vegehana-food · 2 years
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✿ ポップコーン | Popcorn ・トウモロコシを炒った食品である。主にスナック菓子として食されている。小粒で種皮が固いポップ種(爆裂種)のトウモロコシを乾燥させた粒を、油やバターをひいたフライパンなどで数分間炒り続けると、粒の中の水分が蒸発して膨張する圧力に耐えられなくなり、固い種皮が弾けてスポンジ状に膨張する。これがポップコーンである。なお、同じトウモロコシのスイート種では、ポップコーンは作れない。 ・ポップコーンはネイティブアメリカンやメキシコ先住民がトウモロコシを利用し始めた頃から存在したらしい。ニューメキシコ州で紀元前3600年頃の遺跡からポップコーンの痕跡が見つかっている。どうやら、焚き火の中に乾燥させたポップ種の種子を投げ込んで、焚き火から飛び出した物を食べていたようである。16世紀から17世紀にかけてアメリカ大陸にやってきたヨーロッパ人は彼らからポップコーンのことを知ったが、ヨーロッパではトウモロコシは専ら家畜の餌として利用され始めたため、ヨーロッパ大陸ではポップコーンはあまり広がらなかった。しかしアメリカに渡った初代移民たちは、現地での農業に失敗しながら冬を迎える事態に直面したとき、友好的なネイティブアメリカンから提供されたシチメンチョウやシカの肉、そしてポップコーンといった食材によって餓死をまぬがれた経歴があるといわれ、感謝祭の伝説となっている。 ・アメリカ合衆国では、ポップコーンは19世紀後半から菓子として食べられるようになっていたが、当時はコーンシロップから作った糖蜜を絡めた甘味仕立てであった。塩味が主流となったのは、世界恐慌時代である。他のあらゆる物価がインフレーションで上がっていく中、ポップコーンは比較的値段が上がらなかったため、5~10セントという安値で買える塩味のポップコーンは映画を見ながら食べる映画館の定番となった(館内へのポップコーン持込みを認めるかどうかは、映画館の売り上げを大きく左右したといわれる)。このことは恐慌中のアメリカの農家をいくばくか救ったとされている。
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nikeatyquis · 2 years
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日本の考古学と科学思想の歴史。 第3章 : 日本の考古学者の皆さん、哲学的観点から見た新しい日本考古学へようこそ。 - 1868年当時、日本にはヨーロッパやアメリカで見られるような科学的根拠はありませんでした。日本がその精神やその一部を開放したのは、1868年から1869年の戊辰戦争後になります。米国のような国は日本の科学をモデルにするだろうから、非常に保守的だった。 日本で骨董品への関心が芽生えたのはいつ頃ですか? 江戸時代にはすでに骨董品への関心があったことが知られており、はるか昔にヨーロッパでも同様のことが起こりました。 日本の発掘の始まりは19世紀のほぼ終わりに始まり、数年前に日本でいくつかのローマ硬貨が発見されました。どうやら日本の封建領主は古遺物を収集するのが好きでした。おそらくそれらは中国のどこかの港から海岸に到着しました。日本語。 - 過去を知りたいという欲求は、どの大陸に属していても、すべての人類に共通のものであり、問​​題の時代についても同じことが言えます。 ヨーロッパやアメリカの様々な勢力が日本に到来したとき、彼らはその住民に影響を与えました。そのため、日本人によって日本考古学の父と考えられているエドワード・モースを、他の登場人物の中でも特に取り上げています。 19 世紀には、アメリカ哲学の最も偉大な学派の 1 つであるテイラー主義があり、これは台湾で考古学的発掘を行い、中国および韓国との関係を確立する日本の考古学の最も偉大な人物の 1 人である鳥居龍蔵に影響を与えることになります。 - 気に入っていただければ幸いです。今後の投稿でお会いしましょう。良い一週間をお過ごしください。 - HISTORY OF JAPANESE ARCHEOLOGY AND SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT. Chapter 3 : Welcome, Japanesearchaeologicalists, to a new installment of Japanese archaeology, seen from a philosophical point of view. Having said that, get comfortable and let's begin. - In 1868 Japan did not have a scientific base per se as we can see in Europe or the United States, it will be after the Boshin War of 1868-69 when Japan opened its mentality or part of it, since a good part of the population was very conservative because Countries like the United States would model Japanese sciences. When did interest in antiques arise in Japan? It is known that in the Edo period there was already interest in antiquities, something similar happened in Europe a long time ago. The beginning of the Japanese excavations began almost at the end of the 19th century, a few years ago some Roman coins were discovered in Japan, apparently a feudal lord in Japan liked to collect antiquities, they probably arrived from some port in China to the coasts Japanese. - The desire to know the past is something that all human beings share, no matter what continent you belong to and the same can be said about the era in question. When the different powers from Europe and the United States arrived in Japan, they influenced its inhabitants, thus we have, among other characters, Edward Morse, considered by the Japanese, the father of Japanese archaeology. During the 19th century we have one of the greatest schools of American philosophy, Taylorism, which will influence one of the greatest figures of Japanese archeology Torii Ryūzō who will carry out archaeological excavations in Taiwan, establishing relations with China and Korea. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts, have a good week.
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kennak · 1 month
"OK" は世界でもっとも使われている英単語である。この起源はじつは1839年のアメリカで、"oll korrect" がOKと略されたのが最初。当時、なんでも頭文字をとるのが流行っており、しかも意図的にミススペルするのがクールだと思われていた。 https://people.howstuffworks.com/history-ok.htm HowStuffWorks · 2023年2月23日 Made in America: The Ridiculous History of 'OK' The fad for abbreviations like LOL is nothing new. In fact, this trend in the 1840s
新山祐介 (Yusuke Shinyama): ""OK" は世界でもっとも使われている英単語である。この起源…" - Mastodon 🐘
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shinjihi · 2 years
朝鮮の植民地と、属国の歴史 【朝鮮半島の統治国の歴史】
朝鮮の植民地と、属国の歴史 【朝鮮半島の統治国の歴史】 紀元前108年~220年:漢(植民地) 221年~245年:魏(植民地) 108年~313年:晋(植民地) 314年~676年:晋宋梁陳隋唐(属国) 690年~900年:渤海(属国) 1126年~1234年:金(属国) 1259年~1356年:モンゴル(属国) 1392年~1637年:明(属国) 1637年~1897年:清(属国) 1897年:下関条約により清の属国��ら開放される 1903年:ロシア朝鮮半島を南下。日本の尽力によりロシアの属国化を回避 1905年~1910年:日本(保護国) 1909年:早期併合に慎重であった伊藤博文内閣総理大臣が安 重根(アン・ジュングン)に暗殺される 1910年~1945年:日本(併合) 1945年~1948年:アメリカ(非独立) 1948年:大韓民国成立(アメリカ軍による朝鮮統治によって国家基盤が形成され成立) 1948年:軍事独裁政権誕生 1948年:済州島4.3事件 3万人虐殺 1950年:朝鮮戦争 400万人殺し合い 1950年:保導連盟事件 30万人虐殺 1951年:国民防衛軍事件 10万人虐殺 1951年:居昌事件 8500人虐殺 1979年:軍出身の大統領政権誕生 1980年:光州事件 600人虐殺 1993年:初の文民政権誕生 History of the colonies in Korea, and the history of the vassal states [History of the ruling countries of the Korean Peninsula]. 108 - 220 B.C.: Han Dynasty (colony) 221 - 245: Wei (colony) 108-313 B.C.: Jin (colony) 314-676: Jin Song Liang Chen Sui Tang (vassal state) 690-900: Balhae (vassal state) 1126-1234: Jin (vassal state) 1259-1356: Mongolia (vassal state) 1392-1637: Ming (vassal state) 1637-1897: Qing dynasty (belonged to China) 1897: Liberated from the Qing by the Treaty of Shimonoseki 1903: Russia moves south across the Korean peninsula. Avoids becoming a vassal state of Russia through the efforts of Japan 1905-1910: Japan (protectorate) 1909: Prime Minister Hirobumi Ito, who was cautious about early annexation, is assassinated by Jung-geun Ahn. 1910-1945: Japan (annexed) 1945-1948: U.S. (non-independent) 1948: Establishment of the Republic of Korea (the foundation of the nation is laid by the U.S. military rule of Korea) 1948: Military dictatorship established 1948: Jeju Island 4.3 Incident: Massacre of 30,000 people 1950: Korean War: 4 million people killed 1950: Hodo Incident: 300,000 people massacred 1951: National Defense Force Incident: 100,000 people massacred 1951: Geochang Incident, massacre of 8,500 people 1979: Birth of military-born presidential administration 1980: Gwangju Incident: Massacre of 600 people 1993: First civilian government 한국의 식민지 역사와 속국의 역사[한반도 지배국의 역사]. 기원전 108 - 220년: 한나라(식민지) 221 - 245: 위(식민지) 기원전 108-313년: 진(식민지) 314-676: Jin Song Liang Chen Sui Tang(속국) 690-900: 발해(속국) 1126-1234: 진(가신국) 1259-1356: 몽골(속국) 1392-1637: 명나라(속국) 1637-1897: 청나라(중국에 속함) 1897년: 시모노세키 조약으로 청나라로부터 해방 1903년: 러시아가 한반도를 가로질러 남쪽으로 이동합니다. 일본의 노력으로 러시아의 속국이 되는 것을 피함 1905-1910: 일본(보호국) 1909년: 조기 합병을 경계했던 총리 이토 히로부미가 안중근에 의해 암살됨. 1910-1945: 일본(병합) 1945-1948: 미국(비독립) 1948년 대한민국 건국(미군정으로 건국의 기틀 마련) 1948년: 군사 독재 정권 수립 1948년: 제주도 4.3사변: 3만 명 학살 1950: 한국 전쟁: 400만 명 사망 1950년 호도사변 30만명 학살 1951년: 국방군 사변: 10만 명 학살 1951년 거창사변, 8,500명 학살 1979년: 군부 태생의 대통령 행정부 탄생 1980년: 광주사변: 600명 학살 1993: 최초의 민간 정부
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hiro-doodlez · 11 months
Similar to my last post about Spanish or Portuguese , this is how to tell the difference between chinese and Japanese, because of just how similar they look! (Keep in mind I'm only studying Japanese and don't know ANY Chinese, so some of this may be off! SORRYYY!!!)
One of the big things that makes Japanese and Chinese writing so similar is that Japanese takes many words from Chinese and puts them into in the Kanji writing system, which has over 50,000 separate characters, although the average native japanese speaker knows between 1500 and 2500. Along with hiragana, which is used for words in/from Japan. Then theres katakana which is used for foreign words, (like names and foods) and each writing system is used interchangeably and can be mixed up even in the same sentence! (Its REALLY confusing)
In Japanese too (but not for foreign words) each word can have 1 or 2 translations, either in hiragana or kanji. All Kanji does to a word is turns it into a more complicated, but more comprehensive version to make it more recognizable and faster to read. (SO CONFUSING)
For example, the word for cat in hiragana is ねこ, (pronounced Ne-ko) while in kanji it would be 猫 (also pronounced Ne-ko!). They're pronounced the exact same, but written differently.
a good example of this would be numbers! The translation to japanese would be either いち (hiragana) or 一 (kanji) both the hiragana and kanji pronunciation would be the same, which would be I-chi. In chinese, one would also be 一, but pronounced Yī this time! same writing, different pronunciations!
Although, not all Japanese words have Kanji set to them. So to fill in the gaps, they have to use the other writing systems like Katakana and Hiragana. Every sentence can be written multiple ways!
So, lets say I wanted to translate "My brother Oliver is from the united states" into both Japanese and Chinese. In japanese, words like oliver and United states would be translated into katakana since they are foreign words. while in chinese they would find the closest character to match the sound.
In japanese, quotation marks are represented with 「 and 」 , while in chinese its still " and "!
Keep in mind that compared to kanji, katakana and hiragana are much simpler!
(im taking these translations from google so take the writing with a grain of salt!!)
so, in katakana, oliver = オリバー and united states = アメリカ . these translations basically sound out the words, so if you were saying it it would sound pretty close to english! (O-ri-ba, and a-me-ri-ka)
the direct translation to japanese would be 私の弟のオリバーはアメリカ出身です. pay attention to the complexity of each symbol and now look over at the chinese translation, which would be 我的兄弟奥利弗来自美国. the characters are MUCH more complicated! To make up for that, sentences in japanese are more likely to be longer length wise because of the breaking up of the words (but not always!)
So, lets try with a couple more examples! make sure to be looking at the characters and the complexity of each of them!
Sentence: I need to go to the convenience store Japanese: コンビニに行かなければなりません Chinese: 我要去便利店
Sentence: Which curtain should we get? Japanese:どのカーテンを買おうか? Chinese: 我们应该买哪种窗帘?
Sentence: Can I get another chip? Japanese: 別のチップを入手できますか? Chinese:我可以再买一个芯片吗?
Sentence: I was responsible for what happened to John F. Kennedy Japanese: ジョン・F・ケネディに起こったことの責任は私にあった Chinese: 我对约翰·F·肯尼迪的遭遇负有责任
Sentence: I like to play video games in my free time Japanese: 私は自由時間にビデオゲームをするのが好きです Chinese: 我喜欢在空闲时间玩电子游戏
Sentence: He asked me, "Can I pet that cat over there?" Japanese: 彼は私に「あそこの猫を撫でてもいいですか?」と尋ねました。 Chinese: 他问我:“我可以摸摸那边的猫吗?”
Many things i have said in this could be wrong, so feel free to correct me! I just am tired of people mixing up these languages and these are some of the things that I have learned (other than knowing some japanese lmfao) have fun in whatever you choose to do with this!!
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saorikuhara39 · 2 years
Atsuo Nakayama's "Otaku Globalisation" Vol. 34Obey Me!: NTT Solmare’s "Doing what no one else is doing" DNA, which created the top otome game title with over 7 million downloads in North America¹.
Article Date: 15 Sep 2022 12:04 JST
Original Article: 【連載】中山淳雄の「推しもオタクもグローバル」第34回 Obey Me!:北米で700万DL突破の乙女ゲームトップタイトルを作り上げたNTTソルマーレ「誰もやっていなことをやる」遺伝子
Interviewed by: Atsuo Nakayama (中山淳雄), Entertainment sociologist, President of Re entertainment
Have you heard of the app game called ‘Obey Me!’? This is a so-called ‘otome game’ where you experience dramatic love with 7 handsome demon brothers. In Japan, not many people may know about it. However, the fact that this game has already reached 7 million downloads worldwide, and is a huge hit in the US – where the majority of the users are from – is surprisingly unknown by many. In this interview, we spoke to the producer from NTT Solmare, that creates this little-known hit title called ‘Obey Me!’.
■ NTT Solmare, a prominent and growing member of the NTT West group of companies
--: We are pleased to welcome 'ObeyP', the producer of Obey Me! by request of anonymity. Please begin by introducing yourself.
Sorry that we asked for anonymity at the beginning. In the Obey Me! project, which always focuses on "building as a team", we don't mention names one by one. We always announce developments as the Obey Me! team, so although we had the opportunity to interview you this time, we decided to remain anonymous.
--: It’s fine, I still think it's a very valuable opportunity for you to tell us the facts about Obey Me! As you are the producer, let's call you ObeyP. Can you tell us about your history so far?
I joined NTT Solmare in 2007 as a contract employee. I was first in the Comic Cmoa division, doing some quality control work, but around 2012 I moved to the gaming division and have been a producer since its launch, as the drafter of Obey Me! which was released in December 2019.
--: NTT Solmare itself is a very unusual company, isn't it? It was originally set up by NTT West to take on the challenge of a new business, right? 'Comic Cmoa' is a well-known service.
When the company was first established in 2002, we were in the business of offering content for PDA terminals. Later, while exploring mobile phone content services, we thought that comics might work, so we launched Comic i (now Comic Cmoa). We also started a game business for mobile phones around 2010 with the aim of creating services that would become the second pillar after Comic Cmoa.
--: Some people are transferred from NTT West, and isn't the corporate culture totally different? It's a surprise that a company so committed to providing content is formed within the NTT group in the first place².
It's really open-ended. The people who originally set up the company valued the challenge of being eager to try new things, and from the start there was a corporate culture of not being restricted by existing frameworks. The people who started as contract workers and temporary workers have now been with the company for more than 10 years, and the permanent staff are carrying on the culture.
The company has 300 employees, and of course many of the managers and above are on loan from NTT West, but there is a sense that those on loan are observing the culture of the company. It has been 20 years since the company started, but we are a company that is constantly launching new things, such as releasing otome games for overseas markets and starting a live-streaming voice-over actor service, with the idea of "doing something no one else is doing".
--: Here is a chart of Solmare's financial earnings and statement from the financial report in Figure 1. The company's assets increased from 5 billion yen to 20 billion yen in the latter half of the 2010s, as it gradually grew with Comic Cmoa and the game business as their pillars. The pandemic could be a defining factor, but it is by inference that “Comic Cmoa” and “Obey Me” were the 2 leading powers. I'm focusing more on the fact that they had already expanded their gaming business to North America in 2011...
Right. I think we were very early in our overseas development, mainly in North America with the "Shall we date?" series.
Figure 1: NTT Solmare Company Performance Data
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Source: Prepared by the author based on the disclosed financial statements.
--: Do you have any overseas offices? Is it much like the apartment office in Tokyo, and everyone is basically based in Osaka, right?
No, we have no overseas offices. From planning and development to promotion, Osaka is the centre of our business.
--: Do you also engage in game development? How many people are in each division?
The total number of people working at Solmare is about 300. Among them, about 40 people are involved in ‘Obey Me!’. We had in-house development for our previous titles, but we have asked Now Production to develop ‘Obey Me!’.
--: It is really unique that you were even doing in-house development. For there are many other major capital-based companies that specialise only in publishing mobile games.
■ Japanese Otome Games in the 2010s: A History of Expansion into North America
--: Around 2010, the "joseimuke game" genre³ itself was rare. Were they focused on this genre from the beginning?
At first, we made a wide variety of game titles. Of course, we also made games for male users. Then, there was a person who loved otome games, and said, "I want to try my hand at this!" It is known that this became the predecessor of the Shall we date? series.
--: It costs a lot of money just to make one, but is it really that simple to do?
Well, after all, "Doing something no one else is doing" is in the corporate DNA. And it is still true to this day that the company is able to grasp the passion of the people in charge and entrust us with their work.
--: Then, with the success of "Shall we date?" there, you started to specialise more and more toward the female market. Looking at the releases in the 2010s until "Obey Me!" became a big hit, a lot of derivative titles were created in units of 10 to 20, right? Did they sell well in overseas markets as well?
(Laughs) Our strategy was to produce a large quantity of products and gain market share. In overseas, or rather in North America, there were some telling figures. When the first ninja-themed game was released, it was a ‘how did it go this far!?’ moment. The fact that there was almost no competition was a big factor, and surprisingly (in those days) there were a certain number of users in North America who liked Japanese otome games, so rather than just using titles that had already been released in Japan, we decided to create something specifically for overseas users that is the "Shall we date?" series.
--: I remember well "Be My Princess" (2012) by Voltage as an otome game for North America. The characters were all changed for the North American market… which was very strange. *Voltage Inc., a leading otome game company, had been in the North American development business since 2011, but has withdrawn in 2021.
We have made the same kind of trial and error. In the end, "too much customisation is counter-intuitive and cannot be accepted". North American users also think of it as a Japanese otome game, thus we do not voice-over the voice actors in English but leave them in Japanese and use subtitles, and we keep the visuals as they are in the school or Japanese fantasy style.
--: On the other hand, what are the areas that you try to change?
Since we have a diverse workforce, including non-Japanese employees within our company, we study their local cultures and ways of thinking to effectively reflect them in our stories and characters, including the main character.
■ Obey Me!, made exclusively for overseas market, were flooded with 7 million users worldwide
--: Immediately after its release, Obey Me! became a hit the size of all the dozens of titles you have released so far combined. What do you think is the reason for this success?
Of course, the story and characters were well received, but I think a major factor was the change in gameplay from the novel type, where you read the story by paying for tickets. The mainstream Japanese style of acquiring cards through gacha and training them is common in Japan, but there were not many otome games in North American market based on such a system.
--: In a way, that is another manifestation of the "doing something no one else is doing" culture. Gacha raising games are not in the tens of millions of yen (~70,200 USD) unit of development cost of novel games, are they? They cost hundreds of millions of yen. (~702,000 USD)
Yes, we are working with a specialised game development company like Now Production, and the budget which was at a different scale than in the past also posed a challenge.
--: This is also a credit to the Solmare management team who agreed to this. They were willing to take on a challenge with a development cost that was different from anything they had ever done before, and to do it exclusively overseas, without releasing it in Japan. It is also amazing that ObeyP was able to build up credibility within the company.
(Laughs) That’s for sure. Of course, I was not approved solely based on my enthusiasm, but even so, I am very grateful to the company for entrusting me with this project, which was a huge challenge. NTT Solmare's culture of "leaving things to people who want to do them" is also a big part of this.
--: But I don't think any company can just make a product for North America out of the blue. You do not have an overseas base, and in the first place, would you make it mainly with people like ObeyP who are well versed in foreign countries?
Ah, but I can’t speak English? (laughs) Neither have I lived there.
--: What!!?? Is that true? A game with 7 million downloads overseas, is made by someone who can't speak English!?
Since 2012, we have been working on in-house titles for overseas markets, so of course we have been researching what kind of things people like. I have watched all kinds of foreign dramas and movies, and I have also studied foreign animation from the perspective of what local people have grown up watching since childhood. I thought about how people are attracted to scenes like this in romance, and I look at them all the time and think about what kind of style would be acceptable to them.
I often discuss ideas with the translation team, which includes native speakers.
--: That is a very encouraging story. It is not necessarily that you have people who have been in North America for a long time or who are fluent in English.
I feel that we are creating a large-scale app for North America together with businesses and creators who share our vision. By involving external people such as scenario writers and illustrators, the challenge of creating a title that will excite ladies around the world is interesting in and of itself.
--: What countries after North America were your games were being played in overseas?
The USA has the largest number of users and sales, but we also have players in Europe, Southeast Asia, and many other countries.
■ To change from "Obey Me! Overseas" to "Obey Me! Worldwide," including Japan
--: What do you hope to do with Obey Me! from that point onwards?
I would like to expand the enthusiasm of the English-speaking community to other countries, including Japan, and I would like more people to know about the enthusiasm felt by users on social media. I believe that the challenge is how to expand this kind of "fandom" itself.
--: You also worked on a web-animation project for July-December 2021.
Colored Pencil Animation Japan, the creator of the PV, has produced a 12 episode, 5-minute animation, which is available in the app. The first season is streamed by Funimation⁴. The response was quite positive, and we have been streaming the second season since July this year.
--: I think it was also a difficult time for you to proceed as much as you wanted to because of the pandemic. At this magnitude, there is a good chance for an animated TV series, and there is also a chance for commercialisation.
That's right. Since our company has been in the game business for so long, there are still some challenges in animation and merchandising. The second anime season will be available on Crunchyroll⁵ as well as in the app, and we would like to further strengthen overseas development in areas other than games.
However, while it was said to have 7 million downloads, it was during the pandemic, so I never actually saw that "enthusiasm" with my own eyes once. We exhibited on-site in Los Angeles for the first time since the release of the app at AX (Anime Expo) in July 2022, and were able to feel the enthusiasm of our fans that we could not have imagined.
--: That's for sure!! Since events have been completely suspended for the past 2 years, it is difficult to feel the enthusiasm of the 7 million downloads, even though it is a huge achievement.
That is why I would like to actively participate in exhibiting at various events starting this summer, and expand the community both in Japan and overseas along with the amount of enthusiasm. We expect many topics of conversation to spread from this summer.
--: Finally, do you have any message for current and prospective fans of 'Obey Me!'?
Thank you for your continued support of ‘Obey Me!’. The app is now in its third year since its release in 2019, and we hope to continue to provide fresh surprises and lots of emotions so that this title will continue to bring smiles to everyone's faces. Please continue to support Obey Me! and their characters’ lives in the Devildom, Human World, and Celestial Realm.
¹ TL note: The title given here is inaccurate, IMO. Rather than North America only, the number of downloads should include about 160 countries around the world combined, including other English-speaking countries as well as their home country Japan.
² The NTT Group in Japan mainly focuses on telecommunications. As such companies like NTT Solmare stands out among the rest from other companies under the NTT corporation, in which they are working on different aspects from their core service.
³ ‘Joseimuke game’ (女性向けゲーム), a genre of video games that were specifically targeted for the female users. They can range from having mostly male characters without romantical elements, to those that involve romance - known as ‘otome game’ (乙女ゲーム) - such as those from the ‘Shall We Date?’ series of mobile apps. ‘Boy’s Love (BL)’ games are also included in this genre.
⁴ Region restricted. Not available outside of certain regions.
⁵ Region restricted. Not available outside of certain regions.
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ryotarox · 1 year
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世界の歴史教科書 - 株式会社 明石書店
韓国……民族主義史観に依拠した歴史 中国……生きいきと,リアルな記述 シンガポール……八〇年代の「教科書問題」が引き起こした“変化” ベトナム……歴史教育と人びとの「過去の記憶」 インドネシア……独立を勝ちとったという誇り ドイツ……歴史を現代の問題として考える ポーランド……歴史意識は教科書よりも家庭教育でつくられる イギリス……世界を多角的に読み解く認識を育てる オランダ……鮮明な加害・被害の濃淡 アメリカ合衆国……討論を中心とした歴史の授業 日本……学ぶ側からの視点
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世界の歴史教科書 書籍検索 - 株式会社 明石書店
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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「世界史」の世界史(学術俯瞰講義) The World History of “World History” (Global Focus on Knowledge) | UTokyo OCW (OpenCourseWare)
東京大学教養学部 の「「世界史」の世界史」 13回分の講義資料の動画 (2012年度冬学期)
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The reason for the existence of the United Nations Secretary-General (Essay)
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Ban Ki-moon
Ban Ki-moon, the 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations, is widely regarded as the worst Secretary-General of the United Nations in history. This man, who rose to prominence as a South Korean diplomat, took many actions to benefit South Korea, and when his neutrality was questioned, he roared, ``There is no neutrality in the United Nations.'' Guterres, the current 9th Secretary-General of the United Nations, has served as Prime Minister of Portugal and as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and is more impartial than his current position, but Ban’s bias is striking. Later, Ban Ki-moon tried to become the president of South Korea, but was turned away by the Korean people on the grounds that he would ``not make much of a contribution to South Korea.''
Now, there have only been nine Secretaries-General of the United Nations, which is a small number, but if you think about the countries that have held this post, there are relatively many countries such as Burma (currently Myanmar), Austria, Egypt, South Korea, and Portugal. Many are from small countries. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is elected by the permanent members of the United Nations, and his role is most required to mediate disputes. This is by no means a small role, but an important one that will require his insight as a representative of a small country.
However, the United Nations was originally started by the three victorious powers of WW2 - the United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union (now Russia) to define the world order, and the Secretary-General of the United Nations was limited to giving advice as a representative of small countries. It cannot be denied that there is.
Interestingly, the three enemy Axis powers of WW2 - Germany, Japan, and Italy - cannot become permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, but they are also not the countries of origin of the Secretary-General of the United Nations. Is it because it is recognized that they are not small countries?
Rei Morishita
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lvdbbooks · 1 year
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Eddie Plein Mouth Full Of Golds (Second Edition), IDEA, 2023
Hardcover. 236 pages. 280 x 220 mm. Color. Limited edition of 2,000 copies.
アメリカのジュエラーでありグリルズの祖と呼ばれるエディ・プレイン(Eddie Plein)の作品集。「マウス・フル・オブ・ゴールズ(Mouth Full Of Golds)」ー 金冠、金の前歯、粗金、グリルズ ーさらには、ダイヤモンドや真珠まで、「かの有名な」作者とその彩られた歯(そしてヒップホップの顔となったあの偉大なる笑顔)を写真とともに紐解くヒストリー・ブックである。2021年に自費出版として400部発行され瞬く間に完売した本書を、イギリスの出版社「IDEA」が第二版として再版した。
この物語は、「かの有名な(‘Famous’)」エディ・プレイン、その人生と仕事、自身が先駆者となった装飾としての歯科学の黄金時代、そしてヒップホップの顔ともなったあの不朽の笑顔を描く。本書は、ケビン・ジョーンズ(Kevin Jones)、80年代後半からグリルズを記録してきた映画監督兼作家であるライル・リンドグレン(Lyle Lindgren)そしてその友人たちのアイデアから生まれた。彼らはインタビューを行い、写真を入手し、事実検証を行い、デザインやアートディレクションを手がけ、2021年に刊行を実現した。
アトランタの「フェイマス・エディーズ・ゴールド・ティース(Famous Eddie’s Gold Teeth)」の看板の前で撮られた一枚、当時のヒップホップ界の功労者は皆揃って客であった、NYを拠点に活動するグラフィティアーティ��ト「シャツキングフェイド(Shirt King Phade)」とドーン(Dawn)が写る一枚、ギャビー・イーラン・ジュエリー(Gabby Elan Jewelry)によるデザインが施されたグリルズ「Exotica」、タイラー・ザ・クリエイター(Tyler, The Creator)の下歯、本書の至る所に現れる「この世の奇才」ナズ(Nas)とケリス(Kelis)が写る一枚。これらのイメージで語る視覚的情報、テキストで綴られる鮮やかな物語など、本書にはその世界のすべてが揃っている。
序文はニューヨーク出身のラッパーであるエイサップ・ファーグ(A$AP Ferg)が手がけており、作者の個人史と、ブラック・クリエイティブ・カルチャーの文脈の中でゴールドとグリルズを位置付けている。あわせて、ミュージックビデオ・ディレクターのヴァシュティ(Va$htie)、音楽プロデューサーでありDJのゴールディー(Goldie)、ラッパーであり音楽プロデューサーのエイサップ・ロッキー(A$AP Rocky)、ラッパーのジャスト・アイス(Just-Ice)、フォトグラファーのジャネット・ベックマン(Janette Beckman)、そしてこの第2版では新たにファッションデザイナーのマーク・ジェイコブス (Marc Jacobs)が加わり、それぞれのストーリーを語っている。
Mouth Full Of Golds, written by director Lyle Lindgren and Eddie Plein. A book of caps, fronts, slugs and grills — even diamonds and pearls. This is the illustrated history of New York’s ‘Famous’ Eddie Plein, the golden era of dentistry he ushered in, and the great big glittering smile he left on the face of hip hop.
A$AP Ferg provides the introduction in an extraordinary piece of writing — placing golds and grills in his personal history and the context of black creative culture. Also telling their own stories are, amongst many others, Va$htie, Goldie, A$AP Rocky, Just-Ice, Janette Beckman and, new for this second edition, Marc Jacobs.
The definitive book on grills as told through the life and times of Famous Eddie’s Gold Teeth.
This is the second issue of the originally self-published book in 2021 which sold out immediately (400 copies), and now IDEA has taken it on for a full run of 2,000 copies as the second expanded edition.
Foreword by A$AP Ferg Contributions + interviews from Goldie, Lando Golds, A$AP, Rocky, Shirt King Phade, Va$htie, Dr Dax, Just-Ice, Janette Beckman, David Da Jeweler, Big Gipp, Gabby Elan, CeeLo Green, and Marc Jacobs.
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helloarisa-com · 10 months
2nd week: Assignment
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Algebra (数学)をとっているのですが、毎日ワークがあり提出したりしなかったり、、、日によりますが。でも精度を高くないとその分毎回評価されていくので、一回一回の積み重ねです。A+をキープするのは難しいけれど、逆に挽回をしやすいです。
私はAmerican Historyとgovernmentをとってます。どちらにおいても、日本の歴史総合の授業で世界史を学んでおいてよかったなと思いました。日本語で理解をできていないものを英語で学ぶのは更にハードルが高いと思うので、、、ですが、アメリカ政治に関しては英語で学ぶようにしてます。文を英語で読んで、頭の中で日本語に変換して、さらに考えたことを英語に変換するのはあまりにも効率が悪く時間がかかるからです。
そして、昨日は初めて友達と3人でお出かけをしました!夜ごはんにはCheesecake factoryに行き、メニューがエッセイみたいに沢山あり長く、選ぶのにとても悩みました。。。が、美味しかったです!チェキで記念写真も撮れ、たくさんモールのお店を回れてとっても楽しかったです!
•It's GUCCI •It is what it is
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Capitulo 1:ヨーロッパの雰囲気が漂う五稜郭/Goryokaku a hallmark with European airs. - Sean bienvenidos a una nueva entrega de cultura e historia japonesa, en este caso vamos a hablar sobre Goryokaku, localizado en Hakodate en la prefectura de Hokkaido al norte de la isla de Honshu. - Toponimia de Hokkaido en, el siglo XIX se llamaba Ezo, último reducto del shogunato contra el nuevo orden creando una república (1868-1869). Hay que destacar que Japón estubo cerrado al mundo durante 260 (1603-1868), este periodo se le conoce como periodo Edo, bajo el régimen militar Tokugawa. - En 1854 finalizaron los tratados de amistad con Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña, Rusia. Hakodate se convirtió en una ciudad portuaria abierta al mundo exterior y en 1858, concluyendo el tratado comercial y al año siguiente se convirtió en puerto comercial. Hisaburo Takeda, estudio en Europa y se formó en fortalezas tipo estrelladas de traza italiana, en 1864 se completaron las contribuciones de la fortaleza. - Espero que os guste y nos vemos em próximas publicaciones. - Welcome to a new installment of Japanese culture and history, in this case we are going to talk about Goryokaku, located in Hakodate in the Hokkaido prefecture north of the island of Honshu. - Toponymy of Hokkaido in the 19th century was called Ezo, the last stronghold of the shogunate against the new order creating a republic (1868-1869). It should be noted that Japan was closed to the world for 260 years (1603-1868), this period is known as the Edo period, under the Tokugawa military regime. - In 1854 the friendship treaties with the United States, Great Britain, and Russia ended. Hakodate became a port city open to the outside world and in 1858, concluding the commercial treaty and the following year it became a commercial port. Hisaburo Takeda, studied in Europe and trained in Italian star-type fortresses, in 1864 the contributions of the fortress were completed. - 日本の文化と歴史の新しい記事へようこそ。今回は、本州の北、北海道の函館にある五稜郭について話します。 - 19 世紀の北海道の地名は蝦夷と呼ばれ、共和制を樹立する新秩序(1868~1869 年)に対抗する幕府の最後の拠点でした。 日本は 260 年間 (1603 年から 1868 年まで) 鎖国していたことに注意してください。この期間は、徳川軍事政権下の江戸時代として知られています。 - 1854 年にアメリカ、イギリス、ロシアとの友好条約が終了しました。 函館は対外に開かれた港湾都市となり、1858年に通商条約を締結し、翌年には商業港となりました。 武田久三郎はヨーロッパに留学し、イタリアの星型要塞で訓練を受け、1864 年に要塞の建設を完了しました。 source/ソース:photos internet/写真インターネット
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ari0921 · 2 years
 一年半後、立場を一転させ、「ウクライナと NATO を結び付けるべきである」とした。
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kennak · 1 year
[B! history] 米紙が振り返る「日本から飛んできた“数百の気球”が米国を脅かしていたときのこと」 | 撃墜されたのは2機のみ、死者6人が出たケースも
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takahashicleaning · 3 months
網膜は、体内のほとんどすべてのシステムの入り口なのだ(もしもApple Vision Proから眼の診断ができたら?)
つまり、これまでで最も引用されたプレプリントのひとつである「Attention is All You Need(注意力がすべてだ)」では、言語であれ画像であれ、より多くの項目を見ることができるようになり、これを文脈に当てはめることができるようになった。
GDP(Gross Domestic Product)=「国内」総生産。GNP(Gross National Product)=「国民」総生産。1993SNAの導入に伴い、GNPの概念はなくなり、同様の概念として「GNI(Gross National Income)=国民総所得」が新たに導入された。
GDPは国内で一定期間内に生産されたモノやサービスの付加価値の合計額。 「国内」のため、日本企業が海外支店等で生産したモノやサービスの付加価値は含まない。
Before 2022, this would not have been possible, but with Apple, Google, and Microsoft agreeing to expand the use of “passkey,” a passwordless authentication system…
2022年以前では、不可能だったが、Apple・Google・Microsoftがパスワードな しの認証システム「パスキー」の利用拡大に合意したことで・・・
…on the basis of high security and a high degree of privacy as well…
…and if, as Ivan Pupilev says, all everyday objects have gesture interface capabilities…
By integrating them with a common smart home standard, “Matter,” and making it possible to automatically connect to them by simply approaching them, assuming permission and authentication…
It may be possible to customize even simple functions as complex functions by combining various devices in a stand-alone manner.
In the past, OpenDoc, a technology developed by Apple to realize compound document and document-centered operation, was available.
Can we extend this technology to shift from a document-centric to a gesture-centric interface?
If you want to work on a larger screen from your smartphone, iPhone, or iPad with a user interface by wearing the Oculus Dash or HoloLens from Oculus Quest
Oculus QuestにあるOculus DashやHoloLensなどを身につけることでユーザーインタフェースをスマートフォン、iPhone、iPadからもっと大きい画面で作業したい場合
It was usual to use a computer with a large screen, but now it is possible to use a huge screen! However, there were limits to the amount of money and placement of the display.
Virtual reality as the future of the holographic age, Virtual reality Virtual reality OS and its extension to the gesture interface center.
ホログラム時代の未来にあるものとして、Virtual reality バーチャルリアリティのOSとジェスチャーインターフェース中心への拡張
Seamlessly linked together, there will be no spatial limits, and you’ll be able to work in a small room with any number of huge, large screens that you can place anywhere in 360 degrees!
For example, even if it is not possible to display 3D without wearing glasses like the gesture interface in the sci-fi movie “Iron Man”…
It may be possible to “make it look realistic by wearing special glasses” such as Oculus Dash and HoloLens in Oculus Quest, so…
Oculus QuestにあるOculus DashやHoloLensなど「特殊なメガネをかけることでリアルに見せる」ことはできそうなので・・・
It would be fun to display the setting panel of a simple function device that you touch through the special glasses as if it pops up from inside the device in CG in a hologram format (image: Genie Effect on Mac)
Could it be that Apple is developing its own search engine to compete with Google, which has reinvented semantic web search based on chat GPT and entered the market?
In the past, Linux made the OS open source and extinguished Microsoft’s monopolistic Wintel-closed dominance.
In 2023, AMD and Apple Silicon are in the midst of blowing the wind out of the last Intel monopoly from the consumer market sector.
Google has opened up the search engine market for a new industry by putting all of its machine learning research results to work to break Microsoft’s Internet Explorer monopoly.
And now, right now, open-source AI is taking over Google’s monopoly on the search engine market with chat GPTs. It may be about to wind down with the reinvention of the semantic search engine proposed by Tim Berners-Lee.
Is Twitter, which Eron Musk went to the trouble of investing a huge amount of money to acquire, comparable to Google and Facebook in terms of data accumulation?
Is it possible that Eron Musk, a founding member of Open AI, is trying to reinvent Twitter based on chat GPT?
Open AI, a San Francisco-based nonprofit organization, is dedicated to being the first to develop a “general-purpose artificial intelligence” (AGI) with human learning and reasoning capabilities, so that all people can benefit from it.
Deep Mind,“ which has similar goals, is building a system similar to the chat GPT.
As for other derivative…
As for the use of deep fakes, if they are built into the algorithm for all surveillance cameras, they can be removed only with the person’s permission.
This would also deter voyeurism by the mass media and police who would abuse the system without the person’s permission.
To temporarily deter misuse, a comprehensive mechanism could be created to protect videos with NFT and a two-factor authentication passkey, and to confirm one by one whether or not the user has permission to disseminate the videos.
If a comprehensive mechanism can be created to confirm whether or not the user has permission to spread the video, it may be possible to create time for the spread of quantum encryption and the commercialization of quantum computers.
Released in November 2022. Almost a few months later. A search engine like this appeared.
Next, why? What if the chat GPT could explain how it might have come to this explanation? Perhaps we are getting closer and closer to an explainable AI?
In about a few months, this threatening? No, an astounding achievement.
And the Schrödinger equation?
For explanations other than equations, it could be comparable to Wolfram Alpha, which is similar to semantic web search.
チャットGPTの人気と爆発的な成長に乗りMicrosoftが先行してチャットGPT 搭載 Bingをリリースするも登録しないと検索結果は会話調で返ってこない?インターフェイスがわかりずらい。
シェーン・レッグとクリス・アンダーソン :AGI(汎用人工知能)のトランスフォーマーアルゴリズムな可能性 - そしてそれがいつ到達するか
リヴ・ボーリー :AIにおける競争のダークサイド
マックス・テグマーク: AIに圧倒されるのではなく、AIからパワーを得る方法
エピソード7 Episode7 - テーラワーダ仏教の「結び」と意識のマップ、マクロ経済学について(パワーか、フォースか 改訂版―人間のレベルを測る科学 - デヴィッド・R・ホーキンズ Amazon)
Apple Vision Pro 2023
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trivia-jp · 6 months
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ウチナーンチュ 沖縄出身者
ウチナーンチュ(Uchinanchu)とは、日本の沖縄県出身者を指す言葉であり、沖縄の伝統、文化、歴史を共有する人々を指します。 沖縄県は日本の南に位置し、独自の文化や言語、伝統を持っています。ウチナーンチュという用語は、沖縄の人々が自らのアイデンティティを表現するために用いられます。 沖縄の文化は、琉球王国時代からの歴史的な要素や、中国、日本、アメリカなど他の文化との交流から影響を受けています。 沖縄の伝統舞踊や音楽、伝統工芸品、料理などは、ウチナーンチュのアイデンティティや文化的遺産を示すものとして知られています。 また、第二次世界大戦で激しい戦闘地となったことや、沖縄には米軍基地が多く存在することも特筆される点です。これらの要因が、ウチナーンチュの文化や歴史に影響を与えてきました。 ウチナーンチュのコミュニティは、沖縄県内だけでなく、日本国内や世界中にも広がっています。彼らは自らのルーツや文化を大切にし、伝統を守りながらも、現代社会で活躍することを目指しています。 ※画像は東京ウチナンチュ大会から
Uchinanchu People from Okinawa
Uchinanchu is a term used to refer to people from the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa, and refers to people who share Okinawa's traditions, culture, and history. Okinawa Prefecture is located in the south of Japan and has its own culture, language, and traditions. The term Uchinanchu is used by Okinawan people to express their identity. Okinawa's culture has been influenced by historical elements from the Ryukyu Kingdom era and interactions with other cultures such as China, Japan, and America. Okinawan traditional dance, music, traditional crafts, and cuisine are known to represent the Uchinanchu identity and cultural heritage. It is also noteworthy that Okinawa was the site of a fierce battle during World War II, and that there are many US military bases in Okinawa. These factors have influenced Uchinanchu culture and history. The Uchinanchu community has spread not only within Okinawa Prefecture, but also throughout Japan and around the world. They value their roots and culture and aim to thrive in modern society while preserving their traditions.
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