#holds him up he's our horrible man thing and we love him so
fellpyrean · 2 years
Advent Statement 10 - Hospitality
And here we are. The final one I managed to write, though I am pretty sure I only finished it on the 23rd or 24th itself and then promptly fell over dead. Unfortunately, the final intended chapter of this advent was never written, but who knows! Maybe I will write it as a silly goof this year. 
On to this one, I really had to keep beating ideas for the stranger out of the ranking, but they still ended up with two chapters, those showy bastards. They’ve just got such aesthetic, you know? 
This chapter contains a version of an OC of my partner and I’s, and we love him very much. Please, be polite to him. He’s an excellent guest. 
CWs: canon typical violence/peril?? 
You've seen candles in the window, haven't you?
They're popular this time of year; little AA powered twinkling things, plastic and fake leaves of holly to make them pretty and fire-safe. Don't get me wrong - I like them. I think they're charming. I just never really thought of them beyond decor until recently. 
Never really wondered what a candle in the window meant until I put that candle in my window and… formed my contract, it would say. 
My guest.
It’s a welcome, the candle. A bright, flickering beacon at the end of a long, dark journey. An offering of food and shelter and, hah, hospitality. 
I should backtrack. 
The house used to belong to my uncle, but the one I got it from was an old family friend. I’d just gotten kicked out of my old place, so they’d decided it was as good a time as any to pass the place back on to me. And look, maybe it was a horror movie setup from the start, but the reality is, when someone gives you a house, you look past the colonial brick and woodwork and the included cellar and encroaching old-growth and any creepiness inherent and go hell yeah, I’ve got a place to live. 
It’s a lovely house. Sturdy and creaky all at once, with stone and real wood floors and a huge glass door - a much more recent addition - that looks out over the field between it and the forest out back. No ever-present sounds of traffic, no door-to-door salesmen because out there, odds are they’ll be met with a shotgun. It was peaceful and cozy, once I got a few rugs, and I was willing to coexist with whatever ghosts might have haunted the place as long as they were polite. Feels like I shot myself in the foot with that one, honestly. 
This began with a candle. 
I found it tucked away in the cellar, and ignoring the fucking foreshadowing of where I found it - literally behind a hole in the wall, where a piece of stone had been loosely removed and set back in - I was immediately charmed by it. It wasn’t new and neat; it was old and yellowed and rough, obviously hand-dipped, and the smell of clove came faintly from the slightly soft wax. I mean, it’s not wax, but that’s what I thought it was. It was tallow. Rendered fat. Yeah. You don’t need me to say the rest; you’ve already got an idea and so do I, but I never asked.
It sat in one of those old-fashioned metal candle holders with the dish and the little loop to put your finger through, with a little circle of melted ‘wax’ still in the tarnished base, and… And I thought it had an antique charm to it. It wasn’t all neat and perfect like something modern, and it just. Made sense to me that when it came time to decorate my home for the holidays, I put it in one of the windows. The front ones all had curtains but I’d not quite managed to scrape enough together to get curtains for all the ones in the back, so in the interest of fire safety, it went in the narrow little window next to that big, glass door facing the woods. 
No curtains, and I could see it from my usual perch at the kitchen counter. Seemed perfect. 
The sight of it there, burning bright and filling the room with that odd but not unpleasant scent made me feel warm. Cozy. Just old, orange flickering firelight lighting up the space, silhouetted against the black shape of the trees outside. 
A glittering invitation. 
He… it came the next night. 
All day, I was weirdly on pins and needles. I couldn't sit still for the life of me, and that antsiness manifested as the most cleaning that house had probably seen in a century. Even the baseboards got a scrubbing. I can't even claim that I had company coming in like a month, because I didn't; I only had the one couch and my dining table only sat two if you didn't mind personal space. Like hell was I offering to host. 
But it just seemed like something that needed doing. And when I was done cleaning and tidying, I started to cook. Beef and barley soup, if you must know. 
It had just really finished up when I… When I relaxed enough to look up and notice that it was dark - and the candle was lit. I hadn't noticed the scent of clove filling the room, threading through the rich scent of soup, until then. 
And then I noticed something much, much worse than a candle I didn't remember lighting. 
There was someone standing on my back porch. 
I almost screamed from that alone, really. I know I locked up for a moment, breath caught in my chest as I stood there with nothing but a wooden spoon in hand and stared at the barely illuminated… person? Standing just a few feet from the glass. 
It wasn't… wasn't quite shaped right. It was very tall, and the outline was all wrong. This was not helped by the fact that I could see what looked like antlers coming off its head, before I realized there was still a skull attached to those. 
A bare, yellow-white deer skull over its face like a mask. I could see the flickering candle light, the pale moonlight dripping down the prongs, glinting off the teeth. And then it slowly stepped forward. Its outline rustled as it moved, as it stepped closer and raised too sharp fingers and gently, carefully, knock-knocked on the glass. It… it sounded wrong. It wasn’t flesh that made its fingers, and I have never wanted to own a shotgun more than in that moment. 
But it just stood there. That hand still raised expectantly, its unseen eyes fixed on me. I did not move. I watched as it slowly tilted its head, watched something sway and clatter from its antlers, and it knocked again. 
I… I swear, when it. When it knocked again, when it stared at me with that skull’s empty eyes, I felt a sudden… sense of crisis. Like the candle smoke went cloying, like I could hear those… those claws dig into the glass, and abruptly knew that it only stayed behind it because it was being… polite. 
It was the most absurd thought, but in that moment, I knew that it was true and I latched onto that surety like a rope. 
I opened the door for it. 
My terror was probably tangible in the air as I did it, but I lunged over and unlocked the door and slid it open. I was close enough I could smell the scent of pine and dirt and smoke clinging to it, clinging to the… the pelts it wrapped around itself. I could hear the layers of dusty furs rub against each other as it nodded towards me and held out that pale, clawed hand towards me, until I took it. 
It shook my hand and my skin crawled at the cold touch and then it just let go and stepped inside. Each step clunked. I didn’t think about it too hard. 
All I did was close the door, listening to it clunk, clunk, clunk across the wooden floors, and heard it pull out a chair at my tiny dining table. 
I wish it had done something worse, but, no. 
I gave it soup and it wasn’t until it finished eating it with a mouth I never saw that my words came back to my tongue and I could ask who, what it was. 
And it just answered, in a voice deep and rough, “I am your guest.” 
It is the guest, and I. I am the host who invited it in. 
Nothing about it was human. Its joints moved wrong, like… like an animal. But it held the steaming mug of cider delicately in its… fingers that clicked against the ceramic and sipped it almost contentedly, and I just had to watch and host it with a smile as my fear simmered beneath my skin. The longer I saw it under the light, the more I realized just how wrong it was, and it was only with my nerves fraying and my fingers shaking that I guided it back to the door once it stood and thanked me for the meal, and just. Left. 
I watched it walk and slump back out across the field and vanish into the trees and only then did I let myself slide to the floor. I felt wrung out. Exhausted and jittery and I didn't move for a while. 
It was only when I realized I was watching shadows dance on the ceiling cast by candlelight that I found an outlet to act on. I snuffed the candle with fury and marched right back down to the cellar with it. That was really the first time I ever wondered why something so charming had been shoved into a literal hole in the cellar wall, but now I had a feeling. 
The candle called that thing inside. 
So, if. If the candle was in the cellar like that, there must have been a reason. Had my uncle put it there? Had he known? Was that why he'd passed off the house, why the person he'd given it to had never set foot inside while they owned it? I had no answers but I was pissed. Scared pissed. I'd had to sit next to that thing for an hour and act like everything was normal and like I didn't hear way too many things shift and clink-clunk together when it moved or wonder where the soup was going or whether the soup was what it was eating at all. 
I shoved the candle back into the hole, back into that dirty, dark little spot and I found the stone that was supposed to cover it hidden beneath the stairs and rankled at the idea that someone had set it up for me to find. 
All that mattered, I told myself as I hefted the stone back into place and pushed at it until it was more or less back where it belonged, was that the candle was gone now. It was gone and unlit and that thing wouldn't come anymore. 
I think that desperate satisfaction helped lull me to sleep; me telling myself I had fixed the problem. It had worked for the last person, so it would work for me. 
(The last person left. The last person never stepped inside the house again.)
Couldn't really afford them, but I bought the rest of the curtains the next day. I didn't want to see the field in the morning anymore, didn't want to watch the twilight and squint for owls and deer. I didn't want the thing in the forest to see me, to see any light spilling from the windows and take it as a welcome. 
Oh, and a shotgun. I kept it very close as I hung my new curtains and ate my extremely cheap dinner, and the thing did not come back. 
Not for a week. 
I watched every night for it. Jumped at every creak and thump outside, though I was very proud that I hadn't devolved to checking with my shotgun in hand. 
When I heard that heavy clunk on the back porch though, I instantly knew the sound. 
Clunk. Clunk. 
My heart thudded frantically in my chest as I dared not move. 
It was standing on the back porch again. I couldn't see it behind the thick, heavy curtains I had installed, but I knew with utmost certainty that it had come back and the candle was not lit. 
It did not knock. 
It stood there, and then I heard it laugh.
Low and raspy and rolling, and then I heard those claws drag against the glass. 
"Am I no longer welcome?"
The glass wailed. It shook. 
“You no longer wish for me to be your guest?” My shotgun was on the table. I went for it. I’d bought it for this. I ran, and the glass shattered. Something. Something snarled, something came running too fast, its steps disordered and heavy, and I refused to look. Not until I had my shotgun in hand and turned and it was. So, so much worse than I expected. 
It no longer resembled a person at all. It… it had too many limbs. All those pelts, writhing and shifting, too many limp paws and hooves all clawing forwards, all connected to that single, grinning deer skull. Bones and twigs and baubles jangled beneath, a horrid cacophony that howled as it barreled through my kitchen, as that deer skull’s mouth opened - I shot it. 
I don’t think I missed, but I. Didn’t dare wait and watch. 
All I know is that it didn’t stop, either way. I shot and ran and it laughed and cackled and snarled and I. I ran down. 
I don’t think I could have made it out the front door, or my car. I don’t think my car could have withstood it. Upstairs… I would have just been cornered. The only option I had was down. I’d be cornered, but it had… it needed to be my guest. I had to host it. At least until I could figure out some other way to deal with it, at least the candle kept me safe. 
The cellar had a good lock. Sturdy. I just prayed it would be enough as I barreled down the stairs and dropped my gun and scrabbled at that stone. It thudded against the wood. I heard the door splintering. I heard the things horrid hollow laughter, heard something too, too heavy for empty, writhing skins slamming again and again into the door as I struggled and pulled at the wall, swearing as it moved so, so slowly, dragging against old mortar - 
The door shattered. 
The stone slipped and cracked on the floor as I plunged my hand into that awful little hole and grabbed that too-soft candle in the dark and. And felt fur brush against my arms. Felt soft, supple leather draped across my shoulders and rasping breaths at the back of my neck. Cold, long-dead teeth pricked above my spine as I. Shivered. 
But it didn’t move either. 
So I. I pulled the candle out of the wall and didn’t look at the mismatched pelts, at the old claws that capped empty, grasping paws as I held it up. I licked my lips. 
“Can I invite you to sit down for dinner upstairs?” 
My voice was impressively even. I was… specific. As specific as I could be, with its teeth pressed to my skin. 
You can probably guess since I’m here that it worked. It… it didn’t let go of me until I lit the candle. That walk up the stairs was… one of the worst moments in my life, I think. The skins were so heavy as it clung to me. Cold bone on my neck, awful, nameless things jangling as I maintained my brittle smile and ferried my guest back upstairs to my dining room and dug for the matches and lit the damned thing. 
And then it waited politely, pelts shifting and rustling as it literally pulled itself back together into something person-shaped and I made more soup. 
The candle sat in the middle of the table. I watched it burn down slowly as my guest tucked in, content and docile, and ignored the cold breeze blowing into my kitchen from my shattered back door. It made the flame dance. The smoke coiled about the lights and wreathed the room and filled my lungs until it finally left again, glass crunching beneath its hidden feet as it pulled aside the curtain and vanished back into the night. 
I didn’t try to hide the candle again. 
Call me a coward, but I… I shot the fucking thing and it didn’t even slow down. Where would I even aim if I wanted to shoot to kill? The skull? Would I try lighting it on fire? Flames would probably work, but. But I was scared. I was scared and I could still feel the ghost of its teeth and claws pressed tight to my skin. I had a feeling that if I set it aflame, it would drag me down with it, and I… I wasn’t at that point yet. 
I kept the candle in the window and my guest came by, again and again. It brought me gifts, you know? Old pelts. They’re beautifully preserved. Said it was only polite to bring gifts to such a hospitable host. 
And every time it visited, I watched the candle burn. Lower and lower. 
It’s just a nub now. Maybe enough for a single night. 
That’s… why I came now. 
It’s supposed to snow this weekend, you see… It’ll be too cold for it to leave, the snow too deep. 
I can’t turn it out into a night like that. It has such old, weary bones. 
It’d make me a terrible host. 
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harpsinfinity · 1 year
Cuddling with Simon, Price and könig
Warnings: none, just pure fluff :)
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Simon Riley
Simon loves to just wrap you up in his big bulky arms, keep you out of harms way. He'll have you laying on his chest, your arms wrapped around him while he rubs your back gently. Sometimes he'll lay his head on your stomach, letting all the tension from his previous mission melt away as your hands play with his hair, your nails soothingly scratching his scalp.Your the only thing he knows that can take him away from everything, everything horrible he's done. With you he isn't Ghost
He's Simon, your Simon.
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John Price
This man will give you bear hugs (we love our peepaw), you will literally be trying to wiggle out of his grasp to get some air, though you don't mind most of the time. Loves, loves, loves to lay on your chest with your soft hands grazing his back and scratching the base of his neck lightly.He loves to just lift you off your feet and take you to the nearest place to cuddle, wether that be the sofa or somewhere else. It doesn't matter as long as he has you in his arms. His arms will be wrapped tight around you, holding you like it'll be the last time he'll be able to.
Your all his, and he's all yours
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This giant of a man will have you in his lap, holding your smaller body close to his, his rough, calloused hands holding your softer ones. Comparing the size difference between them with a light chuckle. He'll have his strong arms around your waist with yours wrapped around his thick torso, resting your head on his broad chest. He can't believe how small you are compared to him, a big brute of a man next to someone so soft and small, he's always so gentle with you, careful not to hurt his love.
He can just never get enough of you
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Genshin men when you bring them home to meet the parents and they find out that your sister is the favored child of the family and she now has her eyes set on them.
Uhhh, I really like that idea.. It has so much angst potential... but am I gonna do it...?
Characters Included: Heizou; Thoma; Alhaitham
Content: gender neutral reader; reader has a sister; slight cursing; some jealousy themes; nothing else besides that
Word count: 2k words
Have fun reading!<3
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He is so fucking nervous!
He is good at hiding it, but you know him by now, you know how he gets and how he acts when he doesn't want others to know his true feelings, so you know and are aware of it
Heizou knows about your strained relationship with your family. Your parents having favoured your sister over you, no matter the circumstances
you did have contact with your family, but it was on a very low, unregular basis. Not that he minded that, though. It was your life, your decision. He's sure you wouldn't do that without having a good reason for it.
You had agreed on a nice, easy dinner at your parents house where they would get the chance to meet your boyfriend for the first time
upon arriving at the house where you spent your childhood, Heizou got more and more nervous. Somewhere along the way, he grabbed one of your hands, holding it tightly in his own.
you tried reassuring him, giving him a small smile as you held his hand, and it did help him a bit
soon, your mother answered the front door, followed by your father and introductions were made
Heizou held your hand throughout the entire thing, not daring to let go of you, but he seemed to relax more and more as the seconds went by
your parents noticed this as well, looking briefly at your joined hands, but chose not to say anything about it
you sat down on the table and a few minutes later, your sister arrived
she was acting entirely over the top with you, throwing herself at you and acting far too friendly. It made you somewhat uncomfortable, but you didn't say anything, not wanting to ruin the good mood that everyone has
for the first few minutes of dinner, everything seemed fine. Conversations were held, your parents asked Heizou some questions, nothing too bad
but then, your mom made some comment about you again, and it all went downhill from there for you
"You know, you're exactly the type of man we always wanted for our daughter. Are you sure you want to settle with (name)?"
then, your mother proceeded on to tell him every little thing about your sister. How she was working a much better job than you with better hours and more pay. How she was more beautiful than you. How she was just in general the better choice between the two of you
Heizou was dumbfounded by this behaviour and he now understood entirely why you had almost no contact with your family. This has been your entire life? Archons, he wanted to rip them a new one, for your own sake..
your mother was still rambling on, your sister just sitting there, smiling at Heizou, thinking that he was considering his options
everyone, including you, was surprised when he suddenly slammed his hands on the table, making all eyes fall on him
"With all due respect, Ma'am. I would rather die than do something so horrible to (Name). They are a wonderful partner, the best I could ever wish for. So, pardon us, but we are going to take our leave now."
with that, he grabbed your hand and you both walked out of the house, ignoring the calls of your family for you to come back and that they didn't mean it like that
secretly though, you were so glad and relieved. When your mother started saying stuff like that again, you just mentally accepted that this was it, yet again.
But Heizou surprised you and stood up for you against your own family. It made you feel so incredibly loved and cared for
that night, he hugged you closer to him than ever before, now reassuring you that you were his number one, that he loved you only and would do everything in this world, just to see you smile again...
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He's such a sweet partner, always caring about you and making sure that you're comfortable with him
Thoma likes to be a provider in a relationship. In the sense that he likes to cook for you, help you clean up, doing little things for you around the house. It's his way of saying "I love you"
Thoma will never push you into doing anything you don't want to, or making you open up to him
he's more than happy to take things slowly, earning your trust
and when you finally open up to him about whatever things you want to talk about, he's there for you, listening to everything you have to say without interrupting you
he also knows about the strained relationship with your family. He might not know all the details, but he knows enough to trust you in your decisions regarding the matter
he would never comment on it or make you do anything since it's not his place to judge or intrude on
with that being said, it just so happened that one day, while out shopping for ingredients, he ran into a certain someone
well, more like, a certain someone that ran into him. She profusely apologized for running into him and somehow got him tangled up into conversation
Thoma, being the nice person that he is, tried finding a way out of the conversation without coming across as rude. But, honestly, he just wanted to get home to you as soon as possible
Somehow, the conversation shifted and the topic of partners came up. Thoma said that he was happily taken right now, but she just kept pressing with her questions until your name slipped out his mouth
Thoma could clearly see how her eyes lit up at the mention of your name and he had a feeling that she would just bombard him with thousands more questions
so, he quickly made up an excuse and got out of there, walking home at a fast pace
once he arrived, he told you about the encounter he just had, which made you think. It all sounded strangely familiar to you, even his description of the person rang a bell somewhere in your mind
however, you didn't have much more time to dwell on those thoughts as a knock could be heard from the front door
exchainging glances, you went to answer the door, only to find your sister standing in front of you
eyes wide, you wondered how she found you here, but that question was quickly answered
"Oh, so you ARE his lover! God, now I'm so glad I followed him all the way back here!"
She threw herself in your arms, then quickly abandoned you and went inside your home. You were still so shocked and didn't realize this but when you came back to your senses, you quickly went inside again to the kitchen were you heard her voice from
Thoma was looking at you confused as well, but she just continued talking to him like nothing had happened and they were still out in the city where she ran into him
"...I mean, I'm so glad it was you! You're so handsome, and strong apparently for carrying all those bags back here! Say, why are you with (Name) anyway? Like, they have no redeeming qualities. You should look for more suitable partners, like me! I could give you so much more!"
She smiled at him like her little speech would be all it takes for Thoma to change his mind. The sad part was, you were expecting it to work as well, having dealt with exactly that your entire life, she always got what she wanted
"...Out.", Thoma said. It was the only thing he said, but his tone was so unusal from his normal self. It was cold and demanding, making your sister shiver in her place.
She quickly grabbed her stuff and left your home again, not saying another word
You looked after her for a second, but then in the next you felt two strong arms wrap around you from behind, his face burrying itself in the crock of your neck
for a long time, he remained silent, before he spoke again. "Sorry. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that for so long."
you were perplexed at his words, but quickly hugged him back, silently thanking him for staying by your side
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To most people, Alhaitham comes off as a cold and calculated person without any emotions
most people will be surprised when they find out that he was indeed in a committed relationship
and they were even more surprised when they find out how sweet, loving and expressive you are
most would think that he would want a partner similar to him, closed off and not all that social. But you are the exact opposite to that
Not that Alhaitham was paying any mind to the opinions of others about him and his love life in the first place
To you, Alhaitham was the most ideal partner you could have hoped for
he was caring, attentive towards you, listened to you even if he didn't give that impression
his attention was always on you, you were in his thoughts when not with him. Just completely head over heels for you
However, he would not know about the strained relationship with your parents. He knew you weren't in much contact with them, and that's all he really needed or wanted to know. He never bothered you about it
But then, one day, you asked him if he wanted to meet your parents. You seemed unsure about the proposal, but in the end, he agreed to it nevertheless
the days before the event, you became a nervous mess. Alhaitham had no idea what was going on, but he tried to be there for you and support you
he did ask if you wanted to talk to him about anything, but you declined and he didn't push you anymore after that
then, the evening finally arrived where you were meeting up with your family at a local restaurant
when you arrived, your partents and sister were already there, waiting on the two of you. your mother spotted you first, waving to grab your attention
you then went over to sit with them
Introductions were a bit awkward at first, but after a few minutes, things seemed to settle down a bit as your parents engaged in conversation with you, trying to catch up on things
However, it quickly became clear to Alhaitham that your sister was always trying to upstage you with absolutely anything. You got a good job? Well, she got an even better one. You got paid so and so much? Well, wouldn't you look at that, her numbers were even higher than yours
at first, you tried to ignore it, but as always, your parents quickly began ignoring you again, instead congratulating your sister on how good she was doing for herself. It dampened your mood quite a bit, but you still wanted to give this a chance
that was, until your sister said something very specific. "Yeah. The only thing missing to top it all of would be an amazing boyfriend now. Say, Alhaitham. Why don't you dump my sibling and get with me instead?" She even winked at him after saying this
Immediately, your parents agreed to her proposal, looking expectantly at Alhaitham
said man only took a quick glance at everyone at the table, before throwing some money on the table, grabbing your hand and standing up, heading for the exit
"I listened to you disrespecting my partner for long enough. And you wonder why they hold no contact with you anymore. Really, I'm glad they got out of your grasp."
With that, you both left the restaurant. None of you spoke a word until you got to Alhaitham's house again, where he immediately pulled you into his arms as soon as you were inside
so for a while, you just stood there in his embrace while he silently reassured you that you had nothing to worry about
you were the only one to him and he would spend his entire life proving this to you if necessary..
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joonieskinks · 2 months
I just read your blurb where reader wakes up and she’s married to Sergeant Soap and not Captain Soap but I feel like what if it’s reversed. What if she’s this young bonnie thing with a young husband and then she wakes up to be married to older, slightly more mature, Captain MacTavish.
uh- HELLO?? I love it. Sorry it took so long but here you go, hope I did it justice xx
warning: age gap so shoo if ur not into it
You sat up slowly in the bed, stilling orientating yourself and emerging from sleep. You had thought the sheets felt a little different, but assumed that maybe you were still dreaming. It was only when your eyes opened did you realize you weren’t at home anymore.
You were on base in the early morning, in a room that looked an awful like your husband’s when you would come to see him and stay with him for a couple nights. Well, that was what you did until his passing.
Johnny and you were a young love. He got down on one knee before he was even 23, and got to the altar before 24. You only got a couple months with him as husband and wife- a young widow they now called you. Everyday is hard, but that horrible day you received the news plays over and over in your mind all the time like a nightmare you just can’t shake.
John, Simon and Kyle all came to your door to tell you personally. They cried with you and stayed with you, they promised they would help take care of you, always. It’s what Johnny would have wanted.
The panic finally began to sink in as you could not remember how you got here. Everything was different but also incredibly familiar. This was the base alright, but the layout seemed altered, the paint a different colour. Looking around, you turned on the nightstand light, eyes briefly glancing at the framed photo beside.
It was like your blood turned cold.
There was your Johnny.
That’s your Johnny with his boys, with John, Simon, Kyle. But older, so much older. But he was alive, he was smiling, he’s so handsome and he’s there-
You shot out of bed, running into the hallway, searching for anyone, any familiar face. For your husband. Is he your husband? If he’s older? But how is he alive? Is he still alive?
The questions running around your head, threatening to ignite tears from your eyes. You turn a sharp corner, bumping straight into a hefty figure.
“Sorry” you stumbled out, trying to regain your balance.
“‘S alright.” The man started, looking down at the small, young girl who’s a frantic mess before him.
“Hey, hold on,” he starts again, and you glance up. Coming face to face with John Price. Much older, a thicker beard adorning his face, but that same damn hat. It was him.
“Slow down there a sec and-“
The recognition in your voice stops him in his tracks, he looks you over for a couple seconds and shakes his head.
“Think you might be mistaken, love.” He smiles gently, trying to be as polite as possible.
“Johnathon Price- Captain. You, Kyle, Simon and my Johnny were all on Taskforce 141 when we met. You even came to our wedding, you were one of the groomsmen for crying out loud. I-“
“Stop right there.” John orders, his hands coming to grip your shoulders. “How could you possibly know about all that?”
“John, I know you. Now, what’s going on? How did I get here and why’re you older?” You asked, utterly confused and exhausted, you needed answers and you needed them now.
He glanced around the room before making his decision.
“Alright, come with me. We’ve gotta talk.”
John sat you down in a private room with a two-way mirror where you told him all about himself, how you woke up here and your marriage. Your Johnny MacTavish, your young husband who went by Soap. Everything, you laid it all on the table, the task force, the mission, the death. Everything.
And John believed you, as crazy as it sounded, from wherever you came from and however you got here- because how else could you know all this?
As he listened, he kept looking to your ring finger, the gold band adorning that you refused to ever take off. He admired your devotion.
John sat, silent when you finished, glancing towards the mirror every now again. Thinking and planning his next move.
“Wait here.” He stood up from his chair and left out the door, leaving you with your own thoughts. But only the same questions were on repeat.
Where am I? What was that photo? Why is he older? Is he still alive? Does he know who I am? Would he think I’m crazy? What now?
You almost didn’t register the sound of Price opening the door again until his figure reappeared. He could only stare at you, empathy in his eyes. Although this was a weird situation, he could tell you were genuine and wanted to help, so he trusted you. Anything for his boys, Johnny included.
“He’s been listening.” John starts and you draw in a breath.. You didn’t even know you were holding it.
He? As in your Johnny?
“He would like to meet you, if you’d like to see him-“
“Yes.” You reply without thinking.
Eager for anything, anything at all that could bring you a glimpse Johnny. The love of your life taken so young, life was so cruel and unfair. Taking him just as you were happiest. He was alive but was this still your Johnny? From the photo he was older, he’s different. He probably doesn’t even know who you are, for all you know he could be married, have his own kids. Who the hell are you to interrupt all of that?
“Then I’ll take my leave.” John huffs, interrupting your thoughts. He eyes you up and down one last time before exiting once again.
You sit up from your chair instinctively, playing with your ring. It’s only now that the doubt hits you like a truck.
Would he believe you? Would he laugh you off? Would he even like what he sees?
The thoughts raced until he opened up the door, reveling himself to you. Then you could only stare in shock.
That was your Johnny.
Older, yes. But that was him. Banged up with more scars, he looks tired yet wears his age well, you just wish you could’ve seen him grow older alongside you… But that’s your Johnny alright.
His eyes drag from the floor to meet yours and he offers you a small smile. It’s enough to shoot the air back into your lungs and for your heart to beat again. The tears starts to leave your eyes and your hands shoot up to wipe them away.
Johnny takes a good look at you and particularly that golden wedding band that he supposedly gave you. It’s still always been his dream to marry a girl like you, in some odd way he feels proud that in another life he got you. A gorgeous, caring and devoted wife that he could love up and spoil. Johnny knows himself and in any life, he would do the same: wife up a woman like you. Looks like he did. Looks like he still could.
“I ‘eard what ye said.” He softly speaks. You close your eyes at the sound. It feels so good to hear him again. A little different, but it’s still him.
“Bonnie, ye don’t have to cry.”
He steps forward to cup your face, wiping your tears away with his fingers. You place your own hands over his, keeping him there. Having him touch you again, it’s better than anything you could have ever prayed for. This is all you think about and to finally have it all come true. Even if it’s just for a second, you’d trade it all away.
“My wife, eh?” Johnny jokes to try and lighten the mood. You look up into his eyes and laugh with a smile despite the tears still leaking. He doesn’t mind, he wipes them still anyway.
“It’s so good to see you again.” You confess, a hand leaving his to touch his scarred face. From his cheeks, a thumb over his chin and his lips. He’s so hard to look away from, how handsome he grew up to be. His gaze and attention makes you bite your lip out of habit. A blush flooding your cheeks- he still has the same effect on you. Damn.
The feeling goes straight to your core, and you react before you can think. Bringing your face to his, foreheads resting against each others while your hands explore his back and shoulders, his neck and through his hair. Something he used to love, and it makes you whine a little when he moans at the feeling. He loves your touch just as much.
“Lass, yer doin’ somethin’ wild to me.” Johnny stumbles out, his hands coming to rest on your waist, pulling you in until you’re flush with his body. He feels so good, so toned under his clothes and solid. You didn’t want him to stop, your mind starting to spin.
He runs his hands up your sides, gliding your shirt up to touch the bare skin underneath. The slightest touch has you moaning his name out and he can’t help but swell with pride as he sees this gorgeous, young girl before him come apart, desperate for more of him. His ego has never felt so big until this moment.
“What do y’a need?” He mumbles out against your lips, brushing them with just enough touch to set your skin on fire, begging for more.
“Kiss me.” You lean further into his touch, eyes fluttering shut. It’s all too much, and yet you want more. God, you knew that if he were to take you right here in this room, you’d come undone within a minute. Easily. Happily.
“Well- what the wife wants, the wife gets.” He chuckles as he clashes his lips to yours, his large frame utterly engulfing your small one. The way he uses your title so easily, wife- you can’t help but need more of him everywhere, all over like a wife deserves from her husband. Your own hands itching for more of him to touch, your mouths moving together, tongues finding each other as he hums against you.
Johnny guides you and gently backs you up against the wall, a hand protecting your head as your body meets it. You try to pull him even closer to you, grabbing at his clothes when you realize you need him completely bare. It’s been so long since you’ve felt good, only ever wanting your husband. And now here he is just for you. You wonder if he’s even better now with his age... Hard to tell without a test drive.
But it’s only when you need to part for air that some of reality comes back to you.
“Wait, Johnny.” The alarm bells go off in his head and he looks at you worriedly.
“What’s wrong?” Seeing his eyebrows crease you immediately try to calm him. Another kiss to his lips and he eases up a bit. Just like he used to.
“I need to know. Do you- do you already have someone? A wife?”
Your nerves hit once more. He could still have someone in this universe or wherever you are. And even like this, you couldn’t be that woman that ruins a marriage. Even if he does feel rightfully yours.
Johnny smiles a bit at the question before glancing downward, almost as if he’s shy or embarrassed.
“Nay, never did.” He starts before taking your cheeks back into his hands, looking into your eyes.
“Just you.”
The biggest smile breaks out on your face, your hands tugging at his shirt to bring his lips back down to yours. He feels good, warm, right. Yours. Still yours. Always yours.
“I know I’m a little young, but that doesn’t bother you, does it?” You ask with a slight smirk against his lips.
Johnny just laughs, his hands working their way down your body to cup your ass almost possessively.
“Certainly not.” His eyes looking all over your face, taking you all in. Gods, you’re gorgeous and all his? He could still hardly believe it, but he’ll be damned if he didn’t at least get to know you and try to make it all work with you. He owes that much to himself.
“Does it bother you?”
“Hmm? You being older?” You ask innocently.
Johnny only nods, still admiring your beautiful face, his girl.
You shake your head no, not daring to look away from his gaze.
“I think it’s sexy, Sergeant John MacTavish.” You quip teasingly.
A groan escapes his lips, his pants straining against him almost painfully at this point. He needed you now or he might combust.
“This room or mine?” Johnny whispers, bringing his knee in between your legs and his mouth to your ear.
“And it’s Captain now, bonnie. Make a decision or I’ll make one for ya. Put on a show.” He glances to the two-way mirror and a nervous giggle leaves your lips.
Your husband most certainly would do such a thing.
Johnny was sure to make you use his proper title as he properly had you in bed, as well as used yours.
And with your volume and his reach, everyone on the base now knew he had a wife.
Things were complicated, sure, but you two would figure it out. He knew you both wanted to give it a try and were both willing despite it all.
And after a few weeks, he decides that all there’s left to do is buy a ring of his own that’ll match yours.
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keto-keyes · 7 months
Slytherins with a non!Deatheater S/O
The Slytherins are down bad for their partners. So how do they rip off the band aid and break the news that secretly, they're all bad?
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Mattheo Riddle:
We all know he's a bad boy with a bad attitude
...except around his S/O
He doesn't try to hide the blood on his hands, but uses the excuse "I was protecting you"
He does actually do it to protect you, don't worry
His dad threatens to end you if he refuses to do his Deatheater duties
So he makes sure to keep you around him whenever he can to make sure you can't get hurt
Our boy stresses the heck out whenever you get even the smallest bit injured
It might start fights sometimes between the two of you, but you KNOW this mamas boy would never lay a hand on you in the wrong way
If you try to join, he discourages it
He doesn't want to psychologically scar you
lots of time together whenever he can kick his dad outta his mind
Then he holds you tight like he's gonna lose you
Don't ever stop loving this man, alright?
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Tom Riddle:
It's kinda impossible for you not to know about his...situation
It's all anybody talks about when you're around
But he only wants to protect you
So he makes sure to keep you distracted whenever he must get the job done
He'll take you dancing, or go shopping afterwards
sometimes you might need to clean him up after a scuffle
he lets you, but only if you promise not to ask how he got the injuries
His dad also threatens him with losing you and he could never be complete without his S/O safely in his arms
if somehow you get tangled in his mess of deatheater-ness, he will sacrifice EVERYTHING for you
his only thought is to keep you safe
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Theodore Nott:
He doesn't tell you he's a Deatheater until you meet his friends
That's right, he didn't let you meet his friends
not at first
after you meet them, it's kinda like momentum until he finally tells you he's a deatheater
he definitely expects you to hate his ass, but you don't so he's hopeful
he smokes to forget all the horrible things he does.
he does it more once he finally confesses, but tries not to when you're around.
dw, his stoic attitude when you ask him about being a deatheater isn't him being uncaring
he just forgot how to feel remorse after being a human murder weapon for so long.
it's like torture for him, and he hates it
So care for him please, as best you possibly can
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Draco Malfoy:
He's probably the most affected by the deatheater thing
If you're dating him, either you're younger than him or your families are close.
So you know all about the deatheater thing
he pretends having a dangerous father is a good thing
like, he can destroy draco's enemies in an instant,
but... he could also force you to join Voldemort, and that's something that can never happen.
you have to either be holding his hand or his cheek AT ALL TIMES,
otherwise his anxiety causes him to start shaking
he'll whisper all his worries as he weeps himself to sleep, and sometime you catch him doing it
his dad only protected him for so long, now it's your turn
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Blaise Zabini:
He doesn't talk about it
even when you two have been dating for a while, he doesn't mention it
it's not your problem, it's his
and he wants it to stay that way for as long as possible
he's afraid telling you will somehow lead to Voldemort knowing, and holding it against him
especially since the only thing Voldemort's actually threatening him with is death. extremely painful death.
so he doesn't even mention it.
you know though. you know how painful killing and torturing is for him.
it tears him apart, almost to the point where he wants to smoke with theo
sometimes he wishes desperately that he could tell you everything, but he's scared you would be in danger.
so he stays quiet and lets the anguish build
he doesn't crack. ever
he stays stoic and silent. caring
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Pansy Parkinson:
she doesn't like to bother you with the gorey details,
but sometimes they slip out
she breaks down all the time. it's traumatising
but she can't really articulate what she feels
so she just cries as you hold her to your chest/side
yeah, idk i didn't really have any ideas for pansy
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Lorenzo Berkshire:
he may be a little flouncy at times, but he cares about your wellbeing enough to protect you
its his main goal in life
so he tries to keep himself between you and the others for as long as possible. like theo
its less of a "you don't need to know them"
and more of a "what? other people? who needs people when I'm your cute bf?" while waving his hands in front of you so you focus on him
he lets you wash his cuts for him
and do his hair in consolidation for not being by your side for a few hours.
Voldemort really can't touch enzo without hurting you.
So he keeps his mouth shut about it a lot.
sweet boy livin in a cruel world, what can i say
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floatyflowers · 9 days
Yandere First Husband Emperor Geta x Wife Reader Empress Lovestruck/Heartbroken x Yandere Second Husband Emperor Caracalla.
(I was so happy when I saw your requests were open! You're my favorite creator, I love all your works 🤭) (I love all things historical and I really fell in love with the trailer for Gladiator II and I'm looking forward to its release)
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You are the wife of two emperors.
That's right, you are the wife of the emperor Geta and his brother, emperor Caracalla.
How did that happen?
Well, at first, you got married to Geta before the death of emperor Septimius Severus, but after his death, the two brothers are to share the empire.
And Caracalla had his eyes on you and wished to become your second husband, ignoring the Roman traditions.
You and their mother, Julia Domna, objected to this insane idea.
Julia Domna objected because it would be a scandal.
While you objected, because you are in love with your husband Geta and don't want to be with another man especially if that man is Caracalla.
However, your husband, Geta, agreed.
So, you got wed to Caracalla despite being already one month pregnant.
Your husband already knows, and also informed Caracalla.
"The child shall be mine"
Geta wanted to argue that he is the biological father but Caracalla shut him down.
"We both share the empire, and your wife, there is nothing wrong in sharing the baby too"
Realising the insanity of the situation, you decided to escape this madness, feeling heartbroken at how Geta is going along with all of that as if it is normal.
Your escape plan failed horribly, and you found yourself facing a betrayed looking Geta.
You stare at Geta in fear as he steps towards you slowly.
"Why have you betrayed me? when I was only trying to be the best husband for you."
"I love you from all my heart, but I cannot keep quiet anymore, I do not love Caracalla-"
Suddenly, you feel a hand grabbing your neck from behind, tightening its hold on it.
"Now now, brother, there is no need to stress our dear wife especially since she is pregnant with our child."
Your guts twist with disgust at the possessive pronoun 'our' used to state your relationship with the two emperors.
"But she needs to be punished" Geta argues angrily.
Caracalla walks up from behind you to stand beside his younger brother.
His eyes scans up your shaking body with a devious smirk.
"There are a lot of interesting ways to punish her without violence and she will be doing her duty as our wife at the same time"
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kelstey · 8 months
i waited
theodore nott x reader
warnings : none
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❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
theo kissed your forehead, both you bodies sticky and sweaty from the moments prior. you smiled to yourself as his muscular arms made their way around you.
"i don't think i'll ever get over how beautiful you are," theo ran his fingers through yourhair.
"thank you, theo," you turned your head and kissed his lips.
your happiness was quickly replaced by a sudden wave of what felt like guilt and shame.
the two of you had always been close, sharing kisses, looks, even touching when no oneelse would be looking. that part killed you.
no one knew. not even pansy and luna. given, luna may not be accepted by a large majority of slytherins but you couldn't help but love her, she was amazing and understood you in a way no one else did.
that's how private the two of you had decided- well improvised on. you wanted to show him off. you wanted to kiss him before class, hold hands when sat next to each other, dance in front of everyone, everything.
but he didn't want that. he liked the privacy. but you were never sure if that was really a cover for simply using you.
but you let him.
"i should get going, i'm going out with luna to the three broomsticks," you moved out of theo's arms and started picking up the clothes that were discarded all over the room after theo ripped them off of you.
"tell her i said hi," theo said, another thing that you liked about him. he liked luna. but he was partially stupid as you couldn't tell luna that he said hi, she would ask questions as to why he would even do that.
"i think you forgot we are a secret," you put your tights on.
"fuck, yeah. well- have fun then," theo waved and you hurried out, still attempting to tie your tie.
you felt the tears coming. you couldn't help it. you felt idiotic to allow theo to walk all over you. you promised yourself you would never let a man take you for a fool, but no. here you are, years later, being taken as a fool by a man you were in love with.
obviously he didn't know, he couldn't. it would ruin everything.
the two of you agreed to strictly have just sex. just sex. just stupid fucking amazing sex. he was a natural at it, he knew how to make you cum in minutes. he had you wrapped around his finger.
you typically wouldn't let anyone see or touch you, but theo? he could do anything and you would let him. it also felt like a weird bonding experience.
sex is intimate, of course. it's the closest two souls can get to each other. and you were convinced that the countless amount of times you did it in a day with him made some sort of connection.
you wiped your tears away as you entered the three broomsticks and saw luna sat alone in your usual corner. "luna!"
"you're here!" she exclaimed and got up out of her seat to hug you.
"of course, you know i love our chats here," you smiled and the two of you sat down.
"are you okay?" she asked as she observed the mascara which was evidently smudged under your eyes.
you had to tell her. you had to tell someone. there's no one you would rather tell than her. "luna, please, pinky promise me you won't ever tell a soul."
she nodded, "your secret is safe with me. you know that."
you looked around the place, only noticing two other tables of people who seemed to be in their own little worlds. "okay, me and theo have been hooking up. like friends with benefits style, but i'm in love with him. i cant keep doing this. it hurts, luna. i want to love him and kiss him around our friends but i can't."
luna sat and listened to you ramble on, a few tears shedding in the process. "that's horrible. but you must know, no man, especially one who you aren't even dating, should ever make you feel this way. the right one will make you cry only tears of happiness and pleasure, if you know what i mean."
her comment made you laugh, this was why you loved her. "thanks lu. sorry about that rant, i haven't told anyone and so feel special you're first to hear about this fucked up situation."
"i'm glad you can trust me, but i think i may have an idea," luna sat upright. "how about you stop meeting him so often? maybe start seeing him once a day; then once every few days. if you want to take it a step further you could even start hanging out with another boy more."
"luna you're a fucking genius," you reached over and hugged her.
"you know i always have the best ideas," she giggled.
just then the door opened and luna's eyes focused behind you, as your back was turned to the door.
"who is it?" you asked as you noticed her smile had dropped.
"don't turn around if you don't want to cry," she said and you immediately turned your head 180°.
"no fucking way," your jaw dropped as you saw theo walk in with cho. "is he fucking shitting me right now? luna tell me i'm dreaming. tell me."
"i'm sorry, babe. do you want to go somewhere else?" she asked.
"yes it is best we go. i don't think i'll be able to hold back a fucking fist in both their stupid faces," you both got up.
and as for your amazing luck, they both spotted you and luna. theo called out your name and walked over to you. "hey, what's up?" he asked with a stupid smile on his face as if he didn't know what he was doing.
"hey theo," luna gave a small wave and he smiled at her.
"we were just leaving," you said and took luna's hand and the two of you walked out. you heard theo say something but you were too distracted by the ringing in your ears.
"it's okay, it's okay," luna engulfed you into a very big, very needed hug.
"why would he do that? i literally told him i was going to be here with you?" you cried into her arms.
"he's a boy, they don't think with their brains, only their dicks."
it had been a few days since the incident and you still had not spoke to theo. you were going out of your way to ignore him, not caring if it hurt you more than him.
you would spot theo in the halls, once he noticed you, you had already turned around and walked the complete opposite way before he even got a chance to call out your name.
it hurt too much. it didn't help that after those first couple of days, he eventually stopped trying to get your attention. instead he was being all handsy with cho.
it killed you, hardly being able to speak or react. it also hurt that you had to distance yourself from the other slytherins who noticed the lack of your presence.
but it wasn't all too bad, instead of hanging with them you and luna started hanging out more. she would check up on you constantly, making sure to cheer you up to avoid you thinking about him.
she knew you were deeply upset about it. she allowed you to grieve, cry and let all of it out. she herself had never experienced this type of hurt, but she was almost grateful as she saw how badly it impacted you.
aside from not speaking to theo, you kept your head up high. you still went to class, still did your work, still sat at the slytherin table for meals. everyone noticed the tension between the two of you.
no one asked, or at least in front of your face. they decided it was better to keep quiet and try keep things as normal as could be.
amongst those few days of hurting, you started growing closer with mattheo. he was also there for you, he wasn't sure exactly what happened with theo but he knew it was hurting you and so he decided to be there for you.
he also had to admit that it was also due to the fact that he fancied you. you began sitting next to him at meals, class, even sometimes being spotted after classes walking together.
this didn't go unnoticed by theo, of course. he wanted to punch mattheo in his face. mattheo was one of theo's closest friends and to see him get close with you, it also hurt him.
it was a stupid, stupid situation. the two of you pretending to move on while both your feelings grew stronger- though a large majority of it was anger due to the fact you were not communicating.
or at least verbally communicating. whenever you looked up, no matter where you were, his eyes were the first ones to meet yours.
it was ridiculous, really. you couldn't seem to get away from him, he seemed to stalk you as if you were prey. he couldn't get you out of his mind.
you looked over at the clock, 2:56am. great. you couldn't seem to sleep for some reason and it was starting to annoy you. you quietly got out of bed, slipping on a random hoodie on the floor and your slippers before leaving your dorm. you knew that after 12am, no teachers or prefects would be on lookout so you didn't have to worry too much about getting caught.
you made your way up to the astronomy tower, your favourite spot to go when you were unable to sleep. you reached into your pj short pockets and retrieved the joint that you rolled earlier.
you got the lighter out and attempted to light it. of course it had to be out of fluid. you were just away to get up when you noticed theo standing behind you.
"you spooky bitch! why the fuck would you stand there like that, holy fuck bro. you better be glad i'm a teenager and not an old woman cause you would've gave me a heart attack," you scolded him as you raised a hand over your heart to relieve yourself of the pure distress he just put you through.
"calm down, darling. here's a lighter," he passed you his stainless steel lighter. the same one you carved both of your initials into. you were surprised he used it.
"you don't get to do that," you looked up at him, feeling anger flowing through your veins. theo looked at you, he seemed confused but also like he knew what was happening.
"you don't get to have cuddle me, kiss me, make love to me, everything a couple would do, and then fucking show up to a place where you knew i was at with another stupid fucking girl! do you know how long i've waited for you? years theo, fucking years! i thought it was best to keep waiting, hoping for the day that you would admit you loved me back, but you didn't. but i still waited, theo, i fucking waited. i would never do this if it was anyone else," you felt tears threatening to spill and a lump in your throat.
theo remained quiet, he looked down at his hands and played with the silver rings which decorated his stupidly pretty hands. you waited for him to say something, anything. but he didn't. once again, but were you surprised.
"have your stupid lighter back. i never should've carved our initials in it thinking we could've been something," you shoved the silver lighter into his hands before walking off.
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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gejo333 · 9 months
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Artist credit: @chocolate_duckling via Instagram or TikTok. It’s so cute I just really wanted to show this artist’s work. This is only the first drawing to the set. 💕You should check them out.
An Unexpected Match IX
Pt. 1 Pt.10
DBF/DILF Miguel O’Hara x female reader
18+ Warning
Summary: Drama goes down at the holiday party😭😱… and did Miguel keep a secret from you?
Will you be able to enjoy your Christmas and New Years in peace?
Happy New Years Everyone!
Sorry this chapter took longer to get out. It’s my largest chapter yet. I apologize for any grammatical mistakes I missed.
Wc: 10k
"Gabi, this is your mother."
Gabi looked at Sofia before looking back up to Miguel as she shook her head. "No, that's not my mama." Gabi glanced up to you, something you noticed everyone in the close vicinity saw, including your parents.
"No Gabi. I'm your real mom. Not her." Sofia put on a fake smile.
Hearing the tense conversation from the kitchen Stephanie came over as she stood next to you, giving Sofia the, 'make one wrong move and I'll fight you bitch,' gaze.
"Hey Gabi, how about you go with Aunt Steph to the kitchen."
"But I want to stay with you and Papa." Gabi looked up at you with sad eyes breaking your heart.
"Mija, remember the conversation we had earlier in the living room?" Said Miguel followed by a slow nod of Gabi's head. "That conversation is going to happen now. So it can only be grownups at the moment." He added.
"We can decorate cookies in the kitchen Gabi." Said Stephanie as Gabi slowly walked over to her before taking her hand. Stephanie looked at you giving you a small hopeful smile before disappearing into the kitchen.
"I'm guessing you need to tell us something?" Said your father as he crossed his arms looking between you, Miguel and Sofia.
Sofia smirked, "wow, your parents don't know that their daughter has been fucking a man almost two decades older than her for the last few months." She chuckled, knowing full well that she just told your biggest secret the most horrible way possible.
"Sofia." Miguel snapped at her warning her to stop. But it was too late. You looked to your shocked and upset parents before scanning around the nearby people who heard the conversation.
"This was not how you were supposed to find out." You tell them.
"Backyard now." Your Father said. Your eyes widen, shocked from his angry tone. You had never heard you father speak to you like that. Not once.
"You. We're not finish yet." Miguel said to Sofia. You'd never seen Miguel give such a muderous glare to someone before, but that plus his cold tone sent a chill up your spine.
"Wasn't planning on leaving any time soon."
"And if I find out you were near our daughter while we're outside. There will be hell to pay." Miguel pointed at you when he said 'our daughter,' which made your heart melt before coming back into reality from the glare Sofia sends you from Miguel's words and you winced when you heard your mother gasp.
All four of you walked out to the backyard, farthest from the house so people can't hear.
Your parents looked at Miguel before looking back at you both upset. The awkward silence continued until your father spoke up: " you care to explain what's happening between you two?"
Miguel looked to you, noticing your panicked stars making you have a hard time to speak.
"I'm in love with your daughter and we've been together for almost five months."
"Y/n, you can't possibly be in love with a man you met only 6 months ago! How did this thing even start?! Was Tyler right? Did you cheat on him with Miguel?" Your mother said going into a rant.
"First off, I do love him, way more than I ever felt for Tyler. And I can't believe you would think I would cheat on that bastard when he cheated on me. Like I told you earlier, my relationship started after I caught Tyler cheating on me."
"Hold on." Your father said as he began to grow more upset. "The morning I came to your house and asked you where my daughter is, she was with you wasn't she? And you lied to my face when my wife and I were worried sick where she was! She's only 21 Miguel. She's too young for you."
"I'm a grown woman and responsible adult. I'll be with whoever I want to be with." You argued.
"Sam, Sarah. She's been well taken care of these past few months." Added Miguel.
"You live with each other?! Y/n when I asked you where you were living you said with Stephanie."
"I did live with Stephanie. For the first month right after I moved out of the apartment I shared with Tyler."
"So, how did this even hap-" asked your farther before being cut off by your mother, "when did you both actually meet?"
Your eyes widen, as your heart began to beat faster. Your gaze turns to Miguel before looking back at your parents pissed expressions. You knew the next few words were going to make everything way worse.
"We did only meet six months ago. But, the first time we did met was in Miami."
"You mean two years ago in Miami? When you were only 19?!"
"You had sex with my daughter when she was 19?!" Your father grew more livid, as he was about to come after Miguel. Of course Miguel would easily be able to hold his own, however you wouldn't see it happen as you step in front of your father.
"Get out of the way y/n." Your father warned you. When you didn't move a second later he grabbed you harshly by the wrist, making you wince as he nails cut into you as he pulled you away.
On instinct Miguel pushed Sam back as he grabs you by the waist and back to him. He quickly checked your wrist, anger rising on his face when he saw the already forming bruises.
"Dont you dare harm her again. We're leaving." Miguel was about to lead you back inside the house when your mother gently grabbed your non-brushed arm and said with a serious gaze,
"We'll stop paying for school. We won't pay for graduate school either, if you continue this." Said your mother, concerned etched on her face. Your eyes widen, anger coursing through your body.
"You're going to make me chose between my education and the man I love? Please don't make me do that. You know what I'm going to chose." You give Miguel's hand a squeeze knowing it would always be you and Gabi first.
"I'll pay for the rest of her education." Miguel joined in.
"That's insane. Her senior year alone will cost almost 50k for one semester. Plus forget about us helping you with your student loan debt. And that's way more than just 50k and that's just undergrad." Argued your mother, trying to scare him away.
"I can easily afford it. Money doesn't scare me away." Miguel shot back, knowing full well the intention behind her words. You looked to Miguel with a confused look before looking to your father who says, "she's too young to handle a world like that."
"Too young to handle what world? Miguel what's he talking about?"
"Mi amor, I was going to tell you soon."
"Wow, little miss perfect really is clueless." Sofia chuckled as she walked into the backyard.
"Sofia, get out. None of this concerns you." Miguel said before you stepped away from him, walking closer to her.
"Hold on, what am I so clueless about little miss bitch?" You bite back.
"I'll give you that sweetie, just because I'm such a nice person. It's kind of funny how you never thought of looking up your boyfriend. But like come on, who doesn't know about Nueva York's most successful, self-made billionaire Miguel O'Hara. And one of Nueva York's top socialite bachelors." Sofia tried to stifle her laughter when she saw your shocked expression.
Your eyes widen, a hurt expression crossed your eyes as you looked at Miguel who looked back at you with a sad and apologetic look before his gaze returned to a vicious glare back at Sofia.
"How did you even find where I lived, Sofia?"
" I found you from a tabloid Magazine of Mr. Richie rich picking up his doting girlfriend at her college. You can't possibly not have known about his wealth. You must be a really good gold digger to fool him." Sofia's words turned back to you.
"I-" You were having trouble finding words to argue back. Luckily Miguel stepped in to save you.
"You must have been oblivious not that long ago, Sofia. Because I remember our shitty relationship ending because I was too poor. And I bet the reason your back isn't for Gabi but because you also found out I have money."
"How dare you think I'm not here to see Abby."
"It's Gabi." You glare at her with a look of disgust that she couldn't remember her own daughter's name.
"Right. Well I'm not leaving anytime soon. I want time with my daughter."
"Over my dead body. You gave up all your custody rights when you abandoned her at my apartment when she was only a day old!" Miguel's voice grew slightly louder, growing more angry by the thought of Gabi being taken away from her family. You put your hand in Miguel's, your thumb gently caressing his knuckles to help calm him down.
"Maybe we should leave." You say to him, which he looked to you, gaze becoming soft as he nodded, still trying to calm down.
You both walk back into the house ignoring your parents yelling at you from the background, ignoring all the stares, and comments. You head to the kitchen as you see Gabi with Stephanie and Jack decorating cookies.
"Hey, thank you for watching her. We decided we're going to leave. I'll see you in a few days." You give Stephanie a small smile as you wipe Gabi's face off from the green frosting with a wet napkin before you pick her up in your arms. You hear your parents back inside as they call out for you, still upset. But you ignore them as you and Miguel leave.
You head to Miguel's car where everything for Christmas and staying in the city was packed. You buckle Gabi in her car seat, placing a kiss to the top of your head a smile escapes your lips as you see her yawn before you get in on the passenger side.
The entire ride to the city was in silence. You were slightly upset at Miguel for lying to you, maybe more upset since you were heartbroken by your parent's heartless reaction about your relationship with Miguel.
Miguel entered a large driveway to a luxurious apartment complex, where a man in doorman uniform came to the window with a welcoming smile. "Good evening Mr. O'Hara. Would you like the car parked?"
"Yes, thank you. Also could you have the things in the trunk sent up to my apartment?"
"Of course, sir."
You and Miguel got out of the car, you grabbed your purse as Miguel carried a now sleeping Gabi in his arms. He handed the young man a $100 tip before he guided you inside the modern apartment complex. Walking inside you were greeted by someone friendly at the front desk.
"Good evening Mr. O'Hara. Welcome back." To which Miguel nodded and smiled to the person in response.
When you entered the elevator Miguel pressed a fob key to a scanner, before the elevator began to move up. You noticed there were no buttons for levels, which you thought was interesting. Your gaze met his, as you saw that he wanted to say something but decided against it.
After a few minutes the elevator stopped and opened up to a vast and nice entry way. When you stepped outside and turned the corner your eyes widen by the massive penthouse. Your gaze quickly switched from the nice interior decoration to the gorgeous night skyline of Nueva York. Maybe if your heart didn't ache you would have enjoyed seeing this view for the first time.
"Cariño, I put Gabi in her bedroom. I know there's a lot we need to talk about. But first I want to say I'm so sorry that I didn't say anything about who I was I-" you turned to face him with a small smile as you interrupted him.
"Miguel, you don't need to give me an excuse. It's your money. Maybe I was a bit naive, as you do have two properties plus you bought one upstate. But I just thought you did really well at your job at Alchemax. Did I expect you to be a billionaire? No. But that doesn't change anything between us. I guess what maybe it hurt a bit. The reason why you didn't mention it was maybe you didn't fully trust me yet. Like maybe what Sofia said about me being a gold digger, maybe you were waiting to see if I was one or not. Or maybe that's just my insecurities consuming my mind. And I'm not even upset. I'm more upset at myself that for even a minute that I was upset at you for it. But I'm not. I just think with my parents reaction and Gabi's mom coming to the party unexpectedly I just didn't know where to put my emotions and I'm sorry."
You look up at him with tears in your eyes, trying to hold them in. But a second later you couldn't hold them much longer as they poured down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. You felt arms wrap around you, pulling you  against him into a hug, as he brushed the hair out of your face as well as wiping away your tears.
"I hate to see you this way, mi amor. It breaks my heart when you're hurting like this. You don't need to apologize, at all." He lifted your chin lovingly as he added, "I have always trusted you. Since day one I have always thought of you as a kind and loving person. Even with the slight knowledge that I do well, I never thought of you as a gold digger. That's just Sofia, trying to get into your head. She is a gold digger not you. Also, you are Gabi's mom not Sofia. I might have said that at the moment, cause I just was in shock at the party. At the moment the words to explain how she biologically is her mother was not coming to my mind. You are Gabi's mom. Gabi see's you as her mom and I see you as her mom, as well as the love of my life. And I think we should explain it to her tomorrow morning. And I'm sorry that your parents reacted like that. I knew that they might have been a bit upset, but I didn't think they would act so cruel. But they aren't your only family. Gabi and I are your family just as much as they are. And as your family and your boyfriend I will pay for the rest of your education."
"Miguel... no. I can figure it out on my own. It's my responsibility. And I will find a better part time job to help pay for the rest of college and I will set up a payment plan with my loans. Most people do this."
"Cariño, I can't just stand to the side and let you struggle with debt. Please let me help you." You get out of his embrace, looking up at him slightly annoyed that he won't take no for an answer.
"Are we really going to get in an argument over this?"
"We won't because I'll pay for it."
"Miguel, please just let this one go. Please." You look up at him with pleading eyes, to which he let out a sigh, deciding to let it go for now. He pulled you into another embrace leaning in to place a kiss to your lips which you happily returned. After the kiss you stay in each other's arms, trying to forget all of the stress and worries from tonight.
"Mama, Papa."
You and Miguel turned to see Gabi from the hallway in her Pjs and holding her favorite stuffed Bunny in her arms.
"Oh Baby bug, what are you doing up so late? We thought you were asleep." You say and you and Miguel walk over to her as he picks her up in his arms. You brush some of the curls out of her face and behind her ear.
"I couldn't go back to sleep. And I heard you crying mama and I wanted to give you a hug to make you feel better." Said Gabi as she pouted, not liking the thought that you were sad. You took Gabi into your arms as you gave her a big hug and a kiss on the top of her head.
"I'm sorry if I woke you. I'm alright though, but thank you for your hug. It helped a lot." You smiled which made Gabi's pout turn into a grin as she wrapped her arms around your neck, "I love you mama."
"I love you too my baby bug. Now let's get you back to bed."
"Wait, who was that lady at the party? Papa said she was my mama, but you are my mama." You and Miguel look at each other before you both sit on the sofa in the living room. Miguel picked up Gabi and sat her on his lap as you sat right next to him, putting her feet on your lap.
"I'm sorry if I confused you earlier, princesa."
"I asked Auntie Stephanie and Uncle Jackie, but they wouldn't tell me anything. They just kept on giving me cookies to decorate." Gabi pouted slightly. You internally chuckled when you heard Gabi call your brother Uncle Jackie. You were never going to stop teasing him about that.
"Well I'm glad they didn't tell you because it's better that Mama and I explain it to you." Said Miguel as you noticed he try to stifle a laugh from the silly nickname she gave your older brother. Miguel looked back at you, worry in his eyes. You smiled softly and brushed some of his dark curls that have fallen out of place behind his ear. Even though Miguel has been in the parenting game a lot longer than you, you could see that he was still learning too. He smiled at you before taking a deep breath and exhaling.
" Sometimes not all Mama's and Papa's are biologically related to their children. But that doesn't mean they aren't your Mamas and Papas. The woman you met today, she isn't your Mama. I'm sorry that I confused you earlier. Papa wasn't thinking properly. Y/n is your Mama, but the woman you met today, Sofia, she carried and gave birth to you."
"Are you bio-logitally to me Papa?" You and Miguel lightly chuckled as Gabi tried to pronounce such a big word for her age.
"Yes, I am."
"How did you help that lady bring me to life?" Both your and Miguel's eyes widen from her question as your cheeks tinted pink and Miguel coughed from the sudden question.
"That's a question that will be answered when you're old enough to understand." You chuckle as you pick Gabi up and hold her in your arms. "But even though I didn't give birth to you. You'll always be my daughter and my baby bug. And I will always love you."
"I love you too Mama." Gabi wrapped her tiny arms around your neck again giving you another hug.
"Now let's get you to bed."
All exhausted from the hectic events taking place both you and Miguel got undressed and under the covers, falling asleep right away in each others arms.
The next morning you woke up to the beautiful city view skyline, bringing a warm smile to your face happy to finally enjoy the beautiful scenery before you. You sit up to look for your phone, but notice it was on Miguel's side table charging. Another smile came to your face, as you loved how thoughtful Miguel was to you. Knowing that the sun was up, you knew he would be up any minute so to get your phone you decided to straddle him before leaning over to grab your phone.
You turned it back on a frown forming on your lips as you saw the hundreds of texts and miscalls from your parents and siblings. You scrolled through some of them, and rolled your eyes seeing the repetitive cruel things your parents said yesterday now on text. The messages from your brothers were nicer, just trying to be the bridge between the two disputing sides.
Large hands made their way to your waist, as his thumb gently rubbed circles to your sides. You places the phone to the side as your frown is replaced by a warm smile as you looked down at your half-awake boyfriend.
"Good morning."
"Good morning, cariño. Though I'm really enjoying waking up to you straddling me, I didn't think I would see you frowning first thing when I see your beautiful face. What's wrong?"
You leaned down and gave him a good morning kiss, to which Miguel took the advantage of wrapping his arms around you and bringing you down on to his chest, which made you laugh in surprise between his loving kisses. Placing one more kiss to his lips you place your face in the crook of his neck, enjoying the mixture of his shampoo and cologne blending into a welcoming scent of citrus, bamboo, amber, patchouli and musk. With his alluring smell, the gently combing his fingers through your hair, and the rhythm of his beating heart made you almost fall back asleep.
"I checked my phone, thank you for charging it for me. But I saw what feels like a hundred texts and miss calls from my parents. And it's all the same horrible stuff they were saying last night."
"I'm sorry you had to see that. Obviously they'll be calling us both today. I just say we ignore it for now and enjoy the our time in the city." Miguel said after checking his phone to see just as many texts and miss calls from your parents.
"I think that's a good idea. Oh, forgot to say. Merry Christmas Eve." You kiss up his neck to his chin before reaching his plush lips.
"Merry Christmas Eve, mi amor."
After a few more sweet kisses you decided to unstraddle his lap, to Miguel disappointment. But you tease of a person, whispered in his ear, "I'm hoping Santa Claus visits me tonight. But I think I'm on the naughty list." You gently kiss the side of his neck before getting up from the bed and leaving a blushing Miguel as you quickly put on a pair of his sweat pants and one of your bras and tank tops before going to the elevator where all your things from the car were neatly placed by the doorman.
You grabbed the bags of all the gifts you had bought and bring them back to the bedroom. When you entered, Miguel was sitting up in bed looking at his phone, obviously irritated.
You set the bags down, except for one semi-large box. You get back on the bed as you straddle his legs and place the box on his lap.  "Maybe this will let that iconic O'Hara smile show. Is everything ok though?"
Miguel placed the phone on the bed next to him, surprised to see the box on his lap as his smile reappeared.
"I guess out of spite, your mother gave Sofia my new phone number. And now she won't stop texting me. She's being 'nice.'" Miguel air quotes the word nice before he handed you over his phone so you could see. Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw the sickly sweet messages from her. However, you smiled when you saw the text he sent her back, obviously irritated and asking her not to text him again.
"Enough about the pains in our side. I got you something. Ok, maybe it's for us. But you don't get to see the other part until tonight." You wink at him, which earned a smirk on his lips as he opens the box. His brows furrowed with a smile on his face as he lifted pieces of soft red and white clothing. You decide to get off the bed as you see him get out of bed, getting a nice glance of only him in his boxers before he put on the suit.
Your eyes widen, grin growing, cheeks growing a shade red as you see him in the final product. He wore a deep red Santa suit with white fluff lining down his chest meeting into a middle right above his waist with a large black belt and followed by deep red pants that shaped him just as well at the top part. And it all matched with black boots.
"How do I look?" Miguel smirked. You walk up to him as you placed your hands on his bare chest.
"Really sexy. Maybe too sexy. I don't think I'll be able to keep my hands of you." You chuckle.
"I like the words coming out of your mouth."
"I bet you'll like what my mouth is going to do." You go on your knees, eyes never leaving his reddish-brown. Settled between his legs as you lower his pants and free his erect cock.
You stroked him a few times before you dragged your tongue up his member before kissing his leaking tip. You open your mouth for him to slide onto your tongue and down your throat your lust-filled gaze not leaving his own as a groan escaped his lips.
"Mi amor, your too good to me. I don't deserve you or your pretty mouth." Miguel moaned out as his hand reached the back of your head. His fingers intertwined into your hair as he gently thrusts into your throat. You hum against his cock in approval, earning another groan from Miguel's lips. Miguel gently thrusts more of himself into your mouth; but as this wasn't the first blow job you've given him, you've gotten quite enough practice to be able to deep throat him now. As he continued his movements you continued to move your tongue along his cock.
"Fuck baby, I can't last much longer." Miguel thrusted his cock as deep as it could go before spilling it into your throat. You happily take him all before removing your mouth and licking his tip clean. You slowly wiped your thumb across your lip, as a bit was left on your lips before you licked it off your finger, while your gaze stayed locked on his.
"My god, mi amor. You make me want to ravage you when you do that."
"Why don't you then." You grin, standing up from your spot on the ground. Miguel grabs you and puts you on the bed, as you get on top of you he raises you shirt kissing your stomach up to your breasts, as he was about to take a nipple into his mouth the doorbell rang from the hallway.
"What was that?"
"Nothing hermosa." Miguel said as he took a nipple in his mouth, before lowering one of his hands into your sweats about to finger fuck you. However, the doorbell rang again. A growl of frustration left Miguel as he kissed your lips before getting off of you. He checked his phone, and sighed. "Ese maldito hermano mío. Gabriel's here early. Again. I'm sorry cariño." (that damn brother of mine.)
"It's ok, Miggy. We can continue later. Plus I still have that second part of the gift to show you tonight." You kiss him one more time before getting off the bed.
"I can't wait for it."
After both getting quickly dressed in proper clothing, Miguel pressed a button on his phone that let the elevator come up to the penthouse.
As the elevator doors open, walked in Gabriel with his usual bright smile as he carried in
two bags filled with gifts.
"Y/n! It's so good to see you again! I'm hoping my brother hasn't been tormenting you too much. Blink twice if you need saving." Gabriel  chuckled as he set down the bags as he gave you a hug which you happily returned.
"Juro por Dios..." Miguel lightly glared as he sent him a 'I'm going to kill you,' smile at his brother as he stood right next to you.
"He's been good. And I'm good too. It's nice to see you again. Feels like it's been a while." You chuckle at Gabriel's silly personality.
"Now where's my little sobrina." (Niece)
"Asleep. She went to bed late, so we're letting her sleep a bit longer." Said Miguel.
"Aw, ok. Is she ok?" Gabriel asked, worry etched in his tone.
"She's fine. A lot happened yesterday. My parents , well the neighborhood knows about our relationship now and..." you looked to Miguel.
"Sofia somehow found out where I lived and came to the holiday party and said to Gabi that she was her mother." Added Miguel.
"Yeah, I would probably have a hard time sleeping too. And I can't believe that damn woman shows up after everything she's done." Gabriel eyes widen before a his brows furrowed and a frown appeared on his face, something rarely that happens, by the mention of Sofia's name.
"We decided though that we are going to live our lives and try to ignore it all as much as we can." You said.
"That sounds like a good plan. Now, let me make you all a proper Christmas Eve breakfast, my brother never can get our mother's recipe quite right." Gabriel heads to the kitchen.
"I swear he wants me to punch him." Miguel grits his teeth as he sends a glare to the back of his brother's head. You chuckle as you caress Miguel's cheek.
"How about you go check on your emails really quick in your office and I'll go help Gabriel in the kitchen." You go on your tip toes as Miguel nods before he leans down the rest of the way to kiss you, giving you a loving smile before heading to his office.
You head to the kitchen wear you see Gabriel cracking eggs into a bowl.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You smile as you wash your hands before drying them.
"Yes, you can. Can you grate some of these cheeses?"
"Sure thing." You smile as you go through the many cabinets trying to find the cheese grater.
"Third bottom cabinet to your right."
"Thank you. It's my first time here, so I don't know where everything is." You go to the right cabinet and take it out before you hoping Gabriel at the kitchen island and started to grate the cheeses for the omelettes.
"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly happened last night?" Gabriel looked over at you with a small smile before looking back at the task before him. You smile back as you tell him everything that happened last night, from Gabi starting to call you Mom, parents finding out about your relationship with Miguel told by Sofia who appeared out of nowhere and causing trouble herself, and then the part about how you didn't know about Miguel's wealth status, also cruelly told by Sofia.
"Wow, that definitely is a crazy night. I'm happy you also know about Miguel's 'status,' he's been wanting to tell you for a long time, but he just didn't know when to say it. I guess he was worried you might leave. But he never said that, but I can just hear it in his voice. My brother has had girlfriends in the past, but he's never loved someone like he loves you. He's heads over heels for you." Gabriel smiles at you as he moved to pour the eggs into the pan.
"Well, I hope he knows this. But I'm heads over heels for your brother. I can't imagine not having him or Gabi in my life." As if on cue Miguel walked into the kitchen, with a loving smile on his face as his gaze met yours. You cheeks tint pink, wondering if he heard you and Gabriel's conversation. He places his hands on your hips as he pulled you into his embrace from behind, taking your chin and placing a sweet kiss on your lips.
"I love you." He said. Your cheeks grew a shade darker. Oh he definitely heard your conversation.
"I love you too."
"Ok, you two. Either get a room or help me with cooking." Gabriel chuckled as he connoted to make the omelettes.
You saw Miguel roll his eyes, as he leaned down to kiss your one last time before he gently pushed Gabriel away from the stove, "I'll do it. You're burning them."
"B-burning them? I'm adding a nice crisp! You make them too watery!" Gabriel argued back as he tried to get back to the pan, though tall and fit he was still no where compared to his older brother.
You smile at the two O'Hara brother, leaving them to continue their banter while you head to Gabi's room. Checking the time, you thought it was smart for Gabi to wake up. You gently open the door, as you quietly walk in. You look around to see the adorable light blue room, filled with a few soccer balls, dolls, and legos filled with butterflies and soccer balls decorated around the room. You kneel down by her bedside. Your heart on the verge of bursting for how adorable she was.
"Good morning Baby bug. Merry Christmas Eve. It's time to wake up." you gently brush some of her brown curls, the same has her fathers, covering her face. Big brown eyes reveal themselves to you, and a small smile appears on her face.
"Mama!"Getting a boost of energy, Gabi sits up to hug you. Lifting her out of bed, you stop, before grabbing her stuffed bunny know that she would want to have that with her.
"How did you sleep?" You step out of her room.
"Good!" She smiled after yawning as she rested her head in the crook of your neck.
"Oh guess who's here?"
"Santa!" Gabi's head popped up as she looked at you with excitement, which made you chuckle.
"Not Santa, it's too early for him to visit yet. He comes during the night. Tio Gabi is here."
"That's even better!" Gabi cheered which warmed your heart as you kissed the top of her head before making your way into the kitchen.
"Guess who's awake." You say, having the two O'Hara brothers turn to face you and Gabi.
"Good morning princesa." Miguel smiled at the loving sight of you and Gabi. He was about to walk over to lift her into his arms, but was beat to it by his brother. "Aw my mini Gabi! My favorite sobrina. I've missed you." You handed Gabi over to Gabriel as he gives her a big hug.
"Tio Gabi, I'm your only sobrina." Gabi giggled.
"Who knows Gabi, maybe you'll get a littler brother or sister one day." Chuckled Gabriel, which made Gabi eyes brighten up as her mile widens. "Really?! Mama, Papa! Will I?"
Your cheeks turn a bright red, eyes widen. Your embarrassment grew further as you felt Miguel hand on your lower back.
"N-no princesa. Not at the moment. But maybe one day." Miguel looks down at you, trying to figure out what you thought.
"Yes, definitely one day. But not at the moment sweetheart."
"Aw ok."
You felt Miguel give you a love squeeze to your waist, pulling you into his chest and placing a kiss to your cheek, hinting that he liked your answer before making his way to his brother, "now let me get a hug from my daughter."
"Papa!" Gabi smiled as she practically hopped out of Gabriel's arms and into her father's.
After breakfast was finished being made everyone sat together at the dinning table. Miguel helped cut up Gabi's omelette, which you smiled at the sight, wanting to keep this moment as a mental image in your head.
You recalled how the topic of having more kids has been brought up a few times recently. You know with Miguel being in his late thirties, he probably wants to get married and have a few more children. And you know that one day he will want to talk about it seriously with you.
And of course you're not against the idea of getting married and giving Gabi a few brothers or sisters, but you know you want to have your career start off first. But you're not sure if Miguel will want to wait that long. Sometimes you forget the age difference between the both of you. Yeah, there are many couples with big age gapes, some even bigger, but probably when both people were both out of school and had somewhat of a career. Of course you know exactly what you want to do, you just haven't gotten to start it yet. Maybe you should ask Miguel about how you get noticed by Alchamex.
"Mi amor? Y/n?" Miguel called out your name, concern seen in his eyes.
"Yes, sorry. I got lost in my own thoughts. What were we talking about?" Your cheeks tuned pink, embarrassed from not paying attention to your boyfriend talking to you.
"It's alright, cariño. I was asking if you wanted to go ice skating in Central Park." Miguel chuckled, he thought your slight embarrassment was cute.
"I would love to."
"Then maybe after we could go see Santa at Macys. I heard he's making a quick appearance here in New York before he flies all around the world to give presents." Said Gabriel, which perked Gabi's attention.
"Can we go! Please!"
"Of course, we can!" Said Gabriel. You looked over to Miguel who sighed to himself, only you catching it. You take his hand and give it a small squeeze, to which he smiled.
"Well then let's get all bundle up to go." You say as you stand up.
After getting Gabi ready and let her go hangout with Gabriel in the living room, Miguel joined you in the bedroom. As you pulled the long sleeve sweater over your head, your met with a kiss to your lips. Thought surprised you smile into the kiss before pulling away.
Miguel goes into his walk in closest, getting warmer clothes for outside. You walk and lean on the doorframe of his closet.
"Hey, can I ask a question?"
Miguel looks at you trying to figure out if its series are not. Seeing that it doesn't seem serious he smiles, "Of course." He says as he pulls his shirt off and puts on the new one.
"I need to start looking for jobs and grad schools in Nueva York. I don't know why I feel weird asking you this. Maybe because your my boyfriend, and I'm really acting my
age right now." You nervously chuckle before adding, "And I know you did the grad/internship program at Alchamex, well they asked you to cause you are a certified genius, before going full time there. I was wondering if you knew when they start looking for new grads and interns." You bit your lip, for some reason your nerves were skyrocketing throughout your body. Maybe because you were asking for genius Alchamex Miguel and not your boyfriend.
"Well, first off. You never should have to feel nervous with me. You know I would give you the world if I could. And I remember you were interested in working in my department at Alchamex. I can look at your resume and transcript when we get back, if you'd like?" Miguel smiled as he looped his belt around his pants before buckling it together.
"That would be really sweet of you. I would really like that. Thank you."
"Anything for you, mi amor." Miguel pulled you into his lap, as he sat down on the leather bench, his shoes and socks next to him.
"Hey, I know the topic of children has come up a few times lately." His words began to make your heart race against your chest. "And I-"
"Are you two almost ready to go?" Gabriel yelled from the hallway.
Not ready to have this talk so soon, as your 99.99% sure of what he is goi by to say. You get out of his lap, "yeah, just getting shoes on. Be right there." You say before turning to face to face Miguel, "I'll go check on those two to make sure they aren't getting into any trouble. Specifically Gabriel." You say before walking out of the closest and out of your bedroom.
"Y/n" you heard your name right when you left the bedroom, but you decide to pretend you didn't hear him as you continue your way to the living room.
After getting downstairs and walking over just a block to Central Park from the apartment and adventuring through the beautiful winter scenic view.
You walked by Miguel 's side gloved hand in gloved hand, Gabriel a few steps ahead holding Gabi's hand.
For it being Christmas Eve, you were surprised by the lack of people skating on the ice. Unknown to you Miguel had called ahead and bought for the ice skating to be almost sold out for a few hours today, letting only a few other people to skate, so it didn't look conspicuous.
"Wow, look! It's so pretty!" Gabi said as she jumped up and down in excitement. "Well he there Gabi. Don't worry." Gabriel chuckled as Gabi tried to pull him to move faster.
By the time all four of you made it and got your skates, you sat down on the wooden bench to get yours on. Miguel came over to you, looking even more like a giant as he had his skates on. After you made sure yours were tight, Miguel lent you a hand and helped you up.
You all made it to the ice rink, and despite skating every year during the holidays since you were younger than Gabi you were slightly nervous to get on the ice. But like every year you swallow your nerves and get on the ice, and as soon as you do you feel happy and relaxed.
You get a few feet from the entrance before swiftly turning around as you see Miguel help Gabi on to the ice. Just like you, you could see the  worry in her eyes as Miguel helped her to step on to the ice. Then as he stepped on to the ice behind her, he began to skate over to you, his hand under her arms to help keep her up. The laughter and smiles on both Gabi and Miguel's face made your heart melt from the adorable site. You couldn't resist as you took your phone out of your pocket and took a photo of them, making sure to show it to Miguel later.
"Look Mama! I'm on the ice!"
"I can see that baby bug. You're doing great." You say as Miguel skates her over to you.
"Now Gabi, you can't lock your knees when you skate. Always make sure they are slightly bent. And don't lean back. And it's almost like walking, your feet are just slowly sliding on the ice. Just like when you slide with your furry socks on the hardwood floors. Now Mama is right in front of you. Do you want to try and skate to her?"
"Yeah!" Gabi nods. As she was told she tried to follow her father'a instructions. As soon as she got a foot away from him, you saw her nerves come back as she begin to freeze, before anything could happen you skate the last few feet towards her as you hold both her hands.
"It's ok, baby bug. I got you. But great job on trying. I remember when I was your age, it took me some time on the once before I felt comfortable enough to skate on my own."
"Like Mamita said, you'll get there when you do. But for now you can skate with us." Miguel skilled and skated up next to the both of you as he took her other hand. You and Miguel begin to skate really slow to help Gabi learn how to properly skate, and to gain the confidence to do it on her own.
After skating for a while together, Gabi finally got the confidence to try on her own, of course with you and Miguel right behind her, just in case she fell, which she did.
After a few tears were shed, and a bunch of hugs and kisses were given to make her feel better, plus a hot chocolate with whip cream and marshmallows made her frown turn back into her beautiful smile.
All four of you decided to take a nice walk through the park.
"Wait! Can I make a snowman?" Asked Gabi as she runs towards the vast amount of snow covering the park.
"Of course!" You say as you follow her into the snowy field. You help Gabi with forming the body of the snowman, however, the little five year old decided to gather up snow into her tiny gloved palms and form a ball.
"Mama, can we throw one at Papa?" Gabi grinned, which made you laugh. "Yes." You mimicked her grin as she passed you the snowball, and made herself another one.
Miguel's back was facing you and Gabi at the moment as he talked to Gabriel. Knowing you wouldn't be able to get close without his crazy good hearing warning you of your presence, you stop just a few feet from him.
"Ok, three, two, one...throw" you whisper yell as both you and Gabi throw the harmless snow at Miguel's back.
Miguel quickly turned around with a surprised face, a smile appearing as he saw both you and Gabi try to hide your laughter. Of course Gabriel couldn't hide his, as he burst out in laughter from his brother's reaction.
"Oh, we want to play like that. Do we know?" Miguel chuckled before he slowly began to walk over to both of you, before jumping into a sprint. You and Gabi ran in the opposite direction, Gabi squealing in delight. Of course you didn't get far before Miguel grabbed you by the waist and pulled you into his chest, however you both lost your balance and fell backwards into a large pile of snow, that was luckily there to make the landing soft. Gabi followed right after you by falling on to Miguel as he caught her with the other arm that wasn't around you.
All three of you laughed, as you laid in the pile of snow. "Mis traviesas niñas." Said Miguel before he pulled you both in for a hug.
"Aww, such a cute family! Makes me want to settle and have one." Said Gabriel as he took a photo of the three of you.
"Well maybe you should, so that you'll bother me less." Said Miguel.
"Nah, you would miss me too much."
Gabi got up, followed by you as you lent a hand to   Help Miguel up. But you noticed the mischievous grin on his face a little too late as he pulls you back down into his chest.
"Miguel!" You giggle before they are deal by a kiss.
"Ok, you two love birds. I got a photo for the picture books, now get up. I'm freezing." Said Gabriel after taking a photo of you and Miguel knowing you both would want these sweet moments saved. He handed Miguel's phone back to him which he had stolen to take photos.
After heading back to the apartment, having dinner, and opening the presents Gabriel brought it was time to say goodnight and goodbye.
"I had a great day with all of you. I hope you have a nice Christmas and new years. I'll see you both next year!" Gabriel said as he saluted off before the elevator door closed on him.
You let out a small laugh after you saw Miguel roll his eyes from his brother's words.
You both head to the bedroom to finish wrapping presents from Santa for Gabi.
"Finally done. Now to put them under the tree." Said Miguel as he lays his head on your lap, relaxed by you combing your fingers through his hair.
"There's one more gift left." You grin down at him as he looks up at you confused.
"Where is it?" Miguel sighs softly thinking it's another large present to wrap from Santa.
"It will be here after Santa puts the presents under the tree." You say with hint of lust in your tone before you lean down and kiss him.
"I can't wait to see what it is." Miguel returns the kiss, getting the hint, as he grins and leaves your lap stacking all the presents as he quietly heads to the living room, careful not to wake Gabi.
You quickly get out of your day clothes already wearing it underneath. You had seen the holiday-themed lingerie when you were shopping, and you knew Miguel would love it.
Putting your clothes in the hamper you rushed to the master bathroom, taking your hair out of the low hanging bun, fixing it up a bit. You check yourself in the mirror happy with the final product. You were wearing dark red lingerie, with a bra that tied in to a semi large bow in the front, which once untied reveals your bare chest. To match you wore the same color panties that had a bit of tulle around it, creating a extremely short, really a skirt, skirt. But who cares, it was going to be tossed to the floor in a matter of minutes anyways.
You checked the time on your phone, it's was midnight, officially making it Christmas. When you hear his footsteps coming, you lean against the bed as soon as he opened the door.
When his eyes met yours, they widened before being filled with lust, as he made his way over to you. He grabbed you by the waist as he pulled you against his bare chest.
"Merry Christmas Miggy."
"Merry Christmas in deed, mi hermosa amor." Miguel looks you over, savoring every single detail of you. He too your chin and gently lifted it as he leaned down and kissed you, Persian galore of himself into you. Your core tightened at the feeling of his hard-on against your stomach.
"One more thing. Pull the ribbon." You smiled against his lips. Miguel kissed your lips one more time before doing as you said. In one swift pull, the perfect bow was gone revealing your chest. You could see the lust cloud his eyes more, and in a blink of an eye you were underneath him on the bed, as his lips kiss down from your neck, down to your breasts. "Tan hermosa." His lips latched on to one of your nipples, hitching your breath letting out a moan. His hand swiftly moved your panties to the side inserting a finger into your aching cunt. Another moan escaped your lips.
"Keep singing for me, cariño." Miguel con tied to mark up your breasts as he thrusted a second finger into you, curling his fingers knuckles deep.
"Mhmm please Miguel." You moaned out as you near your breaking point.
"You want to cum mi amor?"
"Yes, please Miggy." You groan as you feel the loss of his fingers. Before you know it, your straddle on top of him, as he slams you down on to his cock.
"Only good girls get to cum, and I thought you said this morning your were naughty. You want to cum? Bounce on my cock until I think you deserve your release." Miguel grinned.
You lightly glare down at him as his grin widens further. However, the need for your release was too much as you begin to move your hips. You rarely fuck in this position, so the feeling of his cock stabbing deeper into you was heavenly. Your clench against him, earning a groan from him.
"Damn baby, your so fucking tight."
At the pace you were going, your hips began to grow tired starting slowly lose your rhythm. However, Miguel being your savior grabbed your hips and began to move you up and down keeping up with your quick and rough pace. You began to feel your core tighten once again.
"Miguel please. Please." You whine out your brain begins to feel foggy only focusing on the feeling of his thick ridged cock thrusting in and out of you.
"Are you a good girl?" Miguel panted from beneath you.
"Y-yes I am. I'm a good girl. Now please Miguel." You whine out.
"Of course, cariño." Miguel chuckled as he flipped you, now in missionary as his pace quickened, pummeling his cock deep inside you as his balls slap against you. His hand lowered to your clit as he began to rub it with the same ferocity as his thrusts. Another moan escaped from your lips, electricity coursing through your entire body. Your eyes roll back as you feel your release.
Miguel continued to slam his cock deep inside you, causing you to feel your overstimulation coming on.
"Fuck, I love this damn pussy. I love you, y/n."
"I love you to Miguel." You breathed out. From your words Miguel let out groan as he released himself deep inside you, now filled full with his warm seed.
After a few more thrusts Miguel pulled out as he lied right next to you. You turned to face him as one of his arms warped around your waist pulling your sweaty naked body against his. He leaned down and captured his lips before saying, " Thank you for the wonderful Christmas present."
You wake up the next morning to Gabi jumping up on you bed, with a wide and happy smile.
"Wake up! It's Christmas! It's Christmas!"
Luckily after your session with Miguel last night you both cleaned up and got into proper pjs before going to sleep, knowing that Gabi would wake up before the both of you and barge into the room.
"Good Morning princesa. How did you sleep?" Miguel said in his deep and rough morning voice as he smile up at his daughter who was jumping for joy on the bed.
"Great! Santa came! He left a bunch of presents! Can we please open them. Please!"
"Alright, Baby bug. We'll get up." You chuckle as you get out of bed and swoop Gabi off her feet to which she giggled. You set her on the ground right next to you.
"Ok, first let's make coffee for me and Papa and then we will open presents."
After getting coffee you and Miguel sit next to each other on the sofa as you watch Gabi open up her many many many presents.
After she opened all of hers she handed you and Miguel one from under the tree.
Miguel opened his which, was a gift Gabi got for him, with you helping her with the funds to get it.
"Aw princesa I love it. I'll use it all the time." Miguel smiled as he held up a coffee tumblr that read, World's Best Papa and Scientist.
"Your turn Mama!"
You smile as you read the name tag, To the love of my life. From your Miggy. You rip off the wrapping paper to see a gorgeous thin red rectangle velvet box with gold stitching. You open the box, as a gasp leaves your lips. Your eyes lock with Miguel's who smiles lovingly at you.
Before you in the box was a simple but gorgeous Cartier gold chain necklace. In the center dangled three beautiful dark red rubies. Your heart melted as the color reminded you of Miguel's eyes. Even though his were brown, you swore in the light they glistened like beautiful dark rubies. You knew you would never take this off, knowing that a part of him was always with you.
"It's beautiful Miguel. I love it." Tears brim the corner of your eyes as you kiss his cheek before giving him a hug. "Can you help me put it on?"
"Of course, mi amor." Miguel smiled bright, happy you loved his gift. You turned your back as you pull your hair to the side as he put the necklace on you. A tiny chill went up your body as you felt the cold necklace lay against your neck. You trim back around as you looked to Gabi with a smile.
"It's beautiful Mama. You look gorgeous!"
"You look stunning." Miguel says.
You enjoyed the rest of the festive holiday cuddle up next to Miguel on the sofa watching holiday movies with Gabi sitting on the ground distracted with playing with her brand new toys.
You couldn't imagine a more perfect Christmas. A Christmas spent with your new family.
The last few days went by in a breeze. When you Miguel and Gabi weren't staying in the comfort of the warm apartment, you adventure out to the various holiday markets around the city, or gaze at the stunning Christmas decorations.
Today was finally December 31st. You and Miguel decided that with the chaos and drama still being thrown at both at you through text messages and voice mails you decide to have it just be you two and Gabi.
You were in the kitchen making dinner, saying you would be happy to make some classic dishes that you've had with your family.
Arms wrapped around your waist, as a smile graced your lips from a kiss placed to your cheek.
"Everything smells very good, cariño."
"Thank you. Do you want to try some?" You say as you held up a spoon with some of the food. He happily took it and smiled. "That tastes amazing."
"Thank you Miggy."
After dinner was served and happily enjoyed by the O'Hara's you all settled on the sofa as you watch the Nueva York New Years commencement.
You look down to see a sleeping Gabi who was sprawled out on your and Miguel's lap.
"I guess it's time she goes to sleep.She's so adorable." You say quietly as you gently brush back some of her curls.
"She is. I'll take her to bed."
"Ok." You smile as you place a goodnight kiss to the top of Gabi's head before Miguel lifted her up and carried her to bed.
After a few minutes Miguel came back as he sat right next to you on the sofa, wrapping an arm around you to pull you against him.
"Did she wake up?"
"Nope still was out like a light. Nothing can wake her up if she's asleep. Reminds me of a very someone." Miguel looks at you as he chuckled.
"What can I say, I love to sleep." You smile as you  rest your head on him as you both continue to watch the tv.
The count down began on the tv as thousands of voices joined together in time square.
10...9...8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2...1!
Happy New year!
You joined in with the voices on the tv as you were standing, excitement etched throughout your body. Miguel pulled you against his chest, a big smile on his face before dipping you slightly and capturing his lips with yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you deepened the kiss. A few seconds later, your lips parted, lips both slightly swollen. As the New Year's music plays on in the background from the TV all you could pay attention to was Miguel.
"Happy New Year, Miggy."
"Happy New Year, mi amor. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for us." He smiles wide, showing his dimples before leaning down and kissing you again.
Hope you enjoyed it!💕
Tag List
@felixthemochicat @pedr0swh0r3 @thel0velykey190 @myownsimp @angel-xx-1 @thedevax @cheezit-luv3rr @comicalbliss @rjreins @incustellar @ricekrisbris @marvelofcourse @ozzmodeus-main @s0fia4 @ghost-lantern @minalovesubabes @yume904 @shinyberry69 @freehentai @livytofine @rjasmine2021 @bigbassbug @tired-writer04 @brokvnszn @isastarall @eddiestitmiguelsbigdick @cold-blooded-girls @ewan-tef @bammzyboomy @icedcoffeeisyummy @scaleniusrm @jojos-wife @jakelockleysdoll @iheartlindsay @koteri @montyrokz @crimsonriot06-7 @p1nkliquor @pueduricany @l3laze @freeingrebels @facelessfionna @zoey5252 @jaxyy219 @pookiesnatcher @deputy-videogamer @migueloharastruelove @gr0vndz3ro @n1tingal3 @casuallyawkardd @heubstr @kingtwhiddleston @princesatracionera @m0stergirl @mcmiracles @keigoloveminty @jadeloverxd @veyveys @averagefloydlover @katitakenway @uusjsisj
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ofstarsandvibranium · 4 months
Precious Truths: Part 7
Fandom: Bridgerton
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x F!Reader
Summary: After your father finds out you’ve been writing under a male pseudonym, he threatens to marry you off to an atrocious man unless you find yourself a husband within a month’s time.
A/N: I will not be taking tags for this series!
Series Masterlist
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You're breaking fast with Aunt Eliza as a footman brings in her letters. She lets out an excited yelp as she holds up the latest edition of Lady Whistledown.
You can't help but roll your eyes at the older woman. All of the Ton fall over their feet to read the anonymous author's "news". You're not overly fond of the things she's written about your friends, the Bridgertons, and a majority of the Ton.
You go back to your food, enjoying the fresh fruits that were brought in, "The strawberries are extra sweet today, Aunt Eliza. I think we shoul-"
Aunt Eliza abruptly stands, pressing her hand to her chest. Your brows furrow, "What has she written now?"
"You, dearest, but Benedict as well," you rise out of your seat with haste, rushing to the other side of the dining table and grabbing the latest Whistledown.
Your eyes quickly skim across the words and your heart drops as you read: -perhaps the second eldest never proposed to Miss L/N because he knew he could never provide for her as a second son.
Your jaw clenches as you lower the paper onto the table, "That horrid woman! Benedict is more than just a second son! He's kind, compassionate, charming, he adores his family, he is well-versed in the arts and-"
"Take pause, Y/N," your aunt urges as she places a hand on your shoulder.
You let out a deep breath and look to your aunt, "Do you think it wise if I visit him? I just want to make sure he is well."
Aunt Eliza thins her lips, "To be frank, I do not think it wise. It may jeopardize your marriage with Lord Montclair. You mustn't risk it."
You dejectedly sigh, "Yes, you're right. I suppose I will just write him a letter then." You no longer had an appetite anymore and ask your aunt if you may be excused. Seeing the state of you, she allows it and you immediately go to your room to write to Benedict.
"A letter arrived for you, brother," Anthony announces as he steps into the study where Benedict is mindlessly staring out the window.
"Just set it on the table. I shall read it later," Benedict mumbles.
"It's from Y/N," the sound of your name immediately makes his head turn towards his brother.
He approaches Anthony and snatches the envelope out of his hand. He practically tears it open and quickly unfolds the letter:
I just read Lady Whistledown. I hope you know that what she says can never be true. You have so much worth and not because you are a Bridgerton. You are a man that spreads kindness and warmth wherever he goes. You have so much love and passion for your family. You also possess an amazing talent in the arts that I have never seen before. Whoever you marry will be lucky to have you as their husband because I have no doubt in my mind that you will do anything and everything to make them happy.
Never mind what that horrible Whistledown has to say. She knows not of who you truly are.
PS. I do miss your company terribly. Perhaps we may meet in our secret spot tonight?
Benedict places the letter on the desk and proceeds to start pacing along the study. Anthony immediately reads the letter and then looks up at his younger brother, "She did not mention about you being disappointed about the engagement. This is a good thing."
Benedict shakes his head, "Or a bad thing. That she does not return my affections and therefore, is ignoring them."
Anthony chooses to ignore his brother's dramatics, "I do hope you choose not to meet with her." Benedict stops his pacing and gives his brother a guilty look.
Anthony pinches the bridge of his nose, "She is engaged to Lord Montclair. If someone sees you-"
"No one will see us. I assure you, brother, when we say it is a secret spot, it truly is a secret spot." she swipes the letter from the desk and folds it back up, slipping it into his chest pocket...right over his heart.
Your day was exhausting. Aunt Eliza allowed you a few hours of solitude, however, she proceeded to drag you out the house to begin planning for your wedding. You spent almost two hours at the modiste picking out fabrics and styles for your trousseau. Your head was hurting and you didn't want to stare at a roll of fabric for the next month.
You also went over what food will be served at the luncheon after your wedding, the colors, etc.
You felt a bit somber as the day went on. You always imagined doing this with your mother when you were younger. It hurt your heart to think about all the things you two never had the chance to do. However, you are grateful for Aunt Eliza. She has stepped up to take up a parental role while your father wasted his days away at the men's club.
At dinner, you started to become nervous. It had been so long since you've spent time in Benedict's company. You knew you couldn't be seen together a lot around the Ton, so in secret was what you had to resort to.
Once you knew that everyone in the house was asleep, you slipped out and crept your way to a small pond that was surrounded by trees and hedges.
You and Benedict found it when you were children after you two pulled a prank on Anthony. It was only you two that knew of the place. All of the overgrown grass and trees deterred people from wanting to go through. But not you and Benedict.
Wrapped in your cloak and you dress from dinner, you weave your way through the overgrown branches and leaves, eventually leading to the pond. Benedict was already there waiting for you and you couldn't stop your heart from beating a little bit faster.
Benedict turns when he hears the leaves and branches breaking under your steps. He gives you that shy yet charming grin that makes many of the women of the Ton swoon...you included.
"Evening," he nods to you.
"Good evening and thank you for meeting me. You didn't have to."
He shrugs, "Might be the only way I get to see you now."
You wince, "I am sorry for pulling away. Surely, you understand, right? I mean," you chuckle, "All of the Ton, Whistledown included, thought we would end up together. If I continued to be in your company, it would have further hurt my chances of finding a husband. And I needed to make haste and-"
"Would it really be all that bad?"
"Would what exactly?"
Benedict shakes his head, "Nevermind."
"Ben," you place a hand on his arm, "Can we just...just pretend like I'm not engaged and be like how we were before this mess happened?"
Part of Benedict wants to say "no", that you two can never go back to how it was because he loves you and he's going to lose you in two week's time. But the other part of him, the part that always yearns for you, that thrives in your presence, the part that reminds him of when he was young and realized that he wanted to be around you forever, that part of him was louder than the former.
"Of course," he replies breathlessly and slips his hand into yours, pulling you towards the old tree where you two made makeshift swings.
You look at the ropes, now aged from time and weather, "Do you think they're safe?"
"I suppose we shall test them out," Benedict says as he goes to the swing that he designated as his, cautiously lowering himself onto the large branch that he used as the seat.
The wood creaks but doesn't snap under his weight. He pushes himself back and swings forward a few times until the branch snaps in two.
You gasp as Benedict falls to the ground with a thud, a surprised expression his face. You two stare at each other for a few seconds and then you burst into laughter.
You continue to laugh as you join him on the ground, "Are you alright?"
"A bruised ego and probably a bruised bum, but otherwise, I'm okay," he looks at you with an embarrassed look, but also a playful smile.
You giggle more, scooting closer to him and resting your head on his shoulder, "Good."
Benedict leans his head against yours, "Thank you for your letter."
"You're welcome. I wanted to see you to talk about it, but my aunt said it wouldn't be wise. Didn't want to potentially give any more reason for Lady Whistledown to write about you."
He shrugs, "It could have been worse."
You two sit in a comfortable silence, listening to the crickets chirp, the fish in the pond occasionally come to the surface and splash water around, and the sound of breathing between you two.
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hii! I just saw Wonka for the first time and I loved it, everything was soo good I’d love to request something. Could I request something with Wonka x fem!(or gn)reader in which reader comforts him after everything goes wrong with his shop? He was so sad and it broke my heart when he said that his mum didn’t show up and everything was just a stupid dream, I wanted to give him a hug so bad. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you ofc, have a great day 💞
I Believe In You
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 658
Love love love this request💖sorry I suck at angst but I hope you still like it 
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None of you could’ve ever predicted what just took place. 
Melted chocolate and burned candies surrounded all around as you stood there in disbelief. 
The crowd that quickly grew to love Wonka’s chocolates turned on them just as quickly. All because of something that wasn’t even his fault. 
You, along with the few others who helped, stood, unsure where to go from here. Noodle ran to Wonka trying her best to motivate him, but Abacus gently encouraged her to give him some time before he left. Then Piper left, and one by one the others followed. 
You stuck close to them, about to take your own departure and leave the chocolatier to his own thinkings, but you stopped in your tracks giving it another thought. You couldn’t just leave him there. It wouldn’t be right. 
So back you walked and you parked yourself beside him. 
You sat there noiseless, as you were unconfident of your next words. What do you say to a man who’s lost so much. 
“Willy this is just a minor setback,” you start. 
“No it’s not. This all is just some stupid dream and it didn’t even work. She didn’t even show up.”
Your brows furrowed together, the crease between them deepening. You know grief is difficult and different for everyone, no one reacts the same way and you knew Willy truly believed his mother would appear. Although you didn’t know Willys mother personally it broke your heart to see him like this. 
“She wouldn’t break a promise,” he whispered more to himself with his eyes downcast. 
You made a little, hm, noise pondering on your next words, “…maybe this wasn’t the time.”
Willy’s eyes finally raise, meeting yours and although they still hold emptiness in them you can spot the tiniest glint of curiosity. 
“Think about it. Things went wrong, horribly wrong. I mean it could not have gone any more wrong,” you said getting louder with every sentence and Willy couldn’t help but spit out a single self deprecating laugh at how true your words were. 
“So maybe this wasn’t the time…we try again and when things are right it will happen,” you say sounding more positive than you expected yourself to be, “she will be there. Maybe not in the way you think, but she’ll be there.”
“And what if she’s not.”
“And what if she is.” You said raising your brow in questioning. He seems to mull your comments over. 
“If not for yourself, do it for Abacus. Do it for Piper; Chucklesworth, Lottie, Noodle…do it for me. You have touched all of our hearts. You make us believe in our own dreams because you’re so passionate about yours. Even if you have to start everything all over again we will be right there starting over with you. So just…don’t give up. Please.”
Willy peers up at you, his expression still disheartened. He knew you meant well and he appreciated you for that. It did help to know he had a group of capable people following behind him. 
Willy loved making chocolate, that is a fact that would never change. The way his chocolate affects people is beyond all imagination. But to start over, especially after he disappointed you all. He wasn’t entirely sure if he could do that again.
You wait patiently as he sits there in thought. “Willy,” your hand rests on his giving it an assuring squeeze. “I will be right here with you.”
Willy finally expresses an appreciative smile while he turns his hand in yours, squeezing it back. 
With his cheeks a bit rosy from either the embarrassment he felt or the warmth of encouragement you gave him, he says, “it’ll take some time.”
You nod, “then it’ll take some time, that’s fine. Whatever you need.”
Willy didn’t know exactly how it would all workout but he could tell you truly believed it to be true and because of that…he started to believe it too. 
Feel free to request more Wonka pics I love this man!!!!!
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sweet-honey-fruit · 3 months
In relation to my last post, I want to clarify some misinformation surrounding Dottore. I see a lot of it, and as someone who hyperfixates on him, I want to attempt to clear the air. Cause I feel like some of the hate towards him (and his fans) are based around misconstrued info.
Warning for spoilers!
Let me tell you the bad things he has done:
He has unlawfully experimented on living beings. Children, women, and men have been a victim of his. He even had a deal with the last Knave to send over the "rejects" from The House of The Hearth for experimentation.
Allegedly, he faked being a certified doctor as a way to experiment on patients at the Elezar hospital. Not cool man.
Also alleged, he killed a young woman on a picnic date and framed it to look like the tigers did it
Honestly he's probably done more but we don't know his entire story yet
Now that that's out of the way, let's go through the misconstrued information I often see.
"He unrightfully experimented on Scaramouche!" I know some people might not want to hear this but, those experiments, were a mutual agreement. Harbingers, as hinted at in voice lines, are not allowed to harm one another.
To back up my claim: Arlecchino has a voice line on Dottore that says "If he was not my fellow harbinger, I would have expedited their happy little reunion long ago." With context clues we know she's saying that if they weren't coworkers, she would've killed him so him and the previous Knave could dance around the flames in hell together.
With that we can conclude that the abyss experiments, the god experiment; Scaramouche agreed to it all. He wasn't forced to do any of it, because by harming another harbinger without an agreement, it would have caused dire consequences.
"He experimented on Collei!" While Collei was taken to The Doctor for "elezar treatment" it wasnt him who experimented on her. It was whoever this bitch is, as shown in the genshin comic
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Blame that guy. That's the guy you wanna attack.
"Dottore killed Scaramouche's friend and caused his second betrayal!" You are correct on that, except there's a very important aspect of that that people gloss over. Dottore says "Jester, I have completed the task you gave me. Creating a gap and infiltrating Inazuma's inner workings."
He killed Scara's friend because Pierro gave him that task.
Kinda insane that he followed it up with "heh, what fun it was" but that's just a little quirk of his /j
All in all, he is a menace to society, I'm aware of that. People are allowed to hate him, just please hate him for the right and factual reasons!
Collei and Scaramouche fans (like to clarify: not all) love to infiltrate my inbox and go on rants about what Dottore did to them, yet most of it is incorrect (and in some cases, hypocritical). At least come at me with correct information.
He's a harbinger who has done bad things. If you have a favorite harbinger, there's a 100% chance that they also have done something horrible. They're harbingers, they've all done some horrid shit, that's basically their job. But they're also fictional horrid shit, so let's all hold hands and love our fictional criminals as a family.
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oasiswithmyg · 8 months
First Meetings
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So’lek x Sarentu!Reader
Hi everyone, this is my first fic ever for anything, this will be with AFAB reader in mind and will follow closely to the storyline of the game, so there will be spoilers. As I'm making this a series, each of these can be read as standalones. I hope you enjoy it ! Any Na’vi words or phrases I use, the English translation will be right next to it, if not then it will be at the end of the fic!
Word count: 2.6k
Masterlist - Next
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“It's our world, it's lost…dying, because we didn't fight for it when we had a chance. Now we’re fighting for yours. We’re going to make a difference here. Together.” Priya passionately declared as she looked at you sincerely. Then her eyes widened as she remembered something, “Oh! So’lek was hoping to catch you too. Promised him I wouldn't forget. Tell him I didn’t forget !”
You giggled at how cute and bubbly Priya was, out of all the humans here at the resistance base, you liked her cheerful mannerisms a lot. You could tell that she would be a wonderful friend to have. You nodded and thanked her before you head over to find So’lek.
As you slowly walked through the base, your mind had shifted to the recent events that occurred while you and the others were at the TAP facility a day ago. The reason for the shift being a certain resistance Na’vi.
Oel ngati kameie. I see you.
Those were the first words you heard from him when you woke up after the cryo sleep. Even with all the chaos that was going on at the time, you couldn’t help but feel drawn to the Na’vi who seemed to be very straight-forward, blunt and yet understanding of the situation that you and the rest of the Sarentu had faced.
So’lek, he said, was his name (‘what a lovely name’ you had thought) when you asked him while on the run from the RDA, one of the last remaining survivors of his clan. Although, everytime you think of that memory, alone and running from the RDA, you remember the fear of being separated from everyone and wondering if they were safe. After what happened to Aha’ri, you couldn’t stand anyone else being hurt. But So’lek’s voice kept you moving forward and when one of the RDA in the AMP suit caught you, holding you down as that horrible man, Mercer looked down on you, comparing you to your sister, the only thing you wished and hoped for was that So’lek would keep the Sarentu trio safe, as you almost gave up, He came out of nowhere, shooting at the RDA to save you and told you to run.
When you finally got out of the TAP facility, Pandora was nothing like what Mercer or the TAP said it was. They said that it was a terrifying, vicious, and cruel world. However, to your eyes, It was beautiful, the bright sun, the sounds of the creatures and water of the forest. It was like a new world and you couldn’t believe that you spent so long without it all.
As you walked forward, finding So’lek and the others immediately became a priority, when you finally found So’lek, he was hurt, the concern in you washed over like a wave in your chest, he must have gotten injured while protecting you. You knew at that moment that you wanted to protect him as well, taking his bow and using your Na’vi sense that So'lek told you about, made you realize how much you missed out on life, then getting the dapophet plant to heal him and fighting the RDA, gave you a feeling like no other, it made you feel that you can help, that you can be a protector as well.
However, It was when So’lek asked about your songchord, that made your heart flutter. You can still remember the conversation even though it hadn’t been that long.
“You have no songchord.” So’lek said as he got up after repositioning his shoulder, noticing that the Sarentu he seemed to run into a lot was missing a songchord. There was just something different about her, she seemed very caring and yet so strong in spirit, as he could tell as they were on the run from the RDA. “We had my mother’s, but they stole it” Your voice cracked as you said it, the pain of losing both your sister and the songchord, the only piece of your mother left still hurts you to this day.
Hearing that, So’lek felt anger and resentment flare up in his chest. Not only did they kidnap the Sarentu children, kill his clan and hurt the lands of Pandora, they had the audacity to steal something precious from a child as well. He could not explain the feeling in his chest, he wanted to do something for the Sarentu. “Then we must change that” his voice seemed to soften as he said the words and as he questioned, “What is your name Sarentu ?”.
Hearing his voice being gentle brought heat to your cheeks, and more flutterings in your chest, a feeling of happiness seemed to spread through you, “Y/N, my name is Y/N” you looked at him as your name rolled out your mouth in a hurry. Hearing it, So’lek lips curved up a tiny bit, his smile although small was gentle.
The rest went on with him making sure you understood that you must find your own way as you are a Na’vi and by doing so on your own was the way you can learn and then he finally asked you to join the resistance, hearing how he talked about the resistance made you understand why he was in it and you wanted to join them to help other Na’vi, to help save Pandora. After reaching the resistance base and meeting many new human faces, it was a breath of fresh air, they seemed so kind and you could tell that they were sincere in their welcoming and the work that they do here. The only person you still felt a bit weird with was Alma, but you discarded it as it was probably a long time of not seeing each other. She must have felt that she lost all of you after putting you all to cyro sleep.
Seeing the rest of the Sarentu trio free was another happiness that you could not describe, as you saw them as your family. With you being the second to last youngest, you looked up to Ri’nela and Nor a lot, you tried to be there for them as much as possible, to be listening ear or someone they could find comfort in, especially Nor, as he lost his best friend, your big sister. He was the only one that would rebel at the facility, trying to follow Aha’ri’s footsteps. Ri’nela, she became a big sister to you, but was always worried about what would happen if things didn’t go the way TAP wanted. Then there was the youngest, Teylan, he was like a little brother you never had, he would always hold onto your shirt when he felt overwhelmed and sometimes at night when he felt no one would notice, he would sneak into your bed and cuddle wanting to escape whatever nightmares would plague him. It was why you made a very simple doll out of one of the old clothes you had, you gave it to him saying that at times if he couldn’t see you, that he can always hold on to it to know that you’ll always be there for him. The day you gave him that, he hugged you so tightly, he didn’t let go for a long time. But it worried you how much he seemed to praise and think about Mercer.
Then you were given your first mission, take down one of the RDA facilities near the base which was polluting the land, Pneumatic Tower Echo. It felt overwhelming at first but after seeing how the land, your land, the land of Pandora, was ruined because of the RDA, a determination had stirred up in you. It was what made you destroy the RDA facility as soon as possible. In wonder you had seen Eywa had worked in mysterious ways, the land rejuvenated after the facility was destroyed, with creatures from the forest returning to the land, the flora coming back to life. Teylan called you through the radio in worry after hearing the bang, he and the others were at a flower they found. He wanted you to be there with the others so you could check it out, you had hurried over to the group, slowing down as you and the others came closer to the flower, Ri’nela had gasped in wonder, saying how that it was the flower that opens only for the Sarentu, to connect to Eywa, a Tarsyu. You had looked at it in awe, as you could only barely remember seeing the flower when you were a toddler. Finally, pulling your kuru forward, you connected to Eywa and met your ancestor Entu, the first Toruk Makto, with your will renewed, your heart became content and excited at the prospect of learning more and more about what it means to be a Sarentu.
You stopped reminiscing as you finally headed over to the armory where So’lek was at, looking over his gun. For some reason you didn’t think twice when Priya told you that So’lek was looking for you, your feet seemed to have a mind of their own. So’lek ears turned to your direction as he heard your footsteps approach him, he looked up and his lips curved up automatically, he looked proud as he said, “You did well out there”. You felt happy at his words, that you had helped the resistance in some way. As you looked over at him, you felt curious about the weapon in his hand. “Did the humans teach you their weapons too ?” you asked.
So’lek’s eyes became dull at those words, a resentment growing in his chest as his thoughts went to his clan, from when he could last remember them. You wanted to take back the words immediately, not wanting to see his eyes fill with such emptiness ever again. “No, I saw the RDA butcher my clan. Their bullets slicing them to shreds. That was my lesson.” he explained, his voice low and tense as he continued, “I know how it feels to be among the last of your people. The humans…they are like their guns. Brought here to cause pain.”
You took in his words and you honestly agreed to what he exclaimed. Guns and those strange machines just brought more destruction to Pandora, especially the humans who operated them. But you were confused as well, were the humans here at the resistance base not RDA once ? Voicing this concern of yours, he firmly replied in a hurry, “and I will not make it easy for them to forget. They are our allies now, yes. But, this is not their war. They fight for the ghost of their home world. But we fight for our home.” His words made you think about your time spent at TAP. Although the program was to ensure a healthy relation between humans and Na’vi, it never felt like that. It felt like that evil man had won, “In the end, Mercer got what he wanted, he made us into soldiers.” Your hands clenched tightly at your sides, your tail swishing, agitated and just saying it made you frustrated.
So’lek looked at the Sarentu thoughtfully, he could understand her frustration, her pain and sorrow, he could see how much she wanted to change the way things were and he felt like he wanted to help guide her on her journey, to be her helping hand, he could not explain these emotions well. So he advised her, “You are not what they made you. You are Na’vi. You will learn what that means in time. Starting with this,” he pulled something from the back of his gear, it was a songchord, “I made it for you” he passed the songchord to you, looking at it, you could feel the crack in your heart when they had stole your mother’s songchord from you lessen. You held it in your hands gently, as if it was the most precious thing in the world, which probably was as this was the first time someone, other than your sister and mother, ever made anything for you.
“My own songchord, like my mother’s…” you gently noted.
“All Na’vi wear one. It is your life’s journey for the world to see. For you to remember” He explained the significance of the songchords to you.
“Her’s had more beads on it” you exclaimed in a low tone, trying to remember what it looked like when you last saw it, before Mercer had taken it right out of your hands. You tied the songchord that So’lek had given you on your wrist and examined it carefully, noticing a bead on, your eyes looked at him curiously.
“Each bead is a moment of great importance to the wearer. I have put one in place to commemorate your first steps to freedom. Build on it. Build your own memories. Each one, a new song in your heart.” So’lek explained, noting the soft and gentle look grace the Sarentu’s face. This expression was something he hoped to see, to brighten whatever dark clouds that had been swirling in her mind.
You looked at him, hoping to convey your will to him, “I hope we can. Ri’nela really wants to try. To know what it means to be Sarentu. But at the Tarsyu…Nor seemed confused. Upset.” Thinking about it, after your sister's death, Nor took it hard and felt that it was his own fault for her death, that he did not try harder. He always used to listen closely to Aha’ri with you when she would hum the songs or tell stories of the Sarentu.
“Eywa shows us who we are. And who we can be. But she also reminds us of what has been lost. For your people, that is a heavy burden” So’lek said somberly. He then picked up his gun and started inspecting it again. “The back exit is not so exposed, he may be there.” Noting the worry on your face for Nor, he stated. You nodded with a smile at him, you were about to turn and leave when you remembered, “So’lek,” he turned his head to your voice, a slight shiver crawled up his spine at the gentle caress in the way you said his name, he could see your expression and he felt shocked at the way your eyes looked him in gratefulness. “Irayo So’lek. Thank you so much. For saving me and the others. For giving me strength. For making this songchord and the bead, I will treasure it always and I hope that I can show you my journey through it.”
You turned to leave, feeling the heat rush back to your cheeks at the honest words you blurted out to him, your feelings all over the place. However, before you left, you heard him whisper to you, so that only you would hear, “Be safe.” You felt your heart skip a beat as you nodded to him and rushed out of the base in order to search for Nor.
So’lek did not expect the Sarentu to say such heart-felt words, he had to cover his face because it felt slightly heated. He did not understand what he was feeling, as he did not feel the same with the other Sarentu trio as he did with her. Maybe it was her honest and caring nature that made him feel flustered. For now though, he decided to ignore those feelings. He needed to focus on gathering intel about those who killed his clan and defeating the RDA.
Little did either of them know, that in the future that he would not be able to ignore his feelings and that there would be a bead that represents them on her songchord.
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∘ Oel ngati kameie - I see you
∘ Irayo - thanks
Thank you if you've read through to the end ! I would greatly appreciate comments on how it was and any tips to further improve my writing.
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mrm0rgansw0man · 4 months
Hii can I please have a scene with Arthur Morgan and his fem s/o in an alternate universe where Arthur never got TB and he is happily married living with his wife on a cosy farm similar to the marstons. They have just had a newborn daughter and she is only a few days old and Arthur sees his wife picking up their newborn, still in shock from giving birth just days prior. She is cuddling and sweet talking her baby, gently kissing her head and loving her. She coos and gently but sweetly whispers good morning to her baby girl. I just want Arthur’s reaction to this and how he reacts to all the fluff plus him being a new father. Can you please end it with fem reader putting their child back in the crib and making their way to the living room, relaxing on the sofa together and talking about how they should visit the marstons soon. Thank you 💞💞💞💞💞💞
The Life a Good Man Deserves
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Has it really been only a week since I watched her walk along the tree line of the forest near our home, soaking in the sun, glowing like a god damn angel? She was pregnant as could be, but she wanted to take one last walk before we took our first walk with our baby girl.
And a few days later, she was here. God was it hard, watchin' my wife hurt like that. Her screams and all the blood... it left me shakin' like a leaf. I've never felt so scared in my life I don't think. We didn't have a doctor or a nurse or anythin', but we had Charles and a forest only a few yards away. Thank whatever lord there was above that he had stopped by that morning, and right as he was about to leave I heard my wife screamin' for me from our bedroom. We both came running, and that was the start of the longest night of my life.
Charles made a million different remedies on the stove of our kitchen. For pain, for infection, any complications my wife or our little girl could have after birth. All the while I was holding my wife's hand as she brought our baby-girl into the world, how crazy life is sometimes.
We named her 'Briar-Rose.' Right after she was born, my wife looked out the window and saw the ones we had planted had finally bloomed. We'd have horrible luck with them before, so it seemed perfect.
I ought to go find them now, instead of just sittin' her day dreaming about the family that I finally have. God, I love them so much.
• • • • • • •
Arthur set his leather journal down on his bedside table, the matching ones he made for the two of you for your first anniversary you spent together in your home. The one he had built for you, with the help of Charles and John. Oh and little Jack of course, he did so much!
Arthur got up and slipped on a pair of worn old jeans and his favorite blue button up shirt. How it had survived all these years, he didn't know.
How he had survived all these years, he didn't know either.
Arthur quietly made his way to the nursery. It was right next to the bedroom the two of you shared, and the door was cracked open. There was no other place you could be. Arthur was about to walk in, but he stopped when he heard you talking to your daughter. He watched through the crack of the door, completely mesmerized.
Your hair was in a messy braid down your back, and you wore a long flowing white nightgown. It was long sleeved, and the strings around your bosom area were tied into a pretty bow. The sleeves, which had forever been too long for your arms but you refused to mend time, rested around your whole hand, only leaving your fingers sticking out. Arthur could see them sticking out under your coat and laughed to himself. He loved these little things about you, and he had them all written down in his journal.
Your coat, which was actually the brown plaid one that belonged to Abigail, also hung loosely around you with your nightgown. He smiled as he remembered both you and Abigail trading your favorite coats. John and Arthur had both been talking and they decided it was time to leave the gang, it wasn't an easy decision but a necessary one. You and Abigail were two peas in a pod, like sisters almost. You had both decided you needed to do something to always stay together now that you wouldn't be able to see each other everyday.
A small cry from your daughter pulled him from his thoughts.
"Oh my sweet girl, shh shh." You cooed softly, you picked up your daughter from her crib and cradled her in your arms. Holding her close and tight. You pressed a gentle kiss on your daughters head, and she calmed. You rocked her back and fourth and started talking to her.
"How'd my baby sleep? Did you sleep well?" You asked, your tone so gentle and full of love Arthur thought he could cry. You were the perfect mother. "I love you, so much my sweet girl. Your so beautiful. You've got your daddy in you, those stunning blue eyes and that hair of yours. I can't wait to watch you grow up."
Arthur couldn't take it, tears fell freely from his eyes and he opened the door of his daughters room and actually ran to you. He held you close to him, careful to not hurt your stomach.
"Oh Arthur, are you alright?" You said with a light laugh, though your voice was laced with concern.
"Honey, I have never been more alright in my life." He said shakily. His quiet voice held so much emotion it broke your heart.
When Arthur first found out you were pregnant, he was angry. Not at you, and certainly not at your unborn child. He was angry at himself, how could he be so stupid? Getting another woman pregnant, while still being in the gang? Which was definitely going to shit, by the way. Arthur could feel it happening. His heart actually hurt when he thought about Eliza and Issac, how his stupidity had gotten them killed. His little boy, and the woman he never married but god damn he should've, both dead over 10 dollars. 10. Fucking. Dollars. If he had been there, those bastards would've been dead in a second! He was a gunslinger for fucks sake! He could've saved them if he had just done right. But he was so scared to be a father, especially to a son. He didn't want to turn into his own father. He wouldn't wish that on anyone. But once a certain Karen Jones dragged him by the ear to the hiding spot you had found to cry in telling him to "fix it" he knew what he had to do. And it wasn't easy.
He held you in his arms, and apologized for every second he made you think or feel like he didn't want you or the child growing inside you. He said he had a plan, and it was the first time since joining the gang that you were relieved to hear those words.
Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. Arthur pulled away from you so he could get a better look
"Would you like to hold your daughter Mr. Morgan?" You asked with a smile just as sweet as your southern drawl.
"Yes I would, Mrs. Morgan." He said with a smile, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes. He ever so carefully took his daughter into his arms. She fussed for a moment, before quickly settling back down again.
"I can't believe I'm a daddy..." Arthur said softly. "Look at my sweet girl... Both of my sweet girls."
You stood on your tip toes and kissed Arthur on the cheek, and you bent back down to kiss your daughter. You winced straightening back up.
"Sit down, please honey." Arthur said gently. "You just had a baby after all."
"'M fine sweetheart." You dismissed. "I need to get the best view possible of this.."
A sudden sharp cry erupted from your daughter, causing both you and Arthur to laugh.
"Still a view I want to see." You said with a smile. Arthur passed Briar off to you, and she quieted down a bit.
"Ain't nothin' like the touch of a mother." Arthur said softly, gently wrapping his arms around your stomach. With your body flush against his, he rested his chin on top of your head. You chuckled.
"You should sing her a lullaby. Arthur suggested. You chuckled, knowing he'd use any excuse to hear you sing. You took a breathe, and began a gentle lullaby:
Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over, hear the wind blow Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
Roses love sunshine, violets love dew Angels in heaven know I love you Know I love you, dear, know I love you Angels in heaven, know I love you.
Writing this letter, containing three lines Answer my question, "Will you be mine?" "Will you be mine, dear, will you be mine?" Answer my question, "Will you be mine?"
Down in the valley, valley so low Hang your head over, hear the wind blow Hear the wind blow, dear, hear the wind blow Hang your head over, hear the wind blow.
You finished the song, and were now left with a sleeping daughter and a husband who was weeping. The sight of it brought tears to your own eyes.
"I just watched my wife sing my daughter to sleep for the first time.." Arthur wept. "Look at me, I'm a god damn mess. God I love you so much, I love her so much- (Name), this is real. This is our life."
"I can't belive it either!" You said with a sniffle. "Let me put her in her cradle before we wake her up."
Arthur nodded, sneaking a quick kiss to your forehead before heading to the door. Arthur was about to leave, but something told him to stay a moment longer. He turned just in time to see you tenderly set your daughter down in her crib and cover her up with her blanket which you had sewn by hand for her. You kissed your daughter one last time before joining Arthur.
As soon as you were in arms reach, Arthur scooped you up and carried you bridal style right into the living room. You giggled like some lovesick schoolgirl, causing Arthur to giggle too.
"Nothin but laughter and tears of joy in this house." You said happily. "That's exactly how I wanna be livin'!"
"Me too darlin!" Arthur said, gently setting you down on the sofa. He sat down right next to you and opened his arms, which you gladly crawled into. With your head resting in the crook of his neck and your legs curled up in his lap, you felt so safe. And so loved, you swore Arthur Morgan was sent from the lord above just for you.
"When do you think you'll be up for a trip to go see Abigail?" Arthur said, a sly smile on his face.
You gasped in excitment. "Oh goodness, is the house done already!? Did John invite you?"
"Yes ma'am! And guess what else darlin'?" Arthur said with a laugh. Your excitement was contagious, anyone could agree to that. "They made us a nursery for Briar-Rose."
Your eyes welled up with tears and you covered your mouth with your hand.
"Your kiddin' me..." You said softly, a smile slowly forming on your face.
"They really did honey." Arthur said and smiled softly at you. "Abigail wrote to me. I got the letter the night I went to town right before you had Briar. Said the house is done and we need to come visit as soon as you feel up to it after you have the baby."
"I don't know how soon, but I can't wait to go! Oh Arthur I miss her so much.." You said sadly. "I'm gonna write her back! We'll plan a visit next month...." You said, but your words trailed off into a yawn.
"Sounds good t'me baby." Arthur said, his hand natrually finding your hair to begin running his fingers through it. It put you to sleep faster then you'd like to admit.
Arthur let out a content sigh. He had never dared even daydream of a life like this for too long, yet here he was. Actually living the life of his dreams. With his wife, daughter, and even his 'brother'.
He wouldn't have it any other way.
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ghostbustting · 2 months
loved both ideas so much, so i decided to combine them (turned out way longer than I intended to write 😭)
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Dave Mustaine x Singer!Reader
Contains Smut.
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Camera flashes my way as I walk out of the building, a forced smile painted on my face, trying to push myself past the people asking questions and their annoying cameras. There were people calling out my name, trying to get my attention here and there. They push and push through the other people, their mind careless as they all continue to swarm over me.
Sunglasses were a must in these conditions, like a shield to my eyes from those horrible flashes of lights that can blind my eyesight. They were also convenient in hiding the look of annoyance I hold behind my eyes.
I could barely see the path I am walking on, the vision of my destination in front of me was blocked by them as well. Not to mention how much their presence here are decelerating my walk, almost like a living barcade, preventing me to leave.
My own name fills my ear. At this point, at least they didn't hear how many irritated sighs I let out.
A lady who seemingly work at a news station, or just coincidentally own a microphone and dresses professionally, shoves a microphone my way as she ask me the question of, "Are you releasing anything new soon?"
The sudden appearance of the microphone caused me to flinch the slightest bit. Yet I force myself to smile, leaning down to the microphone to answer, "Uh.. yes, a new album's coming on July—"
I was cut off when footsteps storms their way into the swarm of people. Looking up, I found the culprits to be these four guys; long hair, tall, chicks in their arms, and famous enough to pull some of the people's attention away from me. More specifically, they are Megadeth.
When one of their shoulder collided with mine– obviously intended, I was pushed away a little, giving them more space to do their not necessarily dramatic walk. It wasn't really hard for me to find out that the one that bumped their shoulder into mine was none other than their lead singer, Dave Mustaine.
What people saw when he bumped into me was the interview he had not long ago. That redheaded man was saying how music like mine is unnecessarily famous, even mocking the way I was singing and all. That interview was taken when I had beat him in a nomination at an award show. I was grinning all night that time.
But what I saw when he bumped into me was different. I was focused on the paper he slipped right into my hand the moment our shoulders meet, an act so small and sneaky yet an act so big if any of the people around caught onto it and the fact that he wrote his hotel room number in it.
Once they walk away, I smile to myself and chuckle, looking back at the lady that was asking a question. "Well, there goes Megadeth and their dramatic entrance." I laugh softly.
By the time I answer two more questions, I manage to skedaddle away and into a taxi, having most of the people to be pulled away by the charming mighty Megadeth. But I guess Dave just knew how much I didn't like interacting with paparazzi.
There's in fact a lot of things that Dave knew about me actually.
My favorite color.. my favorite animal.. my favorite artists.. my hobbies.. the perfume I wear.. the way I laugh.. the shampoo I use on my hair.. the things I hate.. the taste of my lips..
Too many things, perhaps.
Yet all those things had to be kept behind doors, whenever we have the time to be alone. Just the two of us. Not a single bandmate of his. Not a single paparazzi. No one else. Just us and our little secret.
By the time the taxi stops at my destination, I step out of the yellow coloured car and look up to see the tall building in front of me, windows of hotel rooms seen up there, one of those windows belonging to Dave Mustaine's hotel room.
"You came."
The man stood there in front of me, having previously opened up the door of his hotel room to my knocks. He was wearing a white button up shirt, the only buttons on being the three last ones, the rest on the top unbuttoned and giving me a peek of his chest. His belt was on, yet unbuckled, just resting loosely around his waist.
Looking up, I'm met by a precious grin on his face as he look down on me, leaning his side against the doorframe.
"You begged me to."
I return his grin the same way he was wearing it, almost as if we were looking into a mirror— just that our reflection's a different person's body. A beautiful chuckle of his fill my ears as he stood straight again.
His hand rose up, reaching out in the air between us, a silent ask for my own hand to be placed on top of his spread out palm.
Willingly, I place my hand on top of his and let him wrap his fingers around my hand, his touch gentle yet with a sense of possessiveness behind it as he slowly take me inside of his hotel room. That hand of his trails up my arm until he wrap his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to his body as we walk further in.
My body against his, I can smell the fragrance on him with our proximity as we walk.
"Is that.."
"-Your perfume? Yeah. Obsessed with it."
I turn my head to look up at him, finding him still staring at me with such focus, the grin on his lips becoming softer now. The way he spoke his words so simply yet so genuinely are always able to shoot butterflies right into my stomach. But with that look in his eyes as well is just way too much for me to handle.
As we approach the bed, I return the smile on his face. He slowly bring me with him as he lay down on the bed, kicking his shoes off, my own heels following after his shoes.
We lay down on the bed, his head resting on the pillow while mine was on his chest, the beat of his heart pressed against my ear, my arm over his stomach as his lips place kisses on my head, arms wrapped around me.
For a moment it stays like that, just silent moment with him showering me in kisses, my mind focused on how slightly fast his heart was beating, my fingers fiddling with his hair I've grown to be oddly obsessed with.
Dave's voice was soft as he spoke up to me, "How was your day?" He asked me, one of his hand coming up to run his fingers through my hair, moving some strands out of my face as he leans down to kiss my cheek.
"Same as everyday." I sigh, twirling a strand of his hair using my finger. His lips continue to place kisses all over my face, an act I've loved so dearly, yet also an act that we couldn't put on display out of the closed door.
He chuckled softly and focused on kissing my jaw, my breath becoming heavier just the slightest bit from the way his lips rubbed up and down my jaw. "Fame, right? Fun but tiring." He mumble against my skin.
I hummed at his words, a silent agreement, my fingers brushing his hair as he continue to kiss me all over.
That's when he moved to my neck and his kisses becomes way more sloppier, my skin feeling partially wet from his messy kisses. "Dave.. what are you doing?" I giggle softly, feeling his teeth grazing my skin as he bite down a small hidden mark right below my ear.
"Missed you... all day long.." He mumbled. His hands trails down to hold my waist, his grip firm as he caress my body through my dress, feeling me all over. Yet I knew right through his touch that feeling my body with this dress as a barrier from my skin was not the same to his liking.
"Hey, listen.." Dave pulled back, a wider grin on his face now. A grin of mischief. A grin of trouble.
Preparing myself for whatever his idea was, I took a deep breath and smile softly at him as his mouth opens yet again, he spoke slowly. "I have an idea. Something you can take your mind off to."
My eyebrow raised, a small curiosity rises in me as his words managed to take hold of my interest. How bad could this be anyways? Besides, I don't mind a little distraction from all the fuss I had today.
A small chuckle manage to escape my lips as I tilt my head, rolling my eyes in amusement. "I'm in." The moment I said those two simple words, a glimmer was seen inside those beautiful eyes of his, a glimmer of excitement, knowing I was willing to do what he have to offer.
Wasting the night just feels right with him. No matter if we do something stupid, or absolutely useless shit, he just knew how to make me feel like the most important and seen person in the whole universe. Like I was here, a precious possession of his.
Dave was just.. the biggest jerk, idiot, and sweetheart all at the same time.
And that's why minutes later after our conversation, I was on the bed still. Yet this time, the elegant dress that once covered up all the inappropriate areas of my body now tosses aside, like it has some other nights before this one. His own shirt and pants accompanying my dress on the floor.
I watch patiently from the bed to where he was standing, his focus for a while solely on the camera he was handling, pulling up a chair and placing the camera there in order to keep it steady, just close by the bed, the lens catching our bodies just perfectly on the bed.
"I swear to God.." I sigh and stare at Dave, pointing my finger at him. "If this gets out and my reputation's over, you're dead, Mustaine."
He laughed out loud, no doubt finding my fear of our little movie getting leaked amusing, as if that's what he was aiming for at the first place. "Yea yea, just shut up and be sexy for the camera, won't you? I need this to jerk off to." He winked. I'd be lying if he wasn't being idioticly smart with his words despite rolling my eyes in annoyance.
With a press of the record button, the camera starts catching each and every one of our moves, the thought and realization hitting me like a ton of bricks and made my heart start beating faster.
I can't help but also rethink the thought of getting this tape leaked, the thought of the public actually knowing how this man takes care of me and make me feel... the thought of the girls wanting him seeing me being the woman he worship.. It makes me press my thighs together, unable to deny the soaking spot right in the middle of my panties.
I was soon snapped out of my thoughts when Dave gets back on the bed, hovering over me, his eyes gazes upon my almost completely bare body with such lust and excitement, the tension of his gaze struck right through me and into my soul.
My breath becomes heavier the moment his hand reached up and cupped my right cheek, his thumb moving to gently stroke my skin in a circular motion, a motion I wish he was doing to my aching clit down there.
He leaned down, his lips immediately finding mine and connecting with such ease, our eyes fluttering close as I wrap my arms around his neck and pulled him into me even more, wanting to be one with him, to merge souls with him, to be connected forevermore until the end of the multiverses.
With our lips still focusing on each other's, his hands trails to my back, his fingers reaching out to unclasp my bra, something he manage to do with one hand from how much time he had done it by now. My bra slips off me and was toss aside with such ease.
Dave then pulls back from the kiss, I whine at the sudden loss of his lips. "Dave.." I breathed out, my breath hitching when he took no time to waste, his lips now attatched onto one of my erect nipple, meanwhile his hands found themselves a new and last piece of fabric to discard from my body.
He gripped the fabric of my panties, his mouth sucking the skin of my breast as his fingers pulled on the laced piece of clothing, the stitches of the fabric starting to pull apart, making me flinch the moment he ripped the panties into pieces, groaning against my breast.
Small desperate moans leaves my lips like prayers, just the sensation of his lips around my nipple was enough to make me lose control of myself. My eyes glances to the side, finding that same camera, feeling the lens of it catching every one of his movement and every single noises that I let out.
Dave's hand meets my jaw, turning my head towards him as he takes ahold of my attention yet again, "Keep those pretty eyes on me." He demanded, his intense gaze always able to make my eyes lock right with his, meanwhile his body slowly lowers down the bed, all the way till his head was hovering above my thighs which were being spread apart by his hands.
My thighs gave in to his touch, separating just as far enough for him to be able to have a full gaze of the dripping cunt I have on display for him, his eyes forgetting how to blink while his mouth felt a needy thirst. Next thing I knew, his head was buried between my thighs, fingers gripping onto them, while his mouth was desperately eating me out, his tongue working like a fucking magic.
"Ah... fuck... Dave—" I whimpered, my legs were shaking, I had to control them to not kick his back.
But the amount pleasure that even his fingers could give me is always such a breathtaking thing, almost as if every inch of his body were past lovers of my own, knowing damn well just how to please me as if he has been doing it for over centuries.
His lips were making out with my pussy, his nose nudging the sensitive clit, making me lose my mind a hundred times more than I originally was by the thought of recording the way he would make me feel every little chances we got ever since we started this little secret of ours.
His name seems to find it's way our of my lips again and again like a non stop prayer for him. My hand slowly reaching down to run my fingers through his hair, clutching on those gorgeous locks and pushing his face further more against me.
Every now and then, his groans would vibrate up my body, giving me goosebumps.
My back arched the moment his fingers joined in on this mischief of his. His tongue continued to work magic on my dripping hole while his thumb was rubbing my clit harshly, knowing just how much it can make me crumble.
He pulled back once he heard my voice, his thumb still circling over my clit. "Yea?" His voice was cracked and oddly raspy, out of breath from his little eating out session.
"Now.. please?"
A small sly grin was seen on his lips, his eyelashes fluttering my way, looking as pretty as ever that I just want to kiss him all over.
"Whatever the angel wants." Dave spoke as he sits up between my legs and start taking off his boxers.
The usage of that nickname never failed to bring butterflies into my stomach. Not when he literally admitted it himself that he called me "angel" because he thought I sounded like one. Him. David Scott Mustaine. The guy who just days ago compared my voice to a muppet giving birth.
I watch as his boxers was thrown aside, revealing the hard cock that has been hiding behind those fabric all these times. We've done this million times, and I'm never not enchanted by his length.
"Ready?" Dave ask as he took his cock in one hand and pumped it while his other hand held my hip.
He looked up at that word, watching as it leave my lips and watching the look in my eyes. Showing how truly desperate I am for him. Each and every night. When we're together. Or when we're not.
Locked in his gaze, I gasp when he suddenly pushed into my entrance, filling me up at once with his lenght. Just the way he knew I loved it.
"Fuck.." I breathed out, reaching out to hold onto his back while he hold onto my hips.
Almost immediately, he started thrusting. Slow and nice at first. His cock moving back and gently pushing back in.
I watch the way his hips move, back.. and front... back.. and front, each time feeling his cock move as well in me.
Dave shook his head, leaning down to burry his face in the crook of my neck, his hands running up and down my torso, "God.. how I want to show the world how weak of a metal rockstar you got me.." He chuckled breathlessly, his lips grazing the skin of my neck.
That was when he start to move faster, getting more and more worked up as time passes on, his cock throbbing in my tight walls, needing it’s release.
The volume of my dirty noises were only increased from the way his hips pull all the way back and slam right back in, repeating his movements fast and hard like his life depends on it. In this moment, it probably was.
Pathetic moans and whimpers of his name leave my lips non stop, his own whines and groans muffled into my neck whenever I let out my voice. The way he moves in me was always something so overwhelmingly nice and pleasing, which able to distract me from the camera sitting nearby, still recording our deeds.
Dave sit straight up again, taking my hips back in his firm grasp. From that second and that look in his eyes, I knew he was taking this way more seriously now, just getting the much more dirtier side out. The love, the lust, the care, the need. It’s all seen in his beautiful hazel eyes. My walls clenched just by feeling his eyes caress my body with that intense gaze.
Almost immediately, he hold my hips still and fuck me with the speed of lightning, fucking me like there’s no tomorrow.
My eyes widens and a cry was pulled out of the back of my throat, a cry for him. “Oh fuck! Dave, yes!” My voice only encouraged him even more, groaning as he slam in and out of me, feeling my walls hugging his length tightly, a feeling I knew he loved so dearly.
”Gonna cum for me, angel? Please do..” He whispered out, still breathless till now, “I need you so much..” He was so sweet with his words. Always was. I can’t help but nod and try to utter out a yes.
The moment the tip of his cock nudged that one special spot in me perfectly well, I came undone with his length still stuffed deep in me, making him groan as he feel my release all over his cock. “Mm fuck..” I whimpered, panting.
Following close behind with his own release, Dave thrusted into me one last time before shooting his cum straight into me, painting my walls white while he slowly pull out of me, making both of us moan at the sensation of our cum dripping out of my hole.
Dave quickly grabbed the camera, aiming it to the cum that’s still dripping out of me and onto the pool of cum on the bed sheets, then up to my fucked up face. my chest heaving up and down as I continue to pant for breath.
”Words for the camera?”
My eyes look up at the lens and I tiredly grin before pulling out my middle finger at it, causing Dave to chuckle as he cut the recording, staring at the camera for awhile before he practically threw the camera aside and lay down on the bed, holding my body close to his own as our warmth combined into one.
"Naughty girl."
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 2] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: It's been three months since you left Miguel and the Spider-Society to start a new life with Venom. So far, things have been going great. The universe seems to welcome a Spider-Woman protecting the streets of New York. However, Miguel seems to be struggling, and a strange occurrence brings him to your Earth. Will you consider giving him another chance, or has the Spiderling left the web for good?
[Earth-928 - Nueva York - Spider-Society]
"Father, check it out - I captured this Anolmany by myself!" Your smile was bright and hope radiated in our eyes, hoping for your father's praise - praise that he has denied you for the past 15 years but you remained hopeful that he would notice your effort and give you what you wanted for the longest time - his love. However, he didn't give it to you - he instead glared at you as if you were something grotesque and took the Anolmany to be placed with the others before walking away and leaving you and your shattered heart alone. He saw in the image that Peter came behind you and pulled up into a hug with Mayday.
"I should have done that for you, [Name]. I should have been the one to hug you and praise you for everything you had at such a young age, but I couldn't... No... I wouldn't. It's all my fault." Miguel said as he hung his head down, closing his eyes and telling the tears hit the table before him. "I failed you, [Name]; I'm so sorry."
"You should have said those things to her while she was still here. You don't get to pity yourself now that she is gone." Peter said behind Miguel on a lower platform while holding a sleeping Mayday in his arms.
"I know that, Peter; you're not telling me something I don't already know. I failed my daughter all because I had an issue with the woman who birthed her. It wasn't [Name's] Fault that she was born but I still took it out on her, now my daughter is gone." Miguel said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to face Peter, who glared at the man he considered his friend. "Is there something you needed?"
"If you weren't such a horrible father, none of this would have happened. I mean, you left your daughter to steal the life of another you after he was killed and called your own daughter a burden."Peter said as he jumped up to Miguel's Platform, "But that's not why I'm here, you haven't been listening to Lyla's Hails; if you have, you would know that there is another Anolmany sighting on Earth-232. We need your help, Spider-Man 2099." Peter said to Miguel, who just nodded his head before materializing his mask and messing around with the Gizmo on his wrist, opening up a portal to Earth-232 and jumping inside without a second thought.
[Meanwhile - Unknown Earth]
The Black-Suited Spider-Woman zipped through the streets after the strange-looking creature that was giving the cop such a hard time to the point they needed to call you - apparently, it looked like the Vulture but the real Vulture was locked away tight and hadn't escaped prison. This was strange but then you realized that this Vulture was nothing but an Anolmany and if there was an Anolmany here...
"It will only be a matter of time before he or his goons arrive here to collect it. We need to deal with this and head away before they can see us." Venom said from the depths of [Name's] Mind.
"I know that, V. We'll have this wrapped up and back home before dinner." [Name] said to her Symbiote before arriving at the scene and getting into the fray. She shot webs at the other Vulture and started pounding on him before wrapping him up in the webs and placing him n the roof of a nearby building before turning to leave but it was too late. A portal opened up and Miguel along with a few Spider-People walked out and looked down at the trapped Vulture but Miguel was looking at you while you glared at him over your shoulder.
"There's a Spider-Woman here? I thought the computer said there was no Slpider-People in this universe." One of the Spider-People said but Miguel just walked over to you but stopped a few feet away when you lifted your hand, signaling him to do so.
"Don't come any closer, Miguel O'Hara. You have what you came for, now leave my universe and never come back." You warned him but he just looked at you and his mask disappeared and the tears in his eyes fell like rain.
"[Name], my daughter..." He started but you just shook your head at him.
"I'm not your daughter, Spider-Man 2099. I don't have a father just like I don't have a mother. They are dead to me. Take your Anolmany and leave; come before me again and there will be problems." You turned and shot a web at one of the building and was prepared to swing off when Miguel's hand wrapped around your arm, causing you to look at him with anger in your eyes. "Let me go."
"Mija, I know that you are angry with me but I can be a better father to you now; I have seen the error of my ways; please, come home with us." Miguel begged you but you just punched in the face with your feet hand, breaking his nose and making him let you go before you swung away from the scene before he could recover and follow you.
"You handled that rather well, [Name]" Venom said.
"Thanks, V. What do you want for dinner tonight It's our turn to pick. You said as you swung from building to building.
"Tater Tots and Chocolate." Venom purred, "Lots of chocolate."
"Deal, V." You said before disappearing from Migeul's View. Miguel stood there with his hand covering his bleeding nose and tears rushing down his face.
"Boss, was that your kid...the one that went missing?" One of the Spider-People asked causing Miguel to nod and close his eyes, "Man, she really hates you."
"I know...but I shall fix that soon enough. Now that I know where she is, she can no longer escape from me. Gather that Anolmany and let's get back home; I have some planning to do." Miguel said as he returned his mask and walked through the portal, 'I know where you are now, Mija; Papa will be there for you from now on.'
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widowbitessting · 9 months
Flower Petals on the Floor
Word Count: 996
Rating: General with fluffy scenes. SFW!
Summary: All you wanted to do was surprise the Trio! at work. But the stupid security guard is set on ruining your plan.
Dom!Natasha Romanoff, Dom!Wanda Maximoff, Dom!Carol Danvers x Sub!Reader
(I swear I'm not an idiot. I got asks and I lost them. Can I find them? No. I remember it being along the lines of 'a security guard not letting Baby past' so nonnie I am sorry for losing your ask. Just label me stupid I guess. Again, it’s not the best thing I’ve written but I hope you all enjoy nonetheless)
It was supposed to be a surprise. 
A midweek visit as your classes were called off. 
You’d even bought a small bouquet of flowers for each of them. 
But would the stupid security man let you in?
No matter what you tried to say, he just wasn’t having it. 
“Listen! They know who I am, just let me up!” 
“No. Your name isn’t on the list, meaning you can’t come in.” He tells you. “Now go and bug someone else.” 
You glower at him, officially irriated. 
“I am not bugging - how many times do I have to tell you? I’m their girlfriend!” 
“That’s what they all say. I wasn’t born yesterday.” 
“Listen boogers for brains, I don’t know who pissed in your coffee this morning; but I’m here to surprise my girlfriends ‘cos they’re stressed out of their minds and you’re sort of ruining it!”
“Heard it all before, love. Now beat it.” 
He shoves you and you stumble back. 
“Get out of my building, doll face.” 
“Who are you -” 
“I will personally remove you if I have to. Leave.” 
He tries to shove you again but you manage to scurry back.
You glare at him.
“Fine. Fine. I’m going. There’s no need to push me. God.” 
You stomp out of the reception area and back out the pristine glass doors, where the horrible weather is waiting to soak you. 
“Fucking stupid…butt face.” 
You stop as the door swings shut behind you and pull your phone out of your pocket; texting the Trio.
Y/N (13:14): Hypothetically…if I was trying to get into your building…what would I need to do?
Carol (13:14): Well hello to you too, cutie. 
Carol (13:14):  We’d have to put you on the OK list; get you a Visitor ID sorted and so on. Why?
You groan. 
Why is nothing ever simple?
Y/N (13:15): No reason
Wanda (13:15): Are you downstairs, baby?
Y/N (13:16): Maybe…? I’m outside…
Natasha (13:15): Go back inside love, we’ll be there in a minute❤️
You quickly do as you’re told, rushing back into the warmth of the building. 
Only, you’re met with the same security man as before. 
He’s glaring at you. 
“Listen love, if you wanted to be handcuffed this badly, all you had to do was ask.” 
He throws your flowers to the ground and spins you around so fast that you don’t even have the time to make a sarcastic comment. 
The cold bite of his handcuffs snag at your skin. 
“Listen -” 
“No, you listen to me, I’ve had enough of your shit. You’re in detainment until the cops get here, is that understood?”
“Cops? But wait -” 
“Save it.” 
This has to be the most mortifying ordeal of your life. 
Everyone in the open reception space is looking at you and you really don’t know what to do. 
And to make it worse, your left shoe keeps squeaking.
“I can’t - I can’t go to jail!” 
“Should have thought of that sooner, love.” 
He moves you so easily that you make the mental note to start going to the gym. 
Dragging you towards the turnstiles. 
He scans his ID and pushes you through.
Taking you towards the back door when - 
“Greg, any reason you’ve got our girlfriend by the wrists?” Natasha’s voice has you both stopping and you just want to sob in relief. 
She glares at the man holding you, raising an eyebrow. 
“Oh thank god.” You mutter. 
“Yeah, that’s kind of our job.” Carol adds. 
“Told you I wasn’t lying.” You glare back at him.
“I was just -” 
“Being disrespectful to someone who we care about.” Natasha buts in. “Forget being professional, you were being downright rude. Uncuff her. Right now.” 
“Yes, ma’am. Sorry ma’am.” 
He lets you go and you quickly move to stand closer to your women; Wanda’s hand quickly finds your waist and holds you close. 
“Do you do this to all the visitors that aren’t on the all clear?” Carol asks, putting her hands into her pant pockets. 
If things hadn’t been so disastrous, you’d have found it incredibly hot. 
…Maybe you still do…
“I - no. I…” 
“Go on. We’re waiting.” Wanda snaps. 
“I was told to make sure no one got in if they’re not on the all clear.”
“And how do we ensure people do get on the all clear?” Natasha asks, as if she’s speaking to a 1 year old, 
“Having one of the reception team buzz up to Kate…”
“And did you do that?” Wanda asks.
“Why not?” Says Carol. 
“…she…she was testing my patience!”
“And the reasonable thing to do was handcuff our girlfriend and cause a scene?”
“I was handling it accordingly.”
“He hurt my arms.” You pout and nestle into Wanda, hiding your smile. 
“I think we should have a little chat, Greg, don’t you think? Bring in the Head of Security too?”
The man visibly pales.
“I think that sounds wonderful.” Natasha adds on. “You’re dismissed. We’ll contact you later when we’re ready.” 
And just like that, he’s gone. Practically vanishing in thin air.
“Are you okay, my love?” Carol asks, looking you over and inspecting your wrists. She clocks the red marks where the handcuffs were too tight. 
“I’m gonna kill him.” Natasha growls, pulling you in for a tight hug. “My poor girl.”
“We’re gonna put you on the clearance list and get you an ID sorted.” Wanda says. “So you can come straight up next time.”
“Okay.” You pout. “I brought you flowers but he…” You point to the flowers littered on the floor. 
“Aw, baby girl.” Natasha sighs. “We appreciate the gesture. C’mon. Wanna come see where we work?”
You nod. 
Natasha takes your hand and leads you to the elevators. 
They open almost as soon as you get there and the four of you walk inside. 
Carol presses their floor and you grin up at her. 
Until she asks:
“Baby girl. Where’s your coat?”
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