#happy Friday indeed you’ve KILLED me
rodeoromeo · 1 year
Found this pic yesterday and immediately thought of how perfect it would be for this lovely Friday
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The shirt being open with the necklace and--just everything I am unwell. Happy FTOMF 🥰
ohhhhhh my god dude. oh my god! oh my god
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i-rosemarie · 1 year
Chaos and Order (A perfect balance) - Wanda Maximoff x reader [Part 2 - Meet & Greet]
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AO3 Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
If you enjoy the story, please drop by AO3 and give me a kudos.
Words: 10k+
A/N: Have fun reading
“Nothing yet, but hopefully soon.” The door slitted open as a handsome man with cocky attitude walked in. You realized it was Anthony Stark. You didn’t keep up with the superheroes, but you sure knew about rich people. You were one of them, or to be exact, your parents were. It wasn’t a secret that your father and mother were famously known with their weaponry empire in the United Kingdom. Their fames branched out and brought many famous people to come to your doorstep. This man was no exception. He was indeed your parents’ good acquaintance. Stark industry was very famous for its profit and politics, after all. This was nothing hidden.
Also, your remarkable memory told you that you’ve met this man before.
Funny, how life led your paths to cross again after all these years.
You didn’t have to read his mind to know he’s cocky and very, very arrogant. His self-centered façade could easily rival yours if you could say so. It radiated from him. It was his whole energy when one came across him the first time. And it suited him. A well-respected man had a right to wear his crown proudly.
You felt a surge of familiarity from him. However, what took you aback was the pure disgust Wanda was directing at the man. You casted her a look, confused. She just shook her head, refused to say anything in front of him. Oh, if the look could kill, Anthony Stark would be daggered a thousand times by Wanda’s smoky eyes. Fortunately, or rather unfortunately, Stark didn’t even care. He strode to you, eyeing you up and down. He narrowed his eyes.
“Okay, Friday, you got her size?” You frowned, didn’t understand to whom he was talking to. Your confusion was cleared when a voice – an android-ish voice, replied politely: “Of course, Mr. Stark. New clothes are on their way. A compartment is ready, and the contract is right here, in case you need it.”
Stark hummed. Clearly pleased with the answers. He shifted his attention back to you, who cocked an eyebrow at him, quizzically. The billionaire raised his chin, looked down at you and then Wanda. If he had any questions to why Wanda was in such close proximity to you, he didn’t ask. Wanda’s thought drifted to you: ‘He is too self-centred that he literally can’t see pass his nose.’
It made you snickered. And it made Stark narrowed his eyes once again.
“While I’m ecstatic to sign two psychics to this team, I can’t say being the source of your funsie mental convo is my thing.” And again, Wanda rolled her eyes. Everything Stark said seemed to get to her nerves. You knew he noticed her behaviours toward him, he just ignored it completely. This man and his nerves. You wondered if he knew what Wanda could do to him if he annoyed her further.
You were about to be a good person and warned him, but he beat you to it and exclaimed aloud with a happy smirk: “Guess who won in the fight for you to stay!?”
You didn’t have to guess. Obviously, the ridiculously righteous man wasn’t here to stop Stark. It meant Stark had already won. You smiled to yourself. Wanda was right. In the battle for a bigger prick, Anthony could easily win over a man in American flag. Also, if you knew anything about CEO and billionaires, they had that weird ability to manipulate everything the way they wanted it to be.
Hell, Stark was no different.
Wanda could hear your thoughts, for she hid her face on your shoulder and laughed. Your hand unconsciously drifted up to hold her there. You watched as Stark’s eyes twitched with a hint of amusement, but he quickly masked it with enthusiasm. If you were just an innocent young adult, you would’ve missed it, but you were trained under HYDRA’s watchful eyes, you knew how to decipher human’s emotions, even when they hid it well. You wondered what was so funny, but you chose not to ask.
“Let me guess, you?” You replied to him, lamely. However, he didn’t look offended. Instead, a glimmer of proud sparked up on his features. He didn’t bother to hide it this time. He grinned: “Obviously.” A smugness could be spotted in his tone. You didn’t dislike it, but Wanda clearly did. Her nose scrunched up. You could feel it on your bare skin. You caressed her hair and Wanda naturally nuzzled your side. Affection crawled all the way to your neck as you flushed slightly. You willed yourself to not let it show but everybody in this room was so observative.
Stark rolled his eyes at you and Wanda. He personally didn’t know why you and Wanda acting so chummy, but he decided to cast it aside, like he did with everything else in his life. You were quite thankful for that. You watched as he pulled out some papers and placed it in front of you, with a simple pen on the side.
“Welcome to The Avengers, kid.”
Your eyes met his with a challenging look. You told him, without backing down from his stare: “What makes you think I want this?”
Stark didn’t faze: “I’ll tell you the same thing I told your witch over here. It’s either this or arrested by the military. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather live as an Avengers than as a prisoner for the government. The choice is yours.”
You tensed up. Your eyes flared with the colour that mixed with red and orange. Bright veins crawled up your face as you felt the murderous rage blazing in your chest. You did nothing. Nothing! Who did these people think they were to even consider arresting you? At that moment, you realized, American government was just as greedy and cruel as HYDRA. They wanted an excuse to have you, to poke at you, to turn you into their war machine.
At that moment, you had an urge to fly out of this building and marched into that damn ridiculous big white house to teach them a bloody lesson. It was boiling in your chest. However, Wanda’s hand crept up to your side, tugged at your hand to draw your attention back to her. Your eyes left the file to look down at her. She rested her chin on your shoulder and shook her head. Her thoughts infiltrated your mind, telling you to calm down.
Her touches and her adorable eyes made you sighed. The power dissipated from your body. You slummed back to the glass wall, glaring at the file with disdain. The silence was awkward, until Stark spoke up again, this time minus the cocky, carefree attitude:
“Look, kiddo, this is the best I can do. Cap wanted you gone. It’s only me and that squeaky speedster over there fought for this. Well, he wasn’t much of a help, presumed ex-terrorist and all. But this is the best I can do. Also, our team could really use some assist with your abilities.”
Stark clearly wasn’t very good with these kinds of situation. You knew he was trying, and he wasn’t the enemy, either. But you were not ready for a team. Hell, you were not even used to a life with people around. Just yesterday, you thought it was your last day. Who knew trying to be the saviour could bring you such troubles? You grimaced at the conditions in these files. Discomfort was visible on your face.
You thought of running. You thought of how easy it was to just blast everything out of your way and go back to the old way of living. But looking at Wanda… Feeling Wanda’s warmth radiating around you, caressing your wounded heart with her tentative touches, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t leave her if you tried.
So, with a heavy heart, you signed the papers. You signed, knowing you’re giving your freedom away. You signed, understanding that tomorrow, you would have to play the role of a hero while knowing full well that you’re not remotely close to be one. You signed, knowing you were placing millions of innocent lives at risk as you presumably chasing the ‘bad guys’ with your unstable mind.
You knew you were going to regret it later.
But what choice did you have but to sign?
What choice did you have when you could feel Tony’s hope rising and falling in his chest even when he tried his best to show that he didn’t care. What choice did you have when Wanda had asked you to stay? You promised her to stay. You never broke your promise. Never.
“I won’t let anything happen to you, kid.” Stark, no, Tony told you. His voice was sincere. He collected the paperwork from your free hand and sighed deeply for the first time, letting his confident dropped as he stole a quick glance at Wanda, who still had her back turning toward him. A flicker of guilt tainted his brown irises, but he didn’t let it show longer than a second. “Now, Pack up your things. Witchy here can show you your room since it’s right in front of hers.” A sense of humour laced in his tone. “Feel free to thank me later.”
He threw a wink and a shrug before exiting the room, leaving you and Wanda alone once more.
You took a deep breath and saw that Wanda still hadn’t moved an inch from her position on your front. You couldn’t help but teasing her a little: “Getting comfy there, witchy?” She snapped her head back, almost headbutt you in the process and glared at you: “10 minutes with Stark and you have already become unbearable!” She sneered without any true malice. You just mimicked Tony’s shrug and grinned down at her, who now you realized was a good few inches shorter than you.
“So, what can I call you? Miss…?
You leaned your head innocently. She rolled her eyes. “Now wouldn’t you like to know.”
A mischievous smile appeared on your lips: “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. I’ll just call you by my name. How does that sound?”
You could never get tired of the way her cheeks turned rosy at your words. Pride surged up in your chest and fluttered all over your ribcages as you felt her fingers fiddled with the blanket that draped over your hip. She grunted to mask her embarrassment: “Oh my God you are such a terrible flirt!”. “Maximoff.” The words got muffled as she mumbled in your skin. You heard, but you couldn’t resist the urge to make her flush more.
“What did you say?” You asked with a faux pure tone. She was annoyed now, but her eyes told a different story when she lifted her head to look at you. She offered her hand in front of you, which you stared at with real confusion this time. She husked: “Hello, my name is Wanda Maximoff. Nice to meet you. If you keep doing this, I will throw you out of the window, for real.”
You breathed out a laugh at her little game and took her hand in yours. Holding it firmly but tenderly, you lifted it up and kissed her hand slowly and deliberately: “Hello, miss Maximoff. The pleasure is all mine.” Your voice dropped an octave to a low and a little seductive, making Wanda shivered slightly. You didn’t notice though. You just wanted to see her smile with her adorable but defiance eyes. “Please spare my life, though. I have made a promise with a pretty witch that I won’t die until she allows me to do so.”
To hide how affected she was with your ridiculous action, Wanda snatched her hand away and slapped you on the side, good naturedly. “You are being ridiculous.” She deadpanned. You shrugged: “You like it.”
She scrunched her nose again: “I did not!” She whacked your side again to wipe the infuriating grin off your lips, but it resulted in a pained groan coming from your mouth. She shot up away from you, eyes wide like saucers. She searched your body frantically, ripping away the blanket in the process. You let out a panic squeak, trying to hide your nakedness from her and every other prying eye that could be outside of this glass box – Pietro’s, to be exact.
She didn’t care, though. Her warm hands glided over your skin, and you closed your eyes, whimpered in embarrassment. You just couldn’t win this game with her.
“Are you hurt? I’m sorry!” She rushed. “God, I forgot you got hurt yesterday!” Her tone indicated that she was mad, not to you, but at herself. You grimaced with a sudden joint that shot up when her fingers pressed too deep in your raw skin. It was the spot where you got sliced by a god damn metal car door as you fell from the city. Wanda had made your pain go away yesterday, but the wound was still there. The coldness and wetness of blood trickling down your side made you frowned.
“Wanda… slow down, luv.” You tried to tell her, but she was too caught up in her own mission to hear you. “Wanda!” You called out, louder this time. She looked up with a guilty face. You reached up to soothe the crinkle that formed on her forehead before guiding her shaky hand to your wound, wordlessly. Your puppy eyes never left hers. She let you guide her, until her fingers touched your blood, and her gaze immediately left you to pay attention to the gapping, torn flesh on your side.
“Oh God…” She muttered. “Oh God…” Feeling her distress, you looked down to see the drape was covered in the redness of your inner body fluid. You sighed. You knew it would heal in no time, for your healing system worked the way you willed it to be. It’s just that you were suppressing your power since yesterday. But Wanda didn’t particularly agree with you. She snatched the blanket out of your grasp again and pressed it on the wound. Her movements were frantic. “Damn you! You should’ve told me!” She murmured angrily, more to herself than to you. You stiffed back a laugh at her antics. She’s so lovely when she’s worried.
“Wanda…” You tried to call her again.
This time, she heard you. She snapped back: “What!?”
You bit your lips and gestured at your cloth less body: “I’m… naked. Do you mind if I have the blanket back…?” She didn’t even look at you when she gave her snarky comeback: “You have your sport bra on! Quit being a baby!”
At that, you shut up, watched with a fondness in your eyes as Wanda waved at her brother, who was lingering like a neglected pet outside. She must have used telepathy again, for he ran so fast that he became a blur, out of the room without hesitation. You wondered where he took off to. However, your curiosity was answered a moment later, as Pietro returned with a very hazy man by his side. You heard the newcomer said under his breath: “Remind me to never travel with a speedster again.”
Pietro just pushed him into the glass box. The man, who was wearing glasses stumbled inside and greeted you wordlessly with a nod. You nodded back, unsure of who he was. Wanda sensed your sudden tense muscles and told you: “This is Doctor Bruce Banner. You might have seen him in Sokovia. He is the big, green one.”
You did indeed saw a hulking green person smashing robots on the floating city, but you still couldn’t put two to two. How come this man became that creature? You haven’t a bastard clue. But you accepted the fact much faster and just shrugged. You’re a monster with magic, he could transform into a cat, and you shouldn’t feel so surprised.
“Hello…” The man said with a small stutter. “Pietro said you need medical attention?” He adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and watched as Wanda took the blanket off your bleeding wound. He frowned. “That looks deep.” Concern coloured his voice. “How long has it been bleeding?”
Wanda replied to him: “Since yesterday. It doesn’t stop. What is going on?”
The man named Bruce got closer, he blinked: “You should take her to my lab. I need to look at this first. Do a full medical examination if we must.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes: “I’m sorry but I’m very politely declining your offer.” Your answer made Banner frowned. He glanced at the big chunk of missing flesh on your side and grimaced: “I have to say… it’s not up to you at this point. You signed the contract. We are responsible for your health condition.” He shifted in discomfort. “Tony informed me on his way out. He… well, in his words, tell me to ‘drag you to the lab if I must’. It’s a surprise that he actually cares, for once.” The last few words trailed to a mutter.
You sat up fully, letting the magic flooded your body as you did so. You had mastered your ability growing up. You didn’t need any guidance, considered there were voices in your head, combined with everyone else around you, telling you exactly how to horn this force with care. It also helped that you were an empath. Magic to you was natural. It’s a part of you, like an arm, or a leg. Unlike other magic-wielders who had to practice, you didn’t.
You slowly focused your magic to your wound, letting it flow through you and stitched you back. Doctor Banner and Wanda were watching you with keen eyes. They had never seen anything like that before. Not everyday that they could see someone using magic to heal. Cherry red threads weaving themselves with one another, as your hand movements directed, formed the flesh that filled the wound. You finished the process with gritted teeth, as your skin getting stretched with the stitching. After a beat, your body was brand new.
Banner blinked hard. He was fascinated by your doing. What unsettled him was the way your blood, the one that stained the blanket and drape, flew out of the materials, and float back into you. It was like nothing had happened. How it was possible, Bruce didn’t know, but he intended to find out.
“See? Good as new. Now, can I please have a moment for myself? The indecency is giving me trauma.” You gestured again at your naked body. Bruce Banner had decency to be ashamed and averted his eyes, while Wanda just shook her head at you before giving you another stern glare. You involuntarily pouted, knowing she was going to say something you didn’t like. But she always left no room for argument.
“Go to the lab first, then I will show you your room.” Wanda took your hand and gave a gentle tug. She was afraid that you were still hurt even though you were fine. Your look turned defiance at that. You shook your head no, hoping Wanda would drop it. However, she exclaimed in exaggeration: “It’s just a small check-up! You will be fine!”
You didn’t budge, though. Your expression became grumpy. It was the first time you acted your age ever since you got here. No matter how mature you were, no matter how much you had surpassed everyone of your age, you still had a small part in you. A small part that you only kept to yourself. You allowed yourself to be childish once in a while. This time, it accidently showed. You were mortified. But your mind told you: This reaction was caused because you trusted her, and you let yourself relax at that.
“I don’t wanna.” You shook your head again. It might come as a surprise to people, but you really were not a fan of labs in any kinds and sorts. Due to the fact that you had spent most of your teenage life in them, you despite them with a passion. You didn’t need another needle in your arm, or vital devices hooked on your chest.
You hated them. You’re fine. Everybody needed to stop insisting you. You thought Wanda would understand. But when you looked at her, seeing her crossing her arms, you knew she didn’t. Your gaze averted from her. You glared at everything and nothing but her and Banner. Your eyes accidentally met Pietro, who was waddling outside of the glass cell. He seemed to be taken aback. However, seeing the atmosphere inside, he raised an eyebrow and smirked at you.
You immediately regretted saving his life.
Your thought drifted to him, attacking his frail mind with a force, making him wince. ‘What are you on about, speedy boy?’ Pietro got spooked. He took a step back when he heard your voice sneering in his head. His gaze shifted to his sister, who was watching the interaction between him, and you like a hawk. Wanda shook her head at him. She was trying to tell him that she was too, unable of listening to what you were thinking. The older Maximoff focused back to you. You levelled him with a challenging look.
He decided to play your game and thought for you to hear: ‘chicken out? From a health check-up? Didn’t know you’re such a baby.’ On his face spotted an infuriating smirk. You knew he was edging you. He was trying to make you rise and take his bait. But you were not a stupid one, either. You taunted: ‘surely it helps you sleep at night when your arse got saved by a chicken!’
He narrowed his eyes. You thought you were winning. A victorious grin began to stretch in the corner of your lips. But it was before he snapped out of the rage and started doing something. Something that made Wanda giggled adorably and Banner slapped his hands on his face, mumbling: “Oh dear, children!”
He was imitating a bloody chicken!
‘Bawk bawk’
Your fingers twitched. Every fibre of your body was screaming at you to throw a ball of blast in his face. He was trying to help you. You knew that. It’s just… He’s getting to your very vulnerable nerves. Sometimes, your feelings got better of your reasonings. It was never a pretty scene. You were about to remind him how to behave by whooping his arse when a soft hand gripped yours. You snapped your head to your right and saw a pouting Wanda.
The image sent your head into overdrive, and you gaped at her. Your sensitive mind could hear her snicker in her head. Oh, this woman knew just how much effect she had on you. She’s dangerous! But you couldn’t deny how lovely she was when she was pouting. Her green orbs twinkled under the sunlight, and you felt like you were forgetting how to breathe.
She noticed and smirked: “Breathe, detka.”
It broke the trance. You scoffed: “I’m sure what you’re doing helps, love.” The affectionate nickname spewed out of your mouth like venom, but she only took joy in that. It didn’t dampen her happiness one bit. Instead, she rolled her eyes fondly: “No killing my annoying brother. Also, stop being annoying and go to Bruce’s office.” She sensed your hesitation and added: “I promise it will be over in a minute. No needles involved.”
The relief that rolled out of your body made Wanda visibly happy. She knew that you didn’t like being poked at. She was the same. You two shared a very traumatic experience in HYDRA facility. She understood that you didn’t want to relive that moment of your life another time. However, it was necessary for you to do the check-up. She was still worried about your wounds, even when she saw you mended it all by yourself. Better be safe than sorry, she thought.
You still seemed a little bit reluctant. She soothed your arm with a glide of palm. You closed your eyes, dwelling in her warmth on your skin. “I will be there with you, all the way.” She murmured in your forehead before leaving on it a fleeting kiss. You deflated. Your hand dropped on the mattress, and she took it as a win. She pulled you up, not forgetting to cover your body with a blanket. You huffed out, pretended like you’re mad at her. She just smiled knowingly and pushed you lightly on the shoulder, nudging you to the exit.
Your walk to Banner’s office was short, accompanied by the Maximoff twins and a very quiet Bruce Banner. You took him as a shy type. Still, what shy person turned into a green boulder with anger issue? You haven’t a god damn clue.
And true to Wanda’s word, the check-up was quick. Banner scanned you with his advance, high-tech machine. Must be one of Stark’s, you thought to yourself. Your vitals and everything about you showed on the screen. Banner was surprised to see your body scan came out red. It was the heat from the force nested in your body. Not Chaos magic, no. It was something else. You hadn’t known about it yet. But it was something bigger, something weird, something that was all-consuming and kept threatening to overtake your body.
You didn’t mind. You had made peace with it a long time ago. It listened to you. If Chaos magic was your left hand, then it’s the right one. Both of them didn’t try to scream in your head anymore, not after you told an iron grip on them and forced them into submission.
Soon after that, Wanda showed you to your room, which was right in front of her own. Tony wasn’t kidding. He did set you and her up. You grumbled. Not liking the fact that he was playing around, but a part of you still woofed with joy, knowing that you had a familiar face to stay close to.
Wanda was happy. You loved seeing her happy. It also made you wonder: What if you failed to save her brother? What if you let Pietro got blasted into a honeycomb by the gatling gun? Would she still be who she was right now? Your guess was no. At that moment, when she was guiding you to your newly acquired wardrobe, you saw a vision flashed through your eyes. A vision where you weren’t there, and there was Pietro Maximoff, running at his maximum speed, trying to save a man with a bow. You saw him died. You saw the bow guy carried his cold corpse to the aircraft. And you saw Wanda breaking down.
The vision died down and you looked down at your shaking hands. You were petrified by that scene. You didn’t recon that Wanda was also looking at you with concern. It took you a moment to comprehend that she was curling her hand on yours, slowly helped you closed your fist. It helped. She helped. The contact made you sighed. You looked at her. Words on the tip of your tongue, desperately wanted to be let out. You swallowed it, not wanting to sadden her.
You forced out a smile when she took out a set of clothes and gave it to you. You realized they were black. You liked black. Tony must have read your files and saw your style. You appreciated it. Giving Wanda one more reassuring smile, you left her to change clothes. The fabrics felt expensive on your skin. Stark did have a shit load of money. He always opted for the finest.
You quickly changed and met with Wanda. She was lounging on your bed. Her clothes were the same with what she wore in the battlefield. You blushed when your eyes fell on the red bra that was peeking out of her black top. She was wearing a red jacket. You swooned a little, thought to yourself that red was definitely her colour.
You must have stared for a bit too long, for she smirked at you: “My eyes are up here, detka.”
Fuck! You scolded yourself and cleared your throat loudly. It only widened her smile more. Who knew Wanda Maximoff was such a flirt! “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You fidgeted with the sleeve of your jumper, unable to look at her. You missed the mischievous glint in her eyes as she got out of bed and stood in front of you. You let out a gasp. Your instinct was telling you to back the hell off. But you were rooted at your spot, mouth agape as she smoothed the collar of your undershirt with her delicate fingers.
You gulped. This was… uhm… how could you put this?
She leaned back a little to look up at you with a teasing smile: “You were saying?”
You swore! Your misery was this woman’s joy! She was having too much fun!
At that, you blinked a few times to regain a fraction of control over your body and looked down, avoiding the eye-contact in such close proximity: “Don’t you have better things to do rather than babysit me?”
Wanda huffed in amusement: “No, I think I’m right where I am supposed to be.”
You panicked, tried to come up with something else: “Well… Well! Clothes changing!” You couldn’t form a full sentence anymore, not when she was leaning into your personal space and just played with your sleeve like it was her second nature. Wanda wasn’t an affectionate woman; you saw from her past. She wasn’t! Why was she acting like this…?
Little did you know that Wanda was indeed a woman of distrust. She didn’t like human contact if the person wasn’t someone she cared about. But to you, Wanda couldn’t get enough of you. She loved eliciting small reactions from you. She loved being close to you. Her behaviours were partial involuntary. She couldn’t control herself and just let herself gravitating to you. She knew you loved it, too. So, she didn’t feel like stopping.
At your blatant struggle, Wanda let out a small laugh. She then stepped back a little and pat your cheek affectionately. You sighed contently when her skin met yours. She said: “I do need comfier clothes. This is Nat’s jacket. I need to give it back to her.”
Nat? You frowned. Who was Nat? Why did she say that name with such voice?
Wanda, being a mind-reader herself, scoffed at you with a teasing tone: “Natasha. You will meet her soon. We have a meeting to attend, after all.”
You frowned. You didn’t want to go to a meeting. What good of you there? Meeting about what? A million questions popped up in your head. Wanda sensed it and let her hand drifted on your neck, holding you gently. She stared into your eyes. Fascinatingly, you saw a hint of red underneath the hazel green. Chaos magic. It’s lovely, it’s astonishing. You were drawn to her eyes, and nothing seemed to matter at that moment.
She leaned to press her forehead on yours. You noticed, she had to tip-toed to reach your height. It only brought another surge of warmth in your heart. You tilted down. Your hands found their ways to her hips, and she sighed contently. This was something intimate, you had gathered. However, it came so naturally that none of you questioned it. You waited for her to say something. She eventually did:
“It’s just a mission recap, and to introduce you to the team. I bet Steve will have a blast.” She rolled her eyes as his name rolled off her tongue. You wondered, who’s this ‘Steve’. But you guessed you would find out soon. “Don’t worry, I will be there. Piet will be there. And Tony.” She wrinkled her nose. You found it adorable. “Tony will be there, too. So, you won’t feel lonely.”
She giggled. You just threw your head back and she let out an indignant squeal. You rested your chin on her forehead as if to tease her about her height and breathed out dramatically: “Fine, if you insisttttt.”
“Oh yes, I insist. Now, wait. I have to change. Can’t let you get distracted looking at my bra when Steve was lecturing.”
You stumbled back when she playfully pushed you away. You threw your hands up in disbelief: “I. didn’t. look. at. your. Bra! Take it back, Maximoff!”
She walked away, swaying her hips as she did so. She turned her head to let you see her smug smile: “Keep telling yourself that, draga mea’
You gawked at her. The last thought in your head when she slammed the door at you was: ‘Fucking hell… her accent!’ as your heart thundering in your chest.
It took Wanda a good fifteen minutes to get ready. You belatedly realized that she had taken a shower. You nervously sniffed yourself, feared that you stink. But Wanda just laughed at you and told you: “You’re fine.” Her nose got close to your ears, and she faked a whiff: “Nothing but a little dirt.” And you grumbled all the way as she led you to the conference room.
Set your foot in, you noticed there were more people than you had imagined. Aside from Tony Stark and the doctor, Bruce Banner, there was Pietro, who sat like he owned the damn building. You also recognized the bow guy, sitting next to the red-head, gorgeous Russian. They were talking quietly, huddled together like they were old friends. Maybe they were. You thought. On the other side of the table, at the head, was a blonde man. He looked jacked, like a jock. He always had that stern look, like he’s going to war. He must be the American Captain guy.
No wonder he and Tony didn’t agree with each other. They were completely different kind of person. As Tony Stark was practically lying on his chair and eating blueberries, the blonde man seemed stoic, like a rock.
You also recognized another blonde man, the one who captured Wanda and flew away with thunder. His features were beautiful, godly, even. But he seemed so goofy. You decided that you liked him. And on his left side was a bronze guy. He’s a pretty specimen to look at, minus the cocky grin. He looked oddly like a bird to you. You wondered, was this man’s superpower was to turn into birds? And close to Tony was a man, who seemed to be in his forties, reading a file that suspiciously similar to your contract. You frowned. You didn’t like those who were curious.
That seemed about it. Wanda urged you with a nudge, and you fully stepped in, drawing the attention of the whole team. They looked at you with different opinions sparking in their eyes. You were used to that. You picked a chair, which was the closest to Wanda and Pietro, and sat down without saying anything.
Of course, Tony was the one who broke the ice and stood up, brushing his blueberries-stained fingers on his trousers as he gestured toward you and the twins: “As you all may know, our team has some new faces!”
The stoic man next to Tony gave him a disapproving glare. But Tony was not Tony Stark if he cared. He completely ignored the man and introduced: “We all know about the wonder twins. Wanda and Pietro. Glad that you came to your senses and fuck Ultron up instead of us.” You noticed, not only Wanda, but also Pietro, rolled their eyes. At that moment, they did look so much like twins.
“But the other gem is this one.” Tony paid no mind to the twins’ reactions. He pointed at you with a blueberry on his hand. “This one, who saved our ass in Sokovia. Miss Y./N Y/L/N.”
You grimaced as he said your full name. You didn’t like it. For a long time, your only memory about your name being called like that was from your parents. It sparked an uncomfortable feeling in you. Wanda seemed to get that you’re in distress, she took your hand under the table and gave it a little squeeze.
You breathed in and nodded at their hellos. You didn’t say anything further. They must have known everything about you by now. No need for further self-introduce.
“Y/N, this is the Avengers. Welcome to the team.” Tony spread out his arms. His tone was laced with pride. He always acted like he didn’t care, but he truly did. He considered them his comrades, his teammates, and something more. You saw it in his eyes, but you couldn’t decipher it until he spoke again: “Welcome to the family.”
You didn’t understand why his words brought tears in your eyes, but you cleared your throat and murmured: “Okay.” You collected yourself and said it louder this time: “Okay.”
And Tony smiled. He really smiled. He looked so proud, like he was doing something right. You returned his, with a trust you didn’t know you were still capable. At that moment, he looked so much like your father, and you trusted him. You trusted his words, that he’s trying his best.
After that warm welcome, you sat there and listened to them talking about the event in Sokovia. Well, you couldn’t say much. You settled there for quite a time, after destroying HYDRA facility. You liked it there, for a minute, that was. Considering you were swallowed by your self-hate at that time to even notice anything else rather than the four walls of your small apartment.
When being asked, you told them what you did. Which was not much. You sat on the rooftop of the building when the city started to float. You said you didn’t really care. When you saw Stark flew out of the city in urgency, your special eyes saw through the earth and concrete. You caught the sight of him trying to get out of the engine and decided to pull him out. It was an irrational decision at best. When you dropped him off, you were on the edge of the city, sight-seeing.
You conveniently left out the part when you were about to jump off.
Then you saw aircrafts. You heard a kid cried. You saw two men running to save the kid. Men who now you knew were Pietro Maximoff and Clint Barton. However, at the same time, you felt the rush of bullets behind you. Your magic acted out just in time to yank Pietro away and shielded Barton. You weren’t fast enough, though. Pietro got shot several times. However, thanked to you, all of the wounds weren’t in critical spots. He did bleed out, though. That’s why you held him until someone came to find him.
You picked up a glass of water and helped yourself. You were not used to talking this much.
“Why didn’t you heal him?” Banner asked. The wonder filled his tone. Your movement stopped mid-air. You frowned at him, didn’t quite understand what he was proposing here. He rephrased the question when he saw the confusion written on your face: “You have immeasurable ability, including healing. Why didn’t you heal him?”
You knew he didn’t mean to pry. He probably didn’t mean to sound like a prick, either. But you still felt offended. “What did you just say to me?” You asked, slowly, as you lifted your head to look at him. The man was uncomfortable, to say the least. Banner shifted in his chair, unable to hold the eye-contact with you. However, Steve Rogers, now you knew his name – the American guy, repeated the question:
“Why didn’t you heal him? Or brought him to medical care on the aircraft? He could have died.” His tone didn’t sound like he was patronizing you, but it did have a sense of mistrust. You didn’t like it. It felt like he was interrogating you. Who did he think he was?
You narrowed your eyes dangerously, making everyone in the room, excluded Wanda, fell into their defend stance. You didn’t see yourself, but they did. They saw your eyes glowed, like Wanda when they first met her. They saw the aura in your palm causing a morph of the oxygen. Wanda remained still in her chair. She didn’t stop you this time, for she herself was feeling equally furious. They didn’t know you like she did. They didn’t see how desperate you were at that moment. It was a wonder that you noticed Pietro and Clint. If you dwelled deeper in your own thoughts, maybe she wouldn’t have had her brother sitting with her here today.
Pietro, who didn’t care about everything, spoke up for the first time: “Let’s not get to that. She saved my life. End of discussion.” His sentences were short and clear, indicating that he didn’t care, or blamed you one bit. However, you didn’t like the way they threw your action back at you.
In a dark moment, you thought about the ‘what-ifs’. What if you just let them die? What if you just jump? What if you didn’t give a flying fuck? You might not be trapped here. You might not have to sit here under everyone’s scrutinizing gaze. But then, the image of a bloody Pietro, or a million pieces of Tony’s flesh made you sick. It made you want to gag. You thought about pushing your chair back and fucked off.
You, again, thought about running.
But it was always Wanda who clung onto you. She tentatively asked for permission to enter your head and you reluctantly gave her. She got in. She pulled you to another reality where it’s just you and her. You opened your eyes and saw a cabin in the wood.
“What is this, luv?” You told Wanda, who appeared next to you and sat down with you on the porch. She gave you a sad smile as her hand crept up on your arm. You were getting use to her touches. It didn’t send you into panic anymore. You learnt to love it. Her hand trailed up to your shoulder and squeezed gently. You closed your eyes and felt her head rested in the crook of your neck.
Somehow, your breathing became in sync with hers after a few heartbeats, and she let out a content sigh. “It’s okay… I’ve got you.” She murmured. Her warm breaths fanned your neck, making you shuddered a little. You knew in your heart, she’d got you. It’s so easy for her to see through you, like how quickly you understood her. In this world, there’s just you and her.
Looked around, you didn’t recognize this place. A marvellous wood, a place of solitude. You felt like coming home, especially with Wanda’s arms around your middle. You forgot that you were actually in the meeting room with the Avengers. In your head, it’s just Wanda.
She whispered, still in your head. Her voice soft as she did so: “This is the first time I try this… I didn’t know I can do it. But when I touched your hand, your magic merged with mine. It got easier to just pick a place and take you there.” With widened eyes, you took a glance at Wanda, who now looked so at peace, like she really loved it here. You didn’t know you were capable of sharing your magic. However, everything with Wanda seemed doable.
“Don’t let them get into your head. I promise they’re just being ridiculous. They are actually good people.” Wanda said, sensing your discomfort as she mentioned the Avengers. “They were the same with Piet and me. Well… Not all of them are a walk in the park. Most of them have trust issue, or daddy issue, or mother issue, or in Stark’s case: both. But they’re decent. Believe me, I’ve witnessed all their fear and pain.”
You pursed your lips: “So that’s why Stark said you’ve fucked them over, huh?”
Wanda let out a breathless laugh when you nuzzled your nose on the crown of her head. She gave a small nod. “Yeah, I was mad at them, you know? It’s reasonable!”
You joined her laugh: “sure thing, witchy.”
She let you sit with her in your imagination dream for a time, then she broke the silence by glancing up at you and asked gently: “Are you feeling better?”
You looked down at your hands. They were no longer glowing. You nodded, slightly unsure. “Yeah… Yeah, I guess…”
She pulled your folded hands on her lap and sat straight, making you faced her affectionate green orbs. In her eyes was a promise, a sincere note that hit you with a sense of calm. She told you, as she held your hands tight: “Lean on me if you ever need to, draga. I’m here.” Your heart stuttered when she placed her free hand on your chest, right above your beating heart. It felt like an explosion of emotions. And you didn’t know how to deal with it. She helped you anyway. “I’m here. I’m with you.”
After that, the vision faded, and you were back at the meeting room again. Your head hung low. You saw Wanda smiled at you, with your hand in hers. Pietro glanced at you both. He didn’t say anything.
Time passed in your head didn’t pass in the reality. The Avengers still had that distrust look on their faces. Only Tony and the Russian – Natasha, didn’t seem to mind. Only that they also looked at you with curiosity and sympathy. You didn’t know about Natasha, but you knew about Stark. You knew his past. He was questioned with everything he did. He was a miserable young man growing up. He lost his parents, just like you. He didn’t make friends easily, just like you.
Anthony Stark was a lonely man.
A lonely man who had to face the world’s hatred and analysing gaze his whole life. Of course, he understood your anger, your frustration toward the team.
You didn’t read his mind to know that Stark didn’t agree with Steve Rogers’ approach. He didn’t say it, but he clearly wasn’t approved. Tony had pinned Steve with a silencing glare after you stumbled in your own world with Wanda. Natasha, for once, stood by him. She too had frowned at Steve, asking him what the hell was wrong with him. She told him to let you be, that you were young, and you didn’t know. That to you, Pietro Maximoff was nothing but a stranger she had saved.
Natasha told Steve to shut it and Tony grinned victoriously.
At that, Rogers shut up, but his eyes were cold. He still held a deep distrust to those who affiliated with HYDRA, especially those with unknown powers like yours. Everyone knew. Steve Rogers stood his ground until he decided otherwise. Captain America was stubborn. It was his greatest, but also the most annoying trait.
You took a deep breath and narrowed your eyes at them, all the while focusing on the feeling of Wanda’s hand around yours. You said slowly, but your voice was strong and threatening. You were challenging them to interfered. None of them did.
“I stop using my power for a long time.” You began. “I don’t like using them. I have my reasons to not overdo it. I wasn’t supposed to be there and helped him. I was close to jump the fuck off the city, mind you.” An ugly sneer stretched your lips. The words you forced out laced with venom. Most of them were taken aback by your statement. Natasha’s frown deepened. Barton and half of the team gawked at you in horror. Steve Rogers looked like he had been slapped across the face. Thor pursed his lips and crooked his head, confused.
You didn’t take too much time to watch their expression. You continued: “I broke my rules and acted on my instinct. I pulled him out and I was mortified that I could accidentally break his bones or turned him to dust.” You scoffed at them. “You would never understand.” You gritted your teeth. “I knew he was not going to fucking die. I knew someone was going to get him. I’m not fucking stupid. I could feel her. I knew she was coming.”
Your statement shook them. They didn’t know you could feel Wanda’s approaching. They didn’t know you what you were feeling. A look of shame edged on their faces but like hell you cared. The shakiness in your hand was subdued by Wanda’s supporting grip. You let out a sigh.
“I have enough knowledge to know that he’s not hit in any critical spots. I scanned him with my own eyes. He was going to be fine. What else do you want from me? Try to use my ability when I was on the verge of blowing up?” The irony in your voice made them grimace. “Yeah, do that. See Pietro dies.”
Your tone was condescending. You had always had a sharp tongue. You could hurt people with your words if you wanted to. But you were not that kind of person. You didn’t want to cause more pain than this world had already did. They just pushed you in all the wrong buttons, that’s all.
You dropped down to your chair, letting Wanda pulled you closer. You felt better now, with her so close to you. You didn’t take a glimpse at her mind, and you knew she wasn’t looking in yours anymore. However, she was still present. Her warmth still lingered on the edge of your head, like she wanted you to know that she’s ready if you ever needed her.
The world always seemed like a constant winter to you suddenly shifted to Spring. You felt it skipping with joy that sparkled up your dying heart. For the first time in a long time, you stopped thinking about your awful deeds. All you thought about was her.
“Lastly, I don’t owe you anything. I don’t have to sit here and let you interrogate me like some filthy criminals. I’m only here because…” You paused. Your eyes searched for Tony, then to Wanda, who was smiling softly at you. Because of her… But you didn’t say it out loud. Instead, you chose to say: “Because I wanted to be here.” You concluded. “I’m being reasonable, so please, for heaven’s sakes, stop testing my patience.”
A tense pause lingered in the room before Thor slammed his cup on the table, startled the bird man and half of the table. “Then it’s done! We defeated Ultron. It’s time to celebrate!”
What a shift of energy. No one was opposed to Thor’s idea. The team scurried away to talk about what kind of party they want to throw. You didn’t mind one bit, not when Wanda still here by your side and resumed her activity, which was playing with your sleeves. You rested your head on her shoulder and let her do what she wanted. Wanda took that as a win. She let her fingers danced up your arms and pressed on your cheeks. She squeezed it playfully and laughed for only the both of you to hear as you squeaked out.
Both of you didn’t notice Pietro and Natasha’s gazes.
The Russian approached Pietro, who was narrowing his eyes at the sight before him. She gestured at the two of you with a lift of her chin: “What’s up with them?” Pietro shook his head. “I don’t know, but it looks like my dearest sister has pick up a stray.”
Natasha rolled her eyes at his antic: “Said that to the woman who saved your ass, very cool, speedster.”
Pietro just shrugged.
He and Natasha were thinking about the same thing.
‘It’s getting interesting in here.’
Both of them grinned as they walked to the bar and left the two of you alone, laughing quietly together.
17 notes · View notes
minisugakoobies · 3 years
Happy Hour 2: The Hyungs Strike Back | Hyung Line
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Pairing: Hyung Line x Reader, kinda?
Genre: Crack. Just pure crack. Over 4K of ridiculousness this time. Non-Idol!AU.
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, drug use, implied smut (still marking it as M just to be safe), the maknae line are at it again
Word Count: 4.4K
Disclaimers: NSFW, I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: While back home for another holiday, your brother Jungkook and his friends convince you to go late night bowling with them. Surely this won't end as badly as the last time you went out, right?
A/N: Bloobs brought me another scenario featuring my beloved maknaes and I couldn't resist writing a sequel to Happy Hour! Here's how her brilliant prompt started: "You've laid low since the night at Pied Piper. Jungkook thinks it would be great to take you and his friends out to late night bowling. Neon lights, top 40 hits, cheap beer. What could go wrong?" What, indeed? 😁You can read the rest of her beautiful scenario here. Thank you for inspiring me again, Bloobs! 💜
Unbeta’d of course. If you like this nonsense, please let me know - my inbox is always open! 💕
Previous: Happy Hour
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜
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Jungkook pulls into a parking spot and kills the engine of his car. He glances at you. “You ready?”
“Yeah. Just a minute.” Turning in your seat, you face the two younger men sitting in the back. “Okay. Before we go in there, what are the rules again?”
Taehyung sighs. “Really, Noona? You’ve already made us repeat these a dozen times on the way here.”
“Yes, really,” you say, giving him a sharp look. “One more time.”
“Fine. Rule number one: no one is allowed to buy or give any drinks to Noona.”
“Correct. No one is handling my drinks tonight except me.” You look at the other man, who smiles angelically. This makes you narrow your eyes. “Jimin? What’s rule number two?”
“No taking any videos or photos with my phone. If Noona so much as sees my phone at any point, she will rain thunder down on me.” Jimin scrunches up his cherubic face, adjusting the thick headband that holds his blond hair back. “I don’t even know what that means, Noona.”
“Well, god help you if you find out tonight, Minnie,” you inform him.
“Aw, don’t you trust me?” He holds his hands up at the murderous glint in your eye. “My phone will stay in my pocket! I promise!”
You tilt your head towards your brother. “Jungkook?”
“If at any time Noona appears to be reaching the bad stages of drunkenness, I am to remove her from the premises immediately.” He wrinkles his nose. “I’m just supposed to know what 'the bad stages’ are?”
“Trust me. You’ll know.” You square your shoulders. “Okay. Let’s get it.”
Sure, the rules might be overkill, but this is your first public appearance in your hometown since that drunken disaster at Pied Piper last month, so you’re not taking any chances. You almost didn’t come back to town for another visit, but you couldn’t stand being away from your family for the holidays.
Unlike your parents, who departed this morning for some remote cabin in the woods on a “rustic Christmas” getaway. Whatever. At least they’d left you with a full fridge for the weekend.
Honestly, part of you wants to grab your brother’s keys and hightail it back to your parents’ house right now, but you know you can’t hide forever. So when the trio asked you to go late night bowling with them, promising it wouldn’t be a repeat of the happy hour incident, you gave in. You have a hard time saying no to these three.
And they know it.
You had no idea that bowling is such a popular Friday night activity, but there’s only one lane available when you get to the register. The bored young man behind the counter hands out your shoes and tells you you’re on lucky #13.
“I’m going to grab us a pitcher,” Jungkook says. “You sure you don’t want a drink, Noona?”
“Rule number one, Jungkook.” No one will be feeding you any drinks tonight. “I’ll grab one later. Gonna take it slow for now.”
As you and the other boys saunter towards your reserved lane, you’re starting to feel pretty good about deciding to come out tonight. No one’s staring at you or pointing and laughing or doing anything you’d been afraid of. Plopping down in one of the hard plastic seats attached to your table, you listen to Taehyung and Jimin argue about whose name should be “ASS” on the automatic scorer as you tie on the ugly bright red and blue bowling shoes.
When you straighten up, those good feelings slide right down the drain as you spot the four men in the neighboring lane.
“Oh, fuck,” you mutter as Hobi, Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon all look your way.
These are the last faces you were hoping to see tonight. Well, three of them, anyway.
“Baby!” Hobi coos as he bounds over and picks you up in a big bear hug. You giggle a little before insisting he put you down. The two of you saw quite a bit of each other the last time you were in town, but you haven’t heard anything from him since. “I’m so happy to see you again.” He wraps his arms around you, hugging you from behind, and you can feel just how happy he is through the loose grey sweatpants he wears.
“Hey hyungs!” Taehyung waves. “Having a good night?”
“We were,” Jin replies, shooting you a dirty look.
“Hey,” Yoongi drawls your name. “Are you taking requests for your serenades tonight? Can I request that you wait until I’ve left the building?”
Namjoon doesn’t say anything, dark eyes blinking slowly at you. You’re not sure what that means but you don’t think you like it.
Jungkook appears at that moment, pitcher in one hand, plastic cups in the other. As soon as he sets everything down, you wiggle free from Hobi’s grasp, grab a cup, and pour yourself a drink. Forget rule number one. You need beer, and you need it now.
“Uh, Noona?” Jungkook asks as you lift the cup to your lips. “Are you sure you want to drink that? Don’t you want to take it slow?”
You pause, scanning the faces around you. Everyone seems to be breathlessly waiting to see if you’re going to chug the beer. Especially Taehyung and Jimin, who are both grinning like madmen.
Oh, no. You’re not doing this again. Setting the cup down, you sigh. You can handle the barbs and jabs from your former crushes tonight. It’s not worth getting drunk and risking ending up the star of another series of home movies from hell.
“You’re right, Jungkook. Thanks.”
Taehyung and Jimin both visibly deflate as you grin at your brother. Ignoring the death glare Jin is still leveling your way and the snide comments Yoongi keeps dropping, you stand and approach the lane. With a strong throw, your bowling ball hurtles down the waxy wooden paneling and smashes into the pins, knocking all ten down.
Oh yeah. You’ve got this.
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“Noona. Nooooooo-naaaaaaa. Wakey wakey.”
A gentle voice is murmuring in your ear. Is it Hobi again? You reach out and your hand sinks into a thick mop of hair.
“Hobi,” you smile into your pillow, eyes still shut tight, “your hair is so soft, baby.”
“Thanks, Noona,” the voice replies, “I do an avocado and honey mask twice a week. But I’m not Hobi?”
Oh no. No no no.
You recognize that voice now that sleep has abandoned you, but you don’t want to open your eyes.
“Come on, Noona, we know you’re awake,” your brother’s voice joins the fray. “Give it up.”
Goddamn it.
Jungkook and Jimin peer down at you in concern as you blink slowly in the bright sunlight streaming into your parents’ living room. You’re lying on the floor, a couch cushion flattened under your cheek.
Taehyung is lying next to you, smiling brilliantly. Your fingers are still tangled in his hair.
“Fuck!” you yell, pulling your hand away. “Why are you lying here? Oh god, please tell me we didn’t - “
“Oh, no, Noona, we didn’t do anything!” Taehyung reassures you, waving his hands. “I was just trying to wake you.” He taps his watch. “It’s almost one, sleepyhead!”
You sit up, rubbing your eyes. Glancing down, you realize you’re wearing your clothes from last night, but your shirt is on backwards. “Why am I dressed like this and why was I on the floor?”
“We were hoping you’d tell us,” Jimin states, clucking his tongue.
Your brother gestures to the plate on the coffee table. “I made you breakfast. Again.”
“You’re a goddamn saint, Jungkook. Santa better bring you everything you asked for this year.” You tuck into the egg sandwich he’s prepared for you.
Your chewing slows as you realize the boys are all staring at you. “Oh god. What now?”
“If you don’t know why you slept down here, I’m guessing you can’t recall most of your night before that, either?” Jungkook asks. He grabs the cushion and puts it back, then stretches out on the couch.
Now that he mentions it, you can’t. But - how could that -
“YOU ASSHOLES!! You got me drunk again, didn’t you?” You can’t believe it. After all their promises to you, all the reassurances that they knew the rules! All the threats of grievous bodily harm! “Goddamn it, I knew I shouldn’t trust you!”
“Whoa! We did no such thing!” Taehyung yelps. “You didn’t have anything to drink last night! I swear!”
Confused, you look at your brother, who simply nods. “He’s telling the truth. You nearly started chugging beer when we first got there, but changed your mind. None of us saw you drink a single drop of alcohol all night.”
“And believe me, we were watching,” Jimin adds.
“But I don’t remember anything! I mean, I remember getting to the alley, and finding our lane, and… oh god, everyone was there. Hobi, and Namjoon, and Yoongi. And Jin? I think?” You lean back against the couch, head in your hands. “And then it’s all just a big blur. What happened?”
“Great question!” Taehyung beams. “We were hoping you’d ask that.”
“‘We’?” your brother mutters under his breath.
“Oh, fuck me, please don’t say it,” you beg. But you know what’s coming and there’s no way to stop it.
Deja vu smacks you directly upside the head as your face suddenly fills the tv screen. You turn into a banshee. “JIMIN I TOLD YOU NO PHONES!”
Then the camera shifts, pulling back, and you realize, to your horror, you’re the one holding it.
“Oh no, Noona,” Jimin smirks from his perch on your parents’ armchair. “I kept my promise! But you never said anything about your phone.”
What the fuck?!
“Hold on, how the fuck are you playing this if I took it?”
Jimin holds up the phone in his hands. It’s yours.
If the pitch of your voice gets any more shrill, only dogs will be able to hear you. “How do you know my passcode?!?”
Video You giggles, and holds the camera out to widen the view, revealing Hobi sitting behind you. Well, underneath you, as you’re on his lap. Yoongi is next to Hobi, head tipped back as he stares at the laser lights dancing overhead.
“You feeling good, baby?” Hobi says to Video You.
“I can’t believe I forgot how amazing molly makes me feel!” Video You raves, leaning back against Hobi as he wraps an arm around you.
Oh shit. Not molly. You and Hobi had taken it a few times together at some parties over the years. It led to some… interesting nights. The ones you could recall, at least. How fucking stressed had you been last night that you’d decided ecstasy was a good idea??
“You coming home with me tonight?” Hobi asks as Video You nods and attacks his mouth with your own.
“Just giving the milk away, huh, Noona?” Taehyung inquires.
“Fuck off, Tae.”
The camera flips to show your brother preparing to take his turn. As he steps up to throw the ball, it flips back to you and Hobi, who turns to Yoongi. “You want to join us, hyung? You know three’s the magic number. ”
“Awww, poor baby bro got a gutter ball!” Video You crows into the camera as Yoongi looks questioningly at Hobi over your shoulder.
“Are you serious?”
Hobi shrugs. “Just asking. I know you’re always up for a good time. So are we, right?” He nudges your cheek with his nose as you laugh. The camera wobbles as you zoom in on Yoongi.
“We are. Come on, Yoongi,” Video You begs in what you can only describe, to your absolute shame, as a pouty baby voice as Yoongi stares impassively at the lens. “Don’t you want to play with us?”
“Jungkook, come on, finish your frame!” Taehyung’s voice calls from offscreen. The camera tilts again and shows Jungkook stepping up to the lane.
“Try to get one this time, Jungkookie. Just one!” Video You cheers, apparently trying to be supportive, and your brother swings his arm back as Yoongi’s voice declares, “Okay, but if we get into a double penetration situation, I want - ,” and his voice is cut off by Video You’s scream as your brother’s grip on his bowling ball slips and it flies backwards, smashing into a plastic chair and breaking it.
Present day you is also screaming as the video stops. Your brother and his friends all stare at you.
“Okay,” you begin, hands folded in front of your mouth once you stop shrieking. “So… I didn’t get drunk, but I was rolling on molly last night.”
“Looks that way,” Taehyung replies.
“I’m pretty sure Yoongi gave it to you. And Hobi. And god knows who else,” Jimin snorts. “He was definitely on it last night.”
You nod, absorbing. “And Jimin didn’t touch his phone. Because I decided to record myself… evidently arranging a threesome.”
“Correct,” Jimin states as your brother buries his face in a pillow.
This is fine.
“I mean, this could have been worse.”
Jungkook springs up and throws his hands in the air. “I don’t know if you noticed, but it kind of sucked for me! The three of you were so loud making your plans that I ended up breaking the chair off the table! I had to pay for that shit!”
“Well, serves you right for being a puritan. Polyamory is a valid lifestyle,” you sniff. Jungkook just lets out a wordless scream and flops back down on the couch. Taehyung giggles, and you squint at him.
“Tae, is your nose all bruised?”
Taehyung coughs. “Uh, it’s probably just the lighting in here.”
“So, I’m guessing I came home with those two last night?” You grab your sandwich and start eating again. Your appetite has returned now that you know what happened.
Plus you need your strength if you have Hobi and Yoongi waiting upstairs.
“Wellllllll…” Taehyung stretches the word out to several syllables, and you blink.
“Oh please no.”
“Cue it up, Jimin!”
Any thought of snatching your phone from Jimin’s hands is quickly wiped away by the sight on screen.
“Oh my god, what is Namjoon doing?”
The phrase that immediately comes to mind is “working it out.” As the camera focuses on the tall drink of water that is your former crush, you realize that -
“Oh my god, is he giving me a lap dance??”
As you watch in half-horror, half-delight, the camera angle tilts like you’re holding it over your head, aiming down to show the tree trunk thighs that straddle your lap. It pans up to Namjoon’s face. His eyes are closed as he sings, head bobbing to, well, you’re not quite sure.
“What is the song playing?” You tilt your head, trying to hear better. “Is that -
“Miley Cyrus’s ‘Party in the USA?’ Yes, Namjoon-hyung is grinding it out to Hannah Montana,” Taehyung answers happily.
“But he’s not dancing on the beat, and that’s not what he’s singing.” God, the lyrics seem familiar, but you can’t quite place the off-key notes that Namjoon is warbling into the camera.
Video You whoops loudly. “Fuck yeah, baby! Work those hips, Joonie!”
“Molly really brings out Noona’s inner cheerleader.”
“Too bad she’s a real shit cheerleader.”
“Shut it, Tae, Jungkook, I’m still trying to figure out the song!”
“He’s singing ‘I Want You,' by Madonna,” Jimin informs the room.
You all stare at Jimin.
“What? It’s a good fucking song.”
Turning your attention back to the video, you cringe but laugh as Namjoon croons “I want you to want me, baby, just like I want youuuuuuu.” You can hear Yoongi and Hobi shouting encouragement in the background, and a few dollar bills float into the frame.
Namjoon suddenly thrusts hard to the beat that only he can hear, knocking the phone out of your hand. As Video You fumbles to recover it, the camera catches him losing his balance, sticking a foot in the pizza on the table behind him. He scrambles, knocking a pitcher of beer directly into Jimin’s lap. The camera cuts off as Jimin leaps up, shaking out his sweatpants and screeching “THESE ARE VERSACE!”
You’re cackling loudly enough to wake the dead.
“Oh my god, that was amazing! Fuck, I wonder if that was Joon’s first time on molly?” Who knew that mountain could move like that?
“Yeah, well, I hope he enjoyed it, because I’m sending him the dry cleaning bill for my pants,” Jimin huffs. “I smelled like beer the rest of the night.”
Again, you can live with this.
“Okay, so Joon brought me home, then?”
“Let’s go to the videotape one more time!”
Once again, you’re watching yourself on the screen, but this time there’s no phone in your hand. Video You dances near the rack, rubbing your hands over the bowling balls in a manner clearly meant to be sensual, but falls well short of the mark. You quickly realize that Hobi is now in control of the camera as his voice booms, “That’s it, baby! Show us what you’re working with!”
“Why am I always singing?,” you murmur as Video You loudly, and poorly, caterwauls, “We’re gonna score tonight! We’re gonna sco-or-rrrre to-nigh-ight!”
“Excellent choice, Noona. Grease 2 is an underrated classic,” Jimin enthuses, and although you agree with him, you still chuck a pillow at him.
The camera pans to show Yoongi watching you with his mouth hanging open. Video You also notices and stops your terrible rendition. As you cower behind a pillow on the floor, Video You struts over to where Hobi and Yoongi are sitting and suddenly bends over in front of them, showing off a lacy pink thong sticking out of the back of her jeans.
“Oh Jesus god!” You really didn’t need a closeup of your ass, but Hobi was all too happy to provide one anyway, judging by the speed with which he zoomed in and the uncontrollable giggles that filter through the tv.
Your brother pulls the quilt off the back of the couch and wraps it around his head as Jimin dances in his seat and Taehyung claps along.
Spurred on by Hobi’s reaction, and the fact that Britney Spears’s ‘I’m a Slave 4 U’ is thumping overhead, Video You yanks the thong up higher and shimmies in front of Yoongi, who is either completely rapt or rolling so hard his soul left his body. Either way, he stares at your ass as the song changes to the only one that could make this moment even worse.
“Oooh, that dress so scandalous,” Sisqó’s ‘Thong Song’ blares out of the speakers. Video You cheers and the camera suddenly wobbles as Hobi joins you. The angle shifts as he holds the phone out in front of you, showing how he has wrapped himself around you like a blanket and the two of you begin to grind.
“Okay, I get it, no more molly for me ever, can we turn it off now?” you groan, drawing your knees up to your chest. “Unless I start stripping here, I don’t think it’s going to get any worse.”
“Oh, Noona, you should know by now that it can always get worse,” Jimin asserts. “Especially when it’s you we’re watching.”
Before you can fire off your terse rejoinder (“Did you just hear that rumbling, Minnie? Prepare for thunder!”), the video draws you back in. The loud music suddenly cuts off, and Video You and Hobi stop dancing as a drunken voice slurs into the loudspeaker.
“Did I ever tell you about the time ___ tried to convince me to have sex with her on a playground?”
“Oh, fuck me.” Jimin was right, you really should know better by now.
The camera zooms in on the tall man standing behind the rental counter, clutching the microphone for the PA. It’s not the bored bowling alley clerk from earlier. It’s Jin. The one man you belatedly realize has been missing from all of the videos so far. Clearly, he’d been offscreen drinking his way through a keg, because from the way he’s violently swaying as he drones into the mic, he’s completely wasted.
“I told her ‘no!’ Jin announces, waving a hand for emphasis. “Because if we got - *hic* - if we got caught, it would be trouble!”
“That motherfucker,” you mutter as you hear Hobi and the others laughing offscreen. “He’s the one who wanted to fuck on a merry-go-round! I’m the one who said no!”
“Good call. Merry-go-rounds make me nauseous,” Taehyung nods.
"This conversation is making me nauseous," your brother's muffled voice adds.
“I thought maybe she had - had a teacher-student kink, you know?” Jin continues, propping himself against the counter. “She was all, oh senpai, notice me, at school with that guy. That guy that taught Euro History? You know? What the fuck was his name?”
“Why isn’t anyone stopping him?” you shout at the tv, as if the people on screen could hear you.
“Just wait,” Jungkook says gruffly from beneath the quilt.
That’s less than reassuring.
“Choi!” Jin suddenly shouts. “He was like 80 years old *hic* and I swear she was always like, ‘oh, seonsaengnim!’” Jin mockingly singsongs the word. “‘You’re so - so smart!’ I bet she wanted me to pretend to be Choi.”
As your fists clench, you watch in shock as Video You suddenly makes a run for the counter. Taehyung darts into frame, trying to hold Video You back.
Jin tries to survey the entire bowling alley, asking if any of them got glowing recommendation letters from Choi or if it was only you. Hobi shouts “Oh shit!” as Video You launches yourself up and over the counter, kicking Taehyung square in the face as you ascend. A second later, Video You tackles a shrieking Jin to the ground as Hobi stops the recording.
From the looks on their faces, none of the boys expected you to find this funny in the slightest. But especially not hysterical, as you double over, practically crying with laughter.
“Uh, Noona?” Taehyung asks hesitantly. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, I’m fucking fantastic!” you exclaim. “Oh, but shit, Tae - how’s your face? It looked like I clocked you pretty good!”
Taehyung touches his nose, wincing. “If Jin got the thunder, I think I got the bolt of lightning.”
This only makes you laugh harder.
“Noona,” Taehyung pouts. “Don’t laugh!”
“Are you kidding me?” This is too much. “This is amazing! It’s karma! This is karmic payback for what you guys did to me at Pied Piper!”
“What we did?” your brother sputters, poking his head out, eyes widening in surprise. “You did all of that to yourself!”
“Yeah, after you fed me drinks all night! And I sure as fuck didn’t record myself there, did I, Minnie?” Jimin at least had the decency to look abashed. “And look - what was the third rule last night, Jungkook?” Your brother just glares. “If you’d taken me home when the molly took over, all of this could’ve been avoided. You have no one to blame but yourselves”
“And Yoongi, for providing the molly,” Jungkook mutters under his breath. He knows there’s no point in arguing with you about who was responsible for what. The two of you might not look like brother and sister, but you were practically identical twins in terms of sheer stubbornness. He retreats under the quilt again.
“So what happened after I rained down hell on Jin?”
“Jungkook separated you two. The bowling alley guy came back from his cigarette break and basically shut the place down early,” Jimin informs you.
You crack up. “Guess he’d had enough of the chaos!”
“Then Jin and I took a trip to the walk-in clinic,” Taehyung replies, frowning. “He was fine - you knocked the wind out of him, but it came right back, judging by how much he whined that you ruined his moneymaker.” You cock an eyebrow at that and Taehyung goes on. “His face. You gave him a tiny scratch below his eye. Needed like two stitches. I told him ladies dig scars.”
“Once I got you calmed down, I asked Jimin to call you two a ride and get you home, while I stayed to pay for the damages. Those ugly-ass chairs are surprisingly expensive,” Jungkook laments from under the blanket.
“Oh, uh, I didn’t bring Noona home,” Jimin sits up. “She was already gone, so I made sure Yoongi-hyung got home instead. He was pretty out of it. Kept meowing at me.”
You glance at the staircase. “I have a good idea of how I got home.” Hopping up, you walk over and lean against the railing as you bellow, “Hobi!!”
“Baby?” Hobi’s voice calls out. A minute later, he pads down the stairs, once again clad in only bottoms, this time a pair of your fleecy pajama pants. “You called?”
“I sure did,” you state, giving Hobi a smooch on the cheek. You run your fingers through his fluffy bedhead. “Just as soft as I thought.”
“Nothing.” You beam at him.
“Good morning, Hobi-hyung. Nice to see you again,” Taehyung grins.
“Uh, hey, Taehyung. Jimin. Person who I assume is Jungkook under that quilt.”
The quilt waves.
“I don’t suppose you know why I woke up down here, dressed like a Kris Kross revival?” you ask Hobi.
“You wandered off in search of water again. I’m gonna start keeping a pitcher on your nightstand when I come over.” He traces a finger along your jawline. “Come back to bed? We missed you.”
“Hobi-hyung? Sweetness? Where did you both go?”
“I thought you took Yoongi-hyung home?” Taehyung asks Jimin, who nods.
You blink in surprise as another man descends from upstairs. Also wearing your pajama bottoms, though on his long legs, they barely reach mid-calf.
“Namjoon!” you gasp as the shirtless man smiles bashfully, running a hand through his dark hair.
“Hey… everyone,” he responds slowly, realizing the room is full of staring eyes. “Uh, good morning?”
“Afternoon, but close enough.” You gesture to Jimin. “Phone.”
Jimin hands it over and you slip it into the pocket of your jeans as Taehyung rubs his face gingerly and the quilt sighs loudly.
“Great. Well, last night looks like it was a total blast, guys. Let’s do it again soon!” Taking Hobi and Namjoon each by the hand, you climb the stairs back to your room, wondering if you should send Yoongi a gift basket for that molly. “Come on, boys. Back to bed.”
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Now and for eternity| Lucifer Morningstar x reader
Fandom: Lucifer ( netflix)
Request:” Can you write an imagine where Lucifer’s wife is like this well known social light that owns her own luxury fashion brand and she starts receiving gifts from an obsessed secret admirer and Lucifer is unknowingly being targeted by the secret admirer who is trying to kill Lucifer in order to get the reader and Lucifer thinks it’s his father trying to ‘strike’ him down for some unknown reason until Chloe point out someone that correlates with the readers secret admirer and Lucifer’s attacker. Feeling some type away about it Lucifer decides to taunt the secret admirer by upping the PDA and romantic gestures getting a kick out in it much to Chloe’s dismay. And once the secret admirer is caught Lucifer rubs it in their face that the reader is his for now and all of eternity before showing the secret admirer his true face. ”
Genre: fluff? I guess
Warnings:death threats, stalking, attempted murder
It wasn’t unusual to receive gifts and flowers at your office. After all, with the job you worked and the wealthy people you collaborated with, the presents simply represented one of the many perks of being a designer. Except, one friday morning, while examining a particularly beautiful bouquet of pink lilies, you noticed the little card that came with it
“I know they are some of your favorite - <3 “
Usually, work associates would leave a name. Some way for you to know that they value your work and are thinking of you (and maybe to flatter you into giving them a discount), but there was no name on this card, just a tiny heart in a glittery, pink gel pen. Pink lilies were, indeed, your favorite.
You brought the flowers home and told your husband, Lucifer, all about the mysterious gift. You had talked to your secretary and even she didn’t know where the flowers came from, since no one came to drop off lilies that morning. You presumed the sender must have simply forgotten to sign the card, and perhaps your secretary had forgotten about them, with the busy morning she’d had. You and Lucifer had a laugh, imagining the shy and anxious intern that was probably assigned the job, and the scolding they’ll get when their boss finds out about their mistake.
The next morning, a box of your favorite chocolates were waiting for you on your desk. There wasn’t any note, just the same heart, written in the same glitter pen. You dismissed it as a weird coincidence and moved on to working on your designs.
Without you knowing, this also happened to be the first time Lucifer would be faced with a very interesting note. As he was getting ready to leave the police station, he noticed a piece of yellow paper, stuck to his windshield
“Back off of Y/N. Consider this your first and last warning” no signature. Anyone in Lucifer’s place would have lost their shit, but he paid it no mind. He was the devil after all! If anyone wants to take his precious Y/N away from him, well, they can try. It would make things all the more fun. He folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket before heading home.
The couple shared Y/N’s chocolates that night, talking about who this person might be. Lucifer wasn’t as amused as he had been the night before, if anything he was rather concerned but he didn’t want to say anything about the note to Y/N, because she would freak out. 
Nothing really happened for the next week. Anonymous gifts stopped showing up at Y/N’s office, Lucifer didn’t get any more notes and things were falling back in their place, until the day right after Y/N’s latest photoshoot went public and viral. It was all to promote her upcoming clothing line. As soon as she walked into the office the next day, she spotted a red, velvet box, the size of a notebook, in the middle of her desk. On top of it, a note written in the same glittery pink as the other gifts
“Congratulations on your new line. Those photos are gorgeous - J.P. <3”
Inside the box was a gorgeous diamond necklace, looking like it was worth millions. If you hadn’t been concerned about the sudden apparition of all these gifts so far, you sure were now. You immediately called your husband to tell him about the mysterious jewelry, but he didn’t pick up. Unbeknown to you, he was busy ranting to detective Decker.
“I mean, not to be dramatic, detective, but the situation does feel like it’s spiralling out of control. Death threats, sure, those come every other weekend, kind of like fanmail, y’know? But actual gun shots fired at my head, well, that’s where I draw the line.” he ended with a giggle. Lucifer was leaning on Decker’s desk as she was examining the bullet casings Lucifer had brought her from his apparent ‘attempted assasination’
“Where did this happen again?” she said, not taking her eyes off of her work
“Right by that coffee shop ms. Lopez always talks about. I may have lost a bet to her the other day and have to get her coffee for the rest of the week, so I was just exiting the shop when a masked man in a dark blue BMW zoomed by, pointing his gun at me and shooting blindly. I mean, that is the most basic attemp at murder I have ever witnessed. At least make it interesting!”
“Lucifer, if someone is out for your life, it’s serious business”
“Why would it be? It’s not like I can actually die, detective! Plus, it’s probably not that deep anyways. Just, dear old dad coming after me again for no particular reason. Very characteristic of him.”
“ You’re getting ahead of yourself. Whoever sent this wants you and Y/N apart, why would your dad want that?”
“Because he’s a prick who disagrees with everything and anything that makes me happy?” Lucifer concludes with an innocent smile “And, of course, Y/N being moral, our marriage goes against the heavenly rules of the almighty, so he’s trying to break us apart, but worry not detective! Me and Y/N are stronger and more in love than ever. My father will simply have to accept that. Nothing will break us apart” he said, puffing his chest out with confidence
“That’s good to hear Lucifer, but I still think we should stay open to different possibilities”
“Oh, come on detective, that would be a waste of our time. I know my father better than anyone, believe me when I tell you this is his hand and no one else's. Case closed! Now, let’s move to the next one! Chop chop detective, murders won’t solve themselves!” Lucifer said, marching out of the precinct. Chloe rolled her eyes at her partner, before hiding the bullets and the note in her desk and going after him.
Although it didn’t bother you, you couldn’t help but notice how much more touchy Lucifer had been with you, ever since the necklace incident. He needed to touch you at all times: when you were out for coffee, at lunch, at the station, in your office, in Lux. His hand was always either around your waist or tangled in yours. You felt sort of bad, thinking he must be a little insecure with this secret admirer being after you at all times, but you wanted him to know that you loved him more than anything and that no matter what, you would never leave him for a faceless man, no matter how many pearls and chocolates he bribes you with. And so, you decided to play along with him, giving him as much attention as you could. Your visits at the station almost doubled, you always cleared your schedule to make time for him and even decided to start work later in  the day than usual, so you could spend more time with him in the morning. 
One afternoon, as you were enjoying your time with Decker and Lucifer during their lunch time, one of the notes from your secret admirer slipped out of your pocket. You didn’t realise it until Chloe picked it up
“Oh, I was going to throw that out”
“Where’s this from?” she asked, studying the note
“Just one of this week's gifts” you confessed awkwardly. Without a second thought, the detective reached for her drawer, pulling out another note from inside and inspecting them side by side. Eventually, she placed them both in front of Lucifer
“Notice something interesting about the writing?”
“They are remarkably similar…”
“More like identical”
“What is that?” you asked, looking at the unknown note. Your heart sank as you read it
“I’ll explain everything at home dear, I swear” Lucifer said
“You’ve received death threats because of me?”
“I’ll tell you everything at home, I promise”
“You have initials…” Decker noticed
“Yeah, ever since my photoshoot, they’re present on every package”
“What floor is your office on again?”
“5th, why?”
“How can someone enter your office every morning without anyone, not even your secretary noticing, and exit just as mysteriously?” “Unless he found a different way in” Lucifer replied
“My window” you realise “You can step out directly onto the emergency staircase from there”
“He knew when to sneak in without being seen, so he must have known your schedule like the back of his hand. Who could know?”
“The only people who know it are my secretary and Lucifer”
“A stalker?” your husband suggested
“Maybe” Decker turned quickly to her computer “I’m going to check any business owners around that neighbourhood who could have had a close shot of when you enter and exit your studio, see if any initially match the ones on the notes. We’ll go from there” 
You thanked Chloe for the help and went home with Lucifer, who spent the entire car ride explaining the note to you and the events of the previous days. You were angry at him for keeping all of it away from you, but ultimately happy that he was safe. You spent the night drinking wine and rewatching all of your comfort movies, to calm your nerves.
You decided to try working from home for the next couple of days, too scared by the idea of a stranger following your every move. It was a challenging process but Lucifer did his best in helping you get accustomed to this new routine. His homemade meals could not compare to anything you would eat while in a meeting with your business associates. Plus, the company was much more delightful.
Chloe texted you, almost a week later, to come down to the station as quickly as possible. They had found the guy. You hopped into your car and when you finally arrived, Lucifer was waiting for you outside
“They found him?” 
“Yes dear, they did”
“Well, as it turns out he lived in the apartment building next door. His living room window had a great view of everything happening in your office. We’ve found a week’s worth of gifts he was planning to deliver. It’s him for sure” 
“Thank you” you whispered before collapsing into Lucifer’s arms and hugging him tight
“It’s alright lovely. It’s over now. Let’s go see how the detective is handling it. I think they’re in the interrogation room now.”
From behind the glass, you watched the man that threatened your marriage and your husband's life, confess to everything. Admit to stalking you, in order to learn your schedule. Break into your office and open fire on Lucifer. More than enough to get him behind bars for a long time. Decker and Lucifer got up and were ready to leave, but your husband requested a couple of minutes alone with the man. The detective agreed, cautioning him to not do something stupid, before leaving them alone. Lucifer turned on his heels to face the man in handcuffs and you could instantly tell he was furious
“Truly an honorable try. Y/N is one of a kind, you were right about that, the only detail you missed is that, you see, she’s taken. By me” the mischievous smile on his face let you know that he was up to no good “Our bond is indestructible and it’s really laughable to think that you’ve risked so much to tear us apart when you didn’t stand a chance to begin with” Lucifer leaned over the table, now his back was facing you “Me and Y/N are, and forever will be, together. There is nothing you or anyone else can do to change that. She is mine and I am hers, now and for eternity” as his little speech came to an end, you noticed the man in handcuffs go pale with terror. He began shaking in his chair, screaming incoherently about the devil. Even tho you hadn’t see what your husband did, you could tell by the man’s reaction. You laughed to yourself, not even mad that Lucifer had used his devil face against this man. You would have done the same if you had the option.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
Characters: Albedo, Kazuha, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 3,707
Warnings: Swearing
Premise: Modern AU in which the reader’s s/o is famous.
Author’s Note: My first crack at a modern AU and I enjoyed it immensely! My personal media of choice definitely came through in this prompt. I would now kill for Albedo to read Shakespeare. Also streamer Kazuha is an inspired idea, thank you anon for that! Not to mention musician Xiao, truly chef’s kiss.
Albedo was a stage actor, both by education and by trade. Starting in high school he began in local productions, before entering into the Mondstadt Theateracademie. After appearing as Estragon in a filmed version of Waiting for Godot, he began to be scouted for various television miniseries, eventually becoming a well-respected film actor.
You arrived somewhere in the middle of his career. Working as a costume assistant at the Academie you had quickly fallen for the inquisitive and deceptively intense soul that exuded every color of emotion onstage, from raging anger to soft sorrow, before stepping into the wings and resuming an aura of utter calm. He had captivated you, both as an actor and as a human being; and when you learned that he had also become slightly infatuated with you, well, it was hard not to feel like you had stepped into a wonderful play, or perhaps simply a wonderful play had been brought to life.
The switch from theatre to screen was certainly a jarring one for both of you. When the first film contract was offered Albedo had stared at it for a long time, rereading it over and over again as the coffee in front of him quickly turned cold.
“Is there something wrong with the contract?” You had asked.
“No, it’s not that. It’s only…”
“Only on stage there is a single audience. You can feel their reactions, can measure their response. There is nothing nebulous about the people around you. But on film you cannot do that. You cannot adjust for time of day, or whether it’s a weekend or a Friday performance. You must let your lines out and hope that they land without even being able to calculate it.”
“It’s not a science experiment my darling,” you had teased.
“Maybe not,” Albedo admitted. Still he continued to read and reread, and it was only until the next afternoon that he had told you his answer.
Still, you had to admit that he made a fantastic actor. The naturally inward part of your partner’s personality, the part that always seemed to jump out the moment he left the stage, worked well to balance with the camera’s need for subtlety, unlike the projection required for stage plays. It was little surprise then that he should grow so popular. Despite all the worries about measuring audience response, there was no doubting the success of Albedo’s acting career.
Being a naturally withdrawn person Albedo mostly stayed off of social media. He had one private Instagram for friends – he didn’t post anything; one private Facebook for family – the only picture was one of you two in the mountains next to a particularly weird looking rock; and WhatsApp – which could barely be counted. Thus when he started blowing up on Twitter – a platform you had a mostly unused account on – the reaction was mostly one of “why are they talking about me?”
Not that Albedo minded fan enthusiasm, indeed when people started showing up in droves at the stage door for him he was always careful to thank everyone collectively and talk to as many people as possible, it just sort of confused him that so many people should take a vested interest in the actor and not just the character.
“It’s because they want to show you how wonderful they think your performances are,” you’d explained.
“I don’t have Twitter,” Albedo deadpanned.
Despite his protests though you sometimes caught him scrolling on your account, face slightly red at all the positive attention. His habit of internal self-deprecation had never truly gone away. That fact became slightly unfortunate in the face of hate comments. It was hard for Albedo not to take things personally. If someone said his acting was shit then you would catch Albedo reading the same line over and over again, as if to achieve mathematical perfection. It was a difficult urge to fight, and you were always careful to give Albedo plenty of reassurance when these things popped up, as well as surreptitiously blocking the trolls that wandered their way onto your dash.
This habit to take things at face value did not apply when you entered the mix. As far as Albedo was concerned you were his partner and no amount of complaining online would make him second guess that or second guess your worth. Even if you thought that you had a better hold on social media assholerly than he did Albedo would still make sure that for every hate comment that floated your way there were at least three compliments on his part. Mentioning you off-handedly in press interviews, saying that he had to go home to his partner, leaving small sketches on post-it notes scattered throughout your apartment, there were no lengths that Albedo wouldn’t go to assure you. And, if you had to admit, these things truly did make you feel better on the days when the small part of your brain said that this wasn’t mindless social media harassment.
Being an actor Albedo had an incredibly fine-tuned sense of the way that people responded to emotions, as if he were performing some grand sort of scientific experiment to see how many people he could sway with his gift. As of such he was always careful that, regardless of his success, things between you were never upturned. You were with him before he was really famous, and you would be there during and after. Albedo loved you deeply; though he often said that he hated romance plays for how sappy they were in his mind your relationship was the one, glowing exception – regardless of the other happy couples in the world. Though it was slightly idealistic, it was the kind of intensity that comprised Albedo’s personality, was the thing that had garnered him so much success.
Albedo loved you deeply, and no amount of surprise movie contracts would change that.
You had to admit that when you had met Kazuha you had no idea about his double life as a streamer. He was merely one of the many singers that came and went to the recording studios, all people eager to unleash their talent on the world. But unlike the rest of them, Kazuha could make you laugh.
Perhaps then it was unsurprising that Kazuha should be a popular streamer. Though his often florid talking style might seem on paper like it would be too grating for streaming, in reality his soft cadence combined with a dry sense of humor made him wildly popular. He rarely lost his temper, making him palatable to those who wanted to have a fun time without blowing their ears out, and when he did lose it his hyper-specific, often nonsensical insults were the stuff of memes. No, in retrospect it was not all that surprising that Kazuha was a beloved streamer.
At heart though, Kazuha had told you over coffee, the enthusiastic and earnest internet sensation was a poet.
“When you’ve had a life as dissonant as mine, how can you not be?” He’d joked. And indeed perhaps he was right, for Kazuha was as wonderful a poet as you had ever read. He was born to be a writer, you had told him.
You were also an aspiring singer, as well as a friend of the studio owner where you did your recordings. As such you had made it a habit to help around the studio when you weren’t also working or studying. As you and Kazuha were both students with intense side jobs, the good natured complaining of overworked students also made their way into you rapport, a friendship that grew day-by-day. Eventually it sprouted into love.
Though you knew that Kazuha was a streamer when your relationship started, in reality you hadn’t realized how truly popular he had become. The first time you watched one of his streams you were blown away by his popularity. Watching your first livestream only cemented that. It was hard to believe that your down-to-earth, slightly self-effacing, partner could have garnered such a large fanbase. Not that you didn’t think he deserved it. He absolutely did. However after seeing that you admitted you were a bit awestruck.
“Why? Am I not the same person on screen and off?”
“Of course you are! It’s just, well, my partner’s a celebrity!”
“I would go that far,” Kazuha laughed.
“Well you certainly are to me!”
Nevertheless your dynamic didn’t change much afterwards, besides the occasional teasing on both of your parts. Kazuha was after all Kazuha at the end of the day.
At the beginning Kazuha didn’t mention you much on stream, certainly not by name, you had to admit you were a bit intimidated by the idea of being recognizable on the internet, even if it was just by name.
“This is also my partner’s favorite map.” Had been his first mention, during a game of Mario Kart.
Despite this offhanded remark however the chat had almost immediately exploded, followed by the rest of the fanbase. Though there was, of course, some disappointed buzz – isn’t there always – the reaction was immensely positive. Positive, and curious.
After a while Kazuha started mentioning you more often in streams, especially after the two fo you moved in. Sometimes you would hear him as you passed him room – Kazuha liked to keep the door open – other times you would watch it on stream yourself.
“My partner hates this character. Too bad you can’t throw evidence.”
“Nobody tell my partner that I’m afraid of basements. I don’t need them to know that when laundry day rolls around.”
“Hey if you’re watching this dear, I promise that it’s not that much money. You don’t need to look at the bank account. Who am I kidding, this is why we don’t share one.”
“Hey, darling I know you’re watching this. Can you check and make sure I left my keys on the coffee table, they aren’t on my desk. Also can you make tea?”
Despite fans knowing very little about you, you were surprised by the amount of positive comments that flooded the streams. You had to admit that your initial expectations had been “people are going to find me annoying”. Instead funny comics of your voice drifting in from the other room popped up, along with a lot of waving and “tell your partner not to trust you with the keys” after Kazuha fell off a cliff one too many times. It was an odd experience, to be so happy about the comments of faceless people, people to whom you were also faceless.
Eventually Kazuha’s hardwork in singing paid off and his first single was recorded and given a deal. On the evening of the release livestream Kazuha set up in the living room, angling the camera so that you could sit on the chair just out of frame. You had talked about the release for months now, and a few weeks ago Kazuha had brought up the idea of a pseudo-stream reveal.
“I was wondering if you’d like to say hello to the audience or wave when my song is released. I understand that you’re hesitant about those sort of things, and I would never ask of you something that would make you uncomfortable. This relationship is the most precious thing to me, and I wouldn’t want you to feel pressured or exploited in any ways.”
“Thank you for being so considerate Kazuha. I’ll think about it.”
Now you sat in the chair, fidgeting slightly, waiting as the countdown on his laptop reached one. You excitement certainly seemed matched by that of the fans, who were typing wildly in the chat.
Eventually the screen faded to black and the chatting quieted down. The first few notes of a wooden flute emerged, combined with the strumming of a guitar. As the familiar words began to echo through the laptop speaker you found yourself washed away. Kazuha was always enthralling when he sang. At the end of the song was a dedication, and though Kazuha had already alluded to it, the sincerity still took your breath away.
To my dearest partner. My compass and my guiding star throughout this realization of my dream. You are my sun and my stars, and I’m forever devoted to you. Thank you for sharing in this project, and thank you for giving me such love.
Perhaps it was slightly saccharine. Regardless you felt the sudden, uninhibited urge to cry.
“So, what did everyone think?” Kazuha asked into the mic, face reappearing on screen. He was slightly giddy, and you watched as his hand tugged on the fabric of his linen belt.
Immediately the chat exploded, as waves of “that was amazing”, “I’m crying now”, and “the end was so sweet!” flooded the screen.
“Thank you all for the encouragement!” Kazuha let out a laugh, one that you could tell was one of utter euphoria, and no little relief. “There’s someone else I think who would like to thank you.”
Who knew that a small sentence could cause such a splash?
You barely had time to let out a tentative “Hello,” before an immediate wave of excited screaming covered the bottom left of Kazuha’s stream. “Thank you for supporting Kazuha’s song. And thank you for always being nice to me.” With a tentative wave of the hand you collapsed back on your chair, slightly hysterical laughter rising inside you out of the relief that flooded through you upon seeing the enthused fan reaction.
Afterwards your voice became the occasional guest on Kazuha’s streams, always greeted with enthusiasm. Kazuha continued to grow in popularity, and his music continued to capture a larger and larger audience.
All throughout this you never felt a snag in your relationship. Kazuha may have been a big streaming personality, but he was also a kind and considerate partner, the best that one could ask for in a significant other. Kazuha’s love was never in question. And neither was yours.
Sometimes you were a little self-conscious about the way that you met Xiao.
Though Xiao had definitely grown a following by the time you met – being the main pianist for a popular singer and a classical pseudo-prodigy in both piano and flute his own right certainly had roped him an enthusiastic fanbase – you had simply known him as “the guy who hogs the practice room”.
“I swear to the gods, how long can that bastard take to practice!” You texted angrily at your friend one day. Qixing Conservatory was the premiere music place in Liyue, but what should’ve been an amazing opportunity was being overshadowed by a practice room partner who appeared to not have a life, one who also had the obnoxious habit of playing the same damn thing over, and over, and over again.
“Playing the same piece as before?”
“Yes! Ugh I don’t even know what it’s called but I’ve heard it enough times to last a lifetime, maybe five!”
“Damn I’m sorry, what time does he usually end?”
“I don’t even know. Some time in the early evening. It’s obviously never gotten through to his brain that other people also need to practice. Or that hearing the same notes over and over while waiting makes me want to chuck my binder against a wall.”
“Lol. I kinda want to hear it now. Can you send a video, will the sound pick up?”
“I don’t know how it wouldn’t.”
“Holy shit! Okay, I need you to watch this video and tell me if you recognize the pianist.”
Safe to say you nearly fell out of your chair upon figuring out Xiao’s identity. Not that you weren’t already about to out of pure exasperation. Still, there was something much more intimidating about shaming a successful musician, and you no longer had the urge to glare at Xiao every time he left the practice room. Honestly, you would have been perfectly happy keeping your head down and never interacting with him at all.
Fate, however, has a sense of humor.
To be fair, some of it was your fault. You knew that Erlkonig was a massively difficult piece. You knew that you should’ve picked something else, knew that even Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata mvt. Three had to be less painful than the non-vocal arrangement you’d placed in front of your eyes. You were never trusting your music taste with your piece choices again. This was a terrible mistake.
“These stupid fucking running notes!” You let out, a groan of exasperation racing through you. Half slamming (you weren’t crazy) the piano cover down you swung the door of the practice room open. You didn’t want to deal with this anymore. Trying to ignore the embarrassment that rose up seeing Xiao waiting on a chair next to the door you went to walk down the hallway.
“You should work on it with a dotted sixteenth note pattern.”
It was the first time that Xiao had ever spoken to you.
Afterwards a rapport slowly grew between the two of you. Often Xiao said nothing as you passed, rarely you made a gesture of recognition when he finally reappeared from the practice room. However soon the occasional word or phrase of advice grew into longer sentences, later these sentences evolved into pieces of conversation. Soon enough you discovered, to your slight horror, that you found yourself yearning for Xiao’s company.
Almost as soon as you’d finally figured out your feelings you were hit with a wave of denial. You weren’t falling for Xiao? How could you fall for someone who got on your nerves so much? Sure he gave you advice, but what about it? You deserved it after having to hear him over and over again while waiting. Certainly Xiao didn’t seem interested in you, he barely talked to you! Yeah he was getting more talkative, but it’s easier to talk to people when you’re giving them advice. There’s no way you were in love with Xiao. And there was no way he was in love with you.
To say that Xiao’s career as a musician, never mind his genuine technical talent at two instruments, was a barrier would be an understatement. The moment you thought you were making some progress, finally admitting to yourself that this crush was, in fact, real, a wave of anxiety would pass over you. Xiao was too good for you, he was too important. Here was a man who had a successful musical career already up in the air while you banged frustratedly on the keys. Why would someone that successful be interested in you? Not to mention the fact that he didn’t seem interested.
Because, you had to admit, you did like Xiao’s music. Not just his classical repertoire, but his pop music as well. It was slightly jazzy, mellow and playful and utterly unlike the scowling musician behind it – something you secretly thought extremely cute and surprisingly charming. To him you were just a practice roommate, and you were sure he’d find the idea of dating someone who was more familiar with his public persona irritating.
So you buried your feelings, or tried to. Unfortunately like sometimes attracts like, and just as Xiao secretly had the emotional understanding of a teaspoon, you weren’t nearly as clever about things as you would like.
“Is there something on my face?” Xiao asked, his voice gruff and slightly reluctant.
“No, why would there be?”
“Because you’re staring at it!”
“Oh, I’m sorry!” You let your head drop, looking intently at the ivories in front of you. Eventually there was a sigh.
“You don’t have to do that. I… I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! You staring down is weird too. Let’s, let’s just hurry up and do this passage.”
After that you became more aware of your staring habit. You also became more aware of Xiao’s own habit, leaning towards you. Sometimes you swore that you could feel the tips of his hair tickling your neck, light and feathery and stealing all your attention.
“Hey, Xiao, do you need glasses?”
“Why would you asked that!” Xiao flared up, face reddening. By this time you’d become more accustomed to these flareups of grumpiness, and ignoring it you pressed on.
“It’s just, you seem to be leaning forward.”
“I’m not!” Immediately Xiao shifted back, almost stepping away. Without thinking about it you reached to grab his hand.
“I didn’t mean it was a bad thing!” You got out, before becoming aware of your hand grasping Xiao’s. The touch felt electric, and you were suddenly so very aware of everything, yet unable to focus at all.
“Then you shouldn’t have brought it up.”
“It’s fine.” Xiao grumbled.
Slowly the musician leaned closer to you once more. You had already half stood up and now you found yourself stepping closer to Xiao. The world continued to shrink until you were almost pressed together. Xiao was leaning forward, as were you, and the longer tufts of his hair were tickling your cheek, helped by the fan whirring away in the corner. Your hand was still in his, but all your thoughts appeared to have died away.
“Is this, too close?”
“I like your music. I hope that doesn’t bother you.”
“Why would it?”
“I don’t know. I just, I also like you, not just your music. But I also like your music.”
“I also like yours too.”
Perhaps it wasn’t the most romantic of confessions, but at that point you were far too carried away by the moment, or maybe by the fact that was the most sentences Xiao had strung together that weren’t about triplets. Regardless of the fact, you were suddenly seized by incredible happiness, as all appeared to right itself.
Afterwards initially little changed, Xiao was a gruff as ever, you were still itching to play in the practice room more. Nevertheless when you went to a concert of his for the first time and he let out a small, almost imperceptible, smile your way you knew things had changed. They would keep changing perhaps, or maybe they wouldn’t. After all, this moment was beautiful.
So much that you didn’t even mind the hours spent waiting for the practice room.
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simsadventures · 4 years
Gilded: Chapter 3: Power Over Me
Mobster!Steve x Reader
Summary: What more can you do than have a rad bachelorette party and then move to a house full of mobsters. It all sounds fun, right? Well, not according to your experience. 
Warnings: mobster AU, drinking, swearing, surveillance, angst, smidge of fluff, violence, mention of bruises, fear 
Word Count: 5737
A/N: A little late, I know I know, but I wanted to make sure the chapter was exactly how I wanted it. I keep thinking I will get to the wedding, and then some situations occur and I know I have to concentrate on them a little more. Than being said, I think we will finally see the wedding next! What do you think of this part? Did you like it? Is the reader a little less annoying? Let me know xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist 
< Previous Chapter 
The scene was supposed to be joyous, but, for some reason, the majority of what you felt was filled with sadness. Not for any particular reason, it was just the weigh of your decision finally settling in your heart and the realization hitting you that you would indeed be getting married in a week to a total stranger, who was a mobster, none less. 
You chose it, you had to remind yourself as tears fought their way in your eyes. It was just momentary sadness overpowering you, the feeling that your wedding wouldn’t be filled with people loving and caring for you, that the day would be more about showing off Steve’s power over the world than showing his love for his new bride, for whom he had none. And you would be there almost alone: no parents, no extended family, and a very few close friends. Whom you loved dearly, of course, and without whom you wouldn’t even be considering taking such a step. You needed them there, and not just the two lovable idiots you lived with. 
It was also people you’ve come to love during your university years as well as some coworkers, like Christy and Anja. Together it made around 15 people, which was actually a lot more than you had anticipated, but still. It would have to be Aidan walking you down the aisle, and just the mere thought made a choked sob escape your lips. 
The sound brought the attention of the room to you, and before you knew it, you were enveloped in a bone-crushing hug from all the people there, everyone telling you that you should be happy, that this was a good thing. Of course, nobody except Caroline and Aidan knew the reality behind the wedding. All they thought was happening was that you fell madly in love with Steve Rogers, and now you two were tying the knot. You even overhead Aisha say that you were definitely pregnant, otherwise, you wouldn’t have rushed into it like this. You tried to assure everyone that there was no pregnancy at all, but, of course, people believed what they wanted, and you lacked the energy to go around the room and speak to them individually, denying what they formed in their heads. 
It was Friday night, and you were in your apartment, surrounded by all those people who would come to your wedding. You sent a list of names to Steve that afternoon, and, after what you assumed was a background check on all of them, he agreed that yes, these 15 people could actually come. And when he did, you called an emergency meeting at your apartment, using it both as a way of inviting them to the wedding and as a kind of bachelorette party, where all you wanted to do was to drink heavily, eat a disgusting amount of carbs and pass out around dusk. Safe to say, all of your friends had been in, and by the time it was 11 PM, you were all tipsy, and people started to dance. Some (ehm, ehm, Caroline) even on a table, which was hilarious to the rest of you. 
The sadness came and went all evening, but you were determined not to let it ruin your night. So, every time you felt like it was creeping up on you again, you just told somebody and let them hug you until you were feeling better. 
Then, somebody came up with the idea to play Never Have I Ever, and since the tequila still burned in your veins, you agreed immediately. And so the game started. You were roaring like a pride of lions, each answer louder than the previous ones, but the most fun arose from telling each other funny stories. 
“Ok, so this one time I was blowing off my boyfriend, right? And you know how much I hate the taste of sperm, and he knows it as well, but this one time he really insisted on my swallowing, and so when he finally came, I squeaked and pointed somewhere behind him so that I could spit the cum to glass under the table, and when he turned around I showed him my mouth, void of any liquid, and he looked super proud,” your friend Naila laughed as she told the story to the question: never have I ever swallowed cum. 
The night was flowing smoothly, and soon, you saw that it was getting somehow lighter outside. And, sure enough, when you looked out of the window, you saw that the sunrise was coming in mere minutes. 
“Guys, guys! The sunrise is here. Let’s go to the roof to enjoy it,” you yelled even though half of the people were already fast asleep. The few of you who were still barely alive, which was around 5 of you, staggered towards the door and crawled up the stairs to the highest levels, and when you opened the last door, you had New York underneath you. 
You were wasted and exhausted, but the sight poured new life into you as you watched the early orange rays shine on one building at a time, waking up the city that never slept. It was magical, and it took your breath away. You felt your worries melting away as you saw a new day coming, and you thought it was a new day with many possibilities and hopes for you. You had nothing to lose, and Steve proved to you that he would, indeed, take care of you if need be. All would be if you just played your part and learned enough about Steve to be able to escape his wrath. 
The exhaustion then hit your body just as the ray hit your face, and you waved at the drunk group watching the sunrise, each of them in their own realm of thoughts, and soon enough, you sauntered back to your room, where you fell asleep just like the rest of the bachelorette party. 
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A piercing tone woke you up with a start, and, for a second, you didn’t even know where you were, what time it was, or even what fucking century it was. The throbbing in your head prevented your brain from functioning properly, and so you rummaged through the pile of clothes next to your bed, fishing for what was obviously your phone. Gosh, how you hated the ringtone, and you reminded yourself to just mute your phone altogether because then nothing like this could happen again. 
You picked up without so much as looking at the screen and just sneered a harsh what into the speaker. 
“Well, good morning to you too, honey,” you heard Steve’s smug voice and rolled your eyes so hard the pain in your head increased. “Is this the way to greet your future husband? I don’t fucking think so,” he continued, and a considerable part of you contemplated just hanging up on him and his annoyingly sexy voice. 
“Steve, I have no fucking idea what time it is, but it’s definitely not time for you to call me and want me to be nice. Give me a few good hours of sleep, and then we can talk, ok?” You hoped this would do it, but from the silence on the other side, you assumed he wouldn’t let be just yet. 
“What happened? Did your bachelorette party get a little out of hand, and you went to sleep only after sunrise?” 
You gasped, shocked how he knew any of it, and for the first time, the fog in front of your brain lifted a little bit. You checked the time, and seeing it was only 9 AM, you assumed that asshole woke you up on purpose if he knew so much about your nightly activities. 
“How the fuck-“
“Language!” He yelled suddenly, and you flinched at the intensity of his voice. “I know everything, and I told you I would have somebody keeping an eye on you at all times. You’re only lucky the guy sleeping next to you is gay, you’d be in so much trouble otherwise, honey,” Steve spat, and the only sound you could muster was a long huff, as you regretted ever being born. 
“What do you want, Steve? If you know so much, you must know that I’m beat and all I wanna do is sleep, with a guy in my bed or without him. So, if you have something to tell me, please do, otherwise, have a good day, and I’ll catch up with you later.”
“We’re gonna have so much fun together, you and I, Y/N. I’m calling because I wanted to let you know that your room is prepared and ready for you and that your bodyguard will pick you up at exactly 8 PM, so don’t be late. Clint will also help you carry all things you need. I’ll send you his number so that you can be in touch with him. Oh, and honey? Take some aspirin and go to sleep, you sound like you need it,” even through the phone, you could hear him smirk as he hung up and let you on your own once again. Thank God.
“Who was it?” Aidan asked sleepily from the other side of the bed, and you just grumbled some response, not really sure if he understood what you meant, but when he hummed and patted your outstretched hand, you took it as yes, I understand you mean your future husband Steve Rogers, nice talk. 
The phone signalled you received a text, and when you looked at it, it was your bodyguard’s phone number and a directive, telling you to go to sleep already, because the dark circles under your eyes didn’t suit you. 
Oh, how you wanted to kill this man already. He got on your nerves more easily than anybody ever before, and for a brief moment, you wondered why he affected you so. You didn’t even know him, and you shouldn’t let him tossing you back and forth, but here you were, pissed because you could just imagine how proud he was of himself that he woke you up and told you what to do so many times in such a short call. 
Sighing, you got up from the bed and went to check the window to see if you could spot the nosy bodyguard ratting on you to Steve. You needed to have a word with him because he just couldn’t go running to Steve every time you blinked. 
Looking around the street, you tried to spot a strange vehicle, one that didn’t fit into the street you grew to know so well. And, sure enough, there was a large SUV, much like the one you had driven with Steve before, and you noticed that the windows were tilted. Since your apartment was on the first floor, anybody from the street had a great view right into your flat, and because you passed out totally exhausted, you didn’t have the time, nor did you remember to shut your blinds. 
You huffed and shut them now, cursing Steve and his nosiness because he wasn’t making your life any easier, and you weren’t even married yet. The year in front of you would be annoying and difficult, but maybe it would make you feel alive again. 
Shaking your head, you didn’t let the memories flood your brain as you strode back to your back, plopped on it belly-first and fell straight asleep.
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“Are you sure it’s everything?” Aidan looked around your now half-empty room, except for the furniture that you knew you wouldn’t need. Steve promised to give you a furnished room, and you took his word for it, so you just took the essentials, like your clothes and sentimental stuff. Marie Condo would have been proud because you still managed to get rid of a few things that didn’t spark joy!
“Yeah, and even if I left something here, I could still come, you know? It’s not like I’m never seeing you or this place again. I’ll still be like a 30-minute ride away,” you smiled soothingly at him, but he just shook his head, obviously fighting all the emotions swirling in his heart. 
“Alright, alright. No crying. I’ll call you guys when I’m all settled, and Steve actually lets me be by myself, and I’ll show you the room, ok?”
Both Aiden and Caroline nodded speechlessly and then pulled you in a group hug. 
“You sure you wanna do it? We can still make it seem like we kidnapped you and take you somewhere to Mexico, or Argentina, or wherever he wouldn’t find you,” Caroline whispered, and you laughed through the tears fighting their way out of your eyes. 
“I’ll be fine, you’ll see. We will all have so much fun, and before we know it, the year is over, and I’m back here with you guys, having lived a little,” you smirked, and they nodded reassuringly, not really sure if it really was the best way to live a life, but they didn’t want to push you again. Your heart was set, and they both knew there was nothing they could do now. Except, of course, really kidnapping you. 
“Miss Y/L/N, we should go. The boss said we should be there at 9 PM at the latest, and I would prefer if we could be a little early,” Clint said professionally, but you could see that he was afraid of what would Steve do had you arrived late. You didn’t want to start this weird-ass journey by pissing your future husband or making him hurt his employees (you didn’t know whether he would actually do that, but just to be on the safe side, since he did cut off a guy’s finger a mere few days ago). 
You nodded and stepped from your best friends, looking at them and smiling brightly. You didn’t want any teary goodbyes, so you just showed them thumbs up and followed Clint out of the door. You knew there would be some tears when you left but didn’t think they would come as early as on the first step from your apartment. 
Fortunately, there weren’t that many steps to go before you were out of the building and rushed into the SUV by Clint. It was dark already, but you didn’t want him to see you cry, so you swiftly pulled out your sunglasses and put them on, not saying a word to Clint as he started the car and pulled it into New York’s night traffic. The lights around you were almost blinding, and for a moment, you were glad you had the glasses on, but then another wave of regret and sadness hit you, and you had a hard time keeping in the sobs. Scratching your arms, you stared out of the window and took a few calming breaths, telling yourself to get a grip because you were about to enter the lion’s den, and you couldn’t show them any emotions. 
You knew Clint knew what was going on, but he was gentleman enough not to comment on it. Still, you needed to make sure he understood this little episode was just between the two of you. 
“Can I ask you something, Clint?” You said suddenly and saw his eyes flickering between the road and the mirror, meeting your eyes for a moment. 
“Of course, Miss Y/L/N. However, I should warn you, I am not allowed to give you certain information,” he said formally, and you nodded knowingly. 
“Yeah, right. If I asked you to keep a little secret from your boss, would you keep it?” You asked and nibbled on your lower lip anxiously. 
He seemed to have thought for a second before he nodded his head in a manner telling you that there were things Steve didn’t need to know. His eyes met yours again before he spoke up. 
“I’m now your bodyguard, and if I think the information kept from the boss is in your best interest, then I won’t tell him anything. For example, you smiled all the way to the apartment, no tears and no sunglasses. Though, I think you should powder your nose and dry your face,” he smirked, and you laughed a little, nodding gratefully and doing exactly as he said. 
The car stopped exactly as you put all the supplies back into your purse, and you had a feeling Clint took a longer route to Steve’s house just to give your face the time to dry up and calm down. Checking the time, you saw it was 10 minutes before 9 and saw the relief on Clint’s face when he realized the same thing. 
“Alright, I will take you to the boss and then will get the boys to help with your things. We won’t go through anything, but if you need our help when you’re unpacking, all you have to do is text me,” Clint said, walking you to the door. 
The man you met on your first night there was standing as a sculpture at the exact same spot, and you wondered if he ever moved from that hallway. He did move towards you, gesturing to your purse, but Clint’s hand stopped him mid-motion. 
“She’s clean. I’ve been with her the whole time,” he said sternly and with authority, and when he saw the first man taking a breath to protest, Clint just gave him a chilling frown, and the man stepped down, hung his head in defeat and let you through. 
“It’s not a problem, Clint; I could have shown him the purse, you know?” You almost whispered as you walked through the empty rooms and hallways with Clint by your side. 
“They need to learn to respect you, Miss. You are, after all, marrying the boss very soon, and they need to understand that you are not a threat,” he gave you a curt nod, and you blushed a little. You didn’t know what it was, but the way Clint spoke to you with so much trust and respect already made you feel much better. You knew it would be an issue, so having somebody on your side was a huge relief already. 
“Thank you, Clint, I really-“ 
“Well, happy you two are best buddies already! Are you gonna braid each other’s hair and do each other’s nails soon too?” A voice snapped you back to reality, a voice you already knew too well. Steve was leaning against a door, his face stoic despite the mocking tone of his voice. Clint obviously tensed next to you, mumbled some apology and scurried out of the room, leaving you with Steve. 
You just looked at him and crossed your arms on your chest. 
“Do you need to be like this?” You asked incredulously, not really understanding why he had to be such an ass when all you did was having some sort of conversation with one of his loyal men. 
“Like what, honey? You seem to forget who I am and what I can do to you and your fucking life,” he sneered when he finally pulled away from the door and marched right in front of you. 
Your arms fell from your chest as you stared at him, trying to figure him out. Which, considering he was a prolific mobster, wasn’t the easiest task at hand. But you tried nevertheless and poked to see where was all this coming from. He obviously needed to be in control of every situation, always the centre of attention, and, you realized, it was probably this that pissed him off. You walked in, not really paying attention to him standing by the door but carelessly talking to somebody else. But his attitude was another thing entirely. 
“What do you want me to say, Steve? That I’m sorry I talked to somebody else and that it won’t happen again? You know it probably will, especially since you assigned Clint with the task of taking care of me and making sure I survive this year with you, which is really all he had done in the 40 minutes I have known him,” you reasoned, trying to sound confident but not pushy. You needed to show him that he couldn’t just toss you around like he might have thought. You didn’t expect him changing his attitude altogether for you, but you, at least, hoped he would go easy on you. 
He was seething but also thinking; you could see his mind going in overdrive to come up with something snarky and mean. But you were quicker than him, once again. 
“Will you be so kind and show me to my room? I would like to get settled in before we start talking about the wedding.”
“There will be no talk of a wedding. All you have to take care of is go tomorrow and pick your fucking dress. Everything else is being dealt with. I won’t need you tonight, so you can go and be by yourself till tomorrow,” he snapped and walked away without saying another word. 
Great, now you felt like you were grounded, and all you did was talking with somebody nice to you. You shook your head disapprovingly and headed in a direction you thought might have been your room, but after taking a few turns, you weren’t even sure you were in New York anymore. 
“Hey, what the fuck are you doing here?” You heard from behind you, and before you knew what was happening, somebody pushed you forcibly against the nearest wall, pressing their elbow into your neck. You coughed, surprised, clawing at the man’s forearms and trying to let him loosen the press because it was getting harder and harder to breathe. 
“I said, what the fuck are you doing here?” He yelled into your face, and you tried to tell him, but your voice wouldn’t come out. So, you just stared at him, tears filling your eyes before you heard a loud hey from somewhere behind you two and saw a man with long brown hair running towards you. 
“Sarge, this woman was roaming around here. I think she is a spy,” the man still holding you said to the newly arrived guy, and all you could do was shake your head and tried to make yourself look as non-threatening as possible. Which wasn’t difficult considering you were in no position to be able to even defend yourself had the man decided to crush your trachea. 
“Fucking idiot! That’s the boss’ bride! Let her go, you dickhead,” the man, sarge, growled, and you felt the pressure leaving your body. Which was all it took for you to collapse on the floor and start coughing uncontrollably, gripping your neck in your hands to protect it from any further disturbance. 
“I-I, I didn’t know, Sarge! Don’t tell him. I thought she was some fucking spy. What the hell was she even doing here all alone, huh? It’s not my fucking fault she came sniffing around stuff that is none of her business,” the man tried to defend himself, but from the murderous gaze he received from the sergeant, he wasn’t very successful. 
“Are you ok, Miss? Did he break anything? Is your head spinning? Are you feeling nauseous? Any of this?” He crouched down to your level and extended an arm to you, and you flinched instinctively, not feeling too sure who was your friend here and who wasn’t. So, to play it safe, nobody was your friend, and you’d be scared of them all, forever. Easy business. 
The man saw your reaction and frowned even more but was persistent when he removed your hands from your neck to see an already-forming bruise alongside your throat. 
“You need to talk to me, Y/N. Are you hurting anywhere?” 
You coughed and grimaced because, yes, in fact, you did hurt and that all over the fucking neck and even your head. Which, given the man almost crushed your fucking throat with his elbow, wasn’t that surprising. 
“I’ll be fine. And I wasn’t sniffing around; I was just looking for my room. I thought it might be somewhere here, and I would have asked if I saw anyone. But this place is like a fucking maze, and I was all alone,” you screeched, and the sergeant nodded and helped you to stand up. He was pulling out what looked like a phone, but you stopped him. 
“Don’t call him, please. I’m fine. I just need to get to the room, so I can put some cold water on it, have a drink and go to sleep. Please,” you accentuated and saw the man weighing his options before he put the phone back to his pocket and nodded for you to follow him. 
“I will tell him, just so you know. Steve needs to know about this, and we need to make sure you are introduced to the whole house the first thing in the morning so that this doesn’t happen again. But he needs to know. I will give you a few minutes to take it all in before I do call him, though,” he said with a resolution in his voice, and while you wanted to protest, you saw that it would have been to no avail. So, not saying another word, you let yourself in what was supposed to be your room and took it all in. 
The walls were this very soft grey, which you actually preferred to the cold white you saw a lot all over the house. There was a king-sized bed against the main wall, framed with two bed-side tables and two matching white and gold lamps. There were many pillows on the bed and a plaid, grey and blue, throw as well, making it all feel very homey. You could see a large closet, where you could have easily fit ten times the amount of clothes you owned. The only other thing in the room was a table with a chair and some drawers, where you could picture yourself working and writing. 
However, when you turned around, you saw something that caught your attention. An easel with a little table on wheels, on top of which was a palette where you could see yourself mixing colors left and right. You squealed, but the sound reminded you that you have just been assaulted and that you could admire the room later. 
You took your time in the bathroom, inspecting your neck and hissing here and there when you touched it carefully. You knew the sarge was outside your door, probably counting in his head before he called Steve, and you were actually pretty surprised he wasn’t marching in already. Just when you thought of it, the door to your room flew open, and you heard Steve and the man talking (well, actually, more like yelling at each other).
“Where the fuck is she? I’m going to kill Drax. I swear to fucking God, man. How is it even possible that he does shit like this? They were all supposed to be briefed, for fuck’s sake. Imma have Sam’s ass as well for this. Fuck!” He yelled and kicked into something, which made you frowned, and you rushed out of the bathroom. 
Steve spun around and almost ran towards you, cradling your face in his hands carefully and lifting your head so that he could have a clear view of the injuries. He was swearing under his breath, but you couldn’t help it and stare at him, wide-eyed. He was actually careful with you, sweet even as he took it all in, and when he was sure you wouldn’t die right there, he took a step back from you. 
“Are you ok?” He asked after a moment, and all you could was just nod and stand there awkwardly, scratching your arms behind your back. 
“Will you be able to find your room easier next time?” 
“No, we took too many turns. But I won’t leave this room till morning anyway, and I will learn to stay out of the way very quickly, I promise,” you rushed to say, not really wanting to meet any of his crew alone again. 
“You can’t be scared walking around here, honey. I will show you around right now, and I have already called an emergency meeting, and I want you there. This can never happen again,” he said gravely, and you understood this was probably his way of apologizing for something that wasn’t really all his fault. Well, he didn’t have to storm off and leave you there, nor did he have to scare Clint away, who was ready to show you to your room in the first place. 
“Is it necessary, Steve? If I’m quite honest, I don’t feel too comfortable leaving the room right now,” you quipped, but Steve wasn’t listening anymore. He just grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the door. Weirdly, you felt a little better having the skin-on-skin contact with him because, at least now, nobody would be stupid enough to attack you. 
You tried to remember the way and took in the details that would make you not lose your trail again, such as the red vase on one of the tables in the corner that looked just like the corner two minutes ago, but the vase was something you could remember, so you took a mental note of that and other little things that would serve for your safety, obviously. Because when Steve told you people would want you dead, you sort of didn’t expect those people would be in the house with you. 
You walked through the spacious kitchen and the adjacent dining room to find yourself in what looked like a meeting room, with around 20 men gathered and scattered all over the room. 
When Steve finally stopped, he let go of your hand, but he instinctively reached for you and pulled you against his side. You looked at him in slight disbelief again but didn’t say anything as he stared in front of himself till the room was as quiet as a freaking church during a sermon. 
“Let me make this very quick: however lays as much as a fucking finger on Y/N here, I will kill you, and I won’t give a fuck who you are. You were briefed that I’m getting married to the woman I want, and because somebody wasn’t paying attention to the fucking briefing, evidently, my fiancé is now sporting a black neck, which she will have to cover for our wedding. Drax, you and I will speak tomorrow, I was ready to kill you, but I’m a reasonable man, so I will sleep and think of your punishment then. Now, any questions?” He asked threateningly, and you knew even if somebody did have a question, nobody would dare to ask it now. 
And just as you predicted, the room was as quiet as before, and Steve waved his hand so that everybody was dismissed and they could breathe again. Just not in his presence. 
“Sam, you stay here,” Steve added when he saw one of his closest men leaving the room as well. 
“I will deal with him, Steve. I don’t know how that could have happened, but it won’t ever again, I promise. If it does, you can have my head, man,” the bulky man said and smiled warmly at you. 
“By the way, hi, I’m Sam. I’m like the muscles here, you know? So, if you need to pick something up, I’m your guy,” he said with a wink, and you chuckled but took his hand to shake it. 
“Nice to meet you, Sam, and I will remember that, thank you.” 
“Alright, now, we have all the pleasantries behind us, you can go back to your room and go to sleep. And Y/N, if anybody as much as looks at you the wrong way, you tell me, ok? This marriage might not be a genuine one, but none of these assholes knows that or should care about that. They should protect you just like they protect me, and I don’t care what they say. I can’t have my fucking wife scared to walk these halls,” he was still frowning as he was saying all this to you, but you could see he was much more relaxed than when all the men were in the room. These two, the sergeant whose name you still didn’t know, and Sam, were obviously close to Steve because despite the winks Sam gave to you, Steve didn’t make a scene, nor did he give you the pointed looks when others were around. Still, you were on thin ice, and there was too much drama for one day for you to try and challenge him in any way. 
“Ay ay, Captain,” you chuckled, and the corner of Steve’s mouth actually moved a little, so you took that as a good sign. 
“Alright, I will try and get back to my room and call it a day because tomorrow is an important day! So, nice to meet you, gentlemen, and I will see you soon, I guess,” you waved at them awkwardly, and Sam waved back enthusiastically as you left the men to themselves. 
“She is actually quite nice,” Sam summarized, and winked at Bucky, who just rolled his eyes at him in annoyance, having just enough of Sam’s antics for one day. 
“Yeah, yeah, she actually is, when she’s not talking back and challenging every fucking thing I say,” Steve complained, and it was a turn for both men to roll their eyes at their best friend. 
“Oh yeah, because you love when they’re meek and quiet, we forgot. C’mon, man, somebody fucking choked her today, and she was still standing here with her head held high, keeping it together like a fucking pro. I say she is perfect for you,” Sam said defensively when he saw the murderous stare from his friend/boss. 
Good thing Sam didn’t see you in your room because as soon as you closed the door behind yourself, the tears just streamed down your face, and small sobs left your lips. You were glad the day was over and dreaded what the next day would bring. 
Next Chapter >
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dekus-afro-pic · 4 years
Smile For The Camera
Dabi x Fem!Reader x Hawks
⚠️ warning ⚠️: This fic includes the use of Dabi and Hawks real name which are spoilers to the manga. This fic also includes non-con sex with Endeavor, murder, crying, SWEET SWEET REVENGE, and Villan Hawks
Summary: After months of being held captive by the number one “hero” you finally snap. When you reunite with your childhood friends, whom you thought were dead, your opportunity for revenge is brought to you ona silver plater. Art by @brttpaige
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Burns and bruises littered your body and the man on top of you was to blame. You scratch at the hand that was around your throat as you felt yourself losing oxygen. The “hero” slaps your hands away and strikes your face as he continued to thrust into you.
“Just take it,” He grunts above you “Give me what I want”
Tears were no longer streaming down your face but that didn’t stop you from wailing in pain as his hips met yours. You refused to look into his eyes when he hurt you this way. Knowing that if you did, he’d only go harder. You didn’t want this at all. How could he not see that? You didn’t expect your close friend’s father to be such a…monster.
How could you not know y/n? He killed his own son for Christ's sake. And soon, he’d kill you too.
After Endeavor finishes his load inside of your womb, he zips up his pants and leaves. You laid there, in the bed of an apartment that he kept you captive in, and shuddered. You knew two things for certain.
You are not going to bear his child and you were going to kill Enji Todoroki.
You crawl towards the nightstand and pull out a plan-b from beneath it. After swallowing the pill dry, you make your way to the bathroom to tend to your injuries and cleanse yourself of that monster.
Unbeknownst to you, someone watched the whole ordeal take place. Dabi’s blood was boiling. How the fuck could the number one “hero” be capable of such actions. But then again, heroes weren’t all that they seemed. His chest tightened as he watched you use your water quirk to heal your bruises. You shouldn’t be going through this. You should be out there getting rid of villains like his “father”. He knew he had to get you out of there. He pulls out his phone to inform the others of his plan. But for it to succeed, you were going to have to make the first move.
And that you did. Once your body was back to an ok state, you start packing everything you could. Your toothbrush, clean clothes, the little food you had in the beat down apartment, 2000¥ ($20 USD) you stole from your abuser, and your only second pair of shoes. You were on a mission to get out of there as fast as you could.
It was a Friday night, meaning that Endeavor was out playing pretend with his family. The looks on their faces once you reveal his secrets were ones that you want to cherish forever. You couldn’t wait until the world finally knew who it was idolizing.
You wasted no time opening the bedroom window and sprinting down the fire escape stairs. You held the duffel bag close to your body as you ran down the dark alleyway. You were free. You were finally free.
After running for what felt like 20 minutes you finally stop to give your aching lungs and legs a break. You didn’t know where your legs had taken you but from the looks of it, you were farther away from the apartment than you had imagined. You weren’t complaining though. The farther away you were from that wretched man the better.
You sat in a quiet alleyway for some time. You reach into your bag for a water bottle as you pressed your back against the brick wall. When you looked back up from your bag three men were standing on the opposite side of the alleyway. As the men inch closer to you, you realize that there weren’t three men. It was one man with gigantic wings.
“Hey kid. I know this might sound crazy but” He said grabbing you and your bag with both his hands “You’re a package I need to deliver.”
“What the fuck let me go” you struggle against the stranger's hold. Your actions are stopped as he rose in the air. You cling to his chest for dear life hoping he wouldn’t drop you.
“Where the fuck are you taking me bird brain?” You yell against the roaring winds. He didn’t answer you, he only smiled as you continue to spew curses at him. “I swear when you land I’m going to DROWN you”
Finally, he lands in front of a relatively big house in the woods. Once his feet touch the ground you use the water in his body to make him punch himself. Before you could swing at him with your fist, his feathers lifted you off the ground and carried you into the house.
“Hawks is back” you heard a girl squeal “And he brought her too.”
Hawks’ feather dropped you on your bum as the man walks off. The girl from before comes into your line of eyesight and smiles. She had blonde hair which was tied into pigtails and her canines were long.
“Hi I’m Toga” She introduced, holding out her hand to help you up. “The birdie who flew you in is Hawks, he’s Dabi’s boyfriend. Welcome to the new and improved League of Villains super-secret hideout. Don’t tell anyone though. Or I’ll have to kill you”
“Y/n” you reply as you take her hand. “Why am I here? I’m no villain.” At least not yet you weren’t.
“Dabi has told us all about you. Which is why you’re here. He should be around here somewhere” She wonders off. You hear her yell “DABI” Before she returns with Hawks and another man, who you assumed was Dabi. You flick your middle finger at the birdman as he walked closer to you.
“Aww don’t be like that kid. I was only trying to help” He said with a smile. With the proper lighting in the house, you got a proper look at the man. His wings were a bright crimson color and his blonde hair was done messily. He had a long scratch from above his right eyebrow down to the middle of his cheek. Overall the man looked familiar.
Damn this man is gorgeous. If he didn’t have a boyfriend I’d want a piece of that.
You flinched when you feel his hand touch your shoulder. On the defense, you twist his arm behind his back and push him away from you. When you realize what you’ve done you quickly apologize “Oh shit. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-”
“No it’s fine” He reassured with a smile “it’s obvious that you're on edge. I shouldn’t have done that”
“Yea...on edge” you turn to the other man. His eyes were bright blue and the majority of his skin was covered in burn scars. Staples pierced his skin in various places. “You must be Dabi”
“Correct. But you can call me Touya”
“Follow me” He interrupts. You follow the couple down the hallway. You passed multiple rooms. In one room, a man with visible dry skin sat in front of a medium-sized tv with a game controller in hand. Maybe he’d let you relieve him one day.
“I’ve been watching you Y/n” Touya begins “I’ve seen the things that man has done to you”
You stopped in front of a brown door. Hawks stepped in front of you with a softer look.
“You’re going to get your revenge little birdie. But for now,” Hawks opened the door to the room. It was gorgeous, to say the least. A queen-sized bed was centered in the room with the smell of vanilla faint in the air. “You’re going to relax”
You dropped your duffel bag as you slowly walked through the threshold. You make your way to the bed with tears blurring your vision. Hawks place your bag on a vacant chair while Touya makes his way towards you.
“So you’ve been in hiding this whole time?” You question the man standing in front of you.
“Yeah pretty much” he nods, rubbing the back of his neck “I was supposed to come back for you but you went off the grid. Now I know why”
“Where’s Keigo?” You ask.
“What did that monster do to you?” The blonde reaches out to caress your face but you flinch away. “I’m Keigo, Y/n”
“Some friend reunion we have here” You joke.
When you realize that you were indeed not captivated in some beat down apartment panic sunk in. What if he finds you? What if he’s already sent out people to look for you? What if these were the people he sent out?
“Hey” A single feather lifts your head to look at both of them “Don’t worry your pretty little head. He won’t find you here. And if somehow he does...we’ll just kill him”
Dabi nods his head in agreement. You wrap your arms around both of their bodies with tears running down your face. Keigo leaned into your touch while Dabi just pats your head stiffly.
They tell you to adjust to your new room and get cleaned up as they leave your room. Once Keigo closes your door, he buries his face into his hands.
“Did you see her arms and legs Touya?” He sobs, “She looks like she hasn’t eaten in days”
Dabi places his hand on his lover’s back, guiding him to their shared room. “Don’t cry Keigo. We’ve successfully finished phase one of the plan. We need to get ready for phase two”
“Ok you two. What’s going on?” You ask your two best friends.
“It’s a surprise y/n, we can’t tell you” The blonde laughs as Touya guided you through the wooded area. The white blindfold did its job at hiding the world from your view. You felt the boy to your right stop walking as the other untied the white cloth.
The view before you was breathtaking. “Happy Birthday Y/N” frosted onto a small cake with balloons tied to tree branches.
“Guys you shouldn’t have” You giggle.
“You’re our best friend Y/N. You’re going to have to get used to celebrating your birthday” Touya scolded.
Little did the three of you know, that was going to be the last time you would be together.
The scene started to change. The woods were engulfed in bright flames, screams were heard in the distance.
“KEIGO!” you scream. “TOUYA!WHERE ARE YOU?”
The smoke covered everything around you. You choked on the thick smoke as you tried to avoid the flames. You scream louder for your friends. But you never found them. You trip and fall over a fallen tree branch. You look up and see your abuser standing over you.
You try to crawl away from him but he catches you by your hair.
“No. Please” you cry. “TOUYA! KEIGO PLEASE HELP”
“Y/n. You can’t escape me” He growls in your ear.
Just seconds before he could throw you against the burning tree, your eyes shoot open as you send icicles flying everywhere. You scream as you feel hands grabbing your own. Your eyesight still blurry from waking up, you swing at the person in front of you. “LET GO. LET GO! GET OFF ME. KEIGO, TOUYA HELP ME”
“Y/n calm down it’s me. It’s Keigo” The blonde whispers. Your eyes frantically search for his. Your body shakes while you sob as you held Keigo’s face in your hands.
“Keigo, where were you? Keigo don’t let him get me please don’t let him get me” You choke out, “I don’t want to go back please don’t send me back. Don’t leave me again, please.”
“He won’t find you baby bird” He cooed. He places your head on his chest as he rubs your hair soothingly. “I’m here now. I’m not leaving again” He stays true to his word and drifts back to sleep with you in his arms.
Touya woke up to an empty bed. Confused, he brushed his teeth and went to check up on you. When he opens your room door he finds you asleep on top of his boyfriend’s chest. His boyfriend, on the other hand, was wide awake. He looks over at the door when he heard the floorboards creak.
“Shh. She had a rough night” He whispers.
“What happened?”
“Night Terror about him. She was screaming our names so I came in to check on her. She almost cut me with an icicle.” Keigo explains.
Touya slides underneath your cover on the other side of you. You stir at the sudden movement which causes Keigo to stop breathing.
“Goodmorning Keigo” you groan, rubbing the sleep from your eyes “and Touya”
“Goodmorning little one” the latter replied, “how are you feeling?”
“Tense” You yawn. You wiggle out of Keigo’s hold and walk towards your duffel bag. “Where’s the bathroom? I’m going to uh..take a shower”
“Across the hall”
You say a quiet thank you and exit your room. The couple let out breaths that they didn’t know they were holding when they hear the shower starts.
“We have to do something. And quick” Keigo whispers “Did Toga and Shigaraki already leave?”
“Yea. They should be back later tonight with our special guest. But for now, we need to calm down y/n”
The water dripped off of your skin as you stepped out of the steamy shower. After drying off, putting on clean clothes, and brushing your teeth, you walk back across the hall to your bedroom. Before you could sit back down on your bed, Keigo’s there with his hand stretched out for you to take.
“Hey, there birdie. Come with me” he says.
You take his hand and followed behind the blonde. He brings you to the kitchen, where a tall shadow man was making lunch.
“Hello young y/n” He spoke “I’m Kurogiri”
“Nice to meet you” You smile faintly. “Keigo I’m not hu-“
“Yes you are y/n” Touya scolds from behind you. “You haven’t eaten since I don’t know when. At least eat the seaweed out of it”
He pulls the chair out for you to sit and sits directly across from you. Keigo takes the seat on side of you as Kurogiri places your bowls in front of you.
“Shoyu Ramen?” You inhale the steam coming from the bowl. It smelled delicious. How long has it been since you had this?
“You always ate this after training and I suspect that you hadn’t eaten a proper meal in-“ Touya was cut off by your loud slurping “years”
“Stalker” You laugh before stuffing your face with more ramen. “So how long have you been watching me?”
“Well, we’ve been looking for you since we turned 20” Keigo answers. “Touya here found you just last week”
Your response was a loud hum as you drank the broth of your meal. You couldn’t help the satisfied sigh that escaped through your lips. The food was just that good.
“I’m kind of grateful that you abducted me when you did. I’d probably still be sitting in that alleyway.”
“Y/n if you don’t mind me asking” Touya begins “How long has he been..”
“6 months” You sigh, “I was dropping Shoto off at home one night and that’s when he took me to the apartment. I had no contact with the outside world. No tv, no phone, not even a god damn newspaper” You felt your quirk activate, causing the water in the glasses before you to boil. “I swear, the next time I see him I’m going to boil the skin off of him”
“Whoa there princess” Keigo uses one of his feathers to rub at your thigh to calm you down. You relax at his touch and bring the raging water to a stop. You grab Keigo’s hand in an attempt to regulate your breathing.
“So what’s the plan?” You ask, “I know you two are up to something”
“It’s a surprise” Touya smirks “you’ll find out after dinner.”
You spent your day sandwiched between the two men in your new bed watching movies, catching up, and enjoying each other’s company. It was strange how you didn’t feel like a complete third wheel. Instead, you felt like you were apart of the relationship and you were happy. You can’t even remember the last time you had a good time like this.
At last, it was dinner time. The two left your room minutes prior to “prepare your surprise” in Keigo’s words. You decided to change your clothes while you waited for the ok to come down. Just as you finished up, one of Keigo’s feathers tapped your shoulder.
You were greeted with blue and yellow eyes when you entered the dining room. Feathers pulled out your chair while the others sat down in their seats.
Fish, rice bowls, and other foods were placed on the table. You ate in silence, mainly because you didn’t want to choke, while the others talked amongst themselves.
“Y/n-Chan” Toga whined “Why are you so quiet over there?”
“The food is so good,” you say after swallowing a mouth full of rice, “I want to eat as much as possible”
Kurogiri nods in your direction at the compliment. Dinner goes on with Dabi and Shigaraki arguing over who’s the strongest and You and Keigo exchanging flirty glances and middle fingers.
“Hey Y/n, Trynna steal my boyfriend?” Touya teases.
“You’re going to have to share Mr. Blueflame” you tease back. Everybody laughs as you two keep going back and forth.
“Alright Alright. Dinners over. Time for your surprise Y/n” Touya announced.
Everybody looked at you with sinister smirks as Keigo helped you out of your seat. You were led to the basement where two seats were on opposite sides of the room with a camera in the middle.
You sat in the chair closest to the door and watched Touya and Shigi bring in someone in handcuffs with a trash bag over their head.
“Guys what’s going…” you stopped talking when Shigaraki dusts the bag off the person’s head. But it wasn’t a person, no.
It was him. The monster that kept you captive for months. The monster that stripped you of your innocence and ruined your life plans. You felt your blood begin to boil as you stood out of your chair.
“Y/n?” The older man groaned. Touya punched him in his jaw before he could speak again.
“Don’t you dare say her fucking name” He spat. He then turned to you with soft(ish) eyes. “Don’t worry. The cuffs are quirk canceling”
“Do your worst baby bird” Keigo whispered into your ear.
You motioned for everyone to move out of the way as you walked towards your new captive. “Remember this face in your next life” You whisper.
You boiled the water in his body and smiled at the bubbles visibly forming on the surface of his skin. As the man before you screams in pain, you walk towards the camera that was recording the whole thing.
“Smile for the camera Enji. Why don’t you tell little Shoto where’d you take me all those months ago. Why I could no longer pick him up from school on Fridays” You toy with the corpse. You watched as blood began to seep through his skin “You’ve always told me to give you what you want. This time it is you who will give me what I want”
“Hey Dabi” Keigo whispered “Is it just me or is Y/N kinda hot when she’s committing murder”
The ravenette nodded at his boyfriend’s statement. You were indeed hot as hell murdering his father. Your abuser. He froze, just as he was about to add a comment, when you spun the camera around to face him and Keigo.
“Say hi Dabi” You smile at the two. “Hi Hawks”
“You’ve officially lost it baby bird”
“I agree. Crazy looks good on you” Touya adds.
You turn the camera off and hand it to Kurogiri. You walk over to the couple with a pout on your face “He’s dead now. My fun’s over”
“Oh no no no” Touya teasingly pulled you into his chest by your waist “The fun is just beginning. Right, Keigo?”
Keigo pushes his groin against your ass and nibbles on your earlobe.“That’s right babe” he whispered “We’re going to help you reclaim what’s yours”
A/n: So there’s smut to this fic😭 but I won’t post it unless this does good. Anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #27: The Lake: Bakusquad
In which you and Kirishima take a trip to the lake for a little class reunion.
Characters: primarily Kirishima / f!reader, but also Jirou, Sero, Kaminari, Bakugou and Mina / f!reader AND background Kaminari / Jirou
Warnings: smut (18+ please!) aged-up characters, pro-hero Kiri, Bakugou, Denki, Jirou, Mina and Sero, group sex, polyamory, brief mentions of drinking, not a whole lot of attention paid to protection (sorry...)
Notes: Today’s prompt was “Orgy.” You can probably tell by how many fcking PEOPLE are involved lmao. I... had trouble with this one! This was tough. There are a lot of limbs to keep track of. But I wouldn’t be opposed to re-visiting this dynamic again soon, with more time to play around a little. 
I know it says 1-A on the masterlist, but it really did turn out to be more of a Bakusquad thing, sorry!
Kinktober Masterlist
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You’re folding one last sweater into your weekend bag and zipping it up when Kirishima swings by to pick you up.
After a very long, hot summer week at the office, your boss let you go a couple of hours early on a slow Friday afternoon- just soon enough to catch the early train home. It turned out to be very lucky indeed, since Kirishima’s already here and you’re just finishing up your packing.
Then again, it’s not your fault you’ve been agonizing over what to bring.
The buzzer by your door sends your heart leaping into your throat, but it only takes a quick peek out the front window to confirm that it’s Kiri. He knows that you’ll look before you head for the door, so he’s stepped back from the front stoop a little and shoots you a bashful wave with one hand shoved into his pocket.
You melt. He’s cute enough to put your nerves to rest.
“Good afternoon, milady,” he greets with a sweep of charming enthusiasm when you pull the door open for him. He bows playfully before stepping into your apartment. “I will be your escort this weekend. Show me to your luggage.”
“I don’t think there’s enough of it to be called ‘luggage,’” you giggle. You slip an arm around his neck and push a kiss against his cheek.
He gasps, pressing his fingers to the spot where your lips touched.
“Such unprofessional behaviour. I’m going to have to report this, you know.”
“Shut up.” You bat at his chest. The bastard, in all his well-muscled glory, barely flinches. “Let’s go before I change my mind.”
The threat’s playful, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t consider it, it in the darkest hours of the night before.
Every year, on the last weekend in July, Kirishima gets together with some old friends from UA. They rent a little cabin out by the lake, drink, party, and catch up. You’ve been dating just under a year, so you’ve never been to one of these before. Even though you’ve met everybody who’s going to be there individually, it’ll be the first time you see them as a group.
And Kirishima’s known them for ten years. You like to think you know him pretty well, but compared to them, you’re strangers.
“It’s not too late to,” he breathes, pausing to glance at you with a moment’s sincerity.
“No,” you brush. “No, I’m fine.” You put your hands on his forearms and squeeze gently. “Nervous, but… that’s what the drive up is for, right?”
“Yeah.” He flashes you a grin that steals your heart over and over again, sweeping you and your little suitcase out the door.
The drive is breezy and surprisingly quick, given the expected level of weekend cottage-country-traffic. You blast the radio and turn it down during the commercials. But you can’t help the sinking dread that pits in your stomach when the ETA in your navigation app drops from an hour and a half to forty-five minutes to five minutes.
The drive was supposed to be your chance to settle your nerves. You’re not ready to be here yet.
When you pull down the sloped gravel driveway of the cabin, there are already three cars there. You recognize Bakugou’s sleek Audi, but you can only assume that the other two belong to the rest of the crew.
So everyone else is already here. Makes sense. Nobody else works 9-5, so they probably cut off early to get here.
Doesn’t make you any less freaked out.
Kirishima insists on grabbing both of your bags. He shoulders his way into the cabin with excitement building in every muscle. You can see it from ten feet away. He’s thrilled to be here. That thought honestly helps, for a hot minute.
Until you hear the voices that drift from inside.
The whole cabin’s lit up with savoury, beautiful smells when you step inside. The kitchen’s crowded- Bakugou’s chopping vegetables and doing his best to shoo everyone out of his way while he sautés and chops and glazes and bakes.
“Jesus Christ. Finally. Will you get these assholes outta my way?” Bakugou snarls, waving his knife around as soon as he catches sight of the two of you.
Before you can even laugh properly at Bakugou’s temper, there’s a high-pitched squeal of your name from behind him, and he’s abruptly shoved against the edge of the counter as a bright pink blur streaks around the island and launches herself at you.
“Hiiiii,” Mina coos, pressing a kiss to your cheek after she’s given you a tight squeeze.
The rest of the party filters in around you- Sero and Denki crowding not-so-subtly around the new addition to their little crew while Jirou makes her way over at a respectful pace. It becomes obvious to you almost immediately that you’re the first girl Kirishima’s ever brought to one of these.
You want to let that feel special. Instead, the intimidation only spikes.
You need to relax.
“Here, babe,” Mina sighs, shooing the boys away from you. “Kiri’ll take your bags upstairs. Let’s get you a drink.”
She grabs your hand and drags you toward the bar cart in the living room. Kirishima disappears up the stairs, but before you know it, he’s re-appearing. So is everybody else. The smells from the kitchen are growing unbearably tantalizing.
Bakugou hollers when dinner’s ready.
He’s done glazed pork chops with some kind of gorgeous mango slaw- indulgent and delicious, but light enough that none of you will be too stuffed at the end of the meal. You sit between him and Kirishima and everybody catches up.
Mina and Sero are starting an agency together. Denki and Jirou found a place together just outside of the city. And Bakugou, of all people, has just taken on his first U.A. intern.
You feel sorry for the poor kid already.
Once the dinner dishes have been cleared, you’re starting to feel more at ease. The conversation flows easily between the group of you, and you’re kind of killing it with the one-liners. Even Bakugou gives a dull chuckle when you land a particularly good one.
But the real purpose of this weekend can’t be put off forever.
“Babe,” Mina coos eventually, leaning over Kirishima to settle a hand on your thigh. “I am so excited that you’re here. Do you know how long it’s been since we had anybody new to play with?”
“Mina,” Kirishima scolds. “Don’t scare her.”
“What?” Mina sits up. “You said you were gonna tell her before you brought her here. Kiri, tell me you talked to her.” She looked up at you with wide eyes. “He told you, didn’t he?”
“Yes,” you promise, holding your hands up to settle her. “He talked to me. I agreed to come knowing full well what we’re here for. But… I’m still nervous as hell over here.”
“Don’t worry,” Mina promises. “We’re gonna take good care of you, sweets. Besides, you and Kiri and Bakugou have before, right? So between them, it’s basically like you’ve already slept with all of us.”
She’s got a point. But that doesn’t change the fact that your cheeks are like molten lava just thinking about it.
Every year, on the last weekend in July, Kirishima gets together with some old friends from UA. They rent a cabin out by the lake, drink, party… and fuck. You’ve shrugged monogamy with him before. Mina’s right- Bakugou’s joined you on a few different occasions. But this is something you’ve never even thought of trying before.
Still, Kirishima makes you want to take risks. He’s always been good that way- encouraging you to push your comfort zone without compromising your boundaries. When you first talked about this weekend, he’d framed his little pitch with the promise that if you weren’t comfortable with it, he was happy to miss out on it, too.
But you know his friends. You know his character. You trust him.
So you jumped.
“She’s so cute when she’s embarrassed,” Denki chuckles, propping his chin in his hand. He’s got his other palm on Jirou’s thigh under the table. In fact, everybody’s starting to get closer, now that dinner’s been taken care of.
“Let me kiss her. Please, Kiri?” Mina leans over again, resting a palm on Kiri’s lap as she bats her eyelashes at you.
“You’re gonna have to ask her yourself, Mina,” Kiri chides. He folds his arms behind his head and leans back in his chair, ready for the show.
Mina purrs your name again, smiling indulgently as she leans a little closer.
“Can I kiss you? Pretty please?”
You’re suddenly bashful, biting your lip. But you want this. You do.
“Sure. Okay.”
You release your lip from your teeth as Mina leans forward. Her lips are soft and so plush, and she’s a careful kisser. Out your right ear, you can hear Kirishima give a little sigh as he watches, and he rests a hand on each of your backs, rubbing soothingly.
“Come on,” Bakugou grunts as the two of you break apart. His chair scrapes harshly across the tile when he stands. “Get your asses to the living room before shit gets messy.”
Before you know it, you’re in a tangle of bare and sweaty limbs. You started out between Bakugou and Kirishima- the two boys you’re most familiar with. You’re stroking both of their hard cocks while they kiss each other, then you, then each other again. All the while, in the background, Mina, Sero, Denki and Jirou are stripping each other down, sprawling across the couch, letting a symphony of moans and sighs drift across the living room to your ears.
Before long, you’re pulled backwards into Denki’s lap as he fucks diligently up into you. Your pussy’s sloppy, slick from Mina’s tongue, and she’s perched right next to you, riding your boyfriend’s cock as the two of you let your hands drift.
You can see that Kirishima has a tight bond with all of these people. But you feel no jealousy towards them. If he can be so closely bonded with so many from his past, then why not you, too? Every time he catches your eye, no matter how many bodies there are between the two of you, he shoots you a loving little wink.
And at the end of the night, it’s you who’s going to be falling asleep beside him.
At some point, Bakugou pulls up a nearby chair, stroking himself while he watches the six of you drive each other to the edge, over and over and over again. By the time you’re all finished, you’re certain at least two dozen orgasms have passed between the lot of you.
And it shows. You’re exhausted.
After sharing such intimacy, you’re reluctant to break from one another. But inevitably you do, separating into your respective beds for the night. As you get ready for bed Kirishima’s full of energy.
“Holy shit, babe,” he raves, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you in for a tight kiss. “That was so fucking hot. You did such a good job, god damn.” He cups your jaw between both his hands and pulls your gaze to his.
He looks down at you with the Milky Way lit up in his eyes, fathomless love all for you.
“You looked so perfect,” he confesses, kissing your forehead, “in the middle a’ all my friends like that.”
You fall into bed together, feeling sore and spent and very loved, and sleep better than you have in weeks.
The next morning, in a haze of woodsy dawn, everybody fights over what to make for breakfast.
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Chapter 3)
Chapter Summary: You have a reason to celebrate and need a partner to do that.  
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 6.2k
Warnings:+18 only, smut, sex in a public place, boytoy!Bucky, casual sex, opened relationship, drinking, sorority.
A/N: Here’s one more filthy chapter for you guys. It won’t always be that way since the plot moves forward, but it will still be focused on smut for the next couple of chapters. Our reader deserves some fun before things get a bit more complicated, right? The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated. Tag list for this story is closed.  
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Screen after screen pops in the air in front of you as you furiously type codes and formulas on them. You’re there, you’re almost there. You’ve been working on this project for months and now it finally seems like you’re getting somewhere.
You just nod as an answer to Camilla, your partner on that project. She gets up and walks out to go get the coffee. She already told you if it was up to her, you’ve already given up. But you know you’re getting there. You haven’t stopped working ever since early hours and you’re feeling inspired and focused as ever.
When you’re satisfied with the input you add to the system which is working on the calculations, you sit back. Eyes on the screen displayed in the air. Camilla comes back with your coffees and hands one to you, fixing her eyes on the screen, too as she stands beside you.
“Come on, come on,” you whisper.
Bringing the coffee to your lips you almost choke on it when the answer you were so desperately looking for gleams on the screen.
“Holy shitballs,” you shout and swiftly gets up, letting your cup drop to the floor, splashing the liquid around.
“Oh, fuck,” Camilla gasps and you two look at each other with paired up widened eyes before letting out a cheerful scream and holding each other, jumping around as you gain the attention of the other workers from the several small offices of the Avengers/Stark Technology Department.
A clear of throat takes you and your friend out of your reverie, catching your attention. When you see Sharon Carter on your door, with a smirk on her lips, you two cease the celebration, but keep the smiles on your faces.
“Hey, Sh- Director,” you quickly correct yourself, being friends with Natasha brought you close to Sharon, too. But now she’s Director of Shield, after Nick Fury became coordinator of the Avengers, therefore you should show some respect at least at workplaces, “Remember that Shield and Avengers’ joined project? The one where we were trying to build a device that would crack alien secret services codes?”
“Yeah, sure, our tech departments have been working for months to find an algorithm.” Sharon nods.
“Well, looks like we made it.” You point at the screen right in front of you.
“What the hell?” She shoots an eyebrow high and steps into the office, eyes analyzing the screen between you two.
“We doesn’t quite cut it, Director,” Camilla says, rolling her eyes, “She worked her ass off and got to it by herself. She’s been killing it these last few days.”
You huff, shaking your head. You’ve been really inspired, indeed. And you might relate it to a certain physical activity you’ve been engaging on recently and the outrageous amount of energizing orgasms you’ve been gifted with almost daily… not a topic to be brought out now, though.  
“Ooo, someone seems extra inspired…” Sharon narrows her eyes, but you try to not indulge any possible insinuation by just ignoring the comment with a smile, “Well, that’s amazing news,” she resumes, clapping her hands once, “and it kind of leads to the subject that brought me here, would you mind excuses for a second, Camilla?” She kindly asks.
“Of course, not. I’ll be in my office.” Camilla says, not holding back from hugging you and squirming in excitement one more time before walking out the room.
“This is huge, huh?” Sharon comments, pulling up the chair you pointed for her as you sit on yours.  
“It is, can you imagine what Natasha will be able to do with it?” You grin, brushing your hands together.
“Thanks to your badass brain,” she compliments before narrowing her eyes at you again, “You have a weird happy face.”
“Well, something amazing just happened…”
“Yeah, yeah…” Sharon brushes you off, “You’re killing it at your job and that’s amazing… but to be honest, I expected to still see you moping around about your break up.”
“I’m still sad about it, but work has been great, and-”
“Oh, cut the crap,” Sharon interrupts with a playful snap and you frown while she crosses her arms in front of her, holding back a laugh, “I’ve been texting with Natasha, I know about you and your boytoy.”
“What the hell?” Your eyes widen as you throw your arms to the air, already feeling your cheeks warming, “She’s on a mission and you two have been talking about my… sex life?” You lean over across the table and whisper the last part.
“We can multitask,” Sharon shrugs like it’s no big deal.
“Oh, wow…” you scoff, “That’s two of the greatest spies on earth right.”
“Alright,” She chuckles, unfolding her arms and leaning over the table, “As much as I want to know all about it, that’s not why I’m here.”
“Ok,” you quickly accept the change of subject for your own relief, “Why are you here for, then?”
“To tell you that Stark is a jerk,” she deadpans.
“Ok… cool,” you drag the words, side eyeing her, “And?”
“Long story short, I lost you in a chess match and now you’re the new leader of Avengers/Stark Tech Department.”
You don’t quite assimilate what she just said as you keep your questioning stare on her, not finding the link between her words and, most of all, did she just say you’ve been promoted?
“I’m sorry, what?” You shake your head shutting your eyes for a second, finally asking for clarification after what seemed like the longest staring contest ever.
“Well,” Sharon sighs, “You know how competitive Stark and I can be and when I decided to act by ethics and told him I was considering offering you the leadership position at Shield’s tech department he decided he would do the same and dared me to a chess match, where you would be the prize.” She shrugs, “I’m sure he had some help, right Friday,” she raises her voice staring up to the air but gains plain silence as a response from the A.I, “He won and got to keep you and I got  stuck with my second option which is your ex, as you might already know.”
“Wow,” you whisper, not really sure what to say or feel, trying to process all of what you just heard.
“You’re not offended by the chess match, are you?” Sharon checks, tilting her head.
“No… I’m kinda… flattered, I guess.” You frown and Sharon gives you a satisfied smile. “But… I’m confused… That’s Stark’s job.”
“It’s your job now if you should accept it.” She grins wider, “I guess he’s been thinking about it for a while now and saw my offering as an opportunity. I know Pepper has been on his ass for him to loosen up from some responsibilities, and who better than you to take over?” She points up at the screen with your recent achievement.
You let out a breathy laugh, reality finally dawning. Not in a million years you thought that would happen but now that it is, you’re not gonna be modest, you kick ass in your job and you fucking deserve it.
“He’s on a mission with Nat and Steve now, so he asked me to come talk to you, hang on…” Sharon holdsup a finger, before grabbing a small device from her pocket, which you recognize as one of your projects. “Stark,” she says.
In a second the image of a very battered Tony surfaces on the air as the camera captures his face from under the suit.  
“Hey, Carter,” he greets with a smirk as you hear the sounds of blasts, shots and explosions. The man is in the middle of a damn battle while casually answering a call.  
“Stark,” Sharon answers just as casually, “I have her here with me, just delivered the news,” she says, turning his image to you.
“Hey, boss,” you give him a shy wave.
“Hey, kid.” He scrunches up his face, shooting a series of blasts before you listen to something exploding. “I think you’re sort of my boss now.” He focuses on you again, smirking.
“No, I’m not,” you laugh.
“No, you’re not. But, tell me, what’s your answer?”
“I take it, of course.” You decide, why in the world, wouldn’t you.
“Great. Party to celebrate when we come back. Gotta go, these damn Kree are the worst. Will not invite them.” He turns off and his image disappears from before you.
“Well, congratulations.” Sharon places the device back on her pocket, “Our departments work a lot together, so I think I win either way.”
A mix of emotions fill up your chest. You’re excited and happy and scared. Mostly excited, though…  “Holy shit,” you curse, digging your hands into your hair as a grin seems to twist your lips permanently.
“You need to celebrate…” Sharon adds, offering you a cheeky grin.
Fuck yeah, you need to celebrate. And you know exactly what, or better, who you wanna do.
“How the hell are you wet already?”
The words are spoken against your neck through licks and sucks, after Bucky’s fingers glided under your underwear and sank between your slick folds. As soon as he walked into your living room, he jumped on you with kisses and grabs, discovering you in such a state without his previous help.
Well, sort of without his help, actually. The thing is, after you got out of work that afternoon, you didn’t even need to call him or text him to propose your little celebration as you found a series of texts from “Bucky Sweet Tongue Barnes”  waiting for you. In the first, he was asking if you had any plans that night, and the others… oh, the others… the fucker described all sorts of filthy things he wanted to do with you.
After a quick answer for him to come over and a long bath, all the dirty details he used on his texts refused to leave your mind and you couldn’t help but spending the rest of the time you had alone before he arrived teasing yourself with your fingers, having all those images and flashes from your last encounters in your memory to keep you going.
“I-“ you gasp as he sucks that sensitive spot in your neck and his fingers meet your clit, “Those texts you sent me…” You tilt your head to give his lips more room, your hands roaming around the hard pattern of muscles on his back, “I-I’ve been touching myself.” You confess with the lack of pudency you’re becoming familiar with when you’re around him.
In your arms, you feel when his body freezes for a second, before he sucks harder on your neck, “Fuck… did you come today already?” He gropes your ass under your dress with the hand that isn’t in your pussy. 
Your eyelids flutter and you reach down to the front of his pants to feel the growing bulge, “Yes…”
“Goddammit, that’s hot,” he grunts, and then it all happens in a blur as he lifts you by hooking his hands under your thighs and places you seated over the dinner table.
He positions himself between your opened legs as lifting up your short dress out of his way and, while you swiftly work on the buttons and zipper of his jeans, he takes a condom out of his pockets and, after ripping the plastic off with his teeth he hands it to you.
His eyes cast down to see your fingers rolling off the latex around his rock hard cock and, as soon as you’re done and wrap your hand around him to feel his thickness, he wastes no time and pushes you backwards until your back meets the cold wood of your table. 
Acting by the frenzy that is all over his eyes, he swiftly pulls the small fabric of your underwear to the side, exposing your cunt just enough before he holds his cock and pushes himself inside you, making you cry out and your body jerk backwards. You always knew spending an exorbitant amount of money on a good table would pay off someday and you hold yourself fisting each side of the table.
He pulls your thighs up wrapping his hands on your knees, giving you no time to adjust before starting to pound into you.
You love that he fucks you like that. Hard and raw, the sting of the stretching mixed with the pleasure brought by his expert thrusts fogging your mind and his thickness and expert moves hitting sweet spots of yours, kicking the air out of your lungs. You love that in the few times you’ve been doing it in the last week, he already seems to know what you can take and always somehow goes a little further, a little different… like he knows something about yourself that you don’t, yet. That it’s the first time that you two can’t be bothered to wait and take off clothes or get to the bedroom. You love it.
It is all new to you, yes. For you sex has always been attached to some kind of affection or romantic feelings and, while that is all good and wonderful, you’re enjoying so much finding out this other side, where the only goals are to share pleasure and have fun. 
“So fucking sexy,” he groans through clenched teeth.
Your core twists in response and your cunt clenches around his cock, causing him to let out a grunt and quicken his pace even more, making it extra difficult to breathe properly. Oh, he’s found out that praise kink of yours and now he’s been using it wisely, so wisely…
He reaches over to pull down the stripe of your dress and exposes one breast. A loud moan slips out of you when he roughly kneads the soft flesh. He keeps the metal hand around one of your knees while the leg he let go in favor to give your breast some attention curls around his hips, jerking along with the punishing pace of his thrusts.
“Yeah, sweetheart, so sexy… I’ve wanted to have you like this ever since I first saw that sweet ass of yours,” he confesses right before leaning over to wrap his mouth around your nipple.
You’ve been horny the whole day waiting for the moment you would have his cock inside you just like that and the praise, as tacky as it may be, joined with the warmth of his wet tongue around your breast and the stimulation against your clit that the new position brings prompt the blast of ecstasy inside your core.
With a trembling moan, you let go the edges of the table to hold his body pressed to yours as his mouth moves from your breast to attack your neck. You roll your hips, trying to prolong the pleasure unleashed as his pace falters.
The fingers of both his hands dig into your hair, making a mess of it as he pulls out his cock almost completely before shoving it deeply and harshly one more time, grunting out his own release.  
“Fuck,” it slips from under his heavy breath before he clasps his lips on yours. The kiss is wet and sloppy and lazy as you have your legs and arms curled around his body, keeping him inside you.
Still feeling a little numb from the orgasm he just gave you – a thousand times better than the one you had given yourself- you gasp and chuckle through the kiss as he straightens up and pulls you with him. You tighten the hold of your arms and legs, as he conveniently holds you by your ass until he finds the couch and sits down with you straddling his hips. He breaks the kiss and lets his head fall on the backrest, his chest moving up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
You move up to let his cock slide off but he tightens the hold on your ass, keeping you in place, “Just… let me stay in a bit more, it feels so good,” he says, eyes shut, still resting his head back on the sofa.
“Alright,” you chuckle, straddling his face with your arms as you place your hands on the backrest. You find the request a bit odd but also sexy as hell. There he is, always a step ahead on what you don’t even know you think it’s hot…   
After a few more seconds, when his breath – and yours- seems to come back to normal, he straightens his head and looks down at where you still have just one breast exposed. He ticks his tongue, “Let’s not make the other one feel left out.” He pulls your other strap, letting now both of your breasts bare to him before he dips in, grabbing the up till now covered one with his lips.
You shake your head, laughing at his antics, “You seem pretty fond of them, huh?”
He lets go of the mound with a pop, looking up at you with an almost shocked expression on his face, “How could I not?” he gasps, like you’ve just offended him, “I don’t know how you see them in the mirror everyday and don’t touch yourself…” he squints at you before continuing, “You do, don’t you?”
You laugh harder, letting your head fall back and he smiles at you before going back to give your tits some attention, kissing and sucking one, then the other. Noticing that his cock never really softens completely inside you, you let him enjoy himself a bit more before speaking again, “Did you mean that?”
“What?” He leans back, looking up at you.
“You said you wanted to fuck me ever since you met me… is that serious? I didn’t even know you remembered me before we… started this.”
“First of all, I’m always serious, I never lie,” he says, adding some gravity to his tone, “Second of all, remember that night a while ago, when I chatted with you and your boyfriend at a Stark’s party and then your sexy ass talked about your work with technology with such passion… you knew exactly what you were talking about and, fuck…” he licks his lips, ”I rubbed one out for you later that night,” he smirks, clasping his hands behind his head.
Your jaw drops at the reveal before your face scrunches up, “That’s…gross?” you say the first word that comes to mind.
“But it’s true,” he shrugs, looking pretty comfortable with the confession, “and ever since I’ve been thinking about tapping that smart ass of yours.” He emphasizes his point by slapping your ass once.
Despite that and his choice of words - which makes your cheeks heat up - and your previous statement of being grossed out by the revelation, you decide you take that as kind of a compliment, which leads you to give him the news.
“You know?” you say, “I was promoted today. You just fucked the new leader of the Avengers/Stark tech department,” you grin when his practically hard cock twitches inside you.
“Wow, congratulations.” His eyes widen and he grins back at you. 
“Never thought I would meet someone with a technology kink,” you comment, laughing at his first reaction to the news.
“More of a smart as fuck brain kink, sweetheart,” he reaches behind you to slap your ass for the second time that night, making you shriek and laugh a bit harder, “Ok, we need to celebrate,” he states.
“I am celebrating,” you aim a mischievous smile at him, rolling your hips for good measure.
“Damn,” he breathes, but holds your hips still, “No, I mean, you’ve been in a relationship for ten years, tell me…” he squints at you, “When was the last time you partied your ass off?”
“Ahm…” you think hard trying to remember when it was, “College, I guess?”
“Shit…” he lowers his head before swiftly getting up, making you lunge your arms on his shoulders so you wouldn’t fall back as he walks to your bedroom, “Come on, let’s freshen up. This is huge news… I’ll take you to a real party now and then we can continue our private one later,” he promises.
As soon as you walk in the rooftop bar Bucky has chosen, you already decide you did good in accepting his offer. The place is gorgeous, sporting a modern, yet cozy decoration with small tables, sofas and puffs for those who want to sit. Dazzling lights flash on the dance floor right by a huge bar and the view of the city is mesmerizing while the beat of the music reverberates through your body.
Bucky pulls you by the hand through the sea of bodies. Thank god you chose one of the fanciest dresses of your wardrobe or else you wouldn’t fit in among the beautiful people crowding the place. Every once in a while, Bucky waves and nods at someone or a group of people. You can tell he’s a regular.  
He waves more excitedly to a group of women hanging on a mezzanine, before pulling you to that direction, “Come on,” he tilts his head back towards you with a smile, “You’ll love them.”
As soon as you approach the group, he puts his arm around your shoulders and introduces you to everyone, telling you the names of each stunning woman before you, Amanda, Emma, Jada, Alice and Brianna. They all friendly greet him and you with smiles, excited hellos and hugs, welcoming you two to join them, which you do.
“You know, Y/N was promoted today,” Bucky gushes and you smile at him.
“Oh, wow,” Amanda says through the cheerful congratulating words from everyone else, “This calls for champagne.” She then whistles and makes a sign for a bartender, who in a matter of seconds sends two bottles of fancy champagne to the group. 
A few minutes after the toast, you’re drinking and chatting with those women like you’ve been best friends your whole life, especially with Amanda, who goes out of her way to make you feel included. You can see how close they all are to Bucky, like he’s one of the gang, talking about any kind of subject in front of him and vice versa. Bucky stays by your side, and only when you’re completely mingled with the group he excuses himself to go grab what he called “a real drink” at the bar.
“He’s incredible, isn’t he?” Amanda nudges you when Bucky is at a distance he can’t hear.
“Oh yeah,” you nod, “Bucky’s a great guy.”
“She means in bed, dear,” Brianna clarifies with a giggle.
You take a look around the group to see them all giving you mischievous and knowing stares. Oh…
“Oh, did all of you…?” you point your finger at them, but you don’t have to complete the question
“More like all of this rooftop,” Brianna laughs, followed shortly by the others.  
“So, he’s amazing isn’t he?” Amanda insists, wiggling her eyebrows.
You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol or the fact that they all seem so friendly and open minded, but something makes you blurt out, “Amazing? He’s fucking fantastic.”
They all nod and verbalize their agreement, “I tell you all something,” Jada catches your attention, “That man drinks respect women juice daily and we owe him a toast. Here’s to Bucky,” she raises her glass.
“To Bucky.” You all mimic her through laughing and make a toast to the unsuspicious man at the bar.
As the conversation moves on and they all engage in different topics your gaze wanders to where he stands, holding a glass with some liquor that looks like whiskey in hands. But he’s not alone anymore. A statuesque blond is right beside him, laughing and touching his arm. You glimpse that flirting smile of him forming on his lips.
“You don’t mind do you?” Amanda’s voice makes you turn to her, spotting a questioning look on her face, “Because if you do… Girl, run away now, Bucky isn’t right for you.” There’s no malice on her voice, just a sincere warning tone.
You seize the moment to make an honest survey through your feelings. You’ve been warned by different people, Bucky included, and if there’s anything to worry about, Amanda is right, you should run now. As you keep your eyes on the two of them by the bar, you look and look and look inside, but find nothing that could be remotely taken as jealousy or something like that. If anything, it’s kind of liberating to know that you have so much fun with him and there’s no ugly, selfish feelings pulling you back. You feel like you could encourage the blonde on the flirting, because you know how damn incredible it can be…
Who would wonder that a class A womanizer like Bucky would be the source of such sheer sorority you’ve been experiencing that night…
“No,” you turn back to Amanda, shaking your head with a satisfied smile, “I don’t mind at all.”
The night goes on and Bucky comes and goes, chatting and drinking and laughing with you and your new little group of friends, taking you to dance, but also dancing with Amanda, Emma, Alice, Jada, Brianna and some others… A number of guys also approach you, take you to dance, buy you drinks and you end up with a few new phone numbers in your contact list. You party like you haven’t in a while and like you didn’t think women your age still did, which is stupid… You’ve been so caught up in the routine of your relationship with Eddie that you’ve forgotten there’s a whole world spinning out there.
An exciting and fun world.
“Hey,” the familiar voice reaches your ear and makes you smile as you’re on the dance floor with the girls. The metal hand curls around your belly and pulls you before your back brushes against his chest, “Having fun?” Bucky asks, lips on your ears.
“Yes, so much.” You tilt your head and place your hands over his while his hips sway with yours.
“Hummm,” he pulls you closer and runs the tip of his nose over the length of your neck, “I’m glad.”
“However…” you sigh, loving how his hips move in rhythm with yours, “I think I’m ready to continue our other party at home.”
“Funny,” he chuckles and his tongue darts out before he swiftly brushes it against your neck. It’s quick and very discreet, but enough to set your core into flames, “I was thinking the exact same thing.”
With that, you promptly let go of him and proceed to say goodbye to the girls. They all tell their farewells and wishes to see you again soon with knowing and excited looks.
“You were right, I had so much fun.” You wrap an arm around his elbow as you walk side by side through the streets of New York. The bar isn’t that far from your condo and when he suggested a walk back home you thought it was a good idea to check on the lively corners of the city, even with the heels. Also, he offered his leather jacket against the cold, which you promptly accepted.
“Oh, yeah, nightlife in New York nowadays is something we shouldn’t take for granted,” he smiles down at you, “And yeah, you had fun alright, I know there are a few extra numbers in your phone,” he winks.
You analyze his face and when you understand there’s nothing but playful teasing behind it, you answer, “Oh, yeah, oh my God,” you shake your head, “That was unexpected but fun. I might delete them all, though, things might get complicated and I’m not looking for any kind of complications right now.”
He smiles, seemingly satisfied for you taking him out of the complicated category. “You and the girls seemed to get along real fine, too,” he comments.   
“They’re really great,” you nod, getting cozier in his arm as a gust of wind hits you, “They all think very highly of you, by the way,” you let the smirk in your lips tell him what you mean.
“I work hard for that, sweetheart.” He chuckles and wiggles his eyebrows at you.
You let out a laugh, “That you do.” You look up at him from under your lashes, before whispering, “I can’t wait to see you working hard.”
He halts his pace, making you abruptly stop with him. You shoot him a questioning look, as he gazes down at you, his face lightening up like the best of ideas has just crossed his mind. Without further notice he unwraps his arm from yours and takes your hand instead, pulling you with him at a faster pace as he turns on the corner, changing the course that would lead to your home.
“Hey,” you call out, as you try not to trip on your heels as he pulls you, deflecting from the other patrons and leading the way, “What the hell are you doing?”
He looks back at you with that sinful smile of his, “Don’t wanna leave you waiting.”
Something flips inside your stomach in anticipation at his statement and, as he turns around a few corners, the streets seem to get less busy. When you reach a particular spot, he checks each side, like surveying the area before pulling you to a dark alleyway you haven’t even seen before.
As soon as you out of the street he pins you against the wall and crashes his lips on yours, shoving his leg between yours to keep you in place with the help of the firm grip of his metal hand on your hips.
Like a puppet on his strings you wrap your arms around his neck and respond to the inebriant kiss immediately even if you’re still astonished by it all and when he squeezes one of your tits through the fabric of your dress and his mouth leaves your mouth to drag kisses over your neck, you tilt your head to see the light peeking from the streets, so close to where you’re both standing. 
“Bucky…” a gasp swallows your words for a second as he presses his thigh harder against your pussy, “What the hell, someone can see us,” you remind him, knowing exactly where this will lead if you don’t stop him now. You can already feel the pool of heat in your lower body as he playfully nibbles on your lower lip before going back to your neck.
“Isn’t it exciting, to think someone can spot us while I have my dick inside you.” He licks a long stripe from your neck to behind your ear.
The mention of his dick makes you let out a wanton moan, but you’re not won over yet, “It’s a fucking dark alley in the middle of the night in New York City, Bucky. We will be murdered here.”
At this, all of his enticing movements pause, and he dips his head back with an offended glare at you, “Do I have to remind you who you’re literally fucking with?” he asks, outrage all over his voice, “The Winter Fucking Soldier, White Wolf and shit… the strongest Avenger,” he chant the names and you can’t help but chuckle a bit, “Don’t worry,” leans over to resume from where he stopped, “I can fuck you and protect you at the same time.”
You need no more convincing since that’s actually damn hot and you’re more than sold to the exciting game when he flips you over and kneels down behind you. Listening to your own erratic heartbeats prompted by the electrifying danger of it all, you sprawl your hands on the wall as he sinks his hands under your dress and pulls your underwear down your legs, placing it in his pocket once you step out of it.
He bunches your dress up high enough to give him room and you shudder and sucks in a breath as he props one kiss, then another on the back of each of your thighs, “Try to be quiet…” he says, but swiftly adds, “Not too quiet, though, I love to hear you.”
With that he spreads your legs a little farther and sinks his tongue into the apex of your thighs from behind.  Your jaw drops and your knees buckle as he holds your hips still against his face. While his tongue curls around your sensitive pussy your mind blanks and you whimper, trying to suppress a moan, not forgetting you’re right in the open air of New York. Your hips roll against his face, seeking for more friction to untie the knot forming inside you.
But too soon he ceases contact and stands up. You express your disappointment with a whine, face snapping to glare at him behind you.
He’s wearing a smirk on his face as he grabs another condom from his pocket. You wonder how many he has in stash, “You wanted to come on my mouth, didn’t you?” he teases, holding the package between his teeth as he unbuckles his pants.
“Of course,” you shamelessly admit under your breath.
“I know sweetheart… But my dick is aching for you, too,” letting his pants and boxes fall along his legs, he unleashes his hard cock and proceeds on putting on the condom, throwing the plastic package aside, “I was prepping you for it,” he continues, eyes fastened on yours as he speaks, “You want it, don’t you? You want my dick? Come all over it?”
You lick your lips and your gaze falls to look at his rock hard cock, feeling your wetness dripping down your inner thighs. Now that’s an offer you can’t refuse, “Yes, I wanna soak that fucking dick,” you groan, not caring how tacky all the dirty talk may be, since it all sounds sexy as fuck now, clouding all of your senses.
“Shit… take it then, sweetheart.” Guiding his cock with his hand, he pulls your hips and in one single shove he’s inside you.
You let out a silent cry and rest your cheek on your hand against the wall, as the other reaches down to your clit, to help ease down the sumptuous twists inside your core as he pounds into you.  
The sounds and lights of the cars passing by on the street right next to you reminds you how exposed you are and fuck if you’re not gonna come quicker than you ever did as Bucky holds your hips with both of his hands, moving them as fast as he pleases, thrusting them back against his cock. You can feel the fire reaching its peak inside you.
“So fucking wet,” he whispers, breathing hard as he fucks any remaining signs of better judgement out of you and you know it won’t be long for him, either.
You let out a loud moan and it prompts him to pull you pressed against his chest and cover your mouth with his hand, “Shhh.” His hot breath coats your ear and your head falls back on his shoulder as he keeps the delicious pounding of his cock inside you with no hint of mercy.
The damn alley spins around you and you wish you weren’t wearing his leather jacket now as the beads of sweat run down your forehead.
He must’ve heard something in advance because right at that moment a group of people walk by the sidewalk, chatting and laughing. All they have to do is to glance to the side and spot you two in that interesting situation. The danger, the fact that you’re so exposed while Bucky dicks you down against the wall out in the open triggers your orgasm and you let out a strangled sound, muffed by his hand, as the shocks of pleasure washes over your body and weakens your limbs.  
“Shit,” Bucky whispers against your cheeks and his cock pulses inside you, reacting to your cunt squeezing and soaking his cock as you reach your climax.
You wanna feel that again and acting under the influence of a rush of boldness, you reach behind between the two of you and gently massages his bouncing balls. You feel the pulsating of his cock between your walls again and that cheeky move of yours makes him come undone. You only wish that the group is far enough to not hear the reckless and loud moan that slips out of his lips against your ear, his whole body tensing against yours.
As you fight to catch your breath and his hand leaves your mouth to descend to one of your breasts, a long line of courses is recited in your ear before you can feel his body finally relaxing.
Your eyes flutter shut when you sense the brush of his lips on your neck. The next words he breathes against your heated skin makes you beam, loving that he says that while his cock is still buried deep into you, like a damn reward.  
“Congratulations on your promotion, sweetheart.”
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Words On My Skin Chapter 30
Bucky Barnes X Reader (Soulmate AU)
A/N: I guess it takes a quarantine and deadly virus for me to start writing again, huh? LOL! TAGS WILL BE REBLOGGED ON THIS EVENTUALLY! I have like... a whole year of tag requests to sort through! So... Sorry LOL
Warnings: Be gentle... I’m rusty at writing lol
Main Masterlist // WOMS Masterlist
Y/n: I'm on my way back! Happy is driving me! I'll tell you the details when I get home! I got you a surprise! <3
Bucky: I'm in the room, doing paperwork. Steal one of Steve's granola bars for me, please and thank you and I love you.
Y/n: I'm not taking the fall again if he catches me!
Bucky: He's out with that one blonde chick we don't like.
Y/n: Ew. Why???
Bucky: Why do you think?
Y/n: Ew. She looks like she has crotch crickets. Plus she was a bitch to me last time she was here. I tried to be nice. I think she's in it for his fame... and the D.
Bucky: ...that's disgusting.
Y/n: I'm making him an appointment for an STD check.
Bucky: He's going to kill you.
Y/n: He'll thank me when his dick doesn't fall off
Bucky: He's going to make you do more cardio.
Y/n: ...Okay, yeah, I'll just let his dick fall off. LOL fuck cardio
Bucky: You seemed to enjoy last night's cardio. ;)
Y/n: That was more like naked yoga... with a happy ending! Totally different!
Bucky: We can do naked yoga anytime you want.
Y/n: I'll take naked yoga over cardio all day every day
Bucky: All day every day? ;)
Y/n: Shut up, fool. <3
Placing your phone back into your purse, you stared out the window, watching the busy streets blend into trees and snow. Stupid snow. You were lost in your own head, thinking about the meeting with your parents. Which had gone... surprisingly well.
Your mother was fairly civil to you - as well as the waitstaff - and your father actually had a serious conversation with you.
It was one of the weirdest days of your life... and you lived with a bunch of superheroes.
Seeing your parents like this, after so many years of loathing, arguing, controlling... You weren't sure where your relationship stood.
Though, it was nice to gain at least a little clarification and get everything out in the open.
They'd apologized for the way they treated you in your youth, as well as the way they treated Bucky. You'd apologized for all the shit you'd said to them before you'd moved away, as well as keeping them pushed away in your adult years. The excuses your mother had for acting like a controlling robot were just... sad. She talked about how your grandmother treated her the same - if not worse. She was the way she was because she wanted you to be better than her. No wonder you've never actually met your grandparents in person. Your mother hated her parents. Almost as much as you'd hated yours... until now.
Now... You just had sympathy. Not that it excused any of the behaviors over the years, but you understood now.
It seemed as if she'd convinced herself that the way that she raised you made you the positive person that you were, today. Which was true to some extent. It was recovering from the way you were raised that made you the person you were today. You may have been comfortable with money, but money wasn't everything behind closed doors. Money didn't solve the problems that you'd dealt with in your youth. In fact, it was living the stereotype of a rich family that had caused the majority of your problems. It was the cold, brash emotions modeled by your parents that made you want to be different. The controlled diets, the need to hide emotions and compartmentalize, the forced dating, the fights, the lying, the fake public image... it was dealing with those things after you'd escaped it that made you the person you are today.
Personal growth, and all that jazz.
After the emotional bit of the dinner, you'd actually enjoyed yourself. Your parents asked you about your job, the first day you met Bucky, college, your friends, and everything else they hadn't been a part of for the last decade or so.
They told you about their trip to Paris, where your mother had tripped over a crack in the pavement and they spent half the day in the emergency room so she could get stitches. They told you about how they got their entire office to donate a large sum of money to Bucky's charity that he had been running. They told you about the day that they realized that they needed a change of scenery from California.
It was almost... normal.
If you even knew what normal was.
"Y/n?" You heard Happy's muffled voice, followed by a light tapping on the cool window. He hadn't opened the car door, because your head was leaned against it. "You ready to rock and roll?"
"You're such a dad." You giggled, grabbing your purse and leftovers as he opened the door for you, "Speaking of dads, are you going to become Peter's step-"
"I DON'T-" He paused, taking a breath through his nose and blowing it out of his mouth, "I don't want to talk about that."
"Happy and Mae, sitting in a tree..." You sang, grinning as you skipped past him, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G."
"You're such a child." He rolled his eyes, slamming your door closed and walking to the driver's door.
"You love me, anyways." You pulled open the front door to the compound, leaving Happy to bring the car over to the garage.
You removed your coat the moment you stepped into the heated building, throwing it over your arm and hiding the bag of leftovers and Bucky's surprise. Glancing around, you saw the lobby was nearly empty, save for a few agents using the lobby to cut to the other wing.
Glancing over to the front desk, a grin spread over your face as you took in the sight in front of you.
Caleb was snoring loudly, mouth hanging open, head tipped back, and his feet up on the desk. The book you'd given him for his birthday was open, resting on his stomach like he had fallen asleep reading in his chair.
"FRIDAY, can you please do me a favor and record this please?" You whispered into your watch, sneaking over to the sleeping agent. "Send it to my tablet when it's done."
You were glad you wore flats instead of heels, so your shoes made no noise against the hard floors as you snuck behind the desk. You kept out of swinging distance, grabbing a clipboard off his desk and readying yourself for whatever happened.
"CALEB, WAKE UP!" You screamed loudly, slamming the clipboard repeatedly on the desk. "CALEB, THE SKY IS FALLING!"
He let out a loud shout, limbs flailing around, and chair tipping backwards. "I WASN'T SLEEPING." The obnoxious laugh you let out made his face scrunch up in confusion from the floor, "Y/n?" He glanced around, springing up gracefully and surveying the empty lobby before sending you a glare, "Rude."
You couldn't reply, leaning against the desk and tossing the clipboard in front of him, hysterical laughter echoing through the nearly-empty lobby. "I- You- Oh- Dying." You wheezed, trying to calm your laughter before you peed yourself, wiping the tears from under your eyes, "Oh my god."
"I'm glad my fear brings you such joy, you awful human being." Caleb grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his chair, "I hate you so much right now."
"I brought you dessert." You replied, finally able to pull your shit together, grabbing a box out of the big bag you were carrying. "It's chocolate and peanut butter cheesecake."
"I hate you less, now. You are forgiven." He lunged forward, a large smile on his face. "Gimme', gimme', gimme'."
You handed him the box, shaking your head and glancing at your watch, "I'm beat. I'm gunna' head up."
"Your soulmate is an asshole, by the way." Caleb informed you, mouth full of cheesecake, "He kept telling me he's going to get Claire an obscene amount of slime for Christmas." He glanced up at you with narrow eyes, "I'll hurt all of you if you get her slime, or anything else with loose glitter. My kitchen table is ruined."
"I cannot confirm nor deny that we got her slime for christmas." You shouted, jogging towards the elevator. "Love youuuuu."
"Fuck youuuuu." He sang back at you, as you disappeared from sight.
"My floor, please, FRIDAY." You requested as the doors to the elevator opened and you got in, "Is Bucky in his room?"
"Yes, Ma'am." FRIDAY replied.
Leaning against the wall, you inhaled deeply through your nose - trying to dispel any weird feelings in your gut. Ever since you'd left dinner with your parents, your shoulders felt lighter... but there was a sense of unease in your belly. You'd never expected in a million years that you'd actually have a relationship with your parents where they communicated with you in a semi-healthy way.
Was this real life?
Honestly, it felt like you were in a simulation or something.
Nothing felt normal anymore.
When the lift doors opened, a wave of delicious smells hit your nose - and you followed the scent to the kitchen, calling out, "Who's cooking delicious-smelling food?"
"That'd be me." Sam called, head in the fridge as he searched for something in the back, "Where the fuck did my strawberries go?"
"That'd be your not-so-little buddy Steve." You chuckled, watching as Sam glared at the fridge before moving back to the stove in a huff. It was actually Bucky, but you weren't about to snitch on your soulmate. "What are you making?"
"God dammit." He grumbled, stirring whatever was in the giant pot, "I'm getting a mini fridge in my room. This 'sharing' business is pissing me off."
"Sam. Food."
He turned to you with a grin, "Momma Wilson's famous lasagna soup."
"They make lasagna in soup form?" You frowned, walking over to the stove to inspect, confirming the fact that he had - indeed - made soup out of lasagna ingredients. It was confirmed by the broken-up lasagna noodles floating up to the surface, and the red sauce littered with spices. God, that smelled good... "Where'd your mom come up with this, and can I have the recipe?"
"Nope. Special made by only me." He shook his head, shooing you away with the spoon. "Go away. You already ate."
There goes getting the granola bar... Sam would totally snitch.
"Save me some for later?" You stuck out your lip in a pout, giving him your best innocent face.
He rolled his eyes, turning away from you and stirring his soup, "We'll see."
You giggled, turning away and walking towards the living quarters with a pep in your step, "I appreciate you."
"Yeah, yeah." You heard him grumble, "Since you do my paperwork..."
"And I do a fabulous job!" You called in sing-song, rounding the corner into the hallway and feeling giddy about bringing Bucky his surprise.
He'd been talking about how he'd been craving French Silk Pie, and you just so happened to spot a few slices left at the restaurant. The manager had recognized you from the photo of you and Bucky at the sushi restaurant and seeing you in that interview, and had offered to slip in a few extra slices of pie for next to nothing... so you'd taken a page from Bucky's book and tipped the staff an obscene amount.
Bucky was going to shit when he saw how many pieces of pie you were coming back with.
"FRIDAY can you unlock the door for me, please?" You called out quietly, listening to the door click as it unlocked. "Thank you." As you pushed open the door, you spotted your handsome soulmate sitting at his desk, sharpening a knife carefully. "You planning on murdering me with that, or what?"
"Ha-Ha. Very funny." He deadpanned, eyes trained on the knife as he examined it, "If I was going to murder you, stabbing you to death would be too messy."
"Comforting." You chuckled, shutting the door behind you and hanging your coat on the back of the door and laying the plastic bag full of food on his bed. You reached behind you to unzip your dress, heading over to his closet to grab a shirt to lounge around in. "I buy you a delicious treat, and you plot my murder."
"If it makes you feel better, I'm also looking at files for the new recruits." He replied, voice sounding really far away. "Jennings looks promising."
You frowned, pulling his shirt over your head. Trying to feel him out through the bond. He seemed... neutral. It was weird. Not upset, but also not happy. Peeking around the corner, trying to be sneaky, you watched him as he read through another recruit file flipping the knife around skillfully. He didn't look tense. He also didn't look like he was concentrating on the file, either.
"Why are you staring at me?" He asked suddenly, not turning around. His hair looked messy, like he'd been running his hand through it.
"Why are you being weird?" You asked, walking over to the bed and grabbing one of the small to-go boxes out of the bag. Setting it on his desk with a plastic fork, you leaned down and wrapped your arms around him from behind - resting your chin on his shoulder. "I got you french silk pie."
He turned his head, pressing a small kiss on your bare arm. "Thanks, sweetheart."
You didn't think you could frown any further, but you were wrong.
He was totally being weird.
"Okay, okay." You moved away from him, sitting on the edge of his bed and grabbing one of the pie slices. "What's wrong with you? What are you hiding from me? You're too... neutral."
"Nothing's wrong with me." He replied, not turning around. "I'm not hiding anything."
"Lies." You sang out, digging into your piece of pie. "Can't bullshit a bullshitter. Especially when she's connected to you emotionally through a magical soulmate bond." You shoved a bite into your mouth, realizing that you'd grabbed one of the apple pie slices. A pang of annoyance nudged you in the chest, and you rolled your eyes, "You can be annoyed all you want, but that's not telling me what's up with you."
He sighed, leaning his head back for a moment, before spinning around in his chair and giving you a look of annoyance. "If I tell you, will you let up?"
"Maybe." You smirked, taking another bite of pie.
"I..." He looked down, picking at one of the plates in his hand - a nervous tick. "I talked to Tony, today."
Oh shit.
You hoped it was a productive conversation. It had to have been, if Bucky wasn't upset. Then again, he was attempting to hide his feelings from you. Maybe it wasn't, and he didn't want to tell you?
You set your dessert down on the bed, leaning forward in interest, "And...?"
"He..." Bucky cleared his throat, not looking at you. "He wants to have us see Dr. Collins." He finally looked up at you, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Together."
You smiled, relief washing through you. This was good. If they saw Dr. Collins together, they might get to the root of their issues in a positive way that didn't include destroying the building... one can hope.
So why did Bucky look like someone pissed in his coffee?
"This is good, right?" You asked, confused. "Progress?"
"Yeah." He mumbled, looking back down at the dark, metal plates in his hand. "I guess."
"But-" His leg started bouncing up and down, and you could feel the nervous energy outside of the bond. "I'm a little... afraid about..." He sighed, shaking his head and closing his beautiful blue eyes, "I don't know. Doing all this-" He seemed to be struggling for the right words. "-opening up."
You nodded along as he paused, waiting for him to continue.
"What if... what if he still hates me in the end?" He rushed out, leg still bouncing. "I'm just... I'm so sick of people hating me for something I did when I was... him." He stood up, beginning to pace back and forth, and you had a feeling that he was about to explode. "I'm trying so hard. SO HARD. I..." He stopped, rubbing his hands over his face in frustration. "I just... I hate what he did. I hate this. I don't want to go through all of this just for Tony to still hate me in the end."
He sat back down in his chair, hand running through his growing hair and leaning his elbows on his knees, "I'm just... I don't like this nervous feeling. That's why I was trying to hide my feelings. Because... I don't want to feel them." He looks back up at you, blue eyes full of sadness that hurt your heart. "Sometimes I feel like it's easier being him. He doesn't feel anything, and I barely remember half the shit he did."
"Bucky..." You sighed, standing up and moving to sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his middle and leaning the side of your head against his shoulder. "It's understandable that you don't want to feel the hard feelings. They suck ass." He snorted at your words, arms wrapping around you, but you kept going, "But you're human. Even if you're a supersoldier with some crazy serum running through your veins, you're human. Feelings make you human. Feelings make you Bucky, instead of him." You looked up at him, as his arms tightened around you. "I'm not going to pretend I'm Dr. Collins and say something irritatingly profound, but... I think you know exactly what Dr. Collins would say."
"Yeah, yeah, I know." He sighed, pressing his face into the top of your head - warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. "He's annoying."
"He may be annoying, but he knows what's up." You chuckled, turning your head so you were looking into his icy eyes, "You know I love you, right?"
"Yeah, I know." He smiled, crinkles forming at the corners of his eyes, "I love you, too."
Shifting around, you moved so your arms were wrapped around his shoulders and your face was level with his, "I brought you french silk pie."
"You spoil me." He grinned, arms around your middle, "How'd your dinner with your parents go?"
You grimaced, rolling your eyes, "It was weird. It kind of feels like those two hours were a dream. I don't believe that my parents actually had a real conversation with me." He raised an eyebrow at you and you huffed out a sigh, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm happy. I'm glad that we can finally talk, but... it's just weird. I don't really know how to process it."
"Finally going to be one big, happy family, huh?" He laughed, poking you in the side. "Like The Brady Bunch?"
"First of all, when the hell did you have time to watch The Brady Bunch without me?" You narrowed your eyes at him, raising a brow in question, "Second of all, there's only three of us."
"I didn't watch it," He rolled his eyes, shaking his head at you before standing and setting you on the bed, turning around and grabbing his container of pie, "I read about it."
"STOP DOING THAT!!" You whined in annoyance, throwing a chunk of your apple pie at him. Oh my god, if he kept fucking doing that... "You need to actually watch these things! Stop reading the plot on Wikipedia! It's not the same!"
"I read faster than I watch!" He took a huge bite of his pie, crumbs falling onto the floor. "I can read the plot in a fourth of the time it would take to watch the whole thing." After another obnoxiously large bite of his pie, he set the container back on the desk, moving towards the bed, "If I try and catch up on all the shows and movies I missed over the last century, I'll be biologically ninety before I'm caught up."
As he moved the bag of containers to the floor, you held the slice of apple pie closer to your chest, "I'm not sharing my pie." You took another bite of the sweet pie, the taste of cinnamon on your tongue. He kept moving closer, and you turned your body away from him holding the pie away from him, "NO! You can't have my pie! You have your own!"
"If you don't put it on the nightstand it's going to be in the bed." He warned, an evil look in his eye. "I'm giving you three seconds."
You yelped, attempting to scarf down the obscenely large and sweet piece of pie as fast as you could.
You scrambled away from him, but his arm wrapped around your middle as you continued to shovel the food in your face.
"NO!!! I'm TRYING!" You giggled, tossing the fork onto the floor, but unable to reach the nightstand with the container full of whipped cream and a large chunk of pie still sticking in the container. You shrieked out a laugh as he tackled you into the bed, the slice of pie completely smearing all over your face and hair. "BUCKY!!"
Part 31 ...coming soon to a Tumblr near you.
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elisajdb · 3 years
GoChi Week 2021: A Fulfilled Life: Part Six
GoChi Week 2021
A Fulfilled Life
Day Six: Modern AU @gochi-week
Four-year-old Kakarrot hid behind several crates, frightened and unsure of what to do and why this is happening. Earlier that day, his Mommy and Daddy told him they were moving to a place that will make them all happy. Kakarrot didn’t like that he had to leave many of his toys behind but Mommy promised to buy him new toys.
Daddy drove them to an old building where Daddy said a friend of his will take them to their new home. There, they met a tall burly man Kakarrot knew as Gyumao and the one who will take his family to the happy place.  
It was a lie.
In his mother’s arms, Kakarrot heard words being exchanged between Daddy and Gyumao, loud bangs, his Daddy falling to the ground; Mommy screaming and running away with him; more loud bangs that caused his Mommy to fall and drop him. Before Mommy closed her eyes to sleep, she told him to run. Kakarrot ran and hid behind the crates.
Kakarrot could see and hear everything. Daddy was still awake but sounded in pain. Daddy’s shirt changed colors, too. It turned from light blue to a dark red over his tummy. More people entered the building. A short man Kakarrot heard called Freeza stood over his Daddy. With him were two other strange people and Gyumao.  
“Bardock, you dumb fuck. You got greedy. If you only tried to save Gine and Kakarrot I would’ve looked the other way. I would’ve thought Gine planned her escape behind your back and ditched you because I took Raditz.” Freeza sadistically laughed over Daddy. “I would’ve taunted you at every opportunity your wife took her other son and ditched you. I would’ve had sympathy for you and not ordered them killed but you got greedy. You wanted out yourself.” Freeza pressed his booted foot on Bardock’s neck. “You would leave me after all I’ve done for you? I’m hurt, Bardock. Deeply hurt.”
Freeza removed his foot and stepped away leaving Daddy to cough up red liquid. “Done for me?” Daddy sounded in pain. “You made me and all the members of the Oozaru organization your flunkies. We did your bidding after our boss Vegeta submitted control of our group to you. Your organization became the strongest and the most feared group in the land because of OUR muscle. Without us, you’re nothing!”
A pale skin man Kakarrot heard named Zarbon laughed haughtily, “He thinks the Oozaru should take credit for your strength, Mr. Freeza. How insulting he doesn’t give you the credit you deserve.”
“Indeed. Something must be done.” Freeza turned to Gyumao. “Kill him.” When Gyumao only reacted with shocked eyes, Freeza snarled, “Use your gun and kill him.”
“No.” Gyumao shook his head refusing him. “I betrayed Bardock and my partner to keep my wife and daughter safe. I won’t kill him.”
“Useless.” Freeza snatched the gun out of Gyumao’s hands. He fired two bullets in Bardock’s head. He shot Gyumao’s left shoulder.
Kakarrot gasped. Daddy stopped talking. He was sleeping like Mommy. Kakarrot didn’t understand everything that was going on but even his young mind understood he and his parents weren’t going to the happy place and it was all Gyumao’s fault.
Kakarrot yelp as he was pulled in the air. He saw a burly, bald man grinning at him. “Gotcha, kid.”
Twenty-Two Years Later
“Here he comes. Right on schedule,” Lazuli remarked as she noticed the familiar tall man with wild spiky hair and dressed in a suit that cost more than her rent for six months approaching. Lazuli turned away and pretended to not notice him as she placed signs of today’s menu outside the food truck.
Inside the truck, ChiChi looked herself over in the small mirror hanging in a corner. Her face wasn’t wet with kitchen sweat yet and her makeup looked perfect. She checked her shirt. No food stains yet. Good. Lazuli stepped into the truck. She smirked at ChiChi’s primping. “Aren’t you thirsty for your favorite customer?”
“I am not thirsty. I’m happy to see my favorite customer. It’s because of him Mt. Frypan Food Truck has got off the ground. He recommended this and other locations around the city. I’m so much closer to opening a restaurant. I owe him a lot.”
College roommates and both laid off work, ChiChi used her savings to start her own food truck business. Lazuli never thought ChiChi would have the guts to do it. She even teased if ChiChi got a food truck, she’ll be her partner. When ChiChi arrived in her apartment parking lot with the food truck, Lazuli became a woman of her word and partnered with ChiChi. She helped with the designs for the truck, marketing flyers and building the company’s website and social media accounts.
Business started slowly. They made some money but Mt. Frypan was always in the red. Six months in and behind in her rent, ChiChi started to wonder if this was a good idea. Then Kakarrot appeared. He purchased a sandwich, complimented ChiChi, paid and left. Lazuli and ChiChi thought that was the end of it but Kakarrot returned the next day ordering another item on the menu. Kakarrot eventually ate every item on the menu. Noticing the slow business, Kakarrot recommended locations and ideas to ChiChi. She listened and her business turned around. She became one of the most in-demand food trucks in the city. Her dream to own her restaurant was a lot closer now thanks to Kakarrot.
Every day, Kakarrot arrived at Mr. Frypan Food Truck at 10:30 am when Lazuli and ChiChi began setting up for the day. ChiChi always had Kakarrot’s lunch ready. She cooked extra for him. It was very obvious ChiChi was smitten with Kakarrot but ChiChi never made a move which aggravated Lazuli.
“When are you gonna ask him out?”
“Why would I ask him out?” ChiChi looked out the food truck. Kakarrot had stopped to talk on his phone. She chewed her lower lip. He looked so hot in that suit. “He’s a nice man who’s helped my business.”
“You’re always checking yourself when he comes by. You always give him extra food for lunch.”
“He helped me with my business. It’s only fair I give him extra.” Lazuli raised her eyebrow at her. “I’m not his type, okay. You see him in those expensive suits. I’m just an ordinary woman trying to make it in this world. I know I’m attractive but I know my limits.”
Lazuli scoffed. “You’re being stupid. It’s very obvious Kakarrot is into you. I don’t know what problems you both have in not making a move.”
ChiChi shushed her as Kakarrot pocket his phone and made his way to the food truck. Kakarrot smiled at the two women. “Good morning, ladies.” Kakarrot read the menu outside the truck. “Barbecue today. You should do well.”
“We hope so. We got a lot of meat cooked and ready to go.” ChiChi handed Kakarrot his lunch through the sell window. “Here’s your lunch.” Kakarrot took his lunch and handed ChiChi her money. He paid in cash every time with a hefty tip.
“Thanks. I appreciate this.” Instead of walking away as he always did, Kakarrot lingered. “I know you have to finish setting up before you open but do you have a minute? I’d like to talk to you alone.”
“Uh….” This is what ChiChi wanted to hear Kakarrot say to her for months and instead of saying ‘Yes’ her brain freezes.
“She has time,” Lazuli spoke for her. “I got this.”
ChiChi shook her head at Lazuli flushed. She couldn’t do this now! Her brain wasn’t working! She couldn’t speak! Lazuli brushed past ChiChi and opened the door. She shoved ChiChi forward, forcing her to leave.
Kakarrot stood at the door waiting for her. Pushing down the butterflies in her stomach, ChiChi stepped out of the truck. She noticed Kakarrot’s eyes sweeping over her. “What is it?”
“This is the first time I’ve seen you from the waist down. I only see you behind that sell window. Nice.” His eyes were on her legs. She looked cute in her shorts. Being a runner and having a black belt in martial arts, ChiChi kept herself in excellent shape. “Shame I’m only seeing it now. Maybe I would’ve made my move sooner.”
“Move?” ChiChi inquired innocently.
“Are you seeing anyone?”
ChiChi’s breath hitched, her heart jumped. Was Kakarrot going to…? “No,” she answered breathlessly. “Are you?”
Kakarrot grinned. “I wouldn’t ask if I were.” He stepped closer to ChiChi. ChiChi stepped back until she was pressed against the truck. “We’ve been doing this little dance for way too long. I’ve found you attractive since I laid eyes on you.”
“All of me from the waist up?” ChiChi quipped.
Kakarrot chuckled. “Yeah.” His eyes swept over hers again. “I wasn’t sure you felt the same way but I thought, ‘Fuck it. I’m gonna do this.’ So, I am. I wanna take you out.”
Don’t be shy, ChiChi told herself. Go for it. “I want you to take me out.”
Kakarrot grinned. “You’re very certain of yourself. Not shy like I thought you’d be. I thought I will have to assure you I want you.”
“Why act shy when we both want the same thing?”
Kakarrot’s intense coal eyes bore into hers. “Do we both want the same thing?”
“I…..” his eyes were intense, the cologne he wore smelled so good and there was a definite bulge in his pants that was making her wet. “What do you want?”
“You. In my car. In my bed. In my shower. The breakfast bar in my kitchen.” Kakarrot leaned over her. He was so close he was almost touching her. “You’ve been on my mind a lot lately. I had an intense dream of us last night. So much I had to beat myself off three times before I could leave my place.” The visual of Kakarrot rubbing himself off to her caused her own core to tingle and more moisture to soak her lacy underwear. “It’s not just physical though. You’re beautiful and I admire your drive and determination to make this business a success. I really want to get to know you.”
Kakarrot pulled back allowing ChiChi a moment to breathe. “Oh,” his eyes dropped. “I guess we do want the same thing.”
ChiChi’s eyes followed Kakarrot’s. She looked down at her chest. Damn thin bra. Damn her light-colored shirt.
“How about Friday night?” Kakarrot suggested.
Friday night would give her today, tomorrow and Friday afternoon to shop for a dress. Maybe she’ll go to the salon. She was attracted to Kakarrot for a long time. She never told Lazuli but many lonely nights Kakarrot filled her mind and provided her with relief. If he was impressed with her in shorts and thin shirts, he’ll really be impressed when she’s dressed up.
“Where are we going?” ChiChi asked.
“Bansho’s for dinner and Kame House afterward.”
Bansho’s was an expensive restaurant and Kame House was an exclusive club where many celebrities, the rich and athletes appeared in. Food truck owners like her didn’t qualify but she wanted to. “Sounds nice.”
“I’ll see you, Friday.” Kakarrot took his lunch and walked off. His phone rang. He pulled it out of his phone. The contact’s name calling him read “Asshole”. Kakarrot answered on the second ring. “What is it, Vegeta?”
“You’re playing a dangerous game,” Vegeta warned him. “Remember your father, Bardock? He got attached to Gine. It blinded him. It made him reckless. It cost him his life.”
“No. That was Freeza and that asshole, Gyumao. They’re both gonna pay. Gyumao will be first.”
“Then kill him and his daughter and be done with it.”
“No.” Killing Gyumao would be too easy. Kakarrot wanted him to suffer. “He needs more than a quick death. He needs to suffer like I have. He needs to lose everything like I have. His daughter is the key to getting my revenge and no one will stop me from getting it.”
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
Hi lovelies.
Hockey is back. ❤️
And so here is another sweater weather chat. It’s split in two. So stay tuned 😘
All the love in the world for @lumosinlove and each and everyone of you! This fandom is truly a remarkable place 💖
Sweater weather chat #12 part 1
Dumo loses a bet. Sunny has a lot of stories. Sergei once had blue hair. He also fought a German suit. Snuck a few of my nhl heroes in here. See if you can spot them. Nado is dying from anticipation. Blizzard wants pictures. Olli is trying to stay on topic. Alice has questions. Sirius has no comments. We jinx the cup a tiny bit. I took some liberties with rosters and timelines for international hockey. No people were harmed in the making of this chat. Danes really are pesky meatball thieves. I love germans (just needed a bad guy).
Friday 7.22 pm
Prongstar: hey dumo. Not backing down from the bet?
Dumodad: no. I honor my word. You guys won. What do you want? Suicides, my car, my wife’s cooking?
Talkiewalkie: damn dumo. Pimping out Celeste
Dumodad: like the lot of you aren’t half in love with her or Anya. You’re not subtle
Krisvolley: I’d marry both with no hesitation. Between Anya’s piroggi and Celeste’s brownies, I’d be set for life.
Nadotheman:fuck you’d have to fight me and Kuny both for that krissy.
Russiangod: I already son of Anya. I take sergei’s place
Sergei_81: am not even 40 yet. Also you all boys. Can’t handle women. They need men.
Logantremblayzzz: it’s weird guys. Don’t crush on your team mates wives 😳 also Sergei you are 40....
Sergei_81: 🤬
Blizzard: don’t make sexy eyes at your goalie when he’s stretching. 🤪
Timmyforrealz: burnnnnnn hahahahahaha
Prongstar: potential adultery, sergei’s age and Logan’s inappropriate staring aside. Dumo lost our bet. And I’ve made a decision. Drumroll please 🙈🙈🙈🙈
Kuny: drdrdrdrdrrrrrrrrrrrr
Prongstar: thanks Kuny babe 😘
Prongstar: dumo! I want the truth about Prague. In this chat. In writing. You have 1 hr.
Dumodad: no.
Sergei_81: no
Sunnysideup: YES
Sunnysideup: I’ll tell them if you don’t 😜
Dumodad: it’s all your fault. Stupid Swede.
Sunnysideup: no one made you bet me. We won, fair and square!
Sunnysideup: the year was 2006. Turin, Italy. Winter Olympics. A brash Russian and a confident Canadian decided to make a bet with a lovely, young and innocent Swede.
Bradygunzz: innocent? 😂😂😂😂
Walkietalkie: wait weren’t you in Sweden then? Or am I missing something? How’d you even know these guys?
Kaneyoudigit: I thought this story was about Prague?
DumoDad: it is. It just started 9 years earlier.
Sunnysideup: some of my national teammates played with Sergei in the khl during the nhl ‘05 lockout. Dumo was signed to do some press stuff with us at olympics. Something about cross team friendships.
Logantremblayzzz: Wow you guys are ancient
DumoDAD: we were top 3 seeded teams and they picked the Russian with good English, a Swede who’s not scary and me. It was fun. And it turned into a bit of drinking after Sergei and sunny started arguing about the quality of vodka.
Krisvolley: you shouldn’t drink at the Olympics 😂
Sunnysideup: anyways. We bet and of course all three were convinced our respective teams would win. Of course, we all know who emerged victorious 😜
Sergei_81: you had Swedish murder twins not fair. Baby sedin slash me on purpose
DumoDad: he didn’t. That was a legit hit you big baby. Also we did better than the US.
Sergei_81: was not clean.
Sunnysideup: we’re not having this discussion again. You both lost. It was a clean hit. Also, the fun part was the bet itself.
Nadotheman: just fucking tell us. The suspense is killing me.😳
Siriusly: whAt did you do??????? Dumo!!!!
Sunnysideup: well. they got kitted out in lovely blue and yellow team colors. Hank’s idea - some fans gave him loads of body paint. Hahahaha also Sergei was sporting a very impressive buzz cut then. It was a thing. So we’ve got these two idiots painted in blue and yellow including sergei’s head. Unfortunately the dye wasn’t meant for hair. So he had blue hair for two weeks after. Anya is still mad at me about that one 😜
Nadotheman: so you just painted them blue and yellow? That’s like so anti climactic.
Logantremblayzzz: oh he’s not done 😂
CarbO’Hara: Logan tell usssss
Siriusly: how come you told him and not me? I feel betrayed.
DumoDad: I didn’t. Celeste did. Traitor.
Logantremblayzzz: I was sad and homesick and she wanted to cheer me up. 😍
Ollibear: I feel like we’re getting off topic
Logantremblayzzz: wait didn’t you then make them steal the Olympic flags from the hotel you were celebrating at and exchange them with Swedish ones?
Sunnysideup: indeed, Logan, and that went smoothly. So it turned into a thing that every time we compete all three in an international thing. We make the losers swap flags. It’s cute.
Prongstar: what about Prague then? That wasn’t until 2015? Was it?
DumoDad: and we all remember who won.
RussianGod: is also where butt slap come from then? Pre game one?
Sergei_81: not our fault. U had Crosby make heart eyes at zhenya. And no Kuny, not from there...
DumoDad: you’re never letting that one go? Hahaha poor Sergei.
Dumodad: also. the butt slap is an Old tradition. We had a playoff round ages back and I slapped him. We won. We’ve done it since. Works doesn’t it?
Sergei_81: you said “let’s go get them”. Still do. It works. All magic slap. I thought you say “ let’s go eat them” Still works hehe
Ollibear: again, we’re veering off topic, dumo.
Sunnysideup: well. Prague. I know Canada won. Golden boy got golden goal. Blah blah blah. But for some reason we had another bet 😜. Dumo cooked up a revenge for me and Sergei. But it was before the final. We were just heading into the second round and somehow ended up in another vodka related discussion (we all know Swedish vodka is superior).
RussianGod: Swedish vodka is water. Russia best.
Sergei_81: was stupid idea. But vodka make us brave.
DumoDad: I never told you to start climbing that flag pole. You decided that on your own. I just told you to get me the flag.
Sunnysideup: he did climb that pole like a fireman though.
Timmyforrealz: hold up a sec. you’re telling me sergei “i never smile and my looks can literally make opponents wet themselves” Ivanov climbed a flag pole while drunk and it looked good?
Sunnysideup: he was wearing a “I love Canada” onesie and crocs. Which was about 6 sizes too little. We both were.
Newt-leo: we’re going to need pics of this.
Sunnysideup: well. The onesies were one thing. Still not sure how we got corralled into it. But anyways as I remember Sergei did successfully steal the flag from the hotel and started on the cars outside. We just didn’t know it was some group of fancy politicians also in town to watch hockey.
Dumodad: you Europeans and your weird politicians. Apparently the little politic guy didn’t like Russians. So his body guard tackled Sergei down. Sergei fought back. And somehow I ended up in the tangle of suits and Canada onesies.
Sergei_81: he blame Russia for stupid shit I might get mad. Police came and put us in little jail in hotel. Sunny no where
Sunnysideup: I went to get help. I didn’t know you were going to fight the bodyguards of the German minister of trade now did I?
Dumodad: was it German? I thought it was Spain. The flag was yellow and red.
Krisvolley: wait so. In the middle of an Olympic tournament, the three of you (all dads and husbands by 2015) gets shitfaced on vodka, go on a flag stealing rampage through Prague and get tackled by German secret services? 😫
Sergei_81: not Prague just one hotel. And car park. And house opposite.
Siriusly: how did you get out?
Sunnysideup: I bailed them out. Or. I managed to explain that they’re big hockey stars and got backstrom and oveckin to come and support me.. Ovi just giggled. Backy just stared until they agreed. He’s scary. Sergei was cursing a lot. Dumo was crying at one point... hehehehe he . I think dumo was nearly benched no after?
DumoDad: somehow the team found out and little mr captain was not happy?. Also at this point sergei was mostly naked as the onesie gave up halfway through wrestling Germans. We got a big fine, had to formally issue an apology to the German delegates and the hotel. And Sergei had to pay another fine for embarrassing Russia 😂
Sergei_81: they happy I hit German but I couldn’t say hehe. Also lost a croc never found it. Walk home in one shoe 👟
Siriusly: I can’t believe you almost caused an international incident because you were arguing about vodka.
Sunnysideup: you should see us scandies when it comes to the origins of meatballs. Pesky Danes trying to steal credit. 🤬
Blizzard: and you’re all still talking about me and the fountain. Also. We were on the lions team then? How come you’ve managed to keep this quiet? Also. Where are the pictures of this? I have so many questions.
DumoDad: Sunny has pictures. And so does the Czech police. And maybe the hotel. And it stays that way.
Blizzard: sunny. I want pictures.
Sunnysideup: lord Stanley will decide ❤️ also pretty sure both ovi and backy has some. For revenge purposes.
Siriusly: DONT jinx.
Prongstar: you broke cap.
Tuesday 2.54 pm
Alice: Sirius.
Alice: Sirius pick up your phone.
Alice: Sirius Orion Black. Please tell me that a picture of you and Remus in a closet in Ikea’s kids department is fake.
Sirius: I was in hiding. Re helped me. We didn’t do anything
Alice: your shirt is on backwards.
Sirius: it’s a fashion statement.
Alice: and the shark?
Sirius: no comment
Part two is coming up.
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gwoongi · 4 years
wordless pt.3
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jeon jeongguk / reader genre: hitman (john wick au), sugar daddy au, angst rating: mature words: 3.5k warnings: toxic relationships, non graphic sex a/n: im sleepy but hey im also rly glad bts made a statement about the blm movement :D
Sometimes, saying “I love you” is inappropriate, and given your circumstances, you think it might send Jeongguk over the edge if he hears them again.
Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
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(21) Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
“Yeah, I did, I submitted it on Thursday. What do you mean, did it get a good mark, it’s only Monday.” As you near the front windows of the building, you sigh and stare at the gloomy clouds presented behind the glass. Korea is cold and wet and dark today. “Fuck, rain. Anyway, I’ll call you later, Eunji, okay?”
Eunji agrees and hangs up the phone before you get the chance to, and you’re left in the cool shadow of the largest cloud in the sky. From nine until eleven, you have a morning class on Monday; today, due to request from at least five students confused by the essay title that was due on Friday evening, the class ran for an additional hour and a half, all of the subject material covered with a general extension for the following Fri. Typical, as you rushed it to hand it in before submission.
“Not going home, Y/N?”
You suck your top teeth with disappointment, “Not yet, Professor, I need to make a call.”
The slim professor arrives at your elbow, “Boyfriend?”
“Not really,” you confess. You glance at your phone and find Jeongguk’s number, “but he owes me a few favours here and there, it won’t hurt to bring an umbrella or something.”
“Good luck,” she laughs. She doesn’t offer her umbrella, despite it being tucked under her armpit, and her car is parked in sight close to the windows. At that, she leaves and you send Jeongguk a quick text message. If he’s working presently, the text will annoy him less than a call.
Raining! I’m stuck, can you send some to come and get me?
Jeongguk must be in office, because his reply is speedy. Forget your subway card again?
I never ask for anything, would it hurt you to send someone to get me?
He doesn’t reply for five minutes, and then, Uni, right?
It takes at least fifteen minutes before a vehicle pulls up across the small car-park; it’s a black car, shiny and wet and loud, and you bristle at its entry. Quickly, you hug your coat closer around your body and when you glance back up towards the window, you’re surprised to see Jeongguk himself briskly crossing the lot with an umbrella over his head.
“I’m here to pick up a Y/N L/N, you seen her?” he asks when he reaches the door, smiling as you haul it open and stare at him with happy surprise. “You did not dress for the weather.”
“The app said it would be cloudy,” you huff.
“Baby, it’s January, what did you expect,” Jeongguk sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer to his body. Like this, he walks alongside you towards the car and for a moment, he glances around the complex out the corner of his eye. This University isn’t the dog's bollocks, because as much as he’s willing to help fund you at University, he can’t pay for you to be smarter. You’re pretty happy where you are, not being at a big-name University but doing the exact same degree anyways. He’s happy that you’re happy, but if it were him, he’d probably redecorate the front.
(22) Listening to them while they vent.
When Jeongguk vents, he doesn’t just vent. He never sits you down in front of him and lets it all out, nor does he slink away to therapy, or whining over the phone, or sleepy pillow talk where everything feels safer when you’re seconds away from falling asleep.
Instead, Jeongguk fucks away his problems, and as he does it, you tend to get an earful.
“And,” he grunts, one slap, one thrust, “I fucked it up.” One more. “All of it.” Another groan, a deeper push, “Fuck!”
You like to let him get it all out, and on the plus side, you get what you need which is to relieve the pressure of wanting in your stomach. It’s better when he’s angry, better for both of you, and he’s full of apologies when he’s finished, as if he was yelling at you and not at himself.
“Last time I ever work with Taehyung,” he spits. “Fuck. Ugh.”
You’ll ask him about it later.
(23) Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
One night, you’re over at Jeongguk’s. It’s not unusual that you’re here, especially when you’re here so often that his house feels like your own. From the bathroom, the shower runs loudly and Jeongguk sings, mostly to himself, in the water, meanwhile you dance around his kitchen making tea and bringing it to the bedroom where he’ll come in later when he’s done.
His room is golden and warm, and the curtains are drawn but the thin netting softens the sunset outside. You circle around the end of Jeongguk’s bed and set his cup on the bedside table on his side, closest to the window, when you notice something new sitting in a frame by the lamp. Okay, you’ll bite.
You put down both mugs and in exchange pick up the frame. Something warm bubbles inside your stomach as you look down at the frame; the picture, you’ve never seen before, but it’s of you. You remember the photo being taken in Colmar, the time that Jeongguk came to see you to satisfy his own boredom and need. Never did you imagine it would be a photo he’d print, let alone put in a frame next to his bed. It’s a pretty photo, too, with the river behind you and the sun on your skin, your hair only slightly in your face.
Not a perfect photo, but a pretty one. Jeongguk must like it enough to have printed it.
The shower cuts off in the bathroom and you move quickly, protecting an image of innocence as you put the frame back where it once was, and pick up your mug and place it on your bedside table. You’ve placed Jeongguk’s mug so that he could take it both ways. Maybe he’ll think you didn’t see the frame, or maybe he’ll know you did. He must have put it there for a reason, you think, and then you stop thinking when Jeongguk opens the bathroom door and enters the bedroom.
(24) Tracing your names together in the sand.
Jeongguk had a call from Hawaii. It was brief, and you imagine not very pleasant, but he had to go nonetheless. Jeongguk sure as hell wasn’t going to go to Hawaii without you, no matter how dangerous that might be for him. He told you with two hours notice to pack up your shit and meet him at his place. The plane took off three hours later, and Hawaii here you come.
He never liked to be late, or behind schedule, and so the job that needed to be done was done in a record breaking speed. Like always, he’d have some time to kill before needing to flee to avoid the authorities, and when Jeongguk heads back home after the deed is done, he steps into an empty room and his skin runs cold.
“Y/N?” he calls, to no response. He sets down his things and moves around the suite, his eyes darting to every area.
There is a moment where Jeongguk fears for the worst and out of instinct grabs the gun tucked into his belt. He pulls it out in the bedroom but pauses when out of the corner of his eye, he sees a person standing on the beach just outside the window. Jeongguk pauses.
Outside, the sun is warm and burning orange, sinking down into the pretty waves. You could get used to Hawaii, maybe, if you failed at journalism at the end of your degree, or if Jeongguk hurt your feelings enough that you felt living in Korea itself would be too painful to endure.
You turn over your shoulder, noticing Jeongguk stepping down from the dunes. He’s still in his suit, a black fit that makes him look slender and tall and absolutely stunning. His hair is still wild and wet and there’s blood on the inside of his blazer, a red that contrasts the white of his shirt. You won’t mention it, because he probably knows already.
“Hey,” you call back.
“It’s- it’s not safe for you to be out here on your own,” he explains, finally by your side. “Fuck, I was worried you’d been kidnapped, or something.”
“Oh, sorry,” you reply. “The sunset was just too pretty.”
Jeongguk sighs with his hands on his hips. “Yeah, it is. Hawaii does sunsets better than Korea, that’s for sure.”
Jeongguk stands next to you and says nothing for a few seconds. The sunset is indeed gorgeous, like something ripped out of a painting from a gallery somewhere fancy and famous. You hum quietly, and jump slightly to the left to grab a large stick off the sand. Jeongguk has to stop himself from smiling as you pick it up, like a kid who pretends the stick is a sword.
“I used to write rude things in the sand for the people in planes who flew past, every single time we went on vacation when I was a kid,” you announce.
Jeongguk laughs, “You were some kid, huh?”
“Maybe you killed the wrong one,” you think, and Jeongguk frowns.
“Can you not bring that up all the time?” You look at him and he frowns deeper, “I know you’re happy about it and stuff, but like...not my proudest moment. Makes me feel sucky.”
“Oh,” you answer. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Just a joke.”
He shrugs, “I know. But still.”
You stab the sand with the stick. “I thought maybe it was like, fitting?”
Jeongguk lifts his head to the sky and closes his eyes. “Can’t we have a trip where we just pretend to be in love or something so I don’t feel so shit about the reason why we came here?”
That shuts you up for a moment, and you turn fully to face him as he continues to stare at the sky.
“Like Colmar, maybe,” you press, and he looks down.
It sits there for a bit, like you’re genuinely contemplating it, but then you straighten with a little huff and turn to him.
“Seems fair,” you agree.
Jeongguk almost exhales a sigh of relief and he smiles, genuinely, and follows you across the beach. The tide is a little out, the sand damp where the sea once was and like children, you embrace the fun that’s waiting to be had on the shores. Chasing the waves, running from them, staring at cute crabs that scurry across the sand and laughing at the cute kids that drop their ice creams in the water.
Jeongguk takes the stick gently from your hand and points it towards the white sand, pressing the tip against the grains. You smile against his arm as you bend to see what he draws; the stick drags across the sand and outlines a J, and the first initial of your name. Oh, you think, as he closes them inside a heart and stands back to admire his work.
It’s cute, childishly cute, and he looks proud. Jeongguk beams at you for approval and you smile back, happy.
“Photo,” you say and Jeongguk drops to a crouch near the design and poses with the stick. This photo is cute, probably cuter than the one from Colmar. Jeongguk even lets you keep it.
(25) Wearing clothes in their favourite colour.
Jeongguk’s favourite colour was white, and he loved the way a white shirt or a white coat or any white accessory would look on you. Sadistically he’d love you in the white clothes he ruins, seeing you wrap your body in a white shirt dressed with blood. White was his muse, a colour of purity and innocence. Although he always wore black for work, he had to have an admiration for the colour of white, standard paper or milk white.
Jeongguk knows that your favourite colour is green. He can tell by the amount of green plants around your apartment, and the green blankets and pillows and mugs and the unusual amount of green clothing items you have in your wardrobe. He even remembers the tie you bought him once, a Slytherin green that he actually really likes despite his Hogwarts house being Ravenclaw.
You’ve never actually seen him wear the tie, not until today when Jeongguk makes a quick stop by your apartment as he heads back to the office. He steps inside with a brown bag filled with bagels and he kisses your forehead by the front door and hands them to you. You see the tie and smile; Jeongguk sure as hell looks great in your favourite colour.
(26) Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
You’re lucky that you never really came across Elio, never once when you were at Jeongguk’s home. You had assumed that Elio was sleeping, or elsewhere on days you visited or nights you slept over. To your surprise and perhaps horror, you discovered that Elio had been there all along, just disinterested in coming out to see you from the few rooms that Jeongguk converted into his own personal habitat.
“You just had him here all this time?” you screech quietly, running back into the bedroom after seeing Elio on the couch. “What the fuck.”
“He’s harmless,” Jeongguk shrugs. “He’s not interested in a human diet right now.”
“Right now? That’s not comforting,” you reply. “I’m happy to go through all your shitty paperwork for you, it’s something I actually enjoy, but can you please go out and get them for me?”
Jeongguk cocks his head to the side, “why, can’t find them?”
“They’re in the living room, on the table,” you explain, peering back out, “but Elio’s on the couch.”
He laughs, rising, “He’s not gonna even touch you.”
“He might.”
“He won’t.”
“You don’t know that!”
“No, but he doesn’t hurt me, so he won’t hurt you.”
You gape. “What? He’s your pet, of course he won’t hurt you. He trusts you. He doesn’t even know me.”
Jeongguk sighs loudly and ruffles your hair as he crosses your path. “Whatever. You’re such a fuckin pussy,” then he kisses your neck and heads out into the living room. You quiver by the doorway as he moves without a flinch towards Elio.
The giant cat picks his head up off the couch and yawns in Jeongguk’s direction, his tail swooshing prettily over the side of the couch. His black fur blends into the blanket he lies on and as he blinks slowly, Jeongguk reaches to pet his head and behind his ears. Elio basks in the love, pressing his head further into Jeongguk’s palm, oddly dog-like. Jeongguk spends a few more moments with his beloved exotic and then finally, like he’s reluctant to, picks up the large and messy stack of papers and then walks back towards the bedroom with a smug expression. Elio’s head falls back to sleep.
“Touch me, check I’m still alive after my dangerous encounter,” Jeongguk says, bringing the papers into the room and dropping them on the bed.
“Shut up,” you huff.
(27) Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
A call from Eunji at eight in the evening destroys all the plans you had set in place. Jeongguk had been called to meet with one of the founders of the South Korean Continental, and wouldn’t be back until around nine. You had prepped an entire meal, sitting ready on the side for when he got home.
“I’m sorry, I wouldn’t call if it wasn’t absolutely important,” Eunji apologises, sounding flustered on the line, “I just. I didn’t know who else to call. I went back to the library, I think I got rid of him, but he was definitely following me from the restaurant. Fuck, Y/N, it was so scary.”
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m glad you called me,” you assure her, already putting your shoes on, “I can’t believe he showed up again. Didn’t he get put in jail?”
Eunji hums like she’s not convinced, “Out on bail, eighty kay.”
“Fuck. Do you, uh,” you start, thinking of if it’s okay to say, “want me to call someone else?” Jeongguk?
Eunji is one of the only people alive who knows about Jeongguk. She had been your best friend since you were seven, and was one of the only people who remained by your side after Jeongguk had your brother executed, and after you decided to become Jeongguk’s little play thing for a few weeks until he lost control and kept you around. Eunji’s no stranger to his antics, and if you warped the story a little, Jeongguk would have no issues with sorting the problem at hand.
“No, no, don’t,” Eunji begs. “He’ll take it too far. People will point fingers at me. Can you just come and get me?”
“Of course,” you tell her. “We’ll go back to mine, I can see Jeongguk whenever.”
Eunji exhales in relief, “I love you, you know that? You’re the best friend ever.”
You hang up a few minutes later and stare sadly at the meal. But it can’t be helped. Jeongguk’s bailed on you a thousand times for his colleagues. He wouldn’t mind, after a few hours of thinking about it. You sigh with repent and move the food towards the microwave.
Rescuing Eunji. Call me, I can come back tomorrow. Please eat.
Jeongguk finds the note when he gets home and scrunches it into a ball in the bin.
He eats alone, in silence, the other side of the table still prepped for another person.
(28) Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
“Enjoy the movie!”
Jeongguk takes the two tickets from the vender and steers you towards the corridor that leads to the rooms. On this rare occasion, Jeongguk has decided to court you. Quite literally, Jeongguk had called you up and asked if you wanted to go on a date, or something, because he was bored and liked you most, and he knows there’s a movie you’ve been wanting to see.
“Are you sure you wanna watch it with me?” you ask him, even though he’s already got the tickets and is walking next to you.
“Yeah, of course, why wouldn’t I?”
“I just didn’t think you were a cinema kind of person,” you confess.
Jeongguk hums, “To be honest, I’m not. But this movie looks good, and you wanna see it, and how often do we do things that you wanna do?”
It’s true.
The cinema room is dark and empty, since you’re both early to begin with. As always, it’s a little bit sticky and smelly, and Jeongguk pushes you towards the back row because it is inarguably the best place to sit in the cinema. You set down the large drink in between you both, two straws poking out in each of your directions.
“It’s great this movie is showing here,” you say quietly.
“Yeah, well the LGBT plus movement is really popular now, people are a lot more accepting of it,” Jeongguk states. “I mean, look at how well The Handmaiden did.”
You nod, “great movie.”
“It is,” he agrees. A few minutes later and the lights dim significantly, the movie is probably about to start. Jeongguk leans to the left a little and sips from the drink.
(29) Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Uni’s tough, nobody said it wasn’t. Jeongguk doesn’t really understand this, since he never went to University. He brings a mug of tea from the kitchen to his bedroom where you’re sitting cross-legged staring at a laptop, setting it to the side and sitting just behind you but to your side, watching you closely.
“You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what,” you mutter dimly.
“Overworking yourself,” Jeongguk replies, “I can see your brain fucking pulsing against your skull.”
You sigh loudly. “I can’t do this. Why did I enroll in University? I should have just put it all away after high school and become a trophy wife.”
Jeongguk’s brows furrow. “You can still be a trophy wife, you’ll just be a smart one.”
You look at him. “I’m not smart enough for this.”
For a while, Jeongguk doesn’t say anything, and he just sits listening to you. As you vent, and open up about how hard it is to do this damn degree, Jeongguk watches your face and your body and uses his fingers to gently tuck the hair that falls in front of your face behind your ear. The passion that pours out of you when you’re frustrated is an unspoken beauty that you’re not even aware of, and Jeongguk eats it up.
He does what he can to put you at ease, because things he says in encouragement are things you already know anyway. Like all humans, all you need is a little bit of love, and Jeongguk’s happy to give it if it means you’re happy with him.
(30) Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
“Can’t reach. Baby, scratch my back for me?”
You cringe away from the TV, “what the fuck am I? Your maid?”
You sigh. “Where’s it itching?”
“Thanks, you’re the best.”
“You don’t pay me enough for this.”
“I don’t pay you at all.”
Sigh. “Exactly.”
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katlyn1948 · 4 years
6.Rebound. Love your writing 🥰
I am so sorry that this took me so long to do!!!! But here it is you sexy beast! (please take that as a compliment, I say this to everyone). Also, I may or may not have written this stoned...
Wallowing her self pities in a bottomless glass of bourbon seemed like a good idea at the time. How could she, Arya Stark, pass up the opportunity to kill her liver all for the low price of $9.99 on a Friday night. Granted, she had a very lousy day, followed by a even lousier night that prompted her to drown herself in sorrow. 
Her day wasn’t entirely lousy; in fact she a good day at work. It wasn’t until her lunch break, when she was taking in her daily dose of Facebook blunders, did her day turn into complete and utter shit. 
Her ex, who had only been her ex for two weeks, seemed to have moved on rather quickly. 
His relationship status was promptly updated to ‘in a relationship’ followed by a picture of the braud draped around his shoulders. She had scoffed and shoved her phone in her pocket, pretending not to care, when in reality her face was turning into a rather unattractive shade of jealousy green. 
She went about her day as best as she could, but the nagging of ex in a new relationship just could escape her. 
When her shift ended, she went straight for the nearest bar, that just so happened to have a happy hour special. 
Her bartender seemed to understand her predicament, and was more than happy to oblige when it came to filling her cup. 
Arya was already three cups in when her slinky redheaded bartender turned into a brooding black haired, blue eyed beauty. He was handsome, and she couldn’t stop staring; why would she? He was there, filling up her cup and she had nothing better to do than to gawk. 
“That kind of day, huh?” He asked as he filled her glass with the copper liquid. 
Arya brought the glass to her lips and took a swing, letting the liquid sting down her throat, “You don’t know the half of it, buddy.” 
“Well, I’m a good listener, and I have a hour until Lexie comes back from her lunch break.” 
Arya shrugged. He was there and she had no else to talk to, might as well be this handsome stranger. “My ex is a new relationship...only after two weeks. I shouldn’t feel jealous, and I’m not...at least not of his new girlfriend. Maybe more of the fact he was able to move so quickly.” 
She took another swing, grimacing at the taste. She normally didn’t drink bourbon, but she needed something stronger than beer, and if it was enough for her father, than it would be enough for her. 
“I get it, just got out of relationship myself. She moved on and I...well, you can guess.” 
Who would break up with that? 
He was handsome, like GQ handsome, and the way his muscles of his biceps strained against his t-shirt made him look like freaking Captain America. And his eyes...oh gods, his eyes! There the bluest eyes that Arya had ever seen and the lighting of the bar did little justice to bring out the color. 
“Well, here’s to being single.” She raised her glass and cheered the air, finishing the drink with a large gulp. 
“Care for another?” He asked. 
Arya shook her head, “No, I should be heading home.” 
She rose from the bar, stumbling from the stool. She hadn’t expected the bourbon to hit her as hard as it did, and she definitely shouldn’t be driving. 
“Whoa!” The man came behind the bar and took a hold of Arya’s hand, steadying her. “Look, I get off as soon as Lexie gets back. I can give you a ride.” 
“No, no...I’ll uber.” she waved him off. 
Arya reached for her phone, only to find that it had died. “Shit...okay, yeah.” 
“Okay, let’s get you some water in the mean time.” He guided her back to the bar and set a glass of water in front of her. Arya took the glass and gulped it down, finding relief in the cool liquid. It was stark contrast to the four glasses of bourbon she had just sucked down. 
Normally, her tolerance for alcohol was high, but this bourbon had hit in a different way, one that had her lusting over the sexy bartender. Maybe having him take her home was indeed a good idea. 
By the time Lexie had come back from her break, Arya had sobered some. She was still too inebriated to drive, but sober enough to know what she wanted. Of course, she was all about consent, and if her handsome bartender declined, she would respect his wishes. 
“You ready?” he asked as he game from the back, his keys in hand. 
Arya nodded, and she couldn’t the flush that came to her cheeks as she thought about all the things she wished he could do to her. 
“Where to?” 
Arya was feeling bold, blame the alcohol or her need to quench her jealously, but she said, “Your place?” 
There was a beat of silence before a sly smirk crept along his face, “Well, okay then.” 
There was a comfortable silence between them as the drove to his place. Arya would occasionally see his hands grip the steering wheel, almost as if he was trying to keep his hands to himself. 
She really wished he wouldn’t. 
If only she could feel his rough calloused hands on her body, caressing her perked breasts and teasing her erect nipples. Oh how she imagined his mouth on hers as their tongues swirled together and-
“Here we are.” Her fantasies came crashing to halt as he parked his car. 
She was expecting an apartment complex, not a quaint house that overlooked the city. It wasn’t big, maybe a two bedroom, and it was blue, like the color of his eyes. 
“It’s nice.” She said as she followed him out the car and to his front door. 
They entered his home quietly, and he flicked on the light, illuminating the inside. It’s interior was just as the exterior, quaint, and not to mention homey. 
“So...” he started, but she never gave him a chance to finish as her mouth crashed to his. 
Their lips moved in tandem and he pushed her up against the front door, pinning her into place. Arya wrapped her legs around his wrist and moaned as his mouth trailed down her neck, enticing a moan from her lips. 
He sucked on the spot right beneath her ear, her baby hairs tickled by his ragged breath. 
“I...I don’t...mmm...know your name.” she said breathlessly as he continued to suck on her neck. 
“It’s Gendry.” the muffled sound of his voice reverberated across her neck and Arya couldn’t help but smile. 
“Well, Gendry, I think it’s time you take me to your room.” 
He pulled her from the door and carried her to his bedroom, laying her on his soft plush bed. He hovered over her, returning his lips to her as his hands roamed across her body. 
She moved her hands in between there pressed bodies, fiddling with the buckle of his belt. She pushed his jeans down, taking his boxers with them. They only parted for a few seconds as he threw them off, kicking off his boots in the process. 
He hooked his fingers in the loop of her jeans and tugged them down. 
She was still in her white blouse and the underwear she had worn that day did little to help the mood, but Gendry didn’t seem to mind, for he quickly pulled the thin fabric to the side and buried his face in between her slick folds. 
“Oh gods!” She yelled. 
Her ex had never gone down on her and this was a feeling was unfamiliar with. 
She could feel him lap at her core, sucking the sweet nub of nerves between her legs. Arya could feel her climax bubbling, and soon she would be toppling over the edge, but before she could reach her crest, Gendry parted from her sweet flower, trailing his way back up to her lips. 
She could taste herself as he kissed her feverishly, and it only made her hips buck with arousal. 
“Please!” She gasped and he obliged, burying himself deep within her. 
Arya nearly screamed in ecstasy as she took in his size. He was so much larger than her ex, and not to mention thicker. It took her time to adjust, but as he thrust his pelvis forward, the pain eased as it was replaced by pure pleasure. 
Their moans filled his small bedroom, followed by the slapping of skin as it echoed around them. 
It has been so long since she had sex, considering her ex hadn’t touched in nearly three months before their break-up, and she was desperately needing a reprieve. 
As she bucked her hips forward to met his frantic thrusts, her climax finally came and she could feel herself crashing towards the surface, clawing for air. 
Gendry shuddered as he pulled from her, spending himself on her milky thigh. 
“That was...the best sex I’ve had.” she confessed as their ragged breathes eased. “Let’s do it again.” 
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astro-break · 4 years
Thoughts on the third ep of Hypmic Rhythm Anima (as always, spoilers beware but not only for the anime itself but for future things covered in the Drama CD and the Manga. If you’re an anime only, those are marked with a *)
Right off the bat. Super disappointed that it isn’t a MTC episode. I wanted an MTC episode. :((((
Still got my MTC crumbs this week tho and I think I can hold out until next week which hopefully will give me the MTC episode I so desperately want (Yes, i have a division bias and i’m not afraid to show it)
Jakurai entertaining kids are just so cute. I think its very very precious.
* Also. What kind of doctor is Jakurai anyways? So far we know that he’s a councilor/therapist (helps Doppo w/ his anxiety), a pediatrician (he helped a kid), a family doctor (I think i might be wrong on this one), a surgeon (In the FP vs MTC manga he’s shown preforming surgery), a hitman/assassin (:/ yeah evil line records seems intent on retconning this one), a battle field medic (he’s state to be one during WWIII) and now he’s getting called into the orthopedic (things concerning the musculoskeletal system) and gastroenterology (working w. the digestive system) department, two things that have nothing in common with each other. And I’m sure I’m missing some. There is no way in hell this man can do all that he’s 35 for fucks sake. You’d be old and grey before you could learn and complete the credentials needed to work half of these jobs
Nice to now that theres some hints of jakurai’s past. I have a feeling that we’ll be seeing more of the detective later in the story, esp for Matenrou
Doppo being overworked as usual *sigh*. When will the man ever rest? Never... Though im a bit skeptical as to why one of his co-workers calls him doppo. this is a work environment, usually he’d be called “Kanonzaka” for the least amount of informality. seems sus to me. Though his depiction of his insecurities is nice
I love how his first reaction is to call Hifumi and as him if he’s killed anyone. Peak bromance guys. 
Honestly Doppo’s method of trying to calm down is nice but not at all effective. He has the right mindset of calming down and letting his body breath, but the way he goes about it is... eh. 
Tom and Iris’ argument is hilarious and I really want to see more of them and Rex! Can’t wait to see what happens with these three new characters
Iasdgfjsd;flkasjdflkasdjfkasdlvn ajsdk, MTCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
fsajghasdf i love them asdhfoiksldjfasdfj riou’s food looks so so so so so good omgggggg
Samatoki respecting the fuck outta Jakurai is amazing and I never get tired of their father-child kind of relationship (yes jakurai is a dad to TDD fight me.)
The Riou and Samatoki interactionnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ah my heart!! they know each other so well and play off each others strengths. its so cute and I love how Samatoki knows his teammates well enough to know when to play each of his pieces. He isn’t just some brute who speaks through his fists, but he does use his head too. I think this is one of the reasons why he’s also high up on the Yakuza ladder since he’s not only brawny but also brainy
ah yes, Jyuto kneeing a bitch. just what I needed to see on a stressful friday thank you for feeding me
I love MTC, im very happy with the MTC crumbs. Since MTR showed up in BB’s ep last week, i really really hope that next week’s ep will be MTC
There it is. Jakurai’s “Jitsuni Kyoumibukai” line
lolololololol the sound effects for MTR is hilarious. Though please give Doppo a break, man deserves it
Jaku’s hair man. its beautiful
Again, please give Doppo a break, he deserves with the 4 joints that they attacked
They say 3 times, but they attacked 4 places?? Did they not report one of them?
Ahhhhh the DoHifu interaction on the temple grounds is both hilarious and cute. Though I can’t help but feel bad for Doppo
* Huh, Jaku did you get that from your hitman days loll
Oh man host mode. Though I like how Doppo recognizes when Host Mode is  a legitimate shield that Hifumi needs and is willing to give him that shield when he needs it. God I love their dynamic]
wow... yet another female stalker for Hifumi... very original. This is pretty similar to the stalker girl from the manga and CD
Lol callback to when Doppo was in the toilet and trying to calm down. 
pffft the girl is so weird. I can’t stand her or Uwabami. 
The plot is so convoluted holy shit. Is this a drama now? (I’ve never watched any c-dramas or k-dramas so I’m the furthest thing from a voice of authority but this seems like a drama show plot lmao.)
This is just a drama at this point lol. Misunderstandings, plot twists and cheesy shit all over the place. Its a badly written and hilarious drama thats for sure
Someone please write a fic where instead of the hypmic universe, the boys are all in a tv drama show plot and their hijinks bc it would fit perfectly. please
Ah, Doppochin snapped~ He’s very interesting once he gets fired up and thats when I really really like MTR. Don’t get me wrong, I love them normally but its when they get down to it that really makes me squeal in delight
Oh! So i think each character gets their own personalized intro w/ their speakers, not just the leaders. Thats honestly so so so cool. The 3D didn’t get in the way of the sequence and was really flashy and smooth. I love how they show the transformation and reveal of the mic and speaker. Honestly the Anime has so many good takes on thigs that aren’t touched on often in the franchise.
The rap was honestly fire this time around. I love it and have replayed it almost 20 times. According to the ending credits its called Welcome U which is so cute for such a funny and badass song. The strong base beat and imagery were so strong and included a lot of homages to things that really matches both Shinjuku, Matenrou and the lyric’s themes and they’re really small but important details! The humor was on point without sacrificing any of the amazingly cool elements and the three distinct styles of rap were integrated in such a catchy melody!
EG) the verse All Year Round features a quick shot of the four seasons and the things most prominently associated with each season. Spring has cherry blossoms and flower viewing, Summer has festivals, Fall and Winter have food that corresponds to events that happen in those seasons.
Doppo’s line of “The flea counters w/ a bite” is so so so cute bc he’s got a little w at the end and thats jp chatspeak for a laugh and skjdfhsdjfkslad adorable
Hifumi picking up right after and asking if Doppo is okay is just. Goals. And his gratutious english works really well and is super smooth! Very very good
Also the small homage to The Champions with Hifumi’s “Jump around” line and the format where Hifumi takes separate lines than Jaku and Doppo. Its a brilliant way to sneak these references in and they’ve kept that theme going from last episode
Foreshadowing with “We’re the true leader, Matenro!” Nice touch there lol.
Lol of course its attempted murder. Still gotta keep this PG 13 even though theres swearing abound
The ending w/ mimimi..... leaves me kind of torn since i don’t like how it ended but they did provide some nice advice. i guess
lsdf;jsalkdfjsldf Hifumi please you’ve known Doppo for over 25 years, you should know better than anyone what his charm points are. and shouldn’t you be the one who understands Doppo’s appeal? smh
SCREEEEEEE THAT TITLE OF THE NEXT EP. if its an MTC ep i will scream even more bc asudhfsdkjflasd A friend in need is a friend indeed this is just pushing my Poly!MTC agenda isn’t it
Final thoughts:
Please please please let next week be MTC please please please
DoHifu are goals, both romantically and platonically
The rap was fire and I’m going to keep listening to it on repeat. First ep was a bit of a disappointment in terms of CGI and raps but these latest two eps are really picking up the slack! I really hope they continue this for the next two!
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dalamjisung · 5 years
what you want ❋ bambam
word count: 4213
genre: angst, college!au
pairing: reader x bambam
description: people have been feeding you lies about the boy in your class. it’s time to learn the truth by yourself
Tumblr media
Everyone knows him before he even says his name. Well, before he even says his nickname; his name is too long and too foreign for most. It starts with his clothes; all designer brands and fashion forward, with their bright colors and bedazzles. Then, the accessories come next, shinning more than the street lamps in the Main Ave. But it is mostly his attitude that confirms his identity; from his smirk and brooding eyes, to even the way he walks, going around as if he owns the place and everyone in it. He screams young and rich; and indeed he is. BamBam is probably the richest kid you know, and he is not afraid to flaunt it. 
You two have been in the same college for two years now, and in the same class for about a month, since the beginning of the semester, and lo and behold, BamBam is yet to learn your name. He is everything you despise; arrogant, stupid, and inconsiderate– or at least, you heard him to be like that. You’ve never interacted with the boy with the few exceptions of homework exchange in the class group chat, and you hope to stay that way; you aren’t interested in whatever hookup tales and travel stories he has to tell, your life is hard enough as it is, trying to balance work and school, you didn’t have to feel bad about being broke, either. 
The problem is that you were really good friends with Jackson, a Chinese exchange upperclassmen, and he, in turn, is really good friends with BamBam. You are also friends with Youngjae and Jinyoung, two great guys that happen to also be friends with BamBam. It made you cautious, if anything, since every time you want to vent about the stupidities of the Thai boy, you have to make sure that it isn’t to his friends, not wanting to put them in a very uncomfortable position– and that is really hard, considering the fact that BamBam is good friends with everyone. 
It isn’t until the day before your Literature midterm that you lose it. The college is already in pure chaos thanks to the exams, and people are being even more inconsiderate than usual, but you don’t have it in you to complain– you are too shy to say anything. Even though you are the class’ representative, it is really hard for you to be the center of attentions; it makes you incredibly uncomfortable to have all eyes on you, and you signed up for the class rep. position as a way to challenge yourself to be more out there. It had been Jackson’s idea, and he’s helping you out ever since. 
“Excuse me.”
You look up from where you are standing just to come face to face with Kim Yugyeom, aka BamBam’s best friend. 
“Yes?” You ask, voice wavering a little bit. You have to admit; this boy’s height is enough to intimidate you, now adding the beauty on top of it all is just too much. 
“You’re the class representative, right?” He asks with a wide smile.
“…yeah,” You nod slowly. What’s the catch? “What can I help you with, Yugyeom?”
“Oh, you even know my name,” He teases, throwing you a wink. “I just need help with the new topic in Psychology… I wasn’t in school last week and I’m afraid that if I don’t catch up now, I never will.”
“Oh,” Your eyes go wide. You never said anything to anyone, but you’ve also heard things about Kim Yugyeom, and they were the same, if not worse, them the things you’ve heard about BamBam. You wanted to say no, and just save yourself from the disaster that this is bound to turn into, but you can’t– this is your job, after all. “Sure. I-I can help you, I think…”
“Great!” He smiles even wider and for a second you think his cheeks are about to rip. “Would today at 5PM work? At the coffee shop in front of the dance building”
“Yeah,” You sigh, already throwing your plans to re-watch Friends out of the window. “I guess it does.”
“Thank you so much, class rep!” Yugyeom gives you two thumbs up and his eyes are almost disappearing under the big smile on his face. Suddenly, his face falls, and his eyes are not two squints anymore, but two huge brown orbs staring at you intently. “Ah! I forgot to ask! I have a friend who was also gone and is also struggling with the new topic… is it alright if he comes with?”
“Of course, who–“
Before you can ask, Yugyeom is already gone, running through the halls squealing in excitement. You sigh, tiredly, already knowing who to blame for this. 
[y/n: how could you betray me like this?]
[jackson: idk what you’re talking about]
[y/n: fess up, heathen]
[y/n: you were the one that told yugyeom to ask me for help]
[jackson: goddammit he told you, didn’t he?]
[y/n: he didn’t have to -_-]
[y/n: yugyeom doesn’t care about school, but he does care about his hyungs]
[jackson: lol what?]
[y/n: what?]
[jackson: who told you that?]
[jackson: yugyeom is the biggest nerd I’ve ever met]
[jackson: and I’m friends with YOU]
You roll your eyes at that. Sure, you like getting good grades, and sure, you might not be the most socially active person, but you wouldn’t call yourself a nerd. And you wouldn’t call Yugyeom a nerd, either… at least not from what you’ve been told. Well, I guess people can be wrong.
Shrugging it off, you try to focus on the rest of your classes, but you can’t. If you had it wrong about Yugyeom, what else could you possibly have been misinformed? Shaking it off, you start making your way to the coffee shop, hoping to get there a little earlier than Yugyeom and his friend to collect yourself and prepare your notes. 
You realize your efforts were in vain when you see the two boys through the window, with a couple of girls laughing at something they said. Your eyes didn’t miss the pile of books and notes on the table and you smile a little; maybe you were wrong about them, and maybe that is okay. Maybe the friend he brought is a nice guy, and maybe you could make new friends, and maybe– just maybe– Jackson is right; they are worth a shot. 
The door jingles when you walk in and you smile when you see Mark behind the counter.
“Y/N,” He calls loudly, and you walk over just for him to give you a cup of coffee. “What’re you doing here?”
“I came over to help Yugyeom and his friend with some work they missed when they were out last week,” You shrug, and Mark eyes go wide.
“Uh, I thought you didn’t like BamBam…” Mark goes off slowly, a little confused with the situation.
“What?” You laugh. “I said Yugyeom.”
“You’re in for a surprise,” It’s all Mark says before walking away to help another customer. 
Just as you are about to call him back, Yugyeom walks over to you and grabs your heavy bag. 
“Over here, Y/N,” He smiles and guides you to the table you saw him before. “Girls, it was nice meeting you, but now we have to get back to studying.”
“We’ll see you guys at the party Friday,” One of them says and leaves, chuckling with her friend. 
“Y/N, thank you so much for agreeing to help us out,” Yugyeom starts, as you focused on getting your books out of your bag. “This is BamBam, by the way, I’m not sure if you two ever met.”
You’re in for a surprise. 
This is it; you were going to kill Mark Tuan. 
“Nice to meet you,” BamBam smiles and sure, it’s adorable and innocent looking, but you aren’t about to be fooled. “I’m BamBam.”
“I know,” You say shortly, ignoring the hand. “I am sure everyone knows.”
BamBam’s brows go up high and his eyes get wide. 
“Sure…” He says uncomfortably. “Should we start?”
You smile awkwardly at that and tell them to open their books. The evening goes by quickly– Yugyeom and BamBam, as much as you hate saying it, are great students. They pay attention and seem to grasp the subject quickly, even taking notes and asking questions. BamBam is not as enthusiastic as Yugyeom, but you can clearly see he is trying his best. Maybe I was wrong, you sigh in defeat, looking at the dark street as you wait for them to finish a worksheet you gave them. Maybe he is not that bad… maybe people are wrong about him. 
“Finished!” BamBam announces with a bright grin. You take a quick look to find that most of his answers were correct, with the exception of a couple. He would’ve been one of the highest scores in the class had he been there on the day of the quiz. 
“Well, congrats,” You smile a bit and he mirrors you. “You got it mostly right. I don’t think you need my help any further.”
“What about me?” Yugyeom hands your the worksheet and you laugh joyously as you read it over. “You got them all right,” You chuckle, honestly happy about the progress of the two boys. “You guys are good to go.”
They do a weird handshake and then look at you again. “Thank you so much for helping us, Y/N,” Yugyeom smiles. “Now we’re all caught up with the class.”
“And to celebrate,” BamBam smirks and you can feel something change; a switch in the air, per se, and suddenly there is a slight tension looming over you guys. “Why don’t you come to the party on Friday? It’s over at Jaebeom hyung’s and–“
“I’ll pass,” Your smile is gone now, and all you can think of is the huge amount of people that would certainly be there– the bodies, the loud music, the smell… all of those together are not a good combination for you. “But thanks, BamBam.”
“Why?” He laughs, and it feels a little odd, almost as if he is laughing at you. “It’ll be fun, come on!”
“Bam, I think she’s not into that kind of stuff,” Yugyeom tried to reason. 
“Yeah, it’s really not for me,” You shrug. “But thanks, anyways.”
“No, don’t knock it ‘till you try it!” BamBam says a little too loudly and you wince, retreating into yourself. “I promise we’ll make it worth your while; you need to relax a little, Y/N!”
And without even knowing, BamBam crossed a line you aren’t sure he can uncross. Mark, hearing all of it as he got ready to leave, made his way over to your table in hopes of smoothing things down, but you were too wind up.
“I’m sorry, what did you just say to me?” You are seething, and any normal person could see it. 
“I said you need to relax,” To top it all, BamBam rolls his eyes at you, and you have to hold back from choking him unconscious. “You know, you are always talking about school and all and I just think that if you go to the party, you’ll have fun… for once!”
“I do have fun,” You mumble through gritted teeth, and you see the exact moment BamBam noticed your clenched fists. “And it might not be your concept of fun, but I enjoy it nonetheless. Not all of us shit money and fuck everything that walks; I have things I need to worry about, unlike you. You don’t even know me, what gives you the right to judge me?”
Mark gasps from behind you, and his hands are on yours, pulling you way from BamBam, but the latter holds you by the elbow with a strong grip. You can’t quite get a good look at him because of his hair, but you could feel it; BamBam was pissed and his anger was overpowering.
“That’s very hypocritical of you,” He whispers in your ear. “Class rep.”
Mark drags you out of there before you can answer, but in all honesty, you weren’t sure you could– he was right, after all. 
The week goes by quickly and Friday approaches as if it was a very important day– and it could be, if you consider movie night with Jackson and Jinyoung a special occasion that occurs every week. What you get, though, when you arrive at their place, is not what you are expecting. 
Jackson looks out of the ordinary good; he has a nice shirt on and his hair is sleeked back. Jinyoung is sitting on the couch looking like he always does, yet still looking incredible. They were clearly waiting for you, since you barely have time to put the snack bag down before your friends are pushing you out the door and inside a taxi. You squeeze in the back, confused and slightly amused, as you hear Jackson spit out the final address. 
“Isn’t that Jaebeom’s address?” You mutter out loud, and just as you connect the dots, the car is moving. “Guys, no.”
“Yes.” They say in unison. 
“Enough is enough, Y/N,” Jackson states. “We’ve always let you be because we know you get really anxious about parties and new people, but Mark told us what happened a few days ago. Look, it was not right for BamBam to just tell you all of that, he doesn’t know half of your story, but you need to stop this.”
“What are you even talking about?”
“You live your life studying and working– which is great! Don’t get us wrong, we’re not saying for you to drop all of your responsibilities and party all the time,” Jinyoung shrugs. “But you are 21… You are living your prime days doing homework. That’s not living. We’ve always been here for you, and we will always be here for you, life goes beyond school. You have to admit, BamBam was right– it’s time to have fun.”
You groan, pained to hear those words. “I know he was right,” You mumble, looking out of the window. “I know I’m a hypocritical bitch. Anything else you want to rub in my face, Jinyoung?”
“That’s not what I meant at all,” He gasps. “What the hell did BamBam say to you?”
You shake your head in disappointment. Not at the boys; they had a point. You really needed to live beyond your dorm walls and have some fun, as much as you hated hearing that; it hurt on a level that you never wanted to reach. You were disappointed in yourself. It wasn’t always like this, and the fact that you allowed yourself to fall back into this routine killed you. You weren’t happy, you knew that, but you were content, and for a second, that seemed better than being vulnerable. 
“Just some stuff,” You finally answer. “He wasn’t wrong, though.”
“But apparently we were,” Jackson sighs, worried eyes set on you. He could read you like a book. “I’m sorry, Y/N, we don’t know the full picture, and we thought this would be a good idea but–”
Well isn’t this ironic?
“We can go back if you want?” Jinyoung frowns, ready to tell the driver to go back. He could see the hurt in your face, and it killed him to see you like this. They hated that you were always cooped up in your room on the weekends, complaining about your loud neighbors and watching dramas online, but seeing you hurt is way worse. “We don’t want you to change, love; we just want to show you something new.”
You nod slowly. “Sure,” You say, taking a deep breath. “I need to go to that party, anyways…”
“You do?!” They look at each other incredulously. 
“Yeah,” You sigh, closing your eyes and enjoying the cold feeling of the glass window on your forehead. “I need to apologize to someone.”
The events that follow were expected. Jinyoung is whisked away by an excited Yugyeom, whom in return receives a slap to the head. Jackson lasts a little longer with you; holding your hand in a comforting way whenever he noticed you were getting too overwhelmed. Mark and Youngjae join you two, surprised and happy with your presence. They’ve been doing this for so long, you think. And I never knew. Your friends never talked about parties with you, and you never wondered why until today.
“We never wanted to make you uncomfortable,” Youngjae explains once you ask. “We party a lot, to be honest, and we always wanted you to come, but you made it very clear you hate things like this so…”
Your face falls at that. They always stayed in whenever you asked, and you never even gave them the chance to ask you to come out. You felt like the worst friend in the world. 
“I’m sorry,” You say and his eyes go wide. “Next time I promise I’ll come with. I want to have fun with you guys, too.”
“Ya, seriously?” Youngjae smiles wide, surprised. “You can’t take it back!”
“I won’t!” You promise, laughing with your friend. “I’m sorry I’ve been a bad friend, Youngjae.”
“You were never a bad friend, Y/N,” He smiles. “We understand. Movie nights are fun in a different way; they are comfortable and cozy, and if that’s what you needed, we were happy to provide. But sometimes you need some excitement, and that’s what parties are for… we didn’t want to pressure you, so we never said anything. We just waited until you were ready– and I guess you are now.”
You nod, hugging him tight, before wandering off alone, in search of the person you went there to see. You end up in the kitchen, and you think that maybe fetching yourself a beer won’t hurt too much. 
“Here,” You hear someone say from behind you, and your cheeks brighten once you realize you were noticeably lost. “You’re looking for beer, right?”
“Ah,” You turn around and smile. “Yes. Thanks, Yugyeom.”
“Didn’t think I’d see you here after what happened in the coffee shop,” He deadpans, and you can feel it once again. The tension. “You know, I always thought you were pretty cool, Y/N. The hyungs talk about you a lot, and I always saw you as this funny person, even though you don’t talk much.”
You don’t say anything. You know exactly where this is going and you allow it; you deserve it.
“I never pegged you as a judgmental person,” He chuckles. “Mainly because everyone judges you. I don’t know, I thought you’d be all that Jackson hyung told me… but I was wrong. I guess we really don’t know you, after all.”
“That’s not fair,” You chuckle. “I get what you’re saying, and I’m sorry. This is what I came here to do; apologize. But what you’re doing is not fair.”
“How so?” He smiles a bit. 
“I judged unfairly, and for that I apologize,” You say, voice seeping honesty. “But you’re doing the exact same. I had a reason to react the way I did, the same way BamBam had a reason to react the way he did. You’re taking sides, Yugyeom.” “Well, of course I am,” He shrugs. “BamBam is my best friend.”
You laugh at that– a full blown laugh, with your head back and happy giggles in the end. “That does make sense. I am happy he has someone like you, Yugyeom.”
And with those words, the bright smiled boy you met before was back. “Thanks, Y/N. Now, if you must know, BamBam is in the back porch. Things got a little too much for him in here, so he went there to get some air.”
“Thanks Yugy,” You say and before you can leave, he grabs your hand.
“Once you get sorted out with BamBam,” He chuckles. “Can we be friends? Jackson hyung told me some hilarious stories about you, and I’ve been meaning to talk to you for a while now…”
“Of course we can,” You smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you, too.”
“Good or bad?” He shouts, surprising you. “Say good, please.”
“Bye Yugyeom!”
Finding the back porch was harder than you thought, but you manage. You see his jacket before you see him, and in your defense, you couldn’t really not see the bedazzled black jacket on the ground. BamBam is right next to it, though, laying down on the wooden floor, and you panic. Is he alright? Did he drink too much? What–
“Whoever you are,” He says, and his voice is nothing but tired. “Either come here, or leave.”
“Oh, sorry,” You mumble, and his head snaps in your direction. “Do you mind chatting for a bit?”
“Why?” He chuckles humorlessly. “So you can tell me all the things I did wrong? I don’t think so, sweetheart, now why don’t you–“
“I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, you said that before now please–“
“No,” You stand your ground, even though you felt as if your heart was about to beat out of your chest. “I’m really sorry, BamBam. I shouldn’t have believed all of those things people told me; I was stupid and naive. And I shouldn’t have snapped at you back in the coffee shop, but I just thought that–“
“That I was a complete idiot with no purpose in life,” He says harshly. “Sounds about right?”
“Y-Yeah, but–“
“But you realized you were wrong and now you want to apologize so we can be friends.”
“How’d you know?” You ask, voice wavering more than you’d like to admit.
“You’re not the first,” He sighs, frowning. “It seems like there is always a problem with me. And don’t try to deny it– I can see you shaking your head.”
“Well,” You start carefully. “You do come off as a little bit… spoiled.”
BamBam laughs and pats the empty space next to him. Just as you sit down, you hear him talking slowly, as if he, too, needed to process it all. 
“People think I’m this billionaire’s son that doesn’t care about anything but my reputation,” He starts. “But they don’t know half of it. I skip class, I party a lot, so that means I don’t care about school, right?”
“I mean–“
“I’m at the top of the Dean’s list with a full scholarship,” BamBam says curtly, his voice as sharp as a knife. “And if I’m not wrong, you are right under me.”
To say that you were surprised was an understatement. 
“But how do you carry the scholarship when you are barely even on campus?” You ask.
“Who said that? Because the only time I can recall missing class was last week, when I had a business meeting, and my first semester during Freshman year, when I had to fly home for my brother’s wedding.” As BamBam explained things to you, you couldn’t help but notice his hands, fidgeting with each other; is he nervous? 
“The truth is, I’ve noticed you for a while now,” He mumbles with a shy smile, his cheeks blushing, and you swear you’ve never seen such an adorable man before. “People always assume the wrong thing about you, too, so I thought that– I don’t know, I thought that you’d get me. Jackson hyung and Jinyoung hyung always tell me these great things about you, and how you never back down even when you’re struggling and I thought that maybe we could be friends… or something more.”
“But then you’ve never even looked at me,” The sadness you felt from his voice was killing you. “You barely even talked to me, even when you had to talk to everyone for that one field trip… I have to admit, I was kind of hurt. The girl I was crushing on hated my guts, and I didn’t even know why.”
“BamBam,” You gasp, reaching to touch his arm, but he is quick to evade your hand. When his eyes met yours, you swear you were about to break down; the vulnerability, the hurt, the anger. You could see everything. “I’m so sorry.”
“Well, it’s too late now,” He smiles a tight closed-lip smile and you feel your heart breaking. “I’m tired of stuck up people trying to prove they are better then me. I run my own business, that is, by the way, going really well. I have amazing grades in school. I have friends that I can count as if they were my own family. I don’t need anything else.”
“You might not need it,” You say as he gets up. “But you want it. I know you do.”
“What I want clearly doesn’t matter,” He scoffs, walking to the door. “I’m going inside. You should go soon; I know you hate crowded places.”
You feel a weight on your shoulders, and then he’s gone.
When Jinyoung finds you, about an hour later, you were still crying. 
When Jinyoung takes you home, with promises of a better tomorrow, you are still wearing BamBam’s jacket. 
And when Jinyoung finally leaves, worried and defeated, you are already asleep, hand clutching the jacket that you refused to leave behind.
aaaahhh my first true angst! it felt weird to leave it like that, so I will probably write a part 2! what do you all think? part 2 or nah? Let me know! Love you all and thanks for the endless support <3
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