#hmm I’ll tag it as implied just in case
mhathotfic · 7 months
Thinking thoughts of soulmate! Bakugou meeting you while you’re on vacation and you’re insanely attracted and know right away.
In this day and age, it’s rare to find your true soulmate. You can find just close enough, feel a familiar tug towards another person and for a lot people that’s good enough. Your true soulmate however, well that feels more like an impossible to ignore fire that only their touch can quell.
It’s a blessing to finally find your kindling, only problem is you’re on your honeymoon because you never thought you’d find him.
He doesn’t judge you for moving forward with a marriage that wasn’t to him, but god does he want to kill your husband for stealing you before he ever got to have you.
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elegy-if · 7 months
Hi! ( : are nsfw asks okay? besides what can we get from the intro is there more tags or warnings for your very interesting game?
hi! nsfw asks are ok — just with the caveat that if i’m uncomfortable with the content in it, i’ll delete it. i’m no stranger to writing nsfw tho HAHA
hmm… so far for warnings there’s cannibalism, gore, emetophobia, torture, medical abuse, andddddd theres some brief mentions of the lab weaponizing subjects, specifically transgender/gnc subjects, gender and gender affirming care against them to get them to not “act up”. not glorified obv bc thats awful and its something the Evil Government Lab does but its there if you need to avoid that.
trans or gnc mcs will get a few more opportunities to discuss this, mostly with felix (who is canonly trans no matter what). my ROs are specifically left mostly androgynous or even gnc in some cases bc i personally am not a fan of writing ROs appearances that change drastically depending on gender. m! eden and sable are specifically written to be implied dressing pretty adrogynously, and f! eris and ??? are written to be masculine women! f! eris is even on testosterone :-)
i’ll be updating the tws with every update that requires them to be updated! i don’t see much changing at this point, but who knows!
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wrathfulrook · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
And actually on Wednesday again bc I’m free today and saw the tag and thought oh! I actually have the time right now!
Tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton. Thank you!
Tagging Tagging/tagging back @roofgeese @trench-rot @adelaidedrubman  @josephseedismyfather @strafethesesinners @harmonyowl @vampireninjabunnies-blog @strangefable  @deputyash and you! I love seeing everybody’s WIPs!
Another snippet from Wrathling:
“I’ll have you know I’m a great cook!” she said, somewhere between mock and actual indignation.
“I find that hard to believe for some reason,” he said with a smile.
“I’m an amazing cook! And baker! I’m good at everything!”
He laughed out loud at that, hand brought up to cover his heart. “Everything? My, it seems you have a worrying case of pride budding there, Wrathling.”
Patience rolled her eyes. “Fuck off.”
“You’re good at sewing? Dancing? Scuba diving?” He arched an eyebrow in question.
“I’m incredible at sewing. I took a class in high school. Plus, I’ve done up stitches on myself multiple times, with minimal scarring!”
“Very impressive,” he laughed.
“Damn straight it is! And I rock at dancing, depending on what kind of dancing.” This was a bit of a stretch, but he didn’t know that. And it’s not that she was a bad dancer, just that she was only ok. But get a few drinks in her and she could enjoy it enough to make up for the lack of natural talent.
“Oh?” His grin was absolutely lecherous. “And just which type of dancing are you best at?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, Seed.”
His hand came up to his chest in mock affront. “I don’t know what you’re implying. Do we need to add lust to your list of sins?”
“Projecting much? What was the last thing? It doesn’t matter. I’m good at it. I’m good at everything!”
“Scuba diving,” he reminded her.
“I’ve never scuba dived. But I have no doubt I would kill at it.”
“Hmm.” He nodded pensively. “Well, then I apologize. It seems I was mistaken.”
“Apology accepted.”
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selinakidreams · 3 years
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hello!! this is my first ever collab and man o man am I happy to be participating in @buttershouse ‘s Magic March with so many talented people!! Please go check out everyone’s work, there’s so many delicious pieces to choose from.
without further a-due, please enjoy this 7k word mash of a magic coffee shop/witch/ college au that I have goin here
pairing: Sero Hanta (with a FUCKIN UNDERCUT !) x gn!reader (afab)
warnings: she’s WHOLESOME, implied sexual themes throughout and then actual smut at the end !! , sex on aphrodisiacs
a/n: thank you so so so so so so so much to @keishinslove @hiddenbluee @spikesbimbo @scorpiomoonslutt and @dymphnasprose for reading and beta-ing this big boi- you guys helped me so much and 🥺🥺 you guys seriously mean the world to me.
tag list: @hiddenbluee​ @undersero @sawam0chi
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“Double double, toil and trouble, fire burn and cauldron bubble,” you hum as you steep black tea before shifting to the other part of your station so you could add the guise of vanilla to the milk you were about to steam. 
You hear a snort come from your coworker as she looks over to you before smirking, “You think you’re so funny,” she teases while heating up a chocolate muffin for the current order. 
“I do, I really do,” you muse, holding the metal pitcher up to the espresso machine’s steam wand. The distinct smell of the liquid luck wafts around as you begin blending it in with the milk; it makes you smile, a comfortingly warm feeling washing over you. 
You always hoped people stepped into the shop hearing about the rumors and whole-heartedly believed them; believing in the magic that went into each drink when they ordered something off of the special menus- and that it wasn’t just for the unique taste. 
When you first started out, you often heard that with each new employee, the magical feeling tends to die out sooner or later; the happiness of creating spells and potions for others fleeting with the ever-growing pessimism towards all things unexplainable. After working at the shop for three years, one would think the feeling would have caught up to you, instead you felt anything but. With each new regular whose eyes sparkled with excitement as you handed them their unique concoction of a drink, your smile grew wider. Sometimes the familiar faces would come back and whisper about how each drink gave them the right energy to deal with each individual situation… almost like magic. You could do nothing but smile, sometimes a coy little wink was added, exciting the customer more and more. They'd leave with a newfound pep in their step. That's what has kept you going for so long. All anyone ever has to do was keep an open mind and believe that true magic does exist, and when you do, it's almost as though a door opens up, full of delightful possibilities.
As you called out the finished order and thanked the satisfied customer, the shop’s entrance bell chimed, welcoming in the newest one. 
You look up and made eye contact with someone who seemed oddly familiar; you tend to remember almost every person that has shown up more than twice at the cafe, so the fact that you can't fully recognize him only shows that the cafe couldn't have been where you’ve known him from... You couldn't quite put your finger on where you've seen him before but you definitely couldn't forget the welcoming aura he radiated. With his black hair pulled into a ponytail, exposing his undercut, and his extra large t-shirt hanging off of his lean frame, he flashed a bright smile, heading up to the counter to order.
Accustomed to ‘hey’s, ‘hi’s, or even an immediate order, the first thing out of his mouth somewhat surprised you. With a tilt of the head and a squint of the eyes, he mumbled out, “.. You look really familiar.” as he tried to place the face.  
“You know, I was thinking the same thing...” you trailed off. 
After a few seconds of analysis with no conclusion, he seemed to shrug and let out a little chuckle with a passive “it'll probably come to me in the middle of my next class…” before his eyes caught sight of the menus off to the side. Not wanting to make it too obvious that you were tempted to stare, you aimed your gaze elsewhere, only occasionally sneaking a glance at him while he was preoccupied with the menu.
“Ahh… can I get…” he kept his sights on all the options he could, as if it was going to make him any more decisive. Part of you hoped to hear something special, something magical, only to hear, “uhh a… hot latte please?”
While a very solid drink, you subconsciously waited to hear a flavor come after it; staring at him, almost in a daze. 
“Did I forget something...?” Your eyes grew wide, mind blank, trying to come up with an excuse for the elongated silence but before you could spout something out, his smile grew as he rolled his eyes, “Oh, duh, I forgot the size!” A breathy laugh came after his revelation and your chest  felt lighter once the sound hit your ears. “Could I get a large please?”
“Yeah, absolutely!” you chime as you grab a large paper cup and mark down his order with a sharpie.“Will that be all for you today?” looking back up at him, your customer service smile makes its awaited appearance like clockwork as it did when wrapping up every order. His eyes darted to the full pastry case before he could conclude, causing an actual smile to grace your lips, “Tempted?”
“One way or another, yea,” he said with an undertone of something else being implied, causing your cheeks to heat up. The smile that he threw in there further caused a little flutter of your heart.  
“Well luckily for you, we just restocked, so you've got a wide range of goodies to choose from.”
He licked his bottom lip and smoothly responded with, “Well which is your favorite?”
“My favorite? Hmm… Well, I always love a good chocolate croissant whenever I'm drinking regular lattes. The chocolate adds in that kick of sweetness that compliments the lack thereof with the coffee and bonus, it's not too heavy where it will make you feel bloated.`` 
“You really know how to sell a guy… That sounds amazing. Could I have that, please?” the tone in his voice was playful, fun, possibly flirty- and that was something that you were not going to think about. He’s a customer; he might not come back when he wants his next cup of coffee.
“You want me to warm it up for you?”
Picking up the prongs, you took the freshest croissant from the batch and placed it in the microwave oven, turning back around. 
You voiced his total with a soft smile, “Cash or card?”
“Card. uh .. Can I leave a tip on here?” 
Cue the airy sigh that left your chest. A man who knows to leave a tip: you were in love with him already.
“Yea!” you squeak before clearing your throat, “Yea, once you remove your card, the option should pop up on the screen!”
You throw one more smile back at him before turning around to start his drink, not missing the incredibly hard stare your coworker was giving you. You try not to look at them throughout the duration of making his drink.
Handing the handsome man his order, your hands lightly brushed against his and you fought hard to ignore the hefty thump in your chest. You looked back up at him and swore that there was a tint of rose dusted across his cheeks. 
You saw the beginning of his outburst before you could hear it. 
“Sero!” he said quickly, “Sero Hanta. That’s my name.” 
You smiled, sticking out your hand and saying your name, “I’ll be sure to remember it… Sero.” 
The rest of the shift went by pretty quick after that. Your coworker couldn't keep their mouth shut about how he was flirting with you and how you just so happened to be flirting back. You two were giggling so much that the rest of the shift just seemed to slip away and before you know it, it was time to clock out.
“Is there anything you want me to do before I head out?” you shout, asking the newly present night shift as you’re halfway out the door. 
“No no, we got it,” both your coworkers chime, “just hurry up and get to class!” one of them adds. 
Rolling your eyes, you wave goodbye, double checking that everything needed for class was in your bag before fully lugging one of the straps onto your shoulder and heading off.
The walk wasn't that far from the shop, luckily- taking your time and enjoying the world around you was such a cooldown from the hustle and bustle of your work shifts. 
The college town was quaint, warm, homely; It felt like everywhere was a short walk away- which it was. There was an ample amount of time for you to stroll to class after one of your shifts.
As you peruse down the street, you took note of how bright it felt this time of day and how soft the glow emanating from the sunlight hitting the trees was; the kiss of the sun heated your skin, allowing you to bask in the warmth of everything: the environment, the vibe, the mood. What a great feeling. 
Random thoughts passed in and out of your brain as you got to the entrance of campus- but the continuous train of thought halted at the station when the image of that man who came into the shop, the one with the undercut- Sero Hanta, popped up.
He was really attractive… where had you seen him before?
You mindlessly head towards the lecture hall, with the image of Sero’s face ever present behind your eyelids. The approaching building was a beautiful brick with ivy climbing up the side, a framed golden plaque near the large double doors announced that people were about to enter the Mirai Sasaki building- something you would normally stop to admire but today, you headed straight inside and towards your seat, still mentally preoccupied. 
Plopping down, you situate yourself, getting everything out; your textbook, notebook, pens, pencils and even a highlighter. You take a deep breath before slightly shaking your mind to wake up and concentrate on the human sexuality lecture that was about to start. Sero Hanta can wait.
Is what you told yourself and yet, the thought of him wouldn't leave you alone. It went so far as even hearing the professor call out his name. 
“So, I just wanted to clarify,” your ears perk up at the voice, “The article you gave us was about how unequal the orgasm ratio- the orgasm gap- is for women… but I feel like there is a new wave of um… feminine orgasm appreciation. Not to get too personal, but I know between my friends and I, we make sure that our partners always come… first.” He trailed off at the last part, probably coming to terms with the awkward phrasing he had ended with. 
You had to take a second to get a grip; too many things were happening at once and the one that held most of your attention was the fact that Sero Hanta blatantly admitted to wanting the girl to orgasm first. 
What a gentleman.
“Thank you for your… input … mister Sero- but with what you pointed out, it’s actually a perfect segway into the first project of the semester! If you notice in your syllabus, I typed a very vague title for the next class’s date. We're going to talk about it more next class but until then, please read the assigned articles by the next class and have a good rest of your day!”
While the majority of the class was packed and headed to the door, your eyes stayed glued on Sero as you mindlessly put things away. It seemed as though he was taking his time as well. Maybe he needed to talk to the professor? 
Seeing that your desk was now cleared, you slowly began descending down the stairs to get to the floor level, eyes glued to each step in front of you, mind somewhere completely different until your head is met with a firm back. With wide eyes, you step back and begin a stream of apologies, head bowed and eyes still on the floor as if you didn’t learn your lesson the first time. A warm chuckle hushes you accompanied with a light, “It’s alright, it’s alright!”
You look back up and are met with the mind-dizzying smile of the man who failed to leave your thoughts alone. 
Before your eyes could get any bigger, he murmurs your name. “So this is where I know you from!” He slightly cheered, lopsided grin growing comfortable. 
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚ 12 oz Time Flies with soy milk, hot; cinnamon orange black tea latte brewed with charmed orange peel to bring back the most nostalgic feelings (add a shot of our very own vanilla -liquid luck- to help Luck stay on your side!)˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
“Hey! Hey- you guys aren't closing are you?” You hear a panting voice rush through the door- the complete opposite of the energy the cafe currently held. You and your coworker were just winding down from your shift, cleaning and making sure everything was restocked for the next shift, soft music aiding the mood. 
Sero was attempting to collect himself when he realized the two pairs of stunned eyes staring at him. 
“I just- I wanted to walk with you to class. If that’s cool,” he said to you, flattening his shirt down, “and maybe get a coffee.”
Warmth fills your face as you try to suppress a smirk, “in that order?”
The already flustered college student blushed just a bit harder. Before he could come up with a response, your smirk eased into a soft smile, “okay Sero, what could I get you to drink?”
He steps further inside and orders the same thing he got the first time: a large hot latte. It doesn't take long until the drink is in his hand and you're shooing him off to a table, “I’ll be done in like 10 minutes, is that alright?” you ask, hints of your customer service mannerisms kicking in. He nods and you get back to cleaning, unaware that your movements became a bit swifter. 
After clocking out, you’re met with an eager grin and a glint of something unnameable in sero’s eyes. 
“The coffee was excellent, by the way. Both times I had it. Do you do something to it? I feel like it’s so much more than just a simple latte.” 
You smile at two things, him opening the door for you, and the fact that he was absolutely oblivious to the fact that his drink is one of the few drinks you don’t add any magical properties to. 
“I make it with kindness.” You say as you two start your walk, intertwining your hands behind you.
“So mister Hanta… have you been stalking me?” 
His eyes grow wide as his cheeks taint red, “N-no! I just thought that maybe you work every shift that’s before our class.”
“Hmmm… So were you going to come by every day to test out your theory if i wasn't there today?”
“Well, luckily you were there, so I guess we’ll never know the answer.”
After you hummed out a response, the walk turned into a comfortable type of silent.
The both of you had several things passing through your mind, but outwardly, one was caught up basking in the fresh spring air while the other was admiring how the wind would slightly shift your hair.
Deciding to break the silence, you turned to face him, “Hey, so, why did you choose to take human sexuality?”
He didn't seem surprised to hear the question but he took a moment; it didn't seem like he was scrambling to find the perfect answer, it was almost like he just couldn't properly find the words. 
“Honestly, I love intimacy. I think its really cool that not one person’s views on sex and sexuality and the miniscule details within it, are the same.”
While the words you were hearing made sense, it must have shown that you weren't prepared for such an insightful answer because he let out a hearty laugh that seemed to go on and on, even after he took a deep inhale. 
“I’m sorry-” he choked out as he grabbed his chest, “your face just-” he gulped another breath of air, trying to regain composure.
Throughout his fit of laughter, you almost joined in a few times if it weren’t for you biting your cheek in attempts to keep the annoyed facade up. 
As soon as it seemed like he got it all out, you try to pull a convincing pout. 
“So what's the real answer, then?”
He cocks his head at your question, a smile still playing on his lips, “whaddya mean?”
“You're telling me that what you said wasn't just to catch me off guard?”
“Oh! No no, that's really why I'm taking the class. But i bet you thought i was going to say something asshole-y like ‘i just wanna learn more about sex so i could be better’, hm?” he said the last part in a dopey voice before smirking back at you.
You rolled your eyes in return, “not necessarily, that was just a really… refreshing… answer.”
By the time you got to class, it seemed pretty full, which was a bit odd seeing as though there was still some time before the lecture started. Part of you was hoping that you could snag a seat next to Sero or he could snag a seat next to you- but both of your usual seats were surrounded by others already. There was also always the possibility that maybe he didn't want to sit next to you; you didn't want to get your hopes up so you turned to him, waved goodbye, and headed to your normal seat. Unbenounced to you, he physically slouched in disappointment before heading to his spot.
The lesson went on, and while he wasn't crowding your mind today, you subconsciously kept stealing glances at him throughout the lecture in hopes that one of the times you'll find him glancing back at you. The only time you did catch him staring at you was with wide eyes when the professor announced that you two were going to be partners for the upcoming project.
“So I guess this means it's an appropriate time to ask for your number… I wanted to ask you for it but I didn't want to move too fast…?” he said as you two approached eachother after class, cracking a shy smile while he absentmindedly scratched the back of his neck, a subltle flex of his muscles on display. It was a bit hard to concentrate with a combo move like that attacking you, as if he was going in for the kill. 
“I wouldn't have thought it was too fast.” you softly counter, flashing him a tender smile.
It was one thing to feel the heat go to your face, it's another to visibly see it appear on his.
You both traded phones at the same time with the promise to text each other later that night; you put a little coffee emoji by his name while he put the sun next to yours.
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚20 oz The Charismatic ! with hemp milk, iced; freshly brewed jasmine tea with a shot of our very own vanilla (liquid luck) to help your attitude and chances toward  any situation˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
Sitting at the furthest table away from the register, you start to unpack your laptop and make yourself comfortable- you're gonna be here a while. Powering up the device, Hanta pulls at the seat across from you and begins to mimic your movements. 
“So you want our first project meeting… at a coffee shop?” you start, trying to keep the smile from coming onto your face. Looking up at him would mean automatic defeat seeing as it's getting harder and harder for you to look at him without your lips twitching upward.
“I thought it would be very symbolic.”
A snort greeted both of your guy’s ears as your eyes went wide and your hands shot up to cover your mouth. “Anyway, so the project.”  Blushing around him was starting to become a regular occurrence, as well.
“Right,” he says clapping his hands and rubbing them together.
“So the project is to point out common sexual misconceptions and back it up with statistics and research articles. The fact that we got dibs on the misconception of the orgasm gap all because you had bragged about your personal sex life…” the thought alone shot a wave of warmth down your spine and right to your lower region. A flash of a Sero you hadn’t faced yet appeared in your imagination; him looking up at you, hungry and eager to please. It made your breath hitch. 
“Well, yea! I had to voice it. I mean, I feel like it’s common sense! When you have sex by yourself, then you can focus on what makes you feel good and what makes you cum. But when you’re with a partner…” he trailed off and your gaze snapped to him, “you should make sure they cum at least once before doing… whatever you two.. had.. planned on… doing.” Sero finished, his eyes flickered between your eyes and lips. 
Oh fuck. 
You felt yourself throb. 
“Y-yea! Uh I completely a-agree.” 
It’s almost as though he could tell that you were flustered so just to top it off, he smirked, “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” before deciding to drop it and move on.
He took a sip of his drink and sighed, “You guys really do make the best coffee. I got the same thing as I did with your place and yet… I'm here longing for your coffee.” you snort once again.
After that, the conversation eased into the project and what exactly needed to be done; the assignment was very simple but sorting out what dates you guys were going to meet up and how exactly you were going to go about gathering the information was all crucial. The project was due in a month and needed to be submitted in powerpoint format- which the both of you were relieved about.
It was really cute seeing Hanta’s eyes all lit up when it came to the part of how you two were going to go about getting all the information needed. He even suggested to conduct a little side research if you guys were ahead of schedule. It was something that made your heart patter. It was almost like you had smelt some of the charmed rose petals from work because every time you looked at him, you couldn't stop the warmth that flooded in your chest.
With that thought, there was the fact that he was more than likely going to be spending large amounts of time at the cafe- would he notice? Should you just come straight out and explain it? Explain that you were considered a witch, someone who was open-minded and was in tune with their intuition and can work with certain herbs, charms, and spells to create wonderful things? It didn't seem that big of a deal to you, it was something you had grown up with; simple spells and practices that just made day to day life more simple. Not every witch has been through the same childhood you had, there’s no special school- not that you were aware of, anyway. Your parents kept their grimoire out in the open and let you frolic about as they eased basic wholesome rituals into your life, and when you got old enough, they let you take in chapter by chapter each spell they casted, each potion they brewed. 
When you applied at the cafe, your first interview was full of normal questions worded in a way that almost sounded like it had a double meaning, thankfully you caught it and later was asked for a second interview- conducted by the boss himself. He had asked you to perform a basic potion/drink you grew up with, something that made you feel like you were walking on air. It was simple; a butterfly pea tea with a breath of life, with just a little bit of lemon activated the spell in the brew. When the well made drink hit his tongue, he offered you the job not a second later.
No. You wouldn't tell Sero yet. It never came up; It’d be odd to tell him straight off the bat- there's really no need. If he ever asks… then you’ll tell him.
But he hadn't so far.
Each meeting so far felt incredibly productive. It seemed like getting work done came naturally, with the topic being easy to discuss between the two of you and getting the articles to support your claim was fairly simple- apparently a lot of studies have been done about people’s orgasms. 
Since drafting up a skeleton outline the first time meeting, the bits and pieces really started coming together, but the get-togethers sometimes didn't go as planned- however, what was a constant was that no matter what the meet-up consisted of, there would always be a paper cup from your work, filled with a hot latte.
Some of the days, rather than working on the project, the two of you would use the allotted time to sit in your cafe and goof off, or sometimes you would host “tea time” in your apartment and talk about anything and everything- and it was okay because very early on, you both gathered all the adequate articles that involved your topic and sifted through them to get the statistics you needed. Collecting the data was simple enough and putting it together just came easy to you. 
Looking up from your laptop, finally done with sorting all the cited sources in each slide, you wave your hand at Sero to get his attention. Hanta was working on phrasing the facts and statistics from each work, so when he tilted his head up, gaze still on the screen until he finished typing the last sentence, he took his headphones out and hummed as he looked at you. 
“You get the same thing everytime we’re together… why?” 
He glanced at his almost empty cup before fully taking out his headphones, “I get it all the time because it really is the best latte I've ever gotten from a cafe before. I tell you this all the time.” 
“You never… wanna try anything new?”
“Is there something in particular you want me to try?” he asks, quirking his eyebrow upwards.
“Well no, not necessarily…”
“Well then how about you give me a recommendation? What’s a drink you think I would love?” 
This one stumped you for a minute. Though the thought had crossed your mind quite often, you couldn't quite pinpoint which special drink he’d appreciate the most. Something warm… something reflecting how you feel about him.
“I think that you should get the Time Flies; it's this black tea latte with orange zest and it's really… cozy.”
“Okay, I'll try it the next time I go.” 
And he did. The first sip he took felt like smooth gold hitting his tongue. So warm and rich that it had apparently induced the vivid image of the sunset from his grandmother’s porch. He was remembering the orange glow of everything the light touched. The whole day, he was feeling incredibly nostalgic, he even did some of the things he used to do when he was a kid, like watch old black and white movies and make dinner with his mom (even if it was through a phone call).
He told you all of this with one of the most handsome smiles you've ever seen, and that's saying a lot.
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˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚16 oz Love Me or Love Me Not with oat milk, hot; our very own pink rose syrup (enchanted candied petals inside and dried petals on top) steamed in the milk meets a double shot of espresso for a deep, sweet, cozy drink˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
 “So,” you start once everything is situated on your living room table, the two floor pillows that play hosts to your guy’s lower halves sit diagonal from each other.
“Everything is practically done, I just wanted to… call this meeting so we could just quickly skim over it and see if there was anything in the powerpoint that needed fixing and or adjusting.”
“Very reasonable reason to call this meeting but both of us have been looking at this practically nonstop… so I’m pretty sure it's good.”
“Well it’s due next class and I know we finished it up a few a couple of days ago but… there is absolutely nothing wrong with striving for perfection. And if anything, I’m trying to save your reputation.” he choked at the accusation you were attempting to make, “Oh yea! How are you going to get away with making that bold statement in front of the class, do a whole project on it, and then just… have it not be anything short of jaw dropping?” you didn't even wait for him to speak, “exactly. Your rep is on the line, I'm just the sorry person who got stuck with you.” You smirk, driving your ludacris point home while crossing your arms over your chest. 
Scoffing, he leaned over and lightly shoved you, “we got to choose are partners for this project! You chose to be with me!” his cry caused a chuckle to fall from your mouth as you readjusted yourself onto your pillow, “that's neither here nor there.” you try your best snotty act as you stick your nose up in the air.
“Okay okay then, your grace, let us go over the powerpoint,” he jested along and gave you a slight bow.
After a quick runthrough, everything seemed spick and span, so the two of you became more relaxed and sunk into the larger floor pillows once again. 
“So… I noticed that you finally got something from your shop.” Sero gestured over to the other paper cup on the table. “I have never seen you with your own coffee before, why today?”
Your cheeks involuntarily began to heat up; the drink he was referring to was none other than the Love Me or Love Me Not. Usually, you never went out of your way to make it, but for the occasion, it was necessary. It was the last time you guys were going to meet up for the project and you just… had to know. 
Let it be known, messing with love potions wasn’t your forte, you preferred for everything romantic to be consensual and untampered with- that's why this brew in particular was one that you preferred out of all the ones that are out there. When made correctly, the person drinking it should be able to look at their crush (in person) and if the crush liked them back, then the drinker would get a fierce wave of goosebumps; if the person did not like them romantically, their head world ache for just a few minutes before going back to normal. Simple and effective, plus no one gets roughed up or drugged.
Not a single sip had been taken yet, you were on edge about the situation. This was the first time you had ever made it for yourself, and it was pretty nerve wracking to see if this man who you began harboring feelings for liked you the same. 
It’s surely gone cold by now but that wasn’t going to stop you. “Oh! Uh- I was just really craving this drink today.” You say lamely before bringing the cup to your lips and taking a gulp. 
The smell of rose hit your nose before you could register the taste. The evenly sweet syrup paired with the strong espresso danced on your tongue before you swallowed it. You softly sighed, it tasted delicious. Another sip slipped past your lips. 
A roll of relief cascaded through you when an intense wave of goosebumps rose on your poked at your skin, causing you to cough and sputter. Eyes going wide and squeezing shut as the coughs wracked through your body. 
He likes you.
While coming down from your fit, you semi glance at Hanta who had almost instantly appeared by your side, patting and gently rubbing your back. 
“Is there liquor in that?” He joked as he handed you your drink so you could have more liquid to ease your throat.
You shook your head after drinking some more and cracking a grin. It might’ve been too big of a smile for someone who just choked but you didn’t care. Sero Hanta… likes you. 
Unable to help it, you glance down at his lips only to realize how close he is. Your grin slowly drops, your heart pounding in your chest.
“Can I uh.. can I try your drink?” He says, face red with blush. 
As you go to hand him your drink, he leans in and cups your jaw- causing your whole body to still, even your heart stopped to join the languor.
 He peaks his tongue out to softly lap up a drop that must have been on your lip, before capturing your lips with his. 
It felt like your mind shut down, and all you can feel is how soft his lips are and how sweetly he’s kissing you. Almost hesitantly. 
He pulls away in attempts to find your gaze to decipher how you felt about it. 
Your breath is ragged as you look back at him- everything and nothing is going on in your head in that moment, unable to speak, until you see the goosebumps that coat his body. 
Your heart thumps impossibly faster as you realize that not only does he like you… but he truly believes. He believes in the two of you, he believes in love, and he believes in magic. 
Without another second to waste, you tackle him in a hug and find your lips on his in a way that you know you’ll never get enough of. 
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special extra ! : you and Hanta in the fall- Season of the Witch with almond milk, hot; dirty chai latte with a bewitched cinnamon stick to help keep you warm ;) , even on the coldest of days ˚✧₊⁎⁺˳✧༚
The cold nips at your nose just as big hands nip at your waist, causing you to let out a noise between a squeak and a gasp. A flash of soft black hair blurred your vision before cold lips meet yours. “Hanta,” you sigh into the kiss before pulling away and giggling. 
You were heading back to your apartment after a day shift at work, the sky already becoming darker because of the autumnal equinox. 
“What are you doing? I thought I was gonna meet you at my place.” You say as your fingers intertwined and your step fell into pace with his. He pulled you closer so that you were basically leaning into him as you walked.
“You know those chocolate and pumpkin scones you baked for me? The special ones?” He quietly moaned. 
Your eyes go wide as he purposely guided your intertwined hands over his blatant bulge.
“Hanta you weren’t supposed to eat those until later, the spell usually kicks in within the next 30 minutes!” You giggle again. 
A few weeks after you two started officially dating, you formally sat him down and explained everything you didn't when talking about your guys’ past- the memories of frolicking through tall grass and talking to your mother’s familiar, to getting your job at the cafe. He told you that it was a lot to take in, but never did he push you away. When he went to the cafe, he was more observant. Somewhere in the months between June and July, he slowly became more and more interested in the rituals you would do and the potions you would make. He wanted to start joining in. Now in October, he loves seeing your crystals around your house and all the different herbs you grow in the sills of your window. When he found out that you could bake magical pastries with certain herbs, he almost immediately asked you to bake him some. At first, it started as something simple like a sage and rosemary savory loaf that helped cleanse your pallet of any negative energy. Then it started becoming more and more intricate, and that's how the two of you ended up here.
 “I know but fuck-- I was hungry and they looked so good, and now I’m hard and I need you.” he spoke lowly. 
This was going to be fun. 
The rest of the way, you were casually asking him things that shouldn't be heard in a public setting, “What is it you want to taste first, Hanta?”
“How badly do you want to fuck me into the mattress? Hm? Have your big cock stretch me out?”
“Wanna fill me up?”
By the time you both got to your apartment, there was no fumbling with the keys to get your door to open, you already had them out; getting through the door took three seconds tops. Next thing you know, your back was against the closest wall, your hands pulling at his tied up hair and scraping your nails against his scalp when the soft locks fell. One of his big hands lifted up a leg of yours and he groaned as he thrust upward against your heat.
“Fuck-” he panted into the kiss before trailing down your neck, still holding up one leg while the other hand finds itself under your shirt, his fingers hot to the touch. 
Releasing your leg and dropping to his knees, he looked up at you as he fumbled with the button of your pants. You lace your fingers in his hair, feeling him yank the material down your legs, tossing the one leg over your less dominant leg over your shoulder, and when a warm muscle hits your sopping clothed core, you pull his hair harder to apply more pressure.
“Look at me when I have you in my mouth, I wanna see how much you enjoy this.” 
You felt yourself clench, and apparently so did he, because a smirk grew on his lips. “Oh, you like when I say things like that?”
“H-hanta, please.. '' your voice wavered before you sucked in a sharp gasp. He had a finger, then two inside of you in no time, the other hand keeping the underwear out of the way so his lips could wrap around your clit.
He was pumping in and out of you faster and faster, occasionally switching the pace to unbearably slow and when you would whine, he’d tilt his head up, mid lick, to throw you a teasing glance before picking up the pace. He bagan curling his fingers, hitting a spot that had your eyes rolling and with the pressure building up, it had you panting out a breathy repetitive stream of his name. 
“‘M gonna cum Hanta, hh-” you moaned out before clenching your eyes shut, your body involuntarily shaking above him. And right below you, he was ready to lick up everything you had to offer.
Holding you steady as he came up to kiss you, your juices still on his lips, “you ready for me, sweetheart?” he asked when he pulled away. The short sobering moment hit as soon as he scooped you up and carried you to the bedroom, but after he tossed you onto the bed, the look he gave you as he was unbuttoning his pants drew your mind hazy again.
“Can't wait to pump you full of my cum, to have you a drooling mess because of my cock.” he huskily whispered, giving you so many delicious previews of how the night will go. “You want that, pretty? Use your words.” he said as he crawled over to you and caged you in. The scent of cedar wood and citrus clouded your senses.
“Yes please Hanta!” you whine, “wanna feel stuffed b’cause of your cum. Please fill me up--” you whimper out, cutting yourself off when you felt his leaky tip at your wet entrance. 
Just like each time you two have been intimate, he guides himself slowly until he's in to the hilt of his pelvis, “shit, squeezing me so hard- c-an i move?” he moans out. 
Unable to form coherent sentences, you frantically nod and squeak out, “yes!”
With your permission granted, he eases in a thrust before he starts snapping his hips into you.
“Fuck, look at you, milking my cock so good-” he moaned, as he leaned in and kissed you. Each sharp thrust jolted you upwards, proving just how powerful his thrusts were. You threw your arms around his neck for the slight stability.
You began to let out little moans into the kiss that spurr him further; everything was beginning to get to him. How tight you felt around him, the feel of your tongue against his, the sloppy wet noises of your cunt.
“I’m gonna cum-- i'm gonna cum!” he choked out. 
You clawed at his back while whimpering pleas for him to fill you up, “fill me up with your cum, your cock fills me so good, please Hanta, more- more!”
You were clenching around him hard, and to bring you right to his level, he found your puffy clit and began a quick circular motion that made your jaw go slack, causing more frequent clenches.
His mind blurred as he pushed himself the deepest he could, moaning out your name and a gruff curse before emptying himself into you. 
You felt him twitch inside of you right before hot seed coated your already warm walls, and that’s what pushed you into a convulsion of ecstasy. 
He lazily humped his hips into you as you rode out your high before pulling out and rolling next to you.
Calling out your name to bring your attention to him, he pulls you into his chest where you could feel his racing heart, “what if… I started singing that song from hocus pocus? You know the one..” 
What a goof, you thought to yourself, playfully smacking his chest as you roll your eyes, looking up at him. 
“I put a spell on you… and now you're mine…” you begin to whisper, earning a hearty laugh from you boyfriend.
Maybe it was mutual, but quite possibly he had put a spell on you. And you were more than okay with it.
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ppumeonae-bigvibe · 2 years
ask for it (pt 2)
↖ navigation: ateez masterlist  ||  main masterlist
pairing: slightly mean bestie! san x gn! reader
↬ tags: high school! au, taekwondo club! ateez, reader being the manager of the club, year 3s being 98 liners, year 2s being 98 liners, testing the theory!! is san whipped?
summary: so what if san was stubborn and snarky? you are the only one he has a soft spot for
word count: 939 words
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part 1 || part 2 
(read part 1 for understanding as part 2 alone might be confusing !!)
then this lead to you “forgetting” your things. you weren’t the best liar, hence it began with small items. yet, it wasn’t uncommon to be using his things, being good friends and all.
“san, i forgot to bring my stationery. could i use yours?” 
cue san swinging his entire pencil case at you, “tch. who’s the forgetful one here hmm?” 
san spotted your pencil case at the dining table when you hurriedly left the house this morning and didn’t say anything about it. he knew you were gonna come to him and ask him anyways, as you always do. 
san hid a pleased smile when you dug out that specific pen, pleasantly surprised. he cleared his throat, “you left one in mine and never bothered to take it out.” 
your surprise caused his heart to flutter and you bumped shoulders with him as a means of thanks before walking to your seat. face tinted pink, he buried his face into his textbook, hoping this warm feeling would go away. 
“san, i kinda need help with…with my homework. could you…?” 
cue san shaking his head (which you think was rather adorable) and sitting beside you, “you’re lucky i’m not busy.” 
san had absolutely no remedial classes today. he wasn’t busy at all. he made sure he was never too busy for you. 
“thank goodness you’re able to help me out. i’m so behind with classes after planning for various practice sessions.” you sighed as you pulled out a stack of notebooks and san felt a pang of guilt for you as the manager, taking on the mental load of the team. wordlessly, san helped you rearrange your books. 
you shot him a genuine smile and he felt his heart warm up. “thanks.” 
seeing how san was willing to go the extra mile for you was a new experience. all you had to do was ask. 
it was quite endearing really, how san would act all annoyed before giving in to you. 
“san, the dojo’s a little chilly. could..!” 
cue san unceremoniously throwing his jacket over you, abruptly cutting you off, “you ought to bring yours next time. i don’t want to be dealing with your sick and whiny self.” 
san had absolutely known you’d get chilly, especially with winter around the corner. he keeps his spare jacket in his locker just for you.
wooyoung and yeosang snickered, wagging their eyebrows as they trailed behind san. yunho shot you a thumbs up, following closely behind. mingi who cluelessly stood in front of you on the bench watched the entire scene unfold before his eyes, squinting at the two of you. 
you shrugged on his jacket, inhaling deeply at his woody scent. 
mingi desperately pawed at your shoulder, “manager-nim! i want to know ALL the deets. EVERYTHING that i missed while i was injured!”
“hey, could you grab our water bottles since you’re going to the bench?” yeosang casually asked and san shook his head vehemently, “no way, get it yourself.” yeosang gave you a look, something along the lines of “we are going to die of thirst, so please”.
wooyoung dramatically “reached” for the bottle beside you as yunho sprawled out on the mat, making a bunch of groaning noises, “ah...manager-nim! please?” 
“i’ll get them—” you stood up, only for san to motion for you to sit down. 
san was absolutely not going to get you to lift a finger, especially when you were so busy with the admin work, the papers strewn around you as proof.
mingi wagged his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes at his antics, already knowing what his actions implied. 
“your lazy asses better stop bothering our one and only manager.” san had his hands on his hips, a threatening look on his face that caused you to burst out laughing. 
it’s been going on for a few weeks now, the whole “let-me-ask-san-and-check-if-he’s-whipped”. you had derived a conclusion: san will indeed do what you asked. but even knowing that, you didn’t want to take advantage of this special bond you had. so you stopped.
now, Ssan found it weird. why weren’t you asking him for things? why weren’t you relying on him for things? why weren’t you requesting for him to do things for you?
san grumbled as he kicked at nothing in particular. “what or who’s got you in such a pissy mood, hm?” san realizes that your aura immediately removed the tension off his shoulders. turning towards you, he replied, “nothing. i don’t want to drink this. have it so it doesn’t go to waste.” he pulled the tab of your favorite peach soda and passed it to you. 
san’s stomach roiled, too nervous to make a small conversation. 
did he do something wrong?
thankfully, you were ranting about how the clubroom’s cleanliness wasn’t only your responsibility, and hadn’t noticed his lack of words. 
“are you ignoring me?” he blurted out. 
your mouth hung agape, “say what?” 
“why…aren’t you asking me for favors, or…or telling me to do stupid things like pose for your art sketch or even taking the kimbap from my lunch box?” san rambled, feeling his face heat up. long gone was his stubborn, snarky self.
“i just…wanted to test…test out if you…maybe liked me back? or if it was just done out of good will? i…” you trailed off.
“you didn’t need to go a roundabout way to test me on something.” 
san’s instincts took over and he pressed his lips against yours, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
“does that answer your question?” you gripped onto his school blazer, burrowing your face into his chest. 
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@ppumeonae-bigvibe 's work ; likes and reblogs appreciated <3
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sserpente · 3 years
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A/N: Requests from @watermelon1568, @lokisgirl5, @cocoamoonmalfoy and anon. This is so fluffy and maybe a little silly, but in a good way! Enjoy everyone and have a good Christmas Eve! ♥
Words: 2635 Warnings: so much fluff, mentions of blood, implied smut
Additional NSFW warning: This Imagine contains implied period sex, just in case this is something you are uncomfortable with.
Loki might be a tiny tad OOC in this one because the requests were just so fluffy but I did my best! Enjoy!
Loki sighed. There you were again, running around with a list in hand looking much like the one Santa Clause had been carrying in that Christmas film Thor had forced him to watch. For the past few days, weeks almost, actually, you had been collecting everyone’s Christmas wishes like a squirrel collecting nuts for the winter. Even he knew everyone’s Christmas wishes by now. You had truly asked everybody, even the cleaning women who came to tidy up the entire Avengers facility once a week.
Loki could not quite put his finger on what it was that fascinated him so much about you—all he did know was that he too wanted to get you a Christmas present, if only just to see the surprised look on your face. He almost snorted. It was disappointment he felt, disappointment and envy because he longed to be the one to put a smile on your face on Christmas Day—and he didn’t even celebrate Christmas, not really.
Furthermore, he had not failed to notice how you avoided his presence like you were playing cat and mouse. You had, much to his surprise, asked him for his Christmas wish too the other day, all timid and unable to look him in the eye and Loki had been so taken aback he had not known an answer. The God of Mischief was many things but he was not blind and not stupid—he was perceptive. Villain or not, you were into him—and he was going to get your confession.
Smirking to himself, and determined to put an end to playing tag, he followed you into the empty hallway on your way back to your room, pushed past you and then unceremoniously blocked your way.
“O-Oh… hey, Loki.” You chirped.
“Are you in a hurry?”
“I, uh, actually, um… n-no?”
“Well, you did ask me what I wanted for Christmas, did you not?”
“Oh!” Your face lit up. “Oh, yes! Yes, what would you like?”
Loki thought about it for a moment. He needed an answer fast to not look like a moron now.
His lips parted. “I do miss writing with a quill and ink. Could you acquire a set for me? Surely, they are still being used on Midgard.”
Geez! How had you not thought about that? Loki truly was a scholar with all those books in his room, and that was a marvellous idea. “Y-yes, of course!” You responded, nodding eagerly in the process. But when you moved forward, Loki, instead of letting you pass now, put his hand against the wall so you were trapped.
“Hmm… Is there a particular reason you always get so nervous in my presence?” He asked. Your eyes widened. Fuck.
“Y-you… you tried to… you almost took over t-the p-planet, you k-know.” You lied quickly.
“Ah, yes. Of course… that must be it.” He responded with a knowing smirk. Oh, fuck. Did he have to be so god damn gorgeous?
“You never said what it was you want for Christmas, my dear.” He said then, blue eyes locking with yours. Your heart skipped a beat—no, actually, you were wondering whether it was still beating at all. You did have a Christmas wish, of course and you wanted to do backflips all across the hallway that Loki of all people took an interest in what you’d like—or maybe he just wanted to make conversation. Keep calm.
“Oh… it’s silly. Not really possible.” You replied sheepishly, gasping when he hooked a finger under your chin to gently force you to look up at him. He was definitely going to be the death of you.
“Tell me.” He urged you on.
“The only thing I… I’ve always wanted to have a dog. A loyal non-human companion, someone to cuddle with when it’s cold and who will never judge me but love me just the way I am… and they are just so cute! But that’s not possible,” You repeated quickly. “Imagine an innocent little puppy when everything’s on fire and another alien race attacks the planet!”
Loki hummed. Dogs were not common on Asgard. He himself had had a pet snake growing but released it into the wild after Thor and his friends had repeatedly stolen it to play silly and dangerous games. He could see why you kept that wish to yourself. Living among the Avengers, a dog might get in the way during missions—he did not doubt it would be helpful and capable of tearing off their enemies’ faces but your worry for it would distract you from a fight.
Still… perhaps there was a way. A smirk grew on his lips and your flustered reaction to it pleased him, making it grow wider.
It was early Christmas morning when Loki returned. It had taken him all of his wit and cunningness to leave the Avengers facilities unattended and without anyone asking suspicious questions but he had succeeded. The wooden box he was carrying—with many holes in them so the little creature could breathe—Loki sneaked across the hallway and past your room to hide his present for you in his own, already imagining your priceless reaction… was he hoping for a hug? Oh, he was. When was the last time anyone had hugged him? Perhaps you would, upon receiving the fluffy little creature in the box.
The dog winced. “Shh! Quiet, you silly little creature, you are going to wake up your mother!”
It was then he heard an ear-piercing scream coming from your room. He nearly dropped the box, turning on his heel to storm into your room like a tornado annihilating everything in its path. Your bed was empty, the sheets ruffled. There was a small beam of light coming from your bathroom—the closer he came, the more he could make out the rustling of fabric.
“I bloody hate being a woman…” You murmured to yourself, making the God of Mischief frown. Alarmed, he stepped closer and entered the bathroom without knocking—he barely remembered to set the box aside to draw his daggers if need be.
You were sat on the toilet, your white Christmas pyjamas with candy canes and gingerbread men on them soiled with blood. Loki’s eyes widened. There was blood on the floor too… and on your fingers.
His fingers were itching to materialise his weapons, yet he could see no enemy who could have attacked you. You gasped when he barged into the room, concealing your nakedness from the waist down with some toilet paper.
“What in the nine happened to you?” The amount of blood was almost concerning for a mortal. Had someone surprised you in your sleep? Who had managed to break into the Avengers facilities in the first place?
“How did you get in here? No wait, you’re awake already? Umm… Merry Christmas?” You swallowed. Talk about embarrassing yourself in front of the God of Mischief.
“We need to get you to a healer… a doctor, that is what you call them here?” You stared at him for a moment.
The last thing he expected was for you to burst out laughing. The whole situation was so hilarious you even forgot to be nervous around him for once.
“Oh, Loki… I’m okay, I’m not dying, I promise. I got surprised by my period, is all.”
“Your… period? Your period… as in your menstruation cycle?”
“Yes. Do women on Asgard not have that?”
“They do but… not like this.” Heavens, he felt stupid. He had thought you were dying, openly shown his concern… and you had laughed.
“Loki…” It was like you had heard his thoughts. “Thank you for checking on me. I was just being frustrated but I promise I’m okay.” You had probably disturbed his sleep but the fact that Loki cared enough to come to your help, admitting that just perhaps… he actually liked you. “W-would you mind?” Loki raised his brows, his lips parting.
“Yes, of course.”
He turned around for you to get dressed again (never before had you been more grateful for the pile of more or less dirty laundry on the floor next to your toilet) and nodded, only realising now that he had indeed just proved that one way or another, he had taken a liking into you. It was then the dog winced again just outside the bathroom door.
“What was that?”
“Nothing. In fact, I shall leave you… how did you get out of that box?” Eager and curious, the puppy must have somehow knocked its wooden box over. When Loki looked behind him, he found the lid on the floor, the young dog hurtling towards you.
“Oh my god! Hey there, little guy! Where did you come from?” You giggled when the dog attempted to jump up on you. You picked it up, grinning when it licked your face. “Aren’t you adorable?”
Loki pursed his lips. Oh, great. Now he was getting the hug. He furrowed his brows. Heavens, this was an innocent little puppy. Against all reason, he already loved the little guy with all his heart himself, how could he possibly feel jealous?
“You were not supposed to see it yet. I was going to put the box under the Christmas tree.”
“R-really? You mean… he’s for me? Oh, Loki… but h-how? I mean… I love him. But how can I keep him safe here? Is that really a good idea?”
“Well… he is, in fact, not a normal dog.” Loki remarked.
Your eyes widened. “What does that mean?”
“Dogs are rare on Asgard but there are indeed a few traders who raise them. This unprepossessing creature has a life expectancy five times as high as Midgardian dogs—not to mention it is stronger, more intelligent and much like Thor and me, more resistant to pain and injury.”
“You’re a superdog then, aren’t you? Yes, you are, such a good boy. I need a name for him.” You announced. Loki raised his arms. That would be your decision. His pet snake had never had a name. “I’ll think of something.” Smiling, you stepped forward and kissed Loki on the cheek whose lips parted in surprise.
“Thank you so much. I didn’t think you would… why did you?” He said nothing in response. He couldn’t possibly tell you that he wanted a hug and that the only person he wanted it from was you. Your lips on his face had already felt like liquid fire, warming him from the inside out. Heavens, what was wrong with him? You were a mortal. He couldn’t possibly like you this much.
“You should go back to bed.” He said after a while, clearing his throat. “It is still early.” You nodded. He was right. Besides, you and your little puppy needed to get to know each other.
Needless to say, however, you couldn’t fall asleep again after you had gotten changed into new pyjamas and then cuddled with your new pet. Loki had gotten you a dog. Why? He owed you nothing, and quite on the contrary, you highly doubted Loki would even bother to get the rest of the Avengers a Christmas gift.
In the meantime, Loki himself returned to his room, shaking his head in the process. He was being ridiculous. The other day in the hallway, he had still managed to remain composed but the more time he spent around you, the softer he became for you.
He had been worried for you upon seeing all that blood and it had scared him. Love and affection weren’t exactly emotions he got to experience a lot and then for a human of all species…
He realised with a start just what it was that was happening to him. He was courting you, wasn’t he? He had not done anything alike in years, the last time for a beautiful Asgardian woman who had turned out to take more interest in Thor than him.
Loki was no expert on dating. He had never had the need for it… not until you. A growl escaped his lips. How dangerous for his already shattered heart would it be to give in to his desire and make you smile again? To feel your lips against his skin once more?
Another growl. He was addicted to you already. Jumping up from the bed, he left the facilities again, this time to head a few miles west. Frigga had always said that love goes through the stomach. He might as well try that strategy out.
About two hours later, there was a soft knock on your door. You stirred, eyes fluttering open. Your puppy—you had still not thought of a name for it—had curled up in your arms, still sleeping soundly.
The door opened to reveal Loki. With a smirk, he produced something from behind his back—a box with the logo of your favourite pancake shop on it. Your jaw dropped.
“Merry Christmas.” He announced.
“Oh my goodness… Loki, you are so sweet.”
The God of Mischief raised an eyebrow. “Sweet is not exactly what I was hoping for.” He replied, albeit smiling.  You sat up carefully to not wake the puppy, accepting the pancakes all the while licking your lips hungrily. Now that was one way to start Christmas Day.
“How about considerate?” You tried again, smiling up at him sweetly. Loki smirked, hands clasped behind his back. He almost appeared a little… awkward.
You longed to ask him why he was doing all this but then again… you could think of only one answer. It couldn’t possibly be, no?
“Care to share? They are really good.”
“It appears so. The entire restaurant smelled like a sugar realm.”
“Is that a thing?”
“Oh… pity.” He chuckled.
Twenty minutes in which you silently ate with relish went by, the puppy still sleeping peacefully in your bed, with you unable to stop petting it all the time. Once you had finished the very last bite, you simply dropped the empty takeaway-packaging on the floor.
“Thank you so much, Loki. I couldn’t have imagined better Christmas presents.”
He nodded, watching your every move as you moved in to give him another kiss on the cheek.
This time though, in just this moment, Loki turned his head to face you again, your lips landing on his instead. You gasped, even more so when he deepened the kiss, moving his mouth gently against yours, tongue slipping between your lips to taste you. Oh my god. Loki was kissing you. Loki was kissing you!
It felt like a demon from Muspelheim had set his body on fire, from the inside out. Loki was ablaze. Unable to stop himself, his arms came up to pull you closer into his body until you were straddling him, your fingers digging into his clothes. You both knew where this was going.
There was no doubt you were going to wake up the little dog when you pushed him back on the mattress, overcome with a sudden confidence and hunger that made you feel invincible. Loki did not object. The only reason you hesitated was the fact you remembered just then that you were on your period. Reluctantly, you pulled away.
“Loki… maybe we should do this… another time. My… period, remember?”
“A little bit of blood will not stop me from ravishing you, my dear.” Your heart skipped a beat.
“A-are you sure?”
Loki nodded slowly and intimately, his blue gaze never leaving yours.
Next thing you knew, the both of you lost all of your layers of clothing one by one. Scratch making a list for Christmas presents for your friends to make them happy… you couldn’t quite believe that Loki actually reciprocated your affection for him. This certainly was the most amazing Christmas yet.
A/N: If you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate it so much if you considered supporting me on Kofi! It’s either for caffeine or red wine, I’ll take both. ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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drmmyrs · 3 years
The Way I Loved You (Poppy x MC)
Soo bear with me since I think this might be a long series. This part is mostly just establishing the story so there is little to no fluff yet.
But stiiill, let me know what you guys think and I’d really appreciate feedback/constructive criticism. Hope you enjoy and if not, thanks for reading anyways :)) 
tag list: @whackawriting @samanthadalton @crazzyplays @uselesslesbianfr (ithis is my taglist I thiiink, but if you wanna be added or removed just let me know)  
Pairing: Poppy x MC (Bea)
Word Count: 1650
Warning: Little swearing (at least for this part)
A/N: This is from the part before Poppy and MC were paired for a project
Bea had been at Belvoire for two months now, but she still wasn't used to waking up on a queen-sized canopy bed fitted with luxe sateen sheets in a bedroom which probably cost more than her family's house back at Farmsville. She glanced at the clock–11:30 am. She still had some time to spare before her first class. How people managed to wake up early on this luxurious bed made of clouds, she didn't know.
After a few more minutes of daydreaming, Bea begrudgingly pulled herself out of bed. She was preparing her outfit when the smell of heaven wafted through the bedroom door–bacon and pancakes. Like some kind of puppet on strings, Bea let herself be led by the delicious aroma to the kitchen where Zoey was expertly pouring pancake batter on a pan.
"I didn't know I was roommates with a master chef," Bea jested.
Zoey turned around at Bea's voice, and as she saw her, a smirk crawled up her lips.
"Well, don't you look sexy." Zoey eyed Bea up and down with an amused look on her face.
Bea glanced down at her outfit and saw that she was still in her pajamas. "Whatever Zo, not everyone can rock designer outfits even in bed."
"Hey, I'm not complaining. Besides, Spongebob PJs do have a certain charm."
Bea rolled her eyes while smiling. "So, what are we having for breakfast?"
"I'm pretty sure it's lunch. And aren't you supposed to be in class, like, right about now?"
"Nah, my Tuesday classes aren't until one o'clock."
Zoey stared at Bea. "Babe, it's Wednesday."
Bea's eyes widened at Zoey's words. "No, no, no, Professor Roberta is gonna kill me."
Bea rushed to her room and hastily changed her clothes faster than she thought was possible. She contemplated going to class au naturel, but ultimately decided against it. Bea was not ugly by any means without makeup, but in a sea of extremely contoured cheeks and false eyelashes, having no makeup was basically social suicide, especially since Poppy was in that class. Ugh, great. Of course, I'm late to the only class I have with Poppy.
When Bea thought she was presentable enough, she sprinted out the door but not before grabbing a handful of pancakes and shoving it to her mouth, looking like a chipmunk in the process. The T is gonna have a field day if someone saw me like this. Bea slowed her sprint to a stride as she swallowed the last of the pancakes.
Bea arrived in class forty-five minutes late.
"Look who finally decided to join us," Professor Roberta said in disdain.
"Sorry Professor, won't happen again."
"I'm sure it won't. And since you decided to join us so late, you're gonna have to work with Ms. Min-Sinclair over here for your community service project."
Oh hell no.
Sure enough, Poppy was sitting alone, glaring at her, and Bea could almost swear she could see smoke coming out of her nose.
Bea hesitantly sat down beside Poppy.
"Look Poppy, let's be civil about this and finish this project fast so we–"
"We're not going to do anything, Farmsville. I will ace this project and you will stay out of my damn way."
"Like hell I'm gonna let you take all the credit."
"Is there a problem here?" The professor glowered at Poppy and Bea.
"None professor, we were just calmly discussing the details of the project," Poppy responded with a fake smile.
Bea rolled her eyes. Kiss ass.
Once the professor was out of earshot, Poppy sharply turned to Bea. "Be ready on Friday, we're going to a foster home in Middletown."
"Middletown? But that's like an hour away!"
"I don't see you coming up with better ideas," Poppy hissed.
"I thought so. Do not be late, Farmsville. I don't want you taking more of my time than you already do," Poppy said with a glare before she grabbed her Chanel purse and strode away.
Back at her dorm, Bea was resting her head on her hands on the dining table when Zoey arrived.
Upon seeing Bea, Zoey immediately took a seat beside her and placed her hand comfortingly on her shoulder. "Aww, babe. Was Professor Roberta that mad?"
Bea turned to face Zoey. "No, but it was much, much worse."
Zoey raised her eyebrow.
"I was paired with Satan for our project."
Bea nodded. "She even wanted to do the project in Middletown. Middletown. That's like an hour away! I mean surely there has to be another community that needs servicing that doesn't require an hour drive with Poppy."
Zoey pretended to think thoughtfully. "Hmm, maybe she finally found a way to get rid of you permanently?"
"I'm serious, Zo." Bea glared at Zoey.
Zoey laughed. "Okay, okay, sorry. But do bring holy water just in case."
Bea groaned and stood up from the chair before ambling to her bedroom. "I'm going to bed."
Before Bea was able to shut the door, Zoey called out after her. "You'll survive, babe! Give her hell for me."
Just a few minutes after Bea got back from her classes, she heard the sound of consecutive horns outside which she immediately knew were from Poppy. No one else is obnoxious enough to disturb an entire dormitory. With a sigh, Bea grabbed her things and trudged outside.
When Bea got outside, Poppy's Range Rover was parked at the curb. Bea walked to the passenger's side and opened the door.
"Be a dear will you and don't touch anything, I don't want your filthy hands staining my car."
Bea rolled her eyes. Hello to you, too.
The first few minutes of the drive were silent except for the light rain that started drizzling on the windshield, that is, until Bea asked Poppy, "why are we going all the way to Middletown anyway? There's probably some–"
"Remember that time when I asked for your opinion?"
Bea just glared at Poppy.
"Me neither. So, shut up, Hughes."
"How about you take a day off from being a bitch, Poppy. Seeing that you've had your whole life being just that," Bea rebuked.
The entire car ride was spent with both girls hurling insults at each other that it was honestly surprising that Poppy didn't kick Bea out of the car in the middle of the road.
After one looong hour, they finally arrived.
"Don't get in my way, Farmsville," Poppy warned as she approached the house and rang the doorbell. After a few moments, a middle-aged woman opened the door.
"Poppy! What a pleasant surprise. Come on in." The woman gestured them inside.
Hang on, how does she know Poppy?
The woman led Bea and Poppy to a couch and asked them if they wanted something to drink, to which both of them politely declined.
"So, Brenda. How is the family?" Poppy was wearing a smile that might actually be... genuine?
Bea stared at Poppy in shock. Not only were they on a first-name basis, but Poppy was actually nice to someone that doesn't involve sucking up.
"They're doing great! Thomas actually just got promoted recently so we're gonna take the kids somewhere nice sometime next week."
"That's amazing, send Thomas my regards."
Okay, what the hell is happening?
After a few more polite conversations, Brenda turned to Bea. "You haven't introduced me to your friend yet." Brenda extended her hand to Bea. "I'm Brenda."
Bea wore her biggest smile as she shook Brenda's hand. "Bea. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Poppy cleared her throat. "Actually, we came here for a community service project, and we were hoping that we could throw the kids a small party and maybe at the same time we can do a photography shoot that can be shared to prospective families. Do you think we can do that?"
"Oh, certainly! I'm sure the kids would love that."
"That's great to hear. Where are they anyway?"
"They're actually out there playing with the toys you sent them. Come on, I'll lead you to them." Brenda stood up and walked towards the back door.
Poppy started to follow her but turned around when she noticed Bea was still sitting down.
"If you're just gonna sit there like a half-wit, do us a favor Farmsville, and do it far away from here."
Still in disbelief, Bea stood up and followed Poppy and Brenda to the yard where Poppy was greeted enthusiastically by five kids. She watched as Poppy played with them with such kindness and compassion that she couldn't help but smile as most of her anger towards the blonde was replaced with warmth and some other indescribable feelings. After a few more games where Bea was basically manhandled by Poppy to join, all of them went back inside exhausted. As it was already getting late, Bea and Poppy said their farewells to Brenda and the kids with a promise of returning on Sunday for the party and went back on the road.
Bea had so many questions she wanted to ask Poppy but the look on Poppy's face implied that she probably won't be answering any of those. A few minutes later, there was suddenly a huge downpour of rain that Poppy had to park the car. Bea then received a text from Zoey, and as she read it, a look of dread flashed across her face.
Poppy frowned upon seeing the look on Bea's face. "What is it now?"
"There's a typhoon. We're stuck here."
Bea and Poppy managed to find a decent hotel nearby where they decided to stay until the typhoon passed.
"Two rooms, please. And make them as far away as possible," Poppy said to the receptionist while handing him her credit card, giving Bea a glare at the last sentence.
And here I thought we're finally making progress.
"I'm sorry Ms. Min-Sinclair, we only have one more room available for tonight."
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betweentheracks · 3 years
Hello and yay for this blog!!! I have a question :D. If a certain Chinese star were to wear jeans that say "my cock is gluten free" and "pull me down and fuck me," do you think his stylist would have chosen this knowingly, or do you think it's possible they just were like "hmm english words looks good" and didn't bother to look up the meaning? If they did know the meaning, would they have likely informed the star? Very desperate for the thought process behind this Choice hehehe. Thank you!
Ah, I was wondering hoping if I would get asked about those infamous jeans and here you are!
First and foremost; the following is all speculation from my experiences in the business and is wholly subjective. 
It isn’t impossible that they weren’t aware of what was written on the jeans, but it also isn’t all that likely either. When you pull up these jeans on the Dsquared2 site there’s a listing of what is doodled and written on the jeans and it’s not something that would be overlooked by neither stylist nor client. 
That said, Yibo does know some English and while he may not have known these words exactly, there’s more than enough ways of discerning their meaning. I would also bet half a year of my salary that his stylist would have known what was written here, or any number of personnel that works with them for that matter. I would also take into consideration that even if the jeans had slipped by all these people that may or may not have had the ability to see what was all over them, some of Yibo’s fellow idols should have (looking at you specifically, Seungyoun).
Setting this aside for a moment, I’ll go into who I think is responsible for the jeans being worn to begin with - Wang Yibo himself is the likely culprit. 
Why do I think this? There’s many reasons but most are inconsequential while two points frame the scene as I see it. 
This is markedly not a choice a stylist would make. Stylists, at the end of it all, are employees and therefore it shouldn’t be too surprising to know we have rules in place we must abide no matter if we are working outside the purview of the company we are housed under. Even when we work exclusively with a client, we are still taking the name of our company as well as our own with us and are operating as an extension of the brand the company promotes and promises. I don’t know of any company here (and I live in rather free faring place which welcomes eccentricities, mind) that would allow these jeans to be submitted as part of a pitch to either buy or borrow unless they were very specifically in line with a client’s public image and style. Technically these jeans would classify as offensive and profane which means they would invite trouble and cause a stir. While stylists are not associated much with the PR side of things we are still essentially a team playing for the same client - this selection, if gone badly, would be like asking for lightning to strike twice in one place at the same time. If a scandal amounted from them PR would have to handle it and that means the stylist would come under fire for making such a bold and risky choice, most especially with a younger client that thus far didn’t have the sort of image one would think to associate with jeans such as these. 
The second reason is that, from what I can tell, this is in line with Yibo’s personality. He’s very serious about style and engages with it as he does most things; by overtaking it completely and rebranding it to suit him to the point that it makes one wonder if the style wasn’t designed with him in mind. He makes full use of what fashion is all about at it’s core; expression. These jeans in particular would have suited the Yibo of the time he wore them (2018, if I remember right?) as he was trying to break away from the image he held as a pretty boy with demure and soft looks which held the shock value of being in such contrast with his dancing and rapping. He’s mentioned before that he doesn’t really like being “cute/sy” and having to do things in the way of that since it’s not true to who he feels he is. Which, honestly, a lot of idols and stars go through this experience where they no longer wish to be constrained by the persona they play for the public and one of the most impactful means of going about it is to address the styling since it is the focal point of public image. 
The Dsquared2 jeans don’t only say “my cock is gluten free,” there’s actually quite a lot to them and I think it would help if more were aware of it so here’s the description of them on the website: 
D Squared Limited Edition Jeans. Sexy Twist Printed Low Rise. Fun, Evil Boy, Love Sucks, Pull Me Down, Open Me, Unzip, Buttons, Wine Is My Water, Tic Tac Toe, Dean & Dan, Sex, Gluten Free Cock, Hot Patches
The jeans actually say “pull me down and fuck me” right there on the ass, but naturally they can’t list the expletives in the marketing. Not strictly important to this post, but still worth mentioning given the hushed treatment of what the placement of such words could easily imply and the effect that could have had. 
Anyway, the bit that is very telling in my opinion is that “evil boy” tag. I’m not terribly certain due to having never been fortunate enough to work with these jeans myself and the internet only has so many pictures from so many angles, but “evil boy” is either written somewhere (which I think is the case since there’s devil horns present as well) or they’re being promoted as such for aesthetic value. Regardless, I am fairly certain this would be the feature which caught Yibo’s eye. It’s on brand for someone seeking to shatter the conceptual ideal of being naive, innocent, youthful, or soft.
The jeans as a whole fit with Yibo’s sense of humor, as I’ve seen it at least. He lost his mind and fell into full laughter and hysterics over a dick joke, not even minding that he was being filmed or anything. He was still laughing about it even after the other hosts had moved beyond it, making them circle back around to it and in turn making it all the more hilarious for him to enjoy. You can see it clearly in the bts footage from the CQL set that he enjoys being mischievous and stirring things up and having a good time. 
This is who he is, I believe, and it makes a lot of sense for him to have made this stylistic choice and then either convince his stylist to let him run with it or change out at the last second. Both of these are possible, though one of them is less probable than the other given how tricky it actually would be to sneak a wardrobe alteration past the many people that make up the staffing roster for any events, and then to be able to change in the limited time frame available between exiting the dressing room to being in the public sphere would be one in a thousand. Much simpler to goad your stylist into being lenient enough to give you free reign over your own styling - we can only hold out and say no when the grounds for it are met, which this wouldn’t have done in all likelihood - and most of the time we build up a good enough relationship and rapport with clients that we end up doting on them a bit and heed their requests when we can.
That’s all from me on this token moment in Yibo’s very stacked fashion history. Thanks for asking!
Furthermore, there’s the third possibility that this wasn’t a styling choice whatsoever. Or at least not one that involved the stylist in any real regard. It is very plausible that this was just Yibo in his own clothes, having dressed down after the main events wound down. I’ve never actually watched to see what that night looked like overall, but from the videos I have seen it looked to me like the actual do had passed and they were all just goofing around and having their own dance competitions and such when he was wearing them. I can’t say for sure that he did or did not have them on for the whole thing or if they were his own self packed casual wear. In which case it would fall back to his studio to tend to since stylists generally don’t hold authority over personal clothing choices and only ever have a hand in it when it is expressly stated in contracts or temporary clauses, and it just isn’t too common anymore. 
Worth a quick mention for means of distinction, here in the US this choice wouldn't have raised many eyebrows no matter if it was chosen by an artist or a stylist. The only reason I feel it necessary to say this is simply because this is not so in China and that alone lends context to the controversy of these jeans. In the scope of conservatism these jeans are outrageous and I think that a stylist would steer clear of utilizing them at all if they value their job. This is why I don't consider it likely at all that Yibo and his stylist collaborated to make use of these jeans as a way to shake away the remnants of his pretty boy aesthetic.
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elareine · 3 years
If you could, can you please write JayTim or RoyTim (whichever one you want) trying to be romantic and woo Tim (maybe with some puns, I love puns), but Tim is a bit oblivious towards it, because the other is so cool, therefore they must be trying to make friends and be nice with him and nothing more. So when he does finally realize its an italicized "Oh" moment.
Hi lovely!! Thank you for waiting so patiently for this fill. I... ended up making it JayRoyTim, I hope that's okay? It just fit so well, but I can totally write something else with JayTim or RoyTim for you if you want :)
Also, it turned out to be about pick-up lines more than wooing, sorry. I might’ve gone overboard with googling the puns. It's long enough that I put it on ao3, too. What's your username on there? Then I'll gift it to you.
if you were a transformer (you’d be optimus fine)
“Well, here I am.”
Tim looks up, utterly confused. “I didn’t call for you, but… that’s… great?”
Roy waggles his eyebrows. It looks faintly disturbing. Redheads should maybe not do that. Or, actually, Tim revises mentally, thinking of literally every other redhead Dick ever dated—that’s just Roy. “What are your other two wishes?”
“Coffee and some silence to finish working this case?”
Roy looks weirdly deflated at that, but he does get him some coffee. Tim soon forgets about it.
(“How’d it go?”
“Does obliviousness run in the family?”
“Yes. Yes it does. Have you met Bruce?”
“…okay, fair. Your turn next.”)
“Jason? What’re you doing here?”
Sure, Jason and Roy have been spending a lot more time in Gotham lately. Something to do with a case, Tim assumes. Maybe even with the one that they worked on together in Star City five months ago?
Anyway. They’ve been around, is what Tim is saying. Not at the manor, but at Tim’s apartment and his workspace, cause apparently it’s not worth rebuilding their safe house after it went up in flames, and Bruce and Damian are too often at Dick’s place. He’s not exactly surprised to see either of them anymore. (Pleased, yes. But not surprised.) However, Tim has no fucking clue why Jason is currently grinning at him from the other side of the library desk.
At least Tim has the good sense to check his name tag before he gasps: “Jason?”
“Oh, hey, Tim.” Jason’s grinning. “Guess you figured out my new job, huh?”
“Yeah.” Tim shakes his head. “Color me surprised.” So this is what Jason’s spending his days doing. He’s gotta be shadowing someone, right? Tim’ll ask him tonight.
“I’ve always liked this place.” Jason’s gaze is far away for a moment. Tim badly wants to know what he’s remembering. Then the older man seems to come back to himself and gives Tim a weird—maybe angry?—look. “It’s a good thing I’m a librarian, too, cause I’m totally checking you out.”
“Alright, I can take a hint.” Tim grabs his book and demonstratively walks over to the self-service scanners. Really. How rude.
(“Are you telling me he managed to resist you in your cardigan?”
“Aww. C’mere, babe.”)
So Roy blows things up all the time. No, really, Tim now totally understands why Dick was so happy when he heard the duo is camping out at Tim’s place for a change. His older brother even gave Tim a thumbs-up, for God’s sake. He must’ve known.
Cause yeah, there’s at least one explosion every two days. Or Roy dropping something cause he’s too focused on what he’s thinking to remember what his hands are doing. Or something dropping on him. Jason seems used to it; he just catches whatever it is or laughs at Roy. Tim… is starting to learn to do the same, actually. Whatever Roy comes up with at that moment is usually worth it, and besides, he’s kinda adorable.
Aaaaaaanyway. (He’s using that word a lot in his own thoughts right now. Almost as if he’s avoiding thinking about something. Hmm.) Tim’s not surprised when Roy walks into a room, stumbles, and slaps a hand over his eyes with a dramatic exclamation.
Tim, in shorts and not much else cause he got drenched in pollen earlier, just raises an eyebrow. “Alright, Roy?”
“Nope.” Roy’s hand is still covering his face, but Tim can still see his grin underneath. “I’m gonna need your name and phone number for insurance purposes.”
“Roy. You have both of these things,” Tim explains slowly, wondering if Roy sustained a brain injury or accidentally dosed himself on something. “And why insurance?”
“I was blinded by your beauty.”
God. Sometimes Tim wonders about the original Titans and their socialization for the two dudes if this is how they think making friends works. Then again, Kori, Donna, and Dick probably appreciated constant compliments about their beauty. It all makes sense. Roy must be so used to it that he even uses those same methods when someone unexceptional like Tim is around.
He smiles gamely. “I’m looking forward to hearing that phone call. Must be almost as great as the time Bruce tried to convince his insurance company that Clark dropping on his car wasn’t an act of God because God is demonstrably not a Kryptonian. Neither was the giant ape punching Clark out.”
Roy drops his hand at that. “…Batman did what?”
(“You were doing so well, too.”
“I knoooow. How much more obvious can we get?”
“I dunno, but I intend to try.”)
“Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!”
“Haha. No. Star Trek or die.” Tim’s answer is automatic. He’s had these discussions soooo many times with Kon before. Of course Jason also goes for the space cowboy soap opera.
Besides, Jason’s boyfriend is standing right next to him. He doesn’t mean to sound flirtatious with Tim. Or maybe he does, and it’s just good fun? Or maybe teasing him? Tim can’t figure it out, but he knows he doesn’t like the weird hollow feeling he gets in his stomach when he thinks about it, so he changes the topic.
And makes both of them sit down to watch some classic Captain Kirk, of course.
(“Should I be insulted by that pick up line?”
“Nah. There aren’t that many lines that imply a polycule, though.”
A kiss. “Alright.”)
One of the things Jason and Tim have in common is their predilection for motorbikes and fiddling around with them. Not that makes them unique in the batclan; Tim has never spent days quietly working side-by-side with Dick, though, the way he does with Jason. They started out with separate projects. Then Jason saw this vintage Ducati at an abandoned warehouse he was about to blow up and, well… Would be a shame, right? Tim just happens to have had one of these before—regrettably lost to one of Harley’s exploding baseball bats—so he offers his expertise.
It’s not because it means bending over the engine with Jason, closer than they ever are, their hands brushing when they hand each other instruments. It’s not.
Roy doesn’t join them. He’s too polite to say so, but he finds normal cars and bikes boring af. Doesn’t stop him from popping his head into the garage and whistling when he sees that they are shirtless and covered in grease. It’s a damn good look on Jason, so Tim can’t fault him for that.
Roy follows it up with a: “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got fine written all over you.”
Tim can’t help it; he blushes at the suggestive tone. Those two never stop flirting with each other, do they? So far, he has managed to avoid stumbling over them while they’re making out (not that they’re making that easy—the kitchen? Really?), and he’d like to keep avoiding that, thank you very much. He’s already feeling guilty enough for his fantasies as it is.
“Uh. I should clean up,” he mumbles and flees.
“…do you think that was a rejection?”
“Nah. He was definitely checking me out before you came and fucked it up.”
“That’s saying something if you noticed it.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”)
So Tim has magically acquired cat ears and a very fluffy tail. Don’t ask. They’re gonna go away in eight hours, and until then, he’s gonna stay in the cave and work himself to distraction. Jason seems intent on keeping him company, though.
(It’s nice. Tim loves hanging out with Jason—that’s not the problem. The issue is that Tim is looking ridiculous, and Jason is being nice about it, and none of this is helping his stupid crush go away.)
They’re absently chatting about nothing until Jason says: “Kinda a pity you’re a cat, though.”
Tim looks up. Huh? Admittedly, he never pegged Jason as the type to go for catboys (though maybe… he did hang out with Kyle… perhaps it’s just that he definitely doesn’t go for Tims), but that’s still a weird pronouncement.
Jason is grinning. “If you were a chicken, you’d be impeccable.” He pauses. “Wait. Like even more than you already are. Uh.”
Tim sighs. Great. And now Jason is making fun of him again. “Whatever.”
(“A chicken?”
“Shut up. I panicked.” A sigh. “He was so cute with these ears.”
“…yeah, he was.”)
“You must be tired. You’ve been running through my mind all night.”
“I’m not tired,” Tim says automatically. Why does everyone keep asking him that tonight? Surely the shadows under his eyes can’t be that bad? He used concealer!
Something in Roy’s expression softens. “Aww. C’mere.” He pats the space on the couch next to him, and when Tim sits down, Roy pulls him half of on top of him and into a hug. “Relax for a bit, little bird.”
Tim sinks into the embrace, boneless all of a sudden. Roy just has that effect on him. Tim vaguely remembers thinking of him as his oldest brother’s cool friend and then Jason’s cool boyfriend, kind of a fuckboy but clearly good for Jay.
Now? Now, Roy just makes him feel safe.
(“So you spent the night on the couch just so he could sleep in your arms?”
“Yeah. Totally worth it.”
“I just wish we could do that with him every night. Bet he fits perfectly between us.”
A pause.
“We might have to up the ante or switch tactics.”)
They’re talking about their favorite books—Tim doesn’t read as much as Jason does, but they discovered a shared love of sci-fi weeks ago—when Tim says: “Actually, that book kinda reminds me of you.”
“Overly dramatic but good.”
Jason makes an offended noise, and Tim grins.
“I’m not sure which part I should argue about first.” Jason pretends to think.
Tim is always down to tell Jason that fuck his self-perception—Jason is a good man, one of the best Tim knows; that also feels too revealing right now. Instead, he gets up from their comfortable position on the couch and grabs the first stack on the table, carrying them over to the shelves to replace the gaps. “What kind of book would I be?”
“Babe, if you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
“Annoying and no one reads it?” Tim asks without turning around, trying to ignore the babe. That’s. That’s gotta be a slip of the tongue, right? Force of habit from spending so much time with Roy?
“No, fine,” and the emphasis is clear this time. Jason continues before Tim can reply: “Though if we’re talking books…”
Tim whirls around. “Save it. You don’t have to make fun of me just because I—“He swallows down the words.
Jason looks alarmed. “Tim—“
As if he can smell trouble, Roy chooses that moment to enter the room. Tim has barely heard him approach, Jesus. He doesn’t want to have this argument in front of Roy, though, so he just stands there in the middle of the room. Jason, too, has stopped speaking.
Roy, of course, takes one look at the awkwardness and decides to make it worse. Or more confusing.
“Did you just come out of the oven?” he asks.
“As this isn’t Hansel and Gretel, no, I didn’t.” Tim checks his shirt, just in case this is an actual conversation opener and not just a weird attempt at a distraction. “Do I have soot on me?”
“Nope.” Roy shakes his head, and he’s smiling that smile again, the one Tim is startled to recognize, the one he thought is reserved only for Jason— “Because you’re hot.”
And finally, Tim gets it. “Me?”
“Yes, Tim.” Roy’s moving in closer. “You.”
There’s a soft touch to Tim’s shoulder, and Tim whirls around, expecting Jason to be mad, cause his boyfriend is—is hitting on Tim, right, that’s what’s happening, Jason can’t be happy—
Jason is smiling down at him. His hand is still resting on Tim’s shoulder, but it slides down to his collar bone, a gentle presence as he murmurs: “You’re so beautiful that you made forget my pick up line.”
Oh. Oh.
Tim says the first thing he can think of: “Are you a raisin?”
Jason starts grinning. “I’m not even gonna qualify that with an answer.”
Tim smiles back. “Cause you’re raising my hopes for a kiss right about now.”
And he gets one. And then another, and then Roy joins in, kissing Tim’s neck and then his mouth and—Yeah.
They’re too busy for any more pick up lines right now.
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daveeddiggsit · 4 years
The Plan
Series: WIDEOUT (chpt viii)
Note: Thank you @braidedchallah for proofreading. Reminder — before you kill me — there is one chapter left (and an epilogue). Keep that in mind. Enjoy. Feel free to yell at me afterwards. If you’re reading this, I’m sorry for what you’re about to experience.
Word Count: 12.2k
Pairing: Football Player!Thomas Jefferson x Tutor!Reader
Warnings: angst. possible breakup. perhaps some crying. implied sex (more than once). thom being a perfect boyfriend. thom looking fine af in denim (i’m trash).
Summary: Goodbyes are hard.
Tags: @coololdsoulpoetlove @wreakhavoconmacroissantdiggs @lilangeldevil006 @pana-ce-a @merrahonthawall @katierpblogg @thespianbooks @a-hopeless-fan @uniquelystarchildthedragon @wcreech @sabbrriiinnaa @imperial-martian @harpersmariano @icanneverbesatisfied @underthewillowtreerycb @i-know-i-can @astralaffairs @braidedchallah​ (if i forgot anyone i apologize, just lemme know for next time)
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As one of the smartest kids in your graduating class, you have a certain reputation to uphold. Maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA isn’t easy, which means that you have to choose all the right answers and make all the right decisions. 
As it turns out, you seem to be pretty good at that. Being right about a lot of things, academic or not, seems to come naturally to you. Especially when it comes to a certain curly-haired athlete who also happens to be your boyfriend of over a year.
You had been right when you told him that he would recover from his ankle injury on the night it happened. Well, you can’t be entirely sure of that yet since he’s still not clear to engage in full-action sports, but it’s incredibly clear that he’s well on his way to recovering fully.
Almost exactly seven weeks after the incident, he’d gotten his cast removed and replaced with a boot so that he could put weight on his ankle again. Since then, he’s been in physical therapy almost daily in order to make sure that he’s healing the right way. According to him, he’s progressing well every week and is slowly regaining his mobility, strength, and speed. Just two weeks ago he ditched the boot so that he could finally put on a pair of shoes; you remember the grin on his face when he gave you a little dance to show off the new kicks he’d gotten as celebration.
He’s not 100% healthy yet, and he certainly won’t be back on the field (or track) for another couple months until he’s clear to practice, but you’re proud that he’s been able to recover as much as he has in relatively so little time.
On the night of his injury, you’d also been right about another thing: the fact that Thomas would receive college offers.
And that’s what you’re celebrating today.
After weeks and weeks of advocating for himself and sending his player reel and personal letters to the head coaches of schools he wanted to attend, he finally got an offer from one of his top college choices: the University of Virginia.
While their football team isn’t the most notable in the nation, their program is one of the best in the state of Virginia at a Division I level, and that’s pretty much all Thomas wants. After he recovers fully, Thomas will make an excellent asset to the team since one of their starting wide receivers is entering the NFL Draft after this year. 
At UVA, Thomas would get the play time he needs to shine and show his true colors and talent as a wide receiver all while having a coaching staff there to support him and his every need. Their academic program for liberal arts is also something Thomas has been looking at in a school since he plans on majoring in English.
With all of that said, the Jefferson household decides to host a special dinner for their son in celebration of the wonderful news. 
And while under normal circumstances, you would feel happy and excited for your boyfriend and his amazing accomplishment, instead you have a voice that lingers in the back of your mind reminding you of the similar news you had received just a week prior.
Thomas isn’t the only one with a huge scholarship offer.
After applying to many different schools with somewhat notable engineering programs in-state (because let’s be real, out-of-state tuition is absurdly expensive), you’ve received only a few grants from NYU and Syracuse University, but it isn’t enough to cover all of tuition.
But when you’d received an email last week from the one out-of-state school you had applied to last minute, your heart had just about dropped from your chest.
UCLA is offering you a full-ride.
You should be happy that you have an incredible offer. You should be elated for Thomas with his scholarship offer, too. However, you can’t help but feel a looming sense of stress every time you think about telling him.
That’s why you haven’t told him yet; it’s been nine days.
Thomas’ voice snaps you out of your thoughts and suddenly you are brought back to reality. You’re dressed up and sitting at the dinner table with Thomas across from his parents. The menu of the night consists of a couple different French dishes that his mother had learned to make a few years back when they visited Paris for an entire summer. His mother’s rendition of the food is nothing short of amazing.
Your eyes meet the warm brown ones that belong to your boyfriend as you turn your head to glance at him next to you. “Hmm?”
”You didn’t hear anythin’ I said, did you?” Thomas chuckles, biting his lip as he watches you put on a guilty simper.
“No, sorry.” You breathe out a small laugh in order to cover up your underlying nervousness. “I zoned out for a minute there. What were you saying?” 
“Well, I’m arguin’ a case here. Technically, a hot dog — a piece of meat held together by two pieces of bread - is a sandwich, right? In simple terms and by definition this should be true, so don’t overthink it. My dad keeps saying it’s not, but please, Y/N, you gotta side with me this time.”
You take a breath in and click your tongue. “I don’t know, Peter, I think I gotta go with Thom on this one.”
“Yes!” Thomas celebrates, throwing his arms up dramatically. “I told you!”
Mr. Jefferson’s mouth drops at your response. “How dare you take his side. Did all those other times teaming up at dinner and making fun of him mean nothing to you?”
If it hadn’t been evident prior to this moment where Thomas gets his overdramatics from, then it’s certainly clear now.
“Case closed.” Thomas smirks, crossing his arms, proud of himself.
“What are you talking about? The case is far from closed.” His father retorts, splaying his arms out, causing Thomas’ mom to speak out. 
“Hey, calm down, you two. You’re gonna make a mess if you keep on bangin’ the table like that.” She chastises them. They both mutter their apologies before Thomas’ father continues on defending himself.
“Y/N, why’d you choose his side? You know I’m right. Don’t let that boy guilt trip you; he’s still gonna love you if you disagree with him.”
“Sorry, Peter.” You shrug, sneaking a glance at Thomas who’s watching you with a glint in his eyes. “As much as I don’t want to agree with your son on this one, I unfortunately do.”
Thomas pauses to narrow his eyes as you in puzzled manor. “‘Unfortunately?’ Your words wound me, sweetheart, really.” He says in a teasing tone before his smile turns smug as he directs his attention towards his father. “But you see, Dad? It’s 2 against 1. ‘M sorry to say, but your opinion is overruled.”
Mr. Jefferson waves his son off dismissively. “That’s horseshit; your mother hasn’t sided with anyone yet. We still have one more vote to count.”
“Language, Peter.” The woman in question warns, giving him a look that’s only half serious.
“Well, honey? You agree with me, don’t you?” Peter asks his wife with pleading eyes, causing her to roll hers.
“Sure, sweetie.”
You shake your head and smile, leaning back in your chair to watch the antics unfold.
“What? Ma, why you takin’ his side?” Thomas jumps in. “I’m supposed to be your favorite, you know.”
“Of course you’re my favorite; you’re my only child, Thomas.” His mother deadpans, causing Thomas to frown.
It’s Peter’s turn now to smirk at Thomas and you. “See? Now we’re tied. Opinion very much not overruled, thank you.”
“Wait, what was your side of the argument again?” Mrs. Jefferson asks her husband. “You said a hot dog is a sandwich, right?”
“No, that’s what I said.” Thomas interjects.
“Oh, well then I agree with Thomas.”
“Ha!” Your boyfriend exclaims, pointing at his dad. “I told you! Your opinion is not valid. Hot dogs are sandwiches. End of story.”
“They are not sandwiches! They are a different entity. How can you compare a ham and cheese to a weiner between two buns? Well I’ll tell you. You can’t!”
“For the last time, Dad. It’s a piece of meat in between two pieces of bread. That is classified as what? A sandwich!”
“With that logic, you’d say that a burger is a sandwich, too?”
“There is somethin’ wrong with y’all.” Peter shakes his head, picking at the leftover food on his plate. “I thought I raised you better, T. Y/N, I expected you to take my side on this one.”
“Sorry, Mr. J.” You shrug. “Tommy’s right. A piece of meat in between two pieces of bread does indeed technically classify it as a sandwich.”
“Y’all got me thinkin’ that I’m the crazy one now.” Peter sighs defeatedly.
“Alright, alright, that’s enough of that nonsense.” Thomas’ mother chuckles, waving her hand in the air dismissively. “Thomas, honey, your father and I are very proud of you and are excited for your opportunity at UVA.”
“Thanks, Ma.” Thomas grins. “I’m excited, too.”
Under the table, Thomas’ hand finds yours and laces your fingers together. Its warmth is comforting and the small moment makes you forget about everything for just a moment. A small silence stretches on for a bit before Peter speaks up.
“So, Y/N, how are your college applications going? Have you gotten any scholarships yet? I feel like you’re too smart to not get anything.”
Your stomach drops at the question. You really hadn’t expected to be put on the spot like this, and while it is a simple question that you should be able to answer quickly… you don’t. You hesitate and Thomas notices. 
You want to tell the truth, you really do, but you can’t. This is Thomas’ night to celebrate and the last thing you want to do is mess it up with news that you’d be going to school across the country. Tonight is supposed to be about him, not you.
So you lie.
“Oh, um, no, not yet.” You chuckle nervously. The hand holding Thomas’ fidgets slightly and he squeezes lightly to try and help calm your nerves. “I mean, I’ve gotten into NYU and Syracuse so far. Still waiting to hear from Columbia. I haven’t heard much as far as scholarships, though, unfortunately. I’ve received a few grants here and there, but nothing too big.”
“Columbia, wow. What’s their acceptance rate? 10%?” Mrs. Jefferson asks, seemingly interested.
“6%.” Thomas jumps in to answer before glancing at you with a small smile. “I don’t think Y/N will have any trouble getting in, though.”
You send him the biggest smile you can muster, though you feel like it sort of comes out as a grimace. “Thanks, T.” You say softly.
“What time is it? I think it’s past my bedtime.” Peter yawns, checking his watch. “10 o’clock? Where did the time go? Y/N, are you going to be okay driving home this late?”
“It’s not that late, Mr. Jefferson. I should be fine.” You’ve definitely driven home from Thomas’ place past 10pm before (multiple times), but you’re not telling him that. “I do think I should probably leave soon, though.”
“You wanna go get your things upstairs, then I can walk you out?” Thomas asks you with a mischievous look in his eye. Knowing him, he probably just wants to get you alone for a bit before you leave. Even through your nervousness to tell him the truth, you can’t deny his charm.
“Yeah, that sounds good, Tommy.”
Then, both you and Thomas excuse yourselves from the table. You make sure to thank Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson for dinner and the invite. You’re always honored to be included in their family events even if it’s something as small as dinner on a Friday night.
When you make it up to Thomas’ room, he doesn’t waste another moment before he kisses you softly, his hand reaching up to cup your cheek after he gently shuts the door.
“Been waitin’ to do that all night.” He grins afterwards, softly brushing over the skin of your cheek with his thumb.
You smile as you bring your hands up to his shoulders, wordlessly leaning forward to sweetly press your lips to his again.
“Missed you.” He mumbles as he pulls away to lean his forehead against yours. “Feel like we haven’t been seeing a lot of each other lately.”
He’s right. With both of you not having any classes together this year, you both worried about college applications, Thomas not in football season anymore and in and out of PT almost constantly, you two haven’t been seeing each other as much as you’d like. Another reason why you haven’t been able to tell Thomas about UCLA (aside from the fact that you simply don’t have the guts to do it).
“I know.” You sigh, looking off to the side for a second. “I’m sorry.”
“‘S not your fault. We’ve both been busy.”
“Yeah, but still.” You say softly. “Feels bad. I miss you.”
He chuckles. “Well, I’m right here, baby. Don’t need to go far.”
You smile haphazardly and roll your eyes as you bring your hand up to the back of his neck and pull him into another kiss. Who knows how many more of these you’ll get before you both graduate and have to go your separate ways.
Before it can go too far, you pull away again.
“I’m so proud of you.” You say genuinely because you really want him to know. You feel like you don’t tell him enough (even though that’s not the case).  “Really, I am. You deserve that scholarship and so much more.”
“Thanks, love.” He murmurs while a soft smile adorns his face. “Hey, if none of these in-state schools give you anything, I think you’d have a good chance at getting something at UVA. They have an honors college that gives up a ton of grants and shit, you should look into it. I’m not sure if the applications are still open, but worth a try.”
You purse your lips before you give him your response. “Maybe, we’ll see.”
“I’m sure you’ll get something anyway, but just wanted to bring that up and let you know.”
“Appreciate the thought, Thom.”
Thomas grins, giving you one last peck on the lips before finally turning away to remove his overcoat. He double takes when he sees your face drop slightly. His eyebrows furrow as he notices your mood shift. “Hey, what’s wrong? Somethin’ botherin’ you? Not gonna lie, you’ve been a little off all night, sweetheart...”
You hesitate, not able to look him in the eye, the guilt eating you alive. The pressure of holding everything in is building up and while Thomas is normally your rock, the one you can go to for anything, you can’t this time, and you can feel it wearing you down.
You take in a shaky deep breath before you go to sit down on his bed, eyes cast towards the ground. “I’m okay, T, I’m just… stressed. With school.” You say, finally willing yourself to look up into his caring gaze. It hurts to lie to him, but you keep telling yourself that it’s his night.
“You sure?” He asks, taking a seat next to you to gently grab your hand in his. “Seriously, baby, I know when somethin’s up. What’s on that brilliant mind of yours, huh?” He lightly bumps his shoulder against yours in a teasing gesture, causing you to let out a half-hearted chuckle. He always knows how to get a laugh out of you, doesn’t he? “I know you’re worried about more than that stats test you have next week. Tell me what’s really botherin’ you.” He says softly, catching your gaze again.
Sighing once more, you tear your eyes away from his pleading ones. “I um…” You trail off after trying and failing to come up with another lie or excuse. 
Thomas always draws your worries and frustrations out of you; he knows you so well to the point where he knows exactly what to say to convince you to tell him something. Honesty has never been a problem in your relationship, and the last thing you want is to push it to a point of no return. You already feel terrible for withholding the truth; you want to be free from this secret you’ve been holding.
And suddenly seven words echo in your head:
“Tell him. He’ll understand. He loves you.”
Your eyes flit back up to meet his concerned gaze. Here it goes.
“I did get a scholarship. All tuition and expenses paid. I got the email a week and a half ago and I didn’t tell you. I’m sorry.”
His eyes widen at the confession, taken aback by how big the news is.
“Holy shit, Y/N, that’s… that’s amazing, baby. I’m so proud of you. Not surprised, but proud nonetheless.” He says genuinely, a smile evident on his face before it drops slightly. “Why didn’t you wanna tell me?” There’s a moment of silence before he speaks again. “Wait, why’d you lie at dinner when my dad asked?”
You give him a sad smile before you look away again, fidgeting with your fingers on the hand that Thomas isn’t holding. “I didn’t want to take over your night, T. And I didn’t tell you when I found out because… the school’s in Cali.” You say, releasing a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
He cocks his head to the side slightly, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. “I thought you only applied to schools in-state.”
You shake your head, pursing your lips before you respond. “That’s what I had planned originally, but my advisor pushed me to apply for this scholarship program at UCLA and… well, I got in.”
Thomas goes silent for a few moments as he looks off to the side, breathing deeply. It’s hard to tell what he’s feeling. Then, he lets out a low whistle. “Full-ride to UCLA, huh?” He says softly before he turns to look at you. 
“Thomas…” You start, your voice soft and full of worry, but he continues to talk.
“Are you going to accept it?” He asks and you nod slowly. 
Ideally, you have no other real choice; by going to UCLA you’d graduate with zero debt. And with UCLA’s engineering program and opportunities that other schools can’t fulfill, it fills all the boxes you want in a university.
“I’m so proud of you, sweetheart. Really. I’m glad they recognize how amazing you are.” The tone in Thomas’ voice is fond and he’s absolutely sure of the words he’s saying. “It’s far away, I know, but we can make it work.” 
The emotions in his eyes are conflicting, but they still hold unrelenting love and support in them. When you hesitate to respond, his eyes search yours, trying to find some sort of answer in them, but before he can decipher anything, you tear your gaze from his.
“Right?” He asks as his grip on your palm loosens until your hand falls back into your lap, the warmth from Thomas’ fingers completely vanished. “Baby, talk to me. Please.”
“Thom, I… I want to think that but I’m not sure.” You admit quietly, and having said that, you can see something in Thomas’ composure crumble.
He shakes his head. “Nah, don’t you say that. We can make this work, Y/N.” His voice wavers slightly as he stands up and runs a hand over his curls, smoothing them back and away from his face. “I haven’t accepted the offer at UVA. I can decline and apply to UCLA—”
“T, I’m not going to ask you to do that—” You start, but he cuts you off.
“You don’t have to ask me, love. I’m willing to do this all on my own. Like I said, we can make this work. I’ll improvise. My parents can afford it, then I can just join the football team as a walk-on. I’m confident I’ll make it. Since they didn’t give me an offer I’ll prove them wrong and be the best damn walk-on they ever had.”
“Thomas, don’t—”
“I can also have my dad send the head coach a letter. I didn’t wanna pull that for any other schools because I wanted to earn all my offers — and because of the whole nepotism thing — but I’ll make an exception for—”
“Thomas, please!” You raise your voice and when he finally stops, you immediately regret it. You’ve never raised your voice like that with him before and doing so right now feels terrible. 
“Please, T, just stop. I don’t want you to do any of that for me. How long have you been waiting for UVA to give you a chance? How many letters have you personally written to Coach Michaels, begging him to consider you for one of their open receiver positions?”
Thomas is silent as you speak, knowing full well that you have a point. You continue.
“You’ve been set on UVA as your top school for a couple months now. Don’t forget how hyped you were when you finally got the offer this morning. And now you want to just throw that away? No. I’m sorry, Thom, but I am not going to be the one to take it away from you.”
“You’re not.” He says earnestly. “Taking it away from me, I mean. I want to do this for you. For us. UCLA has a good football program, too, all I have to do is pull some strings if you’ll let me.”
You shake your head at him. “Okay, well I’m not letting you do that. Thomas, it’s not as easy as you’re making it seem. Think about this, okay? Think about yourself and your football career and all the opportunities that you’ll have for yourself down in Virginia. Don’t let me get in the way of that! I don’t want each of us to be an obstacle in each other’s successes.”
Thomas gives you an incredulous look and stills himself. “Are you serious? Is that what you consider our relationship? An obstacle?”
You look away, sighing. “No, T, I… I didn’t mean it like that, you know that.”
“No, Y/N. I don’t know that.” He looks at you with a distressed gaze, all traces of comfort and playfulness gone and replaced with hurt… caused by you — something you never would have thought you’d see in his eyes. 
“Look, I don’t wanna talk about this right now. Today’s supposed to be your day.”
“Let me get one thing straight, Y/N. Our relationship is not an obstacle… it never has been and it never will be.” Thomas says coldly and you cringe when he calls you by your full name in a tone that’s less than friendly.
“I just don’t want our love for each other to get in the way of…” You trail off, but decide against speaking mid-sentence. “You know what, nevermind.”
“Get in the way of what?”
“Thomas,” you start, making eye contact with him once again. “I don’t want to get in the way of your football career. It’s unfair; I can’t do that to you, T. You deserve to make the most of your career in college so that you can make it to the NFL. That’s your dream, right? To play in the NFL for the New York Giants like your father did. Am I right?”
His jaw clenches slightly as he nods, and you continue.
“The coach at UVA believes in you — even through your injury. Why are you going to throw that away? In order to be with your high school girlfriend? Do you see how childish that sounds?” A beat of silence passes before you continue in a softer tone. 
“I just… I don’t want you to do that, Thomas, it’s too big of a risk. You have a solid spot at UVA to prove yourself on the field. If you drop that for a walk-on position at UCLA, it’ll be a mistake. Instead of proving yourself to NFL recruiters, you’ll be set on proving yourself to college coaches just to get a chance on the field. I want you to have the best chances at making it to the NFL.” Now it’s your turn to stand up. You pace away from him as you continue to speak. 
“Let’s say you do follow me to UCLA and join the football program. What if… what if something happens while we’re in college and we’re not together anymore? What will happen? You’d have potentially messed up your career for me and I don’t want that to happen, T. I’m sorry but I won’t let that happen.”
Thomas holds a hand up to stop you from your ramblings. He speaks his next words slowly.  “Wait, wait, hold on now. You think we’re going to break up in college?”
You roll your eyes in frustration, crossing your arms defensively. “That’s not what I said—”
“No, no that’s exactly what you said.” He responds coldly, narrowing his eyes at you. “I’m starting to question our intentions in this relationship, Y/N. Did you ever plan on us being long term?”
“See, this is why I didn’t wanna tell you. I didn’t want this to happen.” You say, annoyed that it’s gotten to this point of you two having an argument.
“You just gonna ignore my question?”
“Before applying to schools, T, I wasn’t even thinking about the future. I was taking things day by day. We were both pent up in our little perfect world, but right now we need to face reality.”
“Okay, so then why’d you keep this a secret from me? Were you plannin’ on keepin’ this to yourself until graduation? I don’t know if you knew this, sweetheart, but a relationship is a two-way street and involves a little somethin’ called communication.” His snarky tone fills the room and has you rolling your eyes again. “Girlfriends aren’t supposed to lie to their boyfriends and then get mad at him for reacting a certain way when she finally decides to tell him huge news.”
“Look, I’m sorry, okay?” You say, breathing out another sigh and softening up at his last sentence. He’s right; you shouldn’t have kept it a secret. “I wanted to tell you, I just, I don’t know what’s gonna happen after we graduate, okay? And I’m scared.”
“You don’t think we can work through that together? As a team?” Thomas’ eyes are begging you to reason with him. “I’m scared, too, but we’ll figure something out. Right?”
The look in your eyes is distant as you cast them down to the ground. “Yeah.”
“Maybe we could do a long distance thing. I’ve seen other couples do it.”
You fiddle with a loose thread on your sweater. “I don’t know, T. We’ll see if we can come up with something.”
He rolls his eyes and huffs out a hot-tempered laugh. “Okay.” He says shortly.
“So you don’t want me to drop everything and go to UCLA with you, which is fine. I understand that. But now you’re telling me that you don’t wanna do long distance?”
“I didn’t say that, I just— we need to be realistic, Thom.”
“What does that even mean?!” He yells, and it’s the first time he’s ever raised his voice at you. You hate it.
“We have to keep the future in mind!”
“I want you in my future! Don’t you want me in your future?”
“We both have different ideas of what we want. Different dreams, okay? You can’t have your dream of making it to the NFL and also have me when I plan on going to an engineering program across the country!” 
You’re deflecting and he knows it.
“Answer the damn question, Y/N.” He says lowly, his voice taking on a dangerous edge.
“Of course I want you in my future, Thomas!” You say exasperatedly, looking at the ceiling. “What kind of question is that?”
“Forgive me if I’m strugglin’ to believe that when you’re actin’ like this.” He says, his voice taking a more neutral tone, but he sounds exhausted. “You’re going to school across the country and you were hesitant to tell me - fine. I fucking get it. But you can’t just say that we’ll probably break up in college and think that that is fucking okay. It’s not! And you can’t say ‘I don’t know’ about dating long distance when that’s literally the only other option we have.”
“That’s the thing, Thomas. I don’t know if that’s the only other option we have.”
His face looks puzzled as he looks at you for a few seconds before realization finally settles in. Thomas narrows his eyes at you once again, his gaze cold, making your heart drop in your chest. “You wanna break up, don’t you?”
“No.” You state, choosing your words carefully. “I don’t want to. But we have to think about—”
“Our future, yeah. I get it.” Thomas snaps, cutting you off. “You know what? You want to talk about the future? Fine. Maybe we should.” He says simply, crossing his arms. “If you think we’re just going to break up in college anyway, maybe we should just speed up the process and get it over with.”
You shake your head at him. “Thomas, don’t do this. That’s not what I want.”
“Isn’t it?”
“It’s not.”
“I find that extremely hard to believe.”
“I’m done arguing with you, Jefferson.” You breathe out tiredly, running a hand through your hair.
He sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. He looks completely drained as he speaks again, his voice now calm. “What are we doing here, Y/N?”
A small silence fills the air before you answer quietly. “I don’t know, T.”
What are you both doing? Arguing about whether or not your relationship should continue after high school? Maybe you are being a little irrational about it, implying that you should break up before college and all. Thomas’ reaction to it all is understandable because he doesn’t want to lose you. However, he needs to be truthful to himself. Is this relationship going to work when the two of you are seeking entirely different career paths on opposite coasts?
What a fucking mess.
You hate that it’s gotten to this point. Your fear about telling Thomas and it going downhill has come true, and knowing that makes you even more emotional.
“Tommy… I…” You say sotto voce, on the edge of tears as you slowly reach for him, but he puts a hand up stopping you from moving any further. He turns his face so you can’t see his expression.
“Don’t, Y/N.” Thomas’ voice is firm, but it breaks slightly when he says your name. “Just don’t.” He whispers.
You watch him and he struggles to keep himself together. You hate that you’ve done this to him, that you’re making him feel this way… you hate that you’ve caused this.
“I’m gonna go…” You voice (barely above a whisper) after a long silent pause, not trusting your normal voice due to the shaky deep breaths that begin to rack your body. You’re on the verge of breaking down.
Thomas nods. “I think you should.”
And that breaks your heart.
You feel weird leaving like this, gross even. You don’t want to leave things off like they are. You don’t want to leave things unresolved and you don’t want to leave with Thomas still angry at you. Still, though, you grab all your things and head to the doorway of his room.
Pausing to look back at him, you open your mouth to say something, but hesitate. Deciding against it, you turn to open the door and leave without another word.
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
You call Maria as soon as you get to your car. She helps you keep your composure as you drive to her house, keeping you company via phone. You make sure to send your family a quick text of your whereabouts and that you plan to spend the night at Maria’s place.
As soon as you arrive in her bedroom and drop your bag to the ground, you break down and begin to sob, crashing into the welcoming arms of your best friend. You cry until you can’t anymore, and Maria is there for you the entire time hugging you and easing you through it.
She stays there, quiet and still, allowing you to let out all of your emotions. You don’t tell her the details about what happened until after you have no tears left to cry.
“Don’t be mad at T, please, none of this is his fault.” You sniffle, wiping at your nose with a tissue Maria gave you. “It’s all mine.”
“Y/N, don’t blame yourself for all this. You just want what’s best for the both of you in the long run. If he doesn’t understand that, then he’s just not seeing the whole picture.”
“I just hate arguing with him, Maria.” You say weakly, wiping at your face to dry your tears. “This is our first fight and I hate how I feel right now. I don’t want things to end on bad terms. How am I supposed to get over this feeling once we… if we break up before college?”
“You don’t have to end things on bad terms, Y/N.” Maria says softly. “You both need to be on the same page about this. If you both make a plan and sort things out, then maybe you can leave things on a positive note. Not as a goodbye, but as a see you later, you know? And if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be. You’ll meet again one day and you can pick up where you left off. But if it’s not, then at least you guys can cherish what you had when you were just two kids in high school who didn’t know any better and made the most of their teenage years.”
You nod slowly. She does have a point, and this is all what you were thinking when you had even brought up the thought of breaking up after graduation.
“How do you always know the right thing to say?”
“It’s my best friend superpower. I can’t help it.” She shrugs, making you laugh, even if it was only a half-hearted one. “Seriously, though. You two need to have an honest conversation with one another.”
You sigh, wiping the rest of your drying tears away with the tissue. “I think we both could use some space right now, though. I’m going to wait until Monday.”
Maria nods. “Monday. But you have to talk to him. You can’t chicken out. I know you, Y/N.”
“Sometimes a little too well…”
“All for the best.” She grins.
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
After a long and lonely weekend, Monday finally comes and you make sure to wake up earlier than usual in order to make it to school in time for when Thomas comes out of his physical therapy session with his track trainer.
You haven’t called, texted, or seen each other since Friday night and the guilt and heaviness from what happened still weighs on your chest despite the reassuring words from Maria. 
Patiently and nervously, you wait outside the boys’ locker room like you have countless times before, only this time, things feel much different. The anticipation lingers in the air surrounding you and you feel the stress push at your shoulders until the door finally opens and Thomas walks out.
After over a year of dating, you still get butterflies at the sight of him even though he’s just wearing simple black jeans and a t-shirt.
As he shrugs on his jean jacket and backpack, he glances up through a few stray curls that fall down in front of his eyes. His eyes flicker to you as he walks in your direction before he rips them away quickly. 
“T, hey how was…?” You try to speak to him, but he just continues to walk past you.
You watch him as he goes on like nothing, completely disregarding your presence.
“You’re still mad…” You trail off, falling into step with him and his pace doesn’t falter.
He doesn’t say a word.
“Listen, I know you probably don’t wanna see me right now, but please hear me out.”
Still nothing.
You know he’s still upset; he only gets quiet when he has a lot on his mind or he’s going through something. Taking in a deep breath, you speed up so that you can get in front of him.
“Thomas, hey, stop.” You say, putting a hand on his chest. You know that if he really wants to charge past you he can, but instead he stays there, halted by your touch. He looks down at you, his face nearing yours, and your eyes plead with his. “Please.” You whisper, your fingers curling into his black shirt to hold him there (or maybe it’s more of a way to ground yourself).
Thomas’ detached gaze lingers on your face and as your eyes search his, you note just how devoid of energy he looks. 
“I just want to talk. I…” You watch him as he breaks your gaze to look at the ground. “I know I fucked up; I said some things I shouldn’t have. Just please let me make it up to you. I need you, T. I want to fix this while we still can.”
You sneak a glance around you to see that you’ve attracted some attention from your fellow classmates who are unapologetically staring. Do they know about you and Thomas’ fight? How could they possibly know? You two are hardly making a scene, but then again… people are vultures who will perk up at even the slightest bit of drama.
“Can we go somewhere private? Please? Just the two of us.”
Thomas licks his lips as he looks around, then back at you lazily. “Can this wait? We have class in six minutes, you know.”
“Let’s skip.” You say, causing him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. “This is more important than class today, okay? How about we go to that diner down the street?”
“It’s a little too early for a milkshake and fries, isn’t it?”
“They have eggs and waffles, too.” You say, your eyes pleading him to accept your offer. “Please? I know you love breakfast.”
He’s quiet for a few more minutes and you wait in anticipation for his answer. Just when you get your hopes down and think he’s going to reject you, he speaks up.
“Okay.” He responds finally. “But only because I really don’t want to watch boring presentations about the social cognitive theory in my Psych class…”
You breathe out a sigh of relief. “That’s good enough for me, T.”
“Bribin’ me with breakfast. You know that shit’s my weakness…” He mutters under his breath as he shakes his head. You’re not sure if he’d meant for you to hear that, but either way it makes a hint of a grin form on your lips.
“Come on, I’ll drive.”
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
When you get to the diner, it’s fairly empty except for an elderly couple at a booth and a man at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. The smell of eggs and bacon wafts through the air and enters your nostrils as you breathe in.
A waitress greets you when you two slide into a booth, sitting across from each other. She hands you both menus and gets your drink orders before she’s off.
Silence fills the air between you as you both look over your menus. Thomas doesn’t say anything and it feels weird, suddenly reminding you of why you’re here in the first place. While from an outside perspective it may look like a normal outing between you two, you can feel the lingering tension in the air that’s leftover from Friday night. Unspoken feelings and unresolved problems still remain. 
You sneak a glance at him over your menu only to find him already staring back at you. As soon as your eyes meet, he looks away.
“I feel really bad about Friday.” You finally break the silence, your voice small. Wanting nothing more than to let him know how you feel, you try to catch his gaze. When his brown eyes finally meet yours, you continue. “I hate the way we left things…”
“Me too.” He finally says softly. You two stare at each other for a few more seconds and Thomas opens his mouth to continue. “I…”
Then, the waitress comes back with a couple water cups and two black coffees, interrupting whatever it was that Thomas was about to say. You and Thomas direct your attention to her with fake smiles as she asks for your orders. 
After she takes your menus and leaves, you let out a sigh as you look down at your fidgeting hands.
“Listen, T…” You begin, regret and guilt evident in your voice. You make sure to look up and meet his gaze one more time before you continue. “I'm sorry for lying to you and your family — I should have told you the day I found out, but I was too afraid of losing what we have. And I'm sorry for fucking up your day when we were supposed to be celebrating instead.” 
You stop to take in a shaky deep breath, looking down at your hands once again. “I’m so sorry if I made it seem like I was doubting our relationship or… or if I made you feel like I didn’t… like you weren’t…” Struggling to find the right way to express how sorry you are, your tone gets more and more emotional as you stumble over your words.
Thomas saves you from your struggle, however, as his hand reaches across the table to cover yours, causing you to look up at him with surprise. “It’s okay, sweetheart.”
“What?” You voice breathlessly. “I… I thought you were still mad. It shouldn’t be that easy. Why are you…?”
He shrugs slowly. “Because you’re not entirely at fault… and as much as I want to stay angry, I can’t stand seein’ you in distress like this.”
You purse your lips and squeeze his hand in yours. “I’m still really sorry, T. I want you to know that. I said some things I regret and…”
“I know you are. Especially after seeing you try to fix things today by not takin’ no for an answer earlier. We both said some things we regret and it’s okay, Y/N. Really.” His voice is soft as he responds. “I’m sorry for yellin’ and not fully listenin’ to what you were sayin’. And for bein’ kind of a dick to you earlier when I ignored you. I was in denial. I just felt like you were givin’ up on us too quickly and I… I don’t wanna mess up what we have. I really don’t.”
Your eyes soften at his words. “I know. Me neither.”
You both are quiet for a few seconds as you both struggle to find a way to address the elephant in the room. 
Luckily, you both get interrupted by the waitress again who comes back with your orders. You let go of each other’s hand when your plates are placed in front of you. Your mouth waters at the sight of your food, and you thank your waitress before she leaves again, telling you to let her know if you need anything else.
A comfortable silence falls in the space between you and Thomas, and though you feel that the tension from Friday night has now dissipated, the stress of the upcoming conversation still sits on your shoulders.
Surprisingly, Thomas is the one who initiates it.
“So…” He starts after chasing a mouthful of pancakes with a sip of water. “I’m guessin’ you won’t be comin’ back to town on holiday breaks?”
You cringe at the bluntness of the question. “What made you assume that?”
He shrugs, chewing his food before swallowing. “Just the way you were so helpless with your options. Thinking back to it, I figure that you probably wouldn’t have jumped to the possibility of breaking up unless you’d already thought things through somewhat.”
Very observant of him.
You nod before letting out a small sigh. “Yeah. My family’s planning on moving to Miami once I move out. Apparently they’re tired of the cold weather and wanted to wait to move until I graduated high school. They let me know when I told them the news.”
“Erik, too?”
“He’s staying in Philly until he graduates next Spring.”
“Well, that sucks.” He says, picking at the leftovers on his plate.
“Yeah.” You reply softly. “I just… I don’t know what to do anymore, Thomas. I thought the answer was clear, but now I’m not so sure.”
He sighs, putting his fork down before looking up at you. “I think I do.”
Your eyebrows furrow as you tilt your head in confusion.
Thom sighs, leaning back in his seat. “Well, for starters, you’re always right, let me just put that out there.”
“That’s not true.”
“It is. Well, for this instance, at least.” He says simply before he continues. “As much as I hate to say it, I don’t think we’ve got options here.”
“Yes we do, you said it yourself, T.”
“We don’t, Y/N, you were right. I didn’t wanna believe it before but now, I don’t think I have a choice.” He says, holding your gaze firmly. “The two of us going to the same school is out of the picture. Especially with application deadlines already being passed - I checked and I don’t know what I was thinking on Friday. And with us not going to be able to see each other even on holiday breaks… I don’t think that leaves anythin’ else on the table.”
“Thomas, really, you don’t have to do this. Don’t let me pressure you into something you don’t wanna do. Like you said, a relationship’s a two way street. We can work something out. I don’t know what, but we’ll try something else.”
“You’re not pressuring me, Y/N. What would that ‘something else’ be? Long distance? The chances of us visiting each other are slim, especially since I’ll be stuck at UVA for the majority of summer break for training camp. Especially since you’ll be in California and especially since you have no incentive to come back to town after you graduate.”
“You’re my incentive, T.”
He licks his lips and lets out a small laugh. “Baby, don’t fight me on this; you wanted this. Why the shift?”
“I don’t wanna lose you.” You say, voice quiet and close to tears.
Thomas reaches out across the table for your hand again. You lace your fingers with his and hold tightly. “I know. I don’t want to lose you either, but you were right, sweetheart. Seeing each other once a year isn’t good enough, let’s be real. I think we’d be hurting more than we'd be happy.”
You let out a long, deep sigh, squeezing his hand. He’s absolutely right and you knew this when you started this conversation on Friday — doesn’t mean that you don’t want to avoid it, though.
“We… we should…” He hesitates to continue the sentence. “We— God, why is this so hard?”
“You don’t have to say it if you don’t want to, T.”
He takes a deep breath before the words finally come out. “We should break up. This summer.”
It sounds foreign coming out of his mouth and his change in viewpoint surprises you still, even after talking it through with him.
“I don’t wanna be your shackle, Y/N.” He says, squeezing your hand comfortingly. “I want you to do great things without worryin’ about me. Just like you were sayin’ on Friday. And I don’t wanna risk getting to a point where we grow too distant we lose all hope.”
Your eyes tear up a little bit and you reach up to wipe at your eyes with your free hand.
“But that doesn’t mean I’m lettin’ you off easy, missy.” Thomas looks at you pointedly, his voice wavering slightly. He lets out a small bittersweet laugh before he continues. “I’m gonna consider this more of a ‘see you later’ than a ‘goodbye forever’ kinda thing. At some point, I don’t know or care when, we’ll continue where we left off. Mark my words.”
You laugh, wiping away a stray tear. You’ve definitely heard those words before. “Have you been talking to Maria lately?”
He gives you a confused look. “No, not since we went on that double date with her and Ellie like two weeks ago, why?”
“She said a similar thing to me when I vented to her this weekend.”
“Really? Oh. I thought I was clever for that one.”
“You were.” You smile, rubbing small circles on the top of his hand.
A comfortable silence settles. The waitress comes back with the check and you give her your card against Thomas’ protests. It’s not long before she comes back and wishes that you both have a good rest of your day.
“This is gonna fucking suck.” Thomas suddenly says bluntly.
“Yeah, it is.” You sigh. “But you know what? We’re gonna make the most of the next three months. We’ll laugh together, we’ll cry together, we’ll enjoy the good times, and when the time comes… we won’t look back. Then, maybe one day, when I’m an engineer and you’re in the NFL… we’ll meet again.”
He sends you a watery smile, giving your hand a small squeeze. “I’m countin’ on it, sweetheart.”
You reciprocate his smile as a small silence stretches in between you two.
Thomas’ eyes fall onto his untouched (and probably now cold) coffee and with his free hand he reaches for the cream. You take that as a sign to let his hand go to let him tend to his glorified bean water, but as you try to withdraw your fingers from his, he just holds on tighter.
“Um, excuse me? What do you think you’re doin’?” He asks, glancing at you like you just committed a sin. 
“Don’t you need to pour creamer?” You raise an eyebrow, wondering what the big deal is. “I don’t want you to spill it.”
“Girl, I can pour creamer with one hand, thank you very much.” And there’s the Thomas you know and love, not that he was ever absent in the first place, but it’s good to see him messing around again. “Let me hold your hand in peace because God knows how many more times I’ll get to do it. I gotta savor it.”
“Stoppp.” You whine, drawing the word out. “This is how you’re gonna act until graduation, isn’t it?”
“You complainin’, sweetheart?” He fake pouts as he carefully pours the cream in his coffee and stirs with a spoon. “I thought you loved me.”
You roll your eyes. “You know I love your dramatic ass.”
“Mhm. In more ways than one.” Thomas hums before he takes a sip of his coffee. He cringes when he realizes it’s cold and you laugh at his reaction.
“Ready to go yet?” You ask, amused.
He nods. “We’re not going back to class, though, are we? Because if that’s the case, then no.”
“What? Hell no. Who do you think I am?” You say as you both mutually let go of each other’s hand to get up from the booth.
“A goody-two-shoes, that’s what you are. Really, baby, I didn’t expect you to mention skipping class. That’s like… blasphemy for you.”
You shrug as he holds the front door open for you. “Guess you’re rubbing off on me.”
Thomas gives you a suggestive look and that causes you to smack his arm. “God, Thomas, not like that. Jesus.”
He lets out a full-bodied laugh as you approach your car and he grabs you by the waist as he leans back against the driver’s door. He presses a kiss to your forehead, hugging you close to him. “Just messin’.”
You roll your eyes before you pull back to look him up and down.
“When’d you get this jacket? Haven’t seen you in it before.” You muse, bringing your hands up to grab the denim on each side of his collar.
“A week ago? Maybe two? This is my first time wearing it, though.” He answers before he smirks. “Why? You like it?”
“Yeah, you look good in denim.”
“Do I, now?” He cocks his head slightly, amused as your face drifts closer.
“Mhm. The jacket really suits you.” You hum, releasing the material with one of your hands to slide it up to his jaw. You give him a soft kiss on his lips before you pull back. “Might look better on the floor, though. I don’t know. We’ll have to try and find out.”
Thomas’ eyebrows shoot up in surprise; he hadn’t expected you to turn the suggestive talk around on him. A smirk forms on his lips as he presses them to yours one more time.
“Your parents home?” He mumbles against you.
You pull away slightly to think about it for a second. “No, actually.”
“Well, then I guess we’re about to find out.”
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
Over the next few months, you and Thomas keep the promise you gave to each other at the diner. You’ve stayed positive and lived in the moment and, to be honest, those three months have probably been the best three months of your life.
You and Thom are both making the most of your time, making sure to spend almost every weekend together. 
You study together even though you don’t share any classes. Most of the time is spent doing homework in silence, but you still enjoy each other’s presence.
For spring break, you go on a trip to the beach with Thomas, Maria, Ellie, James, Aaron, and a few more mutual friends. The week is full of banter and lots of fun-filled memories that you’ll remember for many years to come. It’s definitely one of the many highlights of senior year.
Thomas, being his over-the-top self, asks you to prom by spelling ‘Prom?’ out with bouquets of roses on your front lawn. And as if that isn’t enough, you wake to the sound of a live orchestral quartet playing your favorite song. You groggily walk over to your window to see where the sound is coming from and you’re met with the sight of your boyfriend grinning up at you with his arms gesturing around him proudly.
Of course you say yes. 
You would have said yes even if he had asked you casually — but what can you say… you’re a sucker for flowers and he knows it.
Prom night is an absolute blast. You feel like a stunner in your dress and Thomas looks unbelievably handsome in his fitted tux. You stay together the entire night, dancing, singing, laughing, and joking around with both your and his friends.
You almost lose track of the amount of date nights you have with Thomas. You have movie nights, some nights you go rollerskating, concerts, restaurants, hell, you even go paintballing together, which is something that neither of you had ever thought you’d get into.
But as June grows closer and closer, you can’t help but feel that heaviness settle back into your chest. You’d be lying if you said that you haven’t thought about backing out of this agreement the two of you have. In fact, you’ve spent countless nights lying wide awake (sometimes right next to Thomas), trying to figure out how things would go if you decide to stay together.
With your parents deciding to move down to Miami a week after you graduate, it pushes the day you move out to LA earlier than you had originally intended, which makes the idea of staying together seem next to impossible. Your mother says that it’ll be a good opportunity for you to get to know the LA area before classes start in August. 
This causes you and Thomas to have a more in-depth conversation about the plan and it ends with you two deciding to break it off a week before your big move. Both of you are in agreement that it would be best for the both of you, so that you have some time to recover. You figure it will be easier that way.
So, when the time comes to start packing your things for your move to California (and your parents’ move to Florida), you get stressed out. You notice that Thomas’ and your enthusiasm/positivity starts to fade as the date of graduation creeps closer and closer.
Which brings you to the present.
On the day of graduation, reality finally hits you. Because not only are you recognizing the fact that you’re leaving the love of your life in eight days to go to school in Cali, you’re also leaving Maria who has been a constant in your life since elementary school.
Maria plans to stay in town and go to community college to knock out all her general education classes before she transfers to a four-year university. Luckily, her girlfriend Ellie has the same idea, so they’ll be taking the same path after high school.
At least they will be together.
Unlike you and Thom, who are currently posing for a photo together for his and your parents who stand behind their phones grinning and teary eyed. You both give your best smiles to the cameras, trying to preserve the memory as best as possible without breaking.
Surprisingly, you and Thomas have stayed strong despite the impending suspension of your relationship that lingers in the atmosphere between you. Although teary eyed because you are saying goodbye to a lot of friends and faculty you’ve gotten to know over the years, you and Thomas don’t cry on graduation day. You don’t cry during the ceremony, you don’t cry during the many pictures you take that day, and you don’t cry at the large family dinner the Jefferson household holds for both you and Thomas.
You’ve both toughed it out both privately and in public. But graduation day eventually comes to its inevitable end, and the day after begins, marking your last day with Thomas Jefferson as your boyfriend.
The two of you make your last day special and have a day-long picnic in a nearby park. You wake up early and spend the entire day together, laughing, kissing, talking, and having as much fun as you can with the inevitable future looming over your heads. You both make the best of your time together, and that’s really all you can ask for.
As the day goes by, your time together begins to run out. And both of your composures begin to fade as each second passes.
While your curfew to be back home is 10pm, you and Thomas decide to hold onto each other a bit longer, so he drives you home and you sneak him into your room when your parents are too busy packing in the basement. They know that this is your last day with Thomas, so when you’re distracting them while Thomas makes his way up the stairs, you tell them that you’re going to sleep early. They comfort you for a few minutes but leave you to your own grief, knowing to respect your wish of ‘sleeping the night off.’
Little do they know, you and Thomas decide to have one more special night together. 
When you finally make your way up to your bedroom, Thomas is sitting on your bed, glancing at the half-empty boxes in the corner of your room that need to be filled. Half of your room is packed up, but you’ve put off packing lately to spend time with Thom before you physically can’t anymore.
You let out a sniffle and you don’t realize that you are on the verge of crying until you see Thomas begin to break, too.
“Come here.” He murmurs, standing up from your bed to pull you into a tight hug. 
You both cry into each other’s shoulders, fully letting yourselves go emotionally as you let out your pent up sadness. You’re getting each other’s clothing wet with tears, but neither of you care as you cling onto each other, not wanting to let go.
You don’t know how long you stay there or how long it takes until both of you calm down enough so that your tears fall silently.
“I told you this was gonna fucking suck.” Thomas mumbles against you, causing you to let out a laugh and sob at the same time.
You don’t respond, but after a few seconds, you pull away from his shoulder to look at him. Silence stretches between you before you whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you.” He echoes without hesitation before he leans his forehead against yours. You both bask in each other’s presence for a few more beats until Thomas speaks again, his words shaking. “Football won’t be the same without you, Y/N. I won’t be the same without you.”
“You played football for years before I became a part of your life. You’ll be fine, T.” You say quietly, though you are absolutely sure of your words. You bring a hand up to cup his cheek and wipe some of his tears away. “You’re gonna move on and be great and show people what you’re capable of.”
Silence stretches between the two of you before you take a step away from him as you remember something. Thomas frowns at your sudden withdrawal, but you explain yourself as you both wipe at your faces to dry them as best as each of you can.
“That reminds me…” You say, digging into one of the open boxes in the corner of your room until you feel a familiar piece of fabric. You pull out Thomas’ purple hoodie — the one he gave to you the night you officially became a couple. Damn, it feels so long ago now, but it hasn’t even been two years. “Here. You should probably take this back.”
He lets out a small laugh and takes the purple fabric from you to examine it. He seems lost in thought, but after a few moments, he shakes his head and hands it back to you. “Nah. Keep it.”
When you don’t take it, his hand reaches out to one of yours and he wraps your fingers around the fabric. You try to protest, but he continues.
“Don’t want you forgettin’ about me, now, do we?” He chuckles dryly.
“I won’t forget you, Thomas.” Your voice sounds so sure of your words that Thomas has no choice but to believe you.
He swallows and looks down for a second before he glances back into your eyes. “I know.”
“You’re gonna forget about me, though.”
Thomas shakes his head and his eyebrows scrunch together and he looks like he’s about to break again before he reaches out to pull you close.
“Never.” He mumbles into your hair before he pulls back. “Hey, I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I will never forget you, Y/N Y/L/N. I couldn’t even if I tried.”
He brings his hands up to cup both sides of your face. His thumbs brush some fresh tears away before he continues to talk. “These eyes? Unforgettable. This beautiful face? Ingrained in my brain forever, sweetheart, I promise you that.” One of his thumbs lightly brushes over your lips. “Don’t even get me started on these lips. I’ll miss them for sure.”
Thomas pauses for a second before his beautiful brown eyes gaze into yours, letting you know that he truly means his next words. “I’m never going to forget any part of you, Y/N.”
You stay there, gazing at one another with nothing but pure love and admiration. Without breaking eye contact, you gingerly put Thomas’ hoodie (which is apparently yours now) back in the box you removed it from. You reach up to pull Thomas’ lips down to yours passionately. 
Thomas responds, instantly reciprocating the kiss with the same amount of emotion that you pour into it. He moves his hands from your cheeks to pull your body closer to him. Your hand digs into the material of his shirt and suddenly, you can’t get enough of each other. You both need more — to be closer — but neither of you rush anything. You take it slow and try to take in every little detail about each other.
As layer after layer of clothing comes off, you two savor the feeling of each other’s lips, bodies, and touch. Every soft moan, every sigh, every gasp, every kiss… each and every moment that you spend with each other is savored in one final heat-filled act of love.
Afterwards, you both lie in your bed under the blankets, Thomas’ arm around your naked body and your head on his bare chest. You cherish each other’s presence for one final time, basking in silence until Thomas finally breaks it, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You still sure about this, sweetheart?”
You are quiet for a few seconds before you answer, sotto voce. “Yeah, T.” You listen to his steady heartbeat as you bring your hand up to rest on his torso. “You?”
He nods slowly. “Yeah.”
A few seconds pass and you subconsciously trace little circles on his abdomen with your thumb. Thomas’ arm tightens around your waist as he pulls your closer.
“I’m sorry things have to end this way.” He mumbles against you, his deep voice reverberating throughout his chest.
“Don’t be.” You murmur, exhausted from the emotional toll this day has taken on you. But you wouldn’t trade it for the world — unless there’s a way where it doesn’t end with you and Thomas going your separate ways.
You shake your head at yourself for thinking so negatively. You promised each other something back at that diner.
“It’s not the end, T.” You speak out loud, shifting so that your head rests on the pillow and you’re face to face with Thomas. “You said it yourself before and now it’s my turn to say it: this is a ‘see you later,’ alright? So I better fucking see you later, or else.”
He laughs (oh, you’re gonna miss that laugh) and his hand slides up the curve of your hip to pull himself closer to you. “Back at ya, princess.”
You both sniffle, but you know that your time together, for the time being, at least, has come to an end — especially as both of you begin to drift off no matter how hard you try to stay awake.
“I don’t want to say goodbye.” You whisper in Thomas’ warm embrace.
Thomas responds after he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You don’t have to.” 
So neither of you do. 
And you both fall asleep, bodies entangled with one another, content to be in each other’s embrace one last time before you move away.
The next morning, Thomas wakes up before you do and he slowly untangles himself from you as he wills himself to stay strong. He dresses himself as quietly as he can before he presses one last kiss to your temple.
Then, he takes one last look at your sleeping form before he leaves, keeping his word to you and not giving either of you a chance to say your goodbyes.
⋆﹥━━━━━━━   ♛   ━━━━━━━﹤⋆
A week later, your heart beats frantically as you drop a box of things you plan on leaving behind against the wall outside of your room.
It’s minutes before you’re supposed to leave for the airport — you want to leave early in case something goes wrong and you get delayed. Sighing, you walk back into your empty room to check for any last things you may have missed packing into the many boxes that are already stashed into your parents’ car.
“Y/N?” You hear your brother call out from downstairs. “I think there’s someone waiting for you outside.”
Who could it be? You’ve already said your goodbyes to Maria earlier that day when she’d helped you finish packing.
Erik gives you a sad smile as you pass by and you give him a confused look.
“What? Who is it?” You ask, eyebrows raised. “You know we have to leave in a few, right?”
“You’ll see.” Erik says, causing you to sigh.
After determining that your final sweep (even though you’ve done it three times now) is done, you make your way past Erik and open the front door. When you make it onto your driveway, you’re shocked to see Thomas Jefferson standing there with a sheepish grin and his hands in his pockets, looking as handsome as ever.
“Thomas…” You trail off, surprised to see him after your last day together the week prior. “What are you doing here?”
Your boyfriend (well… ex now, technically) walks closer and takes his hands out of his pockets. You can see him fidgeting with his fingers as he speaks. “I uh…” He breathes out a nervous laugh before one of his hands reaches up to rub the back of his neck. 
You watch him from a few feet away as he struggles to get his words out.
“Well, I… as your… not-boyfriend wanted to say goodbye.” He says softly, shifting his eyes to the ground briefly before looking back up to gaze into yours. “I changed my mind. Leaving without saying goodbye just gutted me and made me feel like we had unfinished business. I had to see you one more time, Y/N. I-I’m sorry.” Thomas’ voice is unstable as he apologizes and you feel tears well up in your eyes as he continues. “I know this breaks our agreement and everything, but I couldn’t just let you leave before—”
You cut him off by stalking forward to wrap him into a crushing hug — a hug the two of you desperately need at the moment. Thomas doesn’t waste a second before his arms encircle your waist to hold you just as tightly to him.
Even though you had spent the entire day with each other just a week prior, the need to see each other — to feel each other — one last time has consumed you both. You agree that waking up to an empty bed without saying a proper goodbye (even though it’s what you had initially wanted) had crushed you, and it had caused you to be an emotional wreck to the following two days.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbles, sniffling before letting out a bittersweet laugh. “I just made this so much more fucking difficult for us.”
“It’s okay.” You reciprocate his laugh as tears stream down your face. “It’s so worth it, T.”
A few minutes pass by as you hold each other close.
“I know I’ve said this before, but I’m really gonna miss you.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, T.” You say quietly. “So much.”
You’ve lost track of time and your mother is the one to finally bring you and Thomas back to reality.
“Y/N, we gotta go, honey…” Your mom speaks as softly as possible from her position at the front door, and you can see the guilt on her face as she watches her daughter’s heart break. “You’re gonna be late for your flight.”
You turn back to Thomas and give him an apologetic look. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t apologize, Y/N. You gave me the best year and eight months I could ever ask for… so thank you.”
You look up at him for a second before you sob and crash into his chest. “I love you.”
“I know. I love you, too.” He replies softly before he steels himself. “But you have a flight to catch. Which means you need to go.”
You give him one last kiss, it’s watery from both of your tears but neither of you care.
“Go be great.” He says when you pull back. “You deserve the world, Y/N.”
He holds your hand until the grip slips when you take a step towards the car.
“See you later, Thomas.”
He smiles through his tears before he replies. “I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
You get in the car and a few seconds later, your mother pulls out of the driveway (apparently Erik and your father are going to drive separately). As the car drives away, Thomas waves from your driveway until you can’t see him anymore. You know that’s the last you’ll see of him for a while.
And maybe, just maybe, you regret leaving him behind.
But a voice lingers in the back of your mind that gives you some sort of relief:
If it’s meant to be, then it’s meant to be.
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Kinktober D9: Listen Closely - Felix
Pairing: Felix x f!Reader
Warnings: Sensory play/deprivation, dom! Felix, like I’d say he gets a bit feral in this....., overstimulation, brat taming, bondage, Felix is just straight up a little shit in this, teasing, sex toys, sir kink (just to mix things up), angry sex? (kinda he’s a little pissed at the brattiness, but he also loves it so...take that however you want), Felix calls the reader kitten, dirty talk, light degradation, masturbation, spanking,mentions of squirting, implied sex (once again I gotta be a little shit and stop before we get to the good part, I’m just in a mood rn I guess).
Word Count:2,042
Tag List: @hyunsungcore​ 
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You’d been caught red handed too many times at this point and you knew there would be consequences for it. If Felix wasn’t intending to intervene yet though, then it didn’t really matter to you. You planned on wholly misbehaving until Felix actually took action. Though there was an eerie amount of patience being displayed by Felix, not usually one to show restraint for so long, especially when you were misbehaving. Yet after two weeks of finding you touching yourself while listening to his voice through your phone, he hadn’t touched you at all. At least not other than chase kisses and some cuddling, and you’d fucking had it. You were ready to resort to begging if necessary, prepared for any punishment of his. You just couldn’t do without him any longer. Which is how you ended up in this position, with a vibrator between your legs and a playlist you made of Felix’s deep voice filling the room....again, just like every night this week. When you finally tore your eyes open again they met Felix’s figure leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed with a smirk.
“How did I guess that this would be what I found when I came home?” Felix’s tone is teasing as he moves to walk over to the foot of the bed for a closer look now that he knows you caught him staring.
“Hm...I have no idea.” You retort coyly before getting your own smirk as you decide to taunt back, “I’m gonna guess that you’re going to run off to the studio for some made up work now though, just like you did every other night. Let me guess...you’re afraid you can’t satisfy me as well as some little toy can sir?”
The way Felix’s face scrunched and eyes closed as he tried to control himself brought you more satisfaction than you expected. It was good to know the amount of control you still had over him though, especially when you decided to push his limits by condescendingly using the honorific he liked so much. When Felix finally meets your gaze again his eyes have darkened with lust and just enough anger that you knew there was no way he was going to leave you to get away with that tonight, which was exactly what you were hoping for.
Felix chuckles, “You know I’ve noticed how you seem to love getting off to my voice kitten. So every time that I left for the studio because of your little stunts it was to work on a special part of your punishment. Lucky for you I just finished it and brought it home though.”
You brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him, “You worked on something there alone?” 
Felix nods with another deep laugh, “I did, didn’t think you’d want other people hearing what I made just for you.....told the guys I wanted to play around with some things for experience.” 
“Think they bought it?” You raise a brow knowing how hard it was to get away with stuff around the guys.
“For the most part, there was a little slip and someone may have found one of the clips I recorded..” Felix admits with a soft shrug, not too bothered by it.
“Let me guess....Chris?” You laughs a little as he nods in answer, “Well show me what you did then.”
Felix licks his lips, “Oh I intend to kitten, but first...what was that you said about me thinking I couldn’t satisfy you as good as some toy?...Maybe we should put that to the test tonight too? Only I’m in control now.” 
Felix snatches the vibrator out of your hands before you can argue and turns it off laying it aside, before going to the bedside table to get out some black ties. Your hands tied to the bed above your head first before moving down to your feet and tapping your ankles, urging you to spread your legs for him next. Tying each to one side of the bed, keeping you spread open for him. You can only watch as he settles the vibrator between your legs again, someplace he knows it will sit no matter what, before he’s pulling out headphones to place near the one remaining tie. 
“I think we should give the vibrator the best chance possible, don’t you?” Felix mocks slightly, “Make it so you imagine it’s me making you feel that good. Wouldn’t that be nice?” 
“Sir, I just want you.” You counter whimpering softly only for Felix to tsk you softly.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t have misbehaved so much kitten, you wanna be a little brat? Then I’ll treat you like a little fucking brat.” Felix growls out at you before he’s tying the remaining fabric around your eyes, the headphones next. Felix pressing play the same time he click the vibrator on low. 
“My little kitten thinks she’s so smart huh? Touching herself to the sound of my voice like it’s gonna get you something, well every time I find you like that this is what you’re gonna get kitten....you get to hear me touching myself to the thought of you instead of getting what you actually want.” 
Felix’s deep voice was already fucking with you through the speakers and then he had to go and add this to it. His deep moans and the way he’d grunt out little desires that filled his head as he got himself off through the headphones, about how sore he’d be sure to make your ass, how he’d manhandle you so easily due to how desperate you’d be just to cum around his cock, the way he’d feel stretching you out again. All of it almost unbearable at this point, having your vision cut off and the audio he recorded playing for you letting your mind run wild. Imagining him recording it while touching himself, then thinking about each of the things his smoky voice reminded you of or gave you thoughts about suddenly, until you had a small realization. You’d never seen Felix leave you like this....and you knew it he was at least within earshot in case a safe word was used. He heard each sound that left your mouth, even if you barely could in your current state and more likely than not he was watching and getting off to you right now too. You came once to the sound of him cumming, a low growly moan filling your senses. You weren’t done yet though as Felix moves to turn the vibrator up to the next level, as the audio kept going.
“Really kitten? Two days in a row? You’re gonna be that much of a little brat? And here I thought I’d trained you better than that. Oh well....I guess I’ll just be cumming in my hand instead of your tight little cunt again, and you won’t even be able to have a taste.”
Felix drank in your whines, not caring if it was from his taunting in the audio or from the overstimulation that the vibrator was putting you through. You’d challenged him and now you’d have to pay the price for it. You barely made it through the second recording, not without cumming twice more though. Felix turning the toy down again and gently rubbing over your quaking thighs, showing a small bit of mercy knowing you still had three more recordings to get through.
“Well day three hmm? Maybe I should have stuck around longer, could have counted up all your pretty little moans. Given you a spanking for each one. I’m sure you find this a lot more fun though, don’t you kitten? Unless....you’re ready to admit how much you love when I spank your pretty ass?” 
You feel the way your slick spreads making even more of a mess out of you and the sheets, knowing Felix knew just how much you loved spankings even if you wouldn’t fess up to that. That’s also how you recognized the fact that he mentioned the spankings on purpose. If he wanted to play though, you’d play.
“Are you counting my moans now sir? Is it gonna earn my a good spanking?” You mock, earning you a swift slap to your thigh in warning. Nothing too painful, just a little tingling sting to remind you who was in control right now. Felix rewarding the moan you make in reaction to it by turning the vibrator up a few settings. The toy drawing two more orgasms from you before the third day was done, there were two days left before you’d actually get what you wanted all week and yet Felix had already brought you to your climax five times, making you more and more sensitive. 
“Have you really not caught on to the fact that I have something big planned or are you just trying to rile me up more and more kitten?....you’ll learn after this experience pretty kitty, you’ll come crawling to me every time that desperate little pussy gets wet. At the very least you’ll know not to break this rule again....unless you want me to break you kitten.”
The growl building in Felix’s raspy voice only grows with each recording as he get more and more pissed off by your bratty disobedience and refusal to ask for what you want. Well that coupled with the fact that each day his hand was less and less satisfying compared to what he knew he’s left back at home. Your soaked cunt and bratty attitude, the one that makes him want to fuck you through the mattress every time it decides to make an appearance. Felix’s patience only winning out due to the fact that he knew how rewarding it would be punish you like he was right now. A perfect build up to what both of you had been anticipating all week long, coming down from your sixth high as the fifth recording finally begins.
“You’re about to be a very lucky kitty. I have a feeling I get the same welcome home tomorrow as I got all week, but I’m still going to give you what you want kitten. Only if you take you punishment like a good girl though, if not....well than maybe we’ll have to play this game a little longer....when you finally decide to behave for me though. Remember to thank sir for everything he so generously gave you kitten.”
Your relieve at finally being onto the final day is short lived though as Felix turns the vibrator all the way up now, wanting to push you over the edge as many times as he could before that final recording was over. Achieving three, before the day was over and he’s turning the vibrator off. Easing you back to reality one thing at a time; the vibrator first, then removing the headphones to whisper a few soft praises to you as he unties the blindfold. Next comes the blindfold, followed by him carefully untying you from the bed. His hands gently soothing over your form.
“You did so well kitten, made such a pretty little mess of yourself all for me.” Felix’s voice is still deep with lust, but its a little softer for the moment, “Still want the reward I promised you kitten?” 
“Don’t tell me you actually think I’m going to call it a night before we even get started.” You lick your lips smirking softly as your eyes rake over his form. While watching you he’d stripped to stroke himself, the tip of his cock an angry red and leaking precum, the rest slicked with a mix of his arousal and spit.
“I see there’s still some of that bratty mouth left kitten.” Felix chuckles eyes darkening again as his hands grips your hips.
“There certainly is sir. Why don’t you show my what you’re gonna do about it.” You taunt only for him to flip you over onto your hands and knees before you realize what’s even happening. Felix leaning forward, lips brushing your ear and cock flush against your ass, a smirk playing on his lips. 
“I guess it’s a good thing that I really did count all your moans tonight kitten, your ass will have a lot to be grateful for and besides that....I wanna see you squirt before I'm through with you.”
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OH MY GOSH DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT’S BEEN SINCE I WROTE FOR FILI?!!??!  TOO LONG.  I enjoyed every second of his Fee-Fluff.  Although, I actually kept trying to put ‘Kili’ instead of ‘Fili’...  I think I need to write for Fili more or Kili is trying to tell me something  Also, I was SO SO SO tempted to use one of Arwen’s lines in here...  But I didn’t. You’ll know the scene when you come to it though... ;)
Fluff about friend-zoning and Fili working up the nerve to tell a special lass he likes her.
Tags:  @elvish-sky @kumqu4t @ladylouoflothlorien​
OC(s) Used:  Loka
Word Count:  2,177
Translation(s):  Surprisingly, none
Warning(s):  None.  Just fluff!
"It's time to end this, once and for all."  Kili declared suddenly as he sat next to me in the library; head propped up on his palms.  I glanced up sharply from the thick tome I was currently pouring over.
"What?"  I asked, not sure if I had heard him right.  
"I said, it's time to end this once and for all.  I'm sick of watching you pine after Fili."  He repeated, adding some clarification to his words.
I let out a sigh, grabbing the ribbon I was using as a bookmark and placing it in the book to mark my spot.  Something told me I wouldn't be returning to it for awhile.  "What are you even talking about, Kili?  I don't pine after Fili."  I said, and Kili smirked.
"Uh huh.  I've counted you watching him 178 different times in the past three days.  Explain that."  He said, prompting a faint blush to appear on my cheeks.
And I thought I hadn't been that obvious...  Hmm, perhaps it was time to be a bit more--
"That's what I thought."  Kili's confidence-loaded voice broke through my thoughts, and I looked up to see him grinning knowingly at me.  "You fancy him, don't you?"
I gave Kili a confused look, trying to buy myself time.  "Fancy who?"  
Kili threw up his hands in a show of exasperation.  "Fili.  My brother.  The one who's always watching you."  He said in much too loud of a voice, and I motioned at him to be quiet.  I didn't need this to be the new rumor circling Erebor.
Mahal, how embarrassing would that be?
But his words puzzled me; the way that they implied that Fili---no, surely not.  It was too good to be true.
Footsteps sounded behind me, interrupting my musings, and Kili winked at me, grinning mischievously.  "Who fancies who?"  A deep, gentle voice asked behind me as broad hands came down to rest upon my shoulders.  
Speak of the devil...
"I was just talking to Loka here about a lad from the Iron Mountains.  She thought he was quite fetching."  Kili piped up suddenly, and I shot him a glare.  The nerve of him...
Fili's hands tightened on my shoulders, and I fidgeted a bit in discomfort.  "Hey, be careful about squeezing me too hard.  I'm not iron."  I muttered, and Fili's hands disappeared in an instant as he came around to stand beside me.
"Sorry, Loka."  He said, but his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere.  Those beautiful blue eyes of his had a faraway gaze.
Kili kicked my shin underneath the table, and I turned to him with a stifled yelp of pain.  "What the hell was that for?"  I hissed, glaring furiously at the insolent Prince.  
You were staring again.  He mouthed with a cheeky look on his face.  I just gave him a disgusted look and turned my gaze back down to the book I had so reluctantly vacated.
"If you'll excuse me, I've got some things to take care of."  I said, breaking the silence that had fallen over us as soon as Fili approached.  
Before either of them could protest, I gathered up my stuff from the library table and hurried out of Erebor's royal library.  Maybe I could finally finish the tales of Númenor in the comfort of my own room?
"Loka!"  A sharp cry of my name had me halting in my tracks as I walked through the halls of Erebor.  Turning around, I was surprised to see Fili jogging towards me; decked out in full royal garb.
"Prince Fili?"  I asked, fidgeting with the bundle of fabric in my arms.  A grimace flashed across Fili's face at my use of his title.
"How many times have I told you that you don't need to call me by that...?"  He groaned, and I gave him an apologetic smile.
"Obviously not enough times; but I kinda have to call you by that since you are the Crown Prince after all."  I said, but Fili just shook his head.
"Forget etiquette for once, Loka."  He said, giving me a pleading look that awoke butterflies in my stomach.  
Nodding, I smiled at him.  "If that's what you command...  But anyways, why did you stop me?"  I asked curiously, and Fili shuffled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his rapidly reddening neck as he turned his gaze to the floor.
"Uh..."  He was suddenly at a loss for words, and I watched this with a incredulous look.  Never before had I seen Fili look so...  nervous.
"Fee?"  I called softly, using Fili's childhood nickname.  
"Would you like to go to the ball with me?"  He suddenly said; words rushing out in a jumbled hurry that left me speechless for a moment as I processed them.
"The ball that's happening in about four days?"  I asked, and Fili nodded quickly.
"Aye, that one.  Would you like to go with me?"  
Disappointment welled in my stomach as I looked at the hopeful expression on his bearded features.  "I would love to--"  I began, and Fili's face broke out in a wide smile.
"Tha-that's great!"  He said excitedly, but I raised a hand to stop him.
"You didn't let me finish.  I would love to go with you, but I'm already going with someone."  I said, and the smile was wiped off Fili's face, only to be replaced with a furrowed look that didn't belong anywhere on his handsome features.  "I'm so sorry, Fili."  I whispered, but Fili was quick to shake his head.
"No, no, I should be sorry for bothering you.  It's no big deal Loka, I just thought...  Who are you going with?"  He asked, quickly switching topics.
An image of a dark-haired Dwarrow--the exact opposite of Fili in so many different ways--popped into my head.  "Maglorian.  One of Dain's ambassadors."  I said quietly, forcing a bright smile onto my face.
Fili nodded, a dark shadow passing over his face at the mention of the name.  "I've heard of him; he's very nice."  He said, giving me a smile that was so obviously fake it hurt.  "Well, save a dance for me maybe?"  
I nodded quickly, trying to find a way to lift this black cloud that had suddenly settled over Fili.  "Of course!  I'll always have a dance for you, Fee."  I said softly, and a smile flickered across his lips.
"See you around, Loka."  He murmured, turning and walking past me down the hallway.  I watched him go, noting the way his shoulders were slumped in a picture of disappointment.  But why?  Surely he hadn't wanted to go that badly with me?  Hadn't his question just been a friend asking a friend so they didn't have to go alone?
Shaking my head, I continued on my way to the Palace seamstress.  My dress needed some alterations to fit the current styles of King Thorin's court, and I hadn't had time before now to deliver it to her.
The day of the ball had finally arrived, but something just seemed wrong.  Maglorian was very polite and nice, but not even his gracious manners could bring a genuine smile to my face.
I tried--I really did--to keep my attention on him, but I couldn't help sneaking glances towards the dour Fili.  Mahal, I'd never seen him look so hurt before.
"Miss Loka, would you like something to drink?"  Maglorian's cultured tones had me looking away from where Fili stood beside Kili and Thorin; watching the festivities.  
Forcing a smile, I nodded sweetly.  "That sounds lovely, thank you Maglorian."  I said, and he smiled back, heading away from me towards the refreshments.  
Breathing out a sigh, I returned my gaze towards the trio of royals, only to notice that one was missing.  
Glancing around the crowded ballroom, I tried to spot the dark-haired Prince in case he attempted to pull a prank on me or something.  I wouldn't put it past him.
"Fancy a dance, my lady?"  A cheeky voice said from right beside me, and I whirled around to find Kili standing in front of me.  
Rolling my eyes, I accepted his proffered hand.  "I suppose, if only to get away from the ambassador and his manners for a moment."  I said, prompting a laugh from Kili.
"He's that bad, huh?  I thought you said he was handsome."  
"He's handsome in his own way, but he just oozes 'proper etiquette'.  It's enough to make any lass sick."  I grumbled, placing on hand on Kili's shoulder as he settled a hand on my waist.  The music had turned to a slower waltz that was perfect for talking.
Kili chuckled, grinning down at me.  "Perfect."  
His words had me looking up at him in bewilderment as he suddenly spun me away from him and into someone else's arms.  For a moment, I thought it was Maglorian and I went to pull away.
"I thought you said you'd save me a dance?  Did you change your mind?"  A familiar voice asked teasingly, and I realized Fili was the one with an arm around my waist.
Blushing, I looked up at Fili with a sheepish smile on my face.  "I thought you were Maglorian...  You are welcome to as many dances as you wish to claim."  I said, quickly adjusting my grip so that one hand was held in Fili's while the other rested on his broad shoulder.
Fili raised an eyebrow.  "So you don't like that ambassador then?"  He asked quietly, and I shook my head.
"Of course not...  He's just a nice guy that I thought would be fun to go to the ball with."  I said, understanding suddenly dawning on me.  "Wait, you thought that me and him were serious or something?"
Pink began to tinge Fili's cheeks, and he looked away from me.  "Well..."  
"You're jealous of him!  Are you afraid he'd steal your friend away from you?"  I teased, laughing at the thought even as my heart sank.
Friends, always friends.  But I'd have to content myself with that.  He'd never see me as something more.
"No."  Fili's voice was uncharacteristically hard and I scanned his face worriedly.  "I wasn't afraid that he'd steal my friend...."  He trailed off and let out a sigh, raising his head to look around at the other dancers around us.  "I--just come outside with me for a moment.  I'll explain."  He said suddenly, dropping his hand from my waist to lead me towards the doors out to the hallway.
I followed obligingly, wondering what he was going to explain.  What did he even have to explain?
Once we were finally alone out in the deserted hallway, Fili grabbed my hands and looked down at me with a searching expression in his crystal blue eyes.  "I don't know why it's so hard to say...  I've never been so afraid of something before..."  He muttered, and I looked at him with a furrowed brow.
"Fee?"  I prodded, and he took a deep breath, ducking his head for a moment before looking back up at me.  "I was jealous of that Dwarrow, yeah, but not for the reasons you think."  He whispered, and my eyes widened slightly.  
Was he going to say what I thought he was going to say?  
"I thought that he was going to steal away the heart of the lass who stole mine."  He said quietly, looking at me with such a vulnerable expression in his eyes, it brought tears to mine.  "It's alright if you don't feel the same, Loka, I'll get over it eventually."  He muttered as I stared at him in disbelief.
"No!"  I exclaimed, and Fili watched me apprehensively.  "Don't get over me, please.  I love you."  I whispered hoarsely, and Fili scanned my face closely, looking for any hint of a lie.
"Loka..."  He murmured in a low voice, raising trembling hands to gently cup my face,  "I feel like I'm dreaming."  
I smiled at him, closing the space between us until I was held close between his arms.  "Then we're sharing the same dream."  I whispered, tilting my head upwards as he leaned down to slant his lips over mine; his golden locks falling like a curtain over both our faces.
"Oh Mahal, finally!  I thought I'd have to lock you two in a closet somewhere!"  
Fili reluctantly pulled away from me with a sigh, turning his head to look at a grinning Kili leaning against a pillar nearby.  "Do you mind?"  He said with a raised eyebrow, and Kili raised his hands in a show of surrender.
"Sorry...  Just keep in mind that Uncle is going to be looking for you soon, so don't get too cozy together..."  He said, winking suggestively.  
"Kili..."  Fili growled, but a red flush was spreading up his neck.  "Don't make me--"
"I'm going!  I'm going!"  
With that, Kili disappeared back into the festivities, leaving me and Fili alone once more.  
Looking back down at me, Fili gave me a roguish smile.  "Now, where were we...?"
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bitterlikesweets · 2 years
That Strange Feeling Called Love 13-18
This is chapters thirteen through eighteen of a narusai fic. You can also read it on Ao3. (Still attempting to not clutter the narusai tag haha)
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7-12 | 13-18
Sai awoke to the sound of voices and some sort of heat by his side. Someone was mumbling about ramen by his ear.
“Look at Naruto. The dunce is fast asleep!” Someone’s voice. Low, annoyed. Kiba, probably. Sai could hear the hint of a snarl in his voice.
“Oh, just leave him alone, will you?” Another voice. Sakura’s. “Anyway, I need to wake Sai next…”
“I’m awake,” Sai said, opening his eyes. “It just wore off.”
Sakura was kneeling above him, a vial in her hand, probably meant to undo the effects of the drug that had put them all to sleep. Fortunately, the fact that she was here was proof enough that Kakashi had made it in time to prevent her from getting killed by Sasuke, even though Sai had failed to stop her.
“Hngh… Make it an extra-large bowl of ramen…”
Sai blinked, looking beside him and finding a certain blond ninja curled into his side, drooling over his dreams of a good meal. Naruto’s forehead rested against Sai’s shoulder, his arms lightly curled around Sai’s arm. He was so close that, if Sai hadn't been wearing his cloak, Naruto's hands would be brushing against the bare skin of Sai's midriff.
Sai’s body processed his embarrassment before his mind did, his pale cheeks burning pink. He rushed to sit up, but Naruto clutched at his cloak, grumbling incoherently in his sleep. Sai paused his movements, propping himself up on his elbows as he debated on what to do.
It wasn’t often that they were this close without any reason. Naruto made exceptions for when he was injured and needed assistance, but it was more often the case that he kept his distance. If Sai got too close, Naruto would tense, his expression becoming strange in ways Sai didn’t quite know how to describe. His blue eyes would narrow and darken, and he would struggle to look Sai in the eye.
For Naruto to be this close to him without any real need for it… For Naruto to be the one to initiate that closeness, even while asleep…
Sai didn’t know how to describe it. His chest felt… bubbly. Light. Warm.
Another feeling he didn’t understand.
“Mmn… Sure, Sai, I’ll… hmm… have some of your ramen too…”
Sai shook his head at Naruto’s sleeping form, his cheeks still hot. He laid his hands over Naruto’s, pulling his fingers away from the cloak, one by one, trying not to move too much. He didn’t want to pull Naruto out of whatever pleasant dream he was having.
Sai was grateful that Naruto could still have pleasant dreams, after all that he’d been through.
“You two sure are chummy,” Kiba said, his arms crossed over his chest, and Sai stiffened, moving Naruto’s hands away from himself and onto the grass.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” Sai lied, putting some distance between himself and Naruto.
As Sai had grown more accustomed to having casual conversations, such jokes and teasing were no longer lost on him. He knew what Kiba was implying.
Sai didn’t know whether or not he thought the implication was true. Not yet.
Even so, it didn’t change the fact that it was terribly embarrassing, especially with Naruto still scooting towards him in his sleep. Kakashi snorted at them, and Sai was shocked to find that his cheeks grew even hotter. He wondered if there was a danger to blushing so furiously. Sai worried he might hurt himself if this went on any longer. He placed his fingertips over his warm cheeks, trying to recall if he ever read a way to immediately stop oneself from blushing. Maybe his studies on feelings hadn't been thorough enough.
At that moment, part of Sai regretted finally experiencing what emotions were. Maybe Lord Danzo had been doing him a favor by having him lock his feelings away…
Wait. Danzo.
Sai’s hand moved to his throat. It felt surprisingly… light. Like something that had been suppressing him was now gone.
Sai forced his focus to shift away from Naruto. Something wasn’t right. He turned to Sakura, preparing to open his mouth and have her check something. He couldn’t sense the curse mark on his tongue.
“Could you… take a look at this?”
More serious matters had come up, for now. He could—and probably would—think about his feelings for Naruto later.
“Nn… Sai, I can’t eat anymore… unless… you pay for my next bowl…”
More serious matters had come up, but Naruto was still sleeping.
Such a sweet, simple-minded fool.
~ ~ ~
Somehow it had gotten to the point where Naruto had to pretend to be angry when Sai teased him.
Not that he particularly liked it when the pale ninja said that Naruto was “too simple-minded to form complex thoughts,” but it was still an effort to keep up that annoyance. It was an effort to force any anger towards Sai to linger. It used to be that just being near Sai grated on Naruto’s nerves. Now even cruel comments couldn’t keep Naruto feeling negatively towards Sai for long.
Maybe it was the fact that it didn’t seem like Sai’s comments stemmed from a place of malice anymore. They weren’t insensitive, coldhearted insults said with a false smile. They were genuine jokes, so much so that Sai couldn’t even keep a straight face. So much so that Sai lifted his hand to his mouth, as if he was preparing to stifle his laughter.
Maybe it was the fact that Sai was laughing at all that made it hard to stay angry. It was Sai, the man who took weeks just to show Naruto a genuine smile. And now he could tease and joke and grin and laugh—
What a good laugh it was too. Sweet, giddy, almost childish. Like a giggle. It was just so… nice.
But that didn’t stop Naruto from wanting to deter any more insults while he still could.
“Sai, what’s your problem? When did you ever develop a sense of humor?”
Sai simply kept grinning.
“Why, thank you for recognizing it.”
“I wasn’t being nice when I said that!”
Naruto kept the scowl on his face, but as much as he made a fuss about being teased, there was something fun about bickering with his friends.
…And it felt worth it, if he could get Sai to laugh again.
Naruto heard a snort behind him and whipped his head around to look back at the rest of the group behind him. Kiba and Akamaru were at the very rear, with Sakura, Lee, Kakashi, and Sai filling out the center of the group. And that pink-haired girl who used to be on Sasuke’s team was being carried on Kakashi’s back.
Kiba’s smug grin immediately let Naruto know who had snorted.
“What?” Naruto snapped.
“I was just thinking how it’s funny you can be all tough now, after hanging all over Sai in your sleep,” Kiba said, his arms crossed over his chest.
Naruto’s cheeks burned.
“W-what the—I didn’t do anything like that!”
“You calling me a liar?”
“Yeah, I am! I woke up by a tree and Sai was nowhere nearby!”
“That’s ‘cause he moved away like any sane person would with an idiot like you clinging to them!”
Naruto glared at Kiba once more before his gaze swept the group, hoping for someone to step in for him. He was pretty out of it when he laid down, but he would’ve remembered if he had really done that to Sai!
“Well…” Kakashi said with a tilt of his head. “You were clinging to him, Naruto. I didn’t think it important enough to point out, but…”
Naruto’s face got redder with every passing second. He whirled around to face Sai, who simply averted his gaze, his cheeks pink.
“Wha—I—” Naruto’s hands clenched into fists at his sides. “I-if I did, then it’s Sakura’s fault, you know? She’s the one who poisoned me and made me sleepy in the first place—”
A harsh fist knocked against the back of his head and quickly shut Naruto up.
“Don’t bring me into this mess, you jerk! I accepted fault for the poison, but it’s not my problem that you were crying out for Sai in your sleep!”
“Sakura,” Sai started, his already pink face quickly getting redder, “I think that’s enough. Naruto did say my name, but that’s not the same as crying out—”
“Agghhh, alright! Everyone just shut up! I get it!” Naruto slapped his hands over his ears, his shoulders hunching.
Naruto renounced everything he said about liking bickering with his friends. Actually, they weren’t even his friends. Horrible tormentors, the whole lot of them—
Naruto heard laughter behind him and gritted his teeth. It wasn’t Sai’s laugh, but even if it had been, Naruto wasn't sure the pleasant sound would have been enough to appease him.
“What, Bushy Brow?” Naruto snapped, turning his glare on Lee, who merely smiled brightly back at him.
“Oh nothing,” Lee said, eyes bright. “You just seem like your old self again, Naruto!”
“He means you haven’t grown up at all,” Kiba immediately added. “Once an idiot, always an idiot.”
“If anyone’s an idiot, then you are, Kiba! You idiot!”
“Hey, no idiot gets to call me an idiot!”
Sai’s laughter cut through their argument, immediately proving that yes, it did have the power to appease Naruto, even at this level of annoyance. Yet that instant hit of joy he got from hearing the laugh somehow only served to make Naruto even angrier. He was supposed to be mad right now, dammit!
“Sai, quit it, I’ve had enough of your laughing!”
And this, of course, only made Sai laugh even harder. Which made Lee laugh again. Then Sakura. And Kakashi. And even Kiba.
Before he could even try to stop himself, Naruto was laughing along too.
~ ~ ~
They were going to be separated soon.
Sai didn't know that yet, but they were. Naruto would be sent off to a remote island, to keep him safe and to help him train and get stronger. To help him learn to control the beast residing with him. It would take patience and effort and time and his usual team would not be going with him.
But Sai didn't know that yet.
All Sai knew was that they were finally back at the village. Naruto’s quest to find Sasuke was on pause, and, at least for the moment, they had no missions. They could relax, at least for a few days.
Sai’s plan was simply to take advantage of the time off. He could go to the library and see if there was anything he wanted to read, or take some time to just draw and unwind…
“Hey, Sai!”
Or… not.
He turned and saw Naruto waving at him from down the street, wearing a wide grin. Upon making eye contact, Naruto jogged over to him, and a smile formed on Sai’s lips. Time with Naruto outside of missions was always welcome.
Seeing him now made that warm feeling return to Sai’s chest, fuzzy and insistent. He still didn’t know what it was; he hadn’t always had this reaction from simply being around Naruto, and he had never felt anything similar from being around his older brother.
It was like happiness, but sometimes it would ache. And it would bring thoughts into Sai’s head that would normally never come, like how the sun brightened Naruto’s blue eyes to such a brilliant hue that Sai wasn’t sure if he could recreate the color with paint if he tried. It was a vibrant, persistent emotion that deeply affected Sai, that seemed to change him more and more every time he felt it.
And it was a feeling reserved for Naruto and Naruto alone.
Sai… Sai had read about something like it before, but he had never thought… He had never thought he would ever be capable of feeling something so strong, not when it still felt like a miracle that he could feel enough to laugh and be angry. It wasn’t so long ago that he couldn’t muster up enough emotion, enough opinionated thought to name his own drawings, and now…
“Hey, what’s the glum look for, huh?”
Naruto leaned a little closer, looking up at Sai with his eyes narrowed.
“Nothing,” Sai said instantly, still smiling.
No. Sai was certain he was mistaken about his feelings. There was simply no way someone like him could ever…
…He didn’t even want to admit it.
It didn’t matter anyway. For Naruto, there were so many others, so many people he possessed stronger bonds with. There was Sakura, who Naruto openly said that he loved. Hinata, who nearly caused Naruto to lose himself to hatred when she was hurt by Pain. And of course, Sasuke… Sasuke who Naruto had relentlessly chased, who Naruto was still chasing. The man Naruto once said knew him best.
So Sai’s feelings, whatever they were… They were irrelevant at best.
He and Naruto were friends. Sai was more than happy with just that.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I am,” Sai said, nodding his head. “Did you need something?”
“Oh.” Naruto grinned again, leaning back. “I was going to ask you if you wanted to come with me to Ichiraku’s.”
Naruto’s grin morphed into a smirk, wiping at his nose briefly.
“I’ll even do you a favor and let you pay for my ramen.”
This time, when Sai smiled, it was genuine.
“I would gladly go with you.”
Naruto’s smile widened. His gaze dropped to the floor, cheeks reddening.
“Y-yeah? Good!”
“It’s the least I can do,” Sai continued, eyes narrowing. “Since, when you were sleeping earlier, you begged me so nicely.”
Naruto let out a sound like he was choking, his sheepish smile morphing into a glare.
“If you’re going to be like that, I’m taking the invitation back, you know! I’ll pay for my own meal!”
Even Naruto’s annoyed expression added to the warm, light feeling in Sai’s chest. He wanted to capture the moment, he wanted to tease Naruto more, he wanted to touch Naruto, bring him closer—
He wanted to do so many things that it was hard to refrain.
“I’m simply making good on whatever promise I made to you in your dream.”
“Would you quit it with the dream stuff? I don’t even remember that!”
Naruto huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Forget it,” Naruto grumbled. “I’ll go by myself.”
He marched down the street with the intention of leaving Sai behind, but Sai simply followed, undeterred by Naruto’s grumpy attitude.
“I said I’ll go by myself.”
“Yes, I heard you the first time.”
“Then why the hell are you coming with me, you jerk!”
“Perhaps I’ve decided I also want ramen.”
Naruto heaved a sigh, grumbling to himself, but he didn’t make any further attempts to make Sai go away. Sai laughed a little, stepping closer to Naruto as they walked side by side down the road.
“Was there any particular reason you invited me, Naruto?”
“Just wanted to spend time with you, but I’m starting to think that was a mistake…”
The second half of Naruto’s sentence completely went over Sai’s head because of how badly he was affected by the first part. Sai wasn’t sure he’d ever heard Naruto say that before. It sent a shock through him like the adrenaline from a fight; his heart skipped a beat.
Sai pressed his lips together in an attempt to not let his smile spread too wide.
It was such a simple statement. He wanted to spend time with Sai. It was nothing monumental, but… But Sai's chest filled with a sort of light-hearted warmth at the sound of it, like heat from a candle's fire. Like distilled happiness was pouring inside of him.
It was only Naruto that could make him like this, that could cause him to be giddy at the smallest things.
“When we get there,” Naruto said firmly, “I’m paying for my own bowl, alright? So just forget about whatever I said to you when I was asleep earlier.”
“No,” Sai said. “I’ll pay for you; however much you’d like to eat.”
“I’m telling you, forget about the dream—”
“It’s not that,” Sai said quickly, pausing on the street. “I would just… like to treat you.”
Naruto’s gaze widened before he quickly looked away from Sai.
“O-oh.” Naruto cleared his throat. “Not sure why you’d wanna do that, but… fine.”
Sai was perfectly happy being friends. This desire to do things for Naruto, to take care of him, spoil him—that was all part of being friends.
He just had to keep telling himself that.
~ ~ ~
Sai was… really attractive when Naruto stopped to think about it. Soft, round facial features. Dark, serious eyes. Plump, pale lips that looked so soft…
It wasn’t like Naruto had never noticed Sai was good-looking. That was the first thing so many girls said when they met Sai. Besides, Naruto had noticed that Sai was attractive before he even thought Sai was a good person.
It was just… It felt like Naruto had never really stopped to appreciate it until now. Like Sai had somehow gotten more attractive in the time they had known each other. Maybe it was that they were a little older now than when they had met—not much older, but still, they were technically older. Maybe it was that Sai smiled more now. Maybe it was because Sai had softened a little, his default expression no longer so cold.
Maybe it was just that Naruto liked Sai more now.
When they first met, they didn’t get along well. Now, Naruto saw him as a friend. Maybe… Maybe even as something more.
Did Sai…
How did Sai see Naruto? Naruto didn’t think of himself as particularly bad-looking, but being stuck around Sasuke for the majority of his childhood hadn’t exactly helped his confidence. All the girls in the academy fawned over Sasuke, cooed about how handsome he was, and then they would look at Naruto and have nothing to say.
Nothing good to say, anyway.
But Sai was different from them. First off, Naruto didn’t even know if Sai was capable of being attracted to anybody. When they first met, Sai was so devoid of emotion that he told Naruto that he didn’t feel anything towards anyone, not even feelings of dislike.
Then again… Sai had called Sakura ugly, but he called Ino beautiful. Maybe he liked curvier women? Naruto couldn’t blame him there; it wasn’t a bad preference to have. Or maybe… maybe… Did Sai like blondes?
Naruto cleared his throat harshly, shaking his head. He was taking this thing too far. That would be way too convenient. He was thinking too hard about this anyway. It didn’t matter how good-looking Sai was or if he liked blondes or if there was the tiniest possibility that he could think Naruto was good-looking too—
Naruto—who had been shoveling ramen into his mouth in an attempt to clear his mind—nearly choked. Sai, sitting beside him at the restaurant, quickly leaned over and patted his back, trying to help him out.
“Wh-what, Sai?”
“It just looked as if you were thinking of something serious. Are you alright?”
“O-oh.” Sometimes Naruto forgot how attentive Sai was. “It was nothing, you know? Don’t worry about it.”
Sai frowned.
“Are you sure?”
Actually… This could be an opportunity.
“Uh, actually,” Naruto began, cheeks warming. “This isn’t related to what I was thinking at all, but… What kinda stuff do you find attractive?”
Sai tilted his head.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Well, you know, it’s when you look at somebody and there are parts of them that make you wanna…” Naruto cleared his throat. “I-I don’t know. When you want to touch 'em or kiss 'em or date 'em. Things like that, you know?”
Sai pulled a notebook and pencil out of his pocket.
“I thought the name of those feelings was love,” Sai said.
“I mean, it can be, but sometimes you find someone hot or something without even knowing who they are, you know? For me personally, you’ve gotta get to know someone before you love them. And sometimes you think somebody’s attractive but you still don’t love them even after getting to know them…”
Sai nodded along seriously, diligently copying Naruto’s words into his notebook. He even repeated some of the concepts under his breath as he jotted them down. Naruto almost felt a little bad; he felt like he wasn’t the best person to be explaining this to Sai, especially when Naruto was still confused about his own feelings. Maybe it would have been better for Sai to learn this from a book. Or from Sakura, even.
Or maybe, without input from someone else at all.
“What things do you find attractive?”
Naruto’s cheeks burned and his hands floundered. His eyes darted around the restaurant, desperately trying not to meet Sai’s gaze.
“Because you asked me, and I need examples before I can create my own opinion.”
…Naruto never should’ve asked.
“Fine, I’ll tell you," Naruto said, tilting his chin up and crossing his arms over his chest. "But there’s exceptions to everything, alright? Sometimes I'm into things I never even thought I liked, you know?”
Sai nodded, flipping to a new page in his notebook. Naruto heaved a sigh, ducking his head. It was fine. This stuff normally didn’t embarrass him. It would be just like teaching Konohamaru tips for his Sexy Jutsu; totally casual.
“If we're just talking generally, I'm a fan of any pretty face. Oh, and usually, the curvier the better." Naruto glanced at Sai, his eyes drifting over the pale ninja’s figure almost against his will, quickly becoming distracted by the sight. “But there’s something nice about the slender types too… And dark hair… And eyes like yours…”
Sai’s eyes widened, his cheeks growing pink.
“Like mine?”
Naruto’s mind snapped back into focus, blushing so hard he could feel the heat on his neck.
“N-no, I just meant—Because your eyes are dark—I just like dark eyes, not yours specifically—”
“Oh, boy, I sure did eat a lot today!” Naruto exclaimed, slamming his hands on the counter and pushing himself out of his seat. “Thanks for coming with me, Sai. I’d better get going.”
“Wait, Naruto—”
Sai reached out for him, but Naruto dodged his hands, taking off from the restaurant at a dead sprint. He told himself that he would see Sai soon. They could see each other again and act normally, as if this whole thing never even happened. He just needed a few days to cool his head so that he could live this down.
If he didn’t, he wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to look Sai in the eye again.
He just needed a few days, that was all.
Naruto didn't know that, in a few days, he'd be gone, sent away to a remote island. He didn't know that the last Sai would see of him for quite a while was his back as he ran away.
~ ~ ~
Before the war began, Sai painted a picture of himself and Naruto.
The Leaf Village was still rebuilding from Pain's attack when the fighting started. Homes on the outskirts were still just rubble, waiting to be demolished and made anew.
In the rubble, Sai found a place to reminisce and a surface to use his paintbrush. He painted himself and Naruto in the perfect fantasy of peace: Team 7 standing together, even Sasuke, and Sai beside them too, holding Naruto’s hand.
Sai still didn’t particularly like Sasuke, but he was sure that if Sasuke were to return, Naruto would finally be at ease. So much of his pain would disappear. He wanted that for Naruto more than anything. He wanted Naruto to be happy.
Part of Sai felt almost like… like he owed a debt to Naruto. Because Naruto was the one who helped him remember how important it was to have faith in people. Naruto helped him gain new friendships and bonds and even allowed Sai to remember how important his old bonds were.
Would he have ever gained peace about his brother without Naruto? Would he ever have been able to draw that picture of him and Shin smiling together without Naruto?
Sai was so grateful. Painfully, immensely grateful.
When the painting was done and the ink was dry, Sai allowed himself to look closer at the Naruto that he painted. He was happy, smiling. Sai brushed his thumb across his inky cheek, as if wiping away a smudge that wasn’t there.
…Naruto had never let him answer that question. What did Sai find attractive? If he had been asked a year ago—no, even just a few months ago, Sai would have said nothing at all.
But now…
If Sai had answered, what would Naruto have done? Given Naruto’s own examples, Sai could only think of unruly blond hair, bright blue eyes and a stubborn, almost childish grin. Body type was irrelevant to him; he was sure that he would like Naruto in any form—
Sai stepped away from the painting, forcing his hands to his sides.
At first, Naruto’s words had confused him. He wasn’t sure how someone could ever tell who they loved, if attraction exhibited similar symptoms. Many books had taught him that love was what Naruto called attraction. The desire to touch, kiss, and date.
But books had also taught him that love was struggling to stop oneself from smiling around the person they cared about. It was wanting to help them, putting themselves on the line for them. It was thinking of them above almost all else.
Sakura had told Sai not to trust what he read in manga so much, but…
How else was Sai supposed to understand that warm, aching feeling in his chest? Friendship manuals only went so far, and Naruto’s descriptions only lead to more confusion.
So, so much confusion.
Dark hair… Slender… Eyes like yours…
Sai didn’t understand anything.
Perhaps, if it had come to this, it was simply better to just ask someone while he had the chance.
~ ~ ~
Naruto hadn’t known he was going to be sent away when he ran from Sai that day. All he had wanted was a few days to clear his head.
He didn’t know he was going to be sent off to a remote island the very next day. Sure, he was grateful that Granny Tsunade trusted him enough to send him on an S-rank mission (or, so he was told at the time), but, but…
But now practically the last thing he said to Sai was that he liked Sai’s eyes, and then he ran away! Sai was dull sometimes, but even he had understood there was something fishy about that. And besides, half the other things he said were just descriptions of Sai! It would have been better if he played it off as a coincidence, but no, he ran away in shame in the most conspicuous way possible. He might as well have said he was in love with Sai and then run away; the effect was just as bad.
Not that Naruto was in love with Sai. Thinking Sai was hot and being in love with Sai were two completely different things. Naruto thought Sasuke was hot and—
…No. Bad example.
Naruto almost wished he could say that his feelings for Sasuke proved he wasn’t into Sai, but that just wasn’t true. What had been a powerful childhood crush was back to friendship. He still cared about Sasuke, of course. He probably would forever. But… not like that. Not anymore.
There was Sakura too though! Naruto had been in love with her for what felt like forever. With feelings for her in his heart, surely that meant that he couldn’t be into Sai!
…Except when she had confessed to him, all he had felt was frustration. She had been lying then, trying to get him to agree to everyone’s decision to kill Sasuke. Naruto knew that; that was why he had rejected her. But… even if it was a lie, a part of him should have been happy, right? If he really loved her so much, shouldn’t he have held onto a little sliver of hope?
But Naruto didn’t even consider it. There wasn’t a single part of him that heard Sakura say “I love you” and imagined a future with her.
When did that happen? Sasuke, he could understand; they’ve been apart for so many years now, fighting and arguing with each other every time they meet. But Sakura… Naruto and Sakura had actually gotten closer as time passed. She relied on him more, said kinder things to him than she ever did when they were kids. She held a big place in his heart, even now. In fact, he was sure he still loved her.
Just… not in the way he used to. He loved her as a friend. He was no longer trying to flirt and attempt to be her boyfriend. He was no longer clinging to every little bit of affection she gave like his life depended on it. He even used to get mad at Sai all the time for interrupting their alone time! Now something like that didn’t even impact him.
So when… Why had that all changed?
Could it be that Sai… Was Sai the reason his feelings changed?
No, no. It couldn’t be. Not weird, gloomy, rude Sai. Sai who made crass dick jokes at Naruto practically every time they talked when they first met. Sai who would get on Naruto’s nerves and had the gall to say that it wasn’t from a place of malice or anger because he “simply didn’t feel anything at all.” Sai who kept dragging Naruto into his punishments whenever he called Sakura ugly.
But even as Naruto tried to convince himself of all that, part of him knew that it was hopeless. Because Sai had changed since then.
Because now Sai showed him smiles—genuine, from the heart smiles—all the time. Because now if Sai said rude things, he meant them with the best of intentions or he meant them as jokes. Because now Sai got angry on Naruto’s behalf. Because when all of his friends tried to hide the truth about their plans to kill Sasuke, Sai was the one who couldn’t bear to leave Naruto in the dark. Because when those ninja from the Hidden Cloud beat Naruto so badly he could barely stand, Sai jumped in to protect him. Sai held him up. Sai listened to him. Sai patched his wounds. Sai was there for him when he was hurt because Naruto couldn’t bear to saddle Sakura with worry. Sai was someone Naruto could trust with that worry, someone Naruto wasn’t afraid to show weakness to. Because Sai watched over him. Because he believed that Sai cared about him.
Because he cared about Sai too, way more than he liked to admit.
…Naruto hoped this mission wouldn’t be long. He needed to go back soon. He… He had something he needed to tell Sai now.
He just needed to work up the courage to actually say it.
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4ragon · 3 years
Anything to say about the relationship between von Karma and the Edgeworth's ?
Hmm. Do I have anything to say on them?
We don’t really get much screen time between Manfred and Gregory, save for the one case in AAI2. I feel like they’re such wildly different people in every single regard, from ethics to their own beliefs about themselves and the world around them that I can’t see them ever truly seeing eye to eye? Like, I’ve said this before, but Manfred von Karma is the kind of man who absolutely believes his own hype. He’s not ‘perfect’ because he’s covering up some insecurity the way I think Kristoph is, he’s ‘perfect’ because he’s inherently better than everyone around him, and anything that contradicts that is inherently a threat and must be destroyed. Like Gregory is so much the antithesis to Manfred von Karma’s very core, he’s modest and humble, he doesn’t care about seeming smart or important. He’d be happy to deal with von Karma the way he himself would like to be treated, because that’s just who he is. And I think that mindset is so deeply foreign to Manfred.
Like. It’s different than the traditional rival set up, because I feel like true rivals would see each other as equals. And I think Gregory, while he does not respect Manfred’s methodology, at least grants him the basic respect he’d give any prosecutor. And I think Manfred, if he were less self obsessed, could’ve learned to respect a challenge like Gregory. But the fact is, because Manfred needed to be perfect, that also means that he would see any real challenge as a threat, an insult to his very being. He cannot have a rival. A rival would imply there was someone who could challenge him, and he can’t have that.
(And wow, what a boring life one must lead, if you hate challenging yourself that much.)
This of course warped the moment Gregory did win at least a minor victory. He managed to nick Manfred’s sense of self with that penalty, and he could not handle that. I don’t think Manfred would’ve gone out of his way to kill Gregory had DL-6 played out differently. I think he wanted to humiliate him some other way. But I think this also plays into Manfred’s obsession with perfection. Again, he feels genuinely like he is better than the people around him. I feel like he could’ve taken this perfect opportunity as a sign from god that it was his right to punish those who had wronged him. He’s that kind of guy.
Then, of course, once he kills Gregory, he takes in Miles. I really don’t think there was any affection between the two, as I don’t think Manfred is really capable of loving someone who isn’t himself. Even if Miles wasn’t at fault for what happened to Manfred, I think he is both the kind of cruel to blame him anyway, and the kind of person to view using Miles as just another step in destroying Gregory Edgeworth. After all, what better way to sully the name of Gregory Edgeworth than having the man who carries on his name and legacy become just another von Karma, only to be put back in his place at the end when he’s revealed to have been a murderer all along.
I read another analysis a while ago about how Manfred took in Miles in all but name, because that idea of sullying the Edgeworth name was so important to him. I wish I could find it again, it was really good. I’m sure it’s somewhere in my Phoenix Wright tag. If I find it I’ll link to it.
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Why Mantis and Loki should be a thing; fight me (please don’t I swear I’m nice).
What makes a good relationship subplot? Actually, scratch that – this is the MCU, we don’t go for mediocrity – what makes the best relationship subplots? It can vary, but my favourites, the ones that keep me digging and digging, coming back every time I think of a new angle (you’re in the fandom tags, you know what I’m talking about) always tie into the wider story. They feed character growth; allow new concepts to be explored; fit in with and in some cases represent the greater themes of a story.
In case you haven’t guessed, I’m going to be arguing that Loki and Mantis could be something along those lines. Something great. One of the best, most interesting relationships of modern screenwriting. I know, okay!! I know, it feels weird as anything – it’s taken me a while, too. But bear with me, and worst-case scenario, you’ll have a new take on a fascinating pair of characters.
Before I put the two together though, I feel like I need to do a little character study for Mantis. So far, she has had little to no clear development and without serious thought of your own, she seems entirely one-dimensional; two at best. In case you have not plugged hours and hours of thought into a character with barely ten minutes of screen-time, here are some of my thoughts, free of charge 😊. Incidentally, the interpretation I take to enhance my viewing experience (and add suitably crippling levels of angst :D ) ties her in perfectly with Loki’s story and character.
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More Than Just a Bug: A Minor Study
What we know: Mantis has spent her whole life in servitude to Ego a massively powerful being, intent on taking over the universe, who sees all other life as inferior, insect-like (hence the name ‘Mantis’ – happenstance in the comics, derogatory in the films). Whether she has ever met anyone else is unclear, and until we actually see her talk about it, we’ll never know. Going by her comfort in talking to the Guardians, and also the fact that she anticipates the result of Ego’s meeting with Peter, I’m going to assume she has, but more specifically, that they were Ego’s other children.
Imagine this, if you will. Mantis, since her childhood, has been intermittently exposed to Ego’s offspring. They appear, are doted on for a few days, and then vanish as suddenly as they came. Not having been delayed by the Ravagers that collected them (as Peter was), they are all young children, with strong but changeable emotions. As such, they fit Ego’s narrative of universe full of mindless beasts, unthinking and impermanent. If Mantis were not an empath, able to feel their distress and confusion at the kidnapping, they would have no impact on her at all. As it is, they give her no epiphany, but rather a slow sense of unease that grows over time, as child after child is reduced to a pile of bones in a cave.
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Her uncertainty must of course be hidden from Ego, who may be too narcissistic to imagine she could ever turn against him, but would certainly kill her if he saw her doubts, so she separates herself from the feeling. Her outer self remains uncomplicated and pliant, still attempting to please her adoptive father-figure, while her inner self languishes in steadily deepening turmoil. She dissociates to survive, until she almost believes it herself.
Now let’s try looking at her scene with Drax, where she touches his arm by the flower-filled lakes, through this new lens.
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To recap: Mantis has spent her life in a state of slowly growing unease over the pain, suffering and subsequent deaths of Ego’s many children. Her only comfort has been his assurances that all other life is meaningless, and as such their suffering weightless. By Mantis’s own design, this inner struggle has been buried deep, totally inaccessible. Therefore, she goes into this scene entirely intending to allow Ego to kill the Guardians, and if Peter is successful, the universe.
Alright, here goes:
So, Mantis seems normal (normal??) for the first section. She reacts suitably when Drax calls her ugly, and then when he argues that it’s a good thing. When he mentions his lost daughter, she makes a joke (incidentally the sort of play-a-crooked-thing-straight joke that Loki might enjoy), but then Drax compares his daughter to Mantis, calling them both ‘innocent’, and she makes this face when he isn’t looking at her.
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This is not a naïve look, and I don’t think it’s meant to be. The tiniest edge of that inner guilt, her natural empathy for the terrible fates of Ego’s children, is bleeding through against her will, brought to the surface by a father mourning the loss of his daughter. Wanting to understand, and partly in fear of what she might find there, she reaches for his arm.
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When she feels his grief, she is physically affected, taking large gasps of air with glittering eyes. It’s easy to forget, but in some ways, Drax is the most emotionally developed of the Guardians. He had a wife, and daughter, and a home. He’s lived through what most of us would determine a normal life, and reached middle age. Quill, Gamora, Groot – they’re all younger than him, and therefore less emotionally developed. (I have no idea what age Rocket is, but at least by maturity he can certainly be added to the list.) This level of experience is where Drax’s moments of unexpected wisdom come from. He is a fully realised person with all the complexities and regrets that come with age, something Mantis has never felt in anyone except Ego. And he is mourning his daughter.
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When she touches his arm, Mantis is feeling one of the worst losses, the deepest hurts that a person can ever experience, even dulled by years: the loss of a child. But for her, it’s even more than that. It’s personal. She realises in that moment that on the other end of every one of Ego’s children was someone like Drax, feeling what he felt. That they were still out there in the universe, mourning the sons and daughters that Mantis had met. It tilts her world on its axis, and we get a close-up to watch it:
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This is her guilt, her worst fears validated. She can no longer use the ‘we’re just insects anyway’ justification to excuse the cavern of bones. Every tiny doubt she has ever had now has an explanation, and it means she has grown up complicit to atrocities she couldn’t even recognise. Upset, and guilty that he still believes her innocent, she turns immediately to Drax, knowing she can no longer stand by do nothing. They are interrupted by Gamora before Mantis can explain, so later that night, knowing she cannot bear being complicit yet again to murder, Mantis wakes Drax and betrays Ego, despite her fear and love for someone who has been (literally) her whole world.
Go watch the scene thinking about Mantis's guilt, I dare you. I did, and it hurt me.
By the end of GotG2, we have a Mantis still conditioned to serve the father she has now killed. His teachings have left her with crippling self-doubt, and a sense of personal inferiority that as of yet we have not seen her question, despite a truly incredible level of power (subduing first Ego – an actual planet – and then Thanos; I’ll go into her frightening Gamora later), and her own heroism. She is incapable of being righteously angry at Ego, because righteously implies right, something it does not occur to her that she might have. And she hides it all, because over the years she has built an unconscious self-defence mechanism which allows her to control people’s actions towards her by seeming harmless and sweet. The ultimate deflector of aggression.
What her motives and feelings might be now she has found her freedom, I also have some thoughts on, but that is a topic for another day (possibly a Loki including day, hmm?). I feel like it’s important to mention that, although this is a dark interpretation, that doesn’t mean I think Mantis is a dark character. There is inherent darkness in the horror of her past, but some of the best and brightest people in the world are people who have been to hell and back, and come back kinder for it. One day, when she has learnt some self-worth, and ditched the clothes that she wore as a slave to a monster, I think she could be one of the best, most impressive, and nuanced heroes we have ever seen.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Congratulations on 8000 followers. For your celebration drabble request, I suggest: Dean X Y/N quarantined from a witch's spell. I'll leave it up to you if you want fluff, angst, smut. You get the idea. This prompt is starting to give me ideas.
F*cking Witches
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8000 Followers Drabbles Masterlist
Prompt: None provided so I chose one. “Fucking witches!”
Warnings: language, angst, fun, fluff, cocky Dean, being quarantined due to an odd spell, Dean being a tease, tension, implied smut
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester
Word count:  1223 (it got a bit longer)
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“Fucking witches” Dean growls struggling against his brother's strength. “I can beat her! Let me just...” Sam pushes his brother into the bunker, almost causing Dean to fall down the stairs.
“Wait! Let us help!” Squeaking you end up pushed into Dean’s arms before the heavy door of the bunker locks behind you. “Hey! You can’t just lock us in!”
“We need to get out of here, Y/N! I will not survive for two weeks in this cage! I am not a good roommate while being a caged animal, sweetheart.” Dean pants heavily, not liking the idea of being locked in again.
“Dean, what if Rowena is right? What if we are toxic?” The hunter blinks a few times before he pokes your shoulder. “DEAN!”
“There, I am still alive. Cursed to kill my ass!” Eyes narrowed you poke Dean’s cheek only to giggle lightly at his pissed expression.
“Maybe we are only toxic to other people?” Not liking the idea Dean nods. “I’ll check on the lore. I bet I can find a way to get us out of here, Dean. I don’t want to be stuck with you either.”
“Hey, I am an awesome and great roommate,” Dean smirks, giving you one of his charming smiles followed by a wink. “Just push the right buttons, sweetheart.”
“I will not push anything, Winchester. Now, let's make a plan...”
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Day 1
You gave up on reading more books last night. Sam said they are getting closer to solving the case. Hopefully, Rowena can reverse the spell and free the grumpy hunter and you.
“I am bored,” Dean whines while you make a list of your supplies. “Play with me…”
“Dude, I am not going to play any games with you. I have to check on the supplies or do you want to starve for the next two weeks?”
“Starve?” Suddenly interested in whatever you started, Dean dips his head to glance at the list your prepared.
“We’ve got three six-packs of beer, which means you’ll only drink one bottle per day from now on. Good thing I hate that crap.” Dean gulps hard, glancing at your list.
“We’ve got enough water, though. Let’s check. Sam bought enough food for three weeks but, we need to prevent food craving attacks, Dean. No midnight snack for you, big boy.” Grinning you pat Dean’s belly.
“As if you never ate anything in the middle of the night. Damn, I am hungry now…”
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Day 3
“Can I not have one more beer and a slice of pie?” Dean whines, looking at you with big eyes, imitating his brother's puppy dog eyes. “Please?”
“Dean, if you drink more beer today, there will be nothing left at the end of the week. You have to choose…”
“I’ll choose to have one more tonight. Snacks are out soon…”
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Day 5
“Hmm…that’s a nice outfit, sweetheart. How do you call it?” Watching you walk around in hello kitty sweatpants and a crop top Dean ogles you shamelessly. “I bet; you’d like to lose it…”
“Winchester, I am warning you.” Poking your finger into Dean’s chest you narrow your eyes. “It’s only five days, Dean. I don’t think your balls are blue…”
“Wanna check?” Dean cocks his head when you glance at his crotch.
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Day 7
Another day in hell. The bunker is too cold today. Literally freezing your ass off you run around the large building to find the reason for the failure of the heating. “Damnit, Dean. Where is the heat gone?”
Dean smirks, stepping closer to open his coat. “Could warm you up, Y/N.” Debating to take Dean’s offer or to freeze to death you nod, letting Dean wrap you in his coat.
Head resting against his chest, you try to warm up. “I know a way to get you all hot and bothered, sweetheart.”
“Dean, what the fuck!” His swelling dick presses against your thigh. “That’s the problem. No fuck…”
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Day 9
Crawling up the walls you try to find anything useful to do but you end up rolling around your bed, staring at the wall. “Watcha doing, sweetheart?”
“I try to bore myself to death, Dean. And you?”
“Same. You know, we could do something useful.” Dean snickers, pointing toward your bed. “Just saying.”
Your pillow ends up in his face and you groan, hoping Sam will free you soon.
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Day 11
“For all that’s holy Dean, wear a fucking shirt and pants. You can’t just run around in boxers and socks!” Whining you glance at Dean’s ass when he bends over to grasp for the last beer.
“It’s unbearable hot today.” Huffing you wipe off some sweat. “I don’t know what’s wrong with the bunker. Days ago we almost froze off our asses and today I feel like getting roasted.”
“I had a shower and it was too warm. Not refreshing at all…”
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Day 12
“No, no! That’s not true! They both would’ve died if she shared the door with him.” Bickering about Titanic, Jack’s death, and the door you stuff the last popcorn into your mouth.
“I believe they could’ve been saved, both.” Dean pokes your side, smirking as you pat his chest.
“Fine, Dean. If we ever end up in the middle of the ocean, freezing our asses off I’ll share the door with you.”
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Day 13
“I am going to find you, sweetheart…” Dean yells through the bunker. Today you decided to play hide and seek, much to Dean’s amusement as he won all rounds so far. “There she is…”
Squeaking you try to outrun Dean, but he grasps for you, throwing you over his shoulder.
“I want my prize now, sweetheart. No chicken out. I am going to lay claim on this cute ass.”
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Day 16
The bedframe slams into the wall one last time.
Dean barely can roll off your body, not after non-stop fucking for three days.
“That was awesome, but I need a break.”
“Same, Dean.” Laughing you pat his head. “I mean, at least we released the tension. It was overdue we fucked.”
“You know, this means your ass is mine. No discussion.” Nodding you close your eyes to calm your racing heart. “Did Sammy call? It’s fifteen days today.”
“Sixteen, Dean…”
“Son of a bitch!”
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Day 21
“What the fuck, Sammy! What took you so long?” Cocking his head Dean glares at his brother.
“Three weeks, brother. You left us roast in this hell for three weeks while we had nothing else to do than…”
Sam’s eyes wander from you, wearing his brother’s plaid, to the hickey at Dean’s neck, back toward the handcuffs around your wrist Dean forgot to remove hearing the door of the bunker open.
“I think we are all happy Dean and I can leave the bunker again. Thanks to all of you, but Dean and I got a business to do. He owes me something and I want it now…”
Grabbing Dean’s hand you drag him toward his bedroom. “I want that orgasm, even if it kills us…”
“What the…?” Sam swallows thickly watching you ogle his brother shamelessly.
“Yeah, we ganked the witch, reversed the spell, got captured by a coven and almost tortured but it’s great you two found the time to…connect…”
“Fucking witches Sammy…” Dean snickers running off with you.
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SPN Forever Tags
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags   
A/N: If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you.
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