#hoo boy is life giving the run for it
mktrashheap · 6 months
Hi, well I was wondering if you could do a headcanon of what it would be like to propose to a male reader, the Lin Kuei trio and maybe Shang Tsung...?
A/n: I'm still alive, but is life busy lmao miss y'all hope I got Shang Tsung right
I'll be a contrarian here and say: this man would have no problem proposing.
If you guys got serious enough that marrying is on the table, he'll be very straightforward with it.
He is a man that know what he wants and puts effort into it. When he comes to the conclusion he wants to marry you, he'll waste no time.
He is, however, quite blunt. To put it mildly.
His proposal is the least romantic of the bunch. It's not that he doesn't care, it's just how he is.
When you say yes (bc why tf would you not???) he's the happiest you've seen.
He has a rare smile and a much kinder expression. He is truly happy.
And cocky. A lot.
Bi-Han is an arrogant man. An arrogant man who is going to marry the man he has chosen and has chosen him back. He's insufferable.
Already has a future planned for the two of you.
Kuai Liang:
My man literally jumped into marriage in lighting speed tf lol
But honestly, like his older brother, Kuai Liang won't take too long to figure out if that's what he wants.
Maybe he jumped into the relationship already knowing? Who knows...
I'll be a contrarian again and say that his proposal looks a lot like Bi-Han's.
Kuai Liang isn't as blunt as Bi-Han is, but he isn't stereotypically romantic either.
It's an intimate moment for him. Just him and the man he loves.
When you say yes (he's a keeper) it's like he lights up like a Christmas tree.
He is happy, his cute face looks better with a smile than the usual frown.
Quite possibly, you won't get him off of you for the next few hours.
He isn't as boastful as his brother, but he's feeling himself just as much. He's marrying a worthy man and he wants to make sure everyone knows it.
Between the three, he's the one that took the longest to propose.
It's not for a lack of love, by the gods no. But he is someone that is way to used to losing people he loves. His life is unstable and unpredictable, there's a part of him that keeps saying he'll lose the man he loves as well. Why wouldn't he? He can never keep things.
He gets in on his head for quite a while before proposing. His thoughts go everywhere.
But he will come to terms with it and take the chance.
When he does, his proposal is heartfelt. He puts everything he feels about you in the best way he can and what he may lack in romance, he makes up in depth.
It's a vulnerable moment for him. He's putting everything on the table for you to chose and he's scared. Scared to be turned down and scared something will take you from him as well.
When you say yes (he deserves all the love) it's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He loves you and you love him as well, he wants to live this.
He's a proud individual. He has come a long way and is daring. That to say everyone will know about it. He won't shut up about you. He likes to talk and he's beyond happy.
He's never going to share private subjects, but he sees no point in hiding the marriage. He knows he has many enemies and is very aware they may want to get between the two of you, but he leaves extremely clear he will have none of it.
Shang Tsung:
Where do I begin? Whatever the hell you did to have that man wanting to marry deserves an award.
He has been going for a long time fooling and backstabbing people, he may have thought about doing the same to you many times over, but whatever reason, he never did.
He isn't a stranger to temporary alliances, it's what he has been doing his whole life. But he found himself wanting to keep you.
What a curse. His very heart playing a trick on him.
He takes long before proposing. It takes him long to figure out what he feels is love and not just lust or convenience, not that those two aren't good as well.
When he does know what it is, he takes just as long to calculate the outcomes of it.
How would that impact his plans? How is he going about it? Who should know, if anyone? Do you love him? Truly?
He gets distant from you because he needs the time to think things through.
As for the proposal. I think that would be a quiet thing.
He does make it feel unique, he simply is fancy like that, but it's quiet and close, just the two of you. It's simple, but carefully thought out.
He's been lying for so long for so many people, it's difficult to be any different, but he tries.
He hates how it makes him feel vulnerable, like he was helpless once again.
Surely he could concoct some magic to guarantee your acceptance and he might if you decline him, but he decided to take the risk first.
When you say yes (oh boy, you better) you'll see a beautiful, honest smile on Shang Tsung's face, probably the first one after years.
He can't help his smile, he doesn't want to. He's in loved and he's been accepted by the man he loves. He feels on top of the world.
The rest of the day or night is solely for the two of you. You accepted to tie yourself to the snake, good luck taking him off of you.
He feels like an idiot. He could have saved himself so much anxiety and time if he came around it sooner, but at the same time, he wants to enjoy the moment.
He'll keep the marriage a secret for the time. He isn't ashamed, but he doesn't want anyone to know about it before he's in a position of power. Not even his allies will know before the time he decides to let them know.
Man, you're going to live like a god if he has his way. Shang Tsung has big plans for the both of you.
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shiraishi--kanade · 1 month
Another thing I need pjsk fandom to realize:
1) there are literal 10 years old (and younger) children in this fandom;
2) the percentage of these children in the fandom is MUCH, MUCH higher than every single one of you here on tumbrl think it is.
"why do people write so much for popular characters?" "why do people write for kudos only?" aside from the fact that the "write for yourself" is a self-perpetuating issue in every fandom and the fact that every writer deserves engagement with their works, it's because there are kids here. Who want to fit in and get praised for their creativity. Which they can only achieve by writing for popular stuff. So maybe take that into account.
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 years
No pressure to respond at all but I swear ON MY LIFE you had one of the best Nico ask blogs like ever and I’ve been looking for it for like 30 minutes and cannot find it anywhere. What was it called again/ did you deactivate it?
 @deadangelos ! It's still active! I’ve been working on a lot of stuff for it recently since I ended up on an accidental hiatus from it. I have a lot planned for it and still fully intend on following through with those plans, especially given since my break my art has improved a TON and I feel a lot more confident in my ability to tell the story i want to there :D (Also Deadangelos is my favorite thing i’ve ever made and my darling dearest blog, I could never part with it.)
And thank you!! It’s always so nice to hear that other people love Deadangelos as much as I do
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bookishdiplodocus · 12 days
The Neurodivergent Writer’s Guide to Fun and Productivity
(Even when life beats you down)
Look, I’m a mom, I have ADHD, I’m a spoonie. To say that I don’t have heaps of energy to spare and I struggle with consistency is an understatement. For years, I tried to write consistently, but I couldn’t manage to keep up with habits I built and deadlines I set.
So fuck neurodivergent guides on building habits, fuck “eat the frog first”, fuck “it’s all in the grind”, and fuck “you just need time management”—here is how I manage to write often and a lot.
Focus on having fun, not on the outcome
This was the groundwork I had to lay before I could even start my streak. At an online writing conference, someone said: “If you push yourself and meet your goals, and you publish your book, but you haven’t enjoyed the process… What’s the point?” and hoo boy, that question hit me like a truck.
I was so caught up in the narrative of “You’ve got to show up for what’s important” and “Push through if you really want to get it done”. For a few years, I used to read all these productivity books about grinding your way to success, and along the way I started using the same language as they did. And I notice a lot of you do so, too.
But your brain doesn’t like to grind. No-one’s brain does, and especially no neurodivergent brain. If having to write gives you stress or if you put pressure on yourself for not writing (enough), your brain’s going to say: “Huh. Writing gives us stress, we’re going to try to avoid it in the future.”
So before I could even try to write regularly, I needed to teach my brain once again that writing is fun. I switched from countable goals like words or time to non-countable goals like “fun” and “flow”.
Rewire my brain: writing is fun and I’m good at it
I used everything I knew about neuroscience, psychology, and social sciences. These are some of the things I did before and during a writing session. Usually not all at once, and after a while I didn’t need these strategies anymore, although I sometimes go back to them when necessary.
I journalled all the negative thoughts I had around writing and try to reason them away, using arguments I knew in my heart were true. (The last part is the crux.) Imagine being supportive to a writer friend with crippling insecurities, only the friend is you.
Not setting any goals didn’t work for me—I still nurtured unwanted expectations. So I did set goals, but made them non-countable, like “have fun”, “get in the flow”, or “write”. Did I write? Yes. Success! Your brain doesn’t actually care about how high the goal is, it cares about meeting whatever goal you set.
I didn’t even track how many words I wrote. Not relevant.
I set an alarm for a short time (like 10 minutes) and forbade myself to exceed that time. The idea was that if I write until I run out of mojo, my brain learns that writing drains the mojo. If I write for 10 minutes and have fun, my brain learns that writing is fun and wants to do it again.
Reinforce the fact that writing makes you happy by rewarding your brain immediately afterwards. You know what works best for you: a walk, a golden sticker, chocolate, cuddle your dog, whatever makes you happy.
I conditioned myself to associate writing with specific stimuli: that album, that smell, that tea, that place. Any stimulus can work, so pick one you like. I consciously chose several stimuli so I could switch them up, and the conditioning stays active as long as I don’t muddle it with other associations.
Use a ritual to signal to your brain that Writing Time is about to begin to get into the zone easier and faster. I guess this is a kind of conditioning as well? Meditation, music, lighting a candle… Pick your stimulus and stick with it.
Specifically for rewiring my brain, I started a new WIP that had no emotional connotations attached to it, nor any pressure to get finished or, heaven forbid, meet quality norms. I don’t think these techniques above would have worked as well if I had applied them on writing my novel.
It wasn’t until I could confidently say I enjoyed writing again, that I could start building up a consistent habit. No more pushing myself.
I lowered my definition for success
When I say that nowadays I write every day, that’s literally it. I don’t set out to write 1,000 or 500 or 10 words every day (tried it, failed to keep up with it every time)—the only marker for success when it comes to my streak is to write at least one word, even on the days when my brain goes “naaahhh”. On those days, it suffices to send myself a text with a few keywords or a snippet. It’s not “success on a technicality (derogatory)”, because most of those snippets and ideas get used in actual stories later. And if they don’t, they don’t. It’s still writing. No writing is ever wasted.
A side note on high expectations, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism
Obviously, “Setting a ridiculously low goal” isn’t something I invented. I actually got it from those productivity books, only I never got it to work. I used to tell myself: “It’s okay if I don’t write for an hour, because my goal is to write for 20 minutes and if I happen to keep going for, say, an hour, that’s a bonus.” Right? So I set the goal for 20 minutes, wrote for 35 minutes, and instead of feeling like I exceeded my goal, I felt disappointed because apparently I was still hoping for the bonus scenario to happen. I didn’t know how to set a goal so low and believe it.
I think the trick to making it work this time lies more in the groundwork of training my brain to enjoy writing again than in the fact that my daily goal is ridiculously low. I believe I’m a writer, because I prove it to myself every day. Every success I hit reinforces the idea that I’m a writer. It’s an extra ward against imposter syndrome.
Knowing that I can still come up with a few lines of dialogue on the Really Bad Days—days when I struggle to brush my teeth, the day when I had a panic attack in the supermarket, or the day my kid got hit by a car—teaches me that I can write on the mere Bad-ish Days.
The more I do it, the more I do it
The irony is that setting a ridiculously low goal almost immediately led to writing more and more often. The most difficult step is to start a new habit. After just a few weeks, I noticed that I needed less time and energy to get into the zone. I no longer needed all the strategies I listed above.
Another perk I noticed, was an increased writing speed. After just a few months of writing every day, my average speed went from 600 words per hour to 1,500 wph, regularly exceeding 2,000 wph without any loss of quality.
Talking about quality: I could see myself becoming a better writer with every passing month. Writing better dialogue, interiority, chemistry, humour, descriptions, whatever: they all improved noticeably, and I wasn’t a bad writer to begin with.
The increased speed means I get more done with the same amount of energy spent. I used to write around 2,000-5,000 words per month, some months none at all. Nowadays I effortlessly write 30,000 words per month. I didn’t set out to write more, it’s just a nice perk.
Look, I’m not saying you should write every day if it doesn’t work for you. My point is: the more often you write, the easier it will be.
No pressure
Yes, I’m still working on my novel, but I’m not racing through it. I produce two or three chapters per month, and the rest of my time goes to short stories my brain keeps projecting on the inside of my eyelids when I’m trying to sleep. I might as well write them down, right?
These short stories started out as self-indulgence, and even now that I take them more seriously, they are still just for me. I don’t intend to ever publish them, no-one will ever read them, they can suck if they suck. The unintended consequence was that my short stories are some of my best writing, because there’s no pressure, it’s pure fun.
Does it make sense to spend, say, 90% of my output on stories no-one else will ever read? Wouldn’t it be better to spend all that creative energy and time on my novel? Well, yes. If you find the magic trick, let me know, because I haven’t found it yet. The short stories don’t cannibalize on the novel, because they require different mindsets. If I stopped writing the short stories, I wouldn’t produce more chapters. (I tried. Maybe in the future? Fingers crossed.)
Don’t wait for inspiration to hit
There’s a quote by Picasso: “Inspiration hits, but it has to find you working.” I strongly agree. Writing is not some mystical, muse-y gift, it’s a skill and inspiration does exist, but usually it’s brought on by doing the work. So just get started and inspiration will come to you.
Accountability and community
Having social factors in your toolbox is invaluable. I have an offline writing friend I take long walks with, I host a monthly writing club on Discord, and I have another group on Discord that holds me accountable every day. They all motivate me in different ways and it’s such a nice thing to share my successes with people who truly understand how hard it can be.
The productivity books taught me that if you want to make a big change in your life or attitude, surrounding yourself with people who already embody your ideal or your goal huuuugely helps. The fact that I have these productive people around me who also prioritize writing, makes it easier for me to stick to my own priorities.
Your toolbox
The idea is to have several techniques at your disposal to help you stay consistent. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket by focussing on just one technique. Keep all of them close, and if one stops working or doesn’t inspire you today, pivot and pick another one.
After a while, most “tools” run in the background once they are established. Things like surrounding myself with my writing friends, keeping up with my daily streak, and listening to the album I conditioned myself with don’t require any energy, and they still remain hugely beneficial.
Do you have any other techniques? I’d love to hear about them!
I hope this was useful. Happy writing!
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pumpkinbxtch · 4 months
— 𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗯𝗶𝗮?。⁠:゚ headcanons
are the HoO boys afraid of falling in love with you? (ft. apollo)
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☆ radiostar is playing… warrior by aurora!
who's here: percy jackson, leo valdez, frank zhang, jason grace & apollo. warnings: none, philophobia is the fear of falling in love. a/n: This is super based on their profiles according to the books, because well, let's talk honestly to others, I decided to do this, it's interesting.
percy jackson;
Percy isn’t afraid of loving or being loved. His mom raised him with a lot of affection. But, he does get scared of not being loved back or not being good enough for you. This is because of his obvious self-esteem issues. Doubting love is the only thing that makes him rethink and overthink things. So, sometimes you have to talk to him when you see he's down about something he doesn’t want to tell you. But he never hesitated when he fell for you and wanted you to know as soon as he realized it.
leo valdez;
Yes. The answer is yes, he is scared of falling in love. But he doesn’t realize it until he’s totally in love with you, and it’s too late for those feelings to stop growing. Leo isn’t fully aware of it because he likes having girls around, but it never goes beyond the surface until it did with you. He realized that imagining a future with someone isn’t something to take lightly. Is there something he can’t fix with his magical pockets?
Leo spent most of his life running away and being from nowhere, so he ends up with an avoidant attachment style. He’s working on this now to open up more with you because at the beginning of the relationship, it seemed like he was running away from you. In reality, he’s full of love to give and wants to receive it too.
frank zhang;
He’s never scared of falling in love or feeling something as genuine as that. He’s a son of Mars, who’s associated with passion, so Frank has never had to face love head-on. The only problem might be feeling like he’s too much or too annoying because he would die for you and kill an entire nation to be with you. Frank is careful when he realizes he likes you or is falling in love because he knows some things just can’t be, but he never hides his feelings. He’ll tell you he loves you and respects if it’s not mutual. He almost explodes with happiness knowing it’s mutual.
jason grace;
Jason isn’t great at showing his feelings. It constantly overwhelms him and keeps him up at night, trying to solve it like a math equation when it’s the complete opposite. He’s supposed to be the voice of reason, or at least that’s what he’s thought all this time. But when you get close to him, his gears go crazy, spark, and break down. Is he scared of falling in love? Not exactly, but he’s afraid of not expressing it properly because he knows how important communication is. After getting to know you better, he realizes it’s better to go with the flow, which isn’t easy for him, but he finally has an answer. He was born to love and wants to be loved.
Yes, yes, yes, yes. All his exes ended up as plants or dead. How could he not develop a fear related to love after that keeps happening? So it’s a nightmare when you come into his life because, unfortunately for him, he’s a hopeless romantic. There’s nothing more ironic than that. He tries to avoid it at all costs, but in the blink of an eye, he’s holding you tight and kissing you with a goofy expression on his face. Even though he’s so scared, his longing to find the one outweighs it...
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jgracie · 4 months
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masterlist | rules
pairings percy jackson, jason grace, leo valdez, frank zhang & travis stoll x reader
warnings none!
on the radio the cheesiest love song you could think of
an wanted to post something this is what i came up with
percy ⊹ she fell first, he fell harder
in camp half blood, having a crush on percy jackson is seen as both a blessing and a curse. a blessing because he’s the perfect guy - he’s cute, respectful, charming, funny, and so much more! however, he is also a gold rush. everyone likes percy, how could you possibly get a chance with him? it’d be better for you to move on and find someone less popular in the love department. despite all the warnings you receive, you can’t stop liking him and, well, it seems aphrodite commends your commitment towards the son of poseidon! for all of a sudden, all he can think about is the way your eyes shine in the sun and how your laugh rivals any song on the radio. it doesn’t hit percy how much he likes you until he’s replaying a brief interaction he had with you from three weeks ago instead of sleeping. as the realisation slowly sinks in, percy smiles. not only did he fall, but he fell hard
jason ⊹ everyone can see it but you two
everyone who knows you and jason knows that the two of you come as a package deal - wherever you go, jason follows and vice versa. you would go to tartarus and back to ensure jason’s happiness, and he would do the same for you! classic best friend behaviour, right? it’s totally normal to cuddle your best friends to sleep, right? you’re allowed to look at jason’s biceps as he trains in a friendly way, right? you just admire his strength, nothing more, nothing less! he stares at your parted lips as you suck air into your lungs after a particularly hard day of training, but that’s just because you’re his best friend and he thinks you’re gorgeous in a friendly way! your other friends are all just overthinking it, you and jason definitely have a typical best friend relationship with strictly platonic feelings… right?
leo ⊹ brother’s best friend
the one rule your brother drilled into you your whole life was that while you could date whoever you wanted, his friends were strictly off limits. you’d abided with no issues whatsoever, all of his friends weren’t your type anyway, and it’d be so awkward dating someone who already has a lot of history with your brother (especially if you break up later on)! if all of that is true, why’s your heart desperately yearning for a certain mechanic by the name of leo valdez? and why does it feel like he yearns for you, too? the universe seems to have laid out the perfect romance, so naturally, you seize the opportunity and express your gratitude. all you have to do is explain the situation to your brother, who would be furious… oh well, you might as well hide your relationship while you think about how to tell him - it’s not like he notices the sneaky touches leo gives you when he’s ‘not looking’
frank ⊹ childhood friends to strangers to lovers
when frank had disappeared all those years ago, you were devastated. how could your sweet frankie, the boy who lived right next door, the boy who’d play house with you and kiss the bruises on your knees in hopes they’d heal quicker, leave you without saying a word? no matter how much time passed, you couldn’t stop thinking about him. time did not heal the wound frank left right in the middle of your heart. it wasn’t until you discovered you’re a demigod and were taken to some place called camp half blood that you’d run into frank once more. now, he was known as praetor frank zhang: son of mars, legacy of poseidon. despite all the fancy titles and duties, your frankie didn’t change, and as the two of you grew closer and closer, you couldn’t help but feel something more than platonic love for the boy next door
travis ⊹ fake dating
you wanted to make your ex jealous, travis wanted to get his crush to finally realize she likes him. what better way to achieve both goals than by fake dating each other? the two of you already got along pretty well as friends, so pretending to date each other wouldn’t be questionable or hard! all you had to do was be a little more touchy than you already are for a month or two, then, once your ex wants you back and he gets the girl of his dreams, you ‘break up’ and move on. however, you can’t help but feel jealousy yourself whenever travis talks about this girl - what’s so special about her anyway? what does she have that you don’t? similarly, travis always gets annoyed whenever your ex is brought up, you should be with someone much better! (someone like him, maybe?) when the two of you finally get exactly what you wished for, you can’t help but feel a little reluctant to break up, even though your relationship was never real to begin with
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bunnybunbun0 · 5 months
robert chase boyfriend headcanons
look whos writing fro a dead fandom again?! well boo hoo,im nearly done with house,and im experiencing dr chase brain rot,so heres this!
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-chase is the type of guy to celebrate monthly anniversaries
"happy three months anniversary baby" and he has a cake and everything
-pays attention to your bad habits in order to prevent them. Like,if he sees youre chewing on your nails hell give you a pen to hold and stim with or a sucker to distract you.
-also,he is a terrible liar,blame catholic guilt fro this one.
-if youre trying to hide your relationship from house and the rest of the team good luck,because this boy cant be sneaky for the life of him.
-we all agree he is a cocky flirt right? that is until you flirt back,then he instantly becomes a blubbering mess os shyness.
-you look sad? he will have none of it,goofy mood is activatd and hell do every silly trick on the book to get a laugh out of you.
-will do anything posible and impossible to cheer you up;pull you in for a dance,tell embarassing stories from his college days,anything!
-it goes without saying that hes very particular about his hair,yet youre still the only one who have the privillege of touching it
-overprotective at his top. hes okay with being mae fun of or treated poorly by patients or the hospital staff,but when you become the target hes ready to show how far the medicine malpractice really goes.
-if youre in a point in the relationship where you share a house be ready to hear the most obnoxious songs being sung at the top of his lungs while he does chores.
-loves loves loves! showing you hes strong; cant open a jar? there he is! yur water bottle cap is on too tight? super chase to the rescue!
-after cameron he gets very insecure,so he needs constant reassurance that you actually does love him!
-small action that shows hes always paying attention to you;like pulling up the lose strap of your summer dress,covering the sharp edge of the tables with his hands so you dont bump on it and hurt yourself,refilling your bottle with cold water when he sees its running out,this type of thing.
-when he has the aux on the car and a romantic song comes on he sings in looking directly at you in a serenade style,bonus if the singer has a deep voice or an accent,then hes doing a full blown impression.
-gives the best massage ever,has your eyes rolling while undoing all the tension knots on your back,and he takes pride on it.
-you two definetely have a spicy playlist and when hes in a specially nasty mood he plays a few of its songs in public to fluster you.
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hope yall have liked,i loved this baby girl so much
send an ask if you want headcanons from any other character
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lilislegacy · 2 days
okay here are my own personal headcanons on pjo/hoo characters having kids, assuming certain couples stay together and no one dies. also my thoughts are subject to change lol.
percy and annabeth have three (mostly) planned kids, starting when they’re in their mid to late 20s and spanning about 5-6 years. and then another one comes along when they’re like 40. (total accident). a couple boys, a couple girls - all sassy hyperactive geniuses running around causing mass chaos 24/7. then when their bio kids are mostly grown and out of the house, they foster demigod kids who don’t have homes. i can also see them being in their like 50s and fully adopting a little demigod baby who doesn’t have a family (because they have plenty of love to give). basically at every stage of their life, their house is always chaotic, loud, and full of safe and loved kids. they are parents to anyone who needs them
grover and juniper are gonna have like 7 kids or something. their own little school of children. and all super close together, which is ironic since they don’t have the strict timeline that humans do.
frank and hazel have exactly one kid, probably in their mid 20s. and they are SO happy with their one. the kid is calm, sweet, quiet, and smart. much better behaved than most demigods (although there could be a rebellious phase in the teen years)
nico and will adopt one or two, maybe a set of siblings, but not until they’re in their 40s. because i feel like nico thinks he never wants kids, but then over time, he realizes he does. plus he wants to do it for will.
piper doesn’t want kids. she thought she did at first, mainly because she felt like she was supposed to, but as she gets older she realizes she loves the freedom of not being a full time parent. she can pop in, be fun aunt piper to all her friends’ kids, and then leave. and she’s super happy that way.
i think leo would be scared as fuck to be a dad, and never plan on it, but i can see him having a singular daughter. definitely not planned. maybe even naming her after his mom. i really see leo being a single dad for some reason, idk why or how though. but he would be awesome. he’d expect his daughter to be all troubled and messed up like him, but she turns out amazing (because she has an awesome dad)
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the-laughing-lunatic · 5 months
Scout x reader who's never been to a baseball game before (ROMANTIC)
(I was bored and wrote this, I actually have been to multiple baseball games before but my ass still doesn't know anything about it. Reader's gender neutral as always. Trying to get better at writing oneshots so have this ig :/ Word count: ~1400)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── 
It was strangely calm that day, it was one of the occasional days off that the mercs had. You sat on your bed, reading through some random magazine you’d picked up here or there when your boyfriend Scout barged in. “Hey doll!”
You continued flicking through the pages of the magazine, not flinching. You’d gotten used to this after a year of knowing him and two months of dating him. The door might as well not have existed at this point. “Yes?”
“Wanna go to the game today? With me?” he said, flashing you two tickets in his hand.
“What kinda game?” You looked up.
“Only the best game to be created,” he said with a smirk. “Baseball.”
You shrugged. “Sure, I don’t have anything else to do—” you barely got out before you were tackled with a hug by Scout, your magazine falling somewhere on the bed as you were wrapped up in his arms. “Jesus, you’re that excited, huh?”
He only chuckled and kissed your cheek. “Hell yeah I am! I get to have my two favorite things, baseball and you, dollface.” 
You roll your eyes and give him a kiss on the cheek back, relaxing into his arms for a moment as you soak up his warmth. “...wait, am I below baseball?”
“Bye Engie! Thanks for the ride!” Scout yelled out as Engineer drove away in his pickup truck, leaving the two of you to the sea of people waiting to get in despite the insufferable heat. 
“Geez, are there normally this many people at these things?” you said as you held onto Scout’s hand to not lose him as you walked to the back of the line for the ticket booth.
“What, ya never been to a baseball game before?” he said with a laugh. It was a rhetorical question from his perspective, but not for you. 
“No.” Scout’s jaw dropped. 
“W- whaddya mean you’ve never been to a baseball game before, w- why? How?” In his mind, baseball was the most amazing game in the world, and it was simply a crime that the most amazing person in the world had never seen it.
You shrugged. “Just never did.” Scout was full of feelings about this. On one hand, you were his dollface and it hurt that you had been deprived of one of the greatest pleasures life could offer. On the other hand, he got to be the guy to introduce you to your first baseball game, which had the same significance as a first kiss. In his mind at least.
“D’ya at least know the game? Like, how it works?”
You thought for a moment before saying: “Um, you hit balls and run a lot?”
Hoo boy. Scout sighed. “I mean- you ain’t wrong but ya ain’t right. Listen doll, so there’s nine guys on each team, right? And one of the guys is the pitcher for the inning. The pitcher, he’s the fella who . . .”
“. . . and then the outfielders, once you have those fellas you can get somethin’ called a line drive where it hits right to ‘em without touchin’ the ground–”  
It had twenty non-stop minutes of Scout explaining the entire concept of baseball to you, and if you heard another way a ball can be thrown you were gonna snap. You took his face in your hands and kissed him before another move could be explained. 
His ears flushed red and he froze for a moment after you pulled away. “Uh, what was that all about, doll?”
“I love you but if I hear another word about baseball I’m gonna lose it. Can I just watch the game with you and enjoy it that way?” you ask. 
“Fine, fine—” he cuts himself off as the two of you are both hit with the realization. You said I love you. Shit, shit, shit shit shitshitshit!
Before you can stammer out a sorry or any other form of explanation, the woman in the ticket booth says “Next!” and you’re left to panic while Scout gives her the tickets.
We’ve only been dating for a few months, is that weird to say? It must be, he didn’t say it back. Maybe he didn’t hear me? No, he definitely heard me. Oh god, I fucked this up bad, fuck—
“Hey dollface, she said we can go in, c’mon,” he said with a smile, squeezing your hand and leading you into the stadium. You two found a spot in the bleachers, luckily under the shade of an awning. You nervously bounced your leg as you prepared for the game to begin.
He’s not treating me any differently, maybe he’s just gonna ignore that I said that. Please, god just ignore it. 
“Geez, real anxious to see the game, huh doll?” he said to you with a smile.
“Yeah, yeah.” Maybe this would all be okay, another normal date. Just ignore that gross feeling in your gut and it’ll be fine.
It was not all fine. Everytime the word ‘love’ came out of Scout’s mouth you couldn’t help but feel a growing annoyance. And he said it a lot.
“Man, I love that guy!”
“ —fuckin’ love this hot dog—”
“Love the view, right doll?”
It’s like he was rubbing it in. The gross feeling, the loud noise and the tight packed crowd all teamed up to give you a headache. Great. You distracted yourself from the feeling by leaning into him and eating your popcorn, desperately trying to understand the game in front of you. Maybe you should have listened a little more to your boyfriend’s explanation. “You cold dollface?
“Nah, just tired and have a little headache, ‘m fine,” you said as you popped another piece of popcorn in your mouth.
He wrapped his arm around you so you could have more support. “We, uh, don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, y’know. It’s the bottom of the fifth if you wanna get out of here.”
“No, no, it‘s fine, gotta stay for my first baseball game. Besides, isn’t that rude to just leave?”
“Naw, it’s fine. ‘S pretty normal not to stay the whole nine innings for your first game. ‘Sides, I don’t want you to feel like shit. We could go to a game some other time, how’s that sound?”
You smiled softly. “Sounds perfect.”
“Good, now c’mon,” he said as he picked you up in his arms to carry you out of the stadium.
“Jeremy, my head is the thing that hurts, not my legs. I can still walk, you doofus,” you laughed. He kissed your forehead. 
“Whatever you say, sweetcake, but I’m still carryin’ ya.”
It was dark out, and Jeremy had just finished calling Engineer on the pay phone while you sat on a nearby bench: Scout’s jacket draped over you. Only a few people milled about, leaving to their cars underneath the street lamps.
Jeremy sat down next to you, reaching to hold your hand. “Engie’s gonna be here in ‘bout ten minutes...you alright doll?”
You delicately took it. “I dunno…”
“Did anything happen?”
“I mean, kinda? It’s stupid though, dunno why I’m getting so focused on it.”
“Can you tell me?”
You took a deep breath and looked at the concrete. “Well, I don’t know if you actually heard me, but earlier I accidentally said that I love you. I- I mean, not accidentally, I do, but it just, y’know, slipped out.”
“I heard you doll,” Scout said, tilting your face up to look at him.
“Then why didn’t you say anything? I mean, I get if you don’t love me yet, I’m not gonna blame you, but just say something.”
“I didn’t say anything because I didn’t know if you were bein’ serious, doll,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. “Y’know, you’re amazing and sweet, and almost every time I’ve liked someone this fantastic they’re just with me for laughs.”
“Jeremy…we’ve been dating for two months, did you really think that I don’t care about you?”
“Well I mean, two months right. I kinda thought you would’ve already said ‘I love you’ by now, so just- I dunno. . . do you actually love me?”
“Of course I do, Jeremy, I just was nervous because I thought I said it too early,” you said, leaning closer to him, looking at how his face caught the light of the street lamp.
“I love you too,” Scout said with a dorky smile before pulling you close and kissing you. You probably would’ve kissed for much longer but the sound of a truck horn interrupted you. 
“Hey lovebirds, get in!” Engineer shouted from the truck.
Scout pulled away and blushed before getting in with you, holding your hand tight the whole time. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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fbfh · 3 months
Percy is pleasantly surprised. he wonders how he didn't know you have a cat, and starts asking you everything he can think of. do you have any other pets? what's your favorite animal? how did you come up with your cat's name? how long have you had them? he wants to know everything about you that he didn't before. while you lay with your head on his stomach as he picks your brain, you find yourself pleasantly surprised too. your cat will not leave Percy alone. kitty purrs, rubbing against him, demanding cuddles and belly rubs. kitty tries to move you off Percy so they can lay on him instead. kitty licks him, and you watch, giggling.
"I probably just taste like fish." Percy jokes, cuddling kitty right back.
Jason is a little scared of your cat. not because he doesn't like cats, but because he feels like he needs to impress them, gain their approval. and we all know that the more you try to make a cat like you, the more they'll ignore you. you explain this to Jason, but it does little to soothe his inner turmoil over the thought of not being approved by your beloved pet. he starts rubbing cat nip on himself before he comes over, bringing bouncy fuzzy mice and lickable salmon fillet flavored treats. he's armed to the teeth, determined to make your kitty at neutral towards him. slightly favorable would be a huge win in his book. your cat can smell his fear, and thinks it's... kind of funny. after three treats and enough whiffs of catnip coming off him, kitty butts their head against Jason, tail curling in approval before trotting off to nap in the window. never in your life have you seen Jason look so triumphant.
"Good. Good. This is good." You cut him off with a kiss before he can show you his 16 step plan to win over your cat.
you swear your cat loves Leo more than you. you can't believe your eyes when your cat runs right over to him when you bring him home.
"hey gaitito," he chuckles, bending down to give your now purring cat a scratch behind the ears. "look at you."
I swear to god cats are drawn to Leo. in Houston they would gather around his apartment building when he was a kid. he would sneak the neighborhood strays snacks and leftovers, naming them after tv characters from his mom's favorite telanovelas. your kitty is no different. they follow you two around all day, purring and demanding attention. they lay on his chest, drooling when he scratches their chin. never in your life have you seen a cat drool. but you drool over Leo a lot too, so you guess you're in good company.
Frank first meets your cat when you call him, asking for advice. your cat has been weird lately, and seems to be avoiding your kitchen. they won't eat or drink in there, and you can't figure out why. Frank shows up at your place, greets you with a kiss, and you bring him over to couch your kitty is curled up on. in the blink of an eye, Frank transforms himself into a large, gray, maine coon tabby cat. he trots over to your kitty, who wakes up with a little chirp. they stare at each other for a moment, making an occasional noise, tails flicking. your cat gets up and trots to the kitchen door, and Frank follows, entering hesitantly. he leaves as a human a moment later, nodding his head.
"It's white noise from your new humidifier." he explains, your cat's eyes trained on him the whole time. you had no idea one of the perks of dating Frank was dating an animal whisperer, and he tells you and your cat he's happy to help translate any time.
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midnight-pluto · 11 months
First time trying out an event
Fandom: PJO/HOO
Trope: Comfort/Hurt, Angst
AU: Riordanverse
Style: One-shot
How about a Percy Jackson x mortal gn!reader who can see through the mist where Percy hears about a prophecy of how he must lose (death or just leave him) his s/o for a quest, and in trying to find ways on how to stop it, ends up not giving reader any attention or care that they break up and possibly die or just leave.
(sorry if it's too confusing, you can change parts of it to your writing style)
NO ESCAPE — percy j.
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TROPES: fluff, angst, comfort/hurt
UNIVERSE: canon-ish
PAIRING(S): percy jackson x gn!reader
WARNING(S): set place after pjo and before hoo, talks of trauma and PTSD and death
A/N: it’s been a while since I’ve written for the pjo fandom so I hope I did ur idea justice
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“NO,” PERCY DEADPANS, looking Rachel. “I refuse to believe that this prophecy is about me and Y/N. Absolutely not, the gods have fucked up my life enough - I am not allowing it to happen, again.”
“Percy my prophecy’s haven’t failed to be true,” Rachel replies, feeling remorse for the boy in front of her.
“No, see, remember? Remember the prophecy where you thought it was me who was the hero but it was actually,” Percy swallowed hard to mention his former friend, “Luke.
“Maybe it’ll happen but it still doesn’t mean it applies to me and Y/N.”
“Percy the fates are inescapable. You can’t cheat them, you can’t trick them, you can’t escape them,” Rachel sternly tell before speaking a tired and small, “Sorry.”
“No, it’s well- not okay, but it’s not your fault,” he sighed, burying his head in his hands. “I better find Y/N soon,” he muttered, shoving his hands into his pockets and walking out of the cave.
It was supposed to be just a fun, small, 3-day trip to camp due to it being spring break for him. But that turned out to be just another time where he was forced into serving the gods with zero thanks.
By the time Percy was informed of his fate, he didn’t have enough time to cope during his trip and was picked up by his mom, Paul, and you later that day.
“Percy! How was camp?” you smiled at the boy walking towards the three of you, running up to him and giving him a hug.
“It was alright,” he said blankly, continuing his walk to the car.
That made you pause - and not just because of the blank remark.
But because he didn’t hug you back.
You shot a worried look towards his parents automatically knowing something was off.
Paul was driving while Sally was sat in front so it was just you and Percy sitting in the back together. Normally, the car would be full of chatter with Percy rambling about whatever happened at camp while he was there while holding your hand.
This time though, there was no chatter, and there was no holding hands.
“So did anything exciting happen at camp?” Paul tried to break the stiffening silence, “Want to get to ice cream?”
“Nah, I’m not hungry,” Percy replied, eyes fixated out the window seemingly lost in thought.
To you it seemed that while you weren’t sharing loving touches with each other, you both still seemed to be sharing troubled thoughts and minds plagued with worry.
He wasn’t possessed - you’d know - and he was still himself; but not. What could’ve happened in the past three days that could’ve caused him to act like this?
You knew his dreams were ridden with trauma and flashbacks and sometimes a horrid future awaiting but he’d normally speak to you about such things. You could only hope if it were such a case he’d talk to you about it soon.
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IT SEEMED THAT soon couldn’t come soon enough. Spring break had already passed, and it’s been a near month and Percy has barely spoken to you throughout it at all.
Percy on the other hand felt at his absolute worst.
Well, that was of course an exaggeration but knowing the fate of the relationship you have is still really terrible.
It wasn’t his intention to distance himself from you, it’s just something he did subconsciously - a desperate attempt to preserve what was already made.
“Percy?” his mother knocked on his door, “I brought you cookies.”
“Thanks, uh, can I talk to you about something?” Percy asked, taking the plate of cookies and placing them on his bedside.
“Yes of course you can,” Sally smiled, and shut the door to sit on the edge of his bed.
“When- when I was at camp I of course had the fortune of being part of a prophecy… again,” Percy inhaled a sharp breath, “And it was about me and Y/N and- Rachel said that I was gonna lose them and I just- I don’t want that.”
“Oh Percy,” she frowned pulling her son into a hug, rubbing his back softly as his tears spilled onto her shirt.
“And I don’t want them to die- they don’t deserve that, not because of me,“ he muttered.
“Percy, listen to me,” Sally gently pushed him away to look at him in his eyes, using her sleeves to wipe away his tears, “What matters isn’t in the future, but now. Regardless if you’re going to lose Y/N, make the best memories to look back on when they’re gone. That’s the meaning of life - to cherish it, and the limited time you have here with everyone you’ve ever met.”
Percy nodded at his mother words, smiling to himself at the thought of spending more time with you. “I’d like that.”
“Good,” she softly tussled his hair, “Now I’m going to set something up between the two of you to go hang out tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay,” he smiles, wiping away his own tears.
“Make sure to eat those cookies,” Sally reminded before shutting his door with a soft click.
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YOU TOOK IN a deep inhale before angering the small café Sally had arranged you and Percy to meet. Prepared to face him with a look of defeat on his face you open the doors, and see him sitting in the back with a cup of hot chocolate warming his hands.
But he didn’t look sad like all the other times you tried to talk to him, he didn’t look dismissive, he looked like himself. He looked like Percy.
Seeing the face you had come to love the past year return didn’t make your heart flutter as it used to however. One of the only reminders of your true intentions behind accepting the invitation.
Walking over to the table, you take the seat across him and give him a small smile that you could muster.
“You’re not gonna order anything?” Percy asked, head tilted towards the chalkboard’s beautifully written on displaying the menu.
“No, I don’t feel like it,” you shook your head, “Um, Percy I just wanted to talk to you and I’m sorry.”
Percy could feel his heart drop the moment you said those words. His head kept on making up words and phrases of what you were going to say next - anything but what he knew you were going to say.
“I just don’t think we’re going to work out,” you spoke in a soft and gentle tone, “I don’t regret the time spent with you, but it would be better if we no longer saw each other. Romantically, at least.”
It took every once ounce of Percy’s body to spill out tears from the corners of his eyes but he managed to choke out, “I understand.”
“Thank you, for everything Percy,” you hung your head low, beating yourself up for hurting the boy in front of you who had already been through so much, “I hope to see you around.”
And just like that, you exit the café as Percy’s eyes trail your figure from the window until you disappeared around the block. It doesn’t take long for the nearest fire hydrant to burst open, water spewing out when his eyes couldn’t.
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A/N: did I manage to make you guys feel something? also, my 200 follower event is currently ongoing so please feel free to request!!
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th4tsj4zzy · 6 months
hoo boy im boutta get controversial
only 50 notes in and im starting to post stuff abt hsr controversy >:) this’ll be about the sparkle/ratio being racist controversy for the first + second part of hsr’s trailblaze mission for penacony
TW: slavery, slurs, racism, “death” (suicide..? 2.1 hsr quest makes this make sense) spoilers for penacony’s 2.1 quest below the cut
ofc, when sparkle was degrading aventurine for being sigonian, i reacted how a lot of people did and was like “cheese and rice, thats kinda racist dude, wtf-“ i was pretty worried bc hoyo’s had a history with not handling racism in plotlines well (see: eremite world quest in genshin) but i wanted to stay optimistic bc theres a different team working on hsr and maybe theyll be better at handling racism in plot. but honestly? after playing the second part of the penacony quest, i really think that they handled the entire thing pretty well.
probably 50% of penacony’s 2.1 quest was aventurine’s backstory, how being enslaved affected him, his family, and the culture of the avgins/sigonians (specifically the latter). his “all or nothing” nature clearly reflects the fact he’s used to betting everything (despite being paranoid about it since he quite literally lost everything before being taken in by the [pretty] ipc [woman, jade]) bc it makes him seem confident and gives him an image of carelessness, benefiting him in the long run of scheming. the only reason im able to draw this many conclusions about him is because of the amount of character development they give him in the quest.
ofc, im not trying to say that sparkle’s (and “ratio’s”) racist remarks were justified; to put it lightly, they’re leaning into a darker shade of morally grey, even without knowing their purposes for saying such stuff. however, i do think that them being racist to aventurine is a major part of the world building for HSR. him being on the receiving end of their criticism makes us suspicious of everyone else, but also makes us root for him a bit, which helps balance out the scales of distrust and/or dislike the viewer should have of all of the characters. in the beginning of the quest, aventurine’s probably receiving a lot more of the dislike/distrust than the other characters, so we need to at least find a reason to root for him if the writers want us to understand his schemes.
also, sparkle being racist to aventurine for being sigonian and him persisting through all of the hardships his plans and his past bring (despite 85% of it being for the ipc and the other 15% for the mere chance to see his family and find the truth, the latter mattering more than the former) is a narrative that brings tears to my eyes. it resonates with me as a minority race, and im sure many others can understand why.
sure, sparkle used a slur for the real life alternative for sigonia and ratio brings up his past as a slave. we all recognize its not right for her to do that and that the writers are pretty harsh for writing the slur in, but its just the same way in the real world. the writers are just showing us reality in a video game. death and murder and enslavement is really harsh that also reflect the real world, yet they also include it. are we really gonna act like saying a slur is above killing people?
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jessi4fanfics · 3 months
~Good Morning~ Married Broppy Short Story
Still working on my requests, but this was a short idea that came to mind so posting this while you guys wait❤
|Poppy needs to get up for work, but she isn't moving|
Branch walked into their shared bedroom that morning, smirking as he heard the alarm clock beeping on the small shelf beside Poppy's side of the bed.
Poppy's form under the covers and blankets didn't move from the noise.
Branch went over and turned off their alarm clock. Then he reached out for his wife and have her back a gentle caress. "Poppy. Time to get up and ready."
 "Mhm," was the answer, still not moving.
Branch sat down on the bedo. Poppy was asleep on her stomach, and he leaned over her back to pull out a small strand of her hair from her ponytail and gave it a gentle tug.
 "You have a birthday for to go to, a few errands to run, you have to do the morning song still, and you haven't-"
 "Branch," Poppy moaned from under the pillow. "I know what my routine is."
 "Then why aren't you standing up?" he asked, grinning.
 "Because," was her answer. He watched her nose dig deeper into the pillows and blankets .
Branch waited. But after a bit he heard her soft light breathing, a sign she had fallen asleep. Again. 
 "Hoo boy, can't believe I have to resort to this," he sang, actually not minding in reality.
Poppy shifted slightly from the sudden sound of his voice. Then her eyes shot open and she gave a squeal as Branch climbed into the bed beside her, snatched off the blankets covering her head, and have her neck a quick yet tender peck.
She giggled and turned to him, her eyes all red. "Branch, don't."
 "Don't what?" he asked innocently.
 "You're not as funny as you think you are." But she didn't hide her tired yet giddy smile.
 "And you aren't as tired as you think you are," he stated back. "Why don't you get out of bed?"
 "No." The answer was quick and curt, and she slid back under her blanket again.
He knew what she was doing. She just wanted him to kiss her again.
Branch sat there, not giving it to her. After thirty seconds, she peeked her head out, wondering if he was still there.
As soon as he saw the flash of magenta, he leaned over and kissed her nose.
She giggled again and quickly hid right back under the covers. 
Branch wasn't just sitting there again. He climbed over her to the other side of the bed, his side, and took a few of his pillows and threw it over on the floor of Poppy's side. Then both of his hands reached over and began to push against her left hip.
 "Branch!!" Her face came out again, realizing what he was doing. She looked giddy, excited, yet a bit scared. "Don't you dare--!!"
 Branch ignored her. Staring straight into the eyes that often made his knees weak, he grinned and kept pushing and pushing, and she rolled over and-- 
With a squeal she tumbled into the floor, straight into the pillows he had placed on the ground.
Branch laughed and Poppy sat up, her smile bright but her voice indignant. 
 "Help me up," she said as if she was grumpy and irritated with him.
 Branch reached out his hand to oblige, but as soon as her fingers wrapped around his habd, she gave a tank and he came tumbling down as well, right on top of her.
He rolled off and they both were laughing now, hard, and full of joy. This was only a kind of fun they could have with each other.
Poppy turned to Branch, her laughter slowly dying down, and her smile never fading, watching him as he continued to do his low chuckle that she loved so much.
Branch noticed her watching him, his smile becoming more gentle, and he reached over, pressing his hand against the back of her scalp while his fingers ran through her hair, and gently brought him towards her while he leaned over as well.
The kiss was gentle and tender. Loving and sweet. Soft and-- Poppy sighed happily through it-- everything.
How did she ever live in a period of her life where he didn't kiss her at least once every day?
Slowly Branch pulled apart, smiled, and whispered, "Awake yet?"
 Poppy giggled. "Even if I wasn't, there's no way I could go back to sleep." And she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him closer, her eyes closed not to fall asleep, but from comfort.
 "Good." His chuckle bubbled up again. "Nice to know I'm doing my job correctly."I
And they stayed there for another ten minutes, on the floor, on top of the pillows, just cuddling until Branch told her that they'd better get up now before they never got up again.
And still, they waited another fifteen minutes after that.
I don't know, this was just fun to write. These two are so silly, and they'd be even sillier married, I feel like, and do things like this. Love'em 💕.
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pjohoo-reclists · 1 year
Outsider POV Fic Recs
A list of fics where mortals get glimpses of the greek world and/or demigods. Last updated on 8/8/23. Enjoy!
This is War by Tibbitoo
Gen | 1.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Titan War, Violence, Angst
Because even though the movies get it all wrong, Paul Blofis knows. War is war, and seeing those demigods fighting for their lives, seeing the fallen on the ground, made him finally understand. This wasn't a dream, but a cruel reality where Good and Evil clashed in a bloody battle. This wasn't a book where Good always won. This was a real war. It was reality. His stepson's reality.
Start Over by RainKiss
Gen | 1.5k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Goode High School, poor education system, Paul is a good dad
Mr. Morelli is not a nervous person by character, but the file in front of him gives the scholastic transgressions of the new kid, who has been allowed to attend Goode High school—the place where he works.
Um.... Oops? by grainjew
Gen | 2.8k | Complete
background Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Identity Reveal, Post TLO, Pre HoO
Scarlet Williams, sophomore at Goode High School, was stretched out in the back of her friend Percy's car when a twelve year old materialized in the passenger seat. The next thing she knew, apparently Greek mythology was real and liked trying to kill her friend. Great.
Riding on the Rolling Tide by mrthology
T | 3k | Complete
Jason Grace & Percy Jackson
AU, Slice of Life, Crack Treated Seriously
“I think that’s Percy Jackson!” “Who?” Sarah rolled her eyes. “The kid who jumped off the St Louis arch years ago, and then there was all that weirdness,” she added, waving her hands for effect, “with a kidnapping or something.” “Oh, the one that’s a demigod?” “Yeah,” she said. She still wasn’t sure if she believed in gods or demigods, but it was hard to deny it at this point. Monsters and worse walked among them, and Sarah hated it. At first, she’d thought it was some strange publicity stunt for an upcoming show or movie—studios had done stranger things to draw crowds, after all—but she knew better now. Gods were real, and so were monsters. ... After the Second Giant War, the Mist falls. The results aren't what anyone expected.
Someone to You by mrthology
Gen | 3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Triton, Amphitrite, Paul Blofis' Parents, Estelle Blofis
Triton is a Good Sibling, Big Brother Percy, Slice of Life
Anna wasn't sure what to think of Percy Jackson, truth be told, having only met him twice. She adored her daughter in law Sally and her little granddaughter, but there was something about Percy that put her on edge. She had no idea what - he was a kind boy, eager to help with his baby sister when most teenagers would run for the hills and clearly adored his mother - but there was just something about him, something about his too-bright eyes that made her feel uneasy. ~~~ Or, Paul's parents are taking care of Estelle for a few days. When picking her up, they meet Percy again as well as his older brother (what was his name? Tri?). At this point, Anna just wants to know what the dad looks like to have kids that look like THIS. Especially when, several days later, they meet the stepmother as well.
Here On The Sunny Side by mrthology
Gen | 4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Apollo
Post Trials of Apollo, New Rome University, Attempt at Humor
“Just talk to him.” Cody blinked. He could do a lot of things, but approaching Percy Jackson and just talking to him was not one of those things. “We can’t just go and talk to him!” Aida yelped, shifting nervously in her seat. Cody agreed. Percy Jackson was nothing if not intimidating. He’d done so much for Camp Jupiter and walked with more gods than Cody could begin to fathom. There were even rumours that Jupiter (or, Cody supposed, Zeus) had offered him godhood when he’d only been sixteen. Everyone in New Rome knew he spent time in his father’s realm below the sea, and even the Praetors seemed to defer to him at times. No. Cody couldn’t just go up and talk to Percy Jackson. Not many in New Rome would dare. ——— Or, Percy’s part of a group project at NRU. His group mates aren’t exactly sure what to make of him. Or of his mysterious paramour.
A Thin Barrier Between Two Worlds by Skywalking_through_life
T | 5.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Hudson River Spirit
Post Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, Eavesdropping
"'Man, If I avoided everyone with a bone to pick with me, I'd be a hermit. But I haven't figured out what I'm supposed to have actually done this time?" He could only see half of Percy's face, and even that at a distance, but there was no mistaking the lazy smirk he was wearing, or the way his arms were casually folded across his chest. He wasn't scared of this guy, which didn't make a lick of sense, because just the guy's voice was scaring Giovanni. What could the rest of him look like? "Don't play stupid, kid, it ain't a good look for you. You know good and well what you did." A sudden thud shook the wood of the old dock, making it creak and sway and causing bits of plank to fall. When the dust cleared, Giovanni bit down hard on his tongue to stop himself from gasping, because now that he could see both people above him, he wasn't sure the person opposite Percy was, in fact, human. In which Giovanni learns that there is such a thing as knowing too much about the world around him...
The Overwhelming Specter of Your Mothers Book Club by 60sec400
Not Rated | 5.9k Complete
Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis
Meeting the Parents, Sally Jackson is a Good Parent, Oneshot
Martha Blofis stared at her son in shock. “What do you mean,” she said slowly, “that you’re married?” Her son fidgeted nervously. First, he ran a hand through his peppered hair, and then his eyes flickered down and away. Then he lifted them again and smiled meekly at her. “Paul,” she said, “I need you to tell me what in gods name you were thinking.” “Her name is Sally Jackson?” Paul said, his voice lifting as he weren’t quite sure what the name of his wife was. AKA Paul tells his mother he hasn't seen in four years that he's married. Really, the only thing she can think about is what she's going to tell her book club.
Percy Jackson and the Scrutiny of his Coworkers by pqrker
Gen | 6.4k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Original Characters
Marine Biologist Percy Jackson, Adult Percy Jackson
Jim turned back to the tank and looked at Marcie the seal, who was now staring at the spot his coworker had been standing just moments before with that same strange look of reverence in her eyes. Percy Jackson truly was the oddest person Jim Elpool had ever worked with. or 5 times percy's coworkers were confounded by his fish magic, plus 1 time they try to figure it out.
More Things in Heaven and Earth by Skywalking_through_life
T | 7.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post-Gaea & Second Giant War, Canon Compliant, High School
"Sticking her head further out of the light of her doorway and into the dark hallway, she peered left and right, trying to catch a glimpse of movement in the shadows beyond the dim glow of the emergency lights. Nothing. But as her eyes fell on the bank of lockers outside her classroom where the first thud had come from, they widened in horror. A long smear of blood, thick enough to start to drip down the dented metal, stained two of the lockers." Ms. Lafayette is a teacher, not a detective. But that doesn't mean she's not curious - and concerned - when a trail of blood appears in the hallway outside her classroom in the early hours of the morning...
good doesn't equal Goode by vani_em
Gen | 7.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Paul Blofis
off screen Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, BAMF Percy Jackson, good dad Paul Blofis
One thing was clear: Percy Jackson was not Goode High School material.
In a Field of Dandelions by mrthology
T | 7.5k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Future Fic, Kid Fic, Domestic Fluff
"You okay there?" she asked once she was closer, smiling in what she hoped was a welcoming manner. The man smiled back, still looking a bit confused. Nicky's breath caught in her chest when he met her eyes. His gaze was a little too vivid, his bone structure a little too perfect. He seemed a little too much more than human. Part of her wanted to run, while another part wanted to follow him to the ends of the earth and beyond. "I think so," he replied, breaking the spell. "Just trying to figure out day one, I suppose. I'm Percy!" ----- Percy and Annabeth's eldest child starts school. Percy inadvertently causes a bit of a stir, and Annabeth isn't jealous, not at all.
[conduct] not unbecoming men who [strive] with gods by Skywalking_through_life
T | 8k+ | On-going as of 8/8/23
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Sally Jackson/Paul Blofis, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis
Post Second Giant War, Slice of Life, Identity Reveal
"Some students find it hard to find a poem that they identify with," she said simply, even tone belying the gravity of the look she was giving him. "I…I can imagine that you, perhaps, might be one of them." For a moment, he just stared back at her, heart now thumping almost painfully fast as he tried to decide how to respond to that. She was right of course, but now that the moment he'd been waiting for had definitely arrived, was he really prepared to do this? "Are we talking about poetry?" He finally asked, mouth dry, as though he didn't already know the answer to his own question, "Or are we talking about…something else?" Or, a week in the life of Percy's senior year, featuring: a poetry project, a swim meet, prom, several identity crises, and maybe, just maybe, a long-overdue conversation with a certain sharp-eyed teacher.
some have entertained angels unaware by Skywalking_through_life
T | 21k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Paul Blofis, Minor or Background Relationships, Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase
Post Second Giant War, Field Trip, Powerful Percy Jackson
"Slumping at the table next to his now slightly raspy stepfather, Percy decided to make one last appeal. "Paul, you can't seriously think me dying of frostbite or exposure on the way to see the Statue of Liberty for the eighty-millionth time is a good death, right? Like, I could do so much better." Paul shrugged, eyes dancing. "I'm not the expert on death in this family, Perce. But I do imagine it's probably more heroic than dying of boredom in US Government class?"' Percy didn't think there was a god of field trips, but if there was...he was pretty sure that they hated him.
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ricewithbunnies · 1 year
Saul Goodman Pet Play Headcanons
I have no where else to post all the deranged and deplorable ideas that come to my head </3
Probably a part 1 to a series if i think this is good enough :3
This accidentally devolved into a pet play post woopsies (it was meant to be just regular hcs)
Content: Transmasc Reader, Masculine Terms for reader, Dom!Saul, Hes either bi or pan I haven't decided yet :3
CW: Pet play
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You guys met from either being friends with Jesse Pinkman, a client, or working with him
First time he saw you he looked you up and down, confused with himself. "Why am i attracted to a man??" type thoughts in his head (poor babygirl)
Upon finding out you're trans, he tries to justify his attractions "W-well its not REALLY gay!!" (it is)
(Also after a while of you two being close he'd probably get PISSED if anyone misgendered you)
Cutting the fluff crap tho he would be an absolute simp for you.
Service Dom whenever hes not feeling rough 🫣
"That feels good, huh? You like that sweetheart? Mmh.. tell me what makes you feel good handsome."
Thigh. Fucking. He'd have you sit in his lap with your pants off during a 15 minute break, pushing his cock inbetween your warm thighs and holding onto you for dear life.
He would buck his hips up into you as he makes out with you and whimpers and when he cums on your thighs he'd clean it up for you ❤️
"Fuck.. f-fuck.. that feels so good darling" as he thighfucks you.
He absent-mindedly says "Good boy" to you one day and you fold.
After that he'd fuck you filthy while saying it
"Good boy.. thats my good boy.. taking it all like a champ.. you like being my good boy, huh?"
Will. Not. Shut. Up.
Constantly in your ear during sex, whispering, moaning, anything to feel your hole tighten around him.
After a while of your intimate relationship, he'd open up about some absolutely filthy kinks.
You'd be unsure at first, but after tje first session, you'd be at his feet begging for more, and he'd eat that shit UPP.
"Yeah? You liked that fucking from Master, huh? You wanna be my good boytoy?"
After that he would get you to quit your job and be a house husband full time, spoiling you with goodies and also in bed.
He'd BEG like a bitch to put a leash on you, giving you the worst case of puppydog eyes.
"Pretty pleaseee 🥺🥺🥺"
He'd make you learn hand commands such as rolling over, taking off clothes, bending over, etcetera.
He'd DEFINITELY put a large pet bed for you under his desk at home.
If he's at home working and having an especially frustrating task to do, afterwards he'd make you take his dick down his throat.
"Ahh.. good boy.. you really know how to make Master feel better huh, pet?"
Would probably get some bougie diamond encrusted pet bowl for you LOL
If you were good for him he'd get you stupidly expensive gifts, just because he can and he enjoys spoiling you.
Possessive as fuck. You two are out and you are talking to someone a little too long? Hoo boy you'll spend the rest of the night tied to his bed with him pounding you into the next day.
"Mine.. all mine.. my pup.. my sweet pet.. you belong to me.. right? Say it. Say you're mine.."
His aftercare would be so sweet though, running a warm, scented bath for you and washing you.
Thank you for reading!
This is my first proper post on here, so i appreciate anyone who read it and even more if you enjoyed. I'm just now getting back into writing fanfic from when i was younger so i appreciate any constructive criticism or advice :3
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smolstarthief · 9 months
So, my TF: Prime S2 Finale observations I made in regards to Optimus' expressions, a small analysis!
But context first: So throughout about the 2nd half of S2 the 'Bots and 'Cons are trying to find a set of Omega Keys which if gathered and hooked up a device, can restore and bring life back to Cybertron. They could finally go home. It ends up being a struggle for both sides but the 'Bots managed to grab the keys before Megatron to use them and activate the machine... But unfortunately, their foes were one step ahead of them once again as, due to a grave error and poor communication, their 3 young human companions ended up being found and held hostage. If they don't lower their weapons and give up the keys, they will exposed to Cybertron's toxic atmosphere and they'll be forced to watch the kids die in front of them.
Naturally, having truly cared about the children, they give up without a fight... And that's where things get really horrible for them as despite the kids being safe with them, Megatron's thirst for power isn't satisfied with JUST Cybertron... He wants Earth as well; all life be damned with it. That's where Optimus is forced to make a choice: Either just let the Decepticons do what they want and restore his home planet but then Earth would be wiped of all life in Megatron's attempt to try to rule it himself along with his home planet... Or basically destroy the device capable of restoring said home planet, dooming his home of being lifeless for good and risk having him be demonized for it but Earth is safe from suffering the same fate and history repeating itself.
Now one key subtle thing I notice with Optimus is his facial expressions. He's often criticized for being too stoic but honestly, it's all in the expressions and body language with him. Eyes and eyebrows especially. Even with his face mask on, one can pick up subtle details if observed closely. Basically, he IS capable of expression and emotions despite supposedly keeping them in check.
And he gets put through the absolute wringer this season and one can tell he's nearing his breaking point. He even outright SCREAMS in frustration in one episode which seemed to startle/surprise Ratchet and Bulkhead.
But hoo boy, this finale here... Like his expressions hurt! Like he seems calm at first when Megatron taunts him until he looks back at the understandably panicked children begging the Decepticon leader to leave Earth alone.
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Then his eyebrows are raised up a bit when he looks back at the laughing 'Cons, eyes/optics looking more worried now. You can tell what he's thinking. The gears are turning and he's struggling to figure out what to do. He seems almost at a loss on the best way to handle it.
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Hell, you can even say he's almost scared. He doesn't want history to repeat itself with Earth. He and the others already had to deal with so much pain and trauma the war caused, some of which he no doubt blames himself for. He does want Cybertron back but at what cost?
Then, in an instant, it shifts to steely resolve and with a clenched fist proceeded to reclaim the Star Saber. He knows the risks but he will NOT let another innocent planet suffer like his did. It seems shaky still but he makes his choice as he destroys the Omega Lock, dooming his home for good.
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Granted there might have been a better way but what else can he do at the moment? It was damned if he do, damned if he don't and time was running out. He makes his choice and there's no turning back... Even if he can't go home now.
And when Ratchet calls him out for his decision, he briefly turns his head to the side before shaking it and looking back at him while defending his choice. Like he seems almost unsure of it himself but there's no turning back at this point and he knows it. It was necessary to him.
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Then there's the ending where he decided to stay behind to destroy the Ground Bridge controls so that his comrades and loved ones won't be followed. He feels like this will be the last time he'll see them as he believed that he will be captured and interrogated at best, executed/killed to make an example at worst. He's already been demonized and branded a traitor by Megatron as well. When he makes the declaration to Ratchet that he'll stay, it's his usual serious expression.
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But once Ratchet is gone... It drops and it's sad. Almost like a mental outer mask is cracking. Once again, it's almost shaky as he looks at the controls and his clenches his fist again in resolve. It's now or never with him.
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"I... never imagined it would end like this." "Neither did I, old friend."
Even when he's readying his swing, you can feel the shaky resolve still. But he definitely didn't think that Megatron would outright reduce the base to rubble but god damn!
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But yeah, it just feels like that in both moments... Optimus felt lost and even helpless and it shows in his expressions. They all show how much of his serious emotions were almost a mask he put up for everyone else's sakes even at the expense of his own feelings. He seemed to struggle with what to do and even seems unsure of his decisions but also feels like he made the necessary ones, even though they were painful.
But yeah... TF: Prime Optimus needs a hug so damn badly!
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