#hmmm needs work
brain-bumbler · 1 year
hey. hey. you know that one au you did? where dion got a job in the mailroom? think about it again. think about its wonder and greatness. and gimme deets 🤲
oh that is my greatest work ever. i will forever have so much to say about it.
Dion starts out not enjoying the job or looking forward to it, just doing it since his mom won't stop talking about how proud she is of Raz and Frazie, and he needs something to do to fill the hours. Plus a paycheck is nice.
But despite his reservations, the minute Raz walks into the mailroom Dion has his feet up on the table smirking like his swivel chair is a throne. Big brother instinct to show no weakness.
Raz is torn because this is sort of his brother making an effort to ger more involved in psychic stuff. He genuinely wants Dion to do better and learn to cope with the changes in their family.
But also, he's ten. The Psychonauts is HIS thing in his head. He wants Frazie to join him because she was his secret psychic buddy that he probably trauma bonded with and he wants to heal the divide between them. I think it'd be normal for him to not be 100% stoked about it. Like oh great, maybe the mailroom is where evil villains are made and Dion's gonna decide to turn to the dark side.
At first Dion is jumpy and standoffish with people. But luckily he unlocks the pure dopamine of sorting objects for his repressed adhd-autism brain. He completely zones out during his shift and then snaps back an hour after closing time when the packages stop coming. Holy shit stacking boxes of different sizes into cubes like tetris and then sorting them based on color, he's not showing it but his brain is just enjoying it So Damn Much.
He gets so hyperfocused that he forgets to slack off and act superior and grumpy. He clears out the blacklog in 3 days and then designs a new sorting system. It needs revisions but that just means more stacking and sorting fuck yeah!
Gisu was expecting him to skip work to come see her but he's in the ZONE and its hard to break him away from it. But after awhile it is easier to leave because he needs variety in his day, which makes flipping across the Motherlobe and finding new ways to deliver mail great.
He makes up challenges for himself. Can he sneak packages to people from the vents like a spy, something he'd never admit to thinking was cool? Can he do deliveries while playing "the ground is lava" in his head?
Also he keeps writing letters to Gisu that have to be "hand delivered" so they can meet up. Hollis lets it slip since he solved their budget crisis by discovering Nick was stealing money, and Dion is insanely effective at his work. If only she could get him to wear anything business casual.
Dion's biggest bad habit is skipping meals. He doesn't like eating in the Noodle Bowl without someone he knows, it makes him nervous. So if he doesn't bring lunch he ends up skipping it, or even if he dues he just throws it away without telling anyone.
He makes the mailroom the most popular part of the Motherlobe tour by putting on an acrobatics performance that enthralls all the visitors. Maybe he slips out some pamphlets for the Aquato circus, it never hurts to advertise!
Having the alone time and investing in something not related to his family is really good for his personal mental health and boundaries.
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biowho · 3 months
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I may not understand how Davrin Dragon Age's clothes work yet but I do have a comprehensive knowledge of cleavage and a deep desire to figure out how to paint digitally
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timethehobo · 3 months
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Doodled a little Crow.
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nabaath-areng · 15 days
I have this one "OC" that does not yet have a name that I've drawn several times for a couple years. I was thinking that if I tried making them in FFXIV that I'd use elezen as a base... but then I remembered what other race have their near exact hairstyle... and now I'm like damn... I played myself...
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sallymew4 · 2 months
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i dont remember what exactly prompted me to draw this
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aptx!kaito au in which Shinichi doesn't know aptx exists and feels insane that his leading theory is "a six year old is the mastermind behind Kaitou Kid"
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sulky-cabbage · 1 month
Imagine if jjk ended up like Jojo's bizarre adventure...
Sukuna wins and we have a new cast every century (with some old characters from the previous season as teachers) and they try to defeat him.
We get to know Sukuna more during the seasons (and we get the heian flashback)
The best part is that Sukuna will definitely start glazing Gojo like Madara glazed Hashirama...
Something like this:
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Sukuna: Gojo Satoru was the only one who could stop me. But he's no longer here.
Sukuna when Gojo's is reborn: I'VE BEEN WAITING GOJO SATORU!!
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pixlokita · 8 months
Well I want to be honest, my mental health hasn’t been the best the past few months. I’ve been really struggling to the point of crying about several different things and it’s not anyone’s fault. Maybe my situation irl is affecting how I feel online, and it sucks because everyone is so nice and kind but I feel like I don’t belong? Idk how to explain it. It’s a very awful feeling and I’m recovering from several traumatic things I thought I’d gotten over but they keep resurfacing, I think I need to organize my feelings and stop overthinking, but I wanted to explain myself too. I’ll be unfollowing several people and you’re free to unfollow me too 💖🙏 y’all have been nothing but wonderful and a source of inspiration but I need to work on myself ;v;)b
I wish everyone a very lovely evening tbh UwU you’re all the best, bless you 💖
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housecow · 3 months
i woke up feeling hungry and mean which is NEVER a good combination
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venusjailer · 29 days
I’m tempted to start making American Psycho video essays because at this point the YouTube selection for our fandom is limited to one of the following:
1) American Psycho Ending (Explained Like I’m 5)
3) How to Dress Like Patrick Bateman as a High School Freshman
4) Patrick Bateman sigma phonk edits compilation (i’m literally him) 🐺🥶🗿🔥
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petite-phthora · 1 year
Thank you...
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 10]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
ImBaby= Danielle/Dani/Ellie
MiddleChild= Danny
Danny rubs his eyes and stares at the laptop in front of him as he’s trying to focus. He’s currently at a table he claimed in his school’s library, and he’s been staring at his screen for a solid 25 minutes by now.
He currently has a free period, just before his last class of the day, so he decided to try and get some homework done now since he has less time after school today.
Because of his date.
He’s going on a date!
Due to the excitement, Danny can’t quite stop himself from grinning like a loon. To be perfectly honest, he hasn’t been able to stop grinning and blushing even since Red Hood had sent that last message.
It’s a date.
Red Hood had confirmed it’s a date!
The buzzing of his phone as he receives a message draws his attention away from his schoolwork even though it wasn’t on that anyway but on a certain kind and handsome vigilante.
Danny picks the device up and takes a look. Seeing Ellie had messaged him, he raises an eyebrow. Assuming it to be another one picture of her standing on some monument in human form in spaces humans without powers shouldn’t be able to get to, like a horse on a roof, he opens the chat.
That’s not a selfie on top of El Ángel de la Independencia in Mexico, he muses as he reads the text with a slightly confused frown.
Private chat
~ ImBaby changed their name to SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms ~
~ SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms changed the name of MiddleChild to HisMajesty ~
SirEllieOfTheInfiniteRealms: once nightfall has cometh upon us, and the world has been plunged into darkness, though blood may be shed, be assured brother o mine, thine honor shall be guarded. i have formulated various challenges most onerous to confirmeth whether the helmed knight in red is righteous enough to court thee. for now, i will have to wish thee adieu, brother mine, as I will need to maketh some preparations for these mentioned challenges before I can enact them. as for the outcome of the trials i have set, i shall visit thee within the following fortnight bearing the news. until such time, i giveth thou farewell. ancients be with ye.  o7
HisMajesty: ???
HisMajesty: have you swallowed an encyclopedia again? 🤨
HisMajesty: didn’t know it would actually work with teaching you new words 🤔
HisMajesty: would’ve been good to know when I still had Lancer’s English classes 😔😔
HisMajesty: what does even this mean? 🤔🤔
HisMajesty: what are you planning??
HisMajesty: Ellie?
HisMajesty: no seriously, like
HisMajesty: have you been hanging out with CW lately?? 👀👀
HisMajesty: cause this is exactly the sort of cryptic shit I’d expect coming from him 😕😒
HisMajesty: not you
HisMajesty: …usually 😔
HisMajesty: unless he told you to tell me this??? 🤨 🤨
HisMajesty: but then again, he prefers to use his sticky notes to leave me cryptic messages..
HisMajesty: Ellie? 😟
HisMajesty: what are you doing????
HisMajesty: where even are you right now?? 🤔
HisMajesty: last I heard you were in Mexico 🇲🇽
HisMajesty: are you still there?
HisMajesty: Ellie
HisMajesty: please answer me 🙏🙏
HisMajesty: Ellieeeeee ☹️
HisMajesty: Elle
HisMajesty: Els
HisMajesty: Ella
HisMajesty: Elski
HisMajesty: Elleroonie
HisMajesty: Ellexandro
HisMajesty: Eljamin
HisMajesty: Ellodore
HisMajesty: 🥺
Danny stops messaging her when he realizes she’s not going to read any of his texts any time soon. He lets out a weary sigh.
What has she gotten herself into this time?
Red Hood came to pick Danny up at his apartment at 12.50. He rang the doorbell this time. Before Danny can do so much as greet him, Red Hood hands him a box. Danny looks at it confused before moving his gaze onto Red Hood with the same expression.
“Here, for you” He grunts.
Danny looks back down at the box and under the stare of the helmed vigilante, that Danny can’t quite see due to the helmet. Danny takes it and opens it gingerly. Inside are what seem to be some kind of chocolate squares.
“It’s chocolate fudge. Homemade. Wasn’t quite sure what you would like…” Red Hood explains.
Danny looks back up and beams at him, cheeks turning slightly pink.
“Oh no, this is great! Thanks!”
He tries one out, under the watchful eye of Red Hood and Oh Ancients, they are delicious. Which Danny then also proceeds to verbalize.
“Oh my Ancients, these are amazing. Thank you so much!”
Danny gives him a quick hug, even lifting him slightly off the ground which does things to Red Hood (not that Danny noticed), as Red Hood lets out a soft “No problem” before letting go as he remembers something
“Oh wait! Before we go, I also have something for you as well!” Danny blurts out, quickly darting back into his apartment to get something, putting the box of chocolate fudge down on his counter.
He guesses Red Hood hadn’t quite expected that, as he was still frozen into place when Danny came back with his own gift for his date.
Danny hands over a small inconspicuous white box. Red Hood takes it and opens it before carefully taking out the sleek silver watch and turning it over.
As he’s looking it over, Danny starts talking again.
“Okay, okay, so I’ll explain what it does in a minute. First off though, put it on!” He says, jittery from nerves and excitement
He really hopes Red Hood will like it.
Red Hood silently does as he says and puts on the watch.
“Now turn to the wall and press that button right there!” Danny continues, pointing out a small button on the side of the watch.
What Jason had expected to happen when he pressed the button on the watch, was for it to light up or turn on or something, maybe play a little tune or a nice message.
What Jason hadn’t expected to happen, was for a toxic green laser to shoot out of the watch and blast the wall in front of him, leaving behind a black scorch mark.
Stunned, Jason drops his gaze back onto the, now slightly smoking, ‘watch’ before turning his wide-eyed gaze back onto Danny. Danny, who seems to be practically vibrating in excitement and is eagerly awaiting his reaction.
“Do you like it? It’s the Fenton Watch Ray! I modeled it after the Fenton Wrist Ray, but I decided to make the design more sleek and inconspicuous. When pressing the button, it’ll release a highly pressurized ectoplasmic energy blast.
“You see, it takes in ambient ectoplasm from the surrounding area as fuel! So it won’t run out of energy and you don’t need to charge it! The ectoplasm it’s infused with also makes it more resistant, so it’s harder to break and you’ll be able to take it out on patrol with you if you need it!
“Don’t worry though! While it may look a little dangerous, it’s actually quite harmless to living humans! The most it’ll do is knock them down, or even out on some occasions. And there’s no lasting after-effects!
“Oh! And this button,” Danny pauses as he points out a button on the other side of the watch, “shows you the time!”
Danny pushes the button and, sure enough, the screen of the ‘watch’ lights up, showing it is currently 12.56 pm.
During the entire rant, Jason just stares at Danny through his helmet in stunned silence. He didn’t quite understand everything that was just word-vomited at him, but he got the general gist of it.
‘Marry me,’ is what he wants to say.
“Thank you” is what he says instead, in the softest tone known to man with blushing cheeks and a lovesick smile on his face.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing
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obsob · 1 year
mmgngm i was all excited tellin my mum abt me wanting to start bookbinding n she was just like well. what about your portfolio. are u sending it to people? youve been working on it for ages. yes i know!!!!!! im slow and disabled!!!! and want hobbies!!!!! bites you!!!!!!!!!!!
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gxlden-angels · 9 months
Bro I hate fundamentalists and culturally-fundie parents they'll say shit like "spare the rod spoil the child am I right haha yea my parents used to have to beat my ass with a switch almost everyday but I sure did learn my lesson" but like??? no you didn't??? you were hit multiple times for something you very obviously did not, in fact, learn
Like studies about how harmful even lightly spanking children is aside, you're literally contradicting yourself?? Some even admitted they got worse as they got older cause they wanted to see how far they could push their parents before they got punished
And studies not aside, you're gonna get child raising advice from the same book that tells you to stone your wife if her hymen doesn't break on your wedding night instead of the decades of research we have now?? Just say you're a bad parent and move on my guy. Skill issue
#bro I had a coworker go 'unpopular opinion I think some kids really do need beatings' and I'm like????#unprompted???? what's going on there????#well anyways I ended up going 'yea so I plan on specializing in play therapy with autistic children so I've been learning about talking#to children and the ways their parents and environment affects them'#and they're like hmmm but beating this kid with a stick after they broke something or I upset them to the point of yelling is good actually#had a boss say it taught him and his kids respect cause they were hard-headed#and I'm like?? that's fear not respect! they fear punishment! they do not act out of respect for you!#he's a conservative christian black man tho so he's like 'But Authority!' like bro I don't even respect you what are you on about#'You don't respect police and their authority?' Nope! I fear them! I do not respect cops and every cop/cop-adjacent person I personally know#has reinforced that for me#'We'll agree to disagree' Cool! Doesn't mean you're not wrong! I could believe trees aren't real but that is in fact incorrect#then he pulled out the bible verse and I was like ah okay I forgot you like 'here's how to treat slaves' book you're so right bestie#I'm totally wrong now and so sorry for doubting you and your 2000+ year old book I don't believe in <3#They'd go 'well I turned out fine!' then say something that directly contradicts that#anyways I need christians to get their grubby little hands off the current state of Child Protection and Rights in the U.S.#So we can actually start working on helping kids without the force of christian hands suffocating them#cause homeschooling and child raising by evangelicals are so fucked up bro I'm tired of this shit#I'd only stay in my current state to help children get out of that cycle since I'm in the bible belt#ex christian#religious trauma#child abuse tw
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calamitoustide · 10 days
a fic set in a universe parallel to canon up to the point of james going on an auror mission and getting hit with a spell that gives him amnesia, he thinks he’s sixteen again and he’s so out of it the only person he can call for is regulus. no matter what anyone else does they can not settle him down… they need reg
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secretsofthewilde · 2 months
I've got some more half-baked thoughts on Deadloch and how it presents colonialism that I'll come back to once I go find the specific reading I had for a uni assignment that relates to this at some point
...Margaret Curruthers and her relationship with white femininity... the maternal persona she presents being her weapon of choice to gain power over those around her... white woman acting maternal towards poc in order to infantilize and dehumanize them... something something the white matriarch hides the evils of colonialism with a smile and a fresh batch of cookies for you
Sharelle(!!) and her numerous jobs that she's forced to work just to make ends meet for her and her child. Her aggressive distrust of police which seems comedic only to later be revealed, is due to her mother's wrongful (likely racially motivated) imprisonment. The repeated breach of her restraining order against her aggressive (white) ex being ignored by those around her/meant to protect her.
The way the show emphasises the importance of forming relationships as a community and the power/positive change that can come from doing that. The respect for the land and people that is needed in order to achieve that properly... The gentrification of towns like Deadloch essentially being a form of modern colonisation...
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disposal-blueeee · 19 days
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from this thing on twt
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