kiaerinnn · 4 months
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New pfp y'all🥰😍🖤❤️
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kaltstrahls · 1 year
normally i don't comment on ~less than savoury~ tags people leave on shitposts i make and maybe i'm being a little sensitive about it BUT
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my post was about a fictional character and this is likely facetious but idk i really don't think it's funny or cute !!
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furryprovocateur · 1 year
according to oomf i was mass reported by the asexies for some #Aphobic things i said. . . this is activism!
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chronicowboy · 1 year
if the buddie poker date is some sort of investigation thing or even a wingman situation where nobody approaches them or the one person who does assumes they're a married couple looking for a third for the night, can't wait for the joshbuck-esque conversation where they spend the whole time being like "god its like so crazy that everyone thinks we're together, like can you even imagine us dating ahaha, like how weird would that be" and then just a beat of very intense eye contact before they both clear their throats and start awkwardly looking around for anything to distract them
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Noah coming on the set with a bombastic 80's outfit, that's gonna blow Mike's wig off and question his sexuality (how duffers are planning it)and make him sweat and and make him a living red tomato. (He's gay)
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wlwsakura · 2 years
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preview of whats making me lose it ⭐️
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superstardom17 · 1 month
Smooching on the feriss wheel...jk jk unless 👀👀
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wolveria · 3 months
The Clone Wars fandom experience is finding art/writing/fun stuff about clones and then the creator in the same breath going “no clonecest lol 🤪🫣🤮”
Is this the fandom version of “no homo”
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cabra-con-botones · 6 months
Cada vez que recuerdo como el fandom de 31 minutos ve a Tulio me dan ganas de matarme man
Es que literalmente Tulio en la serie es todo lo contrario, es increíble lo poco que se vieron la serie o le prestaron atención, FAKE FANS!!!
Tulio no es hipermasculino, es asustadizo y en cierta forma inocente, si bien se preocupa mucho por si mismo y su imagen tiende a disculparse cuando la embarra estrepitosamente con sus mejores amigos, es suuuper romántico a tal punto que le daba vergüenza mostrar cómo fue con Cindy cuando la conoció en el verano a sus amigos, no es para nada la vista distorsionada que generó el fandom. Odio como constantemente en los fanfics lo tratan como alguien sumamente despiadado y cruel (a pesar de que si lo es en cierta medida, cofcofPatanayCindycofcof), Tulio no es así, en varios episodios se demuestra que, a pesar de que lo oculte, le importa mucho la opinión de los demás, rompiéndose con facilidad y más aún si es de sus amigos, no por nada el mismo dice que, de todos trabajando en el programa, era el más inútil.
Y HOMOFOBICO??? CUANDO TULIO FUE HOMOFOBICO, literalmente es amigo de Juanín y Policarpo, como sería homofóbico /hj
Nah pero en serio pienso que más que homo/transfobico (aparte de mis headcanons) él solo haría preguntas sumamente incómodas (como en ese video del entrevistador negro preguntándole a una persona "why are you gay" repetidas veces). ES QUE ENCIMA EN UN VIDEO FUERA DE LA SERIE HABLA INCLUSIVAMENTE ANTES DE QUE SIQUIERA SE INVENTARA (creo) EL LENGUAJE INCLUSIVO XD. Tulio definitivamente no entendería sobre la comunidad y le daría igual, pero no sería abiertamente homofóbico... Misógino si, no homofóbico 🤪
Y ni quiero hablar de las veces que he leído que lo hacen absuuurdamente dominante e intimidante por algún motivo, ¿Tulio? ¿El tipo que le tiene miedo a las ballenas?, ¿Ese Tulio?
Como se nota que querían tener a Tulio de chico malo a la fuerza, TIENEN A JUAN CARLOS AL LADO, SEAN ÚTILES SIMPS DE BODOQUE Y USENLO PARA ESO 😭, o mejor usen a la vida pasada CANONICA de Tulio que era literalmente un dictador
En fin nadie entiende a Tulio... Solo yo y mis mutis... Ni siquiera creo que los creadores lo entiendan tan bien (cofcoftulioenpartedelatemp4cofcof)
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them-bo-dacious · 1 year
I'm on a writer's block so... headcanons of The Lost Boys interacting for the first time with nonbinary!reader because I'm projecting and being self-indulgent!!!! 🤪
Marko is my favorite, so I had to start with him. If anyone has a request feel free to send it ^^
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Marko will know the instant he lays eyes on you. It doesn't matter how you dress, what your style is, if you break gender stereotypes or not because it will just KNOW. Its enbydar never fails, when he says he collects genders he means it literally. He'll quickly approach you to strike up a friendly conversation and ask if you're new in town letting you casually get a close up view of its agender flag and he/it pronouns pins on his jacket. If you ask him where it got them he will smile like a kid at Christmas and brag about its tailoring and sewing skills, if you praise his style you will have him eating out of your hand and it will probably offer to make you one with your own pronouns. If on the other hand you are shy or at least don't play along in his chitchat... I'm sorry to inform you that you will end up being his dinner because he gets bored easily and doesn't have much patience. Marko just want a nonbinary friend to have fun with (no romo/homo, it is aroace), so all that matter is of how easily and quickly your vibes match.
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"Gay people are saving the planet, one homo at a time"- my friend at 6 am as we procrastinate a project we have to submit soon 🤪✌️🤭✨️
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homosnapeiens · 2 years
rating the batfam’s gayness based on their costumes pt.3: jason
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- when the decal on ur chest has more details than the actual hood 💀
- so i’m going to take the cropped leather jacket into account here.
- and the random straps he seems to have everywhere.
- plus just the name red hood…kinda fruity.
battle for the cowl
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- genuinely asking did he put LEDs behind the cowl? like how did he get the glow effect.
- asking for a friend…
- the cheese grater mask is definitely homo.
- and the obnoxiously pointy gloves just…gay
arkham knight
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- again with the mask LEDs. already leaning towards gay.
- AND a fanny pack??? how does he carry that as he kills people? kinda embarrassing…
- pointy shoulder armor? check.
- the design down his abdomen is to good to be straight.
rho vol. 3
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- i’ve always had mixed feelings about this one.
- like the sleeveless jacket is definitely gay.
- but at the same time the vibes just don’t match.
- the fingerless gloves seal it tho…
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- white streak? trench coat? turtleneck?!?
- *shakes magic 8 ball* all signs point to 🏳️‍🌈
- not even sure if that’s a turtleneck but meh. close enough.
- bullying your younger siblings is a time honored homo tradition so. yeah it’s gay.
rho vol.2 prince of gotham
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- oh yes da- oh wait i’m supposed to rate this.
- well it’s definitely a lot. of something.
- and that something is sexy.
- have you ever seen a hetero look this sexy? no.
new 52
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- this one has teeth? STOP 😭
- called me slurs in 10 different languages.
- it’s horrible and therefore straight.
- not even an ally wtf.
now for the math…and jason has a very impressive 58/70..which is about 82%.
so welcome to the letter club jason 🤪
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idsb · 1 year
Do you ever wanna DM somebody and be like. The way I observe your mind working when you post is fucking beautiful. The thoughts you have are beautiful. I can see the way you piece the world together and it makes me feel seen, and I want you to know I observe it and I appreciate it, and I think hearing that someone notices is something you would appreciate and deserve to know. Genuinely no homo or hetero tho it’s just raw facts I want you to hear ha ha okay pretend this isn’t weird 🤪 enjoy 🤪
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mikulover12 · 1 year
H-hey whats up babagril 🤪🤪
whats up😳😳😳😳😳😳
lets kiss in a no homo way!1!
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sunapawws · 2 years
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no homo 😱😱😱🥺🥺😔😔😔😔😔😔💔💔💔💔💔😍😍😍🤪🤪🤪😉😉😉
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22degreehalo · 1 year
Imagine if aces and aros talked about gay people the way gay people talk about us.
"Don't forget: gay people are totally valid and they are welcome in the AIQ community!!! 😊 Sure, they might not experience aphobia like aces and aros do, but people shouldn't have to prove they're Oppressed Enough[tm] to be included! :)"
"To be honest, hating on gay people makes no sense to me at ALL lmao. Like aphobia I get, but for a straight person to insist that everyone MUST get a partner NO MATTER WHAT, and then throw a fit because it's the wrong kind of partner?! I don't know man, I just think it's only control freaks who could really be bothered, yknow?"
"And after 'Demi-Aces and Demi Gods' we are proud to announce our first ever gay panel! It's called "GG: homosexuality 101" and it'll answer any questions you might have about what it's like to be gay (no, they aren't all polyamorous!) ending with a rousing discussion about the place of the G within the AIQ+ community as a whole. Following that, we have 'Asexual fashion history'..."
"Oh my god I am SO tired of homophobia discourse. Like my guys literally NONE of this matters in the real world. Just log off and interact with your real-world community and touch grass, okay?"
"Um... no offence, but why is talking about gay people so important to you? We're discussing aspec oppression and you're very obviously derailing. :/ like it is just NOT the same thing. If you want to talk about gay issues (like I get that it could feel uncomfy when people expect you to have a different kind of partner than you want) make your own post, please."
"Oh, I get this question a LOT haha! Don't worry, it is SUPER common for young aspecs to invent gay attraction in an attempt to repress their own aspecness! If you ever decide that that's what happening, and you were just dealing with internalised aphobia, it's okay! You're still a valid aro/ace <3'
"But like. How... would 'homophobia' even work lmfao. Like you're being restricted from couples' benefits by?? Being in a couple the wrong way???? Literally nobody is going to throw you out of your home for having a child with your partner. 🙄 So unless you can provide ANY evidence that gay people are oppressed FOR BEING GAY (i.e. lacking m/f attraction AND having same-gender attraction SIMULTANEOUSLY) then uhhh maybe you should stop talking over people who are ACTUALLY oppressed. (No corrective rape doesn't count lmfao that is literally just aphobia.)"
"Welcome to AIQ pride 2023!!! Gays and lesbians are allowed but y'all are on thin fucking ice 🤪 Ugh it's just a joke lmfao. It's not serious. Jesus I wish y'all WERE oppressed sometimes, maybe you'd have an actual sense of humour 💀"
"Ummmm sorry, but can you take down your post? This celebrity is REALLY important to the aspec community and I really don't appreciate you implying he could be gay :/ Like he literally already said he doesn't like girls. What more do you want lmfao he's aroace. Why is it so important for you to erase that and force him into an amatonormative relationship? Creepy 😬"
"Sorry but I'm just not comfortable seeing talk about 'homophobia' on my post. I repressed my aroaceness for a really long time by trying to convince myself I was gay and it was super traumatic for me. But even if I hadn't you should've known how this reblog might come across to any young aspecs struggling to accept themselves."
"DNW: gay/lesbian characters. No offence but they're always boring ass issue fics written by teenagers trying to prove how Progressive they are. It's always so ridiculously forced and ooc. Like who CARES if you're gay anyway lmfao just go to a bar and have Good Allo Sex or something, you ain't special."
"Mmmm personally, I think that 'homo' and 'hetero' are more like modifiers, really...? I mean, what matters most is whether or not you're actually IN a relationship. The kind of relationship itself just doesn't really matter all that much. I mean, that makes sense, right? 'No shirt' is a wayyy bigger difference from 'blue shirt' than 'red shirt.' So personally I think homosexuality is valid but it's not an identity, it's just a modifier for allosexuality. :)"
"...ugh, look, what's probably going on here is there's some kind of confounding variable at work, like gay people are more likely to be younger (since it's a pretty new identity) so of course their overall wellbeing is lower. That's just logic. But it just doesn't make sense for gay people to be oppressed: they have their identity validated by straight people all the time. So unless you can explain how you can be constantly validated, but still oppressed, these numbers mean nothing."
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