#his little “eeugh”
link-eats-rocks · 9 months
Poor Link was so cutely intrigued and paying attention to the foraging lesson just to get Pranked.
I bet Ms. Scientist does this all the time now that she knows The Hero of Hyrule is fairly easy to jumpscare.
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I mean, I think she's innocent here. But post Botw? Zelda would mess with him, I just know it.
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absentmoon · 1 year
hi i had dinner It would be so funny if
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faeriekit · 2 months
Feet on the Ground
loose phic phight fill for @oldfashionedbattlehymn
warnings for: murder attempt, discussion of child death
Danny wakes up in a garbage bag.
It isn’t as gross as it sounds. Danny’s the only thing in there, and it’s not like the lack of air is going to kill him; he could rip his way out, but honestly, going intangible is just as effective and twice as easy.
And, of course, once he’s phased his way out of the dumpster behind the gas station, Danny is very, very grateful that he didn’t even try. Everything else in there is….eeugh. He shivers.
Well. It’s got to be early morning now—it’s dark. There’s no other cars on the highway. Even the gas station itself is closed, and the stars have already lost their spark.
Time to head home.
Danny wakes up behind the gas station. Again.
The first time, Danny had just assumed he’d fallen asleep somewhere weird while flying around the neighborhood, but a second time is a pattern. It’s definitely not his fault this time either, because there’s no way he would have duct taped his arms and legs together or slapped a gag on his mouth.
That’s kind of. Ominous.
Danny frees himself of the garbage bag first— and thank goodness he doesn’t have to breathe— he floats himself out of the bag and the dumpster, which had…thankfully been given a good scrubbing since last time? There’s some other trash, apparently, but nothing sharp enough to cut through his durable, tape-based bonds. It takes some finagling and some eye lasers for Danny to finally get his arms free.
And. Hoo Boy. There’s no more liberating a feeling than peeling tape off your mouth, even if your mouth skin kind of comes off with it and you bleed a little. But it’s fine! It’s green, which means it’ll heal.
Fabulous. Danny zooms off invisibly into the night, more than willing to put the night behind him.
…Okay, the third time is what makes it more than a coincidence.
Danny shucks out of the bruise-tight ropes around his wrists, torso, knees, and legs, spits out his gag, and flies home. He finally has to give into the inevitable, and attempts the last resort:
“Jazz?” he whispers, slowly rocking his sister in her bed. Jazz mumbles in her sleep.
“Jaaaaazzy…” Danny tries again, trying not to look either too spooky or too imposing. Jazz’s reflexes are such that—
The laser she keeps under her pillow goes off. Danny loses a few millimeters of hair, which means that her aim is getting better.
 He doesn’t have any trouble seeing in the dark (or, uh, not anymore, anyway), but it’s easy to see Jazz’s sleepy squint as she pulls herself somewhat upright. More like a shrimp with scoliosis, but, well. You know.
“Whuh,” Jazz asks. “...Danny?”
“Hey,” Danny whispers, a ghost at her bedside. Jazz grunts. “Uh. What does it mean when you keep waking up in a trash bag behind the gas station?”
Jazz blinks. Jazz rubs her eyes. Jazz blinks again, looking more sleepy than coherent but at least somewhat aware of her surroundings.
“Garbage bag?” Jazz asks blearily. “You were in a garbage bag?”
“Yeah,” Danny whispers back. “My legs were tied down?”
“...Danny, were you murdered?”
Danny stops.
“Huh?” says Danny.
“So, if you look here,” Tucker points out, finger not quite touching the glass of his CRT monitor, “That’s when Danny gets murdered.”
There is a collective eeew from the assembled viewers— Jazz, Sam, and Danny, all crowded in Tucker’s room.
“Yeah, Tucker agrees. The light from the black-and-white footage flashes in the reflection of his glasses. “Here’s where he’s tossed in…there. And this is when they tossed him in the dumpster.”
There’s no sound on the gas station surveillance footage, but Danny imagines that his body clanged on the way in. What the hell. Danny got murdered behind a gas station, and he didn’t even notice?!
They watch the archived footage of a Ford F-150 driving off the property, and then Danny’s dead body being unceremoniously tossed in a dumpster. It’s kind of surreal. No one had noticed. There was no one to report the crime committed.
“I can’t believe that guy just clocked you over the head, like that,” Sam points out. “It’s just a regular car jack. It shouldn’t have gotten you in the first place.”
The observation isn’t appreciated.
“Be nice! My brother was just murdered,” Jazz scolds. Danny doesn’t think she sounds as offended as she should be. “Either way, it’s certainly an attempted murder, if not a successful one. We have to do something.”
“…Can’t we just call the cops?” Tucker asks, turning away from the computer. “I mean. Look. That’s proof. We have proof right here.”
Sure enough, there is footage. Right there. There’s Danny’s murder, in 240p black and white.
“Where’s the body?” Sam asks dryly, and. Uh. That’s a problem they’ll have to solve.
Everyone looks at everyone else. No one has a good solution.
“…Do we have to do this?” Tucker realizes at the same second as the rest of them.
Jazz looks at Danny. Danny looks at Sam. Sam looks at Tucker.
Tucker stares back at them, entirely unenthused with the conclusion they’ve come to.
“…Okay then,” Jazz exhales. “How do you want to do this?”
Sam ends up on top of the gas station, a cell phone in her hand.
Tucker, PDA in hand, sits in Jazz’s passenger seat. The camera feed is ongoing and recording for posterity.
Jazz taps her fingers on the wheel of her car. There isn’t anywhere better to hide than down the road and around the corner, so she does, hoping that they’re on the other end of the road from whoever’s killing her brother every night.
Danny is, of course, wandering through the neighborhood.
Losing her baby brother—on purpose—is the worst thing Jazz can imagine. She feels sick. She wants to throw him into the car and speed away, and break every speed limit law in the county on her way out. She wants to pack him in bubble wrap and ship him expedited to France.
But she does leave her brother alone. She lets Tucker look over the footage as Danny roams around town, just as unaware and unsuspecting as his last few outings.
Tucker sees the man first.
He bolts upright, eyes on his PDA. “Jazz.”
Her head whips around. They watch, silently, as someone approaches Danny’s lone figure on the doorstep outside the gas station.
They can’t hear anything. That’s the scariest part.
“Call,” Jazz demands. Tucker does.
Doubtlessly, on the roof of the gas station, Sam is dialing too.
So. Danny knows this guy.
And. Uh. It’s kind of embarrassing; he’d asked if Danny was okay walking home alone at night a few hours before his dumpster wake-up call, and Danny had said it was fine.
Apparently, no, it wasn’t fine. That being said, Danny hadn’t been expecting a guy in a button-up and khakis to be the guy murdering him on the down low. He kind of looks like the dude who sells you televisions and burner phones at a Wal-Mart.
The guy comes all the way over to where Danny is sitting on the thin concrete step of the gas station. His breath fogs up from the weather and his eyes rake over Danny, up and down; down and up.
“Hey,” he says, looking all the world like any other concerned citizen. Danny’s heart throbs. “It’s cold outside. You need a ride back to town?”
“…No,” says Danny, who doesn’t.
“Your mom okay with you comin’ home late by yourself?” the man asks nervously, hands going to his hair.
Danny thinks about how many times he’s woken up in the dumpster. He thinks about seeing his own body on the camera tape. Prone. Dead.
“You still keep a car jack in your passenger seat?” Danny asks instead.
The man freezes. An attempted murderer he might be, but he’s not exactly an Oscar-winning actor. “What?”
“The car jack,” Danny repeats. He doesn’t know if he’s mad the man keeps targeting him, or whether he’s grateful Danny’s the only one who’s died so far. “It’s got a lot of sharp corners. They hurt, you know.”
The man…carefully laughs the statement off, but he looks. Nervous.
Danny doesn’t really need to confront him; he only has to stall long enough that Tucker or Sam can call the cops, so that they can see this man’s face and get him on the record. But.
There’s a part of Danny…
The man looks so human. Flush with blood. Solid enough to break. Fragile enough to be made broken.
Danny still resents being made dead. This man didn’t kill Danny—not in any way that mattered, but he’s an easy target.
He doesn’t breathe. The man watches a boy sit in the shadows of a building where he’s been dumping bodies, and Danny can taste his fear.
“It hurt a lot,” Danny says, and he isn’t referring to waking up in the bags every couple of mornings in the last few weeks. “It hurt so much. I was screaming.”
The man is silent.
“Do you like to hear the screaming?” Danny asks, suddenly curious. Did he care, if Danny had screamed, or if he had been too unaware to notice he was dying? Would he have cared, if there were others more breakable than Danny that he had hurt?
He doesn’t answer.
“I don’t like it,” Danny confesses. In a horrible way, it’s easy to tell his would-be murderer about his death—unlike Tucker or Sam, who witnessed it, or Jazz, who loves him, this man can’t be affected by Danny’s take on his own death. In fact, if he is hurt by the thought of Danny’s death…good. It’s better if he is. If there is remorse in him. “I don’t like to hear screaming. I screamed for so long, and so loud. It felt like forever.”
The man’s hands curl. He steps back.
Danny can’t help but to frown. If he leaves, the whole point of calling the cops will be for nothing, and he’ll be warier of coming back to where Danny’s body was dropped. “Where are you going?”
The man takes another step back. Danny rockets upright. He’s on his feet in seconds. “Weren’t you here for me?” Danny asks, genuinely confused, arms outstretched. “We’re here. You dumped me here over and over again.”
“Shut up,” the man snaps, startling the both of them with his volume. “He—you’re not real. You’re… Be quiet. I have real things to get done tonight!”
Danny’s dead heart throbs. Is there another dead kid? Did Danny let another kid get killed in Danny’s place? “Do you?”
The man loses his voice.
“We’re already here,” Danny points out. He steps closer—closer to the truck that drove his dead body around town, further from the dumpster where his body had been dropped. The disposal hadn’t been a funeral, but it’s closer than anything Danny’s ever had. “You’re here. I’m here. Aren’t you here for me?”
A choked breath. Danny gets closer. The ectoplasm in his skin is too warm and too cold—but he has no idea what he looks like from the outside. Is he glowing? Is he see-through? Does he just look like any other dead kid: a little too cold, a little too pale?
They’re eye to increasingly shorter eye. Up close, the man just looks like any other guy. Shaved in the face. Wrinkles around his eyes. A nose. A mouth.
Danny’s not afraid of him. His head tilts. “You’ve already killed me three times. What are you going to do now? I’ll just come back again. I won’t even notice. I died. I know what you look like—I know how to find you. It’ll be easy.”
The man’s pupils dilate—
And then there’re hands on Danny’s neck. And. It’s kind of painful, but Danny doesn’t have to breathe. So. He just kind of…pretends to be hurt?
He’s meant to be stalling for time. The cops are coming. All he needs is time.  
So Danny makes some somewhat dramatic sounds and kicks out with his feet, because a fight lasts longer than a passive victim. He lands a hit to the man’s stomach, and another to his chest—he doesn’t drop Danny the way Danny might have expected, but Danny isn’t going to run out of air, so this can last forever until the man lets go. Or does something.
“Stop— coming— back,” the man snarls, and suddenly sounds nothing like the dudes who man the tech counter at the Walmart. “I got you— you should be gone!” 
Danny is gone. But he’s also here. And he’s also been gone for a very long time, and he’s also getting choked out by a guy in a gas station parking lot. It’s been a rough few hours of waiting for this dude. He might as well make it worth it. 
So maybe his body turns a little translucent. Just a little. Just enough to see the streetlight through his skin, probably, and the hazy road behind them. 
Getting thrown to the concrete hurts, but, you know, not as badly as getting tossed into a wall by Skulker on a rampage. Danny’s barely going to be bruised after this. 
The guy runs to his car, and Danny frowns, scrambling back up, and, wait. Wouldn’t having bruises be better? As evidence? They better not heal too quickly, or else that’ll be it of his physical proof. 
“Where are you going?” Danny asks, more perplexed and angry than anything. Isn’t he supposed to try to kill the witness??
But the guy hauls butt into the cab of his truck— and then the lights go on and the tires start spinning, the engine roaring to life. 
If Danny wasn’t actively on camera at the moment, it would be easy to fly after the car. As it is, he’s pretty fast, but he’s not quite quick enough on his feet to chase after a pickup truck careening down the highway in the dark. 
The man’s gone in a few seconds. Honestly, Danny’s kind of annoyed about the whole thing. It would have been nice for it to work. 
Sam climbs down from the roof of the gas station, phone in her hand. “No, I just— he choked out my friend and drove off! Send someone over here already!! You— do you need the license plate again?!” 
Danny just looks at her. Sam covers her phone’s mic with a hand: “They’re saying five minutes,” she mouths. 
Danny hunkers down, throat bruising, and Sam sits down beside him. They wait.  
By the time the cops pull into the gas station, the guy’s more than out of sight. Sam’s the one who takes the lead on dictating their story. Danny sort of doesn’t realize how out of it he is until someone tries to throw a shock blanket on him. He almost hits the guy square in the face— and Sam’s the one who has to catch his arm. 
Uh. Oops. 
Jazz and Tucker roll in, hardly pretending to have not been nearby; Jazz wraps her arms around him, and Danny lets her. 
Sue him. It’s late. He’s tired. 
“...And I can’t believe you weren’t able to get down the road in time to catch a man who choked out my best friend,” Sam snaps, which, aw! Danny’s a best friend. The cop she’s attempting to strip down for parts looks less sympathetic than Danny feels. “You’re barely a ten minute drive up the highway! What were you doing, meandering?” 
“No,” the cop grits out, eying Sam like a bug on his shoe. “We were telling the officer down the road what to look out for.” 
Apparently, jamming the gas down hard enough to bust your speedometer gets you pulled over at the speed check. 
The night is over before Danny knows it. Someone gets him to the station, someone takes photos of his bruises and takes his statement. Someone calls Mom and Dad and then Danny’s in the GAV, half asleep and exhausted beyond belief. 
He falls asleep on the couch, Mom’s fingers in his hair. 
It’s not like the Amity Park police tell them anything, but Jazz is the one who finds the report on the news. 
She records it on the TiVo for him. 
“Eustace Miller, from Tennessee,” Sam reads aloud, knee to knee on his couch. Tucker adjusts his glasses. “Looks like he was already on the run.” 
“Or as good as,” Tucker agrees quietly. “Looks like they’re pinning a couple of cold cases to him.” 
They watch; there’s pictures of him from his hometown, and from the towns he would visit on his joyride across the country. There were pictures of his family. There were pictures of kids Danny would never meet: kids who were already dead, and who had been for months. Years, even. 
They’d looked so happy in the photos from when they were alive. 
…Danny could relate. 
Jazz turns the report off that night, thumb on the power button. And that’s all it takes for Danny to stop waking up in a trash bag. 
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
Hi, there (Again) 🌼
Second and last order:
Type: Romantic, fluff, hurt/comfort
Reader: Female but neutral it's okay 👍
Promt: "I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?"
With Sebek
I hope I haven't gone too far with the order request. But in case I exceeded you can discard my order but if not. Take your time and no pressure with My resquest, thank you 🌷💐✨
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sebek zigvolt x f!reader [tags] – fluff, hurt/comfort [wc} – 2,820 prompt 5: “I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off of my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?” note - hi (again)! this one scratched my brain real good and sebek is a fun character to write for. a floral inconvenience
stargazer lily – symbolizes love and passion. They are often given as romantic gestures or used in wedding bouquets to represent the purity and commitment of love.
“Eeugh, dude! Magic sicknesses suck!” You bemoaned, raising your voice to reach the person who stood guard outside the bathroom door. 
“Hurry up! I don’t wish to miss any more of class because of you, human!” Sebek barked, making no effort to hide his annoyance. 
Being the only girl at school had its perks. Most of the men were generally nicer with you, some of the ones raised more old-fashioned, like Riddle, were extra attentive to you and your comfort. Even Floyd handled you with more softness than he’d usually care for, though you think that was Azul’s doing. 
This also meant that you had no locker rooms or restrooms for yourself, which became awkward fast for everyone involved. Soon a system was put in place where your classmates each period would rotate and act as your guard, barring anyone from entering the room, so you could change or use the restroom in peace. 
Some were happy to help. Others…were less so. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming!” Rolling your eyes, you rinsed off your face and hands, grabbing the bunch of lilies. 
Picking at the lily petals, you failed to see Sebek standing firmly guard directly in front of the restroom door. You stumbled into his back, making an ‘oof’ sound as he stumbled forward. 
“Ack! Watch where you’re going human!” He turned to glare at you, eyebrows furrowing as he saw the lilies in your hand. “Did-did you bring those from out of the restroom?”
“Yes, I dragged you out in the middle of class to stand guard, just so I could grab a bunch of lilies from the boy's restroom.” you replied, deadpan. 
You think you liked Sebek. He was abrasive, yes, but also honest and genuine to a fault. In a school full of half-lies and snide remarks, it was refreshing. Plus, Sebek still treated you the same regardless if you were a girl or not. You think he liked you too, since you were his only friend that would listen attentively to his rants about the ‘Young Master’ with little complaints. 
He was passionate, expressive, and very easy on the eyes. What’s not to appreciate? He was also extremely easy to rile up, and admittedly you liked the attention. 
Sebek gave you an unamused look, crossing his arms and huffing, “Do not patronize me! I don’t have to come accompany you! I’m doing this to not bring shame as the Young Master’s ward!”
“Actually, you do have to accompany me, this is your assigned week. Next week is one of the guys from Octavinelle.” 
You shrugged as you walked past him to head back to class, the Sebek following. 
“Anyways, I didn’t find them, I coughed them out.” You continued past him nonchalantly, looking over your shoulder and grinning as he paused. His face shifted from one of confusion to mild horror. 
“Let’s get back to class before Crewel—”
Cackling you, started to quicken your pace, speed walking turning to a light jog as Sebek chased after you. 
“Awww, are you worried about me? Hahaha—AH!” 
Suddenly and swiftly, the distance between you and the ground grew as Sebek swiftly, and effortlessly, lifted you up and hoisted you over his shoulder. You choked and felt yourself going warm, feeling his left arm wrap over your waist to steady you as his right arm grabbed your legs. Presumably to keep you from kicking free. 
“I will NOT be held responsible for you getting sick or hurt while on my watch, we are going to the infirmary, now!” 
True to his word, Sebek dropped you off with the nurse and left back to class swiftly, though you weren’t sure why you were so disappointed by that. 
The nurse told you that you had developed hanahaki, a magical flower sickness that developed due to one’s affections for another, usually due to an unawareness or denial of one’s feelings. It seemed that you were the former, as you had no clue who you apparently have a crush on. 
You told the nurse as such, who was puzzled and unamused, calling you ‘emotionally stunted’ and prescribed you some potions to manage the symptoms until they died down or you figured out what your heart already knew. 
Your friends were also unamused as you told them at lunch later that day. They were more than happy to bully you mid-tuna sandwich. 
“How do you not know who you like?” Jack asked, twirling some pasta onto his fork.
“Yeah!” Ace nodded in agreement, pointing his spoon at you. “Are you really that dense to your own emotions?”
Epel piped in, “Yeah! How are you gonna get rid of the hanahaki if you can’t confess?!” 
Deuce gasped, “Are you gonna be sick forever!?” He slammed his hands down on the table, looking distraught. “You’re gonna be sick forever, aren’t you!?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think about that sort of stuff!” You waved your hands in alarm, holding them up defensively. You made eye contact with Sebek, who was eerily quiet, staring at you with an emotion you couldn’t decipher. Maybe wonder at your stupidity. 
“It’s fine, the nurse gave me some potions to help with the symptoms. She put me on a schedule to take them, speaking of that.”
You turned to address Sebek directly, “She told me to tell you that you’re responsible for picking them up and making sure I take the potions.”
“What!” Sebek yelled, drawing the attention of the entire cafeteria. You continued, unbothered. 
“Yeah, she said it’s punishment for leaving me behind.” You imitated the nurse’s complaint from earlier, “she was like ‘just because this is an all-boy school doesn’t mean he can’t be a gentleman! Where are his manners? Boys are animals, not minding a young lady’ etcetera, etcetera.”
“B-but, I can’t! I—”
You interrupted, “I don’t know man, go ask her yourself!”
True to your word, when Sebek rushed over to the nurse to verify, she had given him a schedule. Even when he lamented that this would interfere with his duties as Malleus’s guard, she chastised him. 
“This will teach you to be a nice young man to a nice young woman!”
He’s sure that if she saw the way you fought with some of the more aggressive students, she’d take the ‘nice’ of that. 
Nevertheless, Sebek dutifully checked in every day with you, bringing the potions to you during mealtimes. He was annoyed at first, since you two didn’t share the same schedule being in different homerooms, minus the singular alchemy class you had in the afternoon. He had to go out of his way to check in on you during the day,
Surprisingly though, he didn’t complain nearly as much as you expected. He was quick to mother hen you, though, worried every time you’d cough up another lily. 
When asked, Sebek told you that he was concerned that the flowers would choke you, and that ‘your magicless human body surely can’t handle a magical sickness’ so it would be better for you to get over it faster. For your own sake, of course.
He insisted that the faster you got over your symptoms, then the faster you could get over your “ridiculous affections” for the mystery person. 
You found that, while mildly inconvenient, you could use the lilies to your advantage. Sam heard of your predicament, and eagerly told you that florists paid handsomely for hanahaki blooms, due to their extraordinary beauty compared to natural flora. He offered you free hot meals, groceries, and discounted premium tuna for Grim, if you let him sell the stargazers for a profit. 
It seemed to be an easy enough hustle, and anything you bought was from Sam’s shop anyway, so it wasn’t like he wouldn’t get that money regardless if you sold them on your own. 
You’d gone to Sam after school to give him another batch of the lilies, smiling as you munched on the food he’d given you in exchange. A local florist, who supplied him with rare herbs and potion materials for the shop, told him that they were ecstatic to have a steady supply of full bloom stargazer lilies in November.
“They said that these are some of the most astounding stargazers they’ve gotten in years! You keep them coming, and I might even consider giving my favorite imp a permanent store discount!”
Basking in the glory of saving money, you failed to notice Sebek at your front door, smashing into his back. 
“Oof! What the what—oh hey Sebek, whatchu doin’ here?”
Sebek grabbed you to steady your wobbling, looking at you exasperatedly, though a bit affectionately. “I’m here to deliver your potion for the evening…I also brought you this”
He shoved a paper bag with Octavinelle’s emblem on the front. Peeking inside, you saw a small to-go box with what you think was the smell of salmon. 
“It’s salmon carpaccio, a favorite of mine.” He mumbled, a blush adoring his features. “It’s served chilled, I thought you’d like something different, seeing as you’ve been eating nothing but warm soups and food to soothe your cough.”
You beamed at him, a strange giddiness steeping through your bones like the lemon dressing in the salmon.
“Aw, thanks! That’s so nice of youuuu—ACK!” You started hacking, feeling the tickle of petals and leaves as you choked out another bouquet of brilliant crimson-pink lilies. They seemed to be glowing particularly lovely this time. 
“Y/N!” Sebek called out, eyebrows furrowing. “Here, take the potion now.” 
As he started to uncap the small vial, you waved him off, clearing your throat. 
“No, no, it’s fine!” You sniffled a bit, adjusting the bag into your other hand as you shook the spit off the bouquet. “I think I’m actually gonna try and keep the hanahaki going for as long as possible.”
“W-what?” Sebek replied, almost meekly under his breath. He looked like he was going to throw up the flowers himself.  
“Yeah! I think the local florist is in love with me. Sam says they’re making a killing off my Hanahaki, think they'll give me a discount?”
Sebek looked appalled. “Y-you’re selling the flowers?”
“Weelll, technically no?” You pursed your lips. “I give them to Sam and he sells them, I just get discounts and free food!”
Grinning, you held up the latest bouquet. “These ones are extra pretty, I bet I can get him to get a new uniform—”
The lilies were smacked from your hand, cascading down your legs as they settled between your and Sebek’s feet. You yelped, looking up at Sebek, whose eyes were filled with anger and…jealousy?
“Are you idiotic?! What am I saying, of course you are!” He scoffed, letting out a disbelieving laugh. 
“You’re a stupid, magicless human! You haven’t even considered the long term effects this would have on you? What they’d have on me?!” 
He leaned down to growl, “May I remind you that I am the one stuck trailing after you? Do you think I enjoy this? Because I don't. The sooner you rid yourself of this disease, the sooner I can rid myself of you, and that can't happen soon enough.”
Sebek’s harsh words hurt. Like actually physically hurting you, a sharp pain shooting up your sternum right up to your heart. Wincing, you pressed a hand to your chest and rubbed your burning eyes, which were now tearing up. 
You’d failed to notice that the flowers, which were still scattered around both of your feet, had started to rapidly wilt until they were black and dry. Tears grew into small streams going down your cheeks, until you started to audibly bawl. 
“H-human-Y/N I—” Sebek started to stutter, distraught falling over his features as he took in what he said and your sobbing face. “I didn’t mean it like that—wait!”
You pushed Sebek out of your way, ignoring his pleas for you to hear him out. To take back what he said. Slamming the door in his face, you curled up into a ball, tightening yourself up smaller and smaller, hoping that you could just disappear. This time, the stargazers that bloomed in your hair looked more droopy and lifeless. 
From there you spent the last week avoiding Sebek as much as possible, which proved harder than expected. Like before, Sebek was going out of his way to interact with you, this time with you avoiding him at every turn. 
Eventually though, he’d managed to corner you in the hallway on Sunday, when you went to visit the headmage for your weekly prefect assignments (he made you file his paperwork).  
Currently, you were huffing, turning your cheek at Sebek who was pleading for you to hear him out. As immature as it might be, you were still upset and wanted the satisfaction of seeing him suffer a few more days. 
“Please! Y/N, just listen to me! I beg of you!” Despite your anger, the guilt at seeing the anguish and pleading look in his eyes. He looked like he hadn’t properly slept the last few days. 
“...fine.” You mumbled, leaning against the wall he trapped you against, finding your shoes to be particularly interesting. 
“Say whatever you want to spit out, it doesn’t change the fact that you apparently hate me.” Now you were just being mean.
“But I don’t!” Sebek cried out, making you jump at both the volume and surprisingly whiny tone of his voice. 
“I don’t hate you. I like you, incredibly so!” His shoulders slouched as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
A single lily, bright and glowing popped out of the top of your head. Your mouth fell open as you stared at Sebek with shock. 
“You’re so frustratingly annoying. And stupid,” You made an offended noise. “I won’t take that back. But…” 
He sighed, wiping his frustrated tears.
“You’re also weirdly kind to me, you listen to every word I say like it should be revered when anyone else would tell me to shut up. You’re not from Twisted Wonderland, yet you’re so determined to flourish here that it’s hard to imagine a world without you.”
Sebek started waving his arms around in exaggerated motions, more focused on his rant rather than the cute flower crown forming on your head. 
“I’ve lived here all my life, but I can’t seem to make friends like you do, you have so many just eating out of your hand! And yet you go out of your way to speak to me. I hate that I look forward to that!”
“Um, Sebek—”
“So seeing you with the flower sickness, knowing that you loved someone that wasn’t me was torture—”
“I tried to be nice, to care for you. Hoping that the sickness would leave and you’d fall for me instead.”
“Then you mentioned selling the flowers, UGH! It was like you didn’t even notice my attentiveness, my mother did in fact teach me how to properly court like a gentleman, you know!”
“Oh my god! Sebek—”
“And to add insult to injury, you’re spouting my favorite flower! You sprout the favorite flora of your loved one, and the person you love also likes stargazer lilies? How ridic—”
Your shout startled him mid-rant, as you grabbed the sides of his face, making him behold your cherry red cheeks and the pink speckled stargazers framing your face like the prettiest picture frame he’d ever seen. 
“...Yes?” he squeaked meekly, his voice unusually quiet and soft. 
“God, I’m so stupid, and you’re as dense as me.” You let out an exasperated laugh, leaning your head on his chest. 
“I-I am?”
“Think, stupid—” Sebek yelped as you dragged down his face to yours, inhaling sharply as your lips hovered over his. 
“—who do I know that likes stargazer lilies? Hmm? It’s certainly not Ace, Deuce, Epel or Jack. ” 
You inched closer, delighting in the whine he let out, his own face turning so red it put Riddle to shame. He was so easy to rile up. 
“And none of them are quite like you: honest, genuine, you’ve never treated me any different for being a girl, and you’re sooo easy to stir up it’s cute~”
A shiver went up Sebek’s spine as you pressed your lips to his. You teasingly swiped your tongue over his lips, causing him to whimper. He shakily raised his hands to cradle your face as nervously returned the kiss. 
You giggled as the two of you parted, Sebek flushed and panting as he straightened and covered his mouth with his arm. 
“I can’t believe I didn’t connect the dots that it was you.”
“A-ah, I suppose we were both a bit foolish, weren’t we?” Sebek looked away, hiding his sheepish smile before deciding to lean back down to share another kiss.
Perhaps Crowley’s paperwork could wait just a bit longer. 
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vulpinesaint · 10 days
hi bracken 6 13 21 <3
6 - do you use a watch?
i DO! thing about me, in fact! i think about that post that's like. wearing a watch in this day and age is like fetish wear it serves no real purpose and is just making a statement. all the time (tried to find it on my blog but all that came up was seven thousand reblogs of that "trying to watch hannibal without subtitles" post. love that one). anyway that post is so real. i started wearing a watch a couple years ago when i started doing summer camps and i wanted to be able to keep track of the time without getting my phone out and now i'm used to it enough that i get weird when i try to check the time and realize that i'm not wearing it haha. i think it's awesome it is so masc to me and it is actually easier to glance down at your watch. go figure. also gives me a great excuse to tilt my wrist over and make kids practice reading an analog clock when they ask what time it is. outfit pics below to prove that i do indeed wear a watch and i like it a lot actually
including little watch images below. my credentials as a guy who wears watches haha. and you have to look at three different little images of my fit for when i was my friend’s date to her sorority formal cause i looked hot as fuck in that
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13 - first thing you’re doing in the purge?
man. can i get away with those silly little legal shortcuts that are like "canceling all my debt"... if not. um. logistically i don't think i would do much i'm unfortunately a kind of boring person when it comes to that. steal things from grocery stores for the sake of community aid perhaps...
21 - a number that weirds you out?
honestly i don't vibe with 3s and 5s. anything in the 30 and 50 range is like. eeugh for me. 25 and 75 and all that are awesome but 35... 38... kinda yucky i don't know why...
weirdly specific and unrelated asks to know someone well :)
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krikeymate · 1 year
Role reversal au? Say no more!!
How far does the role reversal go? Does Tara go down the same path that Sam does in canon, struggling under the burden of the secret? Does Sam stay in Woodsboro? Does 13 year old Tara run away instead? Does Tara still get attacked? Eeugh I'm having Thoughts.
God imagine if Tara still gets attacked for the same reasons. Sam thinks it was a random attack, but Tara knows. And she has to keep lying.
Sam awkwardly exists between a drunken mother who stares at her whenever she enters the room (and scowls at Tara whenever she does), and her baby sister who barely speaks any more, who barely leaves her room. Sam tries to act normal, puts on a smile at school with her friends, and continues to babysit Wes and the twins, but it wears her down quickly. The way Tara won't look at her, won't speak to her, it hurts so much more than her father's absence or her mother's poor excuse of an existence ever could.
15-year-old Sam begs her mom to listen to the school and put Tara into therapy, after she got into yet another fight. (Sam thinks of the way Tara reacted when she caught Sam watching Stab last month, of the panic attack. Her sister needs help, she just doesn't know what it is she needs help for.) Christina doesn't care.
Her sister stops hanging out with Wes and the twins. She starts hanging out with Amber Freeman, a troublemaker if ever Sam saw one. She thinks she's part of the problem. Sam starts bumming cigarettes off her classmates to deal with the stress of worrying over her sister.
Tara starts skipping school and hanging out with teenagers, Sam catches them offering her a joint and gets into a fight herself (Sam ignores the fact she was skipping too). Tara doesn't look at her once as Sam berates her the entire walk home. Tara goes to slam her bedroom door when Sam catches it with her hand. "I love you and I miss you," she says, hand slipping from the door to let Tara go. She tears up when arms wrap around her waist and Tara whispers I love you back.
Tara lets Sam back in a little, but Sam still has to stand by and watch her sister become someone unrecognisable as the years go by, suffering under a weight she won't let Sam help her carry. (Her father is the key, Sam thinks. It's all his fault everything is falling apart. She wonders what he did... if he hurt Tara. She thinks maybe he must have been an awful man.) Sam doesn't recognise who she is anymore either. If this is a part of growing up, Sam doesn't want it.
Sam's 18 and newly graduated, lying in bed thinking about the acceptance letters in her desk, when Tara creeps into her room to join her on the bed. She's drunk, clearly. Sam idly wonders where she got the alcohol from as she pulls her into her arms and rests her head on her chest. Probably the same place Sam got the bottle she's hiding under the bed, from their mother's unlocked liquor cabinet. Sam wants to get away from Woodsboro, from her mother and the past and all this pain. But then who would look after Tara? Being with her like this hurts, but not nearly as much as being away from her would. Sam knows she can't go to college.
Tara starts to take drugs, and Sam gets angry. They get stuck in a cycle, they'll scream and shout and argue, only to make up days later. The secret of whatever happened all those years ago sits heavy between them. A few weeks before Tara's 16th birthday, Sam comes home to her high little sister beneath some creep on their couch, barely conscious enough to react. Sam nearly kills him. The only thing that stops her is Tara calling out her name and the loser manages to escape out the door. Sam tells Tara they can't go on like this, that things have to change.
On December 14th, Tara runs away. Sam stares at the wrapped gifts on her desk for weeks. She can't bring herself to move it. There's a part of her that wants to throw it away, to scream and cry and destroy. She gave up her future for her little sister, and where is she? Is she even safe? Why won't she answer her calls? ...Please let her be safe. Sam drinks a lot while Tara's away, resenting herself for being just like her mother. Maybe that's why Tara left. Tara's 17th birthday has come and gone when Sam, drunk off her ass, calls her phone once again on Christmas Eve and leaves a voicemail begging her to come home, to call her back, to please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone anymore. When she wakes in the morning (afternoon), Tara is sitting at the end of her bed, watching her.
Sam thinks she must be dead, or her medication has stopped working. She eyes the four wrapped gifts on her desk for a moment before looking back to Tara.
Her sister looks different. Thinner. Paler. Her clothes are too big. Sam wonders what she's been taking, where she's been. She wonders why she had to lose a year of watching her sister grow up. I was with dad, Tara later admits. The confession breaks something inside of Sam. She thought he was the problem, he was what was wrong with Tara, but if that was the case why would she run to him. It's her, right? Sam's the one who's actually the problem, Sam's the reason why Tara's like this.
Sam leaves.
2 and a half years later she gets a call that her sister's been attacked.
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jasminegazer · 5 months
Chapter 4 Part 1
Last night was a blur.
Hours spent talking and arguing with their dad. Trying to stay up later and find out every possibility of what could have happened to Mikey. All just to be left back where it all started.
Leo stood there alone on the rooftop across from Eastman High. Raph had locked himself up in the bottom bunk. And Donnie. . . Leo could only hope that he would actually unfreeze from the numb gaze he kept since the night before.
That was when Leo came to a scary realization.
They had never been so separated before.
Sure now that the turtles all had their own separate friend groups and activities. But they had never all been alone. Usually they were always at least a phone call away.
But now Leo had to face the school day alone. And on top of that he was the only one who could and needed to ask for the help of their one true best friend. The one who stuck by the boys through thick and thin. The one they all shared but in completely separate ways.
Of course it was up to the eldest and most responsible brother to handle the heavy burden. Alone. With a life on the line.
Leo thought back to one of his earliest memories. He and Mikey were venturing out into the sewers racing to their usual swimming spot. They were probably about 4 or 5 years old then with Leo just an hour or two closer to aging up than his other brothers. Though they never talked about it until the boys started finding out that siblings had an age order Leo was always assumed to be the eldest. The mother hen. The boss of the brothers.
Even their dad would ask out of all of them for him to do the hardest and most important tasks. Like babysitting while he went to get supplies or making sure Mikey and Donnie wouldn’t get hurt. That pair was always assumed as the younger and delicate ones being smaller and having softer shells than Leo and Raph.
As the two ran, feeling the wind against their cheeks, their feet splashed in the little stream running through the tunnel. “Wait up Leo” Mikey giggled stumbling behind his brother. Eventually the tunnel met an end and Leo paused looking down from the tiny ledge to take a breath. This part of the sewer was his favorite. The lake-like body of water was perfect for swimming. It was like a private beach only known to the inhabitants of the sewers. The turtle tot breathed in and out slowly taking in the smell of salty water pouring in from the Hudson.
“Watch out!!” Mikey yelped as he slipped onto his back and continued sliding towards Leo at top speed. “Wha- oof” Leo managed to turn around right Mikey’s shell came slamming into his chest knocking them both off the side of the ledge.
“Eeugh. Mikey what the-“ Leo said rubbing his head as he looked around to see nothing on the little beach.
“Mikey. Mi-ike.” He called as he turned around to his little brother. He was tucked under the pipe entrance hugging his knees and whimpering and chirping every minute or so. Blood slowly dripped down from his knee. “Oh mi gosh! Mikey! Are you ok?”
Mikey shook his head. Tears glazed over his eyes. “My knee. I want papa.”
Their dad was on a scavenging errand trying to find things that would be helpful towards trying to survive down there. Leo was supposed to be keeping them in the lair. Not goofing around getting his brothers hurt. “It’s-It’s ok. It’s just a little scrap” Leo was stuttering like he always did when he was nervous.
But he couldn’t be right now because his brother needed him.
‘Cmon Leo you can do this. Your brother needs you.’
After a few deep breaths he continued to comfort Mikey. “It’s ok. You’re gonna be just fine.” Mikey looked at his brother. Fear didn’t fill his eyes just sincerity and love. His whimpers turned into sniffles and his eyes focused on his brother.
“Can you let me carry you? We can do a piggyback ride home if you can be strong enough for it.”.Leo had him at piggyback. Mikey raised his arms and immediately started gripping the air. Mikey loved to be carried especially by his older brothers since they would rarely do it. Leo giggled as he lifted his little brother onto his back.
“Hey Leo.” Mikey whispered. “Mm hm”. “I love you bro.”
Leo stared at his drama king of a brother. “You’re not dying.”. “I know!” Mikey answered annoyed. After a long period of silence, Mikey squeezed his brother just a tiny bit tighter. “I just wanna tell you that. Cause I mean it.”
Leo was kind of shocked by how serious his baby brother was being.
“Yeah I love you too. But everything’s gonna be ok. You’re strong.”
Leo blinked himself back to the present. He took a few deep breaths and made his way to homeroom.
“You’re strong”
So just a quick peak in and out of the brothers past.
Previous Masterpost Next
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blueikeproductions · 9 months
The Beast Wars Metals versions of Megatron, Rattrap (Rattle), and Waspinator (Waspeeter) talk about the scrapped movie Predacon designs. WAR WAR STOP IT plays briefly before segueing into the Beast Warriors’ MST3K bit.
Rattle: Feh! Whaddya know, you Destrons WERE gonna be in th’ pit’cher besides Scorpos and his extended family.
Megs and Waspy: EEEEHHH???!
Megatron: Seriously?? Show us, rat!
Rattle: We’ll we got this sexy pin up of Waspeeter…!
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Megatron: Oooo, Waspeeter-kun, you WERE gonna be in the movie, so jelly!
Waspeeter: Oooo, Waspeeter looking cool, buuuun! Kinda like my Animated self! Not like now, where Waspeeter got fat, buuun…
Rattle: Yeah, you stress ate cuz you didn’t get into Kingdom like we did.
Megatron: Bahhh, those slow processor scrap heaps were no fun. Nothing but War is Hell and politics! I kept telling them to get it out of first gear and crack a joke or twelve, gyahaha-spit- They told me one more out burst like that and they’d bring in my cousin and understudy Megaphone. -sigh-
Rattle: Huh, I thought something seemed off towards the end. That WAS Megaphone, wasn’t it?
Megatron: Eeugh, well enough of that! Who else would’ve made the cut, Rattle? Inferno? Terrorsaurer? Primus forbid Rampage or Tarans… -spits-
Rattrap: Er, about that, Megsy…
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Megatron: WUUUHHHHAAAAAT?!?! That delinquent crab would’ve gotten his big screen debut before me??? Did he threaten to beat up the director guy if he didn’t get in?
Rattle: Strong possibility that’s why he was cut… I heard he was s’posed t’cameo as a corpse anyhow. Not da most thrilling of big screen roles.
Megatron: -giggles- Yet still oddly appropriate for Rampage-kun, gyahaha-spits-!
Waspeeter: I wonder if Depth Charge-san was gonna be in it too, buuun.
Megatron: Who cares about the Cybertrons?! I wanna see more of the Destrons! Perhaps we got the deadly Black Widow-chan pin ups, yes~? Rattle: Uh, well, they’re deadly and poisonous a’ight, but not exactly Black Widow material…
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Megatron: …I have no idea who this is. This isn’t one of our guys…
Rattle: I wanna say it’s one of Lio Convoy’s band a’weirdos…? Swan Dive or some such?
Megatron: A Cybertron?! What a load of crock!
Waspeeter: Oooh! It’s gotta be Goosher-chaaan~! He and me went to Seibertron Primary School together when we were little, buuuun~!
Megatron: Isn’t that Gigatron’s toady?
Waspeeter: I mean technically Gelshark was the more direct toady, but yeah, buun.
Megatron: I thought Gelshark turned into a shark… Bah! Whatever it’s not one of mine anyway.
Rattle: ‘Old on, lemme consult the database. TFWiki, type type type, ok so it IS a Destron. Some frog called Spittor. Seems like someone you’d like, Megsy…
Megatron: I have no idea what you mean…! -spits-
Rattle: Riiight… Anyhow, Spittor did serve under you in some media, but he mostly appeared in comics, like da IDW stuff.
Megatron: Unless it was manga by Shoji Imaki, Naoto Tsushima, Hayato Sakamoto or Chromedome, I don’t care.
Rattle: Well we have one more Destron, and it was a guy who appeared in our show…
Waspeeter: Buuun? Dinobot 2?
Megatron: It’s Tarans, isn’t it.
Rattle: I mean it IS somebody you love to hate.
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Megatron: EEEEEEEEEEGGGHHHH?!? Ram Horn??! The Trypticon Council would’ve made it on the big screen before MEEEEE?! This is outrrrRRAAAAGEOUS!
Waspeeter: I mean technically we were on the big screen back then, Mega-sama…!
Megatron: THAT DOESN’T COUNT, WASPEETER! Stupid clip show redubs…! Aaaargh, Megatron out. Beeeeast MODE! -transforms into his transmetal beast mode, and starts roller blading away- Hmph! I’m gonna go start a petition campaign to get me in the sequels of Beast Awakening!
Waspeeter: Aaah, Mega-sama! -transforms and follows- Don’t roller blade in anger, buuun!
Rattle: Pssh, what a drama queen. That being said, I hope I’m in da sequels too… Mebbe a petition ain’t such a bad idea. Beast Mode! -transforms- Time to go grease some palms, nyehehe!
-Beast Wars Metals closing theme HALLELUYAH starts playing as he toddles off-
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izthepup · 1 year
During Your Period
it’s part of my book I PROMISE
[edit: I totally didn’t put peridod what are you talking about]
Gals suffering for at least a week
Plenty of cramps
Just so that we could have A KID GRRR
- He might know about it from having two wives before
- But he still wasn't sure what was needed
- So he asked Mimir and got the supplies
- But if he didn't, he'd be confused
- If you told him he would ask what was needed
- "Hm. What is needed for it?"
- He managed to get all the supplies and give them to you
- She knows how to deal with them
- She's a woman too duh
- So she got you the supplies you needed
- She either might have used a spell to get rid of the cramps
- Or she would've just made you some tea
- End of story.
- (But if she didn’t know, basically the same except for the knowledge part.. she’d ask what to do.)
- He didn't know what to do
- He just acted like he understood
- "Ohhhh.. a period, alright. I'll get you what you need."
- He thought you meant the ending of a sentence
- Then he asked Angrboda 
- I mean
- if she even has them—
- She told him
- "Oh. OH. What do I need to try to help?"
- He got all the supplies needed and gave them to you
- He probably already knows about it
- Both because
- 1) Smartest man alive
- 2) He had a girlfriend before
- He'll ask Sindri to make tea, or just boil some hot water
- "Why though? I mean, I will, but I'm just curious."
- "Brother, I'll tell you another time. It's a sorta private thing for ladies."
- When sindri found out he was a little embarrassed yet grossed out
- "Oh. Ew- sorry, it just sounds like there are SO many germs involved. And sorry for asking if it was private, I was just wondering."
- You told him how you were on your period
- He didn't know what it was
- When you told him you were bleeding for a week, he was grossed out.
- "No offense, but EW- I'm glad I'm not a woman. Also, are you alright?"
- He thought it was just very slowly killing you
- You told him how it was fine and how you just got cramps- and how it felt like your insides being scraped out
- "Eeugh- you want a snack? No, how about tea? Yeah, I'll make tea."
- He shuddered a little
- He made you your favorite tea
- He'd make sure you have enough (Pads? whatever they had for them in God of War / back then if pads hadn't existed for the characters yet) but would wash his hands after touching the box / small chest they came in.
- (He would do this both before and after... his... death. HIS IS NOT SINDRI, ITS ANOTHER CHARACTER)
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jessilynallendilla · 2 years
Dylan Hollis Baking Quotes Without Context Part 2
“Hold on, I need to take my teeth out.”
“This is fascinating because it seems chronologically wrong to find this in a 1940’s cookbook which means it must be pretty special, or that time traveling, keto, athleisure influencers exist.”
“These are roof tiles.”
“How many eggs? Nine!”
“...I really just JFKed this cake.”
“You don’t want the sky beef, that would be scary.”
“Now I’m scared of lots of things including the IRS, clowns, and English Majors, but what I’m most afraid of is beans where they don’t belong.”
“Now we can serve this with anchovies or sardines, how about a swift death?”
“Quarter cup corn syrup...well be done by Christmas.”
“Into a jar...it’ll take just twelve years.”
“Mr. Cheese, I’m so sorry.”
“Take that Big Peppermint!”
“You were swimming in animal fat, how does it feel?”
“Also, an obscene amount of brandy, look away kids.”
“I feel like I’m exhuming a body.”
“So they look dead but my house smells amazing.”
“Beep at me one more time-!”
“Now this recipe calls for calf or mutton liver, but when I asked about mutton liver to the butcher he just asked if I was okay.”
“Let me get my lard bucket.”
“Well, it’s great, so long as you don’t have to eat it.”
“What do you think we garnish this with, did you guess mayo?”
“Call the police!”
“There’s no Jell-O in here just the dark arts.”
“One and half cups scolded-you useless-!”
“Eight inch is preferable, it sure is Betty.”
“Well drained of course, like my hope.”
“At least nothing hatched.”
“Well, some didn’t make it, which is unfortunate because it means some did.”
“Well, that was utterly horrendous, thank you.”
Handling multiple sausages. “Ah, yes, brings back memories.”
“Now we seal and shake vigorously, preferably to kill whatever demon we summoned.”
“What are we making, glue?”
“Let’s take a dump.”
“Then you get to bake your dump.”
“Then we add more ketchup.”
“In Australia and New Zealand this recipe is actually protected by law, bake it wrong? To Jail!”
“I love oats, they taste like grandparents.”
“I did have convert this entire recipe from grams into freedom units.”
“Now I say that disrespecting donuts should carry a life sentence so let's see if we’re going to jail today.”
“You know a lot of things start with potatoes, french fries, hashbrowns, famine...communism.”
“So, the stock market has crashed and we can’t afford any butter, eggs, or milk, but little Johnny still wants a cake for his birthday, selfish brat.”
“I chose this one to die.”
“Hello child, neugh, goodbye child.”
How did that not stick, are you a witch?”
“I told you not to trust me!”
“Now we get our can of spam and we cry.”
“Wonder what demon we’ll summon today?”
“Is life insurance expensive?”
“It’s well known, here in America, that they’ll deep fry anything that isn’t bolted to the earth, including zucchinis, hot dogs, and several species of large bird.”
“Are you ready to die?”
“A whole bag of potato chips!”
“Ruffage is what dead people called fiber, and this is enough to incapacitate one medium child.”
“And we leave this to soak for a half hour, just to make it edible.”
“Now we just-eeugh-try not to die...”
“How long does sadness take to cook?”
“There seems to have been a murder.”
“Have you no mercy?”
“Just imagine cooking this and telling yourself that everything is okay.”
“You don’t measure this in calories, no, you measure it years taken off your life expectancy.”
“Where’s Johnny?” “Johnny is gone.”
Part One
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kiwibirb1 · 6 months
To preface this, I completely and utterly forgot I was doing this. This is roughly what I remember, but it will start kind of random. This is a continuation of this post
My thoughts as I play Twilight Princess for the first time Pt 2
Aww I can't see Rusl
Where the fuck am I supposed to go
*Sprints across grass*
Lol I bet one of the kids shit themselves and that's what I'm smelling
Aww that's so sad and sweet! They think I'm gonna save them! *proceeds to run into wall*
Wait I got them all didn't I?
Oh there's some outside Kakariko
Can Midna please fucking stop looking behind like theres something there it scares me
Death Mountain? I don't think this fur will stand the heat.
Ooh other wolf ( I know it's Time but whatever)
I'm not very good at howling
That sounded so pretty!
Ooh he's in Ordona
Lol just got ragdolled by air
Four this time? Eeugh
Oh that was easy
Um why does it sound like this volano is about to blow?
These fucking bird things
Woah I'm glowy
She just casually twirls out of existence
Why does it have a fish mouth. Ew
Aww poor Colin or whatever his name is
Haha he runs weird
Bomb guy just ignored
Woah music change
Gorons, why?
Ooh I like this Kakariko's music
Oh right I blew a house up... oopsie
I got a shiny ant!
Welp I guess I gotta talk the gorons
Oh my hearts
I give up ill go to the Wolf instead
Not the mailman
Aww he did a little "doo do-do do do!"
There's two bird people face things? Eugh *shudders*
Lol I just ran them over
Oh thanks Epona that qas the wrong way
Okay now that I know how to bash peoples heads in with a shield Onwards, Epona!
Yeah, yeah, your kids are alive, lemme buy some milk!
Link: looks down Mayor: ah, so you like mayonnaise with your pizza, not cheese.
Ah what is that walk
Lol he had to bandage his old man knees
I figured out the secret: smack em
So the only way to win.. is to cheat. I'm in!
Where's Rusl?
Oh well
Hehe I stole my own money
Over the gate first try baby
Noo Colin
How are a bunch of pigs faster then Epona
I'm so good at jousting
Why does this sound like a death speech
He's just ragdolled lol
Epic pose: check Someone's death to avenge: check Horse the Fandom loves more then the main character: check
When you just buy the hylian sheild:
Lol this kid running the shop tho
Get rekt
Lol they just continue going down
Fuck I forgot the boots
One sec
*Does a cheat*
Wow that's a lot of lava
The lava is very hot 0/10 do not recommend
Okay so I hyperfocused the rest of the dungeon but I did write one thing:
I got about halfway through the dungeon, expect another TP post in the next couple of days!
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fagtainsparklez · 2 years
any last words icarus?
[Intro: Georgenotfound]
Oh, I see it
(Make it 19, baby)
Mmm, no
No, okay?
I- I don't think that's going to happen
I don't think that's going to happen
(Oh Dream!)
Cool idea
I just spoke to Tommyinnit
He said, "Give me a goddamn minute"
I said, "Bitch, two posts, one month?"
George, pass me the blunt
I'd pay for the dick, not a fucking manhunt
Georgenotclothed, Clay balls exposed
"Tommy, are we the bad guys?"
Wilbur, sit on my nodes
I only date bad guys with the good halos
(I lost, dude!)
[Verse 1]
Schlatt got stacks, he bought me a 'fit
He said I looked good, so I gave him a kiss
In my maid 'fit, cute as a daisy
Bitches be like
(Help, my pussy's gone crazy!
[Verse 2]
I be in the chat like cjerk
George on the of, no shirt
Karl wants to send my ass to the moon
So I took a little pic, put that shit on zoom
I'll take a pic
Show me the nips
Bitch, I'll take the pic
Dream laugh like, "eeugh"
Schlatt laughs like, "aha ha ha"
I just spoke to Tommyinnit
He said, "Give me a goddamn minute"
I said, "Bitch, two posts, one month?"
George, pass me the blunt
I'd pay for the dick, not a fucking manhunt
Georgenotclothed, Clay balls exposed
"Tommy, are we the bad guys?"
Wilbur, sit on my nodes
I only date bad guys with the good halos
(I lost, dude!)
[Verse 3]
I paid Gogy $500
Got me on Skype
(Ugh, poggers)
Sapnap and Dream, you got a room for me?
I got a maid dress, and I'll clean for free
Tubbo cut his hair, anybody see that?
I think it looks good, Tubbo
Stay safe out there, man!
You're awesome
And George, post on your Onlyfans, goddammit
I just want one post
Where you are- are-
You don't even have to be naked
I just want you to-
I just want-
I just want the username to be Georgenotclothed
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thenasoneshots · 2 years
Deductions or Doctor? - John x Reader
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Reader's Relations: Sherlock and Mycroft's Sister
Warnings: None
Other Notes: In this you're part of Scotland Yard (it's for a certain reason….)
"THAT'S IT! I'm GOING to actually kill Lestrade next time I see him!" I shouted slamming the door to 221B Baker Street behind me and walking upstairs.
"And what's up with you?"
I ignored John's question and sat down on the sofa, starting to angrily tap my foot on the floor.
"It's clear. (Y/n) is distres-"
"Don't you bloody dare be a smart ass Sherlock, I'm not in the bloody mood for your deductions right now. If you want to know, I'm rather annoyed because every time there's an even remotely 'exciting' case, Lestrade is immediately 'Oh let's get Sherlock Holmes. He'll solve this for us', and it just pisses me off. I mean, seriously, what impression does it give the people of London if Scotland Yard can't even solve one bloody case, always getting you," I pointed directly to my brother at that moment before continuing, "to solve any case we get, like come on!"
"I see. So, Lestrade isn't actually the cause of your frustration, it's me."
I scoffed, "Don't be so damn full of yourself Sherlock! Not everything is about you!" I replied standing up and walking to the kitchen, "Do we have anything I can eat? I'm starving."
"Strange. Are you feeling okay, (Y/n)? Normally you don't eat much."
I smiled, "Thanks for the concern John. I'm not sure, you are right, I mean I guess I did throw up this morning and I was feeling a bit lightheaded today."
"What exactly does 'hmm' mean?" John asked, to which I rolled my eyes, "That is a question that's never going to get an answer, John. One thing about Sherlock is that he never explains himself!"
"Well I'm about to if you let me speak, (Y/n)!" Sherlock interrupted, continuing to pace around the flat. I rolled my eyes, "You're not the doctor here, Sherlock! So if there's something wrong with me, then John's the one that would know, not you!" I retorted, continuing to tap my foot on the ground angrily.
"Please stop doing that, it's incredibly annoying when I'm trying to think."
"Oh shut it, Sherlock! Just go into your little 'Mind Palace' or whatever you call it. I am not in the mood for this!"
"Ahh, (Y/n), you're back. I had a feeling you'd be in a bad mood, so I made you your favourite."
I smiled and ceased my foot tapping, turning to the doorway, "Mrs Hudson, you are my saviour! I'm starving and this is exactly what I need right now." I walked up to her and took the tray, going to sit at the sofa, seeing as it was the only available space, as Sherlock's 'experiments' had taken over every other surface in the flat, and digging in. The food was great, however the glass of water that Mrs Hudson had given me tasted like wax and I reluctantly swallowed it, "Eeugh. That tastes disgusting."
"Hmm, further proof of my theory. John, take a sip of that water."
"Why should I? (Y/n) said it tasted disgusting, I'm not going to-"
John, it's for an experiment, taste the bloody water!" Sherlock snapped and John quickly walked over as I handed him the glass, continuing to eat the food.
"That tastes perfectly normal."
"Oh great… so there is something wrong with me… yay," I spoke out sarcastically. Sherlock turned to me, a smirk on his face, "Well, I wouldn't say 'wrong' (Y/n)… Although, I guess it depends on how you'd feel about becoming a mother," he whispered the last part to himself, but I still heard it, "What the bloody Hell are you talking about Sherlock?! I am not-"
"You're pregnant."
I burst out laughing, "You have GOT to be kidding Sherlock, there's no bloody way I could be pregnant! I don't even have a boyfriend for crying out loud!"
"That is irrelevant. Last night you arrived back late, after midnight to be specific, as I was still awake when you returned, working on a case, I'll have you know, and I heard your footsteps, then this morning there was a stench of alcohol coming from your room, and I noticed a glass of water and some pain killers on your bedside table this morning.-"
"I put those there, Sherlock, just stop showing off please, it's getting annoying. I'm the doctor here, if (Y/n) is pregnant, I'll be the one to be able to tell that, not you."
"All the signs are there, John. They're all there. Signs of first trimester pregnancy: Morning sickness, increase in appetite and food and drink tasting different."
"Then explain the 'how', Sherlock, my dear brother," I spoke, standing up and crossing my arms, "Let us hear your amazing theory of how the bloody Hell I can be pregnant without even having a damn boyf-"
"One night stand."
"I beg your pardon!" I squeaked, "Sherlock! I am your sister, OLDER sister to be precise, how bloody dare you!"
He just smirked at me, putting his hands together in front of his face, "I'm right though, aren't I?"
I sighed and sat back down on the sofa, "I guess it's a possibility. I did go to the bar last night to celebrate finishing the case, but one minute I am sitting at the bat having a beer, then the next thing I know I'm in some random guy's bed compete-"
"You don't need to finish that sentence, (Y/n)."
It was then that a mass surge of panic took over me, "What am I going to do?! I'm a highly respected Inspector at Scotland Yard, if this gets out to the Press it's going to ruin my whole career! I can already imagine the headlines 'Respected Scotland Yard Inspector (Y/n) Holmes Disgraced Due to Pregnancy!' I just don't know what to do!" I lay on my back on the sofa, my arm over my eyes, trying to hide the face I was crying from the two of them.
"We'll keep it a secret somehow, (Y/n)."
"How?! At the moment it's going to be easy, but it's going to get extremely hard once she starts showing, Sherlock! What's your plan then? Keep (Y/n) hidden forever?!"
"No," Sherlock replied, "It's simple, John you're a doctor, right?" John sighed and I rolled my eyes, as Sherlock continued, "Well, you can do check-ups on her when she needs them and then-"
"Sherlock, I'm an army doctor! I have no experience in childbirth!"
"That is true. In that case, we're going to have to change plan. John you will pretend to be (Y/n)'s boyfriend when she needs to go for check-ups or whatever, and when the baby is born, pretend that you're the father."
"Is that really a good idea? Why me specifically?"
Sherlock took a deep breath, "Well we can't let anyone else know, and I can hardly do it. She's my SISTER, John! That's just unsettling."
John sighed, "You're right," before turning back to me, "You alright with this, (Y/n)?" I nodded shyly, "I-I don't want this to ruin everything, but we're going to have to tell Mycroft at some point, Sherlock."
"No. Not a good idea. He'll just.. No."
"Sherlock! He deserves to know he's going to be an uncle in nine months!"
"Okay fine, but not right now."
"You feeling okay, (Y/n)?" John asked, rubbing my back as we sat in the waiting room, "This is your last check-up."
"I know. I've just been thinking. Amelia really deserves to have a father figure in her life and…"
"Y-you want me to be a father figure to her?!"
I nodded, a smile on my face, "Would you do that for me, John?"
Before he had a chance to respond, a nurse came over, "Miss Holmes, Doctor Matthews is ready for you now." I nodded and turned back to John. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed his cheeks and kissed him before standing up and following the nurse off, scared of what John's reaction was going to be.
I smiled and thanked Doctor Matthews before leaving her office and walking back out to the waiting room. I saw John sitting in the same place he'd been before and when he spotted me, he stood up and walked straight up to me, grabbing my upper arms and kissing me. I blinked out of surprise but soon melted into it.
"Y-you like me back?" I asked, swallowing the lump in my throat. He nodded in response and I smiled, leaning my head on his shoulder, "That makes me happy. I take it you want to to be Amelia's father figure then?"
John's only response was kissing me again, which I took as a yes, as the two of us left the hospital, John hailing a taxi back to Baker Street for us. When we got upstairs, I sat on the sofa and John came to sit next to me. I immediately snuggled into his side the best I could with my growing stomach and smiled, feeling him wrap an arm around me.
"Now this is strange because I don't actually know, what is going on with you two?"
I giggled and gave John a 'You want to tell him or should I?' look, to which he spoke, "Sherlock, I'm dating your sister, and there's nothing you can say to stop me."
Sherlock blinked in response, "Well then, I wish you both luck, but John, you hurt my sister, you're dead to me."
"Got it, Sherlock."
Sitting alone in the flat, again I was bored, shooting at the small target that I'd put up on the wall to shoot at. However, soon I heard the door being opened and I smiled, knowing I wasn't alone anymore, however that smile soon faltered when I saw who had walked through the door. I immediately stood up and changed my grip on the gun, "what do you want, Moriarty? You know I can just call Sherlock right now to tell him you're here. I'm sure he'd love to finally catch you!"
He just chuckled, "Nothing this time, I was just passing by and thought I might come to say hello."
I gulped as he walked closer to me, continuing to speak, "I was also thinking of what a useful purpose you could have to me."
"What are you-" before I could finish, he'd placed a pair of glasses on my face and I lost control of my own body.
------------------PART 2
I awoke in a strange room that I didn't recognise for the first few minutes, until I realised it was my childhood bedroom.
"Why am I here?"
"Don't you see it? You're bait."
"What for?"
I started shaking from nerves as I heard that evil chuckle again, "Oh dear… I guess you're not the same as your brother then… Can't you deduce why?"
I sighed, knowing fine well, "Sherlock. You're using me as bait to lead him to you."
--------------------SHERLOCK'S POV
"Sherlock? Your phone buzzed."
"Hmm, can you read it for me."
Instead, John just threw it on my lap, "Read your own texts." I picked my my phone and my eyes widened, "John, come with me now," I spoke hastily, standing up and grabbing my coat, seeing that John hadn't moved, "Come on."
"Are you going to tell me?"
I rolled my eyes, "It's Lestrade, (Y/n) has been taken somewhere."
"W-what? How does Lestrade know?"
"This," I replied showing him my phone, on it was a picture of a note, that Lestrade had sent along with the text, the note explaining that (Y/n) had been kidnapped as well as a code to her location.
-----------------YOUR POV
"(Y/n)! We found you!"
I looked up to see Sherlock, with John and Mycroft both behind him. I smiled thankful they'd found me but then remembered, "You three need to get out of here. Moriarty is-"
"-Right here with you all. Now back up from her."
My heart started pounding again as Sherlock backed off, John and Mycroft doing the same, as Moriarty walked closer to me allowing me to stand up, "Now, Sherlock, I see you fell for it, now this is going to be your downfall. At the hands of your own sister."
"What are you talking about?"
Moriarty turned back to me, placing a gun in my hands and smiling evilly, as I then felt metal on the back of my neck, "This. You shoot one of them, and I'll let the other three of you go free," as he spoke I started to formulate ideas in my head of how to get out of this one of which being…, "If you shoot yourself, I'll let all three of them go, and if you choose not to shoot anyone, then I'll shoot you."
Again, I thought of something, but Moriarty had already realised I thought of it, "And, if you shoot me, you'll all be shot too."
I gulped and thought for a moment, before I heard three voices;
"(Y/n), shoot me, they're your brothers," John.
"(Y/n), shooting Mycroft is the better idea, then you will be able to live yourself," Sherlock.
"Don't be ridiculous (Y/n). You should do us all a favour and shoot our little brother." Mycroft.
My heart started pumping faster, and I spoke, "So… just weighing my options here," I paused and pointed the gun towards Mycroft, "There's the older brother who pretended I was invisible for 5 years, but if it weren't for him I wouldn't have my dream job of working in Scotland Yard," I then pointed it towards John, "The love of my life and the best friend I have ever had," and finally at Sherlock, "And the younger brother, who makes the whole of Scotland Yard look like idiots whenever he solves a case, as well as being an arrogant psycopath."
"I think you'll find it's 'Highly Functioning Sociopath'," Sherlock spoke out to which I rolled my eyes, blinking back the tears as well, "Now is not the time for this, Sherlock, I don't care right now what you want to call yourself."
I took a deep breath, "I have made my decision, but before I do this, please, let John and Mycroft go. I don't want to them to see this." My heart was pounding heavily and for once, Sherlock showed emotion, fear and surprise were in his eyes.
"Very well," Moriarty spoke, and I felt the metal leave my neck. While he was opening the door, letting John and Mycroft leave, I turned my attention to Sherlock, "Sher, on the count of three, run."
"Run. On 3."
"What about you?"
"I know what I'm doing, just trust me on this, please." He nodded as Moriarty walked back and I felt the gun on my neck again. I took a deep breath.
"I'm waiting."
As my heart was pounding, I pointed the gun in my hands at Sherlock, mouthing out to him, "3, 2, 1."
"RUN!" As he ran I felt a gunshot, however, I felt neither a bullet hit me nor any pain. I smirked at Moriarty's confused face, as I punched him, running out after Sherlock, making sure to bring the gun that had been in my hands with me.
----------SHERLOCK'S POV
Once I'd ran out, I found John and Mycroft, but before anything could be said, a gunshot was heard, causing the three of us to grow silent.
"She didn't… did she?"
"Probably, knowing (Y/n). She told me to run, and not look back, so…"
"Oh well, I wouldn't be so sure. You might want to look behind you."
I smirked as I walked up to the three of them, a smile on my face seeing their confused faces, "You boys okay?"
"How did you escape? We heard a gunshot."
I smirked and pecked John on the lips, "You should learn never to underestimate me. I realised the gun that I had to shoot one of you with didn't have any bullets in it at all, so while Moriarty was letting you two out, I switched the guns, so the one I had had bullets, and the one pressed against my neck didn't. That way when I told you to run I wouldn't be hurt when I was shot after letting all three of you survive. Oh and… you should probably know, Mycroft, but you're going to be an uncle soon."
"I guessed that, there's no way you could gain that much weight in that short of a period of time."
I smiled as I now held Isabella in my arms. She looked just like me, something that I was thankful about.
"How are you feeling, (Y/n)?"
I looked up and smiled at John, "Much better now you're here. How are Sherlock and Mycroft holding up?"
"You don't want to know what's going on out there. Seriously, they're both at each other's throats about who is going to be a better uncle."
I giggled as John came and sat down, smiling, "Yeah… that sounds like my brothers, you want to hold your daughter?" John just looked at me in confusion, "but sh-"
"No biologically, but you're her father figure, John. Plus, she's going to grow up believing you are her father, so may as well let you know-" before I could finish, he'd kissed me, "Okay, I get the idea, but on that point. I-I have a question for you, (Y/n). Will you marry me?" he asked, kneeling down beside the hospital bed and pulling a small velvet box from his pocket, opening it to reveal a ring. I felt myself tearing up and tried to blink them back, "YES!" John let out a sigh of relief and perched on the side of the bed, leaning down and pecking me on the lips before placing the ring on my finger.
-----------------------END OF ONESHOT
And here we go. I admit this worked better in my head….
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deathinfeathers · 1 month
He doesn't look happy about having to touch it, but ... a solitary trip to the garden yielded a souvenir in form of an egg shaped fruit deposited on her desk. Ripe green and red swirls of a mango laid in the nest of papers she'd yet to catch up on. The aromatic scent guaranteed the insides would be a fresh yolk yellow. Back to his desk now- before she caught him being something lip curl worthy...like kind. Eeugh-
Oh! What is this? Did she get a gift? A gift in the form of a treat she might, in fact, sincerely enjoy and not something he actually wants for himself disguised as a totally heartfelt tribute that he can conveniently reap some cookie points for and then snag back once it has stood untouched for 24 hours because her preferences simply do not and never have agreed with his? Is that what's happening? And it's a fruit too...fancy that.
For a pensive moment she hovers above her desk, pondering the alluring shape for the fifteen or so seconds it takes her to identify and then banish the urge to sit on it. No, she opts for something a little more reasonable—scooping the fruit In to her palms so that she can bring it in close to her face and give it a little whiff. Refreshing, sweet and floral...earthy.
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A small smile tugs at the curve of her mouth, lifting the edges just high enough to crinkle the corners of her eyes.
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Hi Nolan :DD!
Hi Celina :))
Oof lol sorry girl xdd
Uhh ohhh xD
Lol Smitty <3
Ope o.o slfjhds
Hi Bailey :)!!
I was thinking it might go this way 😬
Uhh yeah fair Nolan xD
Also fair girl lol let him wake up xD and think about it slfjsd
Aww Bailey <33
Hi Lucy :D!
Hi Tamara :))!
Oope xd
Honeyy :(( that sucks I'm sorry <3
Okay but I'm guessing you're ghosting each other xD
:'OO Tamara!!
That's so slay honey :'DD but I will miss you <3
Hi Angela 🥰!!
Aww honey :((
Oogh yeah but listen to her
She gets it honey :'(( <33
OOfgh Tim o.o D:
Hi Tim :D!!
The stubble makes him look extra crazy xd
Looks good though ngl 👀
LOL Hi Angela xDD 🥰🥰
Of course my lovely knows :DD
SLFKFHDS LOL yeah she'll love off the trust fund xD just tell her honey :'))
Aww yeah :') :'((
Ahhhh trying to catch him in an actual crime I see
Okay that's smart!
Lol yeah it's a maybe having kids xD
O.O Okay Celina seems a little biased xD
Ah chill
Why does this mom daughter relationship feel so weird lol slfhdsj
Ope more stuff going on?
Eeugh that's rough
Uh ohh a murder o.o
Oh gosh the bag o.o D: that's not good o.o xd
Aand more xD
Oh gosh o.o it's that girl ain't it xd
Y'allll be carefullll
Hmmm inch resting
Is there more Tim 👀?
Oop Angela be careful o.o 😬😬
Hmm suspicious
Oh gosh D:
Y'all I'm stressinnn xdd
Ope hey mom
Hmm the affair?
Inch restinggg
Uh oh o.o
Oh hey girl
Phew she's okay :D
Uh ohh then who's she going after o.o
0 notes
simiansmoke · 10 months
@koopzilla cont.
A Kong could taste the air just as well as any lizard bastard, and with his maw half parted and tongue barely grazing the air between glinting canines, Dread found it amusing he could no longer detect the various scents of the burning lands because all of it had been muted by the monster's fury that stood leashed before him. A vicious aura for sure - one that all beholden to it would assume tasted of broken jaws, bitten iron and ire unlike swallowed magma, but Dread knew better. Because under the circumstances, he could actually taste the display without succumbing to the fury's physical brunt, first by indulging in the charged air, and then by closing the distance between him and the frozen Koopa, smirking as he gives the other's steeled jaw a sharp and knowing sniff. True fury such as the one quaking in restless rage before him had a far more delicate flavor than it's theatrics would lead those it sought to intimidate to believe.
"So that's your weak spot..." Though whether or not he meant the little Koopa being kept under a croc's claw or the section of jaw he obliterates after winding up and throwing the full weight of his body behind the fist he cracks into the wide jaw clenched before him, it's uncertain, though certainly both would prove true.
"All of those sharp edges-spikes and claws... the sheer brawn of you? All to cover that pathetic inner weakness. You don't fool me...I can taste you." Teeth flashing in disgust as the tyrant spits blood, Dread waits until the dragon like gaze rolls down so he can entreat it to the image of him eagerly licking the blood he'd gotten on his knuckles. Ah yes, it was exactly as it smelled... - pathetic.
With the other's compliance serving to humiliate him further, Dread enjoys the next few blows seemingly at random - testing out each sturdy section of scaled wall before him. "Think you can just -" The crack of knuckles follows his snarl as he bashes the bone beneath one of those eyes fixed on him. A horn is a great place to snag afterwards and yank down on hard to pull the other's head down to a better reach for his other fist to sail up and smash the side of a fleshy snout. "KEEP getting between me and WHAT'S MINE?"
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With the horn still clasped in his massive grip, Dread uses the anchoring to pull himself up with a sharp jerk and launch furious fangs into the crook between neck and shoulder, biting down on a mouthful of tough scales and jerking back with his jaws. It takes a few furious shakes to finally yank one free , but his reward is a bloodied maw. He returns the other's favor from earlier and spits the copper taste forward - between the captive brute's eyes. "Mmm?"
"...d-dammit, Dread- STOP!" DK might have taken a bit of a beating earlier, but the majority of why he lay slumped over with his flank propped against a pipe nearby to where K. Rool's babysitting service was more so related to how much energy the coconut had drained since Bowser had short circuited it with a wish it couldn't fulfill.
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"You got what you wanted, now LEAVE THEM ALONE-Eeugh...!" He's wincing because of the bashed ribs the other Kong had left him with, but also because he catches a glimpse of a certain croc's interested gaze sliding his way. Junior was still in trouble, and it looked like he was also on the watch for movement list when it came to the kid's safety-
Dread was much too busy with his game to notice, or care about the slumped Kong's protest. If anything, getting a rise out of the prince only made the game of making a mockery out of the Koopa king more fun for him. "Say, what's under the shell, hmm? Why don't we take a closer look-" Dread snarls shortly before administering a firm kick to the edge of the tough armor, and another - urging the other to slide it down. "SHOW me-"
0 notes