#honestly this was easier than expected
mothsakura · 9 months
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hi hello *throws a sketch of speculative biology of an iterator puppet's chest cavity, and runs off*
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irbcallmefynn · 9 months
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Hey @coolmiditrumpet I have made the beast :3 With some helpful labels for those who need them! <3 <3 <3
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mayasaura · 7 months
So many people are ready to defend to the death that it's much easier to accept a fantasy creature on your doorstep than a real live out of place animal. Why? Just because a walrus has a known range and fairies, being fake, can do whatever? Where are your imaginations? Where is your appreciation for life's infinite potential for chaos? Statistics are guidelines to trends, not immutable law. Embrace the truth that walruses, and indeed people too, can also do whatever.
Yes, answering the door to find a walrus is infinitely weirder than answering it to find a fairy. Like many weird things, it's also easily explained once you get past the initial shock of subverted expectations.
A walrus has a known range. Fine. Perhaps then it did not move itself. Perhaps it has an accomplice, or it is a victim of someone else's machinations. A walrus is too large to get to your apartment? A baby walrus can be as small as three feet long and weigh as little as one hundred pounds. Nowhere does the poll specify that the walrus is an adult.
Now tell me, which is a more likely possibility: Fairies suddenly exist, or your neighbor is secretly involved in the illegal trading of exotic pets?
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chrometheraptor · 4 months
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small-spark-of-light · 11 months
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day 23 was to pick a color palette and stick to those colors(with some blending allowed)
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robindaydream · 10 months
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I wanted to draw more NES-style RPG sprites so I designed some characters and then decided to draw how they might be depicted in the instruction manual. Some design inspiration taken from Saga Frontier cause I love to see a party with a mix of humans and robots and miscellaneous creatures.
I don't have names for any of them at the moment but pronouns are, from left to right on the bottom image: he, they, she, she, she, he, they, she
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In 24 hours I'll be packing my bags 💕
In 48 hours I'll be on a plane to you 💕💕
In 72 hours, I'll be with you making dinner and in your arms yet again 💕💕💕
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Another omori pixel doodle while I procrastinate
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doodoodinklefart · 5 months
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i have not been able to get myself to draw so i've been learning blender instead LOOL... this little suguru is the third model ive made and you BETTTT the fourth one im gonna make is satoru so i can pose them together
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fbwzoo · 9 months
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I can't share the 30-some pictures I did with my FB post, going from last December to this December. So I'll just use this one - which I just took after a quick harness training session in which she bounced across half the couch to meet me & wagged for the first 15 seconds, and before she made me put my phone down for a bout of snuggle scritches. 😭🥰
This is such a long post, I'm going to put it under a cut. But today is the 1 year anniversary of Emma coming home to us, and I am FULL of emotions over this little dog. So if you want to read my rambling & think with me how far my baby has come in a year.... read on!
One year of my Emma. 💙💜 I didn't really expect to love this dog so much, velcro dog and all. She is definitively My Dog, and I never had a choice in the matter. I think that was just gonna happen, ever since I first saw her adoption post 1 year & 9 months ago. Every time I saw her posted again, I wanted her. It was meant to be! 🥰
And now I look back on the year & think about it all. We changed a bunch of things in our household for this little dog, and all year, we kept adjusting & improving where it was needed for her & the other animals. I love my family so much, and I'm so grateful to have found these other people who love animals & are so willing to adapt as needed for their happiness too. Everyone in the house agreed to take on a project dog, and everyone stepped up to help her settle in.
It's weird too, bc it often doesn't feel like we've DONE that much. But when I tell someone new about her, or spell it out for myself, I'm reminded that we've done the work, even if it mostly didn't seem like work. And we gave her what we knew we absolutely could, what she needed most - time and space. We went at her pace, let her lead us, and it's been truly amazing to watch her over this year.
Emma has gone from being very worried to terrified about any & all human movements, unable to be pet or touched, quick to be on guard at any small change in position. Terrified of loud noises and too much activity. Barking at Joel to try and make him go away. Pottying in the house on pee pads because outside is scary. Only laying in a lap if the lap was covered with a blanket.
All of that.... to a dog that spends 98% of her time relaxed, happy, and ready to be involved. She greets us with alert barks instead of guarding barks, tail wags, bouncing, and licks (okay, mostly me for some of that but still). Everyone in the house has been able to pet her. She actively loves to be pet by Jack in bed & me anywhere when she wants snuggles. She plays with her dog siblings and with me. She discovered the joys of yard zoomies early on & never looked back - she potty trained faster and better than Spring!
She knows and likes our household routines. She LOVES food, and it's the quickest way to her heart! 😂 But she's learned some manners too, like not snatching food with any opportunity! She's gotten more comfortable being on the floor. She still likes to chew more than our other two, and has gotten really great at managing big emotions by redirecting to a Benebone!
We're not the best at active training, but even so, she makes us & me look good! She's interested now, when the treats come out, and wants to see what to do to get some. She interacts with new objects, she is doing great with harness training.
She has opinions now!!! And she will tell you!!! Especially if they involve dinner time! 😂 I still can't believe she demand barks now, and it's been too cute for us to bother stopping for the most part.
I've thought about goals for her over the next year, and I definitely have some big ones. Continue harness training until I can put it fully on her & take it off. Leash skills & comfort with them. All of that slowly, so slowly leading up to trips out of the house - to do vet happy visits, check out some SniffSpots, and go visit her sister at foster mom's house. I also want to introduce some pattern games to help with all of that.
And we plan to start having people over to the house again! Not sure how often or how many, and we may have to alter pace based on how she does. But she's so often surprised us with her resilience, so I think we'll do okay! (And obviously all visitors will be required to follow rules around my pup, or face the mama bear wrath 😂)
But mostly....I just can't wait for another year with this extremely sweet, loving, exuberant little dog that is working so hard to find her confidence. We're all so very proud of Emma, and love her so much. 💜💙
I also included a thank you to both rescues & Emma's foster mom, for all of their time, work, and hoops to ensure that Emma would be safe. They genuinely gave us all the information we needed to make sure we were prepared, and I am even more grateful for that after seeing how rare our experience is in my fearful dogs group.
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Not to be all "this is an Only Murders in the Building blog now" but apparently since yesterday I have reached a point of no longer being satisfied with being part of a two-person fandom irl with my sister and I need to Discuss things with you all.
Anyway. Currently thinking about how Theo Dimas is a) Greek and b) Deaf—both cultures that are very physically demonstrative—and that he is. Like that.
#I love Theo Dimas so fucking much#the poorest and littlest of meow meows#haven't we all committed accidental manslaughter and allowed someone else to go to prison for it?#have we not all in our time robbed valuables from dead people's bodies?#and consider this: he was very sad about it#and he is so sweet and has such a delightfully quiet and affectionate friendship with mabel#who he kidnapped that one time and who wrongly accused him of murder on a podcast that lead to his arrest#neither of which they hold against each other because they are fellow traumatised disaster millennials who haven't got their shit together#also I think maybe they should kiss about it???#because he has stuck around a lot longer than any of her canon love interests#and! she is learning asl so clearly values the relationship and wants to make it easier to communicate on his terms#and mabel is famously guarded and slow to trust#(but also a real 'once my walls are down I will love you forever' type)#so her being like 'I want to talk to you and I want that enough and to do it often enough that I want to meet you half way#and not just expect you to always lip-read and write things down for me#because I don't want understanding me and being understood by me to be as much work as it would be if I didn't make any effort to sign'#is like... a very significant indication of how she feels about having theo in her life imo#also they are both very cute and ping bi4bi to me and honestly that would have been more than enough for me#only murders in the building#omitb#omitb spoilers#only murders in the building spoilers
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ficsempai · 10 days
Why did no one told we To Kill a Mocking Bird was that insanely good??? The POV is so interesting, i went half blind into it (i only knew the basic stuff) and I love this. Im halfway through and im pretty sure I haven’t been bored once!
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motherforthefamicom · 14 days
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look at this fucking thing i made for my microbio class
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zanmor · 9 months
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I made m8ni croissant cereal today and it turned out much better than I expected.
Followed Emmy Makes recipe from Youtube.
My big take away is if you made normal croissants and applied the caramel sugar dust after they were done you'd have an easy and light dessert. Certainly easier than rolling 50+ tiny pastries.
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silvermeww · 2 days
actually that reminds me of how i was quickly skimming some xy eps and my sister wanted to watch one of them (the power plant ep). i warned her about the evo and how it happened and she was like, yep, okay, can't wait to see it.
(we were watching sub but no vol bc night time)
so after the insane event of taking a thunder fang on his shoulder (istg xy and its sacrifices) (also thank you sister for the ideas from that part lol), luxio goes on to licks clemont's hand once the mind control wave thing briefly stopped.
my sister:
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literally a second after, it started to glow.
my sister:
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anyways i couldn't stop laughing at that and we had to stop there because she just,, couldn't comprehend how fast that was lol. i mean i didn't remember it being that fast either but god, what a way to evolve.
(we continued a while later and she just... couldn't stop thinking about that part. we also got an ongoing joke about how much clemont throws his body for luxio, like his shoulder in this ep and when he first got it he sacrificed his booty to a point-blank psybeam like mate how are you okay??)
so yeah. watching xy shenanigans for everyone to enjoy lol.
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transexualpirate · 4 months
Okay this is extremely random and hopefully you don’t mind me asking *inhale* BUUUUUT I ate an edible for the first time today and since I do believe you have experience in the weed business you could help me understand this more cuz like I ate about a third of a full edible n im not sure how many mgs were in it but like do you think it was too weak because I thought it’d be like… me tripping out and discovering the secrets of the universe and making jokes so uncharacteristically hilarious that it scares people but all I did was get so loving and joyous and horny and laughing at everything to now im just hungry as fuck. Overall I felt different for about 5 or 6 hours. But it wasn’t like crazy or anything, all it did was put me in a relaxed and happy mood but physically I felt nothing. Was that liek a weak dose or does that sound normal and would eating more next time get me more fucked up … if you know. I’m sorry if that question is stupid like i said it’s my first time n idk what im doing 💔
NO UR GOOD DON'T WORRY it's good to ask people but i gotta say im unfortunately not as experienced as id like to be, ive only ever tried smoking and homemade edibles :/ BUT i might still be able to help you here!!!!! it sounds like you were only a little high like in one of the lowest "levels". i get like that when im smoking and only take a few hits. barely feel anything physically but i do get hornier and more relaxed (and sometimes sleepy)
the first time you try weed it's very common that one of two things will happen: either you won't feel almost anything or it hits so hard you might even get a bad trip. that's like a very common thing, most people react like that and it was like that for me too (the first time i ever tried it i was at the beach and barely felt anything at all, just kept staring at the waves wondering when it was gonna hit and then i got sleepy and went home). another thing is if you're eating it the effects can take a long long long time to actually hit. like to me personally it's usually almost two hours until im actually feeling it and then three hours until it peaks. when it does i get a really good trip for around three or sometimes (depends on the mgs and what else i consumed during the day) even four hours and then it starts going away. there are some things you can do to feel it faster like eating it in an empty stomach but i don't recommend it at all. also if you eat it with chocolate or milk for whatever insane reason it tends to last a little longer i have no idea why?? but it's a real thing, it's why pot brownies (or any recipe involving chocolate) are so popular
did you have a trip sitter or just anyone else with you? if they had tried it before and ate as much as you did and managed to get high it was probably just because it was your first time. if you didn't eat as much as them it's also possible that you didn't eat "enough" (BUUUUT if you didn't cook it yourself it's like always better if you start by eating very little then you wait like an hour to see how you feel, if you don't feel anything THEN and Only Then you eat some more. if you didn't cook it yourself, you don't know how strong it is yk? better safe than sorry you don't want an unexpected green out). and if you ate the same amount and it was also their first time then maybe you just have a stronger metabolism it happens sometimes. if you wanna try again i recommend eating the same amount and waiting, if you only feel the same thing again maybe try eating some more and waiting even more
if it's eating not smoking it's good to take like a whole evening for that because like i said trips from edibles last way longer. can go for even eight hours sometimes
i hope this helps :]
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