#honestly not a fan of high school au
bucknastysbabe · 7 months
idk if your taking requests but I’m in desperate need of more modern AU Jace fics. Maybe if he was a cocky hockey player with his giant dick I need smut 🙏
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Rating: Explicit
Tags: Hockey player!Jace, Actress!Reader, fake dating trope, my not sly commentary about parasocial fangirl behaviors and pressure on women in high profile industries, she has honkers and he has a horse cawk match made in heaven, Jacey is a little sweet babey always, real kittycat eating hours, teasing, pnv!sex, v!fingering, fast burn, lots of banter :)
Taglist: @arcielee @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @valeskafics @fallingintoyourlilaceyes @fairysluna @sugarpoppss2 @lovelykhaleesiii
The contracts were to be signed today. Jace was to be in a PR ‘relationship’ with this break-out actress. He was a star himself in the NHL, winning the Hart Memorial trophy for being the most valuable player his rookie year. He played centre, covering the ice and passing to his teammates to make a goal. He got a huge deal in the aftermath.
Suddenly his world was much more glamorous.
He wasn’t sure who sucked whose dick but he agreed to dating the starlet. He flew down from Toronto to the upscale management office in New York to meet the chick. He’d heard her name, couldn’t put a face to it, and certainly didn’t look her up. The brunette hoped she was a looker like his manager said.
He was pleasantly surprised, shaking her manicured hand. Jacaerys grinned as he introduced himself, poorly hiding his leering gaze on her tight little body. The actress was smoking hot. He wondered if she would be down to fool around. He had no desire for romance outside of planned sightings. He wasn’t much into that at the moment. Jace dated his high school sweetheart Rhaena until he’d gone big time.
She didn’t acclimate to fame and his constant absence. Jace understood why she broke it off. When they were seen— reporters interrupted. Pictures of fan girls crowding around him surfaced all the time. She deleted her socials due to harassment. He was saddened but figured it was a sign to let loose. So let loose he did.
Jacaerys had fucked plenty of puck bunnies, professional athletes, and the occasional hook-up with famous names by now. His brother called him cocky, and his mother snapped to not let the fame get to his head. He listened, truly, Jace loved his family and wanted to make them proud.
But honestly? When he was accomplishing everything he dreamed of and the money was flowing in, Jace couldn’t help but feel a bit over-confident. He knew he was talented, handsome, and a good fuck. He’d learned from a young age that his…dick…was different. In layman’s terms, he had a horse cock. By God, he was proud of that thing too.
They sat down in adjacent chairs, waiting for the agent to come to debrief them on the terms of the relationship. Jacaerys' brown eyes flicked over to her bored face, down to her busty chest, and back up. She scoffed “You haven’t seen my tits on the silver screen?”
He grinned, asking “I don’t get around to movies much. Care to enlighten me?”
Her lips turned into a frown, posture stiffening up. The actress shook her head, pulling out her phone to text rapidly. She was likely talking shit. Jace prodded, “What? Am I missing something? I’m playing hockey year round babe.”
“I literally am up for a Golden Globe for leading actress in a drama,” she grumbled, “Apparently you don’t read either.” She turned back to type on her phone again, lips settling into a pout. The athlete was a little taken aback by her attitude. He liked it. It appeared she was used to cinephile sycophants and co-stars trying to get a piece.
He hummed a laugh, spreading out in the wide chair. They waited, her nails clicking on the cell phone beginning to irritate Jacaerys. He absently asked "You like hockey? It's pretty fun to watch live."
"I don't really pay attention to sports, I act year round babe."
Jace's eyes widened in surprise. She was a spitfire under the glossy hair and now placid expression. He knew better than to irk her more, his mother taught him to respect women. The athlete was drawn in, he wanted a reaction, the attention whether it was negative or not. He smirked at her, leaning over, "Why did you pick me then? Don't like hockey, don't seem quite fond of me."
Her own lips curled a bit, the woman tucking a loose lock of hair behind a jeweled ear. She stated, "I got a list, you were single and cute. Word on the street was that you were a bit nicer than who I am sitting with now. Don't worry, it won't be too long, you'll be back to railing your way through Toronto soon." Her smile was thin, a blank look to her eyes.
Jace's chest fluttered a bit, guilt seeping into his mind. Before he could apologize the door opened. A man in a suit briskly walked in, setting down some papers. He eyed the pair to ask "Ready for the terms?" They both nodded, and Jace noticed her frown grow deeper. Damn. He felt like an asshole.
"Alright Jacaerys Velaryon, you'll be 'dating' my client for three months minimum. If you two hit it off, good job, enjoy your relationship. You two must be seen in public at least bi-weekly, my client will be at your games, and maintaining PDA is required. I'd recommend going out with your friends and playing the part. We'll sign an NDA and get this show on the road. Sound good?"
"Can't wait," she deadpanned.
They scribbled their names and exited the meeting. The actress ignored Jacaerys as she left, answering a phone call, pointedly looking away. He eventually cornered her up to exchange phone numbers. The pair had to exit the building at separate times so as not to draw attention.
Jace decided to read up on his faux girlfriend for the flight home. The actress was talented, the same age as him, and booked for the year. He decided to shoot her a text, damned lingering guilt eating at him. The hockey player was soft at heart, always had been. He could play the part of a cocky athlete but he truly hated confrontation, upsetting others, and general dickishness. That was for his uncles.
"Sorry about being a dick. Going to watch your movie tonight. Should I start with your small role in that sitcom?"
His dark eyes raptly watched the typing bubble. It disappeared, reappeared-- finally a response showed up. She had replied with an emoji rolling its eyes. "God, please don't, I look like a freak. The movie is much better. Then you can tell me about my tits. Apology accepted. See you next week in Toronto, make sure to clean the thongs outta your place."
Jace grinned, excitement coursing through his veins. He ended up making a big show picking her up from the airport. He grabbed the luggage and put it in his new sleek car. A couple of people had stopped her, even Jace for some autographs. The brunette made sure to hug the actress-- pulling her in for a searing kiss. His hand possessively splayed across her lower back, fingers grazing her pert ass.
He opened the door to let her in the car, cameras flashing now. Jace leaned in to whisper, "I have to admit, you have a beautiful body." She flushed and pecked his lips again, shooting him a smile. The hockey player climbed into the driver's side and off they went. He snuck a look and added, "I didn't really find any thongs but everything is pristine, Miss Golden Globe Nominee."
"Good, Mister Hart Trophy Winner."
Jace couldn't help but smile. He enjoyed her banter while they headed to his place. The woman was witty and playful, her icy facade melting as he listened to her. Jace carried her bags into the luxury apartment complex, while she had a roller bag. He teased, "You got boulders in here?"
"I'm staying for a bit, need to be prepared. You can run around in a tracksuit and no one bats an eye. If I look like a slob the tabloids are going to wonder if I'm a drunk or something. You won't believe the 'inside sources' I apparently have."
Jace frowned, scoffing, "That's bullshit. They put so much pressure on women in the industry."
She gazed at him, eyes softened as she thanked him in a reverent tone. Jace felt his cheeks heat up. He was beginning to wonder if he was having a moment of weakness or simply struck dumb by her looks and powerful presence. "At the least, I'm not a model."
Jacaerys snorted. He's had his fair share of models. He assumed they were all a bit nutty from the coke, not the horrid pressure from their nigh-impossible standards of beauty to uphold. "Good point," he conceded.
She stared around his loft, lips quirking up. The woman placed her bag down and strolled to the huge windows overlooking the city. Casting a glance back at Jacaerys she marveled, "It's gorgeous Jacaerys. Much prettier than LA." He smiled and replied, "Wait until you see it at night, I never get tired of the view."
Jace liked the way she said his full name. Maybe too much. He felt his cheeks begin to burn again. His animal hindbrain tittered "How would she sound moaning that?"
Awkwardness settled over the pair, her turning back to look out the window. Jace stated, "I'll put your things in the guest room, it's got a big bathroom and all."
"Thanks hun," she hummed. She followed along to place the luggage down, flopping onto the bed. Her big eyes followed Jace's form as she commented, "I highly doubt you decorated the place but it's nice. Very...Feng shui."
"Mom did all of that, I do try to keep it clean. I fear she'll appear and scold me. You could lick off the floor at my place growing up."
"Ha! I wish! I'm cluttered as all get out."
Jace gave her a faux glare, "Better keep it tidy, babe."
"Uh-huh, sure, what's on the docket for today? I want a tour and a cocktail to cap it off at dinner."
"You mean the club?"
Jace couldn't stop his cock from twitching when she smiled at him coquettishly, sparkling teeth gleaming as she purred "Of course stud, let's see what the rake of the Maple Leafs is putting down. I wanna see you dance!"
Oh. He was in quite deep. Jacaerys Velaryon might have developed an infatuation faster than he could pass a puck.
They held hands walking around Toronto, catching lunch as he showed her the sights. They rested on a bench in a park, Jace's arm slung around her shoulders, their heads close together as they spoke. The pair of them stared at her phone, giggling. The actress read off the Instagram post, "Starlet dating hockey star Jace Velaryon?"
"They're quick with it, for the love of god don't look at the comments."
Her pretty eyes rolled, "They call me an industry whore, nothing new, let me see this." Her red lacquered nail clicked on the comments. She guffawed, lips spreading into a smile. Jace raised a brow and looked over. He shook his head in annoyance-- how could 'fans' of his be so angry? Wouldn't they want him to be happy?
'Please, this won't last a second.'
'Pr relationship so obvious.'
'Jaceeeee whyyyyy she's such a bad actress.'
"A Golden Globe nominee is a bad actress? God, don't listen to that nonsense," he grumbled, tightening his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged and clicked on a fan page of her own. Jace seemed to settle at the more uplifting comments. He laughed out loud at one, 'Loveeee get it mother!' Jace outright guffawed at the second one, 'Be careful babes, don't get split by his infamous horse dick!!!'
"I like my fans better. I'll have to check out your fan cams at some point."
Jace rolled his eyes, helplessly grinning. His eyes flicked to a camera shuttering. Ah great, paparazzi, he thought. The brunette was planning on intentionally kissing her. He glared at the person and sniffed, "Come on, let's head back to my place for a bit." She cooed "What? Don't want your pic taken Jacey?"
"Nope, we need nap time before hitting the nightlife."
"I hope we see Drake. That would be cool."
Jace laughed his ass off. When they got into the elevator he crowded her up, hands on her waist. She inhaled, eyes widening, full lips quirking up. He murmured softly, "You're so...I can't find the words." Her arms loosely linked around his shoulders, soft lips so close. She whispered, "Actions speak louder than words pretty boy."
Next thing Jace knew her legs were locked around his hips, the pair making out as he blindly keyed open the door to his loft. Kicking the door open, the brunette pressed her against the wall, mouthing his way down her neck. The actress' nails dug into his shoulders as she moaned, breasts heaving in excitement. He nipped at her collarbone, mumbling, "Lemme eat you out, fuck, please."
"Bed now," she demanded in return.
He deposited the beauty on his bed, wildly jerking at his clothes. She was shimmying off her leggings, the sweatshirt she borrowed hitting the wall. Jace climbed atop her in his underwear, grinding against her pussy, mouth latching back onto plush lips. She whined under her breath when he lapped into her mouth, calloused hands playing with peaked nipples.
They grew sloppy, Jace finally kissing and sucking his way down her tight body. He grabbed one of her legs as he sucked on the thin skin of the hip, dark eyes blown black with arousal. She gripped at his hair, breathless, "Fu-uck Jacaerys, please, please." Jace grinned, rumbling, "I gotcha baby, screw the club, I'll show you a good time tonight yeah?" He was hopelessly earnest, swollen lips hovering above her mound.
"Yes yes baby, want it all, please, you're killing me." Jace could lose his mind at the way her voice cracked into a whimper, brows pinching in agony. She even thrust fruitlessly upwards-- Jace's other hand keeping her hip pinned. He grunted, "Spread em' sweetheart."
He tongued at her engorged clit off the rip, hands digging into the soft meat of the thighs. The actress cried out, back arching all gorgeous, tits bouncing with the movement. Her hand tightened in his curls as Jace suckled, eyes watching every little move. He snuck his fore and middle fingers up and across her sopping slit, smirking.
He delved them into her cunt as his tongue joined, playfully lapping as the excess slick, moaning at her natural taste. She whimpered again, thighs tightening as Jacaerys crooked his fingers up into her g-spot, flicking his tongue upwards and back to her clitoris. He paused to groan, "You feel good pretty girl?"
She moaned his name and babbled nonsense, pussy throbbing and drenching his fingers. Jacaerys' smiled-- she moaned his name just as he imagined. He had a rhythm alternating between teasing jabs of his tongue and suckling on the bundle of nerves. She was growing frantic, tossing her hair around and practically howling in pleasure.
He sped up the pace, relentlessly working her pretty pussy until the darling shrieked his name, clenching his hair. Her thighs twitched and clamped around his head, body arched as she heaved and cried. Jace groaned at her gushing around his fingers, long lashes fluttering in pure want. He needed to fuck her, now.
He pulled down his briefs as she laid back, panting, pretty face dazed and flushed-- a light sheen of sweat had covered her naked body. He climbed atop her, pleading, "C'mon sweets, think you can take it? Take me? I'll give you another orgasm, too goddamn perfect not too, god."
Her lidded eyes widened at his cock. It was flushed and heavy, too heavy to do anything but hang between his impossibly toned thighs. The actress rasped, "Give it to me, I can take it, ease it in." She kissed the brunette open-mouthed and wet, shaky legs pulling up to cage his hips in.
Jace's breath stuttered as he guided the fat tip of his cock into her soaked pussy, feeling the stretch immediately. She clung to him, pouring herself into his lips, nails digging into his shoulder blades. He slid in another agonizing two inches, gasping, "Fuck you're tight."
She responded by sucking blooming marks into his tensed neck, eyes rolling up when the thick middle of his cock spread her wide open. "Jacaerys, Jacaerys, you feel so good- so damn big baby!" He kept pushing against the slight resistance, settling as deep as he could.
His brown eyes clenched tight, she was like a silky glove around his cock. Hazily he felt her stomach, eyes lolling around at the bump from his cock. She was mewling wetly at the junction of neck and shoulder, non-stop babbling about being so full. Jace panted, "Mm, yeah, lookit' you, stretched your pretty pussy out."
He began to fuck in earnest, chasing a high. Her cunt dragged and clung to his fat cock, ridged insides sending sharp arousal up his spine. Jace lost himself in the moment, mouthing at a pert nipple, heavy balls slapping against her ass. She cried and yelled, worthy of a fucking porno. He knew he wasn't going to last long. But the way she was practically shivering and fuck-dumb, slurring her words of nonsense, she was right with Jace.
"M'gonna cum baby, you on birth control?"
"Fuck me, jus' keep fuckin' me," she rasped. Plan B was always an option when her mind returned to non-mush. Jace kept fucking her as instructed, groans growing desperate and guttural. His balls were drawing up, aching from how needy he was to cum.
He kissed her one more time, swallowing her noises before pulling back to pant against her cheek, hips beginning to stutter. He snuck a hand down to her cunt, thumbing her clit. Just when he thought it couldn't get any better-- she shrieked again. A gush of her slick engulfed his cock, wet noises filling the bedroom. Jace cried her name, shoving himself deep and filling her up.
He might've sent her into another orgasm but Jacaerys was whited out from pleasure. All the athlete could do was pathetically groan as his cock twitched and pumped his heavy load into her cock, thickening the slick coating on his prick, collecting around where they joined. It was delightfully filthy. He came too with a deep inhale, sliding out with a mewl and flopping away.
Overstimulation was a common theme with the girls he fucked-- Jace knew to give some space in the immediate aftermath. It wasn't too long before she complained, "Why are you flopped over there? Get over here, you just fucked my brains out."
He grinned like a sap. How did she have yet another moment where he found himself deeper in desire for the woman. Jace murmured, "My bad, my bad, didn't want to overheat you or anything." She retorted, "I'm a cuddler Jacaerys Velaryon, you should remember that about your girlfriend." He chuckled, jerking her into his embrace, tucking a chin on her shoulder.
"They didn't lie about your horse dick. Hate to tell your fan girlies that cock belongs to me now."
Jace smirked, pressing a gentle peck to her skin, "It's all yours, believe me. They can find the next rookie of the year to be their online boyfriend."
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haruka-norikoyo · 1 month
Biggest Fan
Monoma Neito x reader | Soulmate AU
The gasp I’ve gusped (yes past tense to the fourth dimension) when I thought of this scenario. Mild spoilers for the end of the manga.
The fourth birthday is a momentous occasion in one’s life. Not only is it the year where most develops their quirk, it is when one is assigned a soulmate.
No one knows whether it is a quirk or something entirely foreign. Many believe there is divine power at play. Because, after all, how can one have such power? It is a phenomenon which extends throughout the entire world. On a person’s right wrist appears the first words that their soulmate says to them. When those words have been uttered, they simultaneously disappear, and they now know their soulmate.
Monoma Neito got his quirk before his words. It’s not unusual, just rather rare to be an early bloomer. Normally, developing a quirk early would invite excitement and respect. “You can’t be a hero with a quirk like that.”
He’d copied another kid’s quirk, excitedly showing it off to his friends. But quirks are unique to oneself, aren’t they? Something to take pride in because only you can do it. So for someone else to be able to do it too?
“That’s something a side character would have.”
He stopped showing it off to other kids after that. Though, before he knew it, it was his birthday. Neito never understood what’s so exciting about getting random words on his wrist and someone he’ll be stuck with for the rest of his life. He’s a kid, after all. Getting his quirk was much more interesting to him. But after the response he got, he doesn’t get his hopes up.
All his relatives were eagerly checking his wrist for the soulmate words. It honestly was a little suffocating to be crowded the whole day with “do you have it yet?”. He can’t wait for it to be over.
Then, a gasp. He turns to see his mom pointing at his wrist. “Neito, your words!”
“Oh,” he glances down. Now that it’s here, he can't help but be a little curious. “Excuse me, Phantom Thief? I’m your biggest fan!”
His eyes widen, but before he could properly think about what it entails, he’s surrounded by everyone at the party. All of them eager to see what his match would tell him in their first meeting.
The next time he saw the kids who said he’ll be nothing but a side character, he rubs it in their faces.
“Look at this! My soulmate calls me Phantom Thief in our first meeting. That means I’ll be a pro hero— and what’s that? I already have a fan.”
“That— that doesn’t mean anything!”
“Yeah! It’s probably your name for a comedy show or something!”
But their words don’t reach him. He has a fan. Sure, it’s his soulmate, them being his biggest fan is a given, but still. Someone out there will be watching him. “Hahaha! Envy me all you want— my soulmate loves me way before we ever meet!”
“You’re still banking on your soulmate’s words?” Is something he heard numerous times, especially when he made it known he signed up for UA high school. Standing amongst other examinees, he wonders if his soulmate is there too. Maybe they’re already watching him. He shakes his head. No, they call me by my hero name. I won’t meet them until I become a pro hero…
He looks up at the big gates of the practical examination, his lips forming a smile as he discreetly copies the quirk of the examinee beside him. Looks like I’ll have to work hard to meet them.
The sports festival was his chance to get his soulmate’s attention. Yet, all everyone could talk about is the class that got attacked by villains. He hatched a plan to take them down and help his classmates.
“I believe it would be beneficial if we don’t show everyone our quirks in the first round. Looking at the past sports festivals, it’s likely to backfire on us, so it’s better to keep a low profile and then show off our skills in the more important rounds. Of course, none of you have to follow up on this. I won’t blame you for wanting to stand out. This is the sports festival, after all.”
He figured Shiozaki and Testutetsu would want to go all out. Sure enough, they did.
“I wouldn’t mind going through with it,” Kendo says. “But what about you?”
Neito raises his brow. “Naturally I’ll follow through with it..? What’s with that?”
Kendo gestures to her own wrist, which already doesn’t have her words. “Nothing, I just thought that your biggest fan would want to see you go all out.”
Maybe without the words on his wrist, he would’ve followed through with his plan. As he crosses the finish line in 7th place, he looks at the crowd. They aren’t cheering as loudly as for the top three, but with the hundreds of people presently cheering, the stadium is still deafening. Did you see me? Neito gazes down at his wrist, wondering that if they did, is soulmate is as in love with him as he already is?
He got a few internship requests despite not making it to the third round. Currently, his classmates are busy picking their hero names while he sits back, already having decided his.
Awase groans from the front of the class. “Argh! Monoma’s lucky, his soulmate says his hero name already so he doesn’t have to think about it..!”
Neito shrugs. “I’m sure you can think of something…”
Awase groans in response.
What an eventful first year…
Shit happened. He fought in a war with other kids his age. Crazy. Well, at least it’ll go down in the history books.
He stands in front of the statue displayed for his efforts in the war. His face and his hero name is engraved on the marble surface. He was a key player. The start point for Deku and Dynamight in the war. It was made known to everyone.
“Most people know my name and what I did, but don’t necessarily recognize me like those two…” Neito sighs, rubbing the back of his head as he recalls the screaming first students swarming to Bakugo and Todoroki this morning. “Guess I’ll have to work harder still.”
He falls silent.
Neito turns his heel, walking down the walk way of other statues mounted after the war. “Woah, he really does have a statue..!” He looks over his shoulder, spotting a student running in from the entrance. Right, they’re permitted to go off campus during lunch hours again. Neito watched in amusement as the student marvels at the statue. Their face glows with excitement as they pulled out their phone, discreetly attempting to take a selfie. Though, they obviously felt too embarrassed to do so on their own, ending up with blurry pictures.
Hm, he has time…
He approaches. The student nearly drops their phone straightening themself out to look inconspicuous. “Need help taking a photo?” he asks with a smile.
A hint of recognition passes through the student’s face. They turn to him in bewilderment, yet, at the sight of him they seem to forget that train of thought. Their eyes widen, and they cup their hands over their mouth. Neito chuckles while they stare at him in silent excitement, looking down. Damn, now that he’s faced with a fan he doesn’t know what to do.
“Excuse me… Phantom Thief?”
“Hm?” he brings his gaze back up. The student move their hands away from their mouth, revealing the brightest smile he’d ever seen directed at him, or anyone for that matter.
“I’m your biggest fan!”
“My…” his eyes widen. He looks down at his wrist. It’s gone. His words are gone. “You’re my…”
They blink at him, tilting their head. Albeit their confusion, they still watch and listen carefully for what he’ll say next. Did they not notice? Were they so enthralled by meeting him that they forgot their own words? The idea makes his heart swell. Before he could even register his own actions, he reaches out for them, hands on their shoulders.
“S… Say that again!”
“Eh?!” they can’t help but step back, face warming up at their proximity. “Um… I’m your biggest fan?”
Someone watching from a distance wouldn’t be able to tell who the fan in the situation is. Although, one could probably say it’s both. “Your words… do you know how much your first words helped me over the years?” he breathes out, heart thumping so loudly. This adrenaline is a relief that is incomparable to anything else. “Huh? Over the years? U-Um…” Oh dear, it looks like the student might short circuit. “Ah, sorry… I got carried away.“ Neito steps back, releasing their shoulders. “But, you really don’t notice?”
They stare at him. After a few seconds, it finally dawned on them… the realization they made earlier. “You… said my words…” They look down at their wrist and gasp. “They’re gone!”
“Yeah,” Neito nods.
They point at him, eyes wide. “You’re my soulmate!” “That’s right.”
“Holy shit.” Neito laughs as they cover their mouth once more. “My soulmate… my soulmate is Phantom Theif? For real?! I’m not dreaming?”
“Does it feel like a dream?” he asks teasingly with a raised brow.
They nod vigorously. “C-Could I… get a picture with you?”
He grins, watching them fiddle with their thumbs nervously. “Of course. Mind if I take it for us?” “Oh sure, here,” they hand over their phone.
Neito extends his arm out, holding the phone still until the camera focuses on both of them. Of course, his statue is there in the background. After all, that’s what they originally wanted to photograph.
“What’s your name, by the way?” Neito asks, pulling away. He still has the phone, though.
“(L/n) (y/n).”
“Ah, good, now I know what to write in your contact. I can put my number in, can’t I?”
“Y-Your number…” (y/n) awes. It’s only natural to keep in touch with their soulmate, but having someone the Phantom Thief whom they love so much in their contacts is something they never thought would happen. “I’d love that!”
Neito types in his number into (y/n)’s phone, and hands it back to them. “Alright. Done. Send me a text any time you wanna meet up. And if you need help as my underclassman, feel free to come to me, okay?”
(y/n) nods. “Okay.”
“Then… I’ll see you next time.”
“Um! One last thing!” (Y/n) purses their lip, debating whether on saying it or not. “May… may I get your autograph?”
“An autograph?” Neito raises his brow with a grin, watching as they scramble to find something from their bag. “Even though I’m your soulmate?”
“It’s a big bonus that you’re my soulmate but— I’ve been a fan of you since seeing the sports festival replays!” Determination burns in their eyes as they extend a board and sharpie to him. “See? I even have a special place for you to put your autograph. Please?”
“Oh, how could I refuse a request from my biggest fan?” he snickers in attempt to distract from the blush dusting his cheeks. He takes the board and sharpie, fingers brushing against each other’s.
“(Y/n), thank you for supporting me even before you realized it. Sincerely, your soulmate, Phantom Thief.”
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seths-rogens · 1 year
cardboard houses, cardboard hearts | M | 1.9k | ao3
should’ve been finishing my infidelity au, but instead the cardboard joe cutout i was given inspired me to crank this out in one sitting,, anyway, please enjoy :)
Eddie often thanks God that he took the leap and moved to Indianapolis after he finally graduated high school. Not that he really believes in God. Just… figure of speech and all. Though, maybe he’d believe in God if they were a metalhead with tatties and an eyebrow piercing, but he thinks that might ruin their image honestly.
He’s getting off topic.
Eddie often thanks God for Indy in moments like these. Moments where he has a fucking beautiful man pinned to his own front door, strong, thick fingers tangling in his hair as Eddie desperately tries to fit his key into the lock. He shoves his thigh between Pretty Man’s legs - he didn’t catch his name - and presses upwards. Pretty Man whines, grinding down and making it all that more difficult to unlock the goddamn door.
“Hold on, Sweetheart. I just gotta-“ Eddie bites back a groan as Pretty Man kisses down his neck, sucking a bruise over his pulse as the key finally slips into the lock. Chrissy’s never gonna let him live the marks down.
He’s surprised he picked anyone up tonight at all. He’d gone to a concert alone for once, as Chrissy was staying at her new girlfriend’s place, and Gareth and Jeff weren’t the biggest fans of his guilty pleasure artist ‘King S’.
And honestly? In any other world. Eddie wouldn’t be either.
King S isn’t his usual style. Where Eddie usually loves a hard drumline, thrashing guitars and lyrics you can only scream, King S is all soft melodies and crooning vocals set to slow drum beats.
He’d stumbled upon him completely by accident, honestly. It’d been a slow day at the record store Eddie manages. He’d been there for nearly five hours and so far he’d only served maybe three customers - and two of those customers were an old couple shopping for their granddaughter. So he’d picked the first magazine he could reach off the stand by the counter, and flipped it open to a random page.
It’d been an interview with King S, who’d just released his first album at the time. He was talking about his inspiration for making music - his best friend and little brother who, he’s quoted as saying, ‘always ragged on him when he played his pop shit in the car’ - and the meaning behind his stage name - reclaiming an old high school nickname he’d been given after his brief stint as a bit of a mean girl, though now he promises he’s using it for good.
He’d flipped the page to find a double page spread of King S curled up in a bathtub. His eyes were squeezed shut through the lacy masquerade mask that was supposedly his staple (no one knew his real identity after all). His hair was messy and flying all over the place. He was…
He was naked. Or at least that’s how it seemed.
His arms and legs were bare, the black and white photo only emphasising the toned curves of the muscles in his arms and back and the dark hair covering those lush thighs.
Call him obvious but Eddie had been intrigued. He knew they’d received a new shipment of records that morning that weren’t supposed to be hitting the shelves until the next day, so he figured what the hell!
Ten minutes later, elbow deep in a shoddily painted green wooden crate, Eddie emerged victorious with King S’s debut album ‘Robins and Tadpoles’ in his hands.
The album cover was two people’s hands clasped together, matching ice cream cone tattoos on both wrists. There was a little dedication on the back. To R & D.
He took it out to the turntable on the shop floor and dropped the needle. When the soft music started, he was hesitant, but as the album moved on he quickly realised he was hooked.
He’d gone into the shop bright and early the next day - on his day off no less - and bought the album. Only slightly laughing at the look on Mike’s - part time Lit student, part time cashier, full time grump - face.
That had been two years ago, and Eddie had been solidly on the King S train since.
Sure, Gareth and Jeff - and Grant too when he was in town - would tease him about abandoning his people, about betraying the freaks and the weirdos, but really they supported his love for the artist, even if they didn’t quite get it.
So when King S announced a stop in Indy on his second album tour, the guys (and Chrissy) had banded together to get him tickets as an early 26th birthday present. Except when the day came, they were all busy, so he went by himself.
He didn’t mind really, was just happy to be there to appreciate the music. (And the man himself, Eddie has eyes, come on now.)
Elated and feeling just a little self fulfilled after the concert, Eddie had gone to his favourite queer/metal bar, Crash. He’s picked people up there before, sure, but they’ve all been metalheads, just like him, and as many of his friends have said in the past, he’s cursed to have the hots for the preppy jock types.
Usually, that’s not the type of guy he’d find in Crash. Tonight was different.
Eddie had been sat at the bar, thinking about King S’s arms beneath the crimson sweater he wore on stage, when a gorgeous man had stepped up beside him to buy a beer. The man was wearing a dark, charcoal coloured t-shirt under a light grey Members Only jacket, paired with light blue levi’s.
Eddie kinda felt his jaw hit the floor. Could this be the perfect end to the perfect night?
This brings us back to now. Eddie finally pushes the door open, swings Pretty Man around and pushes him back against it.
He drops his keys somewhere. It doesn’t matter. He’ll find them tomorrow.
They’re grinding fast against one another now, only their harsh, panting breaths filling the silence of Eddie’s apartment. Eddie slides his hand into Pretty Man’s hair, tugs on this side of too hard. Pretty Man moans, loud, almost echoing, and tilts his head to the side, baring his neck for Eddie to defile.
Eddie leans in, presses his lips to those two little moles, and—
“What the fuck?”
Eddie pulls back to look at Pretty Man’s face. He’s still, not looking at Eddie, instead staring with wide eyes into the open plan of Eddie’s living room.
Eddie follows his gaze and… Oh. Yeah. He forgot about that.
See the King S tickets hadn’t been Eddie’s only birthday gift. He knew this would come back to bite him in the ass, but his friends thought it was hilarious. Eddie thinks they’re assholes.
Because Pretty Man is staring at a life size cutout of King S, standing by the wall.
Eddie winces, pulls away. This guy might not look like a metalhead, but he was in a metal bar, there’s no way he listens to King S. He’s gotta come up with an explanation for this, and fast.
“Um, yeah… About that… would you believe me if I said I didn’t buy it?” He asks sheepishly, avoiding Pretty Man’s eyes.
“You’re a fan?” Pretty Man asks, except he sounds dejected, which Eddie thinks is weird. And actually? Fuck this guy. He’s allowed to like whatever he wants.
“Yeah, man. What’s wrong with that? Maybe it’s not for everyone but King S actually makes really good music.” He gets more than a little defensive, takes a step back and crosses his arms over his chest.
“No, no… that’s not what I meant.” Pretty Man raises his hands placatingly.
“Then what did you mean?”
Pretty Man sighs, rubs a hand over his face. “Don’t you recognise me?”
Eddie furrows his brow in confusion. “Do I like, know you or something?”
Pretty Man raises his eyes to the ceiling like this is difficult. “Really? Nothing?”
Eddie shakes his head. “I don’t…” Pretty man nods, sighs, and then walks past Eddie further into the apartment. “Hey, you can’t just—“
“How about now?” Pretty Man asks, stopping right next to the cardboard cut out.
Eddie flits his eyes between the man and the cut out, trying to understand what Pretty Man is getting at until he sighs again, pulls down the sleeve of his jacket to reveal…
A tattoo of an ice cream cone, and suddenly it all clicks.
Oh. Oh no. That’s… oh holy ever loving fuck.
“Holy shit!” Eddie exclaims, pointing frantically between Pretty Man and the cardboard. “You’re King S!”
“Yeah. It’s uh, Steve, actually.” Pretty Man, King S, Steve nods, seeming much more shy than he was ten minutes ago. He’s curled his arms around himself, trying to make himself shrink. Eddie feels bad.
“Did you think I was trying to sleep with you because you’re famous?”
“I mean, weren’t you?” Steve won’t meet his eye. Instead he’s staring around the room, taking in all the little details of Eddie’s life.
Eddie takes a step towards him. “No, man. I just thought you were pretty, that’s all.”
“You really didn’t know who I was?” Though he still looks unsure, Steve finally meets his eye.
Eddie shakes his head, coming to a stop in front of Steve. “I didn’t even buy that thing, dude. My friends thought it would be funny because you’re like, the only non-metal artist I listen to.”
Steve smiles at that. He really is so pretty, Eddie can’t help but think. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, man. Heard your first album right after it came out and I was hooked!” Eddie laughs softly. “I used to be a little bit narrow minded when it came to music, but I heard yours and it’s like the world of music blasted wide open.”
A pretty pink blush spreads its way across Steve’s cheeks. “Oh, uh… That’s really cool. I’m glad you like it.”
“I was at your show tonight, actually.”
“You were?”
“Yeah!” He shrugs. “I used to play in a band in high school, we were never very good but I liked to think I had good stage presence, right?” Steve nods and Eddie grins, leaning in a little. “I was nothing compared to you. It was fucking electric, I felt like my skin was buzzing.”
Steve’s smile seems to grow even wider. He sways forward into Eddie’s space, almost unconsciously. “This might be crazy, but do you wanna start over? Forgo the one night stand and just, I don’t know, get coffee or something? I know this cute little 24 hour place, Victoria Street, it’s only a couple blocks away.”
Eddie narrows his eyes a little. “Stevie… barely anyone knows Victoria Street. Are you, dare I say it… local?”
Steve’s cheeks darken even further. “Maybe.”
Eddie laughs. “Then, I’d love to start over. I wanna get to know you as Steve, not King S.”
Steve slips his hand into Eddie’s, tugs him
back towards the door. “God, how much do you know..?”
“I may have read a couple interviews.”
Steve groans, embarrassed, as the door clicks shut behind them.
Then, a few moments later. “Shit! My keys!”
The date goes well. As does the second, and the third, and so on, and so on. They’re officially exclusive by date 7.
Steve meets Chrissy and the boys on date 20. Eddie meets Dustin and Robin, right before date 45.
On date 94, Steve presents his third album to Eddie. There’s a different dedication on the back cover this time.
To E, my love.
taglist: @judasofsuburbia @gothbat99 @cheatghost @flowercrowngods @fastcardotmp3 @simplebtromance @gonzofromspace
lemme know if u wanna be added to a permanent taglist for anything i do in the future, i’m thinkin’ that might be funky :)
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wheneverfeasible · 23 days
Thanks for the tag @stervrucht ! Ended up writing this on my lunch and hiding in the back at work lmaoooo
Because today I’m thinking about…children’s entertainer Eddie Munson and single parent Steve Harrington…
This is definitely a modern au. Eddie did the whole band thing in high school, and they still get together and play in bars and occasionally at events and things, but now Eddie’s music is…different.
Like…think Johnny Karate different.
Except he’s still Eddie. He still dresses in darker clothing, still keeps the metal influence in his music, it’s just all kid appropriate nowadays. He sings songs that are inspired by DnD and fantasy novels he loved growing up, like The Hobbit and The Last Unicorn. He even has a couple children’s books out based on his songs and stories. (His buddy Jeff illustrates them.)
Now, Eddie’s biggest fan happens to be Dustin Henderson, the young friend of single parent Steve Harrington. Dustin is actually a fan of Corroded Coffin as well, which is how he learned of Eddie’s children entertainment persona, The Freak (so named to show kids it’s good to be different), who sometimes dresses up like a court jester, especially when working a kid’s birthday party, crowning the kid as king or queen or anything else their little heart desires.
Steve has two little kids, twins, a boy and a girl. Their fifth birthday is coming up and Dustin convinces Steve to hire Eddie. After much heeing and hawing, Steve finally agrees, if only because Dustin gets the kids to whine about it too, and Steve honestly can’t say no to any of kids, even the ones that are only fiveish years younger than him.
Eddie comes, dressed in his understated jester costume, and the kids absolutely adore him. He all but beams when the boy staunchly proclaims he wants to be a princess, not a prince, and the little girl decides she wants to be a goblin. But a good one. Eddie grins and tells her to watch out for enchanted crystals.
The kids then decide that if the boy is a princess, then that makes their dad the king, and Eddie grins even wider and flourishes an adult size crown for just this sort of occasion. After a lot of complaining about his hair, Steve finally agrees to wear the crown, feeling oddly flushed when Eddie gets close enough to set it on top his head.
“Don’t worry, darling, I won’t mess your hair up too badly. Not until you ask me too,” he whispers just for Steve to hear and winks, even as he quickly jumps away because rule number one is never flirt with a parent when he’s on a job. Something about the single dad is just a little too much for Eddie’s self-restraint, however. Both are blushing.
The rest of the party goes on well, he even gets most of the adults to join in on the ridiculous and repetitive titles, and maybe he showboats a little with his guitar riffs, but Steve’s eyes have barely left him the entire time, and only then when he needed to keep his eyes on the kids.
Eddie is paid and leaves, like he’s supposed to, though not without giving out his business card to some of the other attending parents who want to hire him as well for their own kids’ birthday parties. All in all, a successful night. He gives one last glance at Steve and then he’s gone.
Time passes, yeah? Steve can’t stop thinking about Eddie. Eddie can’t stop thinking about Steve. They both think that’s the end of it.
And then Dustin, matchmaker extraordinaire who clocked that shit immediately because Steve hasn’t looked at anyone since the kids, convinces Steve to go to a bar with him where a live band is playing.
The band?
Why, what else but Corroded Coffin.
And the lead guitarist? Well he just happens to look beautifully familiar.
rip fartbuckle
Hostage tag: @derythcorvinus
No pressure tags: @scoops-aboy86 @endlessmusings1801 @steddieassheg0es @steddiecameraroll @fkinkindagauche (if you’ve already been tagged and posted before, let me know so I can read your stuff!)
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Jealous Student
Wanda Maximoff x Nerd!Reader (High School AU)
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You’ve been dating popular girl and magic user Wanda Maximoff for close to a few months at this point.
Honestly you’ve been on cloud nine. You and Wanda knew everything about one another already thanks to your strong friendship. Everyone in Wanda’s friend circle approved of you.
It didn’t matter to Wanda that you were a nerd, you were her nerd.
Everything was going well or so you thought. It was around this time that a foreign exchange student came in. His name was Vision Jarvis, a proper British chap.
It didn’t take long, literally five minutes of walking on to campus to make a beeline for your girlfriend.
“Excuse me, miss?” The proper British accent showing, “can you tell me where I can locate Mr Fury’s class?”
“Yes that’s Y/N and mine’s class” she explains, gesturing to you.
“Perfect. I’m Vision.” He shakes her hand and kisses her knuckles.
“Wanda” she gives a smile.
“And I’m Y/N” you give him a handshake, trying not to show the jealousy brewing in your very soul.
Wanda gives your hand a gentle squeeze as the two of you guide Vision to your class.
Vision quickly starting hanging out with you and Wanda. He quickly gained the affection of all your friends.
“Watch out, Hufflepuff” Tony Stark warns you within the week.
“Proper British dude? The accent?” He explains, “no girl can resist any accent.”
“I take it you used an accent when you asked out Pepper?”
“Didn’t fool her at all but I did make her laugh” he smirks.
Vision was seeming awful chummy with Wanda. He was a fan of Dick Van Dyke and Florence and the Machine.
Somehow you felt that you were starting to become the third wheel.
You approach Wanda during lunch, handmade lunches in tow. “Hey Wanda, I was wondering if you wanted to continue our Harry Potter marathon tonight”
“Harry Potter?” Vision chimes, “i love the Wizarding World!”
“Uhh…Vision was wondering if he could tag along.” Wanda looks at you uneasy.
“Oh” you find your voice brimming with sadness, “well…uhh…”
Vision interrupts, “Wanda I was inquiring if you and Y/N would like to join me for tea later”
“Well Vis the thing is-“ Wanda tries to say. But it was too late you walked away, a few tears making their way down your cheek.
“Detka?!” Wanda calls out to you before chasing after you.
“You seem awful chummy with him” you state, trying to keep from being heard by anyone else but her.
“Vis? Well he’s new.” Wanda tries to explain.
“It’s the accent right?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“You like him. You like Vision more than me” you finally blurt out.
“No I don’t.” Wanda looks at you so confused.
“Does he even know we’re dating? No one is ever that chummy with someone unless they’re into you”
“Y/N will you just listen?” Wanda takes your face in her hands, “Detka you’re the one I love.”
Vision walks up to you and Wanda, “I apologize for interrupting, but Vivian invited me out for coffee.”
“Vivian?” You ask.
“Yes. She is quite lovely. Thank you both so much for being my friends recently.” Vision finishes, “I hope I haven’t caused any strife. By the way you make such a lovely couple”
“T-thank you” you shake his hand as he walks over to a young girl.
Wanda looks to you, a little cocked eyebrow, “was my detka jealous?”
“Maybe.” You whisper. “It’s just that you’re so amazing and I’m so…bland”
“No you’re not.” Wanda giggles pulling you into a hug. “You are just right…for me.”
“So do you wanna have a Harry Potter marathon, my Slytherin?”
“With only you, my Hufflepuff” Wanda gives you a kiss on the nose.
You turn to go to class but Wanda stops you. She pulls you close and whispers in your ear, “I think we can afford to play hooky at least once in our lives.”
The two of you quickly run out of Avengers High. Tony simply smirks, being the only person to see the two of you leaving.
One day out on the town won’t kill your grades. But one life without Wanda would be unbearable.
Tags @natashaswife4125 @jacelion @lifespectator @aloneodi @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @iamnicodemus @russianredassassin @kathleenmikaelson @kingofthelizardpeople @supercorpdanbeau @scarletwitch-n7 @family-house-of-m
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aeternalis-eien · 28 days
Gravity Falls LIVES!
So, just like so many other fans, with the release of the Book of Bill and everything, I've been re-watching the show alot and I've decided to add to the ever growing piles of Gravity Falls Fandom greatness/fun! So here are some of a Head cannons with the Falling Stars AU. *Just a note, I was not in the fandom when it was first coming out, and recently only got to find out about some of the cool AUs out there so that is part of what has caused this lol* For those like me who are learning about some of the cool AUs- Falling Stars is an AU of what if Mabel had been pulled into the portal in EP "Not what He Seems".
Also a note, I have not read book of Bill, the third journal or the comic that was published as I just have not had the chance so alot of this information/stuff I know referencing them, I will admit I got from Tik Tok so bare with me! Head Cannons that I might do one-shots on later:
-Dipper makes his parents give Stan full custody of him and Mabel with child support. The nightmare he has about his parents arguing is regarding how neither of them want either of the twins after their divorce as they find them creep/freaky and would not 'mesh' with their new families. (He could never tell Mabel of what he heard-She knew though)
-Mabel mistook Ford for Stan at first when he saved her from a black hole that was the cause of her being sucked into the portal. She spent hours clinging to him and just sob babbling. (This is also how Ford learned who she was and what likely happened)
-Mabel went into shock for four weeks after realizing what happened and that there isn't a quick/easy way to get home. (She learns to cope by being her 'normal' bubbly weird self.)
-Stan's panic, fear, and freak out in trying to get Mabel back in those early days is what allowed Dipper to not blame him for what happened and actually sit down and hear him out about why he was building the portal. (This would be basically the EP of Tale of Two Stans)
-Dipper has been allowed into Stan's mind/memories with his permission. This started with Stan wanting to regain Dipper's trust and then grew into their search for clues on repairing the portal that Dipper might be able to figure out that Stan couldn't.
-Dipper and Stan spend years trying to get the portal working again, even though Stan forces him to socialize and not stop living his life/existing.
-After Mabel and Ford finally get back, they are able to explain the reason that the portal couldn't just be turned back on due to how dangerous it was. (Back to back uses could rip reality apart fully if not the very planet itself.)
-Mabel acts like her old silly self as not only a coping method but as a way to hold to who she once was, but she can flip on a dime into a serious warrior survival type mode.
-Pacifica and Dipper started dating in high school. Since the weirdness continues in Gravity Falls (and outside it) they grow closer during one of these situations. -Dipper found out that Pacifica is actually really smart, she even ends up joining him and Stan on working on the portal. -She honestly does love Dipper.
-Wendy and Stan ended up 'forcefully' teaching Dipper how to be 'athletic' in their own ways. -Stan got him into boxing and gifted him his own brass knuckles -Wendy got him into parkour and rock climbing. - Pacifica got him into light gymnastics; but he won't talk to anyone else about it.
-Dipper blames himself for Mabel being pulled into the portal and believes that if he had just trusted Stan none of it would have happened.
-Mabel blames herself for getting pulled in, believing that if she hadn't let go of the button she wouldn't have been so easily pulled in and is worried about what has happened to Stan and Dipper.
-Stan taught Dipper how to pick locks as a hobby and 'male bonding' -Pacifica picked it up and is better at it then both of them.
-Dipper took up photography and found that he has the talent and skill to be professional. He started this so that he could continue Mabel's scrapbooks. -Pacifica, Greta and Candy now do a weekly scrapbook day after finding Dipper spiraling at 14 trying to balance his time doing everything.
-Ford made Mabel a digital journal/camera that she can wear as either a watch or a pendant so that she can record/photograph their journey to show Dipper when they get home. -Ford lost hope finding a way home long ago, but he doesn't want her to become like him.
-Greta has become a very popular travel influence/blogger thanks to her royal boyfriend. They are in love and very loyal to each other. -She likes to collect things from her travels to give to Mabel when she returns.
-Candy is on her way to become an internationally acclaimed robotics and prosthetics engineer. -She helps ensure Dipper's protective gear actually works.
-Pacifica has become independently wealthy away from her family due to her skills in finances and stocks. She also handle's Dipper's investments and patents as well as McGucket's. -She basically runs the fiances for the Shack, Stan and Dipper as she claims they are money morons- they are of course. -She has made sure the shack has been kept up and all the work is properly funded for the portal repairs.
-Dipper moved into Ford's old room after a year and a half as he couldn't handle seeing Mabel's things, but couldn't bring himself to move or touch them either.
-Waddles is/has been taken care of by everyone as every single person can't imagine how sad Mabel would be if she returned and he was gone.
-Mabel is known across the multiverse as the greatest matchmaker in any reality. She has made a solid name for herself and brings in 'funds' for her and Ford's travels. -She is even sought out by multiverse royalty for her skills in finding compatible matches that are known to be long lasting.
-Ford calls Mabel Kirk as she left a trail of broken hearts through their travels by no fault of her own as someone 'always' fell head over heels for her; even if she was clueless about it. -Mabel doesn't get the reference.
-After Mabel returns, she has kept in contact with some of the friends she made in traveling with a crystal flower that she keeps safe. When she first got back it looks like she was just talking to herself freaking out Dipper and Stan, but they eased when Ford explained what was going on during a particular heated conversation she was having with someone's who's language is to shout aggressively.
-Dipper grew his hair out because it reminds him of Mabel; he normally wears it tied back or braided when he is working.
-Mabel cut her hair short because it reminds her of Dipper; Ford isn't the best barber so Mabel learned how to do both their hair for him.
-Mabel takes out at least three of Bill's friends during Weirdmageddon herself. Stan is both horrified and deeply impressed.
I'm sure I'll think of more and might just add on to this lol.
I hope everyone enjoys some of my HC!
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tinytennisskirt · 28 days
summarizing my favourite fics that I've written so maybe if you haven't read them, you find reason to. Not in any specific order.
More Than Anything- Art Donaldson
I love this one a lot personally. It was a request and although I had to stretch to make ends meet, I am a huge fan of friends to lovers. I love childhood best friend! Art so much. He's a cutie. But thats what this is, childhood best friends to lovers but the platonic doesn't change. It just alters. The miscommunication, the misunderstanding of Patrick's words to reader are hurtful and they change things but Art fixes it and brings it all back together? I was already in love. It's worse. A kiss ending with a HUG ending is a weakness for sure.
Cottage Culture- Art Donaldson
It's an Art fic but it definitely doesn't lack Patrick. I love the dynamic I wrote for reader and the boys- its very established that they are long time friends and are very comfortable with each other. There's a lot of casual touching which means a lot to me. I love it. But Art who has feelings ugh love him for it. It's that thing with the trio where the connection between reader and Art is just a little bit more intimate in the ways that matter. Just a hint, but it makes so much difference. Plus a kiss in the water? Need. This fic takes place at a cottage away from the world and takes place over the course of a few days, so there's so many instances of attraction and so many POVS. It's also very summery so if you're feeling like a cottage getaway with your two fav challengers boys, this is perfect.
Let It Linger- Art Donaldson
I think I'm probably most proud of this fic. It took forever to write and I actually gave up twice, but it got completed. It's like an AU of the movie itself, but it bounces back and forth like a tennis ball on a court from Art's time at MRTA to post-canon divorced! Art who is searching for his old best friend at their 15 year high school reunion. I really really love this one because it's very friendship and yearning oriented. How close reader and Art get to being together before they fall out and into no contact for fifteen years but he sees her again and talking to her again feels like no time has passed? Finding out that fifteen years ago, reader liked him too? I really like writing super non-romantic romantic scenes like the simple things and the simple conversations between reader and Art that are so specifically somehow intimate though they're trying to make it feel like it's not. It's friends to lovers but in a way that isn't exactly satisfied. It's honestly so fucking good, I loveeee this one.
Sweetheart- Patrick Zweig
an AU where Patrick is a girl dad is just the perfect universe. He's a single dad in a cluttered house with an absolute angel genius of a daughter and reader is considerably younger than him. She's twenty, he's nearing forty. It's not inherently romantic at first, it's just banter, but he's soooo dirty. He can't help but think about her in a way that isn't exactly holy. And she's got some semi-innocent crush on him. He goes on dates but every night he comes home and has his little bits of banter with her and things get increasingly harder to manage over time. He might actually like her which is crazy, but I never specifically wrote that he does like her in any way that isn't sexual because I wanted the reader to kind of be in the not-knowing because why would anyone expect his character in this to be ACTUALLY into the twenty-year-old babysitter? This one is a smut and it's honestly really tasty and rough, but the ending is what is supposed to get you like 'ah, I see. feelings.'
Best Friend Patrick Zweig who is Totally Not In Love With You
This was my second headcanons list and I somehow ended up giving it a plot, so it's not just headcanons. It's a list of things Patrick does as your best friend who has feelings for you. The list format is loose, it's a headcanon and then it's like... written dialogue underneath the headcanon to explain it so it's more engaging. I really enjoyed tapping into my autism like 'yeah, he'd do that'. It's got all the good stuff like some jealousy, some quiet yearning, He's repressing his feelings which I love because it's so him. He and reader have a good dynamic and it's NOT ONLY x reader but it's also NOT ONLY headcanons. It's a good mix!!!
Those Three Words- Patrick Zweig
I'm honestly a little unreasonably obsessed with this one. It was such a small but well-written request I just HAD TO make it extra. I honestly never really plan out the way my fics go other than knowing the basics. But the aspects are always just as I go. Patrick going from a player to set on ONE girl for the first time in his life is wild and crazy and he likes her and gets her number but they're friends for months before they start dating. Reader becomes one of his best friends and it's lovely and fun and he's so into her. Surprisingly so. Like even takes him by surprise but it's so fun to write Patrick who is actually IN LOVE for the first time WHAT SO CRAZY. I love domestic life kinds of romance and yeah he says I love you so soon, but he means it. And he gets a bit of a monologue and it's funny and he's soft with her which I love and adore.
Just some behind the scenes thoughts. All fics are linked at their titles! Also just a sly little reminder that I LOVEEEEE comments. Your thoughts and feedback mean the world to me. Also, requests are open always <3333
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albatmobile · 3 months
would you ever write manslut jason ,something about him being stupid for pussy is mmmh 🤤🤤
i got you!! (see also this ask included in this chap :p)
parent teacher conferences and other places to meet a pornstar pt. 3
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[1] [2] [3] coming soon: [4] || ao3
𓅪 Rated: E | 8k includes: cam girl AU, teacher AU, misunderstandings, confessions, identity reveal, miscommunication, fingering, pussy eating, anal sex, threesome, degradation, praise, spanking, choking, hair pulling, creampie
𓅪 cam girl fem!reader x jason todd, cam girl fem!reader x roy harper, cam girl fem!reader x jason todd x roy harper
You feel like you’ve fallen right into a trap.
He obviously knows who you are, but you didn’t know who he was fully until last night. 
You feel entirely deceived and were honestly just thanking your lucky stars that he hadn’t ended up being some serial killer stalker. 
Now you’re left to fret over how to go about this. After all, Lian’s still in your class and you’ll have to face him come Monday.
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After thinking on it further, you realize he hasn’t been in your stream since before the parent teacher conference. This fact alone makes you feel a bit better, but you can’t deny the whole situation still has you feeling weird. 
However, it’s not like he’d be comfortable enough to tell you he’s your top fan within a week of talking to you…
Why did this have to get so complicated?
You don’t think he’s dangerous and you can’t deny you were starting to have feelings for the redhead, but this all convoluted everything. Well, more so than it already was with you being Lian’s teacher… And your cam job… 
Okay, yes, so, the whole thing basically.
You need to figure out how you’re going to handle the situation going forward, or if there’ll even be a situation going forward.
It’s going to be a long weekend.
You go into Monday with your head held high. 
Though you feel confident with your decision, as the end of the day nears you can’t help but feel anxiety at the impending confrontation. 
Spring finally begins to show, with bees and birds emerging from their winter cocoons. The warmer temperatures allow you to keep your windows open during the lesson, something the kids have really appreciated. When your fellow teacher mentioned she was going out to the playground with her class and offered to take yours, you agreed.
It allows you more time to ready yourself and you’re grateful for the distraction it brings as summer and, coincidentally, the end of school draws nearer.
After the final bell rings, all of the kids continue to play on the playground, leaving the parents to come in and grab their kids' school supplies. It makes it easier when Roy- Mr. Harper, you correct yourself, lingers ever so slightly. 
He seems like he’s being respectful of your distance, which only cements your decision further. 
You ask him to hang back, something he complies with anxiously. Surprisingly, his nervousness only makes you feel more confident. You definitely made the right choice.
The hallways are empty and a quick look outside proves just how busy the playground is today. It’s the hottest day of the year and, so far, everyone’s taking full advantage of it. Well, everyone except for you and Mr. Harper.
How do you even start this conversation?
Part of you hopes that he’ll start babbling and save you from the pain of your own. Instead, he takes a back seat, letting you take complete control of the situation. He’s leaning stiffly against one of the desks in front of your own, so you move to lean loosely against the front of your desk. This position leaves maybe two feet of space between the two of you, something he seems to notice with an absentminded lick of his lips.
You cross your arms with a sigh, noticing how he carefully observes your every minuscule movement. 
“I’m sorry for leaving like I did,” you finally build up the courage to say.
The redheaded dad mimics your crossed arms briefly, then uncrosses them and goes back to tapping anxiously against the desk with his freckled fingers. Then, he exhales with a light laugh. His head falls forward, hiding his eyes from your view through his long, orange locks, though the smile is evident on his face even as he subconsciously moves his hand over it pensively.
“Fire escape is a new low,” he drawls, with mirth evident as his light green eyes finally reach yours again. “Jason will never let me live that down, you know?”
You can’t help but laugh lightly, your arms unfolding as you do. You grip the edge of the desk exactly as Roy had during your first confrontation with him, back when he’d first shook your world. 
“I did swear him to secrecy, in all fairness, so that’s on him,” you jest lightly. 
At this point, he stops leaning on the desk and takes a step closer to you as if to test the waters. 
You allow it.
He reaches out for your hands.
Once again, you allow it. 
“I wanted to reach out so badly,” Roy says as he stares down at your intertwined hands. “I promise nothing happened after the movie. Hand to god, babe.” To cement his point, he moves his hand with yours to press the back of your hand against his beating heart. 
“That’s not even what this is about, Roy- Mr. Harper.”
He hardly notices the correction, brow knit together in confusion. “Then, what was it about?” he asks in confusion.
It’s your turn to throw his username at him. “Arsenal,” you reply simply.
Your one word leaves his mouth to drops and, subsequently, for him to drop your hands. “Holy shit,” he spouts as he starts pacing, not even looking at you. Now you’re the confused one. “How did you figure it out?!”
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about, I promise,” you reassure him, not understanding the large reaction he’s having.
“Soo,” he trails off uncomfortably, “you were cool with that one night?”
When he randomly gave you the $200 tip?
“It was a little weird, but yeah,” you reply genuinely. Having one of your student’s parents be subbed to you is one thing, them being your top fan before ever knowing you? Whole different ballgame.
He exhales deeply, with it going the rest of his worries, “Sick. Okay, cool.” You watch as he rubs sheepishly at the back of his head, while a crimson blush burns across his freckled cheeks. “So, where do we go from here? Can I even ask that?” he hurriedly tacks on at the end with wide eyes. “I just mean I don’t expect anything from you and I don’t want you to feel like you have to-"
There’s the signature rambling you’ve been missing. 
“Roy,” you say, your amused tone effectively cuts him off. His eyes snap to yours in an instant as if he’s ready to drink in any and every word you give him. Good. You can’t afford to mess anything up. “I really like spending time with you; that’s not the issue. Regardless of all of all of this shit, we need to take all of this slow until the end of the year.”
He nods earnestly. “I can do that.”
“Good,” you smile, “it’s just a few months away, anyway.”
“Does this mean we can hang out before then?” 
You laugh, though it comes out breathier than you’d meant it, something Roy notices with hungry eyes.
“Are you asking me out on a date?” you ask slyly.
He just shakes his head with a cheeky smile. “Trust me, you’ll know when I’m asking you on a date.”
After this confrontation, you start hanging out with Roy every chance you get.
It only makes sense that, after a few weeks of constantly hanging out, Roy gets to see the real side of you. 
You can only hide your nerdiness from him for a day as your conversations soon center around all the Batman comics you’ve read. Another few days and Roy figures out you like cat memes. It’s something he lets you know is ‘the stupidest shit ever,’ but it doesn’t stop him from spamming your phone with them while you’re at work.
It’s only so long before your Red Hood rants spill out of you as if you’re sitting on Wonder Woman’s lasso. You’re out at coffee with him while Lian’s at dance practice when it comes out, much to Roy’s obvious chagrin.
“He’s like, god-like hot, you know? Like I’d lick his combat boots the same way I’d lick the filth ring in his bathtub,” you admit, then stop and shake your head when you realize it doesn’t cover it. “I’d fucking suck on his sweaty jockstrap. I’m not even kidding, Roy.”
He nearly spits out his coffee, choking and pounding at his chest after your remark. “Oh?”
You nod your head. “Deadass,” you say.
You might think his quiet to mean that he was jealous, you know, if only you hadn’t been talking about Black Canary in much of the same way last week. If anything, it seems more like he’s thinking hard about something, but what, you’re not quite sure.
“What do you know about him?” Roy asks.
You sip at your drink as you think back to what you know of the vigilante—if he can even be called that.
“I haven’t really been paying much attention anymore to be honest, I’ve been really focused on work. This being said, I know it’s been a few years since Red Hood’s even been in Gotham,” you say, pushing your glasses further up the bridge of your nose as you try to piece together a timeline. “But I think I saw something in the news recently that sounded like his work. Maybe around the time school started this year?” Roy seems impressed, though he trains his expression before you can question it. “Either way, I don’t know much about him. No,” you trail off with a light blush.
“You’re cute, you know that?” he teases you, sipping with a pointed smirk.
Your blush intensifies as it so often does when you go on your nerd rants and he calls you out on it. “Shut up, Harper.”
After the coffee shop, comic book references and photos of Red Hood you’d never seen also get sent to you during work. Each pic of Hood is signed off with Roy’s signature ‘;p.’
After another month of getting to know each other and the final two weeks of school are steadfast approaching. You’ll definitely miss seeing Lian and her dopey dad every weekday but can’t deny that it might just lead the way for other, better things to come to fruition. 
This weekend, Lian’s with her grandparents in Aruba.
“Why didn’t you go?” you ask as you sit on his kitchen counter.
He’s cooking something, but you still can’t tell what the mess is going to be.
The redhead looks over his shoulder as he addresses you from the stove in front of you, “Not on the best of terms right now. Haven’t been for a while, to be honest, but I’m not gonna let the kid miss out on experiences because of it.”
“Oh,” you say, not knowing how else to respond.
He brings a spoon over for you to taste something, but your hair keeps getting in the way. You use the hair tie you have around your wrist to tie it up, but falter when the look behind Roy’s eyes changes. 
“You look good,” he says, his voice deeper than it’s been all day. Roy gently guides the spoon between your pliant lips when you feel it.
“Roy!” you sputter through the hotness of the sauce in your mouth. You glance down and see that, yes, this man is hard as fuck. For what, though, you honestly have no idea.
“Sorry, babe,” he apologizes as he wipes at stray sauce on the corner of your mouth with a wicked glint flickering behind his green eyes. “Watching you put your hair up does things to me. Don’t hold it against me.”
You raise a brow at the obvious joke he’s setting you up for, but don’t bite.
“So, that’s what happened in the classroom that one day,” you trail off in amusement. 
He throws his head back and laughs, “Fuck. I totally forgot about that shit.” Roy goes back to the stove, shaking his head as he does. “You know, I’m surprised you didn’t kick me out right then and there.”
“I thought about it,” you retort easily. “I like you too much, though.”
You’ve yet to really disclose your feelings to him. 
Like, yes, you’d had sex, but in the months of you hanging out after, you’d hardly done much beyond cuddling and hand holding. It was almost elementary the way the two of you courted and it’s unlike anything you’ve ever had before. It makes you appreciate Roy even more that he’s willing to go at your pace without pushing. 
“I don’t think I asked you how your day was,” he says, still facing away from you.
You groan, thinking back on your long Friday, “It was long and hard.”
Roy turns around, pretending to be stabbed in the heart. “How will I ever compare?”
You snort, “I meant with the kids, dumbass.”
“Oh, thank god,” he says. You laugh again, reveling in how he looks over your curves before turning back around to shut off the stove. “Thought I might have to break our end of the year rules.”
You bite slightly at your bottom lip, eyes trailing over his strong shoulders and rippling arms that fly with each movement he makes. You’ve often thought of breaking the rule, too, but you can’t. 
There was one night you came close, literally. 
You’d spent the night, but only a few times and only ever if Lian wasn’t going to be there.
That particular night, you’d been on a walk together and stopped at a place for dinner that he’d heard good things about. 
“This isn’t a date?” you’d asked.
“No,” Roy had responded cheekily. “I told you you’d know when it happens, baby.”
After dinner, you cuddled in his bed while you watched a movie. One thing led to another and the two of you ended up making out, groping and humping each other through the rest of it. It was entirely juvenile and yet it felt so much better than the usual sex you were used to. 
The rest of the night was spent jacking off in front of each other.  It became a competition to who could make the other come faster, a skill you were obviously better equipped to handle. The entire situation reminded you of your private sessions with him, however this time it was no longer anonymously. 
You’d absolutely loved it.
Roy takes the pot off the stove just as Jason comes in.
“What’s up,” Jason greets. He looks over the two of you in feigned disinterest as he takes off his coat and sets down a large, black duffle bag. 
By now, the Jason was used to your presence in their shared apartment. Half the time he’d join the two of you cuddling on the couch, the other half he’d lay in Roy’s bed kick the two of your asses at Mario Kart.
Roy always cooks enough for an army and always sets aside a plate for Jason. You’d become used to eating with the both of them when you were over here, so it’s no surprise when Roy sets out three bowls.
“Just finished up dinner, chatting about her day,” Roy replies and starts plating the pasta as Jason leans against the counter beside you.
“Yeah.” You blush under the raven’s sudden attention, clearing your throat all while hoping he doesn’t see how much his presence alone throws you off. “It was announced that they’re making another round of budget cuts this year. I don’t know how much more of my other paycheck I can forfeit over for classroom supplies,” you sigh, forgetting your previous abashedness. “The kids deserve so much better and I know they learn a lot from the activities I create, but I’m running dry. With the cuts, I just don’t see how my lesson plans, at least as they are now, can stand.”
The rest of dinner goes smoothly with the conversation flowing easily among the three of you.
You’ve never met two people you bonded with more, let alone how fast you’ve grown attached to both of them. It’s honestly a bit scary, but you feel as if you can trust both of them. You definitely trust that you’ve made the right decision to hang around.
After helping with the dishes, you allow them to lead you out to the infamous balcony where all the previous misunderstandings had originated at. Jason lights up a Marlboro while Roy lights up a blunt.
The wind tangles your hair and sputters smoke in your face, but you can’t help but laugh. Your heart flutters as the three of you stand shoulder to shoulder, watching as the sun drenches the ugly Gotham skyscrapers in dreamy oranges and pinks. 
Monday, the school holds an impromptu celebration in the auditorium after a generous donation from the Wayne Foundation. You have to do a double take when you realize that Jason himself has shown up to deliver the huge check in his father’s honor. 
Afterward, you watch as he meets your eyes before slipping into the hallway. The same teacher who helped you out last time sees this and offers to take your class back to the room before shooing you off with waggling brows.
School’s been dismissed ever since the end of the ceremony, so most kids are rushing to get their things to go play outside.
“I really appreciate it,” you tell her as you make to follow the raven-haired man. “I’ll just be a second, I promise.”
This particular hallway is deserted aside from Jason who’s loosened his tie.
“No kids?” he asks when he sees you.
You laugh at his odd greeting, “They’re on their way back to the classroom with the other class. I was just coming out here to see if you’d want to come back to my classroom with me.”
His brows raise, though his expression remains the same as ever. “Alright.”
You lead him down the hallway, turning around to shoot him a questioning gaze as he follows behind you instead of beside you. 
“I don’t bite,” you jest when you spot the tell-tale sign of a smirk forming across is pale face.
He finally cracks a smile as he sidles up beside you, dwarfing you with his height. 
“Darling, we both know that’s a lie.”
You giggle at the new nickname and try not to let him see how much it’s affecting you. Luckily, you round the corner and find your classroom nearly vacated. Most parents have already stopped through and now only Lian remains.
“Uncle Jason!” The little girl jumps on the man. He spins her around in his arms a few times before putting her down with a small smile. “My friends are all outside. Can I go?” she begs, looking between the two of you with puppy dog eyes you just know Roy’s taught her. “Please!”
“Sure, kid.” 
With Jason’s blessing, she’s off. 
You don’t have to wait long before you spot Lian running around with two other girls on the playground through your classroom window. Though there are parents and teachers out there keeping an eye on everything, you still pay attention to her out of habit.
Your phone vibrates on your desk, something Jason picks up to hand to you. He looks down and huffs in amusement as he flips your screen around to show you the cat meme Roy’s sent you with the note ‘almost there.’ 
“You guys are so fucking lame,” he says, though you can see the clear amusement behind his emerald eyes.
You blush and adjust your glasses a bit. “Definitely a long way from the fire escape,” you jest. Jason laughs at your joke, but you can see there’s something else on his mind. “What’s wrong?” you ask.
“Just that, you don’t mind me being hanging out when,” he clears his throat, looking around, then back down at you. “I’m not interrupting the two of you, am I?”
You definitely aren’t expecting that. 
You had meet Jason first, well, at least, you’d fucked him first, but neither of you had ever discussed making it more official. Then the gala with the three of you to now hanging out with both of them. Jason was a closed book, never one to wear his emotions on his sleeve, so you never expected it to go much beyond sex, yet here he is, asking something that bares all.
Does this mean he wants something more from you? You know you wouldn’t mind it in the slightest, though it could complicate things with Roy. You’ve never detected any jealously between the two of them, but that didn’t mean the threesome was more than a one-off thing.
You can’t help but wonder: would he mind it being the three of you? If he didn’t mind, how would this even work? 
At the very least, Jason seems just as confused with the situation as you are. 
You blush as you reply, “I don’t think so.” After this, you mention something about not knowing if Roy minds, but Jason’s quick to assuage your worries. 
“I don’t think so,” Jason repeats your statement.
You fill with relief. “I guess we’ll just have to ask him, then.” 
Jason’s eyes flash with something you think, no, hope, is respect as Roy waltzes in.
“Ask who what?” Roy asks as he walks over to Jason to do their dumb handshake thing they always do when they greet each other.  
“Speak of the devil,” Jason tones monotonously as he daps him up.
“Talkin’ about lil ol’ me, Jay?” he says in an off-country accent that makes you laugh and Jason rolls his eyes at the whole ordeal. “All good things, I hope,” Roy says, suddenly looking around the empty classroom. “Wait, where’s the stinker?” You smile as you point her out on the monkey bars. “God, she’s getting so big,” he sighs.
Roy’s obviously distracted by Lian’s cuteness, however you and Jason both seem fixated on him. You catch his emerald eyes and glance away quickly, feeling your cheeks heat up as you do. 
Maybe Jason likes Roy just as much as you do.
Maybe all three of you really could…
You clear your throat, “Jason and I were just talking about the three of us.”
Roy’s eyes tear away from the open windows to face you with raised brows. It seems like he knows exactly what you’re insinuating. After all, how could he not? Regardless, he plays dumb.
You bite at your lower lip, wishing Jason would say something, anything, but he seems content to have you make an ass of yourself. Either that, or he’s surprised you’d even bothered to bring it up. 
There’s a shift in the air, an electrification of each and every particle of air as the three of you take each other in. 
“Well, don’t leave me in suspense, babe. I mean-” Roy sputters to correct himself, realizing you’re in the classroom, but you’re hardly paying attention to that. No, you’re too busy looking at the way that Jason’s looking at the two of you.
 “We’re all good, right?” Is what ends up coming out of your mouth. “What we have?”
His eyes glint knowingly. However, he continues to feign some semblance of ignorance as he won’t fully address what you’re really asking, “Of course. Right, Jay?”
Jason stiffens slightly before crossing his arms. “Right,” he agrees.
The sexual tension is palpable, giving you the answer to at least one of your questions. The threesome definitely wasn’t a one-off thing, then. 
Though certain questions linger, you allow time to grace you with their answers. 
For now, at least. 
A week later, Roy asks you out on your first official date when the two of you take Lian to celebrate the last day of school. You’re wiping Lian’s chin and trying to get her to lick where her Superman ice cream is dripping down the cone when he asks.
Your mouth opens, then shuts as a smile overtakes your face. “About time,” you joke.
“See,” he laughs and helps you wipe Lian up, "I told you you’d know when I asked you out.”
This is how you end up outside the new restaurant in Gotham that Roy had been boasting about.
You’re dressed in your comfiest V-neck sweater. It’s tucked partially into a form-fitting skirt, and you're wearing knee-high, heeled boots to match. Together with your recent clutch purchase, you look effortless yet completely classy. Though it’s technically summer, it’s been cloudy all day and the temperatures are still decently low for this time of year, making your outfit the perfect choice.
Filled with anxiety, you end up arriving ten minutes earlier than you’d planned to meet up, so you stand outside. 
At first, you don’t mind watching as cars speed by and cut each other off in the downtown traffic, but soon you grow restless. A quick glance at your phone proves there’s only a few minutes left before the agreed upon time arrives. 
Your leg bounces as you watch couple after couple enter the joint and wonder if you should go in as well. 
Then, it starts to sprinkle. 
Your leg bounces harder.
It’s as cliche as a 2000s chick flick, but not even a minute later, it honest to god starts pouring.
You seek shelter under the awning of the restaurant, but the spattering of the rain still manages to dust your outfit in dew. Coupled with the angry Gotham drivers who seem content to hit every rain-filled pothole, you’re soaked by the time Roy’s running twenty minutes late.
Not a single fucking text either, the cunt. 
After all these months, have you really been reading it all wrong?
“The fuck are you doing?” You jump, turning to the deep voice from behind you. Jason’s standing there, much less drenched than you are, though still drenched nonetheless. “You trying to catch a cold?” he asks. Though his words are blunt, his tone is entirely gentle as he addresses you.
You don’t know why, but you start to sniffle. Soon, your tears join the chilling rain that’s dripping down your cooled cheeks.
“Sorry,” you say pathetically as he wraps you into a warm hug. 
When he pulls back, you notice the concern on his face. He keeps his hands on your upper arms and begins to rub up and down to heat you back up. 
“Did someone hurt you?” he growls, looking at you with a sternness that challenges you to dare lie to his face. 
“No,” you sniffle again. “Well, not physically. No.” You shake your head, looking around in hopes that what you think is happening isn’t happening, but it is. Roy’s still nowhere to be found. “Roy stood me up,” you finally breathe out.
At this, he seems lost for words if only briefly.
“I’m sure it’s a mistake,” he says. At your admission, his dark brows knit together in confusion, looking around as if Roy will somehow appear out of thin air. “You sure you’re okay?” he asks, looking deeply into your eyes.
The way your stomach flips at the intimate action assures you that, yes, you’ll be fine. Through the pang of disappointment, you manage a smile.
“Yeah, I’ll be good.”
“You know,” Jason trails off suddenly, shoving his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, “I haven’t eaten yet.”
He’s about as soaked as you are now. Together, the two of you look like you’d been dunked in the harbor a few feet away and, for some reason, it ends up making you feel less like shit.
“Oh?” you question. Your smile becomes genuine as you watch him blush.
He kicks lightly at the sidewalk. “And I was the one who recommended this joint to Roy.”
“Were you, now?” you ask coquettishly. 
He pushes up your raindrop-covered glasses that have fallen down the bridge of your nose. 
Suddenly, you don’t feel so cold.
“Have dinner with me?” he asks finally.
“I can do that.”
Dinner goes perfectly. 
So perfect that you end up back at his and Roy’s apartment after.
Your lips mash against his smooth ones as soon as you’re through the threshold of the door. Jason quickly rids you of your still damp clothes as the two of you tangle together. He pushes you down onto the couch before unbuttoning his button-up shirt.
“Should I leave the doors to the balcony open for you?” he teases easily.
You laugh, flinging the last of your clothes off as you draw him onto the couch with you. The two of you meld together perfectly as if you’ve known each other’s bodies for years.
It starts off with a deep kiss that soon turns sloppy as you arch against him, begging for friction that he keeps denying. 
He settles his girth right in front of your entrance before, ultimately, dragging it lazily across your already slick folds. The two of you watch as if mesmerized by the salacious action. His tip catches on your clit, forcing a breathy sigh from you as you chase after his member desperately. 
“You’re so fucking wet for me,” he mutters as he sits back to get a better view of you.
You bite at your bottom lip, wriggling down in hopes that he’ll finally give in and give you what you’ve been so patient for, but he doesn’t. Instead, his calloused fingers make practiced work against your clit and entrance.
“Jason,” you sigh shakily as he teases a finger closer and closer to your slit. “Please, I can’t take much more of this teasing. I need your cock, Jay- fuck!”
He smirks down at your flushed form, lowering himself so that he’s face to face with your twitching cunt. “Beg me, then,” your name is a sin rolling off his tongue as it makes brief contact with your pussy.
“So fucking good,” you whimper, wriggling your hips for more. “Please, I need you. Give it to me,” you beg. 
He chuckles lowly with his breath, warming your inner thighs, “Good girl.”
The tip of his tongue strokes up and down the length of your cunt before flattening and granting you one slow, delicious lick that ends with him teasing at your clit.
Your hips arch upward against his mouth, granting him better access as his tongue and finger work in tandem on your leaking cunt. He’s too fucking good and you’re already feeling the iciness of an orgasm blooming from your lower stomach.
You need him in you, like, now, preferably.
The heat behind your eyes must convey this because he doesn’t have it within himself to continue teasing as he has been. He’s finally lining himself up with you, ready to stick it in while you squirm under him in anticipation.
Before he can, however, there’s a loud ‘thump’ before the front door bursts open.
You nearly jump out of your skin as the two of you turn around to see-
“She’s never gonna talk to me again, bro,” the costumed man from the alley laments. He’s too busy taking off his mud-covered, red boots to notice the two naked forms on the couch. “I fucked up the fucking date so fucking hard, dude. I got caught up in all this dumb shit and I totally lost track of time and I just know she fucking hates me for leaving her hanging-” You clear your throat, finally drawing his attention to you. “Oh, shit,” he curses, looking over your naked body in surprise before turning to Jason. “Oh, shit,” he finally looks down at his attire, “fuck me.”
There was no other person that voice could belong to, but…
The dude from the alley? Holy shit. The random tip and his rambling in the day that followed make so much more fucking sense now. Still naked, you get up and begin to check out his uniform.  
“I thought you already knew?” He seems entirely confused and somewhat on edge.
So, that day in the classroom, he thought you’d been referring to his vigilantism? 
“I guess I do now,” you trail off as you come upon him. 
When you were in the alley, you do recall Jason calling him Arsenal… When you’d confronted him about his cam profile, inmyarsenal, you hadn’t known it’d been based off of a vigilante persona, let alone that Roy’s an actual vigilante.
Jason seems calm enough by all the recent revelations that you assume Jason knows about Roy’s alias, but does he know how you and Roy actually met, then?
“You know, most people would be devastated to find their date fucking their roommate,” Roy’s deep voice tickles at your ears as your hands come up to gently stroke his familiar, freckled arms. 
You remove his mask as final confirmation that, yes, this is Roy. 
“You’ve watched me fuck multiple guys at this point,” you counter, still trying to add everything up in your head. “I was pissed,” you admit, referencing his earlier rambling about you.
“Was?” Roy asks hopefully.
You nod. “But now I understand why you couldn’t be there.”
You watch as he breathes a sigh of relief, but the moment is short-lived.
“Now I’m lost,” Jason says.
So, Roy hadn’t told him about how you’d met.
You turn to him, then at Roy. “You didn’t tell him?” you ask, feeling entirely confused.
Roy seems abashed. “Why would I tell him?’ 
You shrug, completely surprised he never mentioned to his friend that he’s your #1 fan.
Jason, however, completely misreads the conversation entirely. “You’re a vigilante like us?”
“Like you?” you question, squinting your eyes at him, adjusting your glasses to get a better look at him. Is Jason really a vigilante, too? You guess it would make more sense why Jason seems so calm to live with a vigilante, but who is he? It’s not long before your brain trickles back to Roy’s odd questioning over your Red Hood obsession and, now that you think about it, Jason is his height. It comes to you instantly, like a lightbulb’s gone off in your brain. Jason seems to realize this, too, because he suddenly stands up from the couch and crosses the minimal distance between the two of you. “Red Hood?” you try.
You’re now sandwiched between two tall, strong men who are, you know, fucking vigilantes. If you hadn’t fucked both of them already and been hanging around them for months, you might be a little more scared by your predicament. Okay, no, even still, you feel pretty fucking scared.
“What are we doing, Roy?” Jason asks, his deep voice stirring every fibre of your being. 
It’s like you’re not even there sandwiched between the two of them as they begin a nonverbal conversation through the intensity of their green eyes alone. 
“You tell me,” he responds.
You’re still very much naked, so is Jason, as your head bounces from side to side as you follow along with their seemingly private conversation.
“Wait,” you interject both of them, “we are talking about the two of you fucking me and not killing me, right?”
Their vibrant eyes finally glance down at you. Before you can blink, both of them take one of your arms to pin you against the wall.
“You tell no one,” Jason’s voice is somehow even deeper than it’d been not even seconds prior as he threatens you. Though it’s obviously meant to intimidate, you feel completely at ease in their hold. 
“Promise,” you answer with an easy laugh. “You do know that Roy let me talk about you, like, the entire time on our date.”
“It wasn’t a date!” Roy exclaims, loosening his grip around your wrist as he does so.
“You got a boner,” you counter easily.
Roy’s hands completely leave you as they motion to your nude form. “Because you’re hot as fuck!” he says it like it explains everything that’s going down. 
It seems like Jason’s content to watch the two of you bicker as one of his calloused hands trails along the expanse of your soft skin. 
“I guess that explains why you were my #1 fan ever since the start,” you joke lightly.
“Still am, babe.”
“#1 fan,” Jason’s eyebrows furrow together as he trails off in confusion as he trails off. “You knew about her streams?”
“You knew about them?” Roy asks back, sounding equally as confused.
Now, no one’s hands are on you.
“I walked in on one,” Jason responds through a smirk.
Roy’s jaw drops. “You’re fucking lying. Say ‘cap,’ bro.” 
Do your ears deceive you, or does Roy actually sound, dare you say, jealous?
“You got an in-person private show, Roy. All Jason saw was me squirting. Right, Jay?” you try to console him, but it doesn’t work. It seems, instead, that your words have only made things worse.
“She squirted for you?!” Roy’s voice cracks around his disbelief.
“Pretty sure she squirted for both of us in Bruce’s office,” Jason points out. The raven doesn’t seem to understand his friend’s reaction, but it doesn’t mean he isn’t going to be an asshole to him because of it. “Maybe I’m mixing this shit up, though,” he says coyly, smirking when Roy damn near whimpers.
“Jay,” he trails off pathetically. 
You think he’s about to cry or, perhaps, attempt to beat the shit out of Jason, but all he does is clash his chapped lips against Jason’s soft ones. The raven’s lips are still wet and plump from when you’d stained them with your red lipstick not even minutes prior. Now, Roy’s spit works against yours and Jason’s as he cups his friend’s inky, curly hair in between his freckled fingers.
Roy bites down on Jason’s already abused lips, earning a well-deserved, guttural moan from the man. 
Watching the two of them devour each other so wholeheartedly stirs butterflies in your stomach until you’re no longer able to contain them. Your hand easily slips down the expanse of your stomach as it’s done many times before as it slowly slinks towards where your clit twitches in anticipation. No, you can’t deny yourself for any longer. Your finger flicks lightly at your clit, watching as Jason starts to take off Roy’s gear as if he’s done it many times before and, you suppose he has. It only turns you on even more. 
Roy breaks away from Jason, but Jason continues to mouth lewdly at Roy’s pale neck. All the while, Roy’s eyes trail over your flushed form as you work at your wet pussy. 
Finally, Roy’s as bare as you and Jason.
Roy moans like a bitch under Jason’s care. The tantalizing noise alone sends an exhilarating heat down your stomach to the point you have to stop rubbing at your clit so you don’t come prematurely. 
You let out a small moan, but it’s loud enough for them to hear over their panting. 
Both of their eyes fall on you, then to your clenched fist right above your cunt. Apparently, this won’t do. Suddenly, you’re being lifted up by Roy. Your legs wrap around his torso as he draws you in for a deep, sloppy kiss. Meanwhile, Jason looms behind you, biting and sucking loving marks against your skin as they lead you into Jason’s bedroom.
You don’t have time to take in the lackluster decor, nor the edgy posters he has partially unfurled on the walls. No, your attention is solely on the two god-like men in front of you. 
“I was in the middle of eating her out before you got home,” Jason supplies as he sinks to his knees, settling in between your thighs. You can’t contain your gasp when he pulls your sitting form closer to the edge of his mattress to get a better angle. “Feel free to join in.”
He descends upon you with greater fervor than earlier, as if weaponizing your moans purely to make Roy feel like shit for ditching you. Jason slurps lewdly against your dripping cunt, lapping and sucking as obnoxiously as he can. 
It works. Roy groans as he palms at his bobbing erection, watching as you throw your head back. You swear he nearly comes right then and there from the noises, Jason’s eager mouth is producing, coupled with your unrestrained gasps of pleasure. Before you can get too close, they switch.
Roy’s tongue rigidly runs along your folds before flicking teasingly at your entrance. You can’t help but buck against his chapped lips for more, but he moves back to prevent it.
He smirks at you. “Am I forgiven, baby?” the redhead asks, voice filled with amusement.
“Fuck you, Harper,” you hiss, attempting to glare, but it’s ruined when he finally flicks at your clit. “Ah!” you exclaim. With this, you arch up into his face, grasping at his fiery locks to draw him nearer to your aching cunt. “So fucking good.”
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he responds cheekily.
Jason trails light kisses along your spread thighs before dragging Roy by a fistful of hair over to his mouth so he can taste you again. Once Jason’s had his fill, he forces Roy back down on your cunt, rubbing his eager tongue against your throbbing pussy.
It feels insane.
You’re shaking as you watch them make out with each other in between your thighs. Their tongues purposefully trickle out to include you in their sloppy session, causing you to unleash a sexy moan that stops both of them in their tracks.
They meet your half-lidded eyes with hated, hungry looks.
Thus starts the second act of the night.
Roy joins you on the mattress, scooping you up into his lap while Jason rummages around in his nightstand. 
“Roy,” you whimper.
He leans his forehead against yours with a sinful grin. “I love it when you say my name like that, baby.”
You hear a pop, then feel Jason join the two of you on the bed, but you’re entirely preoccupied with Roy’s chapped lips. His sturdy arms gently guide you to lay flat on the bed as he straddles you and pins you against the mattress with an unrelenting grip. Meanwhile, his other hand travels lower, only stopping when he finally comes into contact with your slick folds.
You slurp your slick and Jason’s spit as your mouth glides salaciously against the redhead’s, only stopping when he abruptly gasps. You pull away quickly, afraid you’ve done something wrong when you see Jason’s thick, lube-covered index finger slipping in and out of Roy’s ass.
“Oh, shit,” you breathe, taking in the erotic scene.
Not only are they putting on a show for you tonight, but it’s clear that Roy’s putting in overtime to make up for missing the date. You don’t get to watch for long, however, before the pad of Roy’s finger teases your twitching entrance.
Roy stretches you while Jason stretches him from behind until, after what seems like forever, Jason’s finally lining up behind him.
“Jay, I swear I’m stretched enough,” Roy begs, looking behind him with a slight pout that Jason rolls his eyes at. “I need you to fill me up with your cock. It’s been so fucking long, Jay,” he whines.
You can’t help but touch yourself as you watch Roy become accustomed to Jason’s impressive girth.
“Still good?” Jason asks.
You swear Roy’s drooling.
“Mmm,” he says in lieu of a response. “You’re so fucking good to me-” Cue Roy’s usual sex babbling. You can’t help but smile as you watch Jason pick up the pace with each praise Roy sings.
“You gonna leave her hanging?”
Roy’s eyes snap into focus, locking onto your gaze that’s taking in the scene in front of you greedily.
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he says. The redhead winks down at you before shuffling around a bit to line up with your entrance. Roy rubs the tip of his cock against your wet entrance before slowly pushing in with a groan, “I don’t think I’m ever gonna get used to this shit, princess.”
You blush at the nickname, recalling the night at the Wayne Gala when he’d first bestowed it upon you.
It takes a few moments, but the three of you finally nail down the perfect rhythm. Once you do, the three of you can’t stop the cries of pleasure that it produces.
Jason fucks into Roy, who uses the momentum to fuck into you. When the redhead retreats, his ass arches further onto Jason’s cock, only to be fucked into again.  
After a few minutes, Jason makes a show of fucking Roy for you, choking him. Eventually, he forces Roy’s head upward by pulling his long red locks so their lips can clash upside down and finishes the kiss by spitting in Roy’s expectant mouth. It’s almost too much. You feel like this is hotter than any stream you’ve ever done. The raven stares him down with his sex-hazed eyes before they darkly fall across your blushing form.
“Look,” Jason forces Roy’s flushed face forward to focus on you, “she likes it when I use you like the whore you are, Roy.”
The freckled man groans, eyebrows furrowing as if he’s about to come, but Jason won’t allow it. His calloused palm captures Roy’s leaking cock as it slickly pulls out of your cunt. “Jay, please,” Roy begs with his voice cracking. Jason spanks him once on each cheek, something Roy takes greedily. “Fuck!” Roy moans. “I wanna come. I wanna come so bad- yes!” 
Jason finally releases his cock, allowing him to pump into you again before picking up his own pace with Roy’s ass.
Your nails scratch down his freckled back as he starts thrusting. It’s desperate now, like he’s primally fucking into you, completely lost in the pleasure of it all. He’s hitting all the right places inside of you, milking out slick noises in tandem with the ones Jason’s producing from Roy’s wrecked hole. It’s so fucking hot, you can hardly believe that you’re actually a part of this.
“So fucking tight,” Jason says through gritted teeth, smacking Roy’s ass once again. “Tell me you want my shit,” he practically growls as he once again picks up the pace.
You moan. Apparently, this is exactly what Roy wants as he then decides to amp it up for you.
“Please, Jay,” Roy begs easily, coy eyes never leaving you as he dirty talks Jason behind him. “I need you to fill me up with your come. I want your shit leaking out of my sore little hole, baby.”
Jason comes first. His breathing hitches and he releases inside of Roy with three brutal snaps of his hips. 
“Shit,” he groans as he pulls out of Roy with a lewd squelch.
You don’t get to catch your breath, however. No, Roy continues to give you everything he’s got.
“‘M gonna fuck you so good, baby,” Roy prattles on from above you. “You’re gonna come all over my dick like the slut you are, aren’t you?”
You bite at your lower lip as you nod. In all honesty, you’re surprised you haven’t come already. “Only if you promise to come all over me, too,” you moan.
“I can do that,” he responds with a fucked-out smirk.
Meanwhile, Jason moves to lay beside you on his side so that he can play with your nipples. He gently leans in to draw your lips against his. They move together fluidly, only disrupted momentarily by the force of Roy’s hips as he fucks into you. Soon, Jason's fingers trail lower until you can’t contain your pleasure any longer.
You’re gasping loudly at this point, unable to hold back your vocal response to Roy’s onslaught against your dripping cunt. Jason drinks the pathetic noises in as his tongue tangles lewdly with your own.
Roy whimpers as Jason’s come leaks out of his abused hole and onto his thighs. 
You feel the sticky substance wetting your inner thighs as Roy expertly thrusts into you. He leaves you writhing against the sheets and crying out their names as you climax on Roy’s pink-tipped cock.
Call it post-orgasm haze, call it stupidity, but you need his come fucked inside of you.
“Come in me,” you say airily, still coming down from your high. “Fuck it all into me, Roy,” you gasp as another icy wave wracks over your body. “I’m such a fucking come slut for you, baby. I-" You don’t even get the chance to finish your sentence before Roy’s face twists up salaciously as he fills your cunt with his warm want.
Roy collapses on your other side as the three of you catch your breath.
The rest of the night ends with sugary snacks, horror movie reruns and snuggles. 
It’s… perfect.
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A/N: so glad to see you guys enjoying this au so much! last chap is outlined but not yet written soo, in the meantime, be sure to check out my pinned post for my other fics!
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httpsryu · 1 year
kites : part 2
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pairing : kim minji x fem! reader
summary: both you and minji both decide to run for class president in order to prove one another on who's the brightest but it also happens to be the exact time a certain someone decides that her silly heart beats for the other
category: enemies-to-lovers(ish?), high school au
genre: slow burn(?), fluff, and angst tiny amount or not
warnings: competitive and jealousy, kind of makes you feel single ;-;
a/n: be sure to check out p.1 of kites
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minji clears her throat, sitting straight up in her desk as she tells herself that she doesn’t have a crush on you. 
yeah, she was just tired, that’s all. (no, it isn’t)
however, she didn’t get any sleep at all last night because even though minji wanted to rest, her tired brain decides to think about you and your dumb smile. that already speaks a pretty high medium. 
“bro! bro! bro!” hanni runs in the class, panting as she sits down in her seat. 
the other hums in response. 
“shin yuna confessed to y/n out this morning!” hanni shockingly exclaims. 
shin yuna, otherwise known as the school’s breadwinner for soccer, floor ball, and volleyball. 
the whole female and male population would kill to even have the talented athlete look their way. and honestly, it’s no surprise if you accept her confession because yuna always gets everything she wants. 
but why would yuna confess to you?
for all minji recalled, she’s never seen you hangout with the year 4 student. 
but then again, who wouldn’t confess to you? 
you were always hardworking, never letting anyone take advantage of you when it came to your education, and you viewed every assignment as an opportunity to grow. 
you’re pretty too. especially when your hair is half-up and half-down, framing your face beautifully. or when you come to school with glasses that’s a tad big for your face but nonetheless, everyone still finds you adorable. at least, minji does. 
minji shrugs, trying to look disinterested in the topic of you. “and you’re telling me this why?” 
“it was romantic, bro!” hanni clasps her hands together, leaning her cheek on them as she remembers the way everyone was screaming at the interaction this morning. 
“yeah? how romantic?” minji asks, knowing the chokehold romance has on people. 
especially you. 
“well, yuna walked up towards her at her cube box and handed her a letter with a small bouquet of roses.” the other replies, smiling again. “she also gave y/n her letterman as a form of respect.” 
minji wanted to laugh. you dislike roses, you’ve always preferred lavenders and orchids more. you weren’t a big fan of letters either because you’ll just end up giving them back graded. 
“and apparently, she accepted.” 
at the mentioning of one’s name, y/n walks in, linked arm-to-arm with rei. 
however, the only thing that minji’s eyes landed on was the letterman bunched in your hands. 
she observes the way you place your books down first before sitting, observing the way you let go of your best friend’s arm once you realize class is about to start. 
“i can’t believe yuna went for it! look at me playing matchmaker!” 
at hanni’s words, minji turns towards the other. 
“w-why are you looking at me like that?” “minji?” 
what minji didn’t observe was the way you subtly sneaked in a glance at her. 
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“why do i have to be there to help you with the campaign again?” wonyoung whines, barely being able to see with two bins full of poster papers, markers, and other fun stuff in her arms. 
you laugh, tip toeing to pat your best friend on the head. “oh my sweet wonyoung, did i tell you that yujin is also going to be in the art room as well?” 
“oh hail y/n.” wonyoung smiles while she tries her best to place a kiss on your cheek. “thank you! thank you! i love you!” 
you screech, backing away as she comes closer to you. 
“come onn~ you know you want a kissy from wony.” the taller teases. 
shaking your head at your best friend’s antics while laughing, you didn’t seem to realize that you two were still in the hallways where many students are on their way towards walking home. 
feeling the back of your shoes bumping into something, you suddenly lose balance and gasp at the feeling of falling. wonyoung’s eyes widens as she drops the bins, her arm reaching out to catch you. however, it’s too late as someone else holds you from behind, their arm securing around your waist. 
wonyoung gasps, seeing the hero of the day as she puts her hand over her mouth to contain her squeal.
it's finally happening.
"i got you." the voice from behind gently says, her hold still on you.
you're taking in everything all at once. from almost falling to your death, seeing your best friend's failed attempt at reaching out for you, and being caught in the arms of the girl you despise the most.
"y/n?" minji asks, trying her best to sound gentle in order to not startle you.
you rush from releasing yourself out from her hold, turning around to face her. "thanks, kim..."
avoiding the stare from her, you gaze down at the girl's shoes, which has a scuff on from you. you feel your cheeks heating up at the mere thought of being clumsy in front of her.
minji feels as if someone punched her in the stomach, speechless from the way you look so cute in front of her. "oh. i-it's whatever."
"i'm sorry about your shoes." you look up, trying to ignore the way her stare suddenly makes you feel.
the taller shakes her head, letting out a half smile (she's trying to playing it cool). "it's okay, y/n."
"cool." you respond, gasping once you suddenly remembering about wonyoung and the dropped bins.
minji takes notice of your concerned face, placing a hold on your shoulder to relax you. "everything okay?"
"yeah, it's just wonyoung was holding the bins and-" you turn around to find no wonyoung but only the dropped bins.
oh, fuck her.
"looks like she left you here to clean up by yourself." minji looks down at the bins as well, walking over towards them and kneeling to pick up the dropped materials. "i can help lend a hand if you don't mind?"
minji is different from the image you always had of her.
maybe because today she isn't glaring or staring directly at you like she hates your guts. she's actually taking time out of her day to help you...
without realizing it, you let out a nod, while you too, kneel besides her to pick up the materials off of the ground.
you don't notice but minji sneaks a subtle, quick glance at you, the suffocating air makes her realize that maybe this is more than a sudden attraction to you.
she gasps silently at how obvious she was looking at you, panicking as she starts to grab whatever off of the floor. accidentally, touching your hand while you went for the same marker as well.
"oh! sorry!" minji pulls her hand back, wanting to hit herself for the stupidity.
you let out a small shrug.
minji glances down at her watch.
5:45 pm.
that was the exact time when minji finally realized she definitely and surely does have a crush on you.
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with a heavy inhale, minji holds her breath before stepping into her homeroom teacher's office.
"oh! minji, what could i help you with at this time?" the mid-twenties woman looks up from her clipboard with a cheerful smile.
minji bows at her teacher, fidgeting with her hands while trying to come up with a way to break the news. "i-umm..i want to forfeit out of the class election."
"but it ends tomorrow, minji-ah."
"that fast?"
the woman nods slowly, understanding the sudden pressure that the students are developing from the race. "the rules was two days maximum to get a good campaign running, along with a speech."
"and i won't be able to forfeit? i haven't started anything yet."
"i'm afraid it's too late, the only ones running are you, y/n, and jungwon. it's only fair to have three instead of two."
curse ms. ahn (not literally though).
the female student disappointedly nods before once again bowing. "i understand. thank you for informing me."
ms. ahn smiles apologetically, waving bye at the student.
welp, there goes minji's plans now.
the said girl sighs, disappointed with how she couldn't forfeit running for class president. she leans against the wall, sliding slowly to the floor slowly while groaning in frustration.
"woah, what's going on with you?" a voice distracts her from her thoughts.
looking up, the girl is faced with all four of her best friends.
minji slightly frowns. "i'm not allowed to drop out from running for class president, bro."
"wait-drop out?" hanni exclaims. "but i thought you always wanted to be class president?"
the older shrugs. "I only wanted to be class president because i thought only the smartest person could won, which would prove i'm a lot smarter than y/n."
"uh huh...?"
haerin quietly observes the way minji's facial expressions appeared upon saying your name. and the cat eyed female wonders why minji is deciding to throw away her lifelong dream of being class president because of you.
until, it hits haerin at the fact that minji could be hopelessly and stupidly in love with you.
"but now, i realized it's stupid and that y/n definitely deserves it more than me, the title of being number one." minji sadly says, looking down at her shoes and a smiles upon her mouth at the scuff on her left shoe, precisely. "she's so hardworking and determine, ever since we were young. and we could've been great friends but i ruined it first."
friends, huh?
that was the biggest lie minji has ever said. she wants to be more than friends with you. but, everything is too late. minji feels like she's one second behind.
"well, if anything could help, how about you help out with y/n's campaign instead? you know..like secretly?" danielle suggests, hoping her best friend head lifts up slowly. "she's been struggling on coming up with an idea for her posters."
increase the chances of you winning? why didn't minji think of that earlier?
"oh my gosh, wait! that's a genius idea!"
"wow, you're so smart." hanni looks over at the other australian.
danielle nods with happiness, her smile bright as the sun while haerin softly lets out a hum at how pretty her girlfriend is.
minji quietly sighs while looking at the two.
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it's not unusual for others to come talk to you, however, it's not common either.
all morning, everyone you passed by or made eye contact with stopped you to ask about why you rejected yuna.
"geez, they really need to stop bombarding you with this subject." wonyoung rolls her eyes.
you nod in agreement.
"omg, i heard from others that they saw minji hanging up campaign posters and they looked amazing." a passing student gossips with her friend, earning your attention. "i won't be surprised if she wins for her class."
stopping in the middle of your tracks, frightening your best friend besides you, you gasp.
"MY POSTERS!" releasing yourself from wonyoung's grip, you panic before making a run towards the art room to print out the posters you came up with yesterday.
wonyoung stares at your back, shaking her head in disbelief at how you always do things last minute and manages to perfect your grade.
the only thing on your mind while sprinting full speed was ways to gather more attention on your campaign instead of your arch nemesis's campaign.
upon seeing the room, you slow down a bit.
"oh! y/n, what are you doing here? i thought you already printed out your posters?" seeun brightly asks, running into you at the entrance. "they look amazing by the way!"
posters? huh?
"what do you mean? i haven't printed out any posters yet.." you tilt your head to the side gently, leaving the upperclassman in awed and she clearly understands why her friend, yuna is having a rough start to her day.
seeun purses her lips out, remembering clearly what minji told her. "really? minji told me that you asked her to print your posters out first thing in the morning."
kim minji.
"oh. i guess i did." you reply with a strange tone. "i'm going to get going then! bye seeun-sunbae!"
and before the older could bid your goodbye, you were already off.
"that kid." she giggles at your antics before returning on refilling the printers with paper.
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minji didn't expect to find you standing in front of her desk to say the least, yet here you stood in front of her with evident anger from your expression. she amusedly crosses her arm, eyeing you from head-to-toe with a strange glint in her eyes.
"bro, you're in my view." minji tsks with her tongue.
"b-bro?" you're honestly appalled she has the audacity to call you bro when she tampered with your campaign posters. "you think you're allowed to sit in your seat right now?"
the older girl raises her brow in confusion. "excuse me?"
"why did you print out posters for me?" you ask with anxiety suddenly flooding over you. "is this one of your sick games, minji?"
minji stares blankly at you, trying to process everything that happened between the both of you. "i-i didn't mean to mess with anything."
"you wanted to prove you're smarter than me that bad, huh? you're always going to be the same kim minji since primary school."
minji opens her mouth to say something, however, you start walking away from her desk. hearing you mumble something along the lines of "i need to transfer".
"bro, what just happened?" hanni asks besides her. "i thought you made and hung up posters for her?"
the other watches your back leave with a sad expression.
"i did."
what went wrong? minji swore she made sure no one else was in the school when she hung up the posters in fear of others switching up actions or hence making up rumors.
"i need to go!" the female stands out of her seat, ready to follow after you.
of course, time is the enemy for kim minji because the bell's tone rings throughout the school indicating that school is now starting.
"good morning class!"
what about you, though?
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you glance down at the view of seoul from the school's rooftop, closing your eyes in the process as the wind gently blows across. inhaling the air and exhaling shortly afterwards.
opening your eyes, you lean against the railing while you couldn't help but to think about the other student; kim minji.
you assumed the unspoken rivalry between the both of you has gotten squashed but the other assumed something else.
it's always been like that since primary school so why does it bother you so much?
"i knew i could find you here." a voice appears and immediately you roll your eyes from irritation and anger starting to form inside of you.
the person sighs, not hearing a response from you.
"y/n...i never meant to tamper with anything, i care about you way too much to do that."
you budge a little, still not believing her words. why should you?
"i-i'm still not sure how to tackle this." minji says from behind, her footsteps coming closer from behind. "especially because someone else is interested in you."
you furrow your brows from the other's words.
"what are you talking about, kim?" turning around to face her, however, before you can take the chance to see her, you space out once you feel a pair of lips against yours.
this kiss, you're confused on if it's actually happening. once or twice, you've wondered what it'd be like kissing kim minji - everything is all slow and soft and it's all like a dream however, you reciprocate the kiss.
getting pulled back in reality when you feel a strong hold finding your waist, you can't help but to snake your arms around her neck. you notice the way minji's kissing turns to a change of going faster and deeper, a bit desperate to say the least.
but in a flash, the warmth between your lips leaves. minji gasps, taking quite a few steps back away from you.
"fuck. i-i don't know what came over me. i shouldn't have done that." she says, looking down at her scuffed shoes.
"what?" you ask in a whisper tone-like voice.
minji closes her eyes, wanting to hit herself. "i'm sorry."
for some strange reason, you feel tears welling up in your eyes. humiliation becoming your strong opponent and you too look down at the ground.
"i think i should head back." minji sighs to herself, feeling like the worse person right now.
before you could respond to her, the older is out in a scurry.
watching the emptiness in front of you, you couldn't help but to touch your lips with your fingertips and feeling the other's touch still lingering.
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minji rushes towards to the canteen, her heart still beating very loudly to focus on anything, her face definitely flushed as she can't stop shaking from nervousness and guilt as well.
"fuck. fuck. fuck." she mutters, biting on her thumb while she walks towards the lunch table where her friends are sitting, ready to dive into their food.
hanni tilts her head slightly, wondering why minji took long to use the restroom. "bro, you okay?"
"yeah." the other replies while taking her seat, wincing at the way she sounded a little too harsh. "sorry."
the australian shrugs to the others before she opens up the lunch that her mother packed for her.
haerin notices the way the oldest isn't touching any of her lunch, her leg constantly bouncing up and down from some sort of anxiousness feeling. she also observes on how minji's face has a slight and faint flush to it.
what the hell happened in that restroom? (if minji even went in the first place).
"rin? everything alright?" danielle asks upon seating besides the kitty-eyed female.
haerin lets out a hum in response, scooting closer to her girlfriend and resting her chin on the other's shoulder.
"have any of you seen y/n yet?" wonyoung places her lunch tray on the table, along with rei and jiwon.
minji tenses up at the your name.
"she left home room since school started." hanni replies, concern glowing down on her face. "why? is everything alright?"
rei pouts, shaking her head. "she isn't answering any of our calls."
"today is her favorite lunch menu too." jiwon softly sighs, looking down at the food for today with a sad look.
wonyoung constantly stares at the canteen's doors from her seat, scanning for the sight of you. "i'm sure she'll come around. y/n never vanishes on us like that out of nowhere."
minji couldn't bare to make a noise.
for the second time in a row, lunch doesn't taste as good because you weren't there and minji knows that it's all because of her.
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as all the students gather in home room for the announcement of the winners, minji stares at the door of the room. her eyes doesn't budge, manifesting for your figure to walk through.
"still no sign of your girlfriend yet?" hanni teases, wondering why minji is so concerned of her so-called rival.
"shut up."
the universe must be in the favor of the female because at the exact moment, you appear right in front of her eyes.
but..why do you look upset?
"oh. she doesn't look too well." the vietnamese-australian purses her bottom lip out in sadness at your expression. "maybe because the others won't stop pestering her about rejecting yuna."
"rejecting yuna?" minji asks, looking at the back of your pretty head.
hanni nods, her eyes lighting up at the gossip. "it happened yesterday at the softball field."
why would you reject yuna?
a small hope in minji's heart yearned at the possibility that maybe you reciprocated the same feelings as her but another part of minji's heart is telling her that you probably like someone else.
however, after all, you did kiss her back.
that has to mean something, right? RIGHT?
"oh my gosh, where were you? we were looking for you." rei exclaims, hand over her chest as if all her worries finally floated away and relief took over. "jiwon was so close to filing a missing person report but wonyoung managed to convince her not to."
you let out a small laugh at how your best friends are, letting out a squeal the second rei wraps her arms around you and placing small friendly kisses on your head.
"i swear if jungwon gets vice president and not you, i will genuinely throw a tantrum." hanni comments, looking at the way the male student is running around with his banner wrapped around him like a cape.
minji besides her lets out an uninterested hum, squinting with her eyes at the sight of you and rei getting a little too comfty.
"welcome back from lunch, class!" ms.ahn barges through with a bright grin and a clipboard. "who's ready for three awesome students with their three amazing speeches they wrote?"
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after jungwon finished up his speech, claps floods the room and whistles from his friends are echoing throughout. "thank you everyone!"
"that was wonderful, i'd believe up next we have y/n." ms. ahn's direction trails over to you.
you're not sure why but in this exact moment, you feel like you're suddenly sweating gallons and gallons and your heart is pounding like crazy at the sight of seeing all your peers looking at you in anticipation. it feels as if someone wrapped a hand around your stomach and you didn't like that.
somehow, you want to win. not to prove to minji that you're obviously the smarter one but the feeling of winning and being the student to where others ask for help makes you want to win. so bad.
minji notices the way blood is drained away from your pretty face, she takes a glance down at your feet tapping rapidly against the glossed floor.
"y/n? are you okay?" she gently whispers, one of her hand ready to grasp ahold of yours.
you bring your hand away from within her reach, giving her a glare before walking up to the "podium" to do your speech.
minji feels a part of her chest shattering at your action but she knows she probably deserves that. especially, after kissing you and escaping before you, yourself could say anything.
besides, she kissed you without your permission.
"hi, homeroom G-32. ummm-i'm sure everyone knows who i am, haha. to tell the truth, i'm only running for president because i wanted to prove to someone over a childish banter but also while preparing for this speech, i learned that i suddenly want to be the type of person who is willing to sacrifice their own being for their fellow schoolmates." you look up and let out a small smile at the way you gained their attention. "i can't promise you all anything when it comes to pizza for lunch nor getting extended due dates for papers the way jungwon did. however, i can promise you with the fact that i will succeed in the rest of this school year an unforgettable one."
minji couldn't help but to softly and proudly smile at you.
"y/n, that was amazing." ms. ahn says in awed. "last but not least, minji."
you let out a bow, walking back to the spot where you stood previously. you feel a certain pair of eyes on you, to which you ignore with your head held up high.
"hello everyone, it's minji. i didn't prepare anything, oops." the other girl giggles to herself, her smile looking too mesmerizing to you. "and to be honest, i did try to forfeit out of running."
scattered gasps are heard throughout the room, leaving the teacher to shush them and for minji to proceed.
"i know, shocking, huh?" minji understands why the others are surprised, she has always been evident of running for president ever since she was a child so where is all of this coming from now? "if you guys haven't know, a certain someone and i have been in this ongoing rivalry..on who's the smartest. i'm sure you all know who it is..and honestly, all throughout my years, i felt the need to show them that i was the most brightest one. i honestly don't know why either. and i guess that's why i always wanted to run for president, just so i can 1up her."
"i'm not up here to win for anyone's votes, i'm up here to let you all know that kang y/n is a wonderful, responsible, beautiful, and reliable human being that would make an amazing president for this homeroom. thank you." minji bows at the class.
what the fuck?
if anyone needs any pity votes, it should as hell should be jungwon and not you.
"well minji, i am surprised by your speech." ms.ahn says, finally understanding the reason the student wanted to forfeit as she takes notice of minji's gleaming eyes when you look at her. "okay class, now on the piece of paper i've handed out, please write down your vote."
that feeling is coming back into your stomach and suddenly you feel a drip of sweat running down your forehead from the hot air surrounding you.
"y/n?" the voice you strongly dislike asks in a whisper.
you want to ignore her, but you can't.
looking up from the ground, you're met with the older's eyes staring down at you with a weird look in her eyes.
"are you nervous?" minji takes notice of the way you're slightly trembling from either the air or because you're anxious of the sudden quietness in the room while the class votes for best pick.
before you could answer her with a nod, the back of her hand is already reaching to dab the sweat away with the sleeve of her uniform.
minji smiles softly at you, not missing the way there was a kite softly flying out the classroom's window.
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cliffhanger :P
update! pt. 3 is out as well! you can find it on my master list :)
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rukunas · 1 year
college!au drabble which is totally not a self-imagine. tw scummy/toxic eren
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The library shouldn’t be this busy on a Saturday— you’d know. You’re always here around this time every week, trapped in the enclave of shelves and whiteboards and books, a huge stack of them propped next to your laptop. Indigo ink stains more than just your notebook, your palm a mosaic of blue hues. The scent is comforting, though, a stagnant presence as you flick through your anatomy textbook. Your brows narrow at the haphazardly-scribbled diagram of the hormone pathways— where the fuck is testosterone produced?
“Bro, she was all fuckin’ over you last night. Basically had you pinned up against the wall.” Laughs bark down the table you’re seated at. Despite the thick headphones you have on, you hear the voices loud and clear.
Testosterone is produced there. The collective fumes of luxury cologne scream Daddy’s Money™ and disrupt your bubble of productivity. Your forehead pinches again, this time in annoyance, knowing just what group of boys decided to have their own ‘study sesh’ on a Saturday afternoon, definitely hungover and waiting it out before heading to the game.
“D’ya think she still would have been all over me if she knew I had her best friend bent over the night before?” Another roar of laughter, this time accompanied with table banging and echoes of “No way, dude!”
It’s so incredibly clichéd, you can’t help but roll your eyes. There is no way men actually speak like that, as if these head-empty imbeciles could get a chance with a girl if they tried.
“No way, dude!” You huff lowly under your breath, amused by your precision at the tone. It was honestly pretty good, you have to pat yourself on the back for that one—
“What was that?”
A glance upwards forces you to meet a pair of forest green eyes, sharp and narrowed. The smirk settling right below makes you unsettled. Annoyed.
You play it cool anyway, tugging off your headphones and shrugging. “Didn’t say anything.”
“Didn’t seem like it.” He raises a brow. His friends snicker behind him, staring you down, waiting to see how the leader of the pack was going to tear you down, limb by limb.
You aren’t the biggest fan of Eren Yeager.
He’s actually, surprisingly, a fan favorite on campus. Somehow he’s always busy handshaking a guy or has a group of girls squealing and running up to him, bragging about how they’re his best friend— ugh. And he gets the grades to make the Dean’s List, becoming all chummy with the professors and even landing some hotshot internship. But you’re the only one who sees through his shit, catches him at times like this where he isn’t God’s gift to Earth and instead is a typical college frat boy— no, scratch that, definitely worse.
You take the high road and shrug once more, pulling your headphones back over your head. Silently, you pack your things, trying your best to ignore the heavy gaze on your silhouette of at least a pair of eyes watching you leave.
“You have got to fuck her.” Jean sighs. “Or I might. Isn’t she why we’re here anyway?”
Eren isn’t sure if his skin is heating up because of the call out or because of his possessiveness over you, despite the fact that he’s nothing to you. The way you look at him proves it, like he’s a wad of bubblegum sticking to the bottom of your shoe, like he’s the one that’s a nobody.
He knows your friends. Hangs out with them, fucks them occasionally. But not because he likes them— he just likes to keep tabs on you. Why? He doesn’t fucking know why. God, he wish he knew why. He does stupid shit like this, coming to the library on a fucking Saturday like a goddamn dork just because he knows you like how quiet it gets on the weekends. He is so infatuated with someone who won’t even look his way, someone who keeps a nose buried in school work and doesn’t even bat a lash at his looks, his jokes, anything?!?
And fine, maybe he’s also feeling a bit warm because of you.
World’s Biggest Blue Baller, yep, it’s you.
Nah. He’ll get you one of these days. Despite whatever game the two of you are playing, he will win. He knows it, feeling the certainty thrum in his blood. It’s why he’s the leader of his friends, the pack of the herd, the man of the men. Because when Eren Yeager has his mind set to what he wants, he’ll get it.
Besides, those quiet smart girls are always the most fun to break.
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wttcsms · 1 year
Hihi i saw ur request box was open & i just couldnt resist! A big confession to make here, uhh ive been such a big fan of u and yr writings and also u were the v first fanfic blog i came across a couple years ago so yea, u literally open my third eye to a whole new world of fics👉👈 🥺
i feel like you havent written angst in a while–and bc i miss ur angsty haikyuu fics– sooo could i request post-breakup college!au with atsumu or iwai (honestly anyone who'd best fit the scenario cuz i trust ur characterization👌) abt the aftermath of the breakup, them seeing us on campus and unconsciously following us with their eyes, reschin to help out on instinct only to realize theyre no longer together, thinking about what could've been just reminisce reminisce
ahhhh im sry honestly dont know how to expand more on the idea
thank you for stealing my ficvirginity😃
pairing atsumu miya x f!reader word count 2.1k content contains exes still in love, college!au, mutual pining author's notes hi <3 i remember you (eycee, right?). don't be a stranger! you can always dm me and say hello :) thank you for the constant support. not sure if this fic is angsty enough, but i wanted yours to be the first req i do <3
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“Hi, welcome in! Let me know if— Oh.”
Your voice falters, recognition and maybe even something similar to embarrassment flits across your face, and a split second later, you go back to smiling like nothing’s wrong. Like the two of you haven’t spent the better half of this month actively avoiding each other at all costs, even though the sprawling acres of the University of Tokyo suddenly feels too small. The entirety of Japan has felt too small ever since it became his mission to never cross paths with you ever again. 
This mission of his started just a little over two weeks ago, on the very same day you decide to use his heart as your own punching bag. The worst part of it all, though, is the fact that he doesn’t even hold any type of contempt for you. It’s a cruel sort of joke; sometimes, Atsumu Miya feels like everything bad that happens to him is just some sort of sick punchline in a sitcom instead of real life. 
Usually, when girlfriends find out their high school sweetheart is going to be a wildly successful (and rich) professional athlete, they’ll do anything in their power to hang onto him.
You decided to snip the invisible string tying the two of you together, and you did it so effortlessly, so quickly, that Atsumu had to make sure that he hadn’t been imagining the last four years of your relationship. 
He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets, and he’s torn between staring at you like a total creep or looking at everything in the campus bookstore but you. He settles for the former, scared that this will be his last opportunity to really look at you. 
Neither of you is saying anything. It’s a Saturday and so no one else is even in the bookstore this morning, and Atsumu wants to say something, anything, but he’s never been that great at carefully picking his words, and he’s scared out of his mind that he’ll say something stupid and prove once and for all that you had been right to break up with him. Better yet, he wants you to say something. He wants you to give him a better explanation instead of the bullshit you told him in his apartment. 
We just want different things.
What does that even mean? He thinks he would have shouted out that question, if only your little break up speech hadn’t caught him so off guard. Different things? The two of you wanted different things? Sure, Atsumu likes to sleep in a freezing cold apartment, and you need the room to actually be at a reasonable temperature. And maybe Atsumu has a penchant for overly fried, greasy foods when all you want (and deserve) is a fancy dinner. Maybe Atsumu wants to be at a sports store instead of browsing aisle after aisle in Sephora, but he doubts these different wants have accumulated so much that you felt you had no choice but to break his heart. 
“Hey, Miya.” You say it softly, dropping the perky customer service voice you greeted him with before you turned around and realized who he was. And he flinches. He fucking visibly cringes at the way you speak to him, walking on eggshells and going back to formalities like he’s barely above a stranger to you.
(Did you know that he wanted to make that your last name?
Do you know that he still does, even now?)
“Hey,” he replies back, curling his fingers into fists inside his pocket. He thinks his voice comes out all scratchy, like how it always sounds when you don’t use your voice nearly enough. He clears his throat awkwardly. Everything feels awkward; everything feels wrong. He says “hey”, but what he really means to say is please don’t call me Miya; you know the color of my toothbrush, you don’t have to call me Miya. 
“Were you looking for something?” 
Subconsciously, Atsumu finds himself seeking you out. He walks by another girl on campus and almost breaks his neck with the speed he turns around to catch a whiff of the perfume wafting from her body because he swears it’s the same fragrance you favor. He walks by the building that houses all the classrooms for your specific major, even though it’s located on the opposite side of his own classes because he secretly hopes against all hope that he’ll run into you, and you’ll see him and fall in love with him again. He goes to the same restaurants the two of you frequently ate at together, and he orders your usual because you can never finish your entire meal and always have him finish off the leftovers for you (and the food is always good, but somehow it doesn’t taste the same when your utensils haven’t touched it first). And he doesn’t even need to be here, doesn’t even care enough about his stupid class to go out of his way to buy the study guide, but he knows you’ve started picking up the weekend shifts at the campus bookstore, and suddenly, he cares enough about passing to get the damn study guide. 
He shrugs. “Just some stupid workbook to study for an upcoming exam, but it’s not that serious.” 
“Oh. Is Dr. Furata giving you a hard time again?” 
“How do you do that?” Atsumu blurts out, wanting to kick himself for giving too much of himself away. You already own every centimeter of his heart and maybe his soul. You don’t need anything else from him; he’s almost certain there’s nothing left for him to give you, but he can’t help but impulsively ask the damn question that’s been running through his mind ever since you left him behind. 
Did you know that when you’re confused, your brows furrow together, and you get this adorable, endearing crinkle in between them? Do you know that he still finds that same expression as cute as he did when you still called yourself his girlfriend? 
“What are you talking about?” 
How can you just stand there and act like you never crushed his heart? How do you wake up in the morning and not feel like your life is missing something important, like you’ll never feel whole again? How can you keep him wrapped around your finger, and then have the audacity to not even realize it? How did you let him go so quickly? 
Practicing caution, he swallows hard before clarifying, “How do you know everything?” Because if you can act like he’s just a polite acquaintance, like he’s nothing more than another fellow classmate, he can try to play pretend too. He can act like there’s not enough history between the two of you to fill up every damn textbook in this stupid store. “Yeah, Dr. Furata’s been on everyone’s ass. Somethin’ about midterm grades being worth a quarter of our overall grade.” 
“Believe me, you’re not the first victim of Dr. Furata’s to come wandering in the store. I think I have a few more of the workbooks he suggested in stock. Let me go check.” 
It’s instinct at this point for Atsumu to just follow you. If he uses his imagination, it’s almost like he’s back to browsing in a makeup store, walking aimlessly in every aisle, following you loyally because he’s happy to have you lead the way and he doesn’t care where he ends up, so long as you’re there with him. 
But this isn’t an afternoon date with you. This is him following a bookstore employee. After you find that study guide, which is really nothing more than his flimsy excuse for seeking you out, you’re going to ask him “card or cash?”, ring him up at the register, and he’s going to walk out that door and have to act like he’s still not in love with you. All the while, you’re doing fine. You’re fine right now, and you’re going to be fine when he leaves, and you’re probably going to be fine, five years down the line, when you’re happy with someone else and Atsumu is alone because in this little hypothetical, he still hasn’t gotten over you.
He is trailing behind you in this bookstore, and your back is facing him, and he’s panicking because he doesn’t think he’s capable of not loving you. 
Just two weeks ago, you knew him better than anyone else in the world, maybe even better than Osamu, perhaps even better than he knows himself. Now, you just give him a polite smile as you grab the small stool to reach the books located at the very top of the shelf. 
“God, I hate the way we organize everything in the store.” You say, lightheartedly complaining. He knows you do. He knows because he’s known you for nearly a decade. The two of you have grown up together. You made this same complaint sprawled out on the couch in his apartment. 
When he doesn’t reply, you look down to see if something’s the matter, only to do it too quickly that you find yourself losing your balance. Before you can come crashing to the floor, Atsumu is quick to catch you, and you pretend that his protective embrace isn’t comforting. You pretend not to notice that he’s wearing the cologne you bought him for Christmas last year, and you continue to pretend that you don’t miss him at all, that you don’t still love him. 
And for a second, the two of you both pretend that you’re still with each other. That it’s perfectly okay to savor this intimate moment, that his arms wrapped around your body right now isn’t awkward in the slightest. He’s staring at you with a sort of starstruck, boylike wonder, and it’s so familiar, so sweet, because it’s the way he always used to look at you. His lips part slightly, like he’s about to say something, and—
The loud ring! interrupts whatever moment the two of you are sharing, and you nearly jump out of his arms. You hear the distinct footsteps of another student, and you adjust your shirt before remembering where the two of you are — what the two of you are. Not a couple. Barely even friends. Just a bookstore employee and a student that needs a book. That’s all the two of you are allowed to be.
“I should probably go check up front and make sure they don’t need any help.” You tell him, biting down on your lip. “Anyway, did you need anything else, or would you like me to check you out right now?” 
He blinks a few times, as if still in a daze. “Uh, yeah, sure.” The tips of his ears are flushed a light pink. “Y-yeah, I’m done here.” 
The two of you practically race each other to the front of the store, and you step behind the counter to scan his workbook. He drums his fingers, looking around the store. When he’s nervous, he likes to be moving. You know this. 
Just looking for an excuse to use his hands, Atsumu mindlessly picks a pack of gum off a nearby rack and slides it towards you so you can also scan it. You know you shouldn’t say it. You know it’s supposed to be a clean break. Instead, you tell him, 
“Actually, if you want, I have the fruit variety flavor.” 
“Huh?” This catches his attention. 
You reach into one of the boxes that have just been shipped to the store, rummaging through a tiny one before revealing a shiny, new package of gum, this one advertising all the flavors based on tropical fruits. “Would you rather have this one?” 
“Oh, yeah!” As if truly forgetting what the two of you actually are (exes, strangers with too much history, two people still pretending like they’re not in love), his eyes light up. “How did you kno—” He doesn’t finish the question. He knows the answer to the question. 
You’re quick to finish ringing him up, the “polite strangers” illusion being completely shattered. It’s obvious, really, that there are always going to be parts of Atsumu that still live deep inside of you. You can only hope that this isn’t the case for him. 
You hand him the bag, and when he grabs it from you, your fingers just barely graze each other’s. Atsumu is scared — scared that this might be the last time he ever feels your touch. 
And because you’re a glutton for punishment, you find yourself telling him,
“Don’t be a stranger.”
You can’t tell who’s more devastated: you or him.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 1 year
Ok so this has been on my mind for a MINUTE. So here’s my school AU! Please ask questions and please add your headcannons too!! If you want more in depth AU headcannons I’d love to write them!
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Football player and all the girls swoon over him for it. He’s not even the star player?? But hey I guess being a running back is pretty cool? (fuck quarterbacks!!)
Mans barely keeping his grades up
He’s only passing so he can stay on the football team
One of the “popular” guys since he’s just so well known by all the creeps. Everyone sits with him and the football team at lunch
Varsity volleyball player and she’s GOOD. Like she’d get a full ride scholarship for college
Star player unlike Jeff
She’s also in Choir! A soprano of course. It’s more of a just for fun thing so she doesn’t take it too seriously but she definitely tries her best (please come to her concerts)
Straight A student. Don’t play with her.
Cheerleader!! 100% a flyer. She cheers exclusively for Jeff too. Not quite the cheer captain but close in the ranks. One of the best at tumbling and gymnastics
Social butterfly and everyone knows her. She’s on hoco court for sure.
I feel like she’s always just a little short of the top. Socially, academically, athletically. She just seems to get overshadowed
Pretty decent student, she’s more interested in a social life than academics though.
Cross country/ track. She’s set the most records in the school history. She can compete in anything but prefers long distance or sprints
Super humble about her wins and records, not a fan of the spotlight that her athleticism gets her
Pretty damn smart, but she’s quiet about it. People just know she sits in the back and does her work.
High A grades
Varsity basketball. Definitely a starter too. Combo Guard 100%. She gives me Caitlin Clark vibes?? (look her up she’s badass)
Probably also does track but just because the coaches knew she was tall and she could jump hurdles like no one’s business
On the side she spends a lot of her time in the art rooms since it’s quiet and she gets some alone time
Also a pretty good student, more on the B sides of grades though,
I feel like this kid is in everything for some reason?? But definitely varsity soccer as his main activity. He’s a goalkeeper mainly but he can swing to whatever position you need him to be. He’s probably in bowling with Ben too
But he’s 100% in band too. He plays trombone (the best instrument) he’s in concert band, marching band, and jazz band.
He’s pretty popular too just because he’s cute and pretty much an all rounder
Average student, doesn’t have much time or attention for homework so that’s where his grades fall
HUNK. This man is the star wrestler of the school. Probably in the 182lbs weight class. People are SCARED to wrestle this man.
Doesn’t talk much, just does his work and gets tf out. Honestly most people avoid him
Pretty good student too, high B’s to medium level A’s
He participates in the field portion of track and field. Loves that he gets to throw shit
Baseball boy!! Those pants look damn good on him too. Usually a pitcher but sometimes a shortstop. Loves running so this shit is perfect for him. The girls LOOOOVE him. Like imagine Brian in the uniform with that goofy smile???
Also probably in yearbook (if he has time, he gives me lazy vibes)
Decent student too, probably high C’s and B’s
Honestly might dabble in bowling with Ben and Toby
No sports for him! If he was going to participate in any sports it would probably be swim team? Honestly not a sports guy though
But this man is in the honor society!! Like he’s SMART
Excellent student, like all 100%’s
Everyone comes to him for homework help, but of course he charges
Varsity bowling!! This man is a NERD and he’s damn good at bowling. Not quite a record breaker but definitely someone scouts look at
He started the team and reps it like no one’s business. He tries to get everyone to join.
He only gets good grades because he cheats
Also the leader of the gaming club!
She’s on the dance team 100%. Loves the outfits and looooves solo’s
But honestly she focuses more on 4H. She focuses on livestock and loves raising sheep. (Yes I know this is more of an out of school activity)
She’s probably in the garden club too! I feel like she just likes agriculture? Everyone gets along with her she’s just a sweetie
Great student! High A’s and she studies all the time
Either in marching band or color guard I can’t really decide. She either plays flute or trumpet! But if she’s in color guard she 100% has a solo/ feature moment in the show
She’s super shy but everyone seems to get along with her because she’s a sweetie #2
I also feel like all the guys try to get with her just because she’s so beautiful
Also a really good student! Studies all the time and probably has a study group
Another non sports guy! Doesn’t have anything against it but it’s just obviously not for him.
He’s the art club leader and takes it super seriously! He tries to get everyone’s art in papers, fairs, and exhibits.
Everyone thinks he’s kinda weird but they respect his dedication to art and others
Another really good student, he doesn’t have to study though
School newspaper editor/writer. He knows everything about everyone and has no problem writing a dark column about them
No one talks to him at all, they don’t want him to write about them
He’s also a theater kid, idk he just gives me the vibes
Decent student, he’s just casual about it
Non sports guy pt. 197583.
He’s in the sewing club and absolutely loves it. Everyone thinks he’s gay for it though (Jeff teases the shit out of him)
He’s also a theater kid, more on the props side of it though
Also a high B’s student
She’s in ROTC and she makes it her personality
Tries to get Clockwork to join all the time and they’re besties
I feel like she’s kinda dumb so probably high D’s to low C’s
This man plays golf and he’s super chill about it!
Wears his scarf out on the green lmao
Not popular at ALL and he likes it that way
Also a super good student and again, super chill about it
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karleksmumskladdkaka · 2 months
I promised that I'd show you guys what my package of DL goods actually contained.
Behold my treasures╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
(Please be forewarned that the quality of the photos are shit. They were taken by an idiot with no real photography experience whatsoever. Added to that I'm not fully recovered yet and honestly didn't have the energy to do multiple takes I'm also a lazy bitch at the best of times so there's that. But to compensate I have added a list below each picture to make it fully clear what exactly is depicted in them.)
Booklets ⋆⋅☆⋆⋅
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From upper left to bottom right:
More, Blood Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
Vandead Carnival Special Booklet
Vandead Carnival Animate Limited Set Booklet
Vandead Carnival Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
More, Blood Limited V Edition Animate Limited Set Booklet
More, Blood Limited V Edition Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
Dark Fate Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
Lunatic Parade Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
Grand Edition Stellaworth Special Tokuten Booklet
Lost Eden Special Booklet
Grand Edition Special Booklet
Chaos Lineage Special Stellaworth Tokuten Booklet
Daylight Special Stellaworth Complete Set Purchase Tokuten Booklet
All of these booklets contain short stories, either individual ones for each diaboy or just a singular one that involves Yui and all the diaboys from the associated game (though the stories do not necessarily have anything to do with the plot of said game. Like at all. One story is literally a Mafia AU. I'm not making this up I swear.)
There are a few booklets that I'm missing, namely the HDB ones and most of the Drama CD ones. I'm on active lookout for the latter while the former... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I honestly don't care about. No Ruki = none of my money. I'm a Ruki fan first and foremost, if that's not abundantly clear lol.
Drama CDs ⋆⋅✮⋅⋆
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From upper left to bottom right:
Vandead Carnival Stella Set Tokuten: Special Voice CD
More, Blood Limited V Edition Stella Set Tokuten: Special Voice CD
Dark Fate Stella Set Tokuten: Special Voice CD
More, Blood B-2 Price Drama CD (Mukami Ver.)
Lost Eden Vol.4: Mukami Saga
Lost Eden Stella Set Bonus: Special Voice CD
Chaos Lineage Vol.3: Orange
Sadistic Night 2017 Event Pamphlet CD
Versus IV Vol.2 Shuu vs Ruki Stellaworth Tokuten Drama CD: "The Vampires got a Part-time Job: Ruki"
Eternal Blood 5th Eternal Blood Vol.1 & Vol.2 Animate Tokuten Drama CD: "A Certain Day at the Mukami Household" (Ruki & Yuma)
Chaos Lineage Ebten/WonderGoo Tokuten Drama CD: “The Vampire’s Every Day: Board Game Edition ~ Ruki VS Azusa VS Kino ~”
Grand Edition Animate Situation CD
More, More Blood Vol.12 Mukami Ruki Animate Tokuten Drama CD: "Monopolizing Her"
More, More Blood Vol.12 Mukami Ruki Animate Tokuten Drama CD: "Living a Normal School Life For Once!"
Daylight Vol.7 Mukami Ruki Stellaworth Tokuten Drama CD: "Sadistic ★ Date"
Do you notice the common thread running across all these CDs?
I remember mentioning a while back that there were only two Ruki CDs I had yet to listen to. Well, turns out I'm a fucking fool and forgot about the existence of most of the CDs on this list. I have no idea whether the majority of these are any good but my hopes are high! In any case I am very excited to give them all a listen! Or more like multiple. I'm addicted to Ruki's sexy voice what can I say.
Miscellaneous ⋆⋅☽⋅⋆
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From upper left to bottom right:
More, Blood Ebten After Story Card: Shuu
More, Blood Ebten After Story Card: Ruki
More, More Blood Vol.12 Mukami Ruki Deluxe Edition Message Card
More, More Blood Vol.12 Mukami Ruki Mini Story Card (which ties into his Another Story CD).
In addition to these items I have three other message cards from Ruki and two of his short story papers (his More, Blood and Bloody Bouquet ones) in storage, which I'll also share in the future.
That's all I got at the moment. Again, sorry for the piss-poor quality of the photos. I'll strive to do better with the next scans I upload.
- _(´ω`_)⌒)_
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fruitsoxs · 1 year
hi socks just wanna let u know i have been thinking about those vashwood as roommates headcanons and i always come back to it cz it’s somehow??? so comforting??? 10/10 chef’s kiss thank u!
it's honestly my comfort au-- so here's a part two ! (here's part one)
Having Vash and Wolfwood as roommates would include(part two);;
warnings;; I included some nsfw headcanons this time. they're at the end and have a warning. This also has a bit of fighting/angst that ends in fluff notes: i have a couple of fics in the work for this au. let me know if there any big moments you would like to see written out into a full fic! (also possibly a knives spin off??)
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Their jobs/majors
I kind of feel like Vash is studying in the science department. Specifically something that has to do with plant science? Botany, Environmental science, maybe even biology? I know it’s a little on the nose but I really do think it would work perfectly for him
Maybe he even opens up his own little flower shop in the future??
No matter what he has a lot of labs and he is always tired after them.
He probably has a part-time job as a barista at a little cafe on campus
No thoughts just Vash in a cute little apron
He’s a fan favorite among the college kids. They say he makes the best coffee, and he sometimes gives people little freebies when they look sad
His manager Meryl actively yells at him for it, but she doesn’t actually care that much.
He ALWAYS will give you freebies if you come in to visit him. He gets a free drink as an employee, and he’ll save it for you just in case you come in. Sometimes he’ll even take it to go and drop it off for you
Wolfwood gives huge phycology vibes. Mans had a messed up childhood and wants nothing more than to help other people through that stuff
Either that or he’s an art student. I can see that too
He takes school very seriously, but he is horrible at math. He cannot divide to save his life. He’s had to retake his math class like three times
His job? Well nobody knows and at this point everyone is too scared to ask. (He’s a security guard lol)
Whatever it is, he hates it. He comes home grumpy and needs lots of hugs and kisses.
He’ll be all pouty and pissed off, and then you’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek and a small smile will break out 
Bonus; Knives is on the track to becoming a surgeon. I will die on the hill that he is going into the medical field. (he’d look so good in scrubs) and i know McDonalds knives is kind of funny, but I'm thinking he’s actually and EMT. Imagine getting hurt and having Knives be your first responder (id die on the spot)
First Date
It’s not really a date- well you don’t call it a date. Vash just walks in with a couple of free tickets to a haunted house event thing  and asks if you and Wolfwood want to come
You’re like hell yeah
The drive there is like the calm before the storm. You listen to some music, seated in front with wolfwood driving. He definitely has his hand on your thigh. Vash is super excited about finally doing something that isn’t getting high and playing games
You all thought it was gonna be some dumb little spooky house. They’re never that scary. It’s just fun to see all the decorations and actors
Oh boy were you wrong
It’s so well put together. The actors are really into it, and they have amazing make up. When you’re standing in line, some clown girl walks up to Vash and you watch the regret build up on his face. The guy is already terrified
The first hallway is pitch black, and you have to rely on a feeling your way through it. Vash is mumbling about how much he hates it the entire time
Wolfwood is like “Don’t worry guys I’ll protect you.” And then proceeds to let out the loudest scream when the lights come on and there’s a girl dressed up as a ghost standing there
Soon all three of you are huddled up, holding hands, and shaking
These things should not be that scary!!!
It’s Vash who gets you kicked out
He gets so spooked that he runs into a bunch of boxes and knocks one of the fake walls down. The entire thing has to stop to fix it
You’re all banned
After that you go eat pancakes and complain about how scary it was
When things get tense
Fights can happen sometimes
None of you are perfect, and those boys have gone through some shit
Vash tends to shut himself away from you when he’s upset. He doesn’t come out of his room, and when he does he pretends like he’s fine. 
He doesn’t like burdening other people with his problems.
Eventually it just starts to feel like he doesn’t trust you enough to let you in. SIt gets really bad when he tells you to go away one day, and you watch Wolfwood walk into his room 30 minutes later
It doesn’t really turn into a fight. You just get sad, and even a little insecure. So, you avoid him back. Not because you’re vengeful, just because you feel hurt
A few days of the two of you not talking and Vash is in tears by your door
He begs for forgiveness and explains why he’s like this
You tell him it’s okay, but what he does really hurt you. He promises to work on it, and he does
That night the two of you make up for loss time
Wolfwood and you fight a lot more
Most of the time it’s silly little arguments that you solve pretty fast
Wolfwood is bad at communicating in general. But especially when it comes to his feelings
He has really bad days sometimes, and he can get grumpy really fast these days, and one day you really piss him off
He won’t tell you what you did though, he just gives you the cold shoulder
That pisses you off because you’d so be willing to talk it out and apologize, but he won’t tell you what you did 
So you’re mad now too
Things are tense between you too, and it all comes to an end on movie night when you start arguing about what movie to watch
You want to watch one of your favorite movies from your childhood and he says that it’s a stupid movie
Things get heated fast, while Vash just disappears into the background. He that the two of you need to workout your problems on your own (but he really wants to intervene) 
When the tears start falling, Wolfwood immediately stops
He takes a breath, and the two of you sit down and just talk. 
You talk ALL night about what happened, and what the two of you could have done better. In the end, you fall asleep on his chest while he plays with your hair. 
You have movie night the next night to make up for it, and he puts the movie you wanted to watch in before you can even talk about it ( he ends up loving the movie and after that you two watch it all the time)
Id have to make an entire other thing for when Vash and Wolfwood fight because it’s no fun for anyone
NSFW stuff
After the three of you finally get past the awkward stages and start fucking, you find out these two are…horny
They’ll grab you and go to town any time
They really like to share you, but there’s no jealousy in the relationship so it’s okay for one on one time as well!
Wolfwood will pull you into steamy make out sessions whenever. He’ll do it out of nowhere. I imagine he just really likes you, and can’t get enough
He’s very handsy. He’ll constantly have his hand on your hips, or your thigh, and your waist. He likes touching you
He’s the type to sneak risqué touches in public. He like watching you struggle to not let anyone else know what he’s doing
Quickies everywhere with Wolfwood
Vash is a lot more loving (not that Wolfwood isn’t loving– he probably has cried during sex) 
Vash takes his time though. He wants every moment with you to be special. He likes to do stuff like rubbing your back, and peppering kisses down your shoulders. He’ll run his hand up your shirt, and kiss your neck softly. He builds up to it
He really likes shower/bath sex. It’s intimate and relaxing
He also like when you take control (i know he’s a whimperer)
He is so bad at any type of public sex though. He gets embarrassed way too easily (and i think Wolfwood has fun with that) 
When the three of you do it together it’s fucking electric 
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charincharge · 4 months
I Don't Want To Wait, seventy-three
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
AN: Alright, folks, we're in the very final stretch. Second to last chapter here. The final chapter will post next week, and I will have a much sappier note for you all then about what the last four years of this fic have meant to me. But for now... here you go.
“Are you really not going to tell me?” Aelin whined, looking up from her practice exam. As he had for the last several hours, Dorian shook his head of dark curls and glared back. His usually warm blue eyes held a bit of chill to them, but that didn’t dissuade Aelin. If anything, it made her persist harder. “Pleaaaaseeee, Doriannnn,” she continued. “Pleaseeee?”
With a deep, frustrated sigh, he aggressively turned the page to the thick packet of paper on the table in front of him. “I’m really not,” he said, yet again.
“What if I guessed?” Aelin probed. “Would you give me a signal if I said the right name?”
He silently began scribbling his answer, back to studiously ignoring the blonde seated across from him. “You’re infuriating,” he mumbled to himself.
“What about a gender?” she asked. “Or pronouns?” she continued. “He? She? They? Zim? Zer? Zie?”
Dorian slammed his pencil down and frustratedly gripped the bridge of his nose, crinkling it, as if in dire pain.
“I’m not ready to talk about it,” he said. Aelin tried to counter, but he cut her off with a startling admission.
“I am possibly gearing up to invite… this… undisclosed gendered person… to prom—” Aelin gasped, causing Dorian to roll his eyes. “—so, I don’t want to talk about it, because I don’t want to talk myself out of doing it. If that’s alright with her majestyyyy.”
She couldn’t help but bite her lip and nod, seeing the nerves Dorian had been studiously pushing down bubble up and over in his explanation.
“Fine,” she conceded, causing him to sigh a breath of relief. But Aelin couldn’t resist getting in one more piece of information while he was still feeling like disclosing.
Aelin’s grin split across her face as she whispered, “It’s Chaol, isn’t it?”
“Oh my GOD,” Dorian exploded. “You said you were going to let it go! I swear, if I get a one on this AP exam because you wouldn’t shut up about this…”
“Fine, fine,” Aelin said, zipping her still-grinning lips shut.
But she hadn’t failed to notice the way the back of Dorian’s neck stiffened slightly at the C-word. She was even more curious now. She’d had a sneaking suspicion that whatever tension had arisen between the pair during spring break would come to a head, but she really wanted to know how that resulted in them in a bedroom at Lorcan’s together the previous night. And how did they end up like that before Dorian had asked him to prom??? All she knew was that as soon as Chaol said yes to his prom date — because he would, no doubt say yes — she’d be teasing Dory about it for the foreseeable future. Without letting her curious mind wander futher, she resumed her genome diagram, finally putting the topic to rest.
. . .
Aelin wasn’t sure she was going to make it through this week. While her friends were partaking in senior pranks, skips, and general tomfoolery, she was stuck inside the gymnasium for hours at a time, completing her many AP exams. The air was sticky with humidity, and it somehow at its worst during test time. Sun poured through the gym windows, heating the room and steaming every student attempting to complete their already-difficult tests. Even the industrial-sized fans placed in each corner of the room were barely enough to give them relief, simply pushing around the heated air in warm wafts. It was honestly miserable.
Not only that, but between the actual exams and the studying for those exams, she had hours upon hours of nightly dance rehearsals. The showcase would be that weekend, and it seemed like Petrah was running them into the ground, attempting to perfect each piece of choreography. And though Aelin loved to dance — she really did, and she was grateful that she’d reentered the world — but she couldn’t help but think this might be the worst hell week she’d ever had. It was hell in the truest sense of the word. She’d lost track of the days, each one blending together into one giant cloud of stress. T
She wouldn’t have been able to do it without Rowan (and Maeve, to be honest), who had prepared and delivered her a week worth of dinner and snacks. He’d shown up on Sunday night with three bags worth of takeout containers (all labeled) and organized them into the fridge while she took a practice AP Lit exam. Honestly, she wasn’t sure she would have been able to remember to feed herself if he hadn’t, and she was infitinely grateful for their forethought. Yeah, sure, her dad wouldn’t have let her starve, but the end of the school year was always the fire department’s busiest time of year — having to deal with some senior shenanigans. Earlier in the week he’d had to remove a canoe filled with flaming shit (yes, literal bags on fire!) from Orynth High’s field — so, he’d been a bit sparse around the house. Which, wasn’t exactly bad. Aelin was grateful for the silence when she needed to study, but she was an extrovert by nature and her lack of human contact was definitely taking its toll on her. She was fully exhausted, but she could really use a night of socializing or fraternizing with her boyfriend at the very least.
Alas, Rowan was also MIA. She knew he felt like garbage about how little he was seeing her, but he was beholden to an insane practice schedule with his lacrosse championship game approaching. The pair of them were nothing more than passing ships in the night, barely seeing each other for more than a small kiss good morning before parting ways for the day. She honestly couldn’t remember the last time she had a real conversation with him that wasn’t over text.
Fully exhausted, she shook a small container of Caesar dressing into the labeled salad Tupperware, forcing herself to nourish herself before collapsing into bed. She had merely one day left of this torturous week, and then she’d be able to take a deep breath. Maybe.
“You look kinda wrecked, babe,” Lorcan said, grabbing a beer from the back of the Galathynius’s fridge.
“Gee, thanks,” she laughed, elbowing him in the side.  
“I’m serious. You need a vacay,” he said, his face uncharacteristically without any humor. “No, not need. Deserve,” he clarified. “What are your summer plans?”
Aelin didn’t have an answer.
She wracked her brain, thinking of all the time she’d spent thinking about the future and the upcoming months and realized that she’d completely skipped over this summer in her planning. Her future had always started in August when college terms began. She had forgotten to consider how she’d fill the three months of post-graduation time. She assumed based on whatever financial aid package she received that she’d need to take a job, but with her life still so thoroughly in limbo, a plan had never really solidified. Like the rest of her future, it was a hazy cloud. A blank slate. A chasm of nothingness.
“I… don’t know,” she finally replied.
“Well, do you mind if I make a suggestion?” Lorcan laughed.
She finished shaking her salad container and wordlessly followed him over to the couch where he’d already queued up the latest episode of Real Housewives. He patted the cushion next to him, and she collapsed with little hesitation, leaning into his thick shoulder for support. Lorcan was freshly showered and smelled strongly of Ivory soap. It’s how her dad usually smelled, too. It had taken her a while to get used to, but she realized it was the soap they had at the station.  No matter what other shampoo they used, the soapy smell always pervaded her nostrils. It was strangely comforting.
“I think you need to chill the fuck out,” he continued, oblivious to her sentimentality. “I don’t know what that means, but… I think you’ve gotta do something that requires absolutely zero brain power. Maybe that’s lifeguarding or teaching dance to toddlers. Maybe it’s going on a cross-country road trip to try and find the best slice of chocolate cake. Maybe you want to take up a new hobby like gardening or join a karaoke league, I don’t fucking know. But you need to turn your brain off, babe. Let it take a three month breather. You’ll need it before going to college.”
“But I don’t even know if I’m going to college,” Aelin replied. She straightened up away from Lorcan and leaned over to grab a bite of her salad, trying to tune out her self-pity as she stuffed a wad of romaine lettuce into her mouth.
Lorcan simply laughed. “I’ll be the first to tell anyone who listens that college isn’t for everyone. It was never going to be my path, that’s for sure.” Aelin nodded, chewing thoughtfully as she listened. “But, you love to learn. I’ve never seen someone go through books for fun like you. Hell, I don’t think there’s a book in your room you haven’t read more than once. You love to debate and question your own beliefs and opinions, and that’s super cool. But also, it means you are pretty much bred for college life.” He paused and rubbed at his day clean-shaven chin, his eyes warming affectionately at her. “Everything is going to work out exactly the way it was meant to be.”
“That feels far too sentimental and optimistic coming from you,” Aelin eyed him skeptically.
“What can I say?” Lorcan said, stretching his arm across the back seat of their couch. “I’ve changed. Life is good.” His smile widened. “So, what’s the age makeup of your dance company like? Any of-age hotties you can intro me to after the show? Think Petrah would go for a younger daddy type or is she committed to a Rhoe-ish age gap?”
Aelin faux-gagged and pressed play on the TV, happy to ignore Lorcan’s button-pushing. But as the Housewives got into their usual drama, she found herself barely paying attention. Instead, she was imagining all the scenarios she could fill her summer with. And all of them involved being half-naked with Rowan. No matter what this fall brought, Lorcan was right; she needed a serious brain break.
. . .
Aelin breathed the deepest sigh of relief upon finishing her AP Lit exam. She had used the full allotted exam time, not finishing even a second early to go back and revise any of her words, filling the pages with her messy scrawl, analyzing theme after theme and character after character until she thought her hand was going to fall right off. She lifted the back of her shirt, which was drenched with sweat and tried to fan herself, but it was no use. She’d need a cold shower or maybe an ice bath ro reverse the heat stroke this stupid gymnasium had wreaked upon her body. And she couldn’t be more grateful to be finished with it.
Oh my god. She was finished. With exams. And classes. High school was nearly over.
“Congrats, graduate,” a familiar voice called out as Aelin the gym, causing her lips and toes to both curl. She was prepared to fall into his arms, but Rowan’s hands were outstretched, offering up a sprinkle-laden cupcake for her.
“We still have one more week,” she said as she bit into the cupcake. The sugar was exactly what she needed to perk back up after her insane week; she could feel it working its sugary magic with every chew.
But Rowan wasn’t deterred. He nuzzled his nose into her hair, inhaling her scent and leaning against her shoulder.
“Your exams are over, what else even is there to do?”
Aelin laughed. “Um, well, you have your game and I have my performance. Then I guess there’s just… prom and graduation,” she contined. “Oh, and the small factor of trying to get off Wendlyn’s waitlist.” She glared up at his roguish smile. “Nothing major.”
“I miss you,” he said quietly, and Aelin simply hummed her agreement in return.  “Do you have rehearsal tonight?”
Aelin nodded as she took another bite of her cupcake. “Yeah,” she glanced at her phone. “But not for three hours.”
Rowan grinned. “Coach gave us the night off to rest before tomorrow.” His eyes darted around as he pulled her closer. “Wanna do something crazy?”
A pang of lust overtook Aelin as she realized how long it’d been since she’d been truly alone with Rowan. Over a week. She crossed her legs and pressed into him further as arousal coursed through her body.
“Absolutely,” she replied, causing his smile to widen even further and letting him pull her to the jeep with pretty much no hesitation. She was practically vibrating with an overload of hormones when Rowan missed the turn to their secret empty parking lot.
“Uhhh, Ro?” she asked, “You missed our turn.”
“No I didn’t,” he responded, brow furrowed in confusion. “I haven’t even told you what we’re going to do.”
Then it was Aelin’s turn for her brow to furrow. “Huh? I thought we were going to… you know.”
“OH!” Rowan’s cheeks reddened as he looked at his squirming girlfriend. “Uh, we can do that after, if there’s enough time.” He cleared his throat as he drove further down the main drag of Orynth.
“Well, if we’re not going to do that, then what the hell are we going to do?” Aelin asked, brimming with frustration.
His hands grasped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white with effort. He clearly wanted to surprise her. It wasn’t until they pulled into the City Hall parking lot that she finally put the pieces together.
“Wanna get a marriage license?” he asked.
He barely had time to gnaw at the skin of his lip with doubtful nerves before Aelin threw her arms around him and scampered out of the car. It was the first step to their forever. She’d forgotten they needed to make time for it with all that she’d been going through this week, but he hadn’t. And she was grateful.
Orynth’s City Hall was one of the oldest buildings in town, and entering it felt like being a part of history. Its ceilings were high and arched into a unique pattern of arches that crisscrossed overhead, and the green marble floors were tiled and grouted with gold, making each one stand out like a gilded diamond in the late afternoon sun. The marble shined so brilliantly that Aelin took care to walk especially quietly, assuming each step would echo loudly throughout the cavernous building, but her sneaker barely made a sound. In fact, the whole place seemed oddly hushed, as if it was holding its breath with anticipation. It contrasted heavily with Aelin’s racing heart, which thudding loudly in her chest as Rowan reached for her hand and pulled her toward the section of the room that was labeled “MARRIAGE OFFICE.”
The line to the marriage office was unshockingly non-existent on a Friday afternoon in their small town, and after showing their IDs and signing a piece of paper, Rowan and Aelin were quickly the proud owners of an official marriage license. It was over so quickly and unceremoniously that she wasn’t sure it really happened. But as she stared at the paper in her hands, she knew it was real. In five days, they could come back and get fully, a hundred percent married.
Before tucking herself into bed that night, she glanced at the white dress she’d placed in the back of her closet. She’d be able to wear it in five days.
But there was another dress she had to wear first.
. . .
“Everybody scootch together!” Maeve shouted, waving her camera in the air, trying to corral the couples in front of her. The humid weather was making the girls’ hair stick to their foreheads and curl where it wasn’t supposed to be curling, and all they wanted to do was hop into the limo they’d rented and make their way to prom, but Maeve insisted on a full out photo shoot. Apparently she’d gotten barely any photos of her prom night and she was making it all of their problems.
“Now one silly one!” she directed, causing everyone to groan. But her stern glare was enough to get them to all jump back into action and make their most ridiculous faces. Aelin stuck out her tongue and scrunched her eyes shut, causing Rowan to laugh beside her. He looked so incredibly handsome in his fully black suit. His green eyes popped and glinted in the golden rays of the setting sun, making him utterly irresistible. She wanted to fast forward to the end of the evening and peel him out of it, piece by piece, but that was hours away. If Rowan’s hands were any indication, he felt similarly. Her black dress had a low back with a twisting gold design up the back, subtly resembling a dragon, and he couldn’t stop touching her exposed skin. She shivered as his knuckle brushed against the low divot of her spine, and she looked up at him with absolutely no filter to her more lascivious thoughts.
“Keep it in your pants, babe,” Lorcan shouted from beside Maeve. She simply flicked him off.
“Classy,” Rhoe grumbled. “Keep that one for the grandkids.”
“Okay, now one sweet one. Look at your partner, tell them how good they look…… smile, Rowan!” she sang out, causing the lines of his frown to deepen further.
“Aunt Maeveee,” Rowan finally said with a long sigh. “We’re going to be late if we don’t leave soon.”
“Rowan Eugene Whitethorn,” Maeve chastised, “This is the only prom you and Aelin have attended together, and I will get at least as many photos as you took with Lyria two years ago, is that okay with you?”
Rowan’s jaw snapped shut at his aunt’s words, nodding in apology and hugging Aelin’s waist tighter at the mention of his last prom date.
“That was junior prom,” he grumbled. “It’s not even remotely the same thing,” he continued. “And she wasn’t even there. How does she know how many pictures we took?”
Aelin snorted loudly. “She tagged you in every single one on Facebook.” She laughed at Rowan’s raised eyebrow. “We allllll saw them,” she drawled, pursing her red lips at him. She laughed as he shook his head in disgust.
“So weird,” Rowan mumbled, mostly to himself.
“SMILE,” Maeve shouted, clearly annoyed that Rowan and Aelin were talking and not posing for her needs. They paused their convo to smile at each other with hearts in their eyes, and Aelin couldn’t resist lifting her heels even higher to press her lips to Rowan’s cheek.
“OH!” Maeve gasped. “Adorable. Let’s all do cheek kisses.”
“Can we not?” Dorian groaned from where his arms were wrapped around Chaol’s waist. Yes, that’s right, Aelin had been correct in her assumption that the pair of best friends had worked through whatever issues had plagued them and come out the other side. Aelin didn’t want to parade her rightness in Dorian’s face, but she had told him “I told you so” at least once of the best friends’ graduation from ~it’s complicated~ to prom dates. Prom dates who kissed each others’ cheeks. Chaol ignored Dorian’s complaining and laid his lips directly on his friend’s scruff, causing a soft rosy blush to appear on the tips of Dorian’s ears. Aelin thought back to two years ago when she had kissed Chaol in his car and couldn’t help but smile. All along the pair of them were meant to be with their own best friends. Who would have known?
Chaol’s midnight suit glimmered in the setting sun, making Dorian’s eyes shine even more blue, somehow. And though he protested initially, he leaned into his friend’s lips, looking at ease for the first time in weeks.
On Aelin’s other side, Elide and Manon were circling each other in bright swaths of color. Manon looked ferocious in a teal jumpsuit that was a few shades darker than her bright turquoise hair. Its neckline plunged between her cleavage, showing off her pale skin and a sleeve of fresh floral ink, winding around her biceps and forearm. It was the perfect compliment to Elide’s fairy light green tulle dress, which floated around them in glittering layers.
Behind them, Lysandra had surprised them all by showing up with her own date. The way they’d been during spring break, she’d half expected it to be Aedion, but she’d shown up with another sober friend from her AA group. A really nice guy named Harding. He’d apparently known Wesley, and instead of being a deterrent, it had strangely bonded Lys with him.
“Now kiss!” Maeve shouted, and Lysandra whipped her dark hair in Maeve’s direction and scowled.
“Some of us aren’t like that!” she said.
Rowan finally left the group and went over to Maeve and pushed her camera down. “I think you’ve got enough,” he said, and she nodded, letting them all disperse and make their way into the waiting limo.
Aelin had created a playlist and plugged it into the backseat. “Who’s ready to see some prom queens?” she asked, letting her friends cheer as Manon and Elide kissed each other thoroughly as the music blared overhead. For the first time in a long time, Aelin felt relaxed. She felt like … this was a seminal teen moment that she would remember for the rest of her life, and she was secretly glad that Maeve wanted to capture as much of it as she did. She knew that many years from now, she would go through the photos with the same warmth in her heart that was taking up space there right now.
. . .
As the hours passed, Aelin became even more grateful for Maeve’s forced documentation. Despite camera phones capturing video and photos galore, the night was passing by too quickly. And despite the pain that Aelin had felt in her years walking the halls of Orynth High and the question marks that awaited her on the other side, tonight was perfect.
The dance had a ridiculously cheesy theme that no one actually adhered to: Enchanted Forest. But the décor had completely transformed the stuffy gym that Aelin had hated so thoroughly the previously week. Twinkle lights twined through the lush greenery that lined the walls, and a glowing path of low mushrooms and lanterns lit the way to a photobooth that was covered in a romantic arch of branches. Overhead, they’d released a sea of green and gold balloons that covered the ceiling, but they floated around, transporting them all to a different world. It was silly, but it felt like magic. Aelin never wanted to leave this place.
Her fingers grasped Rowan’s neck tighter as a slow song came on, and she breathed his pine scent in deeply as he leaned down and pressed his forehead to hers. His lips ghosted hers, not fully kissing her, but not not kissing her either. Her entire body was alight with an amorous flame that hadn’t been quenched in days. His hand ran up her bare back, and it took all her restraint not to moan out loud. Instead, she sighed into his mouth.
“I love you,” she whispered, their breaths mingling at how close they were to each other.
“Gods, I love you,” he replied.
He kissed her then, deeply, soundly, not caring that camera flashes went off around them. He broke their kiss, panting slightly, and she couldn’t resist patting down the lapels of his suit and smoothing them beneath her palm. Reminding her that this was real. That he was hers.  
“This is everything I’ve ever wanted,” he finally said, breaking her from her spell.
“Is it?” she asked, and though it was a leading question, she did actually want to know the answer.
As it had been mentioned earlier in the evening, Rowan had been to prom before, and he hadn’t really enjoyed it. In fact, he’d left pretty damn early. It hadn’t been a secret that Rowan didn’t enjoy school dances. Or school events. Or events of any kind, really. And she didn’t blame him for that. But she hadn’t expected him to love this night the way that she was loving it. Strangely, he sounded sincere, though.
A wry grin turned up half of his smile in a new roguish grin he’d been trying out that made him oh so appealing in ways that Aelin couldn’t even begin to articulate.
“Yeah, Ace,” he laughed softly. “It is.”
She knew she was fishing but she couldn’t help herself. “Why?” she asked, and though she thought he’d admonish her, his grin disappeared and his face turned as serious as ever as he gathered his thoughts.
“Because.” He cleared his throat and gave her an apologetic smile. “This was the way it should have always been,” he said. “When I came to prom with Lyria…” he drifted off and his eyes lost focus, as if remembering back to those days. They seemed so far away now. “I kept thinking how annoyed I was that I was there, and it wasn’t because I didn’t like school dances. Although… I don’t love those,” he chuckled lightly. “It’s because I wasn’t with you. Lyria barely cared that I was there. She just wanted me as a prop for her photos. And I was so mad at myself for not saying no, because the idea of going to prom with you had always been in the back of my head.” He kissed her cheek. “I wanted it to be you then because I’ve wanted it to be you forever. And yeah… it’s stupid, but… I’m glad I get to have this with you. Finally.”
Aelin’s throat tightened at his words, because she remembered how fucking miserable she’d been that night. She wouldn’t rub it in now. She wouldn’t tell him how she spent the night pained and alone on the rooftop, angsting about every moment that he’d spent with his arms wrapped around Lyria, but she was glad he’d felt it, too. Because it was always better when it was them.
She was seconds away from begging him to take her home and make her remember how good they were together when Principal Havillard tapped at his microphone.
“It’s that time of the evening, folks,” he said, clearing his throat and looking out into the crowd. “Voting for Prom King and Queen has been going on for the last four weeks, and as of yesterday, our panel of math teachers has finished calculating the results.” He paused again, looking slightly uncomfortable. “The results have been double and triple checked, and all that’s left to do is announce them…” The principal was noticeable uncomfortable as he reached for the envelope in his pocket, ripping it open and preparing to read the words that Aelin knew would be there. She and Dorian had calculated the polls multiple times. There was no way there was going to be any other result.
“Your Prom King and Queen are Manon Blackbeak and Elide Lochan,” he announced to an overwhelming, raucous applause.
Aelin and Rowan were among them, shouting at the top of their lungs as the spotlight found their friends on the dance floor and led them up to the stage, hand in hand. To principal Havillard’s credit, he did not react at all as he pulled the crowns from the teachers behind him, who held up plush red pillows donned with their headwear.
Manon pulled the thick gold crown onto her own head before placing the more delicate tiara onto Elide’s dark curls. The pair stared at each other, smiling widely, before Elide pulled Manon into a kiss. As the cheers echoed through the gym, Manon dipped Elide low, never breaking the kiss, though Aelin spotted the corners of a smile peeking through.
“PROM QUEENS!” one student shouted. “PROM QUEENS!” A chant rippled through the gym, reaching an apex as the pair finished their kiss and headed down to the dance floor for their first dance. It was supposed to be something slow and romantic, but Aelin already knew that Dorian had switched it out. He’d called in a favor with his friends in the drama department, and Aelin couldn’t help the wave of joy that washed over her as ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” began to play overhead.
She didn’t wait for Rowan’s approval before dragging him into the center of the dance floor with her friends, who were circling Manon and Elide and shouting the lyrics of the song at them. The pair buried their chins into each other’s shoulders, smiling harder than Aelin had ever seen them. Joy. Pure joy. That’s what this moment was. She could see Archer shrinking to the side of the gym out of the corner of her eye, but she barely gave the asshole a second of her thought before shimmying closer to her friends.
This moment was everything.
“Young and sweeeeeet,” Aelin shouted as loud as she could, twirling out into her group of her friends. “Only seventeeeen,” she said with an overexaggerated point to Elide and Manon, who were swaying and wrapped in each other’s arms.  
“Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine!” Dorian shouted as loud as he could, and Aelin laughed as Chaol disco’ed in a circle around him, pretending to play an air tambourine.
“OH YEAHHHHH!” Rowan interjected, causing Aelin’s brows to rise in surprise.
“What?” he shrugged. “Everyone knows the words to this one,” he said, and Aelin couldn’t help but release a loud peal of laughter.
In that moment, it didn’t matter that Aelin didn’t know she was going. Yes, they would all be headed their own ways soon, but it didn’t matter where they were all going. This moment was perfect. And they’d always have this. They’d look back on this moment as one of their best, with a nostalgic fondness that can’t ever really be recreated.
Aelin ushered them all closer until they were all huddled together with their arms around Manon and Elide. She barely noticed the nods of appreciation from the girlfriends, totally distracted by Rowan’s voice and the supportive arm at the crux of her back. They danced the night away, until it was way past when she thought they’d leave. Song after song, they stayed on the dance floor, letting their bodies sway and jump and twist and twirl. Exhilaration filled their circle, never dying down or even coming to a brief lull that would let them take off.
She’d anticipated there being a good moment of downtime for her and Rowan to make their escape, to peel off and go partake in the second half of the evening on Maeve’s rooftop. But even as the night wore on and the dance floor started to become more sparse, she felt herself unable to leave.
“You ready to go?” she finally asked Rowan, but he shook his head. “NO?!” she asked, bewildered.
“No,” he laughed. He grabbed her hand and her feet tumbled toward him as he pulled her against his chest. She looked up at his grinning face and felt a mirror image on her own. If someone had told her two years ago that she’d be in Rowan’s arms, dancing for hours at prom together, she probably would have burst into tears — because that person would surely have been mocking her. At that moment, Rowan’s hand squeezed her hip, pulling it against his in a brief gesture of comfort, as if to reassure her that yes, this was real. And she couldn’t imagine it being any other way.
It wasn’t until the music stopped and the lights abruptly turned on that Aelin even realized they were the last ones standing. She and her friends had effectively shut down prom, completely unaware of their classmates’ departure. Under the bright fluorescent light, the enchanted forest décor had lost a bit of its luster, simply looking like fake props and cheesy party décor.
“Gods, I’m starving,” Elide breathed as she wiped a stream of sweat from her brow.
“Me too,” Manon replied as she dug her teeth into Elide’s bare shoulder. The brunette squealed loudly as the bite turned to soft kisses.
“Burgers at Maeve’s?” Rowan suggested, and Aelin’s chest warmed as he was met with enthusiastic cheers. Clearly no one wanted this night to end. How could they? It was perfect.
As they tumbled out from the sticky gym into the cool night air, Aelin looked up into the star studded sky and took a deep breath. Next week… well, next week was graduation. In a few days, they’d all be going their separate ways. But for now, she couldn’t care about that. Instead, she followed Lysandra’s lead and kicked off her heels. Her toes thanked her as they stretched out, and she groaned in pleasure with their first step onto the high school’s turf, which was cold and damp beneath her feet. Shoes in one hand and Rowan in the other, she joined in the conversation of how shocked Archer looked to lose as prom king.
“I’m pretty sure he demanded a recount,” Chaol said with a low snort. “I heard your dad reassure him at least twice that the ballots had been counted accurately.”
Dorian cackled wickedly. “I also counted the ballots. And, uh, yeah. He lost. By a landslide.”
“TO A GIRL!” Manon shouted, tipping her crown to all of them and causing them to cheer raucously again.
Their voices echoed over the wide expanse of turf, and for a minute, Aelin let herself feel grounded and at peace. She was hyper focused on the way Chaol’s face lit up as Dorian hopped onto his back, on Lysandra’s easy grin as she skipped through the grass, on Manon’s proud puffed-out chest as she pushed a messy curl behind the side of Elide’s tiara, and on the steady swipe of Rowan’s thumb against her back. She’d breathe it in and exhale it out, and let this overwhelming sense of rightness soothe her. No, right now she wouldn’t think about what their next chapter would bring. She’d live in this moment for as long as she could.
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
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A fic rec of One Direction cheerleader fics as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
— Louis/Harry —
🤸🏻‍♂️ Won't Keep You My (Dirty Little) Secret by @lovelykits
(E, 16k, cheerleader Louis) Louis and Harry have been together since the end of last year and somehow no one knows about it.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Number One Fan by harrysprostate
(E, 15k, cheerleader Harry) The MVP, or most valuable player was basically who all the coaches agreed played their best or the best in the game. Whichever player was awarded MVP was the one that got to take the head cheerleader, Harry home for some fun.
🤸🏻‍♂️ And Up Until Now I Had Sworn To Myself That I'm Content With Loneliness by Cookies_dont_dance
(E, 14k, cheerleader Louis) An high school AU Where Louis is a pretty Omega and loves strawberries and Harry just wants to settle down and grow old together.
🤸🏻‍♂️ As If Looks Could Really Lie by benniejets
(E, 9k, cheerleader Harry) Harry is one of the most respectable cheerleaders at school. She looks the role and acts the role of head cheerleader. Louis, however, well, not so much.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Assumptions by lovelylounatic
(E, 8k, cheerleader Louis) Harry is a the quarterback, Louis is a cheerleader.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Best Night Ever by thecheshirepussycat / @the-cheshire-pussy-cat
(E, 5k, cheerleader Louis) Marcel asks him to prom and Louis declines and then says yes after convincing.
🤸🏻‍♂️ seventeen (series) by toplinson (crybaby)
(E, 5k, cheerleader Harry) He's just won his game and he'd be lying if he said he didn't want to bend Harry over the bleachers.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Lucky by @friendofhayley
(E, 4k, cheerleader Louis) When Harry had moved from London to New Jersey he had been prepared for bad spray tans and Regina George. He hadn't been prepared to meet the best thing to ever happen to him.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Summer's in the Air by larryent
(NR, 4k, cheerleader Louis) Louis is a popular cheerleader and surprisingly is the boyfriend to a nerd named, Marcel.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Hold My Pom-Poms by letsmeetinparis
(NR, 3k, cheerleader Harry) Harry dresses as a cheerleader to convince Louis to date him.
🤸🏻‍♂️ Catwalk, Slicktalk by hickeylou
(E, 2k, cheerleader Louis) Harry likes Louis' ass. (Especially in that cheer uniform)
🤸🏻‍♂️ Youth Meant to Be Beautiful by Turtles
(M, 2k, cheerleader Harry) Highschool AU, Louis is the footy captain and Harry is a cheerleader. Cliche ahoy!
— Rare Pairs —
🤸🏻‍♂️ if you're so good let me take you for a ride by idleteen
(NR, 5k, Zayn/Niall) Perhaps it was a bit typical—somewhere inside, Niall thought dimly that the older boy took all of the girls here to make out. And—well, she’d rather not think about that, honestly, because she was already prepared to kiss him and they had only been stalled for fifteen minutes.
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