#hope you have a great day/night too sweetie <3
bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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-Sugar and Salt
A/N: Sylus fluff based on the poll results! :3
Cw: Slight cursing, Sylus smacks your ass twice, Reader is not MC, Fem!Reader, explicit references to sex
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Waking up next to Sylus wasn't super comfortable. Nothing was wrong exactly but you always woke up on his bare chest which was, in case you haven't noticed, hard as a rock. Every morning with no fail.
Yes you love your husband and he loves you, he wouldn't wear his ring all the time if he didn't, but he was not a good pillow.
The sound of thunder is what woke you up that morning, that and a pain in your neck. You grumble and try to sit up but fail when Sylus' forearm kept you down. He was still asleep under you and his head was turned to the side.
You blink slowly and huff against his chest, your cheek pressed right between his pecs. It had been like this ever since your first ever night together. You were embarrassed the day after and couldn't look him in the eye while he enjoyed the feeling. You were kinda like a weighted blanket that enjoyed nibbling on people while she slept.
Even now, more than a year later, you still manage to end up here.
"Wake up." You say as you try to poke his cheek but Sylus grabbed your wrist, eyes still closed. You knew he'd do that. You got the drop on him once and he never let it down.
"Good morning to you too." His chest rumbled under your cheek as he spoke. He brought his limp arm up and rubbed his eye, groaning. "One day I won't know it's you and I might break your wrist." He slowly brought your wrist to his lips and he kissed it, his eyes shutting for a few seconds.
"Oo that'd be a great way to guilt trip you into buying me stuff." You giggle softly as you cup his cheek with your hand. Sylus huffed and bit your palm lightly, eyes glancing at you. "I already do that, sweetie."
He tilted his head at your giggle and pulled you higher on his chest so that your face was above his. "Pet names so early in the morning? My my you must really love me." You flip your hair dramatically and Sylus felt the ego radiate off you.
"No, I just married you for fun and I was bored." He rolled his eyes and lightly smacked your ass which made you jump with a yelp. He chuckled and kissed your cheek. You huff and cross your arms on his chest before laying your head on them.
"Yes well, I married you because I was broke. Well, my reasoning actually changed." You smirk again in early triumph. Your attempts to make him mad never worked. Sylus rubbed his hand up and down your back, the blanket stopped just before your ass.
"Oh yeah? What's the new reason?"
"Mediocre dick."
That is what ticked Sylus off. He scowled slightly and yanked your hair back slightly. "Mediocre? Well if that's what you call you squirting on my cock multiple times then I need to see what good dick is." He smirked at your muffled moan when he pulled your hair slightly harder. "Maybe take a few notes."
"No, no that's fine." You whisper through your teeth as you try not to moan. Sylus chuckles and releases your hair. "Cute attempt."
The thunder outside got worse and rain pounded on the roof. "Ugh, it's gonna get cold in here." You grumble while playing with Sylus' hair. He let you do as you wished while he rubbed your sides subconsciously.
"You have like 12 blankets on your side of the bed. I hope you know the light pink pillows look very out of place." Sylus motioned his thumb to your side of the bed which was cluttered with blankets and pillows.
"Not my fault you're fine with two thin pillows. Maybe that's why you're always so salty~" You poke his nose while you tease him, grinning at his scowl. Sylus furrowed his brows and rolled his eyes. "Oh shut it."
Sylus rolled on his side and took you with him, holding you against his chest. "We need to get up soon."
"nuh uh."
"You cant just say nuh uh at everything."
"yuh huh."
This is my third attempt at fluff in my lifetime :') sorry if it's not the best <3
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alltheirdamn · 5 months
Killing Me Softly | (Joel x teacher!f!reader)
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Chap. 5 Nevermore
Chp. 5 Summary: It's hard to understand why everything feels so right. Rating: 18+ Explicit MDNI Word Count: 5.5k Warnings: Pre-outbreak AU, language, heavy kissing, unprotected piv sex, semi-rough sex, creampie, praise kink, (kinda) size kink, aftercare, fluff and a LOT of angst, light banter, lots of emotions, mentions of past trauma, brief flashback of trauma, another cliffhanger (sorry) A/N: Well, if you're here, I hope you're prepared for what's coming. A HUGE shoutout to @loonmartell for helping co-conspire the trajectory of this story. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy it as always <3
Masterlist | Ko-fi
I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in love with you. I think he’s already falling in—
“Miss Smith?” 
Your head jerked up at the sound, and the pencil you were drawing circles with fell against your desk. Bradley, one of your students, was standing at the edge of your desk with his test in hand.
“Sorry about that, sweetie,” you smiled, extending a hand. “Thank you.”
Bradley eyed you curiously before turning and skipping back to his desk. You dragged a hand over your face, wanting to crawl into the furthest corner of the world and never be seen again. Beth’s words had been plaguing you for days since you called her. Over and over again, they annihilated your thoughts, a constant broken record that you couldn’t shut off. You still had your nightly calls with Joel, talking past midnight and falling asleep together, but you kept making excuses not to see him. 
“I’ve got lesson plans to make,” you lied.
“I’ll help,” Joel had offered.
“You’re a distraction.”
“I ain’t that bad,” he huffed.
The next night, you lied and said you were going out with Maria, which was an even worse lie since you were avoiding her at all costs. Telling Beth the news was one thing, but telling Maria was another matter. She was nosey and a bit too loud-mouthed to trust. The last thing you wanted was for the entire faculty to know your dirty secrets. Joel had to remain a secret—at least for now.
It’s not like you wanted to avoid Joel; you were just scared. You were not ready for this new territory, and if Beth was anywhere near correct in her assumptions, it only made you want to shy away more. The only problem was parent-teacher conferences this week, meaning you’d have to see Joel and Sarah…together.
The class bell rang, and your free period between classes began. You dropped your head on the desk and took a few deep breaths, trying to wrangle some semblance of calm back into your body. The final class of the day would be Sarah’s, and you’d be lying if you said you were prepared to see her. The blaring reminder that her dad had fucked you sore over the weekend still hung over your head, and you couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for it. How was your fall break, Sarah? Oh yeah, mine was great. Your dad fucked me so hard I ended up having a complete breakdown. 
You wanted the day to be over. 
The free period went by much faster than you wanted, and as you watched the next slew of kids take their seats, you made a conscious effort not to stare at Sarah as she walked in. She wore her usual smile, the impression of her dimples digging into her cheeks. Some wild thought popped into your head that you had no time to recover from: if you and Joel went any further, God help you, you’d be Sarah’s step-mom one day. Your stomach rolled with nausea as you tried to will those thoughts away. Joel wouldn’t stick around that long; you were a lost cause. There was no chance that would happen. Right? 
Clearing your throat, you rose from your desk and made your way over to the projector to set up the lesson for the day. Since the school year was nearing Halloween, you decided it would be fun to teach Edgar Allen Poe, completely forgetting you had chosen “The Raven”—which was about losing someone. This would have a bite to it that you weren’t ready for.
“Okay, everyone,” you announced. “Did we all finish the reading assignment this week?”
There were a few nods and murmurs of agreement, and you quickly shifted to the first few slides of your presentation. 
“Alright, so who can tell me the overall theme for Poe’s ‘The Raven’?”
Georgia, one of your top students, shot her hand up without a beat.
“Yes, Georgia?”
“It’s about his grief for losing Lenore,” she answered.
“Good,” you smiled. “Can anyone tell me what other theme the poem contains?”
“Madness!” Another student chimed in, causing an uproar of laughter amongst the students.
“Okay, okay, settle down. Very good, you guys.”
You switched to the next slide, staring blankly at the words typed out. Lenore is gone forever. Something struck you as you silently read it, realizing you weren’t too far off from Poe in his grief. Although Bennett wasn’t dead, he wasn’t coming back. That fact hadn’t hurt as deeply throughout the last few weeks, especially with Joel around, but it still threw salt in the open wounds still scattered over your heart. 
“In stanza two,” you cleared your throat. “In stanza two, Poe refers to Lenore as ‘nameless,’ which can imply that she has died, and he’s now consumed with grief. Where else did you guys find his grief prominent?”
Georgia quickly raised her hand again, and you motioned for her to speak. 
“In stanza four, he talks about his dreams, which I think he means he’s dreaming of her to return to him. But if she’s dead, there’s no way she’s going to come back,” Georgia said.
Fuck. You felt the sting of tears rim your eyes and briefly paused to gather your bearings. Bennett left. He left, and you had spent years dreaming he would return. 
“Good,” you choked out.
You glanced around the room, your eyes connecting with Sarah’s. It took all your strength not to break down and cry as she studied you with the same concerned furrow in her brows as her dad would do. 
Clicking to the next slide, you exhaled, focusing on the following theme to discuss. Madness. 
“Now, with the theme of madness, where do we see this begin? Obviously, the dreams can be interpreted as his descent into madness, but what else do we find?” You asked. 
To your detriment, Sarah was the one to raise her hand.
“Sarah,” you sighed, nodding.
“It’s the raven,” she said plainly. “The raven is what drives him mad.”
“What does he do to drive Poe mad?” You questioned.
“The raven only says one word,” she explained. “And that word drives him mad until the end of the poem.
“And why does it drive him mad?”
Sarah shifted in her seat, looking around at her classmates before responding.
“Because it’s the answer Poe doesn’t want to hear. Poe doesn’t want to be reminded that Lenore is dead, but that’s the only response the raven will give.”
You were swaying in place, trying to hold yourself together as the memories started ricocheting back into your mind. Now wasn’t the time to collapse, not in front of twenty students staring at you, confused and concerned. You only responded with a nod and flipped the projector off.
“Good job, you guys. Now, does anyone have any questions on this unit? Any questions about the stanza format or the themes?”
Sarah raised her hand again.
“Did his madness kill him?” She asked.
“Oh, um, no. Well, it’s a mystery, really. Some people say he died of delirium, so, I guess, madness. But other people speculate he drank himself to death.”
The class grew morbidly quiet, which made it harder for you to continue. No one else spoke up after Sarah, so you resorted to handing out the quiz and sinking back into your desk chair.
One by one, the students came up to turn in their quiz, and you averted your gaze each time with a nonchalant ‘thank you.’ When the final bell finally sounded through the room, you hardly had the energy to wave goodbye. 
Sarah was the last to leave, and that same concerned look lingered on her face as she shuffled out. 
That night, you didn’t pick up the phone when Joel called. You stared as it rang repeatedly, watching the light fade from the screen when the ringing stopped. You buried your head under the covers and tried to sleep, but then the nightmares started.
You woke up to your alarm, hyperventilating and drenched in sweat. Squinting at the morning sun streaming through the blinds, you grabbed your phone to check the time. Your fingers froze as you read the screen.
Seven missed calls from Joel
Two voicemails from Joel
With shaky fingers, you pressed play on the first voicemail.
“Hey baby, it’s me. I just wanna make sure you’re okay. I’m hopin’ you’re just asleep, but if you’re up, please call me.”
Then you played the next.
“Baby, it’s me again. I miss you, and I’m worried ‘bout you. Please don’t shut me out, okay? I just wanna hear your voice and hear ‘bout your day. If you don’t wanna talk, that's okay. I understand. Just please lemme know you’re alright. I’ll drive my ass out to you if I need to just to make sure you’re okay. Call me when you get this. G’night, baby.”
You dug your knuckles into your eyes to try and force the tears back. Last night, you had the worst of the nightmares: the memory of something you tried to forget. You hadn’t touched that memory in so long. It was just the brutal realization you were truly at fault for everything with Bennett. No matter how badly you wanted to blame him, it was always your fault. 
Glancing back at your phone, you rechecked the time: 7:35. Fuck, you were running late, and you really didn’t want to call Joel back right now. At least not right now. You’d muster the energy and strength to do it later, but you needed to gather yourself and get ready for work right now. Tossing off the sweat-slick sheets, you rushed into the bathroom and quickly showered. You couldn’t bother to put makeup on, so you opted to go without it and found a simple dress to wear. It was still in the high eighties in Austin, and a dress was the easiest option for the day. 
Scrambling for your purse and keys, you ran to the garage to start your car and head to the school. 
It wasn’t until you pulled into your parking spot that you realized you left your phone on the nightstand. 
“Okay, what’s going on?” Maria questioned, sipping her lukewarm coffee. 
She had nagged you into spending your free period in her classroom, demanding that you tell her everything that you had been withholding. You sat on the edge of her desk, your dress flowing over your knees as you stared out her class windows. 
“Nothing, Maria,” you lied. 
She said your name sternly, forcing your eyes to snap to hers. Her usual chipper demeanor was replaced with that ‘mother’ look, her lips pursed and eyes narrowed. 
“Something is going on,” she pressed. “Could have something to do with Mr. Miller?”
“Maybe,” you mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of your dress. 
“You did it, huh?” She raised a brow. 
You exhaled heavily, nodding your head—no point in lying now. 
“We talked on the phone the entire break, and when I got home, he insisted on taking me on a date. Then one thing led to another… and yeah, we had sex.”
Maria squealed, clapping her hands and grinning wide. You stared at her blankly, unamused by her reaction to your words. 
“This isn’t a good thing, Maria,” you said pointedly. 
“Why wouldn’t it be? You’re finally putting yourself out there! Oh my god, was it good?” 
“It was,” you sighed. “It was good—really good. He’s so sweet and caring.”
“I feel like there’s a ‘but’ in there somewhere,” she interjected. 
“But I can’t let it go any further,” you finished. 
Maria leaned forward and placed her hand on your knee. 
“Does he make you happy?” She asked softly. 
“So fucking happy, Maria. I hate it.”
“You deserve to be happy, sweetie. That’s all I’ve been saying for years, and now you have it! Don’t force it to fail before it even begins. I saw the way he looked at you at the father-daughter dance. You can’t fake that.”
“I know. I know. I just—ugh,” you slid off the desk with a groan. “He’s too good for me. I’m still trying to get over Bennett and everything that happened. He doesn’t deserve to be on the receiving end of all my misery. That’s not fair to him.” 
You were pacing around the room, your eyes darting between the science posters hanging along the walls of Maria’s classroom. You heard her desk chair scrape against the floor as she approached you. She gripped you by the shoulders and leveled you with a heavy stare, but her eyes remained soft. 
“He’s still around, right? I don’t think he’s going anywhere, sweetie. If anything, I think he’s in it for the long haul.”
You didn’t know how to respond, so you leaned into her, letting her wrap you up in a motherly embrace. She rubbed circles against your back, hushing you as you wept quietly. 
The rest of the day passed by in a numbing blur. You packed your things quietly and headed to your car, ready to drown yourself in a glass of wine. 
Joel’s truck was parked in front of your house as you turned the corner onto your street. His tall figure was leaning against the driver’s door; his eyes focused on your car as you pulled into the driveway. You inhaled sharply before putting your car in park, mentally preparing yourself for whatever anger he might unleash. 
You barely shut the car door before Joel had his arms around you, tugging you into a warm embrace. You couldn’t make sense of it; why wasn’t he mad? He should be angry at you. 
“Joel?” you whispered, your fingers twisting into his shirt. He smelt of cedarwood and smoke, the lingering scent of the workday still on his clothes. 
“I was so fuckin’ worried ‘bout you,” he muttered into your hair. “Been tryin’ to get ahold of you all day.”
“I left my phone at home this morning,” you explained. “I listened to your voicemails from last night. I’m sorry I didn’t call back. I was just running late this morning.”
“Why didn’t you pick up last night?’ He asked, pulling away. 
“I needed some space. I’m just trying to figure this all out. I want you—I want this. I just don’t know how to be fully vulnerable. I know that’s silly to say since I’ve cried every time I’ve seen you.” You laughed at the thought of it.
“You coulda just told me that, baby. I would’ve understood,” Joel sighed. 
“You’re not mad at me?” 
“Of course not,” he smiled softly. “Had me worryin’ like crazy, but I ain’t mad. I know this is all new, and you’re scared. Just don’t shut me out, ‘kay? I wanna talk to you and understand what’s goin’ on with you. I told you I wanna work on it with you.”
“I’m s—.”
Joel was pressing his lips against yours before you could say those two words. The kiss was all-consuming and tender, strong enough to erase every thought in your mind. Your mouths moved in unison, tongues intertwined and exploring. It was dizzying to be kissed this fervently; the first kiss couldn’t hold a torch to this moment. You tangled your fingers into the curls at the base of his neck, slanting your lips to open yourself even more to him. Joel’s hands twisted into the fabric of your dress that hugged your hips and pulled you tighter against his body. You whimpered at the feeling of his cock straining in his jeans, and he hauled you upwards until you were wrapping your legs around his waist. 
Spinning you around, he pinned you to the metal of your car door, breaking away from your mouth to kiss down your neck. Was it possible to be branded by a dozen kisses? He left a trail of sweltering kisses over every exposed part of your upper body, and all you could do was pant and moan helplessly. To hell with the neighborhood and their lingering eyes; the world around you could collapse, and you’d still be clinging to his body. 
“I told you I didn’t wanna hear those apologies,” Joel muttered against the hollow of your neck. 
“What are you gonna do about it, Joel?” You moaned, his teeth grazing your collarbone. 
“All I want right now is to hear you screamin’ my name, so you better invite me inside before I fuck you right here.”
“Jesus Christ,” you whispered.
“Wrong name, baby.”
With one strong arm braced around your back and a firm hand on your ass, Joel carried you out of the driveway and through the open garage. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses against the bare patches in his beard. Joel stumbled into the living room and sat you on the edge of the couch. You clung to him, refusing to lay back, too afraid to disconnect from his body. There was something so addicting, so right about being in his arms—almost familiar. 
“Y’look so beautiful in this dress, baby,” Joel breathed. “Turn around.”
You unattached yourself from him, spinning until your thighs pushed against the leather of the couch. Joel’s hands roamed over your calves, dragging your dress up until it piled against your lower back. You gasped as his fingers tore apart your underwear, the scraps falling down your legs and piling at your feet. It was embarrassing how wet you were already, your slick coating your inner thighs. 
“Joel,” you whined as he swiped a finger through your wet folds.
“Use your words,” he hummed, slowly pushing in two fingers.
“I need you, Joel.” He curled his fingers against the spot that left you breathless, coaxing you to speak more. “Need it rough—please.” 
You needed to feel how bad he needed you; you needed to show him you wanted him, even if it meant doing it without saying it aloud.
“Y’want it rough, baby? I can do that. If it’s too much, you tell me, okay?”
“Okay,” you exhaled. 
Joel pulled his fingers from you, bringing them to your mouth and smearing your arousal over your parted lips. You hummed as you tasted yourself, pushing your ass back into him. You heard the clang of his belt and the soft sound of his jeans hitting the floor before he swiped his cock across your slick entrance.
“Don’t be gentle,” you moaned.
“Anythin’ you want, baby.”
That was all he said before splitting you open, the fullness of his cock inside you robbing you of all the breath in your lungs. Joel kept his hips flush with yours, his fingertips drifting down the fabric of your dress covering your spine. 
“Joel,” you whined. 
You shifted yourself onto the tips of your toes, nudging yourself back until the tip of his cock rubbed against the right spot inside you. You mewled at the sensation, wiggling your hips to find some sort of relief from the pleasure churning inside your stomach.
“Impatient, baby?” Joel teased.
He moved against you slowly, letting you adjust to his size. You had been in such a haze last time you hadn’t realized how big he actually was, but now you felt every glorious inch of him inside you. You let out another frustrated whimper, and Joel responded with an onslaught of forceful thrusts. Your body shoved further into the couch, your midsection rubbing against the edge every time Joel snapped his hips against yours. 
Joel’s hand snaked around your neck, drawing you back into his chest, the angle of his cock spearing deeper inside you. Your wails turned to sobs as you listened to Joel grunting harder behind you, his fingers squeezing rhythmically around your throat. 
“That’s it, baby,” Joel crooned. “That’s it. Doin’ so well for me.”
You gasped for air as the desire coiling within your core became agonizing and all-consuming. Your fingers wrapped around his hand holding you up, clawing at his skin as his thrusts became erratic and determined. You were teetering on the edge of euphoria, your body buzzing with pleasure. 
“Touch yourself, baby,” Joel whispered into your ear. 
You fought against your dress to find your clit, the instant connection of your fingers causing you to cry out. Joel’s mouth ravaged your neck, sucking marks into the skin as you drew tantalizing circles over the sensitive bud. It was right there— that explosive pleasure bubbling under the surface. 
“Don’t stop,” you begged, your voice strained under his grip. “Don’t—right there. Right there, Joel!”
Joel quickened the pace, your eyes blurring as your orgasm raced through your veins and set your nerves ablaze. Your sex clenched around his cock, forcing him to slow his thrusts as he groaned into your ear. 
“S’fuckin’ good, baby,” he punched out, releasing your neck.
“More,” you heaved. 
“Think y’can take it?” He asked, pinning you down onto the couch cushions.
“Just want you, Joel,” you said. Your words were muffled into the couch as you exhaled, “Want everything with you.” 
You didn’t know if Joel heard you, and you prayed he didn’t. Your brain was lost in some euphoric haze, dizzying you and your ability to control your emotions. Joel knew every part of your body, like the back of his hand. He knew exactly what you needed and what you wanted, and it was so confusing. 
But all your thoughts grew quiet as the lewd sounds of your arousal and his ragged breathing echoed around the house. Joel’s hand pressed into your hair as he pushed you further into the couch. Bent over this way, you were entirely at his mercy, putty in his hands, and helpless. 
“Swear y’were fuckin’ made for me, baby,” Joel grunted. “You’re mine, baby. Mine.”
“Yours,” you cried. “I’m—.”
You couldn’t finish your sentence as Joel seized up, choking out your name as he spilled into you. His body slumped over yours, the weight of his chest heavy against your back. The hammering of his heart matched yours as you both recovered in silence, the house growing quiet aside from your labored breathing. 
“Too rough?” Joel muttered into your hair. 
You shifted your face to the side, rewarded by his lips pressing into your cheek. 
“Perfect,” you sighed. “It was perfect.”
“You weren’t lyin’ when you said you weren’t a fan of vanilla, huh?” Joel chuckled, pulling out of you. 
You slumped further into the couch, laughing softly. 
“I was talking about cake, Joel. Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“Sure you were, baby. Stay right there, okay?”
You heard his footsteps disappear toward your bedroom, the distant sound of water turning on and off floating down the hallway. A second later, Joel was behind you again, the cool touch of a towel making you jerk away in shock. He gently rubbed the cloth over your inner thighs, taking extra caution of your sore entrance. You’d feel him everywhere tomorrow, and you didn’t hate that for some reason—you wanted the reminder of him. 
“C’mere,” Joel urged, helping you stand. 
He pulled you over to the couch, curling you into his arms and bracing you against his chest. Joel intertwined his fingers with yours, his breathing evening out as you shimmed further into his embrace. Maybe it was the sex, maybe it was just being around him, but all your doubts and worries seemed to fade away. It was just this moment; you and him with limbs entangled together. 
“Tell me somethin’ no one knows about you,” Joel whispered. 
“Only if you tell me something in return.”
“Of course, baby.”
You paused, considering all the possibilities of what you could share. You had forgotten pieces of yourself over the years, the layers of heartbreak and trauma suffocating the person you once were. You still weren’t sure if that girl you had once been was still inside you. 
“I hate pancakes,” you said.
Joel laughed, his body shaking behind you as you buried your head into the couch. 
“Pancakes? Really?” He teased. 
“I just don’t like them!” You defended. 
“Y’gonna tell me why?”
“I don’t know,” you grumbled. “They’re just too sweet.”
“So y’don’t like sugar in your coffee, and y’think pancakes are too sweet,” Joel mused. “What do you like?”
“Don’t tease me, Joel.”
His fingers prodded your sides, forcing you to shriek at the contact. You hated to be tickled and hated it even more when he kept you pinned to your chest with nowhere to go. You rolled toward him, squirming against his touch. Joel leaned in to kiss you softly, muffling your protests as you settled into his arms. 
“Your turn,” you sighed. 
“Hmm, well, I like pancakes.”
“Be serious, Joel,” you frowned. 
“Okay, okay. I love watchin’ cartoons.”
You giggled, watching that grin stretch across his face. 
“Been watchin’ them with Sarah since she was a kid,” he chuckled. “I still do sometimes, even if she ain’t home.” 
“That’s cute,” you smiled.
You brought your fingers to his face, scratching at the stubble covering his chin and jaw. Joel’s eyes shut as your touch drifted over the patchy spots, your fingertips drawing circles in the places his beard disconnected. 
“Tell me somethin’ else,” he said.
“I think you’re really handsome.”
It was a quick response—almost too fast—but you couldn’t swallow back the words. You glanced up at him, peeking through your lashes to see his brown eyes soften. 
“Handsome, huh?”
“Well, I can’t call you cute,” you scrunched your nose. “It doesn’t fit you. I like handsome more.”
“I like it,” he smiled. “Call me handsome all y’want.”
You dragged him to your mouth, saying everything you couldn’t form into words. Joel moved with you, his head tilting and mouth molding to yours. He made everything feel so simple; maybe that’s what scared you. It was too easy with him—falling into this idyllic routine. Joel mumbled your name, pulling himself reluctantly from your lips. You chased one more kiss and settled back into his chest. 
“Did you know it’s good luck when it rains on your wedding day?” You thought out loud.
Joel tensed up, his arms flexing around you. 
“Superstition says it means your marriage will last,” you continued. “I’ve always thought it was funny, you know? I used to believe in that before my wedding, but after that, I figured everyone had lied to me.”
“Baby,” Joel whispered. 
“No, it’s okay. There’s a point to this, I promise.”
“Tell me,” he urged softly.
“I think the rain was good luck. Maybe not in the way people think, but I don’t think Bennett and I were meant to get married. My sister hated me for going through with it. We didn’t really talk once Bennett and I got engaged. Everyone warned me about him; they told me he wasn’t who I should be with. I was so stubborn to make things work. He—he was there for me during a really awful time in my life. I thought I owed it to him to stay.
“But then here you are, and it makes me re-think everything. The rain? It’s still good luck, just in a different way. I wasn’t meant to be with him because maybe… maybe I was meant to be with you.”
Joel was painfully quiet, his eyebrows furrowing together as he closed his eyes. Oh, fuck. You had rambled out everything you were scared to say, and now it was biting you in the ass. This was why you were too afraid to acknowledge your feelings: the rejection. Joel didn’t see it the same way; he didn’t think of you in the same way, and you just made a complete idiot of yourself. 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” you muttered, trying to pry yourself out of his grip. You kept the tears at bay, trying not to let yourself succumb to the heartbreak shattering inside you. 
Joel’s hands wrangled you back to his chest, his eyes leveling with yours. You inhaled sharply as his fingers brushed away the rogue tears falling down your cheeks. 
“There ain’t a doubt in my mind y’were meant for me, baby. I’m thankin’ God every day for bringin’ you into my life,” Joel confessed. “I know this is all new, but I promise to keep provin’ myself because whatever this is between us, it’s real.”
“It’s real,” you echoed. 
“Don’t run away from me,” Joel pleaded. “Gimmie all the good and bad stuff. I swear I can handle it.”
“What if you get tired of me? What if I’m not enough?” You rambled. 
“I could never get tired of you, baby. If anythin’, I keep wantin’ more.”
You snuggled further into his embrace, inhaling his scent as you pressed your nose into his chest. Joel ran a hand through your hair, his fingers catching on a few knots left from earlier. 
“What’d you mean when you said he was there for you durin’ somethin’ awful?” Joel asked after a beat of silence. 
Flashes of the crash came back into your mind, or at least the ones you could recall. You squeezed your eyes shut as your nightmares began to see the light of day. It was a memory you never liked to revisit.
“Easy,” your mom whispered. “Easy, honey. Don’t move too much, okay? Take it slow.”
Your eyes fluttered open, the harsh lights above you burning into your retinas as you tried to adjust to the room fading into the forefront. You were tucked into a hospital bed, IVs and tubes sticking out of both arms. Your head was pounding, and everything hurt. That’s all you could focus on. Everything hurt so fucking bad.
“Bennett?” You croaked, searching the room. 
Your mom, dad, Beth, and Stella were all grouped around the foot of the bed, their eyes glassy with tears. Bennett was nowhere to be found. Beth’s fear-stricken eyes shifted from your mom to your dad before she bolted from the room.
“I’m going to go get the doctor,” your mom announced, turning and leaving the room.
Stella shifted uncomfortably and promptly followed, leaving your dad alone at the foot of your bed.
“How’re you feeling, peanut?” He asked, rounding to the side of your bed.
“Pain,” you cried softly.
“It’s gonna be okay,” he assured. “It’s all gonna be okay.”
“Baby?” Joel said cautiously. 
“S–sorry,” you mumbled. “I don’t know if I really want to talk about it.”
Joel’s brows scrunched together, his eyes staring at you with concern. You turned away from him, lifting yourself from the couch. Pacing the living room, you stared blankly at your bookshelf beside your entertainment center, still collecting dust after two years. You heard Joel shift against the couch behind you and glanced back to see him staring at you intensely. Anxiety was thrumming in your chest the longer you stood in front of him, too many thoughts reeling inside your mind. You never talked about the accident; you didn’t want to be reminded of what had been the catalyst in your relationship's failure. Because that’s what it was. You owed everything to Bennett for sticking by your side through it all, and in the end, you weren’t enough. Nothing you did was enough to salvage what had been your life with him before it all.
“Hey,” Joel exhaled. “C’mere.”
“I—I need a minute,” you cried.
You bolted from the living room and went down the hall, gasping for air when you reached the edge of your bed. The room was spinning as you dropped your head in your hands, the nausea surging up inside you the longer you stayed stuck in the memory. You needed out of it; you needed out. You needed—.
Joel rushed into the room, falling to his knees in front of you as he said your name over and over to coax you out of the trance. Nothing was working. Your head was throbbing in pain, and you couldn’t work around it. 
“Breathe with me, baby,” Joel whispered. “Breathe.”
You heaved in a lung full of air, only to choke on it and gag back the nausea crawling up your throat. Joel rubbed his hands over your thighs, the sensation of his touch jarring you enough to make you cringe. 
“It’s gonna be okay,” he crooned, a distant echo of your dad's words. “It’s okay.”
The shrilling sound of your phone ringing pulled you both from the moment, and you crawled over the bed to grab it. 
“Fuck,” you groaned. “I can’t—I can’t answer it.”
“Give it to me, I’ll do it,” Joel offered with an outstretched hand. 
You practically tossed it at him while you crumpled into the sheets with your hands clutching your head. 
“Hello?” He answered with a brief pause before he said, “This is Joel.”
“Fuck, okay. Gimmie a second,” he replied.
“Baby, she needs to talk to you,” Joel said.
You stifled your cries before taking your phone from his hand, already hearing Beth’s frantic voice on the other end of the receiver. 
“Beth, what is it?” You asked, your body shaking. 
“It’s dad, sis. You’ve got to come home, okay?”
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daisynik7 · 10 months
Sweet Like Honey
Chapter 3: First Vacation
Pairing: Nanami x f!reader
Word Count: ~5.1k
cw: established relationship, fluff, smut – phone sex, mutual masturbation, PIV sex (doggy style, cowgirl), cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart, sweeties, baby), use of the word slut (endearing)
Summary: You and Nanami go on your first trip together to a hot springs resort and things get steamy. 
Author’s Notes: Here’s the last spicy side story for A Bento for Kento! This is a repost; I’ve rewritten it a bit to reflect my current writing style better. I hope you enjoy it! Nanami deserves all good things in the world! Divider credit to @/cafekitsune. 
Previous Chapter | Sweet Like Honey Masterlist
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Four months into your relationship, you and Nanami plan your first trip together. The two of you sit on the couch in your living room, digesting the dinner you just ate. There’s a nearby mountain town called Hakone, known for being a hot springs resort with views of Mt. Fuji. Apparently, Nanami has been there before and recommends it. Having never been to a hot spring yourself, the idea of snuggling up next to your boyfriend in a steamy stone bath excites you. That is, until he breaks the news to you. “Hot springs are separate for men and women, sweetheart. We won’t be in the hot springs together.”
You look at him, mouth agape. “Huh, what’s the point then?!”
He chuckles, lifting the back of your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “To relax. You really can’t go a few hours without being beside me?” 
You raise a brow at him. “Oh please. Says the man who made me late to work this entire week because you kept wanting to cuddle.”
Smiling, he responds, “I can’t help it. It’s getting cold and you’re too cute. Anyways, I’m planning to book a room with a personal hot tub on the balcony, so we can still relax together at night.” 
That does sound nice. And it’s not like you are actually upset about the separate hot springs. It’s probably a better idea not to be near each other when naked in public. 
Since the day you two confessed your love for one another, the sex has ramped up quite a bit. And by quite a bit, you mean a lot. With your dear brother Ren officially living in the dorms at Jujutsu High, you and Nanami are together nearly every day, either at your place or his. And with your love for each other growing by the second, it’s no surprise that sex has become a regular part of your lives. You can’t keep your hands off each other. Sometimes, the two of you don’t have the patience to move to the bedroom, so Kento made sure to hide lube in the drawers of each room in both your homes, even in the most unsuspecting of places, like the kitchen and laundry room, which has definitely come in handy already. In the beginning of your relationship, there was still that trepidation of figuring out what each other was comfortable with. Both of you were extremely cautious of not crossing any lines, always asking, “Is this okay?” or “Do you like this?”. After a certain point, you became more comfortable with each other. You feel safe when you’re together. Now, the sex is more passionate than it’s ever been. Knowing he loves you just as much as you love him makes all the difference. This is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with. There’s no holding back. 
“Hot tub on a balcony? Sounds very romantic.” You scooch closer to sit on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Let’s do it.”
“Great. I’ll ask Gojo to help me book it. He’s the one who got us in last time.” He leans forward to nuzzle his nose to yours, grinning. “I can’t wait. Our first vacation together.”
“I’m getting excited just thinking about it.” You kiss him on the lips as he cradles you in his arms. 
“What are you thinking about? Are you being naughty again?”
“Of course not! How dare you. You know I’m a good girl,” you say with a coy smile, walking your fingers up his chest to loosen his tie.
He hums. “You are a good girl. You’re my good girl.” His lips brush lightly along your neck. In just a few short minutes, clothes are shed and the drawer next to the couch is open. 
The week of their vacation, Nanami is sent on a mission to Osaka with Gojo. Not only does he have to spend four days in a hotel room with his insufferable friend, but this will be the longest he’s been apart from his girlfriend since they started dating. 
On the last night, Nanami groans at his phone, staring at a picture of the yakisoba she made for dinner tonight as he eats a bowl of spicy instant ramen from a convenience store. “Remind me why we don’t have any stipend for food?” Nanami asks Gojo, who is happily slurping away at his noodles, cross-legged on the bed.
“Geez, Nanamin. Sorry our agency can’t afford five-star meals every night. Since when have you been such a snob?!”
“I’d rather be at home, eating my girlfriend’s yakisoba than eating instant ramen with you.”
“I’m so glad you said yakisoba and not something else,” Gojo jokes, with an eyebrow raised.
They finish the rest of their meal in a comfortable silence. When he’s done, Gojo stands up to stretch his long limbs. “I’m going for a walk. Be back in thirty minutes.” 
“Where are you going?”
“Just around. I’m giving you some alone time so you can talk to your girlfriend. Take the hint, buddy.”
Surprised, Nanami murmurs, “You don’t have to leave. It’s fine.”
“Seriously, it’s no big deal. Just tell her I say ‘hi’. And remember, thirty minutes. I better not walk in here with your pants down,” he teases, smirking as he opens the door.
“Oh, you are awful,” Nanami mutters before he’s left all alone. Finally. 
Immediately, he dials her number and after two rings, she picks up. “Hi baby!”
He loves hearing her voice. It instantly puts him in a good mood. “Hi honey. How are you?”
“Honey? Are you alone right now?”
“Yes. Gojo went out for a walk.”
They chat for several minutes about each other’s week. Nanami talks about the multiple curses they’ve exorcised and how Gojo has them eating convenience store food every night. She complains about work and her friend’s boyfriend drama, which he shamelessly indulges in. 
“I miss you so much,” Nanami says. He’s sitting up on his bed now, loosening the tie around his collar. 
“I miss you too, Kento.”
“I can’t wait for our vacation tomorrow.”
“Me too.”
There’s a brief silence over the phone, a familiar tension growing between the static noise. She breaks the silence first. “What do you want to do during our trip?”
“Well, we’re going to do the hot springs, maybe a massage –”
“No, Kento. I mean, what do you want to do to me?” He hears shifting on her end. He wonders what room she’s in and what she’s wearing.
He exhales into the phone, reaching for his belt, unbuckling it quietly. “What do you want, sweetheart? I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
“Whatever I want?” she challenges. 
“Yes, anything.”
“Can you fuck me like the little slut that I am?”
“Fuck, baby. Fuck,” he mutters, pushing past the waistband of his pants to release his erect cock. He starts jerking off hastily, picturing her sprawled out on the bed for him, legs spread wide and ready to be railed. “You’re such a slut for me, huh? Always so needy for this cock. Where are you right now?” He rasps filthy words into the phone, all discretion tossed out the window.
“I’m on the couch in the living room, touching myself.” 
“Already? Can’t even make it to the bedroom, huh? You really are a slut. Can’t wait to eat that pussy out tomorrow. Can’t wait to devour you. You always taste divine on my tongue.” 
“God, Kento. Wish you were here. Wish you could fuck me on the couch like you did last week.” 
“Have you been touching yourself while I’ve been away? Have you been naughty?” He bites his lip thinking about her rubbing that clit with those cute little fingers, sliding them up and down her wet cunt. 
“Yes, I’ve been very naughty,” she huffs, voice trembling with arousal. “How will you punish me?” 
“Going to give you a spanking,” he growls, fisting his cock faster, precum leaking from the tip. “Going to fuck you until you can’t come anymore. Going to milk you dry.”
“Is that a promise?” If he listens carefully enough, he can hear the lewd squelches while she pleasures herself, spurring him on.
“You’re such a bad girl, always trying to provoke me. Tell me exactly what you’re doing.”
“Rubbing my clit,” she stammers. “Spreading my cum all over it so it’s nice and wet for you. God, I miss you so much, baby.”
“I know, honey. I miss you too. I miss you too,” he repeats, getting closer and closer to the edge. “Can you make yourself come? For me? Fuck yourself, pretend it’s me doing it. I want to hear it.”
He relishes in her faint whimpers as she masturbates on the phone with him, timing his strokes to match her moans. “There you go, sweetheart. Just like that. You’re doing so good for me,” he praises. He’s close and by the sounds of it, so is she. “Tell me what you’re thinking about,” he says in a low voice.
“Your big cock filling me up.”
“What position?”
“Cowgirl. I’m bouncing on it until you come inside, like how we did it on the couch. It was dripping down my thighs, remember?” Her voice is hoarse with lust, gradually unraveling on the other end of the line. 
“How could I forget?” he smiles to himself, vividly recalling the erotic memory. “And what did I do after?”
She lets out a loud moan before answering, “You put it back in me and fucked me again.”
“That’s right, baby. I know how much you like that.” He strokes his dick in a frenzy, ears hot and eyes shut tight as he approaches his climax.  
“Come with me, Kento. Come with me.” 
At her command, his abs clench as he releases all over himself, painting the bottom of his button up shirt with his seed. He really should have taken this off beforehand, but as usual, they get too caught up in the moment to think logically. 
“Did you come?” Her voice is quiet, her breathing shallow just like it gets whenever she orgasms.  
“Yes, I did. All over my shirt,” he admits, laughing softly.
“Oh no! Baby!”
“It’s okay. I have another one. How about you? Did you come?”
“Yes, I did,” she replies. He smirks, picturing her laid out on the couch, panties around her ankles, that blissful gaze in her eyes. That’s my girl, he muses. 
“You should clean yourself up before Gojo gets back,” she suggests.
Gojo. Shit.
Nanami turns his wrist to read his watch; it’s been at least forty-five minutes since his friend left for his thirty-minute walk. In a panic, he checks his messages and finds three from Gojo that he somehow missed:
NANAMINNNNN coming back from my walk now
never mind, extending my walk another 30
you dirty bastard
The next day, you and Nanami reunite for your trip. It’s a two-hour train ride to Hakone. You rest your head on Nanami’s shoulder, hands laced together, basking in each other’s existence. A few days away makes you realize how happy you are being with him. As if you had any doubts. 
When the train approaches the station, Nanami lightly taps on your thigh to get your attention. He points out the window. “Look, sweetie.” It’s a gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji in the distance. The hotel you’re staying at is only a ten-minute walk from the station, meaning this is the scenery you’ll have all weekend. You can’t imagine anything more romantic and peaceful than this. 
The hotel is as quaint as you pictured it. You check into the room and settle in before getting ready for the hot springs. Two hours away from each other is a cinch, especially in paradise. You both enjoy your separate onsen experiences, rejuvenated and relaxed for the night to come. 
After a delightful dinner at the hotel restaurant, it’s time to retreat into your room. On the elevator ride up, Nanami pushes you up against the wall and kisses you, unable to contain himself any longer. You fumble on the way to the room, exchanging delicate kisses until you’re inside. He removes his coat, then yours, before wrapping his arms around you in a big bear hug. “I’ve been waiting all week for this,” he says softly. 
You both change into proper hot tub attire: Nanami in swim trunks, you in a two-piece bathing suit. He leads you to the balcony, holding your hand to help you into the spa. The sexual tension is palpable. As you sit beside each other in the water, your muscles relax in the heat. You let your head fall back on the edge of the tub as you sigh, feeling at ease, staying like this for a few minutes. Even with your eyes closed, you can sense Nanami’s gaze on you. Cracking one eye open, you smirk. “Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?”
His hand slides up your thigh. “I can’t help it when you look like this.”
You face him, smiling. “And what do I look like?”
“Happy. Tranquil.” He pauses, leaning in closer to whisper, “You’re beautiful.”
There’s a flutter in your stomach, a sensation you’ll never get tired of. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” 
Your lips brush together seamlessly, his breath warm on your mouth. With your hands on his chest, you feel the steady thump of his heartbeat pick up in pace as you continue to kiss passionately. Your skin prickles with goosebumps despite the surrounding heat. Something about the way Nanami kisses you always makes you tingly.
Straddling his lap now, you kiss his neck while you roll your hips on him, using his shoulders to hold on to. He lets out a guttural moan, making you ride him slower, touching every inch of him as you possible can until he’s undeniably hard beneath you. You want him. You need him.  
Water splashes over the edge of the tub, the waves rippling with each movement. The steam from the hot water is dewy on your skin. He caresses your head, fingers gripped to the back of your head, gently pulling you off so he can meet your lips with his before trailing along your neck, sucking on your skin, claiming you as his. His other hand cups your ass, moving with the rhythm in which you ride him. 
“You’re so good to me, Kento. Always so good to me,” you whimper.
He whispers in your ear, “I want you. I want you around my cock.” His squeezes your ass tighter, his self-control wavering. “Let’s go.”
You hop off and get out first. The contrast of the cold night air on your sweltering skin makes you shiver. When you watch him emerge out of the water with a very distinct bulge in his swimming trunks, you shudder even more. 
“Don’t you know it’s rude to stare?” he teases, grabbing your wrist and leading you back inside. His grip is strong, his pace quick. Seeing him unravel like this is arousing. Knowing how much he desires you in this moment makes you quiver for him.
He takes you into the bathroom, where he starts the shower, knob turned all the way to hot. He releases his hold on you to remove his swimming trunks, his hard dick flopping against his abdomen. The sight resonates straight to your arousal. In complete surrender, you bend over the sink counter begging, “Kento, please. I can’t wait anymore. I need you right now.”
He leans over you, his lips tickling your ear as he chuckles. “Be a good girl and get in the shower. Be patient, sweetheart.” His erection rubs against you, his lips grazing your nape seductively. He roams your back to remove your top, then down your ass, where he slides your bikini bottoms off at an agonizing speed. 
Pouting, you do as he says, slapping your ass as you step over the bathtub. He follows you in, pawing at your waist to pull you close. With a bar of soap, you stand underneath the hot shower, scrubbing the chlorine off your skin as Nanami watches you from behind. Soap suds travel from your neck down to your breasts. From the your peripheral, you see him lick his lips, salivating. When you’re ready to rinse off, you turn to face him, reaching between your legs, tapping your clit. 
“Can’t wait to taste you,” he says in a low voice, the look in his eyes carnal with desire. God, you want him. You want him so bad it hurts, pussy aching to be filled.
Letting the water rinse your body, you offer him the bar of soap. He shakes his head. “You do it.” This is the other side of him. Nanami is usually sweet and gentle with you. Never does he demand you to do anything or boss you around. But when he’s like this, you can’t help but heed his every command. Only you get to see him like this. You scrub the soap on his skin, sliding your hands all over his body. You pull him closer to you, letting the water wash away the bubbles. When you reach down to his still erect cock, he snatches your hand away and growls, “Not yet. I want to fuck you on the bed.” 
Once rinsed off, he gives you a small kiss on the forehead before stepping out, leaving you alone in the shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist, he gives you one last smirk before exiting the bathroom. What is he up to? 
A small groan escapes your mouth, your patience wearing thin. This is the longest foreplay you two have managed to last through. How much longer is he going to keep you waiting? How has he managed to stay this hard for this long without giving in? The anticipation puts you on edge. 
When you’re done, you wrap a robe loosely around yourself, returning to the bedroom to see Nanami sitting up on the bed, naked on top of the covers, watching you. He points to a small, black gift bag propped up at the foot of the bed. “Open it.”
Inside is a black slip dress and a matching lace thong. You swallow hard as you glide the thin material between your fingers, nervous and aroused at what’s about to come. “Put it on. Model it for me.” He leans back on the headboard, palms behind his head, cock stiff against his stomach. There’s a smug expression on his face; you can tell he’s enjoying this. 
You shrug the robe off and wear the dress first. Your nipples poke through the fabric. Nanami bites his lower lip and leans forward to get a better look. “Now put the thong on. Slowly.”
At his direction, you slip on the lingerie slowly. When it’s past your knees, he says, “Turn around and let me see.” With your back towards him, you stick your ass out and lift the hem of the dress to slide the thong between your cheeks. 
You hear him moan quietly. “Perfect. You’re perfect. Come here, sweetheart.”
She crawls next to him, where they begin kissing, all sloppy and wet. Her hand reaches down to stroke his shaft. He cradles her bottom, fingers feeling for the lacey fabric buried between her ass cheeks.  
“Get on your back,” he orders, hovering above her, marveling at how insanely gorgeous she is. The satin dress accentuates every bodacious curve of her body. He makes a mental note to buy more of these for her in the future.
He slides his hand beneath the dress to rub his fingers on the wet spot of her lacey lingerie. “So wet for me already,” he purrs, slipping past the fabric. “Always so wet for me.”
“Please,” she pleads. He loves it when she begs. Absolutely loves it. It awakens something in him. The usually calm Kento Nanami becomes unhinged whenever he touches her. But when she begs for it, he wants nothing more than to make her feel amazing, to be the reason she squirms in pleasure beneath him.
He slides his middle finger along her folds, gathering as much slick as he can before he starts caressing her puffy clit. She whines under his touch, the sensation too much. She’s been waiting for this all night. Been begging for it. This is her reward for her patience. She grabs the nearest pillow to cover her mouth, but as soon as she does, Nanami pulls it off and tosses it behind him. 
“No,” he demands. “I want everyone to hear how good you’re getting it right now.”
He shimmies down the bed, spreading her thighs apart. With his head between her legs, he leans forward, teasing her clit with a flick of his tongue, holding her panties to the side. She grabs hold of his hair as he presses soft kisses to her clit. Suddenly, he flattens his tongue on her bud and moves it side to side, surrounding every centimeter of that pretty clit with his mouth. Lewd sounds fill the room, from her loud, shameless moaning to the wet noises he makes as he eats her out. He adjusts his position to stroke himself as he continues to devour her.
She’s like honey on his tongue, luscious and decadent. He cherishes every time he gets to do this to her. Usually, she is too shy to let him eat her out. She deprives him of this treat. He’s starved for it. With her like this, spread out like a fucking feast in front of him, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t take full advantage of this moment. He latches his lips around her, sucking on it as he lets go of his cock to slide his middle and ring finger into her pussy. He watches her chest fall and rise with shallow breaths with his fingers pumping in and out of her, thumb rubbing circles around her clit. She cries out his name. “Kento!”
“Fuck. You have no idea how good you look right now, swallowing up my fingers like this.” He bucks his hips against the bed, desperate for any type of friction. All he hears from her is a litany of swears and his name. Her moans eventually turn into whimpers. He stops massaging her clit and eats her out again, this time sloppier and more erratic as he continues to work his fingers inside her. The sheets are damp with his saliva and her cum. He’s not sure how many times she orgasms; based on the evidence before him, he guesses it’s at least twice. She’s too busy taking it like a slut to even verbalize when she’s coming. 
When he’s close to his limit, he places one last tender kiss on her clit before releasing her lacey thong; he’s been holding them to the side this entire time. His fingers slip out of her, shiny with her orgasm. The temptation to suck her sweet nectar from his fingers is too good to resist. As he kneels next to her, he leans down to put his face close to hers. Her eyes widen with anticipation, waiting for his next move. With a dark look in his eyes, he licks his glossy fingers, dragging his tongue up and down, savoring it like it’s the most decadent treat. She whines, staring at him, grinding her hips up, desperate to be fucked. He never gets tired of seeing her like this.  
Fully aware of how her slick glistens on his lips and chin, he murmurs, “Taste yourself. I want you know how good you are.”
There’s a dazed expression in her eyes as she obeys, sitting up to kiss him sloppily, tongue lapping into his open mouth then down to his chin. It drives him crazy. Before he comes right then and there, he shoves his hand between her legs and tugs her panties off, admiring how soaked they are, all for him. Because of him. 
Under the pillow is the bottle of lube he hid right after he got out of the shower. He pops off the cap and pours a liberal amount into his palms, coating his shaft. He strokes his cock vigorously, asking, “Are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, Kento. Please. Please. I need you inside me.”
“I know, baby. I know.” He kneels in front of her, aligning the tip of his dick with her slit, entering her slowly, careful not to be too forceful. She’s always so tight, even when she’s dripping wet for him. “Such a good girl,” he whispers, leaning over her to kiss her forehead. 
Halfway in, her body adjusts to his size, allowing him to thrust into her in fluid motions. She wraps her legs around him, babbling. “Kento, fuck. Fuck.”
“So wet for me. You’re perfect around my cock.” Once he’s fully inside her, he kisses her with open lips, tongue licking up her saliva as she moans into his mouth. He pins her wrists above her head, thrusting his hips against her. They make love like this for a while, Nanami relishing the way her body melts around him. He knows what she wants, but he takes his time teasing her like this until she groans out, “Fuck me harder. Please.”
As if on cue, he pulls out of her and taps his fingers at her hips. At his command, she flips over onto her stomach and gets on all fours, pushing her ass out. The hem of her satin dress rides up over the curve of her hips. The sight in front of him is immaculate. He wants this ingrained in his memory forever. “Think you can take it, sweetheart? I’m not gonna go easy on you.”
“Yes, baby. Fuck me hard. Please. I can take it.”
“Good girl,” he coos, placing a soft kiss on her back. Whatever she wants, he’ll give it to her, especially when she begs like this. He puts both of his hands on each of her ass cheeks and spreads them apart, watching his glistening cock slowly slide into her pussy. 
“God, I wish you could see what I see right now. It’s exquisite. You look fucking incredible like this. My sweet girl.” Once he’s all the way in, he grabs hold of her hips and fucks her. Hard. Exactly how she likes it. 
“Fuck, feels so fucking good!” she cries out. Her knuckles are tight as she clenches the sheets. He spanks her as he fucks her, causing her to groan into the pillow with her back arched. The sound of his pelvis slapping against her ass with each rapid thrust is filthy. 
“I needed this, baby. It’s been such a long week,” he grunts. “God, you take it so well. Such a slut for me, huh? Say it.”
“I’m a slut for you, Kento. Feels amazing when you fuck me like this.” 
Grip still firm on her hips, he continues to drive his cock into her, reveling in the way she swallows him up. She turns her head to the side, that dazed look on her face. Her lips are parted as she continues to moan incoherently, drool leaking down the sides of her wet mouth. When she makes eye contact with him, her lips curl into a small smile. “Right there, Kento. Make me come.”
Growling, he hits her sweet spot until she comes all over his cock. She tightens around him. his dick creamy with more of her cum with each thrust. It’s obscene; he can’t hold it in anymore. 
“Ride me,” he demands, pulling out abruptly. He rolls onto his back, watching her climb on top of him. She guides his dick inside her, exhaling deeply as she sinks lower onto his shaft. It goes in easily, her pussy sleek from her multiple orgasms, his own precum, and the lube from earlier. When he bottoms out, she leans over him, kissing him passionately as she thrusts her ass back and forth onto his cock. 
“Just like that. Fuck,” he moans. This is his absolute favorite position. He loves it when she rides him like this. Always so eager and greedy for his cum whenever she’s on top. It makes him feel like a fucking god. He cranes his neck to the side, tugging on the hem of her dress to watch her bounce on his lap. “I fucking love this. You know how much I love this, you fucking nasty slut.” 
“I’m such a nasty slut for you, baby. Only for you. Fuck,” she moans into his ear, riding him faster. 
He’s close. How he’s managed to last this long without coming, he’ll never know. Maybe his stamina has improved after all the sex they’ve been having recently. Or maybe it’s the thought of coming in her like this that kept him under control. Whatever it is, he decides he’s been patient long enough. 
“Let me take over,” he whispers to her.
Her body relaxes. Now, he’s in control. He plants his feet onto the bed and thrusts into her at a rapid pace, holding onto her waist to move her in perfect rhythm with his hips. 
“Come inside me, Kento. Fill me up,” she mewls into his ear.
At her words, he releases inside her, shutting his eyes tight as he rides out the rest of his orgasm. When he’s finished, he pulls out and she collapses beside him. The dress is defiled with the aftermath of their lovemaking, just as he fantasized about. 
You put your arm over his chest and lay your head against his shoulder. “Wow,” is all you can muster, voice shaky. Nanami just rocked your fucking world, and you can’t find better words to describe it. 
He chuckles, his eyes still closed. “Yeah. Wow.” He takes your hand and kisses the inside of your wrist. “I’m sorry for calling you a slut.”
You giggle. He always does this. “You don’t have to keep apologizing for that! You know I like it.”
“I usually don’t use degrading language like that. I just want to make sure it’s still okay with you.” You can’t contain your smile. He’s too cute for his own good. 
“By the way, how long have you been planning this?” you ask.
He finally opens his eyes and faces you. “All week. Saw the dress on display at a mall in Osaka. I knew it would look magnificent on you. It’s even better than what I imagined.”
“You sneaky devil!”
“I’m only this way because of you. You really unleash the devil in me.” He grins, nuzzling his nose against yours.
“I guess I’m the lucky angel then, huh?”
“You are,” he says, peppering kisses on your face. “My sweet angel. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
After a few more minutes of post-coital cuddling, the two of you wash up again and get ready for a well-deserved sleep. You snuggle each other in pure bliss, looking forward to more vacations with the man you love. 
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Tag List: @chiyoso @bloombb @liliorsstuff-blog
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Silver Lining 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, speech impediment, bullying and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: silverfox!Bucky Barnes
Summary: You have an unpleasant encounter with an older man.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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"So your sister will be coming by next week with the little ones," your mother declares as you stand at the sink, scrubbing away the remnants of roast beef and potato. "You'll get to play auntie for the day."
"Mhmm," you nod, "what about Justin?"
"Oh, your brother's down visiting with his fiance's family. He said he'd try to make if for Christmas Eve but you know how her family is."
You sniff and pretend to know. You really don't. It's all hearsay to you. You don't hear much from either siblings; they have lives, you just happen to be related.
"S-sounds great," you utter as you put another plate in the rack.
"Oh, honey, you should just use the dishwasher," she says.
"It's f-f-fine, this works," you insist.
"Well, what about you? What are you up to?" She leans on the counter.
"I..." you don't know what to say. You need a lie, anything to appease her. Your brother's engaged, your sister has the white picket fence and you have nothing, "oh, I h-have a job interview."
"You do?" She sounds thoroughly disbelieving.
"Uh, yeah, w-well," you stammer through, trying not to give away your deceit, "since n-no one wants to h-hire me in my f-field, I f-found something new."
"That's exciting," she chimes, "what is it?"
"Uh, I w-want to see i-if it turns out b-before I say," you give a tight-lipped smile, "don't want to d-disappoint you again."
"Sweetie, you're not a disappointment," she hums, "I'm always happy to see you trying."
You look down at the sink and shrug. Behind that comment is the inference that you weren't trying before. That you haven't been. The long nights with vivid nightmares don't exactly motivate you and you've been all but blacklisted as an executive assistant. Even admin roles aren't responding. Even if you do get a bite, the job market is drawn out and tedious.
"Thanks, mom."
"Just... try not to mope around the kids," she chides, "it's Christmas."
You flutter your lashes, "sure, mom."
That's what you are to everyone; weak, pathetic, useless. No, don't do that. You'll make another appointment with Lisa, she always knows what to do.
Well, this is it. A last resort. One of those freelancing websites that pays pennies. It's better than nothing and will keep you from having too big a gap on your resume. You could easily do the writing gigs, easy money for transcription. You apply to a few of those and scroll on.
You sit up as you see a particular posting that interest you. Oddly enough, the pay isn't half bad. It's also labeled as 'may lead to ongoing work'. Well, well, well, now that's something.
You click into the posting for 'Podcast Script Writer' and review the details. A sample is required for application and lucky enough, you have lots of those hanging around. If it wasn't for your stammer, you'd have an episode done by now. You deleted enough recordings to the point of giving up. Well, this is a solution. You can get your work out there without having to embarrass yourself.
You go through the application, putting in your info and editing a draft before attaching it to the application. You just hope it's thorough enough. You never really let anyone else see and hitting submit makes your stomach flip. With the final click, you close your laptop and quickly get up. Alright, you're not going to dwell on it. If you hear anything, you'll worry then.
You try to read but can't focus. It just makes you think of the posting and your application. Oh jeez, imagine you're rejected but worse, they tell you you've done everything wrong.
Appointment! You can't forget that. You login to the app and put in a request for a Zoom appointment that week. Alright, you're getting things done, you can't say you've done nothing.
You put a video on your phone and lean it on the pop out grip, propping it up on your mattress to watch the compilation of sitcom moments cut together on Youtube. Your mind wanders and your eyes begin to sag as the day shrouds you in fatigue. You slip into a shallow doze as the glare of the screen flickers over you.
The distant clack of keyboards and clicking of mouses needles behind your ears. It's as if you're trapped in a bubble of silence, all colours and noised dampened by the unseen wall. You shudder as you hear his voice, the only thing that's clear. Your name crawls up behind the shell of your ear with his breath as his hands settle on your hips. Your body aches as every muscles tightens and your bones lock in place. Please, no, not again...
"Sir..." you try to speak but nothing comes out. He's always tugging your skirt up, his hand is around your throat. You close your eyes as tears stain your cheeks.
You wake with a start, your phone black as the battery's drained from neglect. You sit up and pant, looking around your dark bedroom, the moonlight limning shadows sinisterly. You gulp and fall back, watching the ceiling as the tears rise in reality and sting your eyes.
If you'd just said no. A simple word. Even you can manage that.
You lay for a while until your restlessness boils over. You get up and plug in your phone. The screen lights up as you rub your eye socket and yawn. There's an email notification in the taskbar. Probably more ads for things you can't afford.
You pull down the menu but find ‘Application Update’ emblazoned across the notification. Oh wow, that was fast. You keep yourself from tapping on the email.
You don't know if you can handle another rejection. You'd rather languish in the uncertainty. You've been doing so for so long, it almost feels safe.
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Bruce Wayne x Reader
Title: “Secrets will be told” SERIES PART 6 FINAL PART
Need a Refresher? Here are the previous parts!
Part 1      
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Pairing(s): Bruce Wayne (from the show Gotham) and Female reader. BOTH BRUCE AND READER WILL BE 26-28 in this part.
Warnings: None; I did not proofread; I quickly skimmed through
Summary of series: Bruce Wayne was captivated when he met Y/N, and the feeling was mutual. Dating turned into being engaged and engaged to married. They knew each other’s secrets and told each other everything; they confided in one another. But once Y/N follows Bruce back to Gotham, he begins to change... He becomes secretive, is he having an affair? Y/N needs to find out the truth.
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The sound of beeping made me open my eyes. I frantically looked around, and tubes were in my nose, and the heart rate monitor was beeping quickly. “Y/N, sweetie, please calm down..” My mom’s hands held mine, and I turned to look at her. 
I could feel a burning sensation in my hand, and I held my hand in front of my face. The palm of my hand was wrapped in a bandage, and the doctor walked in. “It’s about time you woke up, Mrs. Wayne. You’ve been asleep for three days now; we were starting to get worried.” he said, as he looked down at his clipboard.
“Do you remember anything that happened?” he asked and I leaned back into the pillows behind me. “I-I was kidnapped... By Jeremiah Valeska, and I was saved by..by...” I started to remember last night.
“Stay standing. Don’t pass out. Just focus on me.” he said, and I shook my head. “Please, just tell Bruce I love him. Tell him, I’m not mad. Don’t let him blame himself for.. for.. th-this.”
My lungs were burning, and it felt like they could no longer hold any air.  My legs began to shake, and before my eyes closed, I heard the batman say: “I love you too...” 
“It’s okay, we don’t need to go over everything right now. But I am advising you go to therapy when we get you home. What you went through was traumatic, and I think it would be a great help..” he said, and then he cleared his throat. “But let’s discuss what is currently wrong. Your oxygen levels were extremely low from breathing in all of the chemicals. Your hand-” he lifted up my hand and unwrapped it.
My hand was red and blistered, “You will have a permanent scar on you right hand.” I lifted my hand up and the chemical burn was in the shape of a “J”.  Of course, that bastard had to leave his mark.
The doctor grabbed my hand and wrapped it with a clean bandage. “But there are some corrective surgeries that can fix it. I can get something scheduled if you would like.” he said, and I shook my head.
“Where’s my husband? Where’s Bruce?” I asked, and my mom stood up. “He went home to take a shower. He will be back soon.” Her thumb massaged the top of my hand, and I sighed.
 “Why did you go to Metropolis?” my mother asked.
“I can’t remember. I’m sorry.” I said, as she pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m just so happy that you are going to be okay.” she whispered. 
The doctor picked up his clipboard, “Alright Mrs. Wayne. Your hand is all good to go. Now, I must advise you to get some rest. And if everything is good by tonight, I will consider letting you go home early.” he said before walking out of the door.
My mother and I sat there talking about her and my father’s recent trip, until she had to go home to clean up broken glass. I sat there staring at the bandage wrapped around my right hand. I began to unwrap the bandage and hissed at the stinging pain that shot through my entire arm. 
I stared at the raw, blistered skin. Of course, he left his mark on me. I started to cry at the site of it; I felt disgusting. I could still feel his lingering touch on my bottom lip, and the way he stared at me. I was supposed to be dead. Never has anyone wanted me dead, and I hoped that they put Jeremiah away. Because now, this felt like a game that was not going to end in my favor. 
A knock on my hospital room door tore my gaze away from my hand. Bruce stood there with a bouquet of roses. I wiped the tears from my face, and he quickly made his way over to me. “Y/N, I am so sorry about what happened. I wanted to be here when you woke up, but your mom made me go home and clean up.” he said.
He watched where my gaze went, and he looked down at my hand. “Let me wrap that up so it doesn’t get infected.” he said as he grabbed the bandages that were on the bedside table. I stared at him as he bandaged my hand, and he finally looked up at me. “We need to talk when we get home.” he said quietly, and I nodded. 
“About the divorce?” I asked, and he looked down at his hands. “If that is what you want, then yes. But I would really like for you to reconsider those divorce papers.” He spoke.
“Why would I do that?” I asked, and he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 
“We will talk about this when we get you home.” he said, and he stood up from his chair. “Right now, I’m going to let you rest.” 
An hour after Bruce had left, I had fallen asleep. 
“I want to be able to control your pain and how fast you die.” Jeremiah hissed as he dragged a knife that had the residue from the chemical down my arm. 
“Stop! Please, stop!” I cried out, and all he could do was laugh in my face. 
Slowly, he dragged the knife down my cheek, “I hate having to scar your pretty little face. Maybe if Bruce doesn’t want you after this, I will give you a chance. After all, you will look just...like....me.”
I felt a hand shake my shoulder and all I could do was scream “No! Please, get off of me!” Bruce’s hand pulled back from me. 
“Y/N, it’s just me. It’s just me.” he said, and I jumped into his arms. “Please don’t let him get me, Bruce.” I cried out, and his hand cupped the back of my head. He pulled me closer to him, “He’s not coming back, Y/N. It’s over. Jeremiah is dead.” 
I pulled away from Bruce’s chest, “He-He’s dead? Are you sure?” I asked and Bruce nodded. “You don’t have to worry anymore.”
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When we had gotten back to Wayne Manor, Alfred was smiling. “It is so good to have you back, Mrs. Wayne. Want me to fix you something to eat or drink?” he asked, and I shook my head.  
Bruce gave Alfred a small smile, “I think we need some time to talk, if you don’t mind Alfred.” 
Alfred handed Bruce something, but I didn’t see what it was. Bruce picked up my uninjured hand and led me to his study. “I know I said I can explain everything, but I think it would be easier if I just show you.” 
I watched him walk over to his desk and grab a remote, and he clicked a button, and a loud sound made the room tremble. I took a step back as the fireplace retracted into the wall, revealing a dark hallway with stairs. Bruce picked up my left hand and led me down the dark staircase. “Um.. This isn’t the part where you are actually going to murder me, right?” I asked and Bruce smiled.
“You watch way too much crime shows, Y/N.” he continued to lead me down the never-ending staircase, but a bright LED light was shining at the end of the hallway. He turned to face me, “Before we go any further, please let me explain and answer your questions. And if you still want a divorce after seeing all of this, I understand.”
I followed him into the blinding light, and after my eyes adjusted to my surroundings, I gasped. A group of computers almost took up one entire wall, and a big black military looking car was on the opposite side. But Bruce led me to a glass case, and once we got close enough, I stopped dead in my tracks. 
It was the Batman suit. Bruce opened the case, and I pressed my left hand up against the chest of the suit. Memories of being carried out of Ace Chemicals replayed in my mind. 
When he spoke that night, his last words to me were “I love you too.” Those words were not spoken in the Batman’s voice, but in Bruce’s voice. The scars on Bruce’s back, the late nights of him not being home, and this is the reason why he bulked up. Bruce Wayne, my husband, is the Batman. 
I turned to Bruce with tears in my eyes, “It was you. You are the Batman?” 
Bruce nodded his head as tears ran down his cheeks. “I had to retaliate, Y/N. When I heard Jeremiah escaped Gotham, I couldn’t be a sitting duck anymore. It wasn’t just me anymore, I had to protect you.” he said.
“And that woman in your office? Who is she?” I questioned and Bruce sighed. “That woman was Selina Kyle. She was warning me about Jeremiah. She heard that he was coming for me, but she didn’t know when. But instead, he went for you.” he explained. 
“We have been friends for a very long time, Y/N. Nothing is or ever will go on between her and myself. She is the reason Jeremiah will never come for us again.” he whispered, and I lunged into Bruce’s arms.
“I was so scared that I was going to die, Bruce.” I cried into his chest. “But the last thing I thought of before I passed out, was you. And when I looked into the Batman’s eyes, I should have known they were yours.” 
Bruce’s arms tightened around me, “I can’t lie to you, Y/N, but things are not going to be easy. Now that you know I am Batman, this is going to make you a target.” he said as he pulled away from me and held my face in his hands. “I can’t give up being Batman now. Gotham needs me more than ever, and if you want to leave me, I won’t hold it against you.” 
“Because I will never forgive myself if something were to happen to you. A part of me knows I should have left you in the dark, and I should have signed those divorce papers.” he said as a tear slipped from his eye. “But another part of me, the selfish part of me, doesn’t want to lose you. I love you, Y/N. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. However, I will respect the decision that you make.” Bruce said as he pressed his forehead against mine. 
I took in a deep breath, “I don’t want a divorce, Bruce. I really don’t. But please, don’t keep any secrets from me.” I said quietly, and Bruce picked me up off of the ground. “No more secrets.” he said before pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“Mrs. Wayne, you are going to need these.” he said as he pulled my engagement ring and wedding band out of his pocket. Bruce slipped them onto my ring finger. 
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A few weeks later, I was able to remove the bandage from my hand. This was the first time in weeks I had seen my bare hand. As I removed the bandage, I saw the dark red ‘J’ scar that would be a permanent mark. 
Bruce came into the bathroom and leaned against the door frame, “Are you alright?” he asked, and I closed my hand. “Yeah. I’m just trying to get used to this ugly scar.” I say and he wrapped his arms around me. 
“It won’t always be red. It should somewhat fade.” he said as opened my hand. He looked at the scar and sighed. “If I could have been there sooner.” he whispered, and I cupped his cheek. “Don’t go down that route, Bruce. I am just thankful you showed up when you did. Otherwise, things could have gotten worse.” 
He wrapped his arms around me, and I took in his scent. “Can I ask you something?” I asked, and Bruce nodded. “Will you train me, Bruce?” I asked and he pulled away from me. 
“Train you? For what?” 
“I don’t want to be that girl that was locked in a glass room, about to be murdered, Bruce. I don’t want to be the girl that is left with a scar as a reminder that I cannot protect myself.” I said and he tore his gaze away from me. “Please, Bruce?”
He stood there staring at the wall, and finally he answered. “Okay. You’re right. You need to be able to protect yourself. I will train you, but it’s not going to be easy.” 
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That night, when we left “the batcave” after he told me was Batman, our lives had changed forever. I had to share the love of my life with everyone else in Gotham; they got the Dark Knight, and I got Bruce Wayne. The person I fell in love with at Princeton. 
He trained me just like he promised he would. Hell, I was so good at fighting that I was now known as the “Black Widow”. I fought right alongside my husband, helping keep the streets of Gotham safe.  
Then we adopted our first son, then our second, and then our third. Then Bruce found out he had a love child from before we met in college. And then we had a set of twins of our own. As a family, we had a pact, and that was never keep a secret. Because Secrets will always be told. 
I know, cheesy ending. But I hope you guys enjoyed this little mini-series. I had fun writing it, and at times it was challenging, but definitely worth it. Thank you to the readers who stuck it out until the very end of this series! 
(Also, I couldn’t figure out a superhero name. So I went with Black Widow, I mean, I always can picture Bruce with a Black Widow!Reader. I do not own the rights to Batman/Bruce Wayne, or the characters mentioned. I only own the story line. Nor do I own the rights to the hero name Black Widow).
TAGLIST: @rl800 @auspicious-lilana @theclassicvinyldragon 
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magma-queen · 1 year
Archie proposing to Maxie! 🥰
Oooooo yes!! That sounds adorable! Here you go, friend! <3
It was unexpected of Archie to suddenly tell him that they were going on a vacation to Alola.
“But.. how come?” The redhead questioned. “We don’t usually plan a trip until summer.”
It was October.
Archie tried to ease his suspicions. “Babe, it’s our 5th anniversary! Don’t ye remember?”
“Oh god- of course!” He smacked his head in frustration. “Please forgive me. I’ve been working so much lately and I-“
He shut Maxie up with a kiss.
Maxie then broke the kiss for a moment and looked at his boyfriend. “But, we have a little girl with us now. If you were planning a dinner or something-“
“Tabitha, Matt, Courtney, and Shelly are coming with us. It’s their anniversaries too, y’know. They can watch Sierra while we have a night to ourselves.”
“I’m acting like our daughter is a burden… trust me, she’s far from it. I hope you understand that.”
Archie guffawed. “Oh Max, c’mon now. I know ye better than that. I know ye love our little girl. But I need someone to watch her while I take ye out to dinner one night.”
“Oh, Archie~ You really don’t need-“
“Ah Ah! Yes I do, snookums. *kiss* It’s all for ye, baby. For us.”
Maxie smiles and cups Archie’s face in his hands. “I love you.”
“I love ye too, Max. I know all of us are gonna have a great time.”
Around 2 months later, The 7 of them boarded onto a ship to sail for the Alola region. It took around 2 days for them to get there, so once they did, they booked a big hotel room on Poni island for all of them.
“Wow, this place looks amazing!” Matt exclaimed, his arm around Tabitha’s shoulder. “I hope we get a room aaaaall to ourselves~” He chuckles, smirking seductively at his husband.
“For god’s sake, Matt.” Tabitha blushes, looking away. “We have a child here!” He giggles when Matt kisses his cheek.
“Yeah, all of us have a room.” Archie explains, picking his daughter up. “And our little emerald will sleep with us!”
“Papa! Papa! You said you would teach me how to swim, right?”
He smiles and nuzzles her face with his beard, making her giggle. “Of course I will, me little scamp! Yer uncle Matt and yer auntie Shelly will too! Right, guys?”
“Of course we will.” Shelly smiles, motioning Archie to hand Sierra over to her. “I’ll teach you to swim like a pretty mermaid, how would you like that?”
“Uh huh! You really will, auntie?”
“Awww, you know I will, kiddo!” Then smirks at her wife. “And your auntie Courtney will too, right babe?”
She went wide eyed, Shelly knows good and well she doesn’t like to swim. “Umm-“ She cut herself off, looking at her goddaughter’s eyes plead to her. “Of c-course! Of course, sweetheart.” She smiles, petting Sierra’s head.
Shelly handed her back to her dads, and they split into their rooms. Not much later, they all had dinner together.
“Now, Sierra. Your papa and I are going to dinner by ourselves tomorrow night.” Maxie told her. “Your aunts and uncles are going to be watching you while we’re out.”
“But daddy… why can’t I go with you and papa?” She asked.
Tabitha took the conversation over. “Your daddies have some adult things that they need to take care of, sweetie. But don’t worry, the four of us will be with you until they get back.”
She smiled. “Okay.” She turned back to her daddies. “Please don’t have too much fun without me.”
“Oh, never.” Maxie chuckled, kissing her forehead.
The next evening, Archie and Maxie left together and headed towards a particularly fancy restaurant on another island in Alola.
“I can tell that you’ve been keeping something from me~” Maxie teases, watching Archie’s face redden. “What’s with all the fancy trips and expensive restaurants, dear? It’s only our 5th anniversary.”
“Well…” He muttered sheepishly. “You’ll see soon, baby. I promise. I want to take you somewhere special after dinner.”
“Okay, I’m looking forward to it~”
Once they were finished with dinner, Archie took Maxie towards a big beach nearby the restaurant.
“Beautiful sight, isn’t it?” Archie asked.
“Oh yes. He is.” Maxie said back, watching Archie’s face and ears turn red. “It’s beautiful.”
“So are ye, Max. Listen.. we’ve been dating for 5 years now, and… there’s something I really wanna ask ye.”
His eyes went wide, knowing what was about to happen next. “Arch-“
He knelt down on one knee, and he held a small, black box in his hands. “Max… yer the one and only man in my life that has made me the happiest I could ever feel.. and I wanna spend the rest of my life with ye..”
He covered his mouth, tears dotting the corners of his eyes. “A-Archie..”
“Maxie Matsubasa… love of my life, will ye make me the happiest man on earth? Will ye marry me?” He asked, looking up at his lover with a gleam in his eyes.
The other man couldn’t hold in his tears anymore. He took his glasses off and slowly nods his head. “Yes! Y-yes! Yehehehes!” He cried out, then being scooped up into Archie’s arms after having the engagement ring put on his finger. “Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”
“I love ye, baby.. forever and always.” Archie smiles, holding him close as he cried. “No tears, Max.. only love and happiness~”
“I-I’m just s-so happy- *sob* I didn’t know y-you were going to do this! I.. I simply don’t deserve you.”
Archie grins and kisses his cheek. “Oh stop that~ Of course ye do. *kiss* I love ye, Maxie.” His kisses trail down to the base of his neck.
“Aha-! *snort* Archie-! That tickles! Wahahahait-! Hehehehehehehe!” He giggles as the kisses continued. “Stohohohohop ihihihihihihihihit! *snort* my neck ihihihis ticklish!”
“Mmmm~ if I get to hear those sweet giggles during this wonderful moment, then I can take any revenge ye give me. *kiss*” His hands get clingy and wrap around his torso.
He let out a big snort. “AHAH! Archie plehehehease! Thehehehe moment’s behehehing ruhuhuined!”
“Nah~ it’s not, love. I love hearing ye laugh~ *kiss* but not as much as I love ye.”
“Cheeheheheeheesy bahastard~” Maxie giggles, trying to squirm out of the ticklish grip.
“Oh, that’s it!” Archie clung to him and picked him up, bridal style. “Now yer gonna get it!” He practically smothered his face and neck in kisses.
“Hehehehehehey! Ahahah- put mehehehe down! Ahahahahrchie-! Stop- hahah- thahat tihihihickles!”
“Nope. *kiss* Gotta practice for our wedding day, honey. I’m gonna spoil ye rotten~ *kiss kiss* because ye deserve every moment of attention and lovin’s I give ye~”
He practically carried him the entire way back to their hotel room. Everyone was shocked to see the redhead being carried in Archie’s arms.
“What in the world?” Shelly cackled.
Sierra smiles at them. “Papa is so strong!”
“Hehehehe- He won’t put me down!” The magma leader giggles as Archie nuzzles him with his beard. “Archie! Hehehehee- your beard!”
“Guess what, everyone? Max and I are getting married!” Archie announced, making everyone stand up from their seats.
“About time!” Matt guffawed, clapping his hands.
“About time is right!” Tabitha added. “You two have been together for 5 years! We were worried that one of you would never pop the big question!”
Courtney giggles. “So, who proposed?”
Maxie was too flustered to say anything, he still kept his hands over his face.
Archie cackles. “Awww, he’s flustered. *kiss* I did. And he said yes! Ain’t my man the cutest?”
“Archie PLEASE.” He tries to stop his giggling, but he can’t. He’s just too happy not to. He had NO clue that Archie was doing this.
Sierra ran up to them. “You guys are getting married? But papa, I thought you and daddy were already married!”
“Hehe, we sure acted like we were already married, didn’t we?” He smiles and looks down to her. “But it’s true, sweetheart. We are getting married. How would ye like to be the flower girl at the wedding?”
She gasps. “Really? I can?”
“Well, of course my little emerald!” He sets Maxie down and she gets up on his shoulders. “Yer our little girl, so we’d love to have ye be the flower girl.”
Maxie stood up on his feet and stood next to them, not able to get the happy grin off his face. “Archie, I love you.”
“Awww, I love ye too, babe.” Archie smiles, putting an arm around him.
Sierra soon got sleepy, leaning on Archie’s shoulder. They celebrated the engagement later that evening after putting Sierra to bed. There was plenty of wine and laughter.
“Seriously though, congrats on the engagement, you two.” Shelly laughed. “We’re all so happy for you.”
Everyone else agreed.
“Thanks, Shell.” Archie smiles, holding his red headed fiancé close. “I couldn’t be happier to be here with my Max.” *kiss.*
His face turns red with a blush. “Archie~ I couldn’t be happier either. I love you.”
“I love ye more.”
He reached up and kissed his cheek. “I love you, the most.”
Matt chuckled and coughed out “cheesy”, making everyone cackle, but not too hard, since their little girl was fast asleep.
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sequinsmile-x · 15 days
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Our Great Divide - Chapter 4: Beyond the Terror in the Nightfall
It's what they'd hoped would happen for years. For close to a decade it's what they would talk about late at night whilst snuggled up in bed together, quiet voices whispering about a life where Jack and Haley came back, where Jack could meet his siblings and their family would finally feel complete. Now it was finally happening, Emily had a pit in her stomach. A heavy weight made of fear and guilt as she worried that this could actually be the thing that tore them apart.
A Foyet Arc AU
Hi friends <3
I continue to be blown away by the love for this fic, thank you so so much. This is such an interesting perspective to explore their story from and it means so much that you're enjoying it too <3
As always, let me know what you think of this chapter !
Warnings: Full list of warnings can be found on the Master List
Words: 4.1k
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
Emily’s grateful to have Stella in her lap. The reassuring and familiar weight of her youngest keeping her grounded as they had a family conversation Emily had pictured so many times. She’d semi-practised it in her head when hope had a hold on her, but the reality of doing it was so much more difficult than she’d imagined. 
“Do you understand?” Aaron asks, Leo and Hugo sat on either side of him, matching expressions on their faces that usually brought her joy. Hugo nods, his lips pressed together as he speaks first. 
“So Jack and Miss Haley are back home?” 
Aaron nods, his arm around the boy's shoulders as he tugs them closer, his need to have his children near as strong as it had ever been. He smiles tightly at Emily before he responds, “That’s right.” 
“Can we meet them?” Hugo asks, his innocence allowing him to be excited, “I’ve always wanted a big brother.” 
It feels like a punch in the gut, the reality that in another life, when things had been simpler, Hugo would have always known his older brother. That they’d have grown up together and been close. Jack’s resistance to even hear about his siblings, whilst understandable, had hurt Aaron more than he’d admit. His naive fantasy that this would work out the way he’d been dreaming of for years crumbling around him. 
“We’ll take this one step at a time, baby,” Emily says, replying for her husband, “We’ve got time,” she smiles when Hugo nods, his disappointment silent but clear. She looks at Leo, her heart clenching at his confusion, “Do you understand Leo?” 
He nods but furrows his brow, “Do you think he’ll like me?” 
Emily tilts her head, “Who sweetie? Jack?” 
Leo nods again, “What if he doesn’t like me?” 
Aaron is snapped out of the semi-trance he’d fallen into at the shake in his son’s voice, and he tugs him closer, kissing Leo’s dark hair, “Of course, he’ll like you,” he smiles softly, “Everyone likes you, buddy.” 
Emily smiles as Leo beams and she turns her attention to Stella, tilting her head as she looks down at her little girl, “Do you understand sweet girl?” 
“The bad guy is gone, and Jack is home,” she says, summing it up in such a way, her sweet voice making it sound even more innocent, that Emily pulls her closer on instinct, kissing the top of her head. 
“That’s right baby,” she says, smiling when Stella turns to wrap her arms around her, always keen to be in the arms of one of her parents, “Do any of you have any other questions?” She asks, and Leo raises his hand, something he’d started doing since he’d learnt it in school, and she chuckles, “Yes Leo?” 
“Can we have pizza for dinner?”
She laughs, unable to stop herself, and she feels a little lighter when Aaron does too, the speed at which their children had accepted something so complicated so easily enough to ease some of the tension that had settled over them. She looks at Aaron, who nods, his smile as relaxed as she’d seen it in days, and then she looks back at her youngest son, “Yes, baby. I’m sure we can manage that.” 
They have dinner together and it feels normal, like the last week or so hadn’t happened, and Emily feels guilty for how grateful she is. Aaron puts Stella to bed, and then Emily puts Leo to bed, taking more time than she usually would as she does it, revelling in the one-on-one time with her youngest son as she reads him a story until he falls asleep against her. When she makes it back downstairs she hears laughter, twin giggles from Aaron and their son as he gives Hugo a piggyback around the hallway. It was a game they’d played since Hugo was small, small enough that it had worried Emily at first, her mother’s instincts kicking in as her toddler laughed so much on his father’s back that she worried he’d fall. She stands back and watches them, letting the small piece of normality wash over her as she leans against a wall, her shoulder catching a framed photo of their family of 5 from Hugo’s most recent birthday. 
She’s pulled out of the moment when the doorbell rings and she frowns, wondering who would come over at this time of night. She walks to the door, keen to answer it before the bell rings again and potentially wakes up either of her kids sleeping upstairs. She doesn’t check the peephole, so she doesn’t prepare herself for coming face-to-face with her husband’s ex-wife. 
“Haley,” she chokes out, clearing her throat in an attempt to hide her surprise, “I…wasn’t expecting to see you.” 
Haley smiles tightly, “I felt bad for how we left the other day,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest, “I thought we should talk some more.”
Emily nods and stares at her for a second before she realises she’s still blocking the door. She takes a step backwards, “Sorry, come in.” 
Haley walks into the house. She doesn’t hide how she looks around, her gaze drifting from photo to photo hung on the walls, every corner of their house the home they’d fought for it to be. She turns to look back at Emily, “It’s a lovely house.” 
“Thanks,” she replies, the awkwardness misplaced in her home, “Would you like something to-”
“Sweetheart,” Aaron says, turning the corner, Hugo still on his back, “Who was that at the…” he trails off when he sees his ex-wife, “Haley.”
Emily watches as realisation crosses Hugo’s face and she walks over, helping him down from Aaron’s back, “Why don’t you go up to your room, honey?” She says, crouching down to his level and scraping his hair back from his face, encouraging him to look at her and not the blonde woman standing in the hall. 
“Please, sweetheart?” She asks, “I’ll come up and see you in a little bit,” she promises, “You can play the Switch up there.” 
His eyes go wide at the offer, “Really?”
She nods, grateful that bribery still worked now he is no longer a tiny thing that needed to be talked into brushing his teeth, “Really,” she confirms, kissing his forehead, “Just this once, okay.” 
“Okay,” he says enthusiastically, running off to the den to grab the Switch before he trundles up the stairs. 
It’s only when he’s out of sight that she stands up straight, shaking off her husband’s apologetic smile as she presses her hand against his back, rubbing a soothing circle to remind him that she was there no matter what, “Shall we go sit down?” She offers, and he nods, and she looks up at Haley, “Do you want something to drink?” 
Haley shakes her head, “No thank you.” 
They settle in the living room, Emily so close to Aaron that she’s practically in his lap, their thighs pressed against each other as their joint hands settle on her thigh. He’s sure it’s some kind of subconscious attempt to mark her territory, as if they weren’t sitting in some kind of museum of their love for each other. 
“I’m sorry for the other day,” Haley says, clearing her throat as she settles on the opposite end of the couch to them, “Jack is…it’s been a lot for him. He’s a teenager and thats hard at the best of times,” she says, unknowingly repeating what Emily had said when they’d left her office, “And I was surprised at the news that you had children. I just needed some time to…adjust,” she blows out a shaky breath, “I know it isn’t fair. But I don’t think in any of the ways I imagined this I pictured coming back to find out you had a new family. That you’d just…replaced us.” 
Something about the way she says it has Emily’s shackles going up, her back tight with the implication that she and her children were some kind of consolidation prize. A backup that wouldn’t have been needed if things had turned out differently. 
“My family isn’t a replacement, Haley,” Aaron says, an edge of sternness creeping into his voice as he tightens his hold on Emily’s hand, “And I could never replace Jack. He’s my son.” 
Haley sighs and nods, “You’re right. I’m sorry. This is just an impossible situation,” she smiles tightly, “There aren’t any books on it. I checked.” 
Emily smiles, “Me too.” 
Haley returns her smile, her gaze flicking to a picture on the wall, “Your children are adorable.” 
“Thanks,” Emily replies, looking at the picture herself, her children’s matching smiles shining back at her, “We think so too.” 
“How do manage with work?” Haley asks, “I noticed Emily’s name on your old desk, Aaron,” she says as she looks at him, “Did you finally get that promotion?” 
He takes a deep breath, knowing his answer would likely get a reaction, his inability to do for Haley and Jack what he’d done for Emily and their children had been one of the reasons his first marriage had turned to dust around him. Settling on every good memory that had come before it, each happy moment he’d had with his eldest son and Haley marred by how their relationship had ended. By the choices he had made. 
“Actually, I retired when Hugo, our eldest, was born,” he says, watching as his ex-wife’s shoulders get tense again, “One of us had to, and Emily wasn’t ready to leave yet. So we eventually came to the decision that I should.” 
“You…you retired?” She asks, swallowing thickly as a bitter laugh pushes free from her throat, “You did the one thing that would have stopped any of this from happening if you’d just done it years ago when I asked?” She shakes her head and laughs again, “But, sure Emily wanted to carry on working so you retired no questions asked.” 
Aaron sighs, “Haley-”
“It doesn’t matter that my son and I had to hide for so long. That we had to live under different names and break off contact with everyone we knew. As long as you got to start everything from scratch and make the right choice this time it’s all okay.” 
“Haley-” he tries again, but he’s cut off by Emily this time, her fury clear from the way she grips his thigh, her blunt nails digging in through his jeans. 
“You don’t get to come into my house and speak to my husband like that,” Emily says, protectiveness flaring in her lungs, “I understand this is difficult-”
Haley scoffs, “Oh, you understand-”
“But you aren’t the only one who has been impacted by this,” she says, carrying on as if Haley hadn’t spoken, “We’re all trying our best.” 
She can see how tight Haley’s jaw is from across the couch, but she nods sharply, “Okay,” she clears her throat, “I know,” she screws her hands up in her lap, “I think it would be good if we tried to all get together again. Jack would…he would like to meet his siblings. But maybe not here.” 
Aaron nods, the tension in the room thick enough that he struggles to fill his lungs, “How about that park we used to go to? The one near Capitol Hill?” 
“That sounds good.” 
Emily sighs at the sound of Hugo’s voice travelling down the stairs, his patience clearly running out. She looks at her husband and squeezes his hand, “I’d better go up and see him.” 
He nods and kisses her cheek before she stands up, and she smiles tightly at Haley before she leaves the room, not quite able to fill her lungs until she’s out in the hall. She takes the stairs two at a time, smiling when she sees Hugopurposely standing just inside of his bedroom so he keeps in line with her request to stay in there. 
“Hi sweetie,” she says, ruffling his hair before she steps into his room, “Are you okay?” 
He shrugs, his eyebrows furrowed as he sinks into his bed, “Is that Miss Haley?” 
She nods as she sits on his bed with him, gathering him up against her side, needing the comfort of her little boy, “Yes, it is.” 
“She sounds mad.” 
She closes her eyes as she presses a kiss to his head, settling them down so they are lying next to each other, “She is, honey. But I think she’s mostly sad.” 
He frowns as he looks up at her, “Did Daddy do something wrong?” 
She shakes her head, running her fingers through his hair, “No, baby. No one did anything wrong. It’s just…really complicated,” she says, unable to stop herself from smiling when he looks confused, “It’s hard. Like that big puzzle with all those tiny pieces that Aunt Tara got you for your birthday.” 
He nods in understanding and rests his head back against her chest, “I miss things being simple.” 
She smiles again, “Me too, sweet boy,” she says, kissing his head, soaking in the scent of him like she had done since he was just hours old, “Want me to stay until you fall asleep?” 
“Yes please, Mommy.” 
She sings to him until he starts to drift off, his body heavy against her as his breath evens out. She stays with him long after he falls asleep, content to stay in the relative peace she’d made in his room. She sighs when she hears the front door open and close, and then Aaron’s footsteps on the stairs. She closes her eyes and relaxes her grip on Hugo just enough that her husband would hopefully think she was sleeping, the thought of talking this through again, of having to discuss how complicated everything had become again, enough to make her cry. All she wanted was to lay here with her oldest and pretend it was just a normal night. 
If Aaron knows she’s faking it, he doesn’t say anything. Instead, he leans over her and kisses Hugo’s forehead and then hers, whispering an apology against her skin before he leaves the room for a second. He’s back with a blanket that he lays over her before he kisses the top of her head one more time. He turns off the light and gently closes the door behind him, leaving her and Hugo alone and safely tucked up in his small bed. 
She falls asleep curled up around her son, hoping more than anything they’d make it through this.
March 2013
It had been hours of this. Hours of laying on her back, of being checked on by nurses and doctors as her labour slowly progressed. With each passing contraction she felt more on edge and the only things keeping her grounded were her husband and the thought they’d soon be meeting their son. 
She had a plan. She was going to spend as much of her labour on her feet as she could, letting gravity do its job as she waited for her son to make his entrance into the world. Hugo, it seemed, had other plans. 
She’d felt nothing short of ridiculous when she cried as her due date came and went with no signs of labour - not even a Braxton Hicks contraction which had been happening on and off for weeks. She tried everything to induce labour naturally, her doctor’s warning that she shouldn’t go past 41 weeks ringing in the back of her mind. Aaron bought her every type of spicy food possible. He went to a specific whole foods store to buy her tea, which the internet said would start her labour. They had enough sex to rival the early days of their relationship, with no small amount of manoeuvring and her pile of pillows to make sure she was comfortable. 
Nothing had worked. So her plan was torn from under her and she had no choice but to lay in bed as an IV delivered medication to do what her body hadn’t been able to do for itself. She knew it wasn’t her fault, that it was just one of those things, but it didn’t make it any easier to take. 
She’d wanted one thing about her pregnancy to be as she’d hoped it would be. 
She clenches her teeth to capture a groan, her grip on Aaron’s hand so tight she’s sure she feels his knuckles crack together but it barely registers as the contraction rips through her. She screws her eyes shut as she tries to breathe through it. Aaron rests his forehead against her temple, whispering comforting praise as the contraction reaches its peak and then fades. It had been hours of this. Her body pushed almost to its limit each time, and she was exhausted. 
“Fuck,” she exclaims, resting back against the bed again, “Fuck this sucks,” she opens her eyes and looks at her husband, something she refused to call a pout spreading across her face, “Why won’t he come out?” He opens his mouth to respond and she cuts him off, “And don’t give me any of that ‘you’ve made a comfortable home for him’ bullshit,” she grimaces, shifting her hips to try to find some relief from the discomfort in her back, “I can feel him in my fucking pelvis and I doubt it’s any more comfortable for him than it is for me.” 
Aaron simply leans forward to kiss her forehead, “Want me to get the nurse to come and check on you again?” He asks, his endless patience for her almost irritating. She nods and he kisses her forehead again before reaching over her and pressing the call bell on the wall, “You’re doing amazing, sweetheart.” 
She squeezes his hand tightly again when the nurse examines her, and she’s disappointed that she’s not much further along, the desire to meet her son even stronger than her desire for this to all be over. 
It takes another hour for things to change, for the contractions to get closer together and for the pain to become close to overwhelming, each pass of it through her body almost too much for her to bear. Everything she’s been ignoring for months starts to creep up on her, the fear that she wouldn’t be able to keep her little boy safe pressing down on her chest, her lungs tight as another contraction rolls through her. 
“I can’t do this.” 
She doesn’t even realise she’s spoken outloud until Aaron presses her hand between both of his, kissing her knuckles as the machine she’s attached to lets him know her contraction is coming to its end, “Em, you’re doing an amazing job. You’re so close - Hugo is almost here.” 
She shakes her head, “No, you don’t…” she trails off, her laugh close to hysterical as she looks at him, tears splashing down onto her cheeks, “He’s safe where he is. I can’t protect him when he’s here,” her voice cracks and she thinks her chest does with it, the pressure of everything forcing it to concave as she tries to breathe. Aaron cups her face, rubbing back and forth across her cheek, “I can’t do this. He has to stay safe.” 
Aaron stands up and sits on the edge of her bed and presses his forehead against hers, “Emily, you can do anything,” he says, kissing her before she leans in to rest her head against his shoulder, “You’re the strongest person I know,” he rubs his hand up and down her back, his eyes flicking to the monitor as she tightens her grip on him, her body tense against him as another contraction starts to build, “And I’ll keep you both safe no matter what. We’ll keep each other safe.” 
She shudders out a breath as she pulls back to look at him, her eyes shining as her lower lip trembles, “I think…I think it’s almost time.” 
He smiles softly, “I’ll get the nurse.”
She gasps as her son slips into the doctor’s waiting hands, the relief overwhelming as she collapses back against the bed. She barely pays attention as Aaron kisses her temple and then her cheek as he tells her how much he loves her, how proud he is of her. She doesn’t notice how the nurse on her other side pulls down her gown leaving her practically naked. 
All she is aware of is him. 
Hugo’s cry is loud and sharp, and as the doctor holds him up and passes him to her, letting Emily settle him against her chest, she feels a wave of love rush through her, her breath catching in her lungs as she looks at him. He was bright red and covered in god knows what, his dark hair stuck down to his cone-shaped head, and he was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. 
“Hi Hugo,” she whispers, kissing his head, “Hi. Look at you,” she looks up at Aaron, sure she’d be knocked over if she wasn’t lying down at the strength of the love in his gaze, and she cups his cheek, “Look at him, Aaron.” 
“He’s beautiful,” he says, kissing her head and then Hugo’s, “Just like you.” 
She looks back at her son, smiling as he continues to cry. She shushes him, resting her cheek against his head, “You’re okay, baby,” she says, “Mommy’s here.” 
“Would Dad like to cut the cord?” 
The doctor’s question is what reminds Emily that they aren’t alone, that it isn’t just the three of them in their own little world, and Aaron nods, kissing his wife and son one more time before he stands up. He pays close attention as the doctor tells him what to do as Emily continues to whisper to Hugo, telling him how loved he is, how much they’ve been looking forward to meeting him. 
By the time they are alone, what feels like hours later, Hugo clean and wrapped up warm in Emily’s arms, and her fresh out of the shower, she doesn’t think she’s ever been happier. She’s exhausted, sore in ways she didn’t know was possible, but she doesn’t think she could sleep even if she wanted to. All she wants is to sit and look at her son, to commit every single thing about his sweet face to memory, and enjoy this first night of his life. 
She looks up at her husband as he barely covers a yawn for the third time in as many minutes. He’s sitting on the bed with her, half behind her as he has his arms wrapped around the both of them, his excitement and happiness tinged with the sadness that followed them everywhere. The sadness that, for once, she wasn’t going to address.
“You should get some sleep, honey,” she says, unhooking one arm from around Hugo as she cups Aaron’s cheek, “You’re exhausted.” 
He chuckles, “You’re the one who gave birth, sweetheart,” he says, stamping a quick kiss against her lips, “You should get some rest.” 
She shakes her head lovingly, “I feel too wired to sleep,” she says, “You’ve been awake just as long as I have,” she kisses him again, “Get some sleep. We’ll both be here when you wake up.” 
She knows she’s hit on his fear in one shot, hours and hours of labour not enough to dull her skills, and he rests his forehead against hers, “You’ll wake me up if you need anything?”
She nods, her forehead knocking gently against his, “I promise.” 
It takes some manoeuvring for him to slip out from behind her, but they manage it without waking up Hugo. Aaron kisses them both and tells them he loves them before he settles onto the cot the nurse had rolled in for him. Emily has to stop herself from laughing when he has to curl up to fit on the small bed, at least a foot too tall to sleep on it comfortably. Despite that, he falls asleep the quickest she’s ever known him to, his arms wrapped around the thin pillow. 
“Daddy loves us so much, sweet boy,” she says, turning her focus back on her son. She runs her knuckles up and down his cheek, smiling when his face twitches against the touch. The fear she’d felt earlier that she couldn’t keep him safe returns in full force, stealing the breath from her lungs as she lifts the baby to kiss his forehead, her breath shuddering in her chest as she breathes him in, “I’m going to make sure you’re always safe, Hugo,” she kisses him again, her eyes closed as she rests her cheek against the top of his head, “No matter what.” 
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azulock · 11 months
Heyy hows your day/night been??
I saw your looking for reqs so i just thought why not?? and decided to req something for yolos. Also im not really used to sending in requests so i hope im saying the right things.
I was wondering if you could do like a headcanon of the bllk characters (your choice) with fem!reader when they see a familiar face. Like a previous one night stand ykwim?? But then that was like one of their most special moments or something like that.. SORRY im really bad at explaining but if you refer to the song 'A Night to Remember' by laufey and bea it might make it easier to understand..
if this request is way too hard to write about or uncomfortable for you, feel free to ignore it !! i just thought itd be a new idea:))
Sorry for the time it took nonnie, this was a little hard for me to tackle, and you are totally fine sweetie, it's ok <3 This isn't much but I hope it is what you wanted, or at least matches a bit!
The one who doesn't wanna talk about it, he is over the whole thing of course but he feels bad for even remembering. It's not that he felt desire when he saw the person but the sense of nostalgia feels wrong for him. He feels like it shouldn't even cross his mind, really, so it feels to him like a betrayal of sorts. If you don't notice he lets it go, might mope a little bit but ends pretty quickly. But if you catch on and ask him he will tell you what's bothering him but will try to talk as little as possible.
The one who will openly talk about it, no problem what so ever. There is a chance he wouldn't even notice the person, to be honest, but if he does, he really doesn't care that much, thinking of the past isn't for him. He doesn't consider talking about the past a problem and doesn't think that remembering something that was good is any type of betrayal. So long as he isn't desiring the person it's fine. If you ask he won't have a problem about telling you but he also might not think it could upset you. It doesn't come from a bad place, he is just blunt.
Chances are he won't notice the person, no matter how good it was he isn't one to notice things or people unless they are straight up in front of him. But if he does notice he will probably take a while to actually remember, he'll feel like he should remember and it'll take a while for his brain to catch up. Just shows you that he doesn't care, sure it was great, but he has something else now, thinking of the past is a hassle. If you notice, he'll tell you what he is thinking about, might hesitate though, thinking that your reaction could be troublesome.
Another one who won't want to talk about it and feels bad for even noticing the person in first place, and remembering what they had as that good when he has you makes him feel a bit sick with himself. Really does make his insecurities flare up, the feeling that if he is even thinking about the past he isn't being a good boyfriend to you. Will try to compensate his anxieties by being an extra good boyfriend, which could alert you. If you ask him seriously he will answer, he's gonna tell you about it and be all apologetic as he does.
Ok so Oliver is a special case, if he is still a trash bag, oh well, this isn't gonna go over well at all. But if he has matured over his slut era at this point, he won't care. He will laugh about it even. He's gonna remember, sure, but in that weird way where you feel like your past was so different that it's alien to you. Wouldn't have a problem telling you about it but will also say that it feels like a lifetime away from him. It will probably just work to leave him struck with the notion of how different he was before to what he is at the moment.
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yuna542 · 1 year
Connected (OT8 x Reader)
Part 18<-
Part 19
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Pairing: Han x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Angst
Warnings: 18+, Suggestive Themes, Swearing, Fighting
Word Count: 3k
Note: Finally a new Part. Hope you like it and I‘m really sorry that you have to wait for new updates. But I want to write things I‘m confident with and that takes some time. <3 You remember that Video of Felix sitting on Hannies legs? Got inspired ;)
On your first day of your new job as the personal manager of Stray Kids, you didn't expect to be standing in front of the man you made out with last night in a club. But it soon becomes clear that the Stray Kids don't just want you as their manager.
Will this passionate arrangement end your career?
"I don't wear panties, you know."
Jisung's wide eyes, pouted mouth, and frozen look on his face was pure gold as you leaned down and whispered in his ear. You didn't know what had made you do it, but you had been so restless since this morning and an excited tingle had been spreading through your stomach all day. The boys made you unsettled, especially living with them. Seeing Chan‘s firm stomach, while he walked around the dorm almost naked every day, or Changbin‘s sweaty body when he came back from working out, Felix morning face, with those big glasses or Jeongins puffy cheeks after showering. All that was too much to handle the whole day, without being able to release some steam. The schedule for all of you were extremely time and energy consuming, which meant you hardly had any time together. It sucked but the preparation for the comeback would soon be over.
Then Jisung started to tease you in front of the whole crew of the Studio Choom Channel. The kids recorded the performance video for the title song today. It was a strong song and you were sure it would hit the fans like a wrecking ball, despite its unusual emotional depth and extreme mixed genres.
The Kids all looked fantastic. The new hair colors looked great on them, and you were especially taken with Han today. Probably because he wouldn't stop teasing you. He was clingy, kept pulling you back by the hand when you whizzed past him, called your name loudly to embarrass you in front of the film crew, and kept stealing little things you needed to work through your checklist. To sum it up: He was getting on your nerves big time with his outrageously handsome face.
While the guys all had enough to do themselves with makeup, outfits and rehearsals, Han seemed to calmly devote his attention only to you. You were already hurrying across the set again, where the lights were set up, and urgently needed to write down the number of one of the new stylists to hire him for the next time as well.
Thanks to him, the outfit selection had gone quickly and smoothly.
You patted down the pockets in your dress and then your bag, but you couldn't find anything there either.
"Jinnie have you seen my pen?", you asked stressed, but he just shook his head:
"Sorry, princess."
Then he proceeded to throw cheeseballs at I.N.
Chan and Felix were sitting in makeup getting made up while Seungmin and Minho were already in front of the camera getting their positions set. Just as you walked past Han, who was lounging in a chair, you wanted to scream out loud at his grin.
"Looking for something?", he asked in an innocent voice, tilting his head so that he could almost rest it against the back of the chair.
Annoyed, you took a deep breath and approached him.
"Where is it? Ji give it to me!", you snapped at him and he just grinned broadly.
"I don't know what you're talking about, sweetie. But when you're mad, you look really hot."
"Stop playing games!"
He chuckled and you wanted to be angry at him so bad, to get that stress off your chest, but he looked at you with so much joy in his shining eyes that you just couldn't do it.
"You... Just wait!", you muttered and your fighting spirit was gradually awakened. That's how it always went between you two. Everything was a game by now and the other was trying to win at any cost. If you weren't so competitive, you might have admitted that playing games with Jisung was fun and you even liked it a little when he annoyed you.
You leaned down towards him and began to scan his upper body with your hands. Irritated, he raised his arms and let you slide your fingers into each pocket and fold of his clothes. But there was nothing there. When you lifted your gaze, his face suddenly hovered directly in front of yours. Your hands were firmly at his stomach, and as the corners of his mouth slowly lifted, you drew your eyebrows together.
"Go ahead and keep looking! Maybe it's hidden in my pants. You should search there."
His suggestive tone of voice was unmistakable.
Shaking your head, you couldn't hide the smirk at his audacity. Slowly you let your hands wander into his lap and braced yourself against his thigh, arching your back a little. The red accent in his hair made him look even bolder, and today mischievousness shone in his eyes to a whole new extent.
"Isn't Minho playing with you today, or why are you so needy for my attention?", you asked provocatively, and immediately his eyes darted to your lips.
It would be way to easy to overcome the minimal distance for him to kiss you and you loved to stir him up like that.
You squeezed his thigh lightly and as if by itself he looked into your cleavage next.
"I'd much rather play with you. You have better arguments", he shot back, clearly alluding to what he hoped to catch a glimpse of under your dress. Now the corners of your mouth lifted as well, and you got an urge to take it to the extreme to see who would give up first.
"Tell me where my pen is now or you'll never see a glimpse of those arguments again, Ji!", you muttered dangerously, digging your fingernails into his leg until he hissed.
Then he nodded behind you.
"There it is..."
You followed his gaze and rolled your eyes directly. Of course, the pen was lying on the floor right in front of his chair. He must have thrown it there before you got to him.
You pushed yourself away from him and understood his plan too late. It was only when you bent down to pick up the pencil that finally the penny dropped. Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Jisung with his hands clasped behind his head, leaning back in his chair and enjoying the view of your butt peeking out from under your dress.
From the satisfied look on his face, you knew his plan had worked. You stood up and as you walked by, you murmured to him:
"You can only lose this game, dickhead."
Jeongin looked confused at you two, but Minho only shook his head at him and gestured for him to say nothing. He was already used to your bickering and knew it was better not to interfere. There was always that weird sexual tension which everybody left speechless.
Finally, you had unceremoniously disappeared into the bathroom as the boys were busy shooting the first part of the choreography. You slipped out of your pink lace panties and crumpled them up in your hand.
When you came back, the guys sat together in a little break where makeup and hair were touched up.
Seemingly by chance, you sat down next to Han, who was talking to the director. He advised him to stand at a different angle to the camera for his part, and Han nodded vehemently. Under the table, you apparently randomly brushed Han's thigh with your leg and smiled to yourself as he stiffened next to you.
"I don't wear panties, you know", you whispered to him at a moment when the Director across the table was talking to Chan. Han's mouth opened and closed like a fish and he had obviously forgotten everything the Director had said to him.
If he gave you a hard time at work, so could you.
His gaze was glued to your lap and he inevitably imagined you wearing nothing else under that skimpy black dress.
"You're bluffing", he finally whispered, slowly lifting his gaze to look you in the eye.
You crossed your legs and returned his gaze with such intensity that it gave him goosebumps.
You closed your elegant fingers around his hand under the table and with the other hand you put your lace panties in his palm before you just stood up and disappeared. Just as the director turned back to address him, Jisung stared down at his hand where the piece of thin fabric now lay. You saw him snap out of his daze at the third repetition of his name, and he quickly slipped your underpants into his pocket.
You had won this round, that was clear.
Self-satisfied, you watched him give you warning looks as soon as he was back on the set. For the rest of the shoot, he never had a chance to talk to you. There was always someone around who could listen and so he was forced to watch you with the knowledge of your bare cunt, when you were squeezing your knees together while sitting down or adjusting your dress.
It drove him crazy. He wanted to rip the dress off your body and risk a glimpse of your naked middle, to finally get that temptation out of his head. That only he knew and couldn't tell anybody made it so much worse.
After hours of dancing and tons of repetition, he dropped loudly onto the couch. A small seating area had been set up next to the set so the guys could take a break there and watch the footage.
Felix and Jeongin sat on the second couch while Chan and Hyunjin watched the choreography on the screens to judge if they were happy with it. Your feet were already hurting from the long day, and even the walk to pick up the coffee you ordered felt like an eternity.
But now you were walking around distributing the orders among the guys and the staff. When you were about to give one of the last coffees to Felix, Jisung looked up from the sofa with wide eyes. You could see exactly how much the whole thing kept him busy and that he had your panties in his pocket the whole time, even during the shoot, didn't let him rest for a second.
You handed Felix the only milkshake and he smiled brightly at you.
Seungmin leaned back on an armchair with a tissue stuck to his forehead so his makeup wouldn't be ruined by the sweat. Changbin sat at the other end of the sofa with closed eyes, so there was a gap between him and Han.
"You could have sent someone to get the coffee", said Minho, sitting in an armchair and propping his elbows on his knees, the coffee between his hands.
"Yes. But no one but me can remember your confusing extra requests", you said with amusement, taking the last cup from the cardboard box.
"That's why we love you", Jeongin sighed, exhaling with relish as he took a sip from his cup.
"Come here and I'll thank you appropriately!", flirted Changbin suddenly awake again, winking charmingly at you. He stroked one hand up your thigh to the hem of your skirt.
"Stop that, Bin!”, you breathed with a laugh and quickly jumped on before anyone saw how red your cheeks were getting just because of his touch. You ran over to Han and handed him his iced Americano.
"Does it have cream in it?", he asked just to annoy you, and you coolly returned his gaze. Of course, he had to keep provoking.
You withdrew your hand just as he was about to grab it, opened the lid and took a big gulp.
"Yes... Yes there's cream in it," you said, continuing to deny him the cup.
He tried to reach for it, but you held it a little higher so he couldn't reach it from a sitting position.
"What's the matter, Hannie? Do you need caffeine to get back on your feet?", you asked with a sweet undertone, like you were talking to a puppy and the others watched you intently. Han pouted and fell back on the couch. His legs were apparently barely cooperating. After hours of dancing, it was no wonder.
"Give me that! Please! I need this. My legs hurt like hell."
You looked down at him and considered teasing him further for a moment, but he looked really exhausted. So you sighed and gave him the cup. Hastily he started to drink a big gulp. Coffee was really like gasoline for the kids. It only took one full cup and they were working again.
But you were also done so you wanted to sit down between him and Changbin. It was the only empty seat and your feet were screaming for a break.
Jisung realized this as he put his coffee down on the floor. He was faster than you and spun to put his legs across the couch. Uncomprehending, you stared at him and he just looked back with an innocent face.
"What are you doing?", you asked, and he clasped his hands behind his head.
He widened his eyes on purpose and grinned in amusement, to mock you. With a snort, you simply turned around and dropped onto his thighs. Immediately his upper body shot up and a tortured cry escaped him as your entire weight abruptly landed on his already exhausted thighs.
But you made no move to get up and his whining quickly turned to a frown as you slid around a bit on his legs to get comfortable.
"What?", you snapped at him as he just glared at you.
"Do that again!", he urged you, and you looked down at his legs in wonder. His thighs under yours felt tense and you could feel the fabric of his pants right against your bare core. Slowly you moved your pelvis back and forth and an overwhelmed moan escaped him.
"Oh. That feels good!"
The pressure you applied to his tense muscles with your legs was more than pleasurable for him and his head fell back into his neck.
"Does that massage you? Does that really help?", you asked in wonder, moving a little harder as you braced yourself against the back of the sofa behind you. Another loud gasp escaped him and he clasped your thigh with both hands.
"Yeah... That's good. It feels good", he sighed and you had to grin as his fingernails dug into your inner thigh as soon as you put more pressure with your left thigh on his bulge. Suddenly he opened his eyes and your gazes met. Now he felt your exposed cunt right up against his thigh and the friction of your bare skin right on his length, sent heat racing between his legs.
"Wha... Hold still!", he breathed suffocated.
He grabbed your thigh so tightly you couldn't move and pressed it against the growing hardness between his legs. That had been far too easy.
His hands were so tense against your thighs that his veins stood out, and the silver rings he wore pressed cool against your skin.
A choking gasp escaped him that you had only heard so far when he had fucked you as you rolled your hips harder against his lap.
At that point, Hyunjin cleared his throat loudly and glancing over at him, you noticed the cameraman shooting the Making-Off for the Stray Kids channel much too late.
Had he been recording all of this? Han also cleared his throat softly and his cramped fingers would definitely leave marks on your skin. So you leaned back, seeming relaxed, and had to grin into yourself when you felt the outline of his hard dick pressed against the underside of your thigh.
"Are you okay, Ji?", you asked in the most innocent tone of voice that had ever crossed your lips, and he just glared at you with clenched teeth. His face was fiery red by now, even though he tried to look unbothered.
You started a casual conversation with Jeongin and Seungmin until the cameraman lost interest and Chan started talking to the camera. Han was never so quiet in his life.
Not long after, he excused himself and disappeared.
You didn't meet him again until you were in the car half an hour later. The shoot was finished and you could finally go home. So you had the afternoon free.
In the car you felt Jisung's piercing gaze on you and that could only mean one thing:
He would pay you back.
At the dorm, you had just set a foot over the threshold when Han pushed past you and jumped into the hallway, making you almost loose your balance.
"Why are you so annoying?", you snapped at him, and he stepped so close to you that you had to tilt your head back to look him in the eye.
He bent down and grinned meanly while one hand gripped your ass and the other held your waist tightly.
"I love it when you look at me like that", he teased, squeezing your flesh until you hissed and pushed him away by his chest.
"Can you just shut up for five minutes, Ji?"
The others watched you silently as they slipped out of their shoes. Despite the apparent argument, there was so much tension in the air between you that it almost seemed like you were having fun with it. The others just waited for you to pounce on each other.
"Just ask nicely. You know I love it when you beg."
"I liked you better with your head between my legs. At least you were quiet then."
Felix almost tripped over Jeongin, who froze and put both hands to his mouth. Changbin snorted loudly and Hyunjin grabbed Chan's arm to stop himself from bursting out with laughter, exactly like Chan who looked at you with disbelieving eyes.
"Shots fired!", laughed Seungmin and Minho patted Han's shoulder as he walked by, as if to comfort him. Ji looked at you speechlessly as well, but instead of countering, the corners of his mouth lifted ever so slowly.
You were just able to kick off your shoes before he grabbed your arm and dragged you into his room.
Behind him, the door flew shut with a loud bang and before you could take a breath, he pressed his lips to yours.
->Part 20
© Yuna542 — 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝.
Taglist (closed):
@poisonivy21 @elizalabs3 @chartrucewhore @smutlemononeshot @hgema @bookwyrm28 @jeongchaos @jihanlovic @comingupwithacoolnameishard @marked-unknown @yuhjoeyuh @bakedlilgoonie @itstorimf @toomuchtellyneck @ana-stasssiaaa @galaxypox @n034sy @amara-mars @purple-bell @amararosesblog @tori719 @rindomo @freakinthesheets-excelexcel @crazyllamasurfer @luunaruwu @mariegalea @kimseungminsprincess @julciaqwerty @officialshania @whore4stucky9104 @foxinnie8 @i-dont-know-me-either @sirenthalia @mixling-blog @httpsmultifandom @hyunlixwife @eastleighsblog @tzalethhwang @queenofdragons12 @fixation-dump @midsoulz @emmxxsworld @scarletrosesposts @jinniespuppy @minervasystem @tasteskz-sworld @hyunlixsbbygirl @3rachasninja @cuddlethebear @sinforsuccubus
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toyaslove · 5 months
Hiiiii! Please don’t overwork yourself and take your time with this if you want to do it, but can I please request Toya (headcanons or fic, I don’t mind) with a reader who had a bad experience in a past relationship and now is really awkward with physical touch but they secretly love it. Again, only do this if you want to and have a great day/night.
PS: apparently Brazil time is 4 hours behind Uk time so I can figure out what time it is there >:) no idea what I’ll do with that information but oh well
A/N: YAAAAY hello! Finally doing your req🔥 yep we already talked about it and Brazil is 4 hours behind hehehebdjbe. Hope you're doing good! This wasn't so hard to write bc I'm just like you rhakruwo but not exactly the same thing
Tw: stablished relationship
Toya Aoyagi x GN!Reader
Tags: @sentientsoil @kuzui5201314 @miya-akane
Writing style: some hcs and a little scenario!
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— Toya is a sweetie. It's so dumb seeing he doing that, but he ALWAYS will ask if you're ok with any kind of physical touch. If he wants to only slightly hold your pinkie he will ask. He will never ever touch you without your permission, he wants you to be comfortable around him (plus if you give him the white flag, he will touch you in the gentlest manner. He's a gentleman)
— If a friend comes to hug you, he will always put a hand in front of the friend and explain to them that you're not comfortable with that. If you're ok with hugging at the moment, you'd just tell them, because Toya will never be stopped from speaking up for you.
— When he discovers that you actually love physical touch, he will be a bit confused, but will definitely give you the warmest hugs and forehead kisses 24/7! (Plus, his favourite kind of touch is cuddling, if you see him just lying down, go on his chest and see what happens. You got your boyfriend flustered with the biggest and warmest smile!!)
— He would hold your hand on big crowds, if it's too many people, he would hold your waist.
— When he has his lives with VBS, he will always bring you and give you forehead kisses before and after. || "Y/N: Congrats Toya! You did so well!!" You give him a tight and warm hug. You could feel that he was shaking and his cheeks were going warm... how cute! ||
— Ok so, let me understand... — Toya puts a hand on his chin — You like physical touch from some people and dislike from other specific people? But you actually enjoy physical touch with me, is that correct?
You nod your head as you speak
— I was actually afraid of telling you that and regretting in the future, ending up feeling uncomfortable with your touch and maybe hurting you like pushing you away... but after a while, I realised I love your touch... — You look to the side, a bit shy admitting this
Toya laughs, patting your head and giving you a tight and warm hug. This was the first time he ever touched you without asking.
— If you anytime feel uncomfortable with my touch, let me know... anything, any situation, just tell me and I'll be there for you.
And after all, you lay down on Toya's chest and enjoys his warm and big embrace. You two keep snuggling and casually speaking to each other, until you fall asleep. You feel so safe and comfortable around him... What a lovely boyfriend you have...
A/N: UGHHH i hate toya so much I hope he explodes (no I love him) uhfjsjfjsjd so cute, thank you for your request though!! I had a fun time writing it :3
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poomphuripan · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally To Love, Take Care and Cuddle With Every Night
@bunnakit awww thank you for the tag 🫶 as an asexual i can't say i spent much time thinking about fucking anyone (so coming up with this list was really hard ;_;) but if any of these characters propositioned... i would NOT say no 😉
10. Phob (Something In My Room)
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if there is an award for cutest ghost of all time in a BL series, i think Phob will take home easily. Phob deserves better sex. my meow meow friendly ghost Phob, i will tuck you in bed my ghost sweetie 🥺🫶
9. Shao Fei (History 3: Trapped)
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my righteous cop with a strong sense of justice, i really love Shao Fei so much. Shao Fei doesn't beat around the bush and is really straightforward with his wants, I LOVE HE!
8. Khuafah (Sky In Your Heart)
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Khuafah, the HOT CHARMING doctor that you are. i would volunteer to get sick every day just to visit him 🫠
7. Gene (Lovely Writer)
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if Gene ever needs to write a straight romance novel, i'm happy to make out with him for research purposes 😉
6. Pisaeng (Be My Favorite)
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most patient boyfriend who tries super hard to get you plushies? yea i would bang Pisaeng in a heartbeat, no doubt. in fact, i believe Pisaeng would be considerate and wait for me to be ready (Pisaeng babe i'm always ready for you 😉)
5. Tennoji Haru (Trillion Game)
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while Trillion Game is DEFINITELY not BL, but Meguro Ren was in Kieta Hatsukoi so my boy should get a PASS 😤 Haru is confident yet humble, self-proclaimed selfish yet always selfless. god i love competent men *swoons* Trillion Game is out on Netflix, please check out my boy Haru and his boy(friend) Gaku and their start-up adventure together 🥺👉👈.
4. Charn (Laws of Attraction)
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while i can't guarantee that i can give Charn a good time, i believe that as a fellow lawyer i can assist Charn with any case work he got. Like i said, i am a sucker for competent men 😮‍💨.
3. Tangmo (Great Men Academy)
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you don't understand how obsessed i am with the og golden retriever, nation's boyfriend, Tangmo. it's been 4? years... i have not let him go... gentle soft boi but great at judo too? i think Tangmo and i should have our wrestling sessions ending up as makeout sessions.
2. Joe (My Stand In)
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this is kind of a cheat but i've read the original novel for My Stand In (Professional Body Double by Shui Qian Cheng) and i can confirm Joe/Zhou Xiang is the sweetest soul, most precious, unluckiest gay ever (Ming, you are on sight, watch it sir or imma steal Joe away). i'm super excited for My Stand In because i hope i get to fall in love with Joe once again the way i fell super hard, head over heels for him when i finished this danmei novel within less than 24 hours. (was this shameless PR for Poom Phuripan's new BL series next year? yes, yes it absolutely was 🤗)
1. Khun Yai and Jom (I Feel You Linger In The Air)
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if i don't have a gentle lover like Khun Yai Kritsada Palathip or a soft boyfriend like Jom Ravit Pittayanan then what's the POINT. i want both of them so BAD. also isn't it such a crime that Yai lives his entire life the rest of his live in celibacy, having fucked only ONE person (the love of his life) in his lifetime. LET ME IN. i will love both of you equally.
+ bonus: Chef Guy (Bake Me Please)
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did you REALLY think i was gonna end my list without current loml, our resident sad boi, considerate and caring Chef Guy? 😅 Guy deserves a spot on here because well i'm absolutely feral for this man. Guy is just the nicest guy and i will literally do anything for him. Guy had me at hello but my heart truly broke when he comforted Peach saying he doesn't want to see Peach who's given him so much positivity, cry 😭.
oooooh that was soooo hard ;_; i love all these characters, maybe one day i need to start listing the female characters i'd totally hypothetically bang too because WOMEN ARE HOT 🔥.
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whole-circus · 1 year
Hi I really like your work and I'd like to request nsfw of Homicidal Liu with a traumatized plus size fem reader, like where the reader loves to eat but when ever someone makes a comment about her weight she starts spiraling. I hope this isn't too much, I hope you have a great day or night, thank you sm
-Bunny Anon
Homicidal Liu x plus size fem.reader! NSWF (and a bit of SWF!)
➥ Hi and thank you!! Im always happy to write for Liu!! Also sending you lots of love and a great day/night!! Take care of yourself, you sweetie!
Hope you don't mind that I wrote some fluffy headcanons too! >:3
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.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
For small and silly SFW things :
☆ If you wouldn't feel comfortable with eating out? Liu is your guy, eating at home is way more peacful and comfortable! I believe he would love cooking dates! You two together in kitchen, with aprons and nice music in background? Sounds amazing, doesn't it? There is something domestic in stuff like that, that he would really enjoy - Liu craves for sense of normalcy. Also! Picnic dates! Like come on, isnt that precious?
PS.I believe he would be sucker for sweet, homemade things likes cakes or cookies!
☆ Not afraid to get bloody if someone will be a meanie! I mean, he is literally a serial killer!! People can suck and he wants to protect you, so he is not afraid to stand up if you would hear not nice comments. And about spiraling - he will be always by your side to support you with loving touches and words! If you would like that, Liu would try to find you healthier ways to cope. And I promise he is patient, so he can seat and reassure you all day and night long.
Now for NSWF:
☆ Hear me out : mirror love making! If you are feeling really insecure, he would love to put you in front of mirror and show you love..small kissess all over your body, sweet words..making sex..? He finds you beautiful from every little angle and he would to show you his feelings towards you AND how pretty you are! When you are standing naked before mirror, he will list all things he loves about you..your round cheeks that lifts up when you smile! or your soft tummy that he could hug forever! or your hot thighs..please put them around his head!
He would also trace your stretch marks and give gentle smooches on your soft curves (he finds it absolutely hot, i mean he finds everything about you hot!)
☆ If you get too shy or too embarassed, not wanting to look him in the eyes..He would pull your hair or grab your chin, just to make you look him into his eyes when he fucks you silly on his cock! In the mean time, his hands would hold tightly your hips (or other parts of body, whatever is the closer)..good luck with bruises later!
☆ Would love to spank you, just the sight of your ass shaking with every spank.. Listen, you laying on bed/on his lap/or just on hands and knees with your ass up! He would love to use his hand just to touch your plushy skin or watch his hand leaving mark! And if not his hand? Then a belt, whip? Anything you are comfortable with! Liu would also like to touch your genitalia eg. rubbing your clit or fingering you while spanking! His touches are teasing but firm..
☆ Liu is a soft dom!! He would shower you in kissess and compliements!!! Just him, whispering soft things into your ear..„You are doing so good sweetheart..”, „Mhmm..so pretty for me..come on..give me this sweet sounds..”, „Thats right..watch how deep I am baby..”..He would also love to praise you and worship you..! You are like a Goddess to him..he would kiss the ground you are walking on, man..he would spend hours just on his knees!
☆ He would eat you out like he has been starving for days..he loves the taste of you and he loves if you squeeze him with your adorable thighs! Would also leave a lot of bites and hickeys! But you can't blame him, you are such a good girl for him!
☆ If you would feel comfortable..then he would love to do some sexy homemade photo shoot..doesn't matter if only in some cute lingerine, that fits your curves perfectly or naked! He would make you look so amazing..or!! Liu could draw you (I believe he already do that without your knowledge - nothing lewd but you know)..please please be his model! You are the prettiest girl walking on earth..!
.•┈••✦ 🖤 ✦••┈•.
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nogenderbee · 1 year
Hello! If it's okay, can I request Rui, Akito, Ena and Shizuku (you can add or remove people if you'd like) with a gn s/o who has a very anti social personality and struggles with maintaining social interaction? Feel free to ignore this if it's too much. I hope you have a nice day/night!
Heya! Yes od course it's alright! It was actually pretty fun to write ^^ and I called myself out a couple of times but that's not important and so I hope you'll enjoy this <3
Shizuku, Akito, Rui, Ena with anti social!reader
TagList: @qwnelisa - come get your charming idol~
@vodka-glrl @miya-akane - come get your ginger tsundere~
@indi-has-fallen - come get your crazy inventor!
@modyuki - come get your pretty ilustrator~
@bleachtheidiot - come get your people!
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⊱ when Shizuku first met you, she probably noticed that you were a little anti social but she really didn't mind it
⊱ she just carried on the conversations since she's not the worst at it bur she also won't mind comfortable silence with you
⊱ if you don't like that part about yourself tho, she'll gladly try her best to help you get used to it all
⊱ she'll start by introducing you to her idol group and maybe even will invite you to their streams if that's what will help you
⊱ although she also won't mind just talking for you if that's what you'll prefer
⊱ also she'll always comfort you after bad time of trying to socialize with other people
"Awh... sweetie... it matters that you did your best at maintaining a conversation! C'mon now... why won't we have some tea together now?"
⊱ if you just prefer to be alone tho or in small groups, she wouldn't mind giving you some space
⊱ although she'll still probably want to spend time with you as much as she can maybe even sometimes interrupting your alone time... but hey, she mean well!
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⊱ when Akito first met you he also definitely noticed that you're not the best at keeping a conversation so he probably quickly ends it if you don't have any relationship
⊱ although when you meet again he decides to give you chance
⊱ and when he sees that you're TRYING to keep this conversation going but fails, he sees what's going on and just carries the conversation on his own
⊱ he's probably pretty good with quiet people thanks to Toya, so you don't have to worry about talking
⊱ when the two of you got closer, he definitely told you many times that you need to learn how to socialize with others
"YN, you can't just depend on other people with that! It's just... it can turn out bad for you... No, I'm not worried about you!!"
⊱ if you just prefer to be alone or in smaller groups most of the time, he'll definitely want to learn maximum people you can hang around
⊱ if this is group of 4, he'll i reduce you to Vivid Bad Squad, although if maximum is 2, he'll just introduce you to Toya
⊱ he really hopes that if the two of you try socializing with each other, it'll be good for both of you
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⊱ when Rui noticed that you can't keep a conversation going, he definitely saw it as cute and decided to protect you (maybe even got flashbacks from his past)
⊱ so he kinda adopted you to be honest... the two of you met once and now you meet every day
⊱ he often just carries to conversation and honestly doesn't mind doing it
⊱ although when you become closer, he definitely encourages you to try socializing more in order to gain experience
⊱ bur don't worry, he won't immediately send you to talk to random people
⊱ he starts with ones that he trusts which of course is Wonderland x Showtime
⊱ he believed that their future star would do the talking, so he first introduced you to Emu
"Don't worry, YN. She's great, I promise. I wouldn't send you to talk to someone you couldn't manage! Oh, ans if something happens, I'll be right there to help you out, alright?"
⊱ if you also like to just spend time with smaller groups rather than bigger ones, he completely understands it
⊱ if you like to be alone sometimes, he'll make sure to give you the space you need
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⊱ when Ena saw how you can't manage to even keep a conversation going, she got annoyed quickly and just ended it as quick as she could and went her way
⊱ although when the two of you meet again, she felt a little annoyed but also a little guilty for last time so she decides to go with small chat with you
⊱ and that's how she discovered that you're a really nice person actually, you just have problems with keep conversation going
⊱ so she decides to just teach you how to properly socialize with others which turns out to be easier said than done...
⊱ but she won't give up!! First she introduce you to Mizuki telling them before about you and purpose of your meeting (of course she got teased endlessly about it)
⊱ if you like to be alone sometimes, she completely gets you and gives you space you need without any complains
"Don't worry! I'm just gonna focus on sketching something. I know that sometimes it's just nice to spend some time alone!"
⊱ if you prefer smaller groups then you kinda don't have to worry about much since she knows to not throw you into deep water so quickly
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romanestuffsposts · 2 years
Hey babes! Can you write one where their little woke up on the wrong side of bed and is just cranky for most of the day?
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you for the lovely request ❤️
It’s not a long one but I hope you enjoy! <3
Warnings : angry and cranky little reader, cute daddies, fluff
Pairing : Daddies!Stucky ; Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve x Little!Reader
Summary : ⤴️⤴️
Not my gift 💜
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Another day where you were suppose to be happy and live your life like all other days. You were suppose to be in a good mood and be happy today, that was your goal! But apparently your mind didn't thought like that
You groan and drag your feet toward the staires. It's not fair, you don't want to feel like that, you don't want to feel all happy too. Of course you wanted to be happy but not too much, there are limits. So in all case, nothing is good and will go well today
Your Papa chuckle when he sees you and your face walking downstairs "what is happening, sweetie ?" he asks trying to stop his laugh. You glare at him and your Daddy lets out a quick laugh at that "you're a rebel one today"
You groan in answer and go sit on the couch between the two huge men. You cross your arms and look at the tv. You quickly understand it was a bad idea, they're looking something you don't want to watch and your mood goes more grumpy than before
You sigh heavily to show to the world your unhappiness and act as if it wasn't on purpose. Bucky smirks down at you "something to say ?" You frown and sink deeper in the couch with still your arms on your chest. Bucky shakes your leg with his foot who were rest between you and him on the couch to annoy you or getting your attention. In both way, it annoys you.
"Stop" you mumble and throw his leg away from you. He chuckles and sats back correctly on the couch. You sigh louder again "do you want some breakfast ? Maybe it'll help you get in a better mood" Your Papa smirks down at you
You shake your head but you nod inside your head. Your Papa knows you better than you thought, he stands up and walks out of the living room leaving you alone with a staring Daddy beside you
You turn your head away from him since you feel his eyes on you, usually you like it but you're not in the mood for that today. He shakes his head with a grin and carefully get his chest closer to you.
He grabs your waist and pulls you into him in between his legs. You gasp and grab his hands from the surprise. He puts your back against his chest from the movement and you groan as he just laughs "stop being like this, baby" he complains
He complains ? You're the one who can complain... Okay maybe you don't know why you can feel like complaining but you do so that's it
You squirm in his arms and try to push him away "stop Daddyy" you whine, letting your head falling on his chest. It's useless, everything you do to get him to let you go is useless. He's a lot more stronger than you and when he has a goal in head, he doesn't let it go until he reaches it. And apparently his goal is having you in his arms
"Let me take care of you" he says in your ear as he swings you from side to side "let me try to make you happy, babydoll" He runs his nose on your ear and closes his eyes as he enjoys your sweet smell.
He always loved your smell. It's not something weird, it's something who help him in all kind of things. It calm him down when he starts stressing above somehting who can seems nothing to others but who is big to him. it help him at night after his nightmares when he get them, he grabs you in his arms and just by being close to you is enough to make him relax and get him back in a deep sleep without any worries
"is there something you want to talk about with me ?" he asks when he feels you stop moving around. His fingers remove your hair from your face and put them behind your ears, then his fingers caresses your cheeks as he keeps his eyes on you the whole times.
You shake your head and peer up at your Daddy. When your eyes met, he gives you one of his sweetest smile ever. You want to smile back at him but you also don't want to. It's all weird and confuse in your head and you don't like that. You like nothing today.
You rest the side of your head against his chest and pout as you look up at him. He kisses your nose and rests his forehead against yours. You don't like being like that at all
Your Papa comes back in the living room with cereals in his hands interrupting your moment with your Daddy. He sits down on the couch and looks up at you with a smile ‘’here, sweetness’’ he gives you the bowl of cereals and rests his back against the back of the couch watching you. You take the spoon he gaves you and starts eating your food
Steve smiles when he sees you enjoying your simple but good breakfast. He was a little scared when he saw your mood and he was worried you wouldn’t eat anything. He and Bucky don’t like at all when you miss a meal, it means you’re probably sick and they get worried pretty quickly. However you still eat even if you wanted to show them you didn’t want at first.
Bucky grabs the remote and put your favorite show knowing it’s a plus on getting you in a better mood. You grin discreetly at that as you look down at how your spoon grab your favorite cereals. Your back is still against your Daddy and you soon feel his hands on your hair or your arms. Your Papa plays piano on your legs as he turns his attention on the tv with a please face after seeing your little grin he loves so much
it's a start...
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mrs-santoss · 2 years
Heartbreak - Neymar Imagine
Marina is a football player and dates Neymar. He goes to support her on her most important game and that’s when something horrible changes their perspective in life.
If there’s one thing I hate more in this life is attention. And yet, I still chose the most famous profession of all. This is the thing I hate about myself. I’m almost halfway my journey and yet I’m still unsure if I’m happy or not. I loved soccer since i was a kid. I’ve been judged and discouraged by my own parents many times but I still didn’t give up. Maybe the reason I feel this way about soccer is everything I had to change in my life to be in this position. I had to switch countries, I had to leave my family behind, I had to lose some friends, but, I swear on the second I step on the field it’s mesmerizing. That’s my answer to everything
I remember the first day I met Neymar, the love of my life. We’re supposed to start our morning training an hour later today because we got a call the night before that the men’s team will be joining us for training today. I was kind of excited to meet some of my favorite players. I was passing the ball back and forth with my teamate when people started coming inside the stadium. We all gathered around at the entrance to greet them. After I introduced myself to everyone, I laid eyes on the most gorgeous creature alive. He was walking towards me extending his hand for a handshake which I completely ignored due to the distraction from his beautiful eyes.
“Umm..Hi?!” He said half smiling at me.
“Oh, sorry! I got distracted, hii my name is Marina.” I took his handshake and smiled at him, finally awake from the daydream.
“Nice to meet you, Marina! I’m Neymar.” He said while we released our hands.
“Nice to meet you too, Neymar!” I said at him.
“You speak good Portugese, are you Brazilian by any chance, did I get that right?!” He said while making a funny confusing face.
“Ahahah, yeah you got that right, sort of. I’m half brazilian and half french, my mom is from Brazil.” Oh god why didn’t I realize from before that he was this pretty.
We trained for 2-3 hours including the breaks and it was time to leave for home. I bumped into someones shoulder on the hallway.
“Oppss, sorry! I didn’t see ya there!” I said looking up at the person’s face and I realized who he was.
“No, it’s okay. This is actually very good because I was trying to find you anyway and… ask you to hang out sometime?” said Neymar and looked at me nervously for an answer.
“Sure, of course! I would love to.” these words came out of my mouth so quickly I genuinely thought I had scared the guy.
“Ahaha, great. Can I have you number and I’ll call you?” he asked.
“Yes, here you go.” i took his phone and registered my number on there.
“Thank you, sweetie. I’ll see you soon.” he said and hugged me and start walking towards the exit.
What just happened?!
Here I am 2 years later preparing for the most important game of my life so far. I’m in the Women’s World Cup finals for the Brazil team. The chances of us winning are pretty high, except I’m beginning to feel a little anxious and I’m scared it will distract me.
The game is about to start any minute now and we are coming out of our locker rooms. I checked my phone before leaving and saw a text from Neymar saying “I’m here, bebê. You can do this, I believe in you. Don’t stress out. I love you lots, see you out there. xx” and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. Everytime Ney is there to see me play, I get this feeling he’s down there on the field with me practicing like we always do on our backyard. He’s means everything to me, that’s why I feel like I would let him down if I lost. These past two years have been the most amazing years of my life so far, I think Ney is my forever.
We are out on the field. Numbness. Numbness is all I’m feeling right now. I need to calm down. Oh my god! I can’t calm down. Can people see I’m panicking? I hope not. I look at the VIP area trying to find Neymar. I spotted him and he’s already waving at me and blowing kisses. And he kisses his right wrist and reminds me to look down at my own wrist and remember the wristband he made me for good luck. I kiss my wrist too, letting him know I got this. Which in fact, I really don’t.
We are done with all the ceremonies, and the referee blows the whistle to start the game. The second he does that the brain fog I had earlier completely disappeared and I start to think sharply. I start the game passing the ball to my teammate. Everything goes smoothly for the first 20 or 30 minutes. We had a few chances we missed, which only made our confidence drop.
My teammate passes the ball to me and I find a great opportunity to sprint towards the opponent’s goal towards the left side of the field, where Neymar is watching from and has a pretty clear view of me. Once I reach the area between the left corner area and the penalty area, I pass the ball to my teamate in the center of the penalty area. After I pass the ball the other player pushes me on my back with her knee, practically jumping on me trying to get the ball the was already passed on. I felt a shocking pain that started from my spine and went down to my legs and I fell on the field on my stomach. It was the most horrible pain I have been in. On the other side my teamate misses the shot and the game went on for a couple seconds before someone noticed me screaming my guts out and starts running to me. Everything is blurry. Everytime someone touches me, I yell begging them not to. The worst thing about this wasn’t the unbearable pain, it was the fact that I couldn’t move my legs at all. This causes me to also start panicking. The medics arrive, they examine me quickly and ask me a bunch of questions which i can’t give the answer to any of them. I can hear yelling, screaming, people calling for help, I have no idea what’s going on, all I feel is pain.
Neymar’s POV:
She was scanning the crowd trying to find me and when she did I was already trying to let her know I’m looking at her. I kiss my wrist trying to remind her the wristband I made for her to let her know I’ll always be next to her on the field speaking encouraging words to her. She kisses her wrist back but she hardly makes an expression on her face. I know that face. I know that feeling. She was scared and anxious. I prayed to god that wouldn’t affect her throughout the whole game. Everything went smoothly for half an hour until Marina had a chance to sprint towards the goal and make an assist. I was yelling encouraging words to her, telling her to keep going. What happened next made my blood run cold, and made my heart stop beating.
She got hit behind her back and fell on the ground screaming the guts out. I never saw her like this in the two years we’ve been together. I stood up with the rest of the crowd yelling to stop the game. She was in unbearable pain, I couldn’t watch it, she was suffering. I felt like someone is cutting my chest open and snatching my heart out. I could tell she was also panicking and unaware of her surroundings. I left my position and made my way to the small entrance wanting to go on the field next to my girlfriend who was suffering and she needed me to at least be there. The guard stopped me, they told me it was best to go in the hallway inside and meet her there.
I waited there watching everything. I didn’t realize I was shaking myself. I could tell my skin was as pale and yellow as the Brazil shirt I had on. She continues screaming and covering her face with her hands. Once the put her on the stretcher and started to carry her inside, that’s when i left the stadium to go inside.
I’m running behind her, she notices me and reaches her hand out to me. I grap her hand and kiss it repeatedly and I place her hand on my chest and caress her cheek with my other hand.
“NEY, I CANNOT FEEL MY LEGS!” she said panicking and screaming. My blood ran cold once again, I tried my best not to make any facial expressions that would freak her out.
“I know, bebê. I know, amor. Everything will be okay I promise. You need to calm down first, okay?” I was trying to get her to forget about the pain at least for a while while I’m rolling her stretcher with the paramedics toward the ambulance.
“ NEY-, I CAN’T. TOO MUCH PAI-“ she says.
“I know, I know, I know, bebê. Shh…shhh, we’re almost there. Breath slowly, meu amor. You’ve got this.” I’m encouraging her but honsetly, I’m saying these words to myself also. Her crying and screaming makes me feel so helpless and weak.
“NEYMAR, MY LEGS. MY LEG-AGHH” she screams her heart out.
This is it. I can’t hold it back anymore. I let my tears fall and kiss her forehead repeatedly. What if she doesn’t get better, what if she’s actually in risk for her life?
“Marina, meu amor. We’re almost there, you can do this. I know you can. I know you’re in pain but please hold on tight.” I say almost like I’m the one in more pain now.
We reach the ambulance and they roll her in. I hop inside to sit next to Marina’s head caressing her cheeks and kissing her forehead repeatedly.
She groans in pain, and begs for the pain to go away. I lay my face close to her head kissing her cheek near her ear repeatedly and whispering sweet nothings to her.
“Shh…shhh, you’re so strong bebê. You got this! It’s okay. You’re in good hands. I’m here, I won’t leave your side.” I kept whispering in her ear and kissing her hoping this will help her breath normally and calm down at least a little bit. And it does, she regulates her breath a little bit.
We reach the hospital and they wheel her into the emergency room. I run after the stretcher until I can lo longer see her. Right before she gets out of my sight, after everything she’s going through she cracks a small smile for half a second before pain overtakes her again. I sadly smile back mouthing “ I love you” to her.
After I can’t see her anymore, My legs give in and I sit on the chair. I think about all the possibilities. I decide to block these thoughts for a moment and reach my phone to call her parents, her team and my sister. I need her here to support me.
I’m pacing back and forth on the hallway. They still aren’t informing us about anything. Rafa reaches her hand out to me telling me to sit and calm down.
“I can’t take it anymore. WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG TO SAY SOMETHING PUTAA” i begin to lose my temper.
Right after I yell that, we hear the door slide open and the doctor in charge comes out. Me and Rafa sprint near the doctor’s side asking for answers.
“How is she? Is she okay? Is she awake?” I ask a bunch of questions without taking a break. Rafa places her hand on my shoulder signaling for me to let the doctor talk.
“I have to say first, she is a very lucky woman. Is the hits would’ve been two centimeters more to the left side she would have been paralyzed from the waist down. But, fortunately she’s okay now. She will need to go through a long physical therapy before she goes back on the field again.” he said almost showing to expression in his voice whatsoever. Like he’s used to this.
“Can I see her?” I ask immediately.
“Yes you can, but please make it quick.” He said and left.
I go inside. I ooen the door and see her laying on the hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of things. She is slightly out due to the pain medications they gave her but she was awake. She tries to reach her hand out to me and fails with no energy. I sense this and run to sit next to her and grab her hand.
“Marina? Can you hear me , meu amor. Can you respond?” I ask her.
She nods her head for confirmation and begins talking slowly.
“Am I- okay, Ney? Am I paralyzed?” She asks slowly.
I explain everything to her and ler her know she needs time but she will be okay.
“I knew you were strong, bebê. You did amazing. I will be with you throughout all this after we get out of here. I will take care of you with my own hands and help you recover faster.” I promise her feeling as if this was my fault for no reason.
“I know, meu amor. And I love you, Ney.” She said weakly.
I kiss her forehead and hold her hands tighlty.
“I love you too, meu amor. Please, don’t scare me like this ever again.” I want her to promise me.
“I promise, bebê.”
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enigma-naturae · 2 years
Obey me characters as type of goths!
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Authors Note: This is my first time writing so sorry if its really repetitive and these are just some of my personal headcanons and little mini imagines. I myself am also relatively new to the goth scene these might now be 100% accurate.
I hope you enjoy!
I could really just choose one but I think that Lucifer would really like romantic, vampire, and victorian goth
Just look at him
He already has the whole vibe
Out of all of them I think he would like romantic goth the most since he's an old romantic at heart
definitely uses to name caramia as a term of endearment to you <3
Likes to wear more formal attire such as suits and lots of jewelry preferably chunky rings
Listens to Lebanon Hanover
Imagine spending a night with him listening to his records, sipping on nice red wine and him speaking sweet nothings to you
This one was actually really hard but I think Mammon would be into gothabilly
He gives me the vibe that he likes any type of 50s style clothing (think greaser style)
Listens to Elvis Presley
Definitely into things like vintage cars and decor
Collects vintage horror movies
He doesn't watch them (mainly because he thinks their scary) just collects them because he thinks they look cool
Has at least one pin up girl tattoo
Loves going to old diners with you and taking you to old car shows
Definitely uses old slang
Calls you sugar or babe
Dances rockabilly like it's no one business
please look up real 1950s rockabilly dancing it looks like so much fun
Imagine him driving in his Demonio with you listening to rock 'n' roll and going to a club and dancing all night long just laughing with each other and just forgetting everything else :)
I personally think he would be very into visual kei
He dresses a little more on the colorful side
Tries to incorporate some of his favorite animes into his fashion
Also gets a lot of his inspiration from them
Makes him feel more confident and it's kinda cosplay to him so he really likes it if you dress up with him
Learned to play guitar and bass because he wanted to play his favorite solos
Loves to do your makeup (only if you ask him bc he's too shy to ask you)
He still gets kinda shy if you compliment him but he really appreciates it
Especially since his outfits take a while to get on
Imagine getting ready with him to go to a concert and just seeing how excited he is to see his favorite artist and just having an overall great time with him
To me this one is simple
He is a 100% New England Gothic type of person
He loves learning about the history such as the Salem Witch trials
His favorite authors are H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King
His favorite book is Misery by Stephen King
Listens to The Shortwave Mystery
Fashion wise his style is more dark academia
Loves going to places that are haunted or hold cursed items
Frequent visitor of the Ed and Lorraine Warren museum
Also an old romantic
Writes love letters to you and closes them with a wax seal that has his sigil on it so you know it's him
Gives you flowers with special meanings
Calls you my heart or my joy since your the person who always makes him the happiest
Imagine him sending you a letter telling you to meet him in the library and he takes you on a date treating you like royalty and reading poetry he made specifically for you
Asmodeus would LOVE pastel goth
To him it's a perfect mix of dark edgy colors and bright bubbly colors
Loves accessories, mainly chokers and hair clips
Has A BUNCH of outfit choices for you if you want to try his style too
If you ask him to do your makeup say no more he's already sprinting to his room to get his makeup kit
Can and will dye your the brightest pastel colors if you ask him
His outfits are always perfectly coordinated
Pulls off black lipstick surprisingly well
Has graphic shirts and decorated socks for DAYS
Listens to Melenie Martinez
Calls you sweetie or love
Imagine him taking you out to Majolish, helping you buy pastel goth clothes since you've been wanting to try it out, he gives you the best tips about what accessories go best and him giving you endless praise saying how cute you look
Beel would definitely like health goth
He dresses more casually than his brothers since health goth is more wearing black and white sports brands
Really likes the music though
He listens to Molchat Doma during his workouts
I think he really likes tattoos but either is busy to get them or Lucifer doesn't let him
He works hard to keep both his physical and mental health in top shape so if you need a shoulder to lean on (both metaphorically and literally) or want a gym bro he's your guy
Calls you peach or honey
Knows a lot of comfortable goth brands if you want to buy some active wear
Imagine you come home from a long day at RAD and just being generally exhausted, you go to your room and soon Beel comes since he felt like you weren't feeling the best, he comes with your favorite snacks and you spend the rest of the night together enjoying each others presence
I personally think that Belphie would be a trad goth but he barely has the time and energy for all that so I he would be an emo goth
I know what your gonna say BUT EMO AND GOTH ARE DIFFERENT I know that but I feel like he would find a way to combine them (also he thinks it's funny how it manages to get people angry)
Asmo takes his picture sometimes and adds a horrendous amount of blingees
Cuts his own hair
Owns so many band tshirts that his closet looks like a hot topic
I think he listens to Black Veil Brides or Twin Tribes
Acts like a stereotypical emo for shits and giggles
Always ends up forgetting to take off his eyeliner
Probably has a blog dedicated to astrology (Asmo got a hold of it and decorated it so much its like looking into the sun)
Probably has a few piercings
I think has has an eyebrow piercing and snake bites
Loves watching Tim Burton movies
Calls you my one and only or baby
Imagine waking from a nap to have a message from Belphie saying "Meet me in the planetarium", you go and he's there with a blanket and you two spend the rest of the night either stargazing, talking about astrology, or him reading to you some overly edgy poem talking about "your the light that reaches even the darkest parts of my soul" and "Will you be the Pon to my Zi?" (please tell me if you understand that reference)
It sounds super sappy but you know deep down he means it
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