#hope my sloppy hand writing is readable
shiroponx · 6 years
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Inktober Day 8
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akaneluve · 3 years
〰〰° ⸙͎➤ The tragic love story of the immortal and ruthless King Solomon and low-class village person MC.
(not proofread *runs away*)
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What was the point of living right now when all I could feel was nothing? I keep wandering across the world just to feel something, but alas nothing could satisfy my immortal life. I left everything in my life, my riches and possessions were now gone. Though there was one place that I would visit almost every day, your grave. My life was a mess before you appeared, you were like an angel or a diamond shining alone majestically. I felt true happiness with you, MC. You were the one who helped fixed my unforgivable mistakes.
I was a ruthless king who killed many people who dare to defy me or annoy me. And you were just a mere village person but why did I fall in love with you. You were brought to me in the palace for supposedly stealing the fruits in my garden, but the only thing you stole from me was my heart. You pleaded for mercy and I felt my heart soften, for such a ruthless king I felt pure with you. As I excused you, you promised that you would repay me I had no idea what was going on with your mind that day but I guess that's how our relationship bloomed.
A low-class person with the king was just scandalous but it didn't stop us. You came every day bringing me small trinkets. Although I already had everything in my palace, the gifts you gave were worth much more than any gold I owned. You helped me in deciding choices for my kingdom, you were fit for being royalty. But when I asked for your consent on ruling beside me, you simply refused. It seemed like you influenced me a lot, the people were now praising me little by little.
I remember you telling me about cherry blossoms, it seemed like you had a deep interest in them. Though it might seem childish, I did have slight jealousy for the tree. The tree symbolizes love and you mentioned wanting to share the so-called love with me. And as you smiled at me, I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and my face going red. You were like a single match glowing in the darkness.
I never wanted you to leave my side. As a child, no kid would befriend me, leaving me and most of my childhood to be alone. And the parents that I thought would love me unconditionally, left me alone at the young age of 16 to rule an entire kingdom by myself with no guidance. Everything was slipping away from me at my fingertips and I wasn't fast enough to grasp them. Until you came and helped me with everything, you were truly angelic. I became a new person because of you.
Though just because I'm good now doesn't mean my past was. A kingdom that I have been on bad terms with, decided to start a war with mine. You told me to talk with them but I ignored your pleas, though I wished I had listened to them. If war was what they want then a war they will get. I trained my men to get prepared for the battle that lays ahead of us. And with weapons in our hand and a mighty war cry, we headed off. But I didn't get to see the concerned face of yours nor the desperate words you said.
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As we headed back to my kingdom, a victorious smile was seen on our faces. We had won and I was ready to celebrate with you! After countless blood splattered on the battlefield and men falling one by one, we had returned. Though what we didn't expect was the kingdom in flames. What had happened? And most importantly where were you?! It seemed like the enemy kingdom attacked the place and left but that was too late now. Luckily some knights remained to guard the kingdom and lured the enemy away.
With my horse, I rode to the castle desperately searching for you. Everything was in ruins, we had completely overseen this situation. After searching every inch of the once tall and enormous castle, I headed to the garden, the place where you were once caught "stealing". And there I saw your lifeless body beneath a still and flowering cherry blossom. My entire world stopped, we had won the war but at what cost? The only person who helped me was now gone. Looks like I was the loser in this ridiculous game.
Dropping to my knees, I held you close. Tears were now streaming down but I didn't care. Your body that was once warm was now colder than ice. The sweet scent of lavender that you used was replaced with the smell of blood. The hand that I loved to hold so dearly was now unmoving. Though beside you was a letter. The writing was sloppy but it was readable
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"Dear Solomon,
It had been a few days since you and the others had left. I wish you and everyone victory and safety. I am rushing this letter since I heard rumbling on the outside. Outsiders have taken over the city, I alarmed the knights just now and currently rushing to the garden to hide. I can hear footsteps trailing behind me. I feel like this is the end of me, Solomon. I wish you the best in life and I want you to continue ruling like the great king you are! I l-"
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It seems like the letter ends there and you also had more words to say. The handwriting was getting messier with each word, I figured it's because you were running and writing, how childish of you. I looked over to your bloody body and saw that there was a hole in your chest. I looked behind me and saw a trail of blood. So you were shot and was crawling towards the tree to save yourself? I wish I was here early to have protected you. I wish I could've done something to stop this. I am so sorry, my love. I wish I could've saved you like how you saved me from the darkness.
I didn't want to move your body anywhere else so I decided the best option was to bury you beside the cherry blossom. You have captured my heart completely and to bury you beside the so-called tree of love slightly hurt me. I was never the one to shed tears but if it was for you, I would cry an entire ocean. What hurts more is that I could never be with you again due to my immortal life.
I wasn't the same since then. I was back to my old ways, the ruthless King Solomon. The heavens wouldn't accept me even if I had the chance to die, I had no place there. I now ruled alone and cold. I had so much more to say to you, more things to do with you, and all of it was gone to some foolish decision I made. I didn't get to hear you one last time and I didn't have the time to confess my feelings for you, though it was always evident that we both loved each other. Till the end of the world, I hope you still say "I love you" to me for I still say "I love you" to you.
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〰〰° ⸙͎➤ help why is tumblr hard to use
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James Norrington x Reader
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Prompt: I was thinking about this one for a while but if you're ever in the mood for writing PotC could you maybe do something with Barbossa or Norrington? Maybe something with a build up like a first kiss or the first time the character and the reader fight someone/something together by each other's side, and their coordination on the battlefield gets tested for the first time and perhaps it strengthens the connection or leads to taking certain measures like training/teaching how to use weapons and react under pressure
I’m going to split these into two parts this one is for Norrington the other will be for barbossa
(I do not own PoTC or its characters/ gif not mine)
Your hand gripped the hilt of the sword. If it were a warm sunny day the blade would’ve reflected the light back out into the vast port just like it did for the past few weeks. The sky was a dark grey possibly setting to rain making the atmosphere cold and dreary. The type of cold to get in your bones and latch on tight until the golden sun tore through the clouds again.
Your knuckles and fingertips turned a harsh red and your wrist ached from swinging the sword only to clash with his powerful defenses that returned in sending pain right up your wrist in swift pangs. You had concluded the moment James first swung at you, that you could never truly appreciate the extent of skill, concentration and pain it took to seem so effortlessly fluent in a field unless you yourself have tried to walk the same path with the same motive.
The more you attacked and defended from what would be fatal blows out on vast seas or faced with a man or woman with the intention to maim or kill, the more energy flowed out your body. You were drained. It felt like water passing from a stream downhill and into dry land most likely to never be seen again. You had improved since first starting you could barely lift a sword back then however your grip still faltered when you lost energy and your movements still became sloppy and delayed.
Your mind trailed away. A dangerous move much too dangerous. Once your mind and body was out of sync you had written your death sentence.
A kick to your legs dragged your mind back down. It was a harsh reminder that you had once again failed to meet your standards the reality knocked down the platform your stood on like a fire against wooden beams. You fell to the ground your sword clattering somewhere in the distance. Your hip instantly throbbed in pain, your wrist and elbow followed suit in acquainting themselves with the hard floor below you.
You hadn’t realised your face scrunched up in pain until you opened your eyes to meet the owner of the deep voice. James’ eyes wore worry like a new pair of shoes and his hand trailed inches away from your body before softly resting uncertainly on your cheek almost pleading you to react to his touch instead of pain.
“Y/n I am terribly sorry, I didn’t-”
Your words cut him off saving him an apology and you the salt being rubbed in the wound that you managed to be taken down by a kick to the legs.
“It’s fine James, I wasn’t paying attention, I’m at fault here.”
James picked you up from where you lay gently placing a hand round your arm and one under your waist. If anything standing up made it hurt a little more. Your eyes met James’ face, an almost unreadable expression settled on his features. Only a little readable emotion bled through. It read love however undertones of desperation and want. You weren’t sure what was going on and in all honesty you didn’t feel in the state of mind to be able to piece together such heavy emotions.
However you did pick up on how attractive he looked. Even fresh from a fight you couldn’t deny he was a beautiful man. The way the light caught his eyes and made them appear like the stars beaming in the dark. The way his facial features only seemed to compliment one another, the way he treated you as the most important and valued thing in his life. James Norrington was perfect to you.
James stared back at you and by all the grace of you gods he loved every part of you. The way your skin felt when it touched him, the way he could hold you, the way you made him feel safe and enough in such a plagued world. He was so proud of you. The way you picked up sword fighting the same way as his men once had despite the ridicule from ladies and hours of straining physical movements. James wanted you safe, as safe as you could be. He would always be there by your side to fight off evil but should the time come where he wasn’t he couldn’t even think of what he’d do without you.
His eyes wandered to your lips and it shook him at just how much he wanted to kiss you. To share all his love through such intimacy and feel your body against his and despite the looming cloud that stole all your energy and the dull throb in your side you wanted the exact same.
You two were entranced into a void where only each other existed, time slowed till the point where every little thing was almost slow motion and the intensity of the gases which you looked at each other were immeasurable. Your heart beat irregularly in your chest almost as if it were trying to meet James’ or to drag you closer and by all the power in the world you could not think to move away.
Nasty twangs of pain at your side bled into the void you and James got caught in. Your face suppressed the obvious uncomfortableness that seemed to follow blunt force injuries however as much as you tried James noticed. He had a thing for noticing things. He never let on that he observed far more than the average man or he picked up inconsistencies but you knew.
“Y/n if I may.”
He reached out a hand for you to take asking permission to touch you and lead you to your home. No matter how much you protested he must be tired, James always walked you home. He wanted to know you were safe and be able to share some sort of intimacy with you, to slip his fingers between yours and warm your cold hands.
It may not have seemed like much holding his hand but even the most simplistic touch from James was euphoric. Some days you walked down cobbled streets laughing, today James was pretty silent just focusing on you and on the way you walked with a slight limp to your step. James felt guilty, a growing guilt that thrived the more he looked at you. He shouldn’t have swiped your legs it was not only wrong in terms of fighting with honour - it was misconduct, it was cheating. However his mind wasn’t all too concerned with that. His priory, his true priority was that he had hurt you. He never loved anyone the way he loved you even if you hadn’t kissed yet but that was no way to treat you especially since he is supposed to make you feel safe.
You looked over at James. His strong features never failing to entrance you. You were more than disappointed when you reached your door. Your house was pale in comparison to James’ yet he never seemed to mind. Before you knew him you assumed he was wealthy, commanding and rather uptight however you discovered none of the sort. He was kind and ever so gentle uncaring if he was seen away from well kept and otherwise anything he wouldn’t be associated with. He’d even offered money for upkeeps or repairs yet still left it after you declined.
“I trust you will be safe here Y/n.”
“I will always be safe at my own door, James you need not worry.”
He took your hand in his lightly pressing his lips to your knuckles trying to ignore how cold and tense you seemed. However he failed to notice how your muscles relaxed under his touch and how your eyes almost sparkled from how it felt as if you had been flushed with serotonin.
The feeling ebbed away as quick as it came when he walked away. His long coat that wrapped around his shirt fluttering at the end from the wind. You didn’t like being away from him it felt as if a part of you left with him even if it were only for a few hours. You couldn’t let him just leave. The kiss to your hand was like a spoonful of magic but you wanted more. It seemed selfish but you’d never loved anyone the way you loved him.
He turned round to met with your arms around his waist and your body against his chest. He felt happy. Much happier than he’d ever felt you in his hold felt right and for once he could look around the port and see something beautiful. His arms came around your body pressing you a little closer to him. James was warm much warmer than you expected yet he felt far warmer with you despite the cold taking claim to you. It was like the warmth spread across his whole body. He was utterly in love with you.
Neither of you wanted to pull away but eventually you did but this time even when the cold settled back in your body you felt comfortable. He made you dizzy on love.
“Goodnight Norrington.”
It took him a while to break from his lovesick trance.
“Goodnight Y/n.”
You lay in your bed, the soft sheets encasing you like battle armour braving the war against the cold. Yet it seemed like a losing battle your fingertips red and your breath releasing from your mouth as white whisps, the way you imagined a soul would part from its physical being. A shaky breath parted your lips as you rubbed your hands together in hope that the friction would spark some ounce of warmth. Faint drops of rain hammered in the distance, the first few drizzles making way for an inevitable harsher forecast and despite the rain making you feel that bit colder and worried for the wood of your house you felt calm.
You turned on your side. The rustling of sheets almost silenced by the downfall outside. The last pieces of warmth you owned were slowly leaving your body. However the only thing you could focus on was how it would feel to be in James’ embrace. You wished to lay in bed with him and instead of slow dancing with the bitter cold you would be embraced in his warmth. To be completely domestic in each other’s arms. James made you feel warm. A nice warm like bathing in the soft evening sunlight. Your lips tugged upwards slightly and your hands rubbed together once more to grasp the heat amoung the cold before the white whisps parted your lips and wrapped around the candles orange flame releasing darkness through your room.
You awoke with a hammering at your door. It was clearly not a sophisticated knock at the time you weren’t even sure it was a knock however it woke you up immediately. Light shone through the gaps in the wall illuminating strips of your skin. You heard the shouts of men and the screams of woman. Metal on metal rung in your ears until the silence of death were clear, dominating any other sound you could hear.
You shakily stood up, eyes still fixed on the same spot as earlier. You shifted on your feet slightly tripping on the uneven floorboards that was until you heard the distinct voices of the navy men.
“Groves, Mullroy man the east ports.”
James. Something about his voice hit something within you. All your nerves that froze you in fear dissipated. They weren’t replaced by rationality if anything blind need to help, not just James but every man, woman and child took the main stand.
The hilt of your sword gleamed in the dreary light beconing you deeper into your mind with its persuasive grip. The vision and need blurring its lines to rally your body to take the cold hilt of the blade into your hand.
You didn’t acknowledge how the cold metal gripped you back however rushing outside your house you felt bare to the world. You felt small like you were back in your mothers arms again. Men were fighting left and right, some laying on the floor clutching dyed clothing. Smashed glass and splintered wood covered any remaining road. In the distance you heard the fire of guns and cannons which, had they been any closer, would’ve reigned superior to your hearing.
Strangled shouts and chokes were no longer shielded by the walls that you lay in and for a minute it was already all too much. The thought of James and the ever present survival instincts kept you from cowardice and you took your first step into the heat of the fight.
James boot kicked against the chest of its opponent. Water bled through the thin shirt and for a split second he seemed dazed enough for James to get the upper hand. Yet his mind and body were travelling in different wave lengths, his body urging for defence as desperate as a drowning man but his mind was focused on you. James was practically pacing from worry. You were alone without him or anyone to watch your blind spot. Even your home was bordering on the ever expanding outskirts of the gruesome battle and he’d seen firsthand how vicious and merciless pirates were, if you got caught you would not be spared.
The blade swiped all too close to his eyes slicing a stay stand of hair parting it from the others. James sword clashed on the second offence and continued to create the devils music until the blade was wedged in the oppositions lower abdomen. Shock contorted to pain and for a moment his eyes cleared and it was just two men with complex lives staring at each other. It was perhaps the most cruel curse that only a step away from death were people remorseful. His eyes held the heaviest emotions until they glassed over with nothingness. His body fell limp and he stared without seeing. James tugged his arm removing the support on the body allowing the man to finally rest.
James’ head whipped around in every direction he was surrounded by chaos but he needed you, by his side or not he needed to know you were safe.
Your body ached worse than you’d ever felt previous. A gash at your side created a passage for blood to freely travel out of and you wished you stayed in the safety of your home. You were almost fully doubled over in pain and your hand pressed against the growing red stain on your white shirt. The pirate infront of you grinned baring his gold teeth you could smell the alcohol on his breath and his movements read tipsy yet experienced with the blade. You knew the final hit was coming.
You surged any bit of energy that still remained within you to block the attack. Both swords clashing together sending ugly throbbing pains through your hand and wrist, they faired far worse than the ones while training. You barely saw the confusion on the pirates face, he was a rather big and muscular man easily outmatching you. You swiped your foot hitting the back of his knee sending him to the floor where your blade struck true.
You couldn’t tell how long or far you’d been walking through the carnage. Puddles rippled and quaked beneath your foot. Your sword gripped in your hand, the hilt somewhat warmed however still plagued with a different kind of a cold. Your wound had since clotted somewhat just not enough to offer taking away the need for medical care. Your hand had been placed at your side so long it too was beginning to cramp and lose its abilities. Fights were ugly affairs and you just wanted James.
James had been searching for you for longer than his liking. His stress and worry grew each passing second he traced the port unable to find you. Tears sprung to his eyes, he was overwhelmed sometimes the love he held for you overwhelmed him. Being faced with a hideous reality of losing you without even sharing a kiss coupled with the ever growing pit of fear and frustration never ceased to tip him closer and closer into the dangerous territories of his mind.
James blinked back the moisture in his eyes forming a warm uncomfortable gloss over his waterline. His chances of holding you once more grew thinner and thinner thoughout the fight and if it were a physical concept he may as well be walking on string. Pirates swung at him left and right most clearly tipsy and some outright drunk which lessened the danger equipped to them. They had since taken their retreat leaving devastation upon the port but leaving immeasurable torment within James.
Your breath was strained, the rise and fall of your chest tortured your side. Your body bent at such an angle it seemed as if you had been sliced in two but you found him you finally had him.
He was disheveled, his hair fallen out of place to hang loosely infront of his eyes, clothes wet and sticking to his body at odd angles creating little shadows patterning his chest, his body was tired and his eyes still searching for the comfort of finding a lost thing so close to your heart. But he was beautiful.
The second the words parted your lips James turned around glossy eyed and mouth slightly parted. He felt his body lose hidden tension he didn’t realise he held onto. His demeanour shifted from relieved to grief stricken once his eyes laid on the red of your shirt. After the red pattern revealed itself to his eyes, the rest followed; the way your body shook in the bitter cold, how the tiredness trickled from your skin, how pleading you seemed to be relieved from such a horrific ordeal.
James couldn’t even acknowledge himself gravitating towards you until you were in his arms. He too shook however out of pure fear for your condition.
“My love, oh god.”
His words were jumbled as his hand ghosted over the wound at your side unsure to touch you or not. His mind too scared and filled with adrenaline to think logically.
His words died in his throat when he felt you launch yourself into his embrace. His chest sparked like a flame kissing wood and fuel was generously added when you buried yourself deeper into his warmth. He had you in his arms right where he yearned for you to be.
Your voice came out weaker than you anticipated and tears gathered in your eyes.
“I went out for you.”
James felt his heart fill with pure love. You had trained before but going to battle among pirates was an entire new level. He knew then as he stood with you in his arms that you were his keeper.
His hand gently traced the outskirts of your wound, it had almost entirely clotted itself up now, giving James some peace of mind however he still dare not touch you to cause more harm.
“Does- does it hurt, my love.”
His fingers traced around your skin sending electric through your body despite having barely grazed it.
“A little but I would suffer a thousand times if it meant I could come back to you.”
James couldn’t resist himself any longer your words touched something so deep within him breaking down the wall that restrained him from you. His hand came to slide around your lower back and the other around the back of your shoulders perfectly avoiding anything that could cause you pain. He tugged you towards him, his grip so tight and protective yet gentle and considerate. His lips connected with yours and if you could describe how you felt it would be as if all the warmth and love in the world channeled through your body at once. It was a simple kiss nothing alluding but full of passion and love, the ultimate outlet for all the events that took place a short time ago.
When the two of you parted you were left dizzy searching for air get already addicted to the feeling you had felt in such sheer quality.
“Come back with me,” he almost pleaded. “I want to keep you safe at least for tonight.”
You responded by leaning further into him your mind and body were exhausted yet somewhere in the back of your mind there was an urge. James saved your life, if it weren’t for his countless hours spent teaching you defence and offense and his constant patience you would surely have not survived.
“James, thank you,”
He looked down a slight bit confused for a moment.
“If it weren’t for you I’d surely be dead.”
“I’d spend the rest of my life teaching you if it meant you were safe.”
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nctrenjunie · 5 years
Angel~ Haechan x Reader (M)
Author: Sera
Pairing: Mafia!Haechan x Reader
Genre: Smut
IMPORTANT: I wanted to open a instagram acccount for this blog for requests etc. and just be closer to my followers. PLS TELL ME YOUR OPINION?
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Request: I started writing at 12pm its 2.45 am and I have to wake up at 6am. It took me 3 coffees  and 2liters water to stay awake. I still have to wash my hair. Hope youll like it. Sry for taking so much time, school is killing me physically and mentally. Feedback is very welcomed! <3 
The fact that it felt like a humiliation wasn't really what made you feel this strong desire to kill him. It was the loss of respect and control that drove you crazy to the point that just from sitting still on the chair he commanded you to sit on your blood started to boil up. 
His dark sinister filled eyes matching yours that were sternly fixed on his rapidly movements through the room, walking from wall to wall, trying to figure out what to do know with his thoughts and you. The gun that he was fidgeting through his hand made you surprisingly nervous as the small sound of the trigger rang through your ears once in a while. 
 The lack of reaction you gave him, with a slight scoff and a smirk didn't surprise him, knowing you trusted him. Still, it pissed him off, knowing that there really is someone who doesn't fear him, that could read him like an open book, someone who even he couldn't shoot a bullet through the head. 
He wanted to make you feel as transparent and readable as he felt, the moment as he saw you pinned against the wall, one of his workers leg between yours whilst the servants and the man could see right through his face. The pissed, furious look plastered on his face, mixed with a hint of betrayal, not really coming from your side but from his underling that thought taking chances on his baby would bring him somewhere else than waiting for his death in the big mansion off his once boss. 
Wanting to make you feel as humiliated as he felt he made you sit down in the middle of one of the living rooms in the mansion, making sure that it was middled enough for everyone that was pacing near the living room to hear your cries and moans later. The gun was still pointed carelessly against your head, his index finger on the trigger as he finally started to talk.
”Care to explain to me what happened angel?” 
He knew what happened, he went to watch the CCTVS after the incident, leaving you waiting there for him, dress pulled down on the shoulders, showing of more of your cleavage that it should be if it wasn't for Haechan.
 “He started touching me, I pushed him away,  he pulled on my dress and pinned me against the wall, trying to seduce me to runaway with him, for you to give him money to get me back, dumb boy, you came in, some of the servants behind you. The rest you know yourself. Stop being a fool and try to show dominance by pointing a gun at me. Now let me go, I want to shower.”
He kept steady, satisfied with your obvious answer but overthinking your words about him trying to show off his dominance.
 “Aren't you the same Y/N? Always trying to show how much control you have over me at every little moment you get the chance to. We are the same angel.”
 You knew where this was going to go as he started to move the gun down against your jawline and then to your neck, touching over your shoulders before gliding the gun firmly over your cleavage down to your heart where he unlocked the gun, letting the click of it echoing through the room. Your eyes were locked the whole time, not like the gun that was slowly gliding down the rest of your body to your core as he suddenly lifted his hand up, shooting up at the ceiling, breaking the lust filled silence as he let the gun fall down to the floor leaving you in semi shock from the shot.
”Now behave for me angel.”
 “I thought we were the same, shouldn't you behave then too, angel?”
 “Heaven already lost an angel when I signed up honey, don't follow my way to hell since you're the only way up for both of us.” 
Hachean didn't left you time to think about his words as he yanked you up from the chair, pulling your legs around his waist. The kisses that he crashed against your lips were quick and sloppy yet passionate and long enough to claim the dominance over you. Your hands were wrapped around his shoulder, tangled in his soft hair that were getting messier every second whilst his hands were making their way up to the hem of your dress, rapidly undressing you, leaving you in confusion. You stopped the kiss, pulling away as your hands went down to his cheeks.
 “Aren't we gonna go to the bedroom? I don't think it's a good idea to do it here.”
 Smirking at your words Haechan let you down, letting the dress fall down to the floor as his hand went down to your core, touching over your underwear. You didn't even realise you got so wet until Haechan pressed against the damp fabric, spreading a welcoming feeling from your clit up into your stomach. He unbuckled his belt with one hand, using the other one to pull you closer before making its way back to your clit, this time leading it underneath your underwear, sliding two fingers over your slit, leaving you squirming from his touch.
 “That's your punishment angel. Everyone will hear you scream my name for me and only mine, companied by your angelic moans.”
 You weren't even surprised by your lovers attitude but now more likely busy with keeping your moans down low as you were already struggling with the volume of your noises. Haechan took of his pants and boxers, blouse still on with the two first buttons unbuttoned as he kept rubbing his finger over your slit, keeping his thumb on your clit, rubbing circles on it. Moving you backwards you felt his big member against your belly before he threw you down on the couch, landing on you and making sure not to hurt you. 
You tried to relax into his touches, feeling his cock against your inner thighs now as you let your guard down, slowly moaning into the feeling of his two fingers on your hole. A loud scream escaped your mouth as he suddenly rammed both fingers deep down your pussy. Keeping the fast movement you couldn't help yourself to squeak out loud lust filled screams, pinching your nails deep into his forearm.
 “Fuck, fuck, fuck...Haechan please, its too much..” 
Haechan didn't stop his movements adding a third finger, filling his ears and probably lot more with your loud euphoric screams as he grew bigger with every second, slowly growing impatient and just wanting to ramm inside of you rapidly to get both of you to a full filling orgasms. 
Seeing you roll back your eyes and stop your breathing for a second Haechan abruptly takes his hand away from your body, pulling your underwear to the side before slowly moving his cock inside your hole, making you scream again. You lay there, already fucked out as you start to scream your lungs out again. Haechan starts to pant with you, moving his hips not fast but hard enough to ramm himself deep down into you, feeling your walls clench every moment around his dick. Knowing you are close and wanting to come with you he speeds up. 
“Youre my little dirty angel, right Y/N? Screaming out my name for everyone to hear, letting everyone know how good im fucking your brains out.” 
His words make you cry out even louder feeling your high approaching. Haechan puts his hands on your hips, holding you still to ramm himself with his last thrusts into you, bringing both of you to feel the relief of your orgasm. You feel him pull out, cum spilling out of you on the expensive couch. His passionate kisses falling onto your lips before you drift of to sleep.
“Sleep tight angel.”
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mandy23bwrites · 5 years
If Eyes Could Speak
Hi All! Welcome to ground zero! This is fic number one and I’m excited to share it with you. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Please don't be alarmed by changes in the formatting/description; I’m still figuring this out.
But first I want to thank @olderguysandcutiepies and @3134045126 - Ladies, you know how much I love and adore you both. Thank you for your encouragement; this wouldn’t exist without you! Linzi, thank you for bringing us all together. It’s been one of the best things to ever happen to me! Jax, you're responsible for this one! Thank you for the inspiration and in general just letting me ramble to you!
Fandom: Star Wars, Rogue One
Character/Pairing: Orson Krennic x Reader
Tags/Warnings: Established relationship, Secret relationship, Implied sexual content, Swearing, Gender Neutral Reader
Word Count: 1404
Summary: Keeping your relationship a secret was difficult on the best of days. So, of course, Krennic makes it even more difficult with his unceasing lustful gaze that makes your best friend more alarmed by the minute. But little does he know, two can play at this game...
Readable on AO3 here
“He won’t stop staring at you…”
 You sigh and glance at your friend, Nylah, sitting at the terminal next to you and then to the main bridge where Director Orson Krennic was indeed staring at you. You’re not sure if he’s taking in anything being said by the officer standing next to him but he’s certainly looking at you and not them.
 You let yourself stare back for a moment to take him in. He cuts an impressive figure in his spotless uniform, standing boldly with his arms crossed over his chest. His crisp white cape frames his body nicely and while you had first thought it ridiculous when you transferred into his division, it had certainly grown on you since then (especially when it flared out behind him as he stormed down a hallway or when he walked close enough to you that you could feel it brush against your leg).
 His face is neutral but he does nothing to hide the outright look of lust in his eyes. And they’ve barely left you all day.
 You don’t mind in the slightest. You've come to learn that that look would only lead to him damn near worshipping you in bed come nightfall, which you enjoy every second of.
 But for now, you get to enjoy his desperate stares and your friend’s mounting concerns. Krennic didn’t hide his attraction for you (whether he couldn’t or didn’t care, you’re not sure) nor did he hide his aggression when he was even slightly irritated. In fact, Orson Krennic was a goddamn open book with his emotions (and maybe that’s why you liked him; you never had trouble getting a read on him).
 But Nylah worried he’d eventually direct that volatile behavior towards you, especially since for all she knew, you continually rejected his advances. Her constant concern was irritating at times but you were also grateful to have a friend who looked out for you, even though you’d been sleeping with the man in question for months now.
 “Just stop looking at him,” you murmur, turning to face her. She shakes her head.
 “What about when staring isn’t enough anymore?”
 “Oh come on.”
 “I’m serious! The way he looks at you? You’re something he wants to… I don’t know... Consume! Devour!”
 You can’t help the snort that escapes you. Oh, he’s definitely devoured you before…
 “What?! Don’t try to deny it, it’s plain as day on his face! He doesn’t even try to be subtle. Doesn’t it bother you?”
 You’re not sure what to say so you only shrug.
 “Come on, you’re not put off by the fact that he stares at you like you’re a piece of meat? Like you’re just someone else to fuck and discard?”
 Your eyes drop to your lap. That stung. He certainly has a history of doing just that and it was something you worried about at times. When would he tire of you and move on to the hottest new thing? You weren’t the newest face in the division anymore and there were several officers who were just as open with their desire for him as he was for you. You took a slow breath in and out with another glance at him and his sinful gaze, reminding yourself that it was you he stared at and your bed that he returned to.
 You look back at your friend. “So what if that’s true? Then I’d get one good fuck, he’ll move on to someone else, and then you wouldn’t have to worry anymore.” It came out harsher than you had wanted but your face showed no anger, only exhaustion; you’ve had this conversation so many times before and you’d probably have it again. With a sigh, you stand and detach your datapad from the console.
 “Where are you going?!” She hisses.
 “While you were so busy worrying about him staring, I finished my reports. So I’m going to turn them in and enjoy my lunch break. Come find me when you’re done with yours.” With a gentle squeeze to her shoulder, you turn on your heels and make your way over to the bridge.
 The officer Krennic’s been ‘listening to’ shows no sign of stopping and he growls a brief dismissal as you approach. Their eyes flick to you before scurrying off, leaving the bridge empty save for the two of you.
 “Good afternoon, Director”
 “It certainly is now,” he purrs, leaning close. He looks delighted in the near seductive tone you use when saying his title. You can only imagine he’s recalling of all the times you’ve said it that way during sex.
 Your lips pull up into a smirk when you hand him the datapad and he makes a point to brush his hands against yours, cool leather on warm skin.
 “The reports you requested. About the targeting system? Everything looks to be in order.” He’s hanging on to your every word, eyes drinking in all your features now that they’re inches away rather than across the room. The lust in his eyes is nearly tangible and you won’t deny that some days, like today, you have a very difficult time staying professional.
 “Impeccable work, Lieutenant. If only everyone was as… efficient… as you.”
You quirk an eyebrow but make no reply. He’s leaning in closer, far closer than you’d prefer while in a work environment but you're determined to hold your ground. “And the defense modules? Where are the reports on those?”
 You fix him with a glare. “Director Krennic, would you like those reports done well and on time or rushed and sloppy? Clearly I’m not as efficient as you say I am if I haven’t slaved away over reports that are due two days from now.” It dawns on you too late that he’s teasing to get a rise out of you (and it seems he has succeeded), probably to use as an excuse to… punish you later. But you’re too proud to back down now, vowing to make him put that smirking mouth to good use later. “You’ll get those reports on the day they’re due. Not a day earlier, not a day later.”
 ”Very well, Lieutenant.” He looks quite pleased with himself and you give him an eye roll, turning to leave. One gloved hand darts out and grabs your arm, pulling you back so that you’re standing flush against him. You turn to lock eyes with your lover. Oh, he was definitely in trouble now; he knew better than to pull something like this in front of everyone. You were standing alone on the bridge for fuck's sake… might as well be under a spotlight. You can only imagine that Nylah was about to jump out of her chair as you were sure she was watching closely.
 “I expect you in my quarters when your shift ends,” he murmurs in your ear. You snort and turn so you can whisper in his, close enough that your lips graze his skin. Fuck professional.
 “And I expect you on your knees when I get there, Orson. With how you’ve been acting today, you’re in need of a little discipline.”
 He’s so focused on processing what you’ve just said that he doesn’t notice your hand brush past his cape until it’s on his ass and you give him a good squeeze. He sharply inhales through his nose while his grip on your arm tightens, eyes as big as the battle station he’s constructing. That’s another reason to like his cape, you decide; you can cop a feel and no one’s any the wiser.
 You pull back far enough to see his face and the look of shock and arousal you find there brings a devilish grin to your lips. After a moment you school your features, give him a wink, and pull out of his grasp, leaving him to watch you walk away.
 As you stride past Nylah she stares at you with a look of utter confusion, confirming that she had been watching and would now want to know what you did to Orson Krennic to have him make an expression like… that. You just give her a shrug and keep going. You can’t help but grin again as you make your way to the mess hall. You might have to make up an excuse to keep Nylah at bay but at least you had a delicious night to look forward to.
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babieflorenzi · 5 years
Hello darlings hope your both okay and looking after yourselves. When you have a minute - Soft post-prom sex, giggle and high but also soft and loving. David telling Matteo how proud he is of him finished off with cute cuddles and watching the sunrise.... If you don't mind :)
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thank you to everyone who sent asks for this!! I’m sorry it took me a little bit to get up. I wanted to write a little thing about this anyway so i hope you guys enjoy x
i also posted this to my ao3 just for readability purposes if anyone wants to read it there instead x
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Matteo’s drunk and he doesn’t care who’s around him. His boyfriend is looking way to good for him to even think about keeping his hands off him. They’re dancing together now. Matteo had pouted at David dancing with Leonie and not him until he’d come over and pulled Matteo against him. They’re resting their foreheads together and David is leading them in a circle. The song changes to something with more bass that really isn’t meant for slow dancing, Matteo lets go of David’s hand and wraps his arms around his waist. Their dancing changes to something that really isn’t meant for a school dance. Matteo drops his head down to David’s neck and starts kissing his neck and sliding his hands down to rest on his ass. 
“Oh my god, get a room!” Sara giggles next to them. Matteo looks up to glare at her and sees her filming them. “Fuck off! Let me dance with my boyfriend.” Matteo tells her off, turning his attention back to David and kissing him. David pulls him closer, putting his hands in Matteo’s hair and effectively knocking his hat off. Matteo can’t bring himself to care while he’s kissing David while he looks like that. David pulls back to talk, “Want to get out of here?” Matteo looks around them seeing the dwindling group around them and nods. “Yeah let’s go home and get you out of this suit.” Matteo pulls at the collar of David’s shirt where he’s already undone two of the buttons when they snuck away to make out earlier. 
They only say goodbye to the people immediately around them, grabbing their jackets from the table they claimed earlier and leaving quickly. They get the bus back to Matteo’s knowing the flat is empty right now. David texts his sister that he’s staying at Matteo’s and she replies with ‘I know’ which makes them fall over laughing. 
Getting up to Matteo’s flat is a feat in itself. David pushed Matteo against the wall out the front of his building to kiss him hard enough to make him weak in the knees. Matteo grabs David’s hand and tries to pull him up the stairs but just ends up stumbling over his own feet. David passes him, slapping him on the butt and running up what is left. They get inside the apartment and make their way through to Matteo’s room quickly. When the door shuts David pushes Matteo up against the wall again and kisses him hard. His hands are quick to undo Matteo’s suspenders and pants. He pulls back to push them down and then pull him away from the wall and push him down on the bed. David sits upright over Matteo’s thighs and runs his hands down his chest. Really he looks like all of Matteo’s wet dreams come true on top of him like this. His shirt is crumpled and half undone, his hair’s a mess but still somehow perfect.
“Shit you look so good.” Matteo says, grabbing a handful of David’s shirt and pulling him down to kiss him. Hands wonder and Matteo gets David’s shirt undone. David sits back up to get his shirt off and try pull his binder off, it gets stuck on his head and they laugh together. Matteo helps him get it off, going to undo his pants right after. David unbuttons his shirt and pushes it to the side, he leans down and starts kissing his way down Matteo’s chest and stomach. He pulls his underwear down, multitasking as he grabs Matteo’s dick and pulls them off him. 
David blows Matteo and it’s sloppy. He spends a little too much time licking at the tip before pushing himself a bit too far down but it’s still fucking perfect. Matteo grips his hair tight, anchoring himself when he starts to feel dizzy. When Matteo gets close he pulls David off a little forcefully. David smirks at him, climbing back over him again. He’s lost his pants and undies now and Matteo can kind of feel how ready David is for this against him stomach. “Do you need me to do anything for you?” Matteo asks, his words are a little slurred his mind foggy from the drinks and from how good his boyfriend looks above him. “No, no.” David shakes his head, “Just need you in me.” David reaches over to where they’d left the crumpled box of condoms the other day and pulls one out. 
He’s quick in getting it on Matteo and moving to sink down. He sits still for a minute, looking Matteo in the eye until it gets to be too much. David leans to kiss Matteo when he starts moving. Matteo gasps into his mouth and his hands fly up to grip onto his back. David grabs Matteo’s arms and pins then down near his head, grabbing his hands so he can hold them while keeping Matteo still. David’s pace gets faster and he has to sit up to keep his balance. He moves Matteo’s hands with his to put them on his thighs. “David, m-baby. Not gonna last lonng.” Matteo gets out, he can’t talk well during sex his mind too full of DavidDavidDavid, his drunkenness not helping much either. “That’s okay baby, let go when you need to.” 
David gets a hand on himself to help get himself off. He gets there right before Matteo, the way he tenses around him pushing him over the edge. David gets off him and goes to grab a shirt to put on while Matteo cleans up. They both seem to understand that if they stopped to cuddle they’d fall asleep and that’t the opposite of a good idea while they’re sticky and naked. When they get back into bed Matteo lays with his head shoved into David’s neck, almost entirely laying on top of him. 
“Thank you for tonight.” David whispers after a few minutes. “What do you mean?” Matteo doesn’t know why he’s saying thank you. “Thank you for taking me tonight and being patient with me when I got smashed with everyone else. You’re such a good guy to me.” David squeezes Matteo closer to him. “I got just as smashed remember. I love you and it was a good night that I’m really glad you were there with me.” “I love you too.” David says quieter, “Okay too sappy. Go to sleep.” Matteo laughs softly at him closing his eyes and moving to be more comfortable. He’s quick to fall asleep and when he wakes the next morning they’re still laying the same way and despite the pounding in his head he’s really content to just lay there forever.
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tyrusgoodboys · 6 years
Paper Airplanes
Summary: Cyrus has been receiving neatly folded paper airplanes on his first period desk for three weeks with no fail. One day, when Buffy threw one of the planes, her and Cyrus noticed a small patch of writing inside of it. They unfolded the mysterious airplane to find that a secret admirer has been  writing him notes inside the airplane.
(I wrote this instead of a Love, Simon AU..forgive me...it’ll only be like 3 chapters though, at least that’s just what my outline is unless I deviate from it)
Chapter 1
Words: 1297
"So how long has this been going on?"
In front of Cyrus on the table was a single paper airplane sitting there almost as if it were taunting him. The paper was completely white with no blemishes and the edges were folded neatly.
"About three weeks," Cyrus bounced his leg up and down nervously, "Do you think someone is messing with me?"
"Messing with you?" Andi laughed, "I think it's kind of sweet!"
The Good Hair Crew have been sitting at The Spoon for a few minutes waiting for Amber to come back with their food. Andi sat across from Cyrus and Buffy in their usual booth. Since they had just gotten out of school, there was a bit of a lunch rush.
Buffy put her hand on the table and began to drum her fingers on it, "I mean, you're an artsy person, right?" She pursed her lips, "Do you think it means anything?"
Andi shrugged.
"I don't know guys, do you think I should throw the airplanes away?" Cyrus furrowed his eyebrows.
"You kept all the other ones?" Andi raised an eyebrow at him, "They're just paper airplanes."
Buffy shrugged, "You never know! Maybe it's an attempt to recruit you for a secret book club or something,"
"Can't they just talk to you in person?" Amber walked by with a tray full of food. A burger for Buffy accompanied by a chocolate milkshake, chicken tenders and a grape soda for Andi, and for Cyrus was Baby taters with a vanilla milkshake: a combo that Buffy suggested for him. Amber smiled at Andi, making her blush a light pink. She sat all the food down and watched the GHC begin to chow down happily.
"You know, maybe texting just isn't special or secret enough." Buffy countered before she began to take a generous bite of her burger. Amber giggled lightly.
"That's true. How did you get to this conversation?"
"I've been getting these paper airplanes for the last 3 weeks. I don't know if someone's messing with me, but it's been on my mind for a while. Do you think someone's messing with me?"
"Cyrus, like I said, I don't think anyone's messing with you. It's sweet!" Andi took a sip of her soda and glanced at Amber. Amber gave her a nod of approval.
"I agree. Maybe it's some kind of statement someone's making? Although, if it's stressing you out then I think you should throw it away." A loud crash came from the kitchen and Amber's manager called for her. Amber shrugged and looked at Cyrus apologetically, "Out of sight, out of mind?"
Cyrus nodded in acknowledgement as Amber walked away, "You know, I think Amber is right. I'm gonna throw it away,"
Andi and Buffy looked at him indifferently. "Well, you still have the others but throwing this one away would be a good start." Buffy gingerly took the paper airplane that has been sitting in front of Cyrus and his baby taters. She looked around and saw a trash bin sitting just behind Andi. Waving her hand signaling for Andi to move to the side, she threw the paper airplane gracefully. It glided through the air smoothly, but took a nose dive just before it hit the rim of the bin and fell to the floor.
"Darn, that was really close!" Buffy hung her head in defeat. Cyrus chuckled and got up to pick up the fallen paper.
"What are you talking about?! That plane soared!" Cyrus grinned widely, making Buffy and Andi smile as well. Cyrus bent down, but saw a black streak almost resembling ink under one of the now loose folds of the paper.
"Guys, I think there's a note in this," Cyrus picked it up and unfolded the paper gently while walking back to his seat. Andi and Buffy watched him in curiosity.
"What do you think it says?" Buffy asked.
"I bet a girl likes him," Andi chirped, "Ooh do you think it's Iris?"
He had the note all the way opened. Inside it was sloppy, small, yet still readable writing.
                             'I can't get your smile out of my head.'
At the bottom of the note was a badly drawn (but still cute in its own way) muffin.
Muffin. This person signed their name as 'Muffin'.
Andi and Buffy stared at him in anticipation. Cyrus's face was most definitely red.
"It says 'I can't get your smile out of my head' and it was signed with a picture of a muffin." Cyrus's face heated up. Andi dropped her jaw and Buffy looked at him with concern.
"So who do you think likes you?" Andi questioned him. Cyrus didn't know how to respond, but tried anyway.
"I don't know...Iris and I made it clear that I didn't really like her in the same way so it can't be her."
Buffy glanced at the note and cocked her head, "Well, this person seems to really like muffins. So, if Muffin really likes you, it would have something to do with that. Right?"
Cyrus had no idea what to think of it.
He walked home from The Spoon with the note clutched in his hand. There was a light, euphoric feeling that warmed his hands as if the unfolded piece of paper radiated heat. While walking down the sidewalk past the stores, Cyrus thought about the other paper airplanes at home. He wondered what messages he missed. For once, he was glad that he kept something that seemed insignificant.
Cyrus was an organized person. His bedroom walls were painted a dark blue and his gray bed sheets were made. Nothing besides his backpack was out of place and there were polaroids of the GHC above his bed. On his desk was a basket where all the forgotten papers-including the airplanes- ended up. The only mess he didn't mind having.
Cyrus flopped onto his bed when he got home and the happy feeling still lingered in his chest. He sighed and sat up, pulling the note out of his pocket and reading it over again.
'Who is this Muffin person?'  He thought.
He looked at the desk next to his bed. Remembering the other airplanes from before, he got up and sat down at the desk. Cyrus reached into the black basket filled with old paperwork and postcards he got on his birthday from the dentist asking for a check up. He plucked a paper airplane from inside and gingerly unfolded it. Inside was a note with the same sloppy handwriting but a longer phrase this time. There was a spelling error, but Cyrus found it cute anyway.
                    'Your smile is contagius, but don't stop smiling please.'
At the bottom of the note was yet another badly sketched muffin.
Cyrus began to tackle the rest of the notes. He realizes that Muffin really likes to observe his mannerisms.
Muffin really likes his eyes. They say they sparkle like the stars were in them.
Muffin likes his hair and how it looks.
Muffin says they get butterflies in their stomach whenever they see Cyrus.
Muffin says that they've liked Cyrus the first time they met him.
Cyrus spent the rest of the day sitting at his desk, giggling while reading the notes disguised as paper airplanes.
The morning came too fast for Cyrus, but he didn't mind it today. He went to school with a smile on his face. He saw Andi leaned against her locker, talking to someone who seemed to look like Jonah from behind. As usual.
Cyrus walked over, hoping to distract Andi from whatever drama was in store. He greeted the both of them, but paused when he saw Jonah Beck with his mouth full from a muffin that he had just taken a bite out of.
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We’ll Make It Through
Hello, hello! So I don’t know about you guys, but I was rather upset by the fact that only two characters got content for the recent Vampire spin-off. While I love Klaus, I had really wished they added some more guys, which is why I took it upon myself to write a Vampire fic with my favorite boy, Hugo!
This is my first time writing a Vampire fic for Hugo, so It’s a little bit short, but I hope you guys will enjoy it nonetheless!
I had recently gotten a magic note from Elias during one of girl gossip sessions with my roommate and best friend, Amelia. The note was an invitation to the Night Class cafe, apparently, it was going to be a game night and Elias wanted to know if I would join in on the festivities and be on his team. I didn’t want to pass up the opportunity and so I changed out of my uniform and into my casual wear before heading to the cafe.
Along the way, I somehow managed to write a sloppy but readable magic note to Hugo, asking if he would meet me there. It had been about two days since I had last seen or heard from Hugo. I assumed he had more missions to do with his older brother and Mischa, but surely he’d be able to take a small break from it, right? With hope in my heart, I had watched the note go flying in the moonlit sky, a sigh escaping my lips before I turned around and proceeded to make my way to the cafe.
In the hallway, I could hear laughing coming from the cafe clear as day and when I stood by the entrance, a shocking scene was in front of me. Everyone was there, even Klaus and Elias! They all seemed to be laughing about and chatting among each other. But what shocked me the most was the fact that Klaus wore a smile as he talked with Elias and Alfonse, he even gave Alfonse a hearty pat on the back before laughing at what I assumed was a joke. I was so happy to see the three of them getting along that a smile had crept onto my face.
“Why are you standing out there all alone, Liz?”
Looking over, I noticed that Caesar had appeared right beside me, drink in hand while wearing a smile.
“Oh, hello Caesar.”
“Come on in and join the party, you’re starting to look like Hugo when you just stand in the entranceway all silent and stuff.”
“Did I really seem like Hugo?”
“Yeah, except you had a goofy smile on your face.”
“Hey!” I laughed and playfully nudged Caesar with my elbow. “It seems like everyone is getting along rather well today.”
“Yeah, Klaus came in with Alfonse, and Elias. He said he’d be paying for drinks this evening. He didn’t really give us a reason for it, but Alfonse and I were talking about it and he said it’s most likely a way of showing his gratitude for the things we’ve been doing for him and the Ministry.”
“That’s really nice of him.”
“Nice? I think odd is a better term.”
“Klaus has his nice side, he’s done a lot for this Academy and for the students here when he was a Prefect.”
“Really, like what?”
“Well, he was in charge of doing almost everything, he would teach classes, coordinate events and although he could come off as mean and strict, he really did care about the students here. He even said that if he couldn’t land a job in the Ministry, then he wanted to be a professor.”
“A professor? Why do I have a feeling he’d be strict.”
“He was, but his teaching methods proved very useful. I wouldn’t be where I am today without his help.”
“You two seem close.” Caesar took a drink and smiled.
“I’d like to think we are, I mean he practically treats me like I’m a little sister. You should have seen the way he acted when he found out that Hugo and I started dating.”
“Really?! What did he do?”
“Well he--”
“Liz, you made it!” Alfonse’s cheery voice filled my ears as he walked up to where Caesar and I were sitting.
“Hello, Alfonse!”
“Are you two ready for game night?”
“I am.”
“Same here.”
“So how many teams are there going to be and who is going to be on them?”
Well, Klaus, Elias and I are one team and we were hoping you could be a part of it as well.”
“Oh, sure, I’d love too!”
“Meanwhile, Hiro, Zeus, Lucious and I are on the other team.”
“Oh, hey Liz? Do you think Hugo will show up to game night?”
“I actually haven’t heard from Hugo for a couple of days, but on my way here I did send a magic note. Maybe, later on, he’ll show up. But I bet he’s still busy hunting down Felix with Vain and Mischa.”
“It must be hard having him gone like that…”
I had a pain tear through my heart at Caesar’s words. It was true, I missed him so much and sometimes it really did hurt. But I knew that this was something that he had to do, not just for himself but for the sake of the future. I knew he’d always come back to me in the end.
“Sometimes, but I know he’s alright, besides, I’m sure I’ll hear from him soon.”
“Alright you loser Day Class, are you ready to lose?”
“Hey, you know I’m on your team, right?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Look, we’re all split into teams so once everyone finishes their drink we can finally begin the games.”
“Guess we should head over to our side of the table.”
I nodded. “I guess so.”
I got up from my seat and followed Alfonse over to where Elias and Klaus were standing. They seemed to be in a serious discussion or possible debate.
“Hey you two, look who I brought.”
I gave a small wave before speaking. “Hey, you guys.”
“With Liz on our team, there’s no way we’re going to lose.”
“Even if we didn’t have her on our team we wouldn’t lose to Zeus and his team. I wouldn’t allow that.”
“Neither would I.”
“Is that what you guys were talking about over here then?”
“Yes. Strategy.”
“Yes, we have a plan that can and will not fail.”
“You guys are serious about this game, huh?”
For some reason, Alfonse seemed to sound a little disappointed.
“I don’t know why you’re not taking this seriously, Alfonse.”
“I am. But at the same time, I’d like to have fun, I mean, that’s what games are all about, even competitive ones.”
“I agree with you, Alfonse.” I smiled.
“Then let’s make the most of it!” Alfonse cheered before giving me a high-five.
“Honestly, you two…”
Klaus shook his head, but I could see a smile spreading on his face as he spoke. I knew he was going to have fun playing this game too, even if he didn’t want to admit it. After some tie had passed, Zeus began the games, he had quite the selection of games, but halfway through one of the games, Zeus lost his temper and pushed it away.
“I’m done playing with cheaters.”
“What do you mean cheaters? We were playing the game fair and square.”
“Yeah right! The Day Class could never beat the Night Class, so that’s why you had to stoop so low and cheat.”
“Are hearing how ridiculous you sound right now?”
“He’s right, idiot.”
“Just give it a rest, King Kook.”
“No way! I’m calling them out on this!”
Before I knew it, Zeus and Klaus were shouting at one another while the others desperately tried to calm them down. I was about to step in and help with the situation, but it was at that moment that I felt a presence nearby. Could it be who I think it is? I began to wonder, before looking at the entrance to the Night Cafe. it didn’t look like anyone was out there, but I wanted to check for myself, just to make sure.
I left the cafe and walked out into the darkened hallway, as I kept walking, everyone’s voices began to fade away until it was silent, leaving me only to my silent thoughts and the sound of my heel against the floor. I had only meant to step out and have a quick look around, but it was as if some unseen force, was telling me to keep going. But despite having walked all the way towards the exit, I had seen no signs of anything or anyone, until….
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadow of figure nearby. Their silvery hair and long flowy attire were unmistakable. Yet when I had called out his name, he didn’t respond, so I decided to move in a little closer, to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. But before I could even get closer…..
“Come no further, Goddess.”
“Huh? Is there something wrong?”
“I don’t want you getting too close to me.”
“Are you sick?”
“Then why am I not allowed coming over there and seeing you?”
His voice trailed off and for some reason, his voice sounded like he was in pain.
“Because why?”
“Just forget it, better yet, forget me, Goddess. Let us go our seperate ways.”
“What? Hugo!”
I cried out his name before closing the space between and then grabbing his arm, not allowing him to leave. I had no idea what was going on with him and why he was acting the way he was. But the moment he turned around, I found myself in complete shock.
His once beautiful yellow eyes were now dull and crimson and his skin was now a pale sickly color. I let go of my grip on him, letting my hand fall to my side before staring at him in silence and I found myself unable to speak.
“This is why I want you to stay away from me Goddess. You know what I am, don’t you? I can see it on your face, you know I’m a monster. If I stay close to you then something bad could happen to you Goddess, I would fail my mission as your guardian and as your boyfriend. It’s best if we just say our goodb--!”
“Don’t say it!”
My hands grabbed at his and I could feel tears begin to build up and spill down my cheeks, my lips quivered slightly as I tried to choose my words.
“Hugo, you’re not a monster, not even in the slightest, you may have the effects of Vampirism, but you’re still you Hugo and nothing is going to change that.”
I let go of his hands and reached up to cup his cheeks.
“And I know that if I was in this situation, you’d do whatever you could for me, right?”
“Of course I would.”
“It’s the same for me. Hugo, I’m going to do whatever I can for you. I know there might be some risks, but we’ve been through worse things than this, and we still came out of it strong. I know that this isn’t anything different.”
As I spoke, I could feel a smile creep on my face, followed up by more tears, but I felt them being wiped away.
He pulled me into a tight embrace and leaned down, before whispering into my ear.
“I’m so sorry…”
“For what?”
“For trying to push you away like that. I didn’t want to, but the thought of something happening to you makes me worried enough. But the thought of it being me, who could inflict damage to you, made me so scared that it became hard to breathe. That’s why I wanted to put distance between us. If I did that, then I thought you’d be safe. Instead… I made the one I love cry and seeing you cry is just as painful.”
He pulled away a little bit, before leaning down and kissing the top of my eyelids, following it up with a kiss on my lips. His skin and lips might have been cold to the touch, but the kiss we shared warmed my heart and my body. I could feel just how much he loved me and it gave me the strength I’d need so we could find a cure for him.
I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, but as long as I had Hugo by my side, I knew that we’d make it through in the end. It had been like that many times already, and although I might have been a little uncertain, I knew that it was going to be alright in the end. We’d overcome this, together.
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tinypigeonlord · 5 years
Was reading about how American school systems are ridiculous and will expell you for the dumbest most unreasonable shit and that’s just how America is. But tbh it’s not just American schools which are like this? Throughout my time on a highschool in the Netherlands, I have experienced plenty of dumb shit and I have a mighty need to rant. SO! To name just a few examples:
• I once injured my right hand during school volleyball, which is my dominant hand. It was badly swollen, bruised and taped in, so I had to write with left. My handwriting was barely readable at the time, and soon enough I was approached by my teacher, who was pissed. He accused me of bullying and mocking him specifically, because he was a left-handed kid in school and had been forced to write with his right hand because at the time writing left handed was ‘wrong’, leading to a lot of bullying for him. I didn’t even know this, and had to show him my messed up hand to prevent getting expelled.
• I dealt with a lot of bullies in school, and teachers did jack shit to stop them because I had no evidence, and ‘if two people have issues, then both did something to cause it’. So basically I was accused of provoking the bullying somehow. To deal with the frustration, one day I made a crude doodle of a chimpanzee, drew an arrow to it and wrote the name of one of my bullies next to it. Said bully went through my bag at some point, stole my notebook from me and showed the teacher that doodle. I was forced to apologize to the bully and shake his hand, otherwise they had no choice but to expel me. The bully did not face any consequences for going through my belongings and stealing my stuff. Nor did he have to apologize for provoking me into drawing that doodle.
• One day my teacher caught me doodling something in a corner of my workbook while she was explaining things I already understood, and so she confiscated the workbook to make me listen. Next it was time to do homework assignments. I asked the teacher how I was supposed to do this, since she took my workbook. She kicked me out of the class for sassing her and I got detention.
• I was also kicked out of class once for being unable to find my books in time. This was at the beginning of a new year and I didn’t have a locker yet. We had 9 different subjects that day so my bag was filled to the brim with big books, and it took me a bit to find the correct book. The teacher assumed I had just forgotten the book and we have this rule here that if you forget your stuff, you get thrown out of the class. I did find the book and showed her that I had it, but by that time I was too late and had already ‘disrupted class’, which was another reason to kick me out and write me up for detention.
• One time when I was on my period, I asked to use the bathroom when class had only just started. The teacher told me to wait until class ended, and I really couldn’t wait that long, so in my frustration I said to him in a hushed voice: “Sir, I will paint this chair red with my blood if you don’t let me go...” I could go after that, but I was also told I shouldn’t come back in class and just stay out then. + Detention.
• This didn’t happen to me, but one of my teachers haaaaated one of my classmates because she argued against his opinions a lot. So he would kick her out of the class for the most unreasonable things. He caught her looking outside the window for a moment, for example, and told her that if she was not interested in his teachings she should just leave the room. When she told him he was being unreasonable and that she had been listening, he did kick her out. Another time, she opened her mouth to yawn, and the teacher immediately yelled at her to not fucking dare to argue against him again. She stood up for herself and said she only had to yawn, so he yelled at her for disrupting class.
This same teacher even kicked out our entire class once. We all got fed up with him shitting on this one classmate for BS reasons, so we opened our mouths against him as well. Everyone, even those who just glared at the teacher without saying anything, got thrown out of class and written up for detention.
• I had to write a formal apology to a teacher once. Basically, I had been sick for a while and forced to stay home, and immediately on the day I returned to school, I had to do a math test without having had the chance to prepare. I explained the situation to the teacher, who literally told me in my face: Tough luck, shouldn’t have skipped school, I’m not making exceptions for you. I replied: “we’re not done with this yet.” and he perceived it as a threat, and told the entire class what I had said to him, hoping that the class would chastise me for saying such a horrible thing. Instead the class clapped and cheered for me, and as a result I not only had to write that apology letter to him, but I also got thrown out of class for being a disruption.
This same teacher once gave me a 5.9 for a presentation. You have to realize our grades range from 1 to 10, with 6 being kinda like a C. It’s the minimum required for a passing grade. Meaning he JUST failed me. The class argued against his decision and asked him why he didn’t just give me a 6, since I didn’t really give a bad presentation, it was just a very simple/basic one. It had no real faults or wrong things in it. He said he gave me a 5.9 ‘just because he felt like it’.
• I almost got expelled once for presumably having gotten into a fight. Holy shit, Pigeon Lord getting into a fight??? Yeah no, the only fighting I did was with a skeeter. I am allergic to mosquito bites and my legs were completely covered in bruises from a particularly aggressive skeeter. My classmates had seen the bruises and reported me to our mentor. They wouldn’t believe such bruises came from a flippin insect and I needed my mom to confirm that yeah my body does NOT like mosquito saliva.
• I got in trouble for being too thin basically. People complained when I wore tight and form-fitted clothes because I looked anorexic and it made them uncomfortable. When I wore loose clothes, people complained that I looked sloppy and like a hobo and that I needed to look presentable in a school setting. I couldn’t win, and was told to not show up at school until I could dress properly.
• Same with my face. I had a teacher complain to me that I always looked tired and sick because of my dark circles and acne. ( I actually was tired and sick 90% of the time tbh) and that I needed to fix that because she hated the looks I gave her.
• Speaking of being sick! My mentor wanted to fail me for the year and make me redo it, because she thought I was fake. Like, she accused me of faking everything to gain sympathy and told me that if it was up to her, I wouldn’t pass the year, even though I scored passing grades for all my classes. She couldn’t get it done, but she made the rest of my classes she taught VERY miserable. :’D
• Meanwhile my sister was her mentor’s black sheep, and her mentor did fail my sis and made her redo the year. Not even because my sister was sick a lot, but because her mentor despised my sister’s ‘attitude’ towards her. She thankfully didn’t get away with it: my sister’s new mentor that next year overruled her old mentor along with her other teachers, and she passed after all, but not after a serious fight that lasted for 3 months.
• I in the meantime was locked out of my final exams. I had been sick during an oral test date, and the school had claimed that I didn’t call in sick for the day. Nor had I shown any initiative to apologize for not being there when I was expected. (I didn’t get a chance. The splitsecond I arrived at school after being sick, I was called into the office and yelled at with no chance to defend myself) Therefore I was not allowed a re-do, and therefore I couldn’t do my final exams, because I didn’t complete all my tests. This actually went against the law; the school can’t deny me a re-do based these things. Mom requested the data from our phone company regardless, and had evidence that I did make a phonecall to the school on the date I was sick and missed the test, and that whoever had taken the phonecalls that day was lying. But the school still would not accept it. We had to hire a lawyer who threatened to take them to court for lying because of a personal vendetta against me, not to mention disregarding the law, before they let me re-do the test and my exams.
• The school actually threatened to call the police on my sister. She presumably had written on social media that she wanted someone to burn the school down, and she’d be eternally grateful for that. The school claimed they had screenshotted the post and wanted my mom and sis to immediately make a formal apology to them. Now here’s the kicker: When my mom asked to see the screenshot, it wasn’t even a screenshot of the website. It looked like someone had literally just opened a Word document and typed my sister’s first name + that sentence of her requesting the school to be burnt down. The school then claimed that the teacher who had spotted her post had lost the screenshot, but they had no reason to not trust a teacher. Mom shut them down by telling them: “My daughter’s social media account is set to private and it’s only visible to peers in her friendlist. She doesn’t even use her real name on this website. Meaning that your teacher has either been pretending to be one of her peers to gain access to her account, or they faked this entire message. Either way, I myself will press charges if you don’t get off her case immediately.” The school then claimed that they didn’t mean to cause any misunderstandings, and they didnt mean to threaten my mom and sis, they weren’t actually gonna call the police. HAH.
There are MANY more things that happened, but these events stuck with me and I’m still bitter 7 years later. So yeah I felt the need to tell the interwebs I guess.
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 20
Title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.4k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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Previous chapter
A huge thank you to my beta Alyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable
It felt like he had been waiting for hours when in reality it was probably only an hour or so. He paced across the holding cell back and forth. This was all a big misunderstanding and he needed to get out of here, but so far no one had come to take his statement.
He groaned in frustration when finally, an officer walked up to the cell.
“Philip Lester?”
He ran up to the bars. “Yes! That’s me. You need to listen this is all a big misunderstanding; I don’t deserve to be in here!”
“Hey, backup, you!” the officer barked at him.
He took a step back. “But you don’t understand—I don’t belong in here!”
“That’s what they all say.” The officer chuckled at him. “Now turn around, hands up to the bars.”
Phil did what he was asked and was soon being pushed into a small interrogation room. The cuffs where once again removed and he was being pushed down into the chair on the other side of the table. He was alone for only a moment before Officer Temple and another officer stepped into the room.
“Luke, you have to believe me, this is a big mistake.” he started.
“Who do you think you are, son? You address the officer by his last name.” the unnamed officer spat at him.
Phil looked at Luke, who just gave him a look of pity.
They interrogated Phil Lester for hours, and through the whole thing, his story never changed. He stated that he had been forced by his captor to carve words into the skin of Mr. Howell. He also was very adamant that he had no involvement in Mr. Howell’s kidnapping. Honestly, Luke had been at this a very long time and he had no doubt of Phil’s innocence, but his partner, on the other hand, seemed dead set that Phil was guilty and needed to be locked away forever.
“So, Anthony what do you think of Phil’s statement?”  Luke cautiously questioned him.
Anthony chuckled. “That fag is guilty as hell. He will fit right along with those other scumbags in prison.”
“I don’t know. He seemed like he was telling the truth to me.”
Anthony glared at him. ”Well, it really isn’t up to you to decide he is innocent, now is it, Temple?” he jeered at him.
Not wanting to upset his partner any further, he didn’t say anything else merely shook his head.
He escorted Phil back to the holding cell. “Listen, Phil, I believe your story, but there isn’t anything I can do. They are officially charging you in Dan’s kidnapping, torture, and rape. They will send someone to come get you soon to transfer you to jail while you await trial.”
He noticed tears in Phils eyes. “Thank’s, Luke, it really means a lot that you believe me. Do you think there is any way I can see Dan?”
He shook his head, “I don’t think so. Since your being charged with the kidnapping there is no way they will let you see him before trial. I’m sorry.”
He locked Phil back in the cell and headed back to his desk. One the little tv in the corner of the room a news story caught his eye.
“It has been reported that Youtube star Phil Lester—also known as Amazingphil—has been arrested earlier this afternoon in the connection in his boyfriend's kidnapping. It is unknown exactly what he is saying, but there have been reports that he is claiming to be innocent. But it seems Lester’s alone presence has been missed and is still going strong, as when the news first broke of Mr. Lester’s arrest, the hashtag #SetPhilLesterFree began trending on the social media site, Twitter. It is also being reported that some fans have started a Gofundme page in hopes of raising money for bail, although it has been stated by police that the chances of Mr. Lester receiving the option for bail is unlikely."
Luke shook his head—this was out of control. He had been working on this case since the beginning, and he had never seen anything like it before. Hopefully, when Dan gives his statement for trial this mess can be sorted out. But in the meantime, he was going to try his hardest to prove Phil Lester’s innocence.  
It had been a week since Dan had regressed again, and also a week since Lela had been notified Phil had been arrested. She hated that she had to report him, but with the way Dan had been acting at the last visit, begging to be hurt, she had no choice.
They had been working on trying to get Dan to regress back to his normal state, but so far that hasn’t worked. He’s spending most of his time either crying and begging for Phil, or playing with Eric and Kate. Lela smiled, she wasn’t either of Eric or Kate's doctors, but she was so proud of them for stepping up and helping Dan in every way they could. They talked to him when he was inconsolable, and they generally tried to make him as happy as he could be.
From what the nurses told her, Dan’s scars were healing up finely, although they did say it might leave some permanent scarring.
While it wasn’t easy to talk to Dan in this state, she had officially diagnosed him with major depressive disorder, PTSD, and mental regression. From what she knows, Dan started off as a little and went into his headspace every now and again. But after he was taken it must have manifested into full-on mental regression. While he couldn’t control going into his headspace per se, he had more control than he does now. The mental regression was brought on by the trauma he suffered, and he now has no control over it whatsoever.
It broke her heart. Overall this time she had really come to care about him and seeing him like this was distressing.
Lela sighed. And on top of everything, she had just been informed that Phil’s trial would be starting soon and Dan would have to testify. There was no way of knowing what he would say or how it would affect him.
Well, I better go check on Dan, she thought. She had been making sure to check on him more often than normal because he had been having sudden outbursts and tantrums.
She found Dan, Eric, and Kate sitting in the common room. Dan was playing with his Pooh bear and Eric and Kate were quietly talking back and forth to each other.
“Hey guys, how is everything going?” she asked.
“It’s going alright. He hasn’t had too much of a bad day today. He only cried once,” Kate said.
“That’s good.” She smiled and turned her attention to Dan. “Hey, how are we doing today, buddy?”
“Fine,” he mumbled, hugging Pooh bear close.
“I hear you’ve done really well today.” she smiled at him proudly.
“Mommy, does that mean Daddy gets to come see me now?” he asked his eyes lighting up with excitement.
Her heart broke. “I’m sorry, Dan, you know that can’t happen,” she sighed.
“Why!?” he demanded tears starting to form.
“I told you, your daddy had to go away for awhile.”
“It’s because I was bad isn’t it? I’m so bad daddy doesn't love me anymore!” he sobbed into his bear. “Why wouldn't daddy hurt me when I was bad? You cut me, mommy?” he wailed.
Trying to avoid a full-blown meltdown, she used the quietest voice she could. “Dan I’m not going to hurt you. No one is going to hurt you again. You're not bad.”
“Yes, I am! Sir told me! He said daddy needed to punish me and now daddy isn’t here! Sir said daddy didn't love me anymore!” he whimpered.
Trying to think of what to say next, she put her hand on his knee, but he shoved it off and started punching himself all over as he sobbed “I’m bad I need to be punished!” and “I’m sorry daddy!”
Lela grabbed his arms to stop him from continuing to hurt himself, but Dan was a lot bigger than her and she struggled to keep him still. Unable to reach her pager, she yelled at Kate. “Go get help, quick!”
Worried, Kate hurried off in order to hopefully get some help.
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minsugasnerd · 6 years
Whispering Wall [1/2]
Tumblr media
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3,549
A/N: I previously wrote this for a writing blog I was on, but have removed it since I no longer write for that blog. I decided to repost it on my main kpop blog. It is however still dedicated to my Soul Partner Kim, I wrote this for her, to make her smile. @softkim2
The Whispering wall was a place you frequented to study, even write your papers for school. Being a college student was stressful but somehow this wall made it easy to write. You were always more focused here than anywhere else. Some say this wall was magical, some say it was just a wall full of vandalism.
Other students like you came to confess secrets, let out some stress, write love notes. Every now and then you’d find an actual conversation, replies upon replies. You found it entertaining to read these. Before starting on your astronomy essay, you took out a fine tipped sharpie and wrote on the wall.
“I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.”
You smiled to yourself. ‘Yesterday’ was your favorite Beatles song. It always brought a smile to your face, unlike your class partner Jung Hoseok. He wasn’t a total pest but he did his fair share of teasing and distracting you in class. For the most part you ignored him. You couldn’t risk getting your grade lowered over his actions.
The sound of someone approaching the wall brought you back to the present. They looked sheepishly at you before pulling out a marker of their own to write something. You looked down at your blank paper, trying to think of what to write.
Why do I love astronomy?
Your fingers hovered over the keyboard of your laptop for the slightest second before quickly moving. You had always loved astronomy; it was one of the things in your life that had a deep meaning. All that the skies had to offer were tranquil, but at the same time they could be quite scary. You loved the unknown and mysterious aspects of the galaxies and stars. You found it truly fascinating. You were on such a roll with this essay before being interrupted.
“I see my favorite classmate is working hard, as usual. You’re such a nerd.” You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. Hoseok sat down on the opposite side of the picnic table.  
“Well its better than leaving everything to the last second like you do. At least I manage to show up on time and take notes.”
He laughed. “Like I said, you’re a nerd.”
Peering over your laptop to glaring at him. “I’m not a nerd for taking my studies seriously,” he deadpan looked at you.
“Whaaat?” you asked while trying to resume your essay.
“You’re a nerd.” he said once more making you irritated.
“If you’ve got nothing better to do, just leave.” you huffed.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry. But I actually did seek you out for a reason.”he claimed.
You sighed and closed your laptop. It was obvious that you weren’t going to get anything done with him sitting in front of you. “What could Jung Hoseok need from a nerd like me?” you asked putting quotations around the word nerd.
“I need you to take notes for me on Thursday. I won’t be in class." He stuck out his bottom lip and batted his eyelashes at you.
"Don’t try to act all cute. It won’t work. And why aren’t you going to be in class that day?” you quizzically eyed him.
“My best friend Yoongi is coming to town and I haven’t seen him in a year.” he seemed sad. “He’s been traveling for his music.” his eyes finally met yours. For the first time ever, you felt that this was the real Hoseok. Someone who wasn’t always so hyper and annoying.
“I suppose,” you started to say when he squeezed your hand to say thank you. “But you owe me,” you narrowed your eyes at him and took your hand from his. You gathered your laptop and notebook from the table getting ready to leave.
You turned to him one last time “Call me nerd one more time and I’m never doing anything for you ever again.” The sound of his laugh growing smaller and smaller as you walked towards your dorm.
“Thank you!” he shouted after you.
After you reached your dorm, you had managed to finish half of your essay. You stood up and stretched, flexing your fingers feeling relief from having sat in the same position for so long. The tired feeling started to seep into your bones. Well no wonder it’s late you thought to yourself as you checked the time. 11:37 pm. You slipped on a hoodie before taking your toiletries to the shared bathrooms. You brushed your teeth and washed your face before heading back to go to sleep for the night. The image of Hoseok gripping your hand and his smile played in your brain, making you grin as you drifted off to sleep.
The week passed rather quickly. You jotted down notes on Thursday’s class for Hoseok. You had finished the essay for your astronomy class, so you turned it in a few days before the deadline. You could practically hear Hoseok calling you a nerd.
You found yourself once again at the Whispering Wall this time to draw in your sketchbook. You loved taking a blank page and turning it into a piece of art. Making the various colors blend in with each other, creating the most beautiful images. You were always told you should major in art but your true love was what the skies contained.
You sharpened your pencil before letting it touch the surface of the page before you. A thought popped into your head. The Wall! You looked over to the spot you had written on; utterly shocked that someone had answered your quote.
“Yesterday love was such an easy game to play.”
You’ve never smiled that hard before as your heart soared. Someone else loved The Beatles!  Finally someone your age showed the same interest in the same music as you. Finally someone with taste!
You grab a sharpie from the pile on the table when someone pulls out one of your earbuds, making you yelp. You didn’t even have to turn around; Hoseok gave himself away with his obnoxious laugh. “Hoseok I swear to-” you turned around and stopped talking. He had someone who you assumed was his friend, with him.
“Swear to what y/n?” he teased. You didn’t want to be rude in front of this stranger so you didn’t say anything back to him.
“Y/n I’d like you to meet Yoongi. My friend that I told you about.” he stated.
“The one who travels for music?” you asked looking at Yoongi. Taking in his mint colored hair, leather jacket that hung off of his frame, even the sleepy look on his face. He reminded you of your roommate; she rarely showed her emotions and always looked like she was tired.
“Yoongi I’d like you to meet y/n” he looked at his friend who smiled at you.
“Ahhh so this is the girl that yo-” Hoseok elbowed him in the side to shut him up. “I mean nice to meet you,” he shook your hand and smirked.
“Likewise Yoongi,” he smiled and tucked his hand into his pocket. “So what’re you guys up to?” you asked as you settled onto the picnic bench.
“Not much just showing him around. Probably dragging him to a party.” he replied.
“Ahhh well I hope you guys have fun.” you told them. And you meant it.
“Woah! You’re actually being nice to me?!” Hoseok exclaimed as he clutched his chest, stumbling back into Yoongi.
You groaned. “Do you always have to ruin my mood?”
“Who? Me?” he asked. “You wound me y/n.” he wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye. You rolled your eyes at him, making Yoongi laugh at the exchange between you two.
“It was nice meeting you Yoongi.” you plugged your ear buds in and motioned for Hoseok to scram. Yoongi nodded at you before they turned to walk away. You smiled to yourself. He knew how to get under your skin. You absolutely hated it but only acted this way with him.
Your attention returned to your sketchbook. You let the music take you away. After a while a familiar face with gorgeous eyes and a set of full lips developed on the page. You hadn’t realized you were drawing Hoseok. Was it possible you were crushing on him? No. No way. You slammed your sketchbook closed trying to shake the feelings. You returned your supplies to your backpack, all except for one sharpie.
“Now I need a place to hide away. Oh, I believe in yesterday.” you wrote in your signature loopy handwriting.
The person who replied had fairly sloppy but readable handwriting. It had to belong to a guy. You contemplated who this other person could be. There were so many students on campus, the possibilities were endless. Sighing to yourself you decided to go back to your room.
You were surprised to see you roommate awake. “Wow you’re actually awake?”you didn’t mean for it to sound so sarcastic.
“I know I’m surprised myself. I got invited to a party. Wanna go? I know it’s not either of our scenes but I don’t want to go alone.” you were honestly shocked.
“But you never want to go out.” You stated.
"Yeah tell me about it. But I feel like free booze tonight.” she shrugged as you laughed. “I’m leaving in a half hour if you wanna go.”
“Well it wouldn’t hurt…” you say more to yourself than to her.
She mumbled a ‘cool’ before slipping out of the room to head down the hall for the bathroom. You looked through her wardrobe after deciding that your clothes were too boring.
By the time your roommate returned you still hadn’t decided what to wear. “Move, I got this.” she nudged you out of the way to rummage through her clothes. Meanwhile you quickly applied light make up. “Here,” she shoved a pair of high waisted denim shorts, a plain white tank top, and a flannel shirt into your arms. “It’s not a formal event. Plus it usually gets really hot at these things with all the bodies packed into a tiny space.” You quickly dressed pairing the outfit with a pair of black converse. Your roommate opted for a pair of black ripped skinny jeans and a t shirt with some obscure band on the front.
“Ready?” She asked after she laced up her boots.
“As I’ll ever be.” you replied.
You walked arm in arm with your roommate to the frat house. The faint sounds of music grew louder and louder with each step you took towards the party. Excitement coursed through your body. Even your roommate seemed excited to be there, it was such a change for her usual attitude. You liked it.
Upon approaching the front steps she dropped your arm only to grab your hand, pulling you through the entryway and through the lingering people by the door. Once inside you assessed your surroundings.
“Let’s get a drink!” your roommate shouted over the music and you gave her a thumb up. You followed her into the kitchen, only to find Hoseok and Yoongi leaning against the counters.
“Y/n? What’re you doing here?” Hoseok questioned as his eyes looked you up and down.
“My roommate invited me.” you answered as she handed you a plastic cup filled with foul smelling liquid.
“Cheers” she said as she touched her cup to yours. She downed it before you even brought it up to your lips.
“My kind of woman,” Yoongi spoke with a smirk on his face. You laughed to yourself knowing he would like her.
The four of you chatted in the kitchen for a little while before someone from your English class pulled Hoseok away. “Namjoon needs to speak to me. You good Yoongi?” he asked.
Yoongi eyed your roommate up and down while licking his lips. “Yeah I’m good Jhope.”  Jhope?
You stood there and watched them shamelessly flirt in between sips of alcohol. You refilled your cup with a mixed drink and wandered off. It wasn’t long before you found a familiar face surrounded by a small group of people.
“Y/n! Come sit with me!” Seokjin exclaimed. He patted the only other empty spot on the couch. You’ve known him since your freshman year at the University.
“Hey Jin!” you said as you sat down next to him. “How are you? It’s been a while since we’ve talked.”
“I’ve been good. I made the Dean’s list this year.” he beamed with pride.
“Congratulations! I’m happy for you!” you told him nudging his shoulder. “You were always the smartest one in class. With the lamest jokes!” you giggled feeling the alcohol working.
“What do you mean? My jokes are legendary! ” Jin scoffed at you while simultaneously putting his arm around your shoulders.
“I didn’t know dad jokes were funny” you retorted.
“What do you call bears with no ears?” he asked trying to hold his laughter.
You groaned at the opening of the joke. “I dunno, what?” you asked as you took a sip of your beer.
“B!” he answered laughing. It was his windshield wiping laugh that made you cackle. Not the joke.
“That was,” you paused as he looked at you. “So, so stupid!” you laughed as you swatted his knee. “I’ve got a better one.”
Jin cocked and eyebrow at you. “I don’t think so y/n, I am the king of jokes!” the people surrounding you guys laughed along with him.
“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon?” you replied knowing he was going to find it hilarious. He shook his head and took a sip from the dark glass bottle he held. “Great food! No atmosphere!” He spat his drink out, nearly choking on it. “Oh gosh are you okay?!” you pat his back as he recovered from the coughing fit. His face was tomato red when he looked at you.
“That was a good one!” he said once he calmed down.
This game of telling jokes went on for a good hour or so when you hear Hoseok call out for you.“Y/n?” you looked up to see him looking at Jin’s arm which was still around you. “Have you seen Yoongi?”
You got up and said your goodbyes to Jin and promised to hang out again soon.
“Last I saw him; he was in the kitchen with y/rm/n. They were getting pretty cozy with each other.” he laughed. “Why is that funny?” you asked as you led him to the kitchen.
“I’ve never seen him this way. Normally he’s closed off to people” now it was your turn to laugh.
“Funny cause so is she.” you snorted. As soon as you turned the corner you both made sounds of disgust. They were all hands and lips.
“Ew guys get a room,” Hoseok spat. The two broke apart with big grins on their faces.
“You interrupted. For what?” Yoongi glared at the two of you.
“Food? I’m starving. Let’s go.” he said not caring that he was interrupting them.
Yoongi leaned back into y/rm/n and whispered something into her ear which made her scoff. “Yeah right D boy.” she replied and he smirked. “Are you ladies going to join us?” Yoongi asked.
On cue your stomach growled. “Whelp I guess that answers for me.” you said patting your stomach. You turned to Hoseok. “Where to Jhope?” both you and Yoongi snickered at that name.
“Watch it y/n” he warned, but the look on his face conveyed that he didn’t care. “Only my Soul Partner can call me that,” he said and gave Yoongi a fist bump. “How about the diner right outside of campus?”
“Food is food,” both y/rm/n and Yoongi said at once, they burst out in laughter.
“Well that’s creepy,” the sound of Hoseok’s voice saying the same thing as you made your eyes go wide. “Can we stop with all this weird shit and go?” he said amused.
The four of you left the party and went to go refuel and sober up. Two am quickly approached as you guys left the diner feeling full. You were surprised that you actually had so much in common with Hoseok. Yoongi told stories from their younger days. He wasn’t as bad as you thought, it just so happened that his hyper personality got in the way of getting to know the real him. He was actually a pretty sweet guy.
You and Hoseok walked together talking while the other two fell behind laughing and goofing around. “Is anything going on between you and that one guy from the party?” he questioned you.
“You mean Seokjin?” he nodded his head. “No. We’ve been friends since freshman year. That’s it.” you glanced at his profile. “Why do you ask?”
He shrugged. “Just wondering.” You noticed a smile form on his lips. You never noticed that he had dimples; dimples that you wanted to reach out and touch. “So, Yoongi leaves in a few days. Would you mind taking notes for me again?” you were approaching the university.
“Sure. But you still -” you went to say but never got to finish.
“Yeah I know I still owe you from last time. Maybe you can let me take you out on a date?” he made it sound more like a question than a statement. “I mean that’s only if you want.” he playfully tugged on the sleeve of the borrowed flannel shirt. His hand met with yours, fingers slowly intertwining with yours. The warmth of his hand sent shivers down your spine.
“A date? With Jung Hoseok? Gee I wonder why I would want to partake in that.”you felt him squeeze your hand. “But I guess. I mean you do owe me.”
“That I do,” he flashed a brighter than sunshine smile at you.
Without realizing where your feet were taking you, you both ended up at the Whispering Wall. You pulled him over to the spot you checked almost daily. “What are we doing here?” he asked as you let go of his hand.
“I wanted to see if anyone replied to what I wrote,” not bothering to look at him as you answered. “Apparently not.” you sighed. You turned around to see him eyeing you skeptically. “You see, I wrote a line from my favorite Beatles song on here. I wasn’t expecting anyone to answer, but someone did.” he nodded, urging you to go on. “They replied with the next lines. I did the same, I was hoping they would have replied by now but they haven’t.” you frowned.
“I’m sure they will soon y/n.” he said as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and looked towards the ground. Why is he suddenly being shy?
You opened your mouth to say something but someone beat you to it. “JHOOOOOOOOOOPE!” Yoongi startled you both. It had slipped your mind that you weren’t alone. In the lights of the lamps that dimly lit the area, you could see the hickeys that y/rm/n and Yoongi had given each other while you and Hoseok were alone.
“What do you want Yoongs?” he groaned at the loudness of his friend.
“Thank you for introducing me to her. She’s fucking amazing man.” you all laughed at his outburst. “I’m telling you she’s my soul mate. Your my soul partner but she’s my soul mate.” Yoongi claimed as he snaked an arm around y/rm/n’s waist.
You looked at each other rolling your eyes as the two of them started making out again. “I’ll walk you to your dorm room,” he offered. You took his hand in yours and led the way.
He walked you right up to your door. “Hey that reminds me, what’s your number?” you eyed him. “I mean how am I supposed to take you on a date if I don’t have your number?” he smirked.
“Valid.” You told him your number as the other two caught up with you guys.
“So I’ll see you in class on Tuesday?” he said and surprised you by giving you a hug.
“See you Tuesday Hoseok.” A squeal from y/rm/n broke you two apart. Yoongi smacked her ass. “Those two I swear,” you shook your head.
“Good night Agust Dick” she said and walked into the shared room.
“Good night Y/n,” Hoseok spoke, barely above a whisper moving closer. He kissed your cheek softly, making heat rise to that very spot.
“Good night Jhoooope,” which earned you a laugh from him. “It was nice meeting you Yoongi, ” you waved to him and he nodded in response.
You closed the door and leaned against it. Your roommate had already undressed and was mostly asleep. “See it doesn’t hurt to go out and have fun.” she said before letting out a big yawn.
“No, no it doesn’t.” you said as you got into your pajamas. Your phone buzzed as you slid beneath the blankets of your bed. It was a text from an unknown number.
“Why she had to go, I don’t know, she wouldn’t say. I said something wrong, now I long for yesterday.” You’re not the only one with good taste in music you nerd ;)
It was Hoseok this whole time. You smiled to yourself in the dark before you drifted off to sleep.
finale >
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botanistlester · 8 years
Paper Stars
Summary: Dan starts to get love notes in his locker in the form of origami stars, so he gets the help of his best friend, Phil, to figure out who it is. Word Count: 2,398 Warnings: cussing A/N: Thanks to @insanityplaysfics as always for giving me ideas. I’m a fucking sap recently because my boyfriend proposed to me and I just wanna write a crapton of fluff and puke rainbows everywhere. This is short and sweet, which is very rare for me! I hope you like it anyways! Read it on AO3
The day Dan opened his locker to a strange slip of paper folded into an origami star was one of the strangest moments of his life. "What," Dan said simply, giving the offending paper a strange look. He bent down and retrieved it, staring at it long and hard. It was thin, made with a flowery paper, and he could just make out words written in very small print on it. "What," Dan said again.
With a small amount of struggle, Dan managed to unwrap the star, revealing the writing inside. The script was sloppy to the point where Dan thinks it was written with the wrong hand. Dan said "what" again and the word didn't even sound like it was real anymore. It took him a few minutes to read what it said due to the scribble, but he eventually managed.
‘i used to stare out the window because i thought the scenery was beautiful. Then i saw you and suddenly the world didnt seem nearly as captivating as before.’
Dan gaped at it. He was horribly confused. Who could have written something like this? It wasn’t like he was well-known or popular at school. He was just a nerd who liked to listen to music too loud and go on long rants about movies nobody cared about. Did this person get the right locker? Surely not. Dan was just… Dan. Not anyone to be marvelled at.
“What’s that?” The voice made Dan jump and he whipped around to glare at Phil with a hand over his heart.
“You scared me,” Dan admonished.
“Sorry,” Phil replied unapologetically. He peered at the piece of colourful, wrinkled paper in Dan’s hands. His gaze was curious and Dan felt a wave of embarrassment hit him as Phil sidled closer to him so he could read. “What’s that?” He asked again.
Dan shoved his friend away from him, trying his best to hide the note. “It’s nothing,” Dan replied.
Phil snorted and snatched the paper from Dan’s hands, scanning over it much more quickly than Dan had been able to. His eyes widened and he gasped comically at the realisation of what it was. “A love note!” His voice was loud, too loud, and Dan shushed him, slapping a hand over his mouth.
“Shut up!” Dan hissed, glancing around. Nobody seemed to be looking at them, thankfully. Phil’s eyes were comically wide and he was snickering, the bastard. “It is not!”
“Really? Because that’s what it looks like to me. Little Danny has a secret admirer!”
Dan glared at him until Phil’s giggles subsided to mindful curiosity. He peered over at the note once more, cocking his head to the side. “Who do you think left it for you?” He asked curiously.
Sighing, Dan shrugged and shoved the note into his pocket. Maybe he could pretend it was all a dream. Not that he wasn’t ecstatic that someone liked him but it was a bit /weird/. Almost like he was in a dramatic romance movie. Dan was not romance movie material. “Who knows,” Dan muttered, slamming his locker shut and shouldering his way through the crowd towards his locker. He knew Phil would follow. “The only people I talk to are you and Louise and I know for a fact that you both don’t want to secretly get in my pants. Must be someone I don’t talk to.”
Phil hummed and Dan glanced over at him in time to see him rubbing his chin. “It /is/ quite peculiar,” he commented. “I mean, who would have a crush on /you/ of all people?”
Dan shoved him. Phil shoved him right back. A teacher yelled at them to settle down.
After they quit brawling, Dan groaned and shook his head. “I’m too much of an idiot to figure this out on my own. I officially appoint you to be my trusty sidekick.”
Phil stared at him suspiciously. “And what does that mean, exactly?”
“You’re going to help me find my secret admirer.”
“Fuck that. I’m out.”
Dan grabbed Phil’s bicep as he tried to skitter away. “Oh no you don’t. You wanted to get nosy so you’re in this mess with me.”
Phil narrowed his eyes and pushed his glasses up his nose. He crossed his arms, dislodging Dan’s hand. “And what do I get out of it?”
“My eternal love and happiness?” Phil stared at him. Dan sighed. “Fine. I’ll buy you the new Fallout game.”
“Deal. Operation: Secret Admirer commenced.”
“You’re such a nerd,” Dan complained, but it made Phil smile.
“I know. But you love me anyways.”
Dan couldn’t really argue with that.
“I know who my secret admirer is,” Dan said, slamming his hands down on the table. Phil jumped at the noise and stared at him like he’d grown two heads. He raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah?” Phil squeaked. Dan made a joke about Phil going through puberty again so he cleared his throat and repeated, “Yeah? Who is it?”
“Amber Williams,” Dan responded. He sat down in the chair across from Phil, putting his hand in his chin. He gnawed on his lip and brought out the last three lovenotes he’d gotten throughout the week from his pocket. They were crumpled and worn from being stuffed in his jeans the entire week, but they were still readable.
Phil snorted and shook his head in disbelief. “Amber Williams.” He didn’t sound amused in the slightest.
Dan kicked him under the table and pouted. “What? The signs are all there! She’s the perfect candidate!”
“What in God’s name gave you the idea that Amber Williams is interested in you? Are you out of your mind?”
Okay, so maybe it was wishful thinking. But the signs were all there nonetheless! Amber was absolutely gorgeous and there wasn’t one boy in the entire high school who hadn’t had a crush on her at one point.
She had long, wavy brown hair and these beautiful hazel eyes and high cheekbones. Her lips were plump and pink, and she smelled like peonies. Dan had noticed her staring at him in the hallways and that had to mean she was the one.
“She stares at me whenever she sees me!” Dan defended. “She’s totally into me!”
Phil exhaled and shook his head. He looked mildly disappointed. Perhaps he was disappointed with their progress. “Dan, most of the student body stares at you. You wear something leather every day, for christ’s sake.”
Dan hated Phil a lot. “You leave me and my leather out of this,” he deadpanned, touching his leather hat defensively.
“Point is,” Phil continued, completely ignoring Dan’s comment. “Try again. You suck at being a detective.”
“Like you’re any better,” Dan muttered, but he smiled when Phil tapped his foot under the table, just a little reassuring touch, before going back to the textbook he was reading.
The letters kept coming, and Dan was nowhere near finding the culprit.
He was flattered in all honesty, but he was getting increasingly annoyed that he couldn’t seem to find who was putting them in his locker in the first place. He was starved for attention and he needed to know, damn it!
So he was going to find out.
The notes had been coming for about a month now, saying increasingly sappy things about Dan’s eyes and how his dimple was cute and how the person wished they could tell him who they were. It was endearing and Dan wanted to find them and get to know who they were.
He showed up for school an hour early, dragging himself out of bed with as much enthusiasm as a turtle. It was all in the name of science, of course.
The school was empty, eerie, save for the random teachers and the occasional school police officer. They nodded at Dan as he walked past and Dan smiled back awkwardly.
When he got to his locker, he ducked into a nearby classroom and waited, waited, waited. He waited so long that he started to fall asleep once more, nodding off before catching himself and prying his eyes open, waitinf dor the exact moment his admirer showed up.
Twenty minutes before school started, Dan was about to call it a day and give up. And then there was movement.
He straightened up, watching the figure intensely as it approached his locker. They were wearing a hoodie so Dan couldn’t see their face. The person looked around, making sure nobody was near, and then started to put in the locker combination.
Dan was up in a flash. Now was his chance! He had to see who it was, or it was going to kill him from the inside-out.
He opened the door to the classroom and stumbled out, watching as the figure froze with the interruption. They didn’t move though, just stood there, with a small origami star clutched between their fingers.
Dan approached them slowly, as if they were a frightened deer. He reached out and patted their shoulder, and he could feel them tense underneath his fingertips.
“Hi,” he said simply. “So you’re the one who’s been leaving notes.”
It seemed as if the admirer was at war with themselves. They were tense and hesitating, refusing to move even as Dan let his hand fall to give them space. And then their shoulders sagged. “Hi,” the person said.
Dan could have sworn he shit his pants. He’d recognize that voice anywhere, even though the person hadn’t turned around. “Phil?!” He gasped.
Phil turned and his eyes were glued to his feet. He was gnawing on his lip and his hands were fiddling nervously at his sides. “Erm. Surprise?”
Surprise? Dan felt like his entire life had suddenly been turned upside down. His heart was pounding so fast he could hear it in his ears and his hands were shaking, trembling like he had just had the biggest scare of his life. But mostly, he was just filled with disbelief. “You’re my secret admirer?” He asked quietly, curiously.
Phil didn’t answer for a moment, and then he slowly nodded. His adam's apple moved as he gulped. “Yes.”
“Is… is this a joke?” Dan laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. He immediately regretted it when Phil’s face crumpled as if he was about to cry. He also regretted it when his stomach clenched and he was suddenly hoping it wasn’t a joke.
What the fuck was that about.
Phil was silent for a long time. He didn’t meet Dan’s gaze, staring at the linoleum floor as if it was the most interesting thing in his entire life. “Do you want it to be?” He answered finally, voice quiet. Small. Dan missed it when they were joking around and happy, just like they always were. He didn’t like this scared and uncertain Phil.
“I…” Dan started. He bit his lip. What could he even say to that? “I don’t mind if you have a crush on me,” Dan got out eventually.
Phil’s face turned so red that it put tomatoes to shame. He finally looked up then, meeting Dan’s eyes with a cautious, incredulous look. “You don’t mind?”
Dan shrugged. “I’d rather have it be you than anyone else.” He felt like his heart was going to beat out of his fucking chest.
Phil laughed then, shaking his head. His laugh was one of disbelief and Dan didn’t blame him. Either way, Phil was smiling again and Dan’s heart did a little stutter in his chest. “You’re wild, Dan Howell.”
“Do you want to kiss me?” The words were out before Dan could think about it and he flushed with embarrassment. What the fuck was he thinking?
“I mean, typically if you have a crush on someone, you want to kiss them. So yeah,” Phil answered as if it was the most normal thing in the world. The only way Dan could tell he was nervous was by the way his eyebrow twitched. Other than that, he didn’t bat an eye.
Dan took a deep breath and with that, a step closer. “Do you want to try?”
Phil cocked his eyebrow and stared up at him quizzically. They were so close that Dan could see the flecks of yellow and green in his gaze. For some reason, Dan felt faint. “What does that accomplish? You don’t even like me.”
Dan shrugged. “We can at least try, right? If it’s horrible, we’ll never speak of it again and you can at least have the knowledge that you’ve kissed the guy you have a crush on. Not many people can say that, you know.”
“And if it’s good?” Phil breathed. Dan could feel his breath on his lips.
“Then we keep doing it?” Dan replied quietly. They were already attached at the hip. What difference did it make if the added kissing to the mix?
Phil’s breath hitched and he nodded slowly. “I can live with that.”
It was from that encouragement that Dan closed the gap between them.
He didn’t know what he was expecting, but it definitely wasn’t this. Their lips touched softly, unsurely, and it felt as if he was kissing his best friend. It wasn’t in a bad way, no.
Phil’s lips were soft and uncertain and feather-light. He kissed like he never wanted to stop, like he wanted to savour the moment as best as he possibly could. Dan found himself pressing his lips more firmly to Phil’s, one hand around Phil’s waist while the other one lay rested softly against Phil’s cheek. He stroked his cheekbone with his thumb as they kissed, feeling his best friend in a way he never thought he would before.
They pulled away after a moment, their cheeks brushed pink and their breath coming out slightly too heavy. Dan’s chest constricted at the glazed look on Phil’s face, and he could hardly believe he hadn’t noticed how nice Phil looked up close before.
“Good?” Phil squeaked.
“Good,” Dan agreed, and he leaned in to kiss him again. “But I still expect to get love notes in my locker every day.”
Phil groaned and shoved him off of him. He glared at him and Dan grinned because, even though they’d kissed, nothing had changed between them. “Bugger off.”
“I’m afraid you're stuck with me now,” Dan told him, and Phil just smiled, leaning in to peck his cheek.
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 17
Title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 3k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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A huge thank you to my beta Alyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable
When Dan had first got to the psychiatric ward he was miserable and he hated it. But after the first couple of days, he realized maybe it wasn’t so bad. Every day was the same, yes, but after everything he had been through the routine was nice.
6:00 A.M. Wake up
7:00 A.M Breakfast
7:30 A.M. Shower
8:00 A.M. Downtime (Where nurses tended to his wounds)
9:00 A.M. Group therapy
12:00 P.M. Lunch
1:00 P.M Downtime
2:00 P.M Individual therapy
4:00 P.M Group therapy
6:00 P.M Dinner
7:30 until 10:00 P.M. Downtime (Where his wounds were tended to again)
10:30 P.M. Lights Out
To some people, this might sound boring, but to Dan, it was the normalcy he needed in his life at the moment.
On the third day he found out Phil had woken up, but when he asked to see him he was told Phil would be in the hospital for the next few days, as well as the fact that Dan had to earn visitation privileges.
He spent his downtime with Eric and Kate—he had actually grown to become really good friends with the both of them. When he had let it slip he was a Youtuber neither of them looked at him any different than before. They did, however, make jokes and thinly veiled innuendos about him making videos in his bedroom. It was the first time he had laughed since everything had happened.
He never talked during group therapy—he wasn’t ready to talk about what had happened in front of people yet. But during group therapy, he had learned the reasons why Eric and Kate were in the psych ward.
Eric had grown up with this alcoholic father, his mother having died when she had him. His dad would beat him daily and starve him, telling him he was “just a stupid fat fag who had killed his own mother.” The only reason he was even in the hospital was that he had passed out one day while at work. They had called an ambulance and once he was admitted to the ER he was diagnosed with anorexia. Later after therapy, he had also learned he had PTSD and body dysmorphia. He had been here for five months.
Kate had been here less time, only two months, but her story couldn’t have been any more different to Eric’s. She had grown up in the perfect family. Her parents were rich and always spending money on her so she could succeed in everything she did. But the pressure from her family to be perfect had been too much to handle and she had begun self-harming at a very young age. She had been top of her class in high school and had been accepted into one of the top schools in England. But during her first year of college, finally being free from her parents, she started partying and doing drugs. She had wound up in here after a four-day long bender. She had overdosed on some drug she couldn’t remember, and when the ER saw her fresh self-harm cuts they admitted her instantly.
Although he didn’t speak during group therapy, he did start talking in his individual therapy sessions. He was working with Lela, who had apparently been his therapist before Dan had been admitted to the hospital. He was told that when he's seen her he had been stuck in little space, but he didn’t really remember. In fact, most of his time while kidnapped, and in little space once he returned home was somewhat of a blur. He could remember bits and pieces, and of course, and he could remember the stuff that occurred the last few days after he had been able to regress out of little space, but that was it.
There was a large part of him that was glad that he couldn't remember.
“So Dan, how are you feeling today?” Lela smiled brightly at him.
“I’m fine, I guess.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“I hear you have yet to open up in group therapy. Can I ask why?”
Dan fidgeted in his seat, ”I don’t know.” He cast his eyes down to the floor, avoiding her gaze.
“There is nothing to be ashamed of Dan. But if you want to start getting better, then you going to have to start opening up. Keeping everything inside only ends up hurting you, in the end”
Looking back up, he noticed her concerned smile. She hadn’t pushed him so hard the last couple of sessions, and he wondered why she was pushing the topic so hard now.
“I’m just not ready. I mean, I don’t even remember much other than the last few days.”
He was getting frustrated; he was here, wasn’t he? He was trying to get better. So what if he didn’t want to talk in front of a bunch of people.
Lela sighed. “Dan, I shouldn’t be telling you this, but you're really close to having enough points to allow visitors. I know Phil has just been released, and he really wants to visit you.”
His head shot up and the mention of Phil. “Really? Phil can come to visit me?” His heart hurt at the news; he hadn’t seen him in over a week and the last time he did, Phil had been rushed out of the room, unresponsive.
“Yes, but you have to start opening up in group therapy as well as here with me- “
Dan cut her off. “I promise I will start sharing, can I please see Phil?” His eyes shone with hope Lela had never seen in him before.
She took several minutes to answer but finally, she said, “Alright. I really shouldn't be doing this, but if you promise me you're going to start sharing and working harder, I will approve you.”
“Thank you so much!” He nearly jumped out of his chair with excitement, a grin wide on his face, dimples in full effect.
The rest of the session was spent on an exercise designed to bring his memory back. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to remember, but he would do anything to see Phil.
When Dan left her office, Lela sank down and put her head in her hands. This was a lot more difficult than she thought it would be. She had grown quite attached to Dan during their sessions when he was a little, and that attachment had only gotten stronger the more they worked together. It had been a debate about whether she should continue to treat Dan after she was the one to find him and Phil. The board of the hospital tried getting her to take some time off, claiming she was too close to the situation, but she had insisted that she be the only one to treat Dan. The board wasn’t happy, but they approved her to continue to treat him.
She had been there when the rescue and ambulance team had wheeled the boys out of their apartment. She had never seen anything like it in her twenty years of work. The words that had littered Dan’s body were vulgar and disgusting. Dan was hesitant to talk about them and she didn’t understand why that, in particular, was a tough subject for him as he had already started to open up about the rape, but he would not talk about the words. She didn’t want to push him too hard too fast, however, because she was afraid he may slip back into his little space, so she refrained from asking too many questions. After last time, when he had regressed for weeks, it would not be a good idea and would hinder his progress.
Lela felt her hands were sopping wet—she hadn’t even realized she had been crying. Maybe she should have taken a few days off like the board suggested. But she knew she had to be there for Dan. No matter what she was feeling right now, she had to focus on him.
Phil was standing in the doorway of their apartment, or what was once their apartment. The police had completely ransacked the entire place, leaving nothing unturned as they looked for evidence. He began to shake as he entered the apartment. He stopped halfway into the kitchen. He couldn't do this, he couldn’t be here after what happened, and what about Dan? He isn’t going to want to be here when he comes home either. He made a decision he grabbed his wallet of the kitchen counter and got out of there as fast as he could.
He ended up getting a hotel room—nothing fancy but a place they could both be comfortable until they decided what they were going to do. His parents had ended up going to get a few things from the apartment for him. Just the essentials, really. A few changes of clothes, both his and Dan’s laptops and phones, a few other things. He felt bad making his parents do it even though they insisted that they didn’t mind, but he just couldn’t face that place, not yet.
His parents were staying in the same hotel, and he was supposed to meet them downstairs for dinner ten minutes ago, but he had been held up on the phone with Dan’s parents. They refused to come down and see him—they were still mad about what happened last time they had been there. Phil couldn't understand how they could let that stand in the way of seeing their own son. He nearly died—not once, but twice—and all they could think about was their own pride. When Phil had started telling them this, they had rudely hung up on him. He threw his phone down on the bed. He was more than just a little bit angry, he was outraged. But he would have to worry about that later because he was now fifteen minutes late for dinner. However, he made sure he told both his parents that night how much he loved and appreciated them.  
It was Saturday—finally the day Phil was coming to visit. He had been so nervous and excited he hadn’t slept all night.
“Will you stop pacing? You're driving me crazy.” Eric whined from his side of the room.
“I can’t help it, Phil is coming today.”
“Really he is? It’s not like it’s the only thing you’ve been talking about for the past two days,” he teased.
“Oh shut up,” Dan said, maybe a bit too harshly, but Eric didn’t seem affected.
“So, do I get to meet this amazing Phil?” he chuckled at his own joke.
Dan just rolled his eyes.
The nurse on duty stuck her head in the door. “Daniel, your visitor is here.”
He took a deep breath and followed her out of the room.
Phil was beyond excited when he had gotten the phone telling him he could finally see Dan. He couldn’t believe it! His parents had wanted to come too, but Dan was only allowed one visitor, so they stayed behind at the hotel.
Phil was sat in a cramped room that had nothing but a table and two chairs. There was barely even enough room to move. He tapped his fingers on the table; he was starting to feel claustrophobic in the tiny room, but he instantly forgot all about that the moment the door opened.
Dan stood in front of him. He was looking a lot better than last time he had seen him—the bruises on his face were almost entirely healed and he had a boot on his foot instead of having to be in a wheelchair. He was wearing pants and a long sleeve shirt so Phil wasn’t able to see his stomach, but he was almost glad he couldn’t. His own stomach turned at the thought that he had been the one to carve the vile things into and all over Dan.
“Phil,” Dan whispered, bringing him out of his thoughts. The moment their eyes met Dan flung himself into Phil's arms. They were these two giants sitting on the floor of this tiny room, clinging on to each other like their lives depended on it, crying their eyes out, reunited at last.
Eventually, their sobs stopped and they just sat, holding each other. It was Phil who spoke first. “God am I happy to see you.”
“I’m happy to see you too, Phil,” Dan sighed and pulled Phil closer, burying his head in the crook of his neck.
They didn’t talk much, but what they did talk about strictly avoided anything that had happened. Instead, Phil told him how his family was doing and how they hoped to visit him soon. He didn’t say anything about the apartment, but he did mention that he was staying in a hotel at the moment even though they both knew why. Dan talked about Eric and Kate, telling him some funny stories about them.  Phil told him he was happy that he had made some friends here.
They eventually moved off of the floor and sat across the table from each other, but had their hands stretched across it so they could still be touching.
“Dan, I talked to one of the doctors here and they said you could leave anytime you want, so I was thinking...how about we get you out of here?” he looked at Dan hopefully.
He had expected Dan to be elated and happy, not upset like he looked.
“What’s wrong?"
“Phil I...I don’t think I want to leave.” he pulled his hand away from Phil's and set it in front of himself.
“What do you mean you don’t want to leave?” Phil asked him, confused.
Dan was silent a moment before he answered. “Phil, I don’t think I’m ready to leave yet. I’m not ready to face everything yet. Please don’t be mad at me,” he pleaded.
Of course, Phil wasn’t mad at him—he could never be mad at him. Dan even made a good point. Phil had been avoiding everything since he was discharged from the hospital. Dodging the press and not even having the courage to open social media, leaving his friends to deal with everything. He didn’t want Dan to have to deal with that as well.
Phil was pulled out of his thoughts by a whimper. He looked over and saw Dan crying. He rushed over and wrapped his arms around Dan, all of his thoughts flying from his mind. “Hey, hey, it’s ok. It’s going to be ok. I’m not mad at you.” He wrapped his arm tighter around Dan's shoulders.
“You're not mad, you promise?” he sniffled into Phil’s shirt.
It broke his heart that Dan thought he would be mad at him. He rubbed Dan's back. “Hey, I promise, alright, love?”
They didn’t have much time after that since Dan only got an hour for a visit, but they spent the rest of the time cuddling and just talking. Once it was time to say goodbye, neither of them wanted to be the first one to let go.
“You promise you’ll come back next week right?”
Phil chuckled “I promise, love.”
It was Phil who pulled away first; both of them had tears in their eyes again.
“I love you, alright?”
“I love you too, Phil,” he said before finally turning around and leaving the room, heart heavy at having to willingly walk away from the man he loved.
Phil sat back down at the table and just cried.
Dan was so emotionally exhausted when he got to his room that he decided to take a nap. He was awoken a few hours later by Eric.
“Hey, sleepyhead, how did visitation go?”
He blinked a few times before he sat up, still tired. “What?”
“I asked how your visitation went,” he chuckled.
Dan filled Eric in on his visit and before he knew it, it was time for the last group therapy session for the day.
They were walking to the common room together when he was stopped by Lela.
“Hi, Dan! I hear you had your visitation today with Phil, how did it go?”
“It was good! Thank you so much for approving it!”
She smiled, ”That’s good. I’m glad it went well.” She paused for a moment, “So, on your way to group therapy then?”
“Yep.” he smiled at her.
“You know, you have another visitation next week, it would look really good if you started opening up in group therapy now. I could approve you without any worries.”
“What do you mean?” Dan asked confused.
“Oh it’s nothing, but there have been talks of bringing in another doctor. They're afraid I might be too close to you and the, ah, situation. ’’
She gave him a smile and bid him farewell, telling him to get a move on to therapy.
He was quiet during therapy, and when it came to his time to talk he froze up.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” he whispered, breath catching in his throat.
Kate grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Just do what you can, ok?”
He nervously shook his head.
He started to explain how he had been kidnapped, or at least what he remembered of it.
“Ok, Dan that’s a good start. But can you explain why you got in the van with them?”
He didn’t want to tell them he was a little. He didn’t want to admit that he had been stupid and naive enough to trust strangers. With the promise of a puppy at that, I mean, that was the oldest trick in the book and he had bought it.
“I will….sometimes I will... umm... so sometimes...”
He didn’t even feel himself slip, too concerned with how everyone would react to his words. His lip quivered and his eyes began to water. “I want my daddy,” he sobbed. “Where my daddy?” His bottom lip trembled, tears spilling down his face now.
The room was crazy with everyone talking over each other trying to figure out what was going on with him. No one had bothered to inform the attending doctor that Dan could regress, so she wasn’t quite sure what to do. She tried to calm the rest of the patients while also trying to calm Dan down, who was now sitting on the floor sobbing, repeating “Daddy” “Daddy” “Daddy” over and over. She pressed the call button on the wall, overwhelmed with the situation and needing extra support.
“Get Daniel Howell’s therapist down here now!”
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 19
Title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.2k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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A huge thank you to my beta Alyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable
Phil unlocked his hotel room door, sighing as he chucked his bag on the ground and toed off his shoes. His mind was racing over everything that had taken place. Dan was little again after stressing himself too much about telling everyone he was a little, that much he knew. He’d had a five-hour nap, Phil cuddling him the entire time. Nurses kept coming in, asking for updates. The answer was always the same: “He’s still sleeping.”
“What happened?” his mother asked, letting herself in through the door. He’d given them the spare key so they’d be able to get in whenever they needed. Phil had also called them in the car, telling them there was an emergency regarding Dan—he hadn’t known what was happening at the time.
“He slipped into little space. He was panicking ‘cause I wasn’t there.”
“Is he okay now?” Phil’s dad asked, taking a seat on the mildly comfortable sofa in the room.
“As good as he can be. He didn’t want me to leave, but I had too.” Before either of his parents could continue the conversation, there was a knock at the door.
Assuming it was room service or something similar, he pulled open the door, a ‘hello’ in his lips. He never actually spoke though, stood completely still as two police officers jumped on him, cuffing his hands behind his back nearly as soon as his body hit the ground.
“What on Earth is going on here?” his mother screamed, demanding answers as to why her son was lying on the ground, a police officer’s knee pressed into his back.
“We need to bring Mr. Lester back to the station. We’ve been given intel that he may be involved in Mr. Howell’s kidnapping,” the officer explained. “You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in court.” The officer said before roughly pulling Phil to his feet.
“Are you bloody kidding me?!” his mother shouted, and for her to swear was a very rare occurrence. She must have really been pissed. “My son loves Dan and would never do anything to hurt him. Who the fuck said he’s involved?”
“That is none of your concern, mam'.” the officer said in reply. Passing Phil off to his partner and turning back to them. “If this goes to court, you may speak for your son.”
With that, the officers pulled Phil from the hotel, the man unhappily agreeing. He saw absolutely no point in fighting them even knowing he was innocent. Besides, he believed quite strongly that things would work out. Dan could testify explaining what happened when he was big again. Everything would be fine.
Phil was roughly shoved in the back of the police car. He panicked as he realized there was no seatbelt, but the officers didn’t seem to care, judging by how they were treating him. He supposed he understood; I mean, you’d get fed up with criminals pretty quickly. The only thing was that Phil was completely innocent. Well, as innocent as someone who carved words into his boyfriend could be. He hadn’t had control at the time, his limbs moving completely without his will as Sir carved words into his boyfriend’s stomach, Phil continuously telling him how good he was as he did so. He didn’t want Dan thinking he was naughty when he was the best little in the world.
As Phil tumbled to the other side of the small cabin as the car turned, he suddenly realized what had happened back at the hospital. Phil had said “good boy.” He realized Dan must associate those words with the pain of the blade carving into his skin and in his little mind, he didn’t understand that Phil never did it of his own free will. Was that the intel they had spoken about?
“Out you get,” the officer grumbled, grabbing Phil’s arm and pulling him from the car. They pushed him inside the station, shoving him into one of the holding cells and locking the door behind him. “Someone’ll come to get your statement soon.” Phil’s hands were uncuffed from between the bars and he rubbed his wrists, the metal having cut into them.
“Danny, how are you feeling?” Eric asked, trying his best to act as if he was talking to a child. It was weird since Dan stilled looked like an adult—he was an adult.
“I want my daddy,” he mumbled around the thumb in his mouth. Remembering how Phil had treated Dan, he pulled it gently from his mouth, ignoring Dan’s whine as he pushed a pacifier between his lips. He wasn’t used to looking after kids, he himself being the baby of the family.
“Your Daddy can’t be here at the moment. But pooh-bear can look after you, can’t they?” he asked, Kate, having told him not to refer to the teddy with ‘he/him’ pronouns. He didn’t question it, assuming Dan would explain when he was bigger. For now, he maintained a caring nature as he looked after Dan as best he could. The nurses were trying their best too, but little Dan remembered him and Kate as his friends and had taken to them for support and love.
At first, Eric had refused, stating that Dan needed to just “grow up” and “act his age.” He’s learned pretty quickly though that raising his voice only forced Dan more into his little space, and after Lela had yelled at him and explained what was happening, he understood Dan had no control over his emotional state.
“Danny, can you come with me, please?” Lela asked, standing in the doorway. It was time for his appointment and even though he was little, he still needed to have them.
“Okay, Mummy!” he shouted, getting up from the bed and waddling over to her. Dan had clearly taken to calling her mummy and she just let him. If that made him feel safer than so be it. It wasn’t hurting anyone.
“So, how have you been going?” she asked, closing the door behind them as Dan ran straight to the toys in the room.
“Good, mummy. When’s daddy coming back?” he asked, pulling the lego box from the tub of toys.
“I was hoping you could tell me about that day you and daddy went to the park?” she asked carefully, avoiding Dan’s question. The station had called back, telling her Phil was in custody.
Dan looked up from his toys, confused as he’d never been asked directly before. It was always carefully phrased questions to avoid possibly triggering him. He didn’t really care though—he had legos to play with.
“Sir said he had a puppy, he’s Daddy’s friend and daddy said we could get a puppy,” Dan explained simply.
“Hasn’t your daddy ever told you not to go with strangers?” she continued.
“Yeah, he’s a good daddy,” he mumbled to himself, seemingly remembering something. "Hey! Where’s my daddy!?” he shouted, tears starting to collect in his eyes.
“I’m sorry, Danny. Your daddy can’t be here right now,” she explained cautiously.
“But- but Daddy’s always here when Pooh-Bear isn’t! You- you’re a bad mummy!” he shouted, running from the room.
Nurses found Dan in an abandoned corridor an hour later, tear stains on his flushed cheeks as he mumbled ‘daddy’ in his sleep.
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 15
Title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.2k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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A huge thank you to my beta Alyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable!
“See you next week,” Lela smiled, waving at Rick (as he was today) exited the building and climbed into his Dad’s car. She had two different patients with dissociative identity disorder but it sometimes felt like ten. Liam, as he was named as a baby, had three different personalities: himself, Rick and Leia.
She sighed, returning to her office to do some paperwork before her appointment with Dan. Last week when he’d come in, they hadn’t really discussed much, but she was worried for both of them—Phil because he blames himself and Dan because he still didn’t remember anything. There was no rush, of course, but temporarily forgetting trauma often ended badly for when they do remember.
A half hour later, she realized Dan and Phil were ten minutes late for their appointment. She picked up the phone on her desk, punching Dan’s home phone number into the keyboard, using the form she’d had them fill out during their first visit here.
The dial rang and she picked up a pen to add a note to her to-do list. The ringing eventually stopped only to be replaced with a robotic voice telling her they were “not available at that moment” and that she should “leave a message after the tone.” She sighed, putting down the phone. Maybe they were running late and on their way, so obviously they couldn’t answer their home phone.
She logged into her computer, opting to do some work until they arrived. They never did though. The hour session passed and ten minutes later, her next client was coming in for their session.
Lela spent the rest of her afternoon either with patients or completing paperwork. At 4:30, she decided to leave early. After packing up, she headed to the front desk and signed out. Hopping into her car, she checked her phone for the address one last time before pulling out of the spot and onto the roads.
She pulled up to the curb outside a small apartment complex. She climbed out of her car, locking it and entering the building. She headed up two flights of stairs and headed to the apartment listed as the Dan and Phil's home.
“Please stop!” she heard someone shout from inside.
“Oh please, you’re loving this, don’t lie to yourself,” another, rougher voice answered. Shouting continued back and forth, one voice begging and another of arrogance. Lela felt a pit in her stomach grow and knew immediately that there must be something wrong inside. She hadn’t known Dan and Phil for that long, but it was clear they were in love and from the gentleness that they showed each other, she knew this argument wasn’t one of half-hearted heat.
Pulling out her phone, she quickly walked down the stairs as she dialed emergency services.
“Nine-nine-nine, what’s your emergency?” “Police.” “Please hold one moment.” Lela waited for her call to get forwarded over to the closest police station who picked up and asked her immediately what was going on. She told him the address of the apartment and explained that she believed they may be in danger considering the second captor still not being found. They were quick to respond, already being aware of the situation they’d found themselves in.
Not even five minutes later, two police cars had arrived, three armed police officers coming out of each car. One walked over to her and began questioning what she knew of the situation. The other five, guns loaded and aimed at the ground, headed into the building. Officer Mark, as he’d introduced himself as, took notes on what Lela answered.
Dan growled at Sir as he entered the room. He hated calling him that, the title was one of importance, but he had no idea what else to call him.
“Hello dearies,” he said, voice sultry. Dan cringed, knowing exactly what was to come. He marched over to Dan, a bandage with blood spots on his neck from the day before.
“Now, let’s have some fun, shall we?” He grabbed Dan’s hips, forcing him onto his hands and knees. Pulling his dick free, he pumped it a few times before forcefully pushing his hips against Dan’s.
“Please stop!” Phil begged, knowing it was somehow worse that Dan was big and knew exactly what was happening.
“Oh please, you’re loving this, don’t lie to yourself,” he retorted, winking at Phil before moaning obscenely.
Phil continued to sit helplessly as he watched the love of his life being tortured.
“Police! Open up!” a voice shouted from outside the building. Sir had left again after using Dan and getting Phil to scribble another word into his leg (they’d ran out of room on his stomach). Dan and Phil looked at each other, not sure if to let the hope kindling in their chest burst to flame.
“Oh, finally you’ve arrived. I got the message and was only a street away. I know it was dumb to go in alone, but I didn’t want to risk them being hurt anymore,” Sir’s voice said, all of the malice he had shown Dan and Phil gone.
“Find anything?”
“Nope. I’m guessing the guy ran. Don’t know how he knew but something must have tipped him off.”
“Ok, well, we’ll do a thorough search, just to make sure he’s not hiding anywhere. Did you find the victims?”
“Bedroom,” he answered. Phil gulped, knowing he’d need to make a decision. Either stay quiet and risk his safety and Dan’s, or tell the police and risk their lives. Only Dan and Phil knew Sir had a gun. He’d threatened to kill them multiple times if they’d fought back or even thought of telling someone (if) rescue happened. But would Sir shoot at other police officers?
Phil listened as the officers worked their way around their flat. Dan had his head rested on Phil’s shoulder, exhausted after everything that had happened.
“Dan, come on Dan, time to wake up now.” He gently shook Dan, the younger man stirring and blinking his eyes open. He attempted to curl in on himself a little more but winced and checked his stomach, eyes saddening at the words scratched there.
“Hey, it’s okay. You know they’re not true, don’t you love?” Phil said gently, feeling his heart wince at the thought of Dan struggling with whether the words on his skin were true or not.
“Yeah, whatever,” Dan mumbled, pressing his lips to the juncture between Phil’s neck and shoulder before settling his head there. Phil simply sighed, rubbing his hand up and down Dan’s arm and pulling him closer to him.
The door opened and Dan tensed against Phil, still unaware that the police were in the flat and that Sir would be absolutely insane to try anything.
“Oh, god, what has he done to you?” an officer sighed, rubbing his face as he walked over to the two of them. “Okay, are either of you hurt?”
“Dan, he’s been through the most in the past week.” Phil croaked, his throat feeling scratchy and jagged like glass.
“Okay, we’ll get you both to the hospital. Do you know who the perpetrator is or where he is?” The officer asked, bending down to look closer at the injuries on their bodies. Phil's mind chaotically flipped through the options: tell or don't. He settled on one, if not for Dan's safety. And with him out there, neither of them would ever be able to turn their backs.
“The- the officer. He was watching the flat before attacking us.” Phil said, his voice cracking with emotion.
“The… you mean Officer Kide? Oh fuck,” the officer muttered to himself as he fully understood the situation. He ran from the room, pulling his gun back out from his holster. Dan and Phil heard shouting from the lounge as he explained the situation. Not even five minutes later, officers were hoisting them both onto stretchers and into ambulances. Phil fought back, demanding to stay with Dan until he was sedated, promises that Dan would be safe ratcheting around his head.
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 22
Title: Seized
Co-author: fadingcrystalvoid
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.4k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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A huge thank you to my beta Alyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable
Once Lela brought Dan back to the hospital from the trial, he properly broke down. In the car, there were quiet sobs and hiccups, but the second he stepped within the confines of his room, the tears came and he crumpled to the floor.
“What happened?” Eric asked, rushing over to Dan, but directing his question to Lela.
“It was a stressful day. I’ll go get a nurse to bring a sedative in.”
She left the room, leaving Eric to handle him momentarily. She hated sedating him—and she knew Dan hated it too—but he needed rest and he always struggled to sleep after a meltdown unless Phil was with him.
“It’ll be okay, Dan, just relax,” the nurse said, injecting the needle into Dan’s neck before picking him up and placing him on the bed. “If he wakes up before mid-tomorrow, tell me or Dr Miller,” the nurse said to Eric before leaving the two of them in the room.
“Okay, spill. What happened at the trial?” Eric asked, plonking himself on the bed.
“Oh, yeah, the trial. How did it go?” Kate asked, poking her head through the door before joining Eric on the bed.
Lela sighed. While there was no policy against talking about Phil’s trial, it still felt weird and inappropriate. “Dan just agreed with whatever he was asked. He never answered no. I think he thought he’d get in trouble for disagreeing. It wouldn’t surprise me after what Mr. Conray and Kide—the disgusting bastards they are—would have conditioned him that way. When he fought against them, I’d bet anything they made it worse. It’s fucking sick—excuse my language.”
“So what happens now?” Kate questioned, eyes trailing to Dan’s still body, his lips parted slightly as he breathed in and out.
“His testimony in this is critical. The judge basically hangs onto his every word and it’s horrible because Dan’s just agreeing with whatever. If someone asked him if Phil hurt him he’d most likely say yes because that’s what he remembers!” Lela shouted, getting angrier and worked up as she spoke. She sighed and rubbed at her face. “Sorry, it’s just...this thing is really important and stressful, and I don’t know what would happen to Dan if Phil went to jail. I’ll probably be called to the stand tomorrow so I can talk about what I know, but I have to tell the truth and that is that Phil has hurt Dan—not on purpose or of his own free will, but he has.”
“You can’t be suggesting what I fucking think you’re suggesting,” Eric hissed, hands clenching into fists.
“Eric, Kate, listen, you know I can’t lie and tell the judge Phil is completely innocent. I know he never did any of it on purpose and that he loves Dan, but I have to be honest and that means telling the judge. I will explain everything though, so if Phil’s sent to prison, it won’t be because I held parts of the truth.”
Kate seemed to accept this explanation, but Eric did not.
“I can’t fucking believe you right now,” he spat, jumping from his bed and marching from the room.
“I’d like to call Miss Lela Miller to the stand,” Mrs Raines said, standing herself. Lela squeezed Dan’s hand before shuffling out of the row of seats and walking to the podium. After swearing to tell the truth, the questions began.
“Miss Miller, what can you recall from your first appointment with Mr Howell?”
“I’ve brought my notes from every appointment I had with him, if you’d like to see them. Our first session was mostly spent getting to know each other. I remember thinking how difficult the case would be, especially with Phil’s guilty nature.”
“Guilty, you say? What was he guilty about?”
Lela cursed herself for her word choices, hoping she could bring this back.
“From what I could tell, he felt truly terrible about Dan’s kidnapping. He felt it was his fault for leaving Dan to go to the bathroom. I’d like to make it clear now that I in no way believe Phil had anything to do with Dan’s kidnapping.” she said, adding her own opinion to the end. It likely wouldn’t make a difference, but if she kept her stance throughout the trial, the judge may bring it into consideration.
“I’ve been told you were the person to free Mr Howell from his second kidnapping. Can you explain to me what happened that day?”
Lela nodded, glad she was permitted to talk about this. It would surely help Phil, and she wouldn’t be lying which she’d promised herself she wouldn’t do.
“Dan had missed his appointment. Since I didn’t have any sessions for the rest of the day, I decided to go check up on them to make sure they were okay. When I got there, I heard shouting and two distinct voices that I knew weren’t Dan and Phil’s. My gut was telling me to call the police, so I did and when they arrived, they barged in. Mr. Kide had held them both hostage within their flat. From what I’ve heard from Phil, and what I’ve learnt with Dan, both were equally abused sexually. Dan was, unfortunately, more at harm, however. Phil has recounted to me cutting words into Dan’s stomach completely against his will. In his words, minus the swearing, ‘I couldn’t control my body, whatever drug he injected shouldn’t exist’. Your honor, would you like to see a copy of my notes?” The judge nodded, and someone dressed in a suit stepped forward to take them from her, delivering them to the judge.
“No more questions for the witness at this time.” Mrs Raines said, taking a seat and quickly scribbling words onto her notepad.
“Mr Daul, any questions for the witness?” The man stood, straightening his pages against his desk as he cleared his throat.
“Miss Miller, do you have any evidence that Mr Lester wasn’t in control during the second abduction?”
“Well, uh, no, but I did bring the medical records from the hospital after they were rescued,” she said, quickly shuffling through her papers before handing it over the same man who’d collected her notes.
“Uh huh, and do you have any evidence that suggests Mr Lester wasn’t contributing to Mr Howell’s harm?”
“Well, he was,” she explained. “But it wasn’t consensual, just like a lot of the stuff that happened,” she said, mumbling the second half.
“Uh huh, and can you prove Mr Lester didn’t make Kide hurt him simply to keep the police off his trail? From the medical records, Mr Lester’s injuries were considerably less than Mr Howell’s.”
“Well, that is true. And I can’t prove that it wasn’t because of what you say, but during the first kidnapping, Phil was incredibly concerned. One of his and Dan’s friends, Louise Pentland, is here today in court. She can recall more of Phil’s reaction to when Dan was captured. I wasn’t there at the time.”
“Okay, and one last question. From what I’ve heard, you were the one to contact the police in regards to Lester in the first place. Can you please explain what made you choose to do that?”
“Phil was visiting the hospital I work at where Dan was staying at the time and is still staying. From what I could tell of the situation, Phil had to leave and had told me that Dan needed to be looked after. I can’t remember how, but he referred to Dan as a ‘good boy’ which must have triggered something within Dan as he grabbed the scissors from my desk and began begging for Phil to hurt him. While I don’t believe Phil had intentionally hurt him, I had to report it. The policy of my work dictates that if I believe anyone staying may be in danger, I have to report it to the police and hospital board. I didn’t want to, nor do I believe Dan was thinking clearly at the time, but I had to contact the police.”
Mr Daul nodded. “No more questions for the witness.”
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