#honestly still like D: it took me so long to finish writing this so I could post it tho
hughjackmansbicep · 14 days
The Seamstress
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Contains: Logan Howlett X F!Reader
Summary: Youre a seamstress and he seems to have an endless supply of holey clothes....
Wordcount: 1.2k
Warnings: None :D
a/n: haiiiiii ive always loved this trope in fics !!! tehe!! srry for not writing much recently i got fired from my job LOL anywayssss... i was listening to the smiths writing this unrelated but related.
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Most days bled together, the same mundane routine playing out in front of you each day. Wake up, go to work, go home, eat takeout, and pass out to some soap opera. Currently, the highlight of your life was finding out what was going to happen next on The Days of Our Lives. You were a seamstress in the middle of Manhattan; you owned a small shop off 64th, and although you were living out your dream, nothing excited you anymore. Every task felt exhausting; you couldn't even find passion in sewing anymore. That was until he stumbled into your shop.
“Hi, yeah, I was wondering if you'd be able to sew this up for me.” He grumbled, holding up what appeared to be some yellow and blue jumpsuit. You'd almost forgotten to respond, completely captivated by his sheer beauty. His gorgeous face, chiseled body, kitty-like hair, and you can't forget the unusual yet totally working for him mutton chops. “U-um, ahem, yeah, I totally could.” You manage to choke out, reaching for the clothing item. “How long do you reckon it'll take?” You examine the clothing carefully; it's decorated with rips and holes everywhere. He's lucky if I can get this finished by the end of the week, “Tomorrow.” Your mouth moves quicker than your brain can. “Cool, I'll come by at 10? Is that alright?” He asks, slowly backing out of the shop, his eyes never leaving you. ‘10am? I can't begin to do that either; I mean, I wouldn't get to sleep tonight’. “Yep! See you at 10!” Cure that mouth of yours; you give him a smile and an awkward wave as he makes his way out the door.
You blow your breath out as if you'd been holding it the entire time, sinking down into your chair. You silently cursed at yourself for agreeing to such a stupid timeframe, but this meant you could binge Days of Our Lives tonight, so maybe it wasn't half bad.
The rest of the day went just as you expected. A couple hems, a few cinches—nothing out of the ordinary apart from the comic book cosplay you agreed to revive back to life. It was currently 3 o’clock in the morning; you'd been sitting there sewing the garment for 7 hours. Honestly, you'd been making great time; you were so close to finishing, maybe 20 stitches left total. Somewhere between the last stitch and a doctor getting slapped, you'd passed out on your living room floor.
You'd awoken to the feeling of your feline licking your cheek, causing you to immediately shoot up off the floor. Your eyes frantically searching for a clock, the power Must’ve gone out sometime around 5 in the morning because that's all you saw flashing back at you on the stove. In a frenzy, you started throwing random clothes on, praying they'd match, shoving the costume in a garment bag, and running out the door. Thats when you finally looked down at your phone, seeing the time read 10:03, “God damnit.” You whined under your breath. Your shop was only a couple blocks away, but that was still a 15-minute walk, so you sprinted. You probably looked like a complete lunatic, but you couldn't care less right now. The incredibly hot customer probably waiting outside your doors was the utmost important thing on your mind.
Dripping in sweat and hyperventilating as you turned the corner to where your shop was, you saw him just as you thought you would. Leaning up against the door, one arm crossed over his torso as he took a drag from his cigar with his other. God, he looked heavenly, and you... Well, maybe not your best day, but definitely not your worst. “Hey, sorry I'm late.” You breathed out, hands resting on your knees as you caught your breath. “But I've got your thingy.” You hold the garment bag up; he just furrows his eyebrows at you, cocking his head to the side. His silence makes you feel more embarrassed than you already do. You get up to unlock your doors, ushering him to follow you inside.
You check him out at the register; the only words being exchanged were the cost of the repairs and where he can tap his card. He walked out with a smile and a nod, a soft ‘Thanks’ escaping his lips before the door shut. You throw your head in your hands, feeling shame wash over you. You were hoping and praying he was going to leave his number on the receipt, but obviously he did not. I mean, why would you have had him waiting and showed up looking like a complete mess? Not very good looks. You simply had to chop it up as a loss and return back to the mundaneness of your life.
The very next morning, though, he was here again, this time holding an old brown jacket. He'd said there was a small hole in the pocket he wanted fixed. This time it only took you all 20 minutes. You asked him to wait upfront as you brought the jacket to the back to repair it. When you returned, you checked him out the same as before, and he left exactly the same as before. This became an everyday routine for the two of you. Every day he'd walk in with some worn-out article of clothing asking you to stitch it up; you always obliged, even if the clothes looked and smelled like they came from 1987. You always did wonder how this guy had so many ripped-up clothes just lying around, and why wouldn't he just bring them in all at once?
This charade had been going on for 2 weeks now when you finally decided to break from your usual script of ‘thank you, come again’. “Why is everything you own torn apart? Is everything okay back home?” You asked as he slipped his card into the machine. You could see the heat rising to his cheeks as he tried to hide a smirk creeping its way on his face. “You want me to be honest with you?” He looked up at you, pursing his lips together in a thin line. You nodded your head, waiting for him to continue, “I honestly thought you were gorgeous when I first walked into your shop.” Now your cheeks started burning red as your eyes went wide. “So every day since then I head into Goodwill and find anything I can with a hole in it so I can find an excuse to come see you.” This was the first time you'd ever seen this man avoid eye contact with you. You couldn't find your words as your throat had gone dry. He was into you??? And here you were this whole time thinking you ruined your shot (and that he was homeless, but you weren't going to tell him that). 
"Well, say something.” He exasperated, snapping you out of your daze. “I honestly don't know what to say; I’m shocked. I get off at 6 if y’know... You wanted to grab something to eat?” You offer awkwardly, smiling through the pain of how anxious you sounded. He looks up to you finally meeting your gaze, a soft smile painted on his lips. “Ill be here to pick you up at 6 doll.” He grabs your hand, planting a gentle kiss on your knuckle. He walked out the door, leaving you in utter shock and denial for the rest of your shift.
hi ps u can always request me shtuff to write! :3
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kichikichiko · 6 months
Hello! I hope you're having a good time,I would like to request Kazuha and scaramouche with a gender neutral reader Who almost died protecting them?
If you don't feel comfortable doing this, don't do it. Thank you so much!
Don't you dare leave me!
I've had this request in my ask box for MONTHS and Ive planned to write it when I got it but ykkkk life happens.
Ty Anon for sending this in and sorry it took me this long to write your request 💔
Synopsis: How your partner would react to when you risk your life to save them.
Pairing: Kazuha x Gn! Reader and Scara x Gn! Reader
Cw: Semi proof-read, Fluff, headcanon, slight blood mention, cursing for Scara, Established relationship (Kazuha), kiss at the end (Scara)
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KAEDEHARA KAZUHA ¤ Scarlet leaves pursue wild waves
It was around the time the Raiden Shogun declared the vision hunting decree, and right after Kazuha's dear friend Tomo passed trying to withsand the musou no hitotachi.
You were away for training with your teacher. And as you walked home you heard of the commotion on the streets
"That guy died from the Shogun's strike" "what was he thinking?! He is obviously no match for the Shogun"
Hearing all of the whispers made you a little worried. And something told you that it was terrible news. What if that was someone you knew personally?
Assuring yourself that it's probably just some stupid samurai off the streets is what you did. Trying to block out all the whisperd and worries of the city folk.
Until you heard his name from a group of people talking about what just happened. "...Kaedehara...."
Your boyfriend who you haven't seen since this morning. You stopped on your tracks and turned around hoping you heard that wrong.
"What did you say?"
"Pardon?" The person asked.
"The name." You repeated "the name you mentioned before, what was it again?"
"Kaedehara. Kaedehara Kazuha?" The person said confused by your expression growing more and more distraught by the second
"What happened to him? Did he..." you couldnt even get yourself to finish that sentence. You didnt want to believe that HE was the one who challenged the Raiden Shogun
"No dont worry (miss/sir) it's not him who died. Its another guy, but Kaedehara was seen on the scene taking the dead vision and running off. From what I've heard he's running away right now"
Without wasting another second you booked it to the nearest port. You had no idea if he was going to be there as he escaped but it's worth the shot anyways.
Panting and gasping through the bamboo forest while thinking about the fate of your boyfriend isn't the best combination.
"What if he got caught?" "What if he already left?" "What if that stranger was mistaken?" The what if questions were not helping you at all.
So all you did was to hope. Hope that he is still alive, hope that he is still in Inazuma
Your legs were killing you and your lungs feel like they're about to explode if you don't stop running. But you can't
You need to see Kazuha.
As if the Archon's heard your prayers, all of a sudden you hear a guard shouting in a distance "Kaedehara Kazuha you're under arrest under the vision hunting decree!"
"It's him! He's still here!" Relieved he hasn't made it out of Inazuma yet, you started running even faster to the scene.
When you got there you saw Kazuha fighting a bunch of the Shogun's guards left and right. "Kazuha!" You shouted out in relief, as you drew out your katana (sword) and began helping him fight.
You bear no vision, but the adrenaline was pumping into your veins you didnt give a second thought and dove into the fight.
"(Name)??" Kazuha turned around to look at you for a split second. Honestly if it werent for the current condition youre both in, he'd hug you real tight
"How did you find me?" He asked before turning his head around and defend himself from the guards.
"I heard from the city folks hat you ran away after a man died from the musou no hitotachi" you responded, blocking a strike from another guard.
He made a mental note to explain to you the story after the fight is over.
Speaking of which, the fight lasted for quite sometime until all of the shogun's minions were down.
You turned around and hugged Kazuha, throwing your weapon onto the ground.
"I'm so glad youre safe Kaz" you burried your bead into his shoulder, still panting from all that fighting, adrenaline and running.
Kazuha was panting as well, hugging you tighter like never before and kissed your forehead softly "Me too (name), I'm so sorry I didn't come to you sooner and told you anything. Everything happened so fast, I had to leave before I got caught."
You pulled away from the hug and smiled at him softly, your breathing becoming more stable after a while "That's alright, I found you just in time-"
Something was moving behind Kazuha and you couldn't make it what it was until you could.
It was the Shogun's guard again, with a bow and arrow... aimed at Kazuha's back. Your heart dropped
before the guard should release the arrow you pushed Kazuha away and took the hit.
The arrow ended up piercing your shoulder which earned a shout from you. It hurted like hell and blood started flowing out of your shoulder by the minute.
At first you felt dizzy from the blood loss and then everything went dark. You were going in and out, Before you blacked out completely, the first time you saw Kazuha charging up to the guard and fought him. The next time you saw him picking you up bridal style
And the last thing you heard was " (name) Don't you dare leave me!"
The first thing you saw when you woke up was a wooden ceiling above you. "Where am I?" You sat up and hissed from the pain on your shoulder. You took a look at thr soirce of the pain and to your surprise, the wounded area had been wrapped with a compression bandage.
Looking around at the area you realised you ended up on a ship. But how?
Before you could ask more questions, the door in front of you opened, and standing there was Kazuha. The man saw that you were awake and sped walk towards you.
"You're awake! Thank goodness. Don't worry everythings alright. We're on a ship of a pirate captain from Liyue and she got her crew to help stop the bleeding on your shoulder."
Ah, he basically just answered the questions that were popping up in your head. "Looks like we'll have to thank this pirate captain for her hospitality"
You looked at the current condition of your lover. His shoulders were tense and his lips forced into a small smile.
You could tell it was so that you wouldn't be alarmed. And you could tell he was still shaken up by the stunt you pulled earlier.
"I'm sorry my love, for scaring you like that." Placing your hand on his shoulder, then slowly making your way up to his cheek. "I'm safe, youre safe. That's all that matters."
You could see his eyes softening and his shoulders becoming less tense
"Youre right... youre right. You just got me worried back there. I was afraid I might lose you too." He whispered softly, cupping his hand over your hand.
Subconciously he gripped your hand hard enough to make you notice but not hard enough to hurt you.
He didn't have to elaborate any further for you to realise that his dear friend was the one who died.
"I won't leave you here alone dear. That's a promise." pulling him into a hug, which he reciprocated quickly
"What now?" Is a question you both will figure out later.
Right now, the only thing that matters is the two of you.
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Being the Balladeer's assistant was no easy job
Having to deal with his yelling, degration, mocks, (tantrums) and bad temper required patience. Lots of it
But no matter how many times he left you out in the snow to freeze, or mocked you in front of everyone, you stayed by him. Honestly no one understood how and why (and neither did Scara but he would never question it)
Partially because the pay is good (the harbingers decided to pay you extra because youre dealing with Scaramouche), partially because you don't get treated as half as bad as his subordinates and because sometimes he isn't so bad in general.
What I mean by "not so bad" is that sometimes, barely, but once in a blue moon. He shows that he cares and appreciates your help and loyalty.
When he was sent out on a mission to Inazuma, you couldn't come to help him due to unfortunate circumstances. He was pissed to say the least
surprisingly not at you but at the higher ups for not allowing you, his assistant to come
he brought you a souvenier from Inazuma. Nothing much and nothing grand, but it is something from your boss so you treasure it.
Another time you got sick with the flu, at first he was pissed (when is he not 💀🖕) but then at night, he came over to give you some soup
By the Balladeer's words it is to "Make you get better soon so you can work again. I can't manage all this shit by myself"
Which you translated it to "I miss your company and I need your help with my tasks"
Either way you appreciated his kindness.
Scaramouche and you were sent out on a mission together to the chasm. Usually they wouldn't send the harbingers down there, but an important relic from an unknown lost civilization was found, and the fatui wants to study it.
As the 2 of you were down there, all you (other than trying to find the relic) did was listen to his occasional rants and curses to the other harbingers for sending him on this mission.
"Annoyed as always" you rolled your eyes.
When the relic was found and secured safely, the two of you nodded at each other as a sign that you both should head out as soon as possible
Luckily Scaramouche and you didn't run into any enemies which was....
"Strange" you mumbled to yourself, brows furrowed and eyeing the caves
"What is?" taking a glance behind to look at you as he was right in front of you
"It's just that we haven't bumped into any monsters or enemies during our time here." You started
"There's always enemies down here at the chasm"
Scaramouche shrugged at you "Maybe theyre taking a nice long nap, or maybe they know their place and not to mess with us." He was half sarcastic and half serious. Either way, he wasn't bothered by this at all
You nodded at him. Not necessarily because you agree with him
But mainly because you're quite unsettled about the whole situation to the point where you'd just hope he was right
Something must be wrong with the universe because not long after, a mob of hillichurls showed up
Scaramouche groaned, getting ready to fight "Great you jinxed it."
They were just a bunch of hillichurls so it really didn't take long for Scara to handle it while you guard the relic
"Let's just get out of here before I have to deal with those i-" before your boss could finish his sentence an abyss herald showed up
When it showed up, you drew out your weapon getting ready to fight. He was no easy foe and even if you knew Scara could handle it...
Something was telling you thing's were about to go south.
You and him started fighting the Abyss enemy
Scara with his electro powers and you with your (vision of choice)
"Hey (name) fuck off I can handle this myself you know?!" He shouted at you
"No you can't Scaramouche!" You retaliated, not listening to another word he says because you were getting more and more pissed by his antics "Just shut up and let me help!"
With the way you disobeyed his orders AND talk back at him got him taken aback and angry at you
"Why this little bitch!" He wanted to say
Scara just gave the abyss herald an opening to launch an attack at him
"Scara watch out!" Luckily you saw right on time and threw yourself in front of Scara to protect him
The attack was so bad you started coughing out blood from the impact. Everything started to become blurry and you lost your balance and strength, dropping your weapon in the process
Before you blacked out you heard Scara scream out something you couldn't quite make out and then... total darkness.
"Don't you dare leave me here!" Echoed in your mind before you awoke in a bed in a strange place. This wasn't Snezhnaya and you know it.
"Where am I? And who said that sentence when I was asleep?" You asked yourself, slowly sitting up from the bed with a groan.
The door on your right opened and in came your boss
"Scara..!" You managed to say. Your voice came out soft and sort of like a wheeze. The impact of the attack seemed to affect your ability to talk as well
"Shh. Don't talk. The doctor said your vocal cord needs rest." Making his way to your bed, and sat by the edge
You closed your mouth but it was clear you had many questions. Scara frowed a little but started answering the questions he knows you'll anyways
"We're still in Liyue. I managed to carry you out of the chasm and the relic I handed off to some fatui members I saw on the way to the doctor.... and you've been out for 3 days now. I was..." he paused and looked away
"Starting to get worried." You didn't have to see his face to know that his expression softened.
Now it all makes sense, you now know what Scara said before you blacked out.
"Don't you dare leave me here!" It was also the sentence that echoed in your mind while you were asleep.
You knew long ago that the all so scary Balladeer had developed feelings for you. It was the little things he did for you that made you question but today, this whole incident made it clear to you that the 6th Fatui Harbinger harbours feelings for his assistant.
You did as well of course. Even though he was a pain in the ass sometimes, it feels as if no one understand you more than he does, and likewise.
Scooting closer to the harbinger, you brought your hand up to his cheek and made him face you.
He saw your expression and even though you said nothing, he knew what you meant. "I'm not leaving you here."
You both slowly moved closer and kissed each other, removing all the tension in the balladeers shoulder.
Masterlist here!
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beepboopkek · 1 month
— Hidden Surprises (F!Reader)
Including: Kamisato Ayato x AFAB!Reader amab version has been posted on both tumblr and ao3 cw: !! NSFW !!, afab!reader, established relationship, bottom!sub!reader, top!dom!ayato, fluff and smut, pwp but barely, smacking (paddle), lots of teasing/flirting/kissing, mirror s3x, cursing, d1rty talk, like one sentence of n1pple play, cl1t smacks (only a few), slight dom/sub undertones, implied dom drop from ayato, mayb a little unrealistic s3x idk, AFTERCARE!!!! w/c: approx 2.8k words, might change since i make edits while posting a/n: after 8 goddamn drafts of this fic i managed to finally finish it,, im like at a 50/50 opinion on this but honestly i jsu wanted to get the brainrot out of my system... sorry for the long absence :sob:.. also i tried changing up my writing style a little, id love any form of feedback so feel free to leave a comment :D NSFW BELOW THE CUT
The evening air was crisp as you gently swirled the Sake in your cup, eyeing your husband over the rim as he sat beside you. The Yashiro Commissioner was poised and perfect as always— his hair neatly tied over his shoulder with a ribbon that matched his usual outfit. Your gaze travelled the expanse of his torso, unconsciously lingering on his hands as he kept them folded on the table. “You've been staring for a while.” Ayato’s voice broke you out of your thoughts as your eyes met his violet ones and you smiled.
“Oh, don't mind me. I’m simply admiring the view.” Your voice had a teasing lilt as you replied, still boring your eyes into his as you took another sip of your drink.
Ayato simply raised a brow at you, before moving his curious gaze to the half-empty bottle of Sake left beside you— immediately bringing out a hand to drag the bottle away from your reach.
“Hey! I was drinking that—!” You tried to snatch back the bottle like a cat that got its toy taken away but unfortunately for you, Ayato was too fast.
“Oh, I know.” Your husband only infuriatingly smiled back at you, relishing in the adorable pout on your face as you folded your arms in annoyance.
“I apologise, I want you to be somewhat sober tonight.” 
You gasped, placing a hand on your chest, and giving him an offended look.
“I am sober! I only had two glasses.”
“Mhmm. Whatever you say.” 
“Why do you need me to be sober anyway?”
Ayato leaned towards you, resting his hand on a closed palm. He tilted his head and looked at you with nothing short of pure adoration before saying, “I have a surprise for you.”
This time, it was your turn to raise an eyebrow at him. You mimicked his position (albeit with less elegance) as you tried to make the mental calculations to discern what this “surprise” could be.
Ayato and the word “surprise” never really mixed well for you. The last time he had a "surprise," it involved a strange hotpot that left you feeling queasy for days.
“If it's another one of your horrible food concoctions, count me out.”
Ayato chuckled, a wide smile spreading across his face as he shook his head lightly. “Hehe, not to worry, dear. It's something you'll like.”
You would never admit it, but the two glasses of Sake did, in fact, put your mind in a pleasant buzz. You were never a good drinker to begin with so maybe it was good that your husband had confiscated your wine before you went overboard.
Well, that certainly wasn't going to stop you from teasing him, though.
You gave Ayato a languid gaze as you reached out a hand to twirl soft baby blue strands between your fingers, feeling his eyes on you as you brought his hair towards your lips, leaning in to give the strands a chaste kiss. You could feel Ayato’s breath hitch at the blatant display of public affection, which you didn't do very often.
“ … Tell me what it is then.”
Ayato recovered quickly, pulling back his face of smug satisfaction as he smiled.
“Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise then, would it?”
You pouted at him again and he only chuckled in response, giving you a coy smile.
Two can play that game.
You surveyed your surroundings before deducing that no one would catch you and a mischievous smile coiled on your face as you observed your husband suddenly stuck in conversation with someone seated in front of the two of you.
You quietly praised each archon for giving you this golden opportunity as the perfect distraction appeared without any effort on your part. 
You reached out to place your hand on his knee under the table, pretending to swirl the non-existent wine in your cup with the other so that no one would suspect a thing.
Ayato's eyes flickered to yours for a split second before continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened.
You smiled to yourself as you began to stroke the inside of his thigh with your thumb, inching your hand higher and higher.
He'd never admit it, but you could feel the way his leg shook ever so slightly at the intimate contact.
You kept your hand stationed there for the short duration of the commissioner’s conversation, cheekily observing the light dust of red that had covered the high rise of his cheeks (which he would later blame on the alcohol).
You're broken out of your giddy stupor when you feel a larger hand on yours, stopping all motion as he gripped your hand tightly before passing you a faux smile and turning back to excuse the two of you.
“I apologise, my wife seems to be getting tired.”
You looked at the guest and gave him an apologetic smile although you were anything but that.
The both of you quickly bid your goodbyes to more guests as you made your way out, your husband almost dragging you by the hand.
While the Yashiro Commissioner looked just about normal to everyone, you could see the impatient jitter in his steps, the flush down his neck and the slightly hurried hush in his voice as he navigated the two of you through the crowd.
Right as you were about to board the carriage to make your way back up to the Kamisato estate, Ayato pulled you against his chest to whisper into your ear—
“I'm going to ruin you tonight.”
Ayato kept a firm hand on your thigh the entire ride back, occasionally squeezing it while conversing with you as if nothing was happening.
As if he didn't make your entire body shudder with just a sentence.
As soon as the two of you entered the privacy of your shared room, Ayato covered your eyes with his hands and instructed you to keep them closed until he asked you to open them again while he helped you out of your outfit, both of you giggling at your unstable movements from being temporarily blinded.
Which landed you here, stark naked and seated on the edge of the bed waiting for your husband late into the night. Your eyes were screwed shut as he shuffled around the room before quietly helping you up and settling you on his lap— his slender hands squeezing around your body as he leaned in to nibble the shell of your ear. He moved his hands to your belly before dipping his hands in between and prying your legs apart with a gentle insistence that had you murmuring his name in half-hearted protest.
“Open your eyes.”
You did just that, adjusting to the sudden brightness as you took in the sight before you.
A large rectangular mirror with an ornate gold frame with the Kamisato crest on the top, set on the wall in front of your bed. 
You observed your reflection in the mirror with shallow breaths, the golden lamps doused the room in a soft glow as you shivered, your husband's hands still placed between your thighs, keeping them apart.
Your eyes met Ayato's observant gaze in the mirror as he spoke again, "Well, what do you think?"
“ … It's beautiful.”
Ayato smiled against your ear, kissing the side of your head affectionately.
“I knew you would like it.” Your breath hitched in embarrassment as your gaze travelled the entire expanse of the mirror, your ears burning with the overwhelming urge to hide. You could see every inch of your exposed body reflected at you, making your heart race.
“But, why—”
His hands remained steady on your thighs, grounding you as he squeezed them again and cut you off with a kiss to the side of your neck as he looked at you through the mirror. “I want you to see how mesmerising you look.”
His hands travelled along the outline of your torso as you waited for him to continue, “I want you to see what I see.” That's when his left hand reached back onto the bed, fumbling momentarily before he brought something forward. You glanced down, curiosity piqued, and saw that he held a— Oh.“I thought you’d be more romantic with your surprise.” A paddle. With a tiny heart cut out in the middle of it. “Well, I’ve always believed in doing things in a more unorthodox way.” The mischievous glint in his eye told you there was more to this. Ayato’s hand, which was still on your thigh, pulled it back a little further. He gently swept the paddle against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, the polished wood providing a smooth glide. “The rules are simple,”
You tore your eyes from the mirror to glance to your side when he raised the paddle a little, striking down on your thigh. You jolted in surprise as you immediately felt his hand rub the irritated skin softly. “One, do not look away from the mirror.” Ayato’s finger traced the heart imprint left on your thigh as he continued, “— and two, do not close your eyes.” Ayato’s hands traced the outline of your body as he silently awaited your consent. The silence was that of comfort, you felt relaxed knowing you could opt out of this at any moment and your husband wouldn’t hold it against you. You smirked. “… Ruin me, Commissioner.” You felt a sharp exhale on your shoulder as Ayato’s hands moved with renewed purpose all over your body. You felt his hand creep towards your chest, fondling one side as he tweaked the nipple between his fingers, your low moans now filling the room. He latched his lips onto the column of your neck as he begrudgingly left your chest to trail his hand towards your clit. His other hand was still holding onto the paddle that rested against your thigh, unmoving and unfaltering in making its presence known. A wave of relief washed over you as his fingers made contact with your clit, your eyes closed in pure bliss as you moaned in pleasure, locking your hands behind his neck and— A smack to the inside of your thigh snapped your eyes right back open in shock. Oh. Right.“Eyes on the mirror.” You nodded fervently as Ayato went back to toying with your clit, drawing sticky sweet circles as his sharp gaze stayed glued to your body through the mirror. You glanced down to your thighs in the mirror to see a red imprint of the paddle on your skin and looked back up to meet Ayato’s heated gaze, a coy smirk playing into his voice as he spoke again. “Enjoy the show, dear.” Ayato slid his now wet middle and ring finger down, dipping the tips inside you as you shook in anticipation. His hand flexed as he moved his fingers deeper, lightly thrusting them in and out as he searched for your sensitive spots with experienced precision.
“All that bravado in the evening, where is it now?” 
He ground his palm into your clit as he pushed his fingers to the knuckle— Your moans mingling with his heavy breaths. You pushed yourself back against his chest in hopes of alleviating some of the tension in his pants.
His voice was breathless as he spoke in your ear, 
“Do you like it when I do this?” and he curled his fingers inside you, making you moan again.
Maybe it was the whole evening of teasing that got you to the cusp of an orgasm so soon but, it was quickly becoming too much. Ayato's skilled hands proved to be too deadly for you— making you close your eyes and lean your head back onto his shoulder as you moaned.
Eyes opened wide, you jolted back up and your orgasm washed over you immediately as Ayato continued to pump his fingers in and out to help you ride it out.
You panted, struggling to keep your eyes open. Ayato stilled as his left hand let go of the paddle to grab your chin, forcing you to look sideways as he kissed you deeply.
Your lips parted with his as you both caught your breath— your husband gently removing his fingers from you and wiping them onto the cloth laid next to him.
Ayato moved you a little forward as he unzipped his pants, pulling his cock from underneath you so that it poked out between your soft thighs.
Archons, he could get used to this view.
He wanted to make you wait, wanted to edge you until you were begging for him, tears sticking to your clumped lashes as you pouted at him, whining and writhing in his hold as he kept your pleasure from you. 
But he couldn't.
He wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
He aligned himself with you, slowly pushing in as you both moaned in relief.
Ayato curled a hand around your waist to hold you in place as he set a rhythm of short and quick thrusts, latching his mouth onto your neck again as he bit down to stifle his moans.
“Ayato, please-” 
A resonant smack to your sensitive nipple is all that you get in response as you immediately plaster your eyes back on the mirror.
— and archons was it a sight, your bodies were covered in a thin sheen of sweat as red-purple imprints of the paddle were littered across the expanse of your soft skin, little bruises blossoming on both sides of your neck, your hair stuck to your forehead as you writhed in your spot, aching to find release again.
The hand curled around your waist twisted downwards to play with your clit as you sighed in pure bliss before you abruptly felt his hand moving away and a series of smacks on your sensitive nerves.
Fuck. You didn't even notice you stopped looking at the mirror.
He unlatched himself from your neck, leaving deep imprints of his teeth as he raised his head to pull at your earlobe with his teeth.
“You know I don't like repeating myself.”
Tears clung to your eyes as your body buzzed through the different sensations of pain and pleasure, the thought of disappointing your husband sitting heavy in your throat as you swallowed down your complaints.
His pace grew erratic as you held onto him, heavy moans mingling with his silent ones as tears slipped from your eyes.
“Come with me.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as Ayato spoke into your ear. You barely registered the tip of the paddle hitting your clit again or how your husband pulled out just in time to finish on your lower back— your legs trembling as you clenched around nothing.
Holy shit.
Ayato detached himself from you, flipping you over so that you were laid flat on the bed on your stomach as you caught your breath. He took the washcloth he had set up earlier to clean you off a little before helping you up and lifting you to prepare a bath.
You were floating, you weren't sure how much time had passed when you came to but you were (yet again) seated in your husband’s lap as he gently massaged your stiff shoulders, waiting for you to regain your senses. “ … Hi.” You spoke as you turned your head to meet his lips in a soft kiss. “Hello.” You got up on shaking limbs, turning your body over so that you were straddling his legs. Ayato looked at you questioningly, tilting his head. You simply kissed the mole under his lip as you replied, “I wanted to see your face.”
“Oh? Did you miss me?”
You kissed the tip of his nose this time, “Yes.” 
He smiled, the edges of his eyes crinkling as his gaze lingered on all the hickeys he had left, his face dropping a little.
“How are you feeling?”
“Great. A little sore but I'll be fine.”
You leaned down to kiss the mole on his collarbone, lingering there to leave a love bite of your own.
There was a pause, you knew this was when he would start questioning himself.
“Was I—?”
Before he could finish his question, you captured his lips in a soft kiss, caressing the back of his head with your hands as you gently massage it.
“No. It was perfect. In every sense of the word, I enjoyed it.”
Ayato smiled at you again.
There was a comfortable silence after that, the both of you taking turns to wash out each other's hair and backs, sneaking small kisses in between as you giggled.
You dried each other off before your husband laid you down on the bed, procuring an ointment seemingly out of nowhere as he applied it to the bruises on your thighs.
You laid down on the soft sheets and felt the energy drain from your bones, giving Ayato one last peck on the lips before you drifted off to sleep.
“I love you.”
He kissed the top of your head lovingly, and if you were any more tired, you would've missed his response.
“I find myself falling for you more and more every single day. Goodnight, dear.”
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cordeliawhohung · 10 months
hello, how are you today? :D last time i checked i saw your requests were open so i wanted to ask if you could write a reader and cowboy!gaz piece?
i was watching western shows with my granny the other day (it's her pastime and honestly some of them are pretty interesting) and there was this part in an episode where a woman and her cowboy husband were doing the laundry together until someone came over to their house which was by the town and started to bother them and it escalated until the husband ended up fighting that person in the middle of the street... anyway, all the laundry that was up on the drying line was ripped and thrown to the ground in the tussle and the couple just look at each other after the whole ordeal and are just like...welp. more laundry again
but yeah that's sort of what happened, if it's possible, could you incorporate that plot with gaz and reader? it'd mean a lot to me and i think it'd be a little hectic but sometimes people find peace in all that chaos.
thank you!
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oh my sweet sweet anon this idea rotted my brain and i wrote this in a day (: pardon any mistakes i wrote this half awake and sorry my brain was in the damn GUTTER the whole time but i hope you enjoy!!! thank you so much for this request it was so much fun and made me think about things i.... never have a;lskdjf
You and your husband live a quiet life on the outskirts of town, that is until a misunderstanding ruins your calm day of doing laundry. At least your husband is there to help pick up the slack.
warnings: fluff! not much else!! core went overboard again! slight suggestive language. 2.6k words long.
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Summers on the outskirts of the Rocky Mountains were always dry and warm. Blistering rays of sun soaked the fragrant sagebrush around you and you intermittently wiped sweat from your brow as you hung freshly washed laundry on the line to dry. The nice thing about the sweltering weather was that the unblocked sun and gentle breeze would make quick work of it. 
Once you were half way through your pile, the familiar sound of a horse clomping their feet on the dirt road past your home caught your attention. After you finished pinning up one of your blouses, you paused and turned your gaze towards the road. Your husband, Kyle, meandered along on his horse not too far off in the distance. Grinning, you wiped your damp hands off on your apron before skipping off towards him. You had sent him off not too long ago to head into town to purchase a few things for dinner that night; one of the nice things about living so close to town was that errands never took him too long. 
“You started the laundry without me!” he called out. 
His horse, who he had named Cisco but you called Spot due to its domino-like pattern, snorted as they approached the gate you found yourself leaning against. Kyle hopped off in one smooth and rehearsed motion before he worked on parking his horse on the post. You innocently tilted your head at him as you watched his fingers diligently tie the reins around the wood. You watched the tendons in his hands flex as he worked, and you found your own hands busying themselves by toying with the strings of your apron. 
“Figured I’d get a head start,” you explained.
“Head start?” he asked as he sauntered towards the gate. “Looks like you got half the load done already.” 
You loved listening to him talk, and could never get enough of his voice. Not only the dark timbre of it, or the way he always crooned at you, but his accent. His family had immigrated from England when he was a young boy, and despite the time he spent in the American West, he still held onto bits of his accent. When you had first heard him speak, you thought it was silly the way he pronounced certain words, but you found it awfully cute hearing American terms from him. 
“Sounds like you’ll have to make it up to me later,” you teased as he entered through the gate and closed it behind him. 
He held out a small leather pouch and gently shook it in his hands as he approached you with a boyish grin. “Oh, was getting ingredients for supper not enough?” he teased. 
You tilted your head again as you snatched the pouch out of his hands. You hummed as if considering his words. “I’ll have to think on it.” 
Without another word, you turned around and began to make your way back towards the clothes line as you threw a teasing glance over your shoulder. Kyle stood there with his thumbs shoved in his pockets and a cheeky smile on his lips, and you weren’t oblivious to the way his eyes roamed down your legs, hypnotized by the sway of your hips. 
You placed the pouch in the pocket of your apron as you approached the line again, and you felt the light weight of it swing around as you bent down to grab more clothes. Not far behind you, Kyle assisted in finishing the laundry, and the two of you worked quietly in finishing the mundane chore. 
As you worked, you couldn’t help but steal a glance or two at Kyle. Alright, more than a glance or two, but you couldn’t be blamed. Not when he was as fine of a specimen as he was. A proper cowboy, he sported a thick pair of jeans that hugged his thighs and a long sleeved maroon shirt. His attire was a bit more relaxed as he wasn’t working with the animals, yet he still wore his black cowboy hat to keep the shining sun off his face. Even through the fabric of his shirt you could see the way his muscles flexed as he shook out one of your dresses before reaching up to pin it on the line. The way his waist tapered at his hips should have been illegal.
When a quarter of the pile was left, the furious huffing sounds of a horse could be heard galloping down the road at full speed. At first you didn’t pay it much mind, as plenty of people used the road outside your house to get to other ranches, but when the horse started to slow, you knew you had a visitor. 
Mr. Davis was a kind enough man, albeit a bit thick skulled and old enough to watch the birth of the world. Kyle often said the man couldn’t tell a pig from his own mother, and though you chastised him and told him that was rude to say, you knew he was right. You had once gone into town to shop at the store he worked at and watched him struggle to figure out how much change he needed to give back to you. Instead of holding down the shop like he was supposed to, he was on his horse, very red in the face and speeding towards your home. 
“What else did you do while you were in town?” you questioned as you held a damp pair of jeans. 
Previously unbothered, Kyle stopped what he was doing and turned his attention to the road. The soft smile on his face vanished and was replaced with confusion. “Nothin’ that would warrant him showin’ up here.” 
Sighing, Kyle quickly dried his hands off on the thighs of his jeans before resting a hand on the small of your back. Even through the fabric of your blouse you could feel how the warmth of him bleed through into your skin. The two of you stood there absolutely dumbfounded as you watched Mr. Davis struggle to park his horse next to Spot. It was lazy and half-assed work and you watched the reins slowly begin to unknot, but he stormed up the path anyway, up through the gate, and started to shake his finger as he approached you and Kyle. 
“Mr. Davis!” Kyle greeted, a bit tense as he took a few steps towards the man. “What can I help you with?” 
“Help? You can help by returning my bell!” the man shouted, his hoarse voice hardly carrying over the distance. 
He stopped just short of the end of the clothes line and he crossed his arms over his chest. Sweat laid in heavy beads across his forehead, and his breathing was far more labored than it should have been. His lips sat in a thin line and you noticed how his eyebrow kept twitching as he stood there glaring at your husband. 
“I apologize, but I haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talkin’ about,” Kyle admitted as his thumbs dipped back into his pockets. 
“Don’t play dumb,” Mr. Davis snapped as he pointed his finger. “You snuck it into that bag of yours, didn’t you?” 
Instinctively, your hand clutched at the pocket of your apron where you kept the pouch Kyle had used to store the items for dinner. It was mostly spices and small vegetables; certainly nothing that could have been confused with any bell. Mr. Davis must have caught sight of your reaction because he took another step forward in an attempt to walk around Kyle. 
“Yes! That one!” he exclaimed. He held his hand out with the intention of snatching it from you, and you found yourself stumbling backwards. “Hand it here, girl!” 
Before the man could get close to you, Kyle’s hand shot out and grabbed Mr. Davis by his wrist. The only other time you had seen Kyle that angry was when someone had spilled bourbon over his brand new chaps. It took ages for you to help him get the stench of alcohol out of them, and a rumor had started going around that he was a drunk because of the stench. But the fire in his eyes then was nothing but a small spark compared to the raging storm that ate up the sweet brown hue of his irises. 
“You best remember who you’re talkin’ to,” Kyle warned. “That’s my wife and you’d do well to treat her with respect.” 
As if the store clerk wasn’t riled up enough, being grabbed by Kyle certainly pushed him over the edge. He tried to wrestle his arm out of your husband’s grip, but Kyle was infinitely stronger than the rather fragile man. All he had managed to do was flail his arms until his hand caught on the collar of one of Kyle’s work shirts. Pins came flying loose as the clothing was tossed down into the dirt on the ground. 
“Respect?” Mr. Davis repeated incredulously. “Awfully interesting of you to request respect when you stole something right under my nose!” 
“Mr. Davis, please,” you tried to reason, “I’m not quite sure what it is you’re looking for.” 
“My bell!” he shouted in response, arms still flailing against Kyle’s grip. 
“Well, yes, but perhaps if you took a moment to breathe and explain-” 
“Or your lying husband could give back what’s mine!” he interrupted. 
“Alright,” Kyle warned, “that’s enough outta you.” 
What unfolded in front of you was so confusing you didn’t have the words to explain it. Mr. Davis wasn’t an insidious man, by any means, just extremely dense, so when Kyle tried to drag him off your property, he did his best not to hurt the man. Though the man had nothing on your husband's strength, he certainly knew how to flail. Shirts, dresses, jeans; several articles of clothing flew to the ground as Mr. Davis managed to tangle himself in the clothing line. If you hadn’t spent the better part of the last hour or so washing them by hand, you would have thought the sight was a bit comedic. Instead you found yourself cringing at the awkwardness of it all. 
Your only saving grace through it all was that another horse galloped at full speed towards your home. Clay Turner was the owner of the store Mr. Davis worked for, so it only made sense he was the one you saw racing towards your home. He was a fine and charismatic gentleman, but you had caught him sneaking fresh produce into his pockets on several occasions. You weren’t sure how a business could be as successful as his when he shoved his mouth full of his product any chance he could get, but you weren’t one to judge too harshly when the prices were so cheap. 
“Whole damn town coming to visit?” you mumbled to yourself. 
“Mr. Davis!” he called, nearly tossing himself onto the ground as he rushed through the gate. “Stop harassing these poor folks!” 
But the man was still too busy tussling with Kyle to pay much attention to his boss. Clay shoved his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small metal item that he held lazily up in the air. Upon closer inspection, you realized it was a small bell; the type to put on a desk or counter in order to call someone over. Was this the item Mr. Davis came all that way to accost your husband over? 
It wasn’t until Clay started to ring the bell that the man stopped struggling, but even then his eyes found you as he pointed at you once more. “Ah, so you do have it! Give it here this instant!” 
“Oh, you senile old man,” Clay muttered. With more force than needed, he yanked Mr. Davis away from Kyle and shoved the bell into his hands. The man looked down, completely astounded. “Maggie’s boy snatched it off the counter, you idiot. Now get on your horse and get back to work.” 
Burning red shame on his face, Mr. Davis looked up from his bell, to Kyle, and then to you before watching his feet as he walked back towards the gate without so much as an apology. Sighing, Clay offered the two of you a short smile as he wiped his hands off on the front of his shirt. 
“I apologize for that delirious old man,” he said sincerely. “He bought a desk bell for the front counter and brought it into work today. Says it’s easier to keep track of customers while he’s doing inventory. As you can tell it’s… very important to him.”
“So I noticed,” Kyle deadpanned. 
Clay’s face tensed as he glanced at you and then to the ground. A myriad of clothing was scattered everywhere with heavy amounts of dirt smudged into the fabric. On the front of your favorite blush pink blouse was a large footprint. You’d be lying if you said that sight didn’t upset you a little bit. 
“I apologize for the mess, Mrs. Garrick,” Clay continued. “I’ll make sure to give you a mighty fine discount next time you visit the store.” 
One short and awkward farewell later, Clay and Mr. Davis slowly faded away down the road. Dumbfounded, Kyle turned to face you with a small shake of his head. His hat had been knocked off in the midst of their argument, but had been caught by his stampede strings and rested against his back. A few buttons had either been torn off or came loose because the top part of his shirt was open, exposing his sternum. Glistening skin laid underneath, and you found your eyes drawn to it like a moth to a flame. 
“Knew I should’ve gone to Clancy’s,” Kyle sighed. “Why don’t you head inside and start supper? I’ll clean up out here.” 
Humming, you reached for him and rested your hand on his chest. Sweat covered his skin in a thin sheen, and he felt warm to the touch. Whatever irritation that had been on his face melted away into a smirk as he rested his hand on top of yours. 
“What?” he teased, smirk morphing into a grin. “You asked me to make it up to you earlier, didn’t you?” 
“I had something a little more fun in mind than you doing chores,” you admitted. 
As he thought for a moment, your hand slowly trailed down his sternum, only stopping when you had been blocked by the closed buttons of his shirt. Kyle took the stampede strings from around his throat and grabbed a hold of his hat before quickly placing it on your head. It was a few sizes too big and fit oddly on your head, and you found your hands flying up to keep it on straight. 
“How about we wait to have fun until we’re sure we won’t get any more visitors?” he suggested. 
A part of you wanted to say you didn’t care, but you knew that if Mr. Davis came by again to pitch a fit while you were trying to spend quality time with Kyle, the sheriff would be investigating a murder. So you huffed in agreement before crossing your arms. 
“Alright,” you conceded. “Suppose I might as well put these ingredients to good use after all the trouble you went through to get it.” 
Kyle’s hand came up to your chin and tilted your head upwards. He placed a short, chaste kiss on your lips before diving back in for a deeper one. A part of you almost wished he hadn’t because that only made your desire for him grow stronger. It took everything within you to keep your hands to yourself, and you instead busied your fingers with the task of keeping his hat on your head. You still felt him lingering on your lips in a pleasant tingle even after he pulled away. 
“Atta girl.” 
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cowboy hat rule cowboy hat rule cowboy hat rule
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to ask, If its okay to request something with male reader and wilbur? :D
Have a good day!
my darling, husband
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A/N; this took me a stupidly long time but tbf I kept stopping writing bc..lack of motivation. but I finished it!! so here!! its very fluffy and honestly a lot of the affection from will is self indulgent so there's that lol
summary; reader and wil havent disclosed their relationship nor their marriage but wilbur decides to bite the bullet impulsively during a lvjy radio interview
tw// swearing, so much affection, its just fluff, will is suggestive at the end
words; 2.3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x male!reader
pronouns; he/him
Your relationship with Wilbur was anything but public, your family and friends knew--and that was enough for you both. As far as the rest of the world and the internet were concerned, you two were simply best friends. Close friends. Obviously, you were shipped together but you both found it more entertaining than anything. 
Wilbur didn't feel comfortable disclosing the fact you were his husband. Husband. Male, not a woman- which everyone seemed to assume that's what his eventual partner would be, and that bothered him to great lengths. Why couldn't it be a clean slate, that he, himself, and himself only, could write on--determine the contents of. He never knew, but now, he had that opportunity.
He wanted to casually mention it, something he slips in, a method that would break the internet, making everyone take a step back and reevaluate. He thought it'd be so fun.
"I have a radio interview today," Wilbur spun the silver band around his finger, fidgeting as he gazed at you from across the island counter. His elbows rested on the wood countertop, his eyes locked intently on you as he smiled softly, a mischief in his eyes.
"Yeah? What about?" Your mouth quirks up into a smirk, a knowing little gesture. You knew.
"About anything really--" He cut himself off, taking in a breath and walking behind the counter to you, wrapping his arms around your middle, his chin on your shoulder as he hugged you from behind, "Although, I was thinking about something," He grabbed your hand and spin you to face him, "Would you like to hear?"
He smiled softer as he leaned down til your faces were inches apart, you smiled, a soft kiss placed upon his lips, "Sure, why not?"
Wilbur moved his hands to rest on your hips, "I was thinking, what if I mentioned my husband-- I'm sure I can find a way to mention my handsome lover, don't you think?" He smirks, pressing soft kisses to your jaw, thumbs rubbing your hip bones and you shrug.
"I'm sure you'll find a way, love," You wrap your arms around his neck, and he pauses, his breath fanning against your skin in a blanket of warmth--yet it still makes you shiver.
"I always do," He resumes, light kisses being placed on the skin of your neck, his slight stubble tickling you and you giggle slightly. You feel him smirk against your skin, shaking his head a moment before he pulls back to look at you, "It's so hard not to gush about you."
"I'm just that wonderful," You smile smugly up at him, your hands finding a resting spot on his sides, rubbing softly, "You're gonna be late though, so go! Move along, darling!" You giggle as he huffs.
You smack his chest, "No, go!"
"Fiiiine--" He kisses your cheek and then nuzzles his nose against your soft skin. He moves to whisper in your ear, breathing fanning against your ear, tickling you, "I'll see you later, baby boy."
You roll your eyes at him, smiling playfully and you smack his shoulder, "Wilbur!"
He giggles, backing up, and before he skips out of the kitchen--he brings you into a deep, loving kiss, his hands on either side of your face and his thumbs rubbing softly on your cheeks. His lips moving entirely in sync with yours and almost desperate to never leave you. He pulls back a few moments later, both of you panting for air and smiling like lovesick fools. Never gets old, you think, his love.
He doesn't say another word, no goodbye or see you later-- and he slips out of the kitchen, skipping up the stairs with an extra pep in his step. He slings open the door to his office, and he sneaks inside, finding his spot at his chair and booting up his computer. He pulls his feet to rest on the chair, his legs pulled against his chest as he watches everything load. 
The windows bing sounded and he logged in; his password simple and totally not relating to you--and then he opened Zoom not short after- a piece of him wishing it was discord, despite how cringy that may be--the audio quality was just better in his opinion but he wasn't sure it really mattered. The radio would just fuzz it out and that really defeats the purpose of good audio quality, doesn't it?
He taps the desk as he waits for the meeting to start, and when it does, Mark's the first to be there or maybe he was the first they let it. Joe and Ash follow after and then the interviewers introduce themselves. He kinda zones out and then he hears his name;
"Welcome Lovejoy! Ash, Joe, Mark and Wilbur have joined us today to talk about their new EP 'Wake up and it's over'! So, boys, what are you all about? Introduce yourselves."
Mark goes first, "I'm Mark Boardman, I'm on drums for our silly band and uh, they got me off fiver," Mark chuckles softly, and the rest of the band all giggles along.
"Yeah, Wil just found him on Fiverr, just like for the first EP and then he joined the band," Joe chimes in, giggling softly, "I'm Joe, lead guitarist and like I guess backing vocals sometimes?" The man chuckles at the last part, Wilbur can see his face contort in this jokingly confused expression--since everyone but Wil have their cameras on. Doesn't want to bother with the green screen today, still hasn't gotten a room divider--the office looks too much like a married couple's shared space. Too risky.
He smiles softly as Joe and Mark introduce Ash together, mentioning his badass guitarist turned bassist background--the burger shop story, all of that.
And then he introduces himself, "I'm Wil Gold, Lovejoy's lead singer I suppose? And according to my roommate, their token mentally ill perfectionist--" He chuckles, shaking his head. Ash, Joe and Mark all nod their heads, agreeing with his last statement. He wanted to say husband, he almost said it. Ash saw it, he saw how Wil started to slip up--started to say husband instead of roommate--
No one else notices, the interviewers greet them and move along with their questions. The boys mindlessly answer, bantering slightly as they answer each question. 
"So, we all know you guys have scrapped a lot of songs, which one's that you've released weren't supposed to be?" Joe and Mark chuckle, Ash giggles and Wilbur rolls his eyes with a soft smile.
"There were two-- the first was Perfume," Wilbur starts, and Mark butts in to continue.
"That one was saved by two people actually, Tommy and Y/N. Tommy, Wilbur's little brother, pushed the most, if we're honest. He was so so set that Perfume was the best song-" Mark rambles on, Joe joining every once and a while and then they both look to Wilbur.
"The other was Call Me What You Like," Wilbur sucks in a breath and trains his eyes down, fidgeting with his fingers as he smiles softly, "My husband, actually, begged for that one. He was incredibly set on how good of a song it was, even more so than he was with Perfume, more than Tommy was!" He laughs softly, thinking back at the months you spent reminding him of how wonderful of a song it was, how beautiful it sounded--how much you loved it. 
"Yeah, Y/N was very persistent-- Wilbur told me sometimes the first thing he would do was look at Wil, smile and say 'You should keep Call Me What You Like'-- like very first thing in the morning," Joe speaks now, chuckling slightly at his own memory of your persistence.
"Mm, yep, he commented a lot on my voice sounding like-- hold on, I'll go get him and he can tell you. Is that alright?" Wilbur turns to leave out of his chair, the interviewer chuckles and holds out their hand.
"Hold on, husband?" A playful yet confused smile shows on their face.
Wilbur nods, "Yep, husband-- I'll be right back with him," He cuts them off before they can even mention assumptions or press more about you. He mutes himself and turns off his camera, spins his chair, jumping out and slipping out the office door with a swift motion.
He's down the stairs in mere moments, back in the kitchen and arms wrapped around your waist, his chin on your shoulder. He presses soft kisses to your neck, a smirk evident, and you can feel it. You jump from the sudden movements and touch, smacking his arm playfully and giggling.
"Wilbur- shouldn't you be in your interview?" You turned around in his arms and he grumbled as he moved back to place soft kisses on the other side of your neck.
"I am in my interview buuuuut-" He draws out the word, lifting up his head as he gazes down into your eyes, soft and loving, "I wanted to show you off, so, come on! Come with me!"
He grabs both your hands in his, tugging you along-- trying to get you out of the kitchen and upstairs to the office, you stop him, shaking your head and chuckling.
"Darling, it's your interview--" 
He steps closer to you, and he lets his grip on your hands fall, and he holds onto your hips.
"Yeah well, I want to show off my husband, and show them the person who saves half the songs we release," He leans down and presses a kiss to your cheek, "Come on, honey," He whispers it against your ear and you can practically feel the smirk as he speaks.
"Fine," You grumble and he giggles, practically dragging you out of the living room and up the stairs into the office. He's the first to find a spot, back in his chair and you start to pull your chair over next to him--and he hooks his arm around your waist, pulling you into his lap and he rests his chin on your shoulder. A few soft kisses placed on your neck and he asks;
You nod, chuckling slightly as you lean against him. He clicks on his camera and unmutes and you both wave.
"I am back and have acquired my husband," He smiles big and happy, holding your hips with both his hands as he speaks. You rest your hands on top of his.
"Hi," You mumble out, smiling softly and blushing furiously as you're introduced as his husband--its lovely, but it's so new to you.
Everyone greets you, waving and smiling at their cameras, and you giggle to yourself.
"So, you must be the one that single handedly saves a good bit of Lovejoy's discography?" The interviewer playfully asks, Wilbur resting his chin on your shoulder, arms snaking around your waist.
"Unfortunately, yes," You chuckle, keeping your hands on his and resting your head against his, "Bur over here, is an absolute perfectionist and if it doesn't fit his long list of requirements, it has to go. Even if everyone else thinks it's one of the best songs he's ever created."
Wilbur shyly hides his face behind your shoulder, subtly kissing the back of it through your shirt, palms rubbing your stomach lovingly.
"I am not…" He mumbles against your clothed shoulder, grumbling playfully at you.
The rest of the interview continues on smoothly, all five of you answering questions, you being the main topic a bit more than you would prefer--but seeing Wil smile the way he does when he speaks of you is definitely worth it.
When the interview ended, he shut off his PC, his arm still wrapped around your waist as you curled into his lap.
"You're a fucking simp, you know that?" You mumbled against his shoulder, giggling lightly.
"You're one to talk," He was taken aback for a moment, smiling softly and teasing as he looked at you with loving eyes.
You sigh, "You spent the second half of your band's interview talking about me, someone who is not in your band," You fold your arms over your chest as you readjust to face him in his lap. Your legs on either side of him.
"What can I say, you're simply that loveable," He smirks, tilting his head to the side as he looks up at you, his hands resting on top of your thighs.
You hop off his lap, spinning around to slip out of the office and he jumps out of his chair to follow you.
"I am no liar, darling!" He follows you, you aren't running nor are you walking that quickly but he still chases after you like you are--and so you hurry around the corner and into the bedroom.
"You are! It's practically your middle name!" You giggle as you turn around to face him, standing in the doorway and he meets you there, grabbing you by your sides and throwing you over his shoulder, "Hey!" You scold him, smiling wide and giggling.
He takes you over to the bed, giggling as he tosses you down just to attack your sides with his fingers to tickle you. You squirm and giggle, swatting at his hands.
"Will!!" He crawls to straddle your lap to keep you down as he keeps tickling you, "Stahp!!" You giggle, shaking your head as he leans down and kisses your cheek, pausing his attack to wrap his arms behind your back. Wilbur turns over onto his back, keeping you held in his arms, now lying on top of him. 
"How about…" He pauses, a smirk crawling up onto his features as he turns you over onto your back again, attacking your belly with his fingers again, "No," He giggles with you as you squirm, smiling wide and happy.
"Wiilbuuururr!!" You keep swatting at his arms, giggling happily, almost out of breath. You make an attempt at catching your breath and for a moment you do, “Why are you like this?” You mutter out through giggles and he stops his attack on your sides, hands resting on them instead. He leans above you, smiling and he cocks his head to the side, a soft smirk replacing the smile.
“My darling...you're my husband, how can I resist?"
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @lillylvjy @sleepyburs
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sillybucket · 1 year
“Warm in the cold” { Haley x g/n reader }
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I know there are many different opinions about Haley but I honestly really like her , especially her character development : I love the way she becomes a better person the more the player gets close to her , so I eventually felt inspired to write something for her :D
As always I apologize for possible ooc moments , and if someone already wrote about something similar know it’s not my intention to copy anyone !
🍃 Warnings 🍃 : none , this is just pure fluff featuring Haley keeping company to the Farmer on a winter day … oh by the way , in this story they’ve been married for a few years :) ❤️
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(Y/n) took a deep breath , staring at the snowflakes dancing in the cold winter breeze :
they had decided to spend the day fishing at the Cindersap Forest just below the Farm , however after spending so many hours out there they were starting to feel tired , a bit sleepy even , and the calming silence of the woods , interrupted only by the sound of the river’s water , didn’t help much .
The Farmer shook their head , trying to stay focused , but right when they were about to use the fishing pole to catch one more fish they heard a familiar voice behind them …
“There you are honey , I was wondering where you went !”
(Y/n) turned around to see Haley with two cups of hot chocolate in her hand , her long blonde hair fluttering in the wind . They knew how much she couldn’t stand the cold , and the fact that she decided to walk all the way there just to see them made them smile …
“Hi sweetie , sorry , I was just finishing some work and ended up staying here longer than expected …
How has your day been ? I remember you told me you wanted to spend some time with Emily today .”
, they replied while putting away the fishing pole .
“Oh that’s right , Em wanted to show me some new outfit ideas she had during the week , she even offered me to help her sew a dress , it was fun !”
While enthusiastically explaining all that she and her sister had done Haley stepped forward , handing one of the warm cups to (y/n) who gladly accepted the offer .
They looked at their wife with a loving smile , listening to her every word while occasionally taking little sips of hot chocolate …
The first time they had arrived in Pelican Town (y/n) and Haley didn’t exactly get along right away , given just how different they were from each other : actually Haley considered them to be quite a strange individual , and she just couldn’t help but wonder how could they possibly enjoy working on a boring farm all day .
But the more time she spent with them the more fascinated she was by them , and whenever she saw (y/n) walking towards her with a gift meant just for her Haley could feel her heart beating faster and an inexplicable joy that made her long to be by their side . Now that two years had passed and they were happily married , the love they felt for each other had only continued to grow more and more as the days went by …
When she finished talking Haley shivered , looking at the now almost completely dark sky .
“God , it’s so cold out here at this hour … maybe we should go home .”
(Y/n) nodded in agreement , and before their wife could say anything they gently picked her up and started walking on the path while holding her in their arms , the snowflakes still falling down all around them .
“Wh - (y/n) ?”
, Haley exclaimed , surprised by the sudden gesture .
“I have to keep you warm Haley , can’t risk to have you get sick because you chose to come see me … it’s really the least I could do for my sweetheart .”
As they leaned forward to kiss her forehead Haley let out a giggle , a little blush appearing on her cheeks …
“You’re always so corny …”
She sighed , not even feeling cold anymore as she stared into her partner’s beautiful eyes …
“… I really love that about you .”
❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ . ❄️ .
Thank you so much for reading this little story until the end ! :D
Feel free to leave some feedback if you want :) ❤️
( btw I don’t think hot chocolate is even an existing item in-game , but since it’s my favorite winter beverage I wanted to insert it somewhere ;c;👍 )
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shuutingstar · 3 months
It’s FINALLY done. I’ve finished the sit-com/reality tv show/whatever. It’s only one chapter/a oneshot because it honestly took so long just to write and I procrastinated a bit, but there’s like 4 drafts of just different scenarios for this AU and I’m tired. Not sure if I’ll post this on ao3 or not, but whatever.
context (I guess??) to my suffering.
@doodlebugdpj I hope you like it and I’m terribly sorry if it wasn’t what you were expecting! I understand if it’s garbage because it honestly is.
[camera pans on Will Solace’s face. He’s sitting on a love seat in a bland room and fidgeting with his hands]
Will: [blinks uncomfortably] uh, I’m not sure what I’m meant to—
[a piece of paper gets thrown at Will and he catches it effortlessly, he looks at the contents and sighs]
Will: [reading from the paper indifferently] welcome to the start of a spin-off series where we look into the lives of the demigods residing at Camp Half-Blood. There will be laughs, there will be hardship, but most of all there will be a rememberable and lovable cast of characters— do I have to read this?
Apollo [off-screen]: of course! How else am I meant to start off my career as the best movie director? You know, I’m still disappointed that I couldn’t be in the show, but maybe Hephaestus is just waiting to star me in something really popular! I know he would never brush off my experience and expertise!
Will: [sighs] fine, fine. —rememberable and lovable cast of characters who all face the mundane problems of Camp Half-Blood. Grab some popcorn and sit back because you are about to be sent to an entire different world.
[Apollo claps off-screen while Will puts his head in his hands]
Apollo: well done! Although I do think you need to be more expressive, but I suppose it’s usable. Now if I had done it I would’ve used more emotions to convey just how excited I was to show off my new show, but that might just be a me thing.
Will: [puts his hands on his lap] can I go yet? Nico said he wanted to play some video games today and I need enough brain power to mentally prepare myself for my inevitable defeat.
Apollo: [hums] I guess. All right, you may leave.
[Will stands up quickly and leaves the studio room/basement of the Big House without another word]
[The camera cuts to a shot of Alice Mizayawa and Julia Feingold, who are standing opposite each other]
Alice: so you know how Mr. D loves his coke?
Julia: [nods] yeah.
Alice: [giggles] so what if I told you I swapped it for diet?
Julia: [blinks] you… Alice!? Are you stupid?!
Alice: [scoffs] no? I am completely aware of the consequences! It’s called wanting to have fun, Juls.
Julia: [raises an eyebrow] are you sure you aren’t trying to impress Kayla?
Alice: [slaps a hand on Julia’s mouth] what?! No! Why would I?
[camera cuts to Julia Feingold sitting on the love seat]
Julia: [looks deadpan at camera] Alice has a crush on Kayla and before you say that it was rude of me to reveal that, I’ll have you know that everyone at camp knows except for Kayla.
[camera cuts back to the previous scene]
Julia: [sighs and gets rid of Alice’s hand] okay, okay. How are you supposed to know if Mr. D finds out?
Alice: [smirks] don’t worry, I’ll know.
[a beat of silence before a frustrated scream echoes through the camp, few campers look for its source]
Alice: there it is!
Julia: [face palms] you are so dead.
[camera cuts to Alice sitting on the loveseat, looking worse for wear yet smiling brightly]
Alice: I got put on dish washing duty for a month, but it was worth it! [she sits crisscrossed on the seat] Kayla said my prank was hilarious! Can you believe that? [her smile widens] I think I might explode.
[Dionysus sits at the love seat, looking beyond tired]
Mr. D: fuck you, Zeus.*
*Hephaestus TV would like to clarify that this is a figure of speech and Dionysus does not actually want to fuck Zeus.
[camera cuts to Cecil Markowitz, Lou Ellen and Will Solace sitting in a circle and playing a card game]
Lou: [places a card on the deck in the middle of the circle] UNO.
Will: [huffs] I swear if this is your third win—
Lou: oh please, you’re just mad you’re bad at a card game.
Cecil: [chuckles] even I’ve won at least once.
Will: [rolls his eyes] it’s a game of luck, Cecil. You don’t need much to win a game like this.
[in the background a cabin lights on fire and Percy Jackson can be seen controlling water from the lake to extinguish it]
Lou: [smirks] are you not lucky, Will?
Will: [deadpans] Tyche hates my guts.
Cecil: did you accidentally forget to heal Chiara or something?
Will: what? No! I take my job as head healer very seriously.
[the fire slowly dissipates, however the cabin is charred and badly damaged. Annabeth Chase walks over to Percy, the two discussing something too far to pick up on]
Lou: [shrugs] it’s your turn, dipshit.
Will: [looks at his cards, then places one on the deck ans grins] maybe Tyche doesn’t hate my guts.
Cecil: [groans] just great. [takes four cards from the opposite deck reluctantly]
Lou: what’s the colour?
Will: hmm, how ‘bout blue?
Lou: ugh! You son of a bicth!
[Will and Cecil laugh at Lou’s unfortunate situation all the while in the background the cabin has gone up in flames again, Percy and Annabeth staring for a single moment before trying to extinguish it again]
Will: [puts a card down] UNO!
Cecil: whaaaat?!
Lou: fuck you, sunshine boy.
Will: [grins smugly] I guess Tyche has finally blessed me. Suck it, losers!
Cecil: [frowns] you’re so cruel, William.
[the three friends laugh as the sun sets behind them. The cabin is no longer on fire and now Leo Valdez and Harley have joined Annabeth and Percy. They discuss something before Harley looks down dejectedly]
[the camera cuts to the bland room once more, Will Solace sitting in the love seat once again]
Will: for the record, I won that UNO game.
[a paper gets thrown at him and Will looks at its contents indifferently]
Will: [reading form the paper] that concludes the pilot episode for Apollo’s new TV show. He would like to thank himself for coming up with the idea and Hephaestus TV for sponsoring the production. Tune back in next Wednesday to catch the very first episode of the series. [looks at camera] how much longer is this gonna last, dad?
Apollo [off-screen]: dunno, I’ll have to check the views first. I’ll get back to you.
[the screen fades to black as Will stands up and leaves]
don’t ask my what kayla x alice is doing in here, I wanted a funny scene and kayla was the first person I thought of.
I hate this so much, but honestly I kind of just want to be done with this (for now). This most definitely branches out from my initial post because it’s hard to incorporate fight scenes when my vocabulary only consists of ‘explosions’ and ‘screams’ in that field. Also, I guess it would make sense if sometimes camp wasn’t in mortal danger and other times it was? So yeah. That’s what this is.
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your-local-hoemie · 1 year
Hi! Can i request childe and zhongli (seperate) coming home to his beloved overworked and slumped over her desk?
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Omg I get to write geo papi :D watch me work my brain juices for ya!
Warnings: fluffffff, a tiny bit of angst in childes if you squint again because I can’t help myself, Concerned boys, not proof-read, established relationships, gn! Reader (I know you said “her” in the request but I wanna keep it gn for everyone’s enjoyment if that’s ok aaaaaa.)
Characters: Childe, Zhongli
No I didn’t get carried away hahaha….hah
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He doesn’t understand at first lmfao
Mans constantly working so like? Isn’t this normal??
Honestly you might be helping him stop for a bit too
Gets very concerned :(
Might think you’ve died for a split second
Once he realised you’re fine he’ll make sure you’re moved to a comfier place like the bed or couch
Try to protest. I dare you.
He’ll probably arrange for one of his subordinates to complete any work you had left just to make sure you can rest
I also dare anyone to protest against a harbinger for finishing your work :)
You had been assigned a bunch of documents from Yanfei to go over after being transferred to her for extra work experience in Liyue before officially graduating.
At first your couldn’t be more optimistic about the workload telling yourself that it’s all worth it in the long run after years of studying law!
That lasted maybe a good four days before the lack of sleep and neglect to eat and drink properly started kicking in.
Raising your head you looked up from the paperwork checking the time. 4:30am. Groaning you raked your fingers through your hair, dragging them down your face trying to keep yourself grounded.
But much to your dismay no matter how hard you tried to keep your eyes open and your head free of fatigue, your body decided to finally take charge and before you can even protest, your head lowered to the table as your heavy eyes finally closed and took the rest they needed.
Meanwhile your beloved boyfriend, childe. Eleventh of the fatui harbingers, had finally got home after endless hours of his own work as a “toy maker”. He never told you about his true occupation, always worried it would put you in harms way or make you scared of him.
Opening the door to your house, making his way up to your bedroom he didn’t actually expect to see you awake being so early in the morning so when he saw the bed untouched and you nowhere in sight he’d be lying if he didn’t feel a twinge of dread run down his spine.
“Babe? Where are you?”
Picking up his pace he’d hurry around the house opening each door, his bow appearing in his hand from anxiety.
Reaching the finally room of your home he swung the door open only to find you slumped over your desk surrounded by paperwork.
Almost running over to your side he dropped to his knee’s placing his hand on your back almost like you’d break under his touch he softly shook you taking comfort in feeling your soft, deep breaths under his touch.
“Hmm? Childe?”
Raising your head groggily you look at your boyfriend for a moment trying to piece together the situation while rubbing your still heavy, sleepy eyes.
“Archons Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack! Why aren’t you asleep In bed!?”
Giggling sleepily you tried your best to explain the situation all while still feeling the heavy pull of sleep in your body not noticing the soft, if not concerned smile appearing across his face.
Letting out a sigh he gathered you in his arms lifting you up with ease, he carried you to the bedroom placing you down on the bed before pulling you tightly into his arms kissing your forehead.
“No more work for you love”
You were pretty confused to later find out you somehow still managed to finish all the paperwork before passing out even though you swore there was still a pile to go through~
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Oh he already knew.
You thought you were slick? You fool.
From the moment he laid eyes on the workload given to you all the way to your first yawn
He knew
He’d try to make it easier on you, knowing your stubbornness
Brings you fruit and tea every so often
Don’t be surprised if you get a nice back massage too~
Once he thinks it’s gone on for far too long he will take action and there won’t be a damn thing you can do
He’s a ex god. Come on.
If he thinks you should rest then you’re gonna rest
To bed with you
Lots of cuddles and head pats! Maybe even humming if he thinks it’ll help you relax
He won’t do your work for you, he doesn’t have the heart to risk ruining your hard work but he will help you if you seem like you’re struggling!
Much to no one’s surprise, Hu Tao had ever so kindly managed to gather a ever increasing collection of complaints from the citizens of Liyue from her persistent shenanigans that you’d be hard pushed not to find at least a little disturbing, leaving you to deal with the mountain on papers to sort through.
The moment zhongli caught wind of what had been keeping you so occupied from your routine walk through the harbour he was irritated to say the least.
After having a word with Hu Tao that was borderline passive aggressive he immediately stopped by the market picking up the best fruit he could find (much to Childe’s dismay) along with your favourite snacks.
Meanwhile you had enclosed yourself in your office, pondering your life choices while using all the strength you had to stay focused.
How long has it been since you started? When was the last time you ate? Questions hardly noticeable floated around the back of your mind as you intently ignored the pangs in your stomach and the worsening migraine growing across your head.
Letting out a frustrated sigh you finish reading a particularly rude letter sent in only to turn the page over by chance just to see that the paragraphs contained on the other side.
Finally snapping under the stress you lay your head down in defeat on the desk, tears threatening to run from your eyes and soak the papers under your head as you feel your body take over and force you to close them at last.
It wasn’t too long before you woke up in a mild state of panic before noticing a plate of beautifully arranged fruit, a warm cup of tea sitting beside you and a blanket draped over your aching back.
“Ah, you have finally awoken. Forgive me dear but I couldn’t bring myself to wake you from your much needed slumber so I took the liberty to prepare you some food”
God I love writing his funky little words
“Zhongli? H-how long have you been there?? What time is it!?”
“Hush now. No need to get worked up over such trivial things, you still have plenty of time to continue your work but I must remind you that rest and recuperation is an essential part to such dealings”
With that you find him dragging a chair next to you. letting out a deep chuckle he turned you towards him gentle pushing your head down to his lap as his fingers stroked through strands of hair. (If you’re bald then just ignore this part💀)
“Rest for now my dear, I shall assist you in this mess when you have recovered”
Not daring to protest against his authoritative tone, you close your eyes feeling your body melt at his touch.
Maybe a little rest wouldn’t hurt after all~
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Bruh writing in zhongli’s fancy words is so fun I feel so sophisticated *sticks pinkie out and sips tea*
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empress-simps · 6 months
harry oneshot based on the song gold rush by taylor swift?? i always associate that song with him because no joke he captured my entire heart and soul he's so... i can't even begin to describe him.
maybe this could take place during 6th year/hbp and the reader secretly grew to have a deep admiration for him since the triwizard tournament. she yearns for him, holds him in a higher regard than practically anyone else at that school, but doesn't dare to pursue the crush because he is simply too unattainable. and harry, although nobody knows, quietly returns the feelings, viewing her in the same "gold rush" light. (ngl i'm imaging the reader to still be filipina and ravenclaw but really, it's up to you :D)
i think i'm rambling at this point but some details i thought of are stuff sort of relating to/referencing the lyrics like "At dinner parties / I call you out on your contrarian shit" meant engaging in witty conversation with harry during the slug club's dinner parties... and yeah that's it xx
Tbh, I can relate; I associate songs with a character that captures my heart🏃🏻‍♀️🫣 I also listen to songs when I write fics, it helps me think and get in the mood (also feeds my delusion-) Now, I haven’t really listened to gold rush, I sat down and listened to it, (I’m a mirrorball and archer girlie) I hope I did this fic some justice, Thank you for requesting, honey! Sorry it took so long😣 (You’re making me fall in love with him honestly)
Glint of Gold
Pairing: Harry Potter x Fem! Reader CW: None that I could think of. Possibly some typos/grammatical errors as I literally published this the second I finished writing. Summary: You’ve always felt entranced with the boy who lived- You held Harry in such a high regard it seemed that he belonged in the stars. Harry, who was marked by destiny and burdened by battles, sees you too- a glimmering presence in his gloomy and stormy world, a rush of gold in a grey.
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Harry James Potter; the boy who lived. The beacon of light, hope, and resilience. His very name was a symbol of survival against immeasurable odds. It was no wonder that he was admired, he has this talent for pulling people in.
In the eyes of the world, he was the chosen one, the hero of a story still being written. But to you, he was Harry—just Harry. The boy with the lightning scar, the untidy hair, and the earnest eyes that held galaxies of unspoken emotions. You saw beyond the legend, unearthing another layer to the boy who laughed and loved, who felt pain and loss.
You know everybody wants him. Everybody wondered what it would be like to be noticed, loved, or be deemed important to him. It is a certain thought that made negative emotions swirl inside you, but who are you to judge? You’re one of those people, it would make you a hypocrite.
In the golden glow of the great hall, you watch him across your house’s table. Murmurs of hushed conversations were strewn across the vastness of the hall, clinking of silverware across the tables was nothing compared to the sound of your heartbeat pulsing in your ears as your eyes were met with his.
You tried to deny it, but you wanted him. It might sound stupid but the only thing that’s holding you back is the fear of the unknown, the what-ifs swirled and haunted your thoughts. What if he saw you as nothing more than a fellow student? What if your feelings were as invisible as a Disillusionment Charm?  What if you were just another face in the crowd to him? The idea of rejection was paralyzing.
You’d rehearse conversations in your mind, imagining witty banter and shared secrets. Yet, when faced with Harry’s actual presence, your tongue would twist into knots, and you’d blurt out something absurd like, “Did you know that Hippogriffs can dance the waltz?” Making Harry chuckle and you a blushing mess as you stammered the next words that came to mind.
You were known for your wit, yet words failed you every time you tried to speak to him. He was Harry Potter, and you were just another student who admired him from afar.
“Harry’s quite good looking, yeah?” Your friend casually comments, eyeing you as she eats some of her pudding for dessert. Your eyes widened, feeling your heartbeat quicken, words spewed out of your mouth, desperately trying to defend yourself.
“Huh?!? I wasn’t looking at him- honest!”
Your other friend shot you a knowing look, “Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night, Y/n.”
But as you lay in your bed that night, staring at the canopy above, you couldn't help but let your mind wander to the possibility of 'what if he knows me? Likes me?'. The thought sent a thrill through you, a rush of adrenaline that felt like flying. You imagined the softness of his smile, how the warmth of his hands holding yours will also warm your heart, and the way your name sounded when it rolls off his tongue.
Being invited to Professor Slughorn’s Slug Club dinner party came as a surprise for you. Although you were delighted since that would mean you’ll have an excuse to mingle with other students (read as Harry, lol.). The room buzzed with chatter, but none of that mattered as you were immersed in the conversation between you, Harry, and the other students.
You finally found your voice, leaning in, a mischievous glint was present in your eye. "You know, Harry," she teased, "for a guy who's all about breaking rules, your take on potions is pretty out there."
Harry's laughter was infectious, the kind that made you want to join in. "Yeah?" he shot back with a smile, “Well, I've never been one to just follow the recipe. Where's the fun in that?" She couldn't help but laugh too, he leaned back, arms crossed, a mock-serious look on his face. "You could say that. I'm all about stirring things up. Literally."
For a moment, the world felt like it was yours and Harry's alone.
As the year progressed, your moments together became a series of stolen treasures—a glance, a smile, a conversation that lingered in thoughts. Each encounter was a brushstroke in a larger portrait of what could be, a potential future painted in hues of hope and yearning.
You clearly understood the weight he carried on his young shoulders with your intelligence. And he, in turn, recognized the light you brought into his shadowed existence. It is a contrast of light and dark, a blend of strength and softness.
There was never a dull moment when you had class with Gryffindor students, especially in Charms. Watching him from afar, you stole glances, heart like a fluttering moth drawn to the flame of his presence. So, when Professor Flitwick announced he will pair students each from your house and the Gryffindor’s, you felt your heartbeat thud quickly. Even more so when he announced you would be paired with the Golden Boy himself.
The next day, you found a note tucked into your Charms book. It was written in a messy scrawl that you'd recognize anywhere—Harry's handwriting. "Meet me by the lake after dinner?" it read. Your heart leapt. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something.
Under the moon’s silvery glow, you ambled your way to the Black Lake. The crumpled note in your pocket with Harry’s handwriting was smudged due to you reading it countless times. You waited for him patiently, looking at the moon, humming and trying to keep yourself occupied. After what seems to be like an eternity later, he arrived. His hair was ruffled, looking like he had just run from the Gryffindor tower all the way to your location. His silhouette framed by moonlight; your heart somersaulted.
“Y/n,” he said, his voice soft. “Thanks for coming, I wanted to talk.”
You nod, feeling your tongue suddenly heavy with words unsaid. “About what?”
He bit his lip, a habit of his that you noticed he tend to do when he’s nervous. “You know, the important stuff.”
And then, he pulled out his Charms textbook—the pages worn and dog-eared from years of use. “I thought we could go over some charms we need to perform for Professor Flitwick,” he said. “You know, practice makes perfect.” Harry shrugs, offering a smile.
Your heart skipped a beat. “But we’ve already mastered almost everything.” Raising your eyebrow, you protested. “Why revisit it?” Harry’s eyes sparkled.
Because it’s not about wand movements or anything of the sort. It’s about bridging the gap between us.  Harry thought.
“There’s one thing the textbook doesn’t teach,” He confesses, trying to calm his pounding heart.
“What’s that?” you raised an eyebrow.
He hesitated, then slowly and surely cupped your face in his hands. “The magic of connection,” he said.  Then, he kissed you—a soft, lingering kiss. The Charms book lay forgotten in the grass. Pulling away, he smiles, taking your hand in his, running his thumb across your knuckles.
“I don’t know what our future holds,” he starts, “But I do know I want you to be in mine.”
The Golden Boy was no longer a distant constellation. He was here, real, and beside you; the sole witnesses of the exchange are the moon and the black lake.
It wasn't a grand declaration, but it was real and honest, and to you, it was everything.
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lilykatelyn-blog · 1 year
Hello! I read your kinktober day 1 and omgg it was amazing
Would u consider writing pt-2?
Also,please add me to the taglist<3
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𝓓𝓪𝔂 1 - 𝓵.𝓶𝓱 - LILY’S KINKTOBER PT. 2
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Pairing: DomDemon!Lee Know x SubAngelFem!Reader Genre: fluff, smut,
Notes: hey! Ofc! You’re added rn! And here is part 2. I’m so glad a lot of you liked it!
Warnings: making out, his horns are sensitive, hickeys, ass kink bc it’s Lee Minho, unsafe sex, not big dick Lee know but long dick Lee know, references to cheating on you with Jisung bc.. well, you get it, grinding, bondage, d/s dynamics.
pt 1.
Well, obviously you stayed, since he asked you to. So you were just cooking when he just barged into his apartment. “AH- oh hey! You stayed!” He looked like he had nearly shit his pants before he softened up. “Yeah, I made dinner. Sit.” You replied, engrossed in what you were cooking. You heard silence and assumed he was sitting and on his phone or something. “What are you- oh.” He came up behind you and he back hugged you, you were surprised until you felt him hug you. “I’m hugging you because I honestly did not think you would stay, Angel.” You could feel his breath on your neck as you continued cooking your dinner. Now after a while, you finished it and plated it. “Dinners ready, Min.” You both sat down and you eagerly watched his reaction. “Is- have I been missing out on this for all my fucking life? What the hell, this is delicious!” He exclaimed looking like a child whose mom just cooked his favorite food, simply making you chuckle. “Glad you enjoy it, love.” You two still needed to discuss your current positions considering you two live literally an eternity away from each other. “Angel, I’m.. glad you stayed.” He made a show of gagging after saying it, but you knew he was genuine. “Hmm, me too. Now can we please watch die hard?” “Fine, this is like the 100th time tho.” He knew all the lines and who said them at what exact time at this point. But for you, he’d burn the world to ashes if it meant making you smile.
you honestly had no idea how you got here, one minute you were watching Alan Rickman (may he rest in peace 🕊️), the next you were on Minho, moaning as his tongue slipped into your mouth. His kisses were no longer slow and sensual, but messy and passionate. His actions led to you wanting more, more friction, more kissing, more everything, which eventually resulted in you slowly moving back and forth on his semi. “Mmh- Jagi- just like that-“ his sentence was ended in a long drawn out moan, his hands went straight to your ass, guiding you back and forth. “Wai- wait,” he softly pushed you off, stopping you. “Was ‘bout to come, have to be in you-“ he got cut off by you grabbing him by the back of his head and kissing him while unbuckling his belt. “C-can’t hold up the glamour anymore, Jagi.” He warned, making you scoff, you’ve seen him multiple times. “Whatever, let it run free, babe.” You took his dick in your hand, slowly stroking him as you watched his horns come out, and then his tail, and finally his wings. his breaths were speeding up, a telltale of his high approaching. “Ngh- coming!” His hot cum spurted onto his clothed chest and your hand. Coming down from his high, he took off his shirt, along with yours. “Got to feel these beautiful tits, baby. Saints, where have these been all my fucking life?” He murmured while taking your bra off and fondling your tits, causing you to giggle. “Since when do you believe in saints?” You asked in a playful manner. “Since you woke up in my house.” Came his simple reply, sucking on your left tit.
You released a wanton moan, grabbing his hair. “That’s it, pull my hair, Angel.” Causing you to pull it harder, he pulled away, going to pull your pants down, discarding them in an unknown corner of the room. He went for your neck and sucking on it, not caring about the consequences in your heated moment. “Hold on a second love, I’m going to get something.” He walked over to the dresser, grabbing a pair of handcuffs. You practically gushed with arousal at the sight. “Hands please.” He gestured to your hands, cuffing them tightly behind your back. “Too tight?” He softly asked, whispering in your ear. You shook your head no, unable to speak for fear that your voice would squeak. “On your knees, love.” Roughly pushing your face down into the pillows, lining his cock up with your entrance. He slowly pushes into you, releasing a throaty groan, while your mouth hung open in a silent moan. His slow and shallow thrusts turned fast and deep, making your moans increase in volume, while his groans got deeper, his voice getting lower. “Fuck, I need to feel you deeper Angel.” Flipping you around, he pushed your knees to your chest, pushing in with no warning, thrusting in fast and deep. “Minho-! Nngh! I’m coming!” You screamed, reaching your high. “Me too, Angel.” He managed to grunt out, riding you through your high, reaching his own and releasing inside of you. You were on the verge of passing out, so he got up and got a damp washcloth and wiped you down. “I know, it’s gonna hurt, sorry.” He apologized softly as you squirmed from overstimulation. After he cleaned you up, he fell on his back next to you, hugging your waist as you cuddled up in his bare chest. “You know, I always thought you were in love with Jisung.” You joked, giving him a kiss on his cheek. “Hmm, who says I’m not? And I’m just needing sex.” “Because Jisung’s married, idiot.” You laughed, falling asleep next to him as he laughed with you and admired you. Oh, how he would love to spend the rest of his life with you, and he will, even if it takes burning the world for you.
@aaasia111, @hgema, @obeythemasters, @imwithurmother, @unlikelysublimekryptonite, @virluna148, @sanzusfavgf, @ivyisnotokay, @stanskzsstuff,@luvkpopp
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sharks-n-bones · 7 months
Holy fuck guys I'm so sorry this took so long, I had major writers block with these two and I got sick recently and it's been a time BUT NOW THEY'RE FINISHED HUZZAH I HOPE Y'ALL ENJOY AND THANK YOU FOR STILL SUPPORTING ME EVEN THOUGH IT TOOK ME SO DAMN LONG TO WRITE FOR THEM
When the flood hit, the twins didn't really realize the severity of things until it reached the village. Prince D spent most of his life in a UFO and Cooper just thought it'd be like every other time the rivers flooded. Both thought that the water would go down in a few days time, and they thought that until the water reached the village. Darnel asked if it was normal for the water to reach the village. Cooper said no
Branch had instructed the village to pack what they could carry and start heading up the mountain, and given that he was the one with the most survival experience, they listened. They made their way up the mountain as quick as they could. The first few days they'd sometimes wake up to the water at their heels. They walked a bit faster those days
Cooper had switched out his “Everything's Good” hat for his “Destiny” hat. Darnell had asked why, and Cooper explained that everything was not good right now. They had to leave the place he'd called home for the majority of his life, the flood had completely washed over it and was still rising, they had to move and try and outrun the rising water, nothing was okay right now. The only thing that was okay was that everyone got out in time and he had Darnell with him
Darnell could understand that. Their world had turn up on its head, and they had to leave everything behind. Darnell hadn't even expa normal flood before, he lived in a UFO for star's sake! So for all of Pop Village to go underwater while he was visiting? He was freaking a little bit. But he'd smiled and told Cooper that they'd be okay as long as they had each other
A week or two of travelling and they were almost at the peak of the mountain, and that's when everyone started building rafts and boats. Cooper and Darnell helped Poppy, Branch and the rest of their friend group with building the ship. They'd brought their hover boards when they visited the village, so they used them to work on areas the others couldn't reach easily. Everyone sang and danced as they built, and honestly it helped take their minds off the fact that Pop Village, and probably the whole planet, was flooding
Singing and building took up most of their time during the day, but it was fun for the most part! Cooper chose to think of this as a new adventure, like when he'd gone to find more trolls like him and ended up finding his brother and parents! Their parents… he wondered how they were holding up during all of this, or is they'd even noticed the flood yet… would they ever see them again? He tried not to think about it
While the building and singing and dancing helped, Darnell still wasn't doing all that great. While building, he kept either looking at the sky, watching for his floating home, or in the direction of where the village used to be, wondering when the water would catch up to them. He'd quickly shake himself out of it though and focus back on the task at hand
It took another couple weeks, but soon enough, everyone's rafts and ships were built and the water was at their heels. They loaded the ship with everything they needed and could carry, the twins helping with bringing things aboard with their hover boards while the other's either gave them supplies to bring aboard or worked on storing things away. Then, once everything was loaded, they climbed aboard and waited for the water to whisk their ships away into the ever growing sea
Once they were actually on the water, Branch made sure everyone got a crash course on survival. For once, Cooper appreciated how prepared the formerly gray troll was for any given situation. Everyone had chores and jobs on the ship. When they came across islands, some would gather supplies like wood and metal if they could find it and other such things for repairs while others would forage for food and collect seeds for the garden aboard their ship. Cooper and Darnell usually helped with bringing everything back to the ship
It took a few months for everyone to get used to surviving at sea, but once they all started getting the swing of things, they had fun! It was obviously much different than the peaceful village life they were used to, and getting through storms was always a bit rough, but they got the hang of things pretty quick with Branch’s help. Whenever they reached an island, they'd gather anything they could before relaxing at the waterside or back on the ship, depending on the preference
Cooper and Darnell would usually splash around in the water or just generally good off if they weren't busy, Cooper a bit more-so than Darnell. However, they still had their moments where they missed the times before the flood. Sometimes, when it was late and night and neither could sleep for one reason or another, they'd sit together in one of their beds and talk until they grew tired, telling stories of things that happened before they were reunited, recounting memories, sharing their wishes, their fears… anything and everything
Cooper told stories of all the shenanigans he and the snack pack would get into in the village, and Darnell would tell of life inside the UFO and all the parties and celebrations. Cooper didn't mind life at sea, it was a lot of fun and getting to explore new islands all the time and enjoy the water whenever he wanted was awesome, but sometimes he'd admit to Darnell that he missed life in the village and how simple and carefree everything was. Darnell knew what he meant. Life on the ship was fun, but he missed his floating home
Everyone got a huge reality check when Tiny disappeared into the jaws of a fish. It'd just been a normal day. They'd finished gathering what they could from the island for the day and were taking a much needed break on the beach. Then Tiny screamed, Guy tried to save him and didn't get there in time, and then everything was silent save for Guy's sobs. It all happened so fast. Cooper and Darnell were horrified — they hadn't even thought of ocean predators being a possibility — but now, once again, the universe showed them through force that the world wasn't all sunshine and rainbows
Cooper didn't know what to do when Guy went gray, and Darnell didn't even know what was happening. He'd never seen a troll go gray before. When they'd all returned to the ship and the twins went Cooper's room, Darnell asked about it. Cooper told him what a troll going gray meant, how they lost their happiness and their music. He told him how everyone in the village had gone gray before after they were captured by the bergens, albeit for a very short time. Darnell was so shocked, he didn't know how to react
The next few weeks on the ship had a somber note to them. They all worked a bit harder and starting working on safety measures to make sure nothing like that would ever happen again. Cooper would try to cheer up Guy when he could, but nothing worked and Darnell told him to give Guy some space to breathe and mourn. Cooper settled for occasionally leaving cupcakes outside his door
They all still sang and danced as they worked, albeit maybe not as often or with as much vigor as usual, but it helped take their minds off things a bit. Everyone was a bit more hesitant to go into the water until Branch made the safety nets so no big fish could get through to eat them. Speaking of the water, Cooper and Darnell had started to notice somethings
- For one, they both loved swimming. Hell, everyone on the ship seemed to, even after the incident! Sure, Cooper and D were a bit more hesitant getting in, but they still loved it! And swimming came easy to them both, which was a bit shocking since D lived in a UFO most of his life
(Cooper wondered if they had pools in there. He'd gotten to explore the place a bit, but not all of it yet. He'd only found his family a month before the flood hit, after all)
The twins had also started noticing their hair changing slightly. Darnell had been the first to notice that it seemed to bounce more when they moved, and how it almost seemed squishy? Cooper had been amazed when Darnell pointed it out, and they both thought it was hilarious
Cooper noticed that their skin that wasn't covered in fur was a lot smoother, almost silky. He'd first noticed it when he and Darnell had gotten back onto the ship one time, both still soaked from swimming in the water, and both immediately slipped and ate shit on the deck!
They'd howled with laughter about it and D had joked that their skin was too smooth to walk on. Cooper had noticed he was actually right when he was showering later and almost couldn't keep his footing. He'd taken a close look at his arms and legs and noticed just how smooth they were. Almost jelly-like… Cooper had laughed at the thought of having jelly limbs and joked to Darnell about it before promptly forgetting about it
It was only after the techno trolls had visited their ship and told them of the magic in the water and the changes it would cause that the funk twins realized that they were actually changing. They had gaped at each other for a bit before breaking out into matching grins
The techno troll had said that, based on what they'd seen, they'd take on the traits and some appearances of actual sea creatures, and Cooper and Darnell immediately wanted to find out just what kind of siren they'd become
They started paying more attention to any changes they'd develop, and whenever they found one they'd run to tell the other. Darnell had discovered they were becoming more flexible when he'd slipped and done the splits without any pain, and Cooper had found that their hair was easier to control. It could act more like another limb than before
Almost 2 months later when they set anchor at another island, the bros we're trying to figure out what they we're turning into when a stranger's ship pulled up next to The Main Course. The funk bros stopped what they were doing, along with everyone else on the ship, to see what the newcomer was up to and if they could possibly befriend them
The troll on board had goggles over his eyes. He wore a vest made of leaves and had teal skin with matching hair that he used to swing himself onto their ship. He'd said he was looking for his brothers, pushing his goggles up on to his head as he did, and locked eyes with Branch. They heard Branch gasp, and the stranger's face broke out into a wide, toothy grin.
-“Baby Branch!!”
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pepsiiwho · 5 months
Okay. Finished a checks watch 10 hour play session, without breaks no stopping.
General thoughts down below. No explicit spoilers but tone/ personality reads ahead. Long post :D feel free to respond or whatever.
One of the first things that I just wanna get out the way is, personally, the cast in this game is leagues better than the first game. And that isn’t like a “ah they’re all hotter!” (They are, don’t misconstrue what I’m saying, they very much are hotter then the first game’s cast) but the general vibe in cross roads is significantly more intresting. Which is very funny considering the set up, on paper, is remarkably similar. Hard ass, stuck up head of the place, shade mentor, emo bitch who hates you and wants to fuck you, emo boy who wants to fuck you, nebulous little thing that doesn’t serve a purpose but allows for comedic relief, hypnos, skelly— the works.
Yet the energy is wildly different. Idk I’m not like a zagreus dick rider or anything he’s cool but you really can feel how lonely the house of hades was in comparison to cross roads camp, a place not even half its size. The affection for Mel is like bursting out the seems of everyone around her (save Nem) and it goes past duty or obligation to the cause. It really feels like they all love each other dearly. I think that was so missing in the house of hades, intentionally or otherwise, but it felt so… cold? I always knew hypnos got that treatment because I’m crazy, but looking back that’s how everyone acting with zag too. They just talked to him. lol.
Ahhh to this point but a little bit to the left— hectate and Mel’s everything is incredibly compelling. Mel clearly and obviously seeing her as a mother figure, the only one she’s ever known and loving her deeply for it and frankly fighting in this war partly out of duty but more for her family she DOES have now, and then Hectate who knew Mel’s family and knew what they went through and refuses to take the place of “mother” when Mel has a mother, even if she isn’t here right now. But instead of detaching and making sure no real connection is made she’s so kind. She’s so supportive and loving and sweet and you can tell she cares about Mel so much. Zag’s mom came home and like, never gave off the vibe she cared even half as much. There’s a few moments when Mel tries to convey this love and this almost… mm… this idea that she doesn’t … need? A mom because she has one (hectate) and the witch shuts it down soooo quickly and Mel is always so dejected and it hurts but it’s sooo good. God. I want more of that. For the whole game. Please
Moros is a fucking delight. Like absolutely delightful. He’s sweet and polite and unassuming and kinda just sorry for taking up space but in the dignified way. I love everything about him. I am writing this checks watch May 6th, 2024 and at this point he is lovely. Assuming he doesn’t like, back hand hypnos he’s top 5 easy.
Nemesis is… unfortunately funny and charming. I hate emos I hate the bitchy dark thing I hated Meg for the same reason. This character shouldn’t work for me…. But it does. She’s the worst. I routinely cursed her out when she came on my screen. And yet. I think where Nem succeeds where Meg (and than) failed, is that nem genuinely is like, an asshole. And that’s endearing. She insults Mel and undermines her and talks down to her and clearly they have crazy beef. Meg and than just felt sooo put on with their back and forth with zag and it got old fast. Nem is a delight. If she doesn’t like, back hand hypnos she’s staying in my good graces.
Odess… has the least for me to say honestly. He’s sexy. Not much more than that. I adore how smitten he is with Mel, he clearly adores her.
Hypnos. Hand waves. No need to rehash that. Don’t touch me.
As for the oylmpus gods, they’re all as amazing as before. Apollo is my favorite, obviously, and he isn’t how I expected but he’s like just as wonderful in the opposite direction. This is the wrong way but it’s still took us to a great place. I’m content.
The goddess of fire is broken as hell as a boon also she’s a delight. Adore her. Same for the god of forges. Everyone is wonderful. I need more gods tho the current batch is amazing but I need ares and Athena yaknow everyone else. Idk if that’s an “add to the game later” thing or a “pepsi needs to play more of the game” thing. Either way I’m excited.
Story isn’t fully clear yet, as for what happened, it’s all just the stuff in the trailers tbh so nothing new there. All and all is having a fucking blast. I didn’t mention everyone I saw and enjoyed or didn’t because I’m tired sleepy but I have no one I don’t like RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW everyone is a delight.
Fic soon…
EVERYTHING AVOUT HER IS AMAZING!! Im gonna give her a separate post tmw i adore her down BAD
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Confessions in the Dark
Summary: The Noise and Noisette have had enough of you and Peppino constantly dancing around the fact you both like each other. It's so obvious and you both are idiots. 
They have an idea though, they'll invite you both to the get together they're having. Everyone will be there and maybe that'll be the push you guys need. 
If not, there's option B. Or C.
Contents: The trope of "these two idiots like each other but won't ask each other out", Mutual denying of crushes, Feelings get crushed due to this, Swearing, Noise being rude, Semi angst to fluff, JFC can you both get together already?!, Somewhat suggestive but nothing nsft.
The Noise lets out a groan, "Look at those dumbasses." he gestures across the room at the counter. You had been here for half an hour now, the food you ordered being eaten long ago. Instead you were currently sitting at the counter carrying a conversation with Peppino. 
"It's so obvious they're into each other." Noisette agreed, shoving the remaining bit of crust into her mouth. "Arghe gohna ebr conbess"?
"Babe, chew with your mouth closed". 
The pair continued observing your interactions. It was pathetic, to be completely honest. If they got here before you did, they'd both notice Peppino glancing at the door, unusually attentive, if it was on a day you'd stop by. You'd alway come in on Wednesdays and Fridays. Any other time Peppino would barely look up from his work to see who entered.  
Noisette took a sip of her soda, finally finishing with her food.
"Are they ever gonna confess"?
It was telling enough that you would stop by and simply linger this long. It definitely wasn't because of, in Noise's opinion, the sub par pizza. Some days you'd just order a damn drink and sit at the counter, engrossed in what ever conversations you had with the man.
"Pft. Y/N probably still has that letter, or threw it out. And him," Noise points over at Peppino, "Won't ever make a move on Y/N. They're both fucking idiots. What they need is someone to confess for them".
That was an idea. Noise sat up, it was time to go. "Come on babe, I have an idea that they'll thank me for". Noise slid out of the booth with Noisette excitedly following after him.
* * * Wednesday 6:34 p.m.
"We can always just go with option C then." The Noise shrugs. 
"What if they just freeze to death instead?" Noisette asks. "And how are we going to lock them in the freezer there"?
"That's option B," he snaps. "Option C is where we'll just walk up to the counter when Y/N is there and just confess for them".
"Shouldn't we try the less drastic options first"?
Noise ignored her, obviously if this plan didn't work, locking the two of you in a freezer where you'd have to hold each other to stay warm was not that drastic. 
"So why was option D a thing?" Noisette asks, writing in her notepad, "That will definitely kill them". 
He drags a hand down his face with a groan. "No shit. Option D is for 'Die' because if...No! We're not discussing that option. Not unless our other plans fail".
Noisette scribbles something else down before pursing her lips in thought. "So for option B do we need rope or handcuffs? Also I thi-" 
"Let's just focus on this plan." 
* * *Wednesday 7:15 p.m.
You had finished texting Noisette and set your phone to the side, a small grin forming on your face. Maybe leaving the house would be a good thing. This get together was on Saturday, which was perfect since you didn't have to work. 
What could go wrong, honestly? You pause before knocking on the wooden table you were seated at, remembering the old superstition. Just in case. A sheet of paper drifts away, you grab it before it floats to the floor. The smile on your face disappears as you aimlessly scan the words you had written.
You make a face and cringe. How did you even manage to write some of this? 
You'd write confession after confession. Hands shaking and your face usually staying a shade of red during the entirety of you writing. 
After finishing another letter, you'd slip it into an envelope and seal it. 
Then, predictably, you'd come back and shove it into your dresser. With the other dozen or so you failed to give to Peppino. This was just another failed letter for the failure you call your romantic life. You don't even have a romantic life, you remind yourself. 
Granted, you felt like you were being dramatic about the entire situation. Why was it so damn hard to write and give him a "I really like you" or "would you like to go out?" letter? You were more terrified of telling Peppino in person, so instead you opted to write your feelings out. Unfortunately you still were struggling. 
Numerous times you wrote everything down you liked about him; how he made you laugh, how you enjoyed the times you hung out, how handsome he wa- You faceplant into the table to stop thinking about it, face heating up. 
It sounded like an easy solution, just give him the letter. The real reason you were struggling was because you were afraid of him rejecting you. You sit with your face buried in your arms, as your thoughts turn dark. Why can't I do things like normal people? Normal people can just confess and be done with it.
In your case, you just know getting rejected would fill you with shame. Peppino liked you but you doubt he'd want date you. He liked you as a friend. You feel a sharp twinge in your chest. 
If you had any obvious signs he liked you more than that, you'd feel more confident but it's not like that'll happen. Too bad there wasn't a big glowing sign that would give you the answer. 
You didn't want to pretend you didn't like Peppino -in fact you kind of hated pretending and denying it- but when he rejects you? How would you have to act afterwards? Like nothing happened? More than likely you'd probably stop going to the pizzeria, it'd be too awkward otherwise. And it'd also hurt if you did visit. And it'd also be awkward.  
You shake your head, not wanting to dwell on it anymore. At least for this get together you'd get to see him. Maybe you'd get a chance to confess then. 
*** Friday 2:12 p.m.
Noise clears his throat, again, attempting to get Peppino to acknowledge him. Peppino ignores the smaller man as he adds cheese to a pizza, never even looking in Noise's direction. Instead he continues talking with you, asking if you'd like to watch a movie next week. You smile and say yes, eyes lighting up as Peppino explains it's an italian classic. He watches Noise still in his peripheral. Maybe if he's lucky he'll get bored and go away.
Noise rolls his eyes, with a "tch" before propping his elbows up, resting his head in his hands. He cracks a smirk. 
"Hey buddy, can you take my order instead of oogling your lover all day"?
You snap straight up.
Peppino whips around, eyes wide. 
"Excuse me but what the fuck?" you blurt out a bit too quickly. The food you had taken a bite of goes down the wrong way, sending you into a coughing fit.
"Merda! Look-a what you did!" Peppino snaps, "Y/N are you ok?" 
You wave your hand, " 'm fine" you gasp, grabbing a napkin as another coughing fit starts. Your shudder as you cough again, downing a sip of your drink. Noise shrugs as Peppino glares at him. After another moment you let out a shuddering breath. "I'm fine, thanks". 
Just as Peppino's about to yell at him Noisette pops up beside you. 
"Heya Y/N! Sorry Peppino I'm borrowing this!" You're cut off as Noisette grabs your arm and yanks you from your chair. Peppino watches as you grimace, sending him a "what can you do" shrug, as you let her pull you into a booth. 
For a time he'd watch you sit, happily chatting with Noisette. He watches as you look confused for a moment before you start shaking your head, as if saying no. As you continue chatting he watches as you suddenly lean closer to Noisette, a smile spreading across her face.  
The Noise hops up into the chair you had been sitting at. Now replaced by this menace. Peppino grumbles as he adds on the remaining toppings. "What do you want"?
"We're having a get together Saturday. Show up." He replies curtly. "And three orders of garlic knots". 
"Why-a would I"?
"Because Y/N is going".
Noise leans in "I know you like them. This is your chance to tell Y/N. Or should I tell Y/N for you?" He begins to move off the seat "Actually, I'll just do it now..."
"No!" he yells, catching Noisette's and your attention. You both stare, waiting for a fight to break out. After a pause you determined an intervention wasn't needed, instead you return to your conversation with Noisette.
Noise remains standing, shooting Peppino an annoyed look. "Saturday. 7 p.m. At the lakefront".
Shortly after Noise and Noisette leave, you come back up to the counter. You thank Peppino for the pizza and tell him to have a good rest of the day. Peppino heaves a deep sigh as the door closes behind you. 
*** Friday 11:38 p.m.
Peppino lays in bed staring up into the darkness, replaying that moment from earlier. 
It had been months now, when the realization hit him. He adored you. Your smile, your looks, how nice you were, how you brightened his day. He hadn't noticed how much he looked forward to your visits at first, but they had become the highlight of his day. 
At some point he had memorized what you ordered. This lead to him always preparing a fresh pizza with your favorite toppings, ready for you when you'd come in. Gustavo had teased Peppino on a few occasions regarding his attentiveness to you, which would fluster him immensely. 
That changed when the realization dawned on him. He'd have the occasional daydream (that was more often than he'd admit), but he tried to wave them off. 
Sometimes Peppino had thought about asking you to hang out, either to see a movie or a even a simple outing. He thought of buying flowers for those days and giving them to you, watching as your eyes light up from the gesture. He'd imagine how the day would play out and how it might go. And by the end of the night he'd take your hands and ask you to be his. 
He'd imagine how nice it must be, to be your boyfriend. 
That memory from earlier resurfaced again. Your reaction when the Noise called you lovers. For a split second he felt his heart flutter. Your reaction and look of disgust promptly crushed those feelings. 
It was purely delusional to think you'd ever be interested in him. Peppino wasn't exactly what you could call "boyfriend material". 
On the surface, he could just look in the mirror and point out a laundry list of flaws. The top ones being; Middle aged. While not a flaw in itself, this paired with his other issues only amplified them. Fat. He wasn't really sure when or how but he had developed a gut. Balding. The hair he used to have and took for granted all but thinned and gone. 
Then if you were to dig deeper you would find; PTSD. Anxiety ridden. Short temper. And also sometimes he would wake up in the middle of the night from night terrors. Mentally, Peppino felt broken. Even if you could tolerate him for a bit, you would get worn down eventually. Hell, even he was worn down by it. You didn't deserve to be burdened as well. 
You would never be interested in someone like him.
The best option was to simply treat you as any other customer. Peppino shut his eyes, nodding to himself. He couldn't keep holding on to a foolish daydream. What he needed to do was distance himself, then could move on and not have that sinking feeling like earlier with your comment. He'd have to come up with an excuse to cancel those plans next week too. 
It would be difficult for a bit but he knew he had to be realistic. The first steps were always the hardest.
*** Saturday 2:19 p.m.
You stare at Peppino, confused. Usually he'd be much more talkative. He barely even glanced up from the dough he had been kneading. 
"Are you going to meet up with everyone later"?
"I'ma busy tonight. Saturday's are one of our busier days"
"Ah." You're lost on what else to say, unable to keep from feeling disappointment. While this was true, you thought Gustavo was going to take over for the last few hours tonight. Maybe he doesn't want to be around the Noise? Which is fair enough, but there would be others there too, and not just him. 
You shift in your seat awkwardly. Some days Peppino had been busy and couldn't talk, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence like today. You wonder if something's bothering him. 
You pull out your phone to text Noisette. After pressing send you tell Peppino to have a good day as you move to leave. He nods, giving a short "You too." As he pulls a pizza from of the oven.
***Saturday 5:04 p.m.
At an instant the Noise had lunged at Peppino, grabbing the front of his shirt. "Listen here fatass, you better not bail out tonight or you're gonna play hide and seek with a fucking pipebomb." the Noise threatens, glaring up at  Peppino. 
He rolls his eyes in reply, wiping the flour onto his pants. "I already-a said I'ma going. Quit asking".
The Noise eyes him for a moment before letting go.
"You better close up soon then." he threatens, composing himself before heading out the door. Peppino sighs. He really wasn't in the mood. All he wanted to do was to just close, clean, and go home. He didn't feel like being around you especially, it already hurt to blow you off while he was working. Although with the others there, Peppino could use that as a means to avoid you. 
He steps into the backroom where Gustavo was restocking the shelves. 
"Gustavo help-a me close so we can go get ready". 
"Ready for what?"
Peppino stares confused at him. "The 'get together' tonight? The one the Noise and his girlfriend came in and invited us to yesterday"?
Gustavo shrugs. "First I've heard of it. Why don't you just go now? I can keep the restaurant open so we don't have to close early." he added.
Well that's weird. Why didn't they invite Gustavo? "Are you sure"?
"Yep. Go have fun. Brick and I will clean up too."
Peppino paused on his way out, turning around "Don't forget-"
"We'll make sure Bruno stays out of the trash. And the shrimp". 
Gustavo waits until he hears Peppino's footsteps grow fainter. As he hears the door shut Gustavo takes his phone out of his pocket and searches through his contacts. Finding "Noisette" he begins tapping out a message;
"Peppino just left. Good luck" and presses send. 
Mio dios if this didn't work, Gustavo was on board with Option B. He'd even supply a blanket. 
*** Saturday 7:04 p.m.
You fidget idly with the napkin in your lap. As of right now, no one else had shown up so it was just you, Noise, and Noisette. You desperately pray that it's not just going to be you and the psychotic duo tonight. 
"Where is-a everyone?" the familiar voice makes you jump. You turn and see Peppino standing off to the side. 
The Noise shrugs "No one else showed".
You stare at Peppino as he slides into the booth beside you. He wasn't in his work clothes or even the casual ones when you hung out. You stare, admiring how nice he looked in the button up shirt. 
Your eyes widen slightly, realizing he had been staring back at you. You smile softly at him and he responds with one of his own. 
"Yay! Double date!" Noisette claps her hands, you both recoil. 
"We're not-a dating!" Peppino snaps, sliding a few inches away from you. 
"Don't be ridiculous!" You had a sinking feeling this was going to happen all night.
Noise's expression changes as he glowers at you both. "Ok I'm fucking over this!" Noise snarls. "Go make out, get a room, and go do...what ever you freaks are into. I'll even give you the handcu-" 
He was caught short as you splashed your water into his face, Noise yelping in surprise.
All eyes were on you. What could go wrong tonight? A lot. You feel the blood rush to your face, you sink into the booth feeling Peppino's gaze on you. He was offended no doubt. 
Noisette cleared her throat, drawing Peppino and your's attention to him. She had a notepad open and began reading out of it. 
"Y/N, you told me yesterday that you thought Peppino was cute but "don't ever repeat that".
Cute? Peppino had been called many things throughout the years. Cute was not one of them.
"And I know you have...how many confession letters? Like a dozen? You wrote but never gave to him." She continues, pointing to Peppino. 
You sat there, too shocked to argue. You opened your mouth but no sound came out aside from a pitiful whine. You forgot she knew about the confession dresser. 
Noisette directed her attention to Peppino now. "I found this..." In a quick motion, she sets a crumpled piece of paper onto the table and pushes it in front of you. It had your name written down, you recognized the handwriting immediately as Peppino's. Under your name was smaller writing:
Mia Cara
Will you be mine?
"Also you admitted last week, with Gustavo as a witness, that you would like to ask Y/N out but you think "They'd have no interest in someone like you". 
You gasp you turned fully to stare at him, "Why would you thi-"
"Well guess what?! It's your lucky day! You both want to be together! Yay! Go make out like Noisy said"!
You both remained silent. 
"Yeah we're done here." Noise interjects, the scowl never leaving his face. "If you both needed your big ass glowing sign...there you go"!
Noise grumbles, tossing the soaked napkins down before pushing out from his seat. Noisette moves out of the booth to follow suit, she turns back around one last time, smiling and sending you a thumbs up, before catching up to Noise. 
"Well..." You trail off. "Uh...would you mind taking me home? Noisette was kinda my ride".
* * * Saturday 7:53 p.m.
Peppino had walked you up to your home, watching as you unlock the door. Neither of you said anything to the other the entire way home.
Now you both stared at each other for what felt like hours. You were home, you could go in now. Instead your feet remained rooted in place, until you said something just above a whisper. 
"I don't want to pretend anymore."  Your eyes flick to the ground for a moment before sucking in a breath. "I really like you." you say, "And I do think your cute, handsome even, and I love when we hang out. So maybe we-"
You were cut off as he kissed you. Everything had melted away except the warm caress of his lips against yours. His scent was familiar but at the same time new. Enticing. 
Peppino drew back with a shaky breath, face flushed. Your eyes meet his as if searching for something. The next moment you grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him back in for another kiss. You tug him through the door into your home. Peppino wraps an arm around your waist holding you securely against him. With his free hand he cups your face, thumb gently stroking your cheek. 
You clasp a hand against the back of his neck, pressing your other hand against his chest. In response he deepens the kiss, tangling his hand into your hair. You find yourself pinned between Peppino and the wall. The kiss had started slowly as if to savor this moment, then you feel his tongue gently graze your lips. This kiss was everything you both had wanted to say. "I want you. Will you be mine? I need you in my life" it was intoxicating. Every touch against each other compensating for all the times you didn't just reach out.  
You lean into him, feeling your heart racing and his as well. Both your hands clasped against his neck for support as your legs grew weak. His hands trail down your sides before firmly holding your hips.
He pulls you away from the wall, carefully moving you both back towards the couch. You feel yourself lean back into the cushions as  Peppino pulls away. The only sound was your shallow breaths and the feeling the heat radiating from each other. You feel him gently pressing his weight on you, his gaze softening as he came back down, lips once again meeting yours with his hands finding yours as you weave your fingers together. 
Now that you knew what you'd been missing, you had a lot of catching up to do. 
Sorry this took so long to post lol. I lost progress on this twice when my draft didn't save. 💀
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beepboopkek · 1 month
— Hidden Surprises (M!Reader)
Including: Kamisato Ayato x AMAB!Reader afab version has been posted on both tumblr and ao3 cw: !! NSFW !!, amab!reader, established relationship, bottom!sub!reader, top!dom!ayato, fluff and smut, pwp but barely, smacking (paddle), lots of teasing/flirting/kissing, mirror s3x, cursing, d1rty talk, n1pple play, slight dom/sub undertones, implied dom drop from ayato, mayb a little unrealistic s3x idk, AFTERCARE!!!! w/c: approx 2.9k words, might change since i make edits while posting a/n: after 8 goddamn drafts of this fic i managed to finally finish it,, im like at a 50/50 opinion on this but honestly i jsu wanted to get the brainrot out of my system... sorry for the long absence :sob:.. also i tried changing up my writing style a little, id love any form of feedback so feel free to leave a comment :D NSFW BELOW THE CUT
“You've been staring for a while.” Ayato’s voice broke you out of your thoughts as your eyes met his violet ones and you smiled.
The evening air was crisp as you gently swirled the Sake in your cup, eyeing your husband over the rim as he sat beside you. The Yashiro Commissioner was poised and perfect as always— his hair neatly tied over his shoulder with a ribbon that matched his usual outfit. Your gaze travelled the expanse of his torso, unconsciously lingering on his hands as he kept them folded on the table.
“Oh, don't mind me. I’m simply admiring the view.” Your voice had a teasing lilt as you replied, still boring your eyes into his as you took another sip of your drink.
Ayato simply raised a brow at you, before moving his curious gaze to the half-empty bottle of Sake left beside you— immediately bringing out a hand to drag the bottle away from your reach.
“Hey! I was drinking that—!” You tried to snatch back the bottle like a cat that got its toy taken away but unfortunately for you, Ayato was too fast.
“Oh, I know.” Your husband only infuriatingly smiled back at you, relishing in the adorable pout on your face as you folded your arms in annoyance.
“I apologise, I want you to be somewhat sober tonight.” 
You gasped, placing a hand on your chest, and giving him an offended look.
“I am sober! I only had two glasses.”
“Mhmm. Whatever you say.” 
“Why do you need me to be sober anyway?”
Ayato leaned towards you, resting his hand on a closed palm. He tilted his head and looked at you with nothing short of pure adoration before saying, “I have a surprise for you.”
This time, it was your turn to raise an eyebrow at him. You mimicked his position (albeit with less elegance) as you tried to make the mental calculations to discern what this “surprise” could be.
Ayato and the word “surprise” never really mixed well for you. The last time he had a "surprise," it involved a strange hotpot that left you feeling queasy for days.
“If it's another one of your horrible food concoctions, count me out.”
Ayato chuckled, a wide smile spreading across his face as he shook his head lightly. “Hehe, not to worry, dear. It's something you'll like.”
You would never admit it, but the two glasses of Sake did, in fact, put your mind in a pleasant buzz. You were never a good drinker to begin with so maybe it was good that your husband had confiscated your wine before you went overboard.
Well, that certainly wasn't going to stop you from teasing him, though.
You gave Ayato a languid gaze as you reached out a hand to twirl soft baby blue strands between your fingers, feeling his eyes on you as you brought his hair towards your lips, leaning in to give the strands a chaste kiss. You could feel Ayato’s breath hitch at the blatant display of public affection, which you didn't do very often.
Ayato recovered quickly, pulling back his face of smug satisfaction as he smiled.
“ … Tell me what it is then.”
“Well, it wouldn't be much of a surprise then, would it?”
You pouted at him again and he only chuckled in response, giving you a coy smile.
Two can play that game.
You surveyed your surroundings before deducing that no one would catch you and a mischievous smile coiled on your face as you observed your husband suddenly stuck in conversation with someone seated in front of the two of you.
You quietly praised each archon for giving you this golden opportunity as the perfect distraction appeared without any effort on your part. 
You reached out to place your hand on his knee under the table, pretending to swirl the non-existent wine in your cup with the other so that no one would suspect a thing.
Ayato's eyes flickered to yours for a split second before continuing the conversation as if nothing had happened.
You smiled to yourself as you began to stroke the inside of his thigh with your thumb, inching your hand higher and higher.
He'd never admit it, but you could feel the way his leg shook ever so slightly at the intimate contact.
You kept your hand stationed there for the short duration of the commissioner’s conversation, cheekily observing the light dust of red that had covered the high rise of his cheeks (which he would later blame on the alcohol).
You're broken out of your giddy stupor when you feel a larger hand on yours, stopping all motion as he gripped your hand tightly before passing you a faux smile and turning back to excuse the two of you.
“I apologise, my husband seems to be getting tired.”
You looked at the guest and gave him an apologetic smile although you were anything but that.
The both of you quickly bid your goodbyes to more guests as you made your way out, your husband almost dragging you by the hand.
While the Yashiro Commissioner looked just about normal to everyone, you could see the impatient jitter in his steps, the flush down his neck and the slightly hurried hush in his voice as he navigated the two of you through the crowd.
Right as you were about to board the carriage to make your way back up to the Kamisato estate, Ayato pulled you against his chest to whisper into your ear—
“I'm going to ruin you tonight.”
Ayato kept a firm hand on your thigh the entire ride back, occasionally squeezing it while conversing with you as if nothing was happening.
As if he didn't make your entire body shudder with just a sentence.
As soon as the two of you entered the privacy of your shared room, Ayato covered your eyes with his hands and instructed you to keep them closed until he asked you to open them again while he helped you out of your outfit, both of you giggling at your unstable movements from being temporarily blinded.
Which landed you here, stark naked and seated on the edge of the bed waiting for your husband late into the night. Your eyes were screwed shut as he shuffled around the room before quietly helping you up and settling you on his lap— his slender hands squeezing around your body as he leaned in to nibble the shell of your ear. He moved his hands to your belly before dipping his hands in between and prying your legs apart with a gentle insistence that had you murmuring his name in half-hearted protest.
“Open your eyes.”
You did just that, adjusting to the sudden brightness as you took in the sight before you.
A large rectangular mirror with an ornate gold frame with the Kamisato crest on the top, set on the wall in front of your bed. 
You observed your reflection in the mirror with shallow breaths, the golden lamps doused the room in a soft glow as you shivered, your husband's hands still placed between your thighs, keeping them apart.
“ … It's beautiful.”
Your eyes met Ayato's observant gaze in the mirror as he spoke again, "Well, what do you think?"
Ayato smiled against your ear, kissing the side of your head affectionately.
“But, why—”
“I knew you would like it.”
Your breath hitched in embarrassment as your gaze travelled the entire expanse of the mirror, your ears burning with the overwhelming urge to hide. You could see every inch of your exposed body reflected at you, making your heart race.
His hands remained steady on your thighs, grounding you as he squeezed them again and cut you off with a kiss to the side of your neck as he looked at you through the mirror.
“I want you to see how mesmerising you look.”
His hands travelled along the outline of your torso as you waited for him to continue, “I want you to see what I see.”
That's when his left hand reached back onto the bed, fumbling momentarily before he brought something forward. You glanced down, curiosity piqued, and saw that he held a—
Oh.“I thought you’d be more romantic with your surprise.”
A paddle. With a tiny heart cut out in the middle of it.
“Well, I’ve always believed in doing things in a more unorthodox way.” The mischievous glint in his eye told you there was more to this.
Ayato’s hand, which was still on your thigh, pulled it back a little further. He gently swept the paddle against the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, the polished wood providing a smooth glide.
“The rules are simple,”
“All that bravado in the evening, where is it now?” 
You tore your eyes from the mirror to glance to your side when he raised the paddle a little, striking down on your thigh. You jolted in surprise as you immediately felt his hand rub the irritated skin softly.
“One, do not look away from the mirror.”
Ayato’s finger traced the heart imprint left on your thigh as he continued,
“— and two, do not close your eyes.”
Ayato’s hands traced the outline of your body as he silently awaited your consent. The silence was that of comfort, you felt relaxed knowing you could opt out of this at any moment and your husband wouldn’t hold it against you.
You smirked.
“… Ruin me, Commissioner.”
You felt a sharp exhale on your shoulder as Ayato’s hands moved with renewed purpose all over your body. You felt his hand creep towards your chest, fondling one side as he tweaked the nipple between his fingers, your low moans now filling the room.
He latched his lips onto the column of your neck as he begrudgingly left your chest to trail his hand towards your cock. His other hand was still holding onto the paddle that rested against your thigh, unmoving and unfaltering in making its presence known.
A wave of relief washed over you as his fingers wrapped around you, your eyes closed in pure bliss as you moaned in pleasure, locking your hands behind his neck and—
A smack to the inside of your thigh snapped your eyes right back open in shock.
Oh. Right.“Eyes on the mirror.”
You nodded fervently as Ayato went back to drawing out lazy pumps, his thumb dipping into the slit of your head as his sharp gaze stayed glued to your body through the mirror.
You glanced down to your thighs in the mirror to see a red imprint of the paddle on your skin and looked back up to meet Ayato’s heated gaze, a coy smirk playing into his voice as he spoke again.
“Enjoy the show, dear.”
You watched in a daze as your husband coated his fingers with the lube, sliding his now wet middle and ring finger down, circling your entrance before dipping the tips inside you as you shook in anticipation. His hand flexed as he moved his fingers deeper, lightly thrusting them in and out as he searched for your sensitive spot with experienced precision.
He pushed his fingers to the knuckle— Your moans mingled with his heavy breaths. You pushed yourself back against his chest in hopes of alleviating some of the tension in his pants.
His voice was breathless as he spoke in your ear, 
“Do you like it when I do this?” and he curled his fingers inside you, making you moan again.
Maybe it was the whole evening of teasing that got you to the cusp of an orgasm so soon but, it was quickly becoming too much. Ayato's skilled hands proved to be too deadly for you— making you close your eyes and lean your head back onto his shoulder as you moaned.
Eyes opened wide, you jolted back up and your orgasm washed over you immediately as Ayato continued to pump his fingers in and out to help you ride it out, his hand leaving the paddle in favour of stroking you as you twitched in his hold.
You panted, struggling to keep your eyes open. Ayato stilled as his left hand let go of your sensitive cock to grab your chin, forcing you to look sideways as he kissed you deeply.
Your lips parted with his as you both caught your breath— your husband gently removing his fingers from you and wiping them onto the cloth laid next to him.
Ayato moved you a little forward as he unzipped his pants, pulling his cock from underneath you so that it poked out between your soft thighs.
Archons, he could get used to this view.
He wanted to make you wait, wanted to edge you until you were begging for him, tears sticking to your clumped lashes as you pouted at him, whining and writhing in his hold as he kept your pleasure from you. 
But he couldn't.
He wanted you just as bad as you wanted him.
He was impatient, haphazardly stroking on more lube on his cock as he aligned himself with you, slowly pushing in as you both moaned in relief.
Ayato curled a hand around your waist to hold you in place as he set a rhythm of short and quick thrusts, latching his mouth onto your neck again as he bit down to stifle his moans.
“Ayato, please-” 
A resonant smack to your sensitive nipple is all that you get in response as you immediately plaster your eyes back on the mirror.
— and archons was it a sight, your bodies were covered in a thin sheen of sweat as red-purple imprints of the paddle were littered across the expanse of your soft skin, little bruises blossoming on both sides of your neck, your hair stuck to your forehead as you writhed in your spot, aching to find release again.
The hand curled around your waist twisted downwards to stroke you again, your thighs shaking at the rush of overstimulation. You sighed in pure bliss before you abruptly felt his hand moving away and a series of smacks on your sensitive nipples.
Fuck. You didn't even notice you stopped looking at the mirror.
He unlatched himself from your neck, leaving deep imprints of his teeth as he raised his head to pull at your earlobe with his teeth.
“You know I don't like repeating myself.”
Tears clung to your eyes as your body buzzed through the different sensations of pain and pleasure, the thought of disappointing your husband sitting heavy in your throat as you swallowed down your complaints.
His pace grew erratic as you held onto him, heavy moans mingling with his silent ones as tears slipped from your eyes.
“Come with me.”
Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as Ayato spoke into your ear. You barely registered the tip of the paddle hitting your thigh again or how your husband pulled out just in time to finish on your lower back— your legs trembling as you clenched around nothing.
Holy shit.
Ayato detached himself from you, flipping you over so that you were laid flat on the bed on your stomach as you caught your breath. He took the washcloth he had set up earlier to clean you off a little before helping you up and lifting you to prepare a bath.
“Oh? Did you miss me?”
You were floating, you weren't sure how much time had passed when you came to but you were (yet again) seated in your husband’s lap as he gently massaged your stiff shoulders, waiting for you to regain your senses.
“ … Hi.”
You spoke as you turned your head to meet his lips in a soft kiss.
You got up on shaking limbs, turning your body over so that you were straddling his legs.
Ayato looked at you questioningly, tilting his head. You simply kissed the mole under his lip as you replied, “I wanted to see your face.”
You kissed the tip of his nose this time, “Yes.” 
He smiled, the edges of his eyes crinkling as his gaze lingered on all the hickeys he had left, his face dropping a little.
“How are you feeling?”
“Great. A little sore but I'll be fine.”
You leaned down to kiss the mole on his collarbone, lingering there to leave a love bite of your own.
There was a pause, you knew this was when he would start questioning himself.
“Was I—?”
Before he could finish his question, you captured his lips in a soft kiss, caressing the back of his head with your hands as you gently massage it.
“No. It was perfect. In every sense of the word, I enjoyed it.”
Ayato smiled at you again.
There was a comfortable silence after that, the both of you taking turns to wash out each other's hair and backs, sneaking small kisses in between as you giggled.
You dried each other off before your husband laid you down on the bed, procuring an ointment seemingly out of nowhere as he applied it to the bruises on your thighs and chest.
You laid down on the soft sheets and felt the energy drain from your bones, giving Ayato one last peck on the lips before you drifted off to sleep.
“I love you.”
He kissed the top of your head lovingly, and if you were any more tired, you would've missed his response.
“I find myself falling for you more and more every single day. Goodnight, dear.”
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rendy-a · 2 years
if requests are still open, and if it's okay for me to ask for a follow-up; Can I ask how thankful the boys would be for the time-breaker S/O's UM during their daily lives ? slice of life, fluff, goofy "moments before disaster" saved by S/Os UM, all those good things :D I've been thinking about a few highlights, like... Slowing time around the table area during an unbirthday party because Ace ALMOST crashed into the table; S/O uses their unique magic to get up and hold him by the back of his jacket in time to yank him back onto his feet; S/O is now a mandatory attendant to all unbirthday parties as result... (On the bright side, Riddle looks a whole lot more relaxed now) Cheka tries to ambush S/O and Leona when he takes them home to meet the family. S/O turns around in slow motion during Cheka's leap; now S/O is gently holding the young boy by the back of his shirt, nonchalantly smug, "To be fair, i think was a good attempt?" (Leona knows he must not laugh but what the fuckLMFAO- ) Jamil's list of daily "Almost-s" is no longer a threat to his heart with S/O around, but the way his S/O delivers news to him by throwing letters Kaiba-style only to freeze them in place almost does it; but its the good news that make his heart jump this time (the news itself is up to you but i'm imagining smth along the lines of "Kalim's older siblings came back from buying milk and made some new friends who decided to be guards lmfao you can just work halftime now, congrats" written in a royal way) ...these boys better give their S/O a hug and some kisses for all that effort, honestly
(you don't have to choose from the ones i wrote or do any of 'em!! i'm just very happy to read your writing at all and I wanted to share whats in my mind in case it gave you any ideas too ^^ thank you for writing twst, and I'm so sorry for the long asks!! I like to hope it makes writing easier rather than harder for you x( <3333 )
Goodness, I thought this would be fast to right since I'd just finished the last one but it took me the same amount of time. Anyway, here is a part 2 for this story.
Making a Moment Last Afterwards
Life as a magical prefect has its perks.  How do things change between you and your sweetheart after your confession?
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Riddle had always saw his future as that of a magical doctor, fixing people who were injured or broken.  Maybe that is why the way you use your ability to prevent injury so catches his attention.  One morning, you came to meet him at Heartslabyul so you could walk to class together.  You give him a warm smile as way of a greeting.  “Right on time dear,” he says with a smile.  Just then, a student lets his mind wander too much on the iconic eye-bending staircases and stumbles.  “Ack!” he yelps as he starts a tumble down the stair, hand just missing the railing.  Riddle reaches for his pen but you are faster.  Before he hits the ground, you have him frozen in place.  You hold him there, suspended in time, until Trey and Cater are able to grab him by his jacket.  Then you release your magic and the upperclassmen yank their junior back onto his feet, thus preventing a horrible accident. 
“Why do these stairs need to be designed so crazy!” the shaken student complains.  You feel like that was not a well-timed complaint and, glancing at your boyfriend’s face slowly turning into an angry scowl, you know you were correct.  “Because that is tradition!” you say with forced humor, patting your bristling boyfriend on the arm.  Riddle calms down and gives a sharp nod, as if to say ‘Exactly! So there!’  Then he turns to you and offers his arm with a satisfied smile.  His dearest always knows just what to do.
The next incident was during preparations for the upcoming Unbirthday Party.  A freshman was up on a ladder to paint the highest roses red when a certain grey fire gremlin runs wildly past, knocking the ladder and sending the student flying.  You fling out your magic, catching the first year in time to save him a bad fall but not fast enough to prevent a wrenched wrist.  Luckily, you know enough first aid to help him wrap it tight before sending him to the school infirmary.  Riddle looks at you, wrapping the student’s wrist, and gets a thought; you are just like a nurse.  “What’s that?” Deuce asks him.  Riddle blushes, did he say that out loud?
When the day of the Unbirthday party arrives, you sit happily on the right side of Riddle.  He smiles with such satisfaction to have you seated in a place of honor by his side.  “Urgh!”  You hear a student cry out as he trips, flinging a pot of hot tea toward a group of students.  Thankfully, you manage to catch the hot tea before it hits anyone.  You still rush over to the group to check them over (better safe than sorry!) while also scolding the stumbling student to be more careful on the uneven ground. 
You finish looking over the last student and give him a pat, “I think you are good.”  He smiles sheepishly at you and replies, “Thank you, Nurse Rosehearts.”  Your eyes widen and your mouth makes a little O shape.  That is nothing compared to the levels of embarrassment your boyfriend is experiencing.  “What did you say?” he asks menacingly.  “Ah, well you see…um Deuce told us you call the Prefect your nurse and we all thought it was fitting so…”  Riddle is now a shade of red you hadn’t realized it was possible for a human to turn, “Deuce.  If you have nothing better to do with your head than spread rumors, I take it you have no objections to me claiming it.  OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!”  You mouth ‘sorry’ to your collared friend as Riddle continues to scold him.
Later that night, Riddle muses as he brushes his teeth.  Nurse Rosehearts.  That has a nice sound to it.
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Your life with Leona could be summarized in one word, restful.  How could it not be, the lazy second prince insisted you nap with him whenever he could get a moment of your time.  Some of the students from Savanahclaw think it’s cute, the proud Leona wanting to cuddle his sweet little herbivore like his own personal teddy.  Those who spent the most time around him knew better.  It was for your special skills. 
Leona’s guide to napping Part 1, prepare the environment.  The botanical garden was a favorite date spot for you and your boyfriend.  The temperature was temperate, the plants were colorful background and, during classes, it was nice and quiet.  Usually. 
Leona’s ears flicker irritably.  Drip. Drip. Drip.  A huffing sound escapes from your boyfriend’s lips as he pulls you closer, attempting to drown his awareness of the sound with your comforting presence.  Drip, drip, drip.  He grips you and rolls over to his other side, bringing you along for the ride.  “Woah, come on; warn a person before you do something like that!” you scold.  He opens a single eye to glare out from, a “Tck” sound slipping out irritably when he sucks is teeth in annoyance.  “Fine, fine.  Want me to get up and see if I can tighten the faucet?” 
When he rumbles deep in his chest and grips you even tighter, you know that is a no.  ‘Fine,’ you think, ‘time for a last resort measure.’  Moments later the sound stops.  Leona’s eyes open at the cessation of the sound, instincts pulling him to alertness at the change in atmosphere.  After a moment, his gaze falls on your amused expression, of course you’d stopped it with your magic.  “Five minutes tops.  You better fall asleep fast.”  He smiles, drawing your head into his chest.  “Won’t even take two, Herbivore.”
 Leona’s guide to napping Part 2, avoid pests at all costs.  You could hear the screeching from down the hall.  Children just operated at their own frequency.  The look on Leona’s face said he found the joyful chirrups more like you’d take nails on a chalkboard.  His face visibly annoyed as the young Checka clutched at his hand exclaiming, “Unka Leona, look! Unka Leona, see that!” at every little point of interest.  You feared, if he didn’t get a break soon, Leona would snap.
“Hey Checka, want to see a cool field where you can catch butterflies?”  you suggest.  The bright face of the child turns to you, “Yeah!”  Leona smiles at you gratefully and attempts to shake Checka’s hand off.  “No, you come too, Unka Leona!” Checka insists.  Leona’s smile falls into a stern frown quickly.  You quickly move to catch his eye and give him a conspiratorial wink.  Leona looks at you for a long moment and then sighs. “Lead the way, Herbivore.”
When you get to the fields near Ramshackle, there were indeed an assortment of moths and butterflies that flitted between the grasses and blooms.  “Come on Checka, I’m a pro at this!  Let’s go!” you shout and grab the little cub’s hand to urge him to join you.  And he does, allowing Leona to slip into the tall grass for a short reprieve from his noisy charge. 
Only the peace doesn’t last.  What seems like a brief moment later, Checka pounces upon his hapless uncle.  “Ooph!” Leona huffs, giving the boy a disapproving look.  “Checka, where did you go?” you call out helplessly.  “Unka Leona, are you sleepy?” the little cub asks Leona curiously.  Leona rolls his eyes and looks at you with a look that reads, ‘rescue me.’  You rack your brain for another distraction.
Finally, even you must admit you’ve reached your limit and give up.  “Hey kid, want to do something fun?  Come here and I’ll teach you to fly.”  The young lion bounds eagerly to his feet and runs to your side.  You grip him by each underarm and toss him into the air.  “Whooa!” you both yell.  When he lands, he shouts “Again!”  So you oblige him.  Only this time, when he lands in your arms, you freeze him in time.  “Herbivore, you are horrible.” Leona teases you.  “Shush, you.  Let’s get some rest in while we still can.” 
Leona holds out an arm, inviting you to join him where he lays.  You snuggle up and fall into an exhausted slumber.  It lasted fifteen minutes, until your magic wore off.  The best fifteen minutes of your day.
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Jamil worked harder than anyone else you knew.  Although you hadn’t officially gotten together after that magical night, you still somehow seemed to always be at his side.  From that vantage, you’d been introduced to the grueling schedule that Jamil kept as both a student and servant to Kalim.  You were fortunate that Scarabia had so many spare rooms.  If not for the fact that you often slept over at the dorm, you might not see Jamil for days at a time. 
The sun was barely risen when a sharp knock came at the door of your guest room suite.  You mumbled to yourself before rolling over to look at the time.  It was so early… A few minutes later, another knock sounds on your door.  You know by this that Jamil has passed your room first to light the oven, getting it warm for breakfast, and again on his way to get Kalim out of bed.  You’d like to stay and sleep longer but, with Jamil working so hard already, how could you?
A short time later, you are joined in the kitchen by Jamil.  He gives you a warm smile in welcome and you both get to cooking.  When you had first started cooking with Jamil, he barely trusted you to boil water but now, well, it’s not much but you’ve graduated to chopping veggies.  When he has time, which is rare, he tries to help you improve your cooking skills.  Each time you manage to master a new skill to his satisfaction, you earn a pat on the back and a small, “Well done.”  The praise was more precious to you than jewels.
You finish off a carrot and slide the chopped offering down to Jamil, who adds it to a skillet of simmering spices and gravy.  “What would you like next?” you ask him.  “In a moment, Prefect.  This part is tricky, so I need to concentrate.” Jamil answers.  You don’t mind at all, enjoying the sight of Jamil skillfully flipping the contents of the skillet. 
“Eeek!” came a cry from the lounge.  You both recognized that voice, it was Kalim.  You make eye contact and both simultaneously look at the sizzling skillet.  “Go,” you say, “I’ve got this.”  Jamil is starting to freak out, “I haven’t approved you to make rice yet, let alone this!”  You roll your eyes at him and gesture, freezing the contents of the skillet mid-flip.  “Ahhh,” Jamil mumbles, the beginnings of embarrassment showing on his face.  You’d like to tease him more but there is still Kalim yelling in the lounge, so you suppose that can wait until this new disaster was dealt with. (It was a spider.)
Parties were so frequent an occasion in Scarabia that you’d rather become numb to them.  You were helping Jamil set up for the latest party for…you weren’t even sure anymore.  It may have been Riddle’s horse’s birthday or something.  Anyway, you were hanging banners from the many railings of the balconies in the Scarabia lounge to prepare for the event. 
Plus, you had a secret duty assigned by Jamil.  From the corner of your eye, you kept Kalim in your sight.  Since Jamil must be away at Basketball Club for the moment, he has entrusted you with keeping Kalim in order.  This mostly amounts to stopping Kalim before he lets his wild ideas run away with him.  Speaking of which, you notice Kalim is excitedly gesturing as he speaks to (honestly you don’t remember his name, you’ve been calling him Scarabia B in your head).  An over-excited Kalim; that’s not a good sign.
“And elephants too!” you were just in time to hear.  Oh no, this had gotten out of hand.  You walk faster towards the pair but Kalim excitedly jumps up and runs off towards his treasure room.  You quickly follow.  “Kalim! Kalim! Where are you going?” you shout.  “Ah, Prefect!” Kalim smiles at you widely, clutching a rolled-up carpet.  “I’m going to take the magic carpet out to herd up some elephants for the party. Aha ha ha!”  Before he can fly off, you grab onto the magic carpet with your magic, freezing it in place.  “Hold it!” you shout.  “We can’t bring elephants to the party or…it will scare the horses!”  Kalim looks at you, his mouth going into a wide O.  Then, just as fast, it shifts into a beaming grin.  “Of course, why didn’t I think of that!  I’m so glad we have you here to help with the party, Prefect!  Aha ha ha!”  Disaster averted.
Parties were fun but they were also exhausting, especially for Jamil.  You followed him around, helping as best you could.  Sweeping up, tearing down party decorations, putting leftover food away to repurpose for tomorrow’s lunch; anything to take a small portion of the burden off your hard-working beau.  Finally, you had had enough.
“Jamil, you need to stop and rest.  This can all wait until tomorrow,” you gently admonish him.  He sets down the empty platter he is carrying and sighs.  “Prefect, I wish your magic could freeze time for the whole world, so I’d finally be able to finish everything.”  You consider this and respond, “Maybe my unique magic can’t do that but that’s not the only magic I have.” Jamil chuckles softly and gives you a look that says, ‘go on.’  You smile at him mischievously, “I’m like the fabled genie of the lamp, ready to grant your every wish.  For your first wish, I’m sending you off to bed for some rest.”  Then you drop the humor, “Even you need a break sometimes Jamil.” 
With a final long-suffering sigh, Jamil relents and lets you walk with him toward his room and well-earned slumber.  “You know, Prefect,” Jamil quietly states, “I believe the genie granted three wishes.”  You pause under the gentle illumination of a lantern set in an alcove.  “Why so he did,” you reply pensively.  Then, stepping close to Jamil, you place a hand on his cheek before drawing him down into a kiss.  His lips are warm against yours in the rapidly cooling night.  When you part, you lay your other hand on his chest and lean into his comforting warmth.  “I guess now you’ll just have to head to your room and think about what you want as your third wish.”
With one last gentle look, Jamil turns and continues alone to his room and rest.  Truly though, he has no need to consider a third wish.  What more could he desire when he already has you?
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edgeray · 4 months
Hello Ray! 🍅 anon here! (Again, because life has finally gotten a bit easier now and I have spare time!)
Very happy that you liked the TL’ed piece! I originally put it in a word document, hence the page number, and the formatting.
Since you can’t read chinese, you Might have missed out on a subtle yet telling part of Arlecchino’s story quest.
There’s a lot. And I mean. A LOT. of meaning lost in translation! EVEN THE JP TEAM DIDN’T FLOP THIS HARD?????? HUH????
For everyone’s sake, the general gist is correct. But the more accurate translation would be “May we meet again in our next life.”
There is a HUGE difference. Just that small phrase already tells you a few things. First, it tells you that Arlecchino, logical as she is, has definitely NOT recovered from Clervie (which is why I ship them. Still.) and yearns for a life they can lead TOGETHER. Second, it shows just how much Arlecchino cares! She’s known to be very cool headed and logical and if she cares about something THIS much to verbalise it as such, you know that it’s. Beyond important.
Honestly, I had no words when I saw the English translation (I use cn dub). Just that someone really, REALLY, butchered this subtlety on the most important part of her SQ. STEM student or not, if any of my bilingual teachers saw me translating it like that I would be slapped to the next timeline on Irminsul.
(Also yes I use windows that tip is going to come in handy xD)
Looking forward to more of your writing! Domestic!Arle…. Hehehehehehehhe
She deserves it! All the fluff and softness and happiness!
Hey 🍅 anon! Sorry this response took so long... did a lot of traveling for vacay today. And oooh... yes I agree "may we meet again someday" and "may we meet again in our next life" is SO different, like I fr got a gut punch from reading the second one. the fact that arle is hoping in their next life that they're together makes me tear up... that's so much more impactful and meaningful than meeting again.
it seems like poor TL for ENG is a common complaint about the ENG dub, though I don't know too much since I rely on ENG solely. I heard that also happened in the Arlecchino animation, with the part that Arlecchino says "Mother... my answer is no." I don't remember what the actual translation was, but I remembered it being vastly different.
glad the windows tip worked hehe
once i come back from vacay, i will be GRINDING on these requests because i'm behind the schedule I said i would do. just tryna finish a request at this point before my vacay ends. once it does, i'll go back to my 1-2 requests done per day. let's see how long the daily streak goes >:D
cannot wait to get to these requests... especially that arlevie request i got... heh heh. <333 am super pumped to write your domestic arle request bc arle deserves everything. :DDD
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