#honestly some of my replies might be late too but i'll try my best!
coffeebanana · 11 months
okay i got more trick or treaters (asks) than anticipated and i don't have enough candy (snippets/ideas) to share at this time so i'll be scheduling the replies for halloween most likely 😂
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loki-g0dofstories · 2 months
Talk to Me
Loki x Fem!Reader
Loki is reluctant to process all that he’s been through, it’s not trauma and he’s ‘fine’ but tensions are rising and he’s becoming a loose cannon.
Warnings: PTSD, angst, swearing, MDNI, NSFW, oral (male receiving), p in v. I think that’s all.
*Not really proof read or anything, sorry!
The ticking clock, your chair creaking and frustrated deep sighs were the only sounds to be heard in your small office at the moment.
"Loki, they only want to help" even you didn't believe your lies today why should he? His blue eyes dart a glare in your direction, nostrils flaring slightly "Help? The Time Variance Authority wants to help not only a variant but a Loki? No" he grumbles pacing your office "No this" he pauses running his fingers through his onyx tresses "This is a tactic of some sort" you disagreed this time and it was likely to cause a fight.
You take in a deep breath to prepare for the oncoming anger you'll receive and part your lips to speak "You've been a loose canon lately" Loki returns to you the coldest of glares with his jaw clenched tight "Who's side are you on? You wear the colors and the badge but I never imagined you believed the bullshit!" his eyes blackened as he hissed at you spitting venomous words like a snake "Loki..." you reply calmly directing his attention to the green glow emanating from his hands "There's a storm inside you and it's growing too big for you to contain it any longer" he looks to you almost as if he's pleading for help "I can't control it anymore" he admits weakly.
You knew Loki all too well and you knew he'd never agree to what the TVA was suggesting "I know you don't want to talk about it" his hand flies up to hush you instantly "N-not with one of their khaki clad minions!" if not them then who would Loki talk to? Mobius had already given it his best effort more than once, apparently Loki would change the subject or claim it did not effect him the way Midgardians would be affected but you both knew better "Would you talk to me?" it felt like a stupid suggestion the moment you said it "You? No" Loki shakes his head still pacing "No I can't do that" he declines "Why not?" why were you pressing the matter? You didn't expect him to agree in the first place "Well because the things you'd learn about me might scare you away" he admitted that far more willingly than either of you anticipated.
Gods how you wanted to rise and greet him in a hug but you couldn't, no they were always watching and you had to be careful especially inside your office. The director of agents at the TVA can't have a soft spot for a variant, let alone a Loki or they'd have your head. That's not true they don't behead here, no they'd have you pruned to the void where you're certain you wouldn't last long given what little Loki has told you "Scare me away?" you question, those were heavy words with many meanings in your opinion and you wanted clarification "Well yes, you're my friend" Loki had puppy dog eyes going, big and sorrowful staring right at you.
A thunderous knock echoes off your door startling the both of you before it swings open "Sorry to interrupt Director but I need my partner" Mobius smiles at you and motions to Loki "Of course, we were finished here" you nod excusing the both of them "I'll check in again in a few days agent" you warn staring right at Loki before he leaves.
Loki had been reckless and a liability lately for the TVA and the heat was being put on you to fix it. They wanted him to see one of their 'therapists' which was just code for memory removal to foster better cooperation. Loki had never received a wipe before because his memories as a Loki were too valuable but now his recklessness was outweighing their value. It took quite a bit of convincing but they agreed to let you try and talk him into a real therapist, that was just a buy for time from you honestly. You truly thought that if all else failed Loki would open up to you but when that failed too your worst fear became real, you were going to lose Loki, he would forget you.
    Sleep wouldn't come easy tonight and so you settled on the sofa not even bothering to try it. Backlogged files piled next to you and a glass of the most bitter wine you've ever had the misfortune of tasting on the table. Everything at the TVA was like that, bland, bitter, and dull lacking any intriguing qualities. Everything except for Loki, he was vibrant and exciting, he was chaos. You look at the pile with a sigh getting ready to grab one when a heavy knock thuds from your front door "Oh thank gods" ditching the pile on a side table on your way by you were more than thrilled for a distraction.
    On the doorstep stood Loki, tousled hair and tired eyes with a soft smile "Hey you" he never spoke to you that way "Are you okay?" you almost reach for him but remember that they're watching in the halls too "Can we talk?" he wanted to talk, talk about what? Your mind was reeling but you step aside to allow him inside closing the door softly behind him "Come on" you lead him to your sofa taking a seat beside him and waiting with baited breath for him to begin.
    Loki clears his throat shifting in his seat "If I were to talk with you, I mean really talk, you promise you won't change how you think of me?" his hands fidgeted with his coat and hair as he spoke "Nothing could change my mind about you Loki" you assure him. He remained quiet fiddling with his jacket hem and not looking at you until you spoke again "Loki, do you want to start now?" his soft eyes glance at you for a moment then back down as he inhales deeply "I don't even know where to start" you can hear a chuckle but also the undeniable sound of his breath hitching, he was trying to hide tears "Why don't you start from the beginning?" you suggest resting your hand on his forearm.
Loki chuckles again, his body jerking slightly with it "The beginning?" he repeats "The torture? Or the mass murder?" he looks to you perhaps to see if you'll pull back in disgust or fear "You were tortured?" you'd often wondered how Loki came to know and fear Thanos but you never imagined something so sinister behind it "Yes, for months, I'm a frost giant you know?" he looks towards you again to read your reaction "I'm aware" you nod calmly "Right, so they tortured me with fire of course and heat" he continues "Gods Loki I had no idea" pulling your hand from his you press it to your own chest "Is that how he brainwashed you for the attack on New York?" you inquire "Brainwashed? No, that was the mind stone" he corrects.
     Why did that never occur to you? You feel so stupid and insensitive "I'm sorry, I just assumed" you had more to say but Loki doesn't let you finish "Its alright, after that I ended up here, and you would think not living through the following catastrophic and traumatic events would make them easier but no, no it's so much worse to know they happened and you did nothing or even caused some of them" he was really opening up now "Loki you didn't cause those things" you argue back "No?" his gaze freezes on you, eyes dark "I didn't lead that beast straight to my mother Frigga? Because of my hatred for Thor? My anger?" he hisses through his gritted jaw "Loki stop that right now" he wasn't about to use his anger to frighten you, not if you had anything to say about it.
He's taken aback by your scolding, he's not some child throwing a tantrum how dare you speak to him as such. Never the less his face softens looking to you "My family, my home, they're all gone, and I feel as though I am not allowed to grieve because I did not lose them" tears glisten in his eyes making them appear almost gem like "You did lose them and you may grieve as you see fit" you assure him. Loki looks to you with a sniffling chuckle "I am a monster, I caused the deaths of thousands on Midgard, I act only in self preservation how could I ever achieve redemption?" he asks "You are not a monster" taking his cheek in your hand you turn his head to face you "You were hurt and lost and you've already done so much to achieve redemption" you assure him.
     Loki closes his eyes slowly causing a single tear to begin a journey down his soft cheek where you wipe it away with your thumb "I don't deserve a friend like you" he whispers, his eyes remaining closed. You lean forward softly pressing your lips against his, the salt of his tears hitting your tongue like a bitter sweetness before you break away putting your forehead to his. Loki's nose nuzzles at your cheek, his hand coming up rest on your shoulder "Kiss me again" his whispers so soft you think you've imagined it but you haven't "Please" he whimpers.
Tangling your fingers in his satin obsidian curls you kiss him again, harder this time. The moment his lips part your tongue sinks in tasting all he has to offer, his spit like a sweet nectar on your lips. Loki offers you a moan to swallow as you sink into him losing yourself to his every touch and kiss. He pulls you onto his lap, his hand running up the length of your back to grip your neck holding you in the kiss longer. Adjusting your position on his lap grinds your core against his hardness and a moan spills from Loki's lungs against the nape of your neck, the warmth of his breath spreading goosebumps over your skin.
"Loki this is wrong" you protest, though only half heartedly "If we desire it then how can it be wrong?" he breathes against your lips begging to taste them again "I'm your director, your superior" you answer back "Your midgardian niceties don't apply here little one" he growls sinking his teeth into your neck, he's needy and desperate for your consent "I can't" you sigh pushing him away.
     Loki grabs you keeping you planted on his lap, your small face cupped gently in his hands "I need you" he confesses "Why? For what? How?" you demand, he couldn't do this to you, not now when so much was on the line "You are the only thing that makes it stop" his lip quivers but his stare bores into you unyielding "Makes what stop?" his hands fall from your face to lace fingers with yours "The pain" he says quietly. You wish you had a reply, anything at all to say but you only offer silence "You quell the chaos and pain inside my heart, I feel peace when I'm near you" he explains.
You comb your fingers through Loki's silky curls and smile at him "What are you asking?" you inquire "Be with me tonight, let me have all of you" he requests. You were safe from prying eyes in your home, you could freely give yourself to him if you really wanted to. Taking his face in your hands you lean in and kiss him again "Tell me more first, talk to me" you urge him "I'm angry about what I've lost" he admits "And?" you press him "The way that I died, so violently and quickly" he pauses shaking his head "What else Loki?" you ask him "I'm scared" he confesses finally "I'm scared of what I saw in the void, I'm scared I'll be sent back there, I'm scared of losing you" leaning forward you give him another soft kiss "You will never lose me Loki" you whisper against his cheek before placing a kiss on it.
     You started your trail there and moved swiftly to his jaw, then his neck eventually sliding down to your knees in front of him and unfasten his trousers reaching in to pull out his hardening cock "Oh...." Loki moans tossing his head back and bucking his hips towards your hand. He was impressive, thick and long, practically flawless like the rest of him. You didn't know where to begin so you lean in to kiss his tip while another moan tumbles from his beautiful pouty lips. Swirling your warm tongue around it you finally suck him into your wet mouth slowly, savoring his taste on your tongue "Oh gods...." Loki moans fist clenching the cushion beside him. You bob your head along his length, your hands sliding up his chest to fist his shirt and Loki bucking his hips to meet your motions. His breathing becomes heavier and his cock twitches against your tongue, the undeniable salty taste of cum hitting your tastebuds. He was close and you wanted, no needed him to finish, you needed to taste all of him "Aahhh gods!" Loki shouts with a moan lurching forward and spilling his warmth into your mouth.
"Stop, please stop" Loki begs panting heavily and pulling you off him "Come here" he beckons dragging you onto his lap and kissing you hungrily. He looks at you with hooded, lust filled eyes for a moment "There's no magic here so I guess I get to undress you the old fashioned way" he smirks. You have no witty comeback or reply, just an ache for him to be against you, inside you. Holding your arms up you allow Loki to remove your top leaving you bare. He leans forward and sucks one hard nub into his warm wet mouth circling it and moving to the other to do the same. Soon you're tearing at his coat and shirt to remove it exposing a perfectly toned body beneath, you weren't at all surprised by it. Loki paws at your shorts a moment "Let's get these off shall we?" he purrs while you stand and remove them, Loki removing his own in the meantime.
    You stand before him for a moment drinking in his beauty, his cock was hard again, of course he has impeccable recovery, he is a god after all. Loki extends a hand to you "Come here little one" he hums, bringing you towards him. You straddle his lap carefully lining up your entrance and slide down onto him slowly "Oh Loki" you moan burying your face against his neck "Shhh I know" he purrs placing warm wet kisses on your shoulder. Before long you're rising and falling on him with ease, his tip hitting your g-spot and bringing you closer to climax "Gods little one, don't stop" Loki begs gripping your hips tightly. Placing your hands on either side of him you prop yourself up to look into his eyes while you ride him. Loki's mouth drops open and you expect another beautiful moan from him "I love you" he confesses "Gods I'm so in love with you darling" he moans.
You can't speak as your orgasm tears through you, your walls clenching around Loki and taking him with you. Your small body shudders against him while he coats your walls in his release before sliding his softening cock from you and holding you against him with your head resting on his shoulder "I love you too Loki" you finally answer. Loki kisses you gently another time "Shall we get you cleaned up and off to bed?" He asks "Sure" you agree.
Loki carries you to the bathroom where he gently wipes your thighs clean before cleaning himself and taking you to bed. His head rests gently on your torso while you comb your fingers through his hair as you both drift off to sleep. He was your Loki now, and no one was ever going to take him away from you.
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foressfaction · 9 months
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:Ticci Toby:{A Rewrite}
WARNING:: This story contains EXTREMELY triggering topics such as Domestic/Child/Substance abuse, Death, harsh language, GORE and dissociation triggers. This story mentions mental illnesses and disorders such as Depression, PTSD, ADHD, and Tourette's Syndrome. !!TICS MAY BE TRIGGERING!!
Chapter one
It was a couple of days full of constant debate between the two adults in the home. Toby had been up all night. The only thing that let him know was the sun that just peered from the horizon; it was his alarm clock piercing through the quiet morning air. Toby turned from what he was doing to shut it off. He was sitting at his desk scribbling in all of his school note books. The odd doodles ranged from stick men to just plain scribbles and German words he was trying to learn. He was half German after all, he really wanted to learn it. A pop screeched from his neck, closing his eyes tight and widely opening them a few times before blinking off the tic. Was it the first day of school?
Toby's mind wandered back to the hallway of flickering lights and sudden thick atmosphere. He kind of felt that way just then as well. It was probably the anxiety he just got. "Wait really?" muttered Toby to himself. He reached his hand up and pulled one of the blinds down, squinting his eyes to the red and orange bright light of the rising sun. "hmmm….black hole sun." He mumbled in reference to a song he liked. Toby never listened to music all too much but on occasion he would.
Toby pulled his backpack next to his leg and shoved all of the journals into it, some pencils too. He was surprised no one else decided to come in and try to wake him, despite him never going to sleep in the first place. The boy always struggled with sleep, it had been especially hard these last few days. He just felt like his mind was blurry. Toby knocked on his sister's door, assuming she actually might still be asleep, but was wrong. The bathroom door just across the hallway opened and there she stood. She looked exceptionally tired, hair in a messy bun and all stringy. That was kind of a family thing, stringy frizzy hair no matter how much you wash and brush it. "Aw never mind." Toby sighed out, earning a confused look from the blonde girl. "Never mind what?"
"You're tired, I was going to ask if you could drive me to school—" He was caught off guard by her sudden fast speaking. "Right, I didn't get much sleep last night. If at all, work was tiring and my co-workers thought it would be funny to complain about me to my boss..i might get fired." She sounded very stressed, almost as if she was going to cry while speaking.
"Complaining about what? You're such a-a goo-good worker?"
She shrugged at his concern. "It's probably because how late I usually am, by the time I'm done with all of my chores and school, work is just something that's piled onto that. I honestly think getting fired might be the best option, but what would dad think?" Her voice cracked a little at the end of her sentence. Toby didn't really know how to respond. "That won't happen, right? Things won't go downhill anymore right?"
The girl kinda just frowned, taking her brother by the shoulder and into a hug. "I hope not, if so…I can drive, i can just take us someplace quiet, get away for a while huh? Sound good?"
Toby smiled just a little, a weak one but the idea was there. "Jawohl." He replied. "Picking up German?" Lyra asked in remark to his unexpected reply, to which he nodded with a stupid grin. She patted his back in a gesture to tell him to head downstairs. "I'll drive you just let me get my shoes."
At that moment Toby descended down the stairs and towards the door. Neither his mom or dad were in sight. He wasn't sure if they slept in the same room or not. Toby looked outside to see that his mom's car was gone. His only assumption was that his dad took it somewhere, or they were both out, which wasn't completely unbelievable but still a little odd.
It wasn't long before Lyra had taken her brother up to his new school. Well it wouldn't really be considered new, just a different campus that went up with his grade, same people, same idiots. Toby grabbed his bag and sat there for a moment, staring down then to Lyra who also met his eyes at the same time he met hers. "I can tell you're nervous. I mean the first days are always nerve wracking." She started. "You got this though okay? You're unique..not different."
He listened to her with a small nod, yet half of him still doubted that. "Okay, Lyra, just this once.."
Lyra smiled warmly before speaking out rather loudly as he got out. "Love ya!"
He turned suddenly with an immediate response. "Love you more!"
As then she spat back "Love you most!" Toby huffed, visibly distraught but in a joking way. "you never let me win!" with that said he sorta literally ran into the building. The place wasn't as big as it seemed the day he came up here with his mom. It was probably because the halls were empty, now they were crowded with lost kids trying to find their classes. Toby had his schedule in hand and surprisingly knew where most of his classes were already due to his little mini journey he got a few days ago. Toby trotted straight to his main home room class, an English class with a teacher that looked about 80 years old. The desks were lines in rows of three. The boy chose the seat closest to the back and rested his stuff onto the ground. No one really was batting an eye.
The battle of holding his tics in was the hardest part. The teachers knew, the kids didn't. He didn't want to become the center of attention the second he blurts out a curse word.
Toby shook his head to that thought and opened up his journal he was doodling in last night. The first 8 pages were full of stupid little comic doodles. He even drew Mr. Cowbells. He thought it looked nice. Sooner or later class started, and the room was filled with kids of all diversity. Back when he was with the 'different' kids, they were almost all the same, when he tried talking to them, they would just give vague replies. He didn't understand them and they didn't understand him. But he ended up forcing himself into friendships with them only to be ripped away and thrown into a class of kids who were considered normal. Was this a way of considering him…normal?
He didn't feel normal, he was unique, Lyra says. He liked her choice of wording. 'unique' just rolls off the tongue so well.
"Alright everyone! As we know it is the first day of 6th grade, before you know it, you'll be in highschool, yippee right?" The sweet tone of the teacher silenced the once talking room of kids with her words. "To start the day off, why don't we all stand up and introduce ourselves with our names, age and a fun fact hm?"
Oh, this was weird. Toby watched as each student started to stand up and sputter random facts and an introduction to themselves. Some were longer than others, and some were as simple as could be. He didn't quite realize that he had to go as well, glancing over to meet eyes with the teacher as it was finally his turn, last to go.
Toby took a few glances around to see almost everyone was staring at him. He felt this feeling of dread take over him, like he was going to throw up, actually…..he might.
Toby, after taking a small breath, stood to his feet, holding his journal and looking down at it. "My name is Toby, uhm, I'm 13," he had to pause, feeling an itchy feeling in his throat. A sharp pressure building up to something he knew he couldn't control.
"Mh, mh! look at a spider!~ woo! spider, woo!-"
He could feel the embarrassment prick at his skin, his neck jerking forward as his hand jerked up and twisted a few times, as if he was waving royally. Toby heard a few giggles within the room of kids, looking back to the eyes of his teacher who didn't seem to mind much. He knew she was informed but he still felt bad. "um, I like to draw?"
He said as if anyone really gave a crap. They were all kinda just staring. He could feel them silently judging.
He felt another sensation at his throat, stomping his foot three times in a row while repeating a phrase. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" he shook his head, the embarrassment growing even more before he took a seat again, head hanging low.
"That's great to know, Toby, I bet you're a wonderful artist. Now does anyone have any questions?" Just then a kid raised his hand, a snarky grin on his face. "Yeah, I do." He pointed to Toby. "Why is he so ticci?"
The teacher didn't really understand at first, but it took a moment to hit. "Ah, let's not ask rude questions, this classroom is a safe space for all." She glanced at the brunette boy, who just sat there, like a sad dog. He knew what the kid was trying to hint at. "They're tics." Toby spoke out, eyeing the kid. "They're unique."
"No, they're annoying," The kid started up. "Can't you just hold them in?-"
"If we're going to have a problem already, I can tell you now I will not tolerate any bullying in my classroom, or on this campus young man, Toby is minding his own business, if you don't like what he can't help then leave." The older woman slightly snapped. "This is the first day of school guys, please don't make this hard on me."
Toby felt a little better knowing his teacher would be nice, his old one was very, let's just say, strict.
"You okay?" She looked towards Toby who met her eyes shortly after. He nodded, accidentally locking eyes with the kid who was making remarks a minute ago. If he remembered, the boy's name was Cameron, Cameron Winston. Toby didn't say anything, just glanced away quickly and opened his journal to start doodling again. This was his attempt to calm down.
Eventually the class was over, but as Toby was leaving he noticed the lights above. They were flickering again. The teacher was standing in the doorway farewelling her students. As she waved to Toby he stopped. "You guys should r-r-really fix your lights." He spoke out.
She looked up, tilting her head a little. "What do you mean?"
"They're working fine."
Toby shook his head, "No, they flicker all the time, how can you not see it?"
"It's lunch time, Toby, want me to escort you?" She changed the subject. Which Toby wasn't very happy about, but shrugged it off. "I mean yeah sure." With that, the nice woman started to lead Toby to the giant room where all the kids sat and ate, the cafeteria.
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bigfan-fanfic · 7 months
Writing Game 1.4: Campfire
Prompt: Campfire Pairing: Clark Kent/Steve Rogers
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"I still think it's cheating." Steve grins, watching Clark roll his eyes.
"Well, I'm sorry that the 'Star-Spangled Man With a Plan' couldn't get the flint working."
"Wow, do people still know about that one? I kinda thought that one would die off. It's a bit of a mouthful."
"I was just a very good history student."
"Aren't you a reporter? Shouldn't you be more interested in current events?"
"You are current." Clark laughs. "But also, you've got to know where you've been to know where you're going, right?"
"Then I guess I must know that better than anyone." Steve clicks his teeth, shooting Clark a grin. His face must be funny, because Clark snorts in an effort to stifle his giggles.
It wasn't exactly a common thing for them, camping, but during a week spent in Smallville with the Kents, Steve took the opportunity when Clark mentioned it to get them some private time. Martha and Jonathan are wonderful, but their guest room is just not conducive for two large muscular men in the same bed.
"I really liked getting to see your home. It's fascinating to me... were you ever really that small?"
Clark laughs again. "Yeah. I was quite the shrimpy kid, you know. It was one of the things I liked - Pa was a late bloomer too, and it made me feel connected to him when they told me when I was adopted."
Steve nods. "They're lucky to have you. And you with them. I think my mom woulda liked them. And you."
Clark lies back on the soft grass, looking up through the trees to the night sky. "You're doing okay, right?"
"Hmm?" Steve asks, glancing back at him. "Okay about what?"
"That joke Pa made this morning. About you being older than him."
It was harmless, Steve thought. In his own way, Jonathan was trying to put Steve at ease about it. It was a weird situation, even he would admit. How would he feel if his and Clark's son was marrying a guy who looked his age but was older than him? And then the idle thought hits him in full force that he just imagined him and Clark having a kid in the future. Starting a family. But he didn't let his wild thoughts run away with his mouth. "I didn't mind, honestly. I like that he's... okay enough to joke, I guess?"
Steve flops back onto the grass and rolls onto his side, looking right at Clark. "I love you."
"Aww. I love you too."
The reply is always so easy for Clark. It still makes Steve jumpy, the idea of being so open and free with his love - even when he knew his attraction to more than just women, he knew only that kind was "acceptable" in polite society. The first time he kissed Clark in public, he had a reaction that was somehow like the euphoric feeling of cresting the top of a roller coaster and having a panic attack all at once.
Clark scoots closer, and Steve opens his arms to cuddle him close.
"Thanks for doing this. I know maybe a whole week with my parents might be overwhelming-"
"It's really not. Martha and Jon are... they're amazing people. And you have such a close relationship with them - what, am I gonna make you choose, them or me?" Steve scoffs. "I think, even under normal circumstances, your parents are probably the best ever."
Clark beams at him, and graces him with a long, slow, passionate kiss. "All the same, we'll head home after tomorrow. I wanna do things with you that I really don't wanna be in my parents' house for."
Steve blushes, and Clark kisses him again. "I mean... technically we're not in your parents' house right now."
It's so hard to fluster Clark, and Steve cherishes the chances he gets to. Clark goes bright red, and then rolls off of Steve, laughing. "Okay, someday I'll tell you about when I came out to my parents. Let's just say I'm never trying to have sex on their land again."
"Oh, come on, you have to tell me now!"
"Fine. We were fooling around. Me and this boy from school. A good friend, Billy Crescent. My first boyfriend, after Lana and I broke up. And he, well... let's just say I caused a sonic boom and knocked down a whole buncha trees."
Steve starts to snicker, and bursts into full on guffaws. Clark pouts just a moment before he starts to laugh too.
"Alright, alright. We'll make sure not to cause another environmental incident until we get home." Steve teases, silencing Clark's retort with another long kiss.
They speak and kiss well into the night, and long after their campfire dies down, they cuddle in each other's arms, fast asleep.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 11 months
L0v3 y0u | Choi Yeonjun
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Summary: He tells you the truth but is that something you can live with? Pairing: Reader x Idol Yeonjun Word Count: 1.6k~ Warnings: again like one curse word lol a/n: Just a little bite to hold you over ;) Read part 1 L0v3 Me for more context <3
🟢 Yejun is active
🟢 y/n is active 
Yejun: Hi love how was your day? Hopefully a lot easier than the past few days :/
y/n: It was okay, better than yesterday but I feel like everything is getting to be a little too much for me. 
Yejun: Ah now you're speaking my language. Remember what you told me when I was going through a rough time a few weeks ago? 
y/n: No not really...
Yejun: You've gotta start taking your own advice silly. Talk to your boss, I know that you just got promoted but that doesn't mean that you should be left defenseless and drowning on your own. You deserve proper training so if you're not getting it then ask for help. Your colleagues are there to help you. You're all working towards the same goal right?
y/n: Yeah I guess you're right
Yejun: Of course I'm right, but only because you were right about me. I'm just giving you back your own advice. And just like you told me you can also talk to me about anything, I'm here for you always. 
y/n: Thank you baby, I don't know what I would do without you.
Yejun: Baby?
y/n: Shit! I'm sorry
Yejun: No it's okay, I like it ;)
y/n: If we give each other any more nicknames people might get the wrong idea about us. 
Yejun: What sort of idea? 
I wait anxiously for your response seeing the three dots showing me you're typing pop up and down not realizing I had been holding my breath the whole time until I receive your response.
y/n: That we're together...
Yejun: Would that be a bad thing?
I take it as my opening to see if you feel the same way about me as I do about you. We've been talking for over six months now so I would think that it might be time that we had this conversation.
y/n: I mean...no. But wouldn't we be lying?
Yejun: We can make it the truth if you want to. 
y/n: What are you trying to say?
I guess it's now or never. I get up and lock my bedroom door and sit down at my desk chair before pressing the call button. 
"Yejun?" you responds quietly. Shit I forgot it was already pretty late over there. 
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I spit out before I have the chance to chicken out.
"What? Are you serious?" you respond clearly still confused. 
"Dead serious" I say smiling at your response. I know I caught you off guard but I'm really hoping you'll say yes.
"I know we haven't met in person and we live in different countries and time zones but, I really like you" I confess, doing my best to convince you. 
"Are you sure you don't mind long distance? Like we won't be able to have a normal relationship" you say clearly concerned already.
"I don't need a normal relationship, I just need you" I'm starting to get worried that this might not be enough for you. 
"Don't feel like you have to answer now. I guess I just wanted you to know how I felt about you" I say, backing down a bit to take some pressure off of you.
"No, I don't need time to think. I want to be with you, I want to be your girlfriend" you say and I can almost hear your smile through the phone. 
"Really?" I ask because I'm honestly speechless right now. 
"Really. Yes Yejun, I'll be your girlfriend" I am so happy to hear those words from your lips but I feel horrible that I'm still lying to you. 
"Hey y/n" I ask, getting your attention even though I've had it this whole time. 
"Hey Yejun" you throw back playfully waiting for me to continue.
"Can you promise me something?" I ask going at this as slowly as I can.
"Anything" you say and wait patiently for me to start. 
"I know I've been really private about my job and life in general but I also haven't been honest with you about who I am..." I start hoping that you're following and you aren't upset with me yet.
"Meaning?" you reply, prodding me to continue, clearly curious as to what else I have to say.
"One of the reasons why I've hidden almost everything in my life from you is because...well because I'm actually a public figure in Korea" I say easing her into all of this.
"Are you saying you're famous?" you say making sure you're following.
"Yeah" I say cringing hating that fact but hoping she'll believe me.
"Is your name even Yejun?" you ask catching onto how much I must have lied to you.
"No...it's not" I say quietly bringing light to one of the many lies I've told you.
"Can you tell me your name?" you say seeing how much I'm willing to tell you. 
"I feel like if I do that you'll be able to figure out who I am pretty easily...it's not that I don't trust you. It's just that...well can we take baby steps? One of the many reasons I asked you to be my girlfriend was because I wanted to see if you were serious about us or if we should just stay friends. If you want to back out right now I totally understand and we can just forget about this conversation and go back to normal. Or we can end things here if you feel like you don't want to talk to me anymore. I know I've lied to you, but the person I am with you is who I really am, me as a person and not me as the famous guy everyone thinks they know". 
"Yeah I get that, I believe you" you respond catching me off guard completely. 
"Really? I wouldn't blame you if you didn't". 
"I mean I feel like I know you well enough that I can tell whether or not you're being sincere. If I'm being honest I had my suspicions" you say giggling at my behavior. 
"Really? How did you know?" I respond dumbfounded.
"You're not as convincing as you think you are. There were points that I could tell you were really making things up on the fly. Plus who else is so secretive about their entire life? Like you're either married and having an affair, a criminal in need of love in his life again or a famous person feeling misunderstood. I'm just happy you ended up being the last one. Although you could still be lying to me" you laugh trying to ease my stress.
"Have you figured out who I am, or who I might be?" I question cautiously.
"If I guess correctly will you tell me?" you challenge.
"Yes I promise I'll tell you" I smile at your playful attitude. I'm glad to see things haven't changed between us yet. Well I hope that if they do change it'll be for the better. 
"Are you some kind of choreographer or a model?" you start out, testing the waters.
"Both of those are true to a certain extent but neither are my 'official title' if that makes sense". 
"So what you're trying to say is you're an all rounder? Like you're multi talented entertainer?" you continue.
"I think you've made this guessing game a lot easier than I had expected but yes" I laugh knowing that you're smart enough to get it right.
"So you're a kpop idol right?" you respond, convinced you're correct.
"Yeah... but I'm still me just, please don't let my status or occupation or whatever make you treat me any differently. I know it's cheesy but I'm a person just like you. I mean you already pretty much said what my whole motive was for catfishing you I guess, but I never thought that something like this could happen though. I'm very happy it did, but my intention was not to get an online girlfriend or anything of the sort. You kind of just showed up and everything changed"
You take a moments to think and as the seconds go by I start to get nervous at the thought that it might be too much for you. 
"Are you still there?" I question not sure if the call had dropped or something. 
"Yeah I'm still here, I guess I just need some time to think. I'm not breaking up with you or anything if thats what you're worried about. I just need a second to get my thoughts in order if that makes sense.... Are you okay with that?" you question tentatively. 
"Yes of course, take all the time you need! I know this is a lot, so I understand" I say knowing that even though I want this to be a super easy yes and things will progress 'normally' it's important to deal with everything logically and take our time. 
"Thanks, is it okay if I call you later? It's pretty late here and I've got work in the morning" you say, having a very good reason to finish up the call. 
"For sure, I'll be here so call anytime" I say sincerely.
"Isn't your life a bit too hectic for that?" you laugh bringing a bit more light to the conversation. 
"Yeah kinda but I can always make time for you. I would be a horrible boyfriend if I didn't right?" I say using the term hoping that it's still okay with you. 
"I guess you're right" you say softly and I can tell that you're smiling which is a good sign. 
"Well goodnight love and just let me know when you're ready to talk" I offer up, giving her an opening to leave without feeling too much pressure. 
"I will, thanks. Have a good rest of your day love" you say before ending the call. 
I take a deep breath in and out a few times and process everything about what just happened. 
First I was nervous, then self conscious, then excited, then guilty, then scared, then relieved, then shocked, then playful, then nervous again and now I don't know. I feel my head is spinning after riding this emotional rollercoaster. I could only imagine how you could be feeling... 
Check out the Part 3 L0v3 Us
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Hey I just wanted to say I love your comics and I think they do a great job connecting ace experiences to the rest of the LGBTQ+ community. I feel like there's a sort of divide because aces and allo LGBTQ+ don't always understand each other, but your comics describe ace experiences in a respectful and non-judgemental kind of way that opens discussion. It's so cool seeing allos reblog and relate to your comics because it shows that we have more in common than we might have thought. Thank you and please keep being awesome.
Hey and sorry I'm replying so late!!
Thank you so so much for this, honestly, that's absolutely what I strive for! TwT Some of my comics definitely are more vent-art-y gut reactions, but I tend to think a lot about how I can present an idea in a way that points fingers as little as possible, most of the time... I can't always avoid it, but I think it's still best to avoid it as much as possible if we all want to understand each other or at least get along as much as possible, and honestly, that's the goal ultimately, right? At least not damage each other more than we're already being damaged.
...Also I wanna be funny. I like drawing funny stuff. I don't think I really have the potential to make people laugh but I hope I can at least make them smile, I also think there's no better way to encourage people to think about something.
Having such positive responses not only from aspec people but also allo people is super encouraging, so I wanna keep doing my best on that, because it's been so much fun so far. Hopefully I'll make something a bit more concrete out of these comics someday, if I even ever dare, or manage. Building confidence is hard TwT So... Yeah this helps, and I hope the whole thing doesn't just help ME, even though it's really really self-serving for me ultimately 🙈
(...But also literally though, we're all in this together, aren't we? If one non-hetero non-conformist orientation or identity gets threatened it's only a matter of time before the others do, too. I don't see how we could manage any other way than by trying to connect and stand by each other at least as much as we can.)
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kierewrites · 2 years
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What Would Karma Do... when you arrive to E class?
navi - masterlist
Karma Akabane x Reader
Mood Song: honeypie
Summary: Remember the beloved Assassination Classroom anime? This is pretty much that, except you enter the picture of Karma's chaotic school year. Let's see just how compatible the two of you are.
Warnings: Mild violence, Karma being Karma, overall sfw
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When you arrived at Kunugigaoka High School, you hadn't imagined that you wouldn't be the only new student arriving late. 
In a way you felt refreshed to see another face inside the principal's office so early in the morning, the principal not exactly being the most welcoming person you've spoken with. But you weren't complaining, you were just happy that a high school had accepted you this last minute in the year.
Just as your third year of high school ended back at home, your plans were to finish your final year there with your friends and have the best year of your life.
But fate had other plans for you.
Midsummer your father found out his company was relocating him to Tokyo, Japan; this meaning your entire family would have to relocate.
Honestly you were more than bitter, to say the least. It's like his company had no care for how this would affect your family and future plans. If it weren't for your parents being immensely stressed out, you would have flipped out, but after seeing them worry about where you were to go to school and where you would move, you decided that your anger would only worsen the flaming pile of crap you were all in. 
Nothing was going to change the present, so you might as well get comfortable with it.
Luckily after weeks of contacting every school in Japan, the principal of Kunugigaoka responded to your family via Skype and worked out a deal for you to attend your last year of high school there.
After doing some research, you were eased to know that it was a prestigious private school, known for producing prodigies in many fields. The only issue was the “deal” the principal offered your parents.
Your mind was overwhelmed with thoughts, half trying to be optimistic while the other half was sorting through any kind of bad situation that could happen today. The feeling of so many eyes on you didn’t make your overthinking judgment any better.
At the very least you knew they weren't judging your appearance since you all had to wear uniforms. Their eyes held a more curious stare rather than malicious. 
Upon entering the principal's office, you felt a rush of relief and a bit of curiosity when you saw a mop of red hair sitting in a chair beside another empty one, which you assumed was your own.
"Welcome Miss Y/n." Principal Asano spoke smoothly, his voice just as intimidating in person as it was over the phone, "I'm assuming complications with transportation is the reason for your tardiness?"
Eyes widening slightly you couldn't help the warm blush spreading across your cheeks at the observation, especially when another pair of eyes fell on you.
"My apologies sir, I did have some complications trying to figure out your city's train systems," You replied while bowing as properly as you could, "It won't happen again."
"I'll see to that Miss Y/n, go ahead and take a seat."
Without second thought you quickly shuffled to your chair, your eyes finally getting to fall on the male sitting beside you.
Honestly when you saw the bright red hair you didn't think much, but now that you were able to soak in all of his features.. you were lost for words.
You had never seen anybody quite like him, his unkempt red hair being the first reason for that observation. His hair looked just as silky as his fair skin, but the sharp features he had juxtaposed this idea. He had cheshire golden eyes, ones that screamed trouble and beauty at the same time. Even with his features relatively relaxed and almost lazy he had naturally fine features.
Maybe it was because you checked him out for too long, or perhaps it was just the oozing confidence he carried that caused him to narrow his eyes playfully and shoot you a grin.
All you could do was pray that the room was dark enough to hide your blush, offering him a warm smile before moving your attention to the principal.
"As both of you already know, my name is Gakuhō Asano, but you will refer to me as Principal or Mr. Asano."
Both of you nodded in a way that fit your personalities, yours rather formal while the boy next to you gave a curt nod.
"The two of you will be sent to Class E, each for your own reasons,"
At those words the boy next to you seemed to be shocked due to the way his brows raised and he threw a glance to you.
"Y/n, this is only because of your last minute arrival to the academy. Of course you know you can bump up and graduate at a Class A rank so long as you impress me with your academic achievements."
Biting at the inside of your lip you swallowed thickly at his words, not ignoring the way his words almost sounded like a threat. Forcing a smile to your lips you nodded in understanding, meeting the gaze of the student beside you. He seemed to have a bit of a revelation over the explanation, but he still kept eye contact with you until his name was called.
"Karma you will be sent to this level because of your disciplinary issues, I hope you are able to graduate with a different attitude. Yes?"
Now it was your turn to glance over to the boy in curiosity. Karma huh? Somehow that name seemed ironic given the behavior you've observed thus far. Maybe the mischief you thought you saw in his eyes was true to his personality.
"Of course Mr. Asano! I hope to make you proud sir."
Your eyebrows furrowed at the sound of his voice, did it have to be as smooth as his persona? The more you learned about him the more infatuated you were with the boy.
Mr. Asano didn't seem quite impressed with his response, and honestly you couldn't blame him with the sly smirk that rested on Karma's face.
"I'm glad we're all in agreement then." Principal Asano said cautiously, his eyes still resting on Karma before he stood up with a sigh, "Well I suggest you two head to class now as the rest of the school is already in second period. You two have a long walk ahead of you."
Standing up along with the principal you bowed, thanking him one last time for the opportunity before you raised a brow at his last comment, "Long walk?"
Principal Asano looked to you almost confused, ready to explain himself before you felt a hand grab your shoulder, your head whipping to the boy next to you.
"No worries sir, I'll show her the way there.”
Now both you and Principal Asano gave the redhead a skeptical look before he sighed and gave a nod of approval, allowing the two of you to leave and begin the long year ahead of you.
When the principal said you had a long walk ahead of you, you had assumed he meant the top floor of the building. For a while you were dreading the long walk up the stairs, but now as you were midway up the giant hill of uneven grass and dirt you regretted those thoughts.
"W..Where the hell is this c..classroom?" You panted with a sigh, beads of sweat running down your forehead and around your puffed out cheeks.
Golden eyes looked back at you with playful intent, Karma slowing down slightly for you while nudging your arm.
"If this walk is hard for you, how are you gonna kill our teacher?"
Blinking slightly you looked over to him with a raised brow, "Well we're not.. we're not actually killing him silly."
The laughter you heard next sent chills down your spine. While it was evidently playful, it came out as downright sinister. 
"I like you Y/n, your naive nature is going to make my plan work even better."
"Plan? What plan? Are you trying to mess with me Karma? W..Wait," Suddenly your eyes lit up in realization of what he said, your cheeks puffing out in annoyance as you punched his arm lightly, "I am not naive you jerk!"
At this the redhead laughed again, except this time it came out less menacing, almost natural. His eyes glowed down to your own, the genuine expression making you blush slightly. It took you a minute to register that he was poking your cheek with his tongue out.
Before you could snap at him again, his next words forced you back in his trance.
"You're pretty cute Y/n."
At this point you couldn't even remember if you were walking or not. You felt your entire body tingle at his words. Why did he have such an effect on you?
Your thoughts clouded your mind so thickly that  you hadn't even realized you reached the steps to your classroom. The building was... small. At first glance you wouldn't have even assumed it was a classroom. When they mean the lower class, they really mean the lower class.
"Wake up angel, I wasn't joking when I said I needed you for my plan."
Blinking slightly you looked up to Karma who was smiling down to you, your eyes narrowing slightly at his taunting nature. You hadn't even noticed the strawberry milk box in his hands as he brought it up to his lips. Was he holding that the entire time?
"Nagisa, sup?"
Your attention turned from him to the students below you, not even noticing the class beneath you. Based on their uniforms and exhausted faces it looked like they had just finished gym class, but why were they carrying those green knives you had received with your uniform?
"Long time no see."
A boy with pastel blue hair seemed to be shocked by Karma's appearance, allowing you to assume this was Nagisa. 
"Karma... you're back?"
Now you were more confused than ever, what exactly had this Karma boy done? Everyone seemed to be so on edge around him, even though he seemed so easy going.
"Not just me, Y/n over here is a new student too." Karma said with a genuine smile as he patted your back. His swagger filled attitude disappeared in mere seconds.
You weren't sure if you were more curious about Karma's personality flip, or nervous to see so many new eyes on you, but you didn't have time to react as Karma's attention was brought to the teacher.
"Oh hey... that must be the notorious Korosensei... wow!" Karma began walking towards the yellow looking creature. Stumbling forward you followed close behind him to meet this so-called teacher of yours, "He really does look like an octopus."
"Is this really our teacher?" You mutter in confusion, looking at the creature cautiously as you remained close behind Karma.
"Ahhh Mr. Akabane, and Miss Y/n correct?" The octopus-like creature spoke, his eyes moving from your own to Karma's, "I understand that your suspension ends today, and that you're new to this country correct?”
Both of you nodded at this as Korosensei continued.
"Welcome back and welcome here! But with that said, tardiness is a no no."
Blushing in embarrassment you slightly looked to your feet at the small warning, your eyes meeting your teacher's once again with Karma let out a dangerously innocent laugh.
"It's kinda tricky getting back into the swing of things, and Y/n here is still getting used to the trains." Karma explained as you nodded in agreement and flashed an honest smile, "Anyway I've heard some good things teach! Nice to meet ya!"
The absolute flip in attitude had you on high edge around Karma. His suck up act was phenomenal.  And by the looks of it, Korosensei was totally buying it as Karma held out his hand for a handshake. Maybe you had just read Karma wrong?
"The pleasure is all mine you two," Korosensei spoke, shaking your hand gently before moving his tentacle over to shake Karma's.
The only thing was, when Karma grabbed onto his yellow tentacle it suddenly exploded into a goopy mess, dripping onto the grass. The sudden action caused you to gasp and jump back, your eyes shooting up to Karma's who had a downright sinister look in them.
Without a care in the world he threw his strawberry milk up in the air and slid a green knife out of his sleeve, not wasting time to strike at the creature who moved away at an unbelievable speed.
In the moment you reached to catch Karma's strawberry milk, your heart racing as the situation escalated. Just what kind of high school was this place?
"Ahh.. you are fast aren't ya?" Karma observed with a menacing chuckle, "And who'd have thought these knives actually work? I just cut them up into strips and tacked them on!"
Suddenly everything was starting to click together. The green knife and BB gun you had been given with your uniform, Karma mentioning to kill the teacher, your teacher being a freaking yellow octopus... this was literally an assassination classroom.
"Pretty elementary stuff chief, I'm disappointed that's all it took to catch you by surprise!" Karma said with a smirk as he leveled with the teacher, "But good jump! If you don't mind coming off as a fraidy-cat. What.. are you scared of me?"
Based on the looks of everyone else around you, you weren't the only one who was shocked by the scene of events. Even for a bunch of students whose main goal is to kill this creature, this guy was downright sinister.
Just the way he sauntered over to the large creature as if he were a small baby, he even talked down to him with no fear at all.
"Oh come on, no way you can be this big of a pushover."
The students must have noticed your shocked and even uncomfortable stance, walking up beside you with reassuring smiles as you watched Karma walk back towards the school.
"Hey Nagisa.. what kind of person is this Karma guy?"
Your eyes fell on the blue haired boy once again, his expression concerned along with the rest of the class.
"Uh.. he and I were in the same class first and second year. He was violent... so violent they finally expelled him and shipped him here. E Class is where they send you when they have no idea what else to do with you."
At those final words you felt a sting in your chest. When they have no idea what else to do with you. That's who you were, that's why they put you here.
"Thing is under the circumstances he may end up a star student. Weapons and blood are his passion. Trust me if anyone can kill our teacher... it's Karma."
Your mouth dried up at this. You've been with this guy all day? How come he didn't act like that around you?
As Karma neared your classmates he stopped before you, shooting you a warm smile before taking the strawberry milk you forgot you were holding.
"Thanks for holding that Y/n."
And as the redhead walked up the stairs and towards the classroom with a stoic expression, you still couldn't understand one thing.
Why was your heart beating so quickly over him?
All day class had gone by with the same wild events the morning started with.
At the very least you were able to talk to one of your human instructors, the stern looking man explaining that your teacher Korosensei was actually planning on blowing up the Earth and had already blown up most of the moon. Your job as a student was to learn how to be an assassin and end up killing your professor by the end of the year.
"I apologize for not giving you much warning Miss Y/n, I wasn't sure if you understood Japanese and figured it would be best to explain in person."
Nodding slowly you scratched at the back of your neck nervously, "I understand, it's a hard situation to explain over video chat sir."
With that Karasuma nodded to you before excusing you back to class.
Your seat was next to the trickster redhead, your mind feeling at ease that you were next to someone you knew, but also uneasy as the boy had been pulling off deadly pranks to your teacher the past few days.
The worst of all had to have been the dead octopus on the desk. How could someone do something so horrendous and be so nonchalant about it?
Some part of you had a feeling that there was more to Karma's story than he was letting off. Sure some people are more mischievous than others, but he seems to be following through with every part of his plan with some malicious intent. Like he was trying to prove something.
This became more and more evident as your teacher decided to fight back. Although his methods of "fighting back" were rather... motherly? Instead of trying to attack Karma when he made risky attempts to kill Korosensei, he would groom Karma in embarrassing ways.
Honestly having to sit right beside him as Korosensei toyed with the boy wasn't the greatest, given that Karma was getting angrier and angrier as the day went on. But surprisingly you never felt threatened by Karma, any time you made eye contact his narrowed eyes would soften in just the slightest before he looked away with a scowl.
It wasn't until the end of the week when everyone left for the day that Karma finally stormed away. For some reason you felt an urge to follow him. While your brain was telling you not to, especially after observing his violent acts these past few days, your heart took the lead this time and followed him through the woods and to a tall cliff that stood before an even larger forest below.
Just as you were about to walk out to him you noticed Nagisa arrive next to you, your eyes widened slightly before he gave you an understanding nod.
"You worried about Karma too Y/n?"
Biting your lip you nodded almost bashfully before looking at him with genuine eyes, "Honestly... yes. I'm not sure why, but for some reason I just feel a connection with him. It's like my mind is telling me I should be scared of him but I'm just... not, you know?"
Nagisa chuckled while nodding, his eyes remaining on Karma before he looked up to you, "I get the feeling, trust me. Honestly most people are terrified of him so if your gut is telling you to trust him, you should trust it."
Blinking for a minute as you pondered his words, a rush of relief fell over you. Maybe Nagisa was right, it was clear Karma saw you differently, maybe you should follow your gut on this one.
Smiling down to Nagisa, who returned the smile back, you both walked towards Karma who was sitting on a horizontal tree that was hanging off the cliff. The sight gave you the chills, the thought of him slipping off made you sick to your stomach.
"Come on Karma." Nagisa started as he stopped just before the cliff, you beside him, "I'm telling you not to sweat it, we'll do it together as a group. Korosensei obviously has his eye on you so no matter how tricky your plan is, it's not going to work. He's not like other teachers."
Karma suddenly stopped biting at his nail, his head raising in the slightest to look out over the horizon.
"Other teachers huh? No."
Your mouth slowly curved into a frown, your eyebrows lifting in surprise as Karma slowly began to smile.
"You don't understand, I want to do it on my own." Karma said, glancing back to the two of you with a grin, "Let me ask you, would it tick you off to die in some random place?"
At that question you felt anxious, really wishing he would come back to the cliff with the two of you.
"Oh Karma.."
The sound of Korosensei's voice drowned out your own, all three of you looking back to see your teacher stand before you.
"I feel I have taken exceptionally good care of you today. Keep trying to kill me if that tickles your fancy, I certainly don't get tired of spiffing you up."
Biting your lip at the scene before you, your head turned back when you heard Karma laugh quietly to himself.
"Just so we're on the same page here, you pretty much consider yourself a teacher above all else?"
Korosensei nodded, "That's right."
"Cool." Karma said with a wicked grin, one that made you feel even more unease, "And you wouldn't think twice about putting your life on the line to save a student?"
"What sort of teacher would I be if I did?"
"That's awesome, good to know." Karma replied with confidence, too much confidence, "So... I can kill you."
At this your head whipped back from Korosensei's direction to see Karma pointing his anti-bb gun towards the teacher while leaning back towards the empty abyss of the cliff.
"Knew there had to be a way."
All logic left your head, your mind going blank as you saw your friend fall back off the cliff. 
"Karma!" Both you and Nagisa screamed. You were quick to run towards the edge of the cliff, Nagisa quick to hold onto your wrist so you didn't go over. You both looked over the edge in horror and fear as Karma rushed down toward the ground, a confident grin on his face as the gun was pointed skywards.
His past teacher must have ruined any trust the boy had for anyone at this point, enough for him to risk his life just to prove a point. There's no way Korosensei is going to get him to risk his life, all you could do was watch in horror as Karma fell to his death.
Your head whipped back to Korosensei, tears streaming down your face until you felt your heart stop at the sight of not seeing Korosensei.
"K..Korosensei?" You called out, Nagisa looking back to you before you both heard the sound of a body hitting some sort of surface. Only the surface... didn't exactly sound like the ground.
As you looked over the cliff your mouth dropped to see Karma had fallen into a yellow web.
"Korosensei's tentacles?" Nagisa whispered in surprise, both of your faces mirroring one of shock.
Though it took a few minutes, Karma seemed much more neutral as Korosensei brought him up, his crazed drive seemed to have calmed down for a reason. As your teacher dropped the boy down on the ground Nagisa shouted Karma's name in relief but you had already started moving.
You hadn't registered what your body was doing before it was too late, you jumped into his arms and wrapped around him in a tight hug. At this point you didn't care if he was weirded out, or that you barely even knew him, you just wanted to be in his embrace.
Karma was taken aback as you wrapped tightly around him, his arms raising slightly before a soft smile came across his appearance. His arms slowly snaked around your body as he heard sniffles come from you, his fingers playing with your hair as he let out a chuckle.
"Alright now angel, don't get my shirt too soaked. This is my last clean one."
A small fit of laughter bubbled out of you, lifting your head up to see his own playful expression.
"You.. you're such a big idiot!" You shouted in between hiccups, the redhead wiping away at your tears as you let your head fall back into his chest from the sheer exhaustion of all the events that happened today.
Karma laughed slightly, rubbing your back in hopes of calming you down before looking over to Nagisa.
"I don't get it... how were you so calm the whole time?" Nagisa questioned as he glanced over the cliff anxiously.
"Eh no big," Karma spoke calmly causing you to look up to him with puffed out cheeks of annoyance, his face lowering down to yours with a grin as he stuck his tongue out and poked your cheek tauntingly, "What really sucks is that was my best bet, nothing else I could come up with even touches it."
"Awww, run out of ideas already?" Korosensei purred teasingly, causing all of you to glance over to your teacher who was menacingly holding up more grooming tools with his many tentacles, "But I have an entire beauty regimen lined up just for you!"
A small laugh escaped your lips at his taunting until you felt Karma's grip on your side tighten. You glanced up at him slightly only to see his eye twitching slightly, a blood hungry smile across his features.
"Come on, no way you can be this big of a pushover."
You covered your mouth to prevent yourself from giggling, noticing Karma still seemed fairly annoyed with his teacher. But instead of trying to attack him or pull something crazy, he simply let go of your side and smiled while walking up to Korosensei.
"No worries teach, you're still dead meat." Karma said with a grin as he drew a line across his neck in a gentle yet threatening way.
Korosensei seemed pleased with this, his face glowing red with a darker red circle across it, "That's the spirit, never give up. Seems my tender love and care has paid off..."
Both you and Nagisa smiled at the scene, both of you feeling a lot better about the school year. Just as you were about to walk back with Karma your teacher opened his mouth again.
"Now about you and Y/n." Korosensei said with mischievous child-like giggles, a sudden journal and pen in his hand as he began to write viciously, "An unlikely couple, both joining at the same time but with different personalities... it's a total opposites attract love story!"
At this your eyes widened as your mouth fell agape, a shout of embarrassment escaping your lips as you hid your blushing face.
"No! It’s not like that Korosensei! I-"
Your stuttering mess of a sentence came to an end when you felt a hand gently hold your shoulder, your head whipping up to see Karma next to you with a soft smile.
"I don't mind as long as you don't," Karma said genuinely, your face growing hotter by the second as you smiled warmly, "Besides I could use a naive new girl to play with."
At this your mouth fell before your cheeks puffed out in your signature pout as you began punching his side in annoyance, "For the last time.. I am not naive you asshole!"
Nagisa only watched with a skeptical smile while Korosensei wrote down viciously in his diary book, giggling like a schoolgirl.
"Well, let's head back you guys. We can grab some food on the way." Karma said after getting you to calm down. He grabbed you by the hand which caused your insides to warm before nodding his head for Nagisa to follow as he tossed a leather change purse in his hand.
Korosensei didn't seem to notice amidst his writing, but once he did a shriek escaped his lips.
"Excuse me, that's my purse!"
At this you bursted into laughter, not realizing that it was your teacher's purse.
"Come on teach, you've got to stop leaving stuff unattended in the faculty lounge."
Both you and Nagisa were laughing as Korosensei freaked out and demanded Karma give it back.
Eventually Karma tossed the purse back, Korosensei muttering gimme under his breath while hastily opening the purse, only to find it completely empty, "U..Uh.. It's empty!"
Karma stopped and looked back slightly with a sweet smile, "There wasn't much there to begin with, call it a donation."
You couldn't help but snort as your teacher lost it, Karma seeming to just soak it all in with a grin as Nagisa laughed along with you.
Honestly, as soon as you got on the plane to head to Japan and left all your friends and family behind... you felt nervous, scared, and just sick to your stomach. But for some reason as soon as you got off the plane, something about Tokyo just felt right.
As you stood behind Karma, your hand interlaced in his own as he and your teacher snapped back and forth at each other... you knew everything was going to be just fine.
If only you knew this was going to be the best year of your life, and Karma was going to be alongside you the entire time.
next chapter
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dear-alex-chill · 11 months
An update
Lately I haven't been active and it's spanned much longer than I intended. I originally thought it was the Team Science Zine sucking up all my energy (that zine was awesome but a beast to make) but I now realize that may have been me trying to convince myself of an untrue reality. I've been exhausted all the time with no time for me. I'm also dealing with more personal issues and being in a period of transition uses a lot of spoons. Hopefully I'll resolve some issues through therapy or other means but it's a lot to balance and I don't necessarily have the resources to take on everything. Unfortunately, art and writing has taken a backseat for the time due to everything going on. It is what it is, I hope to create again one day. However, the end of DAC as an account may be nearing.
I know I've been silent/quiet for months. I know I've not finished anything. I have few WIPs but they're limited in development and not something I want to post. Overall the Dear-Alex-Chill account is fading on all fronts and I'm not sure I want it to revive. I know my stuff rarely shows up in places, in part because of the niche I drew myself into, but also a lack of relevancy in what I produce. I honestly haven't touched digital art in a while, I do miss it. However, I'm exhausted constantly or I'm under the perception I'm too busy to do it, carving time is hard right now. I am considering leaving everything up and just sorta orphaning my account, I would never delete my writing and I don't like the prospect of deleting my art, but actively maintaining a social media like that is taxing and not something I can do right now. DAC might turn into an archive of sorts and when I'm ready I'll start anew entirely with a new name and page. Or maybe I'll come back in a while ready to get going again, I'm not sure.
Some of the lack of desire to revive was a slightly toxic culture. When things blew up around me (not really at me though but like Tumblr? Yk) I felt the need to step back and a part of me just never wanted to return. Moots, I love you guys, you're the reason I stayed so long. But sometimes it's hard to want to engage in a community of people that dislike you and that you generally dislike, it's tiresome. Wacky and Sikyu especially, you guys were awesome to talk to (I'm just mentioning you two specifically because I feel really bad for leaving you guys with no context after months of hyper-dumping hcs and ideas. Anyone I've repeatedly dmed or shared my hcs with and talked to, I do miss you all. Everyone is owed an apology but that's a lot of names to write.) It's hard to stay in a place you don't want to be, especially when you feel you're leaving those close to you, but I think it's of my best interest to step away from DT and TtS/RTA.
To my followers, I'm sorry you haven't gotten what you followed for.
To the anons and haters, cool. Have fun with your lives, I believe in karma but don't act on it, it's not my job to enforce karma, that's the universe's job.
To my mutuals/friends, I haven't forgotten you all and I do think about you. It's just hard to reply or I feel bad reaching out after so much silence. Hopefully I'll be chatty again or return to some normalcy later and I'm sorry I didn't tell any of you earlier.
Overall this just serves as a message/wellness check. I'm still here, I still lurk, but I don't really know if I want to stay active. When I decide to either orphan or revive, I'll let you all know in a new post, but for now here's what's been happening. I love y'all.
See ya later.
(yes this was on insta in slides form, Tumblr hates me uploading more than 3 photos at a time)
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castshed · 11 months
Tumblr media
I dunno if it's just the mental state talking or if maybe there's some truth behind what i've been thinking about since I got off work this morning....
But it truly feels like my time on this site might be more limited than I'd like it to be. Sure, there are some people that still seem like at least somewhat interested to entertain the thought or action of writing with me, but... the majority seeningly don't. Maybe it's my rules? Am I not lenient enough? Am I too weird 'cause of a simple lousy (kind of) fetish I have for taller women? I honestly don't get it.
I've been on this site consecutively for.... I have no idea how many years now. And sure, I've taken my breaks, some rather abruptly and unannounced, but they count... This feels different.
I usually have cycles where I want to do nothing but watch YouTube videos or tons of movies or start series' i've never gotten a chance to get to, or do nothing but play video games. But in the end I would always come back to writing.
Recently, I haven't wanted to do the latter. It just seems so... grueling, like a 9-5 job you don't wanna do but need to because it appeases some sort of agenda or just 'cause you have to pay bills on time and eat.
And trust me, I'm one of those people that doesn't see this site as a job, nor do I feel like writing is a chore. USUALLY.
But the lack of people's interest in things (idk if it's my muses-- me as a person) or the lack of reciprocation to things that take all but a few seconds to lift someone's spirits... has just really turned me off. (Not to mention broken notifications, the new dashboard - y'know all of Staff's TERRIBLE choices)
People also have jobs, I get it. Or school... kids, a life. This is truly something you do in your down time because you enjoy it and may have found the time to actually sit down and relax for once without the overbearing weight of other responsibilities holding you down - I just.. I honestly don't know anymore.
Now normally I wouldn't try and sound so much like a beggar or some kind of attention-seeking child, but is it so hard to send positivity in return sometimes? - Like I get that I may not be active 90% of the time lately, but at least I make the time and put in the effort to show that I care and still enjoy seeing actual people on my dash. - I always send it in and hardly get it back. And sure, maybe within the answer to my initial interaction there's something said. But that's more of a response than an actual attempted effort. At least, to me it is.
I also understand that I haven't been the best at replying to sent in memes, or asks in general, but that's because my muse has been at an all-time-low for ALL of my muses, save for like... ONE of my OCs (Sophie; though even now, I'll admit, she's kinda gone too.), and I get sick of staring at them, irritated that I can't muster up a SINGLE word to reply to any of them with... so eventually I delete them and hope to TRY from an empty slate.
I guess I just miss having that person or small group of people that I could count on all the time for things, regardless of our moods, what time of day it was, what we were doing -- etc. I've only ever been affiliated once, and... it probably wasn't the best choice. But the intentions at the time were nothing but good, and it wasn't heavily enforced, save for MAYBE a single ship, or two. Not having that security anymore just shakes things up too much and I guess it's one change that I could never get used to.
Regardless, the thoughts of this morning have me leaning toward either some kind of indefinite hiatus, or a massive reboot to start anew and maybe find a new place to settle. Those of you that want me around can keep me on discord and continue to chat with me there. But if not, and IF I do decide to go that route, I bid thee farewell and I hope for nothing but good luck in your future endeavors.
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itsjeonjk · 10 months
#79 weeks remaining ♡ ah, it's already the time to start doing my 'lil countdown, huh? honestly i'm scared. i know everyone keeps telling me that you'll be home for the weekends—but they don't understand how our relationship functions.. it was hard enough dealing with the past few months for your busy schedule, but now? you'll have limited access to your phone and be in a dangerous zone with your life potentially on the line. i know you'll be safe, i know that. just the mere thought of something happening has my anxiety screaming to the roof tops. i really don't know what to do for the next 78 weeks. the most i can think of is focusing on work to keep me occupied. but, even then, that's going to be hard, too. i'll really be a wreck without having you there to be my constant comfort/relaxation. && i'm sorry i can't send you off in a few days.. that saddens me the most. just know that i'll always be here waiting for the weekends to see you each and every time. i'll take care of our sons and try not to cry too much. you too, though. try not to be too upset about the enlistment and push through it! i'm sure it'll be over before we know it, right? then i get to keep you without any worries.
i love you. more than anything. so, please, stay safe for me.
✉️ ┊ 𝗝𝗞 replied to a letter from ﹫ssamou !
you've started already, huh ? i already know i'm going to adore getting these little updates and hearing about your schedules and how your days are going.
still, it's going to be incredibly hard. there's no way i can sugar coat it; i have my phone after the day is done, and i can only see you on the weekends. and some might think that that's enough, but that's a difficult change after being together whenever we had time and almost all the time before i started my solo activities. we've done it this long, i guess we can call it a test to see how it'd be during my service. despite knowing it's going to get hard, i know we can do it.
it just makes me really sad that i know you're going to be upset and i'm not there to comfort you. i get it, i'm going into the danger-zone but i'll be okay, my love. nothing will happen to me and i'm even going to be with jimin hyung the entire time we're gone. let that give you peace of mind, okay ? he's got my back and i've got his—nothing will happen to either of us during the time we're gone.
don't apologize for not being able to see me off, just focus on the little time we have left and make sure to give me a long goodbye hug and kiss when i leave, okay ? that's all i'll need to send me off. naturally, i'm upset i'm leaving but i knew this was coming... still it doesn't make it any less hard. i can't promise i won't be bummed about it, but i can promise you i'll do my best and make you, my family and my hyungs proud.
time passes quickly lately, let's hope it gives us that luxury too while i'm gone. it'll be over in no time... and then we can plan our wedding, i expect for you to come up with ideas while i'm gone and run them pass me on my days off or when i'm back !
i love you, chaewon... more than anything in this world. try not to worry too much for me while i'm gone, alright ? i'll be back in your arms during the weekends to prove i'm okay.
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lady-wallace · 1 year
Whumptober Day 15 - "Breaking the Habit" (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
More Hearts of Gold for today's @whumptober fic! This is my Bucciarati/OC series. We're going back in time in the series: this one is set very soon after Hearts of Gold, when Bruno and Maria are still newlyweds and Maria hasn't yet figured out that Bruno is very bad at taking care of himself.
Prompts Used: Makeshift Bandages, Suppressed Suffering, 'I'm Fine' Fandom: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5 Character: Bucciarati
Read on A03
Bucciarati cringed as he threw the bloody cloths into the trash can of the hotel bathroom before re-applying zippers to his injuries. That would do for now until Giorno returned in a few days and if needed, he would ask him to fix them up. For now Bruno really just wanted to get back home to his wife.
He never used to think anything about being away on missions—they were tiring but part of the job. However, since marrying Maria almost two months ago now, he was less and less eager to leave for extended periods. Which is why he had promised her a night out as soon as he got back, for both of them.
Which…he needed to be leaving soon if they were going to make the reservation he'd had Maria book at their favorite restaurant that night.
He swiftly dressed, cringing slightly at the pull of fabric over the tender skin around the zippers in his side and thigh, then exited the bathroom to find Abbacchio already packed up and ready.
"Ready?" Bruno asked him.
Abbacchio glanced over, giving him a once over. "You good?"
"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"
"Because you didn't let me look at those injuries you got in the fight last night," Abbacchio said.
"There was no need to, they weren't serious," Bruno assured him, forcing himself to not limp as he went to grab his bag. Painful, maybe, but pain would hardly kill him. "Come on, I'm not going to miss taking my lovely wife out to dinner tonight."
"Don't worry, I was tasked with bringing you back specifically on time," Abbacchio said with a fond smile.
Bruno huffed a laugh. Honestly, the constant conspiring that went on between Leone and Maria behind his back was ridiculous. They were a force to be reckoned with.
"Then we'd best get going."
It was a couple hours' drive back to Napoli from the location of their mission and Bruno took that time to rest, trying to ignore how the seatbelt rubbed against the wound in his side. There'd been more opponents at the raid last night than he had suspected, and one man had come at him with a knife, slashing him a couple times before Bruno had taken him down with Sticky Fingers. He hadn't had time to deal with the injuries at the time, simply using his tried and true method of applying zippers to close them up as they cleaned up the rest of the operation.
He put a pair of sunglasses on and tilted his head back, trying to sleep. Clean-up had taken them until early afternoon, so neither of them had slept for over 24 hours now—going on 36. Bruno was feeling it more than he wanted to admit. He hoped he wouldn't look absolutely awful by the time he got to dinner.
He dozed fitfully, body warm and uncomfortable under the afternoon sun streaming into the car.
As they finally got back to Napoli, Bruno gave up trying to sleep, rubbing his head as he checked the time.
"It's gonna be a little tight," Abbacchio apologized.
"I still have to change too," Bruno said, and pulled out his phone. "I'll just call Maria and tell her to head over to the restaurant to meet the reservation time."
He blinked back the exhaustion, rubbing at his slightly swollen eyes as he dialed Maria's number.
"Hello?" her voice came over the line.
"Hello, my love. I might be a little late, so why don't you go on ahead and I'll meet you at the restaurant when I get back?"
"Oh, that's fine, but, Bruno, if you're too tired tonight, we can go some other time."
"No," he insisted. "A night out with you is exactly what I need right now."
"Well, I'll see you there then," she replied, a smile in her voice.
"See you soon, mi cara."
He tucked his phone back into his pocket and glanced at his watch again.
"Are you sure you're up for this? You look exhausted," Abbacchio asked.
"I am," Bruno admitted. "But a relaxing night out is a perfect remedy."
Abbacchio shrugged. "You do have a point. It's probably going to be chaos at home, especially with Giorno and Fugo also out of town."
Bruno chuckled. "That's your problem tonight, amico."
"Thanks," Abbacchio muttered.
Bruno leaned back in his seat, suppressing a sigh.
His body felt like a lead weight when they finally got back to the mansion and he dragged himself out of the car.
After the initial greetings from Trish, Narancia and Mista, he hurried to change into a clean suit before heading out.
He'd thankfully been able to shower at the hotel so it was mostly a matter of fixing his hair and changing into his black date-night suit.
His muscles protested even the small movement of taking his shirt off, an uncomfortable tug on the zippered wound in his side. Bruno prodded the area lightly, gritting his teeth against the pain. The skin around it felt slightly warm and looked red and irritated.
He didn't have time to worry about it, though, and took some pills as he buttoned his shirt up, pulled on his trousers and coat and headed out the door.
"Have a good time, Bucciarati!" Trish called to him.
He smiled and thanked her as he grabbed his keys and headed out.
Maria started with a glass of wine as she waited for Bruno, eager to see him again. He'd only been gone with Leone for four days, but she had missed him, especially with the addition of him going into a dangerous situation. She knew she would have to get used to it, but it still kept her up at night, alone in their big bed.
But soon enough, she spotted her husband coming toward her table with a soft smile on his face.
"There you are!" Maria called, standing up to allow him to pull her into his arms, with a chaste kiss to her lips.
"I'm sorry I'm a little late, but I didn't want to come in work clothes," he grimaced.
Maria got a good look at him finally, holding him at arm's length. There were definite dark circles under his eyes, but he also just looked a little wan and pale in general.
She reached up to touch his warm cheek with concern. "Bruno, are you sure you're all right? You look a little…well."
He shifted so he could kiss her hand with a smile. "I am a bit tired, but I'm happy to be back. A nice relaxing dinner will be much appreciated."
Maria smiled, though there was still a furrow between her brows as she led Bruno back to the table and they sat. The waiter came over, offering more wine and taking their orders.
All the while, Maria was watching her husband, trying not to show too much concern outwardly, but he did really look a little rough, slumping in his chair, his brow pinched slightly. She would make sure to put him to bed early once they got back.
Once they had finished dinner, Bruno suggested a walk in the park nearby. "There's a gelato stand as well—we can get dessert."
"Are you sure you don't want to go home?" Maria asked, trying not to sound worried. "I know you're tired."
He waved her concern away. "I'd rather get some fresh air," he told her with a smile, reaching for her hand. "Come on—tell me what went on while I was away."
Maria took his hand and talked as they walked toward the park. Bruno felt rather warm beside her, but she had been slightly chilly in the restaurant and didn't think much of it.
When a jogger nearly ran into her, Maria was forced to bump into Bruno to avoid being hit, and was surprised when he staggered slightly, a small gasp escaping his throat.
"That was rather rude," she muttered before looking up at her husband, seeing his face had gone pale and there was sweat beading on his brow. "Bruno? Are you okay?"
"I—yes," he replied, forcing a tight smile. "I just—maybe I am a little more tired than I thought."
She took both his hands in hers firmly. "How about you sit here and I'll go pick up a pint of gelato that we can take home and eat in bed?" she suggested with a fond smile.
Bruno chuckled and bent to kiss her. "Well, I can't really argue with that."
"Oh, Bucciarati!"
An older woman who ran a flower stand called to him and he and Maria looked over.
"Ah, Signora Galini!" Bruno greeted with a tired smile, squeezing Maria's hand before letting it go. "Let me go see if she needs anything. Pick out whatever flavor you'd like—you know I like all of them."
Maria smiled and cast a fond glance back as the old woman asked Bruno to help her load her stand into the small trailer attached to her vespa.
She hurried to go get the gelato, picking out a rich chocolate mocha flavor, before returning to see Bruno finishing up and waving to the old woman as she drove away.
His face as he turned around though was crumpled in pain, one hand going up to press to his side. Maria hesitated, watching as Bruno reached for the back of the bench, going to lean on it.
His hand missed and he stumbled, legs seeming to give out under him.
"Bruno?!" Maria cried and pushed herself into a run, collapsing beside him, not caring about the grass stains on her dress. His head lolled and she took his face between her hands forcing his chin up to look at her.
"Just…need a second," he murmured.
Maria looked down where he was still pressing a hand to his side. She opened his coat and pulled it aside.
From the light of a streetlamp she could see a patch of red against his white shirt.
"You're hurt!" she gasped. "Bruno, why didn't you tell me you'd been injured!"
"It really wasn't that bad," he sighed tiredly. "I'm sorry to alarm you, lifting the stand pulled at the injury and I think that made me a little woozy."
Maria pressed her hand to his cheek again. "But you're fevered! The wound could be infected."
She was already pulling the phone from her purse and dialing as she wrapped her arm around her husband, bringing his head to rest on her shoulder.
"Leone," she said shakily as the phone was answered wearily. "Could you please come pick us up from the park?"
"I can get back to the car," Bruno protested before Maria shushed him.
"What's wrong?" Leone asked.
"Bruno's hurt," she said sternly. "Please—the park by the restaurant."
There was a quick confirmation and the call cut out. Maria tucked the phone away and pulled one of Bruno's arms around her shoulders. "Come on, you can sit on the bench which we wait."
He cringed as he forced himself up, right leg shaky as he sank down onto the bench. She practically forced him to lay down with his head in her lap but once he was there he sagged tiredly, eyes closed as she ran her fingers soothingly across his brow, stroking his hair.
"Is that the only injury?" she asked suspiciously.
"That and my leg," Bruno said tiredly.
"Bruno!" Maria scolded, a lump forming in her throat. He reached up to take her free hand.
"I'm sorry, mi amore," he told her sincerely. "I should have said something."
"Yes, you should have," she replied shakily, hurt and fear clashing inside of her.
Headlights illuminated the area and a car came to a quick stop on the side of the road.
Leone got out and hurried over to the bench.
"Maria," he called, stopping as he saw Bruno laying in her lap. He huffed a sigh, reaching down to help Maria heave her husband up. "Bruno, I asked you if you were hurt."
"Yes, yes," Bruno muttered, cringing as they pulled him up between them.
Leone swore and Maria pressed her lips together. They got Bruno into the backseat and then headed back to the house.
"I think he might have an infection since he's running a fever," Maria said worriedly.
Leone glanced back at the injured man. "Did you just zipper yourself shut again?"
"I didn't really have that much of a choice, Leone, we were in the middle of a fight."
"Yes, and we had plenty of time to take care of them properly this morning when we got back from the job," Leone replied in exasperation, shaking his head.
Bruno was silent, slumped against the seat as they drove.
Once they got back to the house, Maria and Leone helped Bruno upstairs to their room and left him sitting on the bench in the bathroom.
"Help me find the medical supplies," Maria said to Leone as they left the room.
Once they were downstairs, Maria grabbed Leone's arm and glowered at him. "I can't believe you didn't try to discourage him from going out tonight if you knew he was injured! You should have let me know, Leone!"
"You're right, I should have told you," he admitted. "But I honestly didn't know how bad it was—the only time he ever lets me look at injuries if he's still standing is when I actually see them happen. I know that's not an excuse but—you're not alone in your frustrations."
Maria's eyes welled and Leone's face softened again, taking hold of her hand and squeezing it. "You know he's just like this. I'm hoping that you might change that in him."
"Well, apparently not," Maria sniffled, reaching up to wipe her eyes.
Leone pulled her into a hug, kissing the top of her head. "I think he'll start to see reason once he realizes how upset you are. But let's go take care of the idiot, okay? I think we still have some antibiotics around here somewhere."
They gathered what they would need and returned to Bruno who was struggling to undress, taking his trousers off with one hand while he steadied himself with the other.
"Here," Maria said quickly and went to help him, revealing another reddened injury on his thigh. She sat him back down and eased his shirt off. The sight of his old scars sent a different emotion through her than usual. Maybe he did have a point in these injuries being relatively minor when he had suffered such grievous ones in the past.
"Undo the zippers," Leone said.
Bruno sighed and waved his hand briefly. Maria watched as the wounds parted slightly and began to bleed sluggishly again.
"They do look infected," Leone said darkly. "We'll have to flush them out."
Maria nodded stoically, lips pressed together, as they helped Bruno to sit in the tub. He lay back wearily, wincing and making small sounds of pain every once in a while as they washed the wounds out with a saline solution.
"Is that all?" Maria asked as they finished.
Leone probed the wound in Bruno's side, maybe a little more harshly than he would have normally, causing the other man to tense. "There doesn't seem to be any puss yet, so, it should be fine with an antibacterial cream and the antibiotics."
Maria nodded, dabbing the wounds dry with a swatch of gauze.
Bruno was silent as they bandaged him up and helped him to bed. Maria brought him a glass of water and the pills.
"Please take them," she coaxed.
Bruno did as he was asked. Maria took the glass and sank down next to him tiredly as Leone cleaned up the medical supplies.
"Maria," Bruno finally said, reaching for her hand. "I'm truly sorry for scaring you."
"It's not about scaring me, Bruno!" she snapped, feeling the lump form in her throat again. "Don't you get it? I know your job is dangerous, I knew that from the beginning—it's not that I don't expect you to get hurt on occasion. I know it's just an inevitability of our lives." She sighed, shoving her hair back. "What I'm mad about is that you think you need to hide your pain, and you don't. Don't you think I would have been just as happy cuddling and watching a movie with you tonight while you recovered instead of forcing yourself to go out while you were obviously not well?"
Bruno looked chastised, eyes falling to his hands as his lashes brushed fever-flushed cheeks. "You're right. I know it's something I need to work on. You understand, when I started down this path in this life, I had no one. I had to be strong constantly, otherwise I would risk letting myself break under the pressure. It made me admittedly rather negligent toward my own care so that, even when I had people I could count on, I kept some very bad habits." He looked up at her again, reaching up to brush his fingers across her cheek. "But I'm not alone anymore, and I should remember that more often."
"Yes," Maria pleaded, placing her hand over his and holding it to her cheek. "Please remember that you have a wife at home, and a family who loves you."
Leone finished up in the bathroom and speared him with a look as he carried the first aid kit out. "Listen to her, Bruno. For the love of god, change your ways for her if not for the rest of us."
Bruno sighed tiredly as Maria tucked him into bed. "I'm going to clean up." She offered a tentative smile. "If you want, the gelato is a little melted, but I'm sure it's still good."
Bruno smiled back softly and nodded. "That sounds good, amore."
Maria hurriedly went to change into her pajamas and wash her face. She detoured to the kitchen to grab the gelato before one of the kids could find it and hurried back upstairs to her injured husband.
She crawled into bed beside him, producing two spoons and the pint of dessert. "Are you comfortable, darling?" she asked, leaning over to kiss his forehead.
"As comfortable as possible," he said truthfully. "I'm rather sore."
"Well, chocolate helps," Maria smiled, before she leaned over him. "And so does kissing it better."
She pressed her lips to his and Bruno reached up to cradle the back of her head, holding her close for a few long minutes as their mouths worked against each other.
When Maria finally pulled away, she met his love-blown eyes and said, "Remember that the next time you go on a dangerous mission and promise me you'll come home safe."
Bruno slid his hand down her cheek and brushed his thumb across her cheekbone. "I promise I will."
Maria, satisfied, tucked herself against his side and they both dug into the gelato.
When it was finished, Bruno could barely keep his eyes open another second and Maria kissed his cheek and folded the blankets more firmly over them both as she pulled his head in under her chin. He gave a soft sigh, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her shoulder.
"Thank you, my love," he whispered.
Maria kissed his head and played with his hair until he fell asleep. "Sleep well, darling. I'll look after you tonight."
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ina-nis · 8 months
I've been reading some on reddit to try to find a way out of this predicament and it's... difficult because the way I see things, and the way others seem to see these same things, is completely different in a way that, I feel, ultimately won't work for me (because, surprise: I tried that).
Person keeps on falling in love with their friends. That's the story of my life, isn't it? Then I go to the comments to see what others replied to and, damn, this sucks.
"Sounds like these are people you want to date, not befriend. Do you date? If not, start dating. Eventually a dating relationship will turn into a steady thing. Then perhaps you can develop true friendships without the hidden agenda."
I will never understand people who see their partners as a separated thing from friends - it honestly creeps me out a little... to me, a partner would be, first and foremost, a friend, a close friend, ideally my best friend, and we would have a romantic relationship while nurturing our, already established, friendship.
This is why going the "dating intentionally" route never quite worked for me, because I felt like I was skipping several steps...
That's likely due to trauma, of course. It takes a while for me to be able to trust and be truly comfortable with people, and for something as intimate and close as a romantic relationship, I'd really need to trust someone very, very much.
So... "friends to lovers" for me, always.
In another thread, a person says exactly the thing I've been thinking lately again, about keeping your distance or even cutting ties (whether temporarily or not), because if you're stuck with friends you're in love with and those relationships will not progress to romance, you're basically just wasting time.
But that's also difficult for me because I experience relationship decay rather quickly - hence why I've been putting so much effort into my friendships, so I don't lose them.
It really breaks me to do this whole... friendships with ulterior motives with every single person I come to befriend and wanting to invest my energy into. I don't want to do that. I don't like doing that either. At least now, I feel like I am intentional on that regard, I try to be pretty selective of people I befriend, while thinking of them as potential partners, too. When enough time passes (and at that point, I'm already in love with them), I confess and when the (so far) inevitable rejection comes, I give them the choice to "quit" the friendship, or we can continue as usual. I don't really fall "out of love" with them, and I wish I could do that, honestly.
At the same time, I don't think I'm doing anything wrong here. I don't think I'm leading people on either. I don't get mad at them for not reciprocating, I feel like I never really did, albeit before my friendships would not survive me confessing and getting rejected because it was just too devastating. Some people see these connections separately, some don't, and that's fine, I guess? Besides, if someone has a problem with me coming onto them to be friends while having the intention to date them, too, that's not my issue to sort out? If they're uncomfortable, they can leave and I'll move on too. It's simple.
I try to stick around and invest my time and energy into people who look available, and the moment I realize they are not, I pull away. Like, for example, how I keep my distance from partnered people (both because it's a huge trigger, and also because I can't date them), we can be friends, but things will stay very casual and detached.
Does that make me a bad person? A bad friend? I do not care. Life is short and I think it's best to spend my energy with people I might have a chance with, so I'm doing exactly that!
Now the problem is dealing with the frustration that comes with being friends with a lot of people that turned out to be unavailable anyway, who have rejected me and I chose to compromise by maintaining the relationship we have and... basically, suffering through it all one-sidedly, because if I pull away from them, I know I will want to keep my distance until these relationships fade into nothingness. And I'll be fine with it, huh? How messed up...
I know all these feelings come from how deeply lonely I feel, how deeply disconnected I am from others, and just how starved I feel for love - while receiving so much platonic love from these precious friends... it wounds me, it suffocates me, really. I'm thankful while feeling frustrated and resentful, too. It's an awful place to be...
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daisyvisions · 1 year
I ended up reading through some more of your works (it's how I noticed the reply 😅) and I really do love it! I hope writing can always bring you joy because you really are so good at it (in my unprofessional opinion) 💕
I'm looking forward to your juyeon pieces as well as what you have planned for the other members! and the lack of juyeon content really ie criminal 😭 so we all appreciate the efforts you're going to to try to bring out more of him.
the juyeon thoughts are bringing this convo to a 180 😭 but we all know how juyeon has massive hands (they are absolutely gorgeous). we also know that he doesn't really get mad mad a lot. he's sweet and easy-going for the most part. but what if you're acting up in front of some of the members and juyeon is really fighting to stay in control but soon, he's had enough.
imagije if he just shoves his fingers in your mouth in front of everyone. "since you seem to have trouble keeping that bratty little mouth of yours from running, let's put it to good use," initially just the tip. he knows you're a whore for him and his hands. you're whining around it, trying to take more but his other hand grabs your cheeks, stilling you. "now dear, let's not be greedy. you take what you're given."
the others don't know whether to stay or leave, especially not when Juyeon says "show us what else that mouth of yours can do" either way, it stirs something in you and you're sucking his fingers like it's his cock. you must appear starved but that couldn't be further from the truth. saliva is dripping down your chin. and whilst you're doing your best around his fingers, juyeon appears to pay you little mind, continuing his casual conversation with the others (who are clearly affected by the display). and so, you're left to clench your thighs to try to relieve some kind of tension in you.
juyeon's fingers are probably long enough to reach the back of your throat so when he's feeling... generous, shall we say, he'll suddenly push further in just to keep you on your toes and to enjoy the sweet startled gagging noises as you choke on his fingers.
when he's satisfied with your work (or even if he decides you're enjoying yourself too much), he'll pull out. you probably won't be surprised if his fingers were pruning. he'll draw his fingers carelessly along your line of drool, probably chuckling as you mindlessly chase after him. "where did my brat go, hmm? acting up because we have company. so good when you want to be, arent you?" he'll pull you in close and mumble a promise in your ear, "I'll deal with you properly later"
anyways, that was just a juyeon thought I had recently 🫠😅 idek if it makes sense 😭
i hope everything is good with you! and there's no worries about the response time!! I understand that everyone has a life offscreen-I'm just glad I got to express my joy for your writing 💕
i think for emoji sign off, I might pick the tea/coffee emoji ☕️ though I don't know if I'll be extremely active
thank you daisy!! I hope you have a lovely day 💕
Thank you for your kind words and supporting by reading the other fics 🥺 really means a lot esp nowadays when I feel like I've lost my touch huhu
babe.... that was absolutely hot and it's giving ideas... like seriously that would be so hot omg 😩 I might even consider using this as a reference to a fic too (if I may ask for your permission ofc hehe)
everything's okay (I hope), work lately has been so bad mentally I honestly need a break soon huhu but trying my best and trying my best to be more active again here too! hop you're having a lovely day/night!! 💕
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maiverie · 1 year
hihi! im kinda young (14 turning 15 in aug!) and i saw that another anon asked for your help on creating a blog .. i kind of need help too 😭😭 do you have any tips on writing? i wanna start a blog but have no experience in writing like AT ALL. except for maybe writing essays for eng or having to create comfort texts for friends because erm therapist friend here☝️
hiiii omg im so sorry for the late reply HAHA but firstly happy early birthday for august!!! plsss I'd be so happy to help! here's my reply to the other post on setting up your blog :>
as for writing tips,,,, um bro honestly idk if I'm the best person to answer ur question but here are some of my personal thoughts!! also comfort friend so real DONT GET BURNT OUT THO 😭
—(long post below)
disclaimer: I am obviously not the best most amazing writer, so these are just my personal thoughts !!! I'm sure there are other users out there with better insights !!!
when I started writing I was like really really really shit like PROPER shit it's actually fucking embarrassing reading back to it 💀 but idk sometimes it's just fun to look back and see all the improvements I've made along the way — for you, it might be that way too. you might feel like it's shit to begin but honestly the more you write, the easier it becomes and naturally you'll improve ! so I think the best mindset to have when you start is to just try, and be okay with the fact that it will obviously not be your best work and you'll just get better and better and better!
here are some writing tips I've previously written - I'll reiterate some of the points there but maybe give it a read and see if it helps?
I think it's easiest to start with one idea and use it as a seed — just let ideas slowly grow from it; keep adding little details and details until it sprouts into a big tree! for example, you can pick a trope that you really like (maybe something you've read before in someone else's fic, or something you've seen in movies/tv shows/books) and then pick a member from whichever group you want to write for (I'm assuming enhypen since you're on my blog) and just write!! for example, you can pick enemies to lovers and then be like hmmm I really want to do jay and enemies to lovers! from there, you can think about the smaller details: why are they enemies (plot)? what do enemies say to each other (dialogue)? where are they when they say these things (setting)?
I think it's easier to write the kind of things that you like to read! so if you really like one shots, write a one shot. if you like smaus, write an smau. if you like headcanons, do the same! stick to whatever you've seen before because then it'll feel a little less daunting! personally, I used to read a lot of like stupid little romcoms growing up and so that's just naturally what I kind of write now ^^ you'll notice that everyone has different taste; so you might see someone's writing and be like "wow it's really good!" and people might disagree with you — in saying that, don't try to please everyone and just write whatever u like ^^ you'll attract people who personally gravitate toward your writing !
tbh, fic writing is nowhere near the same calibre of actual book writing so I wouldn't fret too much about designing a really intricate plot with like fully-fleshed characters because nobody really does that anymore (at least not on blr? i think that's more common on wattpad where people have like 20+ chapters ya feel) — I think just write what makes you happy! If it's about your bias + a trope you like then ezz that's all u need to do hdfshsdh
there are people who like to fully plan out fics and there are people that just wing it — I'm sure you'll find your style, but don't feel worried if you can't seem to brainstorm anything! I think it's easier to just start, and then think about that could happen next. maybe you can start a story with dialogue and then just continue on with the conversation !!
when you're writing scenes, think about setting and characters — for example, think about how they feel, how they react to another character’s dialogue, how they physically react to someone's touch, how cold or hot the weather is, where they're standing/sitting and what their surroundings look like, what time it is, etc. etc. obviously don't include everything (especially the irrelevant stuff) but my point is that there are so many different directions you can go!
here are some other tips I can think of:
read your dialogue out loud and think to yourself, "would someone actually say this?" also, make sure only one person speaks per paragraph so it's less confusing
use a thesaurus sparingly — try not to use convoluted language bc I'd say people who read your work are going to be around the same age as you and idk it's just a lil weird if you're using random words that nobody really uses irl
pay attention to your grammar/syntax — make sure some sentences don't run too long and that when you read it out loud, it makes sense!
treat your characters like real people and think about what they say/do and if it's something in or out of character!! in saying that, give them motivations and fears and all the juicy stuff that real humans have — if you care about writing a story that people will remember, then I think it'd be great if you could write memorable characters by fleshing them out and making them lovable or hate-able(?) or relatable.
make sure scenes flow from one to the other — it's the same as you do with your eng essays! you make sure you're not talking about one thing before quickly jumping to the next. I think you can apply the same logic to writing fiction :))
honestly it's hard to give tips because I'm not sure what type of stories you want to write and what direction you're going for, so I'm really sorry if my tips were a little too generalised!! but if I'm gna be like so so so so fr right now, I honestly think writing for enhablr can be easy/simple — my tl;dr is that you should just pick a member + easy trope + make sure you have a mildly interestingly plot and once you add in decent grammar, you'll probably do really great! I don't mean this in a bad way, I just think ff writing doesn't have to be too difficult because most people just want to read about and imagine their bias in situations they'll never be able to see irl (its kinda the whole point of ff)!! I don't think people think much about fics beyond that !! this is all just for fun!!! so I really hope u have fun writing!!! lmk what u end up working on ^^
I hope this helps; idk if it did 😭 but lmk if u need any more clarification 😭💖
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catcze · 2 years
ni—crashes the non-existent door to you're inbox—NIAAAAAA
hi dear bestie bubs how are you <333
like the transition i did there?? :D okay i'll stop being goofy lols but!!
'rodite!! bubs!! hi hi <33 i missed you so much ;;
it's been a while since i last visited you're inbox, it's so good to be back! and i'm just as happy to be back! ^°^
but how've you been doing lately dear?? i hope the past week has been treating you all the more kindly and lovingly! i sure do hope you've been treating yourself to tasty food at least twice and drinking lots of water, or else you're kneecaps (✧ ✧⁠) /j
but in case today and the past week haven't been so kind to you...i'm so so sorry to hear that bub :(( i know this might not be much but here's a bone crushing virtual hug to hopefully cheer you up! and serve as a gentle reminder that everything will be okay, and it'll work out soon <33
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and i also wanna say—thank you so much for you're time, patience and kindness 🥺💗
when i posted i'll be taking a break—i saw you're reply and it made me smile so much and provided me the bit of comfort i needed at that time, as much as i wanna apologize for making you worry it's not really necessary and honestly not needed at all, so thank you so much for being there bub, i really appreciate it and i will try my best to repay you for you're kindness! 💗
for now, remember to take care and tale all the time you need for yourself! stay safe and love you lots friend! mwa mwa! 💗
— much love and appreciation, yoi.
Yoi !! HONEY HIIII ♡♡ I'm so so soo glad to see that you're back (and rocking a superrr pretty Kazuha theme too oOOOO 👀👀♡) I missed you too but I was glad to see you take some time to yourself jsut to recharge !! And that it apparently did you good :D
My week has been pretty good, really !A little rough and trying at times, but nothing super duper bad that really stuck with me for more than a day ykyk ? I hope that this week has been kind to you too, and that you've also been taking care of yourself physically & mentally !! I'm giving you such a big big biggg hug back babes !!
And I'm glad that the comment made you happy !! you make a bunchh of people around you happy too so !! It's only deserved for you to receive that same happiness right back ♡♡♡ No apology for making me worry needed ! I'm just glad that you're break did you some good :D
Stay safe also babes !! Love you loads n loads ♡♡ MWAH MWAH ♡♡♡
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evelynndecipio-blog · 2 months
To whoever recieves receives this...
Hi! You might think it's weird to find a random letter from a random person you probably don't know - which it definitely is - so I'll explain why I'm writing this letter. If you do know me, wow, I honestly think that's crazy. I mean, I know very little people at Hogwarts, so... I'll still explain why I'm writing the letter though, cause I doubt you'll know me anyway.
Basically, every time I try to write letters to someone, they never reply. Or, they do reply once or twice, but then totally abandon me later. Like, at the beginning of this school year, I tried to start this chain of letters from anonimus anonymous people, but it totally, absolutely failed. Maybe it was because no one really wanted to reply to an anonymous (yay, I spelled it right!) person? I don't know. Then, there was also this time when I was assigned a quill pal who seemed super fun, but he kind of stopped writing back too.
Anyway - enough about my horrible luck with writing letters to others. Obviously, I have decided to try it one last time. Instead of it being completely anonymous or completely nonanonymous (not sure if that's even a word) I think I'll just drop it out the window of one of the towers or something and see who finds it... I'm not sure how I'll do it yet though, so if you find it inside somewhere I probably ended up hiding it there instead.
If you do find this letter, just write back please! I guess if you REALLY don't want to you can just hide it in the same place again, but think about how fun it would be to have do this! One thing though: be prepared for some late responses and a bunch of mispelled misspelled (of course I literally misspell the word misspelled) words, because I am not great at being on time and am DEFINITELY not the world's best speller, haha. At my old school, since I'm muggle-born, we didn't really write as much things down as we do here, so my spelling never really needed to be perfect. I mean, we had technology and texting and stuff, so...
I guess that's all I have for this letter. Bye!
From, Gia
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