#honestly this goes for nearly any series btw
moonpaw · 1 year
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jadebread64 · 10 months
time for me to post my bullshit ramblings on the new doctor who episode in no particular order like a maniac lol
obviously seeing tennant and tate back in their roles is so cool, they feel exactly as they should, it doesnt even feel like 15 years have passed when you watch them its great
lmao im not even joking when i first saw the meep™ i literally thought "aww it's so cute i hope it doesnt end up being evil" and LO AND BEHOLD
also i think the wrarth voices are so funny cause in the trailers they're like *auurhghghg scary monster sounds!!1!* but in the episode they just sound british like every doctor who space alien should
i think the new TARDIS looks really cartoony and i think it's kinda fun, idk if ncuti is gonna end up with this TARDIS set (i'd imagine the bbc doesnt have the budget to make a whole TARDIS set for 4 episodes then just make a new one lol) but i think it looks kinda plain at the moment? idk if they added some chairs and bookshelves n shit like the capaldi one and make it look more lived in overtime it might be one of my favourites just for the whole classic who vibe it has. either way it's perfect for david he gets to run around like a little kid in there and thats all that matters lol
also tennants new suit looks so fucking good and honestly wish he just had that in series 2-4 instead of the brown suit
i think it's so funny how literally not even 5 minutes after entering the TARDIS donna just fucking spills her coffee on the console and the whole thing just explodes and goes to shit immediately lmao
im really hoping we get to see whoever the fuck neil patrick harris' character is in the next episode, im 99% sure it's gonna be the celestial toymaker but only because the doctor who youtube account kept posting celestial toymaker clips and i think they're being cheeky bastards lol (/positive)
(/sarcasm) i cant wait to see all the queerphobic assholes shitting on this episode for having the few pronouns/binary lines in it and going "dOcTor wHo iS wOkE nOw yUcK" even though doctor who has been progressive since literally 1963 with the daleks (which got a fancy new colourization that i need to check out still but thats a whole OTHER THING LOL)
oh yeah and david's acting is really fucking good in this, like when he thinks wilf has died and he just sorrowfully says "i loved that man." like MY HEART CANT TAKE THIS
plus when he thinks he has to sacrifice donna to save everybody, holy shit his perfomance is incredible
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this is just a me thing but seeing a doctor who episode live as its broadcasting is so cool, i've been watching this show for like 8 years (i think??) and i usually just ended up finding it on dailymotion or some shit like a day or two after the episode aired so i'd always be late for it lol (btw for the people coming after me i dont pay for disney+ at all lol) so watching it the at the same time as everyone else was very cool especially since i nearly slept in through it lmao
anyways i think thats all if i remember any more things i'll add em in lol
plus some bonus ramblings before the episode aired
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overwatchfics · 2 years
i dont see a lot of submissive kiriko on here tbh. maybe some bondage hcs with the reader in control?
A/N: I honestly need to write more submissive content tbh I need to prove I'm a nintendo switch.
Submissive Kiriko HCs (NSFW)
Kiriko, is typically not submissive, but the times that she is she gets into it.
Not big on receiving degradation, when Kiriko bottoms she is at her most vulnerable, she can be playful yes, but not too hardcore into degradation
If you have her tied up, wrists bound together in silk, you can feel her shiver when you ghost your lips next to her ear and tell her how pretty she looks bound up in red silk.
Kirikos prefers silk ribbons over chains of any sort, she also doesn't mind being tied with yours or her belt around her wrists (better if it's yours, seeing you take it off and bind her with it does something else to her entirely)
Blindfolds are Kiriko's guilty pleasure.
This goes hand in hand with the bondage btw
You'll expect to hear soft chocked gasps and grunts as you lick and suck on her nipples while working your hand between her legs. The cloth around her body in a series of knots and bows does a wonder to the eyes. It's a real sight to see her on her back, back arches, muscles rippling just beneath the skin. The mess between her legs resembles that of a flower in the rain. Just dripping and waiting for the nearest touch of heat from the sun. In essence she needs your fingers inside her wet heat.
Big on being teased and really won't complain, while she loves hearing to talk her through being teased and fucked, she doesn't exactly respond l, nor does she really want to. Her glowing eyes that shift with her feelings tell you enough.
If she absolutely losing it sometimes they glow so brightly you can see them past the blindfold. Motes of light shimmer around her (Listen magic kiriko magic kiriko magic kiriko) and you can tell she is desperate and she needs you badly.
Who are you to deny her really? A gift all pretty and bound like her deserves to be opened? And open her up you will.
With the blindfold on, she doesn't know your next move, which gets her going.
She jolts immediately at the feeling of your hot slick tongue between her legs. The sensation of her thighs clenching beside your head when you focus on tracing letters into her clit.
It's almost a gasp of relief from her when you slide a finger or two into her along with your tongue.
Her orgasm seems out of this world, almost a crescendo of flowing movements of her body, like that of flowing water.
Her chest heaves with heavy breaths and the glowing behind the blind fold is fiery.
She turns her head to you as if knowing exactly where you are (Spoiler, she does know. She has extreme senses thanks to her fox affinit because I say so.)
Next thing you know she tears her bindings (or tps out of them if you want to save money by not having to buy more) and launches her self at you.
Kiriko pulls off her blindfold her eyes nearly blinding your own and her lips draw open in a fanged smirk and gives you a look of Your turn baby
Though the thought of kiriko railing you with a blindfold on is interesting
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A/N: this gif is so submissive thought is was fitting. Also LEGS TY I GOT SO FERAL WRITING THIS.
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knickynoo · 9 months
Christmas-themed Ellex headcanons, please?
Ehehehe, Alex and Ellen!! Wooo!
Btw, these are headcanons for post-series where they reunite and end up married (because that's what I like to believe happened)
• In terms of decorating, Alex spends a lot of time grumbling and complaining about having to take everything out of storage/the attic or wherever and all the time it takes to put everything up. Ellen just smiles sympathetically and goes, "Yes, I know, Alex." Really, she knows he just has to get it out of his system. Once they actually take everything out, Alex enjoys the decorating just as much (or even more, perhaps) as she does.
• They do clash a bit in their decorating techniques, though. Whereas Ellen prefers an artistic "just feel it out" method, Alex has a system for where everything should go, down to the last ornament on the tree. "Ellen, there are already three red ornaments in close proximity on that side of the tree. Let me swap one out. It doesn't—no, it doesn't look right. Stop adding more red ornaments!"
• On winter evenings when it starts to flurry, they like going out for a quick walk. They get all bundled up, maybe get some hot cocoa in a thermos, and take a stroll hand in hand as they admire some of the nearby Christmas lights.
• Alex is very attentive to the moments Ellen mentions something she likes or admires something in a store. He may seem aloof in the moment, but he files it away and is sure to go out later to buy it for her. He does his Christmas shopping throughout the year in this way, squirreling away the gifts in a secret hiding place. When Christmas morning comes, Ellen is honestly surprised at some of the presents, as she sometimes forgets that she'd even mentioned a certain thing.
"Alex...I hardly even remember mentioning that I wanted this. How did you know?"
"We were out at the mall, remember? It was back in May, I think. You stopped and looked at it for nearly five seconds with that expression on your face that you get when you really like something. I went back the next day."
• Ellen tends to wait until closer to Christmas to start doing her shopping, but she gets it done pretty quickly. Alex is easy to shop for and easy to please. Sweater vests, ties, books on economics, orange juice, an emtpy cardboard box, etc. Any of those, and he's a happy camper.
• When they have children, they struggle to figure out how to handle The Santa Thing. I can see Ellen leaning toward not wanting to indulge in the whole charade and preferring to take an open and honest approach (while still keeping it fun, of course) while Alex wants to go all out in creating the Santa Experience for their kids. He just has such fond, beautiful memories of his many, many years believing (he was 22!) and wants to keep that same fun alive for his kids as long as possible. Ellen eventually gives in and lets him be in charge of that part of the holiday.
Thanks for the ask!
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Because you expressed some interest, here is my guide to watching Dark Shadows on Amazon Prime, specifically the episodes featuring Roger Collins, rich asshole and hilariously bad father. This only covers up to Ep. 365, as I am nowhere near finished watching the series.
First off, please know that you are under no obligation to actually watch any of this, or to enjoy it if you do try watching it.  Dark Shadows is a ridiculous show, the early episodes are all dripping with dark, moody shots and a creepy, forlorn atmosphere to the point of feeling like a parody.  Tim Burton only wishes he were as goth as Dark Shadows.  The show is also a low-budget, daily soap opera, which means plots get constantly rehashed and dragged out forever, and most scenes get only one take.  You will see characters fumble their lines just about every episode, and some hilarious prop disasters.  Nevertheless, it’s a fun and interesting show for those of us who are fans, they go absolutely buckwild with the supernatural, and I think there are some genuinely good actors.  (And also some really bad ones.) 
Dark Shadows on Amazon Prime has been divided into “Dark Shadows,” which starts with vampire Barnabas’s first appearance around Episode 210 (because that’s the part everyone wants to see) and runs until the end of the series, and “Dark Shadows: The Beginning,” which starts the series from the actual beginning, and runs up until Barnabas.  Dark Shadows: The Beginning is honestly less interesting before characters like Barnabas and Julia Hoffman and Angelique show up to stir shit, but Roger has a greater role in Dark Shadows: The Beginning.  He’s a terrible father and a selfish cad with a shady past, and ex-con Burke Devlin is there on a revenge plot against him.  Much of the main pre-Barnabas storyline is about Roger’s past crimes, Burke and Roger, and later Roger’s estranged wife Laura.  Louis Edmonds, who plays Roger, gives the character some charisma and witty charm, and is especially good at correcting his line fumbles and landing on his feet when a scene goes awry. 
Dark Shadows: The Beginning
Btw, there are some spoilers in here, if you care about that.  Given that I’ve already been posting spoilers on my blog, I’m guessing you don’t.
Ep. 1 – Roger’s very first appearance is a close-up of him pouring himself a drink.  Get used to this, it’s his signature move.  He snarks at his sister Elizabeth, who is brooding out the window, calls his son David a “monster,” and says that Liz is making a mistake by hiring governess Vicky.  He is a delightful, witty asshole with limited power.  Elizabeth is clearly the one calling the shots at Collinwood, and she is only letting Roger stay at Collinwood for the sake of David.
Ep. 2-5, 7, 9, 12-13 – Roger spends much of these episodes freaking out over Burke Devlin’s return, while trying to pretend that he is not freaking out, harassing artist/drunk Sam Evans (who shares a dark secret with Roger concerning Burke’s past).  Sam is clearly wracked with guilt, Roger only wants to save his own skin.  He believes Vicky is potentially in league with Burke, or that she’ll at least let something slip that will get the family (meaning Roger himself) into trouble.  He alternates between interrogating Vicky and turning on the charm.  He avoids being an actual father as much as possible, and actively wants to send his son away.  Ideally far, far away from him.  We also get the history that Roger left town under mysterious circumstances, and that Liz has been sending him money every month on the basis that he never come back.
Ep. 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 36 –  Roger gets into a car accident when his brakes fail, and is “nearly killed,” although he winds up with a bandage on his forehead and his arm in a sling.  Roger was on his way to meet Burke Devlin in town, and Vicky saw Burke snooping around Roger’s car shortly before the accident, so Roger immediately assumes that Burke tried to kill him and spends several episodes trying to prove it while dragging Vicky in as a witness.  Turns out it was David tampering with Roger’s brakes, and Roger reacts like a loving, concerned parent – by yelling at David and saying horrible things to/about him.  Roger also suggests that David might be Burke’s bio son rather than his, since Roger’s wife Laura was originally dating Burke.  In Ep. 36, Roger literally says something to David like, “Is the devil afraid of the shadows he lives in?”  Father of the year, and also an absolute drama queen, like every other Collins.  Liz covers the whole thing up by having loyal family handyman Matthew Morgan take the blame and claim it was a problem of negligent maintenance.
Ep. 37, 39, 40, 41, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 54-56, 59, 62, 65, 66, 68, 71, 74-76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86-89, 93, 95-97, 100-106   The plot of Burke Devlin’s revenge, and Roger’s past crimes continues.  Burke makes moves against the family business, Roger continues to harass Sam Evans about their shared secret, and harass Vicky about her supposed “snooping” and anytime she so much as speaks to Burke.  Things heat up when plant manager Bill Malloy calls a meeting between Burke, Sam and Roger, ready to throw Roger under the bus to spare Liz from Burke’s revenge plot – but Bill is murdered before he can arrive at the meeting.  The show then spends a loooong time casting suspicion on Roger, Burke and Sam as suspects, including a drawn-out storyline about some extra special unique pen that Burke gave to Carolyn and then Roger took from Carolyn to give back to Burke, and that Vicky finds near the site of Bill’s murder.  You would not believe how many episodes this show spends on the pen.  Roger is either a vaguely sinister figure, or a savior for Vicky depending on which way the story is leaning and new revelations about who had the pen last.  (Turns out that murderer is a completely different character.)  Ep. 41 has Roger flippantly admitting to Liz that he frittered away his inheritance money, but he “enjoyed himself doing it,” which I think is a defining moment for him.  Liz is all about family legacy and responsibility and has a strong, determined personality, Roger doesn’t give a fuck, and will happily live off his sister’s money.  (Not very Shaw of him, I know.  I think Liz is the one that Sebastian might actually respect.)  Ep. 87 has Roger find Vicky after David locked her in a room in the closed-off west wing of the house, but first he spends a few minutes fucking with her because he is once again trying to drive her away from Collinwood, and it is hilarious, it’s like a grown man doing middle school pranks.
Ep. 112, 114, 119, 125, 126, 127 – The Bill Malloy murder plot is resolved when handyman Matthew Morgan admits to the crime, so Roger is off the hook.  But Matthew also holds Vicky hostage due to her knowledge of his crime, first briefly at his cottage, then for several days in a secret room at the Old House.  Poor Vicky can’t catch a break!  Roger is callously unconcerned when Vicky disappears, nursing a grudge for her getting him arrested over the whole pen debacle.  David, who has been sneaking food to Matthew and is convinced that he is innocent, eventually discovers Vicky, but it still takes him forever to finally tell an adult about it.  Roger, as usual, doesn’t believe David and dismisses him completely, but thankfully Burke Devlin, who is getting set up as a romantic interest for Vicky and being written more heroically, gets off his ass to do something and drags Roger along with him.  The two set aside their differences to head out to the Old House with guns to rescue Vicky.  They still would have been too late, but the ghosts of the Old House actually do something useful and scare Matthew to death.
Ep. 128-132, 134-140, 146, 147, 149-154, 156-158, 160, 161, 163, 165, 167, 169-171, 178, 182, 183,  187, 188, 191, 192  – The next big plot arc on the show is the return of Laura Collins, Roger’s estranged wife and David’s mother, who first shows up during the Matthew Morgan arc as a mystery woman hanging out at the diner.  Laura wants a divorce and full custody of David, and Roger is only too eager to give her both those things, but Elizabeth, who actually gives a shit about David, objects.  Laura has spent time in a mental hospital, and she was away for most of David’s life, so he barely remembers her.  David also has a weird fear response to seeing Laura, which is natural for a kid meeting a parent that’s been gone so long, but in the context of the show turns out to be something supernatural.  Laura is also the former girlfriend of Burke Devlin, so there is a lot of drama back and forth between them, and Roger comes to suspect that they are both plotting against him.  In Ep. 139 Roger catches Burke meeting Laura on Collinwood grounds, holds a gun on him, and hilariously insists that he could kill Burke and get away with it because Burke is trespassing.  Roger, buddy, that’s not how the law works, even in the gun-crazy US.  There’s also drama about Sam Evans feeling compelled to paint a picture of Laura surrounded by fire, and suspicions about a burned body that was found in Laura’s old apartment.  Laura’s behavior becomes more and more sinister, Elizabeth winds up comatose in the hospital from a mystery illness, and Vicky investigates Laura’s past with the help of bland boyfriend Frank Garner (he’ll just disappear from the show) and intensely boring character/terrible actor Dr. Guthrie.  Eventually they realize that Laura is a legendary phoenix, who has “died” in fire and resurrected herself many times over the centuries (and this before Jean Grey ever did it), and who wants to take David with her this time.  Roger is his usual shitty self most of the time, condescendingly dismissing everyone’s concerns and delighted at the chance to get rid of David.  Finally, even Roger gets onboard the “Save David” train, especially after he sees an actual supernatural occurrence (a book opening by itself) that he can’t explain away, in Ep. 182.  Laura eventually lures David to a fishing shack to burn them both alive, David is saved by Vicky, the real MVP of this arc.  Afterwards, in Ep. 192, Roger at least attempts to show some concern and affection for David.  Roger also shows some real emotion and concern when Elizabeth collapses, although he later insists that Liz is just “being dramatic” over not getting her own way.
As an aside – Roger spends a lot of these episodes in a fancy-dandy rich guy outfit that reminds me a lot of one St. John Allerdyce in his early appearances.  And Shaw himself, of course.
Ep. 193, 194, 196-198, 200, 201, 204 – The next big plot arc on the show is the appearance of con man Jason McGuire, who is there to blackmail Elizabeth over skeletons in her closet (or rather under the basement floor).  Liz has been reclusive and secretive this whole series, and this arc will explain at least some of her actions.  And we’ve already had two arcs about Roger’s shady past, it’s Liz’s turn!  Jason also brings his sidekick, petty criminal Willie Loomis who will play the very important role of unleashing vampire Barnabas from his coffin and onto the show.  Barnabas will become insanely popular and dominate the show, gradually edging out characters like Roger and Liz, although they still stick around and get occasional storylines.  Roger is just kind of there for much of these arcs – there’s a plot line about Sam Evans demanding old paintings back from him, but it doesn’t really go anywhere.  Roger does express concern and frustration over Liz basically letting Jason walk all over her, and offers his help as her brother.  In Ep. 242, for example, he seems genuinely concerned and supportive.  Ep. 200-201 are also important for Roger, as Sam and Burke confront him and he finally admits the truth of the crime he committed years ago (killing someone in a drunk hit-and-run, blaming Burke).  Burke is satisfied with Roger’s admission of guilt, and finally drops his revenge plot – this both wraps up that storyline, and lets Burke shift from antagonist into Vicky’s love interest.  Despite not having as much to do, Roger is hilarious when he does show up, very much the “drink in one hand, witty comment” rich guy snob, again reminding me of early Pyro and well-written Sebastian.    
Dark Shadows
After all that, you have finally made it to the main Dark Shadows collection, starting with Ep. 210.
Ep. 214, 219, 240-242, 249, 252, 264, 268, 272, 273, 277, 280, 281, 313, 330, 331, 334, 339, 354, 357, 362, 365 – Vampire Barnabas Collins has come to town, introducing himself as their distant cousin from England, a descendant of the original Barnabas, and bearing a remarkable resemblance to his portrait on the wall.  Barnabas fixes up the Old House to live in, takes on Willie as a servant despite everyone’s objections (Willie was so shitty everyone was ready to run him out of town), and seems like a perfect gentleman, if a bit strange and mysterious.  Of course, Barnabas has bitten Willie and placed him in thrall, and bites then kidnaps waitress Maggie Evans, and tries to brainwash her into becoming his bride.  Meanwhile, Jason McGuire continues to blackmail Liz, attempts to force her into marriage, and Liz finally breaks down and reveals her own deep dark secret – she killed her husband.  Except it turns out she really didn’t, Jason just let her think she did.  There’s a great sequence of Roger and Burke chasing Jason through the woods with guns as he flees in Ep. 272, and him having a heart-to-heart talk with Liz in 273.
The Barnabas plot continues, as Maggie escapes, loses her memory, gets committed.  This brings in Dr. Julia Hoffman, who quickly figures out that Barnabas is a vampire, and offers an experiment to cure his condition, while hypnotizing Maggie into forgetting everything and helping Barnabas cover his crimes.  Julia, like Willie, will become one of Barnabas’s main sidekicks/enablers.  Throughout this, Roger continues to be a witty rich guy who always has a drink in one hand, and a bad father, although more caring and less openly hostile to his son.  David starts to learn things about Barnabas (not to mention hanging out with Barnabas’s dead sister Sarah) and Roger and Liz discuss sending him away, as they think he has become delusional.  (David is actually completely right in everything he says.)  Ep. 354 introduces a lawyer who is representing an employee of the Collins family cannery who is apparently suing due to a workplace injury, and whom Roger has been ignoring for some time.  Good to see Roger cares about his employees as much as Sebastian does!
In Ep. 365, Vicky Winters is transported to 1795 during a séance, where she will stay until Ep. 461.  This entire arc is all in the past, there is no back-and-forth, and Roger’s actor plays Joshua Collins, the stern, cruel businessman with bushy sideburns who is even more Shaw than Roger himself.  Shortly after Vicky’s return, Roger will abruptly marry Cassandra, who is Barnabas’s nemesis Angelique in a bad wig, and her control over Roger will be his main story arc for awhile.  But I haven’t gotten there yet.
If you have read this much, I am impressed.  This “guide” was fun to write, and helped me appreciate Roger, a character that I never paid much attention to when I first watched the show.  He’s become one of my favorites now.
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lolotheparagon · 8 months
Sofia the First Season 4 in a Nutshell
Oh boy... Season 4. The one with the Wicked Nine story arc.
Day of the Sorcerers - 1/10
For some inexplicable reason, the writers wanted to redeem Cedric and finish off his story arc of being a villain, DESPITE 3 ENTIRE SEASONS OF HIM CHANGING PASSIVELY OVER TIME AND BECOMING A GOOD GUY AND A GOOD TEACHER TO SOFIA AND THE CHILDREN, BUT NOPE WE GOTTA HASTILY CONCLUDE THIS CHARACTER ARC. SO LETS HAVE HIM TAKE OVER THE KINGDOM AND ACTUALLY NEARLY SUCCEED ALL BECAUSE THE BILLY WEST WIZARD AND A BIRD PERSUADED HIM WITH VERY LITTLE CONVICTION. Its fucking hilarious cos at the third act, all it took to get Cedric to stop usurping the throne was Sofia giving him a glare like a child angry at her dad for not picking her up from soccer practice. And despite nearly taking over the kingdom, Cedric gets a second chance thanks to Sofia and her mum and everything just goes back like nothing happened. WOW ITS ALMOST LIKE THIS WHOLE EPISODE WAS COMPLETELY FUCKING POINTLESS.
The Secret Library: Tale of the Eternal Torch - 2/10
Remember, kids. If you have a history with invaders constantly trying to take over your home at every opportunity, befriend them! Its always good to share your land, even though its your land by right! Thank god we're dealing with dragons here not people, otherwise this wouldve been REALLY FUCKED UP. I mean this is fucked up, but still.
The Crown of Blossoms - 9/10
Finally, an episode that didnt make me wanna gouge my eyes out! A wonderful lesson about not using other people's valuable treasures for a festival and you should rightfully give it back to them. Even the boring Clover being greedy sideplot doesnt bother me.
Pin the Blame on the Genie - 0/10
Oh great, another episode about the Culturally Fucked Up Genie Police and the kid genie getting needlessly harassed and villified by the public all because of one racist wizard's opinions. Btw its established that the Genie Patrol have prison cells for misbehaving genies, WHILST THEYRE IN THEIR LAMPS. So its a prison within a prison. WTF?!
The Mystic Isles - -5/10
So, this is the famous Mystic Isles special...Honestly, for a world that's supposed to be where all magic originates, this is pretty dull. Like isn't the world of Sofia the First already magical as fuck? There are magical creatures everywhere in Enchancia, what makes this place so special? Also I really dont like the alicorn Skye, his oldtime medieval mannerisms get older after 5 minutes and it really feels like the show one-upped poor Minimus, since he was Sofia's first flying horse. Oh yeah and Sofia wants to be part of the Crystal Justice League or some shit, cos we need SOMETHING for our main character to do!
The Mystic Isles: The Princess and the Protector - 4/10
A tough fairy named Chrysta becomes Sofia's mentor into becoming a glorifed cop for the EverRealm and because she has this preconception of Sofia being this spoilt snob because she's a princess, Chrysta proceeds to not teach her anything and snark at Sofia throughout the majority of the episode. In any other series, this would be hilarious but here, I just feel sorry for poor Sof. I really grew to like Chrysta later on but this was NOT a good first impression.
The Royal Dragon - 6/10
Crackle and Sofia in Spyro form joins a dragon summit and the former fight with her egocentric rival in order to get people's attention cos her rival always steals people away from her before she can even make friends. Ngl I was expected to hate this episode but it was worth it to see that Crackle's rival is just as insecure as she is and made up half her boasting was made up so people would be friends with her. Also Sir KMR the Knight appears again to play schoolyard pranks on a bunch of dragons cos he's a petty bitch lol
The Mystic Isles: The Mare of the Mist - 6/10
Minimus is understandably pissed off that Sofia arrived with a brand new alicorn TM as her new best friend and tries to string along both of them on her new mission to find this mystery horse for a test. I dreaded this episode was gonna go with Sofia gaslighting poor Minimus into thinking Skye is the better companion and he should deal with it. But No. Sofia couldnt even finish her test cos the mystery horse she was looking for chastises her for not considering Minimus' feelings and favouring Skye over him. I like that, it really puts Sofia in a humbling position and helps her realise how important Minimus is to her.
Through the Looking Back Glass - 9/10
Its a good Cedric episode so its already a step up and we get to see Calista again, which is always fun. We find out the actual reason why Cedric has had this reputation from everyone, especially his sister Cordelia, that he was this bungler who would never amount to anything, and its revealed to be a completely accident which Cordelia forgives him for and apologises for all the teasing and petty rivalry she had with him over the years. Its a very sweet victory for Cedric and I honestly wish THIS was the final episode of his character arc than Day of Sorcerors cos it really shows how much he's improved as a person since Season 1 and that he doesnt need to take over the kingdom to prove his worth. Side note: I love how Sofia and Calista team up to clear Cedric's name and its cute to see Sofia act like a big sister to Calista.
Princess Jade - 8/10
Wasn't expecting a non character like Jade to get her own spotlight episode but here we are and its really sweet! I love how Jade was originally excited to go to Royal Prep to be with her bestie Sofia when they found out Jade's a descendant of royalty but quickly grows to hate it when she realises she'll never see Ruby or any of her village friends that much anymore, her entire life is changed upon this revelation...AND THEN WE GET A FUNNY AS HELL SIDEPLOT WITH AMBER BECOMING A MASTER ARCHITECT. Why wasnt this an entire episode alone about Amber being into architecture, that is wicked cool?!
Ivy's True Colors - 0/10
Ooo, the villain Princess Ivy's getting a redemption? Skip
Too Cute to Spook - 10/10
And we now return to our scheduled programming of serotonin-filled spookiness cos this time Sofia, Lucy and her toxic witch friends are doing trick or treating and Calista wants to join in but they dont want her to join cos she's too adorable to be scary and they're worried she'll "cramp their style." But Calista just wants to have friends and make Sofia happy. Man, I miss when Sofia the First episodes were like this.
Pirated Away - 8/10
After crashing into a pirate ship by accident, Miranda, Sofia and Amber have to help a bunch of geographically challenged pirates find a golden figurehead so Sofia and the family can see a meteor shower along the way. We get to see Miranda being a bad ass mum, Amber learning to respect her mother's word and have a heart to heart talk with her and a lesson about just fucking listening to people.
The Mystic Isles: The Falcon's Eye - 5/10
Oh goody, another Mystic Isles episode and this time, Sofia has to search for the Wicked Nine, a bunch of magical items belonging to the greatest Disney villains of the past to stop the villain from the Mystic Isles special, Prisma from gaining all their powers. Cos apparently Sofia the First really needed a daedric artifact storyline.
The Mystic Isles: The Great Pretender - 4/10
The Mystic Isles: A Very Mystic Wassalia - 7/10
Okay, the fact Chrysta has spent the whole of Christmas with Sofia doing protector tasks in order to distract herself from her incredibly lonely life cos she has no family or friends to spend the holiday is truly sad. I really felt for her when Sofia rounds up everyone in the Mystic Isles for a Christmas party. Just...awwww.
The Birthday Wish - 10/10
Sofia has a shit birthday so she wishes for a redo of her birthday and she gets it...40 times over. Yknow that segment with Huey, Dewey and Louie in Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas? Its basically that but with Sofia slowly going insane. The biggest highlight is definitely Sofia getting more exasperated and pissed off with each repeat. Its so rare to see Sofia mad or even angry cos Sofia's a very grounded kid who's got a big heart so seeing her being pushed to the limit is hilarious. And as always, there's a good lesson about looking on the bright side of things, which is especially true since Sofia still had a pretty good party to begin with, despite how chaotic things got.
In Cedric We Trust - 8/10
I feel like this whole episode was an apology for Day of Sorcerors cos this ep tries to address the fact Cedric nearly usurped the throne a few episodes ago and Roland's not happy about that. But unlike a lot of kids shows where the villains make shoddy attempts to atone for their actions and the characters just immediately forgive them without any repercussions, Cedric is nowhere near the levels of vile monster levels of Starlight Glimmer or Catra so im a lot more on board with Cedric's redemption cos he's got a far better track record of being a good person than any 2010s redeemed villain combined. Also Cedric earnestly trying to restore Roland's trust not just to get everyone to trust him again, but also because the two shared a friendship together when they were children is very sweet. I kinda wish that was explored a lot more in the show earlier. I wouldve loved more Roland and Cedric bonding.
The Mystic Isles: A Hero For The Hoodwinks - 5/10
Clover wants to be a hero like Sofia so he pretends to be one after hitching a ride to the Mystic Isles and manages to garner a fanbase of flying hedgehogs. Trust me, its not as exciting as it sounds.
The Mystic Isles: Undercover Fairies - -5/10
Another boring Chrysta episode, this time its about Chrysta having a bad experience with other fairies cos they all thought she was too rough and tough and not delicate enough to be a fairy. I mean, good for Chrysta to embrace her femininity but I really dont care at this point.
A Royal Wedding - 10/10
Aunt Tilly's wedding? Okay sure, but what if there was a main plot where its revealed Amber is actually the heir to the throne, not James, causing him to have an identity crisis and immediately tries to humilate Amber in front of the whole reception but nothngs working cos James still thinks Amber is her season 1 self, not her current self who's mastering all her royal duties like a pro and not caring about getting her dress dirty. So he accidentally summons a sea monster, which causes havoc at the wedding and can only be calmed with the promise of cake. So Amber, Sofia and James work together to stop said sea monster and the twins reconcile, James makes up for his actions and Amber dubs her brother First Knight. A heartwarming episode with a dash of crazy shenanigans thrown in. Finally, James gets a good story right before the show finishes.
The Royal School Fair - 3/10
Its nearly the end of school for Sofia and the gang but the former doesnt know what school she wants to go to after finishing Royal Prep, so everyone tries to get her to join their personal fave school rather than one of them sitting down with her and actually working it through with her. Oh and for the cherry on top, Amber signs Sofia up to join a school WITHOUT HER CONSENT and despite being called out for it, Sofia decides she wants to go there anyway. OH FOR FUCK'S SAKE. WRITERS, YOU HAVE ONE JOB, DONT TEACH KIDS TO BE COMPLACENT WITH PEOPLE'S BAD BEHAVIOUR.
The Lost Pyramid - 4/10
Sofia and the gang are exploring the inside of a pyramid, where they have to rely on different senses other than their eyes to solve the pyamid's riddles? Nice! A blind princess who's also an archaeologist?? THAT IS SO FUCKING METAL I LOVE THAT AND OH MY GOD, HILDEGARDE. GO AWAY!
Return To Merroway Cove - 2/10
"Remember, kids. If your parents are infantilising you and don't think you're capable of handling more difficult tasks, prove them right! That'll show 'em! Wait..."
The Elf Situation - 8/10
Sofia encourages James and Amber that just because a peace summit is looming over them and that they're trying to prepare being future monarchs with newfound responsibilities, doesnt mean WE CANT HAVE FUN. And she's right! You guys are in your early teens, enjoy life while you can before the ! Btw i love how 3 kids managed to solve a years-long rivalry with two elf clan leaders in one afternoon when the king took years to get them to reconcile but to no avail lmao. Especially when the two elf leaders in question were mostly petty squabbling and got along the moment someone suggested to do something fun. See, Sofia's always right!
Forever Royal - -6/10
The sheer mood whiplash from an absolutely wholesome first act that wouldve been a great bookend to the series with Sofia graduating Royal Prep, Amber training to be queen, James becoming a full-fledged knight in training and everyone in Enchancia is all coming together to celebrate how much our main character has grown over the couple of years...only to spend the last two acts of the special hastily wrapping up the entire Wicked Nine story arc with a brand new villain instead of the one we've been building up over and the season, complete with higher stakes, a world-ending threat and ending with Sofia defeating said villain like a Kingdom Hearts cutscene spiritually reminds me of this
Oh boy this was a difficult season to get through. S3 had a weird story arc with the Secret Library, but at least that wasnt NEARLY as intrusive as the Wicked Nine arc, where it clearly felt like Craig Gerber tried to crowbar it into the season, especially for how out of place the usual episodes are. Craig said in one of his podcasts that the Wicked Nine was meant to be a serialised story arc for the whole season but Disney shot him down, saying that it'll be too complicated for a pre-school show. And honestly, I fully get behind Disney on that. But Craig had enough creative power to jam that shit in so we're stuck with a boring ass daedric artifact plotline that meanders until the finale, clogging up what couldve been a decent season to wrap up the series.
Still, apart from that awful last season, I really recommend Sofia the First. It's such a cute, fun show that has its problems and defnitely isnt for everyone as its very straightforward in its themes. But if you like musical numbers, silly characters and cute saccharine stuff like me, you'll like this show just fine.
Peace out, bitches
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the2purpleidiots · 2 years
jasonnie lives in my head rent free now 😔 /pos. i was also wondering abt your thoughts on autistic donnie? as an autistic person i love me some good rep so im constantly brain thoughts on how jase would handle donnies meltdowns or overstimulation. the idea of them having parallel play time with each other owns my whole heart ❤ but yeah just curious on what you guys think of it. love the fics btw! I've read all of it so far and i really like them 🤠
Hello, Fox here! Sorry it took so long to answer this ask! I've been busy as hell, LMAO. But, hey! I'm glad you could join the bandwagon of Jasonnie enjoyers and enablers! There are a lot more of us than I realized, haha! Also, thank you for enjoying our fics! Even though we're not on the Jasonnie fixation as of late, it's always really fun to hear everyone else enjoying these dorks!
As for your question: Personally, I adore the Autistic!Donnie Headcanon and write him autistic in all my stories, intentional or not! Parallel play is definitely something they both just clicked on without having to say a word throughout the entirety of their relationship.
In our fics, Jason grew up in a household that disregarded his existence in nearly every sense of the word. So, after they get along and spend most of their time together? Jason enjoys it when they're doing their own things, sharing space since it's so similar to what he's used to while also being everything he's never given freely. Jason's used to blending into the background and not disturbing those around him. But with Donnie, he actually gets to share the space, to co-exist with him without fear that he's being too much or doing too little. There's no need to overanalyze and second-guess things.
Donnie's family has definitely existed in spaces together, especially when Donnie is working. But there's a significant difference between your siblings trying to help out, asking what you're doing, and getting you to build something for them, and when a kid simply blends into the space like nothing has changed. It's not like his family is constantly obnoxious, but brothers can sometimes be like that. Plus, Jason's smart, he shares the same level of knowledge with Donnie even if it isn't in the same subjects or skills, but he still blends in with Donnie's world instead of sticking out against it like his family does, if that makes sense?
It's like a mix of comforts and mutual unsaid understandings between them. They know how this shared space goes, and they both enjoy how the other exists naturally, so it's like a safe little bubble that they can get wrapped up in sometimes.
I would probably have more Jason and Autistic!Donnie Headcanons to share, but honestly, most of my Autistic!Donnie Headcanons are for my other fic series, and I have yet to think about these boys through that lens in a hot minute! (Any Autistic!Donnie-related Jasonnie ideas that are floating in my head are from the amazing people on the Jasonnie Discord Server and not my own.)
But a scene I think about a lot is Donnie and Jason cooking together. The two of them bond over their Asian Cultures, sharing their foods with each other, especially modified ones, to ensure the taste and texture doesn't disturb or overstimulate Donnie.
Also! Jason knowing his meltdown routine after a year of them being together is definitely something that delights me to no end. Knowing that when you're in that place and know you have someone you can trust to know exactly what you need and always try and follow that for you no matter how worried or hurt they may be in that moment? Because your health comes first, and they understand that? That everything that may have happened before can always be dealt with later? Fucking masterful; it means everything to me.
I do have to apologize, dear anon, for the more vague Headcanons, though? As I said before, it's been a moment since I truly obsessed over these two, but I hope I answered your question? If you have more, I'm more than happy to ramble about them and talk about them! <3
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 10 months
My experience with Gotham Knights... (The Show). (disclaimer: You should probably watch the show first before reading my thoughts about it, since there will be spoilers for the entire show).
Ah, Gotham Knights. A show that was review bombed by almost everyone, before it had even been released...
(Which is counterproductive btw, I mean how am I to trust a "critic's" opinion on anything if they don't even check the damn thing out first?)
A polarizing show for sure, I found myself pleasantly surprised with the mysterious and cut-throat world it set up.
It's about the inexplicable murder of Bruce Wayne and the consequential framing of his adopted son, Turner Hayes.
The characters were entertaining.
Even though they were total hipsters I didn't really find any one of them unbearable to watch.... I'm sorry, but I found them likable. Harper came pretty close to unlikable a few times early on, but gratefully she never crossed the line into unlikabilty. Plus her motivations were mostly very sweet.
Turner was pleasant for an original character. He wasn't cocky or obnoxious, and he never overtook the entire show. Cullen was a nice younger brother character to play off of Harper, and he just happened to be trans. And while it wasn't swept under the rug by any means, it certainly wasn't his only trait either. He was a good example of representation that didn't feel pandering (or) overshadowed and ignored.
Duela (originally only appearing in the comics) was crazy but not just a Joker ripoff. And she was delightfully animated and unhinged to watch. I enjoyed her struggles with her parentage/upbringing (as one would), and the twists and turns within her family history.
While it had some of the classic CW staples in it, I thought they had a decent balance between campy superhero mumbojumbo, and serious 'edgy' plotlines.
The Court of Owls (a under-utilized big bad in the comics) was admittedly a bit underwhelming and ridiculous in some ways, but it was a fun concept... Having a high society-type cult of rich assholes who rule over Gotham, and secretly pull the strings to every happening that goes on there... was something new.
It was interesting to see a group of outcasts that were in WAY over their heads, trying to deal with a common enemy that had eyes and ears everywhere.
Misha Collins as Harvey Dent was a casting stroke of genius: he's understated and has a trustworthy, and yet, unpredictable quality that really lends himself to the: politician with aspirations to help the people of Gotham with a hidden dark side... character well.
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Now for my issues with the series:
Something that annoyed me, was how Cullen would figure things out like a damn puzzle master and the other characters would congratulate themselves as geniuses... Despite most the reveals and revelations to said riddles being directly due to Cullen's connecting of the dots. It wasn't a big thing by any means, but it kind of irked me... I mean Harper and Stephanie are the "smart ones"— and even though they had moments to shine in that respect, I honestly thought that Cullen was ultimately "the smart one" in the group. Yet he never got nearly enough credit as such.
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Another thing was that as the series waned on mostly episodes 9 through 11— it started to get a little unfocused... hallucinogenic poison and visions of the Batman, it was in these episodes that the CW really started to set in.
(Harvey Dent seizing up, during a mental battle with both the good and dark parts of himself was particularly funny.)
Admittedly, it kind of went into hyper speed in the second half... Relationships bloomed and blossomed seemingly overnight— revelations slapped viewers in the face, And Harvey Dent went mad and madder.
I was bothered by Lincoln's involvement. With all the clues and scenes as they were, it just didn't make any sense. Why would Lincoln send himself this so-called death calling card? Why would he have himself stabbed by his own assassin? A stabbing that almost killed him and put him in a temporary coma no less!? IT JUST DIDN'T ADD UP. The twist on his wife was a shock, but even with her pulling the strings behind said attempted assassination, it still made little sense.
That is till the other twists came....
The "other" Harvey didn't make too much sense either, he was mostly a nut job with a seedy list of crimes spotting his history. Two secret (and questionable) affairs, a couple murders, etc. but we never got to get into his motivations for these acts... Other than the murders of course. And it did ultimately take away from his overall intrigue—
There's a scene in the very last episode, both Duela and Harvey are being held captive. Both of them tied up and basically bound to blow up when the bomb in the same room, goes off.
Harvey and Duela talk and bond a little. And eventually Harvey finds that they're seemingly all out of options. With time ticking, and no sign of rescue showing up. He figures the only way out, is to bring out the "other Harvey". Since Harvey is a snake and most likely will find a way to weasel both himself, (and Duela) out of the situation.
Despite Duela's objections, he makes her promise to help bring him (original recipe Harv) back after they've both been freed.
This never comes to pass, since Harvey 2 is a total dick and ends up getting himself maimed and leaving Duela out to dry. This is probably the most mind boggling decision Harvey could've ever made.... Why would you allow a total psycho to take the metaphorical wheel, and expect them to do anything actually helpful? Why did you ever think he would give a shit about Duela? He left her to rot in prison for 17 years for crying out loud!?
Now you're looking stupid, cause you allowed yourself to be mutilated AND left your own daughter behind to die after promising to make up for all the lost time with her!
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Douchebag Harvey did one thing right however— he did get away.
And what's the first thing he does with his newfound freedom? He pays Duela's mom a visit. (The woman who sold Duela out and let her be taken hostage by the Court of Owls). He tells her that she should be ashamed of her actions and that he's here to take care of her because she quote: "hurt their daughter."
...Which is true, she did betray Duela's trust.
This made no fucking sense. And it annoyed me to no end. Is Jane Doe a good mom? No. No she isn't. But let's please not make it out like other Harvey somehow "loved" his daughter either, okay?
I do believe that og Harvey loves her and would have loved her if he'd known about he... but d-bag Harv? Ain't no fucking way.
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But let's get back to the positives:
I liked the pure absence of relationship drama. All the characters had chemistry with each other, but there were no love triangles or jealousy. Which is an accomplishment imo.... A teeny bop-drama without a massive focus on banal relationship drama? Now how can this be!?
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Much like our friend Harvey, this show had two faces: One was a pleasantly fun mystery slash heist show, about a bunch of wayward outcasts running against the clock to solve their own supposed crime.
—And the other, was a soapy drama dealing in torrid relationships and CW character twists.
Overall, I had a good time watching this. It flew-by fast, and I personally wouldn't have minded watching more.
The characters were probably my favorite part of the series. They made a cute team that sometimes butted heads and didn't see eye to eye... I'm a sucker for that dynamic. (I mean, I grew up on the og Teen Titans, the Justice League cartoon, and TMNT.) What can I say? I love a good team up show.
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I think going into this with low expectations and all the critiques that people put out there actually saved it for me.
I wasn't expecting a lot, but I definitely felt differently than the majority of people when I was done.
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starglitterz · 2 years
Quill!!! if it's not too intrusive, pls give us your top 10 y/n moments lol!!!!
HAHAHSKDJKJSD omfg who sent this in 😭😭😭 this is so funny tho i'll def do it (shameless plug btw, i have a whole series based on my irl experiences w romance called to all the boys i've loved before [totally original, ik] u should check it out!!)
these aren't in any particular order btw it's just the ones i rmb HAHA also i think these are pretty recent i tried not to include any of the ones i alrdy have in the series 👍
10. when i went for an anime con and i had just arrived, and after taking a pic w this one cosplayer his friend (in a kirito cosplay) came up to me and asked if he could princess carry me for a pic HSKJDK
9. when i visited my highschool for a festival thing and found out that one of my juniors had a crush on me (and still did??) and had told all his friends abt how cute and pretty he thinks i am HAHAHA (a total ego boost tbh someone should have told him that i am actually not all that)
8. being in a love triangle except it wasn't really a triangle it was like my two guy best friends had crushes on me at the same time and had a falling out over me (not to be amy dunne from gone girl but i did always want 2 guys to fight over me GOODBYE)
7. this one guy that was texting me and asking me on a date kept flirting w me and it was so stupidly lame that it was cute
6. going for my college orientation party and having a few guys ask me for my insta (honestly i had never expected this would happen I WAS SO KJASKJDKSJD ABT IT)
5. at the same orientation party some random older guy tried to hit on me so i ran away and this other guy i had met earlier was rlly nice and waited w me until my transport arrived and texted later to ask if i had gotten home safely 🥺 (the bar for men is like 700 feet under the ground)
4. at the anime con (same as earlier) i got kabedoned by this girl cosplaying gojo and she said i looked rlly cute and i nearly collapsed
3. HAHA I CANT BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT THIS BUT on my birthday i went on the bus to get home and the guy behind me was in my course, and he recognised me so we were talking for a bit until he realised it was my bday, and he literally asked the guy next to him to please switch places so we could sit tgt and he could wish me properly 😭it was so cute he had like golden retriever vibes HAHA and we were talking the entire time it was vv fun
2. yk that thing where u compare hand sizes but then they hold your hand HAHAHA that actually happened to me w one of my new friends 💀 he has rlly nice hands tho so no complaints here PLSKJWDKJS
1, ok guys now this one is some real life kdrama bs istg i felt like it was a movie while it was happening 😭 so basically the bus was pretty much full and i ended up sitting next to this rlly cute guy. and my brain was going 'damn i wanna talk to him', but i had to put my purse away first. so i was trying to put it in my bag, but it slipped and fell onto the floor and he was like 'oh!', and then i had to bend down and pick it up while thinking 'NOO this is so embarrassing he probably thinks im a dumbass'. and then i managaed to embarrass myself further 👍 guess what? while trying to sit back up again i literally hit my head against the chair in front of me and went 'ow!' out loud and the guy was like 'oh no are you okay 😭⁉' and i was like 'yeah... just super embarrassed HAHA' and we started talking from there KJSDKSJD i could talk abt this forever bc so much cute stuff happened but tldr he was like the total package but then i got ghosted BYE
ok thanks for coming to my ted talk as u can see i love talking abt myself pls feel free to ask more but i don't think i have any more romantic experiences atm 😭😭😭 i'm currently trying to manic pixie dream girl one of my guy friends in college so we can see how that goes ig LMAO,,, anyways thanks 4 reading ! interact w this post and give me validation please and thanks <3 (/hj)
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linneac · 3 years
Oh man, it's been a hot minute since I've read the manga. I stopped some time in the middle of BW. So if there's anything incorrect here, I apologize. I still love the series, though. I should pick it back up again.
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Silver! He's always been my fav. He's at that sweet spot in between "a sorta chill dude who just kinda wants to live his life", "someone please get this poor guy some therapy", and "he could probably murder me in an instant and only his own moral code prevents this." He was a little angsty and cringey when he was 12, but weren't we all?
Does he even have a place to live, or is he just crashing with Gold? Wouldn't he be an adult by now? Does he have to pay taxes? Does he have a job? Or is he still, like, living in abandoned shacks and sleeping on piles of leaves? I worry about him sometimes.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Red's pikachu. This is what peak pikachu looks like.
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Silver's weavile because I love how cute he is. So much personality!
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scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
The pokemon. A ton of focus is put on the trainers, for good reason, but the pokemon are often unsung characters. I'm super guilty of it lol
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
It's kinda hard with pokespe, and I can't say that I'm particularly obsessed with him, but I've always wondered about that one swimmer dude Red met who was a foreigner. Where was he from? What language did he speak? Was he from a now established region? Somewhere else? He is a man of many mysteries and I want the lore.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
I only put Gold here because he has high likelihood of being pathetic but only because of his own actions. I'm just saying that he strikes me as the type of person who would get himself trapped in a chimney, and while he probably had a super valid reason, he's still trapped there and the chimney has to go down to get him out. Or, like, he gets some milk. But he keeps traveling and it's been weeks and it's gone bad. Like, I feel for him, but he's the cause of his own problems. His chaotic energy brought this upon himself and honestly I relate.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Green. I dunno. I don't have any valid reason. He just has that sorta face and attitude, you know? Like, rationally, I would never want to watch someone trip and fall. I'm not about to secretly hope it happens. But I just want to see Green land on his face. He almost reminds me of those dudes in high school who just discovered hair gel and smelled like it. I'm so sorry for this disrespect, Green. You don't deserve it. You're a good person.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Giovanni. Look, I know the series is all "love your family" and "he's a father who did everything to find his son" but also him being a career criminal is sorta kinda ruining Silver's life. My boy got kidnapped, TWICE, blinded, turned to stone, nearly died after almost drowning, had to face god, only for his own father to be like "I love you, son. Also, btw, I'm still going to be a criminal even though you've devoted yourself to stopping me lol."
It's been a while since I've read HGSS though, so hopefully I'm wrong. But if not, into superhell he goes.
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thewriting-corner · 3 years
‘Renegades’ trilogy by Marissa Meyer: review
Welcome today to a post I have been waiting to do for months. I never do entire posts for book reviews, but since this was a trilogy (and one of my favorites I read this year) I decided it would deserve a little more.
Note: I will be doing a spoiler-free review first and then I’ll put a warning before talking about each individual book :)
Synopsis: The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. As champions of justice, they remain a symbol of hope and courage to everyone... except the villains they once overthrew.
Trilogy Review ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I honestly think these are the best books I’ve ever read. The description was fascinating, easy to follow and gave amazing imagery without that heaviness that a lot of fantasy books have (this is more sci-fi/dystipia-ish but still).
The characters felt real and their individual voices were clear from start to finish. I loved every single character, even the ones I hated. 
However, there is one thing that bothered me BUT it does align with their world and that is the lack of accountability certain characters recieve (but I will be talking about that in my Supernova review).
Then the PLOT OH MY GOSH. I mean, it’s superheroes. It’s nearly impossible to be original with a plot that isn’t the same as any Marvel or DC comic/movie/show. And yet Marissa Meyer that such a beautiful job of taking a common conflict (heroes vs villains, villains wanting to take over the world) and turning it into a unique plot with amazing twists. 
I mentioned the world-building before, but I’ll do it again. Third person POV is not my favorite and neither is heavy world building like the one this book needed and had. Still, it was written in such a simple way that I didn’t feel like she was trying to confuse me, it was just a story.
Overall, this series was amazing and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a fast paced, mind-blowing world building and compelling characters that will make you feel single to the core even in a relationship.
🚨Spoilers Ahead🚨
Renegades ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“We were all villains in the beginning.”
I went into this book with low expectations because I didn’t think I’d like Marissa Meyer’s style and boy was I wrong.
The first few chapters were a bit confusing but the moment Adrian fixed Nova’s bracelet I KNEW this would steer towards romance and it sold me. And then Nightmare making fun of the Sentinel for his comic book phrases and poses was my favorite thing ever. That would be me as a superhero, no doubt.
I really liked the way the plot progressed “slowly” without feeling dragged on. In fact, despite it’s slower pace of the story, the book still felt quick and that just won a million points with me.
Don’t even get me started on the Anarchists. I LOVED them. I like how they weren’t presented as villains from Nova’s POV, just enemies of a totalitarian state. Not even just in her point of view though. I genuinely didn’t think any of them were bad until Ingrid decided to show up at the library and almost killed Sketch’s crew.
And speaking of Sketch’s crew … the minor characters??? Hello??? Who writes side characters that are SO good?? Oscar is my favorite though. He wins. Danna being the only one to question Nova about Adrian’a feelings for her was hilarious, although it stressed me out that Nova put her to sleep. Counterpoint: it was very cute that the only way she could stop thinking of Adrian liking her was by putting Danna to sleep. Very on point teenage reaction. I would’ve done the same thing if only I wasn’t trying to remain anonymous in the organization that indirectly killed my parents. 
The climax, on the other hand, felt a teensy bit rushed but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy Nodrian in their not-date. It was adorable, especially when they stopped at the kid’s party and then Nova panicking over the mere thought of going on the ferris wheel with Adrian. All the carnival chapters where my favorite thing ever and I really wished they hadn’t ended with Nova killing the woman who raised her. But I did like the irony of it being Ingrid who told her she didn’t have the guts to press the trigger and then she died at the hands of Nova’s gun. 
AND THE ENDING WITH ACE BEING ALIVE. That shook me. I suspected it, of course, but it shook me to my core. 10/10 plot twist there.
Archenemies ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“I guess I figured you deserve to have good dreams every once in a while. Even if you never sleep.”
This one gets six stars because somehow I read it in 11 hours and I’ve never read such a large book in one day. The entire story was just fast-paced action, superhero world building and Nodrian flirting and eventually kissing. Best book ever.
I liked how in this book we got a closer look into other character relationships like Oscar and Ruby and then Danna’s suspicions over Nova. I would’ve liked to see more of Danna’s friendship with the team though, since at times it seemed she was only there to send passive aggressive comments at Nova. And the Sentinel’s “death” was amazing. Pure comic book material right there. 
There is this thing though that I mentioned in the general review that bothered me and it’s when they reveal Agent N. This weapon they created using Max’s blood is a great example of how the Renegades had obtained way too much power. It’s when we start to see that maybe Nova and the Anarchists are right. The Renegades are slowly becoming a dictatorship and it’s bothersome that nobody except Nova and Adrian notice. Especially when it was so obvious with things like them using Agent N “against every prodigy who didn’t follow the Renegades code”. Sure, they were criminals, but that wasn’t about arresting them. It was about changing the DNA of people who made one mistake and were immediately deemed enemies of the state.
Back to the good stuff, Nodrian flirting was the highlight of this book. They’re both so awkward and adorable, especially when Nova’s teaching Adrian how to shoot and then when they’re in his room later on. The whole “you want me to ignore everything?” and “you’re not allowed to have girls in your room?” quotes KILLED me. Those were peak flirting moments and I’m immensely surprised by the way that Marissa Meyer manages to write teenagers realistically as an adult and not even having teenage kids of her own. Also, Nova opening up to Adrian was just. No. It killed me. My ghost is writing this btw.
The ending, once again, amazing. I loved it. Not only did it once again show Frostbite’s true colors, show us how much hate Adrian actually held against Nightmare and the way Nova had softened by the Renegades’ influence. And Ace Anarchy’s capture goes into the good things pile.
Supernova ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“To be honest, I’m not sure there are such things as villains anymore. Maybe there never really were.”
Is it a bad review if I just insert the word “AH” for the next ten lines? Yes? Damn it. I admit that I was expecting something much different, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I have never cursed and squealed so much by reading and had I not bought the hardcover with my own money, I would’ve thrown that book against the wall. It stressed me out. First of all, getting Nova and Adrian kissing in the tunnels a few chapters before Adrian arrests her for being Nightmare was another level of messed up. Clearly, she did everything in her power to save him from her house’s explosion and he threw it out the window in blind anger. And then the whole execution thing??? That was horrifying and it’s when the Renegades’ incompetence really showed its true colors. They couldn’t bring the people back to their side - because they failed - so they sentenced a broken, dying man and an underage girl who acted under the manipulation of her entire family, to death. If Hugh had ever even attempted to find out what happened to both Artino girls, none of that mess would’ve happened, but instead Lady Indomitable died and he went “WELL, can’t do anything about her last task, can we?” I get he was preoccupied by her orphaned son and the Ace of Anarchy, but it was as simple as going back into the house and searching. In fact, this entire book was just showing how their society was crumbling and in the end they went “we were all heroes”. I’m surprised Nova forgave the entire Renegades organization for what they did because even if it was Ace who sent a hit after her and her family, the Renegades were still willing to overuse their power. 
And once again back to the good stuff before I end up bashing the Renegades even more, I never thought I would be on board with Adrian and Nova’s relationship at the end of the book. I try not to ship toxic relationships in YA because they happen a lot and I wouldn’t like younger readers to think that it’s okay, but I loved how both Nova and Adrian were willing to make a change for their relationship to work. They compromised because they loved each other so much it didn’t matter who had tried to kill the other person and their dad or who hadn’t advocated against the other’s execution, you know, the ups and downs of every relationship. While I do wish we had seen them talking about everything, I get a book can only have a certain amount of words and I was glad just the same with how it ended. Also, Leroy’s threat to Adrian is iconic, just like Oscar proclaiming his undying love for Ruby at the arena were they almost witnessed multiple murders.
The epilogue. Just. Wow. I knew it before because I’m smart and I spoiled it but I NEED another Renegades book. You can’t just end the series saying Evie Artino was Magpie and her being as angry as Nova once was. Like, no. You just can’t. That was a crime against humanity, tbh, but overall the series was amazing and I have never been more grateful to spend almost $80 in books. 
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virtual-toast · 3 years
Scream Queens VH1 recap - Season 1 Episode 1
Hey what’s up so because I’m bored as hell I’ve decided I’m going to recap the short-lived reality series Scream Queens (not the horror series with Emma Roberts) because it’s absolute top notch reality TV trash. Yes you can still watch the whole thing on YouTube here but I’ve decided to recap it for you in case you’d prefer to read about the trash and drama I guess lol
Anyway Scream Queens was a reality series on VH1 back in 2008-2010 where 10 “up and coming” (generous) actresses would compete for a “breakout role” (also generous) in the next Saw film. They’d do dumb challenges that were vaguely related to acting and of course bitch about each other behind the scenes. Season 1 was judged by Shawnee Smith (post-Saw fame), James Gunn (pre-Guardians of the Galaxy fame), and John Homa (apparently a big-time acting coach??). Season 2 switched out Shawnee Smith for Jaime King and James Gunn for Tim Sullivan. No idea how the show got two seasons but I fucking love it and I’ve watched it countless times over so let’s do a recap!
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Here’s your key players, folks.
The first episode opens with all the girls walking in wearing their ~finest~ mid-2000′s fashion and talking about how “omg I should be the next scream queen cuz I’m attractive / talented” etc. Jo-Anne in particular (who is 26 btw) claims she’s “getting old” and that she’s “ready for something to happen”. lol okay girl. They’re introduced to the three judges and whoo boy, Shawnee may be a decent actress but she should not be a host; her droning nasally voice is torture. We’re introduced to a few more girls including Lindsay who was a child star, and had a Nickelodeon show called Caitlin’s Way, but has since lost her way to her anxiety, and it’s just like holy shit I relate to you so hard though. There’s also Lina who thinks she’s top shit because she had one line in an Adam Sandler movie woohoo.
The judges introduce the first challenge and a pseudo-Jason Voorhees literally BUSTS THROUGH THE FUCKING WALL and sends the girls running and screaming, followed by laughing because omg what a funny prank haha. So basically the girls have to take turns begging this guy not to kill them, with the best performance getting a “guaranteed callback” aka. immunity from elimination. Most of the girls do the typical screaming and/or crying schtick. Michelle literally claims she’s pregnant and then screams “KILL ME WHY DONT’CHA” which is a choice. Kylah tries to seduce him and the other girls are torn between “she should be a porn star” and “holy shit I’m aroused”. Lina literally puts on a stereotypical Asian accent and FLOPS AROUND ON THE FLOOR SCREAMING like what the actual fuck. Jessica gets up and does the “you’re not psycho I’M PSYCHO” thing and the girls are (probably rightfully) scared of her.
But then Tanedra gets up and tells us she has ZERO acting experience and then proceeds to KILL. IT. Watch out for Tanedra cuz you know she’s coming for that crown. Obviously she gets the guaranteed callback. Shawnee announces the girls are competing for a role in Saw 6 and they FLIP. THEIR. SHIT. While at the same time you can tell none of them actually like or care about the Saw series and just want to be famous, but whatever get those dollars I guess.
So they head into the house and start drinking champagne, getting to know each other etc. Of course they all end up in their bikinis in the hot tub and start talking about their training. Cue all of the girls COMPLETELY underestimating Tanedra (despite the fact that she already beat all their asses) when she tells them she has no experience.
The next day the girls go to their first class with John Homa. Right off the bat he’s like, “Welcome to your first acting class, we’re gonna need it.” Like, true but also, rude. He gets out a tray of fruit and tells each girl to take a piece and eat it “as seductively as possible”. Cue several girls giving blowjobs to bananas and the rest basically dry humping the floor while they eat this damn fruit. Homa sighs like his instructions were SO CLEAR even though there weren’t any. He explains how he actually wants them to be subtle and seductive rather than outright sexy/slutty and has the girls sit in a chair while eating their fruit and being all cute and seductive. Great. Then he changes it up so the girls have been poisoned halfway through eating. Everyone does pretty well except Jo-Anne who very clearly buckles under the pressure. Back at the house, Sarah straight up tells the others that the class made her horny.
The following day a surprise picnic appears in the house but when the lid is taken off one of the dishes, a bunch of snakes come out because omg what a funny prank haha. There’s a note telling them where to meet Shawnee where she tells them their first “director’s challenge” (main challenge) is an adaptation of the bath scene from James Gunn’s movie Slither, and guess what, they gotta be naked! Or very nearly naked, at least. All of the girls get working on their scripts and discussing whether they’re going to go with nude underwear, pasties, or au naturale. Did you forget about Crazy Jessica? Well she has a FULL ON CRYING MELTDOWN about having to do a nude scene, complete with mocking the other girls just for talking about it. Like seriously this is day 2 and she’s FREAKING OUT. Sarah specifically says in her talking head, “Jessica is fucking psycho.”
They get to the director’s challenge, Sarah goes first and does really well, so the other girls are intimidated from the start. Jo-Anne once again buckles under the pressure, it’s like her spark literally goes away as soon as the cameras start rolling, it’s honestly baffling to watch. Tanedra and Michelle also do really well, although Michelle gets criticised by some of the others for her over acting. Kylah literally sounds like she’s in a cross between a pantomime and a musical and the other girls flat-out laugh at her behind the scenes. Finally it’s Jessica’s turn, and little miss freak out is just like BA-DING HERE ARE MY TITTIES. Like seriously, after all that, she goes buck naked. WTF. Her performance is still meh though.
Back at the house, Michelle is confident she won’t be on the list and that Kylah will be. Tanedra reads the list which “summons” Michelle, Jo-Anne, Kylah, Sarah, and Jessica to the “grand ballroom”. Cue Michelle’s FULL BLOWN TANTRUM because she was SO SURE she wasn’t going to be on the list and “THEY’RE GONNA THROW THIS FUCKING TALENT AWAY??” You seriously can barely hear her dialogue in this part because there is so much swearing getting bleeped out. Aside from this everyone generally agrees that Kylah should go home because she has no acting talent (lol) and that there’s no way Jo-Anne is going because they all love her.
The girls go to the grand ballroom and honestly if looks could kill, all three judges would be dead because Michelle is fucking letting them KNOW she’s pissed hahaha. They pull Michelle and Sarah forward together and tell them they were the top 2 (so much for your tantrum Michelle) with Sarah getting leading lady (winning the main challenge). Jessica gets pulled forward on her own and basically just gets read for being crazy and told to calm down. Kylah and Jo-Anne are last and are the bottom 2; Jo-Anne basically for shutting down and Kylah for just being shit. In a controversial decision, however, Jo-Anne gets the axe while Kylah lives another week.
Stay tuned for Season 1 Episode 2!
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Demon and the Dame | Part Eight
Summary: After a startling secret about Dean is revealed to Eleanor, she has to deal with it. One of Dean’s many enemies he made as a demon comes back to hurt him, by hurting Eleanor.  
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Eleanor Walker (OC)
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: Spoiler Alert Season 10, Angst, Sadness, Fighting, Crying, oh and more ANGST, 
A/N: I don’t even have a good excuse as to why I’ve abandoned this series for so long. Sorry. Also thanks Tumblr for getting rid of the line breaks.  BTW (THIS IS IMPORTANT) Italicized Font is a Flashback
Part 7 Masterlist
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Eleanor wasn’t actively avoiding the Winchesters, she just wasn’t making any effort to see them, or talk to them. Also she wasn’t going to any stores they go to, or the bars they frequent, okay so maybe she’s avoiding them. She knows sooner or later she’ll have to tell Dean the truth, but at this point she’s not even sure she accepts it. Was the Werewolf lying? Maybe he was trying to get under her skin, or maybe he knew saying the truth would bother her? Eleanor lays back on her bed, her eyes looking up into the dark ceiling. She’s not even sure she still loves him, maybe she’s just in denial. Maybe none of this matters and Eleanor just needs to move on. Was everything Dean said a game? Everything that happened in Beulah, was he just playing with her? Like how a lion will play with their prey before they kill it? If he does remember her, he’s doing a damn good job of pretending he doesn’t. She doubts he remembers her, he would have said something surely. 
“Dean?” Eleanor’s voice is soft, and slurred with sleep as she reaches across the bed for him. Feeling the cold sheets she sits up, trying to rub the sleep out of her eyes as she adjusts to the dark room. “M’here baby.” He says from the table, and it’s now that Eleanor can make out his silhouette, with a glass of what she presumes to be Whiskey in his hand. The motel room is cold, goosebumps arise on her skin as Eleanor rises to approach Dean. Sliding her hands over his shoulders she carefully slides onto his lap, soaking in the heat radiating from his skin. “You’re warm.” Eleanor hums, and Dean chuckles inwardly. Demons aren’t usually described as ‘warm’, the opposite actually. She cards her fingers through his hair as her eyes find his, “what’re you thinking about?” Eleanor asks, seeing that familiar faraway look in his eyes when he can’t stop thinking about something. Annoyingly, Dean can feel the humanity flare up every now and again, and he can only guess it’s because he didn’t get possessed by a demon. He became the demon, his humanity didn’t disappear, it was just buried. He can feel the ‘old’ him try to re-emerge every once in a while. Always around Eleanor. 
“Nothin’. Bad dream.” Dean lies, looking into her eyes with that perfectly crafted ‘wounded puppy’ look he’s learned to do so well. Eleanor’s hands rub his shoulders, and he feels the tension loosen from the muscles. “Come back to bed.” Eleanor whispers but Dean wraps his arms around her waist, and pulls her flush against him as his head finds it’s place in the crook between her shoulder and her neck. “What’s gotten into you?” Eleanor asks with a smile, he never shows this much affection. Dean is more of a physical guy, he never does tender moments. He looks back into her eyes, his own empty. He pushes Eleanor off him before tugging a shirt over his head. “Where are you going?” Eleanor asks as she sits on the edge of the bed. Dean takes a long swig of Whiskey straight from the bottle before he turns to the door. “Anne-Marie has a shift tonight, want to get a taste of that pussy again.” He says before closing the door behind him, and breaking what’s left of Eleanor’s heart.
Nighttime Rush is bustling as Eleanor pushes in through the doors. Sleep was obviously not going to happen for her tonight, so why not pick up an extra shift? Hopefully get drunk and forget what’s his name. If she’s really lucky, she’ll have bad sex with some guy after her shift and hope he doesn’t get Whiskey dick. Pulling down the top of the skimpy uniform, her breasts are nearly on full display as Eleanor serves drinks to the perverted male customers. A harsh slap to her ass forces a gasp out of her mouth as she turns to see at tall man with dark hair smirking at her. “Look, don’t touch. Asshole.” Eleanor mutters, and his grin grows wider as a chuckle escapes his lips. She swears he looks familiar, she’s seen him somewhere before. “When you’re walking around lookin’ like that, it’s hard to control myself baby doll.” He smiles, and Eleanor honestly just feels like vomiting. Eleanor holds back a shudder as she continues back to the kitchen to put dirty glasses in the sink. 
She turns, with a big forced smile on her face to return to the customers but a hand grabs her arm and pulls her down the hallway. When Eleanor looks up, she sees the man from earlier grinning down at her. It’s only now that she notices his limp, he doesn’t put any weight on one of his legs. “Do you not remember me sweet cheeks?” The man whispers in her ear and Eleanor tries to slide away from him. He shoves her back against the wall, his eyes boring down into hers. Eleanor’s eyes widen when she remembers where she first met this man, in Beulah. He and his friends tried to assault her... twice. “What do you want? I’m not as defenseless anymore.” She snaps, her eyes glaring up into his. The man chuckles as he presses a rag to her nose and mouth, and her eyes roll back before everything goes black. 
When Eleanor’s eyes widen she looks around and sees she’s in a rundown motel room, “morning.” The man smiles as he sits on a chair at the end of the bed she’s tied to. Eleanor groans, she’s getting really tired of being a ‘damsel in distress.’ “You never answered my question prick.” Eleanor snaps, looking over at him. He chuckles as he begins rolling up the pant leg of his jeans, revealing a horrific looking scar on his shin. “See that douchebag of a boyfriend of yours, destroyed my fuckin’ leg. Shattered the bone, ripped apart the tendons. It’s a miracle I can even walk.” He seethes but Eleanor rolls her eyes, sinking back into the mattress. He then shows her the back of his calf, where an even bigger more disgusting looking scar sits. “Well if you wouldn’t have attacked me then he wouldn’t have shot you.” Eleanor snaps and the mans eyes widen before he laughs. 
He stands and stalks over to Eleanor, “you don’t know do you? Of course you don’t. Why would he tell you?” He laughs harder, and Eleanor’s blood runs cold. She feels anxiety pulsing in her chest as she looks up at him, “what are you talking about sleazebag?” Eleanor snaps weakly, feeling nausea turning in her gut. The man leans down close to her, looking her in the eyes. “Dean Winchester ruined my career as a fitness instructor, so I’m going to ruin something perfect in his life. You.”  Eleanor laughs bitterly before she spits in his face, “jokes on you. Dean Winchester doesn’t give a shit about me.” She snaps and the man wipes his face off before elbowing her in the nose. Hearing a sickening crunch followed by a few seconds of blinding pain, Eleanor feels blood gushing down her face. “Maybe he didn’t in Beulah, but he does now. The secret to hurting someone, isn’t to kill someone they love. I’m sure that’s where you thought this was going. No the secret to hurting someone, is to hurt them in a way they can’t recover from. Mourning somebody’s death is easy to avoid, but when someone you love leaves you. When they walk out, and you sit there everyday knowing that person is out there, but that they don’t give a shit about you anymore. That is pain.” He says and Eleanor stays quiet as she gazes up at him. 
“I would never abandon him.” Eleanor says quietly but the man shakes his head as he slowly sits down again. “You’re mind will change when you hear what I have to say.” He smiles and Eleanor can’t fight the curiosity as she looks at him, silently waiting for him to continue. “Why on Earth would we try to attack you again after your psychotic boyfriend broke my brothers arm with one hand?” He asks and Eleanor shrugs, staying quiet as she keeps her eyes trained on him. “He hired us to do it sweet cheeks. Gave us a big wad of cash and gave us free rein as long as we didn’t kill you. Said we could do whatever, even told us what motel room you were staying in. But never did he say that he was going to shoot me in the leg!” The man explains, his voice raising at the end but all the color drains out of Eleanor’s face. She looks down, her face void of any emotion. She just feels numb. Dean hired those men to attack her, they nearly raped her and he told them to do it. He fucking paid them to do it, why? So he could swoop in and save her like some noble hero? 
“Heard him fuckin’ you a few nights later so I guess whatever plan he had worked.” The man sighed and Eleanor felt her heart break into even smaller pieces. That’s why Dean did it, to get in her pants. To fuck her like he fucked Anne-Marie, but she wasn’t as easy as Ann. So Dean had to be clever to get in Eleanor’s pants. He stands and takes out a knife, cutting her hands free. “You can go, and here. For your nose.” Eleanor’s eyes burn as she takes the towel and presses it to her nose, and when she opens the motel room door she finds herself still in Lebanon. She doesn’t bother to turn to the man who kidnapped her, he just tore her entire world apart and flipped it upsidown. Dean Winchester is a monster, he doesn’t care about her. This is all just a game to him, he’s not different. He remembers her, he’s just playing with her. Trying to trick her again. The sun was beginning to rise, and it was a long brisk walk back to her apartment. She trudged up the stairs, missing the Impala parked behind her building. 
Eleanor climbs the stairs but pauses when she sees her apartment door ajar, and carefully approaches when she hearts a voice. It makes her heart stop. “Well then where the hell is she Sam? She’s not here, she’s not at work! Someone fucking took her, how the hell do you explain these?” Dean yells, slapping down two photos of Eleanor tied up, unconscious and laying in the backseat of someone’s car. Before Sam can respond, Eleanor pushes the door open. Her eyes are still focused ahead of her, a blank look on her face and Dean’s eyebrows raise in surprise. His expression turns to anger when he sees the bruises on her wrists and the bloody towel, plus her swollen and busted nose. “What happened?” Sam asked as he approached her but Eleanor stepped back, tears gently falling down her cheeks. Sam is probably a demon too, Dean probably turned Sam into a demon so they could wreak havoc together. “Get out, both of you.” Eleanor says softly, her voice lacking conviction as she pushes past them. Dean pinches his eyebrows together, something happened to her and he wants to know what. 
“Not until you tell me what happened.” Dean said sternly, but Sam lingered by the door. Eleanor didn’t scream at him, or cry, or do anything but slump down at her kitchen table with a bottle of Whiskey. “You don’t need to pretend anymore Dean. Just please leave me alone, you’ve hurt me enough.” Eleanor says softly and now Dean is just plain confused. Has he done something he isn’t aware of? Is this a girl thing? Did he fuck up somehow? “El, I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.” Dean says in disbelief but Eleanor laughs bitterly, her voice weak. She looks up at Dean, her eyes red and dull. Lacking that sparkle they always have. “Is Sam one too?” Eleanor asks and Sam pinches his eyebrows together as Dean slowly sits across from her at the table. “Is he what?” He asks, wanting more than anything for her to tell him what is going on. Eleanor takes a gulp of Whiskey before looking into his eyes, “a demon.” She says and the entire room falls quiet. 
“No, neither of us are demons.” Sam says as he takes a step forward, exchanging a nervous glance with Dean. Even if Dean doesn’t remember, it makes no difference to Eleanor. He still did those things when he didn’t have to, he played with her heart and her body for fun. He nearly got her killed because he paid thugs to assault her. Dean can’t be trusted. Maybe this is what that man wanted, when he said he was going to hurt Dean. “Not anymore at least.” Eleanor says, her voice broken and weak as tears fall down her cheeks. She looks up into Dean’s eyes, who is wide eyed and freaked out as hell. “When you saw me for the first time, you had this look on your face like you’d seen me before.” Dean says and Eleanor’s eyes doesn’t leave him. Her eyes are red and watery as she takes another drink. “You know why.” She snaps and Dean lets out a sigh of frustration. Eleanor looks down at the bottle, swirling the liquid around. 
“Beulah. The Black Spur.” She says finally and Dean’s face falls in revelation, he knows what she’s gonna say next. “We met there after one of my shifts. Some guys attacked me, you ruffed them up and they ran off.” She says softly, seeing no look of recognition on his face. Eleanor feels her heart break when she remembers the night they broke into her motel room, the night she cried in Dean’s arms. The night she felt so safe. “You finding me wasn’t an accident was it?” Dean asked her, while Sam stood stunned. Eleanor looked up at Dean with the most heart broken expression. “I looked for you, for a while. Then I gave up, so yeah finding you actually was an accident.” She explains, her body slumped as she takes another gulp of Whiskey. Dean leaned forward on his elbows, she met him before... when he was a demon. This entire time, she already knew who he was. Had memories of him he’d forgotten. “The second time those men attacked me, they had a key to my motel room. I always figured they’d lifted it from my bag. They broke my hand, pulled my pants off, touched me. It was horrible. But you saved me, you came bursting through the door and shot one of them right through his shin.” Eleanor smiled, but tears still dripped down her cheeks. 
“You, for that night, were my hero. My knight in shining armor. The person that took me today, was the man you shot. He told me you hired them to attack me again, you even gave them a key to my motel room. Said they could do anything to me as long as they didn’t kill me. You did it to get in my pants Dean, all of it was a game to you. All of it.” Eleanor finishes, her face fallen and eyes empty as she gazes across the table at Dean. His hands are folded on the table, his chest heavy with guilt, he can’t even bring himself to look at her. “You can see yourself out Dean, and if you really do give a crap about people now then you’ll never come back.” Eleanor says calmly, her cheeks still wet with falling tears as Dean pushes back from the table. Dean shoves past Sam, out into the hallway and with one last sad look, Sam joins him. 
Eleanor woke with a jolt, her body covered in sweat as she glanced around the dark motel room for 4 men that weren’t really there. Her chest is heaving as she pants, her eyes wide and she feels like the walls are creeping in on her. “Just a dream, c’mere.” Dean mumbles sleepily, his hands reaching out to pull her back down to lay next to him. She reluctantly lays next to him, immediately turning and curling into his chest as his arms wrap protectively around her. “I protected you from them twice, don’t worry.” Dean says as he already begins to fall back asleep. Slowly Eleanor feels her heart rate slow as security and the feeling of being safe in Dean’s arms lulls her back to sleep. 
Eleanor laughs bitterly at the painful memory, feeling safe in the arms of the man who put her in danger? How absolutely pathetic is that? She knows that man was trying to hurt Dean, but he hurt her more. Dean doesn’t remember any of the searing kisses, or the sound of panting and the feel of sweaty skin sliding together. Dean doesn’t remember teaching her how to hunt, he doesn’t remember any of it but she does. Eleanor remembers all of it, and now she knows that it really meant nothing to him. She always kind of knew, but to know he went as far as hiring thugs to beat her up so he could have sex with her... it makes her feel sick to her stomach. 
“Eleanor I’m serious, just stay away from him.” Anne said, shooting Eleanor a serious look as they continue to wipe down the tables so they could close the bar. “He stopped those men Anne-” Eleanor starts but Anne turns to look at her, hands on her hips and a deadly serious look on her face. “I once watched him beat a man half to death for harassing me, men like Dean are worse than the men who attacked you.” She says and Eleanor doesn’t say anything else as Anne turns to lift chairs and place them on the tables. 
Looks like Anne-Marie was right after all. 
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a-crimson-lion · 5 years
Katsuki Bakugo: Lightning Round
[Bakugo bashing ahead. Avoid if you don't like that sort of thing. Potiential spoilers. Viewer's discretion is advised.]
Sometimes you just gotta review every nook and cranny for why you hate a character.
Just my opinions, btw. Maybe they're acurate, maybe not. In any case, I do hope Katsuki improves in a more meaningful way than he has been so far.
Now then, let's begin...
The only things legitimately going for Katsuki are his looks and his quirk. That's it. His attitude has gone from megalomaniacal asshole to slightly above average asshole, but everyone treats it like a gigantic improvement. It's only a noticable improvement. You want to see gigantic improvement? Look at Izuku. Look at Tenya. Look at Shoto Todoroki. THAT'S gigantic improvement.
It does not matter that Katsuki told Izuku to kill himself once. It does not matter that Izuku dismisses the idea and it has never been brought up again in the story thus far. Katsuki still told Izuku to kill himself on top of all the other physical and mental abuse. Izuku doesn't jump off of a roof because he wants to live; he doesn't do it because it would tarnish Katsuki's reputation. This kid has no sense of self-esteem, self worth, or self-preservation because Katsuki beated and berated it out of him over the past decade.
Look, I'm glad U.A. isn't taking Katsuki's crap as lightly as his middle school did, but they're still taking his crap. For one of the best hero schools in Japan, they didn't do background checks? (Granted his middle school probably gave him a flawless record because of his "potential.") Katsuki charging at Izuku shoulf have at least sent Eraserhead some red flags. No one gonna talk to him about nearly NUKING another student during the Battle Trial? Good Lord...
Eijiro, sweetie, you're a good character, so why do you follow Katsuki around? I get it, you're helping him improve as time goes on, but what has he done aside from impress you with several admittably awe-inspiring feats of strength? You didn't approve of him much during the Battle Trial. You some how started turning tail during the USJ. Katsuki is not being "manly" during the Sports Festival, he's being an egotist. He probably only took you on his team aside from your quirk because you brought up beating Izuku. Why aren't you more friendly with Tetsutetsu!? You both have better chemistry than... whatever it is you have with Katsuki. For Pete's sake, didn't you deal with bullies in your past? Why can't you see that, even toned down, that's how Katsuki is treating Izuku!? It's not him being excessively angry, that's him being his normal and rational self. He thinks telling people to die is normal; it's not some sort of charming characteristic. Why is it treated as such!?
Katsuki, you got third place in the Obstacle Course. I get that you're upset you didn't get first, but you don't have to look like you're about to commit murder.
You got second place in the Cavalry Battle. You get to move on to the tournament. Why are you whining like you just lost the whole thing?
Katsuki would throw down with anyone he came across in the tournament. Going all out against Ochako is nothing special. He would have gone out against anybody else all the same.
Also, Katsuki's sudden power buff has no logical explanation other than Horikoshi not wanting to give one of his favorites actual consequences. It would have made more sense from a logical and character developing standpoint if Ochako actually won that match. She could have lost at any other point (or heck, maybe even pull a full blown win), and she would still come to the conclusion that she needed to get stronger, and thus apply for Gunhead. Katsuki would get a better reality check than if he beat Shoto. Just saying.
Katsuki didn't even think Ochako was a threat just because she was. He naturally had to come to the conclusion that Izuku was the one responsible. And then Izuku goes and puts his sorry ass in check by giving him the facts. He's not gonna have somebody diss his friends and get away with it.
"Izuku didn't have faith in Ochako." ...Izuku has had to endure the burden of knowing Katsuki Bakugo since childhood. He's only known Ochako for a few months. He's experienced firsthand the kind of firepower Katsuki's wielding. Ochako had the decency to keep Izuku from falling, save Izuku from dying, changing Izuku's insult into something empowering, help Izuku win the Battle Trial, and help Izuku and his team advance to the Tournament. Naturally, he wants to pay back Ochako for all the times she helped him, and what better way to do it than give her a strategy? But she refuses. And Izuku doesn't push it. Ochako says she's got this, so even if Izuku is worried, he'll put that aside and trust Ochako. He'll root for her regardless of circumstance. "Didn't have faith?" What a load of crap. And then people will point to Katsuki's "What part of her was fragile?" even though he wasn't even taking her as a threat. He was taking her association with Izuku as a threat, forgoing the possibility that she came up with that strategy by herself until Izuku set the record straight. *Exhale* That rant felt good...
Katsuki. You won the Sports Festival. You should at least have the decency to keep yourself composed. I don't care if Shoto didn't give it his all; YOU of all people overheard his backstory! Your ego be damned, Shoto doesn't have to go all out if he doesn't feel like it. Emotions are complicated, Katsuki, and you know that, too. But by all means, please act like an unreasonable animal just because you think you're above us mere mortals.
...Katsuki isn't directly responsible for Izuku's Full Cowl. Stop framing it like he is. If anything, that's all Gran Torino with a bit of Tsuyu and maybe some of Katsuki's fundamentals, but it isn't directly Katsuki. It never was, and it never will be.
How does Katsuki pass the exam again? He hit Izuku just for trying to talk to him. He kept trying to attack All Might and refused to cooperate with Izuku at the start. He had to get his sorry butt dragged out by Izuku because Izuku is selfless and the only one there acting out of reason. Are we watching the same footage? As far as circumstances go, Izuku passed with flying colors. Katsuki should have been lumped into remedial lessons at camp with the rest of the Bakusquad and Rikido.
Katsuki, for the love of God, you were ordered multiple times to get back to camp. Stop acting like you're hot shit and trying to take out the villains. Maybe if you listened to Mandalay, you could have avoided capture altogether. But no, you have to go and act like an asshole trying to take down Moonfish, and because you were out in the open for so damn long, give Mr. Compress the opportunity to capture you and make Izuku and the rest of U.A. suffer for your actions. Wow...
I've had it up to here with Katsuki's "I didn't need help" routine. You just got saved by All Might when you didn't even have a plan for breaking out of the hideout yourself. Your classmates found a way to get you away from the battlefield and from the villains without being followed, so stop acting like you weren't rescued. Accept the fact that you needed help, full stop. Nobody likes to admit it, but it makes you a better person for it.
Why are you so surprised that you failed the Provisional License Exam? You did well enough in the first half, but you clearly forgot that interacting and actually helping citizens was a part of hero work? Jeez...
Katsuki. Talk to All Might if you feel bad about ending his career. Using your usual method of beating up Izuku does nothing, even if he inherited All Might's power. Why the hell does that matter to you anyway? How does knowing about One for All help you in any way, shape, or form? Why does Izuku have to be the one to take your shit? Why can't you be remotely reasonable and just TALK to All Might instead of tracking down Izuku just because of some weakly related correlation?
Haven't gotten that far in the series aside from the Shie Hassaikai arc, but I did see some stuff about the Joint Training Arc. Katsuki announces he's gonna get a 4-0 victory. Katsuki saves Kyoka. This isn't Katsuki taking All Might's words to heart in spite of what the narrative is trying to tell us. This is Katsuki's ego at work. His pride just happens to be tied to his teammates in this regard. Also, "This team is too perfect?" Where was Hanta, or Rikido? Kyoka barely did anything... This is just Horikoshi trying to play up Katsuki's development, and it's getting annoying.
Again, what does knowing about One for All actually do for Katsuki? He acts like Izuku and All Might forced the secret on him, even though Izuku willingly told him after the Battle Trail and Katsuki threw a tantrum after figuring it out. And then he decides the best way to unlock Black Whip is by combat, even though we know and Izuku knows (to some extent) that black whip was psychologically triggered.
I don't know where it is in the manga, but Katsuki says something along the lines of "Did something happen with One for All?" in regards to Izuku. Not "Did something happen with your quirk?" All Might has accepted that it's Izuku's quirk, Izuku is starting to accept that he's making One for All his own, but Katsuki saying OFA's full name makes it seem like there's a distinction. Katsuki calls it OFA because he still sees it as All Might's power. He accepts that Izuku wields that power, but he doesn't accept that Izuku owns it. He thinks it's a borrowed sword, not a sword Izuku owns. That's why he bothers keeping OFA a secret: it was All Might's secret. Izuku just happens to be a side effect of said secret, nothing more. He thinks that Izuku is capable now solely because he has a quirk. That's only partially true, considering the amount of work Izuku put into recieving OFA, and the additional amount of work and strife he endured in order to properly control it. Honestly, Izuku deserves better than Katsuki.
Looks like I'm done for the day. Whew, this was cathartic.
-Crimson Lion (14 August 2019)
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ah yes, in Russia we had a rather big community worshipping Mukuro back in the days haha happy times those were... I have a question though, do you have an opinion/headcanon on his eyesights? In chapter 380 he sees Tsuna and co in the park but doesn't really see their faces. I mean yeah, he was injured and tired and it was dark but I always imagined how his cursed eye was blind or getting blind eventually. so ah I have no one to talk about it to anymore...
Oh GOD can you imagine me staring at the rows of Russian Hibari/Mukuro fic on ao3 in Utter Frustration??? Every. Single. Time. That I open that tag.
I’ve seriously considered learning Russian several times but it’s so much effort….Back in the days I really loved Lukyanenko’s Night Watch series and I entertained learning Russian just to read it in the original and find fanfics lmfao. Btw do you have any good recommendations for finding Russian Mukuro fanart? I assume there must be some traces of it left on the internet?
(For real, I’ve read some Russian 6918 fics through the power of Google Translate because I was just so Desperate. They were Very Good.)
On C380: I went back and read it again, I think I found the panel you’re referring to, and hmmm. Yes it does seem like their faces are blurred out, but I’m not sure whether if Amano just drew it that way, or if it’s a bit of a scanning issue? Based on how the rest of that chapter seems to suffer no particular losses to scanning, I’m going to wager the original probably just looked like that. Which - out of universe, may just be Amano lacking in time or forgetting to do details? But it’s entirely plausible she left it purposefully that way, too, which would be very interesting to consider.
In-universe-wise, yes I totally agree that Mukuro can’t see out of his right eye. I mean we don’t have ironclad proof of this, but I think it’s 99% certain that his right eye is a transplant. (See: the eye-patch, the stitch marks…) I’ve read some headcanons that suggest the Eye is an induced change, but even in that scenario, it’s unlikely that he’s retained the ability for sight in that eye given that its structure and function has changed entirely. In terms of a cursed Eye implanted in place of his own, it’s even more unlikely that it would serve the normal functions of an organ in addition to granting him extra-human powers. 
I mean….just thinking about a god-knows-how-old Eye, probably preserved in a jar, being placed into your own socket is…….gross and traumatizing and all kinds of unnatural. Yeah as far as I’m concerned, he’s blind in his right eye. And it’s true that they say once you’re blind in one eye, eventually your other eye will start to worsen too, but I don’t know how credible that is. And it’s another point of similarity between he and Chrome, as well as maybe having something to do with why he never fixed her eye? (Which has always been an interesting point to me, there’s lots of potential reasons there.)
As someone who’s so near-sighted as to be nearly blind in their right eye, I sure do find this Very relatable. 
Also on C380, Verde & co. finding Mukuro in the park is highly entertaining to me. They just all ganged up on him, decided “yep he’s gonna do something stupid and self-sacrificing like taking on the Vindice alone now that they turned up” and Verde just tracked him with a bug and followed him, lmfao. I mean, he does have a track record for doing that. But imagine if they just never stopped, and whenever Mukuro goes by himself on some high-risk quest that he deems is for him alone, a member of his gang just randomly turns up and says “the others sent me to keep an eye on you.” He would find this very annoying for sure.
You’re welcome to talk about Mukuro with me whenever you want, honestly! I delight in taking every chance to talk about him nowadays.
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kc-meets-dc · 5 years
Okay, folks, you all knew this was coming...
*deep breath* Okay. Now that that’s out of my system, time for the usual recap. Also, since this post is extremely long, you may skip down to the very bottom to find a tl;dr version of my predictions for season four based on what we saw here.
These last three episodes were AMAZING!!! And boy did they keep me on my toes! Even though it wasn’t the first of the three, I’d like to start this recap with episode 25, aka Goddammit, Will You Stop Horsing Around, Grandon, And Finally Freaking Confirm Or Deny Whether Or Not My Son Is Dead?????
I’ll admit I have lost a little (A veeeeeery little) amount of hope that Wally’s still alive somewhere. Thank God for that ending, though! There is still hope. But also, did anyone else pick up on the serious gay vibe Zatanna was giving off in the last two episodes? I know a lot of people are going to say her “Artemis, you know I love you” line was out of friendship. But, then again, this is Tumblr. When it comes to people being in lesbians with each other, we all kinda hope for the best here. And I have spent many an hour, a day, a week, a month, 525,600 minutes (You get the point) of my life analyzing whether or not people have romantic intentions or attractions in TV shows and movies. And, folks, I can say without a doubt that that “I love you” really meant “I love you.” And combine that with the fact that Artemis seems to finally have closure over Wally...
I think Snaibsel has a real shot at becoming canon next season. It’s either that or Zatanna is really Rocket’s significant other who we still know NOTHING about. Seriously, why is that? Why can’t we get a serious confirm or deny out of Grandon about even something this small? I highly doubt answering the question of whether or not Rocket is married to a woman would really “spoil” anything. In fact, it would probably get MORE people to watch the show because of the representation. So, yeah. We may be able to add two, possibly three depending on how Artemis feels, people to the LGBT characters list in Young Justice. On another note, I like to think that Will has also finally moved on. While he may not be in love with Artemis (Thank God!!!), I believe that him blowing out the candle in that final scene means that he has finally moved on from Cheshire, given that the first candle going out seemed to symbolize Artemis moving on from Wally, and now Will will finally start looking for someone else.
Then there’s episode 24, which all I can say about is TAKE THAT, GRANNY, YOU OLD BAG!!! Oh, and the same goes to Lex Luthor in episode 26, btw. Also, yeah, I guarantee you that Bart and Ed are a couple. Int he X-Pit, Ed’s first instinct wasn’t to save Jaime who was clearly suffering the most. It was to save Bart! Add that to the animation sequence that I can only assume was supposed to be a cheek kiss that was edited out because the crew severely underestimated Tumblr’s ability to see and analyze everything that ever happens in a show even when it happens at superspeed and thought they wouldn’t need to waste extra animation money on adding it in *inhales after such a long spiel* plus the fact that he was so concerned over Bart’s safety in Elder Wisdom, and you’ve got yourselves one can of 100% certified canon Goldpulse (Or Zetaflash or Bartuardo. Seriously, when are we all going to agree on one single ship name for those two? Which should definitely be #goldpulse, btw).
Also, go Vic for finally accepting who he is! He even went back to school and befriended Cisco, who I guarantee we’ll be seeing next season as Vibe! Honestly, my only real complaint about that episode is that the rest of The Outsiders didn’t get too much screentime in that or any of the other episodes released today besides Cyborg and Beast Boy. Same goes to Batman Inc, which I’m hoping we’ll be seeing more of next season. i.e. the totally mishandled and underused Cass Cain, Stephanie Brown, Cissie King-Jones, and, for the second season in a row, (Goddammit, Grandon!) Tim Drake.
Actually, I’m kinda betting that the so-called “core group of characters” that next season is supposed to be centered around will actually consist of the ORIGINAL Young Justice characters from the comics. Namely, Superboy, Impulse (I know he’s named Kid Flash now, but you get it), Tim Drake’s Robin, Wonder Girl, and maaaaaaaaybe Arrowette. Still not really sure if she’ll be featured more, or if they’ll switch her out for Spoiler to add some relationship drama to Cassie and Tim who I guess are still a couple??? But yeah, I think that might be the direction the next season is going.
Finally, that brings us to episode 26, and I have four words for you that perfectly describe my feelings about it: LONG LIVE THE LEGION!!! Legion of Superheroes was one of my absolute favorite shows growing up, so I am SO HYPED that they’re doing them next season! My guess is that the story will be that The Outsiders were the precursors to the 31st century’s Legion of Superheroes. i.e. a public team of meta teens who fight for good and people like them. I wonder which Legion characters they’ll include. Most likely it’ll be Brainiac 5, Saturn Girl, and Lightning Lad for sure, but then they’ll probably also throw in Cosmic Boy and maybe a few others. I need to do some digging on which Legionnaires were most important in the comics. Plus, with the Legion here now, we’ll probably also get Supergirl since she plays a big role in their story, and she could also play a big role in The Light’s plans to serve as another, better Superman copy that they can use to destroy The Team,  The Outsiders, and the League.
Then you’ve got Fred Bugg openly revealing who he is to his classmates, which is AMAZING! And we’ve finally gotten a good twist on the Judas Contract storyline! Assuming she isn’t dead by the time it happens, I really hope we’ll be able to see more of Terra acting as a hero in season four! And I’m really excited to see what Brion will be like as a villain!
Which finally brings us to predictions. What will happen next in Young Justice? My guess is that the next season will be focused on the Legion of Superheroes coming to present day to fulfill a mission similar to Bart’s original mission in season two, but on a much larger scale. I’m guessing that they’re trying to prevent Vandal Savage, The Light, and/or Darkseid from taking over the galaxy in a way that could potentially alter time to change the future the Legion knows and comes from.
Secondly, I’m guessing that the next time jump will not be nearly as long as I originally anticipated. Actually, I’m guessing that there will be NO TIME JUMP AT ALL. Since the season didn’t end on the 4th of July or New Year’s, my guess is that the writers are throwing out the original formula for how they structure each season, meaning there’s a good chance this coming season will pick up right where season three left off.
Also most likely coming next season, we’ll have the Jason Todd storyline to deal with, we’ll have Artemis trying to discover new love (Possibly with Zatanna, or the other most likely option would be Icicle Jr since the two of them were actually married in the comics), and with the addition of characters from the 31st century to the series, we just might be seeing the Reverse Flash and Inertia, which could introduce us to the concept of the Speed Force, which will in turn finally lead to bringing Wally back from the dead. However, if Wally isn’t brought back by the end of next season, there’s pretty much a 100% chance we’ll never be getting him back at all.
So, to sum up my thoughts and theories: new characters we should be seeing next season include the Legion of Superheroes, Supergirl, and Reverse Flash, the season’s main focused characters will most likely be the original Young Justice team from the comics, and if we don’t get Wally back next season we won’t get him back at all. That’s all for now, folks. As always, stay whelmed, feel the aster, and have a very crash rest of your day!
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