing?!" "I-I really haven't.." Lawrence slightly grinned. "Wahhh, I could've saved all of the cash before!" He whined and rattled him.
"Calm down.."
Lawrence collected the penguin out as he turned his back.
"Wait! I still want that chick!" Luciano yelped. "Huh?" Lawrence let out, examining the crowds. "*This* one!" Luciano hurled, pulling Lawrence back. _Oh.._
"Does this mean.." Lawrence trailed off, looking at Luciano for confirmation. "Yep, play it again."
The claw raised the chick as it dropped into the hole. Luciano squealed as he quickly snatched the chick. Both of the men extended their hands to eachother; "Here, this is for you." Both of them said.
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"Eh?" Luciano said.
"I thought you wanted this?" Lawrence spoke out the disconnected words. "I.. heard your thoughts, you said you wanted the penguin!"
"Ah.. but..." _How do I say this?_ "I wanted it... maybe because.." Lawrence slurred his words. Luciano was nodding as he continued. "People would describe me a penguin, and maybe..."
"I, just wanted to give it..."
_Because maybe you would think of me everytime you see it.._Luciano felt his chest burn, pulling his lips to avoid curving. "Sorry, I wanted to say—"
"I heard you alright! Thank you sooo much! I wanted to give you this chick as a gift too!"
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"Oh— Thank you." Lawrence spoke. Luciano could see his face fade tint red. _What a cutie._ "Pfft—" "What?" "You look like you're holding your baby!" "I-I do?"
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sscoutregimentss · 3 years
i know we as a collective society believe in gamer! eren supremacy. and yes, this is a good take. however, may i introduce to you: normie/fuckboy/jock eren with gamer/nerd gf. thoughts under the cut (safe for work, pg-13, also slight snk spoilers for season 3 and up!)
see, eren isnt necessarily a fuckboy. in fact, hes very loyal! he doesnt really think that way about any girls or guys except you. but hes popular romantically and had a reputation for sleeping around before he met you (not that theres anything wrong with that but ya know word travels fast across campus). plus, cmon the dude is in a frat, super hot and has a tongue piercing. he cant blame anyone for thinking he is a fuckboy bc he exudes the energy.
you are kind of the complete opposite. you dont really enjoy parties and you keep to yourself. you're a total wreck when it comes to flirting and your kinda oblivious to whenever people like you. you dont have many friends and are a bigger fan of 2d people than 3d.
either way eren finds you so so so cute. he first approached you at one of his frat parties. your roommates convinced you to come after she said that someone (read: connie) had a dance dance revolution mat, but you kinda just stuck around in a corner staring at your cup once you lost them. he looks you up and down-- your outfit was pretty cute, a short plaid orange pleated skirt, dress shirt, orange cardigan and black beret laying neatly upon your head. and your face... he couldn't help himself but try to talk to you. you were really anxious because wahhh scary sports guy you dont know but he was kinda instantly comforting? in a way? and he was freaking pretty. he looked like a final fantasy character--long haired characters were your type. the rest was kind of history.
a lot of people are shocked when they find out your dating bc you two are so different (some people are surprise eren “dates” at all) but no one dares question your relationship when they see how much eren dotes on you. he has so many polaroids of you in his wallet-- from the many arcade dates you bring him on where you decimate him at almost every game, you awkwardly posing in the hentai section of bookstores, or just candids of you being intensely focused on a puzzle in a game. whenever you guys go out to eat and somethings wrong with your meal, he'll send it back (in a polite way, of course, but hes still assertive.) or if you buy like a figurine and its misisng something hes marching up to the cashier stand for you. he always has an arm around your waist or is holding is hand in yours. sometimes you just cling onto his arm and rest your head on it (hes comfy!!!!! and you are always tired) your both pretty clingy, but you get kinda awkward when you two are around people you know so he just kinda subtly holds you as to not make a scene. its nice. hes comfy.
youve got dual monitors, a pc you made yourself, rgb keyboard, the whole nine yards. all your consoles are up to date and you keep a handheld system on you at all times. you spend most your weekends watching anime and movies and tv shows and your shelves are piled high with books and comic books. eren literally does not understand any of it. when you told him you built your pc he goes "you made all those microchippy things? youre soooo smart babe". when you talk about some of your weirder or more complicated animes he nods along but honestly he gets so lost ("so like, lemme get this straight, the kids dad's wife ate his mom?" "yeah but like she was turned into a titan so she didn't realllllly know it was the dads wife, but like she literally walks past this titan shifter so i think she knew." "thats crazy.") and he will never understand the point of otome games when hes literally right there. he actually has a really bad habit of getting jealous of characters you have a crush on but you just find it funny. sometimes he gets an ego boost when they look like him because even if they look like him he is actually real so they can suck it.
hes rlly supportive tho. erens a rlly passionate person and he loves you a lot so he pours a lot of passion into what you do. if you are into esports/fps games hes cheers you on all the time and does all the raging for you ("BABE THAT GUY IS STREAM SNIPING! HES STREAM SNIPING YOU HEY ASSHOLE STOP CHEATING OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" "eren he cant stream snipe me because i dont stream" "oh i thought that just meant cheating"/"WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL HER?" "eren its okay i can just report him" "NO NO LET ME AT HIM IF HE WANTS TO CALL YOU A BITCH I CAN CALL HIM MUCH WORSE" "um guys im gonna mute my mic for a second if you need me text chat") if youre into cozy games he likes to watch you play and gives you ideas on where to put things. like in minecraft he makes you put a second bed for him even though he doesnt play and he helps you name all your pets. you get a little less intense with cozy games so you sit on his lap and he lets his hair down puts his head on your shoulder and points at where you should place stuff. he still rages though? this is eren jaeger we are talking about. ("aw, she wont move to my island." "WHAT? who does that little ugly squirrel think she is? you think youre too good for MY y/n's island? i'll shave your unibrow off. then we'll see what island will want you" "leave hazel alone! shes cute!"/"dude that hamster guy with the glasses looks like armin" "graham? what? armin doesnt even wear glasses" "no no look at it more" "oh shit youre right") rpgs/otome games are kinda a wild card with how he acts. if its an otome game and the character looks like him he is more into helping you out because it reaffirms to him that you find him good looking but otherwise he is just sulking and calling them annoying ("princess y/n... i know im just a servant, but i want to be with you forever!" "pft. get a load of this guy. clingy much?" "its romantic! youre jealous.")
one of his favorite things to do with you is cuddle and watch anime. usually he lies his face on your thighs or chest while watching and you play with his hair or he holds you in his chest and you play with one of his hands while the other goes behind his head. he grew up on some of the classics like naruto sailor moon one piece pokemon and dbz but he never got super into it until he started dating you. you put him on to soooo many good shows (cartoons, anime, and live action) hes both a crier and he is a get-angrier(?). he gets mad on characters behalfs and you have to pause the show so he can rant about how annoying someone is or he feels so bad for someone so he has to take a minute because hes tearing up. he likes slice of life anime because the friendships <3 theyre so wholesome and they remind him of him armin and mikasa but he also likes shounen because it is entertaining to watch fights. he gets really into them actually. he also has this really bad habit of whenever there is a character with no parents or a dead mom he goes "oh same" or "welcome to the club buddy" under his breath. when theres a cute couple in an anime you both like guys get matching keychains of them unless one of them dies because he thinks its bad luck. his favorite animes are haikyuu, your lie in april and code geass.
you are equally supportive of erens volleyball career. you know all the rules because sports anime and you actually find yourself really liking it in 3d as well (it is lacking in bromance and screaming but you let it slide). you go to all his games and he always texts you before his practices. has a habit of kissing you before games and one day after he kisses you go "gg ez win" as a JOKE but then they like decimate their long time rival marley university and get into nationals (is that a thing for volleyball idk sports) so hes convinced its because you did your "gamer magic". now every time after getting his good luck kiss he interlocks your pinkies and you go "gg ez win" and he goes “yes.” because to this day he doesnt know what it means (he thinks googling it is like breaking the magic)
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
Hello Mod Ibuki! Huhu I really did cry when I read "Killed for a Hopeful Future" :(( Poor bagel had to go through that. So, if you're alright with it, could you write an alternate ending where Nagito and S/O wake up from their pods and really do spend their future together :'))? Jzgszb the tears ain't gonna stop flowing without fluff--
Have a nice day btw <33! I absolutely love your writing! Could I be Avocado anon :0?
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Killed for a Hopeful Future [Part 2] (Nagito x Reader)
Warnings: None
Mod Ibuki: I'm sorry I made you cry wahhh!! Thank you for the compliments! And of course! Heya avocado anon! Hope you have a nice day!
This was also written with @call-me-ko !
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Nagito looked up, his greenish grey eyes opening slightly. Green semi-clear glass was the only thing in his peripheral vision. Confused thoughts filled his mind as he reached his unnaturally pale hands towards the glass pushing it open slightly.
Fresh air engulfed him as he opened the green tinted glass that kept him contained in the coffin shaped pod. He slowly sat up, keeping his guard up.
‘Where am I?’ Nagito thought. He looked around, taking note of his surroundings.
“Nagito!” A voice called. Nagito whipped his head around. A figure ran towards him, a smile adoring their features.
‘Y/N…’ Nagito nearly jumped out of the pod, rushing towards them.
Y/N ran into his arms, nearly tackling him in a hug. Nagito smiled brightly, picking them up and twirling them around for a moment. Nagito set them down and rested his forehead against theirs, pressing a soft kiss to their nose as he did so.
“Angel, you have no idea how happy I am to see you.” Nagito breathed out, tightening his grip on their waist. Y/N giggled and pressed their forehead impossibly further into his, causing Nagito to let out a giggle of his own.
“I’m just as happy, Nagi.” Y/N sighed happily. Nagito smiled and tilted his face, hovering his lips over theirs, silently asking for consent. Y/N leaned up and connected their lips in response, slowly wrapping their arms around his neck.
Y/N pulled back for a brief moment, only to lean back and kiss him again, except this time it was much shorter.
Nagito let out a content sigh. “I love you, so much.” He said softly. Y/N grinned and kissed his nose. “I love you too, bub.”
Y/N turned their head, noticing other pods opening. Hajime was the first one out, then Kazuichi. The others were soon to follow.
Hajime looked over at the two and gave a comforting smile and wave. Nagito waved back and returned his smile, Y/N doing the same.
“Looks like everyone is waking up.” Y/N pointed out. Nagito frowned for a brief moment, remembering what had happened. The murder, the breakdown, the videos, everything. Y/N noticed and furrowed their eyebrows.
“Nagito?” They asked. He hummed in response. “Why that reaction?” Y/N asked. Nagito looked down at his lover and sighed.
“When you died, I did some bad things.” He mumbled guiltily. Nagito looked up at some of their friends, noticing even they looked a little scared of him. Y/N followed his gaze and noticed their facial expressions.
“What did you do?” Y/N asked softly. Nagito closed his eyes. He really didn’t want to tell them. He thought it would drive them away, hell maybe even make them scared of him.
“I killed Nekomaru so I would get executed.” Nagito mumbled again. Y/N looked across the room at Nekomaru. He was also looking at Nagito, but not a look of fear or anger. He smiled at the two and gave them a big thumbs up.
“Nagito!” Nekomaru boomed. Nagito’s head snapped up. He met Nekomaru’s stare. Nekomaru smiled again.
“I would’ve done the same thing for Akane, I don’t blame you for losin’ your shit, alright!?” Nekomaru admitted, an encouraging smile still plastered on his face. Nagito let out a sigh of relief, mouthing a thank you to him, to which he responded with another thumbs up.
Y/N softly grabbed Nagito’s chin and titled his face so he could look at them. “You realize that still doesn’t make it right, right?” Nagito gulped, nodding vigorously.
Y/N reached up and gently slapped the back on his head, earning a surprised yelp from him. They did it two more times, Nagito contemplating whether he should laugh or not.
“Bad Nagito, bad.” Y/N reprimanded. Nagito raised his hands in defeat. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I know, it was wrong.” Y/N paused for a moment. They reached behind his head and slapped one more time.
“I said I was sorry!” Nagito giggled out. “Doesn’t matter! You deserved that!” Y/N exclaimed, a laugh of their own following.
Y/N wrapped their warm arms around their partner and pulled him closer to them once again. Nagito rested his head in the crook of Y/N’s neck, breathing in their familiar scent.
”I'm so glad that I got to see you again… I thought I would never get to hold you in my arms, love.”
Nagito chuckled the same laugh that Y/n loved so much as he lifted his head up and softly kissed Y/N’s forehead, earning a loving smile in return.
“Well aren't you guys love birds! I wish Miss Sonia was like that to me…” A certain pink haired mechanic sulked as his eyes switched from the loving couple to the blonde princess that clung to the Ultimate Breeder.
Y/N giggled and pressed their forehead against Nagito’s, a smile adoring their features.
“I love you…” Y/N whispered. Nagito let a small smile of his own pass through his lips. “I love you too, angel.”
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“Jeez, I still can't believe that happened years ago…” An older version of Y/N laughed. Their arms and legs were tangled up with their fiance’s.
“We’ve changed so much haven’t we...“ Nagito mumbled into the top of his future spouse’s head, but quickly removed his head to look into Y/N’s eyes.
“Yeah love, we really have.” Y/N whispered. They looked at the clock on their nightstand. “We should probably go to sleep. It's late, and we don't wanna wake our daughter up.” Y/N mentioned, closing their eyes and smushing their face into Nagito’s chest. Nagito hummed in agreement.
“Hey, Y/N?” Nagito mumbled. "Yes?" Y/N responded, muffled by his chest.
“We should go to the park tomorrow.” Nagito suggested. Y/N giggled and nodded. “Yeah, we can do that.”
“Goodnight, angel.” Nagito said sleepily, placing a soft kiss on their head. “Goodnight, Nagi.” The pair slowly drifted off to sleep, happily in each other’s arms.
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sujusins · 3 years
5 stars - Donghae (fluff)
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You stand in the kitchen of your apartment stirring a pot of soup on the stove. You happily dance on the spot while listening to your favourite songs coming out of the bluetooth speaker on the counter.
Your boyfriend Donghae had phoned you a couple of hours ago saying that he had to stay at work quite late today and that it has been a hard day. You would try anything to cheer up your loving and sweet boyfriend so you decided to try and cook him something special for when he gets home. You knew that he loved to eat seaweed soup so you figured this was an ample opportunity to try and make it for him. After searching up a couple recipes you got the gist of what to do. You headed straight to the supermarket to purchase the necessary ingredients and made a start after returning home.
Dipping a spoon into the pot you put it in your mouth to taste your creation. Hmmm, not quite right. You toss in a couple more spices and mix them in. Tasting it again you notice a slight improvement but still feel like there is something missing. Ah, the garlic! You find the garlic cloves and chop them up before adding them into the soup. After a couple minutes of stirring you taste once more and are taken by surprise as it’s actually quite good.
You leave the soup to simmer and you try and tidy up the place. It’s not that bad but you wouldn’t want Donghae to come home and for there to be mess everywhere. Knowing him he’d try and do chores even after having had a gruelling day at work. You just want him to put his feet up and let you take care of him.
You happily sweep the floor and remove the clutter before setting the table. Wanting to make the place look warm and inviting you dim the lights and place a couple candles in the centre of the table.
A few moments later you hear the sound of the front door opening and shutting. You turn around to see your gorgeous boyfriend. He removes his coat and hangs it up on the rack. You can tell from his posture and eyes that he is tired but he gives you a warm smile and gives you a hug as he greets you. “Wahhh, it smells so good in here. Have you been cooking?” He says as he releases you from his embrace. “Yes, I made you some soup. I hope you think it tastes as good as it smells.” you admit. “I’m sure it will” he says with a big smile.
He walks over to look at the pot. “Babe, this looks amazing. You didn’t have to do all this. We could’ve just ordered some takeaway food” he says looking guilty. “It’s no problem. I wanted to make you something special. I know you mentioned how much you love seaweed soup. I’ve never made it before but I wanted to try for you because I love you so much. I know you’ve had a tough day and I wanted to make you something nutritious and-“ you stop rambling as he plants a kiss on your forehead. Donghae cups the sides of your face with his hands and gives you that beautiful smile that makes your heart melt. “Thank you, my love” he says sincerely.
After changing into more comfortable clothes, Donghae reappears and takes a seat at the table where you’d already placed a glass of water for him and some cutlery. You place a bowl of the fresh soup in front of him and one for yourself as you sit across from him. Feeling anxious about his reaction your fingers slide up and down your thighs. He puts a generous spoonful into his mouth and makes a sound of delight, making you secretly sigh in relief. “Mmmmh, woahhh. It’s seriously delicious” he says and you beam from across the table. He eats another spoonful as you try some yourself. “Really, it’s so good. 5 stars” he jokes giving you a thumbs up. You just laugh and say “I’m so glad you like it.”
Shortly after enjoying your meal you head to bed since it’s late in the night. You snuggle close to your boyfriend under the covers. He holds you close to his chest and strokes your hair, thinking he’s the luckiest man alive for having such a beautiful and caring girlfriend.
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kodzumie-archived · 4 years
It’s Soft Byakuya time because I need ✨fictional comfort✨
I feel no I KNOW this fucker is touch starved to hell, so when he finally gets ~comfy~ with his S/O he’ll cling onto them and they’ll never be able to get him off of them (although why would you want that). He’ll still do his usual“ew affection get away” if you’re in public but when the second the two of you are alone he will attach himself to you like an adorable parasite. If you’re working at your desk he’ll just walk in, spin your chair, plop his 185cm ass on your lap facing you, turning the chair back around, and telling you to “focus on your work”. If you’re reading a book or scrolling on your phone in bed no you’re not, because Byakuya requires your chest to lay his head on but, you can’t be mad cause messy hair, no glasses, sleepy Byakuya is 1 of the 7 wonders of the world. He LOVES it when his S/O runs their fingers through his hair lightly scratching his scalp, it helps calm him. SUB BYAKUYA SUB BYAKUYA SUB BYAKUYA SUB-Softly dominating him with gentle touches and genuine praise, telling him that they’re so proud of him for opening up and trusting them enough to be ~intimate~ with them. Prefers soft kisses and make outs but definitely doesn’t mind if you get a lil rough not too much though. If you leave lovebites on him he’ll pretend to be upset about it but he actually really likes it, and will look at them with fondness when he catches a glimpse of them. Now you didn’t hear this from me but Byakuya likes to be overstimulated (to a certain degree like he won’t let you continue if he thinks he’ll faint) and wouldn’t mind if candle wax ‘accidentally’ got on his chest (or icecubes that fell out of your cup). After sex cuddles and reassurance is an absolute necessity for him, as well as washing up with him. The morning after is probably his favorite, waking up in your arms both of you naked from the night before, it gives him all the skinship he could want and may lead to something more ;)
Wow I went on longer than I thought, but what can you do when brain goes brr.
The part where he just plops down on your lap is adorable, gahh..!!
Gahh, also the waxplay with Byakuya would be sO HOT!! AND TEMPERATURE PLAY TOO, AAHH!!
Though overstimming him does sound veeery nice right about now, y’know? ;)
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kiseki-no-scenarios · 4 years
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Omg this is such a cute request!! No worries anon, I understand you perfectly!
This will be separated into two parts, so part one will feature Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo.
Puppy Love! Part 1: Rakuzan, Shutoku, and Kaijo
Mibuchi shivers, wrapping his arms around his body. “…I feel like someone’s watching us.” he states, before eyeing Mayuzumi suspiciously.
“I’m not. You’re not my type.” Mayuzumi’s deadpan answer earns a snort from Nebuya.
“You afraid of ghosts or something, Reo?” Nebuya teases, laughing when the black haired basketball player humphs angrily, hands on his hips.
“I’m not scared of ghosts!”
“Reo-nee, ghosts are scary though!” Hayama shivers. “What if it’s a vengeful ghost that died in this gym or something years ago?!”
“They say if it knows your name, it’ll kill you.”
“Chi-chan??? Where’d you hear that?!” Mibuchi yelps, hands pressed to his chest. “No one say my name out loud!!”
“Mibuchi Reo.” Mayuzumi snaps, ignoring Mibuchi’s pained cry. “I read it in one of my light novels.”
“WAHHH!!!” Mibuchi screams, and Hayama manages to leap out of the way at the last minute before Mibuchi completely crashes into the shorter male.
“Reo-nee, what on earth…” Hayama laughs, before noticing the new arrival at the entrance of the gym. “Is that…a dog?”
“Arf.” The dog replies with a bark. It was hard to explain, but the dog appeared to be calmly appraising the scene, sitting back on its haunches.
“Woah, look at its eyes!” Nebuya raced forward, peering down at the dog. “It’s got a red eye and a yellow one!”
The others all observed the dog, finally noticing the mismatched, heterochromatic orbs.
“…It reminds me of Akashi.” Mayuzumi finally murmurs.
“Woah, he really does!!” Hayama agreed. There was something rather majestic in the way that the white german shepard carried itself.
“Comparing me to a dog now, are you?”
“Eek…” The members all froze as they heard their captain approaching them from behind. “But it’s cute, Sei-chan!”
“I recall leaving you all to your training.” Akashi’s eyes flash briefly as he meets Mibuchi’s gaze. “I expected Eikichi, Reo, and Hayama to be up to these ridiculous things…but you as well, Chihiro?”
“Hm. Get back to training, unless you’d like to stay for an extra set.”
The threat is powerful enough for the members to quickly return to their practice, while Akashi remains, looking over his team.
“You there.” Akashi’s eyes flicker downwards, meeting the heterochromatic eyes of the dog sitting in front of him. “I expect you to behave as well, if you wish to stay.”
“Shin-chan, over here!!”
“Woah, good hit Shin-chan!”
Midorima could feel his frustration growing as he shot the basketball in his hand, tsking at it glanced off the side of the rim before making it through the basket. “Must you guys continue calling it by that ridiculous name?”
“He likes it though!” Takao replied, holding up the dark haired puppy in his hands. “His eyes are sooooo cute!!”  
It was by chance that the Shutoku members had discovered the dark haired puppy lingering outside the gym. It was even more interesting when they watched the puppy blink, eyes as green as Midorima’s hair. And thus…
“We’ll call you Shin-chan!!!” Takao had declared, and the other Shutoku members only found the situation amusing. Well, everyone but the puppy’s name sake, of course.
“Everyone seems a bit more excited.” Otsubo comments, watching his team clamoring for the puppy’s attention. “It’s a morale booster. So, please put up with it.”
“Huh? Where ya going Shin-chan?” Takao questioned as the puppy wiggled out of his hold, jumping onto the ground.
“What.” Midorima glared, staring down the puppy that had walked up to him, sitting at his feet.
“Arrf. Arrf.” The puppy seemed to chastise him, causing Midorima to bristle with annoyance. “I refuse to acknowledge you.” Midorima harrumph, pushing up his glasses with his left hand.
“Woah, look at that thing jump!” Miyaji’s voice was incredulous as the puppy managed to jump up, smacking his paw against Midorima’s left hand.
Midorima stared down at the puppy who was meeting his gaze with it’s large, emerald-green eyes.
Turning back to the basket, Midorima threw the ball, this time making a perfect swish as it fell through the net.
“Arf.” The puppy seemed to be proud of itself, and Midorima swore it was smirking
“It wasn’t because of you.”
“Aww, look at the two Shin-chans getting along!!”
“You’re so cute!!” Kise squealed, holding the golden-fur puppy in his arms.
“Arf arf!!” The puppy wagged its tail excitedly, golden orbs sparkling in delight as he licked Kise’s face.
Kise felt his heart swell at the ball of fluff that had appeared in their gym, barking and tail wagging as it enthusiastically ran around the gym with the team as they warmed up for practice.
Letting the puppy down, Kise watched as he started bumping the basketballs with its paws, swatting and pushing the ball along the floor.
“What an adorable puppy. Girls like puppies, don’t they?” Moriyama’s eyes glimmered in interested as he leaned down towards the excitable puppy. “You and I shall go and meet some girls!!”
“Don’t be teaching the puppy weird things, baka!” Kobori snarled, pushing the back of Moriyama’s head.
“Arf arf!”
“But it wants to go, don’t you?” Moriyama cooed as the puppy continued barking, it’s little body trembling in excitement.
“God, this thing’s even more hyper than you, Hayakawa!”
“I won’t lose!!”
“Don’t pick a fight with a puppy, damnit!” Kobori sighed, watching Hayakawa staring down at the puppy with angry eyes.
Completely ignorant of the death glare he was receiving, the puppy only continued bouncing around, tilting its head cutely as it looked up at the members surrounding it.
“So cute so cute so cute!!” Kise continued squealing, before looking for his phone. “I need pictures!!”
“What is the big deal here?!” Kise yelped as Kasamatsu kicked him in the back of his legs. “Get back to practice!”
“Puppy-chan, don’t go to the scary mean person!” Moriyama cried out as the puppy suddenly took off in Kasamatsu’s directly, immediately pawing at the captain’s shorts.
“Why is there a dog here…” Kasamatsu grumbled, picking up the puppy by its scruff as he held it in front of his face. Suddenly, the puppy stuck out its tongue, licking the captain’s nose again and again.
“Oh no!” Kise yelled, scared that Kasamatsu was going to hurt the puppy. Instead…
“Tickles…” Kasamatsu pulled away from the puppy, setting him on the floor gently. “Hm. Guess you’re not too bad.”
“Yip!” Running circles around Kasamatsu’s feet, the puppy barked happily.
“..No fair, why can’t you treat me like that?!?” Kise whined, narrowly dodging another one of Kasamatsu’s famous kicks.
“Because you’re an annoying dumbass!”
Send me a request!
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10boys · 5 years
MLQC : Smothering
♡ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━♡
*aka , a boobie face dive !
Victor :
-Its only the softest of Victors that will act so shamelessly vulnerable to you
-You’re sitting on his lap with your arms around his neck as his hands caress the soft skin of your exposed thighs. You had a day off and decided to visit him on his lunch break at his office
-A few hours before on a quick phone call asking his permission to visit (he’s a busy guy) his usual sharp tounge was much diluted. He gave quick but vauge reassuring statement that he was just a bit stressed and had a lot on his plate for the week; risky decisions, rocky investments, many many under developed plans, all under the responsibility of himself.
-You know your smart and strong victor will get through it somehow, just like he always does, but thats not always an easy side to see when you’re experiencing it in first person. You just wanted to give him a moment to be vulnerable, relaxed, and securly cared for, something he’s constantly deprived of in his CEO role.
-As you pull his face closer and closer for cuddles , he relaxes his head and leans it into your shoulder. You stroke his hair leaving random kisses whenever you get the urge.
-There isnt much talking, just the two of you appreciateing each others warming presence
-The hand once on your thigh has risen to completely hold you in his arms, locking you in place.
-You take this as an invention to hug him tighter, elongating your body until his head finally falls into the perfect spot
-He lets out a small huff-like chuckle, letting you know he’s onto your shenanigans.
-“Feeling better already i see ?” You giggle into his hair while circling your finger around his ear, tracing patterns down his neck.
-“ ...m..dummy”
-His harsh words are very opposing to his actions. His grip around your waist becomes tighter as he burrows himself deeper into his personal pillow
-The comfort and warmth wraps his mind in pink hearts, allowing him to forget his pressing struggles and stress. Being near you is like a sip of wine to him , sensualizing and god damn intoxicating
-He’ll slowly move his face back and forth, in and out, up and down, until he finally realses a small groan of satisfaction
-Being a accomplice to his healing feels amazing, but the current undivided attention to you and your breast is indescribable
-He’ll stay like that for a while, just pushing and rubbing against you...
-He can’t allow himself to get too wired up at work though , this is only his lunch break after all
-The slight shift in his pants once he feels your nipples begin to harden against his face knocks him out of his trance
-“ahh I can’t do this now”
-He doesn’t move, just turns his head and leasurly lays on them for the remainder of his break
-At home though? Boyyyyyy
-Your low V-neck shirt would have been pulled down immediately to expose yourself to him, breast spilling out resembling a 4 course meal
-Victor prefers his hands to your breasts though, he loves to grope and toy with your nipples. He doesn’t have a good view to watch your reaction to him if hes face-deep
Lucien :
-HE is a looker
-We’re all very familiar with his intense gaze stairing problem
-You’re both sitting upright on opposite sides of the plush floor matt in his reading room, pillows densely outline the edges for support and comfort while you two peacefully enjoy each other’s company
-Well, you were
- Just as you’re turning the page of one of the novels you found laying near by, you see a pair of familiar black pupils from above the pages
-You lower the book to better see the man glaring absolute holes into you. The corners of his lips lift into seemingly innocent smile, the smile that softens his whole face, thins out his eyes, and hides his much more vulgar intentions.
-“Can i help you sir ?” You playfully spat trying to hide the gentle blush creeping onto your cheeks
-Your remark seems to have caught him off guard, but he quickly fixes his face. He lowers his book and gently places it to the side, his thin black-framed glasses following suit.
-“Actually...” his tall thin frame is crawling twords you, you feign resistance, lightly kicking your legs to keep him away. His large strong hands grasp them immediately, keeping them in place long enough for him to slip himself in.
-And now there he is, layed on top of you with his head under the arms thats still holding your book whata attention whore.
-His head rests on your lower stomach hiking up the him of your shirt. You know he’s up to something, but his current good behavior is enough to lower your suspensions for now. Him cuddling onto you while you read is actually very peaceful in itself. He looks comfortable and delicate, so you let him be.
-But that doesn’t last for long
-You can feel his warm breath on your stomach ascented by soft pecks and kisses, leaving trails just beginning to go above your belly button. His hands grab the rim of your shirt pulling it over his head, creating a personal space for just him and the beautiful view underneath
-“Lucien!” You giggle as his kisses gradually travel higher up, getting wetter and more passionate with each contact of skin
-“Hm? Something wrong? I prefer it under here..” and with that, he’s face planted.
-The distractions have your book strown to the side after you’ve long lost interest
-Lucien likes to play.
-He’ll dip his hands in periodically to help with his little experiments, pressing down your nipples to watch them pop back up.
-But mostly, he’ll hold your body from the outside as he helps himself to as much titty as he wants
-He loves the good old-fashion smother. His face absorbed by boob. Since you’re laying down, He’ll use his hands from the outside to push up all the extra boob fat
-Lucien, the actual kitten, will leave nips and bites on the supple flesh inbetween his face-dive sessions. He just absolutely adores the whole act, having someone he loves and admires so vulnerable and exposed to him and his desires makes his heart soft and dick hard
-Is he lightly thrusting his hips against the matt ? The world may never know
-Lucien does this often tho, maybe second in place to kiro
-From daily hugs to cuddle session, he can’t seem to keep to loose himself to his desires.
Gavin :
-Ooooh blushy boy
-You LOVE teasing him, the way he quickly turns his head to redirect his attention when he’s flustered is beyond satisfying, the butterflys you get knowing what you (unintentionally) do to him is :,)
-So the element of surprise is something he hates but you love
-He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, just chillin on his phone waiting for you to finish up whatever you were doing in the other room when BAM
-“Gavin ~ i missed u ~”
-You pull him into a smothering embrace, his face and your chest having an intement moment together
-You hold his head firmly aginst you while softly stroking his hair, letting some fingers down periodically to trace along his ear
-Gavin groans but shows absolutely no signs of resistance probably to hide his blushing face
-His face feels great agaisnt your chest, you begin to move them side to side to create a bit of friction for yourself
-You hear him release a low exhale at the action as you respond with a soft giggle
-Once Gavins done acting all tsundere he finally surrenders, pulling you closer by hugging at your waist, softly shaking his head in your breast
-Shit he may even grip a titty with one hand as he continues to press against the other
-Gavin lives to please you, so its not long after his attention will go to pinching at your nipples and nipping them with his teeth through your shirt
-When you look down to check on him, you meet the gaze of his blushing face and low amber eyes looking up at you and fuck
-Its time to get down to business :)
-Gavin loves to mark you, so sucking his ownership into one of your most delicate and personal places is his specialty
-He also loves to smother while he fucks you or you fuck him
-When he’s close he’ll bury himself in your chest and fuck you like the dirty dog he is ;)
-he nasty
-so shy...but so naSTy...
-Kiro absolutely loves it
-Kiro is just a boob guy in general?
-White tank top + your nipples pressing through = suckle session
-Like lucien, he loves to lay down on top of you and just... play
-Its rare you both have a day off at the same time so you usually spend it having a lazy day together, after all, working is exhausting
-You’re cuddled up on the couch watching your favorite feel-good show together, one of his favorite things to do with you since he gets to use his most favorite pillow
-Actually, Its just you watching the show.
-His arms are wrapped around your body pressing you as close to his face as he possibly can
-“mmmm miss chips is my favorite pillow~”
-“wahhh your boobs are so great”
-We can’t expect this vocalist to be shy about his feelings for you, he’ll spit little praises at you regularly as they come to his mind
-He’ll lay on each one, then in the crevis of your breast so he can push them together to completely surround himself. His hands will get a good grip as he paws and gropes at them
-Can he breath? The world may never know
-He’ll die a happy death tho
-Loves to wiggle his face back and forth and feel the jiggle
-He gives them so much attention you begin to think he might have a boob worshiping thing?? Not that you’d mind ;)
-His face and free boob massage feels absolutely great, his tinted cheeks and wet blue orbs stairing up at you is enough to make the anime steam blow through your head
- *thought bubble* fuck fuck fuck hes so cute...
Sooo if you can’t tell #1 im a cancer and #2 im about to start my period so my boobs are soooo sensitive right now, these scenarios are all i can think about ~ Thank u sm for reading !!! You can comment your thoughts or stance of the accuracy, Check out my other works under the mlqc tag :) -myk
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bts-reveries · 5 years
one night light
✩ warning: implied smut, no description or anything about it just “dot dot dot”
also: lot’s of flashbacks, it says whether it’s a flashback or not, but italicized are flashbacks ✩
Your heart was beating out of your chest. You didn’t know how to feel, nor how you were feeling. Were you excited? Yes, he is the father of your child and the man you crushed on for years. Were you nervous? Yes, it’s been nearly six years. Were you mad? A little, it was a long time ago, you can forgive and forget, at least you got something good from it right? Your heart was beating for different reasons, excitement and nervousness. What are you supposed to say? “Hey, we haven’t seen each other in a while, we met once, but yeah, here’s our child!” Your mind was running in circles as you walked closer to the cafe nearby, Huimang holding tightly to your hand.
“Yes sweetie?”
“Why do you look so stressed?” Her eyebrows furrowed as her eyes dropped down to her hand in yours. “And why are your hands so sweaty,” she pouts. You laugh nervously.
“I’m just nervous sweetheart,” you say, letting go of her hand for a second to wipe your hand on your pants.
“Why?” She asks innocently. You didn’t know how to tell her, but you’ll deal with that when you two get there.
“We’re meeting someone, someone you should’ve met a long time ago.” You give her a soft smile, lifting her hand up and bending down a little to kiss the top of her hand, making her giggle. You look up to see the cafe doors, taking a deep breath and pulling the door open. The little bell on the door rings, and you look around to see any familiar faces. You turn to your left and--
“DADDY!” You look down, eyebrows furrowed, at your daughter. She had the biggest smile on her face while confusion was written all over yours. You follow her eyes and you see a man with glasses, smiling, and getting up from his chair. Huimang lets go of your hand and runs to the man, who knelt down to give your daughter a hug. You stand there dumbfounded. What the heck.
You swallow away the last bit of nervousness you had left in you. Confusion was now taking over as you watched the two communicate.
“H-have you two… met? Before? When?” You ask, only questions left your mouth. You finally get a good look at him. It was Hoseok after all. He didn’t look any different than he did back in your college years. Still handsome, like usual.
“She found me in my apartment, followed my friend and his dog and she ended up in front of my door,” he laughs. “She left with her aunt and later on came back alone, spent some time with me and my friends. I didn’t believe what she was saying at first, but we talked for a bit and it’s slightly setting in. I wanted to talk with her mother, you, right?” You scoff a little, but nod anyways. “Well, yeah, I wanted to talk with you, maybe you can explain what’s going on.” You nod, taking a seat, he does too.
“I was hesitant at first and didn’t want to accept it, but she texts me every now and then and the one time she called me daddy, it kind of changed my idea of everything.” He looks over at Huimang who’s smiling up at him. He gasped for a second, suddenly remembering something and he bends down to grab something out of a bag.
“I got this for you,” he says to Huimang, holding a pink KAWS stuffed toy. It was so his style, you weren’t even surprised.
“Wahhh~~~” Huimang was smiling as she took the toy from her dad. She hugs it close to her chest, leaning over, she gives him a peck on the cheek. You and Hoseok both were caught by surprise. Your eyebrows raise.
“Anyways,” he says, “care to explain?” You bit on your lip and nod.
“So, around six years ago--” You look over at Huimang, who was looking at you with curious eyes, and you laugh nervously. “Maybe we talk about it next time?” Hoseok’s brows furrowed, he tilts his head in confusion, and he scoffs.
“It’s been six years and you want to push it back to next time?”
“Hoseok, I can’t talk about this while my five year old is here,” you say, raising your brows. He looks down for a bit, making a ‘thinking’ face.
“Ah.” He bends down and digs through his bag, pulling out an iPad and a pair of headphones. “Here you go kid, play with this while your mommy and I talk okay?” Huimang nods, taking the iPad while Hoseok puts the headphones around her head.
“Alright, talk,” he says to you. You scoff.
“Continue where you left off, around six years ago?..”
“Around six years ago, there was a party to celebrate the end of our last year.”
flashback to six years ago
“YN!” Dahee yells at you. You were currently on your laptop, searching for a good netflix series to watch. You look over at her with a blank expression.
“What again?” She rolls her eyes and sighs.
“It’s our last few days here. Are you really going to spend it watching netflix alone in your room?” You shake your head.
“No, not alone, you’re with me,” you smile. “Now, come over here, I found a drama that seems cute. Watch it with me.” Dahee groans, closing your laptop and throwing it to the side of your bed.
“Hey! Throw it a little higher and you would have to buy me a new one,” you say, glaring.
“We’re not staying here, get up, get changed, we’re leaving.”
“To where?” Dahee smirks at you.
“We’re going to our first college party.” Your eyes widen as she continues to smile at you, but you burst out laughing.
“Dee, what makes you think we’re going to a party? Did you eat something bad? Come on, just sit next to me and watch this with me. The leading guy is cute.” You reach over to grab your laptop and Dahee pushes it out of your reach. You look up at her.
“Oh come on. You’re not serious are you?” She grabs onto your hand and pulls you up.
“I’m dead serious, come on, we haven’t been to a single party our whole college life, and one gets thrown here almost every week!”
“That’s because we’re never invited, and we’re not cool enough,” you say, looking at her with that ‘isn’t it obvious?’ face. “Besides, we’re not that kind of girls. Let’s just stay home.”
“Yn. It’s the last college party you’ll ever get to go to. Everyone’s invited and it’s our last chance to not be this kind of girl. You know what I mean? It’s our one day to be stressed free, study free, and we can finally let loose come oooooon,” she says, pulling on your arm.
“Dahee. I love you. But there is nothing that will get me to do stupid things at a stupid party.” You give her a smile and you turn back to lay on your bed.
“Jung Hoseok is going to be there.” The one name made you freeze. Hmmm…
present time
“Wait a minute.” Hoseok interrupts.
“You’ve never been to a college party? You waited till your last chance to go to one to attend?” You laugh sheepishly.
“I never had time,” you shrug. “I had a grade to maintain, no time to do anything stupid that will affect my future.” Hoseok scoffs, saying in a low voice.
“You’re so lame.” You glare at him.
“Anyways, back to my story.”
You walk in the building. It was a decent sized house. You don’t know who lives here, but he kindly opened up the place for a party. How nice right? Although, your nose scrunches. You look at your surroundings. All five of your senses were being attacked.
Sight. You didn’t know what to look at first. The room was crowded. People were dancing with one another. Making out. Laughing. Taking pictures. Drinking. Playing games. Or simply just sitting down and talking.
Sound. You knew that by the time you leave this place, you wouldn’t be able to hear as well. Music was booming out of the loudspeakers. The walls were shaking. The hairs on your arms were standing up.
Smell. The place had a strong smell of alcohol, with a dash of strong cologne, mixed in with sweet perfume, and a sprinkle of sweat. It was all overwhelming and you didn’t know whether or not it would be rude to cover your nose with your hand.
Touch. With all the tight spaces, you didn’t know where to put your hands. Not wanting to accidentally touch anyone anywhere. Only saying this because your hand grazed on someone’s .. you know.. as you were walking by. After that, you kept your hands close to your chest.
Taste. You were soon to find that out.
“This is stupid Dee, I don’t like this,” you pout, turning to your best friend. Dahee shrugs and pulls on your hand, dragging you out of the room and to the kitchen.
“We just got here, we need a few drinks in our system first, and that’s when the party starts,” she winks. You start to wonder where she learned all of this from.
“Here,” she says, handing you a red cup.
“Dee, you know I don’t drink.” She quirks an eyebrow at you.
“We’re not regular Yn and Dahee right now, come on. Just one cup,” she smiles at you but it fades when she realizes how uncomfortable you are. “Okay, maybe we should just go home.” She grabs your hand and you sigh.
“No, you’re right. We should let loose. It’s our last one after all.” She looks at you carefully.
“Yn, we don’t have to if you don’t want to. I respect your decision and--”
“Oh. My. Gosh.” You say suddenly, looking at the doorway of the kitchen. Dahee turns to your direction and sees what you’re ogling at.
“Told you he’s here.”
“Give me that,” you say, grabbing the red solo cup from Dahee’s hand. A surprised gasp slips out of her lips.
“Yn--” You press a finger on her lips, face twisting.
“Ew, why do people like this, it’s disgusting,” you say in a raspy voice. “And it’s fine.” You cough. “I need it, liquid courage right? Maybe tonight’s the night I talk to him.” Dahee’s lips twist to a big smile.
“Yes Yn! Oh my gosh, do it!”
present time
“So did you do it?” Hoseok asks. You tilt your head at him.
“Do you remember anything from that day?” You question, none of this seems to ring a bell with him. He shakes his head no.
“To be honest, I came in there with already a few drinks in my system. I don’t remember a single thing.” You pout.
“Anyways.. I embarrassed myself trying to talk to you, but we’ll skip that part since you can’t remember anything anyways.”
“Alright, skip to the part where we finally talk then.”
“How come I haven’t seen you before?” Hoseok asks. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were tired.
“I don’t go around much,” you say, laughing slightly. Nervousness was easing away slowly, your drink also slowly kicking in. “I tend to just stay home, study, go to the library, and… study.” You’re starting to think that you’re boring him and you start getting nervous again.
“Ah, so what’s a smart girl doing stupid things at a college party like this? And why are you talking to me?” You bit your lips, he was so laid back, relax, and cool, something you know you’ll never be and your hope for you two being together was slipping away.
“It’s the last party of the year, exams are over, why don’t I do something different for a change right?” You say, still not sounding as cool as you wished you were. “And as for the talking to you part… Why not?” You look into his eyes and he looks back at you lazily. “I’ve seen you around, since my first year here… You were in my classes.. You’re funny, energetic, always happy.. And you’re incredibly talented too--” His soft smile turns into a laugh. Did you sound too obsessed?
“You’re sweet,” he says, his hand was sliding down to grab your hand. Your eyebrows raise in surprise as he leans in and his lips touched yours. Taste. The last one of your senses that was attacked tonight. He tasted sweet, but had a bitter aftertaste. And for some reason, you couldn’t get enough.
present time
“And?” Hoseok says, waiting for you to continue. You tilt your head to the side.
“And then I couldn’t remember anything after that,” you reply, pursing your lips, making Hoseok sigh.
“Well.. I remember you pulling away, then getting up from the couch. You then grabbed my hand and led me up stairs..” You look over at Huimang, who was so focused on the iPad Hoseok gave her. You smile, reaching over to her and you pull out the necklace from the inside of her shirt. “Then you took this off and put it around me.” Huimang looks up at you and smile, before looking back at whatever she was watching. “I wasn’t sober at the time, but I still realized what went on around me. And I remember feeling all giddy inside when this happened, just trying to live in the moment and not thinking about how drunk you were.” You sigh, “because I knew if you were sober, you wouldn’t be talking to me at all.” You look at Hoseok and his eyes were down on his fingers. You try to laugh off the awkward tension. “I don’t regret any of it though. I got Hope. And she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, so yeah, don’t regret any of it.” You smile. “Anyways, yeah that’s what happ--”
“Continue your story, I know there’s more.”
Hoseok took you into a room, a random room. Locked the door, and turned off the lights. The only light was coming from the window. You could still see his face and the tiny smile he had on. He reached around his neck and unclasped the necklace he had on.
“Turn around,” he says. You followed, turning around and lifting your hair up. You felt him go around you, gently putting the necklace around your neck. You look down, running your thumb over the letters. ‘JHope.’ His dancer name. Before you could say anything, you felt his lips on your neck, then…
present time
“Dot, dot, dot.” You say, Hoseok frowns.
“Okay, so... what happened after?” This time you frown at him. Remembering exactly what happened because it hurt you for a while.
“What is it?” He asks, guessing he doesn’t remember that either.
“You really don’t remember anything from that day?” You question and he shrugs.
“It was six years ago, I don’t remember what I did last week,” he laughs. “But I must’ve had the worst hangover the next day right?”
You wake up next to Hoseok. You look around you and realize you weren’t at the party anymore. Small bits of last night was flashing through your mind.
He began to kiss your neck and shoulders but you stop him.
“H-hoseok,” you say. “We shouldn’t.” He frowns at you, his eyebrows scrunching up together.
“What do you mean?”
“I-i don’t even know who lives here… it’s kinda weird.. If random people use their bed, don’t you think?” His face relaxes and he starts to laugh.
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. My house then?” 
You smile at the small memories of last night, and you start to look around for your phone.
There were fifty miss calls and over a hundred messages. All from Dahee. Your eyes widen as you go through and read all the messages. She was looking for you, she began to worry but overheard someone saying they saw you leave with Hoseok. She then continued to cheer you on and congratulate you. You laugh, and the slight movement shook the bed, Hoseok began to stir. You started to text back when suddenly, the bed shifts.
“Oh--” You hear behind you. You turn around and smile.
“Oh hey, you’re awake--”
“Why are you still here?” Your smile drops at his response.
“Who are you anyways-- ahh, ah, wow, my head is hurting a lot.” He answers, you get up all of a sudden, reaching over to grab your clothes on the floor.
“Do you want me to get you water and medicine?” You say, like you don’t have a headache yourself. Hoseok glares at you.
“No, I’ll be fine, I’d just like it better if you leave? Like how the other ones do. They usually leave before I even wake up, you should’ve done the same.” You felt your heart sink down to your stomach.
“Oh.. I’m sorry, I’ll get going then.” Hoseok did nothing but roll his eyes and laid back in bed. Just trying to sleep the hangover away.
present time
“Then a week later, I missed my period, took a pregnancy test, took five more, then nine months later, I had Hope.” You say easily. Hoseok’s eyebrows rise.
“Oh..” Was all he could say. You nod.
“Yeah, oh.”
“I’m sorry.. For being like that, I can’t believe how much of a jerk I was--”
“Don’t worry about it Hoseok, it was a long time ago. I’m over it.” He nods.
“Yes, it was, so I’m guessing you didn’t tell me about Huimang because of what I did right?” You nod.
“Yeah, that and we weren’t married, nor were we in a relationship, you didn’t know me until that night, and after that reaction for being there when you woke up, I didn’t want to see what your reaction would be if I showed up at your door with a baby in my arms.” He laughs nervously.
“Yeah, I wouldn’t know what I would do if you did… that was around the beginning of the start of my dance studio.”
“Yeah I traveled to America after I found out. My family was living there and it would be better if I had her there, so my parents could help out.” His eyes widened for the umpteenth time that afternoon.
“She was born in America?” You nod. “I never showed it, but my family is pretty well off. We had a house as well in America and my parents were staying there for a few years because of my dad’s job. So Huimang grew up a bit there, and we moved here not too long ago.”
“You moved into my building, what a coincidence.” You open your mouth to agree, when your phone rings in your pocket. You take it out and look up at Hoseok.
“Excuse me for a second.” He nods as you get up from your seat to take the call outside. A few minutes later you came back in the shop, the bell rings once again.
“I’m sorry, I have to go, my boss just called me and I have to get to work.” You begin to pack your stuff hurriedly, taking off the headphones on Huimang’s head.
“Honey, give that back and say bye to daddy, I’m dropping you off at aunt Dahee’s,” As you called Hoseok ‘daddy’ for his daughter, he felt his stomach flip. His lip twitched into a smile.
“Sorry Hoseok but--”
“I should be the one apologizing. I won’t say it all right now since you’re in a hurry, but, I’ll call you later?” You nod.
“But Yn,” He says as you turn to leave, Huimang in your hand. You turn around to face him. “Is it okay if Huimang stays with me instead?”
one night light
✩part seven: taste✩
→ pairings: choreographer!hoseok x singlemom!reader
→ a/n: wowz this was long. sorry that this smau has more text posts than daddy diaries! hoseok and yn has more backstory that texting can’t tell hehe i can smell the fluff coming soon, also, i’m sleepy 
→ taglist: @igotarmyofarohas @h-hewoo @honeyspillings @pakovahayhuha @jayhope88 @the-wild-ego @wonderfulpromise @blueberrykenn @taehunnies @sagey-rages @rulz0821 @oh-worm-yee-haw @listless-losers @paracii @osnapjenn @hhhhwww7 @dreamcatcherjiah @huhuehuey @lylanie12 @dammit-jjk @mod-micah @salty-for-suga @ask-blogger-miss-prussia @byvisvq @kxkth @smolspaceonly @helpitskpop @kawaii-desv @caramelflavour @moon6rop @chisana-himawari @treetops68 @lysjeon @sunnyoongles @xbabykookiix @ephyra1230 @stayunderthelights @betysotelo18 @purpleisabela @realigot7 @mizz-kraziii @raplineh0e @labgeek @loserjeonjk @whothefuckstolemykeds @bluefaeriefury @goldenchemistry @beanstalkyoongi @teammwang @httplovemaze
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sickiebangtan · 5 years
lap puppy; (3/7)
BTS sickfic // jimin-centric // word count: 1,655
"Jimin just wants Taehyung to pet his hair and rub his back. He reallydoesn't want to have to ask him. He should just freaking know."
Summary: Jimin rarely actually gets drunk, but when he does, he wants to be in Taehyung's lap.
It usually takes a lot to grab enough of Taehyung's attention from the tv screen if he's watching a black and white film. Even harder if it's one of his favorites. and this one is one his favorites—it's just started too, and the beginning's the best part because he loves how this one has been filmed. When the front door clicked open the first time, he didn't look up; it was Yoongi shuffling in, muttering his acknowledgment and sounding sleepy, headed straight to bed. Right behind him was Jimin, making so much noise that Taehyung actually wrenched his eyes away from the screen to look his way.
Jimin is clumsy already, but he's ridiculous when he's drunk. Yoongi had to have helped him up to the door because Jimin would've hurt himself chancing it on his own, but obviously the rapper had reached his limit the moment they'd made it inside ("Wake me up if you need help with him, but right now I'm too tired. Going to bed."). If Taehyung hadn't quickly paused his movie to get up and hold him steady, Jimin would've wobbled his way into the edge of the kitchen counter and fallen straight to the hard floor.
Jimin hasn't been drunk in a long time. He can drink alcohol like a fish and be adorably tipsy at best, but Taehyung can't recall the last time he's seen Jimin this far gone. he leans on Taehyung like deadweight and he's breathing heavy. His face has the same bright red flush Hoseok typically gets the moment alcohol hits his system and Taehyung wants to sit him down just to snap a few pics of him on his phone.
Instead, he sits Jimin down gingerly on the sectional so he can go to the kitchen to pour him a glass of water and put some saltine crackers on a paper towel. Hopefully they can help soak up some of the alcohol still sitting in his belly. Hopefully he can prevent his friend from having a bad hangover in the morning. Did Jimin get hangovers? He's never witnessed it before.
"Hyung." Jimin grumbles, for about the fifth time, laid out on the sofa with his head on taehyung's lap. Taehyung isn't his hyung, but he is when he's drunk. Jimin always denies it when he's sober, and Taehyung finds it highly amusing how fired up he gets when Taehyung rubs it in. Jimin does not like to imagine himself as anyone else's dongsaeng besides his beloved hyung line. It's ironic, because Jimin is probably the most welcome member to baby, but he also likes to be in control, of everything. That includes Taehyung and Jungkook.
It's refreshing to hear 'hyung' from Jimin's lips, but it must also mean Jimin's feeling really vulnerable right now. He must be feeling pretty dizzy, because he's been grabbing at Taehyung wherever he can reach, breathing heavy and eyes trying to train on the warping ceiling above him. he closes his eyes with a throaty groan. Taehyung's distracted, still enthralled by his movie, but he idly rubs a thumb along Jimin's forehead to show he has at least some of his attention.
Jimin's humming drowsily, a droning tune in his throat with each exhale, just making noise in Taehyung's opinion. He's wiggling his socked feet against the arm of the sectional and waving a floppy arm around for some chance that Taehyung will notice him but all he gets is a saltine cracker pressed to his lips.
"Eat your cracker." Taehyung orders, still staring at the tv screen. Jimin pouts, but he's obedient.
Jimin just wants Taehyung to pet his hair and rub his back. He really doesn't want to have to ask him. He should just freaking know. What's worse is his hiccups are getting more close together. They're deep and they make his belly slosh and the couch under him is starting to feel like he's on a rocking boat. Staring at the ceiling isn't doing him any good and the crackers Taehyung keeps making him nibble feel like they're stuck too high in his esophagus.
He flops himself so his head's more into Taehyung's lap, so his eyes are blocked by Taehyung's chin, so he can watch Taehyung's concentrated face. He reaches blindly for Taehyung's hands and cups his own face with Taehyung's warm palms. He hums with pleasure.
"Tae, you have biiiig hands. Like, maaassive hands, you know that?"
Taehyung hasn't looked down but he smiles wide, taken back by Jimin's sudden observation, the little slur in his words. Jimin squeezes the hand on his face. "Who gave you those—your mom or your dad?"
Jimin's eyes get so round and wide. "Really?!!!" he gasps. Taehyung bites back a laugh, looking down to hush Jimin and remind him that the others are asleep. Jimin's face is completely flush from the alcohol. It's a sight to see.
"Wahhh," Jimin peels Taehyung's hand from his face, which is now hovering teasingly over his whole head. He traces the lines of Tae's palm. "But she doesn't have very big hands herself,"
"Crazy huh?"
"Yeahh. So crazy." A hiccup chirps out of Jimin again. "Kim Taehyung."
"Park Jimin?"
"I'm drunk."
Taehyung smiles. "Not just tipsy?"
Jimin grimaces, feeling the world spin with another unpleasant moment of vertigo. "Not," He snatches Taehyung's hand like he's about to fall off the couch. Taehyung's eyebrows make his concern clear as he now watches Jimin more closely, squeezing his hand a little tighter to steady him. "And now I'm dizzy. . . and my tummy feels weird."
"Weird how, baby?"
"Mm, full, liquidy. Bubbly. A little not good."
"Did you try some different drinks this time?" Taehyung runs his free hand through Jimin's scalp. Finally, Jimin thinks. It feels so good that his eyes roll back. He loses his train of thought for a second, licking his lips and reveling the next pass of Taehyung's fingers skirting through his hair.
"Y-yeah. I told Yoongi-hyung I wanted to try an irish bomb, because he did it with Kookie. You—you have to chug it, you know? This tall—hicc—tallll glass mug of whiskey and um—milk? Ugh, that's what did it." He says, like an afterthought, putting a hand under his shirt to rub into the gurgle of his stomach. It sends up a tiny burp that he'd usually blush over if he were sober.
"Did you have anything else tonight?"
Jimin scoffs. "Of course I did, hyung. Shot of tequila, shot of rum, a shot of this sparkly vodka, irish bomb—baam, do it with me," he tries to fist bump Taehyung so Taehyung plays along, but he's sporting an uneasy expression.
"That's a lot—more than me," he says, exaggerating how impressed he is. Everyone drank more than Taehyung.
"I had six drinks—that was only four. Can't remember what else."
Taehyung is pretty sure all six drinks are now what's pooled on the floor of the living room right beside the couch because of how violently it came out of Jimin, but he isn't finished, hunched over the puddle and gulping air into his lungs with shaky unsteady legs. Taehyung is right at his side, supporting him at his hip. The very moment Jimin sucks in more air, Taehyung chances hurrying Jimin to the bathroom. As soon as Taehyung holds him over the bowl, Jimin's burping up a heavy stream of liquid, sputtering desperately as the contents of his stomach can't seem to leave him quickly enough. He coughs hard, wheezing as he tries to get some air in his lungs, only to cough up another mouthful of putrid alcohol.
"Easy, baby, easy," Taehyung instructs, patting lightly at Jimin's straining back. Taehyung struggles to keep Jimin's drunken body from swaying too far from the open mouth of the toilet.
Jimin's whimpering, so nauseous that it's frightening. He can't stop retching. He can't breathe. Taehyung tries his best to comfort with his words. He's doing a great job holding Jimin steady and showing him that he's not going anywhere, and Jimin is eternally grateful, but this is horrible. This is it. He's never drinking again. Ever ever never.
Taehyung stays with jimin in the bathroom for hours. He's sure by now they'll be sleeping there tonight. Every time he thinks Jimin's done, the dancer is unraveling himself out of his arms to heave productively over the toilet again. Jimin refuses to get in bed even after he's eventually only dry heaving. Taehyung relents after Jimin's pleas become tearful and he leaves him only briefly to take his comforter and a few pillows off his bed, returning to make a comfortable little pallet on the bathroom floor. He'll have to explain to Jin and everyone about the puddle of vomit out in the living room if Jimin doesn't let him go to clean up. Maybe he can slip out after the poor boy falls asleep. He gathers Jimin's tired sick body onto his lap and holds him tight, pressing lips against Jimin's throbbing temple and closing his eyes.
Jin finds Taehyung and Jimin in the bathroom the next morning, Taehyung fast asleep against the wall, wrapped in his comforter with Jimin bundled up on his lap and snoring faintly against his chest. The air smells of stale, sour alcohol and Jin doesn't even need the explanation of Yoongi standing behind him to know what's going on here. He sighs heavily, pressing his fingers into his forehead. He's more worried than annoyed, but they have a meeting this afternoon and he now has 3 hours to attempt to cure Jimin's hangover before the appointment. Jin grimaces at the sight on the floor; Jimin looks rough, to say the least.
He looks back at Yoongi who shrugs but still looks guilty. He isn't hungover. Of course, he isn't. "I guess the Irish bomb was a bad idea."
Jimin's hiccups clip over the low volume of the film, sometimes light with a random burp that cuts in between. Taehyung grazes his back while Jimin scrolls drunkenly through Snapchat filters on his phone. He looks down when Jimin suddenly groans and drops his phone right onto his face. "Ughhhmmph, I just sent that to Taeminnie-hyung. Taetae, here, fix it please?"
"I don't think you can delete what's already been sent, Jiminssi."
"Hyung, no--god, he's gonna think I'm so crazy."
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silent-writer83 · 6 years
Let’s Do It Baby, I Know The Law
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”Summary: Successful in saving Iris, there are some unforeseen costs. So, with little time left, you decide to live it up consequences be damned. When Savitar comes for you, you’ve got a few choice words in mind for him.
A/N: Tbh I just wanted to write the reader drunkenly mouthing off to Savitar. If you know what this quote is from, ily.
Changing the timeline always came at a cost, you all knew that. Hell, if you didn’t by now then you were just being purposefully ignorant. What no one expected, no matter how many times they toyed with it, was the cost they would be paying. Saving Iris was the goal, its what everyone focused so heavily on that they didn’t think twice about rearranging events. They didn’t think about the little things they were tweaking and the effect that it would have on another’s life. They didn’t think because they didn’t care.
In the end you were successful, waiting with bated breath as Cisco vibed Barry to the future yet again to see if their efforts were worth it. Of course the latino was giving a play by play, each person in the cortex hanging on his every word. You sat, hands in your lap, practically vibrating on the edge of your seat as they named the differences. “Savitar just arrived,” Cisco breathed and you could have sworn your heart stopped.
“Okay? And!” You urged, scooting to the edge as your eyes trained on your two friends. “Did it work?! Did we save Iris?” you asked the question on everyone’s mind, only, an answer didn’t come. Confused, and assuming that your plans were thwarted yet again, you slumped in your seat with a sigh.
Caitlin bit her lip to hide her disappointment as she looked over meaningless papers on her clipboard to look busy. H.R’s shoulders slumped as he gripped his drumsticks tightly. Wally did his best not to react, averting his gaze as he quelled his frustration and Joe hugged Iris to his chest. The defeat in the room was palpable as you turned back to your desk with a heavy sigh, the glance Cisco shared with Barry going unseen.
Cisco didn’t know what to say, hoping that Barry would, but when their eyes met he knew the hero was at just as much of a loss as he was. Swallowing the nerves in his belly, Cisco folded his goggles as he turned to his friends in the room. How was he supposed to say this? How could they be happy about this? Why couldn’t they just have one clean win?
“Um,” his voice cracked as he broke the silence, everyone’s head snapping in his direction. Being under direct scrutiny just made him want to shrivel up, avoiding their expectant, anxious gazes.
“We saved Iris,” Barry spoke up, forcing the cheer in his voice. The sigh of relief that filled the room only broke his heart as Cisco watched Iris rush to her fiance.
Perking up at your desk, a smile was already dancing on your features. “Yes!” you cheered, joy filling the room as everyone felt the weight of the world lift off their shoulders. Of course, nothing good could last around here, Iris being the first to pick up on Barry’s stiffness. She always could read him like a book.
“What’s wrong Bar?” She asked, pulling back just enough to look at him. Barry chewed his lip as he looked to Cisco for guidance. By now everyone was inching closer, confused as to why Barry wasn’t more excited. His wife-to-be was going to live so what’s the deal?
“We saved you but...” he faltered, stepping back as he turned to look at you. Lips parted to speak but he found the words caught in his throat. How could he say this to you, after everything you’ve done, after everything you’ve given them - him - as a friend.
“Alright dude, quit lookin’ at me like that. It’s freakin’ me out,” you laughed away your discomfort as all eyes turned to you. You didn’t like the pity in Barry’s gaze, the pain as he tried to say words that wouldn’t come. “We saved Iris what’s the big de-”
“You die!” Cisco blurted out, tense as he quickly clapped a hand over his mouth and turned his back.
The shock was clear as day on your face as you stood dumbfounded. You hadn’t thought of the consequences of rearranging the timeline but shit, you weren’t expecting this! Blinking, you took a breath, opening your mouth to speak but, like Barry, you were at a loss for words. Your mind couldn’t comprehend what was going on, couldn’t wrap around the idea that, just moments ago you were meant to live a semi-normal, happy life and now....now you only had a few days left.
Abruptly you turned, heels clicking on their way out of the cortex. You were on autopilot, mind blank and yet buzzing all at the same time. You could hear their voices calling after you, not wanting you to leave. How could they protect you if you weren’t there?! So you paused at the entry way, the calmness with which you turned setting them all on edge.
“I’m....gonna get really drunk,” you stated, moving as if to add to that before shaking your head and leaving. Yeah, you definitely needed a drink.....a stiff one.
“LET’S GET FUCKED UP!” Your voice drowned in the bass of the music, bodies writhing and jumping to the sound around you. The small glass cup in your hand was pressed to your lips, head tilting back as the cool liquid slipped down your throat. The burn had long since faded as your senses skewed from too much alcohol. What did you care anyways? Your days were limited, or was it hours now? WHO CARED YOU WERE DRUNK BITCH!
Laughter fell from your lips as you stumbled out onto the dance floor, plucking a drink from a tray as you passed. Whatever you grabbed was sweet, washing down your throat as you shimmied into the ground. Your phone buzzed in your back pocket for, you didn’t even know how many times. Like all the others it went completely ignored. You were drunk but happy, not a care in the world, and that’s how you wanted it to stay.
“Cisco, did she answer?” Barry’s voice spoke through the coms. He was zipping through Central City looking for you. How one person seemed to disappear so fast was unsettling. It was nearly two in the morning and Barry was starting to fear the worst.
“No,” Cisco sighed, the defeat was in his voice as he fiddled with his screens.
“Can’t you like...triangulate or something?!” Barry huffed, getting frustrated at his inability to find you.
“Oh yeah, because I haven’t tried that before,” Cisco shot back with a huff of his own.
Caitlin stepped up, offering a reassuring (though tense) smile to Cisco. Hands on the top of the desk, she leaned over so she could talk into the com. “Y/N would always go to Club Lavo,” She suggested with a hopeful tone.
Without a second thought Barry was rushing off, zipping through the streets of Central City. 
Barry’s eyes darted around the dark club, squinting against the flashing lights. He was looking for your familiar mop of hair, groaning when he couldn’t make out much. Thank god he had his powers. Darting through the crowd, it only took a few moments to find you. Arms wrapped around your center, not thinking twice before rushing back to the Cortex.
The world rushed around you in too fast movements, halting all at once leaving you dizzy and stumbling. Legs wobbled as you attempted to step, stomach lurching as you doubled over. Barry had a can in front of you just in time for you to spill out stomach acid and what remained of a cocktail, grimacing at the sounds of your gagging.
The tell tale crackling of lighting had heads snapping to the doorway, hearts lurching as that eerie doppleganger made himself known. The smirk on his mangled face was cocky as he sauntered in, eyeing each and every horrified face. Savitar took pride in the way they tensed, the way they all seemed to skirt around you as if that would make a difference. Oh how feeble they all were. “Hand her over and I’ll let you all live,” He mused, reveling in the games he played with them.
“Like hell that’s gonna happen,” Barry quipped, refusing to let his future self have it easy.
“We can do it the hard way Barry. I’m faster than you, stronger. I am a GO-”
“Oh shut UP!” You whined, pushing past the Scarlet Speedster as you stumbled out from the protective little bubble your friends made. “You, sir,” you slurred as you waved a finger in Savitar’s face. “May fuggoff!” Stumbling back, a hand pressed to your lips as you felt your stomach gurgle. You weren’t about to let that stop your tirade though. “You think you kin juss waltz in here like you own the place? Newsflash, bro, you don’t. Dis my house,” you quipped, clapping to make your point. “In here, talm bout ‘I’m a God. Grrrr bow down to me,’“ you mocked the man you had all come to fear. “Like, who even are you?”
Savitar’s jaw clenched as he glared at you, hands fisting at his sides. Embarrassment began to crawl along his neck, staining his cheeks a soft red as you taunted him. How dare you?! You were meant to fear him!
“And another thing!” You started, turning back to him as you stumbled your way over. “You’re a digghead!” you fumbled the words as syllables began to slide together, finger jabbing the self-proclaimed God of Speed in the chest. “Oh wahhh, I didn’t like myself so I’m gonna go kill his wife. Like, talk bout small dick energy amirite?” you snorted, turning to your friends as you doubled over in laughter.
They all stared at you, wide eyed and slack jawed, unable to figure out just how they felt. On one hand it was hilarious, watching you verbally berate this so called God of Speed, on the other hand it was terrifying because they knew how ruthless the future Barry Allen could be.
“Should....I be offended by that?” Barry whispered softly to Cisco who merely shook his head with a small shrug. To be honest, he wasn’t sure what to make of all of this.
Glaring down at you, Savitar felt his heart fumble in his chest. He didn’t like the way you talked to carelessly to him, the way there was no fear in your eyes. Surely you knew he was the one to end your life. Why weren’t you acting like it! “I’ll slaughter your entire family if you’re no careful,” he ground out, hoping that, at the very least, would put you in your place.
Whirling around you stood straight, arms out beckoning him to prove it. “Let’s do it baby, I know the law!”
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how-to-voleebol · 5 years
Haikyuu!! ShipWeek - Day 1 : LevYaku
Alright! Today, I'm writing angst! You may find the LevYaku fluff at @haikyuu-philia! It isn't my best work, not at all really, the plot is a bit rushed, but I tried!
Morisuke didn't really know how it happened.
One minute, he and Lev were watching a movie. The next, the TV was turned off and they were arguing about something so pointless that Morisuke didn't even bother to recall the topic. And now, he was in the waiting room of the hospital.
'Think, Morisuke,' the shorter of the dating duo pinched himself on the knee. 'I'm the guilty one. I know that,' another pinch. 'Why the hell did I throw that stupid book at him?!'
Ah, yes. It was because Morisuke was so stupidly upset that he had chosen to throw a book, quite a thick one at that, at Lev that he was where he was right now. He was so annoyed and pissed off that he was blinded by temporary anger.
Without knowing, Morisuke had thrown the book right at Lev's head. After that, there was a rather loud thump, as if something else was hit. And Morisuke didn't hear it because he had stormed off to cool down, but there was a tiny whimper of pain.
After nearly half an hour of Morisuke grumbling and pacing around their shared room, he had finally cooled off. He had quietly walked back into the living room, which was were they had fought, and was very surprised indeed.
Morisuke didn't remember hearing the shatter of glass.
What he had seen was his version of horrific.
Lev was lying face up, eyes closed. There was a little pool of blood underneath his head, staining the grey locks Morisuke had grown to love. The book that was thrown was open at page 271, but that wasn't a priority.
What was, however, was the fact that Morisuke was so blinded by childish anger that he didn't even hear anything. What Morisuke had gotten in the hour and a half of waiting was that he had hurt Lev, and Lev was so taken aback, literally and figuratively, that he had crashed into the glass cupboard behind him, breaking the glass.
And after that, Morisuke was still trying to figure it out, Lev had somehow ended up with a cut and very purple bruise on the front left side of his head, and a very sharp shard of glass about the size of his palm lodged in his head near the cut and bruise.
Morisuke had to bite his lip to prevent himself from crying.
"Idiot," Morisuke whispered, head in his knees. "Idiot, idiot, idiot," he couldn't hold back the tremble in his voice.
That shard looked deep inside too.
"Goddammit," Morisuke sobbed softly, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and tugging hard.
He hadn't called Tetsurou, or Kenma, or Kai about this situation. Maybe he should have.
All Morisuke knew was that something was going to happen to Lev, and he wasn't going to like it.
Just imagining the picture in his head made Morisuke feel like gagging, but he couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Yaku Morisuke?"
At his name, Morisuke jumped and stood abruptly. His legs were trembling, so were his hands. Perturbation was running through his veins.
Slowly, Morisuke made his way over to the doctor who had called his name. "Y-Yes?"
The doctor sighed softly. "Now," she began. "Both you and Lev are lucky that the glass isn't deep enough to cause permanent damage,"
Yaku held his breath.
"However," the doctor continued. "He did knock his head very hard. Morisuke," she frowned. "May I ask, how hard did you throw that book?"
Morisuke blinked slowly. How hard did he throw that book? He couldn't seem to come up with an answer.
The doctor bit her lip, seeming to understand.
"Well, however hard you threw it, it hit his head directly at his left hippocampus,"
Morisuke blinked. Hippocampus? What in the world was that?
"The hippocampus is an organ in the brain which mainly deals with memories,"
Yaku gulped, already knowing what was going to come.
"There is plenty of damage to Lev's hippocampus, and therefore, he will suffer from retrograde amnesia."
Morisuke felt his world collapse.
Wasn't that where you forget your memories?
"Yes," the doctor nodded. "Amnesia. Retrograde amnesia, so he won't be able to recall many memories from his past."
Morisuke took a shaky breath.
"S-So...so he can forget about m-me?"
The pain in his chest was too much.
"...it's possible."
Even if that wasn't a definite answer, Morisuke still felt as if Lev wasn't even here anymore.
"I see. M-May I go visit h-h-him?"
"He's very fragile. You must be very careful."
And so, Morisuke trekked to Room 078.
One knock, and he slowly swung the door open.
Morisuke nearly choked.
Seeing Lev looking so innocent almost made him want to leave because he didn't want to ruin it.
"Hm? Hello sir!"
Morisuke bit his lip. Sir?
He closed the door and slowly made his way over to the chair next to the bed Lev was laying in.
"E-Eh? Sir?! Why're you crying?! Are you okay?!"
"O-Oh, I'm fine.."
"Are you sure, sir? You look really sad..."
"No, I'm f-fine. S-Say, I don't think I...know your name."
"Haiba Lev, sir!"
"...Yaku. Yaku Morisuke."
"Let's be friends, Yaku-san!"
"...let's be friends, Lev."
Oh, what you didn't know.
Wahhh, I'm not exactly proud of this work...
Anyway, Day 1 complete!!
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stylo-xx · 7 years
Eyes Closed (M)
G-Dragon: Angst/Small amount of fluff/The ‘Eventual’ Smut Is Here
PART 2-B: (XO) The One About Hong Kong
A/N: FINALLY IT’S HERE! ALL 12 PAGES! I’m sorry it took so long but I had fun writing this one, I hope you all enjoy! xx
(Part One)||(Part Two-A)||(Part Three)
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      With my head in my hands and the ever present ringing noise in my ears from the bad decisions from the previous night, I stared at the floor in complete and utter shock. How could I have been so stupid? How could I have let myself not only fuck up for the hundredth time but royally fuck up so bad that I could already hear everybody back in LA screaming at me. But the thing I was afraid of most was the heaviest of my baggage being hurled at me with no way of dodging out of the way; and I could already see him coming at me with reckless abandon. As much as I told myself to stay low key until this week was over, I did the complete opposite and was staring straight into the line of fire. Suddenly a pang of whole body goosebumps hit me as every vile, repressed memory of him crossed my mind.
      After Parties were probably one of the best perks of going to award shows, sure it was fun dressing up and receiving an award and people kissing your ass and telling you how amazing you were but the real party didn’t start until the after parties.
      After Party; af-ter--par-ty (noun) : A place in which all morals are no longer valid and all caution is thrown into the wind; see ‘Divine Decadence’.
      Where idols out of view from prying eyes could let themselves be themselves, somewhere they could throw away the façade of perfection and indulge in low-hanging fruit in their very own Garden of Eden. And the After-After Parties? Well much like ‘Fight Club’--we don’t talk about about the After-After Parties.
      Bobbing her head along to the music, Alex now somewhere between tipsy and drunk, and  looking over the ledge from the comfort their private table located atop one of the many balconies she mused at the sea of intoxicated individuals; some making poor life choices that they’d be sure to regret later and others letting loose for the very first time. She laughed to herself as she watched one person in particular on the dance floor doing a very drunken, almost robotic rendition of the ‘Fantastic Baby’ dance. A pair of arms suddenly encircled her waist bringing her out of her drunken haze.
      “Hey baby you look pretty lonely, you got a boyfriend?” the mysterious figure said into her ear.
      Again laughing to herself “fortunately for me I’m not lonely whatsoever” she let out a fake sigh “but unfortunately for you I’m spoken for”
     “Oh really?” he spoke again only this time lightly brushing his lips against her exposed ear causing a chain reaction of goosebumps all over her entire body.
      She let out a shaky breath “Yupp...”
      His hands now roaming her form, he pressed his body closer to hers making them both lurch closer to the ledge.
      “He must be pretty stupid to let all of this” he ran his hand over her ass “just stand here all alone”
      She braced herself on the ledge “I said he was my boyfriend, I never said he was the brightest crayon in the box”
      He let out a chuckle “Bet he’s a shitty boyfriend…” he said kissing his way from her bare shoulder to that spot on her neck that made her eyes roll into the back of her head.
      She bit her lip holding back a moan she so desperately wanted to let go, swallowing hard before speaking.
      “Well he can be…”
      Stopping mid kiss on her neck he spun her around to face him “Wait really?”
      She held back a laugh “Oh my god babe I was kidding” she said giving him a sympathetic look.
      “How’d you know it was me? Which by the way if it wasn't me you let that go on a little past too long” he held her at arm's length.
      She smiled and cupped his face in her hands “You’re the one who wanted to try roleplaying remember you little perv?”
      “...not a perv” he furrowed his brows and frowned.
      She bit her lip before pulling him in for a kiss. Smiling into the kiss he placed his hand on the back of her head deepening the kiss. He pulled away holding her at arm's length again and looked her in the eye. His heart felt like it was simultaneously beating faster and slower at the same time, and swelled every time he looked at her. He couldn’t imagine being with anyone else for the rest of his life; no matter how cheesy he may have thought that sounded he just plainly didn’t care.
      “What?” she chuckled.
      “Nothing” he shook his head and gave her a shy smile all while pulling her into his chest and kissing the top of her head.
      Still holding her against his chest he looked down at her, staring into her eyes again.
      As if afraid of saying something he has said a hundred times over again, he smiled at her again and said:
      “I love you”
      “I love you too” she smiled back.
      “You better” he scrunched his nose.
      She stuck out her tongue “Why do you do that?”
      “Do what?” he furrowed his brows letting her stand up straight.
      “Every time you say ‘I love you’ you act like it's the first time you’ve ever said it” she wrapped her arms around his neck.
      He blushed and let out a small laugh “because when I’m with you that’s what it feels like”
      She pushed his shoulder “Ji-Yong you got me already, you don't have to lay it on so thick” she laughed.
      “I know, I just can’t help it. You give me butterflies” he smiled looking away.
      She bit her lip and smiled “Well the feeling is mutual”
      Blushing again he turned back to look at her and went in for another kiss only to be stopped by a drunken Seung-Hyung and an equally as drunk Seungri cat calling them from the booth.
      “Yeaaahhh Hyung!” Seungri attempted to whistle “get it!”
      “Ji-Yongie-ah!” Seung-Hyun cupped a hand around his mouth “I can become an ordained minister if you give me like ten minutes and you two can just” he mushed his hands together; not quite sure what that hand gesture was supposed to mean.
      Ji-Yong shook his head “Have you two been watching us this whole time?”
      “Yea what kind of peep show do you think this is you weirdos” she raised an eyebrow.
      “Ok it sounds weird when you say it like that” the maknae defended.
      “It sounds exactly like what it is, you two are into some voyeuristic shit and hey no judgement but fuck off” Ji-Yong said walking to the table and grabbing Seungri’s drink out of his hand, tossing it back then slamming the glass on the table.
      The maknae went wide eyed.
      Alex laughed “Hey be nice” she lightly smacked Ji-Yong’s chest.
      “Oh my favorite Dongsaeng~, thank you!” Seungri dramatically placed both hands over his heart.
      She let out a small laugh and rolled her eyes.
      “Ok looks to me like you two need a refill on your drinks” the maknae jumped up out of his seat and clapped his hands.
      Alex and Ji-Yong glanced at each other “we don’t have any drinks” they said in unison.
      “Exactly my point I’ll be right back, you want anything in particular? --Nevermind I’ll just bring you back something!” he said making his way toward the bar.
      The two stared after the drunken man and just shook their heads, looking back over at Seung-Hyun who had made his way to another table and acquired a pink feather boa that he was currently trying to wrap around Dae-Sung who seemed to be nothing but blissful as a on the verge of tears from laughing so hard Young-Bae looked on.
      She smiled and rolled her eyes, she couldn’t believe these were the people she called her friends. Scanning the crowd again she spotted a few of her friends a couple tables away.
      “Oh babe” she touched his shoulder “I think I see some of the BTS boys over there, I’m just gonna go say ‘hi’ really quick I’ll be right back”
      He nodded his head ‘ok’ and she gave him a kissed his cheek.
      Making her way through the crowd of drunken people over to the three boys, as she comes closer into view she comes to see it is in fact Nam-Joon, Yoon-Gi and Jackson from Got7; and a very heated argument between a drunken Nam-Joon and Jackson.
      Jackson turns away from Nam-Joon and sees her approaching them and starts to yell out “noona! Noooonaaaa!”
      She gets to them and lightly smacks his shoulder  “Jackson I told you not to call me that. It makes me feel old”
      just then a wave of drunken ‘noonas’ came her way from the three boys.
      She shook her head “nice to see you too boys” she said giving each one of them a hug.
      “Yah noona, I’m glad you’re here” Jackson placed his arm around her shoulder “So get this, Rap Monie over here--”
      “Oh boy here we go again” Nam-Joon interjected.
      “--thinks he’s too cool to--”
      “Ah jinja, I never said I was too cool!”
      “--he thinks he’s too cool to answer his phone and hang out with me!” Jackson complained.
      Nam-Joon pinched the bridge of his nose as he listened to Jackson drunkenly drone on and on about their little spat.
      Yoon-Gi on the other hand had given up on them that he just started to ignore them entirely; he thought they should keep their marital disputes to themselves.
      Alex laughed and with Jackson’s arm still across her shoulder, she hugged him by the midsection as she continued to listen to a very hurt and intoxicated go on about how much more their friendship meant to him than Nam-Joon.
      Meanwhile halfway across the room a Ji-Yong that was becoming very impatient with the story his very hammered maknae was trying to get out, but couldn’t because he kept laughing before he even finished his sentences, trying to calm himself he started to make a mental drinking game out of this never ending tale about how Seungri apparently did something hilarious in Osaka but by the way he was telling it he was sure exactly what it was.
      Stopping again mid sentence looked past Ji-Yong in awe.
      “Yah! Seungri if you don’t finish--”
      “Wahhh Hyung-ie, you must be either really trusting or really dumb because if that was my girl i would have ripped that guy's head off” the maknae pointed in the direction where Alex stood with Jackson still having his arm around around her shoulders and her hugging him back.
      Turning in the direction his friend pointed a drunken finger, he could feel a dark jealousy beginning to rear it’s ugly head.
      “Come to think of it, where is my girlfriend?” the maknae blabbered to himself and walked away in search of his girlfriend, who in his drunken state had forgotten that she was in Cape Cod for another week and a half.
      Ji-Yong continued to glare in the direction of where that other man dared to touch his girlfriend. Who the fuck did he think he was? But the longer that Jackson kept his arm around her, the more livid Ji-Yong became.
      Turning away for a second to grab his drink, when he turned back around he caught a glimpse of the other man getting far too close to Alex’s face and he instantly felt his blood boil.
“Mother fucker…” he mumbled under his breath crushing the plastic cup in his hands and not even caring he spilled most of it all over his Lanvin shoes.
      Just then an unsuspecting Seungri was walking by with drinks in his hands when Ji-Yong snatched them away and tossed them back leaving the maknae to somberly go back to the bar.
      Looking back to glare daggers at Jackson, his heart felt some relief as he saw one of the other men pull him away and push him in another direction and saying their goodbyes to Alex. But that feeling was only momentary as he saw another man approach her.
      “Hey you” a man grabbed Alex’s wrist.
      She turned in confusion “Oh my god, Suho Oppa~!” her face immediately lit up.
      Ji-Yong wasn’t any kind of professional lip reader, but he was 99.99% sure she just called him ‘Oppa~’. And judging by how elated she looked to see him, he was just as sure he knew exactly who this new man was.
      Going in for a hug Suho smiled at her and left his hand to linger on the small of her waist when he pulled away.
      “Well don’t you just look amazing”
      She pushed his shoulder “Shut up”
      He flashed her another smile “I’m serious! You somehow always managed to look amazing no matter what you wore”
      “Oh good one, real smooth Casanova” she said sarcastically
      “I mean it” he leaned against the ledge swirling around the drink in his hand “Why else would Romeo over there look so pissed?”
      She furrowed her brows in confusion and turned to look in the direction he gestured with his head “Oh boy…”
      “What?” he let out a small laugh.
“This is going to be the end of the line for my wonderful night...” she sighed.
      He laughs “why is that? Is your boy over there you going to to go ape shit because you're hanging out with someone who isn't him”
      “No” she said sardonically “He's going to go ape shit because I'm talking to other attractive guys who aren't him”
“Ohh attractive huh?” he smirked.
      She shoved his shoulder “Oh stop, you know what I meant”
      “Well let’s just put it like this, look at you if I had you I'd probably be just as pissed. I kinda don't blame him” he said taking a sip of his drink.
      She rolled her eyes and smiled “ha-ha very funny”
      “I mean it's not too late, you and I could always try again. You have my number” He smiled in Ji-Yong’s general direction.eon
      she laughed and shoved his shoulder again.
      He threw another smirk her way.
      Not being able to take any more of the scene before him, Ji-Yong tossed back the drink in his hand and stormed his way toward them.
      Suho noticed the enraged man making his way toward them and laughed to himself.
      “What?” she questioned.
      “I think the end of the line for my wonderful night is stomping his way over here” he took another sip of his drink “I should probably--”
      “Hey baby” Ji-Yong clenched his jaw.
      “Oh hey babe” she felt his arm tighten around her waist as he began to pull her toward him.
    “GD-Sunbaenim” Suho bowed “I was just leaving. Alex it was so nice to see you again, have a good rest of your night you two” he bowed again and turned to make his leave.
      “Oh Alex” he turned on his heels “just remember what I said, it’s not too late” He smirked and turned to continued on his way.
      The car ride was no less painful than leaving the club, the tension was high and nobody said a word. While they were about to walk out the door to the outside of the club he reached behind him to hold her hand only to have her pull away from him. He clenched his jaw and let out an incredulous small laugh as he watched her continue to walk ahead of him. Again as they were getting into their SUV he stepped aside to help her get in but she ignored his hand and let her security guard help her in; he sardonically laughed to himself. They both knew that once they got the the hotel the gloves were coming off.
      The tension in the elevator between the two of them was so thick one could almost cut it with a knife. Neither one daring to speak, though in their heads words were flying at a mile a minute; so many things they wanted to say but just didn’t know where to start. The journey leading up to the elevator was no picnic either. As they were being walked through the hotel by their security guards, they would normally escort them all the way to their room but when they reached the elevator and the doors opened Ji-Yong out stretched his arm stopping them before they could follow suit.
      “That’ll be all for tonight, thank you” he said nonchalantly.
      The lead security guard was taken aback “Sir we have to escort you to your room”
      “Not tonight guys. Take the rest of the night off, I’m sure we can manage without you for one night” he raised an eyebrow. He made his way into the elevator and pressed the button for their floor.
      “But sir--” the lead security guard spoke again.
      “Good night gentlemen” Ji-Yong said as the doors to the elevator closed and marked the clear division between: holding your tongue before the eyes of the world and being in the center of the eye of the storm.
      The beeps of the elevator filled the air, floor by floor it felt like it was a countdown to a ticking time bomb that was going to explode any minute. Fifteen floors seemed like it was light years away and carrying a bomb with short fuse that had been burning long before they ever even entered, well it seemed the tides were not their favor. With the distance between the two of them and the mind numbing silence one could swear that they were complete strangers; not lovers but strangers with the same hunger. It felt as though with how far Alex stood from him, she might as well have been in an entirely different part of the world. God knows she sure as shit felt that way. And with the alcohol still running through his veins and an ugly jealousy still festering in his head, he spoke without a moment's hesitation. beep, beep, beep.
      “So, you never answered my question earlier. Did you have fun with all your guy friends?”
      She scoffed incredulously, she was definitely not drunk enough to deal with this kind of bullshit right now. She wore a sardonic smile on her face.
      He pursed his lips and nodded his head “Hmph. Glad to know you had a good time with him honey” he said with a condescending sneer. beep, beep, beep.
      Still keeping her silence, she shot him a look of disgust. She kept repeating to herself in her head ‘don’t blow up on him, don’t blow up on him. He’s just wasted and so are you..’
      Her lack of putting up any kind of protest or just let alone speaking was driving him crazy. The fact that she allowed those douche bags to hold her the way that they did, and then rejected him her own boyfriend when he tried to hold her hand; that just threw him over the edge.
      “Why would you be acting so lovey dovey with your fucking ex-boyfriend in front of me like that?! Why would you even talk to him in the first place?!” Boom.
      She went wide eyed in disbelief “Oh.my.god. I went on one fucking date with him like five years ago! And that was way before I ever met you. I’d hardly call him my ‘ex-boyfriend’”
      “Ahhh so she speaks!” he hollers “Just proving how your conscience is weighing on you, I didn’t even have to specify which him I was talking about but you already knew exactly who it was”
      She couldn't believe they were even arguing about this. He's had all the chance in the world to complain about anyone that she’s dated in the past and he’s choosing now of all times’ while he’s completely fucked up, to do it.
      “Of course I knew who you were talking about, I only dated one of the six people I was talking to jack ass!” she squeezed her hand so tight around her phone that it felt as though if she had squeezed any tighter she could have Hulked right through her phone “Like I said before, I only ever went on one date with Suho and that was five years ago!”
      “First of all don’t say his name. Second of all so because you met him first that means how I feel doesn’t amount to anything?”
      “What the fuck are you on?! I never said that! Stop putting words in my mouth!” she threw her hands up “I didn’t do anything wrong I was just being friendly with my friend who just so happens to be a man! All I did was say ‘oh my god hi, how are you? How have you been? cause I haven't seen you for over a year!”
      “yea right Alex come the fuck on, who acts so touchy with some guy she only went on one date on?--”
      “Ji-Yong you have got to be kidding me” she crossed her arms again.
      “--Also I clearly heard you call him Oppa~ and now you’re also admitting to having talked to him while we were dating? Well if that doesn't get you girlfriend of the award I don’t know what will” he furrowed his brows.
      Alex was about to blow a gasket, she was trying so hard to not go completely mental on his ass. Ji-Yong has had his moments of jealousy in the past but it only ever got this bad when he allowed himself to wallow in his own self pity with a bottle at hand. Alex took a deep breath and spoke.
      “Ji-Yong can we seriously not do this right now? You’re super trashed so if you still wanna yell at me that badly by tomorrow when you're hopefully sober then so be it”
      He scowled “No, I’m not done--”
      Ding. The doors to the elevator suddenly opened to reveal another drunken couple join them on the elevator. Only difference was, they actually seemed to like each other. As if the couple hadn’t noticed that they weren't alone, they continued to giggle and laugh while kissing each other like it was the last chance they would ever have to do so. The sight of the other couple not only made Ji-Yong and Alex feel uncomfortable but it made them long for a time not so long ago when they were just like that. Ji-Yong not wanting to endure them rubbing their apparent love for each other in his face, he cleared his throat causing  the other couple suddenly wake up from their daze of young love only to realize they weren't alone after all. The other two looked back at Alex and Ji-Yong with an apologetic look in their eyes. The boyfriend was the first to speak up.
      “Oh I’m so sorry” he said still holding his girlfriend “We didn’t notice you there, you guys were so quiet we thought we were by ourselves”
Ji-Yong merely gave him a half hearted smile and a nodded; Alex just turns to look away.
      Fuck was it that obvious they wanted nothing to do with each other?
      The girlfriend, in her drunken stupor, quizzically stared at the two with her eyes darting back and forth between the two; her eyes suddenly went wide. ‘Shit...’ Ji-Yong thought, here we go another super fan about to bombard him with a string of ‘Oh my god! GD Oppa~! Saranhaeyo!’
      “Omo! You’re G-Dragon! Oppa!” you see, he wasn't completely wrong. “A-and you’re Alexandra McMahon!” the girl pointed and covered her mouth with her hand.
      Alex internally cringed at hearing her full name before she shot the girl an insincere smile.
      “Yup that’s me haha” she raised an eyebrow; Ji-Yong stayed silent.
      The boy and the girl smiled at each other before the boy spoke again.       “What are you guys already calling it a night?” he chuckled “I never would have pegged you two for going to bed early, I would've thought you two would be partying until tomorrow!”       Alex and Ji-Yong just glanced at eachother and let out an awkward laugh.
      The boy looked between the two and smiled.       “Ohhhhhh! I get it” he smirked “You guys are going to go have an ‘after party’, am I right?” the girl playfully hit her boyfriend on the shoulder.       “How did you guess?” Ji-Yong said in a monotone manner; the other two just laughed. Alex rolled her eyes and looked up at the glowing numbers above the doors indicating how much longer she’d have to endure the other two. Much to her surprise the next floor was theirs. She put on the fakest smile she could muster and grabbed Ji-Yong by the wrist.       “Well it was so nice meeting you two but it looks like this is our stop!” the elevator doors opened and she pulled Ji-Yong along with her as she stepped out. Stopping right outside of the doors she placed her arms around Ji-Yong’s neck confusing the shit out of him.       “Now you two kids have fun and stay out of trouble, I know we will. Right babe?” she said sardonically.       Still confused as to what was going on, he spoke just barely above a whisper.       “Uh y-yea?” he raised an eyebrow.       Just before the doors were about to close she pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Taken aback by her actions it took him a second to process what was going on but it didn’t take long before he deepened the kiss and placed a hand on her cheek. The other two in complete awe, subconsciously started tilting their heads to the side to keep watching the display of affection before them as the doors were slowly closing; the boy spoke up for the final time.       “Wahhhh, I wish we were that in love…”       With the other two now gone and out off their hair, Alex and Ji-Yong stood their ground kissing just as passionately as before. But even now as she was running her hands through his hair, and every now and then giving it a gentle tug, he still could not understand what was going on. Did the alcohol just finally hit her? Had they finally argued so much that she had lost it? Or was this just the beginning to an entire evening full of amazing hate sex? Either way he wasn’t mad about his current situation. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her in even closer as he ground his growing erection into her. She let out a little moan into his mouth; Ji-Yong couldn't help but smile into the kiss. With another gentle tug to his hair, she took his bottom lip between her teeth and gave it a small tug this time earning a moan from him.       He pulled away from the kiss to speak “Mmm fuck. let’s go to the room before I fuck you right where you’re standing” he ran his hands over her ass. Her only response was kissing his neck. He let out a small laugh and with and unrelenting Alex still kissing his neck he carefully pushed her in the direction of their hotel room. Bumping into things every now and again due to either the alcohol or when she’d nip at the sensitive spot on his neck, it was quite evident Ji-Yong was enjoying himself. Finally managing to make it to their room door, he paused pinning her between himself and the door as she continued her relentless attack on his neck.       “Babe. babe--” he smirked as tried to get her attention. All he received was muffled ‘Mmm?’.
      He licked his lips and threw his head back “Ung” he groaned “fuck babe you're gonna make me cum before we even get to the fun stuff”       She pulled away momentarily to smirk at him.       He looked back at her and ran his thumb across her bottom lip; if there was anything he loved more in the world other than Alex herself it was her plush lips. Just looking at them brought back memories of all the amazing things that have come out of that mouth; also some of his favorite memories about things that have been in that mouth too. One item in particular being at the top of that list. If there was one memory that by far was his favorite, as lewd as it was and aside from the day they met, it would be the first time she ever gave him a blowjob; plain and simple. He remembers her saying that ‘she never usually did stuff like that’, she said ‘she only ever did that with whoever was her boyfriend at the time’. With what they did the rest of the night it was beyond ‘just blowing your friend for fun in his car because he came home from tour that night’. Come to think of it Alex wasn't as ‘untouched as the morning dew’ as she said she was.       Managing to get the door open and both of them inside, Ji-Yong slammed the door shut with his foot as he pulled her in for another passionate kiss. Not bothering to turn the lights on, or break the kiss, he lead her further into the room and gently pushed her onto the bed. With both their chests heaving up and down and feeling like their hearts were pumping so loud that the other could hear it, they looked into each other's eyes as if time had stopped right then and there. Standing between her legs he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor before crawling on top of her to straddle her body. Ghosting his lips over hers and then to her neck made shivers run up and down her spine, he tilted her head to the side to get a better angle and began making quick work of her neck. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she bit her lip, he took one of his hands in hers and interlocked their fingers as he brought their hands above her head. The sensation of his lips and teeth grazing over her skin was driving her crazy, a hand she had previously placed upon his chest was now running down toward his toned midsection stopping every so often when he’d nip at the sensitive spot on her neck. Inciting little whimpers from her from the absence of his lips on her neck he kissed his way down toward her chest. He released her hand above her head and caressed her arm as he slowly lowered the spaghetti strap to her dress from her shoulder and unveiling one of her breasts. He took her exposed breast in his mouth before peppering kisses all over it and this time receiving a small moan and a tug to his hair. Pulling away he made his way back up to her lips and languidly kissed her before pulling away again to speak.       “I love you” he pecked her lips.       “I love you too” she ran her hand up his back.         He smiled before he went back in to kiss her and ran his hand underneath her waist to lift her up higher on the bed. Settling between her legs, he hiked up her dress above her thighs and went back to suck on her neck.       If there was one thing that made her patience wear thin it was when he would tease her and make it feel like it was an eternity before he actually started to fuck her. Wanting to speed up the process, she placed a hand on his abs and slowly made her way to his prominent erection that was just waiting to burst out of his pants. Sticking her hand between his pants and his boxer briefs she began to palm him earning a moan from him and a momentary halt on the attack on her neck.       “Fuck” he groaned.
      She removed her hand to undo the zipper and button on his pants and this time returning to pump him in his underwear.       “Shit” he moaned, she smiled to herself; one of her favorite things to hear was him swearing whenever she was either A) blowing him B) jerking him off or C) when she was on top, it was like some sort of sexy validation she was putting in work.       Ji-Yong not wanting to end their private party before it even started, grabbed her by the wrist putting a stop to her actions.       “Patience is a virtue…” he ghosted over her lips again.       “Not when you tease me the way you do” she pouted.       “Bet he can't make you feel the way I do” he returned to kiss her neck.       “Wait what did you just say?” she furrowed her brows and pulled away from him “Ji-Yong If you said what I think you said I swear--”       “What you’re gonna go running to him?” he sat up straddling her.       “You have got to be shitting me...” she shoved him off of her and rearranged her dress as she got up from the bed.       “Did I miss something here? What did I do wrong?” he furrowed his eyebrows.       She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms “You’re joking right? You’re being an absolute douche bag!”       “Oh what, you think that a hand job makes what you did with that asshole go away? Think again baby” he said getting off the bed.       She clenched her jaw “You know what, how about I do us both a favor and fuck-off back to LA and you can literally go fuck yourself” she hollered as she made her way toward the door.       “What the fuck do you mean you’re going back to LA? You can't just leave without me, you know how bad that would look?!” he took a step toward her.       With a hand on the knob of the door she stopped in her tracks and let out an incredulous chuckle “That sounds like a you problem”       “Baby wait! W-What about your stuff, you wouldn't just leave without your suitcase!”       “Considering the fact that I’m worth millions, I'm pretty sure I can afford to buy a new wardrobe. Do whatever you with it, shove it up you ass for all I care!” and with that she slammed the door shut.       “Alex--Alex!” Ji-Yong grabbed the vase on the night stand and smashed it into the wall. They have had bad fights before but never like this, there had been times where she threatened to leave but never actually threatening to leave for another country and actually walking out. Ji-Yong at this point had taken for granted the fact that no matter how pissed he’s made her that she’d always come back, on way or another she’d always come back. But he wasn’t so sure this time.
      “whoa, you ok there kid?” Tim asked with a severely concerned face       “Huh?” I said absentmindedly “O-oh yea, yea I am” I forced a smile.       “Where’d you go?” he put a hand on my shoulder “after you saw the picture you screamed bloody murder and then went total lobotomized zombie on me; just stared at the floor with a vacant expression”       I shook head out of my thoughts “No, really I’m fine...I just..just kinda spaced out a little I guess”
      “A little?” he raised an eyebrow.       A sudden clicking sound diverted our attention toward the front door that was slowly being opened. Tim and I became stiff; both in defensive mode ready to jump up and kick the intruder’s ass. Truthfully I was more concerned that I would be murdered in my underwear and at that the crime scene the police would find me in that kind of state of undress. The intruder slowly pushed the door open and made his way back first into the room and as if on queue the light to that walk way flickered and shut off shrouding the intruder in darkness. ‘Shit. am I really about to be Michael Myers-ed right now? Damn it I wish I had worn cuter underwear...’ I thought to myself. The intruder having turned back around encroached his way toward us and into view.       “Ahh! Suho what the fuck?!” I put a hand over my heart “You scared the shit out of us”       Carrying a bag in one hand, a cup holder in the other and another paper bag between his teeth let out a muffled ‘sorry’.       I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples with my fingers “What the hell are you doing here anyway? And how the hell did you get a key to my room?” Suho let out a chuckle as he put down the items he was carrying “I told you I was coming back to check on you don’t you remember?”       “Clearly there has been a miscommunication here because I wouldn't be asking if I had remembered” I furrowed my eyebrows “Sorry I didn’t mean to sound so mean…”       He smiled and shook his head “I was hoping this wouldn't happen but I don't blame you, especially after last night”       I went wide eyed “Oh my god. We didn't--did we?”       He laughed “ouch, well if we had I really hope you would've remembered at least that. I’d want to leave a better impression than that on you” he gave me a smile that made me blush.       “Oh I brought you these by the way, I didn’t know which ones were your favorites so I just got all of them” smiling again he handed her the mismatched bouquet of flowers.       Taking the flowers I smiled into them as I put them up to my nose to take in their smell.       Tim feeling like he had been booted out of the room rolled his eyes and cleared his throat.       “Oh, hey Tim sorry I didn’t get you flowers but how about a coffee?” Suho gestured making me laugh.       Not entirely fond of Suho to begin with, Tim didn’t really find his joke any more appealing than he found Suho.       “So, thanks for bringing her back to her room last night, glad you came to check on her but as you can see she’s fine so you can--” Tim attempted to rush Suho out.       “Hey hold on there, he’s not quite done here” I put my hand up “Now since you seem to be the only one that actually remembers any of last night, can you explain this” I held up Tim’s phone that held the webpage to my undoing; the only one of the pictures that was taken of me last night that had managed to not be blurry and of course it had to be one of Suho and I completely making out while waiting for a Taxi.       “Oh…” Suho covered his mouth.       “Listen, I’m not mad about the make out session I’m sure it was great--”       Tim felt like he was about to gag.       “--but I’m just more upset that my face is plastered all over the internet and half of it is being devoured by you”
      Suho held back a laugh “I mean” he rubbed the nape of his neck “It just kind of happened, I was trying to get you home because you were pretty hammered and one thing led to a thank you and that lead to you kissing me and that lead to--well that picture”       I let out a sigh “Well I guess there’s nothing we can really do now” I leaned back on the bed “I can’t really complain if you’re the ‘Mystery Man’ I went home with”       “Ok and with that I am out” Tim stood up making his way toward the door       “Alex, I’ll text you, and Suho” he just nodded his head and headed out the door. Leaving a very confused Alex and Suho staring after him.
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scriptaed · 8 years
Star-Crossed (M)
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☆Genre: Angst/Fluff/Smut || CEO!Jimin
☆Pairing: Jimin x Reader
☆Length: 22.7k
☆Summary: Like a constellation hung from the skies above, he who had once illuminated the lackluster night sky of the bustling city appeared to you like  a meteor shower raining upon the pitch black horizon, And just as quick and abrupt as the celestial display had graced its way through the lonely skies above, he left just as suddenly as it had arrived. But you should've expected this ill-fated story, a waitress struggling to get by had never been fitting of an heir-to-be CEO. What was written in the stars was written into history, and history is an irrevocable phenomenon that cannot be reversed.
Royal blue hues descend from the horizon of the vast skies and upon the bustling streets of the big urban city. Its exquisite gradient shines through the clear window panes lining from ceiling to ground, allowing diners to peer through at the lit up cityscape beneath and beyond the tower. As you weave through your incoming colleagues, including waiters and waitresses and chefs, you take a deep breath in to inhale the pleasant aroma of all the masterpieces of food waiting to be decorated and served to its appropriate tables. Steam hovers above each pot and raw meat sizzle in every heated and oiled pan as you stride your way through the kitchen islands, displaying out in the open for diners to watch in awe, and into the backroom where the real business takes place.
Flipping the silver swinging door is like stepping into a universe on a different dimension. On one side, candles in the middle of each table illuminate the dimly lit chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and sparkling against the sleek, shiny black tiles of the floor. The rich maroon velvet fabric lining each of the three walls, excluding the glass wall, is made to match the burgundy wood of the tables, the graphite islands, and the lavish theme of the renowned restaurant. Luscious red wine pours into each glass, clinking in cheers of the New Year all while sophisticated classical music plays in the background.
On the other side, pure white tiles surround the room, from the ceilings to the walls and from the walls to the floor. Cooks and head chefs are running around, spinning and turning every which way in a successful attempt to dodge the hustling waiters and waitresses hastily pouring in new orders in addition to retrieving the next mouthwatering plate to be delivered. Fire is spiraling over numerous pans, food is flipping in midair, range hoods are blasting at full speed and filling the room with all sorts of clanks, sizzles, and roars amongst the dozens of tasks to be finished tonight. Half skipping half jogging, you make your way to the main island located in the middle of the vast kitchen and slap your sticky note onto the white tiled table.
“One fettuccine alfredo and one capellini for table sixteen!” you call out into the crowd of chefs roaming about. Without another second to spare, you shuffle across the bustling kitchen,and find yourself at the usual spot reserved for you and your friends, or more precisely, Jimin and Jin.
“Need a break?” Jimin chimes, seated on the tabletop as he grins at your loud huff. Eyeing Jin, who is hard at work frying various dishes, Jimin quickly grabs another french fry off the plate in the corner of the table. He takes a small bite out of the long strip of fry before reaching his hand out towards you, offering the fries from the plate he had specially prepared for him and his partner in crime.
“No, I’m good,” you assure him before taking the fries and tossing it into your mouth. “Just a little bit sore.”
“Is it really busy out there?” Jin asks, lifting the cooking fries from the pool of boiling oil and giving it a good shake before placing it back in.
“Yeah, it’s crazy tonight. But it’s to be expected since it’s New Year’s Eve after all,” you shrug. Jimin smiles widely at your nonchalant response, grabbing another piece of fry from his plate and offering it to you. Reciprocating his smile, you cheekily leaned in to bite the fry and chomping the rest of the still warm, salted potatoes into your mouth. Jimin brushes his hands, ridding his fingers of pepper and salt, and mischievously grins at you with his bright, perfectly aligned teeth of his. All caught up in the moment shared between just you and Jimin, neither of you manages to realize the chef-to-be rambling on beside you.
“Yah! Are you two even listening to me?!” Jin half scolds half whines, dropping the fryer basket in frustration. “Quit flirting with each other and get back to work before our boss yells at us.”
Contrary to your slight hum of obedience, both you and Jimin continue to softly giggle, picking fries off the plate with grins stretching from ear to ear. Hearing the two of you attempting to remain silent, despite the more than evident laughs under your breaths, Jin finally turns his head away from the frying station only to catch you two red handed. He gawks in disbelief, forcing himself to take a deep breath and sigh out all the pent up frustration in his system before shaking his head at the less than surprising sight. Jimin erupts into a cackle, his eyes scrunching up into adoring crescents as you too chortled along.
“Ah, our Jin’s upset because no one’s listening to him,” Jimin chimes, leaning in to teasingly point at Jin with his forefinger. “Go ahead and tell us your story of the day. We’re all ears.”
“Ay, forget it! Keep smiling at each other like idiots!” Jin scowls, returning his attention to the fries as he grabs the frying basket once again. Your eyes glides over to meet Jimin’s, both of you counting off from three to zero only to crack up when Jin continues his story as he usually does in spite of his anger. “As I was saying, I’ve been standing here all day forced to fry chickens and potatoes, it’s as if they think I don’t know how to cook anything else! Wahhh, just because I have a handsome face doesn’t mean that I can’t be a chef!”
“If positions were based on looks, I think you’d be washing dishes,” the boy on the counter mumbles, inciting a snort from you and a glare from Jin. The younger one immediately reclines, scooting towards the edge of the counter and wrapping his arms around Jin’s to snuggle up close. He cheekily smiles at him in an attempt to sneak his way out of this one. “Ay… you know I’m joking. You know you’re more handsome than me!”
Glaring at the way Jimin holds both his hands in the air with a mischievous grin plastered over his face, Jin sighs and decides to let him off the hook. “Hey, I get you two this job and now you guys are slacking off?” Jin playfully switches the subject, swiftly snatching a french fry from Jimin’s tiny hands and slipping it into his own mouth. “Especially you, Jimin! The moment you take a break, you come in and start eating all of my hard work!”
“Hey, it’s not like I haven’t been working all day,” Jimin nonchalantly defends himself before opening the mini refrigerator beside him to grab a cup of freshly made vanilla ice cream. He gives you his usual charming, lopsided smile and quirks a brow. “Want some?”
“Gladly,” you chime.
Without a care in the world surrounding the busy kitchen, your eyes intently watch Jimin scoop a large sum of ice cream, holding out the spoon towards you as his gaze meets yours with glee. Happily, you lean in to take a bite from the spoon before leaning back and staring at Jimin wide eyed in shock. Your tastebuds are practically exploding of all sorts of fireworks, the sweet aroma of the vanilla beans perfectly melting into the pure white milk and cream of the dessert, not too sweet, yet not too bland, and there is only one person in the world who could make something as balanced as this.
As you take the time to admire the magnificently made ice cream, Jimin’s eyes sparkle in adoration of your state of awe and takes a bite from the same spoon he had fed you with. He has done this countless times before, but the thought that he is taking yet another, technically, indirect kiss from you makes your heart skip a beat and your eyes nervously avert to the ground.
“Mm, this is amazing. No wonder you were gaping at me like that,” Jimin hums in approval. Lifting your eyes off the floor, you trailed up the counter until you found yourself staring at the way Jimin licks off the remaining ice cream stuck to the spoon.
“Jin! Your ice cream is amazing!” you quickly blurt out, attempting to get your mind off of the smirk dancing on the corner of Jimin’s lips.
“What?” Jin turns around and yelps at the sight of you two. “Yah! That’s the dessert I made as a reward for myself after work!”
“No it’s not, you made three cups for us three, didn’t you?” Jimin’s smiles at his close friend, practically brothers at this point, its radiance rendering Jin speechless.
“Ah, sure, sure. Go ahead, eat as much as you want,” the older one exasperates.
You turn to Jimin with a cheeky smile plastered on both of your faces as the two of you persist to dig into the cup of delicious sweetness. Jin only grimaces in disgust at how publically affectionate the two of you are, watching Jimin feed you yet another scoop of his precious work in the corner of his eyes.
“Ahhh,” Jimin gestures for you to open up with his scrunched up eyes screaming of joy. You scoff at him, crossing your arms against your chest and huffing, but nevertheless leaning in to chomp the spoon in between your teeth. “That’s my gi-”
“-Y/N, we need you to cover another table,” the manager, Kris, comes bursting in from the swinging doors.
You immediately stand upright and slurp the last remainings of the dessert from your spoon. Grabbing the spoon held between your teeth, you pat down your black skirt and white apron in preparation for your next onslaught of orders. But before you could respond to your boss’s requests, Jimin hops off from the counter and strides past Kris and towards the kitchen’s entrance.
“I got it,” he calls out to both of you, turning around right as he swings the door open halfway, “which table?”
“Fifteen,” Kris simply replies with a nod by the two boys and walks deeper into the amassed crowd deeper in the kitchen.
Glancing back over your shoulder to check on your boss, you jog over to Jimin to the best of your abilities once the coast is clear. As you make your way to him, it is practically impossible for you to ignore the aching of your weight pushing down on your soles and the chafing between the back of your ankles and your four inch high heels. The burning, stinging sensation following each one of your steps only confirm your suspicions that your skin has peeled and is on the verge of bleeding. Trying to keep your condition under cover, you keep your head up with a smile on your face, despite seeing the frown on Jimin’s face as he watches you limp over to him.
“I’ll do it. I’ll be fine,” you reassure Jimin, attempting to push him aside, but all is in vain when he remains planted blocking the exit in front of you.
“No, you should rest. You’re going to get blisters again if you don’t,” he presses his lips into a thin line and glimpses between you and your reddening feet stuck in your black pumps.
“I’ll just use my bandages like always,” you shrug.
“That doesn’t stop the pain though.”
“I’m not hurting anywhere, Jimin. Quit worrying about me for once,” you lightheartedly laugh, resting one hand on his firm chest and giving a light push. “I can’t always depend on you. It’ll leave a bad impression on our boss… well, I already have, but I just need to prove-”
“-it’s fine, Y/N, really. I literally just took a break,” Jimin chuckles at you rambling on and on over your worries as you always do. He looks at you with his ever so carefree smile, its radiance and genuinity making your heart melt in an instance. “Now rest your feet!”
“What if I don’t want to?” you huff, stomping your feet onto the ground and crossing your arms with a huff of air. “Stop treating me like a princess!”
“Ay, what do I do? My princess wants to overwork herself,” he teases. Mockingly, he mirrors your stance by crossing his arms and pouting. Tilting his head to the side and pressing his lips into a thin line, he hums while pondering over his situation. He puts his hands on his hips, leaning his weight on one leg, and sighs. “You leave me with no option then.”
What happens next comes in a blur. Suddenly, you are swooped off the ground, your upper body and arms dangling over Jimin’s back and your hips being held securely by his arms as you hover a few feet over the white tiles of the ground. Before you can even have enough time to yelp out in protest, Jimin plops you down back onto the exact spot he had sat in on the counter. Your eyes widen as you desperately lean backwards to separate the distance between you two when Jimin slams one hand onto the counter by your side and uses the other to tuck your a strand of your disheveled hair behind your ear.
“I’ll be back then, princess,” he whispers, smiling at the way you just stare at him as though you had just seen a ghost. The second his eyes meet yours, they widen before quickly escaping to its safety zone, glimpsing between you and the ground as he runs a hand through his black hair. You sit there and blankly blink at him, a smile tugging on the corners of your lips as you watch him nervously chuckle at his own flirtatious remark with his hand covering most of his face with the exception of his crescent eyes. You grin at him in silence and it is practically impossible for him not to feel your piercing gaze when he ducks his head low and mumbles a low, “I'll be back” before stumbling out of the kitchen.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk, flirting in the middle of work, huh?” Jin shakes his head. “If he can't even flirt without gushing like a little boy, then he shouldn't even try in the first place! Yah, Y/N, you need to get yourself a real man like me!”
You grimace at him, lips curving downwards and body leaning back when Jin cups his clear plastic gloves to his cheeks and gives a smile of a champion. “I don't think so. Thanks, but no thanks,” you chuckle and pat his thin white dress shirt draped broad shoulders.
“Psh, you just missed out on a great offer y’know,” Jin scoffs in disbelief at your refusal. He shakes his head and loudly sighs, flipping the frying net once again. “I don’t know what you’d do without that boy.”
“Jimin?” you quirk a brow. Whirling your head around to your left, you attempt to spot the familiar small, toned back of Jimin’s by peeking through the slightly ajar kitchen door.
“Who else?” he snorts at the sight of you leaning away from the counter and peering through the small, circular window of the swinging doors.
“I don’t know what I’d do without him,” you utter under your breath, the words come to you naturally as you had thought over this thousands of times before. “This city is like hell. There’s so many people wanting to start a new life that sometimes I think I’m out here all alone. But now I have Jimin, and you, and I don’t feel so alone anymore. He makes me believe we can actually climb up this damned society. Maybe we won’t be struggling just to get by soon.”
Jin widens his eyes at your spillage of honestly, but his shock subsides once he realizes you had only mentioned him out of courtesy. “I’m surprised you guys get along so well now. Back when I introduced you two to each other just a few years ago, neither of you could even look at each other in the eye. And now look at you guys! You can’t even talk to me without looking at him!”
“Sorry,” you laugh in apology, leaning back and forth to follow Jimin’s silhouette and lips stretching wide as your legs swing over the counter.
Jin presses his lips into a line and glances at you only to sigh at your cheeky, stuck on cloud nine expression. “See! If this restaurant weren’t so busy, I’m certain everyone would know about you two by now. Why don’t you two just get together already?”
“Get together…” you repeat, mumbling to yourself absentmindedly.
Eyes following Jimin’s hastily changing path, you scowl when you spot one of the diners ogling Jimin from afar. Luckily for you, Jimin has never really paid attention to anyone outside of his specified tables. At times you’d catch him gazing at you from across the restaurant, but other than that, his eyes are always solely focused on either his customers or his waiter wallet to draught down their orders. As though through an acquired sixth sense, Jimin’s eyes dart through the foggy windows of the kitchen door to spot you gazing at him with a smile plastered all over your face. Your heart skips a beat when your eyes meet and your stomach flutters of butterflies when he reciprocates your smile, his adoring winning smile making your heart swell.
“You guys are really making me feel lonely here. Save your PDA for later, please, I beg you,” Jin mutters, loading up yet another spotless white plate with fries. “Do you like him?”
“Mm…” you hum. Watching Jimin break away from your momentary eye contact, you press your lips into a thin line and ponder over Jin’s question. “I don’t know.”
“You totally like him! Just admit it, Y/N, you guys are smitten for each other!” he nearly yells in disbelief over your constant denial, a scene that has taken place one too many times. “Ay! Stop smiling at me like that if you know it’s true!”
“Table sixteen is ready!” a man hollers from the other side of the kitchen.
Sliding off of the counter, you can’t help but wince in pain when the soles of your feet are once again burdened with your entire weight as the back of your ankles scrape against your black pumps. “I’ll see you later then, fryer boy,” you cackle to yourself before burying the pain in the back of your mind and striding your way confidently into the depths of the kitchen to grab your freshly cooked dishes.
“Yah! I’m going to be a chef soon, just you two watch!” you can hear Jin exasperating, completely fed up with the two spoilt kids he has taken in on his own account.
Spotting a bold red circle drawn onto your original sticky note, you swiftly balance the two dishes onto your left forearm. “Alright, alright, Jimin and I will be waiting for that day then,” you call out to Jin as you turn around to use your back to push open the swinging doors before snickering and muttering your last comment, “we can’t wait to eat something other than fries.”
An explosion of aroma fills your nose the second you step out into the restaurant. The Italian entrees placed in the dozens and dozens of white cloth draped tables entice your empty stomach, not to mention the baked tomatoes and melted parmesan cheese resting right before your eyes on the two plates radiating warmth onto your left forearm . You take a deep breath and sigh, shutting your eyes for a brief second and reminding yourself there is only an hour left before closing time.
“One capellini and one fettuccine alfredo,” you recite. The two male diners raise their hands at the arrival of their respective orders, a snicker escaping their lips as they eye you up and down. Pressing your lips into a forced smile, you lock your frustration into your fuming chest and place their plates onto their tables before stammering a few steps backwards. “Enjoy.”
“Actually, excuse me, Miss…” the man with the sleek black hair calls out to you before you can leave, his eyes trailing from your face to roam your chest where he is supposedly searching for your nametag.
“Y/N,” you answer in a muffled voice as you reach one hand to pull up the collar of your white blouse.
“Right, Y/N, dear,” the men in black snicker, “can you help us with something?”
“...what can I help you with?” you squeak, a knot in your throat preventing you from standing your ground. In the corner of your eyes, you can see Jimin glaring at the men from two tables down. His dart-like eyes send chills down your bone but immediately soften the moment they meet your panic filled ones.
“Over here, dear,” the other man wags his forefinger at you, gesturing for you to avert your eyes from Jimin, which you did so. He picks up his sleek black phone and waves it at you. “Your number. Do you have your phone with you?”
You furrow your brows in response, hands nervously playing with each other behind your back. “I don’t have it on me.”
“Oh, c’mon. Don’t play hard to get, honey. We’re paying for this overpriced crap, the least we can get is a number from a cheap girl like you,” they scoff, giving each other smirks to edge each other on.
Taking a moment to roll your eyes and loudly sigh, you remind yourself this isn’t the first evidently rude customer you’ve had to serve. In fact, this is a rather tame scenario compared to the the past incidents you’ve had to dealt with before. Just remain calm and ignore them like your boss has instructed you to do countless times since you started out here. “I apologize, but I only work to serve-”
“-can I speak to your manager? I’d like to give him my two cents on your service,” they cackle at each other, strands of their greasy, gelled hair falling astray only highlighting their tacky appearances and personalities.
You bite the inside of your bottom lip and glare at them with a jutted jaw, ready to explode at any second, but keeping their threat into consideration. You were just barely getting by and this is the only stable job you have that pays enough to fulfill your living expenses and apartment’s monthly rent. Working through countless sleepless nights at this restaurant has enabled you to accumulate the credit and trust from your peers and your boss, so the thought of something as silly as this tarnishing your reputation only infuriates you. Thousands of questions run through your scrambled mind as you stand there gritting your teeth and clenching your fists. Should you remain silent? Or should you risk your job and defend yourself and your dignity?
“What? Cat’s got your tongue?” one man says, his raspy laugh gathering attention from the neighboring tables. “I guess you don’t look too bad standing there all silent. An obedient little girl like-”
“-she doesn’t have her phone, and even if she did, she won’t be giving it to you gentlemen,” a familiar voice cuts in, a flood of warmth radiating onto your left side. 
Glancing up from the tabletop, the churning of your stomach settles down and the anxiety piling in your chest dissipates. Your hands unravels from its tight grip and falls to your side in utter relief. To your left, Jimin stands with a black rubber serving tray tucked in his right hand and a black waiter wallet in his left. He looks straight into the eyes of the men before you, dark and void of any expression but fuming anger.
“Are you her manager?” the other man cocks his head to the side. Scanning Jimin’s outfit, his eyes pick up the essential black apron hanging from his waist and the black tie around his neck that greatly contrasts his white dress shirt. Only a fool would believe he is anything but a waiter. “I didn’t ask for her boyfriend. I asked for the manager, so quit-”
“-I’ll be right back with your check,” Jimin deadpans, looking straight at the man with clenched jaws. You turn to stare at Jimin wide eyed, signalling for him to stop before both of you lose your jobs. Unfortunately, Jimin either notices you but brushes you off or is to focused on the two scumbags before him to even see you.
“This damn kid… I asked for your manager!” the now drunken man erupts, face red of anger and alcohol. A split second later, he slams his hand against the table, causing everyone in the restaurant to jump in their seats. You jolt backwards, heart pounding against your chest as Jimin takes a step forward in front of you, a hand raised between you and the men. The man points his forefinger at Jimin accusingly, returning his glare at the challenging younger boy beside you. “I asked for your manager. Do you not hear me?!”
Jimin’s body stiffens and he grits his teeth, causing his jawline to appear more prominent than ever. His entire carefree demeanor contorts into one you can’t help but fear. The twinkle of his eyes are replaced by an intimidating spark of fire, ready to pick a fight right then and there. It only takes Jimin one stomp forward for you to spring forward and grab ahold of his sleeves to tug him back.
“What’s going on here?” your boss, Kris, comes barging in. He knits his brows and glances between the two men, Jimin, and you. Softly sighing, he turns to face the stank faces before him and slightly bows. “First off, I’d like to apologize for my employees here. But unfortunately, I’m afraid you’re causing a ruckus and I’m going to have to ask you to leave as soon as possible. I’ll wrap up your entree for takeout and hand you the bill. I hope you’ll cooperate with us.”
The men scoff and roll their eyes, “whatever. No need to, we don’t want your crappy food anyways.”
Kris gives them a forced smile and turns to look at Jimin wide eyed, nodding his head at the checkout counter. Jimin presses his lips, ready to refuse his boss for the first time in years, but obliges nonetheless. The second Jimin storms his way to the other side of the restaurant, every diner resumes their conversations and Kris grabs your wrist to usher you towards the kitchen.
The two of you stand right by the entrance to the back kitchen, his extremely tall, lean body towering over you as he peers down at you in frustration. “Y/N, I know what they did was extremely rude, but you could’ve handled it a bit differently. Give them a fake number, lie to them, refuse to them politely, anything would’ve worked. This isn’t the first time either and Jimin can’t keep going out of his way to help you. We’re trying to make money here, Y/N.”
“Yes, I understand. I’m sorry,” you mumble with your head ducked low. Every inch of your body wants to refuse his orders, because you’re still absolutely fuming from the amount of disrespect you had just faced, but you hold yourself back with the thought of both you and Jimin’s jobs on the line. So you reluctantly nod and mutter through gritted teeth, “I’ll do better next time.”
“Alright, you two wrap up and close the store properly tonight. Make sure to clean the tables and windows and lock the doors securely,” he sternly instructs before walking off in the other direction.
“Again?” you exasperate under your breath. You know it’s his way of punishing tonight’s incident, although not too rational for you’re in the right this time, but this is the thousandth time he has picked on you. Him allowing you to close up the restaurant with Jimin is only his slight sign of mercy, because you and Jin both know Jimin is his favorite worker amongst the hundreds of employees. He knows how to converse, when to fool around, and how to deal with situations like these. It wouldn’t surprise you if Jimin someday makes it to the top of the industry, whether it be as a store manager, hopefully taking away Kris’s position, or as a CEO, although the latter’s unrealistic chances makes you chuckle to yourself.
You take a deep breath and sigh, a smile creeping its way onto your face when you realize what this actually meant. Another night alone with Jimin. You can already imagine the bright stars twinkling from above, you can practically feel the chilly wind blowing against your bare skin and cleansing you of the murky, stuffy air of the restaurant. Sure, Kris meant to punish you with hours of wiping and cleaning, but what he and the rest of your coworkers don’t know is that this grants you another opportunity to indulge in your favorite pastime.
A quarter of an hour passesa and people begin to gather their things and prepare for their departure right before the clock strikes eleven. Taking a deep breath and exhaling, you attempt to calm down your racing heart as you walk towards the dreaded table sixteen where the two men are still seated at. Lips clamped closed and eyes stuck on the leftover half empty wine cups, you grip onto the glass cups tightly in both hands and whirl around before they could utter another world. And despite your best efforts to scramble away, the two men seem to look for even more trouble this time around.
“Excuse me, Y/N, honey, but you missed something here,” they whistle at you.
Biting your lip until you can taste a metallic scent flowing onto your tastebuds, you loudly sigh and pivot on your heels to meet them face to face once again. But what comes next happens in a blur. Your right foot forcefully bumps into something, causing you to fly forward as you trip and lose balance. Your arms fling forward and your hand grabs ahold of the table, holding yourself upright, bent over and out of breath. “Alright, I’m done-”
-but your words are cut short when you find yourself gaping at the sight before you. Your jaw drops and your eyes grow wide staring at the man’s white dress shirt stained with spilt red wine. Your lips parts, but you fail to utter a single word. Everyone in the restaurant has left by now, but the tension filled silence between the steaming men and you only made the situation worse. At this very split second, you know you had messed up bad, real bad, and your heart nearly stops in horror.
“I-I’m so so sorry. I’ll clean it up right away,” you grab a napkin from one of the front pockets of your apron and reach out to hastily wipe his drenched shirt. Unfortunately he isn’t having any of it as he leans backwards, causing you to nearly faceplant once again. “I’m sorry, sir, I really am. I didn’t mean to. Someone stuck their foot out and I tripped-”
“-do you know how much this costs?” the man interrupts you, scoffing at you with a stank face.
“I’m sorry,” you squeak, lowering your head in shame.
You especially despise customers like them and you would’ve done anything you could to knock some common sense into their hollow heads, but what could you do as a simple employee? Who were you, as one of the many waitresses in the city, to defy your boss’s orders? The longer you stand, cursing yourself over your lack of caution, the more blood that rushes to your burning cheeks. All you want to do at this moment is to run into the corner, hide yourself from the harsh reality of a commoner struggling to simply get by, and forget about all of your duties.Constantly being picked on is utterly embarrassing and gut wrenching, especially when you know Jimin, the very person you’ve been crushing on, is watching somewhere in the room.
“How much is it?” you lift your head to find Jimin flatly question.
Both men quirk a brow, glancing at each other before turning back to face Jimin with tilted heads. “Certainly more than you have.”
“How much?” Jimin repeats through gritted teeth.
“One… t-two thousand,” the man stammers as he calculates how much money he could scam out of you two. But the thing he doesn’t realize is that there really is nothing to scam, because neither of you have the money he’s looking for… or so you thought.
“One hundred, two hundred, three hundred,” Jimin counts off. Your ears perk up and your eyes pop open staring at Jimin, who had already pulled out his wallet and throwing hundred dollar bills at the men. “...twenty hundred.”
“Are these counterfeits? How on earth do you have this money, kid?” they scoff in disbelief, but quickly gathering the fallen bills into their laps nonetheless.
“Check yourself,” he rebuttals and leans his weight onto one foot, burying his hands into his pockets as he did so. “Now that you got what you came here for, leave. Get out. Right. Now.”
The two men’s eyes dart from you to Jimin and each other before hurriedly scurrying out of the restaurant. Once the door slams closed and the entire room falls silent, you immediately sigh out your long baited breath. “Jimin, I really don’t know what I would’ve done without you. I barely had enough money to even pay off my rent this month. I promise I’ll pay you back as soon as possible.”
“It’s fine. It’s not a big deal,” he smiles at you in reassurance. His entire aura changes the second his eyes lock with yours, altering from one that’s threatening to one that’s heartwarming, or better known as your usual Jimin.
“Where’d you even get that money?” you laugh in disbelief at how nonchalantly he had thrown the dollar bills at them. “They’re not really counterfeits are they? I don’t think Kris would like to see them again…”
“No, they’re not,” he shakes his head while using a damp, white cloth to wipe the mess off the table. Seeing how you simply stand there, still waiting for an explanation, Jimin looks over his shoulder to peer up at you with a lopsided smile. “I… I took it from my savings. I’ve been saving money for the past few years ever since I started working here with you.”
“Ah… really? I guess that makes it all the more important that I pay you back,” you mumble, pursing your lips and sighing at the thought of just how many years it’d take you to return the favor.
Jimin intently watches your every motion and lightheartedly chuckles, “don’t worry about it, Y/N. It wasn’t much, really. Someday I’ll make so much money that you won’t even feel guilty over small things like this.”
“Yeah, I hope that day comes soon for both of us,” you scoff at his bold statement. “If only everyone could strike it rich. People like us really need the money.”
“Mhm,” Jimin hums in agreement. “Should we start cleaning up then?”
As the two of you wipe down the spilled wine and sprawled food across the numerous tables, your fellow waiters and waitresses file out from the backroom, clearly exhausted as they bid you two goodbye one by one. It isn’t much of a surprise when even the underdog workers trapped inside the dungeon, otherwise known as the kitchen’s aftermath following a day of nonstop orders, finish cleaning up before you two. The relatively tall, small framed boy in charge of cleaning piles and stacks of dirty dishes comes stumbling out from the depths of the kitchen with a weak waving hand to wish you two luck on the long night ahead of you.
“Good luck guys. See you tomorrow,” Mark mumbles so quietly you could barely react fast enough to wave him goodbye.
“Yah, why are you guys closing up tonight too? Did you guys cause trouble again?” you whirl around away from the Windex covered windows to find Jin standing there covered in gray, greasy stains on his white apron.
“Yup. Well, it was actually another one of those diners,” Jimin chimes, giddily smiling at you when you just roll your eyes.
“I caused trouble. Kris probably felt bad for me and dragged Jimin into this like always,” you shrug.
Jin cocks his head to the side and presses his lips into a thin line. “Probably. Kris never really scolds Jimin for anything. How lucky,” he sighs and shudders, recalling all the times Kris and the head chef have scolded him for the smallest things. “Aren’t you guys exhausted? Do you need help?”
“No, we’re fine,” you blurt out only to realize Jimin had said the same exact words. You smile widely when you figure he must be on the same wavelength as you. On the contrary, Jin seems taken aback, his eyes widening and his hands put up to his sides as he watches you two giggle, obviously planning something behind his back.
“Okay, okay, one answer is enough. I’ll be heading back then. Don’t cause too much trouble and head home as soon as possible, kids,” Jin waves at you two and staggers his way out of the store without another word.
Once the door clicks in place, Jimin swiftly turns around to point at your shoes. “Aren’t your feet hurting?” he grins while watching your brows raise in curiosity and a light bulb flickering on when the pain of your soles return. You hastily kick off your black pumps and sigh in relief, the sweaty, reddened soles of your feet planting flat against the cool, black tiles of the ground. Although it’s always a sudden, odd adjustment from heels to none, the aching of your entire lower body fades the moment you could finally balance your weight throughout the entire platform of your feet. Jimin chuckles, “are you done wiping?”
“Yup,” you mirror his animated grin, eyes sparkling with excitement knowing what’s to come soon. “You?”
“I’ve been done long ago. C’mon, let’s go,” he beams, smile stretching from ear to ear as you whirl around and skip your way to the towering glass door at the every end of the hall. You look over your shoulders to find him picking up the heels you left behind before dutifully trailing right behind you.
Swinging open the door leading to the balcony hovering above the expansive city, a blast of wind comes howling through the hall, the whirl of zephyr untangling your strands of hair and cooling down your heated skin. The jet black night sky is glimmering with dozens of lustrous stars, enchanting you to close off the distance between you and the boundless horizon.
“Hurry up, Jimin,” you laugh at Jimin who stands a few yards from you with your shoes dangling from his right hand and a bright grin on his face. Thrill runs through your veins as you take a barefooted step out onto the stone platform of the balcony and a flood of incoming noise surround you.
Your heart pounds hard against your chest, pushing you forward towards the support columns of the balcony. Your sweaty hands grip around the chilly, black metallic railings and you shut your eyes at the soothing contrast in temperatures. Cars are honking in the traffic filled streets. People are chattering, yelling, and hollering as they wait for the New Year Countdown. Mini fireworks are cracking and exploding while the residents from below prepare for the real show. Compared to the endless ruckus of the restaurant, you feel much more relaxed and free to be who you really are.
Jimin grabs a wooden ladder the two of you have hidden in the small slit of space between the building and the edge of the balcony and drags it until it now leans against the building, connecting the peach tiled floor to the roof.
“Ladies first,” he coos, gesturing for you to climb up the ladder.
Unwrapping the white apron from your waist, you stride over towards Jimin with a large grin plastered over your face. Glimpsing at the pair of heels Jimin had neatly placed next to the ladder, you scowl at it and kick it over before gripping the sides of the ladder and climbing your way upwards. Hovering fifteen feet above ground, you don’t even remember that you’re wearing a skirt and quite possibly flashing your undergarments to everyone below until you plop onto the slope of the rubber black roof and peer down to find Jimin’s back facing you.
“You can climb up now,” you call out to him in giggles.
Cautiously standing up from your spot, you walk across to the middle of the roof with arms spread out on either side like a span of wings meant for balancing purposes. You lay down, straightening your legs and back with your head propped up on your raised arms. The sounds of traffic echoes below you, a thump of soft, yet heavy, footsteps vibrating in your right ear. Despite having your eyes shut, you can recognize those footsteps anywhere.
“The stars are beautiful tonight, huh?” Jimin pants as he catches up to you and lays down inches beside you. Peeping open one eye, you glance down to find his fingers sprawled out, dangerously close to touching yours, and you can’t help but gulp down the temptation to squirm.
“I don’t know. I was waiting for your slow ass,” you tease.
He narrows his eyes at you and cocks a brow, “what’s with you today? You usually never wait for me?”
“Oh, you caught me,” you feign a gasp, gaping at him with your left hand placed on your racing heart. He just scoffs at your little act and glances back at the clear sky.
But instead of following his actions, you can’t help but gaze at the boy before you. If you were being honest to yourself, there is no way you would still be here working at this nightmare of a restaurant. Rude, disrespectful customers aren’t a rare occasion and your boss holds little to no care as to what happens to you, unless it involves his precious money that is. Ever since day one, Jimin has always been there for you. He often works overtime just to walk you home or keep you company. Sometimes he takes the blame like he had just earlier and it truly feels like you’re not all too lonesome in a city filled with well off people searching for even more riches. The two of you have started off at the bottom of society, but in serene moments like these, you truly believe you could climb your way up with Jimin by your side.
It would be a lie for you to say you don’t have a massive crush on Jimin, in fact, you wouldn’t be surprised if even Jimin knows of your fancy. First, you fell for his caring, loving, and mature ideologies. Then, you fell for the soft curves of his nose, the little chubs of his cheeks, and the bashful smile of his. Lastly, you fell for the twinkle in his crescent eyes, the sparkle of his beautiful, breathtaking smile, the display of his utter humble bliss. In a dark world where you struggle to merely get through life, Jimin serves as your own, personal star, illuminating the once dim skies of yours.
“Why are you smiling at me like that?” Jimin mumbles in a fit of giggles. His hand covers his sheepish smile as he averts his nervous eyes between you and the sky.
“Hey, I don’t usually look at anyone for more than three seconds! You should be honored,” you playfully retort, “fine, fine. I won’t look at you anymore, okay? You can stop squirming around now.”
You laugh under your breath when Jimin’s constant shifting eyes and bobbing head comes to a stop, making one final check to see if you stayed true to your words. And to his relief, you’re gazing up at the stars, the stars that dull in comparison to his adoring, bashful smile. Taking a deep breath, you loudly huff and tap your fingers against the cold surface of the roof tiles.
“I’m sick of everything here!” you suddenly sigh out into the vast night air. Jimin jolts backwards, eyes widening and brows raising at your uncalled for outburst. So you take another deep breath and exert the rest of your pent up frustration. “I hate my boss, I hate the people here, I hate this city.”
“Ay, you don’t really mean that. Sure, it’s rough, but you’ve just had a long day,” Jimin chuckles.
“Fine, I don’t hate everything here… but it’s hardly bearable. I don’t think I would’ve made it this far without you,” you huff.
“Do you hate me?” he asks, his voice practically smiling. Sighing at Jimin’s rhetorical question, you turn your head and clear your throat once again.
“Except for Jimin,” you yell out before adding, “and Jin!”
Jimin chuckles before gasping to himself and nudging you with his elbow, pointing straight up at the illuminated dark sky. “Oh, look over there! It’s Y/N the Second!”
Following his line of sight, you indeed spot the especially bright, elliptical shaped star to the left of the black silhouette of a clock tower. Your eyes glide throughout the horizon, carefully sliding to the right until you finally find its twin star to the right of the tower. Amidst a bundle of brightly burning celestial bodies, the star twinkles and you lean over to nudge Jimin with a large smile plastered over your face. “And that’s Jimin the Second!”
“Oh, you’re right,” Jimin chimes, beaming with excitement. He chuckles and turns to lay on his left side where he could now face you eye to eye. “Why’d you have to give them such silly names?”
“They’re not silly,” you pout and continue to gaze at the stars in awe, “they’re like us. In a city filled with riches and people, we’re the only two who seem to understand each other.”
“Except they’re always separated. We’re together now, aren’t we?” he says, his voice raspy and low, sending chills down your spine.
Through the corner of your eyes, you can tell he’s gazing at you with those dreamy eyes of his, something that he has always done when he thinks you aren’t looking. This is the perfect time for you to confess. It doesn’t seem like Jimin would be confessing any time soon, so you might as well be the first, right? Jin has been telling you about how much Jimin’s eyes practically form hearts whenever you’re around and everyone has been telling you about how the two of you would be perfect together that somewhere along the way you believed them too. This is the perfect time, Y/N, you tell yourself. Just three simple words. I like you.
“Why’d you stay in this city if you hated it so much?” Jimin asks, breaking the silence.
“I came to explore the outside world. I thought it’d be fun trying to establish my own life, financially, physically, and emotionally,” you shrug, “I hated it, but I stayed for you.”
“Someday I’ll save up enough money to show you the entire world.”
Turning your head to face him, you scoff at his bold statement only to find him lost in thought, in the beauty of the unanimous stars and the girl before him. And even though your eyes meet his, he doesn’t blush and avert his eyes like he always did. Instead, he gazes at you in utter adoration and longing.
“Aren’t you cold?” he sits up to untie the black apron attached to his hips, shuffling forward to drape them over your bare legs. The warmth of the apron thaws your freezing legs, but you can’t help but grimace at the thought of the amount of oil and grease the cloth has accumulated over the day. Jimin chuckles at your reaction and lays back down, “it’s not much, but it’s all I have right now.”
“What’s with you? You’re being awfully sweet,” you narrow your eyes teasingly, as though he isn’t already always sweet.
The corner of Jimin’s lips lifts, a bittersweet lopsided smile that oddly twists your heart in the wrong way. “I”m saying, keep yourself warm from now on. Bring extra layers to work. Eat more in between your shifts, and not just fries and ice cream. Sleep earlier instead of waiting for my texts. Take care of yourself, for you and for me.”
“Is something up? Why’re you telling me all this? You’re acting like this is your last time seeing me,” you laugh, baffled at his sudden change in tone
“I have to tell you something,” he mutters, his dark chocolate eyes locking with yours. Suddenly his radiant smile is gone and all you can see is the expressionless plump lips’ parting, failing to utter a single word.
“Oh really? Funny, because I do too,” you make your first confession, warming yourself up for what comes next. “Who goes first then?”
“I’ll go,” he flatly states without a hint of wavering in his voice.
You recline and give him a lopsided smile, urging for him to continue as though you’re giving him all of your attention. But in reality, your heart is racing and the wind grazing against your chilled bare collarbones only make you even more nervous. The three words repeat in your head as your absentminded eyes look into Jimin’s ones, both void of expression. Your hands rest against your burning chest, you swear your heart would burst at any second judging by how much blood it’s pumping throughout your system. Electricity sparks every bit of adrenaline that courses through your veins and you can just barely hold back your jitters. The longer Jimin silently gazes into your wide, curious yet anxious eyes, the more you can’t hold yourself back. You need to be the first one to speak or you know you’d never be able to confess.
“-I’m moving.”
“You’re what?” you narrow your eyes, doing a double take. “Where are you moving? Is it far? You’re still going to be in the city though, right?”
He shakes his head.
Your heart sinks.
“I’m moving back home. Out of this country and back where my parents live,” he utters.
“Why?” you furrow your brows and your jittery hands become still. Your mind is completely blank, because how exactly are you supposed to feel? Where did this even come from?
Jimin blankly blinks at you, hesitant of his every movement, taking a deep breath and sighing. “I’m the heir to my father’s company.”
“...company? Is it big? Do you have to move?” you emphasize the importance of your last question.
“...big enough,” he musters up every ounce of courage in him to say, “he won’t let me stay any longer.”
“So you’ve been the heir to a, what, multi-million dollar company? And you didn’t even bother to tell me? Why are you even working here then?” you scoff in disbelief, gawking at him and running a hand through your tousled hair. “Why are you in this city in the first place?”
“I ran away from home to explore the outside world, and in this city I found someone who made me feel more at home than ever,” he utters, “I stayed for you.”
You scoff at his reuse of your earlier words, crossing your arms and huffing in disbelief. Propping yourself up on your elbow, you sit upright and he follows. Your chest is panging with pain, betrayal and confusion are all that you know at this moment. You glare at him and lowly ask, “how could you use my words like that? In this situation?”
“I wanted to tell you earlier, Y/N, I really did. But Jin kept advising me against it and I didn’t think you’d like me anymore if I did…” he trails off into silence.
You can’t believe the boy right before you, the boy who has always preached about rightfully earning and working your way up the social ladder, is a boy meant to lead a highly influential company in the near future. And here he is? Sitting on the rooftop of a restaurant, stargazing beside a poor waitress like you when he could be inheriting millions? When he knew just how much you despised people like him? How dare he have the audacity to lie to your face?
“So it’s all a lie? All this,” you gesture at your surroundings, “everything we’ve ever talked about is all a lie? You don’t know what it means to struggle financially. You don’t know how it feels to use your very last penny just to pay monthly rents. You’ve never experienced standing outside of a store, staring at something and be willing to give up anything just to have it. You don’t know how hard it is to work all day, to be harassed and disrespected by jackasses only to have a week’s worth of work thrown away in a day! You let them disrespect me, you kissed up to our dumbass boss, you saw me crying every day after work and you just watched! Was it funny to you?! Was I pitiful?!”
Out of breath by your sudden outburst, your chest rapidly heaves up and down as you grit your teeth and watch his still expression lay on yours. The more he sits still, the more you can feel yourself fuming, your planned confession buried deep in the back of your mind.
“Y/N, I never looked down on you, in fact, I admired you. And I never used any of my inherited money,” Jimin assures you, reaching his hand out towards you only to sink back into his seat when you shoot him a death glare. His eyes soften, his head dips and his bangs fall over his eyes. His lips are trembling with fear, and it could’ve been the stars, but you’re taken aback by how soulless his eyes are. “I’m the same Jimin you know, Y/N. Just because my parents are well off, it doesn’t change who I am.”
“It’s not because you have money that I’m mad, it’s because you knew how much I was struggling and yet you pretended to understand me? When you didn’t? Are you mocking me?” you clarify, raising your voice, “then who are you, Park Jimin? Are you a waiter working overtime everyday to pay your bills or are you an heir to a multi-million dollar company, playing around with girls like me out of boredom?”
Jimin gulps, parting his lips to answer your question, but failing to do so. He remains silent, and his very silence makes you even more heated.
“Is that where you got your money earlier? From your parents back home?”
“No, that really was from my savings,” Jimin pleads.
“I don’t believe you,” you deadpan, shaking your head. “I don’t want to fucking believe in your lies ever again.”
Hastily turning around in your seat to gather your nonexistent items, you stand up from the rooftop and march past Jimin. He immediately gets up and runs to follow behind, gently grabbing your cold hands into his warm ones. The touch of his hands causes your heart to ache, wrench in longing and desire to hold them for just a second longer.
“Y/N… please, just hear me out. I swear I worked hard for everything. I built my own life here in this city by myself, I swear my life on it. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I promise I understood every one of our conversations and I don’t think of you any less than I did then,” he begs, eyes looking into yours as they glimmer with welled up tears, pitifully holding you back from turning away.
“I-I don’t…” you mumble, looking down at the ground. His grip on your hands loosen when you break eye contact, both of your hearts dropping to the pits of your stomach. “I know what you’re saying and I know I’m being stupid, but I just can’t see you the same way right now. I need time.”
“How much time do you need?” he lowly asks. “Can you at least see me off? Please?”
“I don’t know… when do you leave?”
You can see his chest rise and lower as he takes a deep breath and sighs. The second of silence seeming to last an hour. Your knees grow weak by the millisecond and your hands and feet are numb of any sensation. Judging by how much blood is rushing from your heart, it isn’t a surprise to you how faint you felt as your vision blurs in and out. You’re scared for your life, you don’t know why, but you’re horrified over his millions of possible answers-
-and you’re right for worrying.
“Tomorrow?” you articulate, knitting your brows and snapping your head up to find him looking at you with guilt in the soft edges of his eyes. “First you’re leaving me alone with those people and now you’re telling me this now? Really? Leaving something as important as this for the last minute?”
“I didn’t want you to see me any differently!” Jimin exasperates in frustration, squeezing your hand as he desperately tries to keep you from slipping away. “I just wanted to be a normal boy to you, nothing more, nothing less. I like you so much, Y/N. Don’t you know that?”
He likes you.
You scoff at his sudden confession and shake your head in disbelief. It’s funny how this world works. Your timing always seems to be one step late and your plans never aligns with the fate written in the stars. Maybe you two aren’t meant to be. Maybe he’s meant to be betrothed to a graceful girl belonging to a wealthy family and you’re just meant to be stuck here in this treacherous city filled with everyone, but no one who truly understands you.
It pains you to even consider rejecting his confession, because this is what you wanted all along, but it just doesn’t seem like it’d work out. An heir together with a waitress? The mere thought of it makes you laugh in pity, pity for the heir who unfortunately falls for the poor and pity for the waitress who condemns herself to a future filled with mockery. You don’t even realize it until now, but thinking about this ill-fated relationship brings tears to your stinging eye and you’re forced to hold your breath in order to keep them at bay. Taking a shaky breath, you slowly exhale away all of your previous dreams and desires, giving up the future you had once seen with Jimin.
“You know, I actually had something really important to say tonight. But not to you, not as who you are right now,” your brittle voice finally cracks, pitch rising a couple of notches as you hold your tears back in. “Have a safe flight, Park Jimin.”
And with that, you climb your way back down the ladder, picking your heels and walking out of the restaurant barefooted. You could hear Jimin desperately calling out to you, his voice on the verge of tears too, and his footsteps fade away with each one of your confident steps. The fast pace and the power within your strides would have made anyone stare in awe, but what people don’t know is that you’re actually breaking down on the inside. You clutch your chest to hold your aching and wrenching heart, your empty stomach feels queasy, and your knees are barely enough to hold you upright. Throat itchy and dry, you attempt to sooth the pain by gulping, but the rubbing of the two dry walls only make you choke. Several chokes follow afterwards, intermixing with your sharp intake of breaths, until you finally break out into loud sobs. Luckily, the streets you take on your way home is absent of crowds as you turn down the corner and lay your back flat against a brick wall.
Crouching down into a ball, you bring your knees to your chest and look up at the midnight sky. Out of the blue, fireworks explode into the air. They crackle and roar amidst the vast sky, red, green, and blue sparks covering the stars you had just been gazing at with Jimin. Warm tears continue to flow down your freezing cheeks despite how many times you use the sleeves of your shirt to wipe them away. Your loud sobs decrescendo into soft ones, hiccups replacing them shortly afterwards as you stare at the two familiar stars hanging in the sky beside the city’s clock tower.
Now that you think about it, the two stars have always been bound to an ill-fate. Separated by the tower, the two have never been within close distance of each other. Rather, they stand, from what humans can inspect, an arm’s distance away. And in reality, that is an equivalent to billions of miles apart. Acknowledging this revelation incites a scoff from you, a string of laughter void of bliss and full of bitterness following shortly after.
You had read the stars wrong all these years. Jimin isn’t the boy you thought you knew. The one person who you thought truly and finally understood you never really did. And now that you’re crouching in the middle of a stranded alleyway, watching the New Year’s fireworks all alone, you come to notice just how utterly isolated and pitiful you are.
Damn those two jackass men, your inconsiderate boss, and all those people laughing and celebrating New Year’s.
Damn Park Jimin.
And lastly, damn the stars and its fate you had so foolishly believed in.
Jimin [11:04 PM] Y/N?
Jimin [11:04 PM] I’m leaving for the airport now… are you really not going to see me off?
Jimin [11:29 PM] I only have ten minutes left, Y/N. I’m sorry, I know I was wrong.
Jimin [11:31 PM] Please answer me, Y/N... I’m begging you… please?
Jimin [11:32 PM] I want to stay, Y/N, really. I begged my father to give me at least a week… it didn’t work out. I’m sorry for being so useless.
Jimin [11:35 PM] I’m going to miss you. Thank you for all the memories these past few years. You always said you wouldn’t have survived without me by your side, but I don’t think I would’ve experienced all that I had if it weren’t for you. Every time I see the stars, I can’t help but think of you and all those nights we spent up on the rooftop. I’m sure you know by now, but I think half those times I was gazing at you and not the stars.
Jimin [11:36 PM] I really wish you were here.
Jimin [11:37 PM] I miss you already.
Jimin [11:38 PM] I don’t know if you’ll ever forgive me. You don’t have to. I know Jin will treat you well and I hope Jimin the Second keeps you company.
Jimin [11:39 PM] I have to go now. I don’t want to end this on a sad note, so I’ll just say this.
Jimin [11:41 PM] I know we’ll meet again someday. And even if fate says otherwise, I’ll become wiser, I’ll become more mature, and I’ll rise to the top and make you proud so that I can return to your side.
Jimin [11:42 PM] I’ll see you again, my one and only star.
You throw your phone to the other side of your bed and plop back down into your empty blankets and tear stained pillow. Contrary to its intentions, his last text still haunts you to this day. Your chest still experiences an indescribable twisting pain, an emptiness in your heart that can never be filled with a mere glance of his texts and photos. Maybe you should have texted him back instead of watching the three gray bubbles appear and disappear on your phone screen. Maybe you should have given up on your stubborn dignity and sent him one message to bid him farewell. It’s only a week after he leaves that you realize how foolish you really were. Jimin isn’t the one to blame. In fact, you’re the one to blame for being so toxically envious of his fortunate life that you somehow believed he had betrayed you. All those years of endless laughter and bonding through tears and sweat have boiled down to nothing, because you had been too stubborn to text back.
With tear stains running down your cheeks and bloodshot red, puffy eyes, you lay on your left side and stare at the night sky right outside your bedroom window. You can spot his and your star at its usual spot next to the clock tower. It isn’t much of a surprise to you when the right star’s shine dulls in comparison to the one on the left. It seems like the stars have indeed correctly predicted your star-crossed love.
“How could you do this to me, Jimin,” you mumble to yourself in a raspy, overused voice. Whether you’re referring to Jimin or Jimin the Second, you don’t know, but the only thing that manages to grab your attention is the ring of the doorbell.
Your head snaps to the direction of the doorway of your small apartment, your aching eyes lighting up as your heartbeat slowly and painfully begins to pound forcefully against your chest. Has Jimin somehow returned…? No, that’d be impossible. It’d be foolish of you to even consider yourself important enough to return to, especially when millions of dollars are waiting thousands of miles away from you. You know it’s not Jimin, and yet why do you still desperately hold onto the last thread of hope?
A series of knocks follow soon after, so you quickly stumble off your bed for the first time in days to answer the mysterious visitor. Standing before the door, you shut your eyes and make a silent plea to the celestial bodies for a miracle. The freezing surface of your apartment’s wooden floor creeps up your feet and sends chills down your spine, causing you to shudder and quickly swing open the door.
Not so unbeknownst to you, Jin stands before you in a pink sweater and black shorts, and even though this is the outcome you were expecting, your heart still sinks in disappointment. You kick the door in frustration, nearly slamming it shut when Jin sticks his foot in between the doorway to prevent it from doing so.
“Yah! You can’t close the door on me!” Jin yells, shaking his head dramatically like he always does. “I’m here to take care of you and this is how you treat me?!”
“Yeah, yeah,” you say with little to no effort and make your way to your bed.
Despite your reluctance to let him in, Jin steps into your apartment and kicks the door shut behind him before walking through your small space of a room with two plastic bags in his hands. “Did you eat today?”
“No,” you grumble, burying yourself into your sheet of blankets.
“When was the last time you ate?”
“Last night,” you lift your head above the sheets to peek at Jin only to find him gaping staring at you wide eyed.
“You mean when I forced you to eat?” Jin articulates in shock. “Yah, what am I supposed to do if Jimin comes back and sees you like this? I want to take care of you. Jimin’s last text asked me to care of you for him. But I can’t if you don’t even care for yourself.”
“I’m always like this,” you mutter.
Jin’s choppy, airy laughs escalate until scoffs of disbelief, “I don’t think so… You used to stuff yourself with vegetables and fruit because you wanted your skin to ‘look good for Jimin.’” He persists to remove plastic takeout boxes from his bags when you remain silent.
“C’mon… I’ll make you something good to eat,” he says in a much gentler, sympathizing voice.
“When…” you hesitantly utter, eyes staring down at the ground and hands clutching onto your blankets to keep your tears from forming every time you hear his name. Jin whirls around to glance at you with a quirked brow. You gulp down the knot in your throat and muster up every ounce of energy in you to mutter his name. “When did Jimin last text you…?”
“...last week. Before he left for the airport,” he states after a few seconds of pondering. “Why? Has he texted you recently?”
Your stomach drops at his less than surprising news and shake your head.
“I texted him back.”
Jin nearly drops your pots and pans to the floor when he whirls around with his eyes popping in utter shock. “You did? You finally texted him back? What did you say?”
“I told him I liked him,” you say flatly.
The three words no longer impact you the way it did before anymore. You don’t feel the butterflies, you don’t feel the jitters running along your fingertips, you’re numb to the taste of this bittersweet love. You want him, but you can’t have him. Not because he doesn’t feel the same way for you, but because society forbids you from having him. Your future has already been written in the stars long ago, and as much as you hate to accept it, just the remembrance of his oh so breathtaking smile only brings you pain now.
Jin takes a deep breath when he sees you curled up into a ball on your bed, head hanging low and hair covering your face in an attempt to hide your contorted face. You force yourself to stop talking about him, to stop thinking about him, but what could you do when your heart no longer belongs to you, but him? Tears well up in your eyes and you shut your eyes in order to keep them away. Sobs get caught in your throat and you hold your breath as a way to keep the mess that is you hidden from the world. Jin shuffles his way towards you, sitting down next to you on the bed and tugging on your arm until your head rests on his right, sturdy shoulder.
“My poor Y/N, do you like him that much?” Jin strokes the right side of your head. He clears his throat and sings, “I guess once you Jimin you can’t Jim-out!”
Hearing the old inside joke within your trio finally breaks you. Your tears spill, one droplet by one, your lips curving downward into a frown as a loud sob, intermixed with a cough, escapes your baited breath.
“He wouldn’t like you making fun of his name again,” you give him an effortless laugh.
“I know, but I thought it’d cheer you up. And Jimin’s heart would break if he sees you like this. I’m sure he’d be willing to give up his name for you,” he mumbles as he leans his head against the top of yours. “You should’ve confessed when I told you to, silly girl. He never stopped talking about you, he talked so much about you that I had to tell him to shut up. I never had to look for you at work, because I knew you were there the second his entire eyes lit up when you enter the room. He was so in love. You were so in love.”
His words only make you bawl your eyes out, nonstop tears flowing from your eyes as you realize just how accurate his statement is. If you had just confessed a day earlier, maybe things wouldn’t have turned out like this? You don’t like considering the possibility, but maybe your confession would be enough for him to stay regardless of his father’s orders. But you’d never know, because after all, you left him hanging that night. And the moment you finally cave into your cravings that is his presence, he fails to know of your true feelings.
“Jin…” you mumble through your barely parted lips.
“It hurts,” you finally say. 
You clutch your chest, squeezing it along with your broken heart and holding your breath and knitting your brows as you try to keep your cry within your knotted throat, the final cry that lets loose a nightlong of endless sobs. Jin pats your back soothingly as you begin pounding your left fist against your chest, forcefully pushing your emotions back in.
“I’m sure Jimin has a reason for all of this. He’d never leave you without an explanation,” he attempts to reassure you, “are you mad at him? Are you still upset? You can tell me.”
You shake your head and press your lips into a firm line, every part of your face becoming stiff as you bury your head into the crook of his neck. “I-I miss him, Jin. I miss him so fucking bad,” you stutter throughout your sobs. Despite knowing how useless it is in keeping yourself under control. , you continue to pound your fist against your aching chest.
What’s the cure to a broken heart? How does one stop a heartache? How can you fill the emptiness left by a man you can’t have? You need answers, answers to questions that only have one solution. Time.
“I know. I know you do,” Jin gently says, “I’m sure Jimin will come back to you soon.”
But he never did.
The stars tonight shine brighter than ever, especially against the rare sapphire gradient of the sky’s horizon. The extravagant hues bring back memories of the nights you share with him just two years back. The aching and the tug of your heartstrings always accompany the bittersweet feeling of nostalgia. Everything that had happened two years ago now feel so far off. Sometimes there are just things that time can’t heal. And memories are just one thing time can’t steal. In fact, you can still feel the crisp scent of the chilly night wind, the sheepish smile of his as you stare at him rather than the stars, but all of that is interrupted when someone whistles at you.
Whirling around from the glass wall, you quirk a brow at one of the diners who had just catcalled you. The blond man bites his bottom lip and his eyes roam around the hem of your skirt until his friend kicks him from under the table. His eyes widen when he notices you marching your way towards them, turning away and hastily grabbing his fork to chomp at his steak.
“You called for me, sir?” you deadpan, crossing your arms and tapping your foot against the floor.
“N-no,” they both say, voices muffled by their stuffed mouths.
“You whistled at me a second ago,” you roll your eyes at how they keep their head lowered before adding, “sir.”
“S-sorry…” they mumble, continuing to dig into their plates.
Two years down the road and an hour before closing time, customers are still as vulgar and condescending as usual, but most of the time you’ve learned how to handle with them. More and more of your coworkers and regulars have come to respect you, and as far as you’ve come both mentally and physically from that night, half of you still feels empty without your best friend by your side. Leering at the embarrassed men, you slowly make your way back to the glass door leading to the lonesome balcony you had strayed away from for two whole years. But gazing out into the stars above only makes your heart ache in longing, so you force yourself to turn around in your dreadful black heels and walk back into the familiarly buzzing kitchen.
This time around, you don’t head straight for the frying station, but instead you make your way to the innest part of the vast kitchen where the head chef is hard at work. Leaning against the counter beside the six large stoves occupied by six ginormous pots, you clear your throat and yell over the roaring of the range hood.
“Do you think Kris would notice if I leave an hour early?” you shout, nudging Jin who doesn’t even glimpse at you.
“Of course he would notice! Even if everyone here left, the only person he’d notice first is you!” Jin jaw drops at your more than obvious question.
“It doesn’t matter though, because I’m quitting soon anyways, right?”
“What?! You’re still thinking of moving out? Do you know how hard it was for me to work my way up to give you all the fries and pasta you want?” Jin gawks at you, ushering for you to follow him into the back storage room where no one could hear or intrude.
“What? I don’t see any point staying here. I’ll take a look at other cities and tell you how it goes,” you shrug with a smile on your face.
“What if Jimin comes back and you’re not here?” Jin snaps.
Your smile drops. Jimin? The boy who’s now a successful CEO if an influential company? The boy who lifted his once bankrupt company off the ground and rebuilt its foundation until it thrived to become the largely successful enterprise it is today? Return to this restaurant that dulls in comparison to his daily meals and in this particular city? You lift your eyes from the ground and look straight into Jin’s taken aback eyes.
“He’s not coming back,” you deadpan.
You’re just about to storm off when Jin grabs your wrist and pulls you back into the storage room. You frown at him as he glances around, making sure the coast is clear, before covering one side of his lips to whisper to you, “yah, you shouldn’t leave now! I heard Kris was fired! Some businessmen came here yesterday and bought out this restaurant. Tonight’s his last day.”
“What? Why…?” you furrow your brows in confusion.
“I don’t know. I heard something about treating his employees badly and forcing certain people to stay overtime. I don’t know, Y/N, but you should at least wait it out,” he advises in a hushed tone. “Speaking of which, I heard the businessmen are here again today. They were just seated in the VIP room and we’re short on staff. Do you think you can do it?”
“What? Me? Why? My feet are dying, I don’t want to trip in front of them,” you stare at him wide eyed.
“You’re the best server we have here! We have to make a good impression. You have to get along well with your new boss for once,” he encourages you with a wide smile, placing his hands on your shoulders and pushing you out of the room. “Now run along and tell me what they order!”
“Okay, okay, I got it. You owe me one,” you call out to him in a fit of laughter as you make your way out the kitchen and down the corner of the hallway where the VIP room is located. Standing in the dimly lit hallway right next to the silver framed door are two businessmen, or so you assume, whispering about to each other. Before you could reach within a few yards from them, you can overhear bits of their conversation.
“I’ll trip her and you pretend to accidentally spill your water, then we’ll both help her out, alright?” one of them brisks through their plan.
“How would that help us?” the other hisses.
“Yah, didn’t you hear our boss bought this restaurant because the owner was discriminating against one of his female employees? If we show that we’re different from him, we’ll make a good impression!” the two gape at each other with large smiles plastered all over their faces. Turning around to find you pacing your way over, they hastily pat each other’s back and rush into the room where their business dinner is taking place.
You don’t quite understand what they were going on about, so you simply shake your head and sigh, reminding yourself that this is your last table of the day. One last push and you can go home. “Hello, I’m Y/N and I’ll be serving you to-”
-your voice trails off as the entire room falls silent and everyone stares at you and the midway open door, but your eyes dart to the very person straight ahead of you. The boy, no, the man sits upright in his chair, shoulders back and posture belonging to one who has power. Three quarters of his faint purple tinted with silver colored hair is parted to one side, revealing yet hiding parts of his forehead you haven’t seen often before. The black ivory patterns printed on his dark gray business coat provides the perfect touches to his black dress shirt and sophisticated look. His aura exudes of confidence and mystical, ethereal aspects you can only stare at in awe.
It may have been just a few seconds to the bystanders, but to you and him, this moment lasts for what you wish you could call near eternity. Is your mind playing tricks on you or is he actually here in the flesh?
His wide circular eyes pop when they meet yours and his lips part but fail to utter a single word. Both of you gaze into each other’s eyes like you two had always done just two years back and yet something about this moment contrasts your memories of the past. His dark, mature eyes peer into yours with scars, longing, lust, and sorrow. The tension builds with each millisecond that passes, a million questions running through both of your minds, but one question stands out amongst the rest.
Does he still recognize you?
The second you take a step away from the door, a rush of deja vu floods through your system when you realize that somehow your foot had tripped over something and your arms had clutched onto the edge of the table to support yourself. An eerily similar scene flashes right before your eyes, except this time, someone had spilled their drink all over you. The entire room falls silent as strands of your hair falls to cover your face and your cheeks begin to burn bright red in embarrassment, knowing full well that Jimin must have been staring at the all so familiar scene.
He wouldn’t, no, he couldn’t help you even if he wanted to now that he’s of a higher position. Your nails dig into the palm of your hands as you recall the fact that you had just proven whatever suspicions Jimin must have had of your lack of independence, your weak will, your inability to get by on your own. But you are strong. You are independent and you can survive on your own, in fact, you’ve been doing it for the past years. What you don’t want him to know is that despite how far you’ve come in the past two years, the only thing that’s still left broken is your heart. You don’t want him to know how much you struggled because of his absence. You don’t want him to know the gaping wound he left that night. And you despise his possible discovery of how prone you’ve been to nights filled with tears.
Contrary to your suspicions, Jimin is the first and only one to hastily scoot his chair back and stand up to rush to your aid. “Are you al-”
“-we can handle this, Mr. Park,” the two familiar men assure Jimin as the woman sitting beside him tugs on his sleeves, to which he stands there for a few seconds before hesitantly seating himself back down.
Pressing your lips into a line, you blink several times before taking slow breaths in and out in an attempt to calm yourself down. Forcing a lopsided smile onto your face, you stand back upright and brush your stray hair strands off your forehead and cheeks.
“Are you alright miss?” the man from earlier before leans towards you, so conveniently seated to your right.
“Here’s some towels,” the other one on your left hands you several napkins.
“I’m fine, thank you,” you say through gritted teeth, snatching the towels from their grips and patting yourself down. You duck your head low to avoid Jimin’s piercing gaze, although you can notice his eyes averting between you and the men through your peripherals. “At least you were civilized enough to use water and not soda.”
“Sorry?” the man on your right nervously laughs, pretending to not hear your mumbling although both of you know otherwise. “Here, I’ll help you out.”
“I’m fine,” you repeat as he grabs some more towels.
“No, really-”
“-she said she’s fine,” Jimin sternly voices.
Following their boss’s orders, the two men immediately zip their lips shut and turn away from you to sit stiffly in their chairs. A rush of relief passes through your system as you continue to pat yourself dry in peace, but that’s not the only thing you’re relieved of. Despite how long it’s been since you last talked to Jimin, his confidence in your own independence, if he even remembers you, remains even in a room filled with people patronizing you for your duties as a server.
“...can I get number seven?” one person squeaks to break the awkward silence.
“S-sure,” you stammer, snapping out of your little moment of reflection and pulling out your guest check to draught down their order. Conversations begin to fill the room as you go around taking the order of each diner seated around the large, circular table, and through it all, you can feel his piercing gaze following you around the room. Your heart hammers against your chest so roughly that you fear even he could hear. Is it sorrow and nostalgia that you feel? Or is it anger and inferiority that burns in your veins? He never contacted you throughout these years, so you can’t help but wonder if he even remembers you.
Finally, you get around the entire table of a dozen or so businessmen and one businesswoman until you reach Jimin. Everyone abruptly pauses their side conversations, waiting for their boss to make his order with ease. You trail your eyes up from the tabletop and into his to discover that, indeed, his eyes never left yours all this time.
“I’ll just get an order of fries,” he states, his sultry voice deeper than you remember.
“That’s an appetizer, sir,” you give him a lopsided smile.
“Do you still make vanilla ice cream?” Jimin flatly asks. Everyone around the table nearly jumps in their seats after hearing his order.
“Yes, we do,” you softly chuckle.
“Who’s the head chef?” he raises both brows with hope glimmering in his eyes.
“Jin…” you utter, a small laugh escaping your lips when you realize the intention behind his question. You raise your voice a bit, “Chef Kim, Kim Seokjin.”
“Ah… is that so?” Jimin mumbles to himself, a lopsided smile creeping its way onto his lips. He glances down at the table before looking back up at you with a soft smile, “can I get him to make it?”
“...I can,” you blankly say.
A woman in a messy bun seated beside him leans in and places a hand on his shoulder, whereas her other hand reaches out for the menu. Something about this woman irks you in the wrong way, maybe it’s her open skinship or maybe it’s just how damn gorgeous she is, but it takes every ounce of your patience not to pounce. Instead, you narrow your eyes for a split second before taking a deep breath and exhaling.
“You have to eat, Mr. Park,” she coos, “we can order dessert somewhere else afterwards.”
“No, I’m not hungry,” he pushes away the menu and glances at her hand, to which she quickly retracts them from his shoulder. “Plus, I heard they make great dessert here.”
“Will that be it then?” you ask triumphantly before the woman could continue.
“Yes,” Jimin answers, looking away from the defeated look on her face. Everyone hands you the menu and you turn around to take your leave, and when you hear a small “thank you” coming from his lips, you can’t help but smile.
The second the door closes behind you, your back leans against the metallic surface and your knees nearly collapse as they quiver, your lips tremble in overwhelming nerves. Is it because you had just embarrassed yourself in front of Jimin? Or is it because he actually remembers you? Or perhaps your heart races like this because you had just spoken to the boy you have only dreamed of every day in the past several years? Regardless of your reasons, you take several deep breaths before your ears perk up at the sudden silence in the room behind you.
“You two,” you recognize Jimin’s stern voice, “don’t bother coming to work next week.”
“W-what? Mr. Park, we don’t know what we did but we’re s-so-”
“-you know what you did. I don’t need people who can’t even treat women well. You can leave now if you prefer. Doesn’t matter to me, that’s two less people for me to pay for,” Jimin snaps and the two men abruptly halt their pleads.
Snorting to yourself, you can’t help but grin at Jimin’s harsh, but well deserved, punishment. He really has kept his promise. He left as a boy who had no choice but to flatter his boss, and he now returns as a grown man in charge of his own future. Time really has passed between the two of you, and as much as you wish you had been able to witness his transformation, a bittersweet, prideful smile spreads across your lips as you finally push yourself off the metallic surface and sprint your way into the kitchen. Weaving through the bustling kitchen, you find yourself beside Jin in little to no time.
“Jin, did you know Jimin is here?!” he jolts backwards when you scream in his face.
“What?!” he yells right back, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights. “Is he the one who bought out this entire restaurant?”
“I guess so,” you hiss.
“Shit… I have to head home early today, though. Make sure to tell him to call me afterwards, okay?” he sighs at his unfortunate timing.
“I don’t know...” you grumble, scrunching your nose at the thought of reconciling with the transformed boy you haven’t seen in years. “He’s different now. Completely different. We’ve all changed…”
“What does he look like? How is he different? What did he order?” Jin spews his endless questions. Snatching the guest receipt from your hands, he reads out the orders until he reaches a familiar one. He cackles into squeaky laughter, his smile wider and brighter than it has ever been the last several years. “Yah! He hasn’t changed at all! He still wants fries and ice cream! He’s still our Jimin, Y/N!”
“I don’t know. Just finish their orders as soon as possible. I’m exhausted,” you sigh, rolling your shoulders and neck as they crack back in place.
Unlike his usual sissy fits, Jin just smiles at your demands and begins amassing the proper ingredients. As you sit on the counter watching him do his magic, you can’t help but smile hearing Jin hum with glee for the first time in a long while. You don’t want to admit it, but you truly do miss Jimin.
But did he miss you?
With the exception of Jimin’s table, the entire restaurant is empty of diners and your fellow coworkers have already finished cleaning up tonight’s aftermath. Standing at the end of the hallway, you hear a shuffle of footsteps and the click clack of a woman’s high heels making their way towards you. Man after man walk out from the VIP room, to which you give them a small smile, a word of gratitude, and bid them goodbye. To your surprise, the woman you had seen ogling Jimin earlier approaches you. The confidence in her strides along with the power of her heel’s clicks renders you speechless and envious.
“I really don’t mean to intrude, and you don’t have to answer my question, but do you happen to be that Y/N? Do you know Jimin?” she asks, furrowing her brow.
“Y-yes…” you blurt before you could hold yourself back, “why? Who are you to him?”
She leans back and loudly sighs at your answer, “you don’t have to worry about me. I’m just his assistant. I’ll see you later then. Good luck, Miss Y/N.”
Twiddling her fingers, she waves you goodbye and walks out of the restaurant. Once the door clicks closed, the entirely empty room falls silent and tension immediately rises when the man you had been eyeing all night long steps out from the dark hallway and gazes out from the glass walls. A few yards away, you lean against the graphite island in the middle of the outer kitchen meant for display purposes and watch him with his back turned on you. After what seems like an hour of intense silence, one of you decides to break the tension.
“Y/N,” he utters, turning around as the royal blue hues of the sky highlights the black silhouette of his body. “I’m back-”
“-you didn’t call,” you mutter.
Glaring straight into his eyes, you grit your teeth as the years old grudges arises in you once again. His dark eyes soften, the usual warmth of his brown ones returning at the sight of your crossed arms and frown.
“I couldn’t call. All of my personal items were taken from me. They forced me to focus on my work and I didn’t have a choice,” he calmly explains with his hands in his pockets. “So I worked and worked relentlessly so I could return to you as soon as possible.”
You don’t know what to say. Of course, his explanation makes perfect sense. You were being foolish all this time wondering where he went, because all this time he had been working his ass off for this very day. So you retain your silence and gaze at the man standing before you. His apologetic eyes display years of newly gained maturity and scars. His shoulders are broader than you remembered. Maybe it’s your imagination, but he’s even a few inches taller. He’s a man now. You smile thinking that your crush of many years and your partner in crime has become a man in the short time he was gone.
“And you? Why didn’t you answer me?” he sternly questions, brows knitting when he recounted the day you blatantly ignored him even with your read receipts on. “I was so damn desperate-”
“-I did. A few days after,” your brittle voice causes his tough front to break. “I told you I liked you, but I never received an answer.”
A series of misunderstandings and two years mistimings, exactly how much does fate want to condemn you two? As you gaze into his dark, poignant eyes glazed with brimming waterworks, you can’t help but break into a crooked smile as your eyes sting with tears. He doesn’t need to say anything, because you can read the apology in his very eyes that scream “I’m sorry” and “I’m back.” The two of you remain silent, embracing this moment of silence and extending the sense of desperate longing. Then he gulps, and your heart skips as your eyes skim over the plump, dewy lips of his. He’s even more breathtaking than ever. All you can think of at this moment is how much your boy has grown.
“I missed you so, so fucking much. There wasn’t a single day I didn’t think of you,” his eyes soften and his brows become unknitted as he passes time by looking into your glimmering eyes. “Did you miss me?”
“I…” you blankly blink at him, recalling the mistake you made last time with your confession before coughing out, “I did.”
“Then that’s all that matters to me,” he utters.
With three, four rushed strides, he closes the distance between you two, sliding his hand behind your neck and smashing his lips against yours. Although initially taken aback by his sudden actions, you shut your eyes and allow yourself to succumb to the growing sexual tension in the room. His lips press against yours with utmost force and desperation, occasionally biting your lip and pulling back to maintain the connection and intake a sharp breath before diving right back in. You sigh into the kiss, knowing full well that the spark of attraction between you two has never left, in fact it’s much stronger than it had been two years ago, and now the empty restaurant allows you two to fully commit to your temptations.
His urgency to bring himself both emotionally and physically closer to you and make up for all the lost time of the past causes you to stumble backwards, the back of your legs hitting against the main island in the middle of the room as you plop onto the cold graphite tabletop. You yelp at the sudden contrast in temperatures between your bottom and the table, inciting a small, low chuckle from Jimin. His hands slowly slide from the nape of your neck and down the spine that outlines the middle of your back, until finally, it rests comfortably on the love handles of your waist.
Leaning back, his forehead against yours and his lips hovering just an inch away from your flesh, his eyes gaze at your dilated ones before darkening and leaning in once again to engulf your lips with his. His hands grip onto your hips, pulling you even closer towards him as your crane your neck and he bends down to make up for the height difference. The force and rush of his motions tell you that he’s just as desperate as you are, and that only flicks on a switch within you as a pool of heat flows to your core.
To both of your dismays, loud footsteps echo in the hallways connecting the entrance of the restaurant to the main room where you and Jimin are now. In a spike of panic, you abruptly break apart from Jimin and turn your head to stare at the direction of the source of interruption. You’re just about to push Jimin safely away from you when he suddenly pulls you into his chest, picking you up off the table and forcing you to wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his hips. With his hands resting on your bottom and propping you up, he stumbles into the back kitchen where the storage room is located. All the while, he persists to peck your lips and attach himself to the sides of your neck and collarbones as though nothing in the world, not even his colleagues, could stop him from doing so.
Your chin rests on his firm shoulders, eyes shut and lips parted as a wince of both pain and pleasure spreads across the spots where he sucks warmth into the newly formed purple, blue spots along your shoulder. He grunts as he holds you up with one arm, the other arm busy with opening the door to the storage room and slamming it closed behind him. The second the door slams closed, he rushes to push your back against the shelves, the impact of his hasty motions gentle yet rough enough to knock some air out from your lungs.
“Is anyone here? I think I left my jacket somewhere here,” you hear someone call out into the kitchen.
At this point, your chest is rapidly heaving up and down in desperate need for oxygen. The pace of your breath quickens from your growing need to further close the distance between you and Jimin, a dying need to have him in you. Shutting your mouth and taking deep breaths in and out, you attempt to control your breathing and retain as much silence as possible in fear of being found out. If a coworker of Jimin’s was to discover your sexual activities with the CEO, it would not only bring you trouble, but it would also stain Jimin’s reputation and credibility. However, unlike your flood of worrying, Jimin seems to take zero interest in the repercussions of his actions. Or to be more precise, he does know the consequences, in fact, he acknowledges the possibilities so exactly that he disregards it all for the sake of his overwhelming lust taking over his rationality.
The moment he rolls his crotch against yours, the more than evident bulge of his creating friction between both his and your growing heat, your breath hitches. And it is at that moment that you realize he knows you’re trying to keep from yelling out his name, utilizing your bodily needs to edge both of you on. The thrill of having one of his colleagues finding the two of you inches deep in each other pushes Jimin on, and as much as you hate to deny it, it even turns you on.  
“What’re you doing babe?” he breathily asks, continuing to thrust his hips into you in choppy motions. “You’re free to scream out my name whenever you want.”
“Jimin, they’re going to hear us. Especially if you don’t stop doing that,” you hiss. But contrary to your words, you willingly allow him to persist in his challenge to win you over. Your legs wrap around him, pulling the lump in his protruding pants as close to you as possible. Your core is practically dripping of liquid by now, the dampness of your panties only confirming your suspicions. The moan trapped in your throat escapes your lips in long, drawn out breaths, hitching in spikes of breath every once in awhile.
“Who was the last one to close up tonight anyways,” the person hums, his footsteps shuffling across the kitchen and nearing the room where you and Jimin reside in. “They forgot to turn off so many lights.”
“That? What exactly is that?” Jimin teasingly whispers, dismissing the man who’s clearly just a few feet outside the door and diverting your attention back to him and his now still body. Even though you can’t see a damn thing in this pitch black closet, you know he’s smirking. With the halt of his thrusts, the absence of his member against your throbbing clit makes you more desperate than ever.
“Jimin…” you pretend to mumble in disapproval, but in reality, it’s all an attempt to let out your trapped moans in quiet murmurs.
“C’mon babe, didn’t you say you missed me? Show me just how much. Scream my name, beg for me,” he instructs with his deep, sultry voice.
Coincidentally and fortunately for you, the intruder had already left the room by the time your determination fades and you’re finally giving into your temptations.
“Y-you know what I want,” you breathe, not exactly the type to easily give into a teasing Jimin. “What you just did, that.”
“Ah… that. You mean this?” he suddenly bucks his hips.
The satisfaction of the returning friction causes a ripple of heat to spread from your core to your stomach, your high quickly approaching as a loud moan escapes from your lips. Luckily, Jimin immediately leans in to roughly lock his lips with yours, his quick reaction making you question how he knew your body so well.
“J-Jimin,” you stutter, your whimper hardening his length even more so against his stomach. “I-I need you, now.”
“That’s my girl,” Jimin smugly smirks at your obedience.
He abruptly pulls away from your swelling lips, planting sloppy, wet kisses down your neck and across your shoulders, until finally, the heat of his body disappears underneath you. Although you can’t see him right now, you’re sure what he’s up to next when he squats down to run his fingers down the bare skin of your leg. His left fingertip lightly taps against the bandages wrapped around your ankles, a sigh escaping his lips and brushing onto your shins.
“Does it still hurt?” he gently asks.
“Mhm,” you quietly hum.
“...I’ll make you feel better,” he firmly states after a few seconds of silence.
Then his fingers graze back up against your bare legs, sending a tickling and chilling sensation throughout your legs and spine. You shudder at how close his fingers are approaching your dripping folds when his hands hike up your dress, your hands clutching and lifting up the bottom hem of your black skirt, and his nimble fingers hook around the sides of your panties to abruptly pull them down. The dampness of your undergarment retracts from your already wet folds, allowing you to sigh in relief at the release of all the stored heat and the contrastingly soothing sensation of your throbbing core against the chilly air.
Swiftly, he goes on his knees and tilts his head upward until his lips attach to your bottom ones. His tongue flicks out to collect all the precum that had lapped up in between your slits, a groan of satisfaction rumbling from Jimin’s throat.
“You’re already so wet for me, Y/N,” he observes. “This is enough proof for me.”
“Proof?” you breathily ask, twirling his soft hair in your fingers and pushing him closer to your core in order to receive more tingles of his heavy breathing brushing against your slits.
“Proof that you missed me,” he remarks. A finger runs from the bottom of your slits and across them to draw a small figure eight onto your heated nub, his finger not too deep into your folds and yet deep enough to cause your weak knees to buck. Your arms reach behind you as your hands clutch onto the shelves behind you to hold you up. He lowly chuckles, smug from knowing just how much his every action affects you. You hear a slurp of the finger, a raspy groan resonating in the room. “And you taste just as good as I imagined-”
“-Jimin!” a loud moan suddenly leaves you speechless in reaction to the reattachment of his plump lips against your flesh.
His tongue flicks into your wet folds, running his long muscle from the bottom to the top before giving a good suck onto your slit that craved attention. He inserts one finger into you without warning, and you figure it must have been his middle finger as it’s long enough to reach your g-spot.
“Ugh, that feels so fucking good,” you repeatedly groan as he continues to insert more digits one by one.  
He slowly pumps them in and out, his pace so agonizing to you, but arousing enough to bring you right to your edge. So much heat gathers to your core and the pit of your stomach that your mind can’t think straight, totally incapable of comprehending the faint footsteps of the man in the adjacent room. You shut your eyelids, allowing your eyes to roll back and your lips to gape open, and focus on the growing waves of pleasure radiating from the pressure of his fingers in you. He continues to pump in and out, the slippery sounds of your juices around his fingers which allows him to smoothly ease into you makes the final push as you reach your first orgasm.
Your knees finally give up beneath you, and all strength in your arms dissipate once your entire being is focused on the ripples of heat, pleasure, and electricity that runs from your core and throughout your system. Jimin slips his digits out from your glistening folds, sucking on them once again and standing up to catch you in his arms.
“Mmf, so fucking sweet,” he groans in satisfaction.
You’re just about to catch your breath when the kitchen lights seeping through the space between the ground and the door disappears. The man persists to switch off all the lights in the restaurant before making his way out the door and back home. Jimin smirks knowing that the two of you are now finally all alone, picking you up as you weakly wrap your arms around his neck and your shaking legs around his hips. He bursts out from the storage room, weaving through the dark kitchen, as though he had never left in the first place, and returning to the main island where the two of you have first been interrupted.
Gently placing you onto the table, you know that you’re unable to completely rid yourself of your dress, so instead, you hastily unhook the back of your bra to discard yourself of the underwires. Jimin rushes to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants, pulling out his rock hard length, and you take your cue to lay on your back to prepare for the new size and pressure. Grabbing your legs, he throws them over his shoulders and pulls you closer to the edge of the table for easier access. He takes a moment to glaze his eyes all over you, his dark eyes that are filled with strong lust and weak patience worship each and every inch of your half exposed body. And without another second to waste, he rubs the tip of his precum filled shaft against your dampened entrance before finally sliding his way in.
Jimin slowly enters you, the pressure of your enveloping folds proving to be overwhelming to both of you. His eyes roll back and a throaty grunt from him only makes you wetter, your sex tightening and clutching around him which causes him to twitch in you.
“Do that again,” he orders.
You smirk at his desperate plea, lowering your legs from his shoulders to wrap around his hips and pulling him closer to you until he’s completely in you, the new position allowing you to clutch onto him with utmost firmity. He groans at your dominance, the warmth of your folds nearly pushing him over the edge as he slowly but surely pumps in and out of you.
“I can’t believe just how tight you are for me, Y/N,” he breathes out. “Did you miss me? Were you a good girl for me?”
“I missed you so fucking much,” you smugly smile when his hands begin to knead your breasts as he thrusts in and out of you.
“Did anyone fuck you this good?” his half lidded eyes gaze into yours.
“No, I was waiting for you,” you shook your head, “and now my dreams are finally coming true.”
His pace slows down to dreadful one, the momentary pause causing a lingering wave of pleasure and heat to push you even closer to your edge.
“You dreamed about this, babe? Me fucking you on this table here?” he quirks a brow, a smug smirk dancing on the corner of his lips. “God, you’re so hot, even your words turn me on and you don’t even know it.”
Suddenly, he snaps right back into you, establishing a relentlessly quick and rough pace as he holds your hips to keep you still. He’s huffing and grunting from both the effort of his thrusts and the undeniable pleasure, pleasure of knowing that you had waited to allow him entrance and pleasure of finally being able to make his deepest fantasies a reality.
“J-Jimin, I’m almost there,” you whimper at the overwhelming heat.
“I know, princess, me too,” he huffs.
The table violently shakes, the sounds of skin slapping against skin filling the room, and after a few more groans and pounds, he finally pulls out to release his seeds. To your surprise, you come for a second time tonight, something that usually never happens when you masturbate alone, and you’re gaping and staring at the ceiling with your back arched, trying to regain your breath once again.
Out of breath, Jimin plops down on his back right beside you. Both of your chests are rising up and down as he turns his head to glance at you with a wide smile plastered all over his face.
“You’re fucking amazing,” he compliments, out of breath.
“Thanks, I know,” you proudly chirp.
“Of course you do,” he chuckles, silence ensuing before he utters a simple, “I missed you.”
“I know you did. You mentioned it five times just now,” you scoff, giggling at the pout on his face. “It’s okay. I missed you too.”
He grins, the bright smile you had missed so much tugging on your heartstrings. “I’m holding a company gathering next week. So I’m going to be busy until then.”
“I won’t be able to see you,” he whimpers.
You chortle at his sudden change of demeanor, “you can see me afterwards. That’s if you deem me worthy of course, Mr. Park.”
“The real question is, am I worthy of you, Ms. Y/N?” he laughs. “Won’t you come to the gathering? It’ll be fun. There’s food and dances, and you can even bring along Jin with you.”
“Am I going to see CEO Jimin or the Jimin right now there? Because if I’m being honest with you, you’re kind of intimidating around your business people.”
“I’ll be whichever Jimin you want… as long as you come,” he coos.
“Alright,” you shrug.
His eyes widen at how quickly you agreed, “really? You’re really going, alright? You promised!”
“I didn’t-”
“-you did,” he gleefully insists, getting up from the table and zipping his pants back up. “Now let’s go visit Y/N and Jimin the Second. I’ve been missing them too.”
“I can’t. I can’t even feel my legs and you’re expecting me to climb the roof?” you sigh.
Jimin presses his lips and frowns at you in disappointment at your weak excuse, reaching down to throw you over his shoulder, feet dangling over his front and arms thrashing over his back. You yelp in a fit of giggles as he walks down the hallway towards the back of the kitchen to pick up your discarded undergarment.
“C’mon let’s get you dressed and ready to go,” he chimes down the empty hallways, “I’ve really missed this place.”
Parking by the sidewalk across from the venue, your eyes pop at the extravagant building towering over you. Pillars that you’ve only seen in history books regarding Greece line the front entrance as people of seemingly utmost importance and influence walk along the red carpet which forms a straight pathway from the ascending stairs and through the automatic glass doors. The second Jin parks his van in place, he swiftly leans towards you from the driver’s seat and gapes in awe.
“Wow, our Jiminie really has come so far,” both of you gasp in unison.
What comes next happens in a blur, as the two of you are escorted into separate dressing rooms specialized for the CEO’s “special guests.” Prior to the car ride here, you had already dressed yourself in a simple, purple fit and flare dress. But now that you look around the venue, the amount of people either formally prepared in floor length dresses or tuxedos deems your own knee length dress inappropriate for the occasion. Fortunately for you, the spacious dressing room one of Jimin’s employees had ushered you into provides you with dozens of gowns to select from.
Sitting in front of a tri-fold vanity mirror, you glance over your new choice of clothing, a simple white gown with a sweetheart neckline, and a tired looking expression to top it all off. You had barely been able to get enough sleep last night wondering how someone like you could impress The more you glance at the reflection of your bare minimum prepped face, the more you begin to compare yourself to the contrastingly striking beauty of Hyorin’s. Sure, Jimin had already refuted any reasons for your wariness of his connection with Hyorin, but realistically speaking, how could you not feel self conscious seeing a ridiculously gorgeous woman walk beside your man?
It doesn’t take much effort for you to notice how well received she is from the public, in fact, you’re willing to bet just about everyone attending this formal event is expecting Jimin to announce news of an engagement with his secretary assistant. After all, she’s the one who has stayed by his side in time of struggles, whereas you’ve been unable to contact him for two whole years. And even though you know Jimin is still the same boy you knew and loved back then, you can’t help but wonder if Hyorin knows who he is now better than you do, and that makes you burn with jealousy.
In a lavish gathering of well off, influential individuals, it’s impossible for you not to panic and be filled with insecurity, thoughts of not being enough for someone you had once been everything to fills your scuffled mind that somehow at some abstract point in time, you find yourself digging into your purse, desperately and hastily pulling out products to enhance yourself to what you deem and believe to be acceptable as the CEO’s partner. A short minute passes and before you know it, you’ve already slathered on layers and layers of makeup.
You’re huffing and grunting at the way the products appear on your skin, because no matter how amazingly perfect it appeared to others, it would never satisfy you and your insecurities at this moment in time. Throwing your brow pencil onto the table, you groan as you rub your hands over your stressed eyes before your heartbeat spikes, desperately picking up the pencil to fix the smudged makeup. It’s at this point in time that you start to question… why exactly did you come here in the first place? You’d never be as fitting of a partner for Jimin as Hyorin, or any woman here for that matter of fact, and he’d never be as fitting of a partner for you as say, someone like Jin. You’re not as sophisticated, you don’t know how to behave in parties like this, and you’re certainly not the most stunning woman amongst everyone here. So why on earth would Jimin pick you?
“Y/N? You in there…?” you hear a deep, husky voice murmur following a series of gentle knocks on your door. Unfortunately, you’re too busy trying to fix your makeup to notice the door creaking slightly open with Hyorin peeking her head into the room, “whoa, whoa. Slow down there, girl. What’re you doing?”
You glance over your shoulder to find Hyorin staring at you wide eyed, a blank expression plastered all over her face as she closes the door behind her. Loudly sighing, you toss your pencil and liners to the table, giving up all hopes to be up to par with Hyorin’s look. Her red lips pop on her beautifully tan skin, and her sharp cat eyeliner matches her chic scarlet bodycon dress that outlines her every curve.
“What? Do I look awful? Are you here to rub it in my face?” you spat, a little harsher than you actually meant to.
“No, relax. I’m only here to help you,” Hyorin informs before taking a seat to your right and gently placing a hand on your shoulder to shift your body until you face her. Scanning over the slight smudges of your face, she chuckles to herself and grabs a few cleansing wipes from one of the many cabinets in the desk. “May I?”
“Go ahead,” you mumble, eyes looking at everything but Hyorin.
She sweetly smiles and proceeds to gently wipe your piles of makeup before asking for your permission to use your thrown tools to carefully draw on new shapes and shades to your now bare face. “Don’t get me wrong, you look stunning, but don’t you think it’s a bit much? I know Jimin, for one, absolutely adores seeing your bare face in the morning before work.”
“How would you know…?” you knit your brows in confusion.
“He always stares at his phone screen before every one of his meetings. So out of curiosity, I asked him what he was looking at, but he always blushed, smiled, and looked away,” she laughs, “Then one day, he forgets his phone at his office, and I swear I didn’t mean to, but I saw you on his lockscreen. If I recall correctly, I think the two of you had face masks on…?”
“Oh,” your cheeks flush red when you realize that was the time he spent the night over and the two of you decided to play with your excess amount of face masks.
“As much as I hated to admit it, I thought you two were pretty cute together,” she grins at the way you avoid her eyes.
“I don’t mean to be blunt… but do you like Jimin?” you hesitantly ask.
She quirks a brow at you and chuckles, “of course I do. Who wouldn’t like such a genuine and fine man like him? He’s sweet, a true gentleman, and he’s serious in what he does.”
“Then why are you helping me…?”
“Y/N, I’ve been trying to woo him for years. If he’s willing enough to beg his parents to return here, then I’m sure as hell he won’t be looking at anyone but you,” she sighs. “I’ve been doing everything I could. He said you looked breathtaking with your hair put up in a bun, so I did that too, but nope. Then he said you looked beautiful with your hair down, and I tried to fit his tastes, but it seems like his taste isn’t silly things like your hair or your clothes. Instead, his taste is you. I can’t change who I am, and I don’t plan to.”
“Thanks…” you mumble, peering up into her intimidating yet soothing dark eyes.
After a few more seconds of final touches, Hyorin leans backwards to take one glance over you and lightly laughs at how a smile tugs on the corner of your lips. “I guess you two really are made for each other,” she stands up from her chair and breathes, “I’m giving up on him, so don’t mess this up, alright?”
Before she struts her way to the door, your mind scrambles for something to say to thank her for how much she managed to calm you down. “T-thank you, Hyorin,” you blurt, fumbling with the fabric of your dress, “if I’m being honest, I, um, didn’t really like you at first… but I’m glad that I’m changing my mind about you now. So thank you… and you look gorgeous by the way.”
She quirks a brow at your sudden confession, smiling at you with adoration. “Thank you. All’s forgiven. I’ll see you later then,” she chimes, turning to place her hands on the doorknob before whirling back around once again. “On second thought, I think I’ll bring you with me or you’ll never leave this room tonight. This night’s for you, dear, so let’s go have some fun.”
Shaking your head at her sudden suggestion, you widen your eyes and wave your hands in front of you, as though to protect yourself from stepping out of the room. Nonetheless, the smirk on her face is determined to say otherwise as she strides her way towards you, hooks her arm around yours, and drags you out of the dressing room to enjoy the rest of the night.
Hyorin drags you down the halls heading towards the main reception room where you find Jin engulfing countless desserts and entrees laid out on a long table lining against the walls. You call out to him in a less than surprising vain attempt to gain his attention. The second he lifts his head with a stuffed mouth and puffy cheeks to glimpse at you waving at him, he quickly bids you off, muffling something about finding Jimin by yourself and catching up later, and returns to his large array of heavenly displays.
Stepping into the main room of the reception, numerous round, burgundy tables filling the side of the room, red velvet curtains draping from the high ceiling down to the taupe carpets, and a wooden dance floor awaiting you at the front of the vast room, everyone in the crowded venue hushes once they catch sight of you. Like a wave in the breezy ocean, people turn around one by one to get a clearer view of you, until alas, you can spot Jimin’s broad back whirling around to slowly lift his gaze off the floor, up your gown, and into your eyes. The crowd resumes their side conversations, but none of them budge an inch as Hyorin gives you a slight push forward.
“What’re you waiting for?” she airily chortles, grinning at the way your wide eyes stare at her filled with fear.
Averting your attention from the woman you have just befriended, you take one hesitant stride towards the man who awaits you at the opposite side of the room. With each one of your small steps, the crowd begins to part to the side, forming a clear aisle for you to walk through. Despite knowing full well that Jimin’s eyes are on you and only you, your anxiety forces you to stare at the ground in fears of tripping or whatever terrible scenario runs through your mind at this very moment.
Time stops for a long minute. People stare at you from every which direction, frozen in a phase of time no one can take from you, but all you can see is Jimin. Insecurity, crumbling confidence, self consciousness, all reasons as to why blood rushes to your cheeks now. How was your hair? Your makeup? Did Hyorin set you up after all? You have always deemed yourself as someone deserving of anything and anyone in the world, but now that you are standing before the person who can turn your world upside down with the wag of his finger, the person who ascended from a city boy working late into the night to a man in charge of thousands of lives under his jurisdiction, the clear pathway seems to blur into one that lasts for thousands of miles long.
With baited breath, you take one step forward along with a leap of faith-
“-is she really the woman Mr. Park’s been waiting for all this time?” someone whispers to the side.
“No way, I thought that was just a rumor?”
“Probably, Hyorin has had her eyes on him for a while now. How long can you resist someone as tempting as her?”
You stop.
Midway down the pathway, halfway between you and the boy who never seemed as far as he did now. People resume their side conversations and gazes avert from the two of you, but having heard the worst fear buried deep inside you, somehow you convince yourself otherwise as the little courage you had left in you disintegrates. You need to make your way up there. You have to take your last few steps or what was the point of the past two years of waiting?
But contrary to your beliefs, it’s Jimin who takes the last steps.
With large, confident steps, he closes the remaining distance. None of the looks from throughout the room can take your eyes off of his, his eyes filled with desperation, awe, and longing. He cups his hand over your left cheek, his warmth melting you along with your thawing heart. All of the words and worries you had immediately dissipates, and all that you can do now is peer up at him in disbelief. Even with a standard black and white suit and tie, the man before you is the man of your dreams; the dreams that never seemed plausible, not even now.
Then he leans in, his plump, dewy lips taste like vanilla beans as they brush against yours with a sense of urgency. He grazes your lips with his to test the waters first before hastily locking them with yours, engulfing and flooding you with the years of longing and waiting the two of you have endured. His hands find their way behind the nape of your neck as he leans back to gaze at you up and down through his half lidded, lustful eyes.
“You look… beautiful,” he struggles to find the perfect word, a smirk on the corners of his grinning lips. “A white dress? Are you trying to tell me something?”
“What? Who said I wanted to get married to you?” you scoff.
“I never said anything about marriage,” he chuckles with the quirk of a brow. “But if you want to get married, I’ll do anything you want, princess.”
You scoff once again, ready to storm away when you hear someone off to the side whisper, “I actually think that they’re pretty cute together.” Your eyes widen in surprise, because someone actually approves of you two. Jimin glimpses to the side, his grin growing even wider before returning to intently watch your change of expression.
“I agree,” he murmurs without averting his eyes from yours, offering his hand to you. “Can I have this dance?”
Somehow the two of you dance, twirl, and stumble your way back into Jimin’s suite several floors above the floor where the reception is being held through the night. With Jimin’s arms securely wrapped around your waist, you plop into the fluffy white cushion of the king sized bed along with him. You roll onto your left side to look through the sheer curtains covering the windows displaying the starry night sky, whereas Jimin follows along, only his arm drapes over your waist and his legs tangle with yours. He snuggles his head in the crook of your neck, clinging onto you with every inch of him.
“Don’t you think you should head back out there? You’re the life of the party, Jimin. You’re the only reason they’re here,” you ask.
“They’ll be fine. They’re here for the same reasons and Jin anyways, free food,” he dismisses. “Plus, I’d rather be here with you, in private and away from everyone.”
You giggle and exhale a deep sigh when he continues to snuggle his way closer to you, his chest against your back, his heart beating against yours in syncopation.
“You know, I never really thought this day would come.”
“Why not?” he hums. “I promised you I’d come back for you.”
“I don’t know. The whole situation seemed like something that’d only happen in fairy tales,” you shrug. “I was a mess when you left, and then I became numb to a reality where you weren’t here. I guess I managed without you, but a part of me still can’t believe that you’re actually… here.”
Jimin takes a deep breath before sighing, his breath tickling your collarbones, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you. I should’ve at least found some way to call you or something.”
Suddenly, he pulls you in closer to him, prompting a slight yelp from you.
“But let this be proof to you that I really am here,” he murmurs.
He lifts his head off your shoulders to peck your right cheek.
“This too to remind you of how long I’ve been wanting to do this since I first met you.”
You’re gushing at his sweet confession when he reaches into his back pocket, rummaging through it before pulling out something and holding it out to you. Raising a brow, you glance down at his arm hovering lazily over your waist, all air leaving your lungs the second your eyes land on the silver metallic ring twinkling under the stream of moonlight flooding in from the windows.
“And finally, this is to remind you that I won’t ever stop loving you,” he coos.
“...you’re not proposing to me right now, are you?” you mutter in disbelief, heart rapidly beating at his sudden actions.
“No,” he chortles, “unless you want me to.”
“Psh,” you scoff. “Good, because I’m expecting more than a ring you can buy at the dollar store, Mr. Park.”
“Of course you would,” he laughs, lifting your right hand to slip the ring through your forefinger. “This is just a temporary ring until the time actually comes to put on the real deal.”
“Someone’s being a bit clingy,” you giggle.
“I’m not being clingy. I’m just being extra cautious. Why wouldn’t everyone want to marry someone as gorgeous as you?”
You roll your eyes, “no one’s going to propose to me, alright? The closest bet I have is Jin, and I think he’d rather propose to food than me.”
“I guess you’re right,” he laughs before quickly mumbling, “I love you.”
“What?” you do a double take, grinning from ear to ear.
Finally turning your back on the star filled sky, you roll around and straddle yourself over Jimin. Leaning over, you pin his arms to the bed and mirror the bright smile plastered all over his giddy face.
“Say that again.”
“That again,” he chimes.
“No,” you release his hands to slap his chest. “You know what I mean.”
“Oh,” he utters, grinning even wider than before. “I love you.”
Brushing your hair to drape over one side of your shoulders, you shyly look away to glance at the stars looming over the skies through the window when Jimin’s hand cups your cheeks and returns your gaze to his.
“I love you too,” you finally say.
The two of you bashfully smile at each other in silence, taking in every moment of struggle and pain that had led up to this grand finale. You don’t need the star’s confirmation to tell you that he is here in flesh and he will be around for many more years to come, because whether it’s written in the stars or not, Jimin will always defy the ill-fated celestial beings and find his way around to you sooner or later. Leaning down to gently press your lips against his soft ones, both of you smile in relief and pure bliss at his and your unconditional love that have lasted through the test of time…
...because what is once star-crossed may no longer be so, as long as both wishes otherwise.
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