amyamethystgray · 2 years
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One for the road. #honeystreet #honeystreetmillcafe #pewseyvale @honeystreetmillcafe (at Honeystreet Mill Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgG8MJpMDQZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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canalriverhub · 7 months
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stelliumastrology · 4 years
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The memories function on Facebook has a habit of dragging up some pretty cringeworthy moments, as well as some really good times like these. . . But seeing these happy memories also makes me feel sad – I remember these moments like they happened yesterday. . . I am so different now, compared to the girl I was in these photographs and these times have drifted into the distant past so quickly. . . As the moon in Gemini transits my Ascendant, I find myself reflecting on the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the maturation process, and the arduous trials of Pluto and Saturn‘s recent transits to my Sun. . . Happy as I am right now, I’m mourning a part of my life which is gone forever – a piece of myself that I’ll never get back. . . As I lament the years I spent dancing to the beat of my heart, I realise I‘ve let go of a lot – including the person I was in these pictures. . . #memories #geminiascendant #mooningemini #saturnplutoconjunction #capricorn #lettinggo #timetogrowup #realitycheck #cropcircles #camping #myyoungface #cowboyhat #wheat #circlemaker #wiltshire #avebury #honeystreet #thebargeinn #westkennetlongbarrow #youngandbrave #stellium #stelliumastrology #astrology #lament #letgo (at The Barge Inn) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Kaff3pATB/?igshid=1wm1sgd5918gj
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honeytuesday · 2 years
Honey what if we just run one blog together like old married couples on facebook
Only if you promise that we can wear matching outfits and engage in full-scale mind wars with me at all family events
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psikonauti · 4 years
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David Inshaw
Silbury Sunrise, East Kennet, Silbury Sunset, Woodborough Hill Canal and Honeystreet, from North Wiltshire Landscapes, 1992
Etchings and aquatints printed on moulin gue paper
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plumstreet · 3 years
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paintedimagining · 7 years
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Not sure why I appear to have wolfman eyebrows here, but anyway, time for a little pampering💆😙 thankee darling @hacash!
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hiddenmagic · 4 years
Ethical Brands and Businesses Masterlist
Wholesome Culture
Outdoor Voices
Alternative Apparel
Fair Trade Winds
Fair Indigo
Mata Traders
No Nasties
Chocolate and Love
Cocoa Loco
Divine Chocolate
Seed and Bean
Tony’s Chocolonely
Coffee and Tea
Bird & Wild
Miles Tea and Coffee
Owens Coffee
Hampstead Tea
Jacksons of Piccadilly
Little Miracles
Nemi Teas
Beauty Products
Fair Squared
Honeystreet Handmade
Afterglow Cosmetics
African Botanics
Black Moon Cosmetics
Clove + Hallow
Crystal Deodorant
Edible Beauty
Everyday Minerals
Floral Street
Floss Gloss
Good Dye Young
Medusa’s Makeup
Sugar Venom
Tints of Nature
Indigenous Businesses
Spirit Works
Beyond Buckskin
Bedré Chocolates
The Silver Moccasin
Cheekbone Beauty
Beaded Dreams
Eighth Generation
Soul Curiosity
I Am Anishinaabe
Urban Native Era
Native Threads
Northwest Native Expressions
Indigo Arrows
Native Harvest
Sister Sky
Herbal Lodge
Black/African American Businesses
Zodiac Freak
Blue Olive Resort
Channai Couture
Black Vibe Tribe
Tyed by Dede
Nubian Skin
Deleay Lashay
Pieces by Keke
Her Cosmetics
The Crayon Case
KA’OIR Cosmetics
This definitely isn’t an exhaustive list, so please feel free to add on (just make sure that the brand isn’t owned by a parent company that isn’t ethical, this is a 100% ethically-sourced list)
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boxession · 7 years
The Travelling Reader from Fernweh Fiction is a subscription box very different to any other I’ve reviewed so far.  A box for avid readers who also love the element of surprise, this monthly subscription will provide a good read along with some much-needed treats!
Fernweh Fiction base their monthly subscription box on a selected location within England, visiting it in order to curate the perfect box.  An author is selected from the location, along with corresponding products relating to either the book or location.  I have to say, something which I’ve never actually came across before and a really novel idea of curating a subscription box!
Fernweh Fiction guarantee a minimum of 4 items included within the box, a selected book and reassurance that selected novels shall be from 2010 publication onwards.  This is something which I think appealing as I would personally be concerned to receive a very old novel such as Wuthering Heights!
I unboxed this live on the BoXession Facebook Group, which can now be viewed on our YouTube Channel…
The Travelling Reader can be purchased on a monthly basis as a rolling subscription or as a one-off gift for a friend or loved one.  Billed on the 1st of every month and shipped on or around the 23rd of the month, you have complete control of your subscription.  If you feel the need to skip a month or cancel at any time this is easily done via their website.  It is also good to note that if you subscribe before the 10th of the month you will receive that months corresponding box, subscribe after the 10th and you will receive the following month’s box.  
Priced at £35 per month, plus postage of £2.90, this is a niche market for book lovers.  In a world of beauty subscription boxes I feel this is a breath of fresh air, combining a passion for books along with an insight to local products available.  
Now for the contents of the box……
  The Sea Change by Joanna Rossiter R.R.P. £7.99
The Sea Change by Joanna Rossiter is partially based within the idyllic village of Imber in Wiltshire, the selected location for this month’s box.  A tale of lost love from two individuals, this book is an emotive read.  I really enjoyed the additional touches of photographs hidden within the pages, giving an insight to the location.  When reading a book I always try to envisage scenes, locations and characters therefore this helped to ‘paint the picture’ of my imagination.  The additional note from the author was also a welcome read, showing appreciation from a writer to their readers.
  Roly’s Fudge R.R.P. Approx. £7
I have to confess I’m unsure of the pack size of this scrummy chocolate fudge, it was immediately tested by myself and children!  Rich and chocolatey, this soft textured fudge was every bit luxurious as I’d hoped.  Enclosed within a cellophane bag, tied with a British flag ribbon, this was a favourite from the box.  Roly’s, based within Salisbury in Wiltshire have a new fan!
  Fernweh Fiction Exclusive Bookmark R.R.P. £3.99
This beautiful bluebell bookmark is eye-catching and beautiful.  Incorporating aspects of the selected novel in its theme this bookmark also adds a little extra to page saving.  I’m not a fan of folding page corners over therefore this is a must.  Silver in colour with miniature bluebell charms, page saving never looked more beautiful!
  English Breakfast Tea by Ramsbury Tea R.R.P. £3.99
If like me you love to snuggle down with a good book and cup of tea then you will appreciate this blend from Ramsbury Tea.  Enclosed in a brown paper bag, which can be resealed, are these beautifully tasting English breakfast tea bags.  A subtle but enjoyable blend, this Wiltshire based tea company have the balance just perfect!
  Eastern Dream Bath Oil by Honeystreet Homemade R.R.P. £10.99
This is a bottle of luxuriousness!
An array of scents are combined with spices to provide this moisturising bath oil which can be used not only within a bath but also directly onto the skin after showering.  Gentle on the skin, this bath oil guarantees not to contain any harmful chemicals, promoting an enjoyable bathing experience.  Whilst produced within Wiltshire, exotic scents give a knowing nod to the selected novels additional setting of India.
  Bluebell Scarf R.R.P. £9.99
Incorporating bluebells from within the novel, this 100% cotton scarf is not only beautiful but also eye-catching.  Perfect to set an outfit off, this scarf is also lightweight but warm.  The length also allows for different wear, I’m a fan of wearing longer scarfs doubled up in colder weather.
This subscription box was a delight to unbox, read and experience.  I feel the way in which products are selected is very different to any other box I’ve experienced.  The thought process of selecting a location, researching an author, products and the area in general truly shows the effort put into this box.  I also liked the additional information regarding the area, such as information leaflets on places to visit and things to see or do.
The total value of products within this box is £44.  Although I have listed the value of each item, I truly do not believe this type of box can be judged on a price based saving.  The thought and curating of this box is aimed to a niche market of book lovers, of which I feel only those who love to read could truly appreciate.
  For any followers interested in learning more about The Travelling Reader or wanting to subscribe please see the website addresses below.
www.instagram.com (thetravellingreader)
www.twitter.com (thetravread)
www.facebook.com (thetravellingreader)
www.pinterest.co.uk (thetravellingreader)
  Thank you for stopping by and reading…
Jen x
The Travelling Reader (Fernweh Fiction) Review by Jen – September 2017 The Travelling Reader from Fernweh Fiction is a subscription box very different to any other I’ve reviewed so far.  
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cnbnews · 4 years
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2020年5月30日在英国Cley Hill发现的麦田圈。(图片:[email protected])
1. 它们都是一夜之间产生,大多是在夏季。要知道英国的夏天昼长夜短,夜晚黑暗时间大概只有4个多小时。在如此短的时间内,要想靠人力翻越栅栏,用机器或工具平整烧制麦穗,并精确计算大小和范围,并清理现场,不留下踩踏的边缘和来路痕迹,再在夜幕中全身而退,这本就是天方夜谭。
2. 麦田圈植物茎节点的烧焦痕迹,整齐,均匀,茎节点在之后还能继续生长。这种手法,现代科学手段是无法做到的。曾有科学家试图从内部爆裂植物根茎,模拟麦田圈的焚烧,��是植物由于脱水而无法继续生长。
3. 麦田圈烧制的每一根植物根茎是交叉纠结于相邻的另一根植物根茎上,这样重叠压制开去。这一工程需要耗费巨大人力,一副麦田圈图案就需要数以千万计的植物重叠并整齐焚烧,还要考虑到不影响边缘的其他植物,还有气味和焚烟等因素,没有任何现有科学工具能在一夜间完成这一工程。
4. 麦田圈传递的数学和几何信息含量广泛,涉及到从代数,几何,化学元素,生物DNA,天体星系甚至宗教神学等领域,还有很多科学家无法洞悉的,超越了人类智慧的讯息。
5. 曾有人在机缘巧合下,拍到两个发光物体,在麦田上空往复移动,然后一片麦田圈图形唰的一下凭空展开而成,随后光体便迅速遁去。这个视频后来传到网上,顿时引起不小的轰动。
在威尔特郡的Honeystreet小村里,就有这么一个麦田怪圈展览馆,如果你开车去,它的GPS坐标是:SN9 5PS。这个展览馆是由麦田圈独立研究者Monique Klinkenbergh女士与威尔特郡博物馆协同创办的,一周七天开放。在这里,展出包括Monique女士收集的麦田圈照片,简介,样本纪念品,还有多媒体纪录片等,游客有机会深入研究人工麦田圈和超自然形成的麦田圈的区别,更有机会能够亲身进入授权允许的麦田圈的详细位置,进行实地参观。
相关文章:探索英国「超自然现象」的旅游景点(三)-时光标本巨石阵 你未必了解的神奇事实
探索英国「超自然现象」的旅游景点(三)-时光标本巨石阵 你未必了解的神奇事实
武汉肺炎导致泰国旅游景点业主抗议 要求降低房租50%
安卓翻墙APP、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:探索英国「超自然现象」的旅游景点(四)-麦田圈疑似外星生命回复人类信息 - 新闻评论
本文标签:人类, 外星, 外星生命, 旅游, 旅游景点, 景点, 英国, 超自然, 麦田, 麦田圈
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amyamethystgray · 2 years
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Yummy time... #honeystreet #honeystreetmillcafe @honeystreetmillcafe (at Honeystreet Mill Café) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf9WRlEMGXL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ukclaycourtpro · 5 years
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Artificial Clay Tennis Courts in Honeystreet | ClayCourt Pro #Honeystreet https://t.co/XitSZHhIY4
Artificial Clay Tennis Courts in Honeystreet | ClayCourt Pro #Honeystreet https://t.co/XitSZHhIY4
— ClayCourt Pro (@claycourtprouk) August 9, 2019
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fedina79-blog · 7 years
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[...] Se ti va basta che un pomeriggio a tua scelta dopo le cinque quando arriva la sera tu accenda la lampada che sta sopra il tavolo che sta dietro la finestra della camera che dà sulla strada. Attenderò seduto sulla panchina di scorgerti dietro ai vetri. Farai OK con l’indice e il pollice dovresti sorridere mi dovrei alzare suonarti il campanello salire. È opinione comune che da lì in poi le cose dovrebbero farsi felici. ------------------ #ognivoltachemibacimuoreunnazista Guido Catalano #bnwsouls #bodylanguage_bnw #jj_blackwhite #bnw_greatshots #match_bw #bnw_rose #ir_bnw #prestigepics_bnw #unopix_bnw #bnwmood #bnw_sniper #bnw_life #bnw_planet #superstarz_bw #photowall_bw #bnw_diamond #blacknwhite_perfection #bnw_demand #ig_livorno_ #fox_bnw #masters_in_bnw #ig_captures_bw #top_bnw #master_pics_bnw #goodbnw #instaghesboro #euro_shot #ig_shotz_bw #StreetPhotography #StreetBW #HoneyStreet #Street #MobilePhotography #YouMobile #WeAreJuxt #AMPtCommunity_Street #AMPt_Community #AMPtCommunity_BW
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shopfrontdesign · 4 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/shopfrontexpert
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abrahanny · 6 years
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#Repost @honeystreet with @get_repost ・・・ We love seeing our work in the wild! #tbt to an incredible event celebrating our friends @seedeffect! ⠀ —⠀ p/c @abrahanny https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpp8FXmnyxM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c9blo344o5hm
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alternative-eyes · 6 years
Launched in 2014 as the world’s first exhibition on the phenomenon and research of crop circles in a natural science museum – the “Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre” – has found its home this year in the new spacious Honeystreet Mill Café, near Alton Barnes in Wiltshire. After a burglary into the winter storage of the exhibition and the theft of essential parts of the display and technical equipment, the exhibition organizers ask crop circle enthusiasts now via crowdfunding for support for the coming summer.
“Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Centre 2018” from July 1st to August 12, 2018 at the Honeystreet Mill Café, neat Alton Barnes, Wiltshire (UK). Copyright: http://www.cropcircleaccess.com
The exhibition’s organizer Monique Klinkenberg who also curated the exhibition together with Andreas Müller. Copyright: A. Müller, grenzwissenschaft-aktuell.de
The burglary (read more about it here) of the winter storage rooms was discovered a few weeks ago when the exhibition was to be transported to their new home. High-quality exhibits and panels as well as technical equipment such as digital photo and video frames, cameras, headphones and video projector were stolen. “The total loss was in excess of 5.000 British Pounds (about 6.700 US-Dollar),” reports Monique Klinkenbergh, who had curated and designed the exhibition together with crop circle researcher Andreas Müller originally for the cultural-historical “Wiltshire Museum” in Devizes, GreWi reported. Since then they expanded and supplemented the annual summer exhibition in Wiltshire.
“The exhibition itself was always meant as a self-financed and self-sustained non-profit information and educational project,“ explains Müller. “While previous exhibitions have been a visitor’s success and had already set a visitor’s record in 2014 for the Wiltshire Museum, otherwise known for its original archaeological finds from ancient Stonehenge they always left a financial four-figure loss every year to compensate. Therefore the current theft caused a painful gap.”
Some compiled thumbnails of the “digital version of the crop circle exhibition”, which supporters receive as a small thank-you-gift.
Copyright: http://www.cropcircleaccess.com
For this reason, the exhibition organizers and their numerous volunteers now turn to all crop circle friends who would like to support the exhibition with a private crowdfunding campaign financially: “On the website of the exhibition, there is a donation-button, and if you donate 10 GBP (about 13 US-Dollar) or more, you will receive a copy of the ‘Exhibition at Home’ – your digital edition of the Crop Circle Exhibition, featuring all the (updated) information panels of our previous exhibitions.“
“Every little support is a great help to us” conclude Klinkenbergh and Müller and thank all supporters in advance.
– If you want to support the “Crop Circle Exhibition & Information Center” please visit its website HERE.
 After Theft: Crop Circle Exhibition 2018 looks for Supporters http://www.openminds.tv/after-theft-crop-circle-exhibition-2018-looks-for-supporters/41835
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