#honestly thinking about starting an etsy for stuff like this
aceouttatime · 1 year
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Keeper of the Ladybug - 12-27-22
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
In my getting my shit together era (taking my vitamins and trying to finally stop biting my nails)
#blood test came back from the doctor. there’s literally nothing wrong with me other than i’m iron deficient#and we already knew that.#and i was thinking about how last winter was so bad and trying to figure out what common denominator there was if anything and i was like#‘wait.. i didn’t take any vitamin D did i’#so tomorrow i’m going to the chemist to buy iron tablets; vitamin d and also maybe some misc chewy multivitamins because why not#and i’ve also decided i’m going to get that stuff you can put on your nails that tastes bas#*bad#honestly i feel like i’m biting my cuticles more than my nails but that’s worse. i get that that’s worse.#it must be stopped. and my incentive is i’ve ordered a set of pretty rings from etsy so that once those arrive#&i’ve stopped biting my nails i can have nice hands ❤️#i know i’ll never work up the motivation to paint my nails. but i can put on rings no problem#and maybe i’ll propose a manicure exchange with my best friend. me and her are both way better at painting each other’s nails than our own#tl;dr sometimes getting your shit together doesn’t start with a bang. sometimes it’s about altering small habits and tricking yourself into#making your life better little by little until one day you look around and go ‘OH i’ve stopped fainting and my cuticles aren’t bleeding!’#my past self got me a job. i can get my future self the vitamins & minerals she needs and get her a manicure#it’s about paying it forward#personal
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ghostinspacee · 8 months
For the self-shippers who see this...
If you ever feel like trying to get more in touch and connected with your f/o(s), you can always try creating a self-shipping journal. I'm in the on going process of making mine, and it's so nice and fun to do! It can be a fancy little notebook or a spiral notebook, doesn't matter.
I'll make a list of things you can add to your journal if you decide to start one:
- Write down how you and your f/o first met
- Add pictures, doodles or drawings of your f/o
- Add doodles of things that remind you of your f/o or relationship
- Write down any dreams or daydreams you have about them
- Write down a playlist or list of songs that make you think about your f/o
- Write down scenarios that go with a certain song
- You could buy cheap stickers of your f/o off Etsy or something and put them in there
- You could write about your s/I if you have one and how your s/I met your f/o
-Write letters from your f/o or write letters to your f/o
- Things you both enjoy doing with each other
Honestly you could do what you want with it but these are some of the things I've done with mine. It's fun to do cause if you're ever feeling down or anything, you could look at the journal and remind yourself that your f/o loves you <3
There's probably a bunch more stuff you could do so if anyone has other ideas, leave them in the comments/tags. If I think of anything else, I'll update the list. Hope you guys enjoy this idea! 😊
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goatpaste · 10 months
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Hai, mutuals have my actin up getting obsessive brain over Pillar Fam Au again and their all over my brain like ANTS
So I wanted to redo the art on the pillar fam playlist and doodle some stuff for my fav songs on the playlist
just thinking about them thinking about them thinking about them and running around and biting
every few weeks I just remember this AU is everything to me good lurd
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
also wanted to talk about some thoughts on the songs of the playlist just whatever, under the cut
Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family: this one I drew for, but I heavily think of it over Joseph and Wamuu's first meeting where despite the rough first meeting, theres that spark of interest in on another. Despite unexplainable need to get close to one another, especially Joseph to Wham.
Blood in the Wine by AURORA: mostly a song I put on there for Wham, its a Wham heavy song and makes me think generally of pillar fam but also of Wham and his relationship to his pillar men family and kars. His Loyalty and devotion to the man who is his father, but ultimately having these different goals and feelings.
Electric Love by BORNS: Honestly mostly just a fun feel good song I felt had some good vibes to Pillar fam, love a good lightning motif for Joseph.
Kiss her you fool by Kids that Fly: First kiss scene, 1000% Joseph with a million thoughts about how he's trying to get out of dying, or even killing but also quickly realizing he might just be in love with this powerful warrior and that Wham just might like him back, and to make a leap of fate with a kiss.
Talk to Much COIN: Another song that fit the bill for Pillar Fam especially of a Joseph angle for suuuure
High on Humans by Oh Wonder: I think this is pretty straight forward for the wham angle of this relationship, especially when Suzi starts being in the mix and he's realizing he's soft for two humans who he should be seeing as a threat to Kar's mission. but instead his brain if fuzzy and soft around them
The Sex has Made me Stupid by Robots in Disguise: also pretty straight forward, they were going at it like rabbits because i take Wham for a guy who fucks his enemies as an equal partner for him, fighting it like gay sex to him but so is gay sex lol. Also this song is such so extremely british its just a bit of a too fitting not to include
Dirty imbecile by The Happy Fits: Kinda vauge take on Joseph, i get big joseph vibes in this song and fitting to my minds touchings of his character and relationship to family and lack there of
Step With me by MIKA: its the vibes, the specific lyrics just feel so right, the slow set by set calculations of getting close to someone like Wham in their specific situation. Both in trying to work every angle to get everyone out alive, but also dealing with big feelings for a big man who may kill him. One step at a time, just a few steps away from you. I especially take this song overlay to the idea of the height of Pillar Fam when the month is almost up and joseph's one like asking of truce between him and wham, but wham choosing to stay to his word and to kars and leaving Joseph, but stubborn Joseph not giving up quite yet.
Necessary Evil by Unknown Mortal Orchestra: i think this in a way feels a lot like similar lyrical vibes to Where Evil Grows. But bit on the horny side lol, two crazy kids defying the odds, dealing with how they feel, messy messy feelings while they nearly kill each other in a gladiatorial fight on chariots around a roaring fire.
I wont hurt you by the West Coast Pop Art Experience: THIS SONG OUHGH this is one of the big ones on the playlist to me, its soo ouch. Song that 100% in my head links to the end of the Chariot fight. Joseph and Wham have dealt out all their cards, every trick in the book to live or win. All but their final trump card, all or nothing, put it all on the line and die winning. Wham lost of sight, arms and burning a hole into his own chest. Joseph with caesars headband and the lighter fluid... But he can't do it. instead opting to drop his weapons and his guards, i wont hurt you, Yelled over the intense slicing winds as they grow nearer. Joseph's pleading one more time for Wham to stop to not kill Joseph, but more importantly, himself. That Kars wouldnt want this, Suzi wouldnt want this and Joseph wouldnt want this. He would rather lay down and accept defeat and death than be the one to remove Wham from the world. its then, Wham in his biggest moment of vulnerability stops, words reaching him. Falling to his knees and embracing Joseph in a messy bloody puddle in all the heavy silence under the blazing fire. I wont hurt you.
m'Lover by Kishi Bashi: themes of unlikely lovers? well dont mind if i do for my pillar fam playlist. Picking up right after the last one, things are finally looking right, defying the destiny that they were meant to hurt and kill each other in that pit that night instead promising themselves to each other. two loves in the night finding each other in the most unlikely way
Affection Taku Iwasaki: Its a jojo song, and it makes me sad weepy, its soft its perfect for this vibe.
Bizzare Love Triangle by New Order: I think mostly on here for the general title and 'love triangle' idea. Suzi and her two boys, their Bizzare Love Triangle
From Me, the Moon by Lav and Dark Moon by Bonnie Guitar: putting these together as their both meant to be for the same idea, Wham watching his human partners grow old. His family even with his pillar man genetics, growing older. The idea they will one day leave him behind. This reality will obviously never come as they world ends in p6. But its a lingering idea, a soft sad, but approachable topic to think about for Wham. Couldn't not include it in a playlist meant to encapsulate them and their life start to finish. Wham will be sad, but happily live out his humans long lives. As long as they'll have him.
Affection Taku Iwasaki: it was the final track of P2, just like Affection, sweet and good, how could i not make it the final track on this playlist.
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everydaydollydomes · 2 months
Hi! I'm thinking of making my own ball jointed dolls, but don't know where to start. What are some beginner tips?
As far as sculpting goes, my main focus so far as been on object heads with only very very recently branching out into a tail (which looks pretty good imo for a first pass lol). I am hoping to eventually model my own body to go with my object heads, though, and have a doll that is 100% my own. Right now I print a lot of Kabbits cause I love them - they're made by AelithArt, who also has shared quite a few tutorials.
Some of Aelith's tutorials are linked below (he uses zbrush, which is a paid subscription. I've heard zbrush mini is free, though) (also hopefully these links will take you to the respective playlists):
If you don't like Zbrush or are having trouble getting Zbrush Mini to download or something, Blender is also popular and it's a free to use program. It's definitely got a learning curve but there are tons of tutorials on YouTube. I don't have any I specifically use, unfortunately, as the most I've used it for so far is for smoothing and a friend showed me how to do that over Discord.
Another friend has suggested just studying the joints and such of doll artists you admire and seeing how they built their dolls (one of my favorite parts of the Kabbits is the knees, personally)
I also got this on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/listing/594358549/online-video-class-how-to-design-a-bjd?ref=hp_active-mission-recs-rv-1-1
Which is another Youtube course about designing a BJD pattern, essentially designing your doll. You can actually find a lot of classes like this through Etsy that may come as PDFs or special Youtube links. Those ones tend to cost money, though. I believe the one I got was about 15-16 US dollars. Not bad, but it's the very beginning of the process and does not get into the actual modeling aspect; it's just the planning stage. That seller DOES have more tutorials available that get into the modeling stage, but they're much more expensive and I believe she focuses on actual sculpting and casting in resin. I still use resin, but I 3D print my stuff.
If you can find a good, active discord community, that's also great, honestly. I'm really glad I joined Aelith's cause it's been a pretty positive experience and there's quite a few knowledgeable people in there who have all been very supportive.
Aaah, I hope this helped some?? I'm not always great at organizing my thoughts for this kind of thing and my own resources are actually kind of limited.
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emohorseboy · 3 months
I'm so interested in all of your posts about mad liberation. I've never seen anything that puts my thoughts on the whole psych complex into words. I'm really curious to learn more about this. No pressure if not, but do you happen to know of any more comprehensive resources on this? Like books maybe?
Hi, I can definitely give you some recs! My list is a little bit UK centric because that's where I'm based but hopefully it's useful:
In terms of books:
I read 'Mad World: The Politics of Mental Health' by Micha Frazer-Carroll this summer and I can't recommend it enough.
I'm also making my way through 'Call Me Crazy: Stories from the Mad Movement' by Irit Shimrat, which I think is out of print but can be read as a PDF here (hopefully)
I've only dipped in and out of his books for my dissertation but Andrew Scull has written several well regarded books about the history of psychiatry ('Museums of Madness' is the one I've read bits of, 'Desperate Remedies' is on my TBR)
Some books on my TBR: 'The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease' by Johnathan Metzl, 'Drop the Disorder!', 'Searching for a Rose Garden: Challenging Psychiatry, Fostering Mad Studies', 'Anatomy of an Epidemic' by Robert Whitaker
Some really good articles:
'Abolition Must Include Psychiatry' by Stella Akua Mensah
'Mad Activists: The Language We Use Reflects Our Desire for Change' by Lisa Archibold
'Not a naughty child: people’s experiences of service responses to self-injury' by Alison Faulkner and Rachel Rowan Olive
More resources!
The Campaign for Psychiatric Abolition - UK based, they have a lot of really great resources including an extensive recommended reading list, a Psych Abolition 101 Zine, and a resource for making a crisis support plan.
Asylum Magazine - again UK based, radical mental health magazine. To read full issues you need to subscribe (I recently paid for a subscription for a year of digital editions for £10, physical copies are a bit more) but the website has plenty of articles that you can read for free so well worth exploring.
Psych Survivor Archive - US based this time, there is so much on here, the Psych Survivor Zine is the main event but they also have a really great resource list (some of the links are dead though).
Mad in America - publish a lot of really interesting and impactful stuff on their website, I also really like their podcast (particularly recommend this episode about ECT, this one about esketamine, and this one about 'prolonged grief disorder'). There is also Mad in the UK and a number of other country specific sites that exist as part of their Mad in the World Network.
Folks to follow:
Dolly Sen - UK based artist who does and is doing a lot of cool stuff, notably at the moment they are the lead artist for the Birdsong From Inobservable Worlds project. This podcast episode they did is also great.
Nicole / lacey_art_ - another UK based artist, she wrote a poem about a bird recently that I can't stop thinking about (she does a lot of other cool things too).
Rachel Rowan Olive - brilliant and funny artist, she is also on instagram and etsy.
Luna Tic - artist and activist who has been involved with a lot of really brilliant stuff, including the successful StopSIM Coalition here in the UK which managed to bring an end to SIM.
There are so many more I could name and so many more things I could recommend but this post is already so long! I really hope it was helpful. I started trying to be brief and then gave up but I did cut out a fiction and literature recs section because I thought that was overkill lmao. Thank you for giving me an excuse to make this list I had a great time.
Learning about the Mad and psych survivor movements has been so transformative and empowering for me and I could honestly talk about it all day. Please do feel free to send me a message if you want to chat about it more!
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anitalenia · 2 months
hii i luv your work soo much and also the headers and the stuff you make is rlly good 😻 i was wondering if it’s too difficult to make the headers etc? specially the ones that are more like gifs? and also is it too hard to find the images? bc honestly i haven’t seen a lot of them, just wondering! i get it if you don’t want to share i just genuinely think that the work is rlly rlly good<3 (sorry for such a long ask omgg)
Omg thank you so much hi hi 🥹🥹💞💞💖💖🌸🌸 first of all thank you so much for liking my work and supporting me, I so so appreciate it ✨✨🫂🫂💐💐 And omgggg you’re making me BLUSH thank you thank you thank you for the kind words 😭😭🫂💞💞 I love when people compliment my works it makes me feel like I’m doing something right 😫💐💐 flowers for you for being so great ✨💐💐🌷🌷🌹🌹🌸🌸
To answer your question, the dividers and headers are actually very easy to make. The animated dividers I make aren’t difficult per se, they just involve a few more steps than making a normal divider does. As for my animated headers that I use for my fics or masterlists and what not those are also pretty easy. I’ll try to explain a little more about what I use in depth below. If you would like a detailed walk through explaining how I make them I could do that as well 💕 Prepare yourself, there’s a lot 😭💖
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐒 / 𝐖𝐄𝐁𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐈 𝐔𝐒𝐄 — Picsart, Pinterest, PicCollage, Vita, Polarr, GIPHY, Photopea, Etsy, DeviantArt, Phonto, ezgif.com, onlinegiftools.com, Iloveimg.com, various fancy font generators (I don’t use these anymore, I use an app now for fonts, but this is what I used to use the most), various sparkle emoji combos + decorative text ( I use this one a lot + there are a lot of symbol apps on the App Store you can download, I have two apps that I use from time to time )
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒔𝒂𝒓𝒕 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a photo editing service / app I use to make regular dividers. They have a lot of aesthetic / cute stickers and pngs like the ones I use in a lot of my dividers. They have a transparent background option I love that makes it easy to make a divider. You can save the stickers you like to a collection and follow artists / users you like as well. I 10/10 recommend this one. They also have a bunch of photo editing software like cropping, retouching, etc. if you’re into that.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — You have to buy Picsart Pro to use a lot of the “pro quality” services, and the better quality stickers not made by an individual user (I.e. stickers Picsart itself has created) are not accessible to users not subscribed to Pro. Also, when you crop an image Picsart has a certain limit to how thin it can go, so I use an image cropping website I mentioned above Iloveimg.com. I only use Picsart for divider making purposes though so I don’t have to worry about allat. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑬𝒕𝒔𝒚 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is one of my favorite shopping apps in general. If you don’t know about Etsy it’s a small business / individually owned business kind of shopping app. There’s a lot of different stores / sellers that sell a bunch of different things. It’s a good place to buy dividers for very cheap, less than $5 dollars, I’ve also bought pngs / stickers as well. I’ll buy a divider pack from time to time and edit them however I please. I never just buy a divider pack and claim it as my own on Tumblr, I always edit them in some way that fits more to what I want. It’s just a good starting point in my opinion. Of course, you can probably find simple dividers online, only you know what’s best for you. Also, this is just a good place for anything web related in general ( they have sticker packs, dividers, procreate brushes, decorative elements, really anything you want for a relatively small price)
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒐 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is an app for fonts. Unlike the usual fonts you see in fancy font generators (𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔰, 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼, 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜, 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒔, etc.) Phonto lets you upload your own fonts to use on pics. Using font websites you can upload whatever fonts you like in just a couple seconds. I personally like to use Dafont.com for my fonts. You can also use dingbat fonts / decorative element fonts. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 ⊹₊ ⋆ Who doesn’t know Pinterest?? Literally my favorite app ever. I use Pinterest for image inspo / my aesthetic images. Here’s my Pinterest if you’re curious. This is besides the point but I used to be a Wattpad girly so I have a lot of boards relating to my past OC’s and wattpad stories (like 2016) 😭💕 You can search up literally anything / any aesthetic and the pictures / gifs that relate to it will pop up. Very easy to use and so much fun to make your own boards and stuff. I spend hours organizing my pins, I need to get back into it tbh 😿
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — Users upload a lot of fan made art that isn’t always crediting the original artists who made it. I have found some jjk fan art I use for my headers but no source as to who the original creator is. A lot of profiles do give credit tho so that’s good.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒈𝒆 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is the same service made by the people who created Picsart. I use this for many purposes. I mainly use it to combine my animated gifs with still images and combine animated dividers together with other dividers. To be honest it’s hard to explain what I use it for specifically but it’s just good for combining gifs and still images into one.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — I don’t think there is a transparent background option, so I have to use a certain website mentioned above to remove gif backgrounds. You also can’t crop the image and unless you pay for no watermark it gives you one. It saves animated dividers / gifs as videos, so I go to Ezgif to make it into a gif and crop the image to remove the watermark. Again, this one is a little hard to explain.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑽𝒊𝒕𝒂 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a free app I use that’s a rip off of the “real app” I used to have. The “real app” started charging for its services and so I moved to this one. It’s completely the same and FREE. This is where I apply text to my gifs and add the motion to it. Like how my masterlist header is, where it spins and flips, this is the app where I apply those effects. Side note, this is a good starting app for making edit videos like you see on Tiktok. You can turn off the watermark for free.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — This app also turns gifs / animations into a video when you go to save it, so again I go to Ezgif to turn it back into a gif.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒓𝒓 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is my favorite filter app for photos. Has very aesthetic filters that I use for my still images and as of recently my Pinterest boards as well. Not compatible with animation / gifs
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑮𝒊𝒑𝒉𝒚 ⊹₊ ⋆ I use this app solely for its stickers. You can find sparkles, butterflies, hearts, anything you want with a transparent background and turn it into a divider. I use this app mostly for gathering animated stickers to make my animated dividers.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑷𝒉𝒐𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒂 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is my go-to for applying effects / filters to gifs or animations. I use this to add filters to my animated headers. I download PSD’s from DeviantArt and use those filters for my gifs. This is not an app, just a browser I’ve added to my Home Screen. I recommend using on a computer because there’s a lot of stuff on the screen and you’ll want to see it all spread out. I use it on mobile only because I know which buttons I need to press so it’s not a problem.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — You have to upload your own filters to be able to add one to a gif. Once you open up the site it can be very overwhelming and confusing with all the buttons and drop downs and yada yada. Photopea is like an animations version of photoshop. I recommend searching for a tutorial, or if requested I can personally make a separate post showing you how to add filters to a gif.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑬𝒛𝒈𝒊𝒇 ⊹₊ ⋆ my go-to website for literally anything gif related. Cropping, removing frames, optimizing a gif, making a gif, turning a video into a gif, and many more. I even use the effects tab from time to time to add a border around my gifs (like the one around the Sugar Water Series header) There’s other stuff you can do of course, I recommend checking it out, I’ve been using it for years.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒐𝒐𝒍𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is a browser I use to remove the background from gifs.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 — It doesn’t do the best job at removing a gif background unless it’s a solid color. I always do solid black and it removes it pretty well. If your background is white it will have a hard time differentiating the gif from the white background and will clip out parts of the gif and make it choppy. I recommend having a plain black background as that works best for me. Also it just recently had an update where you need to wait 10 seconds before you can download the finished product. It also claims you can only use it a certain amount of times a day but tbh I’ve used it a bunch in one day and never seem to have a limit. So idk. Like I said this update is recent. I guess a lot more people started using it and now they want to charge people.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝑰𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒊𝒎𝒈 ⊹₊ ⋆ This is the browser I mentioned in the picsart section where I crop really thin images. Does not have a limit on how thin you can make an image. I’m not positive but I’m pretty sure this is not animation / gif compatible.
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒇𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ ONE TWO THREE
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒔𝒚𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒍 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒓 ⊹₊ ⋆ ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔 ⊹₊ ⋆ Evernote (a notes organizing app I use to organize my fics + I love it so so much), Amino (can find clubs / communities dedicated to bio decor & symbols), Gif Toaster (the og app I used in the very beginning to apply text to gifs), Canva (good stickers / elements + can find aesthetic / cute stickers with keywords on Pinterest), Videoleap (a video editing software I used to use), Remini (an app that upgrades the quality of an image), Symbol Pad & Symbol (apps I use for individual symbols) Snow (has cute animated effects I used to use sometimes a long time ago), VLLO (the app I used before Vita that charged for some of its services), DeviantArt (where I get all of my PSD’s + they have a lot of stuff you can use, pngs and whatnot, I just don’t really use it for those purposes)
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
Heyyyyy~ I'm just... So in love with all the work you do, they're all so precious and beautiful I'm in tears. Thank you so for what you do, can't wait to buy something you made soon :D
If it's okei, can you please tell the story of how you got into this and how did you progress from being babie artist to now growing artist and how long you've been doing this for? What's your top 3 fav works you've done? Did you eat good food today, if not please dooo. Thenks
thank you! that's very sweet x3 I'm excited to get more stuff fired and up on Etsy, hopefully before the end of June
choose three favourites of my work? oh, that is a difficult question.
one thing I really didn't like about my art when I was younger was that it was all very static. it was people sitting or standing, it was still life paintings. one of the things I'm really proud of in my work now is the sense of capturing a moment instead of someone posing, and/or giving a sense of movement
these two are just the opposite of static and I love them for that
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and then there's this mug. the design is great, the details are great and I had so much fun carving it. it was honestly just delightful and I wish I'd kept it. I don't say that very often.
all sold
I'm putting the rest of this under a cut because I'm going to ramble
I started drawing because I was making silly comics about me and my friends in grade school and through high school (I assigned them all fursonas because I was a really cool 15 year old lol)
I got a little more serious about art in high school, but I never thought it'd be something I'd make money at.
when I was... in my early twenties? maybe 19 still? ah, memory issues, I went through a nine month art program, the 'Urban Canvas' project run by SCYAP (saskatoon community youth arts programming). the program is meant to support young artists, especially those with mental health or addiction issues. and it meant I got paid to draw and paint and create weird shit for 40 hours a week, for nine months. and then some (seven? eight?) years later I got to go through the program again which... honestly I'm so grateful I got to do that. (and SCYAP still supports me, they give me a table at their craft show every year and helped me with my first solo gallery show)
these are some of the pieces I made during my time at SCYAP:
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and two very rare pictures of me, posing with two of my master studies. the left from when I was 20ish, and the right when I was... 27ish? (man I'm still proud of that Gentileschi copy)
it was after SCYAP when I started thinking that I could actually make money as an artist. so I painted more than a dozen murals, drew a 20-some page full colour comic, painted pet portraits, and sold my own paintings. commissions were more reliable than selling my own work for a long time lol
as for how I got into pottery, my mental health uh... haha. it took a nosedive about six years ago and during some of the worst of it, I was severely agoraphobic. my mom, who has always supported my art, offered to take me to pottery classes with her, in an attempt to get me leaving the house at least once a week. it did help (along with a lot of other things) and once I started exploring the surface decoration side of pottery, things really clicked for me
tangent: one of the things that really drove me to progress as an artist was having something driving my work. whether it was preparing for a gallery show or making a bunch of holiday cards or making piles of fan art because I was obsessed. every time I made something, anything, I improved. so when I had a goal that made me create more, I improved faster.
my unsolicited advice: make that weird fan art. it's good for your art. (I was really into tf2 lol)
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I've tried tons of different mediums and I think it was a great way to help my style evolve.
when you're making art with a new medium, it might take awhile before you're making your own personal work. I, at least, find that I usually have to do some studies of other peoples' art and just try some basic creations before I do anything more personal. but once I'm ready to do MY stuff, I have a new repertoire to pull from. I wouldn't be the potter I am if I didn't have the experiences I got from other mediums
like acrylics (I did a lot of self portraits >.>)
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paper flower making
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cake decorating
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(also oil paints, pastels, 3D wire art, crochet, linocut, stone carving, sewing, set painting and quilting. also my spouse and I like to make crafts together, like cutting-construction-paper, gluing-pompoms-and-googly-eyes crafts, because it's just fun to make stuff together)
I'm sure pottery isn't the last medium I'm gonna try. I'll probably get obsessed with carving tiny wooden figurines or making wax sculptures at some point. who knows!
and now I'm in my mid-thirties, making art pretty much every day. I've been doing this since I was a teenager, so almost twenty years now.
I never imagined I'd be satisfied with my own art, that I could look at most of my pieces and not see how I could have done it better, but hey, here I am.
wow that was rambly. the ADHD really comes out when I'm writing lol. and I did eat real food today! before having some freezies
thanks so much for your ask, hopefully I satisfied your curiosity
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creaturecomfortsva · 5 months
some old things i made.
i used to call my crochet shop "sadgirlcrochet". i started posting and selling my crochet stuff in late 2020, was dealing with some serious depression, and had only come to terms with being NB a few months earlier. calling myself a girl still felt right back then, or at least not painful. i put frowny faces on everything.
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this was the flagship product, the depressed daisy bikini. I'm thinking about re-designing these because they were always my best-selling product. honestly, as someone who works in marketing, "sad girl crochet" was branding gold. I could make any design that was popular with the tiktok crochet girlies but trade a smiley face for a frown and BOOM. iconic piece. hundreds of instagram likes. for example, my 420 creations in 2021:
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these are some of my favorite creations from that year. and while they're adorable, they're also simple. i wasn't exactly challenging myself on a technical level - more of my energy was going towards figuring out how to market via the instagram algorithm. because sadgirlcrochet was, above all else, marketable. the clothes weren't for crocheters. they were for followers.
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i redesigned the depressed daisy bikinis in 2021. i sold close to a hundred of these, maybe more. i didn't track inventory too closely (but i DID track my instagram followers, obsessively, at the time)
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i also had a really shitty phone camera, so i edited the fuck out of my photos to make the blurriness and low resolution into a feature instead of a bug. it worked for a little while. also, my living situation was hellish at the time, but we had a giant yard with this 70-year-old dogwood tree, and it made for an excellent backdrop.
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a commissioned witch hat i made for a friend. one of my favorite things i have ever made. after a while, i realized i liked doing commissions more than just creating products to sell to the masses because it let me push myself on a technical level.
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this was my most-liked photo of 2021. partly because of my boobs. that's fine. they look great. i created this top because of a commission that went viral, and it spawned so many copycats and fake etsy listings.
my feelings toward the top itself are mild. it's cute. i made it so that people would like and share this photo. there's not much heart in it, if i'm honest. i look back at this top and know that it was made almost algorithmically. granny square bralettes + halter straps + strawberries were all Very In right then so my hands produced this.
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the picture above is one of the first photos i took of myself and felt like i looked like my gender. gender euphoria, i suppose, though the stress of my life at the time dampened the joy. it was then that i started really questioning how i felt about having my online image so tied up in my girlhood. in my feminine body shape. i was 24 and recently estranged from my relatives and working through childhood trauma, including all my preconceptions about gender, and whether or not i owed girlhood to anyone.
i owed girlhood to my followers, though.
when i announced that i would be killing the sad girl crochet brand, a lot of people were genuinely upset. i lost over a thousand followers in three months. people didn't care what i, tabby, was creating. they cared about seeing Content under the Sad Girl Brand. that's okay.
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when creating for sad girl crochet i felt beholden to both sadness and girlhood. my primary mode of expression and self-understanding, my crochet, started to be incongruous with what i actually needed to express. instead of contending with my sadness and seeking to understand it, i exploited it. instead of finding my own version of girlhood, i recreated the girlhood that was shown to me online. it led to a pretty significant creative drought from mid-2022 till about three months ago, in late 2023.
when you make the art people expect of you rather than the art that is true, you kill a part of your soul. i know this now.
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i did my first craft fair in summer 2022 and immediately after, i was creatively bereft. what little bits of creative energy i had left were spent. a few months later my husband and i moved across the state, away from the hellish house with the beautiful yard, a fresh start. once we moved, i told myself, i would feel at home with sad girl again. and i kept waiting to feel the way i did in 2020 and 2021. but the more time went by, the less sadgirl felt like a creative outlet, and more an albatross round my neck.
and weirdly...i started to feel guilty about ever marketing my sadness in the first place. to grapple with the fact that i was making money off of other women and femmes with depression - and marketing to them on the basis that they were as depressed as me. the more i thought about it, the squickier it felt.
i barely posted anything in 2022 and 2023. i signed up for pattern tests and immediately dropped out of them. i made promises i didn't deliver on. eventually, i just stopped logging on.
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a lot of life went by. i crocheted for my family, my loved ones, myself. journaled. got back on tumblr. deleted twitter. started trading screen time for books. got outside more. made friends in the new town. and the longer i ignored sadgirlcrochet, the less i wanted to go back.
see, the thing was, i was actually healing and growing, finally. our living situation was stable. my family found our own little village. i came to terms with being trans-er than i'd let myself admit. sad girl was dead. i'd killed her. and that was healthy for me.
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creature comforts was born of a desire to be truer to myself and to live with more love. to craft instead of sell. to share instead of market. to be online without wearing a mask. to be active on tumblr instead of instagram. to be a creator and an artist. to let these desires be misunderstood by others. to love, unabashedly.
i'm excited to see where this takes me in 2024.
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hoolay-boobs · 4 months
How do you get into the perspective of your OC(s)? What were the first few things you did to get into their character and understand them better?
I absolutely love this question bc it led to me re reading my own work 😂
I somehow got to my my characters very well without ever putting my book in first person. It’s all third person, sub for one character who breaks the fourth wall and sometimes speaks without quotation marks.
I was inspired by Shannon Hale’s run of Ever After High (Ever After High has at least three different book series by three different authors, plus a Netflix tv series- it’s like a miniature MCU but with better characterization lmao) and I can arguably say that Shannon Hale has the best material on all of Ever After High.
Here is an example (the image is sourced from Etsy) of how a character breaks the containment of using proper formatting of quotation marks and speaks directly to the narrator
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I do this as well. Different font, and then I write it like a text message going back and forth, disregarding quotation marks or proper formatting. However this only happens a couple of times per book for my character, and a handful (4-5) times in Ever After High.
I know my characters far too well. The main eight are like children to me, I know their deepest desire and darkest fear and coping mechanism and guilty pleasure. I have been with them for over 5 years without finishing my novel. The time has been spent with making playlists and drawing pictures and creating Pinterest boards and writing things that I don’t intend to publish or include in the final manuscript (hehehe fanfiction by the author) because I simply like to explore them in different situations. My books are going to be in third person, but I ocassionally write in first person, even if I’m planning on just deleting it, because I just like to practice getting in my characters’ heads when I have writers block.
I follow the “worst” writing advice ever. I base many traits for my OCs off of myself, which could be seen as making them Mary Sues. I write them like real people, adding in stupid dialogue of them stuttering or accidentally interrupting one another and then saying “oh sorry, you go first”. I write smut about my favourite OC ships knowing that I’ll never include it in the final draft of my book, just because I want to write about what’s happening “off screen” and what my characters are doing when the reader isn’t looking (although there are indeed some sex scenes in my book, I do like to write additional ones that aren’t nearly as eloquent or have any plans to include it in the published novel). I started my second draft before my first draft was finished, solely because I understood my writing style had improved so abruptly and the characters had evolved so much, I needed to start fresh. I look in the mirror and act out my character’s conversations with one another or their fight scenes or how they wave their hands around like Elsa conjuring magic. I take breaks for months and when I finally sit down and write, I’ll either write 5 words, or 2205 words in one sitting, and not often anything in between.
I have horrible writing advice, and I suggest you take any of it that you’d like or that resonated with you, because it has brought me so much joy in my life and has helped me gradually get to know my characters like new friends who become family.
I’ve been told that my writing “flows like butter” which is so odd because I juggle 4 protagonists, 2 antagonists, and 2 deuteragonists. They don’t “all fit”, but they all have a role to play. Like the delicious fries on the side of the burger, the whole meal. Your characters don’t need to be stars. They just need to be memorable. And I know they will be. Your mind is more capable than you think.
Like honestly, just word vomit on the page and write silly stuff. It will be the most human, glorious, flawed, messy, endearing, and passionate writing you’ll see. Just go create chaos. And play with your characters like Barbie dolls. In a little while, you’ll know them like you know yourself.
At the end of the day, anything you write will be an achievement because you took nothing and turned it into something, transformed a blank page into a series of words and letters. That’s god behaviour right there. Even if it’s shitty writing, you created it from scratch.
But also, don’t worry about setting deadlines and timelines. I’ve been at this since grade 10 and now I’m in university and I’m still not done. Let your characters marinate and soak and rest in your mind. Let them grow. There is no rush. All is well 💜 and one day your characters will grow like little plants from seeds 🫂🫂🫂💕💕💕 just be patient with yourself, and have fun with getting to know your characters!
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jermajoke · 11 months
Hey guys. I've run into a really weird issue. For about 3 months now I've heard some kind of organic squeaking (almost mouse-like) around the back of my desk every time I enter the room, but I can only cause it to happen when I enter the room. I only hear it walking through the doorway. There's an air vent behind my desk that I've taken off and looked inside with a flashlight, and there's nothing inside. The squeaking isn't coming from the vent itself or the screws or anything, and there's no hinges or what not.
Similarly, which is why I'm posting this on my Jerma blog, my Jerma merch shelf has slowly started to... I don't even know how to word it, but I'm losing stuff. I bought a full GrottoBeasts deck and I'm missing 3 cards now. There are tiny holes in my Glueman and Fireman shirts. My first thought is a mouse is loose in my room, but that is not possible, in November 2021 I bought an exterminator spell on Etsy which assures no rodent type vermin are permitted to enter my home. I renewed it in 2022 so I know it's still active.
I've begun to suspect paranormal activity which is somehow linked to my Jerma shrine and I'm really not sure how to start dealing with it. Has anyone else here dealt with weird Jerma-type spirit shit? I know this is a really weird fucking post but honestly I'm so confused and too scared to sleep in my room anymore, I've been sleeping in the guest bedroom or on the couch. I'm also really afraid of microwaves and think there may be some negative energy attached to the platonic ideal of them, but this is completely unrelated to the current issue. Any advice would be appreciated and money is not an issue (I'm an eighth year civil engineer)
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chayscribbles · 9 months
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chayscribbles’ monthly writing update ☆ august/september 2023 double feature
words written: 4273 in august; none in september BUT that's because i did a lot of revising
projects worked on: Gemini Heist in august; Andromeda Rogue in september, then procrastinated so hard i ended up writing a few paragraphs on Third, Secret Wip
proudest accomplishment: i compiled all my AR1 beta feedback without giving in to the urge to set the book on fire and also myself
books read: Network Effect (Murderbot Diaries #5) by Martha Wells
so basically i started off august decently solid, working on gemini heist while andromeda rogue was off being torn apart by the betas. (i'm joking. it didn't get torn apart. i think you guys were being way too nice actually.)
and then all kinds of shit hit the fan in my personal life all at once in mid-august. both good and bad. it was a lot.
anyways the first half of september was spent recovering from all that, BUT i took a week off work mid-september to catch my breath and also get back into writing, and it was really good for me.
on another note! i am very seriously considering making an etsy shop for some of my art, because as much as i loathe the thought of monetizing my hobbies, we are living in a cost of living crisis, and i don't wanna be in my ice water soup era forever, ha. anyways stay tuned. (and if you think it would be a good idea/you think yourself or others would be interested in buying things PLEASE LET ME KNOW. EXPLICITLY. because otherwise i will assume no one cares and the idea will fizzle out.)
more specific wip-related comments + featured excerpt below.
☆ COMMENTS: ANDROMEDA ROGUE (draft 2 editing)
i went through all the beta comments during my week off and while i am glad it doesn't look like i'll have to do any more BIG rewrites, editing sucks and i want to give up.
☆ COMMENTS: THE GEMINI HEIST (draft 0.5. okay fine it's draft 1 but i feel better about myself if i call it draft 0.5 okay)
honestly when i was working on this feels sooo long ago i don't even remember what there is to say?
i hit 20K at some point in august. i think.
OH YEAH i "finished" act 2/7. the quotation marks are because i absolutely did not finish it, i only finished writing all the main plot-relevant scenes and skipped anything else. which means there's like a whole chapter and a half that haven't actually been written bc they're probably gonna be exposition or character building stuff that i haven't figured out yet and i'm hoping will be easier once i know what actually happens in the rest of this story. (reminder that i am a plantser.)
anyways i suspect this wip will be going dormant again for a while as i focus on getting AR ready for publishing. (sidenote it's been over a year since i started the GH draft and i feel like i've done fuck all on it besides come up with useless lore and make extremely specific playlists. world's slowest writer. the playlists slap, though.)
uh have this random snippet of Euna about to pop off!
Somewhere far, far, away, Leo was shouting, “Just get your ass out of there, Li!” but her voice seemed muffled in Euna’s ears, blocked out by the rage that had been steadily mounting ever since that guard shot her arm and ruined the fight for her. All she could hear was the blood rushing through her own ears, the buzz of the guard’s electrified gauntlets, the crackle of the electricity in her own hand. She reared her good fist back and slammed it into the guard’s face. Their nose made a sickening crunch against Euna’s knuckles. Blood flowed down over their mouth and chin as they staggered back, but Euna wasn't done. Her right arm, still spouting sparks, swung into the side of their head, finally bringing them down. Before they could get up again, Euna dropped on top of them, pinning them to the ground with her knees on their chest. She grabbed their shoulders and yanked their upper body off the floor, preparing to slam them down one last time— Purple light surrounded her. For a frightening second, she couldn’t move. Then she was thrown off the guard and dragged, upside-down, through the air towards the exit.
☆ TAGLISTS. let me know if you want to be added/removed to any of them.
general taglist:
@nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @quilloftheclouds @ashen-crest @writeblrfantasy @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @extra-magichours @avi-why @lefttigerobservation @chazzawrites @bardolatrycore @innocentlymacabre
andromeda trilogy taglist:
@bebewrites @nicola-writes @dgwriteblr @the-orangeauthor @onomatopiya @akindofmagictoo @quilloftheclouds @nora-theteawriter @ashen-crest @corpsepng @writeblrfantasy @toboldlywrite @celestepens @stardustspiral @pepperdee @cheerfulmelancholies @extra-magichours @writeouswriter @cilly-the-writer @lefttigerobservation @rose-bookblood @drowsy-quill @chazzawrites @cynic-and-chief @enchanted-lightning-aes @aesa @outpost51
gemini heist taglist:
@florraisons @akindofmagictoo @cream-and-tea @nicola-writes @memento-morri-writes @antique-symbolism @rose-bookblood @afoolandathief @pepperdee @avi-why @zonnemaagd @chazzawrites @analogued @enchanted-lightning-aes @innocentlymacabre @kahvilahuhut @celestepens @cilly-the-writer @extra-magichours @onomatopiya @outpost51
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teslathelame · 7 months
Hiii sorry if this is a weird ask but. I know you're into lolita fashion and I'm interested in getting into ouji fashion so do you. Know good online places to buy lolita/ouji fashion? Ik they're not exactly the same but. Also hi hope you're having a nice day ^^
oh yeah, sure! a good place to start is lace market, which is basically ebay but specifically for lolita fashion :> and ouji pieces do often end up there as well. you already know about wunderwelt, so i won't go into that one, but it is a very good place to find secondhand ouji. they're honestly pretty comparable, except i'm p sure wunderwelt ships from japan whereas lace market depends on wherever the seller is located :x plus i think ww is often a bit less expensive, just cos of the difference between the japanese vs. western markets
if you don't wanna buy secondhand, or can't find anything you like, you can always order directly off of brand websites! alice and the pirates usually has some sort of ouji release out. and of course there's always taobao and taobao resellers! i'm sure it'd save you a bunch of money to buy stuff off of taobao through a shopping service, but personally i just buy from resellers cos i'm okay w/ paying extra for convenience lmaooooo
as far as which resellers to go with, i've had good experiences with clobbaonline and lolitawardrobe. i've heard some VERY mixed things about devilinspired, so i can't honestly recommend them. the taobao brand neoludwig, a.k.a. fanplusfriend, has its own english-language website, and they've got some really nice-looking ouji pieces :> AND they do custom sizing for most of their pieces, which is always nice.
finally, glittertale on etsy has got some super cute ouji sets available, all their clothes are made-to-order to your measurements, the seller is lovely, and the quality is fantastic :) not even for the price, it's just great altogether<3
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chaisshitposts · 8 months
So I know someone asked this before, but I also want to know what your opinion is on psychic readings?
I’m starting to have feelings for this guy, and I admit I’ve been getting a bunch of readings on Etsy as a “test” to see who is more accurate.
I asked “how does ____ feel about me? What will happen between me and him?” To a few readers
Each gave a someone different answer.
One being: “He likes you! But he only sees you as a good looking girl to hang out with! He enjoys surrounding himself with ladies! So there’s no true romantic attraction there right now. I see he is more focused on the way you look and he thinks you’re very attractive and cute.”
One was “Your friendship will grow but things will likely just stay friendly and professional. He is not sure of himself right now and he is not experienced with people. Your lives are very different for things to come together. This is not what you’d like to know but I think you two will be great friends.”
Another was “I sense he already as a bit of a crush on you. He is not the type to tell you how he feels but I sense he does like you a lot. He tends to hide his emotions but he has a very good feeling towards you. He will not reveal anything until you express your feelings to him indirectly or directly to him.”
Then one more was: “I sense he already has romantic feelings for you but he is focused on the fact that the conversations flow well and he has never had that with anyone before. You’ll be surprised at how emotionally mature he is, supportive and understanding he is and this gives you the idea for a potential relationship. There will be confirmation on his feelings for you in a few months.”
So now I’m both weirded out and confused. 🤔
helllllllllllooooooo!!! ooh these were fun to read! :D I noticed some common themes between what you've been told, hoNestly I am a strong believer that psychic readings and what not are definitely another good way to measure your current thoughts or what's currently going on, but it's always important to remember that these readings are never permanent unless you decide to accept them as permanent in your mind.
(once heard a story about a man who went to get a reading and the person told them he was gonna die from a heart attack or something, he accepted it as true despite being perfectly healthy, went back home to set up a will and stuff, and guess whAT? he died a couple months later!!! which could have been prevented if he didn't take the readin' as permanent or if he was a skeptic)
if ya don't like what the readings are sayin', all ya gotta do is say 'fuck that. my sp wants me right now and is gonna confess to me at some point," etc' whatever you want to be true. i would recommend usin' psychic readings or any kinda spiritual reading with an open mind and the idea that it doesn't have to be a permanent message in your life but instead just a guide on what ya might need to make adjustments for.
kinda like when ya do an exam where ya think ya did really good on it, you get it back, notice that some of the answers you thought were completely correct were actually incorrect, and then you take those answers that were incorrect, study them a bit, and then come up the right answers needed so ya can have better luck on the retake of that exam— hopefully that makes sense
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Hi it’s Cee, I have the side blog life.
Nice ask day thingy:
You already know I love your cross-stitches but what got you into it? Is it a family skill?
Would you consider making an Etsy?
And one non-CS related one
What do you want to see in Season 5?
I talked a bit earlier about what got me started with cross stitching. It was basically my pandemic hobby. I honestly don't remember exactly what made me decide to start it, but I think it just came from being really bored at home/not working, browsing Schitt's Creek stuff on Etsy, and coming across a simple looking cross stitch kit. I figured out how to do it from the kit, liked it, realized there were TONS of Schitt's Creek patterns and kits on Etsy, and it just grew from there.
I do have an aunt who's really into sewing, makes clothes, does a lot of quilting, and also does cross stitch. When she found out that I was getting into it, she sent me a box full of kits she had lying around. I feel a little bad that I haven't really done many of them, but I just have more of a passion for cross stitching that's related to the tv show I'm hyperfixating on!
I don't know if I would consider making an Etsy or not. I don't have plans to right now, but I won't say never. When I started out doing this, I was almost exclusively using other people's patterns, so I wouldn't have been able to sell anything. Now that I'm making my own patterns, I suppose I could start selling either the patterns or the finished pieces. At least right now, I feel like there aren't enough cross stitching hours in the day for me to get the patterns and stitching done for my own personal satisfaction, but it may be something I would consider in the future.
As for season 5, SO MANY THINGS, but to name a few: I want Carlos to solve Gabriel's murder and feel some closure about it, I want TK and Carlos to be ridiculously happily married, I want to learn more about Nancy, I wouldn't say no to more Paul and Asha, I want some good TNT paramedics action scenes, I want a Grace/Judd and TK/Carlos double date, I want more 126 Catan hangs and/or some other 126 shenanigans, and I really want the show to not forget that Lou II exists.
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lokeanheart · 11 months
Hi! I’m not sure if you’ve answered something like this before but I was wondering how you first realised that Loki was there for you. I’m currently trying to connect with a deity (I’m not doing a great job at the moment because executive dysfunction) but I’ve been struggling quite a bit and I’ve only had one experience a while back that might be considered a brief interaction so I was wondering what your experience in this sort of area might have been like and how you managed to grow closer to Loki.
Omg hi hi hi my first Anonymous question 
This is so fun !
Well I started worshiping Loki maybe two and a half months ago and I’m still pretty new
Even being a a Lokean for years there’s still new stuff to learn
Never feel like a deity isn’t listening or isn’t there
They are ! I promise!
For me I found Loki when I was in a very low low spot in my life . I randomly one day started to love marvel loki (I didn’t like marvel at all had no intentions on ever liking it) then I sorta had that whole phase ..then I found out it was all based in norse mythology
So I read up on it and honestly I felt to drawn to loki and I just had to learn more . I began reading about people’s stories with him and realizing most of the symbols (animals ,food, sounds , elements) that he was associated with are all things that were in my life constantly.
So I then made a huge decision to break from my horrible religious trauma (my family strongly believes in god and hates gays and stuff like that’s soooo…being bisexual and genderfluid and lokean.. they didn’t like that)
and I can say that’s probably the best thing I’ve every done - like I feel like I can breathe and be my authentic self.
I realized he was there mostly because I keep fucking getting one fly that won’t fucking leave me alone (it’s actually bothering me rn and I have no fucking clue where it came from when this house is clean so I’m gonna say this is definitely Lokis silly ass)
Also I had such a huge love for red foxes out of nowhere like I just adore them and that’s also another animal associated with him
And sometimes I’ll just be drawn to things in stores or anywhere really and it almost always has something to do with his mischievous lil ass
But other then that I’ve downloaded an app for norse runes and stuff and I’ve started a journey there .
I try my best to be open to not only Loki but the ones that he surrounded himself with- like his children or odin thor etc..
Loki is a funny lil shit and really will be protective
I’ve found that out the hard way when
I came out to my family and told them I felt very misunderstood and depressed and unloveable talked out my abuser and stuff like that
And they all sorta called me crazy and yknow stupid shit like that
But I went out side to bawl my eyes out and my mom was texting me and it was sorta overwhelming and my phone was at 60% I chatted with my pal Roman and that thing shut down…literally turned off and I just sat there in the dark scared and anxious and then there was this bizzare calm like it was ok ..like a parents hug would fix whatever was going on and just as I thought about how I suddenly felt better the wind started to sort blow a cool breeze on my face and when I tell you that was like the best feeling after sobbing and ur eyes burn and face stings ..
But I look back and think ..yeah that was Loki
I try to get closer to him by learning about him more .
try traditional meals that they might like
Or listen to music that is associated with them or reminded u of them
Even a simple “hey thanks for always being there you’re really great !”
“Good morning !” “Goodnight!”
Write poetry for them and draw for them
Wear something that reminds you of them
Or even a pendant or something of that sort
I just recently bought a bunch of lokean stuff
It’s all about patience and believing that they will be there
I can even leave some good Etsy shops I shop from that u might enjoy if u happen to worship loki they have good stuff
If you ever need a friend or anything I’m always open to dms
I have instagram it’s lokeanheart
Also I recommend this song
It’s a pretty good song
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