#history teacher!ian
lilac-hecox · 7 months
teacher au fake dating mashup ianthony? 🥰
Okay! So!
Imagine that Ian and Anthony work in the same school district as teachers. Anthony teaches like 4th or 5th grade and Ian teaches 8th grade. Ian is primarily a history teacher and can come off as kind of serious. Anthony is absolutely goofy and his students love him, they all call him Mr. P. He dresses up for all the fun days in the elementary and the parents think he's nice.
Anyways, so let's say during the beginning of summer break there is a mandatory teacher conference that requires some light traveling and an overnight stay. The district is requiring that all teachers pair together and buddy up for a hotel room, etc.
There is a para-professional teacher that is going to the conference and she has a huge crush on Anthony. Anthony had her child in his class a couple of years ago, loves the kid, finds it would be inappropriate to start anything with a former parent, but doesn't want to hurt her feelings. The Para-Pro is angling to share a room with Anthony during the trip and Anthony has been avoiding her so she doesn't ask and make things awkward.
Cue drama teacher Mx. Miller sitting in the teacher's lounge with Anthony and helping him come up with ideas to avoid ending up sharing a room with the para. He frets over a cup of tea while Courtney is like "Just tell her you are already seeing someone?"
"I don't think she would be deterred."
"What if she thinks you're dating another teacher here?"
Just as Anthony is about to ask who Courtney thinks he should pretend to date, Mr. Hecox enters the lounge to use the bathroom and grab his third cup of coffee from the lounge Kuerig.
Courtney's got this devious smile and Anthony's eyes widen. Mr. Hecox is so serious, and they hardly talk. Apparently Courtney and Mr. Hecox are friends from college and he helped her get her job in the district, so she asks him if he has a partner for the conference trip and Ian bristles a little and says no, but he seems nervous and maybe a little anxious.
They have to return to their classes, but Anthony frets about it all night as Courtney texts him encouraging him to talk about the idea with Ian the next day at school during his lunch break.
Cue the next day and Anthony thinks maybe he can at least ask Mr. Hecox - Ian- if they can partner up for the trip and skip the whole fake dating angle. Mr. Hecox is in the break room at the same time as yesterday, making coffee, and Anthony thinks of how to broach the subject with him, like, "Hey, heard you also don't have a partner for this conference trip?"
And really, Ian and he haven't talked much. Anthony's got on a bright sweater and he's wearing pipe-cleaner bracelets a couple of his students made for him during inside recess.
Ian's like, "I don't have anyone, no."
Anthony's like, "I was wondering if you wanted to..."
But then the door to the lounge opens and there is the para-pro and her eyes light up as she spots Anthony and makes a beeline right for him.
"Mr. P!" she says brightly, "I've been looking for you."
Ian looks like he wants to cut and run and Anthony widens his eyes at him in a pleading manner.
Para sweetly asks him to room with her at the conference with a lack of tact and subtlety. Anthony panics.
"I can't, sorry, I'm rooming with Mr. Hecox, here."
"You are?" she asks surprised.
Ian gives him an equally surprised look.
"Yeah, and...I mean, please don't spread it around, but we're kind of...a thing?" Anthony adds, improvising and he loosely holds Ian's hand at the coffee maker.
The Para's face falls but she nods in disappointment and slinks away.
Anthony lets go of Ian's hand and Ian is like "Uhhh?"
Then Anthony apologizes a bunch and explains the situation and he completely understands if Ian thinks he's a giant creep.
Ian laughs it all off and says he'd still be happy to room with Anthony for the conference.
Then the para absolutely does NOT keep quiet about the dating situation and as the trip begins everyone is whispering about how Mr. P and Mr. Hecox are dating and whoops now everyone thinks they are a couple and they are sharing a room, and while the para is on the trip with them and around they have to also act like a couple.
Cue misunderstandings and one saving the other a seat at the trainings. Anthony buys Ian coffees and matchas for gifts. They talk about what inspired them to start teaching and what they love about their respective grades and subjects.
Over the trip Anthony develops a real crush on Ian and that is surprising and kind of a bad thing?? He has to remind himself that it isn't real, that he's just pretending, and when the trip is over it will all go back to normal.
Last day of the trip and maybe they go for a hike or something and maybe they stop at a peak and the sun is setting, and they share a kiss. Each person is apologetic, but then they realize they don't really want to stop pretending to be dating. They decide when they get back from the trip to try it all out for real.
Everyone is extremely happy for them and they think Ian shines a little brighter now that he starts dating Anthony, and that Anthony himself seems even gigglier and happier too.
From this ask game
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irate-iguana · 10 months
We need more weird historian rep in Doctor Who. The companions are too normal when faced with the prospect of time travel. I want a companion who makes a list of super specific historical destinations related to their dissertation. I want somebody whose first reaction to finding out that the Doctor is a time travelling alien is to create a Microsoft Word document and ask, “What caused the Late Bronze Age collapse?”
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lemonycranberries · 3 days
RIP William Russell; saw the news earlier today but only had time to come on the internet now.
Ian is arguably one of the most important characters in all of the history of DW. The Doctor only is how we know they are today - extremely empathetic, doing everything they can to help people (very blatantly seen in last week's episode) and having a love for humanity because Ian and Barbara taught them that all those years ago. I've been watching the very first season of Classic Who recently and the difference between the Doctor we know today and how the Doctor was in the first few episodes is so glaring. 1 sees humanity as lower beings, and he doesn't really mind putting people in danger if it serves his own self-interest (...he also tried to kill a caveman with a rock, so there's that). He only begins to change and develop empathy for humanity because of Ian and Barbara. At the end, they're the ones who end up making helping people his life mission. The original TARDIS team also shaped and inspired companions for decades to come, and the show itself is the way it is because of them.
So yeah, this 60's teacher who worried about one of his most brilliant students enough to follow her and find out if everything was ok at home even when it wasn't required, who was one of the first humans to ever step into the TARDIS (and ended up getting kidnapped lmfao), who got into silly little arguments with the Doctor but truly grew fond of him in the end, who was always very brave and did his best to keep everyone safe, and who, in after all, was just an average person, ended up having some of the biggest impact in the entire Doctor Who lore, and in the show itself.
so yeah everyone thank him (and Barbara) and the actor who played him. rest in peace William Russell. you truly did a lot for this show.
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cloudy-em · 10 months
Hi there! I got a request for Lip, if you don't mind 🥺
Reader is friends with either Fiona or Ian (she's the same age as Lip though), and one evening, she's dragged to the house for dinner (she's also very shy, very), so they meet and he just can't help but flirt constantly to make her blush and stutter.
And maybe later on, he hears her talking to Fiona/Ian about it, saying something like not keeping her hopes up because she can't believe he could actually like her ("no one likes the shy girl" kinda thing, I had that said to me and I need some comfort for it😂).
He basically wants to prove to her that he actually likes her. Maybe he already noticed her st school or something.
Have a good day, hun 🤘
of course!! glad to provide some comfort <3 i was the same way all from like elementary to high school so i get it! have a great day, too, thanks for the request <3
ages are pretty inconsistent in the show, but i think in season 3 he's like 18? i don't write characters when they're minors, so the reader and lip are both 18 years old and they're seniors in this! so this is set in like season 3ish i guess.
Ian and Y/N walked through the front door of the Gallagher household. Y/N took her shoes off, following Ian to his room where they dropped off their backpacks. Even though they aren't in the same grade, they're still great friends. It started when Ian found Y/N at school one day, trying to hold herself together after being made fun of for her quiet response to a teacher's question that she had to repeat multiple times. It turned out, Ian and Y/N actually had a lot in common, and the rest was history.
Y/N wasn't over at Ian's house often. The loud and chaotic nature of his family was endearing, but she didn't quite feel comfortable enough with the other Gallaghers yet to let her walls down. Not that she was ever as loud or chaotic as the family; she was just on the quieter, shyer side, and the Gallaghers respected that.
Ian had invited Y/N over for dinner, making sure Fiona was aware. Ian and Y/N both helped her with dinner, Y/N smiling quietly to herself as Ian and Fiona laughed and joked together. They set the table, and Fiona yelled up to the rest of the family to come eat.
Frank was god knows where doing god knows what, and Kev and V were busy at the alibi, so it was just Y/N and the Gallagher kids for the night. Debbie and Carl came barreling down the stairs leaving an empty seat between them because the two had recently been arguing. Lip walked down the stairs, Liam in his arms, and helped Liam get into a high chair. He sat between Carl and Debbie, clearly sick of their argument, and sighed. Y/N was stationed between Ian and Fiona, the two she was most comfortable with. Food was distributed and everyone tried to make dinner conversation.
Y/N looked at Debbie politely as she talked about a student counsel project she was working on, trying to plan out how perfect and showstopping it would be. She smiled hearing the girl's plan; it sounded great and she had no doubt Debbie could do it. Glancing towards Lip, she noticed him watching her instead of his younger sister. There's a pause, and Lip grabs her attention.
"You look really pretty today, Y/N," he says genuinely. In response, she blushes and looks towards her lap, mumbling a thank you. Lip opens his mouth, ready to say something else, when Carl pipes up.
"Yeah! You look just like the Barbie I put on the grill earlier!" He exclaims before backtracking. "Well, you look like her before I put her on the grill. And I wouldn't grill you, you're too nice." Y/N smiled and tried not to laugh at the young boy's antics as Fiona lectured him about cruel and unusual punishment. Lip kept staring at Y/N, completely mesmerized by her shy and gentle nature. He was wracking his brain on what to say next; he didn't want to try stupid or sexual pickup lines on her. He wanted to take his time with her. He'd noticed her in his literature class in school, they both sat at the back, but on opposite sides of the room. Ian was about to kick Lip under the table for his weird behavior, knowing Y/N would be uncomfortable, but Fiona beat him to it.
"Lip, it's rude to stare, especially at our guest."
Hearing his name brought him back, and he cleared his throat. "Um, Y/N? You have Mr Harbor for Physics II, right?" he asked, curious.
"Yes, 4th period," she replied quietly. Lip smiled hearing her voice, wanting to hear it more often.
"Oh great! I have him for 6th. Do you wanna come over sometime and study together? We can work through some problems if you want, maybe do some physical experiments-" he's cut off by Carl.
"Gross, Lip, you don't propose sex in front of the family!" he yells. Lip's eyes widen.
"Oh, jesus! No no I wasn't- Y/N that's not what I meant, I- I meant just calculating projectiles with a slingshot or something, not- not THAT!" he tries to explain desperately. He really did just mean doing problems and experiments together. They're both very intelligent people, and Lip thought it was a good proposition for a subtle excuse to get to know her.
"I-it's okay, Lip, n-no worries!" Y/N felt her face and neck flush. she knew he didn't mean sex, but the idea of it made her blush. Of course she'd heard plenty of rumors around school about how good Lip Gallagher was in bed.
The meal was done pretty quickly. The family all got up, Y/N waiting until most of them left to bring her plate to the sink.
"I'll take care of the dishes, Y/N," Lip said, gently placing his hand on the small of her back. She jumped slightly, moving out of the way and nodding, heading upstairs to finish her homework. Ian follows shortly after.
Lip walked up the stairs to grab a cigarette from his desk, but paused as he caught his name.
"-and it's nice to hope for just a second that maybe, just maybe, he likes me, that he cares for me, but he doesn't, Ian! There's no way someone like Lip would ever like someone like me! He's confident and attractive and smart and girls love him! I'm just me. I'm shy and quiet and it takes me forever to warm up to people and nobody likes the shy girl," she sighed sadly. "You don't think he's trying to prank me or something, do you?" she asked Ian. Lip walked away, not realizing she felt this way.
He had to do something. He went back down the stairs, no longer set on his cigarette, rather a way to prove himself to her. He thought hard for a while, realizing it was probably just best to talk her alone. He sighed, thinking of what to say without fucking up.
Lip heard Ian yell goodbye to Y/N, and her footsteps walking towards the front door. He ran towards the front door, trying to be casual.
"Hey, I'll walk you home. Make sure you get home safe," he said, sounding more like he was making a statement rather than offering.
"Oh, um, okay. Let's go then," Y/N replied.
The walk to her house was quiet. Lip didn't know what to say. 'Hey, I've been watching you at school for the past 3 months and I haven't hooked up with anybody since I noticed you because you're all I can think about even though we've barely ever talked'? He knew he needed to say that, he just needed to find a less...aggressive way of saying it.
He walked Y/N to her door, making sure she got it unlocked. He reached out and touched her arm just as she turned to enter her house. She turned to look at him with big eyes.
"Look, Y/N. I, uh, I've noticed you at school a lot over the past couple of months, and I know you're my brother's friend, but I'd really like to get to know you better. I think you're really, really smart and you're pretty, too, and Ian talks about you all the time. You just sound like a great person and I think I have a small crush on you. I know you probably don't feel the same, but if you'd give me a chance, I think we'll get along great and we can get to know each other. Please?" He poured his heart out.
Y/N hesitated, a soft blush rising to her cheeks. "I- okay, Lip. We can get to know each other. I'm just nervous and really shy around people I don't know so I'm sorry-" he cuts her off.
"That's why we'll know each other, 'kay?" he said, gently stroking her upper arm with his thumb.
"Besides, I like shy girls."
lip x shy!reader is one of my favs thank you so much for this request! let me know if you want more of this kind of content please!
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pers-books · 4 days
William Russell obituary
Stage and screen actor who was part of the original cast of Doctor Who
Michael Coveney Tue 4 Jun 2024 17.40 BST
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William Russell, left, as Ian Chesterton, with William Hartnell as the Doctor, Jacqueline Hill as Barbara and Carole Ann Ford as Susan in the Doctor Who serial The Keys of Marinus, 1964. Photograph: BBC
On 23 November 1963 – the day after the assassination of President John F Kennedy – the actor William Russell, who has died aged 99, appearing in a new BBC television series, approached what looked like an old-fashioned police box in a scrapyard, from which an old chap emerged, saying he was the doctor. Russell responded: “Doctor Who?”
And so was launched one of the most popular TV series of all time, although the viewing figures that night were low because of the political upheaval, so the same episode was shown again a week later. It caught on, big time, with Russell – as the science schoolteacher Ian Chesterton – and William Hartnell as the Doctor establishing themselves alongside Jacqueline Hill as the history teacher Barbara Wright and Carole Ann Ford as Susan Foreman.
Russell stayed until 1965, returning to the show in 2022 in a cameo appearance as Ian and, since then, participating happily in all the hoop-la and fanzine convention-hopping, signing and schmoozing that such a phenomenon engenders.
Before that, though, Russell had achieved prominence in the title role of the ITV series The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956-57) – he was strongly built with an air of dashing bravado about him; he had been an RAF officer in the later stages of the second world war – and as the lead in a 1957 BBC television adaptation of Nicholas Nickleby, transmitted live in 18 weekly episodes.
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William Russell on the set of the 1950s television series The Adventures of Sir Lancelot. Photograph: Mirrorpix/Getty Images
When Sir Lancelot went to the US, the first British TV import to be shot in colour for an American audience, Russell rode down Fifth Avenue on a horse in full regalia, like some returning, mystical, medieval knight in the heart of Normandy. The show was a smash hit.
By now he was established in movies, playing a servant to John Mills in The Gift Horse (1952) and a clutch of second world war action movies including They Who Dare (1954) opposite Dirk Bogarde, directed by Lewis “All Quiet on the Western Front” Milestone – he met his first wife, the French model and actor Balbina Gutierrez on a boat sailing to Cyprus to a location shoot in Malta – and Ronald Neame’s The Man Who Never Was (1956), the first Operation Mincemeat movie, in which he played Gloria Grahame’s fiance.
Until this point in his career, he was known as Russell Enoch. But Norman Wisdom, with whom he played in the knockabout comedy farce One Good Turn (1955) objected to his surname because he felt (oddly) that it would publicise a vaudevillian rival of his called Enoch. So, somewhat meekly, and to keep Wisdom happy, he became William Russell, although, in the 1980s, for happy and productive periods with the Actors Touring Company and the RSC, he reverted to the name Russell Enoch. Later, he settled again on William Russell. All very confusing for the historians. His doorbell across the road from me in north London bore the legend “Enoch”.
He was born in Sunderland, the only child of Alfred Enoch, a salesman and small business entrepreneur, and his wife, Eva (nee Pile). They moved to Solihull, and then Wolverhampton, where William attended the grammar school before moving on to Fettes college in Edinburgh and Trinity College, Oxford, where his economics tutor was the brilliant Labour parliamentarian Anthony Crosland.
But Russell didn’t “get” the economics part of the PPE (philosophy, politics and economics) course and switched, much to Crosland’s relief, to English. In those years, 1943-46, he worked out his national service and appeared in revues and plays with such talented contemporaries as Kenneth Tynan, Tony Richardson and Sandy Wilson.
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Derek Ware, a fight co-ordinator, runs through a scene with Russell during a break in filming the Doctor Who story The Crusades at the BBC studios, Ealing, in 1965. Photograph: Mirrorpix/Getty Images
On graduating, he played in weekly rep in Tunbridge Wells, fortnightly rep at the Oxford Playhouse and featured, modestly, in the Alec Guinness Hamlet of 1951 at the New (now the Noël Coward) theatre. He had big roles in seasons at the Bristol Old Vic and the Oxford Playhouse in the early 60s, while on television he was in JB Priestley’s An Inspector Calls with John Gregson, and was St John Rivers in Jane Eyre.
He played Shylock and Ford (in the Merry Wives of Windsor) in 1968-69 at the Open Air, Regent’s Park, before joining the RSC in 1970 as the Provost in Measure for Measure (with Ian Richardson and Ben Kingsley), Lord Rivers in Norman Rodway’s Richard III and Salisbury in a touring King John, with the title role played by Patrick Stewart.
His billing slipped in movies, but he played small parts in good films such as Superman (1978), starring Christopher Reeve, as one of the Elders; as a passerby drawn into the violence in the Spanish-American slasher film Deadly Manor (1990); and in Bertrand Tavernier’s Death Watch (1980), a sci-fi futuristic fable about celebrity, reality TV and corruption, starring Romy Schneider and Harvey Keitel.
With John Retallack’s Actors Touring Company in the 80s, he was a lurching, apoplectic Sir John Brute in John Vanbrugh’s The Provok’d Wife, possessing, said Jonathan Keates in the Guardian, “a weirdly philosophical elegance”; a civilised Alonso, expertly discharging some of the best speeches in The Tempest; and a quick-change virtuosic king, peasant, soldier and tsar in Alfred Jarry’s 1896 surrealist satire Ubu Roi in the Cyril Connolly translation.
Back at the RSC in 1989, he was the courtly official Egeus in white spats (Helena wore Doc Martens) in an outstanding production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream by John Caird, and both the Ghost and First Player in Mark Rylance’s pyjama-clad Hamlet directed by Ron Daniels. In 1994 he took over (from Peter Cellier) as Pinchard in Peter Hall’s delightful production of Feydeau’s Le Dindon, retitled in translation An Absolute Turkey, which it wasn’t.
He rejoined Rylance in that actor/director’s opening season in 1997 at the new Shakespeare’s Globe. He was King Charles VI of France in Henry V and Tutor to Tim in Thomas Middleton’s riotous Jacobean city comedy, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside. Many years later, in 2021, his son Alfred Enoch (Dean Thomas in the Harry Potter movies), would play on the same stage as a fired-up Romeo.
Russell is survived by his second wife, Etheline (nee Lewis), a doctor, whom he married in 1984, and their son, Alfred, and by his children, Vanessa, Laetitia and Robert, from his marriage to Balbina, which ended in divorce, and four grandchildren, James, Elise, Amy and Ayo.
 William Russell Enoch, actor, born 19 November 1924; died 3 June 2024.
-- I'm a bit annoyed there's no mention of the fact that William continued to play Ian Chesterton for Big Finish.
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A Mads poll with a difference!
A poll of Mads Mikkelsen movies where the selection is based on range of factors, including but not limited to: genre, writer/director, country of release, date of release and 🎉vibes 🎉
Some of the movies may fit in more than one category, so vibes have mostly informed those decisions.
Round Three:
Choose your fave!
With Le Chiffre getting 53.8% of his poll, and Martin at 67.6% in his, who will come out on top in round three?
Casino Royale is the 2006 reboot of the James Bond franchise, based on Ian Fleming's first Bond novel, of the same name. Mads plays antagonist Le Chiffre (whose name Jean Duran was later revealed in the video game of the movie), a private banker who has lost his client's money and is trying to recover it.
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Druk (Another Round) is a 2020 Danish comedy-drama following a group of teachers who decide to divert themselves from the boring lives by testing Skårderud's theory regarding humans having a blood alcohol content deficiency. Mads plays Martin, a history teacher who dramatically derails his life over this alcoholic pursuit.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
A controversial Seattle teacher allegedly told students that identifying as “straight” is offensive. He even scolded some of his male students for being a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care.” It resulted in a parent filing a complaint with Chief Sealth High School. In defending the teacher, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) offered what appears to be a verifiably false statement to the media.
Tenth-grade Ethnic Studies World History teacher and self-identified communist Ian Golash asked students to complete a “Social Identity Wheel” worksheet, according to the parent, who asked for anonymity. It asks students to explain their various identities, including racial, ethnic, gender, socio-economic status, physical, emotional, or developmental disabilities, and sexual orientation. The worksheet is intended to tell students that their identities determine whether they receive unearned privilege or oppression.
The parent’s 15-year-old son labeled himself “straight.” Golash took issue with that word “because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation.”
‘Straight’ is offensive to Ian Golash
The student’s mother shared an email thread with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. In it, she complains about the comment to Golash and the school’s principal, Ray Garcia-Morales.
“When filling out a Social Identity Wheel, he (her son) was told that if he identifies as straight that he needed to pick a term that was less offensive. It is completely inappropriate to dictate what terms a student can and cannot use to identify themselves with,” the mom wrote in the September 24, 2023 email.
Golash said he did not target her son with his comment. He did, however, admit to saying something similar to the entire classroom.
In the email response to the mother, Golash allegedly told the parent that he “stated explicitly that I was not going to tell them how they should identify except to explain the difference between race, ethnicity and nationality.” But he did cast aspersions on identifying as “straight.”
“Because I think language has power and that it shapes the culture that we live in, I did say to the class, in response to a student, that I do not use the term ‘straight’ because it implies that to not be straight is to be ‘crooked’ which could have a negative connotation,” Golash wrote. “But, again stated that I am not interested in telling them how they should identify and that the wheel they are completing is for their own reflection, not for me to assess.”
A very contrived position
Golash taking offense to the term “straight” in this way may be the only such example in the country. It’s a common and accepted term.
Chief Sealth High School has a Gay-Straight Alliance Club. Even GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) uses “straight” as an alternative descriptor for heterosexuals. The term “straight-ally” is still used by LGBT groups.
The contrived issue came up in a 2015 Washington Post column about etiquette. The readers (not Golash) asked if the term “straight” is offensive. Steven Petrow (the author of “Steven Petrow’s Complete Gay & Lesbian Manners”) responded by saying he’s never been asked that before. He concluded it was neither offensive nor a slur.
“I’ve never heard of a gay person saying they were offended by the use of straight. Do some straight folks find it problematic? I think you are saying that you are and, if so, I’d like to know why,” he wrote.
‘Product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care’
The parent also claimed in the email that Golash shamed her son during a conversation about Florida banning left-wing classes with critical race theory indoctrination. Her son had missed the day the class watched a video about the topic, and told Golash he didn’t know why the state legislature forwarded the ban, according to the mom.
“I’m told that rather than converse about the topic and provide him with information and an actual answer, he was told that he was a ‘product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care,'” the mom wrote in the email. “You missed an opportunity here to teach your student about current events and instead shamed him for being a male. To assume that he’s being raised in a patriarchal household is a very mistaken one.”
Again, Golash disputes some specifics but admits to bringing up the issue.
“My response about patriarchy was not directed at one student, it was connected to discussions of systems of power that we had been having in the previous few days and the behavior of several boys in the class,” he wrote, according to the email. He did not dispute saying the quote the mother provided.
The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH asked Golash if the emails properly depict what he sent to the parent and if he wanted to offer additional context. He did not respond.
It’s part of a political agenda
Golash focuses a portion of his curriculum on issues around gender identity. The same parent previously complained that Golash failed her son on a quiz for correctly saying men cannot get pregnant and that women do not have penises. The mom eventually pulled her son from his class.
“Mr. Golash has introduced many controversial topics into the classroom and instead of inviting open, constructive and truthful conversations, he provides biased resources that only aid in pushing his own ideological agendas,” the mom told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH. “In this particular instance, he tried to persuade the language the students used in an attempt to censor them. Mr. Golash instructs his students what to think and not how to think. This in no way provides identity-safe classrooms that allow students to feel visible and valued.”
She says her son started to “self-censor … due to Mr. Golash’s intolerant teaching tactics.” Only after this incident, she said Golash accused her son of being disruptive and disengaged. She called it “retaliatory in nature.”
In the email thread, Golash did accuse her son and other classmates of unruly behavior. He said his frustration with their alleged behavior, “resulted in words I said that day that I might not phrase in the same way today.”
Seattle Public Schools is mostly silent
According to a screenshot of an email shared with The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH, the district is investigating the two separate complaints against Ian Golash.
First, the school is reviewing the quiz that the student failed for taking objectively true positions: Men can’t get pregnant and women do not have penises. Second, according to an email, Chief Sealth principal Garcia-Morales told parents there was an investigation into a separate incident where antisemitic curriculum was taught to students.
Seattle Public Schools (SPS) won’t say much about Golash, including how far the investigation has progressed. They also would not comment for this story, neither confirming nor denying Golash’s purported communication with the parent. Even if they did comment, they’ve previously misled the media with a statement.
More from Jason Rantz: Democrats reject child marriage, but accept their gender reassignment
Misleading the media and public
When The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH exclusively reported the “men can get pregnant” quiz, the story ignited a firestorm of criticism and ridicule towards Golash and the district. SPS appeared to give out the same statement to multiple outlets, but added an extra detail to Fox News.
In the original report, the mother complained that Golash and another teacher engaged in name-calling. One teacher allegedly called her son “f****d and racist,” and Golash allegedly made the comment about being a “product of the patriarchy that teaches young boys not to care about anything.” SPS denied the claims when asked by Fox News.
“Claims that the student was called names have not been reported to SPS. We have confirmed with the school’s principal that this is the first reference to any name-calling,” a spokesperson told Fox News.
The statement appears to be false.
In a February 2, 2023 email, the mother’s husband emailed a teacher and principal Garcia Morales. In it, he complained of conduct against his son. He wrote that his son told him the teacher explained to the classroom, “If you’re white, that’s f****d up and racist.” The principal was also on the email over Golash’s comments about the patriarchy.
SPS would not say why they told Fox News that my report was the first reference to any name-calling.
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
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Joseph Quinn x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Joseph Quinn Masterlist ♡ Confessions Masterlist
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warning: none.
Summary: Joseph Quinn is ready to propose to his long-time girlfriend, but he can't help but to think about their love story.
Part 1 can be found here
Joseph Quinn's POV:
YN is due to fly back home in a few days and I still haven't proposed to her. I knew the timing didn't really matter for us, but I wanted her to go back home with the ring on her finger.
Joe has text me every chance he gets to see if I have asked her. I can just imagine the face he is giving his phone every time I text back "no."
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But to me, it had to be the right moment. It didn't matter if it was just us out to dinner or taking a walk, but it just had to be the right moment....and it hasn't been yet.
Yet I knew time was running out if I wanted to propose to her now.
My alarm woke me on the second to last day that YN was here, but I was able to turn it off before it woke her.
YN's eyes started to flutter open but I wrapped my arms gently around her and hummed our song quietly to her to get her to fall back to sleep.
It worked.
She was tired after shopping yesterday. We spent almost the whole day together shopping for ourselves, our baby boy and our friends and family.
We even went to the post office to have everything sent home.
Just the thought of her going home and leaving my side once more had me kissing the top of her head and muttering about how much I love her as we laid in bed.
Which brought on all these memories of us. Like when the two of us first met in Primary School.
It was half way into Year 6 when the teacher announced to the class that we were getting a new student. The class was excited but confused about getting a new classmate half way though the year.
We were all excited when the day finally arrived and that was when I first met YN LN. She stood in front of the class as our teacher introduced her. Nervous, but trying to put on a brave face.
A desk was placed next to my spot and YN sat next to me. I held out my hand and introduced myself. YN looked down at my hand and then looked into my eyes and even though I didn't know it then, I fell for her.
"Nice to meet you Joey." YN said to me with a big smile.
YN pulled me from my thoughts as she moved a bit, to try and get comfy, but never once did she waken.
I went back to my thoughts of us. Like when YN was getting bullied by two boys from the other class.
The school year was almost over and YN and I already made plans to meet up with one another after our families come back from our own holidays.
The two of us were walking to school. We have ever since the day we met. We didn't live that far from one another.
But as the two of us were walking, I noticed that she was very quiet. "What is wrong with you? Why are you so quiet?" I finally asked her.
"Just tired is all." Was her reply. Then she put her hair behind her right ear. I knew she was lying. I stopped walking and that made YN, who only got a few steps ahead of me, stop and turn around to look at me.
"Why did you stop?"
"Why are you lying to me?" The two of us asked at the same time.
"I'm not lying to you Joey." She said to me, but she wasn't looking at me now. She was looking down at the path. Her History book which she was holding in her hands, was tight against her chest.
"YN, I'm not gonna pry it out of you but I know you are. Just know I am here for you when you are ready to talk." And I didn't mention it again.
But a few days later on our walk home, YN told me everything. How Ian Brown and Adam Smithyman were bullying her. How they would tease her and pull on her hair. They even took her notebook and threw it in a puddle.
"Why didn't you say anything to me YN?" I asked her.
"I was hoping they would stop, but they haven't and I just want them to leave me alone. I thought about going to a teacher but that may just make it worse." Tears were threatening to fall and that broke my heart.
So that weekend I found the two of them at the park and questioned them about it. They stood there proudly as the admitted to bullying her.
I only saw red as I tackled Ian to the ground and started to punch him. Adam tried to get me off of him but I just kept pushing him away.
A couple of adults broke up our fight. I got in trouble and was grounded when my Parents were called.
"Why did you do this Joseph?" My Mother asked as she harshly put a bag of frozen carrots on the bruise on my cheek.
"They were bullying YN. Pulling her hair, throwing her schoolbooks in the puddles." I told them, not even caring that I am in trouble. I just needed to stand up for my best friend and all the punishment in the world will be worth it.
My parents just looked at one another and did that thing all couples do, talk to each other without actually saying a word.
They told me I was grounded for one week instead of two. I didn't even ask why they reduced the grounding.
That following Monday I was waiting for YN at our usual spot that we always meet up at to walk to school, when I saw her walking towards me with a huge smile on her face.
I was going to say good morning like I always did, but she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in for a hug before I could speak. I hugged her back and she pulled back just enough so I could still see her face but her arms were wrapped around my neck.
"Thank you Joey. Ian and Adam came to my house to apologise for everything. They told me they would leave me alone."
"It was nothing." I shrugged my shoulders and tried to play it cool. She just rolled her eyes at me.
"Either way, thank you." YN then leaned in and kissed my cheek gently. Her watch beeped and she gasped as she realised that we were gonna be late. She let go of me and started to walk to school.
But I didn't move. I placed my hand on the cheek that she kissed, not believing that she actually did that. "Come on Joey, we're gonna be late."
YN stirred once more and she slowly opened her eyes. "Mm good morning handsome." YN said to me as she looked up at me."
"Good morning beautiful." I leaned down and captured her lips in mine. I smiled into the kiss as I heard her sigh, but then she pulled away.
"Be right back. Someone's baby is sitting on my bladder." She teased as she left the bed. Once she was in the bathroom, she called out that she was going to take a bath.
I was alone once more with my memories. Like when we had our first kiss.
It was year 9 when we were at our friend Eliza's birthday party. Who had this great idea to do 7 minutes in heaven. We each put our names in a hat. At the time, there was one for boys and one for girls.
I was nervous, not wanting my first kiss to be with just anybody, but as the game went on and more and more people got called, there was only eight of us left. Eliza put her hand into the girls hat.
YN, who was sitting next to me, stood up and waited for the guy to be called. I looked at the guys that were left and I the thoughts I had about them were not nice in that moment, even though we are friends.
"Joseph." Our friends all started to tease us, just like we did for the others. I stood up and YN and I walked towards the pantry that is being used for this game.
The door closed and it was dark in the room. We didn't say a word to one another for a long while. "We don't have to do this YN." I said to my best friend.
"I know."
I know this would be her first real kiss and I didn't want to rush her. "But we may as well. I mean, who else do I trust more than you Joseph Quinn?"
"If you are sure YN?" I asked one last time as she stood closer to me. "I am sure Joey." She whispered and I leaned down as I gently cupped her face with my hands and kissed her gently on the lips. It was only about ten seconds but I wanted to kiss her again and again, but I didn't.
The pantry door swung open at that moment, our time cut short. Eliza was standing there, panicked. "My Mom is home, get out of there."
YN and I never mentioned that kiss again. Not until we were much older.
YN takes long baths and they seem to be longer ever since she found out she was pregnant. I know it helps her to relax.
I wanted to join her but my stomach started to grumble. I knocked on the washroom door. "Gonna order some breakfast. What would you like?"
I took down her order and then I ordered room service, making sure to get what she wants and is craving. No need for a fight because I forgot how she wanted her eggs. The pregnancy hormones are crazy at this stage but I wouldn't change this for the world.
Which got me thinking about our first big fight.
I just was attending Emanuel and just got the scholarship as part of their drama scholar program. I was excited to tell YN, but for some reason when I did, she wasn't excited for me.
"Oh? Is that all you can say about this YN? This will help me to get better at acting." I only had one small role at the time.
"I am so happy for you Joseph." Oh no, she called me Joseph instead of Joey. "I don't get why you aren't. This is my dream to be an actor and you know that YN." I was getting angry at the fact that she wasn't happy for me.
"I told you I am happy, now just drop it." She went to close her front door on me but I blocked it with my arm. "No, I will not. Why can't you be happy for me?"
"Just go live your life and be a star Joseph. You are so busy now will your classes and your plays, you may as well forget about me." I was so stunned that I actually dropped my arm and she closed the door and locked it on me.
I tried to get her to open it by knocking first, then banging on the door. The neighbours told me to knock it off or they were going to call the Police. I tried calling her after that and texting, but no response.
I finally had enough of being ignored so I showed up to her house one day. Her Mom was working in the garden.
"Nice to see you Joey. YN is in her room." I thanked her and walked into my second home and down the stairs to the basement, which is where YN's bedroom has been for three years now.
I knocked on the open door and YN looked up. "How did you get in here?"
"Your Mom let me in. I have been trying to get us to talk for days YN."
"I told you just to forget about me. You have better friends at that school." YN wasn't even looking at me as she continued to sit on her bed. She was holding a teddy bear I won for her at the fair, close to her chest.
"Now how can I ever or want to forget about my best friend?" I am very confused about this.
"I am just holding you back. You have more in common with those people." I was stunned to hear her say that. I sat down next to her on her bed, just like so many times before.
"Yes, we have the love of acting in common but they are not you. They are not my best friend. They have no idea what I am scared of. What my favourite song is or book. Hell, they don't even know my favourite colour or when my birthday is. They do not know my deepest, darkest secrets. The only person who knows them is you."
"I am scared to lose you Joey." She finally said to me.
"You, my dear YN will never lose me. We made a pact when we were 12 years old that we will always be in eachothers lives and I never break a promise."
She smiled at me and hugged me. I was going to say something but then her Mom called us up for lunch.
There was a knock on the hotel door. I opened it and our breakfast is here. I tipped them and I was once again alone.
I called out to YN that breakfast was here and she said she will be out in a few minutes.
I started on my meal, knowing that she would be more upset if I waited for her. As I bit into my potatoes, I thought back to when YN and I were both in relationship, but with other people.
I was dating a woman from my drama program and YN was dating someone from her University, but her and I always made time for one another. We still met up once a week and I text her more than my own girlfriend.
I get why anyone who we dated were always jealous of her. YN was the main woman in my life, even though I was lying to myself at the time, but they always knew it.
"I want you to end your friendship with YN." She asked me as I taking bite of my mashed potatoes.
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me Joseph." I made a face when she called me that. Calling me that like I am in trouble.
"We have talked about this. She isn't going anywhere. She is my bestfriend." Which my ex scoffed at.
"Oh please, it is like you are dating her and me at the same time. Her boyfriend feels the same way."
"Since when did you and Alex text?" I wasn't even jealous. I should of been but I wasn't.
"After our fourth double date. We felt like you two were in a relationship."
"Well, I am not ending my friendship with YN." I told her.
"Then it is over between us. We can all see it but you two can't. You're in love with her and her with you." I tried to deny it. We fought the whole way go her house. I was denying my feelings even though she was right.
I wasn't even upset as I dropped her off at her house. I went straight to YN's dorm, knowing she would be there. I knocked on the four times and YN opened it.
"Alex and I broke up."
"Same with Annie and I." I took my spot in her chair and her and on her bed. "
He wanted me to end our friendship."
"She wanted the same thing. She also said that we are in love with one another."
"Oh please. Alex said the same thing." It seemed to get hotter in her room. The two of us didn't say anything. Her roommate opening the door broke the tension.
I left not long after that. Trying to wrap my head around this whole night. I couldn't sleep as the one person on my mind was YN.
I knew Annie was right, just like all the others were. I tried to call YN the next morning but it went straight to voicemail. I realised that she would be at work. She works Tesco on the weekends for extra cash.
I knew her car was in the shop, so I text her to let her know that I wad picking her up at the end of her shift. All I got back wasa thumbs up emoji.
I was there way earlier than I needed to be, but I was nervous. I am finally going to admit to YN that I am in love with her.
I saw her exit through the backdoor and she headed straight for my car. She opened the passenger door and slipped into the seat.
"YN I have something," but she cut me off. She really only does that when she is nervous.
"I love you Joey."
"I love you too." It isn't the first time we have said it to one another. I mean, she is my bestfriend.
"No, not just as a bestfriend. I have pushed my feelings aside for you for so long and I," this time I cut her off by kissing her. I cupped her face with my hands and she wrapped her arms around my neck, just like all those years ago.
I have no idea how long we made out for in the parking lot of her job, but the sound of a car alarm finally broke us two apart. She leaned her forehead against mine and we both closed our eyes.
"I love you Joseph Quinn."
"I love you YN LN."
"And I love you to Joey." Her voice startled me. I had no idea I said that out loud.
"What have you been thinking about love? I have been out for two minutes and you didn't even acknowledge me." She said as she took a bite of her waffles. I noticed that she was just in her bathrobe.
"Just us and our own love story." She blew me a kiss as her mouth was full of waffles.
The two of us talked about what we were going to do for the rest of the day. I went and showered as YN finished her breakfast.
We were both getting dressed for the day when I saw the velvet box that I hid in my bag.
I grabbed it and looked behind me and saw that YN was in the bathroom doing her hair and makeup.
I got down on one knee just out of her sight and waited with baited breath.
"Joey, I was thinking we should..." Her voice trailed off as she finally saw me. Her hands covered her mouth.
"YN, the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew in my core that my life’s about to change. When you sat next to me on your first day of Primary School, is etched forever as it was that moment something, some unusual feeling that my life is about to change. And true enough, after speaking with you, it felt like I’ve known you since forever. Who would have thought that the stranger next to me that day will be the person I won’t last a day without. Today, I want to let you know that you are the person I want to be with for the rest of my life. In many different stages and versions, regardless of the change – good or bad, I want to experience it with you…Will you marry me?”
Tears were streaming down her face as I finished my proposal.
"Yes." That one simple word almost made me cry as I slipped the ring on her finger. I got up and I kissed her.
We were smiling into the kiss and then she gasped and pulled away slightly.
"You okay love?" I asked her.
"It seems like our son is excited as well." She placed my hand on her stomach and I could feel him going crazy.
"I love you Joey, so very much."
"I love you forever and always YN."
The two of us spent the day together. Doing whatever she wanted to do. Joe text me twice and I ignored him both times as I was busy.
YN was wondering why I was ignoring him but I explained to her why. She laughed about how Joe kept pushing for me to propose.
"He is just a romantic Joey. He loves love."
But he is always impatient, so he decided a video call was best.
"Joe I am busy."
"Did you?" He ignored me.
I turned the phone around and YN held up her hand.the scream that came from him actually had me worried.
I turned the phonw back round to me and he was dancing.
"My boy is getting married!"
Part 1 ♤ Part 3
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 1 year
the butterfly effect in shameless is real. if ian hadn’t tripped his history teacher in class when he was fifteen, he wouldn’t have married the ‘king of the southside’ almost a decade later.
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denimbex1986 · 7 months
'David Tennant bounds into the room, friendly, super articulate and energetic.
The actor and Doctor Who favourite, regularly voted the best Doctor by fans, is set to appear once again as the Time Lord in the forthcoming 60th anniversary specials.
The ongoing actors' strike prevents him from talking about those (Doctor Who is now a BBC/Disney co-production and US actors' union Sag-Aftra has been on strike since July).
But we're together, in a room full of books and leftover croissants - clearly actors need sustenance - to talk about Shakespeare, a playwright Tennant calls a "genius" who "had a particular sense of what it is to be a human" and expresses it "in a way no one else really does".
Tennant, who is an associate artist with the Royal Shakespeare Company, is steeped in the Bard. One critic described his Hamlet, which aired on the BBC in 2009, as "theatrical history in the making".
He excelled as Romeo and Richard II and, when we met, had just finished his first day of rehearsals for an already sold out run of Macbeth at London's Donmar Warehouse.
He's no-nonsense about the superstition of only referring to this most atmospheric work as the "Scottish play". Tennant freely uses the word "Macbeth".
But he admits to terrible nerves ahead of the show - however successful you are, it never gets any better, he says.
Renowned actors have been in his shoes; famously Lord Olivier was Macbeth to Vivien Leigh's Lady Macbeth in 1955, Sir Ian McKellen and Dame Judi Dench had their turn in 1976 and Sir Antony Sher and Dame Harriet Walter in 1999.
For Tennant, Shakespearean roles are like "Olympic events for an actor".
"The idea that you're being invited to stand next to these greats and sort of challenge yourself, test yourself against them and see if you've got something new to bring to that… that's part of what's exciting about it."
West Lothian-born Tennant "always wanted to be an actor" (his childhood obsession with Doctor Who had a big part to play in that) and from the way people talked about the plays, "I knew there was something magical about Shakespeare."
But that didn't mean he was immediately hooked when introduced to Macbeth at school - although he's at pains to praise his teacher.
He says the plays were written to be performed and it's "a shame that the first experience of Shakespeare is sitting in a classroom, trying to mouth these words that don't sit in your mouth and don't necessarily make a lot of sense to you at the age of 14".
"That's why a lot of people fall out of love with Shakespeare before they've really had a chance to fall in love."
Tennant fell in love when TAG, a Glasgow theatre company, brought As You Like It to his school's assembly hall. "I didn't necessarily understand every word and some of it felt perhaps a little unnatural and foreign to me". But the teenage Tennant was transported "because it was live and it was happening".
Now his head is brimful of a play that opens with three witches plotting and takes us on a journey of murder and guilt. Tennant says Shakespeare's take is "incredibly modern".
"The way he expresses Macbeth's fear of never sleeping, the torture of being in the restless ecstasy of never being able to close your eyes."
Even for Tennant, though, Shakespeare needs decoding. He tells me, when he opens one of the plays, he "100%" puts the modern translation next to the old. He deciphers the language so theatre audiences don't have to.
"If we're doing our job halfway properly, you shouldn't have to worry about understanding every syllable. You will be transported by it."
There can, though, be layers of meaning that still surprise you 10 weeks into a run, he says. "Usually on a wet Wednesday afternoon matinee, you'll suddenly go 'oh, that's what that line means.'"
Macbeth is one of 18 Shakespeare plays that would have disappeared if, seven years after his death, the actors John Heminges and Henry Condell hadn't published their friend's greatest plays in the First Folio.
That book was the first time the plays had been put together.
Before then, only 18 had been printed, in small paperback editions known as quartos.
The First Folio was registered for publication on 8 November 1623.
There were 750 copies made. Without it, we could have lost all the unprinted plays, around half of Shakespeare's works, including not just Macbeth but Julius Caesar, The Tempest, As You Like It and Twelfth Night.
Four hundred years on, 235 original First Folios are known to survive - 150 are in the US, and about 50 in the UK and Ireland.
The BBC is running a huge amount of content to mark the 400th anniversary. The celebratory season will include the 2018 adaptation of King Lear starring Sir Anthony Hopkins, Shakespeare Live! from the RSC, and a semi-fictionalised comic drama on Radio 4 about the creation of the First Folio.
Tennant says: "The reason that those plays are still performed around the world and the reason that Shakespeare is the cultural colossus that he is, is because that book was published."...
For Tennant, Shakespeare is "weirdly modern" because he captures how complicated it is to be human.
"He writes about the moment he was in, which seems to, by dint of his genius, also be the moment we are in."
Tennant is one of the UK's most exciting actors, known to wider audiences not just for Doctor Who and Broadchurch, but his film role as Barty Crouch Junior in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
But you get the sense that there's even more magic, for Tennant, in performing Shakespeare.
It's why he is celebrating the anniversary of the First Folio, that book that was the first step in creating a legacy for the greatest playwright in the English speaking world.'
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idkaguyorsomething · 7 months
A Shitty Recap of An Unearthly Child
For convoluted legal reasons, the very first episode of Doctor Who, An Unearthly Child, is unavailable for the public to screen (they cover the details here: https://www.ign.com/articles/why-the-first-four-doctor-who-episodes-ever-made-wont-be-on-bbc-iplayer ). So I’ll be recapping it with some screenshots here!
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[Image ID: The words “An Unearthly Child” superimposed over an image of a 1960s police box]
We open with a scene of a police officer walking through the mist, opening the gates to the Foreman Junkyard and passing by a Perfectly Average Police Box.
Cut to Coal Hill High School, where the bell has rung to signal the end of the day and we see our leads, BARBARA the history teacher and IAN the chemistry teacher.
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[Image ID: a man and a woman talking in a high school chemistry classroom. There is a chalkboard in the background]
BARBARA: We need to talk about Susan.
IAN: Susan?
BARBARA: You know, the fucking weirdo.
IAN: I do know, though when you put it like that-
BARBARA: Look, her grades are really high but her homework is shit, and when I went to go see where her home address is I ended up in a random junkyard.
IAN: Well, that could’ve been a typo in the school system.
BARBARA: Maybe, but when I went to go ask her about talking to her grandfather, she said that it would be absolutely impossible. For her only living relative, don’t you think that sounds a little-
IAN: Don’t!
IAN: *sighs* Well, there’s probably some perfectly reasonable explanation for it.
BARBARA: I promised to go lend her a book, want to help me get to the bottom of it?
IAN: Sure.
Cut to SUSAN in another classroom, stimming!
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[Image ID: Susan standing in the foreground, holding a radio with one hand and drumming her fingers on her wrist with the other. Barbara and Ian are in the background]
BARBARA: I have that book about the French Revolution you wanted, Susan.
SUSAN: Oh, thanks! I’ll return it tomorrow.
BARBARA: You can return it when you’ve finished it.
SUSAN: I will have finished it by tomorrow :3
IAN: Nice Beatles tunes you’re listening to there.
SUSAN: Wow, I didn’t think you were young enough to know about the Beatles.
IAN: Listen, student of mine, I was just about to give Barbara a ride home, and I’ve got extra room in my car if you want a lift.
SUSAN: Umm, you know what, I think I’d rather walk home in the dark. That has spookier vibes. Yeah.
BARBARA and IAN exit the room. We hold on SUSAN, who starts flipping through her book.
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[Image ID: Susan flipping through a book] SUSAN: The fuck is this bullshit?
Cut back to BARBARA and IAN IAN: Well, that settles it. Something is definitely off about that situation. We should stake out her home address and see what’s up with that.
BARBARA: Now you’re talking!
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[Image ID: BARBARA and IAN standing in a classroom, looking at each other lovingly]
Cut to BARBARA and IAN in IAN’S CAR, parked outside the Foreman Junkyard eating Taco Bell.
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[Image ID: the blurriest photo ever of Ian and Barbara sitting in the front of Ian’s car]
BARBARA: Did you know Susan doesn’t know how English currency works?
Flashback to the classroom, where all of Susan’s classmates are laughing at her.
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[Image ID: Susan standing in the classroom, looking very upset]
SUSAN: Shit, you mean you haven’t converted to the decimal system yet? Now I’ll have to learn what sixpence and a shilling is!
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[Image ID: Barbara and Ian sitting in Ian’s car again, with Ian looking slightly annoyed] IAN: You know people from other countries exist, right?
BARBARA: Don’t chicken out on me, this whole operation was your idea.
IAN: I think you’re just really curious about this whole situation and that there’s a simple explanation for it all.
BARBARA: Her homework lately’s been shit! It’s the right thing to do!
IAN: Barbara, we’re staking out a junkyard in my car eating Taco Bell. There’s been shittier homework. Bad social skills, good schoolwork, and reading books in improbably short periods of time, you know what that sounds like to me? Autism.
BARBARA: It’s the 1960s, you’re not supposed to know that exists yet.
Then they notice Susan stepping into the junkyard and get out to follow her.
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[Image ID: BARBARA and IAN standing in front of a police box, placing their hands on it]
IAN: A police box? In a junkyard? Who’s going to have an emergency in here?
BARBARA: Forget that, where’d Susan go?
Just then, the DOCTOR steps into the screen!
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[Image ID: the First Doctor standing in a junkyard]
DOCTOR: Rassilon’s toenails, the only thing this planet has is weed and racism!
IAN: Hey you, have you seen a young woman wandering around here?
DOCTOR: No, I can’t say I have. And who are you again?
BARBARA: We’re Susan’s high school teachers. We’re here to check on her because we suspect that she might be hiding her grandfather’s corpse around here while the rats eat her homework.
DOCTOR: Uh huh… perhaps you have the wrong junkyard.
Suddenly they hear Susan’s voice coming from inside the police box!
SUSAN: Grandfather, you left the bong on the stack of scrap metal again!
IAN: Are you her grandfather? Is she being locked inside that box? What the hell? Susan, try to dial the police from inside there!
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[Image ID: the Doctor looking at Ian smugly in the foreground while Barbara looks on in the background] DOCTOR: I think the two of you are just hearing things. You know how it is with junkyards and their junkyard echolocation. Common knowledge. This is just an ordinary, empty box.
IAN: If it’s just an ordinary box, then you wouldn’t mind stepping aside so we can look inside, would you?
DOCTOR: Oh, fuck off already!
IAN: Not in a million years. Susan, we’re coming for you!
The two of them tussle while BARBARA runs around them and opens the door to the police box.
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[Image ID: some blurry shit that looks like an old man throwing hands with a guy in his 30s if you squint]
Barbara steps into the police box, and all three of them end up on the inside!
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[Image ID: Barbara, Ian, the Doctor, and Susan all standing around the interior of the police box]
SUSAN: Grandfather, did you grab the bo- oh.
IAN: How is it bigger on the inside? That defies the laws of physics?
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[Image ID: the Doctor holding up one hand as he lectures Susan. Ian watches them in the foreground] DOCTOR: You’d better get used to it, because you’re my prisoners now. Susan, I told you something like this would happen if you tried to attend high school. Now we’ll have to get a litter box or something for them. I think Koschei left some collars and a leash somewhere around here last time he visited…
IAN: You can’t keep us prisoners in here, that’s inhumane! Besides, someone else is going to stumble onto this box eventually.
DOCTOR: Well then, it’s a good thing that neither I nor Susan are human, then? And I’ll just have to pilot the box elsewhere.
IAN: Pilot a box? But physics-
SUSAN: No, it’s true. Grandfather and I are both Time Lords from the planet Gallifrey, although those names won’t be established for another couple of seasons. The box is actually a time traveling ship called the TARDIS, which is an acronym that I came up with that’ll give a headache to anyone trying to understand the lore. We’re exiles, actually.
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[Image ID: Barbara looking at Susan sweetly but sternly]
BARBARA: Susan, sweetheart, have you ever heard of brainwashing?
SUSAN: You’re inside the ship! How do you want proof more definitive than that?
IAN: That’s it, I’m out of here.
Both Barbara and Ian attempt to leave the ship, but find themselves being held back.
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[Image ID: Barbara and Ian try to open the doors of the TARDIS but are unable to. Their faces are in distress]
BARBARA: Damn, that old bastard must’ve locked the doors somehow.
DOCTOR: Did you not hear the part where I said you’re my prisoners now?
IAN: I saw him pushing one of those buttons on the console!
DOCTOR: You’ll never find out which button that was! It takes decades to learn the controls to the TARDIS. Even I haven’t learned them all yet!
SUSAN: You threw away the instruction manual, grandfather.
Ian rushes at the control panel and presses a button, but the Doctor presses another button and he gets fucking tasered.
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[Image ID: Susan watches as Ian gets electrocuted]
DOCTOR: Bad human! Down!
SUSAN: Grandfather, no!
DOCTOR: Let’s get out of here, we’ve stayed in one place too long already. They wouldn’t let me join the Coal Hill PTA, anyways.
SUSAN: I won’t let you!
The Doctor starts operating the controls to the TARDIS, but Susan jumps at him from behind and knocks him off balance.
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[Image ID: a couple of smudges that look like Susan and the Doctor tussling behind the TARDIS console]
SUSAN: They have the Beatles and free love and people my own age here!
DOCTOR: My child, you’re several decades older than every other human at that high school.
SUSAN: I don’t care, you can’t tell me what to do anymore!
They knock over several levers and press multiple buttons in the process, and a few seconds later, the wheezing noise of the TARDIS taking off is heard. Everyone inexplicably passes out, and we fade to black. Then, the TARDIS reappears in an ancient landscape, where we see a strange face looking upon it…
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Do you have favorite BL dramas or movies? If you do, what's your top 20 Asian BL dramas or movies?
Hi anon! 💙 Thank you for this ask! I can make a list! I love it 🥰
Of course I have favorites and I am so thankful you ask for my 20 favorite bls, because 10 would be too hard 😅
I don't have any logical reason behind my choices. Most of the times I go with the feeling I have while watching the show. The following is not a best to last ranking, just my top 20 favorite shows 😊
Goodbye Mother
A vietnamese movie about a young man, Van, who visits his family for the first time after being abroad for nine years. He doesn't come alone, but brings his boyfriend Ian with him. Van waits for the best moment to come out to his family and present Ian as his partner. It is more of a family drama than the typical bl, but it is such a good movie. The grandmother is the heart and soul of it all. It provides everything, happiness, sadness, anger, pain, love...just a perfect movie. It is still available on GagaOOLala, but on the list to leave soon.
A Tale Of Thousand Stars
One of my feel-good-series. EarthMix is one of my favorite pairing and they went crazy with all the staring and pining. The story of Tian and Phupha who meet at a village in the forest where Tian works as a volunteer teacher and Phupha is the local Chief Forest Officer. We whitness how two people get to know each other, understand each other and develop feelings for each other. It is a romantic fairytale dealing with important and serious issues and I love it! You can watch it free on Youtube.
Moonlight Chicken
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Speaking of EarthMix...Moonlight Chicken is my newest favorite and one of the easiest decisions for picking as a favorite. It is a short series, but it tells so many stories in a perfect way. No character comes too short, no realtionship is undeveloped. It is such a perfect series. EarthMix are killing it, but GeminiFourth stole the show. Their depiction of a this first love between a deaf young man and an angry young man was just so beautiful. Both had their dreams and both felt unheard and unseen from the outside (especially the parents and guardians) and they developed such a pure and beautiful bond. I could go on and on about the beauty of this show. Perfect and free to watch on Youtube.
My School President
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And another GeminiFourth project. I am so in love with this show. It is something personal. The story about a first love and such a healthy love and Tin, our school president is one walking green flag. The show helped me on a very personal level to understand parts of my own history and choices and I am forever grateful and will keep this in my heart. And besides that it is such a comfort watch. Every conflict is dealt with before the episodes end and there is no drama, just love and respect. I love it! It is also free on Youtube.
This is something else. We have time loops and some supernatural stuff happening while the main character tries to rescue this young man who is as it turns out the love of his life. And when it looks like it finally can work out, destiny or in this case a higher entity, plays a little bit with time and fucks everyting up again. It is really interesting and tense and there are twists and it is just amazing!
The Untamed
Does this count as a bl? It is not the typical bl, more a censored adaptation of same-sex original work from China. Nevertheless you can see the love and affection between Lan Zhan and Wei Ying. This is a masterpiece. When I tell people about it, who don't watch asian dramas, I always tell them it is better than Game of Thrones for me, so they can put it in relation. This show wrecked me. I cried like never before. And I can't put into words what this series made me feel. It is on Viki and WeTV.
180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us
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Speaking of non typical bls stuff. 180 degree is such a good series. It is difficult to watch, because it feels really raw at parts and it deals with so much stuff, like homophobia, grief, internal homophobia, trauma, loss, love different kinds of relationship, growing up and stagnation, resignation. And the cinematography, uuuhhh! Such a beautiful series and in everything you see on screen you can intepret something in it. As a person who studied language and the comparison between novels and their adaptations, this was heaven for my intepretation loving heart. You can watch it on GagaOOLala.
A First Love Story
Strongberry at its best. It is korean and a short film in two parts and perfect. It tells the story of two best friends who have feelings for each other, but one of them enlisted and has to go to the military soon. We meet them again after some time and get a very intimate view on a very short part of their lifes. The acting is good, the story is good, the chemistry is good. You can watch it on Youtube or soon it will be on GagaOOLala again.
Be Loved in House: I Do
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My comfort watch. This is nothing special. It is just a workplace romance, but it feels so cozy and I love the story. It makes me feel all the butterflies and happiness in my stomach and I love this shit! The company gets a new boss, who is very strict, has a bunch of rules and forbids his co-workers to date, because love can be a distraction and because of his own personal trauma. Can his stone-cold heart be warmed-up again? Oh the cuddles are everything for me! It is on Viki.
History 2: Crossing the line
I like most of the HIStory shows, but tis one I like the most. I do love the secondary couple of HIStory 3: Make our days count and HIStory 4: Close to you (I know...don't judge me), but as a whole series I really like this one the most. Perhaps because it is something different with the whole Volleyball thing or because I think the main couple is just so sweet. I don't know, I like to rewatch it from time to time. You can watch it on Viki.
Bad Buddy
My first asian bl ever. I am so happy I could start with this one. I love the story of Pat and Pran. Enemies to lovers is something else and they did a really good job. And their love was so vulnerable and sweet. Even though Pat always tried to be the strong kind of macho man, he was soft and sweet with Pran and it was so cute to watch. And the iconic rooftop scene! What a scene! It is free on Youtube.
Long Time No See
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Another movie. I don't want to spoil anything. This has assasins and mafia and love and romance and sweetness and blood and fighting. It is not the typical bl stuff, it is more mature, but a really good action movie in my eyes. I liked the drama and the action scenes. As it is leaving GagaOOLala soon, I just rewatched it and it is still good!
Semantic Error
I don't know how many times I rewatched this one. The enemies to lovers story that just melts my heart. I am reading the manhwa and this is so explicit! The series is so tuned down from the original. Nevertheless I love the story of how SangWoo made his way into JaeYoungs heart and melted our all hearts on the way. This one is on Viki.
Old Fashion Cupcake
The story of the 29 years old Togawa who tries to show 39 years old Nozue how beautiful life can be. And what better way to show him than to eat the most delicious sweets ever. I am always hungry and craving for sweets after watching this. This series gives hope. You are never too old to start enjoying life and to allow yourself to love again, even if the person is ten years younger. And another one you can watch on Viki.
Love Mechanics
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I guess this is here because of YinWar. I mean, their chemistry is through the roof! The story itself...well...cheating and pain and War is crying quite often. But it is still good and I can't stop rewatching it. Yes the story is hurtful and a little bit stupid, but VeeMark are adorable when they are happy and in love. It can be watched on WeTV.
DNA Says Love You
We all love some slow burn, right? I mean, this one is very much slow burning, but with a reason and it is a really interesting story behind all that. It is a complex story with some really good staring and pining and hurt and comfort. You have to watch carefully to understand everything, but it is worth it and the wait while our hearts burn away through the slow burn is worth it too.
Gaya Sa Pelikula (Like in the movies)
This one is...it is cute. I don't know what else to say. It is not the best production, but the story is good and the actors are doing a good job. Karl needs to live on his own because a family tradition says it is a good idea to show early on how to survive alone in this world. So he moves into his uncle's apartment where he meets his neighbour Vlad and because of some reasons the end up living together. I love the soundtrack and their whole story. It is free on Youtube.
Once Again
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My favorite bl series of 2022. It tells the story of Shin Jae Woo who deals with childhood trauma and because of some supernatural stuff happening, he jumps back in time to the year he was almost the victime of a crime, but Kang Ji Hoon helped him back then. JaeWoo wants to rescue JiHoon from this path. I was crying through most of the second half of this series. It is just so good. Painful and hurtful. Just watch is you can deal with sad stuff. Everytime I need a good cry, I come back here and it always works its magic. It si on Viki and GagaOOLala.
We best love: No. 1 for you
The true enemies to lovers story. The slow burn and the slow realisation is just so perfect. I feel with Gao Shi De through this whole story. I love to rewtach it and see things I haven't before. And the second season is good as well! Not as good as the first one for me, but still really good. You can watch it on WeTV.
Secret Crush On You
If you manage to get past the first episode full of cringe and you learn things about the characters, you see that these are all of us. The characters are not flawless, they make us cringe, because it feels too real. You can't act normal when you are living your secret crush. And you feel uncomfortable if you don't fit the norms. It is so beautiful to see that there are people out there who love you for who you are. And who isn't afraid to tell the world about it. This series makes my heart feel all the beautiful feelings. It is a little gem out there. And you can watch it for free on youtube.
Well these are my top 20 of all the bls I have watched. It was so much fun! Thank you for this ask!
I guess after this month there are going to be new favorites. Our Dating Sim or A Shoulder To Cry On are some really good shows and I hope they won't mess it up in the end like Oh! My Assistent did.
Have a beautiful day and stay happy and healthy! 💜
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hayscodings · 8 months
thoughts on the advice lana gave debs? cause i was thinking about when fiona and v were arguing and fiona says "not staple a photo of her (debbie) tits to a poll with her phone number beneath it like your wife told her to do!" and svet says "she has a good chest she should use it" that was just like oh! okay! cause debs was a minor. i assume it was cause of everything svet went through as a kid so she thought it wasnt a big deal. but what are your thoughts?
That scene is odd to me because that is not at all what Svetlana suggested that Debbie do? Her advice was for Debbie to find a husband, not to publicly post a photo of herself. The way that I interpret that line is that Svetlana was just being defensive because Fiona was coming at her, and Fiona has a history of being rude and condescending towards Svetlana.
Putting that aside, does Svetlana even know how old Debbie is? I doubt that she does. Though, in all honesty, I’m not sure that it would make a difference. Svetlana’s history has given her a very warped view of sexuality and what is and isn’t age appropriate.
I’m reminded of the scene where Debbie shares with Mandy that she’s been hanging out with a 20 year old guy and Mandy reacts by being impressed and suggesting that she send him a racy photo. They (Svetlana, Mandy, every single main character on this show tbh) just don’t know any better.
Ian didn’t see his relationship with Kash as a big deal, Lip didn’t acknowledge the power imbalance between him and Helene, Karen’s own mother didn’t find it inappropriate that she married a 40 year old man, Mickey didn’t think that a female teacher having an affair with an underage student was rape (I think he also said what that girl did to Carl wasn’t rape?), Mandy thought the concept of statutory rape was archaic, Svetlana never labeled what her father or Yvon did to her as rape.
This ignorance colors each and every one of their views on any situation that implicates these topics, which is why the comments that they make, and they advice that they often give regarding these sorts of things, tends to be so shit.
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flamingbluepanda · 1 year
Past is Present - Part 1
Yall know Time Travel is my shit -- I might do a Mickey pov of this too... @galladrabbles
Ian couldn't fucking believe this -- waking up in 2010, no bipolar disorder, no wedding ring and Fiona and Frank alive and Liam in diapers and-
And no Mickey, as far as he could tell. Every time he'd gone to the milkovich house it looked abandoned. He'd seen Mandy around, but she'd avoided him -- Ian hadn't tripped their history teacher yet, why would she wanna talk to him?
He'd managed to keep himself together, chest aching.
You promised you'd always find me, Mick. Ian thought as he stocked shelves at the Kash and Grab. The door opened.
Ian smiled.
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einsteinsugly · 3 months
The Gang, at 56: My Version of Whatever the Fuck This Old Reddit Thread Is.
Donna: Has been married to Eric for over thirty years. Is a co-editor for the Chicago Sun Times. Just failed running for a city council seat. Has two daughters with Eric, Kate (30) and Leah (26). Through Leah, she has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Eric: Has been married to Donna for over thirty years. Is an eighth grade American history teacher and an amateur photojournalist. Has two daughters with Donna, Kate (30) and Leah (26). Through Leah, he has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Fez: Runs a dance studio in Chicago with his wife of almost thirty years, Rhonda. Had a failed marriage with Laurie, resulting in one son, Adrian (32). He has one daughter with Rhonda, Ashley (27). He came out as bisexual (and later as pan) during the unraveling of his first marriage. Through Adrian, he has two grandkids, Emma (5) and Connor (3).
Hyde: Owns and manages two Grooves locations in Rogers Park and Hyde Park (insert the bad jokes here, via Eric). Got his act together and got back together in Jackie in 1980. They married in 1982. They lived in Milwaukee for awhile, having two kids, Becca (31) and James (29). They moved to Chicago in 1989. Through James, he has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Jackie: Has a successful talk show, Good Morning, Chicago, making her a local celebrity. She turned down a position on the Today Show in the 90s, with connections via Oprah, for the sake of her family. She's been married to Hyde for thirty-four years, and they have two kids, Becca (31) and James (29). Through James, she has one grandson, Caleb (1).
Kelso: He's a cop, and has been married to Brooke for twenty-five years. They've lived in Chicago for almost three decades. They have two daughters, Betsy (37) and Hannah (32). Through Hannah, he has four grandkids, Molly (8), TJ (6), Ian (3), and Wyatt (newborn).
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doctorwhogirlie · 7 months
Barbara Wright
The History Teacher
Species: Human
I love Barbara on a different level of love, she's brilliant, and I feel like she doesn't have a horrible bone in her body, she's just lovely. I was sad to see her leave the show, but I enjoy reading through her wiki page, and knowing she has met other versions of the Doctor makes me happy.
The only thing I wish was different, was that we saw her and Ian get together in the show, I would of loved to watch them grow closer than friends and then eventually become something more. I know they to eventually get married, I just wish we got to watch that on the show.
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