#history is repeating itself and I’m not a huge fan
valrnyx · 5 months
I love how the whole of the English community just has major flashback after flashback screaming HISTORY IS REPEATING ITSELF for the thousandth time. I guess it was just never meant to be…
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dizzyduck44 · 7 months
De Ja Vu?
I’m going to put this out there in the universe. It’s a Lance Stroll post and I apologise now for the amount of other people I am going to have to name to make my point.
Everyone seems to think that Lance’s problems this season, start and end with Lance. Easy assumption to make when his season reads, missed pre season testing to have surgery, to throwing his steering wheel out his car, via an huge impact with the wall in Singapore.
But what if there is something going on, that we can’t see? And what is the sentence that brought me to this idea?
“Lando Norris can’t win a race in a car built for him”
Bet you didn’t see that line coming?
Let me explain. For a Lando fan this is one of those eye rolling statements you hear twice a week, more if his teammate has done well. The assumption is McLaren have been building a car to suit him for the last 5 years.
NOT TRUE. When Lando joined the team the McLaren was very much built to suit one Fernando Alonso. The weird characteristics of the car that you hear everyone talk about were enshrined into the McLaren concept for old eyebrows himself.
Now keep in mind that during this time at the team major aspects of the car and team were overseen by a Martin Whitmarsh.
Lando has driven through the quirky nature of the car for the last 5 years. Lando who spent 2 years with Fernando at the team, running his sim setups and was his teammate in Daytona whilst he was still a teenager.
Strange though that Stoffel struggled with it after being impressive in junior categories, to leave McLaren and be Formula E Champion.
Carlos could drive the car and he is the only one who really confuses me how he fits in this argument. Maybe it’s a Spanish thing 🤷‍♀️
Then along came Daniel and it was bad. Daniel could see all the strange quirks of the car, but the more they seemed to take them off, the worse the car got. Daniel could never gel with them.
So here McLaren are with a car that needs changing from the DNA up but have gone from nearly bankrupt to wealthy, but now operating under a token system and then a cost cap. You can’t just start the car from scratch, you have to rework the car bit by bit.
Oscar has faired better with the car but again, who has he just spent a year with, running sims of his setup? Yeap, Fernando.
Lando and Oscar still tell you there are weaknesses in the car and it still doesn’t really suit them, but they are paid to drive what they are given.
So then we look to Silverstone and the arrival of Martin Whitmarsh and Fernando Alonso to the team. Suddenly Lance is struggling to extract performance from the car. Something it has to be said he has never really struggled with before for any team. He podiumed with Williams, he put a Force India on pole. Almost overnight Lance seems to have a car he can’t drive. A car Fernando did most of the testing of in Bahrain.
Is it possible history is repeating itself and Aston are building a car to suit Mr Alonso at the expense of the team’s other driver? The only ones who ever got genuine performance out of the McLaren of the last 8 years have somehow been connected to Fernando.
Maybe Lance is just driving a car that bares no resemblance to the car that has been developed over the last 4 years.
Personally I would love to see Seb test it and see how he handles it now. He drove the old Aston and is at Fernando’s level, surely that will give the team a reading on Lance.
In the meantime I refuse to ridicule Lance and his results. As a McLaren fan I can’t help but feel I’ve seen this story before.
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cloveroctobers · 1 year
Thoughts so far while watching episode 4 of S3 OBX
John b being shook over his father’s actions is interesting to see considering how much bs he’s currently into lol
But old man’s kinda a bit obsessive when it comes to these artifacts — yeah yeah it’s ur thing or whatever but you allowed your son to think you were with the water Christ over this shit and you done resurrected and are still at it like?? Get it together four eyed Tarzan
Kie not bothering to mention that she was held up in a room with Rafe will probably come back to bite her in the ass…as usual
We love to see the bonding between Pope & Cleo!!! 🫶🏽
Barry’s hair is…a choice.
Lunatic Rafe’s hair > Barry’s
But love “he’s got my check.”🤭
Side note in regards to Jiara so far—I personally didn’t mind it in the beginning like season 1 but then certain fans had to take it to the extreme to the point it’s apparently reflecting outside of the show which is…idk whack? So it’s not really my top ship or I don’t really care for anyone to be shipped atp lmao I’m just here for the good ‘ol platonic friendship group!
Just me I guess. ☕️
I’m not going to say Jiara is coming out of nowhere because I do agree there were hints of it back in the previous seasons, however it does seem like they’re pushing that fan service—only because—we missed a huge portion of those two privately bonding on that island.
No we didn’t need a whole dragged out episode or more to see that but I would like to see at least a damn flashback. Mind you, I’m only! On episode 4!! Yes they’re acknowledging it now (with it still feeling like jj cares how it’ll make pope feel? Don’t like that. Man is still hurt obviously. Glad Cleo is there to take his mind off the foulness of it all) — good for them yet I still feel like it’s bad timing idk but to each their own.
Still don’t agree with these writers having Kiara go from one to next (from kissing John b, then worrying about how JJ feels about that, to having a night with pope but lacking the proper communication on what the intentions of their romantic relationship was and just down right being cold to my guy, to circling right back to wondering about the what if’s with JJ like??? I get it they’re teenagers and you’re not going to have it all together but it’s one thing after another can we relax?) and it feels hinted that’s what her mother did? From being a kook hinting that she messed around with pogues (possibly JJ’s own father or at least there’s some form of history there between them based off his drunk-tellings idk) + marrying a pogue—kie’s father?
I felt like it was implied that’s the side he came from when her mother spewed her hatred for the pogues at kie who wants nothing but to be declared as such but then they’re so hypocritical!!! trying to forget their own skeletons—if you want to even call it that
So it’s basically history repeating itself and I did a whole mini think-piece on why I’m not feeling jiara romantically. Yes there was a sprinkle of chemistry but in the long-run I don’t think it would work. Ship has sailed and they should have thought about that before they decided to do that bs with Kiara & pope 💯
Give Kiara a gf atp 😜 or maybe not worry about the romance…considering they’re all constantly watching their backs rn?
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vitos-ordination-song · 3 months
It’s hard to have a stance in the middle of the quality of such a beloved and debated work. ‘Cause on the one hand, you have those who will hear nothing but praise for it, and on the other, there’s a kind of mindless backlash to frame popular works as overrated. I wouldn’t call LOGH overrated. Just, its diehard fans are overlooking some major issues.
It’s fine for a story to have limitations. “Plot holes,” wonky worldbuilding in places, etc. But as someone who’s read a lot of sci-fi, I found it to be full of anachronisms and questionable writing choices. I mean, why are the space imperials talking about Valhalla? We’re given no backstory for how this galactic empire came to have Norse religion. This is from a society which views Earth as a long forgotten backwater. Like??? There’s a lack of attention to materialism, like technology is just able to do anything; the battles feel more based on sea/ground combat than anything to do w space; the story will drop a huge bomb like “the first kaiser only allowed people of Germanic descent into the empire,” only to never explore the issue of race again; etc.
None of the above issues are enough for me to criticize the story really. I just view them as limitations. No one person, no creative team even, can create a perfect world in fiction. And there are really interesting things about it. For instance, I found all the history episodes compelling. The author clearly has an interest in history, especially military and leadership history. It’s fun to watch a story where the past is projected on to space. That’s not to say that the story does nothing original, and it does have harder scifi elements at times. Besides, there’s no reason that history can’t repeat itself on a galactic scale.
My issue really is with the ending. I’m not sure the promise of the first half was fulfilled. I’m still sorting through why, but I’d say the number one reason is that it feels too satisfied with itself. The story became cliched at the end—how disappointing! I mean, the Church of Terra was just there to be Evil and mess things up for the protagonists; there was absolutely no thought put into making that interesting. Every single character moment felt telegraphed. There was none of the tension and excitement of the first half. It was… corny? Maybe it was always corny. Maybe I just liked Yang Wen-li’s corniness better, lol. But his self-effacing nature kept the story from going full soap opera. With him gone, it was like, Reinhard’s just gonna keep being the same guy and then die, ok, and now Julian is a generic hero, complete with under-written girlfriend. So why did I watch to the end???
I’m venting but there was a lot I did like. I thought Reuenthal’s episodes were extremely well executed. I really only lost interest when it was like “the alliance and the empire have to fight again despite both sides wanting to talk.” It made Reinhard more boring to me that he was that predictable. And the show had never felt so complacent on the topic of violence. It’s just boring to be like, yep, we’ll end with the exact same values that we started with: might makes right. Ooooh Julian proved himself to Reinhard through combat. I guess if he died his opinions wouldn’t be worth anything???? When this was framed as Reinhard’s fatal flaw, a personal foible that led him to recklessly pursue Yang, I really enjoyed it. But I’m supposed to respect the character, right? Well what’s to respect when you always have the advantage and end up fighting a kid with way less firepower than you? I suppose you could say that Reinhard earned that right by fighting from a young age himself, but it felt like the story took a step backwards. I get bored of one trick ponies. Then it’s like “Julian gets Revenge for Yang by going on a murder spree” as if that’s also supposed to impress me. Cool, you created completely two dimensional characters for your hero to justifiably kill, you want a cookie for that amazing writing? In the end the story ended up being short-sightedly masculinist. But yeah I did enjoy it. Yang was the realest and I’ll love him forever. The rest of you hoes can go home.
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nuatthebeach · 2 years
HI, I love your blog. My ask is
What are your top 5 fictional girls who inspire you and you genuinely love them and why?
I love questions like these because they always force me to reflect on why I prioritize certain traits over others in fictional characters in the first place. And this question in particular is fascinating because I’ve come to realize that a certain pattern that correlates with my liking of fictional characters is usually to do with how supremely underrated they are and how much hate they receive from fandom (and it's for really dumb, hypocritical, double-standard reasons in most cases).
I actually for the life of me cannot come up with a top 5 because my brain absolutely refuses to work, and I love so many female characters to the bottom of my heart, so asking me to just choose five is actually really freakin' hard. I’m sure I’ll hate myself when I do remember, like, five minutes after I post this, but until then, I’ll give you my top three.
These are ones I feel so supremely attached to that my fingers itch to write, talk, and obsess about them to the point that I’m sure I’ve scared off all my family members by now lol. Particularly because these characters are not usually a fan favorite (with the exception of one).
My Top Three:
3. Piper McLean - yep, that’s right, I said it. God, I wish I could go back to my fanfic writing days with the wisdom I have now to fully express just how underrated this character really is. A lot of people dislike her because in many ways, she appears to act like she’s “not like other girls.” They point to instances of her cutting her hair haphazardly to not draw attention, having dark skin, hating on her cabin for having Aphrodite as her mother, being “super obsessed” with Jason, and - the part that really gets to me - preferring Jason’s looks over Percy’s. I repeat, people hated Piper for saying her boyfriend was better looking than a dude she just met. And she still is (in fact, it’s literally a TikTok trend).
Reasons why I like her: all of these claims are bullshit. I think she’s just a teenage girl who is very passionate about her culture, wants to protect her father, loves her boyfriend and her friends, and desires to do the right thing. When we first meet her, you realize that all of her memories from her time at that school I highkey forgot the name of were all a lie. She had to relearn everything and get to know a boy she had always thought she knew. Can you imagine how heartbreaking it must be to lose (for lack of a better word) someone she loved in a manner she had no control over? As for all of the “wanting to be not like other girl stuff,” well, I think a lot of people forget that there is this huge stereotype of Native Americans being oversexualized in the media as well as in history itself, and while I can’t make assumptions that is what Riordan was going for, I’m not surprised that fandom has a way of focusing on dispositional factors as opposed to situational and cultural ones because frankly...what's new.
Also, at the time, people used to hate Jason as well, but now I’m seeing more love for him and even less for Piper. Again, this is one of those things I’m not surprised about. Nothing like that good-old fandom misogyny.
How does she inspire me? Y’all, hear my girl out. People are always telling her that she’s weak and the more useless one of the seven. You think she hasn’t internalized that shit? Because she’s the first to have done so. After fighting that ice goddess-villain-bitch on the ship in one of the books, she started becoming really hard on herself to improve her skills and become better. You all are forgetting that Percy, Jason, and Annabeth had years of experience over her. And she learned how to fight with a sword within that same book! Talk about badass development!
Phew, sorry for the rant. For those who agree (or still need convincing), I had written a lot of Piper x Jason fanfic back in the day if you want to check it out on fanfic.net. I stopped writing about them for…well, obvious reasons that people who are caught up on the series would know about 😭
2. Jude Duarte - this is actually one of those rare instances where I am absolutely in love with the main girl character who’s not underrated even the tiniest bit by fandom. And they don't love her because she's perfect they love her because she's morally gray. A glow-up for all of us, let's give each other a pat on the back. She makes mistakes (anvil-sized ones) both on the society- and emotional-level, but she sincerely, whole-heartedly learns from them. I think all BookTok authors have something to gain from reading and writing about her (I'm looking at you SJM die-hards) because seeing a female character who is so unmistakably and unapologetically human is just so refreshing to read. You can trust that when I say I have never read a female protagonist like her, you can believe it, and I'm almost 100% sure you haven't either (at least in American contemporary literature). I won't prattle on more about her because, again, she's fairly well-liked so I don't need to "defend her actions" (rolls eyes) as they say, and this post is getting severely long as it is.
1. c'mon. You know why you follow me. Hermione Granger.
Ginny Weasley.
(still love you though, book!Hermione)
I'm just going to copy and paste the reasons why I love this girl from a previous post because it still sums up my feelings pretty well. Stay tuned for some additions at the end.
This girl. If she were real, I’d give her my babies. She is almost the most developed female character in the book series, considering the little number of relevant scenes she was given. I say almost because I actually do think JKR missed the concluding bulls-eye with her arc, particularly in HBP and DH. I, like everyone else, expected her to do a lot more than she did (c’mon she’s one of the only kids connected to fucking Voldemort, that had to have counted for something?!?!). With that being said, she’s the only female character who has a consistent rise in characterization throughout the books: starting off as a bubbly 10 year old waving and crying to see her brothers leave, a shy 11 year old who can’t speak around Harry but can to her diary and trauma ensues, a quiet 12 year old who still doesn’t talk to Harry but is overcoming her reputation as the girl who opened the Chamber and was victimized by literal Voldemort himself, and so on and so forth to the flawed, stubborn, angry, petty, defensive but also caring, compassionate, funny, clever, sassy girl we have by HBP and DH. As the books go on, you really see her shine and become a woman in her own right. And interestingly enough, her arc doesn’t repeat, like Hermione’s and Neville’s does; it has a clear direction that journeys from Book 1 to the end. For all of these reasons, I notice a lot of people claim she isn’t very developed - and while I agree she could definitely be more - I’d also argue she’s one of the most obviously developed too. Plus, I’ve always been fascinated by her connection to Voldemort and wish JKR explored it more herself: from her wand being made of the same wood as his (while Harry’s is made of the same core…hmmm interesting) to the interactions being much more gendered and personal than I’d even argue Harry’s. If I had to read about someone’s relationship with Voldemort other than Harry, Ginny definitely takes the cake, sorry Draco. I could go on and on about her, but if you want more Ginny meta, just check out my other posts dedicated just for her.
I'd also add that I like the fact that she doesn't always fit the mold of a stereotypical book!female hero: she isn't the absolute smartest in the room, she isn't a nitty-gritty perfectionist, she doesn't pine after and date only one boy, she likes nuances and creativity, she isn’t at the beck-and-call of the male protagonist who helps him all the time to complete His Task™, she likes sports and flowery perfumes, she is conventionally attractive and popular and knows it, she does quit her quidditch career to be a mother from an early age, and she does take Harry's last name as her own. None of the aforementioned are bad characteristics/intonations, of course, but the point is that girls' personalities (like all personalities lmfao) can and do vary. You don't have to be a certain type of woman to be a woman. Ginny Weasley is proof that if anyone tells you otherwise, they're delusional and need to get their internalized misogyny in check.
Because that is what being an independent, feminist is... having the power to choose what being a woman in this world means to you.
Thanks for the ask!
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 4/5
Book Blurb: A gripping second-chance retelling of the classic Nosferatu & Dracula tale! Listen to them, the children of the night… Mina Harker bites off more than she can chew the night that she and her fellow treasure hunters open up a tomb with more in it than just some dusty family relics. A monster is now loose, and has his sights set squarely on her. The vampire is ancient, seemingly unstoppable, and claims to know Mina from another life. But as history begins to repeat itself, will he get another chance at love? Or is he forever doomed to be alone with nothing but the corpses he leaves in his wake for company? Caught in the alluring web of the unknowable creature, Mina has to choose between her friends…and the man with the red eyes who seems to call out to her very soul. Warning: The Vengeful Vampire has themes of murder and betrayal. But mostly just a lot of murder. This is “horror romance,” so some content may be upsetting to some readers.
A Dracula retelling in which Mina and Dracula end up together? Uhm ABSOLUTELY. The story follows Mina Harker, a treasure hunter who accidentally unleashes a creature from a tomb with her treasure hunting friends. A monster that has set its sight on her and claims that he knows her and that they have a shared history. Despite everything. Mina can’t help but feel the truth in his statement. Yet everyone around her makes her question whether or not she can trust him. Mina must decide whether she can follow her heart or listen to her head, whether she is willing to risk it all for love or if she has to be parted from the one person who understands her. There is also the question of who hired them for the job to unleash said vampire and if said vampire is evil or not. This was a fun retelling, I’m a huge fan of the dracula x mina ship ( yes I also adore the classic novel but I can enjoy this ship too haha). This definitely was right up my alley and Vincent was just such a sweetheart for Mina. It was an interesting modern retelling featuring treasure hunters, vampires, and a an interesting new take on the other characters. Overall, a fun read!
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runin-reads · 2 years
Rinvenka compared to Rinezha
// the burning god spoilers
I’m a fan of both relationships (platonic, romantic, whatever) so I hope to provide a balanced view l.
There are many similarities between Venka and Nezha. Both come from wealthy families, both have pale skin and undeniable beauty. Both of them begin as Rin’s enemies in school.
Throughout the series Nezha is given more attention since Venka is often away from the plots location. There’s also this:
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[image description: a screen shot of a tweet by @venkaes . The tweet says “RF Kuang replied to my question and said there was a scene in tbg where rinvenka shared a bed in a cave and ended up kissing? And they had a quiet moment where they commiserated over their shared experiences and all of this was cut for pacing reasons I’m-“]
So we can conclude that if Venka had been given more chances be with Rin, like Kuang originally planned, their bond might have surpassed Rin and Nezha’s. I’m saying this because Venka chose Rin over her family/ duty as an aristocrat. Nezha did not. 
Though one could argue that the fire vs water, speerly vs Yin, “history repeats itself” symbolism for Rin and Nezha is there to establish them as the main couple, since the thematic cohesion makes perfect sense. And that’s totally valid!
Additionally both Nezha and Venka were willing to make huge sacrifices for Rin. Venka died saving her from the assassin, and Rin agreed to burn the Mugenese after reuniting with Venka at the end of tpw. Nezha gave up a nation to give her victory during the final battle against the dragon of Arlong.
“Nezha had not been able to deliver Rin’s corpse, despite having ample opportunity to kill her, and for that he’d given up a nation.” — page 746 of The Burning God. I got this on from a digital copy so the page number may differ.
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holyarcadeglitter · 3 years
Alright sit down. Let's have a chat about Cyberpunk 2077. This has been in my drafts for 3 days because I'm lazy and also sleep deprived.
I'm but a lowly QA tester, so maybe my opinion maybe isn't valid, but I am in the gaming Industry, so that's gotta count for something, right? Right.
So, disclaimer, if you choose to play the game, I aint gonna hate you. I just think it's important to know what you're supporting.
Second disclaimer, I HAVE actually played this game very briefly (otherwise I'd be relying solely on hearsay).
Lastly, I'm putting a HUGE content warning here for the following: transphobia, racism, fetishization, queerphobia, exploitation, transgender slurs, ableism. As far as I recall, none of the links in the epilepsy section have the actual game play footage, so it should be safe to view those. Just to be safe though, this is an epilepsy content warning.
For those of you who do not wish to do your own research, I have compiled a huge list of references and resources pertaining to why this game isn't so great.
Let's go.
So over here is the first article I found partaining to transphobia. Here is a really shitty cop out excuse as to why the perpetuated transphobia in the first place, and here is the reason why it's a cop out.
Here, here, and here are just other links on it.
Now, I'm sure I don't have to explain the fetishization of trans women, but I will link some spots for you to check that out. Basically, trans fetishization has been rampant in the anime and gaming community with tropes such as "s**sy"* and "f**tanari" (which itself has interesting history but has been bastardized by western fans. This thread has some interesting takes. Maybe not all good though.).
Fetishization of femmes
This link explaining that trans women are NOT for your "sexual bucket list"
This one on tropes
This one one fetishism
Their response was also one of the oldest, most tired back lashes at the trans community. Yup.
"Did you just assume my gender"
More on that here.
Let's not forget that the game completely disregards a wide range of its player base by being ableist. Yeah. There was a scene which could trigger epilepsy in photosensitive players. And it had no warning and was unskippable.
Now, as a QA, my job is literally to find bugs before players do. To keep them safe from shit like this, to keep my bosses safe from backlash, and to keep hardware safe from memory leaks and whatnot. I, of all people, am HIGHLY aware that some bugs slip through the cracks. It happens! It's okay! But a bug this fucking dangerous with a studio of this caliber is absolutely unacceptable. Not even a goddamn warning.
Now, let's move on to the actual people. The gaming industry it cut throat. Deadlines are scary. I do not want to normalize crunch, but it happens, especially in this industry. The least the studios could do is be transparent about it and pay overtime. It's probably not great if it's mandatory too.
Moving on to the game play. Personally, to me, it just felt like Grand Theft Auto but with shiny lights and a custom character. Nothing worth writing home about. I'm easy to please when it comes to graphics, but again, for a game of that caliber, they're not special. I've seen modders do better jobs. Granted, I understand that one modder may spend months on a single texture, and expecting any more from this project would quite likely actually endanger CDPR employees.
Lastly, the game plays on so many racial stereotypes and generalizations (but that's probably a "glitch")
That's also not even going into the stuff about sex work and mysoginy that the game depicts. Anyway, that's my two cents on this. Buy it, don't buy it, I don't care (just kidding, I obviously do since I made this whole ass post while using tumblrs sucky mobile formating) but just know what you're getting into. I'm sorry if I repeated some of the links, as I said, Tumblr mobile is tricky. There you have it.
TL;DR: Here's a nice summary.
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pennylanefics · 3 years
future - isaac lahey
a/n: i wanted to write something short and sweet where you and isaac just talk about your future and this is what happened :)
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“have you ever thought about the future?” isaac wonders as you two lay in his bed together. both of you had a long last week of junior year and now it’s over for the summer.
“not really. kind of scares me.”
“how?” isaac strokes your cheek with his thumb and his fingers rest on your neck.
“if i were to plan for something to happen, like say i want a certain job, and maybe by a certain time in my life or a certain age, it’s going to crush me if i don’t accomplish it. i want to take things day by day.”
“understandable,” isaac smiles. “have you ever thought about if you’ll be married, have kids, or any sort of stuff like that?” this time, you smile, and scoot closer to your boyfriend.
“yeah. i want two kids, and a cat. maybe a dog, but maybe a second cat.”
“what kind of dog?”
“norwich terrier. never been a huge fan of big dogs.”
“of course. so, two kids? what would you name them?”
“if it’s a girl, i’d name her margot. and if it’s a boy, river.”
“some unique-ish names,” isaac chuckles. your cheeks heat up and you shrug in response.
“kira, allison, lydia, and i had a girls night and once it hit midnight, the conversation got a lot more personal, and the topic of baby names came up.”
“oh really? is that what girls do at sleepovers?” a giggle escapes your lips and you nod.
“pretty much. what about you, huh?”
“what about me?”
“baby names for the kids you want?”
“unfortunately, i don’t have a list, yet. but i’ve always loved the name athena.”
“that checks out since you’re really into greek mythology,” you respond. isaac blushes and casts his eyes down between your bodies.
“i mean, when the time comes, i’ll be more into picking names for children, but, like you, part of me is worried about it.”
“why?” your eyebrows furrow in confusion. isaac sighs and sits up, bringing his knees up and locking his arms around them. you push yourself up as well and wait for him to continue.
“i’m terrified of turning out like my own father. and my mother died young, so i don’t exactly know what it’s like to have a real family. but i’m so scared of history repeating itself and not being able to emotionally be there for my child.”
the quivering in his voice broke your heart. your hand comes up to rub his back softly.
“hey, i know you’ll be an amazing father. i know you will do anything in your power to prevent what happened to you, i know you will do everything to protect your children. with the way you protect me, it’s no question you’ll be a great dad.”
isaac’s head turns to you and he grins. you two stare at each other before isaac leans closer to you and kisses you deeply.
“i love you,” he whispers. “so much.”
“is she finally eating?” isaac steps into the nursery, where you sit in the rocking chair, feeding your daughter, athena, a bottle.
“yeah.” you sigh and rest your head against the back of the chair, smiling up at isaac as he comes to stand next to you.
“maybe she’ll finally settle down for the night.” you nod and stare down at her. a couple minutes pass before she pulls away from the bottle and stirs in your arms.
“here, i’ll take her,” isaac says, grabbing her from you. “go get ready for bed, it’s late.”
“thank you.” you head back to your room and change into a t-shirt of isaac’s, forgoing shorts, and climb into bed. soon after, isaac returns, with athena still in his arms.
“she wants to fall asleep with us,” he chuckles, cradling her.
“that’s fine for now. but when she’s out, put her in the crib in the corner.”
isaac hands her to you for a moment and joins you under the covers. once he’s comfortable, he takes her back and lays her on her stomach against his chest.
“i never thought this would be my life,” isaac whispers, almost in a dream-like way. “having a daughter with the most beautiful woman in the world, moving in a much better direction than i thought was possible with how much i went through. and i can’t thank you enough.”
you turn on your side and caress his cheek, then moving down to athena’s back.
“you’ve gone through hell and back all your life. and with recent events, you deserve to have all the happiness in the world.”
“and thanks to you, i have the two most important people in the world right here. i will love you for as long as i live, and i will protect both you and our athena.” you can’t help but tear up at his words. after being with each other for so long now, he still is so sweet, romantic, and makes you cry out of love.
“i love you so much, isaac,” you whimper, kissing him sweetly, his smile eventually breaking it.
“i love you and our daughter just as much.”
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starryseung · 4 years
bang chan + smut
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word count; 1.5k words
warnings; oral (fem! receiving), fingering, overstimulation
[ 17:49 ]
chan taps his foot lightly against the tiles of the store, moving his trolley front and back as he waits for the old lady in front of him to finish paying. changbin is no help to his impatience either; he’d gone back into the chips section since chan had gotten a packet that ‘seemed slightly lighter than normal’. when the senior in front of him moves away, he’s contemplating leaving changbin behind and making him pay for it himself.
“hello! how are you doing,” chan looks up at the cashier, eyes almost bulging out their sockets. they quickly flicker on your nametag before he starts piling up the snacks from the trolley onto the conveyor. lee y/n. the name sounded awfully familiar, he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
“oh, y/n! from that history project! of course, how could i forget,” chan chuckles, mentally murdering himself for embarrassing himself in front of you. you simply giggle, reminded of how you two spent the entire evening watching movies, playing games, and other things, instead of working on the project. the thought itself makes you blush, how chan had taken good care of you that night. you two agreed on not bringing it up after that, not knowing you would meet a whole year later.
you mindlessly scan the objects as chan keeps placing the snacks packet by packet, almost to the point where the food on the other side is starting to pile into a pyramid, threatening to fall.
“are you having guests over?” you look up at him as he still pulls out the last few packets of chips.
“uhh, not really. my parents aren’t in town so i’m just... eating and sleeping,”
“ah,” you suppress a laugh as he sighs and pushes the trolley away, “they must be away for a long time then, this could last more than a week,” you start pushing the canned food and chips into a bag as chan walks over to help you.
“no, this is uh... it’s just for today,” he mutters out the last part and this time, your eyes were nearly popping out their sockets. he alone, was going to eat all this, today? it was almost six in the evening; for a second you thought he’d lost his mind. you seal your mouth trying to hold back the laugh that unfortunately passes your lips, and chan can only scratch his neck in embarrassment as you do so.
“th-that’ll be fifty-four dollars and forty cents,” you hit a few keys on the register to pop it open and push in the change chan hands you, handing him his bill and bags. “maybe you can help me finish it,”
your head snaps up, brain registering the words leaving chan. your crush of almost a year just asked you if you could hang out at his place. keep it cool, keep it cool, relax. you look back at the clock across the store, smiling to look back at him.
“yeah sure! my shift ends by nine today, so i’ll try coming over,”
chan had never been so happy having a friend over at his house. it was as if you and chan knew each other for a lifetime; how you two would kick each other when one of you commented on the ‘bad gameplay’ of the other, or how halfway, you seated yourself between his legs on the ground, each of your mouths full of chips and soda.
but that wasn’t remotely close to what had his heart beating a mile a minute. the way you groaned and whined throughout the hard levels, how you would throw your head back when he would win and you would lose, how you had your leg unknowingly dangling on his. yeah, that’s what had his heart beating a mile a minute.
you had him distracted enough to win the game, wriggling in victory as you did. doing a small dance as you were seated between his legs, it doesn’t take you long to realize how you’re affecting chan, his bottom lip worried between his teeth, holding back a groan as you oh-so-innocently move against his crotch.
either she’s too into it, or she’s doing it on purpose; is the only thought running in chan’s head right now, as he’s trying his hardest to not let a groan past his lips. it’s a no thoughts, head empty situation for the poor guy when you turn around and poke your tongue out at him, smirking while turning back, and it's as if the last strings keeping him sane were cut to shreds.
he exhales heavily, pushing you back-first onto the rug you two were seated on, before crawling up to have his face directly above yours. his eyes are blown out with lust, and the obvious erection he had (because of you) poking your thigh made you blush harder.
“you were doing that on purpose, baby?” his hot breath fans over your lips, lungs invaded by his strong scent.
“i-i don’t know what you’re talking about,” you can all but squeak, and his eyes turn harder at your words. he scoffs, bringing up his free hand to push your hair back.
“i hope you haven’t forgotten that night, babygirl,” he smirks and your eyes involuntarily close as you reminisce about the time you spent with him, “or do you want me to remind you…?”
a shiver runs up your spine, and chan’s hand runs smooth down your temples, resting against your neck. he places a chaste kiss on your jaw, smiling as if he wasn’t just going to go down on you. he moves lower, placing quick open-mouthed kisses down your neck and shoulder, pushing the material on your shoulder aside to nip at the skin. 
your head rests back against the soft rug beneath you, chan working his way down as he skips removing your shirt, too impatient to get between your legs. you let out a breathy moan when his hands ghost over your shorts, and you rise your hips as a sign to make him remove them off of you. he huffs out a chuckle, tugging his fingers on your panties and pulling them down along with your shorts, and a loud hiss leaves you as the cold air in the room hits your dripping core.
“hmm? seems like you knew what i was talking about,” chan smirks, blowing warm air onto your heat and you clench around nothing, one of his hands snaking up under your shirt to toy with your nipples. you whine at the tease, and chan simply hums before licking once, twice, up your folds, going all the way to press the tip of his tongue against your clit.
“you’re just as sweet as that night,” chan growls, attaching his lips onto your folds and lightly sucking at it, the pressure sending you over the edge. his fingers gently tweak at your sensitive buds, rolling it between his fingers before pulling them, all while his tongue continued working wonders on your hole.
he flicks his tongue one last time on your clit, before prodding it at your entrance, lips rubbing against your skin as he pushes his tongue in and out of you.
you know its either the fingers working on your breast, his tongue thrusting into your hole, or his soft lips ghosting around your pussy that has you tipped over the edge. the sweet euphoria of your orgasm pushed back just the slightest when chan tastes your precum on his tongue.
but it isn’t for long that your cunt is left devoid of his touch. he brings his free hand to your folds, thrusting two fingers instantly at a high pace, leaving you breathless under his touch. he pushes his digits in you, curling them just enough to press against your sensitive spot. you cry out in pleasure, and he repeats his actions, scissoring and pumping his fingers in you.
your thighs are trembling, and its just the sign chan wanted, fingers pulling at your nipples as he brushes his thumb over them again and again.
“you’re gonna cum, babygirl?” he grins, speeding up his fingers just the slightest as he presses his thumb against your clit.
you can only respond with a messy nod, fingers pulling at the threads of the rug under you as you come around his fingers, which continue moving in you at a slower pace. you whine when he doesn’t stop, trying to swat his hand away and wriggle out of his touch.
“ch-chan please, i can’t, don’t wanna—” you’re blabbering nonsense by now, and even so, it falls on deaf ears, chan slows his fingers on your breast, rubbing soothing circles on your waist; a huge contrast to what is happening between your legs.
he continues pistoning his fingers in and out of you, bringing his lips down to suck and hum at your clit. the sensations overload in you, and you can only see white and black when he has you coming twice that night from just his fingers and that damned mouth. you cover his fingers in your juices, spilling out of your hole even before he pulls them out.
he wipes his fingers on his pants, handing you your shorts with a cheeky grin.
“what are you laughing about,”
“i hope you’re staying the night,”
a/n; mwahaha >:D updates might be a little less frequent, maybe only a fic or two every week, since i’ll start working for the kinktober thing now😤 thank you so much for reading!! <3
taglist; @joengni @cherryeol04 @lomlminho @bruh-changbin @yooniversalstudios @ann0325441904 @yourdaddychan @minhoslittlebitch (message me if you want to be added!)
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blushing-titan · 3 years
What are the odds if Mappa studio plan's to do a different ending for Attack on Titan: The Final Season [Part 2] instead of following though the entire Manga series (2009 - 2021) that end's sadly for Paradis island getting destroyed by the world in the 8 extra page's in the final chapter (139).
I honesty thought Armin had succeed about telling his story to the world but as the 8 extra page's we're released in June (I think) he clearly failed in the end by letting Paradis island getting completely destroyed and filled with bloodshed (like Floch has mentioned in chapter 129) and it shows that history about the world hating the Eldian empire hasn't changed at all and the cycle getting repeated again (like Eren Kruger has mentioned in Grisha/Eren's memories).
So what exactly did Eren or Armin (or the Eldian empire) really achieve in the end?
Armin failed his story to the world.
The History and cycle has repeated itself again.
The Eldian empire has fallen to the world.
Eren's plan failed (except letting his friends live).
The entire series of Attack on Titan manga got reconed + including the guide book's.
There was no freedom in the end only death and destruction.
[King] Floch was right all along (between chapter 129 - 132).
The possibility of a different timeline happening in the Final Season of Attack on Titan [Part 2] is about 15% in my prospective view. But we will have to see what the Anime director of Mappa studio decides wether to follow the story of the Manga or not.
Note: It's not always about the money you know to make fan's (like me) happy.
Hello and thank you very much for sharing your thoughts on the subject! ✨
I think the chances for the anime-only ending are next to none, but I'm sure there will be some changes. For example, considering the huge backlash ch. 138-139 got, I believe there will definitely be some differences when it comes to the Armin/Eren convo. The original wording was...well...very poor, so I think they'll try to avoid the controversy.
Still, I believe the studio doesn't have as much to say here as the publishers/author, and I think they'll stick to the ending we saw in the manga as much as possible...
(...which is quite unfortunate, and I'm already shivering when I think of that one pseudo-kiss, Eren's tantrum, or Ymir's backstory animated...😬)
I guess they could try to make one or two OVAs trying to explore different possible outcomes, but again - I don't think they'd actually do that. One thing I'm sure of is that the anime-onlies are in for one messy finale and I already wonder what will they say about everything that's about to unfold.
Hope your day is great, thank you again for messaging! ☺
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monstersandmaw · 3 years
Male vampire x male character - Part Three (nsfw)
Edit which I’m including in all my works after plagiarism and theft has taken place: I do not give my consent for my works to be used, copied, published, or posted anywhere. They are copyrighted and belong to me.
This is going to be a four-parter, folks! And here's 3866 words of Part Three for you. Angst ahoy, but you know me, ok, so trust me. Here we meet Alec's little brother, and you'll find out why Sebastien was so jumpy and weird about the Twayblade name.
Part One, Part Two
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Alec’s ‘one night stand’ with Sebastien turned into a whole month of of ‘one-night-stands’, and culminated in Sebastien asking him to dinner the following weekend - a pattern which repeated itself every weekend after that.
Sure, the sex was probably the most incredible sex that Alec had ever experienced in his entire life, but what he came to enjoy even more was the time they spent over meals and cups of tea in the intervening time, talking about everything from history to politics to video games and books and everything else besides. Sebastien talked about literature a lot, and Alec sketched him and illustrated his conversations while he spoke.
“You could really make something of yourself with talent like that,” Sebastien had murmured once as Alec had doodled a quick rendition of the Victory of Samothrace on the back of a coffee shop receipt one afternoon in the park.
“Meh,” he shrugged without looking up. “I’d like to, but I’ve got a steady job now, you know? I’m not going to throw it all away just because some gallery might take my work and I might make something of a name for myself, you know?”
Sebastien sighed. “Talent is such an overused word, and great art is rarely based on raw talent alone, but with your dedication over the years, you’ve really honed what natural abilities you have into something exceptional, Alec. I think you should make a go of it at least.”
Alec had flushed, and Sebastien had been distracted by the rising colour his cheeks long enough to abandon that train of thought in favour of kissing him silly on a park bench, and Alec hadn’t much minded.
At an Iranian restaurant near Alec’s place one Friday, four weeks after Halloween, Sebastien leaned on his elbow and popped a fragrant and decadent zoolbia into his mouth, and Alec watched, oddly fixated by the way his fingers held the little fried treat. His eyes, dark and warm and inviting, blinked slowly and he offered Alec a slow-dawning smile that stole his breath.
“We should go to the museum again,” Alec he blurted, thinking back three days when they’d spent their lunchtime meandering around the Italian Renaissance gallery together.
“Mmm?” he asked, licking his fingers in a way that made Alec’s jeans tighten and his throat close.
“Yeah,” he croaked. “I mean, I know you’re not sick of me waxing endlessly about quattrocento art just yet…” he said, sipping his delicious cup of tea and trying not to choke on it as Sebastien’s ankle skimmed up his leg beneath the table.
“No,” Sebastien admitted. “You’re right. I’m not.”
With the bill paid by Sebastien this time, after Alec had bought them lunch the previous day, the two of them left the cosy warmth of the restaurant and stepped out into a bitter November night. “Oh fuck it’s cold,” Alec swore immediately, drawing up the collar of his coat.
“You want to head home?” Sebastien asked, a hand on the small of his back.
Unconsciously, Alec leaned into it and smiled up at him. They’d not yet been to Alec’s apartment, and he found himself more and more reluctant to let Sebastien in now that he’d seen the stunning penthouse that he called home. “If you’re sure? I think your wardrobe has more square footage than my entire place though…”
“Alec,” he purred, taking Alec’s hand in his and squeezing his fingers. “I —”
“—You’re freezing,” he commented, interrupting whatever Sebastien had been about to say.
“I don't tend to run hot,” he conceded, “But neither do I feel the cold much. I’d like to see your home, and you have nothing to be embarrassed about.”
He leaned in close and kissed the junction of Alec’s jaw and neck for a moment, his lips lingering, tongue just lapping at his skin and sending shivers down Alec’s whole body, shorting out his brain for a heartbeat or six. Sebastien raked his teeth over Alec’s pounding pulse point and he went still, frozen in a paroxysm of pleasure and, oddly, a strange thrill of fear he couldn’t quite place. Instead of pulling away when he recovered himself, however, he tilted his head further to one side, offering himself to Sebastien’s mouth, and the other man moaned decadently, deepening his attentions.
Sebastien’s hands found Alec’s belt and he tugged him sharply closer so that their hips met. Alec tried not to grind himself against Sebastien — they were still on a public street for goodness’ sake — but desire was washing through him in pulsing waves and it was becoming harder and harder to think rationally. That wasn’t the only thing that was becoming hard either, and he let out a harsh grunt before forcing himself to step back with a sheepish grin.
When he looked up at Sebastien, he found that the slightly taller man had frozen and was breathing hard, eyes closed, lips pursed together as though restraining himself from something.
“You ok?”
“Fine,” Sebastien hissed, still not opening his eyes.
Alec frowned. Sebastien looked like he was in pain of all things. “You sure? You look —”
“I’m fine!” he snapped through a clenched jaw. “Let’s go. You’re right. It is cold.”
The short walk to Alec’s apartment passed in tense silence, with Sebastien keeping his eyes locked downwards on the pavement, though he did deign to hold Alec’s hand. He couldn’t help wondering if perhaps he’d pushed things too far in public, given how proper Sebastien tended to be, but then again, Sebastien was the one who had deepened the gesture by practically mauling at his neck for three minutes straight back then.
Alec’s apartment building wasn’t fancy at all, and it certainly didn’t have a doorman, and once they’d stumbled in through the hallway with the busted light fitting in the ceiling, Alec smashed the elevator call button only to find it dull and non-responsive. “Damn,” he cursed. “Out of order again. Stairs?”
“If needs be,” Sebastien said with a gracious smile.
“This would never happen over at Buckingham Palace,” he quipped back, and Sebastien cracked a smile at Alec’s silly nickname for his apartment block.
“Exercise will shake all that dinner down,” he conceded.
Alec twitched his eyebrows in agreement and held the door open to the stairwell for him. As he passed by in the confined space, Sebastien stopped and leaned in, taking Alec’s jaw in his cool hands and kissing him gently, reverently, on the lips.
“I’m sorry,” he breathed. “I was rude back then.”
Alec shrugged, feeling awkward at the sheer, heartfelt tenderness in the gesture.
“I got carried away. It won’t happen again.”
“I like it when you’re rougher with me,” he smirked. “You should know that after a month of fucking me senseless.”
As if Alec’s words had hit him like a sledgehammer to the nuts, Sebastien rolled his eyes and grimaced, but he did laugh. “You do seem to like a firm hand, granted,” he said. “Let’s get upstairs shall we? Before I take you right here, and I’m not sure how sanitary this situation is…”
Alec needed no more encouragement, and he didn’t even get to give Sebastien the fleeting, one-minute tour of his tiny flat before the man was on him, kissing him blind and backing him into a wall hard enough to knock the wind from him. Sebastien came alive in moments like that, when he could kiss him and lavish attention on Alec, and the latter was not about to stop him.
It wasn’t long before Sebastien’s wandering lips found Alec’s neck again, and as Alec gasped, fists balled into Sebastien’s shirt collar, he felt the sharp prick of teeth quickly followed by the generous suck of a love bite in the making. His knees went weak and he nearly staggered as a huge rush of endorphins swam through his mind, leaving him limp and wobbly all over. Well, almost everywhere.
“I want you,” he gasped, and Sebastien lost no time in locating the tiny bedroom and tossing him onto the bed, stripping them both with startlingly attractive efficiency. Alec barely managed to yank a bottle of lube and a box of condoms from his top drawer before Sebastien was spreading his legs and laving his tongue up over the curve of his balls.
“Oh fuck me,” Alec exclaimed as Sebastien’s slick finger slid into him and he hissed at the intrusion. A moment later, he was lying with his head flung back into the pillows while Sebastien slid a second inside him and began to do just that with his fingers until Alec was finally ready — and more than desperate — for Sebastien’s cock.
Sebastien had a beautiful body, all lean, corded muscle and slender lines, and as he got more and more aroused, his deep olive skin seemed to glow almost supernaturally. He was perfection incarnate. Bernini couldn’t have carved him, even if he’d been given a lifetime to try. Alec was no Bernini but he’d still love to sculpt him.
Sebastien chuckled sweetly and crooked his finger, sending a jolt of searing pleasure through Alec so hard his vision whited out for a moment and his back arched. “I’m flattered,” Sebastien murmured, placing open-mouthed, messy kisses down Alec’s leg as he spontaneously bent that knee up.
“Shit, I said that out loud…” he laughed, still vague and giddy with the sensations sparking under his skin.
“Mmm,” he smiled, lowering his face to Alec’s inner thigh and kissing fervently all up his leg to the crease of his thigh and hips before smoothing his leg back down onto the bed. His breath fanned out across Alec’s sensitive skin and he quivered and bucked, causing Sebastien’s curled finger to brush his prostate again and he yelled.
Moments later, Sebastien entered him at last and stilled, allowing him to adjust to the new intrusion.
When he fucked him like this, Sebastien seemed to take on a new energy, becoming something almost more primal, and Alec lived for it. The expression on his face as he closed his eyes and simply enjoyed the heat of Alec’s body closing around him, taking him, drawing him in, was something he would never get used to, no matter how many times it happened. He was certain of it.
“You’re so tight,” Sebastien grunted, easily shifting Alec’s hips up a degree or two and adjusting his own angle so that he could thrust into his prostrate with every stroke.
Alec’s words failed him as immense pleasure ripped through him, building and building. “You’re gonna make me come if you keep that up,” he barely managed to grunt as Sebastien somehow picked up the pace and began to pound into him with renewed vigour. The man seemed utterly devoted to Alec’s pleasure, as if it was the only thing driving him.
With an utterly inhuman snarl, Sebastien opened his mouth and whispered, “Come for me.”
The sheer weight of command in his voice tore through Alec and he came instantly, untouched, painting his torso with ropes of his release and wrenching Sebastien’s own orgasm from him by sheer force a second after.
Sebastien curled forwards with a hiss, hips spasming as he released, and his lips found Alec’s neck again, and then his collarbone. In the daze of his own peak, Alec thought he saw a flash of red in Sebastien’s eyes again, but he was out of sight too quickly for him to believe what he’d seen. Instead, he found Sebastien kissing his hammering pulse while he finished. Finally going still, Sebastien slumped atop him, breathing hard, his white-blond hair spilling everywhere and tickling Alec’s stubble. He was too tired to care though.
When he woke, hours later, he realised groggily that it must be the middle of the night. Sebastien was curled up beside him, obviously having found the tiny bathroom to clean up, and he was now spread out beside him on his small, lumpy mattress as if this were a palace and he a prince, not some tiny, shitty apartment in the rough bit of town.
Something about the way Sebastien slept still freaked Alec the fuck out. He didn’t seem to be breathing, and when he had laid his palm on Sebastien’s chest on their first night together, the man had gasped and jolted awake like the living dead, sucking in air like he’d been underwater for hours. This time, he refrained from touching him, and instead stared at his inhuman beauty. There wasn’t a mark or scar or freckle on him, and his darkly tanned body spread out over the white sheets like a bronze sculpture arranged in a gallery for the adoration of thousands. And yet he chose Alec to be his only supplicant. Something lurched in his chest and he smiled bashfully, blushing, although there was no one to witness it.
Awake, Sebastien looked maybe thirty, thirty five years old, but asleep, he looked far younger; closer to eighteen or nineteen perhaps, with an innocence around his white-lashed eyes and the natural downward curl of his beautiful lips.
Unable to resist touching him completely, Alec kissed him and rolled over, drawing the duvet up around his ears and sinking back into a deep, dreamless sleep. His whole body felt heavy and satiated in a way he’d never experienced before with anyone. Something clenched in his heart; this felt right somehow.
But nothing is fated to last forever, is it?
Alec stirred groggily, unwillingly, the next morning, becoming aware of a rapid-fire knocking on the apartment door. Grunting, he kicked back the covers and fished for a pair of boxers and a shirt from the floor beside the bed. Sebastien slept on, apparently not having moved at all since the previous evening. Did he have sleep apnoea or something? It was something he’d have to bring up after he’d sorted whatever this was. It wasn’t natural for a man to sleep like that.
Like the dead.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” he grumbled, stumbling across the apartment and peering though the peephole in the door. Twitching back in surprise, he opened it. “Theo?”
His little brother’s bright, sunny grin beamed back at him. “Hey bro,” he chuckled jovially, stepping in as if he owned the place and shooting him a cheeky look back over his shoulder. “Brunch?”
“Brunch?” Alec frowned. “Since when do you do ‘brunch’? And since when is it brunchtime anyway?” He glanced at the clock in the kitchen and his eyebrows rose. It was well past eleven o’clock.
“Late night, I see,” Theo snickered, eyeing Sebastien’s shirt which was still on the floor outside the bedroom door, currently ajar from Alec’s hasty exit.
“Shut up.”
Theo’s grin doubled and his blue eyes glittered. Like Alec, he had the unusual combination of dark hair and blue eyes, and like Alec he could be described as ‘roguish’ at times. Now though, it bordered on downright Puckish. Looking not his actual twenty-one years but somewhere closer to sixteen, Theo shook his head.
“Brother mine, when will you —” he snorted but then stopped and his expression fell, shattering from playful to horrified in a heartbeat before he rapidly attempted to cover it by turning towards the bedroom. “Is he still here?” he whispered.
“Yeah, so keep the jokes to a minimum, would you?” Alec snarled. “What did you want anyway?”
But Theo had changed completely. Gone was the ebullient Labrador puppy and instead a tense, alert, wary young man stood before him.
“What the fuck’s wrong?” Alec hissed, heartbeat ticking faster like an over-wound clock.
And Theo spun and then froze as the door to the bedroom opened and Sebastien appeared on the threshold.
Theo’s lip curled into an ugly snarl and Sebastien regraded him steadily, apparently unfazed by the unexpected hostility.
“The younger Twayblade, I assume,” he said with such ice in his usually warm tone that it shook Alec into stunned silence. “Well, this is unexpected.”
“You’re shitting me,” Theo whispered, horror thickening his tone.
Alec blinked and looked from Sebastien to his little brother and back again. Never in all his years of dating men had he felt so uneasy around a family member. “What’s going on…?” he finally croaked.
“That’s what — who — you’re sleeping with?” Theo practically spat out.
Cold, defensive vitriol bubbled up inside him and he might actually have lunged for his brother had Sebastien not crossed the room in three rapid strides and laid a gentle hand on his forearm. “I take my leave,” he said quickly.
“Not so fast, fang-face,” Theo sneered and Sebastien froze. “Get away from my brother.”
“Or what?” Sebastien said in the quietest and steadiest of voices.
“What the fuck is going on!” Alec blurted into the tense silence that followed Sebastien’s taunt.
The other two blinked, and Sebastien sighed. He met Alec’s eye as he asked, “You really didn’t know at all, did you?”
“Know what?” Alec snapped, rage rolling through him. “Do you two know each other or something? What am I missing here?”
“I think this is a family matter that you need to work out between you,” Sebastien said, voice still tinged with frost. “Alec, you know where to reach me if you decide to continue what we’ve shared this past month.” And with that, he turned and walked from the apartment.
“Wait, stop!” Alec yelled after him, but he was gone down the stairwell and Theo was at his side, tugging him back into the apartment. “Fucking explain yourself!” he snapped, rounding on his brother.
“You’d… better sit down.”
“No. Tell me what’s going on. Right now.”
Theo stared him down, meeting blazing sapphire stare with blazing sapphire stare. “Sit. Down.”
The tone of his voice shocked Alec into doing exactly that, and he sank numbly down onto the saggy old couch in the living room without a word.
What followed next was like something from a movie.
“The Twayblades are an ancient family of monster hunters,” Theo said gently. “Father’s not in the military. Well, he is, but it’s not a normal unit or anything. That’s just a cover.”
“And mother?” he asked mechanically, the information-dump that Theo had just heaped upon him not sinking in, but floating like scum on the surface of his churning mind.
“She’s one too. And Ellie.”
“Ellie hunts… monsters?” he asked. “Like… what… the Boogeyman? Bigfoot?” Incredulity made his tone flippant, but something in the calm sincerity of his brother’s eyes told him it was true, no matter how stupid it sounded.
“Dracula…?” Theo added darkly.
“Dracula.” And then the penny dropped. “Wait. ‘Fang-face’. You’re saying you think my boyfriend is a vampire?”
Theo levelled him with a look from where he was leaning against the windowsill, arms folded over his chest in a manner eerily reminiscent of his big brother.
Now as Alec regarded him, he saw the harsh young man that this little kid had become. The puppy fat had melted into a steel jaw and a hard gaze, and his body seemed coiled for action at any moment. He had the body of a soldier, Alec realised with plunging horror. He knew Theo worked out — he was apparently a personal trainer and nutritional coach for celebrities in London, but even that seemed to have been a lie after what he’d just learned. Apparently the Twayblades actually hunted monsters — he and their parents and their older sister Ellie. Alec and Angie had been left out because they were apparently not ‘hunter material’ whatever that meant. Maybe it meant he was a monster fucker instead. He almost laughed.
“Theo, come on… I can’t believe any of this,” Alec said, leaning back into the sofa and pressing the heels of his palms to his aching eyeballs. All he’d wanted to do this morning was to wake up and maybe have Sebastien fuck him into the mattress a few times before breakfast until he was wrung out and softly buzzing like they had every weekend for the last month.
Now he was having some bizarre fairytale forced at him and he was supposed to believe it like it was some kind of sick joke. But he did believe it, and that was what scared him most of all. It wasn’t a joke. Theo showed him videos his father and he had captured on some of their ‘hunts’, exterminating a poltergeist here and eradicating a revenant there, and in the end Theo phoned their father on speaker, opening without preamble, “Dad, Alec’s dating a vampire.”
“Do you have proof?” was their father’s instant, chilling response. No ‘I'm sorry, what did you say, son?’ or ‘What’s all this nonsense?’. No. He went straight to the heart of it. With a stake.
“Just walked past the sucker leaving the flat.”
“No, thank goodness. Maybe just a century at most?”
“Can you eliminate him without alerting Alec?” their father asked, at which point Alec’s heart cracked.
He leapt to his feet and blurted, “Fucking what?”
After a heartbeat of silence, their father sighed. “Unfortunate. I had hoped to keep you and Angela out of this.”
“You’re telling me it’s all real?”  he asked, goggling at Theo who held the phone out on speaker between them like it was a live grenade. “You’re all insane!”
“Tell me something, son,” his father said flatly. “Have his eyes ever flared red during a moment of passion? Does he seem to fixate on your neck? Do you find yourself willing to do as he wishes without question?”
Theo interjected quickly, “He’s not compelled. His eyes are clear.”
“Well, that’s something at least,” their father scoffed. “Theo, you know what you have to do. Kill it.”
“‘It’?” Alec shot, eyes bulging, and Theo did have the grace to cringe. “Kill it? You’re going to kill him? He’s a lecturer at the university, Theo. You can’t just fucking kill him?!”
“He might be under the guild rules…” Theo said. “He might be a blood bank user, not a live-feeder… I’ll look into it first.”
Alec’s knees turned to water but he kept himself upright through sheer force of will.
“Fine. But don’t hesitate. And don’t make concessions just because Alec might be compromised.”
Theo nodded and hung up without farewell. “Look, Alec,” he grimaced. “I’m… I’m sorry, ok? I didn’t come here to —”
“— to kill my boyfriend?” he growled, taking a step towards his little brother. To his credit, Theo did actually take half a step back in the face of Alec’s confused, hurt, betrayed ire, holding his hand palm-up.
“No. I came here to see if you wanted to grab lunch, but —”
“—Get out.”
“Get out!” he roared, jabbing his index finger at the door and pulling out his phone.
Theo surprised him by nodding and leaving, shutting the door behind him with a click and leaving Alec standing in the centre of the living room, chest heaving, phone in hand, ears ringing.
As his brother’s footsteps disappeared down the stairwell, he unlocked his phone and dialled Sebastien’s number.
Three rings in, Sebastien answered.
“It it true?” Alec asked without preamble.
After a long inhale, Sebastien answered. “…Yes.”
Sorry for the cliffie!! More soon, but it’ll hit Patreon first, then Tumblr. Don’t let me forget, either!
Part Four
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Prince of Wishful Thinking (Tom Retrospective): Tough Love or The True Monster
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to Prince of Wishful Thinking, what is usually my look at the life and times of Tom Lucitor but since I NEED to cover the season 3 finale as vital part of Tom’s story, we’re taking one last look at the tragic tale of Meteora Butterfly before the finale sends these two stories hurtling together. You’d THINK this would be the last detour of this already sizeable arc.. and you’d be wrong as i’ll also be covering Kelly’s World, as I feel it’s vital for both “Curse of the Blood Moon” and “A Boy and his hard to remember title”, as it provides extra context for Marco’s anguish in the former.. and provides extra evidence for why a CERTAIN MOMENT in the latter pisses me off to no end.. seriously even when as universe dies and the only people left are Frankllin Richards and Galactus, there will still be a little note reading “Fuck how they treated Kelly” written in all caps so Galactus remembers to yell it. 
So sadly that DOES mean it’s been three entries in this retrospective in a row that either haven’t feature Tom at all or in the case of the last episode only had him in short cameos. I mean we did get his love affair for pie but we also got a creepy goblin man forcing his girlfriend and best friend to kiss each other, his best friend being WAY to eager to jump to that conclusion, and neither considering using Marco’s Scissors because the writers only remember he has those half the time in Season 3... and clearly I ddn’t either as I forgot to mention that plot hole, something @jess-the-vampire​ brought up to me. Sadly I DID forget to consult on this when we talked earlier this week , and she’s not online as I write this so I won’t have her insight for this one. 
But if you want some Tom content, i’m happy to share my crossover ship for the boy with you. I’ve been shipping him with Octavia from Helluva Boss lately.  Because of course it’s Helluva Boss, i’ve not been at all subtle with my obession with it and much like Letterkenny, X-Men and Dragon Ball Z Abriged it is a love I never plan to be subtle about. 
But I just think they compliment each other well: They have contrasting atittudes, and tastes in music, but seem like they’d share hobbies. Like taxidermy.. I could see Tom buying this... demonic combination of a badger, a skunk, a deer and my nightmares Octavia is preciously holding up.
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Granted I also feel tom would both animate them with their dead souls.. and then use his new woodland friends of the dammned as a chorus to sing “Can You Picture That” from the Muppet Movie, because that’s what my mind does on a regular day. I think the contrasting attitude creates great chemstiry and it made me also realize I have a thing for ships with directly contrasting home lives.  Tom has two loving decent parents who deeply love one another and at worst simply didn’t reign in his worse behavior because it was standard for demon stuff. Octavia in contrast simply has two parents, one who DOES love her and tries his best, but his best includes calling his side piece “My big dicked blitzy” right in front of her and hiring said side piece to guard them, and her mother who clearly thinks so little of her daughter’s emotional well being she hired a cowboy to shoot her daddy dead in the middle of a large crowd. The point is I think they’d be adorable and they both badly need to be happy after being emotionally fucked over by people they care about. 
But  alas my new ship will have to wait as we marginally important things to get down too.. things that will impact both this season and the next’s endgame and utterly destroy Eclipsa and Moon’s relationship for good. Sound fun? Well if so join me under the cut won’t you?
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We open in the Pidgeon Kingdom.. and things aren’t exactly great.. and by that I mean Meteora stomped a hole through it and ravaged the place and Rich demands blood.. and vengance.. and possibly blood vengance. But not Tekken Blood Vengance.. he already has like 5 copies of that on dvd. Still needs it on Blu Ray though, hook him up if you got it. 
So Moon and Eclipsa are trying to smooth this over/find out which way did she go George which way did she go, and are angrily dismissed after they try Rich’s patience, not helped by Eclipsa not being familiar with the Pidgeon Kingdom because they hadn’t slaughtered everyone who used to live there yet. Look that’s what happened, Star outright mentions in the Big Book of Spells that htey suddenly sprung up where another kingdom was and no one knows what happens. There was some bird murders up in that place.. or birdur if you will. Some birds drank some human blood. This is what Alfred Hitchock tried to warn us about with his film built on horrifying actress abuse. 
The point is with some more pidgeon-led murder stabbings on the cards our heroines are trying to find her since their attempts to convince Rich not to go on an Archer Style Rampage fell on deaf ears. 
But it’s clear from the second the two are alone both have diffrent priorties: Eclipsa desperatley wants to find the daughter she lost and talk her down from what sh’es become, help her become better and hopefuly heal from the pain she’s been in. She’s lost her husband, her kingdom and centuries. She can’t loose her baby girl too.
Moon on the other hand... clearly has no intrest in helping Meteora or stopping this peacefully. Her first thought is stopping Meteora. Her living through it is not necessary. It’s also clear her racisim isn’t REMOTELY gone depsite Buff Frog and Star’s best attempts and despite learning just how deeply and horribly Mewni’s engrained racism has hurt eclipsa and destoryed Moon’s own family history. To Moon this is just a big monster to fight.. i’ll dive into this more in a bit.
For now our heroines encounter an angry mob. This time their not here for Homer Simpson, but for Meteora as her rampages have destroyd their towns, livelehoods and given some weird guy a hat. It’s the best bit of the episode and i’m embarassed I forgot it happened. 
So with them being no help our queens back out but end up finding some actual help: Eddie! You know the guy from the episode I skipped over... River’s cousin or something like that. He dosen’t have a wiki entry, I do not know why. He’s voiced by Rhys Dharby of Flight of the Conchords Fame whose since made quite the career as a voice actor. No major roles yet that i’m aware of, but a lot of delightful minor ones like this. It’s good to see him he was one of the highlights of that show and not just because he sang this..
Eddie showed up in the Bog Beast of Boggabah and I honestly forgot he was in this episode.. but again, it’s Rhys Dharby. It’s not like suddenly finding out “Aw god dammit Pauly Shore is in this”. So Eddie agrees to help as he’s been tracknig Meteora.. and we find out something troubling: Meteora is getting BIGGER. Gradually, to the point the bog from said episode Is skipped over is drained because she DRANK IT. We also get a great exchange “I’d hate to see the size of her mother” “Actually her father more than helped with that”
Awwwww.... seriously Esme Blanco is a national treasure and has some great deliveries in this one.. and some heartbreaking ones. But before we can get to that it turns out Meteora sucked the powers out of Eddies family.. who he misses..e xcept one guy> That guy can fuck right off. Seriously Eddie is also a national treasure and I wish he’d shown up in season 4. I mean he couldn’t of HURT it. For one it’s Rhys Dharby and for another that season shot itself in the face, both feet, the groin and then the face again enough that I don’t think anything could hurt it as bad as the writers already did. 
But sadly we say farwell to Eddie as he goes out how men have since the begining of time.. deciding to poke a strange creature till it murdered him. Or took his soul out in this case, speaking of which...
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Yeah while I couldn’t get Jess in time for this review, she did bring this up in the past: Meteora’s ablility to pull a 
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Comes right the fuck out of nowhere with no build up and no explination for it. She DID drain personalites and according to this episode youth.. but that was with a big ole machine. It MIGHT have been intended to be one of Globgor’s powers.. but that makes zero sense, as if he COULD do that, as we saw with Toffee last season when he had that power, also out of nowhere but at least it made a touch more sense given his power was draining magical energy anyway at the time, so adding souls to that isn’t a huge stretch, but as we saw that would’ve been game over for the comission, especially since we DO see him fighting them one on three next season. If he had this power, he wouldn’t be in crystal and I think they realized that, but just tried to act as if his daugther COULDN’T do that and assumed everyone would casually forget. And I get not accounting for me writing about this years later, even I wouldn’t of thought that, but not counting on fans both young and old to latch onto a continuity error? Have you met fandoms Disney, have you? It dosen’t bring the story down entirely and I get WHY ti’s there, so she can nonlethally kill people so we’re not down most of the cast for Season 4, but it feels like an easy win button and one she barely uses despite it being eye beam activated. It should be easy enough to pull, boom, soul suck, win, rinse and repeat. It’s okay to have uber powerful tequniques but they have to have a drawback. For instance the Kaioken from DBZ. It’s a really damn cool technique that gives the user a neat red aura and amplifies poewr.. but the more you amplify the more strain it puts on your body and the more likely you’ll die, and Super later creatively explained why it hadn’t been used since Super Sayian was introduced because said form would’ve sped it up so much it’d be too much for a body to take. Here whie Meteora dosen’t use it in EVERY fight, she uses it enough that it makes no sense this isn’t just her first move for every fight she gets into, mental breakdown or not. 
That being said Meteora’s current mental state as she talks to her mother, having regressed to talking in only a few words and acting like a child, makes perfect sense. Henious already wasn’t in great mental shape to begin with, having a slow sustained breakdown since Marco overthrew her. and now on top of this she remembers her whole life has been a lie, starts to mutate into her natural state at a rapid and likely unehalthy pace, and then finds out on top of all of this Mewni is rightfully owed to her. Given she ended last episode blowing a guy up for rejecting her, it’s not a stretch that given even more power and no time to process anything, Metora would deteroate further. 
Esme and Jessica really knock this scene out of the park as Eclipsa presents Metora with her old doll Bobo and gently trying ot talk to her.. but you also get the fear Eclipsa feels as she tries to awkardly manuver around the fact her daughter is far more unhinged than she was prepared for, even threanting Eclipsa simply because Eclipsa wanted to be called mother instead of mommy. But despite this fear.. Eclipsa wants to help and Walter beautifuly captured metoera as a hulk like tragic figure:a being with low sanity and too much power desperate to be loved by the one person it cares about. And it makes it even more heartbreaking as Eclipsa explains what happened: bad people trapped her , a disfunctoinal society with a racist queen and even more racist subjects has taken hold in her absence... and it’s clear both want opposite things: Meteora wants what sh’es owed, her family back on the throne and Mewni back in her graps, but has lost herself so much to rage, anger and insanity she can’t see it’s not hers to take, while Eclipsa.. just wants her daughter back. She’d be happy just settling down with her and having a LIFE after hers was taken away. Eclipsa just wants a chance to be with what family she has left. It just HURTS to know that despite RIGHTFULLY hating the comission, despite having eveyr reason to take the crown from Moon by force and make the world better by force.. she dosen’t want that. She just wants some peace. It’s selfish... but it’s hard not to be when you havealmost nothing to hold onto. Eclipsa has lost her legacy, her husband and her crown... Meteora is all she has and all she wants and sh’ed of been happy if she just accepted that. If that was enough. 
But the real telling part, and the thing that ultimately makes this go as bad as it does.. is Moon’s reactions to all of this. Sh’es CONFUSED by Meteora having a toy as if that’s foreign to her a monster would, and she’s cleaerly livid , if restrianing it, at both Meteora’s deire for the crown and Eclipsa RIGHTFULLY calling out the state of how things are, and mildly at that. Despite seeing how much damage Mewni’s inherent racisim has done, how it lead to her living a lie, ruined Eclipss, Globgore and Metora’s lives, despite how DESPERTLY her daughter struggles to fight against it, despite seeing firsthand that Monsters can have famiies and lives... she can’t let it go. She can’t see monsters as people. SHe dosen’t see a flawed person who was turned into a metpohrical monster by years of brainwashing and abuse and is slowly unravling under the weight of her true self.. she just sees a threat to her kingdom. She dosen’t see her kingdom as racist, just as it should be. And she dosen’t see herself as stepping down like hse damn well should’ve the MOMENT she found out everything. Because at her heart Moon can’t accept the truth and clings to her racisim. 
And that my friends.. is what ultimately leads to Tragedy. Not Meteora’s unraveling mental state, not Eclipsa’s naitvite. What happens next is ENITRELY Moon’s fault. Whle Eclipsa was failing to get through to Metora, she was trying her best and might of gotten somewhere.. but Moon was already settling to attack.. and does so, making it look like Eclipsa set her own child up. 
A fight ensues, a suprisingly even one... but Eclipsa breaks it up and PROVES her way could’ve worked. In one of Esme’s best performances sshe tearfully tells her daughter she loves her.. that ALL she wants is time with her to make up for what she’s lost.. she dosen’t need a kingdom or her crown or her wand, all things she DESERVES... she just wants her daughter. She just wants to help her baby girl before she goes so far down this path of hatred and vengance she’s alreayd well trod upon there is no point to return to. 
It gets through to Meteora, makes her stop... and Moon TAKES ADANTAGE OF THAT. She then restrains metoera with a magical rock barrier and starts palpatineing her to death. It’s a horrifying moment that ultimately shows who Moon really is.. that when given the chance to let Meteora go, let her CHANGE and grow as a person and help the kingdom.. she instead tries to kill her. When she’s no longer a threat,  hasn’t seriously hurt her in their fight, and could use her power to RESTORE the damage she’s done, fix what she’s broken and help the kingdom grow and mend the bridges racisim has torn down. But all she can see is a monster, and something to destroy.. not someONE to save. 
So Eclipsa does what Moon would do if it were star about to die and saves her daughter, desperatly trying to stop mooon.. and allowing Meteora to get a clear shot and take half of moon’s soul. While Eclipsa is able to stop her from taking the full thing, Moon is left disoreinted and half alive and leaves on insticnt to parts unknown while Meteora escapes. Eclipsa is left alone, devistated and with her daughter truly lost. And the worst is truly yet to come. 
Before we get into final thoughts i’d like to talk about how this scene impacts Moon’s betryal later. To me having rewatched this scene.. it only makes it work MORE making it clear Moon simply can’t fahtom racial equality and that she can’t fahtom that eclipsa had very good reason for doing what she did ... to me it comes off as her using Eclipsa betryaing her as a very flimsy justifcation to not validate her rule and to first retire and then try a coup. That “Well she “BETRAYED” me so i’m fine. “ But in truth... she betrayed Eclipsa first. She attacked her daughter TWICE when Eclipsa was close to getting through to her Her reasons are flimsy.. because i’ts not ABOUT eclipsa, but what eclipsa represents: equality with a race Moon dosen’t see as people. It’s about Moon’s racisim coloring everything tills h’es truly blinded and should have lost everything She didn’t because the ending is a fucking disgrace, but we might get to that at some point, the point here is for all that disgrace’s faults... it did get it right here, and Moon was always portrayed as being unable to let go of her racisim no matter what it cost her or how much her daughter despteratly tried to change her. Trust me as someone whose Dad used to argue that gay marriage meant he should be able to marry his cat, and who still argues against trans people using the bathroom of their choice, I get trying desperatley to change someone who don’t wanna. “Sigh”. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is truly excellent. The writing is top notch as is the voice acting for all involved and the climax isa true, well led up to tragedy. The animation is also on point, with the characters emotions on perfect display. This is an episode I now realize is one of the series best and worth ar ewatch if you haven’ts een it. Truly amazing stuff that gets me pumped for the finale.. and disapoints me in how the series could reach these highs for one finale.. but would sink to it’s lowest point for next seasons.  Next Time on Prince of Wishful Thinking: Star tries depseratly to find her mom, while Marco, Tom and a motely crew of misfits try to take down Meteora and Tom learns the awful truth from the photo booth and wears a zuko ponytail which weirdly looks good on him. That boy can rock anything let me tell you. 
If you enjoyed this reviews, please consider joining my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. As mentioned my 30 dollar stretch goal includes a review of the cluster fuck that is the series final arc, and the goals up to that , me making 20 and 25 dollars a month repectively, have their own nifty rewards: At 20 i’ll review Darkwing Duck once a month, the two remaning Ducktales 87 mini series I have not covered and the Danny Phantom film The Ultimate Enemy. 25 meanwhile gets you reviews of the Proud Family Movie, the theatrical recess movie and the Kim Possible almost finale movie so the drama. And 30 also gets you reviews of every episode of gravity falls season 1 at least one a month till I finish it at some point, so as you can see you get a lot of bang for your buck and these reviews will be public for everybody. Not only that but joining my patreon gets you a review a month if you pitch in 5 dollars and evne if you can’t swing THAT much just 2 bucks gets you access to my discord, a guarnateed pick in my shorts, votes for patreon exclusive reviews, and SAID patreon exclusive reviews. It’s a lot of bang for your buck is what i’m saying so please help me out so I can make a living off this and sign up today. I even JUST ADDED an exclusive and utterly insane scrooge mcduck review, The Great Wig Mystery. So throw in a buck to check that out. 
And if your intrested in Tomtavia... please hit me up. I’m really proud of it and until then... i’ll see you at the next rainbow. 
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aceofshitposts · 3 years
I saw that you like CATS the musical. What are your thoughts on the movie?
AAAAH AHHAHA oh man oh boy y'all should BUCKLE IN cuz it's a ride
my simple thoughts? it's entertaining if only because it butchered the stage show so badly in an attempt to idk modernize it? Well, modernization is one part of it I think. The other part I'll go into below lol. I don't necessarily hate some of the more modern renditions of the songs (mostly the ensemble sets like Jellicle Song for Jellicle Cats) but then others are just... so poorly done it's insulting.
I've said this at the end of this whole rant too but I'm gonna put it up here in case people don't (justifiably) wanna see me go on and on about it:
The movie wasn't made for fans of the musical. It was made to make money and I believe they choose, at least partially, to do that through making it the weirdest and worst possible adaptation they could so that people would want to go see the train wreck. Which, really, worked! It was all people could talk about for a good while so like... Goal achieved, I guess.
A MUCH MORE COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS UNDER THE CUT cuz i don't wanna. flood your dash with... this
ALRIGHT SO. Most of my friends know I'm actually a huge fan of new adaptations of things. I love remakes (provided the people making it are coming at it with some form of heart and not just... cash grabbing which is more often the case) I love seeing other peoples interpretations of characters, or changing settings. It's one of the reasons I like American comics so much, getting to see different writers takes is fascinating.
I think musical movies can be wonderful ways to introduce people to a stage show that might have been unavailable to them otherwise! Chicago, for example, is one of the BEST musical to movie adaptations in my opinion. It kept the heart of the show, it's funny and the song numbers are done really well.
There are of course other famous examples, such as Grease or Bye Bye Birdie. Hairspray was also a wonderful take. These are simply off the top of my head, there are of course more.
CATS in particular has a history. If you go through my CATS tag you may see a few posts from @catsnonreplica which posts photos from non broadway productions of CATS! It's a fascinating read and I love, love, love looking at the other interpretations of the characters! CATS is a musical full of fun and wonderful characters if you take the time to see past the ridiculousness haha and the Korean and Japanese runs of CATS especially have some of my favourites.
How does this relate to the movie, I hear you say well. As you might has noticed the movie's interpretations of the characters is........ lackluster at best and downright uncanny valley at best.
CATS is, at its core, a ridiculous thing. I will fully admit that! But it's fun, it's entertaining and if you pay a little attention you can actually get the plot. (Honestly I don't understand when people complain it has no plot but that's a whole other rant for another day)
The movie was... obsessed with this idea of like... semi realism? Like obviously, as a fan, I think they should have leaned into the over the top character designs but instead we got...w ell:
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Demeter left and Bomba right. Demeter was actually cut! From the movie which is. upsetting lmao.
Macavity is one of the worst offenders for me:
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Macavity was... I wish I could know what the hell they were thinking there cuz it's even in his song? Ginger cat??? THAT IS NOT... A GINGER CAT...... but I digress. I would show more examples but I think you get the point.
So. We've butchered the characters appearances. Okay that's fine but what about their personalities?
There's... there's a lot to unpack here. Just for context: the Jellicle Ball happens once a year and the Jellicle leader chooses a single cat to be reborn into a new life. In the stage play all the cats who are nominated for this honour are on the older side (Jenny-Any-Dots, Bustopher Jones, Skimbleshanks, Gus The Theatre Cat, and eventually Grizzabella) AND are always nominated by another cat. Not themself, unlike the movie where they all seem to nominate themselves.
Jenny-Any-Dots went from a doting grandmother figure who's celebrated for her selfless volunteering and tireless work into a conceited, vain younger cat who is obsessed with fame.
It's an incredibly strange dichotomy. I don't doubt some of it isn't the result of the uh people playing the characters honestly. I do think some of them did the best they could! I don't really blame Jason Derulo, for example, for Tugger. And honestly, Tugger was probably closest to his stage version (while being a trouble maker, he's shown to show Deuteronomy an immense amount of respect)
Speaking of Tugger! This will bring us to one of the biggest grievances with the movie and that is how they handled Mr Mistoffelees.
So... Ugh. So. We have Victoria as the pov character, which imo is like whatever in the grand scheme of things, and then we have Misto who they have decided will be get live interest cuz... Of course. Misto is shown throughout the musical to be awkward, unsure of himself and well. Really, kinda incompetent. Which is Wild cuz in the stage show he might be aloof but he's fairly confident in his powers.
So, Old Deuts gets kidnapped. In the stage show Tugger is the one to bring Misto forward! It's really quite sweet, imo, and I'm showing myself as a Tuggoffelees shipper here, but again Tugger is previously shown to be pretty conceited but then here he is boosting and hyping up Misto to bring Deuteronomy back. My friends and I have lovingly dubbed this the boyfriend hype song.
SOMEHOW. The movie manages to make this, easily, the MOST BORING number in the whole thing. Which, again, WILD. Misto awkwardly stumbles through his whole song, which again is... Boasting of his supreme magical powers which movie Misto clearly. Does not have or believe to have. The song, to me, feels super awkward and unnecessarily drawn out in the movie which sucks cuz it's one of my favourites in the show.
The declawing (heh) of Mr Mistoffelees actually reminds me strongly of how they changed Gaston in the live action Beauty and the Beast movie. He's gone from a beloved figure in the animated movie to someone so disliked in the town that Le Fou has to pay people off to say nice things about him. It's just. Wild character choices were made!!
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat is probably my favourite in movie non ensemble number. It feels the most... Genuine? Compared to the other nomination songs.
Other problems include but are not limited to:
The inconsistent size scale of the CATS which throws me off constantly.
The weirdly overt sexual overtones added to MANY of the songs (Jenny and Bustopher being the worst)
This is just a personal gripe and opinion but I don't like that they used the UK version of Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer. The American version is both better known and tbh way more fun. Teazer's giggle? Adds ten years to my life every time.
Victoria's added solo song, Beautiful Ghosts, while I like the song as a song it doesn't fit the style of message of the musical. In the movie she's singing directly to Grizzabella who's being an outcast for years that she should be grateful she even has memories of being part of the tribe?? What?? But I know they had to add an original song to be able to be nominated for awards in like the Grammys n shit (which is why all musical movies will have an original song, fun fact!!) kinda funny they went to the effort though considering........... I don't think anyone could have genuinely believed CATS 2019 was gonna win anything but golden rhaspberries.
Movie Mr Mistoffelees has made repeated appearances as my sleep paralysis demon
The various cut characters, shout outs to Jemima, Demeter and Jellylorum especially
Bombalurina being a henchman to Macavity rubs me the wrong way
God I've written... So much. You probably get it by now haha. Like I said at the beginning, I try to go into any adaptation with an open mind but... Let's be honest, this movie wasn't marketed to people who are fans of the musical.
It was marketed, and made, to make money. And they choose to do that through, I think, intentionally making the worst possible version ever. Bad press is still press and the more outrageous people said the movie was the more people wanted to go see exactly what kind of train wreck it was.
Which is a disservice to the stage show, honestly, and all the people who've worked on it over the years.
But what can we do, right?
And besides all that, I do... Still own the movie version and I do still rewatch it on occasion. It is entertaining even if it's in a train wreck kind of way. I usually end up watching the 1998 version, then 2019 and then various tour runs that are on YouTube. (I highly recommend the 2016 tour, it's very good)
So in conclusion. It's fun (?) to watch. I enjoy picking things apart and doing analysis (if you couldn't tell!) so like... I don't hate it?
It did what it set out to do, I guess, and I can't fault it for that but. It's not a fair metre with which to judge the stage show imo. But I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, haha.
Jazz hands. I'm more than happy to elaborate or just chat about CATS if anyone wants! I grew up listening to the Broadway CD since I was a toddler so it's been! A very long standing obsession haha. Probably the only other thing on par with CATS is my obsession with Jurassic Park which I've also been a fan of since I was 3 (but that's a whole story in and of itself)
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entertainment · 4 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Mina Sundwall, Lost in Space
Best known for her starring role as Penny Robinson in the critically acclaimed Netflix series Lost in Space, Mina Sundwall landed her first 'role' at age 8 months as a kidnapped baby. On the film front, she starred in Freeheld, Maggie's Plan, #Horror. Mina also had a guest turn as in Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. She was born and raised in New York City, but being half Swedish and half Italian, she also spent a part of her childhood in Europe. When not working or in school, Mina is an avid singer song-writer. Mina took the time to answer some of our questions about herself and her experience on Lost in Space:
Without any spoilers, what scene or episode from Lost in Space season 2 are you most excited for fans to see?
As far as Penny is concerned, people have definitely reached out letting me know that Pennjay HAS to live on through season two…. And it most definitely will. There is a scene between Ajay and I that starts happy, then gets awkward and cute, then scary, then life-or-death, and then…. I can’t tell you how it ends, but it was one of my favorite scenes of the whole season. I love doing scenes with Ajay, and it seems that fans have caught on to the hilarity of our friendship and I’m excited to see what they think of our new adventures. 
Other than that, I can’t tell you details about Episode 10, but I know that it will get a huge reaction from fans! It was so emotional to shoot, and it is even more emotional to watch. 
How do you get into the mindset to play Penny?
First and foremost, I start with a good parent-sassing. My parents have been submitted to many early-morning sessions. In the 6 months we shoot a season my eye-roll ability is polished by the day, together with my one line-comebacks.☺ 
More seriously, when it comes to shaping Penny’s character and her arc through a season, I spend time paying attention to the environment around her and the details that inform her world. I create stories in my mind for all of the bits of life that are not ‘on camera’. As Meisner said “acting is reacting,” and a lot of Penny’s behavior comes from the situation she’s in. What has she had for lunch? Or maybe she’s cranky because she didn’t have lunch. What music she likes? Music is very important for me and builds a mood. How does it feel as a teenager to constantly believe you aren’t good enough? To feel lonely, and out-of-place? I think I know some of that from personal history.  In a way I build her character from the outside-in.
On a more physical note- this season we had a bunch of stunts. Ignacio taught me to eat hearty foods before our physical work. So, part of my prep is…. chugging avocadoes!? In a sense that feels very Penny. 
Do you have any fun facts about the filming of Lost in Space season 2 that fans would be surprised to know? 
There is a long sequence in episode 1 with the all of us sailing the Jupiter through a storm, shallow waters and on rocks and it is amazing to see the coherency of the full scene because almost none of the physical spaces are real. The top of the Jupiter where we stand was built as an outdoor set on scaffolding in a winery outside of Vancouver and all around us were beautiful fields and we could see trains in the distance. The inside of the Jupiter was a set in a completely different location and many of the water splashing scenes were done indoor in studio with water cannons shooting at us. And it’s amazing how the editing, lighting and digital effects are able to smooth the differences and create this one illusion of space and time that allows us to suspend our disbelief and enjoy the full creative ride.
If a theme song played whenever you entered a room, what song would it be? 
Oh, I did a Buzzfeed quiz on this once. I got “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga. I mean, I’ll take it as a complement! 
Describe a typical day on set.
Wake up - coffee – drive to the studio – coffee – hair and make-up - coffee - get dressed - coffee - block a scene - coffee.  And that’s just the first 2 hours.
My moment of Zen is always in hair and make-up. I love to sit and have my hair touched. Sometimes it comes with a little scalp massage… it’s my favorite part of the day.
When we start shooting it’s a mix of moments where we are all focused and on set, with moments where we goof around, and that repeats itself for 10-12 hours every day. While we were filming the two seasons I was also still in high school, so Max and I also had to study for a minimum of 3 hours every day, usually more, in between scenes.
The best part is lunch all together, especially in warmer days when tables are set outside on the studio lot and the cast and crew is eating and relaxing together.
When we film the show it becomes our life, every day. And I couldn’t be happier about it. This family, the crew, the stunts, the sets, the locations, the scripts, the days (long and short). I love it.
How would you explain the plot of Lost in Space to a five-year-old?
This super smart family, their friend the smuggler, and a crazy lady have a mission to get to a new world away from Earth, but they get attacked! And now they’re lost on another planet with a Robot. They are trying to find a way to get back to everyone else and they ask the Robot for help. It’s crazy. 
What’s the funniest photo that you have on your phone (either share or describe it)?
Oh I’ve got a couple of good ones. Here are some of my favourites:
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If you could have a conversation with Penny, what would you ask her?
I would want to know why she never spoke up about not wanting to leave earth. Does she miss her friends, or any one in particular? Where does her passion for writing come from? Did she just discover it? And does she ever feel like cutting her hair very short (because I want to so I hope she does!!)? Would she like Game of Thrones, or is she more or a Riverdale kind of girl?
Did you do any kind of research or training to prepare for your role in Lost in Space?
I did! My biggest challenge in ‘becoming’ Penny was the fact that she often speaks in one-liners, possibly interrupting someone else’s conversation, or sharing opinions that make other uncomfortable. And those one-liners are a representation of her insecurities, her fears, her hopes so they are very loaded, and I wanted them to feel loaded, not simple sass. Penny is very deep and as a writer she has the ability to condense a lot of emotions in a few words, and I needed to show that. And less is often harder than more, so I spent a lot time studying subtle performances and actors able to condense multiple, often opposed emotions into few simple words or gestures. None of it might be visible but it was an incredible tour-de-force.
And then my dad sat me down and gave me a beginner’s Sci-Fi films education, listing every sci fi movie ever made… just because he could…and what is special about each just in case someone asked me.  I remember maybe five total, but it was there at some point. 
If you could do a crossover with any other property, which one would you pick?
Oh The Crown. I would love to see what happens when Queen Elizabeth gets lost on a planet. 
Thanks for taking the time, Mina! The second season of Lost in Space premieres on Netflix on December 24th.. 
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rocknvaughn · 4 years
New Colin Morgan Interview with Edge Media Network about Benjamin - UPDATED
I am reblogging this because, after the author was made aware of an error in the posting of his article (if anyone clicked through to read it on the site, there was a whole question and answer that was repeated), the error was corrected and another three questions and answers were added! I am correcting it here, but they were very interesting, so I suggest you read the full article again!
I shall post the link at the bottom, but I wanted to type it out so that non-English speakers could more easily translate it. (This article was listed in their “Gay News” section of the site, hence the focus on the gay roles.)
British Actor Colin Morgan: How the Queerly Idiosyncratic ‘Benjamin’ Spoke to Him
by Frank J. Avelia
In writer-director Simon Amstell’s sweet, idiosyncratic, semi-autobiographical comedy, “Benjamin,” Colin Morgan plays the titular character, an insecure filmmaker trying to resuscitate his waning career (at least it’s waning in his mind) after one major cine-indie success. Benjamin is also doing his best to navigate a new relationship with a young French musician (Phenix Brossard of “Departures”).
Thanks to the truly endearing, multifaceted talents of Morgan, Benjamin feels like an authentic creation--one that most audiences can empathize with. Sure, he’s peculiar, has a legion of self-esteem issues and an almost exasperating need for acceptance as well as an inconvenient talent to self-sabotage the good in his life. But who can’t relate to some or all of that?
“Benjamin” is one of the better queer-themed films to come out in recent years, in large part because it eschews emphasis on the queer nature of the story. Instead, the film is a fascinating character study with Morgan slowly revealing layers and unpacking Benjamin’s emotional baggage.
Morgan is a major talent who has been appearing across mediums in Britain for many years. His London theatre debut was in DBC Pierre’s satire, “Vernon God Little” (2007), followed by the stage adaptation of Pedro Almodovar’s “All About My Mother” (2007), opposite Diana Rigg. Numerous and eclectic stage work followed (right up until the Corona shutdown) including Pedro Miguel Rozo’s “Our Private Life” (2011), where he played a bipolar gay, Jez Butterworth’s dark comedy, “Mojo” (2013), Arthur Miller’s “All My Sons” opposite Sally Field (2019), and Caryl Churchill’s “A Number” (2020), to name a few.
His TV work includes, “Merlin” (playing the wizard himself), “Humans” and most recently, in a very memorable episode of “The Crown”. Onscreen he can be seen in “Testament of Youth”, “Legend” with Tom Hardy, “Snow White and the Huntsman” and Rupert Everett’s take on Oscar Wilde, “The Happy Prince.”
He’s played a host of gay roles in the past on stage, screen and TV.
EDGE recently interviewed the star of “Benjamin” about the new film and his career.
Why Benjamin?
EDGE: What drew you to this project and were you part of its development?
Colin Morgan: It’s always the strength of the script for me on any project and Simon’s script was just so well observed, he managed to combine humor and poignancy in delicate measure and when I first read it I found myself being both tickled and touched. Then reading it again and from “the actor” POV... I knew it would be a real challenge and uncharted territory for me to explore. I auditioned for Simon and we tried it in different ways and then when I was lucky enough for Simon to want me on board, we began to work through the script together, because it was clear that this was going to be a very close working relationship... it was important for the level of trust to be high.
EDGE: I appreciated that this was a queer love story where the character’s queerness wasn’t the main focus. Was that also part of the allure of the project?
CM: I think Benjamin’s sexuality is just quite naturally who he is and therefore that’s a given, we’re on his journey to find meaning and love and there’s certainly a freshness to what Simon has written in not making sexuality the main focus.
Great chemistry
EDGE: Can you speak a but about the process involved in working with Amstell on the character and his journey?
CM: Simon and me worked very closely over a period of weeks, at that time prior to shooting I was doing a theatre project not far from where he lived so I would go to him and rehearse and discuss through the whole script all afternoon before going to do the show that night, so that worked out well. It’s so personal to Simon, and to have had him as my guide and source throughout was fantastic because I could ask him all the questions and he could be the best barometer for the truth of the character; a rare opportunity for an actor and one that was so essential for building Benjamin. But ultimately Simon wanted Benjamin to emerge from somewhere inside me and he gave me so much freedom to do that also.
EDGE: You had great chemistry with Phenix Brossard. Did you get to rehearse?
CM: Phenix is fantastic, Simon and me did chemistry reads with a few different actors who were all very good but Phenix just had an extra something we felt Benjamin would be drawn to. We did a little bit of rehearsal together but because it was a relationship that was trying to find itself there was a lot of room for spontaneity and uncertainty between us, which is what the allure of a new relationship is all about, the excitement and fear.
Liberating process
EDGE: Did your process meld with Amstell’s?
CM: I’ve said this a lot before and it’s true, Simon is one of the best directors I’ve worked with. Everything he created before shooting and then maintained on set was special. We always did improvised versions of most scenes and always the scripted version too. It was such a creative and liberating process. That is exactly the way I love to work. And for a director to maintain that level of bravery, trust and experimental play throughout the whole shoot stands as one of the most rewarding shooting experiences I’ve had.
EDGE: When I spoke with Rupert Everett about “The Happy Prince,” he very proudly boasted about his ensemble. Can you speak about working with Rupert as he balanced wearing a number of creative hats?
CM: Again, this was an extremely rewarding project to work on and quite a similar relationship as with Simon in the respect that Rupert was the writer/director and Oscar Wilde is so personal to him. And then we also had many scenes together in front of the camera, so Rupert and me had a real 3D experience together. It was a long time in the making. I was on board, I think, two years before we actually got shooting so I had a lot of time to work with Rupert and rehearse. He really inspired me, watching him wear all the different creative hats, such a challenging and difficult job/jobs to achieve and he really excelled--plus we just got on very well.
Playing queer roles
EDGE: You haven’t shied away from playing queer roles. Do you think we’re moving closer to a time when a person’s sexual orientation is of little consequence to the stories being told, or should it always matter? Or perhaps we need to continue to evolve as a culture for it to matter less or not at all...
CM: That’s a hard question to answer, I think certainly the shift in people’s attitudes has changed considerably for the better compared to 40 years ago, but there will always be resistance to change and acceptance from individuals and groups whether it be sexuality, religion, race, gender--we’re seeing it every day.
Evolution is, of course, inevitable, but if we can learn from the past as we evolve that would be the ideal. Unfortunately, we rarely do learn, and history repeats itself.
EDGE: You were featured prominently in one of my favorite episodes of the “The Crown” (”Bubbikins”) as the fictional journo John Armstrong. Can you speak a bit about working on the show and with the great Jane Lapotaire?
CM: I had an exceptionally good time working on “The Crown.” Director Benjamin Caron, especially, was so prepared and creative, and made the whole experience so welcoming and inclusive. It was an incredibly happy set, with extremely talented people in every department, and I admired the ethos of the whole production and have no doubt that’s a huge ingredient to its success, along with Peter Morgan’s incredible writing.
I was also a fan of the show, and it was an honor to be part of the third season. And I can’t say enough amazing things about Jane Lapotaire. We talked a lot in between filming, and I relished every moment of that.
EDGE: You’ve done a ton of stage work. Do you have a favorite role you’ve played onstage?
CM: I’ve been so lucky with the theatre work I’ve done, to work with such special directors and work in wonderful theatres in London. I’ve worked at the Old Vic and The Young Vic twice each, and they’re always special to me. Ian Rickson is a liberating director, who I love. It’s hard to pick a favorite, because the roles have all been so different and presented different challenges, but, most recently, doing “A Number,” playing three different characters alongside Roger Allam and directed by Polly Findlay, was a really treasured experience, and I never tired of doing that show, every performance was challenging as it was.
Miss the rehearsal room
EDGE: You were doing “A Number” earlier this year. Did you finish your run before the lockdown/shutdown?
CM: Just about! We had our final performance, and then lockdown happened days later. I feel very sorry for the productions that didn’t get the sense of completion of finishing a run. I mean, finishing a full run leaves you in a kind of post-show void anyway, even though you know it’s coming, so to not know it’s coming and have it severed must be even more of a void.
Memories of performing just months ago seem like such an unattainable thing in this COVID world right now. I can’t tell you how much I’m hoping we get back to some semblance of live performance.
EDGE: What was it like to appear onstage opposite Dame Diana Rigg in “All About My Mother?”
CM: Well, I think “iconic” is an apt word for both the experience of working with Diana and the lady herself. In between scenes backstage we used to talk a lot and we got told off for talking too loudly, so Diana began to teach me sign language and we would spell out words to each other, maybe only getting a couple of sentences to each other before she was due on stage and I had to get into position for my next entrance-- we did a radio play together two years ago and she remembered, she said, “Do you remember A-E-I-O-U?” signing out the letters with her hands.
EDGE: None of us knows the future in terms of the pandemic and when we might return to making theatre. I’m a playwright myself and find it all supremely frustrating but I’m trying to remain hopeful! Where are you right now in terms of the standstill we are in and what the future might hold?
CM: Yes, I’m so worried for theatre. It’s a devastating blow. I’m sure as a playwright, you know that the creative spirit in individuals hasn’t been diminished by this virus. People are creating important art in this crisis but we need the platforms to present it and bring people to some light again out of this really scary period, but it needs to be safe and it’s a worrying time. The virtual theatre approach must be looked at I think. We need to experiment and find new paths at least for the time being. I’m involved in developing some things right now and how we can work on things in both an isolated and collaborative way. It’s entirely counterintuitive to what the family-feel and close bond of a group in a rehearsal room is like-- I miss the rehearsal room so much!-- but we can’t sit still, we must create and we must act.
What’s in a role?
EDGE: Looking back on the great success of “Merlin,” what are your takeaways from that experience?
CM: Some of the most treasured memories of my life will forever be connected to “Merlin,” the cast, crew, production, everyone! The invaluable training of being in front of a camera every day! The chance to inhabit a character and live with him for five seasons! There’s too much to list and words probably won’t do justice anyway, but I’m truly grateful for everything the show gave me.
EDGE: How do you select the roles you play?
CM: I guess they select me in a way. I can’t play a role unless it speaks to me and provokes me in some way, but ultimately it’s the characters that I have a fear about playing, not knowing how I’m going to enter into the process of living them, when I don’t have all the answers it’s a good indicator of a character I must play. If I have all the answers, there’s less scope for exploration and discovery which isn’t as interesting for me.
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