riptidewaters · 1 month
(Harry Potter x fem! Reader! (NAMED)
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Charlotte scribbled random lyrics on the parchment she had gotten, the quite of the library comforted her,
‘Ladies and gentlemen will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand,
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my,
She hummed slightly, making up her own tune, ‘Charlotte!’ Her head shot up, looking at her friend, ‘You coming? We have transfiguration in 10.’ Nodding and getting up hastily, Charlotte gathered her things, not noticing the parchment she had been writing on, had been left behind.
‘Sod off Ron.’ Harry said, declining him having a crush on Ginny, he entered the library and shot a slight smile to the librarian. He walked towards a desk and sat down taking his books and parchment out of his book bag and placing them in front of him, when he noticed a piece of slightly yellowed parchment innocently sitting on the desk, pulling the piece of paper towards him and glanced at the hastily scribbled writing on the paper, smiling and reading the lyrics he jotted down his own, adding the words under the previously written verse,
‘Look in my eyes, They will tell you the truth,
The girl in my story will always be you,
I’d go down with the titanic it’s true,
For you…..Lover’
He smiled to himself, leaving the parchment where he found it, not knowing who the original writer was but feeling a strange connection to them.
Charlotte came back to the library later, realizing she’d left her lyrics behind. She was surprised to find someone had added to them, and the new lines felt like they were meant just for her. Her friends, noticing her excitement, started teasing her.
“Looks like you’ve got a secret admirer!” one of them joked.
“Your perfect match, writing love songs for you,” another chimed in.
Blushing, but intrigued, Charlotte decided to add another verse, leaving the parchment on the desk again.
The next day, Harry returned to the library, surprised but pleased to find the parchment still there. And now, there was more:
Harry’s heart raced as he added his own lines beneath hers.
Feeling bold, he grabbed another piece of parchment and wrote:
“Are you real, or am I just dreaming? Leave me another verse, and maybe one day we’ll meet. – Your Songmate”
He left the two parchments together on the desk, hoping whoever wrote the first part would respond.
Days passed, and Charlotte and Harry continued their secret exchange through the parchment, each adding verses and little notes, never revealing their identities. Charlotte found herself thinking more and more about her mystery songmate, while Harry couldn’t stop wondering who the girl behind the lyrics was. His friends started noticing how lost in thought he’d become.
“Harry, what’s got you smiling like that all the time?” Ron asked, nudging him.
“Yeah, you’ve been really happy lately,” Hermione added, her brow furrowed.
But Harry just shrugged them off, keeping his secret.
One day, Harry was walking through the corridor when he spotted a notebook lying on the floor. He picked it up, and when he opened it, his breath caught. The handwriting was the same as the one on the parchment—the same lyrics that had been keeping him up at night.
Just then, Charlotte came hurrying down the hall, eyes wide as she saw him holding her notebook.
“Thank you, Harry,” she said, a little breathless as she took it from him.
He watched her walk away, his mind spinning. Now he knew—his mystery girl, the one he’d been writing songs with, was Charlotte.
After that, Harry couldn't help but watch Charlotte a little more closely, noticing the way she hummed to herself, or how her eyes lit up when she was deep in thought. He still hadn’t told her he knew, but there was something comforting about knowing that the girl who had captured his heart through music was right there, within reach.
Charlotte’s heart was racing as she walked away from Harry in the hallway. She could feel his eyes on her, and a part of her wanted to turn around, to see if he knew. But she couldn’t. Not yet.
Over the next few days, the song exchanges stopped. Harry couldn’t bring himself to add anything new, not when he already knew the truth. Charlotte noticed the silence, and it started to gnaw at her. Had her mystery songmate lost interest? Or had she been too late to figure out who he was?
She was about to give up when one day, she found another piece of parchment tucked into her Transfiguration book. It wasn’t the usual lyrics they’d been sharing. This one was different.
*Harry's Note:*
“I think it’s time we met.
Tonight by the lake, after everyone’s gone to bed.
If you’re real, if you’re the one I’ve been writing with,
I’ll be there, waiting.
– H”
Charlotte stared at the note, her heart pounding. She knew who “H” was, of course. But did he really know it was her? She folded the parchment and tucked it into her robe, her mind made up. She’d go. She had to know.
That night, Charlotte slipped out of the castle, her heart hammering with each step toward the lake. The moon was high, casting a silver glow over the water. She saw him then, standing by the edge, his back to her. Harry.
For a moment, she hesitated, her nerves threatening to get the best of her. But then she remembered the words they’d shared, the connection that had grown between them, and she knew she had to go through with this.
“Harry,” she called out softly.
He turned, and their eyes met. For a second, neither of them moved, the air thick with everything unsaid. Then Harry smiled, that familiar, lopsided grin that made her feel like everything would be okay.
“So it’s you,” he said, stepping closer. “I had a feeling it might be.”
Charlotte let out a shaky laugh. “You’re not disappointed, are you?”
“Disappointed?” Harry shook his head, taking her hands in his. “Not even close. You’re the one I’ve been writing with, the one who’s been in my head, in my heart, all this time.”
“I can’t believe it was you,” Charlotte whispered, feeling the warmth of his hands. “I thought I was just dreaming.”
“Me too,” Harry said, his voice soft. “But this is real. We’re real.”
For a moment, they just stood there, hands intertwined, the night wrapping around them like a blanket. It felt like they were the only two people in the world.
Then, almost without thinking, Charlotte started to sing the last verse of the song they’d been writing together.
And you'll save all your
dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you
a seat, lover (Save you a seat)
Harry smiled, his voice joining hers as they sang the final lines together.
“Can I go where you go?
(Can I go where you go, baby?)
Can we always be this
close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take
me home (Forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my lover”
As the last note hung in the air, Harry leaned in, pressing his forehead against hers. “This is just the beginning,” he whispered, his breath warm against her skin.
Charlotte smiled, closing her eyes. “Yeah. It is.”
And so, what started as scribbles on a forgotten piece of parchment became something more—a song that brought two hearts together, a story that was only just beginning. For Charlotte and Harry, the song would always be theirs, a reminder of the night they found each other, and the love that had been there all along.
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zetadraconis11 · 7 months
HL Incorrect Quote #86
Ominis: You always lose things.
Sebastian: No, I don't lose things. I place them in places which later elude me.
Ominis: That's the same as losing things!
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silverxstardust · 2 months
Sebastian Sallow ai cover
There's Nothing Holding Me Back
posted few months on youtube, but I had to delete it as well :(
all ai covers and (tumblr list)
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lordservilo · 1 year
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nerdynanny · 7 months
Munday pic? Why not-- have one of ya boi in cosplay [pre covid]
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Any Time You’re Ready
After another lousy date, Oliver’s parents remind him that love might be closer than he expects.
Oliver Wood x Fem!Reader
1.7k words
Warnings: none, fluff, kissing, embarrassing parents
A/N: Inspired by the Shawn Mendes song “When You’re Ready” because I’m obsessed with “What if my dad is right/When he says that you're the one”
“Goodnight, Oliver.”
“G’night, Casey.”
The girl stepped into the green flames in the Wood family fireplace, called out her address, and was gone. As soon as the flames resumed their usual orange tint, Oliver turned around and strolled into the kitchen. He found his parents, sharing a slice of cake and sipping tea. Their heads snapped up as he walked in.
“So, what’d you guys think?” Oliver grinned as his parents.
“She seemed nice,” his mom answered with a shrug.
His dad nodded. “Yeah, Cadie seems like a nice girl.”
Oliver’s face fell. “Casey, Dad. Her name’s Casey.”
“Right, right.” His dad took a sip of tea, clearly not embarrassed by his mistake. “But what about-”
“Dad, stop,” Oliver groaned. He already knew what his dad was going to say; he said it every time Oliver showed interest in a new girl.
You and Oliver grew up next door to each other and had been best friends from the time you could walk. Going to Hogwarts only brought you closer together, with all the time you spent together both in and out of the classroom, practically attached at the hip. And both of your parents had been convinced for years that the two of you belonged together.
Oliver’s dad held up his hands in defense. “’m just saying, son. I don’t know why you bother going out with these other girls. You’ve already got a great girl right next door. You’ve been friends since you were born. And everyone knows a friendship like that is the foundation of a solid relationship. Just look at me and your mother.”
“Dad,” Oliver said slowly. “You asked Mum out on your very first day at Hogwarts.”
“Yeah, and we were friends for the whole trip on the Hogwarts Express before that. Good foundation, like I said.”
“Right.” Oliver grabbed a tin of biscuits from the counter. “Well, ’m heading to bed. See you in the morning.” He waved at his parents and headed upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
He should have been more surprised to find you lying on his bed, reading a book.
“How was your date?” you asked casually, eyes still on your book as he closed the door behind him.
“Fine,” he answered, crossing the room to close the window you had climbed through. He lied down next to you and opened the tin.
You took a cookie and shoved it in your mouth. “What do we think? Potential girlfriend?”
Oliver shrugged, helping himself to a cookie. “Probably not,” he admitted.
“It’s just as well,” you said, closing your book and tossing it on his nightstand. “She’s a bit of a dolt, if you ask me.”
A snort flew out of Oliver’s nose. “I don’t remember asking you.”
You elbowed him. “Well, you should’ve. I could’ve saved you a night of ‘Oh Oliver, you’re soooo funny, let me grab your muscles.’” You let out a fake high-pitched giggle and squeezed Oliver’s arm.
He warmed at your touch. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, he had finally admitted it to himself when he was fourteen: Oliver Wood was in love with you. So for the last two years, he tried to act normal, like he wasn’t thinking about you every second of the day, like you were just his best friend and nothing else.
But laying on his bed with you right next to him made it really hard to pretend.
“You’re so mean,” he laughed, trying to sound even. “Casey’s a nice girl.”
“Yeah, but she’s not right for you.” You wrinkled your nose.
Oliver turned onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow, facing you. “Oh, and you know what’s right for me?” he challenged.
You mirrored his pose, your nose close to his. “Of course I do. That’s what best friends are for.”
He felt a little tug on his stomach at the word friends. “Yeah, sure,” he scoffed, trying to play off the sting he’d felt every time you called him your friend over the last two years. “What about you? Any dates so far this summer?”
“A couple,” you admitted. “Nothing worth mentioning.” You flipped back onto your back, gazing at Oliver’s ceiling. “Why do we have so much trouble dating?”
Oliver stared at your profile, admiring the shape of your adorable nose and your perfect lips. “What d’you mean?”
“Well,” you sighed, “think about it. We’re both very good-looking, popular enough, definitely not idiots. Yet neither of us can get more than a couple dates out of a person. What gives?”
“Mmm.” Oliver thought a moment. He knew why none of his dates panned out, but he couldn’t for the life of him figure out why you, the most beautiful and perfect girl he knew, didn’t have a boyfriend.
Not that he minded.
“It’s not like I don’t have theories,” you continued, ignoring Oliver’s non-response. “Personally, I think you’re just too good for any of the girls at school.” Oliver felt his cheeks go warm again. “As for me, I’m going to go ahead and blame you.” You turned your head and smiled at your best friend.
“Me?” he asked with a dry chuckle. “How do you manage to blame me for your lack of boyfriend?”
You shrugged. “Think about it. Boy, girl. Best friends. Boy is good-looking and could probably beat up most of the boys in our year.” You popped another cookie in your mouth. “So, no one wants to date his girl best friend.”
Oliver stared at you a moment. Despite the fact that he definitely did not want to see you all cozied up with any of the boys at school, he couldn’t help feeling bad. If you wanted a boyfriend, you should have one. He never wanted to get in the way of your happiness.
It was as though you could feel his guilt. “It’s alright though,” you assured him with that sweet smile you usually reserved for Oliver. “Not like any of those boys are worth my time anyways. You’re the only decent boy in our year honestly.”
“Oh really?” he asked in a teasing voice, as though his heart was not hammering. The two of you had been doing this a lot lately: compliments, teasing just this side of flirting, skittering around a line no one was quite willing to cross, playing a game of chicken neither of you was willing to lose.
Tonight, you were the one who broke first. “So what’d your parents think of Casey anyways?” Your eyes were back on the ceiling of Oliver’s room, following the wizards flying around his Puddlemere United poster.
“They thought she was nice,” he answered, following your gaze. “My dad’s just disappointed that she’s not-” Oliver stopped himself, his eyes darting back to you.
You looked at him out of the corner of your eye. “Not what? Smart?” A smirk played on your lips.
Oliver thought a moment. You weren’t a mean girl typically. You were sweet, and you had plenty of girlfriends. The only people you were mean about were… well, the girls Oliver dated. The gears turned in his head as he calculated the risk he was about to take.
“Well, not you,” he finally admitted. “Dad’s disappointed she’s not you.”
“Oh.” You blinked a few times. Oliver could see the rapid thinking behind your expression. “And… what about you?” You sat up and looked down at Oliver, all the playfulness gone from your eyes.
Oliver heaved himself up as well. “I… I mean…” He licked his lips and sighed. Just spit it out, he told himself. “Sometimes I wonder if my dad’s… right?”
“Right about what?” You fidgeted with the hem of your t-shirt, a nervous habit Oliver knew well.
“He…” Oliver cleared his throat and took your hands in his. He saw your eyes flicker to them before meeting his gaze again. “He says that you’re the one.” Oliver winced, preparing himself for rejection and the end of your friendship, the thing he’d been dreading for two years.
“The one?” you echoed, your hands still in Oliver’s.
He nodded. “You know. The one.”
The smirk playing on your lips broke some of the tension between you. “What would that entail? If I was the one, I mean.”
His fears melted slightly at the sight of your small grin. “Well, it would probably start… with this.” Oliver closed his eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips gently against yours.
Much to his relief, you kissed him back, letting go of his hands and wrapping your arms around his neck while his hands settled on your hips. He could taste your bubblegum flavored Chapstick, the one he borrowed annoyingly often, and you could taste the chocolate from the biscuits that now sat forgotten near the foot of the bed.
When Oliver let go, he didn’t bother trying to play cool; instead, he grinned from ear to ear, not caring how goofy he looked.
Likewise, you couldn’t help the giggle that tumbled out of your mouth, your hands still on Oliver’s shoulders. “Starts with that, huh?”
“Yeah, that’s just the beginning.” Oliver leaned forward again, his mind racing with excitement. He laid back, pulling you on top of him-
“I think you mean that’s the end of the night,” came a voice from the door neither of you noticed opening.
Color rushed to your cheeks as you scrambled to sit back up, pushing Oliver off you. “Hey Mr. Wood,” you managed, as if he caught you making out with his son all the time.
Your best friend’s dad nodded pointedly. “You should probably head back out that window, young lady. I’m sure we’ll see you tomorrow. When you use the front door.”
With one last awkward smile to Oliver, you jumped off the bed and opened the window, clambering out the way you’d done millions of times before. Trying to be a gentleman (especially in front of his dad), Oliver watched carefully as you climbed down the tree by his window, tiptoed across his backyard, through the gate between your houses, and through your first-story window, where you disappeared after a quick wave in his direction. When Oliver turned around with that still dopey smile, his dad was still in the doorway, a smug grin on his face.
“Told ya so, son.”
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sissyisawitch · 8 months
It'll Be Okay
Relationship: Sebastian Sallow x You
Summary: After the macabre events that occurred in the Feldcroft Catacomb, Sebastian is devastated. All he can think about is running away and pushing you away from him… but you don't plan to give up on him so easily.
Word Count: ~2.7k
Author's Note: This story is based on the song "It'll Be Okay" by Shawn Mendes. I hope you'll enjoy reading it!💙
Warnings: Major spoilers for the "In the Shadow of the Relic" quest + Angst
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“I won’t let her suffer! Avada Kedavra!”
A flash of green light struck Solomon Sallow’s body, before it fell limp on the ground. Sebastian had done it. He had killed his uncle.
Oh, the future we dreamed of is fading to black…
He dropped his wand which clattered on the ground.
And just like that, you and Sebastian's future plans vanished, completely ruined. They used to seem so simple... you were supposed to cure Anne with the relic, make her return to Hogwarts, and then be happy all together with your little quartet of friends.
But as fate would have it, that was never going to happen.
A high-pitched, distraught voice brought you out of your thoughts, “Depulso!”
Anne had appeared in the Catacomb and apparently witnessed the whole tragic scene that had just unfolded, whereupon she herself attacked her twin brother, propelling him with all her might against one of the stone walls to stop him.
Driven by her fiery anger, she used what little strength she had left to cast a couple more spells to defeat the remaining Inferi and reduce Salazar Slytherin's Spellbook to ashes.
“NO!” Sebastian howled. He could do nothing but watch his sister destroy the book that was supposed to contain all the solutions to save her life.
“You’ve made your choice.” She said simply, before disapparating with the inert corpse of their uncle.
“Oh, Anne… What have you done?”
Oh, there's nothing more painful. Nothing more painful…
You were paralysed, unable to move even a finger after witnessing such a heartbreaking scene where a family was completely shattered, with no means or hope of ever repairing their ties. Poor Sebastian was left entirely alone, tears in his eyes, his face contorted by his crushing grief and regret. Merlin, you hated that sight with all your heart.
“I-I must get out of here.” He mumbled as he stood up and quickly looked at his surroundings, as if he were completely disorientated.
“Seb, wait!” You tried to hold him back, but Sebastian would not listen.
Instead, he fled. He ran like mad towards the exit of the Catacomb, desperate for fresh air.
“SEBASTIAN!” You shouted at the top of your lungs as you sped after him, hoping that it would be enough for him to hear you despite his head start.
It was only when you had made your way up the labyrinth of tunnels, once you were back in the Feldcroft countryside and away from the heavy atmosphere of the dusty Catacomb, that you managed to catch up with Sebastian.
Now that he was close at hand, you reached out to grab his arm, “Sebastian, stop!”
“STAY AWAY FROM ME!” He roared, sending your hand flying with more force than he would have used if he were in his normal state of mind.
You flinched out of reflex, but you were in no case scared of the boy. You never had been, and you knew you never would be. You understood that he was simply on edge and needed reassurance, so you kept your soft tone, “Seb–”
“STOP SAYING MY NAME!” He continued to shout in anger, but the way he was now gripping his hair and pulling at the roots showed that annoyance was being added to the palette of overwhelming emotions he was feeling at the moment. “For fuck’s sake I should’ve known better than to become friends with you in the first place.”
This. This last sentence. Maybe he could not scare you, but you too often forgot that he was still capable of hurting you, even if he did not mean any of it and it was his amalgam of panic and agitation that got the better of his words.
You tried your best to remain unfazed, “So what? You'd rather our paths had never crossed?”
“Yes!” He exclaimed without thinking twice.
I start to imagine a world where we don't collide…
For a moment, you lost yourself in your own thoughts. You imagined a parallel universe where you had never defeated Sebastian in Defence Against the Dark Arts, where he had never accompanied you to Hogsmeade on your first day at Hogwarts, and therefore a universe where you two had never become friends or exchanged a single word.
It also meant a world where you never fought trolls, goblins, and poachers together, where you never spent long nights in the Undercroft doing nothing but talking, where he never held you in his arms and comforted you whenever you were not at your best, resulting in your feelings for Sebastian blossoming into something much stronger and more genuine than friendship.
“Well, I don’t.” You finally answer.
“Well, you should.” He imitated your intonation with irritating impertinence.
You paid no attention to it, knowing better than to take any of his irrational actions into account, “Why?”
The screaming was back. Taking you by surprise once again. However this time, you were unable to react. The rawness and vulnerability of his words had hit you right in the heart, knocking the wind out of you.
“I have to go.” He muttered after your lack of reaction. He turned his back on you before setting off again, this time clearly determined to leave.
This was the moment that snapped you out of your stunned confusion, “Oh no, don’t you dare run away from me, Sallow!”
Your feet reacted even faster than your brain. You rushed towards him, but knew you would not have enough strength to hold him back, so you did the only best thing you could think of... You lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. Your body crashed into his with full force, causing his back to slam against the hard, cold, snow-covered ground.
“LET ME GO!” He fought back, kicking in all directions to try and push you off him.
“NEVER!” You pinned him down with all your strength. You were pressed on top of him while holding his hands on either side of his head, and keeping his thighs flat with your own legs. “Because you didn’t ruin my life, Sebastian.”
“Are you hearing yourself right now? I spent months teaching you dark magic. I just killed my uncle in front of you. You're a witness to a murder because of me! You could be sent to Azkaban BECAUSE OF ME! What more do you need to hate me? Tell me, because I'll do it right away if it means you'll stay away from me and be out of danger!”
And it's making me sick, but we'll heal and the sun will rise…
Sebastian's words made your blood run cold. Not because they made you reflect on everything he had put you through, but rather because you wondered how you were going to make him understand that you were not blaming him for anything, that the idea had never even crossed your mind.
“We can get past this. We can make things better together.” You said softly, unable to muster a better response.
He only scoffed bitterly.
“Sebastian, I don’t want to hate you, I want to be here for you!”
Judging that he seemed slightly calmer, you allowed yourself to release one of his hands to cup his cheek instead. With your thumb, you caressed his tanned skin, tracing the freckles splattered across his cheekbones. You did your best to convey your honesty and all your love for him through your delicate touch.
“No.” He replied firmly, leaving no room for negotiation, and then took advantage of your lowered guard to push you away again, this time with his hand which was now free. “Now leave me alone!”
If you tell me you're leaving, I'll make it easy…
You gave up being gentle and tackled him firmly to the floor again. You just needed him to listen to you for a few more minutes, “Okay. I won’t force you to stay if you don’t want to… But you need someone, Sebastian. Please, let me help you.”
“I don’t want your help!” He spat with a fury that was rarely seen in him. You had only seen it once... when he called you ignorant.
“Maybe you don’t want it, but you need it.” Now that everything had been said, you got out of his way to let him go if he so wished.
It'll be okay…
Sebastian sat up again, but stayed there, against all your expectations. You knew that all he needed was one last little push before he surrendered, so you insisted, “Don’t shut me out. Let me be here for you.”
“I–” His voice broke, giving way before he could even begin his sentence. His bottom lip quivered. “I didn’t mean to kill him. He attacked us… attacked you. I had to use the Killing Curse. You know I did!”
“I know. You did your best to protect me.” You reassured him by taking his hands in yours and giving them a little squeeze.
“I never meant for all of this to happen. I just wanted to help Anne.” It was not long before tears started to stream down his cheeks. “I want this hell to be over. Please make it stop.”
“I wish I could… but–” Now it was your voice's turn to fail you.
“I just want my little sister back.”
“I know you do… I know.” You swallowed hard to fight the tears that started to blur your vision. You could not allow yourself to cry. You had to stay strong for him. You had to be the pillar on which he could rest, because right now, he needed your help. If he saw you crying, it would only make things worse. This was not about you.
So you cuddled him against your chest, firstly to comfort him, and secondly so that he would not see the look of total dismay on your face.
“Ominis hates me too, and I can’t even blame him, because I hate myself too.” He was now full on breaking down, his head buried against your chest, and his tears streaming down your uniform jumper.
“I’ll love you enough for the two of us, then… until you learn to love yourself again, and even after.”
“I want the pain to stop. It’s been there for too long. I can’t stand it anymore.” The more time passed, the more erratic his breathing became.
“I know, baby. You’ve been so strong.” You kept spouting all the soothing words you could think of, in the hope that they would work on him.
“Please, make it stop. Please.”
“I’d take it all for you if I could. But I can’t, and I’m so sorry. I’ll do everything in my power to make you feel better.” You slowly ran your fingers through his silky brown locks, over and over again. Then you felt yourself losing your grip on your emotions, and soon your tears were flowing alongside Sebastian's.
Sebastian Sallow – the boy who was never afraid of anything and always had a trick up his sleeve – was on his knees in front of you, crying his eyes out, rendering him nothing more than the very image of misery and helplessness.
It was agonising to see the boy you loved in such a state, and not be able to do anything to make him feel better. How were you supposed to remain impassive in the face of that?
“Please fix everything. Fix me.”
“I can’t…”
And if we can't stop the bleeding… We don't have to fix it, we don't have to stay…
Sebastian's sobs continued unabated, “I’m scared to stay with you. I know I’ll end up doing something stupid and lose you too. Because that’s what I do… I do everything in my power to make the people I care about leave.”
This time, it was all too much. You could not let him belittle himself so cruelly. You grabbed his face between your hands and forced him to look straight into your eyes, not caring if they were red and swollen from all the crying, “Don’t say that. I know you made mistakes, but you’re one of the most brilliant wizards before anything else. You’re the only one who was great enough to steal my heart.”
“You’re everything I have left… I can’t lose you. Not you.” He clutched your shirt in his fists, as if he was afraid you would suddenly vanish before his eyes.
Everything you were going to say died on the tip of your tongue... because Sebastian smashed his lips against yours.
You did not know exactly how it happened. You did not realise it right away because it occurred in less than a split second. And yet it was well and truly real.
There was nothing tender or romantic about that kiss. No, it was just rough, brutal and messy, reflecting all the despair they contained deep inside. It was a kiss full of passion, but not the kind that made you feel light and gave you butterflies in your stomach. Not at all, it was a toxic passion that burnt the wings off these butterflies and everything around them.
Sebastian was clutching you by the shoulders as if you were his lifeline, the only thing keeping him from tipping completely over into the darkness. And you, you kissed him back fervently, fighting the little voice in your head that was whispering to you that what you were doing was wrong, that you never should have discovered how salty his tears tasted as you kissed him for the first time.
You had to call a spade a spade, you should not be taking advantage of his vulnerability to get what you had always dreamt of... but you could not help yourself. Sebastian was hypnotic, and you could not bring yourself to pull away from him.
It was he who retreated first, and you instantly hated how his big chocolate eyes were filled with nothing but sheer panic, “I feel like I’m going to die without you… What if I die without you?”
Your heart pounded so hard to the point where it felt like you had a lump in your throat. You let out an overwhelmed and broken sob, “You’ll never find out because I’ll never leave you. You hear me? Never. I’m here for better or for worse.”
I will love you either way…
Sebastian let himself fall against your chest, and you welcomed him into your arms without the slightest hint of reluctance. You let him rest there, let him cry, tremble against you, while you caressed his untameable hair and whispered sweet nothings in his ear, doing your best to stop your own tears from flowing. You had no idea how long you stayed like that, but it felt like an eternity. You were probably freezing and soaking wet from sitting in the snow for so long, but thankfully you were unable to feel it thanks to the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
“Shh… It'll be okay…”
It might be so sweet… It might be so bitter…
In the months you had known Sebastian, you had imagined an infinity of different scenarios of the two of you kissing for the first time. None of those fit with the reality of Sebastian breaking down in your arms after committing murder. The situation had nothing in common with what you had wished for the two of you. You had finally got what you wanted, but you hated it. You just wanted to scream. Fate was even more cruel than you believed.
"Make the pain go away, please." Sebastian begged desperately, echoing your own inner thoughts.
"I'll do everything I can. I’ll do everything to give you the future you wanted." You cried uncontrollably.
Oh, if the future we've dreamed of is fading to black…
Minutes, hours passed, and your tears eventually dried. You spoke again, very quietly, as if afraid to frighten the peace that was slowly beginning to return, “We’ll get through this together, alright?”
“…I’m a monster.” He declared with resignation. He too had run out of tears to cry.
“You’re not.” You replied with just as much conviction.
“What if I get even worse? What if I end up hurting you?” He asked quietly.
“I will love you either way.”
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brairslair · 11 months
Hey!! I loved your Peter Parker fic!!
I hope you're taking requests, if yes can you please write harry potter x ravenclaw!reader? Where reader is a muggleborn and loves muggle music, she does this thing where she gives all her friends a song which reminds her of them, even multiple to Hermione (who secretly loves it and listens to those on loop) and ron( who tries to act like he doesn't care but secretly feels loved) but she's never given harry a song, despite him being her best friend. But after one of DA meetings they are alone and harry asks her why doesn't she give him a song (fallin' all in you- Shawn Mendez) and she plays it for him a and that it reminds her of him, AND THEY KISS!!
I'm really sorry if it's too specific, please feel free to change anything! THANK YOU SM!! I LOVE YOUR FICS!!❤️❤️✨
definitely not too specific! i love that you gave me so much to work with, so ty anon! i did switch it up a little bit, but i hope it turned out to your liking!
318 Hours 43 Minutes ˗ˏˋ H.J.P ´ˎ˗
“Be my summer in a winter day, love”
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harry potter x ravenclaw!reader
REQUESTED: yes requests are open! fandoms: marvel, stranger things, harry potter (any era), scream
WARNINGS: fem reader, not proofread, fluff fluff fluff, muggleborn!reader, reader is described as somewhat of a musical prodigy, modern music, mobile phones, and spotify all exist in this timeline, 7th year, kissing, idiots in love, best friends to lover ig, joking mentions of death, lmk if i missed smth!
A/N: i'm sure there are tons of grammatical errors in here but lets pretend we don't see them!
ALL CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY ARE 18+ remember to like, comment, and reblog to support my writing!
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If there was one thing you couldn't live without, it would be music. It was almost impossible to recall a time you had left your dorms without your headphones. Music had just always been a huge part of your life. Growing up, your parents got you into piano lessons, and you were playing Beethoven by the end of the first month. After that, you picked up as many instruments as you could afford, starting with violin, then guitar, the flute, and now the harp. Your parents had to soundproof the house.
Once you got your acceptance into Hogwarts as a witch, your whole world turned upside down. You were sorted into Ravenclaw, which felt very fitting, and were assigned a dormmate, Padme Patil. The two of you clicked immediately and became instant friends. After a few months of hanging out with the Patil sisters, you were introduced to three Gryffindor students in your year; Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter. Instantly, you felt some sort of a connection pulling you to them, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
You started hanging out with "The Golden Trio", as you affectionately called them, all the time, and the four of you eventually became a quartet. You had grown especially close with Harry, and the two of you did almost everything together. Well, everything except study.
After one particular study date with Hermione, you were thrilled to learn that she shared the same love for muggle music as you did. The two of you rambled on and on about your favorites, uncharacteristically losing track of your studies.
"The song Rises the Moon reminds me a lot of you!" You mindlessly exclaimed, watching as Hermione's eyes lit up.
The rest was history. You were known to associate songs with the people around you, and you had no shame in telling them. You had given Hermione, Ron, and the Patil sisters a countless number of songs over the years. In fact, you had given them so many, that a few had made playlists to keep track of all of them. Ron was the most hesitant to accept the recommendations, but Hermione told you she had caught him singing along to them in the common room on multiple occasions.
Every once in a while, you would even see another student studying in the library, maybe one you had only said 'Hello' to in passing, and a song would just scream out to you so loudly that you had to leave them a note about it as you left.
It was like your own personal love language, and you loved being able to make people smile, even if they never listened to the song.
The one person close to you whom you had never given a song to, was the infamous Harry Potter, and it was painfully hard for him to ignore. After almost seven years of being best friends, you would think he would have been worthy of at least one song, right?
He watched as you expertly conjured up the Draught of Peace potion the class was supposed to be working on, smacking Ron's hand away when he goes to touch it. Watching you was the only thing that made this class somewhat bearable.
He can't get it out of his head... the fact that you've never given him a song. He's been thinking about it non-stop since you gave that Hufflepuff boy a song in the dining hall a few days ago.
It wasn't news to him that he had been in love with you since 5th year, probably longer than that before he had even realized, but he would sooner die than admit it out loud.
You were the most important person in the world to him, but he was almost positive you didn't feel the same way. He would never be able to forgive himself if he ruined your friendship. So, he just kept his big mouth shut and pretended like there was nothing there.
He thought he was really good at faking it too. He wasn't.
Anyone with eyes could see the way he looked at you, the way he spoke to you, the way his smile looked ten times brighter when you were around. It was blatantly obvious he had it bad for you.
What wasn't as obvious was that you were just as infatuated with him as he was with you. You may have been much better at hiding it, but anyone close to you could see it clear as day. I mean, it was silly really. The way you were both so stupidly in love and too scared to see it.
Harry snapped to attention as Professor Snape called on him, spitting out to 'straighten his spine and get back to work'. He grumbled something under his breath before following instructions. When he looked back at you, he found your eyes already on him, giggling at the scene he had caused before returning to your schoolwork. He loved hearing your laugh.
As the class ended, Harry gathered his things into his bookbag, slinging it over his shoulder as he straightened his robes. Snape was the first to leave the classroom, followed by a small swarm of students who were anxious to get back to the common rooms for some much-needed free time. Harry looked over to where you and Ron had been sitting, watching you pull out a scrap of parchment with messy little scribbles on it, before sliding it over to the red head.
"I found a new song the other night, and it reminded me so much of you, I just had to write it down before I forgot the title." You smiled, watching Ron look over the writing, thanking you awkwardly as he shoved it into his pocket.
Harry suddenly felt his pockets get lighter.
"I'll be in the library with Hermione tonight. Wants to tutor me for Transfiguration." He said in an annoyed tone, though you knew he was secretly looking forward to it. "You wanna come? Could use all the help I can get."
Harry secretly hoped you would say no.
You packed up all your belongings, making sure not to forget any of your notes, "Yeah, sure! Just have to do a few things first, but I can stop by in a bit." You smiled, the way you always do, as you shoved folders into your bag.
"Alright," Ron nodded, "I'll see you." He said as you waved each other goodbye, Ron heading for the exit. "Oh hey, Harry." He threw out casually as he left the room, calling attention to the boy in the back of the otherwise empty classroom.
You quickly turned around, smiling brightly when you saw him still sitting awkwardly in his seat. "Oh hey, Harry!" You repeated, "You're still here?"
Harry regained common sense then, now realizing he had been staring at you for the past hour, he stood from his seat and walked over to you. "Yeah..." He trailed off dumbly, still in his own thoughts. He head got cloudy as your perfume surrounded him.
He had debated on bringing it up for the past few months, but was to scared of your response. Honestly at this point, he could barely focus on anything BUT asking you about it. He figured that at this point it would be better to just get it over with. Like ripping off a bandaid.
"Hey, uh... Could I ask you something?" His voice cracked.
"Yeah, of course!" You finally slung the bag over your shoulder, giving Harry your full attention. "Ask away."
Your voice sounded sickly sweet, and it somehow made him more nervous. "Alright... Well, uh, I was just wondering-" He felt far too vulnerable to look into your eyes, so instead he looked at your shoulder. He had to clear his throat, "I was wondering why you've never given me a song?" He slurred out, trying to act casual about it while his heart was beating at top speeds.
Your smile immediately dropped, and Harry's stomach fell into his shoes at the sight. Now it was your turn to avoid eye contact, looking down at your feet and chewing on your cheek as you debated a response.
Harry felt like he was about to pass out. His hands grew clammy, and he could hear his heart hammering in his ears. The only times he had ever seen you not smiling were when something really terribly tragic had happened, or when your friends were upset themselves. This had to be a bad sign, right?"
Meanwhile, a million thoughts swirled through your head. You had hoped he hadn't noticed the exclusion, but you knew it was only a matter of time before he brought it up. You felt sick to your stomach. How could you lie your way out of this one? You hated lying, especially to Harry, and you didn't want to hurt him. Could you really risk telling him the truth? What if he freaks out and goes running for the hills and all your years of friendship are ruined?
"You know what, it doesn't matter." Harry brushed off weakly, starting to back away from you, "I don't need to know! It's no big deal, just forget I even said anything-"
"Harry, wait-" you instinctually grabbed his hand, making him freeze. You let go to reach into your bag, Harry cautiously getting closer. His confusion increased when you pulled your phone out, rapidly typing on it to pull something up. When you finally found it, you took a deep breath. Once he saw what you were about to show him, there would be no turning back. Finally, you made yourself turn the phone around so Harry could see the screen.
It was a private playlist titled "For Harold", and the cover photo was a picture that Hermione took of the two of you after a snowball fight last Christmas break. Falling all over each other in laughter, completely covered in snow.
You handed the phone to him, limbs shaking too much to hold it steady. He looked below the title to see the timestamp read 318h 43m.
You felt like your stomach was being tied in knots.
"This is why I've never given you a song." You admitted quietly. His expression was hard to read. Brows furrowed and mouth slightly open in shock. "I just... There were too many that reminded me of you."
Harry still hadn't looked at you or said a word, and you started to feel like you'd bounce right off the floor with how much you were vibrating.
Then he stopped scrolling, staring at the title of one particular song much too long for your liking. Even worse, he pressed play. As soon as the song started, you shrunk down into the desk behind you.
Sunrise, with you on my chest No blinds in the place where I live Daybreak, open your eyes Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night We're changing our minds here Be yours, be mine, dear
You busied yourself by playing with your fingers, looking absolutely anywhere but at Harry.
So close with you on my lips Touch noses, feeling your breath Push your heart and pull away, yeah Be my summer in a winter day, love
You started to feel incredibly antsy, regretting ever showing him the playlist. "We really don't have to listen to the whole thing-"
I can't see one thing wrong Between the both of us Be mine, be mine, yeah Anytime, anytime
You squeezed your eyes shut to try and save yourself from some embarrassment, but when you opened them, you found Harry looking at you with the biggest smile you'd ever seen in your life. Your belly flipped.
You are bringing out a different kind of me There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free Fallin' all in you Fell for men who weren't how they appear, yeah Trapped up on a tightrope now we're here, we're free Fallin' all in you
Harry was beaming, putting the phone down on the desk beside him. He slowly made his way closer to you, and no matter how badly you wanted to look away from him, you couldn't.
He was now so close to you that you could feel his breath fan across your lips, and the song faded in the background as your heart pounded. "Is this how you really feel? About me?" He asked as his cheeks turned pink, and you couldn't help but find the silly question endearing.
You nodded your head, deciding that your voice would give out if you tried to speak right now. The eye contact was almost unbearable, and you broke it with a quick glance down to his lips.
The second you did, his lips were immediately on yours, pressing hard into you. You gasped against his lips in shock. You felt like your whole body was on fire.
He pulled away too soon, mumbling a boyish "Sorry about that-", before you chased his lips and pulled them back down to yours, muffling the rest of his apology. This time it lasted.
Your lips felt like they were home against his, moving slow and sweet, like you had all the time in the world. You sighed happily into the kiss, pouring the years of pent-up feelings out for each other. His lips tasted like pumpkin, and butterbeer, and the sweet vanilla chapstick you gave him. It made you giggle a little against his lips.
You melted as he mindlessly cornered you against the desk, his hands gently holding your face like you were made of glass. You wrapped your arms around his neck to ground yourself. His lips curled up into a smile against yours, and you involuntarily matched the expression. It all felt so... right. Like all of the pieces were finally falling into place.
Unfortunately, you both need oxygen, so you were forced to pull away. He rested his forehead against yours, as you share the air between you. You pulled him impossibly closer, nudging his nose with yours, both knowing you felt just as lovesick for each other.
Then your phone dinged. Harry looked down at the message from Ron, reading "Hey, you still coming tonight?"
He picked it up to respond, "Can't, sorry!" before flipping it over carelessly, both of you giggling as he pulled you back for another kiss.
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i had so much fun writing thissss ugh this was such a sweet prompt. tysm anon!
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[] Word count: 319 [] jegulus [] 29 August []
Regulus loved James. He really did. He always had, for the longest time. But now… He moved to the edge of the clearing and leaned against a tree. His eyes quickly picked out James in the crowd, as they had grown used to.
He had realised last year how often his eyes wandered to the dark curls and hazel eyes. The way his brain constantly had his name on repeat. And when an unfortunate meeting had led to the confession, when they had started dating, Regulus could not have been happier.
But that was last year, when things were somewhat simpler. Before James had given himself to one side. Before Regulus had joined the other. Things are complicated now, and they both knew but refused to acknowledge it.
It was time to acknowledge it.
James turned his head away from his friends and his eyes found Regulus. He quickly excused himself and started walking towards him, a smile painting his face. As he got closer, Regulus pushed off the tree and smiled a bittersweet smile. He saw the moment James realised, the moment his smile slid off his face.
“Hey,” James said softly.
“Hi,” Regulus replied.
“So, are you liking the party?” James asked. It was the last party the Marauders would ever host at Hogwarts before graduating.
“Not really,” Regulus replied lamely. They were both stalling.
“That’s too bad,” James said, voice shaking. Regulus took James' hand. He savoured the feeling of holding it in his. The way they fit so perfectly together.
“I do love you.”
James nodded to him, understanding. Tears were filling up his eyes now, accenting the golden flecks in them.
“I love you too.”
“Maybe later, again,” Regulus suggested.
“Maybe after everything,” James agreed, and Regulus ducked his head to wipe the tears streaking his cheeks.
He knew they were both lying. Because no matter how much they loved each other, the two of them would always be so perfectly wrong.
A/N: This is based of my friend being silly and calling one of my other friends 'so perfectly wrong' and it was meant to be a joke, but it kinda stuck with me and somehow turned into this. I also just now realised that 'Perfectly Wrong' is a song by Shawn Mendes, but this isnt really based of it or anything. Anyway, hope you liked it!
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kaeemin · 2 years
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❛ now tell me, do you believe in magic? ❜
Experience magical adventures with Na Jaemin in Hogwarts ! This series includes four stories, of which aren’t related to each other at all so you can read them separately if you like. The fanfictions cover Jaemin being in different houses: Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Gryffindor. No hate, just love ! Enjoy !
AMORTENTIA 𓂃⠀࣪. ❛ We’re worlds apart. ❜
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❥ wonder, shawn mendes
❥ pairing: slytherin!jaemin x ravenclaw!reader
❥ story of choice: Jaemin Na was a name feared, yet he was down-for-bad for a muggle-born Ravenclaw who his parents and friends would never accept. Thank god Granger and Parkinson had set their differences aside and thought of certain 'accidents’ that could help the two stubborn polar opposites to realize their growing love.  
BUSINESS CALLS 𓂃⠀࣪. ❛ Falling in love wasn’t the plan. ❜
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❥ kiss her you fool, kids that fly
❥ pairing: ravenclaw!jaemin x hufflepuff!reader
❥ story of choice: Infamous Jaemin Na of Ravenclaw loves meeting new clients, especially when money is in the bag. He’s bad news and he knows it; he holds the title proudly. Business is business and Jaemin hates it when things don’t go his way. So imagine his surprise when he realized he was falling for you, unplanned.
RED STRING 𓂃⠀࣪. ❛ I want you to give in. ❜
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❥ shameless, camila cabello
❥ pairing: gryffindor!jaemin x gryffindor!reader
❥ story of choice: You hated Jaemin Na. He has that perfect smile, that perfect grade, the perfect charms — he has it all. Girls in every year are always around him, and maybe it’s because he looks good in his quidditch uniform. Or because he looks good whenever he concentrates in classes. But out of all, maybe it’s because Jaemin looks good in red.
GOLD RUSH 𓂃⠀࣪. ❛ You’re heavily a bad influence. ❜
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❥ gold rush, taylor swift
❥ pairing: hufflepuff!jaemin x slytherin!reader
❥ story of choice: He’s always the good guy. Jaemin Na is always there whenever someone’s having a bad time. He brings comfort, chocolates, and teddy bears. He’s also the one always getting dump because he’s the ‘boring’ type. But you, Jaemin knows it might be a mistake sneaking out with you into the Forbidden forest, but he can’t always be good, can he?
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Ewan Mitchell problems and Parenting AUs
yes I have a problem....
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Lord of the rings
Lament for Boromir
You're my daughter
modern Osferth
Detective AU
Skydancer incident (soon)
I love you 3000
Shopping for baby things
Tom Bennett
The mummy
Got you another canary
Aemond Targaryen
Hades and persephone
Star wars
The Hobbit AU
Castlevania AU
The New Realm's delight
Kepas Nameday gift
Queen love and beauty
Winter rose
Modern Aemond
Demon Aemond
Bastard (Hogwarts legacy AU)
Nanny for hire
Parts 1 2 3
Bad kitty
Parenting 101 Targaryen men edition
Billy Washington
Bird box au (soon)
New job
Duck daddy
Meeting the ex
Billy Taylor
Kingsman (soon)
Romeo + Juliet
Stormy the Dark mistress of all
Better father
Girls scout cookies
Pony ride
Michael Gavey
Lonely hearts
Little red ridding hood
Tom and Billy
Doppelganger daddy
Aemond and Osferth
Missing cat coming soon
the skydancer strikes back
Last kingdom
Mini series
Aemond Targaryen Masterlist
Tom Bennett Masterlist
Osferth Masterlist
Billy Washington
Michael Gavey
Billy Taylor
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tameodesza · 9 months
🪄Harry Potter AU: Headcanon
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Slytherin!Shawn x Gryffindor! Bret
a/n: because I'm also a Potterhead, if you didn't know 🤪
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⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 1-3 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Shawn’s a rich kid that comes from a long line of powerful pureblood wizards, all of whom were Slytherins. His acceptance into Hogwarts came as no surprise, and his sorting into the Slytherin house was to be expected.
Shawn’s childhood friends, the kliq as they called themselves, were also sorted into the Slytherin house: Hunter Helmsley’s a pompous pureblood, more like the Draco Malfoy character. Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Sean Waltman are all half-bloods, but come from prestigious families.
Bret grew up in a busy, overcrowded house full of his brothers and sisters. Both of his parents were muggles, so they were blindsided when they birthed a wizard. Even more shocking was the letter Bret received on his eleventh birthday from the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He was the first Hart in his family to attend such a reputable school, and the only other Hart to attend after him would be his youngest brother, Owen.
The sorting hat didn’t have to think long to place Bret in Gryffindor. At such a young age, he’d already exhibited such key traits as bravery, courage, and loyalty. He quickly became friends with a few kids in his house named Jim Neidhart, Brian Pillman, and Davey Smith. Owen would join their group years later after being sorted into Gryffindor during his first year.
Shawn and Bret were sworn enemies since their first year at the school. At the age of eleven, Shawn had grown used to getting anything he wanted, and what he wanted was to be friends with the cool Canadian kid.
But after witnessing the nasty attitude Shawn presented towards others that were ‘beneath him,’ Bret rejected the blond’s offer of friendship, preferring to make his own friends based on personality rather than status. Unable to process his embarrassment, Shawn resented Bret, thus sparking their ongoing rivalry.
As they grew up, Bret thought Shawn was an insufferable, entitled, spoiled brat, and Shawn thought Bret was an annoying know-it-all that took their studies way too seriously. Little did he know, Bret couldn’t afford to not take school seriously. Thanks to Professor Dumbledore, his education at Hogwarts had been subsidized by the school, but if his grades slipped, he would be at risk of getting expelled.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 4-5 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Bret and Shawn’s disdain for each other ran into a snag when they both came to a sudden realization: “Oh, no. He’s hot!”
Puberty had done them both some good, and when Bret found himself daydreaming about the blond one day, he knew he needed to avoid Shawn at all costs.
Shawn had quite the opposite effect: “You guys ever notice how cute Bret looks when he’s threatening to kill me,” he dreamily sighed. His friends looked at him oddly, passing the comment off as him being weird.
Shawn and Bret started to better tolerate each other when Shawn began tutoring Bret for their Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Bret was forced to humble himself by asking the blond for help at Professor Snape’s suggestion. It was the one class he couldn’t master, and Shawn was one of Snape’s star students. Bret would rather put his pride aside than risk failing the OWL exam.
Despite Shawn’s initial request for Bret to refer to him as ‘Professor Shawn,’ Bret was pleasantly surprised at how seriously Shawn had taken their tutoring session. His jovial nature took a backseat as he leaned over Bret’s book, highlighting the important differences between a jinx, a hex, and a curse. After their first session, Bret felt like he understood the subject more than he had that whole semester. It was then that he realized that Shawn was smarter than he let on.
They continued their tutoring sessions even after Bret’s grades started to improve. Bret convinced himself that it was because he understood the material better when Shawn taught it to him. Shawn didn’t have to convince himself of anything, the blond owning that he used their sessions to shamelessly gawk at Bret as he took notes.
The pair grew closer after Shawn had confronted a fellow Slytherin, Steve Austin, for calling Bret and his little brother a filthy pack of mudbloods – a derogatory term for wizards born to parents who were muggles, or non-magic wielding individuals. It was Owen’s first day at the school, and he didn’t expect to be received so negatively.
Shawn’s mouth dropped when he heard the word leave Steve’s mouth. Although he’d had a snooty upbringing, his parents had been decent enough to teach him how rude and tasteless it was to use that word. Shawn stood up for Bret and Owen in front of all of their peers, daring anyone else to utter the word. Bret greatly appreciated it. If a pureblood like Shawn could stand up for someone like him, he figured the blond couldn’t be so bad.
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ Years 6-7 ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
Their romance began during their sixth year around the time of the Yule Ball. The decadent event was a big deal and had been a popular topic of discussion amongst Shawn’s group of friends.
As soon as the ball had been announced, Marty Jannetty, a seventh year student, was quick to ask Shawn to the dance. Shawn was all smiles and rosy cheeks when he accepted the invitation as he’d had a crush on Marty since fourth year. But there was a small part of him that wished he’d been asked by a certain Gryffindor.
Bret hated dances, and he had no plans on attending the ball. He figured it’d be a night where he could finally have the library all to himself for some quiet study time. But when he left the library that night, he was shocked to find Shawn sitting under a nearby stairwell crying into an intricately designed handkerchief that was meant to be in his suit pocket.
Bret had never seen Shawn look so vulnerable, and he stood there clueless on what to do. He almost turned around, feeling as if he were intruding on a private moment. But then Shawn called his name in surprise, looking up at him with teary, blue eyes and Bret couldn’t bear to leave him alone. “Aren’t you supposed to be at the ball? Why are you crying?”
Bret sat next to Shawn, and after some coaxing, Shawn slowly opened up about how his night had gone horribly wrong. It started out so great with him dancing the night away with his friends as Marty touted him around like arm candy. “Then I lost him. So I looked around the room, and there he was. Tonguing down some fifth year. Everyone saw it. I was too embarrassed to stay so I left.”
Shawn felt foolish more than anything. Who was he to think he actually had a chance with Marty? That Marty actually liked him? He’d been nothing but a pretty face, nothing but something to claim for the ball before anyone else could.
Bret listened intently, sympathizing with Shawn as he tearfully explained his night. For the feisty blond to be moved to tears, Bret knew that he must’ve really been hurt by Marty’s actions. He’d heard nothing but negative things about the Slytherin, and he was honestly disappointed that Shawn had even become so smitten by someone like him. Marty didn’t deserve Shawn’s tears, and Shawn didn’t deserve to get his night ruined by an asshole like him.
In an effort to make Shawn feel better, Bret suggested they throw their own Yule Ball. Shawn watched in confusion as Bret stood up and began waltzing unrhythmically to the faint music that traveled from the Yule Ball a few buildings over. Bret was aware that he was probably making a fool of himself, but the warm smile from Shawn had been worth it.
Shawn did a spell to amplify the sound of the music before standing up and joining Bret for a dance. As the music slowed, so did Bret and Shawn. It was when they were swaying side to side that Shawn confessed that he was hoping for Bret to ask him to the Yule Ball.
That was news to Bret, but it was what he needed to hear to gain the courage to tell Shawn he liked him, and if he were into dances, he would’ve asked him out. They shared their first kiss that night, one of many to come in their time at Hogwarts.
Shawn’s friends supported the relationship for the most part, but he did have a minor falling out with Hunter. Hunter’s family were a bit more traditionalist than Shawn’s, and Hunter thought dating Bret would ruin Shawn’s reputation. To which Shawn said was bullshit. They made up shortly after Hunter saw how happy Bret made Shawn. Plus, he also missed his best friend.
Bret had been on the quidditch team since third year, and once he and Shawn became official, Shawn became Bret’s biggest cheerleader. Shawn would often get in trouble for using the Soronus spell at games to amplify his voice when cheering for Bret. The Head Boy of the Slytherin house would also scold him for sitting in the Gryffindor section instead of Slytherin:
“Well, my boyfriend’s not in Slytherin. Who else do you expect me to cheer for?” “Your friend, Hunter? You know, the one that plays for Slytherin?” “He has a girlfriend for that!”
Shawn would also wear Bret’s quidditch jersey just because he could. Whenever Bret couldn’t find an article of clothing, it was safe to assume it was in Shawn’s dorm. Shawn’s friends quickly got used to seeing red and gold clothing lying around their room. Bret would also wear his boyfriend’s clothing, a staple being Shawn’s Slytherin scarf and a thick sweater he’d left over during winter. It was a bit tight, but cozy. And it smelled like Shawn’s expensive cologne, so that was a plus.
The couple got in trouble on multiple occasions for flying on the same broomstick. Each student was expected to use their own, but Shawn loved being snuggled up behind Bret as his boyfriend whisked them away on the quidditch field after practice.
It became normal for Shawn to show up at Gryffindor functions, as he’d dubbed himself an honorary Gryffindor. No one really questioned it because they knew he’d probably shown up with Bret. Also for the free butter beer that always managed to get snuck in.
Shawn and Bret’s owls became well-acquainted in the summers when Shawn and Bret would constantly send each other letters until school started again.
They had their biggest fight during seventh year when Bret found out that Shawn had been lying to his parents about him. Well, Shawn thought ‘lying’ was a stretch. But he certainly didn’t clear up his parents’ mistake of thinking he was dating a pureblood Slytherin. Bret thought Shawn was ashamed of him and Shawn thought Bret was blowing it out of proportion.
They eventually made up when Shawn invited Bret to his home for the holidays. Shawn’s family didn’t find out until after their pleasant evening with Bret that he was a muggle-born wizard sorted into Gryffindor. It came as a surprise, but because they’d had such a lovely time with Bret, they didn’t let that sully their impression of him. Shawn did get chewed out though for not telling them sooner, which Bret vehemently agreed with them on.
Their families met after graduation, and it was quite a sight to behold. As amazed as the Harts were to have such powerful wizards in their home, the Michaels were just as enthralled by the Harts’ “muggle magic,” as Shawn’s dad had put it. This “magic” included light switches, microwaves, and who could forget the televisions:
“Mom, stop talking to the tv. The people don’t talk back,” Shawn groaned in embarrassment. “Well, that can’t be. See? He just asked me to call a number.” “It’s a commercial!”
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zetadraconis11 · 8 months
HL Incorrect Quote #56
Garreth: If you had told me we were once again sneaking into the Restricted Section, I would have said no.
Sebastian: That's exactly what I told you.
Garreth: And what did I say?
Sebastian: You said no.
Garreth: Then why am I here?
Sebastian: Because you're easily distracted.
Garreth: Wut? When it comes to mental focus, I am sharper than-
Sebastian: *holds out a chocolate frog box*
Garreth, accepting it: Ooh, thanks, mate! I was starved!
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Character Inspiration Post
Just gonna put a few gifs of my inspiration for my MC Gilbert!
First and foremost, his namesake and one of my favorite literary characters of all time, the OG Gilbert Blythe (RIP Jonathan Crombie)
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When I first started playing Hogwarts Legacy, I had no idea the JOURNEY it would take me on. So I picked the first name that came to mind and made my character kinda sorta resemble him if you squint... He wasn't supposed to turn into his own character but then he did, and I couldn't bring myself to change his name because it was just HIM at that point.
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Gilbert is a silly goofball dum dum, especially around people he knows well. He is also full of wisecracks (if you give him 3-5 business days to come up with them). I see a lot of (specifically Darren Criss's portrayal) Harry in him. Except substitute the guitar for a piano.
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I mean, the eyes? NO idea where I get my love of curly headed, blue eyed boys, nope not a clue... I am also a massive Frodo fan, come at me haters, and my early love of LOTR and Frodo definitely shaped a lot of my OCs.
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Speaking of goofball dum dums, Gilbert is just a little bit Shawn Spencer in his boundless confidence, his loyalty to his friends, and his sporadic- but not nonexistent- moments of accidental brilliance that might just end up saving the day.
Aand that's all I got at least for now. I'm sure there are more that I just can't think of at the moment. I'll add them as they come to me.
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marksbear · 2 years
(Warning! Flirting,light smut, Daddy kink, PDA, Light killing, random people/characters and violence.) DON’T LIKE NONE OF THAT SKIP SOME OF THE IMAGINES 
Imagine: Being Pedro Pascal co-star and flirting with him during interviews. Like blowing him kisses,winking,checking him out. And Pedro being a flustered mess.
Imagine: Having Mr Wolf wrapped around your finger(Bad Guys)
Imagine: being the most handsome guy in the base and all the mercs being obsessed and clingy with you trying to get your attention and praise.(TF2)
Imagine: being in a poly-relationship with Arthur Shelby, Tommy Shelby, John shelby and Alfie Solomons. With All the Shelby's watching you and Alfie fuck like animals "Look at the way he takes his cock, like a whore!" Arthur laughs out. Alfie pulls out of you just to slam back in and you scream with pleasure mixed with pain. Tommy takes your cock and jerks you off and himself with John taking your head to suck him off while Arthur says lewd comments to you and jerks himself off as well. "Let's all cum together yeh?" John says and all your lovers nod in agreement. (Peaky Blinders)
Imagine: being christian best friend and helping him through his problems with Pablo and Carla. (Elite) 
Imagine: Being the host for SNL and being Beck Bennett's husband and your monologue is jokes and teases about him and your marriage. "To all the ones who wanna know. I am the top. And yes he has a Daddy kink" You say with an innocent smile. 
Imagine: dating Shawn Michaels and you're in the front row during his match. After he wins his match he runs up to you and grabs your head softly and kisses you as the crowd roars. (WWE)
Imagine: Being a teacher in Hogwarts and all the kids love you. Because of your handsome features, being kind, hardworking, fair and brave. And dating Snape he convinced you to take the job since you're a Pure Blood why not become a teacher. With you and Snape always whispering snarky comments about students and gossip among teachers. One of the downfalls about working as a teacher is dealing with nosy students. Over eight times students asked about your love life and following you non-stop. ( Harry potter)
Imagine: being the only person in the world that Revenant trusts and loves. During the game you wanted a break from hunting squads so you told him to have a break. He only looked at you weird, but didn't argue and nod. When y'all find a place you start to ramble about your day and Revenant grabs your head and kisses you roughly and whispers on your lips "Shut up skinsuit or I'll kill you." (APEX)
Imagine: You and Patrick Bateman being obsessed with each other. With Patrick will give up everything and end people's lives for you. And you manipulate him to stop being around certain people.(American Psycho)
Imagine: Being Jason Gideon's husband and secretly being an unsub the worst of the worst of  unsub. The FBI has been trying to catch you for years ,but you kept getting off their radar. The way you kill your victims was that every month for the first three weeks you slaughter anyone that crosses your path as soon as you see them alone. After each kill you go to a meat shop that your parents own and grind the meat up and pack it up and put it in the deep freezer. After all that you rush home to your husband to give him tons of affection giving him soft and rough kisses to his feet all the way to his head giving him all the attention he needs. You tried to stop killing people for the longest but your parents keep pressuring you to keep doing it since 'it 's good for business.' You're utterly terrified of the day you get caught and most likely get death row. But death doesn't scare you it's leaving your husband all alone in this world and all the stress he has. "I'm so sorry Jay..." You spoke in his ear softly full of sadness and guilt holding onto him tighter. (criminal minds)
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dhr-ao3 · 3 months
Higher https://ift.tt/QX0pIU7 by SincerelyFangirlFics "The drinks are gettin' better, the view is lookin' nice As long as we're together, no I can't get much higher, high, high No, I can't get much higher Let's stay like this forever I'll kiss you every night As long as we're together" The reunion of Draco Malfoy and Hermione four years after they left Hogwarts and the end of the Second Wizarding War. Words: 586, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Samantha Swan, Pansy Parkinson, Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter, Blaise Zabini, mentioned Ron Weasley - Character Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Additional Tags: Post-Hogwarts, Twenties and Above Characters, Reconciliation, Hermione Granger & Pansy Parkinson Friendship, Hermione Granger & Samantha Swan Friendship, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, Hermione Granger & Theodore Nott Friendship, Hermione Granger & Blaise Zabini Friendship, Hermione Granger & Ginny Weasley Friendship, Hermione Granger is back on the dating scene, Hermione Granger Needs a Hug, Blind Date, CEO Draco Malfoy, Healer and Researcher Hermione Granger, Muggle London, rooftop bars, Eventual Smut, Fluff and Humor, Pardoned Draco Malfoy, Tattooed Draco Malfoy, Tall Draco Malfoy, short hermione granger, Sexually Experienced Draco Malfoy, Virgin Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley cheated on Hermione Granger, HEA, Gryffindor and Slytherin Friendship, Loss of Virginity, Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World, Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter Friendship, Protective Draco Malfoy, Title from a Shawn Mendes Song, Song: Higher (Shawn Mendes), Supportive Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy is So Whipped, Draco Malfoy is so in love with Hermione Granger via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/nr67FUO June 20, 2024 at 11:09AM
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