#honestly? probably my fav ship trope
daisydevorak · 2 years
THEY LOVE EACH OTHER TO DEATH, YOUR HONOR @gedankenmoon​’s lil Missy with my big man Bjørn :3c Under the cut for implied n00dity <3 MINORS DNI
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logansargey · 8 days
Hii, I saw your fic and I thought that the name is kinda familiar and I was righttt! I read through your blog and I agree with u esp with the ah l*stappen. For me, I don’t really get the lore of the relationship. And tendency is that they usually drag other drivers to further their uhm visions ✨ but not really in a good way.
I am Carlos girlie so it really makes me sad that usually in the blogs that I encountered, altho not only that ship, Carlos is like always the bad guy or they put him in a bad light? I mean it is RPF and I just avoided them but to push it thru real life too is weird 😭. Like i get that u dont like him but to push that agenda when the guy didn’t even do anything and Carlos has both good relationship with them so yea 😞
So u can imagine my frustration when that clip with Checo and Max went viral 😾. Like Checo and Carlos are close friends in the paddok, they said it in an interview, what are u on about 😭.
Anyway i want to ask ur ahh opinion about charlos and carcar? I think you already answered versainz. Im a big fan of them too!! Well anything with carlos really 😸
Sorry it might be long 😅
Anon, you can ask me any long question and I'll read all of it. Also I love Carlos so I'm so glad I get to talk about him. This is also kinda long but I wanted to give my full opinion. ALSO YES ABOUT THE FIC!! I LOVE FLORENCE AND HOPED I WOULD FIND SOMEONE THAT KNOWS THEM
So here are my opinions on the things you've asked me:
1. Charlos: I seriously love them. But recently they remind me of a divorced couple. (I'm a child of divorce. I'm talking about Charlos btw. Not actually a child of divorce) And it HURTS!!! if you told me a year or two ago that I'd be going through this, I'd laugh in your face. But I love Charlos and the angst, the humor, and the clinginess. They're honestly so cute. They're not my fav (we all know who my fav is) but they definitely made it to my top 7. But also, I feel like Carlos fans and Charles fans have different opinions abt Charlos. Most Carlos fans love it and adore it, while most Charles fans ignore Carlos and seem to make him a bad person and compare the two. (Which driver was the only non rb winner last year?)
2. Carcar: IT'S HONESTLY SO GOOD!! It's such a random ship bc it came out of nowhere and we all started loving it. The jokes that are made (check Oscar's tt comment section) are so funny. It's probably in my top 5 because I love random funny ships like them. I also love the whole "we share a mutual good friend who wants us to get along but we low-key don't think we ever will" type trope. But Carlos has come forward and talked about their "rivalry" or lack of, I should say. So I approve of Carcar
3. Versainz: idk if I have talked about them, but if I have, oh well I'm gonna talk about them again. Versainz is the best ever. I miss them being teammates and the whole "we're both nepo-babies that need to make our dad's proud and we're fighting for the same seat" I WISH Carlos got that seat, tho I'm happy for Checo. Ily, Checo 🫶🏼 Versainz gives me that whole "we're low-key in love with each other but can't act on it bc we both have trauma and internalized homophobia." vibe and I love it lmaoo. THE FICS ARE SO GOOD TOO!!
anyways anon, hope I gave you the answers you were looking for and if you have anymore questions, you can ask and I'll gladly answer.
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caram3lla · 3 months
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I just couldnt merge the two series so I made separate ones. To be fair, I haven’t really read 4koa so my opinion may be misguided but whatever (and I also haven’t watched 7ds in a while also, so…) PLEASE hear me out anyway😭🙏
I don’t have much to say about favorite character, I’m literally in love with Howzer and I’ve never loved a character as much as him. for Chion, he’s just an asshole and that’s enough for me. He has a lot of potential as a character and I’m really excited for him in the series, I would not be his friend IRL though because he would literally be the worst person to be around. And you know what, everyone can hate him but I will always appreciate him😚💖Gilthunder, Diane and Donny are runner ups for fav character!
To be honest, I don’t TOTALLY dislike Ban but…idk. I don’t like him very much, but not only for the very obvious Elaine related reasons. Something he did at the beginning of 7ds kinda stuck with me, when he tried to kill Meliodas to get Elaine back. I guess it’s supposed to be, like, heartbreaking that he wants his woman back so bad he’d kill his best friend???? Mid battle???? Like girl this is not about you rn😭 Idk if my friend tried to kill me to get her boyfriend back, I think I’d have to kill her idk that’s just me😭 and I’m really sorry to the Ban fans because I know he’s a good character and I get that he becomes a better friend later, that scene just stuck with me though
I feel like this might not be a super unpopular opinion but I didn’t really like Escanor at first. Ig I just didn’t really care about him. I like his night time self, he’s very sweet and dorky. The thing I like about SUPER confident and cocky characters is them getting taken down a notch, which he was, twice, so it’s fine. For Tristan, I’m so sorry but I really didn’t care for him at all😭 Before I read most of the scenes with him in it, I thought he was SOOOO bland and boring. Like, he was just nice, and loved, and that’s it. He seems like a character that thinks everything is his fault, which isnt a problem with him or his character, I just don’t really like characters like that. I like that he looks more like Elizabeth, I think that’s nice. Anyway I like him now and I think he’s more complex than I thought before!
I dislike Guinevere for the obvious reasons that everyone hates her for so I don’t have much to say😭I guess to cover the least favorite ship category, I don’t like her and Lancelot together and that one scene was super weird. I like her design tbh, she’s super cute, but yeah…
I honestly don’t dislike Veronica, I just like her design more than her herself😭She’s super caring and sweet, and loyal, just very abrasive sometimes. When she interacts with people and her family especially, you can tell that she really cares, even if she’s kinda mean. Anyway I love da bob and her dress, it’s very cute😌 on the flip side, I like Tioreh herself WAY more than her design. I honestly cannot pin down what I don’t like about her design, I just really really don’t like it😭 I’m sorryyyyyy
For the fav ships, I don’t have too much explaining to do (I’m gonna keep saying that and I’m lying every single time). For Gilthunder x Howzer, I just really love the friends to lovers trope. Although a One-sided! Howzer x Gilthunder is probably more realistic. Anyway I love their friendship as it is :) To be honest I never liked rivals to lovers until this Chion x Donny phase I have going on right now, I have no explanation for this I just think they’re cute.
Elizabeth is super sweet, and honestly I don’t mind her voice, she is such a caring friend. Jade is just like, the most normal character I think ever so I would be his friends irl, probably😭
I would NOT be friends with Gowther, I feel like he would expose me so often, and like, one of my biggest fears is that someone is reading my mind, so he’s literally my nightmare, and I don’t wanna know him😭
Anyway I’m done yapping now, thank you for reading this if your at this point lol
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englishsub · 5 months
fic writer meme!
i was tagged by @microcomets and @cairoscene :) thank you friendz
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
22, which is both more and less than i expected.
2. what's your total ao3 wordcount?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i've branched out in recent years; like my fellow taggers, i write for fewer fandoms that i'm in. food takes ages to cook and even longer to actually commit to. i started with mdzs/cql and tgcf before moving to shl/tyk, though now i mostly write trigun and video game fic.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
爱不释手; never let me go
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near)
花无百日红; the flower that withers
在此恭迎夷陵老祖; to yiling laozu, the great and venerable
蓝色生死恋; a blue love (to live and to die for)
me 🤝 cair wangxian monopoly
5. do you respond to comments?
not usually - if the comment jumps out in some way or asks a question about podficcing i might, but i generally don't. i read every single one and hold them close to my heart, though.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
LOL it's an open ending but the implications are pretty clear - 美丽的日子; beautiful days
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of them end happy, except when they don't :)
8. do you get hate on fics?
not really. i did for a stint back in 2021 when that anon was going around but it was honestly very funny for me.
9. do you write smut?
10. do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you have written?
just the one time, not usually. it was a threadfic - a mdzs/tgcf crossover where wwx was raised by hualian instead of the jiangs.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
yeah. the good ole ctrl+f+replace of names. i remember they even stole my author's note. i'd said something to the effect of "i have to go study..." (i was in high school) and they added "which i didn't even end up doing..."
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
yes and i think fic translation is so cool!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. what's your all time favorite ship?
pirates of the caribbean will/elizabeth.
but it's honestly a rotating rotisserie throughout life of my fav ships depending on what i'm hungry for at a given moment. it's 2024 and i'm back in ff7 hell, for instance.
15. what is a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
歃血; blood oath, and it pains me deeply to admit. not because i have any measure of anxiety about returning to it, or feel any pressure, but because it genuinely had one of my favorite premises and setups, was super gory and horrific, and i'd packed in every crazy trope i love into the outline. i was really excited about. then the fandom imploded and i can't look at it anymore.
she's my white whale. i'd finish it for @megafaunatic alone.
16. what are your writing strengths?
atmosphere. payoff. saying things are like other things. i understand this is annoying for some people though, which is fair.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
i put off every single sex scene in a fic until i had written everything else, such that i had to sit and write 10,000 words, spread across three scenes, of sex. worst week of my life.
internal logic, because i think it's so obvious in my head that i forget to explain it in words on the page.
i think i always can improve on character voice. that's an eternal work in progress.
18. thoughts of writing dialogue in another language in fics?
it's cool. probably good to consult a native speaker if writer of the fic doesn't speak it, though?
19. first fandom you wrote for?
christ. harry potter, by hand, in pencil, in an a5 notebook.
20. favorite fic you have written?
recency bias compels me to say by the time the apocalypse began, because i worked my ass and head off for it, and i ended up really happy with how it turned out. sci-fi's not really my wheelhouse.
i have a huge soft spot for my clj arranged marriage fic, 双命; twin fates, because i had such a blast writing it. and 总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) will always be special to me, because it was like taking a huge, glittering, orgasmic shit.
i believe quite a few people have already been cross-tagged but i will tag you guys again for fun: @yuebings @cafecliche @dcyiyou @vinelark @floofyfluff @ziusik
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deltoidlover · 4 months
Looks like some shitty ship discussions have surfaced in hl fandom again, but I don't mean that here actually xd
I'd like to hear a little bit (or a lot) more about your fav kind of freehoun if you don't mind sharing! Maybe some pre & post rescas headcanons, idk any stuff you would like to tell, and if you want. No pressure
i'm actually really glad i got an ask like this, i have seen some shipping discourse bubbling back up and it's just. can we not? enjoy what you enjoy, at the end of the day none of this is canon unless valve says otherwise, no need for the infighting. anyway, prepare for a text wall with barely any grammar.
pre-rescas: -i like to think that gordon and barney met very soon after gordon was hired and they got along like a match to a flame (is that the saying?), like barney came along on gordon's first tour of the facility and maybe even got lunch with him. -since the majority of workers at black mesa are most likely 30+, barney was especially drawn to gordon (not only because he was kinda cute) since there was finally another young and seemingly down to earth guy around. -honestly my favourite trope is having barney pine after gordon and try to suppress his major crush on him. -it's kinda sad to say or really acknowledge, but back in the 2000's and early 90's, obv lgbtq+ matters were not as accepted, i mean being called 'gay' was like the worst insult imaginable at the time. because of this, i do think barney would be a little wary of his own gay thoughts, maybe even dislike himself a little because of it. eventually i'm sure he'd grow to accept that he is, in fact, gay. -when it comes to the two hooking up, i really, really like the idea of their relationship being kept hush hush. it's pretty hot ngl and i think it would be the most plausible for their situation. -personally i don't really think barney nor gordon would call eachother pet names, or really say 'i love you' without hesistance. i feel like they'd show their affection in different ways, for gordon he'd show his love through gift giving i think. like the occassional snack for a tired barney on the night shift, or a box of donuts if he's feeling generous. -gordon always makes up excuses for why barney has to visit his dorm room so often. one day it's a faulty tap in the bathroom, or the next a clogged airvent. people seem to believe him because his voice is so monotone.
post-rescase/hl2: -during the years where gordon is abscent, barney, for the most part, holds out on hope that he will come back. over time, as barney gets older and older and nothing seems to be changing but only getting worse, he grows more cynical. i think that maybe 5 or so years before gordon's return, barney had forced himself to settle on the idea that he was not coming back. -after taking gordon into his office, he doesn't outright hug him or ball his eyes out, but it's so so obvious that he's feeling a bunch of old bottled up emotions when gordon looks into his eyes. gordon probably does give him a hug though. -however on gordon's end, i feel like things at the start would be a little awkward. his feelings are as strong as they were back then, as it hasn't been 2 decades for him. -i like to think that around the time when gordon arrived at kleiner's lab, that's when gordon approaches barney about their past and they maybe rekindle things, just a little. like maybe a longing look or kiss on the cheek. -honestly there's not really much i can say about hl2 as barney's appearances are so brief. basically i just think that they'd use every moment they had whilst the other was around to get a little closer again, even if they're not outright smoochin' it up or anything. -HOWEVER, in my happy little half-life, barney arrives at white forest with a group of rebels and he spends a few days in bed all patched up and gordon frequently visits his room and maybe even sleeps there with him, it had been quite a while since they'd met up again, gordon honestly thought barney had been blown tf up after the citadel's explosion. -they basically just hang out A LOT in white forest and eventually one of them works up the courage to start their relationship up again. -i think the idea of them once again sneaking away from crowded areas of the WF base so they can have a little privacy together is pretty cute, like they did in black mesa. -and if we're gonna enter hl3 territory, i think gordon, eli and barney would all set out into the arctic to do combine project borealis mossman stuff, and then save alyx :) amazing writing.
i probably have a lot more ideas floating around in my head but i think this is more than enough lol thanks for the ask, this was fun to put together!
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Hi, sorry if it's late, but can I ask for your persoal top favorite queer books and (maybe) your top fav fanfiction (from any fandom but your all time fav)? Thanks so much.....
Also why do you think mlm or wlw romance is more interesting than mlw (het) romance?
Feel free if you want to ignore the last ask, thanks for your blog....
Why do I personally enjoy gay romances to het ones? Preference and taste probably. I also tend to enjoy the angst, longing, tropes, passion, etc in the way its written more than I do in the ways those things are written between a straight couple. And that's not to say I don't enjoy straight romances either! I have plently of het ships I love too, and a few good romances that aren't gay 😂 I just have a preference, and that's okay! As for recommendations!! I have a LOTS! If you want to tell me about what YOU like to read, I can give even better recs. But for in general, some of my favorites...
I have posts about QUITE A FEW here already that you can check out (please do)!:
^ you'll find queer characters in most of the lists of recs honestly at least somewhere. BUT I do have posts specific for Sapphic, Achillian and Ace recs there. So start there!
I'll also throw in that I'm recently quite obsessed with fantasy Sapphics with swords in my books lately! So books like "The Jasmine Throne." "This is How You Lose The Time War." "Priory of the Orange Tree." "Gideon the Ninth." "Girls of Paper and Fire" and "Legends and Lattes."
Come back for me if you want more!
And some of my favorite fics (of various fandoms! Exciting!) In no particular order, I'll link a few for you!
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That Isn't Nothing by Taekookschanbaek
(I KNOW OKAY, in my defense I didn't realize the authors name until AFTER I read and loved the fic lmfao but it IS SO good, I promise lol)
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "A look into the lives of pro exy players Andrew Minyard and Neil Josten. The world says they hate each other, but when Andrew gets transferred to Neil's team, their teammates begin seeing something else between them."
In Which Neil is a PR Nightmare by CoverYourEyes
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "Eve was not the best person in the world. Sometimes she didn’t hold the elevator open when she saw people rushing to catch it from the other side of the lobby. Cutting the line at Starbucks was a semi-regular action. But Eve did not deserve to be Neil fucking Josten's publicist.
Or, the one where Neil does what he wants, picks fights with reporters, discovers Twitter, breaks the internet, and really shouldn't be allowed out of his house. Andrew does nothing to discourage him."
The Men In Apartment 22B by jjmash
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "Andrew and Neil's new neighbors are extremely confused about the two mysterious men in 22B. Are they dating? Are they in the mafia? Are they rival assassins who've fallen in love? As always, the truth is stranger than fiction."
Blame It On My Youth by youreyestheyglow
(Locked fic, you need an account. This fic is THICK but it's by far one of the best Andriel fics I've ever read or just in general. SO GOOD and so emotional and so sweet and so cute)
Fandom: All For The Game
Ship: Andrew x Neil
Summary: "10 years after the end of The King's Men, Andrew and Neil have decided to foster a kid. They have low expectations for themselves--they're not exactly ideal parenting material--but at the very least, the kid will be safe with them. But neither Andrew nor Neil do temporary very well.
Full disclosure: highly character-driven, minimally plot-driven."
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(Wangxian and MDZS IS my newest hyperfixation and I love the juniors dynamics fics so much lol)
The One-Body Problem by metisket
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: "The good news is that Lan Jingyi has found a mentor, friend, and constant companion through the difficulties in life.
The bad news is that that’s because he’s been accidentally possessed by the Yiling Patriarch."
Operation Old Men by Chiharu
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: "An ill-fated parent teacher conference reunites Jin Ling's wayward uncle with Sizhui's father. AKA: A matchmaking disaster as told by Jin Ling, Sizhui, and Jingyi."
And Time Is But A Paper Moon by Sami
Fandom: MDZS
Ship: Wei Ying x Lan Zhan
Summary: ""Zewu-Jun. You once told me about a house surrounded by gentians, where you visited once a month, and how Lan Zhan still waited there, even when the door no longer opened."
Xichen feels light-headed. He feels shocked, and angry. He has never told anyone such a thing, but Lan Zhan is giving Xichen a look of utter betrayal.
"You told him?" Lan Zhan whispers. "When?"
Wei Wuxian takes Lan Zhan's hand. "About twenty years from now."
Wei Wuxian starts again from the beginning."
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(the first time) he kissed a boy by buzzcut__season
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Langa x Reki
Summary: "Reki is insecure about his lack of kissing experience. Langa just wants to help him feel like he's good enough, even if teaching Reki to kiss means breaking his own heart."
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The Gambler by MooeyDooey
Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: Joe x Cherry
Summary: "Joe and Cherry run into a problem. Conspiracy theories have started to surface in some fan forums of "S" that the two of them are secretly dating one another.
Both of them agree that the idea is absurd, but can't agree on which one of them would be the better boyfriend if they actually were dating. So they decide to have a competition, to see who can be the better romantic partner when pitted up against one another."
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The One Where Nico Has 30 Boyfriends by a_million_stars
Fandom: PJO
Ship: Will x Nico
Summary: "“Seriously? Me and Lester?” Nico looked ready to kill him. “If you keep speaking to me I think I’m going to throw up.”
Or, a new friend from college desperately tries to figure out who Nico's secret boyfriend is. He messes up. A lot. If only Nico didn't have so many weirdly close friends from high school."
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Burgundy (not Maroon) by Eggplant_Crusader
Fandom: Wednesday
Ship: Wednesday x Enid
Summary: "They're driving each other insane. It can't last. One of these days, one of them will surely kill the other. Enid wants to avoid that. Wednesday can't wait."
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Like Everything Glows by Annie_Vi
(One of the only people I'll read RPS fics from. Everything this woman writes is gold, this is my favorite though, and the first i read of hers)
Fandom: BTS
Ship: Jimin x Jungkook
Summary: "Jeon Jeongguk watches the sun rise and set on the water every day without wondering what may lie far beneath the surface. One nighttime walk along the beach upheaves his entire life, sending his human morals into a tailspin as he questions what his beliefs really are."
(I need more shows with good wlw ships that have good fics too!! If anyone has any good recs, send them my way!! Also there are so many good fics I've read that i realized i never bookmarked and now i cant remember what they are. Lesson learned. Bookmark everything! Thanks for the ask!!)
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charlieconwayy · 10 months
Just curious what you don't like about Cory/Topanga if you feel like talking about it!
hey, i don't mind!
first off i think boy meets world in the context of just a purely heterosexual show makes it age pretty poorly, and that all stems from cory and topanga. i know one of the writers said a while back that the writers room was torn between shory and corpanga, and tbh, rewatching as an adult, that's extremely evident. i'm not gonna make this post all about shory bc that's reductive but i am first and formost a shory girl and a firm believer that cory matthews is a gay man
so let's get into it.
i really really love s1/2 corpanga. idk if it's just bc ben/danielle felt more natural back then or if it's bc they actually allowed cory to be wrong and topanga to be right, but it's just so sweet. one of my all time fav ship moments from the show is the frickin sock basketball scene where they touch hands and he giggles. so adorable! but i think what really makes them suffer after s1 (and kind of s2) is just that they clearly made topanga a normal, kelly kapowski girl-next-door type to make her more "desirable" for the male audience. that could be an entire separate post, but it's so fucking obvious that that's what the change was and it sucks because topanga was great the way she was.
they're not like hatable in season 3 exactly, but the "old married couple haha look how old gross and boring they are" trope when they were legitimately sophomores was just weird? and this is a retrospect thing but i hate how the show just kept retconning shit and pretended they never broke up in season 3, as if a HUGE storyline and one of the most iconic episodes (the happiest place on earth) wasn't about them getting back together? and for me just the concept of the ~universe wanting them to be together~ over and over again is just so fucking lame when they were so toxic. (great video on this here)
they really don't do anything wrong in season 4 either, but a long walk to pittsburgh is honestly so beyond ridiculous LMAO. i know everyone talks about how romantic it is, but i hate it because topanga literally runs away and moves back to philly just for cory. i know they claim it's to finish at john adams too, but i would find that much more believable if they had developed topanga AT ALL outside of cory. we know almost nothing about her home life and they wrote trini out so we never even see any friends of hers! the trend of them fighting and talking down to amy about their love is so fucking stupid too. like you are sixteen. it is fine to love someone and want to be with someone, but amy is right that it's not healthy for them to be as obsessed with each other as they are. like cory literally doesn't know who he is outside of topanga and that's NOT healthy.
oh lordy. s5. i'm not going to get into how much i hate that shawngela (a MUCH happier, more interesting relationship) was reduced to "wanting to be corpanga" in both their intro episode and then fucking gmw, but even the "old married couple" stuff in "chasing angela" at the restaurant is so annoying. "last tango in philly" is one of my fav episodes, but it's the perfect example of how cory can never accept he's wrong. shawn tries to tell him they should stop, and he just tells shawn he knows nothing about relationships and keeps being a dick about topanga and her (obviously gay) friend. but obviously, you're here to hear about how i feel about the cheating. yes, cory cheated and he genuinely liked lauren. for the show to act like he didn't is just gaslighting their audience. and tbh? i think ben and linda cardellini had excellent chemistry (certainly more than he and danielle did at that point . . .) and i think it's completely healthy to date more than one person! it was nice seeing cory be able to open up and bond with someone else, and yes, what he did was cheating. just bc he changed his mind and decided he "couldn't live without topanga" (bless u probably queer writer for what u did w that line :') ) doesn't mean that it didn't happen. topanga had EVERY right to break up with him. it does piss me off that we barely saw topanga's reaction to the breakup when there was a whole ep dedicated to shawn's reaction (and i say that as the #1 shawn stan), but that show hated women lbfr. AND WHY TF WAS IT BAD FOR HER TO KISS JONATHAN JACKSON WHEN SHE AND CORY WERE BROKEN UP????? bc cory can't accept things not going his way and not having control. the "we are a masterpiece" scene makes me so fucking angry omg i cannot
and i mean, bro, the yale shit has been talked about to death, but topanga lawrence going to the same college as straight d-student shawn hunter has got to be the dumbest, most woman-hating shit the show ever did. love can survive long distance if you put the effort in, trust me. (yes i am aware that the show prob didn't want to separate their main couple, but s6 was almost entirely about shawn anyway so????)
then in seasons 6 and 7 we get into the "cory yelling at and publicly humiliating topanga" trend. "undapants" is iconic so i'm not gonna go into that episode (fuck you "take her back to your tornado infested trailer park" line!), but i can name at least seven occasions where cory pressures her into sex. and rider strong is right. it was extremely holier than thou how they constantly made it seemed like corpanga was better than shawngela for not fucking before marriage. like isn't there a line where they call shawngela sluts in s7? the whole honesty bit in "the truth about honesty" (admittedly one of my fav eps) is also just ridiculous bc both of them always get pissed off at the other one for being honest, even in the past. i've seen people get mad at topanga for throwing yale in cory's face but lbr, who didn't see that coming? i guess maybe it's a little weird bc she'd never been resentful about it before, but that's a HUGE thing in their relationship. and yes, it is weird that she's using his razor without his permission but again just the pressuring her to show him her ass is also fucking weird (it's also weird imo that they've been together "their whole lives" but they've only ever kissed, but again, holier than thou bullshit)
one thing i can say about how weak and uninteresting their relationship actually is is that their ENTIRE wedding episode is about shory, bc they are the much more compelling dynamic in cory's life. weirdly enough, i do actually really like cory's vows though?? on a shawn hunter stan note, oblig "that best man speech was bullshit" comment. it's completely normal and healthy to have a best friend outside of your partner? especially when you can't be honest with your partner. god i fucking hate that bullshit. just like how i hate in "seven the hard way/the war" how they portray cory abandoning his best friend/true life partner for topanga AND THEN IN FUCKING GMW THE BAD FUTURE FOR EVERYONE LITERALLY CAME TRUE!!!!!!! omg i will go insane if i think about that for longer than a few seconds.
end of post, but leaving this here
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Jay's Fic Recs :)
these are all wonderful, wonderful fics i have read and think you should too <3
(if they are on tumblr i’ll drop their url so you can find all of their things :)) some of these links go to Ao3 and Wattpad as well)
happy reading!
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Eddie Munson
June Baby singlemum!reader x eddie - this is so cute, please give it a read it makes my heart squeeze. @luveline
Love Bites vampire!eddie x fem!reader - this is just very cute. highly recommend if you want a vamp fic with not too much monsterness @luveline
Worlds Apart eddie x fem!reader - this is timeline accurate, but naturally veers from cannon because character is added. you had broken up with eddie four months prior because of a horrible dream, the events of season four happen and it brings back deep dark feelings and a whole lotta love. cant really say much else without giving it away. @munsons-maiden
Meet The Munsons stepbro!eddie x fem!reader - okay, this one has me in shambles. it’s great and not gross. i loved the tension in this and the finale was just MWAH *chefs kiss* @mypoisonedvine
FREAK eddie x oc!jay - Jay is from Australia but she moves to Hawkins and meets Eddie. They fall in love, yadda yadda. long multichap. follows timeline, but starts in 1985 post mall fire. lotta angst, lotta hurt, looootttttaaaa comfort. they heal eachother. there are heavy themes in this so read the warnings. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth Emerson
Too Late gareth x fem!reader - readers been in love with Eddie but he starts dating Chrissy and she turns to Gareth for comfort and ends up catching feelings for him instead. very cute. lotta angst. @resident-gay-bitch
Gareth x Eddie
Pretty Boy ftm!gareth x eddie - oh my god. i love this so fuckin much. so angsty and so much pining i live for this shit. honestly, reading this has made g x e my fav st ship, probably even my fav ship ever. childhood best friends tropes always get me. go give it a read :)) @dylanwritesgood
My Starboy closeted!gareth x oblivious!eddie - gareth loves eddie, always has, always will. but eddie’s straight… right? - lotta angst, lotta unrequited love and pining. so much heartahce. this has quite mature and explicit themes, so make sure to read the warnings before each chapter :) happy readings @resident-gay-bitch
Jay’s Steddie Fic Recs- sorry, the list got too long so i had to create another page for it :) good news though, you wont run out of steddie fics here.
Drabble? wayne munson x scott clark - we don’t know where this came from, but we know where the fuck it’s going. please hop on the scott x wayne train because the seats are comfy and the view is beautiful - seriously, more people need to write for this - this peice is magnificent - we need fanart for them PLEASE @unclewaynemunson @flowercrowngods
All The Young Dudes wolfstar & jily - best fic ever, hands down, written by the gods. read it weather you like the marauders or not.
Crimson Rivers jegulus & wolfstar - hunger games au - i know this fic has been archived but it just needs some more recognition because it’s AMAZING
Text Talk sirius x cf!remus - modern no magic au. sirius accidentally texts the wrong number and ends up catching feelings for the random boy behind his phone.
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Noa and Jen
Tiny Rant…
So I didn’t love season one if PLL: Original Sin but I liked the characters quite a bit and so I gave season 2 a shot and was honestly loving it. I loved that they were setting up a queer storyline for Noa (especially since I’ve been shipping her with Faran for a hot minute) Noa is easily my favorite character and being a bi girl myself I was super excited.
…However the way they’ve been handling it this season is driving me up the wall. Honestly I didn’t have a huge problem with it until the new episode came out today (Episode 6). They weren’t writing Noa the same she felt really inconsistent (I’m just saying. The girl who when the juice for her moms drug charges and was head over heels in love with her golden retriever bf in season feels so different from the girl who’s cheating and lying to said bf and really likes a girl who’s just making her life harder than it needs to be.) mind you consistent character writing is not Roberto Aguirre Sacasa’s strong suit so I let it slide and kept loving Noa because outside of her relationship she felt like the same character. And I kind of view this the same way as Riverdale and the OG PLL. Cheating doesn’t matter in the long run. Forget about it.
The fact that they are portraying a bi girl like this IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024!?!??! Jen is not a very good person. Straight up that’s okay! Not all characters have to be good people but the fact that she’s being set up in an incredibly contrived love triangle, on top of the bisexual cheating trope!!??! I thought we were done with portraying young bi women as being flighty, indecisive, and cheating. (Not to mention there are moments that I feel it but I do feel like Noa has more chemistry with Shawn who is a literal sweetheart but I don’t feel the sparks really with Jen all the time.) Cheating on Shawn is literally against all of Noa’s character traits. She’s loyal, honest, blunt, and kind. Not manipulative, and indecisive. And the fact that after Jen ROBBED HER BF HOUSE SHE ACTED LIKE THEM BEING TOGETHER WAS STILL AN OPTION?!!!!!?? Girl are you good??? I am glad however that they aren’t making it a throuple because I would hate for the only representation that community gets being (again) the cheating trope!!! I know queer rep isn’t something Roberto is good at but for this to be what we get is appalling.
Jen is toxic. At this point I’m convinced Noa is being drugged, or has been replaced with a clone when she interacts with Jen and Shawn. Shawn is a sweetheart he doesn’t deserve this. WHAT THE FUCK?!?!
To sum it all up PLL you have 2 options:
Fix Noa and Shawn
or give us Noa and Faran
Please tell me your thoughts as well!! This episode was kinda the final straw for me. Noa is still my fav and probably always will be but this is just driving me crazy and I needed to get it off my chest!
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ryantryinx · 7 months
Tag Game Wednesday! ( OMFG AND ITS STILL WEDNESDAY ) Tagged by @mickeysgaymom and @juliakayyy - You both are the best, I've been so AFK i'm surprised people remember I exist. Holidays got me stressed and depressed -
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?: Joel Miller from The Last Of Us. That man would burn the world to the ground to see you safe.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?: A duck, I've wanted a house duck for a long time. Once I actually have a house to keep it in. I will have.
what is your Chinese takeout order?: BBQ short ribs, Crab rangoons
what's your favourite emoji?: Ugh.....I dont use them often, probably <3
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?: GREENHOUSE, literally is my only home goal is I must have room for a greenhouse. I am plant dad.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?: Blues Clues, I may or may not have Mr.Salt, Mrs.Pepper, and Paprika shakers on my oven......and yes Im almost 30. Fuck you don't judge me.
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?: Honestly the same as it is now? Tumblr hasn't really changed. People always been pretty chill.
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself?: Lolita, I've always been fascinated with how cute it is. Just not on me......
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?: Middle Earth and the MCU.
what is your favourite piece of art?: Um....Probably this lord of the rings poster my friend made me for my birthday that has a misspelling in it. 6 people looked at it before printing and no one caught it. I love it 1000% more because now its funny as well. it says ' Breafast ' instead of breakfast
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?: Um....kinda? Do I have a bottle I carry around daily? YES. Is there ever water in it? Fuck no. Usually some sort of tea or energy drink.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fav?: God this one is hard.... Probably enemies to lovers. Mostly anything ' taboo '
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?: I carry a sage green canvas bag. It has a trans/pride pin and my pronoun pin on the outside. The weirdest thing in it atm? Probably a half eaten bag of beef jerky? I'm a teacher and I keep a snack in my bag at all times. ATM its jerky. Just incase lunch sucks one day.
If you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?: Um.....no. The real answer is Mickey wouldn't be with any other Gallagher. Only Ian. The end
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?: Fluff, its the cute cringe sometimes. Like thats not fucking realistic, but some do it right.
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?: Absolutely, Mick may be short but have you seen his arms? Man's bustin'. While Ian would pitch a fit about being ' too heavy ' and wouldn't let Mickey do it unless it was needed. Mickey knows he can easily.
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?: Carl; totally takes it to the ' new alibi ' and threatens people with it. I want my answer to be Mickey. Though let's be honest our boy don't need a bat. He's got a glock in the drawer. Tagging anyone who is interested? I haven't been consistently on tumblr lately that I wanna bug people by tagging them randomly. But if you see this and you want to please do!~
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cannibalvillains · 1 month
About shipping my muses, n stuff.
Gonna keep this a a constant WIP, as I figure stuff out. But I decided this could be fun to make for mutuals who maybe wanna ship. Give yall an angle.
Generally ship tropes I like; Arranged Marriage, Toxic, Hate-fucking, queerplatonic stuff, partners in love and crime aka "murder boyfriends", whatever the Addams Family had going, tragedy
(.... Sorry im not awfully good with pure fluff, just don't do it for me. Also; pointing to my no smut rp rule)
Brief details on each respective muse are under the cut!
Dabi (demiromanic bi)
Tbh if my Dabi actually has feelings for sb id say its time to run. He is obsessive as hell and he can't do relationships normally. He has straight up stalked several other muses by this point. It was for different reasons but affection is definitely one of them. Also expect it to be undoubtly toxic. He can genuinely love but also it's god awful. He's honestly most easy to deal with on a "we only fuck and nothing else" type basis.
Ships i like for him; Shigaraki, Twice, Hawks (only toxic hatefucking), ...
Overhaul (aroace, repulsed type aka "dont fucking touch me")
Right out the gate: don't expect normal relationship dynamics with him. Just don't. Fact aside that he generally just sucks with people, Im serious when I say he's aroace. He will never fall in love with another character and he will happily die a virgin because that stuff just makes him beyond uncomfortable. That said, I wrote him in tight knit relationships before and they have been some of my fav in recent past. Either way it's a slowburn.
Ships I like for him; Kurono, Nagant, ...
Spinner (bi-curious)
Tbh this man is open to be shipped with almost anyone. I haven't really done stuff with him yet, and he is also very open. Doesn't think about this stuff right now but he would try his best if put in the situation.
Ships I like for him; ???
Enji (disaster bi, in denial abt liking men)
Taking current canon into consideration; Enji is old, tired and doesn't seem himself as "attractive" anymore. His marriage was more duty than love and these days he is most in of all concerned with fixing things with his kids. Trying to ship him at that age would take a lot of convincing. Trying to get him to cheat on his wife like 10 to 20 years prior is an option but can only end terribly. (please I absolutely wanna do that!!) Anything before his marriage would be battling his drive to become the number one hero. (also fun)
Ships I like for him; All Might ( yes its terrible ), Rei ( yes its complicated ), ...
Twice (gay, hopeless)
He's a mess. You may think this means he best works with other people who are well put together, but I (terrible person) like to see spiral, together with other messes. Enjoy.
Ships I like for him; Dabi, anyone LOV tbh (also just purely platonic stuff; we love to see it), ...
Bakugou (bi)
Main criteria for people Bakugou likes; they stand up to him and give him challenges. Just straight up best compatible with muses who are either an asshole equal to himself, or just say "No, stop being a dick. I won't take your shit." If your muse just follows along with whatever he does he will not give them the time of day. He won't care.
Ships I like for him; Occhako, Monoma, Fujimi, ...
Sukuna (aro, an egnima)
I dunno yet what gets him... but you gotta be strong else he will just crush you and be bored. Probably best to get his interest through powerful Jujutsu/fighting skills though, obviously.
Ships I like for him; Gojo, Uraume, Toji, ...
Definitely struggles to relate to people with his whole "its lonely being the strongest" business. Definitely not easy to connect to and will not be honest about his feelings. But BOY does he seek connection! Pathetic little man!
Ships I like for him; Geto(duh, tho tbh also love it as just best friends), Sukuna, Nanami, ...
Yuji (???)
I dunno yet, somebody give him Jennifer Lawrence! Or his former classmate, that seemed cute. Either way he is a sunshine boy who probably clicks easily with people but later in the story of jjk it may be difficult to get close, the trauma of losing people and all that....
Ships I like for him; ???
Maki (???)
I dunno yet either, give her Jennifer Lawrence as well! Ok no, forreal though. I think she needs someone who can help her relax and not be so stuck on her goals all the time (tho do support her goals... and shittalk the Zen'in clan together...!!)
Ships I like for her; ???
Kenjaku (EVIL)
Would probably fuck anyone. I dunno if you should get near them though. There is like.... ALL THE RED FLAGS. Doesn't care much for the people they start relationships with. To them it's just all a game.
Ships I like for them; Yuji's dad, Gojo (while disgused as Geto, def in a toxic af way), ...
Law (gay af)
Honestly, this guy has a terrible taste in men and he knows it. He also hates it. He wants to have a good relationship but he got a tendency to get into the ones he regrets, and doesn't regret, but so damn regrets. I think there is a lot of fun kinda drama to be had here.
Ships I like for him; Kidd, Bepo, Zoro, Robin ( yes i said hes gay... they just match ), ...
Doffy (bi and awful)
On the outside Doffy is sweet, charming and flirty, makes all the compliments and expresses his care for his person of interest. He is also manipulative, possessive and most of all cares for himself.... YOU SHOULD RUN.
Ships I like for him; ...
Zagetsu (nope)
Eh. I just have him to be a creature tbh. If you wanna ship with him genuinely, CONVINCE ME.
Ships I like for him; NAH
Reiner (bi)
Considering this man is a huge mess with terrible mental health who deluded himself into erasing his own memories for a while, definitely not the most healthy pick. Also there is the literal timer on his lifespan. Very fun. Such a lovely guy though. He tries his hardest. It often isn't enough.
Ships I like for him; Berthold, Christa, Eren, Pieck
Zoë (pan)
Definitely a genuinely fun pick, very cheery person who tries to be honest with relationships. Though ultimately they are most of all focused on work and will 100% go on tangents about titans.
Ships I like for them; Erwin and Levi?, ....
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pockethep · 6 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "pockethep"?
I’ve had this Tumblr for a molten minute and originally it was a Pokemon themed blog before I deleted my side blogs (a choice I regret every day). The Pocket in my user came from “Pocket Monsters” and the HEP was just tagged on because a lot of pocket monster themes names weren't available but younger me wanted to be open to having a blog that wasn't just 1 thing.
Now for the fics…
These are in no order whatsoever. This is based purely on fanfics that I love that no matter what I keep going back to, there are honestly a lot I could put especially if I think harder but its late and I'm typing on my phone.
Yesterday Upon The Stair by PitViperOfDoom on AO3. (My Hero Academia)
Genuinely an amazing fanfic, probably the best BNHA fanfic I’ve ever read which is a strong title to hold. It even has its own TV Tropes Page. It was Published in 2016 and I read it religiously. It had it all, Queerplatonic relationships, Drama, Angst, heartwarming moments, and realistic character depictions. It’s one of those fanfics that most people in the fandom know as “One of the Big Ones”.
A Breach of Trust by Phantomrose96 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Another “One of the Big Ones” and another fanfic that I’ve been following since it was published way back in 2016 (a wonder how 2016 had a lot of really great fanfics just like how a lot of good writing came from the quarantine). This is such a good fanfic, that really expands past the base content of the manga/anime and has a well fleshed out world as well as characters. It’s a drama that has a good dose of angst and I love the way the relationship between Mob and Reigen develops.
Issho by ToastyToaster22 on AO3 (Mob Psycho 100)
Normally I’d try to keep it one to a fandom with these types of lists/asks but Issho was really good. Once again has the bonus of being a fanfic from one of my favorite anime/manga. But it highlights one of my favorite characters, Teru, in a way that develops him very well over the course of the series. Issho is just the first of ten parts and I'd recommend reading all of them.
Salvage by MuffinLance on AO3 (Avatar the Last Airbender)
One of my comfort ATLA fanfics. A great amount of humor, angst, and a lot of found family. I absolutely adore Hakodad pics and Zuko honestly deserves it but Salvage has the plus of adding more additional siblings and a cute isopuppy because Zuko really deserves it.
fool in the moon by arahir on Ao3 (Trigun)
Despite having read the Trimax manga and having seen the original Trigun anime, I didn’t actually start reading fan fiction for it until Trigun Stampede paraded through…And BOY was I missing out. Although fool in the moon is a recent addition to the roster of amazing pics, it’s up there as one of my favorite. It’s a vashwood fic with a healthy dose of angst and comfort. I don’t know what it is but Trigun writers all have the ability to write the most visceral things.
(HONORABLE MENTION: A Ship and his Anchor by DerringerMeryl who aced the Vash whump.)
Press 9 to delete this Message by moriturism on Ao3 (Jujutsu Kaisen)
One of the most cleverly written fics not just on this list but that I’ve read. I can’t recommend it enough, even to those that don’t ship satosugu. This is a hurt no comfort fic and the way my stomach sunk reading the date for one of the last messages is a feeling few people can replicate. It’s good all around. 11/10
Those Hands Were Meant To Love by Ahenix on Ao3 (Spy X Family)
I think this is one of the big fics for Spy X Family and for a reason. It’s fluff without plot, and I love a good bit of found family and fluff especially centered around my favorite “fake” family. I read this one a couple times last year because it’s cute and its only 6 chapters.
Cascading (In a good way) by Hubbleablubble on Ao3 (Genshin)
There are a lot of well written genshin fics but this one is my favorite both for the ship (Kaebedo) and that I enjoy the way the characters are written. I like how everyone was written in this. Although it’s only a chapter the pacing was great, especially as it told their story from strangers to friends to lovers. It also mentioned Khaenri’ah Royalty Kaeya which is a huge plus.
(HONORABLE MENTION Song of Resistance by TheOpticalMouse absolutely check this out, its a series of 2 fics)
Starstruck by shizuoh on Ao3 (Yuri on Ice)
All that needs to be said is that the author basically created the Actor Victor Nikiforov tag on ao3. It’s a fic that’s been there since around 2016 when the show debuted and it hasn’t left my favorites for a while alongside a lot of others. Featuring the aforementioned actor Viktor, a barista/babysitter yuuri, and Yuri as a child caught up between the two. There are a lot of great’s and this is one of them.
(HONORABLE MENTIONS: There are a lot of Yuri on Ice fics I could have put here so…Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart aches by Reiya (The Biggest Diamond among the rest of the diamonds), crust and sugar over by ShanaStoryteller, Where the Cliff Greets the Sea)
Academic Intrigue by kassvea on Ao3 (Word of Honor)
It’s a modern AU, college/university AU with well written characters that are true to the original source. It’s a story about starting over, especially given the scandal at the start of the fic. I love the connection between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing in all forms of media but this is one of my favorites.
(HONORABLE MENTION: Sanguine by jaemyun this is one of the big word of honor fics and for a reason.)
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scham-wcan · 6 months
This will be long my long list of bull hockey lol
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like! - The Schnees have an issue with sleeping in
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate - I think the only real example of that is like Maria? I never really didn't like any character which the fndm made me come around on
5. something you see in fics a lot and love - I do love me some competent leaders and characters who also are able to not be the hardass or domineering all the time, give me some three dimensional capability
7. your favorite tropes to read/write/draw - The Galas honestly at this point are some of my fav things to write for in passing, other than that in like long form I like the redeemed villain having to commiserate or make small talk with people who used to be terrified of them and now are just like casually having to deal with them
8. you hope more people will come to appreciate _ (a ship, a trope, an episode, etc) - Well there is an obvious answer or two here but I think mostly I want to see more love for the whole Willow recovering mother priority concept because it has a huge degree of potential
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy - Kinda tricky cause I don't go after or see things a lot which I don't directly ship/make content for. Probably the closest thing is like Seamonkies because they're the only couple I ship which I haven't written for, love those bro bois
16. a tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate - Winter's nose scar. Dead ass, let my girl have her battle scars and angst reminders
25. a piece of advice for taking care of yourself in fandom spaces - If you know what you don't like don't give yourself the potential of interacting with those things if its just going to make you bitter or spiteful, let people do what they want in their own lanes. Other than that just enjoy things you like
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petorahs · 8 months
Hello! Just wanted to say I'm a huge fan of the way you draw Wrioney, so very tender and cute 🥺 Your artstyle is overall quite nice to look at as well!
Also, seeing how the dynamic you set up for them in your art is somewhat different to how they interact canonically, I was curious if you could share how you felt ab them after 4.1? Did their "bickering" discourage or inspire you with new, fresh ideas?
hey there! thanks so much for liking my art of them :") it means a lot! and also thanks for wanting to know my opinion of the ship itself and not just the art, too! warms my heart.
short answer: the 4.1 archon quest did leave a bad taste in my mouth, yes, but i got over it and realized wow. i love wrioney so much and i would rather have this than any other cookie cutter "perfect/wholesome" dynamic
long answer/explanation under cut!
first off, pre-4.1 wrioney's setup was just too good for me to pass up and hit all my fav points. cat (chat noir) + dog (cerberus) dynamic??? criminal x prison warden???? wriothesley's tareme eyes to lyney's upturned ones? cute! not to mention i liked how their color palette matched more than the other popular ships. they seemed like they were made for eachother. we also had 0 crumbs for wrio's personality at that point so i assumed he'd be the serious to lyn's playful flirt.
shipping in this game to me has always been a bit on the shallower side, and thats fine! some of these characters never get to "grow" with dynamic character arcs really and remain "static" to have their profiles make sense when you pull for them. they can never be directly antagonistic to the player and have to be "redeemed" in some way. 76++ characters and not all of them get time in the spotlight, either. thats fine too.
that all changed when fontaine came out. and even more when 4.1 did.
wriothesley's personality was a joy. i love morally dubious and fun characters like him, the kinds that dont really fit into a "box" or trope!! genshin's good at making characters like that, just as they are good at the tropey ones. i also didnt mind that he canonically isnt above torturing, too. heck, i mean i love kamisato ayato who is basically what the game sets up as the male version of arlecchino + diluc burning an abyss mage and kazuha's tongue branding comment were one of my favorite moments. i thought wrio being cruel was very much in line for a prison warden. it made sense. what didn't make sense was the way the game needed to show this.
i loved lyney the moment i saw him in the travail trailer. his thing with his family another one of the best things to come out of genshin. fucked up orphans and found family who are villains? actually so good. but because they are what the game wants us to see as "unequivocable villains", they also get... disrespected in the story a lot?
the way i saw it, the game wanted us to see wrio as the "cool/badass hero!!!! wow your grace you're actually so kind for not killing them!!! see guys he just looks cruel and antagonistic but he's actually so morally good!!!also here's like 3 cutscenes of wrio looking cool ^_^" while lyney's treated like an "overemotional kid" really rubbed me off the wrong way. everything else was fine. i just got tired of the game insisting that the fatui are so bad no matter what and the rest are ""good"" when their whole thing in fontaine was doing away with the black and white morality. the devs seek to promote greyness but they cant even write that right?
what wrio did to them truly probably wasnt even the worst lyney and his siblings have been through, i know this for a fact. honestly wrio could have killed freminet and it'd have been like. reasonable for him. but he's a big softie who has a thing for lyney i think which is why he thought a lot about them not coming to physical harm.
but after once again accepting that midhoyo just wastes a lot of potential and reconciling the dynamic of past wrioney i had in mind (also uh. writing a fic of them for closure when i've never done anything of the sort before)... i realized theyre the best thing ever actually
enemies to lovers isnt always my cup of tea, but for context i shipped shuake before this so i feel like that primed me for this genshin ship in a way LMAO.. i actually must thank wrio for showing this new side of lyney, the viciously overprotective of his family side that i thought would never be shown, only alluded to. its mesmerizing.
and the thought that lyney, mr. masks and fake-smiles-that-dont-reach-his-eyes wouldnt bother to keep up pretenses with wriothesley anymore since he coaxed that darker side of him effortlessly? really nice.
even traveler who lyney notoriously charms and flirts with gets the mask immediately after the confrontation at the duke's office, the second lyney recharges with his siblings by his side. the beautiful thing about lyney's character is that he is always fake.
but with the duke? i wouldn't be so sure. maybe his real side, claws and bared teeth, comes to light with him and him only.
and that... goes back to the "character going through dynamic arcs" thing i mentioned in the beginning that genshin lacked. now i may be reaching for crumbs here, but i'm pretty sure this ship is the closest thing we'd get for lyney ever going through a character arc. wrio too. when i say they were "made for eachother" i think i realized that it's because they both have parallel backstories. i wont spoil too much for wrio's stories and voicelines, but it's safe to say wrio also has trouble with trusting others easily. something him and lyney can relate on lol. not to mention the orphan thing... ok i wont say more.
i love that their personalities clash so catastrophically. i love that i can never predict what genshin will do next with them. this all makes shipping them so fun. i have literally never had as much fun with shipping for this game since.... ever! really. as the game evolves, the character writing and by extension their interactions with eachother do too. and i'd say it's an improvement. i'm hopeful for the future :]
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crimsoncrim · 2 years
Could I please ask for Luna and also for Taka for the “send a character and I’ll give some headcanons” thing?
yes ofc! owo
sexuality headcanon: demisexual, bisexual (female lean)!
gender headcanon: amab, trans, she/her! (canon)
a ship I have with said character: (does saying that I think your selfship is cute count?) I think I don't really actually have one, at least not right now. she's comfy with herself and I support her.
a BROTP I have with said character: Ace ofc! trans solidarity in meteor is my favorite thing <3 I love to imagine that they were the first ones to support each other when the other came out. besides that, I think I'd love to see her be able to interact properly more with either Anna or Noel, or Titania. odd one on the last one, but I think their personalities would compliment each other!
a NOTP I have with said character: honestly at this point I'm wondering if I should take this question out, lmao, I'm so terrible at answering it >> probably Taka is the closest I can think of one, though. if it's done respectfully I don't really mind, but in canon their master/servant whole trope and how their interactions are coded ingame isn't so much my thing.
a random headcanon: I really enjoy the headcanon you've shared before, that she colors her hair and wears contacts to look more like Radomus and Serra! I think she looks really pretty with dark hair and the headcanon is really sweet.
general opinion over said character: really love her! she was kinda neutral middle of the pack for a while for me but I really started getting a lot more appreciation for her. I love her character design aesthetic, too, so that's a big bonus. she slays like nobody's business
sexuality headcanon: demisexual/asexual, pansexual
gender headcanon: amab, cis, he/him. sometimes like to soft-hc / think about afab, trans, he/him ^-^
a ship I have with said character: takace / royalcourtshipping my beloved. their relationship is one of my favs in the game, and they're rlly fun to both write and draw. their dialogue with each other ingame is super 🏳️‍🌈 and I love their dynamics and interactions, how Ace uplifts and encourages him to be himself while he helps them feel more grounded/relaxed. they're everything to me <3
a BROTP I have with said character: the main three Meteor admins (Taka, ZEL, Ace) all being friends is a super important friendship to me hehe. I love the three (technically, five) of them just being chill and being friends. I imagine he and Ace would be very much like... probably some of the only people in Meteor to acknowledge ZEL as "yeah these are all distinct and individual people outside of ZEL"? like Solaris acknowledges Eve but she's also like, the only one of them that has value to him, so, idk. I just think the three of them being close friends is something that can be so personal okay
a NOTP I have with said character: as mentioned before, Luna, probably, unless done respectfully. I don't really have many strong feelings about NOTPs or shipping, though.
a random headcanon: his Komala was a gift from Ace! it's the only shiny on his team and I just thought it really makes a lot of sense and is super cute. another one if that doesn't count is that he enjoys collecting different colors and patterns of scarves!
general opinion over said character: wet pathetic rat /lh. I think he's v sweet and interesting and I love his dynamics with other characters a lot! his fit does not slay (but I admire the sweatpants-to-work hustle) but it's ok Luna and Ace and ZEL make up for it for him.
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jaimebluesq · 1 year
I looked through my explicit fics and I have a total of one tagged w/ Top/Bottom and its porn without plot 😂👍 (I do also have- on a diff fic- the tag “topping the top” but that’s because I got it as a trope/prompt and didn’t want to not tag it). I also want to say I understand the history of ship names putting the top as first then the bottom as second. And I also know lots of people still use them so if it’s a fic that I know that’s used a lot I’d probably tag (Like,,, if I ever actually made a Wangxian fic w/ my beloved bottom or switch LWJ I would tag only so people don’t get mad at me that I left it untagged.)
Honestly, with ship names with me it all comes down to which sounds better, either that or my fav of the 2 characters is 1st (e.g. NHS is my baobei so Sang usually comes first, but with LWJ, WangSang sounds better than SangWang) - but way back in my early days of fandom, we didn't do the ship name thing, that's been an interesting development over the last 20 years. And even listing the characters didn't always show who writers tended to put in certain bedroom roles (e.g. back in my Xena days, Joxer/Ares was HUGE in my circle, but Ares was often written topping more often than Joxer - not that there weren't plenty of us happy to even the odds lol).
Ah, fandom, I love you so much you silly thing :D
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