#hold him tighter Shizuo
icestar-74 · 11 months
Shizaya week 2023
Day 2 Timeloop part 2 of 2
"Ah! Fuck!" Shizuo shot up in bed. "I can't do this. I can't do this again." He closed his eyes willing this nightmare to end. "Why is this happening?"
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A creaking sound drifted from Izaya's office. He got up and ran to see, praying to whatever God was listening that he wasn't too late, again.
"Izaya!" Shizuo found Izaya on a chair with a noose around his neck "Izaya stop!"
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Izaya looked at him with a smile. "Only you can make this stop."
"J-just tell me what to do." Shizuo stammered.
Izaya let out a laugh. "You already know." He then took a step off the chair.
Shizuo raced forward and grabbed him. "No, not this fucking time! I'm not losing you again!" He held Izaya tight. "You're never losing me either."
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Suddenly the rope broke and both went to the ground. Shizuo laying on top and still holding on.
"Look, I don't know why this is happening or if this will fix it but I'm never letting you go." Shizuo buried his face into Izaya's chest.
Izaya ran his fingers through Shizuo's hair. "Wake up."
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Shizuo shook his head. "No, I don't want to. I don't want to do this again."
"Wake up Shizuo." Izaya spoke louder.
"No!" Shizuo shouted.
"Wake up!" Izaya screamed at him.
Shizuo shot awake again and felt Izaya squirming in his arms. He refused to open his eyes.
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"Let go of me before I stab you!" Izaya yelled. "You're crushing me to death!" He pounded on Shizuo's back now.
Shizuo looked then to see he was still truly holding Izaya. "Flea?"
"Who else would it be!?" Izaya grumbled. "Wait, who the fuck are you expecting in bed with you?! I swear I'll kill you if you were dreaming ab-"
Shizuo flipped them over and straddled him. "You're ok." He whispered. He grabbed Izaya's face. "Oh God Izaya." Tears streamed down his face. "You're fucking ok. You're ok."
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Izaya starred up at him. "Shizuo? Of course I'm ok. What's wrong with you?"
Shizuo shook his head and pulled Izaya up into his arms. "It doesn't matter. Everything is perfect."
"Ok...." Izaya felt confused. "Do you... wanna talk about it."
Shizuo shook his head again. "The only thing you need to know, is that I'm never letting you out of my life. I love you. I love you so fucking much. I love you so much I would spend my entire lifetime making sure you know it and are safe an-"
"Shut up." Izaya felt his own face heat. "Just stop being so mushy! Can we go to sleep now?"
Shizuo nodded and gave a sniffle. "Only if we can wake up together."
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Izaya gave a snort. "Obviously."
After they settled down with Shizuo wrapping himself around him, Izaya took on a soft tone. One he only reserved for Shizuo. "If you want to talk about it, you know I'm right here."
Shizuo pulled him in tighter. "I know. It was just a bad dream. As long as your here in my arms when I wake up, I'll be fine." He kissed the back of Izaya's neck. "I always be fine."
Izaya gave a slight shudder. "Well, I guess getting up early to make breakfast is out of the question."
Shizuo felt a bite of panic. "W-wait."
"Nope. Never again will you get my delicious strawberry pancakes." He sighed dramatically. "It's such a shame, all those strawberries dying for nothing."
Shizuo then pinched Izaya's hip and smiled at Izaya's giggle. "Fucking dick. I love you."
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sachigram · 4 years
could i request a sick fic? your choice on who's sick!
The weather has been steadily getting colder, but Shizuo has always ran hot, so it doesn't bother him much. He leaves in the morning with a coat on, and by the afternoon he's returning home with his coat discarded, tied around his waist. Walking around the city all day warms him up considerably, and he doesn't understand the fuss everyone makes about cold weather.
Izaya, on the other hand, is absolutely pitiful in the cold. Shizuo likes to make fun of Izaya for it, because Izaya is hardly threatening at all when he's shivering too badly to keep his knife straight. Izaya has a multitude of coats, all ridiculously bulky, but sometimes he goes out in his normal coat and comes back as an icicle, stating he can't move normally in such constricting clothes.
Their first winter as a...whatever the hell they are passes normally. Shizuo works, goes home, sometimes finds Izaya in his apartment, sometimes goes to Izaya's. They're both pretty busy during the winter months, so it takes some work for their schedules to align. Shizuo never thinks about it much if Izaya is too busy to meet, as he knows he'll definitely see the informant later.
This winter is different, as Shizuo moved in with Izaya during the summer months, and he gets to see firsthand just how badly Izaya is affected by the cold.
The heat stays on, but Izaya's apartment gets drafty. Izaya carries a little space heater around with him to wherever he's setting up for the day, and Shizuo has witnessed Namie fighting with Izaya over it more than once, arguing that he has to share. Whenever Namie leaves for the day, Izaya will go upstairs and reappear with one of Shizuo's sweaters on. Shizuo has gotten used to sharing his clothes, and he adores the way the sleeves hang over Izaya's hands, the way the hem goes almost to his knees.
On the days Shizuo comes home late, he looks forward to his greeting from Izaya. Izaya will stop whatever he's doing and pad over to Shizuo, usually dragging a blanket along with him, and he'll curl into Shizuo, demanding to be picked up and toted around. He says he loves how warm Shizuo is, and Shizuo tries to be annoyed by it, but he can't seem to manage it. Izaya's skin is always cold, especially his nose and his hands, so Shizuo just tries his best to keep Izaya warm. Besides, Izaya is light, and Shizuo reasons that if he's carrying Izaya around, it means Izaya has less time to cause trouble.
After one particularly hectic day, Shizuo arrives home from work later than normal. They wound up looking for some jackass all around the city, and it ended up being a wild goose chase. Shizuo is annoyed by the whole thing, but he's looking forward to Izaya clinging to him, so needless to say he's put off when Izaya doesn't greet him. He frowns, wondering if Izaya isn't home yet, but his shoes are in their usual spot in the entryway.
“Flea?” he calls. It's quiet, but the TV is on, filling the space with a low level hum. Shizuo walks over to it and is surprised to find Izaya curled on the couch, buried in blankets, fast asleep.
It's not unusual to find Izaya napping. Izaya doesn't sleep well at night, so he'll pass out on his desk, on the couch, even on the floor sometimes in a giant patch of sunlight. Shizuo is used to the catnaps, but Izaya is always a light sleeper, always on alert, so the sound of the door opening would usually be enough to rouse him.
“Flea,” Shizuo says again, sitting beside Izaya on the couch. Izaya doesn't stir, but he hums softly when Shizuo's fingers thread through his hair. Shizuo is surprised to find Izaya's hair is wet. Did he pass out after a shower? Upon further inspection, Shizuo realizes it's sweat. Izaya is burning up.
He gathers Izaya to him, arranging them so Izaya's head is resting in the crook of Shizuo's neck. Izaya's whole body is sweaty and hot, and it takes a little while for him to wake up.
“Shizu...?” Izaya asks in a small voice, and Shizuo holds him closer.
“Are you sick?” Shizuo asks. He tries to think whether Izaya was behaving differently earlier, but there weren't any real indicators.
“'S just a little cold,” Izaya says, and he burrows closer to Shizuo. “You're late.”
“Sorry. It's been a long day.” Shizuo runs his hands along Izaya's back. “Did you eat anything?”
Izaya makes a noise that could mean anything.
“I can make you something.”
“Don't go,” Izaya says, and he clings a little tighter. Shizuo bites his lip in worry. He never gets sick, so he doesn't have the slightest idea how Izaya is feeling, but Kasuka used to get sick pretty often, so Shizuo knows how to deal with it.
“I'm not going anywhere. You need to eat. Do you have any medicine here?”
Again, Izaya makes a small noise and otherwise doesn't offer anything. Shizuo stays where he is and holds Izaya to him until it's clear Izaya is once again dead to the world. Gently, Shizuo lowers Izaya to the couch cushions and covers him up. He goes into the kitchen and grabs some leftovers from the fridge, microwaves enough for them both, and carries it back to the couch. He sits beside Izaya and rouses him once more.
“Hey, c'mon, eat something. It'll help.”
Izaya sits up and takes a small bite of teriyaki before he leans onto Shizuo, pressing into his side. Shizuo frowns and takes his own bite, and when he offers more to Izaya, Izaya turns his head away like a baby.
“Izaya,” Shizuo says sternly, feeling out of his element. Izaya is never like this. Sure, he'll latch to Shizuo pretty often, but he'll also poke and prod at Shizuo the entire time, make himself a nuisance, take up a lot more space than it seems like he should for his size. Izaya is childish, but he's never pitiful by any means. This Izaya is extremely pitiful.
“Tastes bad,” Izaya mutters. He rubs his face into Shizuo's sleeve, moans when Shizuo offers him a sip of water. “Stop putting stuff in my face.”
“It taste fine. You're sick.”
“You're sick.”
Shizuo grumbles and eats enough for both of them. They didn't have time to stop for lunch, just ate some protein bars Vorona offered them. Shizuo will have to find the brand, but he's pretty sure they were Russian. He'll ask her about it later.
By the time he's finished, Izaya is asleep again. Shizuo considers waking him to take some medicine, but he doesn't want to get bitched at, and he thinks sleep is probably the best thing for Izaya at this point. He decides to carry Izaya to bed and if he's not any better by the morning, Shizuo will call Shinra.
The next morning, Shizuo wakes up to find Izaya is entirely underneath him. At some point in the night, Shizuo must have rolled over, and for whatever reason, Izaya accepted it. Shizuo untangles himself and feels Izaya's forehead, winces at the heat he feels.
“Flea. Hey, wake up.” Shizuo shakes him gently, and Izaya moans, opens his eyes into tiny slivers. “Want me to call Shinra?”
“No,” Izaya says, and he scoots closer to Shizuo. “Don't go.”
“I have to work. You should stay in bed, though. Want me to call Namie and tell her not to come today?” He pets Izaya's hair, his heart clenching at Izaya's little whimper.
“Please stay with me...” Izaya buries his face into Shizuo's stomach, his fingers clenching the fabric of Shizuo's shirt.
“I can't miss work, not right now. There's a dangerous guy we're tracking down, and if something happened 'cause I wasn't there...” Shizuo's brow furrows. He's worried about Izaya, and he wants to stay with him. “I'll call Shinra and I'll be home as soon as we find the guy, okay?”
“Don't call Shinra,” Izaya says, and he lets go of Shizuo, curls into a ball with a dejected look on his face. “I can take care of myself.”
“Then get up and take some medicine,” Shizuo huffs. He reaches for Izaya, but Izaya jerks away from him. Annoyed, Shizuo stands and gets ready for work, and by the time he's dressed for the day, Izaya is already asleep again.
Shizuo tells himself to stop worrying. Izaya is a grown man, and if he says it's nothing, it probably is. Still, his gut churns as he walks to where he's meeting Tom and Vorona for the day, and when he arrives, he pulls his phone out, sends his mother a text for her spicy chicken soup recipe. It works wonders for sickness, and Kasuka used to love it, even when it made his nose run and eyes water. It'll help Izaya too, and maybe it'll be enough for Izaya to get over being pissed off.
It ends up being another late day. They find the guy Tom is looking for, who has a knife on him, and Shizuo winds up bashing the guy's face into a wall. He has a lot of frustration to work through, and he's disappointed the guy isn't even a challenge. He leaves soon after, stops by the store for the ingredients his mom sent him, and then he's hurrying home, hoping Izaya is feeling better.
Izaya is on the couch again when Shizuo steps inside. He's sitting up, which Shizuo thinks is a good sign, but when he gets closer, he finds Izaya is asleep, his head tilted against the back of the couch. Shizuo smiles and strokes Izaya's cheek, but he freezes when he feels how hot Izaya is.
“Flea?” Shizuo shakes Izaya, and his eyes widen when Izaya's body merely falls over into the cushions of the couch. “Oh, fuck. Izaya? Izaya!” he shakes Izaya more forcefully, but when Izaya still doesn't wake, he panics. He gets his phone out, frantically calls Shinra, babbles something that probably doesn't make sense, but Shinra cheerily says he's on the way. Shizuo picks Izaya up and cradles him, tries to convince himself Izaya is fine. He blinks away tears when he thinks of the way Izaya clung to him and asked him to stay earlier. Did Izaya really feel terrible the whole time? And Shizuo just left him there to go punch some low life?
By the time Shinra arrives, Shizuo is close to hysterics. Shinra nags him to go away, to cook or something, and Shizuo is grateful for the reminder of the soup ingredients, which are just sitting on the floor by the couch. Shizuo busies himself, and by the time the soup is covered with a lid and simmering, Shizuo is pacing a hole through the floor.
“He's fine,” Shinra says as he steps into the kitchen. “Temperature was around 104, which is terribly dangerous, but I gave him a shot to bring it down. He probably has the flu, since it's going around. I think Kadota-kun's friends are sick with it, too.”
“Fuck. I shouldn't have left him,” Shizuo says.
“Izaya-kun is an adult. There's only so much you can do for him. Anyway, there isn't much to do for the flu besides wait for it to pass. Give him plenty of fluids and some of these to keep his fever down.” Shinra hands Shizuo a bottle of pills. “I'll yell at him later when he's not delirious.”
“Yell at him?” Shizuo asks.
“Izaya-kun is sickly, so he should've called me sooner. He always gets sick around this time of year because he doesn't take care of himself. Lack of sleep and sunlight will do that to a person.” Shinra smiles, putting a hand on Shizuo's shoulder. “Don't beat yourself up over it. He's a glutton for punishment, you know?”
Shizuo doesn't like any of what Shinra is saying, and when he leaves, Shizuo goes back to the couch and curls behind Izaya, waiting for Izaya to wake up.
An hour later, Izaya stirs. He rolls over and nuzzles into Shizuo's chest, a soft sigh escaping him. Shizuo hugs him tighter, kisses his hair.
“You awake?” he asks softly.
“Mm,” Izaya hums.
“You scared the fuck out of me.”
“I did?” Izaya's hand runs along Shizuo's side, his fingers curling in the fabric of Shizuo's shirt. “Why?”
“You passed out. Shinra said your temperature was dangerously high. Why didn't you call me? Why didn't you tell me you felt so bad?”
“It's just a cold,” Izaya mutters, and Shizuo growls at him.
“It's not a fucking cold. How am I supposed to help you if you won't tell me how you feel?”
Izaya looks up at him, confusion clear in his expression. Shizuo glowers at him in return, and Izaya looks down.
“You're busy. I didn't think it was anything to worry about,” he says.
Shizuo opens his mouth to argue about how stupid that is, but he stops himself and thinks about what he knows about Izaya. Izaya was often left alone to care for himself and his sisters, and when he was sick, he probably didn't have anyone to go to. Shizuo thinks back to when he was a kid, when he would actually get sick, and the way his parents would let him sleep with them. His anger evaporates, and he leans in, kisses Izaya's lips gently.
“Tell me, okay? I should've stayed with you today. I just didn't know it was this bad.” He presses his forehead to Izaya's. “I'm making you some soup, and you're gonna eat some.”
“Okay,” Izaya says, still confused.
“And I'm going to run you a bath. You smell like sweat.”
“Do I?” Izaya sniffs himself. “I think my sense of smell is gone.”
“The soup will help with that. It's spicy. Good for clearing sinuses.”
Izaya nods, and Shizuo lifts him up, carries him to the bathroom. He winds up getting into the tub with Izaya, who is too weak to really sit up properly or wash himself. Shizuo washes Izaya's hair for him, carefully avoiding his eyes, and when they're both clean, he helps Izaya dry and dress, carries Izaya back downstairs to the couch.
“Your temperature is down a lot,” Shizuo says, smiling at Izaya. Izaya's hair is a mess, and the big sweater he's wearing, one of Shizuo's, is sliding to reveal a little of his shoulder. Shizuo hands Izaya a blanket and goes to stir the soup, which is starting to fill the apartment with a delicious aroma Izaya says he can't smell.
While it cooks, they curl together on the couch, some cheesy movie playing on the TV. Shizuo calls Tom and says he can't come in the next day, and Izaya argues that Shizuo didn't have to do that, but he looks far too pleased for Shizuo to take it seriously. When the movie ends, Shizuo announces the soup is ready, and to his delight, Izaya eats it ravenously.
“Spicy,” Izaya says, his nose running while he eats. Shizuo grins at him and hands him a napkin.
“Can you taste it? Or just the spice?”
“Little of both,” Izaya says, and when he asks for seconds, Shizuo gladly obliges.
They go to bed after eating, and Izaya is quickly out like a light, which in itself is unusual. Shizuo doesn't think he's ever seen Izaya sleep this much. He drifts off with Izaya in his arms, and in the morning, he wakes up to find he's on top of Izaya once more. He snorts in amusement and rolls off, and Izaya immediately whines and paws for him.
“Don't go,” Izaya says, and he latches to Shizuo.
“Not going anywhere, flea,” Shizuo promises, and he winds up being pulled back on top of Izaya, who is clearly using him as a heavy blanket. “Are you feeling better?”
“Mm... A little. Still feel gross.”
Shizuo grins at the honest answer, and he kisses Izaya's neck. He hates that Izaya feels bad, but he's glad to know it all the same.
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bjy-on-ao3 · 4 years
Kinktober Day 3
(You can find the corresponding Archive of Our Own link to this chapter on my ‘Masterlist’ blog section.)
This one is maybe a bit of a stretch since I know we get the whole thing that Shizuo is afraid of screwing up by being unable to control himself. But I read the ‘hate-f*cking’ prompt and the king of angry outbursts just clicked for me. Besides, he showed he can kind of control his strength at some point, so let’s just play off of that for the reason of not shattering Reader in the process.
Kinktober Day 3: Hate-f*cking | Shizuo Heiwajima (Durarara!!))
If someone had told Shizuo that his hair-trigger temper would end up with him in any kind of intimate situation, he would have promptly acquainted them with the nearest lamp post for spouting stupid bullshit. Yet, somehow, that was what happened. Things started like normal when it came to his explosive temper. Someone wouldn’t shut their mouth - you in this case - and Shizuo just got angrier and angrier. He had spent time around you before and it was rare you  didn’t  tick him off in some fashion, but you were especially persistent in pushing his buttons that day. Though something about his anger towards you felt different and had since the start. Different  how  he couldn’t put a finger on. He just knew it wasn’t quite the same. 
His short fuse eventually blew like it always did. He needed to shut you up one way or another and did just that. But instead of his typical method of blunt force trauma with nearby innocent inanimate objects, he grabbed a handful of your shirt collar and crushed his lips onto yours, effectively silencing the stream of annoying shit you were spewing. You hissed in surprise and pain at first from the sudden force with which his lips collided with yours, but recovered quickly. The thick, coppery taste of blood spread over your tongue and you realized the force had split your lip, but you ignored it in favor of pushing back against him.
The rough, scratchy bricks of the alley you had been traversing met your back, snagging on your shirt. An underlying sense of fear ran through you at the strength you had seen in person before but never actually  felt  . A larger piece of you beat back the fear, insisting that if Shizuo wanted to turn you into a bloody pulp he would have just done  that  instead of abruptly deciding to brutally make out with you in an alley. An even greater part of you was overwhelmingly aroused by the idea of his monstrous strength, even if it broke you.
Your feverish liplock escalated into a full-on war of tongues and you let your hands wander over the front of his vest. Shizuo’s hands remained occupied, one continuing to hold your collar in a death grip, the other braced against the bricks. Even pissed as hell it didn’t seem like Shizuo wanted to  really  hurt you and for that maybe you should have considered yourself lucky. But who had time for silly passing thoughts like that when more naughty ones were so much more enticing?
One of your hands made a place for itself in his bleached hair, tightly enough it might have made a man more sensitive to pain flinch away. The other found itself of much lewder intentions, trailing down his vest and slowly undoing buttons along the way. The end of its journey was the crotch of Shizuo’s slacks, rubbing teasing to entice more of a rise from him.
His response was an angry growl and a tighter grasp on your collar and you heard the fabric start to give and tear. As angry as the sound was, the hard twitch of his cock through the fabric told you it wasn’t an argument against your touch.
The harsh press of his lips and tongue didn’t show any signs of letting up. You couldn’t help but if something like this was a much more productive way for him to take out his anger. Though others might not agree, maybe not even Shizuo himself.
Encouraged that he hadn’t attempted to stop you, you eagerly took things further, unbuckling his belt and the catch of his pants. You reached a hand greedily into them, finding him impressively hard. The indignant noises coming from Shizuo sounded suspiciously less pissed when you took his erection in your hand and began to pump it along the length of him.
Eventually either it was too much for him or he was tired of letting you control the pace of whatever the hell was happening between you two and he shoved your hand away. You hardly had the time to protest though as he broke away from the furious makeout session, both of you short of breath and red-faced. “Turn around,” He demanded, finally letting go of your now ripped shirt.
You opened your mouth and began some snarky comment, only to have him make you do as he had told and cut off your words. You winced at the roughness of the stones meeting your cheek and palms, knowing they would be well scraped and probably bloody by the time you were done. “You need to learn when to shut the fuck up,” Shizuo snarled, tugging down your pants and underwear.
Completely ignoring his words, you started to speak once again, only for the words to twist into a pitched moan when he pushed his hips into yours and buried himself inside you in one hard thrust. There wasn’t much time to adjust his dick before his hips were driving powerfully against yours and you swore under your breath. You clawed at the unyielding brick wall, indulging in both the stinging stretch of his girth and the pleasurable throb that started to build.
The cries spilling over your lips were mixed, a blend of discomfort and pleasure, appearing to fuel Shizuo’s rough tempo. You didn’t have much interest in muffling the noises, the rest of the city’s inhabitants be damned. Too wrapped up in the moment to care about much else, you tore a hand from the alley wall, pinning it inside your panties and attacking your clit feverishly. You could feel your body clench around the brutal assault of Shizuo’s dick, hearing his labored breathing growing more so, and even a few noises that sounded suspiciously pleased.
Your attention on anything else was lost as the orgasm you were chasing exploded over you, numbing much of the hurt and drowning you in bliss. You arched back against the brutal thrusts, unable to resist crying out his name as you came, mingled with a string of lewd expletives. Your whole body felt hot, tingling all over as you rode out the pleasure.
Shizuo’s breathing and pace grew the harshest yet, the forerunner to his peak. With a few more, slower, but even harder bucks of his hips, he emptied himself into you, flooding your cunt with hot cum and letting out a downright bestial groan.
For a few quiet seconds, all you could feel and hear was the pounding of your heart and haggard breathing. The tension in the air seemed to drain away and reality came hurtling back to you, along with just how much your body hurt. You weren’t sure just what had come over the man, but you weren’t going to question it. It beat a hospital trip, even knowing you ached all over and were certainly bleeding in several places.
“You know if you’re trying to get me to stop screwing with you, I don’t know if you’re going about it the right way,” You taunted the blonde as he pulled back, stuffing himself into his pants and redoing his pants and vest.
He shot you a narrow-eyed glare. You knew if looks could kill you would be dead as a doornail. “God, you piss me off.”
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goldenworldsabound · 4 years
Second Challenge II
Sequal to Part I. The team finds themselves beneath the weird bar they were in before, where a new set of challenges awaits. Is it finally Philly’s time to shine?
It was hard to say how far they fell - but it couldn't have been too far, as no one sustained any serious injuries. Wendy had landed on top of Shizuo and Philly, breaking her fall quite well. Shizuo was, of course, fine. Philly knew he was going to have bruises from this. His body, though immortal, still got hurt like a normal person. And he was feeling the impact of landing on the cold metal floor.
Wait, what?
He looked around the room they found themselves in a bit dumb founded as Shizuo helped Wendy to her feet. It was...quite a bit different from upstairs. The theming was beginning to fall apart. There were some dilapidated boards on the walls, but many were missing or peeling, revealing sleek metal underneath. And the floor was entirely metal.
Lastly, there was an edge to the floor on one side, leading to a huge drop off that appeared to be...endless. On the other side of the drop, there was a bar similar to the one upstairs, though noticeably this one was in great shape - the wood was clean and shiny, with a variety of drinks in mugs and glasses on the bar. Behind it was a wall which seemed to have actual alcohol, like a fully stocked bar would.
"Why is the alcohol over there?" Philly groaned, quickly determining the gap was far too wide to jump across.
Shizuo gave him an irritated stare. Philly glared back at him.
"Maybe there will be more things to shoot?" Wendy suggested, peering across the hole, looking for targets. "Ah!" She grinned with delight as one appeared, slowly wiggling it's way across the bar, with the same rusty creaking as upstairs, despite the cleaner appearance.
Philly spun his gun on his finger, watching the target, before grabbing it correctly and firing in one smooth step. He nailed the target, and the confetti fell as it had before. The target lowered out of sight.
He gave Wendy a knowing smirk, turning on his charm, relishing in being the hero this time. She clasped her hands together, clearly thrilled. 
There was a low rumbling. From behind the bar, a blocky robot rose up. It was comical, wearing a cowboy hat, a bandana, what was clearly a fake moustache, and holding a gun.
"What the fuck is that?" Philly asked, frowning even as he sized it up.
The robot fired the gun.
Philly dodged aside as the bullet whizzed past him. Shit. Bad, bad, bad.
"Get her safe!" He yelled, firing back at the robot. His bullet went through one of the glasses, shattering it and spraying liquid. Glass sharpnel pierced the robot, and the green circle appeared. But it fired again.
Meanwhile, Shizuo had grabbed Wendy, pulling her into him, his body between her and the robot. "Already on it!" He yelled, bringing the both of them to the edge of the room. The robot seemed to be aiming at Philly specifically, that much was clear.
Philly fired again at the robot, hitting it in the forehead. That seemed to do it. A green circle appeared, and confetti fell, and the robot dropped behind the counter.
"That was fun." Philly commented, both guns still in hand, eyes flicking around the room nervously. He noticed that Wendy was looking at him tearfully, but he couldn't let that distract him from whatever was going on here. He could feel that it wasn't over. 
There was a loud mechanical whirring and myriad clacking. A whole mob of robots rose up from behind the counter, all equally ridiculously garbed in stereotypical cowboy clothing and fake moustaches.
They began to fire.
"Philly!" Wendy cried out. He rolled away in a panic. Shit! He was pretty sure he didn't have enough bullets to take all of them out. There were the grenades from the last place, but he wasn't sure he could get them out fast enough without getting shot. And the chasm was wide, bringing into question his ability to throw far enough. This seemed like a puzzle, a game, so there had to be another solution. He prided himself on being scrappy and winning even when the odds were against him, so there had to be something!
As he came out of his roll he saw the chandelier dangling over the other side. How long had that been there? He hadn't noticed it before. Well, whatever. That would take out most of the robots, all of them if he was lucky. He fired at the chain holding it up, hitting it twice. The chandelier fell to the ground with a crash, the shattering of all the booze in the bar adding additional volume.
He narrowly dodged as the remaining robot fired at him. With a grin, he shot it in the forehead. It staggered back, before collapsing onto the pile of it's beaten kin.
Philly panted, looking around for any signs of further battle. Confetti fell over the entirety of the other side. Then nothing. 
"Philly!" Wendy dashed over to him, worry and excitement mixed together on her face. She tackled him with a hug. "I was so scared for you." He holstered his guns, wrapping his arms around her too.
"It was a little on the edge there for a bit." He chuckled. "But I'm world class, baby."
He could see Shizuo pretending not to watch from behind his sunglasses. Philly smirked. Shizuo grit his teeth, turning his face away.
"It was really impressive. I'm just so glad you didn't get hurt. I don't know what we'd do without you." Wendy continued, gripping the back of his shirt a bit tighter for a moment.
"I feel the same way about you." He mumbled, squeezing her gently back. "I'm still a bit nervous we're not done here..."
"Oh, we are! I have the...the power from earlier." She looked at her hands, releasing Philly from her hug. She looked at Shizuo, wandering over to him. "Thank you for protecting me, Shizuo." She smiled.
He blushed a bit, before smiling back. "I can't imagine doing anything else in that situation."
Wendy took his hand, and then took Philly's hand, smiling shyly with a blush on her cheeks as she did so. "We can go to the next challenge when you two are ready."
"No refill ammo this time, huh?" Philly observed. 
"And no food." Shizuo added. "Not much of anything."
"I have a good feeling about the next place. I can't really explain it. It's not my feeling but," she squeezed their hands. "With you two here I'm sure we'll be okay either way."
They both grinned at her, nodding. The air sparkled around them, and they were gone. The room closed in on itself, winking out of existence.
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writesfic · 4 years
The fight was a haunting memory, at times. Shizuo still remembered the gasp of pain issued from Izaya’s lips as he felt, pain robbing the informant of his quips and leaving him breathless, prone on the chilled, stone cobbleway where the fight was situated. He had ran then, the scenario lancing déjà vu through his system. Izaya’s presence had significantly dampened since the fight and when he had caught wind of his return to Ikebukuro, the dread and trepidation turmoiling within him was too tempting to ignore. Fist colliding explosively against the office door, he raised his voice, sending his baritone pitch loud and sonorous through the reinforced barrier, ‘Izaya!’
Izaya hadn't been seen in the city of Ikebukuro for seven long months. Some people wondered what had happened to the informant who once played such an active role in complicating people's lives. Others knew exactly why Izaya had disappeared. Many people witnessed the fight between himself and the monster of Ikebukuro. They knew that Izaya had been badly injured, some even believed he had died. Yet, here he was alive and back in Ikebukuro. Honestly he didn't want to be back in the city, but Shiki wanted him to get information on a rival of the Yakuza , so he really had no choice in the matter.
Currently, the raven haired male was sitting in his office, looking through files with a sigh. Everything had become tedious and boring to him. He no longer found joy in the job he did. He was just about to start writing an email when he suddenly heard the booming knock at his door and the voice of the person who had put him in this wheelchair. ‘Shizu-chan…’ He muttered and quickly grabbed his switch blade. Maybe if he stayed quiet, he would just leave.
The silence, stark and telling, should have been a clear indication of Izaya’s absence. However, the dim, almost unnoticeable light issuing from the crack of his door indicated otherwise. Lips downturning with force, Shizuo noted how out of character it seemed, for him to ignore a direct challenge, a noisy, disruptive one, no less. Putting force upon the door once again, he reiterated his desire, ‘oi, I know you’re in there! Come out, or I’m coming in!’ To bolster his statement, the door protested ominously against the force he was issuing, ‘answer me, you flea!’
Izaya honestly couldn't help but to flinch when he saw his door was on the verge of being broken down by Shizuo’s sheer force. He knew he couldn't fight in the condition he was in. He wasn't stupid. Shizuo could easily tear him apart without even breaking a sweat and there was nothing Izaya could do about it. He had half a mind to call the police, but he knew not even they would be able to take down an angry Shizuo. He would just have to face him. He knew it would happen sooner or later. "Knock it down, monster." He told him, not wanting to get anywhere near the door when he knew it could be knocked down any second. He gripped the knife tighter and moved the wheelchair so he would be facing the door.
The lilting, faux-playful voice sent a knee-jerk lance of irritation through his system, capturing him with the urge to forget the art of subtlety and all the limitations that came with being human. Scowling, he paused, ripped by indecision; obey Izaya’s command and do what he so wanted? Or stay motionless? Gritting his teeth, he felt obliged to oppose the challenging silence, and did as much, splintering the door off the frame in a shower of splinters and rising dust.
From the corner of his gaze, he caught sight of a glint, and immediately turned, weight pivoted on the ball of a heel, but the encompassing sight of the informant, subdued and settled in a wheelchair, of all things, seeped his rage from him like the pulling of a carpet from under where he stood. Fists loosening, unease struck, working a subtle tendril of unsure worry in his gut. Taking a small step forwards, working against the psychological push-back from the knife clutched in a white-knuckled fist, he intoned, voice a mere whisper but so obviously loud and telling in the low din of the office, ‘this was me, wasn’t it.’
Izaya didn't flinch when the door was ripped off its hinges. He didn't flinch when he saw Shizuo. But he did flinch when he heard the blonde speak. He didn't know why, but the sound of his voice made him incredibly uneasy. "..You know you're going to have to pay for that door. With your measly salary I suppose you'll have it paid off in a few months." Izaya spoke and tightened his hold on his switch blade. "Why are you here, Shizu-chan? Did you come to kill me like you almost managed to do those seven months ago? Or did you come here to marvel at what you've done, hm?" He tilted his head to the side and leaned back in the chair. "Are you honestly asking if you were the one who did this? Of course you were, you idiot. Who else could have done this to me? Now tell me why you're here. Are you really going to fight someone who's in a wheelchair?"
‘I,’ Shizuo huffed, a dry, broken sound, ‘that’s not the fucking focus, alright? Not when-’ Shizuo made a helpless gesture, indicating Izaya’s newfound dependence. He felt numb, limbs heavy and limp at his sides. Izaya actually receiving injury from any of his attacks seemed foreign. No matter what either of them did to each other, their fights had always possessed a sort of cheekiness to them, an edge of mirth and excitement that dynamicized the both of them in the midst of combat. Seeing Izaya, tensed and vulnerable, seemed so very wrong to the bartender. He wanted to apologize, somehow, but simple apologies were insignificant, fragile and pretty in the face of such a grievous result. Throat closed, Shizuo shook his head mutely, breath leaving him in a silent outward sag, ‘I was-’ he huffed, tone imbued with bitterness, ‘I was worried.’
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demytasse · 5 years
[Shizaya] Just Ask
     The famous set of misclassified enemies —Izaya and Shizuo— were dubious adolescent lovers.
They were far too honest of what they loathed; reluctant to walk on the same route to class, yet did side by side with compressed tension between them. Never much to share, just hot air and petulant gestures, crossed arms and hands in pockets, and slammed steps across the glossed wood corridors. On their better days they forgot to wear scowls, their best they would smirk in the other's general direction; under the bluest of moons they would feed rumours with soulmate grade closeness, rather, day-after zest, which struck plenty a Raijin student with envy. As it was, they did have some form of intimacy, if only for blink, and perhaps it was more than just a handshake that sealed the rivals in an occasional truce.
However this day was its own special thing in and of itself. Today they walked a single gait; Shizuo in weave of people and avoidance of floor lines, kept away bad luck and a certain burden for his mother's back, all the while a human burden was draped on his.
    “You're heavy.”
    “That's a lie.” Izaya knocked his head against his transporter's.
    “If I weren't me, you'd be heavy,” he corrected with a frown.
    “I'm not heavy, even for fools that aren’t beastly strong.”
Shizuo was unsure, he hadn't the comparison to confirm or deny. Still, Izaya was the weight of a feather to him — it was his damn ego that weighed a ton.
    “For instance Shinra can carry me.”
    “Mmhmm, easily proved his husband potential, bridal style and all.”
    “Tch.” His fingers clenched Izaya’s thighs.
    "He did it for someone else’s benefit, Shizu-chan. Take it back down from sixty."
    Intentionally, Shizuo slackened his hold, though Izaya leeched on. “So why don't you call him to take you home?"
    "I can't.”
    “Why the hell not, Izaya?”
    “My hands are too busy making sure I’m not tossed off your back. You see, I can't seem to fully trust my…” he trailed off, struggled to pick a descriptor from a list where each one soured his taste buds just the same as the last.
    “Correction: I absolutely can't trust you, my detestable rival."
    “Same, to be honest.”
Izaya snorted.
    “What now?”
    "I believe you, honestly, but you sound so awkward using that phrasing,” he gripped tighter with a loveless hug, prepared to actually be dropped.
    “There's nothin’ wrong with it.”
    “Sure there isn't, I just wouldn't expect you to pick up on cool kid lingo and actually use it.”
    "Sounds like you're bothered, though." Izaya jubilantly kicked his legs out with a pattern of swishes.
    "Whatever means I wasn't."
    "It means you're dismissive and perhaps hiding something."
    "You're annoying."
    "That's a lie."
    "It's really not."
    "Then why are you still carrying me?"
    "What. Ever." Shizuo stressed.
    "Glad you’re dismissive of that, at least. I still need my un-noble steed."
Shizuo grumbled, but kept on target.
    As they proceeded through the halls they remained unaware of the eyes upon them, Shizuo more focused on a continued scissor kick. Izaya appeared tickled by how quick he was swept into a makeshift saddle after his ankle twisted. Shizuo, however, was not so much.
          “How fair is it for a beast to use chairs in close quarters when he already had an unfair advantage?”           “No...I...you set me up to trip you, asshole!”
          "Now, why would I sacrifice my dignity to cause myself pain?"
    Shizuo had unbelievable guilt for his wild punch that staggered his opponent backward, tripped him awkwardly over the seat of an askew chair — his swing and a miss that caused Izaya to grab his ankle and bite back agony, dramatically writhe in spite of himself. It was much to Shizuo’s shock that the pest threw away that pride of his to express pain so openly. Peculiar, out of character, so heavily a cringe to witness that he acted kindly and sympathetic to stop it.
Now, however, he was certain — the flea hardly deserved more than scrutiny over which ankle he easily flexed and which remained limp.
    “Ay princess,” he took a pothole on purpose, “aren’t you gettin’ your injured foot mixed up?”
    Izaya paused. “Oh, right, it was my left wasn't it?" he switched his gimp foot.
    Shizuo forgot to be annoyed and simply sighed, “there you go.” He smirked in vain.     “Yes, yes, very observant of you.”
The sarcastic praise was acknowledged with a hike of Izaya up his back; in return a chin nestled in his hair. Their banter softened from animosity, in fact, their spat dialogue ceased all together and the rare silence turned their afternoon lazy.
    With a step into the open courtyard their hush seemed considerate of the trees that whispered in the Spring and appreciative of the warmth that the sun provided. Surely they only acted a fluke of their normal dynamic because of circumstance, but they eagerly let it happen without considering it an oddity. They let it linger, the effect of their mistake, until their indolent pace halted at the school gates to address uncertainty that’d been on Shizuo's mind since the first-floor stairwell.     “Well?" His toe tapped after a moment of silence.
The path presented options of East or West; would they take one together, or would he force Izaya to fuck off in the opposite direction of himself?
Izaya remained mute. His eyes rested, a whistle played in his head instead of upon his lips, while he feigned slumber.     “Louse...”
    "Hmm~?" He hummed dreamily.
    "Whose place?"
It was the right response, Shizuo gathered, as Izaya turned attentive. He now hovered parallel to Shizuo's viewpoint, palpable satisfaction upon his features and hands pressed into a stationary shoulder massage. With his left foot he pointed down the Eastern path.
    "You’re looking to get your ankle checked?" Shizuo forgot the lie.
    "Hm?” he paused in confusion. “Oh no, I'm pretty sure I can handle wrapping an ankle without that glasses-freak."     “So…" he shuffled Izaya's weight, "we're going to your place."
    "That is the direction to my place, yes."
A solo nod and Shizuo picked his pace back up from where he stopped, deliberated what he was going to say — if he was going to say it.
    "Your sisters gone today then?”
    “Forward, are we?"
    "Just answer the goddamn question."
    "Does it matter if they are? They're not too annoying. Kind of."
    "Ugh, that's not why I care."
    "I know." Izaya chuckled. "Honestly, I just find my bed to be far more comfortable than your old sack.”
    "Haha, you mean you don't want a back injury to match your fake injury?"
    "Are you accusing me of lying just so I could get you to carry me?"
    "Why shouldn't I?"
    “Because I’m not some coward, Shizu-chan. You should know this by now, considering our brawls.”
    “Coulda fooled me.”     “I often do.”
Shizuo shook the pest from his hair.
    Suddenly Izaya’s house seemed too far off and a bit too close; their regular trips never felt so conflicted before, at least not in this regard. It stole their attention to question why it was the case now and what the case even was, instead of paying it to the occasional dip in the pavement and reality outside one’s head. So really they took physical and mental trips while on their after school trip, hilariously stacked like Russian nesting dolls; awkward for onlookers who didn’t know whether to classify it as cute or not.
Izaya broke the silence with a cleared throat in notice of his own doorstep.
    "I was wondering…” He swung into a dexterous dismount before Shizuo could halt. With a ‘hup’ he stuck the landing; a smile formed as he shook blood back into each foot.
    “Would you have carried me if I’d just asked?" he jabbed his nail into Shizuo’s forehead and twisted for good measure.
    Unaffected by the cut, Shizuo leaned into the weaponised nail. "Yeah."
    Izaya gasped theatrically, "you're definitely lying this time, Shizu-chan!"
    "If you think so, ask me tomorrow."
The truth was weighed out with Izaya’s  stare, which only stopped when Shizuo surprisingly gave into the pressure; pulled away and unnecessarily rubbed at his forehead to check for blood. With anticipation, he found his pockets and fussed with lint, too bashful to ask if Izaya wanted to continue on as planned.
Nervous energy was absorbed by Izaya and turned him away to struggle with his locked door with his own jitters in control of his hands. A number of dissatisfied clicks and the right one clunked, he swung the door in haste and moved to the side.
    "Why not now?"
    "Uh…" Shizuo watched as Izaya openly displayed his body.
    "Now, as in, carry me now, Shizu-chan."
    "Oh." He shrugged, "okay."
Neither of them moved.
    "What? You didn't ask."
    "Seriously…" Izaya took the moment to be unamused.
    “You’re not a coward, so prove it.”
    He looked offended, "fine! Carry me up to my bedroom so we can fuck already."
Shizuo had already prepared to carry Izaya, but he hadn’t expected the proposal to be so crass — brief shock drew upon his face and his stature went rigid. Satisfied with the result, Izaya beckoned him further with a popped chin, which he displayed with far too much cock for Shizuo’s liking. Decidedly, he flung the other teen into a fireman's carry instead of what he knew was wanted.
    "Brute! This isn't how I meant!"
    "Eh, technically you didn’t ask, didn’t specify either."
    "You knew what I meant. Don't let Shinra one up you, carry me bridal style, like a man who is courting his beloved!!"
    "Maybe someday. If it’s accurate." He snorted.
    Izaya kicked Shizuo in gut, especially hard, specifically with his injured foot. "Don't think I would ever ask a imbecile like you something like that."
    "Why would you be the one to ask?"
    "Because you make me ask unnecessary things!"
    "So you’re saying it's a given that one of us eventually will? Ask, I mean."
Izaya was caught off guard; his backside was intentionally used as a weak battering ram against the bedroom door, though it was the question that shook him and not how he was used.
    He huffed. "You're pressing your luck of that ever happening. Which, by the way, was never in your favour."
    "I just want sex. I never said I wanted...that."
    "Good, because it was a one in a million chance. Not 100% impossible, but only because nothing is certain and it’d be a disgrace to act as though we were prophets."
Their hot potato game of mock adult topics escalated into something that disgusted both players with scowls.
    "Whatever, Izaya." Shizuo swung the annoyed teen onto the mess of bed covers.
    "Whatever, Shizu-chan." He flicked his leg up to demand removal of his pants — arms crossed, eyes dead set, his toe mockingly pointed.
Shizuo shrugged like he had no idea what to do with the limb, the same he dodged when Izaya aimed a kick below the belt; retaliated with a lowered gaze to rest on his attacker’s belt with a lackadaisical demand of his own.
Izaya steeled his annoyance—complied, but flubbed each attempt he made to loosen leather from its clasp.
    "You can be fun to tease, flea."
    "Same, to be honest."
    "Ha, you were right. You sound dumb saying it too."
    "It's called a throwback, Shizu-chan, a wittier version of you nearly throwing out my back." He unzipped his fly and simultaneously tugged his pants down, waited for further assistance, slathered on thick his insinuation for Shizuo to cut the crap and join in — damned if he asked.
Still Shizuo denied with a fake yawn and a drawn up hand to shield; summoned tears at the corners of his eyes to accentuate his laissez faire.
Izaya cursed. He hoped hormones would overrule Shizuo before he was forced to strip and maneuver him through the motions like a doll. Why couldn’t they fuck like normal sex driven mammals and get it over with?
    "Thought your bed was too high quality to injure you?"
    "Mattresses have their limits.”
    "Thought you didn't weigh much."
    "Strength knows no bounds!"
    Izaya finally took Shizuo by the shoulders and yanked him down. "What inane idea are you pondering over now, Shizu-chan?"
    "Will strength get you to shut up?"
    "Depends, will you finally join me if I do?”
    “All you have to do is ask me to, pest.”
    "I can’t do that if I can’t talk, dolt. Besides, that ruins the fun, doesn't it?" he nimbly undid buttons below a splayed wide collar. “It’s better that you figure it out for yourself.”
    "You're seriously gonna go the hard route."
Shizuo watched as his shirt tails got tossed aside; as his abdomen was ironed by clammy hands which slid up and around his shoulders to bunch blazer sleeves at his elbows.
    "Isn't this the hard route for you as well? You could speed this up if you didn’t wait for me to ask for something we both want."
Without motion of his own, Shizuo let the other pull him out of his Raijjn blues, one arm and each leg at a time.
    "This is fun, though."
    "I'm glad I can humour you, Shizuo."
    "Me too."
    "Seriously, where’s this patience coming from?" Izaya pulled a waistband taut, "you're already hard!"
    "Yeah, this is a turn on."
    Izaya let the elastic snap. "I'm appalled."
    "Also turned on."
True enough, he was. The call of attention riled Izaya enough to bespeckle his chest with a blush that traveled from his cheeks. His own knit fabric strained with a solo throb — or two.
    "Yes, and the longer I have to work, the quicker I'll go flaccid. Wouldn't that be a pity."
    "Eh, I could still beat off to you."
Indignant, Izaya decided to sacrifice his own pleasure to extend the tension so far it would bend Shizuo to his mercy. He hooked elastic and wiggled a tight undergarment to free Shizuo's erection. He ran a finger along the underside, base to the tip, directed it to stand pert upon his pointer, used his tongue to take away a taste of pre-cum. As he glossed his lips, he assessed if Shizuo would give, but wound up having to pull away again after a mere shiver was enacted and nothing more from his supposed lover.
    "But why wait to handle it yourself?"
    "'Cause you're not asking."
    “I shouldn’t have to ask these things! It’s sex for fuck’s sake! We aren’t timid boyfriends!”     “Yup.”
    Izaya escalated, “then why, pray tell, are you waiting for my consent when it’s handed to you on a silver platter?”
    “‘Cause you’re hilariously bashful when asking for what you want, instead of being confident like you think you are.”
    "Ohohoho, Shizu-chan," his frustration turned sadistic, "I'll make you eat those words."
    It was needlessly arduous — the extended game of chicken that the two hormonal teens played, rather a test of sexual resolve and the extent to which their partner would go to fulfill a not yet developed kink; a deathless battle royale. They held out to the end, no questions asked, only desires begged  — stubbornly masturbated almost exclusively to their own pride.
With huffs and sneers, their wills were exhausted. Despite the tail end of adrenaline, they were peacefully calm, reasonably satisfied with the results, just frustrated with the lengths that it took to get them. Izaya was frustrated with Shizuo, as was he in return, but they didn’t question if they were satisfied with the benefits of being casual fuck enemies. So they rallied their heated retorts past the main event and into the glow of their post-game cleanup, because —of course— that was who they were.
    “Who’s the winner in this scenario?”     “You seriously askin’ that?”     “I don’t needlessly chatter, simpleton.”
    “There doesn’t hafta be a winner.”
Izaya pre-cleaned himself before his shower. He shook off a stringy tail of cum from his hand while he shared his disgust with how it clung; took note of where to concentrate his soapy cleanse, like a film would remain without an extra scrub.
Shizuo watched, though almost buttoned the hole above the proper on his shirt, distracted by the naked view that jumbled his coordination and threatened to turn him on again.
    “Double think that thought — with us, I’m pretty sure there has to be.” He felt self conscious under the study of his skin and grabbed his slacks to hop into.
    “Fine, you won.”
    “Oh? Now you’re admitting defeat so easily.”
    "Look, I'm not gonna feed your ego with compliments for being an avoidant brat, so just take it."
    Light reflected off Izaya’s widened eyes, "well that's the funny thing..." his smile curled.
    Shizuo spoke a ‘here it comes’ in his mind, paired the dramatic pause with his own, "...yeah?" he wrinkled his brow as he was egged him on.     "Tell me what the hell is so funny, Izaya?"
To which his question snapped the trap which the manipulator hoped his prey would fall for.
    "I didn’t expect you to compliment me," he winked, “because I never asked you to. Thank you for the real victory, Shizu-chan.” Izaya sung.
With an air of shook hands for a good duel, Shizuo graced Izaya with smiled touché.
    It was dumb, yet endearing; fitting, but all the same dumb. After all the fuss, their stubbornness began to carry their baggage while they two trudged onward through a messy relationship. To what degree, though, would forever be a battle of who would ask first.
AN: This one kinda ran long, but eh. It fulfilled my hankering for a Raijin fic, simultaneously one where Shizuo carries Izaya. Sometimes I hate loving tropes. uwu;
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if-that-so · 5 years
Oh look I made another messy thing
Fluff and future
They were cuddling together on the couch, it's too cramped for two grown ups lying together on one another, but they seem to know how to make it work, piecing themselves together perfectly like a matching key and lock.
It's such a far place they've arrived, once upon a time ago, they can't even stand breathing the same air, now it's like they keep on living by sharing the same breath.
"You know, I don't think the past are worthy of revisiting..." Izaya broke up the silence while touching his boyfriend's fingertips gently.
"What about it?" Shizuo gruffed while burrowing his face over those silky dark locks.
"Which one do you believe more, the future or the past?" Izaya turn his head to face Shizuo, and Shizuo lips kissed Izaya's forehead instead of his hair.
"The future can't exist without the past, but I believe in the future more," his voice was mumbled against the soft of Izaya's skin.
"Shizu-chan really an idealistic optimist, don't you? You have very hopeful view towards something that you can't even prove," the small man snickered, but his eyes hold a true amusement for the answer he just heard.
"You don't believe in future?" The blond frowns, but his eyes are still soft and warm, it makes Izaya really grateful that they can always banter about every little thing.
"Do you make empty promises, Shizu-chan?" Izaya's grin gets wider, while Shizuo know that means his little sweetheart was up to no good, he can't help himself to smile back.
"I can always whisper sweet nothings to you all day long," and this is true, because Shizuo use his most seductive voice, lowering his gaze gently, enough to make the other man's cheeks tinted soft pink.
"I want to talk about how you shape my past... And probably how you will shape my future," Izaya grumbled turning his face back towards their fingers, softly brushing Shizuo's left ring finger.
He bring the blond's hand toward his lips.
"Shizuo, will you make me to be a part of the Heiwajima family?" He didn't stutter. Izaya didn't stutter. But he's hiding his face with the back of Shizuo's hand, and Shizuo can feel the warmth of Izaya's face on his hand, he can see the rosy color adorned his lover's neck and ears.
He wraps his right hand tighter around Izaya's waist and adjust himself to sit straight. He gently removes his clutched hand from Izaya's face to push those shoulders so Izaya will face him.
Izaya's body does turn to him, but his eyes were still looking down, like everything are very interesting except his mocha eyes.
Shizuo chuckled at the sight of his blushing lover.
"If I promise a future with you, will you believe in them more than the past?"
Shizuo reached for that pristine pale hand and trail kisses around them.
Izaya seem to forgotten how to breath, untill Shizuo share his own breath with him. Even in his unresponsive state, he welcomed Shizuo's tongue inside his mouth, sealing the unknown deal towards the future.
Check out some more words that i added on ao3
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infinitycircuit · 3 years
( In the back of his head he can feel the inklings of the one whose hand he held tightly...He doesn't even need to look to know...yet... ) Mugen lifts his head to gaze at Katashi, he sighs and allows his head to fall again. Mugen's mind felt cloudy and messy from everything occurring, there wasn't anything he could do to swing the votes, to make a case for Shizuo's life...maybe he should have...maybe he should speak loud and proud and say something...but he freezes...and nothing comes out.
Mugen was nothing but a coward. A coward whose vision grew blurry when the announcement came that the votes were all tallied in and Shizuo was on the chopping block. 
Out of the two up for death...
"I… I just want to go home, live a quiet life, and spend time with the people I care about most. That’s all I’ve ever wanted."
There was one that shared his dream...to just go home...to live a quiet life...and to spend time with the people he cases about the most in the whole world. He squeezes a little tighter on that hand. Why was there nothing he could do? Why was he being such a complete coward? 
The only chance he has to break this is in the flurry of emotion that boils within his chest and brings his gaze to Koyo's last words to his friend. Mugen has no right to judge how someone says their goodbyes or how they mourn...he has no right but still...maybe he just felt the need to lash out a little at someone and Koyo was a good target for all this uselessness he felt at being unable to do even one thing to save Shizuo's life.
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"Is that it!? Koyo!! Is that all you can say!? There...you...He's your friend and that's it!? You got him into this mess and...he...He's gonna die!!"
Shizuo is right there...and he knows there is nothing that Koyo can do...there is nothing that he can do.There is nothing that any of them can do to stop what could be coming next. Mugen still wishes there was though...because he knows that if it was Akaji or Katashi being voted for then he would do anything...anything to stop what comes next so maybe...that's why he feels so angry at Koyo...he doesn't know...
His anger...and rage...as quick as it came, it completely subsides and his expression at Koyo softens...
He reels himself back in and clenches his hand tightly into a fist.
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"I'm...I'm sorry...I...didn't...I..."
He tries to get out an apology but all that comes out is half-hearted coughs and forced words as he can feel himself being strangled by his emotions that he wants to completely hold back.
( It's overwhelming sadness...regret...and fondness that spills from his mind...if the twinges reach him... )
He turns his attention to Shizuo and takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry, Shizuo...I...you...you gave me so many ideas on how I can save myself and I can't do anything for you...I don't know if there is anything I can do to help him...but if there is anything...I promise I'll do it...I promise you!! It's the least I can do...for not saving you..." 
Maybe there was nothing he can do but...he at least wants to try to hold a piece of Shizuo's goals...just something to help a friend that he couldn't save...
The Hero once again stands by and watches someone he can't protect suffer...so is the way of things...
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icestar-74 · 2 years
Movie night
Shizuo and Izaya decide to have a nice movie night.
"OK so this one is supposed to be real cool!" Shizuo grinned. "I think you'll like it!"
Izaya sighed and took a sip of his drink. "I don't know why you like these. I mean humans are so predictable and non of it is real. Plus you just get mad about it all. Yelling and shouting at the dumb choices they will OBVIOUSLY make."
"Would you shut up. You know you like them. You wouldn't shut up about the last one. You love seeing what choices they make real or not." Shizuo poked him in the ribs. "You want some popcorn?"
"Maybe later." Izaya shook his head and rubbed his side. "I won't lie that SOME of it can be interesting."
Shizuo just gave a snort before hitting play and began to munch on the popcorn. They were both really into it. Shizuo pissed off about the character going off on their own. Izaya's predictions going well as usual.
"This movie is stupid." Izaya whispered half way through. "They obviously shouldn't be there." He grabbed some popcorn. "I mean where are the cops in all of this?"
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"Shhhhhhh." Shizuo hushed him. "I think there might be something back there."
"Yeah right th-AHHHHH!" Izaya screamed.
"FUCK!" Shizuo screamed and threw the popcorn.
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"Damn that got me! Did you see that!" Shizuo was still shaking.
"Be quiet! She's still going!" Izaya grabbed him.
Shizuo held onto him. "DON'T GO IN THERE!"
Izaya squeezed Shizuo tighter. "It's gonna get her!"
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The rest of the movie was filled with the two holding on tight to each other. Shizuo wasn't too upset about his clingy boyfriend and made a mental note in the end to find something scarier next time. Just a litte.
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sachigram · 4 years
Contort and Coalesce
Part 5 of the Love in Bloom series!
((click here to read on ao3!))
Shizuo has never been in love before, so he doesn't know much about the subject, but he doesn't think it's supposed to be like this.
He watches hungrily as Izaya moves about the room, dressing and getting ready for the day. Izaya has gotten into the habit of wearing Shizuo's shirts to bed, and in the morning, Shizuo loves to watch Izaya wash his face and brush his teeth with the shirt rising up just enough to reveal the soft skin of Izaya's upper thighs.
Is Shizuo supposed to feel this hungry for Izaya all the time? This...possessive? He knows they both have their own things to do, and he still just wants to cancel it all and stay in bed with Izaya. And Izaya would let him do it, too.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Izaya asks, grinning playfully over his shoulder at Shizuo. Currently he's pulling one of his own shirts from a hanger.
“Like what?” Shizuo asks.
“Like you want to eat me.”
“I do. I could.” Shizuo scoots to the edge of the bed and motions for Izaya to come closer. Izaya raises his eyebrows before slowly moving into Shizuo's outstretched arms.
“Is this a ploy to trap me all day? You're getting too good at it,” Izaya says, but he's still smiling, and Shizuo lowers his hands, traces the little dip where Izaya's ass meets his thighs.
“Maybe,” Shizuo murmurs. “You're the one wearing my shirt.”
“Oh? Is that why you're so riled up?”
Shizuo growls because he doesn't know why he's so hungry lately. It's an itch he can't scratch, his overwhelming desire for Izaya. It consumes him, settles under his skin and festers until he has Izaya again, but even that's just a bandage over the real issue.
Shizuo presses his face into Izaya's chest and inhales deeply, makes a low rumble of appreciation from the way Izaya's scent melds perfectly with his own.
“Stay home,” Shizuo says, pulling Izaya into his lap. Izaya comes willingly, still wearing that sly smile of his.
“I can't. I've got work to do. Besides, don't you have plans with brother dearest today? You have to set an example for him.”
Shizuo grumbles, lifting his head to instead nuzzle into Izaya's neck. He doesn't think about anything as he licks the juncture of Izaya's neck and shoulder before biting down hard.
“Hn! Shizu—!” Izaya gasps, his nails digging into Shizuo's shoulders. Shizuo laps at the wound, tastes blood, and makes an appreciative noise before pulling back to admire his handiwork.
His eyes widen at the sight of the angry bite mark on Izaya's pale skin, blood pooling in the indentations left by Shizuo's teeth.
“Fuck... Fuck! I'm sorry!” Shizuo says hurriedly, wrapping his arms around Izaya's waist and hugging him tightly. “I didn't mean to do it so hard. Are you okay?”
“I'm fine,” Izaya says, and when Shizuo looks up at him skeptically, Izaya seems dazed, his face flushed and his pupils blown wide. “You don't have to worry so much about hurting me. I can handle you.”  
Shizuo looks again at the bite mark he left and feels an inkling of horror because he doesn't feel bad about leaving it in the least. Seeing his mark on Izaya's skin, so deep it'll probably scar, it stokes at the fire that's been growing in his veins since the first time he tasted Izaya. Shizuo doesn't know what's happening to him, why Izaya has always made him feel this way. Violent, hungry, possessive. It isn't supposed to be like this, is it?
Izaya leans forward and presses his lips softly to Shizuo's, pulling back playfully and smiling when Shizuo growls and yanks him back, kissing him properly. He forces Izaya's mouth open, sighs sweetly at the taste of Izaya and delves deeper.
“Your mouth tastes like blood,” Izaya murmurs, resting his forehead against Shizuo's. “I don't taste half bad, mixed with you.”
“Fuck,” Shizuo whines low in his throat, holds Izaya to him tighter. “Stay home. Stay with me.”
Izaya smiles and kisses Shizuo again, tugs hard at Shizuo's hair.
“Isn't it enough that I'll be going out into the world covered in your marks?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo growls in response.
“No. You cover it all up.”
“I can't cover this one. Undoubtedly that was your intention.” Izaya's fingers touch along the bleeding wound tentatively, but his smile never wavers. “It's much too hot for a high collar or scarf.”
“You could put a bandage over it. You...probably should. Shit, I really didn't mean for it to be so deep.”
“You don't really want me to cover it. And I'm not going to.”
Shizuo swallows hard, watches Izaya's nimble fingers press against the angry bite mark. The fire inside him grows until the smoke meets that ever present festering darkness, and Shizuo is hit full-force with what he would do to keep Izaya with him and away from everyone else.
“I'm yours, Shizu-chan,” Izaya murmurs into his ear, seemingly reading his mind, and something inside Shizuo snaps, but he's too afraid to let it take hold of him, is too cautious of what exactly he might do. Izaya kisses him again, sweetly, before getting up and finishing getting dressed. Shizuo watches him, hands held firmly at his sides because if he moves, he's going to grab for Izaya, and he's not going to let Izaya go.
“I'm off!” Izaya says, as he steps out of the bedroom. “I'll see you later, Shizu-chan!”
Shizuo falls backwards into the bed, puts his hands over his eyes, and tries not to focus on the beast he feels himself becoming.
“You're looking well,” Kasuka says when they meet. Today, Kasuka has chosen a more well-known restaurant in the area, and he's wearing simple clothes, but still has that hat on.
“Thanks. Things are going pretty good right now,” Shizuo says. “How are you? Busy with the latest project?”
Kasuka shrugs and takes a sip of his tea. “No more than usual.”
Shizuo and Kasuka have never exchanged many words throughout the entirety of their lives. They don't have to. Kasuka is one of the few people who understands Shizuo and doesn't judge him, and Shizuo can always relax around him. That's why he's so taken aback when Kasuka asks him a personal question.
“How is Orihara-san?”
Shizuo chokes on his own tea, looks up at Kasuka with watery eyes.
“You look surprised. Was it a secret?” Kasuka shrugs again. “Everyone knows.”
“It's not...a secret, I guess. Izaya is fine. Busy as always.” Shizuo feels himself flushing and he distracts himself with the arrival of their food. Kasuka doesn't say anything for a while.
“It's good he changed,” Kasuka says at last.
“Orihara-san. You used to hate him.”
Shizuo considers Kasuka's words and realizes what he means. If Shizuo hated Izaya before, Izaya must have changed himself, gotten better to have their relationship change so suddenly. But that isn't the case at all. Izaya is the same as he always was, and Shizuo...thinks maybe he's the one changing, not necessarily for the better.
Have other people not noticed? Shizuo wasn't always like this, was he?
“We don't have to talk about him. I just want you to know I'm happy for you. He's calmed you down,” Kasuka says, and Shizuo barks a laugh.
Izaya has not ever calmed him down. Izaya is the one fanning the flames, poking and prodding and demanding attention like always. Now, at least, Shizuo can focus all his energy, good and bad, on Izaya, so he can see why other people might think Izaya is being a good influence.
“Yeah,” Shizuo says at last, still trying not to laugh. If Kasuka needs more of an elaboration, he doesn't ask, and for the remainder of their lunch, not many words are said between them.
Shizuo feels better, as he often does after meeting with Kasuka. Even if Kasuka doesn't know the finer details, Kasuka approves of Shizuo's relationship, and that's reason enough to feel lighter on his feet. Shizuo never knew how to bring it up before, but looking back, he shouldn't have worried at all.
He walks through the busy street, wondering if he should stop and grab some cigarettes when he hears a voice calling him.
He turns to see Vorona walking towards him, a bag in her hand from a store Shizuo recognizes, but has never shopped in.
“Oh, hey.” He stops and waits for her, fishing a cigarette from his pack as she catches up to him.
“I meant to ask earlier, but I forgot to. I stopped by your old place to give you a book you mentioned reading, and they said you moved,” Vorona says. Shizuo hasn't exactly divulged to her that he's dating Izaya, though he did tell her he was seeing someone. Tom knows, but that was because he wouldn't stop trying to set Shizuo up with other women, so it had to be done. Somehow it's worse than telling Kasuka, because Kasuka at least will accept whatever it is Shizuo wants to do as long as it makes him happy.
“Right. I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you I moved. I live in Shinjuku now.”
Her pale eyes widen and then narrow, and he realizes she already knew, but wanted confirmation.
“So you are living with that man. I heard the rumors, but straight from the source is best, yes?”
“Listen, I know it's a lot. I can't even explain it all, and you've sat through enough of my complaining to know how complicated this is. Things are just...different now.” Shizuo flicks ashes and looks at her, knowing she'll have a harder time understanding than even Celty did. “Please try to understand.”
“Things are not different. You are.” She adjusts her bag and gives Shizuo a hard stare. “You said he is manipulative and sneaky, and you moved in with him? Are engaged in romance with him? I don't understand at all.”
Shizuo growls. “I don't need your blessing.”
“You don't have it,” she says simply, shaking her head. Her blonde waves catch the sunlight and glimmer. “He has corrupted you, and you've allowed him to.”
Shizuo clenches his fists, looks away from her. He knew this would come up eventually, and why wouldn't it? Anyone who's ever cared enough to really look at him knows he hates Izaya, hates him so much that it consumes him, controls him. But now, it's twisted into something else entirely, has morphed into a desire so toxic that Shizuo doesn't know himself anymore when he's got Izaya in his arms. It's true then, that he's corrupted, but it goes deeper than that, doesn't it?
“I'll see you at work,” he tells her, turning to walk away. He doesn't want to defend himself or his decisions when he doesn't understand himself what changed so quickly. She grabs his sleeve, her grip firm.
“You are your own person, Shizuo-senpai. But I urge you to think about...how that man operates. If he could not remove you from his path by killing you, seducing you was the next best way.”
“Every decision I've made about him has been my own,” Shizuo snaps, pulling free.
“You don't seem certain of that.”
She lets him go then, and despite himself, Shizuo thinks about her words. He thinks back on how his relationship with Izaya came to be, how Izaya threatened Ami, made clear his intent to do the same or worse to anyone who dared stand between him and Shizuo.
Shizuo stops and buys groceries along with his cigarettes. He isn't much of a cook, but he knows basic recipes, and making something will distract him from his thoughts until Izaya returns later. He decides on curry, something he used to help his mother make a lot. Izaya seems to like bitter and bland things, so Shizuo doesn't get the spicy kind, though he himself prefers it.
As he walks home, he feels his fingers twitch with the need to do...something. He growls to himself, hating that he always feels this way now, restless and buzzing until he has Izaya with him again. It's like an addiction, somehow more potent than his need to smoke. Izaya has only been gone since this morning, and already Shizuo needs a fix.
He takes the long way back, deciding he needs a distraction. Izaya is off doing flea shit, and his hours are all over the place, so Shizuo never knows when he'll be back. Resisting the urge to call him just to hear his smarmy voice, Shizuo decides to just focus on not messing dinner up, and if he does, he can always order out and hide the evidence of his failure. Izaya would likely still find out somehow. Shizuo grins at the thought and shakes his head, wondering when all the things that used to bother him about Izaya suddenly became charming.
When he arrives home, he helps himself to a beer and gets to work on dinner. It's an easy recipe, but he's ruined it before by making the curry too runny and the vegetables too hard. He's lowering the sauce to a simmer when he hears a key in the door. He glances at the clock, surprised. It's early for Izaya to be home already, but sure enough, Izaya stumbles through the doorway, another man supporting him.
Shizuo vaguely recognizes the other man. He isn't great with names and faces, but he knows this is that Yakuza guy Izaya does work for regularly.
“Ah, Shizu-chan. You're back earlier than I would have thought,” Izaya says, his voice perfectly level despite the fact he's being supported. Shizuo is across the room in three strides.
“What happened?” he demands.
“Meeting went south,” Izaya says. “Shiki-san, you know Shizuo, right?”
“Is there anyone who doesn't?” Shiki asks. He allows Shizuo to take Izaya from him, and then he holds his hand out for shaking. Shizuo glares at him before he takes it, squeezing tight enough to hurt. Shiki doesn't flinch.
“What happened?” Shizuo demands again. This time, it's Shiki who answers.
“We went out to meet some other men who had requested the use of my informant. Due to the amount of people around, we didn't know some of them were part of a rival organization. We found out rather quickly.”
“As I said, it went south,” Izaya says. “Shiki-san, did you already call Shinra?”
“I did. He'll be busy tonight. If it hurts badly, we can get you another doctor.”
“I'll be fine as long as he comes by tonight.”
“Call if you need anything, Izaya-san,” Shiki says, and then he looks to Shizuo, who is glaring at him openly. “You too, Heiwajima-san. Call if he doesn't cooperate with the doctor's orders.”
Izaya snorts and waves him out. When the door is closed, Shizuo shifts his gaze to Izaya, who looks exhausted.
“You aren't wounded badly? You're okay?” Shizuo asks lowly.
“Well, I was shielded from the worst of it. It wasn't me they were after. I'm not an official member of the Awakusu-Kai, I'm just an informant. I got tossed around when it all went to shit, but Shiki-san yanked me out of the crowd, which is surprising. I was under the impression none of them liked me much. With reason, of course.”
“He didn't seem injured,” Shizuo says, thinking of how smoothly Shiki was walking.
“He probably wasn't. Shiki-san is amazingly adept at fighting in close quarters. It's interesting, seeing as how he was almost definitely drunk at the time.” Izaya winces as he adjusts himself, turning instead to look into the kitchen. “You're cooking?”
“Yeah. Just some curry, nothing fancy. Do you like curry okay? I mean, you're a picky bastard.”
“I'll eat it since you made it,” Izaya says. Shizuo gauges his expression, but Izaya seems perfectly sincere. “I think I'm going to go take a bath.”
“Let me help,” Shizuo says. Izaya laughs softly.
“Generous of you. I was sure you'd be pissed at me.”
“Oh, I am. Why the fuck didn't you call me?” Shizuo asks, lifting Izaya gently and carrying him towards the stairs.
“It all happened so fast. And I'm perfectly capable of defending myself, you know. Besides, I didn't want to interrupt your time with brother dearest.”
Shizuo frowns, hating that answer. He mulls it over as he helps Izaya undress and starts running the bathwater.
“You should've called anyway,” he decides at last as he lowers Izaya into the tub. Izaya is covered in bruises, most of them on his ribs. Shizuo looks once at the mark he left on Izaya's neck, hates the way it blends in with the other marks he didn't leave, hates the way those bruises are covering the scar where Izaya was shot, another reminder of Shizuo being unable to protect him.
“Don't worry so much,” Izaya says simply. “The ones that attacked are likely dead now. There's nothing left for you to do.”
“I don't give a shit about anyone else,” Shizuo huffs, and Izaya grins at him wearily.
“Shouldn't you go make sure your curry isn't burning?” he asks, and Shizuo grumbles as he gets up to go check it.
He's starting the rice when the door opens again, Shinra bustling through it. Shinra looks tired, but he smiles brightly at Shizuo all the same.
“Is Izaya-kun sleeping?” Shinra asks, and Shizuo shakes his head.
“Bath,” he says.
“Got it,” Shinra says, already making his way to the stairs. Shizuo balks and grabs Shinra by the back of his coat.
“Oi, you creepy bastard! You can't barge in there while he's bathing!”
“Why not? It's nothing I haven't seen before,” Shinra says with a shrug. “I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I can't wait around while he finishes up.”
“That's not the point— What do you mean it's nothing you haven't seen before?!”
“Shinra, you're such a pervert,” Izaya says from the top of the stairs. He's wearing one of Shizuo's shirts again, toweling at his wet hair as he gingerly makes his way down. Shizuo growls and goes to meet him, helping him before he can injure himself worse.
“You're standing, that's good,” Shinra says as Shizuo helps Izaya to the couch. “You're better off than some of the others.”
“I wasn't in the fray. I was on the outskirts of it. Just got shoved around a bit.”
“A bit,” Shizuo murmurs, going back to his cooking. He listens into what they're saying as he grabs another beer from the fridge.
“You definitely have a couple of broken ribs,” Shinra says, feeling along Izaya's chest. “As for your ankle, it's likely just a sprain. Did you trip over something?”
“Someone kicked me,” Izaya says. “I didn't see who. I don't think they were trying to.”
“Well, you're scrawny as hell, so it injured you all the same!” Shinra laughs, and Shizuo is tempted to throw something at him.
“Pleased as always to know I entertain you, Shinra,” Izaya drawls. He winces when Shinra presses down against his ribs again. “Is that necessary?”
“Yes. You need to stop getting in the middle of this stuff. One day, you aren't going to be so lucky.”
“I don't know how you manage to both nag me about my health and be indifferent about it at the same time. It's a gift you have. Anyway, shouldn't you be getting back to Celty now? I know how you hate being kept from her.”
“I do! But she knows I'll be out most of the night.”
“You wanna stay for dinner?” Shizuo asks, surprising them and himself.
“That'd be great,” Shinra says gratefully. Izaya sees the beer in Shizuo's hand and asks for a glass of wine. Shinra immediately shoots that idea down. “You'll be on painkillers for a few days. No drinking.”
Izaya pouts openly but he brightens when Shizuo comes over to pick him up and help him sit at the table. Shinra helps Shizuo with plates, chattering on and on about random things, and when they're all seated, Izaya gives a thumbs-up when he tries the curry.
Shinra eats quickly, stating he's in a hurry. He promises to see them soon and rustles around in his white coat as he stands. He rattles like a walking pharmacy. He hands Izaya a bottle and in a flurry of limbs and chatter, he's gone as quickly as he came.
“How are we friends with such a talkative moron?” Shizuo asks and Izaya snorts.
“Could be worse. At least he's a drug-peddler.” Izaya spoons more curry into his mouth and reads the label of the pills Shinra gave him. “Ugh. These will have me sleeping for days.”
“Good. You need it. You don't ever get any sleep.”
“It's not as if I have work to do anyway.” Izaya reaches over, steals a sip of Shizuo's beer. He giggles when Shizuo huffs and yanks it back. “That's disgusting anyway. Hey, so how was Kasuka-san? Did the two of you enjoy your brotherly lunch date?”
“It was fine,” Shizuo says. “He asked me about you.”
“Yeah. He said he approves.”
“I'll sleep so much easier at night,” Izaya says, and Shizuo resists the urge to shove him. “I should have a lunch date with him soon, too. Win him over.”
“That's a terrible idea.” Shizuo grins at the thought, though. Maybe the two of them would get along. Kasuka is very easy to get along with.
“You like the idea. Your two favorite people in the world, bonding. Imagine how much we could gossip about you.”
“That's fine, you can gossip. Kasuka isn't the gossiping type.”
“I prefer to do the talking anyway.” Izaya eats half of the curry and then takes a pill, chasing it with a glass of water. He tries to get up to help Shizuo clean and put away the leftovers, but Shizuo lifts him and places him on the couch, ignoring his cute pout. By the time Shizuo is done, Izaya is drooping on the couch, clearly fighting sleep. Shizuo snorts and turns off the TV, lifting Izaya once more and carrying him to the bedroom.
“I saw Vorona today, too,” Shizuo says as Izaya burrows into the blankets sleepily.
“Mm...” Izaya hums. “She hates me.”
“Yeah. She doesn't like me seeing you. She said some really shitty things about you.”
“Most people do,” Izaya says, blinking up at Shizuo. “What did she say?”
“That you're using me. Tom-san hinted the same before, but I denied it both times.”
“Did you? How can you be so sure I'm not using you? Maybe I am. Maybe I'm keeping you all to myself so you won't get in my way anymore.” Izaya's voice is heavy with impending sleep. He's the furthest thing from threatening right now. It makes Shizuo smile fondly.
“I already told you that you can keep me all to yourself. I'm keeping you, too.” Shizuo leans down and nuzzles into Izaya, kisses him gently.
“She's wrong anyway. I am using you, but only for your body.” Izaya grins up at him, and Shizuo kisses him again.
“That's okay, too.”
“As long as we agree...” Izaya's hands trail through Shizuo's hair, petting and tugging in that perfect way that has Shizuo melting against him. Shizuo kisses Izaya's neck, lingers on the bite he left earlier. Izaya moans softly, and Shizuo is filled with a possessive hunger, the very same hunger he always feels for Izaya, but he feels overwhelmed, suffocated by it. He growls into Izaya's ear, settling close to him, careful not to put his weight on Izaya's injured ribs.
“Next time, I want to be there. I want to keep you safe.”
“Who can say when that might be? Don't worry about it,” Izaya says. Shizuo lifts to his elbows, looks into Izaya's sleepy eyes.
“I'm going with you from now on.”
“What about Tom-san?” Izaya asks. His hand cups Shizuo's cheek, the coolness of his ring a contrast to the warmth of their skin.
“He'll understand. He knows how I am about you.” Shizuo covers Izaya's hand with his own, turns his head and kisses Izaya's palm.
“Everyone will say I'm blackmailing you,” Izaya says. He moves his arms to wrap around Shizuo's neck. “If we join forces, no one will stand a chance against us.”
“Don't give a fuck about anyone else,” Shizuo says, leaning close and nosing against Izaya's cheek. He loves the way Izaya clings to him, like he's both terrified to do it and terrified to let go. “You're mine. No one else should ever fucking touch you.”
Izaya makes a soft noise, a barely audible intake of breath, too sharp to be normal. His eyelids are heavy, but his pupils are blown wide, the rust color of his eyes swallowed in darkness as he looks up at Shizuo.
“I want—“
“I know what you want,” Shizuo murmurs, leaning in and sealing his mouth over Izaya's. He closes his teeth against Izaya's bottom lip, savors Izaya's breathy whine and slides his tongue against Izaya's, kissing him deeply. Izaya tries to arch against him, makes a muffled noise of complaint when Shizuo holds him down. “The answer is no, you brat. You need to rest.”
“I don't want to rest,” Izaya says petulantly, but he's not arguing as much as he normally would. He pulls Shizuo into another kiss, this one sweet and languid as Izaya melts more and more into the cool sheets of the bed. Shizuo smiles against his lips.
“Why are you fighting going to sleep? You're exhausted. Just sleep and get better.”
“Are you coming to bed too?” Izaya asks, and Shizuo kisses his cheek.
“In a little bit. I gotta make a phone call.”
Izaya makes a noise of protest and holds tighter to Shizuo, but soon enough he starts to drift off, his grip loosening. Shizuo waits until Izaya is sleeping soundly before he rolls out of bed and turns off the light. He walks quietly down the stairs and grabs a cigarette, opening one of the windows as he lights up. He fishes his phone out of his pocket and dials Tom's number.
Tom is understanding, but confused. Like Vorona, he doesn't understand how a hatred like Shizuo's for Izaya could turn into something else so suddenly, but Shizuo knows with every word he speaks that he's making the right choice. Even if it blows up in his face somehow, ends up being a mistake, Shizuo knows Izaya is what he wants, all he's ever wanted, and even if it's a strange and twisted love they share, Shizuo is tired of fighting it.
“Are you sure about this, Shizuo? Are you sure he's changed?” Tom asks, and Shizuo exhales smoke, grins out at the bustling city below.
“No, but I have.”
Tom tells him there's always a spot open for him if he has a change of heart. They make plans to meet up soon, and by the time Shizuo hangs up the phone he's filled with a strange energy, the way he always is when he decides to make a major change in his life. He rubs out the cigarette and runs water over it before he climbs the stairs, undressing along the way. When he slides back into the bed, Izaya immediately rolls towards him, tucking against his bare chest.
“Shizu...” Izaya mumbles, nuzzling him unconsciously, and Shizuo holds him close, buries his face in Izaya's hair and smiles widely, withholding a laugh as he feels himself giving in to what he's known he'd become all along.
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The Witch and The Beast Himself: Chapter 5
A few hours before my and Shizuo’s date, I got myself prepared by washing my face and putting on light makeup, putting on a light blue skater dress, black leggings that stop past the knee, and black flats. I brushed my hair and let it down.
This’ll work, I thought. It's dressy without being TOO dressy.
I stepped out of my apartment, locked the door behind me, then walked down the street to find a phone store so that I could have my number changed.
After finishing with that I went to my new job and met with the owner. He gave me a couple of uniforms and a passcode so that I could clock in and be properly dressed for work tomorrow.
I headed back up to my apartment and sat on the steps, texting Shizuo to let him know I changed my number and that I was ready for our date.
  [Good, I can't wait to see you. Where do you want me to pick you up?]
  [I'm sitting outside of my apartment so I'll wait for you there.]
  [Alright, I'm heading there now. See you in a few.]
My heart leaped at his last text. I'm so excited for it I could scream. But i definitely needed to keep my cool.
I spotted him walking down the street towards me. I stood up, waved at him, then walked over to meet him halfway. He wore a white dress shirt with sleeves that stopped at his elbows, black dress pants, and his sunglasses. His familiar and calming energy had a sense of excitement.
When we met up he embraced me then kissed me on top of my head.
“You look beautiful, (your name).” He said, showing off a warm smile and playing with my hair a little as he pulled away from the embrace.
I became flustered and managed to say, “Thank you, so do you.”
“I look beautiful?” he raised a brow.
“Yes, yes you do,” I tapped him playfully on the arm.
He laughed at my dumb compliment. “Well thank you, you're the first woman to ever call me beautiful back. So, you ready to go?” he asked.
“Yep, let's go.” I hooked my arm onto his and walked down the street with him to downtown Ikebukuro. He pulled out a cigarette to smoke.
“Are you actually liking it here so far?” he asked along the way. He pulled a lighter out of his pocket, lit the cigarette and put the pack and his lighter back in his pocket.
“Yeah, I finally got my apartment set up, some food in my cabinets thanks to my friends, and I'll be starting my new job tomorrow.”
“Where are you gonna be working at?”
“The little coffee shop over that way.” I point to the street on our left.
“Oh really? Looks like I'll be seeing you more often than I thought.”
“Why's that?”
“My employer and I stop in there almost everyday to talk and enjoy some coffee.”
“Oh cool! Umm by the way, you never told me what you did for a living.” I said.
“I work as bodyguard for my high school friend Tom Tanaka. He's a debt collector that attempts to collect money from some of the shadiest people in Ikebukuro. If they don't pay up, then I bust them up until they do.” he said. We stopped at an intersection waiting for our turn to walk.
“Heh, that does sound like a perfect job for you.” I said. The signal for us to walk across lit up so we began walking across the street.
“Yep, I don't have to try to control my anger. Some usually pay up at the sight of me while others get what's coming to them.”
I suddenly felt the energy of a car speeding towards us even though we had the right of way.
“Look out!” I pushed Shizuo back then jumped out of the way with him. The man in the red car slammed on his brakes then screeched to a stop halfway on the sidewalk beside us. Pedestrians stopped to observe the scene.
“Urrrghhh,” I felt Shizuo’s uncontrollable angry energy rise within him as he snapped his cigarette between his fingers, dropped it, rubbed it into the ground with the toe of his shoe and stomped towards the car.
“Hey asshole! Who the hell do you think you are?! We had the right of way! Were you not paying attention?!” He picked up the front of the vehicle over his head and shook it violently, frightening the man inside. I ran up to him, grabbed his arm and started yanking him away.
“Shizuo, it's okay, nobody’s hurt, let's go!”
He continued shaking it for a second until he looked at me.
“Shit, sorry.” he set the car down. His energy began fading into an embarrassed and annoyed sensation. He looked at the guy in the car and said, “You're lucky you didn't hurt anyone. Watch where you're going.” he turned around and walked away with me to the other side of the intersection. The car sped off in the direction that it was going and the people watching went about their business.
“Goddammit I hate assholes that don't know how to drive.” He pulled out and lit another cigarette.
“It's okay, at least nobody got hurt,” I said. “Let’s just focus on having a good time.”
“You're right,” he said, offering a light smile and putting his other hand lightly on my back. As we were walking I took in all of the colorful sights and energies of downtown Ikebukuro.
“Have you heard of Russia Sushi?” he asked as we approached it. I saw Simon standing in front of the restaurant handing out discount flyers to pedestrians walking by.
“Yeah, Kyouhei, Erika, and Walker took me there when I first got here. The food was pretty good.”
“Oh well I guess I can't take you there if you've already been there, can I? There's another little restaurant I like to sit in every now and then called Ghiottone. They serve Italian food; it might be more to your liking.”
“Yeah that sounds great I love italian food!” I said. Simon spoke to us as we walked past.
“Shi-zu-o! Long time no see!” he looked at me then said, “You're with American lady?”
“I'm showing her around the city.” Shizuo replied, he flicked the remaining bit of his cigarette into the road.
“Ohhh like date! You should have date at Russia Sushi! Half off today, good price!” he attempted to hand him a flyer. I became a bit flustered when he said that.
Shizuo smiled slightly and waved the flyer away, “Not today Simon, we'll see you around though.”
“Okay, don't forget about the half off russian sushi! Sushi good for you, yes?” he called out after us as we walked away.
“That guy's a nut sometimes,” Shizuo remarked. We reached Ghiottone and walked up to the door.
“Here it is,” we walked inside the restaurant and were greeted with a mouth watering smell of hot buttery breadsticks, spicy marinara, italian seasoning, and a touch of Japanese culture that made the experience even more satisfying.
“This is so cool!” I said as we picked a table to sit down at. A waitress noticed us and approached our table to take our order. I ordered a glass of Ramune lemonade and the spicy shrimp fettuccini alfredo with a couple of breadsticks. He ordered a glass of shochu sake and a blue crab pasta dish. She assured us that our order would be out shortly then took off to the next table.
“I talked to Shinra yesterday to see when Celty would be back.” he began. “She should be heading back tomorrow. I told Shinra all about you, so he's excited to meet you as well.”
I looked up at him. “That's exciting! But you didn't tell him what I am, did you?”
“What? No! He knows that I rarely ever get the chance to say that I'm going steady with a girl so he's just excited to meet you.”
I smiled and blushed again. Our waitress came out us with our food and set each of our plates in front of us.
I accidently showed that I hadn't eaten much that day by finishing my plate and drink before he did. Once I scarfed my food away, I looked up to find him sipping lightly on his drink and had only eaten half of the food on his plate.
“Oh my god, I ate way too fast, I’m so sorry,” I said in embarrassment.
“For what? You were clearly enjoying the food.”
“Yeah it was the best! Thank you for that. How's yours?”
“It's alright, I order this plate every time I come here. The sake is always good.”
“It doesn't look that bad.” I stared down at his half eaten plate that had a little crab and some pasta left on it.  
We finished with our bill only being around 2000 yen. He paid for both of us then we left for him to show me around the city. He inched his arm even tighter around my waist as we walked.
Around dark and after my constant begging he decided to take me to his apartment to relax for a minute. His apartment was on the other side of town in a tree-shaded building on the 5th floor. He opened the door to bring me into his very clean and organized living room. There was a light scent of cigarette smoke in the air, but I didn’t mind it.
“Your place is really nice!” I said, kicking my flats off at the door.
He smiled, “Thanks, I do try to keep it clean in here.” He kicked his shoes off at the door as well. He took his sunglasses off and set them on a side table beside the door.
“Come here, you.” his energy spiked up in arousal and he pulled me over to his couch. I fell into his lap from being pulled so suddenly but he wraps both of his arms around my waist and begins making out with me. His touch causes me to cling onto him in ecstasy as I hold his head lighlty into my chest while he kisses me up and down my jaw, my neck, my collarbone, then back up to my lips.  I fall so suddenly under his spell and lose myself. The feeling I had felt when we first made out came rushing over me, causing me to tingle and my breath to fluctuate.
“What’s gotten into you all of a sudden?” I said in an aroused and excited tone between breaths and kisses.
“I’ve been watching you the whole time we were out together,” he breathed. “All I could think about is… how badly I want you.”
I tensed up. It had been a while since I actually had sex, and it wasn’t even that great. The guy and I went way too fast and I realized that I didn’t want to be involved with him at all.
Was that where my thing with Shizuo was going? But then again, it couldn’t be all that bad with him. He’s been so sensual, sweet, and caring with me almost ever since we became so involved with each other.
He pulled his face away so his light brown eyes could meet mine. “I’m really sorry if this all too fast for you. I just...” he had some trouble coming up with the right words to say before he said, “I really don’t know what is about you. I really want to explore you.”
“No, it’s okay,” I said. “I haven’t.. I haven’t had sex with anyone since I was 18. It didn’t go that well but it hasn’t ruined my perception of it. I don’t know, I guess...I really… I honestly want to try it with you and see where it goes.”
He raised his brow at me. “Are you sure you’re gonna be okay with it?”
I swallowed. “Yeah. I want it. With you. And,” I got a little red in the face then mustered up some confidence.
No need to be shy now.
“To be honest, I don’t want you to take it easy on me.”
He laughed, “You don’t want that.”
“What makes you think that I don’t?”
“You said you’ve only had sex one time. So asking ME of all people to be rough with you is a bad idea. I might end up breaking you .”
“So? I don’t care anymore. I want it. Now.”
He sighed in a playfully annoyed manner, clearly enjoying our talk. “Alright, I won’t hold back. But you better prepare yourself, you won’t be able to walk after I’m done with you.”
Fucking hell. I pushed my lips onto his, making out with him a little longer before he positioned me to be picked up from under my thighs and carried off into his bedroom.
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goldenworldsabound · 6 years
Offer me w/ you and Shizuo (shippin-in-the-rain)
Leave a “Offer Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about one character giving another a gift. - prompts here
“Welcome home!” Wendy yelled from the couch, getting to her feet as Shizuo came in. “You were out a bit later than usual, so dinner’s actually ready this time!”
Shizuo took off his shoes as she spoke, and walked over to her, blushing and looking to the side. She paused mid-step, as she had been heading to the kitchen, but was struck by the way he was behaving.
“Um, thanks.” He replied gruffly. He tugged at his collar absent-mindedly. She noticed that his other hand was holding a little wrapped box, complete with a cute little bow on top.
A grin crept onto her face. She turned towards him. “Whatcha got there?” She asked softly, looking up at him, trying not to look too excited.
“O-oh, well, I…” He cleared his throat, looking adorably embarrassed, free hand fussing with his collar, then his hair, back to his collar… “I missed you!” He blurted out, blushing more deeply.
Wendy tilted her head at him. “I miss you during the day too!” She replied, giggling a little.
“That’s not what I meant to say…” He mumbled.
“What did you want to say then?” She asked gently, smiling as she put her hand on his chest.
That seemed to startle him, and putting his free hand over his blushing face, he held out the box to her. She took it, holding it gently in her hands. She pulled the ribbon loose, putting it over her shoulder with a giggle. He peered out from between his fingers, watching.
She open the box, and gasped audibly at what she found. It was a couples necklace - a silver lock and key. They were together in the box, the lock open with the key inside it.
“Ah Shizuo!!! This is so cute!!!” She yelled, throwing her arms around him. He wrapped his arms around her too, kissing the top of her head.
“I…I’m really glad you like it…I just thought, um, that if I…had something like this maybe…maybe I’d feel better at work when you’re not around.” He mumbled into her hair.
“That’s so sweet you absolutely adorable person!” Wendy replied, squeezing him tighter, causing him to laugh. They pulled apart, and looked at the necklaces again, Shizuo’s hands still lightly on her arms as she held the box with both hands.
“Is there one you want?” Wendy asked.
“Er, well…I mean, if, if you want it that’s okay…” Shizuo replied, beginning to fidget again and blush.
Wendy laughed. “You haven’t even told me which one it is yet!”
“O-oh. Right. Um. Well, because…I mean…you…” He sighed, blushing deeply. “I want the lock, if that’s okay. I just…I feel like…I feel like I was so closed off and…you came along and you were the key to…to make me feel like I’m human and…so…that’s…” He paused, finally looking back at Wendy. “Are you going to cry?!”
“N-NO…” She replied, lip quivering, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes. “I JUST CUT SOME ONIONS EARLIER.” She lied, sniffling. She wiped at her eyes. “Shizuo, I…I’m so…I just…I love you. And I’m so happy I could be that person for you.” She wrapped her arms around him again, burying her face in his chest. He smiled softly, pulling her into him, burying his face in her hair.
“I love you too.”
They stood like that for a while. Finally, they pulled apart.
“Of COURSE you can have the lock, you absolute sweetheart.” She stuck her tongue out at him jokingly. “Let’s put them on!!!!”
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drx3-imagines · 7 years
omg I loved your dotachin scenario! I requested it, so I'm really happy to see it up so quick! what about dotachin with a s/o who has social anxiety? - dotachin anon
I’ve got major social anxiety so I really felt close to this piece. I hope you all feel the same and that those who have anxiety, minor or major, can take a bit of comfort from this~ ^_^ It did get kind of long though, sorry ;;;
Dating Kadota could be hard sometimes. It’s not that he does anything wrong, of course; it’s just that he is strangely magnetized towards crowds… and loud people… and he encounters strangers often. This is totally fine from any point of view but your own; only because crowds make you feel, well, crowded. Loud noises scare you more often than not which makes you jump and then people stare and then… Okay, so, you’re a little skittish. You can’t really trust strangers and in a big, crime-ridden city, the very thought is even more worrisome. Being slightly averse to these things is foreign for Kyohei though because he lives and breathes excitement every damn day. Honestly, he just thinks you’re being shy and he finds it cute which would be great if it weren’t for the fact that you were constantly wanting to grab him by the shirt and tell him that nothing is okay. You couldn’t be angry at him though; mainly because you’d never mentioned that you were anxious before.
Today, like many other days spent with Kadota, began really well. You woke up early and cooked breakfast, this being one of the occasions where you had stayed over the night before. It was like something out of a movie, the way he walked through the kitchen doorway in a pair of pajama pants while he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He wrapped his arms around your waist as you plated food and grabbed some water. That was your morning. It was romantic and made you feel like you were dreaming.
As per usual, once noon hit, everything had a 50-50 chance of escalating to extremes. Today, like many other days spent with Kadota, ended with you in a silent panic. This time was worse, though. Far, far worse. The reason you had woken up so early in the morning was because you had come to the nauseating realization that soon you would have to talk to Kadota about your “shyness”. It stuck in the back of your head, nagging at you throughout the day. Sometimes it would be gentle nudges as if your brain was trying to help you better yourself slowly, gently. Other times your thoughts were filled with “Tell him. Tell him. You have to talk to him. Why don’t you just say something?” like a bad mantra until you had a headache and every nudge of a passerby in the streets where you walked, holding Kadota’s hand, was another nail in the coffin. It felt like everyone around you was staring, trying to suffocate you and all you could do was hold Kyohei’s hand tighter, stand as closely as you could, and pray that you’d make it out of the ocean of bodies before you fell unconscious. He was blissfully unaware of your breathing which grew quicker by the minute as your palms began to sweat. You’d never have thought that things could get worse.
Lo and behold, the universe hated you like Shizuo hates Izaya. Of all of the many adventures you had been on with Kadota, his recon missions to gang hideouts were not one of them. Ever. And originally, he hadn’t planned to bring you here at all but traffic had him running very late for his trip to drop you off at home and this Yellow Scarves meeting was crucial for some reason unbeknownst to you. One thing led to another and soon you found yourselves running through the warehouse doors as a gang member was sliding them closed. Kadota adjusted the yellow bandana around his face as you tightened the one around your wrist. You were, for the moment, relieved; the adrenaline of your full-speed run to the warehouse helped dull the intrusive thoughts in your head as you relished in the silence, waiting for the gang meeting to start. You were grateful that the seats the two of you managed to grab were at the end of the row and closest to the warehouse entrance.
Things were fine, you were fi- clang! The once peaceful, albeit tense, conversation between a few of the members and the pseudo-leader A.K.A. Ugly Butterfly Shirt Guy™ went downhill fast. The room was filled with colliding metal and yelling as the entire room watched the fight before them. A lead pipe crashed against a crowbar as the pseudo-leader screamed at the top of his lungs towards the leader of the small sub-group, “Tell them! Tell everyone here about what you were doing with those Dollars bastards!” That was it. That’s all it took for both you and the crowd. The commotion had already sent your nerves flaring up and those words were of no help. Things were getting worse.
A few gang members started to attack the group at the front of the room and soon that fight started getting bloody. The entire warehouse, already antsy from the initial confrontation, aided in creating a full fight between most, if not all, of the people in the building. Kadota was doing his best to try and get you out of the warehouse as soon as possible but you weren’t easing his struggles in the slightest. Your head was that of a thousand panicked birds in a cage the size of your palm. Your hands were sweaty and shaking as one violently rolled the hem of your shirt between your fingers and the other gripped Kadota’s hand as tightly as you could. You were frozen in place. All you could do was sit in the folding chair that squeaked painfully as you stared straight ahead, borderline hyperventilating and watching the chaos play out before you. When you took a moment to steady your racing thoughts, you found yourself outside and leaning against the back of the warehouse, listening to an out-of-breath Kyohei slump to the ground beside you, forehead bleeding slightly.
“Wh-… What happened?” you spoke shakily, wiping your eyes which were wet with tears you had not previously noticed.
Kyohei’s breathing had slowed somewhat but his voice was equally uneven in his reply, “You wouldn’t move so I had to carry you out, I got clipped by a bat on my way through the door,” he tugged off his hat and pushed his hair back, wiping at the blood on his forehead with the bandana, “What happened back there? I was worried. You looked so… afraid. And it wasn’t normal fear. You looked like you saw a ghost.” You turned your head to see Kadota walking towards you before he slung an arm around your shoulder. The look on his face hurt you deeply when he watched you flinch, your mind hazy and hardly registering anything at a normal speed. 
You knew you had to explain yourself. The fear had been haunting you all day and this was the only way you were going to be able to get rid of it. Your head fell back against his shoulder, shaky palms made their way across his back and stomach until your body rested in a pitiable sideways hug. Your tremors returned in full force as you choked on a strangled noise. Your throat burned and your lip quivered but all you could do was try to calm your breathing and hide your pained expression in Kadota’s arm. “I-,” a quiet sob wracked your body tears falling freely, quietly. “I got overwhelmed, I guess. All I could think about today were situations li-like this, looking so pathetic in front of you.” Kadota stayed quiet. “Crowds. The crowds bother me. I feel like I’m going to lose you and drown in a sea of st-strangers and the fighting had me scared a-and I knew I had to tell you but everything got bad. it got too bad and I should have said something and n-now I… I just… Oh god-” You were sobbing, your body shaking as your tears soaked Kyohei’s jacket and the fear you felt washed over you in waves. it suffocated any hope you had of surviving the situation. It was terrifying, the thoughts you had of Kadota laughing and walking away, of him leaving you alone behind the warehouse in a pile of tears and distress.
All that could be felt were long arms holding you against a warm body, listening to gentle shushing as a large hand ran its fingers through your hair. “You’re fine. It’s okay, don’t worry. You’re not pathetic, just- just hold on. It’s okay to be afraid, you did nothing wrong,” it was a chant against your ear as his warm breath eased your nerves somewhat. His voice was gentle and carried you away from yourself; you were beside your fear, looking at it with puffy eyes like it was a broken toy, only meant to upset you. Kadota’s kindness, his love, helped you begin to clean up the pieces and throw it away.
“I h-have anxiety. Like, really bad anxiety, Kyo. When we walk through the city I get scared a lot, and the strangers you meet make me nervous and the noise is so loud all the time, I get so afraid,” you pull him closer, tighter against your body. The tears have slowed, tremors lessened, your sobbing is less fierce now.
He holds you so tight as he tilts your head to look at the polluted sky, only a handful of stars were visible in the darkness. “It’s okay,” he whispered, “Just let me know what I can do to help. I only want you to be happy.” He leans in close and places a gentle kiss to your lips which had finally stopped quivering. It helps to calm you even more and you slide to the ground with him and take a second to relax. The night drags on, the two of you talking quietly and discussing ways to help you calm yourself when you’re afraid. The way back to his apartment is quiet, comfortable. Your head rests against the pillow as you allow Kadota to climb under the blanket and lie beside you. The two of you had finally arrived home and settled in Kadota’s room. This won’t cure your anxiety but it will surely help ease you through the night.
- Pasya
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Chapter 1|Strategy "Is death a punishment or a reward? All my lovely humans know the pain, can feel it; what does it feel like? A burden? Bliss? Tell me, Shizuo, can a monster like you suffer? Can... I suffer? What is it like...? ... Show me." Today's the day. *Izaya's POV* "Oh, Shizu-chan!~ Nice to see you!~" I chirped as sweetly as my voice would allow me, more like announcing myself. I was in no mood for games, but I just had to come see Shizu-chan. I know he must've missed me. "IZAYAA!! HOW MAny times have I told you... To stay awAY FROM IKEBUKURO!?" I ducked, my reaction not as swift as the usual. A vending machine whizzed past while I grimaced, making sure not to let him see my face. The last thing I need is him asking what's up if he's even civilized enough to do that, and I can't let him know what I'm planning to do. Yet. Shizu-chan continued roaring, growling like the foul beast he is. It only made me smile. All I had to do was lure him to me, lead him to a remote location by the end of his pursuit. It doesn't matter what happens after, I just need to isolate the two of us so there's no witness. "Where's the hospitality for your beloved guest?~" I sang, although I couldn't hide my irritation for long. I gave a sigh, soon reversing my heels and beginning to run. Today though, would be different. This game of chess had all its pieces, I just had to think for my opponent, not myself. Something I wasn't used to in the slightest, especially for Shizu-chan... A sign landed in front of me, me lifting my soles and stopping dead in my tracks as a mere reflex. I turned just a bit, ducking my head and stumbling to the side when Shizu-chan's fist came down like a rocket, opening a rather large indent in the ground. How the hell was I already out of breath? Today was definitely different. I was agitated and exhausted, I wanted to get this all over with. But if I showed any weakness... I know this wouldn't play out as I planned. So I had to keep him pissed at me. "Oi, Shizu-chan, is..." I laughed loudly, turning around to the blonde who also kept his position. "... Is that all you got..." I raised my arms, smirking at him. "... You monster?" I felt my voice go cold, low, and heartless. It kind of surprised such a loving creature, as myself. That was enough to tip him over the edge, and I snickered at him before sprinting off once more. "Why you-- gET BACK HERE, YOU GODDAMN FLEA!" Shizu-chan screamed and hollered, just torturing his poor throat some more. Maybe you wouldn't have to see Shinra all the time if you could control your temper. I heard crashes of all sorts behind me, but kept my eyes on the prize: the abandoned school campus. I swerved to the direction of the gates, leaping over the ebony bars and rushing past the lockers. I heard the sounds of metal dropping, he had to have rammed through with his shoulder or something, that excuse for a human. I had "played" in this campus before, but never realised how inconveniently the stairs were placed, they weren't the easiest to speed on. I thought I memorised the entire mapping of the place, maybe I was just completely and utterly out of it today. Not long after, I heard even more pounding and shaking underneath my feet. I smirked, patting around for my knife... ... ... What the hell? I almost panicked, checking every pocket I had- and after going all the way up here, too. The crashing and sounds of walls collapsing got even louder, I just wished he would get the hell up here already. I soon spotted my pocket knife on the pavement, by the end of the stairs. Without thinking, I ran for it, Shizu-chan glaring at me as I bent over. "Heheh, took you long enough..." I mumbled just loud enough for him to hear me, my feet shuffling backwards until I could feel I were a few feet away from the spot where there was a hole through the fence. He just growled, his voice low, as he dragged a sign against the floor behind his feet. "... What is the meaning of all this? What is the meaning of everything you've been doing!?" The monster pondered, leaving an indented trail behind him from the street sign. And so he finally asks. Although it's fun to piss him off, if he's more angry, maybe it'll end more quickly. "Oh, Shizu-chan, whatever do you mean...?~" I voiced as if delighted, and I was. This was finally going to happen. It was finally going to come to an end. I was... overjoyed. I sighed, thinking of my dear humans... Oh how I'd miss them. "Don't play dumb, flea! You've been acting strange, and we both know you're hiding something! Spit it out!" His voice vibrated once more under a roar. "... Monster." The sign he had wield came flying past, ducking my head down so it flew through the fence opening. I unarmed him, so I smirked in triumph. Unfortunately, before I could straighten my legs, Shizu-chan had rammed his shoulder into my stomach, falling down on my rear end. How interesting. I pulled my switchblade down from my sleeve, the brute quickly hovering over my figure. I flicked it open, facing it towards him only milliseconds before he were already on his knees, trying to pin me down. "Tell me, you filthy flea! What are you hiding!?" Shizu-chan hissed in disgust, his grip around my wrist closing in. I knew he was holding back, because he could've pinned me into the concrete if he really wanted to. Of course, I tried to play both of our turns as long as I stood a chance, but I didn't expect him to want answers so early. I assumed he'd have his thoughts set on eliminating me. I was still tempted to do my part, so I used just as much force as him to stay off of my back. "Not... Nnngh... T-telling... Ahahaha!~" I grinned, although I craved it all come to a stop. I could tell it creeped up his nerves all too well. My wrists slammed into the pavement, my switchblade flinging towards the fence. I winced, feeling sharp parts of the building's top dig into my skin. "Tell me... I-za-ya." He spoke my name (almost) normally for the first time in years. The way he said it sounded nasty, but... It brought the past to my mind for a second until I snapped back to this monster, his breath no longer with that familiar bloodlust. His aura changed completely, as if he were trying to bring the memories out. I didn't give him a reply. We sank in the silence. Until he broke it. "...Tell me what you're afraid of." My eyes widened. "...Afraid? I... don't have a fear..." "...... I doubt that. Don't you fear death...? Suffering...? Your future... at least...?" His voice was so gentle... It wasn't even as rough or demanding as his voice in highschool. At this point, I could feel the tears rolling down my face. "...Th-the future... w-will always be death..." I sniffed, soon feeling completely embarrassed. I let out small whimpers to hide the disgusting sound of my sniffs, as well as to ignore the pain. Looking to my wrists, I saw red liquid slowly filling the miniature concrete dent, the tears stinging my eyes. Blood? How strange... Why these tears though? Nothing made sense to me, and it only made me even more confused when I felt fingers cautiously begin to remove my hands from the flooring's bind. I felt him pull me up, pull up the sobbing coward, the man who craved death so badly. He soon pulled me into an embrace, his arms carefully hanging over my frame. I cried into his shoulder, scratching at his back to let me go. I didn't want this, why didn't he comply? Why did he do this? Did I really have to say it to be clear? But in this state, I couldn't get a word out. My body wouldn't let me speak, only whine that nasty voice of mine. He held on to me a little tighter, myself rising up off the ground unwillingly. My eyesight wouldn't cease it's blurriness. They wouldn't focus on the situation, and neither would my brain. I couldn't process what happened. I soon started to drift off. To slip into a slumber. Nothing made sense. I only felt worse. Why didn't he choke me to death? Why didn't he toss me off the roof? Why didn't he dispose of this... This damn flea? ... Shizuo...
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icestar-74 · 3 years
Finishing Up
"Shizu-chan didn't I tell you last time that you don't need to worry? I can do this part on my own. I won't fall." Izaya spoke as he drew on the roof. "I'm almost done anyway. These lines will help us lay shingles straighter."
Shizuo squeezed him tighter. "Yeah, and like last time I told you I ain't worried. Just don't wanna have to clean you off the ground down there. This one is higher up too."
Izaya sighed. "You worry too much."
Shizuo rested his face into Izaya's lower back. "I worry about my flea bag boyfriend getting hurt.... I fucking hate shingles."
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"Now wait flea. I can do this on my own so why are you holding onto ME this time?" Shizuo grumbled as he reached for the roof. "This is almost done."
Izaya squeezed tight. "Much like you I don't want to have to clean you up below. It's gross. Plus as you said this is much higher than the old house... I worry."
"Annoying." Shizuo grunted with a fresh blush across his face.
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"Shizu-chan do you think this is really sturdy?" Izaya asked as he felt the base of the bay. "I don't want to be having breakfast and fall through!"
Shizuo started stomping. "Look here! If this damn thing was going to break it would fall apart with me stomping! I built this house with my strength in mind."
Izaya fell "Ahh! Ok Ok I get it! Calm down you brute!"
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"Alright this bay area is all done so we can move and work on the side opening." Shizuo said as he screwed on the walls.
"Will you make me breakfast when we move in? I'd love to eat next to the windows with you." Izaya asked as he tighted up his side.
"Of course." Shizuo smiled as he finished.
"Tell anyone I said that and I'll kill you while you sleep." Izaya added quickly.
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"You all tight down there flea?" Shizuo called down.
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"Of course. You have to loosen me up first!" Izaya shouted up while fighting a giggle.
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Shizuo almost fell.
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Shizuo sat against the wall panting. "Alright. Everything his put together. Now we have to paint and then put the windows in."
Izaya grabbed his hand. "This looks great honestly. I can't wait to pick out paints. What colors are you thinking?"
Shizuo looked thoughtful. "I think blue would be nice. Blue with brown windows." He smiled at the thought. "Sounds really homey."
Izaya rested his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes. "Ah, red it is."
Shizuo only chuckled as he rested his eyes. "Why even ask?"
Izaya smirked without openeing his eyes. "I need to pretend to value your opinion don't I?"
Shizuo kissed Izaya a bit hard on the head. "You rat bastard."
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Well here it is guys! This is the new Shizaya house! It's so big so of course I needed to take a picture next to it for size referance! I mean look at this thing! Can't wait to show you all the paint and interior! It all looks so good and it becomes so hard to restrain from just posting all of it. I hope you all have a good week and see you soon!!
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Thanks for taking this journey with me!
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icestar-74 · 3 years
Wake up and Tap the Matt
"Izaya..." Shizuo whispered softly. "C'mon flea.... it's time to wake up."
Izaya curled tight into the bed. A soft groan of disapproval rolled from his lips. "Ugnnn not yet."
Shizuo chuckled softly. "C'mon." He trailed his fingernails lightly against Izaya's bare back. "You're gonna be late."
Izaya only curled tighter. "Stop it Shizu-chan." He growled quietly into his pillow. "I don't want to."
Shizuo trailed his fingers along his spine. Izaya could feel him counting each rivet, the nails dancing here and there as the went. Shizuo smiled warmly as Izaya twitched against the touch slightly. Waking the flea like this was the best part of his day. It was such a lazy experience and he got to see Izaya in such a cute state. It was easy to forget what a little shit he was like this.
Izaya on the other hand frowned against the pillow. Shizuo had been waking him up like this for months. It would always start with same soft whispers followed by feather light drags of his nails up his back. He would deny for ever that it tickled and was indeed a nice way to wake up, but he could never tell that to Shizuo. Could never tell Shizuo that he loved it. Izaya was a complicated person.
Shizuo kissed his shoulder.
That was the next step of the process. Shizuo seemed to have a whole system down. Izaya wasn't really sure when it had started. He wasn't sure when they started sleeping together. Actual sleeping instead of just fucking. It was strange but the times Shizuo wouldn't stay over he found himself longing for the warmth of the other in his bed. He found himself wishing for those touches, those kisses and those soft whispers.
Shizuo let out a soft hum as the kissing slowly traveled down his back, into the dip of his spine where Shizuo would once again drag not one, but both hands down his back, letting his nails skitter on the surface.
The final step was always rolling Izaya over and unwinding him from the blankets. The sun would hit his face, he'd open his eyes to see Shizuo's warm gaze boring into his with such a soft smile Izaya wanted to reach up and capture it. He would feel his heart ignite in his chest while he fought for a breath as Shizuo stole it straight from his lungs with that simple gaze. This time however, Izaya's frown flipped to a sneaky grin as Shizuo began to roll him over.
"Alright Flea that-" Shizuo was cut off as Izaya grabbed him and flipped him over on his back.
"Got you." Izaya grinned as he held Shizuo down by his wrists above his head.
Shizuo's surprise quickly melted into amusement. "Do you now?" He rolled his head back into the sheets with a deep inhale through in nose. "Oh what ever shall I do? I've been caught by a flea." Izaya narrowed his eyes, never letting his smirk fall. Shizuo rolled his head back to face Izaya again, still smiling that warm smile that made Izaya's heart fizzle in his chest. "Just kidding."
His hands shot free from Izaya's hold and he grabbed Izaya's hands too quick for Izaya to prepare for. He flipped Izaya over on his stomach and pressed his chest to Izaya's bare back. He wound his arms around Izaya's neck and held him with a gentle force so Izaya couldn't move. His hair fell across Izaya's cheek with little tickles.
"Damn it!" Izaya growled. He tried to turn his head but Shizuo burrowed his nose against his neck. "Oh this isn't fair?"
"mmmmm" Shizuo breathed. His lips brushed Izaya's ear. "How so?"
Izaya couldn't fight the shudder that ran through him. "You're trying to seduce me."
Shizuo hold softened at the shocked breath that he sputtered out.
Izaya felt it and immediately pushed up, knocking Shizuo backwards. He flattened back against Shizuo to press him into the bed before trying to roll off. Shizuo grabbed him instead, winding their legs together to hold him still. Izaya felt Shizuo's ankle run up his inner leg as he wound them tight. A few pillows fell to the floor and Izaya squinted at the sunlight filtering through the windows against his face.
"Well you're playing dirty." Shizuo chuckled.
Izaya arched against him, trying to wiggle away. "You knew I would."
Shizuo sighed in agreement. "What ever will I do with you?" A kiss was planted on his head.
Izaya smiled at the fuzzy feeling it left running through him. He looked down at Shizuo's arms locked around him. He smile widening. "You know what they say about fleas right?"
Shizuo chuckled and let his hands slide over Izaya's stomach. "What?"
Shizuo's hands splayed out to let him drag his nails around. Izaya had to fight a giggle, a tickle fight was not on today's agenda. Izaya leaned his head forward and bit Shizuo's arm. Of course it would do nothing since Shizuo had such thick skin but Izaya had to try. Shizuo hissed and removed his arms. Izaya unwound them and rolled away to stand next to the bed. Shizuo had his face covered with one arm as if he was in pain.
"Oh come now Shizu-chan. There is no way that hurt!" Izaya frowned at him while crossing his arms. The sun filtering through the window warming his back.
Shizuo peeked at him under his arm. "Of course it didn't."
"Are you trying to fool me?" Izaya asked.
Shizuo shrugged. "Maybe."
"Well that just wont work." Izaya unfolded his arms to place them on his hips. "Did you really think it would?"
"It would enough for you to let your guard down." Shizuo grinned as he rolled quick to snatch Izaya around the waist. With a small yelp he dragged them both back into the bed. Shizuo was now sitting crossed legged with Izaya in his lap facing away from him. He hugged Izaya tight and kissed his neck. "I think it worked."
Izaya rolled his head back, resting it on Shizuo's shoulder and feeling the little bit of morning stubble brush his cheek. "You think so?"
"Got you back in bed didn't I?" Shizuo brushed his lips against his cheek.
"So you did. You're mistake though." Izaya grinned.
"Ha?" Shizuo questioned. Before he could get an explanation Izaya scooted down, sliding right under his arms and spun around. He tackled Shizuo back into the bed straddling him. "Damn." Shizuo sighed deep. "Should have expected that from a slippery devil like you."
Izaya smiled smugly at him. "Yes you should have."
Shizuo smiled warmly up at him. "What will you do with me now since you caught me?"
Izaya tilted his head in mock thought. "I don't know. To think of a flea catching a beast is quite a feat." Shizuo laughed and Izaya narrowed his eyes at him. "Did you let me win?"
Shizuo shook his head. "Never."
Izaya smiled triumphantly at him.
"You didn't answer my question though." Shizuo tilted his head against the bed. "What will you do with me?"
Izaya grinned. "Oh I can think of a few things." He then leaned over to capture Shizuo's lips with his own.
Yes, Izaya didn't know when this all started. When they became so intimate. When neither one of them could sleep peacefully without the other. When Izaya felt safe in his arms. Or when he fell in love.
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