kzlove · 1 year
syn -> you decide to help the man that sits in the alley near your home tonight. you don't regret it.
homeless!eren x fem!reader
no warnings!
"excuse me?" you called quietly, tilting your head into the alleyway.
not only was this dangerous, but it was entirely too cold to be out here in some goddamn pajamas.
trying to find a man.
who possibly left to find shelter already.
you walked further into the alleyway, clutching your pocket knife in your dominant hand.
"if you see him, don't stab him." you reminded yourself silently.
stab anything else, just not him.
you may ask. what the fuck are you doing out here? at 12 in the morning after a tiring shift at the office??
looking for a homeless man???
yeah. you wanted to know yourself.
but that didn't stop you from searching the alley for him.
you'd see him everyday before work, handing him the leftovers for the lunch you made for yourself.
obviously making much more than necessary, as per usual.
you let it fill him so it wouldn't go to waste in your fridge.
but now you couldn't find him one bit.
you sighed in defeat, leaning against the dirty wall and shivering from the cold air.
someone out there was probably making fun of you.
scratch that.
the world itself was making fun of you.
"excuse me?" you heard someone call out, making you turn and look a bit confused.
you shined your flashlight at them, getting ready to swing with your pocket night if needed.
"that's my spot. can you maybe move? please?" the man asked, pointing to where you were standing.
when you got a good look at his face, your heart jumped.
"there you are!" you smiled, moving from the spot and over to him.
the man looked a bit confused, before his eyes widened in shock. "office lady?" the homeless man questioned.
you nodded, smiling even bigger. so he did remember you.
"what are you doing out here? it's cold." the man stated, looking around a bit.
"the temperature is almost reaching the negatives. i got worried." you said sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck.
the man said nothing in return, offering you a smile.
you watched the way his lip quivered and his body shook ever so slightly, reminding you why you were here.
"right! so i was wondering if you wanted to crash with me?" you began, tilting your head.
" i was in such a rush that i forgot to bring you something to eat today." you sighed, hugging yourself to try and warm up.
the man stared at you for a few seconds, more than likely weighing his options.
"i don't have anything to offer." the man muttered, before having a seat in his spot.
"well yeah, i kinda figured. which is why i wanna help you. come on, please?" you asked, kneeling down slightly.
the man looked up at you, before sighing slightly to himself.
when he stood up, your eyes widened and you began to smile ever so slightly.
"lead the way." he said, putting his hands in his pockets.
seems like the world wasn't making fun of you after all.
by time you made it to the house, you had learned his name was eren.
you had been the only one to actually pay attention to him in about 3 or 4 years.
it gave him a will to do something. be something.
you open the door to the house and almost immediately, your german pinscher and munchkin cat came to greet you at the door.
"you're not allergic, are you?" you asked, watching the cat rub on his leg.
eren shook his head, watching you close the door behind him.
"the pinscher is rana, and the cat is pang." you introduced, gesturing to the animals.
eren nodded, petting the dog just a bit. that didn't take long at all.
"i'll show you where the guest bathroom is, and where you'll sleep." you smiled, gesturing for him to follow you.
like a lost puppy, eren followed you with all layers of clothing still on his body.
you presented him the guest bathroom, already stocked with everything he should possibly need to bathe and brush his teeth.
then you showed him the air bed you had set up in the living room for him.
"when you finish, you can watch tv. i have netflix and hulu and all that." you said, showing him the different apps you had on your firestick.
he paid close attention, nodding along.
when you finished, you let him go shower and took his clothes, putting them to wash for him.
you quickly heated up the soup you made before you went to work, grabbing two bowls to put the soup in.
while you waited for the soup to heat up, you boiled some water in order to make tea for your guest.
speaking of, eren walked out of the bathroom wearing the clothes you lent him.
your oversized shirt that read 'pretty little thing' and a pair of sweats that were much too big for you to wear.
it fit him perfectly. well, except for the shirt. it was just a bit baggy on him.
"thank you again." eren said, standing awkwardly in the hallway.
you smiled at him, walking over and running your hands through his long locs.
all the dirt and grime was off of him, leaving him looking even the slightest bit of human.
"you're welcome. glad i could help." you said, tucking a strand behind his ear with a smile.
he nodded, making his way over to the airbed and having a seat.
you had to stop yourself from laughing when he grew a smile from bouncing on it.
"is it comfortable?" you asked, checking on the soup that was still heating on the stove.
eren nodded shortly, crossing his legs and tugging the fluffy covers over his body.
you placed the soup into the bowls, before making your way over to him and handing him one.
"thank you." eren said, placing the soup into his lap before bowing his head and putting his hands together.
you'd seen him do it multiple times when you'd hand him lunch, and continue doing it even after you'd walk away.
you could only assume he was thanking whatever got is out there for the warm food.
it was silent for a few minutes, before eren began to eat his soup.
"you're a really good chef." eren complimented, looking up from his bowl to lock eyes with you.
"thank you eren. i try." you chuckled lightly, eating your own soup.
the two of you had an idle conversation, discussing your own day and the little kitty that gets out of the house down the road.
while you told him bits and pieces of your life, he began telling you bits and pieces of his own.
everything he's seen, the kinds of people he has met through his entire life, and his adventure with a loose pig.
eren was a funny man, despite his situation.
when the two of you finished your soup, he helped you out with the dishes although you said he didn't have to.
once you finished, eren had let out a quiet yawn into his elbow, eyes noticiably drooping.
you looked at him with a short smile.
"you can head to bed, if that's what you'd like?" you suggested, pointing over to the mattress.
eren nodded, climbing back into the bed and laying his head onto the pillow with a quiet sigh.
almost instantly, he was letting out quiet snores while laying on his stomach.
you yawned to yourself, stretching slightly and turning off the lights.
fairy lights were hung in the living room in order to have even a little bit of light.
just in case he had to use the bathroom and couldn't see.
but it was time to get to sleep yourself. hopefully, you'll get to see eren in the morning.
im still not rlly used to writing for aot, but im getting there
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twpsyn-who · 5 months
Over 5 hours and for what 💀
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For it to not even be done agsgshdnns but honestly? I can go with the hair the way it is so a win is a win
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seeingivy · 1 year
first meeting 
eren jaeger x f! reader 
in which, your old roommate forgets to mention she can’t room with you next year - leaving you with no housing prospects. that is until you meet eren jaeger. 
**roommate eren fic masterlist here
With an unfortunate twist of fate, you curse Shiganshina University for randomizing dorm assignments for first year students. Just your luck, you were stuck with a red haired girl named Nifa, who was so forgetful you think she’d forget her head if it wasn’t attached to her. 
What did she forget this time? To tell you that she was rooming with Nanaba for the next year, leaving you out of housing for the summer and the following year. You groan, snapping the pencil clasped in your fingers at the thought of seeing her when you return to your dorm later today. 
“What gives?” 
You turn to find your coworker, Armin, staring at the broken pieces of pencil discarded on your desk. You groan in response, resting the top of your head against the desk. 
“My roommate. She didn’t tell me she didn’t want to room with me next year and she was the one who reserved housing for the both of us. I didn’t reserve on my own and now all of the rooms are full.” 
He looks over at you, silently handing you a pack of the sour gummy worms he kept in the bottom desk of his drawer. While he usually kept them for the students he was tutoring, he figured the situation called for it. You knew he was awkward and you warm at the thought of this being his way of trying to comfort you. 
“I hope you figure it out, Y/N.” 
You shoved the broken remnants of the pencil you just snapped into the trashcan near your desk, collecting your thoughts. 
“No room?” asks Armin, peering across to your cubicle. 
“Nope. I’m going to be homeless this time tomorrow.” 
Finding a roommate turned out to be harder than you thought it would be. Since everyone already had to reserve the rooms a while back, no one was really looking for extra roommates anymore. You tried your luck on renting a room in the houses and apartments nearby. 
They were all too weird to live with. They were too loud, super messy, rent cost too much, they wanted you to sleep in a bathtub, the list went on. You weirdly found out that your Political Science professor Erwin was dating your Physics professor Levi, when they were selling the apartment they shared to get a house. 
“I’d take you in if I could, but my girlfriend Annie lives in the spare room in Jean and I’s apartment.” says Armin, shooting you a sorrowful look. 
You nod in acknowledgement, shooting him a smile for trying to help in whatever ways he could. 
“You can sleep at my place till you figure something out, okay?” 
You nod, turning back to making the assignment sheets for your session later today. You shoot Sasha a text in the meantime, asking her if you can sleep at her place the day after tomorrow, not wanting to overstay your time at Armin’s. 
Armin, Annie, and Jean are more than accommodating, which leads you to crying puddles over their kitchen sink. The stress of the situation catches up to you, realizing you had nowhere to live indefinitely. 
Jean offers you a plate of warm food, saying you can sleep in his bed as long as you need to. Armin and Annie tend to help you set up your stuff, making sure you have towels, face wash, a toothbrush for the few days you would be staying with them. 
After calming down and taking a shower, you dress yourself into your most comfortable pajamas and meet the three of them in the common room. They decide to run a few errands, grabbing snacks for you all to eat over the course of the weekend. You decide to watch Mulan on Armin’s Disney Plus account while you wait. 
You hear Armin’s bathroom door close and jump at the sight of a tall, brown haired boy padding out to sit on the couch next to you.
“Who are you?” he asks, not looking up from the Wordscape he was playing on his phone. 
“Y/N. I work with Armin. I’m going to be staying here tonight. Who are you?” 
You nod, turning back to watch the movie. He grabs the top of your head, twisting your head so you’re looking right at him. 
“Five letter word. Letters are O, E, R, V, and L.” 
You grab the phone from his hand, staring at the crossword ahead of you. 
“Did you try ROLE?” 
“First word I picked. And it’s five letters, silly girl.” 
“Oh! That’s easy. The word is Lover.” you respond, sliding the letters on the screen, the screen covering with confetti. He turns to you, giving you a halfhearted smile in response to passing the level. 
Armin, Jean, and Annie return thirty minutes later, double checking you were comfortable with sleeping in Jean’s bed and that you had every need. You thank them for their kindness, heading to bed for the day. 
As you lie in his bed, your heart heavies at the thought of where you’re going to sleep tomorrow. And the day after that.  
You return to Armin’s apartment after six days, having exhausted all options of people to stay with. You stayed with Sasha, Connie, Historia and Ymir, Marco (big mistake, he’s a sleepwalker), and even your Physics professor Levi and his partner Erwin you had met while house hunting, who you accidentally ended up sobbing to during a problem solving session. 
You’re settled on their couch again, the four of you watching Get Out. Halfway through the movie, Eren nearly scares the shit out of all of you, your heart pounding as he creeps in through the door. 
“You’re back, silly girl. What gives?” he asks, opening one of Armin’s cans of Celcius. 
“Still didn’t find a place to live.” you respond, scratching at the back of his neck. 
You see a confused look of plaster on his face, as he darts his eyes to Armin looking for an explanation. 
“Housing problems, her old roommate kind of sucked. She’s been out of a place for a week now, hopping from place to place every night.” he responds. 
He looks back at you, his green eyes flashing a look you had never seen before. Granted, you had only met him once before this but it was enough to warrant a weird feeling from you. 
“Speed round. Answer whatever I say silly girl, okay?” 
“Favorite color?” 
“Stable income?” 
“Two jobs. And a decent savings account.” 
“Attention to detail?” 
“You wouldn’t believe it.” 
“Not currently.” 
“Loud friends who overstay their visit?” 
“I think I’m the friend who is currently overstaying her visit.” 
“Raging partier?” 
“Homebody ‘till I die. ” 
“So quiet my professor forgot I was in the room with him.” 
He stops, the gears in his head moving. Jean and Armin share a confused glance, Annie having given up on trying to understand Eren years ago. 
“I have an extra room at my place. My old roommate just graduated and I need someone to fill the spot. If you can pay the rent by next week, it’s yours.” 
You swear you could kiss him on the spot. He’s offering you a place to live. You reach over the couch, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“Thank you, Eren. Really.” 
You break apart from the hug, your noses a few feet apart. You smile at him, your eyes darting between his green eyes. You tense at the contact, suddenly realizing how close the two of you are standing. You let go abruptly and he scratches the back of his head, instructing you to pack your things so you can settle into the room now. 
“Ann’, hundred bucks they start dating by the end of next year.” 
“Raise it to a hundred and to the end of next semester. You’re on, Kirschtein.” 
“Should we really be profiting off of our friends' love lives?” 
“Shut up, Armin.”
next part linked here
pls let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!!! just reply to this post or leave ur @ in my asks box :D 
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hangeslefteye · 2 years
Who pays the date?(Aot boys)
This is just a general headcanon about my favorite Aot boys and how generous they are! we have EREN,JEAN,REİNER,PORCO AND ZEKE! (İf there is any you guys dont agree feel free to write in the comments :*)
Eren:%100 a dutch guy lmao.He may not even realise this is a date and act as a regular meet up with a friend D: if realises he might offer to pay but definetly expects you to take your own half XD (YOU might need to pay for season 4 Eren beacuseee.. He is almost homeless???)
Jean:Absolutely nothing like Eren,he is a romeo.Will pay,will try his hardest to impress he might accidently come of like he is flaunting by taking you to a fancy place but my baby is just too thrilled D: (expect flowers or gifts!!! And him showing himself around like a peacock lol beacuse he will dress to kill!!)
Reiner:%100 Sugar daddy lol.(The festival scene D:) He wont just pay for one date but everything else you might need??But then again my baby is generous with everybody around him D: up to a point he will get offended if you try to take your half because you think he cant take care of you????(just gently gold dig him lmao)
Porco:At the beginning very much like Eren will dutch and wont even offer to pay lmao xD.He is just way too salty for this romantic bs.But if things evolve wont let you spend a penny in a official relationship if you ever try much more saltier than Reiner and will make you regret lol
Zeke:Will click the account on you and run AJSHAHVXGSCV apperantly to him paying the date is up to women :D he might even take you to a very fancy place just for you to pay SHASVXHGSAVXGH XDDD
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daddysfangirls-dc · 4 months
UnTamed Ch.16
Damian Wayne x OC!Female
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Asta pressed the fabric between her fingers. "It's soft," She said as she continued to rub the fabric against her skin. "of course, only the best," Damian said as he prepped her pain meds. She said she didn't need it, but he thought better safe than sorry.
"Who is going to be there?" 
"All of my siblings, father and Alfred, will be present. Although-"
"He won't be seated at the table. I know." She felt him remove the needle and put a bandaid on her. Damian took the fabric from her hand. It was a dress, a simple, long black satin dress.
Taking her hand, he helps her stand up, lifts her arms above her head, and slips the dress on. It slips on easily and gently falls on her shoulders. She turns around, allowing him to zip her up. He kisses her shoulder. 
"no, thank you. The dress is already too much."
"No, it's not. If anything, it's not enough."
"It's just dinner with your family. They've already seen me at my worst. Can't get any uglier."
"Astarea -" 
She turned around. " Don't. They're waiting for us. Let's go."
Correct. They were waiting. Bruce sat at the head of the table with Dick, Cassandra, and Jason to his left and Tim and Duke to his right. Asta and Damian sat to the right. As they sat, Alfred began to bring out the food. 
"Thank you," she said as Alfred put the last plate down. " I don't mean just for this. Thank you for caring for, healing, and allowing me to stay here. I know it couldn't have been -" Damian squeezes her hand, stopping the apology rant before it begins. " Thank you"
" You don't need to thank anyone here. You're family, and we'll always welcome you," Jason said. 
" I couldn't agree more," Alfred said as he disappeared into the kitchen, leaving them to eat. 
Asta held little to no Academics, surviving off of luck and animals' instincts. She could read ( not big words), count money, and do the basics as Eren taught, but not much. Just enough. So she knew she wasn't smart, very aware of her lack. Not a day in school being taught by another uneducated street kid, she knew what she needed to survive a day and nothing more. And this never really bothered her until she met Damian's family. 
They were all educated, obviously, with the conversations they were having about companies, investments, stocks, etc., but they also held manners and behaviors. She didn't know how to properly hold a fork and spoon or any proper table manners. Sitting amongst these fancy people was embarrassing, not knowing how to eat properly.
Jason saw this, and he was this. It was years ago, and there were fewer people, but he had been her at one point. He knew how she felt. And he knew how to make her feel better, even if just a little. Switching the hand, he held his fork in holding it in a fist, he hunched forward over his plate. Asta watched as he went from a proper man with manners to someone who had none and simply knew food. Don't waste it.
The others watched, confused at Jason's behavior, expecting Alfred to correct him; he did not. Asta picks up her fork in a similar fashion and eats. They understand now. They also changed their conversation away from work and money. Talking more about simple things like charities and family.
"Who are you?"
"Tim" Dick scolded him. 
"What do you mean?"
"you don't exist. Who are you?"
"I am Astarea, my friend calls me Asta" she said kindly not really understanding the question. 
"Where are you from?"
" Drake," Damian warned him. 
"I'm from here. Gotham. I was born here."
"no birth certificate"
Damian knuckles turned white as he held his fork tightly. She placed a hand on his wrist. "I was born in an alley to a homeless teenage mom. She didn't care if I had papers. Couldn't really afford them either."
"What happened to your mother?" Bruce asked. Asta started realizing this wasn't a dinner but an integration with some food. 
"She died when I was three-"
"You've been by yourself this whole time?" some were concerned, others were impressed.
" Oh no, no, no. um... A boy found me. A homeless boy, he took care of me until I was seven then I was officially on my own. Until I met Damian four years later. And I've enjoyed every moment since." She kissed his knuckles. Damian fought off the smile but couldn't hide his blush. Dick cooed at the sight of it. The others teased. Damian glared. He wanted to throw his knife and fork, but Alfred's presence kept him in check. 
" It's nice to work with someone who isn't completely incompetent," Damian said, trying his best to ignore his siblings. 
"Working with her?" Bruce was willing to look past or wait on something, but her being involved with their cases was not okay. 
"Gotham's Night Orphans," Damian jumped to explain. " It's a group of children and young adults in a crime alley and the Narrows. They work with each other to protect each other-"
"We find shelters and provide food, clothes, and medication. We've been recently trying to expand with -"
Then she remembered. Asta remembered she was planning a meeting with Red Hood and his gang to expand her own organization, but then everything hit the fan, and she forgot.
"So I'm guessing you're the one I was supposed to meet," Jason said  
" I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I am so sorry."
"What's happening now?" Duke asked. Everyone, except Damian, was confused as they watched Asta apologize profusely as Jason waved her off.
"It's alright, you've got a pretty good excuse for why you stood me up" Jason said 
"No excuse I should have tried to contact you as soon as I was able-"
"How about when you're ready we take sometime and have the meeting we originally planned, how does that sound?"
"I'd like that very much, thank you."
" Gotham's Night Orphan," Bruce said. Dinner had been far more productive than originally planned, learning more about her than intended but also still having more or new questions. The girl truly was an enigma, giving more questions than answers. At least they knew that she, too, was in the dark about her parentage. Hopefully, they'd learn more together. That's if she learned to trust them more.
"It's not a gang," Jason reassured him. " It's an underground organization run by kids. They do shelter, food, clothes, medication, hiding people-"
"Hiding people?" Tim looked back from the batcomputer 
"Yes, they hide people from their abusers and those who wish to take advantage of them." Red Hood and his gang did a lot of research on the group as they wanted to collaborate. Despite being mostly run by children, the group was well-organized and very effective. Definitely making changes in Gotham. 
"What does-"
"That's all I'm giving you. They're doing good work. Leave them be. " Jason said, putting his helmet on and hopping on his bike, peeling out of the case and leaving the others behind. His night had begun. 
"You need to rest," Damian said. He was already in bed waiting for her. Asta was sitting at the desk looking over her proposal for Red Hood and his gang. Now that she remembered, she was eager to get back on track and push the collaboration forward. She had rested enough in her mind, not that it was time to work.
Damian understood the feeling he wanted to work too, but knew rest was needed. And he'd rather rest with Asta than work. While Damian wasn't a part of the gang, technically, he did help Asta organize it better. He helped keep track of abandoned properties they could use and hide those reported missing. He also designed their symbols using his artistic abilities. He'd rather her rest and heal work could come tomorrow, or he could do it. 
"Astarea, please," she ignored him. He sighed, got out of bed, walking over to the desk. He took her pencil and placed it down. She began to protest. He ignored it, turned off the lamp, pulled her away, picked her up, walked her to bed, lucked her in, and joined her.
" I need to work. I-I need to help."
"And you will, tomorrow".
"I have a purpose here now," she whispers. He was too tired to ask her what she meant or discuss. 
"Even if you didn't, you'd always be welcome."
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violentvaleska · 4 months
𝑨𝒃𝒚𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔
ғᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ ᵈᵉᵃᵗʰ ᵐᵃʳᶜʰ
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ʟᴇᴠɪ ᴀᴄᴋᴇʀᴍᴀɴ x ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴡᴀʟʟ ᴍᴀʀɪᴀ ᴛʜᴇ sᴄᴏᴜᴛs ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ʙʀɪɴɢ ᴠɪᴄᴛɪᴍs. ʏᴇᴛ ʟᴇᴠɪ ᴀɴᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ɢɪᴠᴇ sᴏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ; ᴀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀ ʟɪғᴇ.
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ, ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ɢᴏʀᴇ, ᴀɴɢsᴛ
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀs: ↫ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜs ɴᴇxᴛ ↬
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ᴀ/ɴ: ʜᴇʏ ɢᴜʏs, ɪᴛ's ʙᴇᴇɴ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ! ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴍɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴏɴɢ ᴡᴀɪᴛ, ᴛʜɪs ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ᴀɴɢsᴛ, ʙᴜᴛ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴏʀʀʏ, ᴛʜɪs ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʙᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ ;)
ᴛᴀɢɢɪɴɢ: @ajmiila02 @xiernia @sunniisyde @raginginferno267
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Shiganshina could be so beautiful. There are wide lands, rivers and plenty of space for all the homeless refugees that currently either live in Rose, Sina or the underground city. You know it will spring back to life in just a year, you know that humanity will win today, but to what cost? Shiganshina is a forsaken hell, the souls of hundreds of soldiers will hound this district by the end of the day and yours might be part of it.
So far, everything has gone according to plan. Eren has successfully closed the outer gate and Armin has discovered something even you didn't see in your visions: Reiner and Bertolt are hiding inside the walls. A clever skit, you won't deny that. While most of the scouts check the surface of the wall, you stand at Levi's side and observe the situation.
"Tell me they will succeed." He speaks almost wearily, looking at you for the first time since last night. Your mood towards him is still sour, so you look at him sideways.
"I don't know. Though I've seen glimpses of this particular scenario. They'll attack soon." You explain, drawing the attention of Erwin, who exchanges a knowing look with Captain Levi. The smaller man nods his head curtly, watching the situation unfold before him as a smoke grenade fires into the air near him.
"Right here! This part of the wall is hollow!" The soldier closest to you shouts, catching Levi's attention as he draws his blade, ready to attack.
In a matter of seconds, everything collapses. Reiner appears out of nowhere and kills the soldier instantly. Next to you, the Captain jumps into action, using his ODM to fly down the wall. You gasp as his blade cuts into Reiner's neck and chest, causing his body to fall to the ground. But he's not dead, you don't know how, but it must be some kind of Titan ability. Levi notices too, cursing under his breath as he backs away from the spamming body on the ground. The strange situation comes to mind as you remember what's going to happen next.
"Behind us!" You scream at the same time as Commander Erwin tells his soldiers to keep their eyes open. Confused, Hange looks at you and opens her mouth to ask what you mean when golden lights blind you. Everyone turns their attention from the freshly-armoured titan in the direction of the source of the light, panic written on their faces.
You turn to face the Beast Titan and his army of what they call Abnormal Titans. There is nothing you can do but watch as the monkey grabs a large, round stone and swings it at the still-open inner gate.
"Incoming boulder! Get down!" The commander warns as his soldiers all drop to the ground except you. You know there's no need, as the beast wasn't aiming to kill, but to block the supply chains and eliminate the horses. Erwin seems to have read the idea of the intelligent titan as well, explaining to his soldiers the true purpose of his move.
"They have another intelligent titan. It's the quarterback type." Armin and Levi let out a sound of surprise at their commander's remark and looked at him with wide eyes.
"Though there may be others." He suspects as you step to his side and shake your head.
“Stop being a brat and get a grip of yourself.” Levi growls and takes your hand into his, surprising you and his Commander who is quietly watching the strange scenario unfold in front of him.
“Levi.” You say his name like it might be the last time you see him and right now you truly think it might be. Tightening your own grip on his hand you give him a small smile before you part away from him.
“I promise to bring as many of them back as possible.” You answer his first question saluting to him as sadness fills your eyes. You take a moment to observe him a last time, butterflies grazing your insides at the way he returns your longing look.
“I wish we had more time.” Is the last thing you say, as you strike into battle, using your gear to follow after your comrades.
You leave Levi feeling empty and perhaps he deserves it for doing the same thing yesterday. His eyes linger on the spot you just stood at, as he feels something strange pull on his heart. It feels like you just took a part of himself with you and he doesn't like that at all.
“I didn't know you two were involved. Honestly, I am surprised.” Erwin comments smiling at his friend warm heartedly.
“Tch. We weren't.” Is all Levi has to say before he leaves as well, into a different direction than you and he deeply hopes that you are wrong about your visions, because he won't be able to deal with another death otherwise.
Heavy breaths escape your lungs as you land on the ground, your eyes on the seemingly dead Reiner Braun. His nape is blown off and his body not moving as the thunder spears have done the trick to defeat him. You gape at the body you once thought to be a friend of yours until you predicted his betrayal to humanity. You wonder if he knew you before all of this, as he works closely with the beast titan. He might have, otherwise he would have killed you the moment he found out about your special gift. You appreciate the fact that he didn't though, which makes you now feel a little uneasy at the sight of his still armored titan. The others cheer, happy about the accomplishment of having defeated the traitor and enemy. But you know that it's not over yet, soon Bertolt will make his presence clear and as long as your visions hold truth it will take too many lives. Could you save them? Could you prevent it?
You look up into the sky, white clouds covering the endless blues as wind blows through your hair. But something breaks the picture; a round object cutting through the air at high speed, it's oddly shaped form spinning and swirly.
“What's that?” You hear a member of Hanges squad ask, perplexed as to why a barrel is thrown over Shiganshina.
“Not good.” You whisper as you notice something or rather someone crawl out of said wooden barrel, making you instantly look up to your squad which has taken its position on the rooftops.
"Hey! Go to Eren and stay with him. I don't want to see any of you running around freely.” You demand, sounding almost as harsh as Levi, but it has the desired effect as your friends quickly use their ODM to manoeuvre towards the attack titan. You, on the other hand, stay on the ground and walk towards the collapsed armoured titan. You need to make sure that Reiner is dead, because if he's not, you'll be in big trouble later on.
Hange leads her squad into the air, telling them to follow Bertolt's lead. Ignoring her, you take each step as you approach Reiner, your heart pounding. If he weren't already dead, you'd have to kill him now, and while you feel conflicted at the thought of having to face him and kill him, deep down you know it's the only way to save at least a few lives today. The moment you reach the titan's body, a yellow light colours your surroundings as your eyes widen in shock. Loud, electric thunders and explosions fill your eardrums and you twist your body at the same moment as the radius of the colossal Titan's transformation hits you, its wave whipping you back with such force that it takes your breath away.
Your body is a limb, ripped from the ground as the surrounding buildings shatter from the shockwave, its pieces colliding with your body, ripping your skin and breaking your leg as an ugly scream escapes your lips. There's barely time to register what's happening to you, yet it feels like time has been slowed down as you're hurled through the air in slow motion. Nothing is there, yet all at once your head is filled with memories of the past three years. But this time it's not a vision, no, this time it's your life passing by, showing you the last moments of your life. A few seconds later, you crash into a wall of rocks, stopping your body from spinning any further.
Your head hits the rock, and your shoulder blade and rib cage take most of the fall, fracturing them as well. It feels like the air is being forcefully squeezed out of your lungs as your body slowly slides down the wall, leaving a red trail of blood behind it. Your eyes slowly close as your head lolls forward, your limbs buckling as the right elbow of your arm sinks into a subluxation. "Is this it?" You wonder, coughing for air as the darkness swallows you into a deep hole.
"Is this the end?"
Levi is exhausted. He's covered in titan blood and he's damn tired. The hood's inhuman liquid slowly turns to smoke as he finishes off the last stupid humanoid creature that used to be human.
"Fuck." He curses as he realises that he doesn't even have time to take a break as the blonde lunatic who owns the Beast Titan has fled the scene with the help of the cart titan. With the last of his strength, he uses his equipment to climb the wall that stands between him and the last of the soldiers. He hopes at least some of them survived, after all he didn't quite have time to follow the events inside the walls.
He lands on the wall not as gracefully as he usually does, breathing heavily as he looks down at the roofs of the district, quickly noticing the strange image in front of him. There, not far from him, on one of the rooftops, are Eren Yeager and the traitor Bertolt Hoover, their bodies facing another building on which the enemy titan is hovering, carrying the bastard who killed his comrades. Exhausted, Levi lets himself slide over the edge, falling freely down the wall before activating the grapple and securing his fall on the nearest wall. His gas is low and his blades are basically useless at this point, while his body is severely weakened. He crashes to the roof where Eren is holding Bertolt, a heavy breath escaping his lungs as he turns to the boy, stressed. He could still make it.
"I've used the last of my gas. Quick, give me your equipment so I can go after him." He holds out his hand and at the same time notices another body behind Yeager. He can't make out who it is, it's badly burned and unrecognisable. But Levi doesn't have time to speculate now, his first priority is to finish off the ape like titan.
"Hurry!" He urges at the same time as a choked cough rings through the air and to his surprise the burnt body moves slightly, its chest heaving into the air as blood flies from its open mouth. Eren's eyes widen in sheer shock as he slowly turns to face the horrifying sight. The boy immediately jumps to his friend, screaming at him to keep going, to survive. The image is heartbreaking and sickening, it stinks in Levi's heart as he watches the scene, barely noticing that Mikasa has arrived at his side.
"Captain! Get the syringe!" Eren cries in panic, tears running down his cheeks in utter despair. Levi looks down, averting his eyes from his subordinate with a dark expression on his face. "Turn Armin into a titan, then we can let him eat Bertolt." He pleads with Captain Levi, clutching desperately at Hoover's unconscious body.
"Hurry up and inject him!" Ere's voice is high and full of sorrow as he can't understand why his role model isn't responding to his pleas. It takes Levi a moment to realise that the boy is right, and that Erwin would have wanted it this way, before he slips his hand under his coat and pulls out a small metal box from his inner pockets.
"Right." is all he dares to say as he offers it to Eren. He has to face the fact that there is no way he will be able to follow the wagon and the beast titan now, and it would at least be a victory if they got the colossal one in the process.
Another gasp makes the Captain pause and look to the side of the roof, where he notices a pair of hands appearing on the edge. This time, it's his turn to gulp down the body secured to Floch Forster's back.
"Levi, Captain," the new scout whispers, happiness colouring his features as he climbs up the roof with the last of his strength, the barely alive body of none other than Captain Erwin Smith slung over his shoulders.
“I finally found you. It's the Commander. He's hurt! His stomach is gouged and his insides are all torn to shreds. The blood just won't stop."
Erwin is terribly pale and there is hardly any sign of life in him. Still, Levi feels a knot in his stomach as he realises what this would mean for his dear friend and the scouts. He would be able to save the Commander, the man who has led the Scouts to greatness in recent years. It would mean that his dream would come true and that he would finally see the world out there, something he has been fighting for all these decades. He glances at Floch and the others for a moment, realising that his decision would determine their future. He needs your opinion now, otherwise this wont work out to humanities benefit.
"Where is Faye?" He asks aloud, glaring at Mikasa with a troubled look in his cold eyes.
"I need her to tell me the outcome of this." Levi immediately recognises the expression on his possible cousin's face, the way it trains from colour as she opens and closes her mouth. His heart ages at the realisation of what her silence means, and his body stiffens as another wave of sadness rises in his chest. Swallowing his inner torment and pain, Levi pulls back his still outstretched hand as he presses the box against the heavy pressure he feels on his chest. Trying to clear his mind of the outrageous images of the many ways your life could have ended, he turns his full attention to Private Forster, helping him lay Erwin down on the hard bricks of the roof.
"He's weak, but he's breathing." He announces, feeling a faint breath of air against his hand as he checks his status.
"Erwin, you are alive." Speaking the truth into the silence makes him feel the urge to seek you out, to see for himself if you're still alive. Maybe Mikasa was wrong and he could save you instead. But deep down, Levi knows that it would take too much time, and in the end, it would take away their chance to fully transform someone into the colossal titan.
"You know it has to happen. Erwin gets the shot." Levi finally says out loud what's been on everyone's mind as Eren growls in pure aggression and stands up to tower over Levi. Sadness consumes him, while Levi is filled with numbness. He lets Eren speak his mind, but doesn't break under the betrayal he's just slapped in the titan shifter's face.
"I will revive the person who can save humanity." His words cut deep, pushing Mikasa over the edge as she pulls her blade free and stares at her Captain with an emotion he's never seen before: fear.
He knew the two brats wouldn't be compliant, but he hadn't expected them to attack him in another argument about his decision. He is able to fend off Eren, hitting him on the cheek with the box as force and gravity play their part in knocking him down hard, but he isn't so lucky with Mikasa, as she throws his already strained body off and hovers over him with her blade at his blow. She cries in agony, fighting Levi with tears in her eyes that remind him far too much of the same pain he endured when he saw his friends die all those years ago. He feels their pain, but he can't help them and plays into their hands. Even now, when Eren begins to remind him of Armin Arlert's great spirit, he still can't give in, not when there is a chance to save his leader, his own friend.
But there is something Floch says that catches his attention. "If we're going to stand a chance against the Titans, we need a devil! I realised that's what Erwin is." Levi's eyes widen again at the realisation. Yes, Erwin is the devil and you were his pawn, his little ace to play when things didn't go as planned. You saw him die, Erwin knew he was going to die and yet he decided to go ahead with his plan to retake Wall Maria. Levi must accept the fact that Erwin came here to fight one last time, to bring victory to humanity at the cost of his own life. His death was written in faith, and who was Levi to question what was decided for Erwin in the first place?
With the appearance of Hange and the rest of his team, Levi is freed from the hysterical girl, now held back by his only other living friend. He prepares the syringe, looking between Armin and Erwin, teeth gnashing and a frown on his bloodied face. He blocks out Mikasa's sobs and Hange's loud, arguing voice to concentrate on his decision. His eyes dart from one to the other as he closes them for a second, trying to imagine what would happen if he used it on the wrong one. In the end, Levi makes up his mind, and much to everyone's surprise, it's not Erwin who gets the shot. It was a close call, but Levi remembered: Erwin has become the devil and led hundreds to their deaths to reach the cellar. He has chosen his own death, and Levi won't be the one to follow him back to hell.
Having discovered and secured the interior of Dr Yeager's cellar, they have decided to collect the bodies of the fallen in the hope of burying as many as possible. Hange's entire squad, including Moblit, have been decimated by the colossal titan's transformation, their bodies reduced to ashes. The majority of the dead are within Wall Maria, and they would certainly need help to bring them all back to their families.
"Mikasa. Where is her body?" Levi asks the black-haired soldier, his voice raspy and his body aching from the war. Mikasa and Jean exchange a look, as the taller one sights and gestures to the Captain to follow after him.
"She was about to kill Reiner when Bertolt transformed. The blast was too strong and she crashed into a wall. Before that she told us to stay with Eren to be safe." He informs Captain Levi, clear sadness breaking through his usually cocky voice.
After walking around the block, Levi stops and stares straight ahead, his eyes locked with a hunched figure lying in an unnatural crouch under a blood-spattered wall.
"I'll leave you alone." Jean offers in a hushed voice and slowly backs away, giving his captain the space he needs. None of his subordinates knows the nature of their relationship, although there have been quiet rumours since Eren's trial. The fact that Mikasa Ackerman saw them in the woods all those nights ago certainly didn't help their case. Levi slowly makes his way to your body, his heart pounding against his chest as he reaches you, the silence slowly becoming suffocating.
The first thing he notices is your dislocated leg and shoulder, then the many cuts and scratches all over your body. Your head and face are covered in your own blood from a severe head wound. Your skin underneath is pale and drained of all colour. He remembers how you blushed at him, making him feel even sicker. Levi slowly breaks down, falling to his knees as he closes his eyes, trying to keep the tears from breaking through his lids, but it's no use. When he opens them again, a few drops find their way out and roll down his cheeks as he finds it impossible to breathe.
Captain Levi leans down, devastated by the sight of your motionless body. You told him your visions would end today, and that you always suspected your end was near. He didn't believe you, or rather, he didn't want to. How could he?
"I'm sorry." He whispers as he leans down to hold you to him one last time. The first thing he notices is that your skin is warm, not cold like his dead mother's hand. The second thing he finds to be strange is that your fragile form has had the rigor mortis to set in just yet and it must have already been three hours since your passing.
But then he feels it, the faint breath leaving your lips, tingling his cheek and the barely perceptible rise and fall of your chest. At first Levi thought his mind was playing a morbid trick on him, but after checking again Evi is sure that's not the case.
"Faye!" He shouts, gripping your shoulder as if to shake you awake. But it's no use, because Levi is already thinking about his next move. He simply scoops you up in his arms and quickly makes his way to his comrades, a mixture of relief and a furry twist in his stomach.
Whoever confirmed your 'death' will have to face the consequences as the Captain sees fit.
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daisynik7 · 2 years
Chapter 2: Exchange
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
cw: underage drinking, vaginal fingering, blowjob, asshole!Eren
Summary: The first exchange between Sigma Nu Kappa and Alpha Tau is underway.
Chapter title inspired by the song "Exchange" by Bryson Tiller.
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Rush Series Masterlist
Friday night around 10:30 PM, the Alpha Tau brothers are gathered in Mike’s off campus home, the unofficial party house of the fraternity. They start setting up for their first exchange of the semester with the Sigma Nu Kappa sorority. Mike and Erwin come back from the store with a wagon each full of alcohol and chasers. 
Eren hangs around the kitchen, watching them concoct jungle juice in a five-gallon Gatorade dispenser. Mike hastily pours in a fifth of Tito’s vodka, a fifth of Malibu rum, a bottle of Peach Schnapps, two liters of Sprite, and a gallon of fruit punch. He sprinkles in two packs of blue Kool-Aid as a garnish, then drowns an entire bag of ice before mixing the brew with a large wooden spoon. He lowers his face near the liquid surface to take a big whiff, then smirks at Eren. “Perfect. This will be gone in less than thirty minutes, so someone will need to make it again. You’re off the hook for tonight, but it's good you learn the recipe.”
Erwin is near them, stocking the fridge up with beer and White Claws. When he walks away to dump the cardboard boxes outside, Mike quickly adds, “Bitches love this shit. You’ll see.”
Eren smirks at Mike’s vulgarity before Erwin comes back, observing him. “Eren. Not to be so crass, but are you going to do something about your hair?”
He runs his fingers through his shoulder-length, straight hair. “Uh, I wasn’t planning to.”
Levi joins them in the kitchen. “You look like a homeless person,” he states, completely serious. 
Eren never really paid attention to his appearance. Growing out his hair this summer wasn’t exactly a personal choice; he was just too lazy to get it cut. But he knew it was getting out of hand, especially when he started having to tie it into a ponytail while he worked out. 
“I guess I can tie it up,” he offers, suddenly self-conscious. 
“Dude, you should put it in a man bun. Women love that,” Mike suggests. He approaches the younger man cautiously with his hands up. “May I?”
Eren shrugs, letting Mike work whatever magic he was about to conjure. He feels the senior tugging most of his hair back, the strands pulling on his scalp as it’s wrapped into a bun. With one hand out, Mike demands, “Hair tie.”
Luckily, Eren has one already wrapped around his wrist, which he extends to Mike. When he’s finished, the three seniors eye him curiously, making Eren feel even more uneasy. 
Levi speaks first. “Shit, Jaeger.”
“Better. Much better,” Erwin compliments. 
“You owe me if this gets you laid tonight,” Mike jokes, with a pleased smile on his face.
Confused by their reactions, Eren strides towards the mirror near the front door and studies his new look. Most of his hair is wrapped up in a low bun, minus a thin layer covering the back of his neck. A few of his baby hairs fall across his forehead. He studies his reflection for several seconds, slightly narrowed green eyes staring back at him. 
He hears steps coming down the stairs and turns around to see Connie with Armin, who looks at him with wide eyes. “Eren! Your hair!”
Connie exclaims, “Eren rocking the man bun! Looking good, bro!”
Eren rubs the back of his neck, trying to keep a neutral expression. He doesn’t take praise very well, but he’s certainly not opposed to it. 
More brothers start arriving to the house, some bringing extra alcohol with them. Jean and Marco come already tipsy, having pre-gamed at a soccer party right before. Some of the SNK girls also make their entrance. President Hange and a fellow senior, Nanabe, come in with brother Moblit. They introduce themselves to the new pledges first, Hange especially taking a special interest in Eren. “Whoa, who’s this guy?! He’s intense!”
The house is bustling with music, chatter, and laughter as more people file in. There’s beer pong set up in the living room, as well as a keg stand placed at the corner. In the kitchen, Nanabe gets the first taste of Mike’s special concoction. “Yup, Mike definitely made this. Literally can’t taste the alcohol,” she comments with a smirk, chugging her Red Solo cup before filling it up again. 
Hange immediately gets a helping and drinks it casually as she chats with Levi, who sips on a La Croix. Eren remembers that he’s sober monitor tonight, meaning he remains sober throughout the night in case of an emergency. In fact, Levi volunteers to be sober monitor at every social event, considering he doesn’t drink at all.
Eren dispenses the jungle juice into a cup and hands it over to Armin, who takes it nervously. Once they’re both equipped with the sweetened liquor, they cheers then chug. Nanabe is right. There’s barely a hint of alcohol.
And that’s what makes it dangerously good. 
They fill their cups to the brim before making their way to the corner of the living room, where they watch the first volunteer christen the keg stand. It’s Jean, who’s held upside down by Erwin and Mike on either side as a group of brothers surround them and chant, “Drink, motherfucker, drink!” 
After Jean’s turn is over, he places himself between Armin and Eren, belching loudly. “Where are the rest of the chicks?!”
Armin answers, “Mikasa texted me that they’ll be here soon. They’re pre-gaming with Petra first before they get here.”
“Who the fuck is Mikasa?” Jean slurs. 
“Our friend,” Eren states, pushing him away before he burps again in their faces. “Armin, let’s wait for her near the front.” 
They push their way through the crowd and sit next to Connie on the couch, who already looks a little high. “You guys want one?” Connie asks, handing them a bag of gummy bears.
“Sure!” Armin reaches into the packet before Eren snatches his hand away. 
“Those are edibles, Armin. They’re strong.” He glares at Connie, who shrugs and puts the bag back in his pocket. 
“I do want to try one time. For research purposes,” Armin notes. “Maybe when I’m not drinking.”
“Yeah dude, just let me know. I’ll hook you up. Gunther brought a bong if you wanna observe. We’re gonna smoke in the garage later,” Connie explains lazily. 
Armin nods, genuinely intrigued. “I’d love to observe.”
Eren gets off the couch to grab a few beers from the fridge. Nearby, Hange and Levi stand against the counter, chatting. 
“Jaeger. You good?” Levi asks, nursing his sparking water.
“Yeah. Just getting more alcohol.”
“When’s my dear cousin arriving?” 
Eren chuckles. “Fuck, I keep forgetting you two are related. I don’t know when she’s coming. Haven’t talked to her much recently.”
Hange interjects. “Why? Too cool for us Sigma Nu Kappa’s? Is that it?” She readjusts the glasses on her face, staring at him closely.
He furrows his brows at her, put off by her creepy attitude. “It’s not that. I’ve just been preoccupied.”
She lets out a “tsk” before drinking from her cup. Levi rolls his eyes at her before saying, “Ignore Four-Eyes here. She doesn’t like to admit it, but she’s a whore for drama. So much that she intentionally tries to start shit.” He playfully kicks her ankle as she smirks into her cup. “Where the fuck is Petra anyways, Madame President? She was supposed to be here already with the new pledges. It’s already almost midnight.”
“She texted me that they’re on their way. They had a teeny tiny issue that’s been resolved.”
A few minutes later, the front door swings open and a short girl with ginger hair leads a group of younger women in, who stagger in giggling. Mikasa stands directly behind her, wearing a black sports bra with grey joggers. Eren rolls his eyes with a small smirk, thinking how typical it is of her to be wearing workout clothes at a party.
Armin is the first to greet her. “Mikasa! You finally made it!”
She giggles, then hiccups. “Armin! Where have you been all night?” She taps his nose with her finger and giggles again. 
“Uhhh, I’ve been here. Where have you been?”
In a poor attempt at a whisper, she slurs, “It’s supposed to be a secret, but we pre-gamed in Petra’s room, shhhhh. We’re not supposed to drink in the house.” She shoves a finger against Armin’s lip, who just smiles. “Have you ever tried this thing called ‘alcohol’? This stuff is great!”
Unable to contain himself, Armin laughs. “Mikasa, I think you’re drunk.”
“No ‘m not! You’re drunk! And you!” She points her finger to Eren, who now stands beside them with his hands in his pockets. “What’re you doing here?! You’ve been MIA the past month and the first place I see you is at a…a fucking frat party?! And what’s with your hair?!”
Eren grasps her finger and chuckles. “Hi Mikasa. It’s nice to see you too. I’m sorry for being MIA.”
“Fuck you, Eren Jaeger! You’re dead to me! Now, where’s the alcohol?” She stumbles away from them and follows Petra towards the kitchen. 
“She doesn’t mean that. She’s just drunk.”
Another girl now stands in Mikasa’s place. Eren just notices her. Has she been there the whole time?
Armin greets her with a hug, seemingly already being acquainted. “For some reason, Mikasa being a belligerent drunk is not surprising.”
“Who are you?” Eren blurts out.
“I’m Mikasa’s pledge sister and roommate,” she explains, introducing her name. 
“Oh,” is all he says. 
Nothing about her stands out, maybe except for the bright smile on her face. She seems nice enough. But mostly unassuming. Plain. Boring. Not exactly the type of girl Eren needs if he is to live out his new life as a frat boy. 
So, he disengages and lets Armin continue chatting with her, thinking he’ll never interact with her again. 
That’s all he says when you introduce yourself. Oh.
What the fuck?
You already had a bad impression of this guy based on Mikasa’s struggles with him, but to meet him in the flesh and be totally spot on still surprises you. There’s no formal introduction. Not even a “Nice to meet you”, like any normal person would do. Why are Mikasa and Armin friends with this douche? 
It doesn’t help that he’s fucking hot. Black t-shirt stretched tight against his tone body, unzipped grey jacket hanging loosely over it. He wears black Adidas joggers, the ones with the white stripes down the sides. He’s giving I didn’t put any effort into my appearance, but I know I look fucking good. And that man bun. Sheesh. 
There’s no denying it; you’re attracted to him. You can’t help yourself. It’s your weakness. You internally berate yourself for being so fucking basic. 
Even with that tiny interaction nagging away at your brain, you can’t help but sneak glances at him as he leans against the counter, one hand in his jacket pocket, the other tipping a Red Solo cup to his lips. The prominent Adam’s apple bobbing up and down as he slowly swallows the liquid down his throat. You let your mind wander for a few seconds, imagining the nasty things he could do to you with that mouth, how his thick neck would wobble as he drinks you up. 
Fuck. Snap out of it. You’re not even that drunk. Pull yourself together. 
You sit beside Sasha on the couch, watching Mikasa interact with her friends from the corner of your eye. They take shots together, everyone except Eren grimacing at the taste of tequila. But overall, she looks happy. Just a few hours ago, she was pacing back and forth in your room, worried about seeing Eren, concerned about making it awkward. Maybe that was the motivating factor for her to get drunk while pre-gaming in Petra’s room at the sorority house. 
Next to Sasha is an Alpha Tau brother with shaved hair, who introduces himself as Connie. He snacks on a bag of potato chips, offering it to you and Sasha, which she gladly accepts. Before you know it, Eren sits beside you on the couch. He lets himself sink into the cushions before handing you a cup filled with something that looks like fruit punch.
“Mikasa told me to give you a drink,” he says, without looking at you.
You take it, muttering a quiet, “Thank you,” before taking a sip. It tastes exactly like fruit punch, but you know it’s not just that. 
“What’s your name again?”
Wow. Of course, he forgets your name. In theory, you should detest this guy. But feeling his knee brush against yours on the couch makes you throw all self-respect out the window. Why are you like this? You repeat your name, trying to be nonchalant. 
“Thanks for keeping Mikasa company the past few weeks. I’ve been a shitty friend to her,” he admits. “She doesn’t deserve it.”
“No, she doesn’t,” you respond.
“Why did she choose SNK anyways? She could have gotten into any of the other ones.” 
“What are you implying?” you ask. His question bothers you. As if there is an underlying meaning behind it. 
“SNK doesn’t have the best reputation on campus.”
There it is.
“Not everyone joins a sorority for the reputation,” you argue. “She picked the sorority where she felt the most comfortable at. Maybe that kind of stuff isn’t important to you, but to others, it is.” 
He’s looking at you now, green eyes narrowed slightly, studying you. “You’re right. That isn’t important to me.” He finishes the rest of his drink before he continues. “Guys join frats to party and fuck, and that’s what I intend to do. And I know Mikasa probably has some strong opinions on that, but I don’t care. She can’t do anything to stop me.”
“Why are you telling me this?” you shoot back at him. 
“Because you’re her roommate and sister now. And I’d appreciate it if you continue to keep her distracted, so that she doesn’t spend all her time worrying about me. Which I know she did before joining.” He gives you a cocky smirk. 
“I spend time with her because I care about her. I’m not going to do it for your sake.”
“As long as she stays out of my way, I don’t care.” He stands up to walk back to the kitchen. You remain seated, a bit flabbergasted by your conversation with him. Taking a few moments to take in what just happened, you come to a realization. 
Eren Jaeger is nothing but trouble.
It’s not his intention to be a dick. But that’s the way he comes off, and he’s fully aware of it. 
Does he care? Not so much. 
He’s thinks back to a few hours earlier, when he was pre-gaming in Reiner and Bertolt’s room in the fraternity house, both of whom are currently missing from the party. 
“Erwin may say all this bullshit about Alpha Tau’s being men of honor. But at the end of the day, we’re still just men. And we have needs. Don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way of getting what you want. If you want to get black out drunk at a party, do it. If you want to get high with Gunther and Connie, go get fucking high as a kite. And if you want to fuck as many women as you want, fucking do it. With consent, of course. Let fucking loose, Eren. That’s what being in a frat is all about.” Reiner finishes his monologue by taking a swig of the handle they pass around to each other. Bertolt only nods in agreement. 
Per the advice of his big brother, he’s going to do what he wants and whoever he wants. No more worrying about what other people think about him, especially Mikasa or Armin. He stills cares for them, but he’s not going to let them stop him.  
He checks his phone to read the text Reiner sent him an hour ago. 
Reiner: at eta iota party off campus. lots of hot chicks 
Reiner: come thru
An address is listed under the text. He knows Reiner doesn’t care about Alpha Tau’s partnership with Sigma Nu Kappa. And Bertolt just follows wherever he goes, so Eren’s not surprised they’re partying with another sorority. In a way, he respects it. Reiner does whatever the fuck he wants without a care for anybody but himself. 
Eren approaches Armin in the kitchen and whispers, “I’m heading out to another party. See you later.”
“Huh? You’re leaving?” Armin yells, cheeks flushed with intoxication. 
Mikasa, who’s chatting with Levi, turns around swiftly to demand, “You are not leaving, Eren Jaeger!”
“We’re not even doing anything. We’re just standing around here drinking. I’m meeting Reiner somewhere else,” Eren explains, trying to walk away as Mikasa and Armin tug on both of his sleeves.
“Why don’t you pledges get to know each other better? Go play a game or something in Mike’s room upstairs. He’s got Mario Kart,” Levi suggests.
“Eren! There’s Mario Kart!”
“Please stay!”
So much for doing what he wants. Maybe it’s the least he could do considering how distant he’s been with Mikasa. Just this once is he going to let his friends convince him to stay. But under his rules, his conditions. 
“Let’s play a drinking game. Truth or dare. With SNK and Alpha Tau pledges. Let’s go,” he commands, grabbing an unopened bottle of vodka from the shelf and a couple of cups.
Levi wrangles the pledge brothers while Hange collects the new sisters, directing them upstairs to Mike’s room. It’s spacious enough for all of them to gather around, some sitting up on the bed, the others on the floor. Jean sits backwards on a chair near a desk, holding a cup of jungle juice in his hand.
“Have fun, babies!” Hange shouts, before closing the door. 
“Whoever doesn’t have a drink, fill up,” Eren orders, passing the cups and vodka around to those without a drink. 
“Ugh, no chaser? Really?” Ymir complains as she pours a small amount of liquor in her new cup. 
“Chasers are for pussies,” Jean chides. “I’m sure you could handle it,” he adds, with a wink. Ymir rolls her eyes, looking more disgusted.
“Anybody want a hit?” Connie offers his joint, passing it first to Sasha, who takes it. 
After everyone is settled in with a drink in hand, they start the game. “Alright, the game is Truth or Dare. If you refuse to answer a question or do a dare, you drink. Got it?”
Eren starts it off. “Horse-face, truth or dare?”
Jean growls, “Fuck you, Jaeger. Truth.”
“Fuck, Marry, Kill: Armin, Marco, Connie.”
The girls burst into laughter as the named brothers protest. Eren smirks. He’s going to have a lot of fun with this. 
“Fuck. I’m not answering that.”
“Then drink.”
“C’mon, Jean, just answer! This is a fun one,” Christa giggles.
“Fine. Fuck Marco, marry Armin, kill Connie, alright?”
Everyone in the room screams now, Jean’s cheeks glowing bright red as he takes a sip of his drink anyways. Armin and Marco cackle loudly as Connie yells out, “You’d kill me over the other two! I thought what we had was special, man!”
Jean faces Mikasa and says “Mikasa, right? Truth or dare?” 
“Have you and Eren ever hooked up?”
As the room hushes, waiting for the answer everyone is curious about, she answers, “No” with a calm expression on her face. 
“Wow, seriously?”
“I thought for sure you two have done it.”
“Gross, we’re like brother and sister. That’d be like incest,” Mikasa comments, sipping on her spiked fruit punch. “Sasha, truth or dare?”
“Text your boyfriend, ‘I wanna do anal’ and show us what he says.”
“Hell no! I don’t want to do anal! I’m fucking drinking instead.” she cries out, taking a large gulp of vodka as people laugh.
Sasha looks directly next to Mikasa, at the roommate. She says her name, then “Truth or dare?”
"Truth," she answers, timidly.
“Who do you think is the hottest guy in this room?”
Fuck. You knew Sasha would ask you some dumb shit. 
Suddenly, you feel so many pairs of eyes on you as blood rushes into your cheeks. You hear Mikasa whisper beside you, "You can just drink if you want."
How do you expect to raise your confidence when you shy away from the simplest questions like this? It’s not a big deal. At the end of the day, it’s just an opinion that won’t mean anything to anyone. It won’t result in anything. 
Mustering up the courage, you respond, “No, it’s fine. I’ll answer it.”
“Who is it, then?” Annie pushes. 
“Eren. I think Eren is the hottest guy here.” You turn your head towards the carpet on the floor, avoiding eye contact with everyone, especially him. The snickers of your surrounding peers are drowned out by the ringing in your ears from embarrassment. You think you feel his gaze on you, but you’re too shy to confirm. 
Mikasa rubs your back affectionately. You can hear her amused smile as she reminds you, “Now you can ask someone else.” 
“Oh right. Um, Ymir, truth or dare.”
“Um…Okay, hold on.” Still mortified, it takes a few seconds before you state, “Sit on Jean’s lap for the rest of the game.”
Jean turns around to sit properly in the chair and pats his lap. “Come here, baby.”
“Do not call me, baby, horse-face,” she spits out as she leaves the bed to fulfill the dare. Everyone hollers at her as she waves her middle finger around the room. 
A few more dares are fulfilled, and some truths are revealed. Christa is dared to suck on Armin’s thumb for ten seconds, which she does. Marco reveals the craziest place he’s had sex, which was in the middle of the soccer field just a couple of days ago. Armin gets asked what his favorite sex position is, to which everyone is surprised to learn that it’s doggy style. Connie is forced to admit which two girls in the room he’d be willing to have a threesome with, resulting in Christa and Ymir being flattered and disgusted, respectively. Eren easily answers what one of his kinks are, which is being called “daddy”, causing you and Mikasa to roll your eyes. Annie is dared to text Bertolt ‘I’m horny’, to which she vehemently refuses and ends up chugging her entire cup of jungle juice. 
Everyone is more drunk than when they started the game, liquor being consumed regardless of if a truth or dare is denied. The vodka bottle is empty and it’s already past 1 AM. Mikasa rests her head on your shoulder, closing her eyes in her drunken stupor. 
Annie asks the last question. “Truth or dare?” she looks to you.
“Huh? Why me again?” you whine.
“Because it’s fun watching you get all embarrassed,” she responds, a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. You flip her the bird, making her cackle. “Truth or dare, loser?”
Feeling bold, you reply, “Dare.”
There’s a wicked look in her eyes when she dares, “Kiss the hottest guy in the room. With tongue.”
Jean scoffs. “What are we, fourteen?”
“Shut up, horse-face. This is her first kiss.”
A collective “ooooohhh” chimes throughout the room. Fuck Annie Leonhart. You told your sisters this in confidence. You weren’t expecting this to be broadcast to the entire pledge class of Alpha Tau. 
“Go ahead. Kiss him. Virgin.”
“Annie, shut the fuck up,” Mikasa growls.
“Leave her alone,” Sasha pleads.
“I’m just trying to help her out. It’s just a kiss. What, are you wanting it to be special or some shit?” She lets out a nasty laugh. 
“Annie, you’re being mean,” Armin utters. “You shouldn’t pressure people to do things they’re uncomfortable with.”
“I’ll do it,” you say, as defiantly and confidently as you can.
As nice as it is to hear your friends defend you, at the same time, you feel embarrassed needing to be defended over something as silly as this. Annie’s right; it’s just a kiss. You’re nearly 20-years-old; it’s about time you’ve kissed someone. This is college. No more waiting for the “perfect moment”.
You finally face Eren, having avoided him since your first truth almost an hour ago. His expression remains neutral when he says, “Maybe I don’t want to kiss her.” 
“Eren!” Mikasa yells out. Seriously, what is this guy’s problem?
Taken aback from his comment, you quickly blurt out, “Fine then, I’ll just drink.” You desperately throw back the cup into your mouth, but no liquid is left. There’s ringing in your ears again; it’s enough to distract you from the uncomfortable silence that fills the room. Embarrassed and ashamed, you get up, balance off from your intoxication, and stumble out the room.
There’s another bedroom across the hall with the door ajar. You quietly sneak in, taking a quick scan in the darkness to confirm it’s unoccupied. Once inside, you close the door and sit against it, burying your face in your hands. Your cheeks are hot. From the alcohol, the humiliation, the anger. Anger at Annie for putting you in this mortifying situation and revealing your lack of experience in such a mean fashion. Anger at that asshole Eren for further embarrassing you by refusing your kiss. 
Maybe I don’t want to kiss her.
The words sting more and more as you repeat it over in your head. What did you really expect? That Eren Jaeger would open his arms to you and give you your first kiss? Why would he ever want to kiss you? He has every right to refuse. But it still hurts, especially getting rejected in front of people, some of whom are your friends.  
On the other side of the door, you hear movement and chatter. They’re starting to make their way out of the room and back downstairs to the rest of the party. You feel your phone vibrate in your back pocket. 
Mikasa: where are you?
Not wanting her to worry, you text her back, telling her your current location. Within minutes, you hear steps approaching the room, then a small knock. You get up from the floor and open the door, expecting to see Mikasa. 
Instead, it’s Eren. 
Before you can react, he pushes his way in, closing the door and locking it. Even in the pitch black, you can see the intensity in his striking green eyes. 
Suddenly, his lips are on yours. One hand grips the back of your neck, the other slides down to your waist. His tongue grazes your lips, the intimate feeling of it surprising you. Your hands grip at his chest, fists bunching up against his black t-shirt, pressing yourself closer to him. You’re unsure what to do with your mouth, so you part your lips instinctually to let him deepen the kiss, which he does. When you feel his tongue against yours, you let out a soft moan.
Finally aware of what is happening, you push away from him just enough to break the kiss. Through shallow breaths, you ask, “What are you doing?”
He licks his lips before answering, “Giving you your first kiss.” The expression on his face continues to remain neutral. You have no idea what’s going on in his head and it makes you anxious.
“I don’t get you.” You release your hold on him to cross your arms over your chest, gaze focused on the floor. “You embarrass me in front of everyone, then you come in here and kiss me. I don’t understand.”
He tilts his head to the side, looking at you curiously. “You didn’t like it?”
“It’s not that I didn’t like it. You just…you confuse me.”
“I didn’t want to kiss you in front of everyone. PDA is not really my thing.”
“It wasn’t PDA, it was a game.” 
After a few seconds of silence, the two of you still standing in front of each other in the dark, he says, “I’ll make it up to you.”
"What do you mean?”
He steps towards you, tipping his head down to whisper in your ear, “Let me make you feel good.”
Eren sees before him a girl who, just a few moments ago, looked so pitiful in the room after being rejected of her first kiss. It’s true; he doesn’t like kissing in front of others. He said it without thinking how she would react. 
What he didn’t expect was for her to stagger out of the room like that. Everyone stared at him like he was the bad guy, like he is a bad guy. Mikasa was glaring daggers at him. Armin muttered something along the lines of, “You could have been a little nicer, Eren.” Even Annie, the instigator of this whole fucking mess, looked guilty. 
When everyone starts to leave the room to go back to the party downstairs, Eren notices the door across the hall is now closed. He isn’t quite sure what compels him to walk over there. Before he does, he stalls by using the bathroom, contemplating what he wants to do as he washes his hands. Does he feel guilty? Maybe a little bit. He’s trying out this new “frat boy” lifestyle of not giving a fuck, but he still finds himself being guilted into doing things. Like earlier, when Mikasa and Armin begged him to stay at this party. Or like now, how this girl he doesn’t even know is guilting him into feeling like a total asshole. 
He decides to walk over to the room, certain she’s in there, wallowing in her self-pity. And when she opens the door to let him in, he thinks with his dick before his brain and kisses her. It’s not a good kiss. It’s not fair to expect her to know what to do, especially since this is her first. 
But when she parts her lips, he feels something. As if she’s so eager to open up for him; she’s willing to let him take control. And when she moans against his mouth, he can’t help but get turned on. He starts thinking of all the nasty things he could do to this pure, unsullied virgin.
It's wrong, it’s corrupt, it’s lewd. Maybe it’s another shameless kink he has. But he doesn’t care. 
He’s going to get what he wants. 
“Let me make you feel good,” he whispers. 
Her eyes widen. Is it fear? Apprehension? Arousal?
His question is answered when she closes the space between them, her hands fisting his shirt and pulling him closer. They kiss, mouths open and tongues sloppy against each other. He hooks his thumbs on the belt loops of her jeans and pulls her towards the bed with only the dim moonlight from the window guiding them in the darkness.
They stumble onto the bed together, her on top of him, kissing while their hands roam around each other’s bodies. When he slides his fingers to the hem of her pants, he asks, “Can I touch you?”
When she says, “Yes,” he quickly unbuttons and unzips her jeans. She slides out of her pants, clad in only her panties from the waist down. He feels for her pussy, finding a wet spot already forming on the cloth. He chuckles against her ear and purrs, “Already wet for me, huh?”
He slides his middle finger past the fabric, her pussy plush and wet from arousal. When he slips inside her, he feels her stiffen against him. 
“Is this okay?” he asks.
She nods but doesn’t say anything. She must be nervous. Before he goes any deeper, he tells her, “Just relax. I’ll take care of you.”
In a quiet voice, she obliges. “Okay.”
He fingers her gently, listening for any sounds of pleasure from her lips. Her body relaxes on top of him as she starts moaning softly against his neck. 
“Think you can take another finger?” he asks, his cock hard beneath her. 
“Yes. I can take it.”
He slips his ring finger with his middle and fucks her slowly. After several pumps, he slows his pace and finds her grinding against him on her own.
In a low voice, he hums, “Yeah, fuck yourself on my fingers. Just like that. Good girl.” 
She moans as she moves herself onto him, the wet noises from her arousal like music to his ears. He guides his thumb over to her clit and starts rubbing it gently, waiting to hear her reaction. She whimpers at his touch, making him rub her clit faster and harder as he presses his fingers deeper into her cunt. 
Does she ever touch herself like this? Does she know how to make herself feel good? He can’t help but wonder as he feels her pussy tighten around his digits, cum coating his ring and index finger with each thrust. She’s rigid above him, mouth open in a silent moan as she rides out the rest of her orgasm against his palm. He keeps touching her until she relaxes beside him on the bed, eyes dazed and breath shallow. He removes himself from her and stares at his glistening hand. 
For a split second, he��s tempted to suck her cum off his fingers. But he quickly shuts down the idea in his head, convincing himself that such an act is too intimate, too nasty to be shared between two strangers. 
Instead, he shoves his hand down his pants to wrap his wet fingers around his hard cock and starts stroking himself. 
In her haze, she pulls his pants and briefs down his legs to expose his erection. She reaches her hand over his and whispers, “Let me make you feel good.”
Hearing her repeat his own words from just a few minutes ago makes his cock twitch. He smirks at her and teases, “Do you know how?”
She sits up and kneels next to him, her head down at his abdomen. “Can you teach me?” With her mouth open, she sticks her tongue out. Ready and willing for him. 
 “Show me what you can do first.”
Without hesitation, she wraps his lips around the tip of his cock as he strokes his shaft. The feel of her warm mouth around him makes him tense up with pleasure. He removes his hand and sits up on his elbows to get a better look at her. “Go ahead. Show me what this virgin can do.”
He watches her intently as she takes him into her mouth. From this angle, he can only see the back of her head bobbing back and forth. What he can’t see, she makes up for in touch. The way her wetted lips wrap around him, the slide of her tongue as she drags it up and down his shaft. Her nose brushing against the hair on his groin with every plunge. How her first three fingers grip the base of his cock while her pinky and ring graze against his balls. If only he could see the way she makes his cock disappear down her throat.
It's not necessarily the best blowjob he’s ever received. To be fair, this is her first time. But for someone who claims to lack experience, she sure is eager. Eager to do a good job. Eager to make him come. 
As he reaches his orgasm, he warns her, “I’m gonna come,” tugging lightly at her hair to pull her off. She releases his dick from her mouth, as he expects. But then, she lays the tip on her tongue as she strokes his cock vigorously.
“Fuck,” he mutters, shutting his eyes and releasing his cum into her mouth. When he’s spent, she sits up and faces him. Even through the darkness of the room, he sees her lips, shiny from spit and slick as she swallows his load. He shudders at the sight.
You lay your head on the pillow beside Eren. His eyes are still shut from his high when he asks, “Where did you learn to do that?”
“Just because I’m a virgin doesn’t mean I’m not horny. I watch porn and read things online,” you answer, matter of fact.
He lets out a small laugh. “I guess I didn’t think of that.”
You lay in silence next to each other for another minute or two, before he says, “Just so you know, this is going to be a one-time kind of thing, alright?”
It catches you off guard. As calmly as you can muster, you respond, “If you say so.”
“I just don’t find you interesting enough to keep this going.”
Ouch. Again, attempting to keep your composure, you comment, “Well, thanks for being honest, I guess.” How else are you to supposed to respond to a cold statement like that?
With the sudden mood change, you decide it’s best to just leave. You get up, grab your jeans from the floor, and slide them back on, ignoring momentarily the nature of your wet panties. Eren stays still on the bed, eyes open and staring up at the ceiling. 
You shuffle over to the door and quickly mutter, “I guess I’ll see you around or whatever.” Not bothering to wait for a response, you exit and make your way to the bathroom down the hall. 
While you clean yourself up, rinsing your mouth out in the process, you think about exactly what transpired in the past half hour. 
Eren Jaeger, who apparently is this fuck boy extraordinaire, kisses you, fingers you, whispers sweet nothings into your ear. Then, after you give him the best blowjob of your life, which isn’t saying much considering it’s the first and only, he makes it a point to tell you that this will never happen again. Because of how uninteresting and unappealing he finds you. 
You look at your reflection in the mirror and feel sick. How could you let this guy, this asshole, be your first kiss? Your first sexual experience? How could you let him touch you like that? You blame erotic fiction novels for your actions, thinking you can make the bad boy interested in you after showing how eager and willing you are to do whatever he wants. 
In reality, all you did was let a frat boy come in your mouth and make you feel bad about yourself at the end of it. He feels nothing towards you. Nothing.
On the other hand, you can’t help but think about the things he did do right, before it all went wrong. His mouth on yours, the way he pulls you on top of him, his fingers pumping in and out of you expertly as he whispers seductive phrases into your ear. 
Let me make you feel good.
Just relax. I’ll take care of you.
Just like that.
Good girl.
You know he’s an asshole. You know you should stay away. Nothing good can come out of it. He’ll never feel anything for you. Never. Accept the fact that you made a mistake and move on. 
How can a mistake feel so fucking good?
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loredropper · 1 month
Grisha is so divine?? And Dina is so stunning??? And Carla is so lovely?? And eren is so beautiful??? And meanwhile Zeke looks like a whole ass homeless forty four year old grown adult man????? Why????
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loneghostss · 10 days
Maybe ex con eren did time for second degree arson?
I'm thinking in his late teens, reiss holdings (shady af company that gentrifies communities) tore down his neighborhood's homeless shelter or something similar so he burned it down close to completion (wow an au where he doesn't have a body count 😭)
i googled and the sentence years vary (2-20 years) but bc perhaps bc he was a teenager it was reduced (?)
MOONY UR A GENIUS ILY! completely eren coded! very in line with the actions of a boy like him. and then, when he gets out of prison, he's decided not to do anything like that ever again, bc as much as the world and capitalism enrage him, he cannot change their rotten principles. he's only but a man. although a very prone to violence one, still hot-headed.
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burning-autumn-blues · 11 months
Praying for Love in a Lap Dance (38225 words) by autumnblues Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Levi/Eren Yeager, Marco Bott/Jean Kirstein, Sasha Blouse/Connie Springer, Bertolt Hoover/Eren Yeager Characters: Levi (Shingeki no Kyojin), Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bott, Connie Springer, Hange Zoë, Erwin Smith, Armin Arlert, Bertolt Hoover, Annie Leonhart, Grisha Yeager, Carla Yeager Additional Tags: Strippers & Strip Clubs, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, But it doesn't happen, It's Okay, Eventual Romance, Minor Violence, levi is a cop, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Chicago (City), Eventual Smut, Alternate Universe - 1990s, Fluff, Light Angst, levi really loves eren, it's precious really, smut tags will be added later, Bromance to Romance, Hand Jobs, the bert/eren is temporary Summary: It's Chicago in 1994, and Eren Jeager is twenty-one years old. After being kicked out of his family home for being gay, and dropping out of college, Eren was left homeless, hungry, and with minimal cash. He now lives in a third rate apartment with a barely functioning microwave, and makes his money as a stripper in an alley club, disguised as a smoking bar for gentlemen. The patrons are disgusting, but none as disgusting as the manager, Erd; an incredibly violent and short tempered bastard and like who the fuck wore a man bun anymore, anyway? Levi is a tired, twenty-nine year old cop. He hasn't seen his family for years, and doesn't really care. Nor does he care for sex, or romance, or anything at all, really. But one night, after a bad week, he allows himself to be dragged along to Eren's strip club by his 'eccentric' best friend - Hange. What he finds is Eren - and Levi soon realises that he does care. A lot.
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shipcestuous · 11 months
I haven’t read them, but I came across some more Father/Son incest books. If anyone out there is looking for these types of pairings, then here you go. 
Confessions of the Son by Odessa Hywell
Two men bound by their shared past face an unknown future.

Atwood struggled and sacrificed but, finally, he has everything he could ever want or need. Except for the one thing he can’t have—the son he gave up for adoption. Then Eren, seventeen years his junior, homeless and in desperate need of a safe place, arrives on his doorstep with a secret that could destroy the tentative relationship they’re building.
No one is guaranteed a happily ever after. Sometimes, the things you desire can destroy you.
Is the risk worth the reward? Or does a stray strand of DNA spell doom for Atwood and Eren?
Transgressions of the Father by Odessa Hywell (Sequel to confessions)
Atwood Powell’s once well-ordered life is a mess. Six months ago, he did the unthinkable. Since then, he’s done everything in his power to forget. But he can’t. Eren Sulliven haunts him. Even Atwood’s dreams offer him no reprieve from the memory of his son, warm and willing, under him. He can’t fight his desire to be with Eren anymore.
Like Father, Like Son by Quin & Perin
Surprise, it’s a boy!I never wanted to know him.Never even suspected his existence.But once I knew, I had to see him.Had to see if it was true.He has your eyes, your hair, your dimples.Timothee is everything I used to be, full of life, full of joy.He’s also a sassy little sh*t.He has me wrapped around his fingers, so damn easily.My son? He’s trouble.What we share is all kinds of wrong, even if it feels oh so right.
Secrets & Lies by Nicky James
I didn’t plan for him to come into my life. He came without warning. Without permission.I didn’t want him there, and a small part of me loathed his very existence.But then something changed.Overnight, he became everything to me.I loved him. I cherished him. He was mine. But they took him from me. They tore him from my life with such cruelty, my heart wept.My soul cried.For years I went without him.Until… He was back. And everything had changed. Our bond was deeper. Our needs greater. He was my addiction.But it was dangerous. Too dangerous to hold on to. Too dangerous to keep. Loving him like this wasn’t safe.Loving him… was wrong.
Son of a Sinner by Raquel Riley
WilderBut I cross lines, blur them until they can’t be seen. Being demisexual, I don’t fall easily. Penn is the exception. The manifestation of my dream man.The problem? Penn is my father. A shock to both of us, he’s determined to keep me at arm’s length. But can either of us fight this temptation?PennI can’t… I shouldn’t have… But I did… And then I did it again. It seems I can’t stop. Wilder is all that I want, all that I need. How can I reconcile my guilt with my desire for him?My conscience won’t let me touch him again, but walking away is not an option. I’m committed to keeping Wilder in my life… but do I want a son or a lover?
Sins of My Father by Raquel Riley (sequel to son of)
What is the consequence for falling in love with someone you are forbidden to touch? An eternity of guilt? Shame? Misery? Or can you find incredible bliss?PennI’ve resigned myself to a lifetime of loving the wrong person because it feels so right. But nothing worthwhile comes that easily. The challenges we’ve had to face to be together just kept on coming, like a storm with no end. Would this ever get any easier? Or was it always going to be a tug-of-war between my head and my heart?WilderThere was no going back. No do-overs. I fell in love with my father and I have zero regrets. Every day was a battle to keep our secret from getting out, and when it finally does, will the bubble surrounding our perfect world burst?
When Fantasies Collide by Elouise East
When Adrian is given the chance to live out his wildest fantasy, he’s shocked when real life comes calling instead. At war with himself over what he’d done, he pushes Rhys away. The barriers between him and his son seem insurmountable, but Rhys wants to break them down. How can they do that when they’re going to lose everyone they ever cared about?When their secret is exposed, who will support them, and who will deny them?
Daddy’s Little Helper by T.M. Chris
When Geordie was little, he loved helping his father with home improvement projects. Now Dad is reeling after a second divorce, and he needs Geordie’s help more than ever— with cooking, cleaning, and just generally getting his life back in order. Then Geordie witnesses his father having a sexy dream and realizes Dad may need help in other ways too.
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screechthemighty · 1 year
Didn't wait for an answer, here's a selection of the funniest random observations I made while reading a terrifying amount of Moon Knight last year:
Werewolf by Night #32:
I shouldn't be shocked seeing how I'm starting on the 32nd issue of an obscure comics character but I have. Zero clue what's going on.
"I've never been celibate when it comes to curiosity" why would you phrase it like that.
"Out to do my job and collect my bread" *thinks of the meme and tries not to scream-laugh in public*
Marvel Spotlight #28
This dude is really calling himself Conquer Lord and has an alligator pit, comics are WILD
Marvel Two-in-One #52
...he...he tried to kill me with a forklift...
Moon Knight #1
Marlene get it together damn
Okay no but actually Marc immediately getting up, rambling cryptic nonsense, stealing a cloak off a statue, and then running to kill a guy is so on brand.
Moon Knight #4:
"The flash blinded me!!" smug matt murdock laughter
Moon Knight 6:
"I don't much like Marc Spector" the more things change etc. etc. etc.
"Kill the Americans" *frenchie voice* EXCUSE YOU-
Moon Knight 7:
"Speaking of your precious pretty boy millionaire" JAKE PLEASE LMAOOO
Moon Knight 10:
Ah yes, a mental breakdown while soaking wet...classic.
"Emotionally turbulent public chauffeur" I am ONLY calling Jake that from now on
Moon Knight 12:
What in the Russian Sleep Experiment is going on here on this day
Moon Knight 16:
Invoking Diana and Charles aged very badly lmao
Moon Knight 22:
How many car crashes has Frenchie been in this run?? Like three or four by now????
Moon Knight 27:
"What's the going price for a cop" JACOB LOCKLEY LMAO
"The Kingpin can wait until another day" *muffled matt voice* NO PLEASE HE'S YOUR PROBLEM NOW COME BACK
Moon Knight 28:
"If you're lucky, you don't wake for a week" PRETTY sure that's called a coma
"You both deserve a kiss" I can promise you, Khonshu does not
Moon Knight 34:
0/10 they made Gena cry
Moon Knight 35:
"The man's determination is both inspiring and frightening." That's it, that's the system.
Moon Knight 37:
"Bottled up hostility and fists, fists, fists." That's why you're not allowed to hang out with Daredevil
Fist of Khonshu 4:
I hate that this version of the mask has lips
Fist of Khonshu 6:
This run was kind of ass, full offense.
West Coast Avengers Collection:
Wait why are they putting Tony in a special tank for the suit...just take the suit???
Moon Knight doesn't show up until almost 80% of the way through, I want my money back.
"Time has split in seven" please stop splitting time...
West Coast Avengers 31-37:
Marc voice: sorry babe, just dissociating and chatting with my moon god
I'm sorry, Doctor Doom Norted a boy?????
Marc: I have a plan *immediately gets beamed in the head by a mace* Tigra: Is...is that the plan?????
Everyone: wow, ain't love grand Bobbi: I'm divorcing Clint
Marc Spector: Moon Knight 9
Okay as much as I like unkillable Marc, it is a little funny when he's walking around complaining about his ribs
Amazing Spider-Man 353-358
Midnight really does look like Eren Jaegar and it's distracting
Did Frank. Did Frank really just risk blowing his cover to make a pun.
Daken: Dark Wolverine 15:
"The fact that I may collapse any second from blood loss begs to differ" Marc I am begging you to get to a hospital.
Moon Knight (2014) - Wood Edition:
Marc showing up looking homeless with a dusting of his own blood = SO ON BRAND
Moon Knight (2016) - Lemire Edition:
I'm sorry but the fact that this IS all in Marc's head and he's remember his friends with such fondness is...I'm emo...
"I'm nothing without my friends, Gena" screaming crying frothing at the mouth etc.
"Maybe my job was just to get us here. Give you a chance to rest." SCREAMING. CRYING. ETC. ETC.
Absolutely hate that his "dying" thoughts are of his friends, Lemire I'm coming for you personally
"I'll see Gena. She'll know what to do." tries not to scream in public
"That's a very specific lead, Crawley" all of his leads are like that my dude
Steven just watching Anput bite that dude's throat like "oof sucks for that guy. anyway-"
Moon Knight (2017) - Suffering in the Bemis Run:
Oh she is about to make this so much worse.
"The inspector holmes of kung fu madmen" what am I READING, what YEAR IS IT???
"Marc Spector can be overly confident" that's the first correct thing you've said all issue, dude
I don't like the use of "psychopath" as an insult but someone (presumably Steven or Jake but MAYBE Khonshu) putting Marlene in his phone as "let it go" IS pretty funny [Note from present me: My theory for this is that it was Steven, since as of the Mackay run only Marc and Jake still seem to have strong feelings for her.]
Kicking his flaming pants onto Sun King was definitely not beneath him. That's extremely on brand.
Guys I'm tired...
Doctor Strange Damnation:
"In, but out of his mind" oh this is already gonna get exhausting
Avengers: Age of Khonshu (oh boy):
Thor with baby! Thor with baby!!
"Consorting with moon wizards" STILL NOT THE WEIRDEST THING HE'S EVER DONE
"quivering chicken-god" HEY only we're allowed to call him that! (there is something weirdly wholesome about Marc taking the lead, though)
I've only had Robbie Reyes for five seconds but I'd commit a felony for him
Okay update, I guess Thor can arrest Khonshu. I hope they go for the punishment of having Loki throw birdseed at him for the next couple thousand years.
T'Challa: You should join up with us now that we're done fighting. Marc, thinking about how everyone called him crazy BEFORE he did some dumb boneheaded shit, and how much worse it'll be now that he beat up Thor: Y'know what i'm GOOD, THANKS-
Moon Knight - MacKay Edition:
Man, Marc is just trying to turn a new leaf, help some people, and people REALLY CANNOT JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE, HUH...militant atheists on one hand, religious extremists on the other, my dude needs a NAP
"You lost me at 'destroy our enemies' but I appreciate the effort" Reese I'd die for you I hope you know that
"And that makes us brothers" Marc this is why you've gotta start hanging out with Jake and Steven again, every other brother you've had has sucked lmao
"You know I can see in the dark, right?" "You know I can't, right?" D&D parties with the token human be like-
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kitsune024 · 8 months
Attack on Titan || Eren Fic Recs
Crossover: DC
Revival by hatredwithpassion I Chapters: 34/? I Dimension Travel, Homelessness, Jason Todd & Eren Yeager Friendship, Eren Yeager is a Mess, Batfamily Dynamics, Eren is misunderstood, Eren takes out Gotham's trash bit by bit, Eren & Child oc
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Eren the Usurper by AkumaKami64 I Chapters 10/?I FFN Attack on Titan season 4, Canon Divergence, bamf Eren, Adventure & Suspense
the crucial moment within the Paths, Eren chooses to defy his future memories, and Ymir herself. In doing so, the Power of the Titans choose him over Ymir. Wielding all the might of the Founder without limitation, Eren has many more options and plenty of time available to him. He just needs to balance his estranged friends, genocidal enemy countries, reigning in the Yeagerists.
Rogue by @RedCoaster | Chapters: 27/? | Titan Eren Yeager
A strange but intelligent titan lives deep within the forests of Wall Maria, right under the military's nose. What happens when the mysterious titan comes across two small children and the Scouts? Titan!Eren AU
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st4rbwrry · 11 months
hey was it u who wrote the homeless eren fics
hi, no it's not me!
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voraciousvore · 11 months
In the Belly of the Giant (30/39)
Chapter 30
Joey was depressed, gloomy, and irritable. Despite his best efforts, Ray couldn’t cheer him up with his usual jokes and antics, or any sweets. Nothing could make Joey happy, except getting Eren back. His world had drifted into shadow without her light. He felt the possibility of finding her was slipping out of his hands, becoming more and more remote with each fading day. He was dying inside, a slow, agonizing, torturous death. 
His initial excitement about his lead with the matching tattoos had faded. Thus far, on their patrols, Ray and Joey hadn’t found anyone with the same mark, despite hanging around near the warehouses on the bad side of town. The search of the warehouse itself hadn’t revealed any additional clues. The police had poked around in the other abandoned warehouses, and didn’t find any signs of illegal gang activity, only homeless people shooting up and squatters. 
Joey was set back further when he brought his findings to the attention of the police chief. Chief Johnson informed him that the mere presence of a tattoo, while suspicious, wasn’t enough to detain anyone or bring giants in for questioning, even if the tattoo was tenuously affiliated with gang activity. It wasn’t sufficient to award the police license for searches and seizures or give them probable cause. The best they could hope for was to monitor any potential suspects they found with the distinctive mark on their hands, and catch them in the act of committing a crime. Joey was not thrilled with this cold, hard truth. He wanted to take action, not sit around and wait. 
Interrogation of the suspects was similarly a dead end. Mr. Greenwood had prepared his men for such a contingency. They proved to be frustratingly intractable and tight-lipped, and refused to talk without lawyers present in the room. The lawyers worked for the gang and were slimy and savvy, making sure not to budge on anything. Joey wondered, in the back of his mind, if he would have been better off beating the crap out of Jake the Snake after all, his hated adversary. He didn’t want to make any rash decisions, however, or step on the toes of the police chief. He knew he was on a tight leash as it was. 
With the walls closing in around him, he thought about the human woman Mr. Henderson had rescued out on the street. He wanted to question her, to see if she had any new information, but he didn’t want to scare her again to the point of making her pass out. He decided to call Mr. Henderson, to get an update. Perhaps he had coaxed her into revealing something that might turn out to be important. Joey dialed his number and waited as the phone rang. 
When Mr. Henderson picked up the phone, he didn’t talk right away. Joey could hear laughing in the background, both the giant and the high-pitched melody of a woman’s laugh. Was that the human? After a moment of crackling static as Mr. Henderson adjusted the phone in his hand, he finally spoke into the receiver with a chuckle lacing his words. “Sorry about that, Joey, what’s going on?” 
“Unfortunately, I don’t have any new updates to report. I just wanted to check in with you,” Joey answered. 
“Oh,” Mr. Henderson said, sounding disappointed. “I’m sorry, Joey.” 
“Is everything going okay on your end? How’s that human woman? Was that her I heard in the background?” 
“As a matter of fact, yes. She’s doing very well. She talks now! And she’s really coming out of her shell. She’s a lovely woman.” Mr. Henderson seemed very enthusiastic, almost giddy. Joey had never heard the man, usually so calm and composed, talk with such eagerness in his voice. His behavior puzzled him. 
“Do you think she’d be comfortable with me stopping by to visit, and asking her some questions? I really don’t want to frighten her like I did last time,” Joey asked. 
“Um... let me ask her.” Joey heard indistinct conversation on the other end of the line, too hushed and garbled for him to distinguish any words. “She said she’d be okay with that. She does want to help Eren get home safely.” 
“Okay, I’ll be there soon.” Joey hung up. He pondered to himself. Perhaps he should go on his own, without Ray, so he’d be less likely to frighten the poor human. He mentioned his thoughts to Ray and his partner agreed. Ray dropped him off at Mr. Henderson’s house and chilled out in the police cruiser, playing with his phone, while Joey went inside. Since he had called in advance, the door was unlocked for him. He knocked to alert to his presence and strolled in. 
Mr. Henderson was lying flat on the couch, with Millie resting on his chest. They were animated, chatting and laughing with each other. Mr. Henderson was holding a bowl of popcorn over his belly and Millie was trying to toss big popcorn pieces into his mouth. He caught one in his teeth and Millie smiled and clapped with delight. 
Joey cleared his throat to announce himself. Millie looked up and stiffened, her face whitening. Mr. Henderson set down the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and cupped her in his hand to comfort her as he sat up. “Joey! Good to see you!” Mr. Henderson greeted him. “I figure a proper introduction is in order. Joey, this is Millie. Millie, this is Joey, my daughter’s boyfriend.” He held up his hand, with Millie in his palm. Millie was clearly nervous, but gave a polite little curtsy in greeting. Joey nodded his head respectfully, feeling self-conscious of how gigantic and intimidating he must look to her in his uniform. Though he didn’t intend to, he still towered over her with his great height. 
He sat down cross-legged next to the coffee table, so he wouldn’t look quite so tall. Mr. Henderson set Millie down on the table so she could converse with Joey. She didn’t like being out of the safety of his hand and curled her body inward in fear, shaking slightly. She looked back at Mr. Henderson. “Milton…” 
“It’s okay Millie. Joey won’t hurt you,” Mr. Henderson said gently, his eyes glowing warmly. He felt bad seeing her afraid, and was tempted to hold her again, but he knew she needed to get accustomed to being around other giants, particularly important people in his life like Joey, if she was going to live with him long-term. Millie looked up at Joey nervously. 
Joey raised an eyebrow at Mr. Henderson. “Milton?” 
Mr. Henderson chuckled lightly. “That’s my first name.” Joey adjusted his glasses and gazed down at Millie. She looked very different from the ratty, dirty, underfed human he first met at the hospital. She was clean, well-nourished, and, dare he say, beautiful. He glanced up at Mr. Henderson and smirked with a knowing look. The older man blushed pink, and that told Joey all he needed to know. He had never been very proficient at reading people, but his time in the police force had sharpened his skills in that regard. He understood now. Mr. Henderson was acting so strangely because he was in love. Judging by how clingy Millie was to her giant protector, she readily reciprocated those feelings. 
“Millie,” Joey said, keeping his voice soft, “You know about Eren, right?” She nodded sadly. “I’m trying my best to find her, but I need some sort of lead. I hate to ask this from you, but I am desperate. Any detail you recall might be critical.” 
Millie exhaled laboriously. “O-okay. I’ll try.” She avoided his eyes, opting instead to stare straight ahead at his uniform. “Um... so I was originally kidnapped on the human side of the wall. The humans brought me over to this side, and s-sold me to giants. They were wearing dark clothes and had their faces covered with black masks. They took me to an old warehouse, I don’t know exactly where.” She hugged herself, her body quivering at the memory. Joey gave her a moment. He was feeling hopeful. So far, her story was consistent with the same group of giant smugglers. 
“They put that deplorable harness on me, and I was t-thrown into a c-cage...” Millie started to tear up. “I was there for days. It was agony. There was a giant who was always there. He smoked big cigars and wore fancy suits, I think he was the one in charge.” Joey had to assume she was referring to Mr. Greenwood. “I don’t remember the other giants as clearly, but he had two scary men who were especially loyal to him, whom he valued above the others. I think one was named... Jake? The other, I can’t recall his name, but he had a distinctive look to him. He had green eyes, red hair, and big white teeth.” The description didn’t match any of the giants whom the police had arrested. Whoever this man was, he must have escaped the raid. Joey would have to keep an eye out for the unknown giant. 
Millie was becoming increasingly upset as the traumatic memories were dredged up in her mind. She was visibly shaking and crying. “Maybe we should stop,” Mr. Henderson suggested, but Joey shushed him and implored Millie to continue with a gesture of his hand. As painful as it was to see the poor woman suffering, she was giving him fresh details that might help him find Eren, his highest priority. He believed that he needed to push her further, regardless if he was causing her emotional distress. 
“Go ahead, Millie,” Joey encouraged her. “Keep talking.” 
Millie forced herself to speak. “Eventually, I was s-sold off to another g-giant...” She hiccupped through her tears, but choked out more of her story. “They gave him these p-pills, that enable humans to survive inside a giant’s stomach. He... would... eat me alive...” A deathly pallor came over her and she began to hyperventilate. She dropped to her hands and knees and broke out into a cold sweat. Her heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest, it was pumping so hard. She felt like she couldn’t breathe. She was burning up, but her body was shivering uncontrollably. She was dimly aware that the giants around her were talking, but she could no longer hear them over the blood rushing through her skull. Nightmarish images flashed through her head: huge lips and teeth; a gigantic, wet tongue throwing her around; hot, crushing flesh; nauseating, humid darkness; swimming in acid; gurgling and churning and throbbing all around her. Wanting to scream, but nobody would hear her or help her. Panic seized her. The memories consumed her; she forgot where she was, could only see and feel the horrors in her mind’s eye surrounding her. She flailed and thrashed, trying to escape the blackened pit that devoured her whole. 
Suddenly, a deep, soothing voice made it through the darkness to her, a giant voice that swelled around her and enveloped her in a warm embrace. “Millie. It’s okay. You’re safe. Everything will be alright.” Millie recognized the kind voice of her giant lover, Milton. She knew he could protect her against anything. She began to calm down. The tension left her muscles and the memories faded until she became aware of her surroundings again. The giant was holding her securely in one hand, with the other hand cupped over her, and his face close by, murmuring healing words to her. “Shhhhh, Millie. I’ll keep you safe.” He stroked her softly with his fingers. 
Joey was standing further away, looking mortified at what he had done. He didn’t intend to push her to such an extreme limit. He gulped and began to apologize, “Millie, I’m so sorry, I-” 
Mr. Henderson cut him off, politely but firmly. “That’s enough, Joey.” He continued to pet Millie to help calm her down from her panic attack, not even glancing at Joey. 
Joey paused, but feeling flustered, persisted, “I didn’t mean to-” 
“Joey.” Mr. Henderson finally looked up at him. “Leave now, please.” There was no anger in his words, but they still cut Joey to his quick. The younger giant hung his head and retreated in shame, without another word. He trudged over to the police cruiser waiting outside for him and entered, shutting the door hard. 
“So how’d it go?” Ray asked, distracted by his phone. 
Joey smacked his forehead against the dashboard in frustration and lay there facedown. “Ray, why am I such an idiot?” 
Chapter 31
Chapter 1
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UnTamed CH25
Damian Wayne x Oc! Female
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"No, You've never mentioned a brother."
"There was no real blood," she spoke softly as a butterfly landed on her finger. " He died when I was 7."
"The boy that found you. I'm sorry to hear that. How did he come to be your brother?" Damian had never heard of Eren before then again she was very vague about her childhood.
"He said he found me under a dumpster. My mother was dead next to it. I don't remember. My memories of mother are hazy." the butterfly flew away finding a more appealing flower. She turned to see another butterfly on her teacup. " He was 12 when he found me. He took me and raised me the best he could, young and homeless. He shouldn't have but did." She watched as the butterfly drank her tea while softly batting its wings. It had colorful wings that the sun seemed to dance on. 
"He died right before his birthday. He would have turned 16." 
She had managed an actual gift that year. A camera, a bit broken yet still functional. It would have been enough for them.
"He encouraged my nudity. I'd rip, tear, and lose clothes. We couldn't afford new clothes, and we couldn't afford any. It didn't matter back then; I was always an animal, and we traveled by back alleys, roofs, and sewers. He didn't care about being naked. However, he did tell me to stay away from men-boys. Stay to myself was the only rule... I broke it." Damian looked at her, confused. " I'm here with you, aren't I?" 
"I'm sorry," he whispered.
"I don't think Eren would-" 
"I'm sorry that you're here. I'm sorry that you don't feel comfortable in your furs or in clothes. I'm sorry that I didn't notice any of this before now. I'm sorry, Eren, but I'm not here to take care of you or be proud of you. I'm sorry".
Asta didn't say anything just closed her eyes and curled into herself. Listening to the breeze, the birds had long stopped singing as the sky changed color as night slowly came. Silences.
In the sewers, it was dark. The only light coming from the grates above it was little to none. The water unclean a dark shady of green, more sluge than actual water. A long side of the sludge was a walking path. And on the path, a group of rats scurried a desperate scavenge for food upon them. Suddenly, one of the rats is snatched up by a boy, the others scattered for safety. 
"what are you doing?" he asked. The rat squeaked and squealed. "Oh, nice try, but I know it's you."
Suddenly, the rat is no longer a rat. Its fur is shredded for skin, and its body shifts to something bigger and more fleshy—a Girl. "How did you know it was me?" The girl asked.
He holds her hand now. " You act too smart for a normal rat." the girl scowls, but he just laughs as they walk along the path. " You, my mammal, are too smart." Mammals were land creatures, such as dogs, cats, monkeys, and even apes. He called her a mammal. It was supposed to be a reminder to keep her feet on the ground unless absolutely necessary. He didn't want her to leave him.
"What are we doing tonight?"
It was a loaded question. One question filled with many more. Would they be eating tonight? Would they be sleeping tonight? If so, where and for how long? If not, would they spend the night walking? If so where to? So many questions in so few words for such young children but they were all important. And needed answers.
"We are going to eat these subs I stole from the bodega. And then go bird watching."
Bird watching aka Batman & Robin stalking. It was also code for Rogue activity. Meaning there were too many Rogues out and about for them to find long term safety of any kind. Too much activity and too many unknowns to sleep into the night. So they'd stay awake for the night; they'd sleep in the safety of the daylights. In the dark, they'd follow the knight and his young squire. (At a distance.)
"Robin," she whispered as she watched the bird jump across the roofs, following the bat to whatever horrors of the night. To save the night. The people. And they follow in the safety of the knight and squire's shadow.
Eren died two years later at the tender age of 15. A victim of scarecrow experiments, he dies alone. He's put on a list of bodies to be identified after two weeks unidentified he's buried as John Doe. Asta doesn't find out until a week after his burial.
Asta is truly orphaned at the age of 7.
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