#holy cow this is really happening guys
hypnos333 · 7 months
Okay this is my first time requesting. Alastor x reader request! Can you do Alastor with like a really truly southern S/O. Like a true southern belle!
Such a peach
Alastor x Southern Reader
Synopsis: You were a southern belle who was saved by a mysterious guy you didn’t know
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“Will you cut that out Mister” You said in your accent as you were ready to hit him but then this tall Man step in between you and the other men. You may look human but trust you were more than that.
“Pardon but we’re just fine” The aggressor mumbles but the guy of course didn’t take his word for it so he turned to you.
“Are you okay My dear?” Asked the man making you blush but remembered who you need to represent.
“I’m Fine and dandy” You said sarcastically crossing your arms comfortably. Oh how you wish Camilla was here to your rescue in this hissy fit. “No offense Sir but I can handle myself” You said southern accent thick as a rock.
You could admit though this person savin you was hotter than hell.
You were stuck in thought until the guy harassing you apologized multiple times to you, You yourself was confused but the guy knew who was saving you and wanted no part of it.
“I reckon you didn’t save me just cause I was in trouble” You mumbled as The guy laugh like he was on a radio.
“Haha of course not my dear you look like you were a bit in a pickle so I just so happen to not have anything to do” He responded to you as you raised your eyebrows at him.
In all honesty he’s been watching you for a while he knew you but you didn’t know him.
“I’m Alastor, And you doll?” He asked awaiting for your name making you hesitate but gave in “I’m ___, Darlin” You mumbled making his smile wider if possible.
“Nice to meet you ___” He smirk making eye him.
“Likewise Darlin” You said back smiling at him to be smile.
A few months later:
You sneaked away from Camilla to go see Alastor, Camilla was gettin’ on your last nerves to the fact that She keeps on nagging you to train to not get hurt.
“At this point I flew off the handle a couple weeks ago, I can’t take this no more” You mumbled, complaining to yourself. Right on time you saw Alastor in the distance so you rushed to his arms awaiting you to be in his embrace at this point.
“How is my doll doing?” Alastor asked making you sigh at how Camilla is trying to lock you up again.
“Ughh Camilla is really testin me, I could-Holy cow! Are those Peaches?” You asked to see a basket that he’s holding full of peaches and nothing but peaches.
“Of course Doll! I couldn’t let you go without a gift!” He answered smile growing wide. As he looked at your eyes sparkle at the sight of peaches.
“Aw Darlin, Your such a peach” You said as he handed you the peaches that you adore so much.
“Shall we walk around My dear?” he asked making you nod excitedly getting to be with the man you love so utterly much.
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i literally have no idea what this is, or where it came from but here's a thing:
pairing: steddie | word count: 2,043 | rated: M (will be E in next part)
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Eddie Munson was not Steve’s bi awakening, okay? He wasn’t.
He just happened to be standing in the middle of Family Video dressed like his bi awakening (and it didn’t help that he already had an embarrassingly huge crush on the guy).
Steve had come out of the back none the wiser to what he was about to see, glancing up from the tape he was carrying for someone who’d called earlier. His eyes met big, clunky, worn-in cowboy boots, long lean legs (and very nice ass–damn, they’ve got one of those stupid bandanas in their back pocket too) in classic Levis so tight they looked like they were painted on, the back of leather jacket (--hold on), and the back of a head of long, wild-looking, sun-kissed, yet still dark hair.
After his seconds-long oogling, Robin, who was chatting with Bon Jovi’s twin at the counter, glances behind him at Steve. 
Bon Jovi tries to turn and look back without taking himself off the counter, but when that insane hair of his gets in the way, he shoves up off the counter and spins on one heel.
“Munson? Where the hell’ve you been?” Steve thanks whatever it is up there that the surprise of seeing Eddie again temporarily suspends his frazzled ‘hothothothothot’ thoughts about his friend enough to respond normally.
“Damn, Stevie, been gone all summer and all I get is a ‘The hell’ve you been’?”
“Of course, asshole, you’ve been gone All. Summer.” Steve says, finally getting to the counter himself and dropping the tape on it. He scoops Eddie up in a tight hug, one long won from their month of recovery post-Vecna.
Everything went fine, Vecna was dead, the upside-down sealed away, but they hadn’t all left unscathed. Specifically Steve and Eddie, both of whom ended their spring break from hell nursing bat wounds, and closer than ever before. 
Then, after finally graduating, being hailed a hero for “saving” Max and Dustin from the real killer (thank you, suspicious government people), Eddie was hauled out of Hawkins by his Uncle, the former of whom got just enough time for a quick ‘Gotta go, Wayne wants me helping out at the farm this summer,’ before he was gone.
“I told you I would be, Harrington,” Eddie says once Steve sets him back down on his own two feet.
“So what happened? Where’ve you really been?”
Eddie raises a brow, “At the farm. Like I said.”
“Okay, well, excuse me for thinking it may have been the same 'farm' my parents said my childhood dog was sent off to.”
“You think my Uncle was gonna take me upstate to shoot me dead?”
“Obviously not, dumbass, but what other goddamn reason would you, Eddie Munson, have to be on a farm. Like with cows and stuff?”
“Though the sun did you some favors,” Robin cuts back in.
And isn’t that the truth. Up close now (and letting himself look), Steve could see how Eddie’s normally dark hair and pale complexion were now sun-kissed and so well be-freckled that it sent his stomach for another rollercoaster ride.
“Yeah, Munson, you planning on keeping the blond around?” Steve teases, picking up a strand of sun-lightened hair off Eddie’s shoulder and giving it a short tug.
“I don’t know, I’m not really used to how light…”
Whatever Eddie says after that is completely drowned out by ringing in Steve’s ears because Eddie stretches an arm up to paw at the top of his head and he’s wearing a crop top.
He’s wearing a goddamn crop top under his jacket, some band tee that looks like he’d hacked off himself..and are those abs?? God damn he is so fine. It’s not fucking fair. Who does he think he is running around like Steve’s own personal wet dre–
“Holy shit.”
He couldn’t help it. The words just fell out of his mouth.
“H-holy shit, you’ve got abs, Eddie!”
‘Thank you, Robin.’ Steve thinks at her absently since his brain is completely preoccupied..
“Wha–? Oh! Yeah! Check me out, huh?!” Eddie grins wide, lifting his shirt just a bit more to show off the toned expanse of stomach. 
Steve’s mouth goes bone dry.
“And that’s not all,” Eddie says. He drops his shirt and shucks the jacket off his shoulders.
His very well sculpted shoulders.
And arms.
And oh god those hands. Steve could hear the soft scrapes of rough callouses against the leather when Eddie threw the garment onto the counter beside him and his only thought was about how they might feel against his skin..
Still beaming, Eddie flexes one, then both arms, his biceps bunching under more tanned skin. “I got a lot of ‘lifting heavy things and putting them back down again’ in over the summer.” he continues, “I’m probably stronger than you now, Harrington.”
“Ha haha, right..yeah. Robin, can you excuse us for a second?”
Steve doesn’t wait for her response before he grabs Eddie around one of those absolutely delicious biceps and hauls him through the store and out the back door.
He lets a grinning Eddie go as soon as they’re through the back door, taking a couple steps away towards the woods behind their building, and trying to calm down with measured breaths.
When he does turn around, Eddie’s stood away from the door, one hip cocked out and his arms crossed across his chest.
The grin on his face has melted down into a smirk though, and the look in his eyes is less teasing and more cautious.
Steve steps back up close to the other man, and literally starts to circle him like a shark. Scanning his eyes up and down Eddie’s body as he does.
“What’s goin’ on Stevie? Looking for some style tips?” he jokes.
Steve doesn’t answer, and starts his second cycle around his friend.
“You know, maybe get rid of some of those polos?” Eddie sounds just a bit more unsure this time.
Steve’s behind Eddie’s right shoulder when he speaks again. “You think you can barge back in after all this time, looking like that,” Steve comes around to stand in front of Eddie again, “And not expect me to react?”
Eddie grins wickedly again, and steps back at the same time Steve steps forward.
“Expect me to not want to devour you whole?”
“You expect me to want that, big boy?” Eddie says as he’s pressed between Steve and the closed back door.
Steve rears back immediately, “Shit, Eddie, I’m sor–”
“‘Cause I do.” Eddie grabs hold of Steve and spins them around, pressing the younger man back against the door instead. “Ohhh boy, do I want that.”
Steve groans as Eddie slots their hips together, “You really are a big boy, aren’t you sunshine?”
“The things I’m gonna do to you..” Steve growls out, Eddie’s jaw snapping open with his words.
They’re both startled away from the back door when Robin bangs on it, “You’ve got five minutes to get back in here before I drag you back in! It’s Friday and we’re about to get busy!” she yells through the door.
He hears her converse squeak on the tile inside the door as she heads back to the front, then chances a look at Eddie.
He looks as red as Steve feels, from the bit of his face he can see from behind the hair he holds over it.
“It’s cool, Harrington,” he wheezes out a dry laugh, glancing over at him, “Better get in for the rush before Robin comes back.
He reaches for the handle again, but is stopped short by a hand on his wrist.
“Listen, Eddie.” Steve says, giving the other man’s arm a soft tug to get him to turn around. “I may have gotten a little…over enthusiastic…”
Eddie’s face scrunches up in a weird way.
“No! Not in a bad way, unless you weren’t as into it as I was–doesn’t matter! Point is, I may have gone a little crazy, but I wasn’t faking it.”
“I don’t think guys can fake it, Steve-o.” Eddie jokes softly, a small smile on his face.
Steve chuckles just as soft, “Shut up man, you know what I mean.”
“Do I?”
“I think you do.”
“I dunno Steve," Eddie shrugs sarcastically, "You’re quite an enigma.”
“Okay, fine, here’s it spelled out for you: I am super into you.” Steve puts up a finger to stop whatever it is Eddie was about to say, “Hold on– I am bisexual, have been for a while and would like to try this..with you. If you want.”
“You gotta be more specific on what ‘this’ is, sunshine.” Eddie steps close to him once again.
Steve smirks, walking Eddie backward to the door again with both hands on his waist. Once he’s got him pressed back against the warm metal, he scoops the hair away from Eddie’s ear and holds it out of the way with a hand on the back of his neck.
He leans in, whispering right into Eddie’s ear. “I want to take you apart, Eddie.”
Eddie sucks in a sharp breath and Steve can feel the man’s heart hammering against his own chest.
“I want to suck you down, eat you out, and fuck you into next Tuesday.” He states, nipping on his earlobe for good measure before pulling back. 
Steve takes in Eddie’s flushed face, his eyes blown out they’re almost completely black, his chest heaving.
“I’d also like to totally romance you and date the fuck out of you, but…” he shrugs, grinning as Eddie smacks his chest lightly with a laugh of his own.
“I’m serious though, Eddie. I want this.”
Eddie’s smile falls slightly. “You sure about the whole dating thing, Harrington? You know you can’t date me for real..like in public and shit.”
Steve shrugs, “I know, but… I don’t think I’d survive something casual with you, Eddie.”
Eddie lets out a breath like he’d been punched.
He takes back in a deep breath, then pulls Steve flush to him again.
“I think that sounds amend—-”
Eddie’s forehead smashes into Steve’s nose when Robin shoves the door open behind Eddie.
“Damn! I knew the door was a bad idea.” Steve says, his voice coming out nasally from where he’s pinching at the bridge of his nose.
“Time’s up, Dingus, get your fruity butt inside.”
Eddie chuckles after her, leading Steve inside. “You shouldn’t tip your head back, lean forward and let it drain out.”
“Ugh, you sure? I’ll get blood all over me,”
“I’m sure, sweetheart, I’ve had a few bloody noses in my time.”
“Here,” Robin says once they reach the counter.
Steve takes the offered tissues, and soaks up the small trickle of blood.
“You still wanna date me if my nose is crooked?” he asks Eddie, who’s (sadly) shrugging his coat back on.
He pretends to think for a moment. “Sorry Stevie, that’s a dealbreaker. Even if it was my forehead what done it.”
“Ugh you’re such a dweeb, I don’t know what you see in him, Steve.”
“He’s hot, okay? And he’s still hot even after he rejected me just now.” Steve states matter-of-factly while shoving a wad of tissue into the one nostril still bleeding.
“You think I’m hot?”
“No, you’re gross. You guys are both gross.”
“Oh Birdie, you should've heard the things he was saying to me outside; all ‘Ooh Eddie, your muscles are so big and so is your hair and also your di—’”
“OKAY! That’s enough of that!” Steve cuts him off, pushing the still grinning Eddie toward the door, then, a softer: “Yours or mine after I’m off?” once they’re at the door.
“Definitely yours, unless you want Wayne to be privy to our shenanigans.”
“Yeah, that’s a no. Also, shenanigans? Really? You’re a super dweeb.” Steve smirks, pushing his boyfr— frien— Eddie out the front door. “I’m off at four, see you at five?”
Eddie fumbles backward over the curb but manages to catch himself, “It’s a date, Steve.”
He watches Eddie climb up into his van, and follows its path down the road and out of sight with a dreamy sigh.
“You still have tissues in your nose, Dingus.”
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part 2/2 here | and on AO3!
definitely inspired by this post from @sparrowtapes
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borathae · 5 months
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↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Destiny]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Warnings: the chapter ends in smut but the the cut is very clear so peeps who don't want smut can stop easily, so many fluffy sweet moments, a small wound, Tae needs to be protected at all costs please, Yoongi is so perfect i love him sm, Kook is the sweetest man ever, they're just a polycule of soulmates at this point tbfh, next warnings are for the smut: soft yet passionate Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, sex in a bathtub, passionate love making, lots of kissing, body worship, oral (both receiving), pussy fingering, sex standing up & from behind, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), praise, strength & muscle kink, he helps her to stay quiet in such a sexy way, holy fuck i'm his bitc-, cum swallowing, giggly aftercare, he is the safest boyfriend ever :(
Wordcount: 14.2k
a/n: i hope you guys understand why i couldn't possibly not include this smut in the mainstory I MEAN it's hot as fuck AND it's Kook first time with her without having to be supervised, it was necessary for the plot. have fun holy fuck i'll daydream about him until i draw my last breath 💙
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“___, please come quick! It’s Taehyung!”
It is the second day of your stay here and you are currently plucking weeds in the vegetable beds when Jungkook comes screaming and running for you. He is almost stumbling over his own feet from how frightened he seems.
“Tae. He. He needs your help! Please.” 
“Holy shit, what happened?” you gasp, dropping what you were doing to follow Jungkook to the cow stable. You are running so quickly that tears well up in your eyes and you can barely breathe. Jungkook is panting beside you, gripping your hand so tightly it feels borderline painful. 
“He’s with Moo. Oh god, it all happened so fast.”
“Holy shit Kookie, what happened? Oh god, what happened? If, if something happens in here he, he could be lost forever. Kookie, oh god, I told you to be careful. I, I told you, oh god”, you fall over your words, panting from worry and fear. 
You and he stumble into the stable. There in the corner, hunching on a stool, sits Taehyung. 
“Darling!” you scream, breaking out of Jungkook’s grasp to run to your darling, “holy fuck, what’s wrong? Tae, talk to me! What’s wrong?!”
“Look”, Taehyung whines painfully, “I got a splinter and it, it hurts”, he says, showing you his finger. 
You stop and stare. Stare. Stare. Look at Jungkook. He is panting, looking so utterly distressed.
“It’s so deep”, he squeaks, “and, and it doesn’t heal. ___, you have to help him. He doesn’t heal in here.”
You sag your shoulders, putting your hand so your hips. 
“Seriously?” you ask in a deep voice.
“What do you mean? He can’t get the splinter out.”
“I am scared, darling. I have never gotten a splinter before.” 
“You two deserve your bums spanked. Do you have any idea how scared I was?” 
“But it’s scary”, Jungkook insists. 
“I can’t get it out”, Taehyung stresses.
“Heaven help me, you two are gonna cost me my last nerve. I was imagining the worst things ever and you’re making such a fuss over a silly splinter.”
Taehyung and Jungkook pout.
“But it hurts.”
“What if he won’t ever get it out?”
You roll your eyes at them. Look at those two vampires, being sacred of a small speck of wood. 
“The gentlemen lose their powers and are suddenly scared of splinters”, you mumble and then take Taehyung’s hand to inspect it, “is it there?” you run your finger over the tiny dark spot on his ring dinger.
“Yes. I was filling up the hay when I suddenly felt piercing pain and now my entire finger aches.”
“I’m sure it’s as terrible as you describe it”, you say and sigh in defeat, “come on, I’ll take it out for you.”
Jungkook follows you, clutching Taehyung’s “okay” hand as tightly as possible. 
“You can really get it out?” he asks.
“I’ll try at least. It’s a very difficult task”, you say sarcastically, sending them a look.
“Oh darling, thank you. I feel so relieved”, Taehyung says and laughs breathily.
“Wow ___, thank you. I knew getting you would be the right decision”, Jungkook gushes, looking at Taehyung, “you’re gonna be okay again, Tae.”
“I know. Oh, I feel so relieved.” 
You roll your eyes. What a bunch of big babies.
Yoongi is by the front door, looking worried as well. He must have been in the middle of putting on his shoes when Jungkook’s screams reached his ears. He still hasn’t put them on, watching you walk up the path with his eyes big. 
“What happened? I heard screaming”, he asks, scanning his eyes over you and your two dramatic boys.
“Taehyung almost died”, you say with sarcasm in your voice.
“Hey, not cool”, Taehyung complains.
“Yeah, not cool. Tae is seriously hurt”, Jungkook throws in.
“I don’t get it”, Yoongi confesses.
“Tae got a splinter in his finger and can’t get it out. Now they’re acting as if it’s a life or death situation”, you explain and tug them past Yoongi into the cottage.
“Ah”, Yoongi turns to follow.
“Hey, you are making fun of the situation. It really hurts.”
“I believe you, Tae. It’s just not a reason for you to almost give me a panic attack. Upstairs. We’ve got something in the bathroom.”
You lead the way while your boys follow you.
“You should have seen Jungkook. He came running and screaming as if Taehyung was dying. I almost threw up ‘cause I panicked so hard.”
“I know. I heard it.”
“I think our reactions are very reasonable. We cannot heal here.”
“Yeah, we can’t”, Jungkook throws in and looks at Yoongi for help, “it’s really scary, isn’t it?”
“Don’t pull me into this”, Yoongi says, “I’m very well aware that I can’t heal in here. Why am I following you upstairs either way? It’s a fucking splinter. I wanted to help Agatha and Harald with the gate. You guys can manage without me, yeah? I don’t gotta worry you die on me?”
“Very funny, hyung”, Taehyung says and rolls his eyes.
You snicker, earning yourself a nudge from Taehyung.
“Don’t laugh at his joke, it isn’t funny.”
“It kinda is, sorry darling.”
“Tch, I am being bullied.”
You snicker, exchanging a playful look with Yoongi. He caresses the small of your back and pecks your cheek.
“I’m outside if you need me, yeah?”
“Okay, take care. Don’t forget to drink water.”
“I won’t, my love”, he says and leaves the bathroom with a playful, “try not to die, boys.”
“You’re not funny today”, Jungkook calls after him, while Taehyung pouts.
The door opens and closes as Yoongi leaves to help your grandparents. Now it is just you and your two drama kings. You snicker to yourself, turning your back to them as you get what you need for the lifesaving operation.
“Don’t worry, Tae. I’ll get the splinter out in no time. Wah you two, seriously. You almost gave me a panic attack back then.”
“Yeah well, it’s scary”, Jungkook defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He huffs out air, pouting.
“I’m sure it is”, you say and turn back to them with a medical kit in your hands. You look around the room. Because the bathroom is located upstairs and it is an old, homely cottage, the ceiling is tilted in the way the roof goes down. Only a small skylight window lets in natural light, making the room darker than other rooms.
“We should go outside, it’s really dark in here.”
“Yes, okay. Do whatever helps with it. You know better. I’ll get us something to drink too”, Jungkook says, hurrying away to be helpful.
“Okay, do that”, you say fondly. You must admit that his dramatic worry is a little adorable. You would rather take a person who cares too much than one that doesn’t care at all.
“Come on, darling. Let’s go outside where the sun shines”, you tell Taehyung, taking his hand gently.
He follows you with just a little gleam of annoyance in his eyes because you teased him with Yoongi. 
You pass Jungkook, leaving the front door open because it was a warm enough day for it to be possible.
Your grandparents have many spots where you can sit in their spacious garden. In front of every stable and shed, a bench with a small table invites one to take a short break. Under some of the tall trees, benches or chairs wait to be rested on and even beside some of the flower beds, something can be used to rest. You sit Taehyung down on the bench next to their front door. Pots of flowers and other plants surround you, right behind you a window looks into the living area. 
“Hold that for me”, you tell him, placing the medical kit on his lap. You open it, looking for the needle you know for a fact is kept in there. Your grandfather used it very often to get out little splinters from your fingers or toes whenever you got them during play outside. He always wiped your little tears afterwards and gave your small ache a healing kiss. It made the pain go right away and you went right back outside to continue playing.
“Got you”, you say to the needle, pulling out some sanitising wipes right along with it. You use it to clean his finger and the needle.
“It’s cold”, he says, watching you with curious eyes.
“Yeah, it’s going to make sure that you’re clean. We can’t have you catching an infection.”
“I could get an infection like this?”
You lift your eyes from his finger, “obviously.”
He pouts, “you are mocking me.”
“Obviously”, you tease.
“You are cruel”, he pouts even harder, earning himself a fond chuckle.
“I’m sorry, it’s my revenge for you guys scaring me like this.”
His eyes soften, he chuckles.
“I might have deserved it then.”
“Heh, maybe yeah”, you snicker, looking back at his finger, “I’ll begin now. Are you ready? I’ll try to be gentle, but it could still hurt a little.”
“Can I tell you when it hurts?”
“What?” you meet his eyes in surprise, “what? Of course you can. Darling, why shouldn’t you be able to do that?”
He lowers his head, “just so”, he whispers.
“Gosh, Tae”, you tilt his head back up with two fingers under his chin, “you can always tell me to stop, okay? You’re safe with me.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he smiles shyly, “thank you for telling me this. I feel more confident already.”
“Of course”, you kiss his lips, then sit back, “now, I’ll get started.”
“Okay, oh heavens, I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ll be gentle. Here comes the first poke”, you say as you begin removing the first layer of his skin, “how is that?”
“It tickles a little.”
“But it’s not painful?”
“Not at all.”
“That’s good.”
Jungkook comes outside as you are lost in the extraction process. He studies you and Taehyung.
“How’s it going?” he asks.
“It’s really deep in there”, you mumble, furrowing your brows tighter.
“Oh no, that’s bad isn’t it?”
“No, I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook puts the tray of lemonade on the table and sits down next to Taehyung, rubbing his thigh.
“How are you doing?”
“It doesn’t hurt. Ah”, he flinches back, “nevermind. I jinxed it.”
“Sorry, so sorry”, you look at him, “sorry, are you okay?”
“Yes, it pinched. Forgive me, I startled.”
“No worries. Can I continue?”
Taehyung sucks in air through his teeth, moving his head away as if he wants to flee. You glance at him.
“Should I stop?”
“No, it’s just uncomfortable.”
“Here, I’ll hold your hand”, Jungkook offers.
“Yes, that’s good, hold his hand. I’ve reached the second layer of your skin so it’s gonna be a lot more sensitive. I’m trying to get this piece free so I can tug it out with tweezers.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand tightly, scrunching his nose in discomfort. You grace the needle over his skin. He whimpers and turns away. You stop instantly, straightening your back and rubbing his thigh softly.
“Do you need a break?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Let’s drink something, okay?” you say and get the glasses, “did you make something yummy?”
“Yes, raspberry lemonade with fresh lemon balm.”
“Uh, that sounds good. Thank you for making this.”
“Of course, yeah.”
The three of you share a nice moment where you enjoy the delicious lemonade Jungkook made and look at the view. It also gives Taehyung time to decide whether he wants to continue or not.
It may seem weird to some and as if Taehyung was just being dramatic, but to you and Jungkook it doesn’t seem this way. Taehyung’s confession from your first night here is still in your head. That he doesn’t know how to be happy now that he is free and that pain was his reality for many decades. He wasn’t allowed to say stop when he hurt, he wasn’t allowed to make it end. Needing a break from getting a small splinter removed may seem like a silly thing to some, but it’s not in Taehyung’s case. It’s the first step of many on his healing journey. He can say that it hurts and he can stop it, even if the pain is just small. He can stop it.
It is very important to you that he knows that he has this right. You might have teased him a little at first, but you never seriously meant it. He is allowed to whine and to go his own pace. 
“I think I feel ready again”, Taehyung says softly after a while.
“Yeah? Then I’ll continue. It shouldn’t take long anymore. It hurt before because I’m so close to getting this part free”, you explain as you put the glasses back on the table, looking at his finger afterwards.
Jungkook holds his hand again, using the other to rub his knee.
“I’ll start now, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
“Squeeze my hand really, really hard if you need to”, Jungkook tells him to which Taehyung thanks him shyly.
Taehyung’s finger feels hot in comparison to his other fingers because the attention on it made the blood rush to it. You remove the skin as gently as possible, sticking out your tongue in pure concentration.
“How’s the pain?”
“It pinches.”
“But it’s bearable?”
“For now. Do you still have to do a lot?”
“No, I’m almost done. I just gotta get this part and then do this.”
“Ah”, he flees again.
“Sorry, that was the last part I had to do”, you say, pulling his finger back to you so you could blow air on it, “does this help?”
“Yes, a little.”
“You’re being very brave, my darling”, you praise, “we just have to use the tweezers now. Do you need a break before that?”
“No, I think I can manage.”
“Okay, tell me if you changed your mind”, you say and get the tweezers ready, “you’re getting a little break anyways. I need to sanitise them.”
Taehyung laughs, having the exhale deeply afterwards.
“I, I swear I am not normally like this”, he says.
“Don’t explain yourself. We don’t judge, everyone’s different with pain.”
“Exactly. I, for one, may be a little bit too into it”, Jungkook jokes in hopes of lifting the mood.
It works. Taehyung laughs honestly, looking at him with shy puppy eyes. Jungkook chuckles and nudges his chin, flustering Taehyung so much that he needs to look away and blush.
“You’re not wrong”, you tease fondly, taking Taehyung’s finger again, “are you ready, darling?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
“It’s gonna hurt a little because I need to push it out so I can get it.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Here it comes”, you warn and push at the back of the splinter to move it.
Taehyung huffs out air but stays still, feeling safe with you. He knows that the pain isn’t evil right now. It’s not meant to hurt him, it is an unlucky side product of an attempt to make him feel better. He braves through the sting with this knowledge and after one last uncomfortable pinch, his finger is finally free of the long splinter.
“And it’s done”, you say, wiping over the reddened spot. You kiss it, “good job.”
“It didn’t feel that painful in the end.”
“That’s good to hear. I really tried to be gentle”, you say, cleaning the wound with a new sanitising wipe.
“You were. Thank you so much. It meant a lot to me.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m just happy to help”, you say, leaning in to peck his cheek.
Taehyung chases your affection with closed eyes and his hand holding your elbow.
You stay seated on the bench afterwards. Jungkook and Taehyung finish their lemonade and you clean the tools to store them in the bag again.
Yoongi comes up the path as you do, studying you. He took off his flannel, keeping it around his hips for now and is now presenting his torso in a black, skin tight t-shirt. 
“Don’t mind me. I’m just going for a piss”, he says.
“Good to know”, you chuckle.
“Couldn’t you have gone in the woods somewhere?”
“I prefer not to take my dick out somewhere close to ___’s grandparents”, he says as he takes off his shoes and studies Taehyung, “how’s the finger going?”
“Good. We just managed to get it out”, Taehyung says, showing his reddened finger to Yoongi.
“Just now? It’s been like forty minutes.”
“Tae needed to take some breaks”, you explain.
“Mhm, okay”, Yoongi says and goes to ruffle his gloved hand through Taehyung’s hair, “silly one.”
He doesn’t even realise what he is doing until he is already gone inside. Taehyung touches his hair, gawking at the door before exchanging a look with you and Jungkook.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jungkook asks.
“I don’t know, but that was really cute”, you say.
“I liked it so much”, Taehyung confesses with a blush.
“Gosh Tae, you absolute cutie you”, you say, hugging him, “I hope that this holiday can help you and Yoongi get closer together as well.”
“You do?”
You nod your head, “you’re both very important to me and I wish that you could at least become friends.”
“Oh”, he blushes, smiling softly, “I feel the same.” 
“You do?” 
He nods his head, “I truly wish to be his friend.”
Speaking of Yoongi, the latter comes back outside after his toilet visit, carrying two bottles of water in his pants pockets. He opens a third one with one hand and takes a healthy sip of it, ending it with a content sigh. He looks at the sun, squinting his eyes and sticking his tummy out in a cute stance. He almost looks like a cute cat trying to stand on two legs like this. If you try to ignore his exposed arms and his torso in that shirt and the fact that he can open a bottle with one hand.
“I think it’s gonna be a clear night today”, he says.
“I hope so, I wanna watch the stars later”, Jungkook says.
“Sounds good. You’ll have a clear view of them, yeah”, Yoongi nods his head and straightens up, “I think the gate’s still gonna take a while. The hinges are being little bitches.”
You chuckle at his harsh choice of words.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Just so. I like the way you talk.”
He scoffs fondly.
“I’m serious. They’re fucking with us on purpose”, he looks into the distance, “it’s good work. Yeah, a good day. It’s a good day”, he mumbles and glances at you, “what are you gonna do?”
“I still need to finish plucking the weeds”, you say.
“We still need to finish the stables”, Jungkook says.
“Mhm, sounds like good work”, he takes a deep breath and releases it, clapping into his hands as he does, “back to work. I’ll see you guys later. Agatha and I wanna make burritos for dinner, it’s gonna be good”, he says, kissing you and Jungkook on the lips. He ruffles Taehyung’s hair last, then turns to jog down the path back to the gate. Happiness practically radiates off of him.
“He is so cute, oh my god”, you gush.
“He really is. I think being here really does him well”, Jungkook agrees.
“Yes, I think so too. I think it does all of us well. We really deserve it, looking back at what we had to go through to get here.”
“Yeah, that’s right. We didn’t have it easy”, Jungkook takes a deep breath of relaxation, “this is easy though.”
“Yeah it is.”
“I feel good too”, Taehyung says shyly.
“You do?”
He nods his head.
“Right now I feel good.”
“That’s good to hear, my darling.”
“Yeah, it is”, Jungkook says, draping his arm over his shoulders.
Taehyung, blushing and entirely shy, leans into him as inconspicuously as possible. You enjoy their company for a while longer, then stand up to stretch out your back.
“Imma go back to the weeds soon”, you say mid stretch, which contorts your voice in a funny way. You straighten up, studying them.
“Are you gonna relax a little longer?”
“No, we need to go back too. Moo and Milky need their hay”, Jungkook stands up, stretching out his arms. They are exposed as well, because he is working in only a white tank top and cargo pants.
Taehyung is wearing a linen shirt, of course he is. He stands up as well, inching closer to you almost shyly. He tugs on your dungarees, looking at you with big puppy eyes.
“May I help you instead please? I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Of course, darling. Can you manage alone, baby?”
Jungkook nods his head, “easy. We had so many cows and pigs at home. Stable work is like riding a bike to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”
He makes you laugh.
“You’re so random sometimes. Well, see you later baby.”
“See you”, Jungkook says and leaves with a melody on his lips. 
You and Taehyung go the opposite direction to the back of the garden. Your grandparents grow their shadow-loving plants there. 
“Did you do a lot of garden work before?”
“I did. With Jimin and Ava when we lived on our farm.”
“Well, then I’m sure that you’re gonna do very well”, you say, kneeling down on the spot you worked at before.
Taehyung kneels down next to you.
“Is it safe for me to use my hand already?”
“Yes, it’s safe. The wound isn’t deep enough to be vulnerable.”
“I see, well then I shall work very diligently”, he says and rolls up his sleeves.
“Be careful with what you pluck though. We don’t wanna rip out good plants.”
“I understand”, he says and begins working.
You and he share a few moments of comfortable silence until Taehyung breaks it.
“I always wondered what differentiates a weed from a flower. Is it nothing but want? They grow and bloom the same and yet one is wanted, while the other gets killed.”
You glance at him. His hands are dirty from work, his hair hangs into his face, framing his pretty features.
“I never really thought of that. Damn”, you sit back on your heels, “that’s actually true. Why do we curse some plants while we marvel at others?” 
You look at the heap of weeds you already plucked.
“No, now you’ve got me feeling really bad for weeds. No, I might cry”, you whine with a sad pout on your lips, “poor weeds, I feel so bad.”
“Don’t cry. Oh goodness, I was being my silly poetic self again”, he gasps, clasping your hands.
“You really were and you’ve got me rethinking my own gardening habits. From now on, I will only pluck weeds if it is really necessary. So other plants can grow for example. You know? When I grow tomatoes I want them to be able to grow big.”
“Yes, that is a very good reason. Sometimes certain plants aren’t meant to thrive in certain places, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot find a place in the world where they will blossom.”
“Exactly. Gosh Tae”, you have to kiss his cheek, “you seem like your old self today. I love to see you being poetic like this.”
He smiles shyly, “I was being truthful when I said that I felt good. I truly do. Although, I feel rather weak. Oh darling, it was rather frightening to get hurt so easily.”
“I can imagine. That must have been weird for you.”
“It truly was. If something like this happened to me in the real world, my powers would have pushed out the splinter before I could have even felt it and yet here, I felt every second of it.”
“It’s so crazy to me to think what your bodies can do. Getting a splinter is so normal to us humans. Sure it hurts, but it just happens sometimes. But it’s totally new for you.”
Taehyung nods his head, placing a heap of weeds aside. He fixes the messy dirt, looking very peaceful as he does it. 
“Something which also utterly surprises me is how weak I am to bodily functions. I have to eat and drink and moments later, I have to relieve myself. And there is so much of it. Oh, being human is so utterly exhausting. One has to think of everything.”
You laugh, “now you’re just whining. Goodness, you are so spoiled as a vampire.”
“Indeed I am”, Taehyung agrees, laughing honestly.
Spending time with each other like this is truly wonderful.
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The burritos Yoongi and your grandmother make for dinner are the best burritos you have ever eaten. With vegetables and spices from the garden and homemade cheese, it truly melts on your tongue. Jungkook was helpful as well, making nachos from home-grown corn flour and serving them with the best Pico de gallo ever. Truly, you eat very well, finding it difficult to stop because it is in fact the best dinner ever.
Taehyung excuses himself to the garden after dinner, saying that he wanted to paint the fireflies. Jungkook excuses himself upstairs, saying that he wanted to relax in the guestroom. You and Yoongi stay with your grandparents. You are cuddled up to Yoongi, resting your head on his lap as you read. Yoongi runs his hand over your forehead every now and then, lost in his own book. On the other couch, your grandparents are cuddled up together. Your grandfather has his head on your grandmother’s lap as he solves a difficult riddle and she is lost in crocheting. Sometimes you hear them exchange a little kiss, which always makes you tug at Yoongi’s shirt to ask for a kiss as well, which he gladly gives you. It feels so nice to spend time this way. Your parents were never affectionate in your presence, making you question if they even loved each other and in return, if that meant they didn’t love you as well. You don’t feel this way in your grandparents’ presence. The love they have for each other and for you fills the room with warmth. They don’t have to speak it, it is so obvious even in the silence.
The clock shows ten when you start to get sleepy. You try to fight it for a while by putting the book aside and lying with your face snuggled into Yoongi’s stomach.
He lowers his book for a moment, studying you fondly.
You snuggle and nuzzle, looking up at him afterwards. You grin, he retorts it. 
“My eyes are tired”, you speak softly in order not to disturb the peace.
“Mhm, close them it’ll help”, he answers you quietly, helping you close them by brushing his thumb down your lid gently.
You snuggle back into his stomach, while he returns to his book. It becomes harder and harder not to fall asleep when he runs his finger over your face and neck so soothingly. He even rubs your ear and plays with your hair as best as possible. It is quite frankly, impossible not to fall asleep. You sit up, smacking your lips. Yoongi glances at you.
“I’m too sleepy.”
“I can tell.”
“I think I’m gonna go upstairs already.”
“Yes, okay. Do you mind if I still stay up for a while?”
“No, it’s okay”, you say and get up, “good night everyone, I’m gonna go to sleep already”, you tell your goodbyes to your grandparents and Yoongi.
“Sleep tight, my honeybee”, your grandmother says without looking up from her crocheting project.
“Sweet dreams, my girl”, your grandfather says without looking up from his Sudoku.
“Good night, princess”, Yoongi says, looking up from his book to give you a kiss good night. He tilts his head back because you stand behind the couch, holding his cheeks between your hands.
You break the kiss with a smile, feeling your heart flutter when he retorts it.
“Good night, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums, rolling his head to the front to continue reading.
Tranquillity surrounds them and so you let them enjoy the hours of the night, hurrying upstairs.
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The door to the guest room is next to the bathroom door. It is open, showing Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the window bench and looking outside.
You were planning to take a bath, but seeing him sit here in darkness is giving you an idea.
You knock on the doorframe, making him turn to you.
“Why are you sitting in darkness?”
“Don’t turn the lights on, they’re too bright.”
“Okay”, you chuckle, “do you wanna be alone?”
“No, I’m just looking at the stars. You can see so many here”, Jungkook says and looks outside again, swaying his shoulders from side to side mindlessly.
“Can I see?”
You hurry to him, sitting down next to him. Jungkook hooks his hand in your knee and pulls you closer to him so your legs were touching and he could rub your lower back. 
“Wow, you’re right. There’s so many”, you gasp.
“I know. Look, that’s my star sign and over there is yours”, he shows them to you, tracing their shapes with his finger, “can you see them?”
“I can. Wow, so cool.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. You know, when I was still hiding in the sewers, I sometimes came out of hiding when the streets were empty. I sat somewhere secluded and looked at the stars. All my problems felt so small in comparison to the night sky whenever I did.”
“This actually sounds really nice. I know your situation was shit, but you had moments of beauty.”
“Yeah, I was happy during those moments. Maybe they were what kept me going back then.”
“Maybe yeah.”
Jungkook leans in to kiss your cheek.
“I’m glad that they did. I could meet you and our family because I kept going.”
You meet his eyes, “you are so sweet, oh my god.”
“Heh”, he pecks your lips, “you’re cuter”, he says, looking at the sky again. He smiles to himself, “I love the stars and the moon. I really do”, he mumbles, reflecting the entire night sky in his dark, pretty eyes.
He makes loving him so easy. You rest your head on his shoulder, speaking your next words softly.
“They’re really beautiful.”
“Yeah, they are”, he agrees and sighs contently, “so nice.”
You and he share a moment of silence. The night sky is endless. No wonder he felt that his problems were small in comparison back then. The sky is endless, reminding you just how small you truly are in the grand scheme of existence. 
“Hey, Kookie?” you whisper.
“Do you wanna take a bath together?”
“Yeah. I wanted to take it alone, but then I saw you sit here and thought that maybe we could take it together. You can say no if you want to continue looking at the sky.”
“No, I would really like a bath with you, my honey”, he says, kissing your hair, “the stars are gonna be there afterwards too.”
“Yay, I’m happy. Wanna go right now?”
“Sure, let’s go.”
You and he undress as the bathtub fills up. 
“Can you untangle my hair?” 
“Of course. What do I gotta do?” 
And so you and Jungkook sit in your little robes as he rids your hair of today’s tangles, gently and with lots of care. He even massages you behind your ears and down your neck, ending the pampering session with a kiss to your shoulder.
“Did I do a good job?” he asks quietly.
“The best job. You only tugged on my hair three times.”
He chuckles, “sorry, I’m still learning. I promise to be gentler next time.”
You lean into him, practically melting in his arms when he slides his hand into your robe to rub your naked skin slowly. His touch never graces places he would need consent for, making you feel so safe and cherished.
“You’re already so gentle with me”, you assure him.
“Mhm, I can do better.”
You chuckle, “if you say so, my little perfectionist.”
He smiles against you, “I really am, yeah.”
The tub is soon filled and so you get inside together. Jungkook insists on holding your hand for support even if you could have managed on your own. You let him hold it because he looks so happy being helpful. He steps in after you, sitting down opposite of you. You can rest your feet on the edge and he instantly takes the opportunity to cradle your foot and kiss your ankle, even closing his eyes for it.
“That’s so nice”, he says, smiling at you. 
“Yeah, it’s nice”, you agree and turn your head to kiss his ankle, resting your cheek against it afterwards.
“Heh”, he lets out and scrunches his nose.
“You’re cute.”
He shakes his head, “you are.”
You and he exchange a giddy grin. It is so nice to be so close and to share this kind of intimacy. Your bodies are touching at parts and you get to warm up and pamper your noses with the relaxing scent of lavender. You can’t do stuff like this in the real world yet, so this feels extra special. Just you and him, sharing a warm moment.
“Do you like your baths hot or warm?” you ask him because you love listening to him talk. His voice is so nice and he is always so soft spoken.
“I think this temperature is good. You?”
“I like it hotter. I kinda wanna feel like I’m being boiled.”
He laughs, “that’s really bad for your skin though.”
“I know, but I’m here for a good time not a long time.”
He laughs again, “that’s not true. Not with the spell Meredith is going to show you one day. You’ll live forever with us.”
“Right. Maybe I should stop boiling myself then.”
He laughs a third time, making your heart race. Knowing that you can make him laugh that much feels really good.
“Yeah, maybe you should”, he jokes and grins, “okay, question time. Shower or bath?”
“Wah, that’s a hard question. I think both have their pros and cons. I would say showers though because they’re faster than baths. I really love a good bath though, don’t get me wrong.”
“Yeah, I agree. I prefer showers for daily life, but baths are special.”
“Okay, next question. Liquid soap or bar of soap?”
“Are the questions gonna be bath based?”
You laugh. He grins.
“Liquid soap. I don’t know, but I can’t befriend the idea of using a bar of soap.”
“Interesting. I’m so for bars. They’re so convenient. I also think that they last longer.”
“You’re probably right. Okay, I have a question too.”
“Go ahead.”
“Dry off in the shower or step out wet and dry off on the rug?”
“Oh, hard one”, he says and tilts his head to the side as he thinks, “I would say step out wet and dry off outside.”
“Interesting. I’d pick dry off in shower and only dry off my feet on the rug.” 
“That’s good too. I’m just always forgetting my towel so I gotta run through half the room to get it.”
You laugh. He laughs as well.
“That sounds like you.”
“It does?” 
“Yeah, it’s a good thing”, you assure him, kissing his ankle.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says, gazing at you, “next question.”
“When are you the happiest?”
“That’s your question?”
“So no more bath questions?”
“I thought I’d switch it up.”
You smile fondly.
“When am I happiest?” you repeat, “wow, that’s a big question”, you say and look to the side to think. 
All the moments of laughter with your found family come back to you, all the mornings with Yoongi and Taehyung, all the sweet moments with Jungkook and the endless chattering you can do with every single member of your forever family. You think of the moments you spend in the garden and the hours in the kitchen spend cooking with them. You think of the nights of dance with Taehyung and of naps with Yoongi. You think of cuddling Jungkook for the first time and of hugging Hoseok. You think of Seokjin’s laugh and Emma’s silly jokes. 
You look at Jungkook 
“I’m happiest ever since I’m with you guys”, you say. 
His eyes soften.
“All I could think of right now, were moments with you guys, so that’s my answer. I’m happiest ever since I found my family.”
Jungkook smiles, “that’s a good answer.”
“When are you happiest?”
“I’m boring, but I actually have the same answer as you.”
“That’s not boring, that’s so sweet”, you say, caressing his calve, “is it my turn?”
“What made you get tattoos?”
“I always liked the look of tattoos. Not really when I was a human because back then, only gangsters had tattoos and I had a bad view on them. I got them in the early 2000s.”
“Did they hurt a lot? Tae told me that you guys would heal during a normal tattoo, so vampires need special tools and magic for them to stick and that it hurts really bad.”
“I could get them normally because my arm isn’t cursed.”
“Because your arm is still human?”
He nods his head.
“But isn’t that really dangerous? It makes other vampires know you have a weak arm.”
“Until now, everyone always thought that I’m just totally mental and got an entire sleeve on my vampire arm.”
You laugh, “okay that makes sense. So it really didn’t hurt?”
“They still hurt at some parts, but I kinda liked it.”
You chuckle, “of course you did.”
“I was just joking.”
“I don’t think so”, you joke, making him chuckle.
“Maybe not”, he confesses and changes his position. He pulls his legs to him, sitting cross-legged because the tub is big enough for it. Then he shimmies closer to you.
The water ripples, hitting you over your collarbones. You change position as well, keeping your legs parted so Jungkook can be between them.
“I started off on my under arm and added more and more stuff as time went on”, he explains, tracing his tattoos, “this one’s special to me because it’s my birth flower. Do you know this flower?”
“I actually don’t, sorry.”
“That’s okay. It’s a tiger lily. It symbolises the desire to be loved. If someone gifts you tiger lilies, they want to tell you please love me. I think it’s really romantic”, he says, caressing the tattoo, “I’m happy that this is my birth flower.”
“It fits you so well”, you say and trace the tattoo, “it even fit you when you had to isolate yourself. You wanted love, but couldn’t have it. It fit you.”
“It did. It’s destiny”, he scrunches his nose, “sorry, I sound a little crazy, but I really like the concept of destiny and fate and something otherworldly making sure that the right people meet each other when they need it most.”
“You don’t sound crazy at all. I love this concept as well. Honestly, my life feels like something big made me find you guys. Just think about it, I magically got a scholarship at a university where you all coincidentally pretended to be students at. Somehow former Sanguis, crazy old vampires with nothing to do, decided to try out studying and somehow you decided to keep an eye on them right in time so I could meet you.”
“I know, right.”
“And because I stumbled onto this path, the order of before crumbled and you managed to meet Yoongi, who in return helped you find your freedom. And if we spin it even further, Taehyung and Jimin found freedom as well. Seokjin found Emma again. And we all met love and bonded and became one big group and to make it even better, it turns out that I was a witch all along and now I’m being taught by one of Nilrem’s students and you have your very own witch to protect you. It sounds as if it was always our destiny to meet.”
“It does. Wow, it really does”, Jungkook flutters his lashes in adoration, “wow ___, this is so romantic.”
“It is. And the most beautiful part? I wasn’t even looking when I found you. I just found you and knew this is where I am supposed to be”, you say, having to giggle.
Jungkook giggles as well, taking your hands under the water.
“I love you”, he says.
“I love you too.”
“My heart is racing like crazy. I can’t believe how connected we have been since the beginning.”
“Me neither.”
“Can I hug you? I, I wanna hug you.”
You close the distance, hugging him as best as possible. Jungkook wraps you in his strong arms and giggles into the crook of your neck, cradling you against his chest. 
“What you just said means a lot to me”, he confesses.
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper.
His heart is racing unbearably. He moves back because he needs to look at you. He does so, brushing his palms over your cheeks in a soft cradle, scrunching his nose as he does it. He is such a gentle person. There is truly no evil in his heart. Now that he is just human and no curse twists him, it is so entirely obvious how being gentle is his natural state. 
You lean into his touch, gazing at his pretty face. 
“I think I need to get a tattoo dedicated to our family”, he says.
“Yeah? That sounds so wonderful.”
“Yeah. Yeah, but I don’t know what I want. I want something meaningful.”
“What if you tattooed how the moon looked on the day our destiny started?”
He widens his eyes. The galaxies in them grow. 
“I love this”, he presses out and touches your upper arms, “___, oh god, wow.”
He hugs you again, squeezing you gently.
“Do you like it?” 
“I, I love it so much. Wow, you’re so perfect”, he says and squeezes you just a little tighter, forcing a giggle out of you.
He is still so gentle with it. Despite his obvious strength, he makes sure that you aren’t hurting.
“I’m far from perfect”, you mumble into his shoulder.
“No, don’t put yourself down. You may not be perfect to yourself, but you’re perfect to me.” 
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper, melting in his arms. 
He breaks the hug, showing you his tattooed arm.
“Do you want to decide the placement?” 
“I can do that?” 
He nods his head, gazing at you. 
“Wow, this is so much trust you put in me.”
“Don’t worry, if you pick a weird spot I’ll change it”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Wow, okay I see how it is.”
He snickers, pecking your cheek.
“I’m joking. I bet you’ll pick out a good spot.”
“Gosh, I don’t know”, you say and cradle his arm. You run your fingers over his tattoos, taking all of them in. They all fit so well together, telling the stories closest to his heart. 
“What are you thinking?” he whispers into the silence.
“Just that your tattoos are beautiful. It’s like your arm is a storybook telling what matters most to you.”
Jungkook finds it hard to breathe, gazing at you with such fondness that he wants to scream from the intensity of it. You might not have been looking when you found them, but he did. He looked. He spent so many hours staring at the moon and thinking to himself that he will never meet someone who will understand his silly, hopelessly romantic views on the world and then you came into his life. And you look at the moon and see stories in it, you look at flowers and see meaning in them, you look at the invisible threat of fate until it becomes visible and you can embrace it. 
You lift your eyes, meeting his gaze shyly.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t assume what your tattoos mean.”
He shakes his head slowly, “you’re right. You are so goddamn right.”
“Oh”, you fluster, looking at his arm again. The emotion in his eyes is difficult to accept. In a good way of course. It is just very difficult to breathe properly when he looks at you as if you were his moon because sometimes it is still difficult for you to accept that you shine to other people.
“I have an idea”, you whisper.
“Tell me”, he encourages you in a soft spoken voice. 
You touch the tiger lily, tracing it with your fingertip.
“What if you put the moon here? To make it seem as if it is rising from behind the flower. It symbolises that you finally found love” you meet his eyes shyly, “that you finally have someone who is worthy enough to receive your birth flower.” 
You widen your eyes in shock.
“Are you crying?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers and hugs you tight against him before you can react.
“Kookie, what’s wrong?” you gasp.
“I’m happy”, he says and does a loud sniffle, “I’m crying because I love it so much.” 
“You do?”
“Yeah. Wah”, he grunts, “wah, I’m so grateful.”
“Gosh, you’re gonna make me cry too if you’re being so sweet”, you confess in a fond giggle, rubbing his back.
He giggles as well, wiping his tears on your shoulder and lifting his head afterwards. You stay close like this. You have your legs over his’ and he holds your waist.
You wipe the tears from his cheeks, allowing a bright smile to wash over his face. He leans into the touch.
“This kinda made your face wetter than it was before. Sorry.”
He laughs, “it’s okay”, he scrunches his nose, “thank you so much. I love it so much and, and I love the meaning even more.”
“I thought that it would have to mean something for you, so I thought of this.”
“It’s better than I ever could have imagined. It already means everything to me.”
“I’m so happy to hear this.”
Jungkook smiles, touching your stomach before moving up to your shoulders.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
He grabs your waist and pulls you closer, changing the position of his legs so they cage you in and your middles are almost touching. He keeps his left hand on your waist, cradling your cheek with his right hand. 
“My destiny”, he whispers, sending flutters through your heart. 
You lower your eyes, trying to do the same with your head but before you can, he has it tilted for a kiss. 
You squeeze your eyes shut, having to grasp his shoulders and whimper. The kiss isn’t that passionate for you to have such a reaction, but your souls intertwined so tightly in this bath that finally tasting his love overwhelms you. 
Jungkook answers your whimper in a whimper of his own, breaking the kiss just enough that he could talk.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re perfe-”
He swallows your words, kissing you deeply and gently. You aren’t even mad that he did it, letting yourself fall into the kiss until it is all you exist for. 
You can’t tell how much time passes where you and he solely breathe to kiss, where your heart solely pump the blood through your bodies so you could taste each other’s love, where every single cell in your bodies functions so you and he could connect. Perhaps a lot of time passed, perhaps rather little time passed, but what is clear to you is that through it all, Jungkook never once allowed his tongue to join the kiss. 
You haven’t been kissed like this before and it makes your heart race like crazy because it is so gentle. He is so gentle. The way his hands caress your body in its most vulnerable, naked state. The way he lets your weakened legs rest over his’, the way he pulls you close when you get just a little wobbly from your emotions. He is so gentle that all you crave is the tenderness of his tongue. 
You break the kiss for air, going back into it with your fingers in his hair and your tongue tracing his lips.
Jungkook moans softly, parting his lips to finally allow his tongue a taste. He traces your lips, meeting your tongue when you look for it almost needily. 
Not long and you have to break the kiss to gasp for air. He caresses your cheek, feeling breathless himself.
“Okay?” he checks up on you.
“Yeah”, you get out, having to pull him back into a kiss. Your tongue looks for his’ instantly. He smiles, meeting you with it moments later. 
He loves it so much to know that you are comfortable. He feels so utterly smitten for you, so ardently obsessed that he wishes to replace his air with your scent. He could kiss you differently if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t because your comfort is the most important thing to him. And now that he can finally slow down, now that no curse forces him to be ravenous, he really wants to savour the gentleness of it. He can finally make you feel as comfortable as possible. He can finally steal your heart with just a kiss. 
Jungkook breaks the kiss for air.
“My beautiful girl”, he whispers.
You giggle, leaning into his hands when he cradles your face to kiss it all over. You keep your eyes closed, feeling your heart race like crazy. He doesn’t leave out any spot, placing the softest kisses all over your face. And as he does, he keeps whispering the sweetest words, finally making you realise just how much he actually feels for you.
You and Jungkook became a couple just like this. One day you didn’t know each other, then time passed and you suddenly were so tightly intertwined that being apart was too painful to even think about. You couldn’t tell when you fell for him, Jungkook has no recollection of it either, but it is clear to both of you that it was always meant to happen. 
“My beautiful girl”, Jungkook whispers and kisses your neck. 
“Koo, oh god”, you croak, writhing from side to side. The tingles he sent through you were unbearable in the best way possible.
He opens his eyes, “need a break?”
You shake your head, having to hide away in his neck afterwards. He rubs your back, letting you melt in his arms.
“What’s the matter, beautiful?”
“You”, you fluster, “oh god, I’m sorry.”
“For what?” 
“You make me feel safe and it’s”, you shake your head, “it excites me.”
You lift your head, “sorry. I, I don’t expect anything. I just love this so much.”
His eyes soften, he cradles your heated cheek.
“Look down.”
You glance down, “oh.” 
“Yeah, it’s affecting me too. You have no idea how much I’m enjoying this.”
“Oh god, Kook”, you let out a giggle.
“Yeah, I know”, he giggles too, caressing your waist.
“Should we do something about it?” 
“Do you want to do something about it?”
“Do you?” 
“I’m down for whatever you want.”
You nod your head shyly, “maybe we could do something about it?”
“Yeah?” he smiles, “god baby, come here.”
He pulls you into a tongue kiss, finally allowing his middle to melt with yours by pressing his hand to the small of your back. You moan into him, chasing the connection instantly. The angle allows you to rub against his base. His skin is so soft there, contradicting the raging hardness of his shaft. He is so hard. The proof of how deeply affected the long kisses and gentle touches left him makes you even needier. 
He feels the same. It is such a wonderful realisation. He feels the same. He does. You have to break the kiss after little time, touching the sides of his neck needily. 
“Kook I…” you trail off, wiggling your hips against him and whimpering softly.
“I’ll take care of it, yeah?”
“I’ll show you”, he says and shimmies back, changing position so he is sitting on his heels. 
Like this, he closes the distance again, kissing you and smiling into it in such a sexy way that your heart is fluttering like crazy. His hands are between your legs, supporting his weight. He isn’t touching you, but man the way he kisses you makes you wish he did.
To make matters even worse, he breaks the kiss again, giving you a sweet smile.
You retort it, feeling just a little out of breath.
“Stay like this”, he says.
He slides down until he is submerged under the water. 
“Huh? What are you- ah!” your hand is over your mouth instantly, your legs close at first but open wide again, trembling in the first shock of pleasure.
Jungkook is licking your clit. This madman submerged himself so he could eat your pussy.
His tongue is cool in comparison to the hot water. His licks are quick and placed without a plan in mind. You don’t blame him because he is underwater, having to hold his breath. 
Speaking of breath. Jungkook gives your clit three more flicks of his tongue and then he is diving up again. The water drips off his body and hair, covering his skin in a glistening layer of sin. It wasn’t always sinful, but the pulsations between your legs is making it hard not to see his wet body as a fucking sin meant to haunt you. 
You gawk at his lips and the sexy smile they are showing.
“How was that?” he asks in a rasp, breathing heavily to recover from his dive.
“So hot”, you get out.
Jungkook smiles even sexier and lowers his lips to your shoulder so he could kiss a path down to your breasts.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah, so much.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl…”
He sucks on your nipple, tugging on it like this. Release. Your other one. Not a lot of time wasted and he is kissing a tingling path down your stomach. You arch into him, having to hold your breath with him when he disappears under the water again.
You release it in a shaky sigh when his lips lock around your clit and suck. You roll your head back, trying so fucking hard to be quiet. 
It is difficult when you have him playing with your clit with just his lips and tongue. Each time he lets go, the hot water reminds you of how sensitive you actually are and how his mouth is the kind of relief you didn’t even know you needed.
Up again. Jungkook gasps for air, lets the water drip off of him. He fixes his hair, his arms flex as he does it. 
“Kook”, you get out. 
He smiles and comes closer, pressing his thick thigh against your pussy. He places his tattooed hand around your throat, making you whimper.
No pressure, just wet, hot contact. He pushes. Your head falls against the edge of the bathtub, your body slides down and forces your pussy to rub against his thigh. Another whimper leaves you willingly.
“Relax, okay?” he speaks softly but with sexy playfulness in his voice. 
“Okay”, you get out.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he says and lets go of your throat to dance his hand down the middle of your torso. He scoots back so he can brush his fingers over your pussy, going slow but calculated.
You roll your hips into his touch, parting your lips in a moan.
“Relax, just relax. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Oh god, Kook…”
He gives you a little smirk and inhales deeply, diving down seconds later.
“Oh god”, you croak, closing your eyes in a sensual roll. 
Jungkook grips your hips and lifts them closer to his face, flicking his tongue over your clit as quickly as the water allows him to. He has his feet out of the water like this, resting on his stomach. He means business this time around, finding himself in a sexy fight between his own lungs and your willing body. Who will give up first? His instincts to breathe or your perfect body? Jungkook can’t decide what he wants. Breathing sounds fun, but so does dragging out your orgasm. Where’s the fun in getting you off after seconds? 
He dives up again. He didn’t need to, but keeping you on edge is more important.
Your needy whimpers meet his ears instantly. Jungkook can’t see your face like this, but doesn’t care because he can see your chest like this.
“You’ve got the most beautiful breasts”, he purrs, “my pretty girl, fuck”, he says and takes a deep breath.
“A-ah”, you cover your own mouth again. Having him return to your pussy never loses its spark. You have to writhe and squirm and arch your back, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to function. It’s hard to describe how good it feels to have him lick you under the water. There is a certain veil between the sensation and your nerves. As if the water is hiding away the true potential of his tongue. You can’t feel his spit, his slickened tongue and wet lips. The water hides it away, keeps it from you, steals it from you. 
Jungkook makes up for it with an eager suck until you clit sits between his lips and he can swirl his tongue around it. For just a second you feel his spit, his slickened tongue. 
You moan his name into your hand, rolling your eyes back further. Electricity is all you feel. 
Until you don't. Jungkook dives up again, fighting for air as his eager lips kiss up your torso. He is fixing his position again, whispering curses against your skin.
“Fuck, I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could, sorry”, he says and chuckles deeply, “I could have done better.” 
He drags his tongue from your collarbone up to your neck. You writhe uncontrollably. This is it. His slickened tongue. Your neck feels it before your pussy can. 
“Kook please”, you beg.
“Soon. Soon, gotta”, he takes a few deep breaths, “gotta breathe more.”
You can’t take it. You are so impatient. You stand up and sit down on the edge. 
Jungkook looks up at you between your legs. Water still drips from his dark hair.
“Please”, you beg and open your legs, propping one foot on the spacious edge and exposing yourself even better.
“Fuck, look at you. I’m actually crazy for you”, he growls and dives in face first. He quite literally and genuinely buries himself in your pussy, rubbing his face into her eagerly. His nose is so big and perfectly shaped that the impromptu facial makes you want to give him a different kind of facial.
Your hand is over your mouth again, you drop your head against the wall, curling your toes. If he keeps this up, he is going to make you cum with nothing but his nose. Oh god, this is getting you off so hard and good. 
“I can’t wait to do this in real life. I’m so fucking impatient”, Jungkook rasps, dimpling your hips, “Imma make my skincare your pussy once I can. Hear me? The others are gonna have to drag me away if they wanna get a taste as well”, he says and replaces his nose with his tongue.
He uses all of it. The precise tip, the wet edge and the warm flat of it. Jungkook uses every single inch of it, making you writhe and squirm on the edge of the bathtub. He might not be able to go down on you in real life, but in here? In here where no curse tells him to rip you apart, he is going to make up for it. He is going to drink every droplet of your pleasure, swallow every twitch, savour every throb. Jungkook moans into you, using his lips just as much as he does his tongue. His soft, pouty lips. He sucks and kisses, rubs them against you and messies them with your leaking pleasure. And as he loses himself, he keeps moaning and keening and sighing, sending the most back-arching electricity through your sensitive nerves.
“Holy fuck Kook, I can’t do that for long” you croak into your hand, having to pant for air afterwards. 
“Mhhm”, he hums, pressing himself closer just so he can grind his tongue against your pussy. He lowers himself, tilting his head back and holding your hips so he can drag his tongue all the way from your taint up to your clit. No inch of your perfect heaven should be missed out, no inch will be left unlicked and cherished. Jungkook needs to taste you, devour you. It’s all he exists for right now. 
“Kook, wait please”, you beg, grabbing his hair. 
He lets you pull him away, worrying that he might have hurt you, used too much teeth maybe.
“Did it hurt?” he asks, gazing up at you while his lips worship the inside of your right thigh.
You shake your head, “close.”
He smiles, rubbing your thigh with his gentle hand.
“Why did you stop me?” he asks and sucks a little hickey to your thigh.
You writhe, having to croak your words because of the sensation.
“It’s too soon.”
“Mhm, is it?” he whispers, guiding his kisses to your other thigh. He lingers on your pussy on his way, tongue kissing your clit slowly. The electricity builds quickly. Way too quickly. You tense and gasp and Jungkook is already gone, chuckling softly because you squirm from denial. He finally reaches your other thigh, cradling it in his big hand and kissing every inch of the sensitive inside. 
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, showing you his honesty with gentle touches. His hands are so warm, his palms so soft. It feels so good to be adored this way.
He lifts his lips, touching your inner thighs as he gazes up at you.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“And this?” he asks, brushing his thumb over your pussy.
You twitch into it, parting your lips in a silent moan. 
He places his other hand on your lower stomach and uses his fingers to part your folds, exposing your clit this way and brushing his thumb over it as softly as possible.
“Is this okay, honey?” he whispers.
You nod your head vigorously, struggling with looking at him.
“You’re so beautiful. You know that, don’t you?” 
You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter in your chest.
“Yeah, you do. That’s why you’re being so perfect right now”, he says and lowers his tongue to your clit, sliding his thumb to your entrance so he can massage it as his tongue worships your exposed clit in precise licks. He uses his tip for it, forcing your head to roll back and your back to arch against your will. 
“Don’t stop, please.”
“Mhhm, baby…” he lulls, smiling against you and kissing your clit, “so sweet, you’re so sweet”, he purrs, returning to licking you softly but precisely. 
He closes his eyes, falling into the moment with you. His heart is racing, his tummy is filled with butterflies. He is so happy. All he wants to do in the real world is to love the people he loves gently. There is no desire for violence in his tender heart, no wish to be rough in his gentle hands. And yet his curse turns him into a violent, rough monster. This is paradise to him. He can love you how his golden heart desires, he can touch you how his loving hands crave. 
You touch his thumb, searching for his pointer finger. He gives it to you, kissing your clit slowly as he concentrates on what you are going to do with it. You guide it to your entrance and push, burying his first knuckle in your warmth.
“Baby”, he moans and fulfills your sweet wish. He buries his middle and ring finger inside you, curling them in search for your sweet spot.
“Aah, Kook….”
“Is that the spot?” he asks against you.
He bottoms out, curling his fingers slowly.
“Not there.”
He fixes it a little, feeling it before you can voice it. Your walls clench and throb around his digits, your clit pulsates under his tongue.
“Kook”, you squeak out, holding his wrist for support, “there…”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs, squeezing his thighs together needily. He’s doing a good job. All his wishes are being fulfilled right now. 
You grip the edge of the bathtub with your other hand, biting down on your lower lip because otherwise you would be way too loud. He’s devoting his all to your most sensitive nerves on both sides. His tongue on the outside and his fingers on the inside. You don’t know where the pleasure begins and ends, it spreads all over your body by now, feeling strongest where you have his devotion. It warms you up so much that you can’t even feel the cool air on your wet skin anymore. It is also growing more and more the longer he stays between your legs. 
Soon you roll your hips into his mouth against your will, keeping his fingers inside with desperate clenches. Jungkook soaks up every shift, clench and shake. This is how your body moves when he is leading you to climax. It feels like a dance to him and he wants to learn every fucking step of it until he can recall it in his sleep. 
You taste so much richer too. Jungkook isn’t even a Ripper right now and he still finds it difficult to keep such a gentle rhythm. He wants to munch. Fuck, he wants to slurp you up until he can’t anymore. But he doesn’t. He stays gentle, furrowing his brows in desperation while you bury your hand in his wet hair and tug.
“Don’t stop, ah please.”
Jungkook moans into you from the burn of his scalp. You are losing yourself so hard that you can’t control your strength. Fuck, his cock is so hard. You are ruining him.
“I have to…you make me…Kook, I’m cum-ah”, you choke out, ripping your mouth open to scream silently as he throws you over the edge. 
Hard. He was so gentle, resulting in your orgasm to take control over you roughly. You shake and tremble, twisting his hair. 
Jungkook moans and growls, looking up at you with blown out pupils. His head is pounding from ecstasy. He’s feeling your orgasm. He is finally feeling it. One eager curl of his fingers and you feed it to him as well.
“Sorry, ah!” you squeak, squirting all over his face against your will.
“Ngn”, Jungkook gurgles, widening his eyes in surprise at getting his face wet. It gushes out of his mouth at first until he finally finds his composure again and he begins to basically suck it out of you, losing every single composure in the process. He moans and growls, sucks and slurps and rubs his face into your weeping cunt. He spoke of your pussy being the only skincare he needs and he is hellbent on showing you how honest he was. He shows you and shows you and shows you until you are drained and empty, now twitching on his fingers weakly.
“Please stop”, you get out, trying to pull him away, “no more, please.”
Jungkook breaks away with a sinful moan, stilling his hunger by kissing up your stomach. He grabs and kneads your softness as he does it, panting heavily because he is far, far gone in his obsession for you. 
“I need to live inside you”, he gets out between his wet kisses, “holy fuck, I need my air to be replaced with you scent. Baby, holy fuck, baby.”
“Koo, I’m falling, ah”, you squeak and slide into the bathtub.
Jungkook cushions your fall with a strong grip, lifting you on his lap even if the position is a little uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ahm Kook, dizzy.”
“Lean into me, I got you”, he soothes you, rubbing your back.
“Oh god, Kook this was so intense oh god”, you babble, barely catching your breath.
“It was. Baby, I wanted to do this for you for so long. Oh god”, he hugs you closer, “don’t let this be over please”, he begs, looking up at you with obsessed eyes.
“I’m sensitive”, you whimper.
“I’ll be gentle, promise. I’ll be so gentle.”
“Can you kiss me first, please?” 
“Of course, baby. Of course, holy fuck of course. My baby, oh my baby.”
Jungkook lifts you off his lap so he can lie you down in the water, using his hand as your pillow so you wouldn’t dive under. He keeps his other arm around your waist, pressing you against his torso as he claims your lips in a kiss.
You are so utterly under his control right now. If he decides to drop you, the water would swallow you whole. He is giving you oxygen just as much as he is stealing it with every kiss. His lips taste like you, his tongue feeds it to you in sensual licks. His face smells just a little like you as well, messing up your sanity. He kisses you until you ache between your legs and the thought of having him inside is the only thing running through your scrambled mind. A lot of time passed before you felt ready and the realisation that Jungkook was willing to wait despite his aching desire makes you want him even more. He is willing to wait for you, he is seeing your comfort as a priority. You need him to fuck you violently, quite frankly, it is difficult not to when he is being such a safe space.
You break the kiss, “fuck me, please.”
“Really?” his voice is shaking as he speaks, “are you sure?”
“Yes, please.”
Jungkook pulls you up with him, swiping the water out your face. He can barely breathe, panting like crazy.
“Are you really sure, baby?”
“Yeah, so sure.”
He laughs breathily and shakily, gazing at you with blown out pupils and flushed cheeks. He can’t stop cradling your cheeks. He does it over and over again. Letting go, cradling, letting go, cradling.  He is so utterly smitten for you and it is so sweetly obvious to you.
“How do you want me?” he asks, exhaling shakily when you touch his chest. Your fingers rub his nipples mindlessly, forcing his cock to twitch repeatedly. 
“Take me how you want to”, you make submissive eyes at him, “please, I trust you.”
“You”, he cradles your face, widening his eyes, “I’m fucking obsessed with you. Holy fuck.” 
“Then fuck me like you mean it, please.”
He gulps and nods his head vigorously.
“Fuck, this is hot”, he laughs breathily, “okay so uhm. Stand up”, he orders.
You obey, feeling your knees wobble when he pulls you close by the small of your back and kisses you. His left hand is still on your back, his right is holding the back of your head. You are skin to skin, body to body. No distance. Just wet, heated contact. It gets you off just as good as the best fuck would. Your hands are restless. Where to touch? His neck, his shoulders, his arms, his big chest or small waist? You can’t touch him like this in the real world and you don’t know where to start now that you can.
You are so far apart in real life. So fucking far apart because his veins are filled with a curse. You want to be how you are right now but can’t. It’s impossible to decide on which spot to touch first now that the only thing filling your veins is obsessive pleasure.
You somehow end up fondling his chest however. It feels so strong and big between your fingers.
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a moan when your fingers find his nipples. His puffy lips stay parted, he lulls his words as he looks at you half lidded and droopy.
“This is doing something for me.”
“It is?” you croak, feeling your stomach tighten.
“Yeah, you’re touching me so fucking good.”
“Kook, oh god.”
“Mhm”, he purrs and grabs your waist, “do you want to turn around?”
You obey happily. Jungkook takes your hands and places them on the wall next to your head. He touches your torso until he can hold your right leg. He lifts it, guiding it so you stand on the edge of the bathtub. 
Then he finally steps closer, caressing your waist and kissing your neck.
“Stay like this, my beautiful honey”, he orders in a loving whisper.
“Mh-hm”, you whimper.
“Do you want to stay like this, mhm? Can I fill that pretty pussy of yours like this?”
“Please”, you beg, nodding your head vigorously.
“Mhm, I love when you’re begging me, babygirl”, he says and steps back.
He spits on his own cock, spreading it quickly so he can get to where he actually wants to be. He drags his cock down your ass until he finally has your wet entrance against his tip.
“I can call you babygirl, can’t I?” he asks.
“Ye-aAh”, you moan loudly in sync with Jungkook sinking into you.
“Shit, so tight”, he rasps, placing his hands over yours and pinning you against the wall like this, “breathe babygirl, you’re not hurting are you?” 
“No”, you croak and drop your cheek against the cold tile, “I love cock so much, oh god”, you get out and sob softly, arching your back so he can slip deeper. 
Jungkook bottoms out, caging you in between his strong body and the wall. He is burning up, squeezing your hands. 
“You love cock?”
You nod your head vigorously. 
“Mhm, babygirl….” he purrs and begins to roll his hips into you, making you moan and whimper instantly, “lucky for you, I’ve got what you want. Does that do something for you, babygirl?”
“Course it does. Such a good girl, you’re made for me. Made for my cock”, he rasps, putting emphasis on the last word by pressing his cock right against your sweet spot.
You sway uncontrollably, trying to claw for support. He gives it to you by pinning you tighter against the wall, holding your hip with a strong grip.
“Too rough?”
“No”, you mewl, fucking back onto him, “please don’t stop, please.”
“I’m not gonna stop. You feel so good, babygirl. So fucking good.”
He is right. This feels so good. Your bodies are so close, you feel every thrust. The position gives you a natural tightness, resulting in you to feel every inch of his cock going in and out of you. You feel the shift of your tightness tugging his skin over his tip, feel his veins and the throbbing of them whenever he is especially deep. This is so good. He is so right for saying that. This feels so good. 
“You’re so perfect, holy fuck, you’re perfect”, Jungkook pants, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He lets go of your right hand, painting an adoring touch down your torso until he has your clit under his fingers.
Your knees buckle, he pulls you back up, keeping his grip on your hip and moaning into you when you reach behind you to bury your hands in his hair. 
“Jungkook”, his name from your lips feels like ecstasy to him.
He keeps his fingers still on clit, using the natural movements of your hips to pleasure you. You begin chasing him even needier, now running after the warmth of his touch and the electricity of his cock. 
“Do you like this?” 
“Koo, help me”, you beg, having to fight your own voice.
“What do you need?”
“Can’t stay quiet.”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs and presses you against his chest, placing his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ve got you. Let go, I’m keeping you quiet, let go”, he growls, drilling you so, so good that you actually moan into his hand.
You grip his strong lower arm, tattooing nail marks on his empty skin. Your eyes roll back when his cock hits your deepest spots, knees buckling as he is the only one keeping you standing. 
“That’s my girl, moan for me. I’m keeping you quiet, keeping it all for myself. Fuck, your pussy’s heaven on earth.”
You are falling into him and the pleasure he gives you. Now that he is keeping you quiet, you can finally let go. And how you let go. His touch feels like paradise, his cock truly seals the deal. There is nothing holding you back anymore and it feels as if you are floating away on pleasure.
“My destiny, my girl, my everything”, Jungkook chants, living on nothing but your scent. He doesn’t keep his fingers still on your clit anymore. He is too desperate for it, too obsessed with every second. He hopes that you like it. He hopes that you get off on it because it is the main reason he does it. He gets off on getting you off. It is the proof that he is destined for tenderness, that his hands can do good and not just hurt. He is making you shake and it isn’t from fear but ecstasy. 
You drool into his hand, mewling his name because he rubs your clit just right. It is so difficult to stand when he is quite literally forcing your legs to stop working. You want to crumble and fall down with your legs spread so he could do whatever he wants with them. 
“Lean into me, don’t worry I’ve got you”, he tells you with a shaky voice. The shakes are timed with his deep grinds into your warmth. He can’t thrust a lot in this position, but neither of you care because his cock sits just right to massage your favourite spots. Which it return, makes your needy pussy suck on his cock in desperate clenches. Truly neither of you care that he can’t thrust, grinding against each other as he makes it harder and harder for you to stand. 
You tug his hand away from your mouth.
“I have to cum”, you choke out.
“Let go, I’m here.”
“You, you, you have to hold me, I’m so…ah…weak”, you stutter and feel the knot break, losing all strength instantly. 
Jungkook pulls you against him, keeping you standing easily.
“Relax, I’ve got you. I, I’ve…holy fuck, you feel so good. Holy fuck”, he moans, scrunching his face as your pussy pulsates around him. 
He treats you so well, is so strong and gentle that your emotions make you orgasm even harder, resulting in your seemingly drained body to wet his cock as well. It runs down your legs and his thighs, trickling into the water loudly. 
You have to bite his hand because otherwise you would scream.
“Holy shit, you’re so hot. Oh god baby, I have to cum too”, he croaks, “please fuck, please, baby, please.” 
You tug his hand away again, “cum for me, please.”
“Urgh fuck”, he growls and pulls out quickly to jerk off his cock. You turn around even if it is difficult, gawking at him in surprise because you expected his seed. He meets your eyes, his face is tight in concentrated pleasure, “just in case. We’re human here.”
He is so fucking considerate. Holy fuck.
“Kook”, you moan and fall down onto your knees, dragging your hands down his big thighs.
You tilt your head back and open your mouth. 
“Seriously?” he squeaks.
You nod your head. 
“Holy fuck, baby”, he moans and takes your head to guide your mouth onto his cock. He fits into you easily because he is only human right now. 
He wants to be considerate and only feed you his tip, but you sink down deeper until you have him at the back of your tongue just about where your gag reflex would start. You slide your other to his balls and shaft, playing with what you can’t fit while your eyes gaze up at him. You begin bopping your head up and down, sucking as best as possible. 
Jungkook’s knees buckle, he finds support by slamming his hands against the wall. He opens his mouth, letting out a shaky “a-ah” before closing his mouth again and furrowing his brows. 
His fingers deepen in your hair, his lids flutter. 
You suck on his tip as harshly as you can, making him growl before he remembers that he has to be quiet and he whimpers instead.
“Soon, really soon.”
He is throbbing in your mouth. You slide your hand up his shaft to get a good grip so you can pull his foreskin back and expose his tip even better. With his tip exposed, all his most sensitive nerves are sitting on your tongue, getting licked and sucked as you fuck your face with him.
“Now”, of course it sets him off. Of course it does. It feels so good to him. Jungkook rolls his eyes back and throws his head back, climaxing down your throat with a squeak of your name. His fingers tremble in your hair, his shaky legs can barely keep him standing.
You mewl around him, swallowing every single droplet your mouth can fit. The rest, you let trickle out of you, soiling your chin and chest. You are so hungry for him and show him until he is sucked dry and he has to flee in overstimulation.
He drops to his knees loudly, “holy fuck”, he croaks and pulls you into a kiss. You are both kneeling, pushing and pulling each other to get closer. He doesn’t even care that your mouth was still filled with his cum, licking it out of you hungrily as he floats on the afterglow with you. 
You recover like this. Kissing and touching each other. You go from sloppy, needy tongue kisses to slower yet needy kisses until you reach gentle, little kisses and caresses. 
Enough time passed that you and he feel a little chilly already, hugging each other to get warm.
“This was amazing”, he says and lies down in the water, pulling you with him so you rest between his legs with your head on his chest.
“Yeah, it was.” 
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
“No, I feel so good, just really tired.”
“Yeah, me too. Wanna clean up and then get under the sheets?”
You and he wash each other with fresh water, you dry each other and help each other with your hair. And as you take care of each other like good lovers should do after such a moment of passion, you talk about said moment. Jungkook shares with you how he dreams of being like this with you in the real world and you assure him that one day he will. You share with him that when you first started having sex you found it scary at first to give yourself in submission but that he and the others make you feel really safe to which he holds you gently and thanks you for allowing him the privilege of seeing you this way. 
Then you leave for your bedroom, holding hands as you do.
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You are already under the blanket and Jungkook is in the midst of climbing inside when you stop him.
“Hey, Kookie?”
“Can you get me some water? I’m so thirsty.”
“Of course, I’ll get it”, he says and leaves the room after kissing your forehead and putting on pants.
You are fighting sleep when he comes back a few moments later. He fucked you so good that you’re really exhausted now, fluttering your eyes at him sleepily.
“You won’t believe what I just witnessed downstairs”, he says, handing you the glass of water. You sit up, accepting it.
“What?” you ask, drinking the water gladly.
He takes off his pants and climbs into bed.
“Taehyung and Yoongi had a bonfire outside and apparently they talked it out. They’re friends now.”
“Really?” you gasp, feeling your heart flutter.
“Yeah, they’re washing the dishes downstairs and they’re talking.”
“Oh my god”, you get out, “oh my god, I’m so happy right now. I really wished for them to be friends again.”
“Yeah, me too”, he says and places the empty glass on the bedside table after you handed it to him.
You and he lie down, cuddling together under the blanket. Jungkook turns off the light and wraps his arms around you afterwards, tracing your spine slowly.
“Did you actually see them?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah, I talked to them and they told me.”
“Wow, this is so amazing. I’m so happy”, you whisper and cuddle closer, “I love you so much. All of you.”
It is the last thing you want to share before sleep drags you down. 
Jungkook smiles, kissing the crown of your head.
“I love you too. The others love you too”, he whispers, rubbing your back, “sleep tight, my gentle destiny.”
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juanarc-thethird · 8 months
Animal control with jaune and Blake
I don't know if what I wrote below was what you expected, but what's done is done. ------------
Animal Control
Jaune and Blake drive in their van to their first client.
Jaune: *Driving* So, what kind of job do we have today?
Blake: We have to appease a crocodile.
Jaune: Is it a "catch and release" type of job?
Blake: No, they just need us to relax her.
Jaune: Oh, I see, it's their pet.
Blake: *Quietly* I wouldn't say that.
Jaune: What's her name? The crocodile, I mean.
Blake: Tock
Jaune: Ok, first time I've heard a name like that.
Blake: Make a left here and the house will be on the right.
Jaune: Thanks
Jaune follows Blake's directions and they stop in front of the house.
Jaune: Here we are. I'll go take some tranquilizer darts.
Blake: It won't be necessary.
Jaune: Really? Is a crocodile.
Blake: Trust me, you won't need it.
Jaune: If you say so
They get out of the van, walk to the door and ring the doorbell.
Jaune: After these, do you want to stop and eat at the taqueria I told you about yesterday?
Blake: Sure, if we have time.
Jaune: Great.
Suddenly the door of the house opens. In front of them 5 very scared people appear and start talking at the same time.
Jaune: Wow! Quiet! Don't worry… As you can see, we are animal control and we are already informed of what is happening. You.. *he points to one of the people* ..where is the crocodile?
Stranger 1: T-That way.
He says as he points to a door at the end of the hallway.
Stranger 1: She's in there. Please be very careful.
Jaune: *Smiles* Don't worry, we are professionals.
He says with great confidence.
Stranger 2: If you survive, we will follow you to the depths of hell.
Jaune: (Holy cow, what kind of crocodile do they have?!) T-That's not necessary.
Blake: Jaune, lets go.
Jaune: R-Right.
The two pass between the people towards their objective. The more they do it, the more they hear the chaos happening inside the room.
Jaune: So, how do you plan to appease her?
Blake: By using you.
Jaune: *Surprise* I'm sorry!
Blake grabs the door handle and opens it without any worry.
Jaune: Wait!
When they open the door completely, they find a very upset woman.
Tock: How the hell did I lose that money?!! That bet was supposedly a sure winner!!! *She grabs a chair and throws it against the wall* AAAAH!!!!
Jaune: Blake...
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: That's not a crocodile
Blake: Wrong, she is.
Jaune: She is a person!
Blake: Correction, She is a Crocodile Faunus person.
Jaune: That doesn't matter, you told me that we would work with animals!
Blake: She is an animal.
Jaune: *Gasp!* Now that's racist.
Blake: Ok I lied! Actually this companionship business for women.
Jaune: And I'm the product?
Blake: Y-Yes... *Ashamed, she lowers her head*
Jaune: *Sighs* Look Blake, if you need money, I can help you.
Blake: *Happy* So you'll work for me?!
Jaune: Hell no! I leav-!
Tock: *Grabs his shirt* You finally arrived handsome.
Jaune: *Worry* Hey wait a minute! I was just leav-!
Tock: Enough of the talk, let's fuck!
She pushes Jaune into the room and locks the door. Blake puts her ear to the door and listens.
Jaune: Wait this is all a misunderstanding! If you let me explain-!
Suddenly the sound of clothes falling is heard.
Jaune: O-Oh God~
Tock: You like what you see, big guy~💕 This is all yours for the next hour~
Jaune: I-I don't think it's a good idea-
Tock: If you're worried about my teeth, don't be. I don't bite…hard~
Jaune: Is not that, the thing is...
Then the sound of a zipper is heard.
Jaune: H-Hey!
Tock: Holy fuck~💕 They told me you were big, but I didn't expect such a massive cock~ God, I need it inside me~💕
Jaune: H-Hang on a minute! I don't think she will fit! Hey! WAIT!
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room.
Tock: MoThErfuCkEr!!💕
Jaune: *Worry* Are you ok?!
Tock: I'm fine! Just… fuck~💕… I think I just came. Shit, you sure have a nice cock~ I will definitely book you again. Now let's test your stamina~💕
Jaune: Mu stami-*Gets kissed*-MHH!!💕
Tock: Shut up now, will you, just fuck me~💕 *Kiss* *Kiss* *Kiss*
Blake: (Looks like my plan was a success)
Blake walks away from the door and starts typing on her phone.
Blake(text): I have a space open this Saturday, is that okay?
White_Queen: I take it. It would be at my beach house. I'll send you the address later, along with the deposit.
Blake smiles at the text
Blake: (Oh Jaune~ You don't know how valuable you are.)
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imaslutforbill · 4 months
Hi, could you do a smut about late 2006 sub bill having a huge crush on the reader, and Tom starts to tease bill a lot. One day, the teacher tells bill to help out the reader because she was failing in all of her classes and he accepts it. Then, they go to the readers house (because he has a tons of pictures of the reader.) After an hour, they start to take a break and the reader decided that they should watch a movie and bill agrees on that idea, and as the movie goes on a s3x scene was coming on the screen, and bill starts to feel turned on by the fact that he was imagining himself and the reader recreating that. He starts to feel the tightness around his lower addomen, and the reader notices it and starts to tease him about it. The reader starts to ask him for consent if he was okay doing it, and he nods. (Holy cow, this shit is long.. my bad 😢)
omg yes i love this!! although if it's okay with you, i changed the year to late 2007 <3
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Pairings: Bill (late 2007) x Female reader Summary: Bill has a huge crush on the reader and they go to her house so he can help her with her grades but then turns into something very different. Warnings: making out, p in v sex, hickies.
Bill had a big crush on you ever since he laid eyes on you, and it only got stronger and stronger every time he was around you. Your face, the way you smiled, talked, how you dressed, the list goes on and on and he loved it all. Bill never admitted this to you, in fear of being rejected, but he always tried to flirt with you, and it would work. You'd blush and giggle at him all the time and it was quite obvious you felt the same way towards him but never admitted it either.
Bill's twin brother, Tom, was the only one who knew Bill liked you and he'd always tease him about it and would push him to finally just admit it to you but that never happened. Yet.
You and Bill had shared a few classes together and on one particular day after class, Bill was asked if he could help you with your grades because you were practically failing all of your classes. He very happily, but nervously accepted. So, before the day ended, he saw you walking down the hallway about to leave, and he ran up to catch up with you.
"Hey, y/n, soo I was asked to help you out with your grades? maybe we could like, go to your house and I could help you. You know? if that's okay" Bill asked, straight forward but obviously nervous. He wouldn't dare suggest go to his house because he had kept a lot of pictures of you whenever you two were together (physically) and also Tom would be an annoyance so, going to your place sounded much better.
You looked up at him and was taken by surprise a little as you slightly blushed. "Oh wow yes that would be great, they won't shut up about my grades and if you could help me, I'd really like that. Meet me at my place this evening?" You asked, smiling. Bill nodded, smiling back at you and that's exactly what you two did.
You two had gotten to your place and worked for an hour. Eventually, you guys decided it was time to take a break and you suggested that you two could watch a movie and he agreed. You both laid down on your bed and just turned a random movie on. After some time, a sex scene appeared on the screen which caused you both to feel some awkwardness but, it wasn't in a bad way.
Bill was so turned on by this and imagined that those two people on the screen fucking, were you and him. He didn't do a good job of making the fact that he was turned on not obvious. He could feel the tightness around his abdomen more and more, hoping you wouldn't notice but at the same time, kinda hoped you did.
You eventually do notice this as you were a little turned on yourself. "Woww..I can see you're really enjoying this" you teased while smirking a little. Bill looked at you, looking a little embarrassed as his face turned red. "I-uh..um..it's really not -" he started to say in a very stuttered and nervous tone, but you stopped him. "Shh, it's okay.. I think it's actually kinda hot." You started to put your hand on his upper thigh. "Would you wanna do it?" you asked, as your lustful eyes shifted to the TV screen then back to his eyes.
Bill nodded, smiling a little as he bit his lip slightly, looking you up and down. You lean in to kiss him but roughly, you shoved your tongue in his mouth as he did the same, causing you both to moan during the kiss. You stopped to get on top of him and started making out with him again as you felt his hands rubbing all over your waist. You could feel his erection against your jeans, turning you on even more, causing you to feel yourself getting wetter through your panties.
You broke the kiss and sat up, looking down at Bill and eagerly undid his belt for him, pulling everything down revealing his hard cock. He was big and you wanted him inside you as soon as possible, your pussy was throbbing. You took off your shirt and jeans, then your panties. You positioned yourself and asked, "You ready?" "I want you more than anything right now." Bill replied eagerly, feeling up on your boobs and down back to your waist.
You filled your needy pussy with his cock, causing you both to gasp. You started riding him faster and faster as he put his hands on your thighs. He stretched you out so perfectly and neither of you wanted it to end. "Oh fuck Bill, holy shit you feel so good..!" You moaned, throwing your head back feeling his cock go in and out of you as you rode him. He looked at how your boobs bounced as you went up and down on him. "You're so beautiful y/n..fucking hell" Bill moaned, enjoying every second of this.
You then leaned in closer to him and kissed his neck, eventually causing dark marks on it. Moans escaped his lips as did yours. "mmm yes baby you're doing so..fucking good..you feel so big inside my pussy" you said as you got closer to his ear, then sitting back up, still riding him.
"Fuck, don't stop y/n..please don't stop" Bill begged, tightly holding onto your sides. You slow down for a second to tease him but before he could say anything you pick up the pace again even faster causing him to moan again. You started to feel his cock twitching inside you and that knot in your stomach was going to break any second. "I'm so close baby..cum with me, let me cum all over your cock" you said breathy and full of lust. You both were sweating, hair a mess. "I-I'm gonna cum.." he managed to get out while breathing heavily.
And just like that, the knot in your stomach broke as you came all over his throbbing cock and in just seconds after you, you felt all his cum fill you up. You both moaned as both your and his orgasms took over. You were out of breath and your legs were an aching mess as you fell on top of Bill, feeling his cum leak from your pussy. You both were exhausted.
Bill put his arms around you as you looked up at him. "Did I ever tell you I have a huge crush on you by the way?" you said in a tired but teasing tone. Bill rolled his eyes and replied, "Yeah I totally didn't know that" but then looked back at you with loving eyes "But the feeling is very mutual" He added, before leaning in to kiss you softly. I think it's safe to say your grades wouldn't be going up very much.
hi my bbs, i hope u liked this <33 once again sorry its a bit long😭🙏 but nonetheless, i really enjoyed writing this !
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pinkiemachine · 4 months
Okay, so right off the BAT, there’s a lot of stuff going on. Everyone is very interested in this new kid, this “Damian Wayne.” He just shows up outta nowhere and—holy cow—he’s ANNOYING. He treats everyone he meets poorly, even Alfred—he thinks that he’s above them all (he is super skilled and super mart, but BOY does he have a bragging problem)—he’s spoiled, he’s selfish—HE TRIED TO KILL TIM AND TAKE THE MANTLE OF ROBIN BECAUSE HE THINKS IT’S HIS BIRTHRIGHT—everyone is ticked at this little punk and the only one keeping them from trying to strangle Damian is Bruce. Damian is his responsibility. It’s up to him to try and get Ra’s’s brainwashing out of his head. And no, Damian, you can’t just show up and steal the title of Robin—that’s not how this works! *Damian angry face.* Unfortunately, though, Damian inherited Bruce’s stubbornness and Talia’s craftiness, so he finds ways to barge into the crime-fighting field, which Bruce isn’t all too thrilled about because Damian has a tendency to stabby-stab his enemies. A lot. And on top of all of this, Dick is just trying to plan his wedding in the background, which is a huge undertaking because Starfire is Tamaranean Royalty, so there’s going to be two ceremonies, one on Tamaran, one on Earth, and everything’s happening all at once, and everyone just wants to take a nap.
But wait, it gets better!
So, after the season premier, Damian is starting to acclimate. He and Tim came to an arrangement. Tim agrees to temporarily hand over the title of Robin to him so that he can try and go sort things out with his father, and now Damian can receive Bruce’s full attention… and full discipline. Bruce isn’t gonna stand for anymore stabbing, choking, or other such unaliving, which Damian is having a really, really hard time with. He thinks Bruce is a weak coward, but Bruce stands his ground, just like he did with Jason. If Damian can’t follow this one simple rule, then he has no real self control at all.
Then he has a crucial moment. Damian goes it alone on a mission, thinking he’s got everything under control, and Bruce frantically goes after him, getting Jason flashbacks. Damian does, in fact, get in over his head, and Bruce swoops in, saving his life before it gets brutally taken from him. It’s this moment, where Bruce shows so much fear and care and love for his son, that Damian has to take a pause. Talia… had never been like this. She cared about Damian A LOT, but her methods usually involved letting Damian get hurt to teach him a lesson. Same with Ra’s. They’d been brutal with him since the moment he drew his first breath. That was the only way Damian knew how to love. But this… this was totally different. Bruce was… asking if he was okay. He was hugging him. He was scolding him for going out alone—for scaring him half to death. Damian thought he was overreacting and being a bit melodramatic, but… he secretly also felt… touched. He just didn’t understand it, though. Why was Bruce getting so worked up?
One day, Dick has an idea. The whole point here is to get him to realise the value of life, right? Dick knows someone who knows someone who owns a horse ranch out in the country, and one of their mares is expected to go into labour soon. In the middle of the night, Dick wakes Damian up and they go together to the ranch and he’s asked to help deliver the foal. Damian doesn’t see the point in this at all, but he goes along. During the labour, the baby almost dies, but thanks to Damian’s quick thinking, he saves its life. A few hours later, the little guy is up on wobbly legs, licking Damian’s face and trying to figure out how to run. Damian actually can’t help but smile. (Not that he lets Dick see, of course.) But Dick knows. He’s just found a chink in Damian’s armour. He reports back to Bruce and he comes up with a new strategy. As a welcome home gift, he buys Damian a dog: a Great Dane which Damian names Titus. It will be his responsibility to raise him, train him, feed him, and care for him. And, thankfully, this does begin to help a little. The edge on Damian is starting to soften. HOWEVER, little does Bruce know, but he’s inadvertently set in motion a new problem, because on the next mission, Damian rescues a cat and asks if they can keep him. Bruce sighs, but says yes. Damian names him after their butler, Alfred. THEN, he manages to rescue a COW from a slaughter house and he brings it home saying he wants to keep it. (She has a mark on her face that looks like a bat mask, and Damian named her Bat-Cow.) Bruce is… beside himself. He’s created a whole new kind of monster. After a lot—and I mean A LOT—of convincing and pleading, Bruce finally caves and says, “Okay, fine, but this is the last animal, Damian! I mean it!” They already have Ace, and now there’s Titus and Alfred the Cat and Bat-Cow.
A lot of other smaller things happen along the way, too. I mean, these are all meant to be 26 episode full seasons, so there are a lot of mini adventures. We check up on how things are going with Tim (eeeeh, it could be better, it could be worse), we check in on Jason, who’s making a name for himself in the Gotham underground, taking out gangs and stuff. Batgirl’s been busy with her new relationship and taking care of her dad as he starts to get older. Dick and Star are still planning the wedding, of course (the Teen Titans couldn’t be happier for him!) We meet Harper this season, though she’s a very minor character here (can you blame me? There’s SO MANY CHARACTERS to juggle already…) and there’s more supervillains to fight.
Then, something big happens. It starts out simple. Bruce goes away on a mission with the Justice League, and Alfred’s in charge. No going out on missions until he gets back. So naturally, Damian has to go and do something while Bruce is away. It’s a fun, shenanigan-based episode… until word gets back that Bruce… is gone. During his mission with the Justice League, something happened. They’re not sure what yet, but Bruce just… vanished. Poof. No body. Just gone. Damian and the rest of the BatFam don’t know what to do… but they gotta get their stuff together fast. Gotham’s criminals are getting wise to the fact that the Bat’s no longer in town. Enter the Battle for the Cowl storyline, where Dick steps up to be the thing he secretly hoped he never would become: Batman. With Damian as his Robin, they go to try and take control of the city, and hopefully find out where Bruce went. But, they’re not the only ones. Jason also joins in the battle for the cowl, and he tries to be Batman too, though he has a hard time finding a Robin. Not to mention, now there’s Batwoman?! Huh?! Is everyone in Gotham gonna just throw on a cowl and try to take Bruce’s place??
Long story short, Tim’s the one who ultimately figures out what happened to Bruce. He got taken for a time travel ride. After much techno babble, yada yada, science fiction nonsense, McGuffin here, goober there, etc etc, (and after pulling out a few hairs) Dick manages to lead the mission to get Bruce back. He’s more than happy to give the cowl back too, (“don’t ever leave again.”) though this adventure did lead to one good thing: He got to spend a lot of time with Damian. The two have grown rather close over the course of this adventure.
We conclude by Tim coming back into the Bat Family fold, having mostly reconciled with his father. (Mr. Drake doesn’t really approve, but… he can’t deny that now Tim is basically his own man and can do what he wants. It’s uneasy, but it’s something.) So Tim dons the Red Robin persona (though, to be honest, I’m desperately searching for a different name, because I can’t take him seriously while he’s named after a fast food restaurant—help. I want to use Redwing so bad, but it’s a Marvel character and another DC character already, apparently! 😭) and Tim and Steph are also officially an item! ❤️
With Dick and Starfire’s wedding. Finally. Everyone’s there. The Justice League, Young Justice, the Teen Titans, the BatFam, and half the population of Tamaran. And this wedding is very important… because it starts to get Bruce thinking… about a certain someone…
He and Selina have been very on-again off-again. They both like each other, but they both have so many issues and there’s always been so much work going on that Bruce didn’t really think it was possible for the two of them to really have a full blown, proper relationship, but now… now that Dick has proven that you can make it work as a vigilante… Bruce starts looking at rings… it’s just a thought, but… still…
Part 7 👇
Part 5 👇
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factual-fantasy · 4 months
Salutations Factual! I really wanted to say, I was completely blown away by your new pixel art collages! I've always really liked pixel art, both simple and complex (even though I'm no good at it) and it's sweet to see you're so skilled at it! As always, keep on drawing whatever it is that you want to draw, but it would be sweet to see some more pixel in the future!
Also, thank you so, so much for answering my last few questions regarding your Pokemon team! I just love those guys so much- and I'm glad to hear they are the very least understand that not all humans are bad- they just tend to attract trouble!
Speaking of which, thanks especially for answering my older ask regarding a potential Hydreigon encounter- I really liked your idea of Gloria, as always, recklessly taking one for the team! In fact, I liked it so much, it gave me a sweet story idea- which, if you don't mind, I would like to "pitch" to you, even if just for fun!
So- what if, during their time in the dark woods, the "worst case scenario" does happen- while still recovering from the Trevenant battle, the gang is ambushed by the forests apex predator- a savage Hydreigon! After Which, Gloria, much to the team's protests, attempts to distract their attacker and lead it away- in the process being near fatally wounded and cornered. However, her cries of pain do not go unheard- as nearby, perhaps in a cave or some other remote location- is none other than Baragara the Metagross- while in the midst of another frightful anxiety attack due to his conflicting brains, perhaps with Patty by his side- he distantly hears the sounds of a Pokemon in need- at which all his brains agree on one thing- they need to help! Then, swiftly as possible, he would jump into the forest below, and aid Gloria by facing down his fellow, rampaging pseudo legendary... Eventually, despite sustaining serious damage, he would triumph, and chase off the beast- just as the rest of Gloria's friends arrive!
And that's my pitch for how the team would meet Baragara and Patty! Sorry for the paragraph- I know you prefer to write your own stories, and probably already have a much better idea for how they meet- but I just wanted to give it a shot, and see what you think! ( Also, I forgot to mention it earlier, thank you a thousand for drawing low Polly Grimace- absolutely made my week! )
Hello! I'm glad to hear you've been liking my pixel art! :DD And that you got a kick out of low polly Grimace XDD
AND HOLY COW!! What an action packed way to be reunited with their old friend Patty! And of course, meet their new friend Baragara! Originally I just had a passing thought of Gloria sensing Patty's aura nearby and them reuniting that way. But I like your idea more! XD
Thinking about how Baragara would handle that situation though.. I wonder. He was supposed to be a normal functioning Metagross. But after having a traumatizing near death experience where he miiiight have suffered some kind of brain damage...? He just wasn't quite the same anymore. I wonder how he would handle a dangerous battle.. maybe his instinct would be to flee? :0 Who knows..
Either way, this ask got me thinking about my team again and has given me a few drawing ideas XDD So thank you!! :}}}
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lopposting · 5 months
So, I noticed that people tend to notice P is not human, not from the way he looks, but from the way he sounds.
I can hear your springs even if you try to hide them. We musicians have a keen ear, you know. (White lady)
I hear the sound of springs inside you... You're a puppet too! (The Survivor)
[btw I'm going to be paraphrasing quotes and details from memory so I can get this out rather rapidly, so my apologies if they're somewhat incorrect]
Claudia and Lucio give no indication that they know about P not being human. Up until mid-game, they only really treat him as another stalker to con. The black rabbit brotherhood seem to know, but mainly because they know we're specifically "Geppetto's puppet."
I think that Claudia and Lucio find out because they either hear the brotherhood during the fight or Simon tells them as much, because Lucio calls us a "goddamn talking rag-doll" before he attacks us if you choose to fight.
The Black Rabbit Brotherhood and their connection to Carlo
And speaking of which - the brotherhood seems to know immediately that we are "Geppetto's puppet". Which makes me wonder... they seem to have known Carlo or known of Carlo while he was alive, which is probably how they put two and two together and guessed the obvious conclusion of how we came to be, which is the case with Antonia:
Oh, I knew you were Geppetto's puppet the moment I saw you (Antonia)
Is that Tenma's boy? > It can't be Tenma's boy. Holy cow, Tenma must have lost his mind (From Astro Boy 2009)
They also have Carlo's painting and the gravesite which is guessed to perhaps contain Carlo's empty grave has the mark of the black rabbit brotherhood on it. Geppetto also says he had no idea the BRB had stolen the painting.
A child who was a blessing to their family lies here. May he rest in peace. (Malum grave)
[Also I'm wildin now but korean pronouns are usually non-gender specific, so maybe it wasn't a "he" originally? this throws a whole bunch of other things into question though which I actually really don't like]
So, I thought of ways that ALL of these things could be true: That this IS carlo's grave in the malum district (which is strange because why would an aristocratic son be buried in Malum), the grave is empty because Carlo's body is still in the suitcase, the brb mark on his grave makes sense, AND the BRB having the painting is more than just a coincidence.
I have the most bizarre headcanon now. The BRB are a bunch of awful thugs for issuing "protection fees", but still, what IF:
They seem very hostile to us, particularly because we are a puppet, but maybe also because of our resemblance to Carlo - not because they resented him, but because Carlo was dear to them somehow. And the empty grave in the district was set up by them privately to commemorate his death when they heard what happened, (and the "family" they are referring to are themselves!). It's also worth noting that in the original story, The rabbits are aligned with the blue fairy (which would be Sophia in this iteration). [They're also associated with coffins and graves.]
I had no idea the black rabbit brotherhood had stolen it. (Geppetto on the painting)
The black rabbit brotherhood! I hate these guys. <- Gemini immediately remembers them. [They also appear very early on in the game, I guess to show they were watching us?]
So maybe their resentment and disgust for P comes from the fact that they know Geppetto has made an artificial replica of someone they knew into something they hated (puppets!), which they would see as repulsive. Perhaps there's an actual reason why the BRB has the painting. What exactly went down at the monad charity house?
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[The BRB knowing about Carlo doesn't mean they personally knew Carlo (since Geppetto must've been famous), but it's something. The thing is, both Eugenie and Venigni don't seem to recognize who we're "supposed" to be at all, even Venigni who is said to have been a close colleague to Geppetto. Maybe Eugenie and Venigni are just super polite and don't want to mention Carlo at all to us, but I kinda get the feeling that the public never really knew Carlo existed, Geppetto did dump him off at a boarding school early on after all]
[also also!! the golden stargazer next to the grave for DLC, Carlo being associated with ships, and the DLC showing a nautical theme?]
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
ok so just imagine one of the younger jl members or yjl members decide to ask the older members why they decided to become a hero/their origin story and some of the members are answering, some preferring not to, giving different sorts of answers but they all chose to use their circumstances to become a hero
and then they get to marvel
of course marvel has the nature? i guess? of a hero with his whole “do good and good will follow” thing but he never really wanted to be a hero in a fair few versions (i think, don’t source me), he was chosen but didn’t do the choosing
when he was “offered” (in quotation marks because he was basically forced into it anyways, his consent was dubious at best) he basically said ‘no, i’m not the right guy for this’ but was pressured into it anyways
rather than deciding to be a hero, it was more like he decided to do good with what he had, and what he had were superpowers
so just imagine them asking marvel why he chose to be a hero and marvel saying “i didn’t”
(depending on the age you depict him as getting his powers could make some difference, my automatic age for him being chosen is like 9 for some reason)
High time I answered this amazing ask, holy cow it's been cooking in here for some time
I really love the idea of a younger JL/YJL member going around and coordinating interviews with the older superheroes and getting their origin stories and asking questions on why they decided to become who they are today. Perhaps after all the news and stories they've heard from a certain popular radio host, Whiz Kid, they wanted to be like them a little with this personal project of theirs.
Every hero they ask either gives them a simple answer of "it was what I was meant to do", or, "I want to help people", or "eh, I had free time, why not". There are some that refuse to answer (batman), but that only makes the interviews become more fun and exciting. The young hero is learning so much from their elders, and once they get to Captain Marvel, they think his answer is going to be a delightful and sunny one, as expected from a cheerful guy like him.
They expected his answer to be simple, maybe even adding some humor to it. Like, "Well, someone had to compete with superman" or "it was my biggested dream to become a hero just like my heroes".
They don't get that kind of answer from him.
"Hm? Oh, I didn't."
"...Huh? I'm sorry, excuse me, but, what? What do you mean you didn't choose to become a hero? Why are you a hero now when you didn't want to be?"
"Oh gosh, I didn't expect this kind of question, but I guess...well it's because it wasn't exactly planned. There was never really any chance for me to have a choice in the matter. I didn't choose to be a hero, I just chose to do good with what I had all of sudden, you know? I never thought of becoming a hero until it actually happened, and I didn't know I WAS a hero until people starting calling me one. Ha, can you believe that? Really blew me away hearing people of my city call me their hero. Me, of all people."
"...huh. That's...really incredible, Captain Marvel. But, what do you mean, you didn't have a choice in the matter?"
"ha...well, let's just say that some things are just meant to happen, and they can't be avoided, no matter what....yeah...."
The younger superhero then sees what they swore was a split second melancholy emotion drown Captain Marvel's eyes, then just as quickly disappear when the man excuses himself to leave.
Gosh that got a little angsty there for a moment, but I really enjoy the idea of Captain Marvel initially refusing his powers and not believing himself in being worthy. He really was pressured into those powers, and he deserved to know what he was in for before being made Champion of Magic. A warning, before Billy entered a world of his heroes, and his worst nightmares.
Maybe the wizard knew that if the child knew what dangers were to come, perhaps he would have refused. Or. Maybe it was pointless to tell Billy, because the soul of a bright hero and a pure heart, radiated that much within Billy, that the wizard knew he would be a hero no matter what in the end.
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hutchersonsgurl · 9 months
Somethin about you Shane Walsh x reader
Paring yn greene with shane walsh
Synopsis you and Shane were together before the world fell and now you are meeting again when it ended. So now that the world has fallen you do everything in your power to protect your daughter
Special thanks to my bb @taylormarieee
⚠️ warnings blood smut 18+ graphic violence MDNI.
Word count:
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🥀Shane was the type of person where you can look at him and he'll either break your heart or fulfill it. You were one of those people who tried to guess. And believe it or not, the guess you made was completely wrong. He fulfilled your life with love. He didn't break it until later. Now the end of the world has happened and you could only imagine if he's either alive or one of these brain-dead zombies. 🥀
You were outside milking the cows when your dad came outside to tell you that your daughter Faith had woken up you walk into the house as you pick Faith up you hear screaming coming from outside you walk outside the front door to see two people you never thought you'd see again
"Rick? Carl? Oh my God what happened?" you ask
"He's been shot, please help us," Rick says shaking
You don't even see who's running in the background you tell your dad to help Carl
You gave Faith to Beth to watch her as you helped your dad get Carl stable you walked Rick out of the room to go sit down
*Maggie goes out to find lori to bring her to the farm*
"Here you go," you say as you hand Rick something to drink
As you stand up you see Shane standing in the doorway
"Holy sh--------" Shane says as he sees you
You walk away to go check on Maggie Beth and your daughter
You hear Shane and Rick talking as you walk into your bedroom
You pick up Faith from the bed and you walk out to see what is going on in the living room Otis your dad and Rick are talking
"What's going on? "You ask
"I need a respirator to be able to do surgery on Carl "your dad says
"What do we do? "You ask
The old high school they should have supplies there Otis says
"Well I said leave the rest to me is it to late to take that back?" Shane says jokingly
I'll go with you I know my way around you otis says
"Are you sure?" Shane asks
"We can talk about this till the sun comes up or we can get it done right quick" Otis says
"I'd take right quick" Shane says
"I'm coming with you two" you say going to your room for your stuff
"Honey why won't you let the boys handle it" your dad says
"No dad they'll need back up and like momma always said never let a man do a female's job" you said
You walk over to maggie who's holding Faith "mommy is gonna be right back I'm gonna help some friends okay?" You say as you give your daughter a kiss on the cheek
You give your dad a kiss on the cheek and hug him as you turn around you see shane staring at Faith like he knows something
I can't thank y'all enough rick says
No problem rick you know I always have your and Carl's back
"Honestly yn you really don't have to go "lori say as she comes up behind rick
"I got this lori and If you could help keep an on faith that would be great " you say
"Of course lori says as she hugs you"
The three of you head outside and get into the truck
"Are you sure about this?" Shane asks
"Of course I am I ain't no damsel in destress" you say as you roll your eyes
"You two know each other? "Otis asks
"Yeah this is my ex boyfriend remember"? You ask
"Oh the dude who couldn't keep it in his pan- oops sorry" Otis says as he continues to drive
"You know something about you seems different yn" Shane says
"What's different besides the fact I ain't waiting on you to change" you respond back
The rest of the drive was quiet until you guys reached the high school
You open the door to get out grabbing your knife from your back pocket
"Yn you really should stay behind us" Shane says
"I'm good I can handle myself thank you" you say
"You really are your mother's daughter "Otis says
As you start to walk towards the back door you notice that there's two walkers hanging by the door
"Yn wai---" Shane says as he cuts off to chase after you
You walk up to one of the walkers and kick one in the knee and and stab it in the back of the head same with the other one
"Holy shit you took down two walkers "Shane says in shock
"Told you I can handle myself" you say as you walk into the school
Part 2 coming soon
Not edited
Lemme know what y'all think
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gowns · 10 months
you know, they tell you all about childhood wonder, but i made spaghetti squash last night, and i told my 6 year old, "look! this looks like an ordinary squash, but look what happens when you cook it! it's going to turn into spaghetti!" and i roasted it and took it out of the oven and showed her, "look! look! check this out! it's like magic! spaghetti!!!!" digging my fork into the squash, the little strings coming out looking so goddamn much like spaghetti, in a way that still amazes me, as an adult, even though i've seen it happen before, it's still incredible to me, holy shit, here's this thing that grows out of the ground and we figured out that if you roast it the insides look identical to this other thing that exists, that is also edible, and they taste pretty good with the same seasonings and sauces.
"look! the squash turned into spaghetti! holy cow!" i even wrapped the strings around my fork, like a spaghetti commercial.
my 6 year old looked at my fork, looked at me, with a world weary glare, then rolled her eyes. "i'm not going to eat that." "ok, ok, you don't have to eat it, but isn't it cool?! how does it do that?!" "whatever." whatever! how can you whatever seeing a spaghetti squash for the first time?!
i tell you, we were sold a bill of goods about childhood wonder. there are so many things that amaze me that don't amaze my kids.
when i think about it, i remember that i was the same way, when i was that age, when i learned to read bigger books; i read a few science books, then i felt like i knew everything, and nothing amazed me anymore, everything that could be imagined had already happened. everything had a rational explanation. christmas lights were just electricity. mickey mouse is just a guy in a costume. vegetables are just vegetables and not that exciting; food doesn't need to be exciting, after all, it just needs to be safe and familiar.
just a few hours after the spaghetti squash, after i had put them to bed -- i heard the gentle click of my kid's bedroom door. her head popped into the bathroom, where i was taking a bath.
"i can't go to sleep, because i'm afraid."
"afraid of what?"
"i was watching a show about rattlesnakes, and a gila monster was about to eat them, and i turned it off, but now i'm still thinking -- what if i was a snake, and a gila monster was about to eat me?"
"...well, you are very lucky, because you are not a snake. and there are no gila monsters here."
"yes, but what if i was a snake? and what if there was a gila monster?"
"but you are a kid, and you are safe in your bedroom."
"but what if i wasn't?"
what i love about kids is that they are full of surprises. you can't predict how they'll react to things. adults follow scripts, but kids write their own. especially in these brief, precious years -- between 4 and 10 -- when they have enough language to communicate and process the world, but they're not following any scripts yet. and they have big emotions because they bristle against all the scripts being presented to them.
so you get all these funny contrasts -- the big christmas decorations are "whatever," but what's really fun is twisting these fuzzy pipe cleaners together. this toy doll is kind of fun, but what's really fun is pouring water in her mouth until she's sopping wet, cracking up because it's like she peed all over herself, then deciding to take a bath at noon. (taking a bath at noon is fun, taking a bath at bathtime is not.) the "make your own cookie" pre-made set is not fun, but mixing a big bowl of flour until everything is covered in white definitely is.
i love them because they're right. because we're both right. because they fill my life with contrasts. the spaghetti squash IS amazing, and it's ALSO pretty boring. coloring on paper IS limited fun, coloring on walls DOES feel liberating. it's true that we are not snakes, but what if we WERE?
we are always showing each other alternative ways of being!
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strawberrysugasoba · 4 months
another update on my magnus archives journey i have just reached the beginning of season for and i am ready for this to take a 100% homoerotic turn.
i actually don’t know if that’s the case because the season 3 q+a had one mention or martins crush and jonny either glazed over that or was very very wrapped up in his answer regarding the question the crush was tied into. either way i’m just hoping they’re in love and i sleep peacefully for one night but pinterest has let me know this is not the case.
tim is also dead hello? i thought with the amount of fans he had surrounding him and the way he was portrayed in fan art he was like this goofy go-round white boy but he was just out for revenge and because of his brother and a kind of a prick?? don’t get me wrong i think he is definitely, or ig was, the most sensible but i was really led to believe by fanart he was a different person entirely.
and micheal!! my poor baby, not true he’s kinda bad but i loved his character and there was just so much more i feel like they could have done with his character. but i think that’s something that happened when you have planned all the way until season 5 what you want to do with the story i just can’t believe that’s that you know. i loved how his voice sounded and his personality and i think that him trying to kill the archivist like that was kind of far fetched for his character. it all seemed to fast to me and i really miss him.
then there’s elias, i love you you evil bastard. i really hope his backstory and reasoning for why he is what he is is just for shits and gigs, like bro got high one day and just happened to find this place that served the eye. i love just evil characters or opportunistic villains bc they just do what suits their needs and i feel like elias’ roll really fits that vibe. also i cannot figure out how old he is in my head, maybe like a doctor strange type of silver fox.
kinda back to martin to end this but imagine getting your evil boss arrested finally and fucking peter lukas just appears. i’d probably shit and vomit holy cow. but tbh i think peter is going to be a ‘good’ guy, idk i saw on pinterest though some fanart or him and elias, don’t lie to me guys are they together. PLEASE. i could so get behind that dynamic and it could totally be a joke ship and my heart will hurt bc of what could have been.
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luimagines · 2 years
I really love four. I love them all in general! So how would the chain react to having an s/o who's taller then all of them?
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I think I'm beginning to see a trend here.
Headcanons form! I hope you don't mind it. :D
Content under the cut!
Bold of you to assume that he doesn’t find it the hottest thing about them
If the group was being honest, they wouldn’t have expected Hyrule to get in a relationship at all
Having traveled to his Hyrule and seeing how barren it is, they weren’t sure how the people were finding each other to begin with
But they’re all very happy for him
The teasing is pulled back a bit because The Traveler was so nervous about being in a relationship to begin with
The boys don’t want to the reason he thinks that it’s impossible, or worse, his partner breaks up with him because they decided to be jerks
Wouldn’t be the most guilt tripping thing they would have ever done?
But that doesn’t happen!
So Hyrule gets to love his giant royalty with no restraint
Legend can’t say he’s surprised.... but holy cow he is
How did The Traveler land such a beauty?
Twilight and Wild share a look
Maybe the height is a hero thing (along with the color red)
You bet that Wind is going to ask all sorts of questions, inappropriate or otherwise
Don’t mind Warrior giving tips on how to woo his partner even later on in the relationship
Time is trying to stop him but also think it’s hilarious
His partner is taking it all in stride because Hyrule’s friends are fun
Although they will have to wait until their gone to ask their own questions
For example: Why do they call him the name of the kingdom?
Won’t admit it, but he loves getting piggy back rides from them
Like, won’t even admit it on his death bed sort of thing
It’s his pride
But also he thinks it’s childish
Just as long as they don’t call him out on it
Little spoon?
Little spoon.
A lot of the chain didn’t even think that he would have a partner
Let alone that he would have a type
Time understands what he might have caused
Kinda- He’ll take the blame for it anyway
Warrior is gonna tease
He might get a black eye from it but in his eyes (literally) it’s worth it
Wild is also going to tease
“Won’t settle down? You’ll see when you’re 117?”
His partner loves picking him up a teddy bear and Legend doesn’t have it in him to complain for once
Everyone knew that no matter who Four chose as his significant other that he was going to be the shortest
By a long shot
And yet when they finally meet, they’re all stunned by how much taller his lover is
The difference is more than any one would have been willing to bet
Having to cram their head up to meet them in the eyes was not something they would have put on their expectation lists
But here we are
Four is going to climb them like a tree and be very happy with the added bonus of being able to sit on their shoulders and hug them from behind
Is also the perfect opportunity to whisper sweet nothings into their ear and distract them from whatever they were doing
You bet it is!
Is Four going to admit that’s the whole point of him being up there?
Nope! Because then he wouldn’t be allowed to do so.
Is going to give them the longest chains to dress up in and make them seem taller than they really are
Four is never going to hear the end of it if the guys ever see them together and he knows it
So he’s anticipating the jokes but he knows that it’s all in good fun
He’s never going to let them see him get a piggy back ride though
It was bad enough with Twilight and he gave his excuses for not liking it
He’s not keen on explaining why there’s a problem with them and not his lover
It’s none of their business
Wind (Aged up)
I want to think in my heart of heart that he would grow taller but still not be taller than the tallest in the group
That being said, Wind is a sap
Sure he can no longer reach the top shelf as far as his home life in concerned
But also tall royalty!
Like hello!
He’s the little spoon! 
He loves it!
The others when they meet again are both surprised and not
Let’s be real the boys have a type
And it’s not exactly that far of a leap to think that Wind would be included in that list as well
Wind takes their remarks in stride
Having a tall significantly other who fights with you on the battle field- or battle deck, in his case- is one hell of a advantage
If Wind had to complain about one thing and one thing only....It would be how he can’t reach up to give them any kisses
A burden to bare for sure.
He gets teased for being in a relationship period, there’s no escaping for it
It doesn’t matter if he’s the short one here
That doesn’t change literally anything
He’s always going to be the baby of the group as much as he hates it
So his s/o is going to be extra special as well
Just as teased though- for many other reasons
Older brothers are merciless
Wild is fairly small compared to most to the people in his world
So when the boys saw this, it shouldn’t have come as any surprise that Wild’s s/o was going to be taller than him
That being said, they misjudged the difference
Wild grins from their shoulder and waves to the group. “Hello! This is my partner! Like I said.”
Twilight blinks and hangs his head, digging into his pocket to bring out a small bag of rupees and hands it to Time
Wild gasps and screeches “Really Rancher?! Old man! You too?”
Time smile. “I know my boys.”
sky snickers and waves back. “Happy to meet you. Wild talks about you a lot.”
Wild covers his face with his hands as his partner gently puts him on the ground. “A pleasure to meet you all as well. He speaks highly of the lot of you.”
Warrior happily skips over and claps Wild on the shoulder. “They got family/”
“Shut up!” Wild takes a swing, previous shame forgotten.
Hyrule and Wind laugh and move away from the soon to wrestle duo so they can get to now more about Wild’s home life.
Time and Twilight approach as well and introduce the members of the chain one by one so that it would less confusing for them in the future
Four kicks the ground from under him
Wild’s s/o looks familiar to him and he’s not sure why they look someone he used to talk to in Castle Town
Genetics said copy and paste
And dang they all the same type don’t they?
Warrior didn’t realize just how tall they were until he was reunited with them
He got used to the height when he was home
Frankly, he’s not the tallest person in the Queen’s court anyway
And then he got used to be able to look his companions in the eyes and it was nice
Only to be viscerally reminded that this is not the norm
The others think he just has a type
They... aren’t entirely wrong but Warrior is going to take that little secret to his grave
His S/O, of course, is delighted to have him home again, if only for a little while
In their excitement, they lift Warrior clear off of the ground in a hug and hold them against their chest like a life size teddy bear
Wild snaps a picture
And it’s the only picture of Warrior where he doesn’t look put together in any way, shape, or form
Time thinks he remembers them and he knows that they’re good people
So he’s amused greatly just how whipped Warrior is for his S/O
As he should be
Legend quietly asks Wild for copies of the photo in the background
But Wind hears them and stops it
Little brothers gotta look out for the older one sometimes 
Let’s face it Twilight is already incredibly short compared to the people of his Hyrule
(All of them are but shush)
So his s/o is easily taller than him as it is
But since Twilight is the second tallest of the group, it takes the other by a bit of surprise when they see how short Twilight is compared to them
Twilight can’t really see it though
He’s completely love struck and full of puppy love
Wind, Wild and Four try to secretly measure them when they’re not paying attention to see how tall they really are
Because Twilight surely doesn’t care
And they don’t want to see rude by asking
Twilight likes to be the little spoon, especially as Wolfie
So you better bet your bottom dollar that he’s going to curl up against his s/o much like he does to some of the other members of the group but this time he’s going to be encase by warmth
You know- if he sits, he sits
That’s the rule
Time know where Twi gets it from and makes it a point to not make any comments
Warrior and Legend don’t care
He’s getting teased
Sky is the only one to have mercy on him and he’s also going to ask every question imaginable because he’s a romantic at heart and nosey as hell
This guy is already the tallest in the group
So his tall S/O is tall
They love all the tiny boys in the group
Everybody has to crane their necks to so much as look at their face
Time doesn’t even notice it anymore
Twilight is wondering why he got none of that
Warrior and Legend are once again trying to figure how he got with them to begin with
Bets are made
Money is lost
Wild and Wind are going to see if Time’s partner can carry them
Hyrule and Sky are going to have to adjust their heads more often than they’d like but they don’t want to think too much on it
They’ve met a lot of other tall people
Not a big deal
Four.... is having a minor crisis
It’s hard talking to Time as it is
And now there’s someone taller?
He’s not going to even bother looking up
Sap, sap, sap
Cuddle bug
A fiend
Piggy back rides
Did not warn the group about needing to crane their necks to look his s/o in the face
Is also living for their reactions
“This is my s/o and I love them very much and as you can see, they are my better half.”
“Yeah, more than half. They took all your height.”
“Ours too if the fact that we all share same spirit applies here.”
Legend and Wild both get smacked over the head
Time now knows how Four feels
Four gives up and asks Twilight to pick him up to get a decent angle
Just so it doesn’t look like he’s trying to be fresh
Twilight thinks it’s hilarious
Warrior realizes he might have a type
Hyrule and Wind appear to be unaffected, but their necks are sore..er at the end of the day
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mayasaura · 2 years
Just fell in love at the laudromat.
So this guy was lighting up in the back, promising to make all our clothes smell like shitty low grade kush. I was familiar with him, having been sexually harassed by him in this laudromat before, so I decided my best approach would be to yell at him from outside spitting distance, telling him to cut that shit out. I wasn't very effective.
I did gain the attention of the only other woman in the laundromat. She was about my age, late 20s to early 30s, and wearing leggings for pants like Superman. I told her what was up, and she agreed with me that the dude was being rude as hell before turning her attention back to her cellphone. I assumed that was the whole of our brief accord. I was wrong. By the end of our encounter, she had proved herself a tactical genius worthy of poem and song.
She lifted her phone to her ear, and she started raising holy hell. It started like a normal, if slightly loud, conversation and barreled quickly into drag-out knock-down domestic dispute with what I'm now dead certain was an empty reciever, rattling the windows with vague but dramatic accusations. This is where her real genius started, though I hadn't noticed yet. Every so often in her ranting, she would digress into shit-talking the guy at the back of the laundromat at a volume to shatter ear drums before slipping seamlessly back into disjointed diatribes. I was trying very hard not to listen, at this point still thinking that she's really having a fight, but I noticed our resident stoner starting to talk back to her as she crossed to the dryers near his smokey perch. As soon as he raised his voice, she bellowed "Shut up! Shut up, I wasn't talking to you," into her phone, cowing the asshole without once looking at or acknowledging him. This is when I start to realise what was really happening.
It took about three minutes, all told. As soon as the guy shuffled out, thoroughly intimidated, this stone cold badass dropped her pretense. My knight in shining acrylic nails pocketed her cell phone and flashed me a smug grin. 'Have a nice day', she said, before following her defeated opponent out into the afternoon sun. I'm left grinning like a lunatic, astounded, bewitched, and bewildered, to finish my laundry in peace.
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mochimoqa · 6 months
Helping out
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Llewyn Davis x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Slight cursing, mentioning of assault, Barely even proofread, this is gonna suck ass and I promise to add more 😭
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(Imagine him checking you out like this OML 🤭)
It was a chill day like it was every day. You did your usual chores and errands.
Y'know, just getting the day over with.
As you were walking down the sidewalk you heard a groan.
"What the...?"
You walked closer and closer to the sound. It led to an alley. Okay... not sketchy at all...
"Hello? Is someone okay?"
You walk closer and closer to the sound then enter through the alley.
Your eyes widened.
"Oh my god- Are you okay!?"
You help the mysterious man get on his feet. He was holding his stomach and you let him wrap his arm around you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine."
You give him a skeptical look. "Really? Doesn't look like it to me."
"Okay, I agree with you. You're right," He chuckles a little.
"Are you able to walk? I can take you to my apartment if you want. You need rest."
He sighs and nods.
"Sure, I have nowhere else to go anyway. But... uhm... thanks for helping me... Ah, shit- I forgot where my manners were... what's your name?"
"Don't worry, you need to rest. No time for mannerisms. And my name is Y/n."
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As you arrived at your apartment, you placed him on your creaky sofa. He flops onto the furniture and lays down.
"I never really asked what your name was."
"It's Llewyn, Llewyn Davis."
"Then Llewyn, how did this happen?"
"Somebody said that I had a 'friend' meeting me in the back... I was very confused... so, I went out to the back. I had never seen him before in my life. The next thing I knew I was punched in the face, and he kept on beating and beating me up... that bastard was probably having a bad day." He chuckles lightly.
"Yeah... probably..." You swipe the extra strands poking out from his hair. Poor Llewyn looked like a stray dog in need of help.
As you did that action he slowly took your hand and placed it on his cheek.
"A bit touch-starved are we, Llewyn?" You chuckle.
"I guess... sorry, I just really like your touch. It's really... comforting."
"Aww... thanks..."
You caress his cheek with your thumb. You never thought that you would bring a cute guy into your home. As you looked into his eyes they were so beautiful... his dark eyes looking at you with pure love...
"Please don't stop..." He kisses the inside of your palm.
You blush and smile lightly at him.
"I promise..."
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Holy cow, this was a tough one to do 😭
Sorry for taking so long! I needed to do freaking essays for my professor-
Other than that, I hoped this was good enough to please you! This isn't really my favorite and I will do more work on it!
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devilart2199-aibi · 5 months
IDW collection reading update! :3 📖
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Just finished Phase 2 volume 2! So it's been 2 volumes since the last update? I think?
These volumes included: The Death of Optimus Prime, MTMTE 1-8, RID 1-9, Autocracy and Spotlights: Trailcutter, Hoist and Orion Pax.
My thoughts will be below! To spare people the long scroll! Haha
All MTMTE stories are very enjoyable, I really love the writing for them!! I love that each character has some kind of quirk and they're all so quippy haha.
I really liked the story on Delphi. Ratchet kick some booty! Also got to finally see this Pharma guy everyone draws, he's fine i guess 🙄 /joking I'm a total sucker for an evil doctor. I look forward to his return! That's not it for him right...?
Also got to experience Tarn! He's a cool character! I really like that he's like a Megatron loyalist to the highest regard. Back during "The Last Stand of the Wreckers" they mentioned the Phase Sixers and I kept thinking "Who is this Black Shadow guy????" (He appeared in like 2 frames lol) the Phase Sixers seem like big deals so I was surprised I hadn't seen him before and then Tarn and the DJD took care of him 💀 so there he was lol.
As for RID, BRUH it's wild, everyone's getting their heads exploded 💀 rip Constructions my beloved. Idk how I feel about Arcee just being super violent and murdering so freely. But yay Starscream in an advisory position. This whole IDW collection i feel like Starscream has been very good leaning, like he's been set up this whole time to be a good guy (or at least questioning Megs in a way that just isn't petty and more towards the way of a better future for the people of Cybertron. Like his intentions are there) Of course this could be hindsight bc I've read ahead by accident.
Speaking of good guy-bad guy, before starting this collection I'd seen a bunch of panel's and artwork with Megs on the Lost Light and it would get me thinking "what is acceptable? what is redeemable?" This is sorta random but I think about it when I read these comics like "holy cow this man gets away with a lot" (this kinda goes for everyone tho lol it is war, but oof) I haven't gotten to his reappearance yet, but I'm curious how he gets to "be free" to some degree, after everything. I imagine they put him to use under the eye of Fortmax or Magnus, I dunno. I'll see eventually! Haha.
The Spotlights for Trailcutter(Breaker) and Hoist were great! Orion's was fine. His stories are kinda confusing me now when trying to make a timeline in my head 😂
Autocracy was interesting 🤔 like with the Orion spotlight, timelines are kinda becoming confusing to me, at least through these. I feel like there is some retconning going on as I read. Orion's personality here is also pretty different. He's very erratic. Of course he's under a ton of stress and his whole understanding of the world has shattered, but still, very different than usual! I feel like things happen fast in this story. Orion also becomes Optimus Prime in this one too! Much goes on! Zeta Prime deserves a good pepper spraying to the optics lol I did enjoy the five minutes of the Autobot and Decepticons teaming up to fight him tho haha.
Anyway that's enough rambling for now! It's all very interesting and I'll probably continue reading more over the weekend :>
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