#hopefully one day ill be normal about this picture
gobeyondthewave · 9 months
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bepp-ers · 6 months
sorry for vanishing on yall i went to take a nap (for like 9 months)
headcanons about the obey me! brothers and the devildom that no-one asked for, in no particular order. because why not :)
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> asmodeus is kind of against piercings that aren't in the ear because they're 'tacky' and unsavoury.
> mammon had an aeroplane phase. he eventually settled on cars, but there are still a few plane magazines stashed in his wardrobe.
> lucifer has grey hair but like. way more than you'd think. he's just really good at hiding it. he may or may not have used some sort of magic to hide it, until eventually he gives up and starts to let it show. that's why in some artwork/pictures he has grey streaks, and in some he has none.
> beelzebub has tried to eat so many of the paintings in the HoL that they have to be sealed with magic, lest he devour another family portrait.
> barbatos' tail is "slimy" or "slick" because it's actually poisonous, like those frogs. that's why he doesn't like people touching it, except for that one picture where Solomon tries to touch it (i reckon he got tired of him trying to touch it so he just allows him to be poisoned lmao)
> demons will eat humans. this is a known fact, although it's usually only very low-level demons who are starving, or have succumbed to their sins completely who eat humans. beelzebub has thought about it a few times but he likes MC far too much to truly consider eating them.
> expanding on the last point, the Devildom is overpopulated. im calling it. i headcanon that demons (particularly glutton demons) casually partake in cannibalism. there are too many demons/other species and as such, the laws basically don't exist. the answer to overpopulation is basically murder, or cannibalism.
> the brothers don't try and tone down the more "demon" elements of themselves around MC until someone mentions that humans don't really like that kind of thing. MC has seen some SHIT man.
> leviathan refuses to eat fish or seafood because of Henry 2.0. mammon has 100% tricked him into eating like a fishcake or something. he definitely cried a lot that day.
> i think all of the brothers snore, except for belphegor (ironic huh). asmodeus adamantly denies snoring, but he does. mammon snores the loudest obviously. everyone else just snores a normal amount, and lucifer falls asleep in his chair/on the sofa a lot so his snoring is heard the most. he's a dad at heart.
> satan hates that people mistake him for lucifer. that's obvious. he hates it so much that he once wrote a book on the subject, under a pen name, and it was surprisingly popular. he doesn't think anyone knows he wrote it, but lucifer knows. he simply never said anything because he was secretly proud of satan for how well he could write.
hopefully these make sense. god i forgot just how much this game actually made me think. i love world building yarhhhhggh
> asmodeus is deathly afraid of head lice. that's it that's the headcanon.
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oh yeah the ole ask box is open. send me asks im so desperate ill take anything
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sl33paholics · 3 months
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Let's Start The Day Together.
Retsu Kaioh x black!fem reader
Warning(s): mentions of mental health / illnesses (social anxiety n depression), body image issues, social anxiety
I've been having a shitty, exhausting week. I had a huge exam on Tuesday and am now off for the rest of the week until my other exam. Had a health scare, so that wasn't good lol so I wanted to make this writing piece for comfort. This is more of a self-insert, but lowkey made it an "x reader" in case people can relate
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It's hot.
You can feel small sweat glands running down your face as you scratch your durag to relieve the itching you had from last night, letting out a huft as you lay on your messy bed trying to get comfortable. You don’t know if it was the fact that you just woke up or if you were going crazy but somehow, this felt like a dream.
You felt sticky.
You were in heat.
You shifted your attention from the ceiling to the small clock on your desk. It was after 1:30 pm.
Your body temperature felt way hotter than normal, especially since you had slept with a sports bra on with your long, baggy ass shorts. Your durag smelled like sweat, and your skin smelled disgusting. You didn’t want to go to work today. But at least the heat was tolerable. You tried to rub away some of the sweat with a shirt that's been sitting on your bed for days, but that only made it worse.
You groaned, sitting up and rubbing your temples. Your head was pounding, making you nauseous.
Taking a good look around your decent-sized spaced room, it was a mess. Sorta. It was a chore to clean up when you have containers filled with unused clothes that you don't bother to wear, boxes of items that you hadn't opened once you moved out those years ago, or even your books that you had yet to read. Your closet looked like there was never an organization to it whatsoever; your bookshelves were mostly empty except for your favorite books. You had no pictures of family that hung anywhere. Everything seemed to be in the same state you left it in.
Why bother to clean? You'd always ask yourself, no one visits. So why would you bother taking care of anything? Maybe you could take a shower. Maybe. Hopefully. You weren't sure what else to do to cool off, besides sleep. You slowly stood up, stretching your arms above your head while yawning. When you finally decided that it was enough to rest for now, you made your way into your bathroom.
At least you took care of your living room. It looks decent if you're ignoring the fact that it took almost a month to finally get off your lazy ass to do something about it. It smells nice and feels nice as if a huge weight got lifted off whenever you step out of your horrid room.
After you did your business, you couldn't help but look at yourself in the mirror. Baggy eyes, stretch marks from your arms to the lower half of your stomach, and your unkempt hair. As if you looked homeless. As if you were lost in a trance, you didn't hear your front door being unlocked and opened by someone who had a spare key. You didn't even realize someone was in your apartment until they walked in.
"Y/N?" a voice called out to you as you shifted your attention to the person behind you, Retsu standing at the doorway with bags in his hand. Restu must've come over here because he wanted to check if everything was okay. "Did you just wake up? Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." He'd say, looking away to the side. You couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't used to seeing you in your condition. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright," he finished. His brows furrowed as he stared you dead in the eye. Was Retsu mad at you? That doesn't seem possible, but maybe he was just concerned for you? You shook it off, deciding not to dwell on it too much.
"Yeah," you replied awkwardly, putting your hands in your pockets. "I'm just feeling kind of under the weather right now... but I'll be alright." You trailed off, giving him a smile. As the two of you were settling down, you noticed that Retsu brought groceries and other things you'd need. You knew he was trying to make you feel better, so you appreciated it. You didn't even realize how hungry you were until Retsu mentioned food. How embarrassing, how did I forget about food? You thought, biting your lip sheepishly. It was quiet between you two. The only noise in the apartment was Retsu putting stuff away and making the two of you lunch. Once he was finished, he placed plates in front of you on the coffee table while he sat down across from you. You thanked him.
Silence. What was there to even talk about? You felt bad. Retsu did all this and took time out of his day to come to see you, only for you to not spark up a conversation. You let out a loud sigh. "Y/N." You looked over at him, noticing a soft expression on his face. It seemed to be a mixture of concern and pity. "Something's bothering you."
"Retsu, please..." You began. He held his hand up, stopping you immediately.
"Just tell me what's wrong."
"No, Y/N," he interrupted sternly, "I've been texting you for days now. I haven't gotten one reply once. You're not looking too well, what happened? Your co-workers are saying you're not showing up to work either." Retsu would ask again. He was starting to sound annoyed. He leaned back on his chair, crossing his arm.
You sighed, knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer. "Okay. Fine." You looked back at your food, not sure what to say. The silence stretched for what felt like forever before you started speaking up again. "I'm just having one of those moments...y'know? I don't know. I don't think I left this building in a week?" You let out a nervous giggle, but you could tell Retsu wasn't happy with your response. "I don't have anybody who I consider friends that I can hang out with. I have work-friends. Not best friends. They do not acknowledge me outside of that, so I've just been in here in my room." You'd say turning your attention away from Retsu, your eyebrows frowning at what you just said.
Retsu didn't respond. You felt a pang of guilt run through you. He probably thinks you're a loser for talking to him like this. You rambled on how much it was difficult to wake up on time, and if you did, you didn't want to go anywhere for the day. You neglected your hygiene and physical appearance. Going on and on, you felt overwhelmed every time you looked in the mirror. You finally stopped your rant once you felt your throat clogging up and tears running down your face.
You sniffled, wiping at your eyes, hoping to catch them before you cry.
Retsu didn't move or speak for a few seconds, and then you heard him stand up from his seat. Before you could protest, you felt strong arms wrap themselves around you, hugging you tightly. You hugged him back as you felt your breath catch in your throat. "If it makes you feel better... I woke up around one o'clock. Last time, I woke up around six in the evening." You said with a chuckle to lighten up the mood. You let him go, but not before resting your hands on his chest to keep him at arm's length. You could feel your heart racing.
Retsu chuckled. "It does," he admitted. A genuine was spread across your face, the first one you'd smiled in weeks. You wiped at your eyes again before giving Retsu another hug. It was warm. You missed the warmth of him around you. He gave you another pat on your back before pulling away from the hug. He got on one knee before clasping your hand tightly. "I'm glad you told me what's been going on, Y/N." Retsu would say as you noticed his thumb was caressing on top of your hand. "And whatever's bothering you now, I'll do my best to help you." The sincerity in his voice was hard to ignore. You were touched by his words. "I'll stay the night here with you." Retsu would say, standing up again.
"You don't have to, I can take care of myself..." You tried to tell him. Retsu shook his head.
"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't watch over you, y'know." He gave you a reassuring smile as he offered his hand again to help you up. You took it hesitantly, allowing him to pull you up. "Let's leave in a few minutes. Getting fresh air is always good for the body." Retsu suggested.
You agreed easily, still feeling a little bit guilty for not opening up to him sooner. If only you had. But you were happy enough to have a guy like Retsu around to assist you during your roughest times.
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red-water-dragon · 22 days
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Raren demonstrating a suspicious spell in front of the royal court.
visual storytelling notes:
The bg was left blank until I started painting and the elements added to the bg were designed around the character. I didn't go into this with a little synopsis of what I wanted to convey. Only an abstract idea that Raren was going to be talking to someone, figure it out later. I decided he'd be presenting a new spell in front of a political chamber because he wears a crown and a blue crystal. So he has to be of some form of nobility and magical prowess. He also has blue eyes meaning he is an ice dragon and thus its a blue spell wow. The monarchs he's addressing are left dark and disapproving in the corner while Raren powers a statue beneath them. He could be demonstrating how the spell effects the world around them, maybe it freezes the stone? maybe it brings the statue to life? Either way its primed to eat Raren's opposition. Two of the bg guys are red one is blue maybe he's an arch nemesis who knows.
Art process and wips under the cut
I'm trying and failing to get better at visual story telling while keeping things simple. My long term goal is to have a frequent and consistent posting schedule. Most of the art would be stylized and simple like this and the rest could be fully rendered.
Art has been more of a "draw what's in you head and make it look pretty/ cool to hang up later" thing to me w/ the benefit of being a good source of self reflection as I create. Writing has more so been my go to for expressing that meditation. Writing I don't share because im unnecessarily cagy abt my emotions and my harshest critic lol. I want to tell stories with my art , convey tone, feeling, etc. and right now my paintings don't do that. I don't have the technical skill yet. This painting is the first of many to come that will hopefully change this.
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The texture in this is chaotic and the line work is rough. Raren is the only part of this with a full sketch. All other line art was added to create the illusion of detail. There is less attention on rendering each section and more being put into the placement of characters and props. I had hoped this would make the painting go faster and...it has the potential to do so in the future. Sooo a piece that could have taken a couple hours took a whole day.
While im not overly thrilled with the final image im still happy about the process. Normally the dragon would be the only real focal point in my painting with the bg being a gradient, or a simple theme added last second. Conveying a message is more work but it gives more cool things for the eye to look at and the mind to ponder. So in theory even if the final result is aesthetically unappealing the theme can still salvage the work a bit.
what this taught me:
sketchy line work is passable in the final image
it can even add character to the art
plants are a great way of filling space without actually doing so
(hence the wip of the room looking empty af with out them)
the more clothing and eye candy you put on your character the more clutter you have to add to the bg to balance it out
the main oc was sketched the bg was painted on the fly
doing so saved time but harmed the natural flow of the piece
all of the storytelling is happening in quarters and it is almost abrasive to look at
what ill try in the next piece:
perspective guides
less shading and rendering
find a color palette to stick to
or work in greyscale first
write a little picture synopsis
or pick a theme
just find something that acts as a story guide
sketch out bg elements
toy around with the sketch more before moving to painting
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fairyniceyeah · 1 month
💎 I love my team, I love my crew (Part 3/7)
Title from Super (SEVENTEEN)
Summary: Priority is to get the sick members comfortable.
CW: emeto, diarrhea in the context of illness, nightmares
Sickies: Woozi/Jihoon + Joshua + Seungkwan + Minghao + S.Coups/Seungcheol Caretakers: Hoshi/Soonyoung + Wonwoo + DK/Seokmin + Vernon + Jun + Jeonghan + Mingyu + Dino/Chan
“Shh, he just fell asleep”, Wonwoo whispered, holding his index finger to his lips to indicate quiet. Soonyoung nodded in agreement and walked over to them as silently as possible. It was cute, really. Jihoon was sprawled all over Wonwoo’s lap, effectively trapping the rapper under him. His hair was braided back in a french braid - the dancer hadn’t even known Wonwoo knew how to do that - and he was wearing his pajamas. In sleep, the producer looked so young and peaceful, if not for the paleness and the flush on his cheeks. 
And the fact that they were still in the bathroom with the smell of sickness heavy in the air.
“How is he?”, Soonyoung asked quietly and knelt down next to Wonwoo, watching Jihoon breathe deeply. He was sound asleep - hopefully he would stay that way. From what Soonyoung had heard the producer had really gone through it during the afternoon.
“Hasn’t thrown up in about maybe thirty minutes, I’d reckon. I managed to get him into clean clothes and take some fever reducers and the antiemetic he normally takes for his migraines. He basically passed out on me after that”, Wonwoo explained and sighed. “He’s really not feeling good. Anyways, what was that meeting about?” 
“Shua-hyung, Cheollie-hyung and Minghao-yah are also sick”, Soonyoung explained, watching as Wonwoo frowned in concern, “it’s likely a very contagious stomach flu. We split into teams to take care of the sick members … as long as we still can.”
Soonyoung was well aware that his voice was trembling. If he was honest, he was terrified. An outbreak of illness had not been on his mind when they had left the harbor two days ago. Even more so, they had been happily playing table tennis without a care in the world only hours ago. 
Now it was evening and nearly one-third of the members were down. 
“It’s going to work out, Soonyoung-ah”, Wonwoo comforted him, though Soonyoung knew him well enough that there was doubt in his voice. 
“Why don’t we lay Jihoonie down on a bed? You both can’t be comfortable like this”, Soonyoung suggested. He itched to do something to help.
Wonwoo nodded and sheepishly added: “I think I lost feeling in my ass about twenty minutes ago.”
It was a bit awkward to lift Jihoon, even with his small frame and low weight - even lower now after he had been throwing up for hours - in the cramped bathroom but they managed. Wonwoo nearly fell when standing up, even his legs seemingly asleep.
“Let’s put him on Dino’s bed”, Wonwoo whispered, gesturing with one hand to the stuffed otter that was decorating one of the two lower bunk. Soonyoung, who had lifted Jihoon to his chest, raised his eyebrows. The other lower bunk was clearly Jihoon’s, the only bed completely empty of stuffed animals or multiple pillows. “He said he threw up on his bedding. I don’t think any of us even had time to take care of that.”
Soonyoung grimaced and nodded, waiting for Wonwoo to pull back the covers so the dance leader could lay down his precious burden. Jihoon stirred a bit when he came in contact with the mattress and both older members held their breath in hopes he’d fall back asleep. Jihoon sighed in his sleep, pulled the stuffed otter to his chest and curled up. It was adorable really. 
They covered him back up and Soonyoung couldn’t resist snapping a quick picture and sending it to the group chat. When he was better Woozi would likely kill him but for now Soonyoung thought the rest of the members might need a pick-me-up and Jihoon was very cute. Like a kitten. There was a reason why Carats called the 96-liners the cat-line.
“He will not like that”, Wonwoo commented but Soonyoung saw him save the picture to his gallery anyways. So he just shrugged. “Let’s get the bedsheets clean, I guess?”
Wonwoo nodded and then said: “Why don’t you stay with Jihoonie? I have been cooped up in the bathroom for some time, I need to walk around a bit.”
“Yeah, sure, if you don’t mind”, Soonyoung agreed easily. He didn’t really want to leave Jihoon’s side anyways.
“Nah, it’s fine.”
“Oh, it’s you”, Seungkwan whispered, a bit dejectedly, when Seokmin entered the sleeping cabin he shared with Joshua, Mingyu and Wonwoo.
“Thank you. That doesn’t hurt at all”, Seokmin said, only slightly offended and closed the door. The room was now only illuminated by the light coming in even through the curtains. It took a few seconds for Seokmin’s eyes to adjust to the relative darkness but then he spotted Joshua laying down on his bed, eyes closed and breathing deeply, seemingly asleep. There was a bucket by his head.
As Seokmin looked around he nearly missed the dark silhouette sitting on the floor, leaning back against the bed across from Joshua’s. Seungkwan had his head bowed, knees pulled to his chest. Something was off.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean it like that, hyung”, the youngest vocalist whispered, “I just hoped for Jeonghannie-hyung or Cheollie-hyung. I … I don’t feel good.”
Dread electrified Seokmin’s whole body. No, this was going wrong too quickly. Did they have to add Seungkwan to the list of sick members this shortly after Seungcheol-hyung? Seokmin didn’t like to admit it but he was terrified. He didn’t have a problem with helping sick members even if they were throwing up, which wasn’t what everybody could stomach, but caring for two sick members on his own? No, that would not work. There was a reason why they had decided on teams of two after all.
Seokmin shook himself. He didn’t have time to worry about that. He had a dongsaeng to cuddle. Careful to not stub his toes in the dark, Seokmin made his way to Seungkwan and knelt down beside him, pulling the youngest BSS member against his side. Immediately Seungkwan curled into his arms, sighing constantly.
“What’s wrong, Kwan-ah?”, Seokmin asked worriedly, inconspicuously feeling the younger’s forehead. Seungkwan was warm, maybe a bit warmer than usual, but Seokmin couldn’t tell if it was a fever. He hoped they had a thermometer somewhere because even if it wasn’t a fever yet it would turn into one for sure. 
“I feel nauseous”, Seungkwan mumbled, “I mean I saw Woozi-hyung and Joshua-hyung throw up but I don’t think this is just sympathy.”
Seokmin hummed, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Do you want to go up to the deck, see if some fresh air helps?”
Seungkwan sighed but nodded. Seokmin stood up and then pulled the younger to his feet. Seungkwan swayed for a moment but gained his balance before Seokmin got too worried. 
But now that Seungkwan was standing, clutching the back of Seokmin’s shirt did the older vocalist realize he would have to split himself in two if he wanted to help Seungkwan up to the deck and keep an eye on Joshua at the same time. Well, Joshua was asleep. Maybe he could get a manager to keep an eye on him while he was with Seungkwan. Decision made, Seokmin took Seungkwan’s hand in his and gently led him out of the room.
“What about hyung?”, Seungkwan asked worriedly, swallowing after.
“He’s asleep. I’m sure we’ll find somebody who can look after him soon.”
They had barely taken a few steps into the direction of the stairs that would lead them up to the living room hallway and then consequently out on deck when they ran into Vernon.
“Hey”, the rapper greeted them, carrying a stack of clothes in his arms. Seokmin winced, understanding instantly what had happened. 
“Nonie”, Seungkwan whispered and rushed to his best friend, basically throwing himself into his arms. Vernon nearly dropped the items he was carrying but managed to hold onto them and wrap Seungkwan into his arms at the last second. Worriedly, he looked over Seungkwan’s shoulder at Seokmin.
Before the older vocalist had a chance to explain, Seungkwan whimpered: “Don’t feel good, Nonie.”
Understanding bloomed on Vernon’s face, closely followed by worry. “Have you been sick?”, he asked, pulling away to muster his other half. Seungkwan shook his head. 
“Feel like I might though”, he mumbled. Vernon sighed and rubbed his arm. He was surprisingly unfazed by the sickly member considering his squeamishness but then again Vernon could push past his distaste for vomit when Seungkwan was involved.
“I was about to take him up to the deck and see if that helps”, Seokmin explained, “but uh, actually, could you do that? We left Shua-hyung alone…”
“Yeah, let’s go”, Vernon replied, sneaking his arm around Seungkwan’s waist to support him on the short walk, “we just need to stop by Jun and Minghao.”
“Thanks, Nonie”, Seokmin said. “Feel better, Kwan-ah.”
The two left quickly and Seokmin turned around to go check on Joshua, feverishly hoping that his absence had not been noticed.
When he pushed the door open, guilt washed over him. Joshua was awake, sitting on the bed with his head in his hands. He truly had chosen the moment nobody was there for him to wake up. Hearing the door, Joshua turned to look at Seokmin. Even with the low light spilling inside, he winced and squeezed his eyes shut but not before Seokmin was able to see the tears in his eyes.
“Hyung”, he breathed and rushed over, “how are you feeling?”
“My head”, Joshua whispered, “it hurts so badly, Min-ah.”
“Do you want to try medication?”, Seokmin offered, feeling a bit helpless. Sure, he had seen the older members take care of Joshua and Woozi when they were in the grasp of a migraine but he felt seriously out of his depth now.
“I don’t know if I can keep them down”, Joshua admitted, “where are Hannie or Cheollie?”
Seokmin winced. Should he tell Joshua or not? Worry wouldn’t help the American but then again, keeping him in the dark was also not realistic. “We’re having a bit of a problem”, Seokin started to explain, wincing as he realized his first sentence was a big understatement. “A lot of members are sick at the moment. The medic said it’s likely norovirus. Next to you, Woozi-hyung, Minghao and Seungcheol-hyung are sick. Seungkwan might be too.”
“Oh.” Joshua looked stunned. 
They were silent for a few seconds until Joshua was seemingly hit with another bout of pain. He closed his eyes and pressed his palms against his forehead, groaning. Seokmin internally panicked but knew he couldn’t really afford to. He spotted the ice pack that must have fallen off of Joshua when he woke up and grabbed it. It was still mostly cold. Relieved, he lifted it and took Joshua’s hands into his own to free his forehead. The hold Joshua had on his hand was painfully tight but it lessened a bit when the ice came into contact with his burning skin. They sat there, at the edge of the bed, for a few minutes with Joshua just breathing. Seokmin didn’t know what to do but be silent support. 
Finally Joshua took one last deep breath in before asking: “Painkillers? They are with my bag, I think.”
Seokmin scrambled to his feet, happy to have something to help. He spotted the blister and within a minute he had gotten Joshua to drink a bit of water along with the pills. 
“Do you want to lie back down?”, he asked then. 
“No”, Joshua choked out, “I think I feel better sitting up. Even my head. Min-ah, I’m sorry, but can you hand me the bucket just in case?”
Worriedly Seokmin bent down and lifted it up into his hyung’s lap. Joshua mumbled a small “thanks” and bent over it, one arm coming to rest on the rim and his head laying down on it. Seokmin, not sure how else to comfort him, just ran his hand up and down his back.
Watching his hyung nauseously bent over a bucket, occasionally swallowing down gags was not subject to his entertainment tax. Seokmin looked away, staring into the mostly dark room not that the sun had apparently started to set. He wondered how Seungkwan was faring. How Seungcheol and Woozi and Minghao were doing. Had any of the other members started to feel the effects of sickness already? Did he himself? He hadn’t paused yet to actually check in with his body on how he was doing. 
Seokmin took a deep breath himself, trying not to freak himself out. But as he closed his eyes and focused on his head and stomach, he felt fine. There was no upset, nothing bothering his body except for maybe a tiny sunburn on his shoulders. 
The vocalist was torn out of his thoughts by the sound of a nearly silent gag. He opened his eyes just in time to see a watery mouthful of vomit rush out of Joshua’s mouth into the bucket. There went the medication. 
Joshua heaved a few times, Seokmin able to feel his back ripple under his hand but he brought nothing else up. It caused the vocalist to wonder if Joshua was empty and had nothing else to throw up in his system or if he had managed to keep himself from vomiting up more. 
Then Joshua was whimpering, silent tears streaming down his face.
Now Seokmin couldn’t contain the panic anymore. “Hyung?”, he asked, rushing to put the bucket down and wrap the older in his arms. Joshua just shook, face buried in Seokmin’s shoulder. “What’s happening?”
“It hurts so much, Min-ah”, Joshua sobbed.
“Xiao Ba, please let me in”, Jun begged, knocking on the bathroom door for the umpteenth time. Minghao hadn’t exactly … made it to the bathroom before his stomach had rebelled for the third time that day. The younger was terribly embarrassed and Jun got it, he really did. He’d feel humiliated too if he had soiled himself in front of another member even in the throes of illness. But it had caused Minghao to lock himself in the bathroom, sobbing so loudly and violently that Jun feared he would pass out due to dehydration before Jun managed to coax him out. Vernon appearing to help out had been as much of a curse as a blessing. Getting him to grab new clothes made everything just a tiny bit easier for Jun.
Yet, he was becoming terribly sick - pun not intended - of staring at the door for minutes on end, without being able to help his dongsaeng. He was just glad that a kind manager had cleaned the bathroom earlier and had even thought of putting a trash can inside. Plus, he had informed Jun of what he had done which had reassured the dancer a lot.
“Eissa, I know you are embarrassed”, Jun said defeatedly in Chinese - so very grateful for the bit of privacy it granted them - and let his head thunk against the wood, “but I promise you gege isn’t judging you or is angry or whatever you are thinking. You’re sick. It happens. Please, let me help you, baby.” 
The lock firmly stayed in the occupied position. 
Jun sank down to his knees and sat down awkwardly on the ground. It promised to be a long wait.
A minute passed. Two. Five. Ten. 
Just as Jun was about to knock on the door again Vernon appeared, his arm slung around a pale looking Seungkwan. Jun scrambled to get to his feet, his hand immediately coming up to feel Seungkwan’s clammy cheek. He didn’t seem overly warm. But the paleness and especially the quietude made it obvious that Seungkwan was not feeling well.
“Oh, love, you too?”, Jun cooed.
“Haven't thrown up yet”, Seungkwan muttered. He looked like he would any moment now. Jun kept that thought to himself. 
“We wanted to go outside, see if it helps a bit”, Vernon explained. Jun nodded in agreement. At least it couldn’t hurt. 
“Go, go”, he said, ushering them to the door leading them outside, taking the change of clothes from Vernon in the same movement. He watched them trudge outside, Vernon never letting go of his best friend. 
The ship was built with the hallway having a row of windows showing the deck outside, with the living room separated by a wall and the door outside and the bathroom on opposite short ends, with a tiny alcove with the stairs down to the sleep level. So Jun was able to watch them stand by the railing a bit longer, his only pastime. It was cute really, how Vernon was fussing over the vocalist.
A manager approached the two maknaes and conversed with Vernon for a moment, looking worried. Both of them started when suddenly Seungkwan leaned forward and presumably threw up over the railing. Jun couldn’t see but if it wasn’t obvious from the way Seungkwan was bent forward, his back moving with the retches, it was by Vernon brushing his fringe back and looking at the manager with panic. 
Jun was brought out of his worries when Jeonghan and the medic emerged from the living room, both looking unhappy. 
“How is Cheollie-hyung?”
“How is Minghao-yah?”
Jeonghan and Jun asked the questions nearly simultaneously, both chuckling a bit at the situation despite it not actually not being that funny. It was the small things helping them keep their sanity. 
“Chan-ah and Mingyu got him”, Jeonghan replied. “He fell asleep on the couch, his fever is pretty high. Hyukjae-ssi…” - he gestured at the medic - “...is going to check out what medications we have available and the managers are trying to figure out a way to sail back. Apparently one of the managers with a sailing license is sick too, so we are not sure how to proceed. I wanted to go check on Shua and Jihoonie after this.” 
“And Seungkwan, I guess”, Jun said, nodding his head in the direction of the sick member now sitting down with his back to the railing and Vernon and the manager kneeling beside him. Jeonghan sighed.
“And Seungkwan.”
“Minghao is … well, he’s pretty embarrassed”, Jun said, slightly awkward. He didn’t want to tattle on his dongsaeng but he knew Minghao needed help soon. And Jun, despite his closeness to him, was slowly doubting he’d get Minghao out of the bathroom any time sooner.
“Poor him”, Jeonghan sighed. They all stopped when the sound of coughing took up. Minghao was throwing up again. 
“He’s throwing up and having diarrhea, right?”, the medic asked. Jun nodded.
“Maybe a slight one.”
“He’s going to be dehydrated soon, if he isn’t already. Can you try to get him out? I have at least a few IV’s and he will likely need one if he can’t keep any fluids inside”, the medic said.
Jun nodded. “I’ll try.”
Mingyu wished himself back in time. Arguing with Seokmin over a lost table tennis match was so much better than seeing their members succumb to the sickness one by one. He most certainly wasn’t a big fan of puking and watching over Seungcheol after said leader had just spewed his stomach onto the floor and had fallen asleep clutching the plastic bag in his hands … Mingyu had to admit he wished he was somewhere far away. 
Dino had curled up with a gloom look on his face by the leader’s head and was absently running his hands through Seungcheol’s hair. Mingyu himself had sat down on a chair further away, burying his head in his hands. He wanted to help but he’d also rather stay far far away.
“Hyung?”, Dino asked, sounding a bit concerned. He probably knew how Mingyu was feeling. The rapper had never hid the fact that vomit grossed him out. He just felt bad for burdening the maknae.
“Hm?”, he asked, lifting his head.
“Can you go get an ice pack from the kitchen? Cheollie-hyung is burning up”, Dino requested and then added with a wink: “And while you’re there, why don’t you check if we have ingredients for juk or galbitang? I’m sure the members will appreciate some light meals soon.”
It was a beautiful out. They truly had the best maknae. Minguy nodded and nearly stumbled into the doorway on his way to the kitchen. Inside he met a stylist noona, boiling water on the stove.
“Hello Mingyu-ssi”, she greeted with a smile, “I thought I could prepare some tea for the sick ones.”
“Thank you, noona. It’s very nice of you. I’m going to bring an ice pack to Cheollie-hyung and then maybe we can cook together?” Anything to get his mind of the sickness spreading and the noona was nice.
Mingyu returned to the living room just in time to find Dino trying to soothe an agitated Seungcheol. The leader was deeply asleep, it seemed, but trapped in a nightmare. He was tossing and turning, sweat pouring out of every pore and he seemed to be crying. 
It tore at Mingyu’s heart strings to see their mat-hyung like that. Normally Seungcheol was emotionally so strong and while he had cried in their presence before - how could he have not in all the time they’ve known each other? - it hadn’t been this desperate for a long time, not since his anxiety was at its worst. 
It had been years and years ago when Seungcheol had admitted to Mingyu during a sleepless night in a shared hotel room that part of the reason for his insomnia was the fear of nightmares. Mingyu had woken up to a crying and kicking leader, completely lost in the scenarios his brain came up with. Even with Seventeen famous and successful, Seungcheol had never been able to shake the fear of disbandment, the fear of losing his members like they had lost Doyoon, MingMing, Dongjin and Samuel before debut.
“Hyungie”, Mingyu whispered and within seconds he was on his knees in front of the couch, stroking back Seungcheol’s hair and trying to reduce his subconscious fears. 
“I don’t know what happened”, Dino said, eyes blown wide, “he just started crying in his sleep.”
It was no wonder that Dino was so scared. He had likely never seen Seungcheol like this. It had been terrifying for Mingyu back then too, not knowing what to do when his friend wouldn’t wake up from his terror. Now Mingyu knew to gently rub his arms and talk to him, so that Seungcheol woke up feeling comforted not trapped when held down (which had been a mistake Mingyu had only made once).
“Nightmare. He’s had them since forever”, Mingyu explained. He felt bad that Seungcheol was going through this but he was also glad he could finally help. “Hold the ice pack to his forehead. Here. I’m gonna try to wake him up.”
Dino nodded and took the ice pack from Mingyu, nearly dropping it with his shaking hands. 
“Don’t be scared, Chan-ah. I know it looks scary but Cheollie-hyung is gonna be fine, you’ll see.”
It took a few minutes of soothingly rubbing Seungcheol’s arm to stimulate him and whispered reassurances and comforting words before the general leader slowly calmed down and his eyes blinked open. Tears were still leaking out the corners of his eyes and he looked to be in pain but he was awake. The terror was gone, still his hands came up to clutch at Mingyu’s shirt.
“Ming’?”, Seungcheol whispered, his raspy voice swallowing down the last part of his name. He sounded so exhausted and his eyes, while open, were glazed over. Mingyu cupped the leader’s face and brushed a falling tear away with his thumb. Seungcheol’s skin was burning.
“I’m here, hyung. You’re okay. It was just a nightmare.”
“Nightmare?”, Seungcheol repeated, sounding young and lost. “I don’t … ‘gyu, I feel sick.”
Mingyu had no idea why the situation didn’t make him want to run away. If anything he wanted to stay closer to his hyung and comfort him, even if he threw up. There was so much vulnerability in his voice and such child-like innocence.  
“It’s okay, we got you, hold on a sec if you can”, Mingyu promised even when Dino threw him a confused and concerned look. 
The younger rapper helped Seungcheol move his feet off the couch and lifted the leader’s upper body into his embrace, so that Seungcheol was basically slumped against his chest. Dino quickly provided them with the plastic bag that Seungcheol nearly immediately lifted to his lips. The leader seemed exhausted and all his energy seemed to be going towards staying awake. His hands were shaking and Dino had to help him keep holding the bag open. 
It took only a few seconds until Seungcheol started expelling more of his stomach contents, the bag quickly growing full. Mingyu held Seungcheol tightly, fearing the leader would fall over if he didn’t. One of his hands came down to press softly against Seungcheol’s stomach, hoping that it would help the leader’s pain.
Watching Seungcheol throw up was disgusting, the sight, sound and smell, everything a bit too much, but Mingyu couldn’t put his own comforts over his sick leader’s. And if he got sick, he got sick. He probably would get infected in the near future anyway. There was no way out.
It took a painful few minutes until Seungcheol stopped vomiting and by then he was so weak that he just fell back against Mingyu, curling up in his lap and softly crying again. Dino took the bag from his hands, tied it off and set it to the side. 
“Hyungie?”, he asked, brushing back Seungcheol’s fringe. “Do you want to rinse out your mouth?”
Seungcheol shook his head. “Tired”, he whispered, more tears leaking from his eyes. “My head hurts. I just want to sleep. I don’t even know why I’m crying.” The last sentence was accented by an adorable pout that would have sent Mingyu squealing in any other situation. 
“I think it’s the fever”, Mingyu mumbled, leaning down to press his lips to hot skin. “We need to get you cooled down.”
“I’ll get more ice packs”, Dino suggested and scurried off. Mingyu just continued rubbing his stomach, it seemed to comfort the leader at least a bit. 
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - SEVENTEEN
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jackmanbj · 8 months
is that ight?
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an: hi guys! im back hopefully for long and just wanna say that this is something that didnt take me long to write because i wanted it to be kinda short for my little return!🤭
summary: jack is ranting to you about his problems and your trying your best to help him not wanting him to give up on anything.
jack had just got home from the studio, his eyes were baggy and his hair was messy.
you were sitting on the sofa waiting for jack, even though it was two in the morning.
“jack hun you look tired…”
“just a little, lets go to bed” jack didnt wait for a response and he started walking upstairs and heading to the bedroom while you followed behind
at first, jack didnt even bother taking off his clothes, being to tired to even more after he sat on the bed “jack hun.. i know you’re tired but you need to undress” you say taking off his jacket
jack groans but eventually start undressing, he keeps on his wife-beater and boxers on and lays down
you pull him on top of you, his head resting on your chest as you scratch his scalp lightly
the next morning when you woke up, jack was already getting ready to go to the studio
“jack.. your overworked, stay home”
“i cant—im on a high right now! my new song just got higher then first class, everyone’s still expecting me to make new music and i cant take any days off, not right now at least maybe in a few weeks”
“jack you need a break..” “well i want to be able to spoil you and i cant do that if i keep taking breaks” “keep taking breaks? baby.. this would be your first break in four weeks.. sit down” you say patting the bed as you sit up
“why do you feel like that?”
no airports and no flights thats how i wanna live my life, is that ight?
“i—i dont even know.. i just feel like i need to work or everything i have is gonna come crashing down.. like everything i worked for is gonna fall apart, i dont even care about all the cars, and the jewelry.. but i want just a little but even with just a little i feel like im wasting so much”
no sport cars and no ice, okay maybe a little ice, we all got a lil’ vice
“jack hun.. you can want everything in the world and you can get it if you can afford it—wanting something and getting it doesn’t mean that your overdoing it, you see people with seven cars but they can get them because they like them, not because they want to have fame for it”
“but i feel like sometimes its to much, and theres even more to it.. sometimes i hate when fans come up to me and want a whole lot of pictures, i dont mind saying hi or asking for one picture but they keep going and i also feel like me and some of the pg are falling out because of me working so much we dont talk alot…”
no selfies just say hi, im so healthy and alive 4L we them same guys equity for my dogs only time you see gang signs.
“jack not wanting people to come up to you a lot is normal it doesn’t make you a bad person and it shouldn’t make you feel bad, not everyone likes that.. and people lose friends, but if its pg dont you think you should schedule a meet up for all of you, or most of you to hang out and catch up?”
jack shifts his body, not facing you anymore “i want to, i do i wanna hang out with them and i want to stay strong with them but also i dont want to stop my working and my music for it”
im looking to change lives i already changed mine
you take his face in your hands making him face you again “jack people have to move on with there lives sometimes.. everyone cant just wait for inspiration they just have to take a chance, lots of people are impatient and want you to release music or your opinion or what you think when they want it..”
the times not stop waiting for the inspiration, they say its a flaw being impatient but…
jack huffs “ok..okay ill take a break from working.. ill take a week long break and ill set boundaries with fans and ill talk to pg..”
i just want peace i dont want no smoke
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hanlimz · 2 years
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synopsis: jungwon loves you, in sickness and in health. pairing: jungwon x gn!reader genre/warnings: pure fluff, However .. reader is in the bath .. clothing is left ambiguous, but 1) this is in no way by Any means sexual and 2) i did write this scene w them wearing a bathing suit in mind (i just didn't write it explicitly bc it was awkward to work around) word count: 1.3k (me when i'm so normal and chill and cool and normal) a/n: this is for @nyxvrse bc hopefully soft won sickfic will make being Actually sick a little bit easier :,,((<33 (it's also partially for me bc midterms r almost over n im Emotional)
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[7:07PM] jungwon thinks there's an innate beauty in not being able to reach one's own back; to him, it reinforces the indubitable nature of being human—weakness, fragility, the ability to be torn apart and put back together by the existence you thrive in, but are inevitably doomed to. paradox after paradox, he sits and combs through one after another like he always does to your hair after you arrive home from a stressful day at work. jungwon loves the feeling of your head in his lap; its soft weight grounds him in reality, and it floods him with a strange sense of gratitude—inexplicable, all-consuming, tender.
"won," you manage to croak out through all of the mucus that has collected in your throat, "i feel so gross. my head hurts, and i'm sweating—and, my snot is all over your sweater, and i'm so sorry ..." your tears begin to breach the cotton material of his hoodie as you burrow further into his stomach, and jungwon finds himself physically fighting the urge to giggle at the sincere apology. he appreciates the way in which you've made a home for the two of you inside your heart; jungwon feels the warmth of your love like a plush blanket being tugged up to his chin on a cold winter's night.
he thumbs at your ear and almost flinches at the sheer heat that radiates from your body. "you don't have to apologize, [y/n] ... i just wish i could make it go away," jungwon hums, attempting to coax you out of your hiding place. "i know how you hate being sick ... i could make you some ramen, or i could run you a bath—if you want."
you pull away from him with a feeble smile, and he has to force down another bout of laughter because good god—jungwon is nothing if not a fool for you. the sight of your puffy, bloodshot eyes is enough to send him into cardiac arrest. there's a prominent indentation of the fabric of his jeans present on the side of your face and a matching patch of drool on his thigh that he notices when you glance up at him. your expression is glassy and faraway, and he resists the calling to snap a picture of you and set it as his new homescreen. jungwon thinks you look as gorgeous as ever. he thinks you look human, even if you don't feel it at the moment, and that is beautiful.
"bath would b'nice, won," you reply, "think i wan' to lay on the tile ... c'n you bring me to the bathroom?"
jungwon nods while helping you onto his back, and he begins to meander through his own thoughts once again. they all come back to you, but he doesn't mind; jungwon would choose to think about you forever if that were possible. he sees you in the fluid dance of cirrus clouds above his head, he feels you when the rays of the sun shine on the apples of his cheeks, and he hears you in the stillness of night. the smell of vanilla and citrus always seems to follow close behind you, and he realizes just how much he's begun to associate his existence with yours. jungwon is full when you're with him.
the two of you reach your destination, and he sets you down on the porcelain, white tiles, watching as you visibly relax as they cool down your skin. jungwon reaches to turn on the water, making sure to keep the temperature moderate as to not aggravate the illness holding you hostage even further. outstretching an arm, he brushes his knuckles from your temple to your jaw and begins to hum an old folktune.
it's one that you recognize from your childhood, and the fog that clouds your brain manages to transport you back in time. the grass outside of your grandmother's house seems to be a more vibrant green, the continuous hum of cicadas is transformed into a delightful melody as opposed to their usual drone, and jungwon is there. one moment, he's chatting with your mother while helping her weed the garden and making her laugh. the next, he's pouring your grandmother a glass of fresh lemonade with one of the brightest smiles you've ever seen. your grandma loves him, your mom loves him, you love him—
after a firm squeeze of your shoulder, jungwon catches the subtle fluttering of your eyelids; he welcomes you back into the land of the living with that same blinding grin you had seen mere seconds ago. "bath's ready, sweetheart," he says, helping you to your feet. "i can go make some tea for after—"
"no," your denial is resolute, and it makes jungwon's body go rigid. "stay—stay with me, please."
jungwon's heart bursts in his chest; the resounding pop of every single blood vessel is deafening, and the only thing that stops him from floating away into the abyssal darkness of the cosmos is the feeling of his sleeve trapped in your fist. he chooses to reply with a simple: "anything you want," because anything more would've resulted in the loss of his dignity. no words are exchanged as you begin to undress; the quietude is soft and comforting as though it's welcoming you back from a long, tiring journey. it envelops the both of you in an embrace that neutralizes any negativity threatening to seep through from the earlier happenings of the day. jungwon, though so accustomed to planning things ten steps ahead, thinks it's nice to live in the present with you.
"won ... you added bubbles?" your voice wobbles as you ask your question.
he laughs—free and open, this time, "i just thought you'd like them."
"thank you," you respond, voice heavy with emotion.
jungwon shakes his head and motions for you to step into the water; he holds his breath as you settle against the wall of the tub and relish in the way the warmth seems to soothe the ache in your bones. soon after, however, he cranes over the mountain of foam you've collected and grabs the huge bottle of strawberry body wash the two of you share; its sweet aroma permeates the air as he squeezes some into his hands to create a thick lather. with a cautious touch, jungwon rubs the soap into your skin; he traces over the expanse of your shoulders with the utmost care, almost as if he were trying to memorize all the tendons connecting each muscle to its respective bone. and, jungwon is, if he's being truthful; he wants to know every part of you like the back of his hand.
"lean forward for me?" he coos, giving you a gentle push with the tips of his fingers.
like a marionette wooed by its strings, you find yourself hanging onto jungwon's every word. his voice is barely above a whisper, and the mere conceptualization of this sacred togetherness has the color returning to your skin. as jungwon's hands massage the tension from your back muscles, tears well up behind your eyes once more. "thank you for taking such good care of me, won," your voice cracks, and you sniffle while trying to will away the impending cough making its way up your throat. "you love me so well ... makes me feel complete."
jungwon's breath hitches before he chuckles and presses his lips to the top of your head. words always seem to fail him in moments like these; his mind—thoroughly beguiled by you—is unable to conjure up any semblance of a coherent reply. but, in all honesty, jungwon isn't even sure an hour long speech in front of every living being in the world would suffice when it comes to expressing his the pure adoration he has for you. he wants to scream out; he wants to thank the universe and expound upon how grateful he is to have found the person he can be human with, but he chooses to remain silent.
for however long you let him, jungwon will continue to wash your back.
and, when the time comes, he knows you will wash his.
that is more than enough.
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bellatrixnightshade · 1 month
Family Means Fate
Hi! This story was based on this post of mine here. There is more info about it under the tag "fanfic: family means fate." Basically, this is a form of modern Au uses Rafal the Antarctic scientist I recall discussing with @liketwoswansinbalance, Rafal the girl dad, and some unused ideas from ATOTE and other stuff. I plan to make this fanfic shorter than some others in length. I will post this to Wattpad and a03 at another time.
Chapter One
Genevieve woke up to some muffled argument. She could discern that one of the speakers was her father. The other– she frowned. The other sounded a lot like her stepmother’s, who had just returned from a trip last night.
Gen was almost tempted to think it was a positively ruined weekend.
She rubbed her eyes and sat up in her bed. Arguments always put her in a bad mood, especially if they were in the morning. They reminded her of something else. Hopefully, though, if things were going sour between her father and Sophie (that evil woman!), things would become normal again. Saya, her damned twin, always mocked the idea or shrugged it off, but Gen had faith. And she rarely felt good about anything.
Minutes later, her father opened the door. The girls hardly locked their doors as a rule. Otherwise, he would grow suspicious and try to see what they were up to. Saya constantly broke the rule, and he would make her suffer for it. Genevieve always followed it. She didn’t have anything to hide. Not from him, at least.
Fluffles, her sister’s cat, entered the room at the same time. Gen pursed her lips in annoyance.
“Where’s Saya?”
“I think she went golfing with Myra this morning. It was a nice day, and James said he’d pick her up. I told him she should be back by one o’clock, otherwise I won’t be a very happy father. Rhian apparently will be joining us for dinner tonight.”
Ah yes. The iconic Uncle Rhian.
“Anyways, I came here to let you know to expect Sophie to come here soon. She wants to curl your hair. She didn’t like the way I was styling it. I personally thought it was neat and presentable enough, but she had different ideas. Said my wife didn’t teach me anything, though I hardly doubt I need to be taught. Especially not by– well, never mind. That surely opens up old wounds.”
Gen bristled at Sophie’s insult towards her mother but she didn’t say anything. “I guess that means I have to dress up then.”
“Yeah, you should.”
Gen got up, stepped over the cat, and approached her closet. She slid one door to the side, revealing her wardrobe. One thing that caught her eyes was a certain dress. A First Communion one.
She fingered her puffy white dress from ages ago. Well, actually, it wasn't pure white anymore. Time started to yellow it.
The only reason why she and her sister even had a First Communion was mostly due to their uncle, who was supposedly a devout Catholic. Saya complained that Uncle Rhian really had a mental illness (some form of OCD she claimed, but she was no psychologist so Gen discarded her opinion) and that, if people looked closely, he wasn't as practicing as he seemed. He was one person in church and another out of it.
It was the one of two times she received Communion, because all the other few times she went to Mass, her father stayed in the pews and she herself hadn't confessed her sins. She learned from Sunday school that a soul in some sort of sin (she would have to ask her sister which type it was, because there were two) couldn't go. The second time was her confirmation. Genevieve barely understood the point of a confirmation. Nothing in her life changed: no speaking in tongues, no fire falling from the sky, no healing power or prophecy, which were supposedly signs of the Holy Spirit. Rafal only mentioned some details here and there about his own confirmation ages ago, with Rhian, and provided some pictures. Gen was confused on what his chosen saint was: she thought it was Thomas the Apostle, the skeptic (very much like her sister, to be honest– always doubting), but Saya said it was Thomas Aquinas.
Her father wasn't religious but he wasn't exactly a disbeliever either. He did have his daughters baptized in the church with saint names, Rhian, of course, being a godfather to Gen. His practice was lousy and lukewarm at best, with some Miraculous Medals and scapulars being worn and the occasional rosary or novena. He didn't receive anything because he was a remarried divorced man. Rhian made such a big deal about it every Christmas and Easter before Mass, but Rafal had no intention of “fixing” his life. Well, so it seemed. Her mother was an ex Catholic who turned atheist. She did get married inside a Catholic Church only because of family. And thus, she nor Saya were very religious themselves.
Rafal had brought her out of her thoughts.
"You still have that old thing? Sophie will tell you to throw it out.”
“It’s for memories’ sake,” Gen said quickly. “And I won’t like her snooping through all my things, either. She’s just here to torture my hair.” At this moment, Fluffles brushed against Gen’s legs and ran off as perfume wafted inside the room. Perfume she found repugnant.
“Good morning, Sophie,” Gen tried to say as sweetly as possible. Her father rarely became angry with her, but Gen’s rejection of Sophie had been a source of his anger in the past. She hadn’t seen him cross with her since the time she and Saya used his debit card without his knowledge (he was livid that day) or when he had caught them on their mother’s tablet late at night on the way to get Nyquil for his cold. Oh, and when Saya had to go to the ER after an April Fool’s prank, courtesy of Gen, or when she pushed her twin down the stairs and gave her a nosebleed during a fight.
“Rafal wouldn’t let me color your hair,” Sophie complained, glaring at him. “I don’t see why. I think you’d look lovely with some red! The iron’s already heated up, and I don’t like to be kept waiting. The good thing is, I can rest assured you do have your beauty sleep unlike your sister, poor thing.”
“I think I will have to take her switch away,” Rafal said. “This is why I never was on board with video games being allowed in this household in the first place, but of course, we all know how my brother is.”
“It’s a miracle Saya even gets good grades,” Genevieve commented. “With that attitude she always has.”
“She does come off as ungrateful at times,” Rafal replied. “And I noticed– not that it really matters, anyway– that she’d rather go to anyone but me. You, Sophie, Rhian, Myra. Literally everyone but her very own father.”
Gen couldn't understand why she could never be happy with the way things were. What did Saya want? Their father did everything to stay as long as possible with them, but she was furious when he quit his job that took him all the way to Antarctica for months. Their mother was busy but soon, she would be with the family again and there would be no need of resignation or whatever. And maybe, Saya had to accept she was less. She had Gen's same GPA to be sure and got amazing grades, but everyone knew Gen was smarter, and what was wrong with that?
“I’m waiting,” Sophie hissed. “Do you want that thing to die out in a few hours? That is an expensive one!”
“Right. Genevieve, don’t keep her waiting.”
Genevieve nodded and begrudgingly followed along.
Rhian had stopped by for dinner as expected, with something to complain about.
Genevieve opened the door for him, and he entered the house immediately demanding to see his brother. Rafal and Saya were arguing in another room, and Genevieve interrupted them. Saya looked relieved but Rafal wasn’t about to let the matter drop just yet.
“Why did you use all my rewards?” Rhian started out sweetly, not about to let his brother avoid him.
Rafal turned away from Saya. “What do you mean?”
“My Panera rewards. I went there today after picking up a frappuccino. I had some discounts I wanted to use. When I was about to pay, the cashier found nothing. Said it was already used.”
“Oh. That.”
“By drive thru pickup.”
“I called for the manager and he gave me a discount, to my surprise, but I never want to see you using my account again, Rafal.”
“I needed something to pick up that day,” Rafal answered calmly. “It was stressful. Stupid, uncooperative students, papers to correct…”
Rhian frowned, but smiled again. “Never mind about that. How are the girls?”
“Genevieve is doing well. Her teachers like her and ask her to help the other students with their classes. Saya has nothing much going on.”
Gen was beamng at this point. Her sister looked deflated.
“Do you have a problem with me speaking favorably of your sister?” their father sharply demanded.
“Then why do you look as if you lost your cat?”
“I’m tired, but all you seem to want to do is argue about accounts and brag about how special and amazing Genevieve is. She doesn’t even remember your birthday, Dad. It was yesterday and she almost went through the whole day saying nothing to you or Rhian. She always forgets. Even Sophie gave you something after she came home with you from the airport yesterday.”
“Many people don’t remember.”
“She could have put it on her calendar. She has a damn phone, doesn’t she? But go on, defend her bullshit like you always do.”
Rhian fidgeted uneasily. “Do we have to eat here? I was thinking… Midas showed me a restaurant the other day. Buffet style. Lovely. A bit pricey.”
Rafal sighed. “Why are you talking with Midas? I thought he hated you.”
Rhian smiled. “No, he doesn’t. We’ve just had misunderstandings.”
“Yeah, sure.”
Genevieve was startled, because Saya always responded to things exactly like that. It made her ingratitude even more unacceptable.
Poor, jealous sister. Hating on the only people who had ever loved her while trying to get attention from the woman who was trying to destroy their home and to stop Mom from coming back to them. Hell, she didn’t even believe Mom was ever coming back.
But Gen knew the truth. It just needed time.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
im so sick today but working from home and all i can picture is d word matty and assistant girl and him being so annoyed at her not taking any type of rest while she’s sick and hopped up on cold and flu meds having to concentrate twice as hard to get anything done (me right now)
oh i hope you're ok, get well soon!! and yeah, matty would be so exasperated with you for just insisting you're fine and continuing on with your work. thinking you wake up on a wfh day and you're quite wan and feeling a bit more tired than normal - matty's immediately concerned, but you're like "it's ok it's the end of the financial year it's just so busy and it's catching up with me i'll be fine after a coffee". and matty's like "ok whatever you say babe", and you do perk up a tiny bit after caffeine so he lets you be, but resolves to keep a closer eye on you than he normally would on a mutual wfh day. you start off work alright, but you plod into the kitchen after about an hour and a half to ask "have we got any soluble paracetamol? think i'm getting a pressure headache"; matty gets you the meds, squinting at you as he passes them over, and says "sweetheart if you're not feeling great you should rest. phone jamie and tell him you're taking the day off", but you're furiously shaking your head (and wincing in pain at it) like "no it's fine i'm fine there's too much to do for me to phone in sick", and you thank him for the meds and go back to your laptop. matty sighs, but he leaves you to it because you're so stubborn - that is, until the sneezing starts shortly after, at which point he brings you a lemsip and some cold and flu tablets (and a kiss on the head). and he sits at the desk with you - you wrapped in his hoodie, your big cardigan, and a blanket - while you sneeze your way through responding to emails, periodically glancing up from his lyric notebook to check you're alright. the final straw for matty is watching you take fifteen minutes to mentally process a one-sentence reply, blinking hazily at the screen while you sneeze repeatedly; he's like "my darling, i love you, and i love how focused and hardworking you are, but you really can't work when you're like this. let me call jamie, please", and he can tell you're ill because you open your mouth as if to argue and then just deflate like "alright". so he calls jamie, holding the phone to you so your boss can hear how awful your sneezing is, and sorts that, then scoops you up and carries you to the bathroom like "c'mon, let's shower" - you're slightly delirious from the flu meds like "mmm no too tired to fuck right now", and matty's like "no of course not sweetheart, we'll get all cleaned up and then go back to bed, hopefully sleep it off, yeah?", and you nod into his chest like "mhmm". and that's what you do - shower, sleep, snuggle, matty also making sure to take meds so he doesn't get ill as he strokes your hair and stays with you to help make sure you get better <3
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theretirementstory · 4 months
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19/05/2024. Does the photo above give you an idea of where I am this week? Yes I am still in Paris! Not as a tourist but as a patient in hospital. My third week here was “celebrated” on Friday, which just so happened to be Day 11 since the CAR-T cell treatment.
I don’t really know what to tell you about my week, without going into all the gories of this treatment. Suffice to say that after Pauline’s visit, I started with nausea and sickness. Then for five days I had said nausea, sickness, migraine and my temperature was up and down faster than a rollercoaster. I had bloods taken, one normal way and one through the PICC line. The culture produced from the blood from the PICC line showed bacteria so I either had an infection or CAR-T cell toxicity. I was put on antibiotics and the following morning I felt so much better that I managed some food. Fortunately, it was an infection, but for five days I had been feeling steadily worse and worse.
I really would not like to guess the number of transfusions I have had on this journey, which has now passed one year. Yesterday I had another two transfusions, hémoglobin and platelets. I have never given blood in my life, but to all those people who do, I want to say a heartfelt thank you.
Yesterday, Pauline messaged me with pictures of her visit to friends in Italy, one video showed her boarding a bus, she was heading for Rome, presumably for a couple of days before she returns to Barcelona. Her friend, who was pregnant, actually gave birth on Friday so there was also a photo of the new baby.
A friend in the UK, returned home from work on Friday to find her elderly Dad not too well at all. She rang the emergency line and a doctor was dispatched and it was recommended a trip to hospital. Early yesterday morning (after being up for over 24 hours) she messaged to say he was waiting for a CT scan. She messaged again last night to say still waiting news on CT scan 🙄.
It’s the music section and I just found this song purely by chance, it’s by Chris Rea, from 1989 and it’s called “And You My Love”.
The second song is from a lady who I have mentioned before in this section, the song is “No More The Fool” by Elkie Brooks from 1986.
Maud messaged me yesterday, she is still having problems with her family, hence why she hadn’t messaged.
Monique took the liberty of going to my home to photograph the garden, it looks in need of a lot of work to bring it up to snuff. I won’t be doing that straight away but at least I can do some little bits. The grass has grown quite lush and the gardener will be going to give it a cut this week.
Anie had messaged a couple of times, she had been visiting her sisters, one lives near Paris and the other one in Burgundy, where she is at the moment.
“The Reconnect Navigator” had another busy week at work. Then yesterday it was her Father’s birthday so it was all round to her parents house for a birthday drink. Still one day of the weekend left so I wonder how you are going to spend it?
“The Trainee Solicitor” was glad to see the start of the weekend but it has turned into an “action-packed” time again! Hopefully after a couple of meet-ups today you will get some time to relax.
“The Photographer” has signed a contract for a new job and will be starting mid June. This weekend he is busy with his children and hopefully I may get a video call. My grandson has had “slapped cheek syndrome” but has not really felt ill with it.
“The Jetsetter” has either left Vancouver or is due to leave today. However, that won’t be the suitcase being packed away when she gets home, there is still more to come!
A quick update: “The Jetsetter” landed in London earlier this morning and is currently making her way to the train station for the journey home.
That’s another week’s roundup at an end. I hope that this time next week I am able to look out into my garden, if not, I am sure there will be something I can pass onto you.
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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autobot2001 · 1 year
A Scary Situation
This one-shot turned out to be very long, and fitting to continue another one-shot that turned very long. I unintentionally wrote a short story. Here's a snippet with prompts from Sicktempber. Full story up, hopefully soon. Will link it when it's posted
Fandom: Transformers Characters: Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie (OC), Ratchet, Jasmine (OC), Jolt, Lightning (OC), Sideswipe, Sunstreaker, Optimus Prime, Hound, Ironhide Prompts: Day 4; hiding an illness Day 6; sick and injured Day 8; persistent fever, Day 14; I shouldn't be worried about you, but for some reason I am" Alt 2; fuzzy socks, Alt 5; forehead kisses Warning: self-inflicted injury
Crosshairs and Drift knew Jamie was sick when they returned to her dimension. They were told four days ago. They expected her to be at the end of a cold by now. Though this has happened before, the two worry about how she didn't tell them she barely eats and struggles to get out of bed. The two are concerned about her 100° fever but decide to watch her for the next few days. Even while Jamie struggles to get warm. "Something doesn't feel right," Drift comments, "I know she's been like this before while sick with a cold, but…" Crosshairs looks at Jamie, also worried. They decide if she's not showing signs of getting better in the next two days, they're taking her to Ratchet.
The two struggle to sleep but stay in bed. Drift worries about Jamie's increased pulse even though it's normal with a cold. Even Crosshairs worries the next morning. Both know they tend to over-worry, considering the things Jamie went through that resulted in her coming close to death. Jamie's behavior this morning does worry the two. "I think a warm bath will help," Drift comments. Aware Jamie will not like being carried to the bathroom. He lifts Jamie's shirt, noticing something terrifying, "C-Crosshairs…." The mech looks at Jamie's abdomen, noticing what Drift is seeing. The two don't say anything. Both mechs aren't sure if they should return to their dimension now or not. Crosshairs quickly takes a picture and sends it to Ratchet. The medic quickly replies, telling the two to immediately get Jamie to their dimension. The two decide a stretcher would be a little better for Jamie. Relieved they can open a portal anywhere. What's concerning is the lack of response they get as Crosshairs lies Jamie on the stretcher.
Lightning and the terror twins wait by the medbay with Ratchet. All three are concerned seeing Crosshairs and Drift put Jamie on a stretcher. "I only told her, and they came with her," Ratchet explains, "which is perhaps a good thing. You five wait in the waiting room." "No, I'm not leaving her!" Drift argues. "You know you'll just be in their way," Lightning comments and hugs him. Damn, I hate how terrified he is. Sideswipe comments through the bond. And Crosshairs is going to act like he's ok. Something is wrong with Jamie and he has the same trauma as Drift. The five friends go into the waiting room.
The three medics can't believe what they're looking at. "You don't think she…?" Jasmine asks. "I fear that's what happened," Ratchet regrets saying. They see an infected cut and red like a rash around the cut. Ratchet injects local anesthesia, getting a groan from Jamie. He prepared the injured and infected area to get a biopsy sample and draw blood. "You don't think she was lying about being sick with a cold, do you?" Jolt asks. "We won't be able to figure that out. Jamie could be sick with a cold and now an infection," Ratchet suspects. Ratchet goes to run the tests. Jasmine and Jolt don't like they have to wait to help Jamie aside from covering her with blankets.
The five friends worry about Jamie, even if she doesn't show signs of being critically ill. They wait an hour before Ratchet walks through the doors. They hate hearing why Jamie is so sick. Crosshairs and Drift blame themselves for thinking she would be ok for the week they had to stay in their dimension and work. Drift sits on a chair, watching the color fade from Crosshairs' face. As much as he hates how Crosshairs hides how he feels when they watch Jamie struggle mentally, he hates watching the clear signs Crosshairs will pass out. He's told to stay sitting as the twins catch Crosshairs as he goes down. Drift feels dizzy. Ratchet hates seeing this. He knows this isn't unusual for the two mechs with what they watched Jamie go through. Hoping the twins and Lightning never have to go through what Crosshairs and Drift went through. Ratchet has also watched Jamie come close to death, but he has learned to stay collected. He and Jasmine will talk about this tonight and let their emotions free.
Jasmine and Jolt move Jamie into an in-patient room. Working quickly to get Jamie comfortable and begin treatment. "How bad do you think things are in the waiting room?" Jasmine asks. "Very, you know what Jamie has been through, and Crosshairs and Drift watched. We've only seen a fraction of what they've seen. Even if it was still terrifying. They thought she would be ok for a week." "And once they see how bad the infection is, they'll realize how wrong they were. Along with Optimus prime, Ironhide and Hound. I can't believe she's hurting this much." "This is scary, and it seems like this will never get better." The two sit in the room, waiting for the others.
Twenty minutes pass before Ratchet, and the five friends walk into the room. All five hate seeing how sick Jamie is. They know it'll be a few days before Jamie starts feeling better, and they are not surprised the medics put a nasolgastric tube in. Drift moves a chair by the bed and takes Jamie's hand, aware she's asleep. The three medics leave. The twins leave when they find out Crosshairs and Drift haven't eaten yet. Even though Autobots holoforms don't need food like humans, the Autobots make sure to eat daily. This does allow them to keep their holoform active without draining their energon.
"I can't believe it," Sideswipe sighs, "this is getting scary. I can only imagine how they feel." "I hate there's nothing we can do. They're struggling to help her." The two drop the conversation as they get close to the cafeteria. Uncertain if this is to be kept secret or not. Hating if this won't be secret, then everyone will hate the reason why Jamie is back. The two hope this can be secret until Jamie recovers.
This is getting terrifying. Crosshairs worries. He knows Drift isn't completely calm, nor is Lightning. "I hate we can't do anything," Lightning sighs, "how our love isn't enough for her, and having her stay here is unnecessarily impossible."
The twins return with breakfast for Crosshairs and Drift. The twins want to get the two out of the room for a while, but they know the two will refuse. Usually Crosshairs would convince Drift to leave, but the twins believe Crosshairs will refuse this time. Drift moves the chair to sit with the others. The twins and Lightning sits on the floor, rather than on the other bed.
It's a quiet thirty minutes before Ratchet walks into the room. "I hate to do this, but you all know how staying here isn't helping yourselves," Ratchet looks at the twins and Lightning, "I know you three are thinking of staying here with them. Jamie will be sleeping a lot. She'll be ok. You know I wouldn't put her in an in-patient room if she was at risk for declining." Ratchet leaves the room, not looking forward to the meeting he has to arrange. The five friends don't want to leave the medbay yet, but they know Ratchet will eventually make them leave.
"I can't believe she did that," Optimus sighs. "We asked for their help," Hound sighs. "You all know when Jamie isn't like this, she doesn't like how Crosshairs and Drift don't do their duties," Prowl reminds th others, "even if it's possible for the two to only help when needed. I'm a little concerned this could affect her ability to push her struggle to the side end fight in battle." "This is getting scary and complicated," Ironhide comments. It's decided for now Crosshairs and Drift are not working. Until Jamie is over the infection. Then, the five will talk about the plan. Ratchet adds how the twins and Lightning also worry about leaving Jamie alone. They also decide not to tell anyone Jamie is back. Hoping to avoid everyone in the base worrying more about Jamie.
Ratchet takes the four mechs to the medbay room. They see Jamie asleep and her guardians sitting by the bed. Ironhide and Hound can tell the two blame themselves. "They thought she'd be ok," Ironhide whispers. "Something had to have happened," Hound suspects. "That should be expected at this point, which is fragged up." Optimus stands by the bed, hating how much Jamie is hurting. Hating not even her close relationship with Crosshairs and Drift is helping. "I don't know what we're going to do," Drift sighs, "her dimension is the worst place for her, but we can't have her stay here. Every time we try, she's expected to come home." Optimus never shows his anger about the situation, even while everyone is talking about it — or ranting — but the anger has been building. He knows there are limited solutions, and Jamie's guardians have tried all of them. Unfortunately, Optimus doesn't think talking to Jamie's family — the cause of most of this — will help. Jamie has tried talking to them, and it didn't go well. Optimus hates how humans assume the person struggling is playing victim, and he's watching a friend deal with that. Everyone who knows Jamie believes part of the struggle is Jamie thinking if the adventure ends? But everyone agrees that is a tiny fraction of her struggles.
Optimus finds Ironhide and Hound in the hallway, talking about how disgusted they are with humans regarding mental health. "There's got to be something we can do?" Ironhide asks. "Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is keep her safe," Optimus sighs, "I was hoping not to resort to making sure Crosshairs and Drift are with her at all times. I don't know if it's wise to extend that to Lightning and the twins." "That's no good enough!" Hound argues. "Optimus knows that's not helping Jamie, but Crosshairs and Drift have been trying to help. There's not much we can do with the scrap in Jamie's dimension." "Unbelievable!" Hound punches the wall and walks down the hall. "I hope something changes before we lose her," Ironhide comments and walks down the hall. I hope so too, Ironhide. Optimus thinks. Optimus knows there's no point in staying in the room with the others. He leaves the medbay. The twins and Lightning also leave the medbay.
"We should at least change her clothes," Drift comments, leaving the room to get clothes. Crosshairs moves to the chair by the bed. The room is silent for a few minutes until the infusion pump beeps, which startles Crosshairs. He turns off the pump and feels Jamie's forehead, hating how warm she feels. He looks at her abdomen, even though it's bandaged up. I can't believe she's at this point. Crosshairs sighs. What can we even do to help her?
"Crosshairs!" Drift panics, seeing his friend looking sick sitting on the floor by the wall, "you ok?" Crosshairs doesn't say anything as Drift hugs him. Drift hates how Crosshairs acts like nothing is bothering him, but it's not easy seeing Crosshairs cannot act like he's ok. Neither are aware Ratchet is watching them. Damn, I don't think any of us can understand how close those two are to Jamie. He observes. Ratchet leaves the room before the two know he's been watching them.
The twins don't have to wait long before Jamie wakes up. Drift was hoping Jamie would want a warm bath but realizes Ratchet only gave her antibiotics but not medication to relieve the symptoms of the infection and cold. She doesn't like how Drift took the blankets off her. He works as fast as possible. Hating he can't have Crosshairs help, but he's changing everything Jamie is wearing which would mean Crosshairs would see her nude and the two are certain Jamie wouldn't want her friend to see her nude. "Fuzzy socks?" Crosshairs asks, seeing Drift putting socks on Jamie, "when did you get those?" "Would you believe these are in her drawers at home?" "No." "Well, that's where I got them. She's freezing even while under the blankets." Once Jamie is dressed and comfortable in bed, Drift gets her tablet and puts something on for her to watch until she falls asleep again. "It's going to be a long week," Drift sighs, "the only good is I can make sure she's getting enough, but only because of the feeding tube." Crosshairs hugs Drift.
Three days pass before Jamie starts to feel better. She leans on Drift who sits on a chair by the bed, trying to get Jamie to eat soup. With how little Jamie ate before she got sick, Drift worries she's trying to avoid eating rather than still not feeling up to eating food. Crosshairs watches, also worried Jamie is refusing to eat. Drift gives up trying to get Jamie to eat, hugs her, and lays her back in bed. "She's had a persistent fever," Drift sighs. "The cold she was sick with has likely passed, and now it's symptoms of the infection," Ratchet suspects, "unfortunately, I don't know if her lack of appetite is the infection or not." The three worry if this isn't because Jamie is sick. They look at each other, horrified. No one says a word.
Jamie is well enough to tolerate a bath, though she still struggles with chills. She lets Drift go into the bathroom with her, which turns into because he's worried she'll try something, to needing to help Jamie. Drift works as fast as he can to give Jamie a bath. "Sorry, but you need one, and I think this is better than a bed bath." I don't know if I should be concerned. Drift worries.
Jasmine checks Jamie's infection before Drift helps Jamie put on winter pajamas and fuzzy socks. Jasmine is concerned that Jamie isn't getting better even if she can get out of bed for a while. The persistent 100° fever adds to her worry. She goes to talk to Ratchet. Drift carries Jamie back to the room.
Crosshairs waits for the two. He notices Jamie isn't feeling good. Drift sits on the chair by the bed, not surprised to see Ratchet walk in. He takes a look at the infected area himself. "She is getting better," he tells the two mechs, "this is good for four days of treatment." "You sure? Because she was feeling well enough to take a bath, and now she's feeling worse," Crosshairs argues. "It's normal." Ratchet leaves the room. Crosshairs doesn't want to question Ratchet, but he worries Jamie isn't getting better. "She's wearing pajamas she'd be wearing in December and fuzzy socks, which we've never seen her wear. No way this is ok." "You know Ratchet wouldn't brush off something serious." Crosshairs sighs and sits on the chair next to Drift. The two sit quietly until Jamie falls asleep. Drift kisses her forehead and puts her to bed. "You ok?" Drift asks, "I tell you I hate when you hide how you're feeling, so I shouldn't be worried about you, but I am." "I can't anymore. She tried to end her life. There's nothing we can do but keep her safe and ensure she's eating. It's scrap. How long before we lose her? The changes we've seen the past ten years is hard enough, now this." Drift hugs Crosshairs. Both know there's nothing more to add to the conversation. The two go to bed.
By day seven of antibiotics, Jamie was feeling better, and ready to be discharged. The cut was fully healed, and the cellulitis was fully gone. The nasogastric tube is removed. The five friends decide to get Jamie out of the base.
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afirewillrise · 1 year
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I thought I'd take some time to reflect on my day and try and pick up on some things I enjoyed.
The picture is here because I made a joke that the black ball reflects the fragile state of my mental health, and I was definitely only half serious.
Aside from nearly having a minor meltdown when someone had had all my food from the fridge it was a good day, my mind is still dwelling on things it shouldn't but that will be the way for a long time.
But with that in mind, a few things I'm taking as positives today, lets go for three;
-I went outside, it sounds stupid, but normally when I'm in a bad place I find it really easy to lock myself away and not leave the house allowing my thoughts to consume me until I'm ill or think about hurting myself, I went out, had lunch with a friend and we played a few games of pool.
-I bought a new book for myself, or an old book, a second hand book, but it was one that fits nicely in to my collection and I've wanted it for ages, not only that it's near pristine and I got it for a fiver, I've seen it go for twenty quid online at least.
-I took some time to engage with my hobbies this evening and actually enjoyed myself, I got the brushes out painted some stuff and it didn't feel like a chore whilst I was doing it, hopefully that's a good step.
So there's three things I enjoyed today and me rounding out the day on a positive note, more of the same tomorrow!
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pavspatch · 1 year
What does the future hold for Stalybridge Celtic?
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PEOPLE have been on at me over the last week, asking me to pen some thoughts on Stalybridge Celtic’s relegation.
Here goes . . .
THE pictures show thousands of people in Armentieres Square. They've gathered to salute their heroes — players like Steve Pickford, Martin Filson, Kevin Parr and Matty McNeill — who have just stepped off an open-top bus after a triumphant tour of the town.
In their hands, being proudly shown to the vast crowds, are the the Cheshire Senior Cup and the Northern Premier League championship trophy and President's Cup. A couple of months later a fourth piece of silverware will be added, the Peter Swales Shield.
That was 2001. Move forward 22 years and it's a completely different scene. Stalybridge Celtic have gone from being Tameside's most successful club, and membership of the National League, to relegation to the NPL's first division west — the lowest level of foot ball they have experienced since their North West Counties League days 40 years ago.
Ostensibly, Celtic's decline mirrors that of Mossley in the 1980s. However, while the Lilywhites collapse was sudden — two NPL titles and three runners-up spots followed by a plunge to bottom place in 1983-84, Stalybridge's decline has been much more gradual and painful.
As recently as 2008 they were facing Barrow, now members of EFL League Two, in the National League North play-off final. Four years later they spent the first half of the 2011-12 season vying for the championship with Hyde United who ultimately won it. In 2015 they reached the first round of the FA Cup.
At the same time, Celtic's slick commercial operation was the pride of the area. Every match seemed to be preceded by a packed sponsors' lounge. The club exuded professionalism from the moment you stepped through the doors and saw the trophy cabinets and team pictures. Other clubs could only look on with envy.
In my BBC Radio Manchester days I would regularly describe Celtic as among the most successful of sides. And then I'd get a phone call from my late friend Keith Trudgeon who would point out that Bridge hadn't actually won anything since 2001.
So what went wrong? Or should that be what didn't go right?
There have been plenty of false dawns, such as the plan to move the stadium to the town centre, which collapsed almost as soon as it was announced. The squad briefly went full time, and there have been personalities who arrived at Bower Fold promising great things and then quietly departed.
Many, perhaps even most, people would lay the blame for Bridge's steady decline at the feet of one man. Indeed an ex-manager I asked about Celtic's problems actually answered: "You can sum it all up in two words — Rob Gorski."
But not every former boss is of the same opinion. Another commented: "Whenever the resources were provided to bring good players in, it was down to Rob Gorski.
"At any level, if you have a big budget, you should be able to push for the top. The board all worked tirelessly to make it a great club.
"It's a long road back. Those days can return but without the money, and leadership on and off the park, the club will struggle. Hopefully they can bounce back."
I know from personal experience that when things aren't going well people fall out at non-league football clubs. Jobs that would normally be taken care of without fuss can be ignored or become the cause of arguments and ill-feeling. People are constantly quitting or threatening to.
The departure of one or two key people can also leave huge gaps to fill. At Hyde United, Steve Johnson is constantly mocked as a silly old duffer, but when he stands down in ten or 15 years' time, who will replace him?
Will there be another person waiting in the wings who wants to spend their every waking hour at Ewen Fields working in the tea bar and doing a host of other jobs from accounts to emptying bins, and for no payment? Such people are extremely difficult to find.
With any luck relegation will prove to be a catharsis and Celtic will indeed start to bounce back. It is possible.
In 2009, Hyde United were wound up in the High Court for a week. After their two seasons in the National League they suffered three consecutive relegations. Now, they're among the serious candidates for promotion from the Northern Premier League.
Curzon Ashton, Tameside's only National League North outfit, had a terrible time in the mid-1990s, falling from the NPL first division north into the Northern Counties East League and then the NWCL second division.
As Bridge manager Chris Willcock stated in his message to supporters, Celtic are at a crossroads but one where the club has the power to choose its path forward. The massive setback it has just suffered can be a catalyst for positive change. Energy needs to be channelled towards creating a brighter future.
At some point soon, the majority of fans will get what they want. Rob Gorski will find a buyer for his shares, he'll cut his links, and Stalybridge Celtic will have a new owner with a new broom and a new plan. Whatever people may think of Rob Gorski, and his methods and motives, he wouldn't risk the club's future by selling to a swindler. He genuinely loves Celtic.
There could be a bigger role ahead for the supporters and all manner of other possibilities.
While those who fail to learn history's lessons are doomed to repeat them, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, it's equally true that you can't fixate on the past. You have to look to the future and that's what Stalybridge Celtic need to do now as they pick themselves up off the canvas.
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yukidragon · 2 years
SDJ Mafia AU Headcanons
So, anyone ever see this picture by Jambee of Jack from Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack as a mafia boss and Bo from DachaBo as his obedient wise guy? Well, a couple little ideas popped into my head to expand this AphroDesia-themed crossover centered on Jack. I got encouraged to dish out the details twitter, I got encouraged more and more, which made more ideas and, well... I’ve basically got a new AU short story in the works that’ll eventually go in the Sunshine in Another World collection.
Since the original twitter post of my ideas is a pretty ill sorted due to going off into different threads, I decided to compile my thoughts into one easy to read post here on tumblr where there’s no insane word limits to stifle me. Hopefully I managed to gather all the ideas together here. If not, I’ll just have to put them in another headcanon post.
Quick reminder that Something’s Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo, and AphroDesia are all Adults Only stories. No one under 18 should be playing in these fandoms, and some of these headcanon ideas will go into pretty dark and/or mature places. You have been warned.
Obligatory tags for @channydraws and @earthgirlaesthetic. If you want to get tagged when I make the next headcanon post, just let me know!
The Set Up
The Sunny Family is the biggest and most powerful crime family in the city of St. Valens. As far as the public is aware, it’s a homegrown family owned business that came from humble beginnings with its founders Rise and Shine. They have all sorts of businesses all over the city, ranging from bakeries to thrift stores to yogurt shops. Their public image is as sunny as their family name, and their brand is all colorful smiles and cheerful slogans.
At the head of this family business is Jack, affectionately called Sunny Day Jack when showing up in his friendly public-facing persona. The average citizens are ignorant that the well dressed gentleman with the gorgeous smile is a crime lord, and he’s so gosh darn friendly you would never guess it unless you had ties to the criminal underbelly of the city.
Since Jack’s biggest issue in normal continuity is that he can’t be seen/heard/felt by anyone but his sunshine, it would be fitting that his AU counterpart would have a similar issue even as a big bad scary mafia boss. Specifically, he suffers from haphephobia or a similar condition. He can’t stand the touch of other people, as it feels horrible to him, akin to something like insects crawling under his skin, and he wears gloves specifically because of it.
Sadly, this leaves Jack feeling very touch starved, even as he’s repulsed by it. It’s a contrary thing, wanting to know the pleasure others feel from such physical intimacy. Even in this universe he wants to be seen, heard, felt, and loved. At best he can tolerate touch from those he’s closest to even if it’s repulsive. At worst, he feels like he wants to rip his own skin off.
Of course very few people know about this. Most just know not to touch the boss unless he touches you first. Sometimes Jack has to pretend it doesn’t bother him at all, especially when he’s dealing with people he needs to make nice with. He’ll shake hands with a smile, but as soon as the meeting is over and he no longer has to keep his pleasant persona in place, he’ll toss his gloves away for one of his underlings to burn and put on a fresh, clean pair.
Then one day an accident happens. Someone working for his family - some random low level nobody clown - runs around a corner at exactly the wrong time and bumps into him. Worse, their hand touched his skin directly on the wrist in the process.
His obedient wise guy and attack dog Bo knows no one touches the big boss, and he’s on this low level clown in seconds. Touching Jack is taboo, and those who do it without his consent suffer and suffer bad. He’s ready to dish out the punishment, and he wrenches them into a painful hold.
See, it was a funny thing. When this person touched Jack? They felt… warm. It wasn’t repulsive at all. It was pleasant even. It’s a shock to Jack, but he recovers quickly to immediately order Bo to let them go. He wants that mongrel’s filthy paws off them right now.
Bo obeys immediately, dropping the person to the floor, who is absolutely terrified and in pain from the rough treatment. Jack softens his tone and helps them stand up. Jack’s friendly persona is on full display, gentle and magnanimous as a good boss should be. He asks if they’re alright and then learns her name is Alice. How pretty…
Bo watches this in the background, stunned. Even with gloves on, the boss man will avoid even handshakes unless it’s a calculated decision. Yet, Jack is helping this random nobody up and putting his hands on them? Did the boss get into some drugs or something?
Jack is aware of the reaction and does not care. He doesn’t even look Bo’s way. He’s too focused on Alice, admiring the warm hand he’s holding, so small and delicate in his grasp. It doesn’t matter who this person is or what position she had in the family business. She’s his now.
It’s only fitting that Alice’s job in this AU is a reflection of what she has in the regular universe. After all, what difference is there really between a low level grunt in a clown family and a minimum wage clown at a yogurt shop? Or at least she was a low level grunt until Jack found her.
 Alice owes the Sunny Family a debt, and has been working it off as best she can for years, doing whatever was asked of her, no matter how she hated the bloody work. She was bounced around various tasks and grunt work, but eventually found something of a position as a sniper.
Alice’s plan has always been to keep her head down, repay her debt, and finally leave this criminal life and corrupt city behind her for good. Too bad for her that’s never going to happen now. Jack finally found his sunshine, and he’s never going to let her go.
Alice is aware of who Jack is. Who isn’t? Everyone in St. Valens knows his face and his front-facing reputation. Even as a low level grunt of the Sunny Family she is well aware of his darker side. While he does have a reputation of being a relatively “friendlier” and more “compassionate” mob boss than the ones heading other groups in the city, she’s well aware that he has blood on those gloved hands of his…
Needless to say, Alice is shocked by how friendly Jack is being to her. She’s still scared at first, since she knows no one touches Jack, yet she stupidly ran into him because she was running late for a meeting with her boss (someone far, far down the chain beneath Jack). She expects some ghastly punishment, especially when he invites her to his office, despite how kindly he’s acting. Is this some sort of twisted leadup before the boot comes down on her neck? Either way, she has no choice but to go with him…
But the punishment never comes. Jack is warm and friendly. They talk over snacks and light conversation that is mostly just him asking about her. Oh, sure, he’ll get to read over every scrap of dirt they have on Alice later on, but he’s genuinely interested in getting to know her in her own words. After all… she’s going to be his assistant now.
Cue spit take.
Alice can’t believe it. Instead of getting punished she’s getting promoted? Why?
Jack smiles even as he helps her clean up, as it’s the perfect excuse to touch her again and relish in the fact that he can. He just says that he likes seeing her sunny face and thinks they could be good friends.
Thus begins a working relationship between a mob boss and his assistant. Despite having so much power over her, Jack wants Alice to want to touch him just as badly as he wants to touch her, and he’s going to gently encourage her in that direction. After all, he knows all too well how repulsive a non-consenting touch is...
Falling into a Life of Crime
How Alice wound up in debt to the Sunny Family was due to the actions of a rival criminal organization, specifically one that engaged in human trafficking. Alice was one of those unfortunate people trafficked while in her late teens.
Alice’s face is scarred in this universe as well, though it’s more severe. It’s the the result of her attempt to escape the kidnappers. In the process of her escape she managed to alert the Sunny Family (unintentionally) of the location where the gang was hiding. It was fortuitous for the Sunny Family, as they were a gang that were on their hit list, and they were having some trouble tracking down those rats.
After wiping out this gang, Sunny family ~magnanimously~ saved all these poor victims as well. How nice of them! Of course, it's only right that the people they saved pay the family back for their kindness, right?
Alice’s medical bills racked her personal debt up pretty high, but she owes the family. What can she do but whatever they tell her? She learned very quickly how things work in the corrupt city of St. Valens...
Alice doesn’t let anyone see her scarred face if she can help it. Jack, naturally, is going to want to lower her guard and get her to trust him enough to see it... even though he already knows what it looks like. There are files on everyone who owes the family debt...
Because of this debt, Alice is even more of a tightwad than the regular universe. She barely spends money if she can help it, wanting out of her debt as soon as possible. Even the mask she covers her face is cheap. It’s a good thing Phantom of the Opera is such a popular play so plastic masks that cover the right half of the face are so common, huh?
At the very least, Alice eventually was able to make contact with her family back home while working for the Sunny Family. They don’t know the full truth of what she’s gotten into for their own safety and because she doesn’t want them to know of the things she’s had to do in order to work off her debt. It’s hard keeping them in the dark, but it’s for their safety, and she can’t go back home to them until the debt is paid.
Extended Cast
Like in the regular universe, Ian has a decent sized role in Alice’s life as her childhood friend. He came to the city to find her and she confided in him about her debt. To help her reduce that debt, he’s gotten work as an entertainer at a night club for good money.
I’m waffling back and forth if Ian and Alice are exes in this universe. I’m leaning towards not if only because Ian cheating on Alice would feel a lot more unforgivable in this universe, so it might be best that they didn’t. Not that there weren’t sparks of attraction between them.
Speaking of sparks of attraction, there’s some with the owner of the night club as well. Shaun runs a goth (and cat) themed night club with the best acts in town... or at least he wants them to be. He’s working on it, but it can be hard to make it big in the city of St. Valens. Still, the club is doing decently well and he can afford to give his little princess Moon Pie some help to get around despite being blind.
In a reversal of the regular continuity, it’s Ian who introduces Shaun to Alice rather than the other way around. A night club is a good place for a mafia sniper to relax after a rough day, especially when it’s in good company.
Shaun’s family is decently well off in the city. While not a crime family per say, they do have some connections, because sometimes dead men do tell tales and coroners are good at burying secrets for the living if the price is right. Why, it might even be enough money to help their son afford owning his own night club.
Since AphroDesia has people with TV heads and this AU has human/dog hybrids, I can say that Shaun invested a lot of money in some sort of science/magic solution that lets Moon Pie be able to switch between being a cat and a cute little girl with pigtails. Because that’s cute and I like the image. She’s still blind, but she can at least get around better and communicate her needs. What more could a good cat dad want?
The Sunny Family
The Sunny Family includes Jack’s family and friends from the SunnyTime Town AU, as well as the SunnyTime Crew members. Rise and Shine started the crime family and are, in essence, retired right now, with Jack taking over in their stead. Although Jane is the older sibling, she declined to take the role in the spotlight and left that to her little brother.
The family is still involved in the family business, even though Jack is in charge of the whole operation. In fact, they’ll be pretty curious about this “sunshine” that he’s suddenly gotten so touchy feely with considering his issues with being touched...
Buddy is Jack’s childhood friend and the only person, outside of his parents and sibling, whose touch he could tolerate. This is a fact that he takes advantage of and he has a bit of a playful relationship with Jack. Keeping with his belt theme, his weapon of choice is a garrote wire.
I don’t have too many details sorted out for the rest of the Sunny Family members yet, but I imagine that’ll change the more I play with this AU.
While Bo isn’t an AI in this universe, he is still of artificial origins, just biological rather than electronic. Bo is the result of scientific experiments, because why not have mad scientists in a mafia AU? Bo is genetically spliced with a dog to increase his physical abilities, particularly his senses. He’s the best “sniffer” the Sunny Family has, and is very useful for Jack as his attack dog.
Bo and Jack don’t exactly have the most harmonious relationship. This dog wants to be a lone wolf, but he knows well enough not to pull on his leash too hard to avoid the consequences. He isn’t about to let his “master” put him down without a fight. One day, this alpha is going to be his own top dog.
Still, Alice is going to interest Bo simply because of the obsession his “untouchable” boss has on her. It’s particularly curious how touchy feely Jack is being with her, which sparks Bo’s curiosity. Although, the relationship Bo will have with Alice isn’t exactly going to be harmonious either. Alice doesn’t appreciate Bo's harassment, or his nickname for her - squeaky toy.
Based off of the audio dramas made of him in this universe, Bo is a bit more promiscuous than his regular universe. He’s also a bit more hardcore when it comes to sex and violence. Still, once he finds his puppy in this universe, his attention will laser focus on them, and chances are he’s going to get thoughts of breeding and pups.
Until then, Bo does get suggestive with Alice, thinking he can have “fun” with her and annoy the boss at the same time. However, Jack isn’t going to let his dog hump his sunshine, and the “no touching” rule is going to apply to Alice as well.
Oh, and fun fact, the scientist who had created Bo originally is dead. Bo worked very hard to make sure of that.
I’m still playing around with Bo’s story and his puppy. I got some good suggestions that has left me undecided on what would be the most interesting dynamic there. I’ll have to let those thoughts simmer a bit longer, I suppose.
Like in SDJ, the main focus in this AU is Jack and his sunshine. Also, like the regular universe, there’s a heavy emphasis on Jack not doing anything Alice doesn’t want him to... and doing things she doesn’t know about “for her own good.” He also will do whatever it takes to prove that he’s all she needs...
Alice has a new position of power, respect, and more money. This should mean that she could repay her debt sooner, but the goal of leaving this bloody life of crime seems to be getting further and further away from her. She had to take on a new loan for the sake of some crisis going on back home with her family, but Jack was only to happy to help, and he assured her that it would be fine. She’s making more money now for far less brutal work, and isn’t it so much nicer by his side?
It seems things just keep happening to keep Alice working for the Sunny Family. It’s a good thing Jack is such a kind boss and friend to her.
“Don’t worry, sunshine, you can depend on Sunny Day Jack to help you with everything you need!”
The gifts and perks Jack gives Alice are so nice, almost too nice. At least now she can trade the cheap plastic Phantom of the Opera mask for much nicer masks her new boss gifted her. Nicer clothes, a nicer home to live in (which is Jack’s home in a bedroom adjacent to his), better food, more security... It’s like a dream come true. Maybe it won’t be so bad to be his assistant. But is it too good to be true?
Still, Jack does seem to just be pretty... eccentric. For example, after a business deal where he shook hands with a politician, he discarded his gloves and asked for a hand massage from Alice. He seems to really like getting massages from her. She finds it odd, but it certainly beat her previous jobs. Plus his hands are so nice and warm and it kind of feels nice, and his smiles are so sweet... Though it does make her flustered when he does little things like touch her chin or brush back her hair. At the same time, it feels good to have such attention paid to her after feeling like a nobody for so many years in this scummy city...
For Jack, Alice is priceless. Nothing erases the unpleasant feeling of other people on his skin better than her. The more he gets to know her, the more she is a ray of light in this dark city, and he’s not about to let anyone take his sunshine away, not in this world or any other.
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kyyuri · 3 years
to be or not ! -yang jungwon
15 ! what are you doing here
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★彡 synopsis: what happens when y/n, who is hopelessly pinning over her best friend, jungwon- gets betrayed by not one, but both of them ?! and what happens when jungwon falls for her despite all odds ?
taglist is open !
written + smau
word count: 866 words
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the day you dreaded the most finally came. the day you have to face jungwon again after that whole fiasco. you still couldn’t register why your two so called best friends would keep that away from you. were you really that untrustworthy ? truth be told, you started to realise some insecurities showing up right after that incident. all the feelings of self doubt and tossing and turning in bed did nothing but make things worst on your part. as the bell rang, signalling that it was time for you to head for your meeting during free period, heeseung stood outside the door of your classroom, waiting for your exit. he gave your hand a little squeeze before giving sunoo a nod. sometimes you wished he was still in council, it was unfortunate he is a senior and had already stepped down from his duties.
sunoo threw his arm around your shoulder as the two of you slowly made your way to the council room. taking a deep breathe outside the room, you checked the time. “you still keep him as your lockscreen ?” “h-huh…” your eyes trailed to the phone in your hands “oh.. i never realised. i guess i forgot to change after all that overwhelming incident.” sunoo did not hesitate to grab the phone out of your hand and change it to a picture of him, niki and heeseung. “there. much better.” you smiled at him, feeling reassured that your REAL friends got your back. “lets go ?” you nod at sunoo and with that, the two of you entered that hell.
jungwon smiled at your presence almost immediately, a small part of him hoping to get one back, only to be disappointed as your stares were only icy cold. “lets get this over with mr pres !” sunoo said in a cheery tone in an attempt to ease any tension in the room. “right. mr oh suggested that this year we have a fund raiser in the school. i havent thought about what kind of things we can sell yet so i was hoping we can brainstorm here ! does anyone have any ideas so far ?” the room was dead silent. it was only the first day of school, what did he expect ? “..y/n ? do you… have any ideas ?” jungwon looked at you hopefully, you were his advisor after all. “ you always have the best ideas..” he muttered softly under his breath, which went unheard by everyone but you. you dropped the pen you were holding to write notes.
jungwon gulped as he wasnt used to your cold demeanour. it was quite a surprise when your gaze softened as you offered your idea. “maybe a bake sale ? we can get the students that take culinary lessons to lend us a helping hand. if that isnt enough to raise funds, we can have a photo booth. i know a few friends that can help us out.” you eyed sunoo and he smiled, instantly knowing that you were referring to the one and only nishimura riki. “t..thats brilliant ! we can start working on that then. im going to report to mr oh at the staff room and get some paperworks. in the mean time, sunoo hyung, since youre the head of the publicity dept, ill leave you in charge of that. y/n, if you dont mind, please get the rough outline of the event done while im gone.” you simply nodded at his words, not even bothering to make eye contact with him. it irked him a little but he still carried on with his job and deployed all the depts to get to work while he gets ready to propose the idea to mr oh.
just as jungwon passed by you to make his way to the door, your phone buzzed. it was a message from heeseung. that didnt bother him a lot. what bothered him the most was when he noticed that youve changed your lockscreen. it was no longer him. his heart clenched at the sight. this was the first time youve had anyone else as your lockscreen. normally, it would be either him or a non human things or animals. “can i help you ?“ you asked jungwon, snapping him back to reality once he realised he stood by your side for far too long. “o-oh. um its nothing. nevermind.” he hastily made a bee line towards the door, leaving you confused and annoyed at the way he was acting. you drew a rough outline before looking at your phone.
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jungwon smiled light heartedly after knowing that mr oh had approved of everything. once again, y/n did it again ! he thought. he whipped out his phone, hoping that he could share this good news with his lover, only to stumble on your tweet on the timeline. “heeseung.. hyung ? why is he in the stuco room…” he muttered to himself. he had to see it with his own eyes. he had long forgotten about texting yujin and started sprinting.
when he made it to the door panting, he sent heeseung a death glare. “what. are. you. doing. here. hyung ?”
<prev> <masterlist> <next>
taglist ! @enhacolor @yougeans @anti-romantic5 @urresidentdrugdealer @ncityy04 @tyonvrs @fairydosii @dazzledsohn @hwalllllllelujah @mitsukifilms @yizhoutv @kyutiepeachy @hobistigma @tinyjoong @sunshine-skz @meiiiwa @pr0dbeomgyu @tobiosbbyghorl @yogurteume @alderiasamantha @woopetals @beemarkie @hibuki-chan @nyfwyeonjun @yvesismywife @yjwfav @diestheticu @woniecore @wonluvrbot @enhawonie @nyfwyeonjun @acciomylove @missmadwoman @hiqhkey @wntrsgf @jungwonerz @cuteyeonnie23 @angel-hyuckie @hobistigma @alo-ehas @rielleluvs @heesunki @yubinism @wonsgf @dinosdance @nrksrealgf @sunheeluvbot @aria-grace-scott
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Just so everyone knows, we are home, resting and waiting.
She’s on a heavy round of antibiotics (under the assumption that she might have a tick-born infection from the bites in May). I’m supposed to keep the vet updated daily on how she’s progressing. They said if it’s tick-born then she should start getting better after about a week, but it’s very possible that it’s something else and she could go downhill quickly if we can’t find the cause.
After a short sniff walk this morning I noticed she had swelling on her hind end (it felt like a squishy water balloon between her legs). The vet wanted me to bring her in immediately and we were able to get a Lyft without issue (got rejected for rides home though so the office staff drove us back). When we got there, we all noticed that she was actually swelling in random places all over her body (butt, scruff, left side, front leg) and it seemed to be causing her some pain although she was still the lovey dovey girl we all know.
They ran a pretty big panel on her yesterday. Not a single thing was abnormal. Yesterday they were working under the assumption that the lump on her left side might have been a staph infection. She took one antibiotic pill yesterday, so the first thought was maybe the swelling was a reaction to the antibiotic, but she’s had that kind of antibiotic before without issue.
I brought up all the major changes I could think of. Changes to diet & supplements, the UTI, the tick bites in May, the broken tooth. They thought it’s very possible it could be a tick-born illness and that now would be about the time we would be having problems if it happened in May. The Lyme test from yesterday was negative but that is considered inconsequential. They said if it’s a tick-born illness then we should see improvements in a week.
Other than that they thought maybe it’s autoimmune related. Or something really weird & random they are unfamiliar with. The vet called the emergency clinic to ask for advice and suggested that there’s a good chance we will need to go to the state university clinic so we can meet with specialists.
The good thing is that all of her blood tests are coming back normal, so hopefully she’s not in immediate danger. The scary part is that we don’t know what’s wrong with her so if it’s something that progresses quickly then we could have a real fight on our hands to stay ahead of it and keep her safe.
So here’s the plan. Three rounds of antibiotics every day for a month. Watch her closely for any changes and keep the vet updated. Be prepared to take a road trip to the research center if necessary. Rest and wait.
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(I was taking too long to take her picture so she thought I wanted her head to go back farther. This girl cracks me up 🥲)
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